IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2013-07-16

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DocScrutinizer05well, I been busy bitching over at #jolla00:01
DocScrutinizer05about general madness in industry regarding HR and the CVs they want to see00:02
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DocScrutinizer05and now I'm busy with heading out to my pub, getting some drink and my washed clothes00:03
DocScrutinizer05(yes, my pub does my laundry ;-D )00:03
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win7macHR and the CV?00:05
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DocScrutinizer51you!l guess CV now00:20
win7maccustomer value :)))00:23
DocScrutinizer51I "applied" to to Jolla like 3 times, in queries to the Jolla guys. E times they told me they'll forward my application resp the info that I'm available as freelancer. Then every so often others told me that didn't happen and I have to send a CV00:23
win7machhhmm... guess you applied "your way"... ;-)00:25
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DocScrutinizer51sure. I'm freelancer, not searching for employment00:26
win7macsad news anyway, would love to see you on the jolla-train!00:26
DocScrutinizer51and I don't believe in "obey the boss", I try to make my customers happy00:27
win7macguess you already have a GTA06 as otherhalf in mind... ;)00:28
win7macthat's what cv makes00:28
DocScrutinizer51well, for now I'd love to review, specify and publish the jollaphone and interface to OH00:29
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DocScrutinizer51a swap between blue and red LED as happened in early N900 protos is sth I'm excellent to spot00:32
DocScrutinizer51and it's about time for jolla to read out for such review/QA00:33
infobotit has been said that oh is the admin of linux.Box.sk00:33
DocScrutinizer51~factinfo oh00:34
infoboterror: you do not have enough flags for that. (o required)00:34
infobotoh -- created by oh <> at Wed Aug 15 02:34:56 2001 (4352 days); it has been requested 9 times, last by win7mac, 42s ago.00:34
DocScrutinizer51anyway #maemo oh obviously is still available00:35
DocScrutinizer51~#maemo OH is (jolla) Other Half - a clorified backcover for a phone00:36
infobotDocScrutinizer51: okay00:36
DocScrutinizer51infobot: no, #maemo OH is (jolla) Other Half - a glorified backcover for a phone00:37
infobotDocScrutinizer51: okay00:37
infobothmm... oh is (jolla) Other Half - a glorified backcover for a phone00:37
win7macnow we're talkin' ;)00:38
DocScrutinizer51infobot: no, #maemo OH is <reply>OH is (jolla) Other Half - a glorified backcover for a phone00:38
infobotDocScrutinizer51: okay00:38
infobotOH is (jolla) Other Half - a glorified backcover for a phone00:39
win7mac*for the jolla phone, damn it00:39
DocScrutinizer51I'll add that part when their phone got a real name00:40
win7macok, so i assume you already have a GTA06 as OH in mind, just to displace the first half, right?00:41
DocScrutinizer51I actually suggested that for the ultimate dual SIM solution ;-D00:42
DocScrutinizer51just kidding though00:42
win7macprobably I'll buy one of your n900 just for playing when jolla phones are out and you don't need them anymore...00:44
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DocScrutinizer05I'm pretty sure I'll prefer the N900 to Jolla phone00:49
DocScrutinizer05after all the N900 still is a true NIT00:50
DocScrutinizer05while N9 and Jolla are explicitly phones00:50
win7macI know ;) jolla phone won't be very close to n90000:51
DocScrutinizer05and today I learned Jollaphone/nemo is not even supporting genuine X11, they go for QtWayland00:51
DocScrutinizer05there might be some compatibility layer called Xwayland00:52
DocScrutinizer05but honestly...00:52
win7macQT5 I think00:53
DocScrutinizer05not my cup of tea. N9 owners may love it though00:54
DocScrutinizer05apparently it's even more QML focused than HARM00:56
DocScrutinizer05and I'm already fed up with maemo Qt apps, when it comes to genuine X11 tasks like kbd-input or sensors in general00:57
DocScrutinizer05bypassing the system standard HID path and thus ignoring any extensions or tweaks done there00:58
win7macCommunity will mod it (like N9)!00:58
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jaskahmm, my custom kbd layout works in opera on n90000:59
DocScrutinizer05N9 / HARM is still unbearable in my book, even after almost 2 years of community modding it00:59
win7macbecause you manage your servers from it and whatnot01:00
DocScrutinizer05jaska: it's a weird thing, somehow Qt wiretaps the input stack on a rather low level, thus ignoring higher levels of X11 input/HID handling01:01
win7macnot a standard use-case for avarage Joe01:01
DocScrutinizer05that's exactly what I said above01:01
DocScrutinizer05N9 been a me-too-iPhone. Jollaphone aims at exactly same, it seems01:02
win7macsomewhat right too, but I'm sure jolla aims for more01:03
DocScrutinizer05Nokia "officially" stopped to call those devices NIT, with migration to meego/HARM01:03
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DocScrutinizer05transfer from landscape/dual-mode to portrait-only. From "even available with hw-kbd" to "it has even less buttons than $whatever-rubbish", from accurate r-ts to crappy but mainstream c-ts...01:05
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DocScrutinizer05and from "it's a PC in your pocket" to "it's the best *phone* you ever will get. And btw it's based on linux"01:06
win7machopefully we'll see multiboot available so we have some choice01:06
DocScrutinizer05NIT line ended with N900, and I don't see Jolla picking up on that philosophy01:06
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DocScrutinizer05win7mac: well, afaik Jolla promised they won't tivoize it. But what's the alternative?01:08
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win7machtat's my point: there's no alternative01:09
win7macbesides Cyanogenmod probably01:09
DocScrutinizer05Jolla/sailfish could be THE future if they would stick to proper PC compatibility, API-wise. Like keeping X11. And disclosing source of core components like dialer etc, so you could fix those01:09
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DocScrutinizer05I have no doubt community would turn jollaphone into a NIT, if only feasible01:10
DocScrutinizer05or JIT?01:10
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win7macif feasible, yes01:11
win7macI'll make sure you get a dev-device to check out ;)01:11
DocScrutinizer05but they can do this only when Jolla allows to tamper with their sailfish incl all core components, and the OS is not too far from a standard linux PC, API wise01:11
DocScrutinizer05I consider wayland and particularly QtWayland a major obstacle in that regard01:13
DocScrutinizer05sure you can use XWayland and watch it run like shit01:14
win7macwell, that is beyond my scope01:14
DocScrutinizer05or you can replace wayland by Xorg and lose all the Sailfish apps01:14
DocScrutinizer05Xorg with a wXorg might be a possibility, maybe01:16
DocScrutinizer05wXorg == xWayland^-101:16
DocScrutinizer05sure wXorg won't support ull HD @60fps01:17
DocScrutinizer05but who needs that?01:17
DocScrutinizer05cya, afk01:17
win7macnobody needs 60fps at whatever resolution because nobody would see any improvement over 25p01:22
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DocScrutinizer05nevertheless that's been first argument for wayland stskeeps cited01:24
DocScrutinizer05ooh, I guess wayland driven by poettering, btw01:24
DocScrutinizer05wild guessing, it just feels like that01:25
win7macyou did not preorder yet, right?01:26
win7macoh, preorder closed...01:29
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win7macs/closed/sold out01:29
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DocScrutinizer51I did01:30
DocScrutinizer51broke my own rules01:30
win7macwell, at least have a *deep* look into it ;)01:31
* DocScrutinizer51 apprecizates his latest N900 hack: drive activity light01:32
win7macport it to n9, damn it!01:33
DocScrutinizer51with swap on uSD it's even more intriguing01:33
win7mac128GB swap ;)01:34
DocScrutinizer51I need to pester Pali to get a "network" trigger into LED driver as well01:34
win7macas long as you port it to n9 ;)01:35
DocScrutinizer51impossible I guess01:35
DocScrutinizer51well, you can try what happens when you do echo mmc0 > /sys/class/bla/indicatorLED/trigger01:36
win7macnah, I wont try01:37
DocScrutinizer51with inception it might even work01:37
win7macI might look into the new repos-app, once the GUI is ready01:38
ecc3gis there a way to not need a loop to keep on writing the trigger?01:39
DocScrutinizer51you may test it, nothing odd to happen, except aegispaegis saying NONONO you cant do that01:40
ecc3gbecause somehow my n900 hung when I left the 'drive light' running when not using the phone... not sure if it was related or not but it was the only thing I was running that was 'new'...01:40
ecc3gi have a feeling there may be a race here01:40
DocScrutinizer51ecc3g: stop MCE is first brute force approach01:40
DocScrutinizer51and I'm running that while loop since some days now. no issues01:41
ecc3gI rarely have the phone hang, had to blame this first because it's the newest hack... :(01:42
