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thresh | so, I want to build a package for N900/fremantle, and I don't really want to use scratchbox. Is there any other way to build binaries for fremantle then? | 10:24 |
dangergrrl | you can build on the n900 itself if you are a masochist :P | 10:25 |
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thresh | heh | 10:25 |
kerio | dangergrrl: well, it's still better than installing scratchbox :) | 10:25 |
thresh | indeed | 10:26 |
dangergrrl | i have a 32 bit ubuntu vm for running scratchbox on this machine which mainly runs 64 bit funtoo | 10:28 |
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dangergrrl | i could maybe get it all working in funtoo but the instructions assume a .deb based 32 bit linux host | 10:29 |
thresh | yeah I'm not on debian. | 10:29 |
kerio | perhaps a better question is "why aren't you on debian?" | 10:30 |
thresh | too lazy to reinstall :) | 10:30 |
kerio | why did you install something else than debian in the first place? | 10:31 |
kerio | :O | 10:31 |
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thresh | :) | 10:31 |
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dangergrrl | debian uses kernels that are two years old | 10:32 |
thresh | that's okay for stable. | 10:33 |
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thresh | I don't really care for $OS kernels as we use openvz so I'm tied to .18 or .32 anyway. | 10:34 |
dangergrrl | that's ok for a server | 10:34 |
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thresh | why would one want to use stable for a desktop or laptop | 10:34 |
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dangergrrl | most new hardware needs a newer kernel than that | 10:34 |
thresh | well, openvz uses rhel kernel as a base with loads of backported patches. so not really. | 10:35 |
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kerio | dangergrrl: debian testing has 3.0.something | 10:35 |
dangergrrl | Linux localhost 2.6.38-tuxonice-r2-danger #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Sep 23 18:06:22 MDT 2011 x86_64 AMD Turion(tm) II P540 Dual-Core Processor AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux | 10:36 |
dangergrrl | tuxonice still doesn't work for me, gonna build a 3.0 tuxonice next | 10:36 |
dangergrrl | but this one has patches from gentoo-sources | 10:37 |
RST38h | moo all | 10:37 |
dangergrrl | trying to get suspend to disk working | 10:38 |
kerio | ยต, RST38h | 10:38 |
dangergrrl | mumu | 10:38 |
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thresh | privet | 10:38 |
dangergrrl | anyhow i switched to gentoo in 2009 when debian nor ubuntu supported my hardware and now run gentoo based distros on all my hardware and like that nothing works with manual configuration | 10:40 |
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dangergrrl | i also like that i can install a server package for something without it autostarting at boot unless i tell it to | 10:40 |
dangergrrl | debian assumes you want to run any daemon you install | 10:41 |
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RST38h | thresh: how are things? doing anything for harmattan? =) | 10:45 |
dangergrrl | anyhow i like the gentoo way, it is good for me, perhaps not for most people | 10:45 |
RST38h | no shit, I shudder every time gentoo is mentioned | 10:45 |
dangergrrl | i have a pulseaudio free system, hate pulse :P | 10:46 |
dangergrrl | it has given me nothing but trouble in the past | 10:46 |
RST38h | Yeah, this does qualify as a virtue | 10:46 |
RST38h | With Lennart off to destroy Linux bootup procedure, PA is kinda stuck where it is | 10:47 |
dangergrrl | compiling with custom cflags isn't really the point of gentopo, use flags are the point | 10:47 |
dangergrrl | i also do not have systemd | 10:47 |
dangergrrl | i have openrc | 10:47 |
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thresh | RST38h: for harmattan, no; I don't have a device so do not care about it much. | 10:48 |
thresh | RST38h: I'm fine, you? | 10:48 |
RST38h | thresh: Alive =) | 10:49 |
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RST38h | thresh: ported my stuff to both Harmattan and Android | 10:49 |
