IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2010-11-13

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bibounefrhello how many volts should give the battery for the N900 to be full?00:08
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trumeew00t_: I know you have given up on facebrick. But do you know if its authentication mechanism is broken?00:10
yaccbibounefr, your LiIon charger should be able to recognize that automatically?00:10
* ColdFyre wishes the n900 actually showed the battery level when charging00:10
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ColdFyrei've never seen a nokia actually show that00:11
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GAN900w00t_, yeah, you put your info on the flight page?00:13
yaccColdFyre, yeah, but these other where just plain mobiles.00:14
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yaccColdFyre, the N900 OTOH is such a nice toy that one is left with wishing for the more esoteric stuff.00:14
* ColdFyre thinks nokia has a hidden agenda00:15
bibounefryacc   , no it  is not that, but I'm in panic boot with the kernel power 45, and I can  not flash, I do not know if the battery is charging when I'm on the same  wall plug or USB, no LED Orange00:15
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yaccE.g. a working USB host, a more complete set of wireless connections, it can do SIP, Skype, GSM/UMTS, but why is a DECT module missing, :-P00:16
yaccColdFyre, or seeing the charge level while charging.00:17
bibounefryacc  , and like to flash it takes a full battery, mine gives v 3.5, is it enough?00:17
yaccColdFyre, interestingly, the default UI of the G1 did not show that value either, but 3rd party widgets could.00:17
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yaccColdFyre, OTOH, I've been told that the G1 had no real hardware to sense the load level of the battery, so it was always a kind of semi calculated guess, ...00:18
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crashanddielcuk: bacon cider00:20
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MohammadAGyacc, request it00:20
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lcukcrashanddie, thats quite unappealing actually00:20
lcukpossibly the only thing so far with bacon that I might actuall give a miss00:21
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bibounefrnobody can help me? I'm secure with powerkernel 45 in boot panic and I can not flash ....00:22
yaccMohammadAG, from whom? Nokia is not exactly a small mom and pop shop where you can tell anything relevant to anyone relevant, ...00:22
MohammadAGyacc, modules can be compiled easily00:23
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yaccI also did not understand why they had to rebase on Meego, I mean the N900 really nicely hides the thrilling Debian-ess system underneath.00:23
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yaccMohammadAG, which modules should I request? DECT module == hardware connection module so it can talk with standard DECT wireless landline base stations.00:24
lcukyacc, for shits n giggles, rebase hildon ontop of meego ;)00:24
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bibounefrplease ?00:25
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MohammadAGyacc, my bad, misunderstood you00:25
MohammadAGi'd love hd on meego00:25
lcukbibounefr, you say you cannot flash, have you tried following the flashing guide and troubleshooting and ensured you have fully charged battery and good cable and stuff00:25
MohammadAGcause quite frankly, meego's UI sucks compared to M500:25
GAN900MohammadAG, haven't seen Harmattan yet, though.00:26
MohammadAGGAN900, true00:26
MohammadAGit looks the same, if the N9's pics aren't fake00:26
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bibounefrlcuk   , j'ai deja flasher sans soucie dans le passé  , la ma batterie donne 3,5 v avec le voltmetre  , est ce suffisant ?00:28
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bibounefricuk  , I already flashed without care in the past, my battery provides 3.5 V with the voltmeter, is it enough?00:28
lcukI think your main computer is screwed00:28
lcukthat didnt come out like english at all00:28
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lcukbibounefr,  I have never measured how charged up a battery is by voltage alone00:29
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lcukbut isnt the battery marked 3.7v00:29
RST38hthat is top voltage00:29
RST38hreal one will depend on the load and the charge00:29
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lcukbibounefr, what happens when you start the flashing stage, please pastebin the console messages00:29
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crashanddiebibounefr: mesurer la capacite de la batterie avec un voltmetre ne te donnera que tres peu d'informations. Une batterie peut afficher 3.7V a vide, et 1V des que tu lui mets 1A en charge00:30
crashanddiebibounefr: cela etant dit, ce channel est principalement anglais, donc merci de garder les discussions en anglais exclusivement, merci.00:31
w00t_GAN900: no, I have neglected to do so00:31
w00t_trumee: it sort of is, sort of isn't, some people have always had problems00:31
w00t_i have some ideas i'll play with on it if i feel like it00:32
GAN900My list of think to do between now and tomorrow keeps getting longer.00:32
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trumeew00t_: it used to work on my device. I did a reflash and now facebook returns with an error.00:32
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trumeew00t_: funny thing is that it does log me in correctly into the website00:33
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trumeew00t_: However, the Error comment in facebook seem to suggest that facebrick is not requesting something correct,00:33
bibounefricuk , I'll try to copy what I put the console when I start00:34
trumeew00t_: is there any config files for facebrick which i can delete and try again?00:34
bibounefrcrashanddie , I try to speak English but not very easy for me00:34
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trumeew00t_: this is what facebook is returning btw,
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bibounefricuk ,  Getting NOLO supplied boot parameters...00:52
bibounefrDie ID #45DC000400000000040385ae0200501600:52
bibounefrExtra commands:00:52
bibounefrrun sercon - Use serial port for control.00:52
bibounefrrun usbcon - Use usbtty for contro.00:52
bibounefrrun vgacon - use framebuffer/keyboard00:52
bibounefrrun mmcboot - boot from sd card slot.00:52
bibounefrrun noloboot - boot kernel loaded by nolo00:52
bibounefrhit any key to stop autoboot: 000:52
bibounefrNo MMC card found00:52
bibounefrBooting Nolo supplied kernel...00:52
bibounefr## booting kernel from legacy image at 80540E58...00:52
bibounefrimage name: kernel-power00:52
bibounefrimage type: arm linux kernel image (uncompressed)00:52
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bibounefranyone can help me?00:55
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gorioBRwhat do you need ?00:58
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bibounefrgorioBR I'm secure with powerkernel 45 in boot panic and I can not flash ....00:59
bibounefrAfteris  I already flashed without care in the past, my battery provides 3.5 V with the voltmeter, is it enough?01:00
nox-can you boot meego from microsd?01:01
nox-that should at least let you charge (i hope :)01:01
Afterishmm, i cant garand i think it must be 3.701:01
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Afterisif you have option try to get another battery and check if everything works01:02
bibounefrnox-   , how to put the image on the micro sd Meego with a xp pc?01:03
Afterischeck on forum01:03
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nox-some imagewriter tool?01:03
Afteriswhere is alot of information01:03
bibounefrAfteris  , yes that is what is written above .....01:03
nox-(assuming you have a flashcard reader etc)01:04
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Afterisbibounefr try to get battery01:04
DocScrutinizertry either, whatever is eaier for you01:04
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DocScrutinizernox-'s point is valid. Afteris is a pragmatic solution if you have a neigbour with a compatible phone holding a BL-5J battery01:06
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bibounefrAfteris  , I looked all over after lunch on the forum did not solve my problem01:06
GAN900fcrochik, ah, you're on 722, too.01:07
Afterisbibounefr how i understand you stuck in u-boot?01:07
DocScrutinizerno, he's stuck on a low battery01:07
DocScrutinizerand a borked rootfs01:07
Afterisso what i sayd before01:08
bibounefrDocscrutinizer , no neighbor with BL-5J .... :)01:08
ShadowJKsigh, my n810 doesn't boot :/01:08
Afterisget battery or get battery charger01:08
DocScrutinizerso go for charging battery with meego on SD card01:09
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DocScrutinizerShadowJK: mine boots every few days :-P01:09
Afterisbibounefr i dont now how in france but in lithuania i managet to buy battery charger for 4euro01:09
bibounefrDocscrutinizer  , how to put the image on the micro sd Meego with a xp pc?01:09
DocScrutinizerthere are instructions on meego's wiki01:10
DocScrutinizerI have no better pointer, sorry01:10
* ShadowJK suddenly hears nokia "hands" sound, 30 minutes later01:10
bibounefrAFteris , pressed closer to what the 40 to 60 € in France ....01:10
DocScrutinizermaybe ask in #meego-arm01:10
ShadowJKit booted :D01:10
nox-ah here's a windows tool:
bibounefrDocscruntinizer on the wiki? there have the manual for putting on the sdcard Meego with a 900 in working condition, with no off N90001:12
nox-(this assuming flashcard reader)01:12
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bibounefrI have a microSD USB reader01:13
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nox-they write an iso but the meego image i hope will be the same01:14
nox-pls correct me if im wrong :)01:15
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nox-(its a hyrbid iso in case anyone is wondering...)01:16
bibounefrnox- , thank you, but I do not know if an iso and image are such Meego01:16
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bibounefrnox-;  I'll try this solution .. thank you to you01:20
fcrochikGAN900: yes!\01:20
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GAN900fcrochik, getting in from Tampa on US 1044 at around 7 PM.01:22
fcrochikGAN900: I am leaving NC...will land at 7:2301:22
Afterishaven't tested by myself01:23
nox-ah here are the official(?) meego instructions:
nox-(and yes looks like flashnul should work as well)01:25
GAN900fcrochik, guess I'll see you at the gate. I'll be the bearded guy with the Mini 9 and an N900. ;)01:25
fcrochikGAN900: oops...too quick...01:26
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fcrochikGAN900: again.... let me remove the boxing gloves first... ok done.. :) I will see you at the gate .... I probably should recognize you from the picture I saw on your profile... I will have my n900 too (not that will help)...01:28
bibounefrAFteris and nox-   , thank you I'll try to see it ...01:28
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GAN900fcrochik, sjgadsby should be there too, so, two bearded men.01:32
fcrochikGAN900: maybe I will not shave then :)01:33
alteregoFor the third year running I could not get funding to turn up :(01:34
FireFly|n900Is there a way to act on the low-on-battery event?01:34
nox-what event is this if i may ask? :)01:34
FireFly|n900Well, I'm not sure how /etc/event.d works01:34
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FireFly|n900But I'd like to run a shellscript when the bat01:35
FireFly|n900Oh, wait01:35
nox-ah no i meant where GAN900 and fcrochik are going...01:35
FireFly|n900One can fetch the battery level from /sys, right?01:35
fcrochiknox-: meego conference01:36
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korhojoameego conference?01:38
alteregomeenotgo conference more like.01:38
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GAN900alterego, didn't apply for sponsorship?01:42
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alteregoGAN900: well, I did, but I made a mistake and for some reason didn't manage to actually submit my entry01:43
GAN900alterego, also: You're not going? You son of a bitch!01:43
alteregoMy badge and fun bag will be there, but I wont.01:43
GAN900That's just lame.01:43
alteregoSo much for 3rd time lucky01:43
alteregoGAN900: I'm gutted01:45
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SpeedEvilalterego: :/01:48
DocScrutinizerFireFly|n900: lshal01:49
DocScrutinizeror bq27200.sh01:49
SpeedEvilthat doesn't do stuff on low battery though01:49
SpeedEvilI wonder if there is an actual script called01:49
alteregoI've been racking my brain about how I can get the funds for the flights01:49
FireFly|n900Oh, nice01:50
alteregoI don't mind sleeping in a bus shelter for a couple of nights.01:50
FireFly|n900I could poll it though01:50
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: should be a APM and kernel and init thing iirc01:50
SpeedEvilwhat do you mean by low battery.01:50
SpeedEvilDo you mean a 'device shutting off' low?01:50
FireFly|n900Well, nope01:51
FireFly|n900enough time so i can put the charger in01:51
SpeedEvilOtherwise, I'd monitor dbus, and look for what events are sent when it goes beep01:51
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FireFly|n900Yeah, that could work01:51
DocScrutinizeralso I guess battery level is reported via dbus occasionally01:52
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DocScrutinizerso you could use dbus scripting daemon01:52
FireFly|n900Though that'll have to wait until tomorrow01:54
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FireFly|n900Time to sleep01:54
* DocScrutinizer would feel temped to run a dbus-monitor >somelog whole day long, day by day. If that wouldn't nuke even 1TB disks after some hours (well maybe days)01:54
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: we're doing Nokia's work for free, so why should we pay for joining Nokia's conferences?01:56
alteregoDocScrutinizer: *thumbs up*01:57