DocScrutinizer51fgair enough01:43
ecc3gstarting it up again to see if it will replicate...01:44
DocScrutinizer51actually kernel had a bug there that I revealed01:44
DocScrutinizer51but that's quite a time ago01:45
ecc3gfixed in kp52?01:45
DocScrutinizer51fixed in stock 1.2 I think01:46
ecc3gah ok.01:47
DocScrutinizer51heartbeat trigger made it panic iirc01:47
ecc3ghmm...wish there was a way to know about panics on the phone if it can't write to a log...01:48
ecc3gi guess on a dev platform you could have a serial console or something.  or if there are sections of memory that are always OK to overwrite even where there's a panic, is that the case with mtd3?01:50
ecc3gnice ok, that helps (mtd2 it looks)... lets see if there is any panic from that hang...01:54
DocScrutinizer51and there's even a tool to read out logs of OOPS and PANIC01:54
DocScrutinizer51I forgot the name01:54
DocScrutinizer51check tools wikipage01:54
DocScrutinizer51they all start with same prefix, and it not been osso or maemo01:55
DocScrutinizer51if you find that prefix for me, I can tell you the name of the tool01:56
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infobotDocScrutinizer51: aw, gee02:05
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DocScrutinizer51ecc3g: you here?02:06
infobotrumour has it, pkg is
DocScrutinizer51thats how I found it02:08
DocScrutinizer51I'd really like to see any OOPS dump related to LED trigger02:10
ecc3gwe'll see if it replicates too...02:11
win7macgn o/02:11
DocScrutinizer51night win7mac02:13
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DocScrutinizer51mtd2: 00040000 00020000 "log"02:28
DocScrutinizer51ecc3g: you found anything intresting in mtd2?02:31
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ecc3gno, nothing interesting...02:43
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DocScrutinizer05hmm, then I can't see how any perceived lockup could be related to LED trigger02:57
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* DocScrutinizer05 ponders removing the LED lib from MCE plugins02:58
DocScrutinizer05 /usr/lib/mce/modules/libled.so03:01
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DocScrutinizer05I wonder if kbd backlight till gets handled by or if that's sth completely different and kbd backlight would brake with disabling/removing libled.so03:02
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DocScrutinizer05s/ till/ still/03:02
infobotDocScrutinizer05 meant: I wonder if kbd backlight still gets handled by or if that's sth completely different and kbd backlight would brake with disabling/removing libled.so03:02
DocScrutinizer05hail closed blobs03:03
DocScrutinizer05~lart Nokia03:03
* infobot burns Nokia to a crisp with a laser03:03
DocScrutinizer05wtf can be mission critical or UX relevant or proprietary or otherwise worth not disclosing it, in /usr/lib/mce/modules/*.so03:05
DocScrutinizer05a clear evidence that Nokia never really planned to make maemo an open/FOSS system03:05
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DocScrutinizer05they just placed under GPL what they couldn't keep closed by any means03:06
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DocScrutinizer05and even some of that is still closed, despite Nokia clearly violating GPL03:07
DocScrutinizer05I wonder - when somebody would push hard for Nokia to disclose some of the sources that are clearly GPLed and yet not published - would Nokia still go thru all the hassle to evaluate each single line of sourcecode by their lawyers, or would they rather go "WTF?! just disclose the whole ancient obsolete crap! we don't have the money to waste to check single snippets. The whole stuff is obsolete anyway and not relevant neither for any (C)03:11
DocScrutinizer05with subcontractors nor for any of our future business models"03:11
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Macerhm. ad-droid isn't too bad03:16
Macer4.2 is actually kind of nice on this old tf10103:16
Macertoo bad i stil can't get the adhoc or pan going heh03:16
Macerwish the damn n900 could manage infrastructure mode03:17
Macercurse you nokia!03:17
Maceror whoever makes the wifi chipset heh03:17
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DocScrutinizer05they *might* find the solution chatting next to the coffe machine: S.E.:"how much to check each of the sourcecode files they asked for by our lawyers?"  T.K.: "quite a lot. We have no inhouse competence for that any more"  S.E.:"what would those freaks do when the source got leaked?"  T.K.:"probably they'd just shut up. They don't care where from those sources came, and who's signing for authorship. They just want the sources"  S.E:"then03:20
DocScrutinizer05the heck put the whole crap on gitorious, after removing any reference to Nokia, and do it 'anonymously'. I'm really pissed about that linux stuff"  T.K."OK."03:20
amin007110Macer, also curse google, because of lack of ad-hoc discovery!03:22
DocScrutinizer05Macer: I think it's still unclear whether or not the WiFi chip in N900 _can_ do infrastructure03:24
DocScrutinizer05ooh, "or whoever made the chipset" - well for sure not Nokia (though this wouldn't have changed stuff to the better if they were)03:25
amin007110DocScrutinizer05, I asked a question about "eventlogger" 6 hours ago. Saw that?03:26
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: the chip can do AP, it is the firmware and the drivers who have to support that03:27
DocScrutinizer05aiui the chip can do "raw" mode, which means nothing is working in hardmac (firmware on the chip), but that has never been documented and the driver provided by chip manuf didn't allow it03:27
DocScrutinizer05amin007110: not really, or I had nothing to contribute and thus forgot about it03:28
freemangordonAFAIK the firmware we have does not support infrastructure mode03:28
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: exactly03:28
freemangordonthere is newer FW (IIRC) that supports it, but we lack the driver03:28
DocScrutinizer05it does support raw mode though, aka softmac03:29
DocScrutinizer05so we'd need a softmac that can do AP03:29
freemangordonif I get it right, FW for 1271 supports 1251 too, along with infrastructure mode03:29
freemangordonbut still, we don't have the driver, put aside the usermode stuff03:30
DocScrutinizer05that's for sure03:30
freemangordonso, again, it is the fcking SW that holds us :(03:31
DocScrutinizer05"the driver" would need to either do softmac or support hardmac infrastructure. Current stuff does neither03:31
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: though I am not sure what lxp's driver supports03:33
DocScrutinizer05but I *think* the packet-injection guy (forgot his name L*) once said *his* drivers could do03:33
DocScrutinizer05packet injection basically is raw mode, aiui03:34
DocScrutinizer05add to that a slightly adopted softmac stack03:34
DocScrutinizer05~wiki softmac03:35
infobotAt (URL), Wikipedia explains: " A 'wireless network interface controller' (WNIC) is a network interface controller which connects to a radio-based computer network rather than a wire-based network such as Token Ring or Ethernet. A WNIC, just like other NICs, works on the Layer 1 and Layer 2 of the OSI Model. A WNIC is an essential component for wireless desktop computer. This card uses an antenna to communicate ...03:35
freemangordonnothing about AP03:36
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DocScrutinizer05for embedded you usually don't want softmac chips - they are cheaper but way more CPU hogging and thus not power conserving03:42
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DocScrutinizer05 maybe helps as well, to understand the whole thing03:47
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DocScrutinizer05 is not helpful, but it might be a region of the internets where to find more about softmac vs fullmac03:55
DocScrutinizer05(the jbnote site got severely slaughtered :-/ )03:57
DocScrutinizer05some 6 years ago there been great stuff in there03:57
DocScrutinizer05amin007110: can you repeat your ev-log Q?03:59
DocScrutinizer05or give a unique searchstring so I can locate it in backscroll?04:01
Macerwell. i'm sure if it hasn't been done yet on the n900 it probably won't be :)04:07
DocScrutinizer05(soft/full) in a nutshell: softmac is a driver that does promiscuous mode on the MAC/NIC/wifichip and just does on its own (on CPU of system) all the stack listening to MAC-addr of your device, and also formats answer packages etc pp. A fullmac aka hardmac driver does basically the same but on the MCU inside the WiFi chip, so your CPU in system may sleep all the time until there's actually data to receive (on data to send CPU is active04:08
DocScrutinizer05anyway, unless it's ARP which might or may not get handled inside fullmac, I dunno)04:08
Macerwhich really isn't a big deal unless you want to tether and iphone (don't know why) or an android non-cell tablet to the n90004:08
Macerwell.. ipad too i suppose04:09
Macerbut i don't know if ios supports adhoc or not04:09
Maceri can see it not :)04:09
Macerbut at least in my experience... there is no simple way to tether a non-cell android tablet to an n90004:10
