teotwaki | because polls bring nothing to the table | 00:00 |
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MrPingu | Evening! | 00:01 |
freemangordon | hi | 00:01 |
vi__ | yo. | 00:03 |
vi__ | teotwaki: but how will people then vote for the features they want in the upcoming jolla??? | 00:03 |
kerio | haha | 00:04 |
freemangordon | vi__: is that english or scotish sense of humor? :P | 00:05 |
vi__ | freemangordon: alarmui already?? | 00:05 |
freemangordon | yep | 00:05 |
vi__ | damn your fast. | 00:05 |
freemangordon | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=1293135#post1293135 | 00:05 |
vi__ | I just gave mrs vi__ an n900. she saw the way skype, contacts and messaging works. | 00:06 |
vi__ | *mind blown* | 00:06 |
Cor-Ai | haha | 00:07 |
freemangordon | no other way | 00:07 |
vi__ | truely. | 00:07 |
freemangordon | where she comes from, faildroid? | 00:07 |
MrPingu | freemangordon: downloading right away, will test it next morning | 00:07 |
vi__ | one way it could have been cooler though is to thread ALL messages (im, text, etc) in one monlithic thread. | 00:08 |
MrPingu | hmm I am starting to get a little bit worried about my 2nd N900, thats supposed to come my way | 00:08 |
freemangordon | MrPingu: but make sure to have some backup wake-up strategy ;) | 00:08 |
freemangordon | vi__: nooo | 00:08 |
vi__ | she came from symbian. | 00:08 |
MrPingu | freemangordon: was in the middle of a sentence: ofcourse with a backup alarm too | 00:09 |
freemangordon | vi__: hmm, afaik messaging is not that bad on symbian | 00:09 |
vi__ | she just got a nexus 7, still excited by the shiny. | 00:09 |
freemangordon | never used symbian phone | 00:09 |
vi__ | symbian 5th edition. | 00:09 |
vi__ | xm5800 | 00:09 |
MrPingu | 5800? | 00:09 |
freemangordon | s50? | 00:09 |
MrPingu | awh, did she have my custom-firmware? | 00:10 |
Sysaxed2 | DocScrutinizer05, thanks for your help, the thread is there now :) | 00:10 |
MrPingu | freemangordon: no s60v5 :P | 00:10 |
vi__ | MrPingu: ooh, you know about haxing 5800? | 00:10 |
freemangordon | my sister still uses 5800 as second device | 00:10 |
freemangordon | MrPingu: aah, ok :D | 00:10 |
vi__ | I hear you can put C6 firmware on it? | 00:10 |
MrPingu | vi_: yes was deep into it :P | 00:10 |
freemangordon | the last nokia before n900 i had was 6260 | 00:11 |
freemangordon | went to HTC trinity after that | 00:11 |
vi__ | excellant, I would like to pick your mind at some point in a few days if you have some time. | 00:11 |
MrPingu | vi_: yep, but I left the scene when I got my n900 and gave my 5800 to my bro | 00:11 |
vi__ | MrPingu: do you know about putting c6 firmware on it? | 00:12 |
MrPingu | Yes my firmware was based on c6 | 00:12 |
Sysaxed2 | before n900 I had Nokia e70. Wonderful phone! 2006s version of n900, haha | 00:12 |
vi__ | Sysaxed2: e72 for life! | 00:12 |
freemangordon | hmm, what about e90? | 00:12 |
MrPingu | You need to have a windoze 32 bit system to flash it though | 00:12 |
vi__ | MrPingu: I have! | 00:13 |
MrPingu | e90, that's one massive weapon | 00:13 |
freemangordon | almost as big as n900 :P | 00:13 |
Sysaxed2 | the keyboard of e70 is so nice :> | 00:13 |
MrPingu | or let's say: expensives brick | 00:13 |
Sysaxed2 | sometimes I miss it when I'm using n900 | 00:13 |
freemangordon | MrPingu: why is that? | 00:14 |
freemangordon | I've never used it, but iirc it was ok | 00:14 |
MrPingu | It's even bigger and heavier than the n900 | 00:15 |
teotwaki | I think I might go for the n4. | 00:16 |
MrPingu | And whit the metal body, it's a perfect replacement for the brick we normally use to built houses :P | 00:16 |
teotwaki | well, I convinced the company to get me a note 2 and n4, will see what works best. | 00:16 |
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MrPingu | vi_: http://www.symbian-freak.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=45405 | 00:18 |
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kerio | guys, how low should EDV1 be? | 00:18 |
MrPingu | Not that I suggest to use that firmware as it's outdated by now | 00:18 |
kerio | Pali: i got a "low battery" warning at 3519mV | 00:19 |
Pali | kerio, yes there is that waring | 00:19 |
kerio | 3.5V is not even close to EDV1 | 00:19 |
Pali | do you have new hald-addon.bme? | 00:20 |
kerio | yes | 00:20 |
Pali | https://gitorious.org/rx51-bme-replacement/hald-addon-bme/blobs/master/hald-addon-bme.c#line70 | 00:20 |
Pali | here are limits ^^^ | 00:20 |
Pali | how many % do you have? | 00:21 |
kerio | 7% | 00:21 |
kerio | now 6% | 00:21 |
Pali | its ok | 00:21 |
Pali | 7-8% for first low is ok | 00:21 |
kerio | i agree | 00:21 |
kerio | but you still lied :P | 00:22 |
freemangordon | me too :P | 00:22 |
freemangordon | (agree) | 00:22 |
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kerio | Pali: i really hope i can restart the charging as soon as EDV1 is hit | 00:22 |
Pali | yes | 00:22 |
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freemangordon | Pali: when do you start shutdown? | 00:23 |
kerio | i mean, there should be some leeway | 00:23 |
Pali | freemangordon, EDVF | 00:23 |
freemangordon | ok | 00:23 |
Pali | or voltage under 3000 | 00:23 |
Pali | or mAh under 20 | 00:23 |
kerio | Pali: you still haven't answered my previous question, though - what's the deal with the charge termination? | 00:23 |
kerio | do you just let bq24150 do its thing? | 00:24 |
kerio | because i've *never* saw the green solid led | 00:24 |
Pali | yes | 00:24 |
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Pali | kerio, then there can be bug in hald-addon-bme | 00:24 |
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Pali | because it setting mce patterns | 00:24 |
kerio | is it getting to a point where it thinks the battery is charged, though? | 00:25 |
DocScrutinizer51 | Pali: mAh under 20?? that's BAD | 00:25 |
DocScrutinizer51 | there's no way to have a mAh value suited for shutdown | 00:26 |
kerio | Pali: hold on, does it shut down at VERYLOW? | 00:27 |
Pali | no | 00:27 |
Pali | on empty | 00:28 |
* MrPingu will be right back, rebooting his N900 for alarm-ui | 00:28 | |
kerio | i see | 00:28 |
freemangordon | 00:16 <Pali> freemangordon, EDVF | 00:28 |
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Pali | EDVF is hanlded as empty | 00:28 |
* freemangordon goes to sleep | 00:29 | |
freemangordon | night | 00:29 |
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MrPingu | Set 3 alarms, if I wake up on 8:10 alarmui is working. If I wake up on 8:25, backup alarm was triggered :P | 00:32 |
freemangordon | MrPingu: in what interval? | 00:33 |
MrPingu | 8:10, 8:14 8:20 | 00:33 |
MrPingu | with snooze of 10 | 00:34 |
MrPingu | let's see what happens with snooze of alarm 1 + 3 ;) | 00:34 |
freemangordon | noo, do them 8:10,8:11,8:12 | 00:34 |
MrPingu | As you wish :P | 00:34 |
DocScrutinizer51 | Pali: mAh under 20?? that's BAD | 00:34 |
DocScrutinizer51 | there's no way to have a mAh value suited for shutdown | 00:35 |
DocScrutinizer51 | kerio: Pali: bq24150 charge end will never kick in when system conctantly eating >50some mA | 00:35 |
freemangordon | MrPingu: you'll have 3 groups , 3 minutes of alarm sound each | 00:35 |
freemangordon | MrPingu: and you better set snooze to 5, so all will be finished until your backup alarm rings | 00:36 |
kerio | yay calibration complete | 00:36 |
kerio | :D | 00:36 |
Pali | battery full is when bq27200 report FLAG_FC | 00:36 |
kerio | ...dafuq, 1311mAh | 00:37 |
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kerio | GODDAMMIT BQ27200, WHY YOU SO WEIRD | 00:37 |
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freemangordon | MrPingu: that way it is expected to have alarms on 8:10,8:11,8:12,8:16,8:17,8:18,8:21,8:22,8:23 | 00:37 |
kerio | Pali: hm, the value in rx51-battery seems to be "synchronized" with bq27k | 00:38 |
freemangordon | oops, 1 minute error, but the idea is clear | 00:38 |
Pali | kerio, if it still not show battery full give me output of bq27200.sh | 00:38 |
kerio | well, this calibration was a failure :s | 00:38 |
kerio | Pali: heh, i'm getting "low battery" warnings while charging, now | 00:39 |
kerio | it could be because i tinkered with the modules, mind you | 00:39 |
Pali | if you rmmoded modules, then yes | 00:39 |
MrPingu | freemangordon: got it, having an awful amount of alarms set now :o | 00:39 |
freemangordon | why? you need only 3 for the time between 8:10-8:25 | 00:40 |
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freemangordon | anyway, lets see how Monday will start :D:D:D | 00:41 |
MrPingu | btw: what happens if you for example put an alarm on 8:10 and 8:15 and snooze the one of 8:10? | 00:41 |
freemangordon | both will ring at the same time :P | 00:42 |
MrPingu | or wat will happen happen if you have 2 alarms of 8:10? | 00:42 |
freemangordon | ^^^ | 00:42 |
MrPingu | :) | 00:42 |
freemangordon | the later one wins | 00:42 |
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freemangordon | queuing is still not implemented. And I don't thinks it makes sense | 00:42 |
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kerio | ugh, pali left | 00:43 |
MrPingu | It doesn't, in such short amount of time.. | 00:43 |
kerio | i wanted to ask him if it was ok to remove the bq27k module while charging with the bq24k | 00:43 |
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freemangordon | MrPingu: what I plan is snooze interval and count per alarm, along with removal of 60 seconds limit of sound | 00:44 |
MrPingu | that 60s limit is just not cool :( | 00:44 |
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MrPingu | I mean, it forces us to use multiple alarms | 00:45 |
freemangordon | yeah | 00:45 |
freemangordon | exactly | 00:45 |
freemangordon | along with snooze count limit, which is 3 | 00:45 |
MrPingu | well, IDC, as I never snooze more than 2 :P | 00:46 |
MrPingu | but still freedom is what we want :) | 00:46 |
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freemangordon | yeah | 00:47 |
freemangordon | however, I am afk | 00:47 |
freemangordon | night | 00:47 |
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MrPingu | g'night | 00:48 |
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MrPingu | Going to sleep, too. Let's see if I will get waked by my N900 | 01:07 |
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Sysaxed2 | <freemangordon> along with snooze count limit, which is 3 | 01:09 |
Sysaxed2 | snooze limit is 3?? | 01:09 |
Sysaxed2 | are you sure | 01:09 |
Sysaxed2 | I remember snoozing more | 01:09 |
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Sysaxed2 | what happens if you snooze 4-th time? or the button is missing in that case? | 01:09 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | kerio: bq24150 shouldn't depend on bq27200 | 01:16 |
DocScrutinizer05 | if it does, then pali messed sth up, see >>[2012-11-11 23:34:57] <DocScrutinizer51> Pali: mAh under 20?? that's BAD[2012-11-11 23:35:02] <DocScrutinizer51> there's no way to have a mAh value suited for shutdown | 01:16 |
DocScrutinizer05 | Sysaxed2: how about testing it? | 01:17 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | Sysaxed2: anyway I'm also sure the alarm is useless for me due to those limits being real | 01:18 |
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teotwaki | the hell? | 01:33 |
teotwaki | I just noticed my generic wedrop.it domain pointed to some garbage webpage | 01:33 |
DocScrutinizer05 | huh? | 01:35 |
DocScrutinizer05 | aah, not the maemo subdomain | 01:35 |
teotwaki | yeah | 01:35 |
teotwaki | but Google has it properly indexed... | 01:35 |
DocScrutinizer05 | hehe, I pondered to visit it yesterday, to see what wedrop.it does, but then forgot about it | 01:35 |
DocScrutinizer05 | teotwaki: check your /etc/hosts? | 01:36 |
teotwaki | DocScrutinizer05: http://firestarter.wedrop.it http://lists.wedrop.it and another one for my seedbox | 01:36 |
DocScrutinizer05 | teotwaki: or use another DNs server? | 01:36 |
teotwaki | DocScrutinizer05: you're seeing the correct page? | 01:36 |
DocScrutinizer05 | looks ok'ish | 01:37 |
teotwaki | what do you see? | 01:37 |
teotwaki | Big firestarter page? | 01:37 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | yep, big fire | 01:37 |
teotwaki | well, fuck. | 01:37 |
DocScrutinizer05 | same as wedrop.it | 01:37 |
teotwaki | hmm, google sees the same | 01:38 |
DocScrutinizer05 | host -a wedrop.it | 01:38 |
DocScrutinizer05 | though that's clearly not my expertise domain | 01:39 |
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teotwaki | wedrop.it.86400INMX10 mail.wedrop.it. | 01:39 |
teotwaki | wedrop.it.600INTXT"v=spf1 include:mx.ovh.com ~all" | 01:40 |
teotwaki | I'll check from work tomorrow | 01:40 |
teotwaki | Over the years, I've learned that DNS is not something you can rush | 01:42 |
teotwaki | it takes time, or massive planning. | 01:42 |
DocScrutinizer05 | http://pastebin.com/mxPVfbwz | 01:42 |
DocScrutinizer05 | teotwaki: ^^^^ | 01:42 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | I friggin never seen such a DNS record | 01:43 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | particularly >> wedrop.it. 600 IN TXT "v=spf1 include:mx.ovh.com ~all" << | 01:44 |
teotwaki | oh, that's for emails | 01:45 |
teotwaki | spamfilter, or something | 01:45 |
teotwaki | Sender Policy Framework | 01:45 |
teotwaki | SPF was initiated by Meng Weng Wong of pobox.com to enable validation of legitimate sources of email for a domain and is now an IETF standard (RFC 4408). | 01:46 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | mhm | 01:46 |
DocScrutinizer05 | maybe your AAAA are wrong? | 01:47 |
DocScrutinizer05 | could explain the difference | 01:47 |
DocScrutinizer05 | no IPv6 here | 01:47 |
DocScrutinizer05 | :shrug: | 01:48 |
* DocScrutinizer05 heads out to fridge, getting a drink | 01:48 | |
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teotwaki | ah, fuck | 01:48 |
teotwaki | ipv6 is wrong, indeed | 01:49 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ;-D | 01:49 |
teotwaki | 2001:41d0:1:1b00:213:186:33:19 | 01:49 |
teotwaki | that's the one that is configured | 01:49 |
teotwaki | fe80::7271:bcff:feb0:c189/64 | 01:49 |
teotwaki | that's the box | 01:49 |
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teotwaki | no idea how to change that correctly | 01:50 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | teotwaki: btw: [2012-11-11 20:59:54] <Snafu777> Man, I love that I can read what u type to the world via the logs, thank u for making me a grandsmash iunternational fucking hero, ya twit. [2012-11-12 00:56:43] [Notice] -NickServ- Last seen : Nov 11 20:37:26 2012 (3 hours, 19 minutes, 16 seconds ago) | 01:59 |
DocScrutinizer05 | check timestamps and durations, seems freenode staff did their job? | 01:59 |
teotwaki | indeed, but I didn't get any feedback | 02:00 |
DocScrutinizer05 | :shrug: | 02:00 |
teotwaki | maybe he just raged and went to troll 4chan instead | 02:00 |
DocScrutinizer05 | hehe, maybe | 02:00 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | let's take bets about his age? ;-P | 02:02 |
Skry | 14 or speed | 02:02 |
DocScrutinizer05 | yep | 02:02 |
teotwaki | 17 or 21 and crack | 02:02 |
Skry | possibly | 02:02 |
DocScrutinizer05 | yepyep | 02:02 |
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mad_dev | Hey, Guys. | 02:06 |
mad_dev | Just wondering, what is the shell command for the defualt Notes app? | 02:06 |
mad_dev | nevermind, I found it | 02:09 |
DocScrutinizer05 | mad_dev: it's not so extremely useful though | 02:12 |
DocScrutinizer05 | since via cmdline you can't tell nootes to open a particular note file | 02:13 |
DocScrutinizer05 | maybe dbus-msg is better | 02:13 |
mad_dev | DocScrutinizer05: yeah, just found out..too bad | 02:13 |
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merlin1991 | mad_dev: but you can use a dbus msg to open a file | 02:14 |
* merlin1991 tries to remember where in the fsckd wiki he saw the logs last | 02:14 | |
DocScrutinizer05 | google site:wiki.maemo.org com.nokia.notes... sth like that? | 02:15 |
merlin1991 | nah | 02:15 |
merlin1991 | I need the generic docs about mime_open | 02:15 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I guess starting it via applauncher already shows sth in dbus-monitor | 02:15 |
DocScrutinizer05 | oooh friggin mime shite | 02:16 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | arcane stuff | 02:16 |
merlin1991 | there we go: http://wiki.maemo.org/Mime_Types#Using_hildon-mime-open | 02:16 |
merlin1991 | DocScrutinizer05: yeah, but each stock app implements the dbus call to open a file that way | 02:16 |
teotwaki | ipv6 fixed in dns zone | 02:16 |
teotwaki | adding ipv6 for maemo-archive also | 02:16 |
merlin1991 | I know, I wrote the inital openmediaplayer mime_open suport :D | 02:17 |
DocScrutinizer05 | teotwaki: gimme 5 | 02:17 |
teotwaki | technically speaking, I could give every single package in the mirror its own IPv6 address | 02:17 |
merlin1991 | well you probably have a /64 ipv6 net | 02:18 |
DocScrutinizer05 | merlin1991: aaaaah | 02:18 |
teotwaki | (I have 18446744073709551616 addresses available) | 02:18 |
DocScrutinizer05 | merlin1991: mad useful link anyway | 02:18 |
teotwaki | well, technically, I have that * 2. | 02:18 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ok, otherwise it would've been tough | 02:19 |
DocScrutinizer05 | but *2, yeah, might suffice | 02:19 |
merlin1991 | DocScrutinizer05: well basically you call the method mime_open of the aproprite applicationservice with a string parameter which contains the uri to open | 02:19 |
merlin1991 | (on dbus) | 02:20 |
DocScrutinizer05 | one of the moments where I think "we'd be pretty fscked when wiki ever goes down" | 02:20 |
merlin1991 | well we could always look at the source and docs in the hildon-* source archives .) | 02:21 |
DocScrutinizer05 | haha, sure | 02:21 |
DocScrutinizer05 | merlin1991: where's the damn dbus msg example? | 02:22 |
merlin1991 | somewhere in the the file manager code ;) | 02:23 |
DocScrutinizer05 | haha | 02:23 |
DocScrutinizer05 | mad_dev: just a few more minutes | 02:23 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ;-D | 02:23 |
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teotwaki | http://ipv6-test.com/validate.php | 02:25 |
teotwaki | they're all good to go! | 02:25 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | glad I could help a lil bit | 02:31 |
DocScrutinizer05 | only fair, for your providing 800GB hosted space | 02:32 |
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teotwaki | DocScrutinizer05: 18e a month ;) | 02:34 |
DocScrutinizer05 | now for some completely different joke: setting up all friggin email accounts and filters on that 'new' laptop | 02:34 |
teotwaki | for a quad core, 2gb of ram, 100mbit unlimited link | 02:34 |
teotwaki | and 1tb hd | 02:34 |
teotwaki | full dedi, not some virtual machine or anything | 02:34 |
DocScrutinizer05 | gimmegimmegimme | 02:34 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I'm paying same for a virt server, with 50GB storage, but really fat backbone (feels like jigabit) | 02:36 |
teotwaki | http://www.ovh.de/dedicated_server/isgenug.xml | 02:36 |
DocScrutinizer05 | even de, GREAT | 02:36 |
mad_dev | DocScrutinizer05: sorry about the long thank you...my laptop died | 02:36 |
teotwaki | "isgenug" is their translation for the original name: kimsufi (french "Qui me suffi"---that which is enough for me) | 02:36 |
teotwaki | DocScrutinizer05: I know their webpage says single core/single thread | 02:37 |
DocScrutinizer05 | mad_dev: eh? | 02:37 |
mad_dev | DocScrutinizer05: nevermind | 02:37 |
teotwaki | but I ordered two, one in June, got a dual core atom, and another one in october or late september, and got a dual core HT atom | 02:38 |
teotwaki | so it's a bit of a lottery, in terms of the CPU hardware you get | 02:38 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | wtf is 'Personalisierbarer Reverse' | 02:44 |
DocScrutinizer05 | remote reboot sounds 'nice', but more interesting is what's the method to pick and install your OS | 02:45 |
DocScrutinizer05 | NIC: GigaEthernet, Network:100 Mbit/s -- makes sense ;-P | 02:47 |
DocScrutinizer05 | mad_dev: sorry, you probably have to find out by your own about the correct magic invocation of dbus-send to start notes with a particular file | 02:51 |
DocScrutinizer05 | anyway if you did, please let me know | 02:52 |
mad_dev | DocScrutinizer05: actually, I went with nano. | 02:52 |
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kolp | DocScrutinizer05: DNS maybe? | 02:53 |
kolp | 'Personalisierbarer Reverse' | 02:53 |
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teotwaki | DocScrutinizer05: you've got debian, ubuntu, centos, freebsd, netbsd, etc | 03:04 |
teotwaki | DocScrutinizer05: you can, from their web interface, repartition the hd, and reinstall the distrib | 03:05 |
teotwaki | DocScrutinizer05: booting can be done from either a shared kernel, maintained by them, or your own, locally-compiled one. | 03:05 |
teotwaki | DocScrutinizer05: arch linux 2012, centos 5.8, 6.3, debian 6.0, 7.0, fedora core 15, 17, gentoo 2012, mandriva 2009.1, opensuse 12.2, rhel 5.8, 6.3, slackware 13, opensuse 11.4, ubuntu 8.04 lts, 10.04 lts, 11.10, 12.04 lts, 12.10. | 03:09 |
teotwaki | DocScrutinizer05: freebsd 7.4, 8.3, 9.0. | 03:09 |
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demonbell | Hello, I have N900 Nokia phone and I cannot understand ad-hoc connection option. Does it can be used turning N900 in 3G modem? | 03:19 |
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devilinside | dmesg is giving me 110 error for my memory card !! HELP.. | 03:20 |
devilinside | is there a problem with card or witth my phone? | 03:21 |
mad_dev | devilinside: did you try rebooting | 03:22 |
devilinside | tried everything... | 03:23 |
devilinside | tried using easy deb from partition.. its giving io error... | 03:23 |
mad_dev | devilinside: on cmd line type "ps -history" | 03:24 |
devilinside | but the cad is working fine in pc | 03:24 |
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devilinside | invalid option | 03:24 |
devilinside | ps w,l,t are in options | 03:25 |
mad_dev | devilinside: try root, then ps -history | 03:25 |
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devilinside | invalid opton | 03:26 |
mad_dev | devilinside: thats strange, try df | 03:28 |
devilinside | did | 03:29 |
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devilinside | gt the list | 03:29 |
devilinside | it shows the mem card n partitions | 03:29 |
mad_dev | devilinside: try to cd to it | 03:30 |
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mad_dev | devilinside: does it show in mount? | 03:32 |
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mad_dev | devilinside: if it shows in mount, then we can rule out hardware issues. | 03:37 |
devilinside | yes | 03:37 |
devilinside | it does | 03:37 |
devilinside | i cud cd into it | 03:37 |
nox- | it might still have `bad blocks'... | 03:37 |
devilinside | mounted mmcblk1p2 on /media/mmc2 successfully.. | 03:37 |
devilinside | trying http://forums.internettablettalk.com/showthread.php?p=1005593#post1005593 | 03:38 |
devilinside | lets see what does this do.. | 03:38 |
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devilinside | everything other than fat32 on my mem card is not working.. like ext2 and swap.. | 03:39 |
DocScrutinizer05 | demonbell: N900 can emulate a wifi<->3G hotspot, yes | 03:39 |