alteregoDocScrutinizer: but you weren't even invited :P01:57
DocScrutinizeractually I couldn't - even if I felt like doing01:57
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alteregoI'd just like to have met some of the people I've been talking to for the past 4-5 years01:59
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alteregoWho remembers that Nokia promo thing where they got loaner guys to make small vids?02:00
alteregoMyMo or something.02:00
alteregoOf the tail of last years Maemo conference?02:01
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jacktheripperdoes anyone know how to boot the power kernel with multiboot ?02:08
jacktheripperI tried doing the same stuff I did for NITDroid, it just can't find the file and panics02:09
SpeedEvildbus isn't _that_ spammy02:09
SpeedEvil(1t logs)02:09
jacktheripperare the kernels in /boot/multiboot/ 'fiasco' (what does that mean ?) ?02:09
jacekowskifiasco is a image format02:10
jacekowskifor flashing02:10
jacktheripperah it's a package that has the kernel inside ?02:11
jacekowskinot only kernel02:11
jacekowskirapuyama firmware02:11
jacekowskiand rapuyama bootloader02:11
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jacktheripperhow would I get the kernel from inside ?02:12
jacktheripperor at least view the contents02:12
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jacekowskiwith flasher02:13
jacekowskiflasher can unpack it02:13
jacktheripperah ok02:13
jacktheripperI was trying to boot a FIASCO image instead of an actual kernel :/02:14
jacekowskihow you managed to fir it there?02:15
jacekowskiit's quite big02:15
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sivangDocScrutinizer: maemo wiki says bme is closed for scruity reasons02:17
sivangDocScrutinizer: e.g. batteries can expode if played with casuing liabilities to nokia02:17
DocScrutinizeraka "excuses, lame excuses"02:18
sivangDocScrutinizer: and you have mfctr's proof for that supposedly?02:18
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sivangDocScrutinizer: communicate it without despair, then, that's the best bet. The bug trail suggests a relicensing has been made due to meego?02:19
DocScrutinizera battery that *might* explode by any treatment you could possibly expose it to by N900 hardware, is strictly FORBIDDEN to sell in EU02:19
sivangDocScrutinizer: saying that  it is safe to not explode if sold in EU, but maybe the bme is the blob making it so?02:20
DocScrutinizercell manufacturers' safety tests are way worse than all N900 could do02:20
sivangI get the point now.02:20
jacktheripperjacekowski, it's the power kernel fiasco image, so it just had the kernel, 2 megs02:20
sivangbtw, why is it called fiasco?02:20
DocScrutinizerbecause it IS :-P02:21
sivangDocScrutinizer: I think I'm not gonna talk too much about this but refer people to your links and the bug trail, I am far from understnading anything meaningful in batteries02:21
sivangDocScrutinizer: nor in the politics behind it, although it could be an intereting endeavor02:22
jacktheripper'required files not found'. I SWEAR I have the kernel in there :/02:22
sivangDocScrutinizer: I wish I could,though.02:22
DocScrutinizersivang: you're free to refer to my name and my statements02:23
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DocScrutinizeralso you might be interested in02:23
infobothmm... batteryfaq is
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mtnmanhello one and all02:24
DocScrutinizersivang: (fiasco) an odd sense of humour in Nokia dev dept. Fiasko means flask or bottle in Italian02:25
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DocScrutinizerthe meaning of desaster came later - I'm envisioning lots and lots of broken glass bottles :-)02:26
mtnmanthat would be "fiasco" (c not k)02:26
DocScrutinizermeh, c / k, who cares02:26
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DocScrutinizerFR still is booting to "uBoot (dirty)"02:28
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sivangDocScrutinizer: hehe02:30
DocScrutinizernobody knows what the (dirty) is meant to say02:30
sivangDocScrutinizer: I will refer to your statements and docs, just not going to say too much about it other then "go read and vote" or something :)02:30
DocScrutinizerok with me02:31
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DocScrutinizerdon't forget to mention my offer to accept a contract with Nokia to tackle and fix it for good still stands02:32
sivangDocScrutinizer: heh, not sure i can say that , but you shoudl write someone in NOkia for that-02:33
sivangDocScrutinizer: much effective02:33
sivangDocScrutinizer: *more02:33
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sivangDocScrutinizer: I can at leas ask, "whom do we talk to about this rather sensitive issue" ?02:33
DocScrutinizernot sure about that. I've been talking to Nokia guys, and they were like "I have to see if we got enough money for that.. will take a few days" This was quite some months ago02:34
sivangDocScrutinizer: comment 44 is well written gonna use some slight partsof it.02:34
sivangDocScrutinizer: as I said don't despair. This is a very large organization and if you are persisten enogh only good will come out of this02:35
sivangDocScrutinizer: continue until profit02:35
DocScrutinizeror until hospital02:35
sivangDocScrutinizer: and this organization has some rather amazing people and great engineers, sometimes there must be red tape, but you need to be strong, imagine you live where i live :)02:35
sivangDocScrutinizer: I will help instead of hospital02:36
sivangDocScrutinizer: to try and communicate stuff and remind every now and then, this is one of the goals of the talk actually.02:36
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pipnukwhy would one person in the community outweigh many employees in the company? :)02:36
DocScrutinizerpipnuk: PIPNUK???02:36
pipnukno difrefpect or nuthin :)02:36
sivangit's nt that-02:37
sivangwhy do companies hire off the communty ?02:37
sivangpipnuk: ^02:37
sivangthis is the eyeballs principle , mostly I think02:37
pipnukbecause some people in the community have a marginal productivity that can jump over the great barriers to hiring02:37
sivanghmm, not sure how to parse this02:38
DocScrutinizerkunpip: what happened to your nick? ;-P02:38
sivangbut really, pipnuk ?02:38
jacekowskisivang: battery is required to take any abuse without exploding02:38
sivangjacekowski: yes, I got that earlier02:38
sivangjacekowski: :)02:38
sivangjacekowski: and ti makes sense the mfct need to make sure engineers experimenting with it at a vendor don't kill themselves02:38
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sivangcan someoneplease find me the call ui accidently answered since it unlocks automatically?02:45
sivangthat one the Jaffa started a votepage for it on t.m.o02:46
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Jef91is frals around?02:47
DocScrutinizer p.66 >> 2 Overcharge, no explosion no fire no smoke, charge at 4.5V(!!) for 2 hours02:47
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DocScrutinizer7.2.17 Overcharge02:49
DocScrutinizerAfter Complete Charge, the sample cells are charged at 1200 mA(1C) of a constant current and02:49
DocScrutinizer4.5V of a constant voltage for 2 hours. All cells being tested are visually examined.02:49
DocScrutinizersafe enough? or do you still think N900 could make battery explode? :-D02:51
sivangI'm taking notes of that02:52
DocScrutinizernokia's concerns about opening up bme could cause exploding batteries are mere excuses02:53
sivangI am not expert, so I can't provide an opinion02:53
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sivangyou shoudl continue asking02:53
sivangbut this area of volts and electronics starts to become more and more interesting with your mentorship :)02:53
sivangI mean, in a way, interesting than software development02:54
sivangin different aspects.02:54
DocScrutinizermeh, on that ticket in trac they clearly stated they won't go open up *anything*02:54
sivangtrac ticket?02:54
DocScrutinizersome down from #4402:54
sivangyes, that was the general feeliung. but maybe the same thing will happen as hapened with dsme?02:55
sivangthat critical diffentiating stuff were moved over02:55
sivangDocScrutinizer: I will read it on the plane02:55
sivanggotta run soon02:55
sivangif I don't want to miss it02:55
DocScrutinizerhave a nice flight02:55
sivangI saved all the bug reports for work on the flight02:55
sivangDocScrutinizer: thank you!02:55
sivangDocScrutinizer: if you are ever opening a embedded electronics training course, I'm thefirst the register02:56
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sivangDocScrutinizer: this affectionalty reminds me electricity studies back in uni02:56
sivangDocScrutinizer: :)02:56
sivangDocScrutinizer: one last thing "wants to make it available for other distors"02:57
sivangDocScrutinizer: what's that about? OM?02:57
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DocScrutinizererr, what?02:57
DocScrutinizerthe battery specs? yes, these are for gta02 aka FreeRunner battery02:58
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sivangDocScrutinizer: there was a note there that open sourcing was requestedto make it run with other distros, maybe part of the differentiation concern?02:59
sivangDocScrutinizer: or was that ok actually?02:59
DocScrutinizersivang: sorry you lost me03:00
sivangDocScrutinizer: never mind, I guess this is irrelavant now03:01
sivangDocScrutinizer: I will reread it and possibly email you with the question03:01
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sivangDocScrutinizer: I downloaded the battery spec as wlel, lots of reading material on the flight :)03:02
sivangDocScrutinizer: with your cross reference03:03
sivangthanks again, and talk soon.03:03
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SpeedEvilsivang - also - the bq27200 datasheet is worth a grab03:03
sivangSpeedEvil: link?03:04
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sivang(sorry for the neediness)03:04
sivangI'm in kind of a hurry03:04
sivangSpeedEvil: privmsg the link and I owe you a beer03:05
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internetishardwhat are some productivity apps, off hand?03:38
internetishard this looks useful03:38
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wmaroneI suppose if oyu have an iPad maybe...03:44
internetishardof course not, but I'm just saying that sort of app, not that specific one03:44
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jacekowskii met somebody with n900 today03:46
jacekowskii couldn't believe that03:46
internetishardlol, I know what you mean03:46
wmaroneit's rare, yes03:46
internetishardI was like "wtf man" once, and the guy was all casual about it "whatever"03:46
wmaroneat the meego event back in september I saw more people with N900s than I had ever seen03:46
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internetishardmade me doubt that he knew what it was, and believe he just bought it because it was expensive03:46
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* mtnman has only seen one n900 ever... his own.03:51
SwedeMikeI know plenty of people with them, even though a lot more people have android and iphones of course.03:52
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DocScrutinizererr I even met two guys with own Freerunners, both during last year and here in my pub next door. And the total sales of FR is maybe factor 100 to 1000 lower than N90003:57
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DocScrutinizermaybe even 500003:57
DocScrutinizernah, probably not03:57
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internetishardyou must have really been looking03:58
internetishardor... where do you live?03:58
internetisharda scandanavian country?03:58
DocScrutinizernope, not at all. Just sitting there using the device and they came and talked to me03:58
DocScrutinizerand my homebase is southern Germany03:59
DocScrutinizerwhy would freewunners be more likely to be seen in scandinavian countries?03:59
jacekowskithey are cooler people than people from south04:00
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mtnmanyes, i do believe that scandinavian people are cooler than those from the south...  if due to nothing other than climate....04:18
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* luke-jr has never seen anyone else with a Zaurus, NIT, or OpenMoko05:17
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luke-jrnot even at LUG meetings05:17
luke-jractually, I *might* have seen someone with a tall-form-factor Zaurus at a SCOSUG meeting about a decade ago05:18
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Sargun_Screenluke-jr: where do you live05:20
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miststlkrhello all.   Just picked up an n800 last night and started messing around with it, I am getting asked for a password for the default user.  when I look online I saw a few places where they mention that the default password "is well known" but apparently it was too obvious to mention. Help??05:25
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kd926does anyone know where i can find the canola2 source code or repository?06:00
lolloowhat does canola do?06:04
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kd926its a very polished media player06:05
kd926good for touchscreens, tablets, phones, ect06:06
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lollooawesome kd92606:10
lolloohow can I install it please?06:10
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kd926what kind of system?06:12
lollooN900 maemo06:13
DocScrutinizerI *hate* it, but that's just me06:13
DocScrutinizerit's so... windowish06:14
DocScrutinizerevery single UI standard has been modified and redefined06:14
lolloooh really06:15
DocScrutinizerit's not even showing proper systray, just a fake version only consisting of a battery and GSM signal icon06:15
DocScrutinizer(btw much like ovi maps :-P )06:15
kd926DocScrutinizer: if you know of a cleaner looking media player for larger touchscreens i'm open to suggestions06:16
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DocScrutinizerand iirc I nor even found a 'normal' way to close the app06:17
DocScrutinizerkd926: alas not06:17
