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MohammadAG | e-yes, you can use ukeyboard | 00:17 |
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pupnik | http://people.su.se/~jj/junk/dragon-vomit.png goat-time with wind, pole, dragon inter help (sfw) | 00:20 |
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dangergrrl | make mty n900 happy | 00:32 |
dangergrrl | it wants someone to see my ugly face | 00:32 |
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pupnik | hi | 00:55 |
nox- | moin pupnik, # | 00:56 |
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kwtm | e-yes: Are you looking for the files where you can change the keyboard mapping? I can tell you where I found mine, and you can see if you can assume it's the same for your layout. | 01:08 |
kwtm | Is that what you're looking for? | 01:09 |
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e-yes | kwtm, actually no. I only need "locale" of hw keyboard | 01:39 |
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e-yes | looks like it's here: /var/lib/gconf/apps/osso/inputmethod/%gconf.xml | 01:41 |
e-yes | entry "slide-layout" | 01:41 |
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kookiemonster | hello? | 03:12 |
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josh_ | Hi. A while ago, geolocation stopped working in the browser (google maps for mobile, for instance), and I haven't managed to figure out why. | 04:37 |
josh_ | How might I track down and fix that? | 04:38 |
josh_ | GPS works fine outside the browser. | 04:39 |
josh_ | but as fa | 04:40 |
josh_ | as far as I can tell the browser doesn't do geolocation. | 04:40 |
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josh_ | any suggestions for where to start looking? | 04:45 |
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TiagoTiago | After someow the battery ran out even though i had plugged the wallcharger, on the next boot the status bar won't show, the operator name does show though, so does the title bar of some programs,but most programs if i try to launch will freeze the whole device Dx | 07:00 |
TiagoTiago | Can someone please help me diagnose what is happened and try to figure out how to make it work again without having to reflash? | 07:01 |
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TiagoTiago | Oh, and another possible symptom of what is going on, while charging, it will keep the screen showing the throbber (the "knight rider" dots going back and forth) very dimlly, i've never noticed that before, usually it at most would light the backlight with black screen for a moment, or if it did show the throbber it quickly ewwnt away | 07:03 |
TiagoTiago | Any ideas? | 07:05 |
TiagoTiago | :( | 07:08 |
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TiagoTiago | oh, and the key and screen sounds don't play | 07:18 |
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TiagoTiago | Sorry, switching clients | 07:26 |
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TiagoTiago | Still no one? | 07:27 |
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keithzg | Absolutely no idea, sorry. | 07:57 |
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TiagoTiago | :( | 08:08 |
TiagoTiago | thanx for at least replying | 08:08 |
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TiagoTiago | Not a good time to not be able to count on my N900 :( | 08:15 |
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kerio | no calculator? | 08:23 |
kerio | *ba dum tsss* | 08:23 |
slonopotamus | kerio: heh. thought the same | 08:24 |
slonopotamus | TiagoTiago: you still can do python -c "print 2 + 2" | 08:24 |
slonopotamus | TiagoTiago: or perl -e "print 2 + 2" :) | 08:25 |
TiagoTiago | heh | 08:25 |
slonopotamus | or even in shell! echo $((2 + 2)) | 08:26 |
kerio | why perl? :( | 08:28 |
TiagoTiago | lol | 08:28 |
kerio | python -c "import decimal; decimal.getcontext().prec = 50000; print decimal.Decimal(2) + decimal.Decimal(2)" | 08:29 |
slonopotamus | kerio: because it's in default system install, while python isn't :P | 08:29 |
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TiagoTiago | is there a way i can activate synchronization of time with the cell network? | 08:33 |
TiagoTiago | oops | 08:33 |
TiagoTiago | i mean via console | 08:33 |
* slonopotamus haven't seen any cell operator that supported time sync yet | 08:33 | |
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slonopotamus | dunno, some 10kb-long dbus call might do that :) | 08:35 |
TiagoTiago | mine does, but with the status bar MIA and the Clock program being among the ones that freeze the whole thing if i try to open, i can't activate it via the GUI | 08:35 |
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TiagoTiago | What is the command to restart the status bar? | 08:37 |
