kerio | freemangordon: neat | 00:00 |
kerio | what is it doing that i'm not doing? ;_; | 00:00 |
freemangordon | NFC what are you doing :P | 00:00 |
freemangordon | kerio: I started it in the times when I was playing with extkbd/extmou. Stock BT applect was missing "connect" button for HID devices | 00:01 |
freemangordon | fortunately I found a way to write "plugins" to BT applet and to enable "connect" in the stock UI | 00:02 |
freemangordon | so I stopped btsettingsqt develpment :) | 00:02 |
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kerio | alright, setting the channel to something that can actually be used as a SP makes things work much better | 00:03 |
kerio | ok, i have a serial connection between my laptop and my phone! | 00:04 |
freemangordon | kerio: using rfcomm or my program? | 00:05 |
kerio | rfcomm | 00:05 |
kerio | your program is useless! >:C | 00:05 |
freemangordon | hehe | 00:05 |
kerio | i have a neat way of doing *something* when prompted from bluetooth, though | 00:05 |
freemangordon | IIRC rfcomm has a parameter to connect SPP | 00:05 |
kerio | freemangordon: my laptop runs os x | 00:05 |
freemangordon | kerio: rfcomm on n900 ;) | 00:06 |
kerio | ~phonecontrol | 00:06 |
infobot | phonecontrol is probably | 00:06 |
kerio | freemangordon: nah, just sdptool | 00:06 |
freemangordon | well, ok, you may want to program hci, it is even harder :P | 00:06 |
freemangordon | kerio: what is the device (under /dev)? | 00:07 |
kerio | freemangordon: it takes the first one if you pass "-1" to it | 00:07 |
kerio | and you can pass it to a program | 00:07 |
* kerio imagines a getty - rfcomm - picocom monstruosity | 00:08 | |
vi_ | freemangordon: you know that app search widget? | 00:09 |
freemangordon | no | 00:09 |
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vi_ | the one that presents a list of all the available programs on the n900. | 00:10 |
vi_ | ? | 00:10 |
RST38h | $5.9 billion spent on repairing broken iPhones. | 00:10 |
freemangordon | vi_: i've heard of it, but have never used it | 00:10 |
RST38h | 30% iPhone users broke their preciousses in the last year. | 00:10 |
RST38h | Freaking sect. | 00:11 |
vi_ | when you type in letters on hildn home the device starts searching you phone book. | 00:12 |
vi_ | is that a feature of hildon home or adressbook? | 00:12 |
freemangordon | hildon-desktop | 00:13 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: you were mostly right | 00:13 |
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freemangordon | IIRC | 00:13 |
kerio | if i want to do things properly i need to set up some kind of null modem ppp connection anyway | 00:13 |
vi_ | does it just make a dbus call? | 00:13 |
kerio | so i might as well find a way to set PAN up | 00:13 |
freemangordon | vi_: yes | 00:13 |
vi_ | can it be altered to call up other things? | 00:13 |
freemangordon | sure | 00:13 |
vi_ | ...excellent. | 00:14 |
Pali | freemangordon, | 00:14 |
freemangordon | Pali: aah, that way is muuuch better :) | 00:15 |
freemangordon | did you try it? it should work, but anyway. | 00:15 |
Pali | can you test it? | 00:15 |
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freemangordon | Pali: no KP52 here | 00:15 |
Pali | ok | 00:16 |
vi_ | the actuall dbus call, is it hardcoded into HD? | 00:16 |
freemangordon | I was focused on -thumb these days | 00:16 |
freemangordon | vi_: yes | 00:16 |
freemangordon | Pali: will try to find time tomorrow to test it | 00:16 |
Pali | ok | 00:16 |
Pali | now I have better 0xFFFF | 00:16 |
Pali | it can send and boot kernel | 00:17 |
freemangordon | congrats | 00:17 |
freemangordon | wow | 00:17 |
Pali | flashing was not tested yet, but initial implementation is done | 00:17 |
* freemangordon is afk | 00:18 | |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: do you think it's possible to "preencode" music for A2DP? | 00:26 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | umm nope | 00:26 |
DocScrutinizer05 | A2DP is either plain PCM, or mp3 | 00:26 |
kerio | fine by me | 00:27 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I don't think many headsets support mp3 | 00:27 |
kerio | aw :( | 00:27 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ya know, volume etc | 00:27 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ;-) | 00:27 |
kerio | i don't care about volume, the volume on the n900 is always at max anyway | 00:27 |
DocScrutinizer05 | well, the manufs care | 00:28 |
kerio | my headset has its own volume | 00:28 |
DocScrutinizer05 | so I guess you'll have a hard time finding a headset that supports mp3 | 00:28 |
kerio | i see | 00:28 |
DocScrutinizer05 | maybe you could find out with some advanced tool of bluez suite | 00:29 |
DocScrutinizer05 | anyway A2DP is a wrapper | 00:29 |
kerio | so pushing sound through bluetooth shouldn't take CPU | 00:29 |
DocScrutinizer05 | err | 00:29 |
kerio | if it's pushing PCM | 00:30 |
DocScrutinizer05 | it definitely will take CPU, for decoding mp3, as that's how mafw works | 00:30 |
kerio | i mean, there's no compression | 00:30 |
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kerio | i said "pushing sound through bt" | 00:30 |
fizzie | "[A2DP] relies on GAVDP. It includes mandatory support for low complexity subband codec (SBC) and supports optionally MPEG-1,2 Audio, MPEG-2,4 AAC and ATRAC", claims | 00:30 |
DocScrutinizer05 | yeah, that should work lightweight | 00:30 |
kerio | i wasn't talking about the sound production :) | 00:30 |
kerio | fizzie: ooh, so DocScrutinizer is full of lies | 00:31 |
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fizzie | A "low complexity subband codec", if truly "low complexity", should be... low complexity, though. | 00:31 |
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kerio | "However in today's practice all high quality audio still transfers over A2DP by means of SBC codec." | 00:34 |
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kerio | i assume the raw sound data is 44100/16 PCM | 00:35 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | ~wiki a2dp | 00:36 |
