IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2013-03-16

szopinwait, let me google a bit00:00
jacekowskix86 phone sounds like power hog00:00
RST38hszopin: looks and feels like a regular Android 2.x phone00:00
szopinbut at least t x86 phones were produced00:00
kerioyour init is emacs, your shell is emacs, your terminal is emacs, your window manager is emacs, your userland is emacs00:00
RST38hszopin: kind of ugly and outdated, but not terminally so00:00
szopinone with android00:00
ds3but you get a free hand warmer with every x86 phone00:00
szopinat least two*00:00
RST38hszopin: it does warm up, no, it does not burn your fingers00:00
qwazixBad thing with x86 phones is they don't have desktop graphics00:00
qwazixSo can't just install debian on them00:00
RST38hPrice for an Intel-based ZTE phone in Russia was like $500, and it ran Android 2.x00:00
qwazixstill need blob drivers00:01
RST38hSo, you can probably imagine the level of enthusiasm00:01
szopinbut x86 so you could run anything on it without worrying about arm recompilation00:01
RST38hrun what on it?00:01
RST38hevery android package iscompiled for arm00:01
szopineven if they lasted 4h00:01
jacekowskiRST38h: android packages are dalvik00:01
jacekowskiRST38h: platform independed00:02
szopinandroid has i386 version of repo like maemo I believe00:02
RST38hjacekowski: ok, every android package containing native code is compiled for arm00:02
ds3except for those with native code00:02
RST38hwhich are the only interesting ones to be honest00:02
APTXis there some working japanese ime for n900?00:03
szopinis it possible to get x86 maemo running on one of those?00:03
ds3would be interesting to have an ARM tablet with a slave x86 processor00:03
RST38hszopin: No point00:03
szopina lot of points00:03
RST38hds3: also no point00:03
szopinhave another platform to continue00:03
RST38hcontinue what?00:03
ds3RST38h: why would you argue that?00:04
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RST38hwhat development?there is no x86-based native development for android00:04
szopinthere has to be00:04
ds3the x86 slave would be for running legacy apps00:04
RST38hds3: Modern ARMs handle things just fine00:04
szopinor else x86 android phone would be nonexistant00:04
szopinyet it does exist00:04
RST38hds3: There are nolegacy x86 apps for Android00:04
ds3RST38h: you mean emulation of x86?00:05
szopinThe thing is soon batteries will make arm/x86 distinction irrelevant00:05
RST38hds3: I mean that there is no place for x86 on Android00:05
ds3not Android apps... just legacy x86 apps...say DOS based..a faster, lower power version of dosbox00:05
szopinthere is x86 android00:05
RST38hds3: If you think there is a place, you should provide a bit better argument than "run MSDOS"00:05
ds3Android lacks useful apps.00:05
RST38hBecause nobody needs to run MSDOS any more00:05
ds3to make an Android device useable, you have to shoe horn in a real Linux userland00:06
RST38hand that requires x86 why?00:06
ds3@;2R#$@!#$@$#@!$!#@ binary only apps00:06
szopinthey cherish the fact that for music dev they use 20 apps! Yay, we have 20 apps, does anyone using x86 need to run 20 slimware apps?00:06
szopinNo, they use 2-3 full featured apps00:06
RST38hds3: what binary only apps? name a few00:06
szopinWhich is going to kill arm as soon as batteries allow x86 code execution for 24( a day00:07
ds3let see...00:07
ds3the few CAD ports to Linux for one00:07
RST38hAnd you want to run commercial binary-only Linux CAD on your Android phone?00:07
ds3windows apps via Wine is another entire class00:07
ds3yes.. as a viewer mostly00:07
szopinwine on arm is bs00:07
RST38hYou do understand that phone x86s are kinda weak?00:07
qwazixRST38h, there's a big point IMO. If we get intel graphics it's just a pc in the pocket, do whatever you want with it, not struggling with a bunch of undocumented, non-free blobs00:07
ds3i.e. eagle00:07
RST38hqwazix: You really WANT IGD?00:08
szopinqemu would be great, but only cmd line text only apps run00:08
ds3the goal is not to run it fast. the goal is to be able to look at documents when you are on the move00:08
RST38hqwazix: Are you aware that many Intel SoCs use PowerVR for graphics? ;)00:08
ds3and weak is relative00:08
ds3x86 phones are at the least faster then any 286 PC systems for example00:08
RST38hAnyway, gentlemen, continue coming up with good ideas00:09
qwazixRST38h, I'm sitting right now on a i915 3~4yo laptop and linux graphics performance is better than my ati 4870 desktop00:09
ds3faster then a 386SX system if you insist on Linux as a base line00:09
ds3the point of a slave x86 there is it can be frozen/shutdown when not needed00:09
qwazix(I suppose due to drivers, what else can it be)00:09
* RST38h weeps00:09
RST38hIf you only knew...00:09
qwazixregarding powervr that's why I said *if* we get intel graphics00:09
szopinMS aims for exactly that, android market is impressive with fart apps. Once tech gets to support x86 apps, who's going to remember their "remove red color from eyes" app when you can use full photoshop00:10
qwazixRST38h, what is that I should know?00:10
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M4rtinKany success with the autobuilder ? :)00:13
szopinAs long as android/iOS market is going to provide half-assed apps (forever even with octo-core) win is going to have a comeback00:13
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szopinand linux while we're at it00:14
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DocScrutinizer05M4rtinK: should work00:14
M4rtinKDocScrutinizer05: SSH or Web interface ?00:15
M4rtinKDocScrutinizer05: still getting key error on SSH00:16
DocScrutinizer05umm, that's fixable00:16
M4rtinKwill try Web next00:16
DocScrutinizer05usually users add the machine@domain ending to their ssh key00:17
M4rtinK(I was getting that key error even before migration when others reported it was working for them)00:17
DocScrutinizer05which breaks stuff for sftp iirc00:17
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M4rtinKI've checked for that :)00:17
DocScrutinizer05I had same problem back when. x-fade fixed it00:18
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DocScrutinizer05I heard same problem reports from many other users00:19
M4rtinKso a stuck key ?00:19
DocScrutinizer05must depend on type of key, or on the way it gets entered first time00:19
M4rtinKyeah, if it gets broken if you depend a wrong key first time00:20
DocScrutinizer05anyway, afaik it's a very standard unix account, and sysops can fix it for users00:20
M4rtinKthat would be possible00:20
M4rtinKnot sure anymore what I've entered first00:20
M4rtinKso who should I ping about it ?00:20
DocScrutinizer05what's your username?00:21
M4rtinKLogin Name: martink00:21
M4rtinKis that it ?00:21
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DocScrutinizer05M4rtinK: see /query00:25
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szopinaap: please tell if you need testers, compilers, whatevs. Freemantle is the goal00:58
szopinbtw did anyone try latestg eglibc with marmistrz's developments?01:02
szopinassuming all (with locale) is working some harmattan only apps could work without crying libglibc incompatibility01:03
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szopinAapoRantalainen: garbage collectors are important01:09
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szopinI hope AapoRantalainen is going to join us very soon, he's definitely here with his heart01:18
sixwheeledbeastping: M4rtinK01:19
M4rtinKsixwheeledbeast: yep ? :)01:19
sixwheeledbeastyou got it working, web or scp?01:20
sixwheeledbeastscp key error for me01:20
szopinweb then01:20
M4rtinKweb interface seems to just swallow packages without trace01:20
sixwheeledbeastnothing on web01:20
M4rtinKand I'm trying to debug the key error with Doc right now01:21
sixwheeledbeastM4rtinK: agreed01:21
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sixwheeledbeastkk cool01:21
M4rtinKbut no luck so far :)01:21
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szopinwould web rebuilt make sense?01:23
M4rtinKwhat do you mean ?01:23
sixwheeledbeastszopin: eh?01:23
szopinweb swallows without trave - end quote01:24
sixwheeledbeastweb iface is broken due to new python was assume - reported 6 months ago01:25
infobotsixwheeledbeast meant: web iface is broken due to new python I assume - reported 6 months ago01:25
szopinwhat has it go to do with it???01:25
sixwheeledbeastszopin: script to run builder01:26
szopinYou mean like deb to build debs? Already done in maemo :D01:27
szopinWe have everything needed01:27
szopinMaemo is fully full really full distro01:27
szopinjust check the number of *-dev, crazy01:28
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DocScrutinizer05pali has record in drop://etc/passwd, sixwheeledbeast and M4rtinK have none01:31
DocScrutinizer05errrr, drop==vcs01:32
DocScrutinizer05if that helps for anything01:32
DocScrutinizer05while drop!=garage01:33
sixwheeledbeastDocScrutinizer05: what about ade and Marxian?01:33
DocScrutinizer05user account names?01:33
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sixwheeledbeastadek and marxian me thinks01:34
DocScrutinizer05adek ack01:34
DocScrutinizer05marxian ack01:35
sixwheeledbeastmmm they both can upload no probs01:35
DocScrutinizer05sorry guys I got nfc how user accounts get created on drop/vcs01:36
DocScrutinizer05total 10801:36
DocScrutinizer05drwxr-xr-x    8 pali     users     4096 Mar 12 23:12 ./01:36
DocScrutinizer05drwxr-xr-x 3156 www-data rambo    69632 Mar 14 21:30 ../01:36
DocScrutinizer05-rw-------    1 pali     rambo      259 Mar 12 23:13 .bash_history01:37
DocScrutinizer05drwx------    3 pali     rambo     4096 Mar 12 23:11 .cache/01:37
DocScrutinizer05drwx------    3 pali     rambo     4096 Mar 12 23:11 .config/01:37
DocScrutinizer05drwx------    3 pali     rambo     4096 Mar 12 23:11 .local/01:37
DocScrutinizer05drwx------    2 www-data www-data  4096 Mar 31  2010 private/01:37
DocScrutinizer05drwx------    2 pali     users     4096 May 14  2010 .ssh/01:37
DocScrutinizer05drwx------    2 www-data www-data  4096 Mar 31  2010 www/01:37
DocScrutinizer05-rw-------    1 pali     gforge      59 Jan 24 13:13 .Xauthority01:37
DocScrutinizer05there's quite obviously more to it than a simple useradd01:37
DocScrutinizer05if that give someone thoughts01:39
DocScrutinizer05particularly svngitsh.pl01:39
M4rtinKdoes it work for pali BTW ?01:39
DocScrutinizer05I think it does01:39
DocScrutinizer05he uploaded KP01:39
DocScrutinizer05I never created a git account on maemo01:40
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DocScrutinizer05maybe there's ajob called by rambo doing all that foo for garage, vcs, whatnot else01:41
DocScrutinizer05when your application as developer gets accepted01:41
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M4rtinKIIRC there indeed was some delay between registering01:42
M4rtinKand actually getting the account01:42
sixwheeledbeastyep 24-48 hours IIRC01:42
DocScrutinizer05sorry guys I'm out. I'm admin coordinator, not garage admin. Lack of knowhow01:43
DocScrutinizer05I'll ask rambo how nemein did it, tomorrow01:43
sixwheeledbeastk, np, thanks for trying.01:43
DocScrutinizer05sure thing01:43
M4rtinKthanks ! :)01:44
DocScrutinizer05at least we know the culprit now01:44
M4rtinKI'm just glade things are moving :)01:44
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DocScrutinizer05please check if you got a proper account (or at least a homedir) on vcs/drop or not01:56
DocScrutinizer05what been the recommended SOP to ask for a developer account  on maemo?02:01
DocScrutinizer05wasn't there a web frontend or sth?02:01
DocScrutinizer05M4rtinK: ^^^02:02
DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: ^^^02:02
sixwheeledbeastwas looking for page ;)02:03
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DocScrutinizer05yep, garagre. As expected02:04
sixwheeledbeastI have a homedir and so does "martink"02:05
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DocScrutinizer05[x] "I am a spammer"02:05
DocScrutinizer05now you got even a very unique homedir ;-)02:12
DocScrutinizer05beats me how you can have a homedir but no record in passwd02:13
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sixwheeledbeast"greeting from your ..." lol02:14
DocScrutinizer05but hey, maybe you don't even need a record in etc/passwd?02:14
sixwheeledbeastbut all that can upload seem to have one, no?02:15
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DocScrutinizer05-rw------- 1 11063 users  448 Mar 16 00:15 authorized_keys202:16
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DocScrutinizer05I guess sshd isn't happy without02:16
DocScrutinizer05guess what? I brute force create an entry for you now02:17
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DocScrutinizer05retry please!02:22