kd926I had intentions of digging deep into source to make things work as they should06:17
DocScrutinizerhey, much appreciated. If you're done with it, I'll give it another try maybe06:17
DocScrutinizerthere are lots of great bits in canola06:18
kd926only issue right now is the source is nowhere to be found06:18
lollooyes kd926 is looking for source06:18
kd926its supposed to be at -- host is offline06:18
DocScrutinizersourceforge? or similar?06:18
kd926it was originally closed source, then it was rewritten in python but its disappeared somehow06:19
DocScrutinizerisn't it in extras?06:19
kd926tarballs are easily found but they need python2.5 and some things my gentoo system has deprecated at that version06:19
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luke-jrSargun_Screen: I have lived in Connecticut, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and now Florida.07:03
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GAN900luke-jr, welcome to the Sunshine State.07:07
luke-jrGAN900: you live here?07:07
luke-jrfreaking cold lately :/07:07
GAN900luke-jr, St. Pete07:07
GAN900Yes, yes it has been07:07
luke-jrno idea where that is, other than that SLUG or whatever has a meeting there07:07
GAN900Record highs week before, record lows this past week.07:07
GAN900luke-jr, the peninsula part of the Tampa Bay area.07:08
luke-jrnear Clearwater or whatever it's called?07:08
* luke-jr 's computer too slow to open a map07:08
GAN900Yeah, just a few minutes south.07:08
luke-jrI might be going there for a dentist sometimes. maybe we can meet up.07:09
GAN900Not many Maemo people around here.07:09
luke-jra bit far, so maybe not if I can find someone closer that doesn't use mercury07:09
luke-jrI'm over north-east of you in Dade City07:10
luke-jror rather, outside Dade07:10
luke-jrabout halfway to Brooksville I think07:11
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DocScrutinizerhey luke-jr, how's life?07:13
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DocScrutinizerlo GAN90007:14
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: Imagine an egg falling rapidly toward pavement.07:14
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GAN900luke-jr, lotta land out there.07:14
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: then imagine the pavement suddenly moving further downward, at unknown rates07:15
GAN900Real Florida country.07:15
DocScrutinizersounds familiar07:15
luke-jrGAN900: most of it expensive, it seems07:15
GAN900luke-jr, that's where most of the people down here who can afford it keep ranches and weekend houses.07:15
luke-jrwhy not just stay up here all the time?07:17
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr: why did you fire that rocket?07:18
DocScrutinizeryou really could've announced it07:19
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: ?07:20
DocScrutinizerwasn't that you? :-D07:21
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MohammadAG51guten morgen07:21
lolloogutten tag07:21
* luke-jr slaps a name tag on lolloo07:22
lolloogross got07:22
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: oh crap, someone noticed that?07:22
DocScrutinizerwell, seems it's been a bit away from your home07:22
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MohammadAG51I like how people appreciate time differences on skype07:27
GAN900luke-jr, jobs are mostly all down here. ;)07:27
luke-jrGAN900: oh.07:27
* luke-jr doesn't do office jobs07:27
luke-jroh well, Eastern time sucks07:29
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lollooso can you please direct me to best pdf reader on N900?07:35
lollooyeah guys?07:37
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lollooso best pdf reader is....07:43
chxgoogle docs :D07:44
lollooon N900?07:44
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ptlI use(d) it on the N90008:06
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lollooawesome ptl08:18
lollooothe recommendations?08:18
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TermanaDesireGood morning08:33
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* slonopotamus wonders why nickserv says "You are now identified FOR $nickname", not AS $nickname08:49
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TermanaDesireslonopotamus: because you identify to an account08:55
TermanaDesireEg. When I identify for this nickname it still tells me I identified for my original nickname08:56
slonopotamusTermanaDesire: to or for? :)08:57
TermanaDesireYou get identified for that nickname and all grouped nicknames. FOR08:57
slonopotamusoh, grouped nicknames. okay.08:59
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slonopotamushrw|gone: joining in "gone" state is kinda strange.09:03
slonopotamusoh, let's try once again :) anyone knows what the heck is stored in diablo-kernel orig.tar.gz?09:04
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RobbieThe1stHello all11:20
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Bluewindthat powertop output looks a bit strange. imho there are way too many wakeups from the kernel and gp(what's that?). I ran it using ssh over wifi
BluewindI'm using kernel-power and overclocked to 1ghz11:31
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Bluewindsample interval of powertop is the default 30 sec11:35
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MohammadAGis there a way to crack an MMC's password?12:28
alteregonot as far as I know, you mean the symbian protection?12:29
MohammadAGI put my card in my uncle12:29
alteregoDon't think so12:29
MohammadAGuncle's N95...12:29
jogawrong slot!12:29
MohammadAGhe felt like locking it12:30
* lcuk giggles12:30
alteregoSo who wants to buy me plane tickets to dublin and let me sleep on their floor? :)12:31
alteregoIn return I'll be their bitch forever12:31
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* MohammadAG buys alterego some tickets12:32
lcukalterego, you are near Cambridge aren't you?12:32
alteregolcuk: in Cambridge yeah12:32
alteregoWell, just outside12:32
MohammadAGcan't you drive to dublin?12:32
lcuktheres a bit of a puddle in the way12:32
alteregoIf I could drive, and had a car :P12:33
MohammadAGyou don't have a license?12:33
lcuki bet he could wave his c++ license :P12:33
alteregoNeah, never really needed one.12:33
* MohammadAG introduces alterego to the world of photoshop12:33
MohammadAGnow you have one12:33
alteregotbh, I only wanna go to get my goodie bag and do a Qt cert :D12:34
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MohammadAG awesome cable, my classmate gave it to me for hostmode :D12:34
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TermanaMohammadAG, you could almost sell that as authentic :P12:35
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MohammadAGTermana: it is authentic :P12:35
MohammadAGbut not popular12:35
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MohammadAGI never knew about it till toay12:35
alteregoThat's cute12:36
RobbieThe1stare you sure it's not just a nokia knock-off? I've seen em on eBay quite a bit12:36
RobbieThe1stI bought one, but it hasn't arrived yet12:36
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MohammadAGit comes with E66s apparently12:36
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alteregoI guess that's a no then :d12:38
MohammadAGweird, it doesn't it's compatible with the N900, but then again, it's :P12:39
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lcukalterego, I would get you a ticket if I could, you have been hacking on qt and qml more than others openly and I have really enjoyed watching your cool stuff emerge12:39
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alteregolcuk: thanks :)12:40
alteregoIt's a shame because it's going to be the last semi maemo conf, and I've never managed to go to one.12:40
MohammadAGyou are not alone :P12:40
lcukyou should have requested sponsorship from the meego organisers at the time :(12:41
alteregoI did, but I f'd up and didn't do the form properly :S12:41
MohammadAGalterego: we could crash next year's event with Maemo 5, don't feel sad about it :P12:41
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MohammadAGor seriously, we could organize a community event, it doesn't have to be Nokia/Intel's :)12:42
* lcuk would be pleased to see hildon emerge within meego :)12:42
alteregoIf I was more organised I could have come up with the funds by getting my free upgrade and selling an N812:42
RST38hNext year, there is hopefully going to be a Harmattan device at least12:42
RST38hWhich will be Meego at least in the name. And do not forget Meego 1.2 on N90012:42
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RST38hSo, nothing to be self pitiful about12:42
MohammadAGRST38h: patched xchat? :)12:43
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RST38hMohammad: Not yet, did some contract work until 2am12:43
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alteregoMe and a friend were thinking of doing a London or Cambridge meetup early next year12:43
MohammadAGalterego: why london and not israel?12:43
RST38hMohammad: I will have to find the proper spot (again), and it is not guaranteed that this will work12:43
alteregoMohammadAG: cheaper for me, obviously :P12:44
MohammadAGRST38h: it wokrs for me, I pm'd you the patch12:44
MohammadAGalterego: not for me, obviously :P12:44
RST38hMohammad: Really? Have not seen it. Checking.12:44
RST38hMohammad: Nope, no message on tmo12:44
MohammadAGRST38h: here on IRC12:45
MohammadAG see? it works :)12:45
RST38hI am often not here (you see my 'screen' runnign basically)12:46
RST38hBUT, if you email the patch or send it as tmo pm, I will integrate it by monday12:46
alteregoRST38h: same, I'm always on, but it's just screen :D12:46
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MohammadAGsame, but my bouncer saves buffers :P12:47
Noobmonk3yanyone got any ideas about this error?
alteregoI idle on the sever messages channel so I don't miss highlights when I'm afs12:47
Noobmonk3ymorning alls :)12:47
alteregoHey Noobmonk3y ;)12:47
RST38hNoob: package download failed12:47
alteregoI like typing noob and using auto complete ...12:47
Noobmonk3yhehehe :)12:47
RST38hFor reasons unknown. If you want to see the details, check "Log" option in the HAM menu or (better) do apt-get install maecount12:47
MohammadAGRST38h: found it!
Noobmonk3yits a satisfying experience that i rarely get to do ;)12:48
RST38hMohammad: Aha, saving =)12:48
Noobmonk3ythanks RST38h12:48
Noobmonk3yit's saying size mismatch12:48
MohammadAGupdate repos12:49
MohammadAGapt-get update12:49
Noobmonk3ystill the same12:49
MohammadAGthat went fast...12:49
RST38hthen the package is broken12:49
RST38hreport it to X-Fade just in case12:49
MohammadAGsure it updated?12:49
MohammadAG(sorry, used to 5MB connections)12:50
MohammadAGor the repo generated wrong md5sums12:50
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MohammadAGin which case, also shoot... err, shout at X-Fade's plane12:50
Noobmonk3yis he still on that darn plane?!12:50
MohammadAGyeah, it ran out of fuel so it's hanging above the airport12:51
Noobmonk3yX-Fade: Ping12:51
MohammadAGapparently, gravity is a WONTFIX in Ireland :P12:51
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rmrfchikoh, nice, palm pre games works indeed.12:52
Noobmonk3yrmrfchik: yup, some are pretty cool!12:53
RST38hrmrf: no shit, sherlock12:53
rmrfchikat least settlers. Aslphat shows black screen :(12:53
rmrfchikRST38h: ;)12:53
nidOI find widelands much better than the pre version of settlers anyway tbh12:53
rmrfchiknidO: why?12:54
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nidOits not much tangible really, settlers for the pre just seems a bit... dumbed down12:56
MohammadAGRST38h: I suggest you wrap it in #ifdef MAEMO_CHANGES ifs, but you know how to do that :)12:56
RST38hMohammad: yea, I always do12:57
RST38h(I mean, do wrap, not do know :))12:57
* rmrfchik want solitaire games, like Aisleriot12:58
RST38hWasn't there aisleriot for N900 somewhere?12:58
rmrfchikfor n810 it is12:58
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rmrfchikMaemo 5 (N900)12:59
rmrfchikNot yet available.12:59
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RST38hport iot13:00
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tobis87Anyone know how to fix this warning "‘backlog’ may be used uninitialized in this function" ?13:03
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lcuktobis87, initialise it to NULL rather than leaving it uninitialised :)13:04
RST38hbetter find why it was uninitialized13:04
rmrfchiktobis87: it 27 line there is a garbage in backlog when !async_req13:05
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tobis87Yes, I thought that. But I don't know how, I only did most the time some copy pasting with c.13:05
lcuktobis87, you initialise it in lines 18-21 only in certain conditions, then lower down expect to use it as a return value13:06
rmrfchikchange 21 to "} else { backlog=NULL;}"13:06
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tobis87lcuk: Yes, I do understand the problem. It is just that I do most thing by try and error.13:07
tobis87rmrfchik: Ok, will try that.13:07
lcuktobis87, if you understood the problem you would usually be able to fix it yourself :P13:07
* lcuk must go though13:08
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tobis87lcuk: Yes, but I was not sure, I wanted to put backlog = NULL; into line 813:09
tobis87eh line 913:09
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Noobmonk3yMohammadAG: if i use wget to get the deb it works fine, but the size is reportedly as 84kb, yet in HAM it is 17kb13:12
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MohammadAGthen the repo's corrupt, wait for the reindex to happen13:13
MohammadAGwhich should be in.... 20 minutes13:13
MohammadAGis there a way to get rid of the green text in R&D mode? It makes the framebuffer look ugly13:13
Noobmonk3yMohammadAG: anyway, deb installs, icon appears in menu, i click on it and nothing happens ;)13:14
Noobmonk3yi am gonna start blaming your packaging skills soon lol ;)13:15
MohammadAGI didn't test it you know :P13:15
Noobmonk3yi noticed ;)13:15
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MohammadAGah, /sbin/preinit13:16
