IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2010-09-24

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GAN900Did we ever get an answer about where the Maemo awards money went for Calling All Innovators?00:24
SpeedEvilI forgot it thogh00:24
SpeedEvilSomeone mentioned it last night I think00:24
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markinfoI have nokia  n810, Diablo system. I would like to try to programming a bit. What should I download? Probably some SDK.   this one?
markinfoon my Linux desktop.00:56
SpeedEvilmaemo 5 is n900 only00:56
SpeedEvilso no00:56
SpeedEvilI don't know about the 81000:56
markinfobut there is no:
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SpeedEvilI don't know where it mght be, I do know that maemo 5 does not run on the n900, so that's unlikely to be helpful00:57
SpeedEvilIt's unusually quiet tonight.00:58
lcuk*does not run on the N81000:58
lcukMaemo 5 runs extremely well on the N900 :D00:58
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markinfomaybe hier?
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lcukmarkinfo, that sounds about right00:59
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sandstorm|mobileis it normal that xorg constantly uses average 6% cpu?01:55
e-yesThis is to inform you that you have won £500,000.00 GBP in Nokia Online Lottery. Kindly contact us at for claims with the following information below; Full names, Address, Phone number, Age, Sex, Marital status, Occupation.01:55
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FauxFauxHalf a million?  You should probably adjust your ammounts for real currencies.01:56
sandstorm|mobileand also gbps what a prize01:56
kfxcrap I only have one full name I'm not qualified01:57
FauxFauxAlso, my marital status would probably get me arrested.01:57
sandstorm|mobiledoes xorg use 6 ,ercent of cpu in average?01:58
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SpeedEvilsandstorm|mobile: when active - it's not unexpected.02:02
SpeedEvilSome large portion of an apps drawing on screen is really done by X02:02
SpeedEvilIf it's using thatr wehn blanked, ten it's a bug02:03
sandstorm|mobileonly way I can understand that is to ssh while blanked right?02:04
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SpeedEvilGenerally doing anything on the device while trying to work out performance is fail.02:06
SpeedEvilhtop is also probably more useful than the crippled top02:07
sandstorm|mobileah I was using conky but I got htop as well thanks for the advice02:08
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sandstorm|mobilebtw catorize removal made a huge difference on battery life02:11
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kwtmsandstorm|mobile: Wait, what? Catorize uses batteries?  (or catorize saves batteries?)  How?  It's just software that runs when you try to use the launcher, no?02:13
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sivanghi all03:01
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sivanghas the sms blocking option been added to pycallblocker or added somewhere?03:02
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* sivang asks before trying to implement this himself.03:02
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DocScrutinizerthe notorious HDM scrolling/bouncing bug04:27
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deltgaahhh.... my n810 is bricked until i get a usb cord or adapter :(05:32
delt(why did they change from the good old standard mini usb connectors!???!?)05:32
deltlike, wtf was wrong with those???05:33
kfxyour n810 came with a microusb cord05:33
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dakillahi guys i kno this is a channel about maemo07:27
dakillabut i hav a n79 and i wanted to change the language pack on it07:28
dakillaits rm-35007:28
dakillaand all the lang packs i found had rm-348 =/07:28
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Stskeepswe don't know anything about symbian, sorry07:28
psycho_oreosthere's symbian forum and websites dedicated to symbian07:28
psycho_oreoshint: firmware07:29
dakillaim trying to find some symbian ircs07:29
dakillahey guys one more question07:31
dakillado any of u hav the n90007:31
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psycho_oreosI think you'll find there will be some/fair few n900 users :p07:33
psycho_oreos<< has one07:33
luke-jrdakilla: … this is #maemo ; almost everyone has N900 :p07:33
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dakillahaha well i hav one07:34
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dakillaand i was wondering what is ur avg battery life07:34
dakillacuz mine dies in like 8 hours07:34
dakilla12 hours with very light useage07:34
luke-jr8 hours is pretty long if it's online the whole time07:35
luke-jrI think mine would last a week in Offline Mode07:35
fredrinN90024 hours07:35
dakillai usually disconnect it from the internet and put it on 2g07:35
luke-jrabout 4 hours if I've got it connected07:35
luke-jrfredrinN900: definitely moer than 24 hours07:36
fredrinN900mine does that07:36
luke-jrfredrinN900: before I had a SIM card, I left it off the charger a few days07:36
luke-jronly got down to maybe 50%07:36
dakillawhaat cool things are there to do with the n90007:36
dakillai got transmission the bittorrent client07:37
TermanaYou can throw it around the room07:37
dakillahaha its a damn brick07:37
TermanaThat's a fun thing to do with the N90007:37
dakillaim afraid i might break some necks07:37
psycho_oreosthrow it around the room if you are rich :p07:37
luke-jrdakilla: there's a game based on it!07:37
luke-jrN900fly IIRC07:37
dakillawhich? i htink i hav it07:37
fredrinN900play music over fm radio07:37
luke-jrscore is based on how high you toss your N90007:38
luke-jrit makes on OK flashlight07:38
luke-jrgood for taking photos07:38
luke-jrjust a few touches and it's on Facebook!07:38
psycho_oreosdo wireless pentesting on n900, do augmented reality, jailbreak ps3, etc etc07:38
dakillawhat is wireless pentesting07:39
dakillabout to google that07:39
luke-jrpsycho_oreos: none of that is actually possible tho07:39
fredrinN900no clothes07:39
luke-jrvisz: that's not possible right now either…07:39
psycho_oreosluke-jr, quite the irony07:39
* luke-jr uses his N810 for wardriving07:39
viszit should be07:39
* luke-jr ponders if he can get N810 and N900 to work together for even better wardriving experience07:39
viszwith power kernel07:40
psycho_oreosI've warbussed, wartrained, wardriven and warwalked with both me n95-1 as well as n90007:40
luke-jrvisz: no, GPS on N900 is basically not useful07:40
psycho_oreosthere's kismet and aircrack-ng suite07:40
dakillai wanna learn to use that aircrack tool07:40
psycho_oreosbut its not like you can't war* stuff with it07:40
dakillaany1 kno of any good tuts07:40
* fredrinN900 uses it for email, video recording, play music, chat all at the same time07:40
luke-jrpsycho_oreos: kismet supports Qt's crazy gpsd replacement?07:40
viszwell it did lose the signal quite a lot last summer, when i was wardriving through germany and france07:40
* dakilla uses it for music, email, and CALLS07:40
fredrinN900and sms07:41
fredrinN900good at that07:41
psycho_oreosluke-jr, I dunno, there's a person who ported kismet to n900 and uses /lib/ something07:41
fredrinN900sms/chat i dont know the difference any longer07:41
luke-jroh well, N810 probably still does it better <.<07:41
psycho_oreosI use it for chatting/sms as well as music player, etc07:41
luke-jrmaybe I should feed N900 GPS info to N810-2.607:41
dakillawhich one has better processor n810 or n90007:41
luke-jrthen I can get PPI07:41
luke-jrdakilla: obviously N90007:42
luke-jrpsycho_oreos: any idea if N900 has PPI?07:42
dakillai hate the ovi maps07:42
dakillathe navigation is USELESS07:42
psycho_oreosluke-jr, no.. I dunno wtf is PPI to begin with07:42
luke-jrsignal strength on a per-packet basis07:42
fredrinN900why cant we have tangogps?07:42
fredrinN900worked nicely on freerunner07:42
luke-jrwtf is tangogps07:43
psycho_oreosthat might be possible with kismet.. but that feature is highly dependent on the driver anyway.. in which this case is wl125107:43
fredrinN900nice gps software07:43
luke-jrpsycho_oreos: exactly my question07:43
dakillai want some garmin on the n90007:43
luke-jrpsycho_oreos: kismet can't generate maps without PPI07:43
psycho_oreosluke-jr, it won't be able to generate it without GPS support as well :p07:43
luke-jrpsycho_oreos: so?07:44
luke-jrpsycho_oreos: you just said someone ported it to liblocation07:44
psycho_oreosluke-jr, point, it requires both and cannot live solely on PPI07:44
psycho_oreosluke-jr, no I said some person ported kismet to n900 and uses /lib/location.. I didn't say someone ported it to liblocation07:44
luke-jrN810 can do PPI on a recent Linux, but not GPS07:45
luke-jrpsycho_oreos: there is no such thing as /lib/location07:45
luke-jrand it makes no sense to use liblocation and not port to it07:45
fredrinN900jeje, nait07:45
delt22:33 < kfx> your n810 came with a microusb cord07:45
deltmaybe to the original owner, yeah it certainly did07:45
fredrinN9000645 about time to get sleep07:45
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psycho_oreosluke-jr, I stand corrected but that's still GPS functionality no?07:46
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luke-jrpsycho_oreos: what exactly are you asking?07:46
psycho_oreosluke-jr, I'm not asking anything I'm saying that kismet does not solely depend on PPI, afaik with GPS it can plot out APs on the map, I didn't know that PPI was also a factor that needs to be considered :p07:47
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deltn810, any startup keys to see the boot loader status, or kernel startup....>07:47
luke-jrpsycho_oreos: kismet requires a lot of things obviously07:48
luke-jrlike a CPU07:48
luke-jrwireless radio07:48
luke-jrMonitor mode07:48
luke-jrand PPI07:48
luke-jrdelt: with Maemo? doubt it07:48
psycho_oreosluke-jr, then again PPI is more or less an integral feature for wl1251 which is already standard on linux kernel07:49
psycho_oreosand the rest of the other information I did not need to know about.. GPS is optional but is handy :p CPU is obvious07:50
luke-jrGPS is obvious, too07:50
luke-jrand required for the discussed function (mapping07:50
psycho_oreoswireless radio comes with wireless chipset or chipset would not have any radio activity07:50
psycho_oreosmonitor mode depends on the wl1251 driver07:50
psycho_oreosagain, its not a necessity, kismet won't roll over and die if GPS isn't available like it used to when GPS was explicitly enabled but GPSd was not found07:51
* luke-jr wonders if there's any tool to post-process a GPX log and tcpdump to yield maps07:52
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lolloois the an online game on N900?07:55
lolloois there one?07:55
lolloogame of cards multiplayer?07:56
lollooonline multiplayer?07:56
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AppiahWell there's Quake right?07:58
Appiahand Teeworlds?07:58
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RST38h"The dead mice were laced with a common pain reliever  about one quarter of a childs dose of acetaminophen each  and dropped Wednesday from a helicopter into the jungle canopy around Naval Base Guam..."08:00
RST38h...and good morning to you all.08:00
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luke-jrpsycho_oreos: I don't think N900 kernel supports PPI08:02
slonopotamus(n900 fonts do not have that symbol)08:03
slonopotamusmorning, slackers08:03
luke-jrslonopotamus: report it for PR 1.308:03
slonopotamusluke-jr: hell, they didn't fix missing caret symbol in russian layout that i reported against PR0.08:04
slonopotamusand that's much worse issue08:04
RST38hslono: that can fortunately be fixed at home08:04
* RST38h even got a working cyrillic layout for a EURO1 N90008:04
slonopotamusluke-jr: btw, why you're not pingable in #gentoo-embedded? :P08:04
luke-jrslonopotamus: ?08:05
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* luke-jr really would like to try GPX+pcap :/08:05
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pigeoncan you tell the maemo sdk gui installation script  not to redownload *.deb?08:08
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lolloois there a card game for N900 to play with you guys online?08:38
Termanalolloo, Texas Hold Em has a multiplayer online mode IIRC08:43
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lolloobut is there any card games for N900?09:01
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Termanalolloo, like I said, Texas Hold Em. Look it up in the repos. Unless you suck your finger, then no we don't have Go Fish.09:12
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lolloobut I have and did that a while ago!09:14
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Phrearchim trying to setup my n900 as hotspot with mhs. somehow the webkey doesnt validate on my laptop. any idea what could be wromg with it?10:00
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Phrearchi cheched the obvious stuff like wep and key settings. all seem to be correct10:00
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crashanddiemorning #maemo10:10
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lcukmorning crashanddie, #maemo o/10:18
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MNZmorning lcuk crashanddie #maemo o/10:21
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* lcuk woke with headache10:24
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lcukmnz, how is the hacking on hw-eq going10:27
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just_testingFYI. Just testing connection to this IRC channel. No response required.10:29
crashanddiejust_testing, how 'bout you piss off then?10:29
* Termana doesn't respond10:29
MNZlcuk, that has kinda taken the back burner as I'm dreading doing a GUI :S In the meantime I'm doing some light hacking on PA/alsa/mafw10:30
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lcukmnz cool, light hacking is always good10:31
lcuktheres a lot of interest in pa10:31
MNZlcuk, my main interest in PA is replacing of it >.>10:32
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MNZbut really some brave soul just step up and do the UI for the EQ10:32
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kerioless eq, more killall pulseaudiod10:33
MNZkerio, I seriously wish it was that easy :/10:33
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MNZthere's a whooole bunch of policy management with dbus signals flying around all over the place, moving that alone out of PA would take quite some work without any sources.10:34
lcukjust what is wrong with PA10:34
kerioit's a useless cpu hog10:35
kerioif you need more cpu to output audio than to decode an mp3, you're doing it wrong10:35
lcukyou are a useless irc hog, but at least some of it has to be required10:35
lcukhas anyone done analysis of just what part is wasteful10:36
MNZTBH though, the savings of bypassing PA are about 2 hours only and it wouldn't be THAT much once you add in the required mixing and possible resampling in some cases10:36
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MNZthat's 2h of mp3 playback10:36
kerioMNZ: you don't get it10:37
kerioit's not about battery10:37
kerioit's about the fact that pulseaudio hogs the damn cpu10:37
kerioyou know10:37
keriothe thing that lets you do stuff10:37
meceMohammadAG51, Wow, someone other than you got host mode working! Things are looking up :D:D:D10:37
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MNZkerio, eh well anyhow I'm still messing around with it, but the more I uncover the less fun it becomes D:10:38
kerioi'm not sure the nokia things will ever work fine without pa10:38
MNZjust the other day DocScrutinizer pointed me at alsaped, a nokia daemon to do a whole bunch of alsa control management depending on dbus signals from PA10:39
lcukkerio is it hogging the cpu at lowspeed?10:39
lcukdo we just notice it more because it hasnt moved to next speed band10:39
lcukor is Xpercent at fastest speed10:40
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keriolcuk: the browser is noticeably slower10:40
kerionot sure what's the reason10:40
MNZlcuk, I haven't actually checked that but there's a very distinct ~10mAh drain because of PA10:42
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lcuksilly question, how well would something like vnc work on capacitive.  asking because i have my stylus out and stuff10:56
lcukand there has to be vnc clients for other devices10:56
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johnxlcuk, should work ok. might end up zooming more10:58
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lcukn900johnx hm which devices have you used it on to k now how that feels11:03
mecemikkov_, ping11:03
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johnxlcukn900, I haven't used VNC specifically, but I use iPhones a lot at work in general11:04
infobotmece meant: nevermind11:04
johnxseems reasonably precise11:04
lcukn900well now i went and broke my n900 vnc :s11:04
lcukn900i turned off the toolbar and cant get it back11:05
lcukn900cos it reopened in fullscreen mode11:05
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ghostcube\o/ cups works again <311:08
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ghostcubebtw the Kroll game is nice :)11:09
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meceghostcube, perhaps not the best game ever, but very nice graphics11:09
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ghostcubemece: yeah to havefun its well done :)11:10
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ghostcubebut this strange hamster thingy isnt cool :D11:10
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th3hatecould someone help me with an ubuntu related error? people at #ubuntu are afking..11:12
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johnxth3hate, what's up?11:12
th3hatejohnx, check this:
johnxlooks good11:13
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johnxwhat's the question?11:13
th3hatejohnx, have a closer look :P11:13
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th3hatei get this when i try to boot ubuntu normally11:14
th3hatethis comes instead11:14
johnxah, X isn't starting11:14
johnxfirst reboot since upgrading to maverick *BETA* ?11:14
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ghostcubeoh ok this is maverick11:14
th3hateupgraded to ubuntu 10.1011:14
th3hatefrom 10.0411:15