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TiagoTiago | (i don't mean clear the settings, i mean reset the program/daemon/whatever) | 08:37 |
slonopotamus | like, dbus-send com.nokia.osso.closed.time.sync.service com.nokia.proprietary.time.sync.activation.msg_osso org.freedesktop.extensions.osso.YES_PLEASE | 08:37 |
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slonopotamus | reboot | 08:39 |
TiagoTiago | it isn't showing after a reboot | 08:40 |
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TiagoTiago | Anything i should look for on syslog? | 08:42 |
kerio | time sync through mobile network sucks anyway | 08:43 |
TiagoTiago | better than setting the time manually at least | 08:44 |
TiagoTiago | It isn't safe to unmount /home and run fsck on it, is it? | 08:48 |
kerio | nope | 08:49 |
kerio | just reflash | 08:50 |
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TiagoTiago | lots of shit to backup, and i can't trust the electrict grid over here (i plan on getting a no-break soon, but it's not gonna be immediate) | 08:56 |
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TiagoTiago | ah, i keep forgeting it's called a "UPS" in english | 09:00 |
TiagoTiago | over here even though the language isn't English we call them "no-breaks", pronouncing the words as in English | 09:01 |
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kerio | get a laptop | 09:04 |
kerio | :3 | 09:04 |
TiagoTiago | I was hoping i could fix this before going to bed | 09:06 |
kerio | install openntpd | 09:07 |
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TiagoTiago | no, i mean the N900 itself, not just the clock | 09:10 |
TiagoTiago | I didn't paid much attention to the joined msgs, were you here when i described my main issue? | 09:13 |
kerio | i was still asleep, probably | 09:13 |
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TiagoTiago | After the battery somehow ran out even though i had the wall charger plugged, when i booted the device again the status bar won't show, and trying to launch most programs will freeze all the device, also the system sounds don't play | 09:15 |
TiagoTiago | the operator name and the titlebar of programs that do launch still show though | 09:16 |
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kerio | check if the battery is actually ok, and reflash | 09:17 |
TiagoTiago | i mean it will freeze the device whole (though holding the power key does shut it down, and the backlight does time out and get relit if i open the keyboard) | 09:17 |
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TiagoTiago | right now reflashing isn't an option | 09:18 |
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kerio | why not? the potential for screwing up is like 2µs | 09:18 |
TiagoTiago | got lots of shit to backup | 09:18 |
TiagoTiago | really? i thought it would take a couple of minutes | 09:19 |
kerio | it takes around that, yeah, but the battery will power the device all the time anyway | 09:19 |
kerio | except for that tiny window where something *could* go badly if the power fails | 09:19 |
kerio | (cit. SpeedEvil) | 09:20 |
kerio | it's actually about 4ms | 09:20 |
kerio | so 2000 times more than what i said :3 | 09:20 |
TiagoTiago | i thought it would take more time to transfer the image and stuff | 09:21 |
kerio | yeah, but if the power fails you won't brick the n900 | 09:22 |
TiagoTiago | also, it's gonna be a pain reinstalling everything while i'm only on a thortled down 3g connection (will be getting a WiFi router when i get the UPS) | 09:22 |
kerio | usb networking? :) | 09:23 |
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TiagoTiago | Haven't set it up yet, do i need to set anything on the device itself or just setting the PC and sticking the cable and it's good? | 09:24 |
kerio | set pc and n900 and you have internets | 09:24 |
kerio | yeah, you just need the standard cable | 09:25 |
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TiagoTiago | does the settings on the N900 can be done easilly just with terminal? | 09:25 |
TiagoTiago | I can get the terminal with the keyboard shortcut, but seems just about anything else i try to launch makes the device unresponsive | 09:26 |
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TiagoTiago | Any idea how i can diagose and try to fix whatever went screwy after it forced a shutdown due to lack of charge? | 09:27 |
TiagoTiago | Is there anything i could look for in syslog? | 09:28 |
TiagoTiago | or any other log that is expected to be there reall | 09:29 |
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TiagoTiago | really* | 09:29 |
ruskie | http://www.reghardware.com/2011/04/15/review_sonim_xp3300_force_rugged_mobile_phone/ <-- mmmm nice... | 09:31 |
TiagoTiago | :( | 09:33 |
