IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2012-07-15

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DocScrutinizer05(<louisdk> Off-topic. You installed sudser via root though SSH and got this message "Please read and close the popup dialog". LOL.) a) who's "you"? b) wtf is sudser? c) "though SSH" sounds like insttalation by apt-get, so the msg is more than sane as sudser then obviosuly is one of the pkgs that aren't meant to get installed via apt-get since they open a requester on display:0.0, a "normal" thing for pkg install in HAM00:01
SiceloNIN101: ping00:01
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NIN101Sicelo: pong00:04
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Sicelohmm, now i think i pinged you for nothing. i needed a reminder for rescueOS, namely, how do i login to the system via usb after i have usb-networking up00:06
Siceloi just remembered that i have to use telnet00:06
NIN101okay :-)00:07
keriothis evening at the restaurant i learned the hard way that backupmenu2 doesn't backup the kernel and that not having the correct kernel modules is a Bad Idea00:07
kerioit was especially sad because i really wanted to "audit" a wep wifi network that was there00:08
Sicelothis means today is a bad day for N900.00:08
Siceloi've borked mine the second time already :P00:08
Sicelothat's why i'm on rescueOS as we speak00:08
kerioright now i have the kp50 modules and a kp51 kernel00:08
kerioi suppose i'll just flash the stock nokia kernel00:08
kerio(i made a full backup right before the problem, and it has kp51 modules and omap1 modules)00:09
kerioSicelo: just make backupmenu work regardless of stuff00:10
louisdkDocScrutinizer05: Sudser allows user to run root commands while typing sudo in front of them. This oage does not say using apt is a bad thing: expect for autoremove which will remove things you want to keep.00:10
keriowhere's bootmenu installed?00:10
keriolouisdk: [citation needed], actually00:10
kerioautoremove works perfectly here00:11
keriono "lost" packages00:11
kerio(latest cssu-t)00:11
NIN101fine down, not tomorrow.00:11
NIN101*fine today00:11
kerioDocScrutinizer05: package install scripts that open windows is a GIANT wtf00:12
louisdkkerio: Thx for info00:12
kerioHAM should properly support debconf, and it should use *that* instead00:12
kerioas always, fuckin' nokia00:12
louisdkkerio: +100:12
Sicelokerio: ever tried rescueOS?00:12
kerioSicelo: nope00:12
keriowhere is it installed? sd?00:13
NIN101nowhere, it's an initrd.00:14
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keriodoes backupmenu work with the default kernel00:15
SiceloNIN101: rescueOS isn't able to mount MyDocs for me, is it my system only?00:16
NIN101no idea.00:16
Sicelo~$ mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt/free1/00:17
Sicelomount: mounting /dev/mmcblk1p1 on /mnt/free1/ failed: Input/output error00:17
DocScrutinizer05kerio: suggest a better 3way!00:17
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NIN101what does dmesg say?00:17
NIN101also I have no clue, maybe you nedd to say -t vfat or whatever.00:18
kerioi support any and every 3way00:18
Sicelolol. yeah, needed the vfat thingy00:19
NIN101yeah the busybox mount has no autodetect, or at least wasn't compiled00:19
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DocScrutinizer05anyway, have fun with your workshop here00:21
kerioDocScrutinizer05: ok, wat do00:21
DocScrutinizer05if you finally find out you can actually cook eggs in your dishwasher, please don't let me know00:22
kerioDocScrutinizer05: installed system with kp50 modules, kp51 flashed, i want to restore a backup that was made with kp51 installed00:22
keriodoes backupmenu work with the stock kernel?00:22
kerioor does it need a framebuffer?00:22
keriowhat should i do?00:22
Siceloplease could anyone paste `mount` result00:23
DocScrutinizer05kerio: "sorry, your draft limit for today been exceeded. Contact your bank consultant"00:23
kerioreally helpful, thanks00:24
DocScrutinizer05sorry if it's less helpful than my warning about your token-jar depleting by asking nonsense questions00:25
Sicelospecifically, i would like to know how /opt is actually mounted00:25
Siceloas well as MyDocs00:25
NIN101/opt/ is a bind mount00:25
NIN101something like mount --bind /home/opt/ /opt/00:26
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kerioSicelo: does restoreOS have a web page of some sorts?00:31
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kerioNIN101: neat!00:34
kerionothing that runs on the n900 itself though00:35
keriounless you're willing to kinda dick around with uboot, i s'pose00:35
Sicelohmm, i think i still need a full 'mount' output00:35
kerioNIN101: it requires a computer to work00:36
kerio(rightfully so)00:36
Sicelokerio: it's the best thing since sliced bread, imo00:36
keriono, that's backupmenu00:36
keriohmm, i just found a (huge?) problem with cssu-thumb00:37
NIN101this is what maemo does during boot: cat /proc/mounts > /etc/mtab00:37
keriomeh, i suppose it's not a big deal if you can just flash the correct kernel with flasher00:37
NIN101could give you my mount output, it is full of dm-crypt stuff etc. so wouldn't probably help00:38
Siceloneeded a basic one00:38
kerioSicelo: /home/opt on /opt type none (bind)00:38
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Siceloand MyDocs?00:39
DocScrutinizer05 /dev/mmcblk0p1 on /home/user/MyDocs type vfat (rw,noauto,nodev,noexec,nosuid,noatime,nodiratime,utf8,uid=29999,shortname=mixed,dmask=000,fmask=0133,rodir)00:40
DocScrutinizer05Sicelo: why would you need to mount /opt on a rescue system?00:41
Sicelothanks. well, i don't need /opt. i need MyDocs to be mounted alongside maemo rootfs though00:42
kerioto run python scripts, of course00:42
kerioabout that... why does python on n900 only have about half of the python stdlib? :/00:42
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TamyrRRRRA quick question, I tried to google for it but no luck. Is it really normal that apt-get will say that some packages cannot be authenticated when trying to install scratchbox? (I'm trying to follow the instructions on for a text based installation00:54
TamyrRRRR(The GUI based installation didn't work.)00:54
jacekowskias you don't have signing key installed into your keyring00:55
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TamyrRRRRHmm, any idea where the signing key can be found?01:03
jacekowskion keyserver01:03
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keriooh wow, just got a segfault in busybox01:07
keriowith rm01:07
kerioi don't even01:07
Estel_morning, guys01:07
Estel_ShadowJK,  I've tested charging with 0x71... BTW, it turned out, that whole "life" I was using version that charges via 0x50, = 1050 mA, without any ill effects :P01:09
Estel_BTW, are there any other improvements in latter versions of or was it just tuning this value?01:09
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Estel_anyway, charging 3A battery with 0x71 works fine, peak temperature 46 C degrees01:10
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Estel_hoever, for some reason, I got feeling that it have cap to 1050 anyway. Even with everything disabled and screen off, I never saw more than ~1040 current reported01:11
Estel_as for cable, it's very good one (had to pay 2 usd for it, after all :P ) - no problem with putting 3A through it, @5V, without negative temp effects01:12
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Estel_I'm also perfectly sure, that it touches port in N900 okey'ish, it doesn't look like problem with too much current for small pins01:13
Estel_any idea?01:13