Macerknow what tho. now that i thnk about it...04:10
Macermaybe it was the rom i was running for bt dun04:11
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amin007110DocScrutinizer05,  "eventlogger" sometimes count unread messages to negative numbers and remain in this status long time, for example in the desktop widget it shows -2 or -3 unread messages, that in actual situation -3=1. Any workaround for this?04:37
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DocScrutinizer05ooh, that04:55
DocScrutinizer05I think I answered04:56
DocScrutinizer05sth like "wtf?!"04:56
DocScrutinizer05actualy "ugh"04:57
DocScrutinizer05indeed eventlogger is kinda hard to reset04:58
DocScrutinizer05I seem to recall reports about users not being able to remove / cancel a notification. I however wonder how that shite can get *negative*04:59
DocScrutinizer05cloudy memories refuse to drift to surface of my mind05:00
DocScrutinizer05some very obscure stuff05:00
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amin007110that "not being able to remove / cancel a notification" also happened sometimes! but this "negative" one "ist wunderbar". heh.05:11
amin007110DocScrutinizer05, I think dumping el-v1.db down and rearranging its records might correct some errors, but never tried that. No experience with databases, sqlite or SQL or so.05:15
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VibeI got new lcd-panel for my n90011:45
Vibebut now noticed that I have similar issue like here ->
Lava_Croft \o/11:46
Lava_Croft /o\11:46
Vibetouch screen not working..11:46
Vibecut little bit of from that broken cable but maybe it can't still get proper connection..11:46
Vibecan that cable be replaced or should I buy new touch screen? :F11:47
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amin007110Vibe, you should buy a new one. :) and test it before use. some touch panels does not work.11:49
Vibefault can't be in lcd-panel?11:50
amin007110"touch digitizer" works seperately, i think.11:51
amin007110if you have touching problems its related to touch screen digitizer.11:51
amin007110if you have brightness or color problems its related to LCD Panel Screen.11:51
Vibebefore I cut broken part off from the connector screen was blank11:52
amin007110Normally, Stock Part resellers allow you to test when you but,11:52
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Vibeafter that it worked but no touch screen working11:53
Vibehmmm where to buy..11:53
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amin007110Well, it depends. search for local dealers.11:54
amin007110or online one with return policy that match your conditions11:54
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Vibeok, thx11:55
Vibehmm thinking if I could still repair the connector11:56
amin007110two weeks ago i bought a LCD for about 25USD and touch panel (alone without bracket) about 10USD.11:56
Vibenot bad :p11:58
amin007110but i didn't pay  tax, maybe you should... ;-)11:58
VibeI had to cut from that part of the connector were it gets wider :(11:58
Vibeits coming to finland11:59
amin007110cut? lcd flat cable or touch one?12:00
Vibethat one in the pic that was scratched broken12:01
Vibethinking its the touch one12:01
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amin007110green one is from lcd and the other from touch panel12:04
Vibethen its from the touch panel12:06
Vibedamn I should have not cutted it12:07
VibeI should have tried to "repair" that section where copper was broken12:08
Vibebecouse it gets wider in there, now it doesn't so it gets no connection12:09
amin007110well, based on my previous tries, it's not repairable.12:09
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Vibeand if I try I may break the new lcd-panel also12:10
Vibehmm maybe I should order this ->
amin007110well, if you are serious, first disassemble, then do what possible.12:11
Vibeit can be returned, just costs post12:11
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Vibeyea, I will disassemble it again and try12:11
Vibesomeone did mod so n900 can be used without touch screen, but its not fun anymore after that12:12
amin007110haha, 1 available :D12:13
Vibemaybe I should be fast then :p12:14
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amin00711099.8% positive feedback, seems good.12:15
VibeI ordered it :p12:15
Vibethx for notifying that there was just 1 left (:12:16
Vibeits nice to have another n900, I just switched screen from another n900 to my main n900 (:12:18
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amin007110I had ur prob with flat cable before, 2 years ago, one 10$ touch didnt work, another 25$ one worked and still in work!12:18
amin007110i think i should buy another one two. maybe a dead one just for parts.12:19
Vibeok, yea it would be good :p12:20
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Vibehmm I should buy new skandinavia keypad also, some buttons are white :p12:34
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amin007110mine too, but i type blindly :D12:35
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Lava_Croftcarve the signs into the keyboard12:37
Lava_Croftfill the carvings with white paint solution12:37
Vibecan't find anywhere keypad with "äö" :(12:37
Lava_Croftyou can probably remap the keyboard for that tho12:38
Lava_Croftand the carve the symbols into and fill it with white paint solution \o/12:38
Vibeit won't be pretty if I do it :p12:39
amin007110mine is english, and i have persian signs assignment in mind. :)12:41
Viberemap would work, but scandic keypad would be lot of nicer :p12:42
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* amin007110 is preparing for vanilla-reflashing. Wish him success. HeHe.12:59
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japa-fiamin007110, it's easy. I've done it just recently. Twice actually :;)13:57
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amin007110japa-fi, I see, did that 4-5 times before ;) but now with a patched vanilla.bin using guides in ~jrtools13:58
japa-fipatched vanilla.bin?13:59
japa-fiI went by a youtube guide (using ubuntu) with binaries from Nokia's site14:00
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amin007110japa-fi, patching to increase /opt partition size over 2048MB14:02
japa-fiInstalling lot of stuff?14:06
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DocScrutinizer05hmm, jrtools \o/14:20
amin007110yes japa-fi14:21
DocScrutinizer05how do you like the new formatting of ~jrtools?14:22
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DocScrutinizer05I've not finished it14:24
amin007110more categorising !14:24
DocScrutinizer05I poner to break up the big white blob as well14:24
DocScrutinizer05obvious advantage: you find more easily subtopics. Downside: no more c&p of the whole blob14:25
amin007110well, you can provide some scripts at the end to cover all or most of them.14:27
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DocScrutinizer05yes, but then I need to keep script and snippets in sync14:27
amin007110is it hard ?14:28
DocScrutinizer05I just wondered if I find a way to change the WHOLE website into a properly formed HTML and same time one large valid script ;-)14:28
DocScrutinizer05now that would be kinda awesme hack ;-P14:29
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amin007110I think some polishing may increase readablity for now.14:31
amin007110will increase*14:31
DocScrutinizer05yeah, but look, no more c&p of one large blob of shellscript to configuure my new (flashed) devices, which was the original intention of this whole wikipage14:32
DocScrutinizer05(not that I ever really did it ;-P I always copy and restore a BM backup)14:33
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DocScrutinizer05I already pondered to provide the BM file, but it has too many privacy data14:34
amin007110Here in some persian forums some people did that; hard work!14:36
japa-fi"execute or source this to fix the missing end-times in eventslogger db"  - Can I run the script even though I've used my N900 for some weeks now? Will I be asking for trouble?14:36
DocScrutinizer05go ahead14:37
DocScrutinizer05it will not add end times to your historic calls14:37
DocScrutinizer05but will work just fine for new calls14:37
DocScrutinizer05it adds a few stored procedures plus triggers to the sqlite db14:38
DocScrutinizer05incredibly smart hack14:39
amin007110DocScrutinizer05, Polishing (categorising & Scripting) your wiki page is a one-time job. Once done, updating is as easy as "find&replace", I think.14:39
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DocScrutinizer05err, you didn't get my right. Adding the whole stuff again as one long script (which it _is_ now, but wouldn't be after breaking into sections) creates redundancy14:41
DocScrutinizer05when I add or change sth, I have to do it twice then14:41
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DocScrutinizer05I however might be able to find a syntax that turns the sectorized wikipage into a valid script. Sth like ending each white block with14:44
DocScrutinizer05: '14:44
DocScrutinizer05and starting the next with14:44
DocScrutinizer05so to comment out the html in between14:44
win7macis techstaff working on tmo?14:45
