IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2011-06-30

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JaffaSpeedEvil: I have no idea how on earth different NFC devices communicate00:00
meceMohammadAG, I wouldn't worry... :)00:00
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JaffaMohammadAG: Patience, my padawan learner.00:00
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javispedroMohammadAG: man, from all the people that have been omitted from the list, you're the only one who a) half of the channel has said you deserve one b ) half of TMO has said you deserve one.00:00
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MohammadAGJaffa, was just pissed an hour ago, ignore the rant00:00
X-FadeMohammadAG: Don't fear, there are other ways to get you one.00:01
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MohammadAGX-Fade, not looking into them ;)00:01
X-FadeMohammadAG: But just wait for this round and we'll see what happens.00:01
javispedroMohammadAG: so, I wouldn't worry =) I'm sure Jaffa will send you his =)00:01
JaffaMohammadAG: You won't need to.00:01
MohammadAGI'd rather get one the same way everyone did00:01
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MohammadAGnot through :P00:01
MohammadAGAnyway, there's tomorrow00:02
JaffaMohammadAG: It's all the same place.00:02
MoonTigeris QSqlQuery binding really as broken as it appears to be with sqlite?00:02
meceMohammadAG, but then you wont get the special MAG edition version, with rocket boosters00:02
JaffaMohammadAG: All Quim's doing is setting up the provisioning with Ronan &
X-FadeThere are just multiple people with a stack of phones. Doesn't matter where it comes from.00:02
MohammadAGmece, no lasers? pfft00:02
JaffaMohammadAG: There's the Qt Ambassadors, which is a programme.00:02
MohammadAGI'm no ambassador :p00:03
JaffaMohammadAG: As X-Fade says, there's a bunch of phones to give out.00:03
meceMohammadAG, well I didn't think lasers needed mentioning. Who'd want a phone without lasers??00:03
MohammadAGAgain, will wait for tomorrow00:03
JaffaAnyway, I'm amazed the TMO crowd think you should have one. CSSU will take a back seat to Harmattan development and all the N900 owners will be screwed.00:03
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javispedroJaffa: ssshhhh!!00:04
MohammadAGyou'd be surprised :p00:04
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X-FadeWe should seriously think about a CSSU for Harmattan though..00:04
MohammadAGI'm not killing the CSSU, whether I get an N950, or turn to Android00:04
meceX-Fade, hear hear00:04
MohammadAGthe latter seems to be something I would do if I'm drunk00:04
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SpeedEvilX-Fade: I suppose how important it is depends on how the n950 is configured. But I can't imagine it's going to be that more open than the n900 that the importance fades away.00:05
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MohammadAGX-Fade, getting a CSSU won't be easy00:05
Sc0rpiusdon't turn to Android00:05
Sc0rpiusI have an Android tablet00:05
Sc0rpiusand I want to kill it00:05
MohammadAGremember the thing we all know and love? starts with Aegis00:05
meceMohammadAG, new lockscreen looks ace btw!00:05
X-FadeMohammadAG: Oh, there are ways :)00:05
Sc0rpiusI wish I could put Debian on it00:05
SpeedEvilI guess that the 'reverse engineering' that's been done for the n900 at least sets the scenes for the general idea behind getting under teh skin of the n95000:05
* Jaffa has just remembered one of his Harmattan app ideas that he missed off his application. (Event feed notifications of train platforms with some geolocation awareness and configuration of your regular journey)00:06
RST38hSc0rpius:Send it over here I will kill it for you00:06
meceSc0rpius, which tablet?00:06
javispedroRST38h: the tentacled one will not forgive you for that00:06
Sc0rpiusit's a Coby Kyros MID7015, one of those cheap chinese 7" tablets00:06
MohammadAGX-Fade, dpkg -r aegis* is one00:06
RST38hjavispedro:he is ok about it, having recently eaten00:07
Sc0rpiusAndroid is slow, and lack of a real multitasking annoys me00:07
javispedropoor openSL es committee00:07
mecethe bypassing/removing aegis must be top priority for the community.00:07
X-FadeMohammadAG: We'll discuss it when you have one in hands :)00:07
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RST38hjavispedro: why do you think these madmen are poor?00:07
Jaffamece: Not if doing so cripples functionality :-/00:08
SpeedEvilVirtualise aegis!00:08
meceJaffa, well that's the hard part isn't it?00:08
MohammadAGX-Fade, s/when/if/ :P00:08
* javispedro hits MohammadAG 00:08
* mece pats MohammadAG on the back *there there* don't worry00:08
X-FadeI have a feeling that agis is not too bad for us atm, but that is all I'm going to say about that. :D00:08
Jaffamece: Getting rid of it is easy: go to open mode and set the policy to be unrestricted. What that means in terms of functionality...00:09
JaffaX-Fade: +100:09
* MohammadAG cries on mece's shoulder00:09
meceJaffa, well that's why it needs to be bypassed and not removed..00:09
SpeedEvilJaffa: And more importantly - what that means for the functionality of the n9 as configured for sale.00:09
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: Coincidentally, I am considering buying a laser to make a soldering iron with.00:09
MoonTigerMohammadAG, you do a lot of qt stuff right?00:09
RST38hwhy do you need a phone whe you have already got a mfcking lase?00:10
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X-FadeGoing to get some sleep. More Harmattan work tomorrow.00:10
MohammadAGahem, back to being serious00:10
MohammadAGMoonTiger, done some Gtk alongside, but yes00:10
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MoonTigeri am having a real problem with sqlite bound parameters in a qsqlquery00:10
RST38hAndroid App Downloads Now Total 4.5 Billion!00:11
MoonTigerlkeps failing with "parameter count mismatch"00:11
MohammadAGSQLite isn't Qt :p00:11
RST38h(how do they count?)00:11
MoonTigerok the qt qsqlquery class00:11
MoonTigerwhen used with sqlite00:11
MohammadAGRST38h, fingers, why do you think they have many employees!00:11
MoonTigerhave u any experience with this?00:11
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* javispedro pats MohammadAG and points him to #idonothaveann900, a channel I founded two years ago00:11
MohammadAGnope, never used SQLite00:12
MoonTigerMohammadAG, ok thnx .... what do you use for storage then?00:12
MohammadAGjavispedro, you serious about the channel part?00:12
MohammadAGMoonTiger, QSettings00:12
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MohammadAGor manual writing with QFile00:12
MoonTigerqsettings .... hmmmmmmm00:12
MoonTigerok thnx00:12
javispedroMohammadAG: I do not even remember the full name, but, oh the fun we had on it waiting for the n900! ;P00:12
meceis daperl on the list btw?00:12
MoonTigerits just for account credentials00:12
MohammadAGMoonTiger, oh, I'd use some encryption library00:13
MohammadAGplaintext is umm, bad00:13
* MohammadAG looks at Sony00:13
MoonTigerMohammadAG, yes i will but then i can store the data in qsettings rather than use sqlite maybe00:13
MoonTigerbut i want to cache data offline and settings doesnt seem good for that00:13
MoonTigermaybe a flat file00:13
MoonTigerannoying that sqlite is broken00:14
meceMoonTiger, how is it broken?00:14
MohammadAGQFile and QDir::standardLocation(CacheLocation) ftw00:14
MohammadAGor sth like that00:14
MoonTigermece .... a prepared statment in qsqlquery always fails with "parameter count mismatch"00:14
MohammadAGsure it's not pebcak? :P00:15
MoonTigerpretty sure ... i spent 4hrs trying every possible combination and permutation ... then i just used sprintf for testing and it works00:15
MoonTigerand qsqlquery::executedquery returns the string with the placeholders still in it00:16
MohammadAGJaffa, grr, now someone on tmo is suggesting they don't want me to have a device cause of the CSSU, see what you did? :P00:16
MoonTigerwhen the docs say it should have replaced them00:16
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DocScrutinizerplease do not mess up account credentials on server and their doubtlessly mandatory encryption with the storing of accounts on client side where encryption is a complete nonsense00:16
MoonTigerDocScrutinizer, ?00:17
MohammadAGMoonTiger, what site is this?00:17
JaffaMohammadAG: Yeah :-(00:17
MohammadAGmost places use OAuth2 or XAuth00:17
meceMoonTiger, so this example: doesn't work?00:17
MohammadAGservice, site whatever00:17
MoonTigermece, the first example works fine00:17
MoonTigerno bound values00:18
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javispedroMohammadAG: post another trollface picture on that thread so as to put it back on the right path.00:18
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MohammadAGjavispedro, u mad bro?00:19
MoonTigerMohammadAG, i am just writing a lil identica client for now00:19
MohammadAGMoonTiger, no token system?00:20
MoonTigernot for now00:20
MohammadAGMy laptop's been lagging like shit lately00:20
MohammadAGwell, IRC on my laptop00:20
MoonTigerbut even if use oauth for twitter i still need to store the token rather than the credentials00:20
MohammadAGstoring a token is better than storing credentials00:20
MohammadAGthe user can deny access that way, rather than changing the pass00:20
MoonTigerMohammadAG, yes i know all that .... its the sqlite brokeness im trying to figure out right now00:21
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MoonTigeri will encrypt the credentials whatever they are anyways00:21
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MoonTigerok well anyways.... i will go file a bug report00:22
MoonTigerthnx :)00:22
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DocScrutinizerMoonTiger: (encryption) it's nonsense to encrypt anything with a password that's also available on same machine00:25
MoonTigerDocScrutinizer, yah i had wondered about that and trying to set up a webservice to use for the encryption00:26
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MoonTigerthen use a token on the client00:26
MoonTigeretc etc00:26
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DocScrutinizerthere's no way to protect user from his passwords/credentials00:26
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MoonTigerDocScrutinizer,yah thats where i go to as well00:27
DocScrutinizereither store then crypted and make user enter master password, or just forget about all encryption00:27
MoonTigerand asking a amster pw everytime is just not realistic00:28
MoonTigermster too00:28
DocScrutinizerso you have to live with passwords stored on your client, and if they are then damn sure better in plain text so user can mange them00:28
MoonTigeris the qt source code available anywhere btw?00:28
MoonTigeridentica doesnt support oauth yet00:29
GeneralAntillesDid anybody start in on cleaning up the wiki?00:29
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DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: what particularly?00:31
GeneralAntillesTable-ize the accepted list00:32
GeneralAntillesI see not, though.00:32
DocScrutinizerrm -r /allthewiki?00:32
alteregoquim wants it like it is so it's easy to edit.00:33
JaffaX-Fade: lardman|gone: I've added bits about projects & repositories to after my playing today00:38
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MohammadAGalterego, a table would be easier in this case00:43
Venemohiemanshu, hey! I see your name too00:43
MohammadAGName | Project00:43
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VenemoMohammadAG, please call them and get them to their senses00:44
Venemoit is outrageous that you are not on the list.00:44
MohammadAGVenemo, I'll wait till tomorrow00:44
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Venemothp, Jaffa, alterego, Conny, hiemanshu myself, and anyone who did a thing at Maemo has gotten one... I think that your name should appear in that list right now. especially because of the Community SSU00:46
Venemothink about it00:46
Venemowho is gonna make a Harmattan community SSU if not MohammadAG?00:46
JaffaVenemo: Please calm down. The MohammadAG-oriented mobbery could end up being counterproductive.00:47
JaffaNot that you're too bad, but I've just read the TMO posts about "Nokia being embarrassed by the success of the CSSU, so they're punishing MAG"00:47
MohammadAGChange the subject, I'll wait till tomorrow00:47
JaffaI mean, it's just ridiculous.00:47
SpeedEvilVenemo: stskeeps has prior convictions in the area of community OSs.00:48
JaffaMohammadAG: How does the BT aspect of BTM working?00:48
infobotJaffa meant: MohammadAG: How does the BT aspect of BTM work?00:48
SpeedEvilI also noticed some bluez developers on the list00:48
MohammadAGanyone know of some good movies? something released in 2011 preferably00:48
JaffaMohammadAG: Is it a new BT profile (a la OBEX, A2DP, ...)? Or does it build on top of an existing one?00:48
JaffaMohammadAG: Tremors. 20 years old, but still great.00:49
VenemoJaffa, I understand and agree with your point of view. but still.00:49
MoonTigerif anybody could tell me if they see anything wrong here i would be very grateful:
MohammadAGJaffa, Qt Mobility, socket servers00:50
VenemoMohammadAG, dunno about any good 2011 films yet00:50
javispedrorfcomm iirc, MohammadAG Jaffa00:51
MohammadAGjavispedro, heh, you remember well :p00:51
javispedroMohammadAG: I've asked you many times I think and then I was not sure again, hehe.00:51
MohammadAGVenemo, The Adjustment Bureau was good00:52
Venemohaven't heard about it00:52
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GeneralAntillesMohammadAG, Tropic Thunder.00:53
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GeneralAntilles"Relaxed, casual, portrait web browser." doesn't sound like anything I want.00:54
JaffaGeneralAntilles: Could've been worse, they could've thrown "social" in there too00:55
* GeneralAntilles shudders.00:55
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VenemoGeneralAntilles, you getting an N950 too?00:58
JaffaGeneralAntilles: SnapGo sounds cool. The idea of clock synched post-geolocation is genius.00:59
GeneralAntillesJaffa, been floating around in my head for a while.00:59
GeneralAntillesI've seen it implemented on iOS.00:59
VenemoGeneralAntilles, congrats then :)00:59
GeneralAntillesHard part is getting plug-ins put together for all of the big photo managers.01:00
GeneralAntillesHopefully some interested photographers will pitch in there.01:00
GeneralAntillesHow do you get 2,600 Thanks! and post something like that. . . .01:01
GeneralAntillesTalk really has fallen.01:01
MohammadAGJaffa, just went over the list01:01
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JaffaGeneralAnittles: I seem to have missed a jump in the conversation.01:02
MohammadAGthe CSSU suggestion is actually ridiculous :P01:02
MohammadAGmost CSSU contributors are on it01:02
GeneralAntillesJaffa, marxian on the N950 devkit thread.01:02
GeneralAntillesThe conspiracy theories.01:02
JaffaGeneralAntilles: Ah01:02
JaffaMohammadAG: No, RST38h told me that you're the only one who's done any work on the CSSU.01:02
MohammadAGLet's not start that one again :p01:02
JaffaMohammadAG: Chosen a film?01:03
MohammadAGRemember I spent some time learning gtk and annoying javispedro just to write an applet to give thanks01:03
MohammadAGnope, not yet01:03
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JaffaMohammadAG: I suggest not picking "Fallen Down"01:03
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MohammadAGanyone seen The Hangover II?01:03
GeneralAntillesThor wasn't unreasonably entertaining.01:04
GeneralAntillesMohammadAG, walked out.01:04
* javispedro _needs_ to watch Rat Race again01:04
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MohammadAGGeneralAntilles, why?01:04
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GeneralAntillesMohammadAG, it's awful.01:04
MohammadAGnot as good as I?01:04
GeneralAntillesMediocre summer-comedy sequel awful.01:04
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GeneralAntillesPriest was also entertaining.01:05
GeneralAntillesIf a bit destroyed by the studio when they cut it down.01:05
* Jaffa beds.01:06
GeneralAntillesOoh, Source Code was fun.01:06
JaffaYeah, that was alright01:06
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JaffaQuite good01:06
JaffaVery 12 Monkeys, meets Quantum Leap, meets Groundhog Day, meets Moon01:06
MohammadAGonly thing I hated about it is the train scene being played about 10 times01:06
GeneralAntillesJane Eyre was good, too, though I doubt that's what you're looking for. ;)01:06
MohammadAGnight Jaffa01:07
javispedrognite Jaffa01:07
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javispedroSource code was good?01:08
javispedrooh well.01:08
javispedro(didn't see it)01:08
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alteregoGeneralAntilles: I'm watching Jane Eyre right now01:16
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alteregoSource was so-so tbh01:16
MoonTigeris 4.6.2 the latest version of qt for maemo?01:20
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alteregoWe have 4.7 in devel I think01:21
MohammadAG4.7.4 is latest upstream for maemo01:21
MoonTigermy qtcreator is building with 4.6.201:21
MohammadAGupdate it then01:22
MoonTigerhow do i do that??01:22
MoonTigeruh goot it01:22
MohammadAGSource code has the most irrelevant title ever, but the movie was good01:22
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MoonTigerummmm odd the sdk update tool finds nothing to update01:23
MoonTigerbut its building with 4.6.201:23
MoonTigeri have 4.7.3 for desktop01:24
MoonTigerhow do i get that for maemo?01:24
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MoonTigermaybe this damn sqlite bug has been fixed01:24
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alteregoWell, the title is less ambiguous in philosphical terms. But yeah, was a bit oddly named :D01:26
MohammadAGalterego, expected tarballs in the movie, got some trains exploding01:27
MohammadAGthat's not source code!01:27
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alteregoMohammadAG: I think it references the code that can become life ;)01:31
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MoonTigeris it qt libs for embedded linux i need?01:34
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alteregomad-admin xdpkg01:35
alteregoit is your friend.01:35
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divanMohammadAG, I can't see you in the N950 acceppted list :( Hope it will be updated tomorrow//01:36
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MoonTigeralterego, how does this help me update to 4.7.3 from 4.6.2?01:37
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iphaRahello, i'm tyring to install gcc on my Nokia N900, so i got it from here:
iphaRainstalled all armel dependancy packages as root with dpkg -i01:41
iphaRahowever now that i want to see if a simple "hello world" compiles, but after "gcc-4.2 test.c", i get this:01:41
iphaRahow can there be no stdio.h? :(01:42
SpeedEvilyou want to install build-essentials, not gcc01:42
iphaRaok, let me google that to see what it is01:43
MohammadAGstdio.h is in libc6-dev01:43
iphaRa..i've got libc6-dev also installed01:43
iphaRait's part of the gcc package from the link above01:43
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SpeedEvilAlso - it makes more sense to copy / to /home/user/chroot or something - and then chroot into it and install build-essentials in that01:44
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iphaRaalright.. ^_^01:45
iphaRaSpeedEvil: so you're saying, make a separate dir; install it there01:46
SpeedEvilOtherwise you can easily run out of space on /01:47
SpeedEvilwhich is bad.01:47
alteregoAnd the penny drops ..01:49
alteregoMy work here is done. I'll be seeing you tomorrow, g'night.01:49
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iphaRaoh fudge, SpeedEvil i just did the mistake you warned me against ...02:00
iphaRai thought that by 'dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/deb *armel.deb' will install all in MyDocs/deb02:00
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iphaRa/ has 75% thogh, probably normal :)02:23
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divanIs there any platform defines in Qt for WeTab version of Meego? Something similar for Q_WS_MAEMO_5 in Maemo..02:30
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MohammadAGno, not until the next update02:34
MohammadAGcontains(MEEGO_FLAVOR, Harmattan): DEFINES += Q_WS_MAEMO_6 may work02:34
MohammadAG 1119     2 root     RW       0  0.0 87.5 [sgx_misr] :/02:36
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trxis there a reason why there is no libusb-1.0 in the repos?02:45
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trxi see only 0.1 there02:45
trxalso only 0.1 on my n900 /lib/02:45
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MohammadAGnight everyone :)02:48
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iphaRaalright,, after some googling, turns out that gcc is too much, and i could just apt-get tcc and solve all my problems in about 100KB03:09
iphaRawhich is all ineed for a smiple classroom compiler03:09
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Termanagood morning03:37
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MohammadAGmorning Termana03:49
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MohammadAGkinda dead in here at 4AM :p04:12
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* SpeedEvil hits MohammadAG with a duck.04:14
MohammadAGyay, ducky04:14
SpeedEvilI don't think that 4AM is what quim meant by 'more tomorrow'.04:15
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MohammadAGCan't sleep04:15
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MohammadAGNot sure why, but this has been going on for some time lately04:16
SpeedEvilHere too.04:16
MohammadAGit's annoying04:16
SpeedEvilSleep pattern is even more fragmented than normal.04:16
MohammadAGImma end up being awake for 48 hours again04:17
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MohammadAGlast time wasn't pleasant, I did get sociality done overnight though04:17
SpeedEvilMain problem at the moment is that I'm not sleeping integrals of 24h. :)04:18
* MohammadAG tries to finish Nothing Else Matters on guitar04:19
MohammadAGmain problem here is I wasted 2 hours in bed trying to sleep04:19
MohammadAGor 1 hour04:19
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GAN900MohammadAG, melatonin supplements are useful.04:23
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MohammadAGGAN900, mela what?04:25
GAN900Hormone that triggers tiredness.04:26
GAN900Helps you fall asleep04:26
MohammadAGI'm already tired04:26
MohammadAGjust can't sleep :p04:26
MohammadAGtoo tired to do anything productive actually04:26
GAN900Right, it'll do away with the insomnia04:26
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SpeedEvilThe wikipedia page seems to paint melatonin as bringing world peace, and raising the dead.04:29
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GeneralAntillesWell, it's Wikipedia.04:32
GeneralAntillesEverybody with an axe to grind a lots of free time goes there.04:32
GeneralAntillesSo it's basically an encyclopedia written by nutjobs.04:32
SpeedEvilIn some areas it's useful.04:32
SpeedEvilIn areas where people have strong opinions - maybe less so.04:33
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* MohammadAG tries sleeping again04:36
MohammadAGnight, I hope04:36
SpeedEvilGood luck!04:37
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* divan had a lot of sex with WeTab OBS build service.. The words build system ever and looks like almost unmaintained.07:12
divannight was soo long :)07:12
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Ken-YoungGee - fighting with a build service counts as sex?   I'm a stud, and I didn't even know!07:16
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fralsJaffa: and the next day corporate security is knocking on my door asking for it ;)07:40
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GAN900Jaffa, they want your N950 back?07:47
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GAN900Er, s/Jaffa/frals07:47
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* GAN900 rewatching season 13 of South Park reminds me that Cartman's Poker Face is probably the greatest cover ever.07:48
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fralsGAN900: who knows, i guess by the time im fired none will care thou ;)08:15
fralsGAN900: and mine is slightly different than the DDP ones ;(08:15
GAN900512MB, eh? :P08:15
fralsjust says property of nokia and some other crap08:16
GAN900Ah, yeah08:16
GAN900Still got that RX-51 in a drawer here.08:16
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* GAN900 should send it back to Peter.08:17
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macmaNhmm am i supposed to be able to import my contacts from n900 over bluétooth to n950? its not seeing the n900, while regular pairing went fine08:27
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petteriso is the new terminal app on n950 any good?08:29
macmaNit looked good while i was doing apt-cache search git08:30
macmaNwhat is there to look out for?08:30
macmaNim really really liking the new media player08:30
macmaNit has favorites and a very nice ux flow between activities and use cases08:31
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fralsmacmaN: n900 -> n950 contacts over bt should work fine08:32
fralsmacmaN: saw someone do it yesterday at the meetup08:33
macmaNfrals: who are you irl, are you in the meetup list?08:35
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macmaNhrm so whats wrong with my contact sync i wonder08:41
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macmaNahh, initiating it from n900 side worked08:45
macmaNthrough the totally intuitive "Get Contacts" menu item in N900 Contacts menu08:46
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fralsmacmaN: yes ;)09:09
fralsmacmaN: Nick09:09
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peetahhi all10:36
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peetahsomeone can tell me how to enable/disable screen dimming and blanking with a shell command line ?10:37
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peetahthe appropriate values to pass to dbus-send would be great10:38
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RST38hmoo all10:41
meceRST38h, STOP! Mjolnir time!
