IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2011-03-30

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FIQHi, is there a generic way to fullscreen applications in hildon. or is it an application for it?00:27
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FIQMaemo 5, that is00:27
FIQi know it was possible on 400:27
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trumeebbc website dead!00:51
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ZogG  - can't believe it can exist00:58
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wazdZogG: robo-tennis :)01:02
ZogGwazd, they react preaty quick01:02
ZogGi think it's awesome01:02
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mer_gehas anyone yet ported "Prey" to maemo?
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lcukmer_ge, according to no01:10
lcukgood chance as any to try01:10
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Sazpaimon__is there any chance of getting gtk 2.16 support for maemo01:27
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jacekowskigtk sucks01:30
jacekowskiuse qt01:30
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mikhasqt sucks01:32
mikhasuse gtk01:32
mikhasthat's really no argument, is it?01:32
MohammadAGQt doesn't suck01:32
mikhasright, you never read the sources then01:33
MohammadAGGtk doesn't suck either01:33
mikhasit does, once you look under the hood01:33
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MohammadAGwell, under the hood (at least what matters to me), Gtk paints widgets faster than Qt01:34
MohammadAGbut I can get more done in Qt in less time01:34
trip0MohammadAG, you have actual benchmarks that show this?01:36
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MohammadAGnot numbers, no01:36
MohammadAGbut a small test case can easily demo it01:37
MohammadAGpack 10 buttons in a layout, change the button size on orientation change01:37
MohammadAGdo it in both Gtk and Qt01:37
merlin1991mikhas: for under the hood awesomeness of glib/gtk ;)01:37
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MohammadAGthe Gtk UI will align faster01:38
wazdKonia P1 :D
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ZogGit's so fail to do linux based laptop/net book with win key on keyboard =)01:48
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ZogGMohammadAG i got iphone4 from orange, now trying to sell it01:50
ZogGupdating to gtk-3.0.601:51
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FeenixAZDoes anyone know if the Nokia N900 will work with Straight Talk? I get mixed answers when I Google it.02:17
trip0whuz a Straight Talk?02:20
trip0is it gms?02:21
FeenixAZUnlimited Talk/Text/Web for $45 a month02:21
trip0gsm* ?02:21
FeenixAZThey have both02:21
FeenixAZGSM and CDMA02:21
FeenixAZBut on some sites it says that you must use their phones02:22
trip0what frequencies?02:22
trip0i don't see any access point information for smarttalk02:22
jacekowskiwell as long as they do gsm it will work02:24
jacekowskiyou may not have 3g02:24
SpeedEvilIt may not.02:24
jacekowskibut n900 does gsm on pretty much every frequency that's used02:24
SpeedEvilProviders can only allow known IMEIs on the network.02:24
SpeedEvilIn principle.02:24
SpeedEvilThe thing to find out is to go to random forums, and see if you can find out if you can swap phones and have it work.02:24
trip0yeh, you may only get 2g or 2.5g02:25
trip0best case is you get 3g02:25
FeenixAZMy plan is to buy one of their $40 GSM phones and take the SIM card out and put it into my Nokia N900.02:25
trip0FeenixAZ, you can just get a sim card iirc02:26
FeenixAZ$45 Unlimited T/T/W is hard to beat02:26
trip0only catch is they have the worst website ever02:27
FeenixAZThey don't sell just the SIM card02:27
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FeenixAZThanks for your input.02:35
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Saz|Mobileso i got remmina working on my n90003:28
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Saz|Mobilestill need to add the freerdp and nx plugins, but the interface is working03:28
Saz|Mobilecompletely unhildonized though03:28
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Saz|Mobilei had to add a few workarounds because it requires gtk 2.16, so as a result a couple icons are busted03:30
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Saz|Mobileand i probably broke the systray03:31
Saz|Mobileneither of which matter when it becomes hildonized though03:31
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Sazpaimon__remmina is working with rdp now04:38
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Sazpaimon__nice and fast04:38
Sazpaimon__i cant seem to use shift keys04:40
Sazpaimon__no wait, i can use shit but not fn04:41
Sazpaimon__and the fullscreen bar doesnt come up04:41
Sazpaimon__its a straight port04:41
Sazpaimon__so naturally its not gonna be perfect04:42
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internetishardIn the media player, when selecting an album for example, what's it doing while it is taking so long to display the songs? I mean, it is flash memory...05:13
ShadowJKlol flash memory05:13
ShadowJKhow long is "long" anyway? it's pretty much only the time it takes to animate the slide for me05:14
timeless_w7ipinternetishard: how much music do you have?05:19
timeless_w7ipand please note that there are 2 diffferent kinds of flash memory in the n90005:19
timeless_w7ipthe one the os used to live on and the one where your data is stored05:20
timeless_w7ipyour data is stored on the larger slower one05:20
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lcukinternetishard, when you open an album, it sends an email to the artist who has to drive to the recording studio, wake up the rest of the band, make a new recording05:21
lcukand this happens EVERY TIME you press play05:21
timeless_w7ipand twice when you press fast forward? :)05:22
lcukyeah! *g*05:22
lcukinternetishard, it really depends what else is happening on your machine, but when I start an album it works05:23
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Sazpaimon__so if I knew enough about maemo's gtk hackup I might be able to remmina nomalized on hildon05:33
internetishardthanks lcuk05:35
internetishardYeah, I guess I've a lot of music05:35
internetishardIt shouldn't take like 20s to load though05:35
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timeless_w7ipi hate to ask05:46
timeless_w7ipare you running the latest firmware?05:46
timeless_w7ipwhich is?05:46
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internetishardsorry, someone walked in05:49
internetishardHow do I check05:49
internetishardI let it update to the latest whenever an update comes up05:49
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Sazpaimon__is anyone interested in this remmina port or is it just me06:28
internetishardtimeless_w7ip: 20.2010.36-2.00206:28
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nox-Sazpaimon__, there's a vnc client too so i suspect some will...06:34
nox-will be06:34
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lcukSazpaimon__, do the port for yourself and upload it and talk about it :)06:39
lcukscreenshots help!06:39
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Sazpaimon__nox-, NX client too06:51
Sazpaimon__i havent tested either, just the RDP client06:51
Sazpaimon__lcuk, like I said, I already 'ported' t06:51
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Sazpaimon__it isnt hildonized though06:52
nox-yeah good stuff for those that need it :)06:52
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Sazpaimon__nox-, i dont know enough about maemo's dpkg differences, though07:00
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Sazpaimon__i just did a straight debian dpkg-buildpackage of the sid repository on the sdk07:00
Sazpaimon__are there any differences on the package building process07:00
nox-im not deep enough into this yet to know that...07:01
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djszapiHow can I reflesh maemo onto my memory, unfortunately I made a 'dd' operation for that partition while trying to make a 'dd' with the meego image instead of the sd card ?07:28
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internetishardwhat's the latest firmware?08:32
internetishard20.2010.36-2.002 ?08:32
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JaffaMorning, all09:58
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meceJaffa, \o09:59
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djszapiI accidentally deleted the emmc content of my N900 gadget, which image should I copy onto the emmc ?10:14
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lcukdjszapi, ;) morning.  both, as per:
djszapi -> maybe this one ?10:16
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djszapilcuk: I was lucky.10:16
djszapithe usb mass storage works just fine with the rescue menu10:16
djszapiI mean I see the EMMC from the host.10:16
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djszapilcuk: -> I have no idea what the production id is10:19
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lcukdjszapi, it tells you where it is printed10:20
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djszapino clue which image to download10:22
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jacekowskidjszapi: it's imei10:22
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djszapiyeah, seems this one.10:23
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djszapi -> ohh this is newer10:24
pupnikwhich /join #Economics10:24
pupnikhah oops10:24
djszapipupnik: :-)10:25
pupnikthere is no undo in life!10:25
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pupnikwhat u doingk djszapi - reflashing a n900?10:26
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pupnik   here is a weird weird sfw picture10:27
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pupnikcan anyone here read japanese?10:27
derfOf course.10:27
pupnikplease translate picture10:28
djszapilcuk: ERROR: APE algorithm has to be provided to flash all the subimages10:30
jacekowskidjszapi: fiasco first then emmc10:31
jacekowskidjszapi: and use n900 flasher10:31
jacekowskidjszapi: not n8x0 flasher10:31
jacekowskidjszapi: 3.5 is for n90010:31
lcukjacekowski, :) that is later flasher10:32
jacekowskino it's not10:32
jacekowskiflasher 3.10.5 (Feb 14 2011) Harmattan10:32
derfpupnik: "Electric Anma Revival". I have no idea what "Anma" is.10:32
jacekowskiit is10:32
lcukthat is certainly not n8x010:32
djszapiwell, I just deleted the emmc, not sure why I need the fiasco, if that was not deleted...10:32
* lcuk giggles10:32
djszapijacekowski: lcuk is right10:32
jacekowskilcuk: i looked at it like 50 vs 1010:33
jacekowskii'm not fully woken up yet10:33
jacekowskistill, try 3.510:33
lcuknor is djszapi :)10:33
jacekowskii know it works10:33
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lcukdjszapi, you need to reflash both because unfortunately, optification moves some files onto the emmc10:33
lcukso if you just flashed the emmc, you bootup with no fonts or themes etc10:34
lcukand half the app data missing10:34
pupnikderf: that's too weird for brain.  why do they do stuff like that?10:34
lcukso, you have to reflash emmc as well as rootfs10:34
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derfBecause it's Japan. Japan is like that, all the time.10:34
djszapiis this the proposed fiasco image for flashing ?
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djszapilcuk ^10:36
lcukthat looks right djszapi yes.10:38
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djszapilcuk: same output for the fiasco image.10:41
DocScrutinizerdjszapi: use flasher on PC10:42
DocScrutinizer~tell djszapi about flashing10:42
lcukdjszapi, it is the version of the flasher I think.10:43
DocScrutinizerI was never aware there is any new version of flasher for PC10:43
DocScrutinizerso I gather you're running that cmd on N900/maemo10:44
jacekowskidjszapi: and you are in flashing mode on your phone?10:44
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djszapijacekowski: good question, what is the flasher option to check that out ?10:44
jacekowskidjszapi: look at display on a phone10:45
DocScrutinizeror you installed some weid flasher version from dunnowhere10:45
jacekowskidjszapi: does it say NOKIA with small usb logo in a corner10:45
sandst1djszapi: for flashing maemo5 to n900, use the flasher 3.5 from tablets-dev
djszapijacekowski: yup.10:45
djszapisandst1: Actually, I was doing that ;)10:45
sandst1djszapi: this log says 3.10.5??
