IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2011-07-07

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timelesstrumee: some of those are false dichotomy00:02
timelessthe Maemo line has generally had Skype00:02
timelessbut historically it wasn't sold through operators00:02
timelessi presume the n9 has Skype00:02
timelessif an operator really wants to boycott skype, it would boycott the n9 too00:03
trumeetimeless: *nod*00:03
timelessalso, it's unclear that operators matter much00:03
timelessbeyond forcing a company that makes mobile phones to waste money to bend to its whims00:03
trumeetimeless: i like that Three in the UK have skype as a standard feature on their handsets00:03
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timelessalso, it's not like the n9 is available for sale today00:04
timelessis there a current estimate?00:04
timelessbecause Q#5 suggests N.WP7 would be Dec00:04
trumeetimeless: rumour of Nov release iirc00:04
timelessif n9 has the same general arrival date, then Q#5 is silly00:05
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timelessand a one month variation hardly matters from the perspective of the question00:05
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timelessQ#6 ignores the fact that you're probably paying *negative* money on your initial phones00:06
timelessas it sounds like MS provided a rather large initial subsidy to N00:06
holmesIIone question. is hildon for widget use? i found one source code which doesn't need hildon00:06
piggzintersting, on the launchpad application page i now get...You are already a member of this program, there is no need to re-apply.00:07
timelesstrumee: and pointing to the n8... gah, did you see my fb gallery? :)00:07
trumeetimeless: link?00:08
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hiemanshupiggz: which means your launchpad was accepted00:11
timelesssadly facebook is a walled garden00:11
piggzhiemanshu: yes, i figured :)00:11
trumeetimeless: my dream device is  N9 hardware + hwk +fmtx00:12
pauly_n8 :)00:12
hiemanshupiggz: now, stand in the queue :D00:12
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hiemanshuno devices yet though :(00:12
jacekowskitrumee: where you got information that N9 has no fmtx?00:12
jacekowskiwhere did you get*00:12
trumeejacekowski: read somewhere that there is no antenna for fmtx00:12
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trumeejacekowski: on the meego forums i think00:13
jacekowskinobody has N9 yet00:13
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jacekowskiso i wouldn't be so sure about that00:13
timelesshow often do you need / use fmtx?00:13
timelesskeep in mind that i've never owned a Car00:13
jacekowskitrumee: every day00:13
trumeetimeless: everyday00:13
timelesstrumee: for?00:13
jacekowskitrumee: hands free in a car00:13
trumeetimeless: driving to work, and listening to my internet radio00:13
jacekowskitrumee: using my stero00:14
timelesshow old is your car?00:14
jacekowskitrumee: listening to music00:14
jacekowskitimeless: old00:14
timelessdoes it have a casette player?00:14
* timeless presumes it doesn't have bluetooth00:14
jacekowskiit's just pure radio00:14
timelesshow old? :)00:14
jacekowski12 years00:14
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jacekowskiand these cassette adapters don't really work well00:15
hiemanshuso the play you are at has sad radio stations no one wants to listen to? :P00:15
timelesshrm, new enough that you chose to skip the casette player because it was going out of style?00:15
infobothiemanshu meant: so the place you are at has sad radio stations no one wants to listen to? :P00:15
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trumeetimeless: i do use casette adaptor too.00:15
hiemanshumost cars these days have bluetoorh/USB00:15
jacekowskitimeless: as far as i know cassette player was an extra you had to pay for00:15
* timeless nods00:15
jacekowskihiemanshu: and bluetooth A2DP quality sucks00:16
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hiemanshujacekowski: not really no00:16
jacekowskiyes it does00:16
hiemanshuI use bluetooth headsets for my music all day long00:16
hiemanshuusing em now00:16
jacekowskithen you have low requirements00:16
hiemanshuhah, ok00:17
jacekowskia2dp has bitrate that is half of CD bitrate00:17
hiemanshuare we all still in 2002?00:17
* timeless wonders when China Mobile joined MeeGo00:18
* timeless remembers it joined but not when00:18
wazda2dp is 100% for music00:18
jacekowskino it's not00:18
wazdyep it is00:18
jacekowskiit has less than half of CD bitrate00:18
wazdYou hear bitrate or what?00:19
wazdno, you hear music00:19
jacekowskibecause sample rate depends directly on bitrate00:19
hiemanshureally, bitrate makes no sense00:19
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wazdAn I can bet you can't tell the difference between CD and mp3 on the street00:20
wazdor while running00:20
jacekowskiwazd: depends on bitrate00:20
wazdor biking00:20
wazdyou just can't00:20
jacekowskiwazd: if it's 192kbps mp3 then i can't00:20
wazdI'm not talking about 64kbps00:20
hiemanshujacekowski: ok, what is the CD bitrate?00:20
jacekowskiwazd: but on 96kbps you can tell the difference00:20
jacekowskihiemanshu: 150kB/s00:20
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manchahi. when you flash just the initfs with flasher-3.5 you lose the sw-version info, i.e. control-panel -> product info. how to fix this?00:21
hiemanshujacekowski: hmmm, there is 150 at all, CDs are 160, older ones at 9600:21
jacekowskiA2DP has 345kb/s00:21
jacekowskihiemanshu: BS00:21
jacekowskihiemanshu: all CDs are 150kB/s00:21
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hiemanshujacekowski: are you sure?00:22
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SpeedEvilThey are.00:22
SpeedEvil_all_ audio CDs are 16 bit 44.1KHz00:22
SpeedEvilSome are mono though00:22
SpeedEvilVery few though00:22
jacekowskihiemanshu: that was first standard that came out for CDs00:22
jacekowskihiemanshu: called Red Book00:22
jacekowskihiemanshu: and there was no CDs before that00:23
wazdSeriously, you're able to notice deleted frequencies thru the street noise? :)00:23
wazdYou should write symphonies then, what the hell are you doing here00:23
jacekowskiwazd: it's about artefacts that it introduces00:23
hiemanshujacekowski: umm, 150 is not a multiple of 1600:23
jacekowskihiemanshu: roughly00:23
hiemanshujacekowski: CDs are 16000:24
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valdynjacekowski: 150 is the cd data bitrage, not audio00:24
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hiemanshujacekowski: you can rip CDs upto 19200:24
achipa1x speed, the completely useless metric00:24
hiemanshujacekowski: please check it00:24
achipayou're talking about different things00:24
achipabut anyway ;)00:24
valdynThe audio bit rate is 1411.2 kbit/s ( but maybe wikipedia is lieing )00:24
jacekowskihiemanshu: you are mistaking bits for bytes00:24
timelessachipa: please don't interrupt w/ sense00:25
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hiemanshujacekowski: also FM is 9600:25
hiemanshuand AM is 3200:25
achipatimeless: oh, sorry, didn't mean to interrupt the popcorn session ;)00:25
jacekowskihiemanshu: BS00:25
wazdI thought FM is 6400:25
jacekowskihiemanshu: FM is analogue00:25
jacekowskihiemanshu: bitrate is infinite00:25
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jacekowskino, you can't compare analogue signal to any bitrate00:26
* SpeedEvil drops Claude Shannon on jacekowski.00:26
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javispedrovynil fan eh?00:26
jacekowskibecause you have infinite amount of levels00:26
SpeedEvilThere is a finite SNR on most real channels.00:27
jacekowskiand your "sample" rate is only limited by your bandwidth00:27
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jacekowskibut there is no way to compare it directly to any bitrate00:27
SpeedEvilSignal-noise ratio sets effective number of bits of those samples.00:27
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wazdjavispedro: is there any portable lamp-based vinyl player for joggers? :D00:28
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wazdjavispedro: cause I'm an audionerd00:28
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wazdand I don't know how to spell vynil correctly :(00:29
* javispedro is not exactly a vinyl fan.... ;P00:29
javispedrowazd: actually, you are more correct than me.00:29
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timelessderf: interesting00:29
jacekowskivaldyn: 150 data bitrate is strictly related to audio bitrate00:30
timelessso in summary you supported the FTC chief's (initial) view that ex-ante is the way to go00:30
hiemanshuwazd: so how is the idea of open swipe coming along? :P00:30
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jacekowskivaldyn: as you have 150k effective data bitrate, if you add all correction data that's not used on audio, you end up with your audio bitrate00:30
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derftimeless: I guess that's as good a one-sentence caveat as any.00:31
wazdhiemanshu: Sometimes I feel like Tyler Derden, people ususally ask me for things I don't even know :D00:31
derfThe problem as I see it is relying on SSO rules and participation to enforce such a thing is useless.00:31
SpeedEvil176400 bytes/second00:31
* timeless nods00:31
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jacekowskibut the facts are that a2dp bitrate is significantly lower than that00:32
hiemanshuwazd: you were the one with the blog post of the idea like what nokia came up with on N9, or am I wrong?00:32
wazdyes, but who cares00:32
timelessderf: hrm00:32
hiemanshuwazd: he does00:32
derfjacekowski: Part of the problem is also that SBC is terrible.00:33
jacekowskiif your bitrate is 4x lower than CD bitrate00:33
timelessderf: what's your view on the <intermittent windshield wiper> ?00:33
wazdhiemanshu: aw, that was more than a year ago, so I'm just happy it has been used. Or not :)00:33
hiemanshuwazd: hah, well it would be nice to ahve a open swipe UX :P00:33
ShadowJKit's not even significantly lower than cd bitrate, it's a magnitude lower :P00:33
hiemanshuwazd: just license it with a condition (YOU FUCKING USE IT ON ANDROID, PAY ME MONIES TO BUY THE WORLD)00:33
jacekowskiyou will hear it, esspecialy if you heard it with proper equipment before00:34
wazdhiemanshu: well, I'm not 100% happy with this concept00:34
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hiemanshuwazd: if you were, it would have been implemented :P00:34
wazdhiemanshu: cause it blocks developers from using this gesture within apps00:34
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manchaanyone know how to fix things so the sw-version isn't zapped with when you flash with fanoush?00:34
hiemanshuwazd: use 2/3 finger swiping00:34
hiemanshuwazd: make it configurable, something nokia missed00:35
wazdhiemanshu: if you'll disable it - you won't be able to close or minimize app00:35
jacekowskifuck me00:35
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jacekowskii've spent 100 quid on phone last month00:35
ShadowJKdisabling it sounds like a bad idea. You want something that always works for getting out of an app, like ctrl-backspace on N900 :P00:36
jacekowskiby calling my insurers on 0845 numbers00:36
hiemanshuwazd: no disabling, just configuring like 1) edge of the screen 2) number of fingers, etc00:36
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jacekowskiand spending like 30 minutes each call just listeining to they on hold music00:36
DocScrutinizer51mancha: no clue what you're talking bout00:36
timelesswhat's 0845? is that like 1900?00:36
derftimeless: Well, that's a) not a standard and b) Kearns went to them to get them to license the idea before they used it, so it's not like they didn't know about the patent.00:36
wazdhiemanshu: yep, that makes more sense00:36
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer51: so whats the status of your device? out of the airport yet?00:36
wazdanyway, a2dp rules, Canon suxx, good night :D00:36
hiemanshuwazd: night00:37
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer51: so you'll have it tomorrow00:37
* timeless wonders if there are cars w/o it00:37
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer51: btw when you get it, hug it hard and give aegis some love00:37
* timeless vaguely wonders if ABS is covered by patents00:37
jacekowskitimeless: these are sort of like 0800 numbers00:37
derfThere might have been in the 80's!00:37
wazdDocScrutinizer51: ah, another Bastard :D00:37
ShadowJKtimeless, cars without intermittent windshield wiper? Yes.00:37
jacekowskitimeless: like reduced rate and stuff00:37
derfOr the 70's, more likely.00:38
timelessmy guess is that some do00:38
jacekowskitimeless: from landline00:38
wazdDocScrutinizer51: congrats :)00:38
jacekowskitimeless: but from mobile you have to pay more for them00:38
timelessjacekowski: in the usa, 1800 numbers are "toll free", from anything00:38
timeless(minus general airtime costs)00:38
RST38hmoo wazd00:38
wazdRST38h: o/00:38
timelessi had assumed that 1800 mapped to 080000:38
ShadowJKCheaper toyotas have "Wipe" - 0 - Lowspeed - Highspeed. The "Wipe" position returns to 0 by a spring, and it wipes once. :P00:38
jacekowskitimeless: thing is that normal numbers are free free00:39
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jacekowskitimeless: 0845 numbers are not included in my allowance so i pay for them00:39
wazdRST38h: Btw, I have to ask you to send me all Ati85 faceplates if you still have them cause I've f*cked them up :(00:39
timelessso it costs you more to dial a number that was free from a land line00:39
timelessthan it does to dial a general number?00:39
jacekowskitimeless: yes00:39
timelessexcellent system you have there00:39
timelessdo you pay for data?00:40
timelessskype to 0800 numbers is free :)00:40
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jacekowskithat's a reason why in some countries you can't dial 0800 numbers from mobiles00:40
jacekowskibecause they could never agree who would pay and how much00:40
RST38hwazd: No problem, what address?00:40
* timeless sighs00:40
timeless... that isn't civilization00:41
timeless... that's insanity00:41
ShadowJKThen the local telephone company has bunch of numbers just like local numbers, and but it's free to call from local telephone company's subscriber lines00:41
SpeedEviljacekowski: There are some sites listing local dial numbers for the 0845s00:42
wazdRST38h: drew.zhilin[at] , thanks a lot00:42
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: bit late for that now00:42
SpeedEviljacekowski: :/00:42
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: i wasn't expecting for it to cost that much00:42
wazdRST38h: have to take a nap, cya tomorrow :)00:43
jacekowskibut i've spent in total 250 minutes "talking" to them00:43
wazdcya all00:43
RST38hwazd: sent00:43
jacekowskiand tmobile charges like 40p/minute00:43
jacekowskimy first thought was that i forgot to disable data roaming00:43
trumeejacekowski: saynoto0870.com00:44
trumeejacekowski: remember that in the future00:44
ShadowJKThere was a law/ruling/whatever here at some point that made wait time "free".. But I don't remember who it applied to and how free it was suppsoed to be00:45
jacekowskii'll call tmobile and tell them that i'm not planning to pay for that00:45
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jacekowskiand i'm just wondering what will be their answer00:45
jacekowskii'll probably end up having to pay it anyways but that's 100 quid wasted00:46
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holmesIIwhen my program running in libhal_ctx_init_direct(&error), i got NULL in there. so any idea ?00:47
* SpeedEvil has had amusing issues with the government losing stuff sent to them special delivered.00:47
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* trumee needs a popup on his phone when the free call allowance is finished00:48
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trumeei end up using more than my free minutes every month mostly due to ignorance00:48
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trumeecan the total call timer be queried from cli?00:53
timelessderf: it'd be nice if your /ftc/ page had a style which highlighted the linked anchor00:53
timeless-- trying to follow footnotes is painful00:53
holmesIIany one read the project hald-addon-bme in written by toggles?00:54
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timelessderf: also, the first "Footnotes" "...so1" link seems broken..00:58
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derftimeless: It sure does. I didn't do the HTML page (just the PDF). I've forwarded your comments, however.01:10
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* javispedro sighs01:15
javispedrostupid slashdot.01:15
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GeneralAntillesWho is /.'s readerbase these days?01:26
GeneralAntillesThat place is going more and more to shit.01:26
derfOld people.01:27
SpeedEvilIt's depressing01:27
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SpeedEvilIt used to be reasonable.01:27
derfI've been /.-free for 9 years, 238 days.01:28
rm_worki never read it :/01:29
rm_workwas it good?01:29
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DocScrutinizerwhat is /.?01:29
ds3 /01:30
rm_worksay it out loud01:30
rm_workit's a website01:30
javispedrolately the number of comments has also been severely reduced01:32
javispedroonly news pieces that get a statistically significant number of comments are US politics.01:33
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NIN101If I flash on the the device itself, with softupd and flasher --local, do I actually have to flash the kernel or can I use the "-l" option? So that after I turn the device off and on again, the new kernel loads without being flashed. Is it possible? I guess it isn't, but who knows.01:33
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DocScrutinizerNIN101: no, it isn't01:37
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: hmm, thanks01:37
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: heard about it01:38
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javispedroAccording to Nielsen, PalmOS has still more market share than WP7.01:54
javispedrowhy didn't Nokia license PalmOS? =)01:55
ds3can't afford to have a deludge of customers01:55
MySpaezDrug prohibition is bad economics01:56
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MySpaezIrc client pastes old text01:56
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GeneralAntillesI guess I can stop pressing F502:00
javispedroGeneralAntilles: no, because you want to get yours before I do!02:01
rm_youGeneralAntilles: yeah i'm thinkin :P02:03
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sid_is there a uboot-power version which is compatible to 1:2.6.28-10power47? downgrading to *46 fails02:06
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merlin1991sid_: uboot-power is only compatible with power4602:08
merlin1991on tmo there is a thread howto build your own uboot for power4702:09
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sid_merlin1991: too risk, my usb is broken and i want a "rescuesystem" at mmc02:10
sid_any other idea?02:10
sid_else i will buy a 8gb mmc and install meego02:11
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GAN900Somebody needs to take John Stewart to a nice home somewhere.02:15
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javispedrothis reminds me I need to catch up on the daily show.02:23
GeneralAntillesDon't bother02:24
