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TiagoTiago | hi | 00:35 |
TiagoTiago | is there a MU* client for the N900 other than TinyFugue? | 00:36 |
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jacekowski | yeah | 00:38 |
jacekowski | telnet | 00:38 |
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TiagoTiago | anything made specificly for use with MU*s? | 00:39 |
manaru | whats MU* | 00:39 |
calinfast | Heh. I almost gave the 'telnet' answer, but thought it'd be an unhelpful answer. | 00:39 |
calinfast | MU* is Muds, mucks, etc. | 00:39 |
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manaru | screen supports telnet and tty | 00:41 |
TiagoTiago | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu* | 00:41 |
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calinfast | I'm a muck user, though I long ago wrote a web interface to my muck. Saves me the trouble of finding a decent client. | 00:41 |
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TiagoTiago | microB isn't very good for typing text... | 00:42 |
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calinfast | It works for me, though I rarely muck from the tablet. Mine's an n810, so it might not be quite the same as the n900 in that respect. | 00:43 |
TiagoTiago | would gnome-MUD be easy to port? | 00:44 |
luke-jr | javispedro: I use vanilla GCC | 00:45 |
luke-jr | TiagoTiago: all M* clients suck anyway. :p | 00:45 |
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TiagoTiago | lol | 00:45 |
TiagoTiago | why? | 00:45 |
luke-jr | they just do | 00:45 |
luke-jr | tkMOO-light was the best I've seen | 00:45 |
luke-jr | and it's Tcl/tk -.- | 00:45 |
jhanely | I was a fan of Pueblo way back in the day. | 00:45 |
luke-jr | and non-free | 00:45 |
jhanely | For windows, of course. | 00:45 |
luke-jr | jhanely: Pueblo broke all sorts of standards. IE-like. | 00:46 |
jhanely | I know. But it was a decent experience. | 00:46 |
jhanely | For a really long time after I dumped pueblo, I used a client made in VB by a friend of mine. It was pretty good. Except for the part where it was made in VB. | 00:47 |
jhanely | Luke-jr: Any thoughts on where I'm going wrong with building my kernel? | 00:49 |
luke-jr | jhanely: hmm, not sure. did you try the n8x0_defconfig from the sources I posted? | 00:50 |
jhanely | I tried the n8x0_defconfig from the vanilla kernel. I'll check the ones you posted. | 00:50 |
TiagoTiago | what about clients written in Python? | 00:51 |
jhanely | I haven't tried any. | 00:51 |
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luke-jr | TiagoTiago: Python wouldn't be much better than VB | 00:51 |
jhanely | More portable at least, I'd hope. | 00:52 |
luke-jr | jhanely: what compiler? I was using Gentoo stable ARM native | 00:52 |
TiagoTiago | really? why? | 00:52 |
luke-jr | TiagoTiago: cuz Python sucks :p | 00:52 |
luke-jr | jhanely: Python has no GUI API, so not likely. | 00:52 |
luke-jr | maybe if you combined it with PySide, but then it's hybrid Python+Qt | 00:52 |
jhanely | Me too - Gentoo arm native, as well as cross-compiling from my gentoo desktop. | 00:53 |
TiagoTiago | doesn't Python got it's own GUI system ? | 00:53 |
jhanely | There are libraries for Python to use QT, GTK, etc. | 00:53 |
jhanely | So you'd have to use one of those. | 00:54 |
luke-jr | TiagoTiago: no? | 00:54 |
jhanely | I guess you could build your own widgets and whatnot in python. That'd mostly be a waste of time though. | 00:55 |
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jhanely | Maybe a better question would be: TiagoTiago: Why are you unhappy with TinyFugue? | 00:57 |
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TiagoTiago | sorry, crashed, did i miss anything? | 01:00 |
jhanely | Maybe. I asked what makes you unhappy about tinyfugue. | 01:00 |
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TiagoTiago | i gotta go find a text file and manually edit it for it even recognize the enter key, and probably will still need to memorize text commands to control the client on top of the commands used in the MU* | 01:02 |
jhanely | Ack. That's pretty bad. | 01:03 |
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jhanely | Huh. In the sources you posted, Luke-jr, there's both an n810_defconfig and an n8x0_defconfig. This looks like a job for vimdiff. | 01:08 |
luke-jr | ☺( | 01:09 |
jhanely | Say what now? | 01:09 |
luke-jr | ☺ | 01:09 |
jhanely | Ah, how could I have missed that. Looks like funny characters. | 01:09 |
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TiagoTiago | Is there anything i can do when a program got text fields and other GUI elements only a few pixels tall? | 02:01 |
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lcukn900 | tiagotiago, squint. file a bug with the dev | 02:02 |
TiagoTiago | this one is written in python if that makes a difference | 02:03 |
TiagoTiago | the program isn't made with the N900 in mind | 02:03 |
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jhanely | It might be caused by a DPI setting or something. Not sure what you can do to fix it. | 02:05 |
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TiagoTiago | http://sourceforge.net/projects/spyrit/ <- it's this one i'm having issues with right now | 02:11 |
TiagoTiago | it seems it does use QT... | 02:12 |
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SpeedEvil | Anyone heard of possiilities to change the IMEI? (For good, honestly) | 03:03 |
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luke-jr | SpeedEvil: tell me if you find one | 03:06 |
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TiagoTiago | what's that keyboard shortcut that forces a program into portrait mode? | 03:08 |
SpeedEvil | xrandr -o left ? | 03:08 |
TiagoTiago | It was some key combo in the physical keyboard of the N900 | 03:09 |
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SpeedEvil | ('for good' = I want to get a smashed blackberry, and clone the IMEI, and use a 'blackberry only' plan | 03:17 |
GeneralAntilles | pupnik: time for some cuticle care. :P | 03:19 |
pupnik | everybody says that | 03:20 |
pupnik | it's a freakin microscopic macro | 03:21 |
pupnik | i've been told to 'use hand lotion' | 03:21 |
pupnik | GeneralAntilles: did you see DocScrutinizer's n810 speaker pics? | 03:22 |
pupnik | it explains well why the n810 has such great sound - the resonant chamber is large enough to magnify midrange frequencies | 03:22 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: IMEI is living in a config area in cmt flash, it can't be accessed without communicating to cmt OS | 03:22 |
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DocScrutinizer | ergo you can change it if you know what to tell cmt OS to change the setting for you | 03:23 |
DocScrutinizer | calypso has a secret AT cmd for changing the IMEI, which is protected by crypto measures | 03:25 |
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DocScrutinizer | dunno if BB5 has a secret cmd, or you need a image of the config area with correct signature, to flash that similar to the way you flash the cmt OS itself | 03:26 |
