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`Francesca_Lucch | how do i ake screen shots in n900? | 00:03 |
MohammadAG | CTRL+SHIFT+P | 00:04 |
SpeedEvil | ctrl-shift-p | 00:04 |
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merlincorey | there's an app for that, too | 00:04 |
merlincorey | I've always wanted to say that in a non-i-zone | 00:04 |
merlincorey | but yeah there's an app that does screenshots/screencasting | 00:04 |
SpeedEvil | cpu-applet | 00:05 |
SpeedEvil | generally a good thing to install | 00:05 |
merlincorey | yeah I like that one - odd that it adds a little meter AND does screenshotting but hey :P | 00:05 |
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DocScrutinizer | a mandatory thing to install | 00:12 |
Venemo | is it possible to install the Diablo SDK alongside the Fremantle one? | 00:14 |
timeless_mbp | Venemo: using scratchbox? | 00:16 |
DocScrutinizer | yacc: sounds are also played for loss/establishing of connectivity | 00:16 |
Venemo | timeless_mbp: yes, for now | 00:17 |
DocScrutinizer | then a warning sound is played for bat-low notifications | 00:17 |
timeless_mbp | Venemo: basically you create a distinct scratchbox for each sdk | 00:17 |
timeless_mbp | well, one for x86-diablo, one for arm-diablo, one for x86-fremantle, one for arm-fremantle | 00:17 |
timeless_mbp | you just switch between them... | 00:17 |
Venemo | timeless_mbp: yes, that much I know | 00:18 |
Venemo | timeless_mbp: the question is, where do I get the packages for the Diablo SDK? | 00:19 |
Venemo | timeless_mbp: there's no download link on http://tablets-dev.nokia.com/#sdk_releases | 00:19 |
luke-jr_ | … | 00:19 |
luke-jr_ | I need an app that does an alarm every N hours, allowing me to reset it early | 00:19 |
luke-jr_ | any ideas? | 00:19 |
timeless_mbp | http://tablets-dev.nokia.com/diablo/INSTALL.txt ? | 00:19 |
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Venemo | timeless_mbp: k, thanks | 00:20 |
DocScrutinizer | yacc: first you could try "for f in /usr/share/sounds/*; do echo $f; aplay $f; sleep 1; done" and find out which sound exactly it was that pestered you | 00:21 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | luke-jr_: alarmed? | 00:27 |
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* lardman hates writing GUI code | 00:52 | |
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johnsq | lardman: it is easy text box and let enter the commands. | 00:55 |
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lardman | :) | 00:55 |
lardman | if only | 00:55 |
lardman | trying to get my head around pyqt | 00:55 |
Chani | pyqt ftw :) | 00:56 |
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lardman | can you add a layout to a layout? Seems not, quite confusing coming from GTK+ | 00:57 |
Carneque | Hey all, anyone know if MeBook reads pdf files? | 00:57 |
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lardman | hmm, seems rather than being able to group together widgets in H or V Boxes, one needs to generate a GridLayout and set the exact positions | 01:02 |
lardman | shame that | 01:02 |
Chani | o.0 | 01:03 |
Chani | lardman: yes you can add a layout to a layout. | 01:03 |
Chani | qt is very anti-exact-positions ;) | 01:03 |
lardman | oh right | 01:04 |
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lardman | well that is good, I wonder why my IDE was moaning at me | 01:04 |
Chani | it should be something like layout1.addLayout(layout2) | 01:04 |
Chani | oh, IDEs.. | 01:04 |
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lardman | yeah that was what I was doing | 01:04 |
Chani | lardman: qt designer? | 01:04 |
lardman | nah, am using Spyder | 01:04 |
lardman | is PyQT | 01:04 |
Chani | oh. never heard of it | 01:04 |
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* Chani makes a note | 01:04 | |
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lardman | nor me, just wanted something that worked under Windows and did completion | 01:05 |
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lardman | is a bit like MATLAB, which is nice for me | 01:05 |
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lardman | ah, I think I need to s/set/add | 01:06 |
Chani | lardman: btw, #qt is a good channel for questions like that :) | 01:06 |
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lardman | Chani: yeah, I was more just thinking out loud, but I guess I should head there and ask if I have problems | 01:07 |
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lardman | ooo! I'm happy, I have a GUI finally working (under Windows at least, but it's a start) | 01:09 |
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Chani | :) | 01:09 |
nuovodna | hi, i receive this error with "apt-get dist-upgrade" : pymaemo-optify but is not going to be installed | 01:10 |
lardman | I always find it's that effort to get the first UI up and running that is the worst, then it's just modification | 01:10 |
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nuovodna | but pymaemo-optify is installed (extras-devel active) | 01:10 |
* lardman likes algorithms, not presentation | 01:10 | |
* Chani usually starts by modifying an existing app ;) | 01:10 | |
lardman | Chani: yeah I was considering that, but thought (foolishly) that it would be quicker to write from scratch than dig out something similar | 01:11 |
Chani | pyqt + .ui files dynamically loaded = stupidly easy UI prototypes | 01:11 |
lardman | not so fond of .ui files tbh | 01:12 |
lardman | I'd prefer to see the code | 01:12 |
Chani | eh.. depends on the situation | 01:12 |
lardman | and I also don't much like QT Designer | 01:12 |
pupnik | tell me of your homeworld, usul | 01:12 |
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lardman | it's a bit half-hearted in terms of UI 0design - can't drag stuff around and resize, hard to add items to layouts or other widgets, etc | 01:13 |
Chani | for fairly straightforward, static UIs (say, a config dialog or a toy app) ui files are much easier and maintainable. for a more complex, dynamic UI you end up wanting code. ...or you can use both :) | 01:13 |
lardman | sure, I just don't see much time saved using it really | 01:13 |
Chani | lardman: I never had problems dragging things around... I tend to only resize the main dialog though, everything else follows its layout and if it's not the right size then I didn't do the layout right ;) | 01:14 |
lardman | for me perhaps, but not next time round, etc | 01:14 |
lardman | re layouts - that may be my failing there, the only GUI design tool I've used is the dreaded VB, which sets absolute positions and sizes, so is a bit hard to get away from that thinking | 01:15 |
Chani | eeeeew | 01:15 |
lardman | can't argue that VB produces code quickly though ;) | 01:15 |
Chani | designer's layouting can be a bit fiddly at times, though. I never tought the draggable layouts, I always right-click a widget to set its layout | 01:15 |
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Chani | s/tought/touch/ | 01:16 |
infobot | Chani meant: designer's layouting can be a bit fiddly at times, though. I never touch the draggable layouts, I always right-click a widget to set its layout | 01:16 |
Chani | aand I really need sleep :P | 01:16 |
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lardman | If I have widgets in the UI already, I had all sorts of troubles trying to insert a layout into iirc a QGroupBox widget | 01:16 |
lardman | as the widget was 2 pixels high and wouldn't let me insert anything | 01:17 |
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lardman | but again that may be my fault, as perhaps I needed to wrap something in a layout, or not | 01:17 |
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lardman | shame the little tree diagram showing widgets and layouts doesn't allow dragging and dropping of the various bits and bobs to change things when it's hard to do in the graphical representation | 01:18 |
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lardman | Chani: night night, thanks for the help :) | 01:22 |
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luke-jr_ | DocScrutinizer51: is that an app? | 01:22 |
DocScrutinizer | yes | 01:22 |
DocScrutinizer | though not for debian afaik | 01:23 |
DocScrutinizer | or gebtoo | 01:23 |
DocScrutinizer | gentoo* | 01:23 |
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luke-jr_ | DocScrutinizer: thinking for Maemo atm | 01:28 |
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lcuk2 | DocScrutinizer, you got an internal schematic of n900? | 01:31 |
lcuk2 | around the stylus slot especially | 01:31 |
DocScrutinizer | err, sorry? | 01:31 |
lardman | where's qwerty when you need him? ;) | 01:32 |
DocScrutinizer | what's an internal schematic? | 01:32 |
lardman | lcuk2: I have one, but not handy, can send it to you tomorrow - schematic iirc and pics | 01:32 |
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lcuk2 | lardman, :) awesome, thanks | 01:32 |
lcuk2 | something appears to have been forced into it | 01:33 |
lcuk2 | and its broken | 01:33 |
lardman | hmm | 01:33 |
DocScrutinizer | (i got friggin transition failures with mhd though :-( No fun) | 01:33 |
lcuk2 | can get a stylus in, but not out | 01:33 |
lardman | I've got the disassembly guide thing which should show the hw layout | 01:33 |
lardman | otoh a quick search of e.g. rapidshare might get you the pdf this evening | 01:33 |
DocScrutinizer | lcuk2: why don't you ask for what you really need? | 01:34 |
MohammadAG51 | DocScrutinizer, transition failures? | 01:34 |
DocScrutinizer | lardman: all this is easily available and well documented where to get it | 01:34 |
lardman | indeed | 01:35 |
MohammadAG51 | DocScrutinizer, uninstall mhd, install my modified desktop, then install matan's | 01:35 |
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MohammadAG51 | you're probably missing pr1.2 libs | 01:35 |
MohammadAG51 | ignore that, don't install mine, you're on 1.1.1 | 01:36 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG51: weird shit. dialer refuses to change screen orientation until I click on the menu and select (e.g.?) "rotation". This very moment it rotates accordingly and then is sticky there again | 01:36 |
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MohammadAG51 | DocScrutinizer, did you reboot after installation? | 01:36 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG51: nope, clean PR1.2 here | 01:36 |
DocScrutinizer | err, good call | 01:36 |
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MohammadAG51 | DocScrutinizer, btw, matan's deb only has the hildon-desktop binary | 01:37 |
MohammadAG51 | you need the new transitions.ini | 01:37 |
DocScrutinizer | duh | 01:37 |
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DocScrutinizer | anyway efect was weird, transitions/screen-rotation only took place when opening a new window | 01:38 |
MohammadAG51 | yeah, happens here sometimes | 01:38 |
MohammadAG51 | http://mohammadag.xceleo.org/public/maemo/debfiles/new/hildon-desktop-kinetic_2.2.138-1+0m5_armel.deb | 01:38 |
lcuk2 | DocScrutinizer, http://liqbase.net/IMG_1940_tab.jpg | 01:38 |
MohammadAG51 | uninstall mhd, install that, then install mhd | 01:38 |
MohammadAG51 | or just extract transitions.ini | 01:38 |
lcuk2 | based on your photos here | 01:38 |
lcuk2 | http://people.openmoko.org/joerg/n900/ | 01:38 |
* MohammadAG51 downgrades lcuk2 | 01:38 | |
DocScrutinizer | meh, why isn't that in the dependen... errr it's a .deb :-S | 01:38 |
lcuk2 | http://people.openmoko.org/joerg/n900/images/IMG_1940.JPG | 01:39 |
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lcuk2 | the circled highlight on my device has a metal tab sticking out | 01:39 |
MohammadAG51 | lcuk2, can't you bend it back in? | 01:39 |
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lcuk2 | i might be able to now I have seen photos | 01:40 |
* MohammadAG51 goes to bed | 01:41 | |
MohammadAG51 | night | 01:41 |
lcuk2 | \o | 01:41 |
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lardman | nighty night MohammadAG51 | 01:42 |
lardman | hey SpeedEvil | 01:42 |
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SpeedEvil | hey | 01:44 |
babsher_ | are there any minimal distributions of maemo out there. Like ones with not GUI | 01:44 |
DocScrutinizer | damn DSL outage | 01:44 |
DocScrutinizer | lcuk2: what exactly is your question? | 01:45 |
wmarone | babsher_: not really, since there are no other distributions of Maemo | 01:45 |
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DocScrutinizer | I looked at the photos, but don't really understand your problem | 01:45 |
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babsher_ | I have heard of people building there own images | 01:45 |
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lcuk2 | DocScrutinizer, dont fret :) I knew you had taken photos of the internals of n900 | 01:46 |
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wmarone | sure, but they cannot redistribute them | 01:46 |
lcuk2 | i needed to see one from around the stylus hole | 01:46 |
babsher_ | ok well that is fine | 01:46 |
babsher_ | How would you go about doing that then. | 01:46 |
DocScrutinizer | lcuk2: all the photos I took are on that page you referred to | 01:46 |
babsher_ | can you do it with scratch box | 01:46 |
DocScrutinizer | in original resolution and all | 01:47 |
lcuk2 | DocScrutinizer, yes and I found that after I spoke in here. | 01:47 |
lardman | babsher_: what sort of image do you want to create? | 01:47 |
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babsher_ | well i just want a shell with python | 01:47 |
lcuk2 | babsher_, no ui? | 01:48 |
babsher_ | ya no ui | 01:48 |
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lardman | might be worth looking at the Meego image builder then | 01:48 |
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lardman | otherwise there's OE | 01:48 |
babsher_ | i have messed around with oe a bit | 01:49 |
babsher_ | i never got it to compile though | 01:49 |
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lardman | babsher_: Meego is more up to date | 01:49 |
babsher_ | do you have a link | 01:49 |
lardman | and afaiu the build process, quite similar | 01:49 |
lardman | http://wiki.meego.com/ARM/N900 | 01:50 |
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lardman | There's a link there for Meego Image Creator, which is what you will want | 01:51 |
babsher_ | ok i found it | 01:51 |
babsher_ | thanks for the help! | 01:51 |
lardman | np, I hope it will do what you need | 01:51 |
babsher_ | looks like it is for fedora | 01:52 |
lardman | build system? Yeah | 01:52 |
lardman | chroot so Stskeeps suggests | 01:52 |
babsher_ | i am running ubuntu. maybe i could get a fedora virtual machine | 01:53 |
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lardman | ping Stskeeps tomorrow | 01:53 |
DocScrutinizer | lcuk: so what's your problem? can't pull out stylus? | 01:54 |
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DocScrutinizer | lcuk: if that's your problem, it most probably isn't caused by the spring you marked in your picture | 01:56 |
lardman | I do hate the way the PyQt docs are all repros of the C++ stuff | 01:56 |
lardman | still using C++ code to boot | 01:57 |
wmarone | aww | 01:57 |
wmarone | pandaboard requires removal of 28 resistors and jumpering of 28 connections to activate the parallel display lines | 01:57 |
lardman | soldertastic | 01:58 |
DocScrutinizer | hmm, sounds fair enough | 01:58 |
DocScrutinizer | after all removing 0402 or 0603 isn't really an art | 01:58 |
babsher_ | looks like there are Debian packages, for the meego image creator | 01:58 |
lcuk | DocScrutinizer, i have stylus out now, but ive got a metal shard sticking out in the stylus canal | 01:59 |
DocScrutinizer | ouch | 01:59 |
lcuk | so i can push it in, then it gets trapped on the ledge of the stylus | 01:59 |
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DocScrutinizer | weird scary FFS | 02:00 |
lcuk | yeah, its a bit rubbish, I cant insert tweezers to pull the shard into different pos | 02:00 |
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lcuk | and it just flexes when I press it | 02:00 |
DocScrutinizer | I wonder though how such thing can happen | 02:00 |
DocScrutinizer | nah, you need to disassemble | 02:01 |
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lcuk | there appears to be more of a gap now towards the body of the device | 02:01 |
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lcuk | looks like it was pushed at an angle | 02:01 |
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lcuk | i cant' its my n00 | 02:01 |
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* lardman hits the sack, night all | 02:05 | |
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nox- | moin | 02:05 |
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SpeedEvil | lcuk: how did that happen? | 02:09 |
SpeedEvil | lcuk: Oh - someone jammed it in your hole. | 02:09 |
SpeedEvil | I forgot. | 02:09 |
lcuk | SpeedEvil, IDK put stylus back in after a couple of weeks | 02:09 |
kerio | that's what she said | 02:10 |
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lcuk | lol | 02:10 |
SpeedEvil | Have you considere nokia care? | 02:10 |
lcuk | SpeedEvil, I have only just discovered it | 02:10 |
lcuk | and never heard of it before | 02:10 |
evilrob | Im not figuring out how to enable google traffic in mappero. there is a tile set for it, but how do i turn it on? | 02:11 |
lcuk | my stylus hole has teeth. | 02:11 |
kerio | feed it bacon | 02:11 |
lcuk | my n900 runs on bacon already | 02:11 |
kerio | omnomnom | 02:12 |
evilrob | mmm bacon | 02:12 |
SpeedEvil | Oh | 02:12 |
lcuk | I replaced the BL-5J battery with BA-ON | 02:12 |
SpeedEvil | lcuk: Someone elsehitthesame problem | 02:12 |
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lcuk | hmm SpeedEvil link | 02:12 |
SpeedEvil | no | 02:13 |
kerio | ba-on? | 02:13 |
evilrob | mappero help? | 02:13 |
SpeedEvil | Look at the logs about a week to four weeks ago. | 02:13 |
lcuk | evilrob, not sure :$ | 02:13 |
lcuk | kerio, - == C | 02:13 |
evilrob | :( | 02:13 |
kerio | huh? | 02:13 |
kerio | what's a BA-ON | 02:14 |
lcuk | mmmm BA-ON | 02:14 |
kerio | lol | 02:14 |
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kerio | we gotta make a bacon-cell battery | 02:14 |
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evilrob | thats the only app i really want but dont have. i have more than i want otherwise | 02:15 |
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kerio | a bacon app? | 02:15 |
lcuk | evilrob, search help docs | 02:15 |
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evilrob | cant now. driving. | 02:16 |
lcuk | kerio, bacon-cells are nearly as awesome as alcohol powered fuel cells | 02:16 |
kerio | but that would make the bacon-powered battery a perpetual motion machine | 02:16 |
lcuk | i do like the idea of the BA-ON battery | 02:16 |
SpeedEvil | Hoovering++ | 02:17 |
SpeedEvil | Found a few pogo-pins. | 02:17 |
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lcuk | SpeedEvil, still curious about the stylus issue | 02:18 |