sixwheeledbeastPermission denied (publickey).02:23
sixwheeledbeastlost connection02:23
sixwheeledbeastdo I need a new key?02:23
DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: also make a fat huge postit-note saying "joerg hacked etc/passwd on vcs!"02:24
DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: sorry, user numID not matching02:27
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DocScrutinizer05-rw------- 1 11430 users  448 Mar 16 00:15 authorized_keys202:27
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* DocScrutinizer05 now wonders who will be user 11430 in passwd02:28
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DocScrutinizer05retry please!02:30
sixwheeledbeastI think it worked02:30
DocScrutinizer05nothing can withstand brute force02:30
sixwheeledbeasta few perl warnings02:31
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sixwheeledbeastcan't set locale, please check locale02:32
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sixwheeledbeastM4rtinK: ^^^ :)02:33
M4rtinKnice ! I'll try it out02:34
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DocScrutinizer05seen the "can't set locale, please check locale" in succeding builds as well02:35
sixwheeledbeast DocScrutinizer05: is it a problme?02:35
infobotsixwheeledbeast meant:  DocScrutinizer05: is it a problem?02:36
DocScrutinizer05is it?02:36
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* sixwheeledbeast shrugs02:37
* sixwheeledbeast stares at the builder queue in hope02:40
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DocScrutinizer05builder gets started once per hour, or so02:49
sixwheeledbeastok, thanks all lot Joerg.02:51
sixwheeledbeastwill check it out in the morning02:52
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DocScrutinizer05night sixwheeledbeast02:56
sixwheeledbeast:) thanks again02:56
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DocScrutinizer05[2013-03-15 18:17:10] <jacekowski> anyways02:58
DocScrutinizer05[2013-03-15 18:17:13] <jacekowski> time go finish crons02:58
DocScrutinizer05[2013-03-15 20:15:33] <jacekowski> starting cron on www02:58
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Estel_DocScrutinizer05,  sorry for bothering - I have unusual question, what does *not* work re maemo infra?03:23
Estel_I think we hit time, that it is easier to list what does not work (less), than what does work (morej :)03:24
infobotEstel_ meant: I think we hit time, that it is easier to list what does not work (less), than what does work more :)03:24
Estel_(more) even03:24
DocScrutinizer05login on* is broken03:26
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DocScrutinizer05user history on wiki is defect03:27
DocScrutinizer05karma doesn't calculate correctly03:27
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Estel_+ no latest cssu in new repos as opposed to mirrors, but that is not infra problem. That pretty sums it up?03:35
Estel_what about karma re upcoming council election?03:35
Estel_i.e. any plans, eta, or we just count on someone from nemein?03:36
Estel_jacekowski,  szopin, exact same question (why we need two bodies). I don't buy Woody14619's explanation, IMO without at least head of tech staff being part of Board (to have impact on decisions from someone knowledgeable, but also to share legal consequences), we will always have powerz wars03:37
Estel_Having Council becoming automagically board could work too, but even having one (technical) representant from Vouncil in board should help a lot03:38
Estel_IMHO, of course, with mark on "Humble"03:38
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Estel_hm, so I think it's time to switch from mirrors to repos, except for CSSU... *fanfares*03:42
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wxcafei'm having a problem on my nokia n90005:21
wxcafei'd like to get a recovery shell. or at least be able to mount the rootfs05:22
wxcafeit there a way to do that while on "usb recovery mode"?05:22
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jon_ywxcafe: try rescueOS06:15
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Estel_wxcafe,  define usb recovery mode06:47
Estel_as for recovery shell, there is such package for kernel-power (or any kernel with fbcon), there is Mentalist Traceur's recovery shell (preffered, as it works with all boots on earth - bootmenu, multiboot, backupmenu, whatever)06:52
Estel_there is recovery shell bundled inside backupmenu06:53
Estel_for example, for "regular" recovery purposes, I use backupmenu's recovery shell, as more things are mounted and defined at that time06:54
Estel_in case of failure that doesn't even allow to boot into backupmenu, I still have mentalist's method, that invoke shell from beginning of preinit06:55
Estel_(I modified it to have 1 sec timeframe for pressing any key during boot, so it doesn't slow down regular booting, but still allow getting into shell by bashing whatever at beginning of boot, if we want to get it)06:56
Estel_there is also usb networking and ssh and usb console from backupmenu (require external desktop), but it is broken since a 1.5 year or so06:57
Estel_~spank robbiethe1st06:57
* infobot bends robbiethe1st over his knee and tatoos 'ibot' on robbiethe1st's pasty white buttocks.06:57
Estel_so none of those 3 backupmenu functions actually work06:58
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Psi__ is there any more info on overclocking failure rates now that ppl have had their phones for many years?07:14
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Psi__i sometimes run mine at 850 but it does tend to get quite warm if at 100% cpu07:15
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CreteilHi all07:23
Psi__warning, unknown user detected in channel07:24
Psi__sorry, ive had too much sugar07:25
Psi__i will go away07:25
CreteilIs there someone here know why many of my packages can't be build under the new maemo-builder ?07:25
CreteilIs it the right channel to ask this question ?07:27
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thedead1440DocScrutinizer05: infobot dead ;)07:35
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dima`Does anybody have a copy of the flasher utility for debian that I can get? Nokia's site is down apparently07:39
thedead1440dima`: is the replica07:41
dima`thedead1440: aha. thanks very much.07:42
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thedead1440good moaning to you too :p09:10
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ibotSince Tue Mar 12 09:21:00 2013, there have been 6 modifications, 159 questions, 0 dunnos, 0 morons and 85 commands.  I have been awake for 3d 21h 51m 5s this session, and currently reference 118992 factoids.  I'm using about 24072 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 1099.62/20.2 child 0/009:12
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infobotDocScrutinizer: infobot joined!09:13
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infobot110/124 channels, 4495 users, 3280 unique: #debian/1230, #kde/380, #maemo/251, #gsoc/228, #asterisk/186, #wowuidev/136, #meego/128, #oe/124, #arm-netbook/123, #harmattan/122, #wowace/108, #cubieboard/101, #utah/78, #openmoko/77, #bzflag/68, #openmoko-cdevel/67, #tomcat/62, #edev/55, #maemo-ssu/53, #uclibc/51, #asterisk-dev/46, #sc2mapster/43, #htc-linux/43, #/42, #n9/41, #curseforge/39, #slug/35, #gllug/33, #uphpu/32, #elinux/29, ##kierra/28, ...09:13
lufDocScrutinizer05: you're so cruel :D09:14
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dima`A question. My N900 wasn't booting, so I reflashed it after everything else failed. The device boots. I see nothing in /dev/mmc*. 'dmesg' doesn't say anything, but I suspect its history is too short. Anybody know how to see if the NAND is dead? Any easy ways to boost the dmesg buffer?10:00
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DocScrutinizer05if the NAND was dead, it wouldn't boot. I guess you're worried about eMMC10:15
DocScrutinizer05system wouldn't come up properly without eMMC either, since no swap and no /home(/opt)10:16
DocScrutinizer05what do you mean by "I see nothing in /dev/mmc*" ?10:17
* DocScrutinizer05 smells pebkac10:17
sixwheeledbeast:( no packages10:21
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dima`DocScrutinizer05: it boots, but there's /home10:26
dima`DocScrutinizer05: /home is simply a subdirectory of /, which isn't on the eMMC10:27
dima`the /etc/fstab has just the rootfs entry10:27
DocScrutinizer05fstab is moot10:27
DocScrutinizer05or df -h10:27
dima`Sure. mount doesn't list /home or /opt10:28
DocScrutinizer05that's not nice10:28
DocScrutinizer05reflash full10:28
dima`DocScrutinizer05: This is a new reflash10:28
DocScrutinizer05incl eMMC/VANILLA10:28
dima`DocScrutinizer05: No, just the COMBINED10:29
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dima`DocScrutinizer05: are you asking about what got reflashed?10:29
DocScrutinizer05I suggest something, you answer "No"?10:29
DocScrutinizer05oh, no this wasn't a question10:30
dima`DocScrutinizer05: Oh, that's wasn't a question. Got it10:30
DocScrutinizer05it was an advice10:30
dima`DocScrutinizer05: Does it make sense to you that reflashing the eMMC would fix it? The kernel isn't seeing any device nodes in /dev/, so reflashing the data those nodes would refer to shouldn't matter, right?10:31
DocScrutinizer05hmm, yes and no10:32
DocScrutinizer05yes, your rationale has a point for sure. And no, since you got no other options10:32
dima`DocScrutinizer05: Fair enough. Thanks10:33
kerioreflashing emmc without flashing the rootfs will make things asplode10:33
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dima`OK. Good to know, thanks10:33
DocScrutinizer05kerio: nobody suggested to do so10:33
infobotmaemo-flashing is probably
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DocScrutinizer05and, for tools and images:10:34
infobotit has been said that skeiron is the semi-official backup and emergency standin for all internet borne maemo resources:
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DocScrutinizer05M4rtinK: checked builder stuff?12:42
DocScrutinizer05[2013-03-16 10:52:27] <jacekowski> stopping cron for a moment12:43
DocScrutinizer05[2013-03-16 10:55:03] <jacekowski> i've moved all those fetch-extras* jobs into one job and added some locking12:43
DocScrutinizer05[2013-03-16 10:55:19] <jacekowski> so in total you get one run per hour in worst case12:43
sixwheeledbeast DocScrutinizer05: my two packages are being swallowed up still :(12:48
sixwheeledbeastuploaded twice now12:48
DocScrutinizer05jacekowski: ^^^ could you have a look?12:48
sixwheeledbeastthank you12:48
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jacekowskisixwheeledbeast: what is the package name?12:58
sixwheeledbeastjacekowski: "flopswap" "tenminutecore"12:58
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sixwheeledbeasttenminutecore is a new version 0.0.7 flopswap is a new pkg completely12:59
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jacekowski   KeyError'>: 'getpwuid(): uid not found: 11430'13:00
sixwheeledbeastthat sounds like my uid from last night?13:00
DocScrutinizer05yes, it is13:01
jacekowskiwhat's your username?13:01
DocScrutinizer05jacekowski: sixwheeledbeast and M4rtinK had no record in vcs//etc/passwd13:01
DocScrutinizer05I added that brute force last night13:02
jacekowskithat could explain some things13:02
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sardinihello there13:18
wxcafehmm, i'm back13:26
wxcafesorry if i missed something13:26
wxcafeso, anyone having a clue how to access a rescue shell or the filesystem?13:27
keriobe more specific13:29
M4rtinKDocScrutinizer05: the modRana package I submitted through SCP last night seems to have been built :)13:30
wxcafewell, i'd like to get something like a shell on the device13:30
wxcafeor being able to mount the rootfs on my desktop13:31
Hurrianwxcafe: did you brick your device?13:31
keriomounting the rootfs on your desktop is kinda impossible, except via network mounts13:31
keriobecause it's a mtd, and you can't export that13:31
wxcafeHurrian: it boots to the "usb recovery" thing13:31
infobotfrom memory, rescue-os is
wxcafehmm, i don't get networking.13:31
wxcafethe thing doesn't boot13:31
keriowxcafe: load rescueOS from ram via the flasher13:32
kerioit's pretty much what you want13:32
kerioit gives you a shell on-device13:32
keriowith usb networking, telnet and ftp if you want13:32
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kerioor mass storage, but mass storage only works for the eMMC13:32
wxcafekerio: so i do a flasher -F rescueos.img -f and then i just boot?13:32
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keriowxcafe: read the documentation13:32