ghostcubeso what grafic card are u running11:15
th3hategot this on first boot11:15
ghostcubeand is the update complete?11:15
th3hatenvidia 8600Gt11:15
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johnxth3hate, how do you feel about the command line?11:15
ghostcubewhat does an startx at login terminal tell you11:15
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th3hateghostcube, i'll try it now11:16
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ghostcubeok this killed his pc11:19
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johnxmight have blown up his house from the looks of it11:20
johnxalways a risk with X errors11:20
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th3hatestartx gives: fatal server error: no screens found11:21
johnxalright. do you know how to use 'nano' (the command line text editor)?11:22
ghostcubejohnx: yeah x is a beast11:22
th3hatenano /dir11:22
johnxclose enough11:22
ghostcubedamn i always pin like in skype sorry ...11:22
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johnxlet's try one thing first though11:23
th3hatethere is a log at /var/log/Xirg.0.log11:23
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ghostcubemaybe you can do nano /var/log/xorg.0.log | grep EE11:23
johnxth3hate, I have a gf 6600 and had almost exactly the same experience11:23
ghostcubenot nano11:23
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johnxbefore we spend a whole lot of time looking at this stuff, let's try one thing first:11:24
johnxsudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak11:24
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johnxthen type: sudo restart gdm11:25
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ghostcubeah a missconfiged xorg.conf :) maybe a good start11:25
johnxghostcube, for us nvidia users the lucid -> mav beta doesn't seem to cope with the driver juggling properly11:26
th3hategdm start/running, process 170911:26
ghostcubejohnx: iam nvidia too, but havent updated till now :)11:26
ghostcubejohnx: problem with open source 3d drivers maybe?11:26
johnxth3hate, it didn't magically all come up working?11:26
th3hatejohnx, should i reboot first?11:27
johnxth3hate, nah11:27
johnxwaste of time11:27
th3hateno then nothing happened11:27
ghostcubemaybe pastebin the content of xorg.0.log11:27
johnxsudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:27
th3hatejohnx, i did that11:27
johnxnah, we're copying it *back* ;)11:27
th3hateLOL ok11:28
ghostcubeno, that is the reverse command11:28
johnxthen we'll do some quick editing11:28
johnxlook for the line:11:28
merlin1991ah 1 thing I wondered quite often already, easiest way to pastebin a log from commandline?11:28
johnxDriver  "nvidia"11:28
johnxreplace with:11:28
johnxDriver "nv"11:28
johnxso just delete the 'idia'11:28
ghostcubejohnx: woah the oldschool method heh11:28
Duckbootperl gone from the repos?11:28
johnxmerlin1991, pastebinit maybe? apt-cache search has some suggestions11:29
rmrfchikDriver "nvidia" FTW!11:29
ghostcubemerlin1991: there is a pastebin tool to send from commandline11:29
ghostcubedont ask me how its called11:29
johnxghostcube, oldschool is the only school I know11:29
ghostcubejohnx: :)11:29
johnxrmrfchik, only when it has its kernel module happily installed. otherwise it's a PITA11:29
th3hatejohnx, how to replace nvidia with nv?11:29
johnxth3hate, type:11:30
ghostcubesudo nano /etc/xorg.conf11:30
johnxsudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:30
ghostcubewoah my fault11:30
ghostcubei need coffee to early here ...11:30
johnxthen use the down arrow to page down until you see that line11:30
th3hatejohnx, its empty11:30
johnxwell that's special11:30
rmrfchikjohnx: m-a a-i nvidia11:30
th3hatexorg.conf is empty11:30
th3hatenothing in it11:31
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rmrfchikjohnx: and dkms does the magic now11:31
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johnxrmrfchik, yeah. suppose so, unless it's not setup to track the right version of the nvidia drivers11:31
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johnxth3hate, thinking11:32
Myrttihow about asking in #ubuntu?11:32
johnxth3hate, head over to /etc/X11 and type ls11:32
th3hateMyrtti, they are all afk11:32
th3hatejohnx, ok11:33
johnxth3hate, actually, yeah, I'll just join #ubuntu and we'll continue there. ok?11:33
th3hatehow do i exit nano first?11:33
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Myrttiaw, you broke illusion11:34
Myrttithey're not all AFK.11:34
th3hate /join #ubuntu11:34
Myrttiwow, I've not been removed from the access list yet11:36
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lcukis iphone4 the fastest mobile device?11:51
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kerioyou mean, like, when thrown?11:52
johnxnah, whatever phone they have in the ISS is probably fastest.11:52
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Duckbootlcuk: Nah - HTC Desire HD.11:53
lcukDuckboot, so thats fastest cpu, or fastest everything?11:53
johnxkerio, the older ones looked more aerodynamic. and I think they legitimately had a decent aerofoil going there too11:53
lcukie, do graphics run smoother on it?11:53
lcuklol johnx11:53
johnxlcuk, now that's a matter of software11:53
Duckbootlcuk: Same CPU as Nexus and Samsung - But hardcore tuned, so it feels lightning fast11:53
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lcukDuckboot, right, that part i understand11:54
Duckbootkerio: And it's benchmarked.11:54
lcukso has anyone gotten real linux on the desire hd11:54
keriotime of kernel compile = best benchmark11:54
lcukwhats its screen resolution btw?11:54
Duckbootkerio: Lol11:54
johnxlcuk, huh. interesting thought11:55
keriocompiling a kernel requires a huge buttload of cpu and efficient caching11:55
lcukjohnx, you see where I am thinking11:55
lcuktho this topic should really be in #meego11:55
johnxlcuk, getting faster hardware good?11:55
lcukit might be11:55
lcuki know I can make the n900 rocket along11:56
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johnxlcuk, you should talk to the meego-arm guy porting to ... some phone11:56
johnxforgot which one11:56
lcukand on x86 it flies11:56
th3hatejohnx, arrow keys sometimes don't work in the grub bootmenu, any idea why?11:56
lcuki actually want to see like for like on iphone hardware11:56
johnxth3hate, usb keyboard?11:56
johnxth3hate, anyways, that was all the helpfulness I have for today. I'm gonna go back to being a grumpy UNIX admin now :)11:57
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TermanaDuckboot, you've be enveloped into marketing hype. The Desire HD is the same processor as the Nexus One, with a newer GPU. It has certainly not been "hardcore tuned" though12:04
DuckbootTermana: Well - When I use a phone - the GUI response is quite a large issue for me.12:05
DuckbootTermana: And you can call it whatever you want, but it has been benchmarked as faster.12:05
TermanaIf your talking about the boot time, I'm going to laugh in your face12:06
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johnxif you pay me enough money I can design a benchmark that shows anything12:06
DuckbootTermana: How often do you think your average Joe boots his phone?12:06
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TermanaDuckboot, actually, I know a lot of average joes that think they should shut it down overnight12:07
TermanaBut anyway, I have no UI lag on my Desire, using it's stock ROM, the Desire HD ROM or AOSP.12:08
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DuckbootTermana: The question here wasn't lag or no lag.12:10
lcukjohnx, i might make a liqbench small light package12:10
dRbiGhmm, just got my brand new n900 and i wonder why, the frell, internet over wifi is not working... any ideas? the device connects to the network, gots proper address via dhcp, seems not to set dns, but pointing the browser to the ip of my lan server doesn't work too12:10
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dRbiGand yes, all the other devices on that network have no problems with internet, including my old palm tx12:11
lcukhmm dRbiG12:14
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merlin1991dRbiG, nslookup google in xterm?12:15
dRbiGifconfig wlan0 shows the correct ip and i can ping the device from lan; resolv.conf has as nameserver12:15
johnxthat's right12:16
johnxit uses dnsmasq12:16
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dRbiGmerlin1991: can't resolve12:17
keriowell, "google" doesn't exist12:17 does12:17
dRbiGeven if i do nslookup my_dns_addres it stil can't resolve12:17
dRbiGkerio: ha ha...12:17
johnxtry passing it a public domain server12:17
johnx8.8.8.8 is one I'm fond of12:17
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dRbiGjohnx: i did't that to the same effect - can't resolve12:18
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MNZcan you ping other devices on your network from the N900?12:18
johnxdo you have it plugged into your computer over usb or anything?12:18
johnxMNZ, he doesn't have root yet ...12:19
dRbiGjohnx: only plugged the charger12:19
dRbiGand it is hmm stupid that i have to be root to ping ;)12:19
johnxdRbiG, ping is part of busybox12:20
johnxping requires SUID root set to send an ICMP echo request12:20
johnxsetting the SUID bit on busybox would make a whole heap of command line utilities SUID root as well12:20
dRbiGand we don't want to have suid busybox12:20
MNZdRbiG, by all means, apt-get install rootsh already! you're gonna need it sooner or later12:21
johnxcouple other thoughts, see if DHCP is actually setting route correctly ( though I know it wouldn't afect all the tests)12:21
johnxnext, try reconnecting, then ... i dunno reboot it?12:21
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johnxMNZ, he has no network access :P12:21
dRbiGMNZ: ha ha... it won't work as there is no internet connection working ;P12:21
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MNZoh right X-P12:21
dRbiGjohnx: rebooting right now12:21
merlin1991hm how does dnsmasq learn of the dns servers when using dhcp?12:22
dRbiGjohnx: i think that it may exactly be a routing problem12:22
johnxwouldn't affect access to your LAN server12:23
merlin1991or differently how can I pass dnsmasq a dns server to use when I'm doing crazy stuff on my n900 again12:23
johnxor DNS lookups with your local DNS server12:23
MNZjohnx, actually it would. If the routing table is not set up correctly no packets whatsoever can make it out AFAIK12:23
dRbiGtrue MNZ12:23
dRbiGand after reboot it still doesn't work12:24
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MNZroute works without root, try it12:24
johnxpackets that don't need to be routed, ie on the local net should be fine unless things are really screwed12:24
johnx/sbin/route -n12:24
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Khertan_atWorkHi !12:24
MNZjohnx, they do need to be routed in the kernel itself to work out which packets go to which iface12:24
dRbiGright, gateway's not set properly12:25
dRbiGi think i know why though12:25
johnxweird DHCP server?12:25
dRbiGi have a pretty strange network setup here; that is wifi is on and lan with the gateway is on
dRbiGmost other stuff don't care if the gw is on the same netblock12:25
johnxuhm ...12:26
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johnxthat's the meaning of gateway, the thing that passes your packets between networks12:26
MNZdRbiG, hrm dhcp server should take care of that AFAIK.12:26
dRbiGMNZ: on all other devices the gw is just set o 192.168.0.x and everything is fine even though the device addres is on 10.0.0.x12:27
dRbiGlet me try to set the gateway manually12:27
dRbiGi hate route syntax12:27
Papayawhip|lunchaww this sucks -.-12:28
Papayawhip|lunchErr ./ libsdl-ttf2.0 2.0.9-1osso0+0m512:28
Papayawhip|lunchThe requested URL returned error: 40412:28
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johnxdRbiG, sounds like you made your own routing problems :) the route syntax is punishment for that12:28
DuckbootAll your packets are belong to us12:28
dRbiGjohnx: hehe sort'a12:28
MNZPapayawhip, apt-get update12:29
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* johnx trusts the "use WPA2 and watch for black vans with antennas sitting outside my house for weeks" approach to network security12:29
Papayawhipbj-n900:~/# apt-get update --fix-missing12:30
Papayawhipdont teach me12:30
MNZPapayawhip, eh I thought you were posting here for a reason :P12:30
johnxPapayawhip, that won't do what you think it will because you didn't read the help for it12:30
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johnxthe thing you typed doesn't do what you think it does12:31
MNZjohnx, it actually doesn't matter with the update command, though you are right, a misnomer12:31
Khertan_atWorkKhtEditor 0.0.9 available in the extras-devel repository12:32
johnxMNZ, yes, but the message describing what it does is *right next to it*12:32
dRbiGjohnx: okey i fixed my own problems ;)12:32
dRbiGnow all the devices should be happy12:32
dRbiGhappy world for all devices!12:32
johnxdRbiG, finally merged them onto one subnet?12:32
MNZdRbiG, heh gratz12:32
dRbiGjohnx: nope, just gave the wifi super-sane gateway address of
Papayawhipthe package list ist actual, it's just not available in the repository12:32
dRbiGjohnx: i like to have a clear separation between wifi and lan here12:33
dRbiGeases the management12:33
johnxdRbiG, but then an open gateway between them? or some kind of crazy firewall?12:33
dRbiGjohnx: simple bridge12:33
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johnxbridge is a layer 2 thing, that doesn't really answer how the packets get from 10.x.x.x to 192.168.x.x, but you know what, if you're happy, then I'm happy for you :D12:34
tobis87Hi, has anyone seen the new perl package? Perl 5.8.3-3osso13+0m5, but installing it would break dependancy of the pr metapackage. So I assume there will be pr 1.3 in the near future.12:35
johnxthat's a reasonable assumption12:36
johnxthe only unreasonable thing would be trying to figure out what 'near' means in this context12:36
MNZjohnx dRbiG do you even need a bridge? Won't the router simply send packets happily on their way to the right interface?12:36
tobis87How long before pr 1.2 was released, did they release the corresponding sdk packages?12:37
dRbiGMNZ: afaik i needed it; i did this setup like 5 years ago and it works just fine12:37
Brik_when I get "The program 'mad' is currently not installed" (and it is installed), which folder do I need to add to PATH?12:37
nidOthe 1.2 sdk was out for almost 2 months prior to the patch itself iirc12:37
jacekowskican n900 do edge?12:38
johnxBrik_, dpkg -L $pkg_name12:38
dRbiGMNZ: but in theory you're right, should work without a bridge if the policy is to forward whenever possible12:38
nidOjacekowski: yeh12:38
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johnxBrik_, that will tell you the files it installed and where they are12:38
dRbiGoky, so now i should be on my way to happy hacking my brand new toy12:38
jacekowskiis edge enabled when i change phone to 2g mode12:39
Brik_alright, thanks :)12:39
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dRbiGjohnx & MNZ: thx for support :)12:39
johnxMNZ, I already hung my 'net admin' hat up for the day ;)12:39
MNZdRbiG, happy hacking and stay safe :P12:39
nidOjacekowski: yeah - itll show 2.5g when it's using edge12:39
ghostcubedamn now my cups is running but i cant add printers -.-12:39
jacekowskihmmm how likely is it that i have 3g 3.5g and 2g but not 2.512:40
johnxyour carrier might not support it12:40
nidOare you actually transferring data and it's sticking at 2g?12:40
Papayawhiphum... the package is now available -.-12:42
nidOno support at the tower then I would assume12:42
dRbiGoh one thing this time casual user stuff - can i somehow reverse the scrolling seetings? i mean if i slide down i want the scroll to move down, not up12:43
tobis87I hope they will release a major kernel update, there are so many dma fixes for omap and wl125 does now support proper powersaving. Too bad that many fixes require a whole new kernel.12:44
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johnxtobis87, has Nokia ever released a totally new kernel for a shipped device?12:45
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Stskeepsjohnx: yes, meego12:46
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Stskeepsjohnx: and they did it on n800 too, afaik12:46
psycho_oreosthere might be another way to alleviate that issue for the wireless module, the use of compat-wireless/wireless-testing12:46
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johnxStskeeps, makes sense. the meego-launch device will be an OMAP3 as well, just like N800->N81012:47
johnxmy suggestion, tobis87: keep your hopes low and in the best case you'll be totally, pleasantly surprised ;)12:48
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tobis87johnx: Don't know, the n900 was my first linux tablet. But the main problem seems to me, that many drivers for arm require huge changes to the kernel.12:50
tobis87And I do not expect to much, meego might have a new kernel, but there will be not much programs at the beginning.12:50
johnxtobis87, my only real point being that Nokia (like a lot of other embedded linux vendors) really resists major kernel changes after hardware launch12:51
johnxhard to convince management it's worth the money a lot of the time12:51
dRbiGhuh i guess i do have another question: anybody a good method to do a low-level backup in case i screw sth up rally bad?12:51
johnxbut if they're already doing the kernel for meego, maybe they'll bring it over to maemo. that would be areally nice surprise :)12:51
johnxdRbiG, rsync?12:52
dRbiGjohnx: had on mind something lower level12:52
johnxdd? but you couldn't flash that back to the device I think12:53
Khertan_atWorkis there a way to understood why a n900 reboot suddently ?12:53
Khertan_atWorki got reboot sometime12:54
dRbiGyeah i'm thinking about that... does this device has something like a flas/room rescue-cd-like stuff?12:54
Khertan_atWorkwithout any apparent reason12:54
johnxKhertan_atWork, boot reason?12:54
nidOdRbiG: you can reflash the os to it at any time via flasher12:54
dRbiGcause i guess that booting this device of network or usb stick may be close to impossible12:55
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dRbiGnidO: but i have to be able to boot to a working system to use flasher - or not?12:55
johnxdRbiG, there's a way to boot from SD.12:55
dRbiGoh, forgot about that12:55