Estel_BTW, thanks ShadowJK and DocScrutinizer for explaining me, patiently, how it works ;)01:13
ShadowJKprobably would only pull 1.2A when empty01:14
Estel_it seems, that DocScrutinizer was right about heat being generated by single-cell itself, if threaten with 1050, not charging chip's step-down converter01:14
Estel_ShadowJK,  tested it when almost empty, charging status reported 0x1001:14
Estel_400 mAh left out of 3000 mAh (ok, maybe it isn't almost empty, after all, but shouldn't pull whole current anyway?)01:15
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Estel_also, there is no way to  force more than 1250, by any humanly means? I wouldn't mind charging this 3A battery with 2A, it would be still less than 950 mA vs standard battery01:16
Estel_(my travel charger supply even little more than 2A)01:17
jacekowskibq24150 can't do more than 125001:18
Estel_not to mention, that in home, as part of my DIY "ultimate docking station for everything" :P I have modified ATX power supply, that can push 40A @ 5V - wouldn't mind trying to charge prototype of 6,8A battery with, lets say, 4A, observing temp01:18
jacekowskiwith 1250 being absolute maximum01:18
jacekowskiso you are risking killing bq125001:18
Estel_BTW, 1250 isn't stressing step-down converter?01:18
jacekowskiand ending up with no charging at all01:18
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Estel_hah, it was my next question :)01:19
Estel_with no ill effects re chip's reported temperature, should I still be afraid of killing it?01:19
jacekowskihmm, it looks like bq24150 has thermal throttling builtin01:20
Estel_Of course, it would be much more sane to do 1150 or even 1050, in case of *real* risk01:20
Estel_throotling, or just cut-out?01:20
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jacekowskithrottling and trip01:20
jacekowskithrottling from 120C01:20
jacekowskiand trip at 165C01:20
Estel_maybe throotling is reason, why I feel caped to 1050, after all? but throotling on 46 C degrees? 0_o01:20
Estel_I see01:21
jacekowskii think it's measuring current going to battery01:21
jacekowskiso 200mA is going to rest of phone01:21
jacekowskibut chip itself can only deliver 125001:21
Estel_thanks a lot. As said, peak reported temp is 46C.01:21
Estel_negative, I did it with disabled activity, nothing at all enabled01:21
Estel_power draw at this state is 4-8 mA, in my case01:22
Estel_charging with BME result in real ~940 being reported01:22
Estel_and it's caped to 95001:22
Estel_so I would expect ~1240 or ~1200at least, when charging with max01:23
Estel_that puzzles me01:23
TamyrRRRRHmm, now the GUI based installer seems to work (although I note that the GUI based installer also complains about unauthenticated packages)01:23
jacekowskiwell, maybe external components are not big enough to deliver that much01:23
Estel_they're, see backscroll :)01:23
Estel_tested that before attempting experiment01:23
Estel_PS doesn't have problem with 2A @ 5V, cable delivers 3A without problem01:24
Estel_I'm not insane, wouldn't risk burning anything01:24
jacekowskinot those components01:24
Estel_N900's ones?01:24
jacekowskithere is 1uH inductor in there01:25
TamyrRRRRNope, the GUI based installer didn't work this time either, oh well, seems like I shouldn't do any maemo development for the moment01:25
jacekowskiit can only store so much energy01:25
jacekowskiso at whatever frequency bq24150 is running at it may be capable of only delivering 1000mA or whatever01:25
jacekowskibuck converters are really complex things01:26
Estel_I see. So, considering possibility of such limitation existing, should it be safe to left it at "max", without much risk of damaging anything in N900?01:26
Estel_or is it stressed too much anyway?01:26
jacekowskiwell, somebody designed it for specific values01:26
jacekowskiworking outside of those, you don't know what to expect01:26
jacekowskiincreasing current means more heat disipated in all compoenents01:26
jacekowskinot only bq24150 but it's inductor as well01:27
jacekowskiand that has no temperature measurment on it01:27
Estel_sure, that's why I'm thinking if, for example, such inductor could be stressed working at max, from general EE point of view01:27
jacekowskias well as battery01:27
jacekowskicharging it at higher current isn't the best thing for battery either01:27
jacekowskilower currents are better for batteries01:27
Estel_as for battery itsewlf, I'm not worried about it, it's true beast. 1A is 0.3C anyway01:28
jacekowskidoesn't matter01:28
jacekowskiless current is better for battery regardless of it's size01:28
Estel_sure, but isn't it like hardly-measurable difference, if it doesn't exceed certain fraction of C?01:29
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Estel_or it doesn't matter at all?01:29
jacekowskidepends on many other factors01:29
jacekowskibut generally it's less important on low currents like that01:29
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Estel_well, it seems that I have to be guinella pig again :)01:30
jacekowskibut thing is, lithium batteries tend to explode01:30
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jacekowskiand i would prefer to be nice to it01:30
Estel_vent with flame, if anything :P (pun intended)01:31
Estel_sure, sure, I've put independent thermal sensor on it. BTW, it shows same value as chip's internal one01:31
Estel_reinforcing DocScrutinizer observation, that every bit of real heat during charging is generated inside cell only01:32
Estel_peaked @ 46 C on both sides, doesn't look like it's going to get higher01:32
Estel_funny, as during extensive discharges (on device) I've observed more than 60 C many times01:33
Estel_BTW, some times I'm pulling out of battery much more, (inside device, also) than, as it seems, I'm able to put inside, via N900's charging chip01:34
ShadowJKWhat's voltage measurement like when charging at 1.2A?01:34
ShadowJKbtw temperature is reported by bq27200, not b2415001:34
Estel_good point01:34
Estel_having in mind that it seems bo be charging @ 1050 anyway... Do You mean battery reported voltage?01:35
Estel_...PS drop, or something else01:36
ShadowJKvoltage reported by the charge script01:36
Estel_3955 mV ATM01:36
Estel_with 33 % state of charge01:37
ShadowJKcurrent in screen off/idle etc if your xterm scrolls up01:37
Estel_when I'm using device, 860 mA, so it's about 1050 mA real01:37
Estel_on idle, 1040 and doesn't want go higher01:37
Estel_measuring via it's ~25 mA less, due to additional power being pulled01:38
ShadowJKexact same datasource for the two01:38
Estel_(as by using, I mean wifi on and Xchat and screen on on moderate brightness)01:38
ShadowJKI estimate voltage at charging chip output is about 4150mV01:39
Estel_ShadowJK,  not likely, going in background in loop eat some power01:39
ShadowJKso it's probably limited there01:39
Estel_I see01:39
ShadowJKSo is charge script :P01:39
Estel_so it's probably normal fluctuation01:39
Estel_ok, so if voltage output from chip is limited, most important question - risk of it being stressed too much is high?01:40
ShadowJKThe .13 Ohm resistance I've observed seems not entirely linear wrt current..01:40
ShadowJKWell I'd look at what jacekowski wrote01:40
Estel_re "quite impossible to estimate it, as they have designed it for certain usage"?01:41
Estel_btw, is b24150 accesible on motherboard, after removing shield plates? would like to measure it's temp01:42
Estel_as You've made good point about temperature being measured on bq2720001:43
Estel_hm, current raised to average 913 mA during usage, wtf?01:43
Estel_at 38% soc01:44
TamyrRRRREstel: Am I correct in thinking that this discussion is related to the custom case you are building for the n900?01:44
