IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2013-03-02

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Woody14619Macer:  Tmobil $30/month plan is $32.40 after taxes.... just state tax. At least in NY. ;)00:37
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Macerin chicago they probably add another "Corruption Tax"01:19
Macersomeone has to pay for all those oily hands01:19
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* RST38h moos mooefully01:32
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DocScrutinizer05moo moose01:54
DocScrutinizer05do moose moo?01:54
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Skryyes, kind of01:57
RST38hthey do01:57
RST38hwhen you milk them01:57
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alec1i can't seem to find out how to install the maemo sdk05:26
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thedead1440alec_: use the virtual image from
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alec_ok, thanks, thedead144005:43
alec_that seems like the ideal solution05:44
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ZaercI wonder if it would be possible to set up a native SDK05:52
Zaerchowever unpractical it might be05:54
alec_any advantages to that setup, zaerc?05:55
alec_i just want to cross-compile transmission-gtk >= v2.605:55
alec_er, transmission-cli05:55
alec_because transmission in the repos doesn't support magnet links05:55
Zaercother then that it would be very slow? I don't think so05:55
Zaercit would just be for fun05:56
ZaercI guess I've been playing with easy-debian to much ;)05:56
alec_btw, how does stuff in /opt end up in the PATH?05:56
alec_because if i `echo $PATH` i just get /usr/bin and /bin05:56
alec_so obviously there's some kind of behind-the-scenes magic05:57
alec_the problem is that it's a bit inconsistent05:57
Zaercstuff like that is usually set in the shell's startup scripts05:57
alec_for instance, coreutils-gnu installs into a gnu subdirectory that's not part of the PATH05:57
alec_what is the startup script for ash/xterminal?05:58
Zaerclike /etc/profile, ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc05:58
Zaercyeah that could be one of them too05:58
Zaercfor the time being, you can always do: export PATH=$PATH:/opt/whatever06:00
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alec_i won't =)06:00
alec_i did that and bricked my phone06:00
alec_no idea how06:00
alec_suddenly nothing was executable06:00
alec_the OS wouldn't start06:00
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Zaerchmmm, that must have been some other issue06:01
alec_there seems to be some kind of behind-the-scenes magic regarding the PATH06:01
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alec_is there a way to install maemo in an emulator so that i can run commands on my computer before running them on my phone?06:01
Zaercshould be possible, but I can't tell you how06:02
* eccerr0r types in PATH=$PATH:/opt/whatever into a pty...06:03
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eccerr0rOH NO !!! IT...06:03
eccerr0rdidn't do anything!06:04
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Zaercyou forgot the "export" in front ;)06:04
Zaercand it's funnier when you kill your irc client :D06:05
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eccerr0rwould be even funnier if it killed the n900 AND my bnc :)06:06
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alec_i also chmod -x'ed /usr/bin/find06:07
alec_that could have been the thing that did it06:08
eccerr0rwhy would you do that?06:08
alec_but the problem didn't start until i exported the PATH06:08
eccerr0rchmod -x find would kill your system06:08
alec_because i had installed gnu find and wanted to run it with the -exec option06:08
alec_why does it?06:08
eccerr0ryeah... that's exactly what happend06:09
eccerr0ryou killed your system by chmod -x find...06:09
eccerr0rif you rm find, or mv find find.old --- these are ok06:09
eccerr0rbut chmod -x find = bad things happen06:09
alec_any clue why?06:09
Zaercstartup scripts go haywire?06:09
eccerr0rbecause it's a symlink to busybox which is very important06:10
alec_well, everything just stopped being executable at that point06:10
Zaercah right... and ouch06:10
alec_hard or soft link, eccerr0r?06:10
eccerr0rdoesnt matter06:11
Zaercalec_: next time try adding the path to your new "find" in front06:11
Zaercthen do "hash -r" (iirc06:11
eccerr0rPATH=newpath:$PATH :D06:11
Zaercyou can check which one is being used with "type find"06:13
eccerr0rwow... questions for the powers that be, if you did something silly like delete this recoverable on the n900?06:13
eccerr0rlike for a regular PC you could still boot with another disk to recover...will bootmenu help06:13
Zaercheh, I don't have that much experience yet, and I hope I never will ;)06:14
Zaercif the bootloader still works, you might be able to boot off SD-card06:15
* eccerr0r only had his n900 for no more than 2 months... no exp with it yet either06:15
ZaercI think06:15
eccerr0rahh that would be nice if you could root=the sd card06:15
eccerr0rkernel should be fine even if you deleted busybox or libc...06:16
robbiethe1stYou can always reflah (parts of) your system06:16
Zaercyou may need to install one of the advance bootloaders for that06:16
robbiethe1stthe N900 is nearly unbrickable, because it's got this other bit of firmware to allow for flashing06:16
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robbiethe1steven if your OS partitions totally trashed06:16
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Zaercthanks robbiethe1st06:17
eccerr0rwould be nice to unbrick plus not damage any data on the phone :D06:17
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robbiethe1stFor that, you need Backupmenu to be installed before you brick it06:18
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eccerr0rif you could use that to change the root disk... I better install it :D06:18
Zaercand there's also sth like RescueOS I think?06:19
robbiethe1stYup; install that & power kernel and you've got shell access06:19
robbiethe1ston-device, in a pre-boot environment06:19
Zaercvery nice06:20
eccerr0ras long as you can use another root disk06:20
eccerr0rbecause if you whack your libc or busybox, no shell either...06:20
robbiethe1stalso note how the partitions are: You've got a 256MB rootfs which is on the CPU-chip-module, 2GB /home/ partition, and 28GB fat32 data storage06:20
robbiethe1stall of your user data is on the latter two partitions06:20
robbiethe1stall of the libc/executables are on the first06:21
eccerr0rideally if one could select root=/dev/mmc1p0 or something like that06:21
robbiethe1stThat's possible with the bootmenu package, but I don't know exactly how it'd all work06:21
alec_zaerc, what are the advanced bootloaders? what can they do?06:21
robbiethe1stso you can *just* flash/reload over the 256mb partition, all your user data is fine(just need to reinstall app packages) and everything's fine.06:22
robbiethe1stBRB, guys, dinner.06:22
eccerr0rbasically you install shell+libc on the microsd card, then you can mount your internal partitions and fix them06:22
Zaercrobbiethe1st: enjoy!06:22
Zaercalec_: tbh it was quite a while when I messed with that06:22
Zaercbut the one on mine gives a menu if you boot with the keyboard open06:23
ZaercI think it's called u-boot but I'm not sure06:23
ZaercI just had the device and was trying just about everything I could find06:24
Zaercmaybe it came with kernel-power, or the other way around06:24
Zaercand it was all new so I didn't want to mess with that too much... I think we all know how that usually ends ;)06:26
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eccerr0rsigh... still worried about breaking my n900 while doing proactive maintenance (i.e. microusb reinforcement)...06:27
