IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2010-11-14

BCMMandax: but i'm interested as to what you thought didn't belong at kernel level00:00
* ShadowJK is still using Fedora Core 10, and the default kernel, which is older than Maemo 5's kernel :-)00:00
BCMMi have a nice little setup with queen beecon00:00
BCMMi have a desktop widget that when tapped, unlocks my desktop's screen00:01
DocScrutinizertrumee: well then, pick one of your scripts that is using a file called /var/run/<yourshellscriptname>.pid00:01
BCMM(using passwordless SSH keys)00:01
BCMM(and dbus)00:01
DocScrutinizertrumee: see how that shellscript is using this special file00:01
DocScrutinizertrumee: ...profit00:02
Noobmonk3ymeh logging off, battery goooooooooing00:03
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andaxBCMM: sorting out stuff like support for particular usb devices supported in kernel, to mention one auch option. And on the other hand i did never understand why i have to rebuild a kernel to get things like parallel port zip drive working.00:05
andaxOf course, someone can  rarely make it right for everyone.00:05
DocScrutinizertrumee: for simple things you'll get away with a simple killall. If you however want to avoid multiple instances of your script getting started accidentally by multi-clicking QB, you will want to have a look at <procname>.pid scheme00:05
BCMMandax: how is hardware support not a kernel thing?00:05
* BCMM installs System V on DocScrutinizer's N90000:06
johnx(though most sane distros just build every kernel option possible as a module)00:06
mikki-kuni can't understand why you thought just activating those parameters were "enough"00:07
DocScrutinizerBCMM: are you nuts?00:07
BCMMjohnx: usually leaving out some of the debugging stuff00:07
kerioDocScrutinizer: no, he's BCMM00:07
kerioit says so right there00:07
trumeeDocScrutinizer: thanks00:07
mikki-kunyou gotta built the kernel, put it into /boot or wherever, tell grub where it lies and have it boot from there00:07
DocScrutinizertrumee: yw00:07
BCMMDocScrutinizer: sorry, it was a relatively obscure killall-related joke00:07
BCMMany solaris users in here?00:08
mikki-kunthe kernel is the most crucial part of your system...00:08
mikki-kunif that breaks nothing will work properly00:08
DocScrutinizerBCMM: (solaris) 10 years ago, yes00:08
DocScrutinizerwhen they renamed it from SunOS00:08
BCMMwell, i'm sure you know what killall does to system V boxen then00:08
ShadowJKSolaris too00:08
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BCMMbut maemo's userland is almost, but not quite, than odd00:09
DocScrutinizerBCMM: not the slightest idea what you're talkingh about00:09
BCMMDocScrutinizer: on solaris, killall kills every process your user can kill00:09
andaxBCIMM: hardware support of external devices? This would b getting an eternal task to get a pocket calculator. I am not Sisyphos00:09
crashanddieBCMM, DocScrutinizer: more specifically, killall on some unices is a shutdown script00:10
DocScrutinizerbut I got a sysV based system here00:10
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DocScrutinizerand it has a nice killall <processname>00:10
BCMMhah, i just read teh killall5 man page00:10
BCMMi love the way they've actually defined its exit status00:10
BCMMandax: what does the external-ness of a device have to do with it?00:11
BCMMandax: drivers are part of the kernel00:11
DocScrutinizeraccording to KILLALL (1) the name parameter is mandatory and no wildcards allowed00:11
DocScrutinizerand it has been like that for at least 5 years now, on linux00:12
trumeehmm. how do i kill root pid as a user.00:13
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trumeemy script called has in it "sudo /home/user/scripts/"00:14
BCMMtrumee: you can execute anything with sudo?00:15
andaxBCMM: maybe there are tools available for building kernels which are nicer to use, but when you have to decide all possible options already when building the kernel and you have to check these incredibly long lists, you wish that at least external stuff would remain external from the kernel too.00:15
DocScrutinizerBCMM: well, I see, linux isn't really a sysV system anymore, it seems00:15
BCMMandax: sorry, that doesn't make any sense00:15
BCMMandax: whether stuff is in the case or not is not important00:15
trumeeBCMM: ah. i am being thick. thanks.00:15
BCMMandax: for example, many laptops have some USB hardware built-in00:16
BCMMandax: and some machines have external SATA drives00:16
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DocScrutinizertrumee: your script needs a kill parameter, to call same script to kill its own prior instance00:16
mikki-kunandax: in doubt, enable all as modules =p00:17
DocScrutinizerit's the only proper way to handle that00:17
trumeeDocScrutinizer: i will use another script to kill the first one :D00:17
DocScrutinizerthen you need to deal with two entries in sudoers etc00:17
trumeeDocScrutinizer: yup.00:18
DocScrutinizeractually you shouldn't even need to call your script with sudo, your script itself should gain root by calling itself via sudo00:18
BCMMDocScrutinizer: yes, a typical linux system has "killall" kill a named process, and killall5 do the crazy thing00:19
DocScrutinizertrumee: even more script experience here, sir? ;-D00:19
internetishardYou guys know of any good productivity apps for maemo?00:19
trumeeDocScrutinizer: :)00:20
BCMMinternetishard: what are productivity apps? office stuff?00:21
internetishard like this00:21
BCMMoh, i see00:22
BCMMusually "productivity suite" is a silly word for "office suite£00:22
BCMMhah, that page is hilarious! it starts off like some kind of self-help guy00:23
andaxBCMM: internal USB hardware, sounds awful to me but okay, though i dont get the point why a kernel developer has to decide if some special eechy & scratchy™ USB hardware should be supported or not. This is like going to starbucks when you wanted a glass of water00:24
andaxit would end up in a satiric comedy00:25
BCMMandax: it is possible to implement drivers outside of the kernel tree you know00:25
BCMMandax: but the drivers that are developed by the kernel team live in the kernel sources00:25
DocScrutinizerandax: unix has kernel modules for all that00:25
BCMMandax: it's not a matter of "deciding if it should be supported", it has to actually be implemented00:26
BCMMandax: and there are some kernel developers who are good at that and like doing that00:26
DocScrutinizeryou can load arbitrary kernel modules any time, and you also can build new ones for existing kernels00:26
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internetishardSo, know of any apps like that?00:27
BCMMthere are certain advantages; for example, if a kernel dev working on a drivers finds the kernel's USB subsystem lacking in some respect, they can fix that, and release their driver along with the fixed USB subsystem in the next kernel release00:27
BCMMthere are also plenty of modules that are developed outside of the kernel sources too00:27
internetishardnot office-like, I know "productivity" may be confusing terminology00:27
BCMMalso, sometimes you want certain odd things to be part of the kernel proper (not a module)00:28
DocScrutinizerBCMM: they don't have to wait for next kernel release00:28
BCMMe.g. booting with a USB root partition00:28
ShadowJKBCMM, iirc at one point kernel devs offered to any manufacturer that they'd write drivers for their hw :-)00:28
BCMMDocScrutinizer: i meant to modify a part of the kernel, not just to modify the driver00:28
DocScrutinizeryep, which nites h-e-n's ass00:28
ShadowJKso that it's supported out of box everywhere00:28
ShadowJK(for free)00:28
BCMMandax: basically, on of the things which the kernel team does is make linux work on various hardware00:29
andaxDocScrutinizer: modules help reducing the tedious task of selecting, though,  the things you need at boot should not be modules, so you cannot go along without making decisions at all.00:29
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: let me guess what's been the result of all that :-P00:29
ShadowJKnot much00:29
DocScrutinizerandax: so what?00:29
DocScrutinizerthat's kinda plain obvous (modulo initrd)00:30
BCMMandax: so default to building it all as modules, then go through and fix the very few things you need for boot00:30
BCMMthat is, your disk controller and your filesystem, basically00:30
BCMMon some setups, your graphics adaptor too00:30
ShadowJKI thought it automatically "fixed things you need for boot"00:31
BCMMthe kernel build system doesn't know whether you have a USB root partition or not00:31
BCMManyway, night00:31
ShadowJKno but the thing that makes the initrd00:31
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DocScrutinizerShadowJK: makeinitrd is a bitch and recently acting up for me another time00:33
DocScrutinizera mega PITA00:33
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DocScrutinizerbut yes, aiui it *should* handle all that stuff automatically - if only it did reliably :-(00:34
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DocScrutinizerlatest kernel update broke my booting process once more, OpenSusue00:34
DocScrutinizerinitrd missing some sata driver shit00:35
jacekowskilinux ftw00:35
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andaxi created that kernel with menuconfig according the gentoo manual00:35
jacekowskiit would be so nice if somebody would decide to create stable driver abi/api00:35
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andaxDocScrutinizer: that sata driver problem *nnoyed me too00:36
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mikki-kunhm... i have modules disabled on my kernel... i kinda think it makes the system more solid00:37
andaxon that box i have installed the os on a usb stick now and load the sata driver afterwards. not a great solution but one that works00:37
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* timeless_mbp looks around00:43
andaxmikki-kun: as long as you do not miss a module :)00:43
mikki-kunandax: takes some time finding all the modules, but once you have them you can be sure it does everything you want and nothing you don't want :)00:44
Funnyfacehas anyone ever had any luck trying to connect to the internet over bluetooth with the N900 on windows?00:44
FunnyfaceI think I had it working once, after fiddling with it for a long time, and ever since that I haven't had it working00:44
korhojoayou should have stopped fiddling with it when it worked00:45
mikki-kunhm... why am i just thinking "windows with _blue_tooth... results in _blue_ screen on death..." x)00:45
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Funnyfaceit was the fiddling that got it working, and I didn't change anything until it didn't work.00:46
Funnyfaceon my vista PC, it adds lots of bluetooth devices in my device manager, which get an error and can't start, I can't remember the exact names now00:46
korhojoathen you should have fiddled some more!00:46
andaxmikki-kun: as long as it finds all needed modules by itself it is nice, but if one is missing or not functioning, it can cost you a lot of time to get your system into a working condition00:46
Funnyfaceand on this win7 PC, it doesn't seem to install those devices at all00:46
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I need some help with part identification00:47
mikki-kunandax: or just spend more time reading what every parameter does and if something isn't working, search online00:47
MohammadAGtake out the battery cover, what's the part under the volume rocker/above the camera lens?00:47
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DocScrutinizerthe LEDs?00:47
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DocScrutinizeror that plastic shit?00:48
mikki-kunwell, i can only see some LEDs there (two)00:49
MohammadAGI think my GPS antenna is broken00:49
MohammadAGplastic shit above the lens DocScrutinizer00:50
DocScrutinizerthis one?00:50
MohammadAGyeah, that's the one00:50
* MohammadAG takes a pic of what it looks like00:50
mikki-kunthat's the gps-antenna?00:50
DocScrutinizerwell, it says so, no?00:51
mikki-kuni've never thought it would look like this00:51
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cehtehdid you expected a parabolic dish?00:51
DocScrutinizercehteh: thanks :-)00:52
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mikki-kuncehteh: tbh i thought i'd have somewhere some wlan-cord which is attached to some sattelites coming out from my n90000:52
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cehtehwell .. to be an ultimate geek device, the n900 lacks some antenna connectors yes00:53
cehtehwlan at least00:53
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timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer: so, other than complaining about your desktop platform sucking, did you have comments?00:54
DocScrutinizerit has, it's just missing the *holes* to access them :-P00:54
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, do you know how to disassemble that thing?00:54
DocScrutinizertimeless_mbp: yeah, get a beer man!00:54
cehtehyeah i meant accessiible ones which are speced for more than 10 connection cycles :P00:54
MohammadAGI have a feeling that small part of plastic between the power and volume buttons will snap00:55
timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer: i'm not in Ireland for a few more hours :)00:55
mikki-kunMohammadAG: i saw somewhere a video of a dissasembly of the n90000:55
timeless_mbp(and i don't drink)00:55
MohammadAGmikki-kun, tehkseven, with all respect to john, I'd trust an engineer more :P00:55
DocScrutinizertimeless_mbp: no reason to threat others with riddles00:55
mikki-kunwell, it gives you the basics :)00:55
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, (damn it looks dusty in an 8MP cam...)
cehtehMohammadAG: at least he managed to reassemble the device :)00:56
mikki-kunMohammadAG: you could try with google-maps to see of it finds your position00:56
mikki-kunfunnily mine works with extremely good00:57
MohammadAGGPS isn't a priority here, I can get that fixed, I just want my battery cover to close properly lol00:57
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: didn't you mention your slide was loose or broken or sth?00:57
mikki-kunbtw, how did you manage to get that done?! Ö.ö00:58
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, that's not cause of the slider00:58
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I dropped my N900 on gravel the other day00:58
mikki-kunouch >.<00:58
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: the screw in the corner is holding the slider though, as well as GPS ant00:58
MohammadAGindeed, only one tiny minor scratch00:58
MohammadAGoh fuck00:58
MohammadAGbroken screw maybe?00:59
DocScrutinizerinspect parts00:59
MohammadAGthe screw is actually not holding the GPS antenna00:59
MohammadAGit's under it!00:59
DocScrutinizerreassemble and check everything fits nicely00:59
MohammadAGhow do I remove the antenna?01:00
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DocScrutinizeractually I think it *does*01:00
DocScrutinizerwatch that URL I posted *closely*01:01
DocScrutinizeryou see a hole where the screw goes through01:01
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MohammadAGsent the pic in PM, since my IMEI is sorta visible01:02
Termana_good morning01:02
MohammadAGthat's the part I'm worried about01:02
mikki-kunMohammadAG: put your battery in an your imei is covered ;)01:03
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MohammadAGmikki-kun, N86 isn't the fastest camera on the market :P01:03
Termana_Strange, for some reason everytime I'm forced to release the services enforcer on my nickname01:03
Termana_everytime I log on*01:04
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MohammadAG#freenode :)01:04
mikki-kunN86 is the best though x)01:04
cehteh  .. wahaha ... that looks so dangerous :)01:04
MohammadAGif only it shoots macro video01:04
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cehtehseen too much etherkillers01:05
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mikki-kunwhat the heck?!01:05
mikki-kunwhat is that?! Ö.ö01:05
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mikki-kunand is the end of the mini-b really toasted?01:06
cehtehjust an Y adapter and a power supply .. but well it doesnt look sane01:07
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mikki-kunbut the mini looks kinda odd-colored01:08
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andaxmikki-kun: searching the web for a solution for recent solutions is sometimes a gamble. And "someone" has to provide the solution first.01:18
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andax-"for a solution"01:18
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mikki-kunthat's what IRC is then for ;)01:21
mikki-kunif the web doesn't tell me01:22
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andaxYes. irc is quick and you see who is online and active. Usenet is also quick. It is somehow between irc and email but more complicated to use.01:30
andaxAnd many web users do not even know of its existence or believe it is a invention of google aka google groups :)01:31
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DocScrutinizerTermana: screw services enforcer. It's actually a weird idea/concept01:32
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DocScrutinizerTermana: I promise I'll check if any Termana user is actually registered and identified, prior to give him chan-op or whatever01:36
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MohammadAGLOL DocScrutinizer01:38
MohammadAGif I had chan-op, I wouldn't check if Termana was id'd, I'd kick him anyways :P01:38
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Termanagood morning DocScrutinizer01:40
TermanaMohammadAG, :P I'll pretend I didn't hear that01:40
MohammadAGTermana, you heard it though :P01:41
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* MohammadAG wonders if there is a way to check partition type before mounting01:55
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* timeless_mbp pokes Termana 01:58
timeless_mbpTermana: i gave you a link earlier, could you look at it?01:58
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: none I know of02:00
DocScrutinizerexcept of actual partition-type byte in partition table02:00
DocScrutinizeras of *fdisk02:00
jacekowskiMohammadAG: on linux?02:01
MohammadAGmeh, I'll let the user figure out shit thne02:01
MohammadAGor I could modprobe isofs and ntfs at h-e-n launch02:01
MohammadAGjacekowski, yes02:01
jacekowskijacekowski:~# blkid /dev/md102:01
jacekowski/dev/md1: UUID="42c17aec-3731-4eab-9d06-d9987ddf3fd6" TYPE="reiserfs"02:01
prontowoah people still using reiserfs?02:02
DocScrutinizer:-) nice02:02
jacekowskipronto: there are no better alternatives02:02
jacekowskiyou have old slow ext302:02
jacekowskidelayed /dev/null ext402:02
jacekowskifragmenting like a fuck xfs02:02
luke-jrext3 is fast enough for me02:02
luke-jrbut using a journalled fs on MMC/SD is stupid02:02
prontowell at least you have decent enough reasons to be using it xD02:03
luke-jrthe only real options are ext2 and ext402:03
MohammadAGhmm, awk/cut experts, how do I get only the partition type?02:03
jacekowskiluke-jr: ext3 in non journaled mode02:03
MohammadAG/dev/mmcblk0p1: LABEL="Nokia N900" UUID="4BB1-E781" TYPE="vfat"02:03
luke-jrjacekowski: ext3 in non-journaled mode = ext202:03
luke-jrMohammadAG: perl -nle 'm/TYPE="(\w+)"/&&print $1'02:04
DocScrutinizersed s/.*TYPE=\"(.*)\"/$1/02:04
MohammadAGawk, not perl02:04
jacekowskidon't do it in perl02:05
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: that will fail on a trivial input change02:05
luke-jrPerl owns u02:05
jacekowskiblkid /dev/md1 | awk -F\  '{ print $3  }'02:05
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: how's that any worse than your perl hax0ring?02:05
MohammadAGjacekowski, sometimes, it's not $302:05
luke-jrfstype="$(eval "$(cut -d' ' -f 2- <<<"$yourcrap")" && echo $TYPE)"02:06
jacekowskiMohammadAG: then02:06
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: my Perl will work 100% of the time02:06
MohammadAG/dev/mmcblk0p1: LABEL="Nokia N900" UUID="4BB1-E781" TYPE="vfat"02:06
MohammadAG/dev/mmcblk0p2: UUID="25c470a5-32b9-4e84-b017-5fdb10b2e209" TYPE="ext3"02:06
MohammadAG/dev/mmcblk0p3: TYPE="swap"02:06
DocScrutinizerunless TYPE= is missing02:06
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: even if it is02:06
MohammadAGluke-jr, except when a user doesn't have perl02:06
* GAN900 is in PHI if anybody else is here.02:06
jacekowski for i in `blkid /dev/md1 | gawk -F: '{ print $2 }'`; do export $i;done ; echo $TYPE02:06
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr: UHUH02:07
jacekowskibut that's nasty02:07
jacekowskiand i never wrote that02:07
luke-jrsomeone pastebin blkid --help for me02:07
MohammadAGno gawk by default on the N90002:07
jacekowski/bin/sh: blkid: command not found02:07
jacekowskiYou are trying to send an empty document, exiting.02:07
MohammadAGNokia-N900:~# blkid -s TYPE /dev/mmcblk0p102:08
MohammadAG/dev/mmcblk0p1: TYPE="vfat"02:08
jacekowskihere it is02:08
timeless_mbpGAN900: !02:08
luke-jrblkid -s TYPE -o value /dev/mmcblk0p102:09
jacekowskijust check one thing02:10
MohammadAGluke-jr, see up02:10
jacekowskiwill it show unknown filesystem02:10
luke-jrMohammadAG: see what up?02:10