GeneralAntillesIt's neither funny nor relevant.02:24
javispedrohe should go back to doing The Faculty sequels then.02:24
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Termanagood morning02:32
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sid_does someone know a good repair shop in germany for usb soldering?02:43
NIN101some folks on recommend nokia24.de02:44
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merlin1991sid_: I did my own uboot for the power46-wl1 kernel02:45
NIN101IIRC they do not solder, they just replace, but you better read something about it.02:45
merlin1991took the sources from the uboot-pr13 package and combined them with the hints on tmo02:45
merlin1991worked like a charm02:45
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sid_it looks like it is already bricked and i do not have usb02:48
sid_today i saw a fbus for 5€. it should be like
SpeedEvilthat's the serial adaptor I think - it's not a standard thingy02:49
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sid_according to it should work or am i wrong?02:57
SpeedEvilumm - no02:59
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SpeedEvilquite seperate02:59
SpeedEvilthe above is not as I understand it USB at all, it's serial.02:59
SpeedEvilWhere is that?03:00
sid_depressing, will write to nokia24 tomorrow. where is what=03:02
* SpeedEvil ponders offering a n900 repair service.03:03
SpeedEvilOh - I read through the thread - maybe indeed03:04
SpeedEvilI fyou mod the thing03:04
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sid_good night03:06
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SpeedEvilCan you rotate the RDA phone image?04:03
SpeedEvilOr rather - set the phone into landscape mode04:03
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TermanaSpeedEvil, not with the N95004:27
Termana(n950 RDA)04:27
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holmesIIanybody here?05:16
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cehtehabout 337 people05:17
holmesIIyes. is there anybody can help me to figure out how to get the battery charge level (mhA) inforamtion? Simple source code would be hlepful05:18
cehtehlshal | grep bat    ... or even better the script found on TMO05:20
holmesIIim using N900.05:20
holmesIIok. TMO?05:20
holmesIIi need to program (C/c++) to gain the information.05:21
holmesIIos lshal is not good for me.05:21
cehtehthere is libhal and some api you can query05:24
cehtehbut stock charging (bme) is somewhat borked05:24
cehtehit lies to you and the updates while charging are wrong iirc05:26
cehtehwell there are a lot battery tools, get the sources and look05:26
cehtehthe bq27*.sh script does direct i2c queries to the fuel gauge chip, but nokia missed to implement that properly in bme05:26
cehtehand bme isnt open source05:27
holmesIIi just found one or two sources that are not running correct on my N90005:27
cehtehwhat exactly do you want to do?05:28
holmesIIi want to read the battery charge level periodically05:28
cehtehfor what?05:29
cehtehand how often?05:29
holmesIIto look at how quick the battery goes on. how often? 0.5 seconds or 1 second or maybe millionseconds.05:30
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cehtehheh .. you know how much alone that would drain the battery?05:31
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cehtehand what do you mean by 'battery goes on'05:31
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cehtehbattery graph does a decent job in logging battery05:32
holmesIIi will run my own program and to see how quick the battery runs out.05:32
holmesIIyes, but it doesn't have source code.05:32
cehtehif you wake the cpu that often then the battery will be empty in 3 hours :P05:32
holmesIIand i need to draw my own figure05:32
cehtehthe battery only last that long because programs must be written not to wake the cpu frquently05:33
holmesIIwell, can i ask you one question? if i wrote a program to call lshal | grep ... does it wake up the CPU?05:34
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holmesIIor if i wrote a program to call bme/ libhal, does it wake up the CPU?05:35
cehtehanything you run on the cpu wakes it05:35
cehtehbatterygraph and other tools just do that infrequently .. every 30 seconds or so05:35
holmesIIi see. actually my another program will use the wifi or so very frequently05:36
cehtehwell and you can subscribe notifications from dbus to waken only on some status changes05:36
holmesIIthat's why i need to log the battery's infor05:36
cehtehthere is a battery low warning message for example .. but iirc there are no notifcations about other charge levels unfortunally05:36
cehtehbatterygraph is open source iirc05:37
cehtehtake a look at that05:37
cehtehor use libhal directly05:37
holmesIIreally? can you support me the link?05:37
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holmesIIyes, i want to use libhal. but i have no idea about it . i need some simple code for study05:37 maybe .. search by yourself05:38
cehtehheh .. its python i think so you always get the source05:38
holmesIIi know there is program wrotten by python. and i got the source code.05:38
holmesIIbut i want to learn by c/c++05:38
jonwilLook in the CSSU05:39
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jonwilSomeone cloned the battery status bar widget and made it better05:39
cehteheven if its python the libhal api for c would be similar05:39
jonwilThats got C code that does battery status monitoring05:40
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holmesIIyes. i got it. but it did for widget and i am confused about that code. i don't need to do the widget.05:44
holmesIIbut i just got the batterygraph source code. i think that's should be enough for me.05:44
holmesIIthank you guys!!05:44
cehtehheh .. do you want to program something in C or do you want some finished code?05:45
holmesIIboth are good for me.05:45
holmesIIbut if the finished code i can use, i juse need to make changes in there.05:45
holmesIIthat's should be enough.05:45
holmesIIotherwise i need to program on it, then i have to totally understand the whole stuff on libhal.05:46
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cehtehwell remember that your measurement drains battery too ... if you only need that for testing then you prolly put the battery querying directly in your wifi using app (as infrequently as possible) when it is running anyways, then the cpu is already awake that wont cost extra05:49
holmesIIdo you know which way will consume more battery? 1. program using libhal  2. call command lshal05:49
cehtehlike in a event loop, check if some time elapsed since the last event (few seconds at least) and do the measuremant before going idle again05:50
cehtehlshal certainly mor because it forks of a shell05:50
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cehtehwhen your program consumes too much battery you should check why .. busy loops, polling etc ... install 'powertop' to find out05:53
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holmesIIi see.05:53
holmesIIbtw, the source code i downloaded batterygraph, there is no makefile05:54
holmesIIand it seems a vs project. how can i debug it in windows?05:55
holmesIIno setup.py05:55
cehtehno idea :)05:55
cehtehi never looked at its source05:55
holmesIIlooks like a vs project. because there is sln and vcxproj05:55
cehtehwell people can use VS for other projects too05:55
holmesIIi see. however, it must be very hard for the author to debug maemo program in VS.05:57
holmesIIa lot of lib he need to included.05:57
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cehtehholmesII: huh?06:10
cehtehjust using VS as editor perhaps?06:10
holmesIIi don't know. i am check the ESBOX.06:10
holmesIImaybe there are same sln and vcsproj files.06:11
cehtehyou possibly need to test it on the real device the sdk has no BME, no battery and so on06:12
holmesIIdoesn't esbox has those stuffs?06:13
hiemanshueh, nope06:13
cehtehit is mostly a build environment, not a test environment06:14
cehtehthat more than just building works there is more a coincidence06:15
holmesIIi'd like to get the batterygraph source code.06:15
cehtehdidnt you saied you have it?06:16
holmesIIthe author said he did it in ecbox.06:16
holmesIIi did downloaded one, but i suspect it's not the batterygraph i want.06:16
holmesIIi want this
cehtehthere is a download section06:18
cehtehoh its not python06:20
holmesIIthe deb file is the installation file.06:21
holmesIIi need the source code.06:21
cehtehit also contains the packages06:21
cehteherr .. programs06:21
cehtehso if it would be python then the source as well06:21
cehtehback to the CSSU source :)06:21
cehtehhey that all you need and quite simple06:22
cehtehshowing how to use hal06:22
holmesIIthe deb package only contains the installation binary files. no source code.06:23
holmesIIi will check CSSU source right now.06:24
cehtehi just cloned the git and looked06:24
cehtehlooks exactly as you need06:24
cehtehor take a look online06:25
holmesIIi did download this one before. but i can't compile it.06:26
holmesIIany idea?06:26
cehtehi dont care for compiling it .. but looks to me as it is a part which gets integrated in the CSSU infrastructure and is not standalone06:26
cehtehthow out all hildon stuff make it printf() the current value and make a selfstanding console app for yourself first .. until you understand how to do that06:27
cehtehthen you make it a library you can link to your app and as i saied before you gather statistics in debug builds of your app when your app is already awake06:27
cehteh(in debug builds only!)06:28
cehtehdid you packaged things for maemo before?06:28
* cehteh neither :P06:29
holmesIIi just got my N900 yesterday.06:29
holmesIIso i am totally newbi to this area06:29
cehtehi just searching a victim^Wvolunteer to package my debugging lib :P06:29
cehtehwell i dont really care but if someone could do that it would be nice06:30
holmesIIi can't figure it out which part of codes is what i need.06:34
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cehtehjust starting with C/C++?06:37
cehtehmaybe pick something easier .. and get a good book06:37
cehtehstatic void06:38
cehtehbattery_status_plugin_get_values (BatteryStatusAreaItem *plugin)06:38
cehtehlooks like the querying function .. but its still tied to the applet stuff needs to be rewritten06:38
cehteh libhal_device_get_property_int (priv->ctx, BME_HAL_UDI, BME_HAL_CURRENT_KEY, &error);06:39
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holmesIIyes, like this, BatteryStatusAreaItem, what is that.06:41
holmesIImodule name?06:41
holmesIIor come from some lib?06:41
cehtehprolly a gobject for the plugin06:41
holmesIIwell. forget it. i am doing my website now and hopefully i can finish it before i leave06:41
cehtehyou only need this libhal call wrapped up06:42
holmesIIkeep in touch.06:42
holmesIIbe help06:42
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dan_hey guys , i have09:39
dan_guys i have "dummy network09:39
dan_hey guys , i have09:39
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dan_damn !09:40
dan_guys  i have "dummy network" visible in my network list , but it does not appear when i get to select prefered internet connection.  how do i get it to show up in the internet connection list ?09:41
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dan_guys  i have "dummy network" visible in my network list , but it does not appear when i get to select prefered internet connection.  how do i get it to show up in the internet connection list when USB networking ?09:56
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ruskiedan_, we heard you the first time ;) when people wake up they'll be able to help10:02
* hiemanshu hits the F5 again10:02
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* khertan load gmail and push f5 key10:09
* khertan push again f5 key while grumphying about QML ...10:09
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hiemanshukhertan: got launchpad right?10:11
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khertanhiemanshu, yep10:11
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hiemanshukhertan: so I hope to have my N950 order email by today :D10:12
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Venemo_N900on my Nokia Developer page, the "Launchpad for individuals" are listed in "My Programs"10:30
Venemo_N900I haven't received an e-mail from them though10:31
TermanaVenemo_N900, you don't10:31
Venemo_N900how do I get my N950 from there?10:31
TermanaVenemo_N900, you don't until you get the email that says you have an N900 waiting for you and then you go to10:31
Termanadamn bot10:31
infobotsomebody said n950order was and wait for "internal error" changing to something wonderful eventually :-)10:32
Termanathat link ^^10:32
MySpaezat least the n900 is almost as good as the n95010:32
disseheyho, I've installed OMWeather on my n900 and in germany my town is 2 times there. How can I find out now, which is the right one?10:32
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: got email?10:32
MySpaeztry both10:32
disseand then?10:33
Venemo_N900hiemanshu, nope. and you?10:33
MySpaezSelect the one that works10:33
disseis there anywhere a zip code, in a config file or something like that10:33
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: nope, but hope to have mine today10:33
disseboth are working10:33
dissemy town name is two times in germany10:33
MySpaezfile a bug report then10:33
robbiethe1stMySpaez: "almost" nothing, it can be /better/... at least for now., Remember, it's possible to OC it to 1.15ghz, whereas the N950 has no OC ability yet.10:34
robbiethe1stand with an OS designed for 600mhz...10:34
gomiamTermana: "Login to Nokia Developer" :P10:34
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hiemanshuVenemo_N900: I wrote an xdotool script, even 5 mins, auto opens the chromium windows in another workspace and hit refresh :P10:34
gomiamDocScrutinizer: baaaah10:34
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: whats the status on yours?10:35
MySpaezRobbie so we have reports of OC'd N900s dying yet?10:35
DocScrutinizerwon the fight with DHL10:35
MySpaezDo we10:35
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: and?10:35
DocScrutinizerunboxing this second10:35
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: WOW10:35
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hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: thats fast10:35
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hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: pics :D10:36
Venemo_N900hiemanshu, hehh :)10:36
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robbiethe1stI've heard of at max two that could be considered to have died that way... but nothing clear-cut, really. No tens-of-people with fried chips, etc.10:36
Venemo_N900DocScrutinizer, pics or it didn't happen10:36
TermanaDocScrutinizer, yello10:36
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: well seeing the pattern, I hope to have it today10:36
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Venemo_N900hiemanshu, what is the pattern?10:36
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: random luck :D10:37
TermanaHoley shite - I'm eating a Peri Peri Zinger Burger from KFC. This thing is REALLY hot heh :p10:37
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: ?10:37
hiemanshusend us some10:37
DocScrutinizertime for 12648430   ☕10:37
Venemo_N900what is that?10:38
Venemo_N900I see a funny non-appearing utf8 character10:38
hiemanshuthats the coffee char :P10:39
hiemanshuwell looks like it10:39
Venemo_N900doesn't appear for me.10:39
Venemo_N900but I believe you10:39
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer in 2 hours: "Unboxing is old school, I'm unaluminuming it"10:39
Venemo_N900so... bottomline: no email = no N95010:39
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hiemanshuVenemo_N900: yes10:40
Venemo_N900hey MohammadAG, any news on yours yet?10:40
MohammadAGit's still sun tanning Venemo_N90010:40
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Venemo_N900oh btw, my laptop's HDD went nuts10:41
MohammadAGcool, mine went fishing :P10:42
Venemo_N900I got a BIOS message asking me to replace it (reported by SMART, whatever it is)10:42
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: stop molesting your laptop :P10:42
MohammadAGoh that's nothing10:42
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MohammadAGit'll die10:42
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MohammadAGyou just don't know when10:42
CorsacMohammadAG: that's the case for every hard drive though10:43
hiemanshuI have a MBP is my shelf, lying around in bits and pieces :P10:43
Corsacor any hardware, for that matter :)10:43
Venemo_N900actually, F15's hdd manager tool also told me this, but ignored that10:43
MohammadAGF15's tool talks to smart10:43
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: lol, replace it before you lose data10:43
Venemo_N900yeah, that it said10:43
hiemanshuMohammadAG: yes, smartctl10:43
Corsacignoring smart errors is usually not smart10:43
Venemo_N900anyway, I'd prefer a non-dying one for the next couple of weeks10:44
Venemo_N900so I'll go to a shop today and get one10:44
hiemanshuI need to get a new laptop10:44
* hiemanshu is waiting for gsoc monies10:44
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DocScrutinizercheck my ovi account for pics10:45
DocScrutinizernow COFFEE!10:45
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, fuck unboxing10:45
MohammadAGget a torx and unscrew that thing!10:45
hiemanshuMohammadAG: the holes of the box are too big :P10:46
MySpaezwell in not developing for qt/meego so i dont deserve one10:46
MySpaezI hope docs is10:46
Venemo_N900DocScrutinizer, link?10:46
MohammadAGhiemanshu, perv :P10:46
hiemanshuMohammadAG: you spoke about fucking it, I didn't10:47
Venemo_N900hiemanshu, I need a new laptop too... do you know any good ones?10:47
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer's doing hostmode10:47
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: thinkpad or MBP, everything else I have used it shit10:47
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: I am getting a MBP for meself10:47
Venemo_N900hiemanshu, MBP?10:47
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: MacBook Pro10:47
MohammadAGHPs are great10:48
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MohammadAGnot sure about the toucpad on new ones though10:48
hiemanshulol HP10:48
Corsactouchpads suck anyway10:48
Venemo_N900I don't care about touchpad10:48
hiemanshuMohammadAG: I screwed the HP manager at the service center once10:48
MohammadAGwell, they suck more when the buttons are the same touch panel10:48
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MohammadAGmeaning you can't click while moving the mouse10:48
hiemanshuMohammadAG: 14 days replacement done in 6 hours10:48
MohammadAGhiemanshu, screwed? perv!10:49
hiemanshuMohammadAG: not that kind of screwing :P10:49
hiemanshuMohammadAG: she was too old for that :P10:50
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* khertan is hate more and more qml ... every example i found ve problem or require fucking component available only on one plateform10:52
khertanthat sucks !10:52
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DocScrutinizer and -<-<newer10:52
MohammadAGkhertan, components are usually cross platform10:53
MohammadAGif they only deal with the UI10:53
Ken-YoungHas anyone who applied for the "Nokia Developer Launchapad" as part of the process for getting an N9 DevKit received a reply yet?10:53