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lcuk | johnxI let someone else hold it to give me directions in the car, they took the stylus out, checked directions, jammed the stylus back in at an angle and now the stylus doesn't want to fit in | 02:19 |
lcuk | holy crap johnx, snap! | 02:19 |
lcuk | thanks for the tip SpeedEvil | 02:20 |
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evilrob | it appears mappero has no help, but a talk.maemo.org thread | 02:24 |
SpeedEvil | lcuk: It was someone that passed the n900 to someont to look at something, and they jammed trhe stylus in wrong | 02:24 |
SpeedEvil | oh | 02:24 |
SpeedEvil | right | 02:24 |
lcuk | yes I found it | 02:25 |
SpeedEvil | yeah. I sometimes fail at actually reading the words on the screen. | 02:25 |
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pupnik | i love this omap3 portable with 4200mAh battery | 02:25 |
pupnik | it just needs to get built | 02:25 |
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lcuk | pupnik, I would like something with uptime calculated in months even with always on? :D | 02:26 |
lcuk | how long do eink devices last? | 02:27 |
SpeedEvil | Well - I have got a battery that will do about a month. | 02:28 |
SpeedEvil | And it is portable - sort-of. | 02:28 |
ShadowJK | shoulder strap? | 02:28 |
SpeedEvil | Car battery. | 02:28 |
* SpeedEvil sighs. | 02:28 | |
ShadowJK | backpack then | 02:28 |
SpeedEvil | I wish mechanical prototyping was easier. | 02:28 |
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SpeedEvil | I want to make a little thing that is maybe the same size as the n900, you drop it on the floor, and then step on it 100 times to get enough charge to recharge the phone. | 02:29 |
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ShadowJK | my new sim-issue fix attempt: padding everywhere EXCEPT sim bay | 02:36 |
kthomas_vh | heh | 02:36 |
kthomas_vh | I'll try that :) | 02:37 |
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ShadowJK | actually im just padding one side of battery bay right now | 02:42 |
ShadowJK | to elevate battery away from sim holder | 02:42 |
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pupnik | lcuk: unfortunately the market is not aligned with my tastes in portables. 1000-1500mAh batteries with omap3 class SOCs are about 3x too small for me. I want a real full-day and that means 3000+ mAh | 02:45 |
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pupnik | there are a few guys who agree with my priorities in terms of power vs battery, and that's the openpandora guys | 02:46 |
* ShadowJK is using 2400mAh battery with n900 and it's not enough for comfortably streaming music during a day at work | 02:48 | |
jaska | o.O? theres a larger battery for n900? where? | 02:49 |
ShadowJK | mugen power | 02:49 |
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jaska | hmm, i wonder if i can get them in .fi somehow | 02:50 |
ShadowJK | sure | 02:50 |
ShadowJK | they ship worldwide | 02:50 |
ShadowJK | if you have a cc | 02:51 |
jaska | i presume thatd require a credit card | 02:51 |
SpeedEvil | I've been pondering making a backup pack. | 02:51 |
ShadowJK | or paypal | 02:51 |
pupnik | why not make a n901 with 1500mAh battery, n810 speakers and a 4-row keyboard... | 02:52 |
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loufoque_ | what is the name of the N900 successor and where can I find info about it? | 02:52 |
lcuk | SpeedEvil, make a magazine that can take BJ-4L | 02:52 |
lcuk | BL-5J | 02:52 |
lcuk | even | 02:52 |
ShadowJK | There is no info about a successor | 02:52 |
lcuk | then you load that into n900 | 02:52 |
ds3 | much rather have the old 800 style w/o the keyboard. just a handful of buttons | 02:53 |
DocScrutinizer | pupnik: simple answer? Making hw is fsckng expensive | 02:53 |
luke-jr_ | ShadowJK: liar :P | 02:54 |
luke-jr_ | loufoque_: IIRC engadget had a teardown | 02:54 |
ShadowJK | luke-jr, there are rumours and speculation, sure | 02:54 |
FIQ|n900 | i prefer having a keyboard than not having it | 02:54 |
lcuk | ds3, everyone has their own | 02:54 |
lcuk | favourite | 02:54 |
loufoque_ | lcuk: i thought they said it would be out very soon | 02:54 |
lcuk | I would rather just run same apps on all of them | 02:54 |
ShadowJK | luke-jr, and didnt that turn out to be e7 or c6-01 or something? | 02:54 |
loufoque_ | nokia N9 i think it was called | 02:54 |
DocScrutinizer | http://www.engadget.com/photos/nokias-qwerty-slidin-n9-shows-up-in-the-wilds-of-china/#3277333 | 02:55 |
lcuk | ds3, interested to see how well liqbase would run on iphone hardware for instance | 02:55 |
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ds3 | lcuk:L yes | 02:55 |
ds3 | s/L // | 02:55 |
infobot | ds3 meant: lcuk:yes | 02:55 |
FIQ|n900 | 4-row-keyb :D | 02:55 |
pupnik | DocScrutinizer: thanks, good answer | 02:55 |
luke-jr_ | pfft 4 | 02:55 |
lcuk | for people like pupnik who like the pandora, I would like same things there | 02:56 |
luke-jr_ | I want at least 6 | 02:56 |
ShadowJK | jaska: http://shop.eten.hu/mugen-power-nokia-n900-2400mah-extended-replacement-battery-with-battery-door.html | 02:56 |
ds3 | keyboard is nice but buttons are more usable | 02:56 |
luke-jr_ | ds3: nonsense | 02:56 |
luke-jr_ | touchscreen can replace buttons easily | 02:56 |
FIQ|n900 | 6 would be useful indeed if done right on such a small device | 02:56 |
ds3 | keep the 5Mpixel camera but put it back on that pop out thing | 02:56 |
lcuk | my pocket loox had foot buttons like the n800 | 02:56 |
DocScrutinizer | pupnik: molds for a 3 parts case are ~100k$ | 02:56 |
ds3 | luke-jr: screen is too small for that | 02:56 |
luke-jr_ | FIQ|n900: half the problem with N900 is that it's too effing small | 02:56 |
ds3 | I sorely miss teh D-pad | 02:57 |
FIQ|n900 | well | 02:57 |
FIQ|n900 | as long as it fits in the pocket | 02:57 |
luke-jr_ | FIQ|n900: C760 fit in my pocket | 02:57 |
FIQ|n900 | and has phone+linux functionalty | 02:57 |
luke-jr_ | and it was 2x the side of N810 | 02:57 |
FIQ|n900 | i'm happy | 02:57 |
FIQ|n900 | uh | 02:57 |
jaska | it probably wont fit in my old htc-p4350 belt case with that tho | 02:57 |
DocScrutinizer | pupnik: then you need keyboard, PCB (which never is right on first 3 takes), FCC cert (another 100k) etc etc | 02:57 |
pupnik | DocScrutinizer: look at all the 'silly looking' plastic around the n900 battery... do you think a bigger one would have been possible? | 02:57 |
FIQ|n900 | that was a big pocket | 02:57 |
lcuk | the N8 would be cool to run on | 02:57 |
ds3 | luke-jr_: as in the Z? | 02:58 |
lcuk | as would the n97 | 02:58 |
luke-jr_ | ds3: yes | 02:58 |
DocScrutinizer | pupnik: nope, not significantly. Most of that silly looking plastic actually has a function | 02:58 |
luke-jr_ | N810 and N900 fit in my pocket and had room to spare for other stuff | 02:58 |
luke-jr_ | which is nice, but not as nice as a quality handheld | 02:58 |
ds3 | round up funding, let's build one :D | 02:58 |
* ShadowJK remembers having N810, cellphone and gps receiver in one pocket | 02:59 | |
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jaska | hmm, need to look into finding that 2400mAh bat in .fi tomorrow.. its 3 in the morning :D | 02:59 |
DocScrutinizer | ShadowJK: cargopants | 02:59 |
luke-jr_ | ds3: as I've said many a time, whoever makes a handheld fitting my needs gets my business (~$800) | 02:59 |
jaska | being a large person with large pockets helps.. used to carry a 8.9" display laptop | 02:59 |
ds3 | luke-jr: only problem is NRE's are > 20x that :( | 03:00 |
luke-jr_ | IMO, a handheld should fit comfortably in a shirt pocket | 03:00 |
ds3 | making it isn't that hard | 03:00 |
luke-jr_ | N900 is so small, it falls out far too easy | 03:00 |
luke-jr_ | NRE? | 03:00 |
ds3 | non-recurring engineering costs...basically R&D expenses | 03:00 |
luke-jr_ | ah | 03:00 |
DocScrutinizer | ShadowJK: in my jeans the pocket holds a whole 0.5L beer bottle, though it's not really comfortable - and looks somewhat err obscene | 03:00 |
wmarone | shirt pocket... for electronic devices? | 03:00 |
luke-jr_ | ds3: also, it doesn't need to include software ;) | 03:01 |
luke-jr_ | wmarone: why not? | 03:01 |
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wmarone | isn't that where your pens go? ;) | 03:01 |
pupnik | what's your ideal tablet/phone screen size? | 03:01 |
luke-jr_ | wmarone: pens? for what? | 03:01 |
ds3 | luke-jr: I am not including software costs | 03:01 |
luke-jr_ | pupnik: between 4" and 5" | 03:01 |
pupnik | same here luke-jr_ | 03:01 |
ds3 | not like there are suitable software floating around :/ | 03:01 |
luke-jr_ | ds3: I'd probably just run Gentoo :P | 03:01 |
ds3 | luke-jr: I just happen to have a 4.8" LCD.... | 03:01 |
jaska | hmm, jeans back pocket easily holds 1.5 liter bottle :) | 03:02 |
DocScrutinizer | pupnik: 5' | 03:02 |
pupnik | all the older folks in my area think n900 screen is *WAYYY* too small and high DPI | 03:02 |
jaska | albeit one cant sit when its there | 03:02 |
ds3 | the outdoor visible LCD is quite nice | 03:02 |
wmarone | high dpi can be accounted for, though I would like a larger physical screen | 03:02 |
* b-man_ wonders what luke-jr_ would do without Gentoo :) | 03:03 | |
wmarone | (with a corresponding resolution increase) | 03:03 |
pupnik | try switching between n800/n810 and n900 - and back again... see how the experience feels | 03:03 |
DocScrutinizer | well, a lot of people here would have preferred N810 form factor for N900, but alas the N900 is 'somehwat' designed for mass market | 03:03 |
ShadowJK | meanwhile, market today makes N810 look more uptodate than N900, for form-factor :) | 03:04 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah :-P | 03:04 |
luke-jr_ | b-man_: beofre Gentoo I used LFS | 03:04 |
luke-jr_ | pupnik: high DPI never hurts. definitely too small tho | 03:04 |
DocScrutinizer | pupnik: doing that frequently | 03:05 |
luke-jr_ | ShadowJK: N810 also has a 4G version :P | 03:05 |
ShadowJK | heh | 03:05 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah sure, luke-jr_ | 03:05 |
ShadowJK | i dont think it actually would work with my wimax though :) | 03:06 |
pupnik | DocScrutinizer: for me, going back to the N810 screen always causes this "aah, relief!" feeling | 03:06 |
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DocScrutinizer | yes | 03:06 |
DocScrutinizer | the weird feeling as if the screen is 4 times as large | 03:06 |
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DocScrutinizer | and also I like the N810 kbd better, completely contrasting common sense | 03:07 |
ShadowJK | well, the bigger and more keys are nicer | 03:08 |
DocScrutinizer | well, the symbols mapping is weird | 03:08 |
ShadowJK | but the shape and material of n900 keys are better | 03:08 |
DocScrutinizer | yes | 03:08 |
luke-jr_ | they are? | 03:10 |
pupnik | oh much | 03:10 |
luke-jr_ | oh well | 03:11 |
pupnik | the higher curve, plus the better defined click-point makes typing much better | 03:11 |
luke-jr_ | nothing compares to C760 :P | 03:11 |
ShadowJK | mostly I like N810 keyboard because it takes less than average 2 keypresses per char to enter an ip | 03:11 |
luke-jr_ | ShadowJK++ | 03:11 |
luke-jr_ | to enter IPs, I tend to enter numbers, then go back and add . | 03:11 |
pupnik | just take those n900 sized keys and give me a full laptop keyboard layout :) | 03:11 |
pupnik | 6 rows :P | 03:12 |
nox- | zaurus :) | 03:12 |
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luke-jr_ | N900's small keys wouldn't be so bad if they were more distant :p | 03:12 |
nox- | actually i usually only have problems with that when having to press two adjacent ones at once | 03:13 |
luke-jr_ | nox-: not typing one-handed? | 03:13 |
luke-jr_ | that is, using one hand to hold it and type | 03:13 |
luke-jr_ | (eg, when driving) | 03:14 |
nox- | hm true i rarely do that... | 03:14 |
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ShadowJK | you could steer with your knee | 03:14 |
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pupnik | well if you kept the n900 size keys, you could fit a full freakin laptop keyboard into the n810 case | 03:17 |
pupnik | man, i wish we could manufacture stuff without these moulds | 03:17 |
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pupnik | a spray-plastic printer or smth :/ | 03:18 |
DocScrutinizer | completely off topic: what's the name of our solar system, our sun, our earth? I mean, you got (maybe) a star/sun/system called Aldebaran, and it might have planets that are usually called Aldebaran-1, *-2, *-3 etc. So is our Earth called Sol-3, or maybe our sun is called Earth? or what? | 03:18 |
luke-jr_ | DocScrutinizer: IIRC, the name Sol is unofficial and just popular scifi :/ | 03:19 |
luke-jr_ | and names are what people call things | 03:19 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah, so what is our system called in a map of the galaxy? | 03:20 |
luke-jr_ | Solar? | 03:20 |
luke-jr_ | maybe that's where "Sol" came from :o | 03:20 |
luke-jr_ | could be Central or something tho since the universe orbits Earth | 03:21 |
babsher_ | terran system? | 03:21 |
babsher_ | or that is what it is in star trek | 03:21 |
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ShadowJK | sol is more sensible than terran system | 03:22 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah, probably our sun's name is Sol Terrae | 03:22 |
DocScrutinizer | sounds odd | 03:22 |
luke-jr_ | at least Sol, by popular usage | 03:22 |
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DocScrutinizer | I prefer to think I'm living on Sol-3 | 03:22 |
luke-jr_ | unlike people, the sun has no free will to decide what it wants to be called :P | 03:23 |
pupnik | http://pandorapress.net/2010/09/30/two-laps-of-the-sun/ << this is exactly what waiting for openpandora feels like :) | 03:23 |
luke-jr_ | completely off-topic: why do people feel the need to subject everyone else to their national laws? | 03:23 |
ShadowJK | "The Sun is currently traveling through the Local Interstellar Cloud in the Local Bubble zone, within the inner rim of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way galaxy." | 03:24 |
ShadowJK | it's all pretty sun-centric :) | 03:24 |
DocScrutinizer | sun==Sol, hmm | 03:24 |
ShadowJK | I imagine they'll figure out the naming when ambiguity starts beoming and issue | 03:24 |
ShadowJK | an* | 03:24 |
luke-jr_ | currently the entire human population could fit in the state of Texas comfortably, so why couldn't we have a few thousand nations which citizens all agree with (to a reasonable extent) their own nations' laws? | 03:24 |
luke-jr_ | eg, why have competing political parties when the country can just be split in two direcitons? | 03:25 |
luke-jr_ | and why do people try to invent an "international law" to force their rules on other nations? | 03:25 |
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DocScrutinizer | why have nations at all? | 03:26 |
luke-jr_ | DocScrutinizer: because anarchy is inherently flawed? | 03:26 |
DocScrutinizer | hmm, really? | 03:26 |
luke-jr_ | yes | 03:26 |
luke-jr_ | people are naturally evil | 03:26 |
DocScrutinizer | and some of those goven and rule my life :-S | 03:27 |
pupnik | that's also called "the hobbsian myth" | 03:27 |
luke-jr_ | anarchy could only remotely work if people were naturally good | 03:27 |
ShadowJK | "Its formal name in the English language is, per the International Astronomical Union, the Sun (capitalized as a proper noun).[172] The Latin name Sol, for the Sun god of the same name, pronounced /ˈsɒl/ (rhyming with doll) in English, is widely known but not common in general English language use; the adjectival form is the related word solar.[173][174] "Sol" is, however, the modern word for "Sun" in many other languages" | 03:27 |
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DocScrutinizer | ShadowJK: :-)) | 03:28 |
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* luke-jr_ votes to use Sol | 03:29 | |
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luke-jr_ | on another off-topic, is there a simple way to package fonts for Maemo? | 03:29 |
FIQ|n900 | sv-sun=sol :d | 03:29 |
luke-jr_ | eg, without a whole cross-compiler setup | 03:30 |
* FIQ|n900 wants dejavu sans mono as a font possible to chose in various menus, including xchat | 03:30 | |
wmarone | hm | 03:30 |
wmarone | 800x480 at less than 7" is a pain to find in a non-raw-panel setup :/ | 03:31 |
luke-jr_ | Dejavu isn't free | 03:32 |
luke-jr_ | but I would like my Console font | 03:32 |
FIQ|n900 | it isn't? | 03:33 |
luke-jr_ | not completely | 03:33 |
ShadowJK | oh wow, I switched xchat to droid sans mono | 03:33 |
ShadowJK | and it's perfectly readable at size 8 | 03:33 |
luke-jr_ | Dejavu is "free" like Microsoft's "free" licneses, IMO | 03:33 |
FIQ|n900 | droid sans mono is nice | 03:33 |
FIQ|n900 | but i prefer dejavu | 03:33 |
luke-jr_ | I prefer Console. | 03:33 |
luke-jr_ | which is bitmap, but nice | 03:34 |
FIQ|n900 | isn't console courier new? | 03:34 |
luke-jr_ | no | 03:34 |
luke-jr_ | afaik it was homegrown for KDE 3 | 03:34 |
luke-jr_ | and dropped with KDE 4 | 03:34 |
FIQ|n900 | ok | 03:34 |
luke-jr_ | I've added a number of characters to my local copy | 03:34 |
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nettworker | Can I send sms via ssh? | 03:41 |
pupnik | yes | 03:44 |
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nettworker | pupnik: How? | 03:46 |
pupnik | go search... fmms or smth | 03:47 |
ShadowJK | no | 03:47 |
nettworker | fmms is for mms | 03:47 |
ShadowJK | fmms is for sending and receiving mms | 03:47 |
nettworker | I want to send a SMS | 03:47 |
nettworker | Via ssh | 03:48 |
nettworker | I saw the sms package, and I think that would be nice | 03:48 |
ieatlint | nettworker: http://wiki.maemo.org/Phone_control | 03:48 |
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ieatlint | there's instructions on how to do it on that page (dbus is your best option) | 03:49 |
DocScrutinizer | http://wiki.maemo.org/Phone_control#Send_SMS | 03:49 |
DocScrutinizer | oh, ieatlint was faster :-D | 03:50 |
ieatlint | :P | 03:50 |
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DocScrutinizer | raster: ?? whats up? | 03:51 |
raster | DocScrutinizer: dook! | 03:51 |
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nettworker | DocScrutinizer: I am too dumb to do that xD | 03:52 |
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DocScrutinizer | nettworker: if I understand correctly, you'll get where you want, by entering: pnatd<CR>at<CR>at+cmgf=1<CR>at+cmgs="+4991155500011"<CR>this is a SMS to you, and I dunno if it works<^V><^V><^C> | 03:59 |
DocScrutinizer | s/where/what/ | 04:00 |
infobot | DocScrutinizer meant: nettworker: if I understand correctly, you'll get what you want, by entering: pnatd<CR>at<CR>at+cmgf=1<CR>at+cmgs="+4991155500011"<CR>this is a SMS to you, and I dunno if it works<^V><^V><^C> | 04:00 |
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FIQ|n900 | that was some line noise D: | 04:02 |
DocScrutinizer | or even >> echo -e 'at\rat+cmgf=1\rat+cmgs="+4991155500011"\rthis is a SMS to you, and I dunno if it works\026\026' | pnatd | 04:02 |
DocScrutinizer | ( s/<^V>/<^Z>/ in line 2 above) | 04:03 |
SpeedEvil | that doesn't work | 04:03 |
SpeedEvil | pnatd doesn't do SMS | 04:03 |
DocScrutinizer | hmm, so why is this example code there? | 04:04 |
