IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2012-05-02

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int_uaI have a problem with non-latin input in Qt-based software and can't find a bug about it. Can anyone help me verify that it00:16
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int_uathat it's a wide-spread bug00:17
merlin1991gimme some steps and a binary and I can help :D00:17
int_uamerlin: Do you have qstardict or evopedia installed?00:18
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merlin1991can install it00:18
int_uawhat's interesting: Russian works just fine, but not Ukrainian00:19
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merlin1991installed qstardict here on kubuntu, what now?00:20
int_uawait, I'm talking about Nokia N90000:20
int_uaI don't have this problem on desktop00:21
merlin1991ah k00:21
int_ua"Български" and "Македонски" are affected too00:22
int_uaand they are working just fine outside of QT00:23
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freemangordonint_ua, confirmed, instead of capital letters you have lowercase latin (or vice versa)00:26
int_uafreemangordon: ok, I'm filing a bug, but against which package?00:27
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freemangordonok, you got capital letters in latin aphabet instead of capital in cyrillic. NFC which package, maybe it is qt-gui (or qt-core)00:29
freemangordonint_ua ^^^00:29
int_uathanks :)00:29
freemangordonint_ua, are you going to file a bug against qt in CSSU?00:30
int_uafreemangordon: yes, does it have a separate bug tracker?00:31
int_uaIs it "qt‑components"?00:31
int_uaon bugs.maemo.org00:31
freemangordonno idea, but I don't think it makes sense to open a bug against anything but CSSU, niokia won't fix it ;)00:32
freemangordon*nokia :D00:32
int_uawell, it won't get fixed for sure if I don't try :)00:34
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freemangordonint_ua, which Qt version do you use?00:34
freemangordonstock or CSSU one?00:34
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int_uaI think it's CSSU, how can I verify that?00:35
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int_uaI have CSSU 3.100:35
int_uadoes Qt have separate CSSU packages?00:35
freemangordonso, you have Qt 4.7.4 and should open a bug against CSSU00:36
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freemangordonCSSU upgrades Qt to 4.7.400:36
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freemangordoniirc Qt 4.7.0(stock one) also have the same bug00:37
int_uayes, libqt4-* packages are 4.7.4~git201....00:37
freemangordonso, you definitely should file a bug against CSSU00:38
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int_uafreemangordon: "Component: general" ?00:44
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int_uaThe bug about qt input:
povbotBug 12609: Problems with some non-latin layouts input in Qt-based software01:26
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int_uaAnyone from OMP team?01:34
int_uaI'd like to add Ukrainian translation01:35
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Ken-YoungI have bricked my N900.  I have a recent backup made with backupmenu.   When I try to restored the backup using backupmenu, I get the message "can't stat /usr/sbin/evkey", and the message "press any key to continue".   All keys are ignored.   Is there any way to recover from this?02:38
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LaoLang_coolThe signal of calling isn't perfect on maemo02:53
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micahfhey, so i plug the n900 into a USB port.  at first it says "charging", then it says "not charging".  I can't get it to charge over usb!04:13
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micahfi also have several usb power adapters and none of them work either :\04:14
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Hurrianmicahf, USB port damage.04:14
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micahfthe only way i can charge is if i use the micro usb charger that came with it04:14
micahfthat one works04:14
Hurrianyeah, the only thing holding the plug in is the hooks04:14
Hurrianis the usb port wobbly?04:15
Hurrianyou can check with the stylus04:15
micahfit doesn't seem to be wobbly04:15
SpeedEvilCheck with another cable04:15
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micahfi'll have to go buy another cable04:16
micahfmini usb and microusb are so similarly sized... i don't get it04:17
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Hurrianmicrousb is around half the height of miniusb04:20
Hurrianwith microusb being so ridiculously small and hard to attach without looking at it it's stupid04:20
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micahfi always thought the name "universal serial bus" was a little ironic because it's so physically specific and articulated to the point where if it breaks, you're jacked unless you buy a new one04:34
micahfwires with alligator clips are the real "universal serial bus"04:34
micahfUSB is well designed for planned obsolescence04:35
robbiethe1stWell, microUSB definitely is.04:48
robbiethe1stMini-usb seemed fairly decent, though04:48
SpeedEvilMiniusb has the wear part on the wrong side IIRC04:50
SpeedEvilThe socket is only good for 1000 insertions IIRC04:50
robbiethe1stYet it's always /microusb/ sockets that fail.04:54
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Hurrianmichaf, it's either USB or Firewire/Thunderbolt04:58
HurrianUSB being called "Universal", FW/TB being supposedly interchangeable04:59
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micahfi had a dream once, where the USB port broke on the back of my midi controller06:48
micahfand there was just this giant shot of the usb port06:48