DocScrutinizer05not that I knew off14:45
win7macthis seems not right:
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win7macI experience the same as misiak (emails)14:45
win7maclast post14:46
japa-fiDocScrutinizer05, the "backup your N900 via cron" -nice idea, I'll be adding it right away to my NASs crontab..14:47
DocScrutinizer05sth terribly odd with tmo14:48
japa-fiI'm not rsync guru, but doesn't it need also "-e ssh" option14:48
DocScrutinizer05obviously not14:48
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DocScrutinizer05I guess that's default nowadays14:49
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DocScrutinizer05I'm also no rsync guru, too me well most part of a day to figure out and test14:49
DocScrutinizer05chem|st: ALARM!!!14:50
win7macDocScrutinizer05, smth for you:
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DocScrutinizer05thanks anyway14:53
DocScrutinizer05I wonder WTF is going on with misiak and you re mails, and with that friggin post of "Council" that's clearly outdated14:54
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win7macreceived 12 mails for subscribed threads from 12:14 - 12:15. I have subscribed to more threads though14:57
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DocScrutinizer05check those threads if they also have bogus date, like
DocScrutinizer05I don't have any tmo notifications about new posts in threads15:00
DocScrutinizer05and I'm subscribed to a few15:00
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win7macdates in those threads I got email are ok15:01
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DocScrutinizer05the council thingie might be midgard suddenly considering to finally post all the tmo posts auto-generated from
DocScrutinizer05but then I dunno why you got notify mail for obsolete threads15:04
DocScrutinizer05can you please forward one of those mails to me15:04
DrCodehi all15:04
DrCodetoday I got my N90015:04
amin007110DocScrutinizer05, is it worthy to increase internal swap partition size or better to add a Class 10 uSD containing swap partition?15:04
DrCodeWhen I download last Maemo 5 with PR1.3 it comde with PowerKernel 49?15:04
DocScrutinizer05the latter15:04
DrCodehow can I check if my phone come with last maemo and keral?15:05
DocScrutinizer05increasing internal swap even further is nonsense, it actually is kinda too large already15:05
DocScrutinizer05DrCode: reflash ;-D15:05
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DocScrutinizer05golden rule: first thing you do to a new device: reflash completely (does apply not only to N900 but basically every electronic device)15:06
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win7macone is enough?15:07
Lava_Croftgolden rule: first check device for contents, then reflash15:08
win7macI found all 12 mails i received are for threads that have their last post quite some time ago, nothing that recently got new posts15:09
amin007110Golden Rule: Buy a Nokia 1100 and forget about anything related to OS and Contents ! :D15:10
Lava_Crofti have a 1750!15:10
amin007110nice, i bought 1202 after breaking my old 1100!15:11
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amin007110Hard to break, but done successfully. I used it instead of hammer ! hehe15:12
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DocScrutinizer05win7mac:  hmm NFC what's wrong in TMO. Maybe mails got on hold and not are getting sent15:12
DocScrutinizer05s/not are/now are/15:12
infobotDocScrutinizer05 meant: win7mac:  hmm NFC what's wrong in TMO. Maybe mails got on hold and now are getting sent15:13
DrCodeI am new with maemo15:13
DrCodeMost of the time I am using ubuntu15:13
DrCodemost of the commands are the same?15:14
DocScrutinizer05basically yes, though particularly apt is quite nasty different15:14
DocScrutinizer05not the command but the way you should (not) use it15:15
infobotmaemo-flashing is probably
DrCodeIf I want to use only power kernel 0.49 , can I force it ?15:15
DocScrutinizer05you shouldn't15:16
DocScrutinizer05use KP5215:16
DocScrutinizer05but first test yur device in stock config for several weeks15:16
DocScrutinizer05so you get an idea of what's "normal"15:16
DocScrutinizer05particularly stay away from extras-devel catalog for first few weeks15:17
DrCodethankyou dockane_15:17
DocScrutinizer05HAM is slow enough without that huge cluttered repo, and you way too easily may install stuff that fubars your whole system when you enable extras-devel and don't exactly know how to handle it15:18
DocScrutinizer05nevertheless prepare for several minutes of black screen and seemingly nothing happening when using HAM (aka application manager). Don't abort or close it, it eventually _will_ display something15:20
Lava_Croftthat little thing has always helped me with seeing if HAM was busy:)15:21
DocScrutinizer05HAM is terribly slow. But you're not supposed to install more than one app at a time anyway. So the delay after/during each install is not that bad15:21
jogacpumem-applet <315:21
DocScrutinizer05indispensible little applet15:21
jogaprobably the most useful ever15:21
DocScrutinizer05nah, simple brightness applet is even more important and useful15:22
Lava_Croftyeah, the brightness applet is another mandatory one15:22
jogahmm..not for me, I always have the screen set to pretty dim, but it's of course nice that it's easy to change (so I have that too)15:22
Lava_Crofti switch brightness all the time15:22
jogabut I couldn't use the phone without cpumem probably15:22
DocScrutinizer05I honestly don't get it how you could use N900 without simple brightness applet15:22
jogaI never change screen brightness :P15:23
Lava_Croftwell, the App Search widget is the same15:23
Lava_Crofti cant imagine anyone using the n900 via the app menu15:23
jogahmm...I just have catorize and icons for all the relevant stuff15:23
Lava_Croftno thanks15:23
Lava_Croftapmefo is just a way to increase the amount of clicks needed to reach your application15:23
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DocScrutinizer05not if you count in scrolls for click15:24
Lava_Crofti dont have to scroll using app search widget15:25
Lava_Croftoh, get your surface RT now15:25
Lava_Croftprices cut by 30%!15:25
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DocScrutinizer05ooh, and I guess tweakr still has one or two settings that are hard to find anywhere else15:28
DocScrutinizer05MHD is also great, but it comes with CSSU anyway15:30
DocScrutinizer05I wouldn't know how it would feel to lose ctrl-bs app rotation, or the edit-lock for desktops15:31
DocScrutinizer05joga: even when you never change brightness, simple brightness applet is still mad useful to switch on/off backlight dimming/autolock completely, with one single long click on the square button on left side of the brightness "slider"15:35
DocScrutinizer05actually I use this one way more often than brightness adjustment15:35
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DocScrutinizer05pro-tip: when you click long then the brightness applet eventually vanishes and you might end on xchat's menubar which would open as soon as you lift your finger. just slide down finger a bit before "un-touch" to avoid opening the menu15:37
jogaDocScrutinizer05, yeah I know but only rarely I have a need for that, it's handy when I do though15:37
jogabut if I had to pick only one I'd pick the cpumem :)15:38
DocScrutinizer052G/3G/dual switcher is another useful one, at least for me15:39
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win7macDocScrutinizer05, did you reach chemist?15:41
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win7macthe new old election announcement was deleted...15:42
win7mac...after I reported 1st post in thread15:42
DocScrutinizer05thedead1440 maybe?15:42
win7mac? - if nobody talks to us?15:43
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DocScrutinizer05tmo is kinda own universe15:43
DocScrutinizer05I don't even have admin permissions there15:44
win7macthe original thread was deleted too it seems, can't find it in
DocScrutinizer05and nfc what chem|st does regarding updates etc. He even basically manages his own backup, though integrated into global maemo backup system15:45
DocScrutinizer05I guess it just got "touch"ed15:46
chem|stDocScrutinizer05: FIRE!15:48
DocScrutinizer05chem|st: wtf is going on on tmo?15:49
DocScrutinizer05notification mails for posts done in March get sent15:49
DocScrutinizer05election announcement posts pop up with posting date "today"15:49
chem|styeah I cleaned the moderation queue as moderators didn't...15:49
chem|stthat wasnt me15:49
DocScrutinizer05mhm, so nothing fundamentally bad. Good :-)15:50
chem|stand I am not away but the away collector saves me the scrollback when I get highlighted^^15:51
chem|stquiet handy :)15:51
DocScrutinizer05sounds nice15:51
chem|stI am out in the wild most of the time an read my away-log some like twice a day, even on weekends15:52
DocScrutinizer05chem|st: please check what happened to
DocScrutinizer05[2013-07-16 14:45:20] <win7mac> the original thread was deleted too it seems, can't find it in
win7macthe original one is not in general talk as well...15:54
chem|stthis thread wasn't posted by midgard and is still sticky...
