IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2011-07-01

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MohammadAGI'm expecting a day or two's delay :p00:02
MohammadAGalso, I'm wondering what customs will do00:02
MohammadAGWhen I got the DDP N900 they wanted 250 bucks tax00:02
DocScrutinizeron a sidenote: SHR distro got decent downstream audio on cmt finally, upstream next (though an itsy bit more tricky)00:03
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: ouch00:03
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: that's robbery00:03
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, 34% off the price00:04
MohammadAGtechnically the N950's price is NULL00:04
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DocScrutinizeryeah, that'll have potential to get really nasty00:04
DocScrutinizerthey may guess an arbitrary real value, as 0 obviously can't be correct00:05
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DocScrutinizercustoms tend to get funny when price ==NAN00:06
macmaNMohammadAG and his N950, unstoppable force00:06
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, they noticed something on the DDP N900 and said customs was paid in FI00:07
DocScrutinizeraaah good00:07
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* GeneralAntilles fiddles with the Qt SDK00:08
javispedroomg svg shadow goodness00:08
javispedro4px vertical offset should be ok00:08
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, not sure they're gonna the NULL nicely :p00:10
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GeneralAntillesjavispedro, Nokia's template Photoshop shadow settings are: 2 px distance (offset), 2% spread and 6 px size. From 12 o'clock. 50% opacity.00:16
javispedroGeneralAntilles: where to get those btw?00:18
rm_workGAN900: sup00:21
rm_workhigh latency today00:21
GeneralAntillesrm_work, congrats.00:21
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rm_workGeneralAntilles: haven't actually seen an email yet, i was just asking :P00:22
GeneralAntillesNo, I'm congratulating you for being high latency.00:22
rm_workthere it is00:22
rm_worki got accepted :P00:22
rm_worklol did you know before i did? :P00:22
rm_workhadn't checked my email until just now00:23
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javispedroGeneralAntilles: do you have something that opens .ait files? I would like to get an .svg from it (I need the path only, cause for the current template I made it manually)00:27
DocScrutinizerindeed the best to kill the suspense: just ignore the whole thing until you run into an email ;-)00:27
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rm_worklol DocScrutinizer, yes00:28
rm_worki have not been really worrying about it, or bugging quim, etc... keep wondering why everyone else is so frantic, there's nothing you can really do other than annoy him <_<00:28
DocScrutinizerand actually receiving a loaner isn't really a century event00:29
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DocScrutinizersure exciting for a moment, but not like you won the lottery00:31
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rm_worki honestly was expecting to maybe not get in, since i just skipped Maemo5 pretty much as a whole00:32
DocScrutinizerI thought konttori prodding me to apply would mean it's a nobrainer, but meh00:32
rm_workdid you not get in?00:33
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rm_workDon't know how long it will take me to get what i want to do done00:33
rm_workmaybe i will end up sending mine your way or something00:33
rm_worknot sure how they're doing that00:33
rm_workam kind of surprised tho00:34
* DocScrutinizer too00:34
GeneralAntillesWell, fringe stuff is tough.00:34
GeneralAntillesQuim hasn't had any interaction with you, either.00:34
GeneralAntillesand did you have a project page up?00:34
DocScrutinizerthought having hostmode was a priority when there's no other external storage00:34
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rm_workyeah, that's true, though it shouldn't make me more qualified just because i've met him like 4 times00:34
rm_workon the plus side, now that i'm working, i can afford to go to the events without requiring sponsorship (though no idea how many more events there will BE...)00:35
RST38hYes, but will your employer let you go? =)00:35
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noobmonk3yMohammadAG: :)00:40
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rm_workRST38h: ah yes, that is the tricky part00:42
rm_workRST38h: that's when i mysteriously come down with the Flu...00:42
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DocScrutinizermake sure your boss isn't on same conference then :-)00:43
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_trineis there anyone who can tell me why when I try to install the sdk it gives this message :-01:25
_trineCouldn't retrieve file 'maemo-sdk-rootstrap_5.0_10.2010.19-1_armel.tgz01:25
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rm_youGeneralAntilles: so i was asking earlier02:17
rm_youis the account they want you to make on the same one as for the N900 DDP?02:18
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Termanagood morning02:35
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alteregoHope to get that bloody launch pad email tomorrow :)02:46
alteregoHopefully in the moaning ..02:46
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DocScrutinizerTermana: morning, aussie03:01
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SpeedEvilMohammadAG: rm_you - congrats!03:25
* SpeedEvil waits nervously.03:25
TermanaSpeedEvil, lrn2comma :p03:26
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: better get a good cup of tea and feel good in knowing it's not you who need them, it's them who desperately need you03:26
TermanaSpeedEvil, your still in the last 100?03:27
SpeedEvilAnd yes - well...03:28
TermanaDocScrutinizer, have you actually received a rejection email? (reading through the channel logs, you seem to indicate this)03:28
SpeedEvilI regret my application in terms of apps, and app history was poor.03:28
DocScrutinizerand even worse for them if they don't realize they need you03:28
SpeedEvilI added some brief sketches of ideas I've had in the past, and it'd be the impetus for learning to code again.03:28
SpeedEvilFor apps.03:29
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: without you neither openmoko nor maemo wiki would be what it's now03:29
SpeedEvilBut that was after the deadline - I hope they're looking at the updated pages. Anyone know about that?03:29
DocScrutinizerand without wiki there wouldn't be a single decent app03:29
mr_jrtNight all.03:30
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DocScrutinizerasking for "applications, applications, applications" Balmer style completely neglects the prerequisites03:31
DocScrutinizerI'm not going to be a puppet on Nokia's strings03:32
DocScrutinizerI'm willing to *help* if they make it happen03:32
DocScrutinizerif not... Not my headache03:32
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DocScrutinizerTermana: no, x-fade probably told quim I'm the one person that hates aegis the most and so I don't qualify for any DDP, but for sure they don't bother to inform me about that fact03:35
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ieatlinti managed to sneak in on today's list of recipients to my surprise...03:40
Termanaieatlint, congrats :)03:42
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ieatlinti would've hoped all the old openmoko guys would've made it03:42
Termanadon't call them old! /sarcasm :p03:43
ieatlintthey'd strike me as the more desirable candidates... used to dealing with difficult dev environments and still turning out unique and impressive things03:43
DocScrutinizerieatlint: (old OM guys) made what?03:44
ieatlinta phone that kinda worked03:44
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ieatlinti think quim recognized my name, which helped, heh03:45
DocScrutinizerwell, OM the hw manuf is dead - for phones.03:45
DocScrutinizerOM the community lives on and is more vivid than ever03:45
ieatlintyeah, but the community based around it had a lot of desirable aspects03:46
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ieatlinti still run into enough openmoko peoples03:46
DocScrutinizerieatlint: jus today mrmoku implemented modem call audio according to my design and considered "downstream fine and ok. Now tackling upstream"03:47
DocScrutinizerfor N90003:47
DocScrutinizerand nota bene we are not using PA closed source crap ripped ou from meego or where ever03:49
DocScrutinizerthis is an ALSA based implementation03:49
javispedroalsa suxs03:49
DocScrutinizermeh, audio sucks03:49
javispedroit can be made as complex and heavy as PA03:50
TermanaDocScrutinizer, for the N900? So no speaker protection?03:50
ieatlintpulseaudio sucks too03:50
ieatlintit's a competition as to which sucks more03:50
DocScrutinizerTermana: xprot is user's common sense for now03:50
javispedroI wonder how's xprot in n{950,9}03:50
DocScrutinizernot needed?03:50
javispedrowas interested the other day in the audio chipset but google returned nothing interesting03:50
javispedroDocScrutinizer: no idea03:50
ieatlintpulseaudio will have a special place of hatred for me after having to deal with its api03:51
javispedroieatlint: I suggest dealing with the ALSA api03:51
javispedroieatlint: after careful consideration, the ALSA api is many,many,many times worse than PA's03:51
Termanajavispedro, Stskeeps indicated to me that he thinks its the same situation as the N900, but that wasn't definitive.03:51
ieatlintdear god...03:51
javispedroTermana: fascinating03:52
ieatlintI was able to switch to using qtmobility for my audio needs03:52
ieatlintand i'm oh so happy for it03:52
DocScrutinizerbah, ALSA has a steeper learning curve03:52
javispedrouse qtmultimedia03:52
javispedroseems to be better03:52
DocScrutinizeronce you want *goof quality* ALSA is way more transparent03:52
DocScrutinizergood* even03:53
ieatlintyeah, qtmultimedia now, used to be part of qt03:53
DocScrutinizerand one thing to keep in mind: a poor crappy API doesn't get better by adding 7 layers of abstraction on it03:54
javispedroDocScrutinizer: you're describing alsa03:54
DocScrutinizerindeed, and PA03:54
ieatlintyeah, but in qt's case, it abstracts it so i don't have to deal with it, and makes the code portable03:54
DocScrutinizerwhich still is using ALSA as soundcards03:54
javispedrogimme OSS!03:55
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DocScrutinizergimme a bottle of premium wodka! and cyel8er03:55
TermanaI need to find some way to bring audio in, convert it to floating point numbers, do some stuff to it and the send it back out again03:56
DocScrutinizercouldn't care less about harmattan and Nokia madness03:56
ieatlintfloating point?03:57
ieatlintwhy floating point?03:57
javispedroTermana: it's absolutely easy with pulse!03:57
Termanaieatlint, digital signal processing03:57
DocScrutinizermeh, have fun kids!03:58
ieatlintyeah, i've done that, but as doc says, s16le03:58
DocScrutinizerDSP, muhahaha03:58
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SpeedEvilTermana: Proper speaker protection is configuring the output 'soundcard' right - it has hardware speaker protection filtering.03:59
SpeedEvilTermana: That was already done as a proof of concept and found to work.03:59
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: indeed03:59
SpeedEvilWhich involves no CPU power at all to do the prot04:00
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DocScrutinizerjust Nokia with their APE centric concept haven't found the time to implement it properly, as a last-minute-fix prior to N900 rollout04:01
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SpeedEvilThat, and 'it works' - when mp3 might use 10-20% less CPU if properly setup.04:03
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DocScrutinizerimplemented for harmattan - fremantle is dead04:03
DocScrutinizersustainable product maintenance? what's that?04:04
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DocScrutinizerI just feel with the Nokia EE, who did an incredible awesome job mostly, but 30% are ignored by sw department04:07
DocScrutinizerand the figure getting worse - buzzword QtMobility et al04:08
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DocScrutinizeryou know why you can't do proper rainbow effects on notifier LED? Just because mce devels were lazy04:09
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DocScrutinizeryou know why you can't do even more shiny proper rainbow effects on notifier LED? Just because somebody beefed up the LED driver of N810 without regarding *any* od the new capabilities of LP5523 chip used in N90004:12
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DocScrutinizercheck out who wrote mce, check out who wrote LP5523 driver04:13
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cehtehi thought that was because they use one channel for the keyboard leds04:17
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rm_youSpeedEvil: :P04:26
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SpeedEvil? Oh04:26
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DocScrutinizercehteh: indeed. And why?04:29
DocScrutinizerthere's no sound rationale to do it this way04:30
cehtehheh no idea .. guess they needed something to drive the keyboard leds ...04:30
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cehtehdunno the specs04:30
DocScrutinizercehteh: also LP5523 has twice the program storage made available by the driver04:30
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cehtehwell the program storage was never a problem for me .. but 3 channels for really multicolor blink patterns would be awesome04:31
DocScrutinizercehteh: nope, you perfectly can drive 6 led via sw and keep the three engines for the indicator LED04:31
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cehtehok i didnt know that04:31
DocScrutinizerit's just *simpler* to do it via na engine, to have that silly 250ms ramp up, ramp down of kbd backlight04:32
cehtehha .. now where you say it .. yes indeed :P .. didnt noticed it before04:33
DocScrutinizereven if you think you want to do it via an engine, you could allocate this engine and free it 250ms later04:33
DocScrutinizerslothfulness of mce coders04:34
Ken-YoungDoes anyone happen to know is the "Account ID" for a Nokia Developer account is the same as a "Nokia Developer ID" for purposes of replying to a community N950 developer device program email?04:34
cehtehwell .. and i want customizeable current for the leds ... and feedback from the light sensor04:34
infobotKen-Young meant: Does anyone happen to know if the "Account ID" for a Nokia Developer account is the same as a "Nokia Developer ID" for purposes of replying to a community N950 developer device program email?04:34
cehtehfrom a software standpoint it would be nice to calculate total energy per time on a blink pattern and maximize the brightness04:35
ShadowJKdoing it via engine makes it smooth always04:36
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: and what for do you need the engine when the ramp has finished?04:36
cehteh20 ms bright white flashes with 15mA with 500ms pauses would be a nice notifier04:36
DocScrutinizercehteh: you noticed that usually indicator is 'black' when kbd backlight is in use?04:38
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: ^^^04:38
DocScrutinizersorry cehteh04:38
cehtehwell i dont notice either .. what do you mean?04:38
ShadowJKWhen/if I get free time I want to try implement charging led for meego (my own of course)04:39
DocScrutinizerI mean kbd backlight and indicator engine use are mutually exclusive anyway04:39
ShadowJKand maybe ts vibration, if there's a way that doesn't involve X04:39
cehtehindicator goes off for many common patterns when screen is active04:39
cehtehworks here ..04:39
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cehtehi changed the charging pattern to be always active04:40
cehtehthats just one of the bits you give to mce04:40
cehtehi once configured it to keep all patterns active but i got lazy after the last reflash04:40
DocScrutinizercehteh: well that's unusual, and yet you could snatch away the engine from charging pattern to do the ramp-up/down of kbd. I mean 250ms, c'mon04:41
cehtehyeah sure04:41
cehtehactually who needs the ramp for the keyboard?04:41
cehtehon/off with brightness control would be ok04:42
cehtehwell *that* actually uses brightness control ..04:42
cehtehbut not the indicator where it would be much more useful04:42
DocScrutinizerbut honestly the CPU is perfectly capably to do a smooth ramp for kbd backlight without using an engine04:42
cehtehthat too04:42
DocScrutinizerit's a braindamaged lazy design04:43
cehtehwell it all has an end ..04:43
cehtehnokia will be history soon .. at least for opensource / free software04:44
ShadowJKthe cpu is capable, but making sure it does it is a PITA ;P04:44
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: meh, nonsense04:44
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SpeedEvilKen-Young: And congrats! Orrery on a platform with magnetometer should be fun!04:45
ShadowJKpeople laughed at "stuck" leds before, so I guess some manager wanted it to be smooth04:45
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: +++04:45
ShadowJKand coders didn't want to spend the 10x effort on more realtime code ;p04:45
cehtehone led per key would be nice  :P04:45
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: doesn't apply to kbd backlight, not at all really04:45
cehtehone RGB led per key!04:45
SpeedEvilI'd really like one LED on the backlight to be illuminable.04:46
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DocScrutinizerShadowJK: (10 x the effort) lazy, toldya04:47
Ken-YoungSpeedEvil, Thanks!   The main complaint users have had about orrery is that they could not hold the N900 up to the sky and have it orient itself.   Many users asked me to try to do that with accelerometers, but that just didn't seem like it would give any precision.   Magnetometers should be fun.04:47
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DocScrutinizerKen-Young: will be awesome04:48
cehtehaccelerometers just dont work that way04:48
SpeedEvilAccellerometers can give you only the angle of the gravity axis, yes. both give you pointing to around a degree or three.04:48
Ken-YoungI also will be adding a location based feature for eclipses.04:49
DocScrutinizeryou can actually make N9 show the segment of sky it covers04:49
DocScrutinizeraugmented reality04:49
Ken-YoungDocScrutinizer, But you need to know the distance of the N9 from your eye to do that properly, don't you?04:50
DocScrutinizerindeed :-)04:50
SpeedEvilFront camera04:50
SpeedEvilThough that's not going to work well for nighttime of course.04:50
Ken-YoungSpeedEvil, !!!! Good idea!04:50
SpeedEvilI hope that the display can go dim enough.04:50
DocScrutinizerthere's always a solution - just define the problem propperly04:50
SpeedEvilBecause if it can - OLED at night would be a truly awesome display for stargazing.04:51
SpeedEvilYet another 'platform' issue.04:51
cehtehwell if you just guess 1/2 average arm length you are prolly good enugh04:51
Ken-YoungSpecial eyeglasses with LEDs at the frame tips, for the front camera to pick up.04:51
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: (nighttime) ask lcuk about 2 or 3 light on head of user04:51
ShadowJKjust make the screen very bright to illuminate the head, also blinds the user, so they wont notice in case the displayed sky is a bit off.04:52
cehtehi'd like a device with a full set of location sensors .. accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope ... and gps04:52
SpeedEvilGyro doesn't buy you that much in addition to accel and mag.04:52
cehtehif you have them all, then they can cross callibrate and improve accuracy04:52
SpeedEvilFor conditions where the device is mostly stationary.04:52
Ken-Youngcehteh, There's an add=on board for Openmoko Freerunners that give you that.04:52
SpeedEvilIn cases of motion, it can de-drift the attitude a lot.04:52
Ken-YoungAire pressure etc. too.04:52
DocScrutinizertwo leds make for distance, 3 for decent orientation relative to the 3 leds04:52
SpeedEvil9 axis will be next year.04:53
SpeedEvil6 axis chips have gotten fairly cheap. - $3 or so in _quantity_04:53
cehteh9axis? wtf :P04:54
SpeedEvilBut you have to pick accel + gyro or accel + mag04:54
Ken-Youngcehteh, It's for string theorists.04:54
SpeedEvilGyro, mag and accel in the one chip - 9 axes.04:54
cehtehah ok04:54