SpeedEvil | oh - sorry | 04:04 |
DocScrutinizer | child = pexpect.spawn('pnatd'); child.send('at+cmgs="+XXXXXXX"\r'); | 04:04 |
* FIQ|n900 wants a phonenumber | 04:05 | |
DocScrutinizer | for what? | 04:05 |
FIQ|n900 | dunno | 04:05 |
FIQ|n900 | would be pretty useless but still. D: | 04:06 |
DocScrutinizer | define please | 04:06 |
luke-jr_ | sip://[::1] | 04:06 |
FIQ|n900 | oh, nothing | 04:06 |
FIQ|n900 | lol luke-jr | 04:07 |
DocScrutinizer | nah, no lol, perfectly ok, basically | 04:07 |
nettworker | ~/MyDocs $ pnatd <CR>at<CR>at+cmgf=1<CR>at+cmgs="+4799411160"<CR>this is a SMS to you, and I dunno if it works<^V><^Z><^C> | 04:07 |
infobot | that's too long, nettworker | 04:07 |
nettworker | -sh: syntax error: redirection unexpected | 04:07 |
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* DocScrutinizer sighs | 04:08 | |
ShadowJK | you're supposed to replace <cr> with pressing enter | 04:08 |
FIQ|n900 | infobot tried to parse it as a factoid :D | 04:08 |
DocScrutinizer | and ^Z by control+"Z" | 04:09 |
DocScrutinizer | and ^V is just wrong (lookup error in 'man ascii') | 04:09 |
luke-jr_ | I bet ^Z is wrong too | 04:10 |
luke-jr_ | probably ^C too | 04:10 |
DocScrutinizer | uhuh | 04:10 |
ieatlint | or just copy one of the 3 scripts on that wiki page and run it using python... | 04:10 |
luke-jr_ | probably you just want ^D at the ned | 04:10 |
luke-jr_ | end | 04:10 |
FIQ|n900 | ooh | 04:10 |
ShadowJK | pnatd expects a real terminal | 04:10 |
FIQ|n900 | man ascii=ascii table | 04:10 |
DocScrutinizer | probably child.send(chr(26)); isn't exactly ETX | 04:10 |
ShadowJK | and doesnt care about ^D | 04:11 |
nettworker | Oh fuck this, I use bluetooth | 04:11 |
* FIQ|n900 didn't know that | 04:11 | |
ShadowJK | it expects modem hangup or sth | 04:11 |
ieatlint | the ssms.py script looks simple and effective | 04:11 |
nettworker | Do I have to edit the script? | 04:12 |
nettworker | Or just run? | 04:12 |
nettworker | And do my phone have phyton? | 04:12 |
ieatlint | just run it | 04:12 |
ieatlint | and it will tell you how to use it | 04:12 |
DocScrutinizer | nettworker: you need to replace XXXXXXXX with your dest tel# | 04:12 |
DocScrutinizer | no it wont | 04:13 |
ieatlint | apparently it takes two command line arguments, so for instance to send a message to "999", "python ssms.py 999 'test message'" | 04:13 |
ieatlint | DocScrutinizer: the ssms.py has a help print message if run with no arguments | 04:13 |
DocScrutinizer | pffft, maybe the first or 3rd one | 04:13 |
DocScrutinizer | not the 14 line one starting with import pexpect | 04:14 |
DocScrutinizer | which obviously is the one I was referring to | 04:14 |
ieatlint | nah, the top one using qtmobility and calling itself ssms.py | 04:14 |
DocScrutinizer | meh, what am I doing here? | 04:15 |
ieatlint | not drinking enough | 04:15 |
DocScrutinizer | yes, exactly | 04:15 |
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DocScrutinizer | alas I usually have no drinks on stash at home | 04:15 |
ieatlint | wtf... how'd you manage that? | 04:16 |
ieatlint | hopefully .de doesn't cut off alcohol sales at night then | 04:16 |
DocScrutinizer | you bet it does | 04:16 |
ieatlint | 2am like here? :( | 04:17 |
DocScrutinizer | 3:17 | 04:17 |
ieatlint | wtf time is that | 04:17 |
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DocScrutinizer | bad time for searching for a drink | 04:18 |
nettworker | DocScrutinizer: Go to amsterdam! They have 420 all nigth! | 04:18 |
DocScrutinizer | :nod: | 04:18 |
ieatlint | heh, pot was just decriminalised here | 04:19 |
nettworker | ieatlint: It is just decriminalised there too | 04:19 |
ieatlint | well, personal use amounts | 04:19 |
nettworker | Only legal place is Portugal | 04:19 |
nettworker | ieatlint: It is illegal in Amsterdam | 04:20 |
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ieatlint | heh | 04:20 |
ieatlint | whatever.. i never touch the stuff myself | 04:20 |
nettworker | It is just acepted | 04:21 |
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nettworker | ieatlint: Neither do I | 04:21 |
nettworker | I use it the same way I use alcohol | 04:21 |
nettworker | I dont inhale xD | 04:21 |
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ieatlint | well, i drink alcohol.. i do not drink pot | 04:22 |
* luke-jr_ is all for outlawing pot, alcohol, and caffeine | 04:22 | |
ieatlint | or inhale it, ingest it, or otherwise cause it a product of it to enter my bloodstream | 04:22 |
* doc|home is all for outlawing silly laws | 04:22 | |
ieatlint | luke-jr_: damn mormons | 04:22 |
babsher_ | is there a good tutorial out there for meego and kickstart scripts? | 04:22 |
* nettworker is all for oulawing fat, fat people, stupid food, and reffined sugar | 04:22 | |
ieatlint | also, you forgot dancing on your list of things to ban | 04:22 |
nettworker | babsher_: #meego | 04:23 |
doc|home | ieatlint: and the french | 04:23 |
ieatlint | nah, french is a reasonable thing to ban | 04:23 |
nettworker | luke-jr_: Horsebackriding should be banned | 04:23 |
doc|home | heh | 04:23 |
doc|home | nettworker: why not go all the way... what are horses even good for anyway? | 04:23 |
babsher_ | everyone at #meego is dead | 04:23 |
luke-jr_ | those aren't chemically addictive AFAIK | 04:23 |
ieatlint | doc|home: gelatin | 04:23 |
doc|home | ieatlint: see fat | 04:23 |
nettworker | doc|home: And you can get addicted to horses! | 04:24 |
nettworker | luke-jr_: Reffined suger is, also fat. | 04:24 |
ieatlint | fat is delicious | 04:24 |
ieatlint | nah, sugar is actually non-fat in itself | 04:24 |
nettworker | luke-jr_: I have never seen anyone being able to stop eating fat... | 04:24 |
luke-jr_ | I hate fat | 04:24 |
nettworker | 99% of the worlds population is addicted to fat | 04:24 |
ieatlint | this anti-bacon sentiment is alarming to me | 04:24 |
luke-jr_ | and being unwilling is not being unable | 04:24 |
nettworker | Ban it instead of drugs | 04:24 |
luke-jr_ | chemical addiction != addiction | 04:24 |
nettworker | Only a few people are addicted to drugs (and the cause of addiction is phsycologic problems, treat them, dont jail sick people) | 04:25 |
nettworker | luke-jr_: Banning drugs is like banning depression, pointless and does more harm than good. | 04:25 |
luke-jr_ | nettworker: not pointless | 04:25 |
luke-jr_ | people profit off the chemical dependency of others' | 04:25 |
* ieatlint votes we do not get into a drug discussions here | 04:25 | |
ieatlint | it's worse than the political ones | 04:26 |
luke-jr_ | and convince people to get addicted | 04:26 |
doc|home | luke-jr_: stupid people will always do stupid things, no matter what you ban | 04:26 |
luke-jr_ | I am starting withdrawl now, actually | 04:26 |
luke-jr_ | doc|home: everyone is stupid at some point | 04:26 |
doc|home | luke-jr_: and must be responsible for that themselves | 04:26 |
nettworker | luke-jr_: You can use the same arguments to ban depression as to ban drugs. Depression kills people, ruins families, makes you stop taking care of yourself, and is bad for your health. It even kills people, far more people than drugs. If you ban it less people would be depressed and less people would get harmed by it. Except jail doesnt remove psychologic problems or discourage people from getting them. They only hide them bether. | 04:27 |
luke-jr_ | people shouldn't have to be exposed to stuff like this | 04:27 |
luke-jr_ | nettworker: you can't sell depression or market it to chilren | 04:27 |
nettworker | luke-jr_: What stuff? | 04:27 |
luke-jr_ | nettworker: chemical addictives | 04:27 |
doc|home | luke-jr_: banning it never means they're not exposed to it. See war on drugs | 04:28 |
nettworker | luke-jr_: If you have haf a mind, you can prevent getting adicted. You cant remove drugs, if you in an ideal society could it migth be a pont. But why give the mafia the money? | 04:28 |
babsher_ | drugs really are not bad it is just how you use them that matters. | 04:28 |
nettworker | And addiction has a cause, it is not the chemical. Glue is legal, still people doesnt snort it every day. People know it is bad. | 04:29 |
luke-jr_ | nettworker: you can't prevent chemical addition except by avoiding consuming it | 04:29 |
ieatlint | ok, despite this truly interesting and productive debate, i'm going to go get some food | 04:29 |
ieatlint | and maybe beer | 04:29 |
ieatlint | delicious beer | 04:29 |
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DocScrutinizer | luke-jr_: WHAT? you can not sell depression? Tell that to BILD newspaper | 04:29 |
doc|home | luke-jr_: so, how is it our responsibility/right to protect idiots from themselves? | 04:29 |
nettworker | luke-jr_: I can use crystal meth once a month and not get addicted. I can smoke heroin every third day, I can do valium on a weekly basis. | 04:29 |
nettworker | luke-jr_: Limit the usage | 04:29 |
ieatlint | be sure to let us know what conclusion you guys come to on how the world should handle drugs | 04:30 |
luke-jr_ | doc|home: it's the government's | 04:30 |
ieatlint | i'm very anxious to hear | 04:30 |
luke-jr_ | nettworker: moderation makes a good argument. | 04:30 |
doc|home | luke-jr_: it's not though. It's none of their business. | 04:30 |
luke-jr_ | doc|home: it is. | 04:30 |
nettworker | ieatlint: Legalise everything, sell it at pharmacies. And educate the people. In addition you should treat psychologic problems and treat addicts. | 04:31 |
doc|home | luke-jr_: what a person does with their body is that person's responsibility. Look at the fiasco that was prohibition and is the drug war. | 04:31 |
babsher_ | the war on drugs is just a big jobs program | 04:31 |
luke-jr_ | it only turned out a fiasco for other reasons | 04:31 |
nettworker | luke-jr_: And how can I know how to moderate myself? Education, I need to be able to make an informed choice. I don't need the goverment to take that choive for me. | 04:31 |
doc|home | luke-jr_: it's a fiasco nonetheless | 04:31 |
babsher_ | the amount of money that the spend is gigantic | 04:31 |
luke-jr_ | nettworker: education takes time | 04:31 |
doc|home | luke-jr_: I say these things as a person who doesn't drink, smoke or do any drugs and things doing them is stupid. | 04:32 |
doc|home | things/thinks | 04:32 |
ieatlint | nettworker: note that i have family members with a history of vicodin, heroin and valium addiction, an aunt and uncle who run a rehab clinic, and i live in a city filled with homeless people with addiction problems -- your arguments are invalid to me, rebutted by the reality that i see daily | 04:32 |
luke-jr_ | modern society introduces chemical addictives into children's diets earlier than age 4 | 04:32 |
nettworker | luke-jr_: Can you point to a single country that have had any luck with banning drugs? | 04:32 |
doc|home | luke-jr_: modern society? I think you mean parents | 04:32 |
luke-jr_ | nettworker: I can't point to a single modern country that operates responably | 04:33 |
luke-jr_ | doc|home: who make up modern society | 04:33 |
nettworker | ieatlint: Why did they start taking the drugs in the first place? | 04:33 |
doc|home | luke-jr_: individuals, who make choices | 04:33 |
nettworker | luke-jr_: How can you ban drugs? I can think of at least 15 things in my house I could get high off... | 04:33 |
ieatlint | anyway, i'm actually off to get food... tschüß | 04:33 |
luke-jr_ | nettworker: getting high != chemical addiction | 04:33 |
luke-jr_ | I'm sure there are countless ways to get high without getting addicted | 04:34 |
doc|home | luke-jr_: the thing is, what you think is responsible may be different to what I think is responsible. Why do you have the right to say what is responsible for other people? | 04:34 |
johnx | sex can be addictive. let's ban it | 04:34 |
nettworker | luke-jr_: So why does someone risk getting addicted? Certanly a normal healthy teen with knowledge wouldn't get him/herself addicted to heroin. | 04:34 |
luke-jr_ | doc|home: government has that power because it is delegated to it by God | 04:35 |
johnx | nettworker, agree on horse riding | 04:35 |
nettworker | luke-jr_: May it be that the cynical drug dealers misinforms and tries to sell stronger drugs? | 04:35 |
doc|home | luke-jr_: god? are you joking me?! | 04:35 |
nettworker | johnx: WHat about anal sex? It is also mpre dangerous as cannabis | 04:35 |
luke-jr_ | nettworker: the problem is people addicted younger | 04:35 |
johnx | doc|home, no. he's trolling you :) | 04:35 |
doc|home | luke-jr_: what if I don't believe in your god? you still have a right to dictate rules to me via that government? | 04:35 |
luke-jr_ | doc|home: God still exists, even if fools deny it. | 04:35 |
doc|home | johnx: I've heard weirder things uttered on this network, fully believed | 04:36 |
nettworker | luke-jr_: If they sold it at a pharmacy it wouldnt be drug dealers selling it on the street and exponating people too it | 04:36 |
doc|home | luke-jr_: ooook then. I'm going to go over here now ----> | 04:36 |
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nettworker | luke-jr_: In a typical day I get offered drugs three times. | 04:36 |
luke-jr_ | government obtains its power from God, and has a duty to recognize Him as king | 04:36 |
johnx | luke-jr, you misspelled "flying spaghetti monster" as "God". It's funny 'cause you seem to care a lot about grammar and spelling | 04:36 |
doc|home | haha | 04:37 |
luke-jr_ | my baby is crying. DLH to the rescue | 04:37 |
luke-jr_ | bbl | 04:37 |
johnx | nettworker, probably we should just simplify it as 'any act or substance that can alter moods' | 04:37 |
nettworker | johnx: That is the law in Norway. They can with the law, seize water if it gets sent over the border. | 04:38 |
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doc|home | nettworker: meh, in most countries they just change the laws if they want to do such things. | 04:38 |
johnx | I can just imagine the careful legalese that allows normal weather patterns to cross Norway's borders :) | 04:39 |
DocScrutinizer | johnx: damn this definition, that'll include just about everything, at least for me | 04:39 |
nettworker | Why cant you see that too legalise everything would make the problem smaler+ | 04:39 |
nettworker | ? | 04:39 |
nettworker | All the money could go to rehab | 04:39 |
johnx | DocScrutinizer, communicating is probably in the list as well | 04:39 |
nettworker | We would have rehab for every third inhabitant. We could rehab people before they got a drug problem! | 04:40 |
johnx | are you advocating pro-active mental healthcare? what are you, some kinda pinko hippy? | 04:40 |
pupnik | pink | 04:41 |
DocScrutinizer | nettworker: I fully support your point | 04:41 |
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nettworker | johnx: Yes, treat people before they get sick! People that are likley to get psychologic problems should be treated before they show any symptoms. | 04:43 |
DocScrutinizer | hmm, now my support starts to fade somewhat | 04:44 |
* pupnik flanges nettworker | 04:44 | |
nettworker | Well that isnt my view on drugs, but I think everyone that wants someone to talk to (a professional) should get one. | 04:44 |
DocScrutinizer | hmm, that sounds better | 04:45 |
nettworker | Yeo | 04:46 |
nettworker | Yep* | 04:46 |
* nox- agrees that prohibition usually only makes matters worse | 04:47 | |
DocScrutinizer | btw a friend of mine who is streetworker of a NGO helping junkies, has completely same POV - as that's the POV of almost every sane NGO and individuals really involved in that topic on a scientific or analytic way | 04:47 |
nettworker | NGO? POV? | 04:48 |
DocScrutinizer | non governmental organization, | 04:48 |
DocScrutinizer | ~pov | 04:48 |
infobot | Point Of View | 04:48 |
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nettworker | I think it makes sence. But the availebility of treatment to abusers is important. Although I think it should remain optional, as long as you're not hurting someone else than yourself. | 04:49 |
DocScrutinizer | as is with any other help you may search for or refuse, from society. Like diagnostics and treatment of cancer, smoking, alcohol addiction, sec addiction, being fat, depressive... | 04:50 |
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DocScrutinizer | -c+x | 04:51 |
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pupnik | hanging around IRC or internet | 04:56 |
nettworker | DocScrutinizer: I want help for sex adiction! It would be great to meet a bunch of nymphomaniacs. | 04:57 |
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johnx | lcuk2, hey. did you hilight me a couple hours ago? | 04:58 |
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pupnik | i need a blender scene with woods, hils, creek, rocks, | 05:25 |
pupnik | shrubs | 05:25 |
johnx | I have a blender | 05:25 |
johnx | you could make a milkshake | 05:25 |
johnx | not sure about fitting a creek or hills in it. also: don't put rocks in a blender. learned that one the hard way ... | 05:26 |
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pupnik | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJpt6JC4Qks homemade flight simulator... .... | 05:51 |
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gggs | pupnik: That's `homemade'?! | 05:59 |
gggs | you know they've got something like that where I like, but paradoxically it costs more than a joy-flight in a real aircraft | 06:01 |
gggs | s/like/live | 06:02 |
pupnik | heh | 06:04 |
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gggs | they were running an older version of MS FS due to licensing issues with FSX apparently, and constantly had issues with the three or four networked Windows PCs that made it work | 06:06 |
gggs | a lot of fun though, a real ultra-light and a big backyard would be even better | 06:08 |
ds3 | why not flightgear | 06:09 |
gggs | ds3: ? | 06:10 |
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ds3 | flightgear is opensource, IIRC | 06:12 |
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gggs | I think he said they were running FS 2k3, probably a more polished product than FlightGear | 06:16 |
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gggs | If someone could port FlightGear to the N900, you could connect it to a big-screen TV and use the accel. sensors as the yolk | 06:20 |
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MohammadAG51 | grr | 07:58 |
MohammadAG51 | i hate it when the bookmarks UI doesn't show the URL bar | 07:58 |
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gggs | Does anyone else's N900 stutter the first few seconds of an audio track? | 08:03 |
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pupnik | yes | 08:07 |
gggs | Have you ever managed to fix it? It's embarrassing with company | 08:07 |
pupnik | does it only happen with built-in audio player gggs ? | 08:10 |
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gggs | pupnik: I'm not entirely sure, I'll have to try it with mplayer next time | 08:12 |
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gggs | It's like, "Hey my phone is awesome, it's got a 32GB SSD and plays most formats! Watch" *play* "I wo,o,o,o,uld do anythi,i,i,i,ing" | 08:14 |
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nox- | maybe its just swapping? | 08:16 |
nox- | bbl | 08:16 |