jacekowskiis there any ready made converter for n900 .mp4 files to some format that everybody can open10:46
djszapiyou misunderstood...10:46
jacekowskilike mpeg or wmv10:46
jacekowskidjszapi: get flasher from that website10:46
djszapisandst1: after that try I started downloading the 3.5 version....10:46
sandst1djszapi: ookay. well, that should work10:46
alteregojacekowski: mplayer? vlc?10:47
djszapi- ./flasher-3.5: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:47
sandst1jacekowski: try avidemux10:47
jacekowskidjszapi: install libusb10:47
djszapijacekowski: it is obviously installed ;)10:48
djszapiotherwise my system would behave kinda nasty otherwise.10:48
djszapiseems not compatible with this libusb version.10:48
djszapiohh yes, because of the lib32-libusb-compat and x86_^4 story.10:49
djszapix86_64 story10:49
* djszapi sighs10:49
djszapiI have never understood why flasher was not done for the x86_64 architecture, never really understood. Most of the people use x86_64 nowadays.10:49
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robbiethe1stdjszapi: I dunno, but I never had any trouble with x86_64 Ubuntu or Debian...10:50
djszapirobbiethe1st: can you give me an x86_64 flasher binary, please ?10:50
DocScrutinizerthere's none10:51
robbiethe1stI just used the standard 32-bit one10:51
robbiethe1stIt just worked (tm)10:51
djszapiapparently overhead for archlinux users.10:51
DocScrutinizeryou need the 32bit compatibility libs on your system (sorry not awake, so ask somebody who is)10:51
djszapiand system messing.10:51
keithzggotta have the compat libs installed though, right? I swear I remember doing so and it still didn't work.10:52
keithzgI just pulled out a spare 32-bit laptop and used it, last time I had to reflash10:52
robbiethe1stI just grabbed the .tar.gz file, extracted the binary, and ran it as root. easy. Oh, and I think I had to rmmod the cdc_phonet and phonet modules IIRC10:52
DocScrutinizergood point10:52
djszapilcuk jacekowski:
keithzgI wonder if a 32-bit Virtualbox session would work10:53
djszapikeithzg: I think it is enough if mess up your system10:53
djszapi* you10:53
* keithzg is tempted to try10:53
djszapibut I would expect a cleaner solution from the flasher guys :)10:54
lcukdjszapi, lol you are not having much luck this morning.10:54
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robbiethe1stYou're gonna need to run the non-OSS version IIRC, because of the USB device support?10:54
djszapilcuk: what is wrong about that this time ? ;)10:54
robbiethe1stOr, just throw a Ubuntu LiveCD in the drive10:54
lcukso the first flash worked but then you could not flash the second part10:54
robbiethe1stuse that10:54
lcukthat seems off10:54
keithzgyeah, sadly the OSS version doesn't have USB support10:54
djszapilcuk: 'off' ?10:54
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lcukdjszapi, "off" == something not quite right.  since your computer did connect and flash once10:55
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lcuktry command again with your n900 in the flashing mode thingy, just like you did for the first image10:55
djszapiwell, I can flash the fiasco image, but not the MMC10:56
DocScrutinizerdjszapi: PLEASE READ THE ~flashing PAGE10:56
DocScrutinizeryou are NOT supposed to use -R10:56
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djszapilcuk: k, I cannot now flash the fiasco either.10:57
lcukreboot laptop10:57
djszapiseems the first fiasco flashing made it go to haywire.10:57
lcukI once had bug for a few weeks where I could only flash one image per reboot10:58
DocScrutinizerdjszapi: PLEASE READ THE ~flashing PAGE10:58
lcuksomething gremlinish in the usb drivers10:58
DocScrutinizerALL OF IT10:58
lcukupdating my laptop os worked and not seen it since10:58
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DocScrutinizer[2011-03-30 09:52:25] <robbiethe1st> ... Oh, and I think I had to rmmod the cdc_phonet and phonet modules IIRC11:00
djszapimmh...lcuk: no u-boot :)11:00
djszapiseems the fiasco flashing destroys it.11:00
DocScrutinizerof course it does11:01
keithzghmmm wait has the N900 ceased production? It's disappeared from and Omega Cell.11:02
keithzg...this might become a problem if the meego device doesn't turn out to be a handset and I never bought a spare N900 . . .11:03
Trewasit hasn't been available in nokia store for a few months11:04
VeggenI just hope that the one who ended up with my N900 which I lost in a taxi in Dubai was a geek who became happy with it ;)11:04
* keithzg feels uneasy now11:05
keithzgI'd much rather buy a new, retail one than eBay or such (especially since shipping electronics into Canada is surprisingly expensive sometimes)11:06
djszapilcuk: just reinstall 'uboot-pr13' ?11:06
lcukdjszapi, IDK, not using uboot myself11:07
djszapioh ok11:07
djszapihow do you make the dual boot with meego then ? you do not ?11:07
* keithzg thinks that if the last Nokia linux device doesn't turn out to be a handset, now, going to finally feel that much-delayed sting of betrayal11:07
lcukI boot from flashing the kernel, I have to stay attached to USB for other reasons anyway, so it never seemed much bother11:08
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djszapiwow :)11:08
djszapiI am not attached to USB on the bus, or on the way at home ;)11:09
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djszapior in a bar, etc :p11:09
Trewasdidn't they already announce that they'll announce (heh) the new harmattan phone in some meego conference in may?11:09
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keithzgthey'll be almost certainly announcing a new *device*11:10
keithzgthey've never, ever specifically said that it'll be a handset11:10
* DocScrutinizer fails to see why anybody would want to boot meego while riding a bus11:10
keithzgand they've submitted diagrams for tablets to the FCC, so . . .11:10
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keithzgdon't get me wrong, a proper Linux tablet would be really cool, but if they remove the N900 from the market and mine breaks, what the hell am I going to do for a phone?11:11
Trewaskeithzg: but they did say it will be harmattan and not meego proper, which have never been intended for tablets11:12
timeless_w7ipkeithzg: do they still have phone booths where you live?11:12
timeless_w7ip(it worked for clark kent!)11:12
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keithzgTrewas: it's "Harmattan" in a large part because their build and development infrastructure is still their own (ex. Debian-based)11:13
keithzgremember, all the Maemo devices before the N900 were tablets too, albeit of that earlier breed; for their final Linux device to be a non-phone wouldn't be unprecedented11:14
DocScrutinizerkeithzg: btw "production" of N900 probably stopped mid of last year the latest11:14
DocScrutinizerkeithzg: I don't think Nokia is building to order in batches of 1211:14
keithzgtimeless_w7ip: Heh, well I have spare phones I could use instead, but I hardly ever use my N900 for phoning!11:14
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DocScrutinizerkeithzg: It's like printing books (been in the old days)11:15
keithzgDocScrutinizer: If they're gearing up for an N900-alike new device, that's alright. But if not, then all us huge geeks out here will be left without a proper Linux-based phone.  The closest will be WebOS!11:16
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DocScrutinizerkeithzg: fab line is ramped up for RX-51 (two weeks), a first test batch of maybe 1000 is produced (6h) and analyzed for shield, then fab line gets some adjustments, and they run it for like 4 weeks to produce some million devices. Then sell those11:18
infobotDocScrutinizer meant: keithzg: fab line is ramped up for RX-51 (two weeks), a first test batch of maybe 1000 is produced (6h) and analyzed for yield, then fab line gets some adjustments, and they run it for like 4 weeks to produce some million devices. Then sell those11:18
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DocScrutinizerkeithzg: there'll be some 100,000 NEW original devices N900 on shelf, to sell. I don't think they ran short of devices11:20
DocScrutinizerit's another story when they stop advertising it11:21
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keithzgDocScrutinizer: Problem is, it seems to have disappeared from stores that don't even have shelves, thus don't need to keep inventory themselves.  When it runs out at those sorts of places, then I start to think they aren't selling it to anyone anymore.11:22
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keithzgHmmm, it's still available on though. Okay, Step #2: Befriend someone living in the U.S., haha11:24
DocScrutinizerkeithzg: those shops don't sell devices that aren't contributing to their profit. There's a time where you kick an item from your list of products you sell, as the maintenance of the page costs more than the few devices sold earn you11:24
keithzgDocScrutinizer: Amazon is NOT one of those kinds of sites, not for a moment.  They have the most ridiculously obscure stuff listed, as long as there's still one person out there who might buy it it's worth it for them.11:25
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keithzgIt's still up there on the site.11:26
keithzgThe page is still there, it's just unavailable:
DocScrutinizerI honestly fail to see your problem11:27
chxwhy the canadian?11:27
chxit's up on the .com site.11:27
keithzgyeah, but they refuse to ship to Canada11:27
DocScrutinizerkeithzg: so obviously Nokia stopped to produce N900 in Canada ;-P11:28
chxand that stops you? (I am in Canada too.)11:28
keithzgWell, yeah.  I live pretty far from the border, heh.11:28
timeless_w7ipdocscrutinizer: wait, did we ever *start* advertising it?11:28
chxyou dont have an american friend?11:28
chxor , heaven forbid, google :P ?11:28
keithzgSurprisingly, no.11:28
DocScrutinizertimeless_w7ip: sure11:28
chxthere are many remailers11:29
keithzgYeah I know, I suppose I could go that route, it just adds an extra layer where something could go wrong11:29
chxno pain, no gain11:29
pupnikadvertising is super expensive and needs to have a return on investment... do you think that n900 could have had a ROI for advertising dollars timeless_w7ip ?11:30
keithzgAnd I've had bad experiences with Canadian customs deciding things needed serious taxing before.11:30
DocScrutinizertimeless_w7ip: e.g. -> witch now also shows "not found" for the first time. " weeks ago it was still available there11:30
pupniknoo :(11:30
infobotDocScrutinizer meant: timeless_w7ip: e.g. -> witch now also shows 2not found" for the first time. " weeks ago it was still available there11:30
pupnikour beloved n90011:30
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keithzg"meh"? really?11:31
chxthe end is near, stockpile n900 while you can.11:31
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pupniki hope the nakio e900 gets released soon ;)11:33
keithzgIf only there was some way of getting warning if the N900 was going to go out of stock on, then I could wait for a Nokia "turns out our sole MeeGo device is a handset after all!" announcment until the last minute.11:33
DocScrutinizeras long as there's "buy now" for "NEW" N900 on ebaeh... I'm not worried11:33
keithzgYeah, but once it's not available for $350 on the market price is going to start creeping up again.11:34
keithzgOr maybe outright jump.11:34
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nakkimakkaraHi? =)11:34
keithzgThose people gotta get it from somewhere, and nobody's going to sell terribly far below recouping their costs.11:35
nakkimakkaraI just owerwrited /bin/sh... anyother way get it back than reflashing? =)11:35
DocScrutinizernakkimakkara: /bin/sh is a symlink11:35
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pupnikln -s buszbox sh11:36
DocScrutinizerIroN900:~# ls -l /bin/sh11:36
DocScrutinizerlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 2010-06-23 06:13 /bin/sh -> busybox11:36
jacekowskiwell, most of stuff would overwrite original11:37
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jacekowskiand symlink would stay11:37
jacekowskiso his busybox is probably replaced11:37
DocScrutinizerGOOD! ;-P11:37
nakkimakkaraI just shutted off my n900 and now it no boot.. NOKIA logo comes and shutting down after  about 30sec11:37
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DocScrutinizerhmm, yeah, you nuked messybox then11:38
DocScrutinizerreflashing rootfs should be the easiest fix11:38
pupnikDocScrutinizer: you're a good egg11:39
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jacekowskihow to convert these useless mp4 files to something usable11:40
chxwell shutting it down was not the best idea :(11:40
DocScrutinizernakkimakkara: you might want to give rescue-initrd a try, and restore /bin/sh (and /bin/busybox)11:40
chxbefore that you prolly could've plugged in usb11:41
pupnikcoulda woulda shoulda11:41
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nakkimakkaraReflashing edit partitions?11:44
DocScrutinizerpupnik: LOL11:45
DocScrutinizernakkimakkara: sorry?11:45
keithzg"useless" mp4 files? What the hell can't play mp4 in this day and age?11:46
nakkimakkarareflashing edit partitions or not?11:46
DocScrutinizernakkimakkara: sorry?11:47
pupniknakkimakkara: the question is not possible to answer11:47
nakkimakkaraWhy? =D11:47
DocScrutinizerthe question does not make sense11:47
keithzgjacekowski: is there a specific reason why you need to use a format other than mp4?11:48
jacekowskinobody can play mp411:48
keithzgwho ARE these people that can't play mp4 files?11:48
keithzgI mean, they even work on my phone! :P11:49
jacekowskianybody who has work computer11:49
keithzg...apologies, that was a bit snide, but I do mean that.11:49
jacekowskilike here11:49
jacekowskibecause there is no codecs installed11:49
keithzgJust run VLC on it11:49
jacekowskias people are not supposed to watch movies11:49
jacekowskiand i want to send it to some places11:49
* DocScrutinizer suggests a link to youtube then11:50
* keithzg agrees with the good doctor!11:50
keithzgthat was exactly what I was about to say.11:50
jacekowskiagain, blocked in lot of places11:50
keithzgAnd of course, even the N900 itself could convert the files to other formats11:50
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: so you're talking about an uphill battle11:50
jacekowskii want to convert that shitty mp4 format to normal wmv11:51
jacekowskibut nothing is touching mp411:51
keithzgummmmm wmv is shitty11:51
DocScrutinizeryou want to enable something that sysadmins of your recipients' boxes actively fight11:51
jacekowskiwmv just works11:51
keithzgit's proprietary and impossible to work with11:51
keithzgapparently you're using Windows, and I'm using Linux ;)11:51
jacekowskior mpeg11:51
jacekowskii would be happy with mpeg11:51
keithzgmpeg, that's easy to work with11:51
keithzgyou could convert to that with your N900 itself, I do believe11:52
keithzgnot aware of any graphical program, but mencoder or ffmpeg should do the trick easily11:52
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jacekowskiVIDEO:  [YV12]  848x480  12bpp  1000.000 fps  120921.5 kbps (14760.9 kbyte/s)11:53
jacekowskithat's where the problem is11:53
* DocScrutinizer anticipates jacekowski's next question: "how to attach a 2MB media file to a mail to somebody who isn't allowed to receive *any* attachments?"11:53
jacekowskifucking morons at nokia11:53
keithzgit can't be 1000fps11:54
keithzgsomething's misreading that11:54
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jacekowski-ofps 2511:55
jacekowskiand it maybe will work11:55