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JaffaMorning, all10:44
RST38hMoo, Jaffa10:46
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RST38hJaffa: I know this sounds stupid, but how do I edit the Meego Wiki page? Need to add a link to the web page10:47
meceRST38h, log in, click edit?10:48
RST38hWhen I click on LOG IN, it moves me directly to my account settings10:48
RST38hi.e. I appear to be logged in10:48
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Termanamece, why does he have a handbag?10:50
SpeedEvilMorning Jade.10:51
Termana(joking btw)10:51
JaffaRST38h: Log out. There's a bug with the credentials sharing with MediaWiki10:51
JaffaRST38h: Log out and back in again and you should be good to go10:51
meceTermana, I believe that is his hammer, mjolnir :)10:53
RST38hJaffa: Aye aye10:53
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cloudyLightshi MohammadAG11:02
cloudyLightsMohammadAG: may I ask, why are you so involved in QT on meego now?11:02
cloudyLightswhat was the reason to start using QT?11:03
MohammadAGI'm involved in Qt on MeeGo?11:03
cloudyLightsare you working on a specific app?11:03
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cloudyLightsyou seem to write here a lot regrding qt 4.7.111:04
cloudyLightsand such11:04
cloudyLightsI mean you where the one asking to switch to 4.8 in the cssu, right?11:04
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MohammadAGasking? no, I ran 4.8 for a day11:05
cloudyLightsok, so you are using qt on maemo to develop a media player - right?11:06
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MohammadAGit's on git and tmo11:06
MohammadAGright now, I don't have any projects at hand11:06
cloudyLightsmay I ask why did you start writing a media player in qt?11:06
cloudyLightsI mean , I didnt see this here11:07
MohammadAGThat was December11:07
MohammadAGfind the post there11:07
cloudyLightso ok11:07
cloudyLightsI am waiting for the guy that wrote pypackager to show up11:08
cloudyLightsI used the netmon to log cellular data, but need to work on the logging11:09
cloudyLightsI right , that when I reach the right busstation, I get the same cellid11:10
cloudyLightsso my app may seek to "see" when cellids change in a known order then , alert me11:10
cloudyLightsand I can leave it on all the time11:11
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chem|stnow it is getting on my nerves... is there anything I can do about facebook not uploading pictures (built in share thing)11:13
MohammadAGdelete the account, and readd it11:14
alteregochem|st: it stopped working for me a while ago, deleting all your accounts and recreating it worked for me.11:14
MohammadAGI should push the sociality update11:14
edheldildelete the account and NOT readding it should work too, shouldn't i_11:15
pabs3hmm, LWN editors are hinting that they would like to review the N95011:15
chem|stalterego: 23. May I can tell...11:16
chem|stso deleting the share account..11:16
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chem|stalterego: btw how is columbus doing?11:16
alteregochem|st: not bad, been refactoring it and getting it ready to move to QML11:17
alteregoWhilst working on the QML Ux11:17
alteregoStill got quite a lot to do though11:17
mecechem|st, why the facepalm?11:18
chem|stmece: I changed my password... and the share account has nothing to do with the other accounts...11:18
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chem|stalterego: you did awesome with the first devel, keep up the good work!11:19
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alteregoThanks :)11:20
chem|stalterego: as you were asking or thinking about doing a pay-for-app, if you keep the current setup free and add some awesomeness to a pay-for I am good with it^^ was using it on the last turn to find the vessel in the harbour and to find the harbour again11:21
chem|stand did some waypoint tryouts11:21
chem|stit crashes way to often as to being reliable for proper tracking11:22
macmaNpabs3: sure why not?11:23
alteregoStill crashing?11:23
alteregoI thought I fixed that :)11:23
alteregoOh, maybe I didn't release the new version.11:23
pabs3macmaN: can you hook that up (I guess mail anyways, article is here:
alteregoI should be better at maintaining the new version.11:24
alteregofor both m5, harmattan and meego11:24
alteregoAs well as supporting tablet form factor and desktop too.11:25
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chem|stFB works again11:29
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chem|stalterego: don't remember any upgrades^^11:29
macmaNpabs3: heh, i wasnt expecting a review request, but i might have a paid approach to the review as well, so i might kill two birds one stone11:30
chem|stDocScrutinizer: did the SIP guy die finally?11:30
macmaNthis sdk installer is pretty nice piece of work methinks11:31
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pabs3macmaN: ok cool11:33
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macmaNpabs3: you just motivated me to make a 1-year subscription to lwn.net11:35
pabs3nice :)11:35
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* pabs3 thanks HP for sponsoring the Debian group subscription11:35
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cloudyLightsI need your help11:43
cloudyLightsI used the netmon python code to log cellualr info11:43
cloudyLightswhen I ride the bus from home to work11:44
cloudyLightsI see error in opening the dbus11:44
khertani'll be back in 15 min11:45
khertanup the log and ll look11:45
cloudyLightsI will paste the lines11:45
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crashanddieDell hired some pretty bright people...11:49
crashanddie"'I wouldn't say it's perfectly indestructible, but it is pretty much indestructible,' Joe Stewart, director of malware research at Dell"11:49
crashanddieWould you say it's completely massively indestructible? No, just almost quite positively indestructible.11:50
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SpeedEvil - on unbreakability (phones)11:51
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cloudyLightshow can I paste more code then dpaste?12:02
cloudyLightsmore lines12:02
khertancloudyLights: org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable isn't a interface of object : /com/nokia/phone/net12:03
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khertancloudyLights: what are you trying to get ?12:03
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cloudyLightsI downloaded the source12:04
cloudyLightsthen used the to log the cellular data12:04
cloudyLightsthis file is too big for dpaste12:04
cloudyLightsin that file I get these errors12:05
cloudyLightsbut the program still works12:05
cloudyLightsmay I show my additions to that file/12:06
khertancloudyLights: what are you trying to do ? get the id of cellular towel ?12:06
cloudyLightsI want to log every change in the cellular data12:06
khertanimport dbus bus = dbus.SystemBus() proxy = bus.get_object("","/com/nokia/phone/net",False) cell_info = proxy.get_registration_status(dbus_interface="Phone.Net") print "complete cell info" cell_info print cell_info[2]12:06
khertangive you the cell towel id12:07
khertancloudyLights: did you read :
cloudyLightsand then I need to look at these:12:08
cloudyLightsprint str(time())+" mnc: "+str(mnc)+" mcc: "+str(mcc)+" cellid: "+str(cellid)+" lac: "+str(lac)+" decibel: "+str(decibel)12:08
khertanuse it to get notified of change and use a dbus call for cell_info as you can't get it in python12:08
cloudyLightsI mean, maybe any of these fields will change12:09
cloudyLightsso I setup a dict for the values and test if any of them change from one pool to the other12:09
cloudyLightsnetmon uses:12:10
cloudyLightsstatus, lac, cellid, mnc, mcc, nettype, netservices, neterror = self.cellinfo.registration_status()12:10
cloudyLightsand I can keep these and verify they didnt change12:11
cloudyLightsif they do change print them out12:11
khertan <<< a untested example12:11
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khertanyou are trying to locate yourself using the cellular information ?12:12
cloudyLightsas I get all the info using dbus , why would I need libcbsms?12:12
khertanso you just need cellular towel id ? right ?12:12
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cloudyLightslooks ok12:14
cloudyLightsI need to track any cellular data change12:14
cloudyLightsthen figure out what fields help me know I arrived12:14
cloudyLightscellid is most helpfull12:15
cloudyLightsbut lac may also be used12:15
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khertancloudyLights: hum ... lac isn't available for wcdma12:16
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cloudyLights<khertan> I am soon going to eat , but I will be back12:17
cloudyLightsI basiclly need to run that line:12:17
cloudyLightsstatus, lac, cellid, mnc, mcc, nettype, netservices, neterror = self.cellinfo.registration_status()12:17
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cloudyLights<khertan> this cellinfo is:
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RST38hmoo lardman12:43
lardmanhi RST38h12:43
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alterego"We hope you enjoy your flight!" ?12:58
MohammadAGAlso wtf'd at that12:59
MohammadAGI'm guessing he copied an email about a conference invitation and just replaced parts of it12:59
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alteregoHah, maybe.13:00
Termanaalterego, what's that from?13:00
Jaffaalterego: I raised an eyebrow, but assumed it was a sort of "it's a bit like a booking confirmation"13:01
fralsso MohammadAG you got one anyway?13:01
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MohammadAGfrals, not yet, no13:02
alteregoAnyway, I don't want to see a template email, I want to see the damn email :)13:04
Jaffaalterego: :)13:05
* Jaffa has the DDP page open, nothing on it for him yet :-(13:05
lardmanJaffa: what do you mean?13:06
lardmanI saw your name on the list, what else are you looking at?13:06
* alterego creates a wiki page in preparation13:06
MohammadAGI don't want to see any email, I want my name on the list :P13:07
Ken-YoungCan't anyone edit that page and put their name on it?13:07
lardmanyeah that was what I was thinking13:07
lardmanor some malicious editing to get people's hopes up13:08
lardmanwhich would not be nice13:08
TermanaSomething tells me Quim probably has a private list and he isn't reliant on that list13:08
Ken-YoungI'm sure that's true.   But the page is an invitation to mischief.13:09
Jaffalardman: There's a URL for the Forum Nokia Device Distribution Programme. It was used for N900 DDP (IIRC)13:09
TermanaPlus, you would be able to see the douchebag that did it13:09
Termana(in the edit history)13:09
lardmanJaffa: ah ok13:09
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Jaffalardman: - I've no idea if that'll be used to actually distribute the devices, but I'm guessing it will be.13:10
lardmanneed a premium developer account for that?13:10
Jaffalardman: No idea. Does it open with your account?13:11
lardmannope, says I need to register for a premium one13:11
JaffaMaybe they won't use that, then. Or there's still work to do. Or ...13:12
lardmanno worries, I'll wait and see13:12
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Ken-YoungIt's like waiting for Willie Wonka's Golden Ticket.13:12
lardmanperhaps I should have registered for a premium one, or there are two layers or something - the whole Nokia developer registration process was rather confusing about what I was registering for13:12
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MoonTigerhey guys13:15
MoonTigeri just downloaded the latest offline installer for the qt sdk but it has no maemo options13:15
MohammadAGyou're not the only one I've heard that from13:15
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MohammadAGI wonder if they dropped support for it13:15
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MoonTigerhow the f*** am i supposed to get qt 4.7.3 for qtcreator then? right now it builds for 4.6.213:16
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MohammadAG4.7.3? 4.7 is the last official version13:16
MoonTigerwell right now my qtcreator builds for 4.6.213:17
alteregoDid you get it from
alteregoThat's why then ;)13:18
MoonTigeralterego, i am no developing for the n913:18
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MoonTigeralterego, does that have the 4.7 for maemo in it too?13:20
MoonTigerahhhh i see it does .... thnx :)13:21
MoonTigertypical nokia confusion13:21
cloudyLightslardman: hi13:21
lardmanhi cloudyLights13:22
cloudyLights<khertan> ok, I used this
MohammadAGtechnically you can install two SDKs, you'll end up with one creator and more targets13:22
cloudyLightsso I am looking for the cellid change and loging it13:22
cloudyLightsok, I am thinking to do this:13:23
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cloudyLightswhen you install this app it will alwas log the last four cellids13:23
cloudyLightswhen you decide to MARK a bus station , is when you are at that location13:24
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cloudyLightsI will then have the previous cell ids and can establish the pattern13:24
cloudyLightswhen this pattern happens again- I will alert the user13:24
lardmancloudyLights: openbmap will give you lat lon lookups for cellids13:24
cloudyLightsIn Israel?13:25
lardmanI'd be tempted to allow the user to grab some data from there and store it13:25
lardmancloudyLights: assuming Israelis have added to it13:25
lardmanin any case we should go for a generic library/daemon from which to obtain the data so that more than one app can use it13:26
cloudyLightsso this kind of program , will always run13:26
* Jaffa has just got an email13:26
Jaffa"A Nokia N950 is waiting for you"13:26
cloudyLightsand will allways alert on that petern13:26
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macmaNJaffa ftw13:26
cloudyLightshow much$$ ?13:27
lardmancloudyLights: possibly - I see something along the lines of if you have a net connection then download data for the present location and thereabouts; if you don't have a connection but the gps is on, log the current location and the cellid13:27
MohammadAGit's a dev device, free until the loan ends13:27
lardmancloudyLights: so this is the location portion, Proximus will have an api that you can use to wake your app when you get near a given location, once I finish writing it13:28
vi__dev device == no firmware update.13:29
MohammadAGI'd prove you wrong, if I had a device :p13:30
TermanaJaffa, lies!13:30
JaffaOrder placed :-)13:30
MohammadAGanyway, they're giving the option to trade it for an N9 when the loan is done13:30
MohammadAGJaffa, one day shipping? :P13:30
Jaffavi__: It runs the same firmware as the N913:30
Jaffa(we think)13:30
JaffaMohammadAG: "Approximate delivery time: one week"13:30
vi__Jaffa: No chance13:30
* lardman repeatedly hits the "Check mail" button13:31
DocScrutinizerchem|st> DocScrutinizer: did the SIP guy die finally? || Inbound worked, and then I had some other duties13:31
X-FadeJaffa: It runs developer edition software.13:31
JaffaX-Fade: Ah, good point13:31
TermanaJaffa, they aren't sending the emails out one by one are they? Surely they would do something automatic...13:31
lardmanapparently there's new software in the offing for it though isn't there?13:31
MohammadAGTermana, you never know *insert troll face*13:31
DocScrutinizersoooo, anything new and exciting?13:31
vi__DocScrutinizer: greece is about to default.13:32
DocScrutinizerthat's not ne13:32
lardmanah no, online firmware is older than the on-device firmware13:32
vi__DocScrutinizer: Edinburgh tram system has just been cancelled at a cost of 700million pounds13:32
alteregoYeah, that's pretty shit isn't it ..13:32
MohammadAGlardman, mmcblks, you can dd them13:32
MohammadAGI hope someone does that13:32
vi__alterego: what the firmware or the trams?13:33
lardmanMohammadAG: sure, when I get one13:33
MohammadAGrun some basic initrd, dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=flashingImage13:33
alteregovi__: firmware13:33
JaffaTermana: They already know my ID, so I've skipped a step13:35
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TermanaJaffa, ah ok.13:36
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cloudyLightslardman: i will try to see this tommorow morning13:37
alteregoHeh, the web browser as an "add to apps" feature that basically does what 99% of iPhone apps do built in :D13:37
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cloudyLightsbut I agree that this kind of deamon is very usefull in day to day life13:37
Jaffaalterego: Combine that with something like Oculo and it'd be very cool13:38
cloudyLightsfor example "remind me to send this mail when near my post"13:38
cloudyLightsbtw, as buses use gps now, to announce the next station, they can offer an api13:38
vi__where is the schedule for alarmd stored?13:40
DocScrutinizeryou'd think meanwhile somebody would've bothered to turn into a proper 1) 2) 3) table/list13:40
DocScrutinizerobviously no mediawiki cracks interested in that page13:41
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JaffaDocScrutinizer: qgil said he'd find a not-table easier to work with and ppl to add to13:42
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JaffaDocScrutinizer: Well, indeed.13:44
DocScrutinizerisn't quim a It dude? wouldn't he think about semantic tagging a bit? mandatory "Name: ", so you could still wc -l somehow13:44
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alteregoJaffa: you got your email?13:45
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Jaffaalterego: I skipped the one about "send your ID to *******" as they already had it. So I moved on to the next bit, where they've put it into your account as available through the DDP13:46
Jaffaalterego: I keep pressing "refresh" on the order status to see if it changes to "Shipped", but I suspect they'll do batches of devices out to DHL13:46
alteregoSo I should be able to order mine with me account?13:46
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Jaffaalterego: I got an email from, subject "A Nokia N950 is waiting for you"13:47
vi__arn't you bothered that the n950 is the MOST dead ended of dead ends?13:47
alteregoJaffa: oh, :(13:47
alteregoJaffa: was  your nokia developer account linked to your submnission?13:48
Jaffavi__: Well, no, cos a) it's a new toy which meets my requirements; b) it's free (loan); c) it's faster than qemu for developing apps for the N913:48
Jaffaalterego: No. I think they just know it.13:48
lardmanhmm, still no email, a watched email account never receives an email from Nokia, or was that kettles?13:49
Ken-YoungNo email for me, either.13:49
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lardmanIs your surname Youg?13:49
lardmanYoung even13:50
lardmanMine is Pickering, so perhaps they've made it to F(legg) but no further13:50
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DocScrutinizerI hope quim is at least using c&p for sending the mails13:51
DocScrutinizerotherwise, if I had to send 200 mails, that'd take ~200h13:52
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* khertan 's email account refresh rate exceeded13:52
DocScrutinizerbut my mailer allows multiple "to:", even multiple "BCC:" ;-)13:53