DocScrutinizer05 | demonbell: see http://maemo.org/packages/view/mobilehotspot/ and http://maemo.org/packages/view/qtmobilehotspot/ | 03:41 |
devilinside | but i am already using KPv51 | 03:41 |
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devilinside | tehn do i need to replace the driver? | 03:42 |
DocScrutinizer05 | mad_dev: sorry, but your help is not really correct I'd think | 03:42 |
DocScrutinizer05 | a uSD card may show 110 IO errors despite getting mounted without problems | 03:43 |
DocScrutinizer05 | devilinside: probably your card is close to the edge, working in some readers while not working in e.g. N900 | 03:43 |
devilinside | then is it phones fault or the memory cards ? | 03:43 |
DocScrutinizer05 | basically card's fault | 03:44 |
devilinside | :( then will be getting it changed.. sandisk class 10 32 gb sucks.. | 03:44 |
devilinside | but as some hav esaid, their 110 error vanished after using this driver http://forums.internettablettalk.com/showthread.php?p=1005593#post1005593 | 03:45 |
DocScrutinizer05 | there's defect from fab hw every now and then | 03:45 |
DocScrutinizer05 | well, another driver might change some parameters in the uSD interface in N900, this doesn't mean that N900 is defect, nor does it mean the card is OK. It just is a question if card is 'good enough' for N900 | 03:46 |
DocScrutinizer05 | usually sandisk should be pretty 'good' | 03:47 |
DocScrutinizer05 | but as mentioned above, there are variations in hw properties even with new stuff | 03:47 |
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mad_dev | devilinside: i did some quick research, I can confirm what DocScrutinizer05 said. A USB 110 error in linux means that the hub was not able to supply adequate power. I suggest testing a new card | 03:49 |
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devilinside | yeah.. my 16gb tranced class4 is working fine.. | 03:50 |
devilinside | *transcend | 03:50 |
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mad_dev | devilinside: great | 03:51 |
devilinside | plzz help me with apt update too | 03:53 |
devilinside | its showing keyexpired | 03:54 |
mad_dev | DocScrutinizer05: I thought his 110 error was a 11 error(Try Again)... | 03:54 |
devilinside | and worst nearly all packages in fam r screaming broken dependencies | 03:54 |
devilinside | formatted all to fat32.. now no errors | 03:56 |
mad_dev | devilinside: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=87208&highlight=key+expired&page=2 | 03:59 |
mad_dev | devilinside: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=75007&highlight=key+expired&page=2 | 04:00 |
mad_dev | devilinside: hope this helps | 04:00 |
devilinside | and what with unmet depedencies?? | 04:00 |
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demonbell | @DocScrutinizer - thanks, I know for them :) I wandered for ad-hoc feature purpose. | 04:00 |
devilinside | http://www.n900forum.de/programme/aktivieren-der-repositories-maemo-extras-extras-testing-und-extras-devel/30/ | 04:01 |
devilinside | dont know this language.. | 04:01 |
devilinside | but the problem is quite similar.. | 04:01 |
demonbell | mobilehotspot require power kernel and iptables - however I prefer not to make changes to kernel :) | 04:02 |
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robbiethe1st | Power kernel is, well, the best thing you can do for your N900 | 04:02 |
robbiethe1st | Perfectly safe, these days | 04:02 |
robbiethe1st | Just think of it like an upgraded kernel for your desktop system. | 04:03 |
GeneralAntilles | Woody14619a, amen. | 04:04 |
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demonbell | @robbiethe1st - do you know if there will be next version of Maemo for N900? | 04:05 |
GeneralAntilles | N900 is discontinued | 04:06 |
GeneralAntilles | Maemo is discontinued | 04:06 |
GeneralAntilles | Nokia is nearly discontinued | 04:06 |
devilinside | haha :P | 04:06 |
demonbell | which mean dead ? :) | 04:06 |
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robbiethe1st | Exactly | 04:06 |
mad_dev | GeneralAntilles: WOW...Optimism | 04:07 |
DocScrutinizer05 | honestly, one of those days.... | 04:07 |
GeneralAntilles | mad_dev, erm? Reality? | 04:07 |
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demonbell | so there is no hope for new life? :) | 04:07 |
* GeneralAntilles hands DocScrutinizer05 one of the secret council coping pills. | 04:08 | |
DocScrutinizer05 | devilinside: don't use fam/fapman, it's known to be broken | 04:08 |
mad_dev | GeneralAntilles: You can never know what the future can bring | 04:08 |
GeneralAntilles | demonbell, Mer, NemoMobile, Jolla, CSSU. | 04:08 |
GeneralAntilles | mad_dev, Nokia isn't coming back to Linux. | 04:08 |
robbiethe1st | Use good-old apt-get instead | 04:08 |
GeneralAntilles | N900 and Maemo are officially discontinued. | 04:08 |
GeneralAntilles | The positive options with the future lie outside of Nokia (Jolla, RIM, etc.) | 04:08 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~cssu | 04:09 |
infobot | methinks cssu is http://wiki.maemo.org/Community_SSU | 04:09 |
DocScrutinizer05 | n8 peeps | 04:09 |
demonbell | You mean N900 and Maemo are discountinued from (Jolla, RIM, etc.) ? | 04:09 |
SpeedEvil | ... | 04:10 |
devilinside | it used to work with fapman but after flashing its not working .. | 04:10 |
SpeedEvil | coca cola is also not going to be making maemo devices. | 04:10 |
demonbell | or only frmom Nokia | 04:10 |
demonbell | *from | 04:10 |
GeneralAntilles | demonbell, they're Nokia products, Nokia discontinued them. | 04:10 |
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demonbell | I see :) | 04:10 |
GeneralAntilles | Jolla and RIM are options for reasonable mobile platforms to move to after Maemo. | 04:10 |
Sysaxed | in 10 years maybe | 04:11 |
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Sysaxed | cuz seems like no one is going to create a phone that is similar to n900 | 04:11 |
Sysaxed | and there's no need, we already have our n900's | 04:11 |
Sysaxed | so probably it's the best thing a human being can create | 04:11 |
SpeedEvil | Jolla is a possible option soon. | 04:12 |
SpeedEvil | sort of derived in some ways. | 04:12 |
Sysaxed | it took some time for nokia to come to n900 | 04:13 |
mad_dev | how mush will it cost(estimate) to re-launch maemo? | 04:13 |
demonbell | I'm left Nokia fan however :) | 04:13 |
GeneralAntilles | demonbell, welcome to Windows Phone, then. | 04:13 |
Sysaxed | so the first phones from Jolla are not going to be that awesome | 04:13 |
demonbell | Waiting for Lumia 920 :) | 04:13 |
demonbell | looks brliant | 04:13 |
Sysaxed | + you know, it's not a good marketing politic to create phones like n900 | 04:13 |
demonbell | *brilliant | 04:13 |
mad_dev | Sysaxed: True | 04:13 |
nox- | SpeedEvil, does jolla use aegis? | 04:14 |
SpeedEvil | not been announced. | 04:14 |
SpeedEvil | and frankly, aegis was never the problem. | 04:14 |
Sysaxed | so probably they're going to create something that most people like... thin device with a capacitive screen | 04:14 |
SpeedEvil | the problem was the lack of control. | 04:15 |
mad_dev | There is also B2G Firefox | 04:15 |
nox- | SpeedEvil, true | 04:15 |
Skry | I just want something with a physical qwerty which is not a windows phone, if I cant find a decent one, I'll just buy one of those 16e samsungs and live happily everafter | 04:15 |
SpeedEvil | aegis plus 'install from other app stores' would address most of the issues | 04:15 |
Sysaxed | Skry, just stick with n900? :) | 04:15 |
robbiethe1st | I'm sticking with my N900 until I find something with a better processor, higher-res screen, good HW keyboard, and good battery life | 04:16 |
Skry | Sysaxed: that's my plan for now, just looking at the future :) | 04:16 |
SpeedEvil | 3 years ago, most websites worked OK with n900. | 04:16 |
robbiethe1st | ...and open | 04:16 |
SpeedEvil | this is getting less true | 04:16 |
Sysaxed | today I've managed to find a preset in pierogi for my TV | 04:17 |
mad_dev | Skry: I said the same thing...I have been waiting for 2 years | 04:17 |
Sysaxed | so now I wont ever buy a smartphone without IR port | 04:17 |
Skry | robbiethe1st: I'm afraid it's gonna take a while for next "open" phone to hit the markets :\ | 04:17 |
robbiethe1st | Yeah | 04:17 |
Sysaxed | the problem with n900 is that it's not that open | 04:18 |
Skry | mad_dev: so let's hope our n900s last forever then! | 04:18 |
Sysaxed | too many things are closed source | 04:18 |
robbiethe1st | It is in the way I need - Console, root, and I can run my own code. | 04:18 |
Sysaxed | if everything was open, we wouldn't even need Nokia or any other company.. | 04:18 |
demonbell | I think bathery indicator software is closed | 04:18 |
robbiethe1st | and it's standard enough that it doesn't matter | 04:18 |
Sysaxed | I've really hoped for n9 | 04:19 |
Sysaxed | but when it came out without a keyboard... | 04:19 |
Skry | btw about open things, have you seen this one? http://www.parallella.org/ | 04:19 |
Sysaxed | g2g, bye | 04:22 |
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Skry | pff, that was a poor link :\ anyways, it's open raspi style arm board, with a catch. it has dual core arm9 and something they call epiphany multicore accelerator which at best has has 64 cores each running at 700MHz. 16 core version was announced to cost 99USD. | 04:30 |
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MrPingu | freemangordon: ping | 09:33 |
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blank_is_evil | give me your best shot | 10:58 |
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teotwaki | ~ugt | 11:00 |
infobot | extra, extra, read all about it, ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant. http://www.total-knowledge.com/~ilya/mips/ugt.html | 11:00 |
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vi_ | teotwaki: what did that guy do? | 11:06 |
teotwaki | he asked on ##php if he could be banned. I obliged. | 11:07 |
teotwaki | Albeit not in the same channel. | 11:07 |
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chem|st | teotwaki: what do you want me to do and pls drop links! | 13:24 |
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teotwaki | NEVER! | 13:24 |
teotwaki | Links is the best web browser in the history of human kind! | 13:24 |
chem|st | ~shoot teotwaki | 13:24 |
* infobot shoots teotwaki in the eye with a quantum singularity weapon! | 13:24 | |
chem|st | ~towel teotwaki | 13:25 |
* infobot slaps teotwaki with a slimy wet towel. | 13:25 | |
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kerio | maaaaaan, the range on bluetooth is really awful | 13:25 |
vi_ | kerio: yes, yes it is. | 13:26 |
vi_ | Unless you are using the high power version | 13:27 |
vi_ | It is either class 1 or 3. | 13:27 |
vi_ | I forget. | 13:27 |
kerio | how do i use that | 13:27 |
vi_ | Get a better bluetooth adapter. | 13:27 |
kerio | i meant on the n900 side | 13:27 |
vi_ | kerio: N900 is stuck the way it is. | 13:27 |
vi_ | However... | 13:28 |
vi_ | Maybe a person could use a wifi patch antenna on the inside of the battery cover and connect to one of those u.fl test points on the PCB. | 13:28 |
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kerio | vi_: also, i want wifi/bt coexistance | 13:29 |
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vi_ | I wonder if that would work to make the wifi better? | 13:32 |
Hurrian | vi_, Hirose U.FL to SMA to ridiculously high gain antenna, here we come! | 13:33 |
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vi_ | Hurrian: Unfortunatley if they are test points you would have to disconnect the stock antenna. | 13:36 |
vi_ | Or you would not get mad gainz. | 13:36 |
Hurrian | vi_, Not a problem. We /could/ start actually using U.FL connected internal antennas in place of the stock ones. | 13:37 |
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amospalla | is it placebo, ir does cssu-thumb really make things go more responsive? I think Ive done good installing it | 13:38 |
kerio | amospalla: a lot of things are compiled with a recent gcc and with a smaller instruction set | 13:40 |
Hurrian | amospalla, at the very least it reduces memory footprint. | 13:40 |
kerio | more efficient code that uses up less memory | 13:40 |
amospalla | I like it a lot | 13:40 |
freemangordon | hehe | 13:40 |
amospalla | that is what I understood from the freemangordon explanation | 13:40 |
kerio | Hurrian: no, we've also got benchmarks for some things | 13:40 |
amospalla | good work, its great | 13:40 |
kerio | like openssl | 13:40 |
freemangordon | it should speedup all that is not FP | 13:41 |
freemangordon | ~fp | 13:41 |
infobot | hmm... fp is short for Festival Problems... They're so common, they get their own acronym.... kill fp once and for all http://nerdvittles.com/index.php?p=134 | 13:41 |
freemangordon | WTF? | 13:41 |
freemangordon | Floating Point | 13:41 |
amospalla | lol? | 13:41 |
Hurrian | ~forget fp | 13:42 |
infobot | i forgot fp, Hurrian | 13:42 |
Hurrian | ~fp is Floating Point (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating_point) | 13:42 |
infobot | Hurrian: okay | 13:42 |
Hurrian | ~fp | 13:43 |
infobot | well, fp is Floating Point (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating_point) | 13:43 |
freemangordon | ~fpu | 13:43 |
infobot | extra, extra, read all about it, fpu is floating point unit, or the iPAQ doesn't have one, or the zaurus doesn't have one either | 13:43 |
freemangordon | good | 13:43 |
freemangordon | smart one | 13:43 |
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jon_y | freemangordon: does the iPad have one? :) | 13:44 |
freemangordon | NFC | 13:44 |
freemangordon | I am not much in iShit | 13:44 |
jon_y | not that it actually need it for angry birds | 13:45 |
jon_y | fixed point ftw | 13:45 |
jon_y | fixed point square root is blazing fast | 13:45 |
freemangordon | SIMD ftw. If done correctly | 13:46 |
jon_y | I forgot how to sqrt by hand | 13:46 |
freemangordon | I still hope linaro gcc devs will make auto-vectorizer useful on ARM | 13:46 |
Hurrian | jon_y, it should damn better have one ;) | 13:47 |
kerio | jon_y: keep trying numbers | 13:47 |
jon_y | kerio: ? | 13:47 |
jon_y | throw everything on a wall to see if it sticks? :) | 13:47 |
Hurrian | IIRC the iPhone 2G /doesn't/ have a hardware FPU in addition to being ARMv6, which is why performance went straight down the crapper after iOS3. | 13:47 |
kerio | yeah, but keep trying higher and lower on the wall | 13:48 |
jon_y | Hurrian: nah, they save on a few grams in weight without one | 13:48 |
jon_y | kerio: I a C implementation once | 13:48 |
jon_y | *I did a | 13:48 |
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kerio | jon_y: of what? | 13:49 |
kerio | the fast inverse square root? | 13:49 |
jon_y | no, square root with just ints | 13:49 |
jon_y | or long longs | 13:49 |
jon_y | damned lecturer wants image processing done on a PIC32 | 13:50 |
jon_y | float was painfully slow | 13:50 |
freemangordon | float on PIC? | 13:50 |
freemangordon | Microchip? | 13:50 |
jon_y | freemangordon: think of it as software emulated floating point routines | 13:50 |
SpeedEvil | pic32 is MIPS | 13:50 |
jon_y | yes that PIC32 microchip | 13:51 |
jon_y | with a whoping 32K of RAM | 13:51 |
SpeedEvil | fixed point is generally fine | 13:51 |
SpeedEvil | if you take care, | 13:51 |
jon_y | I could have done my thesis on fixed point math instead of that silly image processing project on a PIC32 | 13:52 |
freemangordon | hmm, never knew PICs have FPU, though I never played with big ones. The one I programmed a couple of times was with, umm... 256 bytes of shared RAM iirc | 13:52 |
jon_y | they don't | 13:52 |
jon_y | it's all integers emulating the fp math | 13:52 |
SpeedEvil | pic32 is an entirely different family. | 13:52 |
freemangordon | aah, C compiler | 13:52 |
freemangordon | lame :P | 13:52 |
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freemangordon | ASM ftw :) | 13:52 |
jon_y | yeah, done by the C compiler in the background | 13:52 |
freemangordon | SpeedEvil: with FPU? | 13:53 |
jon_y | PIC32 has no fpu | 13:53 |
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jon_y | think microcontrollers on embedded control boards | 13:54 |
jon_y | with all the proprietary connectors and expansion boards | 13:54 |
freemangordon | then what is the difference compared to 876 for example. Besides word size | 13:55 |
jon_y | ~876 | 13:55 |
jon_y | no idea what 876 is | 13:55 |
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jon_y | iirc PIC32 ran at 72MHz for earlier models and 80MHz for later ones | 13:56 |
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vi_ | my 4th n900 has just arrived. | 13:56 |
vi_ | It has no back and the screen is a bit cruddy. | 13:56 |
vi_ | But the slider! | 13:56 |
vi_ | The slider is like new! | 13:56 |
SpeedEvil | :-) | 13:56 |
vi_ | It is as smooth as bulgarian butter with that reasurring clunk when you open it. | 13:57 |
vi_ | Classy like a early 90's mercedes car door. | 13:57 |
SpeedEvil | freemangordon: pic32 is a 'normal' 32 bit processor, with vastly more resources and capability | 13:57 |
jon_y | for various values of "vastly" :) | 13:57 |
jon_y | they had a custom gcc build, I could not find the sources anywhere | 13:58 |
freemangordon | jon_y: http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/devicedoc/30292c.pdf | 13:58 |
freemangordon | SpeedEvil: ok, got it | 13:58 |
vi_ | I have paid almost double for n900s half as good. | 13:59 |
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vi_ | sometimes it is nice to finally win :) | 13:59 |
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SpeedEvil | jon_y: 32 bit with actual registers, compared to an accumulator design, multiply and divide in hw, ... I'd say vastly | 13:59 |
vi_ | It is still a 2101 though. | 14:00 |
freemangordon | yeah, real PICs have only one reg | 14:00 |
vi_ | SpeedEvil: what is the best version of n900? | 14:00 |
freemangordon | 2204? | 14:00 |
jon_y | SpeedEvil: compared to an alternative ARM processor for the same price, it's not much | 14:00 |
kerio | freemangordon: why? :( | 14:00 |
SpeedEvil | vi_: the one I added 512m of ram to. | 14:01 |
jon_y | freemangordon: PIC16 was actually cool | 14:01 |
vi_ | SpeedEvil: WHAT??? | 14:01 |
SpeedEvil | vi_: unfortunately, that remains conceptual. | 14:01 |
jon_y | in the sense you can solder it yourself | 14:01 |
vi_ | You fiend! | 14:01 |
vi_ | why say such things?? | 14:01 |
SpeedEvil | you can solder BGAs at home | 14:01 |
jon_y | I don't have the skillz for BGA | 14:01 |
jon_y | need l33t skillz | 14:01 |
SpeedEvil | not really | 14:02 |
vi_ | It is a shame there is no chips to solder in place :( | 14:02 |
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freemangordon | kerio: I have the ffeling it has better HW, RAM is one bank only and NAND is of different type compared to 2101 | 14:02 |
vi_ | It is not like there is a ram chip that is a drop in part. | 14:02 |
SpeedEvil | need a premade PCB, a pizza oven, and instrumentation | 14:02 |
SpeedEvil | vi_: there is/was | 14:02 |
kerio | freemangordon: :( | 14:02 |
vi_ | SpeedEvil: WHAAAAAA? | 14:02 |
SpeedEvil | vi_: however, I could never find sources. | 14:03 |
vi_ | lame | 14:03 |
vi_ | what was the swap in part? | 14:03 |
vi_ | How much ram was it? | 14:03 |
SpeedEvil | it was a onenand chip, with 512m of ram and ROM, in the right package | 14:04 |
SpeedEvil | 512 | 14:04 |
vi_ | You could find no source anywhere ever? | 14:04 |
SpeedEvil | there was a 1g part, but only ram | 14:04 |
SpeedEvil | no. | 14:05 |
vi_ | Not even bulk? | 14:05 |
kerio | SpeedEvil: disregard ROM, acquire RAM | 14:05 |
kerio | and bitches | 14:05 |
SpeedEvil | it's a manufacturer direct one | 14:05 |
vi_ | kerio: Fourth rule of acquisition. | 14:05 |
kerio | actually don't do that | 14:05 |
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SpeedEvil | sure, if I was able to buy >>1k, they'd probably sell me them | 14:05 |
vi_ | SpeedEvil: Request samples...for your company. | 14:05 |
kerio | hehehe | 14:06 |
SpeedEvil | samples in many cases don't work | 14:06 |
vi_ | I remember in when the eeepc 701 first came out. | 14:06 |
SpeedEvil | especially for devices where there would be little legitimate businesses need. | 14:06 |
vi_ | Everybody just about creamed their nuts over some guy who re-balled the processor with a more powerfull one. | 14:07 |
jon_y | they sent cardboard cutouts? :) | 14:07 |
kerio | jon_y: those would only have 256MB less RAM than the n900 :D | 14:08 |
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jon_y | kerio: I wouldn't be surprised, but it is magnitudes faster than the PIC32 | 14:09 |
jon_y | and flexible when I put Linux and opencv on it | 14:09 |
Hurrian | SpeedEvil, reball masks for the chips on the N900 exist? | 14:11 |
SpeedEvil | Hurrian: in principle, you can reball by hand | 14:11 |
Hurrian | yowch, not with my gorilla shaky hands. | 14:11 |
SpeedEvil | but compatible CPUs - even the 720m speed grade are available | 14:12 |
Hurrian | I wouldn't get past shaking the tube of balls to fill each pit. | 14:12 |
SpeedEvil | and probably the better way | 14:12 |
jon_y | with shear will power alone? | 14:12 |
kerio | *sheer | 14:12 |
jon_y | ah right | 14:12 |
kerio | i suggest not putting shears near your n900 | 14:12 |
jon_y | what's the difference between 2204 and 2101 anyway? | 14:13 |
SpeedEvil | dunno | 14:13 |
kerio | different nand i think | 14:13 |
kerio | i've got a 2104 | 14:13 |
kerio | not sure about the other n900 | 14:13 |
jon_y | 2104 and not 2204? | 14:13 |
freemangordon | NAND is deffinitely different | 14:13 |
freemangordon | and most probably RAM too, toldya, 2101 reports 2 memory banks, 2204 only one | 14:14 |
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freemangordon | hmm, I am talking BS | 14:14 |
jon_y | is that good or bad? | 14:14 |
Hurrian | freemangordon, but doesn't the memory controller for the 3430 only have one channel? | 14:15 |
freemangordon | of course if NAND is different, RAM will differ too | 14:15 |
Hurrian | or was it two internal 128M layers on the OneNAND vs single 256M on 2204? | 14:15 |
freemangordon | Hurrian: NFC, but it does not matter | 14:15 |
freemangordon | yep | 14:15 |
Hurrian | forgot how the conversation with Pali went. | 14:15 |
freemangordon | at least that is what NOLO reports | 14:16 |
freemangordon | one thing that I saw, is that my 2204 records 720p on steady 25 FPS | 14:17 |
Hurrian | otherwise, IIRC there are no significant differences between hardware revisions other than the case, which is dubious | 14:17 |
freemangordon | 2101 goes up to 23-24 | 14:17 |
freemangordon | ^^^ might be related to memory | 14:17 |
Hurrian | freemangordon, I think you can chalk that up to individual flaws in SoC manufacture though | 14:17 |
jon_y | 2204 is slightly faster? | 14:17 |
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jon_y | ah nvm | 14:17 |
jon_y | how do you record 720p anyway? | 14:18 |
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freemangordon | jon_y: using camera :P | 14:18 |
Hurrian | jon_y, the massive "720p recording and playback" thread on TMO? | 14:18 |
freemangordon | *the camera | 14:18 |
jon_y | I missed that :| | 14:18 |
freemangordon | guess who :P | 14:18 |
jon_y | ~720 | 14:18 |
jon_y | ~720p | 14:19 |
freemangordon | jon_y: talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=77695 | 14:19 |
freemangordon | wtf> http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=77695 | 14:19 |
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deepy\SIGSEGV | so it can record smoothly but not playback smoothly without DSP overclock? | 14:21 |