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DocScrutinizer | in theory you could change the flash content via JTAG access, if there's JTAG available for that. But still you need to know what exactly to change, and odds are the complete config page in flash is checksummed | 03:31 |
ShadowJK | Nokia gave me a certificate that my device's IMEI has changed when they gave me a replacement device. I wonder if they consider changing the imei as not possible | 03:34 |
DocScrutinizer | errrr, how's that related? I guess the IMEI change cert is to prove you've not done any fraud | 03:36 |
GeneralAntilles | pupnik: yes, use hand lotion. *g* | 03:38 |
GeneralAntilles | Great picture, though. | 03:38 |
GeneralAntilles | pupnik: add some information to the description | 03:38 |
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ShadowJK | Well I mean I'd rather they'd moved the imei to the replacement | 03:42 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer: Thought so. | 03:42 |
SpeedEvil | ShadowJK: Interesting. | 03:43 |
ShadowJK | Because if they changed imei, I'd get angry birds back | 03:43 |
TiagoTiago | is there a way to force a program to go fullscreen (loose the title bar and use the full vertical span of the screen) ? | 03:43 |
DocScrutinizer | ShadowJK: setting IMEI is a well kept secret algo in fab calibration software, it's not available at repair desk | 03:46 |
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luke-jr | ShadowJK: even if you can't change IMEI, you could always (theoretically) send something else in place of it | 03:49 |
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DocScrutinizer | yeah, I guess the method/function to ask for IMEI can be patched to fake any arbitrary one | 03:50 |
DocScrutinizer | so, while OTA is using correct IMEI, the APE is seeing whatever you want it to see | 03:52 |
DocScrutinizer | I'd suggest to check/monitor dbus and pnatd invocation | 03:53 |
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DocScrutinizer | and check if angry birds maybe is linked against libisi or siblings directly | 03:53 |
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TiagoTiago | is there a way to force a program to go fullscreen (loose the title bar and use the full vertical span of the screen) ? | 03:54 |
DocScrutinizer | yes | 03:55 |
TiagoTiago | how can i do it? | 03:55 |
DocScrutinizer | you can see ovi-maps doing that (and I haze it) | 03:55 |
DocScrutinizer | hate* | 03:55 |
DocScrutinizer | xterm does as well | 03:55 |
DocScrutinizer | xchat does | 03:56 |
TiagoTiago | No, i mean, force a program that doesn't got that function builtin | 03:56 |
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DocScrutinizer | nah | 03:56 |
DocScrutinizer | alas hildon has no generic window-property-settings | 03:57 |
DocScrutinizer | like KDE for example has | 03:57 |
TiagoTiago | It sounds like the type of thing that would be done by running a terminal command after the program is launched, or by using an special launcher program | 03:57 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah | 03:58 |
DocScrutinizer | but then, what's going to happen to the program's menu (if there's any)? | 03:59 |
TiagoTiago | would become innacessible while it is fullscreen | 03:59 |
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pupnik | thanks GeneralAntilles | 04:03 |
pupnik | i would like to take pics of products... it's not hard | 04:03 |
pupnik | you just make sure that the basic lighting is ok, and things are sharp | 04:04 |
pupnik | if you want to get fancy, do a little 'composition' | 04:04 |
pupnik | when things work out really well, like that pic, the beauty of the object just shines through | 04:05 |
pupnik | when i realized how the speaker works, i was like beautiful... | 04:05 |
nox- | which pic? :) | 04:05 |
pupnik | the n900 speaker pic | 04:05 |
pupnik | http://i.imgur.com/9VbG6.jpg | 04:06 |
nox- | ah | 04:06 |
pupnik | you can see the reflections of the copper on the baffling | 04:06 |
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pupnik | and the contrast range between front to back turned out perfect | 04:07 |
pupnik | no photoshop/gimp needed | 04:07 |
nox- | baffling? | 04:07 |
TiagoTiago | Do you know if the tech requirements and the shape of the speaker modules match the ones on any other Nokia device? | 04:07 |
pupnik | the flexible portion | 04:07 |
pupnik | TiagoTiago: there is a supplier that claims compatible modules | 04:07 |
pupnik | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=70322 | 04:08 |
TiagoTiago | Are theirs any better than the factory ones? | 04:08 |
pupnik | i don't know | 04:09 |
pupnik | making soundwaves requires space | 04:10 |
TiagoTiago | you mean for the speaker "cone" to move? | 04:10 |
pupnik | i'm just building my own desktop planar speakers | 04:10 |
pupnik | no for the speaker cone to create a sound pressure wave | 04:10 |
pupnik | if you set such a speaker out in the open air, it is almost inaudible | 04:11 |
TiagoTiago | if you only move a very small bit, but do it very fast, isn't it the same as moving a bigger distance slower? | 04:11 |
pupnik | i don't think i can explain speakers in irc | 04:12 |
TiagoTiago | lol | 04:12 |
nox- | :) | 04:12 |
TiagoTiago | don't know the words for the concepts? | 04:12 |
pupnik | i have a few books on the concepts | 04:12 |
pupnik | let me compress them | 04:12 |
pupnik | 1381370183750387183057831 | 04:13 |
pupnik | there you go | 04:13 |
TiagoTiago | lol | 04:13 |
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TiagoTiago | is that the IBDN or whatever, the code of the book? | 04:13 |
SpeedEvil | TiagoTiago: broadly - no. If you move a little bit very fast, you have a very short time of total movement. This means a high pitch | 04:13 |
SpeedEvil | TiagoTiago: So you can output high frequencies well. But not low ones | 04:14 |
TiagoTiago | oh, i see | 04:14 |
TiagoTiago | well, what if you use some form of pulse encoding? | 04:14 |
* nox- now has nubert nubox 381 which sound `good enough' for me (but they dont fit in a phone :) | 04:14 | |
pupnik | which ones nox- --- | 04:15 |
pupnik | show pix | 04:15 |
nox- | http://www.nubert.de/index.php?action=product&id=2&category=1 | 04:16 |
SpeedEvil | TiagoTiago: A great idea, now how do you redesign your ears to be compatible with it | 04:16 |
pupnik | nice choice nox- - you have taste | 04:16 |
pupnik | i would love to hear them | 04:16 |
nox- | yeha i like them too :) | 04:16 |
TiagoTiago | No need, that is how those open air plasma speakers (like those using giant tesla coils) work | 04:17 |
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nox- | i dont have `golden ears' but i also dont like `bruellwuerfel' :) | 04:17 |
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SpeedEvil | TiagoTiago: It's really not. | 04:17 |
pupnik | nox-: these were mine, silk dome - good deal http://www.jumbosunshade.com/review/mgr_e2020_1.jpg | 04:17 |
GeneralAntilles | pupnik: need a sharper camera, though. ;) | 04:17 |
TiagoTiago | They don't encode the audio frequency as pulse length or density? | 04:18 |
SpeedEvil | TiagoTiago: Also - open air plasma speakers _suck_ for bass too. Due to the same reason - the swept volume is tiny | 04:18 |