japa-fidarn, my NAS does not support --fake-super :(15:55
chem|stI think that was a try to post it via midgard, did not work and suddenly got posted today15:55
chem|stso midgard....leave my talk alone^^15:56
DocScrutinizer05[2013-07-16 14:03:24] <DocScrutinizer05> the council thingie might be midgard suddenly considering to finally post all the tmo posts auto-generated from
chem|styeah read that15:57
DocScrutinizer05though I wonder why that might happen. Maybe Falk is finally taking care about the zillion garage mail accounts15:57
chem|stI need to look at the server too but that is coming the next 2 weeks some day, AFTER I upgraded talk15:57
DocScrutinizer05look on server? please elaborate15:58
chem|sttalk-server not talk-forums-software15:58
DocScrutinizer05aah, sysop-local tasks?15:58
chem|stmore like - I still have to look after the mailing stuff as things are borked and you cannot reply to threads by mail...15:59
chem|stplus general security updates15:59
DocScrutinizer05not that I think this is a good thing to get15:59
DocScrutinizer05the updates however *are*15:59
chem|stbut vBull had security updates and needs some love by hand before I touch the server16:00
chem|stnothing people see...16:00
DocScrutinizer05but please ask for a snapshot prior to security updates16:00
chem|stfloodcontrol things16:00
chem|stI have daily backup...16:00
DocScrutinizer05we've seen quite a few fsckups done by ubuntu system updates16:00
DocScrutinizer05and daily backup probably doesn't backup any system stuff16:01
chem|stand yes I need warfare to do a reboot by hand afterwards so he can do a snapshot beforehand!16:01
chem|stwe backup the whole sys16:01
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chem|stdon't know if the vm-disk issues are solved but we will see16:02
DocScrutinizer05which issues?16:02
chem|sthe probably needs to mount it by hand afterwards...16:02
chem|sthickup with mounting it on boot16:02
DocScrutinizer05needs to get sorted16:03
chem|stwe had that with nemein and later in H...16:03
DocScrutinizer05so don't be shy to have a service downtime, to fix this issue16:03
chem|stI'm not shy.... those few hours a year... but I need to coordinate with my schedule and warfare...16:04
japa-fiwhoppee, there is gnu tar at /home/opt/maemo/usr/bin/gnu/tar  .. I'll configure the backup to use that one instead of rsync16:05
chem|stI am occupied all evenings from today till somewhere tuesday week after next16:05
chem|stso gtg again... later16:06
win7macchem|st, today 21:00 local is meeting right?16:06
chem|stin ~6h16:06
chem|sthave two alarms set for that^^ as today is the only day I can do some household stuff....16:07
win7macok good, thought you'd be occupied by smth else16:08
chem|stI might do my own serverupgrade during the meeting^^16:08
chem|stdue for a while now...16:08
DocScrutinizer05good luck for your meeting, guys!16:08
win7macjoin in!16:09
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DocScrutinizer05*sigh* still one stalled apache process per day16:16
japa-fiIf anyone of you have development environment for N900, could you give a try if lzop compiles to n900?16:16
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japa-fiIt's a compressor, very light on CPU16:22
DocScrutinizer05((<DocScrutinizer05> though I wonder why that might happen. Maybe Falk is finally taking care...)) nope, no warfare logged in on any of the relevant machines since saturday16:22
japa-fiDocScrutinizer05, lzop at - For idea on the usage (comparison to other compressors)
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DocScrutinizer05from those diagrams lzop is "light on CPU" only when it actually has a "compression" of <116:31
DocScrutinizer05err nope, sorry16:31
DocScrutinizer05silly scale of "percent increase"16:32
DocScrutinizer05compression factor is "percent increase"/100+116:33
DocScrutinizer05so lzop can get to 1.9 very fast16:34
japa-fiI've used it mostly on virtual machine image backups. with laptop, the increased time (vs copy) is not much, but space saving are noticiable. Though the images often contain lot of empty space"16:34
DocScrutinizer05gzip 2.1 .. 2.3, but with ~4 times the CPU load aka time16:35
DocScrutinizer05bzip2: 2.1 .. 2.5 @ ~10*16:36
DocScrutinizer05rar: ~3 @ 10*16:36
DocScrutinizer05still these figures depend massively on type of data to compress16:37
DocScrutinizer05>>I used the same lightly loaded AMD Athlon XP 1700+ CPU with 1GB of RAM and version 2.4.27-1-k7 of the Linux kernel for all tests. Unpredictable disk drive delays were minimized by pre-loading data into RAM.<< LOL, why didn't he use `time`16:39
DocScrutinizer05and just cited the effective CPU and IO time consumed16:40
japa-fifiguring that lzop adds the benefit of compressing the stuff, but not being the limiting factor when transmitting the data over wlan16:41
japa-fiie. feed the backup of / (and /home) to lzop and transmit the compressed data over wlan would hopefully be faster than the same data transmitted uncompressed.16:42
japa-fi(and it takes less space at the destination)16:42
psycho_oreosThat's why there's rsync, it doesn't use the same algorithms as cp and you can compress stuff "on-the-fly" so to speak.16:43
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psycho_oreosRather the exact same algorithm.16:44
DocScrutinizer05even better rsync doesn't transmit unaltered data at all16:45
Lava_Croftrsync is smart++16:45
japa-fiMy NAS does not support xattrs, figured I'd use tar on N900, pipe the output inside ssh to my NAS.16:48
japa-fiThus, would like to lzop the tarred data16:48
DocScrutinizer05every now and then I do a cp -al ./n900-backup .n900-backup-`date --rfc-3339=date`16:48
DocScrutinizer05well, probably n900 also doesn't support xattr16:49
japa-fissh root@$1 "/home/opt/maemo/usr/bin/gnu/tar --one-file-system -cpf - /home" > n900-home.tar16:49
japa-fin900 does support. Tested it by rsyncing to my PC16:49
japa-fiDocScrutinizer05, btw. your backup script has --fake-super which stores stuff to xattr16:50
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japa-fiI would like to ssh root@$1 "/home/opt/maemo/usr/bin/gnu/tar --one-file-system -cpf - /home | lzop" > n900-home.tar.lzop16:51
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DocScrutinizer05err   ubi0:rootfs on / type ubifs (rw,bulk_read,no_chk_data_crc)     /dev/mmcblk0p2 on /home type ext3 (rw,noatime,errors=continue,commit=1,data=writeback)   /dev/mmcblk0p1 on /home/user/MyDocs type vfat (rw,noauto,nodev,exec,nosuid,noatime,nodiratime,utf8,uid=29999,shortname=mixed,dmask=000,fmask=0000,rodir)    /dev/mmcblk1p2 on /media/mmc1p2 type ext3 (rw,noauto,nodev,exec,nosuid,noatime,nodiratime)    /dev/mmcblk1p1 on /media/mmc1 type16:52
DocScrutinizer05vfat (rw,noauto,nodev,exec,nosuid,noatime,nodiratime,utf8,uid=29999,shortname=mixed,dmask=000,fmask=0000,rodir)16:52
DocScrutinizer05no xattr16:52
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DocScrutinizer05hmm, don't ask me what I done 2 years ago16:53
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DocScrutinizer05I just think it's silly to do a daily full backup, even if the hell compressed out of it16:53
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keriomake it incremental!16:55
DocScrutinizer05btw if anybody knows a tool to evaluate the space used by a bunch of hardlinks and dirs, *without* the hardlinked data... I'd like to hear about it16:55
kerioand iirc rsync has a way to rsync hardlinks properly16:55
DocScrutinizer05sure it has, but that's completely unrelated to my question16:56
keriooh, evaluate16:56
keriodoes du count hardlinks twice?16:56
japa-fiFrom my NAS rsync log: 2013/07/16 12:39:53 [32217] rsync: failed to write xattr user.rsync.%stat for "/16:56
japa-fi921630d557eaca6f11950.png.ATVqAW": Operation not supported (95)16:56
DocScrutinizer05>>>> every now and then I do a cp -al ./n900-backup .n900-backup-`date --rfc-3339=date`16:56
japa-fi(darn, tried to have one liner). To my PC it transfers just fine16:57
kerioFiles having multiple hard links are counted (and displayed) a single time per du execution.16:57
keriobsd/apple du16:57
DocScrutinizer05kerio: I know, but how to calculate the disk usage of just the inodes from that?16:58
keriooh you mean *that*16:58
Drathirjapa-fi: thats not 0b file?16:58
DocScrutinizer05I *can do16:58
keriowhy is there even occupied space?16:58
kerioi mean, i'm sure that the data is stored somewhere16:59
DocScrutinizer05du;  cp -al ./n900-backup .n900-backup-`date --rfc-3339=date`; du16:59
keriobut it's so dependant on the fs16:59
DocScrutinizer05but that's just possible at the time I do the cp16:59
DocScrutinizer05btw you can find all files that changed by searching for link-count17:01
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DocScrutinizer05eventually I gonna port that whole stuff to btrfs and just do snapshots instead of cp -al17:03
japa-fiDrathir, ed1526ba76b921630d557eaca6f11950.png does exist.17:03