infobot | At (URL), Wikipedia explains: "A 'Bluetooth profile' is a specification regarding an aspect of Bluetooth-based wireless communication between devices. In order to use Bluetooth technology, a device must be compatible with the subset of Bluetooth profiles necessary to use the desired services. A Bluetooth profile resides on top of the Bluetooth Core Specification and (optionally) additional protocols. While the profile ... | 00:36 |
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Pali | freemangordon, reason why I suggested to use sockets in libbmeipc is because pipe is unidirectional | 00:43 |
Pali | you cannot select/poll for both read and write | 00:44 |
Pali | socketpair create pair of connected sockets | 00:44 |
DocScrutinizer05 | dang, even SBC is no plain PCM, but anyway that's OTA format, not what you deliver to the BT interface from AP | 00:45 |
Pali | and you can both read & write on socket | 00:45 |
DocScrutinizer05 | kerio: iirc all the BT chips I've seen so far are connected via IIS/PCM for audio (if embedded) | 00:46 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | the encoding to SBC is done on BT chip afaik | 00:47 |
Pali | freemangordon you can look here for socketpair implementation: | 00:47 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | well, sockets seem a nice thing, can't see what's wrong with them | 00:50 |
DocScrutinizer05 | and everybody uses sockets ;-) | 00:50 |
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Pali | DocScrutinizer05, do you know if there is any NOLO/bootloader/flasher/... documentation? | 00:54 |
Pali | or other alternative flasher tool? | 00:55 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I'm pretty sure there isn't | 00:55 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | sure, you know the alternative flasher tool | 00:55 |
kerio | hahaha | 00:56 |
Pali | ok, so only 0xFFFF, flasher-3.5 and phoenix? | 00:56 |
DocScrutinizer05 | nevertheless there's a "standard" called dfu | 00:56 |
DocScrutinizer05 | :nod: | 00:56 |
Pali | but dfu is not supported by nolo :-( | 00:56 |
Pali | and no support in u-boot too... | 00:57 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I don't know how much they ripped off from dfu, or how much the forced into dfu to make NOLO/flasher out of it | 00:57 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~wiki dfu | 00:58 |
infobot | At (URL), Wikipedia explains: "'DFU' may refer to: * Diabetic foot * Device Firmware Upgrade mode in Apple devices (see also SHSH blob) {{Short pages monitor}}" | 00:58 |
DocScrutinizer05 | yeah :-S | 00:58 |
Pali | phoenix is windows only SW... is there any way how to sniff usb communication on windows? | 00:58 |
DocScrutinizer05 | yes | 00:58 |
DocScrutinizer05 | but don't ask me what's been the name, you know I'm a windows hater and noob | 00:59 |
Pali | I was thinking about start windows in qemu, connect usb port to qemu and LD_PRELOAD my library... | 00:59 |
DocScrutinizer05 | nah, there's actually a real tool for sniffing USB | 01:00 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I even used it once | 01:00 |
DocScrutinizer05 | maybe that one: | 01:00 |
DocScrutinizer05 | (first hit on google) | 01:01 |
Pali | I have small library which print info about libusb functions... I do not need to rewrite usb communication back to libusb | 01:01 |
Pali | because library wrap around libusb and print params (+ dump buffer) | 01:01 |
DocScrutinizer05 | | 01:02 |
Pali | DocScrutinizer05, I think that in flasher-3.5 are more buffer overflow | 01:03 |
Pali | and in fiasco-gen too! | 01:03 |
DocScrutinizer05 | >> From time to time I need to dump usb traffic under windows, mostly to support hardware under Linux, so my primary goal is to produce dump files for protocol analysis. For USB traffic, it seems that SniffUsb is the clear winner... It works under XP and has much nicer GUI than earlier versions. It produce huge dump files, but everything is there.<< | 01:03 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | Pali: haha! :) >>Personally, I'd use qemu or kvm and instrument their USB passthrough code, then use libusb to prototype the replacement driver in userspace (this latter bit I've done before; writing USB device drivers in Python is fun!).<< | 01:05 |
Pali | I do not know full & correct NOLO protocol, but randomly copy some parts of buffer to other memory (to part of buffer which is sent via USB) is bug | 01:07 |
DocScrutinizer05 | >>1) Since people don't seem to realize it, wireshark does monitor USB traffic, and has a parser for it; but the catch is only under linux. Wireshark on Windows will not do this.<< | 01:08 |
Pali | and fiasco-gen doing similar. when generating mmc fiasco image it append section with id '4' and size 0, but append data of zeros and sometimes append some previous data | 01:10 |
Pali | this seems like nokia devs forgot to call memset(buf, 0, size) and writing some random memory to fiasco image! | 01:10 |
DocScrutinizer05 | quite possible | 01:11 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | might be "free blocks" | 01:11 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ;-) | 01:12 |
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Pali | fiasco is only archive for images, in my 0xFFFF fiasco gen implementation I do not writing any of those random data and both 0xFFFF and flasher-3.5 unpacking fiasco images same | 01:12 |
DocScrutinizer05 | this way you could hide a lot of funny stuff in fiasco images | 01:12 |
DocScrutinizer05 | with plausible deniability | 01:12 |
Pali | this is reason, why nokia did not released source code to fiasco | 01:13 |
Pali | it is crap SW | 01:13 |
Pali | full of errors and bugs | 01:14 |
DocScrutinizer05 | that's why ;-P | 01:14 |
Skry | why this does not surprise me | 01:14 |
Pali | maybe we can write exploit for flasher-3.5 :D | 01:15 |
* DocScrutinizer05 idly wonders if flasher-3.12 is backward compatible and maybe a tad better | 01:15 | |
Pali | flasher-3.5 must run as root, so it is simple :D | 01:15 |
Pali | flasher-3.12 want to send APE algo image | 01:16 |
Pali | so you cannot use it for flashing n900 | 01:16 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | hey you think of a buffer overflow exploit to root the PC flasher-3.5 is running on? nice! | 01:16 |
