IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2011-11-28

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user___who here uses n900 compcache00:00
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vi_Do you know if statistics are enabled?00:02
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trampmy dnsmasq command is: dnsmasq -I lo -z -a -F,
vi_for example rzscontrol /dev/ranzswap0 --stats just returns zeros.00:03
trampvi_: are you talking to me?00:03
Sicelotramp: is dhcp enabled in your pc.. because usb0 (on pc) should automatically get ip address from N90000:04
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tramppossibly not so00:05
vi_tramp: anyone who has a little experiance of compcache on the b900.00:05
trampit is a bt5 installation00:05
infobotvi_ meant: tramp: anyone who has a little experiance of compcache on the n900.00:05
trampvi_: oh00:05
* Sicelo has no idea what bt5 is00:06
trampbacktrack might start with dhcp disabled00:06
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trampsorry, backtrack 500:06
vi_tramp: it certainly does00:06
vi_would be kinda rubbish for...uh...pentesting if it was all up in yo server demanding IPs 'n shit.00:07
tramp*shouldn't use generic abbreviations out of context*00:07
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trampvi_: yeah00:08
trampi decided instead of choosing between a gparted boot disk, or other specializations, just install bt5 and get all the tools, nice default theme, nonintrusive, and learn something00:11
trampi hate having to trust entering my passwds on others' computers00:13
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Sicelotramp: dhclient -4 usb0, while N900 connected. then see if your pc side usb0 gets an ip address00:16
nox-oh n900 even provides dhcp?00:17
* Sicelo has just finished updating cssu..maybe i should do this thing tramp wants manually00:17
Siceloyeah nox-.. i was surprised myself, but man dnsmasq shows it does00:18
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nox-nice :)00:18
trampdhclient usb0 isnt working either00:18
trampit tries to discover six time and then fails with "no dhcpoffers received"00:19
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tramptrying your last cmd...00:20
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vi_tramp: have fun trying to connect to a WPA network!00:21
vi_Sicelo: do you use compcache on the n90000:21
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trampwith the -4 it just outputs the usage info00:22
Sicelono vi_00:22
trampvi_: this particular network is unsecured, but thanks for future reference x_x00:23
trampvi_: i think the connection type is masked by the phone and irrevelant00:24
Sicelogrep address /etc/network/interfaces00:26
Sicelotramp: ^00:27
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trampmaybe i need to set the dnsmasq addresses to the same as the real subnet00:29
trampi wouldnt think so though00:29
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tramp-4 isnt support by my dhclient, but it should assume IPv4 anyway00:31
trampif you try this on yours Sicelo, thanks. I think phone as a net adapter is a nice feature to have00:33
Siceloso your dnsmasq command shouldnt say 192.168.3.x00:34
Siceloi'm half-way into testing that :)00:34
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trampim not sure, maybe he wrote 192.168.3.x to ensure a separate subnet00:35
Sicelono, that's what his /etc/network/interfaces says00:36
Sicelowell, this works, i can confirm :)00:36
trampoh yes, let me fix mine then, again00:36
Sicelopc got ip address from N900, /etc/resolv.conf set accordingly, and can browse from pc00:37
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Siceloweird thing is, pinging N900 from pc doesn't work00:37
Siceloso.. before u conclude your setup isn't working, trying pinging google from pc00:37
Siceloit's weird though..00:38
Sicelowait.. maybe not.. maybe the iptables command doesnt allow ping .. dunno00:39
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tramphmm i set the dnsmasq subnet back to the same as the main one00:40
Siceloyes.. i can ssh into N900 fine, even though i can't ping :)00:40
SiceloN900 rocks :D00:40
trampi run dhclient, same problem, it tries 6 times and fails00:40
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trampSicelo: good point00:45
Siceloyour N900 is not set to have a address.. so it won't work. if u want, then change it in /etc/network/interfaces first00:45
trampfortunately bt comes with nmap00:45
trampi set dnsmasq back00:46
Sicelooverkill :P00:46
trampthanks for the pointer00:46
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trampSicelo: heh00:46
Siceloi mean the nmap00:47
tramphave you tried dhclient? i cant test pinging if dhcp wont even assign me an ip00:48
trampyeah i know :)00:48
Siceloassign it manually. ifconfig usb0 (that's if your dnsmasq line has, etc)00:49
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Siceloany luck?00:51
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trampim looking for something to ping00:54
Siceloping google00:54
trampim thinking port 53 on the main router, but im making sure its open first00:55
trampi cant even resolve google00:55
trampthe routing table doesnt even have a default gw00:55
Siceloadd it00:56
trampi found an open port on the router, i could use that00:57
* Sicelo is now wondering if we are both working on the same thing00:58
Sicelou are using wifi?00:58
trampits a wifi router. my phone is connected to it00:58
trampbut it can still be pinged and scanned00:58
Siceloifconfig wlan0 on N900 says whay?00:59
trampit has its own ip addr00:59
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trampit says my ip is 192...400:59
Sicelowhole address please :)01:00
trampthe real addr?01:00
trampit says my ip is
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trampthats my subnet01:01
Siceloi guess you must change your /etc/network/interfaces to then.. and use the dnsmasq command as given on the wiki01:02
Siceloyou will have to ifup usb0 again after the change01:02
trampchange the interfaces to .3? why, changing dnsmasq command doesnt work?01:03
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trampill try it, wait01:05
Sicelowhen u do 'ifup usb0' the usb0 interface on N900 is given the ip address specified in /etc/network/interfaces :)01:06
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Sicelothere's 2 usb0 interfaces.. one on N900, and one on pc (let's say virtual)01:07
trampifup on the pc gives the n900 the addr in interfaces?01:08
Sicelono. usb0 doesn't exist in pc /etc/nettwork/interfaces .. so pc can't know what ip to give it. that's what dnsmasq takes care of (if your pc is able to get ip address via dhcp)01:09
trampifup on the n900 then?01:11
Siceloit gives it whatever ip address in /etc/network/interfaces .. by default,, which you can change, if u need to01:12
trampok and pinging that addr from pc pings the n90001:12
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trampgot it thx01:14
Siceloyes (but not in this case.. as we have discussed before.. but with 'normal' usb networking, without that iptables rules, yest)01:14
Sicelogot what?01:14
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UberNeoFor me any of the QML based applications are not getting started ... I have tried CuteTube QML, QMLREddit .. the process runs at the background .. but no frontend . nothing comes up on the screen .. any help plzz01:21
Sicelothought u meant it was working now01:21
trampjust cooking ill be done in a min01:21
UberNeojust getting this log from the syslog ..