kerioand most definetely not -f13:33
wxcafeoh yeah, right, it's in there13:33
kerioit's loaded from ram13:33
wxcafewell i don't quite master the flasher tool uet13:33
kerioyou can also load it from uboot13:33
wxcafeto tell you everything, i got the phone 3 days ago13:34
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Hurrianwxcafe: just place the files somewhere, run the flasher with the specified command line, and it'll boot straight into a shell.13:34
kerioso... why do you care? just reflash13:34
wxcafekerio: because i don't like to get beaten by a phone13:34
kerio3 days!13:34
wxcafekerio: and i know what's wrong13:34
kerioah, then ok13:34
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wxcafewell, i caused the problem :P13:35
kerioonce your phone is back up and working, install backupmenu13:35
kerioit's good13:35
wxcafei'll look into that13:35
wxcafeoh, btw13:35
keriomakes tarball of the full system13:35
wxcafei get this key expired error on apt updates13:35
kerioand can restore them13:35
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Hurrianwxcafe: there should be a directory on / called RescueOS, you'd want to run "".13:35
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keriowxcafe: ignore it13:35
kerioit's not harmful and there's nothing you can do13:35
wxcafekerio: oh, so there's no community-driven repo?13:36
kerioof course there is13:36
keriobut the key is expired on dmnc13:36
keriooh and btw, install cssu-stable or cssu-testing at least13:36
wxcafethere's that too13:36
kerionotice the second level domain13:36
wxcafeyeah i meant that there could be a copy of that repo, driven by the community13:37
wxcafei also get this problem with qt13:37
wxcafewhich won't install, because most apps ask for version 4.7git or something13:38
keriohave you installed cssu?13:38
wxcafeand the repo only has 4.5 or something13:38
wxcafei can't, as it's asking for qt13:38
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kerioi think you're lying, cssu-testing has libqt 1:4.7.4~git20110505+cssu713:39
keriohave you followed the cssu installation instructions?13:40
wxcafealright, let me get my phone to boot again13:40
wxcafeand then we'll deal with the 'me lying about qt installation' part13:40
wxcafeif you don't mind :)13:40
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wxcafebut thanks for your help, all13:42
Hurrianwxcafe: there's a software update made by the Maemo community, which your device probably isn't running13:42
wxcafeit definitely isn't13:42
Hurrianwell, lots of community-developed software packages are running on the assumption that you're using that update, so it might be best if you installed it once you get it up and running.13:43
wxcafeyeah, i really have got to look into this more carefully13:44
M4rtinKyep, the PR 1.3 Qt is pretty broken13:44
M4rtinKfor example, Qt Components don't work very well with it13:45
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sixwheeledbeastbest solution for cleaning slide-tray, pre-main ribbon installation?13:48
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jacekowskisixwheeledbeast: did you get confirmation email from garage?13:49
sixwheeledbeastjacekowski: no nothing for months13:49
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jacekowskithat sixwheeledbeast is a new account?13:50
sixwheeledbeastwait, do you mean ages ago13:50
jacekowskiwhen you created that sixwheeledbeast account13:51
Hurriansixwheeledbeast: canned air?13:51
sixwheeledbeastyes I asked for invitation to extras, waited 48 hours and confirmed email this was over 6 months ago13:51
sixwheeledbeastHurrian: sticky adhesive13:52
Hurriansixwheeledbeast: careful with plain clear tape though, it might make the surface itself sticky.13:52
Hurrianmasking tape's a pretty safe option.13:53
Estel_DocScrutinizer05,  I also have problem with autobuilder13:53
sixwheeledbeastwas hoping because nothing electrical and only alu, a rinse under tap would do13:53
Estel_yesterday I uploaded new version of bnf, it seems to got uploaded via scp (no errors after asking for key)13:53
sixwheeledbeastdon't think there's grease in the slide mech.13:53
Estel_yet, no sign of package anywhere13:53
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Estel_i have checked, and no info about it in latest build, either failed or succeed13:54
sixwheeledbeastEstel_: same issue here.13:54
Estel_just like it vanished13:54
Estel_sixwheeledbeast,  so your key wasnmt rejected, and failed silently?13:54
Estel_i.e. scp succeed, but autobuilder rejected package without even trying to build?13:55
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sixwheeledbeastDoc fixed the key via brute force last night for both me and martink13:55
Estel_I know13:55
sixwheeledbeastkey works now13:55
Estel_thats why I tyink if your same problem is about key (so my key could be wrong), or you mean problem now13:55
M4rtinKI SCPed modRana yesterday and today in the morning the package was build13:55
DocScrutinizer05seems I did an incomplete job though13:55
DocScrutinizer05ask jacekowski13:55
Estel_so, if I got no errors on scp, it may mean that my key is ok?13:56
M4rtinKIIRC, the autobuilder currently runs from a cronjob, not on demand13:56
sixwheeledbeastI think he's looking in to it13:56
DocScrutinizer05yes, autobuilder only runs via cronjob13:56
Estel_M4rtinK,  btw, why on repos there is newer version of modrana than in modrana cobs? :P13:56
Estel_also, will migration of obs from to mer cobs affect modrana cosb?13:56
Estel_DocScrutinizer05,  ok, but how often cronjob runs?13:57
M4rtinKhmm, it should be the same13:57
DocScrutinizer05ask jacekowski13:57
Estel_won't it choke due to many packages at once?13:57
Estel_jacekowski ^13:57
M4rtinKEstel_: I will continue to use both (at least as long as COBS itself stays up)13:57
DocScrutinizer05that's a question that's not bothering users13:58
Estel_they warned about getting freezed soon13:58
Estel_due to migration to mer.pub13:58
Estel_DocScrutinizer05,  you lost me on that one13:58
M4rtinKEstel_: with COBS being something like a testing repo before pushing the package to Extras13:58
DocScrutinizer05if builder chokes, we'll take care13:58
Estel_how many days should uploader wait for package to build, currently, before raising alarm that something is wrong?13:59
M4rtinKEstel_: btw, any timeline for the COBS shutdown ?13:59
Estel_well, it was question about rationale for running from cronjob vs on demand13:59
Estel_M4rtinK,  it was sent in mer mailing list, deleted that mail :/13:59
Estel_but all dates were there13:59
Estel_and it's not shutdown as i understand it13:59
M4rtinKok, I'll check out the archives13:59
DocScrutinizer05on demand it would run more often than via cronjob14:00
jacekowskisixwheeledbeast: when you go there, what does it say14:00
DocScrutinizer05we can't have concurrent builder jobs running14:00
M4rtinKstill won't help much as I don't think the Mer OBS has the Harmattan target (which I'm using to build the Fremantle packages in COBS :) )?14:00
Estel_DocScrutinizer05,  hm, on-demand + one package at once?14:00
Estel_jacekowski,  when cronjob runs autobuilder?14:00
DocScrutinizer05hmm, doesn't bother user14:01
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sixwheeledbeast jacekowski: you are logged in as sixwheeledbeast14:01
Estel_I've uploaded package yesterday and no sign of it, either failure or succeed14:01
sixwheeledbeast jacekowski: move to step 214:01
jacekowskiEstel_: every minute14:01
Estel_DocScrutinizer05,  sure, but since when maemo technicals become top secret? :P14:01
Estel_jacekowski, w00t?14:01
M4rtinKjacekowski: that should be fine14:01
M4rtinKjacekowski: that's basically on-demand :)14:02
DocScrutinizer05no secret, just no explainer-entertainer14:02
wxcafebattery is empty14:02
wxcafeit's going to take a bit longer than i expected14:02
Estel_jacekowski,  so should I already report to you that autobuilder doesn't work for me? sixwheeledbeast have same problem :P14:02
wxcafe(i'm charging it via my arduino)14:02
Estel_M4rtinK,  +114:02
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Estel_DocScrutinizer05,  you seem to talk like that when you have no clue about rationale :P *teasing*14:03
sixwheeledbeastEstel_: get it the queue :P14:03
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infobotsixwheeledbeast meant: Estel_: get in the queue :P14:03
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Estel_DocScrutinizer05,  you're becoming boring, get a life :P14:04
Estel_sixwheeledbeast,  don't mix it with autobuilder queye :P14:04
infobotEstel_ meant: sixwheeledbeast,  don't mix it with autobuilder queue :P14:05
DocScrutinizer05congrats, you made it on my ignore list again14:06
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Estel_I'm positively shaken and I don't know how I will live with it :(14:06
Estel_jacekowski,  so, going back into track, is it normal that there is no sign of package since yesterday, or should I be pestering you about it already?14:07
sixwheeledbeastah .. packages in the build queue14:11
sixwheeledbeastmy packages to be exact14:11
Estel_where have you checked it?14:11
Estel_maybe I'm using wrong thing to monitor14:11
sixwheeledbeastover on the right from 9 o clock this morning14:12
sixwheeledbeastthey weren't there an hour ago14:12
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bennypr0faneHello, I was wondering if I can install U-Boot and keep my power kernel 51 + CSSU Thumb! Does anyone have this setup?14:29
DocScrutinizer05you can't boot a thumbified system (userland and system programs) under a non-thombified kernel. So uBoot is mostly useless for you14:35
DocScrutinizer05unless you want to boot into auxiliary system on eMMC or uSD, then the answer is yes, this works14:36
Estel_bennypr0fane,  it will work for you14:37
Estel_kp51 contain thumb patches14:37
DocScrutinizer05however you need to install KP51 for your default system, and never boot it with default kernel that ships with uBoot14:37
Estel_you just need to set uBoot to have kp as default kernel, problem solved14:38
bennypr0faneI never intend to boot the U-Boot attached stock kernel14:38
DocScrutinizer05however you need to install KP51 uBoot kernelimage for your default system, and never boot it with default kernel that ships with uBoot14:38
HurrianDocScrutinizer05, I think he means Pali's u-boot+bootmenu.14:38
bennypr0fanehurrian yes, that14:38
* Estel_ nods14:38
DocScrutinizer05Hurrian: yes, sure. So?14:39
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HurrianDocScrutinizer05, doesn't it pull in kernel-power-bootimg if u-boot is installed?14:39
Estel_so follow carefully instructions, and you will be fine. There is *no* scenario that can't work with U-boot, including other os'es...14:39
bennypr0faneI want to dual boot between kp51 from eMMC and Debian from SD card14:39 thumb is least of a problem here14:39
Estel_why not14:39
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Estel_not to mention that easy debian would make your life easier, but if you want non-chroot'ed one, why not14:40
DocScrutinizer05unless Pali bundles KP51 to uBoot now, he will need to boot to kp51.img for NAND system14:40
bennypr0faneso there is a thumb compiled version of kp51r1?14:40
Hurriankp51r1 includes Thumb support.14:40
Estel_kp51r1 is thumb14:40
Estel_there is *no* non-thumb version of kp5114:40
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Estel_or any future KP14:40
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Estel_install kp52 from opening post of kp51 thread14:41
Estel_KP52 would be in repos ages ago, if repos wouldn't be fubar14:41
Estel_now, Pali wait in queue to upload it :P14:41
Estel_so you can save yourself re-made of kp +u-boot image14:41
Estel_and do it with kp52 already14:42
bennypr0fanethe previous - non-thumb - way of doing this was 1. install u-boot, which would flash to stock kernel, then to install the kp bootimg14:42
bennypr0faneaha so 52 not developer-only material anymore...14:42
HurrianEstel_, IIRC on newer versions of u-boot+bootmenu, you can simply set KP as default entry14:42
bennypr0faneglad to hear it14:42
DocScrutinizer05bennypr0fane: exactly same14:42
Estel_if you want hassle freee setup, and you're going to use maemo more often than debian...14:42
Estel_Hurrian,  yea14:42
Estel_Hurrian,  my strange habit would be to still get kp52 + u-boot flashed into nand14:43
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bennypr0fanealso it used to be not posibble to boot kp with the keyboard closed. has this been changed?14:43
Estel_as basic one, working in every bizzare condition14:43
Hurrianbennypr0fane, yes it has.14:43
Estel_then boot whatever from u-boot14:43
Estel_Hurrian,  how it's achieved technically (default entry)14:44
HurrianEstel_, you could just stick a boot.scr on sdcard though14:44