freemangordon | 720p record needs OC for sure | 14:22 |
freemangordon | for playback it depends on profile | 14:22 |
vi_ | jon_y: You missed the whole 720p thing?? | 14:22 |
jon_y | yeah | 14:22 |
jon_y | I wasn't looking | 14:22 |
vi_ | oh dear. | 14:22 |
vi_ | jon_y: Smart reflex? | 14:23 |
vi_ | jon_y: BME replacement? | 14:23 |
jon_y | freemangordon: on LGPL, they only need to show the source the part that is LGPL | 14:23 |
jon_y | vi_: I know smart reflex | 14:23 |
freemangordon | jon_y: so? | 14:23 |
jon_y | but not the BME replacement | 14:23 |
freemangordon | hmm, seems I am missing something | 14:24 |
freemangordon | elaborate please | 14:24 |
jon_y | freemangordon: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1187266&postcount=949 | 14:24 |
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jon_y | the application itself can remain closed | 14:24 |
jon_y | the LGPL lib that it uses must remain LGPL, with source distributed | 14:24 |
freemangordon | jon_y: sure, but that is part of monolitic application binary | 14:24 |
freemangordon | it does not use any library | 14:25 |
jon_y | ohboy | 14:25 |
freemangordon | got it? | 14:25 |
jon_y | that is a LGPL violation since it does not allow user replacable parts | 14:25 |
jon_y | which is the whole point of LGPL | 14:25 |
jon_y | it is messy when you do static linking | 14:25 |
freemangordon | this is LGPL violation, as source code licensed under LGPL is reused in that program, which makes the whole program LGPL-ed AIUI | 14:26 |
jaska | unless theres static link exception or relinkable .o:s | 14:26 |
freemangordon | there are no modules/libs | 14:26 |
jon_y | there would be no problem if they used the .so and provided the .so sources though | 14:27 |
freemangordon | jaska: still, you should provide source code of LGPLed parts | 14:27 |
teotwaki | freemangordon: what the fuck? | 14:27 |
freemangordon | which one? | 14:27 |
teotwaki | freemangordon: LGPL explicitely enables linking from proprietary apps | 14:27 |
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jaska | freeman: that too.. the relinkable .o:s mean the non-free parts so you could relink with a new lgpl .a :) | 14:28 |
jon_y | teotwaki: it doesn't absolve you from requiring to provide th LGPL sources | 14:28 |
jon_y | and MAKE IT USER REPLACABLE | 14:28 |
freemangordon | exactly | 14:28 |
teotwaki | jon_y: actually, if you don't ship it, you don't have to ship the sources | 14:28 |
jon_y | that is also right | 14:28 |
freemangordon | teotwaki: that one is in ovi store | 14:28 |
jon_y | but ABC here is shipped by OVI store | 14:29 |
teotwaki | so? | 14:29 |
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teotwaki | is it statically linked? | 14:29 |
freemangordon | it is monolitic binary | 14:30 |
jon_y | yes, as freemangordon said | 14:30 |
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teotwaki | oh, and by the way, "providing sources" can == "Sources used from http://whatever.com/sources.tgz" | 14:30 |
jon_y | no | 14:30 |
teotwaki | Yes. | 14:30 |
freemangordon | sore, but this is missing too | 14:30 |
jon_y | it must be from the same distributor | 14:30 |
freemangordon | jon_y: yes, if you didn't change them | 14:30 |
teotwaki | No, it mustn't. | 14:30 |
jon_y | not from a 3rd party site | 14:30 |
jon_y | I asked a lawyer from redhat | 14:31 |
teotwaki | and I discussed this with Stallman himself. | 14:31 |
teotwaki | well, not exactly this bit, but fairly sure it came up at some point. | 14:31 |
freemangordon | jon_y: I hold my code on gitorious, gitorious is 3rd party ;) | 14:31 |
jon_y | freemangordon: well, the point is that you don't point it to a random 3rd party that wasn't involved with the user | 14:32 |
teotwaki | jon_y: say you get a GPL binary, you ask for the source, he sends a DVD with the source, is it the same distributor? | 14:32 |
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jon_y | teotwaki: yes, he provided it right? | 14:32 |
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jaska | should print the source with a mt-81 9-pin matrix printer <.< | 14:32 |
jon_y | no, it must be machine readable | 14:33 |
teotwaki | I'm fairly sure that when Ubuntu sent out DVDs with the installation disks on it, which contained source code, it wasn't handled by Canonical itself, it was mandated by, but handled by another company. | 14:33 |
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jaska | what is and what isnt machine readable these days | 14:33 |
jon_y | teotwaki: the problem is that the 3rd party website has no obligation to provide it | 14:33 |
jon_y | you'd be violating LGPL if they ever pulled the source | 14:33 |
teotwaki | jon_y: but as long as the third party website does provide it, there is no inherent requirement for the app developer to produce it. | 14:33 |
freemangordon | jon_y, teotwaki: anyway AIUI ABC is in clear LGPL violation | 14:34 |
jon_y | yes, wherever they put the source, it is still not user replacable | 14:34 |
teotwaki | jon_y: I've spent the last 2 years researching and filing LGPL documentation for a project that I created as LGPL and is to be used by the company, secondary LGPL don't have to be "hosted" by the developer, they just have to be accessible. | 14:35 |
freemangordon | there is no source code at all, afaik | 14:35 |
jon_y | teotwaki: don't know, it was a redhat lawyer that told me so | 14:36 |
freemangordon | teotwaki: if you get a LGPLed library source, change it to fit your needs and link it in your app, does LGPL still cover that part of the source code? | 14:36 |
teotwaki | yes | 14:36 |
freemangordon | so you MUST provide the source | 14:37 |
teotwaki | no | 14:37 |
freemangordon | what? | 14:37 |
freemangordon | why? | 14:37 |
teotwaki | Only the *path* which applies to a specific source has to be available | 14:37 |
teotwaki | patch** | 14:37 |
teotwaki | And any tooling used to apply said patch. | 14:37 |
freemangordon | well, ok, the patch and instructions | 14:37 |
teotwaki | yes | 14:38 |
freemangordon | and link to the original source code | 14:38 |
jon_y | or just provide everything | 14:38 |
freemangordon | ok | 14:38 |
freemangordon | ABC does nothing of the above | 14:38 |
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teotwaki | basically, the rule of thumb is: If you use it as is, just set the lib as a requirement in whatever .deb/.rpm you use, and leave the dynamic linking as a requirement of the OS. | 14:38 |
Hurrian | teotwaki, but they packaged the library in and that was that. | 14:39 |
teotwaki | If you need to modify it, add it to your (public) repo, or a (public) repo owned by you, and publish the changes. | 14:39 |
freemangordon | It is not the whole library, just 2 source code files, but thats irrelevant | 14:40 |
teotwaki | then contact ABC's maintainer/dev | 14:40 |
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freemangordon | ivgalvez promised to do that | 14:40 |
teotwaki | Contact the EFF. | 14:42 |
freemangordon | hehe | 14:42 |
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Hurrian | IIRC the devs of BlessN900/ABC have long since packed their bags and ran to Cuba. | 14:45 |
vi_ | almalence | 14:45 |
vi_ | They tried hard, but it is hard to develope for a moving target. | 14:46 |
Hurrian | Ah, right. Do they still update their Android app? | 14:46 |
Pali | ~seen X-Fade | 14:46 |
infobot | x-fade is currently on #maemo #harmattan #meego #maemo-ssu, last said: 'ZogG_laptop: ?'. | 14:46 |
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vi_ | what is immvbsd? | 14:49 |
FIQ|android | BlessN900? | 14:50 |
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Hurrian | Pali, ready to push your new kp52 to extras-devel? | 14:52 |
Pali | no | 14:52 |
Pali | nobody cannot push something to extras | 14:52 |
Pali | autobuilder is down | 14:52 |
Pali | so extras-devel not working... | 14:53 |
Hurrian | ah, I thought kp52 was moving from your website to devel. | 14:53 |
Pali | when extras-devel will be working again... | 14:53 |
Pali | ping X-Fade | 14:54 |
Hurrian | vi_, apparently Almalence made a HDR program for Harmattan. | 14:55 |
vi_ | Hurrian: orly... | 14:55 |
Hurrian | http://mobilehdr.almalence.com/ | 14:55 |
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jon_y | freemangordon: are there any speedups if I don't overclock the dsp? | 14:57 |
vi_ | jon_y: You only need to OC the DSP if you want to use 720p recording/playing. | 14:58 |
jon_y | ok, otherwise no changes? | 14:58 |
vi_ | none | 14:58 |
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jon_y | ok | 14:58 |
vi_ | jon_y: You are advised to use the 'dsp' kernel profile. | 14:58 |
jon_y | what exactly does that profile do? | 14:58 |
vi_ | Sets the appropriate dsp clock speed for a given CPU speed. | 14:59 |
jon_y | the clock is on demand right? | 15:00 |
vi_ | yes | 15:00 |
vi_ | conservative is shit and pointless. | 15:00 |
jon_y | ok | 15:00 |
teotwaki | hey, watch your language, you bloody democrat! | 15:01 |
vi_ | hah. | 15:02 |
vi_ | fucking liberals. | 15:02 |
jon_y | ugh, where is the DSP profile for kernel-config? | 15:03 |
vi_ | jon_y: what kernel are you running? | 15:03 |
jon_y | kp51 | 15:04 |
vi_ | ok | 15:04 |
freemangordon | kernel-config load dsp | 15:04 |
vi_ | first of all read the first post in the 720p thread. | 15:04 |
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vi_ | then make sure you have the latest version kernel-power-settings (just apt-get install) | 15:05 |
vi_ | if you do, kernel-config load dsp. | 15:05 |
jon_y | ok | 15:05 |
vi_ | freemangordon: Is the special libgstdsp distributed with KP? | 15:05 |
freemangordon | no | 15:05 |
freemangordon | it is on 720p thread | 15:05 |
vi_ | copyright reasons? | 15:05 |
freemangordon | what has user lib todo in the kernel package? | 15:06 |
vi_ | jon_y: Read the first post very carefully. At the bottom you will find a a file you need to unzip and copy. | 15:06 |
freemangordon | packaging reasons :D | 15:06 |
vi_ | freemangordon: You are right, that would be dumb. | 15:06 |
vi_ | Is there is a reason it is not packaged? | 15:07 |
freemangordon | jon_y: in short - follow all of the instructions there | 15:07 |
freemangordon | vi_: yeah, lack of time and overprojected | 15:07 |
jon_y | freemangordon: I have, I'm now looking for the DSP profile | 15:07 |
vi_ | Good enough reason for me. | 15:07 |
freemangordon | jon_y: apt-get install kernel-power-settings | 15:07 |
vi_ | jon_y: kernel-config load dsp | 15:07 |
freemangordon | that one too | 15:07 |
jon_y | ah ok | 15:07 |
vi_ | if that does not work, install latest kps. | 15:08 |
jon_y | it says the latest already, I was just wondering where the settings are | 15:08 |
jon_y | do I need any changes for the builtin camera app? | 15:09 |
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vi_ | jon_y: You need to be running the camera app from cssu | 15:10 |
vi_ | not sure if testing or stable though. | 15:10 |
jon_y | I'm using cssu-thumb | 15:10 |
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jon_y | so it should be fine? | 15:10 |
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vi_ | You do not need to use thumb for 720p | 15:10 |
freemangordon | jon_y: yes, camera-ui is fine | 15:11 |
freemangordon | in -thumb | 15:11 |
jon_y | ok, thanks, now rebooting | 15:11 |
freemangordon | jon_y: did yoiu install hrmattan codecs? | 15:12 |
freemangordon | *you | 15:12 |
jon_y | what is the dpkg package name? | 15:12 |
freemangordon | HOWTO is in instructions | 15:12 |
jon_y | it just says dpkg -i omap3-dsp-baseimage-ti_0.i3.6-15+0m6_armel.deb omap3-dsp-libraries-ti_0.i3.6-15+0m6_armel.deb omap3-dsp-hd-codecs_0.3.8-7+0m6_armel.deb | 15:13 |
jon_y | libgstdsp | 15:13 |
jon_y | and uninstall openmax | 15:13 |
freemangordon | yes, you should install those 3 .debs | 15:13 |
freemangordon | yep | 15:13 |
jon_y | I mean I don't see anything on hrmattan | 15:13 |
jon_y | *harmattan | 15:13 |
freemangordon | ok, nevermind | 15:14 |
jon_y | can I underclock my main cpu? | 15:14 |
jon_y | not that it might help power wise :) | 15:14 |
freemangordon | you cannot UC less than 500 | 15:14 |
freemangordon | DSP won;t work otherwise | 15:14 |
jon_y | set to 500? | 15:15 |
jon_y | I have some issues with smart reflex, graphical artifacts appear after some time | 15:15 |
freemangordon | "maximum" underclock | 15:15 |
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freemangordon | jon_y: what profile? | 15:15 |
jon_y | dsp | 15:15 |
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jon_y | it set the cpu to 805 with smart reflex | 15:16 |
freemangordon | while playing video or holdon-desktop has artifacts? | 15:16 |
teotwaki | by the way | 15:16 |
teotwaki | http://heeeeeeeey.com/ | 15:16 |
jon_y | deskop artifacts | 15:16 |
freemangordon | hmm, strange | 15:16 |
freemangordon | did you reboot? | 15:17 |
jon_y | not yet | 15:17 |
freemangordon | or power down | 15:17 |
jon_y | doing it now | 15:17 |
freemangordon | do power-down | 15:17 |
jon_y | waited a few seconds before powering up again | 15:18 |
jon_y | looks like its up | 15:18 |
jon_y | I'll ring again if I see any graphical glitching | 15:18 |
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freemangordon | ok | 15:19 |
jon_y | I can't tell if my camera is doing 720p :) | 15:21 |
freemangordon | did you tell it to do so? | 15:21 |
jon_y | how do you set it? | 15:21 |
freemangordon | in the usual way | 15:22 |
freemangordon | use settings | 15:22 |
freemangordon | camera settings | 15:22 |
jon_y | I see up to 3.5M resolution | 15:22 |
freemangordon | then you didn't follow the instructions | 15:23 |
freemangordon | whaat? | 15:23 |
jon_y | ? | 15:23 |
freemangordon | you're taking picture | 15:23 |
freemangordon | change mode to video recording | 15:23 |
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jon_y | its been awhile since I did that :) | 15:24 |
* jon_y looks up google on recording with n900 | 15:24 | |
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jon_y | freemangordon: I see HD 16:9 | 15:25 |
freemangordon | yeah | 15:25 |
jon_y | where does video get saved to? | 15:26 |
Lava_Croft | ~/DCIM probably | 15:27 |
jon_y | ok | 15:27 |
jon_y | cool found it | 15:28 |
kerio | hm, does nicocam know about HD video recording then? | 15:28 |
kerio | i mean, does it have to cooperate? | 15:28 |
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jon_y | quality looks OK for a camera phone | 15:28 |
freemangordon | kerio: you can bet on that | 15:28 |
kerio | makes sense | 15:29 |
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jon_y | wait, cpu was set back to 500MHz | 15:30 |
jon_y | should I uninstall qcpufreq? | 15:30 |
kerio | what's qcpufreq? :o | 15:31 |
jon_y | gui way to set cpu speed governor | 15:31 |
jon_y | it probably doesn't know about dsp speed | 15:31 |
jon_y | 720p worked somehow at 500MHz | 15:32 |
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kerio | freemangordon: huh... why are the omap3-dsp-* debs empty? | 15:34 |
freemangordon | by design | 15:34 |
jon_y | kerio: use kernel-config default dsp? | 15:34 |
kerio | freemangordon: why do we *need* those then? | 15:34 |
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freemangordon | for 720p playback | 15:35 |
freemangordon | and recording | 15:35 |
kerio | they're empty! | 15:35 |
freemangordon | check pre/post inst scripts | 15:35 |
freemangordon | *inst | 15:35 |
kerio | ...oh you sneaky bastard | 15:35 |
kerio | i hadn't thought of that! | 15:35 |
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jon_y | freemangordon: any idea why the n900 doesn't start properly if rebooted too fast? | 15:36 |
kerio | freemangordon: hehe, i get it now | 15:37 |
jon_y | need to power off a few seconds first before the next start can run properly | 15:37 |
freemangordon | jon_y: never heard of that | 15:37 |
kerio | freemangordon: i'm getting an auth error if i open the actual links with firefox though | 15:37 |
freemangordon | kerio: :nod: | 15:37 |
jon_y | maybe it's the uboot | 15:37 |
freemangordon | jon_y: no, this is how it works | 15:38 |
kerio | freemangordon: wtf it doesn't work with wget either | 15:38 |
freemangordon | it is maemo shutting down | 15:38 |
kerio | why should it work from the n900 | 15:38 |
freemangordon | kerio: yes, you need to do it from n900 | 15:38 |
kerio | why? | 15:38 |
kerio | it checks for a specific wget version? | 15:38 |
_ade_ | freemangordon: I saw you make remarks about snooze count and sound duration in the worldclock? | 15:38 |
freemangordon | "/etc/apt/authsomething" | 15:38 |
freemangordon | _ade_: yes | 15:38 |
kerio | hm, it worked | 15:39 |
freemangordon | _ade_: lets move to #maemo-ssu | 15:39 |
kerio | this makes no sense | 15:39 |
kerio | it's still fucking wget, it's unrelated to apt | 15:39 |
_ade_ | freemangordon: okay, I will login there | 15:39 |
jon_y | freemangordon: I mean if I started too quickly, I get a black boot up where there is supposed to be a handshke video | 15:39 |
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jon_y | also, yellow LED slowly fading in the corner | 15:40 |
freemangordon | jon_y: NFC | 15:40 |
jon_y | ok, must be my funky 2204 build | 15:40 |
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kerio | freemangordon: some files are also in omap3430-dsp-baseimage-ti and omap3430-dsp-libraries-ti | 15:42 |
kerio | like, two files | 15:42 |
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amospalla | guys, is it normal that video recording stalls while recording, and videos have pauses up to almost 1 or 2 seconds? | 15:45 |
amospalla | im testing with cssu-thumb, kernel-config ideal, qvga low resolution | 15:46 |
amospalla | is that expected? | 15:46 |
freemangordon | amospalla: no | 15:48 |
amospalla | freemangordon: thanks | 15:48 |
freemangordon | does reorded videos stutter? | 15:48 |
freemangordon | *recorded | 15:48 |
amospalla | yes | 15:48 |
jon_y | camra-ui is still running after I close it, is that normal? | 15:49 |
freemangordon | wtf is ideal profile? | 15:49 |
amospalla | its a 500-850mhz cpu profile | 15:50 |
amospalla | dont remember why am I using it | 15:50 |
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amospalla | tried dsp one, same happens | 15:51 |
freemangordon | jon_y: yes, it is dbus service iirc | 15:51 |
kerio | freemangordon: was i supposed to overwrite the files that were already in the omap3430-dsp-* packages with the new files in omap3-dsp-*? | 15:52 |
jon_y | weird that it akes about 70MB ram | 15:52 |
freemangordon | kerio: I have NFC what you're doing, just follow the instructions on 720p thread an you'll be fine | 15:53 |
vi_ | ^what he said. | 15:53 |
teotwaki | http://sometimesredsometimesblue.com/ | 15:53 |
kerio | freemangordon: i just downloaded the actual packages and installed them with --force-overwrite :) | 15:54 |
freemangordon | jon_y: are you sure it is RAM? | 15:54 |
jon_y | freemangordon: conky says it is the top ram consumer | 15:54 |
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jon_y | now down to 50M | 15:55 |
jon_y | wait, its VM size | 15:56 |
freemangordon | jon_y: hmm, not normal | 15:56 |
freemangordon | aaah | 15:56 |
freemangordon | that's better :D | 15:56 |
jon_y | about 12M for ram size I guess | 15:56 |
kerio | freemangordon: damn, 720p videos weigh a lot | 15:56 |
kerio | 7mb for 7 seconds | 15:56 |
freemangordon | kerio: ORLY? | 15:56 |
kerio | YA RLY | 15:57 |
jon_y | how do I rip my 720p vids in the cinema?? :) | 15:57 |
freemangordon | kerio: 1280x720@~25, 15-16 Mb/s | 15:58 |
freemangordon | you calculate it | 15:58 |
freemangordon | thoug bitrate varies somehow, NFC how exactly | 15:58 |
kerio | there's definetely a bit of stuttering in the video | 15:59 |
kerio | (i didn't overclock the dsp for this test) | 15:59 |
freemangordon | kerio: do it, you'll see the difference | 15:59 |
freemangordon | 430 is just far from enough | 15:59 |
freemangordon | even 600 is not enough sometimes | 15:59 |
jon_y | I did a 10 second recording, it was smooth other than the beginning | 15:59 |
kerio | freemangordon: hm, is "dvd 16:9" like the stock? | 16:00 |
jon_y | this was with the dsp profile | 16:00 |
freemangordon | kerio: what? | 16:00 |
freemangordon | aah, no | 16:00 |
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kerio | i've got "HD 16:9", "HD 4:3", "DVD 16:9", "DVD 4:3" and then the stock "High 16:9", "Fine 4:3", "Low 4:3" | 16:01 |
freemangordon | this is wide dvd format, can't remember the exact width | 16:01 |
jon_y | 480p I think | 16:01 |
freemangordon | dvd 4:3 is stock "high resolution" | 16:01 |
jon_y | 720x480! | 16:01 |
freemangordon | yeah, exactly thet | 16:02 |
kerio | hmm, DVD16:9 still seems too heavy for the stock dsp | 16:02 |
vi_ | WFM | 16:02 |
freemangordon | DVD 4:3 should be fine | 16:02 |
jon_y | works fine for short videos of 10 seconds :) | 16:03 |
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kerio | freemangordon: the whole install will be botched if nokia releases an update for omap3430-dsp-libraries-ti :) | 16:06 |
amospalla | my video stuttering is related to i/o | 16:07 |
amospalla | with idle n900, low and medium quality records ok, but with high quality, somethimes it can not sustain the write speed and stutters :/ | 16:08 |
freemangordon | kerio: no, there are at least one newr version in repos | 16:08 |
jon_y | "oh hey guys, I'ma gonna releasing a new patch for the n900 that was continued years ago soon" said Nokia :) | 16:09 |
vi_ | amospalla: ionice | 16:10 |
freemangordon | kerio: aah, you mean Nokia | 16:10 |
freemangordon | LOL | 16:10 |
kerio | LOL indeed | 16:10 |
kerio | but it's still no good reason to not do things in a clean way :c | 16:10 |
jon_y | s/continued/discontinued/ | 16:12 |
infobot | jon_y meant: "oh hey guys, I'ma gonna releasing a new patch for the n900 that was discontinued years ago soon" said Nokia :) | 16:12 |
jon_y | stupid spell checker | 16:12 |
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ShadowJK | I/O latency is horrible on emmc, and the video recorder doesn't seem to do much caching itself | 16:14 |
jon_y | does doing it over sshfs solve things :) | 16:14 |
ShadowJK | MPlayer on the other hand can't encode fast enough, but caches raw video frames inside kernel until kernel goes bezerk and evertything blows up | 16:15 |
jon_y | or netcating it over to a dedicated encoder machine | 16:15 |
kerio | jon_y: hm, not enough throughput maybe | 16:15 |
jon_y | sadly the n900 doesn't have an ethernet port | 16:16 |
ShadowJK | I imagine it'd be more stable with microsd | 16:16 |
vi_ | jon_y: USB ethernet port. | 16:16 |
kerio | use an EyeFi :D | 16:16 |
jon_y | not sure how usbnet compares to real ethernet | 16:16 |
kerio | i don't know if they make uSD versions of those | 16:16 |
vi_ | 12MB/s max. | 16:17 |
ShadowJK | But worst case latency is still problematic with the inadequate caching :/ | 16:17 |
vi_ | :/ | 16:17 |
jon_y | 12MB/s only? | 16:17 |
vi_ | usb 2.0 | 16:17 |
jon_y | I thought it was 480Mbit in theory? | 16:17 |
vi_ | sorry, got that one wrong... | 16:17 |
kerio | yeah but that's not actually achievable | 16:17 |
kerio | it's not firewire | 16:17 |
jon_y | how much is practical? | 16:17 |
vi_ | 60MB/s | 16:18 |
jon_y | that's quite a bit | 16:18 |
kerio | vi_: that's not even close to what can *actually* be done | 16:18 |
jon_y | so I dump raw frames from ffmpeg, how high can it go before it explodes? | 16:18 |
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ShadowJK | about 60 megs | 16:19 |
jon_y | 60Mbit/s? | 16:19 |