UberNeowhenever i start QMLReddit01:23
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trampbrb trying a reboot01:35
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mikki-kunwhat is the smartest way to tell apt-get to lock a package at the currently installed version?01:39
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Macerthis old server of mine that i am turning into a desktop has me about to smash my head into it :)01:43
FIQwhat is the bottleneck when it comes to power saving @ n900?01:44
SpeedEvilFIQ: The user.01:44
FIQof course01:44
SpeedEvilFIQ: You can have over a week ssh'able into the device, logged into wifi and 3G.01:44
SpeedEvilIn good conditions.01:44
FIQusually my device lasts for a few hours01:45
FIQI've heard the screen wants much power01:45
FIQUsually I have max level on it because it's when I see best01:46
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SpeedEvil3G is a big drain.01:46
DocScrutinizerFIQ: yes, high brightness uses a lot of power indeed01:46
SpeedEvilDo you use skype?01:46
DocScrutinizer3G is the biggest hog01:46
SpeedEvilEven dropping from max - 1 down saves a lot01:46
FIQSpeedEvil: nope, no skype01:47
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DocScrutinizerbrightness is exponential (or logarithmic?). basically to notice a reduction in brightness you reduce power to 50%01:47
FIQHow is level 4 compared to 5 when it comes to saving power?01:47
DocScrutinizertwo clicks down is 25% then01:48
DocScrutinizer3 clicks 12.5% of max01:48
FIQso you save pretty much powers of 2 having it in a lower setting?01:49
FIQah, ty01:49
SpeedEvilBut the power used is - in general - not significant if it's below max01:49
DocScrutinizerFIQ: notice though that brightness also is controlled by ambient light01:49
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FIQso that's why the device loves to switch levels all the time when having a setting lower than max?01:52
* DocScrutinizer ponders a small demo scriptie, displaying/doing: "expected standby right now: 5h", script reduces brightness by 1 click, "standby now: 9h", switches to 2G, "16h now", kills skype, "24h, not bad eh?"... etc01:52
DocScrutinizerFIQ: yep, on max the brightness is actually max01:53
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DocScrutinizeron lower-than-max ALS-control kicks in01:53
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DocScrutinizerFIQ: when no skype, then maybe other IM/presence things01:57
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FIQi usually just ssh to my computer, some web pages open, occasionally pidgin (but just a few times a week so that doesn't count)01:58
FIQAnd I also have sshd on, max brightness01:59
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FIQThat's pretty much the interesting thingd01:59
DocScrutinizerweb pages count a lot though, as nowadays virtually no webpage comes without any flash/anim-gif/js crap01:59
SpeedEvilpidgin can be a hog.01:59
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* DocScrutinizer wonders why it obviously was too difficult for Nokia's maemo-devels to come up with sth that might be called powerps02:02
DocScrutinizersimply adding up measured resp estimated power (actually energy) consumption per process02:03
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DocScrutinizerpowertop was another good name, but wait, there's such a thing and it doesn't exactly that02:03
DocScrutinizerOK, for some details (like data transfer via modem) the algo to estimate is maybe a bit tricky, but not at all impracticable02:05
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: do you know whether there is a difference in using opera to microb when it comes to browsing?02:05
mikki-kunin regards of power02:05
DocScrutinizerdon't think so02:05
DocScrutinizerif any, then I'd guess microb is doing better02:06
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mikki-kunjust came to my mind that maybe using another browser might as well give some small benefit as some can be extremely powerhungry *points to fennec*02:06
DocScrutinizerbut microb also can go nuts when a flashpage is running02:06
trampIt connects!02:07
SpeedEvilI recommend cpu-mem applet02:07
SpeedEvilKnowing what's pinning the CPU is handy02:07
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DocScrutinizerabsolutely mandatory02:07
trampi really with n900 browser02:07
trampwas better02:07
SpeedEvilAlso - in general - if something is lagging - then it's either using lots of CPU, or swapping, and maybe using lots of power that way02:08
mikki-kunSpeedEvil: doesn't nearly everything kinda pin the cpu on the n900? :/02:08
trampi really wish n900 browser was better02:08
mikki-kunit is strong yeah, but somehow i cannot understand why at times it pins itself to death02:08
trampnot if you use irssi, midnight commander, and mutt02:08
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mikki-kuntramp: midnight commander? what for if i have a full xterm? =p02:09
trampmikki-kun: heh touche02:09
mikki-kunbut tbh, using the terminal on the n900 is at times awkward02:10
trampyeah thats why i said it02:10
mikki-kunmissing alt and other keys doesn't make it simple02:10
trampits panoramic view without a whole lot of taps02:10
mikki-kuni just recently came up with an idea of a pseudo-scrollable bar with special characters (an idea, didn't implement it)02:11
trampi rebound my kbd to include all programming and shell symbols02:11
mikki-kunthe bar i am refering to is the one which comes up per default in xterm02:11
trampi just want a bluetooth kbd and mouse02:12
mikki-kunohhh and using xkb_enter or whatever it is on maemo is actually not a good idea02:12
trampxkb_enter? why?02:12
mikki-kunwhoever at nokia came up with that should lay of the alcohol... it breaks some programs02:13
trampis that the fix for the enter problem when using an ext kbd?02:13
mikki-kune.g. i used a year ago uzbl and i as it got the key-code "xkb_enter" i wasn't able to "return" my values to it02:13
mikki-kuntramp: ohhh, sorry, it was KP_ENTER02:15
mikki-kuni remebered it somehwat wrong :/02:15
trampoh, i was to get my phone to work as a network adapter, but the dns still isnt working02:15
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tramphmm, still not sure what it is02:15
mikki-kunwhen you use the enter key on the n900 it doesn't return just ENTER, but KP_ENTER (at least according to mplayer that is the key-code being returned when pressing enter)02:16
trampso its the fix for the external kbd problem02:17
nox-i think the enter bug is fixed in cssu, else there also is a workaround:
povbotBug 6009: "Enter" key sends wrong keycode to console applications02:17
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DocScrutinizernox-: been fixed in cssu since very beginning02:23
trampgoing down to figure out why dns isnt resolving02:24
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DocScrutinizertramp: where?02:29
trampargh i need to setup my n900 irc notifier again02:30
trampi was able to connect to my n900 and use it like a network adapter, but theres still no dns02:31
mikki-kunhm, is there a possibility to get a dump of the current kb-setup in which i can see what key has which function?02:33
DocScrutinizersince when do "network adapters" DNS?02:37
trampwell, i think it also acts as the gateway, dhcp server and dns02:39
trampso iguess its better called "like a router"02:40
DocScrutinizermikki-kun: less +"/partial alphanumeric_keys" /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/nokia_vndr/rx-5102:41
trampdecide whether you want extkbd before you modify it02:43
DocScrutinizermikki-kun: rather -> less +"/// 1. row" /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/nokia_vndr/rx-5102:43
trampextkbd overwrites it02:43
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: from there i should modify then the "base" language and of course then my localization, right?02:44
mikki-kuntramp: thanks for reminding me of that, i read it but totally forgot :)02:44
DocScrutinizersee wiki URL02:44
mikki-kunbut it's unlikely i will get one02:44
trampi figured that out first hand02:45
trampi say get it anyway, it doesnt really get in the way and you might change your mind02:45
tramprebuilding your rx-51 from scratch is less fun02:46
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mikki-kunseems i will have some coding and reading to do the next days :) now i know where to read and what my goal is :)02:47
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mikki-kunman, even after all this time i still find new stuff to do... *sigh* linux, y u so awesome?!02:48
trampyou should give it your money02:48
mikki-kuntramp: whom? i already paid nokia =p02:49
trampi dont know, theyre all scattered like a rebel force02:49
trampgreat for being a ninja, but it makes financial planning more difficult02:50
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trampi know, hire ppl in india for $30 to contribute on freelancer.org02:51
trampgoing down to troubleshoot dns02:54
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luke-jrugh, N900 firmwares not legally redistributable still?04:17
luke-jror did MeeGo at least get that licensed?04:17
jonwilwhich firmware would that be?04:30
GeneralAntillesluke-jr, think the 3rd-party stuff is the issue.04:33
GeneralAntillesBe nice if Nokia'd roll a Flash-free release, though.04:33
luke-jrjonwil: wl1251?04:34
DocScrutinizerumm camera, yep04:34
luke-jrGeneralAntilles: wtf is with third parties that release GPL'd driver, but no firmware at all? :/04:35
DocScrutinizerprobably also riddled by IP issues of cam module manuf04:35
luke-jrGeneralAntilles: TI themselves wrote a GPL'd wl1251 driver04:35
luke-jrI'm not talking about firmware source04:36
luke-jrjust the firmware binary itself04:36
luke-jrand the whole "FCC" excuse has proven to be a non-issue with athXk, etc04:36
* GeneralAntilles shrugs.04:36
GeneralAntillesTI has generally worked in good faith with Open Source.04:36
GeneralAntillesSo I'm sure they have a reason.04:36
DocScrutinizerit's questionable why it can't be redistributed, cause it can't get used for anything but the chip it was made for anyway04:36
luke-jrGeneralAntilles: LOL, most TI stuff I've seen has been closed closed closed where possible04:37
jonwilwl1251 firmware for N900 IS redistributable via meego04:37
GeneralAntillesSomebody should send a letter to TI's legal department.04:37
jonwilits in the meego repos04:37
luke-jrjonwil: link?04:37