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DocScrutinizer51the ugly green text is to remind you about r&d being deprecated,  esp for developers testing packages13:19
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zapX-Fade: hello, was the package version checking algorithm fixed?14:06
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RST38hLooks like Windows Phone has hit the same swap problem as Maemo14:50
Arkenoithey are trying to gather worst of all platforms?14:51
RST38hArkenoi: Dunno but will find URL in a moment14:51
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trumeeanybody using syncevolution?14:53
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RST38hArkenoi: Actually there is an advantage here14:54
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RST38hArkenoi: Once manufacturers start producing WP-certified fast SD cards, we can use them in N900! =)14:54
ArkenoiRST38h, dunno, usually sd card performance bottleneck is not sd card itself. have not seen n900 tests if it can squeeze full speed from any of those, "regular" phones cannot14:56
pipnuki have a new idea for maemo.  maybe it's stupid.  but imagine VNC except instead of a full-screen, it just shows one window.  And that window is for one app that can be launched from your n900.14:57
RST38hpipnuk: doesn't vnc already do that?14:58
pipnukthe idea being to give the user the experience of launching a local app, but it runs on your pc14:58
RST38hBecause many Windows-based Xservers do14:58
RST38hArkenoi: actually it is both the card and the data path14:58
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RST38hArkenoi: the 7-day slowdown problem is the card, not the data path14:58
pipnuklast time i tried vnc for maemo it was a total headache14:59
RST38hArkenoi: happens when the swap rolls over and the kernel starts doing random writes from it14:59
RST38haccesses, not writes, sorry14:59
RST38hpipnk: it is a 3.5" screen, whaddyawant?14:59
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* Arkenoi wants 4.5 screen. actually it could make device thinner as well.15:09
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Arkenoiand keyboard larger15:10
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* sivang is on insanely high wifi rates at LHR15:14
sivanghi al15:14
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alteregoHrm, return flights for 160 GBP15:26
alteregoAnyone got a hotel room I can sleep on the floor of? :D15:27
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MohammadAG51alterego, just sleep in the stadium15:29
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* MohammadAG51 still wants a pandaboard15:32
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TermanaMohammadAG51, then get one? :p15:34
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MohammadAG51Termana, no credit card15:35
TermanaMohammadAG51, they require a credit card to buy one?15:36
TermanaMohammadAG51, can't borrow someone's I assume?15:36
MohammadAG51Termana, no, they all hate CCs on the internet :P15:36
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TermanaMohammadAG51, prepaid credit card?15:38
MohammadAG51got one, only $30 left :P15:39
MohammadAG51and the post office's closed for quite some days I think15:39
MohammadAG51so.. what can I do with an N86?15:39
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TermanaMohammadAG51, bin it15:40
Termanahello mc_teo15:40
mc_teodoes anyone else have the problem of .flvs not showing up in the media player?15:40
mc_teoi have extra codecs installed15:40
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mc_teosince upgraded to pr 1.3 ive had that problem15:43
mc_teoill try reinstalling them15:43
alteregoAre the pandaboards for sale now?15:45
MohammadAG51Noobmonk3y, ping15:46
MohammadAG51alterego, afaik yes15:46
* Noobmonk3y pongs badly15:46
alteregoThat'll be my Christmas present :D15:46
Noobmonk3yMohammadAG51: ?15:47
MohammadAG51Noobmonk3y, sent 0.5-1, should be with fixed desktop icon15:47
Noobmonk3yOoo wow!15:47
Noobmonk3ygonna go have a looky15:47
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Noobmonk3yi'm battling qmobility again, still not wokring15:48
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alteregoNoobmonk3y: what's up now? :D15:48
Noobmonk3ySame as before15:48
Noobmonk3ysquiggly yellow and red lines15:48
Noobmonk3ydoesnt recognise it at all15:48
alteregoUnder what?15:48
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Noobmonk3yadded INCLUDEPATH += c:/qtmobility/src/feedback to the pro file (Trying to use the feedback one)15:49
Noobmonk3yno error on that line15:49
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Noobmonk3ybut doesnt like #include <QFeedbackEffect>15:49
MohammadAG51what's that for?15:49
MohammadAG51Noobmonk3y, built fine, should be there in 15 mins15:50
Noobmonk3ythanks Mo!15:50
Noobmonk3yMohammadAG51: Feedback ffect means i can use the vibration on the n900 with calling random n900 specifics15:50
alteregoNoobmonk3y: try <QtMobility/blah.h>15:50
* MohammadAG51 would use echo 255 > /sys, but that's just him15:51
alteregoMohammadAG51: not portable, and does't have nice signals and slots :P15:51
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MohammadAG51alterego, #ifdef Q_WS_MAEMO_515:51
alteregourgh :P15:52
alteregoToo much of that already15:52
Noobmonk3ymeh no worky15:53
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* Jaffa waves from AirCoach in Dublin16:00
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DassuIs there a way to query alarm time when in terminal?16:01
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Noobmonk3yloha Jaffa16:01
JaffaDassu: /var/cache/alarmd/... IIRC16:02
alteregoEveryone's going to Dub but me :'(16:02
Noobmonk3yMohammadAG51: It installs fine now ;) - still does nothing lol16:03
Noobmonk3yalterego: and me :(16:03
* MohammadAG51 curses16:03
Noobmonk3y;) hehehe16:03
alteregoFound airline tickets for about 170 GBP16:03
Noobmonk3yanyway to test it from terminal?16:03
Noobmonk3ythats not gonna help lol16:04
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Noobmonk3ylol mo, was funny16:04
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MohammadAG51you could've said the icon stays highlighted16:06
Noobmonk3yand by the way16:06
Noobmonk3ythe icon stays highlighted16:06
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MohammadAG51how the fuck did you make that button so big!16:08
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Noobmonk3ythey fixed the button fuckup in the new qt16:09
Noobmonk3yno more <71 lol16:09
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MohammadAG51Noobmonk3y, also one more thing16:09
MohammadAG51decide on one app name lol16:10
MohammadAG51you have maecounter, maecount, and MaeCount as names16:10
Noobmonk3yi know!!!16:10
Noobmonk3yMaeCount it will eventually be16:10
Noobmonk3yi've changed the gui in my new version already16:10
MohammadAG51<Noobmonk3y> they fixed the button fuckup in the new qt YAY16:11
Noobmonk3y;) :)16:11
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alteregoAccomodation 100 quid for three nights16:13
* alterego sighs16:13
* Noobmonk3y double sighs16:14
SpeedEvilWhere is this again - ireland?16:14
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TermanaSpeedEvil, to be sure to be sure16:14
MohammadAG51alterego, tickets 700 effing bucks16:14
* MohammadAG51 sighs16:14
alteregoMohammadAG51: for your flights?16:14
* Noobmonk3y would love to have gone too :(16:15
SpeedEvilI'd offer to put alterego up - but a bed in scotland is unlikely to be much use.16:15
* Termana joins in and sighs as well16:15
Noobmonk3ydont know where everyone gets the money :(16:15
alteregoSpeedEvil: I think I'm closer in Cambridge :P16:15
Noobmonk3ySpeedEvil: depends, you could start the rival #meegoScotconf16:15
* Noobmonk3y is a few hundred miles south down near brighton16:15
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RST38hmoo javispedro16:17
MohammadAG51alterego, didn't get a visa, so.. meh, no flights for me16:18
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trumeealterego: hey got a question about Media-IM status updater.16:18
alteregotrumee: yup?16:19
RST38hMohammad: there is always next time16:19
trumeealterego: does Media-IM trigger a network connect even when there is no prior connection?16:19
alteregotrumee: shouldn't do.16:20
alteregoIt's possible, I think, if you disconnect from the internet half way through a song.16:20
Noobmonk3yMohammadAG51:  no visa?!?!16:20
MohammadAG51Noobmonk3y, I need a visa to go to ireland16:21
MohammadAG51RST38h, I guess so16:21
alteregoIt's not like you're working there?16:21
trumeealterego: hmm. ok, but say if you launch the media player (and there is no prior internet connection), then device will not be asked to connect to internet by Media IM?16:21
MohammadAG51tourist visa16:21
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alteregotrumee: no, because it knows your current IM status.16:21
MohammadAG51if I had an israeli passport I wouldn't need it16:21
trumeealterego: ok, going to give the app a go then.16:22
* MohammadAG51 wants a C++ rewrite :P16:22
alteregotrumee: and you should be offline when you're not connected. So it wont do anything.16:22
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MohammadAG51hmm, is there a way to flash symbian devices without using windows?16:23
trumeealterego: i am going to check again16:23
alteregotrumee: me too ;)16:23
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* Noobmonk3y wants qtmobility to just work, but we dont get what we want it seems Mo16:25
* Noobmonk3y cuddles MohammadAG51 !!!!16:27
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Noobmonk3ymaeCount works! oh baby!16:28
Noobmonk3yok, is still shite, but it works16:28
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Noobmonk3yMohammadAG: 1 hour of reading and finally..........16:49
Noobmonk3yIn particular, the Maemo5 platform currently has no haptic effect provider plugin; it is a work in progress.16:49
Noobmonk3yergo............ it wont work, bloody useless to hide that way!16:49
alteregoNoobmonk3y: I suspected as much,16:50
alteregoDidn't bother checking though :P16:50
Noobmonk3ythe qt documentation is normally bad, but there really is sooo litte on qtmobility and nothing in a sensible order16:51
Noobmonk3yi've wasted over 2 weeks trying to use it, and tbh, its a waste of time16:51
Noobmonk3yifdef seems the way to go!16:51
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MohammadAGhey X-Fade16:53
javispedroNoobmonk3y: hah!16:53
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javispedroNoobmonk3y: and I wonder how they are going to haptic when mce keeps on tinkering with the vibrator every other second16:54
* javispedro hopes this means a future release might fix this periodic intrusion!16:54
javispedroand allow me to play with the vibrator..16:54
javispedroin a hacking sense, ofc.16:54
* alterego continues porting his custom widgets to QtQuick16:57
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MohammadAGjavispedro, you can play with the vibrator16:58
MohammadAGif you have kernel-power16:58
javispedrowhat does kernel-power do to mce?16:59
MohammadAGit introduces a dbrightness node in /sys16:59
HateBreederdoes anyone know that how good android 2.2 is on nokia n900? i'll get n900 soon and i want know it:)16:59
javispedroMohammadAG: that's stock!16:59
MohammadAGtry it on LEDs, never tested the vibra, but leds work16:59
MohammadAGjavispedro, dbrightness, with a d17:00
MohammadAGthe d wasn't a typo17:00
javispedrowhich is a hack that overrides whatever is in brightness without a d? =)17:00
* GAN900 slowly whittles down the list17:00
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pipnuk  The Power of Bob Marley (sfw)17:00
HateBreederis this right channel to ask things about n900?17:01
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pipnukreally funny17:01
MohammadAGjavispedro, mce is hardcoded to check brightness, it doesn't notice dbrightness17:01
MohammadAGyou can write to dbrightness, and keep the led on17:01
mc_teothat would be very cheap here17:01
javispedroso it is what I thought...17:01
mc_teo(100 quid for 3nights)17:01
* javispedro sighs17:02
MohammadAGjavispedro, yep17:02
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mc_teoand reinstalling extra decoders worked17:02
javispedromce just needs a "DoNotControlVibratorForTheNextNSeconds" call.17:02
javispedrowith N < 6017:02
mc_teonow all my media is back in my media player17:03
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alteregoLess see if this works :D17:06
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mc_teohow do i rebuild my media collection?17:11
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Neccit's automatic by tracker daemon17:13
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Neccjust wait a couple of minutes17:14
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dRbiGautomatic rebuild are evil17:26
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javispedro"Apple opens its JVM"17:34
MohammadAGjavispedro, is that an attempt to wake up #maemo?17:39
javispedrobasically, but I guess everyone is packing :)17:39
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mc_teoanyway i can speed up rebuilding?17:41
mc_teolike start it now, rather than speed up rebuilding17:41
* MohammadAG thanks the N86 for reminding him how slow symbian can be17:42
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mc_teolol, while talking here the rebuilding has occured17:42
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Dassuany replacement for alarmtool on Maemo5?18:01
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n900-spacehey all18:03
n900-spacei want to ask something about "Advanced Power" software18:03
n900-spaceI installed something and now I have 2 things listed related to this in Uninstal List18:03
n900-spaceone is "Advanced Power" and another is "Advanced Power Monitor"18:03
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n900-spacei cannot see any battery indicator in the drop down menu which appears when i click/touch on the clock on n90018:05
n900-spaceinfact there is no battery meter, the original one is gone and there is no new one18:05
n900-spaceThe description of "advanced power monitor" says that it can only be executed from command line18:06