pupnik | nox-: now i have these http://www.audiocircle.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=22jeajagkcg4b6ovc247q2okvcmesv37;action=gallery;sa=view;id=12850 | 04:18 |
SpeedEvil | TiagoTiago: No. They heat the air plasma which then heats and cools rapidly, expanding and contracting. | 04:18 |
nox- | looks expensive :) | 04:18 |
SpeedEvil | TiagoTiago: They may use PWM, or some other means of modulating the current - bit this is only to set the average current. | 04:19 |
pupnik | cheap for the sound... | 04:19 |
nox- | hehe | 04:19 |
SpeedEvil | My current audio solution is a thinkpad X61S base. | 04:19 |
* SpeedEvil needs to hook up his amp properly. | 04:20 | |
TiagoTiago | I thought they just modulated the thunderclap, and the human ear or brain just blended the individual sudden sounds together | 04:20 |
SpeedEvil | TiagoTiago: not really. | 04:20 |
SpeedEvil | It's pretty much linear | 04:20 |
pupnik | nox-: a german company is the only one in the world making these drivers - hold a sec | 04:20 |
SpeedEvil | More current -> Hotter plasma, larger. | 04:20 |
TiagoTiago | kinda like how gray tones can be made of alternating light and dark lines | 04:21 |
SpeedEvil | yes | 04:22 |
TiagoTiago | so you're saying the soundwaves come out curvy instead of being a bunch of spikes close together? | 04:23 |
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SpeedEvil | Pretty much | 04:24 |
TiagoTiago | Wow | 04:24 |
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TiagoTiago | Small speakers should still be able to produce square or sawtooth waves at lower frequencies, no? | 04:26 |
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pupnik | no | 04:28 |
TiagoTiago | Since we're talking about speaker designs, tell me what you think about this one i've come up with: | 04:28 |
pupnik | nox-: i got the drivers :)_ http://i.imgur.com/WtpWg.jpg | 04:28 |
SpeedEvil | Broadly, to make sound, you need to make pressure waves. | 04:28 |
pupnik | but brian cheney vastly improved them | 04:29 |
SpeedEvil | This means you need to make air flow. | 04:29 |
pupnik | like a firecracker | 04:29 |
pupnik | ir a fart escaping from a fat lady | 04:29 |
SpeedEvil | To have any low frequencies, you need to move air for a long time | 04:29 |
pupnik | that is sound | 04:29 |
pupnik | you can make some sound with a pin moving back and forth at 20 hz | 04:30 |
pupnik | but nobody can hear it | 04:30 |
TiagoTiago | There are 4 drivers, one on each corner of a single flat sheet (plastic, metal or whatever), about the size of the N900 screen, each can work indenpently for 4ch sound and together for the bassier range | 04:30 |
nox- | pupnik, :) | 04:30 |
SpeedEvil | If you have a limited volume of air you can move - say the .05cm^3 that a n900 speaker can move - you are sharply limited in low frequency response. | 04:31 |
TiagoTiago | What do you think of that idea? | 04:31 |
SpeedEvil | TiagoTiago: It dosn't really work well | 04:31 |
SpeedEvil | TiagoTiago: It works somewhat better if you put them in the middle | 04:31 |
TiagoTiago | How other Nokia devices manage such a good response in their speakers? | 04:31 |
SpeedEvil | By having more volume in the case. | 04:31 |
pupnik | SpeedEvil is correct | 04:32 |
pupnik | not just in the case, but in the speaker enclosure | 04:32 |
TiagoTiago | so even smaller devices got more unused space inside? | 04:32 |
pupnik | TiagoTiago: why do people build big boxes for speakers? | 04:32 |
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pupnik | why not just wave a sheet in the air? | 04:32 |
TiagoTiago | I used to think it was cause they managed to save energy by taking advantage of the ressonance, but from what i'm being told here it seems you can't bruteforce lower frequencies out of a small speaker... | 04:34 |
SpeedEvil | Pretty much. | 04:35 |
SpeedEvil | It's exactly analogous to water waves | 04:35 |
SpeedEvil | Fill your bath. | 04:35 |
SpeedEvil | Now, it's really easy to slosh it back and forward if you get in and move your body. | 04:36 |
SpeedEvil | It's really hard if you use a pencil. | 04:36 |
TiagoTiago | if you flick a water drop fast enough it will move a lot of water when it hits more water | 04:36 |
SpeedEvil | 'flicking really hard' causes distortion though. | 04:36 |
TiagoTiago | the mass-speed equivalency thing | 04:37 |
TiagoTiago | I see | 04:37 |
pupnik | nice analogy SpeedEvil - pencil / tub | 04:39 |
pupnik | i bet you can make 0.5hz waves with the pencil, but nobody can see them | 04:39 |
TiagoTiago | But if the tub ressonates at half a hertz eventually the waves might build up | 04:41 |
TiagoTiago | But you can't make it instantaneouslly, if you move the pencil too fast the water cavitates | 04:42 |
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DocScrutinizer | pupnik: and for sure you can make 1000Hz waves with your whole body, but I bet that hurts ;-) | 04:46 |
TiagoTiago | lol | 04:47 |
DocScrutinizer | TiagoTiago: the last thing you want on a speaker are resonances | 04:48 |
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DocScrutinizer | actually the box volume of a bas reflex speaker (sealed enclosure type) is carefully tuned with the "spring force" and mass of the speaker cone, to eliminate the resonance frequence of the speakerdriver alone aka free-air | 04:50 |
TiagoTiago | I thought the speakers were made with big wooden boxes exactly for resonance... | 04:50 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah, exactly for eliminating one resonence with another identical one, to use a simplified explanation | 04:51 |
TiagoTiago | Same thing for that highend speaker that got a nautilus shell for the woofer | 04:51 |
TiagoTiago | I thought it was to amplify certain frequency ranges for "free" | 04:51 |
DocScrutinizer | au contraire | 04:51 |
DocScrutinizer | but, as pupnik said, it's really not possible to explain the whole complex topic of speaker operation princibles and physics here in IRC | 04:53 |
DocScrutinizer | not even a single flavor of them | 04:54 |
DocScrutinizer | not to start with horns and transmission lines | 04:54 |
TiagoTiago | I'm understanding everything so far | 04:54 |
DocScrutinizer | the basic problem is: bass is "louder" than treble | 04:55 |
DocScrutinizer | I.E. you have to move a lot more air, and also need higer presures, while a treble sound has all it's energy in velocity | 04:56 |
DocScrutinizer | like plue light is more aggressive than red | 04:56 |
DocScrutinizer | blue* | 04:56 |
DocScrutinizer | that's why you always got huge bass speakers and tiny tweeter domes | 04:57 |
DocScrutinizer | an engine with 5L has same power like an engine with 0.1L, if you run the small engine at 50 time the RPM | 04:59 |
DocScrutinizer | (well, not really, but it's quite intuitive) | 04:59 |
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TiagoTiago | Is there a way i can make the hardware keyboard modifier keys (shift and Fn) work inside a Tcl program the way they work in hildonized programs? | 05:09 |
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pupnik | DocScrutinizer: and the n810 was still amazing | 05:17 |