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> Nokia-N900:~# blkid -s TYPE /dev/mmcblk0p102:10
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> /dev/mmcblk0p1: TYPE="vfat"02:10
luke-jrMohammadAG: not the same02:10
MohammadAGah, thanks02:11
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MohammadAGso, what does it show for ntfs and isofs?02:12
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DocScrutinizerwho knows02:15
DocScrutinizerno blkid on my x86 box02:16
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jacekowskiit's root only program02:16
jacekowskifrom /sbin02:16
fcrochikGAN900: ping02:16
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TermanaDesiretimeless_mbp: briefly. There were a couple of things. Can you pm me the link and ill quickly skim over it to see what I was going to say to you02:21
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TermanaDesiretimeless_mbp: bare with me doing multiple things so typing slow. The first thing I though was that you should move the meego conference logo on the initial slide. It looks strange where it is. Possibly put it at the top and the devices in order down the bottom02:24
TermanaDesireThought. *02:24
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TermanaDesiretimeless_mbp: "what's a till roll" saying "what is a till roll" would be better. Potentially capitalize IS to place more emphasis on that02:30
timeless_mbpso, someone just told me about official slide templates02:30
timeless_mbpso right now i'm taking the art from the initial slide, making it transparent, and adding it to the template :(02:31
timeless_mbpthis isn't "fast"02:31
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: please kick me!02:31
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TermanaDesiretimeless_mbp: also that slide should actually show the menu item otherwise it will confuse people what you're talking about02:32
DocScrutinizer/dev/sda3: UUID="785632A756326652" LABEL="Data" TYPE="ntfs"02:32
* jacekowski slaps DocScrutinizer 02:32
timeless_mbpTermanaDesire: sadly the n8x0 view was "better" in that you could see the till roll and the menu a the same time02:33
timeless_mbpthe n900 theme + menu behavior *sucks* for this :)02:33
timeless_mbpbut yeah, i can switch that02:33
andaxluke-jr: not to forget jfs is in many cases more efficient than ext3 ext402:35
internetishardwhere is the conf file for ntp? I'd like to see how it was setup02:36
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andaxluke-jr: "JFS journals metadata only, which means that metadata will remain consistent but user files may be corrupted after a crash or power loss. JFS' journaling is similar to XFS where it only journals parts of the inode." (wikipedia)02:41
DocScrutinizerhalley:/etc # blkid /dev/sr002:43
DocScrutinizer/dev/sr0: LABEL="SGH-i900" TYPE="iso9660"02:43
DocScrutinizerdoesn't show up in <default> all devices list of blkid w/o parameters02:43
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TermanaDesiretimeless_mbp: where you talk about in the slides about "your" and "me and my" it might be handy to circle those bitsin some way so they stand out. But since you'll be talking with the slides this isn't entirely necessary02:44
timeless_mbpTermanaDesire: there's a slide where i blow them up02:44
timeless_mbpbut i can circle them as i did in earlier slides02:44
timeless_mbpTermanaDesire: should i circle on the original slide02:46
timeless_mbpor only the blow up slide?02:46
* timeless_mbp tries circling on the blow up slide02:46
TermanaDesiretimeless_mbp: I think both bit if you only do it on one do it on the small one02:47
TermanaDesireBut *02:47
timeless_mbpok, i've circled it on the first slide02:48
timeless_mbpthe slides should be relatively live02:48
timeless_mbpso if you go back, hopefully you see the updates02:48
andaxjacekowski: ext3 in non-journaled mode = (afaik) ext202:49
jacekowskiandax: not exactly02:49
TermanaDesiretimeless_mbp: on history / navigation there's a slight spelling error. It reads "can the content seen by anyone" it should say "can the content be seen by anyone" (add the be)02:49
jacekowskiandax: journall is still there and can be used02:50
timeless_mbpTermanaDesire: got a slide number?02:50
timeless_mbpgot it02:50
jacekowskiandax: or in writeback mode02:51
jacekowskiandax: where journal is almost unused02:51
andaxjacekowski: that may be, but i did read to make a ext3 from a ext2 you only add the journal thingie, or remove it to make a ext2 from a ext302:52
andaxi never did it, though :)02:53
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TermanaDesiretimeless_mbp: yep 34 sorry for slowness ;p02:57
timeless_mbpno problem02:57
sp3000the what message?03:01
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TermanaDesireOn 42 for the dot point "ask people..." there's a couple of things - first there's a spelling error "it fails aks" should be asks, second there should be a - instead of a comma between translations and when and third, I hope you plan to talk about what you mean by round tripping translations (eg. Round trip them to a set of people or what?) Since the text doesn't really explain exactly what you meant there03:03
timeless_mbpTermanaDesire: actually it should be "ask" not "asks", but thanks for catching the transposition :)03:06
timeless_mbphrm, yeah, i'll have to explain that03:06
timeless_mbpis it better to use "Telephone" to describe that?03:07
timeless_mbprewritten, but the problem is that it's too long03:08
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TermanaDesiretimeless_mbp: I think its fine what's written as long as you just give a short explaination about what you mean while talking03:10
timeless_mbphrm, it's already changed :(03:10
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timeless_mbpbullet points should really be bullets03:10
timeless_mbpi'll have to explain them anyway03:11
* timeless_mbp stares at the meego template03:11
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TermanaDesiretimeless_mbp: other than removing the slides that say they need to be removed in big letters (;p) everything else looks fine to me. Hopefully I helped in some form :)03:13
timeless_mbpyou did03:13
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* timeless_mbp ponders03:17
timeless_mbpso um03:17
timeless_mbphow do i replace a slide deck?03:18
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Gh0styhmm I just got problems with my camera but there was also an update for the power kernel04:42
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Gh0styseems to have fixed it but when I reboot the n900 now I get a u-boot console04:42
Gh0stysaying something like mmc0:3 is invalid04:42
Gh0styfilesystem corrupt?04:43
TermanaDesireGh0sty: take out your SD card and boot04:44
TermanaDesireGh0sty: put it back in when it finishes booting04:45
Gh0stywhat should that do?04:46
TermanaDesireGh0sty: make it boot04:46
TermanaDesireGh0sty: its trying to find a kernel and boot it on your SD card. Removing it means it wont try and do that04:47
Gh0styit boots alright04:47
Gh0styeven with the SD card04:47
Gh0styit's just that the U-boot screen is new04:47
Gh0stybefore it happened without the U-boot04:47
TermanaDesireGh0sty: right u-boot was integrated with the new power kernel04:48
TermanaDesireIts suppose to happen04:48
Gh0styaah  ok04:48
Gh0styyes that explains something04:49
Gh0stythe error I see is not a problem, its just trying to find another kernel on SD card like the meego videos showed :)04:49
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Gh0stybut anyway the power kernel from yesterday or the day before was pretty bad04:50
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TermanaDesireI think someone has assassinated everyone in close association with maemo/meego. Not a peep06:02
TermanaDesireI killed them all with my bare hands06:03
DocScrutinizercome over, eat my MTHEL06:04
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luke-jrandax: so?06:15
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andaxluke-jr: is there all there is to it?06:34
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fredrinWhere is DAVE?????06:42
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TermanaDesirefredrin: Dave who? You mean David?06:44
TermanaDesireUnless you mean Dave Neary.06:45
TermanaDesireBut just Dave means nothing, even in all capitals06:45
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fredrinTermanaDesire, nah, more that i miss Dava from the Openmoko days06:48
fredrinnever mind06:48
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DocScrutinizerdave vanished07:07
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DocScrutinizernobody ever told me what happened to him. Just his army of bats still living here07:08
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fralsX-Fade: all generated 'downloads' graphs seems to stop at the end of july atm07:31
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timeless_mbplcuk: ?08:33
timeless_mbpis TV out on the n900 mirror only?08:33
timeless_mbpor is there a way to abuse it?08:33
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ebzzryI hope there is a better Dropbox client for Fremantle?08:49
lcukn900timeless abuse is possible at least using xvideo yuv mode08:58
timeless_mbpwould it be practical to have speaker-notes + navigation on the n900 screen and a slide set on TV out?08:59
timeless_mbp(from a readability perspective and from a performance perspective)08:59
lcukn900timeless, considered it, yeah it would be good to try but best is to use wireless linked apps bcause then you can walk.09:01
lcukn900i have a nervous feeling about trusting videoout after the fail last time09:01
timeless_mbpwas i there for fail?09:02
lcukn9002 devices both did not work on big screen09:02
lcukn9002009 summit09:02
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xDaReaperxis it possible to actually view the N900's screen on the laptop09:19
xDaReaperxlike it's done on the TV09:19
DocScrutinizer2lcukn900: missing 50R termination?09:19
DocScrutinizer2xDaReaperx: vnc09:20
xDaReaperxoh yeah09:20
xDaReaperxVNC is in Dev repos ?09:20
lcukn900doc idk.09:31
GorrothMohammadAG: you around?09:32
Gorrothanyone tried using the usb host mode?  aka h-e-n09:32
Gorrothi dont know where it mounts the drives09:32
ebzzryHuh? Hen is already in testing?09:32
Gorrothin devel09:33
Gorrothbut it is supposedly beta status09:33
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RST38h"GM stated that the 2011 Buick Regal will have the auto industry's fastest processor: 128Mhz, and 3MB of flash."09:36
RST38h[sidenote: They still produce these Regals in 2011!]09:37
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RobbieThe1stSeems to me that that means they are using sloppy code; no way a car needs a processor that fast. An entertainment system or GPS etc, sure, but what is essentially a fixed-function device that just changes spark advance and fuel, and monitors a handful of sensors?09:53
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timeless_mbphrm, graphics editors are hogs10:00
* timeless_mbp closed an app using ~1.4gb of private memory10:00
RobbieThe1stPersonally, I'd prefer them take ram/swap than use a custom cache-file; It's one thing if you are low on memory, but when you have 4GB of ram and 12 of swap, and(in my case) Gimp uses your harddisk preferentially...10:03
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timeless_mbpi have 4gb of ram10:05
timeless_mbp1gb of which is typically reserved by the kernel for my primary file system10:05
* timeless_mbp waits for a web browser to garbage collect a presentations application10:06
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timeless_mbpin this case though, i had a graphics app w/ 0 open documents10:06
timeless_mbpi t10:06
timeless_mbpi think it kept open its undo buffers from previously opened documents...10:06
RobbieThe1sthuh, that's odd10:07
timeless_mbpit wasn't particularly helpful, i'll give you that :)10:07
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xDaReaperxguys i have easy debian10:53
xDaReaperxbut when  i trie to do this : ./debmee10:53
xDaReaperxit says not found10:53
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Kowalczykhi.. probably me being stupid. but on contact screen. you can edit a user and put in a field called facebook. what do we have to type in there? or we need the facebook username so we can use that to chat with them? or what do we have to put i there?10:57
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GAN900Woo, Dublin!11:08
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Kowalczykhi.. probably me being stupid. but on contact screen. you can edit a user and put in a field called facebook. what do we have to type in there? or we need the facebook username so we can use that to chat with them? or what do we have to put i there?11:11
TNZi beat on FB username instead of real name11:12
Kowalczykok.... so have to the fb username of every user then. or they have to create one. then I know that. thanks11:12
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afterishello comrads!11:23
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trumeeanybody modified the xterm key bar using gconftool-2?11:26
trumeeFor some strange reason my full screen icon does move to the extreme right.11:27
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer2, ping12:39
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Noobmonk3y_aghhhh ffs...12:40
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Neccthere is any command witch turns ON the keyboard lightning, independent from anything?12:40
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Noobmonk3y_pc being used by the gf's sister, who hmoved out... grrrrr..... want to move  to linux today!12:40
Noobmonk3y_necc yes12:41
Noobmonk3y_but its on my pc which i cant get too, the script is in the tmo forums though12:41
Noobmonk3y_MohammadAG, ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, suse etc etc? ubuntu a sensible starting point?12:42
Noobmonk3y_bearing in min the blonde missus will be using it!!12:43
SwedeMikethen ubuntu is probably a good bet.12:43
MohammadAGkde is meh, at least imo, xubuntu is for very slow devices12:44
MohammadAGsuse is RPM12:44
nidONoobmonk3y: suse's a nice place to start imo12:44
TermanaYou should throw like Slackware or Gentoo or Arch Linux on that thign12:44
Noobmonk3y_cool, ubuntu it will be....12:44
Noobmonk3y_lol term12:44
Noobmonk3y_ive found solutions to the windows software i need :( (wine)12:44
MohammadAGI can recompile what I want, no need to recompile everything12:44
MohammadAGand I don't want to wait 10 minutes for a kernel to install12:45
nidOthe ideal solution for windows software is sticking with windows :P12:45
MohammadAGand that's with -j 612:45
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MohammadAGhmm, might be traveling, I need to plan shit if I do12:45
Noobmonk3y_i'm going for simple is best for my missus12:45
ieatlintpeople hate on gentoo too much :P12:46
Noobmonk3y_yeah nido, but not for qt development12:46
Noobmonk3y_and i hate vm's12:46
Necccool... it seems that my keyboard LEDs are completely dead... fiaso+emmc reflash and they still does not work even in a darkroom12:46
MohammadAG1) remote SSH scratchbox 2) keyboard + mouse on N900 3) Qt Creator on the N900, somehow...12:46
Noobmonk3y_that dont sound good necc12:46
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Noobmonk3y_lol mo12:46
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Noobmonk3y_does itunes run in linux? :) the missus has 40gb of music :)12:47
Necchowever i not found any script/command, i read that putting out the battery for a few minutes may help12:47
nidOwell its not like itunes even runs in windows so you're not missing much12:48
Noobmonk3y_MohammadAG, can you show necc the keyboard light script pls12:48
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nidOafaik though Noobmonk3y_, itunes will run through wine12:49
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* frals slaps Noobmonk3y_ around a bit with a large trout12:50
MohammadAGNoobmonk3y_, I really like rythmbox12:50
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Noobmonk3y_lo frals!12:50
Noobmonk3y_mohammadag, but i need the itunes library working12:50
fralsitunes bah!12:51
fralsthrow out your apple shit Noobmonk3y! ;)12:52
MohammadAGQt Creator sucks on a netbook12:52
fralsalso im getting trolled on tmo, i need to stop posting :(12:52
* MohammadAG dumps idea of taking netbook12:52
MohammadAGfrals, noticed that lol12:52
Noobmonk3y_frals, trying to move to liux, vut the missus etc use itunes12:52
MohammadAGvut? you remind me of some accent :P12:52
Noobmonk3y_i've never used or owned anything appley :)12:52
fralsNoobmonk3y_: virtualbox has usb passthru12:52
nidONoobmonk3y_: hes basically saying use a vm.12:53
fralsNoobmonk3y: have a virtual windows in virtualbox and she can use itunes, it wont work properly in *nix12:53
MohammadAGNoobmonk3y, he means you can run iTunes in a vm12:53
Noobmonk3y_meh meh meh12:53
Necci <3 the forums, type in any word, and you will find a billion topic about disgussing exactly the same problem...12:53
Noobmonk3y_will give her a laptop ?012:53
Noobmonk3y_oooo wow, necc, you fiound my post lol12:54
* Noobmonk3y_ wants the gf's sis to leave so i can get on with the move12:55
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Noobmonk3y_theyre faffing ordering broadband, phone, a fridge and tv licence for over an hour!12:56
fralsbah need to learn finnish so i can order another monitor for my desktop12:56
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Noobmonk3y_lol, google translate frals?12:58
fralsNoobmonk3y: it fails on https usually :(12:58
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Noobmonk3y_i have 94 19 inch screens in storage at the mo lol12:58
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Noobmonk3y_xchat died12:59
nidOspeaking of 19 inch screens, I had to laugh at some mp's response to scottish prisoners having 19" lcd tellies being ordered for prisoners12:59
fralswhy the hell do you have 94 19"? :P12:59
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Noobmonk3y_frals, i wish i knew :)13:00
Noobmonk3y_unorganised work peoples13:00
TermanaDesireNoobmonk3y_: oh dear - TV license. Your in one of THOSE countries ;p13:00
trumeeWhy doesnt Copy/Paste in maemo5 work like in standard linux. Selecting a text should automatically copy to the clipboard!13:00
Noobmonk3y_hould be shifting em next week13:00
trumeeI hate this Mark text and Copy.13:00
Noobmonk3y_lol TermanaDesire  i work for the national health service (hospitals etc)13:00
MohammadAGfrals, Tarvitsen 22 "Samsung monitori ja kymmenen taimenta kiitos13:01
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frals22 bah! ;)13:01
Noobmonk3yoo oyay a pc!13:02
MohammadAGten trouts in that sentence too :P13:02
* Noobmonk3y slaps Noobmonk3y_ with a big fat trout13:02
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Noobmonk3yis openoffice the best office suite on linux?13:03
Noobmonk3yand will it read most msoffice docs etc? :)13:03
MohammadAGyes, I think13:03
Noobmonk3ymeh, koffice?13:03
Noobmonk3yaslong as one works i'll be happy13:03
NeccNoobmonk3y i <3 u!13:04
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Neccyour script made my lights working!13:04
Noobmonk3ylol wasnt mine13:04
Noobmonk3yyou can thank MohammadAG / lcuk13:04
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Noobmonk3yone of those two had the brains13:05
Neccnow that is the question how the f*ck the keyboard lights does not worked after fiasco+emmc reflash?13:05
Noobmonk3yDocScrutinizer2: ? :)13:05
Noobmonk3ythats a q for you ;)13:05
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Noobmonk3yhmmm tomtom software? lol - linux or wine'able?13:05
Neccw8 something is still bad13:06
Neccgoing to the darkroom again..13:06
MohammadAGNecc, reinstall mce I suppose13:06
NeccMohammadAG: fiasco+emmc should do that right?13:06
Gorrothwell, i did test the h-e-n tool13:06
MohammadAGyes, it's weird, but worth a try13:07
Gorrothseems to work13:07
Gorrothi mounted one of those "dead drop" usb sticks13:07
Gorrothbut there might be a high rate of errors happening when communicating with the usb devices, because every one i tried resulted really slow speeds13:07
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MohammadAGGorroth, it's not a desktop :P13:10
Noobmonk3yMohammadAG: lier13:10
Noobmonk3yItunes wont shut down, goes and reloads lol!13:10
Noobmonk3ypiece of crap13:10
MohammadAGNoobmonk3y, ok, the N900 is a desktop :P13:10
MohammadAGthat's a disgrace to crap13:11
Neccand keyboard lights still on even after reboot \:D/ ... and now comes the damn long process of restoring the system...13:12
Noobmonk3ylol necc13:12
Noobmonk3yright, back to the n900 - i'm ready for the buntu rebuild!13:12
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* Noobmonk3y waves g'bye, wish me luck!13:16
MohammadAGgood luck13:16
MohammadAGyou're gonna need it :P13:17
GorrothMohammadAG: yes, it's not a desktop, but you'd expect no more errors on a fully functioning USB host mode controller.  i know it's beta and just thought the feedback would help13:17
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Gorroths/errors on/errors than on/13:17