Estel_it just mix itself with U-boot and flashes to nand?14:44
DocScrutinizer05bennypr0fane: that's never been true. It's just not supported by this luser-wizard that creates uBoot menucfg for you, from bootmenu entries14:44
bennypr0faneDoc well I'm that kind of luser wizard-user I'm afraid14:45
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Estel_s/It's/it was/ -i DocScrutinizer0514:45
HurrianDocScrutinizer05: actually, it was a bug I was bringing up with Pali since the first testing versions, although I had some trouble explaining it to him in English14:45
HurrianIt's fixed now, though14:45
DocScrutinizer05Hurrian: fine14:45
Estel_bennypr0fane,  don't worry, this luser-wizard is good way to go...14:46
Estel_as typos in editing it manually are most likely case to get "brick"14:46
Estel_if you don't need to edit it manually, do it via wizard, and I ensure you that even uber-duper pros do that. No reason to risk and make yourself more work, when not necessary14:47
Estel_and when no reasons, only lusers attempt the hard way (tm)14:47
bennypr0faneEstel_ exactly my worst nightmare. I'm very prone to typos.  so after I install thumb-kp will it be set as default boot option by default (haha), or another step required for that?14:47
Estel_erm, installing kp, it just flashes itself. As for u-boot + kp, if you're using latest, you must set it yourself? ask Hurrian, I'm not u-boot user (yet)14:48
Estel_I just follow up on it's development and mechanics14:48
Hurrianbennypr0fane, no need to worry about typos, if you do mess up, you can "--flash-only=kernel" and try again.14:48
Estel_Hurrian,  good point14:49
DocScrutinizer05Hurrian: only if bennypr0fane'S nand SYSTEM ISN'T A THOMBIFIED ONE14:49
Estel_wrong, why so14:49
DocScrutinizer05dafaq, sorry capslock14:49
HurrianWhoopsies. Harmattan indocrination.14:49
Estel_ih he have kp installed, and kp modules/etc are in place, he can flash-only=kernel using kernel-power zimage14:50
Estel_to get kernel-power zimage, either abuse kernel-power-bootimage, or dpkg-deb -x kernel-power main package...14:51
bennypr0faneSo Hurrian, will the thumb-kp52 bootimg for U-boot set itself as default boot option in bottmenu? Maybe I should post a luser's step-by-step instruction (if someone hasn't already)14:51
Hurrianbennypr0fane: making .item files for u-boot is easy though, and after installing kernel-power-bootimg, you have a nice template to follow.14:51
Estel_and take .fiasco file from it14:51
bennypr0fanewhoah, getting a bit overwhelmed there with instructions14:51
Estel_Hurrian,  btw, as you know what you're talking about - I'm quite funny here, as I have multiboot installed, but never actually use it14:51
Hurrianbennypr0fane: you may have to link KP52's .item file to /etc/default/bootmenu.item14:51
Estel_I planned to migrate into U-boot, for ages14:51
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Estel_never had time to investigate as much as needed, how to migrate14:52
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bennypr0fanequick question: is Nand the same thing as eMMC?14:52
DocScrutinizer05no, exactly not14:52
Estel_could you analyze my case :p and explain me how to properly migrate= without getting guru meditation?14:52
DocScrutinizer05NAND is the 256MB where your default system lives on14:52
wxcafeand i got this phone booting again14:53
DocScrutinizer05eMMC is where /home and MyDocs live14:53
HurrianEstel_: Step 1, uninstall multiboot, and make sure preinit is stock.14:53
wxcafeso, i was asking myself a question14:53
Estel_bennypr0fane,  as long as it concerns you, it is the same. Technically not, NAND is 256 MB for root + 256 MB RAM14:53
Estel_eMMC is 32GB flash14:53
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Estel_Hurrian, it is only one thing to worry after getting rid of multiboot?14:53
wxcafeis it possible to make /usr a symlink to /home/opt/use?14:53
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Estel_i.e. orphaned .item files won't confuse u-boot?14:54
wxcafebecause, obviously, /home mounts after /14:54
bennypr0faneso NAND is one specific part (partition) of the eMMC?14:54
HurrianIIRC the item files are placed in /etc/bootmenu, not /etc/multiboot14:54
Estel_bennypr0fane,  no14:54
Estel_physically, different chips14:54
DocScrutinizer05wxcafe: nope14:54
Estel_Hurrian,  ok14:54
wxcafeDocScrutinizer05: :/14:54
wxcafeDocScrutinizer05: why not?14:54
DocScrutinizer05wxcafe: that's what we got optification for14:54
infobotoptification is a inventive duct tape workaround to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the systeminit *and* partitioning is FUBAR,,_Deploying_and_Distributing/Installing_under_opt_and_MyDocs, or ""OMG - I wish they looked into FHS and moved /usr to eMMC"", bullet1,2 and fhs-2.3.html#PURPOSE16 dot3"14:55
Estel_so, getting rid of multibot is first step, ensure that /etc/bootmenu is clean and preinit is stock14:55
wxcafeDocScrutinizer05: i don't know of this magic14:55
bennypr0faneeMMC is a name for this physical chip, yes? and NAND resides on a different one - the RAM chip?14:55
HurrianEstel_: exactly, then after that, do a plain install of u-boot and kp-bootimg.14:55
Estel_bennypr0fane,  NAND use faster and more robust technology than eMMC, and lack hardware wear-leveling14:55
DocScrutinizer05bennypr0fane: exactly14:56
Estel_Hurrian,  I have kp-bootimage already, as it's required for multiboot. Should i reinstall it after u-boot installation?14:56
Estel_lot of noob questions, I know14:56
HurrianEstel_: check if it has an item file in /etc/bootmenu.d14:56
Hurrianif it has one, then it should be fine.14:56
Estel_it will be my first contact with U-boot in practice, from theory only14:56
HurrianEstel_: for convenience's sake, you may want to link kp's .item to /etc/default/bootmenu.item14:57
Estel_bennypr0fane,  in fact it is RAM sitting on NAND chip :P14:57
Estel_in fact, it's cpu chip14:57
Estel_SoC - system on a chip14:57
DocScrutinizer05bennypr0fane: or simply put, in linux sysop speak: NAND is /dev/mtd while eMMC is /dev/mmcblk14:57
Estel_cpu, nand and ram on one chip14:58
Estel_and dsp and more things14:58
Estel_eMMC is "addition" to have space14:58
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Estel_Hurrian,  wait wait, which kp's.item?14:58
wxcafeit says here i need to have version >20.2010.3614:58
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Estel_item from /etc/bootmenu?14:59
Estel_/etc/bootmenu.d even14:59
HurrianEstel_, yes14:59
wxcafemy version is 1.2009.42-1114:59
Hurrianwxcafe: reflash to newest version.14:59
Estel_/etc/default/bootmenu.item should become symlink to /etc/bootmenu.d, not the other way around?14:59
Hurrian$DEITY that's an old firmware version.14:59
bennypr0faneEstel_: thanks for not leaving me as the only one to ask a lot of noob questions. Whoa, the cpu chip has the RAM residing on it? I'm having troubel telling apart designations of physical devices vs. "logical" units... However, I never (consciously) made any changes to NAND or eMMC, nothing that would require changing default settings of this core system components14:59
wxcafeHurrian: as seen on
Hurrianwxcafe: yes15:00
HurrianEstel_: real file /etc/bootmenu.d/$KPname.item -> lrw-r--r-- /etc/default/bootmenu.item15:00
DocScrutinizer05wxcafe: use:15:01
Estel_Hurrian,  thanks15:01
infoboti heard combined is the rootfs fiasco image of maemo. For N900 latest (PR1.3.1) see  or
thedead1440Doc how about emmc? Shouldn't the factoid have the link for latest emmc too? I'll get the direct nokia link15:01
DocScrutinizer05it's so new.... it almost doesn't exist yet ;-P15:02
bennypr0faneI didn't think SoC meant literally having everything on one chip...? The Raspberry Pi e.g. is a Soc where the several chips are permanently soldered into the board15:02
wxcafedockane_: there's no ~1.3.115:02
wxcafeDocScrutinizer05: there's no ~1.3.115:02
ShadowJKnand+ram is actually a separate chip from the soc, but it's soldered to the soc, ontop of the soc15:02
wxcafeDocScrutinizer05: only 1.315:02
wxcafeDocScrutinizer05: so i'll use that15:02
Estel_bennypr0fane,  no, raspberry pi also have SoC inside15:02
Estel_that got dsp and cpu15:02
Estel_and some more shitte on it15:02
DocScrutinizer05wxcafe: what do you think the link above is about then?15:02
Estel_but, SoC is marketing term, it may mean whole Pi to15:02
wxcafesorry, i was looking at skeiron.org15:03
Estel_it's just same chip for conveinence of production15:03
DocScrutinizer05bennypr0fane: basically yes15:03
Estel_(N900's SoC)15:03
Estel_ShadowJK,  right, I always mess it up15:03
Estel_and on top of ram is eMMC15:04
Estel_sandwitched between SoC and eMMC is RAM, though15:04
ShadowJKno I think that's a separate chip15:04
infobotEstel_ meant: sandwitched between SoC and eMMC is RAM, so15:04
Estel_last time I checked everyone said it is 3 chips on each other15:04
Estel_I may be wrong, though15:04
ShadowJKsoc, ontop of soc a chip with ram and nand. Separately on board the emmc?15:05
Estel_as I said, I always mess it up15:05
bennypr0faneon board would mean *part of the SoC*, no?15:05
DocScrutinizer05OMG why does infobot still pester me with this nonsense15:05
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DocScrutinizer05ShadowJK: exactly15:05
bennypr0faneinfobot you're not a bot, are you? I find that a bit misleading15:06
infobotno *you're* not a bot, are you? I find that a bit misleading15:06
Estel_bennypr0fane,  there is SoC (CPU, dsp, other shitte), on top of it soldered RAM, on top of it soldered NAND15:06
wxcafewell of course he's not a bot15:06
bennypr0fanewxcafe I think IRC users shouldn't have bot-Nicks15:07
wxcafebennypr0fane: no you15:07
infobotDocScrutinizer05: aw, gee15:07
wxcafebennypr0fane: infobot is a bot15:07
wxcafebennypr0fane: you're not15:07
wxcafei was answering to infobot15:08
ShadowJKEstel_; no, just one "on top". the nand and ram are in one chip.15:08
Estel_ShadowJK,  ough15:08
thedead1440~spank bennypr0fane15:08
* infobot bends bennypr0fane over his knee and tatoos 'ibot' on bennypr0fane's pasty white buttocks.15:08
thedead1440bennypr0fane: ^^ that's infobot's revenge :p15:09
bennypr0faneso the bot can tell other people what user actually meant with what they said? quite the advanced AI we got there :-D15:09
DocScrutinizer05~attack thedead144015:09
* infobot grabs a pen, screams like she's possessed, and begins chasing thedead144015:09
thedead1440~lart DocScrutinizer0515:09
* infobot teaches DocScrutinizer05 that M$ Access is a database. No, really, a database. A real live multi-user... well, ok, not multi-user, but a database. Yeah, that sounds right.15:09
Estel_bennypr0fane,  because I used sed15:09
bennypr0faneinfobot I'm not white dude!15:09
Estel_s/I used/I abused/15:09
infobotEstel_ meant: bennypr0fane,  because I abused sed15:09
thedead1440wtf? wasn't it supposed to glue you15:09
Estel_~lart DocScrutinizer0515:10
* infobot follow's DocScrutinizer05 with a gauntlet and ... scratch ... HUMILIATION15:10
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Estel_multiple answer choice15:10
wxcafeinfobot's a she?15:10
Estel_it depends on her mood15:10
infobotI'm gay15:10
infobotI'm sexless15:10
wxcafegay is not a gender15:10
infobot[~sex] updatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; emerge --oneshot condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; emerge -C condom; make clean;  sleep;15:11
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thedead1440this has become the ibot show :p15:11
* infobot pulls out the cookie jar and finds zip 18508... Scranton Lackawanna PA15:11
bennypr0fanethedead1440 nice performance15:11
infobotHey docscrutinizer05, oldtest sepharvaim is the two books; the two scribes15:12
infobotHey docscrutinizer05, port 748 is ris-cm - Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager15:12
infobotHey docscrutinizer05, rfc 1071 is Computing the Internet checksum. R.T. Braden, D.A. Borman, C. Partridge. Sep-01-1988. (Format: TXT=54941 bytes) (Updated by RFC1141) (Status: UNKNOWN)15:12
infobotSince Sat Mar 16 07:12:23 2013, there have been 0 modifications, 14 questions, 0 dunnos, 0 morons and 3 commands.  I have been awake for 6h 30s this session, and currently reference 118992 factoids.  I'm using about 18884 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 52.87/1.21 child 0.01/015:12
wxcafe0 morons?15:13
xesdd if=/dev/random > #maemo15:13
thedead1440yeah the previous moron i think was kerio?15:13
wxcafethat doesn't sound right15:13
wxcafe~dd if=/dev/random > #maemo15:13
infobotdon't make me ponder doing nasty things to you!15:14
thedead1440infobot: go ahead and do them to Estel_15:14
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Estel_~rape thedead144015:15
* infobot takes thedead1440 behind the WallMart and makes a few grunts and screams15:15
Estel_xes, hey, I managed to catch you15:15
