IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2013-02-03

RaimuSpam kills
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lokimotiveis the extras-devel repo reachable?00:24
infoboti heard mirror is
lokimotivehm my problem is that if i try to install cssu i get an error that packages are missing00:25
lokimotivei have the mirror the list though00:26
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lokimotiveextras and extras-devel that i00:26
keriolokimotive: a working extrAh crap00:42
kerioPali: this shit right here is the reason we should get rid of HAM domains00:43
Palikerio, and what will solve this?00:44
keriolokimotive: enable redpill mode, disable "ignore packages from wrong domains", do it again00:44
Paliinstalling cssu not!00:44
keriospeaking like yoda, you are00:44
kerioPali: it's for the *next* time rmo goes down00:44
keriobesides, you'd still get a confirmation message00:44
Palikerio, instead enable red pill mode, write info how to edit ham domain file00:45
kerioPali: i suppose that those mirrors should provide a package rhat adds the repo officially00:46
Palikerio, so write this to mirror admins00:47
kerioor maybe HAM could stop being annoying and ask the user00:48
keriothese mirrors were provided for free, ffs00:48
Palikerio, write patch for HAM00:51
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lokimotivelet me guess, ham is closed source?00:54
M4rtinKyou can enjoy its source in its whole horrible beauty :)00:55
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Palilokimotive, HAM is fully open source, and reading source code causing hair loss :D01:00
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kerioPali: haha, this will be much easier than i thought01:04
keriosrc/, line 5401:04
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* kerio wrote the patch01:10
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lufAfter several hours: Err fremantle-1.3/free Packages01:38
luf  503 Service Unavailable01:38
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anthony1bendo blak berry01:39
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RiDanthony1 are you trying to say "selling blackberry" ?01:42
anthony1i'm speek englis01:43
anthony1i from venezuelan01:43
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MrPinguI have a weird issue: headphones not recognized in higher-level sw, but dmesg spits out gpio 177 connected/disconnected01:59
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RiDanthony1 do you know what #maemo is?02:02
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anthony2quien ES MI amigo02:07
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jonwildamn, r.m.o is still running slow :(02:13
MrPinguhmmm, does not give me any info :(02:14
povbotBug 6360: Headset problems02:14
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* MrPingu guesses he needs to sacrifice his uptime for some music02:17
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Skrywas that guy.. real?02:20
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MrPinguReboot fixed it. hmpf02:21
lufMrPingu: uptime R.I.P. :D02:22
MrPinguluf: yeah, but how can that bug be invalid, then...02:23
MrPinguAlmost got a month, and freemangordon promised me to release a new thumb after I got an uptime of a month :P02:24
lufMrPingu: no idea02:24
MrPinguAin't gonna happen with these weird bugs02:25
lufMrPingu: so freemangordon can relax. Good news.02:25
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MrPinguProbably kerio won't like this *evil laugh*02:27
MrPinguNah, freemangordon you are not bound to keep your promise ;)02:28
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Odzkhello everyone09:27
Odzkdoes anyone know how to set the default zoom of microb? i dont see it on the about:config.09:29
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kerioMrPingu: with headset problems i like to restart bluetoothd and pulseaudio10:00
keriooh, the ones with a cable? just pulse, maybe10:00
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MrPingukerio: thanks, yes the wired, I already rebooted but next time i will restart PA (I could have thought of that myself)11:20
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keriohm, rmo doesn't work at all now, does it?13:02
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keriooh, it does13:02
lufkerio: very very slow (unusable)13:02
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iluminator105openssh in maemo is asking for a password but its not taking the root passwd i set it to13:03
kerioare you sure you're logging in as root?13:04
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iluminator105go it13:12
iluminator105where is the sources /etc/apt/sources.list ?13:12
kerioi can't parse your question13:13
keriowhich sources?13:13
iluminator105apt sources for n90013:13
keriothe repositories, then13:13
kerioHAM puts his repos in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list13:13
kerioit will also use every other repo in /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*13:14
Cor-Aimmm ham *drowls*13:14
iluminator105ah ha13:14
iluminator105where can i get fapman13:14
infobotfrom memory, fapman is Faster Application Manager, a bad package manager that causes problems, don't use it, ever13:14
iluminator105ham is slow13:15
LauRomani never use fapman with unstable repos13:15
LauRomanelse i hadn't problems13:15
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ShadowJKI'd also point out that "apt-get update; apt-get upgrade" can potentially mess up things :)13:15
kerioand fapman is all-around awful13:15
kerioShadowJK: MEH13:15
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iluminator105i wanted upgrade to 2.32 kernel b/z thats what i used on my desktop13:16
LauRomanfapman is better if you want to install a large number of apps and don't know the apt for it13:16
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LauRomanstable apps13:17
LauRomanlike themes13:17
keriofremantle only supports 2.6.28 anyway13:17
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iluminator105maemo extra repo is very very slow13:21
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kerioiluminator105: they're working on it13:21
iluminator105is this one the mirror but its not much better either13:22
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damo22accessing my n900 from ssh is the bomb!13:34
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jogaremote detonation by ssh?13:35
damo22good idea13:35
damo22attach some c4 to the usb port13:35
jogabetter than having a spam sms blow you up too early13:35
damo22sudo c4detonate now13:36
damo22Are you sure? Press Y to continue...13:36
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LauRomanwasn't c4 used for warming up cans of beans or something in vietnam or korea13:38
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damo22i dont suggest attaching C4 to cans of beans, unless you want a big mess13:38
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jogaLauRoman, yeah I seem to recall it could be used in other ways besides blowing stuff up13:40
LauRomani heard it that somwhere but can't remember where13:40
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jogaWhen ignited with a flame rather than detonated with a primary explosive, C4 just burns, so American soldiers during the Vietnam War era would sometimes use small amounts of it as a fuel for heating rations.[citation needed] However, burning C4 produces poisonous fumes and should be avoided.[5]13:42
joga(from wikipedia)13:42
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jogahehe, also: "Michael Herr in Dispatches, his book about the Vietnam War, relates that a soldier would occasionally ingest C4 from a Claymore mine in order to cause temporary illness so that he would be sent on sick leave."13:43
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damo22what is screen res of n900?13:47
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iluminator105can you upgrade the memory of n900 to 1gig13:49
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cehtehwell in theory yes .. but i doubt you want some expensive investment in tools for that, and some failed tries13:50
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iluminator105how do you stream video from n90013:52
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SpeedEvililuminator105: I'm not aware of any software to do that simply13:53
SpeedEvilI have used mencoder and net cat13:54
SpeedEvilif you mean stream the camera13:54
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iluminator105hmm.. do you have a write up on it13:54
kerioeating c4 sounds stupid13:54
kerioi doubt you've got enough leeway between sick leave and death13:55
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LauRomantheres also a dlna server for maemo13:55
damo22i still dont know how many pixels the n900 is13:57
damo22i want to create a wallpaper for it the optimal size13:57
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LauRomanhorizontal vertical or different per desktop?13:58
LauRomanor 3600x480 or 2400x480 or 1600x480 :)13:59
SpeedEvilcehteh: I have not found any source for the 1g ram, when I looked14:01
SpeedEvilcehteh: or, indeed, the 51214:01
cehtehyes .. i saied expensive tools and "in theory" .. build your own fab :)14:01
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ShadowJKGot a spare dozen billion dollars? :)14:09
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iluminator105what the best phone to upgrade from an n900 then14:13
kerioanother n900, usually14:14
SpeedEvilcehteh: it's not _that_ bad14:14
SpeedEvilcehteh: you certainly could source the chips.14:14
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SpeedEviljust getting them in ones may not be an option14:15
cehtehdid jolla announced some phones for the european market yet?14:15
cehtehhardware wise i'd like my wifes samsung note 2 .. but i cant stand the android14:16