infobotGorroth meant: MohammadAG: yes, it's not a desktop, but you'd expect no more errors than on a fully functioning USB host mode controller.  i know it's beta and just thought the feedback would help13:17
MohammadAGGorroth, hmm? errors? didn't notice those13:17
MohammadAGI did notice slow speeds, but that's kinda normal imo13:17
Gorrothwell, i just assume there are errors.  the kernel was saying some things about it.  i just assumed there were bit errors or device errors happening and causing resets13:18
SpeedEvilhow slow13:18
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Gorrothwell, it was really really slow.  i noticed the most problems when i tried to do "cp -r"13:18
MohammadAG20 minutes to copy 2.46GBs to a sandisk flash13:18
SpeedEvilCopying small files can be slow13:18
Gorrothi also noticed it didn't work too quickly when i just did a simple "find /media/sda1"13:18
Gorrothso maybe it's just slow traversing the file system on those devices.  i'm not sure what the real issue is13:19
SpeedEvilFirst step.13:19
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SpeedEvilTry same from desktop13:19
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Gorrothby "not work too quickly", i mean i didn't even see "find" show me even a single file name.13:20
SpeedEvilthen do speed tests of the raw block device from desktop and n90013:20
Gorrothafter 3 minutes13:20
GorrothSpeedEvil: well, i don't think i need to do that, because the n900 was orders of magnitude slower13:20
SpeedEvilDid you log the errors?13:20
GorrothSpeedEvil: hmm, my n900 might have somewhere13:20
SpeedEvilAlso - try with another USB stick?13:20
Gorrothyeah, i tried 3 sticks13:20
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Gorrothi was noticing the errors in dmesg13:21
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Gorrothbtw, i'm not saying "this sucks".  i'm just providing feedback13:21
Gorrothit did let me do some really basic stuff on one of those dead drops13:21
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Noobmonk3y_eeeeek installing13:24
MohammadAGyay, broke my Qt install13:26
Neccwith easy debian?13:26
Noobmonk3y_mohammadag did you install windows?13:26
Gorrothwhat does easy debian do anyway?13:27
Noobmonk3y_Gorroth, erm, runs a cut debian os13:27
Neccwith easy debian you can simply kill your QT apps in maemo13:27
Noobmonk3y_ieatlint, desktop13:27
MohammadAGNoobmonk3y_, no, I upgraded the SDK13:27
Noobmonk3y_sorry ieatlint didnt mean to mention you13:27
Noobmonk3y_lol mohammadag13:28
Gorrothoh, i see13:28
Gorrothmaemo and the n900 is already slow enough.  i don't think i'd want another OS inside my OS13:28
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Noobmonk3y_gorroth, it also allows you to run openoffice etc directly on the n900 albeit a bit slow13:28
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MohammadAGmind you, it's only a chroot13:29
Neccthe image file (debian-m5-v3d.img.ext2) mounts and uses /home/user paralelly with maemo. if you change any QT specific settings inside debian LXDE, you will simply kill the maemo QT apps interface too13:29
MohammadAGfuck, maemo target gone13:29
Gorrothopenoffice is definitely not something i'd want to run even on a desktop13:29
Noobmonk3y_Gorroth, works pretty well tbh13:30
Gorrothno, it does not13:30
Neccopenoffice caused data loss with M$office 2003 files13:30
Noobmonk3y_Gorroth, how do you know my opionion? it does for me....13:30
Gorrothno, it's just a fact it isn't good13:30
Gorroththat's why i've got Pages, latex, and MS Word13:30
Noobmonk3y_that sounds saucey to me (a non linuxy user, well for 5 more mins)13:31
Neccwell openoffice not compatible with MSoffice, whatever they saying, but it is still usefull for simple document editing13:31
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Noobmonk3y_any linux office suites that will open ms files?13:32
Gorrothyeah, i'm so non-linux that i didn't use it on my desktop for over 5 years and use it in many forms today13:32
Gorrothlike, you know, on two phones13:32
Gorrothand servers, and what not13:32
Noobmonk3y_me you numpty not you13:32
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TermanaNoobmonk3y_, OpenOffice works fine I have no fucking idea what Necc is talking about13:32
Gorrothwhatever that means13:32
nidOyeah Noobmonk3y_, openoffice. it has problems with like 0.05% of ms office content, and will tell you when that's the case13:32
NeccNoobmonk3y_: with openoffice you can read MS office files, but if you do not want to risk any data loose/incompatibility after, do not write/save it13:33
Noobmonk3y_cool, ty nidO , Termana13:33
Gorrothyeah, Necc is right13:33
Noobmonk3y_Gorroth, i was saying i'm not a linux user, wasnt talking about you!13:33
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GorrothNoobmonk3y_: oh.  i misunderstood13:33
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Noobmonk3y_yup, noticed lol13:33
Noobmonk3y_i'm currently installing ubuntu lol, hence the 5 minutes part13:34
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Necci'm talking about my boss installed openoffice (under linux), edited a corporational .xls file with important datas inside, saved it, and the next day we wasn't able to find a tons of data inside the .xls file because stupid idiot openoffice DELETED DATA FROM THE XLS FILE that's what i'm talking about, if i wasn/t clear before13:34
Noobmonk3y_and hence the open office q's13:34
Noobmonk3y_Necc, tbh, ms office kills its own files quite happily, doesnt need more hlp from OO hehe13:35
nidONecc so you mean when it asked him what data format to save it as, he selected odf or something rather than its' original excel format.13:35
nidOluser error doesnt make oo shit13:35
TermananidO, do you smell what I smell?13:35
TermananidO, smells like....13:35
* Termana sniffs13:35
NeccOMG it wasn't an user error, deal with it13:35
TermanaYep it is13:35
NeccIT WAS NOT!13:35
* Noobmonk3y_ sits back n laughs13:36
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Necci'm fucking pissed now, i'm so happy that some retarded people tells me i lie... thanks alot13:36
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Noobmonk3y_and all i did was ask a few q's lol!13:36
Neccjust to make you linux fanbios sure: we reproduced the dataloss!13:36
TermanaAll the MeeGo people leave and now we get this. It's just great, it really is.13:37
Neccit was a bug and not an accident13:37
Neccbut for now, i'm off13:37
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Noobmonk3y_calm down children!13:37
TermanaNoobmonk3y_, I have a way of making people like me13:37
Gorrothopenoffice was an accident :-/13:37
nidOI find the whole loonix/windaz assumptions over oo amusing, mainly as I always run oo on my WINDOWS workstation.13:37
Gorrotha terrible terrible accident13:37
Gorrothit should have been abort()'d13:38
TermanaGorroth, I see............ Lotus Notes fanboi!13:38
Gorrothi don't even know what that looks like13:38
TermanaMaybe I need to explicitly declare sarcasm tags13:39
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Gorrothme too13:39
Termana~lart Gorroth13:40
* infobot blames Gorroth for all the evil in the world13:40
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* NooBmonk3y is on ubuntu, tadaaaaaaaaaaaa13:41
NooBmonk3ynow to set the bugger up!13:41
Gorroththat's right.  now please get in line for your TSA pat-down13:41
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Gorrothwe will be "meeting resistance" in the groin13:42
einsteinchenNooBmonk3y: congratulation13:42
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NooBmonk3yty einsteinchen13:42
TermanaNooBmonk3y, welcome to the darkside - we have cookies13:42
nidOsurely the dark side, of this channel at least, would be centos.13:43
NooBmonk3ylol brb13:43
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Gorrothcentoslinux is here now13:43
Gorrothwatching you13:43
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nidOsure it is, i've got like 20 ssh sessions open to my centos systems13:43
einsteinchenUbuntu 4 ever13:43
NooBmonk3ygood xchat is now setup :) - 1 tick out of 100 lol13:43
Gorrothno, i mean centoslinux is actually in the channel, watching you do your business13:44
afterisbtw very nice xchat on maemo13:44
Gorrothnooooo, xchat is terrible13:44
Gorrothon maemo13:44
Gorrothit doesn't even have a UI optimized for the device13:44
TermanaGorroth, I am going to kick your arse bitch13:44
afteriswhat better?13:44
Termanaxchat on Maemo is the best mobile IRC client13:45
NooBmonk3yGorroth, do you actually like anything? :P13:45
afterisi think so13:45
TermanaNooBmonk3y, your mum13:45
TermanaJust sayin.13:45
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NooBmonk3yTermana, thats a bit of sick necrophilia i'd say13:45
TermanaNooBmonk3y, oh. ouch. sorry13:45
GorrothNooBmonk3y: yes.  i like OS X, my nexus one, my girlfriend, my dogs, my car, my life, mostly things related to me13:46
NooBmonk3ymeh fair enough13:46
TermanaOS X and Nexus One13:46
TermanaThat said it all13:46
Gorrothyeah, it said i'm practical :)13:46
NooBmonk3ymay i ask, if not rude, why #maemo?13:46
einsteinchenMac fail -.-13:46
Gorrothi have an n90013:47
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NooBmonk3yhmmm first things first to move the window menubar buttons back to the right lol13:47
NooBmonk3yoh cool :)13:47
einsteinchenGorroth: you'll never be free again with OS X ^^13:47
NooBmonk3yeinsteinchen, don't start him off lol13:47
Gorrotheinsteinchen: yeah, i'm so not free, i'm not using macports and foss software on it13:47
Gorrothit's just terrible13:47
einsteinchenGorroth: don't get me wrong, im just not into mac, thats all ;)13:48
NooBmonk3yamnesty international will be saving you shortly ;)13:48
Gorrotheinsteinchen: yeah, i figured13:48
Gorrothisn't amnesty international a fund for hobos?13:48
Gorrothoh, human rights.  close enough.  hobos have rights too13:49
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einsteinchenGorroth: why are you using an android phone and OS X?13:51
einsteinchenwhy not an iPhone too?13:51
danuguys , one video clip is missing in my N900 , is there any way of recovering it , btw my phone went off several times due to lack of power13:52
nidOwheres the relationship?13:52
nidOphone != computer13:52
Gorrothi just like how OS X lets me have a fully functioning unix system while still letting me do all the fun desktop things everyone on windows and os x an do without all the hassles i had for >5 years on a linux desktop13:52
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Gorrothand i use android becuase it's just plain better than the iphone, which i did use for 1.5 years or something13:52
Gorrothoh, except for making money.  i made way more cash on iphone apps than android13:52
NooBmonk3yhmmm how to set auto join channels in xchat?13:53
Gorrothi like my google maps on android and other things it can do13:53
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MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, is it good or can it be improved?13:53
einsteinchenyea, thats great, i have a HTC Magic13:54
einsteinchenbut its a bit slow ^^13:54
NooBmonk3ywow MohammadAG , gimme an hour or so, will install qt and try it! :)13:54
NooBmonk3yMohammadAG, how do i set xchat to autojopin channels?13:54
einsteinchenbut im using CM 6, thats the fastest OS for now13:54
Gorrothspeaking of linux desktop though, i wanna get my big desktop setup with kubuntu, but only if the ATI drivers are any good for my SLI'd GPUs13:55
einsteinchenand next week, im getting my N900! :)13:55
NooBmonk3yeinsteinchen, yay!!13:55
Gorrothand if i can run starcraft 2 under it or a win 7 VM at good rates on ultra settings13:55
MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, right click a channel and add to favs13:55
einsteinchenNooBmonk3y: ty13:55
iDontGorroth: ATI drivers for a SLI setup?13:56
NooBmonk3yty MohammadAG13:56
Gorrotheinsteinchen: i honestly don't think you'll like using the N900 over your android phone for everyday phone-and-date kinds of things.  it's just not as usable like that.  i do find it to be a really good pocket computer with a 3g modem though13:56
infobotGorroth meant: einsteinchen: i honestly don't think you'll like using the N900 over your android phone for everyday phone-and-data kinds of things.  it's just not as usable like that.  i do find it to be a really good pocket computer with a 3g modem though13:56
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GorrothiDont: yeah, i have a Radeon 5750 and Radeon 5770 working in tandem via SLI (sort of like they work as one card)13:57
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NooBmonk3yyay works13:57
NooBmonk3ybrb reboot13:57
maybeWTFthe correct marketing term is "crossfire" for amd13:57
einsteinchenGorroth: i dont want to replace my android, maybe later, if the n900 works fine for me13:57
iDontGorroth: You know SLI is the multi-GPU technology from Nvidia? ATI uses Crossfire13:57
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Gorrothwhatever.  it's just semantics.  they're both the same idea13:58
iDontyep :P13:59
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alteregoOh great, battery is on critical. Don't have a charger ...13:59
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alteregoI wonder if I can use the N800 as a charger13:59
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Gorrothi wonder if the TSA would let you through security with those connected together14:00
iDontalterego: IIRC there is a video showing the N8 charging the N90014:00
Gorrothmight look suspicious14:00
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Gorrothahem... "suspicious"14:00
alteregoI don't have an N814:00
Gorrothoh, i'd like an N8, but only if it had meego14:00
Gorrothand if meego was further along in development14:00
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iDontWell, as both the N8 and N800 have USB host mode?14:01
iDontOr am I wrong there? (don't own a N800)14:01
alteregoYeah, does.14:01
alteregoWell N8 has OTG14:01
Gorrothif meego ends up with a great voice nav app and sync'ing to google email/calendar, i think we'll be in business on my ened.  that could replace my nexus one.  i'd also like USB OTG and all that other fancy stuff too14:01
Gorrothalterego: N900 also has rudimentary OTG; i tested it tonight.  still slow though14:02
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Gorrothbut getting there!14:02
alteregoNo it doesn't14:02
SpeedEvilN900 does not have OTG14:02
SpeedEvilOTG is not host mode.14:02
alteregoIt has hacked USB host mode14:02
Gorrothi thought OTG was basically just host mode14:02
alteregoOTG is a usb specification designed for devices that are portable and want to switch between being a host and a peripheral.14:03
NooBmonk3yahhh thats better, max/min/close buttons back to the right!14:03
alteregoIt's a spec that the N900 doesn't adhere to.14:04
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MohammadAG how about now? :)14:06
MohammadAGI have an N900, and it's not exactly rocket science14:06
MohammadAGerr, N8 too14:06
pexiGorroth, nokia c714:06
MohammadAGI charged an N900 from another N900, so what?14:07
NooBmonk3yMohammadAG, i think we need to work on a separate page for each file explaining the lines, options etc and what they do14:07
MohammadAG(yes, I really tried that)14:07
Gorrothpexi: huh?14:07
pexiGorroth, that's a nice smartphone with better keyboard than n90014:07
alteregoWell, I'm lacking anything wkith a micro usb connector.14:08
MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, manual pages(!)14:08
GorrothMohammadAG: for the usb host mode on the n900, is it using standard linux drivers for that or a patched kernel?14:08
Gorrothi might take a look at the driver and see if i can track down what's making it slow for me14:08
alteregoA patched kernel14:08
NooBmonk3ylol MohammadAG14:08
Gorrothpexi: ah, okay.  i wouldn't know, as i only have one nokia device14:09
SpeedEvilThough if you have kernel hacking skills, you are welcome to look at the patches.14:09
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Gorrothyeah, i have a bit, but not as much as the guy that wrote the original patch14:10
Gorrothbut i will still look at it14:10
pexiGorroth, though c6 is cheaper14:10
NooBmonk3yany recommendations for ubuntu ftp client software?14:10
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Gorrothpexi: hmm, okay.  i'm confused why you're telling me though; i'm not looking for other nokia phones or any phones for that matter :)14:11
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pexiyeah, c6 is the phone, c7 was touchscreen14:11
pexiwell. if u want voice nav with googleapps14:12
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Gorrothahhhh, okay14:12
pexioffline voicenav14:12
pexiand real keyboard14:12
pexiwell maybe the n9 or e7..14:12
Gorrothwell, i'm going to wait for the N9 to see what it has.  i already have the nexus one so don't need anything else for normal phone/data use for now14:12
MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, e.g dh_install - install files into package build directories14:12
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pexiGorroth, k14:13
Gorrothor if meego on the n900 comes with that stuff, that'll be good too.  i probably won't buy an n9 then and will just wait for the next gen after that14:13
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TermanaDocScrutinizer, i found out what was going wrong with NickServ btw14:14
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MohammadAGk, charged a device from the N900, do I get a noble piece prize?14:17
NooBmonk3yMohammadAG,  yes14:18
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BCMMwhat we really need is USB network adaptor support, so we can connect two n900s together and SSH to one over USB then SSH back to the other over wlan14:19
NooBmonk3yMohammadAG, you know how much of a noob i am....14:19
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TermanaMohammadAG, normally it's PEACE prize, but I suppose you can go tell everyone you brought PIECE - expect the police on your door though14:20
NooBmonk3yDownloaded qt, and trying to run in ubuntu - getting "There is no application installed for executable files"14:20
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NooBmonk3yi dloaded the linux 32 file btw14:20
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NooBmonk3yanyone? :|14:21
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nidONooBmonk3y: does the install file have +x?14:23
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NooBmonk3ychanged the permissions to allow it to run lol14:23
NooBmonk3ydidnt expect to have to do that!14:23
BCMMpretty sure linux is at version 2.something, not 3214:24
* BCMM ducks14:24
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nidOthe message isnt really clear, its basically telling you the system cant execute the file itself (no permissions) and there's nothing else on the system thatll execute the file so it doesnt know what to do with it14:24
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* NooBmonk3y is just to used to windows, download and run14:25
NooBmonk3yi understand the permissions thing, just really didnt expect to have to set it to be 'runnable'14:25
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NooBmonk3yhmmm buntu also seems to be running quite slow meh14:25
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BCMMNooBmonk3y: it's a very good system imho14:26
BCMMan execute permission prevents all sorts of problems14:27
NooBmonk3ysure it is :) - i'm just gonna hit randoms that i'm not used to this week :)14:27
BCMMfor example, it makes it pretty hard to accidentally execute an email attachment14:27
NooBmonk3ytrying to tell the gf about this is gonna be hard!14:27
NooBmonk3yhmmm external hard disk not recognised :| eeeeek14:28
NooBmonk3yprobably because it was setup in wodnows, but it has all my stuff on it :|14:28
NooBmonk3yahhh found it14:28
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HRH_H_Crabhello maemo users.14:31
MohammadAGalterego, got any examples on Qt daemons? :)14:31
HRH_H_Crabim a new user, just come to hang out and learn more about the system / N900. :)14:31
NooBmonk3ywelcome HRH_H_Crab  :) :)14:32
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NooBmonk3ygood place to learn btw ;) - although alot of this room are currently at the meego conference :P14:33
nidOsilly windows user. its a channel, not a room.14:34
HRH_H_Crabwell, that brings me on to a (possibly) interesting question...14:34
HRH_H_Crabive added extras-devel (for pc-connectivity-manager) and now i have a linux framebuffer boot display, which mentions uboot14:35
NooBmonk3ynidO, on ubuntu do i need to add anything to get qtcreator to connect to the n900 - hmmmmmmm14:35
NooBmonk3ycan ping it fine14:35
HRH_H_Crabi presume that im now in a position to do something with meego on my mmc and i can dual boot?14:35
HRH_H_Crabim not really planning to do it yet.14:35
NooBmonk3yHRH_H_Crab, have to admit, not done the meego thing yet :| - someone here has i'm sure lol14:35
HRH_H_Crabjust learning how the device works.14:36
NooBmonk3ythere is a wiki guide somewhere14:36
nidOHRH_H_Crab: yes, if you've installed uboot you can get meego going, im not terribly current on it but afaik ill still need to be installed to an SD card, not the emmc14:36
HRH_H_Crabits a pretty amazing device.14:37
NooBmonk3yit is very very cool!14:37