Estel_TamyrRRRR,  thanks for asking :) well, only slightly - I'm checking possibilities of faster native charging01:44
Estel_as it is possible, that custom case will have possibility for housing batteries as big as 6800 mAh01:45
Estel_(and even current batteries fitting in mugen cover are 3A)01:45
Estel_I hopes for at least 1.5A charging, but it seems 1050 mA is absolute maximum01:46
Estel_effective, at least01:46
Estel_as for custom body, I've recorded some (nothing special) videos of cnc machine working on wood01:46
ShadowJKI'd lake paste of charging with that script01:46
Estel_ShadowJK,  ok, getting it01:47
ShadowJKI copied and edited on webserver, untested on actual devices ;P01:47
Estel_wasn't available on server. Typo in urkl?01:47
Estel_ok, ok, I'll check it before running :P01:47
TamyrRRRREstel: Neat. Good luck with both the case and the faster charging :)01:48
Estel_thanks a lot :)01:48
ShadowJKah, n900 bit was missing01:48
Estel_ShadowJK,  figured it out at same moment ;)01:48
Estel_I'm ash-compliant only, doesn't matter?01:50
ShadowJKIt does not01:50
Estel_nah, original is also for bash as per shebang01:50
ShadowJKI wrote this on device, with sdk tools nano (which crashes randomly), and on device busybox...01:51
ShadowJKoriginally, that is :P01:51
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ShadowJKAlso at the time I was under the impression and belief that neither bash nor ash supports binary arithmetic.. that's why all bit manipulation is in integer arithmetic, lol01:52
Estel_:) it's running, what to report?01:53
* Sicelo finally gives up on u-boot. will simply tag it 'incompatible' with this particular N90001:53
DocScrutinizer05ShadowJK: what is your USB-curlim in
ShadowJKLoad pastebin in web browser on N900. Switch to xterm. Press enter to make a mark. Lock screen, wait a minute, unlock screen, copy/paste xterm contents to pastebin :P01:53
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, I dont remember anymore, but in 21 it's unlimited01:54
DocScrutinizer05since I-max-bat = I-max-usb / 5v * U-bat01:54
Estel_ShadowJK,  ok. Am I mistaked, or does this version of charge separate current used by system, somehow?01:54
ShadowJKI thought you already had that version...01:55
ShadowJKBut yes, it tries to calculate that. I just adjusted the parameters to assume 1250mA01:55
louisdkHi. What's the name of the N900 backup-folder?01:55
DocScrutinizer05Sicelo: might actually be the truth. Your NNAD might have too many bad blocks so uBoot+kernel doesn't fit into mtd01:55
Estel_ShadowJK,  I told You You had some oldie, that charged with 1050 max as per default (0x50)01:55
louisdk~/.backups or?01:55
ShadowJKon MyDocs or mmc101:56
Estel_ShadowJK,  nice. Will paste zerobin in a minute or so, brb01:56
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SiceloDocScrutinizer05: i hope it's not that. gawd :P01:56
louisdkShadowJK, thanks01:58
DocScrutinizer05ShadowJK: I think all that calculation of "true battery current" is kinda guesstimate01:58
ShadowJKOf course.01:58
DocScrutinizer05*only* proper way to implement that: temprarily stop charge, read current flow _from_ battery as that's what system is jist ATM consuming01:59
DocScrutinizer05maybe even use those real values to calibrate your guesswork-parameters02:01
ShadowJKIt's far off when the current is fluctuating, but when I plotted against "known" consumption whilst charging, it was +-20mA at the start of the charge, and then drifted off to being 50% inaccurate near end of charge.. or other way around, I forget :-)02:01
DocScrutinizer05well, you could at least try to either pick a period with low fluctuations, or calm the system ;-)02:02
ShadowJKPart of it is assumption of voltage drop across the circuit board.. Everytime an N900 has broken for me, I've reran calibration of this loss estimate on the new spare N900, which has as zero load as possible, and each time I've adjusted it upwards with a couple of mR :-)02:03
ShadowJKiirc I started somewhere at .125 ... .128, and now I'm at .13202:04
ShadowJKHowever, the second and third assumption is that the charger chip sense resistor is .068, and that the bq27200 sense resistor is .021 :)02:04
DocScrutinizer05and you also assume bq24150 has pretty exact voltage/current limit02:05
ShadowJK.021 obtained from the MeeGo boys with their test jigs and lab psus02:05
ShadowJKyes, that too02:05
DocScrutinizer05well, .021 is correct for sure, since we get proper capacity readings with it02:06
DocScrutinizer05do we?02:06
DocScrutinizer05yep we do02:07
DocScrutinizer05multiplier for charge is a function of RS02:07
ShadowJKThere's probably another assumption one could make, assume offline mode idle drain is constant, and then gather data for voltage and current when charging, and solve for the 3 resistances...02:08
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ShadowJKwith bq27200 sense R as 21mR I was getting <1100mAh on my old nokia BL-5J (was 1250-ish new), and getting 1400 on dealextreme "Japod" BL-5J02:09
DocScrutinizer05I got 1320..1350 on new bl-5j02:09
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ShadowJKThe japod is magic though, it maintains low Z for almost forever02:10
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ShadowJK I wish I could figure out a way to represent what I mean better than this, but move your pointer to the start of the "Cliff", where the voltage drops like it fell off of a cliff, notice on the Y axis at what voltage the cliff happens02:13
ShadowJKIt's significantly higher for the japod compared to the rest (let's ignore the brick-size mugen)02:14
ShadowJKSo when b27200 says 1400mAh capacity for japod, the thing where bq assumes 3248mV is at 6% battery cap comes into play :)02:14
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DocScrutinizer05anyway, estel's concern about choke in stepdown converter bq24150 is valid. Depending on job sourcing did, it might run into saturation with 1200+mA and that's not really a good thing02:18
DocScrutinizer05on GTA02 I even heard of chockes that desoldered themselves (or was it actually N900?)02:19
RiDGTA02 lol. Grand Theft Auto02:19
DocScrutinizer05Gotta Think Aboutit02:19
RiDZero Two02:20
DocScrutinizer05scratch the zero02:20
DocScrutinizer05I'm dizzy02:20
RiDincrease your font size02:20
DocScrutinizer05won't help02:21
DocScrutinizer05i'm usually not looking at what I type02:21
DocScrutinizer05I look at the kbd02:21
RiDyou suck then. I can't look at my keyboard02:22
DocScrutinizer05or at the text I'm answering02:22
RiDall the keys wore out02:22
RiD(Ok, i'm being dramatic. But it sure doesn't look like new.)02:22
RiDwhen the keyboard led strikes in, it looks really ugly02:22
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RiDbackspace key is a shame. It has no symbol in it, you can actually see the small dots of light in there.02:23
ShadowJKWhere did estel go02:23
DocScrutinizer05apropos, this afternoon I found N950-kbd-backlight is such a dim crap they could've saved it all together02:23
RiDi would love to get a spare keyboard but you know how it is, chinese keyboard clones suck02:24
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer05, I stopped using 1200mA charge rate after I went on a road trip with N900+2400mAh battery, my N900 streaming music over 3g, sygic mobile maps running, fm transmitter activated. It was nice, the music faded out and the voice nav told me where to go, music faded back in. When I arrived at destination my N900 was like 55C :s02:25
ShadowJKAnd the music/voicenav came through car speakers, not N900 speakers :D02:25
RiD55ºC only? Ooh please, i forgot my N900 in my oven02:27