ShadowJK | no, Megabytes | 16:19 |
ShadowJK | without seconds | 16:19 |
jon_y | how is that a throughput? | 16:20 |
ShadowJK | It is not. | 16:20 |
jon_y | I am just wondering how fat the usbnet pipe is | 16:20 |
vi_ | My n900 will not connect to pcsuite anymore. | 16:20 |
jon_y | and how it compares to a 100Mbit ethernet | 16:20 |
kerio | vi_: lucky you | 16:20 |
vi_ | Other n900 will connect just fine. | 16:21 |
jon_y | vi_: ? | 16:21 |
ShadowJK | A bit better than wifi, I've never managed to get more than about 15Mbit from wifi | 16:21 |
jon_y | wifi sucks in a crowded apartment | 16:21 |
vi_ | If I connect in mass storage mode, it detects the n900 and says 'put in pc-suite mode' | 16:21 |
vi_ | If I connect in PCsuite mode it does nothing. | 16:21 |
jon_y | :( | 16:21 |
jon_y | check kernel modules | 16:22 |
ShadowJK | Only AP on same channel +- 2 channels in 1km radius | 16:22 |
jon_y | ShadowJK: watch for sidebands | 16:22 |
vi_ | I can confirm g_nokia_ether (or whatever it is called) is loaded. | 16:22 |
ShadowJK | ... why I said +-2 channels | 16:22 |
jon_y | ok | 16:22 |
jon_y | seems wide enough | 16:22 |
vi_ | I have run the /usr/sbin/pcsuite-enable.sh | 16:23 |
vi_ | manually and as far as I can tell it works fine | 16:23 |
jon_y | what does dmesg say? | 16:23 |
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vi_ | dmesg says nothing | 16:35 |
kerio | freemangordon: fuck yeah, i fixed the codec situation :D | 16:36 |
vi_ | http://cxg.de/_f9a1b5.htm | 16:36 |
vi_ | ^here is pcsuite-enable.sh | 16:36 |
vi_ | I see it ensures mass storage modules is unloaded. | 16:37 |
vi_ | Then it ensures g_nokia is loaded | 16:37 |
vi_ | Then it emits G_NOKIA_READY | 16:37 |
freemangordon | guys, how to add a birthday to calendar? | 16:37 |
vi_ | The G_NOKIA_READY starts some daemons. | 16:38 |
vi_ | freemangordon: You have to set the birthday to one of your contacts. | 16:38 |
freemangordon | or I can add it only by using contacts? | 16:38 |
vi_ | freemangordon: You cannot edit birthday calendar. | 16:38 |
freemangordon | smaart | 16:38 |
freemangordon | ok | 16:38 |
freemangordon | thanks | 16:38 |
vi_ | The daemons it starts are syncd | 16:38 |
vi_ | obexd | 16:39 |
kerio | http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1937044 <- this is what i used | 16:39 |
vi_ | pnatd | 16:39 |
vi_ | then it appears to kill syncd | 16:39 |
vi_ | I can confirm these daemons are running. | 16:40 |
vi_ | So why the F**** does it nokia suite not detect my fone? | 16:40 |
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jon_y | try eavesdropping on the usb comm? | 16:40 |
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jon_y | libusb for windows filter drivers | 16:41 |
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vi_ | Well it must be a problem at the n900 | 16:41 |
vi_ | It works with other n900s. | 16:41 |
vi_ | Butr when I cloned my n900 to another n900, the cloned n900 stopped working as well. | 16:42 |
jon_y | woops, womething else then | 16:44 |
vi_ | For some reason it is unable to discover the n900 through bluetooth as well., | 16:44 |
vi_ | Nokia suite taht is. | 16:44 |
vi_ | The computer can find the n900 with bluetooth discover scan. | 16:45 |
vi_ | But nokia suite cannot detect it with device discover scan. | 16:45 |
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kerio | hrmpf, it doesn't work | 16:47 |
kerio | maybe all the .distrib files are the problem | 16:48 |
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kerio | oh no, i'm a moron | 16:50 |
kerio | every file in modprobe.d is read | 16:50 |
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kerio | ok, http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1937072 is what you have to do to cleanly install the actual packages from TI | 16:59 |
kerio | that also allows for easy, clean uninstall if you get bored of the extra codecs | 17:00 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: for fuck's sake, why does my n900 turn on soon after i turned it off? | 17:00 |
kerio | *what* can cause that? | 17:01 |
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Sicelo | lol Estel | 17:01 |
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kerio | Sicelo: where? | 17:02 |
vi_ | on the mailing list. | 17:02 |
Sicelo | yeah | 17:03 |
kerio | link to a public archive? | 17:03 |
vi_ | you do not want to read it. | 17:04 |
vi_ | It is just a sad bi-polar man descending into asswipe. | 17:04 |
freemangordon | yeah :( | 17:04 |
freemangordon | sad story | 17:05 |
kerio | is he actually bipolar? :( | 17:05 |
vi_ | I do not know. | 17:05 |
vi_ | He does however have some kind of mental illness. | 17:06 |
vi_ | There is no other rational explanation for such behaviour. | 17:06 |
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FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: No of the repair shops I looked with wanted to fix my issue, one even wanted me to pay just for telling that, so I'll attempt flashing manually, and if that fails, buy a replacement N900 | 17:18 |
kerio | FIQ: hold on, is it a software problem or a hardware problem? | 17:18 |
FIQ | It's the microUSB | 17:18 |
FIQ | It works, but not too well | 17:18 |
FIQ | DocScrutinizer05 insisted me to go to a repair shop to fix it while it was still working at all, but none that I visited wanted to do it.. | 17:19 |
kerio | what do you mean "flashing manually" then? | 17:19 |
vi_ | FIQ: Most phone chop shops are run by goons. | 17:19 |
FIQ | scratch manually from it | 17:19 |
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kerio | i suggest not touching the microusb port in any way | 17:19 |
FIQ | I need to reflash due to either I, bootmenu, or just pure unluck, failing | 17:19 |
kerio | before you've physically fixed it | 17:19 |
FIQ | yeah that's what Doc said too | 17:19 |
FIQ | but none wants to fix it... and I can't do it for myself | 17:20 |
kerio | FIQ: what happens if you turn the phone on? | 17:20 |
vi_ | FIQ: Do you have backup menu? | 17:20 |
FIQ | vi_: Yes | 17:20 |
FIQ | But my rootfs is so broken so it's of no use | 17:20 |
vi_ | That could well be your 'vector'. | 17:20 |
kerio | FIQ: :( | 17:20 |
FIQ | backupmenu was the thing that *made* my rootfs broken | 17:20 |
vi_ | FIQ: backup menu is total foobar? | 17:20 |
vi_ | bollocks. | 17:20 |
FIQ | Well, menu works | 17:20 |
FIQ | But I can't do anything useful with it | 17:21 |
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FIQ | kerio: I've sight problems and anything that requires me to play around with hardware, I'm not going to do | 17:21 |
kerio | i wonder... can bootmenu boot something from the uSD? | 17:21 |
FIQ | Neither computer stuff or hardware on N900 stuff | 17:21 |
kerio | without configuring anything in the rootfs | 17:21 |
kerio | FIQ: try to find a better repair shop | 17:22 |
FIQ | kerio: Basically my rootfs is in this state: | 17:22 |
kerio | if that fails, buy a new n900 and then sell the old one to recover part of the cost | 17:22 |
kerio | :) | 17:22 |
FIQ | Watchdog completly fails | 17:22 |
FIQ | Maemo doesn't boot | 17:22 |
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FIQ | Bootupmenu, while booting fine, doesn't help me with anything because it fails to mount stuff (like the MyDocs partition) | 17:22 |
FIQ | er | 17:22 |
vi_ | How does recue OS work? | 17:22 |
FIQ | *backupmenu | 17:23 |
FIQ | I don't have rescue OS :) | 17:23 |
FIQ | None told me of it | 17:23 |
kerio | vi_: unless you've installed it and configured uboot, you need a working usb port | 17:23 |
FIQ | before it was too late | 17:23 |
FIQ | At the moment, I'm waiting for my battery to charge (with my external battery charger) | 17:24 |
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FIQ | because when I tried to start flashing, my N900 just showed steady amber LED, which according to forums means too little power | 17:24 |
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kerio | FIQ: you need to flash combined, vanilla, combined | 17:24 |
FIQ | why? | 17:24 |
kerio | hopefully you won't cause *more* problems to your n900 | 17:24 |
FIQ | shouldn't combined be fine? | 17:24 |
kerio | FIQ: is optfs still fine? | 17:24 |
FIQ | I *think* so | 17:25 |
FIQ | but I'm not completly sure | 17:25 |
FIQ | "<FIQ> because when I tried to start flashing, my N900 just showed steady amber LED, which according to forums means too little power" but at least I could make the USB connection stable (no sporadic amber as it would be if connection was bad) | 17:26 |
FIQ | So, whatever happens, the USB connection is most likely fine | 17:26 |
FIQ | (for the moment) | 17:26 |
FIQ | that is, if I hold it in a specific way :p | 17:26 |
kerio | this is such a bad idea... | 17:27 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: comments? | 17:27 |
FIQ | Do you have a better solution? :) | 17:27 |
FIQ | I tried several repair shops, none wanted to help | 17:27 |
kerio | FIQ: no, i have a working usb port | 17:27 |
FIQ | and they mostly just demotivated me | 17:27 |
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FIQ | kerio: about combined/vanilla/combined, I'll attempt to flash just combined first, if that fails i'll do vanilla too (everything without unplugging USB cable) | 17:28 |
FIQ | and then combined again due to nokia idiocy flashing stuff | 17:29 |
FIQ | (why does vanilla make things fail anyway?) | 17:29 |
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Skry | you're the guy who restored backup with wrong kernel modules some time ago? | 17:31 |
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FIQ | correct | 17:32 |
FIQ | but according to people in here, that shouldn't break things that horribly | 17:32 |
FIQ | just make maemo unbootable (and I backed up before restoring the previous backup) | 17:32 |
Skry | you have -thumb? | 17:33 |
FIQ | I don't know what that is so I guess not | 17:33 |
Skry | yeah, probably | 17:33 |
Skry | not | 17:33 |
FIQ | ..what is it? :p | 17:33 |
Skry | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=84829 | 17:34 |
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Skry | just a though, it might not be a good idea to try to boot with stock kernel to cssu-thumb userland. anyways, don't know what your problem is exactly and quite frankly I'm currently too lazy to read the backlog :) | 17:36 |
kerio | "might not"? | 17:37 |
kerio | it will cause a shitton of problems everywhere | 17:37 |
FIQ | Skry: my problem is that I flashed to stock kernel from kernel power | 17:37 |
FIQ | that's the difference in terms of kernel | 17:38 |
Skry | kerio: yes, "might not". | 17:38 |
Skry | FIQ: so, you've tried to flash kp already? | 17:39 |
FIQ | (well I had another problem regarding timestamps too, but according to robb, that problem shouldn't make a difference with the backup restore process) | 17:39 |
Skry | yeah, timestamps are just timestamps | 17:39 |
FIQ | Skry: hm? I flashed kernel-power on device, and that went smooth | 17:39 |
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FIQ | But then I had to restore a backupmenu backup | 17:39 |
FIQ | due to an issue that most likely could be solved by a more trivial thing | 17:40 |
FIQ | And restored to a version before I had kernel-power | 17:40 |
FIQ | That, according to #maemo, was what went wrong | 17:40 |
cjdavies | I've just inherited a N900 & flashed it with flasher (see http://paste2.org/p/2468458 ) however upon rebooting there is still the old settings/contacts of the previous owner? | 17:40 |
cjdavies | am I missing something? | 17:40 |
FIQ | cjdavies: I believe these are stored in the optfs | 17:40 |
kerio | FIQ: yep, you restored a full backup that missed the modules for KP | 17:40 |
kerio | thus, you can't boot at all | 17:41 |
kerio | cjdavies: reflash vanilla, combined, vanilla | 17:41 |
FIQ | but why does it make backupmenu in the state it is right now? | 17:41 |
Skry | FIQ: I mean, have you tried flashing kp after restoring the backup which "broke" your install? | 17:41 |
kerio | FIQ: because the kernel needs modules :) | 17:41 |
kerio | including, for instance, the modules to access the eMMC | 17:41 |
kerio | or the uSD | 17:41 |
FIQ | Skry: I cannot mount MyDocs from backupmenu | 17:41 |
Skry | FIQ: and why do you need to do that? | 17:42 |
FIQ | because the kp backup is there? | 17:42 |
kerio | Skry: to restore a more recent backup, maybe | 17:42 |
FIQ | :p | 17:42 |
FIQ | or how exactly did you suggest me to flash kp? | 17:42 |
kerio | FIQ: you only need to flash the stock kernel, actually | 17:42 |
cjdavies | FIQ: kerio: I flashed with PR_COMBINED, are you saying I should flash with VANILLA_PR, then PR_COMBINED, then VANILLA_PR again? | 17:42 |
FIQ | kerio: ok | 17:43 |
kerio | cjdavies: actually, your system boots fine, right? | 17:43 |
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cjdavies | kerio: yes | 17:43 |
kerio | cjdavies: flash vanilla and then combined | 17:43 |
FIQ | so basically I should do what I do right now, but flash kernel instead of rootfs? | 17:43 |
kerio | also, i meant combined+vanilla+combined, before | 17:43 |
cjdavies | right, will do, thanks kerio | 17:43 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: sorry to hear about your problems to find anybody willing to solder down your USB port. Maybe you asked for the wrong thing? I couldn't figure how a usual repair shop would refuse to do some soldering as described in detail in some phot footage. Anyway regarding your problems with flashing, I still think it's only caused by flaky USB. And no, the amber LED is no idicator of anything useful regarding USB defects whatsoever | 17:43 |
Skry | kerio: and why not flash kp since that was what he was using anyway? | 17:43 |
kerio | but you don't need the first combined if your system boots fine | 17:43 |
kerio | Skry: because the current system has only the modules for the stock kernel | 17:43 |
FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: amber LED means lack of power, right? | 17:44 |
DocScrutinizer05 | cjdavies: why said you should flash VANILLA twice? | 17:44 |
DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: no | 17:44 |
FIQ | steady amber LED, that is | 17:44 |
FIQ | ok, what does it mean? | 17:44 |
DocScrutinizer05 | still no | 17:44 |
Skry | wait, so he restored stock and was using kp? | 17:44 |
Skry | ok | 17:44 |
Skry | stock then | 17:44 |
kerio | we call it "flatbat recover", but it's just bq24150's native charging mode | 17:44 |
Skry | FIQ: so, flash the stock kernel and you should be fine | 17:45 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | it means mce / NOLO hasn't configured 1707 and bq24150 and there's VBUS applied and D+- short | 17:45 |
kerio | Skry: his microusb port is flaky as shit | 17:45 |
vi_ | I wish I could flash an n900 from an n900. | 17:45 |
kerio | vi_: you can, surely? | 17:45 |
FIQ | Skry: yeah I know my problem | 17:45 |
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cjdavies | kerio: the download for vanilla says that I mustn't boot the device between flashing vanilla & subsequently flashing fiasco - how do I do that, pull the battery after vanilla has finished? | 17:46 |
FIQ | but the problem here is *how*, not *what* :P | 17:46 |
FIQ | brb eat | 17:46 |
kerio | you probably need a usb hub in the middle, to avoid problems with the enumeration | 17:46 |
cjdavies | because it reboots automagically | 17:46 |
kerio | cjdavies: it only reboots automagically if you tell flasher to reboot it :) | 17:46 |
FIQ | enumeration... I hated that issue last time I reflashed n900 | 17:46 |
kerio | don't use the -R option when you flash vanilla | 17:46 |
FIQ | took like 20 tries with a completly fine microUSB because flasher simply refused to do it | 17:46 |
cjdavies | kerio: ah, I'll read the man page :) | 17:46 |
FIQ | brb eat | 17:46 |
DocScrutinizer05 | cjdavies: that note on download side is rather unfortunate | 17:46 |
* kerio thinks FIQ's usb port was already dying | 17:47 | |
Skry | does it work at all? | 17:47 |
FIQ | well I get feedback | 17:48 |
cjdavies | what does the vanilla image count as in terms of flasher flags? is it a kernel image, root image, etc.? | 17:48 |
FIQ | in the form of a steady amber light when holding it | 17:48 |
kerio | cjdavies: fiasco image | 17:48 |
FIQ | so it definitely responds | 17:48 |
FIQ | no idea if it's enough though | 17:48 |
DocScrutinizer05 | cjdavies: please see | 17:48 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~flash | 17:48 |
infobot | methinks maemo-flashing is http://wiki.maemo.org/Updating_the_tablet_firmware | 17:48 |
cjdavies | kerio: oh, so I flash both vanilla & combined with -f | 17:48 |
Skry | duct tape to the rescue and flash :) | 17:48 |
kerio | cjdavies: yes | 17:48 |
kerio | you have to do them separately though | 17:48 |
cjdavies | well yes :) | 17:49 |
cjdavies | & without -R it won't reboot | 17:49 |
cjdavies | awesome | 17:49 |
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FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: I told pretty much what you told me to do, and gave links | 17:49 |
DocScrutinizer05 | it has a pretty comprehensive explanation on why you shouldn't reboot, OR need to flash COMBINED *after* VANILLA | 17:49 |
FIQ | @ "maybe you asked for the wrong thing?" | 17:49 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: the recommended full flashing procedure is still (combined+)vanilla+combined, right? | 17:50 |
DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: I'd bet giving links is nothing any repair shop would handle. I'd give them printouts of the photo footage | 17:50 |
DocScrutinizer05 | kerio: right | 17:50 |
kerio | cjdavies: also make sure you downloaded the latest global release of the images | 17:50 |
kerio | or, rather, the latest global COMBINED and the latest VANILLA | 17:51 |
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cjdavies | kerio: so I'm going to do 'flasher -F <vanilla 10.2010.13-2> -f' followed by 'flasher -F <combined 20.2010.36-2> -f -R' | 17:52 |
cjdavies | I assume I want it to reboot after combined is flashed | 17:52 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | kerio: where you also could say: combined + NO_BOOT-HERE + vanilla | 17:52 |
kerio | cjdavies: yep | 17:52 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: yeah but it's kinda weird like that | 17:52 |
cjdavies | thanks kerio | 17:52 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: hmm, i suppose you can just flash combined with -R and then hold u | 17:53 |
FIQ | also, whatever happens, if I succeed flashing, I'll attempt to have a working uboot install, as clearly bootupmenu isn't enough, and can't boot stuff from uSD w/o configuration before | 17:53 |
DocScrutinizer05 | kerio: possibly | 17:53 |
DocScrutinizer05 | never tested it | 17:53 |
kerio | cjdavies: as soon as you're done flashing, come back here | 17:53 |
FIQ | to simply completly get rid of having to do this with a computer (aside from transferring stuff to SD if needed) | 17:54 |
kerio | cjdavies: we've got some good stuff for you | 17:54 |
DocScrutinizer05 | anyway (combined+)vanilla+combined is always safe, no matter when or if you boot in between | 17:54 |
kerio | mwahahahahahAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH | 17:54 |
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kerio | DocScrutinizer05: how much is booted when you flash vanilla, btw? | 17:54 |
cjdavies | why is flashing portable electronics always so nervewracking? | 17:55 |
cjdavies | even though I'#ve never actually bricked anything... yet | 17:55 |
kerio | cjdavies: the n900 is almost completely recoverable | 17:55 |
DocScrutinizer05 | cjdavies: you can't brick N900 | 17:55 |
kerio | whatever you do via software | 17:55 |
DocScrutinizer05 | at least not by flashing it 'incorrectly' | 17:55 |
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kerio | but keep a backup of /dev/mtd1 :) | 17:56 |
cjdavies | I could certainly try ;P | 17:56 |
FIQ | cjdavies: unless you do like me and break its' microUSB | 17:56 |
kerio | and write what's your hw revision somewhere | 17:56 |
cjdavies | FIQ: I've seen that issue online | 17:56 |
cjdavies | I've already repaired 1 portable device that used an insufficiently strongly mounted micro USB socket | 17:56 |
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cjdavies | I wish manufacturers wouldn't do that | 17:56 |
DocScrutinizer05 | listen to kerio, he knows stuff pretty good | 17:56 |
kerio | cjdavies: cool, go repair FIQ's n900 then! | 17:57 |
FIQ | but I suppose, as long as issue stays firmware, there's very rarely a problem | 17:57 |
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FIQ | besides possible losing saved data :P | 17:57 |
FIQ | *possibly | 17:57 |
cjdavies | they're not nice to repair, unless you're used to SMD work | 17:57 |
cjdavies | I managed it with a flood & suck technique | 17:57 |
cjdavies | using proper lead solder which should hopefully last longer | 17:57 |
FIQ | cjdavies: good, where do I send my N900? | 17:57 |
kerio | haha | 17:57 |
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kerio | cjdavies: there's a particular partition on the onboard NAND that holds data that's kinda hard to recover - for instance, the bluetooth mac address | 17:58 |
vi_ | I thought you could nuke cal | 17:58 |
FIQ | how about the IMEI? | 17:58 |
kerio | vi_: i said "hard to recover" | 17:58 |
kerio | not "impossible" :) | 17:58 |
kerio | FIQ: separate storage | 17:58 |
kerio | inaccessible, too | 17:59 |
FIQ | aw | 17:59 |
kerio | that's a magic black box called rapuyama | 17:59 |
cjdavies | hm, something hasn't gone right | 17:59 |
cjdavies | it's booted to a black screen with a pink rectangle in the upper left corner | 17:59 |
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FIQ | sounds like when I broke hildon accidentally | 17:59 |
kerio | cjdavies: are you sure you haven't booted after just vanilla? | 18:00 |
kerio | that sounds like missing stuff | 18:00 |
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cjdavies | kerio: I did both, but the combined flash seemed too fast | 18:00 |
kerio | pastebin the log somewhere | 18:00 |
FIQ | did flasher say anything? | 18:00 |
DocScrutinizer05 | cjdavies: you already messed up the correct sequence, when you asked "vanilla + combined + vanilla2 which is incorrect. | 18:01 |
cjdavies | http://paste2.org/p/2468526 | 18:01 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | combined flash takes ~30..60s, vanilla some 90s iirc | 18:01 |
kerio | cjdavies: hm, what happened at the end? | 18:01 |
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cjdavies | combined took only a few seconds | 18:02 |
cjdavies | that is all of the output | 18:02 |
kerio | flashing combined did jack shit :S | 18:02 |
cjdavies | :( | 18:02 |
kerio | are you sure there's nothing after that? | 18:02 |
DocScrutinizer05 | you forgot to blacklist your cdc_phonet module I guess | 18:02 |
cjdavies | kerio: the next line was my prompt | 18:02 |
cjdavies | I modprobed -r'd cdc_phonet | 18:02 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: oooh that's a good one | 18:02 |
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cjdavies | or does that need doing before each command? | 18:02 |
kerio | cjdavies: maybe some autoloading, autoconfiguring piece of BS modprobed it again | 18:03 |
cjdavies | D: | 18:03 |
cjdavies | how rude of it | 18:03 |
kerio | indeed | 18:03 |
DocScrutinizer05 | cjdavies: if you modprobe -r'd it then you evidently haven't blacklisted it, and it kicks in again during flashing | 18:03 |
cjdavies | right, is the phone saveable? | 18:03 |