chem|sthmm password recovery seems to not send mails to my usual account...13:53
MohammadAGeveryone has a different ID13:54
MohammadAGtbh I'd script it13:54
DocScrutinizermail ftw13:54
DocScrutinizerman mail13:54
JaffaDocScrutinizer: I didn't get an email from Quim13:55
DocScrutinizerthought as much13:55
DocScrutinizerok, cleaned out my cookies so the "session-end" cookie didn't stop me from logging in anymore ;-P13:57
DocScrutinizer...til next logout I guess XP13:57
lardmanhmm still no Nokia email but I did finally get paid £340 in expenses which was a nice email to see too13:58
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DocScrutinizermails from nokia tend to end in my spamfilter regularly, as they manage to mess up quite a lot with their mail accounts and mailers. No proper RDNS or sth, meh I forgot what my sysadmin explained to me between the 50% swearwords14:00
lardmanI think I have all spam scripts turned off14:01
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DocScrutinizeryeah, Nokia on my *whitelist* now :-o14:02
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DocScrutinizerbefore my sysadmin did that, the mails were not even delivered, so no trace of them even in spam-bin14:03
lardmanyeah that's my worry too14:04
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DocScrutinizerNokia on Openmoko's mail-whitelist - kinda funny14:06
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cehtehmhm .. we all should thank elop .. in about 1.5 years nokia will be a penny stock and we can buy it up :P14:09
vi__cehteh: Im not really into investing in wellie boots14:09
cehtehoh damn .. i forgot, thats the secret plan from M$ for acquireing it14:09
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alteregoI think I'm gonna do an N950 unboxing (my first unboxing) and I'm going to say, "Yeah, it runs Maemo6 Harmattan"14:19
alterego"Oh, I mean MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan"14:19
alteregoOh that boot up screen is quite nice.14:20
* mgedmin is green with envy14:20
lardmanre magnetic field lines, is there a readily available model that can also give a latitude?14:20
DocScrutinizermgedmin: hi :-)14:20
lardmanI'm thinking the measurement accuracy might need to be quite high for this14:21
* mgedmin waves vaguely14:21
lardmanhi mgedmin14:21
macmaNalterego: you gonna hd-record  the unboxing?14:21
DocScrutinizermgedmin: do you still run your own irc logger?14:21
alteregomacmaN: yup, with the N814:21
macmaNword up14:21
* alterego chuckles14:21
DocScrutinizermgedmin: does it still log #openmoko-cdevel?14:21
mgedminand it still doesn't have sane text search14:21
alteregoActually, I don't even know if I'll get the N8 in time ..14:21
mgedmindid it ever log #openmoko-cdevel?  I don't think so14:22
mgedminif you don't see povbot in the channel, then it's not logging anything14:22
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DocScrutinizerso let's invite the sucker ;-)14:22
mgedminsure, I can set it up14:22
mgedminwhile cursing supybot's pain-in-the-posterior configuration interface all the time14:23
DocScrutinizerhmm, strange, I bet I've seen nicely formatted (courtesy mgedmin) chanlogs of om-cdevel once14:24
DocScrutinizerof course povbot won't simply join14:24
DocScrutinizeron invite14:24
mgedminno, you have to talk to it, give it an admin password, etc.14:24
alteregoWe should get "I have an N950" tshirt, with the troll face on it.14:26
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jaskagood, so people know who to rob :)14:27
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alteregojaska: sure, but I wont be taking the N950 out of the house, I'll be carrying around an N8 :P14:28
* MohammadAG starts printing I have no N950 shirts
jaskaalterego: well, then we can take hostages and demand n950s :)14:29
FredrIQ|n900too bad touch-hold isn't emulating right click, it just.. well, does function that way14:29
MohammadAGjaska, cambridge UK, know anyone who lives there? :P14:29
jaskanot offhand14:29
FredrIQ|n900as context menus @computer doesn't open w/X forwarding and applications14:29
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FredrIQ|n900i would prefer it emulating right click completly14:30
alteregoI live there!14:30
MohammadAGalterego, you're the target14:32
Venemoso, has anyone received their N950 e-mails yet?14:32
alteregoNo one has14:33
crashanddieI thought a few people had?14:33
alteregoJaffa's submission is a special case14:33
crashanddieKhertan, Anidel, etc.14:33
trxwhy is it taking so long :/14:33
alteregoHe had his developer nokia account setup right, obviously ..14:33
MohammadAGcrashanddie, helsinki meet up, all attendees got one14:33
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crashanddieOh, ok.14:33
MohammadAGAs well as Nokia Employees14:34
crashanddieWow, didn't even know there was a Helsinki meetup14:34
MohammadAGthey had one for some time, probably since November14:34
crashanddieFairy nuff.14:34
crashanddieWell, good for them, I guess14:34
crashanddieI'm just not impressed anymore.14:35
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trxthere is like 1% chance that i will get n950 and i keep checking my mail14:36
VenemoI also have a accound. it turns out that I've had it since 2007 (same as forum nokia and ovi account)14:36
trxthat sucks :)14:36
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: november sounds correct, given date of
lardmanso that's not going to happen again I guess14:37
khertancrashanddie: ?14:39
khertancrashanddie: 'lu14:39
MohammadAGkhertan, did you think of a solution for a proper on screen keyboard for KhtEditor?14:39
khertancrashanddie: nope still waiting email.14:40
khertanMohammadAG: a proper ? the native one is so bad ?14:40
khertanMohammadAG: didn't look too bad in harmattan sdk14:40
MohammadAGI killed MInputMethod, so no idea :P14:41
khertanMohammadAG: but yes i ll need to found a way to close it14:41
khertanas when it s open you can t close it14:41
MohammadAGkhertan, just make the QTextEdit lose focus14:42
khertansame for windows i ven't found how to close it on sb14:42
khertanMohammadAG: yep but button take place14:42
lardmannow are Nokia email addresses formatted?
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khertanso i ll probably need to do a gesture14:42
X-Fadekhertan: You don't close windows.14:43
X-Fadekhertan: You just swipe away.14:44
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khertanX-Fade: yep or swipe away them14:44
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MohammadAGlardman, yes14:45
lardmanthanks MohammadAG14:45
khertanX-Fade: but i ven't never been able to swipe them away. It s working on other app but not KhtEditor ... so maybe it s due to plain qt14:46
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X-Fadekhertan: That should not matter. I can swipe away a plain qt app.14:47
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MohammadAGswiping is done on the window manager/compositor level, you can swipe away any app14:50
khertanX-Fade: i should probably do some more quake live game to improve mouse dexterity for swiping windows in xephyr ... i used too much my n900 ... :)14:50
alteregoI hope this works with the N9/50
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* DocScrutinizer mumbles about "close xchat via menu... pfff"14:50
threshhi. does anyone know of google+ app for maemo5?14:50
alteregoIt's a bluetooth headset unit, where you can plug in your own headphones.14:51
X-Fadealterego: my bh-214 works at least.14:51
alteregoWonder how it charges.14:51
khertanthresh: dev need an invite before :)14:51
alteregoX-Fade: does it have media keys? That's more important to me :D14:51
VenemoJaffa, ping14:51
threshkhertan: hehe I don't have invites yet sorry :(14:51
khertanthresh: :)14:51
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: does that imply you can not close apps, just like idiotic windows phones?14:51
X-Fadealterego: Start stop, volume?14:52
MohammadAGI have an invite, it says I have to be 18+ to use it14:52
alteregoX-Fade: yeah, fwd/prev too?14:52
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: No, you can close them if you really want too.14:52
khertanDocScrutinizer: i remember someone saying there will be a gesture for closing14:52
alteregoTrack skipping and pause/play are my main functions14:52
alteregoI was pissed with the N900 didn't work with Nokia headset remotes :/14:52
TermanaDocScrutinizer: on the N9/N950? You can close apps on the grid14:52
DocScrutinizerwhatever that means14:53
TermanaThe open applications view14:53
alteregoDocScrutinizer: tap & hold14:53
alteregoThen press the x14:53
alteregoIt's kinda similar to removing widgets on Fremantle desktop.14:53
DocScrutinizeraah k14:53
alteregoExcept tap and hold, rather than press and then press the gear icon14:53
alteregoI've just thought what I'd really like out of the application switcher/view14:54
X-Fadealterego: Yeah, skipping works fine.14:54
alteregoX-Fade: awesome :)14:54
alteregoI'll be ordering something like that then14:54
X-Fadealterego: And play/pause too of course.14:54
fralsswipe down to close14:54
alteregoI'd like to scrap the "most recent app is first" in the app lister.14:54
alteregoAnd I'd like to make them movable14:55
alteregoSo I can drag them around in the grid14:55
X-Fadefrals: Ssssh :)14:55
alteregoSo, I'd like to be able to organise the "windows" how I want them to be organised and not have the automatic most recent stack like behaviour14:55
Venemoalterego ++14:56
fralsi thought it would bother me, but it doesnt so far really14:56
* alterego adds idea to his wiki14:56
alteregofrals: what would bother you? The slightly more fiddly app closing?14:56
alteregoOr the organisation?14:57
fralsthe recent goes first14:57
X-FadeTo be honest, I have 20 apps open and I don't notice a thing.14:57
fralsapp closing is not fiddly with swipe down ;)14:57
alteregofrals: I'm not saying it'd annoy me, I think I'd just like to be able to organise them myself.14:57
fralsalterego: at least you can organise the launcher ;D14:58
alteregoIf we really can have all these live apps open, then sure, I'd like it to be like a dashboard ;)14:58
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X-Fadealterego: You can pinch.14:59
alteregoX-Fade: not the same :P14:59
X-Fadealterego: So more fit on your screen :)14:59
alteregoI mean properly organising14:59
alteregoLike the app launcher grid14:59
X-Fadealterego: Ah, like old times :)14:59
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: hi15:00
javispedrohi there15:00
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macmaNi am also just now wondering about app closing15:02
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macmaNi am pretty sure i saw a setting on N9 that said either up or down swipe closes the app15:02
macmaNthere is no such setting that i can see in n95015:02
macmaNtask switcher becomes hella cluttered quickly15:03
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: (20 apps open, no thing) regarding resources? that's not the point. xchat will happily continue eating data traffic volume when running in background, so there *is* a diff between closing and swiping away15:03
fralsmacmaN: you dont have it in your build yet15:03
javispedroso, what's new and interesting?15:03
javispedroMohammadAG: DocScrutinizer: any of you on the n950 list?15:03
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macmaNfrals: yeah thats what im thinking15:03
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: Just tap and hold and hit the X then.15:03
DocScrutinizernah, list didn't change15:03
macmaNgood to know its coming15:03
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DocScrutinizerX-Fade: yup, fair enough15:03
MohammadAGjavispedro, wanna start us a channel?15:04
DocScrutinizerlcuk: hi15:04
meceJaffa, ping15:04
DocScrutinizer /join ##weneverreallywanted95015:04
javispedroMohammadAG: there will be no need. I'm counting on that ;)15:04
lardmanJust got my email15:05
khertanclick click click click ... refresh rate exceeded ...15:05
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, more like ##IdonthaveanN950butactuallywantedone15:05
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: take lessons in sarcasm :-)15:05
* javispedro nearly hits on the "add qgil to google+ link"15:05
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, wasn't being sarcastic15:06
MohammadAGGoogle+ meh15:07
DocScrutinizerhonestly, probably you are too young for good sarcasm ;-)15:07
* MohammadAG opens the invite, sees This feature is not available for your account You must be over a certain age to use this feature.15:07
alteregoJust got my wmail15:07
infobotwell, email is the lifeblood of the pornternet15:07
khertan.... WOUHOU ! Same here15:07
javispedroMohammadAG: I hate Google+, but I made a bet with someone a few months ago Facebook would end in less than three years.15:07
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javispedroMohammadAG: so I _really_ need Google+ to win for me to win the bet.15:08
* lardman almost missed the fact he needs to reply to the email15:08
robbiethe1stI'd use Google+ if it didn't want me to give a public profile. I don't *want* people knowing I liked something, just that someone did15:08
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javispedrook, time to fire up that password sniffer so I can get all those n950s while people log in15:09
* MohammadAG checks his email, maybe this was just a joke15:09
* MohammadAG realizes he's living in denial15:09
* DocScrutinizer is tempted to set up FF's "watch this page for chages" feature15:10
DocScrutinizerchanges even15:10
khertanYou have an existing contact, please disassociate from developer account page before creating a new account.  < ?15:10
javispedroNO, NO, NO!!15:10
javispedrolaunchpad stuff involved.15:10
javispedroI friggin need the launchpad account15:11
javispedroso it's as good as dead for me =)15:11
DocScrutinizer"please create a launchpad account to receive your N950" ?15:11
javispedroDocScrutinizer: mostly.15:11
Jaffamece: pong15:11
javispedroDocScrutinizer: you have one, why you are complaining!15:12
DocScrutinizerfor you15:12
Jaffa'Status: "Device sent to customer"'15:12
alteregoI have no idea what I'm doing ..15:12
DocScrutinizerI won't need mine anyway15:12
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JaffaMohammadAG: Are you 18 yet? Actually, I think you are ;-)15:12
* javispedro goes for lunch. Then, I will _MASH THE SEND WEBSITE FEEDBACK BUTTON_15:13
DocScrutinizerJaffa: N950 comes with p0rn preloaded?15:13
MohammadAGjavispedro, what's launchpad?15:13
khertanNokia Developer Id  is the login ?15:13
meceJaffa, I was wondering where you got that info about the dev device, but I saw the email now. Only problem is I'm already in some stuff here.15:13
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MohammadAGJaffa, 1715:14
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: special class of users15:14
* lardman waits for the launchpad accepted email15:14
JaffaMohammadAG: I think you're wrong.15:14
JaffaMohammadAG: Your age. I'm pretty sure you're 18.15:14
meceJaffa, conveniently none of the three steps described in the mail work.15:14
JaffaMohammadAG: I'm also pretty certain they don't check ID15:14
lardmanMohammadAG: definitely, don;t you remember the party earlier in the year?15:14
DocScrutinizerJaffa: he's definitely 18, he just entered a hoax birthdate15:15
lardmantypo, easy to do15:15
meceah wait. I need to send that Account ID?15:15
JaffaMohammadAG: We know how vain you are, but really - you're not fooling anyone15:15
lardmanjust saying you're under 18 doesn't stop the gray hairs you know ;)15:15
JaffaMost of us wait until we've hit 30 before saying we're younger than we actually are.15:15
MohammadAGI'm actually 2815:15
jonwilWho was it that suggested that we should make the date-time picker for the date time control panel better?15:16
MohammadAGnah, google+ still not working :p15:16
DocScrutinizerjonwil: that happened to be me15:16
Jaffajonwil: DocScrutinizer suggested it was shit. I suggested the Harmattan one is shiny15:16
DocScrutinizertime for 12648430   ☕15:17
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khertanpfffff i understand nothing on nokia developper website15:19
khertanthere is account par page ?15:19
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mecekhertan, I agree it's super confusing.15:20
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SpeedEvillardman: Congrats!15:20
lardmanSpeedEvil: thanks15:20
meceI sent qgil the stuff I found under
mecethere's Account ID and Account name.15:20
jonwilwell the way to make those widgets better is to bring Libhildon1 into the CSSU and improve that15:21
lardmanSpeedEvil: did you see my question up above about the magnetic field lines and whether the model gives you any chance of a longitude fix too?15:21
khertanmece: !!! Thx ... i wasn't able to found it :)15:21
SpeedEvillardman: I diddn't. However.15:21
lardmanwell that's the question basically :)15:21
mecekhertan, I'm not sure that's the thing he wants tho, mind you. But I think so.15:21
JaffaOne thing I noticed on the order page. The "quantity" defaults to one, but is a drop-down... didn't bother checking what the other options were15:21
khertanmece: it s look like15:22
DocScrutinizerlardman: longitude only via astrological means15:22
SpeedEvillardman: The phone gives you a direction of the magnetic field vector. If you're in the UK - for example - this will be an arrow pointing up and north.15:22
meceGaddamn, I'm all giddy. How the hell did you get a reply so fast Jaffa?15:22
* mece does the harmattan dance15:22
SpeedEvillardman: You with the accellerometer can work out the angle between these and 'down' apply some maths ang get latitude.15:22
lardmanyeah don;t worry I get that, but yesterday someone was talking about a model for the field line directions and it taking up some non-trivial amount of space15:22
DocScrutinizerlardman: magnetic sensor can only give you clue about latitude15:22
SpeedEvillardman: They were wrong.15:23
Jaffamece: They already had my Nokia Developer Professional/Launchpad/whatever account, and knew the details15:23
SpeedEvillardman: It's a few hundred bytes of spherical harmonics15:23
lardmanok fine, that's what I thought15:23
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meceJaffa, ah. I see.15:23
lardmanso add in a MCC country code and it will give you a rough fix too, all good15:23
SpeedEvila fix on latitude only.15:24
JaffaSpeedEvil: And within the borders of the country a range of longtitudes ;-)15:24
lardmanyes, but MCC will give you a rough fix on longitude as on its own the latitude isn't much use15:24
JaffaThe contours of every country might be a bit large ;-)15:24
SpeedEvilYou could add any observable extraatmospheric object and get a fix on position.15:24
DocScrutinizerlike sun15:25
JaffaThat'd be very cool.15:25
DocScrutinizerneed proper time15:25
MohammadAGwhy is it when I maximize Konsole my whole laptop goes down15:25
JaffaDocScrutinizer: Get it from GPS ;-)15:25
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: nope - just date15:25
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macmaNis it me or does n950 browser have trouble with self signed certificates15:25
* SpeedEvil ponders.15:25