pupnik | whatever balance of components they had there,.... it was maybe the best i've heard | 05:18 |
pupnik | there is a psychoacoustic phenomenon where the ear 'extrapolates' frequencies down | 05:19 |
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pupnik | it hears overtones occuring at a higher frequency, pulse modulated, and it re-creates the bass tone "belonging" to it | 05:20 |
pupnik | that also apples to high frequencies 'extending' to mids | 05:20 |
pupnik | if done right | 05:20 |
pupnik | it's an art | 05:20 |
pupnik | in fact it's the reason why kids think they are hearing music from these tweeters in cell phones | 05:21 |
nox- | oh yeah thats what those tiny bose speakers do i suppose? | 05:22 |
pupnik | hm | 05:23 |
pupnik | i think you are thinking of their waveguides | 05:23 |
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nox- | maybe | 05:23 |
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pupnik | the miniature bose radio | 05:24 |
nox- | yeah | 05:24 |
pupnik | i haven't studied that | 05:24 |
nox- | not just a speaker by itself ofc | 05:24 |
nox- | speaker + amp | 05:24 |
pupnik | i think the bose soundwave is a 'transmission line' speaker | 05:24 |
pupnik | iirc | 05:25 |
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pupnik | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acoustic_transmission_line | 05:25 |
nox- | hm the radio does that too? | 05:26 |
pupnik | vague memory, i thought it did | 05:26 |
nox- | ah ok, interesting | 05:27 |
pupnik | for hi-fi snobs it is crap | 05:27 |
nox- | yep | 05:27 |
pupnik | http://www.hometheaterforum.com/forum/thread/155755/science-behind-the-bose-wave-radio | 05:28 |
pupnik | weee, i was right | 05:28 |
nox- | hehe nice | 05:29 |
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nox- | you read german right? then this might also be interesting: http://www.nubert.de/index.php?id=59&PHPSESSID=c4481d7d5ffc071f2f152268087fba1d | 05:32 |
nox- | that pdf on there | 05:33 |
pupnik | many of my friends liked nubert | 05:33 |
nox- | hehe | 05:33 |
pupnik | yours have silk/soft dome? | 05:33 |
pupnik | i like those better than metal | 05:33 |
nox- | http://www.nubert.de/images/products/nubox/nubox-381_schwarz_ohne_blende.jpg?PHPSESSID=b2e53594433b16227be1e0276b5bb6da | 05:34 |
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pupnik | a quality 2-way pair just sounds great | 05:34 |
pupnik | but i could never order online | 05:35 |
pupnik | oh i just got a pair of ebay speakers for 1 euro | 05:35 |
nox- | haha | 05:35 |
pupnik | going to drop the rm8-neo drivers in there and experiment | 05:35 |
pupnik | you should hear vmps or planars sometime | 05:36 |
pupnik | or some infiniti / kappa / wharfedale / vandersteen / magneplan | 05:36 |
pupnik | with the planar drivers | 05:36 |
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pupnik | they can have their own problems of course | 05:37 |
pupnik | but they deliver midranges very differently than conic speakers | 05:37 |
pupnik | kind of like switching to an electric car | 05:39 |
pupnik | not always the best solution, but very interesting and completely superior in some ways | 05:40 |
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nox- | hmm | 05:41 |
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nox- | http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/02/25/6134101-shuttle-launch-witnessed-from-above | 06:17 |
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Sazpaimon | hey N900 owners | 07:48 |
Sazpaimon | http://cgi.ebay.com/NOKIA-N900-UNLOCKED-BLACK-MOBILE-TOUCHSCREEN-PHON-BROKE-/350442914124?pt=Cell_Phones&hash=item519806814c | 07:48 |
Sazpaimon | what say you on this | 07:48 |
Sazpaimon | guy says it "shows that its charging but won't power on | 07:48 |
Sazpaimon | " | 07:48 |
Sazpaimon | without any more details than that, what could be its possible cause. If it's something simple like a reflash, I think $170 would be well worth it | 07:49 |
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Sazpaimon | also, if it's something slightly more serious, the nokia store is a train ride away | 07:54 |
Sazpaimon | just curious if it seems like something simple to the experts here | 07:54 |
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DocScrutinizer | quite common FPC defect -> screen black -> http://www.ownta.com/original-nokia-n900-cell-phone-slide-flex-cable-ribbon-with-camera.html | 07:56 |
Sazpaimon | yikes, so i might need to tack on another $50 to this? | 07:58 |
DocScrutinizer | plus service | 07:59 |
Sazpaimon | i'd be better off just sniping a working one then | 07:59 |
DocScrutinizer | I'd say for 170 bucks you get a "working condition, like new" | 08:00 |
Sazpaimon | nope, they usually go for $250 or more | 08:00 |
Sazpaimon | cheapest working one I see is at $180, and that's at 22 bids and ending in 2,5 days | 08:01 |
Sazpaimon | most of the buy it nows are listed at $370 or more | 08:02 |
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RST38h | Man Discovers His Online Girlfriend of 2.5 Years Is FakeAfter Paying Her $200,000 | 08:31 |
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psycho_oreos | scammed because of one's gullibility-ness? | 08:35 |
doc|home | lets be honest, we've all been messed about by a girl one time at one stage or another. She just got away with it for longer than most. | 08:38 |
RST38h | There wasn't any girl to begin with, just a Nigerian scammer. | 08:39 |
doc|home | fair enough, then he's an idiot | 08:40 |
psycho_oreos | indeed | 08:40 |
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Termana | good morning | 09:53 |
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Cor-Ai | morning | 09:54 |
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divan | morning | 09:58 |
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Jaffa | Morning, all | 10:12 |
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Cor-Ai | jaffa cree! | 10:13 |
Jaffa | Indeed. | 10:13 |
Cor-Ai | :D | 10:14 |
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slonopotamus | wtf is going on with python on autobuilder? https://garage.maemo.org/builder/fremantle/subversion_1.6.12dfsg-4maemo1/armel.build.log.FAILED.txt | 10:50 |
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pupnik | wow look at all the new apps "_ | 11:27 |
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divan | pupnik, what new apps? | 11:31 |
pugvader | since april, 2010 | 11:32 |
pugvader | much has been done | 11:32 |
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pugvader | pupnik just fixed his N900 | 11:35 |
pupnik | :) | 11:35 |
pupnik | 'twas a paperweight not bootining | 11:36 |
pugvader | and by the power of grayskull... | 11:36 |
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pupnik | oh wow yes rootfs does fill fast | 11:45 |
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pupnik | ugh this terminal hurts my eyes to read | 11:48 |
pupnik | give us a 4-5" screen pls | 11:48 |
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pupnik | uninstalling one app takes > 1 minute? | 11:54 |
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kerio | with HAM? | 12:01 |
kerio | i doubt 1 minute is enough | 12:01 |