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Venemo | good morning Maemo :) | 09:35 |
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TiagoTiago | at least with a BSOD you get a cryptic number you can google to get a bit more info about the problem :/ | 09:36 |
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TiagoTiago | :( | 09:55 |
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TiagoTiago | I don't wanna have to give up and go sleep :( | 10:02 |
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Termana | good morning | 10:05 |
TiagoTiago | i wish | 10:06 |
TiagoTiago | somthing went bad after the battery ran out and my N900 is just about unusable :( | 10:06 |
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TiagoTiago | Is it normal to not have a /lib/init folder? | 10:21 |
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alterego | Nope | 10:22 |
alterego | I don't have one if that's what you mean. | 10:22 |
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TiagoTiago | i found a orphan symlink, /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon is pointing to a nonexistent /lib/init/upstart-job , dunno what it means though | 10:24 |
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TiagoTiago | Is there a log somewhere that would mention errors that happened related to the status bar? | 10:28 |
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TiagoTiago | Ok, is the file /usr/sbin/immvibed present on your N900? | 10:45 |
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TiagoTiago | crap, i think i have to go sleep (can't hold my eyes open anymore) without fixing my N900 :( | 11:01 |
TiagoTiago | good nite to y'll | 11:02 |
TiagoTiago | y'all* | 11:03 |
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Jade | hi | 11:10 |
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khertan | Morning | 11:17 |
alterego | g'moaning | 11:20 |
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MohammadAG | morning | 12:07 |
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RST38h | Promising that "we will have an over the air email client to announce very very soon," RIM Co-CEO Jim Balsillie also spoke of the reaction to the PlayBook tablet in the first wave of reviews. Labelling that it wasn't "fair" reviewers suggested they rushed the tablet out too fast, he also failed to convince the watcher why they should buy the PlayBook. | 12:19 |
RST38h | [minor facepalm] | 12:19 |
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Venemo | DocScrutinizer, you here? | 12:37 |
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DocScrutinizer | not really | 13:21 |
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* khertan is currently installing scratchbox | 13:25 | |
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pupnik_ | hullo | 13:53 |
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mece | o/ pupnik_ | 13:55 |
khertan | MohammadAG: https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/commit/a282eb79745998c38055690577ed829586a00bb1 <<< this one look suspect to me :) | 13:56 |
khertan | MohammadAG: anyway i'm currently installing scratchbox and will revert commit until it s works | 13:56 |
khertan | :) | 13:56 |
khertan | mece: KhtEditor 1.0.1 available in extras devel with work arround for QTBUG-18720 | 13:57 |
khertan | :) | 13:57 |
ThreeM | hmm, must MyDocs use Fat32? or can i use ext3 there too? | 13:59 |
mece | khertan, great! I updated but haven't tested yet. | 14:02 |
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robbiethe1st | ThreeM: Possible, but it's going to take some work I think | 14:03 |
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mece | khertan, I seem to be having the same problem as before... | 14:06 |
NIN101 | how can I add folders to ossofilemanager? Or where does ossofilemanager gets its information from? | 14:08 |
khertan | mece: activated in prefs ? | 14:08 |
khertan | MohammadAG: is it the qtexperimental package on cssu or did you made your own ? | 14:08 |
mece | ooh.. lemme check | 14:09 |
mece | khertan, ah yes. Works now. Would it be possible to add the preferences button to the menu of opened files too btw? | 14:10 |
MohammadAG | khertan, upstream packaged using upstream rules | 14:10 |
MohammadAG | I just moved it into /usr and added the optification steps | 14:11 |
khertan | it was a question from harryf about qtbug-18720 on #qt-maemo | 14:13 |
* khertan is still downloading scratchbox | 14:13 | |
pupnik_ | o/ | 14:14 |
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NIN101 | solved, gnomevfs. | 14:21 |
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edheldil | Hi all, is there a theme gallery for n900? Randomly trying theme packages is extremely annoying, especially since most of the themes seem to be a variation on black buttons on black background | 14:25 |