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micahfthe midi controller was exaggeratedly macroscopic in this dream06:48
micahfand i think the gist of this was that the whole midi controller hinged on this funny little plastic port that was supposedly "universal", but was fragile and could only interface with one shape06:49
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robbiethe1stUnless they are micro-usb ports, they're easy enough to re-solder06:50
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Kilroo1I finally decide that yes, I need to buy a backup n900, and then realize my ebay coupon code expired yesterday...oh well.08:07
Kilroo1On the bright side, having just spent that money will make it easier for a while to resist the temptation to decide I also need an element of the set {Archos 5, Dell Streak 5 AWS, Galaxy Note}.08:08
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LaoLang_coolHow do you get/read email on maemo?10:52
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vi___ius there anyone left here?11:14
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merlin1991vi___: I think so11:33
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vi___what is the name of the program that lets you change modest folder subscriptions?11:35
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merlin1991sry I have nfc11:46
jacekowskiwhat near field communication has to do with it?11:46
merlin1991nfc is no fucking clue, the fancy new stuff you're talking about has nothing todo with it ;)11:47
jacekowskii know11:48
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auenfnfi, not nfc i think merlin1991 meant12:03
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LaoLang_coolHi, any mail client suggestion?12:08
LaoLang_coolI think no fetchmail + procmail + mutt for maemo12:08
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SiceloLaoLang_cool: there is mutt for maemo.12:39
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LaoLang_coolSicelo: Yes, looking for fetchmail/getmail :)12:55
Sicelofor offline use?12:56
LaoLang_coolSicelo: yes12:56
LaoLang_cooloh, mutt: Depends: slang1a-utf8 (> 1.4.9dbs-4) but it is not installable...12:59
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LaoLang_coolCan't update with deb fremantle/sdk free non-free13:21
LaoLang_cooloh, notice a space between and fremantle, will try again13:23
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LaoLang_coolgood, works now13:25
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peterbjornxif i were to sell the top half of my (dead) second n900 as a spare part16:13
peterbjornxhow much would it sell for do you think16:13
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DocScrutinizer50 bucks maybe16:29
DocScrutinizerprobably less16:29
DocScrutinizerwhat happened to the main body?16:31
DocScrutinizereaten by snakes?16:31
peterbjornxi needed the pcb16:31
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DocScrutinizerlook, I'd probably pay 50 bucks for a complete defect device, with a good (US) qwerty keymat, an intact case, maybe domesheet, LCD halve (for sure with some minor scratches) etc16:33
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peterbjornxi have the whole device except for the pcb16:34
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peterbjornxits gota dutch keymat16:34
peterbjornxwhich is pretty standard16:35
DocScrutinizer4 cursor keys?16:35
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SpeedEvilWhy did you want the PCB?16:35
DocScrutinizerfine, how much for all?16:35
peterbjornxidk if its special or international16:35
peterbjornxalt-c = euro sign16:35
DocScrutinizer== standard (US)16:35
peterbjornxok :)16:35
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peterbjornxthe screen itself is not scratched16:36
peterbjornxonly the metal edge16:36
DocScrutinizerwithout any mainboard (domesheet, SIM holder, whatnot else, camera...) I'd pay 25 EUR16:36
peterbjornxhow much do you think itll go for on ebay?16:37
DocScrutinizerI doubt it will go at all16:37
* SpeedEvil ponders.16:37
DocScrutinizerlook, for ~80€ I get used *working* N90016:38
DocScrutinizerfor ~120€ refurbished perfect condition ones16:38
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DocScrutinizeralso iirc for ~80 USD I can get *new* spare parts for a complete display halve16:40
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BiggAlI bet you could do something cool with the top half and a RPi16:42
BiggAlwouldn't buy one for it, but if I had one lying about16:42
peterbjornxi reseachred the lcd, couldnt find much info16:42
DocScrutinizerthere's none16:42
BiggAlsurely a fairly generic resistive screen running at 800x48016:43
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BiggAlI thought the custom X was the clever part16:44
peterbjornxthe display controller in the omap is16:44
DocScrutinizerthe display controller is in LCD16:45
BiggAlah - interesting16:45
peterbjornxw/e you call it16:45
peterbjornxthe thing driving the lcd interface16:45
peterbjornxi dont even know what interface its using16:45
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BiggAlthat sounds quite 'special' - explains why xssh never worked well16:46
peterbjornx -- is all i have16:46
peterbjornxthe X server they are using doesnt even directly talk to the LCD16:47
peterbjornxit uses the GPU16:47
DocScrutinizerls -l /sys//class/backlight/acx565akm -- none of that is in OMAP display controller16:48
peterbjornxthats the I2C part of it16:49
peterbjornxbut the actual graphics16:49
peterbjornxi've looked into the acx565akm driver source16:49
peterbjornx15 SCLK16:49
peterbjornx16 RESET16:49
peterbjornx17 MOSI16:49
peterbjornx18 MISO16:49
peterbjornxis control16:49
peterbjornxand video is16:49
peterbjornx4  Data0-16:49
peterbjornx5  Data0+16:49