Venemo_N900I simply want a ~15" laptop with at least a Core i5 and a usable video card (requirement is the ability to play SC2, ATI=nothanks), and good Linux support. which manufacturer/model should I look at?10:53
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: nice10:53
khertanMohammadAG, they aren't ... harmattan component are a .so so not really portable ...10:53
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: Thinkpad or Dell Vostro10:54
JaffaMorning, all10:54
JaffaGeneralAntilles: pong10:54
sandst1Venemo_N900: Buy a MacBookPro and stuff Ubuntu into it?10:54
hiemanshuJaffa: morning you lucky arse :P10:54
khertanMohammadAG, meego one depends on meego things ... so not available for fremantle10:54
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hiemanshukhertan: write in pure QML?10:54
sandst1Venemo_N900: or <a distro of your choice>10:54
Venemo_N900sandst1, for the price of a macbook pro, I can buy two other laptops.10:55
MohammadAGkhertan, meego components? you can get them on fremantle10:55
hiemanshuanyways I have to go out now10:55
* hiemanshu is out10:55
khertanhiemanshu, write in something that will work on maemo, meego and harmattan10:55
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MohammadAGand use Qt components10:55
CorsacDocScrutinizer: do you have another camera to make side-by-side n9{0,5}0 comparison?10:55
khertanMohammadAG, really ?10:55
MohammadAGthey're cross platform10:55
sandst1Venemo_N900: Yeap, true.10:55
khertanMohammadAG, where are them ?10:55
Venemo_N900sandst1, I also hate Apple's "ecosystem", so I don't wanna support them with money10:55
MohammadAGqt components? not sure, alterego or achipa would know10:55
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Jaffahiemanshu: Yeah, but I've filled in a few more issues and things to be aware of on
khertanMohammadAG, pfff ... it s not a framework ... it s puzzle10:57
Jaffahiemanshu: Annoyances of the day: no way of archiving email in Gmail; maps' voice files play in all-songs-shuffle.10:57
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CorsacJaffa: can it sync non-google caldav?10:57
sandst1Venemo_N900: indeed. But luckily the market is full of decently-priced core i7 laptops10:57
robbiethe1stJaffa: create a folder named archive? Or something?10:57
hiemanshuJaffa: well, either ways, lucky arse10:58
* hiemanshu is out for real now10:58
* khertan will do his now qml component lib ... and fuck da plateform integration10:59
Venemo_N900sandst1, I didn't find a single one that looks good and has a fair price at the same time11:00
macmaNJaffa: the way i got n900 to ignore gpodder etc was to exclude those dir in tracer.cfg or .ini or whatever it was11:00
macmaNim talking about media player11:00
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macmaNn950 also uses tracker or now11:00
sandst1Venemo_N900: whoops, meant to write core i5 laptops :)11:01
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macmaNsamsung series 9 is just about all there is, aside from dell latitude 1311:02
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macmaNlooking for the same thing11:02
macmaNtrying to stay way from the MBA triangle-ufo shape11:03
Venemo_N900sandst1, sure, same stands true for i511:03
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JaffaCorsac: No idea, not got one to try11:04
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JaffamacmaN: Yeah, I'll probably go investigate that (ta)11:04
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threshhey guys, does anyone know if every micro USB connector is compatible with n900? I torn mine off, and the service (not official, heh) replaced it11:05
threshbut it doesnt seem to charge11:05
CorsacDocScrutinizer: hmhm, quite larger indeed11:06
sandst1Venemo_N900: what would be a decent price..?11:06
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sandst1Venemo_N900: i guess priceof(MBP)/2 ?: )11:07
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Venemo_N900sandst1, dunno. I guess below ~$1000 or  ~€70011:08
Venemo_N900DocScrutinizer, thx for the pics! N950 is real big11:09
macmaNVenemo_N900: samsung s9 11,6" fits there..11:09
Venemo_N900sandst1, but more to my liking would be below 80011:09
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sandst1Venemo_N900: e.g. Samsung RV511 doesn't look too bad
Venemo_N900macmaN, wut? that is not 15".11:09
macmaNbut i guess a bunch of ultrathins are coming this here11:09
macmaNahhh, 15" :)11:09
macmaNok i remember seeing an ultrathin 15 by someone11:10
macmaNcant remember who11:10
Venemo_N900I don't care about thinness or weight, rather battery life and performance11:10
macmaNok. there's plenty of brick selection around for that then.11:10
Venemo_N900problem is that most of them are very ugly and have an uncomfortable keyboard11:11
achipaMohammadAG: khertan: a strictly personal opinion - components solve the cross-platform problem by making it easy, quickly do throwaway UIs, not to make the one giant monolithic UI that runs equally well on all platforms11:11
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achipaI know this goes against your experience and traiing and everything, but that's the current way to least pain11:12
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MySpaezi hope in 2012 a n900 replacement comes11:14
khertanachipa, how can you say crossplateform where everything is specifics to plateform11:15
khertanachipa, i m trying to do an app for harmattan currently in qml11:16
khertanand whooa ... it s a real pain11:16
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khertanqtcreator didn't know about harmattan component11:16
achipathey are not cross-platform, they address the cross-platform PROBLEM11:16
khertancan't try it in simulator as it s really slow11:16
achipaI know, that might not be what people have expected, but that's it11:16
achipaAFAIK doesn't work in simulator currently11:17
khertancan't try it on n900, component not available11:17
achipaonly QEMU11:17
achipaqtcreator should know about the components11:17
achipaif you have the experimental harmattan target11:17
khertanbut qemu is too slow to be usefull11:17
khertanyep i ve experimental target11:17
achipaN900 components... I think Kate or GNUton-BNC is on that...11:18
achipakhertan: hm, worksforme with the experimental target11:18
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threshwhat does constant yellow light means when charging N900?11:18
threshI can guess so11:18
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khertanachipa, is there qml component that works on fremantle and on meego ?11:19
achipacan you turn it on ? are going from zero ?11:19
threshno, the battery went zero after my USB connector broke off11:19
DocScrutinizerHAAHAAA they seem to check the accelerometer for detecting doubletap for wakeup11:19
achipakhertan: look, I will repeat myself. Do not try to find a subset of the same code that runs equally well11:19
achipakhertan: that is pain, and you will suffer11:19
threshthe guy resoldered the connector (used new one), now it just wont charge and shows yellow led11:19
achipathink about doing it quickly in parallel11:19
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achipaembrace the diversity11:19
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threshthe mobile tries to turn on but obviously doesnt have enough battery power11:20
achipaminimize the QML UI layer11:20
khertanachipa, the pain will be to do 3 time the same apps11:20
khertanfor the same target11:20
khertanit s the same device11:20
khertanonly different os11:20
achipait's more pain to do ONE iu that works equially well on all 311:20
khertansame framework11:20
achipathat's what I'm saying11:20
threshcould it be that the power is too low to even put it on charge mode?11:20
achipathresh: could be...11:21
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threshbecause I clearly remember the battery sign on the screen showing it actually was working on the guy's USB charger11:21
khertanachipa, no i m sorry ... it s more pain to rewrite and maintain 3 apps which do exactly the same thing and use different api11:21
khertani call that fragmentation11:21
khertanso solution is avoid component and use pure qml ... do not respect plateform.11:22
khertanor avoid completely some plateform11:23
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DocScrutinizerhmmmmmm, I'm all torn apart11:23
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: whats wrong?11:25
DocScrutinizertoo shiny11:25
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khertanachipa, beside my grip about qml and component, for a source code editor, how will you present file opened at the same time ... doing a file switcher like the task switcher , or use a gesture to swipe from right to left and vice versa ?11:25
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hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: eh?11:25
infobothmm... n950order is and wait for "internal error" changing to something wonderful eventually :-)11:25
hiemanshuMohammadAG: email?11:25
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DocScrutinizerit's like a new girlfriend11:25
MohammadAGno, just checking11:25
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hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: that should be good news right11:26
nid0unless the old one's complaining?11:26
DocScrutinizerfirst 2 weeks you see only the bright sides, but you sometimes get a bad feeling and you dunno what for11:26
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hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: lol11:27
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: true11:27
DocScrutinizeropen music... "please coonect to your PC to get your mediathek" (OWTTE) -- too simple, I bet connecting to my computer will result in something quite different than magical movement of songs11:28
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hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: they expect you to have ovi, that should do the transfer :P11:28
DocScrutinizerlots og accidental taps instead flicking11:29
DocScrutinizeror scrolling11:29
MohammadAGlong live capacitive11:30
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DocScrutinizerYEAH :-/11:30
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MohammadAGgot used to it on the N8 and iPhone11:30
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DocScrutinizerwelcome date&time picker is soooo nice now11:31
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MohammadAGsadly everyone I give my N900 to does accidental clicks cause they scroll too lightly11:31
robbiethe1stSo, what... you guys like the resistive on the N900 or the N950 capacitative better?11:31
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ZogGMohammadAG \o*/11:31
hiemanshuI like capacitative, mostly for multitouch11:31
nid0please tell me the device will let me just manually transfer music to it in mass storage and itll pick up the music cleanly11:31
MohammadAGbump on the head ZogG?11:31
nid0will not be impressed if it basically requires ovi to handle the transfer11:31
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ZogGMohammadAG it's flower in the hair =)11:32
hiemanshunid0: naah, it should do that11:32
MohammadAGthere's multitouch resistive hiemanshu11:32
ZogGMohammadAG, yeah but noone uses it11:32
ZogGi would liek to have it in phone11:32
MohammadAGpoint is, it's not a capacitive thing11:32
ZogGthough i don't know how responsive it is11:32
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MohammadAGsame as resistive obviously11:32
ruskieI hope that the n9 will get rooted so that there will be normal root access like on n900...11:32
hiemanshuMohammadAG: right, but its not even mainstream yet :(11:33
ZogGMohammadAG, actually it is, like in phones and association11:33
X-Faderuskie: Not needed?11:33
MohammadAGrooted is an android word, please don't use it :P11:33
ZogGruskie it is rooted11:33
ruskieI thought the n9 won't have root access11:33
ZogGruskie right there in options11:33
MohammadAGX-Fade, can you see if devel-su works?11:33
MohammadAGrather than using ssh root@localhost11:33
X-FadeMohammadAG: devel-su?11:33
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MohammadAGX-Fade, should be like sudo su11:34
ZogGas i read you just turn rot access in options11:34
ZogGMohammadAG why would you use sudo su11:34
ruskieZogG, read where?11:34
ZogGyou use or su or sudo11:34
ZogGruskie internets11:34
X-FadeMohammadAG: Yes, asks for pw. And then it works.11:34
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MohammadAGZogG, su root asks for root pass, I may not have that11:34
MohammadAGsudo su asks my password, which I have11:35
ZogGMohammadAG than you do sudo passwd11:35
MohammadAGI might be on a server11:35
ZogGor you use sudo )command11:35
ZogGor you use su11:35
ZogGsudo su is kinda lame =)11:35
ruskieZogG, hmm interesting11:36
Corsacsudo -i is what you want then11:36
ruskieto bad they hide it behind something called: Mode for developers11:36
ZogGruskie why do you care how they call it11:36
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ZogGyou can call it any name =)11:36
ZogGruskie, have you got n9?11:36
ruskieZogG, is it on sale yet?11:36
ZogGMohammadAG, are you planing to get 9 or n950 is enuf for you?11:37
ZogGruskie how wouldi  know, not in my country for sure11:37
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DocScrutinizernifty! no more simple battery indicator!11:38
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ruskieZogG, the thing is I wonder if it sets anything other than just enabling su/sudo/whatever11:38
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: btw, update the wiki page with received11:38
ZogGi saw some guys that are not relevant to development got n95011:38
ruskieif you call it enable root access that would make it plainly obvious11:38
ZogGi should try to apply too =(11:39
hiemanshuZogG: like?11:39
DocScrutinizerlater, I'm kinda in a hurry11:39
ruskieand users should be aware that there is root access not just mode for developers11:39
ZogGruskie i bet as you get phone you check every option =)11:39
ruskieZogG, when I get the device I try to hack it a lot11:39
ruskieconsider when I got the n900... wasted a week just repartitioning it over and over and over11:39
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ZogGhiemanshu like some guy just to make review coz he owns russian maemo site11:40
ruskieI decided to not apply for a n950 since I don't really develop stuff... just hack the system to work more to my liking11:40
fralsMohammadAG: ssh root@localhost, sudo su stuff doesnt seem to work too good11:40
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hiemanshuZogG: from the list?11:40
ZogGi dunno11:40
hiemanshuZogG: I mean the wiki list?11:40
Venemo_N900well anyway, I want my email NOW11:40
ZogGwazd, remember you said about just common guys getting n950?11:40
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hiemanshuVenemo_N900: so do I :P11:41
ZogGVenemo_N900 you got approved?11:41
ZogGnext week i grab back my n900 =)11:42
Venemo_N900ZogG, dunno11:42
ruskieif I won't be happy with a N9 I can always give it to my mom for use11:42
ruskieshe likes shiny things11:43
hiemanshufucking trolls 'A Nokia N950 is not waiting for you' :(11:43
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Venemo_N900hiemanshu, wut?11:43
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: trolls11:43
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: worst part, wrong email ID :P11:43
lcukkhertan, did you get any further with a qml text editor?11:43
DocScrutinizerI'm allready starting to hate the missing closebutton11:43
ruskiegief close buttonzzzz back!!!11:44
khertanlcuk, hello :)11:44
threshhmm, I've used other mobile phone to charge the battery, still same effect :(11:44
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ruskiethresh, maybe they managed to short something or do some other odd wirring11:44
threshand it wouldnt charge off the wallet charger11:44
threshruskie: yeah that's what I wonder too. Is there any black magic involved there? I'm not sure the soldering guy knows about N90011:45
khertanlcuk, currently i ve a qtextedit in a qml view using qgraphicsproxywidget, so i've an editable text zone in a flickable area ...11:45
DocScrutinizercan confirm proper charging from standards conforming fastcharger (first raw test)11:45
khertanlcuk, with syntax highlighting, indent ... and something11:45
DocScrutinizer\o l8r11:45
lcukkhertan, nice, does the flicking and text selection work nicely?11:45
khertanlcuk, yep :)11:45
ruskiethough how you can mess up the wirring when all you have is a smd usb port and points already there...11:45
ruskiejust need to resolder the stuff back in the same spots11:46
lcukkhertan, is your code somewhere?11:46
khertanlcuk, now the harder part is to build around that a qml interface11:46
lcuki will give it a try on 'meego ideapad11:46
threshruskie: my thoughts exactly11:46
khertanto open file11:46
khertanlcuk, currently code didn't open any file11:46
khertanlcuk, but tweeking it a bit it will :)11:46
ruskiethresh, of course could have used a tad to much solder or such and that caused the short somewhere11:46
khertan branch qml11:47
khertanps setup didn't work :)11:47
ruskielcuk, the detachable thingy?11:47
lcukruskie, ?11:47
lcukconvertable slate11:47
lcuklovely device :)11:47
khertanlcuk, if you have idea ... or help to give me on qml to represent and switch fast between multiple opened file with a single window11:47
lcukgot it at the 2010 Dublin MeeGo conf11:47
khertani 'm open to idea11:48
Venemo_N900hiemanshu :)11:48
Venemo_N900nah, I need to leave now11:48
Venemo_N900will be back later11:48
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ruskielcuk, that's atom right?11:48
khertanlcuk, main problem i ve currently is that qml component that are not cross plateform ... so must do everything manually11:49
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lcukkhertan, your old code was not really cross platform either!11:49
khertanmy old code ?11:49
lcukoriginal gtkeditor11:49
khertangtkeditor wasn't11:49
lcuki had many maemoisms didn't it?11:49
khertani use khteditor on my pc :)11:49
lcukahh cool11:49
* lcuk tried to make a text editor 11:50
khertanthe version 2 in experimental is now abandonned11:50
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lcukkhertan, from scratch!11:50
lcuk :D11:50
ruskiehmm wouldn't a touch frontend for vim be actually usable?11:50
khertani ll try to do a qml for desktop and one for mobile11:50
khertanruskie, ;)11:51
khertanlcuk, :)11:51
threshyeah will go poke the solderer guy11:51
lcukkhertan, many of the rectangles have same issues a pure qml editor would need to handle11:51
* khertan miss qwidget ... far away better than qml11:52
lcukkhertan, pure rectangles (before I added fonts)
khertanpure qml editor will probably not doable ... too much memory use11:54
khertanand ... it s easier to use qtextedit :)11:54
ruskieis qml being forced?11:54
ruskieor just one of the options?11:54
hiemanshuruskie: forced11:55
* ruskie hopes that changes11:55
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ruskieone way or another11:56
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wazdhi all11:57
hiemanshuruskie: there is a thread about it, let me find it11:57
hiemanshuruskie: ^11:58
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ruskiewell the main thing I mainly need is a terminal and vim ;)11:59
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GAN900I woke up in a cold sweat with premonitions of N950 emails12:01
[DarkGUNMAN]morning all12:01
lardmanhmm, still no email and no device on the web page12:01
nid0lucky you, I woke up in a cold sweat because im ill as hell :<12:01