kerio | cjdavies: just flash again :) | 18:03 |
cjdavies | awesome | 18:03 |
DocScrutinizer05 | please refer to | 18:03 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~flash | 18:03 |
infobot | maemo-flashing is, like, http://wiki.maemo.org/Updating_the_tablet_firmware | 18:03 |
cjdavies | yes, I have read that | 18:04 |
DocScrutinizer05 | afk, bbl | 18:04 |
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cjdavies | but I also prefer the human touch for some confirmation ;) | 18:04 |
kerio | cjdavies: that prompt... fedora? | 18:04 |
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cjdavies | kerio: the prompt is whatever I put in bashrc | 18:05 |
cjdavies | Arch Linux, actually | 18:05 |
kerio | hm | 18:05 |
kerio | i don't know what's arch's default PS1 | 18:05 |
kerio | debian's is user@host:dir$ without any spaces | 18:05 |
cjdavies | can't remember if my root user has the default, it may do | 18:05 |
cjdavies | normal user doesn't for sure | 18:05 |
Skry | cjdavies: fellow arch user here o/ | 18:05 |
kerio | i thought arch was supposed to be all l33t and stuff | 18:05 |
kerio | with no need for silly hardware autoconfiguration | 18:05 |
kerio | >:D | 18:06 |
cjdavies | Skry: highfive | 18:06 |
Skry | yea | 18:06 |
cjdavies | combined did naff all again :/ | 18:06 |
cjdavies | literally less than a second | 18:06 |
vi_ | ~gentoosmite kerio | 18:07 |
* infobot spends 6 weeks recompiling kerio, and when it's all done, kerio runs 4% slower than previously | 18:07 | |
kerio | cjdavies: don't put the -R at the end maybe | 18:07 |
vi_ | to flash emmc: flasher -F <YOUR BIN HERE> -f | 18:07 |
kerio | cjdavies: actually, maybe you should reboot after flashing VANILLA too | 18:08 |
kerio | but make sure you're still holding u | 18:08 |
vi_ | then root: flasher -F <YOUR BIN HERE> -f | 18:08 |
vi_ | kerio: You only have to do that for the start up. | 18:08 |
kerio | vi_: he can't seem to flash COMBINED for some reason | 18:08 |
vi_ | cold flash o) | 18:08 |
DocScrutinizer05 | BS | 18:09 |
DocScrutinizer05 | blacklist cdc_phonet! | 18:09 |
kerio | that, too | 18:09 |
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kerio | DocScrutinizer05: you'd get an error message if that was the problem | 18:09 |
FIQ | <kerio> i don't know what's arch's default PS1 | 18:09 |
cjdavies | I have just blacklisted cdc_phonet | 18:09 |
FIQ | iirc it's (dir)$, simple as that | 18:10 |
DocScrutinizer05 | boot after flashing VANILLA is irrelevant (though you need to add -R or remove battery since otherwise it doesn't return from flashing vanilla, bug in flasher rocks) | 18:10 |
DocScrutinizer05 | kerio: nope | 18:10 |
kerio | ooh, that's the problem then | 18:10 |
kerio | i remembered something like that | 18:10 |
cjdavies | right, lsmod reports cdc_phonet has f*cked off | 18:11 |
cjdavies | let's try again | 18:11 |
kerio | cjdavies: reset your n900 after flashing VANILLA | 18:11 |
DocScrutinizer05 | cjdavies: plug in phone, lsmod|grep phonet | 18:11 |
kerio | either with -R or by removing the battery | 18:11 |
cjdavies | kerio: at what point is it safe to do so? | 18:11 |
vi_ | kerio: With palis new charging stuff can I just apt-get remove bme? | 18:11 |
cjdavies | oh, -R | 18:11 |
FIQ | also I run arch too, and flasher insisted to modprobe cdc_phonet which messed up everything | 18:11 |
cjdavies | but then hold u | 18:12 |
FIQ | blacklisting it seemed to do nothing, but it turned out I just did it wrong | 18:12 |
kerio | vi_: pali has a replacement for the bme package too | 18:12 |
vi_ | kerio: where do I get all this cool shit? | 18:12 |
kerio | vi_: it's a secret | 18:12 |
DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: thus [2012-11-12 17:11:33] <DocScrutinizer05> cjdavies: plug in phone, lsmod|grep phonet | 18:12 |
kerio | ~pali | 18:12 |
infobot | hmm... pali is http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~pali/ | 18:12 |
kerio | hrmpf, can't find a link | 18:13 |
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kerio | vi_: http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~pali/rx51-bme-replacement/ | 18:13 |
FIQ | if N900 would agree on booting directly from uSD at the same level as how flashing simply always work, then my process would be way easier :D | 18:13 |
cjdavies | right, vanilla went in & combined is taking longer now | 18:14 |
cjdavies | as in, a reassuring amount of time & progress bar that stuff isa ctually happenning :) | 18:14 |
Skry | FIQ: guess you don't have uboot installed then :) | 18:14 |
FIQ | Skry: no ._. | 18:14 |
* cjdavies only just realised this thing has 32GB(!) of storage | 18:15 | |
DocScrutinizer05 | cjdavies: sounds like finally you made it | 18:15 |
FIQ | I thought bootupmenu went as lowlevel as that | 18:15 |
cjdavies | DocScrutinizer05: guess I'm lucky this thing is 'recoverable' | 18:15 |
kerio | FIQ: bootmenu is something that happens after the kernel is loaded | 18:15 |
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FIQ | so I though uboot was not just rendurant, but conflicting | 18:15 |
FIQ | *thought | 18:15 |
kerio | cjdavies: the n900 is pretty resilient, as long as your µusb port is still working | 18:15 |
cjdavies | is cdc_phonet used for anything else that I might encounter, or is it just phones like the N900? | 18:15 |
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cjdavies | wonder if I should leave the blacklist there in case I ever come to flash again & forget to kill it | 18:16 |
DocScrutinizer05 | the link of uBoot to bootmenu is extremely unfortunate and missleading. They are completely different concepts | 18:16 |
FIQ | kerio: hmm ok | 18:16 |
Skry | FIQ: yeah, it does not. I have not actually flashed my device since i made uboot + cssu kernel fiasco, made life with n900 so much easier. | 18:16 |
FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: ok | 18:16 |
kerio | cjdavies: for what i've heard, cdc_phonet is there to annoy people that use phones with usb connections | 18:16 |
vi_ | I think I may need to do a re-flash. | 18:16 |
vi_ | This will be like a lobotomy | 18:16 |
cjdavies | kerio: :D | 18:16 |
DocScrutinizer05 | cjdavies: you probably want it blacklisted | 18:16 |
FIQ | Skry: the only real reason that I didn't have uboot, besides backupmenu, was that I wanted kernel-power | 18:16 |
FIQ | and that conflicted with uboot | 18:17 |
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FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: ok.. so I can, theoretically even though I see no point in it, have uboot boot into bootmenu (which needs a kernel to boot, which uboot fixes)? | 18:18 |
DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: no it doesn't really | 18:18 |
FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: the package do | 18:18 |
DocScrutinizer05 | yes | 18:18 |
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FIQ | and I didn't want to compile kp manually to make it work with uboot, because of risking messing something up | 18:18 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: the uBoot package conflicts to KP, but not to KP-zImage used by uBoot | 18:19 |
Skry | what he said^ | 18:19 |
DocScrutinizer05 | errr, you know what I mean | 18:19 |
cjdavies | huzzah, it seems likt it's been properly reset to factory now, no signs of the previous owner :) | 18:20 |
FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: just a question, is there a package provided by extras (or -testing/-devel), which makes KP work with uboot for me? | 18:20 |
DocScrutinizer05 | uBoot and original KP conflict on same storage location, but uBoot can boot a KP image file | 18:20 |
FIQ | there was uboot-power (or something) previously, but that kernel was outdated last time I tried | 18:20 |
FIQ | or do I have to make images myself? :p | 18:21 |
cjdavies | lol @ 'skynet' wlan in the intro video | 18:21 |
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kerio | cjdavies: ah crap, i forgot something incredibly important | 18:21 |
kerio | don't boot up with a sim inserted, for the first time | 18:22 |
entitled | oh | 18:22 |
entitled | Never taken it out | 18:22 |
entitled | why's that? | 18:22 |
kerio | unless you're fine with sending an international SMS to the MyNokia service | 18:22 |
FIQ | god | 18:22 |
cjdavies | kerio: I hadn't even thought about putting a SIM in yet | 18:22 |
cjdavies | luckily, it seems | 18:22 |
kerio | cjdavies: good :) | 18:22 |
FIQ | dat mynokia | 18:22 |
cjdavies | SIM is still in my E6 | 18:22 |
entitled | and? | 18:22 |
FIQ | hate it | 18:22 |
kerio | ok, before doing stuff with the system, get root access | 18:23 |
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Skry | FIQ: I think it is called kernel-power-bootimg but i might be wrong | 18:23 |
FIQ | took a while before I managed to disable it | 18:23 |
FIQ | it simply ignored me the first tries | 18:23 |
cjdavies | not a big fan of the E6 - hardware/design is nice, but the OS/software is slow & unreliable | 18:23 |
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kerio | remove the "cherry" package, remove the "*-installer" packages, then install backupmenu and make a full backup :) | 18:23 |
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FIQ | also, while looking for possible replacement of N900 in case this fails, I found that one store actually still sells N900s lol | 18:24 |
FIQ | but at the same price as the launch... | 18:24 |
kerio | FIQ: link? | 18:24 |
FIQ | it's swedish :p | 18:24 |
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kerio | a boxed, cellophaned n900 is worth a fair bit | 18:24 |
Skry | FIQ: ok, link? :) | 18:24 |
FIQ | http://www.phonehouse.se/Mobiltelefoner/Nokia/Nokia-N900-Trelast | 18:24 |
kerio | cjdavies: btw, the n900 uses the best packaging system ever | 18:25 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~jrtools | 18:25 |
infobot | jrtools is probably http://wiki.maemo.org/User:Joerg_rw/tools | 18:25 |
FIQ | apparently there's "few in stock" | 18:25 |
FIQ | but there's some :P | 18:25 |
kerio | AP FUCKING T | 18:25 |
kerio | hell yeah | 18:25 |
FIQ | if this flashing fails, I'm thinking of simply buying a new one from there | 18:25 |
cjdavies | kerio: I haven't really investigated it yet, I just wanted to see how easy it would be to reset it properly | 18:25 |
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cjdavies | next comes *physically* cleaning it | 18:25 |
kerio | heh | 18:25 |
cjdavies | how easy is it to dismantle? | 18:25 |
FIQ | it's worth it, considering the alternatives..... | 18:25 |
cjdavies | -sh: sshL not found :/ | 18:26 |
kerio | cjdavies: i'll let the other guys tell you about that | 18:26 |
kerio | i never actually opened one | 18:26 |
vi_ | FIQ: How much are they in real monies? | 18:26 |
FIQ | "real monies" | 18:26 |
FIQ | do you want it in EUR or USD? | 18:26 |
vi_ | GBP, euro etc. | 18:26 |
kerio | FIQ: he said "real monies", so EUR | 18:26 |
kerio | or BTC :P | 18:26 |
FIQ | 640 | 18:26 |
cjdavies | if I have the most recent images flashed, are there any oter updates to do OTA or whatever? | 18:26 |
FIQ | as I said, launch cost :p | 18:26 |
cjdavies | presuming there might be... | 18:26 |
kerio | cjdavies: plenty, actually :) | 18:27 |
kerio | cjdavies: but you still want to do a backup first, i suppose | 18:27 |
kerio | and gain root access even before that | 18:27 |
FIQ | vi_: whatever you do, I prefer you not to take the last one in case my n900 flashing fails :o | 18:27 |
cjdavies | kerio: dunno, I should probably get back to work before I start playing more | 18:27 |
kerio | FIQ: don't buy a n900 for 640€ :s | 18:27 |
cjdavies | oh yeah, forgot it'll need to be rooted | 18:27 |
kerio | buy a used one for 110€ | 18:27 |
kerio | cjdavies: don't say that | 18:27 |
cjdavies | I sort of assumed a phone that gives you a terminal out of the box would also give you root ;) | 18:28 |
FIQ | well | 18:28 |
FIQ | it's kind of simple | 18:28 |
kerio | cjdavies: well, you can just enable rd mode from the flasher, and then "sudo gainroot" will give you a root shell | 18:28 |
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FIQ | root is disabled solely for people not to break things too fast | 18:28 |
kerio | or you can install a package from the graphical package manager | 18:28 |
FIQ | "rooting" is just installing a package from the official repository | 18:28 |
FIQ | and you're done | 18:28 |
cjdavies | okay, so assuming I'm not going to do any more work today (it's half past 4 already, I've been here sine 8:30) what are my next steps - root, update, backup? | 18:28 |
FIQ | there's several alternatives, actually :P | 18:29 |
kerio | FIQ: maemo extras isn't *that* ufficial | 18:29 |
cjdavies | graphical? *spit* | 18:29 |
kerio | cjdavies: root, backup, install CSSU :) | 18:29 |
FIQ | it isn't? | 18:29 |
kerio | cjdavies: not only it's graphical, it's also SLOW AS SHIT | 18:29 |
FIQ | cjdavies: you have to use the graphical one | 18:29 |
FIQ | because you haven't root.. yet | 18:29 |
cjdavies | ;) | 18:29 |
cjdavies | cssu? | 18:29 |
FIQ | while that package uses a scary method to do it | 18:29 |
cjdavies | Christadelphian Sunday School Union | 18:29 |
cjdavies | ... | 18:29 |
cjdavies | ah, Community Seamless Software Update | 18:30 |
FIQ | cjdavies: basically, open application manager, search for "rootsh" | 18:30 |
cjdavies | right, first things first, I root, right? | 18:30 |
vi_ | in kp51 is there some kind of...auto usb thingy going on? | 18:30 |
FIQ | or, if you're going to have a ssh server, simply install openssh, that's enough as it enables you to login as root | 18:30 |
kerio | cjdavies: people will suggest to use the rootsh package, but imo it's a bad idea | 18:30 |
vi_ | I.e. how to disable host mode? | 18:30 |
FIQ | I installed another package that made a file in /etc/sudoers.d/ (or something) which a line that enabled me to sudo as on a linux desktop | 18:31 |
FIQ | don't remember what it was called | 18:31 |
kerio | cjdavies: open "application manager" and go in the catalogs menu | 18:31 |
FIQ | but I prefer that over sudo gainroot method | 18:31 |
FIQ | to not have to login as root everytime I want to do root stuff.. | 18:31 |
cjdavies | kerio: with you so far... checking for updates... | 18:32 |
FIQ | cjdavies: application manager is slow, slow and slow | 18:32 |
kerio | cjdavies: there's a "system update", but don't do it - it's not needed, you're going to install CSSU :) | 18:32 |
cjdavies | where's my apt/pacman :( | 18:32 |
FIQ | i only use it if it's encouraged | 18:32 |
kerio | cjdavies: once you get a shell, there's apt | 18:32 |
FIQ | otherwise I simply use apt | 18:32 |
cjdavies | :D | 18:32 |
cjdavies | so I've got a list of catalogues now | 18:33 |
vi_ | gui package manager is just too slow. | 18:33 |
kerio | cjdavies: in catalogs, disable ovi and maemo.org, and add the extras-devel repository | 18:33 |
FIQ | (I prever pacman though) | 18:33 |
FIQ | *prefer | 18:33 |
cjdavies | done | 18:33 |
cjdavies | then... new? | 18:33 |
kerio | yes | 18:33 |
FIQ | ~extras-devel | 18:33 |
infobot | from memory, extras-devel is http://wiki.maemo.org/Extras-devel | 18:33 |
cjdavies | hang on, this is just a GUI over apt :/ | 18:33 |
kerio | cjdavies: nah, it's worse than that :) | 18:34 |
vi_ | cjdavies: If you were smart and enabled RD mode, you could just use vi to edit sources.list. | 18:34 |
FIQ | cjdavies: whatever it is, it's needed no matter what as you can't "sudo gainroot" | 18:34 |
FIQ | vi_: R&D mode is a bad idea | 18:34 |
vi_ | FIQ: enable R&D mode. | 18:34 |
FIQ | while it enables sudo gainroot out of the box, it does other things too | 18:34 |
vi_ | FIQ: HORSE SHIT. | 18:34 |
FIQ | which likes to eat battery | 18:34 |
FIQ | that's what I've heard at least | 18:35 |
vi_ | FIQ: BULL SHIT. | 18:35 |
kerio | cjdavies: http://repository.maemo.org/extras-devel/ fremantle free non-free | 18:35 |
vi_ | FIQ: Enabling serial console will cause battery drainz. | 18:35 |
cjdavies | repo added | 18:35 |
FIQ | now wait for the loooooong update | 18:35 |
vi_ | R&D mode will not cause you problems. | 18:35 |
FIQ | it will take longer than last time :D | 18:35 |
FIQ | vi_: ok | 18:35 |
cjdavies | do I have to prompt it to update? | 18:35 |
cjdavies | it's back at the catalogues menu | 18:35 |
kerio | exit the catalogs menu, wait a lot of time, then install openssh | 18:35 |
FIQ | yeah, that | 18:36 |
cjdavies | ah | 18:36 |
FIQ | it will force update for you | 18:36 |
FIQ | have fun | 18:36 |
cjdavies | aaaaaaaaaahhh | 18:36 |
vi_ | Iti is useful for disabling watchdog, and setting bootreason:power button. | 18:36 |
cjdavies | checking... | 18:36 |
FIQ | ooh disabling watchdog | 18:36 |
vi_ | WHich in turn disables act_dead mode. | 18:36 |
FIQ | sounds neat | 18:36 |
cjdavies | I already have a feeling this is going to be much more fun than my E6 | 18:36 |
kerio | cjdavies: oh you have *no* idea | 18:36 |
cjdavies | though not as much metal in my hands :( | 18:36 |
cjdavies | I do like that about the E6 | 18:36 |
vi_ | FIQ: My device has been in R&D mode for the last couple of months. | 18:36 |
cjdavies | the whole thing is just a slab of metal & gorilla glass | 18:36 |
cjdavies | pity the software is balls on it | 18:37 |
FIQ | too bad maemo never was completly open | 18:37 |
FIQ | would be neat to be able to simply install maemo instead of android of a random device | 18:37 |
FIQ | (meego is possible though) | 18:38 |
vi_ | cjdavies: If you are into linux, in about 2 weeks time you are going to declare the n900 the king of everything and start crying that there will never be a sucessor. | 18:38 |
FIQ | seriously ... | 18:38 |
FIQ | the phone is 3 years old, and yet nothing replaces it | 18:38 |
FIQ | jolla MIGHT fix that though | 18:38 |
vi_ | FIQ: Do not get your hipes up. | 18:38 |
vi_ | your hopes either. | 18:39 |
FIQ | :P | 18:39 |
kerio | cjdavies: once it's done, install openssh - it'll let you configure a root password | 18:39 |
cjdavies | I've been looking for a new phone & have been considering old things like the e52 | 18:39 |
kerio | once you're done, open a shell and ssh root@localhost (sic!) | 18:39 |
cjdavies | so I don't mind if it's 3 years olf | 18:39 |
kerio | and then configure sudo | 18:39 |
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vi_ | kerio: That is your preferred method of getting a root shell? | 18:39 |
vi_ | you mad? | 18:39 |
kerio | vi_: it's the neater way | 18:39 |
cjdavies | how the hell do you search in this package manager :/ | 18:39 |
kerio | no, u mad bro | 18:39 |
kerio | cjdavies: just type | 18:40 |
FIQ | cjdavies: well, if I consider buying a new N900 for the same price, am I mad? | 18:40 |
kerio | that's a maemoism | 18:40 |
vi_ | unlikely my good man, I believe it is you who is mad. | 18:40 |
kerio | also, the "close" button for dialogs is the blurred area above them | 18:40 |
kerio | that's the second maemoism | 18:40 |
vi_ | also: | 18:40 |
FIQ | (same price as last time, that is, which I bought 2½ years ago) | 18:40 |
kerio | everything else is just your usual X desktop, pretty much | 18:40 |
vi_ | apt-get remove cherry | 18:40 |
vi_ | RIGHT NOW. | 18:40 |
cjdavies | FIQ: maybe not, I'll let you know in 2 weeks ;) | 18:40 |
cjdavies | do I want openssh server or client & server? | 18:41 |
vi_ | cjdavies: Also, make an account on TMO | 18:41 |
FIQ | vi_: Actually, installing openssh to get root over rootsh is a good idea IMO | 18:41 |
cjdavies | if it doesn't have the ssh executable... | 18:41 |
FIQ | I did that for myself | 18:41 |
vi_ | ~tm0 | 18:41 |
infobot | [tm0] trolls, mooses and orangutans | 18:41 |
cjdavies | vi_: tm0? | 18:41 |
cjdavies | ... | 18:42 |
FIQ | cjdavies: real definition is talk.maemo.org | 18:42 |
cjdavies | ah | 18:42 |
FIQ | but it consist of that, pretty much | 18:42 |
cjdavies | so, client & server I want? | 18:42 |
FIQ | Then I proceed to make a proper solution to gain root, which allowed me to do "sudo <stuff>" instead of gainroot, THEN stuff | 18:42 |
vi_ | cjdavies: client & server | 18:42 |
vi_ | sudo is lame. | 18:42 |
vi_ | If you want to do root stuff, do it as root. | 18:42 |
* cjdavies doesn't normally use sudo on anything | 18:43 | |
kerio | sudo is actually fairly important | 18:43 |
cjdavies | I was taught from the beginning to just type 'su' | 18:43 |
kerio | cjdavies: su doesn't work | 18:43 |
vi_ | SAID NO ONE EVER. | 18:43 |
cjdavies | D: | 18:43 |
kerio | aaaaaaaand we reach the point where you meet the horror | 18:43 |
kerio | BEHOLD | 18:43 |
kerio | ~messybox | 18:43 |
infobot | messy... err busybox is meant for lean scripting. Regarding all the missing options and immanent limitations (see su, passwd) it's not really the interactive shell of choice. A lot of people hate busybox because a lot of system integrators don't understand the difference between busybox and a decent user interactive shell plus unix utils | 18:43 |
FIQ | also | 18:43 |
FIQ | install bash | 18:43 |
FIQ | bash > busybox | 18:43 |
kerio | cjdavies: the shell is busybox, which also provides a ton of commands | 18:43 |
vi_ | Elephants > Shoes. | 18:43 |
kerio | "su" is a symlink to busybox | 18:43 |
kerio | as such, it can't be made suid root | 18:43 |
kerio | so, it doesn't work | 18:44 |
kerio | sudo is a separate binary | 18:44 |
FIQ | kerio: wat | 18:44 |
FIQ | that sounds stupid | 18:44 |
kerio | that *is* stupid | 18:44 |
FIQ | @ su symlinked to busybox | 18:44 |
FIQ | then it doesn't even fill its' original purpose | 18:44 |
cjdavies | 1 application successfully installed :D | 18:44 |
kerio | cjdavies: did it prompt you for a root password? | 18:45 |
cjdavies | yup | 18:45 |
cjdavies | aaaaaand now it's being slow again | 18:45 |
FIQ | anyway, when I got a new N900 (after my first one, which, believe it or not, broke by microUSB!) by warranty, I installed openssh, fixed proper sudo, installed bash, xchat, coreutils, and then went to sleep | 18:45 |
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cjdavies | right, so openssh installed, how does one 'fix proepr sudo'? | 18:46 |
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kerio | cjdavies: edit /etc/sudoers.d/cjdavies and then run update-sudoers | 18:47 |
kerio | add "user ALL=(ALL) ALL" and "root ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" in two lines | 18:48 |
cjdavies | -sh: nano: not found | 18:48 |
cjdavies | D: | 18:48 |
FIQ | I did it by making a file in a directory which IIRC is called /etc/sudoers.d/ with user ALL = (ALL) ALL, and then ran some command.. | 18:48 |
FIQ | ah, update-sudoers | 18:48 |
kerio | cjdavies: install it | 18:48 |
kerio | also, you're one of *those* freaks... >:c | 18:48 |
kerio | you've got root access now, apt-get install nano | 18:48 |
FIQ | cjdavies: login via ssh, apt-get install nano | 18:48 |
vi_ | nano? | 18:48 |
FIQ | try pico | 18:48 |
cjdavies | shiiiiit~ this is cool | 18:49 |
FIQ | or better yet, try ed | 18:49 |
cjdavies | it's a fucking phone with fucking apt | 18:49 |
kerio | cjdavies: also remember that you don't have a physical "esc" button yet | 18:49 |
cjdavies | dayum | 18:49 |
vi_ | You know you have full fat vim...right? | 18:49 |
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cjdavies | no esc? HOW DOES SCREEN WORK?! | 18:49 |
kerio | cjdavies: there's the onscreen esc, or you can just edit the xkb layout | 18:49 |
vi_ | cjdavies: You WILL have an escape key before this IRC session is over. | 18:49 |
FIQ | cjdavies: there should be a touch esc button on xterminal | 18:49 |
cjdavies | ah, so there is | 18:49 |
FIQ | but mapping it to something physical would be neat | 18:49 |
vi_ | ~vi-kbd | 18:50 |