pupnikit would be cool if our brains worked 10x faster11:55
DocScrutinizerhow the fsck is that related to Nokia?11:55
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: it's what mencoder says when i encode file that came from n90011:55
keithzgSee, that's wrong.11:55
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keithzgThat's not what the video framerate the camera app takes is.11:56
DocScrutinizerI'm notorious to insult Nokians (though never anybody personally), but please consider if it's justified before you utter such things11:56
jacekowskiit's not, but that's what it writes to file11:56
keithzgthat's what mencoder is saying for some reason11:56
keithzgwhen I open the videos I take, it never says anything like that.11:57
keithzgSo it seems unlikely that the problem would lie with any code from Nokia.11:57
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DocScrutinizerit would be megacool *if* the camera could take video @ 1000 fps :-D12:01
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philurichman that would be awesome12:01
philurichNokia *does* always have the best cameras12:01
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lcukwell DocScrutinizer12:02
nid0would be nice to have class15 microsd's that could actually write the output, too12:02
DocScrutinizeractually I'd be happy with something like 200fps12:02
lcukdisplay output framerate includes as you decrease resolution12:02
lcukI believe the camera does the same12:02
jacekowskihmm, i looked at mp4 file12:02
lcukso you might get close at pixel size -1*-112:02
jacekowskiand headers says 1000fps12:02
jacekowskibut stream header says 2512:03
jacekowskiit's nokia fuck up12:03
DocScrutinizerit's maybe TI DSP lib fsckup12:03
lcukor the designer specified 1000fps and actual implementation is just a shade under! :P12:03
DocScrutinizerit's maybe even mpg4 spec fsckup12:04
DocScrutinizeror the fps value has semantics of a multiplier in 0/0012:05
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DocScrutinizerlike "playback at 1000/1000*25fps12:06
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DocScrutinizerthere's quite a few error pathes, it's a bit a shot from the hip to blame Nokia about it12:08
philurichStream #0.0(eng): Video: mpeg4, yuv420p, 848x480 [PAR 1:1 DAR 53:30], 3462 kb/s, 23.92 fps, 250 tbr, 1k tbn, 30k tbc12:08
philurichmine seem perfectly fine.12:09
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philurichthat's all from metadata, obviously12:09
pupnikphilurich: what is encoding at 848x480?12:09
pupnikor rather, for what device do these get created?12:10
jacekowskiphilurich: stream framerates are ok12:10
jacekowskiphilurich: it's just global framerate in file header that's wrong12:10
philurichI'm just running mencoder on my videos from the N900's camera12:10
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philurichjacekowski: I see what you're saying here . . .  "stream 0 codec frame rate differs from container frame rate: 30000.00 (30000/1) -> 250.00 (250/1)12:11
lcuktotem tells me an obviously normal 25ishfps video is 3fps12:11
DocScrutinizerbtw the problem of some videos (even from youtube) playing back at NN* original speed is notorious12:11
philurichthis is why I prefer .mkv to mp4, way less buggy container format. But of course they needed to go with mp4, since it's the only freely available container that's also widely used.12:12
* DocScrutinizer suspects a flawed ambiguous spec of fps in mp4 original specifications12:13
jacekowskiand for more fun mp4 has timecodes for each frame as well12:14
DocScrutinizeror a false friend (see version= mess in all maemo .desktop files)12:14
jacekowskiso when you play mp4 file you have 3 ways of playing it12:15
* philurich would hardly be surprised, it's what you get when you have a consortium of corporations being the ones decided on spec rather than actual programmers.12:15
jacekowskiusing file framerate12:15
jacekowskistream framerate12:15
pupnikthere might be a good reason for that redundancy12:15
philurich...yeah, because they couldn't get everyone to agree on one of them ;)12:16
jacekowskiwell, whole format came from apple12:16
pupnikhow about recovery from errors, damaged files12:16
philurichyeah, I was being snarky12:16
philurichthe problem comes when there isn't a primary agreed upon method12:17
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jacekowskiKeep It Simple Stupid12:17
DocScrutinizernow this debate is utterly useless speculation12:17
jacekowskiavi dos the job12:17
philurichit's fair enough to have redundancy, but have a clear heirarchy, so that you can predict the use.12:17
DocScrutinizeryou don't even know IF it is really redundant, or has a proper semantics beyond what everybody thinks it is12:18
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DocScrutinizerplease read cononical specs, then you got a base for further debates12:19
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* DocScrutinizer suspects the coders of mencoder etc also missed on doing this12:19
philurichnaw, they're a bright bunch as far as I can tell12:20
DocScrutinizerIt's quite possible the semantics of fps for the container are NOT what you might like to think it were12:20
philurichwell sure12:20
philurichbut they just report that it says something like that, no more.12:20
philurichit seems unlikely that they'd be THAT unaware of the spec, if they're the people writing from scratch the implementation12:21
DocScrutinizer[2011-03-30 11:05:07] <DocScrutinizer> or the fps value has semantics of a multiplier in 0/0012:21
DocScrutinizerphilurich: you'd be surprised12:21
jacekowskiphilurich: mp4 spec is based on old mov spec12:22
jacekowskibut well, i've converted it now and i'm happy12:22
philurichDocScrutinizer: Okay, show me where the code does it then and I'll believe :) but since it is indeed somewhat based on .mov, I suspect a spec problem . . . 'cause that was a shitty container.12:23
DocScrutinizerphilurich: I'm not going to do anything like that12:23
philurichheh you'd be pretty crazy if you did12:24
jacekowskihmm, i had some work to do today12:24
jacekowskibut i don't remember what12:24
DocScrutinizerI'm just pointing at the fact everybody here is just handwaving and shouting at Nokia, without any proper knowledge of the facts12:24
philurichI'm not claiming anything else, other than that you seem to be doing the same thing about Mencoder!12:25
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: send a video of an exploding freq converter to sme Israel manufacturer? ;-D12:25
DocScrutinizerphilurich: which evidently I didn't12:26
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: well, i was converting these videos first12:26
jacekowskiand i have video just before explosion12:26
jacekowskinot explosion itself12:26
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philurich"DocScrutinizer suspects the coders of mencoder etc also missed on doing this" sounds like it to me.12:27
DocScrutinizerI'd be interested in photos of the converter *after* explosion12:27
jacekowskiwell, it's just a IGBT that exploded12:29
DocScrutinizerphilurich: I'm >>suspecting<<, not shouting at anybody and calling names on them12:29
jacekowskiwhen i'll have it back here i'll make some photos of it12:30
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: one of the 100A class?12:31
DocScrutinizersize of a teacup12:31
jacekowskiand guess what is stupid in whole thing12:32
jacekowskiit has 6 huge capacitors12:32
jacekowski3 on bottom12:32
jacekowski3 on top12:32
jacekowskiigbts are connected with copper bars12:32
DocScrutinizeryeah, nice12:32
jacekowskiand 3 top capacitors are connected directly to these bars12:32
jacekowskino fuse12:32
jacekowskiand bottom capacitors have additional 2 bars12:33
jacekowskiand fuse to link these bars to igbt bars12:33
DocScrutinizerweird shit12:33
jacekowskiso if shit happens fuse pops but there is still shitloads energy in capacitors on top that are unfused12:33
jacekowskiand it has discharging resistor12:33
DocScrutinizerfused capacitors - WTF12:33
jacekowskibut these are connected only to bottom capacitors12:33
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: supply is also connected there12:34
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: before fuse12:34
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: but idea with fuses is to minimise damage to everything12:34
jacekowskiand if you have 4mili farad caps x3 @400V12:34
jacekowskiif igbt goes wrong it can only explode12:35
DocScrutinizeryeah, switch it ON while vlatge applied and BOOM12:35
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DocScrutinizerOTOH 1mF@300V was what I built for fun by connecting in parallel several motor starter C, charged it via diode and incandescent lamp from 220V~ then shorted it for the bang12:38
DocScrutinizerwasn't THAT powerful12:38
DocScrutinizera 200A IGBT shouldn't exactly explode on that12:38
philurichDocScrutinizer: I wasn't doing anything beyond speculation either.12:39
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: I guess the IGBT got a false trigger (or voltage surge causing it to break down and switch on) and then drew some 20..100kA from the copper rails, and that was sufficient to blow it up so fast not even the fuse was fast enough to help12:43
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: well, that converter was doing strange things for months now12:44
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: and it started making some funny noises12:44
jacekowskiand voltage on that phase was fluctuating12:44
DocScrutinizerhmm, that's been how it started12:44
jacekowskiit could have been faulty igbt from the beggining12:44
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DocScrutinizerfunny noises expected when you switch on both trunks of a totem pole output stage12:45
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DocScrutinizerhe current spikes running thru those copper bars will cause magnetic fields that can even make the steel case vibrate and create funny noises12:47
DocScrutinizerkA as mentioned above12:47
jacekowskinot that kind of noise12:48
jacekowskilet me just upload the video12:48
jacekowskimore like tortured igbt noise12:48
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DocScrutinizerRobot101: @all: how would I find out about the meaning of uint values in:12:51
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DocScrutinizersignal sender=:1.20 -> dest=(null destination) serial=9969 path=/com/nokia/csd/call/1;; member=CallStatus12:51
DocScrutinizer   uint32 1512:51
DocScrutinizer   uint32 312:51
DocScrutinizer   uint32 1712:51
ruskieI would guess it's the same as the libc definition of uint3212:52
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ruskieor wherevr it's defined12:52
jacekowskiyeah, but what does 15 or 3 or 17 mean12:52
DocScrutinizerruskie: nonsense, I'm interested in the enum, not in the def of uint type12:52
jacekowskithat is the question12:52
jacekowskiwill it blend12:53
ruskieugh... sorry not had enough sleep in the last 3 days to process things12:53
DocScrutinizerI gather from lots of dbus sniffing that the third one == 17 means "busy"12:53
ruskieshouldn't this be in the api docs?12:54
DocScrutinizerwhich ones?12:54
DocScrutinizerfirst one == 15 might mean "cancelled"12:56
DocScrutinizerI really need the enum def for those three, for all the possible values from 0..17(+?)12:57
DocScrutinizerany pointer to API specs or sourcecode welcome12:58
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ruskietrying to find anything relevant12:59
ruskie <-- DocScrutinizer maybe this?13:00
DocScrutinizeraccording to best practice about "asking questions the smart way" I should add I'm only guessing about this dbus signal being the right one to gather info about state of call progress. If anybody can point me to a better way, I'm more than happy13:00
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: that kind of sound13:01
pupnik  DocScrutinizer god made a beautiful universe13:01
DocScrutinizerruskie: \o/ mille gracie13:01
DocScrutinizerruskie: not exactly matching but definitely right direction13:02
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: and voltage is dropping by like 10V when it's making that sound13:03
jacekowskiand then it stops13:03
jacekowskifor a while13:03
jacekowskiand starts again13:03
ruskiedoesn't match?13:03
jacekowskiwell, used to before explosion13:03
ruskieor could it be just sending multple signals for each call(irrelevant if it's voip or normal?)13:03
DocScrutinizermeh, "there is no demux plugin for this stream" on my desktop13:04
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ruskiebtw what are you working on?13:04
jacekowskiit's standard mpg13:04
DocScrutinizerruskie: detecting busy calls13:04
robbiethe1stMind, it works for me via VLC.13:04
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: yeah, my desktop isn't set up for video playback really13:05
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DocScrutinizer51I always resort to this one :D13:06
crashanddiehaha, 1.2 millions dislikes on a youtube video13:06
robbiethe1stjacekowski: Hm, how come only the left tester drops in voltage? Could the power-factor/wave-form be an issue here?13:06
jacekowskirobbiethe1st: that's a phase that had a problem13:06
ruskiecui_errors_tp_reason_to_disconnect_reason <-- maybe this is what you might actually be looking for? errors_tp_reason? whatever that is...13:06
jacekowskirobbiethe1st: and that's a phase where that igbt exploded13:06
ruskieprobably telepathy errors13:06
jacekowskirobbiethe1st: and it's on pure resistive load bank13:06
robbiethe1stSo what's making the noise?13:07
jacekowskiprobably igbt that exploded13:07
ruskieto many TBAs on that page :(13:07
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jacekowskiit was working for 20 minutes13:07
jacekowskiand then decided to explode13:07
crashanddiehear hear, the beauty of this song:
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ruskiethough it might only be translating this: stuff to those numbers...13:09
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: IGBT breakdowns, caught by some filter, so it is creating that tone13:10
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: maybe13:10
nealjacekowski: How did you manage to get the cell neighbor info using at commands? (I know you said you couldn't parse it, but it sounds like you got a lot further than I did.)13:10
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: lot of options, but it's exploded now13:10
jacekowskineal: nope, i found code responsible for it in rapuyama13:10
nealjacekowski: Do you mean you found code in the firmware?13:11
DocScrutinizeryes, that's what he said13:11
nealDocScrutinizer: Sorry, I wasn't sure that rapuyama was the firmware.13:12
DocScrutinizerwe only need to figure how to call that code :-D13:12
nealjacekowski: Did you manage to get any output?13:12
DocScrutinizerBB5 rapuyama is our modem chip13:12
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nealjacekowski: I think I remember you said you got some output but couldn't parse it13:13
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nealtoo bad13:13
SpeedEviljacekowski: Have you found a list of commands - or is it more complex than that?13:13
DocScrutinizerthere probably is that info available via ISI interface, but not supported by neither libisi nor pnatd or anything else13:14
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: ISI is a rather binary interface13:14
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: i have no idea where at parser is13:14