ruskie | you mean like an app? | 14:25 |
ruskie | the most iirc is some website with themes | 14:25 |
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edheldil | ruskie: I meant a web page containing the themes in standard repos | 14:31 |
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khertan | And scratchbox install failed ... pfff | 15:09 |
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ZogG | khertan, hey sweetie | 15:16 |
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khertan | hey ZogG | 15:17 |
ZogG | khertan, i think you broke something in new experimental version | 15:17 |
khertan | probably :) | 15:17 |
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ZogG | answers don't work for old tweets | 15:17 |
ZogG | i mean i left it open for several hours - went down to check tweets - answered - nothing | 15:17 |
ZogG | and btw no tweet sent popup anymore =(((( | 15:18 |
khertan | could you pastebin content of /home/user/.khweeteur.log | 15:18 |
khertan | ZogG: yep the popup was removed ... but could be readded :) | 15:18 |
khertan | with a little option | 15:18 |
ZogG | khertan sure | 15:19 |
ZogG | wait | 15:19 |
ZogG | btw is there anything simuliar to wgetpaste on maemo? | 15:20 |
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ZogG | khertan, it's reaaaly long file =) | 15:21 |
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khertan | yes | 15:23 |
khertan | it s a debug release :) | 15:23 |
khertan | in fact this is worst than that ... it s an experimental release :) | 15:23 |
ZogG | khertan, i'm not gentoo ~amd64, it's okay | 15:24 |
ZogG | and i don't care if it helps you anyway =) | 15:24 |
khertan | thx | 15:24 |
khertan | :) | 15:24 |
khertan | i use all day the devel version | 15:25 |
khertan | sometime i got some surprize | 15:25 |
khertan | but else works well :) | 15:25 |
ZogG | i didn't see my twwets coming as i said and than i just wrote new tweet and asnwered and it worked | 15:25 |
ZogG | khertan, btw if i updgrade and daemon is running and i open new version it restarts daemon? | 15:26 |
khertan | nope | 15:26 |
khertan | :) | 15:26 |
khertan | the post rm package should restart daemon | 15:26 |
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ZogG | ok | 15:27 |
khertan | but for any reason if the communication between the daemon and the ui is broken we lost the message | 15:27 |
khertan | this is why i ve rewrite this part for 0.5.5 | 15:28 |
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ZogG | khertan, i'll upload to dropbox =) | 15:29 |
khertan | :) | 15:29 |
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khertan | ZogG: normally version 0.5.5 should be available shortly :) | 15:31 |
ZogG | khertan, pm'ed | 15:32 |
ZogG | 1.7 mb | 15:32 |
ZogG | =) | 15:32 |
khertan | ouh ... indeed nice log | 15:32 |
khertan | :) | 15:32 |
ZogG | i just flashed friends mytouch4g with custom ROM and jailbreaked iphone4 of other friend, maemo is the best!!! | 15:33 |
khertan | :) | 15:33 |
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ZogG | khertan if you whenever need log or something, or want to sleep with my biatches or ride my pimp cars, just talk to me =) | 15:33 |
khertan | :) | 15:34 |
khertan | ok i see what happen in the log | 15:34 |
khertan | there is a bug somewhere | 15:34 |
khertan | :) | 15:34 |
khertan | 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 17-21: ordinal not in range(128) | 15:34 |
khertan | hum hum ... should be unicode everywhere | 15:34 |
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khertan | but currently i ll go to made some repairs on my car ... | 15:34 |
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khertan | need to change some brakes part. | 15:35 |
khertan | s | 15:35 |
ZogG | khertan ok man. i tweet in russian and can check hebrew as well | 15:35 |
khertan | :) my unicode test is a test repeated 16 time in russian : | 15:36 |
khertan | :) | 15:36 |
khertan | тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест тест | 15:36 |
khertan | :) | 15:37 |
ZogG | khertan btw i know how to deal with private feeds retweet | 15:38 |
ZogG | and popups of sent is maybe useless but popups of errors are still should be able | 15:38 |
khertan | yep | 15:38 |
khertan | but there should not be error :) | 15:38 |
ZogG | there are always error | 15:39 |
khertan | errors aren't an option | 15:39 |
ZogG | timeouts for example | 15:39 |
khertan | nope | 15:39 |
ZogG | and it can be not khweeteur fault even | 15:39 |
khertan | in case of timeout tweet is resend later | 15:39 |
ZogG | i know you have save and send later | 15:39 |
khertan | :) | 15:39 |
khertan | and if it s twitter fault | 15:39 |
khertan | ... khweeteur spam it :) | 15:39 |
