IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2010-09-06

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crashanddieyou guys give me a headache00:01
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crashanddiethis is a two way discussion, no need for the specific nicknaming :P00:02
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Venemowhat do you mean crashanddie?00:03
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SparFuxHi! On a mobile phone with maemo installed, can I even install debian there?00:07
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kerioSparFux: on *a* mobile phone?00:12
keriomaemo runs on exactly 1 phone00:12
keriocheck out easy debian00:12
lcukit runs on lots of phones00:12
lcuka massive amount of phones00:12
lcukthey just all look similar00:12
keriowait, how massive?00:13
SparFuxkerio: Yes. :-)00:13
SparFuxkerio: like, on a smartphone for example.00:13
lcukkerio, but things like this dont come from nowhere
LynoureVenemo: seems there is a similar qemu image somewhere installed, and commands for starting it... just well hidden.00:14
VenemoLynoure: I dunno. Haven't tried it on Linux yet00:15
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LynoureVenemo: this was an observation, not a question00:15
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VenemoLynoure: ah. Does it work?00:16
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LynoureVenemo: after manual starting and manual configuration into the sdk... the emulator button still stays grey, but yes, other than that.00:18
VenemoLynoure: you have to set up a connection to the emulator manually00:19
LynoureVenemo: I have.00:19
LynoureVenemo: it works in running apps, but the button stays grey00:19
VenemoLynoure: in Qt creator, Tools/Options/Projects -> Maemo device configurations, add a new device, with the type emulator00:19
LynoureVenemo: I did that00:20
Lynourelike I said..00:20
VenemoLynoure: ookay... :)00:20
VenemoLynoure: sorry. :)00:20
LynoureThe button above the hammer is the one that stays greyed out, but I'm not sure that matters00:21
VenemoLynoure: that is greyed out for me, too... (has been forever)00:22
VenemoLynoure: anyways, come to #qt-maemo in European working hours. The Qt guys are there and they are helpful00:23
LynoureI tried there twice earlier... But probably not during office hours00:24
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DocScrutinizer(<kerio> wait, how massive?) think of nn*10^500:27
keriothat's a big number, unless nn=000:28
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DocScrutinizernevertheless I'd bet I got a hit00:29
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DocScrutinizereven with nn!=000:29
keriowait, at most 9900000?00:30
DocScrutinizeryou thinks it's more?00:30
kerioi'd say much less, but what do i know00:30
DocScrutinizerdefinitely more tha 100.00000:30
tremnite all, sweet dreams00:31
kerioARE MADE OF THIS00:31
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DocScrutinizerwho in a mile to disagree00:31
DocScrutinizerooh, my memory fails it seems00:32
mikhas... everybody's waiting for something?00:32
lolloolol @ mikhas00:32
DocScrutinizeranyway neuronal scientists would love that statement, as they could tell my brain working differently than usual00:33
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derfNone of you people make any sense.00:45
derfThat's not even English.00:45
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DocScrutinizerJamesey's Breakfast Cocktail00:45
DocScrutinizer1.5 ounces bacon-infused Compass Box Peat Monster Scotch00:45
DocScrutinizer.75 ounce molasses syrup00:46
DocScrutinizer.75 ounce lemon juice00:46
DocScrutinizer.25 ounce Grand Marnier00:46
SpeedEvileggplant verisimilitude.00:46
derf"Bacon-infused"... now you're talkig sense.00:46
kerioare we human, or are we dancer00:47
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derfMe English nicht verstehen.00:48
SpeedEvil99 luft balons.00:48
keriofuckin rainbows after a rain00:48
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DocScrutinizerto decorate grate some schwarzwaelder schinken over the drink, before serving00:49
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DocScrutinizerderf: like to DIY? an easy instruction on how to create bacon-infused burbon
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DocScrutinizer( lcuk has to be dead :-P )00:58
DocScrutinizerotherwise how can it be we don't hear any comment?00:59
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FrieThowdie maemoes:)00:59
derfIt _is_ somewhat late there.00:59
derfHe has to sleep sometime.00:59
Venemobye #maemo! :)00:59
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FrieTcan anyone recommend a sip client for the n900?01:00
keriothe... default one01:00
FrieTeats >100% cpu..01:01
jacktheripper>100% !?01:01
DocScrutinizeryeah, it eats 300% cpu01:01
kerioomg he has a dualcore OMAP401:01
FrieTjacktheripper: if you overclock the thing ;p01:01
DocScrutinizerthen it's clearly the overclocking that *realy* eats your CPU :-P01:02
FrieTokay hm. so a decent sip client isn't out there..01:02
FrieTthe high cpu usage isn't exactly an unknown issue on the default sip client.. hence my question.01:03
DocScrutinizerFrieT: the SIP client _is_ somewhat decent. You'll not find a better one, as it's PA and not the client that 'eats cpu'01:03
FrieTyes.. true.01:03
keriostupid PA :(01:04
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mikhasfix it, or convince nokia to use better audio hardware ;-)01:05
DocScrutinizerbetter hardware?01:05
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MNZkerio, don't get me started :/01:05
DocScrutinizerwhat's wrong with hw?01:05
mikhaswell, apparently PA is doing stuff it shouldnt do01:05
MNZmikhas, we already know that01:05
kerioPA is... software01:05
FrieTit uses 30%+ ..01:05
MNZexcept we can't do shit about it because it's closed source01:06
FrieTgt wonder why symbian pulled it off on an old e61:)01:06
mikhasso the answer is either: fix PA, or: move that stuff to HW01:06
MNZI AM working on an alternative solution, but no use to SIP01:06
kerioit's already in the HW01:06
keriowe have a hw equalizer01:06
DocScrutinizerMNZ: we can jettison the whole module. Should be 'easy'01:06
kerioand a hw decoder01:06
FrieTkerio: hw equalizer? any frontend for that?:p01:06
MNZDocScrutinizer, yes, and start at the guessing game again :/01:06
MNZFrieT, hopefully... but don't get too excited01:07
kerioFrieT: if i ask MNZ one more time he'll kill me01:07
FrieTok well i'll send flowers..?01:07
DocScrutinizerMNZ: more like starting the gambling how long the speakers will survivie :-P01:07
FrieTsolder em out, attach ghetto blasters, done01:07
FrieTthen it's a matter of how long the little tiny amp will last01:08
MNZFrieT, the little tiny amp can probably handle it01:08
FrieTthen go for it:)01:08
DocScrutinizerthe amp is 'undestructable'01:08
MNZanywho, I have some good (?) news that I hadn't yet announced, mostly because of that question mark after 'good'01:08
FrieTdo share:)01:09
MNZIt seems that the hardware accel for audio/video decoding is not actually being used01:09
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MNZAnd TI are working on gstreamer plugins for the thing01:09
MNZnow of course it's not just gstreamer plugins01:09
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MNZThe thing involves about 2Gigs of SDK and code and kernel shit01:09
FrieTwell that'd help with the decoding01:09
MNZand I'm downloading stuff right now to figure out how to fit it into maemo01:10
kerionot to mention we're not fully using the led controller01:10
FrieTyeah that led is underused01:10
DocScrutinizerkerio: you maybe not. *I* however do, occasionally :-P01:10
FrieThow about disco-blinkenlights with that led?:o)01:10
kerioFrieT: it's actually a true cpu01:11
keriowith a small instruction set01:11
DocScrutinizerkerio: It's even a battery charge indicator, without any main CPU involved01:11
FrieTcpu like or microcontroller like?01:11
kerioprobably powerful enough to run an atari2600 game01:11
DocScrutinizerFrieT: something like 2 local and one global 8bit var01:12
DocScrutinizeradd, mul, sub, and conditional branches01:12
FrieTi just knew they'd come up with use for the ol c=64:>01:12
DocScrutinizerloop counters01:13
DocScrutinizerand it's really 3 of those little engines01:13
DocScrutinizerso a true multicore :-P01:13
FrieTone per led colour?01:13
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FrieTwhy the hell is pulseaudio being used anyhow? :|01:14
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FrieTokay i guess i just asked a terrible FAQ:D01:15
MNZFrieT, basically to turn the device audio architecture "APE Centric"01:15
DocScrutinizerFrieT: come join the PA haters' club!01:15
MNZwhere APE is not a monkey01:15
FrieTDocScrutinizer: well based on cpu load !!...01:15
FrieTape being?01:15
MNZbut more akin to Application P* Engine01:16
kerioFrieT: because nokia is taking the piss01:16
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MNZI forget01:16
DocScrutinizerFrieT: no terrible FAQ, just a Q with a terribly unknown or disgusting answer01:16
FrieTDocScrutinizer: ic..01:16
MNZApplication Processor Engine01:16
FrieTsounds like a marketing buzzword..01:16
MNZOne of the reasons given by Sarha (dude who wrote all the PA mods) was to remove all the hardware complications of doing routing down there01:17
MNZand just put it all through the CPU01:17
MNZbecause it *SIMPLIFIES* shit01:17
keriothat makes sense for a quad-core desktop01:17
MNZand it does really01:17
FrieTand adds terrible overhead?01:17
kerioand still, you'd want to use jackd, not pa01:17
MNZkerio, exactly! have you seen friggin jack2?01:18
MNZit's amazing01:18
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MNZI dunno how it adds no overhead, and uses almost 0 cpu :/01:18
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FrieTso basically this is what, supposed to be a software mixer of sorts?01:18
DocScrutinizertell me why my last desktop system updtae broke my perfect alsa installation by shoving PA down my throat for nuttin, and maybe I manage to remember why Nokia has chosen to adopt PA shit for maemo01:19
MNZFrieT, it mixes streams and does some stuff to protect speakers when on speaker output01:19
FrieTi don't need that!01:19
FrieTi'll blast my speakers if i very darn well please!01:19
MNZhighpass filter for protecting speakers (or they go bunk) and dynamic compression01:19
FrieToh boy.01:20
nox-that reminds me of...
FrieTand that is done in software because?01:20
FrieTnow i remember why i use windows/ASIO for my audio stuff:P01:20
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SpeedEvilIn many cases, it's done in software, as software is the only place that can do it.01:21
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nox-(and btw for comparison, freebsd's sound drivers have in-kernel mixing and per-app volume control so rarely does one there need any `sound daemons'... :)01:21
SpeedEvilIn this case, it's not - as there is an equalisation feature in the hardware01:21
SpeedEvilwhich is unused01:21
MNZnox-, we have in-kernel mixing01:21
FrieTalsa does that these days too iirc01:21
MNZFrieT, it's one of the oldest modules, dmix, not 'these days'01:21
DocScrutinizernox-: sounds like ALSA01:21
nox-ah ok but not in the beginning01:22
FrieTwell last time i checked out linux audio was hm01:22
FrieTwhen alsa was not in the kernel upstream yet01:22
FrieTit did exist tho01:22
FrieTso i'm a little out of touch01:22
MNZActually, I haven't really witnessed OSS first-hand01:22
MNZso I can't tell01:22
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FrieTmmm oSS. fond memories of horror-noise.01:23
DocScrutinizerfor the record: dmix is in ALSA at least since 0.96 and it just works since 1.0.101:23
nox-DocScrutinizer, but isnt dmix in userland?01:23
DocScrutinizerumm, that's a good question. probably yes, dmix is userland (though I'm not sure)01:24
FrieTblah.. on a phone, why do audio in userland?01:24
nox-DocScrutinizer, at least it was once01:24
nox-maybe that has changed tho01:24
MNZFrieT, actually, do you have anything against userland :/ ?01:24
MNZnox-, actually I'm not sure about dmix either01:24
FrieTi do when it's latency-sensitive01:25
luke-jrdmix couldn't be in userland01:25
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luke-jrALSA doesn't use a userland daemon01:25
FrieT984 1 pulse R < 3596 1.4 24.4 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --system --high-priority01:25
FrieTplaying an mp3 ..01:25
DocScrutinizernox-: bot otoh dmix is used by several distinct userland processes that don't now shit about each other...?01:25
luke-jrFrieT: N900 isn't a phone, and PulseAudio is crap01:25
FrieTack on both :)01:25
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr: yep, for dmix and ALSA01:26
FrieTthere's no alternative audio systems that have PA wrappers?01:26
keriolet's go beat up the guy who decided PA was a good idea01:27
DocScrutinizerWUT?? yet another wraper around the wrapper?01:27
DocScrutinizernoooo dude01:27
kerioyo dawg i heard you like overhead01:27
FrieThey, seeing how efficient this thing is at dd if=- of=/dev/dsp01:27
FrieTit can't be thĂ t bad01:27
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nox-FrieT, :)01:28
FrieTseriously now.. eiter it does all the audio decoding and i'm OK with it using cpu, or it just does software mixing and this is just out of whack. hm.01:28
DocScrutinizerkerio: you mixed up things - I like headroom, not overhead01:28
MNZFrieT, the next top process would be mafw-gst-renderer01:28
MNZFrieT, that's where the decoding happens01:29
FrieTyes i know01:29
FrieThence ..01:29
kerioFrieT: mixing takes more cpu than decoding :/01:29
FrieT17% decoding01:29
FrieT27% for a unix pipe ..01:29
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FrieTand then there's the kernel-cpu time for the audio driving itself.01:29
DocScrutinizerunix pipe?01:29
MNZAnd my attempts at running pulseaudio through valgrind on the ARM failed miserably :D01:29
MNZFrieT, it does mixing and a bunch of other stuff... not just a unix pipe01:30
FrieTit doesn't have to mix anything right now :)01:30
MNZgood point XD01:30
FrieTONE audio stream. should be 1-2%cpu if you add some protect-the-speakers voodoo01:30
DocScrutinizerlike IIR highpass filter, and (adaptive) dynamic compression01:30
FrieTDocScrutinizer: so how do i rip that out?01:31
FrieTdo we have sources to this?01:31
FrieTPA is totally closed?01:31
keriobut i guess you could tell PA to stop doing it01:31
kerioPA is oss01:31
keriothe nokia modules are closed01:31
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FrieTare the nokia modules doing the compression ?01:31
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kerioand the speaker protection01:32
DocScrutinizerand ugly relatives01:32
keriothe speakers sound like shit anyway01:32
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FrieTspeaker protection.. explains why ringtones can't distort01:32
FrieTtoo bad.01:32
FrieTi'd happily void warranty and save cpu/batterylife:P01:33
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MNZHrmmm someone should seriously get nokia to release the code01:33
MNZit's not like they have any super top secret IP in there :/01:33
FrieThow? do they still care about maemo?01:33
MNZif they don't care about maemo then all the more reason to release code01:34
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FrieTi have zero contacts with them:)01:34
DocScrutinizerthe highpass is a *good* thing, and incidentally can be done in hardware. MNZ is working on that. The dynamic compander is a BS addon doen for the leetness, and we could kick it out and replace by a much saner level control01:34
FrieTunless you count their DSL stuff:)01:34
FrieThighpass is a good thing, but at least i want to be able to turn it off.01:35