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: it may not be there at all13:14
DocScrutinizerthere's none13:14
SpeedEviljacekowski: ah.13:14
jacekowskiit could be pnatd doing that all13:14
DocScrutinizerAT parser is in onatd13:15
nealDocScrutinizer: When you say ISI interface, do you mean the interface you talk to via phonet?13:15
lcukat 3:20 this morning (it is now 11:14) someone asked about music playback, I started a playlist and it has played ever since with screen off.  phone battery is now about 40%13:15
DocScrutinizerI mean the wies running to modem, that transfer some r/w:addr(:value)13:15
lcukis that reasonable for music playback, I dont normally have music on (battery was practically full)13:15
nealDocScrutinizer: oh, ok.13:16
SpeedEvillcuk: It'll play >12h through phones13:16
DocScrutinizerAIUI the BB5 has a sort of I2C interface13:16
DocScrutinizerwell, **sort of**13:16
lcukSpeedEvil, ok so it is reasonably ok to keep going for a while longer?13:16
SpeedEvillcuk: yes13:16
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: it looks differently in nolo13:17
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: ?13:18
jacekowskiit's called SSI13:18
DocScrutinizerand AIUI you write adr:value tuples to it, and read from other adr to get values back13:19
DocScrutinizeror maybe it's more like "IP" messages that have binary "opcode" and a payload13:20
DocScrutinizeranyway no AT interface of any kind13:20
DocScrutinizerand no public spec for opcode to query neighbour cells13:20
jpinxanyone know why I can connect by ssh on a wifi but not by browser?13:21
DocScrutinizerplease elaborate13:21
DocScrutinizerconnect from where to where?13:21
jpinxn900 with a termscreen open can ssh to a remote server by IP and I am on irssi in screen there13:22
nealDocScrutinizer: Have you look at this patch: ?13:23
jpinxbut my browser will not connectmaybe dns issuesj13:23
nid0works, or not?13:23
DocScrutinizerneal: probably yes13:23
nealDocScrutinizer: The opcode for getting the cell neighbor info from an isi modem is published there.13:24
DocScrutinizerit's using some function in libisi we are missing for N900 afaik13:24
jpinxwhere do I edit my dns?13:24
Venemogood morning Maemo :)13:24
DocScrutinizerooh, so let me take a look13:24
nealDocScrutinizer: oh.13:24
jpinxnid0: yes13:24
SpeedEviljpinx: dtatic IP?13:24
SpeedEviljpinx: st13:24
nid0jpinx: /etc/resolv.conf13:25
SpeedEviljpinx: settings internet or something, select the connection, 'next' a few times, and it's under 'advanced' at the end.13:25
nid0add and
SpeedEvilyou can enter DNS IP13:25
SpeedEvilDo not do what nid0 suggests.13:25
SpeedEvilIt'll get wiped net boot13:25
nid0itll test the problem now though13:25
jpinxnid0: thanks13:25
SpeedEvilBut doing it through the UI is trivial13:26
nealDocScrutinizer: The first part of that patch set ( includes the following: NET_NEIGHBOUR_CELLS_REQ =                       0x1A,13:26
nealwhich is then used as an op code in the phonet message13:26
DocScrutinizerlooks interesting13:26
nealI thought that that was sent directly to the modem13:27
DocScrutinizerI'm worried about #include <gisi/client.h>13:27
jpinxSpeedEvil: nothing in options in my browser13:28
nealDocScrutinizer: I think that is just used to wrap phonet13:28
DocScrutinizerbut I'm not that brilliant in scanning source in 3 minutes and understand how it works13:28
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DocScrutinizerso maybe we got a proper pointer to something there13:28
nid0jpinx: its in your internet connections settings13:28
nealdoes anyone have any simple examples of sending messages using the phonet api?13:29
nid0settings > internet connections > select the connection you're using > edit > next > next > next > advanced > ip addresses > untick "auto-retrieve dns" enter and
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nealI've tried to reverse engineer ofono, but the use of callbacks makes following the control flow difficult13:30
KaardemummaI tryin reflash my n900 but i got this:
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crashanddie"I tried to reflash my n900 but all I got was this stupid t-shirt"13:31
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ZogGcrashanddie =)13:33
DocScrutinizerruskie: thanks for tmo link. Seems OP there missed the dbus signal I quoted above13:34
ruskieKaardemumma, unplug it... start flasher... plug it...13:34
jpinxnid0: SpeedEvil did the DNS edit to those nameserers but still not connecting after restart the browser13:34
ZogGKaardemumma google about flashing maemo and some modules that popup and ruin it13:34
ruskieDocScrutinizer, well the second post atleast provides 3 retcodes13:35
ruskieI do wonder where this is documented...13:35
* DocScrutinizer too13:35
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SpeedEviljpinx: The browser has to know the internet connection is up. How did you take it up?13:36
jpinxopen the browser before connecting13:37
jpinxlet me disconnect and do that again....13:37
Kaardemummawhen i try flashing and plyg cabble my pc try install USB rom device or something and then its say "cabble is unplugged"13:38
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jpinxSpeedEvil: the browser is causing the connection to be made13:39
SpeedEviljpinx: Ah.13:39
SpeedEviljpinx: But you're not getting DNS?13:39
jpinxseems that way13:40
SpeedEvilHave you tried entering the DNS in the GUI?13:40
jpinxI get ssh and http by IP number13:40
ruskieKaardemumma, stop it doing that or prep flasher(i.e. waiting for device)... and hold u on the n900 while powering it up/plugging it in(iirc)... might work13:41
jpinxI did the edit by the gui as per instructions from nid0 above13:41
DocScrutinizer~tell Kaardemumma about flash13:42
jacekowskiKaardemumma: that's correct13:43
jacekowskiKaardemumma: you're doing it wrong13:43
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ruskieDocScrutinizer, hmm tried stringing the dialer to see if it's hidding anything?13:43
jacekowskiKaardemumma: start flasher13:43
DocScrutinizerKaardemumma: in short: remove battery, start flasher, hold 'u', insert battery while holding 'u'13:43
jacekowskiKaardemumma: switch off phone13:43
jacekowskiKaardemumma: hold u13:43
jacekowskiKaardemumma: plug in the cable13:43
Kaardemummawhen i hold u on the n900 while powering it up/plugging it windows start installing USB ROM DEVICE driver and then its abort installing the driver and flashing wait device13:43
jacekowskiKaardemumma: insert battery13:43
jpinxSpeedEvil: in etc/resolv.conf the old dns still exists13:43
jacekowskiKaardemumma: that's for cold flashing13:44
jacekowskiKaardemumma: don't worry about that13:44
jacekowskiKaardemumma: and use linux13:44
jacekowskiKaardemumma: windows tends to mess things13:44
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Kaardemummawork on virtual pc?13:44
DocScrutinizerKaardemumma: do you get a NOKIA screen *with small usb icon*?13:44
Kaardemummabut icon go away when driver installing abort13:45
jacekowskiKaardemumma: use linux13:45
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KaardemummaIts working on virtual pc?13:45
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DocScrutinizerallegedly it does13:45
DocScrutinizerbut honestly booting off a live linux DVD is the best you can do13:46
ruskieor live usb13:46
DocScrutinizerruskie: nope, not yet tried string dialer-ui13:46
ruskieI guess it could also be somewhere in csd(whatever that is)... but I'm guessing that's somewhat closed...13:47
ruskiedialer should have it if it listens to the raw codes(since it needs to present those to the user(or so I think))... could be that csd actually does the final stuff and sends a notification...13:48
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DocScrutinizerthere's that yellow hildon notifier saying "number busy" that vanishes after some 3s, and I seem don't see any related dbus traffic causing that, so my suspicion is dialer is talking to *something* directly via some function calls/callbacks, and you don't get to know about this by dbus-monitor13:50
DocScrutinizeror that notifier is a child of csd, whatever this really is13:50
nealjacekowski: Is there a copy of the firmware on the N900?13:51
jacekowskineal: it's in fiasco image13:51
jacekowskijust unpack it13:51
jacekowskiwith flasher13:51
nealjacekowski: ah.  thanks.13:51
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ruskieDocScrutinizer, and there's a string "User Busy" sent as well somewhere13:54
DocScrutinizersounds good, but what is that?13:54
ruskiebusy from dbus-monitor13:54
ruskieorg.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Group has string "User Busy"13:56
ruskieand debug-message string "mt-release: reason=BUSY (3) (3.17)13:57
DocScrutinizerruskie: I can't find all that13:58
ruskiedbus-monitor --monitor | grep -A10 -B10 -i "busy"13:58
ruskiethat's how I got it13:58
DocScrutinizeris this from dbus-monitor? if yes, which bus?13:58
ruskietried calling myself through the dialer13:58
ruskieran dbus-monitor as user13:58
DocScrutinizeraah, k, will retry13:58
DocScrutinizeroooooh :blush:13:59
* DocScrutinizer <- idiot13:59
DocScrutinizerof course monitoring the session dbus of root is BS13:59
ruskieI would assume using --system might help as well13:59
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ruskiesince I would assume this would be on the system bus as well13:59
DocScrutinizernope, on system bus there's no "busy"14:00
DocScrutinizerI basically did same as you did (dbus-mon|grep) but user root :-S14:00
DocScrutinizeralso dbus-momitor --system, which gave me no "busy"14:01
ruskieI tend to always start with the user bus14:01
ruskiethen go from there when I don't find it14:01
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DocScrutinizerI did as well (but forgot I logged in as root via ssh)14:02
ruskiebad practice ;)14:02
ruskieI always login as user and only su if I need to14:02
DocScrutinizeryeah, probably14:02
ruskiemore or less get upset if I see ppl sshing as root14:02
DocScrutinizer~spank DocScrutinizer14:03
* infobot bends DocScrutinizer over his knee and tatoos 'ibot' on DocScrutinizer's pasty white buttocks.14:03
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DocScrutinizerruskie: thanks :-)14:04
* ruskie likes interesting challanges14:04
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DocScrutinizernevertheless those >>signal sender=:1.20 -> dest=(null destination) serial=9939 path=/com/nokia/csd/call/1;; member=CallStatus uint32 15   uint32 3   uint32 17<< are quite promising as well14:05
DocScrutinizerthe 3rd one at 17 clearly seems to indicate "busy"14:06
ruskiethere might be different types of busy in general...14:06
ruskie"mt-release: reason=BUSY (3) (3.17)" <-- i.e.14:06
ruskiereason BUSY (3) but then you get 3.1714:06
DocScrutinizerwhile first one seems to be call progress like "trying" "ringing" "established" "cancelling" "cancelled"14:07
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DocScrutinizerI did dbus-monitor --system | grep -A3  member=CallStatus14:09
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ruskieglad you can atleast reverse engineer the thing if nothing else14:11
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DocScrutinizerI get 1-0-0 3-0-0 10-3-17 15-3-17 0-3-17  for a call of own number14:11
ruskieI got that by calling my own number14:12
DocScrutinizerwhile for a call to a nonvalid number it looks quite different14:12
ruskieI'd suggest you grab the whole comm from the user bus since that seems to include raw strings as well14:13
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DocScrutinizerso let's postulate for 1st uint: 1=request, 3=trying, 10=failed?, 15=disconnecting, 0=idle14:14
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DocScrutinizerruskie: I af course also logged the whole dbus-mon >xxx - that's where I got above values from right now14:15
DocScrutinizernayway I'd prefer a proper spec to any postulating14:17
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SpeedEvilHas anyone seen a n900 USB failure that's ripped off the tracks on the motherboard?14:22
SpeedEvil(not mine)14:22
DocScrutinizerum, no. I guess Nokia Service might have seen several. What exactly is your question?14:24
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DocScrutinizerjonwil's work for is incredible14:24
SpeedEvilI'm idly wondering about a phone I see on ebay.14:25
SpeedEvilWith a failed USB14:25
DocScrutinizeraaah, wondering if it's fixable14:26
SpeedEvil(not for me)14:28
SpeedEvil(well - I mean not for me as the end user)14:28
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SpeedEvil'After I received  phone back I noticed that keyboard don't work properly(2 lines it very  hard to push to get any letters ,but there is few letters with almost  don't need to touch -it types itself)...when I told that to company who  repaired my phone-they just said-we don't know nothing about it!'14:28
SpeedEvilMisaligned keyboard mat?14:28
DocScrutinizeryou got F5300, J5300, J5301, and arbitrary GND for alternative solder points - omitting ID14:28
DocScrutinizer(misaligned) yup14:29
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DocScrutinizerfor J5300/1 you should use a bifilar choke Z5300 to 'wire' the connector to those testpoints14:30
ZogGcrashanddie, heeey14:31
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: have you actually ordered from ownta?14:31
DocScrutinizergot my bare PCB14:31
DocScrutinizerwaiting for those "compatible" speakersa14:31
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: What's shipping like?14:34
infobotrumour has it, xyawn is big coffee14:34
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: takes ages14:34
DocScrutinizerpackaging is kinda OK14:34
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DocScrutinizerhotline is fast as hell, answers in 10 min14:35
lolcatMy n900 is faster now after nokia flashed it!14:36
Robot101DocScrutinizer: you can use telepathy to see cellular call end reasons, it will be in MembersChanged on the group interface14:37
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DocScrutinizerRobot101: thanks. Alas that's a bit like Chinese to me. Is that a dbus-call to telepathy?14:44
Robot101no that's a signal telepathy emits when the person you're calling leaves the call channel as they're busy14:44
lolcatI forgot my root password and HAM isnt working...14:45
DocScrutinizerdbus signal?14:45
DocScrutinizerk, thanks14:45
DocScrutinizerI think I'll manage to find info about it based on that14:45
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DocScrutinizerI hope so at least14:46
chem|stlolcat: type 'root' in xterm to become root then 'passwd' to change password14:47
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Robot101DocScrutinizer: you could ask in #telepathy - but the spec at has alllllll the stuff, although the tp book might introduce the concepts better - rather than trying to learn the language by reading the dictionary :)14:48
lolcat-sh: root�: not found14:48
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lolcatI got HAM working14:50
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DocScrutinizerRobot101: think I got a hold on it:
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Robot101DocScrutinizer: so these are kind of orthogonal to call termination reasons - they just toggle on and off during a call without a specific state progression guaranteed by telepathy14:56
DocScrutinizer:nod: still searching for the termination codes14:57
Robot101DocScrutinizer: the members of a call are in the Group interface14:57