n900-spaceso how do i start it, whats the command and where is the battery meter18:06
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Arkenoisomething locked my camera and flashlight. how do i find out what? i thought it was flashlight-extra, but removing it did not help18:09
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trumeeis it possible to find out the files a particular app creates in /home/user?18:13
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trumeew00t_: ping18:15
javispedrotrumee: by examining its source code or stracing it...18:15
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trumeejavispedro: is strace available on maemo?18:16
javispedrotools repository18:16
trumeejavispedro: cheers18:16
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timeless_mbptrumee: can also help :)18:26
timeless_mbpbut yeah, install strace from tools18:26
javispedromxr rules!18:27
* javispedro is a heavy user of it... He hopes timeless doesn't ban his for "unsanely load levels" :)18:28
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timeless_mbpjavispedro: a friend hosts it18:28
timeless_mbpand hasn't complained18:28
timeless_mbpmxr.meego is different, it's currently amazon hosted and in theory charges by use18:28
timeless_mbpi need to get it moved to OSU infra18:28
* timeless_mbp needs to add that to the to do list for next week18:29
javispedroand btw,18:29
javispedrois 1.2 index still in progress?18:29
timeless_mbpdoes i claim that?18:30
timeless_mbp"oops"  :)18:30
timeless_mbpyeah, it lies18:30
timeless_mbpbadly, horribly18:30
* timeless_mbp sighs18:30
javispedroindex seems to work :)18:30
timeless_mbpoh, and i should probably figure out the story on 1.3 too18:30
timeless_mbpi need to do an l10n pull for 1.3 too18:30
timeless_mbpok, reload the root :)18:31
timeless_mbpit should be less wrong now :)18:31
* timeless_mbp ponders18:32
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timeless_mbpi don't advertise that you can use /fremanle1218:32
infobottimeless_mbp meant: i don't advertise that you can use /fremantle1218:33
* timeless_mbp wonders why18:33
* javispedro ignores the difference18:33
timeless_mbpwell, fremantle = fremantle12 these days18:33
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timeless_mbpso advertising 12 is silly :)18:33
* timeless_mbp finalizes commit18:34
timeless_mbpok, that's done18:34
timeless_mbpright, so..18:34
* timeless_mbp sighs18:34
timeless_mbpanyone here know anything about s60? :)18:35
* timeless_mbp finds
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dRbiGhmm, any reason why gprs counters stay at 'No value set for' even if i use the gprs connection?18:44
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timeless_mbptry to "reset" the counters?18:45
timeless_mbpime the counters are vaguely stupid18:45
pupniki need someone in taiwan to ship me 6-12 cans of bean paste18:46
dRbiGtimeless_mbp: i guess i can do the reset using gconftool-2, right?18:47
timeless_mbptry the ui first?18:47
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einsteincheni'll get my n900 next week, is there any modded os that i should try?19:10
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DocScrutinizeruse maemo PR1.3 for the first few weeks19:11
Neccdo you has any EXACT reason to use "modded" OSes or you just think it's cool and wanna try them out?19:11
DocScrutinizergives you enough to play with and to learn19:11
einsteincheni just wonna try them19:12
einsteinchenits more playing aroud with a new toy :)19:13
* DocScrutinizer makes a note about another OCer whining for having "bricked his device with multiboot"19:13
Neccwell look, if you has no exact reason to use them, just "try them" then i do not recomend it. you will gain nothing, just less what the stock OS can provide to you. every alternative OS is experimental only, witch means it does not works well at all19:13
javispedroevery alternative OS has its own set of funny quirks19:13
* javispedro launches OPTIMIZE TABLE for a ~1GiB table...19:14
DocScrutinizerwhich db?19:15
einsteinchenNecc: i didnt now they are all experimental, maybe i'll start with the stock, i dont want to brick it19:15
Neccif you want to play with something, then i recomend "easy debian". with this, at least you can not screw up your device, but you are still able to run almost any debian linux application19:15
DocScrutinizergood point19:16
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Neccyou will not brick your device if you follow the manuals, but you will get less from every OS what the "default" Maemo5 can provide to you19:16
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einsteinchenNecc: thx for the advise19:17
Neccfor example if you install NitDroid (android), you will be able to run every 2-nd application and every 4-th game on the android market without any problems. and in the other hand, your battery will run out in no-time as nitdroid has no fully made energy management -yet.19:18
javispedroand might never will, as maemo and the n900 ahs a fundamentally different way to conserve energy19:18
javispedromost android devices suspend. the pre suspends. the iphone suspends.19:19
javispedrothe n900 doesn't.19:19
einsteinchenNecc: battery is a good point19:19
RST38hjavis: Doesn't N900 also suspend between alarmd invokations?19:20
Neccimo, stick to "easy debian" if you want to play with native linux applications, it's safe, easy to install, and you can not brick your device with it19:20
ShadowJKN900 does what the PC world calls "Suspend to Ram" whenever idle long enough..19:21
ShadowJKClocks off, Voltage off :P19:21
ShadowJKuntil some hardware event wakes it up19:21
einsteinchenNecc: im gonna try it, but first i need my phone ^^19:21
javispedroShadowJK: regulated by cpuidle19:21
javispedro by suspend I understand that the OS launches a suspend(), freezes tasks, etc. when the activity timeout fires and/or power button is pressed19:22
NeccShadowJK: the beauties of cortex-A8 :P19:22
Neccthat's why smartreflex just works fine too :D19:22
Neccor smartflex.. can't remember the name atm :/19:23
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einsteinchenis there any other advice for an n900 newbie?19:23
Neccyes: star to learn some linux console command19:23
RST38hjavispedro: afaik, there was a utility in Maemo4 that did just that19:23
ShadowJKsmartreflex is "just" extra voltage reg inside the CPU ;-)19:23
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RST38hjavispedro: not sure if Nokia has one for maemo5, internally19:24
derfRST38h: There was a script.19:24
ShadowJKiirc it was "plan B" for N8x0 if they had been unable to get cpuidle working in time19:24
einsteinchenNecc: im using right now irssi with Ubuntu19:24
derfI don't think it was ever made into a "utility".19:24
RST38hderf: ah, so the functionality is there somewhere, ready to be invoked?19:24
ShadowJKiirc you could get it as an item in the powerbutton menu19:24
derfIt could only suspend for 64 seconds at a time, or the watchdog timer would kill the device.19:25
javispedroyou're talking about that mce.ini suspend?19:25
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javispedroiirc the one in the powerbutton menu / mce.ini was fake19:25
javispedroit just entered flight mode and idled19:25
derfYeah, that is not what I'm talking about.19:26
javispedroreal one :)19:26
RST38hthat's not a realsuspend then19:26
derfI'm talking about some old software suspend scripts that were done way back for the N800.19:26
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derfOf the echo mem > /sys/power/state variety.19:26
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javispedropoint is, that a lot of software in android assumes the system takes care of powersaving (by suspending)19:27
ShadowJKWhile in Maemo kernel allows everything that wants to run, to run :P19:27
javispedroa thing that has been suggested many times in the ML (sending SIGSTOP signals, etc.) but I personally dislike.19:27
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ShadowJK(but also sends a signal whenever the device is "idle")19:27
ShadowJKWell the SDL wrapper idea was interesting19:28
javispedrothe issue here is the stupid sdl 10hz tick19:28
javispedrothe only sane way to do powersaving in a sdl1.2 is to kill it :)19:28
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slonopotamusSIGSTOP ftw!19:29
derfWell, that's because SDL is a toy.19:29
* slonopotamus wants SIGBEEP19:31
javispedroderf: at least 1.3 fixes it iirc19:31
RST38hjavispedro: can we safely upgrade to sdl1.3? Will the apps work?19:33
einsteinchenmultiboot is working on the n900, right?19:34
javispedroRST38h: will be something interesting to try.19:34
lcukeinsteinchen, dualboot is non-trivial at this point and requires clarification and streamlining19:35
einsteinchenlcuk: ok, not for starters ^^19:35
einsteinchenlcuk: is flshing tivial, im using Ubuntu, so im familiar with the console19:37
lcukeinsteinchen, go read up on the instructions and make your own mind up.  i find the copy to mmc and soft boot kernel replacement method simplest19:38
einsteinchenlcuk: got it, ill use google first an ask later ;)19:39
corecodewhat freq/voltages do you use on your n900?19:41
corecodei tried the ideal setting19:41
corecodebut that crashes19:41
corecodei mean people who actually change the voltage/freq19:42
infoboti guess omap-oc is  read that!19:42
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corecodethat's all FUD with the wear out19:43
wmaronehow so?19:44
corecodebecause higher frequencies do not lead to electromigration19:44
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corecodeonly higher voltage does19:44
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corecodethat again19:44
SpeedEvilHigher integrated current does.19:44
SpeedEvilIt has little to do with voltage19:44
SpeedEvilOr more accurately higher integrated some-function of current.19:45
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GAN900corecode, OMAP3 is not an Intel Core 2.19:47
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GAN900corecode, talk to the people who've already killed their devices.19:48
corecodewho did?19:48
GAN900corecode, there've been a number of reports on Talk.19:48
GAN900Also: talk to the electrical geniuses we have floating around in here.19:49
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corecodeanecdotal evidence19:49
corecodeas is "my colleague oc'ed his palm pre"19:49
GAN900corecode, and what's your evidence?19:49
corecodewhich he did19:49
corecodeas i expected19:50
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corecodeFUD still going on in here19:50
* GAN900 is packed!19:50
keriogee, sure is troll around here19:50
wmaronecorecode: because it's all a conspiracy to keep devices underpowered!19:50
wmaroneTI doesn't know anything at all!19:50
pupnik"Can you feed a newborn baby ramen noodles everyday? - Yahoo! Answers"19:50
GAN900We all work for Nokia, we want you to buy a new device!19:51
javispedropupnik: How to make babby? How woman get pregnant??19:51
corecoderight, that's why i'm asking about undervolt settings19:51
GAN900pupnik, s/can you/is it a good idea to/19:51
corecodeget over yourselves19:51
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pupnikanswer is yes :)19:51
Voahello everyone19:52
Voahow are we doing today?19:52
pupniksomeone literally built the device i asked them to19:52
GAN900corecode, TI voltages scaling seems to invalidate most of the potention harm reducing effects of undervoltage.19:52
corecodeGAN900: ENOPARSE19:52
pupnikso i'm quite dedicated to that over corporation19:52
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GAN900Voa, emotionally preparing myself to be molested by the TSA19:52
pupnikno flash here sorry19:52
* GAN900 is typing retarded.19:53
dRbiGdoes the builtin maemo web browser understand *.mht files?19:53
RST38hpupnik: who built the device?19:54
pupnikthe openpandora guys :)19:54
pupnikwell they're still building it19:54
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pupniki'm upset at the trend to oled - it's not as good as transflective in sunlight19:55
RST38hpupnik: will it make phone calls?19:55
pupnikespecially considering battery drain19:55
keriopupnik: will it blend?19:55
pupnikphone calls aren't really high on my list of priorities for such devices19:55
Voawhat is the tsa GAN900 ?19:56
javispedropupnik: are they already shipping? :)19:57
javispedrothe batch with actually-won't-wear-in-a-few-weeks nubs?19:58
RST38hpupnik: do they pay dividends on the money you paid them months ago? =)19:58
javispedrointeresting :)19:58
pupniknice one einsteinchen19:59
ShadowJKtimeless_mbp, I think Nokia S60 energy profiler has a screenshot functionality, if that was what you were looking for19:59
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timeless_mbpShadowJK: i found one, thanks19:59
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Voadoes anyone know what does differ twitter from fb?20:00
einsteinchenfb > 14020:01
Voaor they similar?20:01
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RST38hVoa: are you sure you connected to the right server?20:01
Voayes why you ask?20:02
RST38hVoa: tried
Voano i wanted to chat so asked a question is that bad?20:02
GAN900Voa, Transport Safety Administration. US Government entity responsible for airport security.20:02
RST38hno,not at all, although asking it on a different server would probably work better20:02
Voathanks  GAN900  well i hope they go light on you with taxes or you can all ways become a robin hood :)20:03
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Voais it becouse you are not fans of  those king of social networks you say this RST38h ?20:03
RST38hVoa:No, it is because this irc channel has nothing to do with either20:03
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Voawell they are avaible on n900 so i want to see if they worth installing20:04
Voathe apps for both20:04
javispedroRST38h: maybe he's asking about fb=Framebuffer ;)20:04
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dRbiGfb vesa ftw!20:05
RST38hjavispedro: and is twitter some new kind of audio framework? =)20:05
javispedrowho knows! these days a new framework for anything appears20:05
javispedroevery day.20:05
