IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2011-04-04

BCMMkwtm: huh?00:00
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DocScrutinizerI'm using Konqui all the time to access sftp://root@N90000:00
kwtmHmm... you seem to be implying that the laptop's interfaces can each have a different IP address, and I do seem to recall that it can be connected wireless and wired with two different IP addresses.  So the USB connection itself will be assigned another IP address, and I just tell my laptop what it is, and it'll start responding from the USB?00:00
BCMMkwtm: i dunno, just saw that it was mentioned in the kde commit digest. don't actually know what they changed.00:01
DocScrutinizerkwtm: your laptop probably has TWO NICs00:01
BCMMkwtm: yeah, different interfaces do typically have different IP addresses00:01
kwtmDocScrutinizer: Glad to hear that sftp:// is working.  Right now it would not be feasible for me to change all my scripts, though, and they seem to be working otherwise.00:01
DocScrutinizerone default eth0 or whatever, plus the USB00:01
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BCMMkwtm: yeah, fish:// will work fine; just perform slightly less well00:01
BCMMfish only requires standard utilities; i.e. it's basically just running cat on the server for you00:03
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BCMMand sftp uses an extension to the ssh protocol especially for this sort of thing00:04
DocScrutinizer~wtf fish00:04
infobotGee...  I don't know what fish means...00:04
BCMMDocScrutinizer: the fish:// protocol...00:05
DocScrutinizergot that much00:05
DocScrutinizersmells ;-P00:05
BCMMnfc about what?00:05
DocScrutinizernever heard about digital fish00:05
kwtmDoes that mean I need to put "auto usb0 ;iface usb0 inet static ; address ;netmask; gateway" and all that into the laptop /etc/network/interfaces file, too?00:06
DocScrutinizerexcept for friggin crypted IRC00:06
BCMMlike i said, it's like SFTP, but without special server-side support00:06
BCMMso it's just logging in with ssh and running commands at a shell for you00:06
kwtmfish:// is FIle over SsH transfer --basically, it just logs into a shell and then sends files by doing real shell commands like "cat >filename".  Available anywhere you can get a shell prompt.00:06
DocScrutinizerkwtm: Too? not exactly. Only there00:06
kwtmDocScrutinizer: By "too" I mean that the N900 already has this in /etc/network/interfaces.  But my laptop does not.  So this should be reproduced at the laptop end also, and then I reboot?  (or kill 1 or whatever the politically correct thing to do is)00:07
DocScrutinizeron N900 it at least should look marginally different00:07
kwtmthat was copied directly from the N900 file.  How should it be modified for the laptop?  Oh... address is .14 instead of .15.  But what's the "gateway"?00:08
DocScrutinizerthere's no need for a gateway,unless you expect the far end to forward packets to 3rd party (aka internet) for you00:09
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kwtmOhh.. it says "you need to install usb-network-modules".  The very last sentence of the first section. mentioned almost as an afterthought.  I suppose this means it's actually the essential key without which everything else will fail? :)00:10
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DocScrutinizerbut better ask BCMM - I'm not very used to this stuff00:10
DocScrutinizerrarely do it00:10
DocScrutinizerso I might be rong00:11
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DocScrutinizerwrong even00:11
BCMMkwtm: what distro are you on?00:11
BCMMiirc, ubuntu already has USB networking drivers00:11
khertan someone understand what is the problem ?00:11
kwtmBCMM: Kubuntu 10.04 LTS, but I was hoping I could get this done for WinXP also (that's of secondary importance).00:12
BCMMcan't remember what USB networking in windows is like00:12
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BCMMit would be cool if there was some kind of GUI to enable usb networking, configure the interface, and run a DHCP server so that almost any computer, no matter how stupid, would get a working connection...00:13
DocScrutinizerBCMM: iirc on windows it's called ipconfig, not ifconfig ;-D00:14
BCMMkhertan: illegal character `P' - are upper-case letters allowed?00:14
kwtmOk, so I'm going to install usb-network-modules, then ... unless someone here says that's not the right thing to do.00:14
BCMMDocScrutinizer: also, it doesn't work.00:14
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BCMMother than that, almost the same,00:14
khertanBCMM, ? oh ... The name of the package00:15
khertanthx ;)00:15
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BCMMkhertan: np00:15
khertanBCMM, there is an app nammed Mad Developper (works on unix and seven)00:15
khertanms windows seven00:15
DocScrutinizerkhertan: also, is that a spece in there?00:15
BCMMi've just been using scratchbox and testing with scp00:15
khertana space ?00:16
BCMMssh connection sharing is cool00:16
BCMM(scp is practically instantaneous is it can re-use an existing ssh connection)00:16
infobotBCMM meant: (scp if practically instantaneous is it can re-use an existing ssh connection)00:16
DocScrutinizer*s 1.4*00:16
BCMMno i didn't, infobot.00:17
BCMMa robot is being sarcastic about my sed.00:17
khertanyep the setup file use was the wrong ... so truncated version number too :à00:17
khertanpython-pygments_1.4.0-1 should be better00:18
kwtmabc bcd testing infobot00:18
kwtmOk, fine, infobot, you can ignore me. :(00:18
DocScrutinizerinfobot ignores all malformed s/x/y/00:19
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kwtmDocScrutinizer: It's not *malformed*.  It's just *too advanced for infobot*. <grump!>00:19
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infobotDocScrutinizer meant: s/xxx/xxx/.00:19
khertan[extras-builds] [fremantle]: python-pygments 1.4.0-1 OK  << thx BCMM00:20
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kwtmaaa testing infobot00:20
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khertangrr i didn't like this n130 netbook keyboard00:20
infobotkwtm meant: Aaa testing infobot00:20
infobotkwtm meant: Aaa testing infobot00:20