MNZFrieT, turn it off = blow speakers, apparently01:35
DocScrutinizerturn off is easy, just tweak ploicy files01:35
DocScrutinizerpolicy even01:36
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FrieTi'll happily test that MNZ:P01:36
FrieTDocScrutinizer: not familiar enough yet with "tweak policy files"01:36
MNZFrieT, that's great actually, just wait a bunch more so you can test the stuff I write instead of blowing speakers by turning off PA :P01:36
DocScrutinizerMNZ: blow speakers on high volume with plenty of bass01:36
FrieTMNZ: i took out insurance for this thing, so i get it replaced when it blows.01:37
FrieTthe drop-coffee-on-device kind of insurance01:37
FrieTso yes, i'd be happy to test:P01:37
FrieTnowwww where do i disable the compression / filtering?;D01:37
DocScrutinizerany, just on a sidenote, speakers are replaced easily and probably don't cost that much01:38
FrieTghettoblasters ftw01:38
lcukdelayed reaction DocScrutinizer !01:38
DocScrutinizerooh BACON01:38
lcukthe smell finally reached me01:38
* DocScrutinizer hands lcuk a Jamesey's Breakfast Cocktail01:39
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MNZActually one of my concerns was if I got the hardware thing working I wouldn't have the guts to test it :D01:39
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FrieTMNZ: i'll test it, for sure:)01:39
DocScrutinizerMNZ: no worries, there are dudes to test (me being one of them)01:40
DocScrutinizerMNZ: I mean ther has to be a reason I got a devel device of Nokia01:40
MNZah good, because I had kinda stopped on the hardware thing and gave hacking at PA a shot, which didn't work out01:41
MNZlcuk, it's surprisingly not fun profiling stuff on linux on ARM.... more over closed source stuff01:41
FrieTok. discovery: 22khz saves 5% cpu :P01:42
DocScrutinizerMNZ: do you think somebody doing THIS:  is afraid of testing audio software? XP01:42
lcukits getting easier01:42
lcukmore diagnostics are available etc01:42
FrieTDocScrutinizer: yes:P01:43
MNZDocScrutinizer :O01:43
DocScrutinizerFrieT: sorry?01:43
FrieTi never said i'm a good thinker:)01:43
nox-DocScrutinizer, how many pieces were left over after you put it back together? :)01:44
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MNZFrieT, he was working with the openmoko guys, so I guess he knows what he's doing, aye doc :D ?01:45
DocScrutinizerMNZ: I *was* the hw openmoko guy ;-P01:45
DocScrutinizerduring a vertain timespan01:46
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FrieTokay.. any way to rip out this compression thing in the xpolicy file?01:46
DocScrutinizerlook at page one of
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asjDocScrutinizer51: "no tomo font" it looks great, except all the fonts are dots :)01:48
* asj hates pdf01:48
DocScrutinizerasj: use a decent pdf reader :-P01:49
FrieTDocScrutinizer: can only the highpass filter be ripped out easily?01:49
MNZFrieT, I have never actually looked at it the file extensively... there are only two nokia mods that music goes through, module-nokia-music and module-nokia-voice01:49
asjDocScrutinizer: isn't that an oxymoron?01:49
MNZthe media player connects to the sink on module-nokia-music, which is connected to voice then to alsa sink01:49
MNZyou can work around voice by messing with the policy01:49
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SpeedEvilFrieT: You need to carefully check.01:50
DocScrutinizerasj: anyway that's been as good as it got, without losing searchability of the pdf01:50
MNZbut I'm not sure if you can work around music01:50
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MNZyou can set a default sink01:50
SpeedEvilFrieT: - get that script - and use it - and compare battery usage01:50
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FrieTwhy can't everything just be dumped into the same sink?:P01:50
MNZset alsa as the default sink. I really don't know about the PA config files01:50
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SpeedEvilFrieT: redirect ideally to a file.01:50
MNZFrieT, they manage different stuff01:50
DocScrutinizerMNZ: music is connected to voice? o.O01:51
MNZDocScrutinizer, yeah :/ it's weird01:51
SpeedEvilFrieT: Confusing, as 5% CPU difference may be very far from 5% bat volts01:51
DocScrutinizerMNZ: FFS01:51
MNZFrieT, you can just skip PA as a whole and use mplayer to play directly to ALSA01:51
DocScrutinizeryou can even completely kick PA all together aiui, by PA-disabler orwhatyacallit01:52
MNZDocScrutinizer, it's why I suspect the speaker stuff happens in voice, as everything seems to dump into it01:52
MNZFrieT, in general I'd suggest you wait a while or otherwise prepare for a lot of messing about01:53
FrieTi'll do both01:53
MNZor do both :D01:53
lolloowhy is youtube vids low resolution?01:53
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DocScrutinizerwhat else? HD?01:53
lolloothe vids on youtube with my N900 has bad quality01:53
jacktheripperthey're zoomed in.01:54
lollooam using stock browser01:54
DocScrutinizerthe vids on youtube with my * has bad quality01:54
lollooi can alot of squares01:54
lollooon the vid01:54
MNZI accidentally the whole thing01:54
lollooreally bad quality when usin stock browser01:55
lollooto watch youtube vids01:55
jacktheripperlolloo: they're zoomed in.01:55
nox-flash is just `optimized for windows'...01:55
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lolloois my vid codecs are updated?01:55
SpeedEvilffplay plays flash vids insanely low CPU compared to flash01:56
SpeedEvilIt's flash.01:56
nox-SpeedEvil, yep that what i meant01:56
SpeedEvilFlash is unfortunately a bitofa bottleneck.01:56
lolloonokia has built-in gfx card01:56
nox-the only place they care about performace if at all is on windows01:56
lolloowhy isnt youtube flash using it?01:57
* MNZ facepalms and withdraws into a corner01:57
nox-lolloo, why isnt x86 linux flash using xv?01:57
SpeedEvillolloo: Because that would be flash 10.01:57
SpeedEvillolloo: Flash 10 is not on the n900.01:57
lolloowow never knew01:57
SpeedEvilExactly why is a good question.01:57
lolloothank you all01:57
SpeedEvilalso - some vids are worse than others.01:58
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lolloois there kind of an app for youtube01:58
lolloomake vids have better quality01:59
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lolloobecause this seriously bad01:59
lolloocant watch youtube with good quality atleast01:59
DocScrutinizertake this: videos taken with N900 are mere crap on my 1.6GHz dual-core, while they play just fine on N90001:59
* MNZ facedesks01:59
lollooi cant see a thing on youtube from my fone02:00
lollooall sqaures02:00
lolloobad quality02:00
lolloobtw, am using xchat on it now02:00
MNZis it only me or does someone else smell a troll?02:01
DocScrutinizerlolloo: you're sufering from a strange pulseaudio buffer jitter or what?02:01
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* lolloo is using Xchat on Nokia N90002:01
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DocScrutinizerseems like you say things two or three times, in random order02:01
timtubemaster watch this video it's funny.02:01
lolloohaha but still bad quality02:02
lolloohe is all squares02:02
timtubemaster watch this video it's funny.02:02
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DocScrutinizer<lolloo> really bad quality when usin stock browser <lolloo> because this seriously bad <lolloo> cant watch youtube with good quality atleast <lolloo> all sqaures02:03
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DocScrutinizer<lolloo> haha but still bad quality  <lolloo> he is all squares02:03
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DocScrutinizerlolloo: you're close to tripping turing test and get banned for a specially annoying bot02:04
lolloosorry but annoying02:04
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FrieThmmm what repository can i grab screen from ?02:06
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DocScrutinizerIroN900:~# apt-cache search screen   -> gives me ~150 hits, so, sorry nfc02:08
lolloowhat if I use firefox, do you think maybe it has better built-in flash support?02:08
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DocScrutinizerafaik fifo has no flash support at all on N90002:09
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SpeedEvilIt diddn't used to be this bad02:09
* lolloo sighses02:09
SpeedEvilthe pre-content ads render shittily02:09
SpeedEvileven if the content may come OK02:09
DocScrutinizerthough somebody claimed it could get enabled02:09
nox-lolloo, i tried flash on fennec and only got audio02:10
nox-yeah i enabled it in about:config, maybe that was not enough...02:10
FrieTkmplayer does youtube pretty well though..02:10
DocScrutinizermight have been timeless who should know what he's talking bout02:10
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lolloowhich extentions is compatibile with N900: .YUM ,  .tar,   .rpm ?02:14
FrieThuh? does yum support .yum? :D02:15
lollooor .deb ?02:15
FrieTso deb.02:15
lollooFrieT: guess so02:15
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luke-jrwtf is .yum02:17
lollooI think I got the update 10.1 for firefox! YAY02:17
luke-jrlolloo: uh, bad logic02:17
lollooofff its 1wmb02:18
DocScrutinizer51which screws are compatble with Boing? M5, M6, or witworth02:18
luke-jrN900 doesn't care what package format you use02:18
lolloo12 MB02:18
luke-jrMaemo5 does, and only uses .deb packages, but any non-Maemo .deb is unlikely to work too02:18
lollooI found deb file for Flash 10.1 for FireFox02:18
lolloobut its 12MB02:18
luke-jr.rpm/.deb/.tar aren't compatible with themselves even02:18
luke-jrlolloo: it won't work02:19
asjlolloo: you understand that n900 is arm right and can't run x86 code?02:19
lollooit opened appmanager02:19
luke-jrlolloo: it still won't work02:19
luke-jronly Maemo .debs will work02:19
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lolloono I am noob in Linux noob02:19
luke-jrlolloo: think of .exe02:19
lolloobut this one opened app manager02:19
luke-jrjust because you have a .exe doesn't mean you Windows can run it02:19
lollooand installing02:19
SpeedEvilBasically, you're trying to shovel coal into the fuel tank of your shiny new car.02:19
luke-jrSpeedEvil: nah, that'd be a RPM02:20
luke-jra better analogy is pouring water into the gas tank02:20
lollooLet me try it out i will send you screenshots!02:20
luke-jrit'll fit, but it sure won't run the car02:20
asjwell more like diesel fuel into a gas car02:20
luke-jrlolloo: no, you won't.02:20
luke-jrasj: that won't fit :P02:20
asjthe nozel looks the same02:20
luke-jrthe nozel won't fit02:20
luke-jrnon-Maemo .deb fits the package manager, but it won't run the car02:21
asjluke-jr: the diesel nozels here are smaller02:21
lolloo0Mgoat your right02:21
lolloodidnt work02:21
asjlolloo: ya figure?02:21
* MNZ is shocked02:21
lolloo10.1  where art thou02:22
luke-jrlolloo: Flash sucks anyway. don't use it.02:22
lolloohow do you watch youtube?02:22
lollooyou mean you never watch it?02:22
SpeedEvilYoutube works OK for most of trhe content - apart from the ads - IME02:22
nox-i guess you could use yuotube-dl + mplayer...02:23
SpeedEvilthe ads are blocky and break up02:23
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asjlolloo: you tube doesn't need flash 10...02:23
luke-jrlolloo: 1) web browsers aren't supposed to be media players02:23
luke-jrlolloo: 2) HTML 502:23
luke-jrlolloo: 3) YouTube downloader sites02:23
SpeedEvil2) fails due to codecs02:24
lollooI found app called "Zoutube"02:24
luke-jrSpeedEvil: no?02:24
luke-jrSpeedEvil: Chromium works fine for me02:24
SpeedEvilnot tried chromium.02:24
SpeedEvilSome sites do not support html5 though - only flash.02:25
lollooluke-jr: I will try it, where from?02:25
SpeedEvilluke-jr: Does html5 youtube work OK in it?02:25
luke-jrSpeedEvil: only YouTube is perservered enough to force me to use my browser as a media player02:25
luke-jrSpeedEvil: yes02:25
luke-jrlolloo: no clue, I just emerge chromium02:25
nox-google payed the h264 ppl, mozilla doesnt so only chrome can play h264 html5 video02:25
lollooomg I envy them02:25
SpeedEvilI thought h25 just went royalty rfree02:25
SpeedEvilor was I confused by clver marketing people.02:26
nox-SpeedEvil, for ppl hosting videos for free, not sure if also for ppl implementing players...02:26
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DocScrutinizer51luke-jr: while I'm usually hate when people talk like there's no other OS than win on earth, I still feel like reminding you this chan is about maemo, so it's not exactly helping to suggest to newcomers 'emerge chrome'02:28
MNZHrmmm... I think we can't pass data directly from IVA2.2 (OMAP component doing decoding) to the audio codec... still has to go through cpu, which is simply acting as a gateway between both components02:28
lolloobut they didnt bring a solution to youtube problem,02:29
jacktherippercertainly better than nothing though02:30
luke-jrDocScrutinizer51: Chrome doesn't support Gentoo. It's 'emerge chromium'.02:30
luke-jrDocScrutinizer51: also, I suggest you reread how I phrased it02:30
lollooYes I would hate to use stock browser to watch youtube vids02:31
DocScrutinizer[2010-09-06 01:25:10] <lolloo> luke-jr: I will try it, where from?   [2010-09-06 01:25:35] <luke-jr> lolloo: no clue, I just emerge chromium02:31
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: gtfo02:31
MNZOnly 8 more hours left for the download, will wake up to some hacking tomorrow02:34
MNZgood night folks!02:34
FrieTnighty MNZ:)02:35
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: 'no clue' isn't clear enough?02:35
FrieTi'm off too.02:35
FrieTcheers folks02:35
jacktheripperi'm off three.02:35
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luke-jrDocScrutinizer: or you mean it's a problem to explain why I have no clue, without being asked?02:35
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DocScrutinizer51luke-jr: do you think a +q would help you to ponder and find the correct answer to that question by yourself?02:37
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luke-jrDocScrutinizer51: no, I think it would make me resent your trolling and power abuse02:40
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timelesshello world02:41
* timeless is in london02:41
DocScrutinizer51(btw it's kinda starnge that this special flavour of egocentric "I just do xy" without giving clue about this doesn't apply to the remaining 99% of linux users not running gentoo, actually is found frequently among gentooers02:41
timelessanyone here know how to configure their n900's SIP account to route inbound calls?02:41
luke-jrtimeless: you mean forward? or just answer?02:42
DocScrutinizer51luke-jr: seems the jury is still out about who's trolling here02:42
DocScrutinizer51nah actually not, it's  you02:42
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luke-jrDocScrutinizer: troll, judge, and jury.02:44
luke-jrtimeless: it's working for me… are you getting an error, or?02:44
timelessi've only ever used my n900 for outbound sip(s)02:45
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: and, btw, that's exactly same pattern I warned you about when you did same shit wrt that fsckng formulas about meter and meters and dunno what02:45
timelessluke-jr: can i get you to try calling me? i promise not to answer02:45
DocScrutinizerand you start to make me upset, and I don't like to get upset02:45
timelesscute, a moment ago skype worked and nothing else did02:46
timelessnow everything but skype is working02:46
luke-jrtimeless: sure..02:46
DocScrutinizertimeless: when inbound sip doesn't work, that's usually a NAT problem02:49
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timelessdocscrutinizer: this isn't the sip people are used to02:50
timelessthis is pots-sip bridging02:50
timelessluke: hang up02:50
DocScrutinizertimeless: sorry you lost me02:50