timeless_mbpcan someone here suggest a web site which uses popups?20:06 porn.net20:06
Neccor :p20:06
Voafacebook seems cool but they spy on you too much twitter diden't try it yet you guys use any of the 2?20:07
Voaon the n900?20:07
Necchehe ok these aren't existing websites, but i guess you get the idea20:07
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steinexVoa: there is so value in carrying a smartphone if you are not a member of twitter / facebook20:09
* steinex hides20:09
RST38h<--please port Meego to E7-->20:10
steinexplease port meego to your ass.20:11
steinexi actually bought an iphone 4 :/20:11
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steinexand no, im not a troll ;)20:11
RST38hsteinex: That is where you are supposed to /leave you know20:12
Necc... yet you are not\20:12
steinexRST38h: the iphone actually cant replace my n900, so no, i'm not ;)20:12
RST38hBefore somebody uses you for a witty kick comment, that is20:12
Neccbut we will se after a couple of weeks/months20:13
steinexRST38h: don't take me too seriously..20:13
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RST38hNot taking you seriously at all, dude =)20:13
Neccif eyePhone can not replace your N900, the honestly: why the f**k you bought it?20:14
keriothe iphone looks really sw33t20:17
keriothat's about it20:17
luke-jr[13:09:51] <steinex> Voa: there is so value in carrying a smartphone if you are not a member of twitter / facebook20:17
luke-jrthere is more truth to this than it seems at face value20:17
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Voaill keep fb for now as i need it for my informatic school only reason why i made it but i am also not a smartphone fun20:19
Voasocial network fun i mean20:19
RST38hThe only use for Twitter that I know is being able to say "blogger, shut your twitter"20:19
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lcukRST38h, twitter is useful to spread ones suffering to others.20:23
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javispedrotbh I've found a use for Twitter20:25
javispedrothat is exactly to follow people on #meegoconf =)20:25
javispedrosame as when #maebar happened20:25
RST38hlcuk: not interested, unless it is done in a really creative way (pretty much excludes twitter)20:25
lcukindeed javispedro its like irc but you dont have to remain logged in20:25
javispedroWhat I see is that it has a lower barrier-to-entry than IRC20:26
RST38hdoes autobuilder still post to twitter btw?20:26
Arkenoisomething locked my camera and flashlight. how do i find out what? i thought it was flashlight-extra, but removing it did not help20:26
RST38hjavispedro: Is that...a good thing? 8)20:26
lcukRST38h, i dont think autobuilder itself does, but I think theres a twitter bot slurping the rss feed20:26
RST38hArkenoi: may have to reboot20:27
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javispedroRST38h: depending on who you want to follow20:28
ArkenoiRST38h, does not help20:28
javispedroor more accurately, "what".20:28
RST38hArkenoi:how about ps -ax to some pastebin?20:28
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RST38hjavispedro: I don't, really...20:29
* DocScrutinizer reads comments about twitter, and suffocates from coughing20:30
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DocScrutinizerArkenoi: what's the meaning of "lock" in that context?20:32
ArkenoiDocScrutinizer, "Operation failed" "camera locked by other application" , whatever, when i try to run anything that uses camera20:33
DocScrutinizerthat's flashlight-extra20:33
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DocScrutinizerI bet20:33
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Arkenoii removed it and rebooted, did not help20:33
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DocScrutinizerflashlight-extra, though a nice concept I fully agree with, was so buggy and CPU hogging and causing segfaults and whatnot, I had to remove it20:34
DocScrutinizerArkenoi: I'd not be surprised to learn even uninstall doesn't work like expected, for fl-extra20:35
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DocScrutinizermaybe check which files are installed by fl-extra pkg, and what exactly postinstall script does20:35
Arkenoibtw front camera is "locked" as well20:36
DocScrutinizerno surprise20:36
DocScrutinizeryou can't use both concurrently, they are muxed20:36
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DocScrutinizerso if one of both is "in use", the other one is simply not available at all20:37
DocScrutinizerlsof might help, rmmod might help, deep investigation about what fl-extra does will help20:38
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Arkenoiconversation-inbox crashed again taking all widgets with it20:39
Arkenoihappens at least once a week20:39
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RST38hArkenoi: camkeyd!20:41
ArkenoiRST38h, really? will try to kill it. it worked flawlessly for almost an year20:42
RST38hthis is the only daemon I see that is related to camera in some way20:42
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Arkenoii do not think button is wired to camera with any hardware link :-)20:43
Arkenoiwell, will try to remove20:43
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ArkenoiRST38h, did not help either (and i did not expect it to)20:48
Arkenoiis there a camera device i can find via lsof?20:50
Voahello are we best friends people?20:50
* timeless_mbp sighs20:51
timeless_mbpseriously guys, where do i find a window opener?20:51
Voatimeless_mbp:  what happend my rose?20:52
Voatell your best friend what happend20:52
Voaare you ok?20:53
Voawhat happend time are you ok?20:55
Voaor you need a free hug?20:56
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SpeedEvilArkenoi: what's the root question?20:58
SpeedEvilThe camera appears as /dev/video?20:58
timeless_mbpwould someone please ban Voa20:59
Arkenoino process has /dev/video open20:59
RST38hArkenoi: maybe there is a lock file somewhere?21:00
Voawhy should the ban me my friend timeless_mbp  i am asking if you need a free hug?21:00
Voayou should be happy21:01
* timeless_mbp rotfl @
ArkenoiRST38h, any places to check?21:01
RST38hArkenoi:the usual, /var21:02
RST38hProbably /tmp too21:02
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Arkenoii guess it would be cleaned up n reboot if it was tmp21:05
Arkenoinothing suspicious in /var (at least at the first glance)21:05
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DocScrutinizertimeless_mbp: XP21:05
timeless_mbpsp3000: the recall message is awesome21:06
* Voa lelly kelly are my little shoes o yea !21:06
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DocScrutinizerArkenoi: camerad is preload-started at bootup. Check if it's running and if it's not, then try to get error msgs from startup21:08
DocScrutinizerIroN900:~# ps|grep cam21:09
DocScrutinizer  781 root     15236 S    /usr/sbin/omap3camd -d /dev/video0 -f /tmp/omap3camd021:09
DocScrutinizer  832 root     15124 S    /usr/sbin/omap3camd -d /dev/video121:09
Arkenoinope, i do not have it running, will try to start manually21:09
Arkenoiit does not start. it says it does and then exits silently, no error messages21:11
MohammadAGtmo statistics: useful users in october .../ (graph goes up), now: |, and the arrow isn't pointing upwards21:11
RST38hYou have got some sentient users in october?really?21:11
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MohammadAGoh right, those were from before21:12
Arkenoiis there a debug/verbose mode for omap3camd?21:12
javispedrothe ship is sinking!21:12
Voawhen the ship goes down you better be ready21:12
DocScrutinizerArkenoi: check your modules21:13
MohammadAGI already got gills21:13
Arkenoilsmod|grep cam shows nothing21:13
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DocScrutinizerArkenoi: you had fcam, or the other one? both are replacing stock cam driver modules by sth that won't work under 1.321:14
DocScrutinizeralso power-kernel is known to have issues21:14
DocScrutinizeror have had21:15
Arkenoiyes, i run power-kernel, but it worked after update to 1.3 for sure21:15
RST38hfcam works in 1.321:15
DocScrutinizerhostmode came with modules that didn't support cam afaik21:15
DocScrutinizerArkenoi: I'm rather sure you messed up your cam drivers somehow21:16
GAN900Bridge construction when you need to be at the airport is helpful.21:16
* Arkenoi wonders how21:16
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MohammadAGfcam doesn't work on kernel-power 42+ afaik21:19
Arkenoiso it is fcam-drivers to blame?21:20
MohammadAGno, it's kernel-power to blame I guess21:21
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MohammadAGwell, I myself never tried it on my device, but I did on my classmate's and it kept saying Operation Failed on the main camera21:21
DocScrutinizerboard_rx51_camera       5216  1  /  omap34xxcam_mod        18244  8  /  isp_mod                90288  3 board_rx51_camera,omap_previewer_hack,omap34xxcam_mod  /  videobuf_dma_sg         9348  3 omap_previewer_hack,omap34xxcam_mod,isp_mod  /  videobuf_core          14020  3 omap_previewer_hack,omap34xxcam_mod,videobuf_dma_sgvideobuf_core          14020  3 omap_previewer_hack,omap34xxcam_mod,videobuf_dma_sg   etc etc21:22
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Arkenoiso i guess camera stopped working since i updated to hostmode enabled kernel21:27
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DocScrutinizeryou bet it did21:29
DocScrutinizercheck back with power kernel "support"21:29
Arkenoiwell, i think i will just wait for next update21:29
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DocScrutinizerupdate of what?21:30
DocScrutinizerhostmode, power kernel, fcam?21:30
MohammadAGhostmode didn't break fcam, it did break PSFreedom though21:30
Arkenoipower kernel i guess21:31
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: I lost track. Is recent version of h-e-n rdepends power-kernel now? or what exactly does it do?21:31
jogaheh, I wonder how long it takes until someone uses kinect with n90021:31
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, doesn't depend on anything, it's bad, I know21:32
trumeeis there any advantage of running any of these power kernels except for hostmode? I already have pptp modules for stock kernel and not interested in OC.21:32
* MohammadAG likes the kernel-feature thing21:32
DocScrutinizernot a real problem. I just suggest you edit post #1 of that hread to get a proper howto there. Also for ninstall21:32
MohammadAGalso, what is kernel-feature-automounter?21:33
DocScrutinizermentioning which hm-enabled kernel builds are available, where they are, and what's exact procedure to install and to deinstall h-e-n21:34
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: kernel-feature-automount sounds great, but I guess nobody will get it in tmo21:35
MohammadAGyes, but what is it?21:36
DocScrutinizeryou should talk to titan about it21:36
MohammadAGwe need t-tan back21:36
MohammadAG~seen t-tan21:36
infobott-tan <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 154d 23h 55m 29s ago, saying: 'smoking hot device?'.21:36
DocScrutinizerfamous last words of a OCer?21:37
cehtehpizza-oven app21:37
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, heh, was thinking that xD21:38
MohammadAGwe need a steak cooker21:38
cehtehis power45 safe to install when one hasnt uboot or any other os installed .. but i need the kamera21:39
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: check google for linux automounter21:39
RST38hcehteh: don't joke this way, iPhone has got an app with a huge grill picture where you can control iPhone body temperature21:39
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cehtehi was quite busy past days, didnt followed closely, just seen a lot people with problems21:39
DocScrutinizercehteh: uBoot is included in powerk.21:39
cehtehno idea how its done21:39
DocScrutinizerand *should* 'just work'21:39
cehtehwell i just want to install it and have my device still working, including camera21:40
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cehtehsome people report its broken with the camera launcher app, dunno if that was about .44 or .4521:40
cehtehsoem even report bricked or reboot-looping devices21:41
cehteh(i wish they would be more precise on tmo about which kernel they exactly use)21:41
DocScrutinizeryeah, multiboot has the funny idea of reflashing kernels at boot time. Doesn't go well together with uBoot etc. Frankly all usual alternative-kernel installers will break with multiboot21:42
DocScrutinizerand especially uBoot and multiboot are mutually exclusive aiui21:42
Corsachmhm, I think what NITdroid uses works fine here21:43
cehtehfcam, camera-launcher and other apps seem to break somtimes too21:43
javispedronaa nitdroid uses multiboot21:43
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MohammadAGmultiboot needs to be rewritten21:43
CorsacI have uboot-pr13 installed, if I use run noloboot and have the keyboard opened, I have the selection dialog shown21:43
FredrIQ|n900Hm, speaking about multiboot, is there an easy way to completly uninstall Android that also removes things like multiboot(+config)?21:43
Corsac(though it won't work since I only have a sdcard with meego atm)21:44
MohammadAGhow? easy, make it create symlinks for kernel on the card21:44
FredrIQ|n900As that will stand intact if you just uninstall Android, i guess21:44
MohammadAGFredrIQ|n900, sudo nitdroid-uninstaller21:44
cehtehis nitdroid useable as in wireless and 3G works, you can make phone calls and other hardware (gps, camera, ..)?21:44
FredrIQ|n900Ah, didn't know that existed21:45
DocScrutinizerthink of installing win98 after you got a multiboot setup on your PC. That's what multiboot-n900 does to N900. It messes with booting sequence and doesn't think about conflicting other mechanisms21:45
javispedrohm... installing win98 to an n900.21:45
MohammadAGyay, at least hostmode triggered some development :)21:46
cehtehbe a real man, install WinME :)21:46
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ShapeshifterI once asked why streaming internet radio over 3g uses so much battery. someone answered, it's because the device has to aknowledge every packet. But streams use UDP, which doesn't need aknowledging... ?21:48