SpeedEvilnot for any market14:16
cehtehmaemo, meego or sailfish on that .. i would imagine thats awesome14:16
SpeedEvilI wish someone would put up a nice is for the n414:16
iluminator105i like nokia 920 but not att14:17
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jonwilI wish that someone would make a phone other than a N900 with a physical keyboard that doesn't suck14:20
SpeedEvilI have been using my nexus seven w lot.14:22
SpeedEvilto the point that that last sentence and this one are tuprd blind.14:23
ShadowJK(it's easy to tell when SpeedEvil switched to N7 for irc, from all the weird spelling correction)14:23
SpeedEvilthough I approach the same speed as on the n900, it is always more stressful, and there is never certainty14:23
SpeedEvilwith the n900, I could 100% of the time tell I had hit the wrong key14:24
SpeedEvilwithout looking14:24
ShadowJKI get tired (like, physically) quickly when typing on transformer osk14:24
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xeswell.. i think the best keyboard was the n810 one's... but the size is bigger14:25
ShadowJKI think I like the N900 keyboard better, the key shape and travel are better14:27
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WizardNumberNextcehteh: OMAP3430 doesn't support 1024MiB RAM. Sorry. It does support 512MiB RAM, but...14:28
iluminator105nokia 920 with meego of course14:28
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WizardNumberNextcehteh: won't like it, you need to chips stacked on SoC. You create "tower" of SoC, RAM, RAM14:29
SpeedEvilWizardNumberNext: there are, or were, four bank chips in the right footprint14:30
SpeedEvilfor 192414:30
WizardNumberNextcehteh: obviously you need to research subject as memory controllers can use some organizations and cannot use other, so for instance it might support 256Mx8 and 128mx16, but definitely won't support 512Mx4. There is yet another organization, which you have to take in account14:32
WizardNumberNextSpeedEvil: from what t I might be wrong14:32
WizardNumberNextand it is not about banks, but ranks14:33
WizardNumberNextpretty much every RAM chip released after SDR100 spec was released is 4-bank chip14:33
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WizardNumberNextSpeedEvil: now you make sense14:34
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WizardNumberNextbut I am not sure, OMAP3430 can do four chips14:34
WizardNumberNextfor sure two14:34
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WizardNumberNextand theorycally should be able to do 4 chips as it have 2 chip select lines14:35
infobotWizardNumberNext meant: and theoretically should be able to do 4 chips as it have 2 chip select lines14:36
WizardNumberNextstill doesn't look right14:37
WizardNumberNextSpeedEvil: I would be very much interested in such chip. 1GiB sounds very interesting\14:38
WizardNumberNextand then I would hunt for 373014:38
SpeedEvil3730 is order able from digikey IIRC14:39
WizardNumberNextactually 4-die RAM chip would increase speed, if OMAP would be interleaving memory throughout dies14:40
WizardNumberNextthen there would be 16 banks - maximum perfomance possible14:40
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WizardNumberNextthat is reason why I want to modify ACPI tables for my desktop to change voltage and multiplier for CPU in C'n'Q14:42
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kerioso... when will i be able to buy a n900 with 512mb of ram?14:50
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jacekowskikerio: never14:53
cehtehdont say never ..14:54
keriofeels bad man14:54
M4rtinKkerio: the GTA-04 basically is a N900 with 512 RAM :)14:54
cehtehif he gives a lot of money someone will do it14:54
M4rtinKbut with smaller screen, without keyboard & very expensive :)14:54
cehtehhere my 10k$ phone :)14:54
jacekowskiwell, N95014:55
RST38hkerio: would you like fries with that?14:55
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WizardNumberNextjacekowski: true N950 is very close to N900 hardware-wise, shame it doesn't have keyboard, neither sd-slot14:56
jacekowskiN950 does have a keyboard14:57
jacekowskiand microsd slot14:57
jacekowskiand everything14:57
WizardNumberNextsorry - I missed that one - true it does have keyboard14:57
WizardNumberNextfor some very strange reason I was internally N950 and externally n914:58
WizardNumberNextjacekowski: only problem is - it cost a lot, if it appears on market14:58
jacekowskithat's other problem14:59
jacekowskiwe don't care about such small details14:59
WizardNumberNextn950 have only 16GiB eMMC?14:59
jacekowskino idea14:59
WizardNumberNextif notes are tearing your pockets ;)14:59
WizardNumberNextgetting back on ACPI-C'n'Q problem15:00
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kerioEstel_: cfmradio has no icon :(15:28
keriowhich is weird, because there's a cfmradio.png in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/hildon/15:29
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Estel_kerio,  because scalable isn't good place to put icon into15:33
Estel_move it to 64x64 or smth like that15:34
Estel_Pali afaik injection drivers doesnt work with ad-hoc mode15:34
Estel_I strongly suggest to not ship it instead of vanilla drivers, if it doesnt have that (or other possible regressions) fixed15:35
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Estel_nusse,  I never use that funny enabler to install cssu15:35
Estel_you can do it without it, just be sure that they will yell at you ;)15:35
Estel_just keep in mind that you need to ensure yourself, that everything is enabled as it should15:36
Estel_topro,  I use fapman (FAM) and I recommend it by heart - this factoid ~fam is quite lame, was written by someone with personal problems about apt15:37
keriowithout the enabler, autoremove won't work properly15:37
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Estel_fapman is just frontend for fam15:37
Estel_my autoremove works ok :P15:37
Estel_enabler is just funny sript15:38
kerioand fapman fails to run certain preinst/postinst scripts15:38
Estel_you can mimic it's doings if want to15:38
kerioyes you can15:38
Estel_kerio,  as much fails as apt fails to do so15:38
Estel_(=never in practice, outside repeated urban legends)15:38
Estel_fapman = apt-get and apt-cache with some buttons15:38
keriofapman uses its own repo list, its own cache15:39
Estel_yea, that's even better15:39
kerioand doesn't give you nearly enough control as you'd get by using apt15:39
Estel_as you can keep separate lists15:39
Estel_of course, not single frontend gives it15:39
Estel_still, it's faster for many things ;)15:39
Estel_if I would use apt for browsing programs in repos by keywords, it would take ages15:40
Estel_btw, I keep sync between apt and fapman repos lists, but there was a time when, for debugging purposes, I kept them separate. very handy15:40
Estel_anyway, topro, using fapman from very beginning of my N900 experience, it never, ever, caused any problem for me15:41
Estel_choice is your, but don't alwayw blindly follow factoids/opinions from irc here, as many times, they're biased as hell15:41
MrPinguMaybe you never had issues with autoremove, 9/10 it works15:41
Estel_just few months ago some prominent (now) member of new Maemo administration, tried to convince everyone that kernel-power is evil and should never, ever, be installed by anyone15:42
MrPinguThen suddenly, and god knows why autoremove fscks everything15:42
Estel_MrPingu,  who forces you to autoremove?15:42
MrPinguEstel_: Nobody, just saying15:42
Estel_fam have options to enable it, doesnt force it15:42
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Estel_MrPingu,  sure, but it's like apt-get autoremove15:42
Estel_it'*s just a frontend :P15:42
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Estel_saying it's evil in itself is silly15:43
Estel_but that's expected, considering who've written factoid about fapman here :P15:43
Estel_btw autoremove isn't evil too, it just follows dependencies15:43
Estel_if dependencies are fckd, it may fckd things, but dependencies doesnmat get fckd by itself15:43
Estel_it's quite logic, despite what urban myths tend to assume15:44
kerioi wrote that factoid15:44
infobotEstel_ meant: it's quite logical, despite what urban myths tend to assume15:44
Estel_so I was wrong at "considering who have written it"15:44
kerioand one of the things that the cssu enabler does is vaguely try to fix the problem with the stock metapackage15:45
Estel_anyway, you were indoctrinated :P15:45
keriomarking every one of its dependencies as manually installed15:45
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Estel_I know :)15:45
Estel_which may create even more mess in future15:45
kerioand, fun fact, i don't have ops here15:45
Estel_but cssu think that it will be eternall, most of the times15:45
kerioso i have no obligation to not ignore you15:45
Estel_lol? if you feel offended, then take my deepest excuses15:46
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Estel_although I don't necessary see point that offended you15:46
Estel_anyway, it's free irc-country, they tend to say15:46
infobotEstel_ meant: anyway, it's free irc-node, they tend to say15:46
MrPinguIt's that fapman has autoremove enabled by default... Not to mention I use fapman too, it has a nice gui for apt especially searching is superior in fapman15:46
Estel_MrPingu,  exactly same reasons15:47
Estel_ops, missed autoremove by default, I disabled it on first use it seems15:47
Estel_well, sp factoid should state "always disable autoremove" instead "never use it"15:47
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Estel_it's just that kerio spends too much time with DocScrutinizer05 here, and become authoritary biased against certain things, instead of following True Free Way Mantra :P15:48
damo22is it possible to tether over usb?15:49
Estel_qtmobilehotspot is the name15:49
MrPinguWell, he is free to do so ;)15:50