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gggs | Well that's what I thought, but even with nothing else happening and vm params set, it seems to skip at the start of tracks, and occasionally through them | 08:17 |
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RST38h | moo,all | 08:20 |
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luke-jr_ | gggs: to make it worse, it's not a phone and is *supposed* to be able to play videos ;/ | 08:32 |
luke-jr_ | that being said, mine hasn't had any issues playing most normal files | 08:32 |
luke-jr_ | just the insane uncompressed video I captured at the full 5 MP from the N900 cam | 08:32 |
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gggs | I've played XviD movies through the TV-out, and they came out alright, if not a little less smooth, H.264 gets maybe 5-10 fps, but skipping during mp3/ogg playback...?! | 08:34 |
TermanaDesire | gggs: it seems to do that while dimming the screen or turning it off (the screen) | 08:35 |
gggs | 600MHz isn't much, but my old 486 could playback audio without skipping... with a SB16 | 08:35 |
luke-jr_ | gggs: 486 DX or SX? | 08:36 |
TermanaDesire | Well actually, I don't know if that's true for the media player but it is when listening to grooveshark with the groove app | 08:36 |
gggs | TermanaDesire: Yea I've noticed that too, also sometimes while updating cellular position | 08:37 |
gggs | luke-jr: 486DX2-66! | 08:37 |
luke-jr_ | gggs: try it on SX | 08:37 |
luke-jr_ | with Linux, X11, etc :P | 08:37 |
luke-jr_ | keep in mind Windows NT could do almost everything we do today on 16 MB RAM | 08:38 |
CreamyG31337 | was your 486 running a multitasking OS at the time? you ever look at the quality of mp3s now and back in 1992 you will see a problem with playing those on a 486 | 08:38 |
joga | there were mp3s in 1992? :) | 08:38 |
CreamyG31337 | yeah maybe not... | 08:39 |
luke-jr_ | … | 08:39 |
joga | can't remember | 08:39 |
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luke-jr_ | I don't recall MP3 changing at any time | 08:39 |
joga | wiki says 1993 | 08:39 |
joga | heh | 08:39 |
luke-jr_ | today the average bitrate might be 160 kbit, but it started out at 128 kbit | 08:39 |
luke-jr_ | not much difference really | 08:39 |
joga | but back then it was mostly modules for me at least | 08:39 |
gggs | I could playback Quicktime movies on it, I used to get demo CDs with magazines | 08:39 |
luke-jr_ | uhhh | 08:40 |
luke-jr_ | CDs on a 486? | 08:40 |
CreamyG31337 | if you look at the mp3 decoder settings in winamp for example, its got settings "full, half, quarter" to downsample toe output for your sweet 486 or whatever | 08:40 |
joga | I used to play a CD game on a 286 | 08:40 |
joga | the kind where there's prerendered scenes | 08:40 |
luke-jr_ | Myst is that old? | 08:40 |
joga | myst is pretty old | 08:40 |
joga | which reminds me http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2010/10/4/ | 08:40 |
luke-jr_ | I thought Myst+CD was like Pentium age | 08:40 |
CreamyG31337 | then again n900 has a DSP so it shouldn't skip on mp3s if the OS is threaded correctly and the diskIO isn't too high | 08:41 |
luke-jr_ | or maybe I'm thinking burner | 08:41 |
joga | I had myst when I had a 486 I think. the game I played on the 286 was some other game | 08:41 |
luke-jr_ | joga: Myst is like the first CD game… | 08:41 |
joga | or uh...maybe it was a 386 but really low mhz | 08:41 |
joga | luke-jr_, I wouldn't bet on that | 08:41 |
Xisdibik | The Millers began working on Myst in 1991 and released it for the Macintosh computer on September 24, 1993 | 08:41 |
joga | but I didn't buy myst when it was released :) | 08:42 |
luke-jr_ | joga: it was at least the killer app | 08:42 |
luke-jr_ | CD-ROM became mainstream *because* of Myst | 08:42 |
joga | the version I had was in russian | 08:42 |
joga | imagine the confusion .. | 08:42 |
joga | (I'm not russian) :) | 08:42 |
luke-jr_ | … | 08:43 |
luke-jr_ | anyhow, back before Myst everyone used floppies | 08:43 |
luke-jr_ | they only went out and bought CD-ROM drives to play Myst | 08:43 |
joga | some people still use floppies for some reason | 08:43 |
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ieatlint | just do a raid0 floppy array | 08:45 |
ieatlint | it's awesome | 08:45 |
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gggs | God-damn I hated floppy disks, thanks for bringing that piece of history up | 08:46 |
* luke-jr_ smacks ieatlint | 08:46 | |
gggs | "The disk you have inserted is not formatted, would you like to format it now?" | 08:46 |
luke-jr_ | and gggs | 08:46 |
ieatlint | :P | 08:46 |
luke-jr_ | gggs: funny, Maemo gives me a similar message every boot… | 08:46 |
luke-jr_ | just calls it MicroSD | 08:46 |
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gggs | True, I think I killed a 1-yr-old mSD card a few months ago under the same circumstances | 08:47 |
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gggs | I still think it's impressive that my N900 has more processing power, higher resolution screen, megabit networking, and more storage than some PC's I've had in the past | 08:53 |
gggs | Although Nokia could release an `N350' consisting of a bash shell and I'd still be happy | 08:54 |
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ieatlint | eh... a standard arduino/atmel that can be the size of a pack of gum and run several hours on a coin battery is roughly comparable in power to a 286 | 08:59 |
ieatlint | and costs ~$15 | 08:59 |
ieatlint | granted, the $600 n900 is comparable in power to a standard computer from around 2001... | 08:59 |
ieatlint | but it can't play skifree :( | 09:00 |
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wmarone | .... | 09:01 |
wmarone | damnit | 09:01 |
wmarone | fullscreen Jezzball for the N900 | 09:01 |
wmarone | killer. app. | 09:01 |
gggs | Does it need to run SkiFree? Duke3d ftw | 09:02 |
ieatlint | i'm pretty sure it'll run duke nukem forever when it comes out | 09:03 |
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gggs | ieatlint: EasyDebian + WINE + skifree.exe? | 09:08 |
psycho_oreos | you gotta love the flexibility of N900, make a phone call, surf the net through it and then being able to ssh into the device | 09:09 |
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ieatlint | i don't feel like perverting my device quite that much | 09:12 |
jacekowski | you forgot about have call cut in the middle because watchdog decides to reboot | 09:13 |
* wmarone tries to remember the last time the watchdog rebooted his phone | 09:13 | |
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gggs | psycho_oreos: I have moments where I'll be watching mp4 lectures on my N900, connected to the uni's wifi, with a browser in the background, running Skype, a graphics calculator, my schedule, and sending sms at the same time, and still be struck with awe at the neatness of it | 09:19 |
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psycho_oreos | gggs, its the cool things that a real multitasking OS with a decent hardware specs can get you these days :) | 09:20 |
sivang | good morning | 09:21 |
psycho_oreos | g'day | 09:23 |
ieatlint | evening | 09:24 |
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gggs | psycho_oreos: It is :) My old Nokia 6300 single-tasking started irritating me, so I got an N78, which mostly sucked but multi-tasking was neat, and I've been happy with my N900 since I got it 3 months ago | 09:27 |
gggs | sivang: Afternoon | 09:28 |
psycho_oreos | gggs, similar story to mine except I lost my motorola v3 and got meself N95-1 (which sucked, if I did get rid of it I would have said good riddance but alas n900 doesn't have some of the goodies here and there from n95-1) and now n900 | 09:29 |
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sivang | psycho_oreos: what goodies are you missing? | 09:30 |
gggs | psycho_oreos: I had a V600, which I think had similar firmware to the V3, I'm surprised you hated the N95 | 09:31 |
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sivang | yes, N95 is well appreciated among power users and hackers of all sorts of hats. | 09:31 |
psycho_oreos | sivang, alarm clock doesn't do workdays :) it'll still sound on weekends and so I can't really turn that off easily, there's another thing that I also forgot and then there's pynetmony | 09:32 |
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psycho_oreos | gggs, I hated because it was a phone that gave me nothing but pain.. it crashed alot, then it won't allow me to multitask properly.. and the OS was a hard nut to work with.. can't install programs without signing them.. and they have to be signed before they can be installed.. I had to literally crack the phone.. plus camera/video shutter sounds.. lame.. cannot be disbaled | 09:33 |
psycho_oreos | s/disbaled/disabled/ | 09:33 |
infobot | psycho_oreos meant: gggs, I hated because it was a phone that gave me nothing but pain.. it crashed alot, then it won't allow me to multitask properly.. and the OS was a hard nut to work with.. can't install programs without signing them.. and they have to be signed before t... | 09:33 |
gggs | The Moto' had the worst predictive text ever invented, you'd be typing something like `predictive', but after the `v' it would become `jkfccjqr' | 09:33 |
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psycho_oreos | I always turn predictive typing off, never liked it since day one with ericsson t39mc using T9 dictionary | 09:34 |
sivang | psycho_oreos: you can choose the days you want to alarm to go off so choose all of them excluding the weekend :) | 09:34 |
sivang | psycho_oreos: pynetmoney is the net monitoring tool? | 09:34 |
Surfa | it's easy to say that something 5 year old was bad, but did you have any better options that time? | 09:36 |
psycho_oreos | sivang, well put it this way, I have multiple alarms going off sequentially (at 10 minute intervals) and I can't simply go around unsetting weekdays by hand once I'm fully awake.. I must turn them off as the alarms keeps on sounding one by one.. on n95-1 I could just unset the day that I was on and that I'm awake as not a working day and the rest of the alarms won't continue to sound | 09:36 |
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psycho_oreos | sivang, yes, albeit active | 09:36 |
kerio | psycho_oreos: huh... sneeze | 09:37 |
psycho_oreos | Surfa, had I knew about it I would have gotten old htc phone (running linux) | 09:37 |
psycho_oreos | kerio, ? | 09:37 |
Surfa | and you're sure that would have been better option? | 09:38 |
gggs | psycho_oreos: That's similar to what I found with the N78, although I've heard the N95 had horrible battery life. I know what you mean by closed OS, you couldn't even do basic modifications like remove the useless `share online' icon from the homescreen | 09:38 |
psycho_oreos | Surfa, I'm sure I would have been alot happier than dealing with the likes of signed packages and having to install things like ROMpatcher (which could brick yer phone easily) just to get things to work the way that I want | 09:39 |
Corsac | hmhm, does someone know if it's possible to get guess location from a random ip using geoclue? | 09:39 |
Surfa | Corsac, why not? | 09:39 |
sivang | psycho_oreos: the mony thing not open source just freeware right? | 09:40 |
psycho_oreos | gggs, there's lot more than just that but you get what I mean.. my brother now has a x6-16GB which I played not long ago.. it seems to have opened up a little but I bet its still very restrictive | 09:40 |
gggs | But for it's time, it was a groundbreaking phone, it's just than compared to Maemo, Symbian looks older than MacOS 9 | 09:40 |
Corsac | Surfa: it seems that the api doesn't provide a way to give it IP address | 09:40 |
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Corsac | Surfa: I'm not too sure but it seems that it'll only pick the address of the currently routed interface or something | 09:40 |
psycho_oreos | sivang, its open source, the whole thing is written in python but the number of packages one must sign and install in order to get all the functions of the pynetmony working can be a little daunting | 09:41 |
gggs | psycho_oreos: You can sign .sis files with your own certificate, but you have to go to a Chinese website to get one | 09:41 |
sivang | psycho_oreos: installing apps to symbian is undergoing revamping. you can self sign or even get you built apps signed by ovi for free IIRC | 09:41 |
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psycho_oreos | gggs, yeah I found that out later on.. its still alot of hassle.. that opda site | 09:41 |
Surfa | Corsac, it appears that you're right.. | 09:41 |
sivang | psycho_oreos: nice, and you're sure you did not find this for N900? I might take a try and package it / port it | 09:41 |
psycho_oreos | sivang, too bad I've already got my share and had enough of dealing with symbian and its tight arse procedures | 09:42 |
Corsac | Surfa: ok, so I guess I'd need to ask hostip directly | 09:43 |
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psycho_oreos | sivang, there's no equivalent..the devs on that project moved onto android and the software is known as gmon.. alas n900 has the capability of passive monitoring for wifi which is probably more ideal to harness than using active probing.. I constantly dream the idea of porting it across to n900 but too much projects on my hand right now | 09:43 |
gggs | There were some really nice applications for S60v3 that aren't really matched by N900. Ovi Maps for instance, SportsTracker | 09:44 |
psycho_oreos | ovi maps is a laughing farce really.. ovi team just seems to be so obnoxious on their stance with n900 users | 09:45 |
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gggs | I avoid anything Ovi* like the plague, but Ovi Maps was a nice application, especially with voice guidance | 09:45 |
psycho_oreos | n95-1 (sorry you must pay for turn by turn navigation).. n900 (sorry turn-by-turn isn't available for your device).. epic fail | 09:45 |
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psycho_oreos | well beyond ludicrous | 09:46 |
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psycho_oreos | they'll just charge whichever type owners they choose and because n900 is a niche market running linux.. they probably just don't have time.. like their ovi store | 09:47 |
gggs | I was in love with the Female(British) voice | 09:47 |
kerio | gggs: TMI | 09:48 |
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psycho_oreos | and most of the ovi stuff is literally made for windows.. so they just shrug off linux users/n900 owners | 09:48 |
gggs | Come on, it was a cute British accent ``Turn... right at the next... intersection'' | 09:48 |
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psycho_oreos | I never heard of it but I'd say that'd be cool for espeaktime :D | 09:49 |
gggs | ``You have reached your destination'' made me feel like I'd found a secret level of Tomb Raider | 09:49 |
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sivang | psycho_oreos: it would probably be nice to have the GSM and UMTS probing , is passive probing availabel there as well ? (-is this like promiscious mode?) | 09:51 |
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psycho_oreos | sivang, afaik for pynetmony gsm/umts were passive but it doesn't log nearby stations servicing other areas or other network providers.. it only shows and logs your own network info and the current one you are on. | 09:53 |
sivang | psycho_oreos: okay, good enough | 09:53 |
psycho_oreos | sivang, wlan and bt probing were both active type probing (I've verified the wlan portion and I'm sure you can't really passively monitor bt unless you have a specific chipset, specific subtype of a chipset and special firmware) | 09:54 |
sivang | psycho_oreos: okay, thanks for the info. I'll look it up, it being python could help make the porting quicker but not sure until I see the source. | 09:56 |
psycho_oreos | the cool thing with pynetmony was also the ability to work with GPS receiver, if you have that on yer phone and you have installed the .sis package for GPS, you can see where roughly the APs, BTs and Cell Towers were along with exporting them out to .kml (only for wlan) | 09:57 |
johnx | that sounds like kismet circa 2002 | 09:57 |
psycho_oreos | kismet only does wlan however unless you get bt addon but even at that there's no cellular/mobile tower tracking :) | 09:58 |
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johnx | that's true, but towers aren't exactly state secrets and bluetooth devices tend to be ... mobile | 09:59 |
sivang | anyway, I'm off to get some coffee and breakfast. | 09:59 |
johnx | but I'm just a cranky old man :) | 09:59 |
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psycho_oreos | towers are usually company secrets but not at a high level imo.. they don't have a public listing of cell phone towers, their exact MNID, etc addresses, co-ordinates :) and bluetooth well, computers, GPS nav devices, etc uses bluetooth | 10:00 |
Corsac | (opencellid can provide some information) | 10:01 |
johnx | I suppose so. I just hoped that the state of the art had advanced a bit more than it has in the last 8 years | 10:01 |
psycho_oreos | but it is quite interesting to see what sort of bluetooth names you get just by scanning and logging them, the names usually. Same goes with the names of APs | 10:01 |
* psycho_oreos has never heard of opencellid | 10:01 | |
sivang | psycho_oreos: here's there's a map of all the towers and which company they belong to, environment preservation policy | 10:03 |
psycho_oreos | sivang, btw http://sites.google.com/site/pynetmony/home | 10:04 |
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gggs | was there a lightning strike near a freenode server, because my entire screen is full of ping timeouts and join messages | 10:38 |
jpinx-eeepc | doesn't take much to fill a n900 screen ;) | 10:39 |
psycho_oreos | no idea but it could have been anything including latency issues | 10:39 |
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gggs | jpinx-eeepc: You're reading this on an N900, or an eeepc? | 10:41 |
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jpinx-eeepc | eeepc since 5 minutes ago | 10:41 |
* jpinx-eeepc needs to change his nick more accurately | 10:41 | |
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crashanddie | jpinx-eeepc, please don't | 10:42 |
crashanddie | seriously, everyone, stop thinking you're so important that everyone in the rooms you share needs to know at any instant where you are, and what you use. | 10:43 |
crashanddie | It's pretty much the same as people tweeting "Taking a crap" | 10:43 |
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flux | the best solutions are always technological. /ignore nicks parts quits :-) | 10:44 |
sivang | the xephyr part of refuses to start for me, anybody an idea what to check besides the obvious yet odd params change for tinyX and X ? | 10:44 |
crashanddie | or /ban idiotswithstupidchangingnicknames. | 10:44 |
sivang | http://paste.pocoo.org/show/271207/ | 10:44 |
ds3 | but but tweeting taking a crap is such a nice feature :D | 10:44 |
johnx | crashanddie, no one cares that you care. | 10:44 |
* gggs changes name to gggs-servicing_your_mum | 10:45 | |