RST38h | thresh: Can now badmouth Android with confidence (well, harmattan too) | 10:50 |
thresh | we all can | 10:50 |
RST38h | thresh: Too bad nobody in the Android crowd will even understand what we are talking about | 10:51 |
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gri | What are you talking about? :P | 10:53 |
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RST38h | Talking about a 500MB download that breaks every time your Android device decides to go to sleep (which is like in about 60 seconds of inactivity) | 10:55 |
dangergrrl | loikl | 10:55 |
dangergrrl | lol even | 10:56 |
dangergrrl | that is stupid | 10:56 |
RST38h | And yes, it was a totally legal game, downloading its totally legal data from its own web server | 10:56 |
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RST38h | Obtained from Android Market. So, no torrents or anything like that. | 10:56 |
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RST38h | Using Harmattan, however buggy, incomplete, and aegis-ridden it is, feels like opening a window in a dusty room after Android | 11:06 |
RST38h | [no, it was not meant to be a compliment to harmattan] | 11:06 |
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kerio | RST38h: a torrent client would be smarter, methinks | 11:20 |
RST38h | Well, they have got some concept of "services" that do not get suspended | 11:21 |
RST38h | So my guess is the torrent client would use that, if there is a torrent client for android fo course | 11:21 |
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dangergrrl | i need to make the n900 last longer on wifi tether | 11:25 |
RST38h | Disable IM | 11:25 |
RST38h | Start by disabling Skype. | 11:25 |
dangergrrl | that could help | 11:26 |
dangergrrl | i have been powermisering the laptop and now it outlasts the n900 | 11:26 |
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robbiethe1st | Why not tether it via USB? You get both charging *and* a good internet feed with less lag. | 11:29 |
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dangergrrl | i am poor and can not replace my usb data cable until i get paid | 11:31 |
robbiethe1st | Fair enough, check Ebay/DealExtreme though. You can get a replacement cable for $3 | 11:32 |
robbiethe1st | but it takes a week to get | 11:32 |
Sicelo | i have also been trying a few wifi things with my N900. i notice i can't get more than 1Mbps speed between N900 and laptop via ad-hoc. | 11:32 |
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RST38h | + cables suck | 11:32 |
Sicelo | do u have any suggestions? | 11:32 |
RST38h | Where we are going, we will not need cables. | 11:32 |
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robbiethe1st | Eh, having to use SSHFS instead of USB mass storage... Ouch. | 11:32 |
robbiethe1st | You get like 500K, CPU's pegged, and it eats battery by the bucket | 11:33 |
Sicelo | which suggests that i should be happy with my 1Mbps? | 11:34 |
dangergrrl | i have gotten at least 2.4mbps tethering wifi to n900 | 11:34 |
Sicelo | via apn, or ad-hoc? | 11:35 |
dangergrrl | ad-hoc | 11:35 |
dangergrrl | 300kbytes/s reported by miro | 11:35 |
dangergrrl | it was a well fed torrent of course | 11:36 |
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Sicelo | this was an scp from laptop : 100% 9712KB 105.6KB/s 01:32 | 11:36 |
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dangergrrl | oh, that uses the filesystem on the n900 too though | 11:36 |
dangergrrl | my bittorrent speed the n900 was only routing packets | 11:38 |
* Sicelo also dislikes power consumption for ad-hoc, wonders if it's any better with an apn | 11:40 | |
RST38h | There is no way to use N900 for bit torrents and not waste battery =) | 11:41 |
Sicelo | as for me, i meant just ssh betwen laptop and N900. | 11:42 |
dangergrrl | i usually do not | 11:43 |
dangergrrl | my unlimited 4g data plan is only 5gb/mo | 11:43 |
dangergrrl | i torrent mostly off wifi | 11:43 |
dangergrrl | after the first 5gb tmobile gives me 56k dialup speeds | 11:44 |
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crashanddie | http://img.thedailywtf.com/images/201109/JobDescription.PNG | 13:20 |