keriodamo22: mobilehotspot can do that, apparently15:50
keriothere's no builtin UI to do so15:50
Estel_MrPingu,  sure, have you not noticed little pun/irony in my writing about mantra? :P15:50
keriohowever, you can use the n900 as a modem15:50
Estel_of course there is ui15:50
Estel_qtmobilehotspot have ui15:50
Estel_you can tether N900 connections, be it gprs, wifi (acting like usb wifi card with routing functionality) or whatever15:51
Estel_it's really handy15:51
damo22thats what i need15:51
damo22then i can ditch my iphone15:51
MrPinguYou missed the word "builtin" while I missed your pun :P15:51
Estel_MrPingu,  you're right, I took "builtin" as "builtin mobilehotspot"15:52
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Estel_which is logic behind his sentence, but probably, not what he meant :P15:52
Estel_damo22,  ditch it and buy replacement N900, just in case15:53
Estel_you can tether via wifi, via usb, via ethernet (using correct dongle)15:53
damo22you mean buy 2x n900?15:53
damo22maybe i will15:53
Estel_I got 8 of them :P15:53
damo22bit overkill15:54
Estel_although 3 are rotary, sold or given to someone and replaced by others15:54
damo22u can give me one15:54
damo22if you like15:54
Estel_if you become my girlfriend, why not15:54
damo22er no15:54
Estel_thought so :)15:54
MrPinguI wanna go far, but not that far :P15:55
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damo22so as a bonus to being your gf she gets a n900?15:55
Estel_<Estel_> Pali afaik injection drivers doesnt work with ad-hoc mode15:55
PaliEstel_, why?15:55
Estel_I wouldn't suggest shipping it instead of vanilla driveres without regressions like that fixed15:56
Estel_well, enable injection, and try ad-hoc15:56
Estel_nice lovely reboot15:56
Estel_instant one, IIRC15:56
damo22Estel_: surely you have more likeable qualities than the required offering of a n900 :P15:56
PaliEstel_, I'm not going to replace original drivers15:56
MrPinguYes but wasn't that fixed in v0.2?15:57
damo22well my n900 is perfect, except that the repo is slooooow15:58
MrPinguAnyway, but I remember reports that ad-hoc makes it crash. Never confirmes as I don't use it15:58
Estel_damo22,  N900 is like doctor's who sonic screwdriver15:58
infoboti heard mirror is
Estel_very sexy thing15:58
Estel_don't you know who get screws, erm, screwdrivers from him? :P15:59
Estel_Pali,  last time I checked, it rebooted on joining ad-hoc15:59
Estel_don't have one handy around now15:59
PaliEstel_, now I see, it rebooted my device too16:00
MrPingudamo22: I meant this:
Estel_but better check it before shipping vanilla as default16:00
Estel_Pali,  yea16:00
DocScrutinizer05topro: (<Estel_> choice is your, but don't alwayw blindly follow factoids/opinions from irc here, as many times, they're biased as hell) a *very* wise advice, though in a recursive way OP probably hadn't intended to suggest16:00
PaliI have oops backtrace in mtd216:00
damo22screwing is fun, with a screwdriver of course16:00
Palilxp: ping16:01
Estel_Pali,  nice, I would be glad if someone would be able to fix it16:01
lxpPali: pong16:01
MrPinguWe all would be glad :)16:01
Palilxp, your packet injection driver cause kernel panic when trying to connet co adhoc network16:01
PaliI have backtrace in mtd2ro16:02
Palican you look at it?16:02
infobot[hen] hostmode-easy-now, or
Palilxp, here is log:
lxpsorry i have no time to look into it right now16:03
Estel_damo22,  nowadsays, hen is most useful to debug hard to enumerate devices16:03
Estel_usbmode from pali is more handy as everyday tool to use hostmode16:03
Estel_btw Pali16:03
Estel_increasing sleep from 1 to 3 seconds after enumerate16:04
Estel_in usbmode16:04
Estel_helps a lot16:04
Estel_to get less false speed switched or unable to enumerate16:04
Palihere is second part of oops:
Estel_also, many times, it doesnmt even *try* highspeed where it should, but it's probably hostmode legacy, hen seems to fail highspeed many times too, for reasons unknown16:05
Estel_other times it just works16:05
Estel_hoever, in case of usbmode, when it works it works, and when not, it straight ahead jumps into testing fullspeed, without even trying high speed16:06
Estel_nfc why16:06
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Estel_Pali ^16:08
lxpPali: i put the ad-hoc kernel panics on my todo for wl1251 but i can't tell when i have time to look into it16:08
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Palilxp, ok16:08
Palilxp, I think that both logs can be usefull for you16:09
Palialso I rebased your patches on top of 3.8 kernel16:09
* jonwil wonders if anyone will ever care about his wl1251-cal replacement work...16:09
Palijonwil, I looked at it yesterday16:10
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lxpjonwil: you rewrote wl1251-cal or did you replace the entire driver interface with something better?16:10
_looping_hi, is there a way to use youtube on N810?16:10
Estel_jonwil,  I care :P16:10
jonwilI cloned wl1251-cal16:10
jonwilsomeone else can use it as a base to make the driver interface better16:10
Palilxp, if you have time, can you look at this patch?
Palithis only caused problems when I rebased all your patch series16:11
lxpjonwil: there is another approach in the upstream driver if i recall correctly it just pulls wl1251-nvs.bin from filesystem16:11
Paliand I do not know if I fixed conflicts correctly16:11
_looping_please, is there a way to use youtube on N810?16:11
jonwilmy thing does it properly including correct-ish region selection16:11
jonwilso it uses the correct channels16:11
Palilxp, in upstream wl1271 driver there is firmware code which load nvs data with mac address16:12
keriojonwil: >:c16:12
keriojonwil: use *all* the channels! _ò/16:13
Paliso I think that correct solution is to write similar code and create nvs file which will contains both wl1251-nvs and mac address16:13
lxpPali: do you mean the patch produces conflicts while rebasing or do you mean it doesn't work after you rebased it?16:13
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Palilxp, rebasing produced conflicts16:14
jonwilI see no reason you couldn't either A.Write kernel level code to read from CAL and then copy what wl1251-cal does into kernel space or B.Write program that gets run once and spits out a disk file matching what would be read from CAL and sent to card which then gets read by the kernel driver on bootup16:14
Estel_jonwil,  I second using all channels16:14
Paliall was easy to fix (in upstream kernel they renamed files), but only that one was hard16:14
jonwilEither way, I have done my part by figuring out what wl1251-cal does :)16:14
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Estel_jonwil,  at least leave easily reachable option to unlock all channels16:14
jonwilthe rest is up to people who know wl1251 driver more than I do :)16:15
lxpjonwil: i think the best option would be to remove the wl1251-cal driver interface but we should keep wl1251-cal programm16:15
lxpjonwil: wl1251-cal should be called by the firmware subsystem16:15
jonwilwell I defer to the experts here :)16:15
lxpjonwil: so when wl1251 driver requests the wl1251-nvs.bin firmware it is dynamically created by wl1251-cal16:15
Palijonwil, I think ideal solution would be: create script which read mac address from CAL and nvs file, and generate NVS firmware file (like in wl1271). then add wl1271 NVS parser code to wl1251 driver16:16
jonwilyou would need to adapt my wl1251-cal clone to make that possible16:16
lxpthe upstream wl1251 maintainer told me that the driver cal interface is deprecated and will never be accepted in the upstream kernel16:16
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Paliand region change can be done via CRDA16:17
jonwilok, well do whatever is needed :)16:17
jonwilthe info required is out there16:17
Estel_Pali,  also check cssu channel backscroll16:17
Estel_I reported crash that might be related to either hildon-home or ke-recv16:18
PaliEstel_, I know, see:
Estel_if the latter, it apply to you16:18
Estel_checking it, thanks16:18
kerioi have what's possibly a dumb question...16:18
PaliEstel_, which sleep timeout in usbmode is needed to change?16:18
Estel_ah, isbmode16:18
Palilook at TMO16:18
keriocan't we make it so that it always uses the EU region?16:18
Estel_from 1 to 316:18
Paliafter usb_enum?16:18
kerioit's the broadest one16:19
Estel_japan is broadest16:19
Estel_kerio,  not eu16:19
kerioEstel_: japan has power restrictions, and the hw can't do channels 12, 13 and 14 iirc16:19
Estel_it can16:19
Estel_I use 1316:19
keriohm, i wonder who told me that16:20
Estel_japan has power restrictions? 0_016:20
kerioit was the same person, mind you16:20
Estel_since when? everyone have it, but japan got it highest16:20
Estel_no, new zeland and japan is most liberate16:20
Estel_btw my router uses channel 13 and N900 works with it nicely16:21
Estel_at least no one i neighbourhood polluting it, except for interlapping from 1116:21
Estel_and if it was the same person i think it was, who told you that, then, oh well. You're not ignoring me anymore? :)16:21
keriolosing the track of the discussion is more annoying than you16:22
Estel_well, so backscroll top my question what offended you ;)16:22
PaliEste_, usbmode package updated16:23
kerioPali: increased the timeout a bit?16:23
Paliafter usb_enum from 1 to 316:23
Estel_Pali,  thanks, will test it with slowest (as per enumerate time required)16:23
jonwilbtw, as of now the only closed blobs required for MeeGo/Mer/Nemo on N900 are WiFi firmware, GPS, bluetooth firmware, PowerVR and maybe camera16:23
Palicamera firmware is open16:24
damo22is that all?16:24
Palibut you do not want to see source code of camera firmware16:24
jonwilCamera blob is not open (omap3cam)16:24
Palijonwil, omap3cam not16:24
Palibut can be replaced with new v4l2 library16:24
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jonwilso yeah most important missing piece is powervr userspace blobs16:25
kerioisn't fcam open too?16:25
jonwilhmmm yeah fcam is open16:26
Palijonwil, it will be never open16:26