Robot101DocScrutinizer: (the call is represented as a StreamedMedia channel for historical reasons)14:57
DocScrutinizercan't find that14:57
Robot101reasons and other metadata are in the dictionary here14:58
Robot101change-reason will be one of
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DocScrutinizerRobot101: I gather this interface is agnostic of transport (SIP/GSM/...)15:04
lolcattransmission says read only filesystem -.-15:05
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Robot101DocScrutinizer: yeah, that's kind of the point of telepathy :)15:05
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DocScrutinizerso I "just" need to figure how to redial an *arbitrary* call, no matter if it's been a GSM or SIP or whatever one15:07
DocScrutinizer(my original plan was to implement automatic redial on busy only for GSM. This starts to become a tad more involved now)15:08
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DocScrutinizerdbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply /com/nokia/csd/call string:"$NUMBER" uint32:015:11
DocScrutinizerobviously fails on that aim15:11
Robot101in Telepathy you can start a call with CreateChannel on mission control's channel dispatcher interface15:12
DocScrutinizer:nod: <<mind to share another URL pointer ;-D>>15:13
Robot101DocScrutinizer: given there's an index, you should be able to find these things... :P15:14
Robot101 though15:14
DocScrutinizer/index.html ^F:mission ->"not found"15:15
DocScrutinizermhm, should have tried "dispatcher" I guess15:16
* DocScrutinizer scratches head and ponders to have a walk first15:18
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ruskie <-- hmm15:24
lcukSpeedEvil, :) battery still going now, but am going to sleep so will start recharging.15:27
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: hehehe15:37
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: probably determining actual power consumption via script is advantageous over actually depleting battery to see how long it lasts15:39
lcukDocScrutinizer, for sure, but it has been an interesting datapoint for me.15:39
lcukI rarely have music on and just had this on the entire evening15:39
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lcukit was actually quite relaxing :)15:39
lcukMohammadAG, will the OSS media player potentially be about the same battery drain wise?15:40
lcukwith the screen off and stuff15:41
lcukI don't see why there would be much difference15:41
* DocScrutinizer wishes wading thru all the telepathy stuff at - to find how to actually establish a call to arbitrary URI like would be similarly relaxing15:41
ruskiehmm I can get anywhere from 13-16h of music/charge using xmms215:41
DocScrutinizerseems there's ome "Telepathy in a nutshell" thing missing15:42
DocScrutinizeraah, many thanks15:42
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DocScrutinizeryau, now we're talking :-)
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crashanddieZogG, yes?15:52
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DocScrutinizerhmm, not really - still gives me headaches starting with first parameter to org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ChannelDispatcher.CreateChannel, which according to all the telepathy docs is "Account-o"16:03
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DocScrutinizerno friggin idea how to determine what to provide there16:03
DocScrutinizerseems to me Telepathy.ChannelDispatcher.CreateChannel is NOT any kind of replacement for a dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply /com/nokia/csd/call string:"$NUMBER" uint32:016:04
Robot101it is, you just need to be aware of the account16:05
Robot101there's a tp-ring account for the cellular connection16:05
MohammadAGI'd call someone and monitor dbus16:05
MohammadAGeasier than reading docs16:05
Robot101on maemo it's actually hardcoded, the ring account, I just don't know what it is16:05
DocScrutinizerboth good points16:05
DocScrutinizerI guess I'd be able to get the account of the original call that I plan to redial16:06
Robot101the account is your account16:06
Robot101ie, the fact you want to place a cellular call16:06
Robot101and not some SIP account16:06
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DocScrutinizeryeah, but the idea been telepathy is agnostic of transport ;-)16:07
DocScrutinizerso I might want to redial SIP calls as well, when far end busy16:07
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Robot101it's the same way to place the call, but that doesn't mean you don't need to know what call you want to place16:07
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Robot101it's not prescient :P16:08
DocScrutinizerI'm aware of that16:08
DocScrutinizerand as mentioned 2 lines above I guess dialer did that for me when user placed the initial call that failed with "busy"16:09
DocScrutinizerso I just re-use that account for that call to that far end16:09
DocScrutinizerassuming I don't want to change transport for redialing16:09
SpeedEvil - on specifying user interfaces carefully.16:11
DocScrutinizerand I'm hoping for caller-ui to pop up for that redial call as it should and does for CSD calls16:11
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DocScrutinizerthe concept is: monitor dbus to gather call details (account, TargetID, foo, bar) and "busy" condition;; pop up a requester "auto-redial?" on call failed with 'busy';; if yes-> pop up another modal requester "redialing in nn:nn minutes:seconds [CANCEL]" ;; after timer expired, try redialing, on 'busy' increase timer value by factor *n.n, repeat; on "RINGING" (call progress) holler at user, then quit16:18
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DocScrutinizerNB this concept doesn't include any "GUI" (other than requesters) and depends on rtcom-call-ui handling the call16:20
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DocScrutinizerneeds some management of special cases like e.g inbound calls during a pending redial16:28
DocScrutinizer(probably simply abort the pending redial)16:28
DocScrutinizer(close requester)16:29
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DocScrutinizeroutbound calls not possible due to modal requester blocking access to dialer-ui16:30
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* DocScrutinizer wonders if it's a bearable restriction you can't have more than one concurrent pending redial16:39
DocScrutinizerit's not a flaw,it's a feature ;-D User might get confused on call established and he doesn't know which of the 9 pending ones16:40
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DocScrutinizeralso user is not supposed to get involved into any distracting activities (like IRC) while waiting for a redial to succeed :-)16:42
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DocScrutinizercomments welcome16:43
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an0therb0xhelp please my n900 is on "life support" in a way , it powers on gets to the "save configuration" page i tap on save it appears to complete the boot up then powers off and all i see is a dim NOKIA on the this a dead device ?16:51
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infobothmm... flashing is
GAN900Is your battery too low?16:54
GAN900Havem you tried reflashing?16:54
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MohammadAGWow, I'm not sure how others find SomePlayer usable16:55
MohammadAGthe UI is just way too confusing :/16:55
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: +116:57
an0therb0xGAN900: it exhibits the same behavior plugged into the wall charger16:57
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DocScrutinizeran0therb0x: what's the >>"save configuration" page<<?16:58
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E0xsomebody answer the question of how reset the battery memory that somebody was asking here ?16:59
SpeedEvilThere is no battery memory.17:00
DocScrutinizerI feel like aphasic17:00
an0therb0xDocScrutinizer: its the factory startup screen, i am not sure why it even goes to that screen17:01
DocScrutinizerall tose words don't make any sense to me17:01
E0xhehe i have almost 12 hours in red status of the battery17:01
E0xand the phone don't power off17:01
E0xso , something is wrong there17:01
DocScrutinizerE0x: bme goes mad frequently. This doesn't mean a thing really17:02
an0therb0xthe screen one sees the very first time the device is un-boxed and powered on17:02
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E0xDocScrutinizer: :S17:02
E0xnothing i can do ?17:02
DocScrutinizeran0therb0x: that's when it lost poswer of backup battery (due to broken) when main battery been removed17:02
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DocScrutinizeran0therb0x: on a new N900 this mustn't happen unless battery got removed >8 weeks. On a 6 months old N900 it seems to happen on battery removed >10 seconds17:03
DocScrutinizerE0x: try rebooting, with shortly removing main bat17:04
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DocScrutinizershould fix bme madness usually - to a somewhat partially sane state17:04
ShadowJKNot any that Maemo uses anyway :)17:05
DocScrutinizerE0x: this effect is notorious to happen after bme got stopped for some time17:05
SpeedEvilan0therb0x: that happens if you swap SIM17:05
E0xDocScrutinizer: turn off , remove battery for a few seconds  put it back and power on ?17:05
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: not afaik17:05
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: only due to the fact you have to remove battery to swap sim17:06
DocScrutinizerE0x: yep17:06
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DocScrutinizermaybe even a plain reboot (w/o bat removal) should help17:07
ShadowJKE0x, original nokia battery?17:08
DocScrutinizeran0therb0x: anyway that "set locale, date, time" screen is usually unrelated to device shut down later on17:08
E0xShadowJK: yes17:08
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E0xhmm still in red17:09
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DocScrutinizerE0x: please: lshal|grep voltage17:10
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DocScrutinizerlshal|grep voltage.c even17:11
E0xcurrent= 360217:11
DocScrutinizerthat's a plain clean RED17:11
DocScrutinizerdevice will shutdown in like 5 min17:12
E0xwhat is the voltage for full charge battery ?17:12
an0therb0xDocScrutinizer: ....the device has been having charging issues lately, only usb charging works , nokia has referred me to 3rd party for service .... i was just trying IRC if there was another solution available17:12
E0xlet start media player and play something to get it discharge17:12
DocScrutinizeran0therb0x: does mass storage mode work?17:13
MohammadAGor get a wav file and use lame to convert it17:13
E0xplaying Easy A movie17:13
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MohammadAGdecoding takes less CPU load than encoding17:14
* E0x n900 screen look very nice 17:14
an0therb0xDocScrutinizer: yes mass storage works when the device powers on but now just dim NOKIA on the screen or power cycles17:14
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DocScrutinizeran0therb0x: I suspect you got a broken Nokia charger (D+/- short broken). Bootloop might be related to depleted battery17:15
DocScrutinizeryou should try charging from PC USB17:16
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DocScrutinizerif switched off device enters flashing amber mode, let it sit and charge for some time17:16
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DocScrutinizerdo NOT try to reflash, unless prior proper charging to 100% battery17:17
ShadowJKDoes it flash amber when sitting at the date & time display?17:17
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DocScrutinizerprolly not, the indicator is off when screen is on17:18
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crashanddieI have the secretary who runs in my office, completely whitefaced, saying that she has a lawyer on the phone who is going to sue us.17:18
DocScrutinizeran0therb0x: connect switched off device to PC, watch, report17:19
DocScrutinizerdo NOT try to üower it up17:19
crashanddieI ask her to transfer me, and I get this very angry dude who threatens to sue us more often that he can say "I".17:19
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DocScrutinizeruhuh :-P17:19
crashanddieHe explains that 6 months ago, we were paid X amount (specific up to the penny), but we never delivered any product, the name rings a bell, so I play ball17:20
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DocScrutinizerdon't forget she might recall who you really are17:20
crashanddieI start digging through my mail, and I find this email exchange I had with an idiot, he wanted me to send him our core server, I OK'd it with management, and asked him to provide an FTP/SCP address I could send the thingie to17:21
crashanddieThe guy insisted I do it by email, I told him that the file was too large, and it would just be easier to FTP it17:21
crashanddieIn the end, he said he opened an FTP server, I tried to connect, I couldn't. He forgot to open the firewall, so I give him my IP address, but still can't, because the username is wrong, and then the password, and then I couldn't write into the home directory17:22
DocScrutinizersend 100 mails with tarsplit chunks17:22
crashanddieyada yada yada, in the end I told him to get back to us when he'd have a working system I could drop his files to17:22
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ShadowJKSo did you send him his files now?17:23
crashanddieI explained the situation to the lawyer, he'll handle it now17:23
crashanddieIf he wants, I'll even post a DVD or something17:24
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E0xheh , it turn off17:27
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DocScrutinizercrashanddie: tar -M -L 100k | mail17:30
DocScrutinizerE0x: toldya17:31
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DocScrutinizerthat too of course17:31
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DocScrutinizermail should handle that17:31
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DocScrutinizer"dear Mr. XXX. As we found no other way to send this 100MB file to you, according to your request, we decided to split it to chunks and send you per email for your convenience. As already explained to you, we had to send each chunk as a separate mail, due to limitations regarding maximum size of emails. You simply can concatenate, uudecode, and untar the file once the last chunk arrived at your side. Sincerely crashanddie"17:34
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DocScrutinizerpostscriptum: this mail has 999 follow-ups17:37
SpeedEvilPrint out and mail uuencoded.17:38
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DocScrutinizertoo expensive17:39
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: "we added this button cell to the package, for the "e" in email"?17:40
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DocScrutinizercrashanddie: create an ftp account with opie auth for him17:42
DocScrutinizersend 2 passwords as you are a nice guy :-D17:43
chem|stwhy not send a video with the data as qr-code... so he can read it with his iphone...17:44
DocScrutinizeronce he spent his two tries, you can charge him for sending more passwords ;-P17:44
DocScrutinizerchem|st: nice XD17:44
* chem|st read DVD and thought of why not making a movie...17:45
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chem|stor sampling some open-media with aalib fed with the code as lib source...17:45
