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alterego | Why aren't people modifying hildon doing the same? | 00:02 |
alterego | :) | 00:02 |
alterego | Has MohammadAG51 submitted his patches? | 00:02 |
RST38h | does he have any patches? | 00:02 |
lcuk | clean specific patches pending :) | 00:03 |
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alterego | :) | 00:03 |
RST38h | Hasn't he taken the current version of hildon-desktop and compiled it? | 00:03 |
alterego | Various people have added modifications aswell, implementing functionality, one of which I believe is to do with application launcher scroll speed. | 00:03 |
lcuk | we have various tips of HD, but no bugfix commits to send through review | 00:03 |
lcuk | yes RST38h | 00:03 |
alterego | But with two different mods, one using gconf and the other transition files. | 00:04 |
lcuk | alterego, implementing new functionality technically has specific issues without much more discussion | 00:04 |
alterego | (I personally prefer MohammadAG51's transition file approach tbh) | 00:04 |
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lcuk | but patches to unfixed bugs could be sent down a different track easily. | 00:04 |
lcuk | scroll speed is a reversion of a change made by madam | 00:05 |
RST38h | alterego: the scroll speed thing is in the svn | 00:05 |
RST38h | alterego: committed by the maintainer | 00:05 |
alterego | Oh, cool | 00:05 |
RST38h | alterego: I suggested an icon rotation feature that can be added relatively easily | 00:06 |
RST38h | But nobody is willing to try adding it, and I do not have the time myself | 00:06 |
lcuk | RST38h, there is already a test branch which does portrait switcher in the open somewhere | 00:06 |
RST38h | lcuk: yes, but the full portrait switch is way more intrusive | 00:06 |
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RST38h | lcuk: not clear what to do with the desktop content too | 00:07 |
alterego | Yay, branches .. | 00:07 |
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RST38h | rotating the icons is a neater idea imho | 00:07 |
lcuk | lessrstdesktop content has been contentious for a while as we know | 00:07 |
alterego | So, Nokia drop hildon, who picks it up? :) | 00:07 |
lcuk | and I 100% agree | 00:07 |
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lcuk | alterego, not dropped, given freedom, if we want it hildon on meego etc we have to get used to dealing with it in the community. | 00:14 |
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RST38h | lcuk: we do not want hildon on meego | 00:15 |
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RST38h | lcuk: we need meego devices with well maintained firmware and stable APIs that do not change every year | 00:16 |
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lcuk | sure RST38h | 00:16 |
RST38h | hildon itself is not some religious symbol that you want to carry on at any cost | 00:16 |
lcuk | i dont want to, but theres a lot of apps, gtk or qt | 00:17 |
RST38h | it is a framework. qt is another framework. I can live with either. | 00:17 |
lcuk | that depend upon the libraries within | 00:17 |
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RST38h | lcuk: People will switch from gtk apps to qt ones, but nothing will change overally | 00:17 |
RST38h | yes, there will be some apps we will lose, but we will gain some new ones | 00:17 |
lcuk | sure | 00:17 |
RST38h | as I've said, maintaining hildon compatibility is not a bug issue | 00:18 |
lcuk | for you perhaps | 00:18 |
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RST38h | But having two incompatible Qt-based APIs that do the same and are not compatible qith Qt base IS AN ISSUE | 00:18 |
alterego | You don't have to agree with it RST38h but if people want it, then they'll have it. | 00:18 |
RST38h | Of course none of us can do anything about it, as it is once again a matter of Nokia internal politics | 00:18 |
alterego | There was interested in a MeeGo with a more Maemo UX | 00:19 |
alterego | s/interested/interest | 00:19 |
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lcuk | RST38h, for the greater majority of apps, hildon compatability will be an issue at least for a short time | 00:19 |
RST38h | alterego: Yea, I am not arguing that some people may want it, but strongly doubt it is going to be of wide public interest. Most users and developers will just move on | 00:19 |
lcuk | until mechanisms to translate that knowledge are in place | 00:19 |
alterego | Most users and developers hopefully wont be moving at all. | 00:19 |
RST38h | lcuk: it will be the same as with maemo5. 2-4 months of no-apps, then everything back to normal. | 00:20 |
alterego | I'd imagine the advent of MeeGo will obviously introduce far more developers and users from outside of MeeGo | 00:20 |
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alterego | 2nd MeeGo was Maemo there ;) | 00:20 |
RST38h | lcuk: Unless, of course, Nokia and Intel successfully manage to alienate whatever community developers they have got left | 00:20 |
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lcuk | RST38h, we have known about the qt transition for >12months | 00:21 |
alterego | I don't think that will happen, not on a mass scale, those of us that are still here are obviously well informed about what is happening. | 00:21 |
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alterego | The largest factor I think for most of us is access to devices .. | 00:21 |
Stskeeps | and the changes in maemo5 was known for a long while too | 00:21 |
RST38h | alterego: Well, meego.com is not nearly as inclusive as maemo.org. They do not appear to be interested in anyone not directly contributing to their corporate projects | 00:21 |
lcuk | and to date I have yet to see a single app taken bodily from gtk to qt | 00:21 |
RST38h | lcuk: And you may have noticed a multitude of Qt apps in Maemo repos | 00:21 |
Stskeeps | the first action came when there was a new device | 00:21 |
lcuk | RST38h, sure | 00:21 |
alterego | Stskeeps: agreed. | 00:22 |
lcuk | but many of those are written with hildon in mind | 00:22 |
RST38h | lcuk: Conversion from GTK to Qt is never going to happen, so no wonder | 00:22 |
RST38h | lcuk: It is easier to write an app from scratch. Or at least rewrite the UI. | 00:22 |
lcuk | oh I totally know that! | 00:22 |
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Stskeeps | many most likely want to get away from GObject braindamage too | 00:22 |
RST38h | lcuk: So, as I have said, the set of apps will change | 00:22 |
Stskeeps | or give qt that shot they always wanted | 00:22 |
RST38h | STskeeps: As weird as it may sound, I do not give a shit about GObject or QObject | 00:22 |
RST38h | Stskeeps: As long as I get to do what I want to do with the minimum overhead | 00:23 |
lcuk | gobject isnt braindamage, its reasonable compromise | 00:23 |
lcuk | like anycodebase | 00:23 |
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RST38h | Stskeeps: What I so far see in Qt is that the ownership of objects is often muddied. You add a widget to another widget and you are no longer sure who owns the pointer to the first widet | 00:24 |
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RST38h | Stskeeps: Maybe I simply missed some important piece of documentation though. But if not, we will get way more leakage bugs with Qt | 00:24 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: heck if i know.. qt is on my list of things to learn | 00:24 |
alterego | I admit, it is somewhat confusing, but Qt uses reference counting .. | 00:24 |
alterego | So as long as it has a parent you shouldn't worry about it | 00:24 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: i just know what headaches i've had from gobject | 00:25 |
RST38h | alterego: Except that the definition of parent is kinda muddied too | 00:25 |
alterego | RST38h: not really, an object can only have one parent. | 00:25 |
marnanel | so I have apparently bricked my N900. I am trying to cold flash Fremantle onto it again, but flasher-3.5 keeps telling me "You have to supply the 2nd image". What am I doing wrong? | 00:25 |
alterego | Though the parent can be changed. | 00:25 |
RST38h | STskeeps: Yea, GObject is someone really hating C++ trying to implement C++ in C :) | 00:25 |
alterego | Actually, GObject was devised more to interface with other languages, object-orientation was the design paradigm they chose, didn't have much to do with C++ per se. | 00:26 |
RST38h | alterego: Yet, when you add a widget to the layout, the docs say that "the layout takes the ownership". Is layout a parent now? Or not? And who is the parent? | 00:26 |
Stskeeps | alterego: yet everyone ended up doing strange C programs with it.. | 00:26 |
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RST38h | alterego: Of course. And it is completely incidental that their Vala language got to look exactly like C++ | 00:26 |
Stskeeps | vala should have come first, not gobject | 00:27 |
Stskeeps | :P | 00:27 |
alterego | RST38h: well, similar, it's more C# than C++ imo :P | 00:27 |
RST38h | alterego: yea, right :) | 00:27 |
lcuk | if native C had supported object.method(args) syntax, most of c++ and vala could go out the window :D | 00:27 |
alterego | Though I'm not intimately familiar with vala :) | 00:27 |
RST38h | lcuk: "nativeC supporting methods" is otherwise known as C++ :) | 00:27 |
lcuk | sure CFont did basically that | 00:27 |
alterego | Regardless of these points, at least we're not using Objective-C like those iPhone nerds :P | 00:28 |
lcuk | but then it evolved! | 00:28 |
lcuk | feature creep! | 00:28 |
RST38h | lcuk: Which, believe it or not, ANYONE can use using the same GCC compiler :) | 00:28 |
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lcuk | alterego, sigh | 00:28 |
RST38h | lcuk: YOu are not forced to use the complete C++ standard | 00:28 |
lcuk | a fully OO language is good | 00:28 |
lcuk | of course RST38h | 00:28 |
alterego | lcuk: I'm sorry, do you like Obj-C? :) | 00:28 |
lcuk | and liqbase is now built with g++ | 00:28 |
alterego | Like Ruby .. | 00:28 |
RST38h | lcuk: In fact, I regularly tell our developers to avoid doing so if they want to stay sane and in one piece | 00:28 |
lcuk | i build regular c stuff | 00:28 |
lcuk | but have option to upgrade as required | 00:29 |
lcuk | it causes some minor tweaks but nothing drastic | 00:29 |
RST38h | C++ isn't really an OO language, Smalltalk is :) | 00:29 |
lcuk | sure | 00:29 |
RST38h | But never tell it to C++ gurus ;) | 00:29 |
alterego | Ruby, C#, Java, Smalltalk .. | 00:29 |
lcuk | OO to most people is the runtime meta info and introspection | 00:29 |
RST38h | Oberon, anyone? | 00:29 |
lcuk | which had to be tacked on to give it to qt | 00:30 |
lcuk | vb.net! | 00:30 |
RST38h | PERL5+? Latest PHP? | 00:30 |
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alterego | yuk :P | 00:30 |
RST38h | Objective PROLOG... | 00:30 |
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lcuk | i like the .net core system | 00:30 |
lcuk | but dislike its ide | 00:30 |
ml-mobile | FORTRAN++ | 00:30 |
RST38h | You can create goddamn objects in any language, with a bit of syntactic glue | 00:31 |
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SpeedEvil | I object! | 00:31 |
RST38h | It is important to only create them when they FUCKING MAKE SENSE | 00:31 |
alterego | Hahah | 00:31 |
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derf | OO is encapsulation and polymorphism. | 00:32 |
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derf | RTTI and introspection is something else. | 00:32 |
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RST38h | [COROLLARY: That is why you should never make students read books on OOP and design methods. The feeble minded are too easy to go mad after that.] | 00:33 |
RST38h | derf: OO is when everything is an object | 00:33 |
RST38h | derf: Blocks of code are not objects in C++. Neither are atomic types, really. | 00:33 |
derf | That's "pure OO"... it gets a extra word because it's a stupid thing to do. | 00:33 |
kerio | python doesn't let me subclass modules :( | 00:33 |
RST38h | derf: In fact, types are not objects (can't do stuff like int.size() :)) | 00:34 |
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alterego | You can in some languages :) | 00:34 |
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alterego | Well, where int.size actually makes any sense :P | 00:34 |
RST38h | derf: Only gets an extra word because C++ gurus do not want to accept that their glorified C preprocessor is not OOP ;) | 00:34 |
derf | "C++ gurus"? | 00:35 |
derf | I hate C++. | 00:35 |
RST38h | derf: then you should understand | 00:35 |
* RST38h cackles | 00:35 | |
derf | I mean, it's not like Smalltalk is better. | 00:35 |
RST38h | Real OOP probably wouldn't run as fast as C/C++ programs do... | 00:35 |
RST38h | derf: of course not | 00:35 |
derf | It's a cute little language, but I wouldn't want to actually write software in it. | 00:36 |
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RST38h | derf: but that is the point, nobody really wants to USE a real OOP language | 00:36 |
RST38h | derf: too unpractical | 00:36 |
derf | I agree with you. | 00:36 |
RST38h | Similar subject: real functional language, like LISP | 00:36 |
derf | I was objecting mostly to lcuk's definition of OO. | 00:36 |
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RST38h | Very elegant but a bitch to use | 00:36 |
sp3000 | heretic! :P | 00:37 |
lcuk | derf, most people when asked respond like that | 00:37 |
RST38h | (CDR sp3000) | 00:37 |
derf | lcuk: Most people are idiots. | 00:37 |
derf | At least when it comes to programming. | 00:38 |
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lcuk | is it this kind of negativity that makes qt difficult or people? | 00:39 |
lcuk | for ^ | 00:39 |
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RST38h | why do you think qt is difficult? | 00:40 |
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derf | I thought everyone loved Qt. | 00:41 |
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lcuk | <derf> It's a cute little language, but I wouldn't want to actually write software in it. | 00:41 |
RST38h | lcuk: derf said that about Smalltalk | 00:41 |
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alterego | I quite like it, but there's not really enough description of some of the lower level fundamentals that stop me from freaking out. | 00:41 |
alterego | Like the whole reference counting by parents etc. | 00:41 |
lcuk | reasonable enough RST38h | 00:41 |
derf | Documentation is always poor. | 00:42 |
derf | I _still_ have no idea what the GTK reference counting rules are. | 00:42 |
derf | And I've been using it for some ridiculous number of years now. | 00:42 |
lcuk | allocate what you need, release it when its done, be sensible. should be the ref counting rules for every object | 00:43 |
alterego | Actually, I found gtk better, it generally tells you when you need to destroy objects you get etc. | 00:43 |
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lcuk | but devs get lazy and say "oh the garbage collection will get it" | 00:43 |
alterego | Though, with the appropriate C++ qualifiers you get a decent indication ;) | 00:44 |
derf | alterego: I meant more once you put things in the widget hierarchy. | 00:44 |
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derf | But lcuk is right. If you have to think about it too hard, then the system is designed wrong. | 00:45 |
DocScrutinizer | yo | 00:46 |
alterego | Agreed | 00:46 |
FIQ|n900 | maemo.org or me fail? | 00:47 |
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DocScrutinizer | http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/maemo.com | 00:59 |
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DocScrutinizer | .org ofc | 00:59 |
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pigeon_ | does anyone know where you're supposed to find sygic mobile maps 10 for the n900? the one on ovi store is still 9 for me. | 01:08 |
b-man` | w00t!! i just booted my N900 with u-boot :D | 01:08 |
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MohammadAG51 | b-man`, do wild ducks!!! | 01:13 |
b-man` | lol | 01:13 |
MohammadAG51 | Get symbian^3 running | 01:14 |
b-man` | sure, i'll try lol | 01:14 |
MohammadAG51 | I'm not kidding | 01:14 |
MohammadAG51 | Get symbian^3 running | 01:15 |
MohammadAG51 | i wanna see what they did to that crap | 01:15 |
b-man` | i'm not kidding either :) | 01:15 |
b-man` | MohammadAG51, btw | 01:15 |
b-man` | if you wanna try | 01:15 |
b-man` | i have the u-boot image that i builded uploaded | 01:15 |
b-man` | *built | 01:15 |
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b-man` | http://b-man.xceleo.org/files/u-boot- | 01:16 |
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b-man` | flasher-3.5 -k u-boot- -f -R | 01:17 |
MohammadAG51 | zImage? | 01:18 |
b-man` | it's both u-boot and zImage | 01:18 |
b-man` | in 1 file | 01:18 |
b-man` | it's a safer method than wiping nolo | 01:19 |
MohammadAG51 | yeah | 01:19 |
MohammadAG51 | although wiping nolo would be nice | 01:19 |
MohammadAG51 | I wonder if it says Aieeee or something when it dies | 01:19 |
b-man` | lol | 01:20 |
b-man` | hmm | 01:20 |
b-man` | so far, everything in maemo works as if nothing has happened :) | 01:20 |
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* Arkenoi played with s^3 a bit, almost no difference from 5th edition | 01:24 | |
Arkenoi | sucks | 01:24 |
Arkenoi | (as expected) | 01:24 |
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Arkenoi | crappy ui, no unified communications | 01:24 |
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b-man` | i wonder if i can now get NetBSD running... xD | 01:26 |
DocScrutinizer | @Nokia: look there: http://maemo.org/news/jobs/ and tell me about the joy to read same biz speak blabla for EACH and EVERY job :-/ | 01:27 |
DocScrutinizer | could we maybe get a diff patch that only holds the unique bits of each job offer? | 01:28 |
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DocScrutinizer | ps: same problem on taleo | 01:29 |
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johnx | mornin' all | 01:35 |
MohammadAG51 | Shapeshifter, reactionfaceoff still fails to start | 01:36 |
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Shapeshifter | MohammadAG51: how so? ran it from the command line? | 01:40 |
MohammadAG51 | Shapeshifter, i pastebinned the error for you a month ago :P | 01:41 |
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MohammadAG51 | you never got it fixed | 01:41 |
Shapeshifter | well shit. | 01:41 |
MohammadAG51 | AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'core' | 01:41 |
Shapeshifter | ah yes, the numpy problem. I have no clue whatsoever why it occurs. | 01:41 |
Shapeshifter | and I cannot fix it. | 01:41 |
Shapeshifter | I don't know why your numpy has no core. | 01:42 |
MohammadAG51 | sigh | 01:42 |
Shapeshifter | mine has a core. like it should :| | 01:42 |
MohammadAG51 | idk, reflash your device and you'll lose it | 01:42 |
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Shapeshifter | MohammadAG51: I just looked at http://maemo.org/packages/package_instance/view/fremantle_extras_free_armel/python-numpy/1.4.0-1maemo2/ and it has a core module. | 01:45 |
Shapeshifter | on my phone, I have 1.4.0-1maemo4 which is in testing, and it too has a core module. numpy must have a core module. I don't know why this happens on your device. | 01:46 |
Shapeshifter | what does apt-cache show python-numpy tell you? | 01:46 |
Shapeshifter | which version do you have? | 01:46 |
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MohammadAG51 | ii python-numpy 1:1.4.0-1maemo3 | 01:48 |
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Shapeshifter | of course, it has a core. But you see. You can just do python >>>from numpy import core and it should work. but it doesn't for you. | 01:49 |
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Shapeshifter | no idea why it is broken. it's not broken here, and I have no guesses on what must be broken for this not to work on your device. maybe you did some funky optification of python or whatnot | 01:49 |
Shapeshifter | maybe the numpy package has a bug. | 01:49 |
MohammadAG51 | ImportError: /usr/lib/libblas.so.3gf: undefined symbol: d_cnjg | 01:50 |
MohammadAG51 | Shapeshifter, i reflashed twice, it failed each time | 01:51 |
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Shapeshifter | well it seems like numpy depends on libblas3gf (>= 1.2-2maemo3) and apparently, that lib is broken. | 01:51 |
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Shapeshifter | I saw something similar happening with pyside and Qt, also a undefined symbol error. not on my device, however. This was the bug report http://bugs.openbossa.org/show_bug.cgi?id=275 and their analysis was "a problem with binary compatibility between PySide and Qt, | 01:53 |
povbot | Bug 275: RFE: Nokia 770 needs VPN (GUI) | 01:53 |
Shapeshifter | maybe a new Qt update has broken the compatibility between the libs, we will | 01:53 |
Shapeshifter | release a new PySide version this week and this will fix this problem" | 01:53 |
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Shapeshifter | so my guess now is that whatever the numpy module wants from libblas3gf is not there anymore. I guess it should be reported to the numpy dude. But maybe this has been fixed in 1.4.0-1maemo4, which you don't use, yet. | 01:54 |
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lolloo | how do I work Psfreedom? | 02:29 |
lolloo | do I just install it from the repo? | 02:30 |
lolloo | can you help me guys? | 02:30 |
pigeon_ | can you (temporarily) disable the power kernel without uninstalling it? | 02:32 |
johnx | lolloo, http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=61669 | 02:33 |
johnx | pigeon_, not to my knowledge. as far as I know, it replaces the kernel in flash when it's installed, then puts the old one back when it's uninstalled | 02:34 |
johnx | (someone will definitely correct me if I'm wrong here ;) ) | 02:34 |
pigeon_ | johnx: hmm, but then, i noticed when the power kernel crashes, the reboot will load the old kernel automatically. | 02:35 |
johnx | aaah, then it's quite possible I'm wrong. :) sorry for the confusion | 02:35 |
pigeon_ | so i'm guessing the old/stock kernel isn't "replaced" completely. | 02:36 |
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johnx | lolloo, BTW, that was the first result on google for: n900 ps3freedom site:talk.maemo.org | 02:37 |
johnx | pigeon, if you tell me the exact package name I'll take a look at the packaging and see if I can make a better guess as to how it coexists with the stock Nokia kernel | 02:38 |
johnx | is it 'kernel-power'? | 02:38 |
pigeon | i believe so. | 02:39 |
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FIQ|n900 | yay :D | 02:40 |
FIQ|n900 | rootfs 227.9M 223.7M 8.0k 100% / | 02:40 |
johnx | FIQ|n900, ok, I'll bite: what exactly did you do? | 02:40 |
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FIQ|n900 | i downloaded a too big file | 02:41 |
FIQ|n900 | why is the browser downloading tmp files in /var | 02:41 |
johnx | aaah, without the headers I read that backwards :) | 02:41 |
FIQ|n900 | -.- | 02:41 |