infobot | rumour has it, vi-kbd is http://wiki.maemo.org/Remapping_keyboard/user_vis_awesome_kbdmapping | 18:50 |
vi_ | FIQ: ^ | 18:50 |
FIQ | :p | 18:50 |
FIQ | brb | 18:50 |
cjdavies | right, so I'm editing a file in /etc//sudoers.d right? | 18:50 |
kerio | cjdavies: yep | 18:50 |
cjdavies | you said a file called cjdavies but the phone doesn't have such a user | 18:50 |
cjdavies | right? | 18:50 |
kerio | cjdavies: it's just a file | 18:51 |
kerio | call it mylittlesudoers if you want | 18:51 |
cjdavies | ah | 18:51 |
cjdavies | okay | 18:51 |
cjdavies | I think I actually will call it that just for lulz | 18:51 |
kerio | your user is user | 18:51 |
cjdavies | so what goes in mylittlesudoers, just 'user'? | 18:51 |
kerio | cjdavies: http://fpaste.org/EpiF/ | 18:52 |
kerio | add a password for "user" too | 18:52 |
cjdavies | ah | 18:52 |
kerio | ("passwd user", as root) | 18:52 |
kerio | oh, fun fact: passwords are actually capped at 8 characters | 18:52 |
kerio | because of the stupid old-as-shit crypt(3) | 18:52 |
kerio | and there's no /etc/shadow support | 18:53 |
cjdavies | pwgen spits out exactly 8 chars I think | 18:53 |
vi_ | So it is not a salted crypt? | 18:53 |
cjdavies | so I'm goos | 18:53 |
kerio | vi_: it's the salted crypt(3) | 18:53 |
kerio | aka "shit that can be cracked in a couple of hours" | 18:53 |
cjdavies | sweet, so now I can do 'su user' && 'sudo apt-<foo>' | 18:55 |
kerio | cjdavies: you are already user | 18:55 |
kerio | you idiot | 18:55 |
cjdavies | so now what, apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade && apt-get install bash? | 18:56 |
cjdavies | ah | 18:56 |
cjdavies | wait, I ssh'd to localhost as root | 18:56 |
kerio | cjdavies: yep | 18:56 |
kerio | you can logout from there and use sudo | 18:56 |
cjdavies | so I should exit that session... | 18:56 |
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kerio | you already updated | 18:56 |
kerio | from application manager | 18:56 |
kerio | now sudo apt-get remove cherry | 18:56 |
cjdavies | expired keys is telling me to update... | 18:57 |
kerio | and sudo apt-get install backupmenu | 18:57 |
kerio | ignore that, it's just that nokia sucks | 18:57 |
cjdavies | ah | 18:57 |
cjdavies | right, removing cherry, whatever that is | 18:57 |
vi_ | apt-get remove cherry | 18:57 |
vi_ | apt-get remove cherry | 18:57 |
vi_ | apt-get remove cherry | 18:57 |
kerio | cjdavies: it's the MyNokia crap | 18:57 |
kerio | some sms subscription bullshit | 18:57 |
vi_ | *premium* rate sms bullshit | 18:58 |
cjdavies | ah, I have to kill app manager to release the lock for apt don't I/ | 18:58 |
vi_ | apt-get remove cherry | 18:58 |
vi_ | apt-get remove cherry | 18:58 |
cjdavies | hm, I can't get a lock on /var/lib/dpkg | 18:59 |
cjdavies | what else could have it? | 18:59 |
cjdavies | app manager is closed (AFAIK) | 18:59 |
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kerio | cjdavies: ah yes | 18:59 |
kerio | apt-worker is still working | 18:59 |
vi_ | killall apt-worker. | 18:59 |
kerio | it's HAM's thing | 18:59 |
kerio | yeah, do what vi said | 18:59 |
vi_ | never use ham again. | 18:59 |
kerio | ...it runs as root, sudo killall apt-worker | 18:59 |
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cjdavies | no process killed :/ | 19:00 |
cjdavies | ah, but now the remove is working | 19:00 |
cjdavies | maybe it just died :) | 19:00 |
kerio | <apt-worker> u mad bro? | 19:00 |
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cjdavies | right, cherry is history, what now? :) | 19:01 |
kerio | install backupmenu | 19:02 |
kerio | do you have a microsd? | 19:02 |
cjdavies | erm... there is one in my E6 which has essentially nothing on it | 19:02 |
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kerio | how big? | 19:03 |
cjdavies | ....8GB I think | 19:03 |
cjdavies | maybe 16GB | 19:03 |
kerio | that's good enough | 19:03 |
kerio | have you installed backupmenu? | 19:03 |
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cjdavies | getting there | 19:04 |
kerio | k | 19:04 |
cjdavies | oh hey, a readme | 19:05 |
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cjdavies | card is 8gb | 19:07 |
cjdavies | I assume cards are hot swappable? | 19:07 |
kerio | yeah, that's good enough | 19:07 |
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kerio | cjdavies: they are, but the bad thing is that any access is cut off once you open the backcover | 19:07 |
kerio | (it has a sensor) | 19:07 |
kerio | so don't open the backcover before umounting the partition(s) on the uSD | 19:07 |
kerio | anyway | 19:08 |
kerio | is backupmenu installed? | 19:08 |
cjdavies | yup | 19:08 |
kerio | ok, shut down the n900 | 19:08 |
cjdavies | so is there a microswitch somewhere on the cover? | 19:08 |
kerio | it's a magnetic sensor | 19:08 |
cjdavies | aah | 19:08 |
cjdavies | magic | 19:08 |
kerio | indeed, magic | 19:08 |
cjdavies | right, card in? | 19:09 |
kerio | shut down the n900, card in, open kbd slider and turn on the n900 | 19:09 |
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kerio | that is, turn on the n900 with the keyboard slider open | 19:10 |
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cjdavies | ah, it goes into the flap first | 19:11 |
cjdavies | cunning | 19:11 |
cjdavies | BOOT MENU | 19:11 |
cjdavies | looks like ncurses... | 19:12 |
kerio | launch backupmenu | 19:12 |
kerio | and make a full backup | 19:12 |
kerio | (rootfs and optfs) | 19:12 |
cjdavies | so just option b) Create a backup? | 19:13 |
kerio | yes | 19:13 |
kerio | btss, if i remember correctly | 19:13 |
DocScrutinizer51 | umount uSD?? | 19:13 |
DocScrutinizer51 | eh? | 19:13 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer51: right, it shouldn't be needed | 19:13 |
kerio | except when it is | 19:13 |
DocScrutinizer51 | right | 19:13 |
cjdavies | guessing I don't want to bother with compresion? | 19:14 |
kerio | cjdavies: nope | 19:14 |
cjdavies | no idea what FS the card has on it but it seems to recognise it | 19:14 |
DocScrutinizer51 | ke-recv trties to umount gently | 19:14 |
kerio | cjdavies: it's vfat | 19:14 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: it tries to umount gently after the card is already forcibly unplugged, or so i've understood | 19:14 |
cjdavies | backing up~ | 19:14 |
cjdavies | this phone is fracking cool | 19:14 |
cjdavies | this community is fracking cool | 19:15 |
cjdavies | I think I'm onto something good here | 19:15 |
DocScrutinizer51 | you're welcome | 19:15 |
cjdavies | totally not going to finish building my new NAS tonight | 19:16 |
Skry | I stopped watching a movie to follow this, it's like watching someone giving a birth. | 19:16 |
kerio | he said i'm cool http://alltheragefaces.com/img/faces/jpg/happy-lesquee.jpg | 19:16 |
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cjdavies | :D | 19:16 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | cjdavies: you might have found a lot of last 2h at ~jrtools | 19:17 |
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Skry | but hey, we have a new user who is not a) troll b) pre-teen hacker on drugs, time for celebration! :) | 19:17 |
cjdavies | backup complete biatches | 19:17 |
DocScrutinizer51 | indeed | 19:18 |
cjdavies | quit & power off, close slider, power on? | 19:18 |
kerio | cjdavies: ok, now follow the instructions at... ah crap, the wiki is down, isn't it | 19:18 |
kerio | cjdavies: or quit&reboot | 19:18 |
* DocScrutinizer51 offers a beer for everybody | 19:18 | |
kerio | you can boot the normal system from bootmenu | 19:18 |
cjdavies | ah, of course | 19:18 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer51: do we have a mirror of the wiki? | 19:18 |
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kerio | oh no, it's up, nvm | 19:18 |
kerio | cjdavies: follow the instructions at http://wiki.maemo.org/wiki/Community_SSU | 19:19 |
cjdavies | right, toilet break, though I suppose I could just use the N900 to attach to my screen sess... :P | 19:19 |
DocScrutinizer51 | noope | 19:19 |
cjdavies | that's not a real page | 19:19 |
kerio | oh, whoops | 19:19 |
kerio | cjdavies: follow the instructions at http://wiki.maemo.org/Community_SSU | 19:19 |
kerio | fucking custom mediawiki installs | 19:19 |
kerio | cjdavies: decide if you want to install cssu stable or cssu testing | 19:19 |
cjdavies | .... just thinking, can I get urxvt on this thing? | 19:19 |
cjdavies | that would be epic | 19:19 |
kerio | cjdavies: i don't see why not | 19:20 |
kerio | not sure if you noticed it, but your phone is running X11 | 19:20 |
kerio | no urxvt in the repos, but there's mrxvt | 19:20 |
cjdavies | I had noticed ;) | 19:20 |
kerio | cjdavies: you have a choice to make | 19:21 |
kerio | cssu stable is stable | 19:21 |
kerio | stable as in debian | 19:21 |
cjdavies | stable for now I think | 19:21 |
cjdavies | stable as in 3 years out of date | 19:21 |
kerio | cssu testing is a bit more updated | 19:21 |
cjdavies | but the box this screen session is running on has 339 days uptime for a reason | 19:21 |
kerio | cjdavies: to be honest, the n900 itself is 3 years out of date :) | 19:21 |
cjdavies | good point | 19:22 |
kerio | anyway, both are good choices | 19:22 |
kerio | cssu testing has a lot of neat new features though! | 19:22 |
cjdavies | there's no damn pipe character :/ | 19:22 |
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FIQ | <cjdavies> .... just thinking, can I get urxvt on this thing? | 19:23 |
* chem|st grabs one of DocScrutinizer51's beers and drinks on to "Banning People - or how I started to stop worrying and love the 'One-Touch-Ban' function of TMO" | 19:23 | |
cjdavies | hang on a minute, wasn't I meant to be installing bash? | 19:23 |
FIQ | IIRC, urvxt is available in repositories | 19:23 |
kerio | cjdavies: later | 19:23 |
cjdavies | righto | 19:23 |
FIQ | also, pipe should be easy to map | 19:23 |
cjdavies | anyway, toilet break :P | 19:23 |
kerio | FIQ: W: Unable to locate package urxvt | 19:23 |
FIQ | but yeah, you have to do it through Sym | 19:23 |
FIQ | at the moment | 19:23 |
FIQ | kerio: hmm ok | 19:24 |
FIQ | maybe I was wrong | 19:24 |
kerio | cjdavies: fn+ctrl will give you a graphical thing with a lot of symbols | 19:24 |
FIQ | yeah, that's what I called sym | 19:25 |
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FIQ | kerio: cracking n900 root password shouldn't be too bad though | 19:27 |
cjdavies | so yeah, I fprgpt that there's wifi in the bathrooms here | 19:27 |
cjdavies | stock terminal doesn't play to well with my screenrc though | 19:28 |
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FIQ | heh | 19:31 |
FIQ | I use tmux with C-a as meta instead of default C-b | 19:32 |
FIQ | works nice on computer, works ugly on N900 | 19:32 |
FIQ | so I crafted a new configuration file just for use on n900 :P | 19:32 |
FIQ | (when ssh-ed into computer, that is) | 19:33 |
FIQ | hm | 19:33 |
FIQ | wonder when this battery is done charging.. | 19:33 |
cjdavies | installing stable CSSU~ | 19:35 |
cjdavies | I might even get around to putting my SIM card in later tonight | 19:35 |
cjdavies | once I've cleaned it well... | 19:35 |
FIQ | interesting thing regarding N900 phone functionality: version 1.0 of the firmware had a critical bug that made a certain kind of SIM completly useless | 19:37 |
cjdavies | I have to say I don't like where the USB socket is though | 19:37 |
FIQ | I had that kind of SIM | 19:37 |
cjdavies | D: | 19:37 |
FIQ | while my first N900 came with 1.1 in stock, my second didn't | 19:37 |
FIQ | so had to fix everything through wifi | 19:37 |
FIQ | luckily N900 works just fine without sim, unlike some other phones... | 19:37 |
kerio | cjdavies: you said you know your way around a soldering gun, right? | 19:37 |
cjdavies | ... | 19:38 |
cjdavies | franken900 | 19:38 |
kerio | no, i mean | 19:38 |
kerio | the microusb port breaks *really* easily | 19:38 |
FIQ | I can confirm that | 19:38 |
kerio | especially if you start moving it around while it's plugged | 19:38 |
cjdavies | the guy who owned it before me certainly wasn't careful with it | 19:39 |
cjdavies | so hopefully this is a strong one ;) | 19:39 |
cjdavies | either that or it's on the edge of breaking | 19:39 |
FIQ | my suggestion would just be "don't use it unless you must", but I can't do soldering like you | 19:40 |
Skry | mine has just started to feel like it's about to break, and I've not been that gentle with it, bought it in 2009 | 19:40 |
kerio | ~usbfix | 19:40 |
infobot | somebody said usbfix was http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=75920 - and **NEVER** use epoxy (unless you want to seal your device for underwater) | 19:40 |
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kerio | i've been told it's fairly easy to fix | 19:41 |
cjdavies | doesn't have an old-fashioned charging socket does it? :( | 19:41 |
cjdavies | E6 has both | 19:41 |
kerio | cjdavies: nope | 19:41 |
cjdavies | presumably because businesspeople upgrading from E72 wanted to reuse all their car chargers & whatnot | 19:41 |
cjdavies | slow application manger is slow | 19:42 |
kerio | fun fact: if you get into the situation where the battery is below a certain threshold, and you can't boot, you're hosed | 19:42 |
cjdavies | ?? | 19:42 |
kerio | NOLO (the bootloader) requires the battery to be charged a fair amount before allowing you to flash | 19:43 |
cjdavies | right, app manager has the CSSU package but also some libqtm stuff - do I want to do them all, or hold off on the libqtm until after CSSU is in? | 19:43 |
kerio | but to charge, you need to boot the system | 19:43 |
cjdavies | but one can just charge the battery, no? | 19:43 |
kerio | there's an emergency charge, but it only charges enough to boot properly | 19:43 |
cjdavies | oh | 19:43 |
kerio | so... lol | 19:43 |
cjdavies | interesting... | 19:43 |
cjdavies | can always buy a new battery & hope it comes charged | 19:43 |
cjdavies | or at least, charged enough... | 19:44 |
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kerio | or find someone with a phone that takes BL-5Js | 19:44 |
cjdavies | I'm kinda disappointed this thing doesn't take BP-4L | 19:44 |
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cjdavies | because I have 2x of those already | 19:44 |
cjdavies | anyway, updates - all or jsut CSSU? | 19:44 |
kerio | cjdavies: i'd go just CSSU, but i think that it doesn't really matter | 19:45 |
kerio | cjdavies: vi__ claims that a BP-4L would fit in the extra space of a mugen XL cover | 19:45 |
kerio | http://www.mugen-power-batteries.com/mugen-power-nokia-n900-2400mah-extended-replacement-battery-with-battery-door.html | 19:45 |
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cjdavies | interesting... | 19:46 |
cjdavies | but it will soon reach the point where I just rig 18650 to the back of it | 19:46 |
kerio | that's a separate option | 19:46 |
kerio | you'd need some pretty creative reorganization to make them fit, though | 19:46 |
cjdavies | I was just thinking duct tape | 19:47 |
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cjdavies | right, CSSU is installed & phone has rebooted | 19:53 |
cjdavies | give me mooooooore | 19:53 |
kerio | cjdavies: there's some more stuff actually | 19:54 |
kerio | but that's only for grownups | 19:55 |
cjdavies | :/ | 19:55 |
cjdavies | mean | 19:55 |
kerio | install bash3 or bash4 in the meantime | 19:55 |
cjdavies | anyway, somebody mentioned bash | 19:55 |
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kerio | cjdavies: technically you should make *another* BM backup | 19:55 |
kerio | :) | 19:55 |
cjdavies | :/ | 19:55 |
kerio | ~jr-tools | 19:55 |
cjdavies | later | 19:55 |
infobot | hmm... jrtools is http://wiki.maemo.org/User:Joerg_rw/tools | 19:55 |
kerio | that page has a lot of neat stuff | 19:56 |
kerio | mostly to deal with the stupid busybox | 19:56 |
cjdavies | including bash :) | 19:56 |
* cjdavies reads | 19:56 | |
kerio | ~vikbd | 19:56 |
cjdavies | bash3 vs bash4? | 19:56 |
kerio | vi___: where's your keyboard? | 19:56 |
kerio | cjdavies: your choice | 19:57 |
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cjdavies | well I'm using 4.2 on everything else | 19:57 |
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Skry | ~vi-kbd | 19:58 |
infobot | extra, extra, read all about it, vi-kbd is http://wiki.maemo.org/Remapping_keyboard/user_vis_awesome_kbdmapping | 19:58 |
Skry | cjdavies: ^ | 19:58 |
cjdavies | cheers | 19:59 |
kerio | i don't think there's anything important we should tell him | 19:59 |
kerio | cjdavies: avoid firefox/fennec unless you've already installed cssu-thumb | 19:59 |
kerio | and don't install cssu-thumb yet | 20:00 |
kerio | it's just... not worth it | 20:00 |
kerio | opera mobile is kinda neat | 20:00 |
Skry | as an opposite view, I would install cssu-thumb immediately because it is worth it :) | 20:01 |
kerio | cjdavies: if you want something that resembles a linux desktop even more, install easy debian | 20:01 |
amospalla | kerio: you made me install cssu-thumb :( | 20:02 |
kerio | amospalla: MWAHAHAHAHAHA | 20:02 |
kerio | cjdavies: actually, install cssu-thumb | 20:02 |
amospalla | lol | 20:02 |
amospalla | I wanted it | 20:02 |
cjdavies | right, so how does one get the terminal to use bash instead of busybox? | 20:02 |
cjdavies | also, no urxvt in the repos :( | 20:03 |
cjdavies | there is mrxvt but I have no idea how related the two are# | 20:03 |
kerio | cjdavies: chsh, once you're sure that /bin/bash4 is in /etc/shells | 20:03 |
cjdavies | /bin/bash4 is the only thing in /etc/shells | 20:04 |
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kerio | cjdavies: then awesome | 20:04 |
cjdavies | so.... chsh -s /bin.bash4 ? | 20:05 |
kerio | cjdavies: just like you'd do on a normal system :) | 20:05 |
cjdavies | 'You may not change the shell for user' :/ | 20:06 |
cjdavies | but I asked politely :( | 20:06 |
kerio | wat | 20:06 |
kerio | that makes no sense | 20:06 |
kerio | cjdavies: just "chsh" maybe | 20:06 |
cjdavies | same output | 20:07 |
kerio | sudo chsh user | 20:07 |
cjdavies | ah | 20:07 |
cjdavies | hells yes :) | 20:07 |
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cjdavies | is there a preferred terminal or do people just make do with the default> | 20:11 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | please stop suggesting 'noobs' to install cssu-thumb | 20:12 |
DocScrutinizer05 | it's not a properly supported distro(-upgrade) with frequent SSU rollouts, as userfriendly as supposed to be for newcomers | 20:13 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: okay... ._. | 20:13 |
DocScrutinizer05 | changing shell for user also not recommended | 20:15 |
kerio | spoilsport :c | 20:15 |
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kerio | actually, he's the one that asked how to change his login shell | 20:15 |
cjdavies | DocScrutinizer05: why | 20:15 |
DocScrutinizer05 | it created bootloops | 20:16 |
kerio | cjdavies: it causes problems if the shell of your choosing is not in /etc/shells | 20:16 |
vi____ | is it possible to roll your own emmc images yet? | 20:16 |
DocScrutinizer05 | might have changed by now, but anyway | 20:16 |
kerio | it *used* to create bootloops | 20:16 |
kerio | vi____: you seem to add more and more underscores as time passes | 20:16 |
vi____ | it is my e-peen | 20:16 |
vi____ | I am aroused. | 20:16 |
DocScrutinizer05 | as long as your nick doesn't _start_ with underline | 20:17 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ... | 20:17 |
vi____ | ...why? | 20:17 |
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__vi | uh huh. | 20:17 |
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vi____ | it would ssem 1 to 3 underscores is taken. | 20:17 |
kerio | vi____: it's taken by you | 20:18 |
DocScrutinizer05 | because it's pretty hard to write/complete your nick on N900 then | 20:18 |
vi____ | but I am only logged in in 2 other places. | 20:18 |
vi____ | DocScrutinizer05: ...use tab. | 20:18 |
DocScrutinizer05 | bs | 20:18 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I still have to enter first 2 chars of nick | 20:19 |
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vi____ | that is how I feel trying to find music by russian bands on media player. | 20:20 |
vi____ | I do not even know how to start entering cyrillic. | 20:20 |
cjdavies | oshit | 20:20 |
cjdavies | so supposedly you're not supposed to do apt-get dist-upgrade | 20:21 |
cjdavies | good thing I made that backup I think | 20:21 |
vi____ | cjdavies: NEVER. | 20:21 |
cjdavies | oops | 20:21 |
vi____ | It is like playing russian roullette. | 20:21 |
* cjdavies restores from the backup | 20:21 | |
vi____ | WITH AN UZI. | 20:21 |
DocScrutinizer05 | cjdavies: would you mind to read ~jrtools already? | 20:21 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | or better yet, apply it | 20:22 |
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cjdavies | so, the backupmenu seems to have been removed too... | 20:23 |
cjdavies | D: | 20:23 |
* cjdavies cries | 20:23 | |
kerio | oh lawds | 20:23 |
cjdavies | am I back to the beginning of reflashing> | 20:23 |
DocScrutinizer05 | not yet | 20:23 |
kerio | can you boot? | 20:23 |
cjdavies | don't think so | 20:23 |
cjdavies | Nokia logo comes up for a while, then it turns off | 20:23 |
kerio | flash combined, install backupmenu, restore backup | 20:24 |
kerio | hahaha, your backup is from before cssu | 20:24 |
cjdavies | yup :( | 20:24 |
kerio | that's why i told you to make another one! | 20:24 |
cjdavies | *whimper* | 20:24 |
kerio | you fool! | 20:24 |
kerio | you! fool! | 20:24 |
vi____ | kerio: did you hook him up with a new keymap yet? | 20:24 |
DocScrutinizer05 | well, always look at the bright side of life! you'll get some practice this way | 20:24 |
cjdavies | yup | 20:25 |
kerio | hahaha, dist-upgrade here wants to install debianutils and remove EVERYTHING ELSE | 20:25 |
cjdavies | it's all a learning experience | 20:25 |
cjdavies | I kinda thought something was going wrong when it started spouting removing for EVERY SIGNLE FRACKING PACKAGE | 20:25 |
vi____ | cjdavies: Learn to use flasher first, realise how trivial it is and you will be fine. | 20:25 |
cjdavies | right, combined going back in | 20:25 |
amospalla | I once did apt-get dist-upgrade, and lost sound system, had to reflash | 20:27 |
kerio | cjdavies: btw, you know how everybody hates pulseaudio and everyone states that it's a generally awful idea to use it, and that it's buggy and resource-heavy and all that? | 20:30 |
DocScrutinizer05 | cjdavies: once you got stuff booted up again, install BM from HAM (enable extras-devel for that), then restore your backup | 20:30 |
DocScrutinizer05 | cjdavies: on ~jrtools there's a convenient way to set up extras-devel by one click. | 20:32 |
* cjdavies read that literally after just typing it in by hand | 20:32 | |
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DocScrutinizer05 | cjdavies: ooh sorry when I was a tad fuzzy | 20:33 |
DocScrutinizer05 | cjdavies: open web browser | 20:33 |
DocScrutinizer05 | surf to | 20:34 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~jrtools | 20:34 |
infobot | somebody said jrtools was http://wiki.maemo.org/User:Joerg_rw/tools | 20:34 |
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freemangordon | DocScrutinizer05: how exactly is CSSU-thumb unsupported compared to another CSSU-favours? | 20:34 |
DocScrutinizer05 | click on (or directly surf to, instead) http://joerg.cloud-7.de/repositories.install | 20:34 |
freemangordon | *flavors | 20:34 |
kerio | oh here we go again... | 20:34 |
Skry | :) | 20:35 |