HRH_H_Crabim used to things like zaurus and nslu2 but to have this sort of control over a phone is kind of overwhelming.14:37
NooBmonk3yhad mine almost a year, still learning new stuff :)14:37
nidOit's keyboard is crummy though :(14:37
NooBmonk3ylol nidO14:37
HRH_H_CrabnidO: i have massive fingers14:38
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HRH_H_Craband im finding it a bit uncomfortable14:38
nidOi'd literally empty out my bank account to nokia for the n900's internals in an E90, and with a working mail client.14:38
* NooBmonk3y cant get QT to speak to the n900 :(14:38
HRH_H_Crabbut it is getting a bit better14:38
NooBmonk3yssh is on, device is pingable :|14:38
nidOcan you ssh to it?14:38
NooBmonk3yerm, hold on let me try14:38
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NooBmonk3ynidO, yes14:39
NooBmonk3ydeveloper password not working14:40
NooBmonk3ythat may b why!14:40
nidOthat would help14:40
MohammadAGreset it14:40
NooBmonk3yreset it, but still denied14:40
NooBmonk3ybut qt is working14:41
NooBmonk3ylol yay!14:41
NooBmonk3ythanks nidO14:42
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tugrikanyone here use GPE calendar?15:33
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aepany app around that triggers the camera after a delay?15:38
aepfor maemo5 that is15:38
NooBmonk3ynot sure, good q though15:38
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blubbiHi, can anyone tell me why keeps telling "Warning: This package has missing dependencies!"15:41
nidObecause the package has a missing dependency15:41
blubbinidO: no it has not15:42
blubbiis also in devel-overlay so it does not have a missing dep15:43
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Devvvguys how do I get rid of U-boot? :< reinstalling the kernel-flasher doesn't work15:43
blubbiso where is the logic behind this message?15:44
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MohammadAG<aep> any app around that triggers the camera after a delay?15:52
MohammadAG<aep> for maemo5 that is15:52
MohammadAGcli launcher I think15:53
MohammadAGor something, it's in the repos15:53
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MohammadAGbut it delayed a bit too much that I missed two shots once, so I removed it15:53
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MohammadAGwould rather take more time to start the flash than take more time to open the camera15:53
aephmmh cli not a bad idea15:54
aepi had no idea you can do that15:54
aepi hope i dont have to use some dbus thingy?15:54
aepgot docs?15:55
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* slonopotamus started rebasing diablo patches on top of 2.6.2215:56
* slonopotamus -omap1, actually15:56
* NooBmonk3y blinks15:58
* NooBmonk3y wonders how the meego conference is going :)15:58
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slonopotamus2.6.21 blocks some stuff from updating (and things will get worse over time). we already lost ability to upgrade udev, bluez, network-manager15:59
NooBmonk3ybrb reboot16:00
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slonopotamusnoob, windozer? :)16:00
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sivangwhat do we have in infobot to represent the current sad state of affairs with Maemo, I need a quick text (short) that shows the sarcastic view dos1 always provides16:05
sivangDocScrutinizer: ^16:05
sivangDocScrutinizer51: ^16:05
sivangS/dos1/ DocScrutinizer51 /16:05
sivanghe showed me once how to speak with it in private16:07
sivanghow do I do that?16:07
sivang(with infobot )16:07
* sivang PMs infobot 16:07
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DocScrutinizer~kick sivang16:08
* infobot kicks sivang16:08
jacekowskimy next phone16:09
DocScrutinizersivang: are you drunk? or on mushrooms?16:11
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NooBmonk3ylol jacekowski !!!16:13
NooBmonk3yi like!16:13
jacekowski3 weeks battery life16:13
NooBmonk3ymore if you keep it turned off :)16:13
NooBmonk3ybrb pizza!16:14
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trumeeWhat special does mussorgsky does that media-player sees all album art?16:15
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derfWell, he wrote "Pictures at an Exhibition", so presumably...16:16
trumeeI want to do whatever it does using easytag.16:16
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MohammadAGSuppose I'm using dbus-send --type=method_call /com/nokia/HildonDesktop/AppMgr string:"filebox" to open filebox, how would i pass arguments with dbus?16:17
trumeeI have tagged all my music using easytag, but mediaplayer only sees some of the album-art. After updating it using mussorgsky it sees all album art. What is it doing special?16:18
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: ROTFL for the pictograms on green and red X-P16:18
luke-jrNooBmonk3y: actually, no16:18
luke-jrNooBmonk3y: if you turn it off, and only on when you use it, the battery will go faster than just leaving it idle when not in use16:19
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derfjacekowski: I prefer
NooBmonk3yso tunr it off now, and back on in 6 weeks? i count that as, well not functional, but lasting longer lol16:19
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luke-jrthe power to boot/shutdown significantly outweighs the power used left idle16:19
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: depends16:19
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luke-jrNooBmonk3y: maybe if you don't use it regularly16:20
luke-jrNooBmonk3y: but remember that batteries DO discharge on their own, if not used16:20
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: the claimed 3 weeks standby are BS when traveling anyway16:20
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: sure. but 3 weeks is quite possible if you only use it occasionally, and never online16:20
luke-jrbefore I got a SIM card, I saw battery life that long16:21
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sivangDocScrutinizer: a bit hungry, but just that :)16:21
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DocScrutinizer3 weeks is possible with N900 and mugen, but ONLY if you *never* move the device so no cell handovers16:21
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luke-jrI was using standard battery.16:22
luke-jrand again, no SIM ☺16:22
luke-jrthe battery barely moves if you leave it in Offline Mode still16:22
luke-jrso like I left my N900 at my wife's apartment last night… just had her put it in Offline Mode16:23
luke-jrbet it will be still full battery when I go get it16:23
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DocScrutinizerit will be next to full in a week16:24
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* luke-jr wonders what the rate of idle discharge is, in comparison with normal battery discharge over time16:24
DocScrutinizerN900 idle, no TX?16:25
luke-jractually, a couple of times, I've seen the battery level *increase* in Offline Mode…16:25
luke-jrcompletely 100% idle16:25
DocScrutinizermaybe 5mA16:25
luke-jrI was thinking a %16:25
NooBmonk3ylol -
luke-jrlike it discharges at 200% the rate of no-connect-on-battery or such16:25
luke-jror maybe less16:26
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* luke-jr ponders if ARM can make a SoC that runs off solar power on a handheld16:26
DocScrutinizerself-discharge of LiIon isn't really bad, maybe 5..10%/month16:26
DocScrutinizer5mA is easy, eh?16:27
DocScrutinizer~ 1350 / 516:27
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DocScrutinizer~270 / 2416:27
DocScrutinizerI bet with suspend to ram you get even much better values16:28
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: ^^^?16:28
aepwhut, the camera is a v4l device? that solves things ...16:28
DocScrutinizeraep: actually, yes16:28
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr: for such funny things like marathon standby record hunting, you should disable things like breating light, and make sure g-meter is "off"16:29
luke-jrhow about h-meter16:30
luke-jror i-meter16:30
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DocScrutinizersivang: so what makes you think my sarcasm is targeted against a suggested sad state of maemo?16:32
jacekowskiluke-jr: depends how fast you want it to be16:32
jacekowskiluke-jr: my ARM based fluke meter lasts over 100h on 6x AA16:32
derfluke-jr: Don't forget the e-meter.16:32
DocScrutinizersivang: actually I think maemo is in better shape than any of the alternatives16:32
derfFor optimal power saving, make sure to keep your thetan levels low.16:33
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: Gentoo‼‼!16:33
khertan_luke-jr, LFS !16:33
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: i-meter and j-meter are in bq27200 and can't get disabled16:34
* luke-jr glares at jacekowski16:34
DocScrutinizerif only I knew what's h-meter16:34
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luke-jrDocScrutinizer: I was making up crap.16:34
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr: and I took you on a ride by taking you serious16:35
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luke-jrDocScrutinizer: see, this is why OpenMoko failed!16:35
sivangDocScrutinizer: nono, you got my wrong :)16:36
* luke-jr steals sivang's wrong from DocScrutinizer16:36
* alterego contemplates making a little Qml tips & tricks web page.16:36
* luke-jr feeds it to derf16:36
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MohammadAGwhy doesn't X restart when it's killed on the N900...16:41
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: because you enabled R&D ?16:43
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MohammadAGwithout R&D it restarts the device, not X16:44
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: actually the J-meter is *not* in bq27200 or bq24150. Rather it's the ALS16:44
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MohammadAGalso, got filemanger to auto open after a flash is mounted, of course, on exit 0 of mount16:46
StyXmanI¶ve been looking in the wiki if there is a way to test maemo in an emulator, but couldn't find anything relevant. is it possible?16:46
NooBmonk3yMohammadAG,  buntu is a bit slow and laggy :|16:46
MohammadAGnot an emulator, but natively, yes16:46
infobotwell, maemosdk is
MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, blame your PC!16:46
NooBmonk3ywell, tisnt great but was perfectly fine on w716:47
alteregoWell, it does have an emulator too :)16:47
NooBmonk3yjust playing a flash game, and aghhhhhhhh16:47
MohammadAGoh, that's flash itself, not ubuntu :P16:47
DocScrutinizerooh, h-meter is implemented by N900fly16:47
MohammadAGflash isn't graphically accelerated on linux afaik16:47
NooBmonk3yno wonder its pants16:47
Macerh meter?16:48
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NooBmonk3yh meter?16:48
MohammadAGfree fall?16:48
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: well, my X restarts iirc, though it actually restarts the whole device :-P16:49
Macerneed 7 sats for that?16:49
SpeedEvilNo - h meter measures planks constant.16:49
MacerSpeedEvil: hahahaha16:49
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, yep, as I said above16:49
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MohammadAGI only want X to restart16:49
MacerSpeedEvil: right now the h meter is running a simulation of the universe collapsing to understand its formation better?16:50
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: given the number of elementary services started as x-session processes, I'd think it's probably impossible to restart X properly without a full reboot16:50
MohammadAGwfm on ubuntu :P16:51
Macerbest theory i heard was that we were actually within the event horizon of a huge black hole :)16:51
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: or at least that's been the rationale of Nokia devels, when they implemented it that way16:51
derfMacer: The universe has approximately the right density for one.16:52
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NooBmonk3yarghhh darn flash on ubuntu16:54
NooBmonk3yits ruining my golf game!16:54
nidOenjoying your windows alternative? :p16:56
DocScrutinizerMacer: you know it's possible to tunnel across the event horizon16:57
MohammadAGindeed it is, I've done it once16:57
DocScrutinizerof course for a black hole the size of our universe, this effect is *extremely* rare16:57
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NooBmonk3ynidO, all apart from a) not got the windows progs running yet, b) external hard disk is hidden (well not easy for the missus to find), c) flash is rubbish!16:58
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DocScrutinizerfor black holes the size they think they see in LHC, this tunneling effect reduces lifespan of the entity to less than is needed to acregate a single new elementary particle16:59
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roadidoes anyone know how to flash the n900 if the flasher does not find the n900? (i did the apt-get dist-upgrade... :(   )17:03
NooBmonk3ybut lol to running that17:03
nidOflash it using a system that isnt win7 x6417:03
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DocScrutinizerroadi: start flasher, then plug in powered-off N90017:07
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DocScrutinizerMacer: see Bekenstein-Hawking radiation17:10
ZogGDocScrutinizer stop lying to people17:11
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RST38hDoc: Accept the Tentacled One, you heathen!17:12
keriocthulhu or the FSM?17:12
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kerioOR BOTH?!?!17:13
ZogGroadi, download ubuntu live cd17:13
ZogGand use flash manual17:13
infobotsomebody said flashing was
infobotwell, flashing is
MohammadAGkerio, chtulhu17:13
jase21Hi, Is there anything in particular that I should look when buying a Nokia N900.?17:14
RST38hHehe, some libertarian fools propose to make the busiest air travel day of the year "the national opt-out day" where everyone opts out of the scanner and goes to strip searchers17:15
DocScrutinizerjase21: err17:15
RST38hSpeaking of shooting oneself in the foot...17:15
DocScrutinizerthat's :o)17:16
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jase21DocScrutinizer: Ok.17:16
ZogGi would liek to volontuer to work at this day17:16
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jase21Software errors right?17:16
DocScrutinizerjase21: ok what?17:16
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ZogGjase21, yes there are made in china and korea17:16
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DocScrutinizerjase21: sorry, I don't get your point17:18
jase21If Maemo boots and if there isn't any glitch, I can assume that its fine. Is there any way to detect errors in specific?17:18
DocScrutinizerwhich errors?17:18
jase21DocScrutinizer: You meant error isn't it? err <- error?17:19
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DocScrutinizerjase21: it's been suggested to check FM TX immediately after purchase, as there've been 2 reports (or 3) about the transmitter not working in hw17:20
DocScrutinizerjase21: I meant errrhm17:20
jase21DocScrutinizer: Hah! Okay. I misinterpreted it. Okay, I'll test that.17:21
DocScrutinizerjase21: but there's nothing special you can actually do. Just test the device thoroughly in all aspects, not too long after purchase17:21
jase21DocScrutinizer: Okay.17:22
DocScrutinizerheadphones, FMTX, FMRX, WLAN, CIR, PC connectivity (USB)...17:22
ZogGjase21 just don't buy it17:22
ZogGbuy something else17:23
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, is there a better way? :17:23
MohammadAGNokia-N900:~# cat /proc/driver/musb_hdrc | grep version | awk '{print $7}' | sed 's/version_hostmode=//g'17:23
ZogGbuy nexus117:23
jase21What? Nexus1? Why? Is it better than N900?17:24
jase21DocScrutinizer: Okay, all the hardware functionality17:25
RST38hMohammad:Integrated your change. Will sendto autobuilder tonight, if everything is ok17:25
SpeedEvilAll the keyboards.17:25
SpeedEvilAll the letters I mean17:25
RST38hjase21: Yes, it is way better, go buy it.17:25
MohammadAGRST38h, yay :D17:25
RST38h(and then you become someother forum's headache)17:25
jase21Nope. I'm not liking Android. I like GNU/Linux so that I can program using GTK+ and pure C. I hate evil Java.17:26
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: echo "xxx ccc vvv bbb version_hostmode=12345"|sed 's/.*version_hostmode=\(.*\)/\1/'17:27
RST38hjase: Ok, then buy yourself a GNU/Linux17:27
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jase21RST38h: Heh! Maemo ;)17:27
RST38hMaemo is not Gnu =)17:28
MohammadAGNokia-N900:~# cat /proc/driver/musb_hdrc | grep version | sed 's/.*version_hostmode=\(.*\)/\1/'17:28
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MohammadAG thakns17:28
MohammadAGthanks even17:28
jase21RST38h: Isn't it built on top of Debian? Atleast I don't have to jailbreak. Isn't it?17:28
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: forget grep version17:29
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, err, if I did that I'd get all lines from /proc/driver/musb_hdrc17:29
jase21RST38h: I'm seriously asking, is there any problem with N900. I'm going to shell out a lot of money, and I don't want to be disappointed.17:30
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: umm, I see17:30
RST38hjase: Of course there is a problem!17:31
jacekowskijase21: it's not built on top of debian17:31
jacekowskijase21: only thing common with debian is package manager17:31
roadiDocScrutinizer: ZogG i have installed the .deb file - and the flasher is waiting for the device... i've read the wiki.17:31
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RST38hit is built on top of msdos17:33
jase21jackowski: Oh, so does it differ a lot from the desktop (conventional Linux)?17:33
jase21Hmm.. DOS hah!17:33
jase21Why do you say to get an Android?17:34
nidOjase21: it uses busybox rather than a full shell, and it uses hildon as its' desktop environment17:34
jase21Yes, hildon is based on GTK+17:35
jase21I don't have any first hand experience using or programming for N900. I did a little research & read some doc.17:35
keriomeh, you use qt or gtk+ for the GUI17:36
kerioit's closer to desktop linux than anything else17:36
jase21kerio: Yes. I prefer GTK+. Not a big fan of C++.17:37
MohammadAGsigh, why does the Qt SDK installer fail on Ubuntu.17:38
kerioor pyside17:38
MohammadAGkerio, Python sucks17:39
MohammadAGCan not find '/home/mohammad/NokiaQtSDK/Maemo/4.6.2/cache/arm-2007q3-51sb6-gdb71-arm-none-linux-gnueabi_linux_x86_64.tar.bz2' -- no such file.17:40
MohammadAGthe fuck17:40
NooBmonk3ywhats a decent dynip style app for ubuntu?17:41
NooBmonk3yor dyndns*17:41
RST38hMohammad: Is there a Linux where it does not fail?17:42
MohammadAGoh, wrong architecture17:42
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MohammadAGI forgot I downloaded it for the netbook which was 32-bit17:43
RST38hThou shalt use only geniune Intel hardware!17:43
* MohammadAG throws a broadcom card at RST38h 17:43
MohammadAGit was meant as an insult17:44
RST38h(ok, ok, it could have been RaLink or, sigh, SiS)17:44
* MohammadAG throws a RaLink at RST38h 17:44
* MohammadAG cuddles the atheros card he has in the netbook17:45
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG:  echo -e "sdf\neagdaf\nsedsd version_hostmode=12345"|sed 's/.*version_hostmode=\(.*\)/\1/; t done; D; : done; q'17:46
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aepcan i disable automatic window switching on the hildon wm somehow? or is there an alternative wm?17:46
MohammadAGwow, nice!17:46
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MohammadAGaep, not to my knowledge, at least not if you edit the source17:47
aepright. thanks17:47
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jase21Anyone preferring Android ?17:47
RST38hWe all LURRRRVE Android17:48
RST38hSo green, so cuddly, you can stroke that Dalvik VM for hours!17:48
DocScrutinizerandridiot? yeah, adore17:48
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jase21AndroO.. hah!17:49
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RST38bissomebody please /msg me17:49
jase21Seems like we have a couple of RSTs17:49
nidOwell from a consumer point of view android does just mostly work, is pretty functional, and ofc has its' good tie-ins to google's services17:49
DocScrutinizerjase21: except for a few weirdos, everybody here bought a maemo device beause they prefer maemo17:49
jase21DocScrutinizer: Yes, that's what I expected before someone told Android. I think RST38h bought AndroO.17:50
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MohammadAGRST38h, testing my patch? thou dare doubt my work!17:51
RST38hMohammad: Have to be sure, before submitting it to AB17:51
RST38hBTW, how do I turn off the mo#$%$%ng feature of not repeating keys in PR1.2+?17:51
jase21nidO: Yes, for normal customers.17:52
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DocScrutinizernext one to say SiS gets ~lart17:54
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MohammadAGgconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/inputmethod/ext_kb_repeat_enabled --type boolean true17:54
infobotsis is probably lame.  Silicon Integrated Systems17:54
DocScrutinizer~lart jase2117:55
* infobot explains, ever so gently, that if jase21 doesn't give the channel more information, they can't help17:55