ieatlinti should just start telling people the app i submitted to apply for an n950 is a client04:54
cehtehi was thinking you talk about a 9 axes gyroscope04:54
SpeedEvilieatlint: Go for it! :)04:55
SpeedEvil  - my 'project' page. :)04:55
SpeedEvilNote the sucky apps bit at the front.04:55
* DocScrutinizer surrenders to the general feeling of "MEH!"04:56
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SpeedEvilOTOH - most of the people on the list at the bottom have gotten devices - :)04:57
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Ken-YoungSpeedEvil, Thanks for listing me on your page.04:58
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SpeedEvilOrrery was clearly a stunning app.04:58
SpeedEvilOr should be.04:58
MohammadAGI still don't get how an acceleration measuring device returns device orientation04:58
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: Because of gravity.04:58
Ken-YoungSpeedEvil, Well, most people prefer Stellarium.04:58
MohammadAGthe device is exposed to the same gravitational field04:59
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SpeedEvilI really want xephem! :)04:59
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SpeedEvil(though really, it'd be silly for a touchscreen one window device)04:59
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: yes, in fee fall it is05:00
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: but you're holding it05:00
Ken-YoungSpeedEvil, I'm *really* tempted to port NRAO AIPS, and ancient FORTRAN radio astronomy data reduction package.05:00
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: so gravity points 'down'05:00
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: so there's a force on the case from your hand05:00
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: If you don't move the device too much.05:00
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: Consider it like a little weighted string hanging from the accellerometer.05:00
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: same force with inverse signs is detected by accelerometer05:01
SpeedEvilIt's pretty much exactly like that - apart from the pendulumn-like swinging.05:01
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MohammadAGso technically, down is different to it in different positions05:01
SpeedEvilKen-Young: There is so much of what used to be 'big iron' data reduction that becomes relevant to the cellphone again.05:01
MohammadAGgot it05:01
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SpeedEvilEspecially with multiple devices in communication.05:01
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: the accelerometer tells you exactly what forces your hand applies to the device by holding it05:02
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: modulo the pinch05:02
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Gyjfso what kind of interesting things could one do with that?05:04
MohammadAGmeasure the constant g05:04
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SpeedEvilGyjf: basically with just accel, all you can sense is where that virtual string/weight is.05:04
DocScrutinizerfind out if screen heads up or to you?05:05
SpeedEvilGyjf: And get a ~30km (IIRC with the n900 accel) altitude resolution.05:05
MohammadAGactually can g be measured?05:05
MohammadAGAccurately? if the device is in free fall05:05
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DocScrutinizerwhen free fall, all 3 axis are 005:06
DocScrutinizerlis302 even detects that05:06
DocScrutinizerit's one of the primary usecases05:06
MohammadAGcan I legally jump off a plane and try that?05:07
DocScrutinizeryes :-ÃœP05:07
MohammadAGGyjf, no, I always land on my feet05:07
MohammadAGAnd I have some boots from Portal05:07
Gyjfsweeet, where can i get a pair? :P05:08
MohammadAGcontact valve05:08
DocScrutinizerWU_FF == wake up on free fall05:08
MohammadAGyou can get a free crusher with them too05:08
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, interesting05:08
SpeedEvilIt  can also interrupt on 'taps'05:08
SpeedEvilAnd doubletaps05:08
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SpeedEvilFor a 'zero' power wake05:08
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MohammadAGdoes the device go into free fall if dropped say, 10m?05:09
SpeedEvilIt goes into freefall from the millimeter you release it05:09
MohammadAGwould be nice to have a you fucking dropped me app05:09
SpeedEvilIt then gradually picks up aerodynamic drag.05:09
Gyjfyeah but when does it reach terminal velocity?05:09
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: it goes into free fall on 10 cm05:09
SpeedEvilI'd imagine it's slowed a lot after a couple of seconds.05:09
SpeedEvilI can't imagine it's terminal velocity is much more than that.05:10
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DocScrutinizerGyjf: if it reaches "terminal velocity" then the air is the "holding hand" and accelerometer will thing device sits o a table05:11
MohammadAGis there a way to get direct speed?05:11
GonzoTheGreat NRAO AIPS - yikes05:11
MohammadAGwithout differentiation... k05:11
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, downward speed05:11
SpeedEvilIs a FAQ I wrote ages ago05:12
MohammadAGgps sees that as 0, unless we're measuring delta altitude05:12
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, thanks :D05:12
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: openmoko wiki is a real treasure ;-)05:12
MohammadAGthough I'm in bed and I'd barely understand technicalties atm, so night :)05:12
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I gather OM was awesome05:12
MohammadAGand would've been awesome, the N900 killed it though05:13
SpeedEvilAwesome, and sucky.05:13
SpeedEvilAt the same time.05:13
MohammadAGspec up your devices05:13
SpeedEvilN900 was the nail in the coffin.05:13
DocScrutinizeras all wikis05:13
MohammadAGget better looks05:13
MohammadAGstart selling to consumers05:13
SpeedEvilOM was killed by its own actions.05:13
MohammadAGidk what its actions were05:13
DocScrutinizerOM was killed by his own boss05:13
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SpeedEvilFor example, they could have had saleable hardware with a working X+GTK+basic phone with SMS and calls in xmas 2007.05:14
DocScrutinizerbut no, we go for QtMoko05:14
SpeedEvilBut they decided to go for shiny, when apple and others were coming over the horizon - and did a major software change, followed by another change to Qt, followed by a change away from Qt05:15
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Ken-YoungI really wish someone would write an insider's history of Openmoko.   Something like "The soul of a New Machine".05:16
DocScrutinizerthen some users said "enough now!" and started SHR - stable hybrid release, cherrypicking where due05:16
DocScrutinizerkeeping X1105:17
DocScrutinizerkeeping Enlightenment/Illiume05:17
* ShadowJK thought the device looked cool in pictures, design-wise05:17
DocScrutinizerlooks like a shower radio, or a poorly built hockey puck05:18
Ken-YoungThe Freerunner is *still* a wonderful GPS unit, IMHO.05:18
DocScrutinizeryeah the GPS chipset of uBLOX isn't really bad05:19
SpeedEvilThere was some work done on using the GPS to get differential positions in the decimeter range.05:19
SpeedEvilThat could have been truly awesome if polished.05:19
DocScrutinizerand we got an external GPS antenna connector05:19
Gyjftalking about gps:s, is it only me or does the gps in the n900 realy suck?05:19
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DocScrutinizerGyjf: sucks without SIM05:20
SpeedEvil has some graphs05:20
GyjfSIM? as in SIM card?05:20
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Gyjfi have a simcard05:20
DocScrutinizerFreerunner GPS sucks with uSD card, N900 GPS sucks without SIM card :-P05:21
DocScrutinizercya folks05:21
Ken-YoungHave a good snooze.05:22
Gyjfeven with a simcard it cant seem to lock on enough sattelites to fix05:23
Ken-YoungGyjf, That does not match my experience.05:23
SpeedEvilThere have been reports of hardware problems with some units.05:24
Gyjfso its probable that i have a bad unit?05:24
SpeedEvilIt's not impossible.05:24
SpeedEvilIf you still have problems with a SIM in, after it's had a lock prior, outside, then definately.05:24
DocScrutinizerunlikely, use location test app05:25
DocScrutinizerlots of apps do nonsense on liblocation05:25
DocScrutinizereven maemo maps05:25
Gyjfis that in the main repos?05:26
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* ShadowJK uses gpsjinni for offline (location-test-gui pops up network to resolve street names)05:27
ShadowJKGyjf, sdk tools repo probably?05:28
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Gyjfcouldnt find it in the installer05:30
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DocScrutinizer51location test gui, AGPS, 1s interval. Solid 3D fix indoors old building without concrete: 5s05:32
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GeneralAntillesUgh, Google+ invites.05:34
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Gyjfanother facebook?05:34
GeneralAntillesI guess.05:35
DocScrutinizer51google+ == facebook+++05:36
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SpeedEvilOutside - had a fix in the last few days - with cellmo - good GPS fix in ~6s05:38
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fredringif google+ invite?06:18
fredrinGeneralAntilles: --^06:19
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GeneralAntillesfredrin, hmm?06:41
GeneralAntillesAre you requesting one?06:41
fredrinif you have06:42
fredrinjust want to check it out06:42
fredrinit's google so it could be big06:43
GeneralAntillesfredrin, not so far as I can tell.06:43
fredrinGeneralAntilles, humkay06:45
ShadowJKxkcd has a pwerful argument in favor of google+06:46
rm_youlol yeah that was great06:49
rm_youi do kinda want an invite just to check it out06:49
rm_youkinda like google wave...06:49
rm_younot sure i really liked it but was neat to try06:49
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jonwilgod Maemo has a lot of different libraries and daemons and code just to do something as simple as manage the clock and time07:11
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SpeedEviljonwil: Indeed - it's gotta be intentional.07:27
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jonwilin any case I have decided to take another look at the mess that is MCE07:35
jonwiland specifically some of the MCE plugins07:36
jonwilusing the Harmattan MCE code as a reference and comparing it to the Fremantle binaries to see what might be different07:36
jonwiland from there using that to figure out what say the vibrator plugin does07:36
robbiethe1stUm... I think it vibrates. :P07:37
jonwilI mean someone wanted clones of it so they could change just HOW it triggers the vibrator07:38
bindiwhy does the list of old alarms (the checkbox thingy) have to be a LIST07:40
bindii got a bunch and i hate scrolling.07:40
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bindithey would all fit if each row had like 6 of them or something07:40
bindimuch easier to use07:40
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SpeedEviljonwil: Did you apply for a devkit?07:43
jonwilN950? Nope07:43
SpeedEvilbindi: Indeed.07:43
jonwilNothing I have planned or am doing is the kind of thing that makes me deserving of a N9 or N950 devkit07:43
SpeedEvilI disagree - some of the platform stuff could be of great use.07:44
SpeedEvilBut it's very out of scope for the program.07:44
jonwilwhat platform stuff?07:45
SpeedEvilI mean stuff like getting cbs working07:45
SpeedEvilAnd you're one of the few involved in maemo with leet arm reverse engineering skillz.07:45
jonwilI dont have such skills, I wish I did though07:46
jonwilI am probably the only one in the maemo community who is interested in reverse engineering though07:46
SpeedEvilLeet compared to the rest of us :)07:52
SpeedEvilI've done some ARM coding in asm - but only on paper to cycle count a peroposed algorithm.07:52
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SpeedEvilAnd I'd have no idea where to go about stuff like the CBSMS patch.07:53
derfI've done plenty of ARM asm... but I still have no interest in _disassembling_ someone else's code.07:53
jonwilMost of my work comes from examining the x86 SDK versions of things07:53
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jonwilWho is it that was working on the custom lockscreen?09:11
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ShadowJKMohammadAG was coding..09:27
jonwiloh ok09:28
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jonwilMohammadAG: ping09:28
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ShadowJKwhy does have no "next in thread" link10:30
ZogGi dunno10:30
ZogGbut we have omap3 don't we?10:30
SpeedEvilZogG: yes10:31
SpeedEvilThough we do have a DSP10:31
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ZogGSpeedEvil ыщ шы ше кудумфте ещ гы,10:34
ZogGis it relevant to us?10:34
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vi__is there an easy way to list all gconfs so I can grep through them for what I want to fiddle with?10:58
vi__and another question10:59
vi__what gconf detai8ls which desktop I am on?10:59
vi__what gconf details which desktop I am on?10:59
JaffaStatus: "With delivery courier" :-D11:00
jonwilWhat is this that you are going to recieve?11:01
ZogGJaffa hola11:01
SpeedEvilZogG: not really.11:02
ZogGSpeedEvil that's why it sucks to be us =)11:02
SpeedEvilZogG: Both the n900 and the n950//n9 are omap311:02
vi__where is alarmd 'config' file11:02
SpeedEvilZogG: In principle thseswould benefit from a more common API for accessing the DSP11:02
vi__i.e. the file that contains all the upcoming alarms?11:02
ZogGi will not get n950 for sure and i wouldn't buy n9 due xpensices and anyway no support11:03
ZogGvi__ google it, it's linux thing11:03
ruskievi__, start reading and wiki.maemo.org11:06
ruskiehas plenty of things that might be useful11:06
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vi__ruskie: the wiki is an unreadable mess11:08
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ZogGvi__ than you re doomed11:24
ZogGRST38h, utro11:24
ZogGruskie, \o11:24
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RST38hZogG: How is suffering today?11:34
ZogGwhy would i suffer?11:34
ZogGi fell asleep yesterday ike a baby =)11:35
ZogGthough it was white night in TLV11:35
ZogGgoogle+ is wierd11:35
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RST38hZogG: Send an invite - lemme see =)11:35
ZogGRST38h pm email11:36
vi__how do I install the original camera program11:38
vi__not the cssu11:38
vi__apt-get install <what?>11:38
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ZogGRST38h got it?11:39
RST38hZogG: yahoo! thanks !11:42
ZogGRST38h no problem man =)11:43
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RST38hMghm, funny stuff11:45
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robbiethe1stOk, guys, time to do some Maemo stuff. But I've got a question first: I'm trying to tether my N900 to my laptop. I know the N900 side works, and I can get it to work on a Ubuntu 10.10 LiveCD, but my Debian LXDE just won't work. I installed networkmanager, modemmanager, and the N900 shows up when I plug it in, but attempting to connect to it as a modem just has it trying for a second and saying 'disconnected'. Any ideas?11:51
vi__what country, network, modem string?11:52
vi__and don't ask abbout the n900, its all n9/50 circle jerk right now11:52
fluxit's always about the newest. too bad in this case it's not readily available yet..11:53
fluxmaybe there should've been device-oriented channels in the first place :)11:53
robbiethe1stCountry = US, T-mobile. But it's not that I can't get internet or anything, I don't think my laptop's even connecting correctly.11:54
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robbiethe1stIt seems to see the N900 - device shows up in the wizard - but...11:54
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ZogGRST38h n8 has a client for it =)11:58
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alteregoStill no launchpad email :/12:08
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khertan__Morning Everyone !12:10
khertan__alterego, w8 and see here also ... but do not expected to get it too fast ... so you ll not be disappointed12:10
khertan__alterego, did you remember the n900 ddp and n810 ddp ?12:11
Venemoalterego, still no mail for me either...12:11
Venemokhertan__, what about N900 ddp and N810 ddp?12:11
alteregoI remember N81012:12
alteregoN900 I didn't have enoguh karma12:12
alteregobbiazm, having a shoert12:13
alteregoerm, shower12:13
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Jaffaalterego: I'm so very glad that mine was all set up, but now feeling guilty for the favouritism12:18
Jaffaalterego: However, not too guilty as I should be getting a new toy today ;-)12:19
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macmaNim enjoying the hell out of the n95012:20
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lardmanso anyone received any more news re Launchpad?12:21
RST38hlardman: not here12:22
ZogGkhertan__ you got n900 as dev as well?12:22
ZogGlardman hey12:22
RST38hZogG: already? someone wrote a symbian client for google+???12:22
khertan__ZogG, as dev yep ... waiting launchpad email :)12:23
ZogGRST38h nope, i was mistaken.12:23
khertan__Venemo, it s take one or two week to got confirmation ... and many complain on t.m.o :)12:23
ZogGsome1 wrote comment from n8 i assumed it's client but it was mobile interface12:23
lardmanhi ZogG12:23
ZogGlardman sup12:24
khertan__hum ... google plus suggest me as a contact :)12:24
VenemoJaffa, today already?12:24
lardmanZogG: not much, waiting for an N950, waiting for broadband to be sorted out at home, lots of waiting ;)12:26
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lardman sounds quite useful12:28
alteregoJaffa: I wouldn't be so sure, what's the delivery status?12:30
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alteregoOh you butt hole "out for deliver" :P12:32
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macmaNi totally need music player controls on the lock screen yo12:34
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alteregomacmaN: swipe up, a little.12:35
macmaNblack box appears12:35
macmaNlooks like something is unfinished12:35
VenemomacmaN, how did you get an N950 already?12:35
lardmanthat's what I was wondering?12:35
macmaNVenemo: helsinki meego meetup12:35
lardmanah ok12:35
lardmanany opengl es experts about?12:36
macmaNTronic sitting in #performous :)12:36
lardmanI don't want to bother a guru mind you12:36
VenemomacmaN, I'm envying12:37
macmaNi hear you. this thing is da bawmb.12:37
lardmanYou're just making us all jealous now :p12:38
macmaNwell the n9 will be upon us soon enough, unless elpo will sabotage the whole process somehow12:38
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macmaNso i would just suggest going to the bars, get drunk every once in a while, pick up ladies for a whole lot of onenighters and generally live the playboy lifestyle. then you might be able to forget the n9 exists for that amount of time.12:39
lardmanAnyway opengles question - I want to draw some avatars in a 3D space which will be overlaid on the camera video stream, and I have a few questions: firstly does one setup the entire "world" and then alter the "viewport", and how do I keep the avatars facing me?12:39
macmaNalthough there is that after sex period when n9 becomes top priority again the mind12:39
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macmaNi dont have a recipe for that12:39
lardmanmacmaN: I think my wife might not be too pleased with your suggestion ;)12:40
macmaNlol :P12:40
macmaNrole games?12:40
macmaNcould be spiccccyyyy12:40
lcuklardman, is the video stream still yuv?12:40
lardmanlcuk: no idea, but I guess it will be (or at least be able to be that)12:40
lardmanneed to wait 'till I have the item in my hands...12:40
* lcuk nods12:41
lardmanI guess I should read some OpenGL ES tutorials, but they all talk about making pretty pictures of boxes, which isn't what I need at all12:41
Venemolardman, what about QtOpenGL?12:42
lardmanYeah I had a look at that, but I'm not sure how to display the video in that case12:43
lardmanor perhaps I was just looking at the accelerated canvas, which was quite straightforward12:43
alteregoThere's a good gles2 book somewhere12:43
lardmanyeah, I don't really want to have to read an entire book, but if you find the name let me know and I'll get it from the library for some evening reading12:44
macmaNi came across the nokia wh-701 accidentally today.