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luke-jrI saw someone commit it to MeeGo, but I couldn't find any citation legalizing it04:38
jonwil has all the firmwares and things for the N90004:39
DocScrutinizeranyway you're free to download original maemo fiasco and extract all the firmware you like04:39
jonwilbluetooth,c amera, wifi04:39
godtrunksHy, when i start camera i have a error, internal error and after it close04:39
DocScrutinizeras long as you don't redistribute04:39
godtrunksWhat should i do??04:39
DocScrutinizerreinstall fcam04:40
DocScrutinizerRTFM of powerkernel (I bet you got both)04:40
godtrunksI reinstall fcam but now the cover sensor is not working...04:41
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njsfHi all04:42
njsfAnybody know how to troubleshoot gps issues?04:42
SpeedEvilDo you have a SIM in?04:42
njsfI though some extras-devel had messed up my gps but after a re-flash04:42
godtrunksWhat should i do??04:42
njsfit still does not get a fix04:42
SpeedEvilAre you outside naked under the moon, facing north?04:42
njsfSpeedEvil: are you talking to me?04:43
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: not practical for automated ebuilds04:43
SpeedEvilOr at least do you have a clear view of most of the sky, without any possibly GPS reflecting windows in between you and it.04:43
DocScrutinizernjsf: change to
merlin1991SpeedEvil: you said it wrong he has to be outside naked under the moon facing north standing on 1 leg sining the acient gps lock song04:44
njsfnot right now, but if you tell me the commands for me to check whether it is a soft or hw failure I'd appreciate04:44
njsfnot in the mood guys04:44
merlin1991njsf try what doc said04:44
DocScrutinizernjsf: ^^^04:44
njsfok will do04:45
njsfbesides that04:45
godtrunksSo, what should i do with that camera error??04:45
njsfany process I should be looking for for the fix to be happening04:45
njsfany dbus messages I should "listen" to04:45
njsfany diagnose progs on extras-devel or testing ?04:45
DocScrutinizergodtrunks: it's FAQ #1 on powerkernel, look there please04:46
SpeedEvilget that04:46
njsfok as soon as my restore finishes04:47
njsfI tried maps before restoring anything to be sure04:47
DocScrutinizersane approach04:47
njsfit wasn't any of the added packages04:47
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DocScrutinizernah, known to act up lately04:48
DocScrutinizerseems it expired its "best before" date04:48
SpeedEvilIn addition, putting your device where you know it has a good view of the sky (some windows obscure GPS) for 14 min, may give you lock.04:48
SpeedEvilAnd check you have date set.04:48
SpeedEvilIf it's set to 2009, it takes _ages_ to lock04:49
njsfdate is proper04:49
njsfhmmm you say up to 14m ?04:49
njsfok, I'll be more patient then04:50
DocScrutinizershould work instantly with SIM and and coreect date/time and internet connection04:51
SpeedEvilThe GPS 'cycle' is 12.5 min for all data.04:51
njsfbtw, I "restored" to 21.2011.3804:51
DocScrutinizerif AGPS enabled and under clear sky (not indoors at window)04:51
SpeedEvilgodtrunks: and install the tools repo - temporarily to install location-test04:51
njsfdo you thing I should first test reflashing 20.2010.36 ?04:52
SpeedEvilcellmo firmware is involved in gps04:52
DocScrutinizer21.2011.38 is latest04:52
njsfwell not from the tablet-dev, had to use navifirm to get it...04:53
DocScrutinizerfriggin navifirm, friggin Nokia fileserver, fsckng policy04:54
merlin199120.2010.36 vs 21.2011.38 is only 4 packages, and none of that involves cellmo or anything gps related04:54
merlin1991it's just the certificates + the applet for them04:54
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DocScrutinizerfix supl!04:55
DocScrutinizerno need to fix one problem with 5 patches04:55
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DocScrutinizerif fixing supl doesn't help, you come back and ask for further advice how to jump on your left foot ;-D04:56
njsffunny thing is that I had tested with before and that also failed to get a fix04:56
njsfsure, probably only tomorrow04:56
DocScrutinizercheck all the prerequisites as listed above: supl, date, SIM, internet, AGPS enabled04:57
njsfyes, will do04:57
njsfwill also instal location-test-gui04:57
DocScrutinizeryes, strongly recommended04:57
DocScrutinizerbest tool to check what's actiually going on04:58
* luke-jr stabs MeeGo for having a bad SSL cert and no non-HTTPS04:58
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trampJust reporting, full internet access from pc through n90004:59
trampA few routing hunches and an /etc/network/interfaces touch05:00
tramphow is your thing going SpeedEvil05:01
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trampyeah, your ..doodad05:03
tramplol are you working on something05:04
DocScrutinizerwow, spamming me05:06
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njsfwhich kernel is more stable ? bfs or power ?05:17
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DocScrutinizerit's questionable if brainfuckscheduler brings any improvement at all05:25
DocScrutinizeranyway it's based on powerkernel05:26
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DocScrutinizerand, given the fact it's only the *policy* of task scheduler all this is about, I'm pretty puzzled you obviously can't switch this policy on the fly to establish BFS policy on your kernel, in linux05:29
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njsfahhh progress...06:34
njsfwith I at least get the AGPS fix, which I was not getting before06:34
njsfI am indoors, so that will suffice as success for tonight06:34
njsfthanks for the help DocScrutinizer and SpeedEvil06:35
DocScrutinizerwell, what else would you want?06:35
njsfI remember that it used to get a proper GPS fix in the window I tried it on now06:35
njsfbut I was not too patient :D06:35
njsfI am just puzzled why previously even with it failed06:36
DocScrutinizeran AGPS fix *is* a "proper GPS fix"06:36
njsfmaybe I did also have a package snafu06:36
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njsfok, let me rephrase: a satellite GPS fix06:36
njsfthe fix I got was of the cell tower ;)06:37
DocScrutinizerAGPS is sattelite based06:37
njsfI thought AGPS would take cell tower when GPS staellite was missing06:38
DocScrutinizerit takes cell towers for a first rough guestimate about continent you're on06:38
njsfthen my fix is way off by 6 blocks ;)06:39
DocScrutinizerthen fetches GPS efem/alm data for that time&location from supl, and looks for just those sats that are supposed to be there06:39
njsfwhere I *know* there is a cell tower, #just-sayin06:39
njsfbut anyway it is way better than before06:39
njsfnow on to actually restore stuff as it was...06:40
njsfthanks again06:40
DocScrutinizerin liblocation test gui you can watch the sats with CNR and if they're used or not06:40
njsf(if only the USPS had not lost my N9...)06:40
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ShadowJKMost apps accept the no-gps location fixes. The location system *does* tell apps about the expected accuracy. With pure cell positioning without network access, this works about to 600km for me (baically just says which country06:46
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ShadowJKThen a server is queried, the server has a database of cell towers and their guesstimated ranges, so that narrows it down to 1000-20000m06:48
ShadowJKlocation-test-ui is cool, because it draws the estimated accuracy as a circle when you tap map :-)06:49
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KosanCould some of you perhaps help me with this?06:50
KosanThey told me to flash the eMMC but I'm having trouble doing that too...06:51
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wmaronejust a note, you may have to idle for a bit06:56
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: duh, I just realized why my prev tests seemed to indicate that the GPS TTFF proper moved with SIM card from one phone to other, while the SIMless one failed: time ;-D06:56
* wmarone can't help as he hasn't reflashed in a year06:56
ShadowJKI seem to remember last time I tried to flash both, it didn't work when I tried to do both without unplugging in between06:59
DocScrutinizernjsf: anyway select Method:AGNSS in Location test app, then start, watch sat count go up (used/seen)06:59
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DocScrutinizerI just tested with a N900 without SIM -> found sats and got fix in like 60s, only after I set correct date/time. Without that it finds bogus sats and never gets a fix07:00
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luke-jrDocScrutinizer: ironic, since GPS broadcasts date/time constantly.07:01
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: but are you sure the N900 hadn't cached the sat data from before?07:01
DocScrutinizeras this device never seen a GPS fix for last 3 months07:02
psycho_oreoswhat if a SIM-less N900 is associated to the wireless network and user running maps software? would it also take forever to get a lock on?07:02
DocScrutinizernot with and correct time, and free sight to sky, and... duh I forgot07:03
psycho_oreoshmm crap07:03
DocScrutinizeraah, and access to internet07:03
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psycho_oreosguess I'll have to retry, I did it on a gloomy day, same supl server ( and time is very close to the local time.07:04
DocScrutinizerwithout supl/internet/AGPS-enabled it will take quite a bit longer but will still get a fix eventually07:04
ShadowJKbtw there's a tool to clear cached data, qgil posted it to bmo or tmo07:05
psycho_oreosnah it has wireless access and internet access but it still took forever to get a lock on07:05
DocScrutinizerand yeah I placed it outside on the window board07:05
DocScrutinizerindoor result is *very* random, depending on your building07:06
psycho_oreosmy other N900 did get a lock on. Both are associated to wireless and have SIM card in them. One of them has wireless broadband access and the other doesn't. It seems like the one with wireless broadband access and a SIM card never used the wireless broadband to get a lock on07:09
* luke-jr got pretty good GPS indoors at his last house, and none here.07:09
ShadowJKI get worse indoor results after the new gps constellation07:12
DocScrutinizerpsycho_oreos: pretty much possible, sometimes GSM provides even better supl data than supl07:12
infobotrumour has it, rrlp is the Radio Resource LCS (Location Service) Protocol as specified first in GSM TS 04.31, or