ZogG | but it should be mentioned as i do hope to see my tweet and i panic if i wouldn't - so at least i know =) | 15:40 |
khertan | yep ... error display should be here :) | 15:40 |
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ZogG | damn. my phone battery, or bme or usb connection is broken | 15:51 |
ZogG | it's not charging like it should | 15:51 |
ZogG | it stopps or sometimes doesn't start at all =( | 15:51 |
ZogG | it ameks me sad | 15:51 |
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TiagoTiago | hi | 16:27 |
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TiagoTiago | yesterday after a forced shutdown due to low battery, when i boooted it up again my N900 is all messed up; the status bar won't show, no system sounds, and trying to launch most programs cause the device to become unresponsive | 16:29 |
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TiagoTiago | i wanna leave reflashing as the very last resort | 16:29 |
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TiagoTiago | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=72170 <- thread 'bout my issue | 16:31 |
TiagoTiago | would there be a way to copy just the files that are missing without overwriting anything that is already there? | 16:32 |
lolloo | may god help u | 16:32 |
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TiagoTiago | :( | 16:37 |
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TiagoTiago | is it really that hopeless? :/ | 16:47 |
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Viliny_on_N900 | anyone know what network the debian channel is on? | 16:48 |
Azog | Viliny_on_N900: #debian is on oftc | 16:49 |
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Viliny_on_N900 | oftc? | 16:50 |
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TiagoTiago | crap, it rebooted while running photorec :/ | 17:13 |
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TiagoTiago | i got a modified partition table that gives /home more space, if i just reflash the rootfs with the original image will that be an issue? | 18:01 |
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TiagoTiago | i got a modified partition table that gives /home more space, if i just reflash the rootfs with the original image will that be an issue? | 18:19 |
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jacekowski | TiagoTiago: you can just modify emmc | 18:30 |
jacekowski | TiagoTiago: for that | 18:30 |
jacekowski | TiagoTiago: modify emmc image* | 18:30 |
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jacekowski | TiagoTiago: and no it's not ok | 18:30 |
jacekowski | TiagoTiago: there is some stuff on emmc image that has to be there | 18:30 |
jacekowski | TiagoTiago: it's simpler to modify emmc image | 18:30 |
jacekowski | TiagoTiago: just get any hex editor | 18:31 |
jacekowski | TiagoTiago: search for 2048 and change it to whatever you want | 18:31 |
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TiagoTiago | i forgot the exact value i used | 18:35 |
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TiagoTiago | i don't wanna loose my data | 18:37 |
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jacekowski | make a backup | 18:38 |
TiagoTiago | kinda hard to do with the state the device currently is... | 18:39 |
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TiagoTiago | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=72170 | 18:40 |
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TiagoTiago | si eveb reflashing just the kernel will overwrite the parition table? | 18:52 |
jacekowski | no | 18:53 |
TiagoTiago | so even* | 18:53 |
jacekowski | so you're just flashing kernel? | 18:54 |
jacekowski | not rootfs? | 18:54 |
TiagoTiago | i'm considering that possibility | 18:54 |
TiagoTiago | what gets overwritten besides the pwoer kernel, fcam driver and the wifi injection stuff? | 18:55 |
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jacekowski | if you reflash full fiasco image only onenand get's overwritten | 18:58 |
TiagoTiago | jacekowski: ? | 18:58 |
jacekowski | ehh | 18:59 |
jacekowski | n900 has 2 user accessible nvram storage areas | 18:59 |
jacekowski | OneNAND and eMMC | 18:59 |
jacekowski | rootfs and kernel and other stuff is on OneNAND | 19:00 |
jacekowski | /home /opt and stuff is on eMMC | 19:00 |
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jacekowski | rootfs is partitioned once at factory and never again | 19:00 |
TiagoTiago | I see | 19:00 |
jacekowski | eMMC is flashed fully by flasher | 19:00 |
TiagoTiago | When you flash just just the kernel, what stays intact in the rootfs? | 19:01 |
jacekowski | but question is what are you trying to do and what have you done so far | 19:01 |
jacekowski | if you repartitioned eMMC and wiped content of it at the same time | 19:01 |