japa-fiboth rsync have xattr support17:03
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japa-filzop did compress the backups nicely:17:08
japa-fi-rw-r--r-- 1 jani share_users 339M Jul 16 14:03 N900-home.tar17:08
japa-fi-rw-r--r-- 1 jani share_users 201M Jul 16 13:56 N900-home.tar.lzop17:08
japa-fi-rw-r--r-- 1 jani share_users 261M Jul 16 14:04 N900-root.tar17:09
japa-fi-rw-r--r-- 1 jani share_users 139M Jul 16 13:40 N900-root.tar.lzop17:09
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keriojapa-fi: why lzop?17:13
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keriowait, is this on-device?17:13
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DocScrutinizer05wow, rsync does tricky stuff! create and open a temp-file and imediately delete it while still open :-D17:15
DocScrutinizer05phantom disk based storage17:15
ShadowJKit's a common method for tempfiles. Automatically deleted when process exits17:16
Drathirjapa-fi: but i mean about that files 15:56 < japa-fi> mnt/HD/HD_a2/Backups/N900/Daily/home/home/user/.thumbnails/tweetian/.ed1526ba76b17:16
Drathir15:56 < japa-fi> 921630d557eaca6f11950.png.ATVqAW": Operation not supported (95)17:16
DocScrutinizer05and not even visible while i use17:16
kerioDocScrutinizer05: open it in exclusive mode, too17:16
DocScrutinizer05I wish unix/posix had a way to autonatically delete *visible* files on process exit17:18
Drathirin past i also have issue with files with size 0b but now dont really remember that was with rsync connected...17:18
japa-fikerio, I would use lzop on N900 to reduce the data transmission by 30-50% for the tar.17:18
DocScrutinizer05except for trap clean-up exit17:18
kerioDocScrutinizer05: but open file handles are only vaguely related to paths17:19
japa-fiDrathir, the suorce file (thumbnail) exists (without the ATVqAW extension though)17:19
DocScrutinizer05kerio: I know. Actually not at all basically17:19
Drathirjapa-fi: not better idea with rsync and compression on the fly?17:19
DocScrutinizer05japa-fi: I'd rather loopmount a new volume where you can do whatever you like to the filesystem incl xattr and whatnot, so you could have a true copy of what's on N90017:20
DocScrutinizer05I had my 15min man rsync reading and now see I used --fake-super to store the N900 fs file-attributes like suid etc to my PC backup17:22
japa-fiDrathir, using rsync with --fake-super. --fake-super stores userinfo to xattrs, I seem to have xattr issue with the receiving end.17:23
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DocScrutinizer05you probably wouldn't want a set-suid "executable" on your PC that's world-executable17:24
Drathirjapa-fi: yes file without .AT* not causing error in my case only hidden files with .AT* give error in my case...17:24
japa-fiOn my PC, the xatrrs are no issue, but the NAS has problems...17:24
japa-fiwell... I could do the rsync as root on the receiving end...17:25
Drathirjapa-fi: give me i sec i find my rsync command that i sucessful used... but usage with cerful if you want test it...17:25
DocScrutinizer05when you want to have a comprehensive copy of a foreign fs, you need to store all attributes that exist there to $somewhere on your local backup17:25
DocScrutinizer05and as elaborated above you don't want to do such rsync copy 100% identical, since that introduces vulnerabilities into your backup platform17:26
Drathirjapa-fi: rsync -r -v --progress -c -l -H --partial -z -i /local_path user@server:/remote_path17:26
kerioDocScrutinizer05: tar!17:27
keriotar all the things!17:27
DocScrutinizer05your best bet probably was to (loop)mount a dedicated fs that's identical to the source fs17:27
keriotogether, though17:27
DocScrutinizer05kerio: tar is a PITA for rsync "incremental" backups17:27
Drathirkerio: is no problem to tar transfered files on the server side, but is better to have 1:1 files stored to not copy all the things again only the changes...17:28
Drathirbyt that only im thinking ofc...17:29
DocScrutinizer05which is all that rsync is all about17:29
keriotar -u?17:29
DocScrutinizer05otherwise you actually could do a tar17:29
kerioalthough idk how you could remote it17:29
DocScrutinizer05pipe thru ssh?17:30
kerioto do -u you need the archive17:30
japa-fissh root@ "/home/opt/maemo/usr/bin/gnu/tar --one-file-system -cpf - /" > My_local_archive.tar17:30
japa-fi126 being my N90017:31
japa-fitakes 5 minutes to tar the root partition from my N90017:31
Drathirbtw nas should have basic linx commands and ssh connection or dont?17:32
DocScrutinizer05sshfs FTW _o/17:32
DocScrutinizer05but sshfs is waaaaay more overhead than rsync, even with tar -u17:34
japa-fiDrathir, yes, I have Dlink DNS which has some sort of linux (ssh etc)17:34
DocScrutinizer05LOL DLink17:35
DocScrutinizer05I hope it doesn't have uPnP17:35
kerioyou can't quite do tar -u over ssh, tar needs to *read* the archive it's appending files to17:36
japa-fithe ssh is not there by default, but there is community stuff that adds packet manager, ssh, bast etc17:36
DocScrutinizer05kerio: you *can* do tar -u over sshfs17:36
DocScrutinizer05aka fuse17:36
keriothat's why i said ssh17:36
kerioif we're worried about overhead, using sshfs is crazy, compared to nfs17:37
DocScrutinizer05particularly compared to rsync17:37
japa-fiWell, gotta go now, will return to this later. ~10 minutes for backup is not that bad, but I have the same thought than you guys: Why do it the inefficient way (tar) when there is more efficient way (rsync)17:38
DocScrutinizer05yeah, and why add another 100s of MB backup once a day when the files that need new backup are only 1kb in size?17:39
DrathirDocScrutinizer05: sshfs could be too but need stable wifi connection...17:39
DocScrutinizer05that too17:39
DocScrutinizer05nah, there's no alternative to rsync, fsck the compression nonsense17:40
Drathirbecause if conn interrupted need to mount in other folder - not possible umount egsistens folder...17:40
DocScrutinizer05yes, a PITA with most remote mounts, no matter which FS17:41
Drathiroh i think that only n900 connected problem... good to know...17:41
DocScrutinizer05ssh could resume, gven your "credentials" did not change (like e.g. new IP or whatever)17:42
DocScrutinizer05NFS not any better in that regard17:42
DocScrutinizer05no matter which end reboots, the other end needs a reboot as well. At least it been like this some 12 years ago17:43
Drathiryes true ssh can can... i do that when connected to local sercer and go out the range of wifi if fast back and connect again terminal unfreeze...17:43
DocScrutinizer05since you always end with some stale filehandles or remote mounts that can't get umounted17:44
Drathirlocal server*17:44
DocScrutinizer05VPN is the only semi-working thing for such stuff I heard17:44
DocScrutinizer05dunno if that's correct17:45
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Drathirvpn maybe but only with static ip assign i think17:45
DocScrutinizer05inside VPN sure, you need static IP17:45
DocScrutinizer05outside it's irrelevant I guess17:45
DocScrutinizer05as soon as VPN re-established, the internal IPs are valid again, and all mounts and filehandles etc should commence to work as normal17:46
Drathirbtw dlink much better than netgear ^^17:47
DocScrutinizer05and inside VPN doesn't even know about global outside IPs the VPN uses to establish a connection17:47
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DocScrutinizer05fsck uPnP17:48
DocScrutinizer05if that NAS has some webserver or the like, it actually might have uPnP17:49
DocScrutinizer05which might get exploited17:49
DocScrutinizer05even when the nas is not directly exposed to internet, it still might manage the uPnP inan otherwise not vulnerable router17:50
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DocScrutinizer05since I guess uPnP knows to stack17:51
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DocScrutinizer05i.e. one uPnP device propagates own pinholes to next upper layer uPnP-enabled device/router17:51
DocScrutinizer05wild guessing17:52
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win7macso uPnP in general is a thread and should be turned off on router?17:55
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DocScrutinizer05you don't want your apps/malware to open inbound ports on your router without you even noticing. there's usually a port forward management page in your router administrative web interface for that18:11
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DocScrutinizer05when I want to do e.g. ssh to my PC, I explicitly forward port 22 from outside world via router to my PC. I don't want sshd doing that for me, in a stealth way (ok, sshd doesn't do uPnP but you got the picture)18:12
DocScrutinizer05SIP clients do an incredble amount of trickery to open inbound ports for 5060, see STUN, ICE etc pp18:14
DrathirDocScrutinizer05: if i good thinking that is about security hole, im right?18:14