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RST38hI now know the person who suggested this misfeature:
povbotBug 5421: keys when long pressed should give the blue symbol/number17:55
jase21What does lart means?17:55
RST38hMohammad: thanks =)17:55
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DocScrutinizer~wtf lart17:56
infobotLART: luser attitude readjustment tool (ie, hammer)17:56
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jase21Did infobot warn me something?17:57
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MohammadAGI so hate that bug RST38h17:57
DocScrutinizerjase21: nevermind17:57
MohammadAGit's one of those bugs that should've stayed as a WONTFIX17:57
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jase21DocScrutinizer: Oh! Relieved. I'm a bit new to the whole irc thing.17:58
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DocScrutinizer~lart   Alia Merali, for bug #542117:58
povbotBug keys when long pressed should give the blue symbol/number17:58
* infobot follow's Alia Merali, with a gauntlet and ... scratch ... HUMILIATION for bug #542117:58
RST38hMohammad: Instead, the keyboard layout switch bug stayed ad WONTFIX17:59
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RST38hMohammad: Forcing large slices of world population set their n900s to Russian keyboard17:59
DocScrutinizerWONTFIX?? INVALID escalated WTF?! BS!18:00
* RST38h loves how most half-assed policy decisions start with "wouldn't it be nice..."18:01
RST38hHell, every time I see these words, I can almost feel the clusterfuck coming.18:01
aepyou'd be suprised how fast crap like that ends up on a requirements list18:02
* DocScrutinizer thinks his MTHEL automatic target detection needs a new pattern18:02
* aep considers opening a bug "it would be nice if you'd revert that"18:02
DocScrutinizerwhich tells us quite a bit about who's in charge to write those requirement specs18:03
RST38hDoc: It took them less than 2 months to add this "feature"18:03
DocScrutinizeraep: GOOO!18:03
jase21Is there anyone who doesn't use a screen protector?18:04
DocScrutinizernew screen is ~60EUR18:04
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jase21oh, didn't know the screens could be replaced.18:04
nidOi dont have one18:05
jase21Will any Nokia Care center do that?18:05
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DocScrutinizerthough you add another 40 bucks on top for the dude doing it18:06
nidOif you're brave/competant enough you can just buy the screen and do it yourself and not have to pay an assload more18:06
jase21yes, got it. ;) heh.18:06
RST38hDoc: Not around here18:07
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DocScrutinizerRST38h: I'm amazed you're even *allowed to own* any Nokia18:08
DocScrutinizer(you==people of Russia)18:08
jase21Did anyone get Flash 10.1 working :( ?18:08
RST38hDoc: Yea, yea, and the bears prowling the street, and no refrigerators...18:09
jase21RST38h: You are not allowed? Are you in school or something where phones aren't allowed?18:09
DocScrutinizerall a conspiracy of Putin and UPS18:09
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DocScrutinizerand customs of course18:09
DocScrutinizerthey sent the bears18:10
RST38hDoc: Actually, if I remember correctly, they are not allowed to own Nokia stock here18:10
RST38hDoc: Not that it stopped anyone willing to trade on the stock market from doing so, of course18:10
DocScrutinizerwell, actually I'm even more amazed COCOM has allowed to ship N900 *to* Russia ;-)18:11
DocScrutinizeryou could use it to simulate fission18:12
RST38hI amsure some eurobureaucrat will get fired for this sooner or later.18:12
* jase21 things Russians are deadly. ooh18:13
aepRST38h, DocScrutinizer: #11577 although i'm 100% certain no one gives a shit. At least it made me smile.18:13
* DocScrutinizer envisions a secret lab in Ural, with a 50.000 N900 beowulf18:13
DocScrutinizerbug #1157718:14
povbotBug keys when long pressed should repeat the key18:14
DocScrutinizerI'll vote for that18:14
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RST38haep: thanks18:14
jacekowskijase21: there is no flash 10.118:14
* RST38h votes18:14
jacekowskijase21: for maemo18:14
jacekowskijase21: only for android18:14
RST38hjacekowski: well, there is ...18:14
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jase21jacekowski: okay, but Kevin Lynch demoed it once.18:15
jacekowskiit's TI internal version18:15
jase21May be Adobe care less18:15
RST38hNot really18:15
RST38hIt is Adobe's version that it compiled for ARMv7 arch for evaluation purposes18:15
jacekowskiRST38h: that flash somebody linked here is a fake18:15
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jase21Is the Mozilla browser html 5 compatible?18:17
jase21(the one in N900)?18:17
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jacekowskinothing is html 5 compatible18:18
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RST38hbtw, what is the best way to resize /opt?18:19
jacekowskimodify eMMC image18:20
Neccresize mmcblk0p218:20
jase21One doubt: Is maemo based on any distro? Apart from the package management which is .deb?18:21
jase21Did Nokia made it from scratch adapting the linux kernel to its hardware?18:21
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jacekowskijase21: it's not18:21
jacekowskijase21: they adapted lot of debian conventions18:21
jase21jacekowski: Means its a custom one, right?18:21
alteregoyeah, it's custom18:22
jacekowskibut that's all18:22
jase21oh. okay.18:22
jase21Heard that MeeGo is using .rpm. Nokia pushing Qt, and Intel favoring GTK. Doesn't know where it ends up.18:24
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jase21Is there something you would say that Maemo is lacking & you wish you had that ?18:27
jase21okay. May be I can think of making something along with my learning of GTK.18:27
Neccfor N900 Maemo 5 is simply the best OS at the moment18:27
Neccother OSes lacks a lot in functionality or efficiency18:28
RST38hNecc: thanks18:28
jase21okay. Any applications in particular?18:28
jase21N900 (Maemo)?18:28
RST38hfor repartitioning hints url18:29
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jase21RST38h: Are you from Russia?18:29
Neccthis file contains partition table for ~7GB /home, if you wish use that18:30
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jase21Is it possible to shut down a core if you have a dual core processor? Any idea? Just asking? (not maemo specific)18:34
alteregoCompile a kernel without smp support :)18:35
DocScrutinizerthere are OS specific means18:36
jase21No, I must be able to use both, just in power saving mode or like that.18:36
jase21Doc: okay18:36
DocScrutinizerin PSM there are all CPUs disabled18:37
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jase21Wouldn't it be better that Intel, ARM design it like that. An instruction that can shut that a core.18:37
* jase21 doesn't know what PSM is. Googling it.18:37
jase21What is PSM? Didn't get it/18:38
Neccpower saving mode?18:38
jase21Ahh.. heh18:39
Neccanyway it is controlled by the hardware itself + BIOS, you can not touch this18:39
jase21I was thinking that if such thing can be made it would be better.18:40
chxi would say it depends18:40
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jase21Doc: My situation is: we choose low performance mode & it will shut some cores. Not simple reduce the clock.18:41
jase21Doc: In PSM, the system sleeps. Right?18:42
chxI know that the Santa Rosa platform could do it18:42
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chxand Mac laptops were doing it18:42
chxbut the results were quite absymal18:42
chxyour screen and wifi eats so much more power than a core.18:42
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ShadowJKI don't remember if it's i3/i5/i7, or Phenom I or II that can run cores at different speeds and even have one core in deepest C-state while another is awake18:42
DocScrutinizerrun to idle18:43
DocScrutinizergoogle for it18:43
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derfShadowJK: I doubt that's i7... all the shared caches would make that meaningless, even if true.18:44
derfAlso a fun fact: putting the CPU into deep sleep states makes the built-in Intel GPU slower, because of the shared memory controller.18:45
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ShadowJKI guess on x86 it still slows down the memory controller too :/18:46
ShadowJKand caches18:46
pupnikfor those deep-sleep gaming extravaganzas18:46
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DocScrutinizersorry, "run to idle" seems the wrong term. SpeedEvil, can you help me out?18:47
derf"Race to idle"18:47
jase21In Santa Rosa, caches (L2) can be completely shut down.18:49
DocScrutinizerjase21: ^^^ been for you18:50
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jase21yes. I'm reading that article.18:50
DocScrutinizersame principle applies to disabling cores18:51
RST38hdeathmarch to idle!18:51
jase21umm.. ok.18:51
RST38hAKA starve whoever you can18:51
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jase21Is there heat dissipation in N900? Its an internet tablet (close to a pc). So how is it managed. I guess fan mechanism isn't appropriate.18:55
jase21And no cooling circuits (liquids), right? Any idea?18:56
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NooBmonk3yjase21, by using as little power as possible lol :P18:57
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jase21okay, that's reasonable answer. But if its clocked to 1GHz, that the rate at which it takes place might be slow.18:59
jase21Will that damage the system?18:59
jase21I read that overclocking may brick (hard) the device.19:00
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, correct kernel API checking added19:00
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: cool :-D19:01
DocScrutinizernow implement the same in preinstall script and rise a notifier warning when kernel doesn't support hostmode. Allow installation of h-e-n GUI nevertheless19:02
alteregoWow, My N900 has been lasting ages.19:02
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, with dependencies on kernel-feature-usbhost?19:02
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MohammadAGanyone can add that to Provides:19:03
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: hmm, I'm indecisive about that19:03
alteregoBored, wanna write a small Qml app but can't think of anything.19:03
* jase21 remeembers that MohammadAG is working on Host-mode USB. He saw the maemo talk posts. Good people! He doesn't recognize other names.19:04
MohammadAGI'm only working on the UI, credits to Paul for the patches19:04
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: AIUI power kernel has "Provides: kernel-feature-usbhost"? Then probably we should use that instead of the preinstall check19:05
jase21ok. I meant DocScrutinizer, and R.38h etc19:05
MohammadAGRST38h isn't paul lol19:05
jase21I think they are having different usernames.19:05
MohammadAGPaul isn't here, he hates #maemo19:06
pupnik  Social Networking19:06
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, do you know of a way to remove applets from the status menu?19:06
MohammadAGwant to remove the battery one19:07
DocScrutinizeredit the friggin (XML) config file19:07
DocScrutinizerthere's some somewhere, I occasionally run into it19:07
MohammadAGwithout killing the status menu right?19:07
DocScrutinizercheck what apps adding an applet do19:08
DocScrutinizerlike simple brightness, load19:08
DocScrutinizerbut maybe that's just for the menu, don't know19:08
MohammadAGI think the stutus menu watches the directory of applets19:09
DocScrutinizerfor sure it's not the method of choice for *dynamically* enable and disable applets19:09
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: I'm a poor source of info for that. Please ask @*19:10
jase21Hey, heard that facebook is going to launch email service tomorrow (Monday). Excited?19:10
alteregojase21: not really, there are loads of email services ..19:10
alteregoSome would say too many ...19:11
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, just move the desktop file :D19:11
DocScrutinizerduh, that simple?19:11
jase21alterego: Heh! okay, not all of them are good. I find only gmail as good ones.19:11
MohammadAGNokia-N900:/usr/share/applications/hildon-status-menu# mv status-area-applet-battery.desktop /19:11
DocScrutinizerdynamically, w/o reboot?19:11
DocScrutinizerFFS :-D19:12
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> I think the stutus menu watches the directory of applets19:12
MohammadAGnow we don't have to worry about users thinking the battery is low, there is no battery applet muhaha19:13
DocScrutinizerI'd feel much better if a dynamic temporary switch-off of e.g batery applet would auto-revert on boot time19:13
MohammadAGit would go back when closing the app19:14
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MohammadAGi.e disable bme -> remove applet, enable bme -> bring it back19:14
MohammadAGactually, bring back applet then enable bme, as if battery is empty, enabling bme may cause a shutdown if battery is empty -> applet lost19:14
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: so if you do such tweaks, make sure you have a init script run on boot, to mv /mytempappdeact/* /usr/share/applications/hildon-status-menu19:15
MohammadAGwhy? it's done upon closing the app19:15
DocScrutinizerwhat if I remove the battery?19:15
MohammadAGyou got me :P19:16
MohammadAGif only the N900 was an N8, you wouldn't be removing batteries then would you?! :P19:16
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MohammadAGhmm, bad news19:18
DocScrutinizerit doesn't work :-P19:18
MohammadAGwhen moving the .desktop file back, the applet doesn't show in the status menu19:18
MohammadAGit shows in the extended one, but not the small one19:18
NooBmonk3yok right, back to qt19:19
NooBmonk3yomg (looking up) its the Mo & Doc Show....19:19
DocScrutinizerand now special appearance of the sidekick19:20
pupnik       << ever saw that one?19:22
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chusI have a doubt.19:23
chusIs there an equivalent function for hildon_mime_open_file in python?19:23
MohammadAGoh well, killall it is19:23
jase21pupnik: nice.19:24
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, can you confirm killall hildon-status-menu doesn't cause a reboot?19:24
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* jase21 will get back later. He says #maemo is awesome.19:27
jase21Good night guys! Bye.19:27
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: be aware that's not exactly a lightweight operation, and may cause side effects. I got "connect" sound19:27
jase21Will see later.19:27
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: you don't want to use that for making battery icon flash :-P19:29
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, connect?19:29
DocScrutinizerthe green dot19:29
MohammadAGtakes a couple seconds to start again19:31
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: basically all applets are restarted - obviously. Some may do things on restart you didn't expect19:31
DocScrutinizerlike playback sounds19:31
MohammadAGI see19:31
DocScrutinizersome may massively misbehave19:32
MohammadAGno cleaner way sadly :/19:32
MohammadAGtill jrbme is out at least19:32
DocScrutinizerjust make sure there's a gconf or whatever to disable that19:32
geaaruhi, i have update my n900 but now i have problem with audio, if i try to call alsamixer i have unale to connect to pulseaudio server19:32
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geaaruwhere can i found some logs?19:33
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, now checks if mount was successful, if so, it opens the file manager (as per N8)19:35
DocScrutinizerhmm, I'd hate that19:36
MohammadAGalso, unmounting is done when the app is closed19:36
MohammadAGbefore VBUS is stopped of course19:36
DocScrutinizerwhat if umount fails?19:37
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MohammadAGit's better than no umount :P19:38
MohammadAG<DocScrutinizer> hmm, I'd hate that19:39
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DocScrutinizernot really, as I gather "mount" is a temporary thing anyway. So I don't bother too much what it's doing19:40
MohammadAGyep, it should be temporary, till ke-recv is hit on the head19:40
MohammadAGbut that's what N8x0 did afaik19:41
MohammadAGat least from the vids I saw19:41
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DocScrutinizerhmm, no idea19:41
opdf2how long does it take to charge empty n900 battery connected mass usb storage?19:41
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opdf2Is there a charge difference between PC suite and USB mode?19:42
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Macerugh. i still have a cold. sucks19:42
DocScrutinizerlook, why would I want to see that HFM BS when I plug in a stick with a video? I'd prefer to see the media file in media player (hmm a really bad example, but you might get the idea)19:43
Macerbut at least it only happens like once every 3 years or so.. so i should be ok19:43
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, yeah, but auto handling of that isn't on the N8x0 afaik, or the N8 (or even my PC :P)19:44
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, and really, you want tracker to look for videos and open them? :P19:44
RST38hactually,I would suspect seeing ANY extra "helpful" shit when inserting USB drives is a bad idea19:44
MohammadAG"HFM BS" is faster than tracker, by a bit19:44
RST38hMohammad,Doc: By the way, as I am sending the new version of xchat to AB, do you want me to do anything extra with cehteh's notification plugin?19:45
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: (umount) ...actually is a function you could argue has to be in h-e-n. So I suggest you pop up a list with processes that have file handles to the device. So user can close them and retry to umount19:45
DocScrutinizermake default disable, RST38h19:46
MohammadAGRST38h, nope, doesn't annoy me as it is :)19:46
RST38hhmm, ok19:46
DocScrutinizermaybe even better, make the setting persistent19:46
MohammadAGmaybe making auto FM opening configurable would be better?19:47
DocScrutinizeri c19:47
MohammadAGlol it's not that bad :)19:47
MohammadAGRST38h, haven't looked at xchat's code, but maybe add a GUI enable/disable option?19:47
DocScrutinizermake it an addon pkg?19:48
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: impossible, that would be meaningless when the plugin isn't there19:48
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RST38hMohammad: won't do for an external plugin19:48
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, RST38h then make it check if the plugin's there at runtime, and show/hide the option :)19:49
DocScrutinizerI knew he'd say that19:49
RST38has I said, the plugin is external, the base xchat code is not supposed to know anything about it19:49
alteregoI think my N900 has lasted so long because I'm using wifi instead of 3G today ..19:49
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ShadowJKdo you use irc, im (skype, gtalk, msn, etc), twitter or facbook widgets?19:50
DocScrutinizerRST38h: basically the plugin is in duty to store settings to xchat.cfg19:50
RST38hDoc: Tell cehteh =)19:50
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DhraakellianI thin kI may have screwed something up on my n90019:51
DocScrutinizerso make it default disabled19:51
alteregoShadowJK: IM yeah19:51
ShadowJKor ~/.xchat2/maemonotify.conf19:51
Dhraakellianfortunately, I think it should be a f airly easy fix, since I can still get filesystem access through NITDroid19:51
RST38hGerbick gets hit by the nostalgy train:
ShadowJKalterego, which?19:51
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alteregofacebook, msn, ovi19:51
DhraakellianWhere would the hildon desktop settings be?19:52
MohammadAGSkype's a battery rapist19:52
ShadowJKalterego, and yeah, a single byte of data transmitted is about same power draw as 10Mbit/s for 1s. All the frequent background comms adds up :-)19:52
DhraakellianI was fiddling around with the settings tweaker and set the grid snap distance to 019:52
ShadowJKit's much better on edge19:52
Dhraakellian..and I think that's what's causing trouble19:52
MohammadAGyes, it shouldn't be changed from 419:52
Dhraakellianalthough I did install mauku-widget, which also seems to have caused some trouble19:52
ShadowJKI keep my phone in 2g most of the time to reduce power cinsumption since I run xchat 24/719:53
Dhraakellianbut not so much19:53
RST38hShadow: How long does it last?19:53
DhraakellianMohammadAG: do you know what file that would be stored in?19:53
MohammadAG/usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini, bottom of the file usually19:53
Dhraakellianthe phone keeps shutting down now, but I can fortunately still get in with NITDroid19:53
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ShadowJKRST38h, 10 hours, but that's constant xchat, 6 hours of mp3 playback, and 1-2 hours of surfing too19:55
ShadowJKday wiithout the music and web, probably19:55
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DhraakellianMohammadAG: thanks19:56
Dhraakelliancrud... I seem to have to edit the file directly on-device inside NITDroid, since it doesn't seem to want to actually mount on the computer19:56