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GeneralAntilles | MWKN is currently 1-story-strong. . . . D: | 01:16 |
DocScrutinizer05 | errr ? | 01:17 |
DocScrutinizer05 | aah, has only one story | 01:17 |
Pali | GeneralAntilles, you can add info that 0xFFFF version 0.5 was released | 01:17 |
GeneralAntilles | Pali, that's the only story. :D | 01:17 |
Pali | and new version is preparing | 01:17 |
DocScrutinizer05 | :-) | 01:17 |
Pali | ok :-) | 01:17 |
GeneralAntilles | There's some election news | 01:17 |
GeneralAntilles | that I haven't been paying any attention to. | 01:17 |
DocScrutinizer05 | LOL | 01:18 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | I'm afraid we'll see an implosion of council/board on this election | 01:18 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | are we still at 2 brave men standing? | 01:20 |
GeneralAntilles | Good question | 01:20 |
GeneralAntilles | I should probably find that out | 01:20 |
GeneralAntilles | You know | 01:20 |
GeneralAntilles | for MWKN | 01:20 |
DocScrutinizer05 | for 10 positions | 01:20 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | those two are really great candidates, but still | 01:21 |
GeneralAntilles | wmarone, are you running for council/Hildon Foundation/whatever | 01:21 |
wmarone | no | 01:21 |
GeneralAntilles | You probably should. | 01:21 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | most of the mammoths moved on, now we're facing a scene like after the big impact (60mio y ago) - nobody left to really take on this duty | 01:24 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I'm afraid we'll either see no council/board at all, due to lack of candidates, or we'll get another annoyance | 01:25 |
GeneralAntilles | 10 seats is a lot to fill | 01:26 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I already pondered to forget my hat there, to offer a dummy stand-in with a promise of no more than 2h/week assigned to any related task | 01:27 |
DocScrutinizer05 | just to keep the idea alive | 01:27 |
DocScrutinizer05 | aka make it happen at all | 01:27 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | or: avoid council implosion | 01:28 |
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GeneralAntilles | Out with a whimper | 01:28 |
DocScrutinizer05 | but then, that was a tad too ... :-S | 01:28 |
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Pali | look at this patch series: fixes for n900 lirc kernel driver for upstream kernel | 01:29 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I wonder how many already even *noticed* there'll be elections | 01:30 |
DocScrutinizer05 | otoh do we want somebody for board or council who didn't | 01:30 |
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jacekowski | why do we need whole council for like 5 users that are still left? | 01:44 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | Pali: nice :-) | 01:55 |
DocScrutinizer05 | a pretty good lesson on how patches should get reviewed | 01:55 |
DocScrutinizer05 | s/reviewed/discussed in public/ | 01:56 |
infobot | DocScrutinizer05 meant: a pretty good lesson on how patches should get discussed in public | 01:56 |
DocScrutinizer05 | jacekowski: seems we even got 5 devels left ;-) So number of users might be a few magnitudes larger. Anyway that's the council statute | 01:58 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | Pali: (re patches) I think they're nice but a tad fresh yet. I'd wait maybe 3 months at least before even considering to do anything with them to KP | 02:07 |
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Luke-Jr | DocScrutinizer05: I considered putting my name out there just to have a non-Maemo voice on it, but I really don't have time | 02:11 |
Luke-Jr | if there's really such a shortage that more are NEEDED, feel free to list me if I can get by without too much in the way of duties | 02:11 |
DocScrutinizer05 | Luke-Jr: same reasoning here (re time). I'll keep it in mind | 02:12 |
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GGon | heh | 04:07 |
GGon | hey... i still use my N900 :-P | 04:08 |
GGon | and if you're on the council you get free N950s | 04:08 |
* GGon hides | 04:08 | |
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Luke-Jr | GGon: even the new council? | 04:16 |
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GGon | heh | 07:40 |
GGon | maybe | 07:40 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | no | 08:50 |
DocScrutinizer05 | no more n950 | 08:50 |
freemangordon | DocScrutinizer05: why not, as if it is usefull :D | 08:51 |
freemangordon | DocScrutinizer05: I am thinking to try to upstream thumb patch, any idea where to look for the process? | 08:52 |
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int_ua | Anyone seen a thread about running Debian natively on N900? I can't find it | 09:05 |
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kerio | int_ua: it's not worth it, anyway | 09:14 |
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int_ua | kerio: Why? :) | 09:22 |
kerio | int_ua: because half of the hardware doesn't work | 09:23 |
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Sicelo | kerio: what hardware doesn't work? | 09:59 |
kerio | Sicelo: phone calls | 10:00 |
kerio | and last time i heard, the gps was still kinda meh | 10:00 |
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* entitled has never made a single phone call with N900 | 10:01 | |
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entitled | purely for ssh. browsing and such | 10:01 |
Sicelo | int_ua: , & look at NIN101's pages .. i forgot the link .. but same place RescueOS lives | 10:02 |
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Sicelo | which reminds me.. i must find out how to switch between 2G-3G using ofono for when i'm on debian | 10:05 |
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int_ua | Sicelo: yeah, but no thread on Talks? | 10:07 |
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int_ua | Sicelo: so you have it running natively? | 10:07 |
Sicelo | there should be, but TMO | 10:08 |