Drathiroh i see good decode not known language :p18:15
DocScrutinizer05uPnP on D-Link allows execution of arbitrary code on your D-Link router, aiui18:15
DocScrutinizer05uPnP opens a backdoor to the router itself18:15
DocScrutinizer05this doesn't change the shit that is uPnP in general18:15
DrathirDocScrutinizer05: that like QoS in routers give possibility to restart the router...18:16
DocScrutinizer05well, restart router is a DoS at worst case18:16
DocScrutinizer05hackers rooting your router you're owned by them18:17
DocScrutinizer05they can do whatever they like with the router and to all your traffic in LAN and to internet18:17
DocScrutinizer05they could route *all* traffic the travels your router to some remote machine of their choice18:18
DocScrutinizer05s/the tr/that tr/18:18
infobotDocScrutinizer05 meant: they could route *all* traffic that travels your router to some remote machine of their choice18:18
jon_yI make my DSL router as dumb as possible18:18
jon_ymake it just bridge ppp18:19
jon_ylet an appliance do the firewalling18:19
jon_yalternatively, a patched up windows box, which happens to be pretty secure18:19
jon_yagainst average script kiddies anyway18:20
jon_yiirc most windows patches are for IE/.Net/Office, rather than the security services18:21
DocScrutinizer05I ponder to replace my FritzBox by a dedicated linux laptop18:21
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DocScrutinizer05unless I finally find a way to "root" it myself - telnet hack doesn't work on this one18:22
jon_yus a VM appliance?18:22
jon_yand use PPP to dial into your VM appliance VPN?18:23
jon_yprobably overkill for a home network18:23
DocScrutinizer05indeed, since the VM has to run somewhere on some iron18:23
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DocScrutinizer05cya, bbl18:25
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DrathirDocScrutinizer05: also include possibility mitm attack ?19:17
DocScrutinizer05~seen shawnjefferson19:22
infobotshawnjefferson <~sjefferso@> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 3d 18h 39m 35s ago, saying: 'great!  i just joined that channel'.19:23
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* Drathir also for sure must turn off upnp...20:05
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amin007110Are applications that available in CSSU-Testing also available in CSSU-Thumb?20:09
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DocScrutinizer05sure, some of them, that's what cssu-thumb is consisting of20:11
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DocScrutinizer05amin007110: you asked if cssu-thumb meets own definition20:11
amin007110some! well, Is there something like autobuilder to convert or rebuild all packages from ARM to THUMB2 ?20:13
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ecc3gack.  n900 went down fast. only one warning beep and down it goes, time for a new battery I suppose.20:45
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amin007110ecc3g, battery surface is flat or curve?20:48
ecc3gamin: what do you mean?20:49
DrCodehi all20:49
DrCoden900 have the same usb and charger like samsung?20:49
DrCodeI have car charger for samsung , should it work also in n900?20:49
DrCodealso usb cable?20:49
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ecc3gI think it should be fairly standardized, as long as the D+ and D- pins are shorted, it should work...20:50
ecc3gthough I have seen a lot of "bad" chargers that will take forever to charge, mostly due to construction or wear20:51
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amin007110ecc3g, normally batteries sag and become curved at the end of their lives.20:52
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DrCodeI can't find password for root20:53
DrCodeshould I reinstall maemo or is there default password?20:53
DrCodeI want to find power kerenel ver20:53
amin007110no preset password DrCode20:53
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amin007110you can assign one by running "passwd" command20:54
DrCodeI did ,but it ask for password20:54
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amin007110Do you have rootsh package installed ?20:55
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amin007110so install it20:56
DrCodeto dowload it from ovi?20:56
amin007110maemo repo20:56
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amin007110DrCode, also install Faster Application Manager". It works better that default application manager (HAM).20:58
DocScrutinizer05NO DONT!21:00
DocScrutinizer05meh, infobot, lazy b**ch21:00
DocScrutinizer05fapman is *deprecated*21:00
DocScrutinizer05DrCode: you install rootsh from HAM21:01
DocScrutinizer05the use command21:01
DocScrutinizer05to gain root permission21:01
DocScrutinizer05(thr frequently suggested sudo gainroot is just cruft)21:02
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DocScrutinizer05theN use command21:02
DocScrutinizer05per default root account has no password21:02
amin007110DocScrutinizer05, what it the downside with fapman ?21:03
DocScrutinizer05next you want to install openssh(server&client), which iirc will ask you to set a root password21:03
DocScrutinizer05amin007110: fapman has a record to mess up stuff fubar, under certain conditions21:04
Woody14619fapman does not have expected behavior in all cases, and often is not tested against for major release items.21:04
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DocScrutinizer05actually never is tested against21:05
DocScrutinizer05hi Woody14619 :-D21:05
Woody14619For doing small one-off adds, it's fine.  I'd never us it to upgrade a major component though.  It uses apt-get and dpkg under the hood, like most things, so usually it's fine.  But anything more than installing a card game or a small utility, I'd not trust it. ;)21:05
* Woody14619 waves.21:05
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DocScrutinizer05actually sometimes it reportedly does apt-get autoremove21:06
DocScrutinizer05or similar NOGO things21:06
amin007110Hmmmm... weird.21:07
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amin007110never seen such things before in fapman!21:07
amin007110never i have seen *21:08
Woody14619Generally nothing apt-get itself won't try to do to you on it's own.  But yes, it's less transparent in that you're not seeing the direct feedback from apt-get. :)21:08
DocScrutinizer05it *usually* works just fine, but when it fails then it leaves you crying21:08
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psycho_oreosfapman is being deprecated for usage when installing things like CSSU updates. It's not recommended as it may cause breakages as opposed to HAM. fapman is kinda like HAM without any leash.21:08
DocScrutinizer05and as usual there's a estimated 7843364 users who claim "Fapman is great. works like a charm! recommended!!!" since they never ran into the >now I mess up your package database and deinstall core system libs<< issue _yet_21:08
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amin007110So i've never seen, because i've never use fapman for those important things!21:09
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DocScrutinizer05insatlling kernels or multiboot or uboot or anything like that is a sure bet to get trouble caused by fapman sooner or later. Later since fapman might deinstall of mess up stuff you don't miss until next time you try to use VoIP or app XY whatever. Or even until next system update which simply fails due to unmet dependencies21:12
Woody14619Mind you, I have it installed, and use it on occasion for quick grabs.  (I like that it can be set to not fetch a new package db by default, which is nice for moble use.)  So for a quick on-the-go install, it's nice.  Just have to know it's limits.21:12
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amin007110I've already cried for that fsck thing (pali hack). but i wonder DocScrutinizer05 how do you count those 7843364 users? automated script or fingers or what? ;) haha:D21:14
Woody14619Sigh.. Battery drain...  I must recall to xterm and killall browserd whenever I have to force-exit a browser window. :P  It was sitting in the background nicely eatting battery.21:14
Woody14619.oO(I wondered why my pocket was getting warm...)21:14
DocScrutinizer05watch HAM doing a system update! it does "suspending all functions including phonecalls and even emergency calls" and stuff like that, to allow flawless update of system. Fapman otoh doesn't even konow about such stuff21:14
amin007110Woody14619, all browserd sessions are safe to kill in this case?21:15
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DocScrutinizer05basically yes21:15
* Woody14619 nods. The ones that are important re-spawn. Probably not something you want to do while on a call... Otherwise it's generalyl safe.21:15
DocScrutinizer05killall browserd21:16