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crashanddie | gggs, I would recommend you don't do that too often unless you want to be banned ad vita eternam | 10:46 |
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johnx | anyways. it does make sense in the case of being on a phone, where your typing speed is affected and you don't want people to keep sending you youtube links | 10:46 |
sivang | right, so loosing -kb works | 10:46 |
crashanddie | how loose? | 10:46 |
johnx | see. I didn't rise to the bait | 10:47 |
crashanddie | johnx, well, having two nicknames is fine, and use whichever is appropriate | 10:47 |
crashanddie | johnx, but don't go switching continuously between the two is all I'm asking. | 10:47 |
ieatlint | i support unprovoked agro attacks of people as well | 10:47 |
johnx | yes sir. thank you sir | 10:47 |
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ieatlint | especially when their actions in no way actually affect me | 10:47 |
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ieatlint | :P | 10:47 |
ieatlint | i feel that my two statements there are truisms | 10:48 |
johnx | see, since we know he's on a netbook with flakey wifi, we knew he'd get disconnected sooner or later :D | 10:48 |
crashanddie | I don't actually see joins/parts :P | 10:48 |
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johnx | I see ping timeouts. they're everywhere. some of them don't even realize they timed out ... | 10:49 |
sivang | crashanddie: haha, I did it again :-p | 10:49 |
crashanddie | I'm really starting to hate geolocation based on IP :( | 10:49 |
sivang | crashanddie: why? | 10:49 |
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johnx | having to set it up for something? | 10:50 |
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ieatlint | man, flash sucks ass... it appears to have crashed on my desktop, so it has an artefact about 300x500 pixels that's blocking the screen on all my workspaces, and the only way to get it to go away appears to be to kill my browser... but i don't want to close everything i have | 10:50 |
crashanddie | because I'm getting all the crappy results when searching google. I don't care about french results, i want english. | 10:50 |
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cehteh | ieatlint: no session saver plugin? | 10:50 |
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ieatlint | cehteh: eh.. it does, but it never is too elegant about it | 10:50 |
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johnx | ieatlint, kill the subprocess that's drawing it? | 10:51 |
johnx | also: flashblock | 10:51 |
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ieatlint | yeah, have flashblock on n900 and my laptop... i don't know why i don't here | 10:51 |
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ieatlint | probably because i'm awesome like that | 10:51 |
ieatlint | and it's running inside chromium so i can't just kill the process | 10:52 |
crashanddie | sivang, shouldn't -kb be -keybd | 10:52 |
crashanddie | -keybd driver [,,options] Specify the keyboard driver and its options | 10:53 |
sivang | crashanddie: should file a bug report ? | 10:53 |
crashanddie | dunno | 10:53 |
crashanddie | I don't even have any clue as to what this stuff is :P | 10:53 |
crashanddie | I'm just reading the help section of tinyx, and seeing there's -keybd rather than -kb :p | 10:53 |
johnx | ugh. kdrive. ugh | 10:53 |
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johnx | a fair number of the arguments are documented by 'strings X | less' | 10:54 |
dneary | hi | 10:56 |
dneary | I feel like an idiot | 10:56 |
dneary | I don't use git often... | 10:56 |
crashanddie | what'd'ya need? | 10:56 |
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dneary | And now I want to do a local commit (not a push) | 10:56 |
crashanddie | git commit -a -m "My message" | 10:56 |
dneary | I have some modified files, and one untracked file which I don't want to be committed | 10:56 |
dneary | git commit -m "my commit message" gives me a list of changed files, but doesn't commit them | 10:57 |
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ieatlint | git add <list of siles> | 10:57 |
ieatlint | git commit -m "my message" | 10:57 |
ieatlint | bleh, s/siles/files/ | 10:57 |
dneary | git commit -m "message" -uno doesn't do much better | 10:57 |
ieatlint | only list the files you want to add | 10:57 |
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dneary | ieatlint, This is on a git clone | 10:58 |
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crashanddie | dneary, pastebin output of git status | 10:58 |
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dneary | Ah - perhaps I need to do a git branch first to create a local branch | 10:58 |
crashanddie | git doesn't have concepts of read-only repos | 10:58 |
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crashanddie | so you should be able to commit, even if it's a clone. | 10:58 |
ieatlint | ah.. i'm not nearly as proficient at git as i'd like :P | 10:58 |
merlincorey | read the pro git book | 10:58 |
merlincorey | get a github account | 10:59 |
merlincorey | experiment | 10:59 |
merlincorey | repeat | 10:59 |
dneary | merlincorey, This is a git clone of a gitorious repository :) | 10:59 |
crashanddie | merlincorey, want to really understand git? Then try to install gitorious locally :) | 10:59 |
merlincorey | dneary: is gitorious like gitolite? | 10:59 |
dneary | merlincorey, And (since I'm not quite a neophyte here) I was hoping that I'd just missed something silly in initialisation | 10:59 |
crashanddie | merlincorey, no, gitorious is like github, a hosting service | 11:00 |
dneary | And I believe that would be git branch | 11:00 |
crashanddie | merlincorey, but they only allow open source hosting. | 11:00 |
merlincorey | gitolite will let you do repository hosting with read only access and control of branches too | 11:00 |
merlincorey | check it out on github | 11:00 |
dneary | crashanddie, http://pastebin.ca/1954607 | 11:00 |
crashanddie | wtf | 11:01 |
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crashanddie | pastebin.ca is blocked my antivirus? | 11:01 |
dneary | merlincorey, Not really helping... | 11:01 |
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merlincorey | dneary: oic | 11:01 |
merlincorey | dneary: excuse me | 11:01 |
merlincorey | dneary: let me not really help some more | 11:01 |
dneary | merlincorey, I appreciate your time, really | 11:02 |
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merlincorey | dneary: thanks, me too - have a good night and good luck | 11:02 |
merlincorey | I need to pass out | 11:02 |
crashanddie | dneary, echo "ds.patch" >> .gitignore | 11:02 |
crashanddie | dneary, git add . | 11:03 |
crashanddie | dneary, git commit -a -m "message" | 11:03 |
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dneary | merlincorey, Just - I'd have preferred if you started with a question (maybe to figure out whether I knew anything at all) before launching into "read a book, spend a few hours experimenting" | 11:03 |
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crashanddie | or alternatively, git add <file> for all the files you wish to track | 11:03 |
dneary | crashanddie, I don't need to create a branch first? | 11:03 |
crashanddie | nope | 11:03 |
crashanddie | you can | 11:03 |
crashanddie | if you want to | 11:03 |
crashanddie | but it's not required | 11:03 |
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crashanddie | git branch keyword | 11:04 |
crashanddie | then git add, etc | 11:04 |
crashanddie | git will carry the changes over to the new branch until commited | 11:04 |
dneary | hehehe | 11:04 |
dneary | Do I also need to add .gitignore to .gitignore? :) | 11:05 |
crashanddie | again, you can, not required. | 11:05 |
crashanddie | most repos have their own .gitignore, which is useless clutter. i like to include it personally | 11:05 |
dneary | Ah - without it, I'm getting the same thing (.gitignore untracked file) | 11:05 |
crashanddie | (i like to include .gitignore inside .gitignore so I don't annoy others with it) | 11:06 |
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dneary | Still getting the list of modified files, but not seeing a new commit being created | 11:06 |
crashanddie | did you git add? | 11:07 |
Jaffa | Morning, all | 11:07 |
crashanddie | dneary, either git add ., or git commit -a | 11:07 |
dneary | Do I need to, after "git clone <repos>; git checkout -b working;"? | 11:07 |
crashanddie | not necessarily | 11:07 |
crashanddie | err, wait, what | 11:07 |
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dneary | So -a is pretty much always necessary when you're committing, then? I don't get it | 11:09 |
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crashanddie | No, it just tells git to include all the files that it noticed have been added | 11:10 |
crashanddie | Normally afterwards, you shouldn't have to include it anymore | 11:10 |
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crashanddie | just add a newline to the end of index.html to see if it works | 11:11 |
crashanddie | basically, -a = "All the local changes" | 11:12 |
dneary | Nope - doesn't commit | 11:12 |
dneary | Without -a or the git add, it is the equivalent of git status | 11:12 |
dneary | Which is a bit weird :) | 11:12 |
dneary | I can live with it, though | 11:12 |
crashanddie | or if you only want to commit a single file, git add <file>, then git commit | 11:12 |
dneary | Works if I just put the filename on the command line | 11:12 |
crashanddie | I'm explaining badly, you ought to get a book written by someone who knows how to hold a thought for more than 5 seconds. | 11:12 |
dneary | crashanddie, You've been very helpful. Thanks. | 11:13 |
Jaffa | dneary: "git add" allows you to build up your shopping basket of things to commit. | 11:13 |
dneary | Jaffa, Yeah, I'm getting the general idea now | 11:13 |
dneary | It doesn't work like svn ci... | 11:13 |
* Jaffa is still very much a git noob. | 11:13 | |
crashanddie | dneary, I have this printed on 4 * A3 pages on my wall: http://ktown.kde.org/~zrusin/git/git-cheat-sheet-large.png | 11:14 |
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peb_ | Hi folks, good morning | 11:15 |
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peb | More perhaps a Linux question: How do I get aware on the computer, when (and that) my N900 got connected via USB cable? Just by tracing the /var/log/messages file? I need to trigger (some) actions as soon as the littleBugger got attached ... | 11:22 |
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Stskeeps | peb: lsusb? | 11:22 |
johnx | peb, dbus | 11:22 |
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johnx | lusb would be simpler, but I guess you'd have to poll ... | 11:22 |
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dneary | Thanks crashanddie | 11:31 |
RST38h | moo johnx | 11:32 |
johnx | m00f RST38h | 11:32 |
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johnx | RST38h, maybe you'd know. why am I up at 1:30AM? | 11:33 |
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RST38h | johnx: You are not up. | 11:39 |
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RST38h | johnx: You are either asleep (and we are all a dream) or dead (and then I have no idea what I am doing here) | 11:40 |
johnx | worse than that. I'm manually applying patches to my kernel ... | 11:40 |
ieatlint | bah, 1:30 is early | 11:40 |
ieatlint | the bars are still open | 11:40 |
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johnx | ieatlint, out of curiosity, how much do you sleep per night? | 11:41 |
ieatlint | uh, ~8 | 11:41 |
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gggs | http://xkcd.com/361/ | 11:41 |
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thp | mgedmin: any chance of getting "dict" (for Fremantle) promoted from extras-devel to extras-testing? | 11:59 |
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RST38h | thp: So, Symbian^3 still requires Avkon, even in Qt programs? | 12:01 |
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thp | RST38h: for things like fixing screen rotation, i think so | 12:05 |
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RST38h | thp: Yes, but you also had to do CAknAppUi? | 12:07 |
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thp | RST38h: no, i just did a copy'n'paste of that snippet - everything else is just qt. | 12:08 |
RST38h | hmm...ok | 12:08 |
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RST38h | http://www.talouselama.fi/uutiset/article511334.ece | 12:10 |
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RST38h | heya wazd | 12:10 |
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RST38h | Consistent exchange of dates, Nokia will continue. MeeGo business responded Ari Jaaksi last week announced to leave the company, Ilta-Sanomat said on Tuesday. | 12:10 |
Stskeeps | :O | 12:11 |
RST38h | (sorry for Google Translate messing it upa bit) | 12:11 |
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Jaffa | RST38h: Erk | 12:16 |
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sivang | hrm? | 12:18 |
RST38h | Well, we kinda heard about it last week from a finnish guy, right? | 12:18 |
RST38h | So it was true in the end | 12:18 |
sivang | who was it? | 12:19 |
sivang | actually, doesn't matter. | 12:19 |
TermanaN900 | siivvvaannng | 12:19 |
RST38h | sivang: doesn't matter | 12:19 |
sivang | hey TermanaN900 :) | 12:19 |
sivang | TermanaN900: did I miss yet another internet meme? :-p | 12:20 |
TermanaN900 | sivang, the meme was bad. Not knowing who Ari is, that is a bannable offence! :p | 12:20 |
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Stskeeps | TermanaN900: head of meego devices | 12:20 |
sivang | TermanaN900: I know who he is! | 12:21 |
sivang | TermanaN900: I just didn't know who said he'll be living, that's all :) | 12:21 |
Sargun_Screen | who is ari? | 12:21 |
TermanaN900 | Stskeeps, well done, you have earnt you're golden star | 12:21 |
sivang | TermanaN900: and I've been following his posts | 12:21 |
* RST38h points in the general direction of google.com | 12:21 | |
TermanaN900 | ;p | 12:21 |
TermanaN900 | your* | 12:21 |
sivang | Stskeeps, please note to people that I do know who he is, everybody who ever saw a Nokia MeeGo devices or first heard of N900 back then knows who Ari is :) | 12:22 |
TermanaN900 | sivang, then why did you ask who it was ;p | 12:22 |
sivang | err: | 12:22 |
RST38h | Termana: Apparently, he though it was funny | 12:22 |
sivang | TermanaN900: I asked who was the guy who announced it unofficially :) | 12:22 |
TermanaN900 | sivang, suuurreee :p | 12:22 |
sivang | 11:18 < RST38h> Well, we kinda heard about it last week from a finnish guy, right? | 12:22 |
Jaffa | It's a *bit* unnerving. | 12:23 |
TermanaN900 | Anyway, why are so many people leaving Nokia? :p | 12:23 |
kirma | humm | 12:23 |
sivang | so I thought that was some finnish guy who leaked this here on the channel | 12:23 |
Scelt | losing thei faith I suppose | 12:23 |
RST38h | Jaffa: You mean, more unnerving than droppipng support for the current phone, deprecating the next phone even before it has been released, and promising some "new" meego device at some unspecified point in the future? | 12:23 |
* RST38h cackles evilly, Shelob-style | 12:24 | |
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Jaffa | RST38h: Fair point | 12:24 |
TermanaN900 | RST38h, traitor | 12:25 |
TermanaN900 | ;p | 12:25 |
sivang | does it really matter if someone leaves or stays? | 12:25 |
sivang | I mean, I don't think it is something to worry about. | 12:25 |
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kirma | pure speculation: jaaksi leaving could be positioned in the transition where Qt is aimed to become the dominant internal development platform, not only as the platform being developed, but also as basis for the internally developed applications (think of Symbian^4 bundled applications and so on) | 12:26 |
TermanaN900 | sivang, well i mean, 3 people in higher positions have left, so :p | 12:26 |
kirma | the organization of things would be expected to change at that point anyway | 12:26 |
sivang | TermanaN900: which should probably be more concered at the lower level of people exchange as this truly can affect quality of releases and the software in general. | 12:27 |
sivang | kirma: indeed | 12:27 |
kirma | Qt is the platform from that point, not really Symbian or MeeGo/Harmattan | 12:27 |
TermanaN900 | Anyway, I'll be more worried if Nokia introduces any Windows phones | 12:27 |
Jaffa | sivang: Engineers need empassioned leadership. | 12:27 |
kirma | but I tend to see many things regarding changes inside Nokia in slightly too optimistic light. | 12:28 |
sivang | Jaffa: true, not saying it is not important, still... | 12:28 |
Jaffa | sivang: And bad leadership causes your engineers to leave ;-) | 12:28 |
Scelt | Jaffa: was that Ari Jaaksi a great leader? | 12:28 |
sivang | where there's a change, there's promise | 12:28 |
Stskeeps | i'm more curious who the replacemnt would be | 12:29 |
sivang | we need to embrace | 12:29 |
Scelt | hmph, is ari jaaksi the man who irced here using nick konttori? | 12:29 |
Stskeeps | no | 12:29 |
Scelt | okay | 12:29 |
kirma | hrh | 12:29 |
kirma | heh even | 12:30 |
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kirma | great leader... like kim il jong? ;) | 12:30 |
sivang | Jaffa: I'm not sure that's a good trait for an engineer. I've been in a lot of places where leadership was crap, but those who had patience and embraced change in leadership profited. | 12:31 |
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crashanddie | sivang, except that bad leadership causes poor visibility, poor planning, and inherently, poor products | 12:32 |
kirma | nokia has lots of horribly bad middle management and culture that hasn't worked too much to solve that problem, that's no secret | 12:32 |
Jaffa | sivang: What crashanddie said | 12:32 |
Jaffa | Scelt: That'd be Urho Konttori. | 12:32 |
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sivang | noted, okay | 12:32 |
Scelt | Jaffa: is his real surname Konttori? it means office in Finnish | 12:33 |
Jaffa | Ari was, at least, accessible; understood the tech; used the devices and so on. | 12:33 |
Jaffa | What he was like to work for, I've no idea. | 12:33 |
crashanddie | Caused by more-than-needed efforts due to above-average maintenance needs. This creates unnecessary overtime (it's normal to have overtime, but it needs to be required only every once in a while, not 6 days out of 7), and causes people to leave, no matter how much money you throw at them | 12:33 |
Jaffa | Whether MeeGo & Maemo would be somewhere else with someone else in charge, I dunno either. | 12:33 |
Jaffa | Scelt: And it's similar in Swedish but yes - that's his name AFAIK. | 12:33 |
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Scelt | Jaffa: oknp :) | 12:34 |
sivang | crashanddie: true | 12:35 |
sivang | crashanddie: this is an issue, if there exists unbalanced work culture it is a problem indeed, wearing engineers and draining their energy. | 12:36 |
RST38h | Jaffa: Bad leadership does not consider engineers a valuable asset | 12:37 |