Sicelo | yes, i do :) | 10:08 |
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Sicelo | as kerio said, phne calls don't work (well), but you can use the modem for internet, which covers my needs. | 10:10 |
kerio | Sicelo: which DE are you using? | 10:10 |
Sicelo | i used E7 at first, but am using Xfce now | 10:10 |
kerio | why not hildon? :P | 10:11 |
Sicelo | i haven't seen it packaged for debian, yet. otherwise i would love that, or even plain old matchbox | 10:11 |
kerio | why not openbox? | 10:12 |
Sicelo | i'll try that | 10:13 |
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kerio | what are you using to right click, btw? | 10:14 |
Sicelo | nothing, lol | 10:14 |
kerio | then you're not going to like openbox :3 | 10:14 |
int_ua | yeah, openbox needs rightclick. | 10:15 |
int_ua | but there is a workaround | 10:15 |
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int_ua | Sicelo: something with xorg.conf hacking | 10:15 |
Sicelo | thanks. 'll have to google that. fact is, i have nfc about some deep things | 10:17 |
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kerio | deepy: btw, i just realized that without fixing the kbd slider, you can't use portrait mode | 11:35 |
kerio | ever | 11:35 |
deepy | ooo | 11:35 |
deepy | I didn't know there was a portrait mode | 11:35 |
deepy | Time to get a soldering iron, eh? | 11:36 |
kerio | note that it's mostly useless | 11:36 |
kerio | imo it's only useful with openmediaplayer | 11:36 |
kerio | to choose a song with one hand | 11:36 |
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deepy | oooh, that reminds me | 11:45 |
deepy | I gotta find some SFW show so I can test the battery life and the stan | 11:45 |
deepy | at the same time | 11:45 |
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kerio | deepy: fun fact: works on microB | 12:01 |
kerio | and that's a website that makes netbooks choke | 12:02 |
deepy | microB? | 12:03 |
deepy | also it sounds incredibly fishy :P | 12:03 |
kerio | microB is "Web" | 12:03 |
kerio | the default browser | 12:03 |
deepy | Ah | 12:03 |
kerio | nah, it's legit | 12:03 |
deepy | The website still sounds fishy | 12:03 |
kerio | it's not exactly sfw, though | 12:03 |
deepy | Ever since the copypaste incident of '11 I'm not opening websites that involve the word 'cam' when I'm not at home | 12:04 |
kerio | oh, job | 12:05 |
kerio | pf | 12:05 |
kerio | pffffffffff | 12:05 |
deepy | pffff all you want | 12:05 |
deepy | I'll pffffff harder | 12:05 |
deepy | OSHI- | 12:05 |
deepy | Sent a PC to the wrong country | 12:05 |
* deepy whistles | 12:05 | |
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kerio | deepy: could you wrongfully send a PC to my house? | 12:06 |
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deepy | kerio: you can already virtualize ten of these | 12:06 |
kerio | well, i do need a home server... | 12:06 |
deepy | what do you intend to do on that home server? | 12:07 |
deepy | I know of $19/yr VPS | 12:07 |
kerio | i already have one, but it's kinda bad | 12:07 |
kerio | file storage and torrents | 12:07 |
kerio | and DNS tunneling | 12:08 |
deepy | DNS tunneling is so 80s | 12:08 |
kerio | u jelly | 12:08 |
deepy | I'm at work chatting to you from a server in Sweden | 12:08 |
deepy | ;-) | 12:08 |
deepy | One of us is getting paid during this conversation | 12:08 |
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deepy | I just sent two monitors to a girl | 12:16 |
deepy | two WIDESCREEN monitors | 12:16 |
deepy | I'm sitting here with a flickering 19" | 12:16 |
deepy | Not fair :-( | 12:17 |
Cor-Ai | sluta slöa! börja jobba! | 12:17 |
deepy | I am working! | 12:18 |
Cor-Ai | sure! ;) | 12:18 |
deepy | Just sent a battery to someone | 12:18 |
Cor-Ai | sweet, to me? i need one to my oqo01! | 12:18 |
deepy | Yes | 12:18 |
deepy | It's a pity it'll only fit x200s/x201 | 12:19 |
deepy | But hey, it's a 9cell Li-Ion! | 12:19 |
Cor-Ai | hehe | 12:19 |
Cor-Ai | im cleaning my bellybutton :D | 12:20 |
kerio | deepy: send us technology | 12:20 |
kerio | for free | 12:21 |
deepy | kerio: I can get you a job here | 12:21 |
deepy | for pay | 12:21 |
kerio | i'd have to work | 12:21 |
kerio | that sucks | 12:21 |
deepy | Does it look like I am working? | 12:21 |
deepy | I played nethack half of my time here | 12:21 |
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kerio | play FTL! | 12:30 |
deepy | I don't know what that is | 12:30 |
kerio | a cute game | 12:31 |
deepy | I heard it's a roguelike in space | 12:31 |
kerio | it's a roguelike-like | 12:31 |
kerio | permadeath, randomly generated map and encounters, fairly constant challenge throughout the game | 12:31 |
deepy | It seems like I may enjoy dwarf fortress more | 12:33 |
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Pali | is down | 12:49 |
Pali | so not working... | 12:49 |
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kerio | worksforme | 13:15 |
kerio | Pali: how's the bme replacement project going? | 13:16 |
Pali | kerio, hald-addon-bme is implemented and tested by me - forking fine | 13:16 |
kerio | neat | 13:17 |
Pali | kernel modules bq2415x_charger, bq27x00_battery and rx51_battery working fine too | 13:17 |
kerio | what does it use? | 13:17 |
Pali | libbmeeipc is implemented, but not tested yet | 13:17 |
Pali | bme-rx51 (meta)(pseudo)package is written too, but not tested | 13:17 |
Pali | hald-addon-bme is used by more programs (also 3rd party) | 13:18 |
Pali | it export battery & charger properties to HAL | 13:18 |
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Pali | for example default nokia battery status menu plugin | 13:18 |
Pali | all 3rd battery widgets, ... | 13:18 |
kerio | how is it packaged? | 13:19 |
Pali | in deb package | 13:19 |
Pali | each package has same name, same library/binary as original nokia | 13:20 |
kerio | did you make a fake /usr/sbin/bme_RX-51? :O | 13:20 |
Pali | libraries export same function names & binaries export needed interface | 13:20 |
Pali | /usr/sbin/bme_RX-51 was removed, not needed | 13:21 |
Pali | no application/library using it | 13:21 |