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SpeedEvilIt's an ambiguous position without time I think, yeah.15:26
threshso I guess I found out how to send invites out in G+, so developers are welcome :D15:26
DocScrutinizerthresh: no thanks15:26
lardmanthey question is where to implement extra location methods? I guess QtM would be the place if they are willing to take patches15:26
* mece wishes G+ will fail as miserably as buzz and wave15:26
alteregoWhat the f is google+ ?15:27
mecealterego, the next step in control and world domination15:27
lardmanalterego: I was about to ask the same question :)15:27
SpeedEvillardman: The fun issue is can we add this data usefully to a fix.15:27
DocScrutinizermece: facebook++ I heard15:27
* Jaffa doesn't want everything he does through Google to be part of his social network.15:27
meceexactly Jaffa15:28
lardmanSpeedEvil: yep, but how to present the ability to a dev who doesn't care about the method, just the fact it can be done without a connection, etc15:28
X-Fade"Jaffa now watches pr0n" :)15:28
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JaffaX-Fade: ;-)15:28
meceI HATE google for integrating everything. I do not want them reading my emails and adjusting my search results. I like google services, but I want them absolutely separate.15:28
X-FadeOr searches for. Even worse :)15:28
DocScrutinizerJaffa: so you not yet replaced your DHCP provided DNS servers by ?15:28
meceX-Fade, exactly15:28
lardmanX-Fade: he uses your google login for that15:29
meceDocScrutinizer, I use that sometimes. My isp's dns is broken :/15:29
JaffaDocScrutinizer: Not everywhere, no - but I accept Google know it. I just don't want them exposing it to someone who I once emailed as part of a reply-all on maemo-users15:29
MohammadAGare meego touch libs in the harmattan SDK?15:29
X-FadeOh, well that is all ok. I'll use yours to search for all kinds of weird std pictures. I guess you will see some adds for meds soon :)15:30
JaffaMohammadAG: Should be, yes.15:30
DocScrutinizerJaffa: :-P15:30
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JaffaThat's my problem with Google Contacts as well. I like the autocompletion when composing an email, but I don't consider them a "contact"15:30
MohammadAGJaffa, how do I make a new project with MTF then?15:30
JaffaMohammadAG: Err, no idea.15:30
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DocScrutinizerlardman: SpeedEvil: what *is* the harmattan analogon to liblocation?15:31
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lardmanliblocationextras is part of it15:32
Termanamece, ping15:32
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meceTermana, o/15:32
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: no idea15:32
lardmancellular-qt does cellids15:32
Termanamece, is "Account name" suppose to be our real full name or just a username?15:32
lardmanqtm-location does the gps stuff15:33
meceAccount name is username15:33
DocScrutinizerlardman: :nod:15:33
lardmanso basically it's all spread out around the place, which is a bit crap15:33
mececlick your username in top left, and you should see full name15:33
DocScrutinizerlardman: :nod:15:33
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meces/click/Termana, click/15:33
infobotmece meant: Termana, click your username in top left, and you should see full name15:33
mecedammit, Termana, top right I mean15:33
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lardmanbut it should all be wrapped as alternative methods in the qtm-location stuff, as currently it only supports gps15:33
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DocScrutinizerlardman: QtM is a flawed concept anyway15:34
lardmanbut what we have to work with15:34
mecelardman, supports network also...15:34
lardmanmece: QtM?15:34
mecelardman, at least 1.215:34
DocScrutinizerlardman: you don't want to replace middleware daemon stuff by a lib linked to every app15:34
DocScrutinizerthat's just ODD15:34
mecelardman, I'm using it indoors so I'm pretty sure I don't have gps signal15:35
meceDocScrutinizer, I don't think the location bits are broken though15:35
lardmanmece: hmm interesting, I'll do some looking15:35
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mecelardman, you can force it to use gps if you want though.15:35
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lardmanmece: I was looking through the harmattan api docs and didn't see it, just let me find the qtm 1.2 docs15:36
DocScrutinizermece: if QtM is talking to whatever sensors (here GPS chip) "directly" on a per-app basis, then who's delaing with switching off the chip?15:36
infobotDocScrutinizer meant: mece: if QtM is talking to whatever sensors (here GPS chip) "directly" on a per-app basis, then who's dealing with switching off the chip?15:36
DocScrutinizerthis is a so obviously broken design15:37
alteregoQtM talks to liblocation or whatever management backend there is gypsy etc.15:37
jonwilOk, question: Is a clone of the date-time control panel usefull or not?15:37
DocScrutinizeralterego: aah ok then15:37
alteregoIt's handled on a reference-by-reference basis I think.15:37
alteregoRemember that GPS comms is proprietary and closed ;)15:38
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lardmanmece: but there are no other methods defined, just a generic "nonsatellite"15:38
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javispedroMohammadAG: launchpad is their app store developer project15:38
mecelardman, well it depends on whatever the device supports I suppose15:38
javispedroMohammadAG: re meegotouch:
mecelardman, on N900 it uses network positioning15:38
DocScrutinizerjonwil: control panel as in "settings"? probably not. Replacement of the used widget systemwide? YES!!!15:38
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lardmanwhat device are you using that gives you wifi ap location data?15:38
lardmanah ok15:39
MohammadAGjavispedro, can't find which headers I need for status menu applets15:39
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mecelardman, hmm I haven't tried that one.15:39
javispedrogood question.15:39
MohammadAG#meego's dead15:39
lardmanmece: on the N900 the other rolls up all the liblocation stuff, but on the N950 I can't see what is included in that, and how I can add methods15:39
meceMohammadAG, #maemo is where it's at \o/15:39
javispedro#meego's not harmattan (MNG)15:39
jonwilFixing the widget involves bringing libhildon1 into the CSSU and fixing that15:39
jonwilAll the code for the widget is open source15:40
mecelardman, but isn't it enough to put NonSatellite?15:40
MohammadAGjavispedro, then why's the DDP being discussed on
khertanbecause it s an harmattan device ... a mix of meego / maemo15:41
lardmanmece: perhaps, but there are levels of accuracy one can obtain with differing penalties - e.g. cellid location requires a net connection (currently) to get the lat/lon15:41
mecelardman, yes... hmm ok at least my n900 found my position through wlan :)15:41
lardmanMCC is free, so long as you have a cell connection; offline cell id could also be free and far more accurate; magnetic field lines could be free and not need a cell connection at all, etc15:41
MohammadAG => /usr/lib/ (0xf70a2000)15:42
MohammadAG => /usr/lib/ (0xf7019000)15:42
MohammadAG => /usr/lib/ (0xf551b000)15:42
khertanmece: you are lucky ... precision for me is center of France over Wlan :)15:42
lardmanYeah I end up in Birmingham, so a hundred miles out or so15:42
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mecekhertan, LOL well I'm in university's IT department, and they do some stuff with location so I suppose they have properly set up the position of the router.15:42
DocScrutinizerjonwil: appreciated addition to CSSU15:43
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lardmanthey just look at the IP address iirc15:43
lardmanso none of the ap location stuff that one can get on e.g. the iPhone15:43
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mecelardman, yep, but that ip has to be connected to a location..15:43
lardmanbut it would be nice to be able to use that capability with the data from openbmal15:43
jonwilI dont have the GUI programming skills to fix the date and time widgets15:44
MohammadAGjavispedro, the status menu in Harmattan is based on MeeGo's15:44
MohammadAGor is actually MeeGo's15:44
mecejonwil, which date/time widgets?15:44
javispedroMohammadAG: is MeeGo's afaik.15:44
jonwilthe HildonDateButton and HildonTimePicker15:44
X-FadeMohammadAG: Somehow I think it is the other way around, but yeah ;)15:45
jonwilthat people have suggested should be made better15:45
* javispedro has to understand that one bit yet15:45
javispedroI think the statusbar can be drawn either by mcompositor decorator _or_ the client application15:45
DocScrutinizerlardman: AP location on iPhone used to be SkyHook, but they switched to a genuine apple service later15:45
MohammadAGjavispedro, I can't find ANY docs for it15:45
jonwilhmmm, I think I might clone the date time settings applet anyway just for fun :)15:46
lardmanDocScrutinizer: That was the name I was trying to remember; would be nice to be able to do the same15:46
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jonwilMight also play with libtelcommon and libcsnet15:47
DocScrutinizerduh, what's that? never heard about those libs15:48
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DocScrutinizerlardman: building a database for AP locations is not going to fly until you got a critical mass of users15:49
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DocScrutinizeror sth like google streeview cars gathering the info en passant15:49
mecewas it engadget that had pictures of the DevKit?15:49
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jonwillibcsnet is where network related signals come from15:50
jonwillike operator change15:50
jonwilor cell tower change15:50
DocScrutinizerlardman: of course you can keep you local list of known AP and related GPS coords on device15:50
javispedroMohammadAG: "system-ui" package15:50
DocScrutinizermece: pictures of devkit? mompls15:51
MohammadAGjavispedro, no docs there15:51
lardmanDocscrutinizer: that would be an alternative is openbmap doesn't have the data in question15:51
MohammadAGjavispedro, system-ui-status-indicator-menu-volume-nokia15:51
javispedrono, that's just the volume menu15:52
javispedrothe battery one seems to be in system-ui itself15:52
lardmanDocScrutinizer: and to also upload the missing data of course15:52
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DocScrutinizerlardman: yeah, openbmap is retarded as they don't collect *all* the available data for accquisition points15:53
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jonwilWhy is there so much interest in a non-GPS way of doing location tracking?15:53
lardmanI didn't realise, but if they are the best going then c'est la vie15:53
MohammadAGYES I didn't get an email from qgil :D15:53
meceDocScrutinizer, yeah, found it. SEXYYYY15:53
javispedroMohammadAG: oh, you are interested in the menu itself15:53
meceMohammadAG \o/15:53
MohammadAG"Email sent to 210 participants not accepted in the N950 program."15:53
lardmanjonwil: just covering all the bases, plus the N900 gps is rubbish without assistance data15:53
DocScrutinizerlardman: openbmap is based on the circle model which is flawed for real life15:53
meceMohammadAG, wot?15:54
jonwilso its more looking for a way to do better location in the situation where a data connection is unavailable or expensive?15:54
fluxwoohoo, I didn't receive an email, that must mean that I'm gonna get one!15:54
lardmanjonwil: exactly15:54
DocScrutinizerjonwil: interest in non GPS location is due to a)TTFF b)power consumption of GPS c)indoors etc15:54
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lardmannot a replacement but a fallback15:54
MohammadAGno, it doesn't, it just means you weren't rejected/accepted yet :D15:54
javispedroMohammadAG: did you get one such email? O.o15:55
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javispedroyou didn't =)15:55
MohammadAGI wonder if he's going from newest to oldest applications15:56
MohammadAGcause I'm pretty sure I'm one of the first 100 or 20015:56
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alteregoMohammadAG: I thought you got accepted?15:56
MohammadAGalterego, nope15:57
javispedroMohammadAG:there seems to be a "indicator menu extension" sample in system-ui/demos/plugins/call15:57
javispedroas well as demos/lugins/profile15:57
MohammadAGwhere are those?15:57
MohammadAGoh, source15:57
javispedrosource package 'system-ui'15:57
MohammadAGyeah, realized that :p15:57
MohammadAGdidn't know system-ui was open15:58
javispedrome neither, but this is one step forward.15:58
JaffaMohammadAG: Didn't you say you got an invite for a device?15:58
javispedroit has all of the usb dialogs15:58
javispedroso extending the "usb cable connected" dialog15:58
MohammadAGJaffa, when did I say that?15:58
javispedroshall now be possible.15:58
MohammadAGjavispedro, extending it on fremantle is possible15:59
MohammadAGjust rewrite it, it's simple15:59
MohammadAGjust some DBus and system() calls15:59
JaffaMohammadAG: I thought you said that earlier, and that was what the age stuff was about15:59
MohammadAGprofile example, excellent15:59
JaffaOr is that Google+ shit?15:59
alteregoOkay, that makes sense :D16:00
* javispedro reads the age stuff in backlog16:00
MohammadAGI don't have to be 18+ for a DDP :P16:00
javispedroMohammadAG: technically you have. NDA is after all legal agreement.16:00
MohammadAGjavispedro, this isn't under an NDA16:00
alteregoThere is a contract MohammadAG16:00
alteregoit's a loan16:00
javispedroN900 DDP was16:00
Venemohow do I know what my "Nokia Developer Id" is?16:01
javispedroit was a jokenda, but there was one16:01
javispedroMohammadAG: though, I wouldn't worry. After all, you're 18.16:01
* GAN900 sighs16:02
DocScrutinizermoo GAN90016:02
MohammadAGjavispedro, anyway, under local rules I'm allowed to make legal decisions16:02
TermanaVenemo, go here:
alteregoVenemo: do you have a nokia developer account?16:02
lardmanVenemo: I wondered the same, I think it's the name up the top16:02
GAN900Nokia Developer application still hasn't gone through16:02
alteregoVenemo: it's the number AID-XXXXXXX16:02
MohammadAGactually allowed to do anything, besides renting cars *grumbles*16:02
DocScrutinizerGAN900: 210 denials sent by quim16:03
lardmanoh crap, I sent the wrong thing then16:03
TermanaGAN900, ? mine went straight through. Do you mean the Launchpad one?16:03
javispedroGAN900: consider yourself lucky. I'm still stuck in launchpad limbo16:03
lardmanwhere do you find that number then>16:03
Venemoumm, 3 different replies from 3 people16:03
javispedroand have been for the last half year..16:03
DocScrutinizeraah, nokia devel16:03
lardmanalterego: where is that AID-??? thing located?16:03
Venemoif it means anything, I've just completed step 2 from the e-mail16:03
VenemoTermana, yeah, I've been to that page16:04
alteregolardman: it's the first box on the left "Account ID"16:04
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TermanaVenemo, ^ what alterego just said. Isn't yours there?16:05
javispedroqgil is already karmawhoring in f.m.c, he really knows how to do it.16:05
Jaffajavispedro: For the day when karma's introduced? ;-)16:05
DocScrutinizeraccording to and my poor math there are ~120 devices for 240 applicants yet16:06
TermanaRe: NDA - you accept a click through NDA when you sign up for a premium developer account. Although half of you probably didn't read that16:06
MohammadAGI wish I could import my tmo thanks to fmc :P16:06
alteregoTermana: the NDA is also at the bottom of the page ;)16:06
Venemoah, yeah! I got it16:06
alteregoTermana: the premium_profile.xhtml page that is.16:06
lardmanthanks Termana, alterego16:06
javispedroJaffa: Maybe he knows a future Meego handset maker _will_ use Karma ;)16:06
Venemothanks alterego & Termana16:06
mecejavispedro, where is he karmawhoring?16:06
javispedroDocScrutinizer: according to Engadget what? O.o16:06
javispedromce: f.m.c = forum.meego.com16:07
mecejavispedro, yeah16:07
mecejavispedro, I meant is it any post in particular?16:07
javispedroDocScrutinizer: ah, wrong link, ok *relief*16:07
javispedromece: the devkit thread ;)16:07
DocScrutinizeraccording to and my poor math there are ~120 devices for 240 applicants yet16:07
Venemoalterego, after doing step 2, do I have to wait for the answer for my mail to do step 3?16:08
VenemoDocScrutinizer, that is still an 1/2 chance, not bad.16:08
meceVenemo, I don't think you have to do step 316:08
Venemowhy not mece?16:08
RST38hDoc: not 120, 40.16:08
alteregoVenemo: after sending your AID to quim, just wait.16:08
Venemoalterego, ok16:08
meceVenemo, wait.. hm16:08
javispedro"Wireless Keyboard For HP TouchPad. iPad sold separately."16:09
MohammadAG210 + 240 = 45016:09
MohammadAGah nevermind, adds up16:09
DocScrutinizerRST38h: how 40?16:09
MohammadAGhey, I didn't check my email's junk box16:09
DocScrutinizerRST38h: wut? those 210 were denials16:09
meceMohammadAG, mine ended up in spam16:09
Venemoyep, my junk filter also filtered it16:09
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* MohammadAG gulps16:09
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meceMohammadAG, well?16:10
RST38hDoc: I think we are reading it differently16:10
Termanaalterego, whoops. I already applied for the Launchpad account and it seems others have as well16:10
MohammadAGmece, I'm sure I wasn't accepted yet, but I'm not sure if I got a rejection email16:10
trxi got no mail so far16:10
meceMohammadAG, gulp indeed16:10
alteregoTermana: I have, in march16:10
MohammadAGmy gmail's clean, /me checks his hotmail16:10
Venemoalterego, so, should I apply to this launchpad thing or not?16:10
javispedroalterego: and yours was approved?16:11
DocScrutinizerRST38h: >>Email sent to 210 participants not accepted in the N950 program.<< how can we read that differently?16:11
alteregoTermana: way before this, I don't think that will matter, I think we should just wait a few hours for some news.16:11
trxi would like to recieve any kind of mail16:11
alteregojavispedro: nope.16:11
trxjust to be over with it :/16:11
javispedroalterego: nice to have someone in the club!16:11
alteregoVenemo: no, just wait.16:11
meceVenemo, I already applied there actually, come to think about it, so I guess qgil will just tell them to accept my application.16:11
Venemook alterego16:11
alteregojavispedro: w00t__ is in the same situation ;)16:11
MohammadAGgood, no rejections16:11
javispedroalterego: I applied in january to launchpad16:11
alteregojavispedro: Hah :)16:11
mecejavispedro, :D16:11
alteregoYeah, I applied earlier this year, march or before.16:11
javispedrono answer from them, no answer from support, no answer from noone16:12
alteregow00t__: apparently applied too, I guess none of us have had any acceptance emails. I've still got  the one saying "please be patient" :D16:12
meceI applied the same day I applied to meego.com16:12
javispedromaybe I should start testing my tcp face-punching application.16:12
alteregoAh, maybe we could share some code, I was working on a UDP honey badger application16:12
DocScrutinizerRST38h: my math is like: 250devices -~130names_on_accepted_list = 120devices_left16:12
javispedromece: so you hold the longest launchpad waiting time world record? when did you sign up?16:13