thedead1440i'm violated :p15:15
Estel_you're involved in apkenv, aren't you?15:15
xesEstel_: uh? ...involved, not really, just some make & test15:16
Estel_all threads about it are such a mess, that I can't find single thing about it that related to my interests15:16
wxcafe~rape me15:16
* infobot takes wxcafe behind the WallMart and makes a few grunts and screams15:16
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Estel_well, there are those openGLES games X-Plane, simulators15:16
Estel_they were for WebOS, and works nicely using preenv15:16
Estel_but, after webos hickup, remaining X-Plane slices were released as apk android things15:17
Estel_technically, it's same thing, just adapted to pre env or androind env15:17
bennypr0faneso, to sum it up, 1.) I install U-Boot ver 2012.10-rc3-1 from extras (still on temp mirrors I think), 2.) then kp52 bootimg, which only exists as thumbified. 3.) then I have the option to make kp the default boot option (otherwise it is stock kernel), which will boot me straight to kp even if I leave the keyboard closed at power up. Correct so far?15:17
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Estel_so, xes, it *should* work with apkenv?15:17
Estel_I doubt it depends on fancy android shit15:17
* bennypr0fane goes coffee-afk15:18
Estel_as said, same games were released for pre and android, just enviromental adapted15:18
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DocScrutinizer05bennypr0fane: it's a bit tricky, since your thumbified rootfs system will segfault on boot after installing uBoot15:18
Estel_I would imagine that aptenv should work with such things (OpenGLES games) mainly?15:18
kerionot really :s15:18
Estel_bennypr0fane,  don't listen to doc :P15:19
DocScrutinizer05bennypr0fane: so you basically need to install but NOT BOOT uBoot, then install KP bootimg15:19
Estel_ok, you may listen to him a little15:19
* kerio grabs the popcorn15:19
wxcafecare to share?15:19
sixwheeledbeastok so now you've all finish abusing infobot, any luck with autobuilder?15:20
Estel_kerio,  no popcorn time, after I've stepped on Doc's chanop authority last time, he pretent that he ignore me15:20
Estel_which of course doesn't mean ignore command, as it doesn't match his psychomaniac profile :P15:20
sixwheeledbeastseems bb-power is in the queue now too15:20
* kerio grabs more popcorn15:20
xesEstel_: the problem with apkenv is the "missing" original developer (thp). He created an idea... but, probably many of us were waiting for him to increase the number of modules available15:20
wxcafekerio: you won't share?15:21
Estel_xes, noticed that. OTOH, he seem to rely on other people creating modules15:21
keriowxcafe: i cba to send you popcorns one by one15:21
kerioand would you really eat popcorn out of a tarball?15:21
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xesEstel_: the problem with me is.... missing play, and to play with that ;)15:22
wxcafekerio: out of a tar gziped, yeah15:22
keriowxcafe: tar is not safe for ingestion :<15:22
wxcafekerio: safe enough15:22
kerio(i'm not sure if you're getting the joke, btw)15:23
wxcafe(of course i am)15:23
kerioxes: are modules automatically used according to the .apk?15:23
DocScrutinizer05humor is a tarpit15:23
wxcafe(i might not be a native english speaker, but i understand it well enough)15:23
* bennypr0fane is here, never to return15:24
xeskerio: yep15:25
wxcafewhen you kill xorg, the phone reboots?15:25
keriowxcafe: it's the only way to interact with it15:25
kerioso to be safe, REBOOT ALL THE THINGS15:25
wxcafekerio: well, it could just restart it automatically15:26
kerioit also reboots if you kill browserd more than $times times in a period of $time15:26
bennypr0faneI'm going in for the kill, wih me brick15:26
DocScrutinizer05it does, for hildon-desktop15:26
keriobesides, i'm not entirely sure that bringing up x and the whole session is much faster than rebooting :)15:26
bennypr0faneno, one more thing: is backupmenu included with U-boot?15:27
keriothere's also the maemo-invoker issue15:27
keriobennypr0fane: no, backupmenu runs in fanoush's bootmenu15:27
kerioafter the kernel has already been loaded15:27
DocScrutinizer05completely unrelated15:27
DocScrutinizer05one is before kernel loading, the other after15:27
bennypr0fanecan I have backupmenu with U-Boot?15:28
DocScrutinizer05completely unrelated15:28
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keriobennypr0fane: you won't have a uboot entry to load backupmenu, though15:28
DocScrutinizer05just practice to open/close kbd slider swiftly15:28
kerioDocScrutinizer05: just leave it open :) you can boot the normal system from the menu15:28
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DocScrutinizer05oooh, BM can boot from menu now?15:29
bennypr0fanebackupmenu allows for restoring a backup without booting to hildon desktop, right?15:29
DocScrutinizer05actually BM should be thumb-safe15:29
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bennypr0fanehah, we're bringing out lots of useful info here15:30
DocScrutinizer05I.E your system should be stable in BM, no matter what the kernel and rootfs (thumbified or not)15:30
DocScrutinizer05but you can't restore kernels with BM15:30
DocScrutinizer05well kernel images maybe15:31
DocScrutinizer05not the default kernel on NAND partiton 1 though15:31
bennypr0fanelike the kp52 one for U-boot?15:31
DocScrutinizer05not feasible15:31
bennypr0fanepowerful stuff there15:32
bennypr0faneoh you said no15:32
bennypr0fanethat is a kernel zimage though15:32
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DocScrutinizer05if you messed up your thumbified system by booting up uBoot without prior installing and configurating the KP52 uBoot kernelimage, you need to flash a) KP52 --kernel-only, or reflash fiasco completely15:33
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DocScrutinizer05or you use rescuesystem15:34
DocScrutinizer05and fix your NAND rootfs15:34
DocScrutinizer05by installing the missing configs and kernel images etc15:34
bennypr0faneI'll just try no to make that mistake in the first place15:34
bennypr0fanehello freemangordon!15:35
bennypr0fanehow is the Fennec Qt-UI coming along?15:35
Estel_kerio,  is having /etc/default.bootmenu.item and /etc/bootmenu.d/kernel-power.item same and aproriate last step for installing u-boot?15:41
Estel_if not, what should be done after?15:41
keriohm, i think that /etc/default/bootmenu.item should be a symlink15:42
Estel_Hurrian disappeared without finishing his ultra-ircable noob friendly tutorial15:42
keriobut i don't even do that15:42
Estel_to real file in /etc/bootmenu.d/.item yes?15:42
kerioi have a modified u-boot-update-bootmenu (i already sent the patch to pali, he still hasn't looked at it) that only adds the attachboot entry if there's an attached kernel15:42
kerioEstel_: yeah15:42
kerioand i don't have an attached kernel in my uboot :)15:42
kerioso it just loads the first one by default15:43
keriowhich is 20-kernel-power.item or whatever15:43
Estel_ugh, so you have uboot only in nand?15:43
Estel_no kernels?15:43
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kerioyeah, why bother?15:43
Estel_someone could explain it to me finally - u-boot loads kernel from ram?15:43
keriouboot loads kernels15:43
Estel_so there is 2mb waste of ram using it? :P15:43
keriofrom somewhere15:43
Estel_to ram?*15:43
keriothe kernel *is* loaded in ram15:44
kerioall the time15:44
keriobecause, you know15:44
kerioit's the kernel15:44
Estel_so nothing changes?15:44
wxcafethat's the point of running the kernel...15:44
kerionothing changes, afaik15:44
Estel_so what was the point of attaching u-boot to kernels15:44
kerioso that you have *something* to boot if everything else fails15:44
Estel_unless you mess up attaching kernel to u-boot15:45
kerioyou don't attach the kernel to uboot15:45
Estel_which happens more often than everything else failing :P15:45
kerioit's already attached15:45
Estel_I mean this one flashed to nand15:45
bennypr0faneDoes anyone know about the temp repo mirrors going offline?15:45
Estel_people used to have kernel+uboot in nand15:45
Estel_it seemed to look tricky to do properly15:46
kerioEstel_: u-boot-flasher flashes u-boot+omap115:46
Estel_kernel zimage (or <whateverletter>image) with u-boot attached15:46
Estel_me don't wanna omap115:46
Estel_thumb system15:46
kerioand it's kinda easy to attach whatever zimage you want15:46
Estel_omap1 useless to tarzan15:46
bennypr0faneI think the kp52 in repos is not a U-Boot compatible Zimage, but just regular uncompressed15:46
kerioit's a zimage, not a uimage :)15:47
keriou-boot-update-bootmenu puts uimages in MyDocs/bootmenu.d15:47
Estel_kerio, kinda easy = how?15:47
keriou-boot-gen-combined uboot.bin uImage combined.bin15:47
kerioyou can get the uimage from MyDocs/bootmenu.d if it was converted, or convert it yourself with mkimage15:48
keriocheck `grep mkimage /usr/bin/u-boot-update-bootmenu` for the correct parameters for mkimage15:48
wxcafe is down15:48
kerioit's totally easy!15:48
Estel_so I *either* use u-boot-update-bootmenu *or* convert it myself using mkimage?15:48
Estel_kerio, I see15:49
keriono, this is to generate the combined uboot+whateverkernel15:49
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kerioDocScrutinizer05: rmo seems down15:49
Estel_you mean u-boot-gen-combined, methinks15:49
kerioEstel_: no no15:49
DocScrutinizer05I know15:49
keriou-boot-update-bootmenu creates uimages from zimages15:49
Estel_oh shit, so I'm lost on it15:49
wxcafewell, then i can't install Cssu15:49
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keriothose are for the menu15:49
keriowxcafe: well, wait until it's less down :)15:50
wxcafeless down?15:50
DocScrutinizer05just said byebye15:50
keriolike, up15:50
wxcafefor example15:50
bennypr0fanekerio hahaha15:50
Estel_so, what u-boot-gen-combine does15:50
Estel_if u-boot-update-bootmenu uses mkimage?15:51
bennypr0fanewe should just replace the term up with less down. opposite of Newspeak15:51
keriou-boot-gen-combined is a tool for internal use that can take the uboot.bin without any attached kernel, a uimage, and stitches them together15:51
Estel_this u-boot thing keeps getting me lost15:51
kerioEstel_: just flash the uboot without kernels manually15:51
kerioand live happily without any more flashing15:51
Estel_then one can flash to nand resulting thing?15:51
kerioEstel_: yep15:52
kerioand the attached kernel will be the one in the uImage15:52
kerioto do so, one needs a uImage15:52, I thought repos were back to good old stable "less down"15:52
kerioyou can make a uImage from a standard zImage with mkimage15:52
kerioand some cryptic parameters15:52
Estel_and that is what u-boot-update-bootmenu does?15:52
Estel_ok, thanks... so what creates menus?15:53
kerioso you can just abuse that and grab the resulting uimage15:53
Estel_where those menu'es are?15:53
keriou-boot-update-bootmenu creates the menu from the valid (for uboot) entries in /etc/bootmenu.d15:53
kerioand ubootfies the related files15:53
Estel_and those menus are bundled into uimage?15:53
keriocreating the menu script in MyDocs/bootmenu.src and putting the files in MyDocs/bootmenu.d15:54
keriowell, the supporting code is in uboot already, but the uboot script and the configuration is in MyDocs15:54
keriowhich has to be the first partition on the emmc, or uboot will say "screw you"15:54
bennypr0faneso, If I want kp52 with U-Boot, I first have to somehow download it (without installing) and then create a zimg from it?15:54
keriobennypr0fane: if you want kp52 attached to uboot15:54
keriobut really, booting from emmc works perfectly too15:55
bennypr0faneI don't care if it's attached or not15:55
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bennypr0faneIt just needs to boot by default15:55
Estel_kerio,  one can boot uimages from mydocs only?15:55
Estel_or sd?15:55
bennypr0faneas opposed to the stock kernel that comes with uboot15:55
keriobennypr0fane: apt-get install u-boot-flasher u-boot-tools && dpkg -i kernel-power-bootimg* && ln -s /etc/bootmenu.d/*power* /etc/default/bootmenu.item15:55
Estel_(estel thinks about emmc failure)15:55
kerioEstel_: you need some manual intervention to boot from usd, but you can15:56
kerioboot with slider open, enter uboot console, do stuff from there15:56
keriobut if you put a uboot script in a specific place i don't know on the sd, it's just a "run sdboot" iirc15:56
Estel_ok. No way to pre-define it somehow, if one would like to boot always from sd?15:56
kerioi *think* that uboot will only read configurations from the emmc15:57
keriolike, from the first partition on the emmc, formatted as vfat15:57
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Estel_ooook... so last two questions:15:57
bennypr0fanekerio where can i download kernel-power-bootimg ver 52? (and why did you put an asterisk* behind it?)15:57