* johnx parsed that as 100% of the space being free :) | 02:41 | |
FIQ|n900 | and, fixed | 02:41 |
FIQ|n900 | hah | 02:41 |
johnx | pigeon, did you have to download a 'multiboot' or 'flasher' package of some type as well? | 02:43 |
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pigeon | johnx: yeah, it's a dependency of something else i think. | 02:43 |
pigeon | let me check | 02:44 |
pigeon | kernel-flasher at least | 02:44 |
johnx | kernel-flasher or kernel-power-flasher? | 02:45 |
javispedro | hmpf. gtk_text_buffer_crete_mark - mark_name parameter: documentation: "name for mark, or NULL." implementation:"g_assert(name != NULL);" | 02:45 |
pigeon | johnx: i have both installed actually. | 02:45 |
ShadSEC | Anyone knows what does wlancond do to associate to an ap, besides the usual set essid, etc? I need a way to do it from commandline | 02:46 |
javispedro | ShadSEC: a lot of things, does the network use encryption? | 02:47 |
ShadSEC | in this test WEP, but I need more support than that | 02:47 |
javispedro | the issue is not wlancond, which is open, but the crypto part, which is closed and invoked by wlancond | 02:47 |
javispedro | ShadSEC: use wpasupplicant | 02:48 |
ShadSEC | javispedro, the problem is that it isnt associating (Not-Associated) | 02:48 |
johnx | ShadSEC, what exactly are your requirements? are you trying to cut wlancond out of the equation or just pull its strings from the command line? | 02:48 |
ShadSEC | at first I tried to put (stop wlancond) it out, but that is even worse | 02:48 |
ShadSEC | My need: It will be enough if I just are able to iwconfig essid, key, etc and it associated from command line | 02:50 |
ShadSEC | I dont care if wlancond is running or not as long as it doesnt mess with my wlan0 | 02:50 |
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nox- | http://code.technically.us/post/1109586140/exchange-remote-wipe-is-a-terrible-terrible-bug | 02:52 |
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ShadSEC | I even thought about telling it to do it for me using the dbus call setting_and_connect | 02:52 |
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nox- | i wonder if maemo does that too... | 02:52 |
nox- | (or meego for that matter) | 02:52 |
johnx | ShadSEC, that's what I'd suggest | 02:53 |
johnx | I don't think wlancond will ignore wlan0 as long as it's running | 02:53 |
javispedro | ShadSEC: I used to do that pre-N900 but I know that the wifi driver on n900 is complete enough to work with wpasupplicant alone | 02:53 |
ShadSEC | but I am not sure how to translate the straced dbus call into one I can use | 02:53 |
ShadSEC | neither I have been able to find information about that call googling | 02:53 |
javispedro | ShadSEC: sample code https://garage.maemo.org/plugins/ggit/browse.php/?p=libicd-wpa;a=blob;f=wlan.c;h=659e922d4f39f6a71969be32502c54ce9cf4700f;hb=3611cfaee7e551b23487562c54982cf5155978fb#l153 | 02:53 |
javispedro | either way, don't | 02:54 |
javispedro | wpasupplicant is know to work, so I'll check your conf file | 02:54 |
javispedro | *I'd | 02:54 |
SpeedEvil | Hmm. | 02:55 |
SpeedEvil | I wonder why my 3G speed max has gone way up | 02:55 |
SpeedEvil | now I'm getting 1.5mbps | 02:55 |
johnx | javispedro, wpa_supplicant will actually work with wlancond running? | 02:57 |
javispedro | johnx: doubt so | 02:58 |
javispedro | johnx: any scan will put the interface dow | 02:58 |
ShadSEC | I didn't even tried wpa_supplicant since I was testing wep alone | 02:58 |
javispedro | johnx: and icd2 will initiate one every 30s | 02:58 |
javispedro | er... every 10 minutes (user setting after all) | 02:58 |
johnx | nox-, yeah. the remote wipe thing always weirded me out. It's basically a requirement for anything to be allowed to connect to exchange, AFAICT | 02:58 |
ShadSEC | the biggest problem I think it is that when stop wlancond, it powerdowns the wlan or something | 02:59 |
javispedro | did you ifconfig wlan0 up? | 02:59 |
ShadSEC | of course | 03:00 |
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ShadowJK | SpeedEvil, it's 1AM on monday morning? | 03:01 |
ShadowJK | that'd be my explanation for unusually high 3g bandwidth | 03:02 |
SpeedEvil | ShadowJK: naah | 03:02 |
ShadowJK | I'm also having exceptional 3g speeds here :) | 03:02 |
SpeedEvil | ShadowJK: My usual time to play with 3G is 12AM-1AM | 03:02 |
ShadowJK | The weather is good I think | 03:02 |
* SpeedEvil forgets where ShadowJK is. | 03:02 | |
SpeedEvil | US? | 03:02 |
ShadowJK | FI | 03:02 |
SpeedEvil | Ah. | 03:02 |
ShadowJK | I'm 9km from the 3g base station :) | 03:02 |
ShadowJK | Reception varies between none and 6 Mbit/s on N900, on the second floor | 03:03 |
* SpeedEvil checks the SNR margin on DSL1 to see if I can bring DSL2 up without it training to a low speed and wrecking my IP profile and hence speed for another 3 days. | 03:03 | |
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ShadowJK | My E75 was doing 2M/s earlier tonight, which is exceptional :) | 03:04 |
ShadowJK | (It only has 3.6M modem) | 03:04 |
* SpeedEvil sighs. | 03:04 | |
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* johnx needs to speed-test again at work | 03:04 | |
SpeedEvil | I'm I think about that from the base station too. | 03:04 |
johnx | I swore I saw over 6Mbit/s, but I'd want to be sure wifi was really, definitely down | 03:05 |
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ShadSEC | javispedro, I see you are using the dbus call I was talking about in your code.. but I dont know how to send it from command line.. if I could, that would solve my problem | 03:05 |
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ShadowJK | I've seen 8-9M in town with N900 :) | 03:07 |
ShadowJK | downloading podcasts with gpodder | 03:08 |
johnx | the thing that weirds me out is that at 6Mbit/s the N900 is close to the speed of my company's 'users' DSL line | 03:08 |
* SpeedEvil sighs. | 03:09 | |
javispedro | heh | 03:09 |
SpeedEvil | My DSL is going at 680kbps | 03:09 |
javispedro | my N900 is already faster than my home DSL line. | 03:10 |
javispedro | an order of magnitude faster at this point. | 03:10 |
javispedro | (but 3g has daily caps; dsl doesn't) | 03:11 |
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SpeedEvil | My 3Ghas only 1G/mo quota - which means I can't use it as normal | 03:13 |
SpeedEvil | OTOH - it's cheap | 03:13 |
javispedro | btw -- anyone knows if any Extras eBook reader supports Plucker format, or do I need to take the dust off the old 770 Plucker port? | 03:13 |
luke-jr | SpeedEvil: does it? I've noticed I never hit anything near 1G/mo | 03:14 |
luke-jr | even with SIP calls | 03:15 |
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nox- | javispedro, looks like fbreader knows it | 03:15 |
javispedro | ah, fbreader, yes. but it tries to decompress the entire document at load time and is slooooooow | 03:15 |
nox- | heh ok | 03:16 |
SpeedEvil | luke-jr: I mean - I can't use it for my normal internet usage as a bridge. | 03:16 |
Kegetys | even fast 3G still feels sluggish due to high ping and fluctuating speed imo | 03:16 |
luke-jr | oh | 03:16 |
SpeedEvil | luke-jr: It's fine for 'mobile' use | 03:16 |
* nox- had a similar problem with an html tree, in the end i just put it in a zipfile and made a small python httpd hack to read from zipfiles... | 03:17 | |
luke-jr | SpeedEvil: once upon a time, I ran my server off a wifi bridge :p | 03:17 |
nox- | (because unpacked, tracker/imageviewer took too much resources indexing it) | 03:17 |
javispedro | nox-: original plucker was quite fast on 33Mhz palmos. little formatting support (but includes tables nevertteless) | 03:18 |
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javispedro | qt4.3 docs are ~14MiB in plkr format | 03:18 |
ShadowJK | My home connection is 1Mbit/s. The highly variable latency of 3g makes it suckier than the 1M wimax, even if 3g is 5 times more throughput.. It's mostly only useful for downloading big things | 03:19 |
javispedro | luke-jr: btw, you managed to get raw nmea from the n900's gps chip? | 03:19 |
SpeedEvil | jaNo. | 03:20 |
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SpeedEvil | There is no NMEA out | 03:20 |
SpeedEvil | it's a binary format. | 03:20 |
SpeedEvil | He's munged it into NMEA I think | 03:20 |
javispedro | hmpf | 03:20 |
SpeedEvil | I really want SiRF binary format from the chip | 03:20 |
SpeedEvil | Or similar. To do differential hacks. | 03:20 |
SpeedEvil | But meh. | 03:20 |
SpeedEvil | I don't think it can. | 03:21 |
javispedro | i am interested in what data's available, though | 03:22 |
javispedro | for some reason the liblocation packets seem to actually map nicely to the garmin binary protocol | 03:22 |
javispedro | no need to calculate dilution of precision | 03:23 |
SpeedEvil | Essentially no more data than liblocation. | 03:24 |
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javispedro | ah well. | 03:25 |
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SpeedEvil | http://wiki.maemo.org/N900_GPS_Reverse_Engineering | 03:25 |
javispedro | indeed | 03:26 |
TheXception | hi short question: what is the url for the extra repository of sdk for the package libsdl-gles ? | 03:26 |
ShadSEC | very interesting way to get gps data | 03:26 |
javispedro | TheXception: http://repository.maemo.org/ | 03:27 |
javispedro | here you have all urls | 03:27 |
javispedro | add both "Fremantle Extras" and "Fremantle Extras-devel" | 03:27 |
TheXception | ah ok thx :) | 03:28 |
ShadSEC | how cpy efficient would that way to get the packet be? | 03:28 |
ShadSEC | cpu | 03:28 |
luke-jr | javispedro: no, I managed to reverse engineer the binary protocol, and wrote a simple program to convert it to NMEA on a pty | 03:28 |
javispedro | I see. Well, at least that's another blob less. Ta! | 03:29 |
ShadSEC | luke-jr, wheres that program? :) | 03:29 |
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luke-jr | ShadSEC: http://luke.dashjr.org/tmp/code/gps3.c | 03:30 |
luke-jr | or maybe gps4.c not sure | 03:30 |
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luke-jr | gps1.c and gps2.c are earlier versions | 03:30 |
h3llo | what is the easiest way to share 3G through wifi? | 03:30 |
ShadSEC | thanks! :) | 03:30 |
luke-jr | ShadSEC: beware, there's something wrong with my NMEA output :p | 03:31 |
SpeedEvil | h3llo: you can't easily | 03:31 |
luke-jr | at least, gpsd doesn't like it much | 03:31 |
luke-jr | h3llo: MobileHotSpot | 03:31 |
SpeedEvil | h3llo: sshd and socks-proxy is what you can do | 03:31 |
SpeedEvil | h3llo: err | 03:31 |
SpeedEvil | h3llo: Or mobilehotspot of course | 03:32 |
luke-jr | h3llo: but it requires a custom kernel, and I haven't investigated why the normal one fails | 03:32 |
h3llo | app? | 03:32 |
h3llo | ah, so no way with current kernel | 03:32 |
SpeedEvil | h3llo: mobilehotspot comes with its own kernel | 03:32 |
SpeedEvil | it's in extras | 03:32 |
SpeedEvil | h3llo: install openssh | 03:32 |
h3llo | done | 03:32 |
SpeedEvil | h3llo: then on your PC you do ssh -D something yourphone | 03:32 |
ShadSEC | luke, oh... I wanted it for kismet (without using liblocation), if gpsd doesn't wotk with it, then it will probably not work | 03:32 |
SpeedEvil | and then setup your apps to use a SOCKS proxy on port somerthing | 03:33 |
SpeedEvil | on your localhost | 03:33 |
luke-jr | ShadSEC: the problem is with horiz/vertical accuracy | 03:33 |
javispedro | hdop | 03:33 |
luke-jr | ShadSEC: not sure if kismet cares about thatr | 03:33 |
ShadSEC | it shouldnt | 03:33 |
SpeedEvil | Calculating HDOP/VDOP is important if you output it | 03:34 |
SpeedEvil | For example - JOSM - java openstreetmap editror | 03:34 |
ShadSEC | i will test it later in the night after i fix my current problem with wlancond | 03:34 |
SpeedEvil | It will show HDOP circles | 03:34 |
luke-jr | SpeedEvil: it seems to work fine, but gpsd clears it immediately | 03:34 |
SpeedEvil | to indicate the inaccuracy of a fix | 03:34 |
luke-jr | so it flashes on for a few ms every second | 03:34 |
SpeedEvil | what does? | 03:34 |
h3llo | ssh has nothing to do with making a hotspot right? | 03:35 |
SpeedEvil | h3llo: no. | 03:35 |
SpeedEvil | h3llo: you're basically doing something you can do with any other host running ssh. | 03:35 |
SpeedEvil | h3llo: You can ask a remote ssh server to act like the far end of a SOCKS proxy. | 03:35 |
SpeedEvil | h3llo: The local end of that proxy that you connect the apps to is bridged over the ssh connection. | 03:36 |
javispedro | i uploaded the liblocation->nmea I made a few months ago -- http://gitorious.org/nmeagend/nmeagend/blobs/master/nmeagend.c#line200 | 03:36 |
javispedro | that's the hdop from eph calculation part... which is fugly | 03:36 |
javispedro | (and useless) | 03:37 |
javispedro | but at least made some propietary windows apps work with the nmea stream | 03:37 |
SpeedEvil | How is it useless? | 03:38 |
javispedro | because afaik it's worng. | 03:38 |
SpeedEvil | Well - yes. | 03:38 |
SpeedEvil | http://wiki.maemo.org/N900_Hardware_GPS#Accuracy - you may want to use the scaling there. | 03:39 |
SpeedEvil | Actually - I need to lookup the error vs reported error curves | 03:39 |
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SpeedEvil | 50% of points fall within a 2.2m radius circle - but I haven't looked at the reported accuracy figure at those points | 03:40 |
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javispedro | nice | 03:42 |
javispedro | I should try to do such a plot. | 03:43 |
lcuk | javispedro, \o hi quick q - how did your IM stuff go on in the GSOC? is it in usable shape? do you expect much more work to bash it if not? | 03:44 |
javispedro | lcuk: at this point it does not work at all because changed interface which I plan to fix ASAP | 03:44 |
javispedro | I am more worried about the state of hildon under meego | 03:44 |
javispedro | globally -- not just IM | 03:44 |
lcuk | understood entirely | 03:45 |
lcuk | i have to sleep tonight though, will you be around tomorrow night? | 03:45 |
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javispedro | late | 03:45 |
lcuk | indeed it is now | 03:46 |
lcuk | ping me when you get on see if I am around | 03:46 |
javispedro | ok | 03:46 |
lcuk | you saw what I wanted to try and get moving though? | 03:46 |
javispedro | where? :) | 03:47 |
SpeedEvil | javispedro: That was ~ a week of logging in one position. | 03:47 |
lcuk | javispedro, http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=800473#post800473 | 03:47 |
SpeedEvil | The 3d visualisation is fascinating. | 03:47 |
lcuk | will speak tomorrow I am knackered now | 03:48 |
* javispedro suddenly remembers he need to renew his passport asap too | 03:48 | |
lcuk | gnite all | 03:48 |
javispedro | gnite | 03:48 |
SpeedEvil | It's got one massively hot blob in the middle, with wild journies out to 100m away | 03:48 |
javispedro | btw I'm impressed with the randomness of the course indicator | 03:48 |
SpeedEvil | :) | 03:48 |
javispedro | i'm sure garmins must smooth it | 03:49 |
SpeedEvil | It works OK at >5MPH | 03:49 |
SpeedEvil | Smooth or do not display at all under XMPH | 03:49 |
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javispedro | I tried a PC autorouting program and it went all crazy | 03:49 |
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ShadSEC | do you guys know of any app/source that does some sort of "triangulation" based on several gps points + signal strenght given ? | 03:53 |
* javispedro ponders for a moment if he's confusing east vs west | 03:54 | |
luke-jr | ShadSEC: kismet used to bundle one | 03:54 |
luke-jr | still does maybe | 03:54 |
luke-jr | but the new one doesn't work with N810 | 03:55 |
luke-jr | cuz N810 doesn't support signal strength ;( | 03:55 |
luke-jr | at least not until we get 2.6.35+ working on it | 03:55 |
javispedro | hmm? | 03:55 |
javispedro | ah, | 03:55 |
javispedro | you mean 802.11? | 03:55 |
luke-jr | …yes | 03:55 |
javispedro | for some reason he asked gps :P | 03:55 |
luke-jr | javispedro: yeah, that's the triangulation bit | 03:55 |
luke-jr | you triangulate the 802.11 AP | 03:56 |
luke-jr | though I wouldn't mind kismet support for 3G too | 03:56 |
ShadSEC | didn't knew kismet had that add on, i will check | 03:56 |
luke-jr | but I doubt Nokia will give us a 2G/3G monitor mode ☹ | 03:56 |
luke-jr | FCC would have their butts on a dish | 03:57 |
ShadSEC | n810 doesn't support signal strenght? Well, I want it for N900, but it is weird n810doesnt | 03:57 |
luke-jr | ShadSEC: N810 had a proprietary kernel blob for wifi | 03:57 |
luke-jr | Nokia had it rewritten as free software, but (for practical purposes) that never really worked out | 03:57 |
luke-jr | and mainline has another independent implementation in latest kernel | 03:58 |
ShadSEC | luke, if the triangulation program is done, you only should need substitute 802.11 signal strenght with cellid strenght | 03:58 |
luke-jr | ShadSEC: yes, for triangulation only | 03:58 |
luke-jr | but kismet only works with monitor mode | 03:58 |
SpeedEvil | There is a vast difference between 2G/3G monitor mode, annd simple adjacent cell and current cell signal strenghts and timing advance. | 03:58 |
ShadSEC | luke, what do you mean? you can read the cellid signal strenght | 03:59 |
luke-jr | signal strength comes in attached to monitor mode packets | 03:59 |
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luke-jr | ShadSEC: I mean it wouldn't be kismet providing the data | 03:59 |
luke-jr | SpeedEvil: I'd prefer monitor mode :D | 03:59 |
SpeedEvil | Well -yes. | 03:59 |
luke-jr | even if we can't sniff others' traffic, it'd be neat to see all the protocol details in Wireshark | 03:59 |
SpeedEvil | I also wanrt a DAB transmitter. | 04:00 |
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ShadSEC | ah you mean kismet dierctly monitoring the gsm interface? what would be awesome haha | 04:00 |
luke-jr | ShadSEC: yeah, showing GSM/3G protocols in the dump | 04:00 |
luke-jr | that'd be the ideal IMO | 04:00 |
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luke-jr | maybe someday when/if the cellmo is rooted | 04:00 |
ShadSEC | considering A5/1 was long ago cracked yep | 04:01 |
SpeedEvil | luke-jr: http://laforge.gnumonks.org/weblog/gsm/ | 04:01 |
luke-jr | does anyone even know what OS cellmo runs right now? | 04:01 |
ShadSEC | I had some very small hope that N900 would let some interaction with the gsm firmware... | 04:01 |
ShadSEC | obviously, It was just hope... | 04:02 |
SpeedEvil | They do. | 04:02 |
SpeedEvil | It's AT commands. | 04:02 |
SpeedEvil | And that's it. | 04:02 |
luke-jr | … | 04:03 |
luke-jr | where do you see AT commands? | 04:03 |
javispedro | phonet! | 04:03 |
luke-jr | it's all binary protocol stuff | 04:03 |
javispedro | ;P | 04:03 |
luke-jr | documented, sure, but not AT | 04:03 |
SpeedEvil | pnatd | 04:05 |
ShadSEC | the only approaches i did know of ware using GNU radio.. and a now defunct project of modifiying TSM-30 cellphone as its firmware sources leaked.... | 04:05 |
SpeedEvil | http://wiki.maemo.org/N900_Hardware_Phone | 04:05 |
DocScrutinizer51 | now defunct? | 04:05 |
SpeedEvil | ShadSEC: See above /gsm/ site | 04:05 |
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SpeedEvil | ShadSEC: there has just been a 20 min open-source stack call | 04:06 |
SpeedEvil | luke-jr: AT commands implemented by pnatd | 04:06 |
DocScrutinizer51 | I'd not call Dieter's and Harald's work defunct | 04:06 |
ShadSEC | I must say im very new to this maemo/n900 stuff, that's the reason I havent already read some things.. | 04:06 |
* ShadSEC reading http://wiki.maemo.org/N900_Hardware_Phone | 04:07 | |
SpeedEvil | That is not related to the opensorurce stuff | 04:07 |
SpeedEvil | the opensource GSM | 04:08 |
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ShadSEC | SpeedEvil, but those are regular atm gsm modem commands, what does it have to do with gsm sniffing? | 04:08 |
SpeedEvil | nothing | 04:09 |
SpeedEvil | See the other link I posted. | 04:09 |
ShadSEC | Docscrutinizer, what phone are they using? | 04:10 |
SpeedEvil | ShadSEC: Any TI calypso based phone in principle. | 04:10 |
DocScrutinizer | dunno, some old cheap thing with calypso chipset, just like FreeRunner | 04:10 |
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luke-jr | there's nothing to block firmware modification? | 04:12 |
DocScrutinizer51 | on calypso? afaik not | 04:13 |
luke-jr | so much for FCC requiring that | 04:13 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | at least on openmoko calypso | 04:14 |
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ShadSEC | interesting, then theres nothing stopping from monitoring/decoding all traffic | 04:15 |
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SpeedEvil | The FCC or whoever typically does not require any technical measure to stop hacking. | 04:15 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | yup | 04:16 |
SpeedEvil | they may however require you to fix it in future sales of products. | 04:16 |
ShadSEC | luke-jr, there are some phones out there that don't.. ie: tsm-30 which part of its firmware sources even leaked | 04:16 |
luke-jr | SpeedEvil: so it's just Nokia being jerks | 04:16 |
SpeedEvil | in the uk for example - if nokia let users edit firmware - the first user to abuse that would make nokia liable for selling phone hacking tools if they don't fix that. | 04:17 |
SpeedEvil | (actually the retailer - but...) | 04:17 |
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ShadSEC | the biggest problem when/if the full protocol support is open will not be not so private calls, but DOS attacks which will surely be discovered very easily | 04:19 |
GeneralAntilles | Why is the world doesn't spell-check-as-you-type not work in EtherPad. . . . | 04:20 |
luke-jr | DoS probably doesn't require protocol support | 04:20 |
ShadSEC | I am not talking about regular jamming | 04:20 |
ShadSEC | but doing havok on the gsm network | 04:20 |
ShadSEC | it has never been previously exposed to attacks, so many flaws probably exist | 04:21 |
SpeedEvil | Lots do. The protocol is not designed to be secure that way. | 04:22 |
ShadSEC | I am almost seeing it: Buffer overflows on cell tower lol | 04:22 |
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ShadSEC | meterpreter control of the cell system | 04:23 |
ShadSEC | :P | 04:23 |
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ShadSEC | its security depends right now in its isolation from attacks | 04:23 |
b-man` | luke-jr, btw if you missed it http://al.robotfuzz.com/~al/maemo/u-boot/ :) | 04:24 |
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luke-jr | nice | 04:24 |
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luke-jr | let's hope the exploiters are subtle enough that they don't notice <.< | 04:25 |
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luke-jr | b-man`: that isn't useful enough | 04:25 |
b-man` | why? you want it to completely replace nolo? :) | 04:26 |
luke-jr | 1. I don't want to open it up just to switch OS | 04:26 |
luke-jr | 2. I'd rather have my kernel on my eMMC partition | 04:26 |
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b-man` | luke-jr: 1st one can be resolved by implementing a menu | 04:26 |
b-man` | it's been done | 04:27 |
luke-jr | as far as U-Boot in general, 3. BME and actdead should run *before* any menu | 04:27 |
luke-jr | but 3 isn't important to me | 04:27 |