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DocScrutinizertimeless: I suppose you don't do pots-sip bridging on N90002:51
DocScrutinizerso if we take as granted the N900 has no wire to plug to a pots outlet, you must be talking about plain inbound SIP02:52
timelessmy provider has a sip service02:53
luke-jrtimeless: I think I concur with DocScrutinizer's NAT theory02:53
timelessit lets me list my caller id as my normal pots phone number02:53
DocScrutinizermhm, I call this a sip-provider02:53
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timelessdoes a normal sip provider also allow for normal pots phones w/ the same outbound numbera?02:54
* timeless doesn't see that very often02:54
DocScrutinizersure, some do02:54
timelessi'm currently using hotel wifi02:55
timelessi can switch to o2 internet02:55
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DocScrutinizertimeless: you can try: go to "advanced" in SIP setup, toggle 'loose routing', toggle/conjugate 'keepalive mechanism', set 'keepalive period' to 30s, toggle 'auto STUN detection'02:59
lcuktimeless, nice offering, whos your provider?02:59
DocScrutinizertimeless: each one at a time02:59
timelessmy employer :)03:00
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* lcuk nods03:00
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DocScrutinizertimeless: and make sure you don't enter anything to fileds 'outbound proxy' and 'username' if they need to stay empty. You can't delete later on - a bug in maemo03:01
* luke-jr always uses those fields03:03
* timeless grumbles03:04
timeless*almost* works in my n90003:04
timelessexcept, i can't manage to click login03:04
* lcuk gets topus03:05
lcukyou can call a shortcode afaik03:05
lcuktopup surprises even03:05
DocScrutinizertimeless: o2 website used to not work even on my desktop for ages03:05
DocScrutinizeroptimized for ms explorer03:05
timelessoh brother03:06
timelessit's a flash game03:06
timelessand it kinda works03:06
timelessbut can you imagine going fishing w/ a slow fishing rod?03:06
lcukdare I ask, is there an optimised flash experience on any mobile03:07
DocScrutinizertimeless: ooh I forgot, you also usually can change port 5060 to something else, like 5070, to ship around any SIP block in a local firewall, e.g of a nasty hotel03:08
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luke-jrDocScrutinizer: only if the SIP provider supports another port…03:09
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timelessthis hotel seems relatively nice03:10
DocScrutinizertimeless: depends on what UA actually does on that, if it chages dest and origin port, or only origin. Also depends on provider which usually allows other ports for dest. And last not least you can add :5060 to a sip URL03:10
timelessi mean, skype and sip and ssh all work03:10
DocScrutinizerat least you SHOULD be able to do this03:10
infobotThe key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED",  "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.03:10
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DocScrutinizertimeless: a common problem is when both sides are behind a NAT, you get the signaling but RTP audio never goes through03:12
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DocScrutinizersome providers do RTP relay in such a situation03:12
DocScrutinizerothers don't03:12
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timelessdoc: ...03:16
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timelessdid you suggest twiddling discover public address?03:17
timelessalso, how the heck does one test this junk?03:18
timelessdo i need a friend to call me a dozen times?03:18
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* timeless kills the quacking ducks03:20
lcuktimeless, second option for testing - use direct hotel call03:20
luke-jrtimeless: call yourself from another phone?03:20
lcukdoes it cost if you dont answer03:20
* lcuk beds anyway \o03:21
timelessyou mean run up a huge bill on my hotel room?03:21
timelesslemme think about that03:21
lcuk"<lcuk> does it cost if you dont answer"03:21
timelesssure i have a 100gbp pre auth03:21
timelessthat doesn't mean i want to spend it :)03:21
timelesslcuk: if i were them i'd charge a bit just for placing the call03:22
timelessi do know that in theory w/ laptops i'm supposed to be able to route inbound calls via sip for this number03:23
DocScrutinizer51timeless: testing is a pita03:23
DocScrutinizer51your best options for testing are the logs of decent UA like twinklephone, or wireshark03:24
timelessi have *one* n90003:25
timelessand one generic s40 phone03:25
DocScrutinizer51plus thorough knowledge about SIP03:25
timelessnothing else03:25
timelessi left my spare n900 on my couch when i rushed to catch my flight03:25
DocScrutinizer51timeless: hmm, call SIP from S40?03:26
timelessum, ?03:26
timelesss40 is using a roaming sim and i don't think it has wifi03:26
DocScrutinizer51nah, call the landline number that forwards to SIP03:27
timelessi only have two phone numbers... the o2 number which i want to answer the nok number03:27
timelessand the nok number03:27
timelesscalling yourself is messy03:27
timelessvery hard to prove it's doing the right thing03:28
DocScrutinizer51hmm, I see03:28
timelessiirc it doesn't do what you want, but tends to tripple bill and send you direct to voicemail03:28
DocScrutinizer51I can give you any number of testcalls, as long as you don't answer03:28
timelessi won't answer03:28
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SpeedEvilHAs anyone else had problems with the modem sometimes randomly lose the mobile signal?03:33
timelesslike on a TGV? :)03:33
SpeedEvilNo, like on a sofa.03:34
SpeedEvilAnd randomly.03:34
SpeedEvilBending the SIM socket pins out seems to have fixed it03:34
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androidn810anyone know where i can download android 2.2 for my n810?03:46
pupnik_androidn810: see the 'nitdroid' project.  i don't have url03:50
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androidn810pupnik_: ok, will try searching nitdroid, but is it compatible with android 2.2 and run on n810's armel arch?03:53
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pupnik_i don't know, but nitdroid is the name of the project porting android to maemo03:55
pupnik_to n900 rather03:56
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androidn810pupnik_: i need it for the n810, not the n90003:59
pupnik_oh right04:00
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GeneralAntilles1Why is it every tool we use for mwkn puts up all of the roadblocks it can towards allowing us to get work done?06:10
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timophthey're making you think twice :)06:14
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GAN900First Docs was generally unreliable, then messed with their API. Now Twitter messed with their API and I can't access old tweets to work around it.06:28
GAN900Will be a VERY short issue this week. ;)06:28
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pupnik_Barack Obama gave 'permission' to General Petraeus to "Unilaterally engage in *assassination* in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Iran, the former Russian Republics, Yemen, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Keynia, The Horn of Aftica, and >> wherever else he deems necessary <<"06:46
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asjpupnik_: this is #maemo, take it elsewhere, and I don't care how drunk you are today06:48
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pupnik_likewise asj06:49
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scp1I guess that nobody still havent found out how one could manage to get a decent Perl installed on a Nokia n900? It's really frustrating having to port code backwards.07:29
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jpinx-eeepcscp1: in a chroot of debian?07:38
jpinx-eeepc(just a thought)07:38
scp1jpinx-eeepc, When I tried the debian chroot it'd no longer boot.07:42
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jpinx-eeepcscp1: bugger - I was going to install that todaay, but I have heard that there are issues07:44
jpinx-eeepcscp1: I wanted to install it and then remove most of the ridiculous stuff like gimp and OOo07:44
jpinx-eeepcscp1: do you mean the chroot would not boot or the phone itself was bricked?07:45
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scp1jpinx-eeepc, the phone was bricked. 2 hours after I bought it08:11
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N900sexiaananybody know why tweego was abandoned? seems to be the case a lot these days: abandonware08:38
N900sexisuch a shame08:39
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N900sexihave the devs jumped ship?08:40
luke-jrthat new ship looked SO much COOLER!08:41
luke-jrwe just HAD to jump ship08:41
luke-jrand swim to the cooler looking one08:42
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N900sexiits pretty freaking annoying when apps stop working. fail. epic fail.08:42
luke-jrblaming Nokia seems to be popular08:43
N900sexicant blame the devs...there aint no money to be made in maemo i guess08:44
N900sexitweego was a half assed effort at a serious app but at least it worked. now its dead08:45
kirmatwitter is changing its' policies if I remember right08:45
luke-jrN900sexi: jcrawford killed it.08:46
N900sexiwhos jcrawford?08:46
luke-jrno idea08:46
N900sexiwhats your point then?08:46
luke-jrno point08:47
luke-jrjust counter-trolling08:47
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N900sexitrolling? so you deny there is abandonware ?  you decide to insult instead?08:48
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luke-jrN900sexi: coming in here and complaining isn't going to fix it08:49
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N900sexiright but this is a maemo channel isnt it? cant we talk about it?08:49
pekujawell, it's dead, right?08:50
N900sexiit is...true08:50
N900sexii just hope nokia takes matters into their hands when n9 comes....they cant afford to have fuck ups like this08:51
pekujabasically, you can't really get mad about a free software developer abandoning a project. they're free to do as they please. what you can do is try to find an alternative or the pick the project up yourself08:51
luke-jrN900sexi: seriously, Nokia is the core of the problem08:51
luke-jrthey abandon Maemo, why *shouldn't* 3rd party devs do so also?08:52
N900sexii know08:52
pekujadefinitely hasn't made me very happy about my N900 purchase08:53
pekujaI'll probably install MeeGo on it, but that's not going to be officially supported08:53
N900sexibut i guess this is what we get for buying into nokia lies08:54
luke-jrlies? like what?08:54
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N900sexiim sorry but abandoning N900 and its os after 8 months is a joke08:54
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MiXu-Who said it's being abandoned?08:55
luke-jrN900sexi: Nokia is paying people to port MeeGo to N90008:55
N900sexiand dont give me this "community support" bullshit please08:55
luke-jras far as Maemo… Nokia's track record is the same08:55
MiXu-I'm sure there'll be more updates to maemo508:55
luke-jrN810 was abandoned about 8 months later IIRC08:55
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zokieris the source for opengl es drivers for n900 available somewhere?09:23
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luke-jrzokier: no09:24
luke-jrzokier: probably never will be09:24
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zokierso if i think i found a bug in them, i can't do anything about it. awesome09:27
fragmentzokier: what kind of bug?09:28
luke-jrzokier: right09:28
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zokierfragment, glReadPixels seems to behave oddly09:29
zokiersegfaults or strange results09:29
luke-jrzokier: get a job at ImgTec, get promoted to a decision maker…09:29
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pekujaluke-jr, you need to be a decision maker to fix a bug?09:39
zokieri'd assume that nokia has access to the source, but i don't believe that they are interested in n900 anymore09:39
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rmrfchikoh, flame09:45
ShadowJKsaved by the "power on for alarm even if battery is empty" feature \o/09:45
zokieroh, i'm sorry... i'm just bit annoyed atm09:46
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sejohow do i disble the ld-mode?09:47
ShadowJKsort of same way you enabled it ...09:48
* sejo slaps head09:50
sejoshauld have looked before asking09:50
sejois it possible that in rdmode the keyboard lights are always on (at least the ones at the side)09:51
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cehtehin rd mode they blink for different events09:54
cehtehthats documented somewhere09:55
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jpinx-eeepcscp1: did you reflash it?10:00
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johnxgood mornin' maemo :D10:07
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jpinx-eeepchi johnx :)10:08
jpinx-eeepcI have ssh ove usb and the n900 is now using my eeepc as it's gateway;)10:08
johnxhot sauce10:08
johnxknew you could pull it off10:09
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jpinx-eeepcbricked it once - had to do a long battery out to recover - but didn't have to flash ;)10:09
achipaX-Fade: ping10:10
scp1jpinx-eeepc, yeah10:10
jpinx-eeepcscp1: and it being bricked was definitely a result of the chroot install?10:11
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scp1jpinx-eeepc, Yeah for sure. The only thing I'd done other then making the chroot was adding my friends number and changed the background.10:20
jpinx-eeepcdid you try again?10:20
scp1jpinx-eeepc, But maybe I just suck - though it told me 'SUCCESS'10:20
scp1Hell no :)10:20
scp1I almost shitted down my pants when the thing didnt boot10:21
jacekowskimake a backup10:21
jacekowskithen it's not going to be a problem10:21
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jacekowskiit's almost impossible to brick n900 with a software10:21
scp1Well - what should I backup, and how? And, uh, how do I restore it?10:21
jacekowskiand almost means - OC10:21
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jacekowskithere is backup app in menu10:22
jacekowskibackup to memory card10:22
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scp1Yeah. I thought that was just crap (they usually are)10:22
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jacekowskino it's not10:22
scp1I'm not sure I need the chroot now though... I cant recall why I wanted it in the first place, hmm10:23
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jpinx-eeepcjacekowski: I've done it too :)10:23
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merlin1991scp1, when I got my n900 I had the randomly rebooting firmware that didn't boot anymore after a specific amount of reboots, wich was reached after 1 day10:24
jpinx-eeepcmerlin1991: gets all the toys :(10:24
scp1I'm pretty used to flashing my hardware but I've never actually bricked anything - until the n90010:24
jpinx-eeepcI had too make a special effort to brick mine10:25
scp1if you even can call that bricked10:25
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johnxif it comes back without a JTAG I think it wasn't bricked10:25
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merlin1991that brick was easy to fix though, flash to rd mode reboot porperly once and you got 21 crashboots again10:25
scp1I forgot the rd mode when I flashed mine >_>10:26
scp1Guess I'll have to reflash again10:26
merlin1991but I had to try 3 pcs untill I finally could flash :D10:26
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merlin1991for some reason on 2 the flasher never recognized the phone10:27