ShadowJKN900 sitting in 55C ambient isn't as bad as N900 disspating enough energy to heat itself to 55C, because in the latter case there'll be very small components that are considerably hotter than 55C :P02:29
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RiDand therefore frying eggs02:30
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RiDone day i should try frying eggs with my passive 8600GT gpu that is hanging somewhere02:31
RiDthat thing would reach 115ºC easily. the site says 105ºC is the limit02:32
Estel_ShadowJK,  sorry for delay - my son waked up, and I needed to sing some lullababies :)02:32
Estel_here is the link02:32
Estel_it's funny, as now, when device is in use, it's rather:02:34
Estel_Status: 0x10 Mode: CHARGING Full: 0 Wall: 1 Voltage: 4077 NAC: 1786 level: 64 % Rate: 794 System: -137 Ch: 931 Compensated:02:34
ShadowJKlol, double negative...02:34
Estel_how accurate is system load measurement?02:34
ShadowJKit's a guess02:34
Estel_based on?02:35
ShadowJKYou missed the conversation on it :)02:35
Estel_and why double negative?02:35
Estel_ah, I see02:35
Estel_will check logs02:35
ShadowJKIt's based on assuming that the charging chip sense resistor is 68mR, that the battery gauge sense resistor is 21mR, that the circuit board losses between charging chip and battery is 132mR, and that the charging chip is able to charge at the full requested rate02:35
ShadowJKdouble negative Isn't Supposed to Happen(TM) :)02:36
ShadowJKMeans one of the above assumptions are wrong02:36
* Estel_ opens own link for investigation02:37
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Estel_a-ha. This thing02:37
ShadowJKThe expected power use when idle is something like 20mA, so it's off by like 30mA ;-)02:37
Estel_some lines later, it is single negative only, but generally, yep02:37
Estel_I wonder how it is in case of higher load, as in:02:38
ShadowJKAlso, the CH value being less than 1250 means that the charge has reached the CV portion, and that hte voltage at the charging chip is close to 4.2V02:38
Estel_<Estel_> Status: 0x10 Mode: CHARGING Full: 0 Wall: 1 Voltage: 4077 NAC: 1786 level: 64 % Rate: 794 System: -137 Ch: 931 Compensated:02:38
Estel_it would be 1100 mA02:39
Estel_at this point of charge?02:39
Estel_but, but, also, remember that even on 3995 mV and almost empty battery it wasn't 1250, it seems02:40
ShadowJKIt's guesstimating that the current rate provided by the charger is 932mA, the system uses 137mA, and that leaves the 794mA going into the battery. The 794mA is actually measured02:40
Estel_so I took it wrong02:40
ShadowJKDouble negative system implies that energy is being added through some unknown path :)02:41
Estel_i though that 931 is charge after gusstimation, with additional 137 for system02:41
ShadowJKBut that's not possible, so it's really just showing that the assumptions made are not correct.02:41
GeneralAntillesEstel_, pong?02:42
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ShadowJKAlso at 64%, it is expected that the battery is no longer accepting full charge rate.02:42
Estel_Any way to improve guesstimations basing on that data?02:42
Estel_GeneralAntilles,  thanks, but I have no idea what I wanted few days ago :(02:42
Estel_ShadowJK,  yea.02:43
ShadowJKChange CR=132 to CR=133 maybe02:43
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Estel_I see02:43
GeneralAntillesEstel_, feel free to memoserv.02:43
Estel_thanks GeneralAntilles :)02:43
Estel_ShadowJK,  as expected, temperature reported by bq27200 dropped to 42 C (from 46 C), same goes, of course, for cell temp02:44
DocScrutinizer05what friggin cell temp?02:45
ShadowJKhe has external thermometer on his battery02:45
Estel_well, it seems that I will charge few cycles with max current, then post results on TMO's battery's thread, with big red fat warning about concerns made by jacekowski, and that only guinea pigs should try it... Then, continue to use it myself for few months02:46
Estel_and report back again02:46
DocScrutinizer05Estel_: you also should read chanlog for my concerns02:46
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Estel_If all volunteer guinea pigs will be OK so far, we don't have, probably, much to fear ;)02:46
DocScrutinizer05which are basically confirming jacekowski's02:46
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  sure, will do it now02:47
ShadowJKEstel_, actually I'd be interested in a paste from the start of charge from "empty".. Something like ./ | tee chargelog.txt02:47
ShadowJKAnd then paste/attach/email/dcc me the chargelog.txt :)02:47
Estel_ShadowJK,  sure, I'll do it on next cycle02:47
Estel_how many lines from empty? as much as it will generate until full ;) or interested only in some first ones?02:48
ShadowJKAlso mention to the guinea pigs that I used 1250mA charge rate on my first N900, and I also used a thermal throttle to limit charging when temperature got warm, and this thermal limit is not present in this script.. And, my first N900 died.02:48
Estel_ooook... BTW, how it died?02:48
DocScrutinizer05actually if choke runs into saturation, temerature increase at start of charging empty battery will be *significantly* higer than on 950mA limited02:48
ShadowJKEstel_, if you usually charge it full, then yeah02:48
ShadowJKEstel_, sim card missing02:48
ShadowJKaka cellular modem fault02:49
jogaI'm so worried my n900 will die some day and there will be no replacement :(02:49
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ShadowJKMy second N900 also died that way, and I hadn't abused that one at all.. But let's not mention that to the guinea pigs. They deserve a good warning.02:49
Estel_I see, that one. Sure, will report it too. BTW, considering all of this, increase from 950 to 1250 seems quite low gain, but I'll probably do it for sake of experiment and curiosity02:50
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jogaI've used it heavily but apparently gently enough that it still works fine02:50
Estel_joga, do like me and buy 8 of them02:50
ShadowJKEstel_, yes, the reason I asked for log from start of charge, is to see how early the actual charge current drops below 950 with your megabattery :)02:50
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jogaEstel_ if only I had money for such, there's many available at the local auction site as we speak02:50
Estel_ShadowJK,  sure, I'll try to scary them As much as humanly possible02:50
DocScrutinizer05ShadowJK: heating by charging should only be a fraction of what a system at full cpu load creates02:51
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, Well it's 1.2A over .5R02:51
DocScrutinizer05o.O ???02:51
ShadowJK.13 from PCB, .4 from battery?02:52
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DocScrutinizer05even it that's correct it only is a humble 0.6W02:52
DocScrutinizer05I honestly doubt that .130 from PCB02:53
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Estel_DocScrutinizer,  as for choke saturating, You mean temperature gain measurable via bq27200, or one exclusive to b42150?02:54
Estel_joga,  I also don't have money for such - I just convinced whole family to switch their android shits for N900's, so I bought 15 devices at once. some sold on TMO; after reinforcing ports...02:54
Estel_= it turned out to be quite cheap per device :P02:54
Estel_well, maybe, just maybe, jolla will deliver.02:54
DocScrutinizer05I rather think bq24150 never been built to be a reference voltage source02:54
jogaEstel_ I sure hope something comes out of it...or similar02:54
ShadowJKWell, Li-Ion needs +-.05V precision02:54
DocScrutinizer05Estel_: since they all are close to each other, you'll notice at bq27200 as well02:55