jacekowski | you have to flash rootfs | 19:01 |
jacekowski | and it may work | 19:01 |
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jacekowski | but normally there is some stuff on eMMC that's not on rootfs | 19:02 |
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jacekowski | so the best way to resize partitions on emmc is to modify emmc image | 19:02 |
jacekowski | and do full flash of emmc + fiasco | 19:02 |
TiagoTiago | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=72170 <-thread about the issue | 19:02 |
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jacekowski | make a backup and reflash | 19:04 |
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TiagoTiago | lots of data to backup, lots of programs to reinstall, and the backup program itself seems to be not be working well right now.... | 19:06 |
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jacekowski | well, you're supposed to make backups before shit happens | 19:13 |
jacekowski | not after | 19:13 |
jacekowski | that's the whole idea of it | 19:14 |
TiagoTiago | heh | 19:14 |
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TiagoTiago | I wonder why humans in general are so relucatant to learn that lesson.... | 19:18 |
jacekowski | i have backups | 19:18 |
jacekowski | and backups of backups | 19:18 |
jacekowski | that's for normal files | 19:19 |
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jacekowski | very important files are stored in 5 places | 19:19 |
TiagoTiago | people like you are a minuority by far | 19:19 |
jacekowski | i used to do backups only of irrecoverable and important stuff | 19:20 |
jacekowski | but after data loss of recoverable stuff i realised that it's way simpler and faster to recover from backup than have to redo it by hand | 19:21 |
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jacekowski | like i had like 20 of test virtual machines | 19:21 |
jacekowski | with different software installed | 19:21 |
jacekowski | i had all cds to reinstall it but it took me whole day to do it | 19:21 |
jacekowski | from backup it would be just couple clicks and after while it's done | 19:22 |
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* RST38h yawns. How are things tonight? | 19:22 | |
jacekowski | boring | 19:22 |
RST38h | not new, no. | 19:23 |
TiagoTiago | i'll try harder next time | 19:23 |
TiagoTiago | but right now if i can recover things without having to redo much nor risk unrecoverable data i would rather | 19:24 |
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GAN900 | RST38h, the arch team is being picked up by Intel now. | 19:26 |
RST38h | GAN: <sigh> | 19:26 |
RST38h | Ted Nelson, founder of first hypertext project, Project Xanadu, went on to say, 'It is a strange, distorted, peculiar and difficult limited system... the browser is built around invisible links you can see something to click on but youve got nowhere else to go.' | 19:26 |
GAN900 | Sakari is with Intel. | 19:26 |
GAN900 | Announced at LCS, apparently. | 19:26 |
RST38h | -- TedNelson about WWW | 19:26 |
RST38h | GAN: are they the kernel guys? | 19:27 |
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RST38h | Aha, I see. So, core OS and middleware, basically. | 19:28 |
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TiagoTiago | Is there a list somewhere of all the files that get overwritten and folders that get deleted when you flash just the kernel? | 19:32 |
TiagoTiago | Also, is there a console version of the backup proggie? | 19:33 |
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SpeedEvil | TiagoTiago: no files get overwritten | 19:37 |
SpeedEvil | The kernel is not in a file - it's in a partition | 19:37 |
TiagoTiago | a partition with files in it, no? | 19:37 |
SpeedEvil | No. | 19:37 |
SpeedEvil | No filesystem. | 19:37 |
TiagoTiago | oh, i thought it was a bunch of system binaries and configs somewhere | 19:38 |
SpeedEvil | Flashing the kernel alone may cause problems with lack of modules | 19:38 |
* TiagoTiago sighs | 19:38 | |
TiagoTiago | ok, back to considering reflashing the rootfs | 19:38 |
TiagoTiago | will that touch the partition table? | 19:38 |
SpeedEvil | No. | 19:39 |
TiagoTiago | I'll loose everything outside of /home though, right? | 19:39 |
jacekowski | yes | 19:39 |
SpeedEvil | No. | 19:40 |
SpeedEvil | Lose. | 19:40 |
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TiagoTiago | sorry, been getting a tad relapse with my spelling for some reason | 19:41 |
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SpeedEvil | Sorry - I'm feeling pointlessly eunastic. | 19:41 |
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SpeedEvil | ennuistic even. | 19:44 |
jacekowski | what about getting a job? | 19:44 |
TiagoTiago | i can't find either on Wiktionary :/ | 19:45 |