kerio | i'm still not convinced that your "bme-rx-51" should be called like that | 13:21 |
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Pali | original bme-rx-51 has 2 system files: 1) event.d script 2) bme binary | 13:22 |
kerio | does the rest of the stuff fail gracefully if the modules aren't loaded? | 13:22 |
kerio | kinda like if bme wasn't running | 13:22 |
Pali | original event.d script start charging (spawn bme and wait for soemthing...) | 13:22 |
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Pali | new event.d script start charging too (it load kernel modules) | 13:23 |
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kerio | Pali: does it touch /etc/bme-disabled or whatever checks? | 13:23 |
Pali | no, was changed to check if new version of bme-rx-51 is installed | 13:24 |
* kerio groans | 13:24 | |
Pali | every old nokia bme package has version << 1.0 | 13:24 |
Pali | and every bme replacement version is >= 1.0 | 13:24 |
Pali | (if somebody for some unknown stupid reason want to increase version of bme packages - he can - but not higer than 1.0) | 13:25 |
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Pali | kerio, you can look at project page: | 13:36 |
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Skry | kerio: guess what? sbc decoding and encoding binaries actually exists for C64x dsp. | 13:54 |
kerio | what's sbc? | 13:55 |
Skry | Bluetooth low complexity, sub band codec | 13:59 |
Skry | the a2dp talk from yesterday, remember? | 14:01 |
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kerio | oh right | 14:07 |
kerio | well, if sbc is done by the bt chip... | 14:07 |
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Jaffa | Morning | 14:10 |
SpeedEvil | morning! | 14:10 |
kerio | moin | 14:10 |
ZogG_laptop | Jaffa: sup | 14:11 |
ZogG_laptop | Jaffa: i like to read your sad morning tweets :P | 14:12 |
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Pali | Skry, do you know about aptx bluetooth codec? | 14:12 |
kerio | Pali: almost nothing supports it :( | 14:12 |
Pali | is there any specification? | 14:13 |
Pali | I see that my bluetooth headset has support for aptx | 14:13 |
Pali | but I did not find anything about aptx codec... | 14:13 |
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Skry | Pali: not much. | 14:16 |
kerio | i bet it's something not open | 14:17 |
Skry | there are products that use c64x dsp for the encoding but it's very proprietary stuff | 14:17 |
Skry | yeah, not open at all | 14:17 |
Pali | so there is no way to encode aptx on n900? | 14:18 |
Skry | not that I know about it | 14:18 |
Pali | or are there any ti dsp binaries for that? | 14:18 |
Skry | not from ti at least | 14:19 |
Skry | Pali: you could try to ask them for some info if there is binary for c64x | 14:20 |
Skry | and you have the skills for userspace parts | 14:20 |
Pali | what c64x mean? | 14:21 |
Pali | ~c64x | 14:21 |
Skry | n900 uses TMS320C64x dsp/isp | 14:21 |
Skry | c64x+ to be more exact | 14:24 |
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freemangordon | Skry: do re really need DSP codec node for SBC? | 14:28 |
freemangordon | bluetoothd has nice NEON optimized codec | 14:28 |
Pali | freemangordon, how is dsp binary codec connected to system? | 14:29 |
freemangordon | gst-dsp | 14:29 |
freemangordon | gstreamer that is. though TI-OMX could be used too | 14:30 |
Pali | gst-dsp has special code for each codec? | 14:30 |
freemangordon | yes | 14:30 |
freemangordon | because each codec has different set of parameters :) | 14:30 |
Pali | year ago I saw project for theora support | 14:30 |
Pali | they created dsp codec binary | 14:30 |
freemangordon | hmm, IIRC it was DSP side | 14:30 |
Skry | freemangordon: no i dont need one, we just had this talk about it yesterday | 14:31 |
Pali | I do not know state of that project, but will be possible to use it? | 14:31 |
Skry | Pali: I tried to search for that one, disappeared :\ | 14:31 |
freemangordon | Pali: it could be usefull, but is there any problem with MPU side theora codec? | 14:32 |
freemangordon | all this talking reminds me that it is time to return to gst-dsp :) | 14:33 |
freemangordon | development that is | 14:33 |
Pali | Skry, I found link for that theora binary: | 14:34 |
Skry | nice! | 14:34 |
Pali | but where is source code I do not know... | 14:35 |
Pali | but I remember that source code was in some git repo | 14:35 |
Pali | but on my hdd I cannot find it | 14:35 |
Pali | I found only that dll64P and link | 14:35 |
kerio | freemangordon: we don't even know if it's the CPU that does the sbc conversion | 14:37 |
kerio | it could be the bt chip itself | 14:37 |
Pali | here is original post: | 14:37 |
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Skry | Pali:;a=summary | 14:41 |
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Skry | and;a=summary | 14:42 |
Pali | nice, thanks! | 14:42 |
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Pali | freemangordon, so for testing (and comparing) we only need gst-dsp binary which will use that theoradec.dll64P? | 14:46 |
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Skry | i think you need to make theora specific code for gst-dsp first? | 14:48 |
Pali | hm... there is theora code for gst-openmax:;a=summary | 14:51 |
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Pali | google's android has modified bluez which support aptx codec via library | 14:57 |
Pali | search for or | 14:58 |
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freemangordon | Pali: in theory yes, though it depends for which DSP BIOS is codec node compiled for | 15:14 |
freemangordon | kerio: SBC on n900 is done through MPU, look in bluetoothd source code | 15:15 |
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Pali | we have source code of theora dsp codec. can we recompile it for our dsp bios? | 15:15 |
freemangordon | aah, never tried to recompile DSP codec. AIUI is is a tough job :) | 15:16 |
Jaffa | ZogG_laptop: Glad I can provide :-) | 15:19 |
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entitled | How do I get audible bell working with terminal? | 17:29 |
entitled | in ssh to irssi shell.. | 17:29 |