dRbiGgreat, that makes life easier12:55
johnxdRbiG, as long as the lowest level bootloader isn't totally screwed up, you can reflash or boot to sd12:55
johnxif you overwrite the lowest level bootloader, you're SoL12:56
nidOyou have to really screw the system badly to fubar the bootloader and require a cold flash12:56
johnxyou pretty much have to be trying12:56
Khertan_atWorkjohnx: how did i get it ?12:56
johnxor pop the battery out in maybe 10ms window while flashing12:57
tobis87Yes, I hope that too. Since there were huge changes in the crypto api, backporting shash and ahash drivers are impossible. But I'm in general suprised how well drivers work on a whole different architecture. Even the unreleased skein hash algorithm and compcache compile and work just fine.12:57
johnxKhertan_atWork, let's see. cat /proc/bootreason12:57
johnxKhertan_atWork, for any interpretation you'll have to google, because that's as much as I know12:58
dRbiGokey, good; bootloader isn't on my hacking list so i should be safe12:58
nidOwell bootreason only has like 3 normal reasons, almost certainly hes going to get sw_rst12:58
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Khertan_atWorkjohnx: sw_rst12:59
Khertan_atWorknot so much information to google :)12:59
tobis87What I really miss are assembler enhanced drivers for arm, I would like to see something like twofish_armv7l :-D12:59
johnxaaah, you're software needed a rest. you're too hard on it :P13:00
johnxs/you're/your/ (really, english is actually my first language ...)13:00
DocScrutinizerjohnx: dRbiG: according to jacekowski and Stskeeps there's no way to hose the lowest level bootloader - level0 rom BL can flash x-loader(1) and NOLO(2) via USB coldflash, on N90013:03
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johnxDocScrutinizer, but I don't have a coldflashing rig. do you?13:03
DocScrutinizervia USB!13:03
johnxwait, really?13:04
johnxI thought cold flashing required a jig for some reason13:04
johnxcan you give me an example of someone who's done it?13:04
DocScrutinizerfor N8x0 that's correct13:04
johnxmy knowledge seems to be outdated :)13:04
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: claims he did13:04
mecewait, you can cold flash N900 via usb?13:04
dRbiGi guess then the bootloader sits safe in some rom, very good choice13:06
johnxwell, one of the 4 or so does ;)13:06
dRbiGthe most important should :)13:07
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dRbiGmhm, nows the time to figure out a nice way for browsing windows networks13:10
Khertan_atWorkjohnx: hum ... strange13:11
Khertan_atWorkouch my n900 is hot13:11
johnxKhertan_atWork, I told you. I needed a SoftWare_ReST :D13:12
infobotjohnx meant: Khertan_atWork, It told you. I needed a SoftWare_ReST :D13:12
johnx<- sed fail13:12
Khertan_atWorkit was just idling without any apps13:12
nidOKhertan_atWork: checked /dev/mtd2?13:14
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DocScrutinizerKhertan_atWork: obviously not13:15
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MNZdRbiG, when you've found the best way do tell me because I'm gonna need it soon13:16
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merlin1991dRbiG, port samba client :D13:21
tobis87dRbiG: My Network Places was one of the worst ideas Microsoft ever had, opening it will cause sending a broadcast in order to find the LMB (Local Master Browser) and if none is found, one will be choosen. But many of the clients will not notice immediatly know who the LMB is. The best way is still to type \\ip\nameofshare\ in the adress bar and for linux to mount the share with the cifs module.13:21
Khertan_atWorknidO: ouch full of unreadable characters13:24
Khertan_atWorkDocScrutinizer: ;)13:24
nidOKhertan_atWork: nothing readable at the end?13:24
tobis87Khertan_atWork: strings13:24
Khertan_atWorknidO: nothing readable at end ...13:25
Khertan_atWorkbut an Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer13:25
Khertan_atWorknear the start13:25
nidOhm. whats the modified date of the file?13:25
Khertan_atWorkprocess g13:25
Khertan_atWorkpid 013:25
Khertan_atWork4 January :)13:26
nidOnot a kernel snafu then13:26
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DocScrutinizerKhertan_atWork: strange! My mtd2 has a whole book of funny kernel OOPS and Panic, arf to less -f /dev/mtd213:30
DocScrutinizerKhertan_atWork: well, maybe you *never* do nasty things to your device :-D13:30
Khertan_atWorkDocScrutinizer: i use a real dev language13:31
Khertan_atWorkpython !13:31
DocScrutinizerno problem, I'll tell you how to get nice kernel panics with python X-P13:31
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DocScrutinizerecho hartbeat >/sys/class/leds/lp5523:b/trigger13:33
DocScrutinizerno need for python even :-P13:33
DocScrutinizeror something along the line 'cat /dev/kmem >/dev/null'13:34
merlin1991what does /dev/kmem represent?13:35
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DocScrutinizerI'm not sure about either kmen being the one to cause kernel panic, not what exactly it represents. Gues kernel RAM memory13:36
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TiagoTiagois the substitution thing still down? :/13:37
johnxTiagoTiago, that's not a proper s expression13:37
merlin1991yeah TiagoTiago you have to say "thingy" at least13:37
merlin1991nah Doc missed the ending /13:38
johnxs/expression/expression because he didn't terminate it with a forward slash/13:38
infobotjohnx meant: TiagoTiago, that's not a proper s expression because he didn't terminate it with a forward slash13:38
infobotDocScrutinizer: aw, gee13:38
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: I left it out on purpose13:38
TiagoTiagotesting one two four13:38
infobotmerlin1991 meant: nah Doc missed the terminating /13:38
infobotTiagoTiago meant: testing one two three13:38
johnxs expressions are a gateway drug. soon enough you'll be writing perl regex's in a back alley somewhere13:39
merlin1991btw what does s/ x / y / actually call? first I thought it's a regex search like in the perl syntax but it isn't :D13:39
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DocScrutinizerjohnx: but not for infobot, she's limited in s expressions, to plain ascii without any special chars13:40
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TiagoTiagowhy we don't have the infobot be triggered by (sp?) ?13:40
johnxit's an argument to 'sed' but a lot of other programs use the same (or maddeningly similar but not quite the same) syntax13:40
DocScrutinizers/sions, /sion, /13:41
infobotDocScrutinizer meant: johnx: but not for infobot, she's limited in s expression, to plain ascii without any special chars13:41
johnxDocScrutinizer, actually, I bet infobot doesn't handle escape characters either13:41
johnxor any separator except /, which makes things ... difficult13:41
DocScrutinizerwell "," being about the most exotc char she can process13:41
johnxhence the statement about "maddeningly similar" above13:41
merlin1991yeah he/she/it fails on ;13:41
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TiagoTiagoso we can't have a spellchecker for "(sp?)" (without quotes nut with the parenthesis) ?13:42
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johnxTiagoTiago, write one13:42
DocScrutinizer~attack merlin for doubting her sex13:42
* infobot grabs a pen, screams like she's possessed, and begins chasing merlin for doubting her sex13:42
TiagoTiagoi have no idea how13:43
johnxanyways, what would it do, run aspell and always take the default?13:43
johnxthat would just be annoying for names13:43
xDaReaperxguys look.. i've searched google for this but i couldnt find out how to do this ... I want to install NITDroid 0.0.8 but i dont have a Memory card , so is it possible to install it on my Phone memory .. and if it's possible please do link me to a detailed instruction on how to partition on the phone memory13:44
* merlin1991 still doubts infobots sex13:44
TiagoTiagocheck if the word imediatly before the tigger is spelled correctly, if yes says so, and if no suggest a best guess spelling13:44
lcukxDaReaperx, IDK13:44
DocScrutinizerI bet infobot is based on Eliza13:44
johnxxDaReaperx, how do you feel about having to reflash your phone if you screw up?13:44
lcukTiagoTiago, (sp?) pondering, most operating systems have textbox level spell checkers built in now13:45
merlin1991talking about bots, I remember a q3 server with alice in  the chat :P13:45
xDaReaperxjohnx: t's not really needed for you to know that13:46
TiagoTiagowell, i'm chatting from xchat on my N900....13:46
johnxxDaReaperx, it's not really needed for you to know how to install nitdroid13:46
johnxgood night13:46
xDaReaperxyou need not decide about that13:46
TiagoTiagono spellchecker and the autocomplete learns my typos13:47
* merlin1991 hides around the corner13:47
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TiagoTiagois there a way i can have the autocomplete only learn a word after i typed it myself at least N times?13:48
xDaReaperxlol i live in India and i have Skype included on my N900 :p13:49
BCMMTiagoTiago: that would be really, really good13:49
TiagoTiagowhy did they take it off?13:49
BCMMalso, i fear it tends to choose the longest word, rather than the most common13:49
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DocScrutinizerxDaReaperx: we do not have to know that13:50
BCMMmeaning that silly hyphenated non-words i've used in the past tend to come up13:50
xDaReaperxI'm just saying :p13:50
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TiagoTiagoi have the impression it does some sort of weighted choosing depending on the characters you already typed and some random formula, somtimes if you type one or more of the characters in the autoconmplete suggestion it will change the word to somthing else13:52
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wazdfucking gizmodo "analysts" really piss me off13:53
DocScrutinizertbh autocompletion was such a offending futile thing, I disabled it on day 113:54
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DocScrutinizera spellchecker highlighting incorrect words, with suggestions in context menu - that's be a really nice thing though13:56
TiagoTiagosomthing like Firefox' spellchecker?13:56
DocScrutinizerwazd: WUT???13:56
wazdDocScrutinizer: seriously, they're all stupid to the bones, now I'm sure13:57
DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: something like KDE spellchecker in text input boxes13:57
DocScrutinizerwazd: ack - I don't even dare to click the link13:58
lcukwazd to be fair, since we know that the n900 is perfectly capable of running multiple operating systems, why complain?13:58
wazdDocScrutinizer: well, the title describes all that US bullshit :)13:58
wazdlcuk: the point is not in n900 or dual boot, the point is in all that pro-US point of view13:59
lcukwazd, so?  I didnt mean dual boot13:59
lcuki meant the fact that its hardware and its capable13:59
wazdlcuk: everything that's outside the US is lame by default13:59
DocScrutinizerwazd: outside US?? o.O duh, don't scare us, we are sure there's no such thing14:00
lcukwell wazd, everything has localised favorites14:00
wazdlcuk: beleive me, I don't :D14:01
lcukDavid Hasselhoff is a crap singer for 99% of the world, but is worshiped as a god in Germany14:01
MNZI had ridiculously awesome autocomplete on my sony ericcson14:01
DocScrutinizerwazd: there are some remote US protectorates, but non-US parts of the world? impoooosible!14:02
MNZon the N900 though, it can't really get much further away from the word I need even if it tried14:02
wazdDocScrutinizer: yep :)14:02
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wazdlcuk: he's a singer? :D14:03
wazdlcuk: I thought he's an actor :)14:03
lcukwazd, the same applies14:04
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lcukgoogle for rest of world, baidu for China14:04
DocScrutinizerdavid hasenkopf? blarrgh! Nobody here seems to even know him14:04
lcukwazd, what handset OS is most popular in China by the way? do you know?14:05
Sadaatherecan anyone give me rough idea hw qt 4.7 will benefit normal n900 userz?14:05
merlin1991DocScrutinizer, in austria we know him for the lols :D14:05
Khertan_atWorkSadaathere: fix list view scrolling error (can be see in Khweeteur)14:05
wazdlcuk: MTK? :D14:06
Khertan_atWorkSadaathere: fix some input error in qlineedit14:06
Khertan_atWorkSadaathere: fix some copy / paste problem14:06
Khertan_atWorkbut there are many more bug fixed14:06
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lcukSadaathere, qt.47 is the combined efforts to allow a stable usable rock solid development environment and combines the on device framwork with a top notch sdk and IDE to allow seamless end to end cross platform development14:06
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Khertan_atWorkcross platform development <<< haha ... :)14:06
Khertan_atWorkwe are still far from a real cross plateform ... but it s a good start14:07
Khertan_atWorka really good one14:07
lcukwhy Khertan_atWork14:07
Sadaatherethanks for reply will it make maemo more friendly14:07
lcukwhat did you have to step outside the walled garden to do14:07
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lcukSadaathere, it already has in many ways14:08
lcukqt applications are growing steadily and people are making all sorts of things with it14:08
Khertan_atWorklcuk: there is still many things which are specifics to some plateform :)14:08
lcukKhertan_atWork, like..14:08
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TiagoTiagoare we ever gonna get "copile one run everywhere" ?14:08
Khertan_atWorkqpixmap on n900 doesn't support gif :)14:08
lcuknobody ever said that14:08
infobotTiagoTiago meant: s/once/once14:09
Sadaatherei mean like y we aint gettin flash 10.1?14:09
lcukTiagoTiago, thats not the aim14:09
lcukcode once14:09
lcukyou may have to build for different platforms14:09
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lcukdue to binary diffs etc14:09
Khertan_atWorklcuk: and for respecting guidesline for some device (like n900) you need to use specifics class14:09
Khertan_atWorklike QMaemo5ValueButton14:09
lcukwhats that look like?14:10
Khertan_atWorkof course this class aren't available for other plateform14:10
lcukand why isnt it possible to use a default qbutton14:10
TiagoTiagowith some sort of vm bytecode it could be possible14:10
Khertan_atWorklcuk: it s possible ... but require to inherits the widget and paint things yourself14:10
Sadaatherebasically qt makes things easier for programmers right?14:10
Khertan_atWorkSadaathere: basically, yes14:11
lcukSadaathere, depends14:11
lcukfor existing apps written in gtk, no14:11
lcukits not simpler14:11
Khertan_atWorkSadaathere: and basically, it s a really good framework14:11
TiagoTiagoincluding for porting Symbian programs to Maemo/MeeGo14:11
lcukbut if you are making something new theres a lot of support available which is easier to integrate14:11
Khertan_atWorklcuk: depends ... it s take me less time to rewrite PyGTKEditor written in pygtk with qt :)14:11
Sadaatherei see14:12
lcukthats because you are a professional python developer now khertan14:12
lcukand you arent hacking on a touchscreen only14:12
Khertan_atWorklcuk: unfortunatly i'm still not a professional developper :)14:12
lcukand a whole host of other things14:12
lcuk:) you undersell yourself Khertan_atWork14:12
Sadaathereand will meego 1.1 will be available for n90014:12
Khertan_atWorklcuk: ;)14:12
lcukSadaathere, go try it now14:13
TiagoTiagoHarmatan will be avaiable but not officially supported i believe14:13
* Khertan_atWork is still fighting with the community meego obs to build pyqt or pyside14:13
lcukit won't be officially supported by the looks of things, but its being built up in the open now14:13
Sadaathereso we can port it bt it aint be official?14:14
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TiagoTiagono need to port, it will be native14:14
lcukwell, you bought a maemo device that runs the maemo os, that is what Nokia supports14:15
Sadaathereby native u mean installing on emmc?14:15
lcukyes he does14:15
TiagoTiagoi mean it is like Maemo514:15
lcukTiagoTiago, every machine you target with an OS needs porting work done14:15
Sadaathereoh got it14:15
TiagoTiagonot if the OS was developed for that machine already14:16
lcukthe n900 is a capable machine and hence meego open development targeting it makes sense14:16
Sadaathereis it gonna be fully functional meego?14:16
lcukTiagoTiago, meego is developed for many devices14:16
TiagoTiagobut they are testing it on the N900 first14:16
Sadaatherei mean not buggy like nitdroid14:17
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Sadaathereis it gonna be fully functional meego?14:17
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TiagoTiagomight not come with all the programs i think (things like phone, maps etc)14:19
Sadaathereso its not gonna be fully functional one then14:19
Sadaatherebt they are experimenting this os on n900 so y its nt gonna be ful functional14:21
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TiagoTiagothe reasoning was that those programs would be added by the manufacturers, and since it's not the manufacturer installing it in your N900 the proprietary programs won't be there14:21
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sandstormis the instruction set of N900 about its phone capabilities fully open to public? is there an API? can one go and develop its own phone app on Maemo or Meego ?14:22
TiagoTiagobut i don't know the official stance from Nokia, this is all from memory of reading some comments by random people somewhere i don't remember whewre14:22
Sadaathereare we gonna get flash 10.1 on maemo 5?14:24
Khertan_atWorklcuk: to be honest it s quite difficult to find an interesting python dev jobs in france14:24
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Khertan_atWorkhum... just notice that i'm not the only one to run it s own repository for n900 ;)14:25
psycho_oreosthere's a few.. matan also has his own14:26
TiagoTiagoi asked in the forum but got no replies yet; is there a way to use dialup internet with the N900?14:26
ShadowJKsandst1, on meego they use ofono14:26
ShadowJKTiagoTiago, what do you mean by dialup internet? HSCSD?14:26
sandstormsorry for my ignorance, what is ofono ?14:26
Sadaatherekhertan_artWork , r we gonna get flash 10.1 on maemo 5?14:26
TiagoTiagolike the old 56 modems, dial a number and they give you internet14:27
Corsacall Internet?14:27
TiagoTiagointerenet access14:27
Corsaccan I have an internet backup?14:27