macmaNfor some reason the next track button does not react with n950 media player12:44
Jaffaalterego: "With delivery courier", and I received an "out for delivery" email12:44
alteregoYou're a ho bag :P12:45
lardmanJaffa: the wonders of courier timestamps, updated 6h after the event?12:45
alteregoI still don't have launchpad confirmation yet :(12:45
lardmanalterego: nor me12:46
VenemoJaffa, how so quickly? I haven't even got any reply for my account ID from Quim12:46
alteregoVenemo: he aready had a valid launchpad account12:47
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Venemoalterego, ah. that launchpad thing seems to be the bottleneck12:47
alteregoIt is, a few of us, like we aid yesterday have beeen waiting greater than 6 months for an approval.12:49
lardmanVenemo: I don't think there were replies for the account ids, certianly I didn't get one12:49
alteregoBut this should get the shoe in the door, so-to-speak.12:49
alteregolardman: and you've got it in launchpad now?>12:49
Venemoalterego :)12:49
lardmanalterego: no12:49
alteregolardman: ah, well I wasn't expecting a reply from quim, I was kinda expecting a mail from launchpad12:50
alteregoVenemo: have you created a launchpad account yet? If not, do so.12:50
alteregoI think we may as well all be in the same boat.12:50
lardmansame, but I was just replying to Venemo's comment12:50
Venemoalterego, I applied at
Venemoit says, The applicant will be notified by e-mail once the membership application has been reviewed.12:50
Venemoand I definitely have NOT been notified.12:50
alteregoVenemo: okay, good. I guess we should just sit and wait, and maybe come up with a plan to knock Jaffa down :P12:50
VenemoI understand that others have waited for 6 months or so12:51
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Venemoso what then, I'll get an N950 for christmas? how nice!12:51
alteregoVenemo: neah, that's the wait we've waited without any other Nokia involvement, basically they advertised free WP7 and E7 devices earlier this year and a lot of people applied, they're probably still looking through the admissions now ;)12:51
alteregoThe point about the AID sending to Quim, is to get quick tracked through the process.12:52
Venemothis contradicts what Quim said, i.e. "we want to get the devices to the hands of the developers as fast as we can"12:52
alteregoVenemo: believe me, this is probably as fast as they can ;)12:52
khertan__Venemo, it 1 days ago ... it s not too long :)12:52
Venemoit feels bad that there is an N950 in there waiting for me, but they don't send it because of some bureocratic idiocracy12:52
khertan__stay calm will get it :)12:53
Venemook khertan__ & alterego12:53
alteregoI'll be sad if we don't get the confirmation sorted today though :D12:53
Venemopatience is a virtue, I know :)12:53
alteregoBecause then we could have them on Monday12:53
khertan__yep... anyway in france ... it ll mainly depends who do the delivery, if it s french poste ... i can wait 3 weeks12:53
alteregoAnyway, who has an N950 now?12:53
khertan__so one day or two ... more :)12:54
alteregoI've got a question12:54
Venemoalterego, Jaffa and macmaN have one12:54
alteregomacmaN: can you pastie the contents of the mount command.12:54
alteregoVenemo: Jaffa's hasn't arrived yet ;)12:54
alteregoI wanna know what the partition structure is like, rootfs, mydocs etc.12:54
alteregoI know the 512M NAND is being used for swap12:55
alteregoWondering how large our root is12:55
alteregoAnd how much storage we have for media, etc.12:55
Venemow00t__, -> top left field, AID-0000xxxxxx that is your developer account id12:56
macmaNi noticed aegisfs there a lot12:56
Venemoalterego, NAND is used for swap? didn't you tell me once that a NAND would wear out too quickly if it was used as swap?12:57
alteregoVenemo: I'm not happy about it ;)12:57
lardmanVenemo: Jaffa's is enroute afaiu12:57
alteregoVenemo: but they obviously know what they're doing.12:57
alteregomacmaN: could you pastie for me? ^.^12:57
Venemoalterego, yeah. which raises the question whether we could use the N900's "rootfs" as swap for MeeGo CE12:58
Venemoalterego, or perhaps it would be better spent used as a rootfs still12:58
w00t__Venemo: thanks12:59
macmaNalterego: i cant copy paste terminal to browser12:59
macmaNhow should i do this12:59
alteregoVenemo: well, me and Stskeeps are doing some research into making a very minimal, quick and super slick MeeGo for N900 in a small 256M footprint12:59
alteregoUsing Wayland and Qt512:59
macmaNalterego: where can i track this13:00
macmaNthat sounds awesomez13:00
Venemoalterego, that sounds very nice13:00
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robbiethe1stSo long as it incorporates Cordia, I'll be happy13:00
alteregomacmaN: nothing public yet. So don't get too worked up, we'll be working on it over the summer months.13:00
robbiethe1stBecause Hildon's an *excellent* UI13:01
alteregoExpect a _lot_ of noise about it once we actually get some where :D13:01
alteregorobbiethe1st: it wont be Cordia, it'll be our own environment based on qt (qml) compositor13:01
macmaNalterego: where are you guys located?13:01
alteregothe idea is to make an extremely low footprint meego-esque install for a "feature" phone13:01
Venemoalterego, I'm not saying that the whole thing should fit into the 256M... you could probably put /usr on the eMMC, with the exception of the most used binaries13:01
alteregoSo it wont have smart phone functionality, our first target is basically just a working dialer application.13:01
SpeedEvilalterego: :)13:02
alteregoLike I said, feature phone install, kind of an S40 replacement.13:03
Venemowhat's the point of that?13:03
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alteregoVenemo: itch scratching :)13:04
alteregoIt's a market MeeGo isn't prepared to go yet, but could potentially be a game changer, imo.13:05
Venemorobbiethe1st, the problem is not whether Hildon is an excellent UI (because it is), just that MeeGo can't currently offer a better one13:05
robbiethe1stwhy not?13:05
alteregoNo one has wrote it13:06
macmaNalterego: i got a little bit of info about nokia strategy regarding that stuff13:06
alteregoWell, except swipe :)13:06
Venemorobbiethe1st, dunno. Handset UX is crappier than Hildon, also the tablet UX is good, but not yet optimized of that screen size.13:06
macmaNthey def want to go therer13:06
robbiethe1stYea, sounds about right13:06
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Venemorobbiethe1st, so if we manage to get Cordia out of the door, then it will dominate the MeeGo UX scene :)13:06
robbiethe1stThat's for sure13:06
Venemoalterego, maybe so, but in that case, those won't be "feature" phones anymore13:06
robbiethe1stIt's nice.13:06
alteregoVenemo: oh well :)13:06
* alterego checks email again13:07
* Venemo has Hotmail pinned as "app tab" in Firefox and is hitting F5 every 15 minutes since yesterday13:07
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Venemorobbiethe1st, that's probably until Intel adapts their UX to the phone screen size13:08
Venemorobbiethe1st, or until Wayland comes out... hildon-desktop is in no way prepared for wayland.13:08
alteregoI think hildon is okay,13:08
alteregoBut I think swipe is better13:08
alteregoIf swipe had _another_ home screen, like a dock screep for widgets, then I'd love it :)13:09
Venemosure, but swipe is closed13:09
Jaffaalterego: It's "delivered" and "signed for" (by "RAFIQ"). So it's somewhere in the building :-)13:09
robbiethe1stI actually like the z-axis zoom method of Hildon...13:09
w00t__Jaffa: :-)13:10
robbiethe1stwith apps/home/open apps13:10
lardmanJaffa: quick call HR and find out who this person is!13:10
* SpeedEvil is rafiq.13:10
* SpeedEvil runs away with an n950.13:10
lardmanrafiq leaves the building13:10
* w00t__ still wonders how he's going to actually manage to get his13:10
w00t__the curse of moving to a tiny town..13:10
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w00t__robbiethe1st: I don't even have a street name13:11
w00t__post there relies on them knowing who lives where13:11
robbiethe1stWell, make sure they know where you are?13:11
SpeedEvilMy village is like that too.13:11
w00t__already in the process of working that out :-)13:11
SpeedEvilOne main street, with named houses along it13:11
alteregow00t__: make yourself known, run down the street naked :)13:12
w00t__SpeedEvil: this is a bit bigger, some 3k people.. but a lot of the small streets aren't named or numbered13:12
alteregoRun into the post office and say "You haz my package?>!?"13:12
SpeedEvilI guess 800?13:13
SpeedEvil400, on reflection.13:13
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ZogGgoogle+ madness=) who wanna try?13:16
Venemow00t__, I live in a village, how is that related to the issue?13:18
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w00t__Venemo: I'm not there (yet), but I will be in ~1.5 weeks13:18
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w00t__it's just a bit complicated13:18
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alteregoLooks like Jaffa is minutes away from his N95013:29
macmaNlol sounds pornish13:30
crashanddiealterego, no he's not.13:30
Jaffaalterego: Unfortunately, it's release day and we've got about 4 blockers open13:30
JaffaSo I might not have time to play :-(13:30
khertan__i would dislike doing the qgil current jobs ... offering device ... people complain and whine for delay ... :)13:30
alteregoHaha :P13:30
Jaffakhertan__: Indeed. Impatience is one of the virtues of a programmer, though13:30
khertan__Jaffa, :)13:31
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alteregoWhy, WHY does crhome take over my bloody URL opening stuff ..13:35
* alterego removes chrome13:35
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robbiethe1stAand, with that, Backupmenu 1.0RC1 is now uploaded.13:36
robbiethe1stI'm just about considering it finished13:36
robbiethe1stI added a proper format to the restore; should fix issues with the Optfs13:37
hiemanshuif you dont have patience, you can learn it by waiting for Qt to build on a single core 2.4ghz system13:37
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khertan__hiemanshu, or on an n90013:38
hiemanshukhertan__: well yes that too13:38
hiemanshukhertan__: congrats btw13:38
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lardmanhiemanshu: that's nothing, try an OpenZaurus toolchain + world build on a 400MHz box with 64MB of RAM ;)13:42
lardmanI think I killed it after a week or two13:42
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hiemanshulardman: hah13:42
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Venemo[12:35] * alterego removes chrome -> yep, crome is crap13:43
hiemanshuuse Chromium!13:43
VenemoFirefox is the best browser on this planet13:44
alteregopfft, it was chromium and it hijacked all my urls13:44
alteregoEven though I said, no don't be my default browser ass face.13:44
* hiemanshu shoots Venemo and throws his body in the garbage truck13:44
Venemohiemanshu, google's horseshit never will be any good, ever. including their shitty browser13:45
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hiemanshuVenemo: I actually like chromium, its not as RAM hungry as firefox13:46
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hiemanshuhmmm, I need to learn to package .deb without the help of qt creator13:47
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ZogGVenemo hey buddy13:49
Venemohey ZogG13:49
Venemohiemanshu, maybe, but that is what RAM is for.13:49
Venemohiemanshu, I can help you with .deb13:49
ZogGVenemo sup my man13:50
Venemohiemanshu, you basically create a 'debian' directory in your app's root directory and put stuff in there. see
Venemohiemanshu, 'control' contains package data (think the top parts of a .spec file), 'rules' contains how to build it, etc.13:52
VenemoZogG, I'm fine thanks :) awaiting for my N950 dev device13:52
ZogGVenemo \о/13:52
ZogGi feel like loser now when you all get new device =)13:52
hiemanshugah, /me shoots himself, built for wrong target :/13:53
VenemoZogG, you can get an N9 later and dowload all the apps we make with our N950s13:53
ZogGi want keyboard and i don't think i'm gonna buy n913:53
ZogGnot avilable in our country it means it would be expensive and it is too expensive without resellers prices =)13:54
hiemanshuJaffa: awesome, thanks13:54
Jaffahiemanshu: It still requires the qtc_packaging stuff from Qt Creator, but does produce things which are buildable by things other than Qt Creator.13:55
Jaffahiemanshu: There's no reason for the simple stuff, though, that you couldn't have a mud.xml file which contained the packaging info in an abstract form (for most simple apps, anyway)13:55
hiemanshuJaffa: there is no qtc_packaging stuff at all, I am trying to build opencv and package that13:56
Jaffahiemanshu: If it exists already, I wouldn't use Qt Creator - unless it's a Qt project.13:56
Venemohiemanshu, it also helps if you look at debian's package collection and see how their stuff is packaged13:56
hiemanshuJaffa: yes, I am not using Qt Creator, I am using sbox13:57
* jonwil knows all about the pain of building QT on a slow system13:59
jonwilTry a 1.4Ghz P4 Gentoo box13:59
jonwilTry building a full QT/KDE setup :)14:00
hiemanshujonwil: done :P14:00
lardmanso Jaffa, do you have the device yet?!14:03
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lardmanperhaps he's passed out in delight?14:04
jonwil~seen MohammadAG14:05
infobotmohammadag is currently on #maemo (3d 10h 54m 11s) #meego (3d 10h 54m 11s). Has said a total of 707 messages. Is idling for 8h 51m 36s, last said: 'idk what its actions were'.14:05
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hiemanshumorning MohammadAG14:37
MohammadAGjonwil, sup14:37
MohammadAGmorning hiemanshu :)14:37
hiemanshuMohammadAG: you seem happy today :P14:37
jonwilso yeah you are doing the new lock screen?14:37
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psycho_oreosyou'd be happy too if you received N950 :p14:39
psycho_oreoswhich I'm sure both of you have :p14:39
trxid be happy to receve any mail14:39
psycho_oreoscorrection, get accepted for DDP on N9 dev kit14:39
* jonwil has no interest in having a N9/N95014:39
trxeven rejected :/14:39
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psycho_oreosmy assumptions are they may be am on the way to firing out a whole bunch of rejected DDP lol14:40
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MohammadAGjonwil, yep14:41
ZogGMohammadAG \о14:41
MohammadAGtechnically it runs over the old one, but it works ;)14:41
MohammadAGo/ ZogG14:41
ZogGMohammadAG sup dude14:41
jonwilam I correct in thinking that the reason it has to run over the old one is that we cant replace
ZogGkinda missed you =)14:42
jonwilBecause I happen to be mapping out all the external things required to create such a replacement14:42
jonwilwhich isnt as hard as it sounds14:42
MohammadAGjonwil, yep14:42
MohammadAGZogG, heh nothing much, same as always14:42
ZogGjonwil, sounds great14:42
ZogGMohammadAG, got approved on n950 btw?14:43
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ZogGMohammadAG, just got from miluim. did you apply for school already?14:43
MohammadAGjonwil, while you're doing that, can you find the methods to get notification count?14:43
MohammadAGZogG, yeah (N950), no (school)14:43
ZogGMohammadAG what do you mena notification count?14:43
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ZogGMohammadAG good, bad14:44
jonwilIf you know what binary or binaries I should look into, I can look into that for you14:44
MohammadAGneed my psychometric exam mark14:44
ZogGMohammadAG how did it go?14:44
MohammadAGsame binary jonwil14:44
ZogGit's such a bullsht14:44
MohammadAGZogG, exam on 7/714:44
jonwilso the lockscreen displays the notification count?14:44
ZogGMohammadAG, i did it14:44
ZogGand i didn't study at all14:44
MohammadAGjonwil, yeah14:44
ZogGall test were great14:45
ZogGand real exam wasn't as i even didn't sleep before it =)14:45
MohammadAGit's not hard ZogG, you just have to think fast :P14:45
ZogGand it was a lot of hours =(14:45
jonwilok, I found it14:45
jonwilThere is no function to get the notification count14:45
MohammadAG3/4? can take that, will be bored but I can take it14:45
RST38hMohammad: What exam?14:45
MohammadAGjonwil, no sqlite calls?14:45
jonwilyes there is14:45
ZogGMohammadAG it's about concentration, i can concentrate on something boring for hours14:45
MohammadAGthen it's using the db directly :/14:46
MohammadAGRST38h, some Israeli test you need for unis here14:46
ZogGRST38h, same as in US14:46
RST38hAh, the local variety of SAT or EGE14:46
* RST38h thinks harder figures that EGE will probably spell as UFE in English14:47
MohammadAGthe SATs are more umm, sane ZogG :P14:47
ZogGRST38h is it yours/ i mean LJ?14:47
ZogGMohammadAG it's all about money14:47
RST38hZogG: No, it is a movie review community14:47
ZogGtest to check you and not to learn you before14:48
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ZogGRST38h it looks like trashy trash14:48
RST38hZogG: in this case, reviewing the trashiest flick ever14:48
ZogGinsane i would say14:48
JaffaI have an N950 in my hands.14:48
MohammadAGwhat's "tentatively"?14:48
ZogGJaffa mazal tov14:48
RST38hZogG: Shaolin masters facepalm in shame!14:48
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RST38hJaffa: You lucky individual... Still haven't got any response from Quim14:49
ZogGRST38h haha, but i know more trashy movie i think14:49
ZogGRST38h are you developing nything?14:49
RST38hJaffa: On the other hand, celestial trajectories only take my means of transport to US between 9th and 21st14:49
ZogGmaybe i should email Quim and test my luck if not all devices are sent? =)14:49
ZogGRST38h check the Pasechnik movie14:50
RST38hZogG: ninjas kill themselves when they see this:
wifiprobhi all. i have set up a wireless adhoc om my computer in order to share the internet connection with my n900. i am able to connect to this wifi adhoc network from my phone, but am not able to browse the internet or execute apt-get update from the terminal either. how do i solve this?14:50
RST38hZogG: Oh, but Pasechnik was actually done this way ON PURPOSE14:50
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ZogGRST38h and this one they wanted to make as a Matrix style movie?14:50
ZogGwifiprob i think the problem is in how you set up adhoc14:51
RST38hZogG: I am porting my own stuff (open source and not), porting FBReader, and most likely doing one more project that  would like to keep private for now14:51
ZogGFBReader is yours?14:51
wifiprobZogG: it's a wep network with security key 617364666714:52
RST38hZogG: Frankly, I think this one was caused by toadstools and one ninja movie too many14:52
ZogGRST38h i know your are sansei from chan but never knew any project you worked on14:52
RST38hZogG: No, but I maintained the Maemo5 port14:52
MohammadAGJaffa, holy crap you got it?14:52
RST38hZogG: http://fms.komkon.org14:52
RST38hZogG: And a search at maemo.org14:52
ZogGRST38h so you are the one porting all emulators?14:53