cehtehMohammadAG: there are usb graphic adapters .. anyone with linux drivers? performance sux somewhat but they are limited useful, imagine such a vga adapter, keyboard, mouse .. voila, n900 docking station with a big screen21:48
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cehteh(and no, no one wants the TVout :P)21:48
Shapeshifteror is it the GPRS encapsulation?21:48
alteregoShapeshifter: UDP just encapsulates packets, if the application protocol requires response packets then it'll send back.21:49
Shapeshifteralterego: application protocol?21:50
cehtehgprs likely acknowledges packets .. in one or another way (windowed?)21:50
MohammadAGcehteh, I think javispedro tried a display adapter21:50
alteregowhat ever protocol is used for data transmission, rdp or wha have you.21:50
cehtehsupported by the n900 kernel?21:50
javispedrocehteh: displaylink21:51
javispedrocehteh: it's suported with only insanely recent kernels (aka not n900), but there's also a userspace implementation21:51
javispedrocehteh: yes21:51
javispedrothe userspace implementation forwards vnc to displaylink21:51
MohammadAG it was somewhere here21:51
javispedro(displaylink is actually similar to vnc)21:51
cehtehso it eats a lot of bandwidth21:52
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javispedrocehteh: marketing says around 6 devices on usb2.021:52
cehtehmean 0.6 devices on n900 :)21:52
MohammadAGjavispedro, you posted a pic afaik21:53
javispedroMohammadAG: linked above already :)21:53
MohammadAGnevermind LOL21:53
javispedrocehteh: on that pic I just used x11vnc but you can use plain Xvnc and it drove 1680x1050 just fine21:54
MohammadAGjavispedro, yeah, noticed :P21:54
cehtehwell running a independent desktop with another resolution there would be nice, doesnt need 2048x1156 ... but 1024x600 or something like that would be cool21:54
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MohammadAGjavispedro, this?, sorry, I'm nosey :P21:55
MohammadAGnosy even21:55
javispedroyou guess :)21:55
javispedroMohammadAG: yes :)21:55
timeless_mbpwhen did youtube get ratings?21:55
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* javispedro though he had removed those, hmpf.21:55
* MohammadAG saves21:56
MohammadAGjavispedro, how much is a displaylink to USB again? :)21:58
javispedrono idea, my monitor has it builtin21:58
javispedrothe one you see on the pictures21:58
MohammadAGyeah, you told me that once21:58
javispedrodo not pay more than $20 for it I'd say, but I have no idea.21:59
javispedrotbh it is a useful thing21:59
javispedroI've used it with a broken HP laptop (one of those where the gpu chip goes haywire)21:59
javispedroworked very well21:59
MohammadAG$149.95 err22:00
javispedroMohammadAG: too much22:00
javispedroMohammadAG: ebay says $4022:00
javispedroor $4522:00
DocScrutinizerit's a graca plus cpu to drive some USB protocol22:00
MohammadAGyou said 2022:00
javispedroMohammadAG: I'm like DocScrutinizer, I just see that it is a $1 cpu with a $1 pcb22:01
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: this is not one of your bazaars :-P22:01
javispedroMohammadAG: of course, consumers prices are another story ;)22:01
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DocScrutinizerconsumer prices are always what you can ask for it, to maximize your earnings22:02
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I'm assuming this is what you saw?*F%3F&GUID=85cb9dba12a0a0b3f4360b56ffd6b428&itemid=310270404996&ff4=263602_30465222:02
MohammadAGerr, javispedro, sorry DocScrutinizer22:02
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javispedroalso, ?22:03
DocScrutinizerI guess they are just tunneling sth like AGP thru USB22:03
DocScrutinizermaybe even a more highlevel protocol, like VNC or whatever22:04
javispedroDocScrutinizer: it's a vnc on steroids22:04
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* DocScrutinizer muses idly about PCI extenders thru USB22:05
MohammadAGjavispedro, one question though, how does the N900 handle a higher res?22:05
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MohammadAGhildon-desktop should scale, but what happens to the main screen22:06
DocScrutinizerhook up arbitrary PCI cards to your N90022:06
javispedroMohammadAG: well. applications react badly.22:06
javispedroMohammadAG: most of them have 800x480 hardcoded somewhere.22:06
javispedroMohammadAG: OpenTTD works fine though =)22:06
DocScrutinizerliq FTW22:07
MohammadAGjavispedro, applications can be fixed :P22:07
DocScrutinizer(says an ignorant)=22:07
javispedroclosed ones no :P22:07
MohammadAGand I'm interested in things like the media player (that's probably hardcoded) or gstreamer + movies22:07
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javispedrowith the user space implementation...22:07
javispedrodo not expect sane performance.22:08
javispedrofor video.22:08
DocScrutinizerLOL mediaplayer22:08
MohammadAGwas thinking about that :/22:08
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, it doesn't resize, I already tried that :P22:08
javispedroudlfb iirc is the name of the inkernel implementation22:08
MohammadAGthey don't have lists in a layout22:08
MohammadAGand which kernel does that require? 2.6.35?22:08
javispedromight work..22:09
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Arkenoiunlinstalling lowlight did help22:11
TurskiMohammadAG: i finally put your fmtx-module to my n900, it seems to work fine :)22:11
BCMMwhat does MohammadAG's fmtx-module do?22:12
Turskiit's PR1.2 module build with PR1.3 headers, so it allow use of boost22:13
MohammadAGreverse's nokia's cruel idiotic power level lock22:13
BCMMoh, boost doesn't work with 1.3?22:13
DocScrutinizerArkenoi: ??22:13
TurskiBCMM: yep22:13
BCMMthat would explain things a bit22:13
MohammadAGBCMM, it gets locked if you echo into power_level22:13
BCMMcan i have it to?22:14
MohammadAGsometimes, it gets locked to 120, making nokia look retarded22:14
MohammadAGif you're on the latest power kernel, t-tan reversed it22:14
BCMM120 is max power, right?22:14
BCMMdoes power kernel work with fcam?22:14
DocScrutinizerthat's a nice feature22:15
MohammadAGno BCMM22:15
kerioecho 9001 > power_level22:15
MohammadAGkerio, that returns WTF in dmesg22:15
BCMMMohammadAG: where in the filesystem does that go?22:15
DocScrutinizerBCMM: find / -name fmtx-si*22:15
TurskiBCMM: that's something you should know when you start to play with kernel22:15
Turskialso with -modules22:16
BCMMDocScrutinizer: how do you know i've got findutils installed?22:16
BCMMTurski: woah, you're right - it's just a ko22:17
BCMMi blame being sleepy22:17
MohammadAGyou don't need findutils, busybox22:17
ArkenoiDocScrutinizer, it depends on fcam modules, so i uninstalled it alltogether and rebooted and camera works now22:17
kerioMohammadAG: tell me they really put that easter egg in22:18
BCMMMohammadAG: so are there any difference other than reversing the stupid?22:18
useris there a documentation reader not broken or missed in maemo? and please do not tell me to use a browser...22:18
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andre41user: what is a "documentation reader"?22:18
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BCMMuser: are you talking about man?22:18
MohammadAGBCMM, nope, power boost makes a difference here, so I needed it reversed anyways22:18
MohammadAGyou can use jacekowski's FMTXD22:18
userandre41, BCMM: maemo lacks info, w3m, man system is broken,... i am lost22:19
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BCMMMohammadAG: "makes a difference here" - are there jurisdictions where it does max power by default?22:19
DocScrutinizerIroN900:~# busybox find --help22:19
DocScrutinizerBusyBox v1.10.2 (Debian multi-call binary22:19
DocScrutinizerUsage: find [PATH...] [EXPRESSION]22:19
MohammadAGhmm? it's just 1.2's source with 1.3's headers22:19
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BCMMi meant, "does the default transmit power vary by region?"22:20
BCMManyway, the reason i wanted this is because the other day i had trouble making it work in a car, and noticed that boost didn't seem to be doing much22:20
MohammadAGtmo-sucks:~# ls -l /usr/bin/find22:21
MohammadAGlrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           12 Sep 10 18:03 /usr/bin/find -> /bin/busybox22:21
userandre41, BCMM: afaik debian always lacked a proper info reader (info is a unix command to read documentation about programs, like man, but in more depth)22:21
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MohammadAGBCMM, hmm, not sure about that22:21
MohammadAGagain, you can use jacekowski's modified fmtxd, it does a better job anyways22:21
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: LUSER22:21
DocScrutinizerIroN900:~# which find22:22
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I use gfind22:22
DocScrutinizercouldn't bother about that g* shit22:22
DocScrutinizerit starts with G !! >:-P22:22
* ShadowJK remembers solaris22:23
DocScrutinizerlike Gnome, Gconf...22:23
MohammadAGso does Germany :P22:23
pupnikanybody near Leicestershire UK?22:23
DocScrutinizersucks as well22:23
* DocScrutinizer ponders to rename grep22:24
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, feel free to come to IL, just bring your armory with you22:24
nidOpupnik: define near22:25
user/home/user # man man22:25
userpager: applet not found22:25
pupnikdo you ever get near Loughborough nidO ?22:25
usergnnnn :(22:25
DocScrutinizerinstall less22:25
MohammadAGinstall less22:25
MohammadAGmeh, lag!22:25
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: fix that friggin rdepends!22:25
nidOpupnik: occasionally not too far from it on the way to other places :p22:26
DocScrutinizerthough... nah, don't22:26
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DocScrutinizerit simply depends on $PAGER22:26
DocScrutinizerI just wonder why $pager -eq less22:26
GAN900Wee, hooray for extra vigilant TSA agents rummaging through and abusing my camera bag.22:26
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fralsairport security eh, gotta love it22:27
javispedroGAN900: you're texting while being security-raped? terrorist!22:27
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GAN900frals, something like that22:27
userDocScrutinizer, MohammadAG: thanks, it works now. .deb dependencies broken, as it seems22:27
GAN900At least I wasn't selected for a body scan.22:27
MohammadAGjavispedro, I'm the only terrorist here22:27
DocScrutinizeruser: see my last post22:27
fralshelsinki airport the other had turned all their metal detectors to highest sensitivity, there was at least 20 people in a row who had to get the pat down until they changed it again22:27
DocScrutinizeractually my last 4 posts22:28
userDocScrutinizer: i already tried once to apt-get less, but it didnt work, now it did22:29
GAN900TSA does "Enhanced Pat Downs" now.22:29
DocScrutinizeruser: basically it's up to you as a sysadmin to set proper $PAGER for your users (in this case for yourself)22:29
GAN900Which includes bra twisting, evidently.22:29
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userDocScrutinizer: yes, thats why i mentioned w3m as alternative pager22:30
DocScrutinizerGAN900: heh, nice show22:30
userbut Package w3m has no installation candidate22:31
DocScrutinizerfrals: hehe, too bad if you got tooth fillings22:31
DocScrutinizeror rivets on your jeans22:32
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userwell, a good sysadmin could also write his own pager, the day has 24 hours, and if its not enough, theres also the night  :-)22:32
DocScrutinizeror a zip22:32
fralsDocScrutinizer: yeah, anyone with jeans got stuck :(22:32
MohammadAGgood thing I didn't go then, would've put the airport into defcon 1 :P22:32
DocScrutinizerfrals: you bet, usually they got one metal button22:33
DocScrutinizerplus metal zip22:33
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: is $PAGER set by mandb-n900 postinst script, in some weird manner?22:35
DocScrutinizeror could anybody that got neither mandb nor bash do me a favour and check result of >echo $PAGER< please?22:36
DocScrutinizerduh, empty for me, nevermind22:37
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: is 'less' hardcoded for pager in man-db-n900?22:37
* DocScrutinizer hopes coffee will kick in eventually22:38
MohammadAGhmm, never checked that :P22:38
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DocScrutinizerplease somebody (without mandb less bash) do a >file $(which pager)< for me?22:41
userecho $PAGER gives me empty line, echo $SHELL gives me /bin/sh, though man works now, after apt-get install less22:41
DocScrutinizeruser: mandb uses cmd >pager -s< by default22:42
DocScrutinizerIroN900:~# file $(which pager)22:42
DocScrutinizer/usr/bin/pager: symbolic link to `/etc/alternatives/pager'22:42
* DocScrutinizer mumbles "update-alternatives, obfuscated concept"22:43
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DocScrutinizerIroN900:~# file /etc/alternatives/pager22:44
DocScrutinizer/etc/alternatives/pager: symbolic link to `/bin/less'22:44
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phrykHi there22:46
phrykI have problems adding an ical to the calendar.22:46
phrykIt tells me it would add 63 events but doesn't even add one.22:46
usermandb gives me tons of error messages about free hanging symbolic links22:46
MohammadAGuser, ignore them22:47
DocScrutinizerthey should only show up once22:48
MohammadAGyeah, those22:49
MohammadAGI should use 2> /dev/null22:49
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usermaybe its dangling in english error message, i translated from german22:51
usermandb: Warnung: /opt/man/man7/create_role.7.gz ist eine freihängende symbolische Verknüpfung22:52
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: @et al:
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, the man pages are from ubuntu22:54
MohammadAGso unless I can figure out which are dangling symlinks and rm -f them in one go, I won't fix it manually22:54
MohammadAGsafe trip GAN90022:55
DocScrutinizerGAN900: don't trigger the self-destruct of plane by IRCing on board22:55
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* DocScrutinizer remembers the stuardess getting upset and telling him those devices are forbidden during flight, when he took a photo of that interactive touchscreen integrated into seat backrest. While nearby Chinese happily took pictures of whole family. Maybe was because it's been a Taiwan Airline flying above Easern continent and there's a down-view camera option for those screens :-P23:00