Corsacjust in case14:27
ShadowJKsandstorm, open api to telephony stuff..14:27
* Corsac calls google14:28
Khertan_atWorkSadaathere: don't know only nokia can answer14:28
ShadowJKTiagoTiago, well, no. Not really14:28
TiagoTiagowhy not?14:28
sandstormhmm, is that comply with Nokias infrastructure?14:28
Sadaathereis it possible khertan_artwork?14:28
Khertan_atWorkSadaathere: everythings is possible14:28
ShadowJKTiagoTiago, because if you try to push the 56K modulation over a GSM voice channel, the voice codec is going to scramble it unrecognizable by the modem on the other end14:28
Sadaatherelol right14:28
* merlin1991 greps the logs14:29
Surfacsd :D14:29
ShadowJKTiagoTiago, it might work at very slow speeds... like 300 bits per second or something :)14:29
Khertan_atWorkSadaathere: just a matter of times, and interests14:29
merlin1991I remember someone developing exactly that14:29
TiagoTiagobut i can set it up on reguar mobiles14:29
kerioTiagoTiago: that's a data call14:29
kerioand it costs much more than regular calls14:29
ShadowJKTiagoTiago, ok so now you're talking about (HS)CSD then and not 56K modems :)14:29
TiagoTiagolike old wap connections14:29
Sadaatherekhertan_artwork : nokia not talking much interest in n90014:29
TiagoTiagoi would be  calling a tollfree number14:30
kerioyeah, we should have a way to connect to the internet with hscsd on the n90014:30
ShadowJKI didn't think anyone used CSD after GPRS came :)14:30
kerioin case you're teleported to 199814:30
TiagoTiagowell, it's free14:30
kerio(or maybe even before?)14:30
kerioTiagoTiago: it's probably really not free14:30
TiagoTiagoit's a free toll number people use with landline connections14:31
TiagoTiagofor free dialup internet14:31
keriothen it won't work with hscsd14:31
ShadowJKI don't think any modem that's connected to landline is going to be able to talk HSCSD...14:31
TiagoTiagothe instructions i found on the internet says it's just like setting a wap connection14:32
Sadaatherekhertan_artwork : nokia was plaining to bring maemo 6 bt stopped the project cuz of meego n nw they r not bringing it official its unfair :'(14:33
Khertan_atWorkSadaathere: they will never bring maemo 6 officially anyway :)14:33
TiagoTiagolots of people are upset at them for that, join the club14:33
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Sadaatherekhertan_artwork: yea bt they aint doing much for n900 when its capable of doing so many things14:34
ShadowJKSadaathere, "was planning to bring maemo 6".. they had never announced Maemo 6 for N900.14:34
lcukSadaathere, ahem14:35
lcukmeego is open source14:35
lcukget those apps on maemo14:35
lcukif thats how you feel14:35
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Sadaathere1cuk : and qt will make it possible to run meego apps on maemo right?14:36
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lcukSadaathere, thats the intent yes, however since qt does not restrict to the walled garden, its entirely possible and feasible that developers have shortcutted the process14:37
lcukand have incompatible changes within the specific app itself14:37
lcukas Khertan_atWork mentioned he had to do14:37
ShadowJKThough I don't think you can call it a Meego app then anymore14:38
ShadowJKnot that that will stop people from complaining that non-Meego-app X runs on Meego but not Maemo :)14:38
Sadaathereoh got it14:38
kerioa QtMobility app14:38
kerioSadaathere: porting apps between the two platforms should be easy14:38
Sadaathereso with qt we dont really need meego for n90014:39
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Sadaatherecuz we r getting its apps14:39
lcukwe arent getting its apps14:39
lcukbut they can be ported14:40
lcukgive them patches14:40
lcuk(also, fix other bugs too :P)14:40
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TiagoTiagoany idea how i can setup  the connection like they describe in that site?14:40
ShadowJKYou can't14:40
lcukin what sire?14:41
ShadowJKAnd I seriously doubt it'd work on a normal GSM phone too14:41
ShadowJKlcuk, he wants to call a landline dialup modem14:41
Sadaatherethanks for info guys14:41
sp3000timeless: waah, mxr.maemo search fatals14:41
lcuksp3000, i think timeless is somewhere in Ireland atm14:41
lcukfails and crashes?14:42
sp3000lcuk, I kow, otherwise I'd kick him in the shins directly :)14:42
sp3000know, too14:42
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sp3000oh, mxr.moego search on fremantle works, even though its front page would direct you to mxr.maemo14:43
ZogGMohammadAG зштп14:43
ZogGMohammadAG where did you get mircousb - to usb for host mode?14:44
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TiagoTiagocould you check the parameters it says there to setup and see if you can identify what type of conenction eit is exactly and whether it is possible to use that with a N900 please?14:48
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lcukTiagoTiago, i cant even understand the page let alone work out what you want to do, so you test it14:50
TiagoTiagoscroll down to the parameters14:51
jpinx-eeepcTiagoTiago: it's specific to Claro in Brazil14:51
jpinx-eeepcwould not work with anyone else14:51
TiagoTiagobut the parameters are generic to many devices14:51
jpinx-eeepcTiagoTiago: are you in Brazil?14:51
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TiagoTiagobut you can't understand the parameters and identify what type of connection it is?14:52
jpinx-eeepcit says ISDN , but I am not sure if that's right14:55
MohammadAGZogG, click on the link in the thread14:55
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jpinx-eeepcTiagoTiago: better you read it in your own language and work it out - my portuguese is a bit rusty...14:56
ZogGMohammadAG amazon?14:56
TiagoTiagoforget the text, pay attention to the parameters14:57
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* TiagoTiago sighs15:01
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ShadowJKN900 doesn't have any CSD support15:02
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kerioShadowJK: and for a good reason!15:02
ghostcubewhy would a ceelphone support christopher street day15:02
ghostcubeok its a bad one ...15:02
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TiagoTiagoare you sure? why?15:03
ShadowJKkerio, well if they think MMS is dying and not worth the effort, then HSCSD is like a dinosaur that's been dead for a million years15:03
kerioMMS *is* not worth the effort15:03
kerioright frals? :P15:03
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SceltMMS rocks!15:04
TiagoTiagowhat is the difference between this and using the N900 as a bluetooth dialup modem?15:04
ShadowJKN900 uses gprs15:04
ShadowJKpacket data15:04
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MohammadAGZogG, err, i said click the link in the thread15:05
TiagoTiagoyou can't use it for actual dialup?15:05
DocScrutinizernoob question: can flasher-3.5 flash a plain bZimage kernel, or does it always need fiasco files?15:05
TiagoTiagoso DUN profile is just a name?15:06
ShadowJKPCs don't talk any GSM/3G protocols, so in order for PCs to be able to use GPRS, N900 pretends to the PC that it is a modem, and it also pretends that another modem answers15:06
jpinxTiagoTiago: not as a stand alone device - but I daresay you could cobble togather some form of usb modem and plug it in15:06
ShadowJKDUN profile means that the device looks (to the PC) like a dialup modem15:06
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jpinxShadowJK: it's all smoke and mirrors ;)15:07
psycho_oreosMohammadAG, I believe you have a copy of gcc 4.4 or latter? :)15:07
TiagoTiagowhat if you setup the connection in the pc using dialup parameters (like a real number to dial to) ?15:07
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ShadowJKThat'd be an interesting experiment :)15:08
jpinx-eeepcfill your boots TiagoTiago  :)15:09
SpeedEvilIt does not work.15:09
TiagoTiagowhat does that mean?15:09
SpeedEvilpnatd does not support 'atd' to random numbers15:09
TiagoTiagois that a software limitation?15:09
SpeedEvilOnly the 'magic' atd*99# - or whatever the exact sequence is - to enable a ppp session15:10
SpeedEvilthere is also the concept of circuit switched data15:10
SpeedEvilThis is phone-phone fixed bandwidth pipes.15:10
ghostcubeMohammadAG synaptic isnt going to be released with all dependencies or?15:11
SpeedEvilBut most phones do not enable it.15:11
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keriodial for data?15:12
SpeedEvilatd is the noral hayes 'dial a number' command15:12
keriojust that?15:12
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, he wants to dial a landline ISDN or landline analog modem...15:12
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SpeedEvilAs i understand, if you enable CSD, you can dial IDSN15:13
SpeedEvilIn principle15:13
SpeedEvilBut I forget the details.15:13
TiagoTiagoany idea how i can do that?15:13
SpeedEvilCSD needs enabled on the cell provider side15:14
SpeedEvilIt's also 9600bits/sec only15:14
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tobis87What is the difference between atd and atdt?15:14
ShadowJKt for tone dialing15:14
SpeedEvilone dials with loopdisconnect, the other with DTMF15:14
TiagoTiagoif it gives me free internet i don't care about the speed15:14
ShadowJKentirely irrelevant on digital systems15:14
SpeedEvilTiagoTiago: It's expensive15:14
SpeedEvilTiagoTiago: It's typically more expensive than a call15:15
DocScrutinizeratdp probably also works :-P15:15
TiagoTiagobut i would be dialing a tollfree number...15:15
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DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: that's possible15:16
DocScrutinizerif your carrier allows15:16
tobis87ah ok, i have seen a way to emulate a 300 baud connction over tcp, with tcpser and vice...15:16
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: outbound CSD usually is enabled by default15:16
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TiagoTiagothey would spy on the noise going thru the line? or does it use a completly different route?15:16
DocScrutinizerit's just inbound CSD that needs special care15:16
SpeedEvildifferent protocol15:16
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TiagoTiagoso if i tried dialing my landline and picked the phone i wouldn't be hearing those oldschool internet noises?15:17
DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: your voice is sent OTA as data. CSD is sending plain data, with a flag saying "ain't voice"15:18
tobis87 <- mailbox over tcp using turbo term15:19
keriou can't has free internet15:19
DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: yes, if the carrier has a CSD->PTS_modem gateway15:19
crashanddiekerio, but... but...
TiagoTiagono way to do it oldschool with data encoded as sounds?15:19
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kerioTiagoTiago: lol15:20
DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: GSM codec can't possibly do anything better than 75bd15:20
keriosure, with less bandwidth than you'd need for #maemo alone15:20
DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: it's made for voice, not for modem/fax beeps15:21
TiagoTiagowell, that would at least be somthing15:21
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kerioand you still have to pay for the call15:21
TiagoTiagowould the modem on the other side handle such a low bw?15:21
DocScrutinizerusually yes15:21
TiagoTiagonot if i call a tollfree number15:21
keriothe tollfree number pays15:22
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TiagoTiagothat is their choice15:22
DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: but, as mentioned above, afaik all carriers support outbound CSD and offer a CSD->POTS_modem gateway. This way you'd get 9600bd15:22
TiagoTiagobut tey would charge me even though i' dialing a tollfree number?15:23
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DocScrutinizerkerio: depends. sometimes the even *get* money - so called termination fee15:23
DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: nope, the carrier usually doesn't charge on top of a normal call fee for CSD15:24
DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: they charge for tollfree sometimes, nevertheless15:25
DocScrutinizerdepends on your contract15:26
TiagoTiagoi don't get charged when i call the tollfree number for the pizza delivery place15:26
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DocScrutinizerso you also won't get charged when calling same number via GSM-fax (yes that's supported as well usually), or via GSM-data aka CSD15:27
TiagoTiagocan i use GSM-fax or data wwith the N900?15:27
Surfathis discussion is like warping back 8 years in time15:27
SpeedEvilAlso - freephone data services may have blocks for cellular15:27
TiagoTiagosome do, some don't15:27
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SpeedEvilas it can cost them money in some places15:27
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: usually they have, as they have to pay extra for cellphones calling in15:28
TiagoTiagothe pizza place i get my piizzas from don't block cellphones15:28
DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: does he have a fax?15:28
TiagoTiagothe N900?15:29
DocScrutinizerthe pizza place :-P15:29
TiagoTiagoah, dunno15:29
DocScrutinizeranyway, check how to set up CSD and/or fax connections on N900 pnatd15:30
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TiagoTiagois it on the wiki?15:30
DocScrutinizerdunno what rapuyama/pnatd supports15:30
TiagoTiagooh :(15:30
infobotnfc is, like, No Fucking Clue15:30
TiagoTiagooh :(15:31
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DocScrutinizerI'm rather sure I heard BT PAN is using pnatd CSD15:31
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DocScrutinizererr, not CSD, but usual data call establishing15:32
DocScrutinizerwhich is a superset of plain CSD15:32
DocScrutinizeron AT level15:32
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SurfaDocScrutinizer, why would bt pan use csd?15:34
DocScrutinizerprobably rapuyama also supports HSCSD, which will give you a lot more than 9600bd, but is a completely different story, carrier_enabling side15:34
Surfahw itself could support it, but whole different story is if the cellmo has it enabled or not15:35
DocScrutinizermaybe it's been BT DUN, don't quote me on that15:35
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DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: start pnatd; type "ATD<your number with some modem hooked up><enter>"; wait what happens15:37
SpeedEvilit fails immediaterly15:38
SpeedEvilit does not support atd15:38
DocScrutinizershould answer with usual "RINGING; CARRIER 9600 DETECTED; Welcome to <mybox>"15:39
SurfaI completely missed where this discussion started.. why are we talking about csd here?15:39
DocScrutinizer~curse cellmo15:39
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, cellmo !15:39
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Surfaand why would you like to use it? for.. anything? :)15:40
Surfa(this is just professional interest from me)15:40
TiagoTiagoit says error :(15:40
DocScrutinizerSurfa: for point2point data connections?15:40
ZogGMohammadAG51, kinda missed it out15:40
TiagoTiagoi wanna use a tollfree dialup internet connnection15:40
ZogGDocScrutinizer51+MohammadAG51 = 102?15:41
DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: you want to use a dialup connection. period15:41
DocScrutinizerZogG: hahaha15:41
SpeedEvilTiagoTiago: Where are you in the world?15:41
SurfaTiagoTiago, ehm, dialup and csd aren't really necessarily related.. :)15:41
TiagoTiago"but why use a dialup, its so slow blah blah blah" 'cause then i can have free internet dialing a tollfree number15:42
DocScrutinizer42 + 4711 != the mellifluous answer to everything15:42
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ZogGplantronics bluetooth backbeat - anyone tried this one?15:43
kerioi should watch Brazil15:43
SurfaTiagoTiago, ok so you really are talking about csd? DUN itself may have different meanings also for PDP DUN for example15:43
RST38h"They want to kill people with my software that doesn't work"15:43
SpeedEvilI should eat some brazil nuts.15:43
RST38hAnd moo ZogG15:43
TiagoTiagothe instructions for other devices ssays it's the same number used by landline dial up modems15:43
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SurfaTiagoTiago, but I'm really affraid that no modern Nokia device (or any other vendor either) will provide you csd capability nowadays15:44
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Surfait's years since it was supported last time15:44
DocScrutinizerSurfa: duh? not?15:44
SurfaDocScrutinizer, yes15:44
DocScrutinizerI should think every decent AT modem implementation still supports it - alas we only got pnatd on N90015:45
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DocScrutinizerof course not every device nowadays has a AT modem interface at all15:46
DocScrutinizerbut those who have should quite usually do CSD15:46
Surfaeven that at modem is there, it doesn't mean that you would have csd capabilities15:46
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Surfano no.. not really15:46
summelwho postet that pic of the bat yesterday? :D15:47
Surfathis is something that I really should know :)15:47
DocScrutinizerscrew the idiots15:47
DocScrutinizerdeliberately 'optimizing out' the most basic AT command out of their AT interface15:48
ZogGRST38h kuuu15:49
Surfawell, maintaining masses of legacy functionality that practically no one uses may lead to some decisions15:49
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kerioTiagoTiago = practically no one?15:49
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: supporting t would break the interface.15:49
DocScrutinizerno, why would it break the IF??15:49
SpeedEvilAs the phone could not then make/recieve calls15:49
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* DocScrutinizer shrugs15:50
Surfakerio, in this case yes :) this is the first time in years I've heard someone talking about csd15:50
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DocScrutinizerreceive calls is outright impossible as long as MT-originated CSD call is established - far end will get no call progress15:51
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summelcsd? :O15:51
summelcristopher street day?15:52
DocScrutinizerfor make calls MT-orig it's quite easily handled along scheme of "no signal"15:52
SpeedEvilOn packaging formats.