RST38hZogG: I am the one *writing* all emulators.14:54
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macmaNJaffa: how you like it? :)14:54
RST38hAnd not "all", really :)14:54
wifiprobZogG: any suggestions as to how to set up the adhoc differently?14:55
ZogGwifiprob, is it windows or linux machine?14:56
wifiprobZogG: windows14:56
ZogGi think it's set right as you can connect, but not sure if you set the internet sharing14:57
ZogGcheck for that thing14:57
ZogGgoogle it14:57
JaffamacmaN: Heavier than I was expecting (and heavier than the N9). Screen is gorgeous (it's even more gorgeouser on the N9)14:57
wifiprobZogG: i've turned that internet connection sharing option to on14:57
ZogGRST38h are you from USA?14:57
ZogGand why would you provide your phone and all info ? =)14:57
RST38hZogG: ?14:57
RST38hZogG: Sorry?14:58
ZogGJaffa so is N9 screen better?14:58
* lardman dreams of large screens14:58
* ZogG dreams of naked lardman 14:59
JaffaZogG: Yes.14:59
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RST38hZogG: It is a standard resume14:59
hiemanshuVenemo: 'Sorry for the confusion about IDs. In fact your username e.g. quimgil is enough, but all those extra codes are helpful avoiding mistakes.  ':P :P :P14:59
* Jaffa played with an N9 prototype a few weeks ago14:59
lardmanZogG: that is worrying :D14:59
Venemohiemanshu, LoooooL14:59
* Venemo shoots alterego15:00
RST38hZogG: When you want people to hire you, you obviously leave your coordinates15:00
ZogGRST38h at top it says you live in USA and there is phone number15:00
RST38hZogG: Yes, that is my US address and phone number. Why?15:00
robbiethe1stSo, new version of BackupMenu is online!15:00
ZogGRST38h i thought you still in Russia15:00
RST38hZogG: That is also correct.15:01
ZogGRST38h it's like Nobody, the movie15:02
macmaNrobbiethe1st: awesomez! do you run uboot as well?15:03
macmaNJaffa: yes N9 is just completely orgasmic screen15:03
robbiethe1stNot currently, but I ran it earlier, when it was included with one Power Kernel version15:03
ZogGi want one too15:03
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ZogGMohammadAG how we get N9 here? and it would probably cost milions =)15:04
robbiethe1stI just haven't had any need to run it... Meego doesn't really interest me, and I've got EasyDebian in place of Ubuntu etc.15:04
macmaNrobbiethe1st: ok there is no issue with both of them being installed? i thought that both wanting to do something when keyboard is open might be something wonky15:04
robbiethe1stAndroid might be fun... but the morons won't switch to uboot, so... not going to use15:04
robbiethe1stShouldn't be, no15:04
robbiethe1stBackupmenu will only start after uboot starts to boot Maemo15:05
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macmaNahhh ok15:05
ZogGJaffa stop putting n950 pics on twitter, people may die =))))15:07
* lardman installs Harmattan SDK on his netbook for want of any other Linux machine with a network connection15:07
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hiemanshuZogG: link please15:10
ZogGhiemanshu which one?15:10
hiemanshuZogG: <ZogG> Jaffa stop putting n950 pics on twitter, people may die =))))15:10
ZogGhiemanshu obv it's on tweeter. search for @Jaffa215:10
lardmanJaffa: to second fiferboy's question, what did you need to do in Launchpad, anything at all other than just having it setup?15:11
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ZogGlardman lauchpad? for meego? like in ubuntu?15:11
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lardmanit's a Nokia developer thingie needed to get the dev devices15:12
hiemanshuZogG: Nokia Launchpad15:13
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hiemanshuJaffa: where are the devices being shipped from?15:13
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ZogGi thinks it's better to get n950 chan =)15:14
lardmanyeah it might well be worth having something like that15:14
ZogGso i wouldn't be jealous here =P15:15
hiemanshuwell if its being shipped from china \o/15:16
Jaffahiemanshu: Helsinki15:17
Jaffalardman: I got an email from, subject "You have a Nokia N950 waiting for you" which gave me a link to the DDP to order it15:18
lardmanok cool, thanks15:18
alteregosnail tracked more like it ..15:19
* alterego sighs15:19
alteregoI should probably do some work to get my mind of this ;)15:19
lardmanI know the feeling alterego, but at least we're part way there15:20
cpscottialterego: same here!15:21
cpscotti(btw, hi!)15:21
JaffaNo built-in Twitter for news feed or Google Talk, as far as I can tell :-(15:22
fralsJaffa: not in your build :p15:22
Jaffafrals: :-(15:23
Jaffafrals: apt-gettable?15:23
RST38hJaffa: I think there will be diamond-encrusted N950s in 2 years time15:23
fralsdoubt it15:23
ZogGJaffa what is this green thing near clock?15:23
macmaNas part of their Nertu line?15:23
RST38hJaffa: When the thing advances to a real rarity status15:23
fralsZogG: presence for IM15:23
fralsZogG: or notifications, if its a flag15:23
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ZogGfrals thought so15:23
JaffaZogG: Presence for IM. Facebook chat currently15:23
ZogGfrals so how hard it was to have n9 and not telling people? =)15:24
macmaNJaffa: does your screen timeout display the lock? N9 does and this doesnt15:24
macmaNthe clock*15:24
JaffamacmaN: No, despite it being set to in settings. Due to power consumption of LCD vs. AMOLED IIRC15:25
jaskanertu? nerdvertu?:D15:25
macmaNu got it jaska15:25
ZogGn950 has lcd right?15:25
JaffaTerminal, in landscape, shows about 7 lines with vkb.15:25
JaffaZogG: Yes15:26
macmaNyeah. that is completely useless :)15:26
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macmaNim struggling that there seems to be no indicator light on screen timeout15:27
macmaNof missed calls and messages15:27
macmaNit looks like a dead brick on timeout15:27
macmaNa damn goodlooking brick. but still a brick.15:27
ZogGit doesn't have any led, does it?15:27
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X-FadeIt does.15:29
fralsJaffa: you can pinch to zoom in out and in terminal15:30
fralsZogG: ;)15:30
macmaNalso can i haz headphoned on harmattan kthxbai15:31
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ZogGfrals, i think it would be hard for me. did you tell close friends?15:31
fralsZogG: i told none, not even my gf :p15:32
fralsZogG: which is why there was no leaks about it15:32
frals(more or less) :p15:32
ZogGbut you are not the one who had it15:32
ZogGi don't have gf but i didn't get n9, it's unfair world here =)15:33
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lardmanwell I've got a wife and haven't got one yet, so perhaps there's a plateau somewhere in the middle ;)15:34
lardmanthough Jaffa blows that theory out of the water of course15:34
fralslardman: :D15:34
* khertan__ click click click click refresh email limit excedeed15:35
macmaNimap idle ftw dude15:35
ZogGfrals are you still in Nokia?15:36
khertan__macmaN, imap idle works when stupid implemented server do it15:40
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macmaNdovecot ftw15:41
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macmaNsupport finnish15:41
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fluxdoes N9/N950 email client finally support IDLE?-)15:44
cehtehanyone seriously considering to buy a n9? :)15:46
alteregoNot seriously, I will do it :P15:47
lardmanhmm, anyone else have the SDK installed fall over with "No protocol specified"?15:48
macmaNthats a X11 issue15:50
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macmaNset XAUTHORITY to ~youruser/.Xauthority15:51
lardmanyeah, I'm just wondering how to fix it - what causes it, etc15:51
ZogGalterego than buy another one for me =)15:51
alteregoI'll buy one for me and one for my gf :P15:52
lardmanright, pointed the sudo -i term's XAUTHORITY env var at my normal login one15:54
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fralsZogG: yes15:55
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Jaffafrals: Lack of Twitter & Google Chat is annoying. But let me copy some content on it from my N900 :-)16:00
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fralsJaffa: the fact you can see "via Twitter from N9" should maybe hint that there is a twitter app in later builds ;)16:01
fralsthink ive seen gchat as well, but i cant comment on if that is being shipped or not etc etc etc16:01
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* lardman pokes "Get Mail" a few times just on the off chance Launchpad have launched an email his way16:04
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alteregoI've seen google talk on it too.16:07
alteregoPretty sure it's there.16:07
macmaNJaffa: i guess no easy way to migrate n900 conversations db over right16:07
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lardmanmacmaN: is that not saved by the Ovi Suite stuff?16:08
GeneralAntillesJaffa, you're the worst.16:10
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JaffamacmaN: I very much doubt it16:11
* Jaffa wants some threaded email so he can see if that's handled16:12
* macmaN wants working openvpn16:12
* macmaN needs to learn dpkg-buildpackage16:12
* lardman wants an email from Nokia Launchpad16:13
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* SpeedEvil wants an email from Quim.16:19
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* SpeedEvil makes up with it by sending a nasty email about his courier site not propelry attributing openstreetmap imagery.16:21
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JaffamacmaN: frals: Have you succeeded in adding CalDAV to Google Calendar?16:28
macmaNcome again?16:28
JaffaI mean adding calendars from Google Calendar to Harmattan using CalDAV16:29
X-FadeJaffa: Yes, works for me.16:29
macmaNright. no havent tried it. i am trying to get openvpn going so i can connect to me intranet davical caldav16:29
JaffaX-Fade: Can you msg me the URL you used? There are two different ones given on Google Calendar's help16:30
X-FadeJaffa: iirc.16:30
khertan__how can i list all package where i am the maintainer in maemo extras-devel ?16:30
X-FadeJaffa: But let me check, this was from memory :)16:30
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X-FadeJaffa: Yes, that is the url.16:33
khertan__X-Fade, perfect ! thx !16:33
JaffaX-Fade: OK, thanks. Have you done a couple of calendars?16:33
* Jaffa 's N900 is rubbish at Bluetooth.16:34
divanX-Fade, I've also the question for you ) Is there a way to see the statistics for maintained applications' downloads?16:35
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X-FadeJaffa: No, only one.16:35
JaffaX-Fade: OK, thanks16:35
X-FadeJaffa: But you can add multiple it seems.16:36
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JaffaX-Fade: Indeed16:37
JaffaX-Fade: Working for my main calendar, thanks16:37
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divanX-Fade, I mean for apps which aren't in stable repo.16:39
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X-Fadedivan: Copy url from statistics in downloads and change extras to extras-devel :)16:40
* Jaffa tries with a shared calendar <crosses fingers/>16:41
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Meceo.O jaffa16:41
divanX-Fade, I've tried that, but it's javascript powered and pasting URL of statistics graph simply redirects to the page back.16:41
X-Fadedivan: It is in an iframe.16:42
X-Fadedivan: Use the outer one.16:42
divanhmm, I can't open it with chrome. Will try in other browser, thanks.16:42
MohammadAGanyone besides Jaffa got a confirmation email yet?16:45
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lardmannot here16:46
lardmanbut then Jaffa already had Launchpad setup16:46
* javispedro needs to buy a dell laptop for work, any suggestion?16:46
MohammadAGyeah, don't buy a Dell16:47
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divanX-Fade, is there any parameters for the stats script for scaling? I.e. to obtain that graph in bigger resolution,16:47
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alteregoNot looking hopeful for the launchpad fast tracking happening today, oh well, wait until Monday then ..16:48
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MohammadAGwait there's a tracking number?16:48
X-Fadedivan: Yeah, just edit the css with something like firebug.16:48
javispedroMohammadAG, not that I want to, but I'm forced. That's why I have to ask =)16:48
lardmanwell there are still some hours left of today16:48
macmaNdepends on the model and what exactly youre looking for from the laptop16:48
javispedrolardman, hahahaha16:48
javispedrolardman, you optimist16:49
divanX-Fade, :)16:49
macmaNi am thinking about about latitude 1316:49
lardmanMohammadAG: fast tracking membership applications16:49
macmaNaltho the battery life will likely be a murderous experience16:49
lardmanjavispedro: :)16:49
* MohammadAG gets 2-3 hours on his HP16:49
lardmandivan: did you work out a url then?16:49
Venemojavispedro, this should give you some ideas on Linux support:
lardmandivan: nice, thanks16:50
alteregoWel apparently get dhl tracking numbers when we place the "order" at least Jaffa got one, would be very helpful for me.16:51
Venemoalterego, I haven't even got any response from launchpad, so I can't place an order at all16:51
lardmandivan, X-Fade: that would be quite cool on a random page somewhere. I never realised it was possible for extras-* and was always curious16:52
lardmanstick in the package name in question, get the graph back16:52
* divan second that16:52
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X-Fadelardman: Well it shows on every page in downloads? :)16:53
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lardmanX-Fade: really? I've never seen it16:54
X-Fadelardman: Don't use IE :)16:54
divanX-Fade, a lot of software in -devel and -extras not presented in Downloads Page.16:54
lardmanFF5 for my sins16:54
javispedroVenemo, ta16:55
lardmanI'm tempted to try IE as FF5 is such a slow memory hog16:55
alteregoVenemo: I don't think anyone has outside Jaffa :P16:55
javispedroFF>3.6 suxxxss16:55
hiemanshuJaffa: ah, so Finland to India will take a while longer :/16:56
lardmanX-Fade: also for the packages that are in Extras, I don't see a graph, just the total number of downloads16:56
hiemanshulardman: Chromium16:56
hiemanshulardman: or Midori16:56
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javispedrowebkit suxxxxxsssss16:56
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lardmanChromium was dog slow when I last tried it16:57
Venemoalterego, sure, but did Jaffa cheat? or how?16:57
* noobmonk3y blinks16:57
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lardmanVenemo: he already had a Launchpad account16:57
hiemanshuVenemo: Beta tester for the process is what qgil says16:57
Venemoso yes, he basically cheated.16:58
noobmonk3yvery quiet on the Quim front today! :|16:58
divanlardman, chromium is slow? Actually, when I switched to chrome, I can't realize how could I use such slow browser as FF before..16:58
JaffaX-Fade: Multiple calendars work :-)16:58
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X-FadeJaffa: Good :)16:58
lardmandivan: not the rendering iirc, but the actual app itself wasn't happy16:59
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fralsJaffa: whats even better, multiple MfE accounts work ;-)16:59
Jaffafrals: Why'd I use MfE? If there was auto-VPNing, maybe ;-)17:01
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Venemonoobmonk3y, probably Quim is busy kicking the Nokia Launchpad guys' asses17:01
trxthird batch of names released17:03
rm_work<divan> lardman, chromium is slow? Actually, when I switched to chrome, I can't realize how could I use such slow browser as FF before..17:03
rm_work^^^^ this17:03
trxno n950 for me :(17:03
lardmanhmm, I've got 7 FF windows open, with at least 5 tabs in each; chromium was most displeased trying to do this17:03
Venemoactually, FF is not slow at all17:04
lardmanI guess I could try it again, probably will do it FF's plugin container decides to sit using an entire core @ 100% for a week again17:04
Venemoif you're not pleased enough with it, download some extensions that tweak its settings17:04
Venemofor example, the automatic DNS, or "FasterFox"17:04
* javispedro congratulates DocScrutinizer 17:05
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: selected?17:05
macmaNJaffa: ok so the biggest thing about the old firmware on N950 right now is the fact that you cannot close apps with down swipe17:05
lardmanVenemo: there's nothing in particular, I'm on a very fast pc on a very fast link, but it does bog down loading pages sometimes, which is annoying17:05
JaffamacmaN: Aye :-(17:05
macmaNJaffa: N9 had a setting in settings, N950 doesnt have it17:05
* DocScrutinizer searches the browser window17:05
trxDocScrutinizer congrats :))17:05
macmaNim getting like 20 random open windows there now all the fircking time17:05
javispedroDocScrutinizer, unless you have an evil twin named the same as you :)17:05
Jaffajavispedro: He *is* the evil twin17:06
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javispedrothe third batch is actually interesting, cause I know more names from the third bach than the second17:06
hiemanshuhmmm, /me doesn't really know a lot of names17:06
DocScrutinizeryoh indeed17:06
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hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: congrats17:07
Venemowhere is the third batch?17:07
Venemodefinitely not on the wiki17:07
hiemanshuVenemo: at the end17:07
hiemanshuit is17:07
javispedroalso wazd got one :)17:07
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: indeed the third batch seems the dirty dozen17:07
VenemoI found it17:07
noobmonk3ylol Venemo17:07
Venemoindeed, DocScrutinizer is there17:07
noobmonk3yis this n950 giveaway like wimbledon, whomever makes it to the final (8thish round, wins by default?!)17:07
Venemonoobmonk3y, no17:07
hiemanshunoobmonk3y: the first round are the winners, the rest is MEH :P17:08
DocScrutinizerit's no giveaway, it's a loaner17:08
rm_workhey, i was in the second batch! recognize ME! :P17:08
VenemoDocScrutinizer, what is your project for N950 btw?17:08
rm_workDocScrutinizer: grats btw17:08
DocScrutinizerfirst of all hostmode17:08
DocScrutinizerthnx rm_work17:08
fralsDocScrutinizer: on the list, even thou you cursed aegis! miracle!17:08
* Venemo wants hostmode on N9x017:08
* divan congratulates DocScrutinizer as well17:08
Venemohey! we can now start referring to them as N9x0 :)17:09
DocScrutinizerfrals: lol17:09
lardmanX-Fade: do you not have a device already?17:09
Venemoor N9(x0) if we want to include N9 as well17:09
Venemofrals, they are probably sending DocScrutinizer a device which has Aegis enabled on its highest setting17:09
TermanaDocScrutinizer, woo! looks like we've got most people that hang around on IRC and/or do something meaningful on this list now (no offence if I've forgotten someone important/does something meaningful and your not on the list)17:09
TermanaVenemo, lol17:10