damo22what i love about this device is that i can still ssh to it while the screen is off16:26
Paliand it will never be REd16:26
jonwilnever say never16:26
jonwilLook at what the Noveau guys did for NVIDIA cards16:26
jonwilAnd look at what people of various sorts have been doing for other ARM GPUs16:26
Paliand look at what happened for all TI/PVR people which wanted to write OSS driver16:27
keriojonwil: noveau "works"16:27
jonwilNoveau works just great on my Gentoo box16:28
jonwilAlthough to be fair said box only has a GeForce MX in it16:28
SkryRE effort has been going nowhere since it started16:28
PaliSkry, can you test if on 3.8 is working Ad-hoc wifi mode?16:28
jacekowskijonwil: noveau is still far from matching nvidia drivers16:28
jacekowskijonwil: feature and performance wise16:29
Skryand nouveau is, well, nouveau, for example it's unusable with my 7600GT which can be classified as legacy card already16:29
PaliSkry, packet injection driver patches on kernel-power causing kernel oops16:29
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jonwilIf I had more knowledge of linux graphics (and maybe a more recent/more usable copy of IDA) I would have a go at PowerVR bits myself (2D specifically)16:29
kerioPali: you should really make a local repository of your unreleased software16:30
jacekowskias far as i know, no modern card has 2d acceleration16:30
Palikerio, of what?16:30
jacekowskiit's all done using 3d hardware16:30
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keriousbmode, bme replacement16:30
keriobattery applet16:30
Palikerio, look at gitorious16:30
kerioi meant an apt repository16:30
jonwilN900 SGX can most definatly run and load GUI without a GL stack16:31
Palikerio, battery applet is in cssu devel16:31
keriois it? :o16:31
PaliI will create some bme replacement repository later16:31
jacekowskijonwil: it's all software hack apparently16:32
jacekowskijonwil: 3d hardware is perfectly capable of doing all the stuff required for 2d with minimal software help16:32
jacekowskijonwil: or firmware16:33
keriojacekowski: so, when you play a 2d game that simulates 3d...16:33
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jacekowskiand well, modern desktop OSes and maemo does that as well16:34
jacekowski"2d" desktop is using 3d compositing16:34
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jacekowskithat's why real 2d hardware is not really needed anymore, because 3d hardware is perfectly capable of generating 2d graphics16:34
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jonwilwell I can say for sure that my N900 is not using the 3D hardware right now to render its desktop (otherwise it would have loaded into memory somewhere and it has not)16:38
jacekowskii though maemo uses compositing16:38
kerioh-d uses compositing, yes16:38
jacekowskias in hildon and stuff16:38
jonwiloh wait my fault16:39
jonwilits GLES not gles16:39
jonwiland yes hildon-desktop does have the library loaded16:39
Skryjonwil:, now, start working :)16:40
jonwilcant do anything N900 at all until my gentoo box finishes emerging pyqt and then pykde and then the other 100 packages it needs to emerge before I can actually get into X and use it properly again16:41
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Skryyou don't need pyqt, pykde or kde for that matter to get into X16:42
Skryso poor excuse :)16:42
jonwilits not that I need those, its that I cant boot x because I need <package x> and I cant emerge <package x> until after phqt and pykde finish emerging16:43
jonwilbecause thats the order emerge has chosen to emerge things16:44
jonwili.e. I have to wait for this emerge pass to finish before I can boot x16:44
jacekowskigentoo sucks16:44
jacekowskii've wasted years of my life on it16:44
Skryme too, can't say I miss it16:44
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jacekowskii've compiled oo.o on 850Mhz duron with 256MB of ram16:45
lufjacekowski: has it finished yet? :D16:45
tadzikif you compile oo.o on 850MHz, then you've got bigger problems than gentoo16:45
* jonwil is glad he doesn't have OO.o on his box at all16:46
Lava_Croftopen orifices are bad to have on your box16:46
jacekowskithat was time when a lot of hardcore gentoo users used oo.o-bin ebuilds16:46
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jonwilGentoo seems like a great way to stress test older hardware, if it can handle a full emerge of kde* it can handle anything you can throw at it :)16:53
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Estel_why depreciated oo.o instead of libreoffice?16:54
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* ShadowJK would assume libreoffice didn't exist yet17:06
ShadowJKthis ooo/lo thing is damn annoying. Just as I had managed to make people who whine at me for Word use ooo writer, i have to explain the libreoffice is same thing17:07
ShadowJK"but it looks totally different! How do I print!? Save!? Open!?"17:08
nussepress print/save/open17:09
nussetell them to use latex17:10
ShadowJKthey changed the icons, so normal users used with ooo can't find the right buttons anymore17:16
ShadowJKNow they're back to relearning from scratch17:17
ShadowJKbecause normal users' brains work like that17:17
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kerioShadowJK: just install an office 2000 theme17:45
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kerioDocScrutinizer51: distraction!18:01
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DocScrutinizer05kerio: what's up?18:05
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keriomeh, not much18:06
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keriormo seems to be even slower18:07
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Lava_Crofti like how they changed star office's name and hoped people would forget that star office sucks18:13
DocScrutinizer05188.117.59.205                                                        =>                                                          303kb   163kb  51.4kb18:13
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DocScrutinizer05                                                                      <=                                                                       8.28kb  4.02kb  1.40kb18:14
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DocScrutinizer05                                                                      <=                                                                          0b   4.67kb  1.76kb18:14
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DocScrutinizer05the 3 cols are 4s/10s/40s  iirc18:14
DocScrutinizer05those are the fastest connections18:14
kerioperhaps the amount of connections is increasing because the old ones are slow?18:16
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kerioDocScrutinizer05: unique IPs?18:19
DocScrutinizer05sorry I'm busy with outher stuff18:19
DocScrutinizer05root@stage:~# netstat -tn|wc -l18:20
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ShadowJKheh, impressive19:37
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* ShadowJK has 8ms ping to rmo19:49
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* RST38h tried updating tonight, failed19:51
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WizardNumberNextmaybe I would be able to run 'apt-get update', then19:53
WizardNumberNext358ms min here, but it is UMTS at moment19:54
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WizardNumberNextbut at the moment I have 3.4ms ping to my server, which I consider rubbish, as desktop have rawly 0.1ms ping to server19:58
keriofrom my bouncer, i have a 2ms ping to :D20:00
WizardNumberNextdo you have professional router or something20:02
WizardNumberNextI naver have seen anything smaller the 38ms from std router20:02
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WizardNumberNextbut I have seen 2ms to google, when I hooked myself directly to internet w/o stupid rubbish called router20:03
kerioi said my bouncer20:03
kerioit's not on my home connection :)20:03
kerioit's on a friend's server, i assume in the same datacenter as the UK freenode server20:03
keriobut meh, i've got 40ms to google20:03
WizardNumberNext2ms is still a lot20:04
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WizardNumberNextman, connect some monster to virgin (modem, not this ad, which they give out now) and see how fast everything appears20:04
WizardNumberNextI have been connected directly for over month and I recognized true speed of virgin20:05
kerioso... get a better router20:05
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keriosomething to put openwrt/tomato on, or, if you're comfortable with closed-source software, something from mikrotik/routerboard (i heard they're really, really good)20:06
WizardNumberNextthere's no good router, if you used AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+ with 4GiB RAM as router previously20:06
kerioyes there is20:07
keriothese blanket statements are often inaccurate20:07
kerioa 300MHz arm cpu is enough to push packets around20:07
WizardNumberNextdid you ever have seen 2x1GHz with 4GiB DDR2-800 RAM (and I am not speaking about something, what would worth more then both my computers together)20:08
kerioi've seen my laptop, i guess20:08
WizardNumberNextbut routers have limited amount of RAM - max I ever have seen is 128MiB20:08
kerioi think mine has 6420:09
kerioyep, with 46 free at the moment20:09
kerio343 active connections20:09
WizardNumberNextnow I have AMD Phenom II X4 965BE, 8GiB DDR2-110020:09
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kerioi'm very interested in your hardware configuration20:09
WizardNumberNextI was handling 2700 connections without even smallest slow-down20:10
WizardNumberNext^that is server only^20:10
kerioi doubt i could sustain 3000 connections with my adsl :(20:10
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WizardNumberNextthat's why it is not 1090T20:10