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entitled | bells and all it's settings should be ok | 17:30 |
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yang_ | hello | 18:12 |
Lava_Croft | entitled: not sure it can even do a bell | 18:12 |
Lava_Croft | xterm on the n900 is pretty, say, underwhelming | 18:12 |
yang_ | I decide to install maemo on moto me863 ,where can I download the source code of maemo 5? | 18:13 |
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freemangordon | yang_: Nokia servers? | 18:18 |
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entitled | lava_croft: yeah, I figured. I looked it up before and found it impossible but my friend claimed he had done it before.. but he confused it with something else | 18:27 |
ZogG_laptop | Jaffa: it's just always something bad happens to you and when i read i just imagine you cold to what saying and just informing sarcastically | 18:28 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | Lava_Croft: yeh, no bell in osso-xterm. But just maybe you could train bash to do some tricks on seeing ^G | 18:37 |
DocScrutinizer51 | in the end it all will call paly-sound <somefile.wav> | 18:38 |
DocScrutinizer51 | play-sound* | 18:38 |
DocScrutinizer51 | sorry Pali | 18:38 |
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jk4 | hello. I'm looking for a handbrake settings with great quality that will work on both my xbox 360 and n900. anyone have one of these presets? | 19:46 |
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jk4 | depsite looking at page on and trying some of those presets, they didn't work for me | 19:46 |
jk4 | and this assumes the generic presets aren't worth using | 19:46 |
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jk4 | i want to encode some dvds that i want to get rid of because they take up far more than compressed video | 19:47 |
jk4 | for more space* | 19:47 |
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freemangordon | ~seen zeq | 19:49 |
infobot | zeq <~s_j_newbu@2a01:348:1e3:1:e6ec:10ff:fe9a:d418> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo-ssu, 11d 2h 47m 2s ago, saying: 'hi freemangordon'. | 19:50 |
freemangordon | :( | 19:50 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | toldya, he ran with his sponsored N900, probably to Mexico | 20:03 |
freemangordon | yeah :( | 20:03 |
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Skry | jk4: h264 baseline 3.0, aac audio, mp4 container, target size 700-1400 | 20:10 |
jk4 | i tried the baseline and it didn't work | 20:10 |
jk4 | always seem to get either something like invalid media format or bad audio codec | 20:12 |
jk4 | in so many words.. | 20:12 |
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Skry | jk4: I think there was some problems with (weighted?) b-frames but dont remember anymore exactly, also try dropping baseline level, and ofc autocrop and 2-pass encoding. | 20:16 |
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Skry | jk4: | 20:20 |
jk4 | actually saw that post already | 20:21 |
Skry | and I ment _use_ autocrop and 2-pass encoding | 20:21 |
jk4 | maybe i did something incorrectly | 20:21 |
Skry | weighted p-frames needs to be disabled too | 20:22 |
jk4 | these mostly affect file size, yes? | 20:23 |
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Skry | usually everything affects quality, if you dont care about file size you can just crank bitrate to whatever insane value you like :) | 20:24 |
Skry | anyways, i need to go but if you dont get h264 working, use mpeg4 simple profile | 20:25 |
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jk4 | what audio mixes does n900 support? | 20:33 |
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kerio | if you don't care about file size you can just flac dat shit | 20:33 |
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jk4 | i prefer flac,but i doubt xbox supports flac | 20:37 |
jk4 | have to go lowest common denominator for audio sadly | 20:37 |
jk4 | could still add a flac version of audio.. | 20:38 |
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jk4 | flac option doesn't seem to be enabled.. huh.. | 20:38 |
DocScrutinizer05 | jk4: and don't OC or undervolt! | 20:43 |
DocScrutinizer05 | since a barfing up DSP/GFX-accel will cause exactly same msg | 20:44 |
jk4 | OC? Undervolt? :) | 20:45 |
DocScrutinizer05 | well, nm then, better you don't know ;-D | 20:46 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~omap-oc | 20:46 |
infobot | [omap-oc] read that!, or and this | 20:46 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~oc | 20:46 |
infobot | i heard oc is an Optical Carrier, An OC1 has 672 channels or 44.736 Mbit/s | 20:46 |
DocScrutinizer05 | meh | 20:46 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~overclocking | 20:47 |
infobot | "OK, listen up. This is your CPU." apt drops the CPU into a hot frying pan. "This is your CPU on overclocking. Any questions?" | 20:47 |
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kerio | jk4: you can pump up the dsp if you overclock | 21:09 |
kerio | but it's kinda dangerous | 21:09 |
jk4 | that's not what i want | 21:09 |
kerio | that's usually not what people want, unless they want 720p recording/playback | 21:10 |
kerio | but, as DocScrutinizer05 said, overclocking can also give out error messages | 21:11 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | Foxcon workers win Guinness award for largerst mass battle since british hools | 21:11 |
kerio | heh | 21:12 |
kerio | what happened? | 21:12 |
DocScrutinizer05 | 2000 engaged in a wresting battle | 21:12 |
DocScrutinizer05 | they must have real masses of strong beer there | 21:12 |
kerio | oh, i was hoping it was a mass riot | 21:13 |
DocScrutinizer05 | yeah, it was | 21:13 |
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kerio | neat | 21:13 |
myuu__ | they left the place wrecked | 21:14 |
myuu__ | is there any footage? | 21:14 |
DocScrutinizer05 | mass punchup | 21:14 |
asem | hello guys, does anyone have running in microb? its just loads infinitly here | 21:14 |
kerio | never worked properly for me, i use m. | 21:15 |
kerio | or the main site | 21:15 |