scp1We're one bunch of cool guys, yes we are. Anyone experienced more girls surrounding him after he bought the n900?10:27
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merlin1991uhm yeah 2 for about 4 seconds (quote: "uuuh you got a new phone")10:28
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crashanddieand then you started with the "Yeah, it's awesome, it runs Linux"10:28
crashanddieAt which point they evaporated10:28
merlin1991I didn't even get that far :P10:28
jpinx-eeepcyea - until they take it in their hand and say "It's so HEAVY"10:28
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scp1and then you replied 'and so are YOU'10:29
crashanddie"It has a lot of technology inside it, it has to be heavy"10:29
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jpinx-eeepcanyway - I'll go for the chroot again10:29
crashanddie"And it has a big battery to accomodate for the amazing uptime... [toing Low Battery]"10:29
johnx"Of course it's big and heavy: It's full of awesome!"10:29
frals'size matters'10:29
MohammadAG51at least they all agree the vibra motor's strong10:29
crashanddie"It's so heavy" "Indeed, imagine that vibrating on your clit"10:30
merlin1991somehow this is material :D10:30
scp1I showed off yesterday, showing the girl I'm hitting on how I can remotely control every computer at home, showed her mutt and irssi, whereby she said 'But how do you call someone?' and I showed her ./call <number> and she was like ':C'.10:30
crashanddieI'm amazed there still isn't a vibrator mode on the N90010:30
johnxdoes still get updated? somehow all the stuff on it seem to involve references to things that are not recent ...10:30 hasn't had anything new in months10:31
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crashanddiejohnx: fancy writing an app that will vibrate specific patterns based on what texts you receive?10:31
scp1crashanddie, what? I have lots of vibrations10:31
crashanddiejohnx: the ranchier the words, the harder it vibrates10:31
crashanddiebonus points if we get text to speech included10:31
scp1that's very much possible10:32
MohammadAG51LOL, indeed10:32
crashanddieIf you go back home, can't find your N900, but hear a buzzing sound coming from your wife's underside, punctuated by "I want to suck on your <muffled>"10:32
crashanddieWell, in that case I hope you have a lawyer10:32
johnxcrashanddie, my wife says "That's awesome!"10:32
crashanddiejohnx: there's actually a dildo with a SIM card10:33
crashanddiejohnx: I'd hate to know the woman on which they did a "buffer overflow"10:33
MohammadAG51echo 255 > /sys/class/leds/twl4030:vibrator/brightness10:33
MohammadAG51that's your vibra mode crashanddie10:34
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BugBluecrashanddie: I do that all the time... *oops*10:34
MohammadAG51install some otheros on the N900 and feel your N900 fall apart10:34
crashanddiejohnx: actually, bonus points if you can get the accelerometer to detect an orgasm, and text it back to the "dude". If the other phone is an N900 too, play a sound "Mission accomplished"10:34
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* merlin1991 wonders who it was that pointed him to the glib reference manual10:35
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merlin1991I read through ~20% of it already, time @ the army base can be boring :P10:36
crashanddiemerlin1991: good on ya for not saying "who was that twat who pointed..."10:36
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crashanddiehaha, just had a colleague swing by my office and ask "Could you do me... [turns head as someone called her]" me: "No problem, when and where?" her: "A favour... [confused look] [blushes] nevermind"10:37
crashanddieI've earned Pervert Level 1 in the company10:38
johnxcrashanddie, FYI, in the US that'd probably earn you a sexual harassment lawsuit10:39
crashanddiewhich is why I'm happy not to be in France10:39
crashanddies/France/the US of A/10:39
infobotcrashanddie meant: which is why I'm happy not to be in the US of A10:39
merlin1991If you try to get a lawsuit through for that here, the judge probably asks you if you're crazy :D10:40
Corsaccrashanddie: what was the original version?10:40
crashanddieCorsac: that was the original version10:40
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crashanddie(those two lines look weird)10:41
Corsaccrashanddie: ho, didn't you were speaking english at work :)10:42
crashanddieCorsac: only with a couple of people10:42
crashanddieThey want to improve their english, I don't mind.10:42
* jpinx-eeepc is pretty much in English teaching mode 24/7 :/10:42
johnx"French: the language of love. English: the language of sexual harassment"10:43
merlin1991German: mostly understood as constant swearing by non speakers10:44
Corsaccrashanddie: yeah, I can see how you doing her is improving her tongue skills10:44
johnxswearing and or threats of violence10:44
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crashanddieCorsac: J'ai même pas encore osé faire la blague des "cours de langue"10:45
merlin1991was auch immer10:46
Corsacpff :)10:46
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alteregogood morning #maemo10:49
merlin1991morning alterego10:49
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alteregoWow this coffee is awful :)10:50
merlin1991hm "Sometimes you would like to dynamically create a mutex. If you don't want to require prior calling to g_thread_init(), because your code should also be usable in non-threaded programs, you are not able to use g_mutex_new() ", wait why would I need a mutex if I'm running a non threaded program?10:53
MiXu-The monday-morning-coffee is what reminds you that you're at work again.10:53
crashanddiemerlin1991: that's only useful if the same codebase can run in multi-threaded mode or not10:55
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crashanddiemerlin1991: for example, by default you run in single threaded mode, but have an option to enable multi-threaded10:56
crashanddieUseful for desktop apps considering there are so many different number of cores flying around10:56
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infobotkhertan <c16a270a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 3d 21h 31m 56s ago, saying: 'i ve already tryed :)'.11:06
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infobotkhertan_work <c16a270a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 4d 23h 26m 50s ago, saying: 'bye'.11:09
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* merlin1991 is starting to wonder if he really wants to learn using the glib11:18
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alteregoQt! :)11:18
alteregoglib is quite cool though11:18
merlin1991alterego, I'll learn qt too, I'm just not sure if I'm going to continue with glib :)11:19
merlin1991btw can anyone recommend a good bock on opengl?11:19
infobotmerlin1991 meant: s/book/book11:19
alteregoOpenGL or OpenGL ES?11:20
alteregoProbably "The Red Book"11:21
zokieri've heard that the red book teaches a lot of legacy (opengl 1.x) stuff11:22
alteregoIT does yes.11:22
zokieri'd get a book that focuses on modern opengl11:22
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alteregoEven though it's concentrating on GLES2, I've got a really good book on it :)11:23
alteregoAddison Wesley - OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide11:23
alteregoA lot of it is transferrablel to desktop GL11:24
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merlin1991hm the cover isn't great ("includes iphone development") :D11:25
alteregoYeah, don't let that put you off ;)11:26
jpinx-eeepceasy-deb-chroot installed by hand ok - now getting the image and filesystem :)11:26
merlin1991jpinx-eeepc, I installed it with ham :)11:26
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jpinx-eeepcmerlin1991: my internet connection is by ssh over usb to my eeepc as a gateway to the local public wifi - and the guis app man in the n900 doesn't play with that :(11:28
jpinx-eeepcmerlin1991: but now that the basics are installed, apt-get is doing fine at sorting out the rest11:28
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merlin1991alterego, I ordered it on amazon11:30
merlin1991jpinx-eeepc, why do you need the ssh tunnel?11:32
jpinx-eeepclong story....11:32
jpinx-eeepcmerlin1991: the wifi here is public unencrypted and only allows one device per username11:33
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merlin1991yeah, but why ssh?, why not simply route the usb0 connection into the wifi network?11:34
jpinx-eeepcI am running the eeepc ont he wifi -- or am I missing what you mean?11:35
merlin1991run the eeepc on the wifi, and have it nat route the n900 into the wifi11:35
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jpinx-eeepcover usb?11:36
merlin1991I did that even with win7 :)11:36
jpinx-eeepcok - can I come back later and pick your brains? I need to go outt to work now:(11:37
kerioKaKaRoTo: hey, Engadget is talking about you! :D11:37
KaKaRoTokerio, again ???11:37
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merlin1991jpinx-eeepc, sure11:38
KaKaRoTokerio, oh yeah, it was this morning :)11:38
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KaKaRoTokerio, I thought it was a new post about me since we just got it working on most HTC/android devices now :)11:38
kerioKaKaRoTo: you traitor :(11:38
KaKaRoToI wrote open source code11:39
KaKaRoTopeople contributed11:39
KaKaRoTo+ to get it on the droid, they just had to do type 'make' instead of android's sdk.. no changes were required....11:39
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KaKaRoTokerio, but for android they need to flash a new kernel :p11:40
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kerioyou should've used as many features of the n900 as possible :<11:40
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alteregoUpdated Qt Creator11:46
crashanddieAnyone know a good C++ editor for OSX? (Compiling Linux code, though)11:46
merlin1991I broke mine the last time I used the updater11:46
crashanddieAnd don't mention Eclipse.11:46
alteregocrashanddie: Qt Creator? :)11:47
crashanddieI said C++, not Qt :P11:47
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alteregoDoes C++, don't have to use Qt11:47
zokiervim, textmate, emacs?11:48
alteregogedit? :)11:48
crashanddievim is what I use at the moment11:48
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lpotterI use emacs in a vim window, in an emacs window11:59
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keesjgrrrr. the N900 really doesn't like watet at all12:16
keesjdid anybody sent his n900 back for repair?12:16
ShadowJKfew reĂĄair water damage even for money :(12:17
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keesjI don't care I just want at least one device that fully work.12:17
* merlin1991 did, but not for water, but a broken emmc12:18
keesjI stil have two devices , one with SD not working and one with WIFI not working.12:19
keesjI tried the drain in water + oven method and that recovered the WIFI-less one for one day and now the WIFI is not working again12:20
keesjthe other one the non working SD is hopeless I guess12:20
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jpinx-eeepccool - it's temporrarily bricked while it munches that monster chroot package download - I'll leave it and come back after work12:21
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ShadowJKkeesj, have you heard of the "drain in ethanold + oven" method? :-)12:22
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LODXchat for N900 stops to work today for me with no reason it seems :( internal error when auth ; any idea to solve that ?12:25
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jpinx-eeepcLOD: use irssi ;)12:26
LODI like Xchat a lot12:26
LODbut maybe a solution yes12:27
keesjethanol will probably dilue the stiker that holds the keyboard12:27
jpinx-eeepcI like paris hilton a lot :)12:27
LODhehe :D12:27
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keesjscreen + irssi is really the only "great" solution for chatting I know of. but perhaps there are good irc relay's that can connect to xchat12:28
jpinx-eeepckeesj: add bitlbee12:28
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bleaderapparently Quassel IRC works with a client/server to allow the same kind of thing as screen, but I never tried it myself12:29
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MNZmorning folks12:52
LODok, solved, Ive deleted all setting files and it runs again, thank you bye12:57
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lcukmorning MNZ and #maemo in general12:59
danielwilmsmorning lcuk13:00
lcukhey danielwilms \o13:01
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lcukI thought about your running exploits when I read this, thankfully I don't think your technology failed like this
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danielwilmsthat sounds bad :)13:03
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lcukdanielwilms, its a lot of extra work, makes you wonder how marathons used to be timed before electronic tagging!13:03
danielwilmshehe...I run smaller marathons, and there they are having paperlists13:04
danielwilmsand 2-3 guys counting the laps13:04
danielwilmsbut there are mostly <50 participants13:04
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TTilus# apt-get install sharing-service-evernote just says "E: Handler silently failed"13:38
TTiluswhats going on?13:38
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lcukTTilus, does it install from ham13:39
TTiluswill try13:39
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Khertan_Morning all !13:40
Khertan_crashanddie: ping13:40
crashanddieKhertan_: pong13:40
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crashanddieKhertan_: t'as de la chance, je viens de revenir au bureau13:40
Khertan_j'ai besoin de ton aide avec des regex13:40
Khertan_je me galere comme un porc13:41
TTiluslcuk: umm, it is not even listed in ham, or im being blind13:41
lcukhmm TTilus13:41
meceKhertan_: hey13:43
meceKhertan_: khteditor 0.4 seems broken13:43
Khertan_mece: you lie :)13:44
Khertan_mece: what is broken ?13:44
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Khertan_mece: for information i'm currently working on hilighting natively other language instead of using pygments13:45
Khertan_mece: this is why i ask help to crashanddie as i've some problem with regexp :)13:46
merlin1991okay I've read trough most of the glib documentation, now I only have to read the gio and gobject one too untill I can start working on my program, yay :/13:46
MNZmerlin1991, what's your program?13:48
merlin1991xfire protocal for telepathy13:48
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merlin1991hm is libgio merged into glib on maemo? because pkg-config --cflags gio-2.0 in scratchbox returns -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include14:00
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ruskiemerlin1991, I thought it was part of glib2 everywhere14:00
ruskiedoes the same on any other normal desktop system I use14:01
merlin1991hm on my ubuntu it does this instead: -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include14:01
ruskieand there's a difference where exactly?14:01
merlin1991that I failed to copy14:02
ruskieanyway a lot of distros tend to patch  ton of stuff around14:02
ruskiejust grab an upstream copy and examine14:02
TTiluslcuk: damn!  "package has been removed"14:03
TTilushow does it still show up on apt-cache search?14:04
ruskiewhen was the last time you ran an apt-get update?14:04
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crashanddiebecause it's a cache?14:04
TTilusabout 25 seconds ago14:04
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TTiluscrashanddie: i flashed PR1.2 two weeks ago, the package has been removed last spring14:05
ruskieand you can verify it's not in the distro pages and that the packages have been regeneretade etc???14:05