peterbjornx6  Clock-16:49
peterbjornx7  Clock+16:49
peterbjornx8  Data1-16:49
peterbjornx9  Data1+16:49
peterbjornxthe pins on the lcd connector16:50
DocScrutinizeragain, so what?16:50
peterbjornxthey are driven from some muxed non GPIO pins16:50
DocScrutinizercabc_mode is in 565akm chip which is *real* LCD-controller16:51
peterbjornxi looked those pins up and they can be any of the display buses the OMAP supports16:51
DocScrutinizeragain, so what?16:51
SpeedEvilIt's the controller only of the backlight and stuff - it doesn't do actual display data16:51
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: I honestly dount that16:51
peterbjornxstill, you cant use the control bus (i2c) to do graphics16:52
DocScrutinizercabc-mode is automatic from data16:52
peterbjornxeven if it was on the same chip16:52
SpeedEvilI should in principle look up the datsheet.16:52
peterbjornxi tried that16:52
peterbjornxcouldnt find it16:52
SpeedEvilBut today, I need to clear the lawn of stuff so it doesn't go wierd and yellow in bits.16:52
* SpeedEvil stabs unavailable datasheets.16:52
DocScrutinizerlook, guys, I know the datasheets of waaay simpler OM FreeRunner display16:53
DocScrutinizerand even this jkdunno chip has gamma correction and whatnot else16:54
peterbjornxif anybody wants to use the n900 lcd for another purpose they need to be able to interface with its video port16:54
DocScrutinizerso N900 display isn't a simple plain vanilla LCD you just need to hook on to LVM16:54
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peterbjornxwhich is some weird differential signalling 2 data line 1 clock line port16:55
peterbjornxwhich = n900 display port16:56
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peterbjornxso any clue on what the RX pin of the serial port is17:39
peterbjornxTX has been identified17:39
peterbjornxbut RX???17:39
SpeedEvilWhich serial port?17:45
peterbjornxthats MBUS17:48
peterbjornxi mean rs23217:48
r00t|homethere is no rs232, kinda obviously ;)17:48
peterbjornxthere is17:49
r00t|homers232 is the electrical interface with +12/-12v levels...17:49
peterbjornxAccording to jacekowskis measurements J2000 is serial console, pin 5 is confirmed to be TX (115200 8-N-1 ~2.6 V, connected to 1st UART in omap - /dev/ttyS0 in Linux). Since J2000 is group of 5 pads one could suppose the serial console uses HW flow control.17:49
peterbjornxokay 3.3v serial17:50
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r00t|home"According to jacekowskis measurements J2000 is serial console, pin 5 is confirmed to be TX (115200 8-N-1 ~2.6 V, connected to 1st UART in omap - /dev/ttyS0 in Linux). Since J2000 is group of 5 pads one could suppose the serial console uses HW flow control."17:50
peterbjornxyea thats what i cp'd17:51
peterbjornxbut no one has done any research since then?17:51
DocScrutinizerand NO, this is neither "MBUS" nor is it 3.3V which will definitely fry your SoC17:51
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r00t|homeactually i'd be willing to do tests to locate RxD, if it really hasn't been done17:52
peterbjornxhow would you test it17:52
r00t|homeall you really need to do is: sort out pins that are definitively not inputs, and then short the others with TxD until you get a loopback17:53
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peterbjornxwhat if you hit a gnd ?17:53
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r00t|homeyou can sort out those easily17:53
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r00t|homealso, uart IO pins are usually relatively forgiving17:54
r00t|homebut i also just said i'd take the risk of killing mine if it really hasn't been done17:54
DocScrutinizerscratch my last post, for the mbus part17:57
DocScrutinizerr00t|home: (forgiving) not this UART17:58
r00t|homefrom the service manual: "15) While removing the engine board, be careful not to damage the USB connector."17:59
DocScrutinizerthere's no risk of killing anything by conecting any TP to any other of that "jack"17:59
r00t|homethat's ridiculous... even nokia's internal docs mention the usb port is fragile...17:59
r00t|homeDocScrutinizer: so why don't you know which is RxD (yet)?18:00
DocScrutinizerno, that's a hint for manually disabled to please notice that USB port is latched in the case hole18:00
r00t|home"Be aware of the sharp point of the dental tool - be careful not to injure yourself!"18:01
r00t|homeok, that seems to be a valid explanation18:01
DocScrutinizerr00t|home: because I'm still waiting for you paying the invoice for finding and documenting TX18:01
r00t|homeDocScrutinizer: i'm sorry, i didn't receive the invoice, send again plz18:02
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peterbjornx btw the TxD , how do they count18:12
peterbjornxis that bottom left pin of j200018:12
r00t|hometxd is _trivial_ to find, if you have a 'scope, i'd re-check that anyway18:15
r00t|homejust send data and find the pin it's being sent on18:15
peterbjornxwell i cant rd mode my n90018:15
peterbjornxno working usb18:15
r00t|home"rd mode"?18:15
peterbjornxr&d mode to enable serial console18:16
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r00t|homei'd assume the serial port is available as ttyS0 in linux userspace?18:16
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r00t|homeum... cat /dev/ttyS0 -> "io error"18:17
peterbjornxwith default kernel its bound to console iirc18:18
r00t|home/proc/cmdline has "console=ttyMTD,log" for me18:19
peterbjornxmine is not assembled atm18:20
peterbjornxso i cant verify18:21
r00t|homedmesg appears to say the four ttyS ports are from the 16550 driver... that doesn't seem right18:24
SpeedEvil16550 clones are common18:25
peterbjornxi have the rx51 board driver source open18:25
peterbjornxlet me look it up18:25
peterbjornxstatic struct omap_uart_config rx51_uart_config = {18:25