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infobot | Okay, I'm here. (courtesy of docscrutinizer) | 13:35 |
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DocScrutinizer | and moo | 14:21 |
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DocScrutinizer | Sicelo: (btter with APN) definitely, at least when PSM works and is at max | 14:30 |
Sicelo | ah, thanks for info. i didn't want to buy apn and be disappointed :) | 14:30 |
DocScrutinizer | not all APN support PSM properly | 14:31 |
DocScrutinizer | alas no way to tell them apart, even a FW-update can change this | 14:32 |
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DocScrutinizer | my D-Link DIR615 seems to work reasonably well with PSM @ max, but it's crap in a lot of other aspects | 14:33 |
DocScrutinizer | for mere APN it was OK'ish though - the stinky corners are mostly around DHCP and router functions | 14:34 |
chem|st | DocScrutinizer: more like a switch with a bridge and a lable reading "router" | 14:35 |
DocScrutinizer | :nod: | 14:36 |
chem|st | hate it | 14:36 |
DocScrutinizer | and no openWRT FW for the D3 hw rev | 14:37 |
DocScrutinizer | :-/ | 14:37 |
chem|st | that is the precondition for me buying a router | 14:37 |
DocScrutinizer | this one been a "gift" | 14:38 |
chem|st | cablecompany... | 14:38 |
DocScrutinizer | ...of a friend | 14:38 |
DocScrutinizer | "Joerg, what for do I need this one?" | 14:39 |
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DocScrutinizer | "Doro, feel happy - you don't need it at all :-)" | 14:40 |
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DocScrutinizer | swapped it for a Hร scanjet that had no linux drivers | 14:41 |
* DocScrutinizer <---idiot - buys scanner without checking linux hw compatibility list | 14:41 | |
Arkenoi | are there non-networked scanners still? | 14:43 |
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DocScrutinizer | more than networked ones | 14:43 |
DocScrutinizer | same crap as those GDI-printers | 14:43 |
DocScrutinizer | the windows "driver" probably sends the control states for each of the 3 coils of each stepper motor | 14:44 |
RST38h | Sounds pretty hackable | 14:44 |
SpeedEvil | I chose a better way. | 14:45 |
DocScrutinizer | RST38h: well, hacking it is how linux gets all its drivers for crippled hw, no? | 14:45 |
SpeedEvil | Pick a printer that supports printing JPG from card. | 14:45 |
SpeedEvil | Print all things to the card, then pop in printer. | 14:45 |
SpeedEvil | :/ | 14:46 |
DocScrutinizer | LOL | 14:46 |
SpeedEvil | In principle, there is a linux driver, but it has too many dependancies that would mean I need to swap out my system entirely, or deeply understand the driver. | 14:46 |
DocScrutinizer | my HP laserjet P1505 works jusr fine though | 14:46 |
DocScrutinizer | only nasty: a zombie python process lingers on for ever | 14:47 |
DocScrutinizer | :-P | 14:47 |
DocScrutinizer | hplip | 14:47 |
DocScrutinizer | well, iirc I had to bang it quite a bit to get it to work - like changing permissions and/or groups of some devices etc | 14:49 |
DocScrutinizer | (probably running permissions-relaxed would've done as well) | 14:50 |
DocScrutinizer | I'm no aegis fan, but I never thought setting global permissions policy to "relaxed" is a particularly good idea either | 14:51 |
crashanddie | http://eatliver.com/img/2011/7775.jpg | 14:51 |
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DocScrutinizer | hehe | 14:54 |
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DocScrutinizer | though sheep or cows were more like it, rather than pigs | 14:57 |
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gri | lemmings | 14:58 |
DocScrutinizer | lemmings have rather small ROI | 14:59 |
gri | ROI? | 14:59 |
DocScrutinizer | if you were ever to farm them | 14:59 |
* DocScrutinizer never heard of lemming farms | 15:00 | |
DocScrutinizer | ~roi | 15:00 |
infobot | methinks roi is Return On Investment, usually used to describe one's own interpretation of a pragmatic solution, or just plain hedonism. Also could mean "Rate Of Interest" in banking terms. | 15:00 |
gri | I meant lemmings in a way of "all do the same without thinking about it" (like the cliche of lemmings is) | 15:00 |