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ZogGso everyone moved to meego forum?12:05
ZogGi think i have account there12:05
ZogGis meego forum nokia's ?12:05
ZogGbut mostly i like Bunny kicking people12:06
* GAN900 doubts there's much chance of going back to sleep.12:07
ZogGlardman, here?12:07
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javispedrogentlemen, got the mail.12:08
javispedroglorious n950 morning ;)12:09
javispedroso, start hitting F5, cause your mails are soon12:10
Termanajavispedro, hopefully12:11
javispedrofor now there might be still hope of a friday delivery..12:12
* javispedro reads the nda...12:12
Termanajavispedro, when were you approved for launchpad - yesterday?12:12
javispedroi now really believe they are being handed out in reverse arrival fashion.12:13
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khertanjavispedro, lol ... even if sent today ... it ll be friday delivery for the next week 's friday12:14
khertanjavispedro, rand rand rand :)12:14
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lardmanZogG: yep12:14
ZogGlardman sup12:14
lardmangot to head to an meeting, but other than that just waiting for my email!12:15
lardmanbbiab, hopefully this should be a short meeting....12:15
* khertan is waiting email, figthing with qml12:15
javispedrobreaking the device = 500€12:15
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ZogGlardman i just wanted to ask somethign about QR12:15
ZogGkhertan morning12:16
khertanZogG, morning12:16
Termanajavispedro, so is losing it12:16
ZogGbtw goole+ is open for everyone now12:16
TermanaWhats funny is that is $666 AUD12:16
ZogGnice number12:17
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javispedrotermana: hope the hinge is not as breakable as the n900 usb port12:17
Hurrianwait, you'll pay for the device if you break it?12:17
javispedrootherwise, nokia is going to get 250*500$12:17
TermanaHurrian, I don't think so, it's just a part of the NDA12:17
javispedrohmm... get rich quick scheme...12:17
Hurrianjavispedro ++12:17
javispedrotermana: not an nda actually, from what I see12:17
javispedrojust generic agreement12:18
Hurrianhopefully they made the slider at least as good as the N97's12:18
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Hurrianif the slider breaks though, just tape the halves together ;)12:19
jonwilI think I am getting closer to figuring out what the vibrator mce plugin does12:19
khertanSomeone having an n950 or n9 can maybe answer me, did you think doing a multi windows application will be useable ? switching between window will be easy ? like it is on Fremantle ?12:19
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: yoh, but I have no 500€ ;-P12:19
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: got you rNDA&order?12:20
javispedrodocscrutinizer: yep! order placed. you got tracking #?12:20
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Hurriankhertan, did you see the videos?12:20
Hurrianyou access it using slide gesture12:20
khertanHurrian, yep ... but a video is a video :)12:20
DocScrutinizerI got :-D12:20
khertani ll like to get impress of user12:21
javispedrodocscrutinizer: congrats!12:21
khertanwhen many app are loaded and device not in optimal condition12:21
MySpaezmeego needs to be touchscreen ehich sucks12:21
javispedrodocscrutinizer: but you got a tracking # prev?12:21
TermanaDocScrutinizer, I don't know about in Germany, but if they were to pursue it in court here in Australia that matters not. They can sell personal or real property, garnish your wage, get an instalment order etc. And it costs them basically nothing because it's a small claims matter.12:21
Termana(re: not having 500 euro)12:21
javispedrodocscrutinizer: also, how is aegis? it does evil red sparks when you do unathorized stuff? ;)12:22
sp3000timeless: pong (+17h)12:22
Hurrianhmm, wonder why the hell nokia bothered with aegis security framework if they're really sure that meego is dead12:22
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: I just did random clicking (30% unintentional, thanks c-ts) and charging. Hardly anything "anti-aegis"12:23
Hurrianthis is as stupid as Symbian Signed12:23
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DocScrutinizerTermana: I'm not supposed to handle the device with *special* care - so *if* I get in any trouble, I'm sure I can't find the device anymore, as here's maximum mess ;-P12:25
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wazdkhertan: where to check? :)12:25
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robbiethe1stAll I can say is that I envy you guys... I got my rejection notice three days ago. :(12:25
DocScrutinizerprobably I forgot to remove the device when I discarded the DHL packaging XP12:25
* javispedro ponders whether waking up the G e neral by pingin him or letting him be awakened by his disco ;)12:25
infobotn950order is probably and wait for "internal error" changing to something wonderful eventually :-)12:25
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alterego"No Programs"12:26
Termanaalterego, still not approved?12:26
* alterego sighs12:26
javispedroalterego: :(12:26
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: better test his disco setup ;-D12:26
alteregoI wonder how many are left now ..12:26
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wazdUnexpected error has occured. Please try again.12:27
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, thank goodness. I beat you out by about 15 minutes.12:27
javispedrodammit !12:27
Termanawazd, means yours isn't ready yet12:27
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: XD12:27
javispedrogeneralantilles: so how was the disco?12:27
Termanamine isn't either12:27
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wazdTermana: I'm pretty sure I'll have lots of problems with the delivery to my andvanced european country12:27
khertanestimated delivery 2 weeks12:28
DocScrutinizerso today is the day where things really get on pace, eh?12:28
javispedroactually got the mail 48 minutes ago ;)12:28
wazdthanks to famous russian customs12:28
javispedrobut was unpacking amazon stuff (they won the bet and shipped and delivered first)12:28
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, was in bed, mostly still catatonic at the time.12:28
javispedrobet you ran12:28
GeneralAntillesWoke up at 4:58 and the N900 buzzed at 5.12:29
DocScrutinizerwow, comes with crappy CA-17912:29
GeneralAntillesPremonition of N950 email and then it was there.12:29
javispedrothat happens12:29
javispedroi woke up and a minute after amazon guy rings the door12:29
* khertan still no email ... but order validated12:29
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DocScrutinizerI guess I like my CA-101 (4 now?) way better than CA-17912:29
GeneralAntillesAmazon dude is early.12:29
Hurrianah, on a side note, which USB cable did your N900 ship with?12:30
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Hurriani got a really short CA-101D12:30
DocScrutinizerEHH, "SOFTWARE UPDATE 10:49"12:31
DocScrutinizeron lockscreen12:31
javispedroevery n950 screenshot has that message12:31
javispedroi wonder why nobody ... updates.12:31
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GeneralAntillesAnybody remember the Facebook episode of South Park?12:32
DocScrutinizersome green flag next to time in status bar - whatever that means12:32
wazdIn case you didn't realize it12:32
javispedrodocscrutinizar: have you ever used a n900 ? with IM? ;)12:32
wazdjavispedro: I think it has green dot as a status notifier12:33
javispedroi wonder why docscrutiniz_a_r is on my dictionary, friggin autocomplete.12:33
DocScrutinizer\o/ software update in "events" screen (or what it's called)12:33
DocScrutinizersdk-connectivity-tool 0,4.4+0m6 78k12:34
DocScrutinizer"download failed!" ;-P12:35
khertan... now the question ... does it ll take me more time to do qml tool to track my n950 than to get it :)12:35
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* alterego wonders off12:35
javispedrodoes it come with a track number12:35
alteregowanders ..12:35
DocScrutinizer"all updates installed"12:35
wazdbastards :)12:36
DocScrutinizerwow, OTA SSU seems to work12:36
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Termanaemail received12:36
* javispedro heard yesterday that house md line: "yes, I am a rich bastard, but as long as I'm rich..." ;)12:36
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DocScrutinizer""Energy profiler is a developer tool that enables programmers to optimize software for maximum battery time..."12:39
alteregoI wonder why I'm still seemingly the last one on the list12:39
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GeneralAntillesalterego, your nickname is too early in the alphabet?12:41
wazdGeneralAntilles: what about me? :D12:41
wazdGeneralAntilles: mine too? :)12:42
GeneralAntilleswazd, you they just don't like. :P12:42
wazdgoddamn :)12:42
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alteregoGeneralAntilles: "alterego" is not mentioned in my app, it uses my other name "tswindell"12:42
GeneralAntillesWell, then, you must be in the same boat as wazd.12:42
alteregoI was in the first group of accepted people, bloody sloooooow.12:43
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GeneralAntillesMe too12:43
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GeneralAntillesI don't know what their sorting logic is.12:43
alteregoIt seems rather random doesn't it ..12:43
alteregoI bet there's an issue with the final few.12:44
TermanaGeneralAntilles, they are obviously using the Sorting Hat because their sorting logic is obviously magical12:44
alteregoI bet I've fucked something, or something.12:44
khertanGeneralAntilles, no logic i think12:44
cpscottimorning all! any news on our beloved "DEVELOPER EDITION" devices?12:44
alteregocpscotti: "No Programs" for me :P12:45
* divan got the mail finally.12:45
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alteregoLooks like my post shut that guy up that wants to port symbian to the N900 :D12:48
TermanaDocScrutinizer, they sent you an email with the tracking number when they sent it didn't they?12:48
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wazdI bet all IRC messages from n950 will DEVELOPER EDITION look like this12:51
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alteregoMy dream of getting it this weekend to hack on has now exploded. :(12:51
cpscottialterego, well.. I got the launchpad but nooothing further..  hehe.. This wait's getting fun12:52
xkr47I have never ever before heard of dreams "exploding"12:52
xkr47but now I have!12:52
cpscottiI think everybody thought it would take "hours" after seeing the name on that list.. a bit nonsense.. but people thought that12:52
alteregoIf I got the launchpad I wouldn't be so edgy, but not having any feedback at all is, well, annoying.12:52
wazdcpscotti, alterego: I've been waiting for my n900 for more that half a year :)12:53
wazdrelax :)12:53
cpscottixkr47, if you imagine a comic strip with a guy dreaming and the dream inside a tiny ballon/cloud, then exploding makes complete sense :D12:53
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alteregoWell, I said wednesday, and it seems I was very closev as a lot of people got launchpad yesterday.12:53
alteregoso ..12:53
alteregofor me I'm thinking two weeks wednesday, when Quim comes back from holiday ..12:54
xkr47cpscotti, true :)12:54
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cpscottigot an e-mail12:57
cpscotti"A Nokia N950 is waiting for you"12:57
alteregoYou're a bitch12:57
* alterego 's eyes start welling up.12:58
amtisurprisingly there isn't even one on sale at ebay12:58
Termanaalterego, smile? did you just get it? :p12:58
Termanaor was that a typo?12:58
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amtiI guess that had something to with alter ego :)12:59
dm8tbris the email from an * domain?12:59
divandm8tbr, yep12:59
* dm8tbr needs to fine tune his pressure horn email rule ;)12:59
divandm8tbr, no.reply-developer@nokia.com12:59
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sandst1wohoo, e-mail came here too \o/12:59
wazdalterego: :)13:00
threshyeah, problem solved13:00
threshpoor soldering was the issue13:00
ruskie <-- hehe13:00
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cpscottie-mail is from ""13:00
wazdalterego: my soundtrack for this chat :D13:00
cpscottireading the agreement now.. kinda cool13:01
cpscottino reverse engineering :)... all that funky stuff13:01
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khertan500 Euro if you break it13:01
wazdkhertan: that's kinda cheap for exclusive fancy smartphone, especially in russia :)13:02
cpscottikhertan, I went directly to that point13:02
cpscottiif you break it or lose it or get it stolen..13:02
khertan And do not rant about all bugs everywhere as it s preview beta software. and you have all the important terms. So nothing strange13:02
khertanwazd,  :)13:02
khertanwazd, i agree13:03
khertancpscotti, and when order placed ... now wait for delivery tracking number ;)13:03
wazdwwoooo, got an e-mail!13:04
wazdnot from nokia though :(13:04
cpscottifunny enough you can pick "Quantity" in the order page13:04
Termanawazd, oh come on dude, I was all excited for you then :( :p13:04
cpscottiI checked .. only one13:04
wazdTermana: aw cmon, everybody knows that I'll receive it somday in august :D13:05
Termanacpscotti, I was too excited to care about checking if it showed anything more :p13:05
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cpscottiTermana, lol! I'm on excited "take care not to do any mistakes" mode.. and that incurs in checking every box, every item..13:07
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lardmanyay, device ordered :)13:09
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Termanawazd, put those sad violins away :p13:11
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khertancpscotti, i ve checked too ;)13:13
khertancpscotti, for qtity ;)13:13
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wazdTermana: I've tried, I just can't :(13:14
khertanlardman, :)13:14
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crashanddieanyone got a google+ account?13:21
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crashanddieor invite, rather.13:21
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wazdcrashanddie: you can't register there anyway13:23
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wazdcrashanddie: it says "registration is temporary disabled" or something like that13:24
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crashanddieI heard that with invites it still worked.13:24
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wazdnope :(13:24
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wazdwell, not for me, maybe Nokia just told Google not to like me too :D13:24
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* pavi is bored of all N950 talk .. why don't people talk about maemo 5 or better maemo 6 on N900 ! 13:29
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wazd_n800Still works like a charm :)13:31
* pavi has just bought an N900 and is excited13:31
wazd_n800Congrats :)13:31
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jonwilMaemo6 on N900 is never going to happen13:38
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DocScrutinizer51that's obvious13:40
paviwhy ?13:42
pavilack of firmware?13:42
jonwilNo reason you cant make apps using QT that are source compatible with N900/N950/N9 if not binary compatible13:42
nid0well mainly because it doesnt exist13:42
jonwilMaemo6 on N900 would require Nokia to port it13:43
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jonwilsomething they are not going to d13:43
paviYeah heard that nokia is shutting doors13:44
jonwilnope, they are not13:44
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jonwilThey are building Windows Phone 7 handsets13:44
jonwiland Symbian is far from dead13:44
jonwilok, Good News Everyone, with the exception of 1 or 2 functions, cloning the vibrator plugin looks fairly simple to do13:45
jonwilIt should be possible :)13:45
paviYeah I mean shutting doors for maemo .. /me hated the whole meego story13:45
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janijonwil: meego community edition is not that different than stuff on n9&n950 .. dunno much about ce but basestack should be the same anyway and but its not really a porting process, just compilation issue and propably what nokia wants to do..13:47
janiunrelated to that.. want to the nokia store yesterday to fix my sons phone and asked about broken usb on n900 .. girl on the counter said "Yeah, just bring it in and we'll send it to factory repairs, it will come back as N8 most cases" :D13:48
jonwilI think if your N900 has a broken USB, its best to find somewhere that can gaurantee a repair13:49
jonwilits better to have to pay to get it fixed13:49
ruskieor DIY13:49
jonwildiy if you know how yeah13:50
nid0the best place to send an n900 in the uk is CPW13:50
jonwil than to send it in for warranty and get a far inferior phone13:50
nid0they still have plenty of them, so can presumably replace them fine if need be13:50
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jonwilThe N8 is a pathetic phone13:50
janii have 3 n900's so im not really in need .. comment was just hilarious.13:50
janijonwil: with stb shell its comes abit better atleast ..13:50
jonwilone N900 is all I need and can afford13:51
janisorry, spb13:51
jonwilbut I dont want it to be replaced with something crap running Symbian13:51
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nid0you're in luck then, because it gets replaced with something really nice running symbian13:52
jonwilAnything running Symbian is crap in my eyes :P13:52
nid0if it's the symbian bit that's the problem, well, bummer. sell the n8 and buy an n90013:52
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ruskiehmm fun... just checked at a local online store... 500eur for a new n900... but there are 10 5 star reviews and one 3 star13:54
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jonwilin any case I intend to be as careful at possible to ensure my N900 doesn't get damaged at all13:57
jonwilIn particular, I will not have my N900 plugged into the USB if the phone is anywhere I could bump it or knock it off13:57
Hurrianjonwil, why not just secure the usb port?13:57
jonwildoes that require opening the phone?13:57
jonwilI dont want to open it since its still under warranty and I might need to get it replaced (even if its a N8) should it break in a way that cant be repaired completly13:58
jonwili.e. where the only option is replacement13:58
[DarkGUNMAN]guess i've been lucky mu usb slot has been resilient13:59
robbiethe1stBah. You're not a nerd if you're warranty's intact!13:59
[DarkGUNMAN]screen hasn't weathered so well. need a replacement13:59
robbiethe1stI've voided my warranty about oh... a half-dozen ways.13:59
Hurrianiirc nokia doesnt bother to check mtd114:00
robbiethe1stIncluding everything from iverclocking, to opening the device up, to soldering on the board(replacing the RTC battery), etc.14:00
robbiethe1staand replacing the screen.14:00
Hurrianhmm, anyone know of the n900's slider mechanism (not the flex) breaking?14:01
DocScrutinizer51jonwil: if you let the ruggedizing get done by a certified nokia repair center, then this wouldn't void warranty AIUI14:02
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robbiethe1stHurrian: Never heard of it happening.14:02
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paviIs it possible to emulate multitouch to zoom into a map ?14:02
HurrianDocScrutinizer , we can have the USB securing done?14:02 a Nokia Service Center?14:03