peterbjornx.enabled_uarts= ((1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 2)),18:25
peterbjornxdat lijken er maar 318:26
peterbjornxmayb 4 just isnt enabled18:26
peterbjornxthat looks like only 318:27
peterbjornxis what i said18:27
r00t|homei see /dev/ttyS[1-4] on my device, no idea if they are static or were created by udev - all of them just return io error anyway18:27
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peterbjornxtry a boot shell18:27
peterbjornxbefore anything runs18:28
peterbjornxbrb dinner18:28
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Proteousit begins18:34
Proteouscompany going downhill? try to make moneys by sueing18:34
fluxI wonder how much of that is because of "we're the legal department, you can't fire us because we're the moneymakers" :-)18:34
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peterbjornxroot, you still workijng on serial19:01
peterbjornxtry killall getty19:01
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r00t|homepeterbjornx: /dev/ttyGS[0-2] , see
peterbjornxttyS0 is the debug port on n90019:06
peterbjornxits in use by getty ;)19:06
merlin1991where is the definite list of maemo council candidates?19:07
merlin1991afaik it shoudl have been out yesterday19:07
r00t|homedamn phone won't boot without the third battery contact connected... ;)19:09
peterbjornxnever needed 3rd contact on mine19:10
r00t|homeit shows the nokia logo for a while and then shuts off19:11
r00t|homealso, i have entries for getty on ttyS0 in etc/inittab, but commented out, none running19:11
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peterbjornxupstart ;)19:14
r00t|homenone running, i said19:14
peterbjornxinittab is ignored19:14
r00t|homeok, my OTHER n900 boots with externally hooked up battery (only two pins), weird19:15
r00t|homestill, no getty running19:15
peterbjornxmayb different nolo rev19:15
r00t|homethe second one also doesnt have the green text on the nokia logo screen19:16
peterbjornxthats r&dmode19:17
peterbjornxthe green text19:17
r00t|homemin had that enabled sice i got it, bought used19:17
r00t|homeok, device a, no green text, with external battery shuts down after showing the nokia logo19:18
r00t|homedevice b, green text, boots with external battery, but is not stuck at the 5-dots screen...19:19
r00t|homebut backupmenu works...19:19
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ShadowJK_external battery?19:20
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r00t|homeShadowJK_: battery hooked up with wires, so i can get to the debug port with the device running19:20
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r00t|homei used the battery holder from a battery charger and soldered wires with micro-clips to it19:21
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r00t|homeok, phone running, shell open, scope ready19:27
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r00t|homeis it just me, or is the usb/serial console (via backupmenu) rather flaky? it drops characters all the time, or hangs completely...19:35
peterbjornxbut did you get rx?19:36
r00t|homestill need to find the right serial port device, then tx, THEN rx19:37
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r00t|homeany suggestions welcome19:41
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peterbjornxttyS0 should be it19:44
peterbjornxdoes maemo boot in qmeu?19:44
r00t|home~ # yes >/dev/ttyS019:46
r00t|homeyes: Input/output error19:46
peterbjornxps -A19:47
r00t|homeok, the ttyGS devices are the n900-end of the ttyACM device it seems19:47
r00t|home~ # ls -l /proc/*/fd/* 2>/dev/null  | grep ttyS19:48
r00t|home~ #19:48
infobot# is, like, pound, or hash, or sometimes the number sign. a tic-tac-toe board, or octothorpe19:48
r00t|homethere IS NO GETTY running, i can paste the process list in a query if you insist19:49
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r00t|home  320 root         0 SW<  [mmcqd]19:50
r00t|home  363 root      1660 S <  /sbin/udevd --daemon19:50
r00t|home  581 root         0 SW<  [vibra]19:50
r00t|home  685 root      1392 S    /usr/sbin/watchdogs19:50
r00t|home  783 root         0 SW<  [bluetooth]19:50
r00t|home  792 root         0 SW<  [nokia-av]19:50
r00t|home  809 root         0 SW<  [mboxd/0]19:50
r00t|home  835 root         0 SW<  [wl12xx]19:50
r00t|home 1180 root      2836 S    ash /usr/share/backupmenu/BackupMenu.item19:50
r00t|home 1802 root      2840 S    -sh19:50
r00t|home 1923 root      2704 S    sleep 1519:50
r00t|home 1926 root      1392 S    /usr/sbin/evkey -u -t 1000 /dev/input/event119:50
r00t|home 1927 root      2840 R    ps auxwww19:50
peterbjornxwhat are the minor,major ids of your ttySes19:51
r00t|homecrw-rw----    1 root     20          4,  64 Jan  1  1970 /dev/ttyS019:52
r00t|homecrw-rw----    1 root     20          4,  65 Jan  1  1970 /dev/ttyS119:52
r00t|homecrw-rw----    1 root     20        250,   0 Jan  1  1970 /dev/ttyGS019:52
r00t|homecrw-rw----    1 root     20        250,   1 Jan  1  1970 /dev/ttyGS119:52
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r00t|homeany new suggestions? else i'll boot my phone back into normal mode for now...19:56
peterbjornxdoes it tell what io error?19:56
r00t|homei don't have strace installed19:57
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peterbjornxor getty19:57
peterbjornxmaybe its not initialized yet19:58
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r00t|home'getty 115200 /dev/ttyS0' runs, but i can't verify if it does anything... 'yes >/dev/ttyS0' still goes io error with getty running and after killing it20:01
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peterbjornxlet me google it20:01
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r00t|homepeterbjornx: does "omap-serial" make any sense?