BCMMheh, i've never even used builder00:20
kwtmOk, so it's not cumulative.00:20
infobotkhertan meant: :)00:20
infobotBCMM meant: AAA00:21
BCMMah, he does do that.00:21
kwtmYeah, it's just /g or nothing.00:21
khertanit s a test ... test00:21
kwtmOk, so ... having usb-network-utilities doesn't seem to help.  Both the laptop and the N900 show usb0 as "UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST" but neither has an IP address.00:23
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kwtmwhen BCMM said "already has usb drivers", does that mean (just to confirm) I do NOT need to modify /etc/network/interfaces on my laptop?00:24
kwtmBecause I am not sure what my next step should be.00:24
DocScrutinizerforget it, she's not acting on anything except s/x/y/ and s/x/y/g00:24
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kwtmDocScrutinizer: Is there any difference between "root" and "sudo gainroot"?  I used the former to become root and do the "ifconfig usb0 up" command --I don't think it matters but I want to be sure.00:25
DocScrutinizeryes, root is a full login, while sudo gainroot simply changes user00:26
DocScrutinizerwithout changing anything regarding env00:26
kwtmDocScrutinizer: Thus anything I can do with "sudo gainroot" I can do with root, right? ... ohhh, so it's possible I changed the environment with "root", then.  I still don't think it matters...00:26
DocScrutinizeryes, shouldn't matter00:27
kwtmAlso, I typed "ifconfig usb0 up" and that worked, but "ifup usb0" gave an error: /usr/lib/avahi/ line 143: diff: not found00:27
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kwtmIt seems to have worked, though, because the second time I typed "ifup usb0" it said "already configured".  Wtheck?  Did someone write a script requiring a command-line utility that's not installed by default and failed to give the correct dependency?00:28
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DocScrutinizertry a simple ifconfig usb0 addr
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DocScrutinizerwhen I see avahi I get goosepimples00:30
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DocScrutinizermy lennart allergy00:31
kwtmI can try any arbitrary IP addr, right?  I might as well try something on 192.168.x.x to see if it will connect that way...00:31
BCMMkwtm: my advice: don't argue with your router.00:32
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kwtmBCMM: ?? Not sure what that means.  I have been treating my router with the utmost respect.  How is it related to what we're doing?00:32
BCMMi mean, if your router's DHCP server uses 192.168.1.x, play in 192.168.2.x or something00:33
BCMM(or 10.0.0.x)00:33
kwtmBCMM: Of course.  I put in (one up from the .15 that I've been using.)  My router uses 192.168.1.x00:33
kwtmSo, it says "ifconfig: bad address 'addr'"  Will check correct syntax of ifconfig command.00:34
BCMM(this is because your computer will have a route set up to put traffic for 192.168.1.x on the correct interface)00:34
BCMMbut other than that, choice of IP address is arbitrary really00:34
kwtmI see now that it should have been    ifconfig usb0   rather than    ifconfig usb0 addr
BCMMthat's not an IP address.00:35
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kwtmBCMM: Well, this is what I don't get: so my N900 is told that it is (or whatever) and that the gateway is  But my laptop has no idea of this.  How does it know to respond to my N900 when tne N900 asks for "the computer at"?  Does the N900 tell the laptop to set up this way when it first connects via USB?00:35
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kwtmBCMM: That's the example I was given, so I'm just quoting it word for word.  I am actually using for the IP address in question.00:36
BCMMdo ifconfig usb0 on the laptop?00:36
BCMMn900 puts packets on the usb interface, laptop gets them, laptop ignores them unless they're addressed to it00:36
kwtmBCMM: Ahh!  So that's the question I had been asking from 30 minutes ago.  Thanks for the answer.00:37
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BCMMip networking doesn't really need central organisation...00:37
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BCMMkwtm: not sure i understand.00:37
BCMMi mean, i'm not even sure what i answered00:37
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kwtmBCMM: You actually didn't answer.  DocScrutinizer gave an answer but I wasn't sure what he meant.  My request for clarification got lost in the jumble when someone else asked for help.  Glad we cleared it up.00:38
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kwtmOk, N900 now able to communicate with laptop (at least with ping).  cleared a big hurdle.  Thank you!00:38
BCMMi still don't really understand; but if the problem was basic IP networking, there are channels for that00:39
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kwtmBCMM: To clarify (not that it's relevant any more) I did not realize what to do *to my laptop* to tell it that it should talk to the N900 over USB.  It was not at all obvious from the wiki.00:39
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kwtmYou know, those minor details that people leave out because they've done it so often that they've taken it for granted (and probably installed an autoconfig script) long before they've worked everything out and put things in a wiki so people can follow in their footsteps.00:41
BCMMyeah, looks like it's got a lot of distro-specific stuff rather than how to do it manually with ifconfig00:41
kwtmSpeaking of which, I can't seem to change the wiki even when I log in to t.m.o.00:41
BCMMif you're on ubuntu, you can just use the debian instructions though00:41
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kwtmSuccess!  Thank you all, especially BCMM.  I am able to ssh into shell from either direction and can fish:// files to/from the N900.  Thanks!00:48
BCMMhave fun!00:48
BCMMfish:// (or sftp://) in konqueror is very smooth00:49
BCMMi think i only enable mass storage mode for downloading photos now00:49
kwtmOhhh... logins at and are separate!  Ok, got it.00:50