* cjdavies is currently waiting for HAM to be slow | 20:35 | |
freemangordon | naah, I am gettimg sick of doc spreading BS all over the channel | 20:35 |
kerio | cjdavies: no need to wait! | 20:35 |
DocScrutinizer05 | freemangordon: AIUI your updates aren't that frequently shiped and meant to go all that flawlessly | 20:35 |
kerio | HAM is slow *right now*! | 20:35 |
cjdavies | it appears to have lost its catalogues | 20:35 |
Skry | cjdavies: you dont have to wait for that, you can count on that :) | 20:35 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | freemangordon: I'm getting sick of your offensive speech | 20:36 |
freemangordon | DocScrutinizer05: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1220597&postcount=1 | 20:36 |
DocScrutinizer05 | CBA | 20:36 |
freemangordon | read the changelog at the end | 20:36 |
freemangordon | and compare it with other CSSU colors | 20:37 |
DocScrutinizer05 | again CBA | 20:37 |
kerio | *flavours | 20:37 |
freemangordon | kerio: yeah, thanks | 20:38 |
DocScrutinizer05 | My point stands: it's nonsense to suggest a newcomer to install KP and CSSU-thumb on first day | 20:38 |
freemangordon | why exactly? care to explain? | 20:38 |
DocScrutinizer05 | if you don't see the rationale, then that's the best proof why it's nonsrense | 20:39 |
freemangordon | aah, you don't use them, I see | 20:39 |
DocScrutinizer05 | you see a hite | 20:40 |
DocScrutinizer05 | shite even | 20:40 |
FIQ | CMT flashed successfully | 20:40 |
DocScrutinizer05 | and you don't know what I do or don't use | 20:41 |
FIQ | first try | 20:41 |
FIQ | HA | 20:41 |
FIQ | now to install uboot | 20:41 |
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* cjdavies is restoring from the backup | 20:41 | |
cjdavies | what did I do after that... CSSU then bash I think | 20:41 |
DocScrutinizer05 | install CSSU-T and do a BM backup after that | 20:42 |
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FIQ | however, there is still a small problem... | 20:42 |
DocScrutinizer05 | (or CSSU-S if you feel better with that) | 20:42 |
FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: you know the thing that got me here in the first place? the issue which should have been solved in a different way? my speaker issue? | 20:42 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: i think he was on cssu-s | 20:42 |
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cjdavies | I was on stable | 20:42 |
FIQ | well... | 20:43 |
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FIQ | they still don't work | 20:43 |
FIQ | unless the phone remembers my settings from before | 20:43 |
DocScrutinizer05 | cjdavies: up to you, anyway you can "upgrade" from S to T any time | 20:43 |
DocScrutinizer05 | not the other way though | 20:44 |
FIQ | oh.. it was just the fact that I had silent on when I made the backupmenu backup :P | 20:44 |
FIQ | (optfs still there etc) | 20:44 |
DocScrutinizer05 | LOL | 20:44 |
cjdavies | ... | 20:44 |
FIQ | no no, that's not why i restored | 20:44 |
FIQ | I didn't have silent on when I restored :P | 20:44 |
FIQ | but my backup had it | 20:45 |
DocScrutinizer05 | that's how I understood your comment | 20:45 |
DocScrutinizer05 | see how good BM restore works? | 20:45 |
FIQ | hmm, still no sound | 20:46 |
FIQ | let's go and find some music to test | 20:46 |
cjdavies | :/ | 20:47 |
kerio | cjdavies: what? | 20:47 |
cjdavies | 'operation failed' when I tru to CSSU after restore | 20:47 |
FIQ | ok DocScrutinizer05, I'm back from the beginning pretty much | 20:48 |
FIQ | Speaker issue still seems present | 20:48 |
FIQ | headset work, speakers don't | 20:48 |
FIQ | If the speakers are truly broken, I'll use my N900 as a N810, pretty much | 20:48 |
FIQ | as N900 doesn't allow me to do calls with headset due to... yes, why? | 20:49 |
DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: play-sound $some-wav | 20:49 |
FIQ | i'll try | 20:49 |
FIQ | ehm | 20:49 |
cjdavies | HAM doesn't seem to want to work at all | 20:49 |
FIQ | is there any .wav files in n900 somewhere? :D | 20:49 |
FIQ | cjdavies: HAM is not likable | 20:49 |
cjdavies | even ignoring CSSU, if I reboot & then open HAM it says 'operation failed' | 20:49 |
FIQ | at all | 20:49 |
DocScrutinizer05 | [2012-11-12 19:47:15] <cjdavies> 'operation failed' when I tru to CSSU after restore <---sorry, doesn't parse | 20:50 |
FIQ | and gives bogus errors every now and then | 20:50 |
FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: is there .wav files in n900 somewhere? | 20:50 |
FIQ | assuming I haven't downloaded any | 20:50 |
DocScrutinizer05 | should | 20:50 |
FIQ | where? :D | 20:50 |
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vi____ | :q | 20:51 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | /home/opt/usr/share/sounds/game-chess_check.wav | 20:51 |
cjdavies | yup, HAM seems to be completely fscked here | 20:51 |
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FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: ty | 20:52 |
amospalla | FIQ I had something similar time ago, after dist-upgrade | 20:52 |
cjdavies | think it might be time to go home & have dinner | 20:52 |
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FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: Still nothing | 20:52 |
DocScrutinizer05 | cjdavies: we can't help you on unknown random rants, we need to understand what you done | 20:52 |
FIQ | amospalla: This is a clean rootfs | 20:52 |
kerio | cjdavies: well, we're always here | 20:53 |
cjdavies | DocScrutinizer05: I restored from my backup using backupmenu, which was to a state just before installing CSSU-s the first time, but the restored state seems to have a non-functional HAM | 20:53 |
FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: it says successful in terminal though | 20:53 |
cjdavies | I'm going to try restoring once again then I'm going to head home & eat something | 20:53 |
FIQ | but I heard nothing | 20:53 |
FIQ | "vol -0.0000000" | 20:53 |
FIQ | sounds like it's playing it silent? | 20:54 |
DocScrutinizer05 | cjdavies: seems odd | 20:54 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I can't see how restoring a working state via BM would cause HAM to break | 20:54 |
cjdavies | I don't understand either | 20:54 |
cjdavies | hence the trying again | 20:54 |
cjdavies | then the taking a break | 20:54 |
DocScrutinizer05 | you're probably better off not restoring but rather redo stuff | 20:55 |
cjdavies | well in theory the backup should be fine | 20:56 |
cjdavies | but if HAM still doesn't work I will just start again | 20:56 |
DocScrutinizer05 | though HAM allegedly "broken" doesn't sound right. Probably it's just usual slow | 20:56 |
DocScrutinizer05 | taking minutes untl screen update | 20:56 |
freemangordon | cjdavies: it needs some time, give it | 20:56 |
DocScrutinizer05 | tbh I never seen a HAM 'broken' any more than usual | 20:57 |
cjdavies | I shall restore, reboot, then leave it as I walk home | 20:57 |
freemangordon | LOL, drama on the mailing list still continues | 20:57 |
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FIQ | hmm, what was the mynokia junk called? | 20:58 |
FIQ | i'm going to remove it before inserting my SIM | 20:58 |
freemangordon | cherry | 20:58 |
FIQ | ty | 20:58 |
cjdavies | right home time, catch you guys later | 20:58 |
FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: microUSB is most likely more broken now than before, but it's still not completly broken! | 20:59 |
FIQ | so in case i have to go through this madness AGAIN, I can still (theoretically) get a repair | 20:59 |
FIQ | also HAM is unusually slow today... | 21:00 |
FIQ | oh, there we go, forget what I said | 21:00 |
DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: if your speakers don't work on a virgin *full* flash (combined and vanilla) then you're outa luck - they're broken | 21:00 |
FIQ | well, I didn't restore optfs to factory state, but to a state which is very close to factory state (few hours after it) and before they broke | 21:01 |
FIQ | and, that's too bad :/ | 21:01 |
FIQ | but at least my n900 is usable! | 21:01 |
FIQ | that's a GREAT plus | 21:01 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I'd still reflash to virgin vanilla | 21:01 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | restoring to a random state doesn't mean a thing | 21:02 |
freemangordon | FIQ: yeah, you'd better flash | 21:02 |
FIQ | i don't want to do more reflashes than completly neccessary :( | 21:02 |
FIQ | even though I get your point | 21:02 |
freemangordon | FIQ: is there sound when connected vie 3.5 mm jack? | 21:02 |
FIQ | yes | 21:02 |
freemangordon | *via | 21:02 |
FIQ | sound works fine | 21:02 |
FIQ | from headset | 21:02 |
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freemangordon | hmm, both speakers broken, strange... | 21:02 |
DocScrutinizer05 | can still be messed up alsaped-policies | 21:03 |
FIQ | freemangordon: yes, I don't understand it | 21:03 |
freemangordon | I bet on thet | 21:03 |
DocScrutinizer05 | not strange | 21:03 |
freemangordon | *that | 21:03 |
FIQ | and I rarely use them... | 21:03 |
DocScrutinizer05 | a can of pressurized air could easily do that | 21:03 |
FIQ | one day they worked, the another day they didn't | 21:03 |
FIQ | s/ano/o/ | 21:03 |
infobot | FIQ meant: one day they worked, the other day they didn't | 21:03 |
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FIQ | well I can't see any reason that they should break like this.. :p | 21:04 |
DocScrutinizer05 | if some weird profile manager messed up your settings, or something nuked your policies fubar, there's no way than reflashing to recover | 21:05 |
FIQ | hmmmm | 21:05 |
FIQ | but my device boots | 21:05 |
freemangordon | FIQ: yeah, you'd better reflash, you don;t know what else is broken | 21:05 |
FIQ | shouldn't I be able to fix it on device? | 21:05 |
FIQ | because I'd rather not mess with my USB more than to make the device bootable | 21:06 |
FIQ | (which it is currently) | 21:06 |
DocScrutinizer05 | everything is fixable on device, once you tracked down the root culprit | 21:06 |
freemangordon | if you find when the problem is, yes. But again, you don't know what else is broken | 21:06 |
freemangordon | *where | 21:06 |
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FIQ | hm | 21:06 |
DocScrutinizer05 | you could start with nuking your ~ | 21:06 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | since a lot of audio etc settings is stored in there, in hidden dirs | 21:07 |
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FIQ | mv .* MyDocs/home_backup should be enough then? | 21:08 |
DocScrutinizer05 | might work | 21:08 |
DocScrutinizer05 | though: no unix file permissions on VFAT | 21:08 |
FIQ | yeah I know | 21:08 |
FIQ | but I don't have a better place, do I? :p | 21:09 |
DocScrutinizer05 | so your "backup" is void | 21:09 |
FIQ | hmm I suppose | 21:09 |
freemangordon | "/opt" | 21:09 |
DocScrutinizer05 | mv /home/user /home/user_away | 21:09 |
DocScrutinizer05 | don't blame me if you can't boot after that | 21:09 |
freemangordon | DocScrutinizer05: mydocs is mounted there | 21:10 |
FIQ | *blames everything on DocScrutinizer05* | 21:10 |
DocScrutinizer05 | indeed | 21:10 |
mad_dev | FIQ: I have a similar issue on my macbook(Ubuntu). If the jack was plugged and I booted off. Next boot will disable my speakers. I have to reboot with the jack plugged in, then unplug for the speakers to work. | 21:10 |
DocScrutinizer05 | (MyDocs mounted) doesn't stop a rename of /home/user though | 21:10 |
freemangordon | FIQ: btw did you check the volume when on speakers? | 21:11 |
FIQ | yes frals | 21:11 |
DocScrutinizer05 | just makes system 'miss' MyDocs on next boot | 21:11 |
FIQ | *freemangordon | 21:11 |
freemangordon | ok | 21:11 |
FIQ | oh, also, I hope wiping .* doesn't make the device unbootable | 21:11 |
FIQ | that wouldn't make any sense for me anyway | 21:12 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I might provide a virgin /home/user | 21:12 |
FIQ | it's just userland configs after all | 21:12 |
DocScrutinizer05 | or not, since there's already my wlan config in there | 21:12 |
FIQ | you can always remove them.. :p | 21:12 |
DocScrutinizer05 | not really since they're stored in gconf | 21:13 |
DocScrutinizer05 | seriously, I suggest full reflash | 21:14 |
DocScrutinizer05 | only sane way to tell if device hw is ok or not | 21:14 |
vi___ | full reflash is usually always the best way. | 21:14 |
FIQ | can I do a vanilla reflash on device? :3 | 21:14 |
DocScrutinizer05 | hmm, I already though | 21:15 |
vi___ | FIQ: ...nope | 21:15 |
DocScrutinizer05 | t | 21:15 |
DocScrutinizer05 | about that | 21:15 |
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FIQ | vi___: :( | 21:15 |
DocScrutinizer05 | vi___: sure? | 21:15 |
FIQ | vanilla breaks booting IIRC | 21:15 |
FIQ | so when I'm done reflashing it | 21:15 |
FIQ | i'll have to reflash the er | 21:15 |
FIQ | combined thing again | 21:15 |
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FIQ | don't I? | 21:15 |
DocScrutinizer05 | yeah, you'd need to flash COMBINED after VANILLA anyway | 21:15 |
FIQ | so I have to play around with my microUSB again? :p | 21:16 |
DocScrutinizer05 | and flashing COMBINED can't be done on device | 21:16 |
FIQ | at least it still works.. | 21:16 |
FIQ | yeah I understand that | 21:16 |
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FIQ | hmm | 21:16 |
FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: can't I do it through this rescue OS thingy? | 21:16 |
DocScrutinizer05 | you could, basically, but for rescueOS you also need USB | 21:17 |
FIQ | (I don't know what it does, just that there's something called rescueOS) | 21:17 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: nah, uboot is enough :3 | 21:17 |
FIQ | wat | 21:17 |
FIQ | meh | 21:17 |
FIQ | oh | 21:17 |
kerio | FIQ: technically not | 21:17 |
FIQ | kerio: I can't flash through rescueOS? Then, what does rescue OS do? | 21:17 |
kerio | but seriously do a full reflash, install BM, and then make a backup | 21:17 |
DocScrutinizer05 | technically kerio is correct another time | 21:17 |
kerio | ~kerio | 21:18 |
infobot | methinks kerio is <DocScrutinizer> [...] kerio is correct [...] | 21:18 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: N900 without USB is a brick on zombie state, live with it | 21:19 |
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FIQ | hmm | 21:20 |
DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: any honestly, *everybody* capable of soldering two wires together can reinforce N900 USB | 21:20 |
Cor-Ai | DocScrutinizer05: but its a nice looking brick! | 21:22 |
DocScrutinizer05 | shouldn't be hard to find a willing amateur | 21:22 |
DocScrutinizer05 | *fixing* a broken USB however is a completely different adventure | 21:23 |
DocScrutinizer05 | just get a softdrink of your choice, 60min of spare time, and read all the way thru | 21:24 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~usbfix | 21:24 |
infobot | usbfix is, like, http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=75920 - and **NEVER** use epoxy (unless you want to seal your device for underwater) | 21:24 |
DocScrutinizer05 | there are some pretty good photo footages | 21:24 |
DocScrutinizer05 | e.g here: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1191819&postcount=116 | 21:25 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: I couldn't think of any repair shop refusing this job when you come with your N900 and a printout of that complete photo footage | 21:30 |
DocScrutinizer05 | if shops are too stupid to make a $, find some radio club or whatever, amateurs will *love* to help you out | 21:31 |
DocScrutinizer05 | just do it *before* it breaks completely | 21:32 |
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FIQ | ok | 21:36 |
FIQ | hmmmm | 21:36 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=547991#post547991 | 21:41 |
DocScrutinizer05 | another one (more terse) | 21:41 |
FIQ | ok DocScrutinizer05, I can't do this to my microUSB while my device at least works (even though speakers don't), I'll do what you said and try to look for a place which can help me | 21:42 |
GeneralAntilles | Is that thread really just Estel talking back and forth with himself? | 21:42 |
FIQ | and until I've found such, use my N900 as a N810 | 21:42 |
DocScrutinizer05 | GeneralAntilles: who knows, who cares | 21:43 |
GeneralAntilles | It's ending up in my inbox instead of the -community folder for some damn reason. | 21:43 |
FIQ | and walk around with 2 phones, one for calling, one for doing everything else :p | 21:45 |
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FIQ | Oh, and also, the mv .* thing didn't help in case you wonder | 21:46 |
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kerio | no shit | 21:55 |
kerio | FIQ: can you boot right now? | 21:55 |
FIQ | yes | 21:55 |
kerio | get someone with a working microusb port to reflash, install bootmenu and send you the full backup | 21:56 |
kerio | for instance DocScrutinizer05 | 21:56 |
kerio | http://mlkshk.com/r/EWSV.gif <- imagine the one in the middle is DocScrutinizer and the dollars falling are n900s | 21:57 |
DocScrutinizer05 | eh? | 21:58 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | you surely must love the sulfur cloud that appears when I pop up | 21:58 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: he has a bootable system, he only needs tarballs :) | 21:59 |
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FIQ | lol | 21:59 |
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FIQ | @ DocScrutinizer05 | 21:59 |
kerio | yay, demonoid is back! | 21:59 |
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qwazix | Hi DocScrutinizer05 | 22:00 |
FIQ | kerio: preferably backups that uses the same kernel :p | 22:00 |
DocScrutinizer05 | hi qwazix | 22:00 |
kerio | FIQ: ofc :) | 22:00 |
qwazix | Any crisis to avert today? :-) | 22:01 |
* DocScrutinizer05 busy rading estel drama | 22:01 | |
DocScrutinizer05 | reading* | 22:01 |
FIQ | yes, fix my N900's speaker issue | 22:01 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: is there an archive somewhere? | 22:01 |
DocScrutinizer05 | of? | 22:01 |
FIQ | @ qwazix | 22:01 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: of the E*_ drama | 22:01 |
DocScrutinizer05 | sure, there must be a bazillion ML-webgateways | 22:02 |
FIQ | hm | 22:02 |
FIQ | device not yet usable | 22:02 |
qwazix | FIQ, tell me | 22:02 |
FIQ | (usable = proper sudo, ssh, coreutils, etc) | 22:02 |
kerio | qwazix: do you have a spare N900? | 22:02 |
DocScrutinizer05 | qwazix: he has a semi-broken USB and speakers with unclear issues | 22:02 |
qwazix | kerio, only one... | 22:02 |
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kerio | hm | 22:02 |
kerio | i *could* make a backup and then reflash and do all that jazz | 22:03 |
kerio | but i don't *want* to | 22:03 |
DocScrutinizer05 | qwazix: not much we could do beyond what's already been done | 22:03 |
FIQ | flashing is possible, but I'd rather not.. don't want to do more than absolutely neccessary, especially not as speakers actually might be hw issue | 22:03 |
FIQ | *necessary | 22:04 |
FIQ | so I'll go the route DocScrutinizer05 suggested, no matter whether speakers are fixed magically or not | 22:04 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: restoring a full backup made right after a pr1.3 reflash is the closest he can get to a mint condition | 22:04 |
FIQ | as a N900 with broken USB is kind of crippled | 22:04 |
DocScrutinizer05 | kerio: yep | 22:04 |
DocScrutinizer05 | but to make that backup you need to install BM | 22:04 |
FIQ | kerio: I think I have such backup... | 22:05 |
FIQ | And I think it's the one I'm on right now | 22:05 |
DocScrutinizer05 | to install BM i'd have to hop a few hoops | 22:05 |
FIQ | but i'm not sure about that | 22:05 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: just use your 4th n900 | 22:05 |
qwazix | Speakers must be cheap to replace aren't they? | 22:05 |
DocScrutinizer05 | yep | 22:05 |
DocScrutinizer05 | got 4 spare here, for ~6 bucks | 22:06 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | dunno if those are *still* available | 22:06 |
FIQ | should I install backupmenu, restore my optfs (NOT rootfs, preferably) from right after a reflash? | 22:06 |
FIQ | I think it's the one I'm on right now, but not sure | 22:06 |
* qwazix thinks should start stocking replacement N900 parts too despite the lucky streak | 22:06 | |
kerio | FIQ: restoring just one is *bad* | 22:06 |
kerio | always restore everything at once | 22:06 |
FIQ | hmm | 22:06 |
FIQ | Well | 22:06 |
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FIQ | I have a rootfs after all | 22:07 |
FIQ | a BM rootfs and optfs | 22:07 |
FIQ | The one that crippled my N900 last time | 22:07 |
kerio | heh | 22:07 |
kerio | check the kernels! | 22:07 |
DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: try "reset to factory defaults" - I seem to have seen such option | 22:07 |
FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: i'll check | 22:07 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: are we seriously trusting nokia on this? :s | 22:07 |
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qwazix | what wizardry does that do? Do we know? Does maemo keep a copy of the rootfs somewhere? | 22:08 |
FIQ | huh | 22:08 |
FIQ | IIRC "Phone" in settings handles more than SIM stuff? | 22:08 |
FIQ | like network calc, etc | 22:08 |
FIQ | anyways it's unavailable w/o SIM for some weird reason | 22:08 |
kerio | FIQ: nah, it only deals with sim stuff | 22:09 |
FIQ | hm ok | 22:09 |
kerio | and with things that are useless without a sim | 22:09 |
FIQ | i remember wrong then | 22:09 |
kerio | like the dataplan counters | 22:09 |
FIQ | can't seem to find a reset button anywhere in settings | 22:09 |
kerio | FIQ: just restore your backup from the past | 22:09 |
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FIQ | hmmmm | 22:10 |
FIQ | let's see | 22:10 |
FIQ | what did I do last reflash | 22:10 |
FIQ | installed bash, proper sudo, ssh, bootmenu, backupmenu.. then a backup | 22:10 |
FIQ | that means the backup should be in stock kernel | 22:10 |
kerio | FIQ: it's easy to check | 22:10 |
FIQ | oh it is? neat | 22:10 |
FIQ | how? | 22:10 |
kerio | list the contents of rootfs and see what's the directory inside /lib/modules | 22:11 |
FIQ | ehm | 22:11 |
FIQ | what's BM backups named? | 22:11 |
FIQ | and where are they? | 22:11 |
DocScrutinizer51 | settings menu | 22:12 |
DocScrutinizer51 | "restore default config" | 22:12 |
FIQ | yes I see it | 22:12 |
DocScrutinizer51 | afaik it restores a default ~user/ | 22:12 |
FIQ | uh | 22:13 |
FIQ | it needs some kind of code... | 22:13 |
* FIQ has no idea what it is | 22:13 | |
FIQ | what's N900's "lock code"? :p | 22:14 |
FIQ | default, that is | 22:14 |
FIQ | i haven't changed it so... never knew it existed | 22:14 |
FIQ | ah | 22:14 |
FIQ | 12345 | 22:15 |
Cor-Ai | i think its 54321 or 12345 | 22:15 |
Cor-Ai | bah :P | 22:15 |
FIQ | ??? | 22:15 |
FIQ | it completly contradicted itself | 22:15 |
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FIQ | it said it would disable everything (just like a sysupdate does) but instead it just rebooted | 22:15 |
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FIQ | yeah, it kind of resetted | 22:16 |
Pali | seems that jolla device will be omap3/4 | 22:16 |
Pali | http://marc.info/?l=linux-omap&m=134729260104816&w=2 | 22:16 |