ShadowJKnot as many in view simultaneously anymore coupled with only westward view of sky from indoors07:12
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: I moved from top flat one floor down same house, and now no more GPS indoors07:13
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DocScrutinizerdespite this flat has larger windows07:14
DocScrutinizerseems the roof with stone roof tiles was not that much of a blocker for the 1.5GHz GPS signal07:15
SpeedEvildepends if it's damp or not.07:20
DocScrutinizerooh yes07:21
SpeedEvildry tiles and damp ones07:21
DocScrutinizerwas in summer07:21
KosanGah will someone please help? My phone is all messed up and I need to flash the eMMC07:21
Kosanbut I can't do it right...07:21
luke-jrKosan: just warranty it and get an E707:22
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DocScrutinizertzztzz, 90s offline and luke-jr trolls07:26
Macerhow much are e7s now? hit $200 yet?07:26
infobotmaemo-flashing is, like,
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: it's cuz he called it a phone :P07:28
Sicelotramp: \O/07:28
DocScrutinizerwell, an offense, but actually I don't agree on "it's no phone". I'd agree on "It's more than just a phone" though07:29
luke-jrmy position is more of "it's not a mere phone"07:31
DocScrutinizerwell, anyway if it was no phone at all, I'd bash Nokia 3 times around the globe for placing the GSM ant where it is07:32
DocScrutinizeroptimal for phone usage, a PITA when holding the device for typing on IRC07:33
luke-jryou should do that anyway.07:34
Macerif you put gentoo on it it's not a phone :-P07:35
DocScrutinizeryeah :-P07:35
KosanI flashed the firmware and immediatly flashed the eMMC but it gets stuck on "Suitable USB device not found, waiting." and a frozen loading thing on my N90007:35
KosanWhat the fuck. ;c07:35
MacerKosan: try on a linux machine as root07:36
infobotmethinks maemo-flashing is
Maceri had problems getting it to work on a windows machine07:36
KosanI don't really have the time to do this..07:36
DocScrutinizer:shrug: so why are you wasting *our* time?07:37
Macerget an e7 like luke-jr said :)07:37
KosanThe screen res looks shit07:37
KosanI might as well just use my half-broken HTC Desire Z then.07:38
DocScrutinizerok, one more and I feel kick-happy07:38
Macermy desire z broke too07:38
Maceri had to order a new ribbon cable07:38
Macerand housing07:38
Macerwhat a pos07:38
KosanMy flash and on/off switch broke07:38
Kosanmy lens is scratched to shit07:38
Macerhtc is garbage anyways07:38
SpeedEvilThe lenscover is a feature I really like on the n90007:39
Maceri dont think they ever made a good quality phone07:39
KosanI know this has got to do with the permissions on the eMMC07:39
KosanTheres got to be a way to change it on the N900.07:39
Macerpermissions on the emmc?07:39
KosanI don't even know.07:40
KosanGod damnit ;__;07:40
KosanBasically everytime I boot it like resets the icons and widgets and stuff07:40
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Kosanand resets it when I change them07:40
Macerwell. i know i had issues flashing on a windows box07:40
KosanI can't even use Linux07:40
ShadowJKI'd try the usual, reboot computer, try different usb ports, etc07:40
wmaroneKosan: that makes me think your fat3 partition is read only07:41
DocScrutinizerwould you pretty please bother to read the fine instructive wiki howto about flashing at07:41
* wmarone scrubs brain07:41
infobotmethinks maemo-flashing is
KosanI DID07:41
KosanI READ IT07:41
kerioyour frowny face is upside-down, dude07:41
ShadowJKthat page is so messy and confusing even I can't make sense of it07:41
Sicelowhy u can't use linux?07:42
KosanBecause I don't know how to use it right.07:42
KosanThe quickest way I guess would be to install Ubuntu on a flash drive.07:42
Macerheh. i dont understand why nokia doesnt still have the flashing utility07:43
KosanBut then it would get even more confusing for me07:43
Macerthey make you use this retarded nokia software now07:43
Kosantrying to flash it from an OS I don't know how to use07:43
Sicelou don't need to know it so well for this07:43
MacerKosan: download an ubuntu cd and boot from it live07:43
Macerand follow the page ;)07:43
Siceloget a live distro, debian based07:43
Sicelooh :)07:43
KosanOr maybe use Wubi.07:44
Maceri know for sure kubuntu does it07:44
KosanThat would probably  be quicker07:44
KosanSince I really don't care about this shitty ASUS laptop.07:44
Macerall you need to do is go to a shell and type like 3 commands07:44
Macerpersonally i love kde and kubuntu07:44
Macerbut to each their own :)07:44
KosanI liked Linux Mint Debian Edition07:44
Kosanbut it was a pain to configure for my ThinkPad X61 Table07:45
Macerbonus points if you use a distro based on hurd07:45
Sicelou can flash from that. resolution doesn't matter07:45
Macerjk. hurd would probably not work :)07:45
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KosanGreat now another hour of waiting for Ubuntu to download.07:46
Siceloi meant Mint Debian edition :)07:46
DocScrutinizerwhen a user is afraid of touching linux, well... maybe N900 isn't exactly the right device then07:46
KosanI'm not afraid of touching linux07:46
KosanI'm just in a foul mood07:46
Sicelowhere's your mint isos now?07:46
KosanOn my desktop 1200 miles away07:46
Maceran hour?07:47
KosanAn hour.07:47
Macercrappy internet? :)07:47
KosanOh yeah.07:47
KosanVery crappy.07:47
Macergo eat brunch07:47
Sicelostill better.. took me 2 1/2 days to download a 700MB knoppix iso :P07:47
KosanI'm tempted to go on verizon with the Motorola Droid I found now.07:48
Macerthen do it ;) can i buy your n900?07:48
KosanBut I love that Transflective display on my N900 too much..07:48
Maceri have $2007:48
Kosanlol nope.07:48
KosanHonestly wish I had the money for a Samsung Galaxy note07:49
Macera buddy of mine wants a note07:49
Maceris that thing a phone?07:49
DocScrutinizeror transflexive07:49
Macerseems a bit on the large side07:49
KosanIt's a 5in phone07:49
Kosanwith a Wacom pen!07:49
Maceri mean.. it is kind of huge07:50
Macerbut awesome07:50
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DocScrutinizerperfect, if only it had a hw kbd07:50
Maceri want one too... but then afgain.. i already have a transformer07:50
Macerget a bt keyboard ;)07:51
Macerthe one that works with the n9....oh wait... :)07:51
DocScrutinizerI recently heard BT kbd work with N907:52
KosanI like those old07:52
ShadowJKbt keyboard would be doable if one had 5 hands07:52
KosanPalm folding bluetooth keyboards07:52
KosanI want one of those :c07:52
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: rrright07:52
Macer5 hands?07:52
Macermy su8w wasnt too bad07:52
Maceri could easily touch type on it07:52
Macerwell.. can. havent used it in a while07:53
Macerspeaking of which.  i need to set it up07:53
DocScrutinizerMacer: one hand to hold screen, one to gold kbd, 2 for typing, one for ... you know what for ;-P07:53
ShadowJKwell, 407:53
ShadowJKone to hold keyboard, one to hold phone, two to type07:53
Macerthe kb has a mount ;)07:53
DocScrutinizersounds pretty convenient, esp when carried in a holster at your belt07:54
KosanI feel bad, I was looking at the MacBook Airs at BestBuy and I almost wanted one :c07:54
KosanOwell I'll get a Lenovo ThinkPad X221 Tablet when/if they come out.07:55
dm8tbrthe su8w is quite pocketable07:55
DocScrutinizermoo dm8tbr07:56
dm8tbrgood moaning07:56
* infobot mooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass07:56
DocScrutinizerI love that one07:57
dm8tbran apt-get moo a day, keeps the trolls away! or sthg like that07:57
jogaI found an acer travelmate C111TCi on our junk pile at work...the only thing wrong with it was a dead battery so I got a new one for 38e, it has this nice emr pen and converts into a tablet, was a nice find :)07:57
SpeedEvilMethane comes out the mouth - mostly - and if a cow weighs twice as much as you - you need to lay off the bratwurst.07:57
dm8tbryay for dumpster diving07:58
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Kosan_When I get Ubuntu installed will one of you help me flash my eMMC...?08:00
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ShadowJKwhy not use a livecd/liveusb instead of installing?08:01
Kosan_I'm just using Wubi to do it because I'm lazy.08:02
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* Sicelo wonders if Wubi will make a difference08:04
Kosan_Why wouldnt it?08:04
Kosan_why would it.08:05
Macerwubi just boots the live cd from win doesnt it?08:05
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Kosan_I think?08:05
jogaisn't wubi the windows installer?08:05
Kosan_It's for people to "Try" Ubuntu I think08:05
ShadowJKwhat's wubi?08:05
Kosan_It just installed Ubuntu alongside windows08:05
Sicelolike a VM, right'08:05
Kosan_It's still a different OS08:05
Kosan_and runs without windows running08:05
jogait just performs the install in windows08:05
Macerlike a dual boot08:05
jogabut there was something about it I think...08:06
jogait lives on ntfs in a file?08:06
Kosan_I have no clue.08:06
Macerguess that is ok ... was wondering if it partitioned the disk08:06
jogaI seem to remember the difference was that it doesn't repartition etc08:07
DocScrutinizer<Kosan> I flashed the firmware and immediatly flashed the eMMC but it gets stuck on "Suitable USB device not found, waiting." and a frozen loading thing on my N900  ---   I'd say expected behaviour. If you'd bother to *read* the fine wiki about updating the tablet firmware, you might notice you have to remove battery after flashing rootfs aka combined08:07
Macerseems like it would be a lot easier to just boot the cd08:07
Macerand run it live08:07
Macerinstead of going theough an install08:07
Kosan_So I flash te firmware08:07
Macerbut i never used wubi so i could be wrong08:07
Kosan_then take the battery out?08:07
Kosan_I saw that earlier but It was confusing.08:08
infobotrumour has it, maemo-flashing is
DocScrutinizerREAD IT!08:08
* Macer hides08:08
Kosan_The flash will take a minute or so.08:09
Kosan_Switch off device by shortly removing battery.08:09
Kosan_I don't even get to that point08:09
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Kosan_Okay there08:16
Kosan_I have flashed the firmware again08:16
Kosan_what are you talking about removing the battery...?08:16
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DocScrutinizer>>If you cannot establish a connection with N900, or got any other problems during starting or completing the flashing process, do the following steps which describe the complete foolproof flashing procedure again in terse form:...<<08:17