r00t|homethe service manual indicates that there are three uarts, one on the test pads, one unused, and one connected to "BT/FM"20:13
peterbjornxstill that shouldnt matter for usermode access20:13
r00t|homewell, omap-serial is not present20:14
peterbjornxlet me reassemble my n900 and look for a way to spam the serial port20:14
peterbjornxit can do serial output20:14
peterbjornxfrom console20:14
peterbjornxso why not like this?20:14
peterbjornxwaitt a minute20:14
r00t|homedefine "from console"20:14
peterbjornxthey have to be initialized20:14
peterbjornxkernel console20:14
peterbjornxin research and development mode20:15
peterbjornxconsole=ttyS0 is also passed20:15
r00t|homeyeah, i also saw that...20:16
r00t|home~ # cat /proc/cmdline20:16
r00t|homeinit=/sbin/preinit ubi.mtd=rootfs root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs rootflags=bulk_read,no_chk_data_crc rw console=ttyMTD,log console=tty0 snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=620:16
peterbjornxdo you have a phone in r&d mode?20:16
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r00t|homethe one i am using right now20:18
peterbjornxthen enable serial port using flasher-3.520:18
peterbjornxconnect it in update mode as if you were to flash it20:19
r00t|homei never flashed it... can't be done from the device itself?20:19
peterbjornxthen how did u set r&d mode?20:20
peterbjornxdo this when its connected: flasher-3.5 --set-rd-flags=serial-console20:20
r00t|homeas i said before, it seems i bought the phone with r&d already enabled20:21
peterbjornxare you on windows or linux20:21
RST38hMeanwhile: Treasure Hunter Says He Has Located Bin Laden's Body20:22
peterbjornxdownload flasher20:23
r00t|home ?20:23
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r00t|home# ./flasher-3.5 --set-rd-flags=serial-console20:27
r00t|homeflasher v2.5.2 (Oct 21 2009)20:27
r00t|homeUSB device found found at bus 001, device address 118.20:27
r00t|homeFound device RX-51, hardware revision 210120:27
r00t|homeNOLO version 1.4.1420:27
r00t|homeVersion of 'sw-release': RX-51_2009SE_21.2011.38-1_PR_MR020:27
peterbjornxreboot device and it should be printing console to serial20:28
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r00t|homei still have the problem that it doesn't boot up in normal mode with the external battery setup20:34
peterbjornxeven bootloader dumps info :)20:34
peterbjornxelse, just connect 3rd pin20:34
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r00t|homei have no battery holder with 3 pins, would have to build something first20:35
DocScrutinizerwell, you need R&D enabled anyway, to make debug UART powered up20:36
r00t|homeas we said, that had been enabled all along20:36
DocScrutinizerlogging to UART during boot is happening always, when R&D and console enabled via flasher20:36
DocScrutinizerin R&D mode it won't check for BSI20:37
DocScrutinizerso I don't get your problem20:37
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r00t|homeit gets stuck at the animated five dots20:37
r00t|homedon't ask me20:38
peterbjornxthat doesnt matter20:38
peterbjornxits output shitloads of data over debug before that happens20:38
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peterbjornxr00t|home, are you still here?20:41
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peterbjornxwhy is no one reverse engineering nolo20:43
peterbjornxits a pity to be stuck with such a low level "blackbox"component20:43
DocScrutinizerbecause it's too demanding20:43
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DocScrutinizerack for the pity20:44
r00t|homeprobing debug port is worse than watching porn - no hands free for typing...20:44
r00t|homei think i have something that looks like txd now20:44
r00t|homei get some transmissions there while the nokia logo is displayed20:44
DocScrutinizerBEWARE of max voltage on those pins!20:45
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r00t|homewhat's the voltage on my multimeter probe?20:45
DocScrutinizerfeeding 3V3 to it already seems to fry things20:45
r00t|homeDocScrutinizer: also, there is a 5 volts output right next to those pins...20:45
DocScrutinizerhmm indeed20:45
peterbjornxinput actually20:46
peterbjornxits VBUS iirc20:46
peterbjornxthe v+ pin from usb20:46
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r00t|homeyeah, it measures 5 volts only with usb connected20:46
DocScrutinizeror with booston running ;-D20:47