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kerioi don't get why you're not allowed to use cellphones in airplanes23:02
kerioit's not like they work anyway23:03
DocScrutinizereastern continent == China mainland, ex USSR, some other quite angry countries23:03
DocScrutinizerkerio: that's exactly the point23:03
useryeah, maybe she guessed you planned a DoS by cellphone shockwaves to the sensible board electronics:)23:04
DocScrutinizerduring take off / landing they tend to blast out max TX which is 2W, and during flight they don't work anyway23:04
kerioso it's not "shut down your phones because they could fuck up the plane"23:05
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kerioit's "shut down your phones because your battery will drain like fuck"23:05
kerioa lot of people would happily follow the second one23:05
DocScrutinizerthey *could* during takeoff landing23:05
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DocScrutinizerbut actually all plane electronics are supposed to be hardened against that, so nothing may happen. Otherwise the plane wouldn't pass tests23:06
userSome people get headaches when sitting besides a phone which sends max TX. I am one of these. Its the same in a train which drives into a tunnel. I hate it.23:07
DocScrutinizerso recently some airlines got local femtocells inside their planes, which roam to everybody and charge you a fortune, for relaying your call via sat23:07
userOften, there are several people at once using the phone in one compartment23:07
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einsteinchenan whats the "real" reason why people should turn them off?23:07
kerio"please don't shut down your phones because for each call you pay us lots of $$$"23:07
DocScrutinizereinsteinchen: 'real reason' is general risk management23:08
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usertherefore, in some trains, like the TGV, it is not allowed to do phonecalls, the entry area excepted23:09
DocScrutinizerthere's no use in it anyway, so why check if it harms if you as well can forbid it23:09
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DocScrutinizeras soon as you got a femtocell tranponder on board, it's not useless anymore, and operation conditions are clearly definable. So it's ok then23:11
Kegetyssupposedly it can be somehow not so nice to the phone networks below as well, having hundreds of people come and go rapidly from tower to tower23:12
DocScrutinizerplus you earn a shitload of money from the idiots who dare to use it23:12
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DocScrutinizerKegetys: you won't connect to ground towers. they have directional antennae which won't pick up really from 10km altitude23:13
DocScrutinizerplus airplane is a pretty good faraday cage23:14
Kegetysdunno, a friend of mine who works on gsm networks told me it can cause trouble23:14
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DocScrutinizerbut then, what's with highways o.O23:15
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nidObusses, trains, and cars would be far more of a problem for that, id think23:15
Kegetysplaces that have alot of traffic have alot of towers23:15
DocScrutinizerso a lot more handovers :-P23:16
Kegetysbut you can have an A380 with 500 people on board go over a rural area23:16
DocScrutinizerpretty easy, they stay connected (if they were at all) for a prety long time23:16
DocScrutinizerKegetys: nah, that's nonsense23:17
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nidOstill, 10 miles over a rural area. most cells dont stretch 10 miles ground level, let alone straight up, and penetrating an aircraft skin+frame when it gets there23:17
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DocScrutinizeryes, as I claimed above. Won't connect23:18
DocScrutinizeractually, I several times 'forgot' to switch off my cellphone, and visiting logs after flight shows it had not a single BTS in vicinity for whole flight, until ~3min before landing and ~3min after takeoff23:19
DocScrutinizeryou *can* connet to ground level BTS from even >30000ft altitude - ask SpeedEvil (iirc). But only from baloons that have a GSM module for telemetry with an antenna free to air, not inside a aluminium tube with 20*20cm 'windows'23:22
* DocScrutinizer makes a note to take a shortwave radio with him on his next flight23:25
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Kegetyswell, at least in the usa the FCC seems to have it forbidden for that reason (in addition to FAA ban), but they also say there's insufficient information to determine wether it really can be harmful or not23:32
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Noobmonk3yMohammadAG, gonna spend 2moro moving to buntu, my only concern is the possible lack of photoshop/CS4!23:36
MohammadAGNoobmonk3y, virtual machine?23:37
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MohammadAGor gimp23:37
Noobmonk3yneither really great23:37
nidOor windoze23:37
mikki-kunuhhh, i read something about hostmode just in the rss-feeds (haven't been following hardly since studies started) so, does it "work"?23:37
infoboti heard hostmode is
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trumeemikki-kun: what rss feeds?23:38
Noobmonk3yprod is, linux works fine for geeky coding, not great for all my photography and design....23:38
mikki-kunof talk.maemo.org23:38
Noobmonk3ymight vm it....23:38
trumeemikki-kun: ah, wasnt aware tmo had rss feeds23:39
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mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: thanks for the link23:39
Noobmonk3yrss feeds are great when not spammy!!!23:40
mikki-kun+1 on that23:40
trumeemikki-kun: i dont see an option for rss feed on tmo>23:41
mikki-kunwith the web-browser23:41
mikki-kunthere you can, when *checking*23:41
BCMMNoobmonk3y: adobe?23:42
trumeeah, firefox on desktop is giving me an option in url input gox "Subscribe to this webpage...". Hope this is in microb as well23:42
mikki-kunwhen not in fullscreen, press on the plus-button in the lower bar (left of the address-input) and voila, there you can subscribe to the feed23:42
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BCMMtrumee: yeah, i think you get at that through the bookmark button23:43
BCMMtrumee: y'know, the one with the "+" icon23:43
BCMMNoobmonk3y: how much of Photoshop do you use?23:43
trumeeBCMM, mikki-kun: thanks23:43
andaxNoobmonk3y: i got corel draw for linux but it doesnt work on todays linux versions, like kylix. I still have no GPL replacement for it.23:43
Noobmonk3ybcmm every day23:43
Noobmonk3yand alot23:44
BCMMNoobmonk3y: i mean, feature set23:44
Noobmonk3yi do hdr photography etc23:44
lcukuse n900 :)23:44
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BCMMGIMP can be used for some HDR methods23:44
Noobmonk3ylolloo, nice start not good enough quality23:44
lcukBCMM, he already tried wearing a gimp mask whilst using photoshop23:45
andaxNoobmonk3y: i think because the tighter release cycles of linux, some sophisticated and important software projects stick wit microsoft or mac23:45
BCMMeh? what do release cycles have to do with it?23:45
BCMMthey go for the larger targets23:45
Noobmonk3ylcuk, lol to this, i ust got a 50+ line msg on tmo, starting with "as you are an active developer, i wonder if you could help design".... lol!!23:45
Noobmonk3yi agree andax23:46
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BCMMand i get the impression that some people target OS X and iOS because their users are probably prepared to pay over the odds for stuff23:46
DocScrutinizerNoobmonk3y: answer "diapering? burping? what else?"23:46
Noobmonk3ywindows may notg be great at anything, but it does eveything except deb compiling, hehehe23:46
Noobmonk3ylol doc!23:47
Noobmonk3yhe wants some gps tool, but he's not a tmo noob, so impressed with the tmo message effort!23:47
andaxBCMM: i would prefer to make my software once and it works for years, but linux releases all software multiple times a year. Many have no fancy to keep their software current in such manner23:47
BCMMactually, what do you guys use for processing HDR shot in fcamera? qtpfsgui seems to get them wrong, mostly because the EVs are out of it's range, and i can get a nice effect with masks in GIMP (oh dear), but it's sorta cheating23:47
BCMMandax: that's wrong in some subtle ways23:47
BCMMalso, some obvious ones23:47
lcukandax, huh?23:47
marmouteandax: "linux releases all software multiple times a year"23:48
Noobmonk3ybcmm, photomatix tbh23:48
marmoutelinux doesn't release any software23:48
marmouteHave you ever heard of Debian Stable ?23:48
mikki-kunlinux itself is the kernel only23:48
* ShadowJK is still using Fedora Core 10 :-)23:48
lcukmake gimp work *well* in existing windows environment and not require massive retrainging23:48
lcukis the issue23:48
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mikki-kungnu/linux is what is built arounf the kernel and i guess andax refers to that23:48
Noobmonk3ywell, prob gonna vm ubuntu i feel23:48
lcukits got sod all to do with release cycles23:48
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BCMMandax: also, that still isn't correct even if you mean linux distros23:48
BCMMregular updates come out, yes23:49
mikki-kunbut imho, if those changes are needed and helping in having a better system then it is the correct way to do imo23:49
BCMMyou are probably talking about Ubuntu's release cycle or something23:49
lcukregular updates for many apps come out23:49
BCMMyou should note that it doesn't involve every single package being updated23:49
marmouteBCMM: forget it. security fix is for hype nerd only.23:50
mikki-kunsome distros don't even have release cycles as gentoo or arch... they are rolling releases and the user decides "do i want this package?"23:50
andaxmarmoute: so, why then do some libs and .so files and whatsoever no longer fit to applicationsets like corel draw, kylix et cetera? why arent there at least sources for php4?23:50
BCMMmarmoute: what does that mean, and how does it relate to what i said?23:50
BCMMupdates happen; the difference on windows is that you don't get them automatically in a unified way23:50
BCMMand for big applications, you probably don't get them, unless you pay23:50
andaxin every release some stuff gets lost23:50
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lcukpatch tuesday23:50
lcukor whatever it is23:51
BCMMandax: why would you run php4?23:51
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BCMMandax: can you buy windows 98?23:51
andaxand if you dont update, youre the bitched when you have problems to solve, can hear thousand times, have you rwecent cversion? no? we cant help you23:51
lcukme goes and sleeps before #meego conf23:52
mikki-kuni must admit since moving to gentoo i have had very few problems with libraries as i built everything from source... and it works fantastic... if i rebuilt some lib and a program is complaining, fine, i will rebuild the program and i have it working with the currently active libraries23:52
marmouteandax: go use Debian stable or any other stable distribution.23:52
andaxBCMM: because there are lots of PHP4 books in my shelf and i wether have no fancy for experiments nor for buying new books23:52
BCMMandax: well, your PHP4 will largely still work23:53
* DocScrutinizer thinks the common notion of "release" here is along what Nokia does for maemo. That's basically odd and broken though. And not related to app development in general at all23:53
BCMMandax: anyway, are you saying that commercial software is mostly "install and leave alone for years"?23:53
pupnikteach kids about mathematics and exponential powers of 2 by making candy!  [ Dragon Beard Candy secret recipe ]
BCMMthe first thing they'll do if you complain about commercial software is ask if you've installed the latest updates23:54
BCMMthe second thing they'll do is ask you to pay for the next major update23:54
lcukBCMM, exists for a reason.23:54
DocScrutinizerlcuk: which reason exactly?23:55
trumeeanybody used Queen Beecon Widget? I would like to start my shell script (which triggers pptp) QBW and kill it as well. Is that possible?23:55
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andaxBCMM, well, some updates are meaningful, but i believe linux degenertes more than it makes progress these days23:56
BCMMtrumee: i use it, but i don't understand your question23:56
BCMMandax: do you mean linux (the kernel), or your distro?23:56
trumeeBCMM: i want to start a shell script and send a Ctrl+C to it when i want to stop.23:56
DocScrutinizertrumee: so what?23:56
BCMMtrumee: why not just do killall script instead?23:57
BCMMtrumee: from queen beecon, obv.23:57
DocScrutinizerctrl-C == killall <yourscript>23:57
trumeeDocScrutinizer: dont want to use xterm everytime to start my script.23:57
BCMMtrumee: you can run killall something from queen beecon, just like you run your script23:57
trumeeBCMM: i have zero experience with QBW (dont even have it installed).23:57
BCMMoh, i see23:57
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BCMMwell, one thing it can do is make nice little desktop widgets that execute arbitrary commands23:58
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BCMMlike "sh myscript" and "killall myscript"23:58
DocScrutinizertrumee: the problem seems more like you have not much experience with scripting23:58
trumeeBCMM:yes, that is exactly what i need.23:58
BCMMwell, i can recommend it23:58
Noobmonk3yis it me or does xchat eat the n900's battery!!23:58
trumeeDocScrutinizer: plenty of scripts here, sir.23:59
BCMMNoobmonk3y: are you using GPRS?23:59
andaxBCMM: both, last time compiling my own kernel was a pain, needed to set dozens of options which i thought do not belong to kernel stuff anyway23:59
Noobmonk3yyup...., well 3.5g23:59
trumeeBCMM: going to give it a go then. cheers23:59
andaxBCMM: i really have nicer uses for my time23:59
BCMMandax: it doesn't sound like you're the sort of person who should be compiling their own kernel23:59
BCMMandax: it's pretty much optional on any sensible distro23:59

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