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Zaercjust don't use bug connectors like adaptors06:28
Zaercbig, not bug :p06:29
alec_can i boot anything interesting with u-boot?06:29
eccerr0reh... but I want to be able to use any microusb I want =\06:29
Zaercwell it should be possible to put a whole different system on an SD-card I think06:30
eccerr0rput android on the sd-card? :D06:30
* alec_ idly wonders if it's possible to craft a 'live distribution' to run on the n900 that can be loaded from the bootloader06:30
Zaerchaven't tried that yet though06:30
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eccerr0rthat would be the thing to do, nitdroid on the microsd?06:31
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Zaercthat's a regular debian booted from SD I think06:34
eccerr0rwhat *really* would be nice... boot off of host mode USB :)06:34
eccerr0rthat theoretically should be possible too?06:34
ZaercI still haven't gotten around to trying hostmode06:35
Zaercbut you can always chroot I reckon06:35
eccerr0rI don't think I'd do root-on-host mode usb ever though...06:36
eccerr0rbut it should be a possibility...06:36
eccerr0rI really need to even install power kernel on my n90006:37
ZaercI'm thinking about modding a powered USB hub just for hostmode06:37
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alec_'you are about to flash a new kernel image into device NAND memory, but new version string of kernel image is not similar to old'06:38
Zaercsounds scary, maybe someone more knowledgable can comment?06:39
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alec_i'm just going to make use of backupmenu... that should take care of it, right?06:39
ZaercI wish I knew06:40
alec_i hate how /etc/sudoers always gets overwritten06:41
alec_seems to happen whenever i install stuff06:41
Zaercthat is annoying06:42
ZaercI've just put my public ssh key under the root's account06:43
Zaercso that I can ssh into the root account, without a password even06:43
Zaercand then I can just "su - user" when needed06:44
alec_i don't like being root06:44
ZaercI don't even know the passwords06:44
alec_i prefer sudo; i do less damage06:44
ZaercI'm used to it, great learning experience ;)06:44
alec_ahh... backing up OptFS with tar in backupmenu is indeed slow06:45
eccerr0rah thanks for warning about /etc/sudoers... i think adding a file in /etc/sudoers.d maybe the solution to the overwriting...06:45
* alec_ goes to the store for some tobacco06:45
alec_good idea06:46
Zaercnice workaround06:46
eccerr0r(and then run update-sudoers if you made your own file)06:47
Zaercah, that is good to know06:47
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alec_you both just got your phones, eccerr0r and zaerc?06:57
eccerr0rme, just a bit over a month now I think06:58
alec_ahh, i got mine 2 days ago from ebay; i had been waiting for 3 years for the price to go down06:59
eccerr0rbut I'm a long time Linux/Unix user... only reason I had to buy one :D06:59
eccerr0rit was a replacement for my symbian 5230 phone that I broke06:59
ZaercI got mine less then a year ago06:59
alec_same here; i've been using gnu/linux for 10 years06:59
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alec_any pet peeves about the phone so far, eccerr0r?07:00
eccerr0rhmm... my linux-10 was several years back... linux-20 is coming :D07:00
alec_nice =)07:00
eccerr0rBattery life and how delicate the microusb port is07:00
eccerr0rthat's the only two things I dislike about the phone.07:01
eccerr0rother than hildon being closed source07:01
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alec_that's a huge pain IMO07:01
alec_hildon itself is a pain07:01
eccerr0rit's not that bad, but bloaty07:02
bef0rdi thought hildon was opensourced07:02
bef0rd(the toolkit)07:02
bef0rdnot hildon-home07:02
eccerr0rwell, specifically the code needed for the phone dialer...07:02
eccerr0rthough did someone finally reverse engineer that so you could make calls on n900-android?07:03
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alec_anything you really like about your n900 that you didn't expect to like, eccerr0r?07:18
eccerr0rit's about as I expected it to be when I decided to get one.07:19
ZaercI'm thinking about getting a second one, just to mess around with07:19
eccerr0rtempted to do so too, just to figure out how to do the surgery and not have to worry about breaking this working one07:20
alec_how much did you pay, zaerc and eccerr0r?07:22
alec_i paid $195 for a new one07:22
eccerr0rcheapest off ebay...07:22
alec_used or new?07:22
Zaerclast year, about 180 euros for a second hand one07:22
Zaercnow I see them going for about 75 euros07:23
Zaerc(mine was as good as new)07:23
eccerr0rthey say to be wary about ones marked as "new" but I think the one I got is close enough, seems very close to "new"07:23
eccerr0rthe charger however was obviously not new, obvious scratches, etc., but the n900 was pristine07:24
Zaercwahey! my newly setup SDK works07:26
alec_actually if it's from china or hong kong you can be sure it's new07:26
alec_they hold on to new products for years there07:26
alec_my last phone i bought while travelling in hong kong; it was 2-3 years old also07:26
robbiethe1st...Or make a knock-off of it07:26
Zaerctime to update the wiki page a bit...07:26
alec_yes, fake products are widespread in mainland china, but not hong kong07:27
alec_hong kong is far more technologically advanced and economically stable than europe or the US =)07:27
eccerr0rbut the charger obviously was not new :\ I can't tell if the phone is a fake or not but if it's fake, it's a very very good fake.  I wonder if they faked the bad microusb too :D07:27
alec_anyway, it's pretty easy to tell fake products when in china07:27
alec_i lived there for a year and saw plenty07:27
alec_they're just obviously fake07:28
alec_fake ipods, etc07:28
alec_they just look fake07:28
alec_firmware is not ios, etc.07:28
eccerr0rbut if this was a fake n900, it can run maemo apps directly still :D07:29
robbiethe1stI've gotten several Nokia N900 chargers; the stamps/case/etc all identical. Guts, however... one had a lot of components, looked genuine, other was made with a handful(no PFC etc), obviously not Nokia07:29
alec_interesting, robbiethe1st07:29
alec_yes, that kind of fake stuff is very common in china07:29
alec_fake ipod chargers, cables, etc07:29
robbiethe1stThat being said... the cheap ones work perfectly well for the N90007:30
alec_but, really, that's where it's being manufactured... so...07:30
eccerr0reh these small power supplies, I have yet to see one with PFC... then again I think European AC10s need to have PFC to be sold in the EU?07:30
alec_exactly; they come from the same factory even probably07:30
alec_just no name brand07:30
* alec_ actually goes to the store for tobacco now07:30
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eccerr0rthe worst small switching PSUs, the worst one I ever saw was a halfwave rectifier and no feedback07:30
eccerr0rbut most of them are fullwave and have feedback loop...07:31
robbiethe1stThat being said, my N950 can tell the difference. Two chargers: with charger A plugged in, the screen won't respond at all or very occasionally to touch07:31
robbiethe1stunplugged, or with B, works fine.07:31
robbiethe1stMy brother has the same problem with his N907:31
eccerr0rcurrently I have an issue with my ac10c and two ca-101 cables - the ac10c only charges at 400mA, the CA101's charge at 300mA or so max...07:32
eccerr0rmy ca-101d and this dollar tree microusb cable - both will charge my n900 really fast... but both of them are really hard to plug into the n90007:33
robbiethe1stI'm not sure I'd really notice; I leave it plugged in over night07:33
eccerr0rthus I have to do the surgery so that I don't pull the microusb out with the plug :(07:33