TTilusruskie: how do i do that?14:05
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ruskiecheck on iirc14:05
ruskiealso it would show it if it's installed14:06
ruskieI think14:06
MohammadAG51If osso = open source software operations, how the f was bug 5549 wonfix'd14:06
povbotBug libosso-abook should be open source14:06
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ruskieMohammadAG51, clearly states they don't want to touch anything maemo related anymore14:08
kkeso anyone thinking about adding vibration and perhaps raise a notify on ctrl-g bell to xterm?14:09
kkethat would be great14:09
TTilusruskie: umm, can't find evernote sharing plugin in
ruskiewell as said... could be due to you having it installed or the Packages file not yet being regenerated14:10
TTilusany way to find out why it was removed?14:14
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TTilusoh my, evernote sharing plugin lives now in ovi store14:20
ruskiethat explains why it was removed ;)14:20
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TTilusbut afaik i should still be able to ham (or apt-get) it14:21
ruskiethey fixed that iirc14:21
TTiluswhy else would i have ovi listed in my sourcers14:22
TTilusruskie: "fixed"?14:22
ruskieyou can't get stuff from ovi store unless you actually use the ovi store to get them14:22
TTilusapparently neither ham nor apt-get from ovi does not work for me14:23
ruskieit was possible to bypass payment through apt-get14:23
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ruskieas said... it got fixed14:23
TTilusand what i see is the fixed  :D14:23
TTilusdysfunctionality ;)14:24
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hrwrmrfchik: how goes vexed?14:27
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psycho_oreoswho here knows about kernel compiling/customising for n900? I'm trying to look for the section where it allows one to enable screen rotation based of accelerometer, for some reason it was working on a standard titan's kernel but when one customises the config it doesn't14:38
alteregoSounds like you might have lost the accelerometer driver somewhere.14:39
alteregocheck your .config14:39
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SpeedEvilcat /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-3/3-001d/coord14:39
SpeedEvilIf that file - or the directory it's in ispresent, then thedriver is enabled.14:40
psycho_oreosSpeedEvil, ahh ta :)14:40
alteregoiPlayer looks nicer now.14:41
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SpeedEvilI just use get_iplayer14:42
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pupnik  Mypaint + Nokia N900 painting (!)14:52
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mecehey about mypaint, how does one get a file format one can use?14:53
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ech0Asusmornin all14:57
ech0Asusso whats everyone up to today?14:58
psycho_oreos<< kernel compiling for n90014:58
kerio<< playing sauerbraten14:59
ech0Asusi'm pulling 250kbs downstream on tmobile 10$ a month 3g lol14:59
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ech0Asusbut i'm also on the 3rd story of a hotel15:00
obsidiethfaster than my dsl.15:00
keriowait, 250KB/s is a lot?15:00
ech0Asusyea its goin fast man lol15:00
psycho_oreoshow much quota will $10 a month get you?15:00
bleaderKb or KB is quite different15:00
kerio600-700 is normal around here :|15:00
ech0Asusi get unlimited15:00
kerioand i mean KB/s15:00
bleaderover 3G ?15:00
MNZkerio, as in KiloBYTE ?15:00
ech0Asusyea i'm on 3g15:01
obsidieth250KiB is not unusual for 3g.15:01
psycho_oreosd*mn thats good, here its never unlimited for 3G15:01
keriohsdpa rules15:01
obsidieththe bandwidth is heavily metred here.15:01
ech0Asusthis service plan only works with nokia n900 lol15:01
MohammadAG51is there any way to use the N900 as a BT headset?15:01
MohammadAG51o hai DocScrutinizer15:02
MNZ\o DocScrutinizer15:02
DocScrutinizerrcnetwork force-reload :-S15:02
psycho_oreosMohammadAG51, dunno but I suppose you could switch the roles of the bluetooth to be slave, getting the stuff to work properly probably requires some apps15:02
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DocScrutinizer(there's definitely anotehr few bugs in linux :-P)15:03
psycho_oreosthere's always bugs, its built for humans by humans :p15:03
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keriopsycho_oreos: you'd just need a A2DP "server"15:05
kerioor HFP15:05
psycho_oreoskerio, heh I'm pretty clueless on that, sure its possible just need the right apps like I said :)15:06
keriowell, yeah15:06
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keriobut why would you15:07
* psycho_oreos thinks its a little rather unusual one tries to turn n900 into bt headset lol maybe doing it on budget15:07
keriosince the audio system of the n900 kinda sucks atm?15:07
psycho_oreoswell it is based on pulseaudio so ... ;D15:07
kerioa pair of bluetooth headphones (stereo) costs about 50€ anyway15:08
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kerioi bought one pair, sony dr-bt100cx15:08
keriothey work nicely15:08
psycho_oreosI got myself that bh-90515:08
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kerioi wear glasses, i can't wear those kind of headphones15:10
kerioi need earbuds15:10
psycho_oreosheh I wear glasses as well, and I was hoping it would be as big as a studio monitor type headphones, unfortunately it just sits on top of my ears... loosely15:10
keriothose bt100cx have a clip that holds mic and buttons15:11
MohammadAG51psycho_oreos, nah, i just need 4 BT mics and i'm not going to buy one for a one day thing :P15:11
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psycho_oreosMohammadAG51, ah15:12
keriowhich sadly, doesn't work really well for tshirts15:12
kerioMohammadAG51: a2dp?15:13
keriono, wait, a2dp is only listening15:13
keriobt mics suck dude15:13
psycho_oreoshsp probably requires both headphone and mic hardware imo15:14
keriopsycho_oreos: hey, what do you know15:14
keriothe n900 has a speaker and a mic15:14
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psycho_oreoskerio, yup because it has phone capability afterall :)15:15
kerioit's not a phone ;_;15:15
kerioit's a NIT15:15
* kerio feels superior to all those people having smartphones15:15
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psycho_oreosI didn't say it was a phone, I said it has phone capability lol15:16
psycho_oreosalbeit feeble -_-15:16
ech0Asusso its officially a "NIT"?15:17
psycho_oreosand yes I'm happy to still own my very own n900, looks bulky for a phone but otherwise it packs some seriously decent hardware (except broadcrap bt and puny battery) plus all the flexibility you want from an embedded device more or less15:17
BCMMwhat does that stand for?15:17
kerionokia internet tablet15:17
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BCMMand do they know that, at least in en_GB, a "nit" is a headlouse's egg?15:18
ech0Asusi just call it my computer15:18
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psycho_oreosso nitdroid would be headlouse's egg droid? ;)15:18
BCMMi've found myself interchangebly referring to it as my "phone", "computer" or "camera", without really meaning to15:19
ech0Asusits got a processor.. ram.. ssd.. it's a computer lol15:19
kerioit's not a smartphone it's a dumbputer15:19
djszapiHi, can I have a workaround if I would not like to install debian related distribution on my PC to work with maemo and meego debian packages that are not available in open source format ? I am using archlinux currently.15:19
psycho_oreosinternet tablet/tablet is meant to have a processor and RAM, etc lol15:19
keriodjszapi: vm?15:19
BCMMwashing machines are computers too, but they don't make it easy to run whatever you want on them15:19
djszapikerio: what's the sense of that ?15:19
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keriovirtual machine15:20
djszapikerio: what's the sense of that ?15:20
BCMMtherefore, the n900 is a proper computer, and the iPhone is a washing machine15:20
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kerioBCMM: i <3 u15:20
djszapiI thought of rebuilding apt-get from source15:20
BCMMkerio: thx15:20
djszapior providing a debian chroot.15:20
ech0Asusagree with BCMM...15:20
djszapivm is out of the question of course.15:20
ech0Asusi heard u can dosbox 98..15:20
psycho_oreosthere was a website to prove it15:21
psycho_oreoserr win95 on n90015:21
BCMM"computer appliances" upset me in any context, tbh15:21
BCMMseems like a dreadful waste of resources15:21
ech0Asusyea maybe for some games but really? why go threw that15:21
psycho_oreossome people do it to show off I suppose15:21
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BCMMi mean, even stuff like linux-based NAS boxen that don't make it easy to run random server software they weren't designed for upset me a bit15:22
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kerioBCMM: that's why you buy a sheevaplug15:23
psycho_oreosn900 to me is more of internet tablet with phone capability, sure its doesn't have the best of both worlds but at least its all in one for that purpose15:23
MohammadAG51i don't need the speakers, i only need the mic on the N900 to be a BT mic :)15:23
psycho_oreoslol rip the mic out ;)15:24
ech0Asusi owned the n800 and n810 before the n900 so i'm strait without the phone part lol. i got an old sim card months expired that i still leach tmobile 3g from..15:24
ech0Asusi skype on that connection too without issue usually15:25
psycho_oreosn900 is the first nit I've ever owned, and its quite a shame maemo is going to be unsupported soon15:25
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MohammadAG51if only apple had maemo and kept it open...15:26
psycho_oreosmy requirements was a linux phone but not like android, and out came the decision of maemo15:26
DocScrutinizerech0Asus: waitwaitwait, you run data over an expired SIM?15:27
psycho_oreosapple is kinda like oracle, turning open stuff into proprietary :p15:27
ech0Asusyes i run data over an expired sim lol15:27
DocScrutinizerech0Asus: what's your def of expired then?15:27
ech0Asusi'm pullin 250kbs downstream now15:27
psycho_oreosprobably when the service is fully disconnected and he doesn't get any signal/coverage15:27
ech0Asusexp is i got a prepaid tmo account then didn't pay the next month or any month after?15:27
ech0Asusno more minutes.. can't call anyone..15:28
ech0Asusno one can call me..15:28
ech0Asusbut 3g works15:28
pupniklittle loophole there :)15:28
ech0Asusand i pay nothing and seems to still be goin15:28
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DocScrutinizerech0Asus: for free??15:28
pupnikfor the record tschibo/o2 stop the data service15:28
MohammadAG51LOL @ retarded operator15:28
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ech0Asusi skype perfectly on it..15:29
MohammadAG51clone the sim15:29
MohammadAG51CLONE IT15:29
MohammadAG51i wonder if roaming works15:30
psycho_oreosI want that unlimited 3G cap15:30
ech0Asusi had bought the unlimited 3g prepaid was like 100$ for first month then paid nothing else on the account again.15:30
ech0Asuswas with the phone thing15:30
ech0Asusunlimited calling and text15:30
* mgedmin is going to Germany for a week and wondering about 3g options15:31
kerioMNZ: pff15:31
ech0Asusgot joikuspot and i share with my netbook which i'm on now15:31
DocScrutinizerech0Asus: NEVER!!!!!! call the hotline, what ever problem you face! also NEVER pay anything to that card! :-P15:32
ech0Asusstreaming music from and talkin on xchat on my netbook15:32
ech0Asusnope never goin to pay anything on this card lol15:32
ech0Asusi got a cricket phone i pay 30 a month for15:32
ech0Asusumlimited lol15:32
kerioin italy you just buy a bunch of anonymous, prepaid sim cards and connect with them until they reach -4000€15:33
keriothen you throw them away15:33
kerioi mean, nowadays anonymous sim cards cost a lot15:33
keriobut still15:33
MNZech0Asus, are you sure you can't clone? pretty please?15:33
DocScrutinizerkerio: in italy you also have your elctricity meters hanging head down, and a knife in every gas meter15:34
kerionah, we don't :(15:34
* lcuk sends mail to tracy about kylie tickets15:34
keriobut the slightly older model of electricity meter can be reprogrammed with a IR port to get to 6KW instead of 315:35
keriowithout paying more15:35
kerioalso, stealing electricity is dumb15:35
kerioyou can't store it15:35
SpeedEvilkerio: yes you can15:35
SpeedEvilkerio: In the form of pot.15:35
MNZyou definitely can!15:35
keriohow? buying loads of batteries?15:35
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MNZno, just one big ass battery15:36
SpeedEvilLarge lamps + plants = solid electricity!15:36
merlin1991kerio, pumping water up a mountain, and have a turbine ready when you need it :D15:36
BCMMloads of batteries is the same thing as one big battery15:36
MNZlike the stuff used for solar panels15:36
BCMMalso, pumping water up and then letting it run through a turbine is actually a real energy storage thing that people actually do15:36
DocScrutinizerkerio: reprogram wut?` 3kW -> 6kW???15:36
merlin1991loads of that shit here in austria15:36
DocScrutinizerwhat's that??15:36
SpeedEvilBCMM: Well - not really.15:37
SpeedEvilBCMM: It doesn't work on an individual scale.15:37
BCMMSpeedEvil: which bit?15:37
kerioDocScrutinizer: the standard limit is 3kwh15:37
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kerioif you want more, you have to pay a lot more15:37
BCMMyeah, it's not something people do to power their homes15:37
SpeedEvilBCMM: A ton of water raised 1m stores the same energy as a n900 battery15:37
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DocScrutinizerkerio: sorry don't get it15:37
SpeedEvilkerio: 'the limit is 3kwh' - per day?15:37
BCMMbut there are people operating hydro dams that work by pumping water up using off-peak electricity and then letting it down to sell peak-time electricity15:37
mgedminso if you're in a desert, and have your n900 with you, you just dig a 1m deep hole and you're alright?15:38
kerioSpeedEvil: huh15:38
kerioper.. hour?15:38
BCMMSpeedEvil: heh, that's cool15:38
MohammadAG51grub isn't starting :/15:38
SpeedEvilkerio: 3Kwh/h = 3Kw silly person.15:38
DocScrutinizerkerio: yur meters break circuit when >3000W ?15:38
MNZlol @ mgedmin15:38
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keriowell, it's not exactly 300015:39
keriothere's some tolerance15:39
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keriowhy would you need more than 3kW15:39
SpeedEvilkerio: Are you charged on the basis of peak power?15:39
DocScrutinizermy warm water takes 24kW15:39
SpeedEvilkerio: Or is it an additional price.15:39
SpeedEvilkerio: Per KWh15:39
psycho_oreosis there a way for one to repack a deb file adding another file into it but retaining the same information of the deb file?15:39
kerioSpeedEvil: we're charged per kwh15:39
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SpeedEvilkerio: So why the 3/6kw ?15:40
kerioso you can run more stuff at the same time15:40
DocScrutinizerkommi deficit economy15:40
keriothink washing machine + a/c + oven15:40
merlin1991kerio, more than 3kw, sauna?15:40
keriomerlin1991: haha, no15:40
DocScrutinizernah wait berlusconi isn't a kommi15:40
keriowe actually have the sun here15:40
SpeedEvilmerlin: A fridge/freezer will peak at 1KWh15:40
SpeedEvilmerlin: for a second or so on startup.15:41
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BCMMwhile checking SpeedEvil's claim on Wolfram Alpha: "Assuming "mAh" is a unit | Use as a deity instead"15:41
mecepptp on N900 doable?15:41
* DocScrutinizer is puzzled, as here in Germany >95% of elctricity meters are still classic mechanical type15:42
merlin1991DocScrutinizer, here too15:42
MNZhere too15:42
kerioDocScrutinizer: yeah, we had those15:43
keriowe still have, but the new meters are more precise15:43