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r00t|homepeterbjornx: well, txd... i'll rather not try to describe it, but mark it on a picture20:47
r00t|homenext we need a reliable way to read input for finding rxd...?20:47
DocScrutinizeranyway, voltage of that UART likely being 2V820:47
r00t|homeit looks like it was even less, on my scope20:48
DocScrutinizerI'll recheck20:48
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peterbjornxcat /dev/ttyS0 if that were working20:48
peterbjornxdo you have a levelshifter?20:48
r00t|homenot for <3.3v20:49
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peterbjornxttyS0 should work with rd mode on20:49
peterbjornxits used by nokia too20:49
r00t|homethe peaks of the signal i am seeing for what is likelty rxd are only 200mV...20:49
r00t|homemaybe i'm using the wrong ground... (the shield inside the battery compartment right now...)20:50
peterbjornxhow did you determine it?20:50
peterbjornxthats a bad gnd20:50
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r00t|homeit's a batter gnd than the battery negative terminal20:50
r00t|homeand i'm not going to hold two probes into the debug port...20:51
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peterbjornx According to my measurements with DMM (Digital Multimeter) the following pads are ground (counting from top-left and always going left-to-right in case of group of pads): first of J2000, last of J2060, first of J5602 and J3115.20:51
DocScrutinizermight be even 1.8V20:51
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r00t|homei guess i'll cut out the shield metal between the ports, and then solder wires...20:52
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DocScrutinizerbattery minus is not GND!20:53
r00t|homeDocScrutinizer: it's connected to the shield at least... and to a bunch of pins on the debug port20:53
r00t|homewith low enough impedance for my multimeter to consider them connected, at least20:53
DocScrutinizerno, it isn't20:54
DocScrutinizerthe impedance is at very least sth like 20mOhm20:54
DocScrutinizerUSB has proper GND20:54
peterbjornxim using the debug pins for gnd20:54
DocScrutinizerbattery hasn't20:54
r00t|homeDocScrutinizer: 200mOhm is below what a multimeter can reasonably measure20:54
peterbjornxyes but there might be other electrical properties20:55
r00t|homeDocScrutinizer: and won't make a difference for measuring the uart signal20:55
peterbjornxyou are dealing with relatively high frequencies20:55
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r00t|homepeterbjornx: a uart isn't high frequency20:55
DocScrutinizerr00t|home: again wrong. if you also have battery connected across same impedance20:55
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DocScrutinizeruse the goddamn USB shield!20:56
DocScrutinizerit's true GND20:56
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r00t|homeDocScrutinizer: i'll try just to show you it doesn't make a difference...20:57
peterbjornxr00t , relatively high20:57
peterbjornx115200 baud20:57
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DocScrutinizerr00t|home: you won't show anything to a EE with 40 years of experience20:57
peterbjornxthats over 100khz20:57
peterbjornxso it might make a difference20:57
r00t|homei wonder how long until i mix up the battery clips and blow up my phone...20:57
peterbjornxmight be a nice guide20:58
peterbjornxprotection diode mod20:58
peterbjornxa led over the pins in inverse direction20:58
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peterbjornxand something to prevent overvoltage20:59
r00t|homepeterbjornx: so the led blows first, and then, 2ms later, the phone? ;)20:59
peterbjornxthat fast?20:59
peterbjornxand a diode between b+ and actual b+21:00
r00t|homedunoo... try yourself21:00
peterbjornxive blown up a n900 once and as they are getting more rare by the day it might be a good idea to prevent killing more21:00
r00t|homecan't put a diode there, too much voltage drop, and breaks charging21:00
DocScrutinizeruse your best tool! your *brain*21:01
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peterbjornxbut the idea is good isnt it21:01
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DocScrutinizerthe idea would work if your diode would clamp to <~1V @ >2A21:02
DocScrutinizerthen battery protection would cut out when you reverse polarity21:02
r00t|homebigass diode...21:02
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r00t|homei'd guess this is TxD... just the low voltage is weird...