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: ack, 24h with irc only19:56
DocScrutinizerdepending on traffic of course19:57
ShadowJKA bit more if I activate my powersave script on my bouncer server :-)19:57
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ShadowJK(it blocks traffic to my N900 for 2 minutes, then unblocks until all pending data has been sent, then blocks 2 minutes, repeat)19:58
ShadowJKIt requires that you access irc through a bouncer, and that you have root and iptables on that server, and that your n900 has a static IP19:59
ShadowJKso it's probably not useful to anyone else20:00
DocScrutinizerstatic IP :-/ .oO(??¬đ²¼²##!@)20:00
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DocScrutinizerI dare to state I'm savvy to find a fix for that20:00
DocScrutinizereverything else 'check'20:01
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DocScrutinizeranyway o/20:02
DhraakellianMohammadAG: I'm not seeing it20:02
* DocScrutinizer -->dinner20:02
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MohammadAGDhraakellian, how did you mount maemo's rootfs?20:03
DhraakellianMohammadAG: I'm looking around in NITDroid20:03
MohammadAGand how would you edit maemo's rootfs with nitdroid without mounting it?20:03
MohammadAGuse this
alteregomeego ..20:04
NooBmonk3yW000t need more qt help again20:04
NooBmonk3ynow ubuntu sdoesnt like it20:04
NooBmonk3ywhen trying to install qt mobility i get this
Dhraakellianfound it under /initrd20:04
MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, apt-get install libqt4-dev20:05
MohammadAGwith sudo of coruse20:05
MohammadAGalterego, any idea how I can get scrollable QPushButtons with Qt?20:05
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NooBmonk3yscrollable pushbuttons?20:05
NooBmonk3ywhatya mean?20:05
alteregoOr download a decent qt-creator which comes with 4.720:06
MohammadAGerr, course*20:06
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NooBmonk3yalterego, done that.....20:06
MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, sorta like fapman's settings dialog20:06
NooBmonk3yi swapped to ubuntu cos it would be easier, and the only reason was qt and packaging lol20:06
alteregoMohammadAG: do you mean a scrollable area with buttons in a list.20:06
NooBmonk3ymeh dont use fapman20:06
alteregoeasy :P20:06
MohammadAGeven with the designer? :P20:07
alteregoCrap ..20:07
NooBmonk3yeasy and crap? lol20:07
tugrikanyone fought iCal importing with gpe-calendar and won?20:07
alteregoI don't have my laptop so I can't give you the source :P20:07
MohammadAGtugrik, no, I lost a limb to it20:07
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alteregoUse QScrollArea20:08
alteregoCreate a QWidget, use VBoxLayout, add buttons to the layout.20:08
NooBmonk3yhmm is this a device problem or local problem?20:08
NooBmonk3y/usr/local/bin/MaeCount: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:08
NooBmonk3yits the build error20:08
NooBmonk3yafter it is supposedly running on the device20:08
alteregothe use QScrollArea::setWidget(widget)20:08
alteregoand that's it.20:09
MohammadAGalterego, is it possible with a QMainWindow?20:10
MohammadAG/scratchbox/users/mohammad/home/mohammad/scratchbox/hostmode-build-maemo/../hostmode/settingswindow.cpp:13: error: cannot call member function 'void QScrollArea::setWidget(QWidget*)' without object20:11
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NooBmonk3ymeh apt-get install libqt4-maemo5-declarative should work20:11
NooBmonk3ydoesnt work!20:12
NooBmonk3yapt-get install libqt4-maemo5-declarative doesnt sound good20:12
MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, watcha doing anyways20:12
NooBmonk3y/usr/local/bin/MaeCount: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:12
Choomlittle stupid question here: if I flash the NAND do I run the risk of bricking my N900 for good?20:12
NooBmonk3yits the build error20:12
NooBmonk3ywhen i try to run maecount from Qtcreator on the n90020:12
MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, you do realize you're doing this on ubuntu, not in the SDK right?20:13
NooBmonk3yso i'm assuming somethings suddenly not on my device?20:13
NooBmonk3yMohammadAG, still trying to run it on my device as i would in windows20:13
MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, apt-get install libqt4-experimental-declarative on your device20:14
NooBmonk3yexperimental? eeeeeeeek20:16
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alteregoMohammadAG: Sure just set the mainwindows' central widget to the scroll area20:16
NooBmonk3yMohammadAG,  take a look in #meego, think he will fall for it? ;)20:17
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MohammadAG/scratchbox/users/mohammad/home/mohammad/scratchbox/hostmode-build-maemo/../hostmode/settingswindow.cpp:14: error: cannot call member function 'void QScrollArea::setWidget(QWidget*)' without object alterego20:17
alteregoHeh, I need to find someone to pick up my doggy bag and send it to me :(20:17
alteregoI wanna t-shirt :(20:18
NooBmonk3yi want to win the lottery20:18
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* MohammadAG thinks he got it right, expects segfault20:19
MohammadAG...sees nothing instead20:19
NooBmonk3ynothing is better than bollox20:20
NooBmonk3yor lcuk covered in bacon.... either is pretty bad20:20
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NooBmonk3yevening Venemo_N90020:21
Venemo_N900hey guys20:21
Venemo_N900hi NooBmonk3y :)20:21
MohammadAGLOL alterego I got it scrolling sideways instead of up/down20:21
NooBmonk3yMohammadAG, installed the experimental, still getting : /usr/local/bin/MaeCount: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:21
Venemo_N900I'm ashamed to ask, but where is the FM transmitter in the N900's menu?20:21
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MohammadAGSettings > FM Transmitter :)20:21
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Venemo_N900I remember having it in Settings on the previous one20:22
Venemo_N900but it is not there on this one20:22
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Venemo_N900MohammadAG: that's what I thought, but it's not there20:22
MohammadAGinstall fmtx-faker by qwerty1220:23
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: I thought that was for regions in which it is disabled20:23
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NooBmonk3yMohammadAG,  I r Dumbass20:24
MohammadAGwell if it's not there I guess it's disabled :P20:24
NooBmonk3yQT       += core gui network     instead of     QT       += core gui network declarative     in the pro file ;)20:24
alteregoMohammadAG: I'll be back home in half an hour so if you do something else for a bit I'll sort you out when I get home ;)20:24
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: solved it, thx20:25
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Venemo_N900NooBmonk3y: so you were missing declarative from your .pro?20:26
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MohammadAGhmm, [29106.521913] mmc0: error -110 whilst initialising SD card20:27
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NooBmonk3yVenemo_N900, i had it in there by accident20:29
NooBmonk3ydidnt need it20:29
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Venemo_N900NooBmonk3y: so what was the problem?20:31
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djszapiHow can I reach an 'Esc' effect on N900 ? For example I edit a file with vi, but I would like to leave the edit mode. I have got a similar Nokia phone, not N900, but with the same keypad.20:35
jogaonscreen buttons?20:36
jogaI mean, below the terminal window there's a row of buttons on the touchscreen, there's esc on the n90020:37
djszapiI do not know that is I have never used onscreen buttons.20:37
DocScrutinizerqonsole (whatever TF that is) has none20:37
jogawhat's the "similar nokia phone"?20:37
djszapijoga: I am using Qonsole.20:37
jogaok, I dunno about that20:37
djszapiNDA, sorry...20:37
kerioyou have a N9, don't you20:38
DocScrutinizerthen pester qonsole authors about that broken shit20:38
* kerio has esc mapped to shift+fn+backspace20:38
kerioKEY COMBOS20:38
djszapiI am editing a file with vi, but I cannot leave the editing mode :)20:39
djszapito quit, write, whatever :)20:39
Neccdid you tried typing ":quit" ?20:39
MohammadAG^c will do it20:39
kerioNecc: he's in editing mode20:39
djszapiin editing mode ?20:39
MohammadAG:x to quit20:39
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Venemo_N900djszapi: what sort of 'similar phone' it is?20:39
MohammadAG^C in editing mode20:40
pupnikdjszapi: looking at every mobile keyboard I can - i see the 'esc' key is in danger of going extinct!20:40
pupnikbut it's such an important meta-key20:40
djszapiMohammadAG: lemme try it out20:40
kerioreport that to nokia, so we can get a good kbd on the n9!20:40
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djszapiMohammadAG: does not work20:40
pupnikyou can't type ":" commands in editing mode, noobs20:40
djszapiMohammadAG: i was wrong sorry20:41
djszapiit works, ty.20:41
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MohammadAGI know you were wrong,  it worksforme :P20:41
DocScrutinizernevertheless:  <DocScrutinizer> then pester qonsole authors about that broken shit20:41
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kerioi still don't get why a phone targeted to unix nerds has no alt, esc or tab key20:41
djszapiMohammadAG: yeah, really thank you, made my day :)20:41
DocScrutinizerinfobot!!!! :-o20:41
MohammadAGwhat kinda of sick mind fuck does symbian use to lock memory cards?20:42
djszapino idea20:42
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MohammadAGI don't even see the card on maemo/linux :/20:42
kerio:( the guy with the n9 left20:42
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: it is supposed to be some sort of standard mechanism20:42
nidOif it's an n9 he has then that's terrible news20:43
Venemo_N900kerio: what makes you think he had an N920:43
HRH_H_Crabis anyone using mpd on their N900? I have found many mpd clients but I can't seem to find the server itself.20:43
kerioVenemo_N900: nokia phone under NDA with vi installed on it20:43
DocScrutinizerkerio: honestly, if that's the standard of beta testers for Nokia devices.... :-/20:43
Venemo_N900kerio: nda?20:43
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Venemo_N900kerio: what is NDA?20:44
djszapianother question, sorry. Can you jump to the desired page in the default pdf viewer ? For instance: 525. ?20:44
DocScrutinizer~wtf nda20:44
Choomit's a symbian phone so it doesn't really matter to me20:44
DocScrutinizerarrrgh she's gone20:44
nidOkerio: all leaked images of n9 show a 4line keyboard though, same layout as e720:44
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Choomthe only thing interesting about the N9 for me is the capacitive touchscreen20:45
Neccwow nokia finally relaized that 4line keyboards how cool?20:45
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NooBmonk3yVenemo_N900, no problem now, tis working! i think20:45
nidOnokia used to use proper 5line keyboards20:45
DocScrutinizerinfobot: botsnack20:45
infobotDocScrutinizer: aw, gee20:45
nidOthey just seem to have been shrinking recently20:45
DocScrutinizer~wtf nda20:45
infobotGee...  I don't know what nda means...20:45
infobotI'm not allowed to tell you20:45
NooBmonk3yjust figuring out qtmobility, as after a few days of hunting alot of what i try isnt supported on the n900 yet (like qfeedback)20:45
ChoomNDA means non-disclosure agreement20:45
DocScrutinizerthat's more like it :D20:45
MohammadAGNon Disclosure Agreement20:46
Choomi.e.: you talk about it and you get sued to oblivion20:46
MohammadAGpolite stfu or else20:46
Venemo_N900so N9 it is20:46
kerioif nokia gives me a n9 to betatest i swear i'll post a picture for you guys here20:46
Venemo_N900djszapi: is it nice?20:46
keriowith a "U MAD #maemo" written on it20:46
MohammadAGlol plugged the N86 to my laptop and it rebooted20:47
Venemo_N900kerio: thx in advance :)20:47
djszapianother question, sorry. Can you jump to the desired page in the default pdf viewer ? For instance: 525. ?20:47
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ChoomI had a question too20:47
Venemo_N900djszapi: it it is a prerelease device, how are we supposed to know?20:47
MohammadAGVenemo_N900, it's not standard, for sure, [30359.684150] EXT3-fs (loop0): error: unable to read superblock20:48
Choomwas wondering if I could get my n900 bricked if I accidentally flashed over the bootloader in the NAND20:48
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: hmm... maybe unlock it?20:48
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: <infobot> I'm not allowed to tell you20:48
DocScrutinizerChoom: nope20:48
MohammadAGVenemo_N900, idk the password20:49
infobot:), Venemo_N90020:49
Choomso booting and pressing U works regardless of whether a bootloader is there?20:49
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: oh.20:49
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* MohammadAG dds to file then formats20:49
DocScrutinizerChoom: nope20:49
* slonopotamus takes his n900 to repair service tomorrow20:49
MohammadAGI'll dd it back then ask my uncle to unlock it when he's back20:49
* slonopotamus again.20:49
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infobotrumour has it, coldflash is and next ~200 posts20:49
MohammadAGChoom, no20:50
ChoomDocScrutinizer: well I guess I can't do that20:50
MohammadAGChoom, but a low level bootloader exists, that allows reflashing for half a second or less20:50
Venemo_N900DocScrutinizer: so if the bootloader is borked, this is the way to go?20:50
MohammadAGthus you need linux to cold flash, windows keep drooling for 10s before enumerating20:50
DocScrutinizerChoom: too bad. But why?20:50
MohammadAGour hostmode implementation enumerates faster20:50
Choomoh I see, and is it documented or is there software available for that?20:50
infobotcoldflash is probably and next ~200 posts20:51
MohammadAGshould be wiki'd20:51
ChoomI just want to know how far I can go without ACCIDENTALLY bricking the phone permanently20:51
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: *ought*20:51
DocScrutinizerChoom: as far as it gets without involving high voltage or sledgehammers20:52
Choomthat's awesome20:52
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DocScrutinizerjust getting increasingly involved to recover20:52
Choomdoes the standard flasher work for coldflashes?20:53
slonopotamus~curse designer of n900 microusb connector20:53
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, designer of n900 microusb connector !20:53
Choomgreat, thanks a lot20:53
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kerioDocScrutinizer: what about flamethrowers?20:57
Venemo_N900slonopotamus: broken microusb?20:57
Choomkerio: I was only concerned about software-induced-bricking, so that kinda answered my question20:57
kerioor gravity20:58
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: nice effort, but I doubt it will do ANY good on this particular page20:58
keriocan i recover the n900 if i throw it from ~15mt?20:58
Venemo_N900kerio: gravity can kill it, for sue20:58
Venemo_N900kerio: sure*20:58
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: I urgently suggest to move it to a dedicated page20:58
keriomy mother's old 8310 survived a 5-stories fall without more than a scratch20:58
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: noobs are confused enough by the standard instructions there20:59
Venemo_N900~seen lcuk20:59
Neccthat's 8310, this is N90020:59
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I doubt noobs will wipe the bootloader20:59
infobotlcuk is currently on #maemo #meego, last said: 'theres a group of us at the airport now sat on the bus'.20:59
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: they will, by trying coldflash, as a last resort when "everything fails"21:00
Neccit will fall to pieces, receive more, then just a few scratches and has a relative high chance to become useless afterwards21:00
jacekowskiChoom: but you may have to coldflash it on linux21:00
Choomthat's not an issue21:00
jacekowskiChoom: because windows can't enumerate it fast enough21:00
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: is that article done?21:00
infoboti heard coldflash is and next ~200 posts21:01
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: how many noobs do eMMC flash "just to be sure"?21:01
ChoomI tend to know what I'm doing, just don't know this device in particular since I've had it for less than a week21:01
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I've never tried to move in wikis, so I suspect I might fuck up, feel free to do it :)21:01
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: guess how many do coldflash just because of it's there21:01
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I lost count when I divided by 021:01
jacekowskiChoom: read that link that just appeared here21:01
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: you really should learn to know about lemmings and noobs21:02
Venemo_N900jacekowski: DocScrutinizer already showed him21:02
Choomand I've had "experiences of luck" in the past, while porting linux to another PDA I was lucky to not overwrite a bootloader which existence I wasn't aware at first and would have bricked the phone21:02
Venemo_N900DocScrutinizer: agreed, noobs are everywhere21:02
DocScrutinizerI *ultimatly* recommend keeping things like coldflash instructions off pages that are first landing zone for clueless joe avarage user21:03
pupnikusing Unix shell to process audio: ft < in|awk '$2<3'|ifft > bassline21:04
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, Search and Destroy21:04
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: *sigh*21:04
pupnikfft < in|awk '{$2=($2*.8+l[$2]*.2);l[$2]=$2}1'|ifft > echoeffect21:04
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DocScrutinizerdon't you think - when and if you're accepting you've done something suboptimal - then it'd be politically correct *you* fix it?21:05
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, please do it, I've never done any moving on wikis21:05
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DocScrutinizerme neither21:05
MohammadAGit is21:06
MohammadAGoh, bummer lol21:06
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: just make a new page, paste to it the stuff, then delete the stuff from old page21:06
DocScrutinizerhell there's c&p in your middle mousebutton, and tehre's rollback on wiki21:06
pupnikso did Dublin swallow everyone whole?21:06
Choomjacekowski: there are other poor guys occasionally crashing their NOLO and urban legend even from gurus is "take it to Nokia care, there's no way to flash new NOLO without a jig" <- that was exactly my case, but I always make sure before starting such urban legends, especially since I couldn't find anything conclusive online21:06
MohammadAGVenemo_N900, heh, already deleted21:06
MohammadAGmeanwhile, my broadcom card starts drooling21:08
ChoomI've had this phone for less than a week and it hasn't stopped impressing me21:08
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: anyway, many thanks for caring about moving the stuff to wiki. Much appreciated21:08
ChoomI'm also quite leased that unlike many other ports that I've seen, maemo's kernel is not just a hack to make it work21:09
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, can you do something in return? Fry as many broadcoms as you can21:09
Choomleased = pleased21:09
jacekowskiChoom: yes it is21:09
jacekowskiChoom: many hacks there21:09
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: I'll muse about it while taking a shower21:09
Choomwell at least the interfaces work as expected from the outside21:09
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: cool21:09
MohammadAGjacekowski, can you please confirm it's the correct sequence?21:09
NooBmonk3ycan i ask a question about qsettings please? :)21:10
NooBmonk3yif i save the settings like follows : settings.setValue("label1", ui->label_1->text());  ,  how to i read it back in?21:10
MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, value() most probably21:10
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MohammadAGas with most setValue()s21:10
jacekowskiMohammadAG: yes21:11
jacekowskiMohammadAG: almost21:11
jacekowskiMohammadAG: because phone has to stay connected and powered up21:11
jacekowskiMohammadAG: to flash it21:11
jacekowskiMohammadAG: so no starting it with "u" key pressed21:12
MohammadAGwell obviously that won't work without a bootloader21:12
jacekowskiso next thing you have to do is normal flash command with a flasher21:12
MohammadAGso after those commands, just run the flasher command to flash the bootloader?21:12
jacekowskistraight after coldflash21:13
DocScrutinizerbest add it to cmdline with &&21:13
DocScrutinizerif that works like expected21:13
jacekowskii don't think so21:13
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jacekowskiit will take a second to boot21:14
jacekowskibut maybe21:14
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NooBmonk3y   << QT Qsettings erro :|21:14
DocScrutinizer&& sleep 10 &&21:14
MohammadAGi.e flasher-3.5 -F image.bin --flash-only=nolo right?21:14
jacekowskisomething like that21:14