jogaI just recently updated some stuff and browsed the repos again and found so much cool things02:55
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  all right, will watch it closely when charging from extra-empty (like 100 mAh charge or so)02:55
DocScrutinizer05ShadowJK: only on end of charge where current is low02:55
joganice thing about this phone is that it seems to get a lot better in time instead of becoming obsolete :)02:55
ShadowJKEstel_, is this a dual lucialiu thingy02:56
Estel_joga, yeah :) if only ram would be upgradeable... :P02:56
ShadowJKOr dual japod or what02:56
Estel_ShadowJK,  yes, but lucialui doesn't sold real ones anymore :(02:56
Estel_no, not japod02:56
ShadowJKI forget what her batteries were called02:56
Estel_ShadowJK,  scud02:56
Estel_well, scud is now only ~1300, like genuine, so rather overpriced02:57
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Estel_BTW, some time ago I've sold 2 last dual ones on TMO, but one guy cancelled order due to some receiving problems, and battery will return soob. I'll sell it on TMO, probably02:57
Estel_aka last dual scud known to exist :P02:57
Estel_(last unused)02:58
ShadowJKWeirdly, I'm doing fine with single battery :P02:58
Estel_but I really hope for putting 2x 18650 3.4 Phillips'es into modified body. I've measured it, and it's only 2mm thicker than mugen cover on stock body02:58
Estel_ShadowJK,  weren't You mugen battery owner?02:59
ShadowJKI only used it for like less than a year, heh02:59
Estel_well, due to load being cut in half, many people report ~3200 effective capacity of dual scud02:59
Estel_I see02:59
ShadowJKnever used it with second (RIP) N900 or third (current) N900 :P02:59
ShadowJKAlso it's slightly swollen :P03:00
Estel_wasn't it comfortable with bogger cover?03:00
Estel_I see03:00
ShadowJKI did like the bigger cover03:00
Estel_Well, I must say that I like bigger cover more - easier to write on hardware keyboard, + this better grip03:00
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Estel_You know, material used for mugen cover is less slippery03:01
* ShadowJK has 3 of those covers actually, one of them home modified to support camera and microsd03:01
Estel_ShadowJK,  support camera and microSD? does it mean You had old ones that have"'t supported it?03:01
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Estel_for some years, mugen covers have silly switch for camera and magnet03:01
ShadowJKThe first batch of covers didn't have magnet or camera switch03:02
Estel_I glued this magnet to N900 corpus, anyway, and I've modified cover to have real camera lens cover, like stock03:02
ShadowJKMugen redesigned cover to add magnet and camera switch, and sent two covers to everyone with the old cover.03:02
Estel_ShadowJK,  I was aware about camera, but magnet? :P03:02
Estel_sounds nice03:02
Estel_thats why You have 3 :P03:02
Estel_well, protecting camera via own slide cover was kinda priority for me03:03
ShadowJKI agree that the less slippery surface of the mugen cover is more comfortable03:03
Estel_I've put tutorial somewhere on TMO for modding it like that03:03
DocScrutinizer05do they actually exploit the additional space?03:03
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  nope, only for battery03:03
DocScrutinizer05yeah for battery03:03
Estel_advantage is that it have plenty room for mods03:03
ShadowJKAs a bonus, the mugen cover gets rid of the problem with N900 flash blinding its own camera03:04
DocScrutinizer05like getting multiple cells or custom shaped cell03:04
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  as for battery, sure, it's 2x bigger. But capacity is crappy for 80 USD or how much it costs03:04
ShadowJKlet me find the mugen cell, it's kinda silly03:04
Estel_custom shaped03:04
Estel_ShadowJK,  yea, this flash thing ;)03:04
DocScrutinizer05ooh flash - how did they handle that?03:05
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  the funny fact is that dual-scud costed 2x less, and being dual cell, it had 3Ah power vs mugen'ish 2400 mAh03:05
DocScrutinizer05also, isn't the camera door to small when so far away from lens?03:05
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  simple - no chrome border, no blue parts :P03:05
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  no, it's big enough03:05
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Estel_no ill effects re photos, equally the opposite, better ones03:06
ShadowJKoh no, I found my original mugen cover, and the magnet has escaped!03:06
Estel_silly thing is that there is NO slide'able cover for camera, it's exposed all the time. Only switch for hardware detection03:06
ShadowJKbut the white strip I added for camera is still there03:06
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  but it's quite easy to mod it for adding real slide cover for camera, like stock, with auto detection working too03:07
Estel_white strip? So You had camera detected as "on" all the time?03:07
Estel_no ill effects on power usage?03:08
DocScrutinizer052400mAh, muge... er muhahahaha03:08
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  ? :)03:08
ShadowJKno ill effects on power03:08
Estel_capacity isn't funny, only price is :P03:08
DocScrutinizer05with a cover like mugen, i'd cram at least 5 cells in there, for ~4000mah03:09
Estel_btw, using custom shaped cell, they could, for holy hell's sake, upgrade it for better capacity, with time03:09
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  kinda impossible re free volume03:09
DocScrutinizer05that's what I meant03:09
Estel_though about using more smaller cells, or one bigger03:09
Estel_it doesn't turn out better than dual scud03:10
Estel_re flat cells available03:10
Estel_well, 18650 is gonna change everything, if it works out okey'ish :P03:10
DocScrutinizer05severla smaller cells would for sure result in better capacity than mugen03:10
Estel_2 of them summing up for 6.8 A is kinda... well03:10
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Estel_DocScrutinizer,  I've checked flat cells capacities on different size and volume available, and it was slightly better than mugen, but not better than dual scud. Not to mention price increase03:11
DocScrutinizer05how much higher is the mugen?03:11
DocScrutinizer05ooh fsck!03:12
ShadowJK.75mm higher than 2 BL-5J03:12
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Estel_ough, this N900 looks kinda unused03:12
Estel_well, it's almost like 2 bl-5j03:12
DocScrutinizer05yes, and wasting all the empty space around battery03:13
Estel_that's why dual scud fits there fine03:13
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  yea ;)03:13
Estel_Well, I use that space around battery how "grip" holding spare microSD card03:13
infobotEstel_ meant: Well, I use that space around battery for "grip" holding spare microSD card03:14
ShadowJKThe new cover has a crossbeam that reaches down to the "hole" below the camera lens, this beam extens across teh width of the n90003:14
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  could You, kindly, modify bot to listen to me? It's kinda silly to do:03:14
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DocScrutinizer05I'd find cells that are as long as N900 is high, and place several of them all on the back, covering all available area03:14
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, n900 is a wooden box with stained cans inside and a beer03:14
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Estel_...just to use factoids :P03:14
ShadowJKooh actually bigger than that03:14
* ShadowJK finds unused mugen cover in original plastic bag03:15