RST38h | Jaffa: You can always hire new ones off the streets | 12:37 |
Jaffa | RST38h: Indeed. | 12:37 |
crashanddie | Because engineers aren't a valuable asset | 12:37 |
Jaffa | RST38h: In some cases, that's true though ;-) | 12:37 |
crashanddie | It's the management around them: You can have the best engineers, poorly managed, and they'll produce crap | 12:37 |
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RST38h | Jaffa: When you have hired them off the street a few times in a row,it becomes true enough | 12:38 |
RST38h | crash: Problem is, you need to have BOTH parts of the equation right | 12:38 |
Jaffa | RST38h: Really great engineers are as rare as really great managers, IME. | 12:38 |
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crashanddie | If you have good management, and this includes appropriate product management, dual track management (hr and tech management shouldn't be done by the same person), good documentation management, then bad engineers will stick out like sore thumbs, and good engineers will shine | 12:38 |
Jaffa | RST38h: And many organisations could probably do better with fewer of each. | 12:38 |
crashanddie | good management allows a company to cope with good engineers having issues and being offline for a week or two. Poor management makes a whole company run upside down as soon as someone leaves for holiday | 12:39 |
RST38h | Jaffa: More or less, yes | 12:40 |
sivang | crashanddie++ | 12:40 |
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crashanddie | I'm actually a big supporter of the "Leave often, leave early" when it comes to nearly any job, but even more true for engineering/consulting roles | 12:42 |
crashanddie | Most newcomers have reached their peak after 6 months-2 years, depending on the size of the company, and the quality of the person | 12:43 |
crashanddie | After that peak, projects will look the same, and the person won't be listened to anymore when it comes to changing infrastructure to improve the workflows/management technique. | 12:44 |
crashanddie | Day 1: "Oh wow, that's a good idea, let's use that", day 700: "Yeah yeah, you told us that before, but haven't had time for it in the past, and we more urgent things to do" | 12:44 |
crashanddie | At that point, the person needs to find a new company, or new part of the same company to move to. | 12:45 |
crashanddie | And management should actually encourage them to leave. It's stupid for management to think they'll be able to retain someone forever. | 12:45 |
crashanddie | If management recommends someone for another job (either a sideway movement if less than 12 months of age in the company, or upwards if more than 18 months), they'll have a lot more chances to get it, and management retains the ability to use that person's knowledge when required, if required. | 12:47 |
crashanddie | But being blind about the fact the person will leave will cause a pretty bad injury and disconnection when the person finally submits his resignation, and then everyone's screwed. | 12:47 |
crashanddie | </rant> | 12:48 |
crashanddie | Raise your hand if you've ever spent the last week of work refreshing slashdot because you weren't allowed to touch anything, and people didn't invite you for lunch anymore because it was "sensitive data" | 12:48 |
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* SpeedEvil imagines confidential ham. | 12:56 | |
DocScrutinizer | hehe | 12:57 |
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xkr47 | http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/demotivational-posters-smartphones.jpg | 13:58 |
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jaska | :D | 13:59 |
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tybollt | oops | 14:08 |
tybollt | guess my phone was really fuubar | 14:08 |
tybollt | handed it in for repairs | 14:08 |
tybollt | got a new one back | 14:08 |
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n900-space | how do i access Madde console while i'm using a linux pc? | 14:26 |
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midas_ | hi there | 14:35 |
midas_ | i have a small problem with my n900 + exchange 2010 | 14:35 |
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midas_ | certificate is from startssl and works, but my phone claims that its having a hard time communicating with the server | 14:36 |
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sivaN900 | re | 14:37 |
crashanddie | midas_, exchange support is flaky at best | 14:37 |
crashanddie | midas_, do you know for sure if exchange 2010 is supported? | 14:37 |
midas_ | it was on maemo.org | 14:37 |
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midas_ | that they at least got it to work | 14:37 |
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sivaN900 | i heard exc€hane support is quite bad across distros | 14:38 |
midas_ | i noticed | 14:39 |
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RST38h | Internet Explorer falls below 50 percent global marketshare, Chrome usage triples | 14:41 |
sivaN900 | midas_: been using it actually? | 14:44 |
midas_ | sivaN900: exchange? yes | 14:44 |
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sivaN900 | midas_: what are the major issues ? on which platform ? has ubuntu managed to do any improvements to open sourse support of it ? | 14:45 |
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midas_ | sivaN900: i used it on my n900.. | 14:46 |
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* midas_ checks if he's in #maemo | 14:47 | |
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sivaN900 | midas_: ah never had to use it. modest really improved accessing gmail though | 14:47 |
sivaN900 | midas_: in the last pr upgrade | 14:47 |
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midas_ | 1.2? | 14:48 |
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sivaN900 | midas_: yes | 14:48 |
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sivaN900 | midas_: after ages on initial run it is somewhat better in fetching headers time and allowing you to work with cached content while download is in progress | 14:49 |
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crashanddie | MohammadAG51, does maemo use Packages.bz2 on repos? | 14:54 |
MohammadAG51 | i think so | 14:54 |
MohammadAG51 | err | 14:54 |
MohammadAG51 | probably not | 14:55 |
MohammadAG51 | tar doesn't have bzip2 support | 14:55 |
crashanddie | MohammadAG51, then apt-get wouldn't work, would it? | 14:55 |
MohammadAG51 | maybe Packages.gz | 14:55 |
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crashanddie | ah, indeed | 14:55 |
crashanddie | MohammadAG51, trying to figure out what the spaniard has on his repo | 14:58 |
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crashanddie | are the angry birds .debs free distributables? | 15:03 |
crashanddie | http://repository.phonesfera.com/apt/dists/fremantle/pago/binary-armel/Packages | 15:04 |
crashanddie | MohammadAG51, http://repository.phonesfera.com/apt/dists/fremantle/propias/binary-armel/Packages look at the "inyeccionmods" line :0 | 15:05 |
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MohammadAG51 | crashanddie, http://repository.phonesfera.com/apt/pool/propias/i/inyeccionmods/inyeccionmods_0.0.5_armel.deb | 15:07 |
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MohammadAG51 | package contains .ko files | 15:08 |
crashanddie | it's just the neopwn modules repackaged | 15:08 |
crashanddie | MohammadAG51, can you run strings on that to see if it's GPL? | 15:08 |
crashanddie | or are you on your N900? | 15:09 |
MohammadAG51 | crashanddie, doing so right now | 15:09 |
MohammadAG51 | crashanddie, and i'm on the N900 | 15:09 |
MohammadAG51 | i have strings on it :P | 15:09 |
MohammadAG51 | first fail | 15:09 |
MohammadAG51 | deb contains another deb | 15:09 |
MohammadAG51 | crashanddie, pipe symbol please | 15:10 |
crashanddie | | | 15:10 |
MohammadAG51 | broke the virtual kbd while trying to get the 1.1 back | 15:10 |
MohammadAG51 | ty | 15:10 |
midas_ | haha | 15:11 |
MohammadAG51 | license=GPL, got him | 15:11 |
pupnik_ | i want to build robots that do human jobs | 15:11 |
pupnik_ | to fucking crush all those dumb people i hated in school | 15:11 |
MohammadAG51 | crashanddie, | 15:12 |
MohammadAG51 | ~/MyDocs/.documents/gpl/usr/lib/neomods $ strings *.ko | grep license\=GPL | wc -l | 15:12 |
MohammadAG51 | 6 | 15:12 |
crashanddie | thanks | 15:12 |
MohammadAG51 | can i come to court, please :P | 15:12 |
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dsg | The mozilla repo's been broken for some days now (invalid Release file), anyone who maintains it? | 15:15 |
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crashanddie | dsg, Mozilla? | 15:17 |
timeless_mbp | dsg: um | 15:18 |
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timeless_mbp | file a bug | 15:18 |
crashanddie | do you have to pay for the angry birds expansion packs? | 15:18 |
timeless_mbp | bugzilla.mozilla.org mozilla.org:<something> | 15:18 |
timeless_mbp | but i just updated fennec today | 15:18 |
timeless_mbp | so be sure you specify the full repo config, the log message, etc | 15:19 |
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timeless_mbp | i'm running a fennec build from yesterday (10/04) which i got via a ham update this morning | 15:19 |
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MohammadAG51 | crashanddie, yes | 15:20 |
crashanddie | what's the licence? | 15:20 |
MohammadAG51 | idk | 15:20 |
MohammadAG51 | crashanddie, vermagic= preempt mod_unload modversions ARMv7 | 15:21 |
MohammadAG51 | it's an exact copy | 15:21 |
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crashanddie | k | 15:21 |
MohammadAG51 | crashanddie, same MD5 | 15:22 |
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dsg | crashanddie: Yeah, I guess, was just wondering if the maintainer was perhaps in the channel :) | 15:24 |
dsg | I'll file a bug. | 15:24 |
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crashanddie_ | MohammadAG51, posted | 15:33 |
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MohammadAG51 | need help reflashing a shitty router | 15:34 |
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MohammadAG51 | crashanddie_, you didn't thank me you bastard | 15:37 |
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MohammadAG51 | :P | 15:37 |
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crashanddie_ | done | 15:37 |
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MohammadAG51 | lol was jk but.. thanks :D | 15:39 |
MohammadAG51 | lol @ 403 | 15:39 |
* crashanddie_ sends an email to Rovio, the Angry Birds dev | 15:40 | |
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MohammadAG51 | hmm? | 15:41 |
lcuk | Rovio responds by firing a bevvy of slightly annoyed voles back at you | 15:41 |
Jef91 | Wow go Ovi Store. Nothing like paying for a game and then having it REFUSE to download. | 15:41 |
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MohammadAG51 | using /var/tmp was a bad choice | 15:42 |
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kerio | >Ovi | 15:42 |
kerio | *hahahahaha* | 15:42 |
MohammadAG51 | a simple chmod to prevent access to some folder (say, /opt/ovistore?), then it could dl to that | 15:42 |
MohammadAG51 | but no | 15:43 |
MohammadAG51 | it downloads a deb, directly to /var/tmp | 15:43 |
MohammadAG51 | which can be easily copied from | 15:43 |
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Jef91 | 404 error from the download page. Just WOW. | 15:44 |
RST38h | Mohammad: One lemming too many, in that tmo thread? | 15:45 |
crashanddie_ | lcuk, didn't compute, sorry. | 15:47 |
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Termana | Hmm... was watching some Debconf10 video on upstart. Are men in kilts the usual dress code for Debconf? :p | 15:54 |
luke-jr_ | O.o | 15:55 |
Termana | I didn't even notice it until the end when the guy in the audience stood up | 15:55 |
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Stskeeps | Termana: i would say its not unusual | 15:57 |
luke-jr_ | would it be unusual to go dressed … normally? XD | 15:57 |
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* luke-jr_ wonders how one would reasonably conceal his handgun in a kilt | 15:59 | |
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SpeedEvil | Thigh holster | 16:00 |
luke-jr_ | SpeedEvil: that's concealed how? | 16:01 |
SpeedEvil | Concealed unless you open your legs | 16:01 |
luke-jr_ | you mean under the kilt? | 16:01 |
Termana | luke-jr_, I think a better question is why would you take a gun to debconf. | 16:01 |
Termana | You can throw tux dolls at people instead | 16:01 |
luke-jr_ | Termana: because it's foolish to go anywhere unarmed? | 16:01 |
Termana | I suppose I'm a fool then | 16:02 |
timeless_mbp | luke-jr: there's the bag in the front often | 16:02 |
timeless_mbp | http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/97/Clan_McKenzie_05Tac_021.jpg/250px-Clan_McKenzie_05Tac_021.jpg | 16:02 |
luke-jr_ | Termana: that implies only fools do foolish things :P | 16:02 |
timeless_mbp | the yellow thing | 16:02 |
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timeless_mbp | "Sporran" i guess | 16:03 |
SpeedEvil | luke-jr: yes | 16:03 |
Termana | luke-jr_, besides, I'm always armed | 16:03 |
timeless_mbp | "military sporrans" | 16:03 |
Termana | I have two of em | 16:03 |
Termana | :p | 16:04 |
luke-jr_ | Termana: fists have been mostly obsolete for millenia :P | 16:04 |
luke-jr_ | unless you're really agile and have some good training :P | 16:04 |
Termana | I always ARMed as well | 16:04 |
lcuk | luke-jr_, ahem | 16:04 |
luke-jr_ | then it's just plain impressive :o | 16:05 |
Termana | I have two of those as well | 16:05 |
Termana | I'm* | 16:05 |
luke-jr_ | lcuk: meha | 16:05 |
lcuk | http://www.your-kilt.com/kilt-knife.html | 16:05 |
lcuk | Etiquette demanded that when entering a friends home any and all concealed weapons would be revealed, the Sgian Dubh would then be taken out and placed in the top of the sock, held securely by the garter. | 16:05 |
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lcuk | so no concealed weapons | 16:06 |
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luke-jr_ | Debconf != friends home | 16:06 |
alterego | Holy crap, now Ari's leaving? :'( | 16:06 |
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alterego | He was one of my favourites. | 16:06 |
luke-jr_ | that sentence also implies weapons can be conceiled :P | 16:07 |
crashanddie_ | luke-jr: I thought debian was home to all geeks, without discrimination? | 16:07 |
crashanddie_ | luke-jr: proof: http://www.noticiasdot.com/wp2/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/debconf5.jpg | 16:07 |
crashanddie_ | not that I'd be particularly happy to call those my friends. | 16:08 |
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timeless_xchat | that excludes snail mail | 16:08 |
luke-jr_ | crashanddie_: my home is where I live | 16:08 |
luke-jr_ | :p | 16:08 |
timeless_xchat | i have a lot of that stuff | 16:08 |
timeless_xchat | i caught up on tv | 16:08 |
timeless_xchat | but only because my dvr ran out of space which meant i lost programming | 16:09 |
timeless_xchat | plus i need to pick up an id card | 16:09 |
crashanddie_ | lcuk, here: http://www.gtspirit.com/wp-content/gallery/cars-amp-girls-bmw-e46-m3-amp-lorrie/lorrie_bmw_3_02.jpg | 16:09 |
crashanddie_ | sad thing is, the first thought that crossed my mind was "Bad use of depth of field, and that tyre is dirty" | 16:10 |
timeless_xchat | the standard estimate for catching up on mail is one week for one week | 16:10 |
timeless_xchat | i don't expect to do better | 16:10 |
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lcuk | crashanddie_, I just thought the dress was nice and was surprised by how little it appeared to ride up basedon her leg | 16:11 |
timeless_xchat | sp3000, any idea how late the police station for IDs is open? | 16:11 |
lcuk | and did the camera man get any better angles | 16:11 |
crashanddie_ | lcuk, relatively | 16:12 |
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crashanddie_ | probably NSFW: http://www.gtspirit.com/wp-content/gallery/cars-amp-girls-bmw-e46-m3-amp-lorrie/lorrie_bmw_3_04.jpg | 16:12 |
crashanddie_ | lcuk, http://www.gtspirit.com/2010/10/05/cars-girls-bmw-e46-m3-lorrie/ | 16:12 |
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lcuk | haha the fabric on the dress mustv been more flimsy than I thought, on some of those photos it looks totally see through! | 16:14 |
MohammadAG51 | crashanddie_, I'd hit those rims anytime | 16:15 |
sp3000 | timeless_xchat: dunno | 16:16 |
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sp3000 | you can call and ask right ;) | 16:16 |
sp3000 | looks like it's mainlt 8-16:15 | 16:17 |
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timeless_xchat | grr, | 16:17 |
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timeless_xchat | i'll try to go tomorrow | 16:17 |
timeless_xchat | does "dear lazyweb" only apply to http? | 16:18 |
timeless_xchat | am i "dear lazyNet?" | 16:18 |
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crashanddie | I guess that girl was too hot -- looking at another picture of the same photoshoot, my computer BSOD'd | 16:20 |
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MohammadAG51 | nah, windows is a jerk :P | 16:21 |
crashanddie | actually I think it's due to network access | 16:21 |
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crashanddie | sometimes when I SCP or stuff, it BSOD | 16:21 |
sivang | crashanddie: it helps you appreciate OSs that don't, Windows is actually supporting open source. | 16:22 |
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pupnik_ | http://gizmodo.com/5655371/exclusive-first-photo-of-jungle-panasonics-portable-online-gaming-system | 16:30 |
pupnik_ | ^^ do want | 16:31 |
crashanddie | hmm, actually it's the network card | 16:32 |
MohammadAG51 | use linux | 16:32 |
MohammadAG51 | or hackintosh the shit | 16:32 |
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crashanddie | MohammadAG51, corporate computer | 16:37 |
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lolcat^ | My N900 keeps rebooting on startup | 16:38 |
crashanddie | MohammadAG51, I don't have admin access on my computer :) | 16:39 |
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jacekowski | i have an idea | 16:41 |
jacekowski | how to solve swap problem | 16:41 |
RST38h | really? wonderful! | 16:41 |
jacekowski | what is a size of block on emmc? | 16:41 |
RST38h | have you figured out what to do with the bodies, too? | 16:42 |
SpeedEvil | jacekowski: 130K or so | 16:42 |
RST38h | 128kB | 16:42 |
SpeedEvil | jacekowski: but these are erase blocks | 16:42 |
SpeedEvil | jacekowski: read blocks are 512 bytes | 16:42 |
jacekowski | yeah, so if we force it to swap 128k blocks | 16:42 |
SpeedEvil | Doesn't help | 16:42 |
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RST38h | Beautiful solution, Captain | 16:42 |
SpeedEvil | Well - it does | 16:42 |
RST38h | Unfortunately, it is already set to something like 256kB | 16:43 |
jacekowski | and read 128k blocks | 16:43 |
SpeedEvil | but - what happens if you have freed 31 of those 32k pages | 16:43 |