DocScrutinizerproject steps: a) find testpoint TX (by monitoring b) find /dev/ttyX that also sends to same TX TP. c) now *read* from that tty while feeding some signal of appropriate level to other TP under investigation for RX21:07
peterbjornxtry the one underneath it in the picture21:07
r00t|homeDocScrutinizer: sure21:08
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DocScrutinizer_OR_: you find the RX pin of SoC, tell me which one it is, and I check with DMM on this one:
r00t|homepeterbjornx: right, the one below has a good signal!21:09
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r00t|homepeterbjornx: i was going by the "number 5" and testing the pins that might be #521:10
peterbjornxi was too21:10
r00t|homeDocScrutinizer: no pintout for the SOC?21:10
peterbjornxbut right above it says pin "1" isnt part of the group21:10
peterbjornxthe 35 one has a datasheet online21:11
DocScrutinizersure, somewhere at UM from TI21:11
r00t|homepeterbjornx: really stupid way to number pins anyway...21:11
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DocScrutinizerguys, we haven't invented that numbering21:12
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r00t|homeno, the author of the wiki page did?21:13
DocScrutinizerit's from Nokia_N900_RX-51_Schematics.pdf21:13
DocScrutinizerr00t|home: that'd be basically me, partially21:13
r00t|homeanyway... here's the actual TxD now:
peterbjornxfound a pinout21:15
r00t|homewhich is 2.8V21:15
peterbjornxti3530 datasheet21:15
peterbjornxmost pins match :)21:15
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peterbjornxtx: e26 rx: f2821:17
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peterbjornxthose pinouts are valid21:18
peterbjornx -- for a different soc21:18
peterbjornxbut pincompatible :)21:18
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DocScrutinizerrefresh :-D21:23
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RST38hOk, Nokia is now officially in the business of patent trolling.21:24
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RST38hLogical conclusion of events, yes21:24
r00t|homeDocScrutinizer: better upload the image to the wiki...21:24
DocScrutinizerI'd like to IF I knew how ;-D21:24
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RST38hWhy build your own products, or even try selling Microsoft's?21:24
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r00t|homeok, this also works now, from the backupmenu shell, apparanly because of enabling the serial console: ~ # yes >/dev/ttyS021:29
peterbjornxso, try cat /dev/ttyS021:30
r00t|homepatience, patience, ... :P21:30
peterbjornxwith the yes running in bg :_21:30
r00t|homerxd is pin 4, by whatever weird logic21:31
peterbjornxso confirmed ?21:34
r00t|home[  516.770996] SysRq : HELP : loglevel0-8 reB[  51y21:34
peterbjornxthen what is pin 221:34
peterbjornxpin1 = gnd ,2 = ? ,3 = VBUS, 4 = RX, 5 = TX21:34
* DocScrutinizer **HATES** auto-capitalization of all page names incl URLs21:34
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r00t|homeno, no, counted the wrong way21:36
peterbjornxpicture please?21:37
r00t|homeno :P21:37
peterbjornxso no confusion21:37
peterbjornxor edit wiki Ascii art21:37
r00t|homethis is serial loopback:
r00t|homeis that my imei on there? ...21:38
peterbjornxlooks like it21:39
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r00t|homei created an account on garage as instructed, but it doesn't seem to work on the wiki...21:45
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DocScrutinizerbro, this sucks... (wiki upload of photos, etc)21:51
DocScrutinizerrefresh :-D21:51
peterbjornxadd the rx21:51
r00t|homegood thing the probe is coverting the imei on that one ;)21:52
peterbjornxthis is serial loopback:
r00t|home<r00t|home> this is serial loopback:
r00t|homewait, let me edit that one first21:52
DocScrutinizerYES pretty please! edit it to 1/3 of pixel size, to make it more like 250k raher than 2M21:53
r00t|homethose were just 1:1 off my digicam... i never inteneded to post them anyway21:53
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r00t|homeworking on TxD21:59
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r00t|home(note: when inlining the picture in the wiki, you can have the wiki scale it down - RTFM or tell me why i can't login)21:59
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freemangordonmeh, nemo is slow as hell on n900, it takes 15 seconds to launch the calculator. WTF?22:03
RST38hn900 is short onmemory22:03
RST38hrun it on some other hw22:03
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freemangordonnope, it uses only 38 mb of swap22:04
freemangordonright now free shows 27MB free ram, and 34MB of swap22:04
freemangordonon fremantle my swap is usually around 130MB22:05
freemangordonit is not the ram22:05
freemangordonit *might* be my sd card22:05
freemangordonwhich is very slow on random writes, but still 12MB/s on sequental22:06
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Sicelo\o/ r00t|home22:10
DocScrutinizerr00t|home: you can't even upload files >150k, and that's all sane22:11
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r00t|homeDocScrutinizer: i'd prefer to upload a large-enough-to-reuse version, and inline a scaled down view...22:11
r00t|homebut ok, i guess whoever runs that site doesn't agreei22:11
r00t|homei'll make smaller versions then22:12
r00t|homestill, tell me why i can't login and upload myself... are the wiki accounts synced by a nightly job or something?22:12
r00t|homebut it's impossible to include both the scope screen AND have the probe location clearly visible in 150k...22:14
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DocScrutinizerr00t|home: I dunno22:21