Hurrianpavi , don't like the spin to zoom?14:03
Hurriantoo bad, resistive screen in n900 cant do multitouch14:04
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paviemulate it ?14:06
Hurrianmouse + screen?14:06
DocScrutinizer51Hurrian: depends if your service center is willing to do the "repair"14:07
jonwilOnly problem with getting USB port upgrade done at Nokia Care is that A.They probably wouldn't have a clue how to do it or what I am talking about B.Even if they do it, it will cost lots and take lots of time (probably a week or more)14:08
DocScrutinizer51Hurrian: if they do, it's 'in name of Nokia' and they for sure won't deny warranty due to this work14:08
jonwiland I cant be without a phone for that long if I can avoid it14:08
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jonwilin any case I am not worried about my USB port right now14:08
Hurrian++ , although USB replacement for wobbling USB can be done "in the back" according to the service manual14:08
DocScrutinizer51my care point here *could* do it next day14:08
Hurrianhmm, mite b useful to bring in your own part14:09
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jonwilI dont think my care center actually does fixes, just replacements or "send off to somewhere for repair"14:09
Hurrianotoh, can you have the micro-b connector replaced for a OTG-compliant connector?14:09
DocScrutinizer51Hurrian: yes14:10
DocScrutinizer51you could replace by AB14:10
jonwilin any case I am not going to do anything to my phone (or have anything done to my phone) unless something doesn'14:10
jonwildoesn't work14:10
jonwiland needs to be fixed to get my phone going14:10
* alterego sighs14:10
alterego"No programs"14:10
alteregoI'm contemplating pinging quim, before he goes on holiday ..14:11
robbiethe1stHurrian: It's possible to sort of emulate multitouch on single-touch devices: When you place one finger somewhere on the screen, then another elsewhere, the cursor will jump half-way between them. You can recognise the jump(as the button's "held down", and then monitor the distance for your gesture.14:11
robbiethe1stTry opening the paint application, and trying it.14:11
robbiethe1stplace one finger somewhere on the screen, then take the second and touch+move it around, watch the cursor move.14:12
Hurriananyways, we should probably sticky on the forum: USB Problems? take it to nokia care, it's a problem that doesn't need a light swap as long as the connector hasn't snapped off14:14
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DocScrutinizer51robbiethe1st: not really working for a true mt replacement14:15
robbiethe1stNo, but it could be used for a psudo-pinch gesture.14:15
DocScrutinizer51pinch is especially hard to detect14:16
HurrianDocScrutinizer, so an AB part with similarly spaced connectors can be used as a drop-in replacement for the N900, without hooking the ID pin to anything?14:16
DocScrutinizer51you got no clear data indicator for pinching gesture on a r-ts singletouch14:17
DocScrutinizer51yes, as ID is broken anyway, so it's meaningless. Don't expect OTG to magically start working on swapping the receptacle14:18
robbiethe1stWell, in our case, it would be a matter of saving the touch position(when you first touch), then the jump position. If the current position(as you move it) falls closer to the start position than the jump position, it's a pinch-in. if it's "outside", it's a pinch out.14:18
DocScrutinizer51Hurrian: what do you mean by 'not hooking ID to anything'?14:19
HurrianID pin14:19
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DocScrutinizer51yeah pin14:19
Hurriandocscrutinizer , just makes using OTG a lot easier then, using normal OTG cables instead of USB data cable + F-F adapter14:19
DocScrutinizer51still nfc14:20
DocScrutinizer51the ONLY difference14:20
DocScrutinizer51alas H-E-N doesn't (yet?) autodetect OTG-A plugs via ID14:21
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DocScrutinizer51we *could* throw together a daemon that checks the ID sysnode, for the rare cases where somebody managed to actually get ID grounded14:23
DocScrutinizer51mostly useless effort14:24
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DocScrutinizer51usual micro-B plugs don't allow to meddle with ID pin14:24
DocScrutinizer51on all datacables ID is not connected14:25
Hurrianhmm, in N9 news, "also it will not be sold in many of Nokia's biggest markets outside of Europe like Brazil, India, Indonesia, Philippines, South Africa etc."14:25
Hurrian>not sold in Philippines14:25
Hurrianoh nokia, what the fuck?14:25
Hurrianyou should see WP7 sales here, HTC Mozart, the most heavily promoted WP7 device, is tanking like fuck14:26
ruskieand why is that a surprise really?14:26
HurrianN8 = super popular, BECAUSE IT HAS 12 MPXLZZZZZZ14:26
* ruskie tries not to barf from the MP crap14:27
DocScrutinizer5112 Mpiexsl14:27
Hurrianoh, and chinese dual sim crap phones have stopped selling because of the Nokia dual sim phone14:27
Hurriannokia has to fucking wake up, and realize that 90% of the population here are Nokia die-hards14:27
Hurriani bet some people will flip a huge shit when they buy a nokia phone and it runs WP714:28
ruskieno nokia has to wake up and figure out that wp7 is a lost cause14:28
Hurrian"durr i'm a 50 year old executive, and WTF is this, i have to scroll around to see more text"14:28
Hurrianyou just really have to see the amount of cash they're willing to pay to have their Communicators fixed14:30
dm8tbr*honk* *honk* *honk* *fanfare*14:32
* dm8tbr just got an email :D14:32
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jonwilNokia needs to realize that its biggest and most important customer base are the people who have been using Nokia handsets since the days when a Nokia handset was a dumbphone with a black & white screen14:33
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javispedrono device shipped yet, chances of overnight delivery evaporating.14:35
ruskiejonwil, aka the core audience ;)14:35
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GeneralAntillesjavispedro, seems like Jaffa's hit the DHL warehouse pretty late.14:35
lardmanjavispedro: have you received some sort of notification?14:35
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javispedrolardman, nope other than order confirmed.14:36
lardmanDHL thing?14:36
lardmansame here14:36
javispedroAccording to DocScrutinizer we should receier a order sent14:36
Hurrianjonwil : while true, do jonwil++14:36
* lardman crosses fingers it happens today, would be good to have for the weekend14:36
Hurriansymbian basically looks exactly the same as it was on the black + green LED phones14:36
Hurrianleft button, messaging14:37
Hurrianright button, contacts14:37
Hurriancenter button, menu14:37
javispedroGeneralAntilles, good to know, but Jaffa is relatively near origin point ;)14:37
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wazdso, you can't blog about n950? :)14:40
Hurrianwazd, do it anonymously14:40
javispedrothough according to amazon's tracking story it's just 30 minutes from deutschland to spain =)14:40
javispedroI wonder if they installed a maglev and I didn't notce14:41
ruskiejavispedro, travel time sure... all the extra time... probably not14:41
ruskieby airplane14:41
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javispedroeven by airplane 30 is too little14:41
ruskieit is?14:41
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javispedrothere's this country called france in between.14:42
javispedrosome third party reports say it's small14:42
javispedrobut I digress.14:42
ruskiewell aircraft tend to travel at quite a high rate ove movement14:42
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javispedrogoogle says 2h 20 minuts flight time14:44
DocScrutinizer51javispedro: hehe14:44
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DocScrutinizer51indeed I guess it takes at least 45 min from german to spanish air domain14:45
DocScrutinizer51not so for LasPalmas14:45
ruskiejavispedro, maybe they are counting from border to border only14:46
ruskienot take-off to landing14:46
DocScrutinizer51ruskie: that's my 45 then14:46
nid02h 20's way too long take off to landing unless its the very north-east of germany to the south-west of spain14:46
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javispedroyes, google seems to be giving a quite conservative estimate..14:47
ruskienid0, or center-center14:47
ruskieor maybe capital-capital even14:47
nid0stansted (north of london) to frankfurt-haahn is less than an hour flight time, germany > spain's not twice that14:47
wazdMy order has been received :)14:49
javispedronid0, according to gmaps is exactly double the mileage14:49
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javispedrolondon<->frankfurt 643, barcelona<->köln 112014:50
javispedros/exactly// ;)14:50
nid0must be a biplane or something making the trip for google's timing then :)14:51
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DocScrutinizer51javispedro: as marble miserably fails, I just guess mere distance air to air frontier is lt 900km, so max 1h14:53
nid0yer google's timing's well conservative, it lists stn to hhn as 75 minutes rather than 4714:53
javispedroGeneralAntilles, reconfigure disco lights for DDP's order sent message!14:55
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* javispedro realizes that because of the amazon guy he's not had breakfast today, thus the low productivity15:02
javispedrocya and may the DHL courier bless you.15:03
Corsacsome us weren't nokia-blessed first15:03
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* jonwil wishes someone would write a map app for the N900 that can do the cool public transport stuff that the new Google Maps app can15:28
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jonwilI would try it except I dont know where I can get the maps data or how to render said maps data15:35
* jhb wonders: is there a way to open more then one email at a time in modest?15:40
jhb(or have one open for reading while writing a new one?)15:41
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gomiamjhb: no idea. I changed to using claws15:45
gomiammuch more comfortable, IMO15:45
gomiamif only I could turn all the modest-related shortcuts to claws...15:46
cpscottihey, anyone using QtMobility/Bluetooth there? Am I the only one that thinks QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent should have an additional constructor?15:46
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cpscotti(namely: QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent(const QBluetoothDeviceInfo&, QObject *parent = 0); .. )15:49
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ptplusHas there been any discussion at all about getting Gnome3 running on N900?15:52
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jhbgomiam: I like the touch interface of modest a bit better15:59
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ptplusi've been trying to get gnome3 running on easy-debian but i haven't had much success16:00
gomiamjhb: yes, but dealing with lots of mail is somewhat a pain16:01
gomiamand... claws has a spam filter IIRC.16:01
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DocScrutinizer51jhb: in modest? probably not16:13
DocScrutinizer51modest completely useless for serious mail processing16:14
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infobotDocScrutinizer51: thanks16:19
merlin1991DocScrutinizer51: is there a command to determine how hungy infobot is?16:20
DocScrutinizer51she's always hungry16:20
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DocScrutinizer51ok, heading home, towards 950 surgery16:24
ShapeshifterI'm trying to install community SSU but if I click "install testing", HAM only added the repo but nothings more happens. It just sits there. If i try again, it's the same, it just opens HAM and does nothing.16:24
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DocScrutinizer51errr, the suggested procedure was to close HAM and click on the icon then?16:25
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ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer51: what icon? there's nothing.16:26
jhbDocScrutinizer51: valid point about the uselessness, but I haven't found a decent alternative16:26
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer51: HAM didn't install anything16:26
BCMMi just found the abook-dtmf package; i presume the idea is to hold the phone up to a landline's microphone and use it as a speed-dial?16:26
jhbDocScrutinizer51: but thx for the info about it not being possible16:27
Shapeshiftermh. actually, I think it's completely broken, because now there's "no catalogues in use"16:27
DocScrutinizer51Shapeshifter: I'm unsure about 'testing' anyway16:27
jhbBCMM: it actually works16:27
jhbBCMM: only with analog phones though - my dect phones are not interested in dial tones16:27
rm_workhey, woo N950 shows up on my DDP page16:27
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer51: that's what it says here16:27
rm_workGeneralAntilles: everyone done now?16:27
BCMMthing is, most of my numbers are stored starting +44 rather than 0 (so they work with skype)16:27
GAN900rm_work, not so far as I can tell.16:28
rm_workGAN900: ah and there's the email16:28
BCMManyone know if starting a UK number with 0044 cause it to be billed as if international?16:28
merlin1991Shapeshifter: ham should install the "community ssu enabler"16:28
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merlin1991it takes some time after hitting the install though16:28
janiBCMM: i have a dedicate device to to dtfm signals from way back when ... =)16:28
BCMMjani: just the regualar keypad, or some extra keys? :)16:29
jhbBCMM: there is an option to configure the international prefix16:29
rm_workanyone else notice "No Reverse Engineering. You may not (or allow others to) disable, disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer the Product or determine the source code of any code that is not delivered to You by Nokia in source code format. You may not (or allow others to) enable any logic or protocols in the Product that are disabled when delivered to You by Nokia. "16:29
Shapeshiftermerlin1991: mh, I reopened HAM and now it seems like it's thinking about something when I hit install. I'll just manually install this enabled16:29
rm_workdo we just not care?16:29
BCMMjhb: thanks; where is it?16:29
DocScrutinizer51Shapeshifter: ask MohammadAG16:29
merlin1991Shapeshifter: if it doesn come up but you have the repo added, manually install community-ssu-enabler16:29
Termanarm_work, that has been discussed here and on the forum16:29
merlin1991then run it from the launcher and proceed with ham16:30
Termanaignore it, agree your life away16:30
jhbBCMM: contact -> play dtmf -> options16:30
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rm_workalready agreed not to say anything publicly negative about anything Nokia for 50 years16:30
rm_workhow much worse can it get16:30
BCMMjhb: oh thanks; i'd looked straight past that button, assuming it was "ok" or something16:30
jhbBCMM: been there :-)16:30
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Shapeshiftermerlin1991: mh, now it worked16:31
DocScrutinizer51rm_work: see my post in forum.meego16:31
ShapeshifterHAM is just being HAM.16:31
BCMMjhb: i'm not entirely sure how that helps; though16:31
jhbBCMM: I have not confirmed it, but I would bet that it translates the + to e.g. 0016:31
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BCMMjhb: Indeed, ATM, it's playing 00441..... for a UK phone number starting +441...16:32
BCMMjhb: what i was wondering is whether that works on a typical BT landline; and also whether it causes it to bill it like an international call16:32
rm_workGAN900: well I guess it's on its way16:32
rm_workyay for whatever roll of the dice made mine be today16:33
jhbBCMM: no idea about bt, but all it does is replacing your dial pad on the phone. So its the same as a manually dialed called16:33
fiferboyalterego: Any movement on the Launchpad front?16:34
BCMMjhb: yes, i know. the problem is that my numbers are stored like +441234 567890, as opposed to the 01234 567890 i would usually dial16:34
BCMMthere is no option to just replace the +44 with a 0; so i'm wondering if 0044 works in the UK, and if it charges normally16:35
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jhbI guess you can replace the '00' in the options by '0'16:35
BCMM(numbers are stored that way so they work with skype out, which naturally doesn't understand which country 01234 567890 is supposed to be in)16:35
jhbBCMM: ^16:36
nid001***, +441*** and 00441**** are all the same, makes no difference whatsoever which you dial while in the uk16:36
BCMMjhb: yes, but then it would be 0441234 56789016:36
BCMMnid0: thanks. was just slightly worried that they might bill it as if international or something16:36
BCMMalso, isn't + just a shorthand for "whatever your country uses to mean international"?16:37
jhbBCMM: I finally understand your issue, and I agree with nid016:37
BCMMsorry for explaining it badly16:37
nid0BCMM, yeah + is just a replacement for (in the uk) 00, they function the same16:37
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BCMManyway, this could actually be really useful. thanks for the explanation16:38
jhbBCMM: sorry for being slow to understand. But I agree, seems to be useful16:40
MySpaezdisobey the legislators and the bureaucrats16:42
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rm_workDocScrutinizer51: having trouble finding the post you referred to16:54
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janibtw, do i remember right that for diablo or chinook there was also fm broadcast application that was done by community ?16:57
rm_workno, n8x0 did not have an FM transmitter16:57
rm_workor do you mean just an FM Radio app?16:57
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janimaybe .. just remembering that there was some sort of easter again for fm stuff with tables and not sure if it was receiver ot broadcaster ;)16:59
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cityLightshi all17:00
cityLightsI remeber someone here said - they use gentoo17:00
cityLightsI seek to install xen to get scratchbox17:00
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cityLightscan anyone lend a hand?17:00
BCMMjani: there are some things around to overcome intentional limitations of the fmtx, if that's what you mean17:00
rm_worki've only done Xen on Debian Squeeze17:00
BCMMthere's a tool to enable it on harware where it is disabled, and another tool to transmit at a higher power than it is supposed to do17:01
cityLights<rm_work> : do you ue lvm?17:01
BCMMcityLights: why do you need xen for scratchbox?17:01
cityLightsto get a seperate vol for each domU?17:01
rm_workyes but i kind of just stumbled through a guide for the initial setup :/17:02
rm_workdon't think i'd be much help in that area17:02
BCMMcityLights: i run scratchbox on gentoo without using any kind of VM17:02
janithose are for n900  right ?17:02
cityLightsIhi BCMM17:02
cityLightsright ,17:02
rm_workyeah, the scratchbox stuff just sits in a folder on your OS... don't need a VM...17:02
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BCMM(well, there is the processor emulation used in scratchbox to run ARM binaries, but other than that)17:02
cityLightsI want to build for my n900 and prefer to use a domU17:02
BCMMcityLights: yeah, scratchbox doesn't emulate a full os with a kernel and so on; it's just regular processes running in a chroot17:03
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BCMMcityLights: (except that some of those processes may actually be ARM binaries executed using user-mode qemu)17:03