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DocScrutinizerand nasty :-P15:43
kerionah, the latest model is not easily configurable15:44
SpeedEvil'will peak at 1Kw'15:44
SpeedEvilI'm tired.15:44
DocScrutinizerI'm not awake15:44
kerioare you typing in your sleep?15:44
merlin1991I'm in the army atm, so basically braindead :D15:45
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DocScrutinizerkerio: like a dolphin, half of brain is idle15:45
BCMMphysicist rage... "This long-lasting, lightweight Li-Ion battery gives you 1320 mAh of power"15:46
* BCMM throws things at Nokia Europe15:46
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merlin1991damn it, I forgot to enable logging on this client15:47
BCMMnot a power, and not even an energy (the actually useful number) without the voltage15:47
keriovoltage goes down over time though, doesn't it15:48
MohammadAGmerlin1991, #maemo is logged15:48
ShadikkaI think it has an implied "at the battery's nominal voltage".15:48
BCMMkerio: slightly, but it's nominally a 3.7V battery, and once it drops substantially, you need to recharge15:49
merlin1991MohammadAG, yeah, but it's easier to grep trough local files15:49
BCMMthe problem is that a number in mAh doesn't actually tell you how much energy there is in the battery, at all15:49
BCMMi presume the reason it's a standard is that it's good for comparing car batteries, since cars are basically all 12V15:49
Shadikkayeah :P15:49
BCMMand the other problem is that they call the number they're using as a poor proxy for energy storage "power"15:50
DocScrutinizerBCMM: for tools they brag with "this has a 7 cell battery" and "this even has 8  cells"15:50
DocScrutinizerhow silly is THAT?15:50
BCMMslightly less silly, but still silly15:51
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DocScrutinizerbut, but...15:52
zokiersome manufacturers tell battery capacities in Wh, which is bit more reasonable15:52
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DocScrutinizeractually all do, *somewhere*15:52
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mgedminall laptop batteries I've seen report mWh15:52
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psycho_oreosSpeedEvil, weird for some reason microB still doesn't offer portrait web browsing even though I have the device driver compiled into the kernel, I have tested the line that you have pasted and it does output co-ordinates, using AccDisplay I could see that the accelerometer is working however it seems like microB still refuses to rotate :/15:52
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mgedminexcept the one in my Asus EeePC abuses that field to report percentage15:53
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SpeedEvilUmm - I don't think microb does by default rotati15:53
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SpeedEvilI'm not sure it can with accel.15:53
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psycho_oreoswell normally it can, on stock PR1.2 kernel along with precompiled titan's power kernel it does15:54
merlin1991microb never rotated for me15:54
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fluxpsycho_oreos, did you also enable it from the settings?15:55
BCMMit is definitely off by default15:55
fluxpsycho_oreos, or is that the issue, it doesn't provide the option?15:55
psycho_oreosflux, just checked that *slaps forehead*15:55
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BCMMactually, my microb seems to forget most of it's data about once a week15:55
psycho_oreosflux, yeah I didn't enable it *duh* of all the things15:55
BCMMbookmarks stay, but it loses history and settings15:55
BCMM(including rotation)15:55
psycho_oreosmerlin1991, looks like its the settings15:55
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BCMManyone else get that?15:55
psycho_oreosI may have an issue with the settings, I don't know about the history, lemme check15:56
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merlin1991psycho_oreos, yes it's in the settings, I just enabled it15:56
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merlin1991uh oh, the ball bearing of my notebook fan just started to change it's noise in a bad way15:57
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psycho_oreosBCMM, I didn't lose the complete browsing history however anything past a week in the history is truncated (I guess its to save space) but sometimes browsing back pages using the swipe function does not go to whichever page I point to at times15:58
psycho_oreosmerlin1991, still no rotation?15:58
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merlin1991psycho_oreos, now I have rotation15:58
BCMMfor me, it definitely loses settings15:58
BCMMsince rotation gets disabled and it start starting up fullscreen again15:59
psycho_oreosmerlin1991, hehe :)15:59
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psycho_oreosBCMM, weird, I know in the past I used to have rotation enabled but I've done lots and lots of kernel flashing since then.. some of the experimental features I've enabled caused my n900 to reboot several times and to lose its previous settings.. I've noticed my hildon-desktop at one stage lost all of the shortcuts, widgets that I have placed, thinking back now about it, I think the portrait mode browsing may have been disabled since then16:00
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merlin1991hm easiest way to check cpu temp on ubuntu?16:02
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psycho_oreoslmsensors + gkrellm16:02
zokiercat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM0/temperature16:02
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zokieror something equivalent16:03
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merlin1991thx zokier16:03
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merlin199143C, should be ok16:04
luke-jrpekuja: you need to be a decision maker, to open source the driver16:04
pekujaluke-jr, right16:04
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dnearyHi all16:06
dnearyJaffa_, Ping?16:06
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Chibi-Taigahumm can anyone help me to install unzip? cuz it keep failing16:18
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Aranelwhat's wrong with python-Imaging? I'm installing openwatch (depends on python-Imaging) but it seems package manager is really confused about case-sensitivity (python-imaging and Imaging)16:20
mgedminDebian package names are (supposed to be) all-lowercase16:22
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rmrfchikChibi-Taiga: what error?16:22
mgedminsome tools force names to lowercase, some don't mangle names -> so if you name a package using mixed case, things break16:22
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Chibi-Taigahow do i copy/paste from webrowser to xchat on n90016:31
ieatlintgo into cursor mode, select text, ctrl+c, then in xchat ctrl+v16:32
alteregoHrm, contemplating using gconf over QSettings ..16:33
FrieTMNZ: got the stuff ?:)16:33
MNZFrieT, yup, and it's not nearly as complicated as I originally thought :D16:33
ieatlintif you don't know what i mean by cursor mode, see (labelled hover mode there)16:33
MNZquite a bit more16:34
FrieTyou downloaded Ă nd read it already?16:34
* FrieT bows16:34
MNZI think you missed the last message16:34
MNZ<MNZ> quite a bit more16:34
FrieT"started to read"16:34
FrieTseriously i'm barely past my morning coffee and replacing some faulty disks:P16:34
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Chibi-Taigathat error16:35
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keriohi all16:36
keriohow do i set up a bluetooth keyboard?16:36
ieatlintChibi-Taiga: try manually specifying the dependencies?16:36
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ieatlinteg, "apt-get install libsdl-ttf2.0"16:36
ieatlintfor each of the packages listed16:36
Chibi-Taigaok ill try16:37
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ieatlintkerio: might help16:39
ieatlintgood start at least16:39
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Chibi-Taigano luck16:40
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Chibi-Taigaalso tryed -f16:40
ieatlintwhat error?16:40
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ieatlintthat would imply that the dependencies are in fact installed, but there's inconsistencies with the names16:43
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ieatlintlike "libSDL_ttf2.0" instead of "libsdl-ttf2.0"16:44
Chibi-Taigauhm k...16:44
Chibi-Taigawhat can i do about it?16:45
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ieatlinthrm.. i'm not typically a debian user, but there should be a switch to ignore dependencies16:45
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ieatlint"--ignore-missing" maybe16:46
MohammadAGgrr, can't ssh locally16:46
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ieatlintthe problem seems to be that you have the dependencies installed, but from different packages than what freeciv thinks they should be in.  apt won't install the dependencies named by freeciv because the clobber the already installed dependencies16:47
Chibi-Taigauhm i can try16:47
ieatlintso it *might* work to just ignore dependency requisites, and install the package16:47
Chibi-Taigai see16:47
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ieatlintisn't linux fun?16:49
Chibi-Taiganot at all16:49
kerioit's the package's fault16:49
kerioor rather, the maintainer's16:49
Chibi-Taigaignore-missing dont work16:49
ieatlintuh, i don't know apt well enough... there should be some sort of force switch, but dunno16:50
Chibi-Taigaim a windows nob so i have no clue eighter16:51
ieatlinti'm a gentoo guy16:51
Ken-YoungDoes anyone know how to make Maemo 5 rebuild all the thumbnail images shown by the "Photos" app?16:51
kerioChibi-Taiga: are you installing a local package?16:52
kerioif not, wget it, and use dpkg --force -i package.deb16:52
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MNZKen-Young, my guess would be "rm -rf /home/user/.thumbnails/*" but then again, I'm only guessing16:53
Chibi-Taiganot local i think16:53
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tank-manwget it, means download it16:53
Ken-YoungMNZ, Thanks, I'll try that (I'll just rename it, though).16:53
Chibi-Taigaapt-get install unzip16:53
Chibi-Taigais what i do16:54
MNZKen-Young, yeah, better safe than sorry16:54
ieatlintwget is a standard utility on *nix systems to download files -- eg, "wget"16:54
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Chibi-Taigaso i do wget install unzip?16:55
ieatlintuh, does "apt-get install unzip" not work?16:56
Chibi-Taigano it give the errors like ishowed16:56
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kerioChibi-Taiga: just zip, i think16:57
keriobut i don't remember installing it, so it's possibly already installed16:57
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Ken-YoungMNZ, That worked.   Thanks again.16:58
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Chibi-Taigaif i wanna unzip something i get "unzip:not found"17:03
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kerioChibi-Taiga: apt-cache search unzip17:09
mgedminChibi-Taiga, if you have Python installed, you can use python -m zipfile -e .17:10
Chibi-Taigahumm i remember installing python complete pack or something17:12
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Chibi-Taigabut i dont see a gui like on s60v3 n8217:12
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psycho_oreosthat's probably because symbian is not like linux where everything must be GUI17:13
Chibi-Taigaso how do i ryun python17:14
hrwrmrfchik: how goes vexed?17:14
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psycho_oreosyou need to install python packages?17:14
Chibi-Taigaok i go do that brb17:14
dnearyIs there a bot here that supports "seen"?17:15
dnearyI'd like to know the last time someone was active in-channel17:15
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ToJa92[dneary]: I think you can write ~seen <nick> here17:15
mgedminpovbot, seen dneary17:15
povbotmgedmin: dneary was last seen in #maemo 37 seconds ago: <dneary> I'd like to know the last time someone was active in-channel17:15
ToJa92only works for this channel though IIRC17:15
mgedminthere you are17:15
dnearymgedmin, ToJa92: Hvala17:16
Chibi-Taigapyqt4 full install i have installed17:16
GAN900dneary, I know Jaffa was away yesterday, dunno if he's back yet.17:16
dnearyGAN900, Any other council people active ATM?17:16
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GAN900Nobody else is really on IRC.17:17
dnearyGAN900, How about you? Perhaps announce a Maemo team meeting for next Tuesday, if it's too short notice for tomorrow?17:17
GAN900Probably too short for tomorrow, compounded by the US holiday.17:18
dnearyUS holiday?17:18
crashanddieGAN900: no, he's not back yet17:18
crashanddieGAN900: he just tweeted that he's still at legoland.17:18
GAN900dneary, Labor Day17:18
Chibi-Taigaso whatmdo i need more for python17:19
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Chibi-Taigawhat do*17:19
dnearyGAN900, The US doesn't celebrate its workers on May 1st with the rest of the world?17:19
dnearyAnd I'm with crashanddie on the u.17:19
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ieatlintno, may day is not a holiday in the US17:20
rmrfchikhrw: damn, i'm running out of time. too many work.17:21
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rmrfchikhrw: i'm figthing with orientation now17:21
Chibi-Taigaguys what are python packages called?17:21
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MohammadAGpython packages :P17:22
hrwrmrfchik: changing layout of UI?17:22
GAN900dneary, rm -rf en_GB17:22
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keriodneary: well, they hate communists17:23
keriomay day was invented by the second international17:23
rmrfchikhrw: yes. seems like I know how to catch the orientation changing and relayouting. But now program crahes on exit17:23
rmrfchik*** glibc detected *** qexed: free(): invalid pointer: 0x001ff3b0 ***17:23
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GAN900dneary, drafting the email.17:23
rmrfchikafter l->removeItem; l->addItem17:23
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_trinecan anyone tell me the name and where to get an app to record audio17:24
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_trineon the n90017:24
ieatlintbetter dead than red17:24
hrwrmrfchik: add checks for items.count()?17:24
djszapi -> But this describtion writes it:
rmrfchikahh... may be i shouldn't use *item functions17:24
kerio_trine: recaller17:24
dneary_trine, audacity, for example?17:25
_trinethanks kerio17:25
keriotiny widget, supports recording of about any audio source, can also record calls, and can do that automatically17:25
* hrw wants apmefo sources... 17:25
hrwreal ones...17:25
dnearyAh, sorry - /me sees "on the n900"17:25
GAN900ieatlint, there's a reason the US economy is falling to pieces. ;)17:25
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djszapidoes everybody use debian here ?17:25
djszapiNokia provides mostly deb packages and it is a closed source development.17:26
ieatlintGAN900: is the same reason as greece?17:26
_trinedjszapi: I do a bit17:26
ieatlintor most of europe?17:26
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SpeedEvilI use slackware, maemo.17:26
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ghostcubepog: i know17:26
GAN900The free market made us #1, now socialism is steadily killing us.17:26
djszapiokia does not provide source packages all the time, sometimes just deb packages ...17:27
djszapiany idea for it ? -> I am trying to use lenny.17:27
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keriodjszapi: fremantle on my tablet, jaunty on my server, snow leopard on my laptop17:27