kerio | (it loads perfectly fine) | 21:15 |
asem | ok thanks | 21:16 |
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kerio | you might be luckier with opera mobile or fennec | 21:16 |
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asem | dont open in pera mobile (says something about xml error) and i dont like fenec as its slow and unmaintained anymore i think | 21:18 |
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kerio | asem: well, do i have a treat for you! | 21:33 |
kerio | thumb-compiled fennec 17 for FREE* | 21:33 |
kerio | (*: must install cssu-thumb) | 21:34 |
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asem | kerio: i will check it out, thanks man :) | 21:36 |
kerio | complain to freemangordon for any problems | 21:37 |
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* DocScrutinizer05 would feel happy if kerio was a tad more reasonable and user oriented with his recommendations. | 22:03 | |
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* vi__ would appreciate $50 and a blowjob. | 22:06 | |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: to be fair, fennec thumb-compiled is almost usable | 22:06 |
kerio | vi__: you can find a blowjob and $-50 together, often | 22:06 |
vi__ | apt-cache policy blowjob | 22:07 |
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Raimu | sudo blow_me | 22:08 |
kerio | unzip && mount && fsck && sleep | 22:08 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | to be fair (to users you don't have any F*ing clue about ther level of experience), your suggestions was like "here's some funny substance, it is warm all the time and emits blue light in the dark. See what you can do with it" | 22:09 |
DocScrutinizer05 | "but uh, here's that extremely heavy shirt, you'll like it" | 22:10 |
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Raimu | At least the lead clothing was provided. :p | 22:11 |
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vi__ | kerio: lol, what did you do know? | 22:11 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: but maybe we'll get a thorium fluoride reactor out of it! | 22:11 |
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kerio | vi__: a dude was complaining about fennec being slow, i suggested fennec from cssu-thumb | 22:12 |
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vi__ | kerio: reasonable suggestion. | 22:13 |
kerio | i know, right? | 22:13 |
vi__ | I assume you framed it by noting the caveats of using cssu-thumb? | 22:14 |
Raimu | Requires a metric fuckton of caveat emptor, but whatevs. | 22:14 |
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kerio | vi__: ...maybe | 22:14 |
Raimu | Anyone try that port of the Webkit browser on the n900 -- Doobie? | 22:18 |
Raimu | * Dooble | 22:18 |
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vi__ | great another half finished soon to be abandoned port. | 22:22 |
vi__ | shall I file it with midori, tear or helium? | 22:23 |
qwazix__ | Is there something I should know before trying pali's u-boot with cssu-thumb? I think installing kernel-cssu-bootimg should be enough? | 22:26 |
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Raimu | vi__: I guess Tear served the 8xx well, though. | 22:32 |
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vi__ | I never had an 8x0. | 22:33 |
vi__ | Although I liked the size better | 22:33 |
qwazix__ | wtf is !!Linux kernel for power user (boot Image) breaks the 3rd party package policy? | 22:34 |
kerio | qwazix__: some HAM bullshit | 22:34 |
qwazix__ | hmm... now infinite loops come to my mind. | 22:35 |
qwazix__ | If I force install it, and then I want to update cssu-thumb, I'll find it in front of me, and I'll have to remove bootimg, but if I have u-boot, bootimg is essential | 22:35 |
qwazix__ | aargh! | 22:35 |
qwazix__ | apt-get indeed doesn't complain. I'll risk it. | 22:36 |
freemangordon | qwazix__: what? | 22:37 |
freemangordon | which version is that? | 22:37 |
qwazix__ | the one in devel, let me see | 22:37 |
freemangordon | no,no, cssu-thumb you have installed? | 22:37 |
qwazix__ | 1:2.6.28-10cssu3 | 22:37 |
qwazix__ | ah, latest | 22:37 |
freemangordon | not the kernel :) | 22:37 |
qwazix__ | no wrong. 5.1+thumb0 | 22:38 |
freemangordon | hmm, installing KP should not break it | 22:38 |
kerio | freemangordon: he wants to install the bootimg | 22:38 |
kerio | not the flasher | 22:38 |
qwazix__ | I'm not installing KP, just kcssu bootimg | 22:38 |
freemangordon | does not matter | 22:38 |
freemangordon | which 3rd party policy? | 22:39 |
freemangordon | it should be listed under "problems" tab | 22:39 |
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qwazix__ | oh, I always forget problems tab, I already installed it, let me remove it and check again | 22:40 |
freemangordon | qwazix__: BTW you should have either KP or KCSSU flasher installed | 22:40 |
freemangordon | otherwise it won't work | 22:40 |
kerio | HAM has a weird thing where third-party packages can't depend on exact versions of packages listed in the metapackage | 22:41 |
freemangordon | hmm | 22:41 |
kerio | it can be ignored via redpill | 22:41 |
qwazix__ | It's installed | 22:41 |
qwazix__ | the flasher, that is | 22:42 |
freemangordon | but you have problems installing bootimg? WTF? | 22:42 |
* qwazix__ is waiting patiently for HAM to do whatever is doing | 22:43 | |
freemangordon | hehe | 22:43 |
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vi__ | kerio: wtf, r u high? | 22:43 |
freemangordon | qwazix__: though it should be a bit faster with -thumb you have installed | 22:43 |
kerio | vi__: ? | 22:43 |
kerio | why? | 22:43 |
vi__ | qwazix__: I predict you will be waiting some time. | 22:44 |
qwazix__ | yeah, it is much better, but with devel enabled it's still slow. I wonder if somebody has hidden code to compute fractals inside HAM | 22:44 |
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kerio | apt 4 lyfe, yo | 22:45 |
qwazix__ | the problems tab has the following extremely useful information | 22:45 |
qwazix__ | Unable to install 'Linux kernel for Community SSU (boot image for u-boot and multiboot)' | 22:46 |