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  the thing is that 18650, despite cylindrical size, offer better capacity per volume than flat ones03:15
ShadowJKstill covered in protective plastic foil03:15
Estel_not to mention being much cheaper, even best ones03:16
Estel_due to popularity, etc03:16
Estel_single 18650 have - right now - reliable 3.4A capacity, so 2 of them, despite "wasted" space around cyllinders, are still better than flat ones using same volume and exploiting this space03:17
Estel_ShadowJK,  btw, I'm planning to make "better grip" surface on custom backcover (for custom body, or seperate) too03:18
Estel_and better kickstand .P03:18
Estel_and this lovely port for external antenna, on custom body...03:19
Estel_antennas *03:19
Estel_...and this lovely messing with ground plane... :P03:20
cehtehand contacts for a charger stand03:23
cehteh(or a coil .. inductive charging ftw)03:23
ShadowJKfm antenna? :)03:24
japhyep :)03:24
japhdocscrutinizer05, 11:02 ❌  doc|home japh: ping me later in the weekend   <- not sure if that was you?03:26
japhoh he *was* here. doc|home, ping.03:27
cehtehhaha .. if you dont need the cam, i am sure you find 3 batteries which fit :P03:28
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  anyway way to sensibly check if choke in our step down converter isn't going into saturation?03:28
Estel_You know, with shields took out03:28
japhdocscrutinizer05, nice work!03:28
Estel_and some tool touching b42150 pins...03:28
DocScrutinizer05Estel_: the choke is the black cube next to bq2415003:28
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  as for batteries, forget about place for camera?03:29
DocScrutinizer05made of ferrite ceramic03:29
DocScrutinizer05place for camera?03:29
Estel_You can't use whole N900's lenght03:29
DocScrutinizer05I didn't03:29
DocScrutinizer05isn't the first photo clear enough?03:30
Estel_I see, but it is little too long to close cover03:30
Estel_batteries too long03:30
Estel_tried that already :P03:30
Estel_even with cells without heads with pins, no way to close cover (big one)03:31
DocScrutinizer05yes, since I picked 'random' batteries to do those snapshots as we chat03:31
Estel_hm, dr_frost_dk have hundreds of batteries lying around, I'll forward idea to him03:31
DocScrutinizer05and still I think with plastic cut off they would fit into mugen03:31
Estel_maybe some model is better suited03:31
Estel_as for choke black cube03:32
DocScrutinizer05(those were GTA02 batteries)03:32
Estel_any way to measure something about it? or only temperature?03:32
cehteh  ..see if you find something :)03:32
DocScrutinizer05with a scope you could find out about current or magnetic field03:33
DocScrutinizer05but temperature is a pretty good indicator, as this thing should stay cool until it gets fsckng hot03:34
Estel_btw, ShadowJK, here is tutorial for adding simple but effective camera slider to mugen cover v 2.003:35
Estel_(i.e. one with fixed design, like those 2 You have)03:35
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  I'll put thermal sensor to this cube, when charging from empty03:36
DocScrutinizer05most significantly temp will drop sharply with battery pulling a lil bit less current03:36
DocScrutinizer05in case it comes out of saturation eventually03:37
DocScrutinizer05but honestly I doubt Nokia did SUCH botch03:37
Estel_ShadowJK,  btw, what are those charging status'es shown when starting, like 0x10?03:37
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  I hope so :P03:38
DocScrutinizer05finding a good choke isn't simple, and chip manufs suggest particular build&manuf they tested03:38
DocScrutinizer05and that one is fit for chip max ratings03:38
Estel_so 1250 should be fine and happy, in theory.03:39
DocScrutinizer05otherwise I wouldn't have stated "charging is safe no matter what you do"03:39
Estel_ok, going to sleep. ShadowJK, if You answer later, I'll check chanlogs :)03:39
DocScrutinizer05I only later noticed there's *theoretical* possibility of Nokia building crap here03:40
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  yea, well, we will test it, but for now, it looks good03:40
ShadowJKEstel_, they're the raw status value as returned by the charger chip03:40
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ShadowJKtheir meaning is in the datasheet..03:40
Estel_ShadowJK,  ok, how to interpret them?03:40
Estel_thanks a lot03:40
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Estel_bb and good night!03:41
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DocScrutinizer05one of the meansings is "overheat"03:41
DocScrutinizer05seems booson(2).sh script does proper decoding, and I thought i've seen similar thing in more recent charger scripts of ShadowJK?03:43
ShadowJKyes, decodes to /home/user/MyDocs/charge.log03:43
DocScrutinizer05btw the meaning doesn't change much between boost and charge03:44
DocScrutinizer05ShadowJK: oh wait, isn't the 0x10 at start the general status and not the error?03:45
ShadowJKIt's "In Progress"03:45
DocScrutinizer05sth like that03:46
ShadowJK0x10 and 0x90, the other bit is for gpio status03:46
DocScrutinizer05OTG aka fastcharger03:46
DocScrutinizer05though not reliable as musbcore messing with 1707 config03:47
DocScrutinizer05ShadowJK: btw if your script would monitor softstart, it could determine max USB current available for next retry03:50
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RiDyes this is rid04:03
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer05: well, slightly smaller inductor04:15
jacekowskihmm, capacitor is smaller than in reference design04:18
jacekowskia lot smaller, 100n in n900 and 10uF in reference design04:19
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ShadowJKon the output side?04:23
ShadowJKAre you familiar with the charger design before N900? :-)04:26
jacekowskinot on phones04:26
jacekowskibut generally yes04:27
ShadowJKBefore N900, the DC adapter was current limited to 900mA, and charge regulation was basically a single mosfet switched on and off at 1Hz. :-)04:27
jacekowskion NITs or generally nokia phones?04:28
jacekowskibut well, those chargers were 3.7V for a reason04:29
ShadowJKAll nokia phones of same generation as NITs :-)04:29
ShadowJKThey actually output somewhere above 5.2V and less than 12V04:29
jacekowskibasically most of charging was done by a charger04:29
jacekowskiit says 3.7V on the charger04:29
ShadowJKBelow 4.8V there was a linear regulation mode04:29
ShadowJKThe "fast charger" above 5.2 was 1Hz pwm :-04:30
jacekowskiwell, bq isn't that much different04:30
ShadowJKIt would accept 12V, if the supply was current limited to 100mA04:30
jacekowskiit's just much faster04:30
ShadowJKThe first two batteris in my N810 caused reboots because bme aborted when the battery voltage during "ON" stage climbed above 4.55 :-)04:31
ShadowJK'ftd' gives insight into the voltages observed during charger on and charger off.. Also it's pretty amusing looking at a dc amp needle waving back and forth between .8A and 0A :-)04:32
RiDboom doom bye04:33
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ShadowJKMy N800 backlight varies in brightness too when the charger is switched on and off... on my N810 it doesn't04:33
DocScrutinizer05jacekowski: 100n vs 10µ is basically irrelevant on output04:36
DocScrutinizer05a) battery is supposed to have an own 100µF somewhere, for modem. b) as long as the C can take one choke power quantum, it's just fine04:37
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ShadowJKMy "server" pc has 3 different kind of USB ports. Back panel ones attached to motherboard, front panel ones in a 3.5" drive bay, and ports attached to a PCI backplate. The ones on the PCI backplate have extra capacitors on the power rails. The front usb port wont charge N900, at any current limit configured into bq24150, except when battery is near full. The PCI plate ports will charge N900 even when N900 battery is low, and N900 charger configured to no04:40