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luke-jr | oh, here's 4. I don't want vfat junk :P | 04:28 |
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b-man` | luke-jr: at least this method doesn't require you to flash a kernel on every boot ;P | 04:29 |
b-man` | it's better than nothing | 04:29 |
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ShadSEC | wpa_supplicant isnt in the repositories? | 04:30 |
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luke-jr | ShadSEC: probably doesn't work either | 04:31 |
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luke-jr | ShadSEC: what are you trying to do? :p | 04:32 |
ShadSEC | oh well | 04:32 |
ShadSEC | just trying some advice javispedro told me | 04:32 |
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ShadSEC | rdhi, rdlo and rm must all be different <- Any idea what this means? It always shows when compiling, and doesnt seem to be important, but I am curious | 04:38 |
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ShadSEC | hostapd has compiled.. will it work? | 04:56 |
nox- | is that not what mobilehotspot uses? | 04:57 |
johnx | ShadSEC: hostapd != hostap support in the drivers | 04:57 |
SpeedEvil | ShadSEC: benign | 04:57 |
ShadSEC | donno, I havent tested hostapd yet | 04:58 |
ShadSEC | but mac80211 is supported, isnt it? | 04:58 |
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ShadSEC | i meant i havent tested mobileospot either | 04:58 |
nox- | i think only with power kernel | 04:59 |
ShadSEC | I am using power kernel, maybe thats why it compiled | 04:59 |
nox- | ah | 04:59 |
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nox- | bbl | 05:00 |
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ShadSEC | ioctl[PRISM2_IOCTL_PRISM2_PARAM]: Operation not supported | 05:08 |
ShadSEC | Could not enable hostapd mode for interface wlan0 | 05:08 |
ShadSEC | mmmmmm | 05:08 |
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johnx | ShadSEC: if the driver supports hostap/master mode, you should be able to do something like iwconfig wlan0 mode master | 05:16 |
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luke-jr | johnx: which it doesn't… | 05:17 |
luke-jr | ShadSEC: N900 hasn't been updated on the kernel level in about a year I think | 05:18 |
luke-jr | 2.6.28 | 05:18 |
luke-jr | yeah, released Dec 24 2008 | 05:18 |
johnx | luke-jr, yeah, kinda figured. | 05:18 |
luke-jr | almost 2 years old now | 05:19 |
johnx | luke-jr: such is the world of commercial embedded | 05:19 |
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ShadSEC | oh well | 05:21 |
ShadSEC | another failed try :( | 05:21 |
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ShadSEC | that's something I have wondered.. how hard would be for nokia to make the next PR with a newer kernel? | 05:22 |
luke-jr | ShadSEC: next PR? | 05:23 |
ShadSEC | if it ever is... | 05:23 |
johnx | ShadSEC: wrong question. "What is the risk/reward ratio for releasing updating the kernel on the N900?" | 05:24 |
ShadSEC | almost infinite? :P | 05:25 |
johnx | yeah. I'd bet it's pretty high | 05:25 |
ShadSEC | ok, no updated kernel... what kernel is meego using btw? | 05:25 |
luke-jr | 2.6.35? | 05:25 |
ShadSEC | good | 05:26 |
johnx | I just built a 'daily' meego image for N900. Looks like the kernel is "" | 05:26 |
microlith | a given | 05:26 |
microlith | an unfriendly device vendor could leave you stuck with an old kernel version | 05:26 |
johnx | Pstdinh the version string is left as an exercise for the reader :) | 05:27 |
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johnx | <- keyboard off-by-one error :) | 05:27 |
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luke-jr | oarsubg doesn't make much more sense… | 05:29 |
johnx | microlith: yeah. But judging by history it looks a lot more like. "Almost all device vendors will leave you with the kernel the device shipped with. Some of the more friendly ones will make it vaguely possible for you to update the kernel yourself." | 05:30 |
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johnx | luke-jr: you're guessing at my keyboard layout ;) | 05:30 |
luke-jr | yes | 05:30 |
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ShadSEC | and now the next problem.. if wpa_supplicant doesn't support mac80211 how am I suppossed to use it? geez | 05:32 |
ShadSEC | this is neverending story | 05:32 |
luke-jr | ShadSEC: you're not. | 05:33 |
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luke-jr | you're supposed to use the proprietary network management thing | 05:34 |
ShadSEC | ok, and how do I send a dbus settings_and_configure using dbus-send? | 05:35 |
ShadSEC | or any other way to tell wlancond what to do using command line | 05:35 |
ShadSEC | this is driving me crazy, two days without advancing on my program because of this | 05:35 |
SpeedEvil | :/ | 05:36 |
ShadSEC | :( | 05:37 |
SpeedEvil | Unfortunately, the only sort-of-sane way that can guarantee progress is to rip out all of the existing connection stack. | 05:37 |
SpeedEvil | But that means you need to reverse engineer it. | 05:37 |
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ShadSEC | and i guess noone has already done that :( | 05:38 |
SpeedEvil | No. | 05:38 |
SpeedEvil | I for one would quite like it if you did. | 05:38 |
SpeedEvil | I suspect frals would too. | 05:39 |
ShadSEC | that won't happen, I dont even properly know C | 05:39 |
ShadSEC | i am just doing some guesswork to find workaround | 05:39 |
SpeedEvil | Almost everyone diddn't know C at some point. | 05:39 |
ShadSEC | well, that point haven't changed much in more than 15 years using linux in my case | 05:41 |
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luke-jr | lol | 05:43 |
luke-jr | ShadSEC: you could always install Gentoo or MeeGo… :p | 05:43 |
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ShadSEC | meego will probably carry this same problems :( | 05:44 |
luke-jr | probably. | 05:45 |
ShadSEC | ok, i guess the only workaround i have left is to find a way to send the dbus call | 05:45 |
johnx | it might be a bit better. I expect meego will have connman unless I'm quite mistaken | 05:46 |
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ShadSEC | so... if anyone knwos how to send a byte array using dbus-send i am all ears :) | 05:47 |
ShadSEC | johnx, I donno.. anyway, even if this is bothering too much, I must say things have advanced a lot, having an "almost" open linux on a phone is awesome | 05:49 |
ShadSEC | perhaps with meego come the next step | 05:49 |
johnx | yeah. Playing with meego a bit on other hardware. I'm expecting good things | 05:49 |
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luke-jr | ShadSEC: if you wanted open/Linux on a phone, that's the Freerunner | 06:17 |
luke-jr | ShadSEC: N900 isn't a phone | 06:17 |
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johnx | SpeedEvil: sue as in lawsuit or sue as in "a boy named Sue" | 06:25 |
SpeedEvil | Yes. | 06:26 |
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RST38h | Exploration teams are advised that the Chicago Police in 1875 react with hostility towards the use of grappling guns and rope ladders to re-enter SCP-982; since all changes are eliminated at the reset, the use of lethal force is fully sanctioned with no risk to the timeline. | 06:47 |
johnx | RST38h: read Palimpsest? Also, watched 'Lost Room'? | 06:50 |
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lolloo | hello, how can I install Enhanced power kernel via wget? or apt-get? | 06:52 |
johnx | lolloo: have you seen this? http://wiki.maemo.org/Kernel_Power | 06:53 |
johnx | google search terms: titan power kernel | 06:54 |
johnx | first result | 06:54 |
johnx | ~lart | 06:55 |
johnx | ~power-kernel | 06:55 |
johnx | power-kernel is http://wiki.maemo.org/Kernel_Power | 06:56 |
RST38h | johnx: trouble is, most of these shows feel weak after reading scp | 06:57 |
RST38h | not all though, Fringe still rules | 06:57 |
johnx | Palimpsest is a book by Charles Stross, and it's pretty fantastic, though somewhat hard to keep track of unless one is paying attention | 06:57 |
johnx | anyways, I liked Lost Room a lot, but I think part of that was stumbling on it by accident with absolutely no expectations | 06:58 |
RST38h | Amazon says Catherynne Valente | 06:58 |
RST38h | checking Charles Stross... | 06:59 |
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johnx | infobot: power-kernel is http://wiki.maemo.org/Kernel_Power | 07:10 |
infobot | johnx: okay | 07:10 |
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frenchy | i think i bricked my n810, i get no boot screen at all, no led activity, its like its dead | 08:03 |
johnx | frenchy: what did you do to it? | 08:03 |
frenchy | i tried to install mamona on it | 08:04 |
johnx | also, usual suggestions apply: remove battery, let sit for a couple minutes, reinert battery. let it charge overnight (even if it doesn't look like it's charging). If you have another charger, use it. if you have another battery, try it. | 08:05 |
johnx | do you have a log of the flash process? | 08:05 |
frenchy | johnx, no i dont, im assuing thats a command line argument you have to specify? | 08:06 |
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frenchy | i do have another battery coming in the mail and i will remove this one for a few min | 08:06 |
johnx | sorry, I didn't mean a real log file, I just meant if you still had the output of the flasher program on the screen | 08:06 |
frenchy | johnx, no i booted into windows to try and flash it there, still no dice | 08:07 |
johnx | bummer | 08:07 |
slonopotamus | meh. anyone experiences charset issues in n8x0 with non-ascii locale on google search? | 08:07 |
slonopotamus | s/n8x0/n8x0 microb/ | 08:07 |
infobot | slonopotamus meant: meh. anyone experiences charset issues in n8x0 microb with non-ascii locale on google search? | 08:07 |
frenchy | do these things get bricked often? | 08:08 |
johnx | frenchy: did you already try flashing back to maemo from linux? | 08:08 |
johnx | frenchy: bricking is extremely rare as far as I know, but there are a couple situations in which they can 'appear' to be bricked | 08:08 |
frenchy | johnx, i cant get any kind of response from the device at all, so my pc wont recognize it | 08:08 |
johnx | ie, the battery charge is too low to turn on, or it's gotten in a bad state and hasn't actually shut down | 08:08 |
frenchy | johnx, the battery is pretty charged, what the solution if its in a bad state and hasnt shut down? this happened when trying to install mamona so that is possible | 08:09 |
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johnx | that's why you'd leave the battery out for a couple minutes, so that all the capacitors drain and all the circuitry *really* turns off | 08:10 |
frenchy | johnx, ok thats what im doing now | 08:11 |
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frenchy | johnx, how long should i leave it | 08:11 |
johnx | <- not an EE | 08:11 |
johnx | maybe 30 seconds to a minute or so? | 08:11 |
frenchy | johnx, and what should i do when i put it back in | 08:11 |
johnx | so you flashed mamona with the flasher program in linux and it never booted again? is that right? | 08:11 |
johnx | put the battery back in and try and turn it on :) | 08:11 |
frenchy | johnx, yeah thats right, i couldnt get the flasher on te mamona site to work so i tried the maemo flasher with the created mamona image which was probably pretty stupid | 08:12 |
frenchy | its still dead | 08:13 |
johnx | did you flash the whole image with '-F' or just a kernel '-k' and/or initrd/rootfs? | 08:14 |
frenchy | -F | 08:15 |
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johnx | yeah, -F means flash the bootloader as well | 08:15 |
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johnx | flashing a bad bootloader is pretty much the only way to *really* brick an N8x0 (again, AFAIK) | 08:15 |
frenchy | johnx, is there anyway to fix it | 08:16 |
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johnx | Nokia has access to the tools to do a cold flash. if I recall, that involves some custom hardware | 08:17 |
johnx | if you could find someone with access to that, you might be able to get them to reflash it back to maemo for you | 08:17 |
* johnx is just guessing though | 08:17 | |
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frenchy | johnx, i read that and thats what i was afraid of | 08:20 |
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johnx | sorry I don't have better news :/ | 08:22 |
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madtop | what is tracket-extract and why is it taking so much cpu? | 09:04 |
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h3llo | what is tracker-extract and why is it taking so much cpu? | 09:06 |
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kerio | tracker is a cpu hog that's supposed to give you info about media files | 09:14 |
kerio | used by Photos and media player | 09:15 |
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kerio | ideally it should help you, but it just rapes your cpu until you stop using your n900 as a media player entirely | 09:15 |
kerio | even more than pulseaudio | 09:15 |
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mece | kerio, you're doing it wrong. my tracker is nice and quiet unless I add some media files. Then it does something for a second or two. then it's quiet again. | 09:16 |
luke-jr | lol | 09:16 |
kerio | mece: my tracker pretends he's indexing constantly | 09:17 |
kerio | even when i put *no* new media files anywhere | 09:17 |
mece | kerio, perhaps you should put more media fils there.. to keep her happy :) | 09:17 |
mece | s/fils/files/ | 09:17 |
infobot | mece meant: kerio, perhaps you should put more media files there.. to keep her happy :) | 09:17 |
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kerio | my ass | 09:18 |
kerio | i'll probably move to canola | 09:18 |
johnx | is it stuck on one file? | 09:19 |
luke-jr | I put all my media files in a mount it doesn't know about :> | 09:20 |
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GNUtoo|laptop | hi, I've an issue with the boot procedure | 09:32 |
GNUtoo|laptop | I installed multiboot | 09:32 |
GNUtoo|laptop | and then it didn't boot my new kernel | 09:32 |
GNUtoo|laptop | but then I've messed up with fiasco | 09:32 |
GNUtoo|laptop | now the state is: | 09:32 |
GNUtoo|laptop | u-boot boots | 09:32 |
GNUtoo|laptop | if I flash it | 09:33 |
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GNUtoo|laptop | like a kernel image | 09:33 |
GNUtoo|laptop | u-boot = http://al.robotfuzz.com/~al/maemo/u-boot/u-boot.bin | 09:33 |
GNUtoo|laptop | but if I flash my own u-boot it doesn't work | 09:33 |
GNUtoo|laptop | s/#http://al.robotfuzz.com/~al/maemo/u-boot/u-boot.bin#http://al.robotfuzz.com/~al/maemo/u-boot/# | 09:33 |
GNUtoo|laptop | also if I flash my own kernel it stays on the nokia screen | 09:34 |
GNUtoo|laptop | doesn't work means it freeze when booting the kernel | 09:34 |
GNUtoo|laptop | just before loading the uImage | 09:34 |
GNUtoo|laptop | but I can run u-boot commands | 09:35 |
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Chibi-Taiga | http://www.symbian-freak.com/news/010/09/arm_unveils_cortex_a15_mpcore_processor.html | 09:55 |
Chibi-Taiga | holy shit | 09:55 |
Chibi-Taiga | 2.5ghz mobile cu | 09:55 |
Chibi-Taiga | cpu | 09:55 |
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johnx | well, the *design* for a 2.5GHz CPU | 09:58 |
johnx | Even now we're only just starting to see Cortex A9s appearing in actual products | 09:58 |
Chibi-Taiga | well most smartphones have them | 09:59 |
johnx | Cortex A9s? | 09:59 |
Chibi-Taiga | specialy nokias | 09:59 |
johnx | which ones? | 09:59 |
johnx | For some reason I thought nokia was still using the A8 / OMAP3430 in their high end stuff | 09:59 |
Chibi-Taiga | humm n900 use amr a8 | 09:59 |
GNUtoo|laptop | hi, | 10:00 |
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GNUtoo|laptop | I've flashed u-boot as kernel image | 10:01 |
Chibi-Taiga | humm samsungs use amr a8 to of 1ghz | 10:01 |
GNUtoo|laptop | and /dev/ttyACM0 doesn't appear when I set usb console | 10:01 |
Chibi-Taiga | well there are amr of 1.5ghz phones | 10:02 |
johnx | Chibi-Taiga: but do any of them use an *A9*? | 10:02 |
Chibi-Taiga | no | 10:02 |
Chibi-Taiga | not that i see in spec | 10:02 |
Chibi-Taiga | but 2.ghz they should directly go of to quad core 3.2ghz =^.^;= | 10:03 |
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johnx | right, and the Cortex A9 was announced before the N900 was actually released, AFAICT | 10:03 |
Chibi-Taiga | they could say mini laptop phones | 10:04 |
mece | vanjoki resigns | 10:04 |
Chibi-Taiga | yeah | 10:04 |
Chibi-Taiga | i thought it was a9 | 10:04 |
Chibi-Taiga | my bad | 10:04 |
Stskeeps | mece: yeah.. talk of the morning | 10:04 |
mece | hm | 10:04 |
johnx | so we're looking at a lag of 1 - 1.5 years between the announcement of an ARM CPU design and actual shipping products | 10:04 |
Chibi-Taiga | but yeah n900 is already old | 10:04 |
mece | Stskeeps, I hope jaaksi still sticks around | 10:04 |
johnx | GNUtoo|laptop: sorry. no idea :/ | 10:04 |
Stskeeps | mece: i guess everything's up for bets - but the question is if symbian guys stay on | 10:04 |
Stskeeps | :P | 10:05 |
GNUtoo|laptop | also I've wrong image format for bootm | 10:05 |
GNUtoo|laptop | ok | 10:05 |
mece | I guess there's a pretty good, albeit difficult job up for grabs then :) | 10:05 |
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GNUtoo|laptop | ah maybe I got it for bootm | 10:06 |
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Chibi-Taiga | they should make phones with detachable cpu >_> | 10:11 |
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johnx | Chibi-Taiga: fine, but they'd be as big as a laptop and cost more than $1,000 | 10:16 |
Chibi-Taiga | i said mini pc | 10:16 |
Chibi-Taiga | laptop w/e | 10:16 |
Chibi-Taiga | look at it why need 2.5ghz dualcore phones | 10:16 |
johnx | huh? | 10:17 |
Chibi-Taiga | they dont make it just for fun or photograpic | 10:17 |
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Chibi-Taiga | i doubt calling or web surfing needs 2.5ghz | 10:17 |
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Chibi-Taiga | they just should stop making cpus and say guys here is a viop with a netbook/laptop | 10:18 |
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Chibi-Taiga | what happend to the 12mp cameras btw , all i see new models use 5mp at max | 10:20 |
johnx | more megapixels is not necessarily better | 10:20 |
Chibi-Taiga | the only one i know is sonyericsson | 10:20 |
Chibi-Taiga | i know | 10:20 |
Chibi-Taiga | but still what happend to them | 10:20 |
nidO | n8 has one | 10:21 |
Chibi-Taiga | n8 doesnt look that great for me though | 10:21 |
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Chibi-Taiga | i rather go samsung for my next phone | 10:21 |
johnx | probably companies realized that they generally weren't a good value proposition, and that people didn't by phones based on the number of megapixels the camera had | 10:21 |
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Chibi-Taiga | no most ppl buy it for things like "pingen" on blackberries w/e they are called | 10:22 |
Chibi-Taiga | or they go for iphones | 10:22 |
Chibi-Taiga | witch totaly sux though | 10:22 |
Chibi-Taiga | i dont get it why iphone | 10:23 |
Chibi-Taiga | ppl are totaly in love with it | 10:23 |
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Chibi-Taiga | but they pay for crapphone instead | 10:23 |
Chibi-Taiga | witch they dont know | 10:23 |
johnx | marketing may have something to do with it :) | 10:24 |
GNUtoo|laptop | hmmm | 10:25 |
GNUtoo|laptop | mmc init blocks | 10:25 |
GNUtoo|laptop | mmc init 0 say no card found | 10:25 |
Chibi-Taiga | my cousin to he wanted so bad an iphone and now he see the troubles the phone givves | 10:25 |
GNUtoo|laptop | I'll check | 10:25 |
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GNUtoo|laptop | Chibi-Taiga, indeed maemo is far better than iphone but I only tried an old ipod touch | 10:26 |
GNUtoo|laptop | the only issue is that it needs a stylus | 10:26 |
Chibi-Taiga | well, the iphones sux, the onlything thats great is the ipc display | 10:27 |
Chibi-Taiga | the rest totaly sux | 10:27 |
Chibi-Taiga | ips* | 10:27 |
Chibi-Taiga | but ppl are just stupid to buy apple stuff realy | 10:28 |
Chibi-Taiga | onepice junk | 10:28 |
Chibi-Taiga | way over priced for the hw you get | 10:28 |
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Chibi-Taiga | also apply and it lame audio formats like alac, its as bad as mp3 | 10:31 |
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Chibi-Taiga | so will nokai continue in maeo phones? | 10:38 |
Chibi-Taiga | maemo | 10:39 |
Chibi-Taiga | nokia | 10:39 |
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johnx | they're working on a successor to maemo: meego | 10:39 |
Chibi-Taiga | i see | 10:39 |
Chibi-Taiga | so maemo wasnt populair enough | 10:40 |
johnx | they only changed the name, because they're in a partnership with intel to develop meego and they didn't want to confuse people by keeping the same name | 10:40 |
Chibi-Taiga | intell eh | 10:40 |
Chibi-Taiga | sounds cool | 10:41 |
Chibi-Taiga | intel b is a big comapny that pwnes amd | 10:41 |
Chibi-Taiga | intel* | 10:41 |
b0tz | meego is going to be awesome | 10:41 |
Chibi-Taiga | ofcource it will if intell is behind it | 10:41 |
Chibi-Taiga | intel | 10:41 |
Chibi-Taiga | but i wonder if they will be affortable | 10:42 |
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Chibi-Taiga | as far as i know intel (cpu) they always start overpriced | 10:43 |
Chibi-Taiga | like 1000 euro for an i7 920 | 10:43 |
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nidO | if they were that much, it was just the shop ripping you off | 10:44 |
johnx | uhm, intel and nokia are working together on the software. the next several (at least) nokia phones will definitely be using ARM CPUs | 10:44 |
Chibi-Taiga | no | 10:44 |
nidO | yes | 10:44 |
Chibi-Taiga | most whops | 10:44 |
Chibi-Taiga | shops | 10:44 |
nidO | I got my 920 like 3 weeks after they were released, cost me like £250 | 10:45 |
Chibi-Taiga | they start off 999 dollar or euro | 10:45 |
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Chibi-Taiga | well remind you , europe aint cheap specialy if you live in the netherlands | 10:45 |
Chibi-Taiga | ofjust like n900 | 10:45 |
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Chibi-Taiga | 549 dollar bcame 549 euro | 10:45 |
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Chibi-Taiga | thats twice as mutch | 10:46 |
nidO | yeah, and 920's were like 400 dollars | 10:46 |
toggles_1 | 1.3 * | 10:46 |
nidO | 400 dollars doesnt become 1000 euros unless the shop's ripping you off hand over fist | 10:46 |
Chibi-Taiga | http://www.alternate.nl/html/categoryListing.html?cat1=3&cat2=426&cat3=0&bfbox=0&&tn=HARDWARE&l1=Processoren&l2=Desktop&l3=Socket+1366& | 10:47 |
Chibi-Taiga | rite now they dont even sell 920 anymore | 10:47 |
Chibi-Taiga | but all new stuff starts off 1k | 10:47 |
Chibi-Taiga | euro | 10:47 |
Chibi-Taiga | and this is the cheapest shop in my country | 10:47 |
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crashanddie | 'morning #maemo | 11:02 |