SpeedEvil | I have major problems concentrating or doing anything for periods of time exceeding a few minutes without lying down most of the time. | 19:45 |
SpeedEvil | http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ennui | 19:45 |
SpeedEvil | TRoday, making two shelves for my wardrobe has just about exhausted me. | 19:46 |
TiagoTiago | I saw a thing about a condition like that on FOX News a while ago, i think it was called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or somthing | 19:47 |
SpeedEvil | I'm familiar withthe condition. It's not a whole heap of fun. | 19:47 |
TiagoTiago | indeed doesn't sound like it would be | 19:48 |
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TiagoTiago | Under my situation ( http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=72170 ) would you recommend against reflashing rootfs for any reason? | 19:52 |
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GAN900 | SpeedEvil, ennuistic, I like that. | 19:53 |
TiagoTiago | at least that can't be misspelled as "board" | 19:54 |
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TiagoTiago | be back in a moment | 20:04 |
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TiagoTiago | back | 20:12 |
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Treibholz | damn, the latest subversion segfaults | 20:37 |
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TiagoTiago | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=72170 <- what are the risks involved if i reflash the rootfs? And what am i expected to have to install and set again? | 20:43 |
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Azog | is there a way to debug gps on the n900? i can't see a satellite with mappero | 20:47 |
Azog | nvm i should just activate it in settings, doh | 20:48 |
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BCMM | TiagoTiago: flashing from a PC? | 20:49 |
TiagoTiago | yeah | 20:50 |
BCMM | TiagoTiago: risks, not really. and you'd be reinstalling the lot | 20:50 |
BCMM | TiagoTiago: stuff in ~/MyDocs shouldn't be effected. other stuff in ~/ will go | 20:50 |
BCMM | so for most apps, that means your settings go and your documents stay | 20:51 |
BCMM | if you've got a shell, back stuff up | 20:51 |
TiagoTiago | Why did they thought it was a good idea to keep user programs together with system files? | 20:51 |
BCMM | i approve | 20:52 |
BCMM | the last thing maemo needs is *more* partitions | 20:52 |
BCMM | they aren't kept together; they're just on the same filesystem | 20:52 |
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BCMM | backup ~/ apart from ~/MyDocs and you've got settings for most applications | 20:52 |
TiagoTiago | i shouldn't need to reinstall programs just to replace missing/corrupt system files :( | 20:53 |
BCMM | well, work out how to fix the problem then | 20:54 |
BCMM | or, do the convinient thing and reset more than you really need to to factory settings | 20:54 |
BCMM | (i recommend making backups, then doing the latter) | 20:54 |
TiagoTiago | i need help figuring out what went wrong, not all that fluent in the systems involved | 20:55 |
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TiagoTiago | Having to resintall so much shit over a throtled down 3g connection or hanging a metter from the PC i would rather avoid.... | 20:58 |
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TiagoTiago | it would already be a pain with broadband over WiFi 'cause of the slowdowns during installations | 21:02 |
MohammadAG | ffs | 21:03 |
MohammadAG | I need to demo some Qt app to someone on Symbian^3 and the damn QtSDK fails to build | 21:03 |
TiagoTiago | :( | 21:03 |
TiagoTiago | good luck there | 21:05 |
MohammadAG | the TRK shows the port correctly, the SDK doesn't even detect the device | 21:06 |
BCMM | TiagoTiago: backup your apt cache | 21:06 |
MohammadAG | corrupt system files? | 21:08 |
chadi | Is it only me, or is the camera ui slower when attempting to focus with half a press? | 21:08 |
TiagoTiago | i think i have it symlinked to spmehwere inside /home , not shure how far back the cache goes though | 21:08 |
TiagoTiago | MohammadAG: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=72170 | 21:09 |
chadi | forgot to mention: on the latest cssu | 21:09 |
MohammadAG | try apt-get --reinstall install hildon-status-menu | 21:10 |
MohammadAG | that should bring back the status menu | 21:10 |
TiagoTiago | alright, booting up to try that | 21:11 |
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TiagoTiago | should i need to reboot to see the effect? | 21:19 |
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TiagoTiago | well, rebooting | 21:20 |
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TiagoTiago | system sounds still missing, at least in the pin entry screen | 21:24 |