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DocScrutinizerso how's it breaking IF?15:52
SpeedEvilAre two ppp sessions at once supported?15:52
SpeedEvilI should try this.15:52
SpeedEvilI'm assuming it would break thespecification of the interface.15:53
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SpeedEvilWhich means WONTFIX15:53
DocScrutinizerthe spec which is?15:53
DocScrutinizer"a call MUST proceed, no matter what"15:54
infobotThe key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED",  "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.15:54
SpeedEvilThe magical perfct user-interface document written before the code, or anyones touched hardware.15:54
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: when trying to make a call while CSD connection established, the IF simply signals to userland either of "No signal" or "BTS busy"15:55
TiagoTiagothe infobot explanation should come with a linlk to the rfc in question15:56
DocScrutinizerboth MUST be inplemeted in any IF15:56
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DocScrutinizerso the IF specs can not break due to a simple CSD15:56
povbotBug 10354: Symbol virtual keyboard inconsistent to access from hardware keyboard.15:56
SpeedEvilFor why mashing two buttons is wrong, and the user should alwys press them carefully.15:57
SpeedEvilEven though mashing them would have no negative impact on the UI, and make it easier for users.15:57
SpeedEvilAnd you're expecting logical resolutions?15:57
DocScrutinizersorry I can't help it, i'm not expecting anything, I'm siply in logical operation mode15:58
DocScrutinizerof course Nokia has messed it up once again, as they did so many times esp with cellmo. No surprise. I'm just delivering proof for the use of 20min of thinking about it16:00
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TiagoTiagoI'm confused, how exactly do i repro that bug?16:01
DocScrutinizerand btw this is another depressing example of the devastating effects of "we don't need that" mindset16:01
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DocScrutinizer..which gave us abominations like y2k issue, broken audio on OM devices etc etc pp16:02
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DocScrutinizer... and now has left us fsckd wrt CSD16:03
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TiagoTiagohm, IMO pressing Control before pressing Fn not triggering the Symbols vk makes complete sense16:07
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TiagoTiagothat bug report is like pressing the "a" key before pressing shift and expecting upper case A to come out16:07
DocScrutinizerbtw CSD point2point connections are the only *working* way to implement cryped phonecalls on a standard cellphone like N90016:09
DocScrutinizerreal phonecalls16:09
DocScrutinizernot VoIP or similar things16:10
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DocScrutinizerencrypted, yes16:10
TiagoTiagois there such a thing as OTR for voice?16:10
TiagoTiagothat IM encryption protocol with plausible deniability etc16:11
DocScrutinizerBS, what's plausible deniability for a switched call?16:12
MNZ"Not my phone"16:12
tobis87 , encrypted voip
DocScrutinizernot my phone - but I'll pay the bill nevertheless16:13
TiagoTiagoyou can decrypt the encrypted exchange to any plaintext you want, so no one can prove you really said what their decryptions says you said16:13
MNZand there's presumably a way to decrypt it into what you really said, correct?16:14
MNZbecause otherwise I don't see where the 'M' part of 'IM' is....16:14
DocScrutinizerthat's not related to 'plausible deniability"16:14
TiagoTiagosomeone says you said somthing, you can say they forged it, and that is completly plausible16:15
DocScrutinizerthat's BS16:15
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SpeedEvilIt's not with a one-time-pad.16:15
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MNZwhy not just use strong encryption so they can't decrypt in the first place ??? Or am I missing something?16:16
SpeedEvilAny signal and any desired signal can be made with the right key16:16
DocScrutinizerdefinition of 'plausible deniability' is: "no there's never been any call/file/messgae/whatever"16:16
TiagoTiagoyeah, there  is some math juggling back and forth that lets the two participants decrypt each other without an eavesdropper figuring out how to do it16:16
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TiagoTiagoperhaps i'm using the wrong expression16:16
lindi-TiagoTiago: yes I don't think you are explaining yourself very well here...16:17
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DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: google4ZRTP16:17
DocScrutinizersecure encryption of RTP media(voice) streams16:18
crashanddieI'm working on low-latency RTP encryption16:19
crashanddiethe interesting bit is that RTCP is completely inadapted for this scenario16:19
TiagoTiago"Off-the-Record Messaging, commonly referred to as OTR, is a cryptographic protocol that provides strong encryption for instant messaging conversations. OTR uses a combination of the AES symmetric-key algorithm, the Diffie-Hellman key exchange, and the SHA-1 hash function. In addition to authentication and encryption, OTR provides perfect forward secrecy and malleable encryption."16:19
DocScrutinizerworks since years16:20
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crashanddiedocscrutinizer: aye, proprietary implementation though.16:20
RST38hOMG encryption it must be illegal16:20
DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: so what?16:20
* SpeedEvil stabs anyone that used 'perfect' in the sense of any encryption.16:20
kerioSpeedEvil: one-time pads are perfect!16:20
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: as proprietary and open as PGP/GPG16:20
RST38hs/in the sense of any encryption//16:20
SpeedEvilSomewhat perfect, yes.16:21
crashanddiedocscrutinizer: talking about ours, don't care about ZRTP :P16:21
SpeedEvilAES isn't - there are already attacks faster than bruteforce on subsets of the algorithm.16:21
SpeedEvilIt still - appears - to be strong at full depth.16:21
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DocScrutinizer~spank crashanddie16:21
* infobot bends crashanddie over his knee and tatoos 'ibot' on crashanddie's pasty white buttocks.16:21
kerioXORing with a one-time pad is as secure as it gets right?16:22
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tobis87And AES-128 is securer than AES-25616:22
crashanddieand here we go again16:22
crashanddiefunny thing is, most people don't understand the impact of encryption16:23
RST38hmost people do not care16:23
RST38honly evildoers care about encryption, "most people" have nothing to hide :)16:23
Surfamost people don't need to care16:23
crashanddiewell, it's the interweb, so they go screaming "IT'S NOT SECURE ENOUGH, IT'S BROKEN"16:23
keriowhy do you want encryption16:23
kerioare you a pedophile16:23
kerioor a terrorist16:23
pexiaes is as strong as your ability to absorb pain16:23
crashanddiethe answer is, yes to both.16:23
keriopexi: lol16:23
marmoutekerio: I have a bank account too16:24
crashanddiemarmoute, congrats16:24
marmoutekerio: does it put me in the above categories ?16:24
keriomarmoute: a bank account that you use to buy CP and bombs?16:24
crashanddiemarmoute, having a bank account doesn't require encryption16:24
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TiagoTiagoOTR has perfect foward secrecy, which means not even you can decrypt old conversations16:25
crashanddie"perfect" only means something when you're writing the standard and rfc16:25
lindi-TiagoTiago: and the manufacturer of your monitor firmware :)16:25
crashanddieas soon as it's published, it's not perfect anymore16:25
MNZTiagoTiago, you can _remember_ the conversations though, so it's still only as strong as your ability to absorb pain, as pexi noted16:25
crashanddieI'll be fucked if I remember this stupid conversation in 24h#16:26
MNZbut you could LIE and go to HELL for it >:| don't lie16:26
TiagoTiagothen it's a good thing i got a weak memory for these type of things Xp16:26
kerioMNZ: only terrorists and pedophiles lie!16:26
crashanddieyou just lied, kerio16:26
TiagoTiagopoliticians are both16:27
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tobis87crashanddie: No, my point to not use aes-256 is not only becauses it is weaker than aes-128, but because it is slower and it does not improve anything. I still use aes if it is faster than twofish.16:30
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TiagoTiagowhy  people insist in password safes instead olf using things like and not keepping their passwords stored anywhere?16:32
infobotTiagoTiago meant: why  people insist in password safes instead of using things like and not keepping their passwords stored anywhere?16:33
kerioTiagoTiago: cool16:34
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crashanddieTiagoTiago, personally, I use a password manager that I wrote myself on an encrypted usb dongle16:36
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crashanddieI just give it the application reference, and it gives me a password, I never even know the password16:37
crashanddieon windows, it fills in the passwords in firefox and IE automagically, so I don't even need to interact with it, on osx/linux, it's a manual process where I click on the app name, and it puts the password in clipboard16:37
TiagoTiagothat doesn't sound very safe, keeping all your passwords stored in a single place.....16:38
crashanddieas opposed to using the same password for everything?16:38
crashanddieAnd everyone does that, anyway16:38
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TiagoTiagoi don't do either of those, like i said, i use Password Maker,  different passwords on each service and the passwords aren't stored anywhere16:39
ieatlintassuming the encryption on the dongle is secure, it's just as secure as using a hashing algorithm to just hash your password with a url as that seems to16:39
ghostcubemy passwords are on printed paper in my desk16:39
kerioghostcube: good job16:39
ghostcube:D better than any software shit16:39
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ieatlinti'm surprised no one has brought up again the fact that passwords stored on the n900 are all plaintext :P16:41
Khertan_atWorknot all :)16:41
Khertan_atWorkKhweeteur use oauth so no pass :)16:41
TiagoTiagothere is still all the parameters to set the hashing,  even if someone figures out my password they still gotta figure out all the other stuff, meanwhile i can remeber it all easilly16:41
Stskeepswhat did they do again?16:42
Khertan_atWorkieatlint: many users use gainroot ... this is worse ;)16:42
ZogGfrom inside source (not mine) there is info they are considering using win7 as alternative os with symbian and meego16:42
ZogGKhertan_atWork btw i saw several bugs16:42
StskeepsZogG: they run win7 on booklet ;p16:42
TiagoTiagoi don't think that comes thru reliable sources16:42
Khertan_atWorkZogG: there isn't bug :)16:43
Khertan_atWorkZogG: oh which one ,16:43
crashanddieyeah, and from inside source (not mine), the new CEO loves to kill puppies around lunchtime while he's doing his secretary from behind16:43
ZogGfirst of all scrolling is not smooth, sometimes small finger move scroll whole list, so it's hard to scroll only several twits16:43
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ieatlintcrashanddie: can we send him puppies?16:43
Stskeepscrashanddie: if you got that kind of pay, could you blame him?16:43
Khertan_atWorkcrashanddie: hhum using secretary like this is french style...16:43
crashanddieKhertan_atWork, nope, that's international16:43
Khertan_atWorkcrashanddie: the international way is more the clinton way :)16:44
crashanddiethe main difference is that with France, even mistresses have mistresses16:44
ZogGKhertan_atWork, as well, sometimes the timeline is moved up the window, so there is black line between it and text inbox, but after several seconds it comming back in the place16:44
crashanddieit comes**16:44
TiagoTiagoin soviet russia the secretary does you from behind16:44
ZogGcrashanddie it's from mobile-review and if you consider they get all new prototypes to test from inside - i would consider it as the news16:45
crashanddieTiagoTiago, fail16:45
ieatlintTiagoTiago: that happens here too16:45
Khertan_atWorkZogG: it s not a khweeteur bug, even if it look like it is s not. This is a bug of your eyes signal not well interpreted by your brain.16:45
ZogGcrashanddie i come16:45
Khertan_atWorkZogG: seriously, it s a qt4.6 bug fixed in qt4.716:45
ZogGKhertan_atWork lol16:45
crashanddieTiagoTiago, the "in soviet russia..." meme should always end with "YOU"16:45
Khertan_atWorkZogG: and a won't fix for 4.6 release ;(16:46
ZogGKhertan_atWork never saw it on any other app, which one of them btw you are talking about, black line or scrolling?16:46
TiagoTiagoartistic licence16:46
ZogGKhertan_atWork anyway 4.7 is out16:46
Khertan_atWorkZogG: 4.7 is out ... but not for maemo16:46
crashanddieZogG, it's not gospell, they have it wrong quite a few times16:46
crashanddieStskeeps, that kind of pay? He's not being paid *that* much...16:47
ZogGcrashanddie will see it, but i wouldn't be surprised16:47
Khertan_atWorkZogG: i already see it in : KhtEditor and other qt apps using qlistview16:47
crashanddieieatlint, he won't take puppies, but you can send secretaries16:47
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ZogGcrashanddie nokia strategy is the best , chaos and absurd - it makes no sense - so you can't defeat them16:47
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TiagoTiagodo i install the new qt myself or does each maker of each program needs to recompile their stuff using the new thing?16:47
crashanddiebecause they defeat themselves?16:47
ieatlinti don't have any secretaries to send16:47
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ieatlintTiagoTiago: you mean in upgrading to qt 4.7? ... the dynamic linker should handle it, no need to recompile apps16:48
ZogGcrashanddie it's also good point , kill ones of your own, so enemies would be affraid of you16:48
ieatlintthey keep api compliance16:48
ZogGcrashanddie do't you do it in france?16:48
TiagoTiagoso i should install it myself?16:48
ieatlinton maemo?16:49
Khertan_atWorklcuk: an other meego qt diff : neither QT_SHARED nor QT_DLL is defined in the Meego Qt build16:49
ieatlinti would say definitely not, unless you know exactly what you're doing16:49
ZogGoh btw pr1.3 will bring some of meego features =)16:49
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ZogGand it's not gossip16:49
TiagoTiago3x3 homescreens?16:49
ieatlintZogG: here's to hoping it's the rpm feature they bring!16:50
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ZogGieatlint don't really hope for that16:50
ZogGon one hand it's easier for meego apps to be ported (as i don't think all devs with closed source would make debs as well)16:51
ZogGbut on other it can break a lot of stuff16:51
ZogGand from what i hear rpm sux =)16:51
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Khertan_atWorkZogG: yep i confirm that some rpm tools sucks16:51
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Khertan_atWorksending a sigterm to yum while updating or reading database will result in a broken rpmdb16:52
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ZogGhmmm, do they do it well? now as i'm lonely i'm considering to emerge one of those16:52
TiagoTiagoare we ever gonna get the 3x3 homescreens?16:52
Khertan_atWorkTiagoTiago: i hope not16:52
ZogGTiagoTiago like in droid or what do you mean?16:52
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TiagoTiago8-way swiping, toroidal topology, 3x3=9 homescreens, would rock big time16:53
GAN900Harmattan has some sort of mockup like that from 200916:54
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GAN900Dunno if it'll have anything to do with the real thing though.16:54
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tobis87TiagoTiago: I wouldn't know what I should put on all these screens.16:58
* RST38h feels like 4 home screens are too much, and you are offering 9!16:58
GAN900I never use more than 1.16:59
GAN900Just isn't convenient.16:59
Myrttiyou people are weird, I've got 5 on my N1 and two of them have pictures of tumbleweed on them.16:59
GAN900Swiping is such a pain.16:59
tobis87I suppose you have to like widgets, to have the need for that. I also only use one.16:59
ieatlintagreed... i use 2, disabled the rest16:59
RST38hNexus has buttons to access them though, no?16:59
ieatlinthave one for apps, and one for actual phone stuff like the dialer16:59
TiagoTiagoi could use a few more, don't like crowding them17:00
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MyrttiRST38h: I swype.17:00
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TiagoTiagothat is not avaiable for the N900 yet either17:01
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jo-erlendcan I use deb packages from Maemo in Ubuntu ARM?17:03
lcukyou can, but it likely wont work out too well17:03
jo-erlendI was hoping I didn't have to compile and create packages manually. Thought I'd see if x2goclient would work well on my igepv2 board.17:04
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lcukjo-erlend, yes you will usually have to rebuild packages17:06
lcukand remember to send all your patches back upstream to maemo17:06
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TiagoTiagois there a physics toy that is a box with stuff inside that reacts to the accelerometers like it's a real box with loose stuff inside?17:09
lcukTiagoTiago, theres a few, try liqflow for similar, gas balls has balls which touch the sides and fluid dynamics17:10
TiagoTiagothe scale is off, and the whole fluid simulation makes things not move quite realistic17:11
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lcukTiagoTiago, which scale?17:11
TiagoTiagoi mean, it's realistic for liquid but not for air17:11
lcukthen make one17:12
lcukbox2d is around somewhere17:12
TiagoTiagoeither the time or the physical scale, it doesn't look real for the size on screen17:12
lcukok TiagoTiago which doesnt look real17:12
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TiagoTiagowas that a question?17:14
lcukyes, which application are you actually talking about?17:14
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TiagoTiagogas balls in some aspects and liqflow in others, and both in some as well17:15
lcukI guess you just want to tweak and play around with stuff17:16
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lcuk:) understood entirely17:16
lcukhey tekojo \o17:16
tekojohi lcuk17:17
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lcuktekojo, did you go to the meego night the other day?17:18
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tekojolcuk: no, bad timing plus I was coming down with a flu17:18
tekojoerr, cold that17:19
lcukeep, thats not good, I hope you stayed off IRC too17:19