johnx | hey crashanddie | 11:03 |
crashanddie | My Gmail account was hacked last night | 11:03 |
crashanddie | Guess they brute-forced the password or something | 11:03 |
joga | guess your password wasn't very good then | 11:03 |
crashanddie | Relatively, just old | 11:03 |
nidO | gmail has no brute-force protection? | 11:03 |
johnx | crashanddie: it should have a list of where it's been signed onto recently | 11:04 |
crashanddie | johnx: yeah, that was only updated this morning | 11:04 |
crashanddie | johnx: last night, around 7PM I noticed like 200 bounces in my inbox, looked in the outbox, and saw some 1200 outgoing phishing attempts | 11:04 |
johnx | my wife's was hacked and it looked like they got in through the mobile interface or something like that | 11:04 |
crashanddie | checked the connections immediately, nothing showed up | 11:04 |
jacekowski | that may be just joe-job | 11:05 |
johnx | nidO: they do on the main web interface, but it might not be up-to-snuff on one of the other interfaces or something like that | 11:05 |
crashanddie | signed out all sessions, changed password, signed out all sessions again, deleted all the emails as spam, then GMail locked me out of the account, until I provided them with a french phone number where they sent a text to | 11:05 |
crashanddie | this morning, I had plenty of alerts telling me about "suspicious activity", I checked the connection log, and they were from last night (prior to my noticing it) | 11:06 |
johnx | crashanddie: didn't use the same password somewhere else or something like that? | 11:06 |
crashanddie | nope | 11:06 |
jacekowski | what was the password? | 11:07 |
crashanddie | random character string with specific letters upper case, followed by 6 digits | 11:07 |
crashanddie | something like: fOoBAR8391846 | 11:08 |
joga | unlikely it was brute forced | 11:08 |
jacekowski | very unlikely that this could be bruteforced | 11:08 |
crashanddie | I dunno then | 11:08 |
jacekowski | not with rate limiting that gmail applies | 11:08 |
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jacekowski | what os are you using? | 11:08 |
crashanddie | OSX | 11:08 |
joga | maybe you logged in somewhere and saved the creds? | 11:09 |
johnx | jacekowski: but do they apply it equally to all their interfaces? | 11:09 |
joga | or the browser was configured to save them or something equally dumb | 11:09 |
crashanddie | no, I never store the credentials | 11:09 |
crashanddie | but I did give them once to LinkedIn | 11:09 |
joga | not you, but if you used some other computer | 11:09 |
jacekowski | johnx: yes | 11:09 |
crashanddie | joga: I ususally go to private mode when using someone else's computer | 11:09 |
crashanddie | but yeah, I guess it could've happened | 11:10 |
crashanddie | it's surprising though, I haven't used somebody else's computer in weeks | 11:10 |
GNUtoo|laptop | hi, how do I restore the default kernel, I'll try to flash it | 11:10 |
crashanddie | The only thing I can think of was the public computer in Bangkok | 11:10 |
crashanddie | but that was months ago (January) | 11:10 |
jacekowski | well, they are patient | 11:10 |
crashanddie | I guess | 11:11 |
jacekowski | these passwords go to their big database | 11:11 |
jacekowski | and may be never used | 11:11 |
crashanddie | relatively harmless though, just 1200 emails sent, and a couple hundred bounces | 11:11 |
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joga | maybe it took a while for them to program a spambot to utilize them :) | 11:11 |
crashanddie | 1200 is what, the hourly rate of a regular windows box in a granny's living room? | 11:11 |
Chibi-Taiga | thats wierd my n900 dont see my wifi anymore | 11:12 |
johnx | my wife's account got hacked during a wave of gmail hacks in ~april (same timeframe as this: http://slashdot.org/story/10/04/20/2235257/Escalating-GmailSpamming-Attacks ) | 11:12 |
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crashanddie | I've had that account and password since what, the second week GMail launched? | 11:12 |
crashanddie | I guess it was bound to happen at some point... Ironic for a security expert to never change his passwords, eh? | 11:12 |
jacekowski | yeah, many opportunities to keylog it | 11:12 |
johnx | it's also possible that they were sitting on the credentials until they'd collected enough, then used them all in one shot | 11:13 |
crashanddie | johnx: well they should stop using python/java for their bloody spambots, 1200 in a whole afternoon is seriously slow | 11:13 |
Jaffa | Morning, all | 11:13 |
jacekowski | crashanddie: not on gmail | 11:13 |
jacekowski | crashanddie: ratelimit and stuff | 11:13 |
crashanddie | hmm | 11:13 |
johnx | crashanddie: they might be trying to stay below some magic number that google is looking for *shrugs* | 11:13 |
crashanddie | Jaffa: morning Jaffa, how's it going, sir? | 11:14 |
jacekowski | if you go over certain number of e-mails they will ask you to solve captcha | 11:14 |
crashanddie | well, how about they ask you to solve a captcha the third time you try to send an email that's 99% different then the previous | 11:14 |
crashanddie | s/then/than/ | 11:14 |
infobot | crashanddie meant: well, how about they ask you to solve a captcha the third time you try to send an email that's 99% different than the previous | 11:14 |
crashanddie | err, 99% the same | 11:14 |
crashanddie | <early morning, all that> | 11:15 |
crashanddie | they do email scanning and whatnot, why not put it to good use? | 11:15 |
Jaffa | crashanddie: Similar to ever. Got an existing client's big bosses coming in for a two day architectural assessment for a wider rollout | 11:15 |
nidO | if they did that, spam senders would just go back to sending a single message and bccing it to 20,000 people | 11:15 |
crashanddie | nidO: then ask a captcha if you're BCC'ing over 10 people who aren't in your address book. | 11:16 |
* johnx wanted to check prices at a local store before ordering from newegg, but was thwarted by the fact that the local computer store's web server is down :| | 11:16 | |
crashanddie | Jaffa: sounds fun | 11:16 |
nidO | at which point the spam senders would alter their scripts to add all the addresses to your address book first | 11:16 |
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jacekowski | crashanddie: check your computer for rootkits and stuff | 11:16 |
nidO | which google would counter and the spam senders would counter-counter ad infinitum until theres captchas just to click a link | 11:16 |
crashanddie | Jaffa: I'm writing doc for a script I wrote last week. I sent out a draft for review last friday, just had a couple of people come in the office "Wow, where did you learn to write such good documents?" "Erhm, it was just the template, there's barely any content" | 11:17 |
crashanddie | Apparently this company has never seen a document with a table of contents being produced by a techie | 11:17 |
crashanddie | Jaffa: enjoy the walking-on-eggs with the big cheese though. | 11:18 |
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Lucchini | wierd my n900 dont spot my wifi router | 11:25 |
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Lucchini | although it spot my 2nd wifi router | 11:25 |
merlin1991 | GNUtoo|laptop, | 11:26 |
merlin1991 | ~flashing | 11:26 |
infobot | rumour has it, flashing is http://wiki.maemo.org/Updating_the_tablet_firmware | 11:26 |
GNUtoo|laptop | thanks | 11:26 |
johnx | Lucchini: did it used to? | 11:26 |
Lucchini | but my main one have worked on my n900 | 11:26 |
Lucchini | my other phone spot it and so does my netbook | 11:27 |
johnx | obvious question: did you change anything on the router? | 11:27 |
Lucchini | nope nothing | 11:27 |
crashanddie | merlin1991: "~tell <nickname> about <subject>" | 11:27 |
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merlin1991 | thx crashanddie, didn't know that | 11:28 |
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Lucchini | changing channel dont work also | 11:31 |
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Lucchini | so does that mean the wifi is blocked on my 9pp | 11:33 |
Lucchini | 900 | 11:33 |
crashanddie | Lucchini: had you not lived in Holland, I'd have asked if your first name were "Fabrice" | 11:35 |
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Jaffa | crashanddie: heh | 11:35 |
Lucchini | im friom nl yes but no im chibi-taiga | 11:36 |
crashanddie | and by the looks of your spelling, you have just lit up. | 11:36 |
Lucchini | lol | 11:36 |
Lucchini | no n900 kb is to small | 11:37 |
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Lucchini | y u ask | 11:38 |
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Lucchini | anyways anyone know why it dont spot my b/g/n router? | 11:41 |
soltys | Lucchini: ssid is hidden ? | 11:42 |
soltys | Lucchini: try adding it by hand ;) | 11:42 |
Lucchini | nope like i said my other deviceds see it | 11:42 |
jacekowski | no support for n in n900 | 11:42 |
Lucchini | i added it manual but i cant swelect it to connect | 11:42 |
Lucchini | select* | 11:43 |
Lucchini | i know its automatic 300mbit b g n | 11:44 |
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jacekowski | change it to b/g only | 11:44 |
Lucchini | its a tp link | 11:44 |
Lucchini | the other one is alinksys wrt54g | 11:45 |
Lucchini | ill try later imn not home atm | 11:46 |
Lucchini | but strange for n900 to not spot it | 11:46 |
Lucchini | even the n95 spot it | 11:47 |
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ArkAnGiCIA | HellOlAloHallOhayo.. I HI.. | 11:52 |
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johnx | hey | 11:52 |
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crashanddie | ArkAnGiCIA: may I suggest a more humble form of speech? | 12:06 |
johnx | crashanddie: are you against cultural diversity? | 12:06 |
crashanddie | yes | 12:06 |
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jacekowski | and you banned me for racism | 12:06 |
crashanddie | yes | 12:07 |
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crashanddie | jacekowski: those two points are not in contradiction ;) | 12:07 |
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johnx | obviously, crashanddie has taken the hypocritic oath: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2007/01/10/ | 12:09 |
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crashanddie | I don't think I'm being hypocrite by asking someone to not type WiTh CapITaLs AlL OvEr | 12:10 |
johnx | yeah you are. you just did *exactly* the same thing :P | 12:11 |
crashanddie | it was for academic purpose | 12:11 |
crashanddie | which shields me from any blame | 12:11 |
johnx | well, that and the hypocritic oath | 12:11 |
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* crashanddie cries | 12:12 | |
johnx | my work here is done :D | 12:13 |
Khertan | Hello everyone ! | 12:13 |
johnx | mornin' Khertan | 12:13 |
* crashanddie steals johnx's n800's keyboard | 12:13 | |
crashanddie | 'Jour Khertan | 12:13 |
Khertan | mornin johnx | 12:14 |
johnx | crashanddie: that's actually somewhat plausible. I don't actually know where it is right now >_< | 12:14 |
Khertan | et bonjour a toi crashanddie | 12:14 |
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* Khertan is loosing time trying to understand why his pyqt app segfault when it s exit | 12:16 | |
crashanddie | wow, I think I just achieved first post on slashdot | 12:17 |
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crashanddie | well, it sure looks that way | 12:21 |
* crashanddie high-fives self | 12:21 | |
ArkAnGiCIA | sorry for french : LES FRANCAIS SE CROIENT SEULS AU MONDE PEUT ETRE ? mais ils sont mabouls dans leurs tetes ils cherchent quoi encore comme merde ces batards ? | 12:22 |
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crashanddie | ArkAnGiCIA: as much as I love to criticise the French, there's no need for such off-topic insults, especially when one of the operators of the channel lives in France. | 12:23 |
crashanddie | PM me once you're ready to have a decent conversation. | 12:24 |
Jartza | Wow. It sure looks like the Nokia's Ovi service is finally kicking into action. | 12:24 |
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Jartza | First beta-tester of the new service was Kallasvuo, secord was Vanjoki. | 12:25 |
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Jartza | (Ovi == Door, in Finnish. HTH.) | 12:25 |
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crashanddie | X-Fade: was he spamming in other channels as well? | 12:26 |
X-Fade | crashanddie: Yes. | 12:26 |
crashanddie | k | 12:26 |
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X-Fade | #meego too. | 12:26 |
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GNUtoo|laptop | how can I charge the battery if I can't power on the device? | 12:27 |
crashanddie | GNUtoo|laptop: just plug it in | 12:27 |
crashanddie | GNUtoo|laptop: it will do an "emergency" charge for 32 minutes or so | 12:27 |
GNUtoo|laptop | ok | 12:27 |
GNUtoo|laptop | usb or power plug? | 12:27 |
crashanddie | GNUtoo|laptop: (always on yellow led) | 12:27 |
crashanddie | power plug | 12:27 |
GNUtoo|laptop | ahh ok I was on usb | 12:27 |
crashanddie | well, USB should do too, but power plug has more oomph | 12:28 |
crashanddie | without having to account for computer providing enough juice etc | 12:28 |
crashanddie | GNUtoo|laptop: basically, every half hour, unplug and replug | 12:28 |
GNUtoo|laptop | ok thanks a lot | 12:28 |
crashanddie | GNUtoo|laptop: keep going until the yellow charging light starts blinking | 12:28 |
crashanddie | once it's blinking, it means there's enough battery to boot the n900 (keep it charging though) | 12:28 |
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Khertan | Someone have an idea on how i can debug a pyqt program that cause a segfault ? (pdb segfault too) | 12:37 |
crashanddie | Khertan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-qt4/+bug/561303 | 12:38 |
crashanddie | "PyQt4 applications crash at exit" | 12:38 |
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Noma | how do i open a connection in xterm? i'd like to make a script that opens ssh connection but it doesn't automatically open internet connection | 12:41 |
Khertan | crashanddie, thx | 12:42 |
Khertan | Noma, the easier way : use dbus | 12:42 |
bef0rd | hey, I dd'ed over my eMMC (by mistake :P), can I only flash the eMMC image or I need to flash the whole thing? | 12:43 |
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X-Fade | bef0rd: firmware too. | 12:45 |
bef0rd | :( thanks | 12:46 |
X-Fade | Firmware moves things to opt on emmc on first boot. | 12:47 |
johnx | which also means that you lost any app that had optified any of its data ... | 12:48 |
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bef0rd | I see, btw, I'm not sure should I get the USA release or the Global Release? I am not in USA but my device is from USA I believe | 13:00 |
crashanddie | snark snark snark... first post AND insightful :D http://it.slashdot.org/story/10/09/13/0446226 | 13:00 |
X-Fade | bef0rd: Global should be fine. | 13:02 |
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SpeedEvil | crashanddie: Slashdot editors need a clue. | 13:04 |
crashanddie | SpeedEvil: editors or moderators? | 13:04 |
SpeedEvil | mods probably | 13:04 |
SpeedEvil | http://science.slashdot.org/story/10/09/12/2213217/Is-DIY-Algae-Farming-the-Future - for example. | 13:04 |
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tybollt | hmm | 13:05 |
bef0rd | thanks again X-Fade | 13:05 |
SpeedEvil | Reading the linked source carefully, the originator actually eats 'quite a lot' of algae - 15g. | 13:05 |
tybollt | vibrate not working | 13:05 |
SpeedEvil | a day | 13:05 |
tybollt | 's at a common problem? | 13:05 |
tybollt | Trying to bisect if I've installed some app that fucks it up or if indeed the HW is broken. | 13:05 |
crashanddie | SpeedEvil: editors then. Moderators are the readers who also moderate the comment system. Editors are those who write the stories and summaries. | 13:05 |
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tybollt | MohammadAG51 supposedly had a similar problem | 13:06 |
tybollt | but, lunch & | 13:06 |
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crashanddie | does this page look fucked up to anyone else? http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSLDE68C09V20100913 | 13:15 |
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merlin1991 | crashanddie, http://i53.tinypic.com/2ds2rsi.png looks fux0red too | 13:18 |
crashanddie | k | 13:18 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | tybollt: MohammadAG51 had debris inside device, blocking the vib excenter | 13:34 |
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Khertan | i got a strange scrolling bug where the viewport doesn't seems to come back to it s original position : http://media.share.ovi.com/m1/s/2431/2228c0f14fda48059d61bf4f85b4e687.jpg : it s with a qt qlistview | 13:34 |
Khertan | someone have an idée | 13:35 |
Khertan | idea ? | 13:35 |
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ShadSEC | How is that wlancond/icd2 dbus talk isnt showing in dbus-monitor and how could I see it? | 13:38 |
ShadSEC | besides strings... | 13:38 |
ShadSEC | i mean strace | 13:38 |
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ShadSEC | I can see the requests using strace, but I haven't been able convert that format for use with dbus-send... and also I wonder why it is not showing in dbus-monitor | 13:41 |
DocScrutinizer51 | ShadSEC: you're aware there two busses? session "d system | 13:46 |
ShadSEC | yep, i tried them both | 13:48 |
ShadSEC | there are more? | 13:48 |
DocScrutinizer51 | no | 13:48 |
ShadSEC | its yesterday when i started playing with dbus, so please forgive my ignorance | 13:48 |
ShadSEC | well, then how do you explain the requests show in strace but not in dbus-monitor? | 13:49 |
ShadSEC | one interesting thing is that the request seem to be destined to itself | 13:49 |
ShadSEC | but i am unsure if that matters | 13:50 |
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ShadSEC | I am assuming that using dbus-monitor --system and dbus-monitor --session should be enough | 13:51 |
DocScrutinizer51 | yep | 13:51 |
ShadSEC | well, they never show up there | 13:51 |
ShadSEC | I am also assuming that if it has the format dbus uses (com.nokia.wlancond et etc) it must be a dbus request.. | 13:52 |
DocScrutinizer51 | well, session is something user- or xsession-specific. take care | 13:53 |
ShadSEC | yes, I have seen --session stuff is probably useless for this, anyway i tried them both | 13:53 |
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ShadSEC | (many times I must add, I am desperate now) | 13:54 |
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ShadSEC | read(4, "l\1\0\1@\0\0\0M\6\0\0\266\0\0\0\1\1o\0\33\0\0\0/com/nokia/wlancond/request\0\0\0\0\0\6\1s\0\22\0\0\0com.nokia.wlancond\0\0\0\0\0\0\2\1s\0\32\0\0\0com.nokia.wlancond.request\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\1s\0\24\0\0\0settings_and_connect\0\0\0\ ...etc... it does look like a dbus request isn't it? | 13:59 |
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DocScrutinizer | somewhat it does, yes | 14:01 |
Jartza | yes it dooes | 14:01 |
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ShadSEC | so it should show up in dbus monitor, shouldnt it? mmmm | 14:02 |
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DocScrutinizer | usually | 14:02 |
ShadSEC | ahh, usually? what do you mean now? what are the exceptions? | 14:02 |
DocScrutinizer | except if dbus lib might do some foo | 14:02 |
ShadSEC | a filter? | 14:03 |
DocScrutinizer | soory, no idea | 14:03 |
DocScrutinizer | talking out of my ass | 14:03 |
DocScrutinizer | complete dbus noob | 14:03 |
ShadSEC | but it makes some sense, at first I also thought about some way to hide internal stuff like this but... uh, i donno | 14:03 |
DocScrutinizer | I know there's also some policy stuff, somewhere in /etc/dbus, but it shouldn't matter aiui | 14:04 |
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frals | theres a setting as DocScrutinizer says that controls how much snooping is allowed via dbus-monitor or something similar iirc | 14:05 |
Duckboot | Now when facebrick dev is going tits up - Is there any other facebook clients around? | 14:05 |
ShadSEC | that would be a very interesting setting :) | 14:05 |
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ShadSEC | . | 14:06 |
ShadSEC | this one?: /etc/dbus-1/session.conf | 14:07 |
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ShadSEC | <allow send_destination="*" eavesdrop="true"/> | 14:08 |
DocScrutinizer51 | somewhere in wiki/debugging there's been a rather funny strace-all command example. I'm quite sure if will bring system to a grinding halt and make your cat explode. But maybe... | 14:08 |
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ShadSEC | theres no system.conf maybe i should just cp session.conf system.conf | 14:09 |
ShadSEC | Doc, I will look for it | 14:10 |
DocScrutinizer51 | I'm absolutely not sure where and what system is (as what's session for this behalf) | 14:10 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | maybe system is root's session? | 14:11 |
DocScrutinizer51 | strace dbus-daemon? | 14:12 |
* DocScrutinizer51 hates dbus, sometimes | 14:12 | |
ShadSEC | it seems to me that session are gui related stuff, and system are systemwide related stuff.. at least that what its showing | 14:12 |
DocScrutinizer51 | yep, ack so far | 14:13 |
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ShadSEC | dbus-monitor isnt accessing any conf file... so it may be a different process with use that eavesdrop policy, maybe the main daemon | 14:15 |
ShadSEC | mmmm, yeah, I will see this time if dbus-monitor is reading the request but not showing | 14:16 |
DocScrutinizer51 | dbus-monitor is connecting to daemon. daemon is in control of everything | 14:16 |
ShadSEC | mmm, strace daemon :) | 14:16 |
DocScrutinizer51 | strace dbus-daemon? | 14:16 |
ShadSEC | yes? I havent tried that yet | 14:17 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | (this was a repost) | 14:18 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | is there ltrace? | 14:21 |
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jacekowski | yes | 14:21 |
DocScrutinizer51 | let's check | 14:21 |
DocScrutinizer51 | :-) | 14:21 |
jacekowski | but i think not in repo | 14:21 |
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jacekowski | but that tool exists | 14:21 |
DocScrutinizer51 | jacekowski: where else? | 14:22 |
jacekowski | if that's what you are asking | 14:22 |
DocScrutinizer51 | jacekowski: of course I implied "for maemo" :) | 14:22 |
DocScrutinizer51 | I know there exist a tool called ltrace | 14:23 |
DocScrutinizer51 | in this universe, for linux even | 14:23 |
ShadSEC | stracing dbus-daemon was a great idea, now i am starting to understand how it works | 14:23 |
DocScrutinizer51 | great | 14:23 |
SpeedEvil | ltrace is in repos | 14:23 |
SpeedEvil | Get:1 http://repository.maemo.org fremantle/tools/free ltrace 0.5+svn20070904-0.1maemo1 [80.2kB] | 14:24 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | tools, k | 14:24 |