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infobotfrom memory, kp is
Estel_1. there are complete 0, even hyphotetical and bullshit'ish, drawbacks on performance or RAM usage or anything, from using u-boot only on nand, and booting kernels from images?15:58
bennypr0faneah I got it:
kerioEstel_: afaik i don't think so15:58
kerionot even theoretical improvements that you could only do on nand, like execute-in-place15:58
keriobecause the kernel is compressed anyway15:58
Estel_kerio,  and this way no flashing when new kp comes out = even less wear on nand15:58
kerioEstel_: yep15:58
kerioand with fiasco-do-update-ask you can keep kernel-power-flasher installed15:59
kerioand not flash15:59
Estel_fiasco-do-update-ask = ?15:59
kerioanother pali thing15:59
bennypr0fane"wear on nand"... the things we have to deal with, wanting to keep our precious N900s15:59
Estel_package, or thing that gets run when flasher is installed?15:59
kerioand also thing that gets run when flasher is installed :)16:00
keriothing that *every flasher* runs when installed16:00
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keriothat's why it's good16:00
Estel_bennypr0fane,  wear to nand is purely theoretical, you would need tens of thousand flashes to even bother it... but, better safe if there is no reason for not being :P16:00
Estel_kerio,  so no need to manually install fiasco-ask?16:00
bennypr0faneEstel_ you need to write a noob-friendly how-to. this discussion lost me a bit many lines ago16:00
kerioah sorry, it's fiasco-image-update-ask16:01
Estel_bennypr0fane,  it just sound complicated, as it seems, in practice it should be pretty straightforward from what I get16:01
Estel_will write tutorial after messing with it myself16:01
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bennypr0faneEstel_ that would be awesoem lots of thankful users I hope16:01
Estel_kerio,  whatever name, is it now dependency of kp flasher, or should I install it manually?16:01
kerioEstel_: u-boot-flasher predepends on fiasco-image-update-ask16:02
Estel_I see16:02
bennypr0fanehopefully repos come back less down soon16:02
keriobut if you're going to flash your own uboot, you won't have that dependency16:02
kerioso install it manually16:02
kerioit's in extras-devel16:02
kerioit's also a Recommend from the latest kernel-power-bootimg16:02
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Estel_kerio, can't flash own u-boot after installing u-boot-flasher, to satisfy apt?16:03
kerionothing depends on u-boot-flasher, does it16:03
Estel_I see16:03
Estel_so, to flash own u-boot, one doesn't need any u-boot related packages? or u-boot, but not u-boot flasher?16:03
kerioto *flash* it, no16:04
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kerioflashing it from the device is kind of stupid though16:04
Estel_and those generating scripts like u-boot-update-bootmenu? are they in flasher package?16:04
kerioyou have to do the same that's done in the various -flasher postinsts16:04
keriothey're in the u-boot-tools package16:04
kerioflasher --local -k ubootcombined.bin -f16:05
kerioand you have to run softupd --standalone -sn or whatever in another terminal16:05
Estel_now, where is your modified thingie that pali haven't had time to look at16:05
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kerioEstel_: i'm too ashamed of it :<16:05
Estel_kerio, don't be silly16:05
Estel_~spank Pali16:05
* infobot bends Pali over his knee and tatoos 'ibot' on Pali's pasty white buttocks.16:05
Estel_Pali still haven't fixed bme replacement, so my every device that got it installed, get stupid problems if battery is out of device for some reason, and it gets decalibrated16:06
Estel_as there is no fuckin way to calibrate it again16:06
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kerioEstel_: in /usr/bin/u-boot-update-bootmenu, look for # add entry for attached kernel16:06
kerioand put it within "if false; then" "fi"16:07
Estel_modprobe -r of both bq27x00_battery *and* rc51_battery result in reboot after 30 sec16:07
* ShadowJK almost hangs his N900 with a runaway awk script16:07
wxcafewho's the maintainer of this repo?16:07
kerioor, meh16:07
Estel_thanks :)16:08
keriochanges around line 8116:08
keriobut you also need the ability to run those commands in sudo16:08
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Estel_now I only need to motivate Pali by starting to talk about "kerio's fork of u-boot-tools"16:08
Estel_kerio, you just mean running u-boot-update as root, yep?16:08
kerioalso, the way i check for the magic string is awful16:09
kerioEstel_: actually that wouldn't quite work16:09
kerioroot can't run arbitrary commands with sudo, in stock fremantle16:09
Estel_fork, or root?16:09
Estel_ah, right16:09
kerioITEM_USEATAG="" # Obsolated16:09
keriohahahaha i missed that16:09
keriopali's english makes me kinda lol16:10
Estel_so I need to add user NOPASSWD for u-boot-update ?16:10
kerioEstel_: you're fine i suppose16:10
keriojust remove the occurrences of /usr/bin/sudo there16:10
Estel_kerio, today I've went again thorugh ereswap description16:10
Estel_and lolled at some funny grammar erors16:10
keriobut u-boot-update-bootmenu can be run as a normal user too16:10
Estel_description of package in repos16:10
keriobecause all you're doing is writing to mydocs16:11
Estel_so why the hell was it written with sudo16:11
keriobecause it should also add a .sudoers file16:11
Estel_but why to use sudo when not required16:12
kerioit is required16:12
keriothat's the point16:12
Estel_you just told me to remove it16:12
kerio...and then run as root16:12
Estel_ah :P16:12
Estel_now I wonder if multiboot restores preinit properly upon deinstallation16:13
Estel_and how to run fancy things like arch using u-boot16:13
Estel_ah, last question16:13
Estel_kerio, as backupmenu is not related to u-boot, running after kernel16:14
Estel_how to get it16:14
Estel_as it depends on keyboard slided out?16:14
keriokeep the keyboard slider open16:14
Estel_won't i get u-boot console16:14
Estel_and all shitte?16:14
kerioand then you select "boot from kernel-power" (first entry)16:14
keriowhile keeping the keyboard slider open16:14
Estel_I see16:14
kerioor... idk, train yourself to open the slider quickly after the kernel has started booting16:15
keriobut it's kind of a solution in need of a problem, imo16:15
Estel_now, this assumes that I have u-boot only flashed, which I will probably have16:15
Estel_if, otoh, I would have kernel attached16:15
Estel_to flashed uimage16:15
Estel_o I need to have any "options"16:16
Estel_in u-boot.16:16
Estel_other than alternate things like arch kernel?16:16
Estel_(so, kp52 boots when keyboard slided in as it's attached, and to run other kernels, slide keyboard open)16:16
Estel_messed it up?16:16
kerioi don't understand your question16:17
DocScrutinizer05[general notice] we need to reboot blade-a. this means the VMs "mail" "monitor" and "repo/stage" will go down16:17
DocScrutinizer05( thedead1440: and scratchbox)16:18
Estel_kerio, to make it easier - what, technically, happens if one have kernel attached to u-boot flashed to nand, and boot with keyboard open...16:18
Estel_then choose entry for menu16:18
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infobotEstel_ meant: then choose entry from menu16:18
kerioEstel_: there will be a menu entry for booting with the attached kernel16:18
Estel_that appends to same kernel as is attached16:18
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Estel_so it won't be boot with zImage and ignoring attached kernel, unless you choose otherwise?16:19
Estel_so, using u-boot flashed to nand only, you need to flash only, when new version of u-boot comes out?16:19
Estel_sounds nice16:20
kerioEstel_: unless you have a different default entry16:20
kerioin which case, it'll boot from it16:20
Estel_hm, technically, preinit runs after u-boot, yes?16:20
keriopreinit is run as the first process by the kernel16:20
Estel_u-boot console is... well, just u-boot console, no real terminal?16:20
kerioyep, it's an uboot thing16:20
Estel_so recovery shell stuffed at beginning of preinit won't help with problems related to kernel files... hm, I wonder about unlikely situation me doing some idiot error, andp, lets say, rm all kernel imagees from mydocs16:21
Estel_without having kernel attached to u-boot16:22
kerioEstel_: rescueOS will help with that, and it can run from uboot :)16:22
Estel_running from sdcard, it would be trivial to fix16:22
Estel_ough, how?16:22
Estel_from sd?16:22
keriofrom emmc too16:22
Estel_ah, or just put your kernel on sd, boot from it manually, fix kernels on mydocs?16:22
keriothat, too16:22
Estel_so really, no drawbacks for flashing u-boot only16:22
Estel_me gonna do it16:23
kerioEstel_: it's unsupported16:23
Estel_yea, as I'm using supported things daily16:23
infoboti guess fapman is Faster Application Manager, a frontend for apt which uses own repositories catalog, and shouldn't be used to do system upgrades (like CSSU). It also does "apt-get autoremove" after every operation, by default.16:23
infobotsomebody said cssu was
kerioi still don't know why you enjoy using a bad dpkg interface16:23
keriojust out of spite?16:23
infobotit has been said that fapman+cssu is Estel's way of installing CSSU without any problems and waiting 100 russian years until HAM finish operation16:24
Estel_kerio, because fapman is more time-saving when browsing package's descriptions16:24
thedead1440wtf is russian years? Different than regular years?16:25
Estel_and I don't see how it's bad16:25
Estel_thedead1440,  don't know that idiome?16:25
wxcafethey're years with vodka16:25
Estel_no, it's about julian calendar16:25
thedead1440ah sorry16:25
Estel_"russian month" -> russian year16:25
Estel_~lmgtfy russian month16:25
* infobot thinks you should look here: month16:25
Estel_kerio,  since bullshit about fapman acting differently than apt on postinst scripts have been busted, I don't see anything bad with it ;)16:26
wxcafeanyone knows when the repo will be back online?16:26
Estel_but using HAM is more like russian ethernity16:26
Estel_wxcafe,  when warfare reboots it, probably16:27
thedead1440wxcafe: blade is being rebootd wait a few mins for 100% operation level16:27
wxcafea few "minutes"!?16:27
Estel_blade runner, ffs16:27
wxcafeman, how comes your server takes minutes to reboot?16:27
wxcafemine takes 39 secs16:27
wxcafeand it's a debian stable16:27
Estel_wxcafe,  sure, you've paid for premium service and you're insulted by it being out for mainteintance? :P16:27
keriocool, so host RMO on it16:28
kerioor give us money to make the boot time faster16:28
wxcafeEstel_: no, i'm just saying it's a long time to get it to reboot16:28
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kerioalso, your server doesn't host 6 VMs16:28
Estel_now for such a cluster16:28
thedead1440wxcafe: there was a bug due to why the reboot occurred; the tech team are investigating the bug and hence the reboot is not just about rebooting but also to see the trace of what is the real issue16:28
wxcafeoh, that's  why16:28
wxcafe(the VMs, i mean)16:28
Estel_+ 6 virtual machines ;)16:28
M4rtinKwxcafe: if it was a CISCO router, the simple rule would work: the more expensive it is, the longer it boots :)16:29
wxcafei was not saying it as a reproach16:29
wxcafejust curious about it taking so long16:29
Estel_M4rtinK,  :)16:29
Estel_linksys > cisco16:29
Estel_sadly, cisco ate linksys16:29
Estel_what a unfair market :P16:29
Estel_an, even16:29
M4rtinKIIRC, they dumped linksys recently ?16:30
Estel_at and defecated16:30
Estel_ate and defecated*16:30
wxcafethat's  cisco16:30
* Estel_ looks with love at own modified wrt54gl16:30
Estel_and i screw fact that it doesn't have wireless N, aka "great neighbourhood wifi jammer"16:31
thedead1440just for running commentary: the blade still hasn't come up yet and some head-scratching, whining and looking for possible solution(s) is going on too :D16:32
Estel_thedead1440,  where you have live broadcast on it?16:32
thedead1440Estel_: in my kitchen :p16:32
Estel_gimme ip16:32
Estel_very funny16:32
Estel_no, it is my vnc, bastard!16:33
Estel_how you come to know it16:33
Estel_came, even16:33
keriolittle did Estel_ know, the infrastructure was actually running on his home computer16:33
Estel_anyway, seriously, it's some tech # channel?16:33
thedead1440kerio: no wonder its not so reliable :p :p16:33
thedead1440you never know when a switch is switched :p16:34
wxcafemy home comp is reliable16:34
Estel_kerio, star wars episode IX produced by disney?16:34
wxcafelast time i rebooted, i had a 60 days uptime16:34
Estel_"little does luke know, that empire started build another death st..."16:34
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M4rtinKEstel_: this one ?