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Woody14619skype calls in particular can drop if you do that mid-call. :)21:16
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amin007110skype always drop himself without any need to kill anything extra. heh21:17
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DocScrutinizer05need to drop skype21:17
Woody14619I'm actually looking forward to a better fsck package...  I just had to do a reflash due to massive fs corruption a week or so ago.  Almost back to 90% of where I was, but some custom hacks will probably take weeks more to discover.21:18
DocScrutinizer05though initially I thought it's a nice idea to have a skype client on my phone, it turned out to be the worst piece of software available for maemo21:18
Woody14619Rather (re)discover. :P  Every couple days I try to do something and find it's missing still... :P21:18
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DocScrutinizer05no BM?21:19
Woody14619Skype is good for audio-only calls on N900.  Beyond that... not so much.21:19
DocScrutinizer05(note to <self>: tweak BM to backup /home instead of /opt)21:20
DrCodethankyou , it worked21:20
Woody14619No, the BM backups were incomplete going back months.  It was failing about 80% in, but replying with a happy green "everything is well" reply.21:20
DocScrutinizer05skype might be bearable when started only for making a call. Keeping skyhost active kills your battery21:21
DrCodewhat command , I can find power kernel info?21:21
DocScrutinizer05uname -a21:21
DrCodecan I install ssh server ?21:21
Woody14619actually /opt actually gets /home.   /home is a loopmount from /opt/home.21:21
psycho_oreosDrCode, yes21:21
DrCodethanks DocScrutinizer0521:21
DocScrutinizer05[2013-07-16 20:03:45] <DocScrutinizer05> next you want to install openssh(server&client), which iirc will ask you to set a root password21:21
DrCodeapt-get install openssh?21:22
DocScrutinizer05NO, use HAM21:22
Woody14619either works actually... Having just did it a week ago... :)21:22
DocScrutinizer05since ssh again is a package that probably fails when installed via apt-get or fapman21:23
* DocScrutinizer05 wonders how apt-get will open up the requester for root password on X1121:23
Woody14619The same way it does in HAM, it runs a setup app it installs for the purpose.21:24
Woody14619There's not mechanism to ask for a password in HAM.  You can ask data, but it's not dotted out, liked you'd want a password to be. :P21:25
DocScrutinizer05OMFG, how I hate that dotted-out passwords21:25
Woody14619not that it matters in Maemo... you can see any password stored in that way showing dots if you know how to. ;)21:26
DocScrutinizer05you could actually argue that at least for *setting* passwords it's a BUG to use hidden entry21:26
Woody14619Ah, but anyone could be looking over your shoulder at any time, no? ;)  Security to be super secure... in all cases!21:27
DocScrutinizer05do they use that age old mistake of just defining/using a all-dots fint?21:27
Woody14619Until you know you can look at any password field the right way and it fails.21:28
Woody14619Yes and no.  They do use the dot font, but also prevent "cut" from that widget...21:28
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Woody14619So you can't cut/paste it to see what it is.21:29
Woody14619But if you have a tool that directly accesses such things (like, oh, say a vkb), well... all bets are off.21:29
Woody14619Handy to know when you forgot a wifi password, but need to know it for another device. ;)21:30
* Woody14619 waits while everyone goes silent while finding the setting to enable and test this "feature"....21:31
DocScrutinizer05hehe again21:31
DocScrutinizer05lol, I already have it "enabled"21:31
psycho_oreoswifi passwd I do recall is stored in dbus or something.21:31
Woody14619yes, with rot13 as I recall. :)21:32
DocScrutinizer05gconftool -R /|less21:32
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psycho_oreosIts even stored as plaintext.21:32
Woody14619Is it really?  I thought that was one of the fixes in PR1.2 or so. :P21:32
DocScrutinizer05gconftool-2 -R /system/osso/connectivity/IAP21:33
DocScrutinizer05here you are21:33
DocScrutinizer05EAP_wpa_preshared_passphrase = <your password>21:34
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Woody14619le sigh...  Not that it's a huge issue.  It's flying over the air constantly anyway. :P21:34
DocScrutinizer05EAP_wpa_preshared_key = [52,169,215,73,209,5... if you prefer numeric21:34
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DocScrutinizer05err, I think it doesn't, just a challenge/response negotiation21:35
psycho_oreosThe "device lock" is encrypted however, it was a looming security flaw with earlier (maemo) predecessors.21:35
DocScrutinizer05it still is a joke21:36
Woody14619Yes, but even that's breakable... rather easily.21:36
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Woody14619It's docuemented in the forums how to break it.21:36
Woody14619yeah.. that. :)21:36
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Woody14619Not that it's hard... 4 digit numeric code? Even salted, it's easily computable and storable for a quick index lookup.  Whole table would fit on a DVD without issue, uncompressed.21:38
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DocScrutinizer05but actually THAT might have been fixed in PR1.321:40
DocScrutinizer055 digit21:40
Woody14619My favorite security flaw:  E$t3l's version of true crypt (1.7).  Uses a standard widget to ask for password, complete with "first letter is auto-capital" and "auto-dictionary add if feature is enabled system wide" functionality....  Thus my forced pin/save of the deb for v1.6. :P21:41
DocScrutinizer05no, still works, but *only* with messybox grep21:41
DocScrutinizer05gnugrep fails even with -a21:42
Woody14619Nothing says security like having your password auto-saved to your custom dictionary...21:42
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DocScrutinizer05ROTFL at autocomplete21:42
DocScrutinizer05E*_ is such a ....21:43
Woody14619Now *that* is something that should be default disabled for password fields.  (Yet it's not... any system password you type that's non-standard *will* end up in your custom dictionary... FYI.)21:43
Woody14619thank goodness for autocomplete editor... (One of Robin's fine apps if I recall correctly).21:44
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DocScrutinizer05switch off friggin autocomplete, fool! ;-D I don't think it's any helpful anyway21:45
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DocScrutinizer05I actually even forgot it ever existed - went "disabled" after 4h of N900 posession21:46
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DocScrutinizer05which helped a lot back when it made apps segfault21:46
Woody14619I find it usefull the first month, as there are lots of words I use that are not in the limited dictonary on the N900.  I generally leave it on after a reflash (by accident) and once I notice it entering words I've misspelled in the past it reminds me to clean/disable.  By then it's learned most of the words I use that are non-standard. ;)21:47
DocScrutinizer05(I also forgot about details of this brilliant little episode)21:47
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DocScrutinizer05ooh, the option where it doesn't autocomplete but only learn21:48
DocScrutinizer05for manual completion21:48
Woody14619I think it's on right now... should clean/disable that, since I did restore my home directory, which should had pulled that custom one in.21:48
Woody14619No, I love the autocomplete feature.  Even with autolearn off, it's usefull. :)21:49
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Woody14619Just having a way to clean out the cruft is useful.  (Rob1n made it... )21:49
DocScrutinizer05I frequently find myself typing faster than correcting false autocompletions21:49
Woody14619I've always meant to augment that app some day to let you enter a custom word into to save, thus removing the need for the crappy auto-learn. :P21:51
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DocScrutinizer05how about adding your passwords to the blacklist, so they won't get learned anymore? ;-)21:56
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* amin007110 is waiting for first boot of N900 after vanilla flashing!21:58
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japa-fiDocScrutinizer05, btw.. my dlink dns-325 has home dnla server which includes upnp. The stuff is disabled (and will be).22:29
japa-fiAnd back to the comment of xattrs not supported: I've seen one message in a dlink forum about the same issue, no reply, no solution22:29
japa-fithus, lzop for n900 would be great. I was able to compile it to my NAS with simple ./configure (some flags), make && make install22:30
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