lardmanhmm, I read it that we do have to do step 3 after responding with out AID thing16:13
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GAN900I'm confused.16:13
DocScrutinizerRST38h: >>240 proposals are still in the game.<< means 120 devices for 240 proposals16:13
RST38hAh ok16:14
mecejavispedro, no no I meant the same day I signed up for community device16:14
* RST38h misunderstood16:14
javispedromece: bah, you newbie ;D16:14
alteregoSo, who wants to share their AIDs?16:14
VenemoDocScrutinizer, 210 rejections sent, 130 names in the accepted list, and 530 total applications. meaning: 190 applications for 110 devices remain16:14
* alterego chuckles16:14
w00t__yup, I got that mail, alterego16:14
Termanaalterego, lol16:14
RST38hlardman: "You are already a member of this program, there is no need to re-apply. "16:14
mecejavispedro, yep. Although I think I might have applied for other devices, because I already had an account there. I don't remember which though. Possibly N90016:14
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alteregow00t__: I hope their systems can cope with it ;16:15
DocScrutinizerVenemo: >>240 proposals are still in the game.<<16:15
javispedromy premium_registration form is prefilled with what I think was the stuff I put on my launchpad application16:15
alteregoCome one guys, I want your AIDs!16:15
VenemoDocScrutinizer, aah. that is a contradiction16:15
javispedroso it was not sent to the trash!16:15
lardmanyeah that sounds right javispedro16:15
mecejavispedro, that's the one.16:15
w00t__alterego: they probably dealt with it by redirecting all mail to /dev/null :)16:15
* Termana gives alterego lots and lots of AIDs16:15
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alteregow00t__: I don't think they have /dev/null on MSDN16:15
alteregos/MSDN/Nokia Developer/16:15
infobotalterego meant: w00t__: I don't think they have /dev/null on Nokia Developer16:15
javispedroalterego: they have $NUL16:16
javispedroer... NUL:16:16
lardmanalterego: interesting slip of the finger/tongue16:16
alteregolardman: I'm just saying it how I see it.16:16
DocScrutinizerMSDN *is* NULL:16:16
mecealterego, "In this restaurant, the hamburger deluxe comes with french fries, lettuce, tomato, mayo, and AIDS."16:16
alteregolardman: Makes the transition from Nokia Developer to Microsoft Developer Network easier ..16:16
lardmanwell the look is already there16:17
alteregoEven the API docs are MSDN-esque :/16:17
javispedroand the forum icons are wp7's16:18
javispedrothis is not a hidden conspiracy, it's all on the light.16:18
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alteregoI actually wouldn't be suprised if an MS aquisition goes through16:19
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VenemoDocScrutinizer, actually, MSDN has very good documentation on their stuff16:19
alteregoBut it could only pass through the EUC if their stock is worthless.16:19
alteregoOh wait ...16:19
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divanWhat does Quim Gil mean when finish the letter with the sentense "We hope you enjoy your flight!  :)"? Should we flight to Finland in order to get N950? :)16:20
javispedroalterego: though if you are to follow the count of posts, virtually more people are interested in webtv than wp7 =)16:20
lardmandivan: it's tongue-in-cheek16:21
Termanadivan, yes, didn't you know that what apart of the deal? You can only use it in Finland16:21
Venemodivan, it's a proverb16:21
lardmanor perhaps an expression of how fantastic using the device will be16:21
divanah, I was unsure, thanks )16:21
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javispedrowhat's outside temperatue in finland?16:21
alteregoIt's going to be so fun demoing the phone with "Developer Edition" plastered all over the UX16:21
MohammadAGyeah, makes you look like a badass16:22
Termanaalterego, and PROPERTY OF NOKIA on the back. You'll be locked up16:22
Venemoalterego, is it plastered all over the UX?16:22
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lardmanhmm, so after sending the wrong info in reply to the email, then sending the right info, and applyiing for launchpad, what happens next?16:22
mecealterego, does it have developer edition plastered all across the UI?16:22
Termanalardman, you play a nice game of wait16:22
javispedroyou evolve into the next plane of existence16:23
sandst1alterego: it's going to be so fun reflashing the phone to meego ce :)16:23
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alteregolardman: I don't know I did the same :D16:23
alteregosandst1: yup :)16:23
lardmanHave you had a reply from Launchpad yet?16:23
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alteregosandst1: I've heard it works really well.16:23
mecelardman, reply to what?16:23
lardmanlaunchpad application16:23
sandst1alterego: tried it last week, quite smooooth16:23
sandst1lardman: no reply yet, apparently it normally takes 1-2 days16:24
Jaffasandst1: Of course, the covenant is that you're getting this device to put at least one app in :-p16:24
lardmansandst1: ah ok, thanks16:24
mecelardman, no reply for me16:24
MohammadAGVenemo, settings app, top status menu, back of the device says not for sale16:24
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mececan one flash the non developer edition software to that thing?16:25
VenemoMohammadAG, "not for sale" on the back is actually fun16:25
trxhahah indeed16:26
MohammadAGbad thing is, you can't downgrade16:26
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trxyou can make fun of those who cant get one with that sticker, thats for sure :)16:26
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Termanatrx, no one can get one without the sticker16:26
MohammadAGVenemo, see the top here ?16:27
sandst1Jaffa: yup :)16:27
trxTermana i meant other people that would like to buy/get one but cant16:27
VenemoMohammadAG, I see... but, is that final? and is it non-removable?16:27
MohammadAGwhy? it makes you feel special :p16:28
TermanaI think Venemo is worried he will be arrested... :p16:28
Venemohm, one question though16:28
divanmy favourite photo of n950:
Venemocan I actually use the device for personal use until it's with me? (provided that I take good care of it)16:29
JaffaVenemo: No, you can't use it until you have it(?!)16:29
khertanYou do not have the required access rights to the page you were trying to access. <<< w8 and see16:29
sandst1my favourite photo of the n950 would be one taken where the n950 is on my desk :P16:29
VenemoJaffa, I was asking, "until it's with me"16:29
Venemodivan, nice indeed16:29
JaffaVenemo: You mean "*whilst* it's with me"?16:29
Venemosandst1 ++16:29
VenemoJaffa, hmmm... yeah, I think that's what I meant16:29
VenemoJaffa, "while" it is with me?16:30
lardmanI was getting confused too16:30
* Venemo is not a native English speaker16:30
MohammadAGno, it'll take out a laser and kill you16:30
lardmanwhile and whilst are pretty interchangable16:30
JaffaVenemo: OK, yes. You can use it for personal purposes. Otherwise how will you know what apps scratch your itches?16:30
JaffaVenemo: What lardman said about "whilst" and "while"16:30
javispedronokia profiles are still outdated, eh.16:30
javispedroI kinda like that they allow me to say I stil develop for the PalmOS.16:30
JaffaVenemo: "until it's with me" would mean the period of time *before* you got it.16:30
VenemoJaffa, so I can slap in my SIM card and take it with me like I would a normal personal device?16:30
VenemoJaffa,  okay, thanks for the correction.16:31
JaffaVenemo: Yes. That's the intention, use it as much as possible!16:31
VenemoJaffa, I think I meant "while" it is me, meaning during the period it is with me16:31
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JaffaThe loan agreement does say you won't publicise deficiencies. So that'd impact anyone planning a negative review ;-)16:31
VenemoI only wish I could somehow keep it, or maybe buy it for a discount after the loan.16:32
meceJaffa, what does it say about how long the loan is?16:32
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Venemomece, nothing exact16:32
Jaffamece: It doesn't specify a timescale, AFAICS16:32
Choomwhat if one loses their phone?16:32
meceJaffa, so it defaults to" infinity"16:32
Venemomece, Quim only posted in the thread that basically while they know that the device is in good hands with you, you can have it16:33
Choomwill nokia just ensure that it's banned from all carriers?16:33
meceChoom, I doubt anything will happen, other than the fact that you won't have the phone anymore16:33
VenemoChoom, if you lose it? they will shoot you, then slice you into 4 pieces and put them on display with a caption "this is what happens if you lose an N950"16:33
meceVenemo, that's sweet16:33
mecefuu. I've got to go.16:34
Choommece: so what if you claim to have lost / destroyed it unintentionally?  does that mean you get to keep it?16:34
Termanacya mece16:34
Jaffamece: The exact terms are: "14. Returns. Nokia may request return of the Product at any time. Upon such request, You will promptly and in a secure manner return the Product to Nokia or its designee. [...]"16:34
Choomwhat if you don't?16:35
meceChoom, well if it's broken it's broken. Lost at sea might be a good idea..16:35
* divan is buying second N900 today btw :)16:35
javispedroChoom: they send in the black helicopters16:35
TermanaChoom, they could sue you for it I suppose16:35
DocScrutinizerdivan: MINE!!16:35
meceChoom, you might be lawyered, who knows. I doubt anything will happen tho.16:35
JaffaChoom: It goes on to say it is designated "lost"16:35
divanDocScrutinizer, you late )16:35
DocScrutinizerALL MINE!!16:35
ChoomJaffa: so does that mean it gets banned from all carriers?16:35
meceok rlly gonna go now. tata16:36
javispedrothough I believe Elop is reserving the black helicopters to ensure extermination of all Meego developers and users when the first Nokia Wp7 is announced.16:36
JaffaChoom: I can't see if they define what happens in that situation; but you'll be in Breach of Contract. Lawyering is possible, but - as mece says - seems unlikely16:36
JaffaChoom: It's a legal clause; it means anything & nothing.16:36
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lardmanI don;t know why people start asking this sort of question16:36
TermanaChoom, just do what your meant to do with it and you'll be fine16:36
TermanaI kill you16:36
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VenemoI surely hope that at the end we can have either the N950, or can buy it, or something, or maybe a discounted N9? whatever.16:37
Choomlardman: I'm just wondering how they protect themselves in these situations, nothing else16:37
VenemoChoom, they sue your pants off16:37
divanhow do the 'know that the device is in a good hands'? Is there good hands sensor on N950?16:38
MohammadAGVenemo, you can keep the N950 or trade it for an N9 afaik16:38
JaffaVenemo: alterego says qgil said that on the launch of the N9, recipients of the N950 would be able to swap16:38
MohammadAGwhich is a touch decision16:38
* javispedro will probably swap16:39
DocScrutinizeralterego: sed -i "s/DEVELOPER EDITION/ALTEREGO SPECIAL/g" *16:39
MohammadAGI like the screen of the N9, the extra storage, and want NFC16:39
alteregoDocScrutinizer: :)16:39
Jaffajavispedro: I'll try using VKB in terminal etc.16:39
MohammadAGI like the keyboard of the N95016:39
alteregoMohammadAG: I don't think it's tough, I'd prefer the N9, better support.16:39
JaffaMohammadAG: Of course, there's no guarantee the swap won't be for a 16GB N9 :-(16:39
lardmanChoom: I'd guess that they would sue to give you a scare, but equally and more importantly if you piss about then you will get a bad name and that's it for you w/ Nokia16:39
alteregoI'll keep the N900 for typing ..16:39
sandst1divan: that's what they've got the Swipe UI for. It asserts that the devices can only be used with good hands16:39
VenemoMohammadAG, Jaffa: yeah, alterego said that. but we don't know if at that time it would still be a loan or you could just own the device.16:39
Jaffaalterego: Bluemaemo as the keyboard for an N9? ;-)16:39
JaffaVenemo: I think you're overworrying.16:40
alteregoJaffa: sure, and I've got my bluetooth keyboard.16:40
JaffaVenemo: Just look at what happened with the Amsterdam N900s.16:40
MohammadAGthey lost their USBs16:40
Venemowhat happened to them?16:40
JaffaMohammadAG:  :-)16:40
TermanaMohammadAG, :P16:40
lardmanI had a strange phonecall from Nokia warranty wondering if I'd stolen one16:40
DocScrutinizeralterego: on a somewhat related topic: what's the state of things about the meego community device?16:40
TermanaVenemo, everyone has kept theirs16:40
JaffaVenemo: I don't know anyone who returned it, or got chased up to return it.16:40
DocScrutinizeralterego: cancelled?16:40
VenemoTermana, for free?16:40
alteregoDocScrutinizer: no, not cancelled16:40
DocScrutinizeralterego: for N950/N9?16:41
TermanaVenemo, ... yes16:41
MohammadAGthe USB loss? yes, it was free16:41
VenemoTermana, that is good enough for me :)16:41
lardmannot quite free, you had to expend some energy shoving the cable in and out a few times16:41
alteregoDocScrutinizer: still WIP, apparently a lot has been going on about, still need to touch base with the project leader.16:41
MohammadAGso basically, the N950 will probably do the same16:41
VenemoMohammadAG, xD16:41
MohammadAGswap it for an N9, or it'll explode16:41
DocScrutinizeralterego: I'd love to join the team16:41
alteregoDocScrutinizer: when things start moving you'll be there ;)16:42
TermanaMohammadAG, Jokes on you - new meaning to time bombed software, it interacts with hardware too now16:42
Venemoactually, it's a no-brainer. choosing between a limited run developer-only exclusive device (of which only a few hundred exists on the planet) versus an overhyped mass market device.16:42
MohammadAGTermana, I wasn't accepted, joke's on you!!!16:42
* MohammadAG adds a yet16:42
DocScrutinizeralterego: My contributions fail to take effect when coming in late16:42
VenemoMohammadAG, maybe you haven't been accepted yet because the gold plating on your N960 hasn't been completed yet.16:42
TermanaMohammadAG, don't jinx yourself ;)16:42
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DocScrutinizeralterego: like "ohwell, let's fix this hw issue for next version"16:43
sandst1Venemo: There's a golden N960?16:43
MohammadAGTermana, well, 3 days ago I was saying I think I won't get a device16:43
alteregoDocScrutinizer: still very early stage at the moment ;)16:43
Venemosandst1, yep, for MohammadAG16:43
MohammadAGI think I already jinx'd myself16:43
sandst1Venemo: ah :P16:43
TermanaVenemo, I think I'd keep the developer device and BUY an N9 :p You can't BUY an N95016:43
Venemosurely they will need someone for the Harmattan Community SSU, so maybe they'll just send MohammadAG a device when that need arises16:43
alteregoTermana: if that's a possibility, I'll do the same ;)16:44
MohammadAGVenemo, then I should've had it ten months ago, I don't know how to crack aegis16:44
VenemoTermana, yep. I'd keep the N950, but I wouldn't have money for an N9.16:44
DocScrutinizeralterego: joining in and keeping up doesn't hurt, starting to contribute as soon as project reaching a state where it makes sense to do so16:44
VenemoMohammadAG, what is aegis?16:44
MohammadAGyour next nightmare16:44
TermanaPlease don't talk about aegis16:44
TermanaThe channel will implode16:44
VenemoMohammadAG :D16:44
DocScrutinizeralterego: other way round usually results in me being in late16:44
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Venemosrsly, what is it16:44
alteregoDocScrutinizer: well, when I talk to him next, I'll mention it, we realy need to get a proper communications channel in operation.16:45
alteregoSo we can all work together.16:45
TermanaVenemo, apart of the DRM scheme16:45
DocScrutinizeralterego: agree16:45
VenemoTermana, what does it actually do?16:45
MohammadAGVenemo, Security framework16:45
Venemoalterego, proper communications channel for what?16:45
MohammadAGdrop a binary somewhere, execute it, get Operation not permitted16:45
alteregoVenemo: your mom! :P16:45
MohammadAGAegis has to approve your binary16:45
alteregoI've gotta go, bbiab16:45
Venemoalterego, my mom, again?16:45
VenemoMohammadAG, chmod +x?16:46
Termanattyl alterego16:46
MohammadAGVenemo, you thought it was that easy?16:46
VenemoMohammadAG, yep16:47
javispedroVenemo: aegis refuses to run binaries not installed there by package manager.16:47
MohammadAGit lives in kernel space, not user space16:47
MohammadAGI already said, it's your next nightmare16:47
Venemooh my god16:47
Venemothis is a ridiculous limitation for a dev device.16:47
Venemocan I just uninstall it?16:47
javispedroIt's like the second coming of abill_uk.16:47
javispedroa horrible nightmare.16:47
X-FadeCurrently I'm running a self compiled app without doing anything special. Don't make it too special.16:47
MohammadAGVenemo, hah, uninstall it, hahahahaa16:48
MohammadAGyou can switch to open mode, and lose some apps in the process16:48
MohammadAGyou can't run a custom kernel without open mode16:48
X-FadeMohammadAG: You don't have to do that.16:48
cloudyLightsis today the last day to apply for the N9 dev kit?16:49
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TermanacloudyLights, already closed16:49
cloudyLightsI was sure I got one more month16:49
Termanalol *rolls over in grave*16:49
MohammadAGX-Fade, hmm?16:49
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Termanait's closed already16:49
javispedrocloudyLights: apply as an open source dev, or commercial?16:50
X-FadeMohammadAG: I just installed from an untrusted source, that works fine.16:50
cloudyLightsjavispedro: open source16:50
javispedrocloudyLights: closed16:51
DocScrutinizernobody did listen16:51
jonwilbah, I give up trying to figure out libisi and the rest of the telephony stack16:51
TermanaDocScrutinizer, EVERYONE. DUN. GOOFED. Well, no one has actually confirmed it's there yet16:51
TermanaAlthough there was that aegisfs thing16:51
DocScrutinizersome very fuzzy cloudy rumour has it they'll nuke aegis for N916:51
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achipaaegis is there16:52
TermanaOh lord, the sky is FALLIN16:52
achipait's *mostly* disabled so not as bad as it could have been, but still16:52
Venemoachipa, so, what, if MADDE copies over a binary to the N950 and tries to execute it, will Aegis let it do that?16:52
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X-FadeVenemo: That is no problem at all.16:52
pabs3DocScrutinizer: sounds kinda like selinux?16:53
DocScrutinizerWAAAY worse16:53
Venemonote that I'm not using MADDE's packaging features, just the mode where it just copies the binary16:53
DocScrutinizerthis is trusted platform shit16:53
Venemohey, SELinux CAN be tamed, and disabled16:53
pabs3how deep does it go? locked bootloader?16:53
Termanauntrusted you mean16:53
pabs3selinux is useful16:53
TermanaI don't trust it16:53
DocScrutinizercompletely armed implementation16:54
cloudyLightsjavispedro: are you in-charge/16:54
javispedrocloudyLights: nope16:54
pabs3DocScrutinizer: so what about open mode, can you overwrite the bootloader then?16:54
VenemoI have SELinux on my F15, and it never stopped me from doing what I want.16:54
achipaVenemo: not by default16:54
Venemoachipa, ?16:54
achipaVenemo: scp over binary and run16:54