crashanddiehah, a dvd with a sequence of numbers "0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1"17:45
chem|stto easy to decode...17:46
crashanddiemaybe he has to play it backwards17:46
DocScrutinizeryeah big-endian - LOL17:46
crashanddieand at some random interval, you play the anti-piracy clip.17:46
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crashanddieStranger: hi asl?17:47
crashanddieYou: 127, both, narnia17:47
crashanddieYour conversational partner has disconnected.17:47
chem|stwmv with morse code17:47
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chem|stto have a proprietary file...17:47
DocScrutinizeralso simple to decode, for somebody with a trace of a clue17:48
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chem|stsend a pdf (pdf is so a nasty container format...17:48
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chem|stI like being BOFH... "you got 50MB of free space in your home now - thanks, how big is it now a 100? - still 50 meg! - urgh"17:51
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jacekowskicrashanddie: core server?17:53
crashanddieOur main product, the one needed to use any of the other ones :P17:54
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jacekowskiwhat are you doing?17:55
chem|st^^sending 999 emails^^17:56
DocScrutinizerchem|st: that one with teh 50MB also is really nice17:56
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chem|stDocScrutinizer: I love those stories but I like the real world even more...17:58
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DocScrutinizercrashanddie: honestly, you should send him the server chopped up into 1000 pieces, wrapped into 1000 emails17:59
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chem|st"would you mind to remove the viruses (not the plural) from my system - nope - nice - (45min later) done - cool thanks - wtf where is my windows - ehrm you said I should remove the viruses so I removed it..."18:00
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DocScrutinizerit's like a slightly longer one-liner shell cmd for you, but a hell for him18:00
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infobotchem|st meant: "would you mind to remove the viruses (note the plural) from my system - nope - nice - (45min later) done - cool thanks - wtf where is my windows - ehrm you said I should remove the viruses so I removed it..."18:01
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DocScrutinizerwhich reminds me some friend asked me to remove the virus from her laptop :-/18:02
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chem|stmy girl "wants" me to introduce her to linux/gnu, so does my sis-in-law18:03
chem|stthat is something I like to...18:03
DocScrutinizeryou mind will change on that18:03
DocScrutinizerwait and see...18:03
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chem|st... not18:03
Corsacyou don't want to introduce her?18:04
DocScrutinizerintroducing users to unix never pays back18:04
chem|stnope you end up as maintenance-staff18:05
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DocScrutinizerexcept for the ones that ask for an account to test that cute shell they never seen on wincrap18:05
DocScrutinizer...and get excited on "man man"18:05
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lardmanafternoon chaps18:06
chem|stlardman: good morning18:06
DocScrutinizermoo lardman18:06
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* chem|st leans back and watches company's accessDB die on floating boxes18:08
chem|stI <3 it18:08
chem|stselfmade bug...18:09
chem|stfloating point equations overflow at a currency box18:11
E0xbtw reboot hildon-desktop , modest , just help a bit about the laging when you have too much days of uptime :(18:11
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chem|stE0x: depends18:11
lardmanI thought currency was fixed point?18:11
E0xchem|st: well in my case just help a bit18:11
chem|stlardman: that is what I thought too18:12
DocScrutinizerWTF is using floats for currency?18:12
chem|stgetting errors of currency field overflow after addition of two currency fields...18:12
lardmanyou must be dealing with some rather large numbers there then :)18:13
chem|stDocScrutinizer: I guess the guy who scripted it uses fp for the equation and puts it back in a currency field... but I am too tired to look at it now...18:13
DocScrutinizerusing floats for currencies is a BAD thing as you get unpredictable errors on computations18:13
chem|stlardman: <20k...18:13
chem|stDocScrutinizer: tell the freak who set it up in the first place!18:14
DocScrutinizerCOBOL is even using display vars for that purpose18:14
DocScrutinizerwell, not exactly, but there's othing stopping you from defining 01 cash value 9(14).18:15
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* DocScrutinizer ooops18:16
infobotDocScrutinizer meant: well, not exactly, but there's othing stopping you from defining 01 cash picture 9(14).18:16
chem|stI guess it has some rounders in .$sum where $sum > 8bit18:16
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DocScrutinizeryou'd probably want to use picture 9(12).99 though18:17
DocScrutinizereven -9(12).9918:17
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chem|stthe weird thing is that this happens since 01.01.201118:18
chem|stdoes that thing use a date string for currency BS?18:18
chem|stµsoft should have stopped after WinME18:19
DocScrutinizerdamn, you *must* have quite some experts there18:19
chem|stit might be that someone just hit "Yes" when the DB asked "Should I convert myself to Access2007 DB?" on a Access2000 DB...18:20
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chem|stbut the actual frontend stayed 2k...18:21
chem|stµsoft products are barely down-/upwards compatible18:22
phapdoes anyone know a command line to increase and decrease the volume on n900?18:22
phaplol I wish the 'yes' was for me18:23
chem|stit was18:23
phapoh cool then could you please write it for me?18:23
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phapI already saw this one18:24
phapbut in this command you have to specify the volume but waht I want to do is increase let's say by 5 from where you are already18:25
MohammadAGumm sec18:25
lardmanwell I wonder if there's an equivalent get command18:25
lardmanthen add 5 to that and set it back ;)18:26
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MohammadAGthere is18:26
DocScrutinizerI seem to recall there's even a increment/decrement call, but maybe I'm wrong18:27
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phapI looked everywhere couldn't find anything18:28
MohammadAGdbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call /com/nokia/mafw/renderer/gstrenderer string:volume18:29
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MohammadAGdbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call /com/nokia/mafw/renderer/gstrenderer string:volume| tail -1 | awk '{print $3}'18:30
MohammadAGi suck at awk though18:30
DocScrutinizergrrr [ERR]: No introspection data at object '/com/nokia/mafw/renderer/gstrenderer'18:31
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MohammadAGi suck at nesting long command18:33
MohammadAGshouldn't this work?18:33
MohammadAG dbus-send --type=method_call /com/nokia/mafw/renderer/gstrenderer string:volume uint32:$((`dbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call /com/nokia/mafw/renderer/gstrenderer string:volume| tail -18:33
MohammadAG1 | awk '{print $3}'`+5))18:33
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phapi'm still writing lol18:33
chem|stwhat about just calling the fakekey?18:33
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MohammadAGyeah, works fine here18:36
MohammadAGphone-control --volume $((`./test`+5))18:36
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MohammadAGi should update that script...18:36
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DocScrutinizerfor some weird reason it doesn't even set my volume when called by the straight command18:39
MohammadAG  dbus-send --type=method_call /com/nokia/mafw/renderer/gstrenderer string:volume uint32:100?18:39
DocScrutinizeryeah, stays at 7918:40
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MohammadAGweird, got a renderer?18:41
DocScrutinizerprolly not18:41
MohammadAGstart the mediaplayer, play something, exit mediaplayer18:41
DocScrutinizerthough the dbus object exists18:41
DocScrutinizerhmm, now it works18:43
DocScrutinizererr nope18:43
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phapI get 'Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name was not provided by any .service files18:43
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DocScrutinizerHAHAHAAAAA it stops mediaplayer18:45
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MohammadAGerr, what?18:47
DocScrutinizerget_extension_property correctly reports current volume setting18:47
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MohammadAGsetting extension to no value at all causes the current renderer to segfault18:47
DocScrutinizerset_extension_property stops mediaplayer playback in midst the song18:47
MohammadAGthus the mediaplayer stops, make sure you're setting a correct 32-bit unsigned int value18:48
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DocScrutinizerdbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call /com/nokia/mafw/renderer/gstrenderer string:volume uint32:7618:48
DocScrutinizerforget the --print-reply18:48
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MohammadAGincorrect value18:50
MohammadAGdbus-send --type=method_call /com/nokia/mafw/renderer/gstrenderer string:volume variant:uint32:7618:50
MohammadAGthat should work18:51
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DocScrutinizerthis works18:52
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MohammadAGDBus is confusing tbh18:52
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* DocScrutinizer wonders how he could miss the variant:, as it's there on
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DocScrutinizeranyway, learnt sth new this way - wondered about the variant bit in get-ext-properties output, but didn't really realize what to do about it18:55
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phapWhen I set the command on the wiki it works perfectly but when I type your command I get this error I'm confused18:58
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Bigihave a problem i can not playing mp3 in  the mediaplayer on nokia n90018:58
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BigiI think I've shot the entire file system19:00
BigiSince then I have indeed the problem and it depends19:00
DocScrutinizerphap: so here it is: dbus-send --type=method_call /com/nokia/mafw/renderer/gstrenderer string:volume variant:uint32:$((`dbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call /com/nokia/mafw/renderer/gstrenderer string:19:01
DocScrutinizervolume| tail -1 | awk '{print $3}'`-5))19:01
DocScrutinizer(as user)19:01
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Bigican I somehow everything back to factory settings19:01
infobotwell, flashing is
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BigiI have flashed is still so19:02
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MohammadAGdbus-monitor --session | grep -A 10 error19:04
MohammadAGin terminal, then try to play a file19:04
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DocScrutinizerhardly fs corruption19:04
Bigiwhen I open the media player is not displayed as title19:05
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MohammadAGmafw outputs useful error info19:05
MohammadAGmediaplayer discards it19:05
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DocScrutinizerhonestly I can't think how a complete flashing of rootfs and emmc wouldn't fix it though19:06
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MohammadAGme neither19:06
Bigimom takes a little19:07
* DocScrutinizer afk19:07
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phapI still get this error: 'Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name was not provided by any .service files' ...19:13
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DocScrutinizerwhat's your user?19:15
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phapnormal user19:16
phapjust open the terminal19:16
DocScrutinizerstart some renderer, like MohammadAG sugested (mediaplayer)19:16
DocScrutinizerI evidently got a renderer that's used for ts-clicks19:17
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Bigiwie kann ich das zeichen machen "|"19:17
phapnow it doesn't want to play any song19:17
DocScrutinizeryou killed the mafw19:18
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phapok I reboot19:18
phapthen I open mediaplayer start a song and type the command?19:19
Bigiok I upload issue19:20
DocScrutinizerafter reboot you probably don't need to start mediaplayer19:20
DocScrutinizerbut you should, to test it works again19:21
DocScrutinizerthen c&p command as I did to post it here19:21
DocScrutinizerit worked for me so should work for you19:21
phapAlleluhia!! It works19:22
phapThanks a lot MohammadAG and DocScrutinizer !19:22
phapNow I can go shopping19:22
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Bigierror "" dosen7t exist (the only error)19:23
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Bigihow can I copy everything in the terminal?19:29
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SpeedEvilyou mean to log it?19:30
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SpeedEvil'script' is not there.19:31
BigiI have problem solved I may try to nokia n900 not unmount in opensuse19:32
wazd - getting ready for april 1st :)19:32
massoudHi there, what is the simplest way to enable ipv6 on a n900 wout rebuilding a custome kernel ?19:33
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slonopotamuswazd: what a terrible place for ctrl19:34
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slonopotamuspressing ctrl+alt+delete will definitely be challenging :)19:36
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SpeedEvilwazd: Needs fingerprints, a scratch, render it against a real surface, not a bad wood texture. And a windows key.19:39
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SpeedEvilwazd: Needs fingerprints, a scratch, render it against a real surface, not a bad wood texture. And a windows key.19:40
wazdslonopotamus: haven't thought of that :)19:40
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SpeedEvilAlso - if you do it in 'dim' light, with the keyboard backlight on, it may distract from the flat keys.19:40
ShadowJKwazd, is this a 3d render?19:42
wazdSpeedEvil: I'm not ready for spy photos yet :P19:42
wazdShadowJK: nope, unfortunatelly19:42
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wazdSpeedEvil: I'm still working on keys, yes, they're kinda too flat19:44
[XeN]hi, I have a problem regarding qt creater and scratchbox. I described it in a thread but nobody seems to read it. maybe someone from here can help? -->
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ShadowJKMake it a big Windows 7 slashscreen, like, Microsoft totally dominating the screen, and a tiny "by Nokia" in the corner in blue  :)19:45
[XeN]does anyone use qt creater and scratchbox together?19:46
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wazdShadowJK: :)19:56
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wazdIt's really fun to make "real-like" concepts than some crazy fantasms with 4GHz 8-core CPUs and stuff19:59