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* lcuk updates his virus checker and then emails some tissues 17:19
tekojothanks, getting better already :)17:19
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lcuk:O I've lost an n90017:21
* MohammadAG51 stole it17:21
lcukyou bastard, give it back17:21
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rasteri ate it17:22
MohammadAG51I want 100kgs of bacon17:22
lcukback in reality i found it again, it was hiding under my n81017:22
* MohammadAG51 finds PR1.4 on the N90017:22
MohammadAG51I want 10000kgs of bacon!!!17:22
Appiahwe all do17:22
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TiagoTiagoi gotta go, cya17:27
lcukMohammadAG51, share the bacon17:28
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n900-spacehi all17:31
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h4waiiWho wants to get stabbed?17:37
Stskeepscan i drink myself senseless first?17:37
lcukStskeeps, that will then be messy17:38
lcukthe beer will leak out17:38
* w00t considers alcohol17:39
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Stskeepsw00t: or sleep17:41
w00t_sleep is overrated17:41
lcukw00t_, do sauna and booze, then you will sleep better17:41
MohammadAG51agreed :p17:42
* MohammadAG51 sleeps 5 hours now17:42
ZogGMohammadAG51 but you don't drink17:42
h4waiiHe drinks C-Plus. Leave him alone.17:42
MohammadAG51does it matter?17:43
GAN900Sleep sounds really nice right now.17:44
GAN900and it's only 104517:44
OptXHi, did up a wrong pack to extras-devel, is there a way to remove it ?17:44
lcukOptX, you have to physically go to the server.17:45
ZogGOptX re up the god pack17:45
ZogGor ask the admins17:45
h4waiiOnly I have access to "the God pack".17:46
h4waiiI require a banana cognac to fix your problem.17:46
Khertan_atWorkhum ... God pack should depends on christianism ... i will vote thumb down17:46
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RST38hgive him bacon!17:47
OptXcant re up the pack, the one i need has lower version :(17:47
kerioMORE BACON ON #maemo!17:47
infobotsomebody said bacon was a filling substance which will make you even fatter than you already are... Take my advice, bacon is a food for the gods or for underweight models such as that McBeal chick...17:47
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lcukOptX, if the one you need is already on maemo you can coerce apt or dpkg to give older version17:48
lcukmmmmm bacon17:48
Khertan_atWorkGod package should depends on bacon too ?17:48
kerioof course17:48
kerioeverything should depend on bacon17:48
lcukyes, but package bacon will not fit on the internal rootfs :(17:48
lcukit needed optifying first17:48
h4waiiburritos don't depend on bacon.17:48
lcukwhich involved many sandwiches17:49
OptXlcuk this one i need is not there, looks like i have to as a admin ...17:49
keriolcuk: bacon fits everywhere17:49
OptXbut best im mouth17:49
h4waiiThat's what she said.17:50
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h4waiihrhr is a racist term.17:50
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DocScrutinizerraster: was it tasty at least? :-D17:54
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OptXh4waii racist term ... did not know that :(17:58
Khertan_atWorkUsing BUILD_ROOT=/OBS.worker/root10/.mount Using BUILD_ARCH=i586:i486:i386 Doing xen build in /OBS.worker/root10/root   wml0252 started "build python-qt4.spec" at Fri Sep 24 17:56:04 EEST 2010.  Building python-qt4 for project 'home:khertan' repository 'MeeGo_1.0_Core' arch 'i586' srcmd5 'b4ac322a3e0376161192d26154d22715'  processing specfile /OBS.worker/root10/.build-srcdir/python-qt4.spec ... running changelog2spec --target r17:59
Khertan_atWorkoups sorry17:59
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h4waiiOptX - just kidding dude :P18:00
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jpinx-eeepch4waii: bs . how do you reckon hrhr is racist?18:04
dRbiGhmm, mount.cifs seems not to care about uid= and gid= options :S18:04
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h4waiijpinx-eeepc - I said I was kidding. Cool it, professor.18:07
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ZogGjpinx-eeepc it's bad word in african language18:08
jpinx-eeepch4waii: yea - saw that as I hit return ;)  no problem :)18:08
daleglassHello! I'm trying to build modules for my N900. Is it possible to build a module that matches the currently running kernel? I'm using the "power" kernel currently.18:09
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ZogGdaleglass i think so18:10
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ZogGwhy not18:10
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dRbiGanyone got a smb share mounted so that the user user can access it?18:15
rainbirddoes anyone know of an application menu alternative...something like a start menu the old maemo used to have...18:16
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h4waiirainbird, No. Try AppMeFo for some folder customization.18:17
_jacktherippermy n900 doesn't detect it's connected through USB (doesn't even start charging) until a reboot. any ideas ? :S18:17
dRbiGaaay, got it18:17
tobis87daleglass: Just make sure /lib/modules/` uname -r`/build points to the corresponding kernel headers and add EXTRAVERSION=NAME, where NAME stands for the powerkernel version you use.18:17
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rainbirdthanks h4waii, I already have that, thats the best I can get18:17
tobis87daleglass: A very simple makefile,
* DocScrutinizer mumbles "depmod"18:20
rainbirdanyone got GrimWepa?18:20
psycho_oreos_jacktheripper, hmm and when it reboots, its able to detect that its connected to USB easily regardless if its going through a charger or another device capable of being USB host?18:20
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h4waiirainbird - it's on the google code page.18:21
_jacktheripperpsycho_oreos, yep18:21
daleglasstobis87: thanks, will give it a try18:21
DocScrutinizerdaleglass: you heard my mumbling? :-)18:21
_jacktheripperpsycho_oreos, and MyDocs isn't in-use. I just checked.18:21
tobis87daleglass: Do you use scratchbox? Which module do you need?18:21
psycho_oreos_jacktheripper, it might be an issue with lag, it could be that the CPU gets overloaded.. there could be various reasons for this18:22
daleglasstobis87: scratchbox, trying to build compcache18:22
daleglassDocScrutinizer: yeah, but don't see how would depmod do it18:22
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tobis87daleglass: I have got it compiled, I will paste the makefile18:22
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DocScrutinizerit won't 'do it', you'll just probably want to run depmod -a after copying your new module to N90018:23
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DocScrutinizerdaleglass: I always tend to forget about it, so that's why I mentioned it18:23
daleglassDocScrutinizer: that won't do it. The symbol versions in the module I got don't match with the kernel on the device (the version is the same)18:23
psycho_oreosso you'll need to compile the source with your preferred kernel18:24
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DocScrutinizerdaleglass: I'm well aware of that issue you're facing. I didn't suggest depmod's a way to fix it18:24
daleglassDocScrutinizer: aha, misunderstood then18:25
DocScrutinizerdaleglass: modprobe --force might, though18:25
tobis87daleglass: Not much difference to the original , replace omap1 with the kernel name and strip the module after you compiled it (objcopy --strip-debug)18:25
tobis87then copy it to /lib/modules/2.6.28-name/ and run as DocScrutinizer said depmod -ae18:26
DocScrutinizerumm, wasn't that called 'strip' simply, in former times?18:26
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tobis87DocScrutinizer: Not for kernel modules, there is even a difference between strip-debug and strip-unneeded18:27
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DocScrutinizertobis87: aah, I see18:28
_jacktheripperpsycho_oreos, CPU usage increases just a tiny little bit when I connect. Could I somehow make the device spit an error ? there's nothing in dmesg.18:29
agi qwerty18:30
agioopps :)18:30
psycho_oreos_jacktheripper, but in your current n900 you haven't rebooted and its meant to show where it doesn't get detected as charging right?18:30
tobis87daleglass: And make sure you use the correct headers. You might have to extract the power kernel headers and create a link to it. So the module gets compiled with the correct headers.18:31
_jacktheripperpsycho_oreos, yes. right.18:31
daleglasstobis87: cool, thanks :-) I suppose that means you tried it then. Does it make a big difference?18:31
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psycho_oreos_jacktheripper, probably a hardware issue heh, running stock kernel?18:31
_jacktheripperpsycho_oreos, actually it starts charging when connected to the charger. But not when connected to my laptop.18:31
_jacktheripperpsycho_oreos, titan's18:32
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psycho_oreos_jacktheripper, it might be issue with negotiation with host between laptop and n90018:32
tobis87daleglass: No, I have compiled modules on the n900 and only with the stock kernel. But there shouldn't be a difference, you could also replace /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build with /path/to/the/extracted/headers18:32
_jacktheripperpsycho_oreos, it probably is. :(18:33
psycho_oreos_jacktheripper, ahh ok, yeah I think this is somewhat an issue for some of us whom use titan's kernel18:33
_jacktheripperpsycho_oreos, so it happened before ?18:33
daleglasstobis87: I mean performance with compcache installed18:34
psycho_oreos_jacktheripper, I have a similar issue to that but only when I connect to the charger, sometimes it will receive power but other times it won't and I have to unplug + plug it back in again18:34
_jacktheripperpsycho_oreos, yes, that happens to me too.18:35
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psycho_oreos_jacktheripper, I haven't personally had issue with it plugging into my desktop, and my laptops are all currently usb1.1 which aren't handy for charging n90018:36
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dsgAnyone currently running NFSv4 on n900?18:37
dsgI've got kernel support, but get "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock ..." error when trying to mount with -t nfs418:38
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daleglassdsg: that usually means you're missing nfsutils or portmap, IIRC18:39
dsgI have both, but possibly not the right version I guess18:39
_jacktheripperpsycho_oreos, it's already plugged in and I plug it out, the screen lights up o.O18:40
psycho_oreos_jacktheripper, yup that's what happens, but when that happened to me I plug it back onto charger and I get the banner that says its charging18:40
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_jacktheripperpsycho_oreos, that happens to me with the laptop too. Except it doesn't get fixed if I plug out and in.18:41
_jacktheripperpsycho_oreos, I'll just restart and forget about it :S18:41
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tobis87daleglass: You will not gain much memory from it, but I consider it as a better choice than swapping everything to disk. My best experience is 32MB with the mmcblk0p3 as backing store.18:42
tobis87daleglass: Using the drive as backingstore means that pages which can't be compressed are written to the disk. And since the n900 always swaps out, the first programs which run idle (browser) are still keept compressed in memory.18:42
psycho_oreos_jacktheripper, I'd say if you are curious you can compile usb as driver and enable verbose outputting.. that plus sysklogd for example may help18:42
_jacktheripperand I was wondering why there was no output.18:43
_jacktheripperpsycho_oreos, can the module be replaced without a reboot ?18:43
tobis87daleglass: And reduce the swapiness to 5018:44
_jacktheripperpsycho_oreos, I think I have to recompile the whole kernel. nvm18:45
psycho_oreos_jacktheripper, that I don't know lol, afaik the usb module was compiled into the kernel rather than compiled as a kernel loadable module.. and if it is, you can't simply put a compiled usb kernel object and load it when its already incorporated18:45
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DocScrutinizerpsycho_oreos: usb driver is monolithic. can't go module.18:48
rainbirddoes grimwepa work without aircrack etc installed or does it rely on it...18:49
psycho_oreosDocScrutinizer, bah oh well lol, thought it would be interesting if one could debug it18:49
psycho_oreosgrimwepa depends on aircrack-ng18:49
rainbirdthought so, thnks18:50
DocScrutinizerwhen no charging on USB host, you probably fail on ENUM, so the charger sw doesn't know how much current is available18:50
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DocScrutinizermight be caused by broken cable, broken N900 USB receptacle, or any host side issue18:51
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DocScrutinizerfastcharger detect also is via D+/- short of USB18:51
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DocScrutinizerso if the receptacle has a broken pin on either D+ or D- it won't detect wallcharger as well18:52
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* DocScrutinizer waves18:52
psycho_oreosyeah I wouldn't suspect it would be receptacle that would be broken lol, it seems to be working on both jacktheripper as well as mine, it just needs to re-detect18:53
jacktheripperjust tried umounting MyDocs18:53
jacktheripper'device or resource busy'18:53
DocScrutinizeraiui jacktheripper has a persistent problem now, with both wallcharger and host18:53
DocScrutinizerjacktheripper: will your host show any logs in syslog, when plugging in the N900?18:54
jacktheripperand no, the wallcharger works and the laptop works connection works after a reboot18:54
jacktheripperit's windows :D18:54
DocScrutinizeraah, k. A reboot won't fix the receptacle :-P18:55
jacktheripperit did before :P18:55
MohammadAG51But a reboot will always fix windows18:55
jacktherippera reboot of the N90018:55
* MohammadAG51 looks at "Missing system file: hal.dll"18:55
MohammadAG51I fixed windows by removing a system file and rebooting :)18:56
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jacktheripperdid it even boot without hal.dll ? :D18:56
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jacktheripperor that's how you *fixed* it ?18:56
DocScrutinizerultimate fix for windoes is to remove everything from C:18:57
jacktheripperDocScrutinizer: it doesn't give you the chance to do so18:57
jacktherippercan I know what's preventing MyDocs from unmounting ?18:57
DocScrutinizerlsof|grep MyDocs18:58
jacktherippernothing. While umount says "device or resource busy"18:58
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jacktheripperthat's definitely why connecting to the laptop isn't working.18:59
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jacktheripperI can just force umount it and it'd work, but that'd ruin the crime scene :D19:01
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DocScrutinizerhmm, not really. Just watch which processes will barf19:02
jacktheripperbme-rx51. Tried stopping and starting using upstart. Nothing changed.19:02
tobis87jacktheripper: rd /s /q c:\ should be the same as rm -rf / , but have not tried it.19:02
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DocScrutinizerjacktheripper: bme shouldn't interfere with MyDocs19:03
jacktherippertobis87: windows would say "file in use" on most files in C:\Windows. Plus, it's not a windows problem. Cut the windows sarcasm :P It's not too bad.19:03
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DocScrutinizeranyway a 'stop bme' should do _something_19:04
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jacktheripperwell yes, it doesn't charge through the wallcharger. But after a start it works again. No net changes19:04
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DocScrutinizerhmm, bme borks then. did you try 'stop bme; start bme' ?19:05
jacktheripperI did.19:05
DocScrutinizerI think powerkernel has some driver for bq27200 that kills bme19:06
jacktheripperhmm bme stays on after a 'start bme'19:06
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DocScrutinizeryou need to modprobe -r it to make bme happy, iirc19:06
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jacktheripperI'll just try force umounting MyDocs now.19:06
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jacktheripper"umount: cannot forcibly umount /home/user/MyDocs: Device or resource busy" :/19:07
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DocScrutinizerif bme is started before the bq27200 module gets modprobed, then it'll probably work19:08
DocScrutinizerthat's why a reboot fixes things for you19:08
jacktheripperwhat's the module name ?19:09
jacktheripperbq27200 doesn't 'exist' here19:09
DocScrutinizerlsmod|grep 2719:09
DocScrutinizerlsmod|grep bq19:09
jacktheripperno output19:09
DocScrutinizersorry, really have to leave now19:09
jacktheripperokay, thanks for the help, c ya.19:10
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kwtmHi, noticed the end of your conversation.19:12
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kwtmYou are trying to umount MyDocs?19:12
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jacktheripperkwtm: yes19:13
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kwtmjacktheripper: Are you trying to figure out what process is keeping MyDocs open, or do you already know?19:13
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kwtmI'm just using my general Linux knowledge here; I'm a n900 noob, too.19:13
jacktheripperkwtm: I'm trying to figure it out, lsof outputs nothing, and MyDocs is 'busy'.19:14
kwtmjacktheripper: Are you using lsof as root?19:14
jacktheripperroot ssh yes19:14
kwtmOkay, I'm out of ideas, then. :P  Hmm... let this percolate for a while.19:15
kwtmIs it a showstopper?  I mean, are you at the point where you're going to reflash?19:15
jacktheripperkwtm: no. The whole problem was in getting my windows box to recognize there's something connected to it. It happened before, and after a reboot it was fixed. Now I'm trying to figure out why it's not connecting.19:16
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jacktheripper(it doesn't even start charging)19:16
jacktheripper(while it does through the wallcharger)19:16
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jacktheripperdoesn't work either19:21
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pupnik"By just pressing the magic AI button, you get a simple menu, letting you literally switch between several OS running at the same time on the same machine on a single processor. Instant-play, you can take the most of each OS, which means in our case: our AIOS, Android, and Ubuntu. Best of all, you can share your documents between those side-by-side instances."