DocScrutinizer05the more interesting/relevant question regarding choke saturations is operation mode of stepdown converter: is it freq-regulated, or pulse pause regulated (waiting with next constant length charging step for a variable time, possibly quantisized), or will it actually do PWM to the amount/duration of energy stored to choke in one cycle?04:43
DocScrutinizer05only the last mode is prone to resulting in possible saturation04:44
* ShadowJK knows nothing of step-down converters, but vaguely recalls something like pulse pause mentioned in datasheet04:44
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DocScrutinizer05yep, leaving out whole steps04:44
ShadowJKit had a funny acronym04:44
ShadowJKsomething with p and q in it?04:45
ShadowJKI probably remember wrong and now you're thinking "wtf" and have to go read the datasheet04:45
DocScrutinizer05pulse quantity modulation?04:45
DocScrutinizer05usually called pulse pause modulation iirc04:46
DocScrutinizer05and no, I won't try to find the datasheet on this mess in a bottle of this new laptop04:48
DocScrutinizer05my whole old laptop is a dir in my ~04:49
DocScrutinizer05so I needed to dig that DS out there04:49
DocScrutinizer05since no bookmarks in new clean browser04:49
DocScrutinizer05ShadowJK: (old chargers tagged "4,8V" or whatever) they got some defined Z, so that's why it's somewhat not completely gaga to use them directly to charge a LiIon04:53
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ShadowJKthere's actually a spec for how to be compatible with them04:55
DocScrutinizer05and I had a damn hard time to charge my 6210 from a stabilized universal PSU as on 4.5V it wasn't really charging, and at 6V it eventually blew chunks on too low battery charging04:55
ShadowJKI remembered name of document, weirdly after elopacalypse isn't first hit anymore, but here it is:
DocScrutinizer05the funny bit: this 1Hz PWM charger concept with ancient BME kept my LiIon battery fresh for ~7 years of permanent usage and daily charging04:57
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ShadowJKa low rate charger would be sufficient :)04:59
ShadowJKor low voltage (<5V)04:59
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ShadowJKOr then just occasionally Nokia sources good quality batteries05:06
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ShadowJKIt's weird that the Mugen battery in my N800 has outlasted 2 original Nokia batteries in N81005:07
ShadowJK(original-formfactor mugen)05:07
ShadowJKYou'd think Nokia would source better quality than random asian manufacturers :/05:07
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HurrianArrived at Delivery Facility in MANILA - PHILIPPINES, THE09:19
Hurrianwoohoo, my device's out of customs.09:19
ShadowJKanother N900? nice09:30
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DocScrutinizer05GeneralAntilles: toxic? me? look at #harnattan to learn what's toxic14:04
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DocScrutinizer05the worst thing: since he's pretending to know everything and he actually knows just a bit about aegis and kde, I'm afraid several users would conceive kickbanning him to me "toxic" as well, while the other half of users placed him on their /ignore and thus the whole channel sounds silly14:11
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DocScrutinizer05s/to me/to be/14:20
infobotDocScrutinizer05 meant: <RzR> Sun Jul 15 11:57:40 CEST 2012  <RzR> 3min and morning is over over here    <djszapi_> less than 3 ;)   -- yes Sir, everybody in here is assumed to be able to read time values like 11:57:40.   if something ends in 2min20 it doesn't mean the statement...14:20
DocScrutinizer05haha, infobot does cross-channel s///14:21
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Raimu!/security -- "one of the things that makes the site so secure is that we do not disclose the exact encryption practices."14:49
RaimuYes, we all know SbO works so well. ;p14:49
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DocScrutinizer05Raimu: the WTF of the weekend?15:31
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Raimu"The other sites get hacked because they tell the evil hackers what encryption they use, so we don't! This is a surefire security method!"15:35
DocScrutinizer05no verbatim quote, I hope15:37
DocScrutinizer05or I'll die in ROTFL15:37
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RaimuThe first one yes, the second one not. :P15:39
DocScrutinizer05let's take bets how long til "evil hackers" feel like "I'll teach you about SbO"15:39
RaimuNot too long.15:40
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esaym153is there any fix for the bug in bme in the n810 that causes the device to reboot when being charged other than buying a new battery?20:05
Stskeepsnot any public one :/20:06
esaym153Stskeeps: so I can't get it?20:06
Stskeepsi think the maemo organisation is pretty much gone by now in nokia20:06
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esaym153so no fix?20:08
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dfgfdg~seen freemangordon20:13
infobotfreemangordon <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo-ssu, 5d 9h 43m 50s ago, saying: 'kerio: no KP51 for you :P'.20:13
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keriodammit, stop pinging me when looking for fmg :c20:13
Siceloit means you talk to the wrong people20:14
kerio~seen merlin199120:16
infobotmerlin1991 is currently on #maemo #harmattan #maemo-ssu. Has said a total of 31 messages. Is idling for 5h 21m 42s, last said: 'go with your browser to, then you'll know why xD'.20:16
rzresaym153, i am affected by this trouble20:16
kerio5 long hours20:16
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DocScrutinizer05rzr: esaym153: not only you20:31
esaym153rzr: a new battery supposedly does fix it though right? (because I just bought a new one...)20:32
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esaym153My current battery, though 3 years old, still get 10 days of standy time20:32
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DocScrutinizer05I can't confirm close relation of reboots and battery age20:38
* DocScrutinizer05 thinks it's genuine state of fubar in bme20:39
DocScrutinizer05bme (or whatever they called it back when) worked kinda fine in y2000 nokia featurephones like 621020:40
DocScrutinizer05and gave me a proper 7 years of almost-like-new lifetime with my 6210's battery20:41
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DocScrutinizer05despite 24/7/365 usage, and daily charging20:41
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DocScrutinizer05but well, the 6210 had not exactly a multitasking OS20:42
jacekowskiwell, thing is if bme worked back then20:43
jacekowskithen it should work now20:43
jacekowskii mean, things didn't change that much20:43
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rzrreflashing it does not help ?20:43
jacekowskimultitasking os doesn't matter that much20:43
DocScrutinizer05only if they didn't manage to fsck it up20:43
DocScrutinizer05which I think they evidently did20:43
jacekowskiwell, i've had a look at n900 bme20:44
jacekowskiand if i had n900 i could disable reboot code20:44
jacekowskias in, shutdown20:44
DocScrutinizer05we're talking N810 here though20:44
Siceloyou mean to say battery management software acroos maemo & s40 has the same base?20:44