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kwtmBCMM: I haven't even enabled mass storage mode for some time now.  I just do a periodic rsync over the network.  So when I'm off vacationing and I want to make sure the video of my toddler makes it back to the home server even if the N900 gets stolen, I just call my rsync script. :)00:54
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kwtmBCMM: Hey, can you interpret this for me?  (I'm editing the wiki now.)  "With this default configuration, the N900 USB interface will have the IP address, and the remote end will have the IP address"  This is ambiguous: the "remote end" --does that mean (in my case) the laptop?00:55
BCMMkwtm: i shoot a crapload of raw (DNG) photographs with fcamera00:55
BCMMi mean, i take several shots when i take a photo, and weed out the bad ones on my desktop with the benifit of a proper screen00:56
kwtmBCMM: Well, nothing takes up as much memory as a video, I'm afraid ... especially when you record for 5-10 minutes waiting for the little tyke to "do that little cute thing you just did again"00:56
kwtmBCMM: Although I agree that you want to transfer those over USB, not some 2.5G cellular connection, if you want to edit them.00:56
BCMMi kinda want to investigate how fast a really minimal camera application could start00:57
BCMMi mean, if you didn't even need a viewfinder00:57
BCMMfor stuff like cats and children that might rapidly stop doing something amusing00:57
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SpeedEvilBCMM: mplayer tv:// takes about 0.8s before showing pictures.01:06
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SpeedEvilIt's more like 0.3s after opening /dev/video0 that it gets the first picture01:11
SpeedEvilIt spends a while screwing around on dbus01:11
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BCMMSpeedEvil: the default camera app is always running in the background isn't it?01:47
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SpeedEvilBCMM: Sort-of.01:49
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SpeedEvilBCMM: It has a daemon, then forks the actual UI I think01:50
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SpeedEvilps|grep cam01:51
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yourselfI seam to remember a way to send all my contacts through bluetooth, amd I wrong?02:06
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DocScrutinizershould work, yes02:13
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yourselfIf I could only just list the contacts with a phone number02:21
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ArGGu^^dh_clean: Sorry, but 5 is the highest compatibility level supported by this debhelper.02:51
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ArGGu^^Trying to build source file and deb in scratchbox02:51
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ArGGu^^Should add devel or testing repository?02:52
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ArGGu^^if I need newer version debhelper02:52
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ArGGu^^or how I can make the compatibility to level 5?02:53
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ArGGu^^found answer with google just changed the level to five from compat02:56
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ovnicrafthello the site is down !02:59
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ArGGu^^ovnicraft what site?03:09
ovnicrafti cant load it03:10
ArGGu^^so it seems03:10
ArGGu^^ works :S03:10
ArGGu^^but does not :S03:10
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ArGGu^^well maybe it will up soon03:11
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ArGGu^^need to go to sleep, but can't I just upload my irc client to the autobuilder. Well hopefully I get results soon.03:15
ArGGu^^anyone tried nitdroid? I don't like android mostly because java, but have to face it ,android is going to be the most popular OS.03:18
ArGGu^^I was thinking to install it so I would have dual boot.03:20
ArGGu^^autobuilder failed :S03:20
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ArGGu^^odd problems seems to be the server not from my app :S03:21
ArGGu^^sql query failed03:22
ArGGu^^Repository not found. (fremantle)03:22
ArGGu^^make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/targets/FREMANTLE_ARMEL/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++-maemo5/qmake.conf', needed by `Makefile'.  Stop.03:23
ArGGu^^hmm so there seems to be problem with the source :S03:24
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ArGGu^^hmm why is there qmake.conf? btw.03:35
ArGGu^^I added the makefile to source, but would the autobuilder do that automatically?03:36
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ArGGu^^anyone who used autobuilder with qt apps?03:37
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ArGGu^^does it run the qmake to create makefile?03:37
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ArGGu^^but of course I cant make the source without make file03:42
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ArGGu^^hmm used template rules file that was maemo forums, mostly difference seems that it had command to create the makefile.03:49
ArGGu^^well need to hope the best :)03:49
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ArGGu^^after 4 tries finally ok from autobuilder :)04:02
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RST38hMoo all06:20
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Sazpaimon_so the N900's GPU supports OpenVG, how come there are no libraries for it in maemo 5?06:24
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ShadowJKChicken and egg problem06:25
Sazpaimon_i don't follow06:26
Sazpaimon_is it just a case of nobody making any drivers for it?06:26
ShadowJKNothing used OpenVG06:26
Sazpaimon_android does06:26
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Sazpaimon_I believe iOS supports it too06:27
ShadowJKThough for MeeGo and QT it's being done06:27
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Sazpaimon_ShadowJK, any chance of a backport to maemo then?06:42
Sazpaimon_or more like a cross-port06:42
ShadowJKlooks like drivers are a big issue06:43