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kerio | it's because the 3rd party policy is half-assed | 22:46 |
qwazix__ | I'll upgrade to latest cssu-thumb and try again | 22:47 |
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qwazix__ | freemangordon, ^^ (problems tab) | 22:48 |
vi__ | ham can suck my nuts. | 22:48 |
vi__ | I must make a confession. | 22:48 |
vi__ | I installed thumb by usihg apt. | 22:48 |
vi__ | I know. | 22:48 |
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vi__ | I wish xterm worked properly. | 22:48 |
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freemangordon | qwazix__: yeah, saw it | 22:49 |
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freemangordon | anything in the HAM log? | 22:49 |
qwazix__ | where's the HAM log? | 22:49 |
freemangordon | in the menu | 22:49 |
qwazix__ | "Checking for updates, please wait"... | 22:50 |
freemangordon | :) | 22:50 |
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qwazix__ | Except the same error message about breaking 3rd party policy, there is a load of errors "Ignoring version from wrong domain: libsdl-mixer1.2 1:1.2.6-5+0m5+ogg+mp3 | 22:54 |
freemangordon | qwazix__: hmm, something is wrong there | 22:54 |
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freemangordon | what does apt-get upgrade say? | 22:55 |
freemangordon | BTW i'll try to install -bootimg on my seconde device, lets see hot it will go here | 22:56 |
freemangordon | s/hot/how/ | 22:56 |
infobot | freemangordon meant: BTW i'll try to install -bootimg on my seconde device, lets see how it will go here | 22:56 |
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qwazix__ | libqtm-12-whatever, libsdl-mixer1.2, mypaint, mad-developer kept back, mp-fremantle-community-pr, busybox power, dosfstools and some apps to be upgraded | 22:58 |
qwazix__ | I'll upgrade cssu-thumb and try again after the upgrade | 23:00 |
freemangordon | ok | 23:00 |
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freemangordon | qwazix__: no problem here :( | 23:02 |
qwazix__ | hmm, I had the same problem when trying to upgrade cssu-thumb, and removed bootimg by hand. DrFrostDk on tmo had the same problem IIRC | 23:03 |
freemangordon | could it be libqtm? | 23:03 |
qwazix__ | anyway, I can live with installing bootimg with apt-get, but I am curious if the same thing will happen next time I upgrade cssu-thumb | 23:04 |
qwazix__ | possibly | 23:04 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | | 23:04 |
freemangordon | qwazix__: 5.1-thumb0 to 5.1-thumb1 should have no problems (and it does not have here) | 23:04 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I really missed it :-D | 23:04 |
qwazix__ | It doesn't seem to have any problems here either. (without the bootimg) | 23:05 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I mean, typing "matrix" into some URL, if that's not geeky then I dunno | 23:05 |
qwazix__ | DocScrutinizer05, I missed it too especially after PR1.whatever where it was the only way for me to install debs outside of the repos (had no idea of dpkg then) | 23:06 |
freemangordon | qwazix__: hmm, that is really strange. it could be that HAM plays it smart and tries to autoremove cssu-kernel-flasher. though i can see a reason why it want to do that, -bootomg does not provide kernel-feature-errata-... | 23:06 |
freemangordon | *i can not see | 23:07 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: the hackerbox is a lot geekier | 23:07 |
qwazix__ | freemangordon, I am in thumb1 successfully, flasher is still installed, let's see what HAM says about bootimg | 23:10 |
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kerio | "WARNING: Red Pill is not intended for use by users, power-users, nor the vast majority of developers. Red Pill mode is very likely to break your tablet and should not be used unless you know exactly what you are doing." | 23:11 |
kerio | but rootsh is totally fine, isn't it | 23:11 |
qwazix__ | kerio, I love the message that sudo gainroot spits out without rootsh installed... | 23:12 |
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* kerio just optified /var/lib/apt and /var/lib/dpkg | 23:22 | |
kerio | 66MB free on rootfs | 23:22 |
kerio | with a size of 228MB, so it's more like 80 | 23:22 |
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qwazix__ | freemangordon, still not installable neither kcssu-bootimg, nor kp-bootimg | 23:30 |
freemangordon | qwazix__: NFC :( | 23:30 |
qwazix__ | it's probably some apt-spaghetti I've got on my device. Nevermind. | 23:30 |
freemangordon | yeah | 23:31 |
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freemangordon | Pali: ping | 23:54 |
Pali | freemangordon, pong | 23:54 |
freemangordon | do i need anything else installed besides hald-adon-bme and libbmeipc? | 23:55 |
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freemangordon | to test libbmeipc and hald-... | 23:55 |
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freemangordon | hmm, hald-addon-bme depends on libdsme0.2.0-dev. | 23:56 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: hm, why aren't /var/lib/{apt|dpkg} optified by default? | 23:56 |
freemangordon | kerio: they are | 23:56 |
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freemangordon | at least /var/lib/apt | 23:57 |
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kerio | freemangordon: no it's not | 23:57 |
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kerio | not by default | 23:57 |
freemangordon | apt -> /opt/var/lib/apt | 23:57 |
kerio | yep | 23:58 |
kerio | but i distinctly remember *making* that | 23:58 |
freemangordon | this is on a freshly flashed device | 23:58 |
kerio | are you sure? | 23:58 |
kerio | :o | 23:58 |
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freemangordon | yes, I am, I flashed my second device 1-2 weeks ago | 23:59 |
kerio | this is madness | 23:59 |
freemangordon | kerio: NFC | 23:59 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: check iron900 pls | 23:59 |
freemangordon | Pali: do i need anything else installed besides hald-adon-bme and libbmeipc? | 23:59 |
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