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WizardNumberNextit depends on many factors20:11
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WizardNumberNextnot only adls20:11
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kerioi'm not entirely certain my adsl modem is any good either20:11
keriofor one thing, it heats up more than my router20:11
WizardNumberNextwith black-box rubbish router it was max 64 connections and already dropping outeven my e-mail connections were overloading this rubbish20:12
WizardNumberNextand that is just 5 accounts, so I do noit understand20:12
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ShadowJKI've done thousands of connections through a 486 with 32M ram :)20:16
Estel_no, it's normal20:17
Estel_using uber powerhog for server is quite...20:17
Estel_well, waste of power, to say at least20:17
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WizardNumberNextstock settings for Linux Kernel would be around 256 for that amount of mem20:18
Estel_wrt54gl with 32 ram and 200 mhz cpu easily handles building with 300 machines20:18
ShadowJK4ms to rmo is sheevaplug - switch - router - switch - isp20:18
Estel_32mb variant (wrt54g with correct revision) could handle up to almost anything20:18
WizardNumberNextyes, when they are idle20:18
Estel_machines from various private users20:18
Estel_really routing isn't that resource heavy, if you don't use crappy software20:19
Estel_kerio,  btw, openwrt support FOSS firmware too20:19
WizardNumberNextlook - you will run out of memory handling single connection per client20:19
Estel_one can use blobs or open rewrite20:19
Estel_WizardNumberNext,  nope.20:19
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WizardNumberNextman packets take memory and you have no alternative for memory on router like this20:19
WizardNumberNextand routing takes its memory as well20:20
Estel_are you trying to convince me that raw packets are swapped into memory? :)20:20
ShadowJK32M in my 486 could run atleast 1000 simultaneous connections through nat :)20:20
Estel_ShadowJK,  exactly20:20
WizardNumberNextarp, mac, ip, routing - it adds up for memory starvation on 32MiB device20:20
Estel_WizardNumberNext,  trust me (tm) memory isn't used for buffering packets in those devices :P20:21
Estel_you're kidding, it uses next to nothing20:21
WizardNumberNextok, dropping packets, you still have arp, mac, ip, routing20:21
Estel_well, I'm pretty sure that cpu power would be bootleneck, not memory20:21
Estel_considering how many things of that type you can put there. And not every arp needs to sit in memory20:22
WizardNumberNextjust counting raw values - 6+4*2, 14, 4+420:22
ShadowJKya, my WRT54GL is limited by its cpu20:22
WizardNumberNextactually 4+4+420:22
Estel_anyway, practice seems to prove that handling 256 active connection on 16MB wrt54g*is no problem20:22
kerioEstel_: my linksys isn't supported by openwrt properly :(20:22
WizardNumberNextevery apr which is used have to sit in memory20:22
Estel_kerio, sad face :(20:22
kerioand i'm worried about testing things because i don't have a serial port for it, so i could brick it20:23
Estel_anyway, counting like that, you will end with millions of clients20:23
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Estel_cpu is bootleneck20:23
Estel_in extreme cases20:23
ShadowJKyou don't need to know that many arp addresses.. arp of your upstream router, arp of lan clients20:23
Estel_in normal cases, nothing is bootleneck20:23
Estel_BTW, real bootleneck - G standard is limited to ~54Mbs :P20:23
Estel_ShadowJK,  exactly20:23
ShadowJKEstel_; well 20-ish ppayload20:24
WizardNumberNextShadowJK: I agree - only those, which you use and they stay there for some time20:24
WizardNumberNextdon't remember default now20:24
ShadowJKI meant through ethernet the WRT54GL is also limited in bandwidth20:24
WizardNumberNextanyway, packets still go through memory and CPU as there is no other route for them20:24
Estel_WizardNumberNext,  take no offense, you seems like nice guy, but constantly, you're trying to impress people here with some things that you have limited understanding of. Again, no offense20:24
Estel_using some powerhog for router purposes won't, definitely, impress people on, wrong target group20:25
ShadowJKconnection tracking can be done in 16 bytes per connection :)20:25
Estel_we're using 256MB RAM device to make wonders, so you know :P20:25
ShadowJKThough it'd be smarter to use a bit more ram20:25
kerioEstel_: is really, really nice20:25
WizardNumberNextEstel_: I am too lazy right now to have a look again, Linux Kernel documentation states acurate overhead for routing20:25
keriosadly, it uses a closed OS :(20:26
Estel_no idea, I stopped on wrtl54g*, as I'm allergic to N wifi standard20:26
Estel_aka Ultimate Neighbourhood Wifi Jammer20:26
kerionobody ever uses 5GHz20:26
ShadowJKEstel_; lol20:26
WizardNumberNexthave look on Buffalo - there's few of them with 128 or 256MiB RAM and half of that flash20:26
Estel_bufallo are pretty decent, reportedly - to run debian on them :)20:27
ShadowJKEstel_; it'll only do 40MHz if it detects neighbouring channels are free20:27
Estel_otherwise, 256 ram there is funny20:27
kerioShadowJK: or if you force it to do so >:D20:27
Estel_ShadowJK,  if it respects documentation :P20:27
WizardNumberNextEstel_: I am going to buy one, as there is room to run something nmormal (e.g. debian as you said)20:27
Estel_+ what kerio said20:27
kerioEstel_: just use the 5ghz band, nobody is ever there20:28
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ShadowJKnothing supports 5GHz also :)20:28
Estel_btw running debian on router is kinda PoF - as there is no reason to not use openwrt, for example, using less resources20:28
Estel_ShadowJK,  5GHz is awesomely free...20:28
Estel_so empty there20:28
Estel_would love to use it20:28
WizardNumberNextI can make debian use even less20:28
WizardNumberNextespecially, because I understand what I am doing in term of configuring kernel20:29
Estel_WizardNumberNext,  no, you can't, as using same effort you can make openwrt use even less :P20:29
WizardNumberNextEstel_: you are quite right - it is better approach20:29
Estel_try that debian with 2.4 kernel, which is fully supported and enough for openwrt20:29
Estel_now compare resource usage of 2.4 kernel and recent ones20:29
Estel_and power savings20:29
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Estel_btw i like debian on routers with 16 MB, it's fun20:30
Estel_but I haven't found any real use for it20:30
ShadowJK2.4 would be free here, but I'm using all of it20:30
Estel_so switched back to openwrt20:30
Estel_ShadowJK,  lol20:30
Estel_+ bluetooth20:30
Estel_fun fact - in last month I forget to take my device with me from workshop20:30
WizardNumberNextactually I never configured anything else then 2.620:30
Estel_and i had headplug and bh-214 on me20:31
WizardNumberNextmind 3.x is still 2.620:31
Estel_sound was perfect to ~90 meters20:31
Estel_via bluetooth 0_p without any mods20:31
* ShadowJK used to run 2.2 on that 486, but upgraded to 2.4 at some point20:31
* WizardNumberNext used to run 2.2 on i58620:31
Estel_btw WizardNumberNext, you're n900 user, yes?20:32
WizardNumberNextactually almost any flawor of i58620:32
ShadowJKEstel_; yeah it's not bad unobstructed20:32
WizardNumberNextEstelk_: yes20:32
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Estel_ShadowJK,  I remember some pays using cheap DIY antennas, getting 2.2 mile on bluetooth sniffing20:32
Estel_WizardNumberNext,  are you using dual-scud or any bigger battery?20:32
WizardNumberNextwow, nice thing - I would put it on mine computer20:33
WizardNumberNextno, just stock old bl-5j (1320mAh)20:33
Estel_WizardNumberNext,  better put it on N900, it have hirose u.fl internal connectors for wifi and bluetooth antenna20:33
Estel_my prototype custom cover is at stage of adding single connector extendedd to all N900 internal hirose's20:33
WizardNumberNextEstel_: maybe one day, whenb I would have another one to play with20:33
Estel_I would suggest buying 1500 mAh battery like polarcell or scud, then20:34
Estel_mixing old and new battery is bad idea20:34
Estel_for parallel20:34
WizardNumberNextnever actually looked into details of dual-scud - how is made?20:34
WizardNumberNextI mean physically and/or connections20:35
Estel_kerio, do you have some factoid for battery thread?20:35
Estel_WizardNumberNext,  sure, just a second20:35
keriobut there's a fairly decent battery on aliexpress20:35
keriovi____1 reported a calibration of 1600mAh20:35
kerioi bought the same model, got 140020:35
WizardNumberNextI am interested in averages20:35
Estel_~dual-scud is
infobotokay, Estel_20:36
kerioWizardNumberNext: connect two batteries in parallel20:36
infobotdual-scud is probably
kerioEstel_: hrmpf, that's annoying20:36
WizardNumberNextbecause one got 1600, one 1400, so average is 1500 and you can get worse or better, so it is lottery20:36
kerioinfobot: no, dual-scud is
infobotkerio: okay20:36
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Estel_oh, sorry20:36
Estel_haven't noticed that20:36
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Estel_~snack kerio20:37
kerioWizardNumberNext: i'd get a polarcell, they seem to all be the same20:37
* infobot throws kerio a doggy treat20:37
* Estel_ chuckled20:37
keriowhy dual-scud and not dual-polarcell? :P20:37
Estel_well, relative capacity of polarcell can be 170020:37
Estel_average is 1500, just like scud20:38
Estel_maybe they even use same cells20:38
WizardNumberNextI heard polarcell is fairly good20:38
Estel_kerio, historical reasons :P20:38
WizardNumberNextsame scud20:38
kerioi'm worried about the long-term for these batteries, though20:38
kerioat least the polarcell has a brand name20:38
Estel_well, next step will be 7000mAh battery20:38
keriothis one has some chinese writing on it20:38
Estel_in my custom cover :P20:39
kerioincluding a "> 2000µAh"20:39
Estel_kerio,  scud is quite long living20:39