djszapijaunty uses deb packages ...17:27
kerioit does17:27
keriofremantle too17:27
_trinekerio: where can I get the recaller app17:28
djszapiI would like to keep my archlinux...17:28
keriohuh, repos?17:28
djszapiI have just installed lenny into my chroot subdirectory.17:28
scp1djszapi, no, I am using arch17:28
djszapirly ?17:28
djszapivery good news ;)17:28
ieatlintGAN900: i'd respond to that statement, but for two reasons... first, to the thanks of everyone in here for not getting too much into politics, and second, because you're from florida17:28
scp1not on the n900... on my bigger computers17:28
djszapiscp1: do you deal with the new harmattan project ?17:28
djszapiofc ...17:28
scp1no idea what that is17:29
djszapimaemo 617:29
scp1I got my phone like a week ago :)17:29
scp1oh I see17:29
djszapiwell, what is it, really ? -> But this describtion writes it:
djszapiscp1: debootstrap from AUR.17:30
djszapithen install debian into chroot subfolder.17:30
djszapithat is what I tried.17:30
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djszapithen I got the above mentioned error ;)17:30
kerioscp1: it's not a phone :<17:30
scp1djszapi, I'm really NOT much into debian...17:30
scp1oops. I didnt say that. sorry :p17:30
Adeonn900, a good phone, yes. phone phone phone17:30
kerioAdeon: i hate you :(17:31
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GAN900ieatlint, how progressive of you.17:32
djszapidoes anybody use debian here ?17:32
scp1all except for us probably :p17:32
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MNZdjszapi, I do. And a lot of us do indirectly, by using ubuntu (debian based)17:32
FrieTyeah show of hands, who doesn't have easydebian installed?17:32
ieatlintGAN900: please, like you wouldn't stereotype me from being from san francisco17:33
ieatlintmy SO is from tampa, i'd say i have slightly more perspective :P17:33
pexii'll wait for that bmw-meego cooperation and someone crying 'it's not a car'17:33
FrieTit isn't..17:33
FrieTit's a satnav with wheels.17:34
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GAN900ieatlint, lot of my family lives in SF.17:34
djszapiMNZ: what can be the above pasted problem ? I have just followed the official instructions.17:34
MNZpexi, it really IS NOT a phone :/ It's a tablet that happens to have phone functionality17:34
FrieTyeah, too bad nokia market it as their highend phone17:34
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peximine doesn't look even tablet17:34
ieatlintwe've got awesome burritos17:35
pexiit looks more like.. i donno.. phone17:35
FrieTit's not a tablet eiter17:35
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FrieTit's a hackable multipurpose device i suppose:P17:35
SpeedEvilAnyone not calling it a phone is barking mad.17:35
scp1instead of bitching about if it's a phone or not, is there a way to use > Perl 5.8.3 natively?17:35
FrieTincoming call !17:35
SpeedEvilIt's sold as a phone - therefore not calling it a phone is the act of an insane person.17:35
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MNZdjszapi, I don't have any mentions of in my sources.list17:35
djszapihow did you install it then ?17:36
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MNZdjszapi, like everyone else, I just used the automated installer script17:36
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kerionah, it's not nokia's high-end phone17:37
kerioit's just in another league17:37
scp1this is starting to sound just like in #ubuntu17:37
MNZdjszapi, the sane thing would really be to download the automated script and read it17:37
FrieTi'm not saying what it is, i'm saying what they portray it to be17:37
FrieTn97 beats it as a phone.17:37
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* mgedmin likes to say N900 is a crappy phone but a superb netbook17:38
DocScrutinizer>> Bleiben Sie im Gespräch Es ist ein Mobiltelefon. Und ein Computer. Genießen Sie flexible Kommunikation über das Mobilfunknetz, Internettelefonie (VoIP) und Instant Messaging (Chat).17:38
GAN900ieatlint, roadside Mexican food in CA is ridiculous.17:38
MNZdjszapi, here's what the script does to apt sources:
djszapiHost kernel is lacking binfmt_misc support!17:38
djszapiYou need it to run scratchbox.17:38
FrieTduno, it's an OK phone. it just uses too much battery for audio :P17:38
djszapilawl ....17:38
djszapithat module is loaded17:38
ieatlintGAN900: what we lack in bbq, we make up for in mexican/chinese food... :P17:39
DocScrutinizerSo if Nokia says >>it's a mobile phone. And it's a computer<< then bviously everybody claiming 'it's not a phone' is in conflict with Nokia, no?17:39
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dotblankIts a computer phone!17:39
MNZfine I give up :( it's a computer in disguise as a phone17:40
djszapithis is the right repo: deb ./17:40
djszapithere is no need for automated script or whatever.17:40
SpeedEvilIt turns out I actually have OK signal, not spotty inside my house. (2g/3g)17:40
MNZdjszapi, yes, if you want the stuff from scratchbox, but if you want to do maemo development you are going to need the maemo packages17:40
djszapi: deb stable main17:40
SpeedEvilAll I needed to do was to bend the SIM connector pins a lot17:40
SpeedEvilso they contact more firmly17:41
timelessanyone here have O2 pay as you go?17:41
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djszapiMNZ: what are you talking about ?17:41
djszapiIt is the same ...17:41
dotblankI live in an area where the people voted not to have a cell phone tower in my development.. but I still get a signal17:41
timelessthey sent me s60(?) instructions for my n900..17:41
dotblankafter pr 1.2 my signal strength improved dramatically17:41
MNZdjszapi, just so we are clear, you want scratchbox to do maemo development right?17:41
dotblankno idea why17:41
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: now that's WTF17:42
FrieTmmmmmm the thought of s60 on the n900. where can i get it? -g-17:42
djszapiMNZ: pls pls read the pasted link.17:42
djszapiit will be clear what I would like to do.17:42
djszapi2.1 and 2.2 do the same.17:42
djszapiI mean the final purpose.17:42
toggles_wc or v?17:42
timelesshow the heck does one manually configure a gprs connection?17:42
keriosettings->network connections17:43
MNZdjszapi, it's clear you want to install scratchbox, just answer my question please, maemo development or just scratchbox for some other purpose?17:43
keriothen edit that one17:43
djszapiMNZ: why am I here ?17:43
timelesskerio: as in a *new* one17:43
MNZdjszapi, exactly.17:43
keriochange the old one17:43
timelessif i select new, it presumes i want wifi17:43
kerioit doesn't support more than one by default17:43
keriothought you knew17:43
kerioinstall fAPN17:43
MNZdjszapi, in that case I'm pretty sure you need the maemo repos17:43
djszapiand ?17:44
Chibi-Taigai cant find python package in app download list17:44
timelesskerio: the n8x0s didn't have this limit17:44
jpinx-eeepcscary - I just picked up the n900 and clicked debian chroot and there I am in squeeze :)17:44
timelesswhy would a later product we made suck more?17:44
keriothe n8x0s had no gprs17:44
MNZdjszapi, eh wait wait wait. Are we talking about apt inside or outside scratchbox?17:44
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timelesssure.. but it could use gprs via bt17:45
djszapiinside ...17:45
* timeless did all the time17:45
djszapisince my host is arch as I mentioned it above17:45
kerioas i said, install fAPN17:45
MNZdjszapi, oh, so I wasn't wrong... yeah you need the maemo repos lol. So add the maemo repos, and just remove the scratchbox one17:45
djszapiwut ??17:45
DocScrutinizertimeless: (why would a later) good question! :-P17:45
djszapiI had to install scratchbox somehow ...17:45
* Khertan_ is fighting distutils ... does there is a distutils expert here in the room ?17:45
Chibi-Taigaguess i google it then17:46
mgedminKhertan_, you might try #python17:46
Khertan_mgedmin: yep of course :)17:46
mgedminI can usually get distutils/setuptools to do what I want by cannibalizing other scripts17:46
timelessdocs: please remind me to yell at someone rsn17:46
timelessdooc: ..17:47
timelessdoc: ..17:47
mgedminI suspect becoming an expert in distutils will cost one's sanity17:47
timelessyour nick is too hard to type17:47
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keriotimeless: tab?17:47
DocScrutinizertimeless: of course, a pleasure :-D17:47
djszapiMNZ: what do you mean ?17:47
Khertan_mgedmin: i 'm currently trying to integrate xml in the package :)17:47
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Chibi-Taigapress tab17:47
timeless*** Value of INSERT_MODE set to OFF17:48
Chibi-Taigaits esyer for nicknames17:48
timeless*** Value of INSERT_MODE set to ON17:48
timelessthat's what tab does here17:48
keriowhat's "here"?17:48
mgedminKhertan_, are you looking for install_package_data=True ?17:48
FrieTis ~65 mA of power use when idle (screen off) reasonable? or do you guys do significantly better17:48
FrieT(BT and wifi enabled)17:48
Chibi-Taigai dont know if the n900 has tab but lon pc it works17:49
DocScrutinizer"" ircII EPIC4-2.0 Linux 2.4.35 - Accept no limitations.."" lol for the trailing part17:49
keriomy n900 has tabs17:49
timelessctcp version me?17:49
mgedminFrieT, I've no idea how to measure the power usage on a n90017:49
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djszapisb-adduser lpapp17:49
djszapiHost kernel is lacking binfmt_misc support!17:49
djszapiYou need it to run scratchbox.17:49
djszapiwhat's it ?17:49
mgedminwait until it dies, divide the battery capacity (in mAh) by the number of hours?17:49
djszapithis module is loaded in the host.17:49
DocScrutinizerFrieT: depends17:50
FrieTmgedmin: good one indeed;>17:50
Chibi-Taigaguys any link for python n900?17:50
DocScrutinizerFrieT: somewhat ok for WLAN enabled17:50
FrieTDocScrutinizer: depends? i'm not doing bg jobs when it's idle, if it checks mail it's going to peak of course. i'm talking "idle" with gsm + bt + wifi.17:50
Khertan_mgedmin: i'm more trying to integrate the xml file in the package as a part of the package and not as 'data'17:50
MNZdjszapi, have you got the maemo-sdk rootstraps?17:50
djszapiwhat do you mean ?17:51
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FrieTnow it's down to 40mamp17:51
FrieTup& down there17:51
mgedminKhertan_, what do you mean by that?  you want install to copy the .xml files from where to where?  or something else?17:51
djszapiMNZ: I will use harmattan17:51
MNZdjszapi, .... you don't actually have any of the maemo stuff. There's a rootstrap (a / filesystem) to create the scratchbox target based on17:52
FrieT500mamp , incoming call17:52
mgedminfor distutils 'data' is everything that's not a .py file17:52
MNZdjszapi, I'm sorry I don't think I can help you, my info about scratchbox comes mostly from watching the installer script work and from messing about a little17:52
Khertan_mgedmin: yep ... this is what i try to change17:52
djszapiMNZ: ?17:52
Khertan_mgedmin: the current
mgedminif you don't want your .xml files in /usr/lib/python (which is a bit against debian policy), I don't think you can do that with distutils ...17:52
Khertan_i need to integrate in the khteditor/syntax module the .xml file17:53
Chibi-Taigafor download i mean17:53
MNZdjszapi, no I used the python based installed. It downloads two rootstraps (one for arm and one for i386), I guess you can install those through sb-menu17:53
mgedminoh wow, you can?17:53
Khertan_mgedmin: oh it s against debian policy ?17:53
djszapiMNZ: what do you mean ?17:53
MNZdjszapi, you haven't even gotten to the part where you create targets anyway.17:54
Khertan_mgedmin: so maybe i should rewrite some part to change the location so17:54
mgedminKhertan_, I think so; better double-check17:54
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mgedminIIRC things like .xml files are supposed to be in /usr/share, not /usr/lib/python*17:54
MNZdjszapi, sorry but like I said, can't help much17:54
djszapiMNZ: what do you mean ?17:54
Chibi-Taigawhy isnt python in app sdownload list17:55
timelesswell, i'm now using o2 for internet access17:55
timeless2.5g, "wow"17:55
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Khertan_I got the following report in khweeteur bug tracker : Khweeteur is based on the obsolete and buggy package python2.5-qt4-maemo5. An example of bug is that with auto-capitalization disabled, the Shift status is reversed for the first character (typing a letter key gives an uppercase letter, typing Shift + letter gives a lowercase letter). python2.5-qt4-experimental-dev should be used (see
povbotBug 11250: Shift status is reversed for the first character (Shift+letter gives lowercase)17:55
Chibi-Taiga3.5g tmobile here17:56
Khertan_i thought that experimental is ... experimental ...17:56
Khertan_so nothing should depends on it17:56
timelessgtalk and skype connected,17:56
timelesssip provider failed17:56
timelessbut ssh works17:56
Chibi-Taigaguess i ask on forrums17:57
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timelessooh, 3g and one bar of signal, or 3.5 and that same one bar17:58
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Chibi-Taiga28.8/5.8Mbitwireless internets18:02
Chibi-Taigai want that18:02
MohammadAGhmm, how do I disable a button in python?18:02
crashanddiebutton.enabled = false ?18:03
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Khertan_MohammadAG: button.destroy()18:04
Chibi-Taigai wanna download it but i cant find it18:04
MohammadAGKhertan_, nope, that doesn't do anything :/18:05
MohammadAGKhertan_, that's for PyGTK right?18:06
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Khertan_MohammadAG: should destroy it under pygtk or qt :)18:07
MohammadAGweird, it doesn't18:07
MohammadAGno errors though18:07
Khertan_button.hide() should hide the button in pygtk18:07
Chibi-Taigaguess i do it on pc ,to botherdome to search for python n90018:07
Chibi-Taigaalso screw unzip18:08
MohammadAGKhertan_, button.hide() works in PyQt, but that hides the button18:08
MohammadAGI just want to disable it (gray it out)18:08
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Chibi-Taigashould have gotten n97 instead lovely symbian phones and easy to use18:10
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MohammadAGmeh, I had the N97 before the N90018:10
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Khertan_MohammadAG: button.set_sensitive(False)18:11
MohammadAGbah, PyGTK only, AttributeError: 'QPushButton' object has no attribute 'set_sensitive'18:11
Venemo_N900Hey guys18:12
Chibi-Taigawell this os is no fun , hacking symbina slows more then maemo also w/o errors18:12
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pogis it possible on N900 / Maemo5, to make an ssh -X N900, then to export a display to my ubuntu PC. the command on the conole open the Application Window on the N900... (I don't seem to be the only one with problems like this).18:12
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_Lucretia_anybody replaced the toolchain in madde?18:12
Chibi-Taigamaemo dont even have good players18:13
MohammadAGChibi-Taiga, S60 sucks balls, especially after 9.1, when they locked it down18:13
DocScrutinizerChibi-Taiga: please go and swap N900 for a symbian phone. You complain since days about supposedly complicated linux, quite obviously N900 is absolutely not the right gadget for you18:13
MohammadAGgood players? wanna go 1v1 on cod?18:13
Chibi-Taigai cant swap18:14
SpeedEvilyes pog18:14
Chibi-Taigabcuz somwhygiene rule here18:14
GAN900dneary, sent.18:14
DocScrutinizerChibi-Taiga: that's not *anybody's* problem but your own18:14
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Chibi-Taigaall i want is simple just an unzipper or an unrar18:15
Chibi-Taigajust this phone is to picky to install it18:15
DocScrutinizerall I want is just a cahn without that constant whining18:15
MohammadAGjust install xarchiver18:15