rm_workjavispedro: yeah wow, you're right though, lot of big names in this one17:10
Venemowith the little extra that when he tries to attach a USB pendrive, Aegis will blow the device off17:10
* DocScrutinizer votes for >> N9(x0) <<17:11
TermanaVenemo, gives new meaning to the words security framework17:11
VenemoDocScrutinizer ++17:11
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: :-(17:12
trxSpeedEvil got mail?17:12
VenemoTermana, forgot to say, this is an anti-virus solution. that only happens when there are viruses on said USB pendrive17:12
VenemoSpeedEvil :(((17:12
TermanaVenemo, you read my mind ;)17:12
SpeedEviltrx: Just now17:12
trxSpeedEvil i have got nothing :| no mail, no name on the list... this is even worse :|17:12
X-Fadelardman: I have a proto, that needs to go back at some point :)17:13
VenemoTermana, it's a talent of mine :)17:13
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lardmanX-Fade: ah ok, I was going to say that otherwise if you'd just used one before your memory is very good!17:13
Termanatrx, I might be wrong, but it would seem to me there should still be 20 devices without a name to them17:13
X-Fadelardman: And testing on retail and developer is also a good thing.17:14
Termanatrx, or you could just be waiting on a rejection email17:14
trxTermana i believe so too, but waiting for any info is just painful now :|17:14
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trxi would like to recieve even rejected mail17:15
trxso i can do other things :)17:15
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lardmanX-Fade: so any news on the Autumn conf? Need to organise beers :)17:15
X-Fadelardman: There won't be one.17:15
lardmanNot even a Meego one?17:16
X-FadeMeeGo will possibily be in SF again in spring.17:16
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rm_worksad, though that's ok for me because i couldn't make it at this point, not enough notice (or vacation time)17:16
lardmanhmm, that's a bit rubbish17:16
X-FadeNo, MeeGo has gone to once a year.17:16
trx69 people, <20 devices :/17:16
lardmanwhen did that happen?17:17
* lardman should probably check some of those Meego mails he keeps getting17:17
dm8tbrDocScrutinizer: I second your comment about the dirty dozen earlier...17:17
DocScrutinizeryeah, I feel honoured to be in that batch, with all these great names around17:18
dm8tbrDocScrutinizer: I had an absolute WTF moment when I found myself there. I'd been willing to bet money that I don't have the slightest chance.17:18
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DocScrutinizerdm8tbr: great, so N9 hostmode is on a good rail now :-)17:18
dm8tbrI'll have to build me a franken-cable asap17:19
DocScrutinizerjust need to dig up some support from nokia, talking me thru the schematics I don't have ;-)17:19
DocScrutinizerdm8tbr: franken-cable - nice :-D17:20
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: you got approved?17:20
VenemoSpeedEvil, yes he got17:22
pabs3thru the meego program or commercial dev?17:23
SpeedEvilSubmitted a response to check the refusal was based on the last version of my crappy 'project page' - but ...17:23
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fralsSpeedEvil: what was your project?17:23
lardmanpabs3: Meego program17:23
lardmanpabs3: Look at the bottom of the page, shows the 2nd and 3rd round approvals17:23
pabs3ah, nice17:23
SpeedEvilfrals: Basically platform based, with some crappy apps tacked on the top.17:24
pabs3lardman: wasn't sure what DocS' real name is17:24
SpeedEvilI could have claimed to have been going to develop something vastly more, but I don't think I have the abilities in terms of apps - coming up to speed.17:24
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lardmanpabs3: nor is he ;)17:25
noobmonk3yoh booooger.... round 4... and still no email!!!17:26
JaffaAnyone else found Bluetooth receiving/sending on the N900 to be sometimes unreliable? Is there a fix to the bluez configuration which everyone knows bar me?17:26
SpeedEvilSending what?17:27
lardmanJaffa: always seems to work for me, sure it's not the other device?17:27
JaffaCurrently unimpressed with the ability to reliably send my contacts from N900 to N950 over Bluetooth; and file import doesn't seem to work.17:27
trxnoobmonk3y i know how it feels :/17:27
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X-FadeJaffa: Just sync devices?17:27
X-FadeJaffa: Worked for me without problems.17:27
JaffaX-Fade: Yes. Lots of it seems to be transferred, but not everything. Trying to send an individual card had a problem. Maybe that's the one with the problem...17:28
noobmonk3ytrx: you past of the special 62 as well? :)17:28
X-FadeJaffa: yeah, might be a broken record.17:28
X-FadeJaffa: I'd blame this crappy tool which imported contacts.17:28
JaffaX-Fade: :-p17:28
X-FadeJaffa: But that might just be me :D17:28
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JaffaHmm, no. Sending a contact card from N900 Contacts to paired N950 shouldn't say "Connection to Nokia N950 failed"17:29
JaffaIt should transfer a vcf17:29
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lardmanJaffa: EXport contacts then try sending the (presumably) giant vcf file across17:30
X-FadeJaffa: Maybe you have some 12MP image as contact icon or so?17:31
TermanaJaffa, you already received your N950?17:32
SpeedEvilJaffa: Congrats!17:32
lardmanoh dear, when you select export all contacts it creates a dir and makes loads of files, rather than just one multi-contact version....17:32
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Jaffalardman: Did that - but can't actually import from files! It seems to use tracker instead of a file picker. This means I can't select my preferred ringtone or my enormous Contacts.vcf file :-/17:33
lardmanI've got some vcf importer code somewhere17:35
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khertan__hum ... end of the week ... seems n950 will not be for me for the next week ... :)17:40
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alteregoDocScrutinizer: congrats! :)17:42
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GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, aye, congrats. :P17:46
n900-dkSo is google+ worth it?17:46
divann900-dk, not yet )17:46
n900-dkdivan: So no need to sign up atm?17:47
hiemanshukhertan__: eh?17:47
GeneralAntillesDamn you, Texrat!17:47
hiemanshuI have G+ invites if anyone wants17:47
GeneralAntillesand damn you Google for your bullshit browser support claims.17:47
divann900-dk, what s atm?17:48
khertan__hiemanshu, still no validation of launchpad17:48
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: At The Moment17:48
hiemanshudivan: ^17:48
hiemanshukhertan__: right, so next week :/17:48
alteregoI don't think anyone has that didn't already have a pre-approved launchpad account (Jaffa)17:48
divanah )17:49
hiemanshualterego: how hard is to ctrl + f, approve! :P17:49
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n900-dkhiemanshu: I would like to try it, if you can spare one :)17:49
alteregohiemanshu: it doesn't work like that.17:49
hiemanshualterego: I know, I am kidding :P17:49
hiemanshun900-dk: PM me your gmail ID17:49
alteregohiemanshu: quim has sent 153 accounts to launchpad, the issue is with them now.17:49
divann900-dk, pm youe mail17:49
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alteregoAnd we don't know how they work :P17:49
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n900-dkdoes it have to be gmail add?17:50
alteregoQuim has given us a great amount of transparency into what he's been doing with this process, including golden hints that have helped, I imagine, a fair few people modifying their applications to get a device.17:50
hiemanshuonly gmail works, gapps doesnt17:50
khertan__alterego, yep i think it s for everyone the same17:50
n900-dkohh I see17:50
alteregoAs far as I'm concerned, now we're waiting for Launchpad to f'ing wake up, and there's not realy anything quim can do in that regard afiak.17:51
hiemanshualterego: yes, Quim has been awesome so far17:51
javispedrowhat I'm surprised is how DocScrutinizer's launchpad account was approved overnight17:51
javispedroDocScrutinizer, despite your complains, seems that some Nokian does vouch for you17:51
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javispedrootherwise I cannot explain that.17:51
javispedroI mean, I've been waiting half a year dammit.17:51
alteregoDocScrutinizer: you created your launchpad account quite a few months ago right?17:51
JaffaX-Fade: Documented my Google Calendar experience; ideally the wiki would be the place, but I'll leave that for other people to discuss
alteregojavispedro: me too ..17:51
hiemanshun900-dk: done17:51
khertan__alterego, yep quim and textrat made an awesome jobs17:51
Termanajavispedro, obviously we all made a mistake in not typing gibberish  into the application.17:52
n900-dkhiemanshu: Thanks! :)17:52
alteregothat was my application17:52
TermanaIt's the only thing the Launchpad guys understand!17:52
javispedroso it will be approved before mine!17:52
alteregojavispedro: I don't know, I don't know whether we should try and apply again or not.17:52
Termanaalterego, you can't, it won't let you AFAIK17:53
alteregoIt wasn't made particularly clear yet. but meh.17:53
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n900-dkoh, invited can't sign up ATM17:53
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GeneralAntillesDamn Google for making me spoof my browser agent.17:54
alteregoOh yeah, "There is an existing application already for this program"17:54
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alteregoWell, at least it's still in their f'ing system ..17:54
alteregoI'm bored, I want to do something involving JSON ..17:54
* GeneralAntilles doesn't feel like adding contacts to yet-another-social-networking site.17:54
alteregoGeneralAntilles: google+ can f'off :P17:54
cpscottialterego: that's very broad...17:54
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alteregocpscotti: undoubtedly :P17:55
cpscottiI'd say, find some "cool" webservice on the web and make a frontend for it..17:55
crashanddieI'm surprised at how little text Twitter produces17:55
alteregoI'd have to find a "cool webservice" first ..17:55
GeneralAntillesalterego, I agree.17:56
GeneralAntillesI'm not sure how they conned me into this.17:56
GeneralAntillesI deleted my Facebook account for a reason.17:56
n900-dkGeneralAntilles: and you still have a life??? ;)17:56
alteregoGeneralAntilles: keep your friends close but your enemies lives in your database?17:56
* GeneralAntilles needs to update his biopic.17:57
TermanaI should really be doing a uni assignment that is due on the weekend. But it's a database assignment, and I just really don't feel like it :\17:57
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fluxtermana, step 1: get off the IRC :)17:58
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crashanddie200M tweets per day ==> 43Gb worth of text per day, if compressed, what, 30Gb worth of text?17:58
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GeneralAntillesThat "+1" link is particularly dangerous.17:59
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alteregocrashanddie: more like 5G of text18:00
alteregocrashanddie: text compresses really well ..18:00
cpscottialterego: tried this ? could be a starting point18:00
SpeedEvilcrashanddie: more like 500M18:00
SpeedEvilcrashanddie: 99.9% of texts are redundant.18:00
* alterego agrees with SpeedEvil :)18:00
alteregoI compress apache logs that are 100s of megs into a few megs.18:00
cpscotticrashanddie: that would be one crazy research to do.. finding the "entropy of tweets"18:00
javispedroalterego, you cannot reapply.18:01
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javispedroah sorry, missed half backlog.18:01
MohammadAGI hate zombie processes :/18:01
crashanddiealterego, the entropy is vastly different, and it also depends on context18:01
alteregocpscotti: looks interesting :)18:01
alteregoSure ..18:01
crashanddiealterego, for example, if you compress each tweet individually, vs all the tweets of a user, or the tweets of a whole day... et18:01
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crashanddieSo 70% compression ratio is actually not too bad for a safe margin.18:01
crashanddieThough, 30Gb is really nothing...18:02
crashanddieI generate 2Gb of logs when I startup my server in debug mode.18:02
cpscottialterego: this one's even cooler:
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cpscottigeez.. I'm tempted now18:03
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alteregocpscotti: that second link is awesome.18:05
* alterego starts hacking18:05
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cpscottiyeep! :D18:06
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GeneralAntillesGoogle's only accepting people with strong social graphs?18:09
GeneralAntillesI have a strong social graph? (Woo?)18:09
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Jaffafrals: Do you know if Contacts > Import > File is supposed to work? It doesn't see a file called 'Contacts.vcf' in MyDocs/Documents/18:10
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TermanaGeneralAntilles, In other words, they are only accepting people who have done a deed beyond selling their soul to the devil - they have also given the devil all their data from all their other sites that they are with18:11
GeneralAntillesTermana, yeah, that's what's terrifying about the whole thing.18:12
javispedroMohammadAG, zombie processes are great. As a way to make jokes when teaching unix to students.18:13
rm_workjavispedro: i prefer orphans, because you get to reap them :P18:13
rm_worknothing more disturbing for people new to unix than talking casually about reaping orphans18:14
TermanaSpeedEvil, meeeeeehhhhhh18:14
javispedrorm_work, hehe.18:14
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* SpeedEvil realises he should have added a tesco grocery ordering app to his application. 18:15
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fralsJaffa: I assume it should, give me a few min and I'll try it here... Filing bugs and reflashing myself atm :P18:19
javispedroSpeedEvil, start making the launchpad application18:19
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frals(and fixing bugs, true multitasker ;))18:19
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SpeedEviljavispedro: ?18:19
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javispedroSpeedEvil, technically you can also make OSS development proposals to the launchpad device program18:20
SpeedEvilThanks. I should probably try that.18:21
javispedroyou need the launchpad account for the ddp either way, so it won't hurt.18:21
RST38hheya javospedro18:21
SpeedEvilI've got a launchpad account I think18:21
hiemanshualterego: I feel like switching on troll mode18:22
SpeedEvilBut a personal one that I don't think works for applying to dev programs.18:22
javispedrohelo  RST38h18:22
SpeedEvilapplying for dev devices, ratehr.18:22
hiemanshualterego: a perfect one to play with too :P18:22
lardmanSpeedEvil: you need to bump that one up18:22
fralsJaffa: do you happen to have a .vcf to send me? :P18:22
SpeedEvillardman: ?18:23
lardmaniirc it has to be a personal account18:23
* alterego wanders off ..18:23
SpeedEvillardman: yes - but you need to get approved through the meego program for that, and I just got a denied email.18:23
SpeedEvilSo - not so useful.18:23
lardmanbottom paragraph18:23
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SpeedEvilI can't legitimately say I've started to develop apps using Qt, as I know little more than the PNG guy about it.18:24
SpeedEvilMaybe tomorrow after I've read a few howtos. :)18:24
lardmanwell you have 30 days ;)18:25
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SpeedEvilBut in that time I have to stop russia invading tuvalu!18:25
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rm_workI did some basic Qt demos a while back but besides that I have zero Qt experience either -- but i'm actually quite excited about working with it, looks way less annoying than GTK, and i get to use C++ :P18:26
SpeedEvilYou can also do JS based apps with QML - or am I confused?18:26
hiemanshuJaffa: also what color of the N950? the silver or the brownish one? /me likes the dark colored one18:26
macmaNi have the black one18:27
macmaNmy nokia man said the silver one looks kickin' as well18:27
hiemanshuI prefer the black one, the silver would get dirty soon18:27
SpeedEvilhiemanshu: It depends how it's done18:27
SpeedEvilhiemanshu: It's also possible to make plastic which is loaded with metal for through-colour.18:28
SpeedEvilBut that's probably unlikely.18:28
SpeedEvilIgnore me - wrong phone.18:28
khertan__Jaffa, 12 or 8Mpx so ?18:29
hiemanshukhertan__: one more week, aaagggghhhh :/18:29
khertan__it s seems18:29
cpscottiI'd like to get a pink one..18:29
cpscottijust so it's eeeven more exclusive18:29
lardmanwhere do we reckon the Nokia Launchpad people are located?18:30
lardmanIf they are in the USA then we probably have some more hours, but if they are in Europe, then I think it's time to call it quits for the week18:30
* alterego recommends to those of you that, like himself, are waiting for launchpad news, to just do some hacking to get your mind off it :)18:30
alteregoIt's actually working really well for me :D18:30
khertan__:) lardman probably in the uk :)18:30
lardmanin Hell I guess they have all of Eternity so why isn't it done yet!? ;)18:31
khertan__alterego, mind busying doing khweeteur bug fix18:31
khertan__alterego, but during upload ... :)18:31
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hiemanshualterego: waiting to Qt to build on this windows machine :P18:31
javispedrolardman, final I bet18:31
javispedro(stupid keyboard)18:32
lardmanso they are probably on holiday then?18:32
khertan__anyway ill do like the 28th going to viet vo dao training ... and when tired enough got email with good news :)18:32
lardmanwhat's viet vo dao?18:32
javispedrothe day my launchpad application is approved I celebrate.18:32
hiemanshufrench kung fu?18:32
javispedrowith champagne.18:33
hiemanshujavispedro: do the chicken dance18:33
khertan__hiemanshu, not s french vietnamien18:33
hiemanshu <--- Awesome License18:33
hiemanshukhertan__: ah ok18:33
hiemanshuhmmm, meegosweden giving away 3 devices too18:34
RST38hfinaland, indeed18:34
cpscottihiemanshu: LOL! good one!18:34
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hiemanshucpscotti: I plan on using it :P18:35
jonwilAnyone know how to trigger the lock screen instead of just forcing the screen to blank?18:35
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SpeedEvilAre there any meego meetups in scotland? :)18:35
cpscottifor real?.. COOL!18:35
jonwilA meetup here in WA would be cool :P18:35
hiemanshucpscotti: look at the README :P18:35
jonwilBut it will never happen :P18:35
hiemanshuone in India would be awesome18:35
cpscottiI was looking for a LICENSE or COPYING file18:35