pupnik | just trying to install fapman since 1/2 hour | 12:02 |
pupnik | had to relink /var/cache/apt/archives to /opt | 12:03 |
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pupnik | pulling in the 1.3 updates it seems | 12:03 |
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slonopotamus | https://garage.maemo.org/builder/fremantle/subversion_1.6.12dfsg-4maemo1/armel.build.log.FAILED.txt any ideas? | 12:04 |
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pupnik | no module named subprocess ... | 12:06 |
slonopotamus | yep. but where it is gone? | 12:06 |
pupnik | i don't know python | 12:07 |
pupnik | is there a module 'subprocess' or is it a spurious error? | 12:07 |
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slonopotamus | well, on n900 it is definitely present | 12:07 |
* slonopotamus sends new bunch of curses to scratchbox devs | 12:08 | |
* pupnik so happy he fixed water-damaged system board with | 12:08 | |
pupnik | alcohol | 12:08 |
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pupnik | slonopotamus: what can you do to resolve this? | 12:10 |
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slonopotamus | pupnik: already did. added python to SBOX_REDIRECT_IGNORE | 12:15 |
* slonopotamus really wants SBOX_REDIRECT_IGNORE=* | 12:15 | |
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dm8tbr | pupnik: ah, isopropyl to the rescue :) - did that to a 9300 too recently | 12:23 |
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pupnik | dm8tbr: it's the first time it has actually worked for me | 12:41 |
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pupnik | i wish n900 would setup usb networking on connect to pc | 13:20 |
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slonopotamus | pupnik: then you wouldn't be able to plug it into media player and watch videos from mmc | 13:21 |
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trumee | ~ping | 13:26 |
infobot | ~pong | 13:26 |
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pupnik | slonopotamus: well you get the option to do storage mode or pc suite | 13:32 |
pupnik | what is pc suite for anyway | 13:32 |
slonopotamus | no idea | 13:32 |
Metallikettu | For pc-suite mode :) | 13:33 |
Metallikettu | For connecting to pc-suite software (pretty useless anyway) | 13:33 |
pupnik | yeah i never tried it | 13:35 |
FireFly|n900 | To sync calender with Outlook and stuff like that, I think | 13:39 |
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FireFly|n900 | At least that was the case with my old S40 phone | 13:40 |
pupnik | it would be cool to add "Usb Network" to the list of options | 13:41 |
pupnik | so happy after 10 months the n900 is back in business :D | 13:41 |
villager | nokia pc suite also allows you to use the phone as a modem to connect to the internet via gsm/3g | 13:41 |
pupnik | cool villager so it does network | 13:42 |
villager | it can network in pc suite mode yes | 13:42 |
lolcat | Can I use the sixaxis controller as a mouse in easy debian? | 13:42 |
jacekowski | it's if you want to use it as a modem | 13:42 |
jacekowski | or anything else that's not storage mode | 13:42 |
jacekowski | or connect it to pcsuite | 13:42 |
pupnik | the kernel module needs switching modes iirc | 13:43 |
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pupnik | for the usb controller | 13:43 |
jacekowski | well, it could be done with fake usb hub | 13:43 |
OkropNick | jacekowski: hi, can I ask you something using msg? | 13:43 |
jacekowski | so phone could do all modes at once | 13:43 |
jacekowski | OkropNick: what? | 13:43 |
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OkropNick | jacekowski: private question? | 13:43 |
jacekowski | ok | 13:44 |
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pupnik | check out "The story of robotron" clips on youtube. awesome | 13:53 |
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* MohammadAG wonders if it'd be possible to iterate over all messages and mark them as read | 14:01 | |
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pupnik | so nice to have the best again | 14:29 |
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alterego | Is it possible to get a linux machine with a single wifi card to act as a base station? | 14:30 |
alterego | Ah, looks like it might be. | 14:31 |
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alterego | Sweet, this should work quite nicely :D | 14:32 |
brekpoint | you need to configure a radius server for wlan logins | 14:33 |
brekpoint | there is a howto which deskribe the whole process | 14:34 |
brekpoint | search in google for wlan radius linux | 14:36 |
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pupnik | does mlocate/slocate work? | 14:43 |
jacekowski | no need for radius | 14:44 |
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jacekowski | alterego: all you need is a card that can work in STA/master mode | 14:44 |
jacekowski | alterego: and run hostapd | 14:44 |
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alterego | jacekowski: yeah, I checked I've got some compatible dongles | 14:45 |
jacekowski | do you want wpa or wep or no? | 14:45 |
alterego | I don't really care about that, wpa 2 psk would be useful but not essential | 14:45 |
jacekowski | ok | 14:46 |
jacekowski | http://pastebin.com/VsBBJL2k | 14:47 |
jacekowski | that's my hostapd config file | 14:47 |
jacekowski | http://pastebin.com/VsBBJL2k | 14:47 |
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jacekowski | wpa_psk_file=/etc/hostapd/wpa_psk | 14:47 |
jacekowski | that file contains single line | 14:47 |
jacekowski | 00:00:00:00:00:00 mynetworkkey | 14:47 |
alterego | Oh, that's great, thanks :) | 14:48 |
jacekowski | you may have to tweak interface names and stuff | 14:48 |
alterego | ~seen javispedro | 14:48 |
infobot | javispedro <~javier@Maemo/community/council/javispedro> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 15h 3m 32s ago, saying: 'MIPS. sigh.'. | 14:48 |
alterego | Heh | 14:48 |
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RST38h | http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-W0y_YRdrmFo/TWjvbH_yLYI/AAAAAAAAC2I/QcjsSYsEq6Q/s1600/epic-win-photos-prayer-win.jpg | 14:57 |
villager | alterego: my desktop computer has two primary tasks: wifi base station with hostapd (and NAT), and running boinc... I, too, see no reason why you'd want radius on a home network, since that's for EAP authentication on enterprise networks and stuff | 14:57 |
RST38h | alterego: here? | 14:57 |
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alterego | yeah, what can I do for you RST38h | 15:00 |
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eichi | hello! is there no way to activate and deactivate the virtuell keyboard with one click (shortcut etc). I only need if vor navigation. allways have to go to options is bad. is there a command in command line, i can use for that? | 15:35 |
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eichi | ah okay, it hides, if i open the hardware keyboard, thats nice ;) kay. now problem dosnt matter | 15:39 |