DocScrutinizer&& sleep 10 && flasher-3.5 -F image.bin --flash-only=nolo21:14
jacekowskior just -2nd -scnd21:14
jacekowskiusing unpacked files21:15
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: nevertheless you might want to link to ~coldflash21:15
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DocScrutinizeralways good to mention source of info, for those who want to check21:16
sp3000does it fail without sleep?21:16
sp3000in my experience the flasher is generally happy to wait for things to appear21:16
jacekowskisp3000: but phone will connect then disconnect and then connect again21:17
DocScrutinizerso a sleep 10 won't hurt21:18
MohammadAGsp3000, in your experience, there was a bootloader :P21:18
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NooBmonk3yalterego, any ideas? ->
infoboti heard coldflash is and next ~200 posts, or
sp3000quite possible :)21:20
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: /me is wondering wtf this ASIC might be21:20
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MohammadAG~tell NooBmonk3y about pastebin21:21
MohammadAGit's better than images :P21:21
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: can't really see any ASIC in schematics21:21
DocScrutinizeror maybe they call RAPUYAMA an ASIC?21:21
MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, use .toString()21:22
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NooBmonk3yty MohammadAG21:22
NooBmonk3ytried that but in the wrong place, working now :)21:22
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DocScrutinizerWTF, kills my browser?! o.O21:23
sp3000why unpack the fiasco before flashing, there?21:23
Venemo_N900hi again21:23
Venemo_N900AutoDisconnect disconnected me21:23
MohammadAGsp3000, I think you need to supply images manually21:23
DocScrutinizerKDE4, great :-/21:24
MohammadAGsince it can't find hardware revision21:24
DocScrutinizerrandom segfaults21:24
sp3000but you're giving it one, so...21:24
MohammadAGalso, a bit helpful for those new to packaging:
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, sigh
MohammadAG"does hostmode work with the default kernal after the last update ? "21:25
sp3000that is, I've never needed to unpack for cold flash21:25
sp3000granted it may have been a different flasher21:26
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: flamethrower21:26
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: anyways, format of asic id is explained on that page21:26
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: just reading21:27
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: ~debian21:27
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: you should update #121:27
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NooBmonk3yyay, working!21:28
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: bad answer to that guy21:28
MohammadAGVenemo_N900, -1 for me? :(21:29
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: you should have asked him what a 'kernal' is21:29
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Venemo_N900MohammadAG: :P21:31
* MohammadAG feels confused :P21:32
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: noobs like that guy always make typos21:33
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Venemo_N900hello Serpent21:33
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pupnikhow could i swap graphics tiles for particular ascii characters in osso-xterm? ;)21:34
SerpentI have just purchased a second hand n900 and want to know how to set it to factory defaults21:34
jacekowskiSerpent: flash it21:34
Venemo_N900Serpent: see21:34
infobotwell, flashing is
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Venemo_N900Serpent: that page should help you21:35
SerpentI have read through it, but I dont know which to flash first, rootfs or eMMC21:36
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Venemo_N900Serpent: it doesn't really matter (at least it worked for me whichever I did first)21:37
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Serpentwhats the difference between them?21:37
MohammadAGWhen flashing the eMMC content, always flash the FIASCO/Rootfs image and then flash the eMMC. Do not boot up the device between the two i.e do NOT use the -R parameter at the end!21:37
nidOrootfs is the operating system, emmc is the user storage area21:37
MohammadAGthough indeed, it does not matter, just don't use -R21:37
Venemo_N900Serpent: the rootfs image willwipe the rootfs and all the system components on it21:38
Serpentthen why do I need to flash the eMMC?21:38
Venemo_N900Serpent: eMMc wipes out and resets all the data on the eMMc (the 32 GB storage)21:38
DocScrutinizerSerpent: first flash eMMC, though it's written differently21:38
alteregoMohammadAG: I'm home now, did you get that scrollable area to work?21:38
MohammadAGalterego, it's like fapman, so I'm cursing it21:39
Venemo_N900DocScrutinizer: why does it matter?21:39
MohammadAGalterego, it always shows a horizontal scroll bar21:39
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: what are you cursing21:39
alteregoMohammadAG: you're doing it wrong then :P21:39
alteregoMohammadAG: I'll just do a mockup and upload it for you ;)21:40
MohammadAG    scrollArea->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); <-- got rid of the whole area21:40
DocScrutinizerbecause when booting up a fresh rootfs, you see optification. Then flash eMMC and end with borked system21:40
MohammadAGalterego, no wait21:40
alteregoYou want the entire mainwindow to be just a list of buttons?21:40
NooBmonk3yMohammadAG, ! yay!21:40
DocScrutinizerVenemo_N900: other way round it's not that bad if you boot accidentally21:40
NooBmonk3yok, sad i know, but the load and save buttons work, kinda21:40
Venemo_N900DocScrutinizer: if I'm not gonna boot up between them, does it matter which one comes first?21:40
NooBmonk3yThey save them, and then load them, no kinda "save to file1" style though lol21:41
alteregoMohammadAG: call scrollarea->setWidgetResizable(true);21:41
alteregoRemote the ScrollBarPolicy lines.21:42
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: my way to deal with noobish quesions
MohammadAGlol Venemo_N90021:43
MohammadAGalterego, /me tries :P21:43
Venemo_N900alterego: do you have a good idea for a Maemo app?21:44
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Kaadlajkthat scrollarea stuff is really tricky imo ;-021:44
alteregoVenemo_N900: no, not really, it's half my problem tbh21:44
alteregoMohammadAG: Also, remove setGeometry ..21:44
Venemo_N900alterego: I would need to make one for the mobile linux applications course, but I have no idea21:45
MohammadAGalterego, Qt Creator, I don't need it as I set layouts21:45
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Venemo_N900alterego: currently my idea is that I make a GPS tracker app, but I'd rather make something unique21:45
alteregoDesigner is gay, lrn2code proper :P21:45
alteregoWhat about a GPS anti-tracker, tells you where you're not :)21:46
MohammadAGalterego, agreed, but too late to switch with 6 windows :P21:46
Venemo_N900alterego: well every GPS tracker is an anti-tracker too21:46
Venemo_N900alterego: it tells you that you're not in anywhere but the red dot on the map21:47
DocScrutinizeralterego: WYSIWYG is gay, lrn2use hexedit?21:47
Serpentso, eMMC content 10.2010.13-2 thats the latest bin, isnt it?21:47
Venemo_N900Serpent: if you say so21:47
alteregoDocScrutinizer: yeah, pretty much :P21:48
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Serpentin the wiki, it says 2 images and the flasher, but I cant find the rootfs bin21:48
alteregoI think everytime I've used Qt Designer, I've got pissed off and rewritten it by han.21:48
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DocScrutinizerSerpent: you need COMBINED, VANILLA, and the flasher package21:49
myuuwhats a good price for the n900 at this point?21:49
Venemo_N900alterego: why?21:50
DocScrutinizerSerpent: COMBINED is rootfs_et-al fiasco img, VANILLA is the eMMC img21:50
Venemo_N900alterego: it makes an xml file, doesn't it?21:50
alteregoBecause it never seems to do what I want it to :P21:50
SerpentDocScrutinizer: thanks21:50
Venemo_N900alterego: hm21:51
Venemo_N900alterego: so far I managed to tell it what I want it to do :P21:51
alteregoIt's fine for really simple stuff,21:51
alteregoIt just starts to anny me, and all my apps tend to have custom widgets and I can't be bothered to write plugins for designer to handle them.21:52
Venemo_N900alterego: no need to write plugins for that21:52
Venemo_N900alterego: there is a "promote to..." feature with which you can tell it about custom widgets21:53
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alteregoReally, interesting.21:54
alteregoHow do I do that then? :)21:54
Venemo_N900alterego: right click, promote to.., then tell it the name of the class21:54
Venemo_N900alterego: and the base class's name too21:54
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: you might consider to actually "never again subscribe to any tmo thread" (reminder), and instead next time open a thread on h-e-n ML (maybe [user] yet to create), and just drop a note to tmo and instantly close the tmo thread after doing so22:00
RST38hPermission denied (publickey).22:00
RST38hAnyone knows why autobuilder no longer allows me login?22:01
DocScrutinizerRST38h: messed up your ssh keys?22:01
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RST38hwith no intervention from myself?22:01
Venemo_N900RST38h: maybe poke x-fade22:02
DocScrutinizereither that, or... something different :-P22:02
Venemo_N900ok, I found another Qt bug22:03
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, one of us has to be a mod tbh22:03
MohammadAGat least for that section22:03
MohammadAGor that thread only22:03
Venemo_N900I remapped the Fn+z, Fn+x and Fn+c key combos22:03
Venemo_N900and now I can not input these 3 characters in uppercase22:04
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: ping chem|st22:04
Venemo_N900but only in Qt apps, Gtk ones work fine22:04
DocScrutinizerchem|st: you bet *I* won't go mod for tmo22:04
DocScrutinizererr, MohammadAG ^^^22:04
DocScrutinizerchem|st: sorry ETAB22:05
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: >>> hello joerg_rw, hi, how can i know which kernal im on now ? thanks  <<<22:07
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, rm -rf /lib/modules and reboot, that's how22:07
MohammadAG(don't do that @ everyone)22:08
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Venemo_N900DocScrutinizer: ask him what a 'kernal' is already22:09
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: lol at that :D22:09
Serpentdone, thanks all22:09
DocScrutinizerVenemo_N900: "send me the device, I'll look it up for you!"22:09
Venemo_N900you're welcome Serpent :)22:09
Venemo_N900DocScrutinizer: btw, isn't uname the command that does that?22:10
Venemo_N900DocScrutinizer: I'm a linux noob, that's why I'm asking22:10
MohammadAGVenemo_N900, he was being sarcastic, he knows about uname :P22:10
RST38hshit cannot upload22:11
RST38hhow often does import  ssh keys from the settings?22:11
MohammadAGVenemo_N900, uname -r22:11
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: ok, but I was not sure about it myself22:11
MohammadAG30 minutes I think22:11
* RST38h sighs and waits22:12
DocScrutinizerprobably 05 and 35, as all other things22:12
DocScrutinizermagic of cron22:13
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MohammadAGkinky, N86 not booting with the microSD in it22:15
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Venemo_N900MohammadAG: what if you first boot it, then put the card in?22:15
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: it has uBoot22:15
MohammadAGVenemo_N900, doing that, got used to symbian22:15
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: (actually not completely kidding)22:15
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: hehe22:15
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MohammadAGsigh, date and time gone22:16
* DocScrutinizer burps22:16
Serpentany tips on where I should start?22:16
MohammadAGit keeps crashing when I put the card in it22:16
Venemo_N900Serpent: with that?22:17
Venemo_N900Serpent: with what?22:17
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: well I think you just lost all the data on that card22:17
Serpentaps and the like, its my first smart phone22:17
MohammadAGcrashes upon inserting microSD22:17
Venemo_N900Serpent: oh, congrats :)22:17
RST38hreformat microsd?22:17
MohammadAGVenemo_N900, I was formatting it22:18
MohammadAGthen the N86 rebooted midformat22:18
Venemo_N900Serpent: well there are lots of apps in the community repos, and a few useful ones in Ovi store22:18
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: (date & time lost)
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MohammadAG[  540.576934] mmc0: error -110 whilst initialising SD card22:18
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, N8622:18
MohammadAGI get that error with the N900 and my PC, shall I throw the microSD out?22:19
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: so what? it has the same crappy bupbat like FR and N90022:19
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Venemo_N900Serpent: if you're familiar with any desktop Linux distro, it'll be fairly easy22:19
Venemo_N900Serpent: if not, that's not a problem either22:19
MohammadAG[  598.881713] mmc0: error -19 whilst initialising SD card22:19
MohammadAG[  599.415466] mmc0: cover is closed, card is now accessible22:20
MohammadAG[  600.009002] mmc0: error -110 whilst initialising SD card22:20
Venemo_N900Serpent: you can use the application manager to look around22:20
SerpentVenemo_N900: yes, I have been using linux for 10 years or so22:20
* MohammadAG throws card22:20
Venemo_N900Serpent: :)22:20
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Venemo_N900Serpent: well Maemo is Debian-based, which means it works pretty similarly22:21
MohammadAGI'd like to thank Symbian for ruining my card22:21
Venemo_N900Serpent: see tmo for what apps other recommend22:21
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: well it didn't ruin mine22:21
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: HAHA22:21
MohammadAGit rebooted midformat22:21
MohammadAGall of a sudden22:21
MohammadAGand why did I format it? cause it was locked with a symbian device22:22
Venemo_N900Serpent: tmo = talk.maemo.org22:22
MohammadAGwhich follows no standard whatsoever!22:22
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: check bmo for a fix that "destroys some sandisk cards" or sth lke that22:22
MohammadAGit's 4GBs, I used to use for MeeGo weekly builds :/22:22
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, it's not a sandisk, thankfully, I have that 16GB card somewhere else22:23
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* MohammadAG ponders where22:23
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: no idea, the exact wording might differ22:23
Venemo_N900Serpent: if you are not afraid, you can also get yourself in-development apps from the -devel repo (not really recommended to end users though)22:23
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, wasn't that fixed in 1.3?22:23
MohammadAGStskeeps referred to it as card-rape22:24
DocScrutinizeralso I think I've seen it as NB# on one of the patchbatches22:24
NooBmonk3yok MohammadAG ........... i'm ready to package a new version of MaeCount lol22:26
MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, get the old source, copy my debian package into your source directory, run dch to edit the changelog then push22:27
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MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, also, I suggest that since you're on linux, create an SSH key and upload with it22:27
NooBmonk3yooo that be a clever idea!22:27
MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, another thing, you should have scratchbox22:27
NooBmonk3yerm, one bit at a time lol22:27
NooBmonk3ywill get to those last two bits in a sec!22:27
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MohammadAGyou need scratchbox to build a package :p22:28
MohammadAGidk how to/if you can use MADDE22:28
NooBmonk3yso i cant just edit your lot and re-upload?22:28
Venemo_N900NooBmonk3y: you can totally do it with the Qt SDK22:28
NooBmonk3yVenemo_N900, ?!?!?!22:28
* NooBmonk3y cuddles Venemo_N900 !!22:28
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MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, no, obviously not :P22:29
NooBmonk3yNow dont tell me i coulda done it in windows, lol! - i jjust formatted and setup ubuntu22:29
infobotsomebody said maemosdk was
MohammadAGinstall that :#22:29
Venemo_N900NooBmonk3y: I have made Sticky Notes and also packaged it on Windows with the Nokia Qt SDK22:29
NooBmonk3yoh ffs!!!22:29
* NooBmonk3y sulks22:29
MohammadAGVenemo_N900, with changelogs and all?22:30
NooBmonk3yi'm now on ubuntu lol22:30
* DocScrutinizer googles for :3*22:30
MohammadAG(and sources)22:30
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: yes, of course22:30
DocScrutinizerasshead on  ice?22:30
MohammadAGthen it's possible to use MADDE on ubuntu I guess22:30
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RST38hMohammad,Doc: uploaded new xchat, let us see what autobuilder says22:30
NooBmonk3yMohammadAG, would you mind ever so much if you bitch slapped yourself please :)22:30
MohammadAGVenemo_N900, can you walk him through it? I package my stuff with scratchbox, the proper way :P22:30
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: although I had to save the files with Unix encoding22:30
* NooBmonk3y is a dumbass btw!22:31
MohammadAGRST38h, something like "WTF"22:31
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: but 'mad dpkg-buildpackage' worked as it should22:31
Venemo_N900NooBmonk3y: should I PM you?22:31
NooBmonk3yanyway i really should learn how to do this properly22:31
NooBmonk3yVenemo_N900, only if you have time!22:31
MohammadAGVenemo_N900, so that's how you run madde stuff....22:31
DocScrutinizerRST38h: I'm more interested in what HAM will tell me22:32
Venemo_N900well the way I did it worked for both Scratchbox and MAADE22:32
NooBmonk3yDocScrutinizer, HAM will say Mooooooar Bacon22:32
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NooBmonk3yCool - well, i assume i have madde on ubuntu?22:32
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, [!]22:32
MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, yes, the SDK has MADDE22:32
RST38hDoc: Nothing unusual I hope22:32
* NooBmonk3y really is a simpleton lol22:32
Venemo_N900NooBmonk3y: don't worry, I'll help ya22:33
DocScrutinizerRST38h: just "Problems: qt4foobarxy"22:33
DocScrutinizerlike always22:33
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RST38hnaaah,xchat does not use qt22:33
* MohammadAG shouts at autobuilder, build asshole, BUILD, you have 1 minute22:34
NooBmonk3yMohammadAG,  do i need to request to be maintainer to upload the new version?22:34
DocScrutinizerso what new exciting chrome it's get me?22:34
MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, was I set as a maintainer?22:34
MohammadAGI didn't check lol22:34
NooBmonk3ythink so22:35
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, my patch to fix the icon, should display the xchat icon instead of a <missing X icon>22:35
MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, request it, I'll approve and ask X-Fade to remove me when he's back22:35
* MohammadAG shouts @ autobuilder, you missed the import22:35
* MohammadAG resets timer to another 30 minutes22:36
MohammadAGhow much are 32GB microSDs?22:36
* DocScrutinizer does a jig dance of joy, and screams and shouts "new icon, NEW ICON!!" - neighbours call police :-P22:36
RST38ha lot22:36
RST38hand most are slow22:36
* RST38h calls police on Doc22:37
NooBmonk3yMohammadAG, Maintainer Requested For Maecount22:38
NooBmonk3yYour request has been stored.22:38
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Dhraakelliantrying, but it can't seem to find my n90022:38
* MohammadAG starts thunderbird22:39
DocScrutinizerDhraakellian: charge battery! start flasher. plug in unpowered N90022:39
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DocScrutinizerDhraakellian: if you've not screwed up, then your battery might last until you're done22:40
DocScrutinizerDhraakellian: bootlooping eats batery like mad22:41
MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, Component org.maemo.packages failed to handle the request lol22:41
MohammadAGlooks like it approved you though22:42
DhraakellianSuitable USB device not found, waiting.22:42
DhraakellianUnable to enumerate USB devices!22:42
Dhraakellianthe second line comes when I plug in the powered-off n90022:42
NooBmonk3yyup it did MohammadAG  :)22:42
DocScrutinizerthat's weird22:42
DocScrutinizerDhraakellian: remove battery, plug in, re-insert battery22:43
DhraakellianopenSUSE 11.322:43
MohammadAGrunning as root?22:43
MohammadAGalso, 32/64 bit?22:43
DhraakellianDocScrutinizer: ah! I was putting the battery back in first22:43
DocScrutinizerDhraakellian: hold 'u' (though that's not supposed to do anything)22:43
Dhraakellian32-bit, running with sudo, holding 'u'22:43
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I almost successfully flashed a device with hostmode22:44
MohammadAG(N900 -> N900 connection)22:44
DocScrutinizerheh :-D22:44