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BCMMcityLights: wait, you want to install ubuntu or something in a VM and run scratchbox on that?17:04
trxi use that when on Win3217:05
trxUbuntu in VirtualBox17:05
trxthen run scratchbox inside..17:05
BCMMcityLights: am i correct in thinking that your end goal is to run scratchbox, in order to compile stuff for the n900?17:05
cityLightsbut , I have other causes17:06
BCMMcityLights: if i were you; i'd just install scratchbox on gentoo. would you like to know how?17:06
cityLightsnot now BCMM17:07
BCMMi should really write it down somewhere actually17:07
cityLightsso did anyone install xen and can help me with that?17:07
merlin1991BCMM: can one emerge scrachbox on gentoo?17:08
cityLightsafter I build the dom0 kerenl - I am unable to boot it17:08
cityLightsyes, he did17:08
BCMMmerlin1991: pretty much; yes17:08
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cityLightsI think he also , published the ebuilds17:08
BCMMmerlin1991: what i did was basically with a few modifications17:08
BCMMworked fine17:08
BCMMi should document it properly17:08
cityLightsassuming I missed the N9 dev application by 12 hr, then emailed17:08
cityLightsmay I still get a N950?17:08
merlin1991BCMM: just add a section about gentoo on that wiki page17:09
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BCMMmerlin1991: don't know why i didn't think of that when i first did it. probably nervous about editing the wiki17:09
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wazdfiferboy: have you got an e-mail?17:10
fiferboywazd: I got it this morning17:11
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wazdfiferboy: cool :)17:11
fiferboywazd: What about you?17:11
wazdfiferboy: yep, me too. Though I don't have any tracking numbers to drool on yet :D17:12
fiferboywazd: No, me neither.17:13
BCMMmerlin1991: are you a gentoo user wanting to install scratchbox? would be be prepered to test my instructions if i write them up?17:13
fiferboyI'm not looking forward to its trip through the over-zealous Canadian Customs, though17:13
merlin1991BCMM: I was a gentoo user, I was only wondering if you could simply emerge it or if there was some more black magic needed17:13
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jonwilI was able to emerge Scratchbox17:14
wazdfiferboy: oh yeah, almost same as russian. Except that russian costom is searching for anything to steal17:14
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jonwilbut you need to unmask the right bits17:14
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BCMMmerlin1991: about as much black magic as the manual debian instructions i linked17:19
BCMMreplace apt-get with emerge (and packages are slightly differently named)17:19
BCMMand then gentoo doesn't need a group created becuase the ebuild does it; but it does need an init script added to the default runlevel17:20
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fiferboywazd: That is worse.  Canadian are just looking for anything to tax17:22
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macmaNJaffa: have you disabled background data at all on your n950? it annoyingly pops up the internet connection screen after every wakeup17:23
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DocScrutinizerit's really funny the N950 doesn't react at all to doubletap when laying flat on a desk. You'd need to tap *hard* to make the accelerometer detect it ;-D17:32
Corsachmhm, but on capacitive it doesn't matter how hard you tap, does it?17:32
DocScrutinizerit doesn't use capacitive quite obviously17:33
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Venemo_N900I got an e-mail: "A Nokia N950 is waiting for you!"17:35
[DarkGUNMAN]afternoon Venemo_N90017:35
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Venemo_N900and a "Your order has been received"17:35
jonwilanyone here know anything about /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-1/1-0048/twl4030_vibra/pulse or how it works?17:35
jonwilOr where I can find out what the driver behind it does with the numbers?17:36
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jonwilbtw, good to hear that those waiting eagerly for news on their N950s have mostly gotten the news they were waiting for17:37
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rm_workhrm, n950 I thought was going to be capacative? for multitouch?17:38
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Venemo_N900rm_work, yeah, methinksso17:39
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DocScrutinizers[2011-07-07 16:32:17] <DocScrutinizer> it's really funny the N950 doesn't react at all to doubletap when laying flat on a desk. You'd need to tap *hard* to make the accelerometer detect it ;-Dure17:43
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Venemo_N900DocScrutinizer, how do you like it so far?17:44
DocScrutinizerthe funny part however is that doubletapping with e.g a pencil also doesn't unlock17:44
fralsDocScrutinizer: its not accelerometer based afaik ;)17:45
fralsDocScrutinizer: doubletapping *soft* when its on a desk unlocks it just fine17:45
DocScrutinizerfrals: so why does it not react at all when laying flat on table?17:45
fralssoft as in barely making contact with the screen17:45
ali1234sounds like you got a broken one17:45
fralsDocScrutinizer: it does for me17:45
DocScrutinizernot here17:45
JaffamacmaN: I've not disabled it, nor do I get that screen everytime. But I *usually* have a connection - e.g. wifi or 3G17:46
DocScrutinizeras soon as I lift it a itsy bit so it can *move* on tap it unlocks17:46
DocScrutinizerfrals: your table has a cloth?17:46
fralsDocScrutinizer: nope, its my hydraulic work desk ;-)17:47
Corsacyours's naked? perv!17:47
fralsDocScrutinizer: maybe your finger is just incompatible with the touchscreen ;-)17:47
rm_workdocscrutinizer: couldn't find the meego forums post you referenced about the nokia dev license17:48
DocScrutinizerthere's sth weird going on with touchpad17:48
DocScrutinizerit needs the contact from other hand to case17:48
fluxdocscrutinizer, have you tried deactivating it with something other than what the capacitive display can detect?17:48
DocScrutinizerfrals: your workbench conducting?17:49
fralsDocScrutinizer: uh, i hope not :D17:49
fralsits some kind of standard issue tree desktop top i guess17:49
DocScrutinizerwell, I definitely need to *hold* the device with my other hand, otherwise touch not detected17:50
Venemo_N900Doc, are you on da latest sw?17:50
fralsid put it on my rubbercover here but then its gonna start moving around17:50
DocScrutinizerflux: [2011-07-07 16:44:57] <DocScrutinizer> the funny part however is that doubletapping with e.g a pencil also doesn't unlock17:50
PolarFoxkill the stupid capacitive screen... sucks when your phone is in a holder on the car dash...17:51
fluxdocscrutinizer, it could always be a combination, if the accelerometer is cheaper to keep on than the capacitive display.17:51
PolarFoxand only reacts when it wants to.. :)17:51
fralsDocScrutinizer: i remember there have been issues with doubletap not being quite as accurate as one would wish in earlier builds thou17:51
DocScrutinizerflux: that's what I thought first17:51
fralsand i guess the build you have is 22-6 it might have been there17:52
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DocScrutinizersth weird is going on with this doubletap-unlock17:53
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DocScrutinizernone of my initial assumptions holds true17:53
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DocScrutinizeranyway N950 is definitely MONO17:56
DocScrutinizerI.E. *one* speaker (though admittedly a good sounding one)17:56
Corsacah, mono17:56
Corsacstereo on a device which is like 10cm large doesn't make much sense anyway17:57
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SpeedEvilI discovered yesterday that you can actually get a not-useless stereo sound from the n90017:57
DocScrutinizeralways my take on it as well, Corsac17:57
SpeedEvilPlace it on top of your head.17:57
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: I did that, indeed17:57
fluxand thus was top-listening invented17:58
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DocScrutinizerwhile kaying in bed on my back17:58
sp3000SpeedEvil: with or without pancake?17:58
sp3000(and rabbit)17:58
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DocScrutinizeraegis:: developer mode disabled and re-enabled without flaws17:59
DocScrutinizerwithout reboot17:59
DocScrutinizerI guess even the developer mode has different modes, and generally isn't as open as you'd think it is18:00
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DocScrutinizerit's *not* like developer mode would make aegis lose control of device18:00
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DocScrutinizerI wonder where's the friggin x-term18:01
DocScrutinizerquite obviously not in standard set op app icons - or I'm blind18:01
ScifigDoc - x-term is not shipped with the default image. You have to install it. I donno from where.18:02
SpeedEvilThere is 'terminal' - in all of the RDA phones18:02
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DocScrutinizerindeed - I'm blind18:03
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rm_worki wonder if there is fingernail polish i could wear that would make my fingernails work with capacative screens18:04
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SpeedEvilrm_work: yes18:04
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rm_worki hope it isn't super shiny T_T18:04
rm_workwhere do i get this, and will i look ridiculous wearing it? >_>18:04
rm_workFSCK, silver, lol18:05
rm_workomg even worse, it's glittery silver18:06
rm_work(looks like, hard to tell)18:06
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fluxmaybe a narrow line in the interior of the fingernail would do :)18:08
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ShapeshifterThe CSSU is pretty cool. nice job.18:10
timelessderf: thanks18:10
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sp3000timeless: hey18:12
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[DarkGUNMAN]CSSU is just missing portrait desktop as a miain feature now18:12
sp3000you seem to reliably ping when I'm in the work-to-home void ;)18:12
timelessis this a good time for better ping-pong?18:14
* timeless still hasn't mastered the kinesis keyboard..18:14
timelesssp3000: so... can i get you to adopt mxr.meeg?18:14
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sp3000I'm not sure I can make any guarantees but I suppose I could poke at it from time to time if fires break out18:16
timelessnow would be a good time18:17
timelessi'm told that certain things aren't updating18:17
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timelessand yeah, you shouldn't need to poke at it regularly, just occasional fires18:18
sp3000yeah, I saw some mail18:18
timelessif you could jump into the loop, that'd be great18:18
timelessthanks :)18:18
sp3000is the loop on fire?18:18
timelesshave you been on proper vacation?18:18
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timelesswell, someone threatened to decomission the system if an owner didn't appear18:18
timelessthat'd be like the box getting fired..18:18
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sp3000I vacation in about two weeks18:19
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timelessanything special planned?18:20
* timeless needs to find some specs to read18:20
sp3000never :)18:20
* timeless chuckles18:21
* timeless wonders if anyone has told Google that [us edition] crashes ie10preview218:21
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timelessok, it's definitely the youtube previews and not fastflip18:24
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timelessoddly, "Spotlight Video" plays for a bit18:29
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GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, what was the timeline of your order placement and shipping notification?18:30
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griDocScrutinizer51: no delivery yet?18:33
grinetwork timeout :/18:35
fiferboyDocScrutinizer: Was there a long time between the "Your order has been received" and the "Your order has been sent" emails?18:35
GeneralAntillesfiferboy, wonder whose got shipped today.18:37
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rm_worki may have been like an hour too late18:38
grimine not since the "order has been received" email was at 15:14 (fi time)18:38
GeneralAntilles12:04 here.18:39
khertanno order has been sent18:39
rm_workwas i like the last one here to actually order it? lol18:39
fiferboyGeneralAntilles: Maybe yours will be the one they ship tomorrow18:40
GeneralAntillesMakes it all a little irrelevant.18:40
fiferboyrm_work: Mine was ordered at about the same time18:40
DocScrutinizerGAN900: safe?18:40
GeneralAntillesNever safe. No, never safe.18:41
DocScrutinizermeh, Nuernberg is known18:41
DocScrutinizerotherwise... safe?18:41
DocScrutinizerotoh who cares about a finished obsolete DHL tracking18:42
timelessGeneralAntilles: did you see ?18:43
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DocScrutinizerI bet you all prefer tracking your own package18:44
GeneralAntillestimeless, ugh.18:44
GeneralAntillesMore laws. Just what we need.18:44
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DocScrutinizerthe notification from DHL about the tracking number took quite some time after Nokia said "shipped"18:44
timelessyou mean you don't support 1 new law for each person who dies in the USA?18:44
GeneralAntillesYou know your rights are in danger when people name laws after dead kids.18:44
manchaon an n8x0, have diablo on int flash and chinook on external sd. product info no longer reports version info when i boot chinook. is there a way to correct this?18:45
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, Nokia still says "New Order".18:45
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: I had to open the original order confirmation URL, from my browser history18:45
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fiferboyMaybe they send out a huge batch at the end of the day and haven't updated the status18:45
nid0I wish more delivery firms were like dpd, only decent parcel delivery service in the uk tbh18:45
* fiferboy is thinking wishfully18:46
DocScrutinizeranyway the mails from nokia were "instant"18:46
javispedrohah, wishful thinking18:46
manchai'm sure this has come up before, anyone here know the why and the how to correct on this issue?18:47
javispedrogentlemen, I am already with the idea that no device this weekend ..18:47
khertanordered at 11:26  ... still not sent :)18:47
hiemanshubtw, orderd my N95018:48
hiemanshukhertan: you too?18:48
alteregoJust had an email from quim, they can't find me on the developer site, #win18:49
khertanthere is now way to verify status ?18:49
khertanalterego, lol18:49
hiemanshualterego: lol sad18:49
wazdguys, quick UX test. What's better this:
khertanthis dev site look like a crappy bulk of small development collapsed with some microsoft glue18:49
hiemanshukhertan: they would usually do it first thing in the morning tomorro18:49
* javispedro blames alterego, surely due to his problem he has been distracting the launchpad clerck and thus no shippings this afternoon.18:49
wazdor this?
khertanwazd, ... hum ... i think i really need your help to help me design khteditor :)18:50
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alteregoHeh, yeah, the whole of Nokia is trying to sort out my account now :P sorry18:50
khertanwazd, i prefer the first18:50
DocScrutinizerA Nokia N950 is waiting for you-2011-07-06 08:58   Your order has been received-2011-07-06 10:33   Your order has been sent-2011-07-06 12:43   Ticket for order OID-0527-From:"joan.bondad@nokia-2011-07-06 12:44   DHL Intraship - Shipment notification-FROM:"joan.bondad@nokia-"joan.bondad@nokia18:51
nid0wazd, firsr one imo18:51
khertanwazd, faster with less click ... and i didn't like menu in toolbar18:51
javispedrowazd, iphone-style tabs ( ;) ) not only seem to be more useful but alsomandated by swipe guidelines18:51
wazdkhertan: don't you think it will be hard to tap on tabs on the n900?18:51
timelesswazd: can you gaurantee you'll never have > 3 items at the bottom?18:51
timelessand are you concerned about localization issues?18:51
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khertanwazd, not specially ... look at khweeteur it s work well18:51
wazdtimeless: that's  why there's "more" button on the right :)18:52
DocScrutinizer....2011-07-06 14:3118:52
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khertanwazd, the harder is the slider18:52
timelesswazd: oddly, the drop down list is likely to fail more often18:52
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timelesswrt internationalization18:52
GeneralAntilleswazd, the tabs.18:52
timelessbecause the text there can easily be longer, and due to its larger font18:52
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: nothing yet?18:52
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hiemanshuGeneralAntilles: and you?18:52
timelessit'll run out of space faster18:52
GeneralAntilleshiemanshu, ordered, no shipment notification18:52
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: yours was shipped right away?18:52
hiemanshuGeneralAntilles: ah same here18:53
timelessiow, tabs are better18:53
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, local time or Finnish time?18:53
khertantimeless, wazd , icon is enough ... no need text18:53
hiemanshuGeneralAntilles: I orderd mine about an hour back, wonder if it will ship today or tomorrow18:53
DocScrutinizerso -1 to finish18:53
manchaGeneralAntilles i recall your nick from way back...any suggestions for me?18:53
DocScrutinizerer +1?18:53
Venemo_N900hiemanshu, they received my order an hour ago18:53
timelesskhertan: that's another story18:53
Venemo_N900the meh was for something else18:53
khertantimeless,  :)18:53
GeneralAntillesmancha, N8x0-era stuff is all gone from my brain.18:53
timelessbut yeah, if back and more don't have text18:54
timelessthen you probably shouldn't stick text in for the others18:54
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: ah nice18:54
wazdkhertan: sure about labels? :)18:54
timelesswazd: fwiw, friends should be 2 or 3 heads, not one18:54
manchaGA, who here still runs stuff from the jurassic period then?!  :)18:54
Venemo_N900I was able to get my money back for my faulty HDD (that I purchased this morning)18:54
timelessand news might be better as a newspaper icon18:54
GeneralAntillesSo, N950 waiting email was received at 11:56 (Finnish), Order Placed at 12:0418:54
GeneralAntillesNo further communication.18:54
Venemo_N900but, all the shops here close at 17:00 (as if life just stopped at that time), so I couldn't get another one!18:55
khertanGeneralAntilles, same here18:55
griI received "waiting for you" an hour after ordering - like all mails from nokia ...18:55
wazdtimeless: yeah, these are just placeholders stolen from swipe UX doc :)18:55
khertangri, also :)=18:55
timelesswazd: sure18:55
hiemanshuGeneralAntilles: I got mine, 15 mins after I left home fed up of doing the F5 shit, that was about noon .fi time18:55
manchadoes qwerty still come here?18:56
Venemo_N900so I guess they'll ship it next week?18:56
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: tomorrow?18:56
Venemo_N900hiemanshu, at friday?18:56
wazdalso hidden "online only" switch at the top seems neat to me but I don't know how to initialy introduce it to the user18:56