jpinx-eeepcyea- right - just use a chroot ;)19:40
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kerioit's either that or xen19:42
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jpinx-eeepcI haven't tried xen on the n900 - will it work?19:42
MNZ"no performance loss" I don't think that's xen...19:42
wmaronedoesn't xen need hardware virtualization support?19:43
keriorunning 5 kernels at the same time is l33t19:43
keriowmarone: it does19:43
keriono, wait19:43
kerioi'm not usre19:43
MNZkerio, one kernel19:43
wmaronecause I don't think I want to go back to pure software virtualization :)19:43
MNZ"All OS are running on the 2.6.32 Linux kernel, and got several optimizations to take benefits of the advanced instructions available in the chipset.19:44
kerioyeah, xen needs hw support *and* x8619:44
kerioMNZ: fancy wording for "it's just one kernel running that we supply with multiple chroots with mountbinds to access the same home"19:44
wmaroneah, if it requires x86 then that might explain the rise of KVM (assuming it isn't arch dependent.)19:44
jogahmm...I think you don't need vt for xen unless you want to run something like windows19:45
MNZkerio, pretty much eh19:45
jogausually the guests are linux modified for xen19:45
tobis87pupnik: Interesting, or some kind of hypervisitor. But a hypervisitor does not have hw accel on arm. And the video wouldn't be that smooth in software then. A chroot with ubuntu and android, which would than be the main system? Does android not need a modified kernel.19:45
luke-jrLXC/OpenVZ, n00bs19:45
keriotobis87: depends on the hardware, of course19:45
keriobut yeah, it's just a single kernel19:45
wmaronehas ARM indicated future support for hardware virtualization?19:45
MNZI think openvz as well19:46
keriothat runs on a personalized distro with huge fancy buttons to load the different chroots :)19:46
MNZsingle kernel then it's prolly openvz19:46
luke-jrwmarone: KVM == hardware virtualization (x86)19:46
tobis87The latest major step, I have read about is that arm will support more than 4gb ram.19:46
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luke-jrtobis87: why? they don't even have 2 GB RAM yet19:47
jpinx-eeepctobis87: but where to plug it into the hardware ?19:47
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tobis87but without 64-bit registers, i will look for the article...19:47
cheriffyeah a15 has a 48bit pae-like scheme going on19:49
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SpeedEvilmany, many apps don't need 4G of data.19:52
luke-jrSpeedEvil: do any? really?19:52
tobis87It also introduces a hypervisor extension|en&u=
SpeedEvilsome large simulations.19:53
lcukpupnik, there was a video playing before the switcharoo wasnt there?19:53
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SpeedEvilThe number of apps that actually would be significantly complexified by multiple 2G address spaces if they do need >4G is much smaller still19:54
pupniksorry lcuk i don't know what you refer-to19:54
lcukthe AI OS switching19:54
pupnikand there was a video playing before the switcharoo?19:55
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Phrearchis there a good texteditor for maemo available? gui based?20:17
lcuki think emacs works, and they got it outputing to the lcd screen nowadays20:17
javispedroa holy way!20:18
Phrearchcool thanks20:18
Phrearchi prefer a qt based gui20:18
javispedrobtw, who can remove my cloak?20:19
javispedroand congratulations to new council :)20:19
lcukI prefer a functional UI20:19
lcukwhatever holy bible it comes from20:19
DocScrutinizer51javispedro: join #freenode and ask for cloak removal20:20
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javispedroDocScrutinizer, thanks20:21
lcukDocScrutinizer51, its not removal, its transfer - x-fade has to dry clean it and pass it onto the new council20:22
DocScrutinizer51lcuk: a cloak isn't transferable20:23
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lcuklike a light sabre then, i get you.20:23
RST38hHELO javispedro20:23
javispedroheya RST38h20:23
RST38hhow is your suffering tonight?20:23
javispedrobank holiday today :)20:24
RST38hWho got elected to the council btw?20:24
DocScrutinizer51now who's new council? fired my vote and forgot20:24
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javispedrorepeating: attila, jaffa20:26
lcukCongratulations to the all new #Maemo Council: @timsamoff @RevdKathy @andreagrandi @jaffa2 @achipa20:26
javispedronew entries: timsamoff, andy80, and revdkathy afaik20:26
javispedrothanks lcuk20:26
RST38haha, thanks20:26
pupnikWhat are your thoughts on Peter Skillman's joining Nokia?20:27
DocScrutinizer51thanks :-)20:27
DocScrutinizer51cheers to new council20:28
RST38hpupnik: I would wait for 6 months20:29
javispedrolet's hope he can bring in some of that "goodness" from palm's golden age.20:30
javispedroand not a 64 KB record limit =)20:30
RST38hpupnik: There is a good chance they will give him the holy cross of Symbian^n and tell him to carry it to his eventual Golgopha20:30
pupnikmaemo /nokia is a big topic in 'the linux action show'20:31
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javispedrohey opdf220:33
javispedrohey OptX20:33
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javispedroOptX: is the build-depends trick working?20:33
pupnikhmm windows phone 7 is quite a challenger it looks20:35
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luke-jrlcuk: does that mean I don't have to fear DocScrutinizer's anti-tonal anti-Gentoo tyranny⁇?20:36
derfHe's against dominant harmony?20:37
luke-jrderf: Tonal number system20:37
DocScrutinizer51a challenger to my tolerance and patience?20:37
lcukluke-jr, hm?20:37
luke-jrlcuk: does DocScrutinizer lose ops? :P20:38
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luke-jrhm, not yet at least20:38
javispedrohe's already warming up the ban hammer.20:39
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* luke-jr wonders what happens if he sets username to fuchs and a RDNS to <.<20:40
satmdwhat'd you expect?20:40
luke-jrdunno, ChanServ has that hostmask as +o20:40
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Stskeepsluke-jr: rdns has to resolve back to your ip20:42
luke-jrStskeeps: does it?20:42
luke-jrI've seen some pretty weird RDNS on freenode20:42
DocScrutinizer51luke-jr: you still have to be registered to fuchs account20:42
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luke-jrDocScrutinizer51: username hostmask is not related to NickServ accounts20:43
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pupnikapt-get install android_player20:43
luke-jrbut FreeNode abandoned the n= syntax, so maybe it's safe20:43
DocScrutinizer51luke-jr: chanserv doesn't op nonregistered users20:43
luke-jrDocScrutinizer51: well then I just use my present nick and identify20:44
luke-jrthe +o hostmask doesn't care what nick/user20:44
javispedro yet another flimsy app contest, this time it doesn't even have maemo/meego/n900 category20:44
nidOwhy would it, the first words of the competition are "N8 Contest"20:45
kerioif you can write a N8 emulator for the N900 i'm sure you could win the prize20:45
lcukkerio, if you write a full complete N8 emulator I will hug you :)20:46
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lcuk"Yo dawg, I heard you liked nokias, so I put a nokia inside your nokia"20:46
h4waiiThat's what it was like when I was in a Nokia RV20:47
keriolcuk: sure, i'll start working on the 12MPX camera emulator20:47
lcukkerio, no need20:47
lcukjust has to work20:47
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lcukwhilst you are at it, emulate the older ones as well :P20:47
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kerioi wanna play Snake 220:48
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lcukkerio, original snake and b&w display emulated20:49
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lcukin my head at the moment, but I would prefer them on Ovi20:50
keriothe 3310 is way better20:50
luke-jrpfft snake20:50
kerioer, the 333020:51
luke-jrwhy not port Armagetron?20:51
wmaronelcuk: I need that20:51
njainhey, hi20:51
wmaronethat is the best smartphone interface I have seen20:51
kerioi want a port of sauerbraten20:51
njaini want to use telnet in n90020:51
kerionjain: so install it20:51
luke-jrno, don't. telnet is broken on N90020:51
njainthrough app-manager?20:52
wmaronetelnet is broken20:52
luke-jrthere's no secure/sane way to use it20:52
wmaronedon't use it20:52
luke-jrit was designed for a direct dialin connection20:52
luke-jrnot a shared wireless/ethernet link20:52
lcukwmarone, indeed - if nokia could open the back catalog of *working* simulated original phones it would be cool20:52
lcukespecially if you could dial and send SMSes etc with them as well20:52
njaini mean how come..?20:52
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wmaronenjain: because SSH is superior in every way20:53
lcukMeego OldSkool UX :D20:53
luke-jrnjain: it was designed for 1960s, not 2010s20:53
njainwhat are my options?20:53
luke-jrnjain: SSH20:53
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njainit shows ssh:ON but issuing ssh ip on terminal says ssh not installed..20:55
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nidOare you wanting to ssh in or out?20:55
njainssh in that ip20:56
luke-jrwd making no sense20:56
nidOill ask again20:56
nidOare you using the device to ssh out somewhere else, or trying to ssh from somewhere else into the device?20:56
njaini am on a mobile connection..20:56
nidOyou cant answer an either/or question with "yes"20:57
nidOits one or the other.20:57
njaini am sshing out somewhere else20:57
nidOhave you installed the ssh client then?20:57
nidOinstalling the openssh server wont help you20:57
nidOwhich it sounds like you've installed20:57
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njainyeah i realised either or later after sending yes..20:58
njainso openssh server helps me to ssh in my device from somewhere else?20:58
njainand for ssh out?20:59
nidOyou need the ssh client.20:59
njainwhat is this precisely?20:59
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njainbtw, i am loving my n900 thanks to all the people who brought it together..21:01
njainits just what I wanted..21:01
njainthings less could be developed!21:01
njainsshclient suggestions?21:03
Khertan_Homeopen-ssh :)21:04
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MohammadAGopenssh-client :)21:05
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Khertan_HomeMohammadAG, true21:06
DocScrutinizernjain: :-D21:06
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MohammadAGKhertan's here :D21:07
MohammadAGkhteditor is awesome, but it fails to start for python files with no extension :)21:07
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MNZany ideas on how I would go about running a certain action after the value of a GtkScale has stabilized (ie, it hasn't changed for say 1 second) without killing the resources too much?21:08
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javispedroyou can create a timer than only fires once21:09
MNZjavispedro, create it when?21:10
javispedroeverytime the user moves the slider21:10
MNZproblem is the only signal available is value-changed which fires several tens of times per second for small drag of the slider21:11
MNZit will result in a whole bunch of create/destroy until user stops effing around21:11
MNZbleh I can't think of another way, and #gtk+ suggested the same. nvm21:12
javispedroso, store tick count in some var when the event fires, create timer if not created yet21:12
njainnow how do I ssh out to say an address
javispedrowhen timer fires, if last tick > threshold, do_hard_stuff() then delete timer21:12
javispedroif last_tick < threshold, return TRUE so that timer fires again21:12
njaini installed the client.21:13
MNZjavispedro, thanks that sounds good enough. It would be optimal if there were start-drag/stop-drag signals but this will do21:13
javispedroMNZ: actually I was wondering I remember I saw that once -- but I've opened devhelp to check and can't find it right now21:14
javispedroso it might have been some other toolkit :P21:14
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javispedrofound it :) ^^21:17
MNZjavispedro, thanks a lot! perfect :D21:18
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DocScrutinizerMNZ: I wonder how hard and expensive it'd be to update expiry time of an already instantiated timer21:19
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javispedroon glib quite, afaik.21:20
MNZwell I couldn't find a way to update expiry time21:21
MNZwhere 'a way' = api and not some internals vodoo21:21
javispedroconsider that the underlying implementation is probably using poll21:22
DocScrutinizermmm, then prolly approach to wind up timer on very first change event, and just have a local var that holds timestamp of last event, and compare that var on timer expiry and act accordingly, is the better one21:22
javispedroafter you've called poll with a large timeout (which would be the sane thing)21:22
MNZDocScrutinizer, it's already solved with the update policy21:22
MNZ"GTK_UPDATE_DELAYED means that the value will be updated after a brief timeout where no slider motion occurs" just perfect21:22
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pupnikapparently apple actually sued because they have a patent that says only apple can multitask apps on a phone....21:23
javispedrosued who?21:23
DocScrutinizerMNZ: :-D21:23
RST38hsued whom?21:23
pupnikdunno javispedro - watching the 'linux action show' javispedro21:23
pupnikmaybe it's part of the HTC suit21:24
pupnikapparently palm has a multitasking patent too21:24
DocScrutinizerpupnik: WTF - I thought apple is the only one that CAN NOT :-P21:24
javispedropupnik: quite reasonable, as both palm and apple share a quite similar "multitasking" implementation :D21:25
javispedro(older palm, I mean. not the webos one)21:25
RST38hprevious art.21:25
DocScrutinizerI'll patent shitting X-P21:25
RST38hsince nokia 7650 if not earlier21:25
RST38hDoc: there is prior art to that as well21:26
DocScrutinizerart? LOL!21:26
javispedrothere's always prior shit.21:26
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javispedroreading any patent tends to evoke that feeling21:28
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pupniki'm happy htc countersued21:29
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SpeedEvilThere are some actually inventive patents.21:29
RST38hwait until you see my patent on inflatable penguins21:29
RevdKathyRST38h I don't want to know where you blow to inflate them21:29
SpeedEvilBut simply solving a problem you happen to be the first one to hit in the obvious way should never, ever be patentable.21:29
RST38hpupnik: a typical battle of wood with weevil21:29
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RST38hRevd: Should have asked about *applications* instead...21:30
javispedrohey RevdKathy, congrats! :)21:30
RevdKathyThanks javispedro :)21:30
* SpeedEvil for one welcomes our new overlordess.21:30
SpeedEvilOvermistress? Overlady?21:31
* SpeedEvil is confused.21:31
RevdKathyI'm no-on's new overlord(ess)21:31
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luke-jr__realisticly, Apple's "multitasking" is probably ideal for a handheld21:31
luke-jr__prevents poorly designed apps from wasting battery21:31
javispedroluke-jr__: the weird part is21:32
javispedrothat usually handheld OS implementing such multitasking "win" their generation' OS wars.21:32
nidOanyone would think the app store had some kind of draconian approval process that could weed out problems like that21:32
MNZand it prevents properly designed apps from actually multitasking21:32
luke-jr__but then again, I also consider Apple's "multitasking" to be obvious21:32
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javispedrosee palmos vs winmo21:32
javispedrosee iphone vs the rest21:32
luke-jr__nidO: exactly21:32
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luke-jr__javispedro: that's marketting, not quality21:32
javispedroluke-jr__: palmos -- marketing?? O.o21:33
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javispedroafter 8 years with it I've come to find its multitasking model quite tiresome.21:35
* RST38h has not figured out how iphone multitasking works21:35
RST38hhow do I switch between apps anyway?21:35
javispedroRST38h: you used palmos? :)21:35
RST38hjavispedro: thankfully, no. well, a bit21:35
mgedminaaah, palmos...21:36
mgedminbest calendaring solution ever21:36
javispedroit works not unlike palmos5+a zlauncher look-alike.21:36
MohammadAGhow do I add a key for apt to trust?21:36
javispedroMohammadAG: install apt-key, or use your desktop to try to understand what apt-key does?21:36
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mgedminMohammadAG, in a very idiotic way21:36
MohammadAGapt-key is preinstalled21:37
mgedminI made a note once, because it's impossible to remember: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys XXXXXXXX21:37
MohammadAGlet me rephrase, what files do I need to use with apt-key?21:37
RST38hjavispedro:so, when I start an app and want to go to the iphone's app menu without stopping the app, what do I do?21:37
mgedminno files, if you trust the key servers21:37
javispedroRST38h: you can't. the app decides if it wants to stop or not.21:37
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javispedroRST38h: you just press the usual launcher hardkey and hope the app is smart enough.21:38