crashanddieYOU HAVE AN F15???16:54
DocScrutinizerpabs3: of course, but then your device is a brick16:54
Termanacrashanddie, ba dum tsss16:55
Venemoachipa, yes, that's what MADDE does, isn't it?16:55
achipaVenemo: sorta. currently it goes through the package manager, which is aegis-enabled16:55
javispedroVenemo: there's some kind of "devel-su" thing, yet to test it cause it seems to be only in real device16:55
pabs3DocScrutinizer: eh? how so? does the ROM verify the bootloader?16:55
MohammadAGcrashanddie, yeah, he's a lucky bastard, I only have F1-F12!!!16:56
Venemoachipa, well, that "feature" is the first thing I disable in Qt Creator16:56
pabs3ugh, I guess on the off chance I get an N950 in the dev thing I will reject it16:56
DocScrutinizerpabs3: toldya, complete implementation, rock solid16:56
crashanddieMohammadAG, I've got F-all.16:56
* pabs3 goes looking for Android dev programs16:57
javispedrothey don't have any!16:57
DocScrutinizerpabs3: that's been my reaction as well16:57
Venemoachipa, could you please help me a bit with the Harmattan SDK?16:57
Termanajavispedro, unless you show up at their stupid shindig and then they give them out to all the pansies in the crowd16:57
DocScrutinizerprobably I'll burn my fingers touching tha piece from hell16:58
javispedroTermana: overrated. I showed up at the Android booth in MWC and I didn't left with a device.16:58
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: And still you piss and moan around here. Isn't it time for you to just leave?16:58
DocScrutinizernot really, there's hope still16:58
* pabs3 goes to mail quim16:58
DocScrutinizerand I didn't notice I moaned16:58
Termanapabs3, you aren't SERIOUS are you?16:59
GAN900I guess they'll be helping push the LaunchPad applications through as part of the process?16:59
pabs3Termana: well, an unlocked bootloader is kinda essential to the project I proposed, so if it isn't available, then he should reject my application16:59
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: au contraire, I'm still willing to actually burn my fingers if quim thinks I should do16:59
achipaguys, that's like saying if I can't have a strawberry cake *WITH MINT*, then I'd rather eat a 2 month old cookie16:59
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: I'm pretty sure that if people read the backscroll, you won't get anything.17:00
TermanaGAN900, you would assume so. Unless it's a big conspiracy and you never get one because they never approve the Launchpad account17:00
lardmanGAN900: I guess the Launchpad guys will receive a list of numbers to enable and that's that17:00
jonwilI doubt anyone outside of Nokia will ever be able to do anything to the telephony stack except tinker around the edges or make use of the few tidbits of information Nokia have published like libcsnet-dev :(17:00
cloudyLightsso eerybody here got one17:00
Venemoso, I start Xephyr with 'Xephyr :2 -host-cursor -screen 854x480x16 -dpi 96 -ac -extension Composite &', then I issue '/scratchbox/login' and 'meego-sb-session start' in another terminal17:00
Venemobut the Xephyr window stays empty17:01
VenemoI'm doing this on the HARMATTAN_X86 target17:01
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: calling aegis a hell spawn doesn't look like a personal insult to me17:01
pabs3DocScrutinizer: was the N900 also bootloader locked?17:01
Venemoweirdly, it works from HARMATTAN_ARMEL17:01
DocScrutinizerpabs3: first stage yes17:01
Termanajonwil, what are you talking about? Harmattan's or Fremantle's telephony stack? Otherwise, ofono will work fine for either the N900 or N950/N9.17:01
DocScrutinizerpabs3: 2nd stage aka NOLO not17:01
jonwilFremantle stack17:01
vi__X-Fade: are u mad because doc called aegis gay?17:01
TermanacloudyLights, no17:01
jonwilofono works fine for small values of "17:02
jonwilof "fine"17:02
jonwilspecifically it works fine if and only if you are completly replacing half the system17:02
Termanapabs3, what's the project you proposed. You will still be able to load another distro on there or whatever17:03
infobotTermana meant: pabs3, what's the project you proposed?. You will still be able to load another distro on there or whatever17:03
DocScrutinizerpabs3: there were users editing NOLO to get rid of NOKIA bootscreen17:03
DocScrutinizerwon't work on N95017:03
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MohammadAGhmm, can't open any sites in firefox17:03
vi__DocScrutinizer: does that mean I can have a tux bootscreen?17:04
MohammadAGI'd call my ISP, but they'd probably say the internet is down17:04
Venemosomething is really messed up in my SDK :(17:04
DocScrutinizervi__: on N900 NOLO you probably could, if you figured the image format of the NOLO screen17:04
DocScrutinizererr NOKIA screen of NOLO17:04
pabs3Termana: Debian stuff17:04
jonwilso yeah replacing maemo stack with ofono is not going to happen hence why being able to play with the existing stack would be very useful...17:05
Termanapabs3, that will still work17:05
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Termanajonwil, well sure, if your going to stay on maemo 5 then it's not a good choice17:06
alteregoWhere's the maemo dbus docs on the wiki?17:06
cloudyLightslardman: what is the name of that deamon : prox...?17:06
TermanaBut, I don't see much reason to do that17:06
jonwilI am staying on maemo because there is no better option for the N900 yet17:06
lardmanstill wip though17:06
jonwiland there is unlikely to be one anytime soon17:06
jonwilgiven that, messing with the maemo cell stack is the only option available unless you are willing to sacrifice functionality and/or live on the bleeding edge17:07
jonwilNeither of which I plan to do on my main phone17:07
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: please tell me what I did wrong. I'm not bitching on anything except aegis intentionally, Sorry if you got that different17:07
jonwilWhy does nokia want this security system anyway?17:08
DocScrutinizerTHAT is a good question17:08
* pabs3 imagines they do it for most Symbian/etc phones17:08
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GAN900carriers, drm17:09
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cloudyLightsI am sorry I didnt apply before17:09
jonwilcarriers (wireless and wired) need to realize that the world is moving towards a situation where they are just dumb pipes and stop standing in the way of that move17:10
cloudyLightswas too occupied with my application and this new job17:10
Jaffajonwil: The N9 was *going* to be Nokia's flagship consumer-focused phone. One of the justifications for Aegis given in Amsterdam was for protecting video content purchased online.17:10
fluxI can easily see another justification as well: protecting the user from applications17:11
fluxshould there ever have been a big application marketplace17:11
fluxalthough I wonder if aegis really would be able to do that..17:11
Venemohiemanshu, ping17:12
jonwilanyway, the point of #meego, cssu and etc is not to replace Fremantle but to find ways to make Fremantle better. Part of that may well mean reverse engineering some of the Nokia stuff and figuring out how it works or how to talk to it :)17:16
MohammadAGJaffa, speaking of which, does this aegis thing exist in the N95?17:16
DocScrutinizerhonestly I wonder why X-Fade gone mad on me - maybe I may post a link here:
Venemojonwil, what's the point? just use MeeGo CE.17:16
JaffaMohammadAG: N95 or M950?17:16
infobotJaffa meant: MohammadAG: N95 or N950?17:16
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MohammadAGJaffa, N9517:17
MohammadAGthat thing had dcf files which wouldn't play on other devices17:17
JaffaMohammadAG: The 3 year old Symbian phone?17:17
jonwilMeeGo CE is NOT a viable replacement for Fremantle17:17
* vi__ ***cough***someone leak the code to all fremantle components***cough***17:17
Venemojonwil, why is that?17:17
MohammadAGthought it was 517:17
JaffaMohammadAG: Oh, no. Aegis is built on top of POSIX permissions, chroots and users17:17
VenemoMohammadAG, it's a 2007 device, so 4 years old17:17
JaffaMohammadAG: I was going to say 5 ;-)17:17
pabs3hmm, quim suggested I ask about the bootloader stuff on meego-handset17:17
fralsJaffa: chroots?17:18
fralsJaffa: obscure black magic, I would say. :(17:18
Jaffavi__: Why? Couldn't be used in CSSU if it was17:18
jonwilMeeGo CE does not have all the features of Fremantle17:18
SpeedEvilI suspect the point of Aegis wasn't for the N9.17:18
Jaffafrals: Well, true. The *design* of it was quite sensible, but could be used for good or ill (from our PoV) - that's the impression I got in Amsterdam anyway17:18
* lardman heads for home to write a paper17:18
Venemojonwil, which one is easier? to enhance MeeGo CE for your needs or to reverse-engineer Fremantle?17:19
lardmancatch you tomorrow all17:19
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JaffaSpeedEvil: It was; but remember the point of N9 changed after Feb 11th17:19
SpeedEvilIt was designed at a time when _all_ future phones were going to be meego.17:19
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vi__jaffa appart from your own morals who will stop you? No one cares for this old device.  Also it gives you a SERIOUS headstart WRT to rewriting closed parts.17:19
JaffaSpeedEvil: Well, true - good point.17:19
Venemojonwil, also, you can use Cordia with MeeGo CE which provides Fremantle's UX17:19
Termanajonwil, are you kidding? The point of #meego is not to make fremantle better17:19
Jaffavi__: Copyright law, for one.17:19
SpeedEvilSo it's kinda like a nuclear bomber that's ended up being deployed to keep kids off the lawn.17:19
jonwilI meant #maemo not #meego17:19
Jaffavi__: And given the CSSU is hosted on, and enjoys good relations with Nokia, and Nokia pay for - why do you think?17:19
* javispedro presents a stupid webapp that might be useful:
JaffaSpeedEvil: Good analogy :)17:19
Jaffajavispedro: Genius17:20
Venemojavispedro, you've just saved me!17:20
Venemojavispedro, are you planning to do an OpenTTD port for Harmattan?17:21
Jaffajavispedro: Does it make the icons fit into the borders conformant with the guideliens?17:21
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javispedroVenemo: you bet =)17:21
Venemojavispedro, I think you are!17:21
javispedroJaffa: if I understood the guidelines well, yes. Size of background layer is 80x80, size of icon is 56x5617:21
javispedrobut that's why I am posting, let's see if someone criticises :)17:22
Jaffajavispedro: Cool17:22
khertanjavispedro: whahou ! cool ... i m far to be an icon designer ... will try it now ... :17:22
Venemojavispedro, the edges of the background layer seem to be poorly antialiased, but that won't be visible on the 4" screen anyway.17:22
X-Fadejavispedro: Afaik they need to be bigger?17:22
jonwilI just wish Nokia would come out and say that they never actually planned to open anything as part of the "license change requests" BS :P17:23
javispedroVenemo: yes, either way I believe it is suggested to use svg files for launcher icons17:23
javispedroinstead of pngs17:23
Venemowell, I will use pngs anyway. I don't have enough inkscape skills for svg17:23
javispedrothe rendering is done using QtSvg to check if it looks well (svg is too complex and qtsvg sometimes does a disaster)17:23
Jaffajavispedro: Got an error when re-submitting. Took and submitted it with defaults. Then submitted with nothing (got an error). Then submitted with the same file again, but set to mean and greys at 5bpp. Got a load of "Argument #2 should be an array in ..../index.php line 123, 149, 150, 123, 157, 123, 163 and 123"17:23
Termanajonwil, they did open things from that. There's a list on the wiki somewhere17:24
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DocScrutinizerX-Fade: would you mind to explain why you gone mad at me, please17:24
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: I'm not feeling good about it17:25
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Jaffajavispedro: Seems to be the "greys at 5bpp per channel" which causes me problems17:25
javispedroJaffa: yes, I understand you dislike the black dominant color =)17:25
Jaffajavispedro: Other suggestion, allow picking (or just specifying the hex code) of a dominant colour17:26
Jaffajavispedro: ...and still get the fade and the other suggestions :)17:26
SpeedEvilOn the topic of webapps that may be useful:17:26
SpeedEvilA javascript in-browser wiki.17:26
vi__can anyone suggest an app that will let me 'browse' web pages as such?17:27
SpeedEvilSave-as - and you're done.17:27
SpeedEvilvi__: I assume you don't mean a browser?17:27
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DocScrutinizerseems I made it on X-Fade's ignore list - meh17:27
SpeedEvilYou need to set file permissions on a persistant basis for that webpage though.17:27
khertanpretty good !17:28
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SpeedEvilA 'theme' for that - optimising touch would be awesome.17:28
javispedrokhertan: yes, but I dislike black17:28
javispedrokhertan: when I fix grey5 try it, it should get you a yellow one17:28
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MohammadAGjavispedro, khertan how do you do svg files17:29
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javispedroMohammadAG: inkscape17:30
vi__SpeedEvil: that is very cool17:30
vi__SpeedEvil: if only I could serve it from my n90017:30
vi__SpeedEvil: and it syncs!!17:31
SpeedEvilvi__: yes - there are sync modules for it. Lots of modules. Also - #tiddlywiki17:31
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SpeedEvilSeem to be some devs there - or were.17:32
vi__SpeedEvil: #tiddly on freenode?17:32
khertanjavispedro: yep say me when it s fixed ...17:32
khertanthe icon is a bit too dark i think17:33
khertanMohammadAG: i don't create svg, i extract them from CC Icon Archive :)17:33
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javispedrokhertan: it gets slightly more bluish17:35
javispedrolooks a bit better imho17:36
javispedrokhertan: also: you cannot link svgs to forum, use pngs for that17:36
alteregoAnyone heard anything back yet after sending AID?17:37
X-Fadejavispedro: Modern browsers can show them :)17:37
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Jaffajavispedro: Ah, ignoring greys works better and gets me blue.17:37
javispedroJaffa: your new attitude bluish icon:
Jaffajavispedro: You could autorotate to 30deg as per the guidelines as well ;-)17:37
Termanajavispedro, Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 94371840 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 71 bytes) in /home/javispedro/srv/depot/nit/hicg/index.php on line 7617:37
Termanajavispedro, too big of a file?17:38
Jaffajavispedro: It's great - thank you17:38
javispedroTermana: yes, or you are sending too many colors17:38
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Termanajavispedro, the file is only 3.5KB - must be the colours17:40
javispedroTermana: have linkie?17:40
Termanajavispedro, here is the original jpeg -
javispedroah, I need to check on rasters-embedded-on-svg17:41
* javispedro has to get back to work =)17:42
GeneralAntilles or
GeneralAntilles(Logo will change)17:43
javispedroGeneralAntilles: hehe, aperture science one =)17:43
GeneralAntillesSort of17:43
GeneralAntillesAperture Science has got more blades17:43
GeneralAntillesSo not a DIRECT ripoff. *g*17:43
javispedroyou could call it Maeperture =)17:44
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SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: What's this? A will it blend app?17:44
JaffaGeneralAntilles: Orange. And don't change it!17:44
khertanSpeedEvil: lol17:45
javispedroactually purple also looks ok, and will probably leave more of an impact17:45
khertan^ KhtEditor17:45
GeneralAntillesJaffa, was thinking about circular aperture blades.17:46
SpeedEvilkhertan: Looks nice - and should work well on OLED17:46
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Jaffajavispedro: Thanks. Anyway, new icon now in gitorious :)17:46
JaffaGeneralAntilles: Circular?17:46
khertanjavispedro: yep Thx !17:46
* noobmonk3y prods MohammadAG 17:46
JaffaGeneralAntilles: Ah, OK. Concept is cool, then - change the realisation but keep the concept17:46
javispedrokhertan: Jaffa: yw!17:47
* noobmonk3y throws a bucket of soggy trouts at frals 17:47
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, you forgot the drop shadow. :P17:47
* MohammadAG prods noobmonk3y 17:48
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Yes, true. They all seem to have that.17:48
* noobmonk3y giggles17:48
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crashanddiecolleague at work just challenged us to try to DDoS their new server17:49
crashanddiesimple ping flood from 3 other servers locked up their machine17:50
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alteregoHas anyone had any thing back after sending Quim the Account ID?17:53
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X-FadePeople.. really... he is one guy. Give it some time. You won't get the device before the weekend anyway :)17:53
alteregoYa-Ya :P17:53
alteregoI just thought there'd be some automation :P17:54
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X-FadeNot for an ad hoc, 250 piece giveaway.17:54
alteregofair point17:54
fralsso anyone seens transformers 3? i hear rumours about a n950 in it17:55
fralsmight just have to go watch it ;(17:55
alteregoI heard those rumours too17:55
alteregoWanna see it17:55
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* Jaffa doesn't want to go and see it on the off-chance. I'd rather have one in my hands ;-)17:55
GeneralAntilles and
noobmonk3yfrals: nope :( bahhhh... no time for tv :(17:56
fralsoi noobmonk3y! long time! ;)17:56
JaffaGeneralAntilles: Change the circular top of the second to *be* the "brand logo"17:56
crashanddieyou know it's just marketing for a phone you'll have soon17:56
noobmonk3yhehe i've been around just not ircing :p17:56
crashanddieyet you still want to go see the movie?17:56
noobmonk3ykeep forgetting to reinstall it :)17:56
GeneralAntillesJaffa, the lightmeter head?17:57
Jaffacrashanddie: Maybe alterego *likes* the Transformers movies17:57
JaffaGeneralAntilles: yeah17:57
JaffaGeneralAntilles: I didn't want to use a technical term as I'd almost certainly get it wrong - been *far* too long since I did proper photography (at school)17:57
noobmonk3yHas anyone else noticed that Sergey Ivanov  is on the #n950 accepted list twice... lucky him ;)17:58
Jaffanoobmonk3y: Yes, it has been noticed17:58
fralsor maybe its just a common name? ;)17:58
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crashanddieis anyone using meego on the desktop?17:59
mr_jrtHey. I've patched a package, and am trying to build the deb for it. I did everything on my device, but dpkg-buildpackage fails due to busybox's gzip not supporting the '-n' argument. So I switched over to try and build it using madde, and have hacked in the extra lib from the device, but again, cannot build the deb due to the package using autotools (which MADDE apparently doesn't support), so the configure stuff falls apart. :(18:00
mgedminhow often does maep update map tiles, I wonder18:00
Jaffamgedmin: Cache invalidation. Second hardest problem in computer science (after naming things)18:01
GeneralAntillesJaffa, interesting. Needs more stylization, though, I think.