hiemanshuah well I have yet to clean it up, I will after I rewrite the whole thing in QML18:36
RST38hMeanwhile on ebay:
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lardmanhe's getting 10 devices?18:37
jonwilThere is NO WAY that guy could have a N950 to sell18:38
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jonwillet alone multiples18:38
lardmanno, he had 10 on order or so he says18:38
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jonwilbingo, triggered the breakpoint I wanted18:38
jonwilnow to debug18:38
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macmaNconsidering the fact that everyone getting them is signing 4 pages contract18:38
khertan__best way to lost 350GPB :)18:38
macmaNunless someone just straight out stole them from nokia18:38
RST38hso, he signed 40 pages?18:39
macmaNand they really just cant track them18:39
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macmaNwell no i was just referring to the idea that this is a pretty guarded and tracked device18:39
TermanamacmaN, Jaffa didn't mention signing any contract to get his.18:39
javispedroRST38h, lol.18:39
javispedroTermana, launchpad has an NDA to sign.18:39
javispedroor nokia dev18:39
macmaNTermana: i think theres something implied when submitting your app etc18:40
macmaNright, what jp said18:40
javispedroRST38h, but I'm actually giving it a 20% credibility, not 0%.18:40
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* jonwil wonders how many hardware read/write breakpoints you can set on an ARM CPU18:40
macmaNjonwil: mind explaining how that is important for a user?18:40
Termanajavispedro, nokia dev has one when you sign up for the premium account, possibly launchpad will have one too18:40
Termanaas long as your talking about the click through thing18:41
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SpeedEvilmacmaN: Utterly not important to users.18:41
macmaNwell not directly18:41
jonwilIts important to me as a origranner'18:41
lardmantime to head home where there's no internet, so I won't be tempted to hit "Check Mail" every 5 min18:41
javispedroI. want. my. new. TOY!!18:41
macmaNbut you make a product for users... no?18:41
jonwilsomeone who is debugging on an ARM CPU :)18:41
SpeedEvilRST38h: 'this item was ended as no longer available' ...18:41
lardmancatch you guys next week, someone send me a google talk message if the Launchpad emails start coming through and I'll make a trip back to work especially18:42
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SpeedEvillardman|gone: Have fun18:42
RST38hjavispedro: yea, definitely >0! :)18:42
Jaffafrals: Sent18:42
Termanalardman|gone, cya18:42
Jaffahiemanshu: It's the black/dark grey one. They all are.18:43
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Jaffakhertan__: It doesn't say18:43
hiemanshuJaffa: and 16G I presume18:43
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Jaffaalterego: Just got my "N900" back from USB port replacement. And it's an N818:43
Jaffahiemanshu: Indeed18:43
macmaNJaffa: "its magic!"18:43
khertan__Jaffa, ?18:43
alteregoJaffa: :/18:43
macmaNsend it back with a letter "i no wants inferior telephone"18:43
javispedroJaffa: :S18:43
alteregoWanna swap?18:43
GeneralAntillesJaffa, somebody needs to tell Nokia that's a downgrade.18:44
SpeedEvilJaffa: :/18:44
alteregoJaffa: wanna swap?18:44
JaffaGeneralAntilles: Worse, they claim it's a "goodwill gesture"18:44
macmaNthe strategy right now is to sell it to some poor dumbuser bastard and get a 2-3 N900 for 100€/pop18:44
alteregoActually, I'm not sure I can swap :D18:44
hiemanshuJaffa: tell them to give you store credit for N9 instead18:44
GeneralAntillesNah, that's called a "Ripoff"18:44
JaffaTheir response is "PHONE UPGRADED"18:44
javispedroJaffa, DDP, amsterdam or retail?18:44
javispedro(or "other"?)18:45
* SpeedEvil wishes he'd sent his n900 in for repair earlier.18:45
macmaNhiemanshu: they might not agree to that, since then they have to give out something that actually has value18:45
fralsoh lol18:45
fralsthat ebay link lists it as 64gb18:45
fralslooked real up to that point18:45
hiemanshufrals: well it might be 64G18:46
macmaNthe guy definitely worked up a good item description18:46
hiemanshufrals: the RDA devices are18:46
macmaNprobably spent a few nights reading hot f.m.o threads18:46
macmaN"oh i gotz the facts down now!"18:46
crashanddieJaffa, even though I feel for you, can I be the first to say: HAHA18:46
Jaffajavispedro: Can't remember. It's "in warranty"18:47
hiemanshuJaffa: I heard the N8 can fly, do you wanna video tape that for me?18:47
fralshiemanshu: well, lets just disagree on your first statement18:47
hiemanshufrals: heh ok :D18:47
javispedroso what do I do when the n900 irremediably breaks on mine18:48
javispedros/n900/usb port18:48
javispedroDIY :S18:48
SpeedEvilInstall a bootloader so you can get meego on the SD if things go wrong, buy an external battery charger.18:49
fralsJaffa: i cant even find "Import > File" so ye...18:49
Jaffafrals: Contacts> the three bar at the bottom right > Import contacts > File18:49
javispedroHP has now a new developer device discount policy18:50
Jaffajavispedro: Don't send it off, and don't bin the USB port18:50
fralsJaffa: i dont have the file option, but my build seems slightly broken atm18:50
Jaffafrals: Ah, OK18:50
javispedro2 years old account = 10% discount, 1 app in catalog = 25% discount, 10 apps = 50% discount18:50
RST38hjavispedro: But does it also have a future?18:51
javispedroRST38h, compared to Nokia? ;)18:51
RST38hjavispedro:BTW, rumors say HP is talking with Samsung about usingwebos onsomesamsung phones18:51
RST38hjavispedro: touche!18:51
bindiay, some bored dev18:51
bindimake a terminal widget :<18:51
bindiI just want to swipe another desktop and bam irc is sitting there18:52
javispedroRST38h, saw them18:52
javispedroRST38h, wonder what's rasterman up to.18:52
RST38hask him!18:52
Jaffafrals: Grr, text/x-vcard MIME type isn't supported in browser.18:53
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griDocScrutinizer: Did you receive an email of quim yet?18:53
javispedro/join #stillwaitingforlaunchpad18:53
javispedroWaitLaunchpad^^ ;)18:54
GeneralAntillesJaffa's the only one getting an N950.18:54
* noobmonk3y slaps frals around a bit with the nokia launchpad waiting list.....18:55
hiemanshuwhile $Waiting; do sleep; done18:55
GeneralAntillesWe're all getting jars of snakes.18:55
hiemanshuGeneralAntilles: for the others, its a conspiracy!18:55
javispedroGeneralAntilles, Jaffa's N950 is contaminated with snake venom either way18:55
GeneralAntillesIt's just a matter of time until he cuts himself on it.18:57
macmaNanybody know any other good looking microusb cables? example:
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javispedrobtw DocScrutinizer, you have to keep your promise to provide USB host! I'm already counting on it! ;P18:58
* javispedro has some ideas18:58
GeneralAntillesMad Developer is a rather handy tool.18:58
javispedrolet's see if they have replicated the gaia+musb design18:58
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: yup, sure thing. (launchpad) No clue where to enter "launchpad" from "Nokia Developer" site, except by directly jumping to URL
DocScrutinizerLaunchpad ID (as requested for by Quim's mail)? What's that?19:00
javispedroDocScrutinizer, no idea, I cannot get to launchpad from either.19:00
alteregoDocScrutinizer: if you don't have a launchpad account yet, you don't have the ID19:01
alteregoI think we're all still in the queue for launchpad :P19:02
* alterego makes a tweet19:02
DocScrutinizerI'm accepted as of 06-2319:02
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: your user name19:03
alteregoDocScrutinizer: your password19:03
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: just send that to him?19:03
* alterego chuckles19:03
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alteregoDocScrutinizer: did you alreadu send your AIDs to Quim?19:03
hiemanshuhe doesn't need the AID numbers like alterego said19:03
DocScrutinizerincl AID-fooo19:03
hiemanshualterego: he doesn't need the AID-foo19:03
alteregoOkay, so go to your account settings.19:04
alteregoGot to "Developer Account" on the right hand side bar at the bottom, scroll down to the bottom of the page.19:04
alteregoDocScrutinizer: try this link:
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TermanaOMG! I've got mail - "A Nokia N950 is waiting for you"19:06
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TermanaNo, I'm kidding. Sorry guys, that's cruel.19:06
DocScrutinizeralterego: unexpected error occured19:06
GeneralAntillesAh, the wind-up.19:07
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alteregoDocScrutinizer: oh well, you're in the same boat as all of us19:07
* alterego gives DocScrutinizer a cup of tea19:07
macmaNyeah i wasnt buy that, nobody says "I've got mail" anymore like it's AOL times or something19:07
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alteregoI do :(19:07
javispedroDocScrutinizer will probably get the device beforeu s!19:07
TermanamacmaN, that was the real subject on Jaffa's email, that's why I used it :p19:08
Termanaoh nevermind19:08
macmaNi know, had to think of *something* to say19:08
TermanaI need to go to bed19:08
macmaNbeing an irc comedian is such a paying job19:08
Termana"got mail" wasn't actually on the subject, that was me19:09
Termanabut blaming it on something else sounds good19:09
macmaNthats interesting did i somehow disable the swipe shortcut box19:09
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, you were accepted?19:11
macmaNthere are little question marks near some of the settings panel things19:11
macmaNthat seem to do nothing19:11
hiemanshuMohammadAG: yes19:13
MohammadAGcongrats DocScrutinizer :D19:13
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javispedrothat's it19:15
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javispedroengadget made the wp7 app before meego's19:15
javispedrothat shows were their allegiance/statistics are.19:15
javispedromeego is doomed.19:15
cpscottiannnnd.. do you care?19:15
cpscottithe whole thing is doomed. The world is doomed..19:16
macmaN2012 is around the corner. at least we're going out with a really good phone in our hands.19:16
cpscottimacmaN: precisely19:16
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: thanks19:16
DocScrutinizeralterego: javispedro:
alteregoDocScrutinizer: oh, I thought devices might appear there, well, you're a step ahead of most of us anyway ;)19:18
DocScrutinizero/ now19:18
DocScrutinizeralterego: devices may appear at
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DocScrutinizeror not, nfc19:19
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* jonwil wonders if anyone is ever going to produce a normal sale phone (i.e. not a developer special phone or some limited-production one-off) that is as open as the N90019:19
jonwili.e. if anyone is going to produce one in the future19:19
macmaNoh btw. did any of you n950ers manage to sign into Maps yet?19:20
alteregojonwil: neah :)19:20
macmaNi cant seem to sign in no matter what i do19:20
bindiGuys, what was that CSSU tweak that made menus smoother? It was something about using the GPU.. I don't remember, but can't find it anymore19:20
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jonwilall of the other attempts at an open phone (e.g. openmoko) have been junk.19:22
macmaNjonwil: base system wise or UX wise?19:22
jonwilopenmoko is junk mainly because the cell modem was obsolete even before the phone shipped19:22
macmaNjonwil: do you know any longer pieces of text about this?19:22
macmaNid like to get an overview of this issue19:22
jonwilit was dual or tri-band GSM in a world when most high-end phones had UMTS19:22
MohammadAGwasn't the iPhone 2G like that? :P19:23
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alteregoSo, I've been using eval to parse JSON19:24
alteregoDidn't realise there was a QML "JSON" module for this purpose :D19:24
jonwilin any case no, the iphone 2G was quad band GSM19:24
jonwilwith EDGE19:24
jonwilwell ahead of the openmoko phone19:25
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macmaNhmm. by base system i meant software19:26
macmaNif hw was bad thats another layer of disaster19:26
jonwilThe software isn't the issue (other than the clusterf**k that is the GPU drivers)19:27
bindiHow can you rotate the desktop when using CSSU? O_o19:27
bindiwasnt ctrl shift r anymore19:28
javispedroalterego, in the QtKitchenSink module19:28
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MohammadAGI think the video swiping in the N9 was lazy coding rather than a feature19:30
* noobmonk3y blinks19:30
MohammadAGsince the window is just an overlay, I'm guessing when you drag it you're simply removing the overlay19:30
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cpscottiMohammadAG: lol... agreed!19:30
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cpscottiwell.. let's say it was just "responsible coding" all the way.19:31
cpscottibut nothing intended19:31
javispedroMohammadAG, I said that a few days ago =)19:32
cpscottiwell, otoh, it shows that you can stop the swipe movement on the fly19:32
cpscottinot like the animation on the n900 for example19:32
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griwhat does the acceptance email say? I'm on the 3rd list but have not received any mail (there is no spam filtering as far as I know). It seems like the others on the 3rd list have already received something19:34
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noobmonk3ygri - just fire quim an email - he said sometimes he's made a typo etc :)19:35
grinoobmonk3y: Including AID or without for now?19:35
MohammadAGjavispedro, heh, probably missed it then :p19:36
noobmonk3yInclude everything you can he really needs your login name, AID just helps :) (So include all)19:36
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javispedrotry not to include AIDS though.19:37
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macmaNyes, stay off dirty hookers19:38
macmaNor i guess in this chan, dirty hooks and hookers19:39
javispedroit's just that reading "AID(s) just helps" throws me off a bit ,p19:39
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griah, just at the moment I wanted to write him, the email arrived :)19:46
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DocScrutinizergri: the mail is a template, and can be found here:
DocScrutinizerand quim also beaten me to it :-)19:47
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Venemoshame on Nokia19:53
Venemothey didn't manage to send me a reply in two days.19:53
pabs3I guess yr still in the running?19:54
VenemoI'm accepted. I sent Quim my ID and all, plus applied for Nokia Launchpad19:54
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Venemo[18:24] <RhymeswA> This is really weird / amazing:
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kerioVenemo: it's like they really dislike me as a customer! :(19:59
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Venemokerio, yeah... where do you live?20:01
GeneralAntilleskerio, that's bullshit.20:02
GeneralAntillesThat list excludes countries without Nokia web stores.20:02
fralsdoesnt make sense they had a release event in norway (iirc) if they are not going to sell it there20:03
Venemoso what? why are they excluding all of western europe basically?20:03
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ShadowJKGeneralAntilles, .fi is on list despite  having no web store?20:04
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GeneralAntillesWebsites that purport to be journalistic and yet have no way to contact story authors. . . .20:05
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grithe "Account name" in developer account is a username, not my real name? (why can it be changed?)20:12
kerioVenemo: italy20:14
kerioalthough i probably wouldn't've bought a n9 anyway20:14
kerioi'd totally buy a n950 though20:14
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Venemokerio, agreed20:14
KhertanPlease Be Advised:20:14
KhertanSSO website will be offline for a few hours today while we complete website enhancements.20:14
KhertanPlease come back soon as we will be up and running again shortly.20:14
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KhertanVenemo, they exclude country which haven't nokia online store20:15
KhertanVenemo, but this didn't mean they will not sell it to this country20:15
hiemanshuKhertan: hah, so they are going to fix launchpad?20:17
hiemanshugah, I cant find my N900 :/20:17
hiemanshuKhertan: PM?20:17
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* GeneralAntilles works himself up to prototyping some UIs.20:23
VenemoGeneralAntilles, getting an N950 too? :)20:24
GeneralAntillesIf I can get a freaking LaunchPad account.20:24
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sid_i just bought a cheap battery charger which is loading with 4.2 V. can i use it with bl-5j battery?20:27
ieatlintlooks like the third batch brought a lot more familiar names20:28
* SpeedEvil sighs.20:28
ieatlintGeneralAntilles: don't worry about the launchpad account20:28
SpeedEvilyeah - at least some useful people from here have got in.20:28
ieatlintyou can't get accepted to launchpad these days without a nokia employee pushing you through the process20:28
ieatlintquim will do that.. it's not an approval process that you get judged on, just a formality20:28
Venemoieatlint, that is what Quim promises to do, but he hasn't done yet20:29
ieatlintVenemo: it won't be instantaneous...20:29
sid_i dont have any experience with charging20:29
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ieatlinti have a launchpad membership, and i've not received a word past the initial acceptance email, so don't feel like we're somehow ahead of you in the game20:30
wazdhey all20:30
ieatlinti don't have a shipping confirmation or anything crazy20:30
SpeedEvilhey wazd.20:30
GeneralAntillesieatlint, DocScrutinizer had his approved within 24 hours with description "blahblahblah".20:30
GeneralAntillesI wonder who his guardian angel is.20:30
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GeneralAntillesJaffa's just sitting there with his N950 laughing.20:31
GeneralAntillesThe bastard.20:31
wazdCongrats to all that've been accepted :)20:31
ieatlintdo we know where he lives?20:31
ieatlintbecause we can solve this.20:31
GeneralAntillesMore or less.20:31
JaffaGeneralAntilles: Yup20:31
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: I believe the technical term is cackling.20:31
GeneralAntillesJaffa, how's't?20:32
hiemanshuJaffa: I am going to find you and kill you within the next 24 hours20:32
JaffaAlthough getting the Contacts in from the N900 is proving a pain.20:32
VenemoGeneralAntilles, maybe DocScrutinizer was the smartest one with that description. upside: it can be reviewed very quickly.20:32
GeneralAntillesDid you nuke the DEVELOPER EDITION from the theme yet.20:32
JaffaGeneralAntilles: Pfft, no.20:32
JaffaAnyway, home time. I'll try SSHing on it from the train.20:32
ieatlintdoes it blend?20:32