DocScrutinizer>>Repeat same procedure (1. - 6.) for each image to flash (sequence: eMMC first, then rootfs - some mess on rootfs may break eMMC flashing and require sequence rootfs eMMC rootfs again). So far this procedure always worked, given your PC side has no problems. Many known problems on PC side - esp "waits forever" / "doesn't find N900" - get fixed with a reboot *immediately prior* to doing the flashing.<<08:20
ShadowJKso does that mean: remove battery, start flasher with rootfs/fiasco, plug in n900, insert battery, device is flashed, remove battery, unplug n900, start flasher with emmc, plug in n900, insert battery?08:22
DocScrutinizeractually nope, you always should flash rootfs last08:23
DocScrutinizerif flashing eMMC first doesn't work (due to messed up rootfs) then do rootfs, eMMC, rootfs08:24
DocScrutinizerbut I just noticed he did the "professional" way of flashing rootfs and eMMC in one step, so this doesn't exactly apply. But then that's why this is called the "method for experienced users" while the one with battery removal etc is called the "foolproof method"08:27
DocScrutinizeranyway, afk now08:27
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Kosan_god damnit it gets stuck on the little loading thing after trying to flash eMMC.08:30
luke-jrKosan_: try the rescue image thing?08:31
Kosan_Rescue image?08:31
Kosan_My N900 boots.08:31
DocScrutinizernfc what's "the little loading thing"08:31
Kosan_It's those little dots08:32
Kosan_and then it freezes.08:32
Kosan_But it never successfully flashes08:33
Kosan_It just gets frozen on that loading screen08:33
DocScrutinizersays who?08:33
Kosan_so I can't flash the Rootfs afterwards08:33
luke-jryou never get to the "loading screen" if you're flashing08:33
Kosan_I thought when flashing the eMMC08:34
Kosan_the little loading dot thing comes up for a minute or so08:34
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: if you flash eMMC with -R you will08:34
luke-jrwell don't do that.08:34
Kosan_I didn't put -R08:34
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luke-jrbtw, I have a bone to pick with whoever optified GNU tools08:35
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luke-jrit breaks bootmenu when you make GNU find the default find08:35
Kosan_There has got to be another way to fix my problems without flashing the eMMC since I can't freaking get it to flash.08:35
luke-jrKosan_: assume it flashed. move on.08:35
luke-jrnfc why you'd need to flash eMMC anyway08:36
luke-jrI've NEVER had to do that08:36
Kosan_idk someone suggested it.08:36
Kosan_I'm having wierd problems08:36
luke-jrjust delete /opt and rename /user08:36
Kosan_Wait what?08:36
ShadowJKif you delete /opt you lose themes, icons, fonts and a bunch of apps08:36
luke-jrShadowJK: he's reflashing initfs08:37
* luke-jr deletes /opt before flashing rootfs08:37
Sicelorename /user << what is it?08:37
luke-jrSicelo: your personal files/settings08:38
DocScrutinizerluke-jr is a fool08:38
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: no u08:38
ShadowJK/home/user probably08:38
luke-jrShadowJK: yeah, but we're talking about /home partition08:38
ShadowJKthe filesystem is probably damaged or maybe even not being used at all08:39
DocScrutinizerflashing rootfs makes optificator run and that one will delete your /opt08:39
ShadowJKheck, emmc might have fallen off physically, the information at this point is kinda lacking08:39
Kosan_o . o08:39
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: oh, didn't know that.08:39
Kosan_I can still access.. the 27Gb partition or whatever.08:40
luke-jrKosan_: without booting?08:40
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Kosan_I can access it through the file manager08:40
Kosan_and with my computer..08:40
luke-jrKosan_: did you try flashing rootfs yet?08:40
Kosan_My mind is starting to go completely blank now.08:41
Kosan_I flashed the firmware.08:41
Maceri think an n900 was the wrong choice of device for you :)08:41
luke-jrMacer: that's why I told him to RMA it and get an E7 earleir08:42
Kosan_I don't want an E7.08:42
Kosan_It looks like a crap device.08:42
Macere7 is a nice phone and has a qwerty08:42
Macerit is about the same hw as an n90008:42
Kosan_I'm not going any lower than 800x48008:42
luke-jrKosan_: you need a crap device.08:42
* DocScrutinizer sighs and heads out08:43
ShadowJKI still don't know whether he tried the unplug, removebatt, start flasher, plug, insert battery, remove batt, unplug   procdure for both emmc and rootfs08:43
Kosan_I did.08:43
Macerit is broken08:43
Macerrma it08:43
psycho_oreosyou can't help the symbian troll can't you? somehow E7 must be the love of your life08:43
ShadowJKand it said worked for rootfs but said "waiting for device" over and over for emmc?08:44
Kosan_I've had it for like 5 months08:44
Kosan_and I bought it used.08:44
psycho_oreosreturn manufacturer authorisation or something like that08:44
Kosan_I know what RMA is.08:44
infobotpsycho_oreos meant: return material authorisation or something like that08:44
Kosan_How can I RMA something thats probably a year old.08:44
Macersend it to nokia08:44
Macerthey'll fix it08:44
Kosan_Yeah and charge me $20008:44
ShadowJK2 year warranty in eu08:44
psycho_oreosand send you E7/N8 instead08:44
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Kosan_I'm sorry but why does this device have to be so overly complicated like this08:45
Kosan_I see no reason for it to be.08:45
luke-jrKosan_: because that's the POINT of the N90008:45
ShadowJKKosan_; what were the paraneters used when you attempted to flash emmc?08:45
luke-jrit's NOT a phone08:45
luke-jrit's a full computer08:45
psycho_oreosno its more like the fault of nokia rushing to have this device onto the market08:45
Macerpsycho_oreos: then abandoning it ;)08:46
luke-jrpsycho_oreos: no, I mean the complexity of flashing it08:46
Kosan_I guess I'm just too stupid to operate this device.08:46
ShadowJKKosan_; my guess would be the device is physically damaged08:46
Macerlet's not forget that part08:46
Kosan_It was working fine earlier today.08:46
Kosan_What the fuck.08:46
psycho_oreosMacer, that's irrelevant now, its an old story08:46
Macermade in china?08:46
psycho_oreosluke-jr, still it is partly nokia's fault you have to admit08:46
Maceryou sure it is running maemo? :)08:46
luke-jrpsycho_oreos: complexity of flashing is to be expected.08:47
ShadowJKnormal user with normal device would use the warranty instead of asking a bunch of programmers and electrical engineers for help on using tools normally reserved for repair centres08:47
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: how could that be? how's flasher telling device is broken when device magically knows it's goinfg to flash eMMC now?08:47
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MacerShadowJK: there used to be an easy windows tool for flashing08:48
jogaKosan_, I'd take a short break, make some coffee, then carefully follow the procedure for flashing again, since it seems that there's no certainty that you did everything to the T (I haven't had such problems myself though)08:48
psycho_oreosluke-jr, I somewhat beg to differ, N900's predecessors only needed one binary file to flash :)08:48
Macerwhat happened to that?08:48
psycho_oreoserr one binary file to use the flasher with08:48
Macernokia has this lame suite crap08:48
luke-jrpsycho_oreos: same with N900. no reason to reflash eMMC08:48
jogaMacer, heh, I don't recall any 'good' nokia windows tools :)08:49
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: the effect of flasher waiting forever on "no USB device found" usually is associated with a fsckdup rootfs08:49
Macerjoga: it was the updater for the n90008:49
Macerit downloaded the latest img and flashed it08:49
Macereasy clicky pointy stuff08:49
joganever seen that myself08:49
Maceras well as installed the driver for the n90008:49
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: the effect of flasher waiting forever on "no USB device found" for eMMC only usually is associated with a fsckdup rootfs08:49
Maceri have ;) i promise. it existed08:50
ShadowJKtalking to usb under windows seems pretty hard, I've got a friend with a samsung galaxy that can't update it because the windows tool doesn't work :)08:50
Maceri was looking for it a couple weeks ago and nokia no longer has it08:50
jogawhen I got the n900, nokia's suite couldn't use it, but had a picture of the device. the previous version could use it to some degree though08:50
Macerthey direct you to some universal device suite crap08:50
Macerthat doesn't work08:50
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Macerbut it is nokia.. it is what i come to expect :)08:51
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DocScrutinizerflashing under windows seems to only work flawlessly if you uninstall or even better never install nokiasuite08:51
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ShadowJKthough I'd expect it to not work for both then08:52
DocScrutinizerflashing eMMC involves booting system and exporting a pseudo mass storage device08:52
Macernokia suite doesnt work08:52
ShadowJKoh I didn't know it needed to go past nolo for emmc08:53
Macerat least it didnt work for me. i just walked over to my linux server and flashed it08:53
DocScrutinizerseems it does08:53
Macerand it worked :)08:53
DocScrutinizeras flashing eMMC fails if rootfs is fsckdup08:53
DocScrutinizerso that's why flashing eMMC fails while flashing rootfs works: either rootfs is borked, or the exporting pseudo mass storage makes windows act up and load nokia suite drivers that block flasher-3.508:55
Kosan_Don't even have nokia suite installed.08:56
DocScrutinizerdo foolproof method flash rootfs + emmc + rootfs and you should be fine - if you got no problems on PC side08:56
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DocScrutinizerread: a windows PC08:56
Kosan_I read.08:57
Kosan_I guess I will try this in Ubuntu tomorrow.08:57
Kosan_and hope it fixes it.08:57
luke-jrin other news, my N900 won't boot anymore08:57
Macermaybe i will make maem.scientiam.org08:57
Macerluke-jr: problems with gentoo?08:57
luke-jrwith Maemo, even08:57
Macerbecause of gentoo?08:58
Macerif you say so. everything can be blamed on gentoo when stuff breaks08:58
* ShadowJK blames gcc-4.508:58
luke-jrhmm this is ugly08:59
luke-jreven the rescue kernel won't boot08:59
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luke-jrShadowJK: I haven't flashed that yet08:59