Sazpaimon_definately, but if there are opensource drivers for meego, i dont see how they can't be ported tomaemo06:43
Sazpaimon_specifically the N900 if the GPU supports OpenVG06:44
Sazpaimon_and I dont see much talk of OpenVG being supported in MeeGo06:44
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ShadowJKYeah looks like there are no opensource OpenVG SGX drivers06:48
Sazpaimon_also, eglinfo on the N900 reports OpenVG as a client API06:50
Sazpaimon_not sure why06:50
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Sazpaimon_there's an in /usr/lib06:51
Sazpaimon_but no development headers06:51
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Sazpaimon_apt-file search doesn't return anything06:51
Sazpaimon_any clue why?06:52
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Sazpaimon_there are these OpenVG libraries here, but no development headers to utilize them? What's up with that06:52
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Sazpaimon_well I just manually downloaded the OpenVG headers from khronos, let me see how it goes07:16
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chickenlovehey all, i'm just wondering which file the contacts are stored in on the n900, and what format it is? i'm looking to grep it as part of a script08:39
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ruskiechickenlove, evolution data server08:43
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ruskieanyway it's something not really grepable08:45
chickenl1veruskie: is there a way to make it greppable, or would i first have to find a way to csv export it? should i be able to pull strings then grep, or is it too much binary and not enough plaintext?08:46
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ruskiea quick look at ~/.osso-abook/08:47
ruskieit seems they are all berkley db formats08:47
ruskieno clue what you could grab from it though...08:47
chickenl1veno worries, i'll take a look into it08:47
chickenl1vethanks for the help ruskie08:47
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chickenl1veruskie: seems strings produces decent info, and can be separated by "begin vcard" and "end vcard" statements, then grepped :)08:48
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ruskieyou could probably get better results with the db tools08:51
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ruskielike db_dump08:51
chickenlovewasnt aware of them :P08:52
chickenlovei'll give it a look08:52
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chickenlovethanks again08:56
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Sazpaimon_well I got this openvg build of gnash compiling09:07
Sazpaimon_but the problem is I can't get openvg to paint anything09:07
Sazpaimon_vgCreateImage is returning VG_INVALID_HANDLE, with no error09:09
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Venemo_N900morning all09:50
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pupnik moo09:57
Venemo_N900moo DocScrutinizer09:57
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pupnikfrozen veggies save me so much waste, it's worth the price premium.  plus they're all the choice parts10:00
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mecebwuahaha! Epic ysss post:
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pupnikabill_uk is posting 100 times a month10:42
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* pupnik watches restored stock kernel happily sip 6mA while running wlan and updating ssh window every 20 seconds10:50
Venemo_N900pupnik: why, what kernel did you have before that?10:52
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pupniksome power-kernel thingy Venemo_N900 - always much higher idle power (at stock speed)10:56
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Venemo_N900pupnik: really? power kernel eats more?11:00
Venemo_N900that's interesting11:00
pupniki dunno just sharing what my device is using11:01
pupnikand i think it's wonderful (got a script pinging the device every 20 sec)11:01
Venemo_N900why not just use BatteryGraph or battery-eye?11:05
pupnikbattery-eye uses lots of power11:06
pupnikdunno batterygraph11:06
Venemo_N900well, I haven't noticed any changes from power kernel11:07
Venemo_N900I mean, in power usage11:07
Venemo_N900but I haven't really measured either11:07
pupnikwhat does 20 give you for a resting current (wlan+ssh)11:08
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Venemo_N900pupnik: I can't really tell, since I'm not in the proximity of a wlan atm11:08
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khertanI ve a question, how to promote a lib ? i ve promoted khteditor which depends on it from devel to testing, but it s still the old version of the lib.11:20
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Venemo_N900khertan: the libs are automatically promoted11:21
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khertanhum ... arg this seems to not works all time11:21
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Venemo_N900khertan: when you promote an app, its dependencies are also automatically promoted. this is what X-Fade has told me11:22
khertanthis is what i think too.11:22
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khertani'll retry so11:22
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Venemo_N900khertan: maybe you forgot to change the version number of the dependency in your control file11:22
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khertanVenemo_N900: i didn't put version number in the control file ... so should be the last11:25
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merlin1991X-Fade: ping11:25
Venemo_N900khertan: if you don't put a version number there, that means that any version is good11:25
Venemo_N900khertan: write it like this: libraryname (>= version)11:26
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chem|st/sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-2/2-0032/leds:lp5523:kb6/brightness nonexistent directory ...11:26
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chem|stkbd leds are gone after a restart11:26
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Sicelohi everone.