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FIQ | wasn't it supposed to be announced next week? | 22:17 |
kerio | why do we need a watchdog? :( | 22:17 |
FIQ | there's an "Empty device" too | 22:17 |
FIQ | guess it resets the mydocs partition or something like that | 22:18 |
freemangordon | Pali: LOL. So if it has HW keyboard we can port Maemo on it. Great :P | 22:18 |
Pali | 2012-09-10 somebody from @jollamobile.com sent patch for twl4030_wdt watchdog driver which is for omap3/4 | 22:18 |
FIQ | wat | 22:18 |
FIQ | hardware keyboard, and it runs meego? | 22:18 |
SpeedEvil | if I was Jolla, I would totally put in some patches for MCA architecture PPC machines. | 22:18 |
FIQ | sounds as a possible successor to my current phone | 22:18 |
freemangordon | FIQ: ever used capacitive screen? | 22:18 |
SpeedEvil | twl4030 is the powermanagment chip in the n900 | 22:19 |
FIQ | yeah, they're very annoying | 22:19 |
Pali | btw, see date! from september | 22:19 |
FIQ | but the two major things for me is keyboard and proper OS | 22:19 |
SpeedEvil | it's possible they are using the n900 as a dev platform | 22:19 |
Pali | SpeedEvil, where they got needed HW? | 22:19 |
FIQ | resistive touch screen is the third thing that I want, but it's possible to skip for me | 22:19 |
Pali | nokia not creating new n900 hw | 22:19 |
SpeedEvil | n900s | 22:20 |
SpeedEvil | no, I don't mean new | 22:20 |
FIQ | Pali: a company here still sells new N900s :D | 22:20 |
FIQ | so they're definitely still around | 22:20 |
Pali | FIQ, new N900? | 22:20 |
Pali | where? | 22:20 |
FIQ | yes | 22:20 |
FIQ | sec | 22:20 |
DocScrutinizer05 | whereß | 22:20 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ?? | 22:20 |
FIQ | swedish site though | 22:20 |
FIQ | and oplocked | 22:20 |
FIQ | but available | 22:20 |
FIQ | http://www.phonehouse.se/Mobiltelefoner/Nokia/Nokia-N900-Trelast | 22:20 |
DocScrutinizer05 | not selling EU wide I guess | 22:21 |
FIQ | so they *are* around, but I guess they're few | 22:21 |
Pali | can you convert that price 5499 to $ or € ? | 22:21 |
SpeedEvil | I vaguely recall the twl4030 is only used for the omap as found in the n900. | 22:21 |
FIQ | Pali: 640 | 22:21 |
FIQ | € | 22:21 |
SpeedEvil | the fastest speed grade is720MHz | 22:21 |
FIQ | it's very high, but that's the launch price | 22:21 |
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FIQ | still don't get why they sell for launch price... | 22:21 |
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Pali | 640€? you are funny :-) | 22:22 |
FIQ | but, it's there :P | 22:22 |
FIQ | my point wasn't that it's worth it, my point was that new N900s are still around :P | 22:22 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I guess it will stay there, at that pricetag | 22:22 |
FIQ | also Pali I paid 640€ for my N900 2½ years ago | 22:22 |
DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: nobody ever tested that offer during last 2 years ;-P | 22:22 |
FIQ | haha | 22:23 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: prolly a stale webpage | 22:23 |
Pali | other interesting patch: https://lkml.org/lkml/2012/10/5/226 | 22:23 |
Pali | musb from @jollamobile.com | 22:23 |
FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: I still don't get why they sell N900s.. :p | 22:24 |
Pali | seems that dev device is really ti omap | 22:24 |
FIQ | They sell new phones, plus N900 | 22:24 |
DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: I have problems with >> Lagerstatus web: svart<< and >>FÃ¥ i lager<< and >>Ej i lager<< | 22:25 |
kerio | Pali: what were the options? | 22:25 |
FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: it's available on the web, but there's few left | 22:25 |
freemangordon | Pali: that's good. Against what kernel version are patches? | 22:25 |
FIQ | and unavailable in shops | 22:25 |
freemangordon | 2.6.32? | 22:25 |
Pali | mainline of cource | 22:25 |
FIQ | (non-web shops, that is) | 22:25 |
Pali | 3.7 we have now? | 22:25 |
freemangordon | Pali: mainline as omap? | 22:25 |
freemangordon | against 3.7? | 22:25 |
freemangordon | lol | 22:26 |
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Pali | there is only one mainline | 22:26 |
freemangordon | no more omap branch? | 22:26 |
Pali | omap tree is merged into mailine too | 22:26 |
freemangordon | ok, you are the upstream kernel dev here :P | 22:26 |
FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: "Stock status web (black) - Few in stock" | 22:26 |
Pali | I think for a long time | 22:26 |
FIQ | is what that means pretty much | 22:26 |
DocScrutinizer05 | you'll hardly find *any* embedded device running proper on mainline | 22:26 |
freemangordon | ok, didn't check for a long time | 22:27 |
Pali | there is another musb patch from jolla: https://lkml.org/lkml/2012/10/4/338 | 22:27 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: sheevaplug | 22:27 |
Pali | ...fix an issue where the omap2430 musb driver is not working for N9/N950... | 22:27 |
Pali | so they using N9/N950 for development | 22:27 |
FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: and the second line is "Stock status in shop (black) - Not in stock" | 22:27 |
DocScrutinizer05 | the WUT? | 22:27 |
FIQ | afk | 22:27 |
DocScrutinizer05 | omap2430?? | 22:27 |
freemangordon | Pali: well, that's expected | 22:27 |
Pali | DocScrutinizer05, yes | 22:28 |
freemangordon | DocScrutinizer05: the diver name is that | 22:28 |
freemangordon | *driver | 22:28 |
Pali | omap2430 is for omap2 and omap3 | 22:28 |
kerio | isn't there an omap4 yet? | 22:28 |
SpeedEvil | yes | 22:28 |
freemangordon | there is | 22:28 |
freemangordon | so? | 22:28 |
DocScrutinizer05 | given the abominations I've seen in omap3430 musb_hdrc driver... hardly | 22:29 |
kerio | oh ok, maybe jolla will use that | 22:29 |
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freemangordon | well, lets hope jolla os is better than harm, though I doubt | 22:30 |
jaska | harmageddon | 22:30 |
kerio | maybe they'll release something that will be the proper successor to the n900! | 22:31 |
freemangordon | I don't believe the same guys will produce something drastically different | 22:31 |
kerio | and it's going to be awesome! | 22:31 |
DocScrutinizer05 | kerio: they already produced N900 successor, mind you | 22:31 |
DocScrutinizer05 | and anything they're going to produce now is likely a successor of N9 | 22:32 |
freemangordon | DocScrutinizer05: you mean n950? | 22:32 |
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freemangordon | the n900 successor that is | 22:32 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: that locked-down piece of crap? nope | 22:32 |
DocScrutinizer05 | kerio: that locked down piece of crap is what Nokia aka maemo-devision came up with | 22:33 |
freemangordon | DocScrutinizer05: if n950 is jollas vision of n900 replacement... I am speachless | 22:34 |
DocScrutinizer05 | you honestly expect them to step back from what they already achieved (though I admit a lot of Nokias were unhappy about Aegis as well) | 22:34 |
Pali | who invented aegis? | 22:34 |
DocScrutinizer05 | basically Nokia | 22:34 |
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Pali | meego devs? nokia managers? | 22:35 |
DocScrutinizer05 | though, some contractor | 22:35 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: they could rerelease the n900 with better specs and i'd buy it on day one | 22:35 |
DocScrutinizer05 | kerio: we discussed that several times | 22:35 |
DocScrutinizer05 | but they could release something with a OMAP4630 or sth, and place fremantle++ on it, given somebody was smart enough to keep his private copy of the sources | 22:36 |
DocScrutinizer05 | but that would mean they outright admit that all this QML stuff was a deadend idea | 22:37 |
kerio | it fucking is! | 22:38 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | my last info however been "we're using mer", and then "we switch to tizen" | 22:38 |
FIQ | hm | 22:38 |
kerio | i thought they were still using mer as the core | 22:38 |
FIQ | now to use the abomimation called hildon-application-manager | 22:38 |
FIQ | to download BM | 22:38 |
FIQ | and hopefully fix this speaker thing | 22:39 |
FIQ | ...hopefully | 22:39 |
DocScrutinizer05 | Pali: ask SpeedEvil, he knows more about history of aegis than I do | 22:39 |
DocScrutinizer05 | SpeedEvil: seems it's been 'in the pipe" since diablo times | 22:39 |
FIQ | woot | 22:39 |
FIQ | it didn't update after pressing a button :O | 22:39 |
FIQ | oh right... BM is in -devel, isn't it? | 22:39 |
DocScrutinizer05 | yep | 22:39 |
SpeedEvil | indeed. it was mentioned way back at launch of n900 times | 22:40 |
FIQ | :( | 22:40 |
FIQ | oh well | 22:40 |
DocScrutinizer05 | and HAM takes a 5min memoriam timeout | 22:40 |
FIQ | hm | 22:40 |
FIQ | ~extras-devel | 22:40 |
DocScrutinizer05 | literally 5min | 22:40 |
FIQ | you killed infobot? | 22:40 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~listkey extras-devel | 22:40 |
FIQ | infobot died | 22:40 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~listkeys extras-devel | 22:40 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | umm | 22:41 |
Cor-Ai | she died at 20:38 :P | 22:41 |
SpeedEvil | aegis would be generally OK, and probably a good thing with the ability to add 'store' credentials. | 22:41 |
FIQ | [21:38:36] * infobot har avslutat (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | 22:41 |
FIQ | yeah 20:38 | 22:41 |
FIQ | my clock is wrong | 22:41 |
FIQ | ...even in my own timezone, that is | 22:41 |
SpeedEvil | not controlled by Nokia | 22:41 |
FIQ | also if someone makes a device that comes with fremantle, but has better specs, I'll buy it for sure | 22:42 |
FIQ | ...if it also has a hardware keyboard | 22:42 |
DocScrutinizer05 | infobot down | 22:42 |
DocScrutinizer05 | tim online ;-) | 22:42 |
DocScrutinizer05 | (means usually he's messing with the bot) | 22:42 |
FIQ | now to wait for a while before HAM is done with its' update of devel | 22:44 |
FIQ | hopefully less than half a hour | 22:44 |
FIQ | ok, while I don't like graphical frontends of package managers, HAM is like as the devs of it attempted to do everything in their power to mess it up in some ways but still leave it usable | 22:45 |
FIQ | (no offense in case anyone lurks here :) ) | 22:45 |
FIQ | umm | 22:45 |
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infobot | DocScrutinizer: infobot joined! | 22:45 |
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FIQ | ok, why did HAM empty the package list... | 22:45 |
freemangordon | she's alive yay | 22:46 |
FIQ | oh, the progressbar just disappeared... | 22:46 |
DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: chill! it takes AGES! | 22:47 |
FIQ | I've noticed | 22:47 |
DocScrutinizer05 | particularly with extras-devel enabled | 22:47 |
DocScrutinizer05 | literally 5..7min | 22:47 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~ham | 22:48 |
infobot | well, ham is oink oink. Hildon Application Manager. Hazardous Application Manager. Hildon application Manager Ham is also lovely with pickle. | 22:48 |
FIQ | ~ham is also slow | 22:48 |
infobot | okay, FIQ | 22:48 |
FIQ | hm | 22:48 |
FIQ | did I mess something up? | 22:48 |
FIQ | ~ham | 22:48 |
infobot | it has been said that ham is oink oink. Hildon Application Manager. Hazardous Application Manager. Hildon application Manager Ham is also lovely with pickle. slow | 22:48 |
FIQ | mabe | 22:48 |
FIQ | *maybe | 22:48 |
FIQ | BM installed | 22:49 |
FIQ | and root console still doesn't work properly | 22:49 |
FIQ | w/e | 22:49 |
FIQ | oh well, time to restore stuff | 22:50 |
FIQ | hopefully flawless this time | 22:50 |
DocScrutinizer05 | infobot: no, ham is oink oink. Ham is also lovely with pickle. | 22:50 |
infobot | okay, DocScrutinizer05 | 22:50 |
FIQ | ~ham | 22:50 |
infobot | ham is probably oink oink. Ham is also lovely with pickle. | 22:50 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~#maemo HAM is Hildon Application Manager. Hazardous Application Manager. Slow like molasses. anticipate you got time for a beer or two until it finishes whatever it does | 22:50 |
infobot | okay, DocScrutinizer05 | 22:50 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~ham | 22:51 |
infobot | hmm... ham is Hildon Application Manager. Hazardous Application Manager. Slow like molasses. anticipate you got time for a beer or two until it finishes whatever it does | 22:51 |
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freemangordon | Pali: hmm, PR1.3 for n950? | 22:51 |
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Pali | freemangoron, yes unofficial, leaked | 22:51 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~_default ham | 22:51 |
FIQ | now it's time to do the update... | 22:51 |
infobot | well, ham is oink oink. Ham is also lovely with pickle. | 22:51 |
freemangordon | link/torrent? | 22:51 |
freemangordon | Pali: ^^^ | 22:52 |
FIQ | please BM, don't make the device unbootable this time | 22:52 |
Pali | search on google for n950 pr1.3 torrent | 22:52 |
freemangordon | Pali: well, everything on n950 is unofficial :D | 22:52 |
freemangordon | ok | 22:52 |
FIQ | oh god you are kidding me, aren't you | 22:52 |
FIQ | it still complains on timestamp :) | 22:52 |
DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: please make sure your kernel matches modules in backup | 22:52 |
FIQ | oh well, rob said it shouldn't make any difference! | 22:52 |
FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: it does | 22:52 |
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FIQ | so the only thing that can go wrong now is timestamp issue, but it shouldn't | 22:53 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: timestamp are just warnings | 22:53 |
FIQ | guess I didn't set date, but did set time, and that's why it show up... whatever | 22:53 |
FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: ok | 22:53 |
DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: though you oughta have set your sysclock correctly | 22:53 |
merlin1991 | freemangordon: it's on tpb ;) | 22:54 |
FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: can it mess up stuff? | 22:54 |
FIQ | not having it set correctly, that is | 22:54 |
DocScrutinizer05 | not really | 22:54 |
DocScrutinizer05 | except GPS, until corrected | 22:54 |
FIQ | because, as I'm battery swapping a bit atm as my other bettery seems to not work properly (it had problems before this madness too) so I don't bother set sysclock | 22:54 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | while it might confuse *you*, it shouldn't have severe impact on *system* | 22:55 |
FIQ | ok good | 22:55 |
DocScrutinizer05 | as mentioned afore, the tar warnings are just that | 22:56 |
FIQ | sudo doesn't like sysclock mess-up either :p | 22:56 |
DocScrutinizer05 | really? how so? | 22:56 |
FIQ | as I've encountered every now and then when setting time on my computer | 22:56 |
DocScrutinizer05 | umm | 22:56 |
FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: it autotimeouts (obvious), but also shows the initial warning once again | 22:57 |
DocScrutinizer05 | hmm, fair enough | 22:57 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | messing with sysclock can upset some subsystems of a *nix system. Having a wrong time though usually can't | 22:58 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: yeah, downloading | 22:58 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | ntpd will refuse to sync to any outside startum, when timeskew too large | 22:58 |
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FIQ | DocScrutinizer05: as I configured how sysclock should be used on this computer wrong (and haven't bothered fixing it), every time I start windows, there's a possibility of it messing up my clock completly, resulting in ntpd not working | 22:59 |
FIQ | therefore I have to manually set time approx, and then run ntpd :p | 22:59 |
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FIQ | (and then sudo complains on me) | 23:00 |
FIQ | restore complete | 23:00 |
DocScrutinizer05 | good luck | 23:00 |
FIQ | whatever you did backupmenu, please tell me that you did things right | 23:00 |
FIQ | boot.. boot.. please | 23:01 |
FIQ | woo, it boots :D | 23:01 |
FIQ | now to see if sound is fixed | 23:01 |
DocScrutinizer05 | settings -> system-sounds:3 | 23:02 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | plug in charger | 23:02 |
FIQ | "plug in charger" | 23:02 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ooh I see | 23:02 |
FIQ | aanyway | 23:03 |
FIQ | sound set to max | 23:03 |
DocScrutinizer05 | unmute | 23:03 |
DocScrutinizer05 | make sure you're on profile:default | 23:03 |
FIQ | i am | 23:03 |
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FIQ | actually I wasn't on boot, but I fixed that :p | 23:04 |
DocScrutinizer05 | check volume settings in profile | 23:04 |
DocScrutinizer05 | set everything up to max | 23:04 |
FIQ | looks like that's already the case | 23:04 |
DocScrutinizer05 | system sounds, kbd click, whatnot else | 23:04 |
DocScrutinizer05 | redo it | 23:04 |
Pali | btw who is maemo mailinglist admin? | 23:04 |
DocScrutinizer05 | touch each volume setting | 23:04 |
FIQ | set everything to max, set system sounds, keysound and everything else | 23:04 |
DocScrutinizer05 | good question | 23:05 |
DocScrutinizer05 | X-Fade: ? | 23:05 |
FIQ | seems to do nothing | 23:05 |
Pali | I'd like to see option for refusing html only messages | 23:05 |
FIQ | nothing at all | 23:05 |
FIQ | and this is pretty much factory settings | 23:05 |
DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: actually selecting a new ringtone already should play the new ringtone before you even clicked "OK" | 23:05 |
FIQ | and, sound worked on this when I made the backup :p | 23:05 |
FIQ | yeah | 23:06 |
FIQ | I know that | 23:06 |
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FIQ | tried it | 23:06 |
FIQ | no sound | 23:06 |
Pali | I really HATE if somebody sent big HTML message to mailinglist!!! | 23:06 |
DocScrutinizer05 | then your hw is defect | 23:06 |
FIQ | wait, I'll try with headset just to see | 23:06 |
FIQ | yeah, there's sound then | 23:06 |
FIQ | so it's the hw | 23:06 |
DocScrutinizer05 | does the headset icon show up when plugged in and vanish when unplugged? | 23:07 |
FIQ | yes | 23:07 |
DocScrutinizer05 | then speakers or amp are defect I'd guess | 23:07 |
FIQ | hmm, is there a way to make you able to listen on calls with headset? | 23:07 |
FIQ | I *very rarely* call/take calls, so I haven't messed around with settings for that | 23:08 |
DocScrutinizer05 | works OOTB | 23:08 |
FIQ | but my experience is that it doesn't work | 23:08 |
FIQ | first at all, ringtune plays on speaker (assuming they work), and calls are all through speaker | 23:08 |
FIQ | s/first at all, // | 23:08 |
infobot | FIQ meant: ringtune plays on speaker (assuming they work), and calls are all through speaker | 23:08 |
FIQ | never fiddled around with it too much | 23:08 |
FIQ | but I'm considering whether to use this as primary phone, or a N810 in terms of phone functionality | 23:09 |
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FIQ | ok, so my issue is hw, I guess I can go and find a repair shop to fix a) usb, b) speakers | 23:12 |
FIQ | or, try to, at least | 23:12 |
FIQ | ...assuming they aren't completly easy to replace even w/o experience? | 23:12 |
FIQ | @ DocScrutinizer05 | 23:13 |
FIQ | until then, I'll use N900 as a N810 | 23:14 |
Pali | DocScrutinizer05, mailinglist admin is ferenc | 23:17 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: speakers are fairly simple to replace | 23:19 |
DocScrutinizer05 | hardly anything simpler to be found | 23:19 |
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FIQ | you mean even I could do it? | 23:20 |
DocScrutinizer05 | yes | 23:20 |
FIQ | I have sight problems and major problems with small details | 23:20 |
DocScrutinizer05 | hmm, then maybe you have problems to remove screw | 23:20 |
FIQ | still possible? :p | 23:20 |
FIQ | "maybe" well, I suppose it's worth a try, either for myself or requesting someone in my family that do see good for help :p | 23:21 |
FIQ | if it's that easy | 23:21 |
FIQ | ...can you mess up something? | 23:21 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | take care of flat cable between screen and kbd half | 23:22 |
vi___ | FIQ: no but the flat ribbon cable can be a bit fiddly to get back together. | 23:22 |
FIQ | (assuming you don't do idiotic stuff like hammering the internal or anything like that) | 23:22 |
vi___ | cd .. | 23:22 |
FIQ | vi___: hmm I don't know anything about it | 23:22 |
vi___ | dpkf -l | 23:22 |
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FIQ | the ribbon thingy, that is | 23:22 |
kerio | vi___: EWIN | 23:23 |
DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: get Nokia_N900_RX-51_Service_Manual_L1L2_v1_0.pdf in docs/ in http://maemo.cloud-7.de/hidden/ | 23:25 |
FIQ | "hidden" | 23:26 |
FIQ | not found | 23:26 |
DocScrutinizer05 | in docs/hw/ actually | 23:26 |
FIQ | ah | 23:26 |
FIQ | that one existed | 23:26 |
FIQ | any particular reason that you didn't direct link it? :D | 23:27 |
FIQ | (no, i'm not lazy! what do you get that from?) | 23:27 |
DocScrutinizer05 | sure, since this chan is logged | 23:27 |
DocScrutinizer05 | so web spiders would eventually pick up the URL | 23:28 |
FIQ | ok | 23:28 |
Luke-Jr | lol | 23:28 |
FIQ | *directlinks it* | 23:28 |
DocScrutinizer05 | it'll vanish as soon as you do | 23:29 |
Cor-Ai | damn all this talk about the n900 almost makes me wana take my thumb out and reattach my usb :D | 23:29 |
FIQ | Cor-Ai: no microUSB? | 23:29 |
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Cor-Ai | FIQ: nope, got stuck on the charger in -11 i think :P | 23:30 |
FIQ | welcome to my world | 23:31 |
DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: in L1_2 in pic17 the silver thing under blue stylus tip is one of the speakers | 23:31 |
DocScrutinizer05 | in pic18 next to green arrow is the other one | 23:32 |
FIQ | the silver square.. thingy? | 23:34 |
DocScrutinizer05 | afaik you can carefully pry them out of the plastic case | 23:34 |
FIQ | right to the green arrow @ pic18 | 23:34 |
DocScrutinizer05 | yep | 23:34 |
FIQ | hmm ok | 23:34 |
FIQ | i have this logged now, ty | 23:34 |
DocScrutinizer05 | yw | 23:34 |
DocScrutinizer05 | FIQ: the flat plastic cable is shown in pic7 | 23:37 |
DocScrutinizer05 | they call it MAIN FLEX CONNECTOR | 23:37 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | you shouldn't worry too much about the "dispose screws and use new ones" though it would be nice if you could follow this advice | 23:39 |
DocScrutinizer05 | anyway use proper tools | 23:39 |
DocScrutinizer05 | otherwise you for sure will ruin the screws | 23:39 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | I.E use a decent Phillips 00 size screwdriver, and a Torx+ T6 | 23:41 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | instead of this blue stylus thingie you usually cna use fingernails or a credit card | 23:42 |
DocScrutinizer05 | plectrum | 23:42 |
DocScrutinizer05 | andthing flat and not sharp | 23:42 |
DocScrutinizer05 | any* | 23:43 |
deepy\SIGSEGV | Nails aren't sharp? | 23:43 |
deepy\SIGSEGV | Must be difficult building houses in your country! | 23:43 |
DocScrutinizer05 | nails? who talked about nails? | 23:43 |
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deepy\SIGSEGV | My eagerness to make a joke made my brain skip the 'finger' part of 'fingernails' | 23:45 |
deepy\SIGSEGV | I am dying of shame at the moment | 23:45 |
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