SpeedEvil | err | 16:43 |
jacekowski | so whole block is freed and can be reused | 16:43 |
SpeedEvil | 31 of those 4K pages | 16:43 |
Carneque | Anyone know if the USB OTG issue ever get further attention? | 16:43 |
RST38h | And quite a few people claim that setting it to a SMALLER size improves swap performance | 16:43 |
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SpeedEvil | It's basically horribly complex. | 16:43 |
RST38h | Carneque: define "further" | 16:44 |
SpeedEvil | Carneque: yes. | 16:44 |
jacekowski | imagine that it tracks emmc block sizes | 16:44 |
jacekowski | and when any page from block is read back | 16:44 |
RST38h | No. | 16:44 |
Carneque | I wasn't active in that thread that looked like it got nasty towards the end, ending in June | 16:44 |
jacekowski | it sends all pages to prefetch queue | 16:44 |
mece | Yesssss! Got a maemo project at work :) | 16:44 |
RST38h | Linux swapping algorithms know nothing of MMC block sizes | 16:44 |
Carneque | So I saw this thread and I was interested... | 16:44 |
jacekowski | and system will clean erase block | 16:44 |
MohammadAG51 | mece hand it over | 16:45 |
jacekowski | RST38h: that's why i said imagine | 16:45 |
mece | MohammadAG51, sure. I'll take the paycheck though. | 16:45 |
RST38h | They are configurable though and currently set to swap out in 256kB clusters | 16:45 |
SpeedEvil | jacekowski: The erase handling is inside the emmc. | 16:45 |
RST38h | jacekowski: I can just imagine a faster MMC. | 16:45 |
* MohammadAG51 burns the project | 16:45 | |
jacekowski | that can't be changed | 16:45 |
mece | Actually it's Qt, but development on maemo to start with. | 16:45 |
SpeedEvil | jacekowski: There is a little embedded controller inside that that manages erase behaviour, you can't change this. | 16:45 |
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Carneque | Is there a new thread on taht guys? | 16:45 |
MohammadAG51 | Qt is awesome | 16:45 |
jacekowski | but you can change software | 16:45 |
jacekowski | so it swaps always 128k blocks | 16:46 |
RST38h | jacekowski: Neither can linux swapping code, unless you know VERY WELL what you are doing. Do you? | 16:46 |
mece | MohammadAG51, hehe | 16:46 |
SpeedEvil | jacekowski: doesn't help | 16:46 |
jacekowski | on block boundariess | 16:46 |
SpeedEvil | jacekowski: you swap out 128K fine - that works well. | 16:46 |
jacekowski | and when it has to read something it will read 128k | 16:46 |
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RST38h | SpeedEvil; it is set to 6, i.e. 256kB | 16:46 |
SpeedEvil | jacekowski: now, what happens when 8/32ths of this block is freed? | 16:46 |
jacekowski | that's impossible | 16:46 |
jacekowski | it will free 100% of blokc | 16:47 |
jacekowski | block | 16:47 |
SpeedEvil | jacekowski: it's not that simple. | 16:47 |
SpeedEvil | jacekowski: you're assuming that swap clusters are the same as VM pages. | 16:47 |
SpeedEvil | They're not | 16:47 |
crashanddie | SpeedEvil, then a quarter will go to heaven | 16:47 |
mece | MohammadAG51, anyway, I had one project before, and that was pretty sweet, but did it in gtk. It was before the official qt for maemo. Now I'm thinking QML + Qt or something like that. It's a proof of concept so the requirements are sortof loose. | 16:47 |
SpeedEvil | you can't go to 128K pages without basically shredding the system. | 16:47 |
SpeedEvil | the VM system | 16:47 |
mece | anyway, makes me happy :) | 16:47 |
jacekowski | ehh | 16:47 |
jacekowski | i'm not planning to | 16:47 |
jacekowski | but i'm planning to read multiple pages at once | 16:48 |
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jacekowski | most likely related | 16:48 |
Carneque | Anyone on that keyboard, new thread? | 16:48 |
jacekowski | as swap is sort of kept defragmented | 16:48 |
SpeedEvil | jacekowski: It's not. | 16:48 |
jacekowski | so amount of pages unswapped that are not going to be used will be minimal | 16:48 |
SpeedEvil | jacekowski: There is nothing attempting to defragment swap. | 16:49 |
SpeedEvil | You need to add a swap defragmentor. | 16:49 |
jacekowski | just how it behaves makes it swap related pages together | 16:49 |
jacekowski | at least on start | 16:49 |
SpeedEvil | There is no such thing as a related page. | 16:49 |
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SpeedEvil | Pages contiguously in RAM are not required at the same frequency. | 16:50 |
jacekowski | ehh | 16:51 |
jacekowski | pages are swapped based mostly on LRU | 16:51 |
SpeedEvil | Yes. | 16:51 |
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jacekowski | so if program was swapped | 16:51 |
jacekowski | and it starts doing something with data that was swapped | 16:51 |
jacekowski | there are two things that are very likely to happen | 16:51 |
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SpeedEvil | I'm not disagreeing. | 16:52 |
jacekowski | it will access more than 512b page | 16:52 |
SpeedEvil | It's just the current swap algorithm does not know this. | 16:52 |
jacekowski | yep | 16:52 |
SpeedEvil | And you need to teach it. | 16:52 |
jacekowski | not really | 16:52 |
jacekowski | lru is enough | 16:52 |
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jacekowski | pages with content that's related will be ussualy swapped at the same time | 16:53 |
jacekowski | and will ussualy be required at the same time | 16:53 |
SpeedEvil | If you're arguing for always swapping in 128K blocks of 32 pages, then you decrease the efficiency of swap. | 16:53 |
SpeedEvil | As when you swap in a desired page, often, undesired pages will come with | 16:53 |
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SpeedEvil | The simplest way round this would be to write those back out contiguously. | 16:54 |
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jacekowski | yeah, but it may be better to unswap 128k and then swap again | 16:54 |
SpeedEvil | But there are better ways like circular buffers. | 16:54 |
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jacekowski | because that will tend to keep swap less fragmented | 16:54 |
jacekowski | and on eMMC it may make it faster | 16:55 |
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SpeedEvil | I need to put my nice blueprint in. | 16:55 |
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SpeedEvil | I've got a partially written writeup of ideas on this. | 16:55 |
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SpeedEvil | Basically, you can do it with a near-trivial nbd client | 16:55 |
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SpeedEvil | It would be lots better with hooks into the swap algorithm so you knew about pages that are no longer desired. | 16:56 |
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SpeedEvil | But if you don't care much about absolute size of pagefile, it doesn't matter | 16:56 |
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crashanddie | anyone remember that google wave developer rant video? | 17:04 |
tybollt | sure do :) | 17:05 |
crashanddie | link? | 17:06 |
tybollt | and now ... BWAHAHAHAHA :) | 17:06 |
crashanddie | It's like it has disappeared from the web | 17:06 |
tybollt | crashanddie: sorry no I don't | 17:06 |
tybollt | crashanddie: again... BWAHAHAHAHA | 17:06 |
crashanddie | how so? | 17:06 |
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tybollt | yeah where's wave today? | 17:06 |
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crashanddie | No, I'm talking about the google developer who made a video where he said he was disgusted that he'd been working for x years on wave, and it was cancelled because a bunch of dimwits couldn't use it | 17:07 |
jacekowski | basicaly how swap works is that non used pages are added to a queue | 17:07 |
mcepl | does anybody know about any better channel for help with syncing N900/Maemo with syncevolution to synevolution as HTTP server? | 17:07 |
tybollt | crashanddie: oh sorry not what I meant | 17:08 |
jacekowski | and if memory is required pages from that queue are swapped | 17:08 |
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jacekowski | so pages in queue are quite ordered | 17:08 |
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mcepl | when running syncevolution/N900 against syncevo/Linux I get on server this error http://fpaste.org/HrB5/ ... any ideas, what's wrong? | 17:08 |
jacekowski | which makes them ordered in swap as well | 17:08 |
mcepl | local syncevo is syncevolution- | 17:09 |
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n900-space | in this directory C:\NokiaSDK\Maemo\4.6.2\targets nothing shows up? Thats wrong right ? | 17:12 |
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sx0n | stop fscking it. | 17:18 |
lolcat^ | I need my phone! | 17:19 |
jacekowski | low battery probably | 17:19 |
jacekowski | or rebootloop for some other reason | 17:19 |
pupnik_ | possibly username 'lolcat^' is the reason | 17:21 |
pupnik_ | :P | 17:21 |
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sivang | pupnik_: :p | 17:25 |
sivang | lolcat^: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=47316 | 17:26 |
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sivang | chaps, it mostly seems that you need to get a warranry replacement if the phone enters that mode and mostly by car charging or possibly using a non stable non nokia approved charger? | 17:30 |
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sivang | huh, I used the word chaps, how odd. | 17:31 |
sivang | non stable wrt voltage here | 17:32 |
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timeless_mbp | darn | 17:57 |
timeless_mbp | i was on vacation when bm(oz)o 600k was filed — almost certainly riding around the ring of kerry | 17:58 |
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GAN900 | Ari's officially gone, eh? | 18:34 |
sivang | GAN900: where did you read it? | 18:34 |
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alterego | I read it on planet maemo | 18:35 |
* sivang searches | 18:35 | |
GAN900 | Engadget | 18:35 |
GAN900 | Sourced from Talous Sanomat | 18:35 |
Stskeeps | GAN900: yeah, official | 18:36 |
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jaska | also its a compound word.. taloussanomat :D | 18:39 |
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dneary | hi | 18:43 |
dneary | Who's the bot? | 18:43 |
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Stskeeps | bot? | 18:43 |
Stskeeps | :P | 18:43 |
toggles | so engadget says we get meego hardware by the end of 2010 | 18:44 |
toggles | that would be nice. | 18:44 |
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toggles | Stskeeps: good job on "providing" those drivers btw, when can we have them? | 18:45 |
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Stskeeps | toggles: you'll have to go through me first, bwhaha! | 18:46 |
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Stskeeps | :P | 18:46 |
alterego | Heh | 18:46 |
toggles | ;-) | 18:46 |
toggles | it's actully shaping up nice by the looks of the video | 18:46 |
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alterego | Yeah, that is much better than what I was using a week ago :P | 18:48 |
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teilzeitstudent | is there some magic to having new ringtones listed in the "Select Ringtone" dialog? The files are in .sounds/Ringtones and I can selected/play them using the "More" dialog... but they do not appear in the list automatically. | 18:48 |
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* sivang wonders how does Eldar gets the devices to write about them and leak | 18:54 | |
pupnik | sivang - you haven't seen this one before: http://whatreallyhappened.com/IMAGES/alqaedaattacksbuildings.jpg | 18:55 |
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sivang | pupnik: heh, yes | 18:59 |
sivang | I think I have | 18:59 |
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alterego | Can anyone else access carphonewarehouse.com ? | 19:12 |
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ikke-t | hi, what do you use for #ifdef for diablo? | 19:13 |
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SpeedEvil | alterego: Iget a 'fuck off, site is broken' message | 19:14 |
ikke-t | is #ifdef Q_WS_HILDON | 19:15 |
alterego | SpeedEvil: same here, that's annoying. | 19:15 |
ikke-t | for both diablo and fremantle? | 19:15 |
alterego | SpeedEvil: thanks for confirming it's not just me then ^.^ | 19:15 |
alterego | SpeedEvil: is it some "apparent" DNS issue? | 19:15 |
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SpeedEvil | Oh - I got an actual GIF when I loaded - now it's just text | 19:29 |
alterego | Oh, heh. | 19:31 |
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crashanddie | SpeedEvil, http://www.lolblog.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/seal.jpg | 19:36 |
E0x | heeh nice! | 19:37 |
E0x | i was trying do this | 19:37 |
E0x | http://jonnylamb.com/2010/10/04/loldongs/ | 19:37 |
E0x | but is already done now | 19:37 |
E0x | :D | 19:37 |
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timeless_xchat | anyone remember my last number? | 19:57 |
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Chibi-Taiga | hey guys, i have a questioon , i installed an application/tool that changed "charging led status into clock charging led status" or something but how can i remove it ? its not in application list | 20:08 |
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kerio | timeless_xchat: i bet it's 4 | 20:14 |
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Chibi-Taiga | how can i restore my led status ? | 20:15 |
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Chibi-Taiga | guess no one can help me ? | 20:16 |
lcuk | Chibi-Taiga, sounds odd | 20:17 |
lcuk | take a screenshot | 20:17 |
lcuk | and show whats different | 20:17 |
Chibi-Taiga | uhh ? | 20:17 |
lcuk | take a photo | 20:18 |
lcuk | you say its doing something different | 20:18 |
lcuk | it might jog someones memory | 20:18 |
Chibi-Taiga | it was an application i downloaded and installed | 20:19 |
Chibi-Taiga | and it changed the led status when charging or something | 20:19 |
Chibi-Taiga | im looking up what it was called on google | 20:20 |
lcuk | Chibi-Taiga, sigh | 20:20 |
lcuk | there is no clock on the led status | 20:20 |
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Chibi-Taiga | ok , i dont remember clearly whati t was but it changed the led flasing | 20:22 |
Chibi-Taiga | like charging, and standby | 20:22 |
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Chibi-Taiga | just tell me how i can restore that | 20:23 |
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Chibi-Taiga | there is no logging rite ? that logs what you did with the hone ? | 20:26 |
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Chibi-Taiga | charging led clock is it called | 20:27 |
Chibi-Taiga | it indicates the charging led pattern to indicate time | 20:27 |
lcuk | Chibi-Taiga, IDK and if you can't explain yourself perhaps you can just remember which you installed yourself | 20:27 |
Chibi-Taiga | i just said | 20:28 |
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Chibi-Taiga | http://maemobriefs.blogspot.com/2010/05/charging-led-clock-modifies-charging.html | 20:28 |
lcuk | http://maemo.org/packages/search/?org_maemo_packages_search[1][property]=name&org_maemo_packages_search[1][constraint]=LIKE&org_maemo_packages_search[1][value]=led&org_maemo_packages_search[2][property]=title&org_maemo_packages_search[2][constraint]=LIKE&org_maemo_packages_search[2][value]=same | 20:29 |
lcuk | its listed on there | 20:29 |
lcuk | you know the app name now | 20:29 |
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Chibi-Taiga | yeah i go look again . maby i missed it | 20:30 |
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Chibi-Taiga | its abit anoying that led this way , also when i remove charger it stays orange blinking | 20:30 |
Chibi-Taiga | i thought it changed collors on battery fuel | 20:31 |
Chibi-Taiga | btw, is there a way for n900 to reat ntsf formatted memeory sticks ? | 20:32 |
Chibi-Taiga | sometimes there are files i download and they are over 4gb | 20:33 |
Chibi-Taiga | and fat dont support that | 20:33 |
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Mousey | hi internets! | 20:36 |
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MNZ | aah channel sweet channel | 20:41 |
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Stskeeps | 'lo MNZ | 20:41 |
Stskeeps | how's it going? | 20:41 |
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MNZ | pretty messy, but 'tis going nonetheless | 20:41 |
Stskeeps | :nod: | 20:41 |
MNZ | I just moved out to an apartment on my own! woohoo! | 20:42 |
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Stskeeps | woo :) | 20:42 |
SpeedEvil | MNZ: Congratulations! | 20:42 |
SpeedEvil | MNZ: Try not to set it on fire too much. | 20:43 |
* MNZ writes that down | 20:43 | |
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MNZ | what's worrying me right now though is frying the hard disk of my laptop if I turn the microwave on | 20:43 |
MNZ | anyone know if that can actually happen or if it's just modern wive's tales? | 20:44 |
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SpeedEvil | I use my laptop on top of my microwave quite often. | 20:44 |
MNZ | while it's working?? | 20:45 |
SpeedEvil | yes | 20:45 |
SpeedEvil | It's at a convenient height to use while cooking. | 20:45 |
SpeedEvil | microwave is counter-top | 20:45 |
GAN900 | Hopefully the microwave is leaking that much radiation. | 20:46 |
SpeedEvil | wifi works | 20:46 |
GAN900 | Also: microwaves don't qualify as cooking. :P | 20:46 |
SpeedEvil | It gets slightly slower. | 20:46 |
SpeedEvil | GAN900: And yes, they do. | 20:46 |
SpeedEvil | GAN900: The microwave is merely a heating tool. | 20:46 |
SpeedEvil | Like a frying pan, a ban marie(sp?), or a clay oven. | 20:46 |
SpeedEvil | For some tasks, they are exceptional. | 20:47 |
SpeedEvil | For example, making 100g of jam.in a couple of minutes. | 20:47 |
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mc_teo | hey | 20:47 |
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mc_teo | has there been an reports of the pdf reader having memory leaks? | 20:48 |
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SpeedEvil | Or warming up deep-frozen food to 0C, so you can slice it. | 20:48 |
mc_teo | or messing up hildon? | 20:48 |
SpeedEvil | Not heard any. | 20:48 |
SpeedEvil | pdf reader is a bit broken though | 20:48 |
mc_teo | all my exam papers are in pdfs | 20:49 |
mc_teo | so i look them up quite reguarly | 20:49 |
timeless_xchat | kerio, it has to be closer to 30 | 20:50 |
kerio | timeless_xchat: 42! | 20:50 |
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mc_teo | so anyway | 20:54 |
mc_teo | so i look them pdf reader quite reguarly | 20:55 |
mc_teo | i noticed that things like the url bar in the browser doesnt show up | 20:55 |
mc_teo | well doesnt show suggestions from history after i opened it | 20:55 |
mc_teo | until i restart the phone | 20:55 |
mc_teo | i open them in the browser | 20:55 |
mc_teo | so it could be the .pdf handler for opening it | 20:56 |