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Estel_mine got still ~2700 about all those years of usage20:39
Estel_well, 2600 currently20:39
Estel_to be fair20:39
Estel_during heavier usage20:39
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Estel_freemangordon,  out of curiosity - is there anything that can be done about glibc errors polluting syslog?20:40
Estel_it makes sniffing for errors a little harder20:40
kerioiirc you can configure syslog to only report ERROR or above20:40
keriothose glib things are INFO20:40
DocScrutinizer05"> 2000µAh"? haha, I am willing to believe them20:41
Estel_well, true, but won't I miss smth important?20:41
kerioDocScrutinizer05: and it was! :D20:41
Estel_I wonder what they had in mind20:41
kerioit was around 1400000µAh20:41
Estel_well, I suppose it was about something inside protective PCB20:41
Estel_not a cell itself :P20:41
Estel_kerio,  how you've emasured it to be 1400?20:42
Estel_constant discharge rate?20:42
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kerioconstant at ~200mA20:42
kerioidling it would be a lot more i suppose20:42
Estel_so rest assured, you've got as good battery as vi's20:43
Estel_he measured it on device via average discharge20:43
Estel_during normal usage20:43
Estel_his relative capacity may be as high20:43
Estel_but at you conditions he wuld get the same20:43
WizardNumberNextI got rid of skype, we'll see how much I would get of bl-5j20:43
Estel_my 3100 mAh (when new) battery was made using 2 cells reporting ~1430 during constant discharge20:43
Estel_google for "silver needle in the skype" pdf20:44
Estel_and you won't even return to skype20:44
WizardNumberNextstrange - they suddenly don't like charging outside of fridge20:44
WizardNumberNextgetting smaller and smaller20:44
Estel_especially, that their fiasco during vita release just reinforce silver needle theory20:44
kerioSpeedEvil: i forgot again, how am i supposed to figure out if the battery is healthy? i've got VOLT and CUR on both idle and load20:44
Estel_well, once I explained you why you're doing it wrong with that fridge20:44
Estel_why it's hoax placebo, and harmfull one (to cells) too20:45
Estel_have you missed it? :P20:45
SpeedEvilkerio: in short - apply a rapid load, and measure the voltage drop20:45
SpeedEvilmuch drop means high ESR20:45
WizardNumberNextEstel_: as long as it is above 0C it should be fine20:45
Estel_kerio,  we need to convince Pali about adding edv1 and vdq to things exported by bq27x00_battery20:45
WizardNumberNextactually I was getting more and more charge this way20:45
kerioEstel_: well, they're exported20:45
keriobut badly20:45
Estel_kerio, where?20:46
Estel_WizardNumberNext,  you was getting more *relative* charge20:46
Estel_aka wasted power during charging20:46
WizardNumberNextto previous charge\20:46
teotwaki__Silver Needle, wasn't that the BH paper by two french dudes?20:46
Estel_which never ever turn into relative discharge capacity oincrease20:46
teotwaki__I think I met one of 'em while I was consulting for EADS.20:46
kerioEstel_: $(( ( $( grep 0x0a= registers | cut -d= -f2 ) & 4 ) / 4 ))20:46
Estel_teotwaki,  no idea who did it, but they were right20:46
keriothat's VDQ20:46
Estel_some time later skype segfaulted on vista dropping some debug data20:47
kerioEDV1 is $(( ( $( grep 0x0a= registers | cut -d= -f2 ) & 2 ) / 2 ))20:47
Estel_that allowed to get info about skype logging motherboard serial20:47
SpeedEvilit's not a valid discharge unless it'w over 7c20:47
kerioSpeedEvil: yeah but which values are good?20:47
Estel_they explained, that it was to "easily catch people stealing on their paid services"20:47
WizardNumberNextover 0.7C?20:47
kerioi don't know if the voltage drop is a lot20:47
SpeedEvilno, 720:47
Estel_kerio, does it work when bq is loaded? doesnt it need i2c?20:47
WizardNumberNexthow 7C? this would be 1320*720:48
Estel_why isn't it properly exported?20:48
Estel_to /sys/class/power_supply/bq27x0020:48
ShadowJK7 celcius?20:48
kerioEstel_: /sys/class/power_supply/bq27200-0/registers :)20:48
teotwaki__Estel_: I don't much care for tracking, there's a bazillion reasons for that. I do, however, care about adding anti-debugging features to your binaries :)20:48
SpeedEvilkerio: search on the wiki20:48
SpeedEvilShadowJK: yes20:48
WizardNumberNextoh, sorry misunderstood20:48
Estel_teotwaki,  exactly20:48
Estel_I just mean that they indeed have thing to avoid determining what skype is really doing20:48
WizardNumberNextmost of my discharges are in room temperature20:48
Estel_on ones pc20:48
SpeedEvilShadowJK: the bq* chip will not learn a new capacity if the temp is under 7, when evdf is hit20:49
kerioSpeedEvil: can't find shit20:49
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kerioalso, *edv120:49
DocScrutinizer05WizardNumberNext: charging of LiIon at low temperatures definitely NOT recommended20:49
SpeedEvilkerio: sorry, I'm going to sleep20:49
Estel_well, even today, some fool (foolisness? as it was female) tried to force me into installing skype20:49
WizardNumberNextwhich is going to fall, as I lowered voltage on my CPUs in desktop and server, so temperature in room would fgall a bit20:49
ShadowJKevdf isn't used for learning at all, edv1 is20:49
DocScrutinizer05teotwaki__: you noticed my request to temporarily stop syncing to repo.m.o?20:50
WizardNumberNextDocScrutinizer05: I think I am going to finish this experiment anyway, as they charge shorter (maybe it better efficiency), so might be getting less charge20:50
teotwaki__DocScrutinizer05: not at all20:50
kerio42V drop with a 137mA drop20:50
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer05; a local-ish EV guy claims it's fine with the right cells, they just go high impedance briefly while warming up and then temp and impedance stabilizes to something sensible..20:50
keriowith battery at 66%20:50
teotwaki__DocScrutinizer05: I'll shut off the sync of everything.20:51
Estel_kerio, what you propose as sh line of script to get vdq value and edv1 value?20:51
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kerioEstel_: as in the flags?20:51
kerioi told you20:51
Estel_I would update bnf to be able of cooperating with palis-yours battery applet20:51
Estel_no, edv=20:51
Estel_and then call $edv20:51
teotwaki__DocScrutinizer05: done20:51
ShadowJKkerio; fair20:51
Estel_for example20:51
Estel_I would like to add some if's to  bnf, so it would use bq27x00 and i2c when bq27x00 is absent20:52
DocScrutinizer05ShadowJK: well, the datasheets I've seen so far are like: "discharge allowed temp: -20°C .. +60°C, charge 0°C .. 50°C"20:52
DocScrutinizer05teotwaki__: thanks20:52
Estel_but bq27x00 doesnt allow me to get edv1 and vdq holy way20:52
ShadowJKrmo needs to have a rsync service for mirrors, and then we need to add mirrors to A records for mirror-owner selectavle amount of time :D20:52
kerioShadowJK: we just need a CDN20:52
Estel_kerio,  same for "calibration needed" flag20:53
WizardNumberNextso my charges are out of it, as I have less then 0C in frigdge20:53
ShadowJKkerio; meh20:53
kerioShadowJK: cloudflare is fscking **free**20:53
Estel_kerio, thanks20:53
DocScrutinizer05ShadowJK: that's a problem since we don't own DNS yet20:53
Estel_are you ware of calibration needed flag?20:53
ShadowJKif you have less than 0C in fridge your milk will freeze20:53
kerioEstel_: notice that those two functions return the opposite numerical value20:53
teotwaki__ShadowJK: the way we do it on LMDE, is simply to have a package that lists all available mirrors, with a script which attempts to estimate the best mirror for one person, and simply update the source list file based on the user's choice.20:53
Estel_why bq27x00 can't export all values re charging chip obtainable via i2c?20:53
WizardNumberNextI do use milk20:53
Estel_as it blocks i2c20:53
kerioteotwaki__: why not do something like
Estel_it should provide replacement20:54
Estel_Pali,  ^20:54
kerioEstel_: they're exported, ffs20:54
warfarekerio: yes, but you have to use them as a nameserver.20:54
teotwaki__kerio: infrastructure, mainly20:54
keriojust not in a practical way20:54
Estel_kerio, I mean practical way20:54
keriowarfare: checked that CNAME thing?20:54
Estel_why not?20:54
kerioEstel_: i2cget isn't practical at all20:54
kerioand checking a numerical value in a registers file is about the same20:54
Estel_no, no, you got me wrong20:54
Estel_sure it is20:54
kerioit would be nice, yes20:54
teotwaki__kerio: LMDE is a very small distro, I haven't looked at http.d.n, but when we set up the system, this seemed easiest without requiring a central server to be up 24/7.20:55
Estel_but if bq27x00 exports many values practical way20:55
warfarekerio: yes, but thats not  in the free plan.20:55
Estel_why not those useful ones too?20:55
keriowarfare: well i, for one, i welcome our new dns overlords20:55
kerios/i welc/welc/20:55
infobotkerio meant: warfare: well i, for one, welcome our new dns overlords20:55
Estel_kerio,  how would you export calibration needed flag to?20:55
warfarekerio: The domain is still with nokia.20:56
kerioEstel_: by doing the same numerical manipulations20:56
keriogo figure out what's the appropriate register and the appropriate bit for it20:56
Estel_I don't get syntax, how do you know that, where it is documented20:56
teotwaki__rebooting, brb20:56
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kerioi dunno, i just checked bq27200.sh20:56
PaliEstel_, you can access i2c bus when bq27x00_battery is loaded20:56
Paliuse I2C_SLAVE_FORCE20:56
kerioPali: oh hell naw20:56
DocScrutinizer05(charging at low temp) just saying. Generally if something is specified as "allowed range: A .. B" then your sweet spot is neither A nor B but (A+B)/220:57
DocScrutinizer05that's a general pattern20:57
kerioDocScrutinizer05: usually because at A-little and at B+little, you get actual damage :)20:57
PaliEstel, kerio, see: and
kerioPali: it would be really useful for scripts and such to get the flags in a more simple way - i'm not sure if there's something similar in the kernel api20:58