SiceloDocScrutinizer: so minicom with N900 ttyACM0 works exactly as pnatd on the device. just that you can't use AT1, etc have to do it the long way, AT+GMR09:00
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luke-jrKernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!09:00
Siceloah. so my mistake :)09:01
luke-jrthat's with my GCC 4.4 fremantle kernel I had working years ago09:01
Kosan_Well fuck it.09:02
Kosan_It's HTC Desire Z time09:02
Kosan_goodnight all.09:02
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Macerfk you too! you and your desire z!09:03
* Sicelo looks longingly at Kosan_'s ts and ribbon cable09:03
Macermine wore out09:03
Macercrappy htc zhinge09:03
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Maceri have a new one and a new housing but taking the thing apart is driving me nuts09:03
Macerit is incredibly difficult to disassemble09:04
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Siceloi meant his n900 ts and ribbon :)09:10
luke-jrhelp :|09:10
luke-jrN900 won't boot09:12
luke-jreven the rescue kernel09:12
SpeedEvilTried taking the battery out and putting it back again? (with no USB power)09:13
luke-jrmany times now09:14
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luke-jrgot the rescue working (I had forgotten the initrd)09:29
luke-jrbut don't see any reason why maemo won't boot09:29
luke-jrthis vaguely reminds me of how things broke last time I had to reflash it09:29
luke-jr(as in, makes no sense :P)09:30
luke-jrI only edited slightly, and that doesn't even get run unless slide is open :/09:30
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luke-jrhmm, VERY odd……09:35
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luke-jrwith run, it creates the bootlog file, but nothing in it…09:35
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* luke-jr adds a forked process doing sync every 0.1 seconds…09:38
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luke-jrnothing still :x09:39
ShadowJKfree space?09:42
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luke-jrShadowJK: 53 MB free on rootfs09:43
luke-jrShadowJK: could you bind-mount your maemo / somewhere, and tell me what its /dev has in it?09:43
ShadowJKwhy bind-mount?09:44
luke-jrso you see the real /dev, not the tmpfs09:45
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* ShadowJK forgets syntax09:47
luke-jrmount --bind / /mnt09:49
dm8tbr'-o bind' works too IIRC09:50
ShadowJKconsole core fb* fraw full kmem loop* mem mtd* null port pts ram* random tty* urandom zero09:51
luke-jrdm8tbr: that's longer…09:52
dm8tbrjust saying...09:52
luke-jrShadowJK: that's /mnt/dev ?09:52
luke-jrI'm missing a bunch of those09:53
luke-jrwhat's dev/core?09:54
luke-jrShadowJK: could you pastebin a ls -l of it?09:54
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ShadowJKsymlink to /proc/kcore09:54
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luke-jrsorry, ls -ln09:57
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luke-jryay, looks like that was the issue10:08
luke-jrthanks ShadowJK10:08
* luke-jr ponders how to best automate autorecovery10:09
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luke-jr…and bricked again10:14
luke-jrseems Maemo hates that gcc45 kernel10:14
luke-jrdespite it being the same code10:14
* luke-jr peers10:14
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* luke-jr throws a dev.tgz in /lib and has bootmenu extract it :P10:23
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Macerthis synology is configuring and building coreutils10:35
Macernative building ftw :)10:35
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Maceralthough the coreutils has to be the longest configure script ever made10:36
Macerlet me go ahead and melt this box10:38
luke-jralmost makes you wish there was a template config.cache for common systems10:39
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luke-jrholy crap10:40
luke-jrsomething during Maemo boot *does* intentionally delete all /dev10:40
luke-jrand with my kernel fails to remake them due to missing sysfs entries10:41
luke-jrcat: can't open '/sys/bus/platform/devices/*_wdt/misc:*/dev': No such file or directory10:41
Macergentoo did it!10:42
Macerall this just so i can have passwd lol10:42
Macerdamn synology box with its no passd and not intended for shells :)10:43
luke-jrMacer: no, Gentoo had nothing to do with it10:43
luke-jrMacer: Maemo did it.10:43
Macerthat is zionist gentoo talk!10:43
Macerwith your maemo bashing!10:43
Maceri have ran maemo forever without /dev getting deleted :) or at least withoug /dev giving me problems10:44
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luke-jryou're a mere idiot end user10:45
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MacerMr. Hack an n900 using what others have worked on in order to get gentoo working without making any real code yourself and expect nokia to send you an n90010:55
Macermy bad lol10:55
Macerhope they get back to you some day about that but i am sure their exchange recycle bin is expunged once a week or so10:56
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Macersudo -s11:02
vi___zionist gentoo talk.11:03
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jogaI'm not very familiar with the maemo core but it uses udev right? doesn't that mean /dev gets generated11:05
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Macerolume1/homes/mace/temp/coreutils-8.13/src/sort.c:3557: undefined reference to `pthread_create'11:06
Macermaybe i will just --disable-threads11:10
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luke-jrMacer: Gentoo is real code. Maemo is a joke.11:10
Maceroh i never said it wasn't .. the question is though.. how many lines have you added to the pot?11:11
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AminCXluke-jr: you're idea is respectable .11:11
Macerwithout maemo you would have never gotten gentoo to boot11:11
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psycho_oreosapart from nitdroid and meego, I've not really seen any other distros that could make full and proper use of the N900.. every other distros almost always lack exactly the same thing such as telephone for instance11:13
Macernitdroid is still struggling on the hardware11:13
psycho_oreosI mean really... in that case installing any other distro on N900 would easily render your N900 into a pure internet tablet minus phone functionality11:13
Maceri dont think the phone works still11:13
Macerbut it still takes the maemo kernel and modules to get the other hardware to function11:14
vi___Is there any kind of documentation for how systemui works.  I.e. how is systemui.xml generated/used?11:14
Maceryou lose cam, gps, phone, uhm. there was more but i forget11:14
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Sicelopsycho_oreos: debian can make calls now, but no audio is heard. otherwise sms, etc works11:15
MacerSicelo: same with nitdroid11:15
Macerthey hit a roadblock11:15
Macerall non-maemo things did11:15
psycho_oreosbah, then that would pretty much only leave meego11:15
Macereven meego isn't fully functional11:16
psycho_oreosdon't they use something like ofono?11:16
Maceron the n90011:16
Macerbut it has issues11:16
Macer:) which i doubt will ever be resolved11:16
luke-jrMacer: many, many more than you11:16
Maceroh yeah.. you lose fmtx too11:16
Macerluke-jr: liar11:17
Macerscripting != code11:17
* luke-jr notes fmtx works fine with mainline Linux11:17
luke-jrMacer: good, so you've written no code at all11:17
Maceroh. my bad. there is something11:17
Maceri can't remember what it is11:17
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Macernor have you :)11:18
Macerso don't judge lol11:18
Sicelobtw, luke-jr, gentoo on n900 works well for tablet mode?11:18
Macerno! and don't let him sit there and lie to you and say it does!11:18
luke-jrSicelo: ?11:19
luke-jrdefine tablet mode11:19
Sicelojust genuine question luke-jr. i'm not on Macer's line of though11:19
Maceri'm just messing with luke-jr Sicelo :)11:20
luke-jrSicelo: define tablet mode11:20
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Sicelouse of your n900 without modem-related things... just like the other possible OSes11:21
Sicelomaybe i should ask for a screenshot of your n900 running gentoo11:22
Maceri think he is asking if you have a good tablet style wm working on it11:23
luke-jrSicelo: it'll have to wait. my ext2 went corrupt, and still building stuff11:23
luke-jrI had KDE before11:24
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Macerfound out my mboard doesnt go to sleep at all :)12:09
Macernot even in win712:09
Macerguess i will just do the whole power down deal. that is lame tho12:10
Macerit is kind of amazing that you still have to jump through hoops to get a large volume to work in linux12:11
Maceranything for that matter12:11
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Macerthis bl5j charger was an awesome thing to buy12:55
Macerswapping batteries seems easier than staying attached to a cord12:55
Macerand the battery that came with it actually lasts just as long as a stock one12:56
DocScrutinizeranybody familiar with alignment errors under ARM?13:00
DocScrutinizerand how to deal with them?13:00
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vi___Macer: you know hotswap right?13:07
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Macerwith the 1sec to swap it while holding one in place etc?13:21
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Macerno thanks. i will just power it off and swap it out heh13:21
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ShadowJK1 sec?13:22
Macerwhatever it is13:23
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Macer.7? :)13:24
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vi___Macer: suit yourself13:26
vi___Is it possible for me to...13:26
vi___1. be connected to ovi suite.13:26
vi___2. connected to n900 by putty.13:27
vadimqDocScrutinizer: AFAIK, you mostly have to remove unaligned access from the program. Malloc ensures memory is aligned, but you have to be careful with using offsets13:27
vi___3. Acess the net through PC from n900.13:27
vi___ALL over bluetooth?13:27
vi___ALL at once?13:27
Phlogistiquewhat's ovi suite?13:30
psycho_oreosprobably some windows only software13:30
Phlogistique(I don't know the answer to your question)13:30
Phlogistiquepsycho_oreos: ovi sounds like the ovi from ovi store though13:31
psycho_oreosPhlogistique, though there's a set of ovi shortcuts when you either first obtain N900 or a clean combined flash13:32