eccerr0rit would be nice to just carry around the ca101d07:34
eccerr0rthat is really convenient...07:34
eccerr0ri was using battery-eye... the ac10c and the ca101 charging slope are nowhere near the ca101d and the $1 cable...  but they're much easier to connect and extract, lessening the risk of damage.07:36
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eccerr0r(ac10c: takes about 4 hours to charge from flat, ca-101 probably 8 hours.  The tight ca101d and $1 cables will charge in 2 hours)07:37
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robbiethe1stWhat I did was custom-make myself a car charger - $3 switchmode buck converter set to 5v, USB port with middle pins soldered together, and a USB -> micro cable07:39
robbiethe1stSeems to work nicely07:39
eccerr0ri think it's probably the microusb ends07:40
eccerr0rthe loose ones don't charge as fast, might just be worn out07:40
eccerr0rthe tight ones of course still depend on what they're plugged into - I was using my bench power supply to test07:41
robbiethe1stPerhaps; remember though that if the two middle pins aren't shorted, it won't charge at more than 400-500ma if ever07:41
eccerr0r(well, actually I was testing the two CA101s, CA101D and the $1 cable all with the same PSU07:41
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eccerr0rthe AC10C was an estimate by looking at charging numbers.07:42
robbiethe1stare you sure the middle pins are shorted correctly? I don't quite know your setup?07:42
eccerr0rI have a female USB-A that I shorted D+/D- together, and power straight to the bench PSU.  So all four cables are used exactly the same during the test07:43
robbiethe1stBecause they have to be connected to each other (d+ to d-) and not connected to ground or power07:43
eccerr0rthe nice thing about the bench PSU is that I get the current reading so I don't have to depend on the bq24150 lying to me or not...07:44
DocScrutinizer05robbiethe1st: (screen won't respond) yep, same here07:48
DocScrutinizer05eccerr0r: I strongly suggest you use onboard diagnostic means to check what's actually going on, rather than spreading nonsense about bq24150 allegedly lying07:54
eccerr0rYou may know the hardware more than I do, I don't trust any hardware I'm not familiar with.07:56
DocScrutinizer05yeah, we learned about that during err 2 weeks now07:56
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eccerr0rIt's like trusting google doing what they say they're going to do with their data, and do something behind our backs.  I'm not going to trust it until I can compare it real numbers07:58
DocScrutinizer05it's just not very enlightening to hear you perpetuating same stuff over and over again, not checking the relevant parameters like voltage *at N900 USB* and then stating bq24150 would lie07:58
DocScrutinizer05and tbh your approach to claim that hw lies until you tested it shows more about your testing skills than about hw07:59
eccerr0rI cannot measure the voltage at the N900 USB, and there apparently is no software that will do it, I don't see writing it, I don't see writing it...07:59
DocScrutinizer05I don't see you bothering to learn about it08:00
DocScrutinizer05so please stop spreading nonsense as facts here08:00
DocScrutinizer05bq24150 is NOT lying08:00
DocScrutinizer05and we explained to you several times in loving verbosity here what info you can acquire in which way onboard of N900, D+- short detection being just one of them08:02
eccerr0rThere's no way for me to know until all the external issues are removed.  If the voltage the bq24150 sees on vbus was displayed prominently with available software then that would have cleared up the problem very quickly.08:02
DocScrutinizer05and if pigs had wings08:03
eccerr0rhow would I know that they don't?08:03
* DocScrutinizer05 yawns and wanders off08:03
robbiethe1stWell, do you smell pig sh*t from your roof?08:04
eccerr0rthey may have wings but it does not imply they can fly either.08:05
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DocScrutinizer05and if N900 had a plutonium battery you wouldn't need to worry about charging08:06
eccerr0rI have to treat the unit as a black box.  I don't know why people have such a problem with it especially because I don't even know if I had a "good" unit.  Suppose there was a 10 ohm resistor on vbus in my particular unit... would be strange but there's no way for me to know08:07
DocScrutinizer05honestly, your contributions are not exactly helpful, and your refusal to learn anything about N900 hw is outright annoying08:07
robbiethe1stThere's fully detailed schematics available08:09
DocScrutinizer05if you repeat another 10 times "no way for me to know2 it won't be any less false, but it will qualify you for my ignore list, or worse08:09
robbiethe1stalong with diagrams showing every single pin on each chip etc08:09
DocScrutinizer05there is a extremely simple path to probe for parasitary resistance on both USB VBUS and USB GND08:10
eccerr0rIs the expectation for everyone to open their unit to verify that the circuit is indeed intact and in good shape?  That would have had to be the next step to verify the voltage on vbus.08:10
DocScrutinizer05by using an ohm-meter and the open end of usb cable and test points under battery08:11
* alec_ knows nothing about electrical engineering08:12
DocScrutinizer05and yes, you can even probe the VBUS voltage between the pads under battery, thoug that is admittedly a tad clumsy since battery should be inserted for charging08:12
DocScrutinizer05there are datasheets for bq24150 and bq27200 available08:13
DocScrutinizer05and now pretty please stop telling us N900 is a blackbox08:13
DocScrutinizer05I can't stand it anymore08:13
eccerr0rfinally finding the service manuals was probably the single most valuable documentation to have... though I'd have to thank google for those...08:16
eccerr0rtoo many bad links around. :(08:17
robbiethe1stAll pray to the all-knowing and all-powerful google!08:17
eccerr0rknowing they existed was the first thing :\08:17
eccerr0rmost service manuals are like top secret...08:18
DocScrutinizer05and your googling hasn't shown any pages with an url starting like UH?08:18
eccerr0rno, I ended up finding them on some other website actually08:18
DocScrutinizer05yeah, and your sarcasm detector is also defunct08:19
eccerr0rton of bad links to rapidshare or something which w.m.o pointed to08:19
DocScrutinizer05pssst... you could have +asked* here ;-P08:20
eccerr0rwell now you tell me =p08:20
DocScrutinizer05I know of a server
eccerr0rneed to fix all the links, that rapidshare link was annoying08:21
eccerr0rsaw many many links to that server which was dead.08:21
eccerr0rwell, not dead but deleted08:22
DocScrutinizer05which has a hidden directory docs08:22
DocScrutinizer05and guess what you could find there08:23
DocScrutinizer05I see stuff like Nokia_N900_RX-51_Schematics.pdf08:24
DocScrutinizer05SMIA95_AF_camera module_APL_090511.doc08:25
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DocScrutinizer05TWL4030__TPS65950 OMAPâ„¢ Power Management and System Companion Device ES 1.0 TRM (Rev. D)__swcu050d.pdf08:26
eccerr0rtime to swipe a copy of everything there I guess... then the next thing is if there was the board layout gerber...08:26
alec_what's the password for the maemo sdk vm?08:26
alec_i literally don't have enough ram to open a browser tab with it running...08:27
eccerr0rI just logged in as maemo/maemo and sudo drops to root w/o pwd08:27
* alec_ will use lynx08:27
alec_i know why08:28
alec_it's because i type in dvorak08:28
alec_and the vm is using qwerty08:28
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alec_my machine is too slow to run this vm08:40
eccerr0rusing vmware? qemu? vbox?08:40
eccerr0rqemu without kvm = unusable I've found...08:40