mgedminI wish mappero used the same tile cache as maep18:01
khertanmr_jrt: you can't package on device due to busy box limitation ... if it s a pure python package you can use sdist_maemo18:02
MohammadAGfrals, C7 methinks18:04
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: Oh, I meant use the Aperture Science bit *as* the light meter head, but keep the body. However, the body's aspect ratio won't make a good icon anyway18:06
Jaffa(I don't think)18:06
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fralsMohammadAG: i heard x7 and n95018:06
mr_jrtkhertan: C++ shared lib.18:06
MohammadAGJaffa, doesn't he have to ask GLaDOS18:07
JaffaMohammadAG: Only if he wants cake18:07
GeneralAntillesAh, I see.18:08
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noobmonk3yright back laters again - off to a meeting18:09
SpeedEvilOooh! /me notices and realises he doesn't have email.18:09
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SpeedEvilWell - not thrown out with the obvious crap anyway.18:10
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GeneralAntillesJaffa, I'll have to see if I can play with the ratios a bit to fit more in. . . .
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: Yeah18:16
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SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: An analog meter might work better in the icon18:21
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GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, yeah, rm_you proposed a light bulb with a dial in front.18:21
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alteregothass what I said :D18:21
alteregoGeneralAntilles: no, that was me :P18:22
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GeneralAntillesAh, whomever, then.18:22
alterego(bitch) :P18:22
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SpeedEvilThe above may be a little fiddly on-screen at the final size18:23
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Gyjfim having a problem with my n900 where nonexistant wifi networks show up in the stock wifi connection program18:23
SpeedEvilSure they're not neighbouring?18:24
Gyjfi connected once and now they are showing up every time i wanna connect to something18:24
Gyjfyes, im sure that they are not there18:24
Gyjfalso, theres a dot over the signal strength indicator18:25
SpeedEvilDoes areboot cure this?18:25
Gyjfnope, it dosnt18:25
alteregoit means they're adhoc18:26
DocScrutinizerbtw: aegis conflicts with uBoot18:27
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alteregoWhich means they are always available after configuring them, to remove them delete them from the network connections in settings.18:27
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Gyjfthank you :)18:27
Gyjfthat actually makes sense18:27
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Gyjfaaand problem solved :D18:29
Gyjfstupid adhoc18:29
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SpeedEvilAdhoc is basically turn the reciever on in promisc mode, and blast out raw tcp/ip hoping that that fixes all packet losses?18:30
SpeedEvilNever actually set itup.18:30
Gyjfsomething like that18:31
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Gyjfbut i think a mesh network would be better than adhoc anyway18:33
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hiemanshuVenemo: pong?18:35
Venemohiemanshu, does the SDK work for you on F15?18:36
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hiemanshuVenemo: which one?18:36
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hiemanshuVenemo: harmattan sbox one?18:37
GAN900The DHL truck pulled up out front when I was walking to the car.18:38
GAN900Freaked out for a second.18:38
Venemohiemanshu, yes18:39
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VenemoGAN900 ?18:39
hiemanshuVenemo: yes, use the .py installer, no patches required for this18:39
Venemohiemanshu, it doesn't work for me18:39
Venemohiemanshu, the Xephyr window stays empty, black18:39
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hiemanshuVenemo: hmm, what does it say?18:39
JaffaGAN900: Heh18:39
hiemanshuVenemo: ah18:39
Venemohiemanshu, no error messages18:39
hiemanshuVenemo: you have to start Xephyr, and at the same time do a meego-sb-session start18:40
hiemanshuVenemo: let me get you the exact commands18:40
Venemohiemanshu, yes, I did that. I used the commands from the docs18:40
mr_jrtBodged it :) Grabbed an armel version of gzip from ubuntu's site, dumped it in /usr/local/bin and it all works fine.18:40
hiemanshuVenemo: odd, works fine for me18:41
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GAN900Venemo, Nokia usually ships devices via DHL18:42
GAN900and since nobody else uses DHL in the US....18:43
hiemanshuVenemo: echo $DISPLAY in the sbox shell18:43
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JaffaGAN900: And they are shipping the N950s via DHL as well.18:43
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JaffaGAN900: I've got a DHL tracking number for mine, but I *think* (from its status), it's sitting in Nokia's Goods Outwards department, and isn't flying over the Nordics on its way to me :-(18:44
TermanaJaffa, you only ordered a few hours ago - no mail is that fast! :p18:45
* SpeedEvil imagines n950s with the power of flight.18:45
SpeedEvilDamn - I should have added a quadcopter app.18:45
MohammadAGit's all Linus's fault, he should've picked a flying bird as the mascot!18:45
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JaffaTermana: I'm hoping for a flurry of activity overnight18:48
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obcecadohello guys, im experiencing issues while trying to associate with a wireless network (802.1x peap mschapv2 with certificate)18:50
obcecadoit turns out, when i enter all the details, maemo asks me for the cert passwod ?18:51
obcecadowhich i dont have18:51
obcecadoany hints ?18:52
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SpeedEvilI should have done better app pages. Meh.18:55
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hiemanshukhertan: congrats btw :D19:01
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Venemohiemanshu, I did 'export DISPLAY=:2'19:04
Venemobefore meego-sb-session start19:04
hiemanshuVenemo: hmm, works fine here19:05
* GAN900 recalls DHL dropping off the September proto with the apartment leasing office.19:05
JaffaDamn, realised we're well past Helsinki office hours now; so it seems unlikely that anything'll be happening with my device leaving Nokia tonight19:08
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JaffaSo, Monday delivery (hopefully)19:08
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timsamoffJaffa: So you got word?19:09
* timsamoff missed something.19:09
fralsbah, downside with doing what you love for a living is you try to avoid it on your free time...19:10
Jaffatimsamoff: Cos my Nokia Developer account was already, everything was synced up & I was able to order.19:11
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timsamoffJaffa: Ah, cool!19:13
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MohammadAGo/ timsamoff19:15
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timsamoff\o MohammadAG ;)19:16
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fralsin case i didnt link it here earlier, Nokia is sponsoring Stockholm Fashion Week in August to show the N9 0:}19:16
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SpeedEvilFree n9s to hot models.19:17
SpeedEvilI wonder if any of them can code.19:17
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Corsacso nokia already settled on n950s to developers?19:19
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SpeedEvilThere are two programs.19:19
SpeedEvilCommercial side.19:20
Corsacyeah but the one from
SpeedEvilAnd then open-source side19:20
SpeedEvilopen-source side is 250 - commercial side is more19:20
SpeedEvil123? of the open source ones have been allocated19:20
frals133 i think?19:20
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SpeedEvilOh - I though this was another channel - my bad.19:21
Corsacmhmh, no mail received :(19:21
SpeedEvilSo I wasn't bothering with round numbers.19:21
SpeedEvilCorsac: That's good though - it means you've not been binned19:21
SpeedEvilSo 50:50 chance.19:21
SpeedEvil(neglecting lots)19:21
CorsacSpeedEvil: do elected people got a mail?19:21
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SpeedEvilCorsac: Those in the first round I think got mail - the 13319:22
SpeedEvilAnd the 250? that were rejected19:22
Corsacany idea what From is used?19:22
JaffaOooh, no - having said that: mine has been "Processed at HELSINKI-FINLAND" :-D19:23
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Jaffafrals: Hmm, I might have to go back to Swedbank in August and get some backstage time with some hot Swedish models.19:24
fralsJaffa: :D19:24
Jaffafrals: Having seen the median Swedish woman, I can't imagine what the models must be like ;-)19:24
frals(guess why I'm moving back to .SE ;))19:24
Jaffafrals: And you get Crown Princess Victoria, we get Prince William.19:24
Jaffafrals: Josefina's on a summer evening - bliss.19:25
fralsJaffa: We have Princess Madeleine ;-)19:25
CorsacJaffa: can you tell the From:/Enveloppe-From: in the mail your received (assuming you did receive a selection mail from for n950)19:26
MohammadAGno changes to the list yet?19:27
JaffaCorsac: I didn't get the email, brecause everything was already set up with my Nokia Developer account. The logs have the From & Subject that I got from
Termanafrals, my oh my - you DO have Princess Madeleine19:28
TermanaCorsac, comes from Quim19:28
GeneralAntillestimsamoff, hey-ho.19:28
MohammadAGTermana, Karaoke app :D19:29
CorsacTermana: thanks :)19:29
TermanaMohammadAG, *TROLL FACE*19:29
TermanaMohammadAG, see, you should have stolen my idea, then you would have got an N950!19:29
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TermanaNot such a bad idea after all now was it MohammadAG? :p19:30
MohammadAGI never knew you did development :p19:30
timsamoffHi GeneralAntilles!19:30
Termanayeah, nah man, I sit around on me arse and drink beer like a typical 'stralian19:31
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Termanadm8tbr, I see you know some people who drive commonwhores19:33
infobotTermana meant: dm8tbr, I see you know some people who drive commodores19:34
dm8tbrsorry, couldn't resist a stereotype19:34
Jaffafrals: Wow, Princess Madeleine... wow.19:35
Jaffafrals: And your King looks like Jim Broadbent!19:35
JaffaIt's very disturbing coming through Arlanda and seeing all the "this is my home town" and seeing Jim Broadbent.19:36
* GeneralAntilles updates the Qt SDK.19:36
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TermanaI'm off to bed, good night all19:42
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GAN900RST38h, ping?19:42
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edheldila bit simplistic question, but what are the recommended brands of Micro SDHC I should use for n900? SanDisks have only class 2 here19:48
alteregoStill no email from quim about the AID :(19:49
alteregohungry ...19:50
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* alterego wonders off.19:50
fralsalterego: i read that as "about the AIDS"19:50
dm8tbredheldil: the class thingy sucks as it doesn't say about random access.19:50
dm8tbredheldil: but class 6 seems to be about what performs ok enough for things like e.g. meego installs19:51
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Venemo[17:42] <GAN900> Venemo, Nokia usually ships devices via DHL ---> that is good to hear :)19:53
Venemoalterego, no email for me either19:54
alteregoyou get a tracking number as well apparently.19:54
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VenemoI just wish it to be here already19:55
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alteregoHeh, soon enough19:56
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Venemohow soon?19:57
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Venemosoonâ„¢ (as with CCP) ?19:57
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fralsblizzard soon19:58
alteregoI just think Quim might be drowning in our AIDs19:59
fralsCCP soon is too soon!19:59
MohammadAGI just want my name on the wiki /me cries19:59
macmaNso what is the deal, MohammadAG still isnt certain?20:00
alteregoMohammadAG: "don't worry"20:00
macmaNmaybe your name is alphabetically so behind20:00
alteregoI think it's to do with export rules to his country :P20:00
MohammadAGI already got an N900 shipped here :p20:01
alteregoThat wasn't a loan :P20:01
MohammadAGit was, it was just never asked for :p20:01
MohammadAGthat's why I kept it in out of the box new condition20:01
MohammadAGit even has the sticker on the back20:01
alterego"Dear MAG, we're writing to tell you, instead of getting an N950, we want all your N900s back"20:02
* alterego chortles20:02
fralsi remember first time i went to HEL and met quim20:02
MohammadAG<alterego> MohammadAG: "don't worry" <-- this and that ^ contradict :P20:02
fralshe pretty much threw a n900 box at me and never heard about it again20:02
alteregoMohammadAG: sure, take the first answer ;)20:03
* MohammadAG cries20:03
alteregoMohammadAG: seriously, don't worrk :)20:03
MohammadAGfrals, does the N9 come with MMS? :P20:03
alteregoheh, harmattan has MMS20:03
* frals tries to update Qt SDK and install Harmattan toolchain20:03
fralsMohammadAG: yes20:03
timsamoffHave a good day everyone. ;)20:03
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alteregofrals: did you do it? :)20:06
fralsno ;<20:06
alteregoBut you have an N9 so you can do one :P20:07
fralsmost of the fun stuff was done when i was up to speed on stuff20:07
alteregoAh right20:07
fralscan see some of the stuff did at thou ;-) (not mms related)20:08
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alteregoI'm thinking of disabling meego mls for a bit, keep getting notifications, that aren't from launchpad!20:09
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fralsalterego: filters = win20:09
fralsanything from meego MLs goes straight to subfolders without notification :P20:09
GAN900Mailing list overload.20:10
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MohammadAGfrals, I'm guessing your MMS implementation is open? :P20:25 always been :p20:28
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kerioMMSes are evil, i say20:33
kerioavoid them!20:33
keriofrals is the devil!20:33
hiemanshuVenemo: sorry I was away, didja get it to work?20:34
MohammadAGfrals, Harmattan :P20:35
MohammadAGcause it's probably C++ there ;)20:35
Venemohiemanshu, no, I gave up20:35
Venemohiemanshu, I'll probably just use MADDE anyway once the device gets here20:35
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hiemanshuVenemo: well, I have it working20:37
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Venemohiemanshu, good for you :)20:38
hiemanshuVenemo: Well, you should try to do a meego-sb-session start after a couple of seconds delay after the Xephyr command, and try removing -extension Composite20:38
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Venemohiemanshu, hm20:40
Venemohiemanshu, I will try20:40
hiemanshuVenemo: for me at times it fails to start with -extenstion Composite20:40
hiemanshubut works just fine without it20:40
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Venemohiemanshu, okay, I'm trying20:41
* divan got Google+ invite.. But can't apply it. Google+ says "try again later".20:43
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hiemanshudivan: right, they have exceeded limits or something20:45
hiemanshualso, if anyone cares, Steam Sale :D20:45
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AtariiDamn, it's only been a week and I've lost my N900 stylus already! Is there any offical replacement pack or reputable sources to buy from?20:50
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VenemoAtarii, as I recall, Fake sells them alongside his stands20:51
Atariiis that someone from here or foums?20:51
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kerioAtarii: i bought one on ebay20:53
keriofelt bad, man20:53
Atariikerio does it fit ok into device? near enough to normal one?20:53
Atariithanks Venemo :)20:54
kerioi bought a nokia one20:54
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alteregoI just saw the last episode of quantum leep20:57
alterego~leap ..20:57
alteregoForgot how sad it was :'(20:57
achipajust ran QtInfo on N95020:58
achipaand it says... Hardware features: Bluetooth, Camera, FM Radio, LED, Memory card, USB, Vibra, WiFi, SIM, GPS, Haptics20:58
hiemanshualterego: I take it you are getting a N950 too?20:58
alteregoYeah, at some point, when I hear back from Launchpad :D20:58
alteregoOr Quim, or however it's going to work.20:59
hiemanshualterego: so not in the first round?20:59
alteregoI was on the first list.21:00
alteregoGot the acceptance email, replied back with my developer nokia account id21:00
alteregoJust sitting waiting now ..21:00
hiemanshualterego: ah, I dont know your real name but I saw columbus on the list :D21:01
alteregoTom Swindell :P21:01
hiemanshualterego: Swindell is a mis-splet spindle with s,w,p and +l21:02
* hiemanshu runs21:02
* hiemanshu remembers that because some other Swindell I knew told me his name like that21:03
alteregoI heard my name originates from pig farming in scotland21:04
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alteregoWine Dale21:04
alteregoOr something21:04
alteregoErm, Swine Dale21:04
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Venemoalterego, interesting :)21:05
alteregoMeh :)21:06
alteregoI bet we were cutting edge MeeGo pig farmers21:06
hiemanshuwell I am lucky not to have a weird name, esp likes the ones around here in India21:06
Atariithanks Venemo, I've fired him off an email21:07
hiemanshuI have a friend whose full name is around 24 words21:07
Atarii"round 24 words"? were his parents on drugs?21:07
hiemanshuAtarii: well no, a lot of indians in south india have the names of loads of before generations, caste, village and other stuff like that21:08
Atariiah, does that mean it's rare to have people with the same name?21:08
hiemanshu'Warnakulasuriya Patabendige Ushantha Joseph Chaminda Vaas' for example is a famous cricketer from Sri Lanka21:09
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hiemanshuI am pretty sure the only name you can pronouce from that is Joseph :P21:11
Atariiagreed ;p21:11
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rm_workGeneralAntilles: well, no email here yet either21:17
rm_workso, i guess that's good-ish21:17
rm_worki wouldn't expected my application to be a slam-dunk anyway since i basically stopped developing around the time i actually got an N900 <_<21:18
* mgedmin jumps up and down excitedly21:24
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mgedmingot an email!21:24
DocScrutinizermgedmin: duh!21:25
DocScrutinizerI got a DHL notification ;-P21:25
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: it's called a spam21:26
jacekowskior a virus21:26
DocScrutinizer"please pick up your mail at..."  -  alas it's just some silly letter21:26
jacekowskiif that's the one i'm thinking about21:26
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: nope, it's a paper in my letterbox21:26
DocScrutinizera card actually21:26
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GeneralAntillesStupid Nokia better figure out my LaunchPad account.21:27
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rm_worklol GeneralAntilles21:27
rm_workis that the same account as for the n900 dev program?21:27
rm_workbecause i had that account all set up back then, but never actually used the dev program21:27
DocScrutinizerI wonder when my mail arrives "Sorry, we've been informed you hate aegis. This device isn't for you" :-P21:28
fralsDocScrutinizer: if hating aegis would revoke device access... well.... :P21:29
DocScrutinizercheck your backscroll ;-)21:29