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ShadowJKlol, PIIX4 :)20:18
ZogGsup sup20:21
ZogGwho highlighted me?20:21
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DocScrutinizerwazd: cool, running VMware, with floppy and cdrom support20:22
DocScrutinizeralso 2 ttyS rs232 interfaces20:22
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: yeah, exactly ;-D20:24
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wazdDocScrutinizer: absoultely, can't imagine modern smartphone without floppy :)20:25
DocScrutinizerI honestly hope this thing will come with user imprintable keymat, and 3-key rollover for 2 of the 3 in either leftmost or rightmost col20:26
DocScrutinizerhell, make that a proper N-key rollover, spending one diode per key20:28
ZogGwazd, but the old one20:28
korhojoaNKRO :320:28
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ZogGwazd DocScrutinizer and we don't need screen. just old printer printing screen in morse code20:29
ShadowJKEach key could be an oled display20:29
DocScrutinizercould, yeah20:29
wazdShadowJK: West Coast Customs style :D20:30
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wazdShadowJK: And in each seat we've built in a 56" plasma!20:30
DocScrutinizerI know about full kbd and NK pad working like that. Only 400 bucks or sth like that for the 16key NK20:30
wazdDocScrutinizer: actually one of Samsungs or Toshibas has e-ink keys20:31
DocScrutinizercool shit20:31
DocScrutinizere-ink prolly way cheaper than oled/LCD20:31
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ZogGand ps3 games with kinect20:32
DocScrutinizerisn't e-ink like persistent and you *could* write on it like on a metallized paper?20:32
ZogGi don't know i think not20:33
DocScrutinizerwe actually could do the writing while slider opening20:33
ZogGDocScrutinizer, it's so yesterday, we should have mindcontroller20:34
wazdDocScrutinizer: the real deal is oled large oled screen beneath keys20:34
DocScrutinizerjust install a "brush/comb" inside the screen upper half case20:34
ZogGwazd, sup artman =)20:35
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DocScrutinizerwazd: that'S difficult as you hardly find 100% transparent springs that also are conductive20:35
wazdZogG:  o/ :)20:35
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ruskieDocScrutinizer, eink is persistent... but not usable as a replacement for speedy refresh rates of oled/lcd20:36
ruskieand a 6" eink screen should be ~100 eur for a mere mortal...20:36
ZogGwazd how ya doing?20:36
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DocScrutinizerruskie: who needs speedy refresh rates on their key printing20:36
wazde-ink's problem is backlight20:37
ruskienot really20:37
ruskiethat's the best bit20:37
wazdor more like forelight20:37
ruskienot needed ;)20:37
DocScrutinizerdon't see20:37
DocScrutinizere-ink should be semi-transparent20:38
ZogGruskie, but as i know e-ink screens were not even touchscreens at the beggining and than there was a problem with touch ones, cause it was not so bright  than it was not so good as e-book.20:38
ruskieZogG, even lcd/oleds aren't touchscreens ok...20:38
wazdZogG: pretty fun :)20:38
ruskieDocScrutinizer, impossible really since it's actually physical objects inside(i.e. spheres)20:38
DocScrutinizerZogG: we're not talking about screens here20:38
ZogGDocScrutinizer, ?20:38
ZogGruskie, ok20:39
DocScrutinizerruskie: rrright20:39
wazdDocScrutinizer: let's get like 10 years back :)20:39
ZogGruskie, there is nothing impossible20:39
wazdDocScrutinizer: with transparent e-inks :)20:39
* ruskie has been in love with eink since he first heard of it like what pre-kindle days...20:39
ZogGthere is just no technology20:39
ZogGruskie, i have sony's prs 65020:40
ruskiealso eink in colour is rather rare20:40
ruskiejinke v320:40
ZogGi didn't like the idea of eink at first20:40
ruskierunning openinkpot20:40
ZogGas i said books should be made of papepr20:40
ruskieas for touchscreen... I seriously don't need touchscreen to read a book20:40
ZogGi'm too20:40
ZogGi just read a lot of good reviews and i bought it not cause of touchscreen20:41
ruskie <_- DocScrutinizer ahh guess they did manage something...20:41
ZogGDocScrutinizer, what ya doing? are you building a bomb again?20:41
ruskieDocScrutinizer, but it says it's a concept20:41
ruskiereally depends on the layer20:41
ruskiethe deeper the layer the more pronounced the contrast20:42
wazdruskie: I have tons of that concepts in my "trash" folder :D20:42
ZogGi have a concept for better world20:42
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DocScrutinizerfsckng website assraping my PC, dozens of cookies to reject, and never stops loading shit20:43
ruskieI'd love to have a physical keyboard with eink screens(sorta like the oled stuff that costs way to much)...20:43
ruskieand a pull out eink screen on a normal monitor as well20:43
ruskieso that I could actually read websites without straining my eyes...20:44
wazdI'd definitely stop with OLED :)20:44
wazdfor keys backing20:44
ruskieto each their own20:44
ruskieI always am in a well lighted area20:45
ruskiealso muscle memory helps not actually needing to see the keys anyway20:45
DocScrutinizerOLED in keys is a fsckg bad idea, as you can't reasonably contact them for the moving keycaps20:45
ruskie <_- you did see this right?20:46
DocScrutinizeryes, the costs-more-than-gold one I mentioned before20:46
ds3ruskie: how big of a e-ink leyboard?20:46
DocScrutinizerguess *why* it's so expensive20:46
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wazdruskie: it has an oled screen in each key - that's completely wrong approach20:47
ruskieds3, think a model M but with eink screens...20:47
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wazdruskie: what I want is a single lowres oled screen behind the keys20:48
ruskieso what? transparent keys?20:48
wazdruskie: yep, shaded transparent keys :)20:48
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ruskieand some optical stuff to relay the image up to the top of the screen?20:48
wazdruskie: well, the size of the gap will be really tiny and you can easily align the phone to see all the symbols clearly20:49
ruskieahh for the phone20:50
ds3ruskie: but what's is the size in inches or cms or whatever units20:50
wazdso I guess no need in extra lens magic here20:50
ruskieds3, normal keyboard button? like what are the... 1x1cm or something20:50
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ds3ruskie: I mean the overall keyboard... sounds like you are looking for a standard PC size keyboard with eink?20:51
ds3ah blah20:51
DocScrutinizerwazd: you can not get a single oled screen behind the keys, for low profile kbd design20:51
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ruskiewhat did you think I expected?20:51
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ds3then I won't suggest using a TS enabled e-reader repurposed into a keyboard :D20:51
ruskieds3, I actually want physical keys20:51
ds3ruskie: that can be done with minor mods20:52
ruskieTS is a nice toy... but ultimately pointless for trying to get things done20:52
ds3problem is the size20:52
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wazdDocScrutinizer: why so? :)20:52
DocScrutinizeryou need some *contacts* which you can't place between the OLED and the keycaps20:53
ds3it can be done... someone has done something like that with a regular LCD20:54
DocScrutinizerso your keycaps need bolts to protrude tru holes in the oled layer, to operate contacts springs below20:54
ds3no you don't20:54
wazdDocScrutinizer: oled touchscreen? :)20:54
ds3a molded sheet of silicone can do the spring action20:54
DocScrutinizersure you can use a fuckin touchscreen20:55
ds3quite a few modern PC keyboards do that20:55
DocScrutinizerbut !!MEH!!20:55
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wazdDocScrutinizer: touchscreen beneath keys I mean :)20:55
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DocScrutinizermake ZERO difference. The key movement is 0, and the keyclick also is 020:56
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DocScrutinizertouchscreen is BS for keyboard usage20:56
ds3silicone overlay on top of touch screen gives you the movement20:56
ds3keyclick can be software simulated20:56
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DocScrutinizerds3: UHUH, shall be quite a transparent silicone then20:57
DocScrutinizerds3: BS, not the tactile keyclick20:57
slonopotamus it charges?!20:57
ds3DocScrutinizer: a company showed basically that but with a LCD on the bottom at CES this year20:57
ds3I don't have the URL anymore20:58
DocScrutinizerds3: they showed WHAT? a disk-spring tactile feedback on keypress simulated in software?20:58
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DocScrutinizerI'd like to see THAT20:59
ds3trying to google the URL21:00
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banan_hi does anyone know how to make application manager to install missing dependencies instead of whining about them not being installed?21:01
DocScrutinizerI need no URL. You should recall how they managed to force-feedback to the keys from software21:01
ds3no, this was suppose to be real physical movement21:02
DocScrutinizerespecially without opaque objects under the keycaps creating that force21:02
DocScrutinizerthere is no software simulating the feeling when you press down a disk spring. Not anyone that's simpler or smaller or more transparent than a real disk spring21:04
wazdwait a sec21:04
ds3I find those roll up silicone keyboards to be not too far off21:05
wazdthere's a lot of room for wiring and stuff under the keys21:05
DocScrutinizerso get it - we won't see any keyboard based on a touchscreen like tech, low profile, and transparent, and still with proper tactile feedback21:05
wazdall the red zomes can be used for wiring and springs21:06
DocScrutinizeroh yeah, amazingly much real estate :-P21:07
banan_does anyone know how to make application manager to install missing dependencies instead of whining about them not being installed?21:08
DocScrutinizerjust enough to drill holes through your oled layer, and have proper springs beneath21:08
nid0application manager does install dependencies21:08
nid0assuming theyre available in the repos you have enabled21:08
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DocScrutinizerbanan_: provide a repo that has them21:08
wazdDocScrutinizer: I'm not sure if OLED will work with holes in it :)21:08
DocScrutinizerI'm sure it will21:08
ds3that one21:09
banan_DocScrutinizer: extras repo has them, i can manually install them and then the app will install, all i want is to make it happen automatically21:09
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DocScrutinizerds3: I'm not exactly interested in even looking at it, as you can't tell me how it works (supposed to work), so I gather it's not to be found there21:10
DocScrutinizerbanan_: this should happen automatically21:10
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DocScrutinizerds3: see, there IS NO way to simulate the tactile feedback in software, not in a small device21:11
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DocScrutinizerthe smallest simulation of a disk spring is a disk spring21:12
ruskiethat 7inch thingy looks like it has the same key style as the optimus keyboard21:12
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nid0ruskie: it does sortof, except the idea is that the entire lower portion is a screen with keys overlaid on top of it, rather than individual keys with a tiny oled embedded on top21:13
ds3all I said was physical tactile feed back using silicone like modern keyboards... only audio is via software21:13
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DocScrutinizertransparent silicone can't do a fake disk spring for you, it's always dead flesh feeling to press such a key21:14
ds3have you taken apart PC keyboards?21:15
ds3most of them have switched to silicone21:15
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ds3with a mold in black peice (carbon?) that connects contacts21:15
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ds3like on the nokia phones21:15
DocScrutinizermost of them are crap as well. None of them is small like a smartphone kbd, and for sure none is transparent21:15
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ds3I find them quite useable but not going to contest "crap" ;)21:17
DocScrutinizeryou CAN NOT have a layer of transparent silicone between a touchscreen and a keycap-mat that acts like the keys had proper springs beneath them21:17
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DocScrutinizerif only it were for the support of that silicone also is the touchpad21:18
DocScrutinizerbut also because you don't want the optics of that thing distorting your LCD/OLED display21:19
DocScrutinizereven if it's 100% transparent, it still acts as a lens-alike thing21:19
ds3lens like effects are better then nothing21:20
DocScrutinizerand an the size of e.g. N900 kbd silicone is simply too weak and soft to give and proper spring21:20
ZogGdamn british people21:20
Sazpaimon__so attempting to hldonize this program has made me realize how little i know about gtk21:20
ZogGthere those movies i can't watch them with no subs as of thier accent21:20
Sazpaimon__anyone else want to have a stab?21:20
nid0ZogG: do you mean british people, or fail americans trying to impersonate british accents?21:21
ds3that sounds like a fun challenge... a N900 sized silicone keyboard21:21
ZogGi think he is british21:22
nid0who/what film21:22
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GAN900nid0, Brits trying to pull off American accents are generally more irritating. :P21:23
GAN900Australians are the worst, though (see Avatar).21:23
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DocScrutinizerds3: go ahead, design a silicone kbd that's transparent so you can read the LCD thru it, works by placing it on top of a touchpad, and doesn't feel like you're poking into warm shit. You'll earn a fortune with that21:24
ZogGnid0 london boulevard21:24
ZogGcan't find him on imdb21:24
ZogGthe actor21:24
ds3DocScrutinizer: you want to be able to read through it???21:24
nid0colin farrell?21:24
ZogGnot the main one21:25
ZogGnid0, i don't know where he is from but he speaks english and british english understandable21:25
DocScrutinizerds3: that'S been the whole purpose of the topic (starting with e-ink in kbd so you can change the writing on keycaps)21:25
Sazpaimon__if anyone is interested in helping get this app decent looking on hildon let me know, I'll package up what I have21:25
ds3DocScrutinizer: that's different from reading through it.21:26
DocScrutinizerds3: oh? how that?21:26
Sazpaimon__(the program btw is remmina)21:26
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Sazpaimon__it's s modular remote desktop client with plugins for RDP, VNC, NX, ssh and a few others21:27
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ds3DocScrutinizer: reading through it implies being able to read at whatever resolution of the LCD is whereas keycap changing means being able to read something at a much low resolution centered on the "keycap"21:27
* DocScrutinizer bbl21:27
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wazd <- i'm not sure why we can't just swap e-ink with oled21:38
ruskiewazd, because eink taske 0 power to display21:38
ruskieerm takes21:38
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ruskieyou can power it down and it'll still display if it isn't reset @powerdown21:39
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wazdruskie: but it has no backlighting, which is rather bad21:40