* psycho_oreos thinks its probably something to do with pc suite mode13:32
vi___ovi suite is the SHITTY software peddled by nokia.13:33
vi___Winblows only, resource hog, always startys with windows.13:33
vi___An embarassment.13:33
vi___However it does have partital n900 support.13:33
psycho_oreosits actually quite a compliment to N900 though *ahem* lol13:33
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vi___It allows you to backup the phonebook/appz/etc/etc13:34
vi___Send/receive txt messages13:35
vi___modify and synchronise the phonebook13:35
vi___modify/synchronise the calender13:35
vi___While it is a steaming sack of piss it does allow me to txt msg my GF from my desk without fiddling with me phone.13:36
psycho_oreossounds very much like that nokia pc suite. I've never used it on my N900 lol. I've already fully migrated all my computers to linux13:36
vi___psycho_oreos: tell that to my job.13:36
psycho_oreosvi___, can't you run linux on a vm? :D13:37
vi___psycho_oreos: for what purpose? All the CAE software is for 'dows.13:37
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vi___psycho_oreos: You have to accept you cannot have 'nix everywhere.13:38
vi___psycho_oreos: then you install cygwin and SSH out.13:38
psycho_oreosvi___, I know of a few people that have linux on their workstations at work, whilst everyone else had windows :)13:38
psycho_oreosI'd imagine I'd do the same thing too if I could find a way first off and then have it showing windows showing up on the screen whenever I'm not in front of me desk at work :) to prevent any suspicions or that `wtf' quote13:40
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vi___unless somone could write an SMS plugin for mutt/alpine that would allow me to send/receive messages to/from my contacts.13:41
psycho_oreosi.e. windows on vm and linux as host but *shrugs* everyone has their comfort zones13:41
vi___psycho_oreos: bro are you on drugs?13:41
psycho_oreosvi___, no but I've never done CAE :)13:41
vi___You think running 'nix is outside my 'comfort zone'?13:42
vi___You have yet to learn that crumby software you HAVE to use at work DOES NOT work under nix13:42
psycho_oreosvi___, that's where virtualisation comes in :)13:42
vi___In fact it is so fail it almost doesnt run under doze13:42
vi___the very idea of putting an extra layer of potential fail i.e. a host OS underneath the whole lot is nuts.13:43
vi___You simply have to accept at work you use doze.13:43
psycho_oreosunless if you're running old workstations with limited resources :D13:44
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vi___then you will be ruinnig XP.13:44
psycho_oreosbleh I wouldn't.. not in the long term... I'd be looking into having linux as host. So when shit hits the fan I can always `re-clone' windows13:44
vi___psycho_oreos: that is what our IT admin is for.13:45
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psycho_oreosvi___, true but to do it yourself would probably be better one other ways unless if they enforce strict `cloning' every so often13:46
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psycho_oreoss/one/more than one/13:46
infobotpsycho_oreos meant: vi___, true but to do it yourself would probably be better more than one other ways unless if they enforce strict `cloning' every so often13:46
vi___psycho_oreos: you clearly have not had your first job in the 'real world' of computers yet then.13:46
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psycho_oreosvi___, I have, just not much :)13:47
psycho_oreosvi___, so you would say people who run linux as host and windows as guest in virtualised environment at their work environment despite the rest of the people are running windows only are bluffers?13:48
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Phlogistiquevi___: I'm pretty sure it must be possible to do without OVI suite (sending texts)13:50
Phlogistiquealtough I do not know how, and I don't really need it13:51
psycho_oreosthere's sendsms which is a CLI based program13:51
infobotpsycho_oreos meant: there's smssend which is a CLI based program13:53
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jonwilI have come up with the perfect solution for implementing wifi network priority. The plan I have is not to replace the wifi plugin (with libicd-network-wpa or anything else) but to write a plugin that sits between the ICD daemon and the WiFi plugin and manipulates the results14:14
jonwilAbout to make a forum post about my plan14:15
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LaoLang_coolAnyone could compile remind on n900 please?
LaoLang_coolbuilt-in task in N900 is useless at all for me...14:19
LaoLang_coolToo simple too naive14:19
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mihuHi. I want to write an application that listens for the "PictureDone" event from Should I directly use the DBUS API or is there some Maemo-specific handling that I should use?15:01
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vi___mihu:inter-process communication? DBUS surely.15:13
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mihuvi___: I took a picture and noticed that "signal sender=:1.69 -> dest=(null destination) serial=38 path=/com/nokia/cameraui;; member=PictureDone    string "/home/user/MyDocs/DCIM/20111128_001.jpg"" was emitted. I now want to listen to that event, but I'm unsure which API I should/can use.15:14
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mihuvi___:  From looking at the documentation, I think osso_rpc_set_cb_f() is the way to go.15:16
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DocSalarySlavewas it in this channel we discussed availability of components via farnell?17:41
DocSalarySlavethey actually don't send to users who got no business with tax number, but the nice lady calling me will send my addr of their business partner that will do17:42
vi___DocSalarySlave: yes, at a cost.17:43
DocSalarySlaves/my/me the/17:43
infobotDocSalarySlave meant: they actually don't send to users who got no business with tax number, but the nice lady calling me will send me the addr of their business partner that will do17:43
vi___DocSalarySlave: Unless you are buying a shed load of stuff it is just not worth it.17:43
DocSalarySlavevi___: depends17:43
DocSalarySlaveif I can't operate the 800$ device anymore due to a broken 5ct component, I don'T really mind paying 20 bucks for processing17:44
pugvzz_DocSalarySlave: what did you ordeR?17:49
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vi___I wish somone would make a flashlight app that was not made of fail.17:53
vi___liqtorch - just a white screen.   FAIL.17:54
vi___flashlight, extra&GTK - include a statusbar pluging that polls the shutter.   FAIL.17:54
vi___nTorch - Requires you to press the screen to on/off and does not close with shutter, also QT.   FAIL17:55
SpeedEvilvi___: I got halfway through, then got stuck on a bash script.17:55
SpeedEvilvi___: Basic idea:17:55
SpeedEvilOn shutter-open - is device pointing down.17:55
SpeedEvilYes - flashlight on.17:56
SpeedEvilNo - camera on17:56
DocSalarySlavepugvzz_: actually nothing17:56
vi___All that is needed is a binary that switches on the LEDs, switches off when shutter closes.  I will choose how to launch binary (status bar, script, shutter launcher, dbus when I fart, etc).17:57
SpeedEvilIt's not quite that simple - as the camera will take over the shutter17:58
vi___SpeedEvil: I have considered a bash approach too, howeever it cannot be done.  (unless you wanna I2C the shit outta the LED module).17:58
vi___SpeedEvil: not if you have camera shutter launcher...17:58
SpeedEvilcamera shutter launcher requires an interaction.17:58
SpeedEvilThe above UI doesn't.17:58
vi___SpeedEvil: good point.17:58
SpeedEvilDoesn't even need screen unlock17:59
vi___SpeedEvil: however shutterL allows the automatic execution of whatever you want.  Which in this case would be your script.17:59
vi___SpeedEvil: would also circumvent need for unlocking.17:59
DocSalarySlaveanyway FWIW, farnell doesn't seel to individuals, but a nice CR-lady called me and told me will do, and has all the farnell stuff18:00
vi___SpeedEvil: how would you have started LEDS with a bash script?18:00
DocSalarySlave(and of course I can order directly at farnell ;-D )18:00
vi___DocSalarySlave: heh18:00
vi___DocSalarySlave: their website certainly shits all over rs-components.18:01
SpeedEvilvi___: v4lctl18:02
SpeedEvilBut it diddn't quite work18:02
pugvzz_they call em fingers.. but i never seen ém fing...18:02
pugvzz_so what is interesting to do today with maemo-ishness18:02
vi___SpeedEvil: what is this 'v41ctl' you speak of?18:02
pugvzz_it is so feature-complete18:02
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SpeedEvilvideo4linux control applet18:03
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vi___SpeedEvil: can it turn the leds on/off?18:03
SpeedEvilBut it doesn/t keep /dev/viodeo open, so they go off again18:03
vi___what do you mean doesnt keep it open?18:04
SpeedEvilWhen the video device is closed, the driver turns the LED off18:04
vi___why u no 'chmod 444 /dev/video'?18:05
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SpeedEvilIt doesn't work that way.18:05
SpeedEvilTo turn the camera on, you need to open /dev/video0, then do an ioctl to turn on the LED.18:05
vi___change the write permissions of the device so nothing can change/close it.18:05
SpeedEvilAnd keep it open18:06
SpeedEvilIt's the driver that's turning it off.18:06
vi___spam ioctls?18:06
SpeedEvilI'd have needed to recode v4lctl so it supported keeping the device open.18:06
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DocSalarySlavenice notice to everybody re CSSU: seems a (the?) fundamental bug in modest got spotted and squished18:24
nealDocSalarySlave: link?18:25
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vi___I mean the screen is max 1280 wide, so why would Qt need floats?18:34
vi___^ because it was made by java programmers.18:34
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luke-jrvi___: what's wrong with floats? :P18:45
luke-jroh right, Maemo is still stuck with softfp ;)18:46
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luke-jrugh, where do I get the star-shaped screwdriver needed to open N900?19:13
DocSalarySlaveluke-jr: you could do us a favour and check if hardfp is as fast or faster than 32bit fixed19:14
luke-jrDocSalarySlave: how?19:14
DocSalarySlavedazasheets, google, dunno19:14