hiemanshuieatlint: try it with yours20:32
VenemoJaffa, I hope Hermes will help me grab my N900 contacts once I get my N95020:32
Kaadlajkbluetooth sync between n950 and n900 worked for me at least20:33
macmaNGeneralAntilles: haha, good question, id like to have that too20:33
ieatlinthiemanshu: tempting... the number of geeks who would cry themselves to sleep over it would be impressive20:33
wazdis it normal if I can't login into meego wiki?20:33
GeneralAntilleswazd, cycle your login on meego.com20:33
GeneralAntillesBroken "SSO"20:33
macmaNJaffa: do it through totally intuitive Get Contacts menuitem Send Contacts in N900 Contacts20:34
macmaNthats the only way i was able to transfer them20:34
wazdah, thx20:34
macmaNN950 initiation was not able to find N900, even tho it was paired20:34
Khertanoh a nokia email ....20:35
macmaNi am so totally digging pinching the task switcher20:35
Venemomaybe the N950 thinks that its older brother stinks and it decided not to talk with it.20:35
hiemanshuKhertan: really?20:35
KhertanNokia Developer: Create for Millions developer contest open now20:35
macmaNi think it is one of the best mobile games ev4r20:35
Khertanbut not the good one20:35
hiemanshuKhertan: lol20:35
macmaNVenemo: good theory. id buy that one.20:35
VenemomacmaN :D20:36
hiemanshuor maybe nokia trained it to only listen to the rays of the sea20:36
macmaNvenemo's was better20:37
macmaNeven hearing that other things codename just gives me a bad vibe20:37
macmaNor i guess.. seeing in this case20:37
macmaNwith the highly advanced "oh look here we finally figured out multitasking" mango20:38
macmaNor with the "you can totally edit all your office documents on you tiny ass mobile screen, and you will really want to do that too, we totally promise" mango20:38
macmaNi am all for pro-choice, but fucking with my finnish homeboys national pride company over im not too happy about20:39
* macmaN *end rant*20:40
macmaNnot that they didnt do a very good job at it themselves too :P20:40
griwhich sim type does the n950 have?20:40
macmaNits not micro20:40
grigreat :)20:40
macmaNN9 is micro20:40
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macmaNbleh i gotta get out of this cafe and go buy me a new pair of socks20:42
macmaNand i dont mean the proxy20:42
macmaNthanks nokia for making me extend my trip for like 4 days thanks to this device20:43
* SpeedEvil ponders socks with an embedded 3g modem, wifi, and socks proxy.20:43
macmaNi think it would be the integrated proxy that could be considered the biggest competitive advantage to regular socks20:43
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macmaNbtw i should note20:46
macmaNthat every time i unlock the lock screen on the n950, i feel sexy20:46
macmaNi feel like i could hit one every hot finnish girl going by in this helsinki cafe20:47
macmaNthanks n95020:47
macmaNi asked my meego team friend who came up with swipe concept20:47
macmaNshe didnt know but id buy that person some of their favorite drinks for sure20:48
* ieatlint notes that symbian isn't really from finland either20:48
ieatlintand all the info i heard said that the n9/50 UX was contracted out by nokia, but i haven't heard who to20:49
VenemomacmaN ++20:49
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ieatlintso is the n950's camera actually 8mp or 12mp?20:51
macmaNits 8mp afaict20:51
macmaNsettings only let you save up to 7mp images20:51
Venemobut a different model than N920:51
Venemoand non-CarlZeiss20:51
ieatlinthah, interesting20:52
* hiemanshu misses his iPhone20:52
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Venemo~nuke hiemanshu for saying the word 'iPhone'20:52
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at hiemanshu for saying the word 'iPhone' ... B☢☢M!20:52
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hiemanshuVenemo: well it was a gift, and it could store all my music, and also fun games20:53
hiemanshugot stolen20:53
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griwow, I've never seen those ascii nuke symbols before20:53
VenemoN9(x0) will also be a gift, it can also store all your music, and also fun games20:54
Venemonah, I need to leave now20:55
Venemogood bye :)20:55
hiemanshuVenemo: wure20:55
hiemanshuVenemo: caio20:55
Venemohave a nice evening hiemanshu :)20:55
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MohammadAG<ieatlint> so is the n950's camera actually 8mp or 12mp?21:05
MohammadAGearly revisions are 12, ones being sent are 821:05
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hiemanshu8 isnt bad a lot, I still wonder how well they have improved since the N90021:10
ieatlintok, cool... glad that is cleared up for me then :)21:10
ieatlintthe camera could be very integral to the application i'm making21:11
Jaffa'lo from N950 on train21:15
JaffaKeyboard is rather nice.21:15
* gri hopes the push notifications are working on n950 and not only on n921:15
* hiemanshu puts Jaffa's train off track21:16
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JaffamacmaN: On N900, I don't have "Send Contacts" under ")et €ontacts" on %N90021:17
GeneralAntillesJaffa, this contacts issue is going to derail any other productive effort, isn't it? :P21:18
MohammadAG<Jaffa> macmaN: On N900, I don't have "Send Contacts" under ")et €ontacts" on %N90021:18
MohammadAGAnd I thought hildon-input-method was bad21:19
hiemanshuMohammadAG: try android :P21:19
MohammadAGhiemanshu, I'm assuming it's mistaking long presses on the hardware keyboard21:20
MohammadAGmuch like h-i-m does on the N90021:20
MohammadAGsom35hin_ lik3 t(is21:20
hiemanshuMohammadAG: that just made you l33t :P21:20
strohiout the maemo leet dialekt?21:21
JaffaAnd laggy SSH :)21:23
JaffaSymbols are on different keys to N900. Wonder if it's gone back to N810 layout...21:23
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JaffaMeeGo Terminal needs a font and colour picker. Green is pretty horrid21:23
hiemanshuwell at least its a spill proof keyboard :P21:24
hiemanshuyou dont like green on black?21:24
JaffaTrying VKBB for irssi over screen21:24
hiemanshuah ok21:24
JaffaLack of cursor keys is annoyibg, but it's about usable.21:25
hiemanshuyes it sure is very annoyibg21:25
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Jaffahiemanshu: Green's fine when I'm feeling spoddy...21:25
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MohammadAGJaffa, swipe left/right in terminal21:25
MohammadAGthat changes colour21:26
JaffaGenius: alt-backspace goes to app switcher21:26
JaffaMohammadAG: ah, thanks21:26
petteriJaffa: is the irssi+screen combination usable with virtual keyboard?21:26
hiemanshuah yes, the swiping21:26
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hiemanshuJaffa: does it fell like a bigger alien compared to the N900 or the difference isnt that much?21:27
Jaffapetteri: In landscape, just - but you only get a few lines of content21:27
Jaffahiemanshu: It feels bigger, until you put it in your pocket.21:28
hiemanshuJaffa: you should show it off and not put it in your pocket, so thats fine :P21:28
petteriJaffa: ok, thanks. Just hoping that N9 is usable for me as I use irssi a lot :)21:29
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jacekowskiirssi over ssh on gsm is unusable21:29
jacekowskiat least by me21:30
petteriat least in finland it works nicely21:30
hiemanshujacekowski: worked fine for me here in India21:30
fralsJaffa: you can pinch to zoom in terminal so you can get quite a few lines on screen ;)21:30
hiemanshuI used it for about 3 hours the other day21:30
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hiemanshufrals: oh yeah, pinching finally :D21:31
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jacekowskihiemanshu: i don't like laggy stuff21:32
jacekowskihiemanshu: and gsm by design gives you like 200ms ping21:32
jacekowskiwith very high jitter21:33
hiemanshuthen you shouldn't make overseas calls either :P21:33
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jacekowskihiemanshu: i don't21:35
jacekowskihiemanshu: but with calls you don't have jitter21:35
jacekowskiand packet loss is less annoying21:35
hiemanshujacekowski: well I call to the US often from India, so irssi over screen is much better IMHO21:35
infobothiemanshu meant: jacekowski: well I call to the US often from India, so irssi over gprs is much better IMHO21:35
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JaffamacmaN:  Creating a new send-onl channel from N900 Settings > Transfer & Sync is working better I think. Thanks21:42
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ZogGcan someone check on n900?21:45
ZogGis it awesome as on iphone?21:45
ZogG(not trolling)21:45
ZogGjust didn't get my n900 back yet21:45
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hiemanshuZogG: ok hold on21:49
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grilooks like a non-mobile optimized website on my n900 (have no account there)21:50
hiemanshugri: hmmm, well the N900 doesn't open the mobile version of stuff sadly21:51
griin some cases this is the better way (my opinion)21:51
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n900-dkHow come the new version of OMP is still not in repos?21:55
MohammadAGit never went in the repos21:55
MohammadAGJaffa, did you get the N950's through Quim's program?21:56
hiemanshuMohammadAG: yes21:56
hiemanshuMohammadAG: he was a beta tester for the process21:56
MohammadAGshipping's fast in europe I guess :p21:56
n900-dkoh, where to download the new version then?21:57
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MohammadAGhaven't updated the binary in quite a while21:58
MohammadAGanyone noticed the tags on this thread ?21:59
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MrOpposite|n900what is the easiest language to do programming in on the n90022:02
pabs3it probably has anything you already know22:03
* pabs3 likes python22:03
MrOpposite|n900... everybody likes python22:04
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pabs3reasonably good syntax, no compiling, fairly comprehensive standard set of APIs, lots of addon APIs22:05
pabs3whats your fav language?22:05
grimy company has ported vbs to qt o_O nothing more to say ...22:07
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MohammadAGI hate python22:18
MohammadAGwell, dislike, it's slow on a 600MHz device22:18
GeneralAntillesMrOpposite|n900, QML.22:20
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divanZogG, what namely to check? It works, actually )22:25
divanZogG, btw, there is a mobile version:
kerioMohammadAG: no u22:26
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MrOpposite|n900my fav lang is java22:32
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ieatlinthaskell is the best language, it's versatile, practical and easy to deploy22:33
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pabs3ieatlint: does it have shared libs or do you need to recompile the world when a library gets updated?22:34
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RST38hForget your puny toy "programming languages". FORTRAN.22:39
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ieatlinti have to concede to that22:40
rcg1well.. python: it's quite nice.. you actually can rapidly prototype with it.. got reasonable support of libs etc. ... _but_ a language that interprets white space as something meaningful is imho kinda freaky22:41
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* pabs3 likes that feature, keeps stuff readable22:42
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ieatlintcompetent programmers accomplish that on their own22:42
rcg1pabs3: sure.. it forces dev's to indent.. but it's still that white space should not be supposed to have a meaning ;)22:43
wazdanybody knows the name of the track from Nokia Swipe Experience flash demo?22:43
hiemanshurcg1: HTML hears you :P22:44
wazdoooh, it's actually featured in video :)22:44
ieatlintrcg1: ooh, i like that22:45
ieatlintit's intuitive22:45
RST38hSome people actually thought that we would all be programming in XML =)22:46
RST38hSome still do.22:46
alteregoNo one actually thought that :/22:47
hiemanshualterego: I am sure thebootroo did :P22:48
alteregoNo, he only uses SGML22:48
ieatlintwe live in a disturbing future... a future where sun is dead, and yet java is still growing in popularity22:48
hiemanshuand JS is gonna take over the world22:49
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alteregoI like JS22:50
alteregoIt's not perfect, but no language is22:50
alteregoBut as a language, for what it's intended to do, it's very flexible.22:50
ieatlintof the major mobile platforms in the US, only apple uses a native language...22:50
alteregoAnd no one has tried to replace it, people keep adopting it into other aspects of programming, like QtQuick for example.22:50
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ieatlintthat's weird.22:50
alteregoWell, Apple like to have barebones at the moment, to keep the UX sharp22:51
alteregoYou just have to use an Android phone and an Apple phone to notice the difference ..22:51
wazdiOS UI is not sharp anymore22:52
ieatlinti have... and the more i use apple products, i'm left with the soured impression22:52
alteregowazd: I don't mean in stylisation, I mean in responsiveness22:52
wazdit has never been designed for the features it has now so they really look "added"22:52
ieatlintbah, ios is and always will be cisco22:52
alteregoieatlint: don't get me wrong, I don't like Apple products at all, they're toys as far as I'm concerned.22:52
alteregoBut they have done very well getting everything to work as it does.22:53
alteregoieatlint: I agree there tii ;)22:53
alterego~too ..22:53
infobotno, you're too ..22:53
ieatlintalterego: i won't deny that..22:53
ieatlintthey are user-friendly UIs22:53
SpeedEvilAnyone have a recommended link for 'QML for dummies' or similar? I haven't really done 'proper' coding for a while - I suspect python may be a good route.22:53
wazddamn, I really need that track :(22:54
alteregoSpeedEvil: I find going through the QML tutorial and then looking at the examples, reading the APIs is the best route22:54
ieatlintbut you're still left in a very linear environment22:54
hiemanshuwell currently, iOS is the only real time mobile OS really22:54
hiemanshuandroid uses pooling22:54
ieatlinthiemanshu: qnx/blackberry22:54
hiemanshuieatlint: underwork22:54
SpeedEvilalterego: Thanks.22:55
ieatlintthought they had a device out?22:55
hiemanshunope, IIRC its still not out, they are hoping to get it right in the next version22:55
hiemanshuwazd: which one?22:56
ieatlinthah, ok.. well, RIM is perhaps more screwed than Nokia anyway22:56
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hiemanshuwhich is where iOS wins really, Apple hit the right spot, the only thing is its closed22:57
ieatlintwell, there's a lot more issue with it than it just being closed source22:57
ieatlintbut a religious argument on apple products is probably too off topic :P22:57
rcg1sry.. afk22:58
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konttori_homeJaffa, did you get you shiny new n950 to boot up?22:59
SpeedEvilHe was complaining about it not syncing properly to the n900 for contracts - so I guess so.23:00
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konttori_homeSpeedEvil, ah. Interesting. I have been syncing for ages, never without issues.23:04
SpeedEvilI've been up for 23 hours and I have no idea what my bodycock is doing.23:04
konttori_homeOnly thing is that n900 has a slight bug in syncing over bt..23:04
konttori_homeif you have synced to one device once before, it will sync on delta of what it has never sent, to that no matter if it has been flashed or whatever in between.23:05
konttori_homeSo, solution is to always run on the n900: rm ./osso-abook/db/IME*23:05
konttori_homethat will clear the sync cache on n900 side and bt sync for contacts works again like it should23:05
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konttori_homeSpeedEvil, why up so long?23:06
konttori_homeNot good for your health23:06
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GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, I can provide the hammer if you've got the head.23:07
GeneralAntilleskonttori_home, how's life back in the sunlight?23:07
konttori_homeYeah, well, I did get a migrane from it today23:07
SpeedEvilkonttori_home: I woke up at 1AM, after sleeping 4 hours, and couldn't get back to sleep. It's now 9PM.23:08
Sampppa_konttori_home: Did u give a test run for new eCoach? :)23:08
konttori_homeand actually, this week has been still insanely stressful. We are now working on making the final sales release. And it's starting to be nerve wercking fixing those last small issues that are absolute musts.. or so we think... and then waiting for the simulated test rounds to see if ageing is still and issue and is device crashing too often and this kind of final sales checks that can easily mean one more week of work.23:09
konttori_homeSpeedEvil, I hate it when that happens23:10
konttori_homeSampppa_, I did!23:10
bindinew eCoach? whuts new23:10
Sampppa_bindi: Totatlly new design Qt Components etc :)23:10
Sampppa_konttori_home: great! Did it work :)23:11
konttori_homeTerrific, but... It was consuming all CPU also when screen was blanked. I had trouble listening to music on Bt at the same time as ecoach was running. And I was missing at the end of the session an average km/h number and not just how many minutes per km. Both would be good.23:11
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Sampppa_konttori_home: ok, i think i need to disable map centering + route drawing when screen is dimmed23:12
Sampppa_maybe aslo drawing the time23:12
konttori_homeAlso, when swiped to recents, it was eating all CPU even in the main view, so usage of the rest of the device to setup a suitable track to play, was a pain.23:12
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konttori_homeMain view is rendering the stobe effect all the time even when minimized.23:13
trumeeguys, i have two laptops but single ethernet connection. can i do this Ethernet>1st Laptop>USB>N900>mobilehotspot>WIFI>2nd laptop23:13
Sampppa_did u check if it was odnp or ecoach process eating all the cpu?23:13
konttori_homeThe big start session button I mean.23:13
konttori_homeNo, sorry. I can check tomorrow.23:13
Sampppa_konttori_home: ah ok, i might have forgot to disable that animation when activity is started23:13
konttori_homeAnyway, it looks stellar, worked really well, just need to get the CPU consumption down when minimized or screen blanked.23:13
Sampppa_konttori_home: but there has been also some weird cpu usage by odpn process23:14
Sampppa_konttori_home: yeah cpu usage was already very low so it must be this qml animation that is running somewhere still23:14
trumeeNo expert of Mobilehotspot around?23:14
konttori_homecould be. For me, I had gaps in audio playback, so it was pretty bad. (considering music playback has pretty high prio)23:14
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* SpeedEvil starts learning QML.