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Palikerio, debugfs regmap interface20:59
Palibut I'm not going to touch bq27x00_battery kernel driver20:59
kerioPali: not even for "cosmetic" changes? :(20:59
Paliif you need something, write patch and upstream it20:59
Palikerio, I mean nothing new20:59
keriomaaaaaaaaan, having to parse "registers" sucks :(20:59
DocScrutinizer05there's another pattern: "allowed range: < B", you pick a spot as much below and away from B as possible. See spec for R_short of USB ID: <200R. You gonna use short, not a resistor of any size21:00
PaliIf there will be some bugs, I can look at it21:00
Palibut bq27x00_battery driver working fine21:00
kerioDocScrutinizer05: "You can still access it if you use the I2C_SLAVE_FORCE flag." is bad, bad, bad advice, right?21:00
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kerioisn't i2c the thing where if you force things, you get magic smoke?21:01
kerio*might gt21:01
Palikerio, you are reading properties21:01
Palinot writing to registers21:02
Palikerio, if you want to export that properties (CI, ...), write regmap interface to kernel driver21:02
DocScrutinizer05kerio: yes21:02
Palikerio, if your patch will be accepted to upstream, I can include it into kernel-power :-)21:03
DocScrutinizer05kerio: nfc what I2C_SLAVE_FORCE does, but you mustn't do concurrent access to I2C bus21:03
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Pali#define I2C_SLAVE_FORCE 0x0706  /* Use this slave address, even if it is already in use by a driver! */21:04
DocScrutinizer05still doesn't say if they do any locking to ensure no two processes concurrently mess with I2C bus21:05
DocScrutinizer05think of I2C like a printer21:05
DocScrutinizer05you don't want two apps printing same time21:05
teotwaki__DocScrutinizer05: /nick badanalogyguy21:05
DocScrutinizer05you need to finish one print job before allowing any other job to print21:06
teotwaki__you mean like a semaphore?21:06
Palimutex is enought21:06
teotwaki__Last time I taught C/C++, I had a student ask "Excuse me, but what's a whole phore?" "I said semaphore, not semi-phore."21:07
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teotwaki__that's a bit harsh doc21:08
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* RST38h yawns21:08
teotwaki__/cs quiet #maemo user21:08
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kerioweird mispaste21:08
kerioonly newlines21:08
WizardNumberNextI think I've put plate on spce or something similar21:09
Estel_sorry, got phone21:09
Estel_what happened with backscroll?21:09
Estel_never seen error like that21:09
WizardNumberNextI would think kernel would at least prevent same bus to be used twice in same time21:09
teotwaki__WizardNumberNext: at least apologize.21:10
WizardNumberNextMe neither, but as you can see plates can do miracles21:10
WizardNumberNextI did21:10
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WizardNumberNextdirectly below, when I realized what happened21:10
teotwaki__your client buffered the output21:10
teotwaki__you were flooding one line every second21:10
teotwaki__it never ran to the end21:10
WizardNumberNextanyway: I apologize for my weird behaviour - have no idea what exactly happened21:11
teotwaki__no problem, we're always happy to kick someone.21:11
WizardNumberNextthat hurts ;)21:12
teotwaki__at least this time, we can use the excuse "For the greater good"21:12
* teotwaki__ winks at Estel_ 21:12
WizardNumberNextyou actually can21:12
WizardNumberNextbut anyway I got ban striaght away21:13
Estel_Pali,  kerio, DocScrutinizer05, summing it up, it is safe for me to access i2c for READ using slave_i2c, or is it as bad as infamous kernel patch?21:13
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WizardNumberNextChanServ was fast enough to react21:13
teotwaki__I banned ya (only a speaking ban)21:13
Estel_teotwaki,  cheers ;)21:13
WizardNumberNextI got speaking ban and few seconds after completely disconnected21:13
WizardNumberNextthis ban was usefull anyway - who know what would happen, if this would continue21:14
Estel_because two people at once decided to take care of you21:14
teotwaki__that was doc kicking you21:14
WizardNumberNextwhatever - good he did that, I don't want to know how many empty lines it would send21:15
teotwaki__the kick was probably more useful, it cleared your client's sending cache instantly. The mute would have had you send stuff for quite a bit of time, depending on the paste21:15
Estel_Pali,  kerio, DocScrutinizer05, as said, I would like to be sure that I'm not incorporating anything stupid into bnf. Many people use it, and blue smoke isn't fun, even if it's theoretical risk21:15
Estel_so what about this slave i2c, is it safe for read, or very, very bad as said infamous patch eons ago?21:16
WizardNumberNextif we are speaking about cigarettes - it is ok for me, if it is about n900 - it is definitely NOT21:16
Estel_kerio,  write a patch and upstream it - you will get timeless glory as kernel hacker :P21:16
DocScrutinizer05Estel_: I dunno what's the deal with slave_i2c, but there's no such thing like READ on I2C21:16
PaliEstel_, I do not know, better ask on LKML21:16
WizardNumberNextEstel_: if it is true you are able to use same bus twice in same time, then nothing is safe21:17
Estel_cheeesus, I think I'll stay with registrars21:17
Paliask on LKML and/or i2c kernel maintainer what current linux code doing21:17
WizardNumberNextif there would be write going on, and you would try to read, you can actually write your command, instead of getting anything from device21:17
Estel_kerio, wtf si that pastebin you've send me21:17
keriomy calibration script21:18
Estel_Pali,  I'll21:18
Estel_kerio, nice21:18
Estel_ah, I see21:18
kerionotice especially the vdq and edv1 functions21:18
Estel_OK, so now I only need code for "calibration needed" flag21:18
kerio(and notice that their output is reversed)21:18
PaliI think that nobody here not know how parallel i2c reading via kernel API working21:18
Estel_vdq=return $(( 1 - (  ( $( grep 0x0a= registers | cut -d= -f2 ) & 4 ) / 4  ) ))21:19
Estel_will give me vdq as 0 or 1?21:19
Estel_when invoking $vdq21:19
WizardNumberNextPali: I never have read that code (if I would understand it first), so I do not21:19
Estel_or is it more complicated?21:19
Estel_kerio,  why it's reversed, btw?21:19
PaliEstel_, kernel i2c mailinglist: linux-i2c@vger.kernel.org21:20
Estel_~snack Pali21:20
* infobot throws Pali a doggy treat21:20
Estel_~thanks Pali21:20
infobotde rien, Estel_21:20
infobotVous pouvez obtenir de l'aide sur Debian sur le canal #debian-fr - For help in french, please join #debian-fr21:20
Pali(from $ ./scripts/ -f drivers/i2c )21:20
WizardNumberNextok lets try:21:21
Palihaha :D21:21
infobotsomebody said polish was something used to make things shiny, or some language with MUCH too high a consonant-to-vowel ratio. /j, or a really good sausage21:21
WizardNumberNextlast one is true!21:22
WizardNumberNextenglish one is uneatable21:22
infoboti heard english is "In the words of the great Samuel L. Jackson; English, motherfuc*er. DO YOU SPEAK IT?!"      -       It is also more geographically spread than any other language21:22
WizardNumberNextread: poisonous21:22
infobotgerman is, like, - deutschsprachige Debian-Hilfe gibt es in #debian.de21:22
infoboti heard hail is chimp21:22
infobotit has been said that estel_ is Estel21:24
WizardNumberNextI do not know, but it worked opposed to ~teotwaki21:24
Estel_your code returns21:26
Estel_grep: registers: No such file or directory21:26
Estel_-sh: arithmetic syntax error21:27
Estel_it's due to:21:27
Estel_( $( grep 0x0a= registers | cut -d= -f2 )21:27
kerioare you using kp52?21:27
keriowell, is there a "registers" file?21:28
Estel_ash/bash compliance?21:28
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Estel_grepping it causes xterm to hangs, though21:28
Estel_whele this file is supposed to be?21:29
keriomy script cds to /sys/class/power_supply/bq27200-0/21:29
Estel_silly me21:30
Estel_doesnt have it loaded21:30
Estel_-sh: 0: not found21:32
Estel_wut the?...21:32
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Estel_~kill kerio22:01
* infobot shoots a inverse graviton gun at kerio22:01
Estel_blast you, it was all about your inversion of value22:01
Estel_I spend last 30 minutes debugging why it doesn't want to work22:01
Estel_and it was one ) too much :P22:01
Estel_finally, vdq is:22:01
Estel_$(( ( $( grep 0x0a=  registers | cut -d= -f2 )  & 4 ) / 4 ))22:01
Estel_minus $22:02
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kerioEstel_: it's clearly stated22:06
keriovdq() returns success if vdq is set, failure otherwise22:06
keriosuccess is zero, failure is nonzero, in shellscripting22:06
Palikerio, I have better solution for checking version of bme/hald-addon-bme22:07
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Paliadding new property to hald-addon-bme which tell us that we using new replacement22:08
keriofucking... yes22:08
kerioalthough, don't call it "bme replacement"22:08
Paliso will know at runtime if we are using replacemnt version of hald-addon-bme or not22:08
Palikerio, version?22:08
keriowell, not really22:09
keriowhat does it signify?22:09
Paligive me some key name and value22:09
keriothat even without the binary running, it still updates its values22:09
keriomeh, it's just a cosmetic thing anyway22:09
Palikerio, what about key "maemo.bme.version" with value "1.0" ?22:12
Paliin hal device bme?22:12
keriomeh, whatever you want22:12
kerioperhaps bme-replacement is the most accurate, actually22:12
Paliwe can increase that version if we add something in future22:13
Palikerio, run: $ hal-device bme22:13
Palito see all key/values in hald-addon-bme22:14
keriomaemo.version is probably right, i suppose22:15
kerioor maemo.bme.version22:15
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iluminator105whats the commandline for the camera22:16
Estel_Pali,  does time to empty and time to end is calculated differently in bq27x00 than chip reports (via i2c, for example)?22:18