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toadpole | hey could someone help me with flashing my n900? i put the phone off, pressed u, connected the cable, released u, now the nokia logo and a usb icon are on the screen... however, windows 7 was unable to install the driver successfully... should i continue? | 16:10 |
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Venemo | toadpole: many people are experiencing issues on Windows flashing, especially on 64-bit windows | 16:11 |
Venemo | toadpole: I'd suggest you to try a Linux live cd or something | 16:11 |
Venemo | ~flashing | 16:11 |
infobot | i guess flashing is http://wiki.maemo.org/Updating_the_tablet_firmware | 16:11 |
toadpole | wait looks like i have to hold 'u' until it successfully installs the driver | 16:14 |
toadpole | i'm gonna try that | 16:14 |
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toadpole | yup, looks like that worked... thanks, though, Venemo | 16:18 |
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Venemo | okay toadpole, I'm glad :) | 16:18 |
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toadpole | do i flash the EMMC image first or later? | 16:20 |
merlin1991 | toadpole, http://wiki.maemo.org/Updating_the_tablet_firmware#Flashing_the_eMMC_in_the_N900 | 16:23 |
toadpole | ( merlin1991 ): suppose i don't flash the FIASCO/rootfs image, what'll i not have? | 16:27 |
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merlin1991 | everything | 16:27 |
merlin1991 | emmc is just the mydocs part | 16:28 |
merlin1991 | rootfs is the os | 16:28 |
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toadpole | what's this, then? RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM | 16:28 |
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psycho_oreos | global pr1.3 firmware | 16:30 |
toadpole | the o/s and the firmware are two different things? | 16:30 |
psycho_oreos | you can see the descriptions clearly in the far right of that row | 16:30 |
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psycho_oreos | no the OS comes with the firmware, the fiasco part | 16:31 |
toadpole | so if i flash the firmware, i don't need to do the fiasco step? | 16:31 |
psycho_oreos | fiasco is firmware | 16:31 |
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toadpole | so basically RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM is the file i need for the fiasco step here? | 16:32 |
merlin1991 | yes | 16:32 |
toadpole | damn i have so much to learn, sorry bout being an idiot, people... thanks for your help and patience | 16:33 |
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* pupnik is just amazed how awesome n900 feels after not having one for many months | 16:34 | |
pupnik | and even with three row keyboard life is ok in the shell | 16:34 |
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toadpole | just one last question, guys... if i first flash the firmware, then the eMMC, that's all i have to do to get it to factory state, right? | 16:37 |
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MohammadAG | yes | 16:39 |
MohammadAG | and change lock code back to 12345 | 16:40 |
MohammadAG | before reflashing | 16:40 |
toadpole | didn't change the lock code so i guess that's okay.. thanks again, all | 16:40 |
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Venemo | good morning MohammadAG :) | 16:45 |
MohammadAG | morning :) | 16:46 |
pupnik | hey MohammadAG i fixed the waterdamaged n900 :D | 16:49 |
pupnik | what a fun device this is | 16:49 |
Venemo | pupnik, how did you do that? | 16:51 |
pupnik | i cleaned it real clean and then squirted ethanol all over the system board then put it in the oven | 16:52 |
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Venemo | and you baked it? | 16:52 |
pupnik | yaha | 16:52 |
pupnik | made a mistake with the temperature control too. i don't want to know how hot it got | 16:53 |
pupnik | :) | 16:53 |
MohammadAG | lol | 16:53 |
MohammadAG | I would've shoved it in rice :) | 16:53 |
pupnik | and waited months? | 16:54 |
MohammadAG | good point, though I'd give up after 48h :P | 16:54 |
pupnik | is there a 'find my stolen n900' app? | 16:55 |
Venemo | yes | 16:55 |
pupnik | cool in the pool | 16:55 |
MohammadAG | I like the iPhone's feature | 16:55 |
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MohammadAG | but it makes me think, if Apple can request location anytime, doesn't that ruin privacy? | 16:55 |
Venemo | yea | 16:56 |
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MohammadAG | or it's push | 17:01 |
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pupnik | i wonder why /var/cache/apt/archives wasn't put on /opt in the first place | 17:10 |
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ruskie | pupnik, don't forget the apt metadata | 17:12 |
ruskie | that can get big as well | 17:12 |
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MohammadAG | dpkg* | 17:13 |
MohammadAG | not apt | 17:13 |
frals | is there any legal reason you would want to "*) catch packages of another phones,"? | 17:14 |
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kerio | http://fatpita.net/?i=3585 <- we need a new nokia plan | 17:49 |
toresbe | Where's the joke? | 17:54 |
ZogG | MohammadAG, hey | 17:55 |
kerio | thatsthejoke.jpg | 17:55 |
toresbe | You mean the funny thing is that Nokia used to make shoes? I knew that. | 17:55 |
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DocScrutinizer | toadpole: refresh the http://wiki.maemo.org/Updating_the_tablet_firmware#Flashing_the_eMMC_in_the_N900, read the full page, most of your questions been answered there | 17:55 |
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luke-jr | is there an app that shares GPS info on XMPP status msg with more frequency? | 18:06 |
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luke-jr | ideally with privacy controls to not share location within a defined area | 18:07 |
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villager | kerio: besides... nokiapland.com already covers it, no? | 18:15 |
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ZogG | we should invite graf_choloko to maemo devs =) | 18:21 |
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RST38h | http://www.h-online.com/open/features/Nokia-and-open-source-a-trial-by-fire-1194928.html | 18:32 |
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alterego | That's a popular link today. | 18:47 |
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DocScrutinizer | that's also a quite well written article | 19:39 |
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DocScrutinizer | and seriously to the point | 19:39 |
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SpeedEvil | Meh. | 19:42 |
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SpeedEvil | I wrote a page or so reply to that, and it seems to have gotten eaten. | 19:45 |
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RST38h | Would there be iPhones, iPads and iPods on the market today if Sun Microsystems had been able to close a deal to buy out Apple in the mid-1990s? No, says McNealy. 'If we had bought Apple, there wouldn't have been iPods or iPads ... I'd have screwed that up. | 19:51 |
luke-jr | s/'d// | 19:52 |