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tybollt | DocScrutinizer51: department of freaky problems... debris inside the phone? :S | 14:27 |
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tybollt | DocScrutinizer51: anyway, so the vibrator not working is far and few between? | 14:27 |
DocScrutinizer51 | err please rephrase | 14:28 |
tybollt | My problem is I really can't pinpoint when it stopped working... | 14:28 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | for moh it was random iirc. he fixed it by running vib for a night :-D | 14:30 |
ShadSEC | continously? | 14:30 |
SpeedEvil | Vibrator has several issues. | 14:30 |
DocScrutinizer51 | afaik yep | 14:30 |
SpeedEvil | It's mechanical, and may fail. | 14:30 |
SpeedEvil | And it is connected to the PCB with springs, which may fail. | 14:30 |
kerio | had it stuck a lot while i was on vacation | 14:30 |
kerio | but, you know, sand | 14:30 |
ShadSEC | good to know the vibrator can stand that | 14:30 |
DocScrutinizer51 | SpeedEvil: sure?? | 14:31 |
SpeedEvil | ? | 14:31 |
SpeedEvil | Fairly sure | 14:31 |
rmrfchik | does vibrator has the second, mmmm, frivolous meaning? | 14:31 |
DocScrutinizer51 | thought it's SMT | 14:31 |
SpeedEvil | Or maybe I'm confused. | 14:31 |
rmrfchik | as in russian | 14:31 |
SpeedEvil | rmrfchik: yes | 14:31 |
rmrfchik | hehe | 14:31 |
rmrfchik | we're saying "vibra" to not to be cofused | 14:31 |
DocScrutinizer51 | vib | 14:32 |
rmrfchik | vib has no root "vibra" and hardly to understand [in russian] | 14:32 |
kerio | the v | 14:33 |
rmrfchik | the \ | 14:33 |
rmrfchik | or the / | 14:33 |
rmrfchik | depends on OS running device | 14:33 |
kerio | the root? :o | 14:33 |
rmrfchik | root of the word. | 14:33 |
kerio | the motor | 14:34 |
rmrfchik | the trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ;) | 14:34 |
DocScrutinizer51 | anyway tale is moh grinded some plastic debris to dust :-D | 14:34 |
rmrfchik | my trrrrrrrrrrrr stop working! | 14:34 |
kerio | so it's not a trrrrrrrrrrrrrrr | 14:34 |
kerio | it's a | 14:34 |
DocScrutinizer51 | my sounds like now | 14:35 |
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ShadSEC | well, definitely dbus-daemon isnt seeing the requests either | 14:36 |
rmrfchik | hmm, while my sound differently | 14:36 |
ShadSEC | just the same as dbus-monitor is showing | 14:36 |
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DocScrutinizer | ShadSEC: :nod: | 14:37 |
kerio | rmrfchik: high-pitched noise, especially at low speeds? | 14:37 |
ShadSEC | so if it is not going thrugh the dbus-daemon... where is that dbus talk taking place? | 14:37 |
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DocScrutinizer | ShadSEC: maybe it's not dbus ? | 14:38 |
rmrfchik | kerio: lol, you don't get it... or me ;) | 14:38 |
ShadSEC | its dbus format, but maybe not dbus medium | 14:38 |
DocScrutinizer | might be socks | 14:38 |
raster | BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH | 14:38 |
ShadSEC | mmmmm | 14:38 |
DocScrutinizer | check which is filehandle 4 (iirc your paste from above) | 14:38 |
raster | DocScrutinizer: doc! | 14:38 |
kerio | when my vibra got stuck, i got a high-pitched noise instead of a vibration | 14:38 |
DocScrutinizer | raster: ~moo | 14:38 |
kerio | ~µ | 14:38 |
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DocScrutinizer | ~moo | 14:39 |
* infobot mooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass | 14:39 | |
kerio | DocScrutinizer: add µ as a substitute | 14:39 |
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DocScrutinizer | isn't that "miu" | 14:39 |
DocScrutinizer | ? | 14:39 |
DocScrutinizer | also I fail to know by heart where on altGr layer the miu is on my kbd | 14:40 |
DocScrutinizer | ¹²³¼½¬{[]}\@ł€¶ŧ←↓→øþ¨æßðđŋħjĸł˝«»¢“”nµ | 14:41 |
DocScrutinizer | HAH | 14:41 |
raster | µ | 14:41 |
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DocScrutinizer | I'm just blind, it's almost as large as the 'M' on keycap :-P | 14:41 |
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ShadSEC | . /tmp/bme-dbus-socket <- it looks like some programs has its own dbus | 14:42 |
raster | 無 | 14:42 |
raster | む | 14:42 |
DocScrutinizer | hahaha | 14:42 |
raster | u | 14:42 |
raster | µ | 14:42 |
ShadSEC | how can I sniff all sockets traffic? | 14:42 |
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DocScrutinizer | ShadSEC: check for open(4,...) in your strace, to see exactly what handle 4 actually is | 14:43 |
DocScrutinizer | also lsof might help | 14:44 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer: µ as the greek letter is pronounced like "me" | 14:44 |
kerio | µ as in the SI unit is pronounced like "moo" | 14:44 |
raster | 無 | 14:44 |
raster | is pronounced | 14:45 |
raster | "moo" | 14:45 |
xkr47 | :D | 14:45 |
jacekowski | micro | 14:45 |
raster | its also is nothing | 14:45 |
raster | which adds to the bonus | 14:45 |
xkr47 | looks like a tank in my font & font size :) | 14:45 |
DocScrutinizer | nothing as in "the big void"? | 14:45 |
raster | yup | 14:45 |
raster | as in | 14:45 |
raster | nothing | 14:45 |
kerio | http://www.☃.net/ | 14:45 |
raster | 無線 | 14:45 |
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raster | "nothing line" | 14:46 |
raster | which is actually the japanese for "wireless" | 14:46 |
raster | :)\ | 14:46 |
ShadSEC | DocScrutinizer, whats does the 4 means? | 14:46 |
kerio | (that's an actual address) | 14:46 |
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DocScrutinizer | ShadSEC: open("/foo/bar"...)=4; read(4...)="this is content of file foo/bar" | 14:52 |
DocScrutinizer | if I'm not asleep | 14:52 |
ShadSEC | ah yeah | 14:52 |
ShadSEC | its not on my previous partial straces, lets see if I can do a full strace of wlancond starting | 14:53 |
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DocScrutinizer | yep | 14:53 |
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DocScrutinizer | raster: these asian languages and scripts are puzzling the shit outa me. In taiwanese iirc there are different single words for "one <object>" "2 <object>" "3..." etc up to dunno 99 | 14:59 |
tybollt | DocScrutinizer: how do you run "vib" then? | 14:59 |
DocScrutinizer | me?? | 14:59 |
tybollt | feh | 14:59 |
tybollt | I mean is there an app for it | 14:59 |
DocScrutinizer | tybollt: what do you want to do? | 15:00 |
tybollt | or do you mean the echo 255 > /... thing? | 15:00 |
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DocScrutinizer | yep, sure | 15:00 |
tybollt | DocScrutinizer: fix me vibrator so I can get calls in meetings ;) | 15:00 |
DocScrutinizer | echo 150 > sys/blah/vib/brightness | 15:00 |
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DocScrutinizer | tybollt: you probably should prepend a sleep 1; as otherwise mce is muting vib instantly, due to keykick | 15:01 |
DocScrutinizer | or sth | 15:01 |
raster | DocScrutinizer: same as | 15:01 |
raster | 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th | 15:01 |
DocScrutinizer | 1pen, 2pen, 3pen, 4pen | 15:02 |
raster | 5th, 65ht, 7th are "regular": until 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th etc. | 15:02 |
raster | in asian langs tho its just a variation | 15:02 |
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raster | instead of per number, it's per type | 15:02 |
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tybollt | DocScrutinizer: I'd really just have the local repair shop deal w/ it. My concern is some silly app killed the vibrator. So... the echo ... > ... would still work even though an app killed it for maemo? | 15:04 |
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ShadSEC | DocScrutinizer, I think it doesnt make sense: wlancondstart:open("/var/run/wlancond.pid", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) = 4 | 15:06 |
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SpeedEvil | tybollt: yes - echo is quite low level. | 15:06 |
SpeedEvil | tybollt: However, in principle, flashing is a good plan | 15:06 |
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ponyofdeath | hi, when i select usb mode my linux does only see my emc as sdb and not my mmc memory card does not seem to be exported anyone know why? | 15:08 |
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pupnik | ponyofdeath: i believe this is a linux problem with a certain kernel or distro | 15:11 |
ponyofdeath | pupnik: i have a custom compiled kernel | 15:11 |
ponyofdeath | pupnik: do i need something special in usbstorage to get it to work | 15:11 |
pupnik | i can't think of additional search terms | 15:12 |
pupnik | DocScrutinizer: might remember | 15:12 |
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DocScrutinizer | tybollt: yes | 15:14 |
ponyofdeath | DocScrutinizer: do u know what is needed from the usbstorage kernel settings to get both storage devices to show up in linux? | 15:15 |
DocScrutinizer | ShadSEC: there might be a different handle number this time. Check what's your 'dbus call' using | 15:15 |
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DocScrutinizer | ponyofdeath: I guess it's usually related to gentoo distro | 15:17 |
ponyofdeath | DocScrutinizer: yeah running gentoo | 15:17 |
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ponyofdeath | DocScrutinizer: u think its the udev rules of gentoo | 15:17 |
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DocScrutinizer | ponyofdeath: anyway you may want to check if N900 has unmounted the µSD VFAT, which indicates it is exposed | 15:17 |
DocScrutinizer | exported rather | 15:17 |
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DocScrutinizer | ponyofdeath: yes, that's what I actually think. But no experience with gentoo here | 15:18 |
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pupnik | gentoo users are great practitioners of open-source - they share their problems everywhere ;) | 15:20 |
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tybollt | pupnik: s/problems/rice/ ;) | 15:23 |
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pupnik | i have found a lot of solutions on gentoo lists though, so big-happy-family... | 15:26 |
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ShadSEC | DocScrutinizer, is may be this? : socket(PF_FILE, SOCK_DGRAM, 0) = 4 | 15:26 |
DocScrutinizer | yesyes | 15:27 |
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ShadSEC | its using udp? | 15:27 |
DocScrutinizer | toldya it might be socket | 15:27 |
ShadSEC | or what is that? | 15:27 |
ShadSEC | yep you were right :) | 15:27 |
DocScrutinizer | looks like UDP socket | 15:27 |
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ShadSEC | mmm, there was a tool to check who an udp socket belongs to | 15:28 |
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DocScrutinizer | netstat? lsof? | 15:28 |
ShadSEC | lsof or some of its companion tools | 15:28 |
Duckboot | wireshark | 15:29 |
DocScrutinizer | nah | 15:29 |
DocScrutinizer | wireshark is for NIC only | 15:29 |
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ShadSEC | there it is: | 15:31 |
ShadSEC | wlancond 27858 root 3u unix 0xcd8be8c0 135574 socket | 15:31 |
ShadSEC | wlancond 27858 root 4u unix 0xcd8be540 135581 socket | 15:31 |
ShadSEC | wlancond 27858 root 5u sock 0,4 135584 can't identify protocol | 15:31 |
ShadSEC | wlancond 27858 root 6u sock 0,4 135607 can't identify protocol | 15:31 |
ShadSEC | mmmm | 15:31 |
crashanddie | ShadSEC: please use a pastebin service | 15:31 |
ShadSEC | sorry | 15:31 |
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GAN900 | Anssi's resigning? | 15:36 |
GAN900 | Woo! | 15:36 |
tybollt | anssi? | 15:36 |
frals | GAN900: why is that a good thing? | 15:36 |
tybollt | care to URI us? | 15:36 |
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frals | tybollt: http://www.engadget.com/2010/09/13/nokias-anssi-vanjoki-resigns/ | 15:37 |
tybollt | frals: 'Woo!' does not imply 'good' | 15:37 |
tybollt | it implies sheer astonishment/surprise | 15:37 |
GAN900 | frade, because he's the guy that made me wait through 50 minutes of "Don't pirate music!" at 5 AM during the Nokia World keynote last year? | 15:38 |
* Khertan hate when people said ... USE QT4.7 it s fixed .... YEAH BUT 4.6 ONLY FOR N900 ! | 15:38 | |
Khertan | grrr | 15:38 |
GAN900 | I'd peg him as one of the people holding Maemo back. | 15:38 |
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frals | ok | 15:39 |
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tybollt | GAN900: Mind elaborating on 'holding back'? | 15:39 |
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X-Fade | Khertan: Well, there is 4.7-experimental in extras-devel. | 15:40 |
Khertan | X-Fade, yep but i can't depends on it | 15:40 |
tybollt | why? | 15:41 |
frade | GAN900, me? | 15:41 |
X-Fade | Khertan: No, not if you want to push it. | 15:41 |
Khertan | due to conflict | 15:41 |
tybollt | Khertan: 4.6 || 4.7? | 15:41 |
Khertan | 4.7 | 15:41 |
tybollt | no I mean, do you have to pick the one of them - or you'll get conflict... | 15:41 |
Khertan | you can't install both 4.6 and 4.7 | 15:41 |
tybollt | oui | 15:42 |
Khertan | yep and about all the qt apps on maemo depends on 4.6 | 15:42 |
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Khertan | so if i depends on python-qt4-experimentals ... i let the user choice between Khweeteur or all other qt apps :) | 15:42 |
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X-Fade | Khertan: No, that is not true. | 15:43 |
X-Fade | Khertan: You can have both on your system. | 15:43 |
Khertan | X-Fade, hu? | 15:43 |
tybollt | CAN HAZ! | 15:44 |
X-Fade | -experimental can be installed next to existing qt. | 15:44 |
DocScrutinizer | CHEEZBURGER! | 15:44 |
pupnik | damn you | 15:45 |
Khertan | X-Fade, thx ... i ll try but last i remember of conflict ... maybe this conflict come from pyqt | 15:47 |
frals | hmm, isnt 4.7 backwards compatible with 4.6 anyway? | 15:47 |
X-Fade | It should. | 15:47 |
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Khertan | frals it should but i know there is a counter example but didn't remember which :) | 15:48 |
lcuk | frals you would have thought so | 15:48 |
lcuk | unless 4.7 actually recreates all the classes with similar but different variations | 15:49 |
Khertan | hum ... and patching the current qt 4.6 could be a good idea no ? | 15:49 |
frals | lcuk: yeah.. unfortunately ive actually been wrong at some point before | 15:49 |
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Khertan | http://qt.gitorious.org/~tmikola/qt/tmikolas-x11-maemo/commit/d20d11daa158a3b1a364c6e047be28b1c1c22edf <- patch here | 15:49 |
lcuk | frals any of us can be wrong about anything | 15:49 |
X-Fade | All Qt apps I have from Extras run fine on my Qt4.7 snapshot. | 15:50 |
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ponyofdeath | DocScrutinizer: it was the CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN is not set in the kernel | 15:50 |
Khertan | X-Fade, and pushing an app depending on experimental package to extras isn't a problem ? | 15:50 |
DocScrutinizer | ponyofdeath: you should post hat to some appropriate wiki | 15:50 |
X-Fade | Khertan: You can't push it. | 15:50 |
X-Fade | Khertan: It is blocked. | 15:51 |
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DocScrutinizer | wiki.maemo.org or wiki.gentoo.foo or both | 15:51 |
E0x | morning | 15:51 |
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Khertan | X-Fade, oh god ... so i push before the bugged version to extras with a warning in the app saying install extras-devel repository and use it to install the debugged version of qt ? | 15:52 |
Khertan | :) | 15:52 |
X-Fade | Khertan: qt4-experimental is in extras-devel for developers to prepare their app for a Qt4.7 release. | 15:53 |
Khertan | X-Fade, so what ? we are block here ... promote a bugged version in extras ... or use the experimental version of qt | 15:53 |
Khertan | X-Fade, yep i know ... backport of some important bug will be welcome | 15:53 |
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X-Fade | Khertan: Well, you have to wait until Qt gets updated by the mothership. | 15:54 |
Khertan | yeah | 15:54 |
Khertan | wait the first meego device :) | 15:54 |
Khertan | i mean ... we even don't know if there will be qt 4.7 on fremantle | 15:55 |
Khertan | so i need a work arround for 4.6 | 15:55 |
X-Fade | Just overload the class which is broken and fix it? | 15:55 |
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Khertan | X-Fade, yeah ... but a lot of works ! | 15:57 |
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X-Fade | Not if you know which commit fixed your issue. | 15:57 |
Khertan | X-Fade, yeah but i must translate this in python :) | 15:58 |
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Khertan | and fix every things that depends on it | 15:59 |
Khertan | X-Fade, for information the fix is here :http://qt.gitorious.org/~tmikola/qt/tmikolas-x11-maemo/commit/d20d11daa158a3b1a364c6e047be28b1c1c22edf | 15:59 |
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GAN900 | frals, no, Anssi. | 15:59 |
Khertan | anyway i ll try to translate this in python. Using experimental isn't a solution. Thx | 15:59 |
GAN900 | tybollt, he's an old school Symbianite. | 15:59 |
frenchy | has anyone ever cold flashed their device? | 16:00 |
GAN900 | tybollt, part of the generation of dinosaurs who are holding back progress everywhere. | 16:00 |
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frenchy | anybody? i bricked my n810 | 16:06 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: EHLO | 16:06 |
javispedro | hia | 16:06 |
DocScrutinizer | frenchy: jacekowski and/or Stskeeps might know some details | 16:07 |
crashanddie | Khertan: so you've confirmed the bug on 4.6? | 16:07 |
Khertan | crashanddie, yep :) | 16:07 |
frenchy | DocScrutinizer, how would i get in touch with them | 16:08 |
javispedro | frenchy: you killed the bootloader? | 16:08 |
frenchy | javispedro, it looks that way | 16:08 |
Khertan | crashanddie, http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-10906 | 16:08 |
javispedro | huh? how? | 16:08 |
frenchy | javispedro, device doesnt power on at all. i was trying to install mamona | 16:09 |
Khertan | crashanddie, and i can't implement the turn arround in pyqt | 16:09 |
crashanddie | work around | 16:09 |
Khertan | trapping all move events like that will slow down too much the scrolling | 16:09 |
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Khertan | yep work around | 16:10 |
Khertan | :) | 16:10 |
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frenchy | javispedro, do you jhave any idea how i could fix this? | 16:12 |
javispedro | frenchy: if you hosed the bootloader you mostly can't afaik. | 16:12 |
javispedro | fortunately, breaking the bootloader should be "hard enough" you probably haven't. | 16:12 |
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frenchy | javispedro, well it wont power on now, no nokia screen, no led lighting up, nothing | 16:13 |
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DocScrutinizer | I seem to remember jacekowski doing some tests with flashing new NOLO? | 16:17 |
crashanddie_ | DocScrutinizer, you may want to remove that intel bit from the topic btw | 16:17 |
DocScrutinizer | even update NOLO to enable some hw-encryption via security framework? | 16:18 |
DocScrutinizer | crashanddie_: any time. Why don't you do yourself? | 16:18 |
DocScrutinizer | admittedly the PUN is getting a bit old | 16:18 |
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DocScrutinizer | err why is pun in capitals? o.O | 16:19 |
javispedro | pun detector | 16:19 |
javispedro | failure. | 16:19 |
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*** DocScrutinizer changes topic to "Welcome to #maemo http://maemo.org/intro/ | http://maemo.nokia.com/ | Maemo Community Council http://maemo.org/community/council | http://mxr.maemo.org/ | http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog | Free software mirror: http://espejo.freemoe.org/" | 16:20 | |
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Scelt | DocScrutinizer: what did you change in topic? | 16:20 |
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DocScrutinizer | I removed some Intel quote | 16:21 |
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javispedro | ah, the powervr. | 16:21 |
javispedro | when will they learn. | 16:21 |
DocScrutinizer | "The Intel® Embedded Media and Graphics Driver (EMGD) was designed so that Intel graphics chipset customers would not need access to the source code." | 16:21 |
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alterego | Heh | 16:22 |
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lcukn900 | 2g internet fails badly for vnc usage. a drip drip sync tool would be useful. this net is good practice for busy conference wifi ;) | 16:24 |
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javispedro | hiya lcuk | 16:25 |
lcukn900 | hi javis. | 16:26 |
* lcukn900 twiddles thumbs waiting for a single page to load | 16:26 | |
lcukn900 | albanc i see your mail but cant click it yet! thanks | 16:27 |
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albanc | lcuk, do you want me to do something, or? | 16:27 |
albanc | lcukn900, ^ | 16:27 |
lcukn900 | no its just lagnet | 16:27 |
lcukn900 | this irc is working but the connect to laptop is baddddd | 16:28 |
javispedro | vnc over the internet is awful | 16:28 |
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lcukn900 | this part isnt vnc actually | 16:28 |
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lcukn900 | office irc is, but that bits done now | 16:28 |
lcukn900 | this is mail and web | 16:29 |
lcukn900 | javis from wifi its ok | 16:29 |
lcukn900 | did you get the mail i sent to tmo? | 16:29 |
javispedro | yep | 16:29 |
lcukn900 | good will talk to you about hildon later once i get bck to civilisation | 16:30 |
lcukn900 | and manchester central library closed until 2013 | 16:31 |
javispedro | ta, I will leave in a few hours though (to be back late night) | 16:31 |
lcukn900 | and thats not a time, thats the year | 16:31 |
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rmrfchik | hmm, is there way to clean up messaging? seems like, the more IM talks/chats recorded on device, the slower messaging is | 16:31 |
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javispedro | rmrfchik: there's a "delete conversations" menu item in conversations | 16:33 |
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* lcukn900 browses the business section of the replacement library | 16:43 | |
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Myrtti_ | whoop | 16:50 |
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ShadowJK | hah, N900 was faster at incoming call notification than my E75 just now | 16:51 |
DocScrutinizer | Myrtti: \o/ | 16:53 |
GAN900 | ShadowJK, that must be some sort of miracle. | 16:54 |
GAN900 | Are there any wandering black holes near your person? | 16:54 |
ShadowJK | N900 vibrated twice before E75 started playing the sound | 16:55 |
ShadowJK | (I had N900 on Silent:Vibrate) | 16:55 |
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DocScrutinizer | vib is faster than playsound | 16:55 |
DocScrutinizer | no gstreamer and PA foo | 16:55 |
auenf | and calls show in the screen faster if your not playing games | 16:55 |
javispedro | it launches a gst pipeline for incoming calls? pfft | 16:56 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: I'd guess so | 16:56 |