DocScrutinizer | meh | 15:00 |
jaska | also a finnish dog name | 15:00 |
DocScrutinizer | ~factinfo roi | 15:00 |
infobot | roi -- created by Thrae <n=generalm@c-68-49-121-90.hsd1.md.comcast.net> at Tue Aug 14 02:38:46 2007 (1504 days); it has been requested 3 times, last by DocScrutinizer, 39s ago. | 15:00 |
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jaska | roi that is | 15:01 |
DocScrutinizer | been no banker | 15:01 |
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DocScrutinizer | ~wtf roi | 15:01 |
infobot | Gee... I don't know what roi means... | 15:01 |
DocScrutinizer | ~dict roi | 15:02 |
infobot | could not find definition for roi | 15:02 |
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DocScrutinizer | wtf?! | 15:02 |
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DocScrutinizer | ~lart miriam webster | 15:03 |
* infobot farts in miriam webster's general direction | 15:03 | |
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DocScrutinizer | ~lart-tmo-lemming | 15:05 |
infobot | lart-tmo-lemming is, like, http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting | 15:05 |
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penguinbait | what happened to LCUK??? | 16:23 |
SpeedEvil | He's no longer with us. | 16:23 |
penguinbait | wtf happened??? how can this be? | 16:24 |
SpeedEvil | He apparantly took his own life. | 16:24 |
SpeedEvil | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=76737 | 16:25 |
SpeedEvil | (and yes, his client is still up) | 16:25 |
penguinbait | oh my god, | 16:25 |
SpeedEvil | So many awesome ideas. So much energy. | 16:25 |
DocScrutinizer | damn, I wonder why his client is back again, I thought freenode staff Christel took care about it | 16:26 |
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penguinbait | I am terribly saddened by this, fuck!!!!!!!!!!!! | 16:33 |
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jonwil | I think its also sad | 16:36 |
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ruskie | http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/09/26/verizon_wireless_backs_samsung_vs_apple_on_us_front/ <-- lol | 17:34 |
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SpeedEvil | ruskie: neat | 18:27 |
SpeedEvil | Hangon - is n9-00 not something else? | 18:28 |
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ZogG | In April I wrote to inform you of an agreement by which | 20:25 |
ZogG | Texas Instruments would purchase National Semiconductor. | 20:25 |
ZogG | Today, I'm happy to report, we have closed the deal, making | 20:25 |
ZogG | Texas Instruments and National one company. | 20:25 |
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javispedro | yeah, saw that on the mail too... | 20:33 |
javispedro | astonishing they'd let such a deal through. | 20:33 |
javispedro | thought probably these companies are nowhere near as large today as they where years ago... | 20:34 |
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acidspunk | cool, there's also a maemo channel :p | 20:35 |
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Sicelo | :P | 20:39 |
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Sicelo | for me, #maemo was the first channel i joined | 20:41 |
acidspunk | I came here from meego.com | 20:42 |
acidspunk | it joined #meego automatically | 20:42 |
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DocScrutinizer | what, NS bought by TI? :-S | 21:05 |
RST38h | yes, so? | 21:05 |
DocScrutinizer | just don't like | 21:05 |
DocScrutinizer | don't get me wrong, TI always made nice chips | 21:06 |
DocScrutinizer | and also every now and then they had proper docs *available* for those | 21:07 |
DocScrutinizer | just one player down isn't a good thing in this game | 21:08 |
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RST38h | Doc: Lots of things not to like lately. Many more to come. | 21:10 |
RST38h | Anyway, I have got a more practical problem: | 21:11 |
RST38h | swipe-down does not quit my application. | 21:11 |
RST38h | sends it to task manager screen. the first attempt to bring it back upkills it. | 21:11 |
RST38h | The app is written in plain qt. Any ideas??? | 21:11 |
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SpeedEvil | RST38h: I noticed that a landscape locked app (angry birds) in portrait mode swipes left to exit | 21:23 |
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DocScrutinizer | HAHAHA | 21:30 |
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DocScrutinizer | dang, (apart from this being #maemo) that swipe-to-close thing could almost make me update to beta2 | 21:31 |
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DocScrutinizer | but given all the other (subjective) shortcomings of N950, I'm not exactly concerned about this annoying heaping up of open windows for each nonsense you have to momentarily mess with (settings, whatnot) | 21:33 |
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DocScrutinizer | makes for a nice windows6 feeling at very least | 21:34 |
DocScrutinizer | :-( X-P | 21:34 |
DocScrutinizer | to me it looks like they only picked the top of the pile for each bad stupid regression they implemented into maemo6, coming from a really progressive maemo5 | 21:36 |
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Sc0rpius | swipe-to-close is a Meego thing? | 21:37 |
DocScrutinizer | no c&p: picked from *old* iOS. No closing of windows: err win6, or andridiot? Strict signatures to lock down the whole system to store: apple | 21:37 |
DocScrutinizer | slotmachine date/time-pickers: not really a regression from maemo5, only a BAD regression from MTF to QML | 21:39 |
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doc|home | http://www.slashgear.com/nokias-cto-swap-could-be-its-turning-point-22181856/ | 21:56 |
doc|home | rearranging the deckchairs on the titanic or potentially useful? | 21:56 |
DocScrutinizer | could be? | 21:56 |
doc|home | not likely to change the OS direction away from meego though, is it? | 21:57 |
doc|home | hmmm, that was badly phrased | 21:58 |
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MohammadAG | <SpeedEvil> RST38h: I noticed that a landscape locked app (angry birds) in portrait mode swipes left to exit | 22:25 |
MohammadAG | it's swipe down with top up | 22:25 |
MohammadAG | meaning, with the orientation of the app | 22:26 |
MohammadAG | so it's swipe down with the device in landscape | 22:26 |
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beford | hey MohammadAG, just wanted to say thanks for the work you are doing on the Maemo Community SSU :) | 22:32 |
MohammadAG | you're welcome, but I'm not the only one :) | 22:32 |
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beford | :p | 22:33 |
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DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: anyway yo da man to get out a stable release RSN ;-D | 22:36 |
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DocScrutinizer | I hate to read/hear statements like "CSSU isn't for the fainthearted" | 22:38 |
DocScrutinizer | actually meanwhile CSSU should be for those who worry about lacking security patches and unfixed bugs in stock maemo | 22:39 |
DocScrutinizer | and for what I can tell from my POV it indeed is | 22:39 |
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DocScrutinizer | the changelog has quite a number of severe bugs fixed in CSSU. E.G. the CPU hog bug on short appstarter menu in H-D, which kills your battery and you dunno why. OR the fixed diginotar cert issue | 22:44 |
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DocScrutinizer | and I heard of no severe new issues in recent CSSU for a few weeks now, so I think it's just about time to fork out a stable branch right now | 22:44 |
ShadowJK | does cssu require power-kernel? | 22:48 |
* Sicelo thinks not | 22:48 | |
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DocScrutinizer | nope | 22:49 |
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DocScrutinizer | ShadowJK: how could it, it's about continuation of stock maemo by community | 22:49 |
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DocScrutinizer | though, if there was a severe kernel bug, CSSU would probably ship with a new "stock" kernel | 22:50 |
beford | but I think CSSU kernel enabled some missing stuff from stock maemo, right? ipv6 ie | 22:51 |
DocScrutinizer | it's debatable haw much of PK would qualify for a stock-compatible kernel to ship with CSSU | 22:51 |
DocScrutinizer | afaik there is no such thing like a CSSU kernel - I might be wrong | 22:51 |
DocScrutinizer | IroN900:~# uname -a | 22:52 |
DocScrutinizer | Linux IroN900 2.6.28-omap1 #1 PREEMPT Fri Aug 6 11:50:00 EEST 2010 armv7l GNU/Linux | 22:52 |
DocScrutinizer | ^^^CSSU | 22:52 |
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MOUD | Hey all | 22:53 |
Cor-Ai | no | 22:53 |
MOUD | how can I save my contacts to my SIM card? | 22:53 |
Cor-Ai | oh, wrong window sry | 22:53 |
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beford | not sure where I read that though, I could be wrong too :P | 22:54 |
jacekowski | maemo on N8 would be so nice | 22:57 |
jacekowski | phone itself is great | 22:57 |
Sc0rpius | implying Meego is worse? | 22:57 |
jacekowski | meego wouldn't be so bad as well | 22:57 |
beford | n8 runs symbian Sc0rpius | 22:58 |
acidspunk | symbian is definitely worse. from a user experience perspective at least | 22:58 |
DocScrutinizer | MOUD: no way | 22:58 |
jacekowski | acidspunk: i wouldn't be so sure about that | 22:59 |
jacekowski | acidspunk: maemo user experience is pretty bad | 22:59 |
jacekowski | unless you are very specific user type | 22:59 |
DocScrutinizer | MOUD: your contacts are "rich" means they have loooong names, first name, nick, last name, addr, even photos. SIM has none of that, and max 100 contacts of name[22]:phonenr[18] or sth like that | 23:00 |
kerio | jacekowski: ok, from a nerd experience perspective | 23:00 |
jacekowski | exactly | 23:00 |
jacekowski | but even i need sometimes a phone that works | 23:00 |
Sc0rpius | oh I thought I read N9 | 23:00 |
jacekowski | and makes calls | 23:00 |
kerio | jacekowski: those are cheap | 23:00 |
jacekowski | and lasts more than 1 day on full charge | 23:00 |
kerio | you can probably find one for 30<currency> | 23:00 |
Sc0rpius | having contacts on the SIM card is NOT a good idea | 23:00 |
acidspunk | then get an s40. those things last 2 weeks | 23:00 |
Sc0rpius | if you want to move your contacts from the N900 to another phone, export them | 23:01 |
jacekowski | it's about features you get | 23:01 |
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jacekowski | Sc0rpius: i use MfE | 23:01 |
Sc0rpius | I wonder if Google Sync works in the N900 | 23:01 |
jacekowski | somebody said that it does work | 23:01 |
Sc0rpius | it would be nice to sync the contacts with Google | 23:01 |
jacekowski | kerio: thing is that i need MfE and whatnot | 23:02 |
kerio | jacekowski: well buy a laptop | 23:02 |
jacekowski | kerio: laptop doesn't fit in my pocket | 23:02 |
kerio | you have the wrong pockets then | 23:02 |
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MOUD | i see | 23:04 |
DocScrutinizer | MOUD: if you want to edit your sim card, get a simcard-reader, plug it in to your PC, use $arbitrary-acme-simcard-editor app, maybe even use your vcards you exported from N900 to your PC and pick some strings from that abundance if contact info to transfer those to your SIM | 23:04 |
MOUD | i dont have a simcard-reader | 23:04 |
MOUD | but thanks for the info | 23:04 |
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acidspunk | well I guess it all depends on what you're looking for in a phone, but symbian still has some key stuff that are simply sub-par | 23:05 |
acidspunk | like the crap browser | 23:05 |
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Sc0rpius | well | 23:05 |
Sc0rpius | a simcard-reader can be an older phone | 23:06 |
Sc0rpius | that you don't use | 23:06 |
jacekowski | acidspunk: what? | 23:06 |
DocScrutinizer | there might be a way to edit SIM card on N900: use the AT interface via pnatd, to edit SIM card. There's gnokii and kandy that could do that, when you patch them | 23:06 |
Sc0rpius | I'm *sure* you can edit the SIM Card through the N900 | 23:06 |
Sc0rpius | but I still think it's not a good idea | 23:06 |
jacekowski | acidspunk: there is opera for symbian | 23:06 |
Sc0rpius | I mean coding the program yourself of course | 23:06 |
acidspunk | jacekowski yeah I know. Still doesn't have flash though. | 23:13 |
SpeedEvil | MohammadAG: yes - obviously (swipe direction) | 23:14 |
DocScrutinizer | hey, there's no flash for N9 either | 23:15 |
acidspunk | yeah... :/ | 23:16 |
DocScrutinizer | and there's a flash version on maemo5/n900 that has seen 29.7 security bulletins of adobe come and go | 23:17 |
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DocScrutinizer | well, probably not that bad anyway, as browserd on maemo runs ooooops... as root | 23:18 |
Sc0rpius | flash will be just a memory any time now | 23:18 |
Sc0rpius | most sites default to HTML5 now | 23:18 |
Sc0rpius | flash should be killed | 23:18 |
Sc0rpius | we're all making those Adobe bastards millionaires | 23:18 |
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acidspunk | yeah but it's still used a lot | 23:19 |
acidspunk | :/ | 23:19 |
Sc0rpius | it'll die | 23:19 |
Sc0rpius | when something free is better, the expensive propietary counterpart always dies | 23:19 |
Sc0rpius | and HTML5 > Flash | 23:20 |
ShadowJK | has google figured out how to delivery ads in html5 youtube yet? | 23:21 |
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jacekowski | adobe crap should be running with minimal privileges | 23:21 |
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derf | ShadowJK: No. | 23:21 |
jacekowski | ShadowJK: embed them into stream | 23:21 |
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derf | They don't want to re-encode everything. | 23:21 |
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derf | What they _want_ is Flash's appendBytes API. | 23:22 |
jacekowski | they don't have to reencode everything | 23:22 |
jacekowski | just add adds before video | 23:22 |
ShadowJK | Also they want to serve different ads depending on where you are and who you are | 23:22 |
jacekowski | not a problem | 23:22 |
SpeedEvil | And how many vids you've watched. | 23:23 |
SpeedEvil | that day | 23:23 |
jacekowski | you just have two streams and you stitch them together | 23:23 |
ShadowJK | And not the same ad each time you view a certain video, etc | 23:23 |
SpeedEvil | I find I almost never hit a video the first couple of things on youtube a day I watch | 23:23 |
ShadowJK | I hit unsolvable captchas first thing every hour :P | 23:23 |
derf | jacekowski: You can't really do that well in HTML5 as it stands today. | 23:23 |
jacekowski | derf: you could | 23:23 |
jacekowski | derf: just send video file with ads already in it | 23:23 |
derf | Yes, that is what they are trying to avoid. | 23:24 |
ShadowJK | what does youtube's html5 side do right now then, just doesn't play any ads, or redirects to flash site, or prevents you from watching the videos that require ads? | 23:24 |
acidspunk | btw wasn't mozilla developing new versions of fennec in qt? | 23:24 |
jacekowski | if you stich it at keyframes you won't have to do any reencoding | 23:24 |
DocScrutinizer | derf: that would allow skipping the add part | 23:24 |
derf | jacekowski: Still requires re-muxing, which is only marginally better. | 23:24 |
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jacekowski | derf: not really | 23:25 |
derf | acidspunk: Yes. | 23:25 |
jacekowski | derf: lot of container formats can even have like two streams one after another | 23:25 |
acidspunk | derf: are there svn builds to try? | 23:25 |
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ShadowJK | matroska has concept of "linked chapters", or something like that. Anime people used to use that feature to have single "intro" and "credits" file for an entire season. Player automagically stitches together on playback. | 23:27 |
derf | acidspunk: svn? Mozilla uses hg. | 23:28 |
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derf | ShadowJK: Too bad there's no such thing in WebM or support in browsers. | 23:29 |
derf | You can also make a chained Ogg file. And the only thing on earth that will actually play it is Real's Helix player. | 23:29 |
derf | acidspunk: In any case, you can build with --enable-default-toolkit=cairo-qt | 23:30 |
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acidspunk | tks derf | 23:31 |
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