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DocScrutinizerI basically finished editing that page, I think it maybe doesn't need the additional small pictures above, or at least I'd not embed them but rather link to them22:22
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MohammadAGtoo.. many... quits/joins22:22
MohammadAGSazpaimon, you good now? :P22:22
DocScrutinizernone here ;-P22:22
MohammadAGSTFU /ignore-r :P22:23
* DocScrutinizer checks chanlog22:23
DocScrutinizershall I temporarily ban him?22:24
r00t|homeDocScrutinizer: do you have a picture of the other side of the bare n900 pcb? it'd make a nice base for a pinout picture to replace the ascii-art22:24
Sazpaimonfreenode keeps killing my connection when I join too many channels22:24
Sazpaimonkinda lame22:24
MohammadAGN900 terrorism at its best22:24
r00t|homeah, the one you linked was the right side anyway22:25
MohammadAGand this is exploded :P22:25
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DocScrutinizerI'd suggest to keep the ASCII art22:25
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r00t|homei maybe wouldn't remove it, but it's not very useful for finding the points on the device :P22:26
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MohammadAGr00t|home, if it's any help to you
MohammadAGhate dust? sue Israel22:28
DocScrutinizerr00t|home: how hard is finding the TP on device, given we already have that one picture of yours?22:28
r00t|homenot anymore22:28
r00t|homebut it'd be nice to have a clean picture with all (known) pins labeled22:28
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MohammadAGabout dust22:29
MohammadAGhow do I clean a PCB without damaging stuff?22:29
DocScrutinizerpressurized air for dust22:30
MohammadAGwouldn't that break the USB port? :P22:30
MohammadAGr00t|home, I've already ovened my iPhone, not using another kitchen utility :P22:30
DocScrutinizermaybe a brush (not too hard, toothbrush about right)22:30
MohammadAGit was painful, but it fixed the problem22:30
MohammadAG190C for 2 mins22:31
MohammadAGover fan was off22:31
r00t|homepainful to you, or the phone?22:31
MohammadAGI was in the shower and a phone call came in, I answered it and apparently water got into the earpiece22:31
MohammadAGthe volume decreased a LOT and the sound was distorted22:31
MohammadAGI figured a hairdryer would cause more problems22:32
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freemangordonRST38h, NFC what is going on, but fennec starts almost as fast as the calculator (16 vs 12 secs)22:32
MohammadAGcalculator takes 12s?22:32
MohammadAGthe fuck22:32
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peterbjornxyay, got my diy usb connector + rs232 working22:33
r00t|homepeterbjornx: that was quick22:33
freemangordonand in the meanwhile meego-qml-launcher uses 100% CPU22:33
peterbjornxno protection circuitry but it works22:33
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MohammadAGfreemangordon, this isn't Maemo 5 then?22:33
freemangordonso long to the lack of RAM story :(22:34
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freemangordonMohammadAG, of course it is not fremantle, if it takes 12 seconds for the calculator to start, I will fire Pali :D22:35
freemangordontake 3 seconds in fremantle, and it is Qt too, something is terribly wrong in nemo, meego, or whatever is the name now22:36
SpeedEvilOh - not the stock calc22:36
SpeedEvilI was about to say22:36
freemangordonno, the CSSU one22:36
freemangordongtk one should be faster22:37
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r00t|homepeterbjornx: what are you using the uart port for?22:37
DocScrutinizer(sth terribly wrong in mer/meego/nemo) well, so nothing new really22:38
peterbjornxgoing to use it for debugging other phones22:38
peterbjornxand i can connect it to a microcontroller now22:39
r00t|homepeterbjornx: heh... so no need for a 2.8V level shifter? ;)22:39
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peterbjornxfor uC id need a shifter22:39
r00t|homefor a uC, i'd find a bluetooth interface more handy22:40
freemangordonDocScrutinizer: but, but... it is the same API. Ok Qml on top of Qt, but even with it. cutetube-qml takes 4 seconds to launch in freantle22:40
DocScrutinizerqml :-x22:40
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freemangordoncutetube-qml is qml too (as the name imposes)22:41
DocScrutinizerfor anything I find a USB dongle way more handy22:42
DocScrutinizerdebug UART on N900 is mad useful for bootloader and lowlevel kernel hacking22:43
MohammadAGfreemangordon, now time sociality22:43
freemangordonabout 4-5 seconds22:44
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MohammadAGsociality can't be slower than cutetube-qml22:45
freemangordonit is22:45
MohammadAGsomething's messed up22:45
MohammadAGor DBus is slowing it down22:46
DocScrutinizersorry when I glare and frown at Nokia's NIH approach to duplicate android's JAVA-only app development22:46
freemangordonwell, ok, it is a bit unfair, as my primary device is OC to 805, while the ine using nemo runs at stock, but still22:46
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freemangordonit takes about 16 seconds easy debian chroot to show me lxde desktop, an that time includes a button press22:47
freemangordonand 12 seconds for calculator.22:47
freemangordonin nemo22:47
DocScrutinizerand honestly before I drool at qml coming to maemo5, I rather hope for alien-dalvik getting ported to our platform22:47
freemangordonDocScrutinizer, qml is ok in fremantle22:48
DocScrutinizerit's abraindead concept, like dalvik22:48
freemangordonwell, I am not arguing about the cooncept, but about the speed22:49
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