DocScrutinizer05and that's been a completely different kind of critter20:45
DocScrutinizer05Sicelo: nobody but Stskeeps could tell for sure, but yes I'd suppose to find legacy cruft from 1998 in N900 BME20:46
DocScrutinizer05btw 6210 been s40? I don't think so20:46
DocScrutinizer05Sicelo: Stskeeps once told me looking at bme source blinds you and makes your eyes bleed, and I tend to 100% believe in this20:48
MohammadAGAnyone good at python?20:48
DocScrutinizer05but not me20:48
MohammadAGIt should draw bubbles, upon clicking them they'll be removed, but it doesn't wok20:49
MohammadAGI'm helping out a friend20:49
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Siceloah, 6210 was the symbian one marketed as a navigator, i think :\20:53
jacekowskiSicelo: across symbian and all rap* based phones20:53
jacekowskiSicelo: so s60 for sure20:53
jacekowskiSicelo: and probably s4020:53
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Sicelointeresting stuff20:53
jacekowskianother thing is, in n900 you've got rapuyama20:54
jacekowskichip that is used just as a modem and gps interface on n90020:54
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jacekowskion s40 it runs whole phone20:54
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DocScrutinizer05I said "7 years of battery life, with my y2000 6210"20:58
DocScrutinizer05fsckng 6210 navigator appeared 200820:59
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DocScrutinizer05tbh if my 6210 ever rebooted due to "bme" going mad, I hardly would've noticed21:06
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rzresaym153, how do u check your battery condition ?21:17
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esaym153rzr: I have never checked the battery condition21:56
niloyI am getting this error while trying to complie nodejs21:56
rzrbtw i am not using my n810 anymore///21:56
niloyNode.js configure error: No acceptable C compiler found!21:56
niloy        Please make sure you have a C compiler installed on your system and/or21:56
niloy        consider adjusting the CC environment variable if you installed21:56
niloy        it in a non-standard prefix.21:56
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esaym153rzr: want to sell your n810?22:33
rzri dont think so22:34
rzri will trade for a n900 ;)22:35
DocScrutinizer05I actually seen a used N810 for sale in a 2nd-hand shop some weeks ago. 4 years ago I paid as much for a new one22:37
DocScrutinizer05and I could get 2 used N900 for the same price22:37
DocScrutinizer05rzr: so beter wait another year, then buy Nokia for what you get for your N810 then22:38
DocScrutinizer05(dang, I got an *unused* 'new' N810 here - spare for my still perfectly working one I used til I got the N900)22:39
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esaym153the n9 looks pretty cool23:12
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dump_01hi ppl! i have a problem with my maemo@cssu@n900. It have very poor IO performance both internal storage and microsd. When i copy something (a directory with some files ~200mb) - i have no chances to success - copying starts normal (about 500kb/s), but falling down and after 1 or 2 minutes my device is stop responding23:17
dump_01i just unable to copy anything from storage to card or from network to card23:18
ShadowJKtry: echo 4096 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/nr_requests ; echo 4096 > /sys/block/mmcblk1/queue/nr_requests23:18
ShadowJKbefore copying23:18
dump_01ShadowJK: should i do it on device start?23:19
jogajust yesterday I stumbled upon that when I tried to dd some stuff and it rebooted, had it happen before a couple of times with easy debian install for example, but just now found a fix (I guess, haven't tried it again)23:20
jogawould it be a sane default setting? I noticed some tmo post told to disable swappolube but does it interfere?23:21
ShadowJKdump_01, doesn't matter23:21
dump_01expirience with dd: first dd 10mb - ok with good speed, second dd 10mb - much slower, 3-d - fail, need to ctrl-c but n900 just hangs for a 5 or more minutes..23:22
jogahow about after echoing that?23:23
ShadowJKthe above suggestion should be done before you start any copying23:23
dump_01joga: i will try it. right now my n900 is not responding while trying to copy from nfs to microsd..23:24
jogaalso if you have problems like rebooting while experimenting with that, maybe good to do fsck to the card like umount /dev/mmcblk0p1 && fsck -a /dev/mmcblk0p1 (maybe fsck a couple of times) and then mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 again23:25
jogaat least I got some errors there yesterday after botching it up ;p23:26
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dump_01thanks ppl, now device rebooted and i will try23:29
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jogais there a vnc server available for n900 besides x11vnc?23:35
jogaso that I could run a virtual x screen on it?23:35
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jogaor xnest, maybe?23:37
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Sicelonot in the public repos23:41
Macerjacekowski: installing chromium :-P23:42
Maceroh. thought it was your repo23:43
jacekowskiit is23:43
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Macerjacekowski: how can i copy urls? long touching doesnt work23:46
Macerhow do i exit full screen?23:48
Macer there is no f11 on the n900 kb :)23:48
jogaSicelo I'm having a hard time finding it, do you know where such a repo could be?23:48
Sicelonope. no idea23:48
jogaoh, k23:48
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Siceloyou might have to compile your own or ask someone to do it for you23:49
robbiethe1stGot a question guys: So, with the N900, the cellmodem driver must match the cellmodem firmware. How can I tell what version the driver side is?23:49
robbiethe1stMy 'about product' simply says <unknown>23:50
jogaSicelo or maybe in easy debian..hmm23:50
jogaI suspect my image of it is hosed tho, haven't tried it for a while23:51
Sicelorobbiethe1st: wtf! voodoo?23:51
robbiethe1stEh, it happens when you hack it a bit too much...23:51
Siceloi could have sworn my "About Product" had something there before23:51
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Siceloyeah. it had. i'm sure23:52
Sicelodafuq. :\23:52
jogaSicelo heh yeah I can at least install the server in debbie :)23:53
Sicelokewl. :)23:53
jogaI was thinking of using it with an adapter and a usb nic for network debugging at work23:53
jogaso I don't need to carry a laptop if I just need to use wireshark occasionally ;p23:54
Sicelorobbiethe1st: since it's your voodoo that did this, please report back when you get some solution23:54
Sicelojoga: i'm basically a noob at these things .. what is it you want to do?23:56
jogaSicelo well, the vnc is mostly to try out if it's more reasonable to run heavy gui programs in it so that I get a scrollable display from a viewer and the program can run so that it's toolbars and elements aren't all squashed together into the tiny screen23:57
Sicelorobbiethe1st: mine possibly got borked yesterday while playing with u-boot, which always crashes my device. i still wonder how other people are able to use it23:58
jogabut what would be nice is that if I can run wireshark so it's manageable on the screen, I can just plug in the ethernet cable to a usb nic, which is plugged to n900 via an adapter and wireshark can analyze the traffic for me23:59
dump_01ShadowJK: runs copying smooth for 4 mins - almost success!23:59
jogaSicelo the stuff I mostly need it for is debugging some network cameras23:59

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