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MohammadAGNote: UI needs stylus18:16
Chibi-Taigai dont remember seeing that in app download list18:16
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* DocScrutinizer points Chibi-Taiga to - please consider moving your complaints and constant whining over there18:18
jacekowskii just recommended n900 to somebody18:18
jacekowskiand i hope i won't regret it18:18
E0xn900 is not for everybody18:18
SpeedEvilDid you get your referral bonus?18:18
SpeedEvilOops - not supposed to mention that.18:18
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Chibi-Taigado i need an account to see a download buttona.18:20
Khertan_MohammadAG: ah sorry i think you were looking for a pygtk method18:21
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MohammadAGjacekowski, heh, if only people here listen to recommendations, he asked about the N900, knowing him as a noob I suggested an iPhone, the next day he got an N90018:22
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_Lucretia_luke-jr: I saw your comment here:, what's not compatible between gcc-4.4 and 4.5? The ABI should be the same, that was the whole point of the ABI changes in GCC a few years back.18:23
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jacekowskijust version change is enought to break a lot18:24
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_Lucretia_jacekowski: was that aimed at me?18:25
Chibi-Taigabtw that extras-devil is it dead?18:25
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keriohuh... iphone-controlled quadricopter18:38
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Venemo_N900kerio: the N900 can control a real helicopter!18:42
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Venemo_N900kerio: so iCrap is lagging behind... again :D18:43
MiXu-Wouldn't want to be on that thing...18:43
timelessanyone know how "london" and "city of london" differ?18:43
timelessignore the obvious character count issue18:43
kerio"cit... damn timeless18:43
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Venemo_N900timeless: my guess would be that London also means the general area around the city18:43
timelessand i'm typing on my n90018:43
Venemo_N900timeless: lcuk should perhaps know better18:44
lcuktimeless, city of london is the tiny core afaik18:44
timelessmy search gave me that18:44
timelessanyone see anything obviously missing?18:44
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GAN900dneary, Nokia World is next Tuesday.18:45
keriogood coffee?18:45
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Venemo_N900drizztbsd: hi18:47
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drizztbsdI'm doing a .deb package, how can I know if I'm building on N900/fremantle or N810 or N800 etc?18:47
drizztbsdI want to do an universal source package18:47
Venemo_N900drizztbsd: what SDK are you building with?18:47
dnearyGAN900, Are the Maemo staff & council going?18:47
drizztbsdmaemo 518:47
drizztbsdIt's for n90018:48
dnearyLet's do it Thursday then18:48
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drizztbsdbut I want to release an universal source package18:48
dnearythis thursday18:48
GAN900dneary, Jaffa is, apparently.18:48
Venemo_N900drizztbsd: for Maemo 4, build with its SDK18:48
* lcuk hmm18:48
* GAN900 will need to manage not to throw up first.18:48
Venemo_N900drizztbsd: the two versions have two different set of libraries and stuff...18:48
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jacekowskitimeless: london ussualy means greater londo19:07
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jacekowskitimeless: while city of london is just one of boroughs19:07
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Chibi-Taigahumm is it possible to attach an ext hdd on n900 ?19:07
jacekowskikind of maybe yes19:08
FrieTi'd guess with the proper usb trickery, yes19:08
Chibi-Taigahumm so it need a trick ?19:08
FrieTnfs client ?19:08
ShadowJKchibi-taiga: not through the usb port currently19:09
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Chibi-Taigai saw an youtube vid though so i was wondering19:09
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Chibi-Taigahe used an thumpstick19:09
ShadowJKIt only randomly works afaik19:10
Chibi-Taigai see19:10
Chibi-Taigawould be nice though19:10
Chibi-Taigaextra storage19:10
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* Chibi-Taiga -< MPClassic >-< [HorribleSubs] HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD - 10 [720p].mkv >-< Playtime 00:00 of 25:13 @ ~312.81KB/s (462.2MB) >-< ( N/A ) >-19:16
DocScrutinizerextra storage? hell, even my laptop has less than 64GB19:17
kerioyour laptop fails19:17
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Chibi-Taigamy netbook has 640gb though19:17
keriothat's not enough for half of the full mame romset :<19:17
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DocScrutinizerit's also a bit small for mp2 vids of all the movies I've ever seen - but meh19:19
barisioneanybody that knows how to help the person that reported ?19:19
povbotBug 11247: Custom Ringtones - Conflict Packages at Program installation19:19
barisioneshe reported it as a custom ringtones bug19:19
barisionebut it looks like a maemo upgrade problem19:19
barisioneshe gets:19:19
barisioneConflicts between Maemo 5 (2.2009.51-1)19:19
barisionehildon-thumbnail (3.0.43+0m5)19:19
Chibi-Taigamy main comp has slighly more though19:20
Chibi-TaigaHard Disks: (Total/Free: 8.41/2.37TB , Total/Free space on: C: 75.13/40.11GB , D: 465.76/216.14GB , E: 390.62/388.26GB , F: 931.51/250.41GB , G: 931.51/87.27GB , H: 1.36/1.36TB , I: 1.36/0.03TB , J: 2.73/0.01TB , K: 232.88/18.49GB)19:20
keriohaha i see letters19:20
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keriolots of letters19:20
keriomy god, why would someone think that's a good idea19:20
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Maceri have to flash from scratch and all i have is an osx laptop19:20
kerioyour setup begs for LVM19:20
Macerdo i need anything other than RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin ?19:21
kerioor even better, some raid019:21
DocScrutinizerChibi-Taiga: yeah, but can it hotswap? like 32GB uSD on N900? :-P19:21
Chibi-Taigait supports 16gb+ ?19:21
kerioand by uSD, he means µSD19:22
DocScrutinizerkerio: begs for decent OS, first of all19:22
Chibi-Taigaand yes my rig is hotswap19:22
kerioDocScrutinizer: well of course19:22
Macerwtf. i can't flash an n900 with osx?19:22
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ShadowJKmacer: yeah flashing just emmc is bad idea19:22
kerioMacer: i did :|19:22
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MacerShadowJK: what else do i need to start from scratch?19:23
Macerthat is what i am reading19:23
Macerthe nokia site only seems to have the emmc stuff that is relevant to flashing it19:23
Macermaybe i should just go ahead and use a damn windows flasher and let it all do it for me19:24
kerioMacer: the flasher is the same :|19:24
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Maceroh ... maybe that would be the one i need? :)19:24
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MacerLatest Maemo 5 USA release for Nokia N90019:25
kerioflash the global, duh19:25
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MacerOK. Let me shove the battery back in this n90019:26
Macerblah. too bad nitdroid doesn't have the modem working completely yet.. otherwise it would be worth using as default :)19:26
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MohammadAGmodified unzip-fm to unrar-fm :P19:27
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MohammadAGthe filemanager addon that unpacks zips using osso-filemanager19:28
kerioi thought it was related to the radio19:28
MohammadAGunzipping the radio?19:29
jacekowskiunzip filemanager19:29
jacekowskifm stands for filemanager19:29
jacekowskii made that mistake as well19:29
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jacekowskiand disassembled libcpfm or something19:29
jacekowskilooking for some reference to radio19:29
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jacekowskihome time19:30
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Goliath23general question on the maemo sw running on an N900: there is the modest email client. when I set it to update emails periodically, it won't automatically connect to the internet. when I manually start it and update emails, it connects automatically. is this a known bug?19:33
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Chibi-Taigaanime is just to awesome19:34
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jacekowskiGoliath23: just configure phone to connect automaticaly19:34
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Goliath23jacekowski: Then I would be online all the time. The wanted behaviour is, that maemo connects (to WLAN or GPRS) when I (or a program that I configured to periodically check some data on the net) needs the connection. (and disconnect afterwards, which I can achieve by installing AutoDisconnect)19:36
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Macerok. flasher is waiting for the device19:37
Macerthe device boots with a usb symbol for a second19:37
Macerthen goes into multi boot19:37
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Macerit doesn't seem to want to find the device :(19:37
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timelessmacer: ping19:38
DocScrutinizerGoliath23: the supposed usage mode however is to keep GPRS enabled all the time19:38
timelesscan you click on the which credit/debit card line?19:39
DocScrutinizeras there's usually not a single advantage in disabling GPRS19:39
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* timeless sighs19:39
timelesso2 is being evil19:39
Maceri'm trying to fix my n900 :-P19:39
timelesstheir iPhone plan is tied to the imei for iphones19:39
timelessdoc: how about you?19:39
timeless(i got your nick right!19:40
Goliath23DocScrutinizer: It allows me to use the device a whole day. Keeping the device connected all the time drains the battery very fast.19:40
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MacerSuitable USB device not found, waiting.19:40
timelessload that link19:40
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Goliath23DocScrutinizer: I'd call that a major advantage.19:40
timelessclick the credit card line19:40
DocScrutinizerGoliath23: that's a problem not to be solved via disabling GPRS19:40
kerioDocScrutinizer: huh?19:40
Macerdo i have to do somthing special to this n900 to put it into flashable mode or something?19:40
Goliath23DocScrutinizer: but?19:40
keriois that also true for umts/hsdpa?19:40
kerioMacer: huh19:40
kerioplug the usb cable while holding u19:40
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* timeless sighs19:41
DocScrutinizerkerio: sure19:41
Goliath23DocScrutinizer: shall I solve it by chharging more often? :)19:41
lcukdneary, i am at manchester university at that time thursday19:41
timelessanyone have an app that does phone number based contact awarching?19:41
kerioDocScrutinizer: wait, WHAT19:41
DocScrutinizerGoliath23: I suggest to solve it by learning about the fundamentals of GPRS19:42
kerioi'm talking umts/hsdpa here19:42
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Goliath23DocScrutinizer: I'm a user whose Handset runs out of battery quite fast. Not a developer. maybe that's the wrong channel then.19:42
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keriomaybe it's the wrong phone19:42
Otacon22Hi, i have a problem on my n900. I was trying to install SCIM and MSCIM for japanese input but it was not working, so i've decided to delete it and go back to default input method. Anyway after this i can't no longer see the special character popup: when i press Sum+Fn does not happens anything!19:43
Otacon22could anyone help me?19:43
Macerhm. now i have the usb symbol on an unlit nokia screen19:43
Goliath23DocScrutinizer: is one of the GPRS fundamentals, that it doesn't need more power no matter if there is an active connection or not?19:43
Macerbut flasher still has Suitable USB device not found, waiting.19:43
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DocScrutinizerGoliath23: exactly19:44
Goliath23Macer: what distro?19:44
DocScrutinizerthe power needed for an established login to GPRS is ~3mA19:44
Goliath23Macer: hm, I once had the same. was a version conflict ina dependency iirc19:44
Macerthis seriously should not be this difficult19:45
* timeless rotfl19:45
Macerlet me just plug the damn thing into a windows box :)19:45
timelesscould someone w/ a web browser read the last line of19:45
timelesswhere it says "a telefonica ..."19:45
Goliath23Macer: yes, maybe this works. or an ubuntu based distro19:45
DocScrutinizerGoliath23: it's the transmission of data either direction, that consumes lots of power. Establishing a connection does a fair amount of data transfer. The idle connection is really humble, needing some ~3mA19:46
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DocScrutinizerGoliath23: that's the rationale you usually *keep* the connection, rather than to tear it down every so often19:46
Goliath23DocScrutinizer: okay, but 3mA is not really nothing, right?19:47
Macerok now to hunt down this damn windows updater19:47
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DocScrutinizerGoliath23: but - quite obviously - you want to make sure you don't transfer data over GPRS all the time19:47
MohammadAGbuilder dead?19:47
timelessit's really preyy close to nothing19:47
Goliath23DocScrutinizer: according to the wiki page, the difference between 2G and 3G is 1.4mA and I can really feel the difference19:47
kerioumts is 8ma19:47
DocScrutinizerGoliath23: it is small enough to allow 400h of standby19:48
* timeless wonders if firefox is available somewhere19:48
DocScrutinizerGoliath23: nope, you're looking the wrong row for this. What you feel is the difference of 45mA vs 136mA19:49
DocScrutinizerfor 10s pings19:49
MohammadAGtimeless, a telephonica company?19:49
tank-mantimeless, that page shows up in english for me, sorry19:49
ShadowJKtimeless: uh.. "A telefonica company" ... "(C) 2010 Telefonica O2 UK Limited." ... terms and conditions.. privacy policy?19:49
DocScrutinizererr 30s19:49
infobotMohammadAG meant: timeless, a telefonica company?19:49
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Goliath23DocScrutinizer: aha19:49
timelessdoes it say company?19:50
dnearylcuk: Propose an alternative time, but I'd really like to have some kind of meeting this week19:50
DocScrutinizer136mA means battery down after 10h19:50
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timelessfor me it said something like that, but not actually that19:50
timelessturn off image loading19:51
DocScrutinizerand inplies there's something constantly sending/receiving data over GPRS19:51
timelessyou need to read the alt tag19:51
lcukdneary, friday same time perhaps, or earlier thursday or wednesday etc?19:51
dnearylcuk: Propose on the mailing list19:51
dnearyMaybe mail the council first to see if there's a particular time that suits the 5 of you?19:52
Goliath23DocScrutinizer: and 3mA reduce standby by what amount?19:52
DocScrutinizer3mA would drain battery after ~400h19:52
kerioDocScrutinizer: facebook widget?19:52
Maceromfg this is retarded19:52
Macerwhere can i download the nokia updating app for windows?19:53
* lcuk isnt council :P19:53
ShadowJKugh. It started reloading every winow when I switched images to "Never". This will take ages.19:53
Macerthe one that downloads and updates it all for you?19:53
kerioMacer: not sure why you're having problema19:53
Macerkerio: yeah. that makes two of us but evidently my mb doesn't want to see the n90019:53
MacerSuitable USB device not found, waiting.19:53
keriostupid question... you're root, right?19:53
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ShadowJKtimeