ico2 | right, i'm off now, cheers again all | 00:00 |
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MohammadAG | time to patch that initrd | 00:00 |
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MohammadAG | seems like many users need to use it | 00:00 |
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javispedro | wtf | 00:05 |
RST38h | ? | 00:05 |
javispedro | meego netbook thinks I have an ssd for some reason. | 00:05 |
* NIN101 wonders how the initrd deals with watchdogs | 00:05 | |
RST38h | it is letting you know it istime for an upgrade | 00:06 |
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vdv | hi all | 00:07 |
vdv | is there any pdf reader for maemo which supports reflowing documents? | 00:08 |
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MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, latest initrd has keymaps working | 00:25 |
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vdv | how can i check which firmware version is currently installed on my n900? | 00:31 |
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javispedro | Settings -> About my device. | 00:31 |
ShadowJK | settings - about product | 00:31 |
ShadowJK | or that | 00:31 |
keesj | I really want a n900-updated-hardware | 00:32 |
DocScrutinizer51 | MohammadAG: wow | 00:32 |
vdv | but there's not written whether it's PR1.3 or not | 00:32 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer51, options not working though for some reason | 00:32 |
vdv | Version: 10.2010.19-1 | 00:32 |
Noobmonk3y | evening alls :) - random linux nooby question! :) - just installed linux (again) then dloaded the qt sdk.run file.... double clicking doesnt do anything - do i need to use terminal etc? | 00:32 |
DocScrutinizer51 | options? | 00:32 |
javispedro | vdv: that's pr 1.2 iirc. | 00:32 |
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MohammadAG | Noobmonk3y, chmod +x and ./filename here | 00:33 |
ShadowJK | Noobmonk3y, terminal, "chmod +x qtsdk.run", "./qtsdk.run" | 00:33 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, C/H/M/N etc | 00:33 |
MohammadAG | they're all ignored | 00:33 |
DocScrutinizer51 | ooh | 00:33 |
Noobmonk3y | bahhh now i need to find terminal, wtf is up with the seriously crappy applications menu and no easily visible task menu? | 00:33 |
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MohammadAG | but the keymap works | 00:33 |
Corsac | Alt-f2? | 00:33 |
MohammadAG | Noobmonk3y, Ubuntu? | 00:34 |
Noobmonk3y | lol all that does is display the shit menu! | 00:34 |
Noobmonk3y | yeah :( | 00:34 |
Noobmonk3y | i'd slike to slap it with a trout... might make it easier to use? :) | 00:34 |
DocScrutinizer51 | MohammadAG: ubi support? | 00:34 |
Corsac | maybe you're not qualified to use ubuntu | 00:34 |
Noobmonk3y | Corsac, .... how does ubuntu want to get new users? :P lol | 00:34 |
Corsac | maybe you're not the kind of user they want? | 00:35 |
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MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer51, can't check if options are ignored | 00:35 |
MohammadAG | but the source references ubifs | 00:35 |
Noobmonk3y | lol corsac | 00:35 |
DocScrutinizer51 | I *hope* I'm not the kind of user buntkuh wants | 00:35 |
MohammadAG | terminal is gnome-terminal | 00:35 |
Noobmonk3y | ok, stupid, question if i minimize something in windows, i can see it on the taskbar.... it just vanishes on ubuntu | 00:36 |
NIN101 | http://wiki.meego.com/ARM/N900/Using_Rescue_Initrd This here has an ubifs.ko | 00:36 |
MohammadAG | Noobmonk3y, don't use Unity | 00:36 |
Noobmonk3y | ohhhhhhhhhh | 00:36 |
Noobmonk3y | frals warned me about this crap! | 00:36 |
Noobmonk3y | but i didnt see any option to turn it off :) | 00:36 |
MohammadAG | log out | 00:36 |
MohammadAG | click your username | 00:36 |
MohammadAG | look at the bottom of the screen, session type or something | 00:36 |
MohammadAG | pick ubuntu classic, log back in | 00:37 |
Noobmonk3y | ooo ok, yay! will go try! :) :) | 00:37 |
MohammadAG | NIN101, lacks some stuff to actually work | 00:37 |
NIN101 | yes. | 00:37 |
MohammadAG | /ban Noobmonk3y | 00:37 |
MohammadAG | :P | 00:37 |
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Corsac | if he didn't find that by himself, maybe he deserves unity | 00:37 |
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Noobmonk3y | ahhhh this is better! soooo soooo much better! | 00:39 |
Noobmonk3y | thank you very very much MohammadAG :) :) | 00:39 |
Noobmonk3y | right now i can actually get on with stuff! | 00:39 |
DocScrutinizer51 | anyway being able to get digits and - and / and = on a cmdline is a good step forward for rescueinitrd | 00:40 |
DocScrutinizer51 | now make mounting ubi0 possible and the thing starts to become a useful tool | 00:41 |
Noobmonk3y | any recommendations on where, where not to install the qtsdk? | 00:42 |
Noobmonk3y | ie not in home , or must be in home blah blah | 00:42 |
Corsac | try /dev/shm/ | 00:42 |
MohammadAG | run the script as user, not root | 00:43 |
DocScrutinizer51 | ot anywhere where you got less than 3GB free | 00:43 |
Noobmonk3y | Corsac, after your last comments, do i take you seriously or not? | 00:43 |
NIN101 | I ask myself why nobody created a working one yet in all the years. | 00:43 |
DocScrutinizer51 | NIN101: initrd? | 00:44 |
NIN101 | yes | 00:44 |
DocScrutinizer51 | meego guys don't need it ;-) | 00:45 |
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MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer51, 3GBs | 00:46 |
MohammadAG | ? | 00:46 |
MySpaez | heh | 00:46 |
MohammadAG | you sure about that? | 00:46 |
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MohammadAG | 5.3GQtSDK | 00:46 |
NIN101 | now the meego kernel boots microsd through a magical way, it is build with CONFIG_CMDLINE="root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 bla bla bla". So, if I am understand this right, for NOLO mmcblk0* is the microsd, right? | 00:48 |
MohammadAG | yes | 00:49 |
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NIN101 | ok, thx | 00:49 |
MohammadAG | naming is a bit stupid | 00:49 |
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MohammadAG | with an eMMC and uSD in, mmcblk0 is the uSD, 1 is the eMMC | 00:49 |
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MohammadAG | without a uSD, mmcblk0 is the eMMC | 00:49 |
MySpaez | is there a wallet style keyboard for n9? | 00:50 |
macmaN | MySpaez: what dat iz? | 00:51 |
MySpaez | A leather or plastic case with fold-out keyboard | 00:52 |
MySpaez | They make em for tablets | 00:52 |
cehteh | bluetooth? | 00:52 |
MySpaez | Ya | 00:52 |
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macmaN | ahh okey, you meant hw device | 01:01 |
macmaN | i thought it mightve been a vkb | 01:02 |
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DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: (3GB) obviously I'm not sure - download of 1.1GB finished some minutes ago | 01:39 |
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DocScrutinizer | MySpaez: the problem frequently is the BT coonection which you can'T keep esablished all the time or your battery will drain fairly fast | 01:41 |
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MySpaez | im sad for the maemo | 01:43 |
MySpaez | wish i could have made the 770 popular like iphone | 01:44 |
MySpaez | i tried | 01:44 |
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timeless | anyone here familiar w/ MGCP or H.248/Megaco ? | 01:53 |
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* alterego held an N950 today | 02:09 | |
alterego | woo! | 02:09 |
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alterego | I was offered one too, but had to turn it down. | 02:13 |
* alterego is sad :) | 02:13 | |
GeneralAntilles | Why? | 02:13 |
GeneralAntilles | Just offer your Community device to the next person in line. | 02:14 |
javispedro | abill_uk. | 02:17 |
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SpeedEvil | :) | 02:18 |
DocScrutinizer | *COUGH* | 02:19 |
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merlin1991 | alterego: me me me me wants a n950 ;) | 02:23 |
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* DocScrutinizer searches for the unicode page for musical notes | 02:26 | |
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* DocScrutinizer offers chanson, hooligan style, and child song melody for merlin1991 | 02:27 | |
cehteh | DocScrutinizer: U+1D100 ff | 02:27 |
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Termana | good morning | 02:28 |
DocScrutinizer | ~trout Termana | 02:28 |
* infobot slaps Termana around a bit with a large trout! | 02:28 | |
cehteh | 𝄞𝄚 | 02:29 |
merlin1991 | DocScrutinizer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fT2GLdWrqLM just replace hulahoop with n950 ;) | 02:29 |
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DocScrutinizer | >> Leider ist dieses Video in Deutschland nicht verfügbar, da es Musik enthalten könnte, für die die GEMA die erforderlichen Musikrechte nicht eingeräumt hat. Das tut uns leid.<< | 02:30 |
merlin1991 | ffs | 02:30 |
Termana | DocScrutinizer, what was that for? :p | 02:30 |
DocScrutinizer | for highlighting me about a completely nonsensical "joerg" issue some 18h ago :-) | 02:31 |
DocScrutinizer | also for CTCP-VERSIONing me | 02:31 |
nox- | seems you have memory like an elephant :) | 02:31 |
Termana | DocScrutinizer, lol, I saw that hiemanshu said something to you about it. No sense of humour it seems :p | 02:32 |
DocScrutinizer | elephants bow down in awe | 02:32 |
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DocScrutinizer | cehteh: damn, Konversation fails on that one - unusual | 02:34 |
cehteh | :P | 02:34 |
DocScrutinizer | cehteh: probably not in my font pool | 02:34 |
DocScrutinizer | Termana: my sense of humour for sure is weird, but actually the trout was a joke | 02:37 |
javispedro | mwahaha, success. | 02:37 |
Termana | I know :p | 02:37 |
javispedro | lcuk: there? | 02:37 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: eh? | 02:37 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: my multitouch stuff. | 02:38 |
DocScrutinizer | \o/ | 02:38 |
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DocScrutinizer | congrats | 02:38 |
javispedro | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wj2Jeo4YUkk | 02:38 |
DocScrutinizer | with #define MAXFINGERS 10 ? | 02:39 |
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javispedro | the boobies test! | 02:39 |
javispedro | yes, it's now called SDL_MAXMOUSE, and it's 10 =) | 02:39 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: now WTF is THIS? | 02:40 |
DocScrutinizer | lcuk's optical input? | 02:40 |
javispedro | no, way simpler. | 02:40 |
DocScrutinizer | invar | 02:40 |
javispedro | I'm just making standard c-ts MT available to sdl apps. | 02:41 |
merlin1991 | DocScrutinizer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV7nceF0sio maybe gema isn't as evil on this one | 02:41 |
DocScrutinizer | it damn looks like dunno a plain sheet of paper or .... (me is puzzled) | 02:41 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: because it's just the library. Now it's waiting for someone to put the game on it ;) | 02:42 |
MohammadAG | alterego, I hate you | 02:42 |
MohammadAG | you could've sent it to me | 02:42 |
MohammadAG | and I'd give my N950 to someone else | 02:42 |
merlin1991 | MohammadAG: you're going to get one / got one? | 02:42 |
javispedro | either way, the video was for lcuk ;) | 02:42 |
MohammadAG | merlin1991, yes, but I'm leaving IL on Sunday | 02:43 |
DocScrutinizer | aaaah spotted the "Lenovo" writing | 02:43 |
MohammadAG | so I need someone to ship it to me | 02:43 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: yes, testing on it while waiting for N950.. | 02:43 |
MohammadAG | luckily I found the perfect iPhone user who's guaranteed not to take a Nokia | 02:43 |
javispedro | cause while not the same driver both seem to use the same reporting style. | 02:43 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: thought almost that's a plain sheet of white paper | 02:44 |
javispedro | sssht ;P | 02:44 |
javispedro | ok, ok, I'll fill more of the description. | 02:44 |
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MohammadAG | devel-su: su tool adapted to MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan platform security | 02:48 |
MohammadAG | apparently that's the equivalent of gainroot | 02:48 |
javispedro | been reading about it a bit, apparently it also does some tricks with aegis capabilities | 02:49 |
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DocScrutinizer | ~aegis | 02:50 |
infobot | aegis is, like, http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/Harmattan:Developer_Library/Developing_for_Harmattan/Harmattan_security/Security_guide, or "The purpose of this framework is: ... to make sure that the platform meets the requirements set by third party software that requires a safe execution environment.", or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trusted_Computing#Criticism | 02:50 |
* DocScrutinizer barks like one of Pavlov's dogs | 02:50 | |
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DocScrutinizer | ~bark | 02:51 |
* infobot barks, like a rabid dog. | 02:51 | |
DocScrutinizer | merlin1991: yes, that one worked, alas that voice wouldn't get decoded by my audio processor even if it were plain German | 02:52 |
javispedro | I have to say either that this XInput2 MT API looked good right until I realized that since it mostly just bypasses kernel data, well, coordinates are physical but normalized 0 ... 1 no matter what the resolution, your window size, or your window position is. | 02:52 |
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javispedro | which, obviously, sucks, unless your application is a fullscreen one on a single-window window manager (like the harmattan use case) | 02:53 |
MohammadAG | # dpkg -i package_name.deb | 02:53 |
MohammadAG | Aegis rejecting package_name.deb: package 'package_name' already installed from 'source_name' -- not replacing it from unknown origin | 02:53 |
MohammadAG | ooh fun | 02:53 |
SpeedEvil | You mean you have to scale for your window size? | 02:53 |
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MohammadAG | makes a CSSU harder | 02:53 |
javispedro | SpeedEvil: yep. | 02:53 |
SpeedEvil | Eww | 02:53 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: MUHAHAHA | 02:53 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: even worse: trim | 02:54 |
SpeedEvil | oh | 02:54 |
SpeedEvil | :/ | 02:54 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: hail Aegis | 02:55 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, apparently you have to have an aegis file under debian/ which shows what your app needs to access | 02:55 |
MohammadAG | e.g cellular modem, location etc | 02:55 |
javispedro | I was thinking how Qt does the scaling when I realized that it doesn't need to. After all, meegotouch qt apps always run fullscreen... | 02:55 |
* DocScrutinizer bounces up and down the room like a rubber ball, laughing evilly and shouting "AEGIS" "AEGIS" | 02:56 | |
javispedro | MohammadAG: it's autogenerated from function calls if meegotouch app | 02:56 |
javispedro | and I think they made something for qml | 02:56 |
MohammadAG | who uses MTF? it's deprecated in 1.3 | 02:56 |
javispedro | obviously, the rest of us are forced to learn the abomination. | 02:56 |
MohammadAG | anyway, interesting(?) read http://library.developer.nokia.com/index.jsp?topic=/MeeGo_1.2_Harmattan_API/html/guide/html/Developer_Library_Developing_for_Harmattan_Harmattan_security_6cbe.html | 02:57 |
* DocScrutinizer idly wonders how much of an effort it'd be to NUKE AEGIS for good | 02:58 | |
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DocScrutinizer | CSSU will flourish, we need replacements for all aegis-locked apps | 02:58 |
javispedro | now, I at least think that this part of aegis is the good one | 02:59 |
javispedro | this is the one that does app isolation and no "any app can delete all your contacts" | 02:59 |
DocScrutinizer | Ithink aegis isn't handleable, like a can of trinitroglycerine | 02:59 |
MohammadAG | The one thing I like about Aegis is that something like theme-customizer can't replace hildon-home without asking | 03:00 |
MohammadAG | which caused us quite a lot of duplicate bug reports | 03:00 |
DocScrutinizer | hah, only until it got a signature | 03:01 |
* MohammadAG considers pranking someone and sending them a "A Nokia N950 is waiting for you" email | 03:01 | |
DocScrutinizer | once it has a signed manifest, it will replace *you* without any asking | 03:02 |
DocScrutinizer | and Aegis makes sure you won't come back | 03:02 |
javispedro | and then it will hide your socks and buy iphones to your friends. | 03:03 |
DocScrutinizer | quite possible | 03:03 |
MohammadAG | so no santa this year? | 03:03 |
DocScrutinizer | access to socks is a restricted resource controlled by aegis for sure ;-P | 03:03 |
javispedro | OMG | 03:04 |
javispedro | another n950 shiped.. | 03:04 |
javispedro | bastard. | 03:04 |
DocScrutinizer | WUT | 03:04 |
DocScrutinizer | THIS TIME? | 03:04 |
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javispedro | "Today, 01:50 AM" | 03:04 |
javispedro | that's post date&time | 03:04 |
javispedro | the guy clearly was not hitting F5 in timely manner... | 03:05 |
MohammadAG | wow, my prank worked worse than expected then | 03:05 |
javispedro | "- While applying it said expected delivery 1 week | 03:05 |
javispedro | - never got any confirmation or mail from launchpad " | 03:05 |
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javispedro | err.. linkie http://forum.meego.com/showpost.php?p=25061&postcount=440 | 03:06 |
DocScrutinizer | hmmmmmmm :-S | 03:06 |
MohammadAG | 1 week expected delivery :S | 03:06 |
GeneralAntilles | DHL is overnight | 03:06 |
GeneralAntilles | So, expect it quickly when it ships. | 03:06 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: LOL | 03:06 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, problem is, this makes me reconsider | 03:07 |
GeneralAntilles | I wonder how they're processing people. | 03:07 |
GeneralAntilles | This seems ridiculously slow. | 03:07 |
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MohammadAG | when I asked qgil about my DDP N900... | 03:07 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: send your prank to yourself! | 03:07 |
GeneralAntilles | I mean, if they had gotten a few dozen out today, I could understand that. | 03:07 |
javispedro | even DHL, if it doesn't ship by thursday morning, forget about having it this week. | 03:07 |
MohammadAG | He replied on a saturday that he didn't send it | 03:07 |
MohammadAG | I got it on wednesday | 03:07 |
MohammadAG | Package was sent from HEL | 03:08 |
MohammadAG | GeneralAntilles, do remember that some people don't post on forums | 03:08 |
MohammadAG | I saw names on the wiki I never heard of | 03:09 |
GeneralAntilles | True | 03:09 |
* merlin1991 is reading the security faq, seems like you can run shell scripts without restrictions | 03:09 | |
GeneralAntilles | But if you figure a random distribution. | 03:09 |
GeneralAntilles | Then the likelihood is that we'd get more than one person saying it shipped. | 03:09 |
MohammadAG | merlin1991, not the ./ way | 03:09 |
DocScrutinizer | merlin1991: LOL, sure. Only the script has restrictions | 03:09 |
merlin1991 | "sh " vs "./" | 03:10 |
MohammadAG | well, andre_ got his | 03:10 |
MohammadAG | so did X-Fade, we never heard of them anymore | 03:10 |
MohammadAG | might be aegis preventing irggi from running | 03:10 |
DocScrutinizer | :-P | 03:10 |
merlin1991 | MohammadAG: don't open you n950 package, it's a biological weapon sent from microsoft to prevent spreading of open source ! | 03:11 |
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MohammadAG | merlin1991, I GOT DIS | 03:11 |
javispedro | remember how I said days ago | 03:12 |
javispedro | launchpad applications would be processed one by one, and in reverse arrival order? | 03:12 |
DocScrutinizer | I bet they are | 03:12 |
Termana | javispedro, that's how it's happening? | 03:12 |
MohammadAG | doubt it, first batch got their emails | 03:13 |
MohammadAG | well, 5 of them | 03:13 |
DocScrutinizer | pile up papers on a stack, then process from top-down | 03:13 |
javispedro | except for the big four, see this "saturn" guy. | 03:13 |
DocScrutinizer | I bet he's batch 6 | 03:13 |
MohammadAG | seriously, this can be done quicker with a script | 03:14 |
DocScrutinizer | the alphabetically last of batch 7 | 03:14 |
MohammadAG | or with Qt | 03:14 |
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javispedro | I bet that a printer, tons of paper, a wooden table, and a scanner are involved in the process. | 03:14 |
GAN900 | Forum Nokia is still Forum Nokia | 03:14 |
GAN900 | whatever the name | 03:14 |
MohammadAG | expose the process via an API | 03:14 |
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MohammadAG | make a QStringList with all IDs, HTTP POST | 03:14 |
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MohammadAG | and you're done in an hour max | 03:15 |
* DocScrutinizer hits mohammad | 03:15 | |
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javispedro | watch your system die under the load of thousands of n950 owner wanna bes. | 03:15 |
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DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: you're crazy, do you know how long it will take to get the API thru UX designer and lawyer department? | 03:15 |
MohammadAG | API and UX designers? wtf | 03:16 |
DocScrutinizer | you don't think anything happens without OK from UX designers? | 03:17 |
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javispedro | they might want to design a Apple-like Core* logo for your 3-line Web API. | 03:17 |
DocScrutinizer | probably even Quim is considered part of the meego UX and they tell him what to eat | 03:17 |
merlin1991 | did anyone ever point out that 90% of the people talking in here are close to insane? | 03:18 |
GeneralAntilles | merlin1991, hush. | 03:18 |
DocScrutinizer | ooh only 90 | 03:18 |
Termana | merlin1991, prerequisite to getting an N950 | 03:18 |
merlin1991 | Termana: I knew I'm doing something wrong ;) | 03:19 |
DocScrutinizer | tell me whom to kick for not matching the channel rules | 03:19 |
javispedro | hey, 90% is the average for humanity. | 03:19 |
javispedro | that must mean we're quite good. | 03:19 |
merlin1991 | also, do we have 10 active persons atm, or is someone only 85% insane? :D | 03:19 |
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DocScrutinizer | I'm 745% insane | 03:20 |
javispedro | I'm 7 times as insane as DocScrutinizer. | 03:20 |
DocScrutinizer | so don't worry, I'll compensate | 03:20 |
merlin1991 | somehow the MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Library makes me feel it's written for idiots: "All applications are automatically terminated when the device is shut down." | 03:21 |
Termana | wow, this actually explains a lot. | 03:21 |
DocScrutinizer | ROTFL | 03:21 |
merlin1991 | no if you shut down the devices the magic fairy will kepp some apps alive | 03:21 |
merlin1991 | s/kepp/keep/ | 03:21 |
infobot | merlin1991 meant: no if you shut down the devices the magic fairy will keep some apps alive | 03:21 |
javispedro | merlin1991: it depends on your definition of shut down. | 03:21 |
javispedro | some devices (specially PDAs) didn't have a traditional sense shutdown mode, but rather only suspend. | 03:22 |
DocScrutinizer | no, it depends of the def of "terminated" | 03:22 |
javispedro | touché. | 03:22 |
merlin1991 | I bet you guys laugh @ metajokes too ;) | 03:22 |
DocScrutinizer | the whole statement makes sense with a lil "gracefully" | 03:22 |
javispedro | either way, on a PalmOS book you could very well read that "app state is saved after turning off the handheld". | 03:22 |
DocScrutinizer | though I actually wonder if that's what they meant to say | 03:23 |
javispedro | maybe it's a unixism and they're talking about SIGTERMs. | 03:23 |
DocScrutinizer | that's what I got first | 03:24 |
* DocScrutinizer can't hide he's thinking binary | 03:24 | |
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javispedro | in which case it is also entirely correct and nice to know (if your app survives the X11 server being terminated first...) | 03:24 |
MohammadAG | you got statistics to back up that 90% claim merlin1991? | 03:24 |
Termana | DocScrutinizer, put that thing away you dirty old man | 03:25 |
merlin1991 | MohammadAG: don't you know the #1 rule about statistics? | 03:25 |
Termana | swinging about your thinking binary | 03:25 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: he's just over-optimistic | 03:25 |
merlin1991 | only trust the ones you faked yourself! | 03:25 |
MohammadAG | let's review the possibilities javispedro | 03:25 |
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MohammadAG | if it's Qt, it segfaults | 03:25 |
MohammadAG | MTF is based on Qt, refer to 1 | 03:25 |
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MohammadAG | QML uses Qt, in a way, refer to 1 | 03:25 |
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MohammadAG | Gtk apps segfault | 03:26 |
DocScrutinizer | hah, my daemon survives | 03:26 |
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merlin1991 | Gtk? | 03:26 |
javispedro | aegis kills DocScrutinizer's daemon. | 03:26 |
merlin1991 | I thought there is no such thing in a Qt Ecosystem | 03:26 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, invoker probably calls the daemon, invoker segfaults | 03:26 |
Termana | heh | 03:26 |
MohammadAG | merlin1991, they need gconf | 03:27 |
DocScrutinizer | but then a daemon clearly isn't an app | 03:27 |
MohammadAG | gconf needs glib | 03:27 |
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MohammadAG | gtk can run on a glib-enabled system | 03:27 |
merlin1991 | so platform api -> gtk -> profit? | 03:27 |
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MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, only when applying for an N950 | 03:27 |
DocScrutinizer | touche | 03:27 |
DocScrutinizer | DDP created a whole new meaning of "app" | 03:28 |
javispedro | man, if this is the crew that is supposed to get apps.meego.com "filled" by the end of the year, we are sooooo doomed. | 03:28 |
merlin1991 | stop using tlas, ddp as in what? | 03:28 |
MohammadAG | javispedro, muhahahaha | 03:29 |
DocScrutinizer | device distribution program? | 03:29 |
javispedro | developer device program iirc | 03:29 |
javispedro | at least in n900 times.. | 03:29 |
merlin1991 | how good is the remote device access thingy for developing? | 03:29 |
* merlin1991 thinks about starting todo something despite no n950 | 03:30 | |
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DocScrutinizer | javispedro: thanks, obviously time for some relax | 03:31 |
DocScrutinizer | ing | 03:31 |
javispedro | indeed. | 03:31 |
DocScrutinizer | meh | 03:31 |
DocScrutinizer | >>Device Distribution program<< | 03:32 |
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javispedro | I hate mutter. | 03:32 |
DocScrutinizer | https://forumnokia.secure.force.com/apex/DDP | 03:32 |
DocScrutinizer | ~lart javispedro | 03:32 |
* infobot burns javispedro to a crisp with a laser | 03:32 | |
javispedro | so, do I lose my DDP for failing to resolve a TLA? | 03:32 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: you really made me doubt my own selfcheck functions | 03:32 |
DocScrutinizer | merlin1991: last time I checked all 5 N950 were offline | 03:34 |
* DocScrutinizer blames MohammadAG | 03:35 | |
merlin1991 | so much for that idea :/ | 03:35 |
DocScrutinizer | he probably erased CAL | 03:35 |
DocScrutinizer | ;-P | 03:35 |
DocScrutinizer | >>There are some N950s available in RDA now. It's good to keep in mind that N950, including its device software, is not a commercial device and the quality/feature set of N950 is of beta quality. There are also some technical limitations/issues with the RDA implementation for this device, such as that screen orientation change doesn't currently work (so display appears sideways the menu view), application installer uses currently pkgmgr | 03:36 |
DocScrutinizer | instead of dpkg etc. We are currently looking into these. Eventually our intention is to replace this device with N9s.<< | 03:36 |
merlin1991 | I guess I'll just have to rob someones n950 then | 03:37 |
* merlin1991 wonders if thp go / applied for one, that would be a close and possible target *insane laugh* | 03:38 | |
DocScrutinizer | hmm, right now in "reservations" all 5 are available | 03:38 |
MohammadAG | merlin1991, he already has it | 03:38 |
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merlin1991 | I'm the outsider here, no n950 and no chance of one :D | 03:40 |
DocScrutinizer | merlin1991: I got one of the 5 reserved for next 15min | 03:41 |
DocScrutinizer | there are 4 free to grab right now | 03:41 |
DocScrutinizer | I'll cancel my reservation | 03:41 |
DocScrutinizer | so you got 5 to choose from | 03:41 |
merlin1991 | :D | 03:42 |
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merlin1991 | I'm a lil confused right now, apps.meego.com would be the community obs / community packages and the nokia way would be ovi store? | 03:42 |
merlin1991 | or is the community repo yet another source? | 03:43 |
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DocScrutinizer | nfc | 03:44 |
DocScrutinizer | sorry | 03:44 |
DocScrutinizer | grab your N950! | 03:44 |
DocScrutinizer | http://apu.ndhub.net/devices | 03:44 |
Termana | DocScrutinizer, wtf is this? | 03:46 |
Termana | nevermind | 03:47 |
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cehteh | Nokia N950 Developer Kit programme is closed at this time | 03:50 |
cehteh | Thank you for your interest in publishing apps for the Nokia N9 smartphone. We have received a tremendous response to our offer for the Nokia N950 developer kit, and can no longer accept any new requests. | 03:50 |
cehteh | .. muahaha | 03:51 |
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SpeedEvil | cehteh: meh | 03:51 |
javispedro | they are serious | 03:51 |
cehteh | "You want it, We kill it!" | 03:51 |
javispedro | by now they are probably still handling applications that want the free n8. | 03:52 |
cehteh | when will the wp7 phone be released? | 03:52 |
cehteh | i dont want to miss to see it fail :P | 03:52 |
cehteh | and i hope that will be the last nail at the coffin for elop | 03:53 |
javispedro | the day before the n9 is. | 03:53 |
cehteh | good :) | 03:53 |
cehteh | the sooner the better | 03:53 |
javispedro | it will also be half the price of the n9. | 03:53 |
cehteh | yes | 03:53 |
javispedro | and double the core frequency. | 03:53 |
cehteh | and double as much ram :) | 03:53 |
cehteh | and you get 500 free SMS with it | 03:54 |
javispedro | that I would never believe :) | 03:54 |
javispedro | (ram) | 03:54 |
cehteh | haha | 03:54 |
cehteh | and it will *still* fail | 03:54 |
cehteh | is there any active community around it? or users worshipping wp7? ... or anyone educated interested in it? | 03:55 |
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DocScrutinizer | OMG feelings like with first M$windows on a box without GFX accel | 03:55 |
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cehteh | there may be some fools who think "Windows .. hey thats on my computer i want that" .. but that all | 03:55 |
DocScrutinizer | this RDA N950 might be fast as hell, my desktop, on showing the screen, definitely isn't | 03:56 |
Termana | DocScrutinizer, bunch of junk | 03:56 |
DocScrutinizer | reaction to a swipe takes like 60s | 03:56 |
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Termana | I couldn't get into anything, it just kept going to the close or rearrange icons | 03:56 |
SpeedEvil | clicking on a reserved device just gives me a downloadable jnlp file | 03:57 |
DocScrutinizer | haha | 03:57 |
SpeedEvil | In firefox | 03:57 |
SpeedEvil | anyone had it working? | 03:57 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah, you need to start that | 03:57 |
SpeedEvil | how? | 03:57 |
Termana | SpeedEvil, java webstart | 03:57 |
DocScrutinizer | execute, in FF | 03:57 |
SpeedEvil | execute in ff? | 03:57 |
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DocScrutinizer | FF asked me "download" or "open (with)" | 03:57 |
DocScrutinizer | I clicked "open" | 03:58 |
* javispedro calls it a day -- gnite! | 03:58 | |
SpeedEvil | open with what though? | 03:58 |
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DocScrutinizer | javispedro: gnite | 03:58 |
DocScrutinizer | whatever that's been that FF suggested | 03:58 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer: Are you on windows? | 03:58 |
DocScrutinizer | nope | 03:58 |
SpeedEvil | hmm | 03:59 |
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SpeedEvil | ah - javaws | 04:00 |
DocScrutinizer | alarm (clock) timepicker is actually the way it should be, no slotmachine \o/ | 04:02 |
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merlin1991 | DocScrutinizer: yea, responsetime to swipes is extreme | 04:04 |
merlin1991 | also for some reason swipes desided to stop working for me oO | 04:04 |
DocScrutinizer | unbearable, basically | 04:05 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: was it same lame crook for you? | 04:05 |
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SpeedEvil | On the dev thingy - how do you rotate it to landscape? | 04:08 |
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SpeedEvil | And how do I get to a shell? | 04:09 |
DocScrutinizer | rotate? not at all? see initial notice | 04:09 |
DocScrutinizer | dunno | 04:10 |
SpeedEvil | ah - I misread that | 04:10 |
DocScrutinizer | I didn't read it at all | 04:10 |
DocScrutinizer | just grasped something about orientation | 04:10 |
DocScrutinizer | "not yet working" blabla | 04:10 |
DocScrutinizer | "Camera not responding! Close application?" | 04:11 |
DocScrutinizer | MEH | 04:11 |
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DocScrutinizer | a nifty idea, this RDA. But either my equipment isn't appropriate, or there's something so lame with the device and RDA rack that you can't use it | 04:13 |
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* DocScrutinizer idly wonders how to reboot the remote N950 | 04:15 | |
SpeedEvil | never got slide to work at all | 04:15 |
SpeedEvil | swipe | 04:15 |
DocScrutinizer | there's been some app running from the guy before me | 04:15 |
SpeedEvil | click the 'hide app' button | 04:15 |
SpeedEvil | on the lkeyboard | 04:15 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: you need to click close to the border, but inside where cursor still is a hand | 04:15 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, what crook? | 04:16 |
DocScrutinizer | RDA | 04:16 |
DocScrutinizer | feels like molasses | 04:16 |
DocScrutinizer | starting up camera took like 60s | 04:17 |
DocScrutinizer | maybe more | 04:17 |
DocScrutinizer | a swipe the same | 04:17 |
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DocScrutinizer | selecting another alarm sound in clock takes 10s to switch the blue highlicght form clock1 to clock3 | 04:19 |
DocScrutinizer | it feels like "yeah, this *could* actually work" | 04:20 |
DocScrutinizer | maybe 1.8GHz are too slow for java | 04:21 |
DocScrutinizer | (no idea about CPU load as I had to run it fullscreen to show the whole thing) | 04:22 |
DocScrutinizer | but then to make it useable I'd need a 20GHz CPU ;-P | 04:23 |
SpeedEvil | Interesting - everything on /home is mounted on 'aegisfs' | 04:25 |
SpeedEvil | Got shell - some of the devices have 'terminal' on | 04:25 |
SpeedEvil | but I can't ping or ssh out | 04:25 |
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DocScrutinizer | hey you got ...9016236? | 04:26 |
SpeedEvil | How do I tell the number? | 04:27 |
DocScrutinizer | no idea how to tell from inside | 04:27 |
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DocScrutinizer | osso-systeminfo? | 04:27 |
SpeedEvil | yes | 04:27 |
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SpeedEvil | to that number | 04:27 |
DocScrutinizer | I get the ser# from "reservations" | 04:27 |
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DocScrutinizer | not exactly crowded | 04:28 |
SpeedEvil | I cheated, and rotated my physical screen. | 04:28 |
DocScrutinizer | I think I'll like the real hw better | 04:28 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: there's a rotate menu item in the window's menues | 04:29 |
DocScrutinizer | I gather it's dead | 04:29 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: are the characters in shell aslo at a rate of 1 per 10s? | 04:30 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: and where you found the xterm? an icon on applauncher screen? | 04:31 |
SpeedEvil | 'terminal' right at the top | 04:31 |
DocScrutinizer | mhm | 04:31 |
DocScrutinizer | I'm not eager to start another session right now | 04:32 |
DocScrutinizer | was way too tiring | 04:32 |
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SpeedEvil | Trying to work out if I can punch a ssh out to my net with socks proxying, then ssh back in | 04:33 |
SpeedEvil | so I have sane terminal and stuff | 04:33 |
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DocScrutinizer | basically I spent 12 of my 15min with finding out how long to wait for mouse actions to take effect | 04:33 |
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DocScrutinizer | and I tried all "quality" settings for display, from 6 down to 1, no difference | 04:36 |
DocScrutinizer | except it gets B&W for <=3 | 04:36 |
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SpeedEvil | Oh - it has tv out | 04:48 |
DocScrutinizer | \o/ | 04:48 |
SpeedEvil | settings -> accessories | 04:49 |
* DocScrutinizer muses about serial numbers, which best are read RTL, and just one is completely another batch | 04:49 | |
SpeedEvil | I don't understand how browsing works. | 04:49 |
SpeedEvil | wget can't get dns resolution, and no proxy is configured | 04:49 |
DocScrutinizer | 4 of the 5 are like 510, 220, 610, 410 | 04:51 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: probably you're not "online" | 04:52 |
SpeedEvil | I know - browser can get to the web though | 04:53 |
DocScrutinizer | o.O | 04:53 |
SpeedEvil | And no proxy set | 04:53 |
DocScrutinizer | ifconfig? | 04:54 |
DocScrutinizer | route? | 04:54 |
SpeedEvil | Oops - I may have broken it. | 04:54 |
DocScrutinizer | LOL | 04:55 |
SpeedEvil | It's not resolving anymore | 04:55 |
DocScrutinizer | ~xyawn | 04:55 |
infobot | extra, extra, read all about it, xyawn is big coffee | 04:55 |
DocScrutinizer | ~cheers | 04:55 |
infobot | happy christmahanakwanzakuh! | 04:55 |
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GAN900 | graaarrrrr | 05:00 |
SpeedEvil | Ok. | 05:00 |
GAN900 | I want my N950 | 05:00 |
SpeedEvil | When you haven't turned the internet off, you can ssh out. | 05:01 |
SpeedEvil | Doh. | 05:01 |
SpeedEvil | And good luck to the person that gets that net tunneling into my system as I've removed the port forward. ;) | 05:02 |
SpeedEvil | neNeed to setup a user I truly don't care about, for obvious treaons | 05:02 |
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SpeedEvil | Then it should be easy to get back in over the ssh connection, and deal with it with a sane terminal. | 05:04 |
DocScrutinizer | I think MohammadAG did that | 05:05 |
SpeedEvil | yeah - I got to the point where it showed me my ssh fingerprint - and at that point - it's just tediosity to get it working | 05:05 |
DocScrutinizer | I gather you're not considering this browser&java based remote thing a sane shell access | 05:06 |
SpeedEvil | No. | 05:06 |
SpeedEvil | No scrollback, can't copy+paste, ... | 05:06 |
MohammadAG | did what? | 05:07 |
DocScrutinizer | I regularly get headache with ssh portforwards | 05:07 |
MohammadAG | reverse ssh? | 05:07 |
SpeedEvil | MohammadAG: ssh'd into a rdp device | 05:07 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: log in to N950 via ssh | 05:07 |
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MohammadAG | you need a server | 05:07 |
SpeedEvil | I was just going to setup a socks proxy locally and go through that | 05:07 |
holmesII | hi everyone, i am trying to gain battery information. | 05:08 |
holmesII | is there anyone can help me? | 05:08 |
MohammadAG | either one on your PC, or a remote server | 05:08 |
SpeedEvil | ? | 05:08 |
holmesII | i don't know how to write a C code to get battery information. | 05:08 |
SpeedEvil | what do you mean by 'a server' ? | 05:08 |
holmesII | need some simple example for help | 05:08 |
DocScrutinizer | holmesII: which battery information? | 05:08 |
MohammadAG | openssh-server | 05:08 |
MohammadAG | which can be accessed from an external device | 05:08 |
holmesII | like charge level | 05:08 |
MohammadAG | so basically | 05:08 |
SpeedEvil | MohammadAG: you just mean a box into which you can ssh? | 05:09 |
MohammadAG | ssh -R2222:localhost:22 user@server | 05:09 |
MohammadAG | SpeedEvil, yes | 05:09 |
SpeedEvil | yeah - that | 05:09 |
SpeedEvil | then ssh localhost -p2222 | 05:09 |
holmesII | like Current battery capacity (mAh) | 05:09 |
SpeedEvil | and to the dev device | 05:09 |
SpeedEvil | Oh. | 05:09 |
MohammadAG | then on your PC, ssh -p 2222 root@localhost | 05:09 |
MohammadAG | yes | 05:09 |
SpeedEvil | What's the password? | 05:09 |
MohammadAG | rootme | 05:09 |
SpeedEvil | ah | 05:09 |
holmesII | many thanks to who can help me!! | 05:09 |
DocScrutinizer | holmesII: there's such info in HAL | 05:10 |
DocScrutinizer | lshal|grep battery | 05:10 |
SpeedEvil | holmesII: hal gives you an indication. | 05:10 |
holmesII | yes. but how can i get it with my C code? | 05:10 |
SpeedEvil | Work out how to call hal | 05:10 |
DocScrutinizer | check what lshal does | 05:10 |
MohammadAG | https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/status-area-applet-battery/blobs/master/src/status-area-applet-battery.c like this | 05:10 |
holmesII | i am not familiar with HAL | 05:10 |
SpeedEvil | or that | 05:10 |
MohammadAG | FYI, that's missing a libhal_ctx_init call, which I have locally but haven't committed it yet | 05:11 |
MohammadAG | between lines 199 and 200 | 05:11 |
MohammadAG | but it works | 05:11 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: isn't that direct access to bq27200? | 05:11 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, no | 05:11 |
DocScrutinizer | ooh, ok | 05:11 |
MohammadAG | I don't know bq2700 | 05:12 |
MohammadAG | 27200 even | 05:12 |
DocScrutinizer | good | 05:12 |
MohammadAG | but it'll never make it into the CSSU till I add sounds | 05:12 |
SpeedEvil | Hal is basically a lie. | 05:12 |
MohammadAG | libcanberra isn't that friendly | 05:12 |
SpeedEvil | But it's the same lie that the device knows - so ... | 05:12 |
* DocScrutinizer burrps in libcanberra's general direction | 05:13 | |
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MohammadAG | oh and it doesn't detect battery low/empty yet, I know how, just haven't implemented it | 05:15 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: holmesII just wants charge, nothing more sophisticated :-) | 05:15 |
holmesII | i just want to get the battery.reporting.current = 956 (0x3bc) (int) | 05:16 |
holmesII | that's it. | 05:16 |
DocScrutinizer | see the link MohammadAG posted | 05:17 |
jonwil | hmmm, interesting comment from that ex-Nokia guy. He basically said "Opening MCE was hard because there was concern from management about possible valuable IP in there" | 05:18 |
GAN900 | l o l | 05:18 |
GAN900 | Nokia management needs to be downsized | 05:18 |
GAN900 | That's the only thing that'll save the company. | 05:18 |
* DocScrutinizer wonders about the amount of valuable IP in Nokia management | 05:19 | |
DocScrutinizer | holmesII: | 05:20 |
DocScrutinizer | [2011-07-06 04:10:47] <MohammadAG> https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/status-area-applet-battery/blobs/master/src/status-area-applet-battery.c like this | 05:20 |
DocScrutinizer | [2011-07-06 04:10:48] <holmesII> i am not familiar with HAL | 05:20 |
DocScrutinizer | and please post your questions in channel, not in private query | 05:20 |
DocScrutinizer | holmesII: if you lost your IRC client's backscroll, there's also a chanlog: http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog | 05:21 |
holmesII | MANY THANKS TO YOU GUYS!!!! I just downloaded it. I will read it. If I can't understand, I will back to you. Again, Thank you you two! | 05:22 |
Termana | OMG!!!1111!!! | 05:23 |
Termana | :p | 05:23 |
MohammadAG | Termana, you really deserve a troll of the day award | 05:23 |
SpeedEvil | jonwil: I suppose the 'right' way to determine that is to pass it through a lawyer to check for patentable stuff first. :/ | 05:23 |
Termana | MohammadAG, TROLOLOLOLO | 05:24 |
Termana | :p | 05:24 |
DocScrutinizer | he got the star in hall of fame for that | 05:24 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, trolls are usually stupid, this one is the complete opposite | 05:25 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: you bet it's exactly that | 05:25 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: makes things worse ;-P | 05:25 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, I mean, taking my idea of pranking someone with an N950 email and using it against me | 05:26 |
MohammadAG | damn, that's just, gold | 05:26 |
trx | lol | 05:28 |
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Termana | There is one downside - it's a situation of the boy who cried wolf, if I say anything serious about the N950 DDP no one will believe a word I say :p | 05:28 |
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MohammadAG | well, the only thing that gave it away was that Nokia doesn't use tinyurls pointing to youtube | 05:29 |
MohammadAG | Termana, what was the vid btw? | 05:29 |
holmesII | when i make it, i got "Package hildon-1 was not found in the pkg-config search path" error | 05:29 |
internetishard | hey, my n900 just staying making a faint high pitched hissing sound instead of vibrating... any ideas? | 05:29 |
holmesII | and other packages . | 05:29 |
MohammadAG | holmesII, you need some -dev packages | 05:29 |
Termana | MohammadAG, you didn't watch it? :p It was Rick Astley of course. | 05:29 |
MohammadAG | libhildon-dev I think | 05:29 |
MohammadAG | Termana, no, I didn't :P | 05:30 |
MohammadAG | But rick rolling has improved, there's Nyan Cat now | 05:30 |
Termana | MohammadAG, next time I should a) use an actual publicised email (which I didn't see on the forum) b) use a shorting service that doesn't allow previews and c) use that Dimitri guy instead | 05:31 |
MohammadAG | Termana, the email is correct | 05:31 |
holmesII | i tried, i can't find it in my repository. | 05:31 |
holmesII | cound't find package libhildon-dev | 05:32 |
MohammadAG | you're building in scratchbox right? | 05:32 |
holmesII | i don't know where i build it. i am running by SSH connection. | 05:32 |
holmesII | now i am trying to install it in x terminal | 05:33 |
MohammadAG | err | 05:33 |
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holmesII | the same result. | 05:33 |
MohammadAG | you can't build it on the N900 | 05:33 |
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MohammadAG | ~maemosdk | 05:34 |
infobot | well, maemosdk is http://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/Maemo5_Final_Installation | 05:34 |
holmesII | hmmmm. but i am using N900 with meamo | 05:34 |
MohammadAG | see that | 05:34 |
MohammadAG | anyway, gotta sleep | 05:34 |
MohammadAG | if you run into anything with sdk installation I'm sure someone can help | 05:34 |
MohammadAG | night | 05:35 |
holmesII | ok. good night. see you tomorrow~~ | 05:35 |
DocScrutinizer | for building native on target, there are few users that actually do that | 05:35 |
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DocScrutinizer | you for sure must have done quite some installing effort to get gcc to run on N900 at all | 05:36 |
holmesII | i can run gcc now. | 05:37 |
DocScrutinizer | it's however not the "usual" way to build binaries for maemo, nor is it well documented or supported | 05:37 |
holmesII | and make | 05:37 |
holmesII | however, i have a lot of stuffs that i don't understand. | 05:38 |
holmesII | just got a N900 phone today. | 05:38 |
DocScrutinizer | sure, but with gcc pkg alone your rootfs will probably fill up to the limit | 05:38 |
holmesII | i installed it by build-essential | 05:38 |
DocScrutinizer | gcc isn't really meant or made to get installed on maemo N900 directly | 05:39 |
internetishard | dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=com.nokia.mce /com/nokia/mce/request com.nokia.mce.request.req_vibrator_pattern_deactivate string:'PatternIncomingCall' <---this is in a thread that helped some people fix their vibration, why does it say the cmd isn't correct? | 05:39 |
DocScrutinizer | all the 3 users that did that installed all the needed stuff to a chroot iirc | 05:39 |
internetishard | incorrect dbus-send usage? | 05:39 |
internetishard | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=51280&page=2 | 05:40 |
DocScrutinizer | ~ask | 05:41 |
infobot | Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will. | 05:41 |
internetishard | why does it say the cmd isn't correct? what is wrong with this question? | 05:41 |
DocScrutinizer | http://wiki.maemo.org/Phone_control#Start_vibrating | 05:42 |
internetishard | I'm thinking it isn't software though, since it doesn't do that short vibrate right when I turn it on anymore | 05:43 |
DocScrutinizer | your command is req_vibrator_pattern_*de*activate | 05:43 |
DocScrutinizer | http://wiki.maemo.org/User:Joerg_rw/xchat/notify.sh | 05:45 |
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internetishard | yeah, it just makes a high pitched sound | 05:46 |
internetishard | same as when I turn it on | 05:46 |
internetishard | fucking omg | 05:46 |
internetishard | I've no money for a phone right now | 05:46 |
* DocScrutinizer should finally fix this, --print-reply is nonsense as is calling play-sound first | 05:46 | |
SpeedEvil | internetishard: replacing the vibrator isn't that hard | 05:47 |
internetishard | I need a phone that is more fixable, if I'm going to spend this much, then the hardware should be open enough to order parts for | 05:47 |
internetishard | can I do it myself? | 05:47 |
internetishard | I mean, where can such parts be bought | 05:47 |
DocScrutinizer | internetishard: either your vibrator collected debris and got stuck (*very* likely), or the motor or driver chip are defect | 05:47 |
internetishard | Got a schematic so I can find the vibrator? | 05:48 |
DocScrutinizer | internetishard: vibrator in N900 is soldered and really hard to replace. Also there's no easily available spare part | 05:48 |
SpeedEvil | oh | 05:48 |
DocScrutinizer | internetishard: it's right under the cam-key | 05:49 |
DocScrutinizer | you can't miss it | 05:49 |
MySpaez | use eyes to find | 05:49 |
SpeedEvil | also - try banging the n900 while vibrator active | 05:50 |
SpeedEvil | gently | 05:50 |
DocScrutinizer | actually rotating suddenly along the long axis | 05:50 |
DocScrutinizer | well, the vibrator more located *between* power and cam button | 05:52 |
DocScrutinizer | with the excenter mass close to cam button | 05:52 |
internetishard | DocScrutinizer, so I should be able to see it without unscrewing anything? | 05:52 |
internetishard | maybe I can get it going from here | 05:53 |
DocScrutinizer | no, alas not | 05:53 |
internetishard | lol, bang gently? | 05:53 |
DocScrutinizer | yes | 05:53 |
internetishard | how hard... tap? hit on table? | 05:53 |
DocScrutinizer | rotate | 05:53 |
DocScrutinizer | knock firmly with your fingertips | 05:55 |
SpeedEvil | Not on the screen | 05:55 |
DocScrutinizer | indeed | 05:55 |
internetishard | not sure what I did | 05:55 |
internetishard | got it going again | 05:56 |
internetishard | I'm curious about the point of failure | 05:56 |
DocScrutinizer | see :-D | 05:56 |
internetishard | You guys are great | 05:56 |
DocScrutinizer | debris | 05:56 |
internetishard | hmm | 05:56 |
internetishard | I can't see it though | 05:56 |
internetishard | on the back under the camera button is covered with plastic | 05:56 |
internetishard | but maybe it can be taken off | 05:56 |
DocScrutinizer | no | 05:56 |
SpeedEvil | you can't | 05:56 |
DocScrutinizer | look there: http://maemo.cloud-7.de/Gallery-N900-exploded/ | 05:57 |
internetishard | cool, thanks | 05:57 |
DocScrutinizer | http://maemo.cloud-7.de/Gallery-N900-exploded/n900_11.jpeg shows vibrator upper middle, the huge silver thing | 05:58 |
DocScrutinizer | the excenter mass is on the left | 05:59 |
DocScrutinizer | you actually need to disassemble the device to reach there | 05:59 |
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DocScrutinizer | as you can see it's underneath the PCB, you need to take out the board from the case | 06:00 |
DocScrutinizer | to reach it | 06:01 |
DocScrutinizer | I'd not recommend you do that, esp if it's working again | 06:01 |
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GeneralAntilles | OK, kids. | 06:04 |
GeneralAntilles | We're all going to get processed tomorrow | 06:04 |
GeneralAntilles | Get our N950s Thursday. | 06:04 |
GeneralAntilles | Deal? | 06:04 |
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DocScrutinizer | meh | 06:05 |
DocScrutinizer | are you the friggin santa, or what? | 06:05 |
DocScrutinizer | btw here it's already "tomorrow" ;-) | 06:06 |
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DocScrutinizer | so ETA for next \o/ event: ~3h | 06:07 |
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DocScrutinizer | GeneralAntilles: I hope you are prepared for your disco firing in the mid of your night ;-) | 06:08 |
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GeneralAntilles | It doesn't fire when the house is in sleep mode. | 06:09 |
DocScrutinizer | :-D | 06:09 |
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holmesII | root is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. | 06:10 |
holmesII | sometimes i got user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. | 06:10 |
DocScrutinizer | you ARE root | 06:10 |
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holmesII | ok. i see. | 06:10 |
DocScrutinizer | GeneralAntilles: did you build on target? | 06:11 |
holmesII | i still have problem on mahammad's code. i don't know how to install the hildon package | 06:11 |
GeneralAntilles | DocScrutinizer, build what? | 06:11 |
DocScrutinizer | anything | 06:11 |
DocScrutinizer | GeneralAntilles: see holmesII ^^^ | 06:11 |
GeneralAntilles | Oh, Qt SDK here. | 06:12 |
GeneralAntilles | So, I'm all bullshit. | 06:12 |
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holmesII | see me for what? :) | 06:12 |
DocScrutinizer | hmm, *somebody* did it | 06:12 |
holmesII | .................any help? | 06:12 |
holmesII | i'm really newbi | 06:12 |
holmesII | haha | 06:13 |
DocScrutinizer | holmesII: yeah, learn to read IRC backscroll | 06:13 |
DocScrutinizer | holmesII: I seriously suggest you try to build on PC in SDK | 06:14 |
DocScrutinizer | [2011-07-06 04:34:09] <MohammadAG> ~maemosdk | 06:14 |
DocScrutinizer | [2011-07-06 04:34:10] <infobot> well, maemosdk is http://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/Maemo5_Final_Installation | 06:14 |
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DocScrutinizer | holmesII: it's absolutely nontrivial to set up a complete build environment on N900 | 06:15 |
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DocScrutinizer | your root filesystem isn't large enough for that | 06:16 |
DocScrutinizer | df -h / | 06:16 |
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holmesII | i got aroud 35G space in tatol | 06:17 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG's battery-applet needs quite a few libraries, that won't fit on your root | 06:17 |
DocScrutinizer | yes, then you need to either | 06:18 |
DocScrutinizer | use a chroot, like easydebian or sth | 06:18 |
DocScrutinizer | or | 06:18 |
DocScrutinizer | ~optify | 06:18 |
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DocScrutinizer | err | 06:18 |
DocScrutinizer | ~optification | 06:18 |
infobot | optification is, like, a inventive duct tape workaround to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the systeminit *and* partitioning is FUBAR, http://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/Maemo_5_Developer_Guide/Packaging,_Deploying_and_Distributing/Installing_under_opt_and_MyDocs, or ""OMG - I wish somebody had looked into FHS and moved /usr to eMMC"", http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html#PURPOSE2 bullet1,2 and fhs-2.3.html#PURPOSE16 dot3 | 06:18 |
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holmesII | i just wonder if i can install those libriaries, then i don't have to build a PC environment. I just need to do a small program and may not need to do deep development. | 06:20 |
DocScrutinizer | holmesII: told you this is NOT the recommended way to build binaries for maemo, and that there's really no support for that anywhere, and you need to do a lot of work and know your way around to get it working. Only very few users have done that before | 06:20 |
DocScrutinizer | holmesII: I seriously suggest you try to build on PC in SDK | 06:21 |
DocScrutinizer | holmesII: it's absolutely nontrivial to set up a complete build environment on N900 | 06:21 |
holmesII | o. i see. thank you! i have one other question. if I build it on PC. the PC environment should have the libriaries, right? and how do i make a program and run in N900? | 06:22 |
holmesII | you mean on N900 or on PC? | 06:22 |
DocScrutinizer | you build on PC in a chroot called scratchbox, for ARMEL target | 06:22 |
DocScrutinizer | you simply copy the resulting binary to N900 and run it there | 06:23 |
holmesII | i see. thank you!! | 06:23 |
holmesII | i will try | 06:23 |
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DocScrutinizer | the maemo SDK comes with virtually all the libraries you'll probably need | 06:24 |
DocScrutinizer | (that's why it's ~5GB) | 06:24 |
holmesII | hehe, all right. thank you!!! but BTW, is there any good website to let me know how to build the environment for scratchbox? | 06:25 |
holmesII | i am afraid found some one wrong. | 06:25 |
DocScrutinizer | http://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/Maemo5_Final_Installation | 06:25 |
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holmesII | thanks!! | 06:26 |
DocScrutinizer | holmesII: please pay attention, we pointed you at this website 3 times now | 06:26 |
holmesII | yes. i did. i just want to confirm it. | 06:27 |
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holmesII | i saw it few times. thank you very much! | 06:27 |
pauly | hi anyone want to trade their n8 for n900? | 06:27 |
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pauly | i want something different | 06:28 |
DocScrutinizer | you'll probably have questions when you got SB (scratchbox) installed and running. Come here and ask, every devel did | 06:28 |
DocScrutinizer | :-) | 06:28 |
holmesII | i am just thinking install it in my ubuntu system or in my windows system. | 06:28 |
DocScrutinizer | ubuntu | 06:28 |
holmesII | which one do you recommend? | 06:28 |
DocScrutinizer | definitely | 06:28 |
holmesII | i have ubuntu 10.04 | 06:28 |
holmesII | is that all right? | 06:28 |
DocScrutinizer | should work | 06:28 |
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DocScrutinizer | pauly: I bet you won't have to wait for more than 24h to complete that deal | 06:29 |
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pauly | what u mean? | 06:30 |
holmesII | all right. thank you! i have four systems. i think i got to reboot my pc and going to ubuntu. but i think i have go to bed now. I will talk to you tomorrow. Anyway, you are a very very nice person i meet in freenode. | 06:30 |
holmesII | thank you so much! | 06:30 |
DocScrutinizer | I mean there are a few users with a N8 they hate, who want a N900 urgently | 06:30 |
holmesII | you have a good night. | 06:30 |
pauly | u know them lol i dont have an TMO account | 06:31 |
DocScrutinizer | they are all here during the next 24h | 06:31 |
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DocScrutinizer | that'S why I say won't take long | 06:31 |
DocScrutinizer | just repost your offer every 60 min | 06:32 |
antman8969 | anyone here got a few spare minutes and not in the US? | 06:37 |
antman8969 | need a quick app tester... | 06:37 |
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antman8969 | with a linkedin account | 06:37 |
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DocScrutinizer | holmesII: ooh, don't use the graphic installer there, it usually gives you trouble. It seems the script based installation is easier | 06:39 |
holmesII | ok. got it.:) im leaving now. | 06:39 |
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holmesII | see you tommorrow | 06:40 |
pauly | DocScrutinizer: have u used n8 | 06:41 |
pauly | ? | 06:41 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: so one of them is getting their N950 shipped | 06:42 |
pauly | DocScrutinizer: i just want something different, i dont have time to customize maemo like everyone else mine is stock lol | 06:43 |
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DocScrutinizer | pauly: sorry, no | 06:44 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: http://forum.meego.com/showpost.php?p=25061&postcount=440 | 06:44 |
hiemanshu | did you see trhat? | 06:44 |
DocScrutinizer | yes | 06:45 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: so the people from the first batch should have it for them in a day or two | 06:46 |
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DocScrutinizer | o.O | 06:46 |
antman8969 | looking at the accepted page, only a few have received that email | 06:47 |
antman8969 | http://wiki.meego.com/Community_Office/Community%20device%20program/Nokia | 06:48 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: that guy was from batch four 0_0 | 06:48 |
DocScrutinizer | exactly | 06:48 |
DocScrutinizer | last in first out | 06:48 |
hiemanshu | so hmm, well the ones with the launchpad activated should have it soon | 06:49 |
DocScrutinizer | the way a stack of paper works | 06:49 |
hiemanshu | yup | 06:49 |
DocScrutinizer | well, I'm in batch 3 ;-P | 06:50 |
hiemanshu | :( | 06:50 |
DocScrutinizer | but I'm still sure the dude processing the requests dropped the pile of sheets and collected them in random order | 06:51 |
hiemanshu | but why the fuck are they using sheets, haven't they heard of google docs or email or evernote or etherpad | 06:52 |
DocScrutinizer | anyway I'm expecting quite a number of processed devices for today | 06:52 |
DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: given the likelihood of M$ products being used there, I'd rather *hope* for sheets | 06:53 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: hah true :P | 06:53 |
DocScrutinizer | Quim thinks even end of *next* week not all requests are processed | 06:56 |
hiemanshu | he does | 06:56 |
hiemanshu | ? | 06:56 |
DocScrutinizer | which would make an average per day of <25 | 06:56 |
pauly | anyone want to trade me their n8 for my n900? | 06:57 |
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DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: who were the guys who got a N8 for their warranty N900? | 06:58 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: Jaffa was one | 06:58 |
DocScrutinizer | yep, thought so | 06:58 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: but he traded his for a E7 or something | 06:58 |
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DocScrutinizer | hmm, dunno if he did, or just planned to do | 06:59 |
DocScrutinizer | pauly: E7? | 06:59 |
pauly | DocScrutinizer: i like 12mp on n8 but keyboard on e7 ughhh idk | 07:00 |
DocScrutinizer | whatever, you'll find somebody interested in your swap deal, easily | 07:00 |
pauly | i take pics so i still want n8 | 07:00 |
* DocScrutinizer afk | 07:01 | |
pauly | DocScrutinizer: you ever use symbian 3? | 07:01 |
DocScrutinizer | o/ | 07:01 |
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jonwil | anyone know anything about product IDs? I know the N900 is RX-51 | 07:12 |
jonwil | but I got a bunch of others I cant ID | 07:12 |
pauly | anyone want to trade me their n8 for my n900? | 07:13 |
jonwil | anyone know what a SU-18, RX-44, RX-48, RM-680, RM-690, RM-696 or RM-716 is? | 07:13 |
GAN900 | SU-18 is 77p | 07:13 |
GAN900 | RX-44 is N810 | 07:13 |
GAN900 | RM-680 is N950 | 07:14 |
jonwil | RX-34 is probably N800 | 07:14 |
jonwil | aha, RX-48 is N810 wimax | 07:14 |
GAN900 | 690 or 696 is N9 | 07:14 |
GAN900 | RX-71 was an unreleased devboard | 07:15 |
DocScrutinizer | http://wiki.maemo.org/Codenames | 07:21 |
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DocScrutinizer | could use some update, I guess | 07:22 |
pauly | twitter sucks on maemo tweedsuit is decent though | 07:22 |
pauly | i hate using the twitter.com site | 07:23 |
DocScrutinizer | jonwil: google is your friend as well, quite interesting what you get on a search for all those codenames | 07:23 |
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DocScrutinizer | Jaffa: pauly wants a N8 raher than his N900 | 07:50 |
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antman8969 | anyone know if the maemo builder is down? | 07:58 |
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user__ | has anyone found a way to use google+ mobile version on the n900. m.google.com/plus defaults to the full site with all the cpu clogger javascript. | 08:11 |
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RST38h | no, nobody knows the iPhone-specific URL so far | 08:14 |
user__ | bummer | 08:14 |
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Macer | anybody know of any arm based full fledged pc diy type kit? | 08:26 |
Macer | maybe a beagleboard based kit? | 08:26 |
Macer | something that can run kubuntu? :-) | 08:27 |
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dm8tbr | you answered your own question | 08:27 |
Macer | http://trimslice.com/web/models | 08:28 |
Macer | was thinking of something like that | 08:28 |
Macer | that tegra looks like quite a beast but i am curious as to how well the video works | 08:29 |
dm8tbr | tegra is reported to suck ballz | 08:29 |
Macer | really?? that sucks | 08:30 |
dm8tbr | if you want something open with an interested community http://www.alwaysinnovating.com/home/ | 08:30 |
dm8tbr | last time I looked at tegra2 I heard it has e.g. problems with decoding media | 08:30 |
RST38h | hehehe | 08:30 |
RST38h | Macer and SmartBook... | 08:31 |
ruskie | yeah the only prob with always innovating... still no actual product for the touchbook v2 and I would guess smartbook as well | 08:33 |
Macer | dm8tbr: omg! dont ever mention alwaysinnovating again | 08:33 |
* dm8tbr shrugs | 08:33 | |
ruskie | hehe | 08:33 |
Macer | i preordered their touchbook a while back | 08:33 |
ruskie | and? | 08:33 |
Macer | what a total piece of s*it | 08:33 |
ruskie | v1 I take it? | 08:33 |
ruskie | what was wrong with it? | 08:33 |
Macer | it tipped over.. the screen was non responsive | 08:34 |
Macer | the video was slow.. the keyboard connectivity would mess up | 08:34 |
Macer | etc etc | 08:34 |
Macer | it was garbage.. and i was so excited about it | 08:34 |
ruskie | I'm gonna get touchbook v2 if it ever materializes | 08:34 |
Macer | dont preorder! | 08:35 |
ruskie | else one of the other tablet/netbook type devices | 08:35 |
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ruskie | Macer, I haven't and won't | 08:35 |
ruskie | until they have a physical product | 08:35 |
Macer | wait til everybody tells you it sucks as bad as v1 | 08:35 |
Macer | i do want to try out a tegra based system tho just to see | 08:35 |
ruskie | wess v2 supposedly has capacitive... so touchscreen shouldn't be non-responsive... just crappy | 08:35 |
Macer | i am sure it is the lowest bidded broken capacitive they could get a hold of | 08:36 |
Macer | with dead pixels all over it from chinese slave laborers blood seeping into it suring production | 08:36 |
ruskie | well just the fact that it is capacitive means it's crappy | 08:36 |
ruskie | no matter what value | 08:36 |
Macer | during | 08:36 |
ruskie | I did hear about the tipping | 08:36 |
Macer | the tipping was the worst part | 08:37 |
Macer | :-) | 08:37 |
RST38h | ruskie: Avoid these guys like if you were avoiding the Pandora guys | 08:37 |
ruskie | the stuff I like about it is... plugin in usb sticks to expand it | 08:37 |
Macer | if it went anywhere past 90 degrees it would tip | 08:37 |
Macer | it was just a let down. a total pos | 08:37 |
ruskie | and ability to run multiple OSes easily | 08:38 |
Macer | a great idea poorly made | 08:38 |
Macer | pfft | 08:38 |
Macer | heh | 08:38 |
Macer | and the non responsive screen was the icing on the cake | 08:39 |
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Macer | you had to dig your finger half way into it in order for it to do anything | 08:40 |
ruskie | I want to get a tablet/netbook combo system... but I also don't want to be stuck with only the one system that is on it | 08:41 |
Macer | ruskie: fair enough | 08:42 |
pauly | anyone want to trade me their n8 for my n900? | 08:42 |
Macer | ruskie: i am sure most are locked | 08:43 |
ruskie | yeah | 08:43 |
Macer | wish there was an n900 dock | 08:43 |
Macer | :-) | 08:43 |
Macer | maybe n9 dock?? | 08:43 |
Macer | heh (yeah right.. nokia? something good?) | 08:44 |
pauly | noone has n8 :( | 08:44 |
ruskie | Macer, well always innovating has a bluetooth dock thingy... https://www.alwaysinnovating.com/products/keyboard.htm | 08:46 |
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hiemanshu | pauly: wait for Jaffa, he'll be around in a couple of hours or so | 08:49 |
Macer | lol! | 08:49 |
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Macer | i am sure it is fail ruskie | 08:49 |
Macer | i am telling you what i know. you go ahead and get one and tell me i was wrong later | 08:50 |
pauly | hiemanshu:i thought he has e7? | 08:50 |
Macer | ;-) to each their own. maybe you will like it | 08:50 |
hiemanshu | pauly: he was hoping to get it changed or something, so well you are besst off asking him | 08:50 |
pauly | lol okay im just too excited for symbian anna lol i just want something easier everyday use, and n8 seems like it | 08:52 |
Macer | symbian anna? | 08:58 |
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Macer | i wonder what the trimslice runs for an os | 08:59 |
Macer | chrome os? | 09:00 |
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pauly | macer: new symbian 3 version is anna | 09:00 |
Macer | oh | 09:01 |
Macer | http://trimslice.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/with-pen.png | 09:01 |
Macer | wp-cotent? fail | 09:01 |
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Sicelo | your usb fixed pauly? | 09:13 |
pauly | bought a different n900 | 09:13 |
pauly | lol | 09:14 |
pauly | sicelo: u got an n8 | 09:14 |
flailingmonkey | how much did you spend for a new n900 | 09:14 |
flailingmonkey | or different n900 | 09:14 |
pauly | 180 used | 09:14 |
flailingmonkey | USD? | 09:14 |
flailingmonkey | or eur | 09:14 |
pauly | i wanna trade it for n8 | 09:14 |
pauly | usd | 09:14 |
flailingmonkey | not bad at all | 09:15 |
pauly | do yous have an n8 that u wanna trade? | 09:15 |
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Sicelo | no pauly. my n900 is 3 days old | 09:16 |
pauly | oh no i want n8 cause it seems easy to use im tired of having the coolest open source device and not using it the way i should cause i dont have the time | 09:17 |
robbiethe1st | Oh well... | 09:18 |
Sicelo | so the usb? | 09:18 |
pauly | sicelo that n900 i also broke screen on lol | 09:19 |
robbiethe1st | USB issues seem to vary with hardware revision; some older ones were 'weak', mine(gotten more recently) hasn't had any trouble, despite being dropped onto the cord several times | 09:20 |
pauly | so now i have two n900 that i wanna sell or trade | 09:20 |
robbiethe1st | You have one with broken screen and usb, pauly? | 09:21 |
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Sicelo | so u bought another one & now u don't like it 0_0 | 09:21 |
pauly | ya lol | 09:21 |
pauly | i know | 09:21 |
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flailingmonkey | pauly: i have been unable to break mine, strong as a rock | 09:22 |
pauly | i dont know if i want n8 n9 or sgs 2 or japenese docomo phone | 09:22 |
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Sicelo | robbiethe1st: your latest BackupMenu is in the repos? | 09:22 |
robbiethe1st | In -devel, yes. | 09:22 |
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robbiethe1st | As of yet there's no way for me to promote *any* version to -testing, because one of my dependancies is only in -devel. | 09:23 |
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* Sicelo will get it later today | 09:24 | |
flailingmonkey | robbiethe1st: i thought that dependancies were automatically brought in when you promote to -testing | 09:24 |
robbiethe1st | It will work if your dependancy has a valid version in -testing. | 09:25 |
robbiethe1st | Otherwise, it just gives an error. | 09:25 |
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pauly | that makes sense cause the dependancy might not be perfected yet and there goes the whole point? | 09:26 |
pauly | bought my wife a droid x for $20 usd bad esn including 16gb sd card | 09:27 |
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pauly | l remember symbian having bitorrent client ohh im so excited and the nokia beta labs apps :) | 09:29 |
pauly | i would hope s60 fifth edition apps work on symbian 3???? | 09:31 |
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ruskie | hmmm I wonder if it's worth waiting for some meego based arm tablet... | 10:06 |
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macmaN | ruskie: help on the meego -> nookcolor hackathon | 10:08 |
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ruskie | macmaN, I'd like something that comes out WITH it already on | 10:09 |
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vdv | where can i look for release notes of the latest firmware for n900? | 10:12 |
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robbiethe1st | Honestly, I don't know. I don't think I've ever seen any release notes on it | 10:14 |
pauly | lol thers a #symbian channel | 10:15 |
vdv | i want to reflash my n900, but not sure if it's worth it | 10:15 |
robbiethe1st | Back up your stuff, and yea, do so | 10:15 |
robbiethe1st | it fixes some glitches | 10:15 |
vdv | and i'm not sure whether "Version: 10.2010-19-1" installed now is not the latest one | 10:16 |
pavi | I am getting a new n900 as I wanted to get the last piece before its out | 10:16 |
pavi | So tell me can I run meego on it ? | 10:17 |
vdv | last flashed image was: RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin | 10:17 |
pavi | or even better maemo with Qt on it .. ( harmattan release ? ) | 10:17 |
robbiethe1st | Yea, there's newer out there | 10:18 |
vdv | ok, thanks | 10:18 |
robbiethe1st | It's at least version 20.2010.36, IIRC | 10:18 |
robbiethe1st | I'd say what version my device says, but it's been hacked so many times it just reports "<unknown>" :P | 10:19 |
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pauly | any1 want to trade my n900 for ur n8 | 10:21 |
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robbiethe1st | pauly: You'd have to ask elsewhere. Noone with an N8 would be in here... | 10:22 |
DocScrutinizer | >>A Nokia N950 is waiting for you<< | 10:22 |
robbiethe1st | (or atleast admit it | 10:22 |
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robbiethe1st | DocScrutinizer: Just provide your bank account number and SSN to Mr Genuine Prince of Nigeria to recieve it! | 10:23 |
pauly | where would they be | 10:23 |
robbiethe1st | (or fill out a survey... *participation required) | 10:24 |
RST38h | Doc: What else is that N950 saying to you? | 10:24 |
DocScrutinizer | pff | 10:24 |
robbiethe1st | pauly: Uh... #symbian ? | 10:24 |
pauly | lmao n950 i seen transformers those 2 seconds was like wow | 10:24 |
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DocScrutinizer | it's a friggin HTML mail @.@ | 10:24 |
flailingmonkey | DocScrutinizer: what will you be doing with yours | 10:25 |
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RST38h | NSFW | 10:26 |
pauly | robbiethe1st: someone in here said someone would be interested so i will stay here | 10:27 |
flailingmonkey | DocScrutinizer: actually, went and found your entry on the accepted participants page | 10:28 |
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robbiethe1st | flailingmonkey: Link? | 10:28 |
flailingmonkey | http://wiki.meego.com/Community_Office/Community_device_program/Nokia then search for Joerg | 10:28 |
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DocScrutinizer | NameNokia N950Special device typeLoan device | 10:28 |
DocScrutinizer | Availability date30.6.2011Estimated Delivery TimeApproximately one week | 10:28 |
DocScrutinizer | Price0,00Additional informationNo picture available | 10:28 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: wow | 10:30 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: you got yours? | 10:30 |
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DocScrutinizer | yoh | 10:31 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: dammit | 10:31 |
* hiemanshu shoots DocScrutinizer | 10:32 | |
* hiemanshu crosses fingers and checks | 10:32 | |
* DocScrutinizer knew it - N950 is dangerous to your health | 10:32 | |
Appiah | omg | 10:32 |
Appiah | then give them to me | 10:32 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: hah | 10:32 |
Appiah | I'll take care of them | 10:32 |
* hiemanshu isnt at home and is too lazy to check email | 10:33 | |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: nothing :'( | 10:33 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: maybe there will be soemthing by the end of the day | 10:33 |
DocScrutinizer | https://forumnokia.secure.force.com/OrderAgreement?product=Nokia+N950 | 10:34 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: 'Product you requested does not exist' | 10:34 |
robbiethe1st | So, erm, the only people who show up on http://wiki.meego.com/Community_Office/Community_device_program/Nokia are the ones accepted? | 10:34 |
flailingmonkey | DocScrutinizer: summary of your project goals: fill in the gaps where developers got lazy | 10:34 |
hiemanshu | robbiethe1st: yrd | 10:35 |
hiemanshu | yes* | 10:35 |
Termana | DocScrutinizer, your forgetting (mostly) no one else can read that | 10:35 |
flailingmonkey | yeah, they're working on getting the devices out now, past the selection phase | 10:35 |
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robbiethe1st | Ok, so I don't have to be sad quite yet, I guess... | 10:35 |
DocScrutinizer | nope, I'm aware of that | 10:35 |
hiemanshu | Termana: did you get accepted into launchpad yet? | 10:35 |
Termana | hiemanshu, nope. | 10:36 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: if you got it, I must not be too far | 10:36 |
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hiemanshu | I'll be out for most of the day, hope to have an email by the time I am home | 10:36 |
DocScrutinizer | toldya I'm batch 3 | 10:36 |
Termana | I was in the first round - so they must be going backwards! | 10:36 |
Termana | :p | 10:36 |
robbiethe1st | Oh, wait. Tea, I'm declined. Oh well. | 10:36 |
hiemanshu | Termana: I was in first round too | 10:36 |
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hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: hah, fucking LIFO | 10:37 |
Termana | The wait is killing me | 10:37 |
Termana | I'll be dead before they get to me | 10:37 |
Termana | :p | 10:37 |
hiemanshu | Termana: http://i.imgur.com/GNeQr.jpg | 10:38 |