khertanVenemo_N900: thx ... i ll try11:28
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meceSicelo, *facepalm*11:42
Venemo_N900Sicelo: that's just ridiculous, but I can't say MS surprised me at all11:43
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meceIt's remarkable how much work is done on n900 software11:44
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meceI don't have a terribly large amount of applications installed (ok I have a lot but not epic amounts), yet almost every day that yellow exclamation icon is blinking. I love that little icon. Makes me smile every time :)11:45
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Sicelohey mece Venemo_N90011:48
meceSicelo, \o11:48
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Venemo_N900Sicelo: :)11:50
meceis there a working method for syncing n900 calendar to some calendar software that works on desktop linux?11:50
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Venemo_N900mece: I recall seeing some related stuff on TMO, but I wasn't interested at the time so I dunno.11:51
* mece knows nothing about calendars and syncing, but would like to have some solution..11:52
ruskiesyncevolution maybe?11:52
Venemo_N900mece: search a bit on TMO11:52
Venemo_N900anyway I gotta go11:52
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meceruskie, I have that software, but I don't know what to use on the other end11:52
meceruskie, I have it on N900 that is.11:52
* Sicelo only wishes he had N900 too :(11:53
ruskiethe other end you'll need a syncml server11:53
ruskiethe example thingy from opensync might help11:53
ruskiethen you can sync from there to whatever app(if it is supported)11:53
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meceruskie, hmm.. ok I'll check what people are using on their linux desktops11:54
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mecehmm evloution suite, heh. Ok, one would think that'd work with syncevolution, since they share the name11:55
ruskieno clue11:56
mecewell, I'll just try it and report back :)11:57
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jacekowskimece: mail for exchange12:04
jacekowskimece: that's what i'm using12:04
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jacekowskimece: with zimbra and it syncs to any kind of shit12:04
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mecejacekowski, mail for exchange doesn't have a linux ring to it..12:07
jacekowskizimbra is linux software12:08
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mecethp, "It's just you. is up. "12:08
thpmece: had a db connection error, so technically it was "up", just not usable. anyway, working now ;)12:09
mecejacekowski, so can I use zimbra as a server on my desktop and sync my phone against it somehow?12:10
jacekowskiwell, zimbra is quite heavy mail software12:11
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Termanagood morning12:18
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chem|stkbd leds back to normal after removing the battery...12:22
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mecejacekowski, well I just want to sync calendar, todo and those things. The mails are on the imap servers, so no need to sync those...12:23
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jacekowskii think you can sync it with google calendar12:26
jacekowskior some syncml stuff12:26
jacekowskibut i prefer mfe and activesync because it's way better12:26
ruskieonly if you have something supporting that ;)12:27
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DocScrutinizer51DARN, dunno if it's 1.3's fault or CSSU, but that profile selector is fubar useless.  Has stupid [x]vibrate whicj I think is new, but doesn't show nor allow to activate any of my custom profiles created by tweakr :-(12:47
khertanX-Fade: Hello ... i ve try to promote KhtEditor which depends on python-pygments 1.4.0-4 but python-pygments 1.4.0-4 seems to be an older version and haven't been promoted ... Did you see any reason which prevent it to be promoted ?12:47
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DocScrutinizer51could anybody please confirm this profiles problem (or falsify)12:50
ruskieDocScrutinizer51, what profile selector?12:50
DocScrutinizer51duh, system menu, profiles12:51
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ruskieno clue about tweakr since I never used that but sysmenu does show vibrate here and iirc it used to do so since atleast 1.312:52
DocScrutinizer51yeah but not pre1312:53
DocScrutinizer51anyway that's not my concern12:53
DocScrutinizer51all my custom profiles gone so only ones left are friggin default & silent12:54
DocScrutinizer51can't create new ones either12:54
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DocScrutinizer51err I *can* create new, in tweakr, but they don't show up in selector12:55
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DocScrutinizer51so that's a severe flaw regarding usability12:55
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DocScrutinizer51one of the things of the class  I was scared would need a downgrade back to 1.212:57
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kwtmDocScrutinizer51: Hi.  Just got up.  I have PR1.2.  Need help confirming something in PR 1.2?13:07
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DocScrutinizer51dang, alarmed profile switching as well doesn't see any custom profiles13:07
DocScrutinizer51kwtm: I moved to 13 and CSSU, now no profiles other than silent & default13:09
kwtmI myself need help: how do I install package "screen" which is under "Fremantle SDK tools free armel"?  Do I just enable the repository, or do I need to install some SDK?  If the former only, I suppose somewhere on the web there are instructions on how to add that repository?13:09
kwtmDocScrutinizer51: I see.  Presumably CSSU is the custom thing (PR1. or something).  Can I check something on my system for you?13:09