* SpeedEvil ponders if the world would be a better place. | 19:52 | |
steve___ | Is there a way, on the n900, to buzz when a new email shows up, via imap, in a specific non-inbox folder? | 19:52 |
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MohammadAG | ~ping | 19:55 |
infobot | ~pong | 19:55 |
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merlin1991 | steve___, afaik modest only supports the inbox folder in imap | 19:58 |
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steve___ | merlin1991: ok thank you | 20:02 |
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* fil just installed lxp's bleeding edge wifi kernel packages, and now my n900's in a reboot loop -- is it likely that I can just stick an old kernel on to fix this, or will I need a full reflash? | 20:03 | |
dado7 | any people speak spanish ? | 20:03 |
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dado7 | i installed fcam driver n900 phone, and instaled others software and codecs... and in this time not work the camera :( any solution ? | 20:05 |
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ruskie | fil, you can try | 20:06 |
ruskie | dado7, what??? | 20:06 |
fil | ruskie: fair enough -- will do | 20:06 |
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ruskie | fil, if the issue is just the kernel... it should work | 20:07 |
dado7 | excussme for my bad english. i m speaker spanish. i have fail with camera, dont work. this is after install fcam drivers and others hit for the camera | 20:07 |
fil | ruskie: I think that's all, so I'll give it a try (after I've eaten something ...) | 20:08 |
ruskie | what fcam drivers??? | 20:08 |
dado7 | and my question is, can i reinstall the factory camera drivers ? | 20:08 |
dado7 | fcam is soft to best photos camera | 20:08 |
dado7 | you can google about this | 20:09 |
ruskie | so remove it | 20:11 |
dado7 | i remove..... | 20:12 |
dado7 | and dont resolve... | 20:12 |
toadpole | ( dado7 ): that had happened to me as well | 20:12 |
toadpole | what i did was remove all camera related apps | 20:13 |
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dado7 | the las week, i install diferents apps to camera | 20:13 |
toadpole | just remove everything related to the camera | 20:13 |
toadpole | then install one by one and see which one is the problem | 20:13 |
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dado7 | okey | 20:14 |
dado7 | i try this | 20:14 |
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alterego | javispedro: ping | 20:14 |
javispedro | hi alterego | 20:15 |
javispedro | alterego: just pondering if you're going to or are using sqlite for waypoint storage in columbus? | 20:15 |
* RST38h moos at javispedro, circles the arena | 20:15 | |
toadpole | you think i'd be able to write the meego image to my microsd using my phone in mass storage mode? | 20:15 |
ruskie | toadpole, why not just do it on-device ? | 20:16 |
alterego | javispedro: I am yes | 20:16 |
alterego | Using it that is. | 20:16 |
MohammadAG | ruskie, that would take hours | 20:16 |
MohammadAG | and the device would surely hang | 20:16 |
ruskie | MohammadAG, not really | 20:16 |
MohammadAG | oh, right, uSD | 20:16 |
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MohammadAG | sorry, I have MeeGo on the eMMC | 20:17 |
ruskie | but from my experience any uSD reader so far that I've tried was crap performance wise | 20:17 |
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MohammadAG | writing to the eMMC takes ages | 20:17 |
toadpole | i have a class 10 microsd, would that help? | 20:17 |
MohammadAG | ask ShadowJK | 20:17 |
javispedro | alterego: I'm extending my garmin protocol talking daemon to be able to exchange waypoints+tracks. For the time being I'm writing them on my own sqlite db but since I don't want to write a "viewer" I'll use your apps format, if you don't mind =) | 20:17 |
ruskie | if I were to put the uSD into a SD adapter it would always work a lot lot faster | 20:17 |
SpeedEvil | javispedro: random - #openstreetmap over on irc.oftc.net | 20:18 |
alterego | javispedro: sounds good :) | 20:18 |
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dado7 | alterego hablas mi idioma ? | 20:18 |
alterego | dado7: I have no idea what you're saying | 20:18 |
alterego | This is an English speaking channel. | 20:18 |
dado7 | jijii | 20:18 |
alterego | Speak English | 20:18 |
ruskie | I'm guessing if you speak his language... | 20:19 |
dado7 | your nick ... is spanish | 20:19 |
ruskie | was the quesiton ;) | 20:19 |
javispedro | (note that what I want is to use mapsource, ozi, gpsbabel, or some other grm protocol program to manage waypoints and track logs on my n900, not to talk to a true garmin device) | 20:19 |
alterego | I think someone has told me this before. | 20:19 |
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javispedro | dado7: most latin derived languages read similarly | 20:20 |
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toadpole | are the meego repositories as full as the maemo ones? | 20:20 |
dado7 | i know javispedro | 20:21 |
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DocScrutinizer | dado7: your english is just good enough, don't worry. Our Spanish for sure is worse ;-D | 20:24 |
ruskie | I do wonder if google translate might have helped with understanding... | 20:24 |
dado7 | jajaja, sometimes is hard to try, but i hope can understand me | 20:25 |
DocScrutinizer | no problem :-) | 20:25 |
dado7 | you right ruskie | 20:25 |
ruskie | atleast with the initial question | 20:25 |
toadpole | ( dado7 ): eliminar todas las aplicaciones relacionadas con la cámara, instale uno por uno y ver cuál está causando problemas | 20:26 |
dado7 | The camera does not work, install third party applications | 20:27 |
toadpole | lets hope google translate's spanish is up to scratch | 20:27 |
javispedro | hm | 20:27 |
dado7 | Can you reinstall the application of the camera? | 20:28 |
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dado7 | okey toadpole | 20:28 |
DocScrutinizer | toadpole: He has understood that for all I can tell. No need to start اللغات الأجنبية الشر | 20:28 |
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javispedro | dado7: I'm trying to pm you. | 20:28 |
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user | H'all | 21:01 |
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Rodrigo | Is Ubuntu already working on n8x0? | 21:03 |
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villager | hah, now my program can submit queries to and parse phone directory webpages to look up phone numbers... now I just need to find a way to be notified of the phone number of anyone calling me, and I'll have a nice caller id program... hmm... | 21:08 |
Rodrigo | villager: Cool | 21:08 |
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ruskie | interesting | 21:10 |
ruskie | assuming the number is listed... | 21:10 |
ruskie | btw do you also support .tel domains? | 21:10 |
villager | .tel domains? I just want to look up phone numbers... | 21:11 |
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ruskie | https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/.tel | 21:12 |