Estel_there is average and "now", I wonder which one is more in line with old script. ShadowJK?22:18
PaliEstel_, bq27x00_battery kernel driver only export what chip reports22:19
Estel_I see22:19
ShadowJKEstel_; dunno what you mean?22:19
PaliEstel_, look at source code22:19
ShadowJKRate and TTF/TTE are as reported by chip22:19
iluminator105to bring up the camera22:20
Estel_ShadowJK, reports time to empty and time to full as you've said, but pali also extracted "time to empty average" and "time to empty now"22:20
Estel_Pali,  thanks22:20
PaliEstel_, reporting more times22:20
Estel_ShadowJK,  I wonder which one uses, average or now?22:21
ShadowJKwell the chip doesn't have a time to empty average.22:21
Pali#define BQ27x00_REG_TTE                        0x1622:21
Estel_so how bq27x00_battery calculates average?22:21
Pali#define BQ27x00_REG_TTF                        0x1822:21
Pali#define BQ27x00_REG_TTECP              0x2622:21
Palithese 3 ^^ values are used in driver22:21
* Estel_ nods22:22
Paliregister BQ27x00_REG_TTECP is used for time_to_empty_avg sysnode22:22
Estel_I see22:22
Estel_well, the one I've used is 0x1622:23
Estel_no reason why not update bnf to report both of them22:23
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ShadowJKoh, so like same as TTE more or less, but adjusted for constant power rather than constant current discharge?22:27
ShadowJKSo it should be a 5.12 sec average too22:28
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dimirIt's a miracle, but RMO seems to be up. :-D22:29
keriobeen up for a while22:29
keriobeen slow for a while22:29
dimirye, been up for many hours.22:29
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iluminator105what the command to bring up the camera in commandline22:31
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iluminator105i am out thanks guys catch you later will get to it later, kerio got ssh working thanks later22:34
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kerioPali: what about using bq27k data if it's available, over everything else?22:44
keriobattery applet22:44
Palikerio, if you have idea for "design cpacity", create wiki page and write it there22:45
kerioi already told you my idea22:45
PaliI already told you this22:45
keriocalibrated bq27200 trumps **everything else**22:45
Paliirc is not good for this discussion22:45
kerioPali: what's the difference between battery.reporting.last_full and battery.charge_level.last_full?22:46
Estel_Pali,  afaik most kernel changes were done aftr irc discussions22:47
Paliin hald addon bme: battery.charge_level.last_full = 8*battery_info->power_supply_charge_full/battery_info->power_supply_charge_design22:47
Estel_why userland battery applet must be different?22:47
Estel_it's obvious that some random value reported via resistor in battery's pcb is worse than anything from bq27x00, even when uncalibrated22:48
Estel_you could as good hardcode anything instead of using rx51_battery data22:48
PaliEstel_, need to write all positive & negative aspects for solutions22:48
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Estel_it would be as close to reality as that resistor22:48
Palisame as wiki page for kernel in cssu22:48
Estel_doesn't we know al pros and cons already? I'm all for discutting things, but there is no other solution22:49
Estel_no different approach to consider22:49
Estel_sure, thats why we dont have kernel in cssu and wont have in years :P22:49
kerioPali: anyway, i doubt we'll ever going to get anywhere with this - is there some facility to set configurations in the battery applet? what should we use? making it configurable (with some hidden gconf keys maybe?) would be better22:49
Estel_pali, all resistors in batteries are for around 1300mAh22:50
Estel_if bq27x00 isn't calibrated, just display "unknown" there22:50
Estel_or "need calibration"22:50
PaliEstel_, I do not remember what everybody said on IRC, and I really do not want to search IRC logs for that22:50
Estel_and show percents as bme is doing it, via voltage22:50
Paliso reason why to create wiki page22:50
Estel_I see22:50
Palihave all info at one place22:50
Estel_well, it's good reason22:50
kerioEstel_: bme voltage is fucked up, though22:50
Estel_I'll try to find some spare time for that wiki - actually did it already but wiki worked at 17b/s at the time22:51
Estel_kerio,  better than design capacity :P22:51
Palinow we have working maemo wiki, so we can use it22:51
Estel_remember, it's failsafe to bq not calibrated22:51
keriois it? it assumes a specific voltage profile22:51
keriodoesn't it22:51
Estel_well, I agree22:51
Estel_kerio,  in worst case user have what he have with stock bme, in any other cvase (bq calibrated) user have precise value22:52
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Estel_can't think of better solution22:52
Paliso what we need is: which icon show in battery applet (we have 8 icons), next how to calculate percentage (if will be shown in applet), next what to show for design capacity (if something)22:53
Paliprovide solution on wiki22:53
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Paliwe can modify it and then choose final solution which will be (re)implemented in hald-addon-bme and battery applet22:54
Palikerio, Estel_ ^^^22:54
Estel_good idea, Pali22:57
Palisources which can be used for applet: hald-addon-bme, hal bq27x00_battery device (created automatically), hal rx51_batttery device (created automatically)22:58
Palisources which can be used in hald-addon-bme: anything (because running as root), but preffered is to read only values from /sys/class/power_supply/22:59
Palicurrent implementation of applet is on:
Palicurrent implementation of hald-addon-bme is on:
Palikerio, when you will have your idea (on wiki), write me23:02
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framework_nulledHi, Can anyone help me with vnc viewer?23:05
keriowe can't know until you give us a bit more details23:06
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framework_nulledWell, I can connect fine when I remove my password on my vps23:07
framework_nulledBut when there's a password vnc viewer always says invalid password23:07
framework_nulledEven if it's the right password23:07
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keriothe vnc viewer where?23:13
framework_nulledon nokia n90023:14
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Estel_which viewer23:15
Estel_tried using abcdef as password?23:15
Estel_to filter out symbols problems?23:15
framework_nulledwindows server won't let me use anything simple23:15
Estel_confirmed, that from other viewer, in same situation, it works?23:15
framework_nulledI've only tried the VNC Viewer on n90023:16
Estel_so use tight vnc or anything else configurable23:16
Estel_well, I recommend presenceVNC for vnc and rdesktop for rtp23:16
kerioiirc there's two vnc viewers23:16
framework_nulledI'll try presencevnc23:16
Estel_which vnc server you use on desktop23:16
framework_nulledtightvnc is on my desktop23:17
Estel_I would say it's problem with server not viewer - I recommended presencevnc as it's more adapted to N90023:17
Estel_so why it won't let you any simple password?23:17
Estel_last time I've checked tight wasn't picky23:17
Estel_my usual way for connecting to vnc is setting server to accept local connections only, and ssh'in from device, creating local port forwarding23:18
Estel_so on device i connect to<forwarded_port>23:18
Estel_this way everything works ok, and i can screw vnc password23:18
Estel_as ssh private key auth takes care of it23:18
Estel_not that I doesn't have vnc password set anyway - and it works. as a security paranoia level, and just for the fun of it23:19
Estel_so it should work for you too.... hm.23:19
Estel_but you used term vps23:19
Estel_was it meant to be vnc or you really mean vps?23:19
Estel_and if yes, what vps have to do with it?23:20
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framework_nulledi was connecting to my windows vps23:25
framework_nulledit's working now, for some reason when i used the on screen keyboard it accepted my password23:26
framework_nulledbut when i type it from the keyboard it says invalid password23:26
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Estel_framework_nulled,  you mean on-screen keyboard on N900?23:47
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Estel_vnc viewer seems to not ccept some symbols from hardware key mappings, then23:47
kerioit's probably because it's qt23:48
kerioand qt fails HARD at keyboard input23:48
Estel_true, sadly23:48
framework_nulledyeah estel_23:48
framework_nulledwhen i use the on-screen keyboard i can login fine23:48
framework_nulledwhen i don't use it i get an invalid password error23:48
keriocan you test in Notes if what you think you're inputting is actually being input?23:49
Estel_notes isn't qt, is it?23:49
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Estel_he should try it at some other field in vnc viewer23:50
keriomaybe he has caps lock enabled :P23:50
Estel_very funny :P23:50
framework_nulledi don't23:50
framework_nulledi turned that off23:50
framework_nulledand yeah it shows up fine in the notes23:50
Estel_kerio, how to get imin from registers? again, where have you found explanation where some value is hardcoded in registers?23:50
Estel_or is it raw sniff from i2c23:50
Estel_and you use same calculation as for i2c values?23:51
kerioEstel_: read the source23:52
kerioor the source23:52
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Estel_kerio,  so it's the same as i2c23:57
kerioi assume so23:57
Estel_and trust me, I've been through sources many times :P23:57
keriowell, it's not sniffing23:57
kerioit's polling23:57
Estel_yep, it was coloqualism23:57
Estel_as in sniffing other, more physical things23:58
Estel_if you get the pun. Or not.23:58
Estel_btw define difference between sniffing and polling? ;)23:58

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