DocScrutinizer51enable repo13:09
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DocScrutinizer51install tweakr, create (safe) a custom profile, then see if it shows up in systemmenu profiles13:11
kwtmI've already installed tweakr, and I'm pretty sure it does show up in profiles, but will verify.13:12
kwtmI mean, I've already installed a custom profile, but let me verify that I did it with tweakr13:13
DocScrutinizer51also see if profile selector has (x)vibrate toggle13:13
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kwtmOk, under Settings > Tweakr > Delete profile, I see that it offers to delete several custom profiles that I now recall I did save using Tweakr.  (No, I'm not deleting any.)  Then under Settings > Profiles, I see that the settings are as I've changed them for my custom profile, but I am not sure how to verify that the current profile really is the one called kwtm1 (rather than "default" or whatever).  Then earlier today I just13:21
kwtmhappened to try out Alarmed for the first time and it did offer to switch between various profiles that I myself created (kwtm1, kwtm2, etc.)13:21
kwtmAm looking for where [x]vibrate toggle would be ... hang on...13:21
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kwtmAh, yes, under Settings > Profiles, it lets me select [x]vibrate toggle for each of "Silent" or "General"13:21
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kwtmI guess "Silent/General" are ... subprofiles within a profile?  modes?  It was very confusing (at first I thought those were actual profiles).13:21
kwtmDoes that help or should I check more?13:21
kwtmre: repository: would you mind telling me the name of the repository?  I can't seem to find in the wiki where the actual name of the "Fremantle SDK tools free armel" repository is.  Is it actually "deb fremantle/tools free non-free"?  THere is nowhere that explicitly says these refer to the same thing.13:21
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DocScrutinizerkwtm: system menu -> settings (actually "profile: default" or whatever)13:21
DocScrutinizermenu, not settings13:21
DocScrutinizersystray menu13:21
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kwtmAhh..,. ok.  I do recall there were 3 seemingly similar but separate ways to get at the system thingmajigs: run the "Settings" program, press the "On/Off" button once, or tap on the ... I guess it's called the system tray.  Never actually found the official names for these 3 different ways to do things.13:23
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kwtmOk. Systray Menu > Profiles shows 4 profiles, of which 3 are clearly defined by me.  One is "Silent" (guess that's a built-in).  It says "select preset".  Not sure if a "preset" is the same thing as "profile" ... terminology seems vauge.13:24
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kwtmDoes that help or should I check more?13:30
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kwtmare you the brother of DocScrutinizer who was born in '51?13:30
kwtmYes, N900.  Bought Jun 2010, if that matters.13:30
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DocScrutinizerkwtm: click (clock in) systray. there's a menu item with a 'cake' 1/4 red 3/4 white -> says "Profil: Allgemein" here (Profile: default / general") Click on it to get a popup menu that has just two items here: silent & general/default. It also has a "[x]vibration" next to each of the (two) items13:33
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DocScrutinizerN900 == RX-5113:33
DocScrutinizerkwtm: I missed some words and parsed that as <kwtm> DocScrutinizer: Who was born in '51?13:34
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kwtmDocScrutinizer: It was my attempt at humour.  Basically: why are there DocScrutinizer and DocScrutinizer51?13:35
DocScrutinizerthe one is N90013:35
kwtmpresumably RX-51 is the name of the variety of processor?  Or is that the version of Maemo?13:35
DocScrutinizerthe other desktop13:35
kwtmOhhhh.... I see.  So Rx-51 is where you're logged on from via the N900.13:35
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DocScrutinizerRX-51 is the internal code, while Rover is the internal nick13:35
DocScrutinizerN900 is official13:36
DocScrutinizermarketing name13:36
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kwtmWhen I click (clock in) systray, there's a menu item with a 'cake' that says Profile: kwtm1 (which is the profile I'm using; I haven't used "default/general" in a long time).  When I click it, I get a popup menu that is as I described: "Systray Menu > Profiles shows 4 profiles, of which 3 are clearly defined by me.  One is "Silent" (guess that's a built-in).  It says "select preset".  In this menu I do NOT see [x]Vibration next to13:39
kwtmeach item.13:39
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kwtmTo get to the [x]Vibration setting, I have to do what I said before: "under Settings > Profiles, it lets me select [x]vibrate toggle for each of "Silent" or "General""13:39
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kwtm(which is NOT under the systray menu)13:39
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DocScrutinizeras I expected13:39
DocScrutinizersomething changed there in 1.3 and fsckdup things13:40
DocScrutinizeror CSSU13:40
kwtmwhat is CSSU?13:40
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: any comments? ^^^13:40
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: (profiles selector borked)13:41
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: did we get some fixes on CSSU there, or is that a generic 1.3 *BUG*13:41
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infobotDocScrutinizer meant: MohammadAG: did we get some "fixes" on CSSU there, or is that a generic 1.3 *BUG*13:42