luke-jrhardfp is very significantly faster than softfp+neon at least19:14
luke-jrno idea wtf to test 32bit fixed19:14
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DocSalarySlaveyeah, but when Qt or $random-task doesn't need float then it was insane to use even hardfp unless it was faster than 32 int19:15
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luke-jrbut I don't know how to test 32bit fixed :P19:16
luke-jrunless you mean uint3219:16
DocSalarySlavethat's probably what I meant, yeah19:16
luke-jrthen I suppose I could write a simple C program to compare19:16
DocSalarySlavenot u maybe19:16
luke-jralarm(10);, then count19:16
luke-jror do I need more time to be precise enough? hmm19:17
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DocSalarySlaveI bet the results are so significan you don't need any precision at all19:17
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RST38hmoo all19:20
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luke-jrDocSalarySlave: what op should I use for testing?19:20
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DocSalarySlaveaka multiply and add19:21
luke-jrfrom C?19:21
luke-jra += a * 2 ?19:22
DocSalarySlaveI wonder how you'd thest hardfp19:22
luke-jrmake 'a' a double :p19:22
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DocSalarySlavehmm, you're on a system with hardfp support?19:22
luke-jrthat's how I noticed the difference :P19:23
luke-jrGentoo is MUCH faster with hardfp than when I had softfp19:23
DocSalarySlavethen probably the above will do, when you make sure no optimizations detect the code as cruft19:23
luke-jrGCC isn't using muladd for += *19:23
DocSalarySlaveluke-jr: :-D well THAT is expected19:23
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DocSalarySlave(faster ^^^)19:24
DocSalarySlaveluke-jr: hardfp is usually faster than software emu19:25
luke-jrwell, I thought it was just an API difference and the softfp was still using NEON19:26
DocSalarySlaveluke-jr: (muladd) if you can't find a way to use muladd (if that even exists on ARM), then a normal add and multiply will probably do19:26
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luke-jr~32 mil int ops per sec19:27
DocSalarySlaveor you could compare int mul+add to a simple hardfp mul only, and see if fp has a chance to compete with this "advantage"19:27
DocSalarySlaveassuming a hardfp muladd won't be *faster* than a hardfp mul19:28
luke-jr~10.5 mil 'double' ops per sec19:28
DocSalarySlaveamazingly fast19:28
luke-jrsame for 'float'19:28
luke-jris it?19:28
DocSalarySlaveI'd say yes19:29
luke-jrI have no way to test on softfp19:29
DocSalarySlaveI'd more expected a ratio of 10/1 or more, rather than 3/119:29
DocSalarySlavesoftfp doesn't matter though19:29
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DocSalarySlavestill obviously hardfp is not *faster* than int arithmetic19:30
luke-jrwell, if you can get statistics for Maemo's configuration, you can go to Nokia "THIS IS YOUR FAULT" :P19:30
DocSalarySlaveso if you can get away with not using float in any framework/program, you damn better only use int19:30
luke-jr <-- the code I tested with19:31
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luke-jrwith standard Maemo userspace running with Wifi connected19:33
luke-jrand SSH sessions19:33
luke-jrdon't expect those made a big impact on testing tho19:34
pugvadrwhat is luke-jr  doing/19:34
luke-jrpugvadr: cheap benchmarking19:34
luke-jrI'm still interested to see what a Maemo-made benchmark of the above produces for floats19:34
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luke-jrif for no other reason to mathematically prove that I'm not imagining this huge speedup :p19:35
* DocSalarySlave wonders if he could run it thru the SB wreck he got19:36
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DocSalarySlavedang, how do I log in to SB?19:41
* DocSalarySlave has obviously lost half of his persistent storage19:41
DocSalarySlavenm, found it, /sb/login19:43
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DocSalarySlaveIroN900:~# ./speedtest19:53
pugvadrty luke-jr !19:54
luke-jrDocSalarySlave: srsly, no difference at all? :o19:56
luke-jrpugvadr: ?19:56
pugvadrfor your interesting experiments19:56
DocSalarySlaveI guess your line >>n += n * n;<< simply gets yanked as the result is never used19:56
luke-jrDocSalarySlave: are you using -O0 ?19:57
DocSalarySlavelet's do it the other way round: what are you using?19:58
DocSalarySlavefull cmdline19:58
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luke-jrDocSalarySlave: gcc a.c20:02
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DocSalarySlaveIroN900:~# ./speedtestint20:04
DocSalarySlaveIroN900:~# ./speedtestfloat20:04
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pugvadrthat is 3x faster?20:05
luke-jrso hardfp makes no difference at all? :/20:06
DocSalarySlaveor I'm using hardfp here :-P20:07
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DocSalarySlaveotoh if that's softfp then dang wtf20:07
luke-jrhardfp isn't binary compatible with softfp libs20:07
DocSalarySlaveheard that20:08
luke-jrso I'd think it impossible to do hardfp on Maemo20:08
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pugvadrwould be nice to fix the weird gfx bug on NoGravity n90020:27
DocSalarySlaveIroN900:~# ./speedtestfloat20:30
DocSalarySlave84094530  020:30
DocSalarySlaveIroN900:~# ./speedtestint20:30
DocSalarySlave237694654  44674123820:30
DocSalarySlavetypedef int testtype;20:31
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DocSalarySlave        testtype n = 1;20:31
DocSalarySlavevoid alrm(int a) {20:31
DocSalarySlave        printf("%d  %d\n", c, n);20:31
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luke-jrif n in float, %d is worng20:31
DocSalarySlaveI didn't care20:31
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DocSalarySlaveanyway now result gets used, and seems the ratio is still 3/1 though definitely speed for both changed a lot20:33
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infobotmethinks maemo-flashing is
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KosanWill someone help me flash my N900 with Ubuntu Linux? I have little to no experience using it.21:59
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Sicelohey Kosan. i was just thinking about u :P22:06
KosanYeah apperently I can't operate Linux.22:06
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Sicelothe wiki is kinda self-explanatory.. where are u having issues?22:07
KosanHold on.22:08
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KosanWhere it says <firmware-image>22:10
KosanI don'22:10
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KosanI don't know how to tell it to go to a certain firmware image22:10
KosanI have very little experience using linux.22:10
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Siceloit's the one u downloaded22:10
KosanIt's on the desktop.22:10
KosanDo i need to put it somewhere else?22:10
Kosanthat one.22:11
Sicelooh :)22:11
Siceloflasher -F /home/kosan/Desktop/Rx...22:11
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Siceloi don't know how u have configured yours.. but that's the basic gnome path for desktop22:12
corecodei'm trying to set up wifi manually22:12
corecodebut something keeps doing a ifconfig wlan0 down22:12
corecodewhat could that be?22:12
Siceloi don't think there is corecode.22:13
Sicelohow do u set it up manually corecode?22:13
corecodeiwconfig and ifconfig22:14
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Kosan):< Linux irritates me22:18
luke-jrLinux or Maemo?22:18
Sicelowhat has happened now Kosan?22:18
luke-jrof course22:18
KosanNothing it's just22:18
Kosanmaking me angry D:<22:18
Kosan(It's because it's different)22:18
KosanI don't like change :c22:18
luke-jrit's GNOME's fault22:20
luke-jrget a KDE-based OS22:20
Kosan"Error claiming USB interface: Operatation not permitted"22:20
KosanWhen trying to flash the eMMC22:20
Siceloroot ^^22:21
Sicelosudo ..22:21
Kosandon't make fun of me ;c22:21
Sicelocorecode: did u start with ifconfig wlan0 down before going iwconfig, etc..22:22
KosanIt's working22:22
KosanOH LOOK22:29
KosanEven after flashing the eMMC22:29
Kosanit's still doing this shit..22:29
KosanThanks guys.22:30
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bindi__is it possible to use another phone as a remote?22:32
bindi__for the n90022:32
bindi__n900 is driving the presentation (really simple) and i could use another phone for scrolling up/down22:32
SiceloKosan: meaning your N900 is running fine now?22:33
bindi__is there anything like sending keys to active app through ssh?22:33
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Sicelocorecode: i haven't done all this myself, but have a look at the command sequence for n900 in this nicely commented script by mgedmin :
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Maceri got kubuntu back on this old server to use as a workstation22:41
Macertoo bad the power stuff doesn't properly work22:41
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bindi__can I lock my screen from the terminal?22:46
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KosanSicelo yes22:47
Siceloyes, see phone-control << bindi__22:47
Sicelou did it Kosan :P22:47
bindi__got it22:47
Kosanmy camera UI looks like the old one22:48
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Kosanand not the one from the... PR 1.3 or whateve.r22:48
Sicelobtw, Kosan, backupmenu is one good program to install asap22:49
KosanWhats it do?22:49
Sicelocamera ui? yes, u are on pr1.322:49
KosanWell I remember the camera did a bunch of other stuff.22:49
Siceloi guess that was extra software.. eg bless22:49
KosanI guess.22:50
* Sicelo almost never uses his camera22:50
KosanI use it a lot22:50
KosanI wish there was a theme that was like22:50
Kosansuper high contrast22:50
Kosanfor using outside22:50
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Sicelobackupmenu helps u make better backups, and allows u to also boot the device in special modes (well, u need some linux knowledge to use that fully)22:51
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Sicelou used wubi or ubuntu proper?22:52
KosanI booted from a USB22:53
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MacerSicelo: it is probably important to point out that backupmenu relies on making sure the device is using the same kernel when the image is made23:18
Macerotherwise you have a prett bad day23:19
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