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X-FadeNo? Really? Who would have thought that :)21:44
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Itschuemoin moin21:45
Itschuei want to play angry birds but what is better install preenv and install angry birds or install webos and us this for installing angry birds ?21:47
Atariilol literally pressing Install button for Angry Birds and you typed that21:48
X-FadeJust install it from OVI?21:48
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GAN900rm_work, no21:48
hiemanshuMohammadAG: YAY!21:49
GAN900At least, the LaunchPad stuff wasn't involved then.21:49
Itschuein ovi i only see the levelpacks21:49
hiemanshuMohammadAG: NO MORE ANDROID AND DALVIK AND SHIT </rant>21:49
GAN900MohammadAG, Quim comes through again. :P21:49
hiemanshuMohammadAG: I still wonder, why not first round :/21:49
GAN900hiemanshu, I wouldn't try to divine too much from it.21:50
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MohammadAGX-Fade, I actually didn't think I was gonna make it :P21:54
hiemanshuhmmm, opencv really takes a lot of time to build :/21:54
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DocScrutinizerItschue: angrybirds should be installable via hildon app manager I think22:03
Itschuein didnt see it in ham but i didnt have devel activ22:04
DocScrutinizershould be in extras22:04
DocScrutinizersearch for bird22:04
Itschuewith other name?22:04
Itschuei searched for angry22:05
DocScrutinizeryou know the search option?22:05
Itschueyes still type in22:05
DocScrutinizerselect "all"22:05
hiemanshuok, I got opencv to build in sbox (after a couple of patches)22:05
hiemanshufor harmattan22:06
DocScrutinizerif you can't find it, check your list of installed apps in "uninstall"22:06
Itschuebut i want to have option that shows the available packages in date order22:06
Itschueand for the future wich is the better way from these two install preenv and than the games or webos and with this the games?22:07
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Itschueham is fucking slow22:07
Atariiget Faster Application Manager22:08
Itschuei had trouble with fap man i dont want to use this anymore22:08
ItschueDocScrutinizer   cant find angry birds by type bird or angry22:09
Trizteven FAM is slow, better to just use apt-get22:10
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AtariiTrizt true. Itschue use apt-cache search birds22:10
noobmonk3ycongrats MohammadAG :) :)22:10
noobmonk3yand actually congrats to many peoples in here :) hehe22:10
MohammadAGthanks noobmonk3y :D22:11
noobmonk3yvery deserved :) - can't wait to see what you produce for meego! :)22:11
TriztMohammadAG; you got yourself a n950?22:11
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noobmonk3ytrizt - second round just done :)22:12
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Itschueapt-gat cache find it22:13
hiemanshunoobmonk3y: how many more left? (devices)22:13
DocScrutinizerangrybirds is in PR1.3 it seems22:13
TriztMohammadAG; congrats which you many sleepless nights ;)22:14
* Trizt leave the computer to spend some time to wife to be22:15
DocScrutinizerItschue: if it doesn't show up in HAM, makes sure your maemo nokia download catalogues are not flawed22:16
Itschueapt-get cache find angry birds apt-cache policy says non installed and on the are 2 available so why ham didnt show me angry birds?22:16
DocScrutinizerlet me check22:17
DocScrutinizerwill take some minutes, HAM is slow as you know22:17
X-FadeItschue: Use ovi store.22:17
X-FadeItschue: not apt22:17
Itschuewhere i can see or fix the flowed cataloges?22:18
alteregoMohammadAG: I told you you were on the list22:18
alteregoI said don't worry and be patient :P22:18
DocScrutinizerItschue: listen to X-Fade22:18
Itschuei dont want use ovi store22:18
DocScrutinizerthen try apt-get install angrybirds22:19
X-FadeItschue: Then you are out of luck.22:19
noobmonk3ylol alterego any other visionary names? :)22:19
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Itschuebut i need preenv so what is better install preenv and angry birds and other webos games over apt-get or webos games manager?22:19
DocScrutinizerItschue: actually I wonder if it'd be a good thing to flash a clean PR1.3 on your RMA-returned device22:20
DocScrutinizerItschue: preenv is a completely different thing22:20
DocScrutinizerangrybirds is a native maemo app22:21
Itschueall angry bird are native maemo app seasons rio?22:21
DocScrutinizeryup, angrybirds doesn't show up in HAM, probably this hidden stuff from OVI appstore22:22
Itschueactually I wonder if it'd be a good thing to flash a clean PR1.3 on your RMA-returned device      why?22:22
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GeneralAntillesRST38h, which IRC client you think you'll port?22:22
DocScrutinizerIIRC angrybirds should be there by default - even if I'm wrong on that, it still is a sane thing to get a n22:23
DocScrutinizerknown good system22:23
DocScrutinizerafter repair men messed with it :-)22:23
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trxdamn batches, again i havent recieved any mail :/22:23
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Itschueso my rma returned device isnt really clean like it is when i flash it now with pr1.3  and flash vanilla and fiasco?22:25
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MohammadAGGeneralAntilles, wtf is Brief account description22:25
GeneralAntillesMohammadAG, in the LaunchPad form?22:25
GeneralAntillesMohammadAG, if so, I just put some generic wish-wash about why I need a LaunchPad account.22:27
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DocScrutinizerItschue: who knows. once you flash vanilla and combined, you're sure about state of your system, as well as about fixed eMMC or whatever caused the failure to flash VANILLA22:31
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: heh, congrats22:31
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: I entered "blablabla" there, by accident, to go on to a presumed second page of that form ;-P22:32
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DocScrutinizersome 10h later launchpad accound got granted22:33
Itschueok i i flash my device but not yet i do that tomorrow and what is better for webos games install preenv and the games over apt-get or install webos and with this the games?22:36
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: been 10 days here, nothing :P22:39
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DocScrutinizerhiemanshu: launchpad?22:39
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: yes22:39
Venemo_N900hey MohammadAG22:39
DocScrutinizerhiemanshu: same for javispedro, just for him it's 6 months now22:39
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: yes22:39
Venemo_N900MohammadAG, this is your lucky day, have you noticed?
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: also did you get any email?22:39
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: you are late to the party, you can take that corner there ----->22:40
DocScrutinizerI get ~3 email / minute - what are you referring to particularly?22:40
Venemo_N900hiemanshu, wut?22:40
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: heh, about your application :P22:40
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: so you are still in the game :D22:40
Venemo_N900hiemanshu, I was among the first to join the party, only left because of connectivity issues22:41
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: ah ok :D22:41
DocScrutinizerthey won't notify me about my reclassification from quinClass-1 to quimClass-0 due to bitching about aegis22:41
MohammadAGooh, an NDA22:41
hiemanshuMohammadAG: NDA?22:42
MohammadAGVenemo_N900, already got the email :)22:42
Venemo_N900MohammadAG :)22:42
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: fine, so you can bring USB hostmode to N9, will need it desperately regarding the missing uSD slot22:44
MohammadAGwhere do I get my Forum Nokia Id?22:46
MohammadAGthis Nokia Developer User ID ?22:47 is now forum.developer.nokia22:47
DocScrutinizeror sth like that22:47
DocScrutinizerso yes, probably22:48
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Venemo_N900MohammadAG, go to the premium-account site again, and it will be the top left field22:50
trumeeDocScrutinizer: didnt apply for N950?22:50
Venemo_N900MohammadAG, AID-0000xxxx22:50
DocScrutinizerI did22:50
MohammadAGYour application is being processed, you will be notified by email once the application has been reviewed. I'm assuming I'm done?22:50
DocScrutinizertrumee: konttori suggested I should22:51
Venemo_N900MohammadAG, yep. don't forget to send a reply to Quim's mail22:51
trumeeDocScrutinizer: and didnt work out?22:51
MohammadAGwhere's this?22:51
MohammadAGcan't find it22:51
DocScrutinizertrumee: not yet22:51
trumeeDocScrutinizer: too bad.22:51
Venemo_N900MohammadAG, step 2 in Quim's mail contains the url22:51
MohammadAGYou have an existing contact, please disassociate from developer account page before creating a new account.22:51
MohammadAGI just made it and agreed to an NDA22:52
fiferboyMohammadAG: I created my Launchpad account 10 days ago and I am still getting that22:52
DocScrutinizertrumee: look, N9 isn't my dream device, so I'd develop for it for community, not for me. I'm not desperate if I don't get a N9-devkit22:52
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: it isnt the user name?22:52
Venemo_N900hiemanshu, nope22:52
hiemanshuVenemo_N900: darn-it I sent him the user name :P22:53
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Venemo_N900hiemanshu, heh22:53
MohammadAGcan't see any AIDs22:53
DocScrutinizerlook for SIDA ;-P22:54
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hiemanshuso which is the premium site page?22:56
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hiemanshuif I go the registration link I get You have an existing contact, please disassociate from developer account page before creating a new account.22:56
MohammadAGI sent him the one at the end of my NDA22:57
DocScrutinizerhiemanshu: I had to log out *all* browser tabs and windows, to relogin - if that helps22:57
MohammadAGit said Nokia Developer Id22:59
DocScrutinizeralso you'll receive some confirmation mail with a confirmation URL to activate the account fully. Doesn't work prior to doing that22:59
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: I made a launchpad account about 10 days ago, I am guessing that would have asked me to make a premium registration?23:00
DocScrutinizerthe whole felt quite like an online dungeaon to me :-)23:00
DocScrutinizerhiemanshu: no clue23:00
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hiemanshuVenemo_N900: wanna help me out? :P23:01
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trumeeDocScrutinizer: i will need somebody to test N9 against my * server :)23:02
MohammadAGoh shit found it23:02
MohammadAGfor the record
javispedroyou can get there by, profile -> edit -> developer profile23:03
DocScrutinizertrumee: I'd be glad to help, but I guess you have to find somebody else23:03
Venemo_N900MohammadAG, that is what I was talking about23:03
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DocScrutinizerisn't it an exciting text adventure? ;-D23:04
javispedroactually it is -> Settings -> Settings again -> Developer Account =)23:04
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javispedrothe Nokia Developer maze.23:04
MohammadAGVenemo_N900, that was in settings23:04
Venemo_N900hiemanshu, see what MohammadAG linked23:04
DocScrutinizeryeah \o/23:05
javispedropossibly designed as a barrier-to-entry.23:05
Venemo_N900MohammadAG, yepp23:05
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: indeed23:05
hiemanshuMohammadAG saves the day again :D23:05
MohammadAGjavispedro, yep, that's where I found it, not at the top left of the page ;)\23:05
DocScrutinizerthat's why they don't need to reject "blablabla" reason for launchpad ;-)23:05
* javispedro hits DocScrutinizer 23:05
MohammadAGnow to read the NDA23:06
Venemo_N900MohammadAG, well, I saw it on the top left field23:06
javispedroI at least I feel more confident now that I know that I'm not alone waiting for my approval.23:06
Venemo_N900not on the top left of the page obviously23:06
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javispedrootherwise I would have thought they're on to me.23:06
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: enjoy23:06
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: I fell asleep halfway thru23:06
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, well, whatever it says, I agreed to it23:06
MohammadAGso I better know what I'm up against23:06
* javispedro hears the black helicopters23:07
MohammadAGone question23:07
MohammadAGwhat if a user who applied doesn't know english well?23:07
javispedrobah, the black helicopters jokes are no longer funny, not now that Nokia is a third-world corporation after the elopcalypse.23:07
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MohammadAGlegal english isn't that better fwiw23:08
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: major fail23:08
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: (legal english) see why I fell asleep?23:09
DocScrutinizeractually first I got headache, then fell asleep23:09
MohammadAGNDA should have smileys23:09
javispedrothey have23:09
hiemanshuMohammadAG: lets edit that PDF and add some :D23:09
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javispedroMohammadAG: every time they say "you" envision a >:D added after it23:10
hiemanshu1) We know own your soul :D 2) We own everything you make ;) 3)Naaw dawg, I was kidding xD23:10
infobothiemanshu meant: 1) We now own your soul :D 2) We own everything you make ;) 3)Naaw dawg, I was kidding xD23:10
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GeneralAntillesjavispedro, any way you can add the dropshadow?23:11
javispedroGeneralAntilles: ah yes, that, you were absolutely right.23:11
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: that's actually amazingly rare a word in legal text23:12
GeneralAntillesThough I'd make it optional.23:12
GeneralAntillesmikhail's Twitter icon looks better without it there.23:12
javispedroI've been reading (during work hours >:) )  and seems it is very easy using some svg stuff23:12
javispedrowill code it now23:12
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MohammadAGso anyone who's read it, do I have to stfu about anything?23:12
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: usually the terms are ""the loser"" and ""the company""23:13
DocScrutinizerrather than "you" and "we"23:13
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javispedroI know remember that I had a FN user id, and it's completely different to the AID.23:14
GeneralAntillesAID is the number23:14
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DocScrutinizerso it's >>1) The company now own the loser's soul :D 2) The company own everything the loser make ;) 3)Naaw dawg, the company was kidding xD23:15
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Venemo_N900MohammadAG, according to Jaffa, you must not publicize any deficiencies of the device23:15
javispedroGeneralAntilles: yes, but the FN id is also a 7-digit id... and a different one.23:15
cehtehhp licenses WebOS to samsung .. haha23:15
javispedrocehteh: WHAT?23:16
cehtehjavispedro: rumors .. but i bet that will turn out true ...23:16
fiferboyThere is a "Primary Account ID" (AID-00000xxxxx) and "Nokia Developer User ID" (xxxxxxx)23:16
cehtehpwn :)23:17
javispedroaber Ich spreche nur ein bischen Deutsch!23:17
cehtehyeah wait a few days or until its announced on other news channels23:17
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, Engadget had an article this morning.23:17
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: learn chinese and german, or you'll not keep up ;-)23:18
cehtehhey samsung could sell Baida (or what was its name?) to nokia :P23:18
GeneralAntillesSo who's going to release an unbranded theme for Harmattan first?23:18
GeneralAntillesNobody wants to demo an N950 to friends with "DEVELOPER EDITION" plastered all over it.23:18
GeneralAntilles(anybody remember the OS2006 betas?)23:18
javispedrois that true? does it have that all over the place, M$ beta style?23:18
Venemo_N900GeneralAntilles, what was on the os2006 betas23:19
DocScrutinizerwhich raster called a "hickup" ;-)23:19
GeneralAntillesBETA in big bold letters23:19
GeneralAntillesIt was worse on those scary candy themes:
cehtehi secretly wondered if samsung might be the next big one who tries a open platform .. no bets yet but not completely impossible23:20
* GeneralAntilles misses the 770.23:20
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: sed -i "s/DEVELOPER EDITION/GAN'S ACME VERSION/" *23:20
cehtehi never seen webos in action but its told to be nice23:20
DocScrutinizerwait, aegis won't allow that XP23:20
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: bada in hindi = big :P23:21
Venemo_N900GeneralAntilles, interesting23:21
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DocScrutinizercehteh: raster is working on that samsung open platform since, well years23:21
cehtehi know23:21
cehtehsamsung is at least not openly hostile to free software23:22
cehtehand the way some of their products are locked down (and can be broken) leaves speculations that its not completely unintentional23:22
cehtehhaving a comment in a init script at the exact place and size to overwrite it  # comment -> ; telnetd23:24
MohammadAGGeneralAntilles, only if you insist23:24
Venemo_N900nah, I'm going to sleep now.. bye!23:24
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DocScrutinizercehteh: nice23:25
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MohammadAGisn't Alan Bruce qole?23:35
fiferboyMohammadAG: Yes23:36
RST38hMoo, gentemen23:36
RST38hHow is suffering tonight?23:36
MohammadAGso he got accepted, /me wonders why the last post implies he wasn't23:37
MohammadAGmoo RST38h23:37
fiferboyMohammadAG: I think he means his application work is considered "on the fringe" in Quim's rating scheme23:38
fiferboyThe poster seems to have interpreted it wrong23:38
noobmonk3ylol and that makes me so far on the fringe that i should be in the tv show the fringe? :P23:38
MohammadAGoh noobmonk3y's still here :D23:40
noobmonk3ysitting here smoking my electric cigarette... wooo yay i can smoke in the flat!23:40
MohammadAGI thought those were more harmful than normal cigarettes23:41
noobmonk3ywell, only nicotene, no tar etc... bahhhm anyway saving me a bunch of money23:41
noobmonk3yand i can smoke at my desk at work :P23:41
noobmonk3yi feel a bit retro :P23:41
MohammadAGanyway, I hope you did the right thing23:42
noobmonk3ythe right thing?23:42
MohammadAGoverclocked the shit out of it23:43
noobmonk3ysupercharged cigarette... genius23:43
noobmonk3yit does charge via my pc... hmmmmmmm23:43
MohammadAGthen we need hostmode on the N9 to charge cigarettes23:44
noobmonk3ygrrr the waigint is killing me :(  i swear it'll be down to 1 device and 2 people before i get told no ;) hehe23:44 looks like i didnt send him my id, like someone above...23:44
piggzbtw, contrags MohammadAG23:44
MohammadAGthanks piggz, you can still send it afaik23:45
piggzMohammadAG: where do i find the id..i thought it was the username...23:45
noobmonk3ygo into your account23:46
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noobmonk3ythen click "developer Account" on the right hand menu23:46
noobmonk3yit will show at the top :)23:46
piggzah yes, i see it23:47
piggzalterego: i suspect my name also originates from pig farming...who would have thought, 2 pig farmers getting N950s23:50
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: what's with your journey now? postponed?23:58
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, not traveling till the device arrives23:59
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DocScrutinizerprepare for even more suspense then23:59

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