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kwtm says: "The requested operation could not be completed Connection to Server Refused"  but I guess it's the Community-Supported Something-or-Uther.  PR1.3+ ... aaaanyway.  Now manually updating the fremantle tools repository...13:43
DocScrutinizermaybe *somebody* with a plain 1.3 and custom profiles (or the willingness to install tweakr) could confirm?13:44
DocScrutinizerkwtm: yes, it's the so called PR1.3.3.713:44
kwtmDocScrutinizer: :)  Nice nickname.13:44
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DocScrutinizerand yes, there been reports this night about down13:45
kwtmAnyone have any warnings against me installing "screen" from fremantle tools before I go ahead and do it?13:46
chem|stDocScrutinizer: what to check?13:47
jacekowskikwtm: works for me13:47
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kwtmIt says "package cannot be authenticated!"  (I'm going to go ahead and install anyway.)  I didn't realize we had GnuPGP key authentication?  Or is it just "warning! You are installing something not officially from Nokia"?  I don't recall seeing that warning with command-line apt-get installing any other package.13:48
kwtmjacekowski: I get, as part of the apt-get install process, "/var/lib/dpkg/info/screen.postinst: line 23: /usr/sbin/add-shell: not found".  Is that par for the course or is my setup borked (either due to or prior to this installation)?  What the heck is add-shell and why would the screen package maintainer expect me to have this program under /usr/sbin?13:49
jacekowskikwtm: just ignore it13:50
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jacekowskiit will work13:50
DocScrutinizerit's cause those pkgs are mainly intended for SB use13:51
DocScrutinizerchem|st: check profile selector13:51
DocScrutinizercustom profiles13:51
DocScrutinizernot showing up here13:51
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kwtmjacekowski: Hmm... a bit rough around the edges.  In particular, starting "screen" spit out some message about "aborted due to window size change".  (I wonder what was aborted?).  It puts me in a window with shell prompt where it did not run my .profile and my aliases are all missing.13:53
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kwtmMay be easier just to open up new terminal windows, but I'll just keep the package installed just in case.  Also something about missing a /var/run/utmp, whatever that is.13:54
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DocScrutinizer(nice nick) for PR1.4 I suggest calling matching CSSU PR1.4.7.3(2)14:01
DocScrutinizerthe "too late" CSSU14:01
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chem|stDocScrutinizer: in menu or tweakr?14:13
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chem|stsystray-menu wfm14:13
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DocScrutinizer[2011-04-04 12:32:40] <DocScrutinizer> kwtm: click (clock in) systray. there's a menu item with a 'cake' 1/4 red 3/4 white -> says "Profil: Allgemein" here (Profile: default / general") Click on it to get a popup menu that has just two items here: silent & general/default. It also has a "[x]vibration" next to each of the (two) items14:14
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chem|stI just see silent but that is cause I did some stuff to it after the first install14:14
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DocScrutinizerthe oint is it doesn't show custum profiles anymore14:15
chem|stI don't see the vibrator [x] checkbox14:15
DocScrutinizerlemme up a screenie14:15
chem|stah ok so you wnat me to setup custom profiles to check right?14:15
chem|stthe general is a custom profile already14:16
chem|stgeneral there is not the same general as in powerbutton menu14:16
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DocScrutinizerfriggin powerbutton profile is just a toggle between silent and general?? BLARGH!14:21
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DocScrutinizerI'm really wondering whom to spank for that selector menu nonsense (with [x]vibration). Power button profile isn't much better. Well ok, if it simply switches to "silent" and back to whatver been there before...14:27
DocScrutinizerchem|st: so you say on PR1.3 plain-vanilla there's no "[x]vibration" on profile selector profile items?14:28
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DocScrutinizerwhat really freaks me out is the fact alarmed also doesn't show custom profiles for function "change profile"14:33
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DocScrutinizerso it seems sth on middleware changed as well14:35
DocScrutinizerwhich is *really* bad14:36
chem|stDocScrutinizer: there never was such thing for me14:36
DocScrutinizerwhich thing?14:36
chem|stcustomprofiles vibrator checkbox14:36
chem|stnot vanilla not cssu14:37
DocScrutinizeryeah, so it seems that's CSSU then?14:37
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DocScrutinizeryou seen the screenie^^^?14:37
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chem|stDocScrutinizer: maybe I borked it initially as I deleted the general custom profile14:38
DocScrutinizertell me how to do that - I need to bork it as well14:38
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chem|sthmm lmc14:39
DocScrutinizerFSCKNG need my custom profiles!14:39
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chem|stI deleted the general via tweakr's delete custom profile button14:40
DocScrutinizerthis * actually do the trickmight*14:40
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DocScrutinizerthis *might* actually do the trick14:41
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* DocScrutinizer curses touchpad14:41
chem|stdon't know I dont see anything but silent for customs and no vibrator buttons14:41
chem|stand have never seen any vibrator buttons14:41
DocScrutinizersome horsesh*t app I installed??14:42
chem|stcould be14:42
chem|stdrop a list14:42