MohammadAGmgedmin, and where do I get those?21:38
MohammadAGthis is for the community SSU21:38
mgedminMohammadAG, do you have the key ID?21:38
MohammadAGatm I get21:38
MohammadAGWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!21:38
MohammadAG  mp-fremantle-generic-pr modest21:38
mgedminusually apt tells you21:38
MohammadAGI have a GPG key, the debs are signed, how do I get the key ID?21:39
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FauxFauxman apt-key21:39
mgedmindon't you see W: untrusted gpg key id XXXXX anywhere?21:39
javispedroyou might see that when running apt-get update21:40
MohammadAGI see it, but not for my repo21:40
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mgedminMohammadAG, you may want to package the repository key in a deb, like
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MohammadAGerr, that's the problem, I don't know how to get the key21:41
MohammadAGrepo noob :)21:41
mgedminmore like gpg noob ;)21:41
mgedminI'm not so hot on it myself...21:41
mgedminhave you got a .gpg file with the public key in it?21:42
tobis87apt-key list21:42
mgedminthen you can sudo apt-key add my-keyring.gpg21:42
MohammadAGI'm assuming this is the public key? .gnupg/pubring.gpg21:44
MohammadAG(current dir would be ~)21:44
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MohammadAGnope, still says WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!21:46
MohammadAG  mp-fremantle-generic-pr modest21:46
javispedroiirc isn't that warning triggered because the repo Packages file wasn't signed?21:46
javispedroand not because of the actual package signature?21:46
javispedrowhat tool do you use to handle the repository, MohammadAG? reprepro?21:47
tobis87So gpg has the key, but apt-key does not have the key?21:47
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MohammadAGjavispedro, yeah21:48
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evilsquelchwhat is the best 'share' for video from the N900?21:48
evilsquelchi just uploaded 2 to flickr21:49
javispedrocheck if reprepro is generating the Release.gpg file21:49
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tobis87gpg --list-keys and then do gpg --export fingerprint | apt-key add - where fingerprint is the pub id of your key21:50
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RST38hpupnik: btw what is android_player?22:06
MohammadAGthanks javispedro :)22:08
javispedrothanks to you for the ssu :)22:08
pupnikRST38h: doesn't seem to be in the repository, or on the planet yet22:09
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pupnikwhat a crazy n900 year it's been!22:22
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daleglasstobis87: I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. D'oh! I wanted to build a module matching a kernel in the N900, so I did apt-get source kernel-power, built, and made a module against that. What I forgot is that debian packages may have a patch set in debian/ that wasn't getting applied. So of course it was a quite different kernel.22:23
luke-jr__daleglass: and different compiler probably22:24
daleglassno, same compiler22:24
daleglassI did check the kernel and compiler version22:24
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tobis87daleglass: If you had just installed the kernel headers, you wouldn't had this problem, because the headers are packed after the kernel is compiled.22:29
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daleglasstobis87: tried that, it said linux/module.h was missing (and indeed it's not in the linux-power-headers package)22:33
pupnik  uPnP media server for maemo.... "Rygel"22:33
DocScrutinizer¼!!@#***&%&&!!!FsCK!!!   how would I restart recaller? it again acts up notifying me about an ongoing recording since last call, which I can't stop by any means22:35
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DocScrutinizerkillall hildon-desktop brought back the red icon which previously been green, but notifications continue to pop up22:36
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DocScrutinizerand I can't - for the life of mine - find any process to kill22:37
MNZand the end all be all solution of rebooting does not help?22:38
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DocScrutinizerI did this 2 days ago. I'm not willing to reboot my phone every other day, just to make this fsckng recaler behave22:38
tobis87daleglass: Ok, installing the kernel package also installes includes to /usr/include/linux, these were the files which were missing.22:39
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tobis87daleglass: No not the kernel package, but Linux-kernel-headers 2.6.28-20101501+0m5, this package provides the files from /usr/include22:41
DocScrutinizer>>Disable limbo if ready signals are not after home ready<<  Pffft!22:42
DocScrutinizer</quote alarmd --help>22:42
DocScrutinizerguess it's inuktitut via google translate22:44
keriomakes sense22:44
daleglasstobis87: aha, thanks :-) I looked on my ubuntu box, the files were in the normal kernel headers package, so that left me a bit puzzled22:44
kerioso arctic is the new elbonia?22:44
ShadowJKi think they call it Oulu22:46
DocScrutinizerrecaller makes me want to kill N900 >:-(22:46
sivanghi all22:47
sivangDocScrutinizer: recaller?22:47
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, I have the perfect way to kill it22:47
sivangDocScrutinizer: you mean, the fact itdoes not recall automatically when it is buusy?22:47
sivangpeople, I am trying to google for the PR1.2 upgrade guide for a while now, and google seems to have lost it- can anybody please send me the link?22:48
sivangI need to make room on the non opt filesystems et al22:49
sivangand etc :)22:49
ShadowJKsivang, well depends what you mean with url22:49
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: microwave?22:50
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, not quite22:50
keesjok no problem ...
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ShadowJKsivang, so there are two ways... clicking yes and hoping for hte best when app manager suggests you should upgrade... or flashing (which erases stuff) PR1.2 from
sivangShadowJK: I sort of recall that there was a wiki note somewhere to help hyou overcome "upgrade cannot be done" problem22:51
sivangShadowJK: yes :)22:51
sivangShadowJK: the former did not succed already :)22:51
sivangah! I can find it in the bugreport22:51
sivangthat I filed.22:51
* sivang searches22:51
infobotmethinks flashing is
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sivangDocScrutinizer, ShadowJK : rootfs and eerything that will be erased is on the eMMC? what's that eMMC anyway in contrast to there MYDocs and /opt is stored?22:55
ShadowJKYeah, emmc = MyDocs, /home, /opt22:55
ShadowJKSo basically, back up everything.22:55
ShadowJKto somewhere not N90022:55
sivangShadowJK: and ubifs is running on top of the ubi vol-manager on top of this eMMC?22:56
DocScrutinizererrwut? flashing rootfs doesn't affect eMMC22:56
ShadowJKubifs, rootfs, runs on a separate device22:57
ShadowJKrootfs is everything else except /home, /opt, MyDocs22:57
* lcuk chews bubblegum22:57
daleglasswell, I made a surprising discovery. If you screw up the swap stuff during boot, the N900 will actually boot successfully with no swap at all, though it won't like it much22:58
sivangdaleglass: and won't run too much :)22:58
sivangor wil it?22:58
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, hotswap worked again, ty! :D22:58
sivangsounds painfil to runwithout swap22:58
daleglasssivang: not a lot, but it lets me log in from ssh, which makes me VERY happy22:58
sivangtrue, true22:58
kerioi'd fix swap ASAP22:59
sivangI wonder if iphone would allow that when rnning *on* swap22:59
daleglasssivang: I'm adding the ramzswap module. Turns out /etc/fstab is autogenerated, so I "fixed" the script to add ramzswap in there. First try didn't go as well as I hoped.22:59
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daleglasslike a swap device that compresses stuff instead of swapping it out23:01
daleglassI do stuff like loading 5 browser windows for reading on the underground. So 256MB feels a bit slow.23:02
ShadowJKI wouldn't even bother with fstab23:02
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sivangdaleglass: allowing for better perfromance?23:03
daleglasssivang: I hope so23:03
sivangdaleglass: share you experience23:03
sivangmameo-devel is for everything development?23:03
keriowtf is mameo23:04
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lcukdaleglass, i dont know the answer, but people used to use offline readers for this sort of thing23:05
daleglassShadowJK: problem is, the included swapon doesn't support setting swap priority. So if I add it while running it goes behind the flash swap and won't get used until full23:05
lcukare there any website downloaders (easily configurable) that could get everything you need23:05
DocScrutinizerdaleglass: you can even do a swapoff during normal run, if no app started and eating too much memory23:05
lcukand then present cached version23:05
lcukwhilst you have no net23:05
lcukthey never expected to keep whole everything in memory23:06
lcukyou kids have it easy :P23:06
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kerioDocScrutinizer: huh? surely you can do it anyway23:07
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: I would prefer to fix this fstab madness for good23:07
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kerioparticularly if you have another device after that23:08
keriowell, sure, some things may be closed23:08
keriobut if nothing will respawn them then they weren't worth much anyway23:08
DocScrutinizerdaleglass: considered bringing decent swapon to maemo?23:09
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* ShadowJK has a binary somewhere23:09
daleglassDocScrutinizer: well, that's an idea. Something isn't working anyway. /etc/fstab now works, but swap still doesn't get turned on on boot. Though swapon -a works perfectly. Weird.23:10
DocScrutinizerlcuk: isn't that website downloader called wget?23:10
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lcukDocScrutinizer, nahh23:11
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lcukDocScrutinizer, too command line oriented23:11
lcuki recall even outlook express had a newsreader built in :P23:11
DocScrutinizerlcuk: queenbeecon FTW23:12
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pupnikhide yer wife, hide yer kids...23:14
DocScrutinizerthough I also pondered how to implement 'addons' for microB, like creating an alarm from a time displayed at, or here downloading a while (set of) pages and keep it for local browsing23:15
tybolltany news on n900 ng?23:15
tybolltwill it be that thing that made jizmodo the other month?23:15
tybolltnext generation23:16
tybollt(whatever the next maemi/meego device will be called)23:16
* MohammadAG gets confused23:16
luke-jr__so… N8?23:16
pupnikmost people are calling it the n923:16
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pupnikn8 is symbian3, great media phone23:16
tybolltluke-jr__: N8 has maemo/meego - riiiiiiiight :)23:16
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tybolltDocScrutinizer: N9 is anonounced officially and all?23:17
luke-jr__tybollt: the leaked prototypes say N923:17
tybollthence my question ... "any news ..."23:17
lcukpupnik, have you got an n8?23:17
DocScrutinizerno news23:17
meceN9 cometh Q1 2011.23:17
tybolltDocScrutinizer: thank you23:18
luke-jr__blame Nokia for trying to blur the line between phone and handheld23:18
pupniklcuk: i don't.  doesn't have linux...23:18
tybolltmece: 'cometh'? Readeth ze bible areth weeth?23:18
mecewell, it's a bit biblical23:18
pupniklcuk: check out the n8 pictures and video - it's really nice23:19
lcukpupnik, are you around Berlin to come to one of the mobile friday things next month23:19
lcukpupnik, i totally know23:19
lcukits awesome23:19
pupnik:)  yeah i could drive down - what's up23:19
daleglasshmm, looking at the scripts is interesting. There's an ACT_DEAD var in /etc/event.d/rcS-late23:19
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tybolltmece: dude... Maemo was a great idea and I really liked my N900... but it's not god... you know ;)23:19
lcuki wanna see if i can go :) I enjoy berlin23:19
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mecetybollt, no, hahah.23:20
tybolltanyway is it just me or do others think the time between the n900 and the N$next_device was a bit too long?23:20
lcukwhy in the hell does twitter fsck with my browser23:21
lcuki middle click on a link and it opens in same window23:21
lcukwhen its not trying to load a stupid popup at same time that is23:21
daleglasstybollt: why too long? it's not that old, and IMO there's nothing particularly wrong with it either. I'd like more RAM, but that's about it.23:22
sivanglcuk: twitter is evil23:22
sivangpupnik: I'd love to get an N823:22
sivangpupnik: best Qt supported Symbo23:22
* sivang uses an LG latop23:23
lcukdoes Qt run on the Sybian?23:23
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sivangit has "auto-typo" features23:23
h4waiiHahaha. Everything runs on the "Sybian"23:23
lcukread what I put pupnik, do not be hasty :P23:23
kerioon the sybian?23:23
sivanglcuk: with pride23:23
lcuknot everything is a typo23:23
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sivanglcuk: Sybian?23:24
javispedroSybian? Symbo? Syrban?23:24
lcukI guess its a different kind of Qt23:24
h4waiiSryian sybian running Symbian23:24
kerio FYI23:24
h4waiia Qt chiq23:24
javispedro"Not to be confused with Symbian OS." -- well, thanks wikipedia.23:24
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kerioQTes on a sybian... hot23:25
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tobis87daleglass: I already found a way to use ramzswap on boot time, even with underlaying swap encryption... If you could package it, the modules are compiled for the stock, so you have to recompile them:
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sivangso eMMC is the built in storage, or what reports as "Nokia N900" when plugged into Ubuntu23:29
sivangand rootfs sits some other place?23:30
tobis87daleglass: the package also includes diffs to the start scripts...23:30
sivangeMMC = 32GB built in23:30
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daleglasstobis87: aha, that must be what was wrong with mine. I added ramzswap to /etc/modules, but that probably gets loaded after swapon -a, which then chokes on the missing /dev/ramzswap023:32
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tobis87daleglass: /etc/modules does not work on the n900, you would have to add an entry to /etc/event.d, but since boot is highly parallelized, you can't be sure when it gets loaded, by loading it before swapon it will make sure that it always works. I also had to work out that the sleep 1 is needed.23:34
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* sivang LOLs after reading about Sybian in wikipedia23:35
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meceLife imitates porn imitates life23:36
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tobis87daleglass: and trying to use random instead of urandom was also a bad idea i had, since it had a boottime of 10 minutes.23:36
daleglasstobis87: hm, I seem to have screwed up something now23:37
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tobis87how? if it does not want to use mmcblk0p3 as swap anymore, you could use mkswap to recreate the swap format.23:38
daleglassI just added a "modprobe ramzswap" and a "sleep 1" after "if [ $ACT_DEAD -eq 0 ]; then". Now gets stuck on a black screen after the nokia logo23:39
crashanddiewhy would you add the sleep 1?23:40
crashanddiemodprobe should only return when the module is properly loaded23:40
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daleglassjust copied it from tobis87 I guess, is there any reason why that'd kill it?23:41
tobis87crashanddie: yes it should, but module needs it23:41
MohammadAGthe module needs a sleep 1?23:42
tobis87you copied "modprobe ramzswap memlimit_kb=32768 backing_swap=/dev/mapper/swap" ? this will not work, since you it is adjusted for the encrypted swap in /dev/mapper23:43
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daleglassnah, just "modprobe ramzswap", I have module options in /etc23:43
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tobis87where in /etc?23:45
daleglassin /etc/modprobe.d, in its own file23:45
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tobis87MohammadAG: not the module, but the swapon will fail, if you don't issue sleep 1 after the module insertion.23:46
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tobis87daleglass: no idea, on the n900 you have to make sure it does exactly what you want. i have not even thought about adding it into modprobe.d. it is really more a windows 98...23:49
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tobis87but ramzswap runs for me since several month rock solid, i have added the encryption only recently.23:50
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MohammadAGbbl, ping MohammadAG5123:52
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h4waiiramzswap working on Fremantle?!23:57
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daleglassh4waii: it was working nicely until I did something and screwed up boot, yeah23:57
h4waiiWhere shall I send the cake?23:58
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