eccerr0rI'm currently using qemu+kvm on x86_64, it's fast enough...08:41
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eccerr0reven with kvm, qemu is probably the slowest08:41
eccerr0rwhat's the hypervising machine?08:42
eccerr0rI did not try vbox but qemu with kvm is still a huge penalty. Without kvm it was unusable (like 1/10 or 1/20th the speed of native)08:43
alec_i allocated less ram, seems to do the trick08:43
alec_not sure what hypervising machine is08:43
eccerr0rah it was swapping...08:43
eccerr0ror rather the hypervisor was swapping...08:43
eccerr0rI was running with kvm with 128MB VM memory.  the VM was swapping and I couldn't was running like a dog tooo08:44
eccerr0r512M seems to work ok, not sure what's the recommended vm size08:44
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keriokvm is fast10:13
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DocScrutinizer05only thing that sucks in my KVM is the graca-emu10:39
DocScrutinizer05mouse jerky10:39
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alec__i'm in scratchbox on the sdk vm10:44
alec__i'm asked to set up a target10:44
alec__i want the target to be armel10:44
alec__but there's two different options10:44
alec__er, three10:44
alec__and host-gcc10:45
alec__i guess the first one is the one i want?10:45
alec__why does it even give me a choice?10:45
alec__i mean, i already chose armel10:46
DocScrutinizer05you can build for running the stuff inside scatchbox10:46
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DocScrutinizer05cool wirtual N90010:46
DocScrutinizer05alas no cellular modem ;-)10:47
DocScrutinizer05for that purpose you want target x8610:47
DocScrutinizer05i486 rather10:47
alec__i want to build for my phone10:48
DocScrutinizer05btw seems you should update10:48
alec__update sandbox?10:48
DocScrutinizer052007 feels a tad aged10:48
DocScrutinizer05scratchbox, yeah10:49
alec__scratchbox is python10:49
alec__who would have known...10:49
DocScrutinizer05and the maemo stuff inside scratchbox10:49
alec__well, scratchbox website is dead...10:49
DocScrutinizer05dunno if we already have something on skeiron10:50
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alec__i see11:26
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alec__well, that link has x86_64 packages, thedead144011:26
alec__so probably easiest to just do it on my machine, and not vm, right?11:27
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kerioalec__: scratchbox is a pain in the ass12:09
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wirrfreemangordon, ping12:32
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wirrShadowJK, freemangordon, I remember you testing some sd card with very interesting random write performance in january or so. unfortunately I couldn't find it on irc logs. what card was that?12:43
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ShadowJKfreemangordon uses samsung microsdhc pro 64g12:45
ShadowJKI benchmarked a a-data ultra high speed 16g card12:45
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ShadowJKAlso, sandisk extreme pro microsdhc isn't too bad12:46
* ShadowJK currently benchmarking a samsung microsdhc pro 32g12:46
wirrdo we have an overview in wiki or something?12:46
ShadowJKnot really12:48
wirrwhich one would you personnally recommend? the a-data?12:49
ShadowJKThe more i test stuff the more I become convinced the available methods aren't suited for the task :)12:49
ShadowJKI'm not sure.. haven't tried it in N900.. using the sandisk there12:49
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wirrIsn't it that vendors just are "cheating" their way through? moving out logic into filesystems (like wear-levelling and stuff) and giving us plain simple storage chips would make life easier12:50
ShadowJKAlthough, f2fs looks interesting, though you need to profile your card first for best results, and only the good cards will run nicely on f2fs12:52
wirri'll have a look at that12:52
ShadowJK(where "nicely" is in a totally different ballpark than ext3/ext4/btrfs)12:52
ShadowJKAlso, the physical structure of flash these days is becoming a major headache12:54
wirryou're talking about the raid-like clustering of the chips?12:55
ShadowJKthese days you no longer hope for SLC flash, you hope for MLC.. most is TLC though12:55
ShadowJKso you have a block size of 12M and smallest writable unit of 36k or similarily fruity sizes12:56
ShadowJKthat dont fit well with how operating systems work :)12:56
kerioi thought SLC was better12:57
alec__kerio; i can feel it already. how often do you use it? is there anything better?12:57
kerioalec__: i just use the ubuntu vm12:57
alec__aren't the compilers pretty out of date on the ubuntu vm, kerio?12:58
keriothere's freemangordon's gcc4.7-linaro setup12:58
ShadowJKkerio; yeah of course, i just mean nobody uses it anymore12:59
ShadowJKmlc is the new slc, and tlc is the new mlc ;)12:59
alec__ah, where can i get that setup?12:59
alec__is that also a vm?12:59
kerioalec__: there's instructions on wiki, they assume you already have the standard scratchbox setup12:59
kerioShadowJK: the problem with SDs is that the controller is *not* good enough to present a perfect block device with good performance13:00
ShadowJKAlso it's getting increasingly difficult to even theoretically transform the flash into good block device13:01
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kerioif only there was some kind of "raw" mode where you can access the underlying flash as a mtd...13:01
kerioShadowJK: ssds have good controllers13:02
ShadowJKSSDs have an advantage in that they can store power, and keep a ram buffer to deal with OS's power-of-two transfers and the flash's power-of-three struxture13:02
kerioalso an advantage in space13:02
kerioand i mean physical space for the circuitry13:03
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wirrShadowJK, can you tell me something about reader limitations? I've just built an sd storage device based on an old iaudio mp3 player using an sd card zif board. are max. supported sd card sizes depending on reader controller?13:08
SpeedEvilgenerally no13:08
ShadowJKif it does 4g cards it will do 64g, I'd think?13:08
wirrthat's what i'd assume13:08
SpeedEvilalmost all SD card controllers are 'software,13:08
ShadowJKi've got a few usb card readers that don't do sdhc13:09
SpeedEvilthink of them more like network cards that talk to the SD13:09
SpeedEvilthis is ones built into microcontrollers or processors13:09
SpeedEvilhandling large capacities can generally be done with a software upgrade13:10
SpeedEvilif it's got an embedded micro that handles the filesystem, this differs13:10
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freemangordonkerio: actually it's zeq's setup ;)13:17
freemangordongcc4.7 linaro ;)13:17
Macerjust put my lumia 900 up for sale on ebay13:17
Macerhope someone buys it for $25013:17
Macerthat would really make my week :)13:18
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ShadowJKman, it's pretty disturbing how even when using swap on uSD, fennec makes optfs 50% busy13:38
freemangordonShadowJK: wait for qwazix to be ready with embedlite UI and use it instead of fennec13:40
freemangordonor disable disk cache13:40
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zeq1I really need to update those toolchains...13:41
ShadowJKMy first suspect would've been history db actually, heh13:41
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freemangordonShadowJK: open about:config, disable disk cache and make memory cache 20-40MB13:43
zeq1My laptop died a few weeks back, I should be getting a new faster one on Monday, should make it a little easier to get things done.13:43
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freemangordonzeq1: I tried to build newer gcc for SB, almost succesfuly :)13:43