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DocScrutinizertweakr has neither default nor silent to delete, just my 3 custom profiles that none of them shows up in selector :-S14:43
chem|styou see a general in selector?14:45
chem|stlike in the pic?14:45
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DocScrutinizer3 custom profiles in tweakr that all 3 don't show up. Nuttin else14:46
chem|stI mean in the sysmenu14:47
chem|stI would delete all deletable profiles... and check again14:48
DocScrutinizerin sysmenu I got ATM "Profil \n Allgemein"14:48
chem|stlike the pic you just showed?14:49
DocScrutinizercheck again for what? what could change by deleting profiles that don't show up in selector anyway?14:49
chem|stdon't know14:49
chem|stI deleted all customs and have only silent shown without vibrator checkbox14:49
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chem|stworth a try isnt it?14:49
DocScrutinizerther's evidently sth nasty happening, somebody messed around with that profile_select() function, whatever it is14:50
DocScrutinizernow I thought this for profiles was a closed blob14:51
DocScrutinizerI got a nasty suspicion - I fuzzed around with system menu config14:52
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ArGGu^^should I delete the maemo-ringtones-mr0 from the dependencies?15:29
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ArGGu^^It is there because in the default configuration I use the email ringtone as one of the alerts sound15:30
ArGGu^^but I could chage or disabla the sound on that alert15:30
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pupniknice job, new tracker-indexer only causes very mild increase in current drain15:32
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RST38hmoo pupnik15:33
ArGGu^^the package maemo-ringtones-mr0 is in the ssu and root repositorys15:33
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ArGGu^^but the extra-devel shows missing dependencies15:34
pupnikhi RST38h .. a friend in bucharest is showing me pics of the awesome Gyros they have there15:34
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DocScrutinizerchem|st: reboot (and prior unedit of /etc/hildon-desktop/status-menu.plugins) fixed it15:37
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DocScrutinizerHow The Freck can /etc/hildon-desktop/status-menu.plugins edit of X-Status-Menu-Position= mess up the profile-switcher in such a brainfsckd way ??? o.O15:39
ArGGu^^My package will stay on extra-devel as long it has missing dependencies? right?15:39
DocScrutinizerI won't probably vanish, yes ;-D15:39
DocScrutinizeron a serious note: you can't promote, I guess15:40
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ArGGu^^kind of stupid when the package is installed by default on n900 :S15:41
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DocScrutinizerummpf, the ringtones?16:02
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piggzhow about cssu adding an option for ham to not automatically check for updates...just been abroad, and was carefult to turn off data roaming.  i decided to go on google once, and then bam, ham decided that becuase i had an active connection, it should do an apt-get update, costing £10 :)16:12
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chem|stpiggz: increase your autocheck interval to some years...16:18
piggzchem|st: is there an option for that somewhere?16:19
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chem|stpiggz: gconf16:19
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chem|styou need the cmd line for it or are you aware of its usage?16:20
piggzchem|st: i can probably work it out (its better that way for remembering :)16:21
chem|stpiggz: I do not remember it but the value is in minutes16:21
chem|st525600 for one year16:22
piggzchem|st: i'll remember for the next time i go abroad16:24
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chem|stpiggz: just edited it as it was actually a lie^^16:25
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chem|stnow it reads properly to me (the command stays the same16:27
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piggzchem|st: the only remaining question there is if a reboot is required, or if it automatically takes effect?16:33
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chem|stpiggz: no idea but restart the service or make it reload settings will do the job16:34
chem|st... as well16:34
RST38hwebOS VPof product development is bye-bye16:36
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alteregoRST38h: wasnt that the Nokia guy?16:37
RST38hA PalmOS oldtimer16:37
alteregoOh well,16:37
pupnikcan i do this in c?16:39
pupnik#define R1 7;$16:39
pupnik#define R2 R1 + 40$16:39
pupnikwonder how it's parsed16:40
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alteregopupnik: I don't think so no16:41
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alteregoIt might work though, I'm pretty sure it wont :P16:41
RST38hpupnik:parsed to 7;$+40$16:41
RST38hWhy you would do this is an entirely different question16:41
alteregoI wonder if it's in the standard ..16:42
pupnikduh, sorry ignore ;16:42
* alterego wonders about entering the meego coding competition.16:42
alteregoThink I will, and I've got just the app, muahahah16:44
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DocScrutinizermaemo emulator? :-P16:52
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DocScrutinizernota bene a virtual box can't implement fixes to things that are borked in the hosting OS16:52
SpeedEvilDepends. If' tis' reimplimenting middle layers it can.16:53
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SpeedEvilFor example, a windows instance on a VM on linux can access a windows filesystem better than linux.16:58
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unknown2030I want to install iwlist how i can do that on n81017:06
unknown2030Anyone knows17:06
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