ruskie | it's meant for such information as well ;) | 21:12 |
ruskie | i.e. any contact info | 21:12 |
villager | is that actually a useful way to look up most phone numbers? | 21:12 |
ruskie | However tel is about publishing contact data: phone numbers, SIP addresses and so on directly in the DNS, not on html-based websites. | 21:13 |
ruskie | no clue | 21:13 |
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villager | the way I do it now is that I have a config file that says how to submit the http request and how to parse the webpage, so anyone could customize the thing to the online directory service of their country... | 21:14 |
villager | more flexibility like multiple source websites (or even dns lookups?) can probably be added later... | 21:15 |
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DocScrutinizer | villager: dbus-monitor, check out dbus-scripting pkg | 21:17 |
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villager | DocScrutinizer: yeah, now I just need someone other than the telemarketers who's interested in calling me... | 21:18 |
DocScrutinizer | LOL | 21:18 |
DocScrutinizer | s/interested in /willing to do me a favour by/ | 21:20 |
villager | if there are no docs I can read instead, guess it'll have to wait until monday, then I can ask people at work | 21:21 |
DocScrutinizer | too bad when no landline in a mile | 21:21 |
* alterego continues working on his Qml dialer | 21:21 | |
* MohammadAG wonders how that'll work :P | 21:22 | |
MohammadAG | alterego, MeeGo? | 21:22 |
alterego | yer | 21:22 |
MohammadAG | Ah | 21:22 |
MohammadAG | Orientation lock, for the hell of it http://i53.tinypic.com/23ixqmh.jpg | 21:23 |
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DocScrutinizer | if (dbus-scripting trigger: [path=/com/nokia/csd/call; interface=com.nokia.csd.Call; member=Coming] object path "/com/nokia/csd/call/1" string "$NUMBER").$NUMBER=="+49.*"; then http://www.klicktel.de/inverssuche/index/search?method=searchSimple&_dvform_posted=1&phoneNumber=$NUMBER | 22:01 |
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DocScrutinizer | villager: I'm happy to give you another testcall when needed | 22:07 |
DocScrutinizer | ping me on DocScrutinizer51 | 22:08 |
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villager | DocScrutinizer: ok, but probably won't be before tomorrow... gonna watch movies and stuff the rest of the evening | 22:23 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | np, anytime you like | 22:24 |
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RaveniquE | hello | 22:57 |
RaveniquE | I can't play videos, if I use overclock, using v46 kernel. If I don't use enchanced kernel then I can play them, dunno what to do. Can anything related with voltage adjustment or frequency be the reason? | 22:59 |
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RaveniquE | any idea? | 23:02 |
steve___ | Is it possible to use something like fdm to sync email with modest? Meaning if I sync email with fdm will I get a notification from modest? | 23:03 |
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RaveniquE | I need ideas please! | 23:13 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | RaveniquE: avoid overclocking! | 23:18 |
DocScrutinizer51 | ~tell RaveniquE about omap-oc | 23:18 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | RaveniquE: hope you got an idea why OC is *BAD* and why bitching aout video playback breaking on OC is silly | 23:20 |
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Sicelo | ~tell Sicelo about omap-oc | 23:22 |
DocScrutinizer51 | for all I know PK46 should work OK with video playback, as long as used on standard settings for freq and core voltage | 23:22 |
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RaveniquE | will give a fresh try, I get the idea, but I guess I am happy with @900 mhz. It is stable for me, except multi-tasked surfing sometimes | 23:30 |
RaveniquE | Even you don't like OC thing, it makes me feel like "oooh, It feels faster" :P | 23:31 |
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kerio | yeah but you're stupid | 23:33 |
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RaveniquE | I wouldn't say that, if I can afford another one for a spare. I wanted to know if there's a solution and you say I'm stupid. | 23:35 |
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luke-jr | RaveniquE: you are stupid. | 23:37 |
RaveniquE | Offense wouldn't help. | 23:38 |
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Turtle^^ | hey all | 23:50 |
Turtle^^ | was just wondering can i repartition mmcblk0p2? | 23:51 |
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Turtle^^ | and move a bit of swap there | 23:51 |
Turtle^^ | and turn off the mmblk0p3 | 23:51 |
Turtle^^ | can this be done? | 23:52 |
ShadowJK | There's a thread on tmo about repartitioning | 23:53 |
ShadowJK | I think the common approach is to make the vfat partition smaller | 23:53 |
ShadowJK | It's all kinda tricky so I wouldn't do it without reading about it first | 23:53 |
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DocScrutinizer | easiest way is with a patched VANILLA imahe | 23:54 |
* MohammadAG used gparted | 23:54 | |
DocScrutinizer | image | 23:54 |
cehteh | Turtle^^: swap-files are meanwhile as fast as swap partitions on linux | 23:54 |
Turtle^^ | which is the mmcblk0p1 (the fat32) one right? its 28gb | 23:54 |
DocScrutinizer | except that afaik maemo doesn't support them swapfiles | 23:54 |
ShadowJK | p1 is vfat, yes | 23:54 |
ShadowJK | DocScrutinizer, the kernel in maemo has a bug which makes them hang indefinitely :-) | 23:55 |
ShadowJK | also, 'filefrag' hangs | 23:55 |
cehteh | but biggier swap wont fix anything... just calculate the flash memory bandwidth and how long it will take to swap something in/out | 23:55 |
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cehteh | ShadowJK: not indefenitely .. just very long .. once i forgot to reboot my device on such a hang and it eventually recovered | 23:56 |
Turtle^^ | i have never used more then 200mb of swap as far as conky has reported | 23:56 |
ShadowJK | Actually bigger swap makes it take longer before swap fragmentation becomes an issue :P | 23:56 |
DocScrutinizer | Turtle^^: for patching VANILLA prior to flashing eMMC see http://wiki.maemo.org/User:Joerg_rw/tools | 23:56 |
Turtle^^ | thanks | 23:57 |
DocScrutinizer | of course you can insert a uSD with a swap partition, swapon uSD, sawpoff eMMC, then edit partitions to split swap partition mmcblk0p3 into two | 23:57 |
DocScrutinizer | then reboot immediately, to reread the partiton table | 23:58 |
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luke-jr | DocScrutinizer: no | 23:59 |
DocScrutinizer | no? | 23:59 |
DocScrutinizer | what did I miss? | 23:59 |
luke-jr | uSD swap crashes Maemo for some reason | 23:59 |
DocScrutinizer | not here | 23:59 |
Turtle^^ | but y wud i split the mmcblk0p3 | 23:59 |
luke-jr | … | 23:59 |
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javispedro | not here either, though I don't enable it that often. | 23:59 |
DocScrutinizer | worked just fine | 23:59 |
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