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zeq1freemangordon: did you automate it?13:44
freemangordonlinker (in SB) was spitting some errors, I guess I 've messed something in binutils build13:44
zeq1proper sb integration?13:44
freemangordonzeq1: no13:44
freemangordonI lack the knowledge/time and will to do it :)13:45
zeq1yeah, it's not a straightforward as it should be13:46
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zeq1some strange quirks in the various toolchain build systems13:46
zeq1My new laptop should make it pretty quick to build :)13:47
freemangordonzeq1: btw are you aware of anything in newer 4.7 versions that makes the exercise worth?13:47
zeq1i7-3840QM 8GiB13:47
freemangordonnice :)13:47
zeq1lots of bug fixes, there's also 4.8 coming up13:48
freemangordonzeq1: well, sure there are bug fixes, but is there anything besides that? improved vectorizer or something?13:49
zeq14.8 is a bit of another jump, but ther's been lots of ARM improvments13:49
freemangordonI looked at the change logs some time ago and see nothing interesting13:49
zeq1I'll have to look a the changelog/list archives13:49
zeq1I've not been following developments as I usually do13:50
zeq1been taking a break13:50
zeq1I took too many things on at once13:50
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freemangordonPali: ping13:51
Palifreemangordon: pong13:51
freemangordonPali: this is going political, what now? (errata patch)13:52
Palijust write what you know13:53
freemangordonPali: sure I will. But I bet the guy with the last mail is ex-nokian ;)13:53
Paliyes, you are right13:53
Palihe alredy contributed to 0xFFFF :-)13:54
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freemangordonPali: ok, I'll write an answer when I am woken up enough13:54
ShadowJKheh yeh, disabled disk cache and still 50% busy on optfs :)13:56
freemangordonShadowJK: I guess you need to delete it by hand13:56
freemangordondisk cache that is13:56
freemangordonit is in /home/user/mozilla/fennec/(something_CACHE)13:57
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freemangordonzeq1: what I see in newer gccs is focus on ARM6413:58
freemangordonunless I am reading the changelog wrong13:58
zeq1there's been a *lot* of ARM64 commits because it's the new arch13:59
freemangordonI see nothing of benefit for n90013:59
zeq1I understand that there's been significant improvements to code generation for other recent ARM cores, although admittedly that's from reading Phoronix ;)14:00
freemangordonwell, I don't see a way cortex-a8 to fall in the "other rercent" category :D14:01
zeq1that's what benchmarks are for :P14:02
ShadowJKheh, cache dir not changing at all, still high ioload :)14:02
zeq1It'll be a good way to test my new laptop :)14:02
wirrfreemangordon, what was the card you've been testing lately with exceptionally good random write times?14:02
freemangordonsamsung pro 64GB IIRC14:03
freemangordonlemme try to find it over the inet14:04
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freemangordonwirr: keep in mind it is not exactly cheap :D:D:D14:06
freemangordonI bought mine for ~80 euros14:07
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freemangordonShadowJK: well, I am out of ideas then :(. It could be something with sqlite commits, but that needs code change to disable disk flushes14:11
freemangordonShadowJK: which fennec is that?14:11
ShadowJK-thumb, I hope :)14:12
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freemangordonShadowJK: did you try to remove the whole fennec directory? how big is your "places" DB?14:14
freemangordonno idea then :)14:15
* ShadowJK blames sqlite14:16
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ShadowJKweird, there's significant load still after moving .mozilla/fennec away (and symlinking)14:21
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wirrfreemangordon, thanks for the link15:02
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DocScrutinizer052*2TB ordered15:24
xesDocScrutinizer05: great!15:25
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kerioand bye!16:38
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XATRIXHi guys, i tried to reflash my device some time ago, and did change something in my drivers... libusb or what it was... Now when i connect my 900 to my PC it tells me my handset is connected to PC in a wrong mode20:23
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Zaerchave you tried reinstalling the packages you messed with?20:26
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XATRIXThe problem i've faced - i forgot the drivers i changed :)20:39
XATRIXWhat do i have to change in USB drivers to be able to flash device ?20:40
XATRIXAny non-standard libusb ?20:40
XATRIXOr mobile phone drivers ?20:40
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ZaercI have no idea tbh, I've never been up that creek without a paddle20:43
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Zaerccan you still login over wifi?20:46
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XATRIXZaerc: To the headset ? Yea20:47
XATRIXIt's fully working, but i can't use PCSuite for sync20:47
Zaercand you can't reflash?20:49
XATRIXI hope i can... But i want to sync my data before :)20:56
XATRIXI have some new contacts in20:56
XATRIXAnd i'd like to save em to my PC before20:56
Zaercmaybe export them and copy the file over with scp?20:56
XATRIXHm... How can i export ?20:56
Zaercsomwhere in the UI I think20:57
Palicreate backup20:57
Paliand then copy backup file20:57
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XATRIXAlso , i did install many applications, any idea how can i extract the list of ?20:58
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Palidpkg -l20:58
Zaercthat would have been my suggestion too20:59
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Palidpkg --get-selections20:59
Palithis will print packages in better parseable format21:00
XATRIXlet me handle it21:01
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Palialso backup via backup application can backup and restore all intalled applications21:08
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XATRIXI found that all of my manually installed apps, are in /home/opt21:15
XATRIXThe trouble is that i installed some apps from testing,devel repos21:16
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kerioso... apple's Lightning digital AV adapter has the same amount of ram as the n90021:19
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keriolet me repeat that21:21
DocScrutinizer05XATRIX: I guess your problem is with PCsuite-mode vs mass-storage-mode.21:21
keriothe adapter to connect the iphone 5 to a tv has the same amount of ram the n900 has21:22
DocScrutinizer05so what. kerio?21:22
DocScrutinizer05ram is cheap today21:22
kerioDocScrutinizer05: we're in the future21:22
XATRIXDocScrutinizer05, hm... but.. I choose PC-Suite mode while it pops up a dialog21:23
DocScrutinizer05then it's quite strange why you got those problems. Maybe the culprit is your PC?21:23
XATRIXi remember i couldn't connect handset in proper mode, before the last reflash21:24
XATRIXsomewhere i found docs, they advised me to download some extra usb drivers for win7 and after , i was able to flash it21:25
XATRIXmy maemo-flasher was unable to reflash it before i changed drivers21:25
DocScrutinizer05yes, exactly. USB drivers for *WIN7*21:25
kerioflashing on windows is a crapshoot, aiui21:26
DocScrutinizer05sorry, no windows here. But it's a generally known problem also for linux that PCsuite with cdc_phonet driver conflicts with flashing21:26
XATRIXwhy it is no windows here ?21:27
DocScrutinizer05so probably whatever you did to make flashing under windows work might also have killed PCsuite mode en passant21:27
XATRIXi'm using linux everyday, but never flash something with linux21:27