javispedro | canberra has server-side sound sample caching so one would hope it didn't. | 16:56 |
SpeedEvil | http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/2985/babaracusmrttmobilefp1qf5.jpg - alternative T-mobile logo | 16:56 |
DocScrutinizer | eeew libcanberra | 16:57 |
DocScrutinizer | heard lots of swearword shouting regarding libcanberra on OM | 16:57 |
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javispedro | canberra would be nice if limited itself to the "load sound sample" / "play sound sample as fast as possible" api | 16:58 |
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DocScrutinizer | actually it seems to reinvent reinvention of reinvention of the audio wheel | 16:58 |
javispedro | it's just yet another libao | 16:59 |
DocScrutinizer | aplay was waaay faster for our purposes :-P | 16:59 |
javispedro | "ideally" CA doesn't even fork a process | 16:59 |
javispedro | but I think it doesn't do sample caching at all with ALSA | 17:00 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah why load progam text if we can keep it RAM resident - we got plenty of that darn ram | 17:00 |
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DocScrutinizer | and swapping out some crap to swap in other crap is supposed to be muuuch faster than loading a lean ELF, isn't it? :-D | 17:01 |
javispedro | well, it is on windows >:) | 17:02 |
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X-Fade | Sometimes you wonder how people managed to create a story based on some random things they find somewhere: http://www.youmobile.org/blogs/entry/Nokia-N900-Gets-MeeGo1-1-on-21-27-October | 17:15 |
ShadowJK | hah, on this telemarketer my E75 rang 1 second before N900 | 17:15 |
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GAN900 | X-Fade, hey, they're bloggers. That's their job. | 17:16 |
* javispedro has done something like that recently | 17:17 | |
GAN900 | Howdy, javispedro, by the way. | 17:17 |
javispedro | hello | 17:18 |
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javispedro | got some month-long irc lag :) | 17:18 |
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aretrfre34 | hey guys i'm registering at gittorious, confirmation links asks for SSH key, what I have to do with it? | 17:24 |
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javispedro | if you plan to ever commit to gitorious, generate it. | 17:24 |
aretrfre34 | i might, so how? | 17:25 |
javispedro | http://gitorious.org/about/faq and a also google about ssh public key authentication | 17:25 |
aretrfre34 | thanks | 17:26 |
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alterego | I should learn git at somepoint | 17:30 |
Khertan | oh tomorrow is the nokiaworld | 17:30 |
alterego | indeedly | 17:30 |
Khertan | alterego, there is a pretty good community book | 17:30 |
Khertan | http://book.git-scm.com/ | 17:31 |
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alterego | I might buy the pragmatic programmers one, I like those. | 17:31 |
e-yes | i like faq @github | 17:31 |
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Khertan | hum ... Other qt4.6 bugs founds | 17:34 |
Khertan | i think i ll not implement work arround for every one ... but force qt4.7 and said to user to use extras-devel :) | 17:34 |
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Scruffy_ | I have added a source in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon.... , The app manager does not see this change, is there anything i have to do ? | 17:39 |
GAN900 | Wonder if we'll get any good announcements. | 17:39 |
Dassu | Is there a way to quickly switch wifi power saving mode? | 17:40 |
lcuk | Scruffy_, HAM does not use those sources as the source of information, simplest way for HAM repositories is to add them using the UI | 17:40 |
aretrfre34 | So how do git clone project? | 17:40 |
alterego | GANwell, according to the usual tmo slime win mo 7 for high end devices!P WOO! pahaha | 17:41 |
javispedro | wahahaha hahaha haha ha ... hm.... | 17:41 |
Scruffy_ | hmmm. what sources does HAM or FAPMAN use then ? | 17:41 |
SpeedEvil | Dassu: Simple oprtion is to have two identical internet connections wiht differnet PSM settings | 17:41 |
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* javispedro wouldn't be surprised | 17:41 | |
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GAN900 | Hopefully it'll be more than Anssi admonishing all us pirates. | 17:42 |
aretrfre34 | so it's git pull | 17:42 |
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javispedro | oh, he resigned. | 17:44 |
aretrfre34 | autotools are still alive lol | 17:44 |
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Khertan | yeah i was true ... python2.5-qt4-experimental-gui conflict with python2.5-qt4-gui which all apps depends | 17:48 |
Khertan | so i cannot use it | 17:48 |
javispedro | hah! | 17:48 |
Khertan | such things really borring me ... | 17:48 |
javispedro | either way, some bad people rumour 4.7 is near | 17:48 |
Khertan | ok ... i think i ll drop maemo support | 17:48 |
Khertan | javispedro, huM ... as near as meego is ready for end user ? | 17:49 |
Khertan | :) | 17:49 |
javispedro | http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/x11-maemo | 17:49 |
alterego | meego isn't near ready for end users .. | 17:50 |
aretrfre34 | where do i get meego touch? | 17:50 |
javispedro | http://meego.gitorious.org/meegotouch :P | 17:50 |
alterego | It's getting there, but I wouldn't say near, there are still a lot of bugs | 17:50 |
Khertan | javispedro, interesting ... but this mean at list in 1 month min ... as firmware test required :) | 17:50 |
aretrfre34 | javispedro, thanks, | 17:51 |
Scruffy_ | which file does the app manager get its sources from ? | 17:51 |
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javispedro | Scruffy_: /etc/hildon-application-manager/catalogues, but app manager has a UI for editing that | 17:51 |
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Scruffy_ | do you know if the FAPMAN uses this as well ? | 17:52 |
javispedro | nope | 17:52 |
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Scruffy_ | no, you don't know, or no it doesn'T ? | 17:52 |
javispedro | don't know. | 17:53 |
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javispedro | possibly it will use catalogues listed in sources.list | 17:53 |
rmrfchik | oh, Anssi resigned as well | 17:53 |
rmrfchik | good news, good news | 17:53 |
Scruffy_ | my source.list is empty | 17:53 |
javispedro | sources.list.d | 17:53 |
Scruffy_ | that has a file call hildon..., but any changes i make there are not seen | 17:53 |
javispedro | seen where? | 17:54 |
Scruffy_ | in ham or fapman | 17:54 |
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lcuk | Scruffy_, that is generated out of HAM based on the repository configuration that javis just told you | 17:54 |
javispedro | you need not edit that file, because ham will overwrite it with stuff generated from /etc/h-a-m/catalogues | 17:54 |
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lcuk | fapman may simply be using the existing configurations | 17:55 |
Scruffy_ | ahhh, ok that explains things a bit | 17:55 |
javispedro | but if you create an extra file in sources.list.d at least apt-get will use it (and I believe h-a-m will list packages coming from that repo but not list the repo itself in "catalogues" dialog) | 17:55 |
Scruffy_ | i assume adding catalogs to sources.list will be read by ham ? | 17:56 |
Scruffy_ | and hopefully fapman | 17:56 |
javispedro | what do you exactly want to do? | 17:56 |
javispedro | why not use the GUI? | 17:56 |
Scruffy_ | i used the gui to add a catalog in fapman, apparently it didn't work as the package i was expecting wasn't there | 17:57 |
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* javispedro smells something | 17:57 | |
javispedro | which catalog is that one?d | 17:57 |
javispedro | does it have user/* packages? | 17:58 |
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Scruffy_ | tried to add the extras-testing | 17:58 |
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Scruffy_ | wanted to install wget | 17:58 |
aretrfre34 | javispedro, how do i clone the whole meegotouch repo? | 17:58 |
aretrfre34 | sorry, pull | 17:58 |
javispedro | aretrfre34: you can't, clone individual components. | 17:59 |
javispedro | libmeegotouch, meegotouch-theme are requisites | 17:59 |
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aretrfre34 | so one by one? | 17:59 |
javispedro | yes | 17:59 |
javispedro | *required | 17:59 |
javispedro | you might want to ask #meego, btw. | 18:00 |
javispedro | Scruffy_: wget will never appear in H-A-M nor fapman, as it's not a user/ package afai | 18:00 |
javispedro | k | 18:00 |
javispedro | Scruffy_: use wget | 18:00 |
javispedro | er.. | 18:00 |
javispedro | use apt-get | 18:00 |
aretrfre34 | javispedro, thank you | 18:01 |
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alterego | Wow, I've still got my full MSDN license. | 18:01 |
Scruffy_ | apt-get works to install wget | 18:01 |
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Scruffy_ | thanks for the info | 18:02 |
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DocScrutinizer | javispedro: muhaha :-D | 18:04 |
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DocScrutinizer | Q: how to unstall rootsh? A: sudo apt-get rootsh | 18:05 |
DocScrutinizer | install* | 18:05 |
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javispedro | do we have a FAQ for that sort of stuff now? :D | 18:05 |
DocScrutinizer | the Daily-WTF FAQ | 18:05 |
* javispedro realizes the left recursion and shudders. | 18:05 | |
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DocScrutinizer | <javispedro> Scruffy_: use wget | 18:06 |
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javispedro | well, to solve your problem DocStrutinizer, you can make use of the fact that the following line is on sudoers: %users ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/libexec/apt-worker | 18:07 |
DocScrutinizer | ooh, actually. Yes :-D | 18:07 |
javispedro | ;P | 18:08 |
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javispedro | so yes, you can theoretically use sudo to fetch a non-borked sudo-like program :P | 18:08 |
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DocScrutinizer | or use a nice gui for that, called HAM :-P | 18:09 |
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dneary | X-Fade, Ping? | 18:17 |
dneary | X-Fade, Is it you who has control over the Mailman installation for maemo.org? | 18:18 |
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DocScrutinizer | javispedro: fix gainroot -> see bottom of http://wiki.maemo.org/User:Joerg_rw/tools | 18:23 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: don't forget to create a password for root prior to that :-D | 18:24 |
DocScrutinizer | WFM | 18:25 |
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javispedro | I'm already too used to rootsh :) | 18:25 |
javispedro | in fact I made the rootsh->sudo alias on my deskto | 18:25 |
javispedro | p | 18:25 |
DocScrutinizer51 | it will work, just ask for password | 18:25 |
DocScrutinizer51 | root password | 18:26 |
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frenchy | i tried installing mamona on my n810 and now its bricked, it wont power on or charge or anything, is my device completely hosed? | 18:30 |
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GAN900 | frenchy, have you tried flashing? | 18:31 |
GAN900 | Are you sure your battery isn't just dead? | 18:31 |
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frenchy | GAN900, i cant flash it wont come on for me to put it in USB mode or whatever, the battery was almost full when this happened, even so plugging in the charger does absolutely nothing, not even an LED lightup | 18:33 |
DocScrutinizer | charger is OK? | 18:33 |
frenchy | yeah the charger worked before | 18:34 |
DocScrutinizer | if you got any means (paperclip and tongue) check voltage of batery | 18:34 |
ShadowJK | If it's the original battery, and has aged approximately same rate as my N8x0 batteries, 3/4 bars is more like "almost empty" :/ | 18:34 |
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frenchy | ShadowJK, Before this the battery applet was close to correct, i could get a good 4 hours out of a charge depending on what i was doing, maybe more | 18:35 |
DocScrutinizer | check battery voltage | 18:36 |
GAN900 | frenchy, I can't imagine how the bootloader would've been trashed, but you can build yourself a serial jig to cold flash. | 18:36 |
ShadowJK | have you had the battery removed for a few minutes? | 18:37 |
frenchy | GAN900, thats what im afraid of that i will have to do, but i have no clue how to do that and cant find much info about it on the net | 18:37 |
frenchy | ShadowJK, i removed the battery overnight | 18:37 |
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frenchy | i ordered a new battery for it just to have 2 so when it comes i will try that one but i dont have much hope for that | 18:37 |
* DocScrutinizer shrugs | 18:37 | |
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DocScrutinizer | sudden death of battery not unusual | 18:38 |
frenchy | ive tried the -c switch on the flasher using the -S usb as well and removing the battery and replacing it when it is looking for the device but no luck | 18:38 |
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DocScrutinizer | check battery voltage | 18:39 |
frenchy | DocScrutinizer, i dont have anything to check voltage with | 18:39 |
Khertan | mouth | 18:39 |
SpeedEvil | DMM is $5 | 18:39 |
DocScrutinizer | 2 wires and a raw potatoe? | 18:40 |
DocScrutinizer | s/raw patatoe/ glas of water, with a few grains of salt | 18:40 |
SpeedEvil | http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DIGITAL-MULTIMETER-MULTI-METER-VOLTAGE-TESTER-DMM-DVM-/310235086195?pt=UK_BOI_Electrical_Test_Measurement_Equipment_ET&hash=item483b73bd73 | 18:41 |
frenchy | $5 from where | 18:41 |
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DocScrutinizer | incandescent bulb from a 3V..6V torch? | 18:41 |
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frenchy | if i plug the charger into the device with no battery on a known working model is it supposed to do anything? | 18:42 |
ShadowJK | does mamona actually replace nolo? | 18:42 |
ShadowJK | no, it absolutely does not work with no battery. | 18:42 |
DocScrutinizer | and even less with a shorted defective battery | 18:43 |
frenchy | ok so lets say the battery is completely fried and i plug it in it should still show nothing correct? | 18:43 |
ShadowJK | yeah | 18:44 |
GAN900 | I'd love a quad 2.5GHz Cortex A15 server. | 18:44 |
DocScrutinizer | cortex A15 o.O | 18:44 |
ShadowJK | there's that scenario with almost-dead battery where it just does reboot loop too | 18:44 |
jacekowski | back to the future | 18:45 |
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frenchy | i will just wait until the new battery comes i guess and if that doesnt work is there anything i can do besides throw it away? | 18:45 |
SpeedEvil | GAN900: me too. | 18:45 |
ShadowJK | GAN900, wait until 2014, start lusting for A30 in 2019 | 18:45 |
alterego | GAN900: in your pocket? :) | 18:45 |
GAN900 | DocScrutinizer, it's no fun if you just keep upping the numbers in a reasonable fashion. | 18:45 |
GAN900 | ShadowJK, I remember when the A8 was going to change my life. | 18:45 |
GAN900 | alterego, no, in my closet. | 18:45 |
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DocScrutinizer | frenchy: yep, reflash NOLO then | 18:46 |
GAN900 | Currently using a dual 1.8GHz PowerMac G5. | 18:46 |
alterego | GAN900: did it? I think it probably did for most of us actually. | 18:46 |
DocScrutinizer | frenchy: that's no walk in the park though | 18:46 |
GAN900 | Talk about power hungry. | 18:46 |
alterego | Maemo 5 changed my life .. | 18:46 |
GAN900 | alterego, not as much as I'd dreamed. | 18:46 |
alterego | Indeed. | 18:46 |
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javispedro | Cortex A9 brings back Jazelle direct byte code execution! | 18:47 |
javispedro | ;P | 18:48 |
ShadowJK | Well webmasters and similar are constantly working hard to ensure that websites remain sluggish and slow even on quad core computers ;-) | 18:48 |
DocScrutinizer | GAN900: for closett you'd need a IP65 version | 18:48 |
microlith | javispedro: yay, unused logic! | 18:49 |
DocScrutinizer | jacekowski: ping | 18:50 |
DocScrutinizer | GAN900: (build yourself a serial jig to cold flash) any pointers? | 18:51 |
javispedro | microlith: at least this time they fully documented it | 18:51 |
GAN900 | DocScrutinizer, there's a diagram somewhere. | 18:51 |
DocScrutinizer | ummm | 18:52 |
frenchy | DocScrutinizer, how do i reflash NOLO, or could you send me a link to some instructions | 18:53 |
GAN900 | Some guy put the serial pinout on his website | 18:53 |
GAN900 | Just build yourself an adaptor. | 18:53 |
GAN900 | And flash away. | 18:53 |
javispedro | did anyone manage to flash that way? I though it was an urban legend :p | 18:53 |
javispedro | though the --cold-flash option is there. | 18:53 |
DocScrutinizer | google/search?q="some_guy_flash_N810_jig" :-P | 18:54 |
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GAN900 | DocScrutinizer, used to be one of the top results. | 18:55 |
GAN900 | Think there's something on the wiki, too. | 18:55 |
javispedro | ah, found it | 18:56 |
javispedro | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=15712&page=2 | 18:56 |
javispedro | wiki link is dead :P | 18:57 |
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* microlith slogs through a fedora 13 install on his macbook | 18:58 | |
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* crashanddie idly waits for feedback from colleagues... | 19:04 | |
javispedro | "Frustrated Slashdot reader switches homepage to FOX" | 19:04 |
dneary | hehe | 19:04 |
SpeedEvil | javispedro: the onion? | 19:05 |
dneary | javispedro, Is that an Onion headline, or Slashdot? | 19:05 |
javispedro | slashdot comment :) | 19:05 |
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dneary | Today's dilbert is funny: http://www.dilbert.com/strips/comic/2010-09-13/ | 19:05 |
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crashanddie | anyone who has slashdot as homepage needs to be shot | 19:05 |
crashanddie | I mean, that's a slow webpage to load. | 19:05 |
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frenchy | ok i found an old multimeter in my basement and tested the battery and it is NOT dead | 19:06 |
GAN900 | Anyone who has anything other than about:blank as their homepage needs to be shot. | 19:08 |
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Khertan | GAN900 : Anyone who has anything other than about:blank as their homepage needs to be shot <<< hum ... no ... i use my own html shortcut page ... | 19:23 |
GAN900 | Khertan, that's not so bad, but having a real homepage these days is silly. | 19:24 |
Khertan | anyone who use about:blank should be shout ... as there use everytime url completion which made many request on the network | 19:24 |
* GAN900 just uses text shortcuts for frequently visited pages. | 19:24 | |
Khertan | my html consist of a python script called which is a converted tomboy note :) | 19:25 |
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VenemoN900 | Hi Maemo guys | 19:27 |
Khertan | Hi n900 guy | 19:27 |
Khertan | :) | 19:27 |
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VenemoN900 | Hey Khertan! :) | 19:29 |
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VenemoN900 | What's up? | 19:30 |
Khertan | nothing more than yesterday and the day before | 19:30 |
DocScrutinizer | frenchy: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=134423#post134423 | 19:31 |
DocScrutinizer | GAN900: ^^^ :-D | 19:31 |
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DocScrutinizer | GAN900: or particularly your posts there, a few up | 19:31 |
VenemoN900 | Lol | 19:31 |
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frenchy | DocScrutinizer, i found this as well, i may just give up :( | 19:32 |
VenemoN900 | frenchy: what's your issue? | 19:32 |
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frenchy | VenemoN900, I bricked my n180, it doesnt boot or power on or charge or anythign | 19:33 |
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VenemoN900 | frenchy: reflash would be my suggestion, but I would think you already tried that | 19:33 |
jacekowski | DocScrutinizer: pong | 19:33 |
frenchy | VenemoN900, i cant, it wont go into USB mode to let me do anything, it just seems to be dead | 19:34 |
VenemoN900 | frenchy: :( | 19:34 |
frenchy | VenemoN900, tell me about it | 19:34 |
GAN900 | DocScrutinizer, I can only imagine. | 19:34 |
DocScrutinizer51 | jacekowski: see above, any suggestions | 19:34 |
DocScrutinizer51 | jacekowski: did you reflash NOLO? | 19:35 |
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jacekowski | yep | 19:37 |
jacekowski | what ha[[ened | 19:37 |
jacekowski | happened* | 19:37 |
jacekowski | nolo is gone? | 19:37 |
jacekowski | hmm | 19:37 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | possibly frenchy killed his N810 NOLO | 19:38 |
jacekowski | hmm | 19:38 |
jacekowski | n810 | 19:38 |
frenchy | i think its safe to say DEFINITELY at this point | 19:38 |
jacekowski | i'm not sure about n810 | 19:38 |
jacekowski | linux or windows? | 19:38 |
jacekowski | i had problem doing coldflash on windows | 19:39 |
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jacekowski | becayse boot rom was gone before windows managed to install drivers and stuff | 19:39 |
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jacekowski | so i had to do it on linux | 19:39 |
DocScrutinizer51 | jacekowski: so you say NOLO reflash via USB is feasible? | 19:40 |
jacekowski | on n900 | 19:40 |
frenchy | ive tried both, although my windows is 64bit 7 i hear about problems with it im going to try my girlfriends XP laptop when shes not on it | 19:40 |
DocScrutinizer51 | :nod: | 19:40 |
jacekowski | try linux livecd | 19:40 |
jacekowski | and check if phone boot rom is connecting via usb | 19:40 |
jacekowski | well, you can hear that on windows | 19:41 |
jacekowski | do you have ussual sound of connecting something when you connect dead phone? | 19:41 |
frenchy | jacekowski, im on linux right now, but it is also 64 bit, should i try using a 32 but environment? | 19:41 |
jacekowski | not important | 19:41 |
jacekowski | disconnect phone | 19:41 |
jacekowski | switch it off | 19:41 |
jacekowski | remove battery and stuff | 19:41 |
jacekowski | install battery | 19:41 |
jacekowski | wait couple seconds | 19:41 |
jacekowski | connect usb cable | 19:41 |
jacekowski | and check if there is anything new in dmesg | 19:42 |
jacekowski | if yes, then you can probably coldflash it if it's similiar to n900 | 19:42 |
jacekowski | which i would expect to be in that matter | 19:42 |
jacekowski | as it's omap as well irc | 19:42 |
jacekowski | iirc* | 19:42 |
DocScrutinizer51 | cheers jacekowski :D | 19:43 |
DocScrutinizer51 | yo da man | 19:43 |
jacekowski | who's the man? | 19:43 |
jacekowski | everyone together | 19:43 |
jacekowski | i'll never say that again | 19:43 |