DocScrutinizer | >>No Copying or Distribution of the Product. You may not copy the Product, or export, sublicense, lease, lend, sell, assign or otherwise transfer the Product to any third party. << :-D | 10:38 |
Termana | hiemanshu, lol | 10:38 |
hiemanshu | Termana: you know what would be worse, waiting for it to arrive :/ | 10:38 |
hiemanshu | now you are hitting F5, next you'll be sitting at the door for over a week :P | 10:38 |
Termana | DocScrutinizer, have you built a cloning machine? | 10:39 |
alterego | I got offered an N950 last night | 10:39 |
hiemanshu | Termana: yes, its called china | 10:39 |
hiemanshu | alterego: huh? | 10:39 |
flailingmonkey | hiemanshu: the sad thing is that the kittens actually help | 10:39 |
hiemanshu | flailingmonkey: yes they do :D | 10:39 |
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Termana | hiemanshu, yeah, especially because I don't know how it's going to go down. Apparently they only deliver to your door, but all packages like that have always gone to my post office because I'm rural, so IDK | 10:39 |
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alterego | hiemanshu: a Nokia guy was at an event I was at. | 10:40 |
hiemanshu | Termana: whats the nearest DHL office? | 10:40 |
hiemanshu | alterego: ah | 10:40 |
hiemanshu | alterego: didja take it? | 10:40 |
flailingmonkey | alterego: i assume you declined on principle | 10:40 |
alterego | No, said I'm expecting one soon. | 10:40 |
DocScrutinizer | *W*T*F* >>No Reverse Engineering. You may not (or allow others to) disable, disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer the Product or determine the source code of any code that is not delivered to You by Nokia in source code format. You may not (or allow others to) enable any logic or protocols in the Product that are disabled when delivered to You by Nokia. << | 10:40 |
flailingmonkey | of not having two :p | 10:40 |
alterego | So he didn't give it out to anyone in the end. | 10:40 |
hiemanshu | alterego: sad | 10:40 |
flailingmonkey | DocScrutinizer: that's pretty damn funny, because that's basically why you were chosen to get one | 10:40 |
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DocScrutinizer | indeed | 10:41 |
flailingmonkey | alterego: where was the event | 10:41 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: they say a lot, you dont follow everything :P | 10:41 |
lcuk | alterego, did you goto the app-up? | 10:41 |
alterego | London | 10:41 |
alterego | lcuk: yeah | 10:41 |
lcuk | cool | 10:41 |
lcuk | was it good? | 10:41 |
flailingmonkey | what sort of event? wish they did that sort of thing in the US :p but I'm not holding my breath | 10:41 |
robbiethe1st | Oh well, not that I had much chance at a N950 anyway, but I got the standard "proposal declined" message. I guess I'm just not a good enough dev. Or something. :P I apparently can try to claim different... but I've only got one shot. Any ideas on anything I can do to get one more shot in while I've still got a chance? | 10:41 |
Termana | hiemanshu, 170kms away I think | 10:41 |
alterego | It was, there was some UK specific info that wasn't in the SF app up. | 10:42 |
alterego | And it was much more bried | 10:42 |
alterego | brief ... | 10:42 |
alterego | Free beer and pizza | 10:42 |
alterego | followed by a free bar. | 10:42 |
hiemanshu | Termana: ah, so once you have your tracking number start poking DHL :P | 10:43 |
lcuk | alterego, so what was the uk info? | 10:43 |
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alterego | Just things like PC World / Dixons group shipping netbooks and laptops with appup client installed. | 10:43 |
MohammadAG | Yay, I'm in Launchpad | 10:43 |
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hiemanshu | MohammadAG: :D | 10:44 |
hiemanshu | MohammadAG: and DocScrutinizer got his N950 | 10:44 |
MohammadAG | Seriously? | 10:44 |
hiemanshu | yup | 10:44 |
alterego | Lame | 10:44 |
MohammadAG | wtf | 10:44 |
hiemanshu | alterego: nothing for you yet? | 10:44 |
MohammadAG | same day shipping or what? | 10:44 |
alterego | Nope | 10:44 |
alterego | MohammadAG: next day | 10:44 |
hiemanshu | MohammadAG: <DocScrutinizer> >>A Nokia N950 is waiting for you<< | 10:44 |
MohammadAG | alterego, nothing in my email fyi | 10:44 |
MohammadAG | alterego, so when did he order it? | 10:44 |
hiemanshu | MohammadAG: about 10 mins back | 10:45 |
alterego | I know, I've already checked launchpad | 10:45 |
hiemanshu | I mean | 10:45 |
MohammadAG | hiemanshu, I got that, with a link to Rick Astley | 10:45 |
hiemanshu | lol | 10:45 |
alterego | MohammadAG: I think he's just got the email. | 10:45 |
hiemanshu | MohammadAG: yeah I meant that ^ | 10:45 |
Termana | MohammadAG, :p lol | 10:45 |
MohammadAG | oh you're still awake? | 10:45 |
DocScrutinizer | soory for long post, but that's the WTF of the day: | 10:45 |
DocScrutinizer | No Public Statements. Nokia is delivering the Product to You in an effort to assist You in developing Your software for the Product. On the other hand, You acknowledge that the Product is in prototype stage and still in development by Nokia and thus, not in commercial quality. In view of the foregoing, You agree not to i) make public statements about the possible errors, deficiencies, faults of the Product or Your other findings about the | 10:45 |
DocScrutinizer | incomplete nature of the Product; and/or ii) disclose the Feedback to third parties, without Nokia’s prior written permission. You agree not to break or attempt to break any sealed security boxes or other security mechanisms protecting the Product. You will ensure that Your employees, if any, have been advised of these obligations. The termination or expiry of this Agreement does not relieve You of the obligations imposed above. This | 10:46 |
Termana | MohammadAG, yes, guess who was my next trolling victim? j/k :p | 10:46 |
DocScrutinizer | Section 9 overrules any previous NDA’s between You and Nokia regarding the Product, if any. | 10:46 |
Termana | MohammadAG, it's still the same day here | 10:46 |
Termana | 5:16pm | 10:46 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, I think we have to stfu about the NDA | 10:46 |
MohammadAG | check that before the next paste | 10:46 |
MohammadAG | anyway, what's the Nokia+N950 url again? | 10:47 |
hiemanshu | MohammadAG: https://forumnokia.secure.force.com/OrderAgreement?product=Nokia+N950 | 10:47 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: of course the NDA is NOT under NDA | 10:48 |
khertan | Morning | 10:48 |
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hiemanshu | khertan: morning | 10:48 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, sure? | 10:48 |
DocScrutinizer | YES | 10:48 |
hiemanshu | khertan: get an email yet? | 10:48 |
alterego | You can't be under an NDA until you accept the NDA | 10:48 |
* MohammadAG chokes | 10:48 | |
MohammadAG | Product you requested does not exist | 10:48 |
khertan | hiemanshu, yep, but not from nokia :) | 10:48 |
hiemanshu | MohammadAG: yes, stand in the line behind me | 10:49 |
alterego | He's perfectly within his right to paste info, until he accepts it :) | 10:49 |
MohammadAG | didn't he already? | 10:49 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: so its a conspiracy? :P | 10:49 |
khertan | by accepting launchpad account you sign an nda ;) | 10:49 |
khertan | so the nda is under nda :) | 10:49 |
hiemanshu | yeah, but that is different :P | 10:49 |
alterego | Ah, fair point | 10:50 |
hiemanshu | meh who cares, like they can hunt me down in India :P | 10:50 |
DocScrutinizer | It is clearly saying we shall NOT blog, post, mail, etc etc about the products properties, as nobody can know if we might show shortcomings by doing that | 10:50 |
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hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: you can about your app, but not your device | 10:50 |
flailingmonkey | lulz, conflict with expectation that all participants in meego open source dev program blog/post about their work | 10:51 |
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flailingmonkey | hiemanshu: DocScrutinizer's work is the device | 10:51 |
DocScrutinizer | About my app means about the device, as clearly there's no such app on the device yet. So... | 10:51 |
MohammadAG | that's not what he stated in the application | 10:51 |
hiemanshu | flailingmonkey: right, so he can talk about what he is doing, not how nokia fucked up | 10:51 |
flailingmonkey | hiemanshu: specifically making up for the platform deficiences :p | 10:51 |
hiemanshu | well thats what quim said | 10:51 |
flailingmonkey | actually this none of this really applies at all | 10:52 |
DocScrutinizer | Hey I build a better email client... OOOOPS | 10:52 |
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flailingmonkey | because N950 is not a product | 10:52 |
ruskie | You agree not to break or attempt to break any sealed security boxes or other security mechanisms protecting the Product. <-- hahahahaha what's the point of getting the device if you can't actually do all of that... | 10:52 |
flailingmonkey | need to add it to bugzilla: NOTAPRODUCT NOTAPRODUCT NOTAPRODUCT | 10:52 |
MohammadAG | flailingmonkey, filing bugs != defeciencies | 10:52 |
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flailingmonkey | MohammadAG: sure, but some bugs might be filed, and could be closed by such a status :p | 10:53 |
flailingmonkey | they probably wanted something like that for N900: NOTACONSUMERPRODUCT | 10:53 |
khertan | snifff qemu in qtcreator didn't want to run | 10:53 |
hiemanshu | khertan: are you choosing the right target? | 10:54 |
khertan | harmattan ... seems | 10:54 |
khertan | there is only one | 10:54 |
DocScrutinizer | I know what they meant, but what the NDA *says* is pretty much you mustn't talk about your own app even, as you inevitably would disclose about "missing properties" of "the product" by talking about the awesomeness your app will bring to N9(50) | 10:54 |
khertan | i ve try to create an harmattan project | 10:54 |
hiemanshu | khertan: there should be two, one harmattan, and one meego 1.2 harmattan something | 10:54 |
khertan | Strange: Qemu button was enabled, but target does not match. <-- indeed ... seems a problem | 10:55 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, by app they meant normal app | 10:55 |
khertan | hiemanshu, i ve 4 target | 10:55 |
DocScrutinizer | me too, me too | 10:55 |
MohammadAG | not one that relies on tinkering with hardware | 10:55 |
hiemanshu | khertan: go to projects, select harmattan | 10:55 |
khertan | seems that meego harmattan run | 10:55 |
hiemanshu | khertan: there should be a drop down with two options | 10:55 |
khertan | not harmattan only | 10:55 |
khertan | thx | 10:56 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: where did I mention hardware in my concern? | 10:56 |
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DocScrutinizer | [2011-07-06 09:52:03] <DocScrutinizer> Hey I build a better email client... OOOOPS | 10:56 |
MohammadAG | umm, what's wrong in that? | 10:56 |
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Termana | MohammadAG, it says that there is a definiciancy in the inbuilt one | 10:57 |
hiemanshu | MohammadAG: indirectly you mean 'Nokias clients sukz arse' | 10:57 |
Termana | deficiency* | 10:57 |
MohammadAG | no, it says you built a better one | 10:57 |
ruskie | I'd actually love to see a better client... | 10:57 |
ruskie | on any platform | 10:57 |
MohammadAG | Don't stretch the NDA | 10:57 |
DocScrutinizer | telling you build an email client at all implies it's a better one than the stock one (if any). So automatically you disclose details about a "shortcoming" of "the Product" | 10:57 |
hiemanshu | I just want someone to port kmail to it | 10:57 |
MohammadAG | that's not how legal shit works | 10:58 |
ruskie | hiemanshu, it's there | 10:58 |
ruskie | hiemanshu, atleast for the n900 | 10:58 |
hiemanshu | robbiethe1st: for harmattan? | 10:58 |
hiemanshu | err | 10:58 |
hiemanshu | ruskie: ^ | 10:58 |
robbiethe1st | :P | 10:58 |
ruskie | hehe | 10:58 |
ruskie | though considering how much crap it needs to just run... not even do anything... | 10:58 |
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hiemanshu | ruskie: yeah kdelibs and stuff | 10:59 |
ruskie | not really bothered about that | 10:59 |
ruskie | but all the daemons it needs to run | 10:59 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: That's EXACTLY how legal shit works | 10:59 |
MohammadAG | as you wish | 10:59 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, you already agreed right? | 10:59 |
DocScrutinizer | just telling | 10:59 |
DocScrutinizer | of course NOT | 11:00 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: so you are not going to agreee to it? | 11:00 |
DocScrutinizer | I'm actually *reading* such an NDA | 11:00 |
DocScrutinizer | hierI probably will, it's a nice excuse not to publish *any* word about what I'm doing ;-P | 11:01 |
ruskie | lol | 11:01 |
Jaffa | Morning, all | 11:01 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: hah ok | 11:01 |
MohammadAG | morning Jaffa | 11:01 |
hiemanshu | Jaffa: soon you will no longer be alone :P | 11:01 |
DocScrutinizer | honestly, this needs clarification with Quim | 11:01 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: read the N950 thread, he states it clrearly | 11:01 |
hiemanshu | clearly* | 11:01 |
DocScrutinizer | he states something that's clearly in conflict with the NDA | 11:02 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: the NDA is most likely for the other devs (other than the meego DDP) | 11:02 |
hiemanshu | well atleast thats what I can understand | 11:02 |
DocScrutinizer | hierlooks like, yes | 11:02 |
Termana | DocScrutinizer, I wonder what the legal standpoint is if you make two agreements with conflicting provisions | 11:02 |
DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: ^^^ | 11:03 |
Jaffa | Termana: Later one wins; because meego.com isn't providing anything to you. | 11:03 |
hiemanshu | Termana: you follow the one with the more money and power to sue your arse | 11:03 |
Jaffa | As Texrat points out, "share your experience" on meego.com isn't entirely conflicting with "these aren't review units, don't say anything negative2 | 11:03 |
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hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: trying to find the post give me a few | 11:03 |
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DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: it's clearly tailored towards commercial parties | 11:03 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: yup | 11:04 |
DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: ^^^ didn't mean (see above) for an answer, just for my ETAB | 11:04 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: yeah, I saw that | 11:05 |
DocScrutinizer | Jaffa: the NDA is too strict and ill worded | 11:05 |
alterego | It's a BS NDA anyway | 11:06 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: 'The point is to share your development experience, or anything related. These are not review devices for bloggers.' | 11:06 |
Termana | I don't care what the NDA says anyway, if it says I am signing my soul to them, I will, if they hurry it along and get it in front of me! :P | 11:06 |
hiemanshu | Termana: hah | 11:07 |
DocScrutinizer | so if I find a bug in develpment environment aka SDK that comes with the device, this also is covered by the NDA | 11:07 |
DocScrutinizer | obviously not as it's public | 11:07 |
MohammadAG | I already filed a bug against the SDK, no black choppers above my house | 11:07 |
DocScrutinizer | but according to the strict meaning of NDA words it was | 11:07 |
hiemanshu | MohammadAG: no replies too either | 11:08 |
Termana | hiemanshu, no word is good word! | 11:08 |
Termana | ish | 11:08 |
MohammadAG | hiemanshu, I wasn't under any NDA | 11:08 |
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flailingmonkey | DocScrutinizer's not saying they'll enforce it, just that its overreaching. basically so that if they don't like you, they're pretty sure to find some rule you agreed to and didn't follow | 11:08 |
MohammadAG | anyway the NDA talks about the N950, not the SDK | 11:08 |
hiemanshu | MohammadAG: true, but I was expecting the devs to atleast reply to the bug | 11:09 |
MohammadAG | hiemanshu, seriously? you expected that? | 11:09 |
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MohammadAG | how long have you been with us? :P | 11:09 |
flailingmonkey | hiemanshu the optimisttt | 11:09 |
DocScrutinizer | flailingmonkey: I'm quite sensitive to such "tricks" | 11:09 |
alterego | Heh | 11:09 |
hiemanshu | MohammadAG: yes, well, nothing wrong in hoping :P | 11:09 |
hiemanshu | 'I just ordered one for me. Now waiting... this can be a very long week :P' so one more person got it | 11:10 |
* hiemanshu hopes it have it today or tomorrow | 11:10 | |
hiemanshu | s/it/to/ | 11:10 |
infobot | hiemanshu meant: 'I just ordered one for me. Now watoing... this can be a very long week :P' so one more person got it | 11:10 |
DocScrutinizer | actually the NDA is missing an excemption of publicly known stuff | 11:10 |
MohammadAG | there's still time for today | 11:10 |
hiemanshu | MohammadAG: its barely noon there | 11:11 |
DocScrutinizer | that's the crux with this NDA | 11:11 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: NDAs for suits to sue other suits | 11:11 |
hiemanshu | +are | 11:11 |
Termana | hiemanshu, you've ordered one? WHAT? :p | 11:11 |
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hiemanshu | Termana: nope, someone else did | 11:11 |
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hiemanshu | Termana: thats from the forum | 11:12 |
Termana | oh ok, that's why you had the quotes | 11:12 |
Termana | quotation marks* | 11:12 |
hiemanshu | yup | 11:12 |
DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: I take pride in outsmarting suits on their playground | 11:12 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: true, its fun :D | 11:12 |
alterego | What's the point? | 11:12 |
flailingmonkey | i guess I'll get my ass over to the Intel AppUp event in NYC, maybe get to check this thing out in person :p | 11:13 |
DocScrutinizer | the point is the NDA for N950 has no excemption for publicly known stuff | 11:13 |
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alterego | DocScrutinizer: it also has no domain over it. | 11:13 |
DocScrutinizer | sue it has | 11:13 |
alterego | nope | 11:13 |
hiemanshu | nothing yet | 11:13 |
alterego | It infers no restrictions over open source packages on some server. | 11:14 |
alterego | That it doesn't even mention. | 11:14 |
DocScrutinizer | I must not -according to the NDA - blog about their sucking email client AS SEEN IN THAT PROMO | 11:14 |
alterego | m'hmm | 11:14 |
DocScrutinizer | everybody else may, not me though | 11:15 |
alterego | Who cares? You know they're not going to do anything. | 11:15 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: ssh + alpine FTW :D | 11:15 |
RST38h | What NDA? What experience? I have not heard anything back from Quim yet | 11:15 |
DocScrutinizer | I know they're not going to do anything, but I'm goinf to sign a paper | 11:16 |
alterego | RST38h: you're not likely to. | 11:16 |
alterego | RST38h: quim isn't replying, launchpad is. | 11:16 |
DocScrutinizer | I READ papers before I sign them | 11:16 |
RST38h | Ok, have not heard anything from the Launchpad either | 11:16 |
DocScrutinizer | and this paper is CRAP | 11:16 |
alterego | RST38h: joion the club :) | 11:16 |
MohammadAG | I sign them then read it | 11:17 |
flailingmonkey | DocScrutinizer: you remind me of the south park episode, where kids agree to be used in human experiments when accepting iTunes EULA | 11:17 |
MohammadAG | that way I know I can't reject it | 11:17 |
DocScrutinizer | hehe | 11:17 |
alterego | RST38h: but some people have noticed launchpad appearing on their nokia developer profile | 11:17 |
alterego | So you could religiously check there until you see launchpad :P | 11:17 |
RST38h | Mohammad: Really bad practice | 11:17 |
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MohammadAG | time to check my junk folder | 11:18 |
RST38h | alterego: I have had launchpad account for months | 11:18 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: check the URL, the device shows up there anyway | 11:18 |
hiemanshu | flailingmonkey: human centipad, copied from human centipede :P | 11:18 |
RST38h | alterego: that part is not a problem | 11:18 |
flailingmonkey | yup | 11:18 |
alterego | Ah, m'kay | 11:18 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: all I see is a how to on 'Order Devices' :P | 11:19 |
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alterego | I think this stuff is being done alphabetically anyway .. | 11:19 |
hiemanshu | alterego: nope, randomness | 11:19 |
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alterego | I don't like randomness .. | 11:20 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, device doesn't exist | 11:20 |
alterego | There must be a method | 11:20 |
alterego | I would have thought alphabetically or by the order the emails came in | 11:21 |
hiemanshu | alterego: its called 'pick up a lucky bastard' | 11:21 |
alterego | But if MohammadAG has got it now ... | 11:21 |
alterego | And he was one of the last | 11:21 |
MohammadAG | I got launchpad, not the N950 | 11:21 |
hiemanshu | alterego: he was batch two | 11:21 |
MohammadAG | second batch bitch :P | 11:21 |
hiemanshu | alterego: and DocScrutinizer is batch 3, got his email | 11:21 |
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alterego | Yeah, exactly. | 11:21 |
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hiemanshu | alterego: so the method is 'pick up a lucky bastard' :P | 11:22 |
alterego | DocScrutinizer was already launchpad | 11:22 |
MohammadAG | if it's alphabatical | 11:22 |
MohammadAG | you have a long way to go :P | 11:22 |
alterego | Not really, if they're already on 'm' :P | 11:22 |
hiemanshu | alterego: timpoh got it too | 11:23 |
hiemanshu | explain that? :P | 11:23 |
DocScrutinizer | a quick google search yielded http://paste.debian.net/122060/ | 11:23 |
hiemanshu | so I am going to get a new KB today, I am sure I'll break my F5 key by the end of the week | 11:23 |
ruskie | rofl | 11:23 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, one question | 11:24 |
alterego | Heh | 11:24 |
MohammadAG | which email do they send it to? | 11:24 |
MohammadAG | I'm checking all 3 addresses | 11:24 |
hiemanshu | and my current KB is expensive, should get a cheap $5 one for the F5 | 11:24 |
hiemanshu | MohammadAG: launchpad registered one | 11:24 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: the one you gave to launchpad | 11:25 |
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alterego | I actually changed my nokia developer email address last week | 11:25 |
hiemanshu | oh wait, I could just use ctrl + r | 11:26 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: does the device show up on the DDP page too? | 11:27 |
DocScrutinizer | YES!!! | 11:27 |
MohammadAG | hiemanshu, you can also use Qt to make an auto refreshing browser | 11:27 |
DocScrutinizer | immediately | 11:27 |
DocScrutinizer | https://forumnokia.secure.force.com/apex/ProductDetailByName?productName=Nokia+N950 | 11:28 |
alterego | You could write an N950 app to check if you're getting an N950 :) | 11:28 |
alterego | And run it in the emulator .. | 11:28 |
DocScrutinizer | DAMN! I can not "save as..." the friffin NDA | 11:28 |
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MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, there's a pdf version if you accept it | 11:29 |
DocScrutinizer | haha | 11:29 |
hiemanshu | hmm, I am off for a few hours, hope to have an email by the time I am home | 11:29 |
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Termana | ttyl hiemanshu | 11:31 |
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khertan | alterego, i was batch 1 and still waiting n950 | 11:34 |
sandst1 | Perhaps the Launchpad processing order is a stack :P | 11:34 |
khertan | so just wait | 11:34 |
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khertan | launchpad.stack.rand() | 11:35 |
javispedro | see? reverse arrival order! | 11:35 |
Termana | khertan, still waiting for Launchpad approval or just the N950 email? | 11:35 |
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RST38h | Apple has reportedly begun the filtering of outbound messages sent via its MobileMe service. | 11:36 |
RST38h | No, really: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/07/06/mobileme_censorware_row/ | 11:36 |
alterego | Heh | 11:37 |
khertan | Termana, n950 in launchpad :) i ve got the launchpad approval (but no email) | 11:37 |
MohammadAG | there's no launchpad approval email | 11:37 |
RST38h | heya javispedro | 11:37 |
Termana | I'm still waiting to be accepted to launchpad :p | 11:38 |
javispedro | hello | 11:38 |
sandst1 | hmmm. The wiki page has a history, so we could figure out the processing order from that x) | 11:38 |
flailingmonkey | RST38h: MobileMe was killed off, replaced by Cloud | 11:38 |
deimos | here a review of N950 http://www.fonearena.com/blog/40638/exclusive-the-epic-nokia-n950-hands-on.html | 11:38 |
javispedro | I know one thing's for sure: my application is last ;) | 11:38 |
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RST38h | we cannot have all our applications last at the same time | 11:39 |
javispedro | oh, it would deadlock until next year. | 11:39 |
khertan | Termana, logout / login when verifying ... as using the same session seems give cache data | 11:39 |
flailingmonkey | i think N950 might be secret genius move | 11:40 |
MohammadAG | no need to logout/login khertan | 11:40 |
khertan | MohammadAG, was the case for me | 11:40 |
flailingmonkey | they pretend its a devkit, while getting N9 ready | 11:40 |
MohammadAG | flailingmonkey, you deserve your thinking right revoked | 11:40 |
* MohammadAG calls aegis | 11:40 | |
khertan | MohammadAG, or i got it quickly between login / logout :) | 11:41 |
khertan | aegis ? | 11:41 |
flailingmonkey | but use feedback to release N1K with cutting edge chipset and benefit of massive "focus group" | 11:41 |
* RST38h calls Ahura Mazda and the Tentacled One | 11:41 | |
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flailingmonkey | focus group begging to give opinions and not needing to be paid :p | 11:41 |
khertan | AEGIS ("Antimatter Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy") | 11:42 |
MohammadAG | you wish | 11:42 |
MohammadAG | javispedro, khertan doesn't know about aegis | 11:42 |
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Termana | khertan, did you know your nose grows when you lie? | 11:43 |
Termana | :p | 11:43 |
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Termana | khertan, also, logging out and logging back in didn't show it but thanks anyway :) | 11:43 |
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prometoys | hi, does anybody use the n900 for tethering in fedora? | 11:44 |
khertan | MohammadAG, warning: aegisSessionOpen() - failed to open platsec device (ret=-1) <<< hum ... i see aegis word here :) | 11:44 |
khertan | Termana, trying is better than nothing | 11:44 |
khertan | :) | 11:44 |
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flailingmonkey | khertan: its harmattan security framework | 11:45 |
MohammadAG | you know what platsec means right? | 11:45 |
khertan | a poloneese cake ? | 11:45 |
Termana | heh | 11:45 |
lcuk | MohammadAG, morning, which apps are you doing with n950? | 11:46 |
MohammadAG | lcuk, the one I PM'd you the other day | 11:47 |
MohammadAG | as well as some other unannounced work :P | 11:47 |
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lcuk | heh | 11:48 |
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alterego | Urgh, some of these "developers" don't sound like they deserve their place on the DDP | 11:49 |
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javispedro | ~aegis | 11:51 |
infobot | rumour has it, aegis is http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/Harmattan:Developer_Library/Developing_for_Harmattan/Harmattan_security/Security_guide, or "The purpose of this framework is: ... to make sure that the platform meets the requirements set by third party software that requires a safe execution environment.", or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trusted_Computing#Criticism | 11:51 |
Termana | alterego, based on their current project or past projects? | 11:51 |
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alterego | Termana: just whining .. | 11:51 |
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flailingmonkey | alterego: I didn't even bother putting in an application, because I don't have published work. I think thats a pretty sensible requirement | 11:52 |
Termana | alterego, :p | 11:52 |
alterego | flailingmonkey: yeah, lets hope most of these guys bring worthwhile apps ;) | 11:52 |
alterego | Anyway, I'm gonna hit the shower,bbiab | 11:53 |
MohammadAG | hit elop instead | 11:53 |
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RST38h | "Hit the elop" sounds so well that t has to mean something special (I mean, other than hitting the actual Elop) | 11:55 |
sandst1 | RST38h: yeah, it's like 'Hammertime!" | 11:55 |
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* RST38h suggsets: "Hit the elop" (engl., slang) - Engage into a long row of complaints about corporate governance and upper management ruining the good, technically sound projects | 11:57 | |
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flailingmonkey | won't catch on, as that happens so rarely | 11:58 |
flailingmonkey | good technically sound projects i mean | 11:58 |
lardman | morning | 11:58 |
RST38h | moorning lardman | 11:59 |
lardman | hi RST38h | 11:59 |
lardman | dare I ask about emails....? | 11:59 |
RST38h | lardman: no, not yet | 11:59 |
RST38h | lardman: nobody knows when either | 11:59 |
RST38h | lardman: But Doc has dug out the N950 NDA somewhere | 11:59 |
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lardman | I had to log into my Nokia Developer account this morning, rather than it just remembering, but that may be nothing | 12:00 |
lardman | certainly no device yet available for me | 12:00 |
* lardman goes off to do some testing | 12:01 | |
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MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, I'll ask again, did you accept the NDA? | 12:16 |
alterego | Of course he accepted it | 12:17 |
MohammadAG | and I remember a part of it mentioning it shouldn't be pasted anywhere | 12:17 |
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ruskie | MohammadAG, he can paste it before he accepts it | 12:19 |
ruskie | after that he can't | 12:19 |
MohammadAG | I'd delete this then http://forum.meego.com/showthread.php?p=25110#post25110 | 12:20 |
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jonwil | That section 5 is exactly why I could never work with a N950 | 12:29 |
jonwil | All of the thing I do involve reverse engineering or otherwise trying to make the platform better | 12:29 |
alterego | jonwil: it's all bs, it's a default NDA Nokia use for everyone. | 12:29 |
alterego | Doesn't mean much in the context of N9/50 harmattan as every developer working on MeeGo Community Edition breaks its' terms :) | 12:30 |
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jonwil | btw, I am getting closer to having a clone of the Fremantle libdisplay.so mce plugin | 12:30 |
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jonwil | it will need some testing by people to ensure it works though | 12:30 |
jonwil | i.e. that nothing broke | 12:31 |
jonwil | its surprisingly complex | 12:31 |
MohammadAG | :D | 12:31 |
RST38h | alterego: You are supposed to pay 500 euros for breaking it =) | 12:31 |
jonwil | after libdisplay, I will go for some more mce plugins | 12:32 |
ruskie | jonwil, so you're basically working on getting fremantle into Freemantle? | 12:32 |
alterego | RST38h: pfft, they can f'off :P | 12:32 |
alterego | RST38h: if I break it I expect a replacement :) | 12:32 |
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RST38h | BTW, all the launchpad-specific pages are gone off forum.nokia.com | 12:32 |
jonwil | I am working on cloning/finding info on specific bits of Fremantle to aid in other projects | 12:32 |
RST38h | I cannot find a single one | 12:32 |
RST38h | Developer Account Preferences still state both NDA and the Launchpad membership though | 12:35 |
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alterego | I have a link on my N900 home screen which opens my developer account settings on nokia developer .. | 12:36 |
alterego | Still no launchpad :( | 12:36 |
Termana | alterego, still no launchpad here either | 12:37 |
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alterego | I wanna start hacking on it. | 12:37 |
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deimos | there is also a point that tell about a loan of 3 years. Nokia suppose to get it back after that time ? | 12:38 |
RST38h | I guess the main question is whether Nokia will sitll exist in 3 years =( | 12:39 |
alterego | Heh | 12:39 |
RST38h | But we will see | 12:39 |
Termana | ha | 12:39 |
alterego | Nokia wont go under, as long as they've got MeeGo in the background | 12:40 |
alterego | And the talented hardware designers they currently have. | 12:40 |
alterego | The whole N8, E7, N9, N950 look is super sleek | 12:40 |
RST38h | alterego: 1) Elop explicitely said there will not be Meego in the background | 12:40 |
alterego | And it's unique, which is awesome. | 12:40 |
alterego | RST38h: are you talking about that sea ray demo? | 12:40 |
RST38h | alterego: 2) He also said that WP phoens are being developed in California, not in some stinky nordic shitspot | 12:40 |
alterego | Yeah, that's rather retarded .. | 12:41 |
RST38h | alterego: Which is [supposedly] unable to satisfy the sophisticated tastes of American customers | 12:41 |
alterego | But then, I'm actually happy about it at the same time. | 12:41 |
MohammadAG | s/that/he/ | 12:41 |
RST38h | alterego: And finally 3) lots of European Nokia engineers got the message and left by now | 12:42 |
Arkenoi | RST38h, s/customers/operators/. no one gives a shit about customers in US, it is operator-controlled market | 12:43 |
RST38h | alterego: So, in 3 years, only the Tentacled One can tell what will happen. But He is not saying. | 12:43 |
alterego | No one, _should_ give a shit about the Us .. | 12:43 |
cpscotti | what I hope is that at some point there won't be any Elop in the bg | 12:43 |
MohammadAG | question is, where did they leave to | 12:43 |
alterego | No one, _should_ give a shit about the Us .. | 12:43 |
alterego | Yeah, we'll wait and see | 12:43 |
RST38h | Arkenoi: Well, do not mix his public message with his real goals | 12:43 |
MohammadAG | alterego++ | 12:43 |
jonwil | operators like WP7 because they can customize it a lot but at the same time its very locked down against user modification | 12:44 |
RST38h | Arkenoi: For the public, he has to provide a plausible explanation of what is going on. | 12:44 |
jonwil | Android is customizable | 12:44 |
jonwil | but also user modifiable | 12:44 |
RST38h | Arkenoi: So he says "Americas are the main market and Americans want an American-design phone" | 12:44 |
alterego | The US is tiny compared to, Asia and the Middle East | 12:44 |
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alterego | Fuck American market :) | 12:44 |
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alterego | Concentrate on the more up-to-date European and Asian markets. | 12:45 |
RST38h | Arkenoi: And his US investors listen to him and nod | 12:45 |
ruskie | I really don't get it why an EU based company would make america their main market | 12:46 |
ruskie | it just doesn't make sense | 12:46 |
alterego | ruskie: indeed .. | 12:46 |
alterego | It literally, doesn't make any sense. | 12:46 |
robbiethe1st | MS Shill | 12:46 |
robbiethe1st | Makes p[erfect sense | 12:46 |
RST38h | ruskie: because US is where the money is? | 12:47 |
ruskie | http://www.linuxfordevices.com/c/a/News/comScore-July-11-MobilLens-report/ <-- especially when reading something like this the WP7 thing makes even less sense | 12:47 |
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alterego | Well, it does kinda make sense, Nokia can't compete with the super high end magic that happens in asia, and they have no market share in super smart phones in Europe and the US .. | 12:47 |
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RST38h | ruskie: because CEO is an American and he does not really care about weird slowpokes behind the ocean? | 12:47 |
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ruskie | note to world... USA isn't the only thing around | 12:48 |
RST38h | ruskie: For US investors and managers it is | 12:48 |
RST38h | ruskie: And it actually works out pretty well for them | 12:49 |
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cpscotti | alterego: thanks for the QGraphicsView->scale thing yesterday at the meetup.. made my day and stopped me from going on an ugly, epic-failed, path.. :) | 12:51 |
alterego | :) | 12:51 |
deimos | the CEO was also a manager of microsoft :) | 12:51 |
alterego | cpscotti: no problem, have you tried it? :D | 12:51 |
RST38h | Or did, anyway. Who knows what happens once US loses dominance | 12:51 |
ruskie | asia takes over ;) | 12:51 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: stop spreading FUD, point me to the passage stating the NDA itself includes itself into it, I.E. NDA is under NDA. Damn we're not the friggin CIA, but neverthelesas I have to kill you when I say one more word about it | 12:51 |
alterego | cpscotti: sorry about the abrupt exit, you know, trains and losing track of time ;) | 12:52 |
alterego | DocScrutinizer: you accepted an NDA when you created the developer account | 12:52 |
alterego | Which could possibly cover other NDAs under that :P | 12:52 |
cpscotti | alterego, yeah yeah.. I know how it works | 12:52 |
alterego | Still, was a good evening | 12:53 |
cpscotti | alterego, I just added graphicsView->scale(1.35,1.55) and.. voilá! :D | 12:53 |
alterego | Nice :) | 12:53 |
alterego | I'm glad it worked :D | 12:54 |
cpscotti | the ratio's not the same bc of the menu on top | 12:54 |
DocScrutinizer | alterego: if that'd contain any material marked "confidential" then you'd be right | 12:54 |
cpscotti | me too | 12:54 |
alterego | DocScrutinizer: well, I don't remember :) | 12:54 |
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alterego | I always read them, but don't really remember what they say :D | 12:54 |
DocScrutinizer | I clearly remember this particular NDA does NOT contain any note about it being confidential, and hell why should it??? | 12:55 |
RST38h | Doc: You can kill him not being the CIA. Being CIA just allows you to kill him remotely, from a drone | 12:55 |
alterego | Heh | 12:55 |
alterego | cpscotti: seeing and holding that N950 last night .. | 12:56 |
alterego | Really looking forward to having my own :D | 12:56 |
cpscotti | yeah.. crazy.. but they are coming.... I hope | 12:56 |
alterego | I said it then, but it's definitely got the sex appeal / wow factor the N810 had. | 12:56 |
cpscotti | I miss it already.. | 12:57 |
alterego | The N900 lacked it, but made up for it because it's just awesome, but the N950 just makes maemo look sexy again .. | 12:57 |
alterego | *cough* meego | 12:57 |
cpscotti | Lol | 12:57 |
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cpscotti | btw.. the tablet there... a bit ugly aint it? | 12:58 |
cpscotti | I tried on the bus for 5 mins.. got bored and went back to my n900 for entertainment | 12:58 |
DocScrutinizer | btw you'll have a chance to read this particular NDA soon enough, and then point me to the "confidential" mark on top that's not there. Or you use google or a better search engine and find it already disclosed elsewhere so I'm talking about publicly available stuff, and that's usually not under anrstriction whatsoever | 12:58 |
DocScrutinizer | anyway you need to make up your mind: am *I* the one nitpicking on the NDA, or are *you* even better than me on that nitpicking and even spreading FUD | 13:00 |
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DocScrutinizer | ((honestly kids, I probably can buy a preprinted form containing this exact wording on my next office utilities store)) | 13:02 |
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alterego | cpscotti: I'd recommend installing the wetab os on it. | 13:05 |
DocScrutinizer | And when you stop acting like childs, ask yourself what damage is done to Nokia when this NDA gets public. Obviously none whatsoever | 13:05 |
alterego | Though ubuntu 11.04 works quite nicely, you just need to use a keyboard with it ;) | 13:05 |
DocScrutinizer | as there's ZERO confidential material in it | 13:05 |
DocScrutinizer | the only faintly confidential material is the fact of existence of such an NDA at all, and that's been pretty self-evident with the community DDP | 13:06 |
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cpscotti | alterego, Hmm, looks like a good idea (the wetab one). but I'll force myself to just play around the beast and do something cool out of that.. so.. the less useful the better | 13:08 |
RST38h | Doc, stop fuming over nothing | 13:08 |
RST38h | Whether it is ok or not to publish the NDA, it is your personal decision, nobody here can *make* you change it. | 13:08 |
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RST38h | Nokia might, but then it will be between you and them | 13:09 |
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alterego | cpscotti: at the least, update it to a newer tablet version ;) | 13:11 |
alterego | The one it comes with is, well, super old. | 13:11 |
cpscotti | ahh ok. So then the wetab one is the easier way out? | 13:12 |
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Termana | DocScrutinizer, read sections 1a, 1b, 1c, 2, 3, 6 and 14 of the Nokia Developer NDA | 13:12 |
RST38h | Oh, what a bunch of raving wikipedian IANALs =) | 13:13 |
ruskie | isn't the proper term... armchair lawyers? | 13:13 |
alterego | cpscotti: the wetab os is more mature, but the meego tablet build that comes on the exo is old, so if you want to hack on meego tablet ux, then I'd at least update the install. | 13:13 |
DocScrutinizer | I won't, as Quim is a saner partner to discuss this stuff. See http://forum.meego.com/showpost.php?p=25124&postcount=469 | 13:13 |
alterego | But if you want to _use_ the tablet, I'd install wetab os ;) | 13:14 |
RST38h | ruskie; yes, but it does not incude the asshole in it | 13:14 |
ruskie | rofl | 13:14 |
cpscotti | cool cool! Thanks.. by default I'd just think that what comes on it was what you'd get | 13:14 |
alterego | Neah, I think you've also got a windows 7 license on the back ;) | 13:15 |
Termana | DocScrutinizer, I was referring to disclosing information contained in the NDA for the N950 | 13:15 |
DocScrutinizer | Termana: MohammadAG: so if you want to start a legal case aginst me, you obviously have to find other partners. Quim won't evidently support you | 13:15 |
MohammadAG | sigh, this discussion is still going? | 13:16 |
DocScrutinizer | and for all that matters, in my book Quim == Nokia here | 13:16 |
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Termana | DocScrutinizer, gees you make such a big deal about the writing in the subsequent NDA, but you are fine with ignoring the first one. | 13:17 |
DocScrutinizer | Termana: I'm doing this legal mambojambo since ~30 years now. Don't tell me how to read NDA | 13:17 |
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cpscotti | alterego, thanks! | 13:17 |
DocScrutinizer | hell, I *managed* NDA stuff at OpenMoko | 13:17 |
Termana | cool story bro | 13:18 |
DocScrutinizer | and MY name is on first page of documents "disclosing stuff", so expect me to know my business | 13:18 |
alterego | cpscotti: np :) | 13:18 |
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DocScrutinizer | sorry for my pissed mood, but >>[2011-07-06 11:16:35] <MohammadAG> DocScrutinizer, I'll ask again, did you accept the NDA?<< sounds rather offensive to me | 13:25 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, actually, none intended | 13:26 |
lcuk | does anybody know how to (using grep/sed/awk) read just the latest version number from debian/changelog ? | 13:27 |
MohammadAG | apparently talking about the N950 is causing arguments(?) or bad moods, let's talk N810s | 13:27 |
DocScrutinizer | moo lcuk :-D | 13:27 |
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MohammadAG | lcuk, Qt peeps | 13:27 |
lcuk | moo! | 13:27 |
lardman | I know how to stop the bad moods and arguments, send us emails! | 13:27 |
RST38h | It is the long wait. | 13:27 |
* RST38h feeds lcuk some grass | 13:27 | |
DocScrutinizer | lcuk: grep "wahtever .*" infile|tail -n 1 | 13:28 |
javispedro | lcuk, $(shell head -n 1 debian/changelog | sed 's/[^0-9.-]//g') | 13:28 |
MohammadAG | head -1 debian/changelog | sed 's/[^(]*(\([^)]*\)).*/\1/' | 13:28 |
MohammadAG | lcuk, have fun | 13:28 |
* lardman adds some tasty daisies | 13:28 | |
lcuk | \o/ thanks all | 13:28 |
DocScrutinizer | ooh, head | 13:28 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah | 13:28 |
javispedro | 3 answers, all of them different :D | 13:28 |
Termana | lardman, nom nom nom emails | 13:28 |
MohammadAG | I cheated though http://qt.gitorious.org/+qt-developers/qt/x11-maemo/blobs/4.7-fremantle/debian/rules#line11 | 13:29 |
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Termana | heh | 13:29 |
DocScrutinizer | mine the simplest as you don't need sed when you can use grep ;-) | 13:29 |
javispedro | MohammadAG, hah, the answer I gave I use in drnoksnes debian/rule | 13:29 |
lardman | Termana: you received anything yet? | 13:29 |
Termana | lardman, nope, still not accepted into launchpad | 13:29 |
lardman | hmm | 13:29 |
lardman | I'm assuming I'm accepted as I can see that page, but still nothing to order | 13:30 |
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DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG's the smartest as it really delivers exatly the string you asked for | 13:31 |
RST38h | mhm, network is so slow today | 13:31 |
DocScrutinizer | though head -1 tends to fail nowadays | 13:31 |
lardman | Ah I see Doc has ordered | 13:31 |
DocScrutinizer | yoh | 13:32 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer, my regexp is too strict though, of course it works well for my version numbering style | 13:32 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: I' also puzzled about $(shell ,,,) | 13:33 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer, comes from a makefile, which is where I bet it is going to be used in ;) | 13:33 |
Termana | wow, this has to be the best N950 review ever - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0 | 13:33 |
MohammadAG | hey, it's not mine, it's Qt's debs' maintainer's | 13:33 |
javispedro | *GNU makefile | 13:33 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: anyway, a subshell in a subshell? | 13:34 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, that's how makefile exec shell commands | 13:34 |
javispedro | no, $(shell x) is standard GNU make syntax to spawn a shell -c "x", and capture stdout | 13:34 |
DocScrutinizer | strange | 13:34 |
MohammadAG | makefiles* | 13:34 |
MohammadAG | CURRENTVERSION := $(shell head -1 debian/changelog | sed 's/[^(]*(\([^)]*\)).*/\1/') | 13:34 |
DocScrutinizer | afaik $( ) already opens a subshell | 13:34 |
javispedro | in bash maybe | 13:35 |
DocScrutinizer | meh | 13:35 |
MohammadAG | and ash | 13:35 |
DocScrutinizer | don't say the word! | 13:35 |
MohammadAG | but not /usr/bin/make | 13:35 |
DocScrutinizer | ok | 13:35 |
MohammadAG | wow Termana, awesome review | 13:35 |
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DocScrutinizer | make is a special critter | 13:35 |
Termana | lardman, do you mean this page - https://forumnokia.secure.force.com/apex/ProductDetailByName?productName=Nokia+N950 ? I just get "Unexpected error has occured. Please try again." and it's not listed under My programs | 13:36 |
lardman | Where does one find "My Programs"? | 13:37 |
Termana | lardman, https://www.developer.nokia.com/Profile/premium_profile.xhtml | 13:37 |
Termana | near the bottom of that page | 13:37 |
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trx | Termana i guess it will appear here : https://forumnokia.secure.force.com/apex/DDP?sfdc.tabName=01r20000000L8iX | 13:38 |
Termana | Same error :p | 13:38 |
trx | try to log out | 13:38 |
trx | and back in | 13:38 |
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Termana | tried that several times | 13:39 |
lardman | I get some redirects and eventually back to the Device Distrubution page with no devices listed | 13:39 |
trx | lardman me too | 13:39 |
* lardman goes back to waiting | 13:39 | |
Termana | But, when trying to follow the launchpad application link from the email I get | 13:39 |
Termana | "There is an existing membership application already for this program. The applicant will be notified by e-mail once the membership application has been reviewed." | 13:39 |
trx | well, it will show up/not produce errors eventualy so all we need is patience :) | 13:40 |
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Termana | In the mean time you should all watch that review I linked above, it's great! | 13:41 |
* RST38h goes back to chewing nails | 13:42 | |
alterego | Termana: we know you're probably rick rolling again :P | 13:42 |
alterego | Termana: if you didn't do it everyday ... | 13:42 |
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alterego | Hi w00t__ | 13:43 |
Termana | alterego, have you checked your email? I sent you something earlier | 13:43 |
alterego | pfft | 13:43 |
alterego | My email checks me | 13:44 |
alterego | If you've sent something it must be the wrong address :P | 13:44 |
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Termana | alterego, it was an @msn.com one I pulled from Maemo packages | 13:45 |
alterego | Oh | 13:45 |
* alterego checks | 13:45 | |
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alterego | Hah, you're in junk :P | 13:47 |
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alterego | I'd believe the email Termana if I hadn't already seen an authentic one :P | 13:49 |
lardman | reboot time, the wonders of Windows, brb | 13:49 |
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Termana | alterego, I don't know what your talking about? | 13:49 |
alterego | And obfuscating links in emails is a no, no :P | 13:49 |
alterego | How many other people did you troll or is it just me? | 13:50 |
Termana | darn it | 13:50 |
Termana | alterego, MohammadAG came up with the idea and 5 minutes later I got him with it | 13:50 |
alterego | Heh | 13:50 |
MohammadAG | kojacker ordered his N950 | 13:50 |
alterego | Neat | 13:51 |
alterego | Where's mine? :P | 13:51 |
alterego | Termana: also, that isn't the address I'm using on nokia developer ;) | 13:51 |
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alterego | Termana: also, that isn't the address I'm using on nokia developer ;) | 13:52 |
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alterego | It's not called a spam bucket account for no reason .. | 13:52 |
MohammadAG | Termana, didn't click the link though :P | 13:52 |
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MohammadAG | I mean, Nokia doesn't use Tinyurls :P | 13:53 |
alterego | MohammadAG: yes, that was one of the give aways :P | 13:53 |
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javispedro | my n950 is on a trash can somewhere in HEL | 13:56 |
MohammadAG | http://twitter.com/#!/search?q=%23n950club | 13:56 |
javispedro | it's just waiting for it be to found | 13:56 |
* javispedro puts on indiana jones hat and mentally sings indiana theme | 13:57 | |
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DocScrutinizer | Termana: I went thru the nuisance to read LAunchpad/Developer NDA agreement and evaluate the ponts you quoted: they clearly define "Information" as "technical and/or commercial" in 1 a)b)c). An NDA is none of each, it's a contract and as such not information per se. So the further points need no evaluation | 13:58 |
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hiemanshu_ | MohammadAG: anything yet? | 13:59 |
MohammadAG | hiemanshu_, Elop leaves Nokia! | 13:59 |
DocScrutinizer | MUHAHAHA | 13:59 |
DocScrutinizer | if only this was true | 13:59 |
hiemanshu_ | MohammadAG: muhahahaha! I'll now buy a N950 soon :D | 14:00 |
hiemanshu_ | MohammadAG: and I'll gift you one too | 14:00 |
javispedro | Elop leaves "Nokia, a Microsoft subsidiary" because now that he's back into redmond Elop also wants his old office back. | 14:00 |
DocScrutinizer | but wait, maybe not. Him leaving probably means "job accomplished, Nokia dead". So... | 14:00 |
hiemanshu_ | MohammadAG: and preorder a Nokia N10 :D | 14:00 |
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MohammadAG | Nah | 14:00 |
MohammadAG | Nokia still has a chance | 14:00 |
DocScrutinizer | actually I winder what this RM-715(?) is | 14:01 |
sp3000 | timeless: pong (+20h) | 14:01 |
DocScrutinizer | wonder* | 14:01 |
MohammadAG | MeeGo isn't bad for consumers | 14:01 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, remember the RX-71? | 14:01 |
hiemanshu_ | I wish they would just let me order my fucking N950 | 14:01 |
DocScrutinizer | yo | 14:01 |
DocScrutinizer | aah, I see a schema | 14:01 |
DocScrutinizer | maybe ;-P | 14:02 |
hiemanshu_ | DocScrutinizer: so did you finally agree to the NDA and order your N950? | 14:02 |
MohammadAG | nah, sure of it :P | 14:02 |
MohammadAG | don't ask how though | 14:02 |
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* RST38h sees the huge green robot eating symbians, webosians, and elopians alike | 14:03 | |
DocScrutinizer | http://meego.gitorious.org/meego-middleware/mce/blobs/master/mce-hal.h >>#define PRODUCT_RM716_STR "RM-716" /**< ??? */ | 14:03 |
RST38h | While the latter engage in their petty market squabbles | 14:03 |
hiemanshu_ | RST38h: the one wiping the shit on the road? | 14:04 |
robbiethe1st | RST38h: Oh well, so long as we still have devices with open bootloader, we can then load our own super-OS onto the Android device of our choice | 14:04 |
javispedro | hah | 14:04 |
javispedro | first step after the green robot eats the market is forget about glibc 3d drivers. | 14:04 |
RST38h | Meanwhile: A former Flextronics exec is facing up to 30 years in prison for leaking details of Apple's iPhone 4 development as part of an insider trading scam | 14:04 |
Termana | alterego, MohammadAG: I'll stop pranking everyone for a while | 14:04 |
hiemanshu_ | robbiethe1st: HTC is finally going to unlock theirs | 14:04 |
javispedro | Termana, why? | 14:04 |
robbiethe1st | I heard about that | 14:04 |
Termana | But have you checked your emails lately | 14:04 |
Termana | :p | 14:05 |
Termana | j/k | 14:05 |
hiemanshu_ | Termana: you dont have my email ID do you? :P | 14:05 |
hiemanshu_ | Termana: spam GeneralAntilles and wake him up with disco lights :P | 14:05 |
javispedro | RST38h, the details include keywords such as magic fairy powder? | 14:05 |
RST38h | Termana: you are actually gone off that wiki.meego.com page | 14:05 |
RST38h | Termana: I wonder why... | 14:05 |
RST38h | javispedro: If I tell you, they will make me share the cell with him! | 14:06 |
DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu_: gan said the alarm is off when "house sleeps" | 14:06 |
hiemanshu_ | DocScrutinizer: damn :( | 14:06 |
* DocScrutinizer idly wonders where to pick up the DHL tracking number of the order :-D** | 14:07 | |
RST38h | javispedro: Have you ever shared a jail cell with a business executive? It must be torturous! | 14:07 |
Termana | RST38h, from being a naughty boy? | 14:07 |
* hiemanshu_ shoots DocScrutinizer | 14:07 | |
javispedro | ~shoot DocScrutinizer | 14:07 |
* infobot shoots DocScrutinizer in the foot with a spitwad! | 14:07 | |
hiemanshu_ | ~trout DocScrutinizer | 14:07 |
* infobot slaps DocScrutinizer around a bit with a large trout! | 14:07 | |
Termana | hiemanshu_, no I don't unfortunately. I was going to do you earlier but I couldn't find your email address. Consider yourself lucky! :p | 14:08 |
hiemanshu_ | Termana: muhahaha :D | 14:08 |
infobot | //kick hiemanshu_ | 14:08 |
lardman | re | 14:09 |
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hiemanshu_ | my PC at home still has the script running, so if I get an email with N950, it would start playing music, that would freak out everyone at home :P | 14:09 |
hiemanshu_ | lardman: anything other than launchpad yet? | 14:09 |
javispedro | RST38h, but those usually get out "quite early", fortunately. | 14:09 |
javispedro | (for his cellmates, that is ;) ) | 14:09 |
lardman | hiemanshu_: nothing on the order page and no email either | 14:10 |
hiemanshu_ | lardman: ugh, sad :( | 14:10 |
lardman | yeah | 14:10 |
DocScrutinizer | MUHAHAHA actually there's no trace on my launchpad site about any order | 14:11 |
DocScrutinizer | I gather it's been a hoax by termana | 14:11 |
Termana | DocScrutinizer, I went the extra mile for you my friend | 14:12 |
lardman | really? | 14:12 |
* lardman removes Doc from hish Xmas card list :p | 14:12 | |
javispedro | btw | 14:13 |
hiemanshu_ | "You have a watch waiting to be collected' <-- WTF :( | 14:13 |
javispedro | on unrelated good news, nokia care does sell n900 stylus, for 6€ apiece. | 14:13 |
MohammadAG | LOL | 14:13 |
lardman | ouch | 14:13 |
DocScrutinizer | lardman: but... but... I got the paperprint of the orderpage!!1!!1!!!1!eleven | 14:14 |
RST38h | It is the Meego watch!!! | 14:14 |
hiemanshu_ | DocScrutinizer: stop wasting paper, nokia is wasting enough already | 14:14 |
lardman | send me the device so I can confirm you had one, and I'll put you back on the list | 14:14 |
DocScrutinizer | hahaha | 14:14 |
MohammadAG | hiemanshu, whoever came up with that is a genius | 14:14 |
javispedro | MohammadAG, he's not, it would have been much funnier if s/watch/n8/ | 14:15 |
hiemanshu_ | MohammadAG: hah, well I renewed a subscription to something, they are sending me a free watch | 14:15 |
DocScrutinizer | AAAAAH | 14:15 |
RST38h | WP7 phone would be even funnier | 14:15 |
hiemanshu_ | MohammadAG: I dont care about watches though | 14:15 |
MohammadAG | hiemanshu_, oh so it's a not a troll | 14:15 |
RST38h | We would be able to see Doc explode right here | 14:15 |
hiemanshu_ | MohammadAG: nope | 14:15 |
DocScrutinizer | >>>Your order has been received<<< >>>Your order has been sent<<< >>>Ticket for order OID-052736 [ ref:00D2Kmvd.5.......]<<< | 14:15 |
hiemanshu_ | DocScrutinizer: sent? :D | 14:16 |
DocScrutinizer | now mail actually starts getting interesting | 14:16 |
RST38h | Arrival from Nigeria in 10 days. | 14:16 |
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lardman | customs invoice number to pay? | 14:16 |
RST38h | When you receive and unpack your order, do not forget to feed him. | 14:16 |
Hurrian | hmm, my SD swap script doesnt seem to be working properly | 14:16 |
hiemanshu_ | RST38h: you mean blow her up? :P | 14:17 |
RST38h | hiemanshu: This strictly depends on what you have ordered | 14:17 |
DocScrutinizer | >>Your order has been sent on 6.7.2011. Please see the order information below.<< | 14:17 |
hiemanshu_ | DocScrutinizer: w00t | 14:17 |
hiemanshu_ | DocScrutinizer: so you should one of the first people to recieve it | 14:17 |
DocScrutinizer | those guys are fast as lightning | 14:17 |
hiemanshu_ | yeah | 14:17 |
DocScrutinizer | I wonder how that could happen | 14:17 |
hiemanshu_ | now only if I could order one :/ | 14:18 |
hiemanshu_ | DocScrutinizer: I can imagine quim standing there with a trout :P | 14:18 |
hiemanshu_ | 'WORK YOU BIATCHES! WORK' | 14:18 |
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RST38h | More like calling them on a mouldy rotary phone | 14:18 |
RST38h | All covered with cobwebs | 14:19 |
hiemanshu_ | now the DDP page wont load :( | 14:19 |
javispedro | because half of this channel hit F5. | 14:19 |
DocScrutinizer | nah, they are used to send 1000000 devioces per day | 14:19 |
hiemanshu_ | DocScrutinizer: so they are sending it from .fi? | 14:19 |
DocScrutinizer | :shrug: | 14:20 |
hiemanshu_ | I know apple sends me from china, much much closer to me :D | 14:20 |
DocScrutinizer | Hi | 14:20 |
DocScrutinizer | please let me know once you have received the device. | 14:20 |
DocScrutinizer | Thank you, | 14:20 |
DocScrutinizer | Joan | 14:20 |
DocScrutinizer | DAS | 14:20 |
hiemanshu_ | DocScrutinizer: no tracking number? | 14:20 |
Hurrian | ah, lucky bastards getting the N950 | 14:20 |
hiemanshu_ | Hurrian: only DocScrutinizer | 14:20 |
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DocScrutinizer | >>You will also receive an automatic email notification from the courier providing you the shipment details. << | 14:20 |
hiemanshu_ | ah | 14:21 |
javispedro | ok, votes for kicking all the bastards who have a device from this channel? | 14:21 |
hiemanshu_ | so once they collect it for shipment, they'll send it to you | 14:21 |
hiemanshu_ | javispedro: +1 | 14:21 |
hiemanshu_ | javispedro: Jaffa goes first, then X-Fade | 14:21 |
Corsac | DocScrutinizer: I guess you already read today xkcd? :) | 14:21 |
DocScrutinizer | nope :-D | 14:21 |
Corsac | then go :) | 14:22 |
X-Fade | javispedro: I'd like to see you do that :) | 14:22 |
javispedro | =) | 14:22 |
javispedro | half of the chanops have a device, so it would be a kinda takeover =) | 14:22 |
hiemanshu_ | X-Fade: come on do eet! kick yourself out :P | 14:23 |
RST38h | It gets takeovererer and takeovererer | 14:24 |
DocScrutinizer | Corsac: exactly to the point X-D | 14:25 |
Hurrian | http://beta.html5test.com/results-mobile.html | 14:25 |
Hurrian | dohoho, nokia | 14:25 |
hiemanshu_ | Hurrian: well they'll have to improve to beat iOS 5 | 14:26 |
Hurrian | webkit vs webkit? fight! | 14:26 |
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hiemanshu_ | webkit vs webkit2 | 14:27 |
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Hurrian | anyone know if the new M6 browser is open source? | 14:27 |
hiemanshu_ | plus their JS engine, nitro something | 14:27 |
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RST38h | Windows Phone 7 is *25*??? | 14:28 |
hiemanshu_ | hmmm, there seems to be nothing yet | 14:28 |
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hiemanshu_ | and /me has to leave | 14:28 |
hiemanshu_ | see all of you from home | 14:28 |
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Hurrian | hmm, /me has bad feeling that nokia-binaries is hueg | 14:32 |
javispedro | No programs. No programs. No programs. | 14:32 |
DocScrutinizer | ""This is the reference implementation of the self-referential joke"" http://xkcd.com/917/ HAHAHA | 14:32 |
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javispedro | Launchpadthis launchpadthat, when are we launchpading into launchpad? | 14:35 |
Appiah | my battery on the n900 seams dead and wont charge | 14:35 |
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Appiah | not even 1 year old yet | 14:35 |
Hurrian | appiah, desktop charger or 5800 XPressmusic | 14:35 |
ruskie | Appiah, hook the device to the power plugged charger and leave it for a couple of hours... | 14:35 |
ruskie | or maybe your usb connector messed up | 14:35 |
Appiah | ruskie: oh ok | 14:35 |
ruskie | Hurrian, never really needed that one | 14:35 |
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Appiah | no I got another battery and it started charging right away | 14:36 |
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ruskie | well if it's near flat it needs quite a while to get up | 14:36 |
ruskie | and yeah... needs to be using the power plugged adapter | 14:36 |
Hurrian | hmm, i'm thinking of buying a bag worth of batteries and swapping every time it goes flat | 14:36 |
Appiah | beacuse I got a low warning , then I started charging , 1 hour later i unplugg and 10secs later it dies | 14:37 |
Appiah | and wouldnt charge again. | 14:37 |
Hurrian | thats odd | 14:37 |
Appiah | But I'll try again, right now I need to recive some calls :) | 14:37 |
Hurrian | 1 hour charges roughly ~40% on the n900's stock battery | 14:37 |
ruskie | that is odd | 14:38 |
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Appiah | eeeh | 14:39 |
Appiah | wait | 14:39 |
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Appiah | this other battery is not charging either >_> | 14:39 |
Appiah | dead usb? | 14:39 |
Hurrian | appiah, likely | 14:40 |
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Appiah | it just happens to be nearly full | 14:40 |
Hurrian | use a desktop charger , etc | 14:40 |
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Hurrian | looking at pics of older NITs, the kickstand's as large as the whole device | 14:40 |
Hurrian | that'd be nice to have on the N900 | 14:40 |
Appiah | I'm using the wallcharger that was included | 14:40 |
ruskie | hmm | 14:40 |
ruskie | then sounds like a broken usb | 14:41 |
Appiah | Nokia replaces this for free right? | 14:41 |
ruskie | should | 14:41 |
javispedro | yes, by giving you a n8., | 14:41 |
ruskie | but you might get a swap device | 14:41 |
Appiah | javispedro: please dont joke about that! | 14:41 |
ruskie | he's not | 14:41 |
ruskie | people actually get that | 14:41 |
ruskie | send a n900 -> get back a n8 | 14:41 |
Appiah | in what countries? | 14:41 |
Hurrian | sometimes, a E7 | 14:41 |
ruskie | n8 is the n900 swap device | 14:41 |
Appiah | cant fucking be | 14:42 |
Hurrian | appiah, if n900 stocks run out | 14:42 |
ruskie | frankly I rather take a soldering iron to mine | 14:42 |
ruskie | if that needs to be done | 14:42 |
Appiah | gonna call the store I bought it from and check first | 14:42 |
Hurrian | ruskie ++ | 14:42 |
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ruskie | even if I need to wire up each wire separately and have it sticking out of the device I would still do it | 14:42 |
Hurrian | appiah, the USB replacement is in the service manuals | 14:43 |
Hurrian | if it hasnt snapped off yet | 14:43 |
ruskie | that is after I would try with the actual local service | 14:43 |
ruskie | since they aren't nokia they might actually fix it | 14:43 |
Hurrian | lots of other nokia devices made in 2008-2009 use micro-b, you should be able to get it fixed | 14:43 |
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Hurrian | and if nokia charges out the ass for a USB repair, take it to a local shop | 14:44 |
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DocScrutinizer | HAH http://xkcd.com/912/ | 14:44 |
Appiah | I'm going to the store were I bought it , and I know they dont send it to "nokia" but a service company | 14:44 |
Hurrian | print out any additional directions from the N900 usb repair thread | 14:44 |
Appiah | same company that handles most computers and TV's in this country.. | 14:45 |
Hurrian | tell them to do that to it | 14:45 |
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ruskie | but so far had 0 issues with the usb port *knock on wood* | 14:45 |
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ruskie | and had it since december 4th 2009 the day it was available here | 14:46 |
Hurrian | hmm, really depends on device | 14:47 |
ruskie | I think also how one treats it | 14:47 |
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Termana | ruskie, yeah I had no problem with the USB port on my N900 | 14:47 |
Termana | Until I ripped it open and cracked the usb port off | 14:47 |
DocScrutinizer | Appiah: I'd check the friggin wallcharger first | 14:47 |
ruskie | or try a usb charge? | 14:48 |
DocScrutinizer | and would conect device to PC to do so | 14:48 |
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Hurrian | Termana, lol wut | 14:48 |
Termana | lol | 14:49 |
Termana | I didn't really crack the usb port off | 14:49 |
Hurrian | hmm, i wonder if there's a way to make the USB port actually hook to the case | 14:49 |
Termana | But i did rip it open, that tex screw gave me this shits and it was already dead | 14:49 |
Termana | the* | 14:49 |
Hurrian | like... every other Nokia device. | 14:49 |
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Hurrian | first, why the **** is there a gap between the case and the USB port | 14:49 |
Termana | Hurrian, I meant the hardware | 14:50 |
Hurrian | i know | 14:50 |
Hurrian | just complaining about how the symbian nseries people were likely involved in the N900 design | 14:50 |
DocScrutinizer | Hurrian: there's a gap to allow PCB insertion to the case | 14:50 |
Termana | Hurrian, it just looked like you were making a joke about Nokia devices being dead (dead end as the tmo people say) | 14:51 |
DocScrutinizer | Hurrian: of course you *could* mount a usb receptacle to the case and solder to board with 5 wires | 14:51 |
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Hurrian | @Termana, uhh, nope | 14:51 |
DocScrutinizer | 6 actually | 14:51 |
Termana | Hurrian, well it was a good joke, so should have claimed it | 14:51 |
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Hurrian | docscrutinizer, i'd like to be able to disassemble the thing ;) | 14:51 |
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DocScrutinizer | yeah, pretty much that's hindering disassembly | 14:52 |
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Hurrian | in addition, i'd still like to make my white and green N900 case | 14:52 |
Hurrian | which i'll probably do with a lot of vinyl stickers | 14:53 |
ruskie | hmm apparently Nokia is dropping Japan market | 14:53 |
Appiah | DocScrutinizer: I tried 3 | 14:53 |
Appiah | 2 of them are nokia original | 14:53 |
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Appiah | + i tried 3 usb cables | 14:53 |
DocScrutinizer | hmmm | 14:53 |
Hurrian | ruskie, not surprising | 14:53 |
Termana | ruskie, for real this time | 14:53 |
DocScrutinizer | Appiah: and you can activate and use mass storage mode? | 14:53 |
Appiah | nope | 14:54 |
ruskie | and apparently the main player on the Japanese market is Apple???!!!??? | 14:54 |
Appiah | get nothing | 14:54 |
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* ruskie tries to figure that out... | 14:54 | |
Termana | ruskie, not really surprising | 14:54 |
DocScrutinizer | Appiah: then your usb receptacle is broken | 14:54 |
Hurrian | how the hell? apple in the japanese market? | 14:54 |
ruskie | yeah | 14:54 |
Termana | haven't you seen the Japanese with their sausages? | 14:54 |
ruskie | same reaction | 14:54 |
DocScrutinizer | Appiah: check for debris | 14:54 |
Appiah | I'm making a trip to the store, and gonna ask em not to replace the phone if they are not gonna fix it , but just send it back | 14:54 |
DocScrutinizer | Appiah: or bent contacts | 14:54 |
ruskie | considering that they use something other than what us or europe use for mobile stuff iirc | 14:54 |
Appiah | DocScrutinizer: looks fine | 14:54 |
Appiah | but it does look a bit loose | 14:55 |
Appiah | or like it turned a bit | 14:55 |
DocScrutinizer | touch it carefully - does it move | 14:55 |
Hurrian | ruskie, no, they're mostly GSM+WCDMA | 14:55 |
Termana | ruskie, Apple accommodated that | 14:55 |
Termana | With the iPhone 4 | 14:55 |
Appiah | DocScrutinizer: with what? | 14:55 |
Hurrian | only that they're carrier-locked like fuck | 14:55 |
DocScrutinizer | Appiah: fingernail, match, toothpick... | 14:56 |
Hurrian | doc: stylus! | 14:56 |
Appiah | does not really move.. | 14:56 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah! | 14:56 |
DocScrutinizer | Appiah: let it check at a competent repair store | 14:56 |
Appiah | Hurrian: :D | 14:56 |
DocScrutinizer | Appiah: ask your dealer about warranty swap | 14:57 |
Appiah | yes I will | 14:57 |
DocScrutinizer | Appiah: make sure you get *your N900* back | 14:57 |
Appiah | like I said | 14:57 |
Hurrian | uses for the N900 stylus: drawing in MyPaint, using the horribly-hildonized connection settings menu, and poking people | 14:57 |
Appiah | If they wont fix it , send it back , dont replace | 14:57 |
ruskie | Hurrian, I thought they used some odd freqs as well | 14:57 |
Appiah | well wish me luck | 14:58 |
ruskie | atleast read alot about your phone most likely won't work in japan type stories | 14:58 |
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Hurrian | ruskie, should still at least be GSM | 14:58 |
ruskie | so basic service | 14:59 |
Hurrian | yes | 14:59 |
ruskie | friend of mine that is now living and working there bought a LiMO phone | 14:59 |
ruskie | and it seems they have quite selection of those from various operators as well | 14:59 |
DocScrutinizer | IIRC in Japan you have to register your IMEI to carrier | 15:00 |
Hurrian | Doc - it's SIM registration | 15:00 |
DocScrutinizer | so NO imported 'alien' phone will work | 15:00 |
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DocScrutinizer | IIRC that's how they keep their markets clean in Japan and Korea | 15:01 |
ruskie | and probably makes imeis a high value target | 15:02 |
DocScrutinizer | it's even a *crime* to try and forge IMEI to make your unregistered phone work | 15:02 |
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ruskie | legal registered ones that is | 15:02 |
DocScrutinizer | are ~200 bucks if you get at all, again IIRC | 15:02 |
Hurrian | DocScrutinizer : >implying IMEI forging isnt illegal in a large portion of the world | 15:02 |
* RST38h isn't sure that the JP situation can be called "a market" | 15:03 | |
RST38h | Too heavily regulated, to believe you | 15:03 |
DocScrutinizer | Hurrian: remember the "IMEI 3645***345" line on that NOKLA phone yesterday? | 15:03 |
Hurrian | yeah | 15:03 |
DocScrutinizer | Hurrian: I guess that's the kind of IMEI forging you get sued for in Korea and Japan | 15:04 |
Hurrian | docscrutinizer, my gov't had a huge problem reprogramming the cheap crap phones you buy from China | 15:05 |
Hurrian | on a side note, it is a PITA to reprogram IMEI on anything but chinese phones | 15:05 |
DocScrutinizer | carriers have their own phones that are registered OOTB. If you import your phone, you need to ask them to register it, and either it's prohibitively expensive or they outright refuse to do | 15:05 |
Hurrian | iirc, nokia phones require a baseband replacement for changing IMEI | 15:05 |
* ruskie tries to recall what he wanted to take a look at... | 15:06 | |
DocScrutinizer | for sure not | 15:06 |
DocScrutinizer | there's always a way to flash a new IMEI usually | 15:06 |
DocScrutinizer | you just need the signing key ;-D | 15:07 |
Hurrian | most people in my country just say screw that and obtain some cheap BB5 phone | 15:08 |
Hurrian | eh, i remember IMEI changing used to be profitable with older baseband chips from different vendors | 15:09 |
Hurrian | now it's all fucking locked down ;) | 15:09 |
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Hurrian | sometimes, it's even in ROM (although it's a side effect of preventing unlocking) | 15:10 |
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Hurrian | on a side note, i wonder how people spend $500 on a phone and have it constrained to cdma | 15:12 |
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ruskie | shouldn't it be still possible transitioning between cdma operators? | 15:12 |
ruskie | just harder? | 15:13 |
Hurrian | ruskie, not every country has CDMA | 15:13 |
nid0 | ruskie, the point is prolly that there're hardly any cdma operators | 15:13 |
Hurrian | also, you're f---d if the cdma operator doesnt want to register your meid | 15:13 |
ruskie | we are talking about cdma2000 based network ala Verizon? | 15:15 |
Hurrian | yes. | 15:15 |
Hurrian | although, cdma operators have you at their mercy if you want to switch | 15:15 |
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ruskie | well gsm operators had you at their mercy as well really | 15:15 |
ruskie | with cell locking to network and such | 15:15 |
Hurrian | ruskie, at least you can unlock and transfer to another network by popping in a new SIMN | 15:16 |
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ruskie | you can't unlock if it's sim locked to the originator network | 15:16 |
Hurrian | some operators even give you the unlock code or the software can be unlocked by some speshal flashing jig | 15:17 |
ruskie | they either need to unlock it for you or yeah you need to unlock it some way | 15:17 |
Hurrian | it's different for every manufacturer tho | 15:17 |
Hurrian | some can be unlocked in system software, some need srs hax | 15:17 |
ruskie | around here they charged quite a premium to unlock phones | 15:17 |
Hurrian | ruskie, $10 around here isnt bad | 15:17 |
ruskie | now iirc it's all free | 15:18 |
ruskie | but I've stopped buying on-contract phones | 15:18 |
ruskie | only bought one... and not really worth it | 15:18 |
Hurrian | if you lurk around a certain forum, they'll freely give out cracked versions of unlocker apps | 15:18 |
Hurrian | which are a b**** to find anywhere else | 15:19 |
Hurrian | @ruskie, one operator sells sim locked devices in kiosks | 15:19 |
ruskie | I rather pay the manufacturer the pure price for the device than pay the operator a 160 markup for the device | 15:19 |
Hurrian | whee cheap devices... oh wait it's simlocked | 15:19 |
Hurrian | basically, prepaid simlock (lol) | 15:19 |
flux | it's sort of suprising that the idea of detachable sim cards was ever implemented | 15:20 |
ruskie | I think all prepaid and mobile internet devices around here are simlocked | 15:20 |
flux | wouldn't the operators have been much happier had it not been, I wonder | 15:20 |
ruskie | because they sell them as a "package" | 15:20 |
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Hurrian | what usually happens is that people take them to unlock shops | 15:20 |
Hurrian | flux , prolly was a time when operators were less evil | 15:20 |
ruskie | flux, wouldn't know... never discussed this with anyone in the business | 15:20 |
nid0 | contract phones in the uk are reasonably worthwhile if you actually use it, and getting non locked devices is easy on all carriers | 15:20 |
Hurrian | hmm, i still remember the time when SMS was charged $0 and calls were charged out. the. ass. | 15:21 |
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ruskie | unless the operator forces me I don't plan on changing my package choice simply because I have no need for paying 2 eurs extra so I can get 50 minutes free/month | 15:21 |
ruskie | considering I don't even remotely use up that many minutes | 15:22 |
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Appiah | just left my n900 to the store, I did leave a message in the description of the error that I dont want a n8 replacement | 15:33 |
Appiah | not that the people in the store had any idea on what I was talking about. But now I just have to wait about 8 weeks and see | 15:33 |
ruskie | fun | 15:33 |
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ieatlint | woo, n950 order being processed | 15:37 |
Termana | sad panda :( | 15:38 |
Termana | :p | 15:38 |
trx | ieatlint when did your launchpad account got active? | 15:38 |
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ieatlint | march | 15:40 |
ieatlint | first time it's been useful actually, heh | 15:41 |
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ieatlint | glad it finally paid off :P | 15:41 |
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Termana | Holey shite | 15:41 |
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Termana | Some progress - my Launchpad account has been approved | 15:42 |
trx | march.. | 15:42 |
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trx | mine today, i hope i wont wait that long before mine gets useful :) | 15:43 |
Termana | Still can't access any of the areas though | 15:43 |
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trx | they are empty anyway | 15:44 |
ieatlint | yeah, hence my comment on how useful it is | 15:44 |
ieatlint | if you go to "support center" there is a "device distribution" tab | 15:44 |
ieatlint | but it was always empty for me... i got sent an email telling me an n950 was waiting for me | 15:45 |
alterego | Everyone's launchpad account is being approved | 15:46 |
alterego | Except mine :( | 15:46 |
alterego | I should have been right at the top | 15:46 |
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Termana | alterego, heh, mine only just got approved. Hold on tight! :p | 15:46 |
Corsac | well, at least you were selected to have an n950 :) | 15:46 |
alterego | And I held an N950 last night .. And it was sooooo sweeeet .. | 15:46 |
Corsac | there are much more people that weren't selected :) | 15:46 |
alterego | Pfft | 15:46 |
Termana | alterego, you should have just taken it :\ :p | 15:46 |
alterego | Termana: they were going to give it to me. | 15:47 |
Termana | I know | 15:47 |
alterego | But I had to turn it down, it's kinda too late to cancel the DDP stuff. | 15:47 |
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alterego | otoh, I was kinda right about today being the day :) | 15:48 |
alterego | Though probably not for me :P | 15:48 |
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fiferboy | alterego: Mine was approved about 5 minutes ago | 15:50 |
flux | is launchpad useful for other than perhaps getting an n950?-) | 15:51 |
alterego | Nice | 15:51 |
fiferboy | alterego: There is still hope for you | 15:51 |
alterego | flux: it's useful for getting pre-release hardware if you're a developer, the DDP is a prize in the form of an N950 _and_ quick launchpad verification :) | 15:51 |
ruskie | I really can't justify trying to get a n950... not even remotely interested in developing for it | 15:51 |
alterego | Android fanboy? | 15:52 |
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ruskie | you wish | 15:52 |
ruskie | to honest | 15:52 |
alterego | Eh? | 15:52 |
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alterego | Why would I care what you prefered to develop for? | 15:52 |
ruskie | alterego, I don't code much, what I do code tends to be not even user visible most of the time | 15:52 |
alterego | m'hmm | 15:53 |
ruskie | I mostly hack on existing stuff | 15:53 |
Termana | alterego, I'm not sure whether being verified for launchpad is really a *prize* except for the explicit purpose of getting the N950 :P | 15:53 |
alterego | You probably wouldn't be eledgible then :P | 15:53 |
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ruskie | alterego, as said to honest to lie about the true purpose | 15:53 |
alterego | Termana: that depends if you want to get other devices from Nokia to test your stuff on | 15:53 |
ruskie | else I'd just spin out stuff about porting whatever things to it and so on | 15:54 |
alterego | Well, if you're capable you could have just applied and ported some apps or something. | 15:54 |
alterego | Worth it imo | 15:54 |
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DocScrutinizer | ok, finally DHL tracking | 16:00 |
divan | Nokia N8xx concept.. http://www.coroflot.com/ultrajjo/nokia-concept-smartphone/4 | 16:01 |
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* cpscotti out of launchpad so far.. Will try to stop checking every 3(0) mins. | 16:04 | |
cpscotti | ughh | 16:04 |
Termana | cpscotti, you'll get an email now when it's ready | 16:05 |
DocScrutinizer | alterego: the individuals Launchpad mebership seems to generally NOT allow you to receive any pre-release hw | 16:05 |
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Termana | Hmm that's strange | 16:06 |
Termana | They've locked me out of launchpad :p | 16:07 |
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DocScrutinizer | I wasn't exactly easy to find out why DDP is empty for me, but finally somebody pointed me to a little word like "corporate" when Launchpad description explained about hw for developers | 16:07 |
alterego | Hmm | 16:07 |
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Termana | err | 16:07 |
Termana | nevermind, clicked the wrong link I think | 16:07 |
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cpscotti | Termana, hope so.. otherwise veins in my brain will start to act weird a blow up | 16:08 |
DocScrutinizer | so your individual launchpad account is really mostly void | 16:08 |
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divan | DocScrutinizer, do you mean that account type 'Individual' isn't suitable for those who in the n950 receiving list? | 16:09 |
DocScrutinizer | you have access to sales balance of Q2/Q3/2010 or sth | 16:09 |
DocScrutinizer | divan: no, it's the correct account for N950 | 16:09 |
alterego | Neat, obs support for Harmattan :) | 16:09 |
* alterego attempts to build something. | 16:10 | |
DocScrutinizer | divan: but there were zero other devices available via that DDP page | 16:10 |
* ruskie attempts to not melt in this heat | 16:10 | |
divan | DocScrutinizer, ok. The absence of any news/updates make me a bit unsure if I applied correctly. | 16:11 |
DocScrutinizer | divan: I know that feeling | 16:11 |
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DocScrutinizer | divan: you got a mail from quim "ACCEPTED"? | 16:11 |
divan | DocScrutinizer, yep, and replied with my developer ID. | 16:12 |
alterego | divan: me too, lets stick together ;) | 16:12 |
DocScrutinizer | then just wait until your device gets available. You'll receive a mail and device will show up on URL https://forumnokia.secure.force.com/apex/ProductDetailByName?productName=Nokia+N950 | 16:12 |
alterego | There's probably just under another our of Finnish work time left .. | 16:12 |
alterego | Though some people reported getting launchpad access over night. | 16:13 |
* alterego makes an egg sandwich | 16:13 | |
* lardman shivers after coming out of a -8C room | 16:13 | |
lardman | hmm, still no email | 16:13 |
* javispedro wants to be in that -8C room | 16:13 | |
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lardman | lol | 16:13 |
* ruskie wants to be in a 20C or lower room... | 16:14 | |
lardman | got nippy after 5 min | 16:14 |
* lardman heads to a meeting | 16:14 | |
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* divan got completely soaked today in the rain. | 16:16 | |
* DocScrutinizer feels not exactly comfortable with being the only(?) one who got a device shipped today | 16:16 | |
DocScrutinizer | must be wrong | 16:17 |
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DocScrutinizer | I wonder if konttori... | 16:17 |
GAN900 | It's quite irritating having Maemo reboot in the middle of the night and uboot default to MeeGo. | 16:17 |
GAN900 | No programs! | 16:17 |
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DocScrutinizer | GAN900: HAH | 16:17 |
DocScrutinizer | GAN900: that's clearly a flaw in uBoot | 16:17 |
DocScrutinizer | this MUST get sticky | 16:18 |
javispedro | No programs! | 16:18 |
DocScrutinizer | GAN900: rename the uBoot.menu(?) file on uSD | 16:18 |
DocScrutinizer | ? | 16:18 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: your guardian angel clearly works for nokia. | 16:19 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: looks like. o.O I wonder how I earned that | 16:19 |
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DocScrutinizer | always seemed like the majority of Nokians rather dislike me, for being a bit "asperger" | 16:20 |
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javispedro | No programs! | 16:20 |
alterego | Heh | 16:21 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: the keyword these days is "fringe", as coined by qgil | 16:21 |
pauly | hey lol dont get mad at me | 16:21 |
alterego | Dunham | 16:21 |
pauly | but anyone wanna trade their n8 for my n900 | 16:21 |
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javispedro | we need a #meego-fringe channel, best way to describe what we'd do there. | 16:22 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: you think fringe is a positive attribute now? | 16:22 |
* alterego branches meego-terminal to add multiwindow support. | 16:22 | |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: definitely... | 16:23 |
DocScrutinizer | ok | 16:23 |
DocScrutinizer | I think I'm definitely fringe ;-P | 16:23 |
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DocScrutinizer | always been | 16:23 |
javispedro | I remember the first days of Fringe when people noticed "Artificial Intelligence" appeared on the list of fringe sciences ;) | 16:23 |
alterego | Heh | 16:24 |
javispedro | my uni's dept. of software was not amused :) | 16:24 |
jonwil | so does anyone here actually care about my efforts to make the N900 better? | 16:24 |
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jonwil | through improvements to Fremantle | 16:24 |
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DocScrutinizer | hmm, is intelligence a science, after all? | 16:24 |
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Termana | jonwil, I'm sure there is someone | 16:25 |
Termana | A lot of us are just excited about the N9/N950 | 16:25 |
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DocScrutinizer | jonwil: DEFINITELY!!! how can you ask such things? | 16:25 |
javispedro | O. M. G. | 16:25 |
Termana | and DocScrutinizer is too worried about what people think of him | 16:25 |
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javispedro | Nokia is apologising to me for delaying my Launchpad application | 16:26 |
javispedro | ... and I'm in! | 16:26 |
Termana | javispedro, Nokia... apologising? Screenshot that stuff! | 16:26 |
DocScrutinizer | Termana: I'm never worried about what people think about me. Otherwise I wouldn't know where to stop worrying | 16:26 |
Termana | :p | 16:26 |
MohammadAG | Termana, do you ever sleep? | 16:27 |
jonwil | I would say that the N900 is a BETTER piece of hardware than either the N950 or the N9 | 16:27 |
Termana | MohammadAG, hell nah. It's only 11pm here | 16:27 |
javispedro | I'm in, I'm in! /me clicks URLs around like crazy | 16:27 |
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DocScrutinizer | jonwil: depending on requirement specs I tend to agree mostly | 16:27 |
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jonwil | The main reason I consider the N900 to be so good is that the touchscreen is BETTER than any other TS I have ever used | 16:28 |
jonwil | including that on the iPhone and the HTC Desire | 16:28 |
divan | jonwil, even though I'll get N950, I bought the second N900 last week. Cause I'm in doubt that we'll have a kind of a such great device in the feature. | 16:28 |
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DocScrutinizer | jonwil: and N950 comes with c-ts which I *hate* | 16:28 |
petteri | so it seems that n9(50) has new terminal app. Anyone knows if it is opensource and if it would possible to port it to N900? | 16:29 |
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DocScrutinizer | divan: ++ | 16:29 |
fiferboy_ | petteri: It is in gitorious | 16:29 |
petteri | fiferboy_: do you have link? | 16:29 |
fiferboy_ | I think it is QML based, so probably workable for N900 | 16:29 |
javispedro | it cannot be fully qml based | 16:29 |
fiferboy_ | https://gitorious.org/meego-terminal | 16:29 |
fiferboy_ | javispedro: Probably not fully, no | 16:29 |
javispedro | I'd be surprised if it is =) | 16:30 |
petteri | thanks, I will take a look | 16:30 |
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fiferboy_ | I would be impressed if it was | 16:30 |
javispedro | ah, so it is based on kterminal | 16:30 |
javispedro | *kconsole | 16:30 |
fiferboy_ | Actually, looks like pyqt4 is used for the interface | 16:30 |
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MohammadAG | ew | 16:31 |
GAN900 | Yesterday I said it could only get worse if javispedro got one too--now it is!! | 16:31 |
MohammadAG | he got one? | 16:31 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: now https://forumnokia.secure.force.com/apex/ProductDetailByName?productName=Nokia+N950 should work for you... To get either nice "internal error" OR... | 16:31 |
Termana | MohammadAG, not yet. He got his launchpad account | 16:32 |
CaCO3 | do i understand it right that meego only will use pyside instead pyqt? | 16:32 |
javispedro | MohammadAG: I got an email about LP (blabla vast number of applications - I think this is because of the spam I sent ;) ) , but I cannot yet enter LP with my account :S | 16:32 |
javispedro | maybe I should logout -> login | 16:33 |
Termana | javispedro, try that | 16:33 |
fiferboy_ | logout/login worked for me | 16:33 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: indeed | 16:33 |
MohammadAG | where does once access their launchpad account? | 16:33 |
javispedro | no deal :( | 16:33 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: lower left "develper prog" | 16:33 |
* divan got approved on launchpad program just now. | 16:33 | |
Termana | MohammadAG, https://www.developer.nokia.com/Developer_Programs/Launchpad_for_individuals/ | 16:33 |
MohammadAG | I wish they'd add a N950 instantly | 16:33 |
Termana | javispedro, just give it 5 minutes then | 16:34 |
javispedro | oh | 16:34 |
javispedro | it is listed in My programs | 16:34 |
divan | in My Programs on http://www.developer.nokia.com/Profile/premium_profile.xhtml page there is 'Launchpad for individuals' appeared. | 16:34 |
MohammadAG | You do not have the required access rights to the page you were trying to access. Please see our Developer Programs pages for further details about our offering. | 16:34 |
javispedro | same as MohammadAG. | 16:34 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: log out ALL browser tabs | 16:34 |
MohammadAG | but it's in my programs | 16:34 |
* jonwil wishes mce wasnt so damn complex :( | 16:34 | |
divan | And in https://forumnokia.secure.force.com/apex/DDP?sfdc.tabName=01r20000000L8iX I see the tab 'Device distribution' | 16:34 |
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Termana | SPLIT | 16:34 |
* javispedro was going to try OBS, so I can wait | 16:35 | |
MohammadAG | I just want it shipped before the weekend :( | 16:35 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, got a DHL number? | 16:35 |
DocScrutinizer | yup | 16:35 |
javispedro | GeneralAntilles: MWAHAHAHA, but if they're doing it in reverse arrival order, and I'm approved already, your approval is soon. Start warming your stereo... | 16:35 |
fiferboy_ | GeneralAntilles: Too bad the approval doesn't trigger your setup | 16:36 |
pauly | n950!!!! | 16:36 |
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pauly | omg thats so cool | 16:36 |
CaCO3 | did any of you already start to port your maemo apps to meego? | 16:36 |
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pauly | patrick dempsy used one also | 16:36 |
javispedro | fiferboy_: but the N950 is here mail will | 16:36 |
javispedro | fiferboy_: even if you ignore LP status | 16:37 |
javispedro | jonwil: center on the plugins! | 16:37 |
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DocScrutinizer | actually you don't need either of those mails | 16:37 |
jonwil | Even the plugins are damn complex | 16:37 |
jonwil | like the display driver one | 16:37 |
fiferboy_ | javispedro: Yes, unless it goes to spam | 16:38 |
jonwil | i.e. libdisplay.so | 16:38 |
DocScrutinizer | but keep the URL of your order confirmation webpage - only way to access it later! | 16:38 |
javispedro | jonwil: btw, I remember that MohammadAG found that vibra has a special d-bus api for manually triggering the vibrator (so that mce does not reset it), so I'm no longer interested in vibra :P | 16:38 |
javispedro | well, not THAT interested. | 16:38 |
alterego | Well, if I hopefully get launchpad tomorrow, then maybe I am still in with a chance to get t he N950 this weekend .. | 16:38 |
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jonwil | well I intend to reverse engineer what the vibrator plugin does | 16:38 |
DocScrutinizer | jonwil: what does libdisplay.so? | 16:39 |
jonwil | libdisplay.so handles display brightness | 16:39 |
javispedro | jonwil: you know the fremantle plugin<->mce api? | 16:39 |
rm_work | jonwil: figured that out yet? | 16:39 |
rm_work | :P | 16:39 |
jonwil | and yes I do | 16:39 |
alterego | But that's probably wishful thinking .. | 16:39 |
fiferboy_ | DocScrutinizer: Can you tell where the device ships from? | 16:39 |
DocScrutinizer | epoo | 16:39 |
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fiferboy_ | The real deal | 16:40 |
javispedro | alterego: my past experience tells me that if you are in europe, thursday 12:00 should be latest if you want the device on friday. | 16:40 |
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rm_work | jonwil: i don't need a complete reverse engineer of libdisplay.so i just need to know: when the display brightness is changed, where does it create a socket to, and what data does it send | 16:40 |
DocScrutinizer | err not really | 16:40 |
rm_work | jonwil: i can easily figure it out once i get a device i think | 16:40 |
DocScrutinizer | HEL | 16:40 |
alterego | javispedro: Saturday is fine with me actually. | 16:40 |
alterego | So I don't mind :) | 16:40 |
javispedro | ah well, there are some countries out there were people work on saturdays I bet ;) | 16:41 |
Termana | alterego, HA. Courier no deliver on weekend silly boy. | 16:41 |
jonwil | well I already reverse engineered it and will finish cloning it | 16:41 |
rm_work | jonwil: ah, cool | 16:41 |
MohammadAG | https://gitorious.org/qtbook/qtbook/blobs/master/systemnotification.cpp#line45 | 16:41 |
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MohammadAG | javispedro, ^ | 16:41 |
rm_work | jonwil: :) send me what you have for that as soon as you're done | 16:41 |
alterego | Termana: they do for me. | 16:41 |
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javispedro | MohammadAG: was talking about fremantle vibra | 16:41 |
DocScrutinizer | jonwil: what does libdisplay.so? | 16:41 |
alterego | I've had plenty of DHL deliveries on Saturdays .. | 16:41 |
javispedro | MohammadAG: but maybe I'm confused | 16:41 |
rm_work | <DocScrutinizer> jonwil: what does libdisplay.so? | 16:41 |
rm_work | <jonwil> libdisplay.so handles display brightness | 16:41 |
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DocScrutinizer | ooh | 16:42 |
MohammadAG | javispedro, line 61 | 16:42 |
Termana | alterego, I've been reading some experiences with DHL Australia. Apparently they get to to Australia quick and then it sits around for a couple of weeks here in Australia before they wonder wtf they are doing | 16:42 |
javispedro | MohammadAG: yes, that's the one =) | 16:42 |
DocScrutinizer | thnx | 16:42 |
javispedro | MohammadAG: I used it in preenv since you found it. | 16:42 |
alterego | Termana: good job I'm not in Australia then :P | 16:42 |
MohammadAG | :D | 16:42 |
alterego | Bloody lazy Aussies :P | 16:42 |
Termana | heh :p | 16:42 |
MohammadAG | does QFeedbackHapticEffect work on Maemo 5? | 16:43 |
jaska | http://dudelol.com/img/microsoft-skype-skynet.png | 16:43 |
javispedro | te what | 16:43 |
hiemanshu | nothing yet :( | 16:43 |
Termana | hiemanshu, wb | 16:44 |
javispedro | MohammadAG: via MCE vibra does not support any effect other than constant | 16:44 |
hiemanshu | hey Termana | 16:44 |
MohammadAG | javispedro, that's Qt Mobility :P | 16:44 |
jonwil | well I intend to finish cloning the display plugin then I will post its code | 16:44 |
jonwil | After that, I will reverse engineer some other things | 16:45 |
jonwil | like the vibrator plugin | 16:45 |
javispedro | MohammadAG: yes, but is it based on mce? or they bypass it in some secret way? | 16:45 |
jonwil | I suspect it comes through mce | 16:45 |
javispedro | on normal linux (&webos) vibra is an input ff device | 16:45 |
javispedro | but changing that on maemo of course breaks mce.. | 16:46 |
javispedro | heh, yet more reason for a vibra mce plugin clone ;) | 16:46 |
pauly | anyone wanna trade their n8 for my n900 | 16:46 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: MCE doesn't support other than constant vib?? | 16:46 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: note though that your definition of constant is potentially more simple than mine's | 16:47 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah, probably | 16:47 |
javispedro | my definition includes a "intensity" or similar which is of course implemented with a pwm, so by your definition probably not constant ;) | 16:47 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: so nothing for me today, maybe tomorrow? :P | 16:48 |
DocScrutinizer | constant patterns of any shape and number | 16:48 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: see mce.ini | 16:48 |
jonwil | I can confirm that the vibra plugin writes to /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-1/1-0048/twl4030_vibra/pulse | 16:49 |
javispedro | yeah | 16:49 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: /[VibraPatternRX51] | 16:49 |
GeneralAntilles | Woo, LaunchPad. | 16:49 |
GeneralAntilles | So looks like alterego likely has it. | 16:49 |
javispedro | jonwil: but if you write to it, at the next screen touch or ~something seconds, vibra plugin resets. | 16:49 |
GeneralAntilles | "With his Wednesday prediction" | 16:50 |
alterego | GeneralAntilles: :) | 16:50 |
alterego | GeneralAntilles: everyone except me .. | 16:50 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: yes | 16:50 |
GeneralAntilles | What's the hardware page link? | 16:50 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: MCE is missing a "keep your sticky fingers off $subsystem!" command | 16:50 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: can't look at the file atm, n900 does not respond to ssh for some reason and I can't be arsed to move ;) | 16:50 |
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alterego | "Nokia Developer Member since 2001" Wow! | 16:51 |
jonwil | it also reads dbus messages for req_vibrator_pattern_activate req_vibrator_pattern_deactivate req_vibrator_enable req_vibrator_disable req_start_manual_vibration req_stop_manual_vibration | 16:51 |
MohammadAG | ~n950order is https://forumnokia.secure.force.com/apex/ProductDetailByName?productName=Nokia+N950 | 16:51 |
infobot | MohammadAG: okay | 16:51 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: but that's where the dbus call that MohammadAG found comes into play: it allows you set a given intensity for a given time, and mce won't do anything for that time. | 16:51 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: http://paste.debian.net/122094/ | 16:51 |
javispedro | you still do not have raw access, but anything is better than nothing. | 16:51 |
DocScrutinizer | ~botsnak | 16:52 |
DocScrutinizer | ~botsnack | 16:52 |
infobot | :), DocScrutinizer | 16:52 |
* cpscotti "Launchpad for individuals (06-Jul-2011–06-Jul-2012)", voilá! | 16:52 | |
DocScrutinizer | ~feed MohammadAG coffee | 16:52 |
* infobot gives MohammadAG coffee on a paper plate and seats MohammadAG on the park bench. | 16:52 | |
* javispedro clears cookies and cache and retries LP.. | 16:53 | |
alterego | cpscotti: not you too! | 16:53 |
alterego | WAAAAAH! | 16:53 |
divan | Hmm.. Devices list in 'Device Distribution' page is empty. Is it ok? Device order should appear in some time, right? | 16:54 |
Termana | DocScrutinizer, coffee on a paper plate | 16:54 |
Termana | lol | 16:54 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: if mce actually does nothing, then maybe you *get* raw access during that timespan | 16:54 |
cpscotti | hehe | 16:54 |
cpscotti | lol | 16:54 |
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hiemanshu | alterego: you haven't got it yet? | 16:54 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: nah, I think it will try to keep resetting to the intensity you specified in call | 16:54 |
alterego | Nope | 16:54 |
javispedro | but never tried tbh | 16:54 |
alterego | Looks like I'm the last now :P | 16:55 |
Termana | divan, that's how it's suppose to be until you get the email | 16:55 |
DocScrutinizer | I doubt that | 16:55 |
rm_work | GeneralAntilles: hey yeah, launchpad on mine too :P though still no device listed | 16:55 |
divan | Termana, thanks. | 16:55 |
javispedro | (not really have any game that does anything other than constant effects!) | 16:55 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: can you decode that foo to a standard dbus-send call? | 16:55 |
* divan stopped worrying. | 16:55 | |
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* javispedro lols | 16:56 | |
javispedro | we already had this conversation =) | 16:56 |
DocScrutinizer | divan: see | 16:56 |
javispedro | http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog/%23maemo.2011-03-02.log.html#t2011-03-02T02:30:17 | 16:56 |
DocScrutinizer | ~n950order | 16:56 |
infobot | well, n950order is https://forumnokia.secure.force.com/apex/ProductDetailByName?productName=Nokia+N950 | 16:56 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, eww, I hate coffee | 16:56 |
DocScrutinizer | ooh sorry | 16:56 |
MohammadAG | ice coffee is different but normal coffee is eugh | 16:56 |
alterego | I bet there's a cock up with my application | 16:56 |
cpscotti | no devices shown though... probably they're doing it as we type.. haha lol | 16:56 |
javispedro | virtually 4 months ago heh | 16:56 |
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hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: I would love some coffee though | 16:57 |
divan | DocScrutinizer, this links gives me an error "Unexpected error has occured. Please try again." | 16:57 |
* hiemanshu got drenched in the rain | 16:57 | |
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MohammadAG | alterego, watch your language | 16:57 |
MohammadAG | this channel is G rated | 16:57 |
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alterego | G for gonads? | 16:57 |
alterego | groin? | 16:57 |
alterego | Groping? | 16:57 |
cpscotti | g+ | 16:57 |
javispedro | yes, now I can get into lp | 16:57 |
hiemanshu | G for Granny | 16:57 |
javispedro | Free Microsoft App Hub registration | 16:57 |
javispedro | ! | 16:57 |
MohammadAG | time to /mkick then | 16:58 |
Termana | javispedro, that is the evil part | 16:58 |
rm_work | lol @ RDA image: https://www.developer.nokia.com/pics/rda_structure_3.jpg | 16:58 |
alterego | javispedro: woo! | 16:58 |
rm_work | it's an N900 and an N9 | 16:58 |
javispedro | rm_work: N8 | 16:58 |
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rm_work | ah | 16:58 |
javispedro | well | 16:58 |
rm_work | well, does RDA even work with N900? | 16:58 |
hiemanshu | javispedro: for one year | 16:58 |
alterego | rm_work: yes | 16:58 |
alterego | At least it used too .. | 16:58 |
rm_work | interesting, never knew that | 16:58 |
rm_work | would have been useful maybe | 16:59 |
Termana | RDA is useLESS | 16:59 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: alas this call does nuttin here | 16:59 |
rm_work | lol | 16:59 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: you still on PR1.2? | 16:59 |
hiemanshu | Termana: not really | 16:59 |
DocScrutinizer | nah! | 16:59 |
fiferboy | This whole process seems to be just refreshing a new page in every step | 16:59 |
Termana | hiemanshu, It didn't work good at all. The concept is nice, but the implementation is crap IMO | 17:00 |
MohammadAG | <javispedro> rm_work: N8 | 17:00 |
MohammadAG | E7 actually | 17:00 |
hiemanshu | Termana: worked perfect for me | 17:00 |
hiemanshu | fiferboy: not really, the last step is 'Sleep/Sit outside your house and jump infront of every DHL van' | 17:00 |
Termana | hiemanshu, I had major delays, couldn't open apps, swiping was just as bad etc. | 17:00 |
GAN900 | Termana, it's because they're running 4 vms per device. | 17:00 |
fiferboy | hiemanshu: I thought it would be 'Refresh the tracking page to see if there has been any change' :{ | 17:01 |
hiemanshu | GAN900: launchpad yet? | 17:01 |
javispedro | hiemanshu: the last step is very described by today's xkcd ;) http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/delivery_notification.png | 17:01 |
DocScrutinizer | divan: that's exactly what that link gives until your N950 shows up instead | 17:01 |
fiferboy | javispedro: Yes, very appropriate timing | 17:01 |
GAN900 | hiemanshu, just within the last 10 minutes. | 17:01 |
hiemanshu | javispedro: done :P I wrote an app just to do that | 17:01 |
Termana | Who thinks the xkcd guy is getting an N950? :p | 17:01 |
DocScrutinizer | ~coffee hiemanshu | 17:01 |
* infobot steals some of Guest39395's special coffee and gives it to hiemanshu on a silver platter. | 17:01 | |
fiferboy | Termana: No, I think he is getting a sword | 17:01 |
hiemanshu | GAN900: so accepted? | 17:02 |
divan | DocScrutinizer, ok, thanks. | 17:02 |
Corsac | the first package is a laptop | 17:02 |
GAN900 | No N950 yet, though. | 17:02 |
v13 | were the n950s posted ? | 17:03 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: the funny part about that dbus call is it succeeds | 17:04 |
alterego | GAN900: what time did your email arrive saying you've got launchpad? | 17:04 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: do not have my n900 around to test but I am quite confident it should work | 17:04 |
fiferboy | alterego: No emails for Launchpad acceptance | 17:04 |
hiemanshu | alterego: there will no email | 17:04 |
hiemanshu | +be | 17:05 |
alterego | Oh | 17:05 |
hiemanshu | alterego: you'll have to check your developer page and see it listed | 17:05 |
alterego | So I just have to keep logging out and back in to developer.nokia.com until something appears? | 17:05 |
hiemanshu | yeah | 17:05 |
fiferboy | alterego: That is why GAN's disco lights didn't go off | 17:05 |
alterego | Or wait for the "N950 ready for you" email I guess, | 17:05 |
hiemanshu | well, you dont ahve to log out | 17:05 |
alterego | Oh | 17:05 |
hiemanshu | alterego: just wait for the email | 17:06 |
hiemanshu | because launchpad is nothing extra except microsoft app hub :P | 17:06 |
rm_work | javispedro: lol yeah that happens to me ALL THE TIME. and i've tried to do that several times, too... though got lost trying to find their random sorting office in the middle of nowhere, or else it was closed anyway | 17:06 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: | 17:06 |
DocScrutinizer | IroN900:~# dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=com.nokia.mce /com/nokia/mce/request com.nokia.mce.request.req_start_manual_vibration int32:255 int32:1500 | 17:06 |
DocScrutinizer | method return sender=:1.13 -> dest=:1.2388 reply_serial=2 | 17:06 |
rm_work | though i called and they said they actually could give it to me | 17:07 |
DocScrutinizer | nuttin | 17:07 |
v13 | For me, in d.n.c -> settings -> developer account -> my programs, it says "Launchpad for individuals (06-Jul-2011–06-Jul-2012)" | 17:07 |
javispedro | i have a dhl office at 3 minute walking distance, so going to it is very tempting ;) | 17:07 |
DocScrutinizer | IroN900:~# mce --version | 17:08 |
DocScrutinizer | mce v1.8.126 | 17:08 |
DocScrutinizer | IroN900:~# uname -a | 17:08 |
DocScrutinizer | Linux IroN900 2.6.28-omap1 #1 PREEMPT Fri Aug 6 11:50:00 EEST 2010 armv7l unknown | 17:08 |
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DocScrutinizer | javispedro: and the vib works, evidently | 17:08 |
DocScrutinizer | just not with this dbus call | 17:08 |
alterego | javispedro: heh, and what? Waiting outside and checking every van? | 17:08 |
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MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, works for me | 17:09 |
v13 | Q: Is it possible to install CSSU in scratchbox ? | 17:10 |
DocScrutinizer | the exact line I pasted above? | 17:10 |
DocScrutinizer | oooh wait, under 29999? | 17:10 |
DocScrutinizer | nah, system bus | 17:10 |
MohammadAG | dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=com.nokia.mce /com/nokia/mce/request com.nokia.mce.request.req_start_manual_vibration int32:255 int32:1500 | 17:10 |
alterego | Well, it's after working hours in Finland now I guess, so maybe I'll get lucky tomorrow :( | 17:10 |
javispedro | alterego: encamping right there and refusing to leave until they hand me MY DEVICE!! | 17:10 |
MohammadAG | works fine for me | 17:10 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: xkcd.com | 17:11 |
alterego | javispedro: rather than sitting at home on a nice comfy sofa waiting for them to deliver it to you? :P | 17:11 |
* javispedro wishes he could sit at a comfy sofa, when the courier comes in I will be at uni office. | 17:11 | |
Appiah | 3hours without my n900 and I got ... (the only?`) a android phone that does not have exchange support, so I have to buy (or run limited trials) to get my mail and calender | 17:12 |
Appiah | I miss it already | 17:12 |
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merlin1991 | v13: not unless you build the packages yourself | 17:12 |
merlin1991 | the cssu repo only hase armel packages | 17:12 |
v13 | arg... thnks :) | 17:12 |
merlin1991 | s/hase/has/ | 17:12 |
infobot | merlin1991 meant: the cssu repo only has armel packages | 17:12 |
MohammadAG | javispedro, I can pick it up for you | 17:13 |
alterego | Well, guess that means I'm not getting any new tech this week :( | 17:13 |
alterego | Not even the N8 has been dispatched yet. | 17:13 |
hiemanshu | alterego: you ordered an N8? | 17:13 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: javispedro: fails for me. Now what? | 17:14 |
alterego | hiemanshu: I'm being sent one to port some apps to | 17:14 |
hiemanshu | alterego: damn you | 17:14 |
Appiah | Is there any information regarding this N8 replacement for n900 ? | 17:14 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: now you wait for jonwil to decipher mce's mysteries. | 17:14 |
javispedro | ;P | 17:14 |
DocScrutinizer | haha | 17:14 |
alterego | Appiah: if you send off your N900 for warranty repairs, there's a good chance you'll get an N8 back .. | 17:14 |
DocScrutinizer | I wonder if I should send a pattern_deactivate for my xchat click | 17:15 |
alterego | courtesy "upgrade" .. | 17:15 |
Appiah | but there is like no official annoucment regarding this shit? | 17:15 |
DocScrutinizer | always thought patterns time out and good | 17:15 |
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alterego | Appiah: why would there be? | 17:16 |
alterego | Appiah: it's announced in their Warranty T&C documentation | 17:16 |
DocScrutinizer | NOPE | 17:17 |
DocScrutinizer | refuses to work for me | 17:17 |
v13 | DocScrutinizer: what problem to you have ? | 17:17 |
DocScrutinizer | dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=com.nokia.mce /com/nokia/mce/request com.nokia.mce.request.req_start_manual_vibration int32:255 int32:1500 | 17:18 |
DocScrutinizer | does nothing here | 17:18 |
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v13 | nothing here too | 17:18 |
v13 | why should it do somethings ? | 17:18 |
javispedro | hm? | 17:18 |
v13 | (is there any doc?) | 17:18 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro and MohammadAG claim it works for them | 17:18 |
javispedro | and jflatt. | 17:18 |
v13 | nothing. both as root & as user | 17:19 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: do you have ts-click enabled? | 17:19 |
javispedro | yes | 17:19 |
MohammadAG | I don't | 17:19 |
divan | is there any trusted info on the total count of N950 manufactured? | 17:19 |
DocScrutinizer | :-S | 17:19 |
MohammadAG | and it works for sociality users | 17:19 |
DocScrutinizer | ther must be some reason why it doesn't work here | 17:20 |
Termana | divan, over 9000! | 17:20 |
v13 | DocScrutinizer: what are you really trying to do? :-) | 17:20 |
* javispedro ponders where the hell I can find an obs client for gentoo.. | 17:20 | |
divan | Termana, how do you know? | 17:20 |
v13 | docs: it doesn't work for me either | 17:20 |
DocScrutinizer | v13: find out about that vib dbus cmd | 17:20 |
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Termana | I don't - it was a joke | 17:20 |
X-Fade | javispedro: Get the git repo and compile it? | 17:20 |
v13 | isn't mce only able to play pre-defined vibs ? | 17:20 |
javispedro | oooooooooooh | 17:21 |
DocScrutinizer | allegedly not | 17:21 |
javispedro | it's not "obs client" but "osc client" | 17:21 |
javispedro | X-Fade: what does OSC mean? | 17:21 |
X-Fade | javispedro: openbuild service client :) | 17:21 |
Sicelo | just a quick question: my repositories should just say fremantle or fremantle-1.3? | 17:21 |
javispedro | X-Fade: makes sense :) ta! | 17:22 |
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DocScrutinizer | javispedro: MohammadAG: what's your mce and kernel version? | 17:22 |
divan | Termana, thanks, now I know new mem 'Over 9000' :) | 17:22 |
DocScrutinizer | same as mine above? | 17:22 |
MohammadAG | Report bugs to <david.weinehall@nokia.com> | 17:23 |
MohammadAG | Segmentation fault | 17:23 |
MohammadAG | :LMFAO | 17:23 |
DocScrutinizer | yo | 17:23 |
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DocScrutinizer | same here | 17:23 |
MohammadAG | Nokia-N900:~# mce --version | 17:23 |
MohammadAG | mce v1.8.126 | 17:23 |
MohammadAG | Written by David Weinehall. | 17:23 |
MohammadAG | Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. | 17:23 |
MohammadAG | Segmentation fault | 17:23 |
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v13 | # mce --version | 17:23 |
v13 | mce v1.8.126 | 17:23 |
DocScrutinizer | all the same | 17:24 |
MohammadAG | Nokia-N900:~# dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=com.nokia.mce /com/nokia/mce/request com.nokia.mce.request.req_start_manual_vibration int32:255 int32:1500 | 17:24 |
MohammadAG | method return sender=:1.12 -> dest=:1.225 reply_serial=2 | 17:24 |
DocScrutinizer | exactly | 17:25 |
pauly | making a tmo account :) just to get rid of my n900 | 17:25 |
v13 | stupid q: do you all have the device connected with usb ? | 17:26 |
v13 | (regarding the vib) | 17:26 |
DocScrutinizer | well, method return sender=:1.13 -> dest=:1.2421 reply_serial=2 | 17:26 |
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MohammadAG | with or without a USB, it works | 17:26 |
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DocScrutinizer | no USB here | 17:27 |
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merlin1991 | pauly: want to sell yours? | 17:27 |
MohammadAG | try restarting mce | 17:27 |
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DocScrutinizer | k | 17:28 |
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DocScrutinizer | same | 17:28 |
hiemanshu | so its 5.30 there, and probably time for them to leave in .fi, nothing today | 17:30 |
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* hiemanshu shoots DocScrutinizer and everyone who got an email today | 17:30 | |
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javispedro | no programs! | 17:30 |
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javispedro | oh, yes programs ;P | 17:31 |
hiemanshu | javispedro: did you get anything yet? | 17:31 |
javispedro | can access LP, but no N950. | 17:31 |
pauly | merlin1991: im looking to trade for n8 or sell | 17:31 |
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hiemanshu | javispedro: ah | 17:32 |
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MohammadAG | fry the bootloader | 17:32 |
merlin1991 | depending how much you want for it and from where you would ship it I might be interested | 17:32 |
MohammadAG | send to Nokia service | 17:32 |
MohammadAG | profit | 17:32 |
merlin1991 | lol | 17:32 |
merlin1991 | MohammadAG: you forgot the ????? line to fit the scheme | 17:33 |
MohammadAG | what? after all they are replacing N900s for N8s | 17:33 |
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v13 | afair, vibra was programmable too. do you remember to sys location for its programming ? | 17:33 |
lardman | hmm, F5 still not producing the desired results | 17:33 |
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hiemanshu | lardman: change the key, KTHXBYE :P | 17:34 |
pauly | merlin1991: 300 usd | 17:34 |
pauly | usa md | 17:34 |
lardman | well it refreshes the page, just doesn't give me what I want | 17:34 |
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* gri also has an empty list :( | 17:35 | |
hiemanshu | lardman: well, its end of the end at .fi, so nothing today sadly | 17:35 |
lardman | :( | 17:35 |
lardman | ah well, at least some are trickling out slowly | 17:35 |
merlin1991 | pauly: usa is lil bad on shipping to austria :P | 17:35 |
hiemanshu | lardman: wait for tomorrow, also we might be the top at the list | 17:35 |
lardman | I wonder if there's a link between Launchpad date and device order | 17:36 |
pauly | uh oh lol | 17:36 |
pauly | merlin1991: do u want it? | 17:36 |
lardman | hmm, perhaps not, only Docscrutinizer of the normal route people | 17:36 |
gri | lardman: "I have now activated your membership. Next the meego team will grant you access to N950 after which you can order the device. | 17:36 |
gri | You will get an email notification about it. " | 17:36 |
merlin1991 | any idea what the shipping would come to? | 17:36 |
gri | so no link? | 17:36 |
alterego | merlin1991: it's free | 17:37 |
hiemanshu | alterego: lol, learn to read :P | 17:37 |
lardman | gri: who was that email from? | 17:37 |
lardman | I didn't get one of those, but my Launchpad was activated yesterday | 17:37 |
merlin1991 | alterego: I'd like to see the person who sells something in the usa and ships it for free to europe, suuure :D | 17:37 |
javispedro | lardman: what?? :( | 17:38 |
gri | lardman: Nora, Developer Experience and Marketplace, Device Access Services | 17:38 |
javispedro | so we can expect a two-day delay since LP activation to device =) | 17:38 |
hiemanshu | javispedro: mine was activated yesterday, so I'll see the device tomorrow | 17:39 |
hiemanshu | hoping for it :P | 17:39 |
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javispedro | yes, keep the optimism. | 17:39 |
gri | lardman: But I got contacted to change settings before activation .. thats why you might not get the mail as you had not to change anything | 17:39 |
lardman | ah ok | 17:39 |
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lardman | javispedro: Judging by Doc's experience it might be 4 months ;) | 17:39 |
javispedro | well, judging from my experience in LP, application -> approval took 6 months. | 17:40 |
lardman | Ah, well I feel special at only 1 day then | 17:40 |
v13 | javispedro: Mine seems to have been activated today. no mail. | 17:40 |
lardman | or perhaps 2, can't remember exactly | 17:40 |
alterego | Oh I thought we were stll talking about the devkit DDP | 17:41 |
v13 | javispedro: Judging from the 6-Jul-2011 - 6-Jul-2012 dates | 17:41 |
lardman | Docscrutinizer: ping | 17:41 |
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lardman | alterego: we are sort of, but moved off topic to Launchpad approvals I think | 17:42 |
* alterego yawns | 17:42 | |
hiemanshu | lardman: learn to read | 17:42 |
hiemanshu | dammit, why doesn't anyone read backlogs :P | 17:42 |
lardman | hiemanshu: too long | 17:43 |
v13 | tl;dr | 17:43 |
v13 | :P | 17:43 |
* lardman has no clue what that means | 17:43 | |
hiemanshu | lardman: too long; didn't read | 17:43 |
lardman | ah, thanks | 17:43 |
pauly | merlin1991: btw this n900 can overclock to 1100 mhz | 17:44 |
hiemanshu | pauly: thats a nice way to kill your phone | 17:44 |
merlin1991 | hiemanshu: nod | 17:44 |
v13 | lardman: http://tinyurl.com/c8lrbb :P | 17:44 |
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pauly | only did it to try it, i dont like power kernel | 17:44 |
DocScrutinizer | lardman: pong | 17:45 |
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pauly | panorama doesnt work with .ower kernel | 17:45 |
lardman | hey DocScrutinizer, saw your project idea about location stuff - the cinema was the one you mentioned | 17:45 |
lardman | You could use Proximus for that | 17:45 |
lardman | as the backend | 17:45 |
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lardman | location aware event triggers | 17:46 |
* alterego gets bored | 17:47 | |
alterego | Think I'm gonna play around with some QML | 17:47 |
lardman | anyway I'm interested in the response that gri got, that it's the Meego team who now somehow enable each Launchpad account to get a device | 17:47 |
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fiferboy | alterego: I'm finally playing around with QML | 17:48 |
lardman | or perhaps this has already been mentioned | 17:48 |
fiferboy | alterego: Do you find anchor layouts WAY easier to deal with than grid/column/row? | 17:48 |
alterego | fiferboy: yes | 17:48 |
hiemanshu | alterego: watch BBT if you haven't watched, and if you have, rewatch it :P | 17:49 |
alterego | What's BBT? | 17:49 |
hiemanshu | alterego: Big Bang Theory? | 17:49 |
alterego | Oh, right | 17:49 |
v13 | tbbt | 17:49 |
fiferboy | I'm finally making progress with my layout, now that I switched to anchors in the edit view | 17:49 |
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lardman | DocScrutinizer: I need to push some more code to svn, some time event gubbins, am working on location stuff this evening | 17:51 |
hiemanshu | lol svn | 17:51 |
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lardman | svn is presumably funny? | 17:53 |
hiemanshu | no, just sad | 17:53 |
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lardman | I'll send it flowers | 17:53 |
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merlin1991 | lol, the meego harmattan debian policy manual defines and option that is called Maemo-Flags :D | 17:54 |
hiemanshu | while you are at it, please fix it? | 17:54 |
lardman | hiemanshu: what's the problem? | 17:54 |
hiemanshu | everything? | 17:54 |
lardman | works for me | 17:55 |
hiemanshu | probably only for you :P | 17:55 |
lardman | ~lart Dell for only offering 6Gb of RAM | 17:56 |
* infobot beats Dell severely about the head and shoulders with a rubber chicken for only offering 6Gb of RAM | 17:56 | |
* hiemanshu quits trolling and goes to do something useful | 17:56 | |
jaska | 6GB? well, if its a subnotebook or netbook | 17:57 |
X-Fade | lardman: buy 8GB extra for 40GBP? | 17:57 |
lardman | Nah, full laptop with 64bit Win7 as standard | 17:57 |
X-Fade | lardman: It is cheap online. | 17:57 |
lardman | sure, just trying to save hassle | 17:57 |
X-Fade | lardman: And pay 600% more :) | 17:57 |
lardman | I also need an nVidia graphics card, which may be troublesome | 17:58 |
lardman | X-Fade: well if they give the option of 8Gb it's probably not so much more expensive than diy | 17:58 |
X-Fade | lardman: It is. | 17:58 |
X-Fade | lardman: I was looking for a XPS 15. | 17:58 |
X-Fade | lardman: Insane upgrade prices. | 17:58 |
lardman | really? Oh, ok, I guess I'm looking at the same device | 17:59 |
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lardman | anyway seems to only offer ATi, so no-go | 17:59 |
X-Fade | lardman: XPS has nvidia. | 17:59 |
lardman | Actually this is a Vostro Notebook | 17:59 |
* lardman goes back to the start to see why Dell is trying to sell him this one then | 17:59 | |
DocScrutinizer | lardman: sounds interesting, I'll chat about it later with you. Have to run now | 18:00 |
lardman | DocScrutinizer: no internet at home, chat to Jaffa or I will catch you tomorrow | 18:00 |
DocScrutinizer | np | 18:00 |
holmesII | Doc, morning. I am trying to use VMWARE first | 18:00 |
hiemanshu | lardman: never order a dell online, you'll get much much better prices via phone | 18:00 |
DocScrutinizer | leave me a few links to catch up what's going on, please | 18:00 |
holmesII | i'm afraid to destroy my linux system. | 18:00 |
lardman | I need to spec it and pass it to work to get a discount | 18:01 |
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hiemanshu | lardman: I for one got a free bag and 10% off on the online price | 18:01 |
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lardman | DocScrutinizer: sure, https://wiki.maemo.org/Proximus and https://garage.maemo.org/projects/proximus/ though not much code in the repo yet as my netbook didn't want to connect to the work WLAN yesterday | 18:01 |
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pauly | i so thought someone would want a n900 or even two cause i have one with broken screen broken usb | 18:02 |
MySpaez | how much | 18:03 |
MySpaez | also exactly how is usb broken | 18:04 |
lardman | What screen res do people think for a 15.6" screen? 1920x1080 seems awfully high | 18:04 |
X-Fade | lardman: Full HD or higher. | 18:04 |
ieatlint | lardman: i have a laptop like that | 18:04 |
ieatlint | love it | 18:04 |
jaska | 1920x1200 :) | 18:04 |
lardman | writing must be minute on the screen | 18:04 |
X-Fade | lardman: mine is 1920x1200 now. | 18:04 |
ieatlint | i need good screen res to dev | 18:04 |
alterego | lardman: I've got a 15.3 at 1680x1200 | 18:04 |
hiemanshu | lardman: 1600x900 at the minimum | 18:05 |
DocScrutinizer | lardman: check dwimd | 18:05 |
alterego | wait, mine is the same as X-Fades :) | 18:05 |
* GeneralAntilles twiddles thumbs. | 18:05 | |
alterego | 1920x1200 on 15.3 | 18:05 |
DocScrutinizer | lardman: orphaned but good basis I think | 18:05 |
lardman | right, high res it is by popular vote | 18:05 |
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ieatlint | which laptop? | 18:05 |
X-Fade | Yeah, you can always increase font size. It just looks a lot better. (You should know that by now) :) | 18:05 |
ieatlint | one i have like that is a lenovo/thinkpad w510 | 18:06 |
lardman | X-Fade: I'm dev'ing on a Samsung n140 atm | 18:06 |
lardman | so anything higher resolution will be better | 18:06 |
GeneralAntilles | lardman, IPS if you can find. | 18:07 |
GeneralAntilles | Will help a lot. | 18:07 |
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hiemanshu | I have a 1600 x 900 at 14" | 18:07 |
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pauly | MySpaez: well usb isnt on it and lcd cracked other n900 is good condition looking to trade for n8 or nice cash offer | 18:08 |
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GeneralAntilles | Hrm, says I'm a LaunchPad member, but I can't get into the LaunchPad page. | 18:09 |
hiemanshu | GeneralAntilles: log out and back in | 18:09 |
GeneralAntilles | Broken SSO | 18:09 |
GeneralAntilles | Gotta love it. | 18:09 |
pauly | all i use the phone for is pics twitter and craigslist so why not have 12mp camera | 18:09 |
GeneralAntilles | Maemo's better. | 18:10 |
hiemanshu | pauly: then take a feature phone + camera :P | 18:10 |
lardman | bargain, 1181 excluding vat | 18:10 |
lardman | £ | 18:10 |
pauly | cameras re expensive and im not a pro | 18:10 |
X-Fade | lardman: So then you'll get it at around 900. | 18:10 |
pauly | plus i can directly upload my pics on a phone | 18:10 |
Scifig | GeneralAntilles: Same here. I logged out and logged in multiple times. Is there any URL for launchpad other than that "Join Launchpad' link? | 18:11 |
DocScrutinizer | lardman: I'm adding my 'comments' to https://wiki.maemo.org/Proximus | 18:11 |
GeneralAntilles | https://www.developer.nokia.com/Developer_Programs/Launchpad_for_individuals/ | 18:12 |
DocScrutinizer | lardman: afk, ttyl o/ | 18:12 |
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lardman | thanks Doc | 18:15 |
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Scifig | GeneralAntilles: Thanks. It simply confirms I have launchpad memship. Now, I should just go back to waiting for the email i guess. | 18:16 |
lardman | shame it doesn't give you an expected battery life as you add different processor and graphics card :) | 18:16 |
GeneralAntilles | lardman, pfff | 18:17 |
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gri | my notebook claims to have 11h battery life when fully loaded and the screen is at its darkest setting :) | 18:17 |
alterego | lardman: heh | 18:17 |
lardman | my netbook does actually manage about 7 hours | 18:17 |
kamui | anyone have a google+ invite to give out | 18:17 |
kamui | ? | 18:17 |
lardman | can't see this quad core monster managing that somehow | 18:18 |
kamui | Im finally biting the bullet and I want in | 18:18 |
gri | lardman: i5 sandy bridge here, also uses the power good | 18:18 |
GeneralAntilles | lardman, well, CPU throttling is way better than it used to be. | 18:18 |
lardman | yep | 18:18 |
lardman | To get the nVidia card I have to go with i7, I guess that should be ok | 18:18 |
gri | which nvidia card? | 18:19 |
lardman | NVS 4200M | 18:19 |
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lardman | http://www.nvidia.com/object/nvs_techspecs.html | 18:19 |
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gri | that's a separate one (no nvidia optimus)? | 18:20 |
lardman | no idea | 18:20 |
divan | kamui, pm me your gmail | 18:20 |
Scifig | kamui: I got invited to Google+ but google says "We've temporarily exceeded our capacity. Please try again soon". And I am not in a hurry to join another social network that forces my profile to be public. | 18:20 |
lardman | that card is compute capability 2.1 though, which is good | 18:20 |
divan | Scifig, they turn it on and off, so keep trying | 18:20 |
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lardman | gri: can;'t see optimus on the CUDA support page | 18:21 |
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gri | hmm, the specs of the nvs 4200m look a lot different to the one I have | 18:22 |
lardman | you have that card do you? | 18:22 |
gri | no | 18:23 |
gri | I have this one: http://www.nvidia.com/object/product-geforce-gt-540m-us.html | 18:23 |
GeneralAntilles | gri, yeah, 'cause it's a workstation card. :P | 18:24 |
lardman | ah that has compute capability 2.1 too | 18:24 |
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GeneralAntilles | Because lardman is all /academic/ and whatnot. | 18:24 |
gri | GeneralAntilles: I thought M means mobile/notebook? | 18:25 |
hiemanshu | gri: yeah, but workstation cards are differnet | 18:25 |
hiemanshu | different* | 18:25 |
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jonwil | can anyone tell me which display the N900 uses? An analysis of the mce display plugin suggests that its either a Sony acx565akm or an EID acx565akm | 18:25 |
gri | lardman: Mine doesn't work good under linux thanks to optimus | 18:25 |
lardman | yours has more cores | 18:25 |
jonwil | anyone know which of the 2 it is? | 18:25 |
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jonwil | Also anyone heard of CABC? | 18:25 |
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hiemanshu | gri: tried bumblebee? | 18:26 |
GeneralAntilles | jonwil, was a Sony when it was first being prototyped. | 18:26 |
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gri | hiemanshu: Once, but had other problems. Ubuntu < 11.04 doesn't even support the i5's intel graphics adapter | 18:26 |
* GeneralAntilles hits Cmd-R a few more times. | 18:27 | |
ShadowJK | jonwil, cabac? | 18:27 |
jonwil | no, its spelt CABC | 18:27 |
lardman | gri: doesn't sound promising | 18:27 |
hiemanshu | gri: you need the latest drivers, try fedora 15 | 18:27 |
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hiemanshu | GeneralAntilles: and? | 18:28 |
GeneralAntilles | Nothing | 18:28 |
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gri | hiemanshu: I will use my vmware workstation a little bit more, tried all latest linux distributions with the new laptop and mostly it resulted in: Either no graphics acceleration, no sound, low battery life ... | 18:29 |
jonwil | ok, looks like my N900 has the acx565akm | 18:29 |
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DocScrutinizer | Content Adabtive Backlight Control | 18:29 |
DocScrutinizer | s/ab/ap/ | 18:29 |
lardman | I thought you wrote ablative there for a minute :) | 18:29 |
infobot | DocScrutinizer meant: Content Adaptive Backlight Control | 18:29 |
hiemanshu | dammit, my N900 wont turn on, the battery died, plugged in wall charger, get the blinking orange light, go to the loading screen with circles, and shuts down :( | 18:29 |
v13 | get a new battery :) | 18:30 |
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hiemanshu | v13: battery died = low battery :P | 18:30 |
gri | hiemanshu: How long did it load? Mine also had this once and refused to boot for a few hours ... and suddenly worked again | 18:30 |
v13 | oh. | 18:30 |
hiemanshu | gri: charged for about 45 mins | 18:30 |
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cpscotti | Debugging Bluetooth discovery: get to know the names of all mac book owners in a 5km radius | 18:32 |
gri | I think mine loaded longer than 45 minus before it wanted to boot again | 18:32 |
jonwil | I recon someone should make an initrd and kernel that can be loaded with -l that is specifically for charging the battery somehow and would be designed to use as little juice as possible when doing so to ensure that it could function as long as there is even a tiny bit of juice in the battery. | 18:33 |
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tapas_ | nick titapas | 18:33 |
tapas_ | oops | 18:34 |
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tapas2 | hi i'm sitting here at a friend of mine who got himself a nokia n800 with maemo.. i wonder how to access the root filesystem.. | 18:34 |
tapas2 | sadly this friend only has a windows pc besides the nokia device, so all my linux skills are quite unusable at the moment | 18:35 |
v13 | tapas: there is an x-term app in n800 | 18:35 |
tapas2 | v13: ah ok.. i didn't find it though | 18:35 |
tapas2 | v13: i guess i have to manually install it.. and vim :) | 18:36 |
tapas2 | though that might be a chore to use with the on screen keyboard.. | 18:36 |
v13 | IIRC it is already installed | 18:36 |
alterego | The harmattan pdf viewer looks neat | 18:36 |
jonwil | yep, definatly looks like I have a sony acx565akm touchscreen in my phone | 18:36 |
tapas2 | v13: hmm, ok.. i searched the menus though.. must be a sneaky terminal | 18:36 |
tapas2 | :D | 18:36 |
v13 | tapas: i belive it is in utilities | 18:37 |
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tapas2 | if that fails: is there a way to mount the root filesystem from windows? it seems there was a visible partition on the device but it didn't look like the root fs | 18:37 |
v13 | tapas: have a look at this: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=6218 | 18:37 |
tapas2 | found the terminal.. great.. | 18:38 |
v13 | I believe no. unless you setup ssh and you access it over sshfs | 18:38 |
v13 | unless of course you're using an SD card as the root partition. | 18:38 |
lardman | gri: sprry to go off topic again, what laptop do you actually have? | 18:39 |
tapas2 | v13: ok.. let's see, if i can find the damn templates.. | 18:39 |
v13 | templates ? | 18:39 |
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DocScrutinizer | jonwil: yes, allegedly it's sony. And re charging, that is exactly what maemo does on act_dead | 18:41 |
jonwil | ok | 18:41 |
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tapas2 | v13: oh sorry, we're trying to get a software to run on that device... and we need to write a file for that.. | 18:41 |
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tapas2 | v13: today's my lucky day.. i have a terminal and vi :) | 18:41 |
v13 | install an ssh server and ssh to it | 18:41 |
tapas2 | v13: is there a way to make the ordinary file manager show hidden files (dot files)? | 18:42 |
tapas2 | v13: will try ssh next... | 18:42 |
v13 | i don't remember. but there is at least one other file manager | 18:42 |
GAN900 | I'm going to get the email when I'm at the doctor's. | 18:42 |
tapas2 | ok | 18:42 |
tapas2 | going with vi for now :D | 18:42 |
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flux | gan900, and the doctor is going to send you to a rehab clinic, given you are unable to let go of your mobile phone.. | 18:43 |
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gri | lardman: Acer Aspire TimelineX 5830TG | 18:47 |
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lardman | cool, thanks | 18:47 |
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gri | lardman: The only sad thing in my eyes on that thing is: just a 1366x768 resolution :( | 18:48 |
lardman | I can't buy from Acer easily anyway | 18:49 |
gri | would also have taken Dell if I had the money :) | 18:49 |
* lardman has no clue about laptops really | 18:49 | |
GeneralAntilles | gri, 11.6-inch? | 18:50 |
lardman | not been bothered for such a long time, need to re-immerse myself | 18:50 |
lardman | 15.6 I think from Google | 18:50 |
gri | GeneralAntilles: Available in 13, 14 and 15,6 inch - all cost the same | 18:50 |
GeneralAntilles | That resolution is unbearable for 15.6, and reasonable at 13. | 18:50 |
alterego | GeneralAntilles: I had an idea you might be interested in :P | 18:51 |
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jonwil | Acer laptops suck :P | 18:51 |
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jonwil | Brands of laptop that do not suck: | 18:51 |
jonwil | Toshiba | 18:51 |
jonwil | Apple | 18:51 |
jonwil | Asus | 18:51 |
Scifig | jonwil: Agree about Asus | 18:51 |
divan | jonwil, Sony Vaio? :) | 18:51 |
lardman | Dell in the sucks pile then? | 18:51 |
jonwil | Nope, Sony is crap | 18:51 |
jonwil | Dell is crap | 18:52 |
lardman | in what way? | 18:52 |
jonwil | Lenovo are GREAT | 18:52 |
GeneralAntilles | Lenovo's ThinkPads still seem OK. | 18:52 |
gri | my eeepc fell on my foot some days ago - the eeepc is fine, my foot not :) | 18:52 |
GeneralAntilles | IdeaPads not so much. | 18:52 |
jonwil | Lenovo is great because they basically bought IBMs laptop division | 18:52 |
nid0 | Advent laptops are pretty nice if you're on a budget | 18:52 |
jonwil | so all the good things about the IBM laptops are also good about the Lenovo modles | 18:52 |
jonwil | models | 18:52 |
Scifig | Lenovo X/T series are good though | 18:52 |
divan | lenovo is great because of light for the keyboard | 18:52 |
jonwil | HP and Compaq are also on the sucks pile | 18:53 |
GeneralAntilles | Apple's backlit keyboards are better. | 18:53 |
jonwil | heck, ANYTHING branded HP should be on the "sucks" pile :P | 18:53 |
jonwil | well anything PC or computer related | 18:53 |
jonwil | Their calculators still kick ass apparently | 18:53 |
divan | GeneralAntilles, for sure. Actually I don't understand why backlighted keyboards aren't mainstream. | 18:54 |
gri | my workstation at work is hp - and it really sucks | 18:54 |
divan | Is it some patents issue or what? | 18:54 |
divan | The Logitech Illuminated is the best keyboard I ever seen for PC. | 18:54 |
Scifig | HP (uggh) had backlit keyboard | 18:54 |
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lardman | I guess that normally there's enough light from the screen | 18:54 |
nid0 | <3 my illuminated logitech | 18:54 |
divan | Scifig, which series? | 18:54 |
GeneralAntilles | IBM Model M is the best keyboard for PC. | 18:54 |
v13 | lardman: who needs to look at the keyboard ? :) | 18:55 |
GeneralAntilles | (Or the newly-manufactured Unicomps) | 18:55 |
Scifig | Pavilion dv something used it until the graphics card + MB burned | 18:55 |
lardman | v13: +1 | 18:55 |
nid0 | i've been using backlit keyboards for my pc's for like a decade, theres so few of them tho | 18:55 |
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jonwil | yeah the Model M is the ultimate keyboard | 18:55 |
jonwil | And from what I have heard, its built like a tank | 18:55 |
GeneralAntilles | Could kill somebody with one. | 18:55 |
divan | v13, lardman, do you ever had a need to print in three different layouts? It's not easy to learn blind typing for 3 layouts. | 18:56 |
v13 | GeneralAntilles: have you ever been in a lab with >20 IBMs with those keyboards ? | 18:56 |
GeneralAntilles | v13, when you need function keys on a laptop that isn't a familiar one | 18:56 |
divan | s/print/type/ | 18:56 |
infobot | divan meant: v13, lardman, do you ever had a need to type in three different layouts? It's not easy to learn blind typing for 3 layouts. | 18:56 |
GeneralAntilles | Or when you need to calibrate switching from Qwerty to Dvorak. | 18:56 |
GeneralAntilles | v13, yes, it's a glorious sound. | 18:56 |
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v13 | GeneralAntilles: what about midnight programming ? | 18:56 |
GeneralAntilles | Makes me long for mechanical typewriters. | 18:56 |
Choom | divan: I can percectly type in two layouts | 18:56 |
Choom | without looking at the keyboard | 18:56 |
lardman | divan: no, and I remember working in Switzerland and having terrible troubles with the Z and Y | 18:56 |
GeneralAntilles | v13, what's midnight programming if the neighborhood doesn't know? | 18:56 |
GeneralAntilles | Choom, so can I. | 18:57 |
jonwil | The ultimate keyboard would be a cross between an IBM Model M and an Optimus Maximus | 18:57 |
lardman | divan: so I understand your pain there | 18:57 |
divan | ChanServ, me too. But in third I have to look sometimes on keyboard. And functional keys were already mentioned. | 18:57 |
v13 | divan: I was a bit joking about the illuminated keyboards. Although I found the random key placements of laptops a bit annoying... | 18:57 |
GeneralAntilles | Choom, the problem is I have to have a layout on the keys to put my mind in the right muscle memory. | 18:57 |
jonwil | i.e. take the cool sound and feel of the Model M and the cool lit-up displays of the Optimus | 18:57 |
jonwil | and you have the ultimate keyeboard | 18:57 |
GeneralAntilles | I can't type Qwerty on Dvorak (or the reverse). | 18:57 |
divan | s/Chanserv/Choom/ | 18:57 |
gri | lardman: I will have the Z and Y trouble with the n950 ... not better :) | 18:57 |
lardman | yeah, I keep turning the volume up rather than jumping to the end of the line | 18:57 |
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Choom | GeneralAntilles: I use a US layout by default (which is also printed on the keyboard), but I can also type using a portuguese layout just fine with an american keyboard, except for one key that's missing on most US keyboards, which is the key between left shift and Z | 18:59 |
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jonwil | I wish I could afford one of the fancy keyboards with the clickey feel and the loud key noise | 19:01 |
jonwil | Its a pitty more keyboards that give you that nice loud click dont exist | 19:02 |
GAN900 | Choom, how different is the Portuguese layout, though? | 19:02 |
* RST38h yawns as if to swallow the sun | 19:02 | |
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RST38h | Soo, anything new and exciting? | 19:02 |
jonwil | But I think loud keyboards became a victim of the cubicle revolution of the late 80s/90s | 19:02 |
jonwil | I am still working on the mce display plugin | 19:02 |
Choom | GAN900: lots, they have absolutely nothing in common beyond being QWERTY | 19:02 |
jonwil | and the mce vibrator plugin | 19:02 |
RST38h | jonwil: Nothing to do with the cubicle revolution, remmeber, for a very long time offices had open layout with a lot of mech typewriters | 19:03 |
GAN900 | jonwil, and cost cutting | 19:03 |
GAN900 | Look at the cheap shit bundled with computers these days | 19:03 |
RST38h | jonwil: Rubber key membranes are simply cheaper | 19:03 |
GAN900 | doesn't last more than a couple years. | 19:03 |
jonwil | yeah cost cutting is the real thing | 19:03 |
lardman | hmm, they are apparently selling these softtouch quiet ones as a feature | 19:03 |
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lardman | keys are too close together though imho | 19:03 |
GAN900 | jonwil, pckeyboard.com | 19:03 |
RST38h | yeah | 19:03 |
Choom | I have a logitech G19 at home | 19:03 |
jonwil | My current keyboard is a Logitech, mostly because it was the only non-sucky keyboard I could find | 19:03 |
Choom | which is backlit | 19:03 |
GAN900 | ~$80 | 19:03 |
Choom | though I don't care much | 19:04 |
* RST38h uses the occassion to blame Steve Jobs for island keyboards | 19:04 | |
GAN900 | Don't need backlit on desktop keyboard | 19:04 |
jonwil | island keyboards are? | 19:04 |
GAN900 | That layout I've had memorized for years. | 19:04 |
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jonwil | even more important than a good keyboard is a good mouse | 19:05 |
RST38h | jonwil: see any apple keyboard and you will know | 19:05 |
jonwil | me, I have a Microsoft USB optical that is just perfect | 19:05 |
RST38h | what those freaking island keyoboards are | 19:06 |
jonwil | and I would gladly buy another identical mouse if I could find one | 19:06 |
jonwil | but all the mice I see in the shops suck | 19:06 |
* divan tries to avoid mouse usage. vim is a perfect tool here :) | 19:06 | |
RST38h | GAN: You will honestly refuse a keyboard with individually backlit RGB LED keys? | 19:06 |
GAN900 | MX Revolution | 19:06 |
RST38h | GAN: No, really? | 19:06 |
holmesII | hi, i just run maemo virtual machine in my VMWARE, i just wonder, should I install something or can I just start the ESBOX? | 19:06 |
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GAN900 | RST38h, no, but I don't need it on my desktop. | 19:07 |
RST38h | ok, fair | 19:07 |
GAN900 | It's too bad Logitech got rid of the clutched scroll wheel | 19:07 |
GAN900 | Most genius mouse innovation since the optical mouse. | 19:07 |
jonwil | I dont want or need a battery-sucking wireless mouse. I dont want a tiny doesnt-fit-in-my-hand "notebook" mouse and I dont want a fancy expensive gaming mouse with a laser sensor originally developed for NASA | 19:08 |
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jonwil | I just want a simple mouse with a few extra buttons on the sides | 19:08 |
jonwil | nice big buttons | 19:08 |
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jonwil | like my current MS | 19:08 |
jonwil | but no-one makes the mouse I want :( | 19:08 |
GAN900 | I need a lot of buttons on my mouse | 19:08 |
v13 | get a second keyboard :P | 19:09 |
nid0 | jonwil, wouldnt the current intellimouse explorer or optical series work for you | 19:09 |
v13 | GAN900: or this: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2009/11/18-button-open-office-mouse-makes-a-keyboard-look-minimal/ | 19:09 |
* RST38h also liked the old Logitech mouse | 19:09 | |
RST38h | the one built like a little cliff | 19:09 |
* Scifig bought a cheap wireless "nano" mouse off Amazon and the scrollwheel stopped working in < 30 days :( | 19:09 | |
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OkropNick | I'm trying to make full backup of N900 using rsync with -avz switches, but permissions on destination machine are not preserved. Is it because I'm not logged in on destination machine as root? | 19:11 |
jonwil | Microsoft doesn't make the the intellimouse explorer anymore | 19:11 |
v13 | yes. you muse be root to preserve ownership | 19:11 |
jonwil | at least not according to their website | 19:11 |
v13 | OkropNick: But most probably what you want to use is tar instead of rsync | 19:11 |
v13 | OkropNick: At least for what you describve | 19:11 |
timeless | sp3000: ping | 19:12 |
kerio | ~ass rage | 19:12 |
infobot | it has been said that ass rage is Mass STOrage | 19:12 |
kerio | LOL | 19:12 |
* timeless needs someone who speaks sed | 19:12 | |
nid0 | jonwil, dunno where you are but you can still get them anywhere in the uk, every computer retailer sells em | 19:12 |
jonwil | I havent seen em at any local retailer for a while | 19:12 |
nid0 | including amazon | 19:12 |
jonwil | but I havent been looking that hard either | 19:12 |
OkropNick | v13: thx, I'd rather rsync, it faster after next future usage | 19:12 |
v13 | OkropNick: oh.. sure | 19:13 |
v13 | timeless: I speak a bit | 19:13 |
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nid0 | OkropNick, you do also actually need to specify -p | 19:14 |
OkropNick | nid0: thhanks | 19:15 |
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jonwil | The problem with the current intellimouse compared to the one I have is that the 4th and 5th mouse buttons are too small and in the wrong place | 19:16 |
jonwil | http://www.overclock.net/attachments/computer-peripherals/131090d1259511676-help-mouse-razer-diamondback-msftintellimouse.jpg | 19:16 |
jonwil | Thats the mouse I have now | 19:16 |
jonwil | This one | 19:16 |
jonwil | http://www.performancegaming.com.au/product_images/r/807/Intellimouse_main__39633_zoom__53367_zoom.jpg | 19:16 |
jonwil | I believe is the latter model Intellimouse | 19:16 |
jonwil | with the 4th and 5th buttons in the wrong place | 19:16 |
jonwil | and too small | 19:17 |
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jonwil | my current mouse lets me have my 5 fingers over the 5 buttons | 19:17 |
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RST38h | BTW http://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/keyboards-mice/e609/?cpg=froogle | 19:18 |
RST38h | The white one is kinda ugly but the black one...mhmmm | 19:19 |
nid0 | god I wish we had thinkgeek in the uk | 19:19 |
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RST38h | You have Amazon, which also sells these | 19:20 |
RST38h | look for "Luxeed keyboard" | 19:20 |
nid0 | 95% of the stuff on thinkgeek cant be got here though | 19:20 |
jonwil | thinkgeek will ship just fine to the UK btw :) | 19:20 |
jonwil | last I checked | 19:20 |
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nid0 | yeah, but they assrape you for delivery costs | 19:20 |
RST38h | nid0: free delivery on this one, form amazon us at least | 19:20 |
nid0 | I checked it a while ago and they wanted like $130 shipping for something that was like $40 and not particularly heavy | 19:21 |
RST38h | besides, I have heard your government is doing most assraping | 19:21 |
nid0 | oh nice, luxeed keyboard on amazon uk, £158 | 19:21 |
nid0 | thats a healthy markup | 19:21 |
RST38h | nid0: kinda abnormal, you may have dealt with some overseas seller working through amazon | 19:21 |
nid0 | and only in white :< | 19:21 |
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RST38h | wait, I will find you one in UK | 19:21 |
nid0 | RST38h: sorry think we're getting wires crossed, that was thinkgeek's shipping cost to the uk | 19:22 |
sid__ | is it possible to reflash n900 from shell with flasher-3.5 -F <firmware-image> -f -R without usb connection (it is broken) | 19:22 |
RST38h | Ah ok | 19:22 |
sid__ | i mean directly from device | 19:22 |
nid0 | amazon uk do sell that keyboard though through a seller, at £158 | 19:22 |
RST38h | Will f103.20 do? | 19:22 |
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RST38h | http://www.kustompcs.co.uk/acatalog/info_30003.html | 19:23 |
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v13 | bb | 19:25 |
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nid0 | heh, $40 case of bawls from thinkgeek = $124 with shipping to the uk :p | 19:25 |
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lardman | see you all tomorrow | 19:25 |
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* GAN900 notes spam from a local dealership isn't N950 mail. | 19:30 | |
jonwil | reverse engineering the vibrator plugin is going to be a pain in the ass :( | 19:30 |
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GAN900 | I guess the Finns have probably gone home for the day. | 19:30 |
Corsac | jonwil: that's a confusing sentence :) | 19:31 |
Corsac | do you really want to reverse engineer the vibrator in the ass? | 19:31 |
jonwil | :P | 19:32 |
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Sazpaimon | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=74669 | 19:35 |
Sazpaimon | oh my god | 19:35 |
Sazpaimon | this guy | 19:35 |
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khertan | Does inotify is available in the Maemo Kernel ? | 19:36 |
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alterego | Yes | 19:37 |
khertan | nice ... thx | 19:37 |
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Jaffa | Sazpaimon: Wow | 19:40 |
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Sazpaimon | Jaffa, this guy has made like, four threads about this | 19:43 |
Jaffa | Sazpaimon: He must be making *really* good progress then | 19:43 |
Sazpaimon | oh yeah | 19:44 |
Sazpaimon | he already made a poll with 10 possible names for the project | 19:44 |
OkropNick | is this tutorial good for rsync backup, or some more additional directories should be excluded from backup?: http://wiki.maemo.org/Manual_backup_and_restore#rsync | 19:44 |
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OkropNick | I can see that /opt is mounted in /home/opt - so probably it should be excluded from backup | 19:48 |
divan | Is it real? http://www.developer.nokia.com/Devices/Device_specifications/N9/ - Power Management: GSM StandBy time up to 16 days(!!) | 19:48 |
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khertan | divan, don't i didn't have one | 19:49 |
khertan | :) | 19:49 |
khertan | but n900 page say GSM Standby Time up to | 19:50 |
khertan | 12 days | 19:50 |
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SpeedEvil | I think 12 days is gettable, but only in suspend-RAM mode | 19:51 |
divan | khertan, ah.. clear :) How was it measured? | 19:51 |
SpeedEvil | Which isn't implemented. | 19:51 |
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DocScrutinizer | ~1320 / ( 24 * 12 ) | 19:53 |
infobot | 4.583333333333 | 19:53 |
DocScrutinizer | sounds completely feasible, without suspend2ram | 19:53 |
SpeedEvil | Maybe just. | 19:53 |
DocScrutinizer | sure 'just' - it says "up to" | 19:54 |
Scifig | OkropNick: /syspart /tmp /var/tmp /var/run /proc are also not necessary i think. | 19:54 |
OkropNick | Sc0rpius: thx, I'll check it | 19:55 |
OkropNick | Scifig: : thx, I'll check it | 19:55 |
DocScrutinizer | OkropNick: you generally exclude all "alien" filesystems | 19:55 |
OkropNick | :) | 19:55 |
DocScrutinizer | see du -x / | 19:56 |
Scifig | OkropNick: Also, you need to figure out which folders you don't need to sync using rsync. For example, I also exclude /home/user/MyDocs/.videos since I already have them on a PC | 19:57 |
DocScrutinizer | khertan: tracker uses inotify a lot | 19:57 |
OkropNick | Scifig: I'm also excluding these folders | 19:58 |
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OkropNick | I'll check disc usage with x switch | 19:58 |
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DocScrutinizer | OkropNick: see wiki user:joerg_rw/tools - I placed there the rsync line I use for syncing once a day | 19:59 |
khertan | DocScrutinizer, tracker isn't a good example ... | 19:59 |
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DocScrutinizer | it is, as it's the classical usage of inotify | 20:00 |
OkropNick | DocScrutinizer: Can I askfor direct link? | 20:00 |
DocScrutinizer | http://wiki.maemo.org/User:Joerg_rw/tools | 20:00 |
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* MohammadAG grumbles 1091 2 root RW 0 0.0 90.6 [sgx_misr] | 20:01 | |
DocScrutinizer | khertan: since I don't know your usecase, I obviously can't tell what's a good example for _you_. That's why I used tracker as it demonstrates what inotify is usually used for and what it does | 20:02 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: did you get your dhl number? | 20:02 |
DocScrutinizer | yep | 20:02 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: awesome, so whats the current status? | 20:02 |
MohammadAG | can I track it for you? | 20:02 |
khertan | DocScrutinizer, :) | 20:02 |
DocScrutinizer | sittin in Helsinki Airport, waiting for dunno what | 20:03 |
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hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: ah, so its waiting for the DHL cargo flight | 20:03 |
DocScrutinizer | possibly | 20:03 |
DocScrutinizer | I enabled SMS notification on all events | 20:03 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: so you'll have before the end of the week \o/ | 20:03 |
DocScrutinizer | expect it to arrive tomorrow | 20:04 |
hiemanshu | wow | 20:04 |
hiemanshu | thats fast :D | 20:04 |
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* hiemanshu is still fucking waiting to order | 20:04 | |
Scifig | DocScrutinizer: Thanks for the Wiki link. Is your rsync script running as root on PC? | 20:04 |
DocScrutinizer | DHL express is overnight | 20:04 |
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gri | hiemanshu: you're not alone ... | 20:04 |
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MohammadAG | Why oh why | 20:04 |
MohammadAG | didn't I get my | 20:04 |
hiemanshu | gri: I was from the first few to be approved by launchpad | 20:04 |
DocScrutinizer | Scifig: err, as user iirc, from user crontab | 20:04 |
MohammadAG | email, couldn't find anything that rhymes | 20:05 |
hiemanshu | gri: so I am expecting tomorrow to order, and monday to get it here | 20:05 |
hiemanshu | MohammadAG: Why oh Why, didn't I get my email, I sat home waiting after dumping my female? | 20:05 |
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MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, any ideas if express shipping is available for outside EU orders? | 20:05 |
DocScrutinizer | Nokia will ship DHL express worldwide, dunno if that means overnight worldwide, prolly not | 20:06 |
hiemanshu | MohammadAG: well 3-4 days | 20:06 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: I want it before the 15th to show it off at the Qt meetup :D | 20:06 |
MohammadAG | well, friday's a weekend but they won't stop the plane mid air for that | 20:07 |
hiemanshu | MohammadAG: DHL works weekends, just no delivery | 20:07 |
* MohammadAG hopes it ships tomorrow morning | 20:07 | |
hiemanshu | MohammadAG: you need the email first :P | 20:07 |
DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: I'm *really* sorry about that, but there's absolutely nothing I can do | 20:07 |
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hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: #JustSaying :P | 20:07 |
Scifig | DocScrutinizer: I am using similar rsync setup (pushing to PC instead). Will permissions of maemo files (root vs user) be retained with rsync? | 20:07 |
* gri has bad experience with dhl express ... normal dhl was always faster | 20:08 | |
GAN900 | DocScrutinizer, was overnight for me. | 20:08 |
DocScrutinizer | I guess after the rather small number of shippings today, tomorrow will be a busy day | 20:08 |
GAN900 | From Finland. | 20:08 |
hiemanshu | GAN900: to US?> | 20:09 |
DocScrutinizer | GAN900: to US? | 20:09 |
GAN900 | Yeah | 20:09 |
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GAN900 | With the N900 DDP | 20:09 |
DocScrutinizer | well, your night then ;-) | 20:09 |
GAN900 | and . . . other things. | 20:09 |
DocScrutinizer | GRRRRR | 20:09 |
DocScrutinizer | ;-) | 20:09 |
GAN900 | N900 September Proto, | 20:09 |
Scifig | So what does this magical email from launchpad have? A link where you can place the order or something? | 20:10 |
DocScrutinizer | ~n950order | 20:10 |
infobot | somebody said n950order was https://forumnokia.secure.force.com/apex/ProductDetailByName?productName=Nokia+N950 and wait for "internal error" changing to something wonderful eventually :-) | 20:10 |
GAN900 | Scifig, when the N950 email comes, yes. | 20:10 |
DocScrutinizer | that's the link | 20:10 |
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DocScrutinizer | there's NUTTIN in that mail, except that link | 20:10 |
hiemanshu | Unexpected error :( | 20:11 |
DocScrutinizer | the fact you get that mail indicates the URL above has started to work | 20:11 |
Scifig | DocScrutinizer: Thanks. "Unexpected Error" as expected. F5 marathon continues | 20:12 |
Scifig | I had a small hope that the email was just a formality and the link might work now since the launchpad membership is already approved. | 20:13 |
DocScrutinizer | Scifig: the link may work some hours before mail is reaching you | 20:13 |
DocScrutinizer | or not, usually | 20:14 |
DocScrutinizer | probably the mail is faster usually than the status change in their mysql backend | 20:14 |
Scifig | Well, I will just believe what sounds good to me :) bookmarked the link | 20:14 |
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DocScrutinizer | Scifig: I've seen mail providers "processing" delivered mails for hours | 20:15 |
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DocScrutinizer | sometimes half a day | 20:16 |
DocScrutinizer | gmail been notorious for that | 20:16 |
Scifig | Yes, I have seen that with gmail too | 20:16 |
sid__ | is it possible to perform a firmwarupgrade directly from n900 xterm? Does "flasher-3.5 -F <firmware-image> -f -R" work? | 20:16 |
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DocScrutinizer | sid__: good question - probably not | 20:17 |
sid__ | DocScrutinizer: any other way? my usb is broken | 20:17 |
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Scifig | sid__: May be OTA might work if your USB port is broken. But I donno how to get it to work | 20:17 |
hiemanshu | sid__: um, how do you expect that to work? you cannot flash the root fs while you are using the root fs | 20:17 |
DocScrutinizer | sid__: anyway you have to start softupd or sth like that | 20:18 |
SpeedEvil | You can update from meego - if you can get that booted. I don't lknow of any detailed howtos though. | 20:18 |
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DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: actually once the image.bin on ideally eMMC got opened and flasher is in RAM and executing, you can stop scheduler and run a flashing process happily even to rootfs | 20:19 |
Seablade | Hey quick question, what is a decent going rate for an n900 with a broken screen and USB port? | 20:19 |
DocScrutinizer | 50 bucks | 20:20 |
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DocScrutinizer | if at all | 20:20 |
Seablade | About what I was thinking too, just wanted to see if anyone had a dissenting opinion | 20:20 |
sid__ | so i just have to boot from mmc1 | 20:20 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: is there a way to do it? | 20:20 |
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Seablade | Pretty much I am just looking to purchase one for spare parts sinceI need to do some repairs on mine | 20:21 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: I mean a tested way? | 20:21 |
DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: in theory yes. Practically I doubt it's implemented | 20:21 |
DocScrutinizer | Seablade: when screen and mobo is broken, what are the spare parts then? | 20:22 |
DocScrutinizer | stylus? backcover? | 20:22 |
RST38h | stylus! | 20:22 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: eMMC? camera lens? SoC? | 20:22 |
Seablade | DocScrutinizer The USB port I can likely resolder myself I suspect, to get the MOBO in working condition | 20:22 |
DocScrutinizer | LOL | 20:22 |
DocScrutinizer | camera module, fair enough | 20:22 |
DocScrutinizer | Seablade: gambling | 20:23 |
DocScrutinizer | that's why I said 50 | 20:23 |
Seablade | DocScrutinizer And since the GSM chip in mine seems to be shot that would give me a working mobo again to allow me to actually use it as a phone | 20:23 |
DocScrutinizer | :nod: | 20:23 |
DocScrutinizer | Seablade: if you know to hold a hot iron, you probably can fix USB | 20:24 |
Seablade | DocScrutinizer Truth be told I am trying to find a pic of the USB port before I make a final offer just to confirm I can do the repair myself, I do at least know my way around an iron | 20:24 |
Seablade | DocScrutinizer Considering part of my job description is doing repairs with an iron, though primarily on larger non-SMD devices, I suspect I can get that repair done | 20:24 |
DocScrutinizer | get that zip pic http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=870017&postcount=27 | 20:25 |
DocScrutinizer | and this: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=547991#post547991 | 20:26 |
sid__ | DocScrutinizer: maybe you want to repair my usb connector? | 20:26 |
DocScrutinizer | should help a bit | 20:26 |
DocScrutinizer | sid__: I'm too old for that kinda stuff | 20:26 |
Seablade | DocScrutinizerIt does, that zip pic is interesting, looks like they mounted a SMD USB port to a different plane and then ran jumpers to the connection points on the original board, odd | 20:27 |
Scifig | Will Nokia repair broken N900 USB if that's out of warranty? Any idea how much would they charge? | 20:27 |
Seablade | DocScrutinizer But the other pics all show that it is a pretty large solder contact area it seems so shouldn't be difficult to resolder | 20:27 |
DocScrutinizer | Seablade: nah that's original location of USB | 20:27 |
DocScrutinizer | Seablade: just new solder points a bit off | 20:28 |
DocScrutinizer | Scifig: nope, they don't | 20:28 |
* Scifig clutches his 3rd replacement N900 with fear | 20:29 | |
Seablade | Yea I am tempted to stockpile a few n900 these days... | 20:30 |
hiemanshu | gah, its been 3 hours and my N900 still wont power on :( | 20:30 |
DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: wait til "green"! | 20:30 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: when I power it on, it turns white, then green for a few seconds and then blinking orange again | 20:31 |
DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: hmm | 20:31 |
MohammadAG | so, anyone with a facebook can now do video calls | 20:31 |
DocScrutinizer | might be dead cell | 20:31 |
MohammadAG | even more reason to use G+ | 20:31 |
cpscotti | Scifig ? Third n900? Glad to know I'm not the only one.. :D | 20:31 |
hiemanshu | yeah my bro is home, going to try the battery from his | 20:32 |
Scifig | I remember Jaffa said they sent him an N8 as a replacement for his N900. I hope they checked with him first. | 20:32 |
DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: order a cheap new fake battery | 20:32 |
Scifig | I don't want no symbian. Thank you | 20:32 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: lemme test if its the battery | 20:32 |
alterego | No, they didn't check with him first. | 20:32 |
Scifig | cpscotti: 1st time - USB broke, 2nd time - SIM not recognized. | 20:32 |
antman8968 | link to cheap new fake battery that can be trusted pls! | 20:34 |
* DocScrutinizer wonders if Nokia cut N900 legs due to fab QA issues | 20:34 | |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: I plugged out the charger, put the battery in again, and it boots up just fine and shows a 97% charged battery | 20:34 |
DocScrutinizer | maybe they didn't get their fab QA test procedures tuned to maemo devices? | 20:34 |
cpscotti | Scifig, my story's way worse; 1st stolen, 2 stolen. First had smscon but not properly configured; second didn't had anything. | 20:35 |
Scifig | alterego:That sucks. I will remember that before sending for repair next time | 20:35 |
DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: so maybe bme gone mad - I'd not exactly be surprised | 20:35 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: yeah maybe | 20:36 |
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Scifig | cpscotti: Thats horrible | 20:36 |
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DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: maybe you should ge real figures: use bq27200.sh | 20:36 |
cpscotti | Scifig, I know! I know.. but all's fine now.. | 20:36 |
DocScrutinizer | get* | 20:37 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: hmm, how do I use? is it already installed? | 20:37 |
SpeedEvil | Random question. I've been overcharged by DHL for an inbound package to me - they've overbilled the customs fee. Has anyone got any idea where to go from here? | 20:38 |
SpeedEvil | UK | 20:38 |
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nid0 | most carriers will charge an "admin fee" on top of customs charges when theres one due | 20:40 |
nid0 | What is the administration fee? | 20:42 |
nid0 | The fee for business customers is £10 or 2% of the total duty/VAT amount incurred, whichever is the greate | 20:42 |
nid0 | r | 20:42 |
nid0 | that's dhl's | 20:42 |
nid0 | or if you had something going to you as an individual | 20:42 |
nid0 | We charge £1.25, or 2% of the total duty/VAT incurred, whichever is the greater | 20:42 |
SpeedEvil | nid0: yeah - I object to the 10 quid fee. But the problem is they charged 20 quid duty on a (correctly) declared 50 dollar/35 quid item. | 20:44 |
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SpeedEvil | I guess I need to phone them. | 20:44 |
nid0 | if thats the actual customs charge rather than dhl's admin fee, you'll presumably need to take it up with hmrc rather than dhl | 20:44 |
DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: http://wiki.maemo.org/User:Joerg_rw/jrbme/bq27200 | 20:44 |
SpeedEvil | nid0: Possibly, yes. | 20:45 |
DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: though you need i2ctools for that | 20:45 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: I got http://enivax.net/jk/n900/ | 20:45 |
DocScrutinizer | same | 20:45 |
hiemanshu | +it at | 20:45 |
DocScrutinizer | basically | 20:45 |
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vi__ | :wq | 20:46 |
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DocScrutinizer | yoyoyo | 20:46 |
GeneralAntilles | I'm going to drink a glass of orange juice every 2 hours until Nokia sends me an N950 email. | 20:47 |
DocScrutinizer | Vi__ says :wq - LOL | 20:47 |
GeneralAntilles | Mmm . . . orange juice. | 20:47 |
hiemanshu | GeneralAntilles: there is an indian movie 'Delhi Belly' if you watch it, you'll not have orange juice for a while :P | 20:47 |
sid__ | DocScrutinizer: is the connector useful/working? http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=71414&page=4 | 20:49 |
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timeless | GeneralAntilles: expensive orange juice, or the cheap stuff? | 20:49 |
timeless | because i'd expect it'd get quite pricy | 20:49 |
GeneralAntilles | timeless, well, orange juice is never expensive in Florida. | 20:50 |
GeneralAntilles | But it's roadside. | 20:50 |
GeneralAntilles | So, I guess it's technically the expensive stuff. | 20:50 |
timeless | but at a local discount | 20:50 |
timeless | so unfair | 20:50 |
rm_work | lol | 20:50 |
GeneralAntilles | timeless, hey, move to Florida. | 20:51 |
GeneralAntilles | We'll drink orange juice together. :P | 20:51 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: what output from the script am I looking for? | 20:51 |
timeless | :) | 20:51 |
DocScrutinizer | sid__: eh? | 20:51 |
timeless | but i just moved once | 20:51 |
timeless | and i'm already burning up here | 20:51 |
DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: first of all voltage, and current | 20:51 |
* timeless hearts Aero behaviors | 20:52 | |
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cpscotti | gee.. something nasty happened with my n900's bluetooth.. It won't go ON (either by calling the api or by going on the Bluetooth menu itself) | 20:52 |
DocScrutinizer | it's always correct and gives you a pretty good idea about state of your cell | 20:52 |
cpscotti | aaand it erased the device name by itself | 20:52 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: Reported Battery voltage : 4035 mV | 20:52 |
DocScrutinizer | may be 80..90% | 20:52 |
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DocScrutinizer | should still charge ~150mA | 20:53 |
hiemanshu | CSOC: 93%, RSOC: 93% | 20:53 |
sid__ | for reflashing with broken usb | 20:53 |
DocScrutinizer | irrelevant | 20:53 |
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DocScrutinizer | sid__: for flashing with broken USB I'd strongly recommend NOT to solder to those testpoints, but rather find a proper fixture to contact them with spring loaded contacts, so called pogopins | 20:54 |
GeneralAntilles | timeless, how's the new job? | 20:54 |
timeless | pretty good | 20:54 |
timeless | but Nightly's update behavior sucks | 20:54 |
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holmesII | DocScrutinizer, i am using SCBOX, but when i compile the file mohammad gave me yesterday, i got nothing. | 20:55 |
sid__ | DocScrutinizer: jea, i mean the connector http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1025996&postcount=35 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NOKIA-N900-UNLOCK-FLASH-CABLE-JAF-UFS-MT-BOX-MXKEY-/320515099442?pt=UK_MobilePhones_MobilePhoneAccesories_MobilePhoneDataCables_JN&hash=item4aa0304b32 | 20:55 |
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timeless | (i always get to restart twice, because the updater is *stupid*) | 20:56 |
rm_work | timeless, where are you working now? | 20:56 |
DocScrutinizer | that one, it's nice, but a bit of a pain to mod it | 20:56 |
timeless | RIM | 20:56 |
rm_work | lol | 20:56 |
rm_work | should have figured | 20:56 |
rm_work | mobile in CA | 20:56 |
DocScrutinizer | I'll need additional pogopins for it | 20:56 |
DocScrutinizer | need to get* | 20:57 |
sid__ | any other suggestions? i do not want to build it myself | 20:58 |
sid__ | *where to buy | 20:58 |
timeless | grr | 20:58 |
timeless | flash is out of date | 20:58 |
timeless | so i get to restart *again* | 20:58 |
GeneralAntilles | timeless, one reason I stopped using FF. | 20:59 |
GeneralAntilles | (aside from the non-native widgets) | 20:59 |
timeless | um | 20:59 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: http://fpaste.org/skVr/ | 20:59 |
timeless | no browser uses native widgets... | 20:59 |
holmesII | need help, DocScrutinizer | 20:59 |
GeneralAntilles | i.e., in the browser window UI. | 20:59 |
GeneralAntilles | Not the webwidgets. | 20:59 |
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DocScrutinizer | holmesII: sorrry I'm busy. Ask the author of the file please | 21:00 |
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DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG knows way better how to build that than me | 21:01 |
timeless_ | and note that Adobe's updater is stupid | 21:01 |
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MohammadAG | you'll get a .so file whihc you have to place in /usr/lib/hildon-desktop | 21:01 |
holmesII | ok, thanks anyway. | 21:01 |
MohammadAG | someone correct my typo, kthxbai | 21:01 |
timeless | it could trivially determine that firefox doesn't use the flash plugin | 21:02 |
timeless | and deal w/ updating the plugin | 21:02 |
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timeless | it could also rename the plugin, install the replacement, register a delete-later thing | 21:02 |
timeless | and then terminate a plugin-container which is actually using flash | 21:02 |
timeless | firefox would deal w/ it | 21:03 |
MohammadAG | holmesII, can't see why you need to see it though | 21:04 |
MohammadAG | it's just a clone of the default battery indicator | 21:04 |
MohammadAG | without battery sounds | 21:04 |
holmesII | what i need is to gain the charge level (mha) for other purpose use. | 21:05 |
holmesII | i am now running VMWARE. the SCBOX is running fine. I can debug your program but when i run it. there is no output. no .so files. | 21:05 |
holmesII | i need to read your program and learn how to get the charge level. | 21:06 |
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holmesII | but if i compile with make in terminal. i will get the same results as in N900. | 21:08 |
holmesII | the only thing i am doing now is create a empty project and import your code into it and compile. | 21:08 |
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Noobmonk3y | MohammadAG, ... ours is not to question why ;) hehe | 21:11 |
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Noobmonk3y | i'm sure about 2 years ago someone said can we overclock etc etc.... and most said why (Replace overclock with anything like hostmode blah blah) | 21:12 |
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rm_work | Noobmonk3y: truth | 21:17 |
timeless | ooh, The Wizard of Oz is playing today | 21:17 |
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rm_work | also, any time I talked to Quim about my app, he would consistently just say "i don't see why that's necessary" | 21:17 |
rm_work | (advanced backlight) | 21:17 |
hiemanshu | rm_work: but you are getting a N950 right? | 21:17 |
rm_work | yes | 21:17 |
rm_work | and he kept approving me to go to conferences and such | 21:18 |
GeneralAntilles | rm_work, it wasn't THAT bad. | 21:18 |
GeneralAntilles | It was just the one time here. :P | 21:18 |
hiemanshu | rm_work: http://www.ihighfive.com/ | 21:18 |
timeless | http://www.blogto.com/film/2011/06/free_outdoor_film_screenings_in_toronto_summer_2011/ | 21:18 |
* timeless is amused by the start times | 21:18 | |
rm_work | GeneralAntilles: you weren't at Mozilla/Maemo Denmark | 21:18 |
GeneralAntilles | Ah | 21:18 |
GeneralAntilles | Did he make you cry? | 21:18 |
rm_work | lol | 21:18 |
hiemanshu | GeneralAntilles: http://www.ihighfive.com/ | 21:18 |
GeneralAntilles | Want me to go beat him up for you? | 21:18 |
rm_work | no but he was like "wtf, not needed" the whole time | 21:19 |
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GeneralAntilles | lol | 21:19 |
GeneralAntilles | "WHY ARE YOU HERE?" | 21:19 |
rm_work | though he did get that ridiculous top-down picture of me | 21:19 |
GeneralAntilles | "Because you approved me." | 21:19 |
rm_work | yeah basically | 21:19 |
Noobmonk3y | :) | 21:19 |
GeneralAntilles | "I ASK AGAIN. WHY ARE YOU HERE?" | 21:19 |
MohammadAG | umm, project? | 21:20 |
MohammadAG | just run make | 21:20 |
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hiemanshu | GeneralAntilles: bcoz I am so fucken sick, dawg :P | 21:20 |
holmesII | yes. if i run make, i will get the same results as i did in N900. it said i don't have hildon-1 package | 21:20 |
MohammadAG | then install it | 21:21 |
holmesII | but when i create an empty project in SCBOX, i can see there is referece for hildon-1 and many others | 21:21 |
holmesII | when i run make, i got the error results | 21:21 |
hiemanshu | GeneralAntilles: http://twitter.com/#!/b0unc3/status/88511652525383680 :( | 21:21 |
GeneralAntilles | That's such bullshit. | 21:22 |
* GeneralAntilles rages a bit. | 21:22 | |
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GeneralAntilles | Think they're rolling dice to see who to approve next? | 21:23 |
hiemanshu | GeneralAntilles: he/she is from batch three :/ | 21:23 |
rm_work | ah, this one: http://www.flickr.com/photos/quimgil/3579487690/ | 21:23 |
GeneralAntilles | Nice | 21:24 |
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rm_work | ROFL just saw this one for the first time: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jimmy2k/3587005206/ | 21:25 |
hiemanshu | rm_work: thats you? | 21:26 |
rm_work | yes lol | 21:26 |
timeless | peeling kiwis is optional.. | 21:26 |
rm_work | timeless: indeed :P | 21:26 |
hiemanshu | rm_work: were you planning on swallowing the one thing at once? | 21:27 |
rm_work | lol nearly | 21:27 |
rm_work | a kiwi is like 3 bites for me | 21:27 |
GeneralAntilles | Pfff | 21:27 |
GeneralAntilles | rm_work, got a Flickr account? | 21:27 |
hiemanshu | rm_work: fucking monster :P | 21:27 |
rm_work | GeneralAntilles: nope :/ i don't think i do, at least | 21:27 |
GeneralAntilles | Get one. | 21:28 |
rm_work | k sec | 21:28 |
GeneralAntilles | Then we can tag you in all of these pictures | 21:28 |
RST38h | rm_work: http://www.flickr.com/photos/cbuddha/2267949099/ | 21:28 |
GeneralAntilles | and generations to come can laugh and laugh. | 21:28 |
rm_work | rofl RST38h | 21:28 |
Sazpaimon | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=74663 | 21:29 |
Sazpaimon | goddamn | 21:29 |
Sazpaimon | i hate TMO | 21:29 |
rm_work | ah i can sign in to flickr with google | 21:29 |
hiemanshu | so we are showing off pics? | 21:29 |
hiemanshu | rm_work: http://i.imgur.com/qDHrl.jpg thats the view outside my house at around 7-ish every day | 21:30 |
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rm_work | GeneralAntilles: i think I have one but i can't remember the login info | 21:31 |
rm_work | at least, rm_you is taken | 21:31 |
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rm_work | and i feel like i remember signing up before now | 21:31 |
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hiemanshu | for those of you who haven't been to india : https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/149259_451312467804_685872804_6075996_2752887_n.jpg <--- thats a reason to come :D | 21:32 |
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rm_work | GeneralAntilles: lol, my yahoo account won't let me recover my password until tomorrow | 21:33 |
RST38h | Nice. But too hot, too humid, too many people =) | 21:33 |
GeneralAntilles | rm_work, I feel like we've discussed this before, too. | 21:34 |
rm_work | possibly | 21:34 |
RST38h | aha, tmo has now officially degenerated to the *chan status | 21:34 |
rm_work | lol | 21:34 |
rm_work | i should just start Maemo-Chan | 21:34 |
hiemanshu | RST38h: well no, thats a beach, about 500 kms from where I stay, barely any people there, room rents are about $5 a night | 21:34 |
piggz | has anyone selected for an n950 not yeat heard back grom launchpad/got an update on progress? | 21:35 |
RST38h | Two first items stay though =) | 21:35 |
rm_work | piggz: pretty much everyone is still waiting | 21:35 |
GeneralAntilles | This is why everyone should come to Florida: http://www.city-data.com/forum/attachments/charlotte/22796d1215481567-nother-name-insect-alligator_snake2.jpg | 21:35 |
rm_work | a few *random* people got in | 21:35 |
hiemanshu | piggz: I know alterego hasn't heard back from launchpad yet | 21:35 |
rm_work | GeneralAntilles: wtf am i looking at, rofl | 21:36 |
piggz | cool..not jsut me, was getting worried :) | 21:36 |
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RST38h | General: Darwin approves! | 21:36 |
rm_work | is that an alligtor that got eaten by a snake and then broke open the snake? | 21:36 |
GeneralAntilles | rm_work, python tried to eat a gator in the Everglades. | 21:36 |
hiemanshu | GeneralAntilles: I have a reason to come to florida already | 21:36 |
timeless | GeneralAntilles: was there a conclusion? | 21:37 |
GeneralAntilles | and if that's not your speed, how about this? http://rvtreks.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/North-Beach-at-Fort-Desoto-1024x768.jpg | 21:37 |
ruskie | http://www.linuxfordevices.com/c/a/News/Samsung-fends-off-Microsoft-and-Apple-attacks/ | 21:37 |
GeneralAntilles | timeless, to the snake eating a gator? | 21:37 |
timeless | yeah | 21:37 |
GeneralAntilles | http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/10/1006_051006_pythoneatsgator.html | 21:38 |
hiemanshu | GeneralAntilles: well tell the US gov to not disapprove my visa again | 21:38 |
GeneralAntilles | hiemanshu, I'm in favor of open borders, personally. | 21:38 |
hiemanshu | GeneralAntilles: tried once for a FUDCon in Arizona (sponsored by fedora), and well the fucking embass denied my visa :( | 21:38 |
hiemanshu | embassy* | 21:39 |
RST38h | Ok, https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-eqDbXWnIUKA/RS6n3Z8aABI/AAAAAAAAADo/pzqv8y0JcUE/s576/CIMG1523.JPG | 21:39 |
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hiemanshu | RST38h: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/37847_416748857804_685872804_5312135_3770207_n.jpg | 21:40 |
ruskie | I guess if M$ can't win with wp7 it'll go for patent war | 21:40 |
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* GeneralAntilles would rather have the US collecting all of the the useful people it can and not sending them away. :P | 21:40 | |
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hiemanshu | https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/39698_416749017804_685872804_5312152_3923519_n.jpg | 21:40 |
RST38h | hiemanshu: Yea, that is how it looks here, just replace water with snow. | 21:40 |
hiemanshu | RST38h: hah | 21:41 |
hiemanshu | RST38h: well its water here | 21:41 |
* hiemanshu is far away from water though | 21:41 | |
timeless | GeneralAntilles: so they both lost.. | 21:41 |
RST38h | Also, https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-vVFSz8V6ras/RS6pKMDrABI/AAAAAAAAAGY/9A2KA0WEHLk/s576/CIMG2068.JPG (last one wasw winter night, this one is summer evening) | 21:41 |
hiemanshu | RST38h: too much light | 21:42 |
timeless | hiemanshu: fwiw, s/disapprove/refuse|deny/ | 21:42 |
RST38h | That is how much was there | 21:42 |
GeneralAntilles | timeless, yep. | 21:42 |
hiemanshu | timeless: well yeah :) | 21:42 |
timeless | ruskie: if you had a product which was built around patents, and you offered to license the product or its patents | 21:43 |
timeless | ... and someone shipped a competing product which infringed on your patents | 21:43 |
timeless | ... what would you do? | 21:43 |
timeless | ... clearly the patents are valuable. hopefully the patents were expensive to develop. | 21:43 |
ruskie | are you considering in the current system or in a sane system? | 21:43 |
timeless | ... the reason patents exist is to give their inventor a head start for disclosing the innovation | 21:43 |
ruskie | in the current system... I wouldn't even have a product | 21:44 |
timeless | ruskie: the current system. | 21:44 |
timeless | the current system is only partially insane | 21:44 |
RST38h | The reason patents exist is to make money! | 21:44 |
timeless | mostly the timeline is off by a couple of orders of magnitude | 21:44 |
derf | I thought it was to prevent people from making money. | 21:44 |
hiemanshu | RST38h: same goes for NDAs | 21:45 |
RST38h | By changing the current system, you will destroy the whole business ecosystem of companies living off patents! | 21:45 |
derf | Also, acquiring patents, particularly software patents, is not expensive. | 21:45 |
timeless | the reason patents exist is to encourage inventors to disclose and share innovations | 21:45 |
derf | That's the theoretical reason. In practice, the opposite happens. | 21:45 |
timeless | the problem is that in software, a patent should really only last 2-3 years | 21:45 |
ruskie | timeless, I'd rather have no patents and have people hide things | 21:45 |
timeless | unfortuantely, they last upwards of 20 | 21:45 |
RST38h | Just think of how many children will go hungry once their lawyer dads stop bringin in the dow | 21:45 |
ruskie | that way atleast people could reimplement thoeir own way | 21:45 |
timeless | RST38h: s/dow/dough/ | 21:45 |
RST38h | Yea, sorry | 21:46 |
GeneralAntilles | derf, that's a function of the timeline as timeless says, though. | 21:46 |
GeneralAntilles | and a function of the USPO being retarded | 21:46 |
derf | RST38h: Thing how many children will be fed because their dads didn't have to pay a lawyer. | 21:46 |
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GeneralAntilles | But that's an inherent property of government. | 21:46 |
derf | GeneralAntilles: What's a function of the timeline? | 21:46 |
timeless | the same applies to copyright | 21:46 |
timeless | the idea isn't bad | 21:46 |
RST38h | BTW, absolutely the same argument works when arguing against federally funded health care | 21:46 |
GeneralAntilles | derf, the particular brokeness. | 21:46 |
timeless | it's that the timeline has been skewed/stretched way too far | 21:46 |
derf | GeneralAntilles: Not really, no. | 21:46 |
RST38h | derf: Those are not successful people, they have something to hide and prove, if they hire lawyers | 21:46 |
RST38h | derf: So, by the laws of social darwinism we shall let 'emstarve | 21:47 |
derf | a) patents are written to obscure as much as possible, and the people trying to do that are better at it than any regulator trying to stop them | 21:47 |
derf | b) engineers are told not to look at patents for liability reasons | 21:47 |
derf | c) even when patents expire, engineers still don't look at them because of a) | 21:47 |
timeless | derf: with a collapsed timeline, i don't think b would be a significant problem | 21:48 |
* RST38h extrapolates 20-30 years into the future, yawns, gets some popcorn | 21:48 | |
derf | timeless: See c) | 21:48 |
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timeless | derf: ideally a is solvable | 21:48 |
derf | Bullshit. | 21:48 |
timeless | but yes, it involves adjusting the patent grant process | 21:49 |
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timeless | *ideally* | 21:49 |
derf | This has been attempted before. | 21:49 |
GeneralAntilles | 'course, if politics are involved it's always going to degenerate to shit. | 21:49 |
GeneralAntilles | See: Our Current System | 21:49 |
ruskie | a patent on a physical product that the person/company produces... 20 years sure... patents for non-producers... duration 5 years... sw patents... 2 years | 21:49 |
derf | The FTC has been trying for _decades_. | 21:49 |
derf | The applicants can adapt much, much more quickly than the beauracracy. | 21:49 |
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derf | How about sw patents: never. | 21:49 |
derf | It takes more than 2 years just to process the application. | 21:50 |
ruskie | agreed but atm you need to fix the system that is in place | 21:50 |
timeless | derf: if the span of a patent is sufficiently short | 21:50 |
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timeless | then you won't invest the money in adapting to defeat the other portions | 21:50 |
ruskie | once something is granted/forbidden it's much harder to change | 21:50 |
timeless | hence the timeline is an important factor | 21:50 |
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derf | Don't get me wrong. I'd love to see a shorter timeline. | 21:50 |
derf | But it will not solve all the problems. | 21:50 |
RST38h | Gentlemen, I am reluctant to play Cpt Obvious here (again), but as none of you are capable of CHANGING the US patent law, it makes no sense to argue about it | 21:51 |
timeless | oh, it won't solve everything | 21:51 |
timeless | but it could lead things in a much better direction | 21:51 |
RST38h | Instead, I suggest we argue about what the current situation will lead to in a few years. | 21:51 |
timeless | RST38h: technically i'm a citizen | 21:51 |
timeless | as is GeneralAntilles | 21:51 |
RST38h | timeless: Hey I am also a citizen. What does it change? | 21:51 |
timeless | iirc derf is a UK citizen | 21:51 |
derf | RST38h: Right, I'll remember that the next time I'm at an FTC workshop on patents. I'll just not argue with them because I can't change anything. | 21:51 |
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derf | timeless: No, I'm not. | 21:52 |
RST38h | derf: If you argue with them, will it change anythign? | 21:52 |
ruskie | RST38h, you never know if you don't know | 21:52 |
derf | RST38h: Well, I was certainly the only one there expressing our point of view. | 21:52 |
ruskie | erm don't try | 21:52 |
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timeless | derf: how often have you been to patent workshops? | 21:52 |
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derf | Last one was two weeks ago? | 21:52 |
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RST38h | derf: Probably means the others got tired of that a long while ago =( | 21:53 |
GeneralAntilles | Well, if you don't try you never will change anything. :P | 21:53 |
timeless | http://www.natlawreview.com/article/ftc-hosts-workshop-preventing-patent-hold-ups-standard-setting ? | 21:53 |
derf | timeless: Yes, that one. | 21:53 |
RST38h | and if you do try, you will just be left with the sore throat and the feeling of lost time. | 21:53 |
derf | See also http://xiphmont.livejournal.com/56718.html and the associated comments we submitted, most of which I wrote. | 21:53 |
SpeedEvil | I think I read that earlier | 21:54 |
SpeedEvil | DEpressing. | 21:55 |
RST38h | General: On the other hand though, it is quite possible that Google will be able to affect the situation | 21:55 |
RST38h | General: Given the amount of money they have and the rate at which they hire lobbyists | 21:55 |
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derf | SpeedEvil: Every example in there, even when not tied to specific events, was based on real experiences trying to get stuff standardized. | 21:55 |
derf | RST38h: Google was invited to that workshop. They declined to attend. | 21:57 |
sid__ | anyone knows a good documentation for booting maemo from mmc? | 21:57 |
sid__ | *does | 21:57 |
derf | I also particularly enjoyed how everyone on the panel tried to pretend that standards are set by engineers without worrying about patents at all, and then the lawyers figure out the licensing later. | 21:57 |
ruskie | derf, I thought that's what cisco wants | 21:58 |
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derf | At least until I explained to FTC people that no, people really really do consider alternatives and try to invent around. | 21:58 |
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derf | ruskie: I cited an example of Cisco themselves publishing information on how to use old, established algorithms instead of patented techniques for ECC. | 21:59 |
SpeedEvil | derf: It's barking mad. | 21:59 |
derf | ruskie: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6090 | 21:59 |
ruskie | sno it's ok for cisco to push their own patents into standards but not for others to do so? | 22:00 |
SpeedEvil | Legislators often have a hideously poor understanding of the area they're regulating. | 22:00 |
derf | Well, Cisco is a big company, but yes. That is my understanding of how the system works. | 22:00 |
derf | My patents == good. Your patents == bad. | 22:01 |
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GeneralAntilles | SpeedEvil, thus why I can't even begin to fathom why people keep voting them more power. | 22:01 |
GeneralAntilles | Like they're some sort of wizened elders. | 22:01 |
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SpeedEvil | This has lead in the case of the UK for example in one trivial area to 'the solar industry' - monkeys that install panels on roofs - driving regulation | 22:03 |
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SpeedEvil | Meaning panels not installed by said monkeys - even if 1/4 of the price - can never pay off. | 22:03 |
rm_work | i hope you mean literal monkeys | 22:03 |
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SpeedEvil | Pretty much, in some cases. | 22:04 |
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GeneralAntilles | Yes, so stop voting these people more power. | 22:05 |
GeneralAntilles | Why does anybody want them in charge of your health care? | 22:05 |
rm_work | I've yet to find a candidate i actually WANT to vote for | 22:06 |
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RST38h | derf:How interesting (about Google declining) | 22:06 |
rm_work | the last election i was trying to vote for whoever i thought would cause the least damage | 22:06 |
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RST38h | General: Is there some alternative group of people you would vote into power? | 22:06 |
ruskie | rm_work, in such cases I prefer to just invalidate my vote | 22:06 |
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RST38h | General: And if this group does come to power, by whatever means, how do you make sure they do not repeat what the last group has done? | 22:07 |
rm_work | ruskie: yeah but at least i TRIED | 22:07 |
GeneralAntilles | RST38h, not particularly. | 22:07 |
GeneralAntilles | But Ron Paul has some appeal. | 22:07 |
RST38h | General: Yea, right... =( | 22:07 |
GeneralAntilles | If he'd stop ranting about the Fed at every opportunity. | 22:07 |
derf | RST38h: I hear they've hired 12 lobbying firms now that the FTC is investigating them. | 22:07 |
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derf | So maybe that will change! | 22:08 |
GeneralAntilles | The two-party system makes real change nearly impossible. | 22:08 |
RST38h | derf: Yeah, seen that in the news a while ago | 22:08 |
rm_work | yeah | 22:08 |
GeneralAntilles | But if everybody weren't always so dumb as to be in favor of more stupidity. | 22:08 |
GeneralAntilles | They wouldn't be able to keep it up. | 22:08 |
RST38h | General: Well, this is how complex systems work | 22:08 |
rm_work | the Tea Party scares me but i'm hoping if we can weather through one term of them in office, it'd break it open for other alternative parties... | 22:08 |
GeneralAntilles | rm_work, the Tea Party is mostly not that scary. | 22:09 |
RST38h | General: If you had a many-party system, there would be complete lack of stability and comprehensive course | 22:09 |
GeneralAntilles | But the media is pretty frightened of what they stand for. | 22:09 |
GeneralAntilles | So makes them out to be as scary as possible. | 22:09 |
RST38h | General: With the two-party system you get stability but also mediocrity | 22:09 |
ruskie | RST38h, hahahaha | 22:09 |
ruskie | good joke | 22:09 |
GeneralAntilles | Notice that the protests in Greece are always described as "peaceful". | 22:09 |
valdyn | GeneralAntilles: are they? | 22:09 |
GeneralAntilles | and Tea Party protests are "violent". | 22:09 |
GeneralAntilles | valdyn, the Greek protests? | 22:10 |
rm_work | lol are they? :P | 22:10 |
GeneralAntilles | Judge for yourself: http://www.google.com/search?oe=utf8&q=greece+protests&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi&biw=1239&bih=901 | 22:10 |
RST38h | General: Notice how whatever is happening in Kosovo is almost never described at all, for example | 22:10 |
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GeneralAntilles | Haven't been any firebombs at Tea Party-sponsored gathering as far as I'm aware. | 22:10 |
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rm_work | i don't know if what i've heard is via "the media" or not, but just the candidates i've seen are freakishly conservative | 22:10 |
valdyn | GeneralAntilles: i mean, are they described as peaceful? That is not the case here | 22:10 |
RST38h | General: And there are more examples like that. The employer tells these journos what to say and how to say it | 22:11 |
rm_work | and i mean socially conservative, not fiscally | 22:11 |
GeneralAntilles | rm_work, well, there are a lot of candidates trying to ride the rise of the movement. | 22:11 |
GeneralAntilles | Who are crazy as all get out. | 22:11 |
GeneralAntilles | Yeah, the socon shit has got to end. | 22:11 |
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ruskie | RST38h, what does Kosovo has with any of this? | 22:11 |
ruskie | as a new nation they have their starting problems... | 22:11 |
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hiemanshu | so does the N950 have 1G actual RAM or is it actual RAM + swap? | 22:11 |
GeneralAntilles | valdyn, see: http://reason.com/archives/2011/07/05/give-peace-a-chance | 22:12 |
RST38h | ruskie: A random example of a topic whose coverage in the US is restricted | 22:12 |
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timeless | GeneralAntilles: that's because no one hates the tea party enough to send them | 22:12 |
RST38h | ruskie: There are more like that of course | 22:12 |
timeless | that doesn't mean a tea party member might not send a firebomb to someone else... | 22:12 |
ruskie | RST38h, well does it really have any meaning to report about stuff from europe or asia in the US? | 22:12 |
RST38h | ruskie: I do not know, you tell me: you seem to have an opinion on the subject | 22:12 |
ruskie | frankly I don't expact to see news about the US or asia in europe | 22:12 |
valdyn | GeneralAntilles: labeling the protests in greece as left is silly | 22:12 |
GeneralAntilles | hiemanshu, actual RAM. | 22:12 |
rm_work | half the candidates seem to be like "I want to ban gay marriage once and for all and overturn Roe vs. Wade" | 22:13 |
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GeneralAntilles | valdyn, protesting against austerity cuts? | 22:13 |
derf | http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/taibblog/mailbag-why-i-cant-vote-for-ron-paul-20110502 | 22:13 |
hiemanshu | GeneralAntilles: the RDA devices have 512 right? | 22:13 |
GeneralAntilles | valdyn, I agree that "left" and "right" are pretty meaningless. | 22:13 |
GeneralAntilles | hiemanshu, no idea. | 22:13 |
hiemanshu | okay | 22:13 |
derf | I paste that link particularly for the comments in it about Rand Paul, not Ron Paul. | 22:13 |
RST38h | Hehe, finally, a link to Matt's blog :) | 22:13 |
holmesII | once i compiled the code in SCBOX, and i can get one binary code and .o file, how do i run in my N900? | 22:14 |
holmesII | i can run the binary file in xephyr. but how do i run it in my N900? | 22:14 |
MohammadAG | RDA has 5 devices | 22:14 |
MohammadAG | how do you run it in xephyr? it's a plugin | 22:15 |
GeneralAntilles | valdyn, I think the Greek protests are a pretty strong signal that socialist policies in Europe aren't working. | 22:15 |
valdyn | GeneralAntilles: no | 22:15 |
MohammadAG | and should be .so | 22:15 |
holmesII | MohammadAG, i just create a helloworld project in SCBox, and I can compile and run it in xephyr, however, when i copy the folder into my N900. how do i run it? | 22:15 |
MohammadAG | same way | 22:15 |
ruskie | RST38h, basically the main thing with Kosovo is their argmuntes with Serbia... and apparently they reached a few agreements about it recently | 22:15 |
valdyn | GeneralAntilles: greece is broke because any government in greece in the last 40 years spent to much money | 22:15 |
holmesII | i just open the xephyr, and run the project in SCBox, and it's shown helloworld | 22:16 |
valdyn | GeneralAntilles: nothing left or right about that | 22:16 |
ruskie | and frankly that gets boring pretty fast | 22:16 |
MohammadAG | compile for armel | 22:16 |
MohammadAG | sb-menu -> select armel | 22:16 |
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valdyn | GeneralAntilles: and extrapolating anything from greece to "europe" makes no sense | 22:16 |
ruskie | the agreements they got together were about border crossing using only id cards and recognizing education from each other | 22:16 |
GeneralAntilles | valdyn, generally excessive government spending is an attribute of the left. | 22:16 |
ruskie | rather *yawnable* things | 22:16 |
RST38h | No, ruskie, I am afraid it is *not* the main thing with Kosovo ... | 22:16 |
GeneralAntilles | Excepting the past decade or so of the shift to the NEW right (neocons). | 22:17 |
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valdyn | GeneralAntilles: so the u.s.a. is left because it has the highest per capita debt ( japan exempt ) ? | 22:17 |
RST38h | ruskie: And the actual main thing is far from boring | 22:17 |
ruskie | do elaborate | 22:17 |
holmesII | yes, i can get a .so file. | 22:18 |
ruskie | I must admit that I don't follow the news very carefully | 22:18 |
RST38h | ruskie: Going too far off topic here | 22:18 |
holmesII | and then ? | 22:18 |
ruskie | feel free to PM | 22:18 |
GeneralAntilles | valdyn, most of the US spending is on income redistribution. | 22:18 |
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GeneralAntilles | valdyn, these are generally programs the left likes to push. | 22:18 |
valdyn | GeneralAntilles: not in europe | 22:18 |
GeneralAntilles | Europe is a messed up place. | 22:19 |
ruskie | it is? | 22:19 |
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GeneralAntilles | I fear left/right are stumbling blocks here. | 22:19 |
GeneralAntilles | ruskie, for my own taste, yes. | 22:19 |
valdyn | GeneralAntilles: europe has left reducing "redistribution" and "right" doing the reverse, and vice vera | 22:19 |
valdyn | GeneralAntilles: its not that simple | 22:19 |
valdyn | ( i like redistribution ) | 22:20 |
GeneralAntilles | Europe's "left" and "right" are the US's "far-left" and "left" | 22:20 |
GeneralAntilles | Income redistribution is evil shit. | 22:20 |
GeneralAntilles | Especially when it's conducted at gun point. | 22:20 |
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GeneralAntilles | What you want is not more income redistribution, it's fewer barriers to entry into the market. | 22:20 |
valdyn | no, i want income redistribution | 22:21 |
valdyn | and i happily pay my taxes | 22:21 |
holmesII | i got it running !!!! | 22:21 |
GeneralAntilles | valdyn, what I'm saying is that your basic world view is flawed. | 22:21 |
GeneralAntilles | Income redistribution doesn't lead to anything productive. | 22:22 |
GeneralAntilles | If you want all of your money to go to other people, then send it. | 22:22 |
valdyn | GeneralAntilles: i think of my country as one of the most productive in the world, with one of highest redistribution rates of the world | 22:22 |
GeneralAntilles | But don't make everybody else do so at gun point. | 22:22 |
valdyn | GeneralAntilles: and i like it that way | 22:22 |
GeneralAntilles | 'course you do, it's emotionally satisfying | 22:23 |
GeneralAntilles | Warm and fuzzy | 22:23 |
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GeneralAntilles | doesn't mean it's ethical or a good choice. | 22:23 |
derf | GeneralAntilles: Excessive government spending is generally an attribute of those in power, left or right. | 22:23 |
GeneralAntilles | derf, I agree. | 22:24 |
derf | In fact the left has had a somewhat better record than the right in recent decades. | 22:24 |
GeneralAntilles | I got trapped by left/right at the start of the discussion. | 22:24 |
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derf | Clinton actually balanced his budget. | 22:24 |
derf | No other administration since the 80's has done so. | 22:24 |
GeneralAntilles | Clinton had an economic boom to help him out. | 22:24 |
derf | Yes, that certainly helped. | 22:24 |
GeneralAntilles | Bush oversaw a huge increase in the size of government | 22:24 |
derf | Also, not starting lots of long-term foreign wars helped. | 22:24 |
rm_work | did he have less or just about the same amount of overseas wars going on | 22:24 |
GeneralAntilles | and Obama is on his way to an even bigger one. | 22:24 |
derf | (whatever you think about Kosovo, etc., at least it was short) | 22:25 |
RST38h | derf: Basically, bombing is ok, especially using cheap drones | 22:25 |
RST38h | derf: Placing people on the ground is stupid, unless you really want to colonize the place =) | 22:26 |
derf | RST38h: Tell that to the civilians in Libiya, Yemen, Pakistan, ... | 22:26 |
derf | *Libya | 22:26 |
derf | I also maintain that these things are still not cheap. | 22:26 |
RST38h | derf: You now better than me that nobody cares about little brown people | 22:27 |
RST38h | derf: When there is a military budget to divide =) | 22:27 |
derf | I wish we didn't! | 22:27 |
derf | Then we wouldn't spend so much money trying to kill them. | 22:27 |
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GeneralAntilles | I still don't get Obama's logic in going into Libya. | 22:28 |
GeneralAntilles | Setting aside his campaign-trail rhetoric. | 22:28 |
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GeneralAntilles | Still doesn't make a lot of sense. | 22:28 |
RST38h | General: Ah, it is pretty simple if you take a few things into account | 22:29 |
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RST38h | General: There is a country whose leader US establishment absolutely hates but who is sitting on a lot of oil and can't be overthrown | 22:30 |
RST38h | General: Then SUDDENLY there are people in Lybia fighting against him | 22:30 |
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GeneralAntilles | It'd be a helluva lot cheaper just to drill in the US. . . . | 22:30 |
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valdyn | this is more likely due to the usa not wanting france to have to much influence over that region | 22:30 |
RST38h | General: The really high level US people do not care to conduct a real analysis of who these people are, how string, etc | 22:30 |
RST38h | strong | 22:30 |
GeneralAntilles | Apparently the CIA has been pouring a lot of money into starting these recent "Arab Dawn" uprisings. | 22:31 |
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GeneralAntilles | valdyn, why the hell would we care about France having influence in North Africa? | 22:31 |
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jacekowski | GeneralAntilles: did they pour money into uprising in span or greece as well? | 22:31 |
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jacekowski | spain* | 22:31 |
RST38h | General: They see that all around Lybia the revolutions are successful, so they think"Ok, we help these Lybian chums just a little bit and they deliver us the head of their extremeleader" | 22:31 |
GeneralAntilles | jacekowski, not from the story I was reading. | 22:31 |
* GeneralAntilles tries to find the link. | 22:31 | |
RST38h | General: Enter military deployment, drones, budgets, etc | 22:32 |
GeneralAntilles | Google is, of course, useless. | 22:32 |
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RST38h | General: Then SUDDENLY they look closely and see that they are dealing with a bunch of tribal bandits not having great success against the tyrant | 22:33 |
valdyn | GeneralAntilles: because theres huge business, just like after any war | 22:33 |
GeneralAntilles | valdyn, mmm, if you say so. | 22:33 |
RST38h | General: So, tell me, what an average US policy maker to do in this case? | 22:33 |
derf | Clearly the answer is not ask for war authorization and continue to conduct the war anyway using insane legal "theories". | 22:34 |
GeneralAntilles | Hehehe | 22:35 |
derf | The problem with statues like the War Powers act is there's no credible enforcement mechanism, "Okay, so you broke the law. Now we can... tell you to stop?" | 22:36 |
derf | *statutes | 22:37 |
GeneralAntilles | Limited Government | 22:37 |
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holmesII | is there any battery information logger source code? | 22:38 |
RST38h | General: ...won't help here | 22:38 |
jacekowski | holmesII: probably yes | 22:39 |
jacekowski | holmesII: there are few loggers | 22:39 |
holmesII | please! | 22:39 |
RST38h | General: Because there is a system of huge militry contractors, the career military personnel looking for advancement, the politicians who would like to look "strong on international policy", etc | 22:39 |
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jacekowski | holmesII: and so you have to check on maemo.org the one you're using | 22:40 |
GeneralAntilles | RST38h, hey, I'm trying to keep my cynicism under control. :P | 22:40 |
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RST38h | General: You can either kill 'em all off and end up in anarchy, or keep them and watch this daily circus | 22:40 |
GeneralAntilles | Why isn't somebody is Mountain View working on these N950s? | 22:41 |
GeneralAntilles | I mean, don't they want to get them to their application developers ASAP? | 22:41 |
RST38h | their definition of asap might be different from yours =) | 22:42 |
GeneralAntilles | "Two to three weeks" | 22:42 |
* GeneralAntilles waits patiently for his decoder ring. | 22:42 | |
MohammadAG | holmesII, dude, I already pointed you to a source | 22:42 |
piggz | GeneralAntilles: at least in that case it wont arrive while im away next week! | 22:42 |
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npm | GeneralAntilles: Re: N950's -- have you heard back regarding developer launchpad application? | 22:43 |
GeneralAntilles | Jaffa, ping? | 22:43 |
GeneralAntilles | Any idea what's drawing the DEVELOPER EDITION on the statusbar? | 22:43 |
holmesII | im in meamo.org->development now, and searched battery logger. got nothing so far. but i am keep on trying it. | 22:43 |
GeneralAntilles | npm, approved for LaunchPad today | 22:43 |
GeneralAntilles | No device so far. | 22:43 |
npm | oh... so do they send mail? | 22:44 |
GeneralAntilles | Email when the N950 gets up on DDP | 22:44 |
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piggz | hopefully i will getlanuchpad approved tomorrow then | 22:45 |
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Noobmonk3y | Jaffa, how bigs the hdd on the n950, 16gb? | 22:47 |
MohammadAG | Noobmonk3y, already answered | 22:47 |
Noobmonk3y | lol | 22:47 |
MohammadAG | it's called an eMMC | 22:47 |
MohammadAG | not HDD... | 22:48 |
Noobmonk3y | thankeeeeeeeeees | 22:48 |
Noobmonk3y | meh | 22:48 |
GeneralAntilles | 16GB | 22:48 |
Noobmonk3y | Thanks Gen | 22:48 |
piggz | also, its 'how big is...' 'how bigs' doesnt even make sense ;) | 22:49 |
MohammadAG | libhal-dev libprofile-dev libhildon1-dev libhildondesktop1-dev libhildonnotify-dev libdbus-1-dev | 22:49 |
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MohammadAG | holmesII, you need those installed ^ | 22:49 |
Noobmonk3y | piggz... don't try to figure out what i mean, even i don't know......... | 22:49 |
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Noobmonk3y | but realistically, i just can't type....... | 22:49 |
piggz | :) | 22:50 |
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xkr47 | has anybody tried gphoto2 with usb host mode? | 22:50 |
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xkr47 | I would like to use my external camera for sending pics by email | 22:50 |
MohammadAG | Noobmonk3y, I corrected your wiki page :P | 22:50 |
MohammadAG | lots of 's and s mistakes | 22:50 |
Noobmonk3y | dRN... I'M GONNA NEED A NEW F5 KEY SOON | 22:50 |
MohammadAG | and I'd suggest using passive in the wiki | 22:50 |
Noobmonk3y | MohammadAG, all of it? you pressed delete?! | 22:50 |
MohammadAG | I or we doesn't work there | 22:50 |
xkr47 | i.e. I guess the question is, does n900 usb host mode support libusb | 22:50 |
xkr47 | ? | 22:50 |
Noobmonk3y | Oh damn, now you are a grammar taecher lol | 22:51 |
Noobmonk3y | teacher* | 22:51 |
MohammadAG | Noobmonk3y, grammar nazi | 22:51 |
holmesII | installed in N900 or where? | 22:51 |
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Noobmonk3y | ^^ | 22:51 |
RST38h | What is it about the F5 key? | 22:51 |
Noobmonk3y | MohammadAG, do you replace f5 keys too? | 22:51 |
hiemanshu | Noobmonk3y: join the no F5 key club | 22:51 |
Noobmonk3y | lol technically i think logging in / out is better then f5 in this case for some odd reason :P | 22:52 |
MohammadAG | Noobmonk3y, I just took it out | 22:52 |
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Noobmonk3y | almost time for the pub :) yay ... no more f5'nessnessness | 22:52 |
Noobmonk3y | lol Mo | 22:52 |
hiemanshu | Noobmonk3y: also, use ctrl + r instead :P | 22:52 |
Noobmonk3y | hehehe | 22:52 |
Noobmonk3y | i'm pretty near the bottom of that list, but someone right at the bottom has his ordered an on it's way :( Pooooooooo! | 22:52 |
hiemanshu | Noobmonk3y: I am hoping to have mine tomorrow :D | 22:53 |
Noobmonk3y | hiemanshu, been ordered? | 22:53 |
hiemanshu | Noobmonk3y: nope, email :P | 22:53 |
hiemanshu | Noobmonk3y: because I got my LP yest afternoon | 22:53 |
Noobmonk3y | ahhh well when ordered, you will be able to track ;) | 22:53 |
Noobmonk3y | i got mine yesterday too | 22:54 |
Noobmonk3y | no email yet :( - and no device appearing :( | 22:54 |
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holmesII | i am now using the VMWARE for scbox | 22:55 |
Noobmonk3y | MohammadAG, yours on it's way yet? (Or already had it for a while? ;) ) | 22:56 |
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timeless | GeneralAntilles: have you seen http://barefootandprogressive.blogspot.com/2010/07/wmlp-bingo.html | 22:57 |
GeneralAntilles | timeless, "Teabagger" eh. | 22:58 |
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Noobmonk3y | night night :) - pub! | 22:58 |
RST38h | General: Also see http://www.leftycartoons.com/the-24-types-of-libertarian/ | 22:58 |
timeless | http://theweek.com/article/index/202620/the-evolution-of-the-word-tea-bagger | 22:59 |
timeless | not my fault they're idiots :) | 22:59 |
GeneralAntilles | timeless, mmmm | 22:59 |
GeneralAntilles | I know a lot of people who would label themselves "Tea Party". They're far from idiots. :) | 22:59 |
GeneralAntilles | Let's avoid the personal attacks, eh? | 23:00 |
RST38h | General: and, to finish it off: http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/Peter-Fenn/2011/02/02/tea-party-funding-koch-brothers-emerge-from-anonymity | 23:00 |
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GeneralAntilles | Oh god | 23:00 |
GeneralAntilles | Koch insanity. | 23:01 |
RST38h | Idiots they may not be, but sellouts they definitely are... | 23:01 |
GeneralAntilles | It's worse than Beck's idiocy with Soros. | 23:01 |
timeless | GeneralAntilles: the ones who chose the name without first checking to see if it had a meaning are... | 23:01 |
timeless | ... idiots | 23:01 |
timeless | nothing to do with others who might affiliate with its ideas | 23:02 |
timeless | it's like the guys who decided to name a platform "MeeGo" without first discovering that it was in fact a failed tv show | 23:02 |
GeneralAntilles | The fact that the mainstream media can get away with using an insult like that is a bit incredible, though. | 23:02 |
timeless | it wasn't used initially as an insult | 23:02 |
GeneralAntilles | Yes it was. | 23:02 |
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timeless | and it was used by members of the party | 23:02 |
timeless | did you read theweek.com/article/index/202620/the-evolution-of-the-word-tea-bagger ? | 23:03 |
GeneralAntilles | It's been used by people who don't understand what it's a euphemism on. | 23:03 |
timeless | yes, including older party members | 23:03 |
timeless | only when they realized it did they realize that it wasn't a good thing to embrace | 23:03 |
RST38h | BTW, you are fighting over wording rather than the essence of what these guys are | 23:03 |
GeneralAntilles | Anyway, yes, this is rather pointless. | 23:04 |
RST38h | Don't like "teabaggers"? Use "grassroot libertarians" or something | 23:04 |
timeless | RST38h: GeneralAntilles objected to me collectively labeling them as idiots | 23:04 |
GeneralAntilles | Well, except a lot of the movement isn't actually libertarian. | 23:04 |
GeneralAntilles | Too much socon bullshit for that. | 23:04 |
RST38h | timeless: that was bad, bad of you! | 23:04 |
timeless | most of it is socon (wolf) masked in libertarian "sheep" clothing | 23:04 |
holmesII | there are some packages that i can't install either in N900 or my sdk virtual machine. | 23:04 |
timeless | btw, Social Conservative or Southern Conservative? :) | 23:05 |
RST38h | same thing, no? | 23:05 |
timeless | holmesII: are they arm-xx ? | 23:05 |
GeneralAntilles | Not really. | 23:05 |
RST38h | Well, one mostly observes lefties in the north | 23:05 |
timeless | actually, that wouldn't make sense, since the n900 is arm... | 23:05 |
MohammadAG | holmesII, read instructions on how to add nokia-binaries repo | 23:05 |
timeless | holmesII: what packages? | 23:05 |
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MohammadAG | ~maemosdk | 23:06 |
infobot | from memory, maemosdk is http://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/Maemo5_Final_Installation | 23:06 |
holmesII | libprofile-dev | 23:06 |
holmesII | and i cant' install all the packages in my virtual machine image(desktop). | 23:06 |
MySpaez | few people want software freedom or political freedom | 23:07 |
timeless | holmesII: MohammadAG guessed right.. | 23:07 |
MySpaez | Maybe 10%? | 23:07 |
RST38h | Few people understand what it entails. | 23:07 |
piggz | timeless: i thought a teabagger was something very different! | 23:08 |
MySpaez | more work :) | 23:08 |
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timeless | piggz: it has two interesting meanings | 23:08 |
timeless | one is interesting because it's hated by the other | 23:08 |
piggz | http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=teabag | 23:08 |
timeless | and the second is interesting because it was carelessly adopted by a group which hated the former | 23:08 |
piggz | or, use the free n900 urban dictionary app on ovi store | 23:08 |
timeless | piggz: yeah, that's def:1 | 23:09 |
timeless | i was pointing to def:2 | 23:09 |
piggz | heh | 23:09 |
timeless | which admitteldy had a shorter shelf life | 23:09 |
MySpaez | how many N900s did nokia sell? Couldnt they sell approx as many n950 units? | 23:09 |
timeless | s/ldy/dly/ | 23:09 |
infobot | timeless meant: which admittedly had a shorter shelf life | 23:09 |
timeless | MySpaez: they can not sell remotely close | 23:09 |
MySpaez | Did many non-linux people buy the N900? | 23:10 |
MohammadAG | night | 23:10 |
MySpaez | How many of you have N900s and do not want a N950? | 23:11 |
MySpaez | Nite | 23:11 |
timeless | MySpaez: the volumes of n900 were incredibly high for a device w/ relatively little marketing | 23:11 |
timeless | however officially the volumes are a corporate secret | 23:11 |
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MySpaez | Ok | 23:11 |
timeless | the n950 is designed as a developer device | 23:11 |
timeless | to be produced in incredibly small numbers | 23:11 |
timeless | (at least as of the last info drop i had before leaving Nokia) | 23:11 |
MySpaez | You recipients are lucky few | 23:12 |
* timeless shrugs | 23:12 | |
MySpaez | What are you doing now timeless? | 23:12 |
MySpaez | You are the browser guy? | 23:12 |
MySpaez | Browsing made N900 famous | 23:13 |
timeless | I work for RIM on Web Standards | 23:13 |
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timeless | so basically I still work on browsers, but from a slightly more meta- level | 23:13 |
jacekowski | timeless: i got a company blackberry | 23:13 |
timeless | :) | 23:13 |
jacekowski | timeless: and i don't understand what people like about them | 23:13 |
timeless | jacekowski: which one do you have? | 23:13 |
MySpaez | i am happy you are in a leadwrship position timeless | 23:13 |
jacekowski | timeless: how do i check it | 23:14 |
timeless | well, i don't know that i'd call it a leadership position | 23:14 |
timeless | although technically my title does have 'Manager' in it ('Standards Manager') | 23:14 |
jacekowski | timeless: and way you configure email on it is braindead as well | 23:14 |
timeless | jacekowski: i installed the GMail java app on mine | 23:14 |
timeless | it works as well or better than it did on the N88 | 23:15 |
timeless | s/88/8/ | 23:15 |
infobot | timeless meant: it works as well or better than it did on the N8 | 23:15 |
timeless | and since the N900 and friends don't come w/ Java, there's no comparison.. | 23:15 |
jacekowski | timeless: 8310 | 23:15 |
timeless | jacekowski: http://www.laptopmag.com/mobile-life/which-blackberry-is-right-for-you.aspx is what google suggested to me | 23:15 |
jacekowski | timeless: my father had blackberry storm | 23:16 |
jacekowski | timeless: and i didn't like it either | 23:16 |
timeless | google says yours is a Curve | 23:16 |
MySpaez | java still makes me wince | 23:16 |
jacekowski | it didn't even had wifi | 23:16 |
timeless | MySpaez: given the choice of having some apps that work | 23:16 |
timeless | or relying on rare open source devs to try to port to a platform | 23:16 |
timeless | i might seriously consider java | 23:17 |
MySpaez | i see the point | 23:17 |
timeless | note that Twitter is increasing its use of Java (server side) | 23:17 |
holmesII | I got the meaning. I ignored some steps in the instructions. | 23:17 |
MySpaez | oh server side is fine | 23:17 |
holmesII | thank you to timeless and MohammadAG | 23:17 |
jacekowski | timeless: and email sync is only one way | 23:17 |
timeless | jacekowski: only one way? | 23:17 |
MySpaez | MohammedAG you are a great community contributor | 23:18 |
jacekowski | timeless: if i read email in my outlook it's not showing as read on the phone | 23:18 |
timeless | jacekowski: for me it generally does | 23:18 |
jacekowski | timeless: but if i read it on the phone it shows as read in outlook | 23:18 |
timeless | if it doesn't, go to mail, tap the BB button, and select..."Reconcile Now" | 23:18 |
jacekowski | it does sync emails | 23:18 |
MySpaez | i use the e71 again since it lasts all day with music and podcasts | 23:18 |
jacekowski | it's just not syncing read/unread statuses | 23:19 |
timeless | jacekowski: this is w/ an Exchange server backend, right? | 23:19 |
jacekowski | and it's not only mine | 23:19 |
jacekowski | timeless: yes | 23:19 |
timeless | because i was having <read> get a bit stale, and was told that's what I needed to do | 23:19 |
timeless | and it seemed to work when i tried it | 23:19 |
jacekowski | timeless: it's not only mine bb that does that | 23:19 |
timeless | if it's consistently not working in your company's environment | 23:19 |
jacekowski | timeless: and i've done factory reset when i got the phone | 23:19 |
timeless | then it'd be good if you filed a ticket | 23:19 |
timeless | of some sort, offhand, i'd hope it's a config error somewhere | 23:20 |
timeless | because it definitely should work | 23:20 |
jacekowski | timeless: it works fine with N900 | 23:20 |
timeless | and it definitely generally works for everyone here | 23:20 |
DocScrutinizer | timeless: was it you who managed mxr ? | 23:20 |
jacekowski | timeless: and everything else | 23:20 |
timeless | DocScrutinizer: yeah | 23:20 |
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timeless | DocScrutinizer: i need to get sp3000 to adopt it | 23:20 |
timeless | i can't figure out if he's on vacation or what | 23:20 |
DocScrutinizer | do you think mxr.maemo.org could use a harmattan branch? | 23:20 |
timeless | DocScrutinizer: is this mxr.maemo or mxr.meego? | 23:20 |
GeneralAntilles | timeless, isn't a phone easier? | 23:21 |
timeless | GeneralAntilles: isn't a phone easier for what? | 23:21 |
* timeless lost track of context | 23:21 | |
DocScrutinizer | is this really meego harmattan now? ;-D | 23:21 |
timeless | DocScrutinizer: iirc there's an mxr.meego.com/maemo.gitorious.org/ | 23:21 |
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DocScrutinizer | :-o thanks | 23:21 |
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timeless | if there's something else you want hosted on mxr.maemo.org, give me instructions and i'll see if i can get it on mxr.maemo.org at some point | 23:21 |
GeneralAntilles | timeless, tracking down sp3000. | 23:21 |
timeless | note that it'd have to be a Sunday | 23:22 |
timeless | GeneralAntilles: Nokia had an international calling plan | 23:22 |
timeless | sadly, I don't have that here | 23:22 |
GeneralAntilles | Ah | 23:22 |
pauly_ | anyone want to trade their n8 for my n900 | 23:22 |
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pauly_ | ? | 23:22 |
timeless | pauly_: hrm, i have an n8... | 23:22 |
timeless | where are you | 23:22 |
timeless | and why do you think you want it | 23:22 |
pauly_ | usa | 23:22 |
timeless | (you almost certainly don't, it mostly sucks) | 23:23 |
pauly_ | 12mp | 23:23 |
timeless | you're ok w/ the bump @back for the camera? | 23:23 |
timeless | usa is kinda large, which region? | 23:23 |
pauly_ | idk never held one | 23:23 |
timeless | (i'm in Toronto) | 23:23 |
pauly_ | md | 23:23 |
pauly_ | near dc | 23:23 |
timeless | near Rockville? | 23:24 |
* timeless plays red-line games | 23:24 | |
DocScrutinizer | pauly_: tldya you'll find someone | 23:24 |
pauly_ | what color, how many gig | 23:24 |
timeless | Silver, and i can't remember, it's an alarm clock @home | 23:24 |
timeless | whatever was corporate issue @nokia ~6 months ago | 23:24 |
pauly_ | DocScrutinizer: thanks | 23:25 |
timeless | fwiw, it has the NAm regional variant as opposed to some EU region | 23:25 |
pauly_ | well if its an alarm clock u wanna trade for a broken n900 instead lol | 23:25 |
pauly_ | i have two | 23:25 |
timeless | i'd be much more interested in trading for a working n900.. | 23:25 |
pauly_ | ya lol | 23:26 |
pauly_ | u say it sucks | 23:26 |
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timeless | it's an alarm clock because i use a BlackBerry Torch and an n900 | 23:26 |
DocScrutinizer | pauly_: you say N900 sucks ;-P | 23:26 |
pauly_ | idk i like sinplicity | 23:26 |
pauly_ | lol | 23:26 |
pauly_ | true | 23:26 |
timeless | (mostly the Torch actually) | 23:26 |
timeless | at this point in time, i mostly need: Gmail, Gmaps, + Browser | 23:27 |
pauly_ | why dont u like n8? | 23:27 |
DocScrutinizer | pauly_: timeless worked for Nokia until recently, his N8 is most probably OK | 23:27 |
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timeless | and while the google maps web interfaces work, the java ones are better | 23:27 |
timeless | pauly_: do you have facebook? | 23:27 |
timeless | someone here should be able to find you a link for my n8 gallery | 23:27 |
timeless | (it's in the channel logs too) | 23:28 |
pauly_ | thanks doc | 23:28 |
pauly_ | can i call u doc cause im lazy | 23:28 |
DocScrutinizer | ME???? | 23:28 |
javispedro | hey, I'm Marty McFly doc. | 23:29 |
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DocScrutinizer | I'm not even really here atm | 23:29 |
javispedro | take me to the future doc! | 23:29 |
javispedro | do I look cool or what? | 23:29 |
javispedro | btw, evening. | 23:29 |
pauly_ | yes u | 23:29 |
pauly_ | ugh no but i gots twitter | 23:29 |
pauly_ | lol | 23:29 |
timeless | not certain | 23:30 |
timeless | pauly_: i think you can probably find a summary of my n8 notes in the channel logs | 23:30 |
timeless | you can definitely get a nice view of them if you load the gallery | 23:30 |
pauly_ | timeless: wanna trade, i want something fresh and n8 seems fresh | 23:30 |
timeless | sadly that's trapped in the Facebook walled Garden | 23:30 |
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timeless | pauly_: if your n900 was working, i might consider it | 23:30 |
pauly_ | i barely use maemo org i only come in the irc chat | 23:30 |
timeless | but it sounds like it is | 23:30 |
pauly_ | it does | 23:30 |
pauly_ | i have two | 23:30 |
GeneralAntilles | javispedro, did you get a DHL number yet? | 23:31 |
pauly_ | im on mine now in the webchat | 23:31 |
timeless | ah | 23:31 |
timeless | hrm... maybe | 23:31 |
timeless | how much of a hurry are you in? | 23:31 |
pauly_ | not really | 23:31 |
pauly_ | a hurry | 23:31 |
pauly_ | im just never sastisfied | 23:31 |
timeless | i'll have family traveling up from your area sometime this summer.. | 23:31 |
javispedro | GeneralAntilles: nah, /me hopes tomorrow morning | 23:32 |
pauly_ | with any phone i have | 23:32 |
pauly_ | btw the proximity sensor on this isnt the best? its spotty | 23:33 |
holmesII | one question to timeless/MohammadAG, you said i need to install all those packages. I can install those in scbox, however, when i tried install those in my terminal, i can't find it. So, did i miss something there? (all those I did in the SDK dekstop virtual machine, not in N900 yet) | 23:33 |
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timeless | holmesII: installing the nokia repo doesn't install everything from the repo | 23:34 |
timeless | it adds another repo from which you can get the other bits | 23:34 |
GeneralAntilles | javispedro, ah, good, at least you haven't gotten one yet. | 23:34 |
javispedro | wouldn't that be cool too? :D | 23:34 |
pauly_ | yay an n8 | 23:34 |
timeless | depending on what you've done, you could need to apt-get update or something | 23:34 |
holmesII | yes. i follow the instruction and add the nokia repo, i can install the packages in my scbox. but i can't get some packages in my terminal | 23:35 |
pauly_ | ill probleby miss my n900 but its okay ill get the n9 or something else | 23:35 |
* timeless wonders what's been announced about the n9 | 23:35 | |
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timeless | oh right, they announced it doesn't have a keyboard | 23:35 |
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pauly_ | timeless: im so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 23:36 |
timeless | pauly_: this isn't a promise | 23:36 |
timeless | i kinda need to think about it | 23:36 |
pauly_ | timeless: i know | 23:36 |
timeless | but i can probably send it down and let you play w/ it for a week or even a month | 23:36 |
timeless | thankfully at this point i have 2 chances to see my folks | 23:36 |
timeless | which means a swap can be arranged between the two meetings :) | 23:37 |
GeneralAntilles | timeless, http://swipe.nokia.com | 23:37 |
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pauly_ | cool | 23:37 |
pauly_ | easier then shipping | 23:37 |
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timeless | pauly_: the n8 comes w/ a mini-hdmi to hdmi adapter, but that's currently in a box in a warehouse somewhere here | 23:38 |
timeless | and it's probably easier for you to grab one locally than have me include it | 23:38 |
pauly_ | timeless: no worries | 23:38 |
pauly_ | all i do is take pics surf craigslist and post pics on twitter | 23:39 |
pauly_ | so n8 should be nice | 23:39 |
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timeless | surfing w/ the n8 is um... | 23:41 |
timeless | not recommended | 23:41 |
timeless | at least not w/ the native browser | 23:41 |
timeless | You're encouraged to try Opera Mobile/Opera Mini | 23:41 |
timeless | you might find those acceptable | 23:41 |
timeless | also, there was a promised UI refresh for the n8 (afaiu), but afaict, it never arrived | 23:42 |
pauly_ | isnt it "the flagship" | 23:42 |
timeless | Nokia and promises.... .... | 23:42 |
javispedro | timeless: you mean the anna thing? last time it was scheduled for next month | 23:42 |
pauly_ | isnt it coming on the anna update? | 23:42 |
timeless | javispedro: oh, it has a schedule? | 23:42 |
timeless | interesting | 23:43 |
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piggz | i wonder if there will be an anna update for my ageing 5800 :D | 23:43 |
pauly_ | ya and a new browser? | 23:43 |
pauly_ | lol | 23:43 |
* timeless shrugs | 23:43 | |
timeless | they were working on a new browser all of last year | 23:43 |
timeless | to be the company-wide browser | 23:43 |
timeless | it didn't ship before the WP7 announcement (which includes IE) | 23:43 |
trumee | timeless: you dont work for nokia anymore? | 23:44 |
timeless | no idea if it's included in anna (I know nothing about anna) | 23:44 |
timeless | trumee: correct | 23:44 |
trumee | timeless: after elops fiasco? | 23:44 |
timeless | trumee: actually, my writing was on the wall earlier | 23:44 |
timeless | we lost a power struggle w/ the company-wide webkit browser in December | 23:44 |
timeless | so I needed to find a new boat | 23:44 |
timeless | i don't find elop's logic or reasoning bad | 23:45 |
timeless | it may be unfortunate for certain teams | 23:45 |
pauly_ | anna | 23:45 |
timeless | but he didn't have any better choices | 23:45 |
pauly_ | is hottt lol | 23:45 |
trumee | timeless: nice read, http://communities-dominate.blogs.com/brands/2011/07/wanna-be-nokia-ceo-take-the-simple-quiz-to-see-if-youre-qualified.html | 23:46 |
timeless | really, the maemo-meego group was screwed by others between the CEO and the maemo-meego management | 23:46 |
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* timeless clicks | 23:47 | |
MySpaez | heh | 23:47 |
GAN900 | S'too bad | 23:47 |
GAN900 | I'm worried we wont have any reasonable options for mobile open source anytime soon. | 23:47 |
MySpaez | Is N9 worse than N800? | 23:48 |
GAN900 | What? | 23:48 |
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GAN900 | Oh | 23:48 |
GAN900 | Um, no, after Nokia drops MeeGo. | 23:48 |
timeless | MySpaez: if you require a hardware keyboard? | 23:48 |
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MySpaez | I still have the stowaway | 23:48 |
* timeless doesn't know if the n9 supports bluetooth keyboards | 23:49 | |
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GAN900 | timeless, qgil says yes. | 23:49 |
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trumee | MySpaez: i have a stowaway as well but i never liked it | 23:50 |
trumee | MySpaez: The Fn keys and keyboard layout is weird | 23:51 |
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MySpaez | trumee .. Limited alternatives | 23:51 |
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pauly_ | hello | 23:55 |
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MySpaez | moo | 23:56 |
timeless | trumee: interesting | 23:56 |
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piggz | trumee: that quiz is hilarious | 23:56 |
pauly_ | timeless: your blog does not work :/ | 23:57 |
timeless | pauly_: ? | 23:58 |
timeless | timeless.justdave.net/blog seems to work | 23:58 |
timeless | is there something linking to viper? | 23:58 |
pauly_ | ya | 23:58 |
timeless | if it's an infobot, please fix it | 23:58 |
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pauly_ | its from this http://wiki.maemo.org/User:Timeless | 23:59 |
timeless | ah, that's a wiki, please feel free to update the link | 23:59 |
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