DocScrutinizer05why no windows here??? because I didn't feel like wasting money and/or time for such a crap. My PC is happy without any windows running on it. Me as well21:29
kerioi've got plenty of windows open right now21:30
keriotwo terminals21:30
keriotwo IM21:30
kerioand firefox21:30
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XATRIX Sorry, simply i have two reasons to have windows... I have a GF, and i play :)21:31
keriocool story bro21:31
XATRIXAnd who said i paid it ? :)21:31
keriodid you just admit to what is at the very least a civil liability on a public channel21:32
Skryyou take pride on stealing? ;|21:32
keriowith public logs21:32
XATRIXEm...sorry i didn't get it. My english is not so good ? What do you mean ?21:33
eccerr0rI paid the M$ tax on my notebooks.21:33
Zaercummm... stealing isn't the same as not paying a license fee21:34
eccerr0rhe might have got it "free" when buying a computer?21:34
Zaercthere is a subtle difference21:34
DocScrutinizer05ugh, 30min and wikiwide didn't thank yet on - I'm worried ;-D21:34
DocScrutinizer05and I can't agree with Zaerc21:35
kerioi'll thank you!21:35
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Zaercstealing is the taking of a physical object21:36
DocScrutinizer05as a sw-developer I think there's absolutely no difference between stealing and running a cracked or not properly licenced software21:36
Zaercmaking a copy and not paying for it is something else21:36
Zaercyour opinion has no weight in the matter21:36
kerioyeah, stealing and copying a number is different21:36
DocScrutinizer05maybe in your language and jurisdiction21:36
Zaercit's the same in english21:37
keriostealing is unlawful acquisition of *material goods*21:37
DocScrutinizer05where I live it's both the pretty same § in laws and same crime21:37
Zaercthat's completely irrelevant21:37
eccerr0rWhen making fake copies of money, is that stealing or counterfeiting?21:37
Zaerccopying and stealing are two different things21:38
kerioeccerr0r: the problem when counterfeiting money isn't the copyright violation21:38
Zaercand yeah the law differentiates between taking a picture of a painting, and stealing that painting21:39
DocScrutinizer05kerio: maybe in your language. Here we also call it stealing when somebody is breaking into an office and taking photographs of a secret data21:39
keriothat's spionage21:39
eccerr0rthere is sort of a law against copying money too...21:39
DocScrutinizer05you can even steal ideas here21:39
kerioand... hm, is the act of taking photographs illegal, or is it the breaking&entering that's illegal there?21:39
DocScrutinizer05spionge == the act of stealing secret information21:39
keriono, it's the act of acquiring secret information21:40
kerioyou can't steal information, remember21:40
DocScrutinizer05tbh I don't give a shit21:40
Zaercwell I suppose you could if you'd remove the physical medium21:40
kerioif i give you my apple and you give me your apple we both only have an apple, but if i tell you my idea and you tell me your idea we both have two ideas21:40
kerioexcept if the idea was DocScrutinizer05's, in which case he doesn't have that idea anymore because you stole it21:41
DocScrutinizer05neither XATRIX not Zaerc comments are much appreciated21:41
eccerr0rtoo much gray area here.21:41
keriofor some reason21:41
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XATRIXDocScrutinizer05: What ? I didn't say a word here for now21:42
ZaercDocScrutinizer05: by you maybe21:42
DocScrutinizer05and again, maybe in your language21:42
DocScrutinizer05Zaerc: no, by freenode21:42
kerioDocScrutinizer05: i'm sorry, but if german can't distinguish between the act of stealing a physical object and the act of unlawfully copying information, then it's a crappy language21:42
ZaercDocScrutinizer05: says who?21:42
DocScrutinizer05and for sure by maemo21:42
DocScrutinizer05kerio: so what. Yours sounds idiotic21:43
ZaercZaerc: so now you're the ruler of both freenode and maemo?21:43
keriokerio: stop talking to yourself!21:43
kerioZaerc: fwiw freenode policy is fairly clear on this21:44
Zaercthat you can't discuss the difference between stealing and copying?21:44
keriono, that's allowed21:44
Zaercthen how am I violating policy?21:45
kerioi think that encouraging illegal behaviour is against freenode policy21:45
kerio...although i'm not entirely sure about that21:45
Zaercso now suddenly I'm encouraging illegal behavior?21:45
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Zaercbecause I don't agree with the moronic copying==stealing mantra?21:46
eccerr0rcopying=illegal, stealing is illegal, therefore copying=stealing.21:47
Zaercif copying were illegal, everyone in the open-source movement would be a criminal21:47
eccerr0rI don't know what point I was trying to make there actually21:47
kerioeccerr0r: your lack of understanding of logic, maybe :P21:48
Zaercviolating copyrights is not the same as copying21:48
kerioZaerc: pretty much everyone agrees with you, it's just a boring conversation21:48
ZaercI agree21:49
ZaercI'm just appaled at the narrowmindedness displayed here21:49
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DocScrutinizer05google for "Datendiebstahl"21:51
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DocScrutinizer05German laws don't really consider unlawful copying any different than taking away physical goods21:51
DocScrutinizer05neither does German language, based on jurisdiction. Since it's diebstahl it's called diebstahl21:52
DocScrutinizer05In our jurisdiction you don't need to remove something physical from a victim's property to do an act of stealing21:53
DocScrutinizer05as already mentioned we know the semantic concept of "stealing ideas" here since long21:54
DocScrutinizer05this doesn't imply we would all think the victim lost the idea and can't remember anymore21:55
kerioyeah, the whole concept of stealing ideas is fucked up21:55
teotwakiwhat the fuck has everyone been smoking these days21:57
ZaercDiebostahl der; -(e)s, Diebost?hole; das verbotene Nehmen (Stehlen) von Dingen, die anderen geh?ren <einen Diebstahl begehen; jemanden wegen Diebstahls anzeigen, verurteilen>21:58
Zaercaccording to
Zaercso you may want to get in touch with the people making dictionaries21:59
DocScrutinizer05no i won't21:59
teotwaki"the forbidden act of taking things"21:59
DocScrutinizer05you may want to get in touch with reality and follow my suggestion to google for Datendiebstahl22:00
teotwakiSeems pretty clear to me.22:00
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teotwakiBut then again, Diebstahl also means robbery and whatnot, no? Same as in Dutch, diefstal.22:00
kerioteotwaki: both "taking" and "things" is a bit ambiguous, when talking about digital things22:01
infobotkerio meant: teotwaki: both "taking" and "things" are a bit ambiguous, when talking about digital things22:01
DocScrutinizer05teotwaki: indeed, taking possession of something only implies that the object had to remove on ots original location when *you* imply that22:01
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DocScrutinizer05kerio: no, it's not22:01
Zaercthe reality is that copying and stealing are two different concepts22:02
teotwakiwell, I'm with kerio on this one: Copying a file doesn't make you lose your copy.22:02
kerioit's a fscking number, you can't steal a number22:02
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teotwakiBasically, stealing means you prevent someone from enjoying their ownership. That doesn't happen with digital files.22:02
DocScrutinizer05Zaerc: nobody talked about copying22:02
Zaercif you can't see that because you're blinded by language and legislation...22:02
teotwakikerio: send me your /etc/hosts file. Are you now unable to ping localhost?22:03
ZaercDocScrutinizer05: that's all I've been talking about22:03