SpeedEvilWait - what?23:15
konttori_homeIf qml app goes to bg, the rendering is done in software, so CPU consumption goes to the roof23:15
konttori_homewell, background or just minimized to recents.23:15
compengiare there any issues on installing uboot on the latest maemo community release?23:16
DocScrutinizerkonttori_home: hi! :-)23:16
konttori_homeDocScrutinizer, Hi!23:16
SpeedEvilI assume it's possible to run QML stuff on the n900?23:16
SpeedEvilSorry for the silly questions.23:17
konttori_homeSpeedEvil, of course23:17
GeneralAntillescompengi, don't think so. But don't quote me.23:17
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trumeeDocScrutinizer: any ideas?23:18
DocScrutinizertrumee: sorry, need to read backscroll23:18
DocScrutinizertrumee: MobileHS?23:19
trumeeDocScrutinizer: i want to share an ethernet connection between multiple devices23:19
hiemanshutrumee: get a cheap $15 usb dongle and use adhoc?23:20
compengiGeneralAntilles, okay, thanks :)23:20
DocScrutinizertrumee: yeah, I never tested MobileHS, though I think there were reports of users who used it and were pleased23:20
trumeehiemanshu: just need it for next two days, since the wifi around here is broken23:20
Sampppa_konttori_home: ok but i will check this issue and provide you newer version one of these days... i have time to finalize it now as my summer vacation begun :)23:20
konttori_homeSampppa_, I'm very much waiting to get the cpu consumption issues solved. Then it's in usable state. Metrics in and it's just insanely good.23:20
trumeehiemanshu: i suppose it is possible to setup adhoc on the laptop itself?23:21
hiemanshutrumee: ah, if its a laptop yes23:21
konttori_homeSampppa_, ah, good. I'm waiting to get some time to code on mine too. One more week.23:21
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Sampppa_konttori_home: and then control panel plugin integrated + graphs and its fine :)23:21
DocScrutinizerkonttori_home: not that it matters anymore, but when you suggested I should apply for a N950 and you'd talk to the relevant guys about it, did you refer to the meego DDP or the DDP?23:22
konttori_homeagreed. Not much to do to be possible to call it 1.023:22
hiemanshutrumee: there is a very good chance it has NetworkManager, you can use that23:22
konttori_homeDocScrutinizer, fuck. I forgot to talk to quim.23:22
trumeehiemanshu: on opensuse atm using knetworkmanager23:22
hiemanshukonttori_home: language :P23:22
hiemanshuwell either ways DocScrutinizer was selected23:23
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konttori_homehiemanshu, oh, good!23:23
konttori_homethanks. I was already thinking of how I could arrange the device to him no matter what.23:23
konttori_homeWe have only limited supply of n950s.23:23
trumeehiemanshu: what is gtk frontend of Networkmanager called?23:24
hiemanshugive me one more, for commercial apps :P23:24
hiemanshutrumee: nm-applet23:24
trumeehiemanshu: cheers23:24
hiemanshu(I think)23:24
DocScrutinizerI just got a bit puzzled when first I started on launchpad immediately, and then eventually found out there are actually 2 different programs23:24
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hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: and you are in the wrong one?23:25
DocScrutinizerI'm obviously in the "right" one now23:25
hiemanshudarnit :/23:25
hiemanshuwell either ways, I am far away in India, so I have to wait longer :(23:26
DocScrutinizerthough it'd be a pity to take away one of the 250, when konttori_home actually meant I should apply for DDP23:26
GeneralAntillesI think I need the device before I start prototyping UIs.23:26
GeneralAntillesI don't have any feel for how the apps normally look or function.23:26
trumeehiemanshu: hopefully you wont have to pay customs duty :p23:27
hiemanshutrumee: I hope too23:27
hiemanshutrumee: well something trivial is ok23:27
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konttori_homeGeneralAntilles, yeah. makes sense. When will you get yours?23:29
GeneralAntilleskonttori_home, dunno, nobody's gotten codes yet (except Jaffa, the bastard).23:30
GeneralAntillesMost don't have the LaunchPad accounts yet.23:30
konttori_homeDo you have a plan of what to develop?23:30
GeneralAntillesCrappy site:
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GeneralAntillesPhotographer's suite.23:30
GeneralAntillesLight meter, exposure calculators23:30
GeneralAntillesBut I'm working on the GPS logger right now.23:31
GeneralAntillesSo you can geotag photos from your DSLR with GPX tracks from your phone.23:31
konttori_homesounds good.23:31
divanGeneralAntilles, cool.23:31
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DocScrutinizerkonttori_home: anyway, seems USB hostmode for N9 is on its rail (modulo feasibility at large on that hw, and aegis), hope we make it just in time to get the right kernel for N9 rollout, so users don't have to jump hoops for getting it working23:33
konttori_homeGeneralAntilles, for the light meter, indeed, it's an interesting question what to use as the meter itself. ALS is behind some screens and I think we were calibrating the values just this week for the final device. I would assume that you get more reliable results by using the camera module.23:33
GeneralAntilleskonttori_home, indeed.23:34
GeneralAntillesBut then you have the question of sampling.23:34
konttori_homeDocScrutinizer, that would be sweet23:34
konttori_homeGeneralAntilles, you might also use the forward facing camera.23:34
GeneralAntillesWonder if you could account for the ALS filters. . . .23:35
DocScrutinizerkonttori_home: I think for N9 hostmode is a must-have, given the shortcomings regarding other plug'able storage23:35
konttori_homeBut you have same sampling issue there as well.23:35
GeneralAntillesLot less horsepower involved in getting a value out of that than the camera.23:35
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: for the combined proxy-sensor&ALS there seem to be no datasheets available23:36
DocScrutinizerjust mentioning23:36
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: General principle in openstreetmap is you take a picture of the camera showing its clock23:37
konttori_homeSure. Perhaps easier to start with ALS. I think it's pretty ok now, but our display experts are always wanting more. It's in reality like trying to figure the ambient light conditions by looking through a pin hole that points to one direction.23:37
SpeedEvilI just realised I wrote up an app proposal a couple of years ago.23:38
SpeedEvilOptimised openstreetmap camera including magnetometer and GPS.23:39
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, devices will probably free up.23:39
SpeedEvilYeah. At that time I was envisioning it as a hardware product.23:39
SpeedEvilI wonder if it's worthwhile adding to project page.23:40
* GeneralAntilles wishes some of the default applications actually worked in QEMU.23:41
DocScrutinizerkonttori_home: probably when the "window" in front of ALS was matte, the result was way less "pinhole"23:41
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, can't hurt.23:41
DocScrutinizerkonttori_home: I'm sure this would collide with proxy-sensor usage though23:42
konttori_homeTrue. There is some changes in the latest protos (that I don't have). They added some screen. Maybe that does add some matte to it. Dunno.23:42
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konttori_homeI think the sensors are separated, it's just the microcontroller that is shared. (but I could easily be mistaken)23:43
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: True23:43
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DocScrutinizerkonttori_home: as mentioned above, no datasheets available :-/23:43
GeneralAntillesWhatever team did the UX guidelines did a fantastic job.23:44
GeneralAntillesAll of the materials there are slick as can be.23:44
GeneralAntillesDocumentation like I've never seen documentation from Nokia.23:44
DocScrutinizerwell, maybe once I got the iron at my hands, I can tell more23:44
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Jaffakonttori_home: _armattan's very cool. N950 keyboard is good too23:45
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konttori_homeIt's nice. Portrait home on n950 sucks23:45
Jaffakonttori_home: Want Google Talk and Twitter accounts, tho23:45
Jaffakonttori_home: true23:45
konttori_homesomebody needs to do a theme that enables landscape home.23:45
MoonTigerhow do i get qtcreator to use qt 4.7 for maemo? where can i actually get qt 4.7 for maemo?23:45
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: the question probably is how much power the cam modules really eat, and how fast they can ramp up and shut down again23:46
konttori_homeThere should be a key in meegotouchhome-nokia style file that enables landscape mode.23:46
MohammadAGI'd do it but I don't have an N950 - yet :)23:46
Jaffakonttori_home: A few rough edges on this build, and email client needs a good replacement (conversations and non-obnoxious quoting) ;-)23:47
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: I could imagine even a kernel driver "/sys/advanced-ALS/lux" based on camera23:47
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, ooh.23:47
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konttori_homeDocScrutinizer, the forward facing camera probably takes very little. Als takes just like 140 microamps if I recall correctly23:47
ShadowJKJaffa, does email client still choke on big mailboxes, does it support threading?23:47
konttori_homeOh no, 140 was proxi, so als is probably less23:47
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konttori_homeJaffa,  I so hear you about email.23:48
JaffaShadowJK: dunno about big, but no grouping, threading or conversations23:48
* GeneralAntilles sighs at QEMU display garbage.23:48
ShadowJKAh, so it's no better than N900 then :)23:49
Jaffakonttori_home: no way to go to next/prev email either?23:49
DocScrutinizerno threads on mail is definitely a killer23:50
JaffaShadowJK: At this point, a port of Modest to use the IMAP IDLE QMF backend would be an improvement. #include <pre-production-disclaimer.h>23:50
hiemanshuwell I hope someone will port KMail or something23:50
konttori_homeJaffa, there is. Just do a quick Swipe gesture to left or right23:50
Sampppa_ i think "flick" is the correct term23:51
Jaffakonttori_home: ah, tried that and it didn't work23:51
konttori_homeIt's not intuitive, but quite good for quickly scanning through email23:51
Sampppa_to go trough emails23:51
* DocScrutinizer lols on #include23:51
konttori_homeJaffa, well, it should.23:51
konttori_homeSampppa_, yeah, true.23:51
Jaffakonttori_home: got it23:52
konttori_homegood. I think we were making it a bit easier to use like two weeks ago or so.23:52
DocScrutinizerhey Jaffa, is there a nice *tutorial* on this device? :-D23:53
Sampppa_yeah it is better with latest builds :)23:53
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JaffaI dunno how old this build is, or if there are plans to ship N950 updates23:54
konttori_homeHmm... we should ask if we can send the sales candidate to developers as an update as early as possible.23:54
JaffaDocScrutinizer: it's in the middle and 3 keys wide23:54
konttori_homeWe are changing the font metrics a bit, so I would think it would be fair for that reason alone.23:54
Sampppa_konttori_home: afaik n950:s will get update to sales release when it is ready23:54
Jaffakonttori_home: +123:54
GeneralAntillesJaffa, there's an update on the website at least.23:55
GeneralAntillesDunno if that's what's shipped with it.23:55
Sampppa_easier for us to support when people are using the same sw version :)23:55
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JaffaIf nothing else, we might start developing apps or features you've already done23:55
alteregoGeneralAntilles: it's actually a downgrade :P23:55
DocScrutinizerkonttori_home: also SSU needs a field test I'd think23:55
GeneralAntillesAh, nice.23:55
konttori_home(we just sent the metrics change in like 4 hours ago and I'm now waiting to see if it gets integrated)23:55
Sampppa_devices should have been shipped with 22-6 version, special edition for devkits23:55
konttori_homeDocScrutinizer, that would be nice, but otoh, we really are not expecting that it would need to work yet.23:56
Sampppa_Jaffa: you will get update, when sales sw is ready23:56
Jaffa1.2011.22-6 currently23:56
DocScrutinizerkonttori_home: :-D23:56
konttori_homeWe have been using SSU now for some weeks succesfully internally, so it should work.23:56
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konttori_homeWow. That's lame.23:57
Sampppa_konttori_home: it is a long process23:57
Sampppa_certifications etc23:57
Sampppa_and making a separate branch for that etc. was a quite mess :)23:57
DocScrutinizerkonttori_home: somewhere in this whole meego DDP process there was a passage like "we expect you to come up with apps til end of the year" (OWTTE) - is this what you would guess as well for a reasonable schedule?23:57
GeneralAntillesJaffa, recommend an open source Qt Components application to poke around in?23:57
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: I vaguely recall there was a leak saying Sep. That does seem early though.23:58
Sampppa_GeneralAntilles: you should check qt-components source package from beta sdk. There is examples/meego/qmlcomponentsgallery application23:58
GeneralAntillesAh, yes, I did see that.23:58
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: indeed23:58
Sampppa_that shows all the qt components and how to use them23:58
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: Sept might be announcement23:59
SpeedEvil'This is the new n9 phone, it runs windows'23:59
DocScrutinizeror FCC, or whatever23:59

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