Estel_infobot is utterly uneducated16:35
Estel_M4rtinK,  haha16:36
Estel_wtf is that? :)16:36
Estel_I red description16:36
Estel_but what is that supposed to be ;)16:36
keriosurely, it's no moon16:36
Estel_inside planetarium?16:36
Estel_it's too big for a space station16:37
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thedead1440hehe here in Singapore they added something like an UFO on the Supreme Court building; I wonder what these "architects" think of when coming up with stupid structures16:38
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Estel_Supreme Court and ufo... I know this plot16:39
Estel_hey, from the different barrel (tm) - anyone experienced with SIP could explain me16:39
Estel_while using voip on N900 to call another N900 that is sitting 1 meter above in same lan, video is very laggy16:40
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Estel_but I use sip proxy (operator one). I though it's use only to initiate call and go around nats...16:40
Estel_and that call itself is peer-to-peer16:41
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Estel_aka audio and video streams16:41
bennypr0faneEstel_ have you ever made any kind of video call on N900  with video not lagging?16:41
Estel_could it be proxified too, somehow, or what the fuck?16:41
thedead1440bennypr0fane: hehe true16:41
Estel_bennypr0fane,  trying to achieve that16:41
Estel_and I mean really lagging16:41
ShadowJKit probably wont figure out lan-lan connectivity16:41
Estel_ShadowJK,  so video and audio data goes around globe to voip provider and back?16:42
thedead1440indeed that's how it should be isn't it?16:42
Estel_I hoped it's only about sip initiation of call16:42
bennypr0faneEstel_ wow, you're ambitious. I mean consider that for any video call not to lag you usually need daylight, for one16:42
Estel_ShadowJK,  ok, LAN-LAN isn't problem, normally I will use it on different networks16:42
thedead1440Estel_: even Skype2Skype video calls lag pretty much; its standard fare. Only voice calls are usually fine.16:43
Estel_but, to get real peer-to-peer I should avoid using any providers? I was sure, from every description, that sip call data streams are actually peer-to-peer16:43
bennypr0faneI never get Skype to maintain a stable video signal on my desktop pc via LAN, to people in the same city16:43
Estel_thedead1440,  skype sucks in every way, so no surprise here16:43
bennypr0faneEstel_ exactly16:44
* sixwheeledbeast has noticed extras-assistant page is down... and that the build queue disappeared before it died16:44
bennypr0faneSkype just sucks balls16:44
* thedead1440 uses skype calls on desktop without issues16:44
Estel_~lmgtfy sivler needle in the skype16:44
* infobot thinks you should look here: needle in the skype16:44
Estel_~lmgtfy silver needle in the skype16:44
* infobot thinks you should look here: needle in the skype16:44
bennypr0faneSykpe video only works for me with daylight16:44
thedead1440Estel_: maybe this explains it:
Estel_anyone is aware how to get direct lan sip calls in N900? I wasn't able to define identify as estel@local_IP16:45
Estel_thedead1440,  thanks, looking at it16:45
Estel_N900's sofiasip require me to provide address and password16:45
Estel_looks like hardcoded to sip providers16:46
Sicelosetup asterisk :-/16:46
Estel_so without PBX on N900 itself (or local lan), no direct lan calls?16:46
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Estel_but it's kinda stupid, that you can't use sip without proxy16:46
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thedead1440on local lan i think you would still need a SIP server in the form of Kamailio etc16:47
Estel_thedead1440,  this link defines next generatikon sip (p2psip)16:49
Estel_but even normal sip can be p2p16:49
Estel_it's just hard for regular use due to nats etc16:49
Estel_and so goes on16:49
Estel_it's just that N900 client doesn't support it at all, it seems16:49
Estel_is telepathy-sofiasip opensource?16:49
Estel_Maybe it could be fixed16:49
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Estel_thedead1440,  I mean that in sip, provider (servers) are used only for pstn gateways, and easy of nomadic use (nats, diffrent ip's, etc)16:50
Estel_sip in itself is designed as pure p2p thingie16:50
Estel_as for sip proxies (voip providers), I HOPED that it proxify only sip, and then, using data gathered from proxy, audio and video streams are p2p using udp punching...16:51
Estel_but after today's laggy video, I'm not sure16:51
thedead1440i would blame the client too16:52
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Estel_OTOH, free voip providers would bancrupt if they would proxify video and audio streams for thousands of users16:52
Sicelois there a cool tool or way for N900 to auto-connect to certain defined APs, and switch to gsm in their absence. if already on gsm and you come into range of defined AP's switch.16:52
Estel_sure, keeping only certain ap's on profiles16:53
Siceloi know Maemo kinda does this automatically, but there's no way to 'skip' certain APs16:53
Estel_not so convenient, though16:53
Siceloyeah Estel_16:53
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Sicelomy problem is that i also have the 'dummy'  networks (one used for Maps, and the other for usb networking). Maemo's auto-connect chooses one of these two :(16:54
kerioSicelo: it's configurable16:55
keriobut not through the UI16:55
GeneralAntilles2GHz+, multi-GB RAM, multi-core phones16:56
Sicelokerio: i'm listening with great anticipation :-)16:57
kerioinstructions somewhere on the wiki16:57
Siceloor reading, rather :P16:57
Siceloohk. i'll look. thanks16:57
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Estel_hm, I'm right, sip just initiates as it should16:59
Estel_and carry data about ports and adresses to use16:59
Estel_sip proxies (voip providersj modify those carried data to match actual location of participating parties16:59
Estel_but audio and video is p2p16:59
Estel_so wtf it lags16:59
Estel_on lan?17:00
Estel_or even if not on lan, on 50 mbs down/10 Mbs up networks?17:00
Estel_GeneralAntilles,  talking about some device in particular?17:00
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Estel_only insane thing about it is that they use stupid operating system17:01
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Estel_gimme such one with maemo, arch, or even Mer, and I call it mobile computer with phone functionality17:01
Estel_just don't forget keyboard, microsd slot, fmtx...17:01
Estel_and add IR transmitter if want to please me17:01
Estel_thanks in advance17:02
Estel_ah, and resistive screen, instead of capacitive shitte17:02
Estel_with drivers supporting pressure sensitivity like on N900, of course17:02
Estel_unless that, those X GHZ and cores + gigabytes of ram are "kinda" wasted17:03
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jacekowskiEstel_: capacitive is better if you add something like samsung did on note17:06
jacekowskiEstel_: (s pen)17:06
Estel_but, wasn't it something like 2 touch layers?17:09
Estel_one for active pen, and one for capacitive?17:09
Estel_if it was pressure sensitivep why not, but replacing pen or producing is more expensive on such hybrid17:09
Estel_why bother if resistive is *just* that, without need for capacitive, or conductive gloves17:10
Estel_resistive can have multitouch easily attached by driver, or even (less easily) software17:11
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Estel_just no much reasons for capacitive, either that crapple did it once and everyone copy and paste17:11
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thedead1440its the experience Estel_; n900 resistive is just not as smooth or easy to use as capacitive screens. I haven't used a proper multi-touch resistive yet so wouldn't know how great they actually are or are just proclaimed to be great due to being rare... I read once about costs being a factor in it too that prohibited multi-touch resistive vs capacitve17:13
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* ShadowJK finds capacitive screens harder to use :/17:20
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ShadowJKI'm constantly accidentally activating things :/17:20
Sicelokerio: can't find it.. guess i'm using bad keywords or something17:21
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mlwaneHello folks17:25
mlwaneI have a problem with Pali's U-boot, it might be a really simple problem, I just don't know what I'm missing17:27
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mlwaneBasically, I'm trying to boot Arch linux arm (Alarm), on an N900, but for some reason the device shuts down after the message "Starting kernel ..."17:28
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GeneralAntillesShadowJK, worst in web browsers.17:33
GeneralAntilles"I want to scroll, not sign up for your stupid mailing list!"17:33
ShadowJKGeneralAntilles; yes, accidentally zooming in/out is worst17:33
ShadowJKaccidental double taps17:33
ShadowJKor octotaps17:34
jon_ymlwane: watchdog bit you?17:40
bennypr0fanekerio; why is there an asterisk in this command? apt-get install u-boot-flasher u-boot-tools && dpkg -i kernel-power-bootimg* && ln -s /etc/bootmenu.d/*power* /etc/default/bootmenu.item17:43
bennypr0faneor anyone else17:43
bennypr0fanethe one after dpkg -i17:44
bennypr0faneis the kernel-power-bootimg package automatically downloaded by installing u-boot-flsaher?17:44
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mlwanejon_y: Is that the notorious watchdog?17:46
jon_ymaybe, did you turn it off?17:47
jon_yit's there to prevent lockups17:47
jon_yI'm not sure if your kernel kicks the dog periodically17:47
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jon_yheh, kicks the dog17:47
mlwaneI don't have enough experience to turn it off, how would I go about that?17:48
Skrythere's no need to turn it of, it's handled17:49
jon_ySkry: well, there is that debug mode to turn it off17:49
Skryyes, but there is no need to do that17:50
jon_yiirc that will make your keypad light up 24/7 though17:50
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mlwaneOh there you are Skry!17:50
mlwaneI'm trying to boot into your version of Alarm17:51
Skryit's pretty much covered in the tmo thread17:54
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mlwaneI have looked through the thread, but I don't know what is the  problem exactly17:55
mlwaneI have the rootfs extracted into an ext4 partition of my SDcard (5th partition), and I created the relevant bootmenu entry for it, but for some reason it doesn't boot17:55
Skryif you feel your trouble is not with u-boot, try booting with flasher, if it still does not boot, we'll return to subject17:56
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mlwaneDoes the fact that the partition is in an extended partition make any difference?17:57
mlwaneu-boot works fine with, maemo 5, power-kernel 51, and android17:58
mlwaneSo I assumed the problem is just a misconfiguration of the bootmenu entry17:59
thedead1440<warfare> everything back up again.18:00
DocScrutinizer05[general notice] we suffered kernel OOPS and reboot problems on blade-a. the relevant machines been down for some time and might recover now18:00
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thedead1440oops; i thought you were afk :D18:00
sardini_hey for the first time in 3 year maemo said  to me No space left on device :-)18:01
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* ShadowJK has 1.9g free :(18:03
bennypr0fanewhat the freakin f*** is that: "user is not in the sudoers file. this inceident will be reported"?18:04
kerioi think it means that user is not in the sudoers file18:04
kerioand that that incident will be reported18:04
bennypr0fanekerio very funny. why am i not in the sudoers file. why did I not get the same message at the previous sudo command?18:06
keriodifferent command?18:07
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kerioare you root now?18:07
bennypr0fanei dunno. with that msg apparently not18:08
keriono, i mean18:08
kerioare you currently the root user18:08
bennypr0fanenever am18:08
bennypr0faneshouldn't it work without that?18:09
kerionot necessarily18:09
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bennypr0fanewell dpkg -i should, right?18:10
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bennypr0faneaslo, there is just the one user, how can it not be in the sudoers file18:13
bennypr0faneMaemo never asks you to specify a user18:13
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bennypr0fanekerio: I'm trying to run the command you gave me earlier: dpkg -i kernel-power-bootimg* && ln -s /etc/bootmenu.d/*power* /etc/default/bootmenu.item   BTW I downloaded kernel-power-bootimg from here:   are you sure this kernelimage won't destroy U-Boot?18:15
DocScrutinizer05get rootsh18:20
DocScrutinizer05sudo gainroot18:20
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DocScrutinizer05or, if you already isntalled it, do ssh root@
DocScrutinizer05hey kerio, how about a system pkg that has nothing but conflicts with sudser, rootsh, and a few other BS pkgs?18:23
kerioDocScrutinizer05: hm18:23
DocScrutinizer05call it "secure maemo"18:24
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DocScrutinizer05or simply "seal"18:25
kerioDocScrutinizer05: the problem is, those packages don't uninstall cleanly18:25
DocScrutinizer05well, that's another problem. I was just concerned about someone installing them18:26
kerioDocScrutinizer05: higher versions that do the best they can to uninstall cleanly the previous versions but otherwise do nothing?18:27
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DocScrutinizer05of course anybody could create a new pkg with same crap inside as rootsh18:27
DocScrutinizer05but at least for the known borked packages you could block them from getting installed18:27
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DocScrutinizer05for now the obvious flaw in proper root password like in ~jrtools is: any intruder can (re-)install rootsh and is in. with such a pkg that's not possible anymore18:30
DocScrutinizer05I honestly don't give a rat fart about uninstallation18:30
DocScrutinizer05particularly not via such a seal pkg like I suggested above18:31
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DocScrutinizer05hey, call it rootsh-II and actually ship a proper sudoers file with it18:33
DocScrutinizer05you can't fix rootsh (since it would break stuff by changing the "API"), but you *can* ship a better alternative that even conflicts with the original rootsh18:35
bennypr0faneI have a dependency problem installing kernel-power-bootimg18:36
DocScrutinizer05which one18:36
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bennypr0fanethere are 4 packages here: which one do I need to install first?18:36
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bennypr0faneI have U-Boot installed now, not rebooted yet.18:37
DocScrutinizer05you only need bootimage and modules18:39
DocScrutinizer05you definitely don't want to install flasher18:40
bennypr0fanenow I tried to install kp-bootimg, it says it needs kp-modules first. modules won't install though: "package not compatible"18:40
bennypr0faneThis is in HAM. should I try from terminal? (but he threatens to report me to admin)18:41
DocScrutinizer05install rootsh in HAM18:41
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DocScrutinizer05then in terminal `root`18:42
DocScrutinizer05which is a short form for sudo gainroot18:42
DocScrutinizer05then install via dpk -i18:42
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bennypr0faneI'd be flabberghasted if I didn't have rootsh already installed, but I'll check now18:43
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bennypr0fanelike I thought I do have it installed18:45
DocScrutinizer05then use apt-get or dpkg18:45
DocScrutinizer05in a root shell18:45
DocScrutinizer05err for kp52 probably dpkg18:46
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bennypr0faneuhm what? bootimg depends on modules, and modules depends on bootimg?18:50
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bennypr0fanethis is the whole session18:53
bennypr0faneah, right. modules does not depend on kern-power-bootimg, but on kernel-power. but if I install that, U-Boot will take a torpedo hit18:55
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merlin1991only if you install kernel-power-flasher u-boot goes down19:05
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bennypr0faneok, can I install kernel-power without installin flasher?19:08
bennypr0faneI mean if I can just go and install the power kernel without further ado, then waht's the flasher for?19:12
merlin1991kernel-power is just another package19:12
merlin1991the flasher flashs it into the kernel area19:12
merlin1991where your u-boot sits19:12
merlin1991the kernel-power packge provides the kernel file to flash19:12
merlin1991so just get the bootimg modules and kernel packge19:13
merlin1991don't install the flasher19:13
merlin1991and reboot19:13