ruskiewazd, not really21:41
ruskiebacklight is not required21:41
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ruskieand in generally is bad for the eyes21:41
wazdruskie: and how to type in the dark?21:43
ruskieerm... why would I need to type in the dark exactly?21:43
ShadowJKeink is like a book, that's the point of it21:43
* SpeedEvil does most of his typing with the keyboard under the blankets.21:43
ruskieI don't read in the dark, I don't watch TV in the dark, don't watch any backlit screens in the dark...21:43
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ruskiemy eyes tend to not like me if I do that21:44
SpeedEvilI find properly set backlights not a problem. I read a lot onthe n900.21:45
SpeedEvil(with brightness set to the hw minimum)21:45
ruskieI feel sad for your eyes21:45
SpeedEvilI find it easier than the kindle in some ways - it's easir to hold, and I don't need to screw around to get the right lighting.21:46
ruskieI have one 100W lightbulb in my room... and I never direct it at what I'm reading but it's pointed up at the ceiling21:47
wazdruskie so basically there should be no backlight in the keys cause you don't often type in the dark? :)21:47
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: what else you do under the blankets21:47
ds3backlights on keys are fine as long as it doesn't impact battery life ;)21:47
ruskiewazd, no... but your: eink sucks because it lacks a backlight is in essence a flawed argument21:47
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ruskieyou could get side lighting on top that would give you sufficient light to do so...21:48
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wazdruskie: - here's e-ink side lighting21:51
ruskiealso I think you could do backlighting... but you'd need some transparent spheres in the mix to do it... and would basically be able to switch between it all21:51
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ruskiemight not be as strong as oled but it should still be visible21:52
ds3didn't sony tried side lighting eink in one of their readers?21:52
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jigrapis there a way I can add an application catalog to get openssh on my n900? I'm running the latest OS21:53
jigrapnvm I found it, it was under the network catalog21:54
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ruskiewazd, hmm that's a fast refresh eink... *drool*21:58
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ruskiedon't see the side lighting22:01
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wazdruskie: light green22:02
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wazdruskie: almost invisible in bright light though22:02
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wazd <- updated keyboard layout :D22:03
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ruskiewell don't really need it in bright light22:04
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* DocScrutinizer51 ponders eink balls that have a white side that has electroliminescent properties22:32
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DocScrutinizer51aslo balls that have 'channels' (like nanotubes) to let light pass thru in exactly one orientation come to mind22:34
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ruskieDocScrutinizer51, interesting ideas22:35
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DocScrutinizer51basically we had all these with LCD already22:35
DocScrutinizer51just that LCD isn't persistent22:35
ruskieand requires power to actually run...22:36
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Venemois there a way to charge the N900 while it's using USB host mode?22:37
DocScrutinizer51nowadays LCD works by polarizing, but I seem to reacll we had colored rods that were 'invisible' when standing in the glass and blue/whatever when parallel to glass22:37
infobotit has been said that hostmode-powered is
DocScrutinizer51Venemo: ^22:38
Venemothx DocScrutinizer5122:39
DocScrutinizer51click thanks on that tmo post :-)22:39
Venemowill do22:40
Venemooh, no, I won't22:40
Venemoseems that I already have.22:40
VenemoDocScrutinizer51, two more questions. 1) can it work with a powered USB hub? 2) where do I get such a weird Y-cable?22:43
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mecespeaking of thanks, sometimes I get really frustrated when people you help don't click that button. It's no big deal really, but if you go out of your way to help with a particular problem it kinda gets to you..22:44
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lcukDocScrutinizer51, MEMs display characteristic, they actually shimmer like butterfly wings or pearl shell depending upon the orientation22:44
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ruskieI rather say thank you to the person directly not use some "abstract" function22:44
lcukso different amounts of current change the angle that each tiny mirror sits at22:44
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meceruskie, the function is quite concrete22:46
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DocScrutinizer51Venemo: powered hub, sure, but you still need that 'weird Y-cable' that comes with every USB HDD and is easily spotted at ebay et al22:47
VenemoDocScrutinizer51, right. so I can just use the one that comes with an HDD?22:48
Venemogreat :)22:48
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VenemoDocScrutinizer51, will this not short-circuit the hub?22:51
Venemookay :)22:52
DocScrutinizer51you can even connect the one plug to thehub's upstream port, and the power-trunk plug to one of the powered hub's downstream ports22:53
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VenemoDocScrutinizer51, my Y-cable has all-male endings.22:54
DocScrutinizer51need an adapter22:54
VenemoI think I have one somewhere22:54
DocScrutinizer51maybe even 2 adapters22:55
Venemowhat do you mean?22:56
jigrapis it possible to get gcc to compile natively on the n900?22:56
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jigrapor I have to use scratchbox to cross compile stuff22:56
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Venemojigrap, it's possible, but not convenient, on the n90022:57
Venemojigrap, you need to enable the SDK repo and install stuff22:57
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Venemojigrap, BEWARE, they're NOT optified.22:57
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lcukjigrap, from small light projects it is a fun game to play.22:59
DocScrutinizer51means you'll run into trouble by filling your rootfs, unless you take special care22:59
lcuklevel 1-10 involve moving stuff around to make space22:59
lcuklevel 11-50 involve actually building stuff :P23:00
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n900evilIt's easy.23:01
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n900evilcopy / to /home/user/chroot23:02
n900evilnow cd to that, chroot . sh23:02
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n900evilapt-get install gcc23:02
n900evilthat installs gcc in a chroot, so you can't screw up /23:02
lcukn900evil, that has the same space and complexity requirements :P23:02
n900evildoes not cause issues on /23:03
Sazpaimon__i would just use scratchbox23:03
lcukand should only be done on device with enoug hfree space on /home23:03
Sazpaimon__its easy to setup23:03
Sazpaimon__i have a scratchbox environment set up on one of my dedicated servers23:03
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lcukSazpaimon__, sure thing.23:04
Sazpaimon__so I just ssh into it, backport what I need from sid, and download the deb from my n90023:04
* lcuk ponders actually making optified micro sdk23:04
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Sazpaimon__speaking of which, does anyone want to look at my remmina port and make it not suck?23:05
Sazpaimon__it works, but the interface isn't optimized for small resolutions23:05
Sazpaimon__and my attempts and hildonizing it went awry23:05
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lcukSazpaimon__, that would require me to have remote desktop server wouldn't it?23:06
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Sazpaimon__lcuk, no, you can run remmina with no plugins23:06
Sazpaimon__remmina is just the frontend23:06
lcukfrontend for what?23:06
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Sazpaimon__the RDP plugin works fine i believe23:07
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Sazpaimon__the actual main interface needs work though23:07
BCMMSazpaimon__: it's just a frontend for VNC and RDP and so on, right?23:08
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lcukBCMM, useful for windows admins I would expect23:08
Sazpaimon__BCCM, RDP, VNC, NX, and XDMCP23:08
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lcukSazpaimon__, when you use it to connect, the UI might not yet look right, but is the connection stable and fast?23:08
Sazpaimon__lcuk, for the most part, yeah23:08
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* DocScrutinizer announces special grumpy period23:09
Sazpaimon__for some reason it's only showing 8-bit colors, but that might be a setting getting cut off by the UI23:09
lcukSazpaimon__, I use VNC23:09
lcukheh my vnc server is also configured to send over 8bit only23:09
RST38hcheapskates! =)23:09
Sazpaimon__also, fn keys dont seem to work, might just be an issue with how it picks up keyboard events23:09
lcukRST38h, :P23:09
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Sazpaimon__the frontend also has a fullscreen menu that displays when you move your mouse to the top of the screen23:10
DocScrutinizern900evil: agreed, just I'd call it /home/user/sandbox23:10
lcukSazpaimon__, that is tricky since we do not have mice23:10
Sazpaimon__i suppose that could be retained by a gesture23:10
Sazpaimon__lcuk, right, but by say, quickly sliding the stylus from the top of the screen it can appear23:10
Sazpaimon__for example, that is23:11
Sazpaimon__Oh, and there's support in the git branch for pulseaudio23:11
Sazpaimon__which means audio redirection over RDP23:11
* DocScrutinizer glares at that friggin MX mouse with the crappy switches23:11
Sazpaimon__possibly audio input too if that uses pulseaudio23:11
lcukSazpaimon__, have it respond to voice command23:11
* DocScrutinizer ponders to fetch sledgehammer23:12
lcuk"WILL THIS GODDAMNED RDP BRING UP THE F&£"^"&^"&^"*&£^"&£ MENU"23:12
lcuk"ding!" menu appears23:12
Sazpaimon__lcuk, audio input is in the RDP plugin itself i believe23:12
lcukshame :P23:12
Sazpaimon__since RDP supports outputting remote audio and inputting local audio23:12
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Sazpaimon__which means i could, say, talk on skype over RDP23:13
DocScrutinizereeek a spy23:13
Sazpaimon__also, remmina supports scaling and other junk23:13
Sazpaimon__and zooming support23:13
DocScrutinizer"but how will he read the newspaper, rolled up like this" wondered the spider23:14
Sazpaimon__so it might be a worthwhile port23:14
Sazpaimon__lcuk, any interest?23:14
Sazpaimon__like i said, my attempts at hildonizing the UI failed, I was able to make it work with GTK 2.14 (it's targeted for 2.16), using libsexy, but making the interface look decent is proving difficult for me23:15
lcukSazpaimon__, not personally my VNC configuration works as is, but I am sure there are many people whom it will be useful for23:15
lcukSazpaimon__, making a handheld UI look decent is a very tricky problem for many :)23:16
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jigrapthanks guys23:16
Sazpaimon__lcuk, at this point, just having all the options available would be swell23:16
jigrapis there a doc online that I can see how to get scratchbox sdk for ubuntu?23:16
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mvahi there! :)23:16
Sazpaimon__most of the menus get cut off with no way to scroll them23:17
lcukjigrap, or similar23:17
lcukjigrap, setting up the Maemo SDK in Ubuntu is one of the strongly tested pathways23:17
lcukSazpaimon__, screenshots of your options dialog as it stands would be useful23:18
Sazpaimon__hold on, then23:18
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: ( is a very tricky) see apmefo :-P23:19
mvai've a problem: when i runsome pygtk apps under user some of them has black flat buttons and both black background and foreground color in edit boxes. But when i do "su -" to get root clear environment — all of them working fine (renders all elements in right way).23:20
lcukDocScrutinizer, eternal problem23:20
mvaanybody knows, hot to fix this? :)23:20
DocScrutinizerSazpaimon__: create submenues23:20
Sazpaimon__DocScrutinizer, I'm very novce with gtk, and even less so with hildon23:21
DocScrutinizerinstall opera, see how it's done there23:21
DocScrutinizerI'd consider opera11b the app with best menues ever23:22
Sazpaimon__DocScrutinizer, I know how it's supposed to look, I just dont know enough about the API to do it myself23:24
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lcukSazpaimon__, go into Network configuration options dialogs23:29
lcukand see how maemo system lays out similar complex dialogues :)23:30
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SpeedEvillcuk: Including non-scrolly bits at the ends, where they gave up.23:32
lcukSpeedEvil, :)23:32
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lcukSpeedEvil, it is indeed one of the most complex dialogs in the whole of maemo23:33
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Sazpaimon__lcuk, so you think foregoing the tabbed options menu for a single scrolling menu might be best?23:33
Sazpaimon__or am I not seeing what dialog you're referring to23:33
lcukSazpaimon__, I am not giving you any suggestions for what to do!23:33
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Sazpaimon__lcuk, i think you should, I can't really come up with anything nice on my own23:34
lcukSettings/Internet Connections/Connections/Edit/next/next/Advanced23:34
lcukhas a 3 tab layout ;)23:34
Sazpaimon__not bad23:35
Sazpaimon__I just need to know how the API renders something like that23:35
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povbotBug 10160: Connection settings advanced settings do not scroll with drag.23:35
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lcukSpeedEvil, the entire dialog is not ff23:36
lcukbut afaik it is difficult23:36
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lcukat the ux meets code meetup at end of 200923:36
lcukthis was highlighted :)23:36
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DocScrutinizer~seen apt23:38
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infobotapt <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 87d 2h 15m 27s ago, saying: 'Cahnops, please /kick me. My alter ego infobot resurrected'.23:38
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* DocScrutinizer prefers menus of just one screen size, with possible 4 or 5 levels of submenus on new screens23:40
DocScrutinizerin my book each screen holds up to 10 menu items, minus [back] is 923:41
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DocScrutinizermakes 9 submenus each with 9 items23:41
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DocScrutinizerwhich in turn could open 81 sub-sub-menus23:42
lcukDocScrutinizer, tiled I hope!23:42
DocScrutinizereach with 9 items plus back23:43
lcukoriginal liqbase had that design23:43
lcukinfact had a UI menu functioncall23:43
lcukyou just specified N parameters and it would make the fingerable dialog23:43
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