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frenchy | nothing new in dmesg | 19:44 |
jacekowski | hmm | 19:44 |
jacekowski | that would only leave serial or jtag | 19:45 |
DocScrutinizer51 | still jury's out on frenchy 's battery | 19:45 |
jacekowski | but i don't have n810 to test it | 19:45 |
frenchy | i tested the battery with a multimeter and it seems fine | 19:45 |
DocScrutinizer51 | ooh | 19:46 |
DocScrutinizer51 | missed that | 19:46 |
frenchy | jacekowski, when coldflashing using flasher, the hardware id, does it have to be exactly right? i have no idea what mine is | 19:46 |
frenchy | and cant seem to find it | 19:46 |
jacekowski | it should appear in dmesg | 19:47 |
jacekowski | when boot rom starts | 19:47 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | frenchy: considered taking device to Nokia care center? | 19:48 |
frenchy | DocScrutinizer, i have no knowledge of one near me, would they even be able to help on such an old device? | 19:49 |
DocScrutinizer51 | they shoud, yes | 19:49 |
frenchy | how much would it cost for them to cold flash it | 19:49 |
frenchy | jacekowski, is that the only way to find it, i cant get it to boot! | 19:50 |
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jacekowski | frenchy: not a lot | 19:53 |
jacekowski | frenchy: i mean, it's a minute for them | 19:53 |
frenchy | any idea how i can find locations for these places? | 19:53 |
jacekowski | on nokia website | 19:54 |
jacekowski | there was thingy | 19:54 |
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jacekowski | i always had problem finding it | 19:54 |
jacekowski | but it's there | 19:54 |
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frenchy | i found a link in a forum somewhere but its dead | 19:55 |
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frenchy | yeahi ts gone | 19:56 |
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ml-mobile | fuck I hate this bullshit | 20:18 |
GAN900 | Me too. | 20:19 |
GAN900 | What bullshit? | 20:19 |
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ml-mobile | maemo processing so much in the background that it becomes unresponsive for an extended duration, even to the point that things like xchat get disconnected | 20:24 |
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ml-mobile | cpu is still pegged | 20:25 |
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GAN900 | Swapping | 20:25 |
GAN900 | Yeah, it turns me into the Hulk. | 20:26 |
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GAN900 | "You wouldn't like me when my N900 is swapping." | 20:26 |
ml-mobile | only thing keeping me quiet is being in a meeting | 20:26 |
SpeedEvil | :/ | 20:27 |
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SpeedEvil | top | 20:27 |
DocScrutinizer | killall browserd | 20:27 |
ml-mobile | did | 20:28 |
SpeedEvil | I'd bet on tracker or thumbnailer | 20:28 |
DocScrutinizer | usually helps a lot | 20:28 |
ml-mobile | DocScrutinizer called it | 20:28 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah that too | 20:28 |
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Chibi-Taiga | thats wierd, making m3u files linked to microsd works ,but why cant i find a way to make them on massmemory | 20:47 |
jedlhl | Hi all, is there any chance that rough builds of maemo 6 (with it's compat layer with meego-core-1.1) will be out for testing one day soon? | 20:48 |
Chibi-Taiga | no maemo 6 proably | 20:48 |
jedlhl | i just look at meego project forlornly and wish the same sort of thing could be happening for maemo :( :) | 20:48 |
Chibi-Taiga | meego wil the next maemo os | 20:49 |
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Chibi-Taiga | well a name change as far as i understanded | 20:49 |
jedlhl | yeah i know, cept unlike meego core maemo 6 isnt available for public testing :( | 20:49 |
Stskeeps | jedlhl: maemo 6 isn't for use anywhere else than nokia products | 20:50 |
Stskeeps | meego is and also the future base | 20:50 |
Chibi-Taiga | well its intel we're talking about | 20:50 |
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jani | i kind thought that the n900 images are already public ? or atleast the software to making those images are.. | 20:51 |
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Stskeeps | jani: yes, but not harmattan which was what he asked for :P | 20:52 |
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jedlhl | @stskeeps; yeah i realise that, but i dont see why (exactly) that means that build cant be made publicly available | 20:52 |
jani | Stskeeps: really? so, the n900 images are just fremantle stuff with with meegotouch thrown on top of it ? | 20:52 |
Stskeeps | jani: no no .. | 20:52 |
TulioB | meego is under development | 20:52 |
jani | :) | 20:53 |
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TulioB | not ready to everyday use | 20:53 |
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Stskeeps | jedlhl: same reason apple doesn't give out alphas of iphone os | 20:53 |
TulioB | lol | 20:53 |
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jedlhl | yeah but that obviouly wont apply once nokia mgirates to meego core will it | 20:54 |
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Stskeeps | no iea. | 20:54 |
jedlhl | crap i really gotta go to bed 4am, night all... | 20:54 |
Stskeeps | idea | 20:54 |
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TulioB | but Nokia will notice when migrating" to MeeGo, i guss | 20:56 |
jedlhl | yeah my point was once theve gone to meego-core they're not going to have the same close model so why not just open maemo 6 up. guess thats a poor argument LOL | 20:57 |
jedlhl | need sleep | 20:57 |
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FrieT | :) | 20:57 |
FrieT | need caffeine:p | 20:58 |
FrieT | guys, who do i bug for SIP client feature requests? anyone taking bribes?:D | 20:59 |
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FrieT | MNZ: how's the DSP coming along? | 21:00 |
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pupnik | dso eq? | 21:01 |
MNZ | FrieT, I've analyzed PA's highpass filter and I replicated it on a filter on the audio codec, initial results tell me I've pretty much nailed it, but now I need actual testing on the speakers:D | 21:02 |
FrieT | aha | 21:02 |
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FrieT | drop me a binary - bart@riffle.be | 21:02 |
Venemo | hey again | 21:02 |
FrieT | i'll happily brick my n900 for ya :> | 21:02 |
Chibi-Taiga | man n900 is bad if you ask me | 21:02 |
Chibi-Taiga | 2x got a broken n900 | 21:03 |
Chibi-Taiga | now i have one with dead pixels | 21:03 |
MohammadAG51 | you have bad luck | 21:03 |
Chibi-Taiga | yeah... | 21:03 |
MohammadAG51 | probably karma | 21:03 |
MohammadAG51 | :P | 21:03 |
Chibi-Taiga | dead pixels is anoyng on black backgrounds | 21:03 |
Venemo | Chibi-Taiga: I have only one, and that works flawlessly | 21:03 |
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MNZ | FrieT, no bricking involved, don't worry :D one thing though, can you compile the patch though, because I can't upload anything beyond 400kb (connection dies) | 21:03 |
MohammadAG51 | i've handled 3 | 21:03 |
MohammadAG51 | no problems with all of them | 21:03 |
FrieT | i don't have sandbox yet | 21:04 |
MohammadAG51 | mine even fixes itself when it breaks | 21:04 |
FrieT | i downloaded the VM image | 21:04 |
FrieT | but i lack the ram to run it for now | 21:04 |
FrieT | and euh | 21:04 |
Chibi-Taiga | well i dont even think to rma it again it took me 2-3 months for this one | 21:04 |
FrieT | looks like you're in need of MTU clamping & a fixed ISP :p | 21:04 |
Chibi-Taiga | 15 workdays befor they send it | 21:04 |
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MNZ | FrieT, I haven't even tried to debug this :/ no idea where to start | 21:05 |
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Chibi-Taiga | im thinking to send it back to the shop and ask for a trade for samsung galaxy s | 21:05 |
FrieT | MNZ: someone is filtering ALL icmp | 21:05 |
lcuk | Chibi-Taiga, what happened to your previous devices? | 21:06 |
FrieT | which is really really bad (tm) | 21:06 |
lcuk | and I think you are one of the first I have heard with pixels | 21:06 |
Chibi-Taiga | what happend | 21:06 |
Chibi-Taiga | well maby some of you still remember | 21:06 |
Chibi-Taiga | it kept rebooting | 21:06 |
FrieT | MNZ: if you can hold my hand and walk me through the seutp & compile stuff.. i could do that :) | 21:06 |
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* MohammadAG51 has seen some software "dead pixels" | 21:06 | |
Chibi-Taiga | rebout ot of nowhere | 21:06 |
MNZ | FrieT, but pings are going through actually (or do you mean inbound pings?) | 21:06 |
Chibi-Taiga | reboot* | 21:07 |
FrieT | no i'm talking about ICMP Fragmentation needed | 21:07 |
Chibi-Taiga | that 2x with 2 difrent phones | 21:07 |
Chibi-Taiga | now i have one witch works perfectly but it has dead pixels | 21:07 |
soltys | a | 21:07 |
soltys | ups.. | 21:07 |
MNZ | there's another solution, if MohammadAG51 is willing to help :D | 21:08 |
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Chibi-Taiga | on psp there was an apllication to release frozen pixels | 21:08 |
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MNZ | MohammadAG51, can you do a quick kernel build and upload zImage for FrieT to use? | 21:08 |
Chibi-Taiga | but i dont think its frozen in this case | 21:08 |
MohammadAG51 | framebuffer? | 21:08 |
FrieT | it's a kernel change?:P | 21:08 |
FrieT | neat | 21:08 |
FrieT | -scared already- | 21:09 |
MNZ | MohammadAG51, no my audio codec patch | 21:09 |
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MNZ | FrieT, no worries I've been using this patch for over a week and it's stable :P | 21:09 |
MohammadAG51 | MNZ, build what kernel? | 21:09 |
FrieT | this isn't vanilla kernel on arm arch, right? | 21:09 |
MohammadAG51 | oh | 21:09 |
MohammadAG51 | MNZ, patch :) | 21:09 |
MNZ | MohammadAG51, basically stock kernel patched with my patch | 21:09 |
FrieT | it's the kernel.org kernel? | 21:09 |
FrieT | or does it include proprietary modules? | 21:10 |
MNZ | FrieT, no, maemo's stock kernel | 21:10 |
FrieT | mk | 21:10 |
FrieT | neah i need to set up sandbox ffs | 21:10 |
psycho_oreos | the vanilla kernel won't compile properly | 21:10 |
FrieT | so i can fix little annoyances | 21:10 |
MohammadAG51 | MNZ, patch! :P | 21:10 |
MNZ | MohammadAG51, hold on I'll send you the patch | 21:10 |
MohammadAG51 | it does compile properly | 21:10 |
FrieT | MNZ: how about you zip and split it into little 100kb files | 21:10 |
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FrieT | : | 21:10 |
FrieT | d | 21:10 |
MNZ | MohammadAG51, yeah, compiles properly | 21:11 |
MohammadAG51 | lol | 21:11 |
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FrieT | just split it, i'll cat them together:D | 21:11 |
MNZ | FrieT, lol ok, so 3rd option | 21:11 |
DeeGeneRaL | hello everyone... how is everybody. | 21:11 |
FrieT | ;D | 21:11 |
MNZ | MohammadAG51, another time then :P | 21:11 |
DeeGeneRaL | anyone here can help me with reflashing my nokia n800? | 21:11 |
FrieT | MNZ: i guess you could send me the patch itself.. | 21:11 |
MohammadAG51 | MNZ, as you wish :) | 21:11 |
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MohammadAG51 | though compiling with -j 10 is nice :P | 21:12 |
FrieT | then i shall set up the sandbox on my laptop later tonight | 21:12 |
lcuk | Chibi-Taiga, you overclocked your machine for 2 months in the past | 21:12 |
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lcuk | and said you had no problems | 21:12 |
psycho_oreos | in scratchbox it won't compile pure vanilla kernel, you can't get through to make menuconfig.. only with the maemo patched kernel (I used titan's power kernel which includes all the necessary nokia patches) | 21:12 |
lcuk | now you say 2 machines died without reason | 21:12 |
lcuk | i sense theres a reason | 21:12 |
MohammadAG51 | psycho_oreos, apt-get source kernel | 21:12 |
MohammadAG51 | then dpkg-buildpackage -b | 21:12 |
DeeGeneRaL | anyone...:-(? | 21:13 |
FrieT | yeah i'll get back to you guys on the debian quirks later:PP | 21:13 |
psycho_oreos | MohammadAG51, in scratchbox? that I still bet is patched kernel :) | 21:13 |
FrieT | <- slackware user - no debian clue to speak of. | 21:13 |
Chibi-Taiga | .:20:12:15:. <lcuk> Chibi-Taiga, you overclocked your machine for 2 months in the past <- no they were like that the 1st time i booted them up | 21:13 |
MohammadAG51 | Nokia patched = Vanilla to me :P | 21:13 |
FrieT | vanilla kernel == kernel.org MohammadAG51 :) | 21:13 |
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MNZ | FrieT, with no debian it's going to be quite a ride to set up scratchbox afaik | 21:13 |
psycho_oreos | MohammadAG51, no that's very different, I agree with FrieT | 21:14 |
FrieT | MNZ: i downloaded the virtualpc image :P | 21:14 |
FrieT | <- lazy man's approach | 21:14 |
MohammadAG51 | 2.6.28 should compile i guess | 21:14 |
psycho_oreos | if you wget from kernel.org 2.6.28 and ran that through scratchbox it'll fail trying to build menuconfig because of missing deps, etc | 21:15 |
FrieT | menuconfig? | 21:15 |
FrieT | that's just curses missing | 21:15 |
MohammadAG51 | libncurses | 21:15 |
FrieT | brrrr, that's gnu | 21:15 |
MohammadAG51 | check debian/contro!! | 21:15 |
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psycho_oreos | probably, it does get into menuconfig after you applied nokia patches I suppose | 21:16 |
lcuk | Chibi-Taiga, whatever, but this channel is fully logged and all your previous discussions about overclocking never mentioned you had 2 completely DOA machines - just that you had been over clocking | 21:16 |
FrieT | use bsd curses, way nicer | 21:16 |
FrieT | :P | 21:16 |
MohammadAG51 | s/!l/l! | 21:16 |
psycho_oreos | and vanilla kernel doesn't have debian/control | 21:16 |
MohammadAG51 | oh right | 21:16 |
MohammadAG51 | anyways, libncurses is a build dep | 21:16 |
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FrieT | not rly.. you can just use your own .config file | 21:16 |
Chibi-Taiga | no they wernt doa | 21:17 |
Chibi-Taiga | they worked but kept rebooting | 21:17 |
lcuk | Chibi-Taiga, to help jog your memory: http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog/search?q=chibi-taiga | 21:17 |
Chibi-Taiga | just random reboot | 21:17 |
lcuk | every word you ever made in maemo ;) | 21:17 |
Chibi-Taiga | i know lols | 21:18 |
Chibi-Taiga | i log myself to | 21:18 |
lcuk | Chibi-Taigawhen i try 900mhz, it reboots but its still stock | 21:18 |
lcuk | yup | 21:18 |
Chibi-Taiga | yeah | 21:18 |
lcuk | that looks like a "random" reboot to me :) | 21:18 |
Chibi-Taiga | well 900mhz no | 21:18 |
Chibi-Taiga | it didnt even go that far | 21:18 |
Chibi-Taiga | 825 was max | 21:18 |
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FrieT | i am stable at 850. | 21:18 |
FrieT | unless i disable powersaving shit | 21:18 |
FrieT | then iduno | 21:19 |
Chibi-Taiga | but ocing wasnt the point | 21:19 |
Chibi-Taiga | probaly a bug in the ram | 21:19 |
FrieT | didn't try to go up as high as possibly | 21:19 |
FrieT | possible* | 21:19 |
FrieT | yep far more likely indeed | 21:19 |
Chibi-Taiga | the onei have now i tested it for 2 days on 1ghz though | 21:19 |
FrieT | did you OC the ram? | 21:19 |
Chibi-Taiga | nope | 21:19 |
FrieT | :p | 21:19 |
Chibi-Taiga | like i said | 21:19 |
FrieT | just asking! | 21:19 |
FrieT | ;D | 21:19 |
FrieT | anyhow.. 850mhz works perfectly for me | 21:20 |
MohammadAG51 | OC'ing causes filesystem corruption | 21:20 |
FrieT | although i run it at 550 :) | 21:20 |
Chibi-Taiga | when i got them the 1st thing it did after set time and date is reboot | 21:20 |
Chibi-Taiga | it reboot 2-3x in one row | 21:20 |
* lcuk gets out the worlds smallest violin | 21:20 | |
MohammadAG51 | can confirm that, it's not a BS statement, saw it on a friend's device | 21:20 |
FrieT | well that's a bad / unstable overclock then | 21:21 |
Chibi-Taiga | the 3rd one is perfectly fine just 2 dead pixels | 21:21 |
Chibi-Taiga | i said stock | 21:21 |
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Chibi-Taiga | no oc when i got them | 21:21 |
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Chibi-Taiga | they said it could be my sim card | 21:21 |
Chibi-Taiga | so i tested them with out it | 21:21 |
Chibi-Taiga | and it still happends | 21:21 |
Chibi-Taiga | befor i did anything to them | 21:21 |
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Chibi-Taiga | the nokia care saw it with own eyes | 21:22 |
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MohammadAG51 | used device? | 21:22 |
Chibi-Taiga | idk | 21:23 |
Chibi-Taiga | 1st one was new out the box | 21:23 |
Chibi-Taiga | 2nd one probaly was a fixed device | 21:23 |
Chibi-Taiga | cuz it came from nokia | 21:23 |
FrieT | MNZ: mailed the patchy? | 21:23 |
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MNZ | FrieT, hold on putting in some testing code and trying it out | 21:24 |
FrieT | :) | 21:24 |
* MohammadAG51 remembers when he was wondering if he should get an N900 | 21:24 | |
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FrieT | i have no prob recompiling kernels every day MNZ:p | 21:24 |
MohammadAG51 | Read tmo back then, dead mic, reboots, dead pixels | 21:24 |
MNZ | MohammadAG51, you actually had to "wonder" | 21:24 |
MohammadAG51 | then i was like, meh, i could use an external mic | 21:24 |
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MohammadAG51 | reboots will probably be fixed | 21:24 |
frenchy | so does anyone wanna buy my bricked n810 for parts? | 21:25 |
FrieT | well i actually was looking for .. euh | 21:25 |
MohammadAG51 | so I just bought one | 21:25 |
FrieT | a replacement for my e61 | 21:25 |
FrieT | good old keyboard with some spacing between the keys | 21:25 |
FrieT | nothing like it anymore :( | 21:25 |
lcuk | frenchy, what did you brick it with? | 21:25 |
FrieT | MNZ: most important question about your patch so far: Does it save cpu cycles? ;P | 21:26 |
frenchy | lcuk, im guessing i trashed the bootloader trying to install mamona, it wont do anything at all now | 21:26 |
frenchy | lcuk, ive already spoken to people in here about it and cant seem to fix it, it looks like the only way is to do a cold flash and thats more trouble than its worth for me anyway | 21:27 |
MNZ | FrieT, only after you actually disable PA :D Which is what I'm aiming for, but there are some more things to work out, though this speaker thing is a big step | 21:27 |
FrieT | mkay well i have no clue about the internals of this thing yet | 21:27 |
lcuk | :( frenchy shame | 21:27 |
frenchy | i know | 21:28 |
FrieT | so i won't hack away at it | 21:28 |
FrieT | i'll test tho | 21:28 |
frenchy | ive only had it for like a week | 21:28 |
FrieT | i'll hack away at apps before going down to the kernel *g* | 21:28 |
lcuk | hmm | 21:29 |
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MohammadAG51 | isn't a cold flash possible over usb? | 21:30 |
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FrieT | thinking of that too, i did a flash over usb recently after fubarring the bootloader.. | 21:30 |
FrieT | but that was n900 :p | 21:30 |
MohammadAG51 | o/ RevdKathy | 21:30 |
lcuk | well frenchy I would try to find someway to chage battery | 21:30 |
lcuk | hi RevdKathy | 21:30 |
lcuk | charge | 21:30 |
RevdKathy | Hi MohammadAG51 and lcuk | 21:30 |
* MohammadAG51 cold flashed once | 21:31 | |
frenchy | lcuk, battery was charged when it happened and i have also tested it with a multimeter and it seems to work | 21:31 |
* RevdKathy is starting to get hot flashes these days. :( | 21:31 | |
frenchy | MohammadAG51, i cant seem to do it | 21:31 |
lcuk | frenchy, hrm | 21:31 |
MohammadAG51 | frenchy, N900 here though | 21:32 |
lcuk | i saw you posting that its totally completely not reacting | 21:32 |
frenchy | MohammadAG51, ive seen accounts of people diong it to an n900 but nothing on the n810 | 21:32 |
lcuk | the simplest most practical thing, no matter how sure of battery level you are, is to get a known good one | 21:32 |
frenchy | computer wont recognize it at all nothing in dmesg | 21:32 |
lcuk | exactly | 21:32 |
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frenchy | well i ordered a new one before it bricked so i will try it when it comes in | 21:34 |
frenchy | but everything worked fine before | 21:34 |
RST38h | Mohammad: moo, got a question/proposal | 21:35 |
lcuk | frenchy, sure, its the simplest thing I can think of right now :S | 21:35 |
MohammadAG51 | RST38h, shoot | 21:36 |
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tybollt | EI SAA PEITTÄÄ | 21:45 |
tybollt | MohammadAG51: so vibrator not working... your resolution? | 21:45 |
MohammadAG51 | hmm? | 21:46 |
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MohammadAG51 | oh | 21:46 |
MohammadAG51 | echo 150 into sysnode for 2 hours | 21:46 |
tybollt | hmm | 21:46 |
tybollt | but your vibrator was occassionally working prior to that? | 21:47 |
MohammadAG51 | digia @web needs some work | 21:47 |
MohammadAG51 | it's in devel | 21:47 |
MohammadAG51 | no | 21:47 |
MohammadAG51 | it squeeked | 21:47 |
tybollt | hmm yeah | 21:47 |
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tybollt | mine doesn | 21:47 |
tybollt | t work at all :) | 21:47 |
MohammadAG51 | worked on day 1, died on day 2, worked in month 2/3 | 21:47 |
MohammadAG51 | use 255 :P | 21:48 |
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MohammadAG51 | sleep 1; echo 255 > /sys/class/leds/twl4030:vibrator/brightness | 21:49 |
tybollt | MohammadAG51: I | 21:49 |
tybollt | ve tried 255 couple times | 21:49 |
MohammadAG51 | don't touch the device, after running that command | 21:49 |
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tybollt | aaaah | 21:49 |
tybollt | the accelerometer will fuck things up | 21:50 |
tybollt | `? | 21:50 |
MohammadAG51 | hmm | 21:50 |
MohammadAG51 | stop mce | 21:50 |
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MohammadAG51 | nah, but different light conditions, keyboard slides, keyboard keys, screen touches/locks will | 21:51 |
MohammadAG51 | and probably Noobmonk3y's code | 21:51 |
Venemo | good evening Noobmonk3y! | 21:52 |
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* Noobmonk3y grumbles | 21:53 | |
* Noobmonk3y waves! | 21:53 | |
* Noobmonk3y burps | 21:53 | |
* Noobmonk3y needs bacon | 21:53 | |
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kerio | BACON! | 21:53 |
* Noobmonk3y hugs kerio | 21:53 | |
* Noobmonk3y waves at venemo, evvvvening | 21:54 | |
* Noobmonk3y cant be assed to find the h/c code, and re-install everything to get started again, feeling way to lazy | 21:55 | |
RST38h | http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/4/2010/09/500x_4974418220_c02a9b8cbd_b.jpg | 21:55 |
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Noobmonk3y | lol RST38h | 21:56 |
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* RevdKathy waves at Noobmonk3y | 21:56 | |
Venemo | RST38h: lol | 21:57 |
Noobmonk3y | Kathy!!!! Good evening young lady! | 21:57 |
Venemo | hi RevdKathy! :) | 21:57 |
Noobmonk3y | and how are you? i've never asked how your studying/results etc went?!! | 21:57 |
Venemo | never seen you on IRC yet | 21:57 |
Noobmonk3y | she's on more than me ;) | 21:57 |
Venemo | Noobmonk3y, perhaps, but it seems that she's also more silent than you :P | 21:58 |