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pupnik | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP5DwFtFhyM UFO shut down chinese airport | 21:06 |
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E0x | anybody is working in a backporting of the graphic driver of meego to maemo 5 ? | 21:07 |
Venemo | hi guys | 21:07 |
pupnik | what for E0x | 21:07 |
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E0x | vsync ? | 21:07 |
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Chiku | any vlc player on n900 ? | 21:17 |
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Chibi-Taiga | guys is there a way for n900 to read ntsf file system ? | 21:18 |
wmarone | if you load the kernel module, probably | 21:19 |
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wmarone | what are you trying to read that's formatted NTFS? | 21:19 |
kerio | what's ntsf | 21:19 |
Chibi-Taiga | a file system of windows | 21:19 |
Chibi-Taiga | it alows files over 4gb | 21:19 |
Chibi-Taiga | but my n900 dont reconize it | 21:20 |
kerio | Northwest Traffic Safety Foundation? | 21:20 |
wmarone | it's the only non-obsolete, data safe filesystem windows understands | 21:20 |
Chibi-Taiga | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS | 21:20 |
haltdef | what about exfat? | 21:20 |
kerio | oh, ntFS | 21:21 |
wmarone | exfat is proprietary garbage | 21:21 |
kerio | you said ntsf | 21:21 |
Chibi-Taiga | ahh | 21:21 |
Chibi-Taiga | my bad | 21:21 |
haltdef | oh noes | 21:21 |
wmarone | it's explicitly not data safe, and MS has patented the crap out of it | 21:21 |
Mousey | fuse! | 21:21 |
Chibi-Taiga | well , is there a way to alow files over gb for n900 ? | 21:21 |
Chibi-Taiga | 4gb* | 21:21 |
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Mousey | apt-cache show ntfs-3g | 21:22 |
haltdef | ext3? | 21:22 |
Chibi-Taiga | im a linux noob | 21:22 |
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Chibi-Taiga | whats ext3 ? | 21:23 |
timeless_mbp | Chibi-Taiga: samba + /home/user | 21:24 |
timeless_mbp | (if you grow /home/user to be big enough anyway...) | 21:24 |
Chibi-Taiga | grow ? | 21:25 |
timeless_mbp | windows understands CIFS natively :) | 21:25 |
timeless_mbp | well, /home is only 2gb out of the box :) | 21:25 |
timeless_mbp | so you'd either have to reformat MyDocs as ext3 (or ntfs + get driver), or resize MyDocs and /home | 21:26 |
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Chibi-Taiga | its about the sd | 21:27 |
Chibi-Taiga | not the phone memory' | 21:27 |
Chibi-Taiga | but i can format it as exexfat under windows | 21:28 |
Chibi-Taiga | exfat* | 21:28 |
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timeless_mbp | um | 21:30 |
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timeless_mbp | well, whatever | 21:30 |
timeless_mbp | your n900 can have 4 volumes | 21:30 |
timeless_mbp | /, /home, MyDocs, uSD | 21:30 |
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Chibi-Taiga | i see | 21:31 |
intelinsider | good evening | 21:31 |
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Chibi-Taiga | ohwell, there is no p;ugin to let n900 read ntsf rite ? | 21:33 |
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timeless_mbp | http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ntfs+maemo | 21:33 |
MohammadAG51 | ffs | 21:33 |
MohammadAG51 | it's ntfs | 21:34 |
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wmarone | for a real shocker | 21:35 |
Chibi-Taiga | lol | 21:35 |
Chibi-Taiga | my bad | 21:35 |
wmarone | go to your x terminal and type "apt-cache search ntfs" | 21:35 |
Chibi-Taiga | its just a habbit | 21:35 |
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wmarone | lo-and-behold there's a kernel module for NTFS (read only probably) | 21:35 |
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MohammadAG51 | you can compile the kernel with built in read/write ntfs support | 21:36 |
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wmarone | they added full write support in 2.6.28? | 21:36 |
MohammadAG51 | i did it in the hostmode kernel, cba to redo it for other kernels | 21:37 |
johnsq | Hi | 21:37 |
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MohammadAG51 | that's what the .config says | 21:37 |
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wmarone | huh | 21:37 |
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wmarone | I thought it had that nasty "as long as the filesize doesn't change" limitation still | 21:37 |
kerio | did someone try lastmeasure on microB? | 21:37 |
MohammadAG51 | idk, didn't really try it, i hate ntfs | 21:38 |
wmarone | no argument there | 21:38 |
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MohammadAG51 | i'd rather use raw and edit blocks manually :p | 21:39 |
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Chibi-Taiga | http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/1525/screenshot2010100520384.png | 21:39 |
Chibi-Taiga | it cant find apt-cache | 21:39 |
Chibi-Taiga | err nvm | 21:39 |
wmarone | man | 21:39 |
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wmarone | my forehead hurts real bad now | 21:39 |
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Stskeeps | headdesking too much? | 21:41 |
jacekowski | kernel ntfs support is still poor | 21:41 |
jacekowski | since ntfs-3g in kernel ntfs was pretty much abandoned | 21:41 |
wmarone | Stskeeps: no, just far too hard... | 21:41 |
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crashanddie | Don't remember who replied to my Google Wave question earlier, but I found the link again (thank you safari!) http://moimart.tumblr.com/post/1071113531/google-wave-a-pissed-off-tutorial | 22:04 |
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lcuk | does anyone know of a beard simulation site? if anyone has info, please respond to my tweet https://twitter.com/lcuk/status/26482635423 | 22:11 |
SpeedEvil | lcuk: http://www.etsy.com/listing/57970293/hunter-orange-bearded-stocking-hat?ref=em ? | 22:13 |
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lcuk | lol SpeedEvil thats a woven fake beard | 22:13 |
lcuk | I was thinking more digital simulation | 22:13 |
SpeedEvil | Simulation cannot replace the awesome 3D | 22:14 |
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lcuk | SpeedEvil, true | 22:14 |
lcuk | i have a proto beard already | 22:14 |
lcuk | i just need to model and shape it into awesomeness | 22:14 |
lcuk | and wanted to consider a selection | 22:14 |
crashanddie | lcuk: there was this japanese site that allowed you to it | 22:14 |
lcuk | was | 22:15 |
crashanddie | lcuk: they even gave you the steps on how to recreate said beard | 22:15 |
lcuk | i went to the link | 22:15 |
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SpeedEvil | For a free software advocate, tehre is only one option. | 22:15 |
SpeedEvil | http://www.stallman.org/image001.jpg | 22:15 |
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lcuk | http://www.yeeeeee.com/wp-content/2008/05/beardtypes1.jpg | 22:16 |
lcuk | i have been looking on | 22:16 |
lcuk | and wondering about transposing my avatar behind them all | 22:16 |
lcuk | to see | 22:16 |
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crashanddie | "Beards can make you EXTREMELY manly and sexy, so be sure to watch out for wild, crazy women who might mob you" | 22:17 |
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lcuk | thats true crashanddie | 22:18 |
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GAN900 | crashanddie, ha | 22:18 |
crashanddie | GAN900: not yours, though. | 22:18 |
lcuk | hahaha | 22:18 |
GAN900 | crashanddie, clearly. | 22:19 |
lcuk | RT: @RevdKathy @lcuk Hope beard simulators work better than knitting pattern simulators - struggling with the maemo.org logo! | 22:19 |
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lcuk | ok time to get out the gimp | 22:21 |
crashanddie | is that a euphemism for a picture of self? | 22:21 |
MNZ | I remember this blog with this guy who cut his beard into a bunch of styles | 22:21 |
crashanddie | You know, with all those names like git, gimp, and libcaca, I'm wondering if OS devs have a wicked sense for humour | 22:22 |
MNZ | found it http://www.dyers.org/blog/beards/beard-types/ | 22:22 |
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Mousey | MNZ awesome | 22:24 |
lcuk | MNZ, thank you! | 22:24 |
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MNZ | have fun and stay safe heh | 22:24 |
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septiq | hi, how can i fully replicate one n900 filesystem to another ? | 22:25 |
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lcuk | septiq, theres threads about doing exactly this, hold on | 22:27 |
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lcuk | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=58633 | 22:27 |
septiq | thanks lcuk | 22:28 |
lcuk | whether it works | 22:28 |
lcuk | whether its what you need | 22:28 |
lcuk | etc | 22:28 |
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lcuk | is down to your requirements, but its being hammered out in a mighty thread | 22:28 |
* lcuk wants "click show thanked posts only" on these kinds of threads | 22:28 | |
lcuk | to weed out good from bad | 22:28 |
MNZ | more beardy goodness: http://www.hairfinder.com/computerhairstylesmale.htm | 22:28 |
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lcuk | MNZ, that is a sham hairdresser! | 22:30 |
lcuk | its in demo mode | 22:30 |
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lcuk | thank you tho :D | 22:30 |
lcuk | :D the beard functions work | 22:31 |
MNZ | yeah I noticed it's a demo but it does pretty much work | 22:31 |
MNZ | I'm not sure which parts are closed | 22:32 |
septiq | lcuk: is it possible to flash the second n900 using OSX or should i install Nokia flashing software in a VMware container ? | 22:32 |
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lcuk | ~flashing | 22:32 |
infobot | it has been said that flashing is http://wiki.maemo.org/Updating_the_tablet_firmware | 22:32 |
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MohammadAG | can someone post the output of ls -l /usr/lib/libhildon-im* | 22:38 |
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crashanddie | septiq: yes, the flasher works fine on OSX | 22:39 |
jacekowski | jacekowski:~# ls -l /usr/lib/libhildon-im* | 22:39 |
jacekowski | ls: cannot access /usr/lib/libhildon-im*: No such file or directory | 22:39 |
jacekowski | on debian | 22:39 |
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septiq | crashanddie: cool, url ? | 22:39 |
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MohammadAG | N900 | 22:39 |
MohammadAG | debian doesn't have hildon :P | 22:39 |
crashanddie | septiq: the one lcuk gave you, please pay attention. | 22:39 |
jacekowski | hmm | 22:40 |
jacekowski | http://pastebin.com/FhegQtgi | 22:41 |
jacekowski | MohammadAG: | 22:41 |
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MohammadAG | ah, thanks | 22:41 |
MohammadAG | I have missing symlinks | 22:41 |
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MohammadAG | hmm | 22:43 |
MohammadAG | trying to get the PR1.1 keyboard back on PR1.2 | 22:43 |
lcuk | MohammadAG, is there a patchset available for the desktop keybindings? | 22:44 |
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lcuk | and can it be applied over the latest gitorious master? | 22:44 |
MohammadAG | hmm, Matan's? | 22:44 |
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lcuk | yes | 22:45 |
MohammadAG | I'll look into them after this, though sadly this can't be released, the binaries aren't open | 22:45 |
lcuk | are there specific bindings which make more sense than all of them | 22:45 |
lcuk | thats not sadly, regressing the keyboard doesn't give much benefit | 22:45 |
lcuk | HIM is a tricky subsystem | 22:45 |
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MohammadAG | lcuk, indeed it is | 22:48 |
MohammadAG | but Matan's patches are for hildon-desktop | 22:48 |
MohammadAG | not HIM | 22:48 |
MohammadAG | hmm | 22:48 |
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lcuk | MohammadAG, you were talking about the vkb and stuff, thats HIM related I believe. distinct and different to matans hildon patches | 22:49 |
MohammadAG | sigh | 22:49 |
MohammadAG | I need R&D mode back | 22:49 |
MohammadAG | yeah | 22:49 |
MohammadAG | I'm referring to the virtual keyboard | 22:49 |
MohammadAG | the one on PR1.2 is shit compared to the 1.1.1 one | 22:50 |
MohammadAG | I'm not sure why they redesigned it | 22:50 |
MohammadAG | it was perfect on 1.0 | 22:50 |
MohammadAG | meh, not working | 22:52 |
MohammadAG | I need the old binaries | 22:52 |
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timeless_mbp | hey guys? | 22:56 |
timeless_mbp | is mxr.maemo.org/fremantle's search index working right now? | 22:56 |
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ShadowJK | seems so | 22:58 |
lcuk | timeless_mbp, yes | 22:59 |
timeless_mbp | sorry about that | 23:00 |
timeless_mbp | i need to remember to update the paths when i change file systems | 23:00 |
timeless_mbp | mxr.maemo.org lives in roughly /home/timeless/.... | 23:00 |
timeless_mbp | mxr.meego.com lives in /data/... | 23:00 |
timeless_mbp | and i need to tell mxr to update its paths, otherwise you get unhappy stuff | 23:01 |
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mece | Stskeeps, ping? | 23:06 |
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babsher_ | does anyone know how to use the bootmenu-n900 package | 23:09 |
babsher_ | i want to boot from my sd card | 23:10 |
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MohammadAG51 | thanks jacekowski recovered my vkb | 23:15 |
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hoffi | hi | 23:25 |
hoffi | my complete menue have really crazy names | 23:25 |
hoffi | my clock displays only; wdget_va_24h_time | 23:26 |
DocScrutinizer | wut, mxr is well again? | 23:26 |
DocScrutinizer | YAY!! | 23:27 |
DocScrutinizer | :-D | 23:27 |
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lcuk | hoffi, translations hmm | 23:28 |
hoffi | sry for my bad english :( | 23:29 |
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hoffi | does anyone have an idea? | 23:32 |
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* DocScrutinizer spanks timeless_mbp with a marshmallow whip | 23:35 | |
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timeless_mbp | ? | 23:35 |
DocScrutinizer | mxr | 23:35 |
timeless_mbp | if something else is broken, please let me know | 23:36 |
timeless_mbp | hoffi: yeah, you're using a broken locale | 23:36 |
timeless_mbp | pick another | 23:36 |
DocScrutinizer | the whip for breaking it, the marshmallow part for fixing it :-D | 23:36 |
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timeless_mbp | DocScrutinizer: i didn't really break it | 23:36 |
timeless_mbp | well, i kinda did, i suppose | 23:36 |
timeless_mbp | the break was in two pieces: 1. copying over a new index w/o updating paths. 2. the os changed | 23:36 |
DocScrutinizer | anyway the X in mxr is back to purpose | 23:37 |
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* DocScrutinizer doing a happy dance | 23:37 | |
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DocScrutinizer | really was wondering how to edit those dozens of bookmarks from maemo to megoo (or whatever it's called) | 23:38 |
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DocScrutinizer | fregoo? | 23:39 |
timeless_mbp | ?? | 23:39 |
DocScrutinizer | moego | 23:39 |
septiq | lcuk: i bricked my second (restored) n900, it now loops on the nokia logo (backlight switched off) | 23:40 |
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DocScrutinizer | ~brick | 23:41 |
infobot | Send email to mailto:bootldr@handhelds.org with details if you believe that you have bricked your ipaq | 23:41 |
DocScrutinizer | probably you should ~flash | 23:42 |
septiq | DocScrutinizer: where is the app for OSX ? | 23:42 |
DocScrutinizer | and observe the very serious warning about low battery and flashing | 23:42 |
DocScrutinizer | sorry, I'm ther only person here who got NO apple branded devices | 23:43 |
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DocScrutinizer | I guess ~flash will tell you all you need | 23:43 |
septiq | DocScrutinizer: i followed all steps usb connected | 23:43 |
DocScrutinizer | ~flash | 23:44 |
infobot | methinks flashing is http://wiki.maemo.org/Updating_the_tablet_firmware | 23:44 |
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septiq | i removed/replaced the battery, now backlight shines on the nokia logo and the led is white,then the devices turns off | 23:45 |
DocScrutinizer | err what? | 23:45 |
DocScrutinizer | I suppose it does that when you try to switch it on, no? | 23:46 |
septiq | yes | 23:46 |
DocScrutinizer | so what happens when you DO NOT try to switch it on, just connect it to NOKIA ORIGINAL wallcharger? | 23:46 |
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DocScrutinizer | honestly your battery simply is flat | 23:47 |
DocScrutinizer | if you managed to get a proper clean rootfs on N900, then just recharge it *without switching on* until green light. If you have managed to get both a flat battery AND a borked rootfs, then you are in a severe pinch | 23:48 |
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DocScrutinizer | see: | 23:51 |
DocScrutinizer | ~flatbat-recover | 23:51 |
DocScrutinizer | meh | 23:51 |
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DocScrutinizer | ~flatbatrecover | 23:51 |
infobot | Remove battery for 1 minute. Insert battery. Plug powered Nokia wallcharger to device. Watch steady amber. Let sit and charge. Do NOT try to boot. After 30 min, you got either a) a booted up N900, b) flashing amber which means you can boot, c) steady amber going off - in this case start over again with ~flatbatrecover | 23:51 |
DocScrutinizer | this ONLY works with PROPER rootfs | 23:51 |
septiq | DocScrutinizer: actually i have just flashed my rootfs with BackupMenu so it may be the issue | 23:53 |
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septiq | DocScrutinizer: it is now charging (orange led) and constantly rebooting (backlight off, short vibration every minute) | 23:54 |
DocScrutinizer | that's actually DIScharging your batery | 23:54 |
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DocScrutinizer | rapidly | 23:55 |
septiq | i have another charged battery will try with it | 23:55 |
LJrN900 | discharge DocScrutinizer's brains | 23:55 |
DocScrutinizer | and with flat battery and borked rootfs you neither can charge battery any more, nor can you flash a proper rootfs | 23:55 |
septiq | DocScrutinizer: i have a 2nd device | 23:56 |
LJrN900 | DocScrutinizer, can boot rescue image w/ BME | 23:56 |
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septiq | LJrN900: BME ? | 23:57 |
LJrN900 | septiq, battery charger | 23:57 |
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DocScrutinizer | LJrN900: rescue image?? | 23:57 |
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septiq | i'm on the way to flash my n900 device using maemo_flasher-3.5_2.5.2.2_i386, my device is french so i will use RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin image, right ? | 23:59 |
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