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TiagoTiago | MohammadAG: i tried reinstalling hildon-status-menu it didn't error out, but nothing change :( | 21:28 |
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MohammadAG | what if you run it manually? | 21:33 |
TiagoTiago | btw, seems vibrations are also gone | 21:34 |
TiagoTiago | hildon-status-menu? lemme try | 21:34 |
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Venemo | good evening Maemo! :) | 21:34 |
TiagoTiago | now it shows | 21:35 |
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TiagoTiago | sounds are back too | 21:35 |
TiagoTiago | It even got all the buttons it usually have in the statusbar menu | 21:36 |
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TiagoTiago | Correction, only some of the sounds | 21:39 |
TiagoTiago | no keys it seems | 21:39 |
TiagoTiago | no screen | 21:39 |
TiagoTiago | nor* | 21:39 |
Sazpaimon_ | okay so is there ANY way to do L2TP/IPsec on maemo? | 21:40 |
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Sazpaimon_ | (with the power kernel) | 21:41 |
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thomasjfox | Sazpaimon_: Normal ipsec is in extras-testing. Look for strongswan | 21:47 |
Sazpaimon_ | I have strong swan, but that seems to use IKEv2 | 21:48 |
thomasjfox | Sazpaimon_: True that | 21:48 |
Sazpaimon_ | I specifically need l2tp | 21:48 |
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Sazpaimon_ | i can pay $5 more a month for openvpn, but before I do that, I'd like to know if I can use l2tp | 21:50 |
TiagoTiago | Is that anything like Hamachi? | 21:51 |
Sazpaimon_ | kind of, yeah | 21:52 |
Sazpaimon_ | it's with another providor though | 21:52 |
TiagoTiago | You can kinda use Hamachi, no GUI though | 21:54 |
Sazpaimon_ | I'd prefer to use the VPN account I pay for, personallu | 21:54 |
Sazpaimon_ | *personally | 21:54 |
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E0x | and for what exactly you need that in you n900 ? | 21:55 |
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TiagoTiago | Connect to your home/office machines anywhere you go as if they were on the local network? | 21:55 |
E0x | ssh tunnel ? | 21:56 |
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TiagoTiago | I think so | 21:56 |
TiagoTiago | haven't tried yet | 21:56 |
TiagoTiago | and my N900 is down right now :( | 21:56 |
Sazpaimon_ | a vpn allows me to keep a single IP address as well, even if I'm on 3G or wifi | 21:57 |
pupnik | SDL_FillRect(surface, &box, SDL_MapRGBA(surface->format,0,0,0,0)); that's not transparent :( | 21:57 |
Sazpaimon_ | and I can possibl;y bypass my network's NAT firewall | 21:57 |
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MohammadAG | any sybmian devs around? :P | 22:20 |
pupnik | check the channel | 22:21 |
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jacekowski | ehh i just bought "usb" charger | 22:32 |
jacekowski | D+ to D- | 22:33 |
jacekowski | 50kOhms | 22:33 |
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TiagoTiago | bbl | 22:39 |
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jacekowski | hmm | 22:48 |
jacekowski | Nokia-N900:/sys# cat ./devices/platform/musb_hdrc/charger | 22:48 |
jacekowski | 1 | 22:48 |
jacekowski | Nokia-N900:/sys# cat ./class/i2c-adapter/i2c-1/1-0048/twl4030_usb/vbus | 22:48 |
jacekowski | 1 | 22:48 |
jacekowski | and it's not charging | 22:48 |
Sazpaimon_ | i just bit the bullet and added openvpn to my service | 22:51 |
Sazpaimon_ | its $5, big deal | 22:51 |
jacekowski | hmm | 22:51 |
jacekowski | i found the problem | 22:51 |
jacekowski | but i had to use my old bme work | 22:51 |
jacekowski | i was plugging in cable into charger and then couple seconds later shorting D+ D- | 22:52 |
jacekowski | D+ and D- has to be shorted while plugging in | 22:52 |
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pupnik | valgrind-3.6.0: Depends: libc6-dbg but it is not installable | 23:18 |
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pupnik | libc6-dbg_2.5.1-1eglibc19+0m5_armel.deb | 23:20 |
pupnik | is that safe to install on device? | 23:21 |
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jacekowski | PhonicUK: yes | 23:51 |
jacekowski | pupnik: yes | 23:51 |
pupnik | ty jacekowski | 23:52 |
pupnik | device seems to still function | 23:52 |
pupnik | now to valgrind my app | 23:52 |
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* PhonicUK murmurs | 23:54 | |
jacekowski | hmmm | 23:54 |
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jacekowski | there is no easy way of checking what is current charger current delivered to n900 | 23:55 |
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ShadowJK | jacekowski, correct | 23:59 |
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