DocScrutinizer05teotwaki: how's that relevant22:03
teotwakiWell, people who say copying files is illegal should realise they do so all the time.22:03
DocScrutinizer05as quoted above in german language the definition of stealing is "illegal taking of possession of something"22:04
DocScrutinizer05NOT "removing something somewhere illegaly"22:04
teotwakiactually, no22:04
Zaercthe german law is not the highest authority here22:04
DocScrutinizer05for me it is22:04
Zaercand that's obviosly your problem22:05
teotwakiit clearly says, in the thingie above: "illegally taking something"22:05
DocScrutinizer05and I don't care about your highest authority since we never discussed that22:05
Zaercwe're talking concept, not legislation22:05
teotwakiThe way I interpret "taking" is "stripping ownership away from the previous owner".22:05
teotwakiIt has nothing to do with me *taking* ownership.22:06
teotwakiIt's about what you deny the person who used to own it.22:06
DocScrutinizer05you can use the Holy Bible or Manson for your highest authority, we however discussed German law and more originally why it's deprecated to encourage stealing sowftware here in this channel22:06
Zaercno, your discussing german law22:06
teotwakiExcept that again, with digital files, you don't deny anyone using said file.22:06
teotwakiie: They didn't lose ownership.22:07
Zaercwe were discussing wether copying and stealing are the same22:07
DocScrutinizer05that's irrelevant22:07
DocScrutinizer05YOU discussed that22:07
Zaercthat's how the discussion got started22:07
Zaercthe only one interested in german law is you22:07
teotwakiZaerc: you're not helping.22:08
DocScrutinizer05no, the discussion started like [2013-03-02 20:32:06] <kerio> did you just admit to what is at the very least a civil liability on a public channel22:08
DocScrutinizer05[2013-03-02 20:32:14] <Skry> you take pride on stealing? ;|22:08
DocScrutinizer05and more originally with [2013-03-02 20:31:43] <XATRIX> And who said i paid it ? :)22:09
Zaercindeed, I objected to the word stealing22:09
Zaercnobody mentioned german law22:09
DocScrutinizer05meh, you're so extremely boring me with your sophism22:10
teotwakiDocScrutinizer05: then play with me, unless you find me boring as well?22:10
teotwakikerio: come out and play.22:11
keriobut we agree on everything :(22:12
teotwakius two?22:12
teotwakior everyone in the channel?22:12
kerious two22:13
teotwakiI can play the devil's advocate, I don't care.22:13
teotwakiHere, I'll take my mom's position.22:13
teotwaki(that sounds wrong)22:13
Zaercyou can always disagree on agreeing about everything, just for the sake of it ;)22:13
kerioas an old sage once said, "meh, you're so extremely boring me with your sophism"22:14
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teotwaki"I make 10-20k a year from royalties, yet I refuse to pay for adobe lightroom. People who steal my music should be sued. I sued a school that performed a concert of mine, but didn't pay royalties. Help. There's a virus on my mac. l1ghtr00m.h4x with a skull on it on my desktop? That's nothing."22:15
teotwakiOr a pretty big role model to me: "Piracy is bad. You may want that nice Ferrari, but you wouldn't just go out and steal it, would you? Just because you can't afford it isn't an excuse to steal a CD. Yeah, there's my stack of music edition software, go ahead and load it up on your mac."22:17
teotwakiOh fuck it, I can't defend those positions. They're moronic and outdated. Who the fuck am I kidding. I develop software for a living, and I refuse to use the word piracy.22:19
teotwakiDocScrutinizer05: you're no fun.22:20
kerioteotwaki: fwiw, "music producers steal software all the time so piracy should not be a thing" isn't a valid argument22:21
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teotwakikerio: you're being obtuse if you believe that's my argument.22:21
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teotwakiMy argument is that "piracy" is such a deluded concept, so ass backwards that not even the people who profit from it get it.22:22
keriooh, indeed22:22
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teotwakikerio & DocScrutinizer05 & Zaerc:
teotwakioff to steal some napkins at McDonalds.22:25
Zaercthanks, sounds like fun22:26
Zaercteotwaki: stay safe, copy them instead ;)22:26
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DocScrutinizer05Zaerc: actually the start point is >>[2013-03-02 20:34:06] <Zaerc> ummm... stealing isn't the same as not paying a license fee<< which I disagreed. And none of my arguments why I did been proven incorrect by anybody22:34
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ZaercDocScrutinizer05: fascinating22:34
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DocScrutinizer05maybe you just stated the obvious and meant "it has different number and set of characters in it" or sth22:35
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DocScrutinizer05while I thought you implied that the act of piracy should be considered different than that of stealing22:36
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kerioit bloody well should22:36
DocScrutinizer05and it bloody well isn't - at least where I live, and in this channel22:37
kerioi didn't know german law applied in this channel22:37
keriofreenode is uk-based22:37
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DocScrutinizer05kerio: so what? did anybody suggest that?22:38
ZaercDocScrutinizer05: you just did22:38
kerioyeah, that's what i got from your message22:38
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DocScrutinizer05all i stated is that where I live piracy is considered same as stealing, and same applies for this channel, when it comes to freenode rules about encouraging unlawful behaviour22:40
Zaercnow there's your bullshit22:40
DocScrutinizer05this doesn't imply in any way that freenode was related to german laws in any way22:40
Zaercnobody here is encouraging unlawful behavior by disagreeing with you22:41
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DocScrutinizer05nobody here is thinking your assumptions make any sense22:41
ZaercDocScrutinizer05: so now you know exactly what everyone here thinks?22:41
DocScrutinizer05and vanilla pudding isn't a burger22:41
Zaercplease speak for yourself, and not the whole channel22:43
Zaercunless they have appointed you as their spokesperson of course22:43
DocScrutinizer05Zaerc: sorry you're again suffering a misconception. I speak for the chan as in "i'm moderator of this chan"22:45
Zaercsounds like you don't understand the concept of moderation to me22:45
DocScrutinizer05and now I definitely am bored by this topic and will not go discuss it with you any further22:45
Zaercthen stop bringing it up22:46
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alec_if i have the ubuntu scratchbox vm, should/can i dist-upgrade it to 12.10?22:56
alec_i mean, update-manager prompts me to upgrade22:56
alec_but that won't break anything in scratchbox will it? and it's a good idea generally right?22:56
alec_have newer libraries, repos, etc?22:56
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DocScrutinizer05I'll bring it up next time I read a statement that sounds to me as if somebody was apologizing piracy and encouraging it, in this chan. My reaction will be less verbose then22:59
ZaercDocScrutinizer05: so you're not bored with it then22:59
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kerioalec_: chances are, it'll bork it23:00
keriobut meh, it's worth a shot23:00
DocScrutinizer05I *am* bored to death with your trolling23:01
kerioyou still have the image, right?23:01
XATRIXOk, look, i've created backup: Connection&Calendar,Bookmarks,Settings,Applications. Now i need to copy it out, and try to reflash it23:01
XATRIXIs it right?23:01