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: why not?18:56
wazdmaybe some animation sequene18:56
GeneralAntillesmancha, he rage-quit.18:56
Venemo_N900hiemanshu, so you think we'll get it tomorrow?18:57
timelesswazd: i'm not sure i see value in it18:57
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: no shipping tomorrow, so it will arrive by monday18:57
timelessif you're already sorting by online status, then who cares?18:57
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: or if the place its being sent to works on saturdays18:57
manchawhat raged him?18:57
timelessif you aren't sorting by online status, then what are you sorting on, and why?18:57
wazdtimeless: well, I was thinking about alphabet order instead18:58
GeneralAntillesmancha, Nokia, I guess.18:58
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timelesswazd: the n900 let me choose18:58
Venemo_N900hiemanshu, I'm not sure if DHL works on weekends.18:58
manchaok, thanks, will try here some other time.18:58
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timelessbut roughly, i'm probably going to want to care about online status only if i want to sort by it18:58
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timelessotherwise if i want alphabetic order, i don't want people appearing/disappearing as i go18:58
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: friday is not a weekend18:59
wazdtimeless: between status and alphabet?18:59
timelessiow there's no reason to hide offline users18:59
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: and they work on weekends, just no delivery18:59
timelessbecause if you sort by online status, then the offline people are at the bottom (generally out of view)18:59
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: atleast in India they do18:59
timelessand otherwise, they're with everyone else18:59
wazdtimeless: well, there is if you have zillion of users18:59
timelesswhich is where they should be18:59
Venemo_N900hiemanshu, so what are they doing? if no delivery?18:59
timelesswazd: i only have 100018:59
timelessit's never been a problem18:59
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: moving between airports and warehouses18:59
wazdtimeless: my IM contact list has offline users hidden :)18:59
Venemo_N900hiemanshu, but no deliveries... damn.19:00
timelesswazd: my AIM list 15 years ago had a group for offline which i could expand/collapse19:00
wazdtimeless: heh :)19:00
timelessif you want to do:19:00
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: in India they work even sundays yeah19:00
timeless<active [collapsable]>19:00
GeneralAntillesCutoff might be 12:00 for outgoing orders.19:00
timeless<idle [collapsable]>19:00
timeless<dnd [...]>19:00
timeless<offline [...]>19:00
timelessfeel free19:00
timelessthere's minimal harm in that19:00
timelessa single widget at the top of the list otoh is harmful19:01
GeneralAntillesHrm, although if this guy's in Poland: - Device Ordered - 6.7.2011 13:45: Last Status: Device Sent to Customer 6.7.2011 13:45 . . .19:01
hiemanshuGeneralAntilles: true, well will have my monday so YAY!19:01
timelessmaking me scroll all the way to the top of my online list19:01
timelessjust to unhide a list at the bottom19:01
timelessis ... stupid19:01
wazdtimeless: maybe you're right :)19:01
timelessi'm just noting how AIM/ICQ did things years ago19:02
timelesstheir ui designers weren't wrong19:02
hiemanshuso the DHL india site tells me the delivery is by end of the next day19:02
timeless(their corporate people otoh chose to be bought/sold a couple of times, which was a different problem)(19:02
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GeneralAntilleshiemanshu, next BUSINESS day, usually.19:03
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hiemanshuGeneralAntilles: in India, saturday is a business day19:03
hiemanshuGeneralAntilles: so if its ships tomorrow, I should have it by saturday19:03
wazdtimeless: I'm not sure if Swipe UX has such thig as collapsable group19:04
Venemo_N900hiemanshu, so if nokia sends the device tomorrow, I'll get it monday. since it's international shipping, that may be tuesday.19:04
DocScrutinizerone last thing before I head out: you asked how I like it - well, no app close :-(. No uSD slot :-(. 8GB MyDocs :-( I feel like I could fall in love with kbd and don't like capacitive ts, invariably. No text highlight and c&p anywhere (well that's probably prone to change as this is PROTOTYPE)19:04
timelesswazd: note sure what Swipe is19:04
alteregohiemanshu: they always say a week, but it's usually next day if ordered before 3pm19:04
infobottimeless meant: wazd: not sure what Swipe is19:04
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timelessbut generally most things do have such a widget19:04
timelessit's basically a section header which is tappable19:04
Venemo_N900DocScrutinizer, so it's a dislike so far?19:05
hiemanshualterego: yes, since I ordered it around 6PM .fi time, It will be shipped tomorrow, and I should it by saturday or monday19:05
timelessif it doesn't have it, you can cheat and do:19:05
timeless<option [on-off]>19:05
DocScrutinizerbut that's my PoV19:05
timeless<list - only visible if option is on>19:05
timeless<option ...19:05
alteregohiemanshu: yeah :)19:05
wazdtimeless: fancy name for Harmattan UI :)19:05
timeless... list>19:05
Venemo_N900DocScrutinizer, mhm19:05
Venemo_N900DocScrutinizer, no app close? wut?19:05
timelesswazd: certainly BlackBerry has this widget19:05
hiemanshualterego: if its in my town, I wouldn't mind picking it up from anywhere in BLR :P19:05
DocScrutinizerthe ME and ID is awesome19:05
timelessas does windows19:06
rm_workman, all the people that are commenting "shame it doesn't run something useful like Win7" make me want to give up on life19:06
hiemanshualterego: mind you, my city end to end is about 40-ish KMs19:06
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Venemo_N900timeless, is it true that you quit Nokia? I recall hearing that from someone.19:06
DocScrutinizerthe GUI is basically not that bad19:06
timelessVenemo_N900: I work for RIM19:06
DocScrutinizerGUI designers did a hell of a job19:06
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: so how do you like your N950 so far?19:07
alteregoDocScrutinizer: that's like a major certification coming from you :P19:07
DocScrutinizerexcept missing c&p ;-)19:07
Venemo_N900timeless, ahh, so it's true19:07
rm_workshouldn't it be RiM?19:07
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GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, tap and hold on task switcher to close applications.19:07
DocScrutinizerswipe-from-top to close apps and I might like the GUI19:07
timelessrm_work: for whatever reason, it isn't19:07
fiferboyDocScrutinizer: Apparently you can turn that on somewhere19:08
DocScrutinizerthat's why I say it19:08
fiferboyIt is off by default AFAIK19:08
Venemo_N900timeless, is it any better than Nokia?19:08
grididn't someone say "not in the current firmware" (the close swipe)19:08
timelessVenemo_N900: quite a bit19:08
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timelessbut Nokia set such a low standard...19:08
Venemo_N900timeless :)19:08
Venemo_N900was it that bad?19:09
fiferboygri: I hadn't heard that, but it could be true19:09
hiemanshudid MohammadAG order his yet?19:09
* DocScrutinizer is going to take this Odyssey2001 Monolith to next pup and having a dinner o/19:09
wazdtimeless: but I don't know if it's collapsable or not19:09
timelesswazd: add a pill to collapse it19:09
khertanwazd, and removing the bounded rectangle arround the back button ?19:10
wazdkhertan: that's against UX rules :)19:10
timelesss/'/ /19:10
infobottimeless meant:
GeneralAntillesgri/fiferboy/DocScrutinizer, think it's in a later firmware.19:10
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: I know about tap&hold in taskswitcher - nuisance19:11
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wazdtimeless: yeah I know what you're talking about but I don't know if I can make it with default widgets :)19:11
GeneralAntillesThe swipe-to-close.19:11
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timelessjust showing that it's a fairly standard ui convention for such a task19:11
Venemo_N900that'd be more convenient without haping to tap&hold methinks19:11
timelesswazd: you can implement it by just letting people tap the title to collapse19:12
hiemanshuwazd: you know Jolie 0_019:12
timeless(assuming your UX toolkit designers are idiots and didn't provide a proper widget)19:12
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DocScrutinizerone last thing... what was the magic incantation to become root on aegis platform like m6?19:14
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CorsacDocScrutinizer: isn't there a menu for that?19:14
wazdhiemanshu: yep, 'ol pals :)19:14
hiemanshuwazd: get me a date with her pretty please :D19:15
timelessaegis-bless? :)19:15
CorsacDocScrutinizer: in “security” or something, you can enable root acces, afair19:15
CorsacDocScrutinizer: or you can send it to me and I'll do it for you :)19:15
wazdtimeless: yep, one of the options19:15
DocScrutinizerfrals: ping19:16
DocScrutinizerJaffa: ping19:16
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: ping19:16
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DocScrutinizerwas it aegis-exec?19:16
DocScrutinizersu doesn't work for usual reasons, no sudo19:17
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: ssh root@localhost?19:17
SpeedEvilI ssh'd into it at root@localhost19:17
SpeedEvilthen rootme as a password19:17
hiemanshuthat works on RDA atleast19:17
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: and there is devel-su or developer-su something19:18
DocScrutinizerdevel-su \o/19:18
DocScrutinizerhiemanshu: thanks pal!19:19
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hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: found a way to kill aegis yet?19:19
DocScrutinizeryou prolly can't19:20
DocScrutinizeranyway devel-su works19:20
timelesshiemanshu: root@ shouldn't work19:20
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timelessbecause "root" isn't actually "root"19:20
hiemanshutimeless: it does19:20
timelessit shouldn't19:20
timelessit certainly didn't at one point..19:20
hiemanshushouldn't yes, it does though19:20
vdvdoes flashing n900 with combined affect phonebook?19:21
timelessvdv: "combined" means "supports non shipping hardware"19:21
timeless(more or less)19:21
DocScrutinizervdv: no19:21
timelessyour phonebook is either in the SIM or in a part of your home directory19:21
timelessthat part should be in your eMMC19:21
timelesswhich isn't part of "Combined"19:21
DocScrutinizervdv: nevertheless make a backup19:22
vdvok, thanks19:22
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timelessbut yeah, make a backup19:22
vdvi've did already :)19:22
timelessalso, be aware that reflashing results in strange state for any apps which are optified19:23
timeless(which should be most of them)19:23
JaffaDocScrutinizer: pong19:24
DocScrutinizersu, solved19:24
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khertanWahuo ... i really made a huge progress with QML ... 5 hours today to reproduce a QToolBar with QPushButton with label or icon ... QML is really an amazing framework for loosing time19:28
timelesskhertan: s/loosing/losing/19:29
fiferboyalterego: Pardon?19:29
timelessand official speak for that is "spending" :)19:29
fiferboy12:28 < alterego>19:29
khertanthx timeless :)19:29
DocScrutinizerTX4 :-o19:29
hiemanshuit would be awesome to have a Nokia Meego Tablet, /me dreams about one19:29
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timelesshiemanshu: s/Meego/MeeGo/g19:30
hiemanshutimeless: hey you nazi, MEH19:30
* hiemanshu runs19:30
* timeless objects to the term19:30
* timeless lodges a formal protest19:30
timeless(shooting first would be tantamount to accepting the accusation)19:31
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DocScrutinizerachipa: I did proper unboxing. How to actually push my fingernail in somewhere?19:32
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hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: 1) grow your nail, 2) make it sharp 3) push it in 4) ?????? 5) profit :D19:32
* DocScrutinizer closes SIM slot and undoes unboxing ala achipa19:35
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griDocScrutinizer: only n950 + manual + usb cable in the box? (on your pictures)19:38
DocScrutinizercrappy ca-159 cable19:39
DocScrutinizerca-101 is way nicer, in my book19:39
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javispedroNo N950 waiting for you today!19:50
DocScrutinizer51GAN900: shuttle tomorrow? got postponed?19:50
GeneralAntillesSupposed to rain for the rest of the week.19:51
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javispedroNor tomorrow!19:52
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piggz\o/ got my order confirmation today :)19:54
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hiemanshupiggz: shipped?19:55
trxmine isn't sent yet :/19:55
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trxi guess ill have to wait until monday for it to arrive19:56
hiemanshutrx: almost nobodys got shipped today19:56
RST38hMoo all19:56
hiemanshutrx: so should be done first thing tomorrow I expect19:56
RST38hSo, anythingnew and exciting going on? First N950s out?19:56
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trxRST38h DocScrutinizer got his n95019:57
hiemanshuRST38h: and ours willl ship tomorrow mostly19:57
piggzhiemanshu: las t status is 'order recived'19:58
hiemanshupiggz: so yeah, ships tomorrow morning mostly19:58
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GeneralAntillesRST38h, some Polish dude got his N950 shipped.20:01
GeneralAntillesThat's new.20:01
hiemanshupiggz: so now the F5 shifts to the order status page, then the DHL page, and finally sitting on the pavement with the laptop :P20:01
hiemanshuGeneralAntilles: today?20:02
hiemanshuGeneralAntilles: any idea what time?20:02
GeneralAntillesSee the bottom20:02
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GeneralAntillesKrzysiek Drozd20:02
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GeneralAntillesDunno if that's local or Finnish.20:02
piggzhiemanshu: its gonna be away from home next week on a course so i wont get it!!!!!!!!!20:03
hiemanshupiggz: thats just bad20:03
hiemanshuGeneralAntilles: he ordered it the yest right20:03
GeneralAntillesAh, he did indeed.20:04
GeneralAntillesDamn ISO dates.20:04
javispedroI'm sure they have run out of money overnight delivery either way.20:04
hiemanshujavispedro: whats the status with your N950?20:04
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hiemanshuand nokia running out of money, lol no, M$ will pay them to make more phones20:05
javispedrosame as yours and GeneralAntilles, we're on the same batch for some reason.20:05
javispedro(aka LP yesterday, today device ordered)20:05
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hiemanshumine was LP the day before20:05
hiemanshubut yeah, hoping they ship it tomorrow morning20:06
alterego"No programs" :(20:06
javispedroah well.20:06
javispedroalterego, we are not getting them this week either.20:06
piggzso, i put an n900 app on ovi store for 1e several months ago...i got ~40 sales total, so i made it free 3 days ago, and have had almost 200 downloads.....bloody tight n900 owners ;)20:07
javispedropiggz, which app, ifyou are willing to share?20:07
hiemanshuso can we use the devices we get even to test the commerical apps? (other than the OSS stuff I write)20:08
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piggzi dont know....but there is nothing wrong with selling oss stuff on ovi store, so long as the source is available afaict, think of it as performing the compilation/packaging service ;)20:10
GAN900piggz, we're used to free applications.20:10
piggzyeah, its amazing the difference being free makes20:10
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piggzmy master plan is to write some shitty games, make millions on ovi store, then spend the rest of my life contributing to oss work free :)20:14
jonwilgetting somewhere with cloning some MCE plugins.20:15
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jonwilGotta stop being distracted by old Warner cartoons on YouTube though :P20:15
MohammadAGwho got an email today?20:15
hiemanshuMohammadAG: I did, so did GeneralAntilles, piggz, javispedro etc20:15
* MohammadAG grumbles20:16
piggzjonwil: you gould get distracted with 'the key of awesome' on youtube...i reccomend it20:16
hiemanshuMohammadAG: nothing yet?20:16
MohammadAGGuess I won't be getting it soon20:16
piggzhiemanshu: it will come :) ... be happy that even tho i have my email, you will get your phone first as i am away next week :(20:16
piggzs/ hiemanshu / MohammadAG20:17
MohammadAGI'm away for a month20:17
MohammadAGso no, you'll actually get it first20:17
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hiemanshuMohammadAG: when do you go away?20:17
MohammadAGmonday/tuesday max20:17
hiemanshuMohammadAG: ship yours to me, I'll send it back laterz :P20:17
piggzwhat is the support for plain qt like on harmatten?20:19
piggzis the meego touch theme included to make it nice?20:19
hiemanshuonly qt-componenets20:19
jonwilso basically you cant write vanilla QT ala Fremantle?20:20
jonwilyou have to go through QML?20:20
piggzthat suck a little20:20
hiemanshujonwil: no QWidgets aren't themed20:20
OkropNickis a proper cable enough to connect to N900 pendrive or some hacks are needed?20:20
hiemanshuso its QML only20:20
jonwilok, so the answer then is for someone to take the Harmattan QWidget code and add bits to make it themed :P20:21
piggzwell, that adds a new dimension to my project20:21
hiemanshuOkropNick: if you make the connection yes, you sually need the female usb to female usb20:21
piggzjonwil: meegoce has meegotouch theme20:21
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OkropNickhiemanshu: thanks20:21
hiemanshupiggz: jonwil:
javispedropiggz, and it shipped with the harmattan sdk, but nokia seems to want to remove it to encourage qml adoption20:22
hiemanshupiggz: that is unmaintained, so being removed20:22
piggzhiemanshu: i thought someone was taking it on again20:22
hiemanshupiggz: me and khertan were, but there will no harmattan support, so MEH20:22
hiemanshupiggz: learn qt-components instead, ?????, PROFIT :D20:23
javispedroeither way ,due to the way harmattan works, using qwidget is as native as using gtk+20:23
piggzim all for that20:23
hiemanshujonwil: right20:23
hiemanshujavispedro: ^20:23
piggzbut, i have to qwidget based apps to port, somehow20:23
piggzah well, it adds a new dimension20:23
javispedromaemo has thousand gtk+ apps ;)20:24
cehtehhundreds :P20:25
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griso will qt-components support the same customization possibilities as meegotouch? like "the theme decides where the back/close button is"?20:27
gri(have no idea where to ask/google)20:27
hiemanshugri: you could do a full screen widget, and draw it yourself20:28
jonwilI know of a number of maemo apps that render their own close button20:29
griI meant a different behavior20:29
grifor example I have meego ce on the n900 with the meego ce theme and start widgetsgallyery: close button on top right and back button on top left20:30
griwhen I copy the blanco theme from qemu to meego ce, the close button disappears and the back button goes to bottom left like on the n920:30
javispedrogri, evidently, with qml you are the owner of your client area, and the client area on harmattan is the entire screen.20:30
piggzhiemanshu: all may not be lost for qt/c++ ...