MohammadAGyou know why it failed? the guy got scared and pulled the USB cable22:45
DocScrutinizernow we only need a virtual loopback on USB :-P22:45
MohammadAG(it went into flashing mode properly, and flasher on the device detected the N900)22:45
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Dhraakellianyeah... I'm getting the failure message as soon as the n900 buzzes to life22:45
MohammadAGand before I rebooted his N900 it said Charging22:45
DocScrutinizerHold that grenade, but DON'T DROP IT! --- WHAAAT?? *booom*22:46
Dhraakelliandrop the grenade, throw the pin22:46
Dhraakellianwait, I think I might have that backwards22:46
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* Dhraakellian wonders if he should track down a debian/ubuntu-based computer somewhere in the house22:47
MohammadAGit should work just fine with openSUSE, ask DocScrutinizer22:47
DocScrutinizerDhraakellian: lsmod|grep g_22:47
* NooBmonk3y has just destroyed a windows 7 one to make an ubuntu one lol22:47
Dhraakelliannf_defrag_ipv4          1201  1 nf_conntrack_ipv422:47
MohammadAGyou removed windows?22:48
DocScrutinizernot that one22:48
DocScrutinizerg_ether, g_anyshit22:48
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DocScrutinizeror was it cdc_*22:48
NooBmonk3yMohammadAG, Gone! (only have an 80gb HDD in here)22:49
* MohammadAG had windows and ubuntu on a 120GB HDD22:49
MohammadAG40GB once22:50
Dhraakellianmind a 3-line paste?22:50
Dhraakelliancdc_phonet              5533  022:50
Dhraakellianphonet                 22229  1 cdc_phonet22:50
Dhraakellianusbcore               191575  5 cdc_phonet,usb_storage,uhci_hcd,ehci_hcd22:50
DocScrutinizerDhraakellian: also, as flasher scans all USB ports sequentially (AIUI), it might help to provide proper USB port name to flasher22:50
MohammadAGbut your question makes it a 4 line paste22:50
* MohammadAG kicks, jk :P22:50
DocScrutinizercdc_phonet is mega-evil here :-)22:50
Dhraakellianrmmod that sucker?22:50
MohammadAGisn't that for modem crap?22:51
MohammadAGwhen's the MeeGo conference again?22:51
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MohammadAGI'm sure it wasn't 12AM :P22:51
DocScrutinizeralso usb_storage might interfere22:51
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DhraakellianDocScrutinizer: it keeps coming back22:52
DocScrutinizeryou made sure you're keeping 'u' pressed, so N900 won't skip over the detection window?22:53
Dhraakellianat this point, I'm considering just futzing around inside NITDroid to see if I can get it to mount things mounted read-write22:54
DhraakellianDocScrutinizer: it's erroring out as soon as the n900 vibrates that it's booting22:54
DocScrutinizerthen try different sequence: plug in while 'u', then immediately start flasher22:55
Dhraakellianokay, split second after22:55
alteregoAlmost finished porting my custom widgets to Qml22:55
MohammadAGit should vibrate when it boots into flashing mode afaik22:56
MohammadAGyou don't need to press the power button22:56
DocScrutinizerI as well had issues with making it flash22:56
MohammadAGit shouldn't*22:56
DocScrutinizerwho said "power button"?22:57
DhraakellianMohammadAG: I'm not22:57
Dhraakellianjust 'u'22:57
DhraakellianSuitable USB device not found, waiting.22:57
DhraakellianUSB device found found at bus 001, device address 057.22:57
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DhraakellianError claiming USB interface: Device or resource busy22:57
MohammadAGit vibrates when doing that?22:57
MohammadAGsorry, always have my device in R&D mode22:58
DocScrutinizerplug in, hold 'u', insert battery, gasp, hit return on flasher22:58
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MohammadAGDevice or resource busy, try a different port(?)22:58
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MohammadAGor reboot I guess, some module is keeping the port busy22:58
Dhraakellianfrack need more hands22:59
DocScrutinizerDhraakellian: (Device or resource busy) rmmod :-/22:59
MohammadAGyeah, I always wondered why we had only 2 hands23:00
DocScrutinizerremove other USB stuff23:00
DocScrutinizeraka unplug it23:00
DocScrutinizercdc_phonet MUST NOT come up23:00
DhraakellianDocScrutinizer: well, when I didn't drop stuff, that last order apperas to have worked23:01
Dhraakellian'course, the backlight isn't on23:01
MohammadAGsince when does revision 2001 exist?23:02
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MohammadAGI've only seen 210123:02
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MohammadAGDhraakellian, so it worked :)23:02
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Dhraakellianand I'm glad I have the bright overhead light on23:03
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* MohammadAG wants to be able to boot that image using uBoot23:03
DocScrutinizerOMFG you're doing WHAT exactly?23:03
MohammadAGRecovery image DocScrutinizer23:03
DocScrutinizerlost that23:04
MohammadAGwhich reminds me23:04
MohammadAGI need to try it again23:04
Dhraakellianso, let's see... to edit that /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini (?) file...23:04
DhraakellianUSB storage mode, mount, and go in with desktop-side vim?23:04
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DocScrutinizercya all23:07
MohammadAGDhraakellian, or ssh23:07
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MohammadAGwell usb storage exports the 32GB eMMC afaik, not the root partitions23:07
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MohammadAGso ssh it is23:07
Dhraakelliannoticing that now23:08
MohammadAGit'll be on port 22, IP
Dhraakellianconnection timed out23:09
Dhraakellianenabled USB networking23:09
Dhraakellianhmm... recovery terminal to start sshd?23:10
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MohammadAGno, sshd is started when you press N23:11
Dhraakellianssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out23:12
DocScrutinizeriirc it exports both fs. Need replug probably23:12
MohammadAGmohammad@mohammad-i5laptop:~/recovery$ sudo ifconfig usb0
MohammadAGmohammad@mohammad-i5laptop:~/recovery$ ssh root@
MohammadAGssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused23:13
Gh0styis it possible that the new power kernel breaks the led? :/23:13
Gh0styI don't get any led notification that sms'es arrive, that my phone is charging etc ...23:13
DocScrutinizerhell, not exporting / would be failwale23:13
MohammadAGfailwhale it is23:14
villevit appears dpkg diversions can get around the "ssu enforcement" metapackage23:14
villevor am I wrong?23:14
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DocScrutinizerWhen using USB storage mode the initrd mounts eMMC and the microSD card  -  BWAHAHAHAAAAHAA23:16
* Dhraakellian is ever so close to stabbing something now23:16
Dhraakellianand all this just to edit a single character on a single line of a single file to keep hildon-desktop from crashing on me and shutting down the phone23:17
MohammadAG#meego's dead too23:17
MohammadAGwhat port does it effing run ssh on23:17
DocScrutinizerDhraakellian: try recovery console, and edit directly on N90023:18
DhraakellianDocScrutinizer: sure, I was gonna do that23:18
Dhraakellian...but how do I type the friggin '/'?23:18
MohammadAGyou don't, that's the problem with the intrd23:18
MohammadAGuse CTRL+I to tab23:18
MohammadAGyou need to modprobe ubifs and mount the ubi0:rootfs block23:19
Dhraakellianfrom the recovery console?23:19
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DocScrutinizerwhy not? :-D23:20
NooBmonk3yMohammadAG,  i need a linux geek lol!23:20
MohammadAGgives my unknown module format fyi23:20
NooBmonk3yHow do i add a folder path to the linux PATH thingy, so i can run a file from within that folder ?23:20
DocScrutinizero/ again23:20
NooBmonk3ygod i'm useless at describing things23:20
MohammadAGecho $PATH23:20
MohammadAGcopy the shit in it23:20
MohammadAGthen export PATH=paste;whatyouwanthere23:21
MohammadAGnot ;23:21
MohammadAGbut you have to do it in each shell, or add it to your profile23:21
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: I didn't know that either, so thanks :J23:21
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Venemo_N900MohammadAG: how to add it to my profile?23:21
* MohammadAG sighs, ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused, #meego's asleep23:22
myuuoh my buffer kind of screwed me over23:22
myuuI wanted to know what a good price for an n900 is23:22
MohammadAGVenemo_N900, nano ~/.profile23:22
MohammadAGscroll down, you'll figure it out :)23:22
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: k, will check once I get home23:23
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MohammadAG# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists23:23
MohammadAGif [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then23:23
MohammadAG    PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"23:23
Dhraakellianmodprobe complains of an unknown symbol23:23
MohammadAGor just edit /etc/profile to edit all users' paths23:23
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MohammadAGDhraakellian, <MohammadAG> gives my unknown module format fyi23:23
MohammadAGso much for a recovery initrd23:24
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MohammadAGDhraakellian, got a microSD nearby?23:24
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Venemo_N900ok, the N900 survived the train journey without a single disconnection from the cellular network23:24
DhraakellianMohammadAG: a couple, yeah23:24
Venemo_N900seems that this one has a better reception23:24
Dhraakellianone with NITDroid, one 8GB class 623:25
RST38hit is in the repos!23:25
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NooBmonk3y$PATH doesnt seem to want me to add /home/greg/NokiaQtSDK/Maemo/4.6.2/madbin23:25
Venemo_N900also this was 3 hours of continuous usage with web, irc, and music, screen on, and the battery endured it23:25
NooBmonk3yVenemo_N900,  but alot of NooBmonk3y harrassment!23:25
Venemo_N900NooBmonk3y: that was no harassment23:26
DhraakellianMohammadAG: what are you recommending I do with said µSD?23:26
Venemo_N900NooBmonk3y: packaging was so much of a pain for me that I always feel good when I can save some of the pain for others23:26
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* Dhraakellian wishes he'd backed up photos more recently23:28
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Dhraakellianused the backup util a few package installations ago, sometime last week, but I haven't actually copied over stuff from the camera in a while23:28
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Dhraakellianotherwise, I'd just do a full-on reflash at this point23:29
NooBmonk3yoh ffs23:29
MohammadAGeMMC lives on a different device, flashing won't touch it23:29
NooBmonk3ycan you not add anything in /home/user to path?23:29
MohammadAGjust add /home/user to PATH23:29
NooBmonk3ycos it wont let me add my folder23:29
DhraakellianMohammadAG: hmm...23:29
NooBmonk3ythats what i'm trying23:29
MohammadAGbut now I'm annoyed myself23:30
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MohammadAGit should work23:30
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NooBmonk3y/home/greg/NokiaQtSDK/Maemo/4.6.2/madbin: No such file or directory23:30
NooBmonk3ybut it's there!23:30
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NooBmonk3yi can see it23:30
NooBmonk3yand no capital letter mistakes!23:31
MohammadAGno, you add a directory, not the file itself23:31
NooBmonk3ythat is the directory23:31
Venemo_N900that is a directory23:31
NooBmonk3ymad is the file23:31
MohammadAGexport PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/home/greg/NokiaQtSDK/Maemo23:31
* MohammadAG checks23:31
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Venemo_N900NooBmonk3y: are you sure you spelled it allright?23:31
NooBmonk3ycopied it from the file properties window to make sure23:32
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Venemo_N900does cd work for that?23:32
Venemo_N900as in, 'cd <directoryname>'23:33
NooBmonk3ydo i need to be root?23:33
NooBmonk3yand no cd doesnt lol23:33
Venemo_N900nah, train arrived!!!23:33
Venemo_N900NooBmonk3y: well then try to find the directory correctly23:34
MohammadAGmohammad@mohammad-i5laptop:~$ /usr/bin/which dh_install23:34
MohammadAGadd madbin first23:35
MohammadAGmohammad@mohammad-i5laptop:~$ export PATH=/home/mohammad/NokiaQtSDK/Maemo/4.6.2/madbin:/home/mohammad/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games=/home/mohammad/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games23:35
MohammadAGmohammad@mohammad-i5laptop:~$ which dh_install23:35
Venemo_N900bah battery low23:35
Venemo_N900I would stop bme, but am afraid of the consequences23:36
SpeedEvilThere are few consequences really23:36
NooBmonk3yok, well the cd now works, path doesnt23:36
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, his device didn't do autonomous charge once23:36
Venemo_N900SpeedEvil: last time the battery was so empty that the device didn't wanna charge it23:37
MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, export PATH=/home/greg/NokiaQtSDK/Maemo/madbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games23:37
SpeedEvilNot even emergency charge?23:37
Venemo_N900well this is another device23:37
Venemo_N900I always forget23:37
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MohammadAGstop bme then23:37
MohammadAGI think your old one was borked somehow23:37
MohammadAGmine always charges from flat23:38
Venemo_N900ok, stopped bme23:38
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cehtehpower45 or not .. *thinking*23:38
cehtehmhm .. idea .. making a backup first :)23:38
Venemo_N900anyway, I won't use it for hours like last ime23:38
NooBmonk3ybash: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games=/home/greg/NokiaQtSDK/Maemo/4.6.2/madbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games: No such file or directory23:38
Venemo_N900SpeedEvil, MohammadAG: last time battery dropped to like 2.4 V23:39
* Dhraakellian plugs his n900 into a wall wart via a shorted out USB extension cord23:39
Dhraakellianerm... data pins shorted together23:39
MohammadAGthat's weird...23:39
MohammadAGmine shuts down on like 3.2 something23:39
* Dhraakellian reads up on updating/flashing firmware23:40
DocScrutinizerNooBmonk3y: NO DOLLAR at start!23:40
Venemo_N900well it was screen off, offline mode, and only music playback23:40
NooBmonk3ybloody dollars23:40
NooBmonk3yand works!23:40
NooBmonk3ynow where was i!23:40
MohammadAGNooBmonk3y, use export as I stated23:40
MohammadAGoh well23:40
Venemo_N900the poor thing played music for 3 hours before dying23:41
Venemo_N900and it was 'battery low' the entire afternoon before that23:41
* MohammadAG starts creating a small distro that only consists of basic bash shell and working terminal23:41
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: what for?23:41
MohammadAGobviously, the MeeGo image is shit23:41
MohammadAGVenemo_N900, recovery23:41
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: oh.23:42
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: heard about such a distro but the name escapes me atm23:42
Venemo_N900NooBmonk3y: so does it work?23:42
DocScrutinizerDhraakellian: make sure it actually charges, and doesn't bootloop23:42
MohammadAGit's in a boot loop DocScrutinizer23:43
DocScrutinizerDhraakellian: does it flash amber, and nothing else?23:43
MohammadAGyou know23:43
Dhraakellianthe amber LED is fading in and out23:43
MohammadAGbefore you reflash, you could try R&D mode23:43
* Dhraakellian will wait for it to go green23:43
DocScrutinizerDhraakellian: ack23:43
MohammadAGDhraakellian, before reflashing, try flasher-3.5 --enable-rd-mode --set-rd-flags=no-lifeguard-reset23:44
MohammadAGas root23:44
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: bootloops on desktop segfault23:44
MohammadAGthat _should_ start up the device23:44
DhraakellianDocScrutinizer: I have it powered off and plugged in just for charging23:44
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, dsme causes the bootloop, what a retarded feature it is23:44
MohammadAGthat flag kills dsme23:44
DhraakellianDocScrutinizer: yarr, which is why I'm not actually booting it23:44
MohammadAGas I said earlier today, I can use my N900 X-less23:44
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> Dhraakellian, before reflashing, try flasher-3.5 --enable-rd-mode --set-rd-flags=no-lifeguard-reset23:44
MohammadAGactually, try it now23:44
NooBmonk3yVenemo_N900, Just realised something23:45
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: x-less=?23:45
Venemo_N900NooBmonk3y: yeah?23:45
MohammadAGthen boot up the device normally, hildon-home might keep crashing23:45
NooBmonk3ygot an error when running mad dpkg-buildpackage23:45
MohammadAGVenemo_N900, without an X server23:45
NooBmonk3ydpkg-buildpackage: error: unable to determine source changed by23:45
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Venemo_N900MohammadAG: yeah23:45
NooBmonk3yam i missing something?23:45
MohammadAGkill X on your device and it'll reboot23:45
Venemo_N900NooBmonk3y: changelog file23:45
DhraakellianMohammadAG: ...but I can still go in with Vim and edit what needs to be edited?23:45
MohammadAGDhraakellian, probably yes23:45
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: kill bme and it'll reboot23:45
Venemo_N900NooBmonk3y: put in it at least one entry, in the right format23:46
DocScrutinizersounds familiar, no?23:46
Venemo_N900NooBmonk3y: see mine for an example23:46
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, bme isn't as vital as the desktop, at least according to Nokia's team23:46
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: you missed my point23:46
MohammadAGseriously, was implementing something as easy as if reboots > 3 stop rebooting difficult?23:47
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: try "stop matchbox" (s/matchbox/<whatever>/)23:47
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Venemo_N900DocScrutinizer: afaik matchbox is not running when hildon-desktop is running23:47
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: this is already implemented, just see dmsetool --help23:48
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, my dsme isn't alive anyways23:48
MohammadAGooh, I can partition the eMMC with the recovery image23:49
MohammadAGand 64MBs unpartitioned, weird...23:49
DocScrutinizerdue to geometry23:49
SpeedEvilVenemo_N900: I don't think it can do that - I've had it measuring 0 when the internal cutout operated.23:49
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Venemo_N900SpeedEvil: well this was what the guy at the Nokia repair centre told me23:50
MohammadAGlol I like the Xorg failed to start message23:51
Venemo_N900SpeedEvil: I have no reason not to believe him23:51
MohammadAGit says contact, do they even know what X is?23:51
DocScrutinizerdevice will hard-shutdown on <3.2V iirc23:51
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ShadowJKcan you call it ANSI AVC next time23:52
DocScrutinizerto drain it further you either need repeated bootups (which all fail), or some direct consumer, like LP5523 notif LED is still eating battery23:52
ShadowJKor ANSI AVC.26423:52
ShadowJKoh wrong chan23:52
* MohammadAG ponders decreasing swap23:53
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DocScrutinizermake 2 swaps of half the size23:53
SpeedEvil2724 is the lowest I see on several boots23:54
Dhraakellianokay, hildon-desktop just crashed on me...23:54
SpeedEvilseveral discharges to hardware 'off'23:54
* Dhraakellian tries to remember what comes next23:54
MohammadAGDhraakellian, but the device started right?23:54
SpeedEvilAt this point, it won't even startup at all23:54
pupnik < sevenless> IRC is just multiplayer notepad, yet it's very addictive23:54
Dhraakellianyes, as it had, even before enabling R&D mode23:55
DocScrutinizerDhraakellian: ssh23:55
MohammadAGDhraakellian, no, I meant it's still on, right?23:55
Dhraakellianhmm... seeing several widgets up in the corner, all piled on top of each other23:55
MohammadAGignore them23:55
Venemo_N900DocScrutinizer, SpeedEvil: so the guy lied to me?23:56
DocScrutinizerseen this before23:56
MohammadAGthey'll get rearranged when the desktop starts23:56
DocScrutinizerVenemo_N900: possibly23:56
Dhraakelliannow how to get to that terminal?23:56
SpeedEvilVenemo_N900: I would hesitate on saying that.23:56
MohammadAGDhraakellian, ssh23:56
Venemo_N900anyway, after charging it manually, the N900 was able to charge it and that's what matters23:57
SpeedEvilVenemo_N900: I could be wrong. Your battery may have been faulty. Your n900 may have been faulty.23:57
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: he likely was incompetent23:57
MohammadAGX terminal will probably not capture the kb input without a desktop23:57
DhraakellianMohammadAG: I don't have sshd running by default23:57
SpeedEvilVenemo_N900: he may have measured the wrong pins, ...23:57
Dhraakellianit's installed, but not running23:57
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: good point23:57
DhraakellianI'm missing something ridiculously obvious, aren't I?23:58
SpeedEvilI tend to be reluctant to actually say people are lying intentionally, unless they earn about 10* average salary.23:58
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SpeedEvilThen you get people that do it professionally.23:59

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