ZaercDocScrutinizer05: nice way to avoid an open discussion23:01
DocScrutinizer05stop highlighting me, moron23:02
alec_i do have the image23:02
alec_i will clone the vm23:02
alec_dist-upgrade one, keep the other as-is23:02
ZaercDocScrutinizer05: namecalling? really?23:02
DocScrutinizer05I don't owe you any open discussion23:02
alec_the question is, how can i compile the stuff with the antiquated 10.10 setup? any thoughts, kerio23:02
Zaercalec_: I'm having the same problem23:03
kerioscratchbox is a separate thing anyway23:03
kerioand it's maemo fremantle that's antiquated :)23:03
XATRIXGuys, please calm down. And help a novice guy, who like to experiment to solve his problem:)23:03
ZaercXATRIX: that sounded right, but I can't be sure23:04
Zaerckerio: is there a good alternative to fremantle for the n900?23:09
XATRIXZaerc: meego ?23:09
kerioXATRIX: nope23:09
XATRIXdroid4 ?23:09
keriostill nope23:10
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keriomeego only half works, and the battery life is pitiful23:10
kerioandroid only half works either23:10
kerioand it's android23:10
Zaercwell those maybe alternatives, but they didn't seem very good to me23:10
alec_lol: "and it's android"... indeed...23:10
Zaercandroid doesn't appeal to me at all23:10
XATRIXwhy do you thinks it works half ? android ?23:10
kerioafaik no alternative OS on the n900 has working phone calls, for once23:11
XATRIXdid you test it ?23:11
alec_when i try to run scratchbox i get 'unterminated quoted string'.23:11
alec_anyone have any clue why?23:11
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Zaercalec_: because there is a " or ' missing somewhere? ;)23:12
Zaerc(sorry I don't know either)23:12
kerioXATRIX: i haven't tested android, i did test nemo23:13
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XATRIXWhere the backup i made is located ?23:21
XATRIXon the handset23:21
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DocScrutinizer05depends on what you selected as destination23:24
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DocScrutinizer05usually it's a good idea23:25
DocScrutinizer05then check your uSD, it has a drawer like "backups" or ".backup" or sth23:25
XATRIX /dev/mmcblk0p2            2.0G    631.0M      1.3G  33% /home23:25
XATRIX ?23:25
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XATRIX /dev/mmcblk0p1           27.0G      4.4G     22.6G  16% /home/user/MyDocs23:26
XATRIX /dev/mmcblk1p1          951.6M    348.4M    603.2M  37% /media/mmc123:26
XATRIXI have 2G falsh card23:26
XATRIXso i suppose it to be /home23:26
DocScrutinizer05no, /home is internal eMMC23:27
XATRIXsounds if it is proper location )23:28
DocScrutinizer05if your uSD is a 2GB, then you either partitioned/formatted it incorrectly, or you simply have a second partition eating the remaining 1GB23:28
XATRIXWhy it is not correctly partitioned ?23:29
XATRIXWait a bit23:29
DocScrutinizer05because of /dev/mmcblk1p1          951.6M23:29
XATRIXyou're right23:29
DocScrutinizer05I suppose there's also a /dev/mmcblk1p223:29
XATRIXSounds if it is 1G23:30
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kerioXATRIX: you have a 1GB flash23:32
kerioor, rather, you have a uSD with at least 951.6M23:32
kerioand a 951.6M partition23:32
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XATRIXWhat does mean .modest ?23:32
DocScrutinizer05nfc why it creates dirs on uSD23:33
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XATRIXdo i have to extract my external flash while flashing device ?23:39
XATRIXor i can leave it there?23:39
Zaercit shouldn't be affected afaik23:40
XATRIXi hope it won't interfer23:41
Zaercyou can always take it out to be on the safe side23:42
XATRIXOk, now i will start asking some questions , to make it clear for me23:42
XATRIXSome time ago, i was advised by Doc to reflash my device cause i messed up everything23:42
SpeedEvilremoving the back should ensure it's read only23:42
XATRIXBeacause now i have my device tells me my batter dischargin rate is ~3A :)23:43
XATRIXDoc was really angry of this23:44
XATRIXNow i have to fix this crap :)23:44
XATRIXAlright, i'd like to use powerkernel after reflash23:45
XATRIXis it ok ? Also, i'd like to make my device to use as less power consumption as possible23:45
Zaercpowerkernel should be fine I reckon23:46
ShadowJKeven I moved to pk23:46
XATRIXAlright. It's clear. The second queston. Do i have to install/enable any features to make my battery live longer ?23:47
DocScrutinizer05pk is fine. bme-replacement, not yet23:47
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XATRIXem.... why not ?23:47
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XATRIXwill it provide me correct chargin data ?23:47
DocScrutinizer05and no, pretty please don't install any battery enhancement stuff, it's all nonsense23:47
XATRIXYes, i noted it23:48
DocScrutinizer05XATRIX: bme replacement is still highly experimental23:48
XATRIXIs it inside the pk ?23:48
XATRIXOr it shoud be installed outside of ?23:48
DocScrutinizer05pk is "clean"23:49
ShadowJKthough if running pk, "kernel-config load default" in xterminal after boot might reduce poweruse in non-idle mode slightly23:49
ShadowJKBut yeah, generally a clean install is quite power efficient.. it's what you do after that :)23:49
XATRIXOk.. But do i have to install bme replacement also ?23:50
DocScrutinizer05no, you shall NOT install bme replacement23:51
keriobme-replacement works fine, apart for some weirdness in the handling of the LED23:51
kerioas long as you have kp5223:52
XATRIXAlso i'd like to ask about BleedingEdge wifi drivers23:52
keriobut it's highly experimental23:52
XATRIXI couldn't load it with my currect installation23:52
kerioXATRIX: they have problems with power consumption23:52
kerioso only use them to do packet injection23:52
XATRIXHm... i don't crack anything23:53
keriothen don't use them23:53
XATRIXOk, but this thing has a cool panel wifi-toggle :)23:54
XATRIXvery handy23:54
Estel_kerio, btw, are you awarwe how to disable bme replacement (i.e. avoiding device shutdown)?23:54
Estel_eqauivalent of old'bad' stop bme?23:54
DocScrutinizer05interesting question23:55
DocScrutinizer05modprobe -r bq24150?23:55
Estel_Pali,  ^ last time I've asked about this, we started to talk about edv1 and making shutdown configurable, and my qauestion got forgotten23:55
Estel_DocScrutinizer05,  not likely, as shutdown is calledd from dsme?23:55
keriotry modprobe -r bq27x00_battery23:55
Estel_bq27 doesngt have anything to do with it23:55
* ShadowJK should add a shutdown to his userspace charge31...23:55
kerioEstel_: your only bet is to stop hald-addon-bme from doing things23:55
DocScrutinizer05dsme doesn't really have to do anything with it23:56
Palirmmod drivers23:56
Estel_DocScrutinizer05,  sorry, just quoting Pali :P23:56
kerio...i reckon that rmmodding bq27x00_battery would just make the phone shutdown23:56
Estel_kerio, no, it doesnt23:56
Palihald-addon-bme will handle it23:56
Estel_I triwed it zillion times while writing new version of bnf23:56
Estel_Pali, it will?23:56
Paliand will wait until kernel provides power supply interface again23:57
Estel_of course it's just ugly workaround for calibration, 'till version with gconf configurable treeshold arrives :)23:57
DocScrutinizer05well, afaik hald-addon-bme is detecting conditions to shutdown, and then uses dsme to initiate friendly shutdown23:57
Estel_DocScrutinizer05,  I see23:58
Estel_Pali,  no way ny just "frozing" hald-addon-bme, btw?23:58
DocScrutinizer05while it uses kernel modules to acquire data of whether or not to shutdown23:58
infobotEstel_ meant: Pali,  no way by just "frozing" hald-addon-bme, btw?23:58
Palihald-addon-bme trying to read bq27x power_supply values every 30 (?) s23:59
Paliand every 60 (?) s checking if bq2415x is loaded23:59

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