hiemanshupiggz: well you can use QML with C++20:30
piggzyes, i know, and have20:31
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piggzbut, for one lagacy project i have it will be v v difficult20:31
hiemanshupiggz: well lets see how that goes once I get my device20:31
piggz(kexi database viewer on mobile devices)20:31
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hiemanshuyeah, I need quassel2go and rewriting it in QML is meh20:31
piggzi could write the ui in qml, but the report viewer paints onto a qwidget (which would be possible in qml..), but the autoform plugin for mobile devices is qwidget based20:32
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grijavispedro: It doesn't matter if I own the client area ... does qt-components handle the same theme behavior like meegotouch?20:34
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khertangri, no ideatically ... but harmattan qt component take care of harmattan theme ...20:36
MohammadAGhiemanshu, N950 in devices list20:36
MohammadAGbut no email20:36
hiemanshuMohammadAG: hah20:36
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hiemanshuMohammadAG: well let me email you my address, so you can ship it to me :P20:36
khertangri, meego tablet component take care of meego tablet component20:36
MohammadAGwow, expensive20:36
khertangri, fragmentation ... :)20:36
Pauly_who got the n950 yet?20:37
hiemanshuPauly_: DocScrutinizer, Jaffa, X-Fade and quite a few of us while it in a few days20:37
MohammadAGhiemanshu, yes20:37
hiemanshuMohammadAG: order it :D20:38
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hiemanshuMohammadAG: and it should ship tomorrow mostly20:38
Pauly_yeah, well i got the n900 haha only fifty numbers away20:38
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javispedrogri, yes.20:38
javispedrohiemanshu, optimist again.20:38
Venemois there a way I can review the NDA for the N950 again?20:39
griThis means qml apps and meegotouch apps on harmattan look the same - and also on meego ce?20:39
hiemanshujavispedro: DocScrutinizer's shipped within 10 mins20:39
griVenemo: In your developer settings20:39
hiemanshujavispedro: ordered yest, got it today morning, so yes, optimistic here20:39
alteregojavispedro: they can't seem to find my nokia developer account :/20:39
hiemanshuVenemo: go to orders, click on it, there should be agreements something20:39
Venemohiemanshu: where is "orders"?20:40
hiemanshuVenemo: ddp page20:40
Pauly_hows the webkit browser?20:40
grijavispedro: So qt-components puts the back button on top left on meego-ce theme?20:40
Venemohiemanshu: which is the ddp page? for sure, it's not
MohammadAGinfobot, n950order20:40
infoboti heard n950order is and wait for "internal error" changing to something wonderful eventually :-)20:40
javispedroVenemo, there's no NDA for N950, there's only: a) generic NDA for Launchpad b ) "generic agreement" for N950.20:40
hiemanshuVenemo: ^20:40
MohammadAGhiemanshu, after entering the address20:40
javispedroa) can be seen on Profile, b can be seen in order page.20:40
MohammadAGthere's no "Confirm order"?20:41
Venemothx hiemanshu and MohammadAG20:41
hiemanshuMohammadAG: there should be an email20:41
javispedroMohammadAG, there's both a confirm order and order shipped mails20:41
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javispedrothe latter of which has not arrived for a majority yet.20:41
hiemanshuMohammadAG: and yes there is a confirm order page, I even have a print out of it20:41
hiemanshuVenemo: this page20:42
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javispedrogri, no =)20:44
gri:( I liked that about meegotouch ..20:44
MohammadAGhiemanshu, that's order confirmed20:45
MohammadAGI wanted something with a "Confirm order?"20:45
hiemanshuMohammadAG: yeah, no page in between20:45
MohammadAGsomething to confirm my payment20:45
hiemanshuyou dont have to pay20:46
hiemanshuso no page in between20:46
piggzMohammadAG: did you read the terms?20:46
MohammadAGyes I do, 020:46
javispedroyou bank will confirm your $0 payment.20:46
Pauly_i want n8 lol20:46
MohammadAGpiggz, no, I copied them into gedit, agreed, will read them after that20:46
Pauly_im jealouse i want an n950 :) have fun with it20:46
MohammadAGthat way I can't decline, even if I want to20:46
Pauly_* afk20:46
hiemanshuMohammadAG: you can download it as a pdf20:46
wazdI want E6 :)20:46
javispedroMohammadAG, they say something about giving one of your kidneys to Elop, and you already agreed.20:47
hiemanshuI want a X720:47
javispedroI want a N950.20:47
piggzand something about allowing to be made into a human centipede20:47
javispedroand you are all traitor-bastards ;P20:47
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hiemanshujavispedro: meh, my kidney is mostly alcohol by now, so really meh20:47
wazdbut I have serious addiction to qwerty-candybars so don't listen to me :)20:47
MohammadAGI learned something about legal english20:47
MohammadAGwhen they say You20:47
DocScrutinizerthere's no ovi share for n950, and no irc in messages20:47
MohammadAGit doesn't mean you, it means You20:47
MohammadAGthere's no IRC client20:47
javispedrono surprises.20:48
MohammadAGthere's communi20:48
MohammadAGbuild & run20:48
javispedroas Jaffa way more kindly put, it's completely useless for day to day usage ;)20:48
wazdMohammadAG: 16Gb, no IRC, screw them, I'm cancelling my order :D20:48
hiemanshuwazd: send it to me20:48
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hiemanshuwazd: ssh + irssi20:49
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MohammadAGjavispedro, didn't I say that over PM to you the other day? :P20:49
wazdhiemanshu: what comes to Russia stays in Russia :D20:49
hiemanshuwazd: ssh + alpine20:49
DocScrutinizerMEH lockscreen font missing "9"20:49
DocScrutinizer>1 :4 <20:49
javispedroDocScrutinizer, lol, they weren't lying when they made that 3000 bugs estimation.20:49
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wazdDEVELOPER EDITION label has all necessary symbols though20:50
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, this is probably to prevent 9:11 conspiracies20:50
DocScrutinizer1 :58 -> 1 :5  -> 20:0020:50
MohammadAGDEVELOPER EDITION is the most awesomest thing ever20:50
hiemanshuafter elop20:51
hiemanshualso WTF @
MohammadAGwhere's the DHL number?20:51
wazdhiemanshu: prank :)20:52
hiemanshuwazd: I know20:52
hiemanshuMohammadAG: you'll have to wait till it ships tomorrow20:52
hiemanshuMohammadAG: or whenever it ships20:52
wazdhiemanshu: he's rnot talking bout n9 actually :)20:53
javispedroit will ship the 32th20:53
hiemanshuwazd: yeah20:53
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hiemanshujavispedro: 32nd20:53
javispedrostupid subconscious thiking a way larger number.20:53
DocScrutinizer51the >   . 1 . 20  <20:54
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: fix it? reverse the 6, and put it in there :P20:55
javispedroNokia N , isn't it ironic20:55
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DocScrutinizer51Nokia N 5020:55
hiemanshujavispedro: I cant wait for my Nokia 00 to not be exchanged for N20:55
infobothiemanshu meant: javispedro: I cant wait for my Nokia 00 to  be exchanged for N20:55
hiemanshuMohammadAG: hey dawg, I heard you like numbers, so we removed the biggest one we could find, love, Nokia20:57
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hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: errr, should have been to you ^ :P20:58
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fralssometimes i wonder why they picked 22-6 to be the developer release.. :p20:59
MohammadAGfrals, got any other version to sure20:59
MohammadAGshare?* :P21:00
hiemanshufrals: isn't that the day after the N950 was announced?21:00
fralsMohammadAG: no :p21:00
MohammadAGfrals, don't worry, this channel isn't logged, much21:00
* MohammadAG kicks povbot 21:00
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hiemanshufrals: we could go to a new channel if you like to share the juicy details21:01
fralsMohammadAG: and half of the userlist is nokians ;-)21:01
hiemanshufrals: new channel :P21:01
MohammadAGfrals, they're idling :P21:01
MohammadAGElop says, join ##n950leaks for more21:02
MohammadAGthey probably ignore sentences with elop in them21:02
fralshiemanshu: and leave nothing for when everyone gets their hands on N9 in the store? never!21:02
MohammadAGfrals, aww how nice of you21:03
hiemanshufrals: we are leaving something for them, its called hope21:03
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Pauly_i wants a n8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21:04
Pauly_hey is browser good on n950 the new webkit one?21:04
MohammadAGfrals, you know this best, is friday a workday in HEL?21:05
fralsMohammadAG: tomorrow?21:05
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fralsMohammadAG: yes21:05
fralsMohammadAG: at least im quite sure im suppose to be at work tomorrow, like most fridays :P21:05
MohammadAGcool then it might ship tomorrow :D21:06
hiemanshuMohammadAG: yeah, hopefully, and saturday is a working day here, so I might have mine tomorrow, lets hope21:06
hiemanshuerr day after*21:06
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MohammadAGcan I track order status changes?21:07
hiemanshuonce they are shipped yes, DHL should mail you the tracking number21:08
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hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: mind giving us a screenshot of your DHL tracking page?21:08
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MohammadAGhiemanshu, no need,21:12
javispedroso that you can go to his home address and steal his n 50, eh?21:12
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MohammadAGI was wondering if I can know when it's shipped :P21:12
hiemanshujavispedro: lol21:12
hiemanshujavispedro: I want to see if they do actual status updates like moved from airport to warehouse and shit21:13
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MohammadAGso that's why the N900 prototype was called N 0021:13
griIs there a shortcut in the harmattan scratchbox to close a program? Swiping there sucks as the top-down-close is not supported21:15
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Smegmanis there linux for e71?21:18
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javispedrogri, Ctrl+C ;)21:20
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griIsn't that supposed to be copy-to-clipboard?21:21
griI don't start the program with the console, I meant a gui shortcut21:22
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* javispedro ponders buying stylus from nokia care...21:24
javispedrogri, then, kill -TERM ;)21:24
javispedrobecause no, there's no gui shortcut that I know of.21:24
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ScifigLabels in my scratchbox are messed up after re-installing. I get all the variable names like weba_ap_web_b. Anyone help me fix this? Screenshot -->
DocScrutinizer51just if you wondered - face detection in N950 cam works21:28
javispedroDocScrutinizer, have you tried pointing it to a picture of trollface?21:28
timelessScifig: you need a locale that's part of the env21:30
timelessyou could install one (e.g. mine)21:30
Scifigtimless: How do I install?21:31
Scifigtimeless: How do I install?21:31
timelesswell, for mine, you add my repo and install a locale (en-US/en-GB) :)21:32
Scifigyes please. What is your repo URL?21:33
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DocScrutinizer51hiemanshu: actually a guy of Nokia sends the DHL info21:45
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer51: how long between order sent and the actual dispatch?21:46
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DocScrutinizer51see my prev post of subject-[from-]date from the mails I got21:47
DocScrutinizer51can't check right now21:47
RST38hDoc: So you got yours?21:47
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hiemanshuDocScrutinizer51: ah ok, np21:47
DocScrutinizer51RST38h: see my ovi URL I posted earlier21:48
RST38hI have notseen it, sorry - please repost21:48
RST38hAlso haveyou got the URL for the Launchpad? I cannot find  single launchpad page on =(21:49
DocScrutinizer51can't - mobile21:49
RST38hah sorry21:49
dm8tbr - this one?21:49
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DocScrutinizer51RST38h: chanlog - search joerg90021:49
RST38hOh they wrote "dev kit" on the box...21:50
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RzR950my screen was all black :)21:52
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer51: how do you like it?21:52
pavvi-n900Just opened my n900 connected via USB to my debian netbook which has no gnomre or KDE . It gets detected as sde and sdf but not sde1 or something else which I could use21:52
pavvi-n900Why cant I mount it directly21:53
pavvi-n900Phone is on memory storage mode21:53
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RST38hDoc: Did you get an email telling youto order it or did you just find itonthe launchpad site?21:53
pavvi-n900cmon cant I just connect my n900 directly via USB ???21:54
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Shapeshifterman. it's baffling that they don't want to sell some N950s21:57
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hiemanshuRST38h: I got an email and so did DocScrutinizer51, but MohammadAG didn't get any, so just check21:59
hiemanshuinfobot: n950order21:59
infobotmethinks n950order is and wait for "internal error" changing to something wonderful eventually :-)21:59
hiemanshuRST38h: ^21:59
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Smegman'we made the greatest phone in the world'22:03
Smegman'but microsoft prohibits us from selling it'22:03
SmegmanFinland needs a night of long knives22:03
SpeedEvilBlunt spoons22:05
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pavvi-n900fuck the future talk about my N900 which I got today22:05
pavvi-n900I damn want to mount it22:06
NIN101close all aps which could use the partitions you want to mount, including filemanager, and plug the usb in...22:06
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pavvi-n900[ 6824.433137] scsi 8:0:0:0: Direct-Access     Nokia    N900              031 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2 [ 6824.433748] scsi 8:0:0:1: Direct-Access     Nokia    N900              031 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2 [ 6824.448131] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdc] Attached SCSI removable disk [ 6824.449634] sd 8:0:0:1: [sde] Attached SCSI removable disk22:08
pavvi-n900Thats it no sdc1 orr sde122:09
jogaI guess it doesn't show them as partitions22:10
jogathat's ok though22:11
pavvi-n900mount: /dev/sde: unknown device22:11
pavvi-n900OMG finally was able to mount sdc22:12
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NIN101So, threat your USB port on the N900 with care. I mean it.22:12
pavvi-n900NIN101: Yeah the pins look horrible22:13
pavvi-n900very hard to plug it in22:13
NIN101file them down.22:13
Shapeshifterbtw, is it hard to resolder the port?22:13
pavvi-n900I think in the long run its safer to use the memory card22:14
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sid_where can i download ? i cannot find a link to .deb file22:18
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jacekowskisid_: it's in nokia "secret" repo22:23
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hiemanshupavvi-n900: read the dmesg output once you plug it in?22:27
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pavvi-n900hiemanshu: done , pasted it also22:29
hiemanshupavvi-n900: what distro?22:29
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pavvi-n900hiemanshu: debian unstable , running fluxbox22:30
hiemanshupavvi-n900: lsusb please22:30
pavvi-n900hiemanshu: anyways was able to mount it copy my music colletion and I am listeing Jiya Jiya dhadak chale from Kalyug !22:30
pavvi-n900hiemanshu: by the way mkv files are not supported by the default media player ?22:31
pavvi-n900Bus 001 Device 035: ID 0421:01c7 Nokia Mobile Phones N900 (Storage Mode22:32
pavvi-n900hiemanshu: from lsusb22:32
hiemanshupavvi-n900: is it working fine?22:32
pavvi-n900hiemanshu: Yeah I used the tip from NIN101 who said to close all apps22:32
pavvi-n900hiemanshu: Media supprt link from Maemo wiki doesnt give any info other than the list of supported formats22:34
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pavvi-n900Why not install vlc and get everything?22:35
hiemanshunot sure if there is vlc22:35
pavvi-n900ohh so I need to install quickly22:36
sid_jacekowski: joking? sorry, but i do not find the package/binary for armel22:42
Smegmanthis is the best nick22:42
hiemanshusid_: you want the kernel flasher? or the image flasher?22:42
hiemanshualso PR 1.2?22:42
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sid_in this case, both; my usb is broken and it can only boot from mmc. maybe i can repair the bootloader22:44
sid_if the binarys are staticly linked22:44
sid_... compiled22:44
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jacekowskisid_: it's in fiasco image22:47
jacekowskisid_: as far as i know that flasher can't flash nolo22:48
hiemanshuwell you should be able to flash it from say meego booted from the SD card22:49
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divanfriend of mine benchmarked ext4 on n900 and here is the result:
pavvi-n900so ext4 is lot better22:51
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hiemanshuofc, otherwise it wouldn't be called an upgrade22:52
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ieatlintwell, i have an n950 firmware image but no n950 still :(23:00
ShadowJKdivan, that's a disappointing benchmark suite :)23:00
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divanShadowJK, because of zeroes? :)23:01
ShadowJKBecause it only tests sequential write/read of a single file23:01
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sid_can someone please run "dpkg -S flasher"; delete .deb file from /var/cache/apt/archives/ and run "apt-get -d xxx" and send me the downloadlink23:02
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deimossid_, this?
sid_deimos: sorry, no. i need it for armel to run it from meego23:10
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: the M6 system widget for setting time and date is great (analog clock, calendar view) - but look at the QMLComp... example programs for app devels... :-S STILL F*CKNG slotmachine for time AND date, NO day-of-week23:43
javispedroit's an improvement from m5 at least ;)23:43
javispedroI will always remember the store clerk trying to play the time/date slot machine when first booting my recently repaired n900.23:43
javispedrohe spent like 10 minutes on it.23:44
javispedro(and eventually set the wrong date...)23:44
DocScrutinizerNokia/Maemo6 got it right, but Qt/QML is FUBAR once again23:45
fralsdifference in development time between the qml and the mtf one is quite big i imagine23:45
DocScrutinizerI probably need to finetune the assignment of my meego-bug, to clearly say QML for subsystem involved23:46
fralsotoh the datepicker shouldnt be that hard to implement in qml, i guess23:46
fralsclock would be annoying i guess, circles = :(23:46
DocScrutinizerfrals: zenity --date23:46
DocScrutinizerfrals: zenity --calendar actually<23:47
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fralsat home on my win7 machine so have a feeling it wont do much good ;)23:47
javispedroyou will get a command or filename not found error which is always nice to get23:47
DocScrutinizerjust had a chat with my friend who got iPhone. I *know* where from this idiocy came23:48
khertanfrals, yep development time is really longer when doing qml thing23:48
DocScrutinizerI guess frals meant some different fact23:49
fralskhertan: its usually shorter, but i was refering to how long the work has been ongoing to get the building blocks done in qml vs mtf23:49
khertanfrals, usually ... hum hum hum ...23:49
DocScrutinizerQML timepicker widget: 2 mandays. MTF-datepicker: 4 manweeks23:49
fralsusing qml everyday at work i do appreciate how much faster it is to get stuff done with it instead of mtf23:50
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infobotDocScrutinizer meant: QML timepicker widget: 2 mandays. MTF-timepicker: 4 manweeks23:50
khertanQToolBar + QToolButton : 10m, QML : 7 hours and generate error23:50
khertanit s amazing how it s difficult to do simple things in qml23:51
fralskhertan: Page { tools: [ ToolIcon { source: bla onClicked: } ] }?23:51
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khertanindeed for doing transition ... it s faster23:51
ali1234it depends on the thing, really23:51
khertanfrals, Page, .... ToolIcon ? only for Harmattan ...23:51
fralsmight not be called ToolIcon, but I guess you get the idea ;-)23:51
javispedroDocScrutinizer: however, I do question wheter you are looking at the MTF datepicker, or just a custom implementation of a datepicker done specifically for time/date setting23:52
khertanfrals, didn't exist for Maemo23:52
khertanMaemo == Fremantle23:52
javispedro(m5 had the latter at least for first-use-setup)23:52
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: have you seen it in any other application?23:52
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: it's same in calendar for new events23:52
fralskhertan: right, that might be true. i was talking about harmattan, sorry for not making that clear23:52
javispedroDocScrutinizer: heh, wonderful23:52
fralsi thought comparing it with mtf gave it away :)23:52
DocScrutinizersame in clock, for alarms23:52
khertanfrals, yep the harmattan components seems to simplify things a lot ... but available for harmattan only ... and bring fragmentation to the plateform23:53
fralsthink the proper date/timepicker is used in all system apps23:53
javispedrobecause they all are MTF ;)23:53
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DocScrutinizeractually I've seen the slotmachines nowhere except in those QMLdjkhjak... active dictionary progarms23:53
fralskhertan: symbian got them as well?23:53
fralskhertan: but they are missing from fremantle :<23:54
khertanfrals, don't know ... didn't work under qtcreator23:54
khertanfrals, missing on fremantle and all other qt plateform23:54
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: indeed23:54
fralskhertan: ok, never tried them tbh, i just saw i got a symbian dir when checking out master from gitorious23:54
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: obviously MTF is nice, while QML is BS23:54
fralsjavispedro: most of the ones needing date/timepicker, i guess ;)23:54
javispedrowell, if you look at the MTF development timeline, ... they had quite of manweeks :)23:55
javispedromore like manyears ;)23:55
khertanwhen i see the maemo one23:55
khertanit s works well23:55
DocScrutinizerwhat horrifies me is the fact that iOS looks slotmachine'ish as well23:55
khertanm5 theme23:55
khertanDocScrutinizer, :) the complete iOS horrify me23:56
DocScrutinizerQML is going iPhone, no matter how awkward23:56
DocScrutinizeran abomination23:56
khertanDocScrutinizer, the problem is that everyone try to make iOS things ... and copy the worst23:56
khertanwith QML we got the style of iOS, with the fragmentation of Android23:56
DocScrutinizerthe iOS slotmachine *has* day-of-week23:56
khertandoes fanboy didn't ask for mix of iOS and Android ?23:57
khertanwe got the worst of the both world23:57
javispedroDocScrutinizer: I knew it!23:57
khertanok ... need to sleep23:57
khertanas tomorrow i ll have 4 hours to lose to do a working toolbar in qml23:58
javispedrognite khertan, good luck battling qml.23:58
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* DocScrutinizer needs some meditation now, somebody explained today it's needed by brain to keep the white mater strong23:58
khertanit ll be funny to see that doing all the syntax highlighting part of khteditor was 10x faster than the toolbar ... :)23:58
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DocScrutinizer~lart QML23:59
* infobot gives QML an extra strength ACME sleeping pill, sending QML to sleep for 150 years, and awakening to seven strange dwarfs and a large apple23:59

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