bennypr0fanebut I have to go 1. kernel 2. modules and 3. bootimg?19:14
freemangordonbennypr0fane: no, you need only bootimg and modules19:14
bennypr0fanefreemangordon as mentioned above, bootimg depends on modules, and modules depends on kernel-power19:15
freemangordonhmm, could be, though I think modules depend on kernel-power|kernel-power-bootimg19:16
bennypr0faneI wonder: if modules did not depend on kp, there would be no need to install it becauser the kernel is "in" the bootimage anyway, right?19:16
freemangordonmight be wrong though19:16
freemangordonhowever, don;t install -flasher19:16
bennypr0fanefreemangordon see my paste above, maybe I read it wrong19:16
freemangordonbennypr0fane: it does not work like that, read what merlin1991 wrote about the -flasher thingie19:18
freemangordonbennypr0fane: but seems -modules depend on kp19:19
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freemangordonhmm, I'll ask pali what is the rationale of having -modules depend only on -kernel19:20
freemangordonbut not on -kernel|-booting19:20
bennypr0fanei did read what merlin1991 wrote about the -flasher thingie. did you read what i wrote about the ohter thingies?19:23
freemangordonbennypr0fane: yep, seems you need to install those 3 packages19:23 that order19:25
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freemangordonbennypr0fane: call dpkg with those 3 packages on the command line, it will install them in the correct order19:26
bennypr0faneha, good idea19:27
bennypr0faneregardless if I put them in the command in the wrong order?19:28
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bennypr0faneanyways, I already managed now19:28
bennypr0fanedo you know what I'm supposed to do with the *power* in this command: ln -s /etc/bootmenu.d/*power* /etc/default/bootmenu.item19:29
freemangordonwhere did you get that from?19:29
kerioln -s /etc/bootmenu.d/20-Maemo5-kernel-power- /etc/default/bootmenu.item19:29
freemangordonaah, I see19:30
bennypr0fanekerio why a symlink instead of replacing?19:32
bennypr0fanebootmenu items are all symlinks?19:32
keriobecause u-boot-update-bootmenu wants it to be so19:32
bennypr0fanedo I need to sudo this?19:33
bennypr0faneapparently not19:33
bennypr0fanegonna go and reboot now19:33
bennypr0faneagain, wish me brick19:33
bennypr0fane>_< /me is sweating19:34
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bennypr0fanethe ln -s command is not supposed to generate output, is it?19:35
keriooh for fuck's sake19:37
kerioplaying around with the bootloader requires at least a minimal knowledge of how to operate a linux shell19:37
bennypr0faneI like to make a bit of a drama - sorry about that19:39
bennypr0fanebut you gotta admit that in the end you never know what's gonna happen19:39
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bennypr0fanehow do i power off in the u-boot console?19:47
freemangordonyou cant'19:47
freemangordonyou can onle reboot19:47
freemangordonthe fuck19:47
freemangordontry with "reset" or "reboot"19:48
freemangordonor type "help" ;)19:48
bennypr0faneah, reset. there is no reboot19:48
bennypr0fanedid type help. problem is, you only get to see the last few commands, they scroll down too quickly to read19:49
bennypr0fanereset works19:50
sixwheeledbeastfreemangordon: sorry for being dumb, but the new libpixman. What should I be looking for bug wise? have no issues AFAIK.19:50
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: AFAIK pixman is used in every .so that is touching the screen, including xorg. I don;t expect bugs, but ABI incompatibilities.19:52
freemangordonwell, not expect, but afraid of19:52
bennypr0faneI got a boot failure19:53
freemangordonso, as long as everything works as before and there are no crashes, we are fine :)19:53
bennypr0faneit reboots twice and then stops19:53
sixwheeledbeastI see, well no obvious issues so far. I didn't mean bugs per-say ;)19:53
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: it is about 3 years newer :)19:54
bennypr0fanecan go into u-boot console though19:54
bennypr0fanesoth. must have gone wrong when i did reset19:55
bennypr0fanebcs before that, i booted alright19:55
sixwheeledbeastgd gd nice to see upstream fixes on our devices. I asked because I wasn't 100% what the package was. Even after searching about.19:55
freemangordonbennypr0fane: remove the battery while in u-boot console19:55
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: hmm, what is not clear?19:55
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: "sock" version is pixman-0.16.219:56
freemangordonthe one in cssu-devel is pixman-0.28.219:57
sixwheeledbeastah thank you, no point testing something if you dunno what it does. If you see what I mean19:57
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: see here
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: well, not exactly19:57
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: I need regressions test. If everything works as before, then the test is passed :D19:58
bennypr0fane*whew* ok, it's booting again19:58
sixwheeledbeastMaybe "I" just like to "understand" what I install19:58
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: sure. just google for pixman :P19:59
bennypr0fanebut setting power kernel as default didn't work. it boots stock kernel19:59
sixwheeledbeastthanks :P ... I had been looking for libpixman but search not friendly to me obv.20:01
sixwheeledbeastanywho regression testing ok so far for me :)20:01
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: yep, the same here, I have it installed on my primary since yesterday20:01
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: I guess our (CSSU) ultimate goal is to be as close to upstream as possible, without breaking things20:02
sixwheeledbeastfreemangordon: I am fortunate enough to have three devices again now. a "Devel+Thumb", "Pkg testing" and "stable".20:03
sixwheeledbeastI agree well good CSSU team :)20:03
freemangordonin the upcoming update there will be 4-5 very important libs updated to the latest stable upstream version20:03
infobotsixwheeledbeast meant: I agree well done CSSU team :)20:03
freemangordonzlib, libxml, libpng and (hopefully) pixman20:04
freemangordonddid I forget something? :)20:04
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: and if aapo manages to bring newer glibc, this will be perfect20:05
sixwheeledbeasthows QML web browser thingy going ;)20:05
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: there are 2 blocker bugs right now. and
povbotBug 851172: was not found.20:07
povbotBug 849555: was not found.20:07
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: ask qwazix for the UI ;)20:08
sixwheeledbeastfreemangordon: will there be a non-thumb and thumb version of it?20:09
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: only -thumb, I am not sure gxx 4.2.1 is able to compile it at all20:09
sixwheeledbeastI see20:09
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: sorry, the only future I see is cssu-thumb. Just too much of a benefit :D20:10
sixwheeledbeastfreemangordon: long term I agree, but while it remains as a separate branch in testing, its only on my testing device.20:13
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: sure, I meant in long-term20:13
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: though it is on my "production" device since the day one :)20:14
freemangordonfor an year or so :P20:14
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sixwheeledbeastI am not knocking that it's stable (and great BTW), but most have non-thumb I prefer to test and report for that.20:15
sixwheeledbeaston pkg test device anywho20:15
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: it makes no difference, merging thumb and non-thumb packages is ok20:16
freemangordonthat's the cherry, the ABI is not broke :D20:17
sixwheeledbeastI mean the CSSU i.e. testing the CSSU Stable metapackage on updates etc...20:17
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: right now I am runing latest -thumb with cssu-devel packages on top. on my everyday device ;)20:17
sixwheeledbeastCan't do that on Thumb at the moment20:18
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: aah, yes, for stable20:18
sixwheeledbeastas above I now have a CSSU-Devel device that I apt-get upgrade for the hell of it, to test the packages20:18
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sixwheeledbeastthis has thumb also20:18
freemangordonhowever, I am waiting for migration chaos to finish and will start pushing for cssu-thumb-stable and thumb apps repo on rmo20:19
sixwheeledbeast\o/ then thumb builder ... maybe20:20
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sixwheeledbeastall good stuff round the corner waiting for the dust to settle20:21
freemangordonbut lets have the "ordinary" stuff stabilized first20:21
sixwheeledbeastcan't agree more20:21
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ssvb_freemangordon, sixwheeledbeast: pixman is API and ABI compatible with the older versions, AFAIK there was only one pretty much unavoidable compatibility break which may affect users -
tx0hjo, i use eric with designer-qt4 but my forms look well on my desktop and on the n900 the fontsize didn't match well and the input fields are just way to small. is there a trick to wysiwyg?20:30
ssvb_freemangordon, sixwheeledbeast: also have a look at
sixwheeledbeastwhat version x server is N90020:31
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sixwheeledbeastah, 1.6.9920:41
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sixwheeledbeastmmm, so there potentially could be an issue. new pixman is
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sixwheeledbeastthe workaround is only supported to version 0.21.2, after that x server 1.7 fixes20:50
ssvb_sixwheeledbeast: 1.6.99 versions are actually pre-releases of 1.7 -
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freemangordonssvb_: thanks a lot. By looking at those we should have no problems21:10
ssvb_looks like the relevant bug is
povbotBug 22484: was not found.21:10
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ssvb_and the fixes to 1.7 xserver are and
freemangordonssvb_: "stock" is .16.2, so it is way ahead of 0.15.x21:11
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freemangordonssvb_: agree that we are safe?21:13
ssvb_not quite, I don't see these patches in
ssvb_which version of xorg-server is going to be used with pixman-0.28.2?21:15
freemangordonssvb_: stock21:15
* freemangordon gtg, will chack later21:16
freemangordoncheck even21:16
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sixwheeledbeastinfobot: fixribbon is
infobotokay, sixwheeledbeast21:53
infoboti guess fixribbon is
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sixwheeledbeastDocScrutinizer05: Estel_: ^^^ all fixed thanks.21:56
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Estel_sixwheeledbeast,  you're welcome23:29
Estel_freemangordon,  I feel silly correcting you about KP :D but I may be wrong, so correct me again, then...23:30
Estel_but imo, with kp, to have provided all things that kp provide, bootimg isn't enough for some time?23:30
Estel_(for dependencies)23:30
Estel_I think that you need to install package that asks before flashing anything23:30
Estel_how was it called, Pali's recent thing23:31
Estel_then, install flasher, and don't allow it to flash23:31
Estel_so u-boot won't get proton torpedo hit23:31
Estel_but dependencies will be satisfied, due to all things kernel-power-flasher provides23:31
Estel_right or wrong?23:31
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sixwheeledbeastEstel_: thought it would help having pictures for future ref. I know uUSB pictures helped a lot on uUSB repair.23:34
* Estel_ nods23:37
Estel_don't tell me about usb, usb on 2nd device just started to failing23:37
Estel_it is in palcep, but moves a little and stops charging23:37
Estel_it wasnt sodlered down, due to my sodlering iron being out of service for a while23:38
Estel_my 1st device worked for a year or so without soldering down, and usb wasnt a problem, on this device here, just because my sodlering iron is damaged for a week, usb port started to fall out after a week of use23:38
sixwheeledbeasti had that on one fortunately the heat from reinforcing "reflowed" the connections ;)23:39
Estel_I'm trying to scavenge smth to get my alternate, low-power electric soldering iron to get tiny tip23:39
infobotEstel_ meant: I'm trying to scavenge smth to get my backup, low-power electric soldering iron to get tiny tip23:39
Estel_or should I put device into oven for pro hotair reflow? ;)23:40
sixwheeledbeaston modem error, possibly if your brave ;)23:40
Estel_the problem is it have to be used by my son whole next week, to allow us voip communication23:40
Estel_for modem error i would use springs under emi shield workaround, if that wouldn't help, i would definitely reflow in oven23:41
Estel_sixwheeledbeast,  as you're fabolous tester, could you look @ maemo-ssu and my problem there, and see if you have idea wtf?23:41
sixwheeledbeastyep seems a working solution23:42
sixwheeledbeastmaemo-ssu? what's up23:42
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Estel_basically, dpkg fails to configure shitload of packages after install, due to postscript being unable to optify /usr/doc/<application_name>23:42
Estel_stock fremantle (I quote kerio here) delete /usr/doc23:42
Estel_so postinst scripts doesnt have anything to optify there23:43
Estel_so "mv: can't rename 'usr/share/doc/blabla': No such file or directory"23:43
Estel_results in:23:43
Estel_postinst script failure23:44
Estel_and dpkg leaving package not configured23:44
Estel_solved by "touch /usr/doc/<package name>" to give it smth to optify and shut it fuck up...23:44
Estel_but when installing few tens of packages, it's PITA23:44
Estel_to touch every one separately23:44
Estel_I'm pretty sure it wasn't the case, when i installed same packages on 1st device, some time ago23:45
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Estel_now, as 2nd device was prepared from scratch, I go through installing some of same packages on it, and get shitload of such errors23:45
sixwheeledbeastmmm, stock maemo?23:46
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Estel_oh shit23:47
Estel_look at this23:47
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Estel_mv: can't rename '/usr/share/doc/mplayer': No such file or directory23:47
Estel_dpkg: error processing mplayer (--configure)23:48
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Estel_I'm *sure* it wasn't the case with mplayer23:48
Estel_absolutely sure23:48
Estel_before "mv: can't..."23:48
Estel_there is23:48
Estel_Optifying usr/share/doc/mplayer -> /opt/maemo/usr/share/doc/mplayer23:49
Estel_then, above errors23:49
Estel_during instalaltion of mplayer, and hundreds other packages (but not all packages suffer from it)23:49
jogais your filesystem ok?23:49
Estel_it's just like some postinst scripts started to get interpreted differently, as dpkg blockers due to unimportant errors23:50
Estel_joga, yes, filesystem perfectly ok23:50
jogaran fsck?23:50
Estel_kerio thinks that fremantle deletes /usr/doc/ content, and that it's normal, but should result in dpkg failure23:50
jogajust a guess, I don't recall seeing such a message23:50
Estel_joga, 1st - fsck on flash is useless, it can only damage filesystem more 2. yes, I tried fsck.ext* -f -n23:51
Estel_and no errors found23:51
Estel_yea, I don't recall such messages a few months ago, too23:51
Estel_it looks like unimportant things started to get used as dpkg's excuse to stop configuring package...23:52
Estel_and I wonder what changed that23:52
Estel_tried to blame cssu for it, but other cssu users don't experience such werido23:52
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sixwheeledbeastwhat's in your /usr/share/doc and /opt/maemo/usr/share/doc23:53
* Estel_ returns to type hundreds of "touch" and pasting /usr/doc/blabla23:53
Estel_/usr/doc/ nothing23:53
Estel_/usr/share/doc was typo of mine23:53
Estel_no, it wasn't23:54
Estel_sorry, got confused23:54
Estel_/usr/share/doc/ -> only things i create by "touch"23:54
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Estel_/opt/maemo/usr/share/doc/ -> only things I touched, that got copied there23:54
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Estel_= empty files with names corresponding to packages that I installed by workarounding problem manually23:55
Estel_no, sorry23:55
Estel_actually, just one README file in /opt/maemo/usr/share/doc/23:56
Estel_it seems that those touched files just disappear23:56
Estel_but somehow, dpkg is happy with just having some shitte in /usr/share/doc/ to "optify" by mv23:56
* Estel_ is gazed a little by all this thing23:57
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Estel_/opt/maemo/usr/share/doc is -rw-r--r-- 1 root:root23:57
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Estel_if that matters23:57
* sixwheeledbeast is looking though file system23:59

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