Noobmonk3y | hehehe :P | 21:58 |
Noobmonk3y | Silent and not so deadly :P - but very lovely :) | 21:58 |
RevdKathy | Hi Venemo! | 21:58 |
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RST38h | mohammad: still here? | 21:59 |
RevdKathy | I pop in occasionally, Venemo. When I need a bit of company | 21:59 |
Venemo | RevdKathy: I'm a fan of your posts on TMO | 21:59 |
Noobmonk3y | MohammadAG51, never leaves here :P - he is the resident hobo :) - woooooooooop | 21:59 |
MohammadAG51 | RST38h, yeah | 22:00 |
RevdKathy | Thank you | 22:00 |
* RevdKathy bows | 22:00 | |
MohammadAG51 | actually i was out all day :P | 22:00 |
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MohammadAG51 | but technically yeah, bouncer never leaves | 22:00 |
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RST38h | Mohammad: google for "compcache". See if you would be interested in packaging that properly for Fremantle. | 22:01 |
Venemo | RevdKathy: most of the time, when I read some whining/trolling threads and feel the need to comment on them, I eventually find your response, and instead of writing my own, I end up hitting the thanks button below yours | 22:01 |
RST38h | Mohammad: May not be a part of the SSU, but definitely worth a look | 22:01 |
RevdKathy | You should write more often - then I could thank you! | 22:01 |
RST38h | Mohammad: Looks like people already compiled it for Maemo but there is no proper package | 22:02 |
Venemo | RevdKathy: hah, thanks | 22:02 |
Venemo | RST38h: compcache... memory compression? | 22:02 |
Venemo | RST38h: would that give any actual benefit on a mobile device? | 22:03 |
MohammadAG51 | RST38h, will do, just need to connect my lappy | 22:03 |
RST38h | Ho ho ho: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/09/13/elop_microsoft_exit_nokia_future/page2.html | 22:04 |
RST38h | Notice the mention of Maemo ;) | 22:04 |
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Venemo | RST38h: lol at that | 22:05 |
MohammadAG51 | I need a status bar applet that reports battery life and stops bme when it says battery low | 22:05 |
MohammadAG51 | when the modem dies, shut down device cleanly | 22:05 |
Venemo | MohammadAG51: what good would that do? | 22:05 |
MohammadAG51 | extended battery life | 22:05 |
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MohammadAG51 | actually, i want a more verbose battery reporter | 22:06 |
MohammadAG51 | High | 22:06 |
MohammadAG51 | Mid-high | 22:06 |
MohammadAG51 | Mid | 22:06 |
MohammadAG51 | Mid-low | 22:06 |
MohammadAG51 | Low | 22:06 |
MohammadAG51 | Lower | 22:06 |
MohammadAG51 | Lowest | 22:06 |
Venemo | MohammadAG51: wouldn't it wear off the battery if you discharget it more? | 22:06 |
MohammadAG51 | OH **** low | 22:06 |
Noobmonk3y | wow............... | 22:06 |
Noobmonk3y | does anyone know a Cornelius Gelpke ? | 22:06 |
MohammadAG51 | then it goes off | 22:06 |
MohammadAG51 | Noobmonk3y, no but i'd love to meet one :p | 22:07 |
Venemo | Noobmonk3y: if you are referring to Cornelius Hald (Conny) then yes | 22:07 |
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MohammadAG51 | Venemo, not sure, never heard of that | 22:07 |
Noobmonk3y | Well, Cornelius Gelpke just donated £10 to me via my website that i havent updated in 4 months! | 22:07 |
Venemo | Noobmonk3y: congrats :) | 22:07 |
RevdKathy | How kind of him! | 22:07 |
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Noobmonk3y | Well he's a maemo user! (God bless google) http://maemo.org/downloads/product/Maemo5/python2.5-qt4/ | 22:07 |
Venemo | MohammadAG51: well, I just read the wikipedia article on Li-Ion batteries | 22:07 |
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Noobmonk3y | dont think it is the same venemo, but i better go and post a massive thankyou! | 22:08 |
Noobmonk3y | darn, i also better get on with the new healthcheck! | 22:08 |
ShadowJK | MohammadAG51, venemo is right, the bme shutdown threshold is where it is for good reason | 22:08 |
ShadowJK | the modem goes into reset loops a bit before the last-resort brutal hw cutoff of omap-side too.. | 22:09 |
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Venemo | Noobmonk3y: no, they are not the same | 22:09 |
Noobmonk3y | :P | 22:09 |
MohammadAG51 | ShadowJK, I know about the modem bit | 22:10 |
MohammadAG51 | sim crosses out | 22:10 |
MohammadAG51 | so I use the power button to turn it off | 22:10 |
MohammadAG51 | and it shuts down cleanly | 22:10 |
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ShadowJK | I wouldn't want to do it, power supply can't be guaranteed for shutdown :/ | 22:11 |
Venemo | MohammadAG51: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li-ion_battery | 22:11 |
ShadowJK | 3.2V is right before the cliff where Li-Ion voltage starts to collapse rapidly :/ | 22:12 |
Venemo | MohammadAG51: "overdischarge can irreversibly damage a battery" "Overdischarge can short-circuit the cell, in which case recharging can be unsafe." | 22:12 |
MohammadAG51 | ShadowJK, actually it is | 22:12 |
Venemo | "Depletion below the low-voltage threshold (2.4 to 2.8 V/cell, depending on chemistry) results in a dead battery because the protection circuit (a type of electronic fuse) disables it." | 22:13 |
Venemo | so MohammadAG51, be very careful about it | 22:13 |
dr34m | my thing broke like this | 22:14 |
dr34m | because battery was dead | 22:14 |
DocScrutinizer | Venemo: all this is very well known, but still 3.0V seems safe enough to shut down, and it would allow bq27200 to properly learn | 22:14 |
GAN900 | Nobody's grilling the candidates yet. | 22:14 |
* MohammadAG51 has a suggestion | 22:15 | |
GAN900 | Who wants to hit the mailing list with evil questions with me? *eg* | 22:15 |
MohammadAG51 | shut down the council | 22:15 |
ShadowJK | it's like at most 6% extra capacity for much more than 6% extra wear and tear on it | 22:15 |
DocScrutinizer | and btw trying to recharge a deep discharged LiIon battery usually isn't dangerous but simply futile | 22:15 |
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ShadowJK | Some of them will come back but heat up lots more during charge and discharge.. | 22:16 |
Venemo | DocScrutinizer51: what do you mean by "properly learn"? | 22:16 |
Venemo | GAN900: what sort of evil questions? | 22:16 |
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DocScrutinizer | Venemo: bq27200 has a built in notion about actual precise cell capacity. It needs a full charge+discharge cycle to learn this | 22:17 |
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DocScrutinizer | discharge has to go down to some magical voltage, bme usually switching off before reaching this voltage | 22:17 |
* RevdKathy starts biting fingernails about GAN900's questions | 22:17 | |
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fooblah | Is there an issue with entering ASCII-numeric WEP keys? I keep getting "invalid wep key length". | 22:18 |
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alterego | fooblah: yes | 22:18 |
fooblah | alterego: There is a problem? | 22:19 |
Venemo | DocScrutinizer51: hmm... sounds like a poor design decision | 22:19 |
DocScrutinizer | prolly interpreted as hex key | 22:19 |
alterego | five characters for a WEP key | 22:19 |
DocScrutinizer | Venemo: of bme, yes | 22:19 |
RST38h | GAN: Why? Does it matter? | 22:19 |
lcuk | alterego, 5 or 13 afaik | 22:19 |
Venemo | DocScrutinizer, yes | 22:19 |
DocScrutinizer | though they also could have done a better job at promming the bq27200 | 22:20 |
Venemo | DocScrutinizer, are you an electronic engineer? | 22:20 |
DocScrutinizer | ~jorg | 22:20 |
alterego | lcuk: ah, okay :) | 22:20 |
DocScrutinizer | ~joerg | 22:20 |
infobot | it has been said that joerg is a HW-developer and engineer of Openmoko, usually known as DocScrutinizer | 22:20 |
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MohammadAG51 | lcuk, 5 or 10 afaik | 22:20 |
MohammadAG51 | 5 ascii, 10 numbers | 22:20 |
fooblah | alterego: How do I take a nine-digit ASCII string and convert it to the appropriate hex? Ubuntu does it for me automatically. | 22:20 |
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alterego | fooblah: well, that's a WEP passphrase. | 22:21 |
alterego | Not sure. | 22:21 |
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Venemo | DocScrutinizer: congrats :) | 22:21 |
DocScrutinizer | fooblah: try "123456789" | 22:21 |
fooblah | DocScrutinizer: What? | 22:21 |
DocScrutinizer | fooblah: with " | 22:22 |
Venemo | DocScrutinizer: currently I'm a first-year student in electronic engineering | 22:22 |
DocScrutinizer | often helps to signal it's a string | 22:22 |
lcuk | DocScrutinizer, : | 22:22 |
lcuk | My laptop Wifi card requires an ASCII key that is 5 or 13 characters, or a Hex key that is 10 or 26 characters. | 22:22 |
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fooblah | Is there no algorithm that converts it? | 22:22 |
lcuk | IDK | 22:23 |
lcuk | I just had to come up with a passphrase of correct length first time and remember it :P | 22:23 |
DocScrutinizer | or a passphrase that is arbitrary length and not defined how it hashes to key in a particular implementation :-P | 22:23 |
fooblah | DocScrutinizer: How could that work? What if '"' is part of the passphrase? | 22:23 |
DocScrutinizer | lol, dunno | 22:23 |
* RST38h sighs | 22:23 | |
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* DocScrutinizer sighs too | 22:24 | |
RST38h | ASCII key is converted to the hex key by writing the hex ascii code of each character | 22:24 |
fooblah | RST38h: It's not an ASCII key it is an ASCII passphrase. | 22:24 |
DocScrutinizer | in knetworkmanager you explicitly select type of key | 22:25 |
RST38h | for(J=0;Key[J];++J) printf("0x%02X ",Key[J]); | 22:25 |
RST38h | fobblah: same thing. | 22:25 |
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RST38h | Ah, meego 1.1 next month | 22:25 |
fooblah | RST38h: I have a 9 digit numeric ASCII string. Isn't that not valid? | 22:25 |
* RST38h wonders if N900 version will become usable this time | 22:25 | |
DocScrutinizer | meh, use proper keys, problem solved | 22:25 |
GAN900 | RST38h, well, could be fun. :P | 22:26 |
RST38h | foo: valid, although probably not very secure | 22:26 |
DocScrutinizer | why use numeric-only keys? why use passphrases? | 22:26 |
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fooblah | RST38h: It "just works" on Ubuntu. I don't understand what magic I need to apply | 22:26 |
GAN900 | MohammadAG51, that seems negative. | 22:26 |
fooblah | RST38h: I keep getting "invalid wep key length" | 22:26 |
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RST38h | foo:You do not need to apply any magic, just enter it right | 22:26 |
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Venemo | fooblah: use WPA2 | 22:26 |
RST38h | foo: You are doing something wrong. Probably selected a wrong key type. | 22:26 |
DocScrutinizer | nope, gentlemen - a wep key has to be 5 byte or 13 byte | 22:27 |
RST38h | GAN: Grilling questions you mean? No, no longer fun unfortunately. | 22:27 |
fooblah | RST38h: I don't get an option for selecting a key type. | 22:27 |
DocScrutinizer | you can use chars directly, or you use hex, or you use another arbitrary length string and it gets hashed to 13bytes | 22:28 |
fooblah | DocScrutinizer: Do you have the hashing algo? The one's I have found on the web keep giving me more than 13bytes | 22:28 |
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DocScrutinizer | the hashing algo is nonstandard | 22:29 |
fooblah | DocScrutinizer: What does that mean? Somehow ubuntu dealt with it. | 22:29 |
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* DocScrutinizer shrugs | 22:29 | |
DocScrutinizer | use proper keys, problem solved | 22:29 |
DocScrutinizer | why use passphrases??? | 22:29 |
fooblah | DocScrutinizer: It's not my network | 22:29 |
DocScrutinizer | OMG | 22:30 |
fooblah | what? | 22:30 |
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Venemo | fooblah: so... go to the connection settings/advanced settings and set it correclty | 22:30 |
Venemo | correctly* | 22:30 |
RST38h | (are we going to see a proper dictionary definition of "correctly" now?) | 22:31 |
DocScrutinizer | some routers seem to just fill up too short strings with "0" or spaces | 22:31 |
DocScrutinizer | others do other weird hashing | 22:32 |
DocScrutinizer | try "123456789 " | 22:32 |
fooblah | DocScrutinizer: Without the quotes? | 22:33 |
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DocScrutinizer | can't you test both? | 22:33 |
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DocScrutinizer | fooblah: use aircrack and hack the key :-P | 22:33 |
DocScrutinizer | faster than guessing XD | 22:34 |
fooblah | DocScrutinizer: I don't have a card that can do packet injection with default drivers | 22:34 |
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fooblah | Okay it worked with set it through "connection settings". I don't understand why | 22:35 |
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fooblah | but I'm happy | 22:35 |
DocScrutinizer | if you have "access" to the network, you can generate large amounts of datatraffic easily, without packet injection | 22:35 |
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* crashanddie points at data sharing websites | 22:36 | |
crashanddie | if you want the injection driver, it's there. | 22:37 |
crashanddie | DocScrutinizer: the point isn't to generate traffic, it's to generate traffic that matters | 22:37 |
fooblah | I know where to get injection driver it just a colossal pain | 22:37 |
crashanddie | fooblah: no it's not | 22:37 |
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crashanddie | if you say that, you probably don't know where it is | 22:38 |
fooblah | crashanddie: Are you talking about on the N800? | 22:38 |
crashanddie | Ah, no, the n900 | 22:38 |
crashanddie | my bad, then | 22:39 |
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DocScrutinizer | crashanddie: pkt inj for n900? o.O | 22:40 |
crashanddie | MohammadAG51: ping | 22:42 |
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Venemo | MohammadAG51: btw, I have discovered that the N900 can operate for a couple of hours even after the battery low warning, so you have a valid point there | 22:49 |
MohammadAG | indeed | 22:50 |
DangerMaus | yepyep it beeps at me for hours while trying to sleep | 22:50 |
MohammadAG | with low screen brightness and wifi off | 22:50 |
MohammadAG | it runs for an hour | 22:50 |
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crashanddie | MohammadAG: PING | 22:51 |
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MohammadAG | crashanddie, was just about to ping you with a /query :P | 22:51 |
crashanddie | lies | 22:51 |
Venemo | MohammadAG: in offline mode, it can play mp3 for an hour | 22:53 |
Venemo | MohammadAG: after the battery low beep | 22:53 |
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MohammadAG | 2 if you stop bme :P | 22:53 |
MohammadAG | though my tracker is an annoyance | 22:53 |
trumee | crashanddie: still happy to test my pbx/freeswitch server? | 22:53 |
MohammadAG | it starts indexing when it beeps battery low | 22:53 |
crashanddie | trumee: lol, completely forgot about that | 22:54 |
trumee | crashanddie: yup, that is why i reminded you :) | 22:54 |
GAN900 | Some crazy woman is telling us about how vampires are real, they're just people who can control their cells on a molecular level. The Catholic church brainwashed them into believing sunlight and holy water would hurt them. | 22:54 |
RST38h | What about the garlic though? | 22:55 |
RevdKathy | Not to mention steaks... err stakes | 22:55 |
RST38h | Yes, the stakes | 22:55 |
DangerMaus | only good against masquitos | 22:55 |
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RST38h | GAN900: That is really just the fallout from showing True Blood on TV | 22:55 |
* lcuk puts a steak through RevdKathy | 22:56 | |
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lcuk | (medium rare) | 22:56 |
RST38h | Various mentally unstable people tipping over the edge. | 22:56 |
RevdKathy | Well done, lcuk! | 22:56 |
lcuk | :D you are welcome | 22:56 |
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lcuk | how are you kathy? | 22:57 |
RevdKathy | Tired but alive, thanks lcuk. How're you? | 22:58 |
lcuk | I am ok | 22:58 |
lcuk | had to trudget through manchester today | 22:58 |
lcuk | looking for alternative library | 22:58 |
RevdKathy | Why? No car? | 22:58 |
lcuk | the big central one in town is closed until 2013! | 22:58 |
lcuk | I only found out after I had parked | 22:58 |
RevdKathy | Oh blast. That sucks! | 22:59 |
* lcuk wanted to take some pictures | 22:59 | |
lcuk | i adore that library | 22:59 |
lcuk | so I ended up sat in the business section of the new library for a bit :) | 22:59 |
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RevdKathy | I love all libraries on principle | 22:59 |
lcuk | mostly because I couldnt find the soft porn collection | 22:59 |
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lcuk | RevdKathy, the new one was lots of computers | 23:00 |
lcuk | and less books | 23:00 |
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crashanddie | hey RevdKathy, lcuk | 23:00 |
RevdKathy | You need hard copy? I though that was what the internet was for! | 23:00 |
lcuk | it felt like a school library, could barely smell the paper | 23:00 |
crashanddie | RevdKathy: you live on twitter, don't you? | 23:00 |
RevdKathy | Hi crashanddie | 23:00 |
RevdKathy | Not a librbary without books. Lots of books and that awed hush | 23:01 |
lcuk | RevdKathy, something about standing in a grand hall with 100s of years of history around you | 23:01 |
RevdKathy | Yeah, old churches do that, too | 23:01 |
lcuk | *nod* | 23:01 |
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Noobmonk3y | MohammadAG, you on? | 23:01 |
Venemo | lcuk, I agree with you | 23:01 |
lcuk | but touching the lovely old ladies gets you hit round the head | 23:01 |
lcuk | unlike opening books | 23:01 |
MohammadAG | Noobmonk3y, nope, I'm off | 23:01 |
Noobmonk3y | meh | 23:01 |
lcuk | \o crashanddie | 23:02 |
RevdKathy | Depends - I find old ladies quite like to be hugged | 23:02 |
lcuk | :D | 23:02 |
Noobmonk3y | anyone clever fancy helping soleone with a dependencies issue? pulseaudio is being poo - http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=62223 | 23:02 |
lcuk | when we were at the wedding service couple of weeks ago | 23:02 |
Noobmonk3y | someone* | 23:02 |
lcuk | a pair of old dears behind us "assisted" us into when to stand up :$ | 23:02 |
lcuk | and they sung louder than anyone :D | 23:03 |
* lcuk was impressed | 23:03 | |
RevdKathy | The church runs on its Old Dears | 23:03 |
Venemo | Noobmonk3y: what's the issue? | 23:03 |
Noobmonk3y | Venemo, http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=62223 | 23:04 |
Noobmonk3y | pulseadio wont install on a healthcheck install | 23:04 |
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Noobmonk3y | pulseaudio* | 23:04 |
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lcuk | RevdKathy, the organ dude kept switching between an amazing pipe organ and some electronic synth | 23:04 |
lcuk | i half expected him to put on shades when playing the synth | 23:04 |
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RevdKathy | sounds dead trendy! If people can join in and participate the style of music is whatever works! | 23:05 |
lcuk | yup | 23:05 |
Venemo | Noobmonk3y: pulseaudio-utils, right? Can I see your debian/control file? | 23:06 |
RevdKathy | venemo, that sounds like the ultimate chat-up line! | 23:06 |
Noobmonk3y | erm errr lol haven't got the source code on this pc :P - hehe not got round to re-installing! | 23:06 |
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Noobmonk3y | lol kathy! | 23:06 |
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lcuk | lol! | 23:06 |
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Venemo | Noobmonk3y: if you have an SVN repo or something, a link to it will suffice | 23:06 |
Noobmonk3y | and my n900 is having a battery moment :P | 23:06 |
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Noobmonk3y | Venemo, if i was that organised and clever, i wouldnt have these issues :P | 23:07 |
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Noobmonk3y | git confused the buggery out of me | 23:07 |
Noobmonk3y | ie, git is a git | 23:07 |
Venemo | Noobmonk3y: okay. then go to http://maemo.org/packages/ download your own latest source package and pastebin your debian/control file | 23:07 |
Noobmonk3y | ahaaaaaaaaaaaa | 23:07 |
Noobmonk3y | sorted venemo! | 23:07 |
Noobmonk3y | he had maemo repo disabled :P | 23:08 |
Venemo | Noobmonk3y: LooooL... :D | 23:08 |
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Noobmonk3y | meh | 23:08 |
Noobmonk3y | at least it works now :) | 23:08 |
* lcuk yawns | 23:08 | |
* Noobmonk3y shoves bacon down lcuk's throat | 23:09 | |
CutMeOwnThroat | ahem! | 23:09 |
Noobmonk3y | now kathy, does that class as a chat up line? hehehe | 23:09 |
* Venemo gives lcuk a cup of coffee | 23:09 | |
lcuk | :D yeah | 23:09 |
lcuk | any other offers? | 23:09 |
Noobmonk3y | lol! | 23:09 |
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RevdKathy | Noobmonk3y that's almost a proposal! | 23:11 |
Noobmonk3y | hehehe! | 23:11 |
Noobmonk3y | and who said romance was dead in this day n age ;) | 23:11 |
lcuk | :O | 23:12 |
lcuk | crashanddie, I think I need a ciggy | 23:12 |
* crashanddie throws a lucky lcuk's way | 23:12 | |
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lcuk | :D ta | 23:13 |
lcuk | at least you didnt try to force it upon me :D | 23:13 |
lcuk | unlike some monk3y | 23:13 |
Noobmonk3y | lcuk, you happily enjoyed it, i heard no complaints :P | 23:14 |
Noobmonk3y | anyway it would be blasphemy if you rejected bacon... in any form :P | 23:14 |
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lcuk | "mmmn bnnnmmnn mmnnnnm" | 23:15 |
lcuk | roughly translated means, gimme a chance to breath but keep it coming | 23:15 |
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Noobmonk3y | lol! | 23:17 |
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crashanddie | GAN900: you going to meegocon? | 23:21 |
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RevdKathy | lcuk - as the actress said to the Bishop! | 23:22 |
lcuk | :D | 23:23 |
RST38h | OMG they have found natural gas under NYC | 23:23 |
kerio | BACON! | 23:23 |
kerio | am i late? | 23:23 |
RST38h | yes. | 23:23 |
kerio | :( | 23:23 |
Noobmonk3y | kerio, never :) - was a great contribution | 23:24 |
Noobmonk3y | if you are looking for bacon, lcuk is in mid swallow | 23:24 |
lcuk | RST38h, hmm? | 23:24 |
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* Noobmonk3y coughs and changes the subject | 23:24 | |
RevdKathy | Nice devs swallow... no, I thin I'll leave you gentlemen to this conversation | 23:24 |
kerio | omnomnom | 23:24 |
lcuk | I had already finished that piece lol | 23:24 |
RevdKathy | Goodnight all! | 23:25 |
Venemo | lol | 23:25 |
lcuk | :O RevdKathy good night | 23:25 |
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Noobmonk3y | lol | 23:26 |
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Stskeeps | evening javispedro | 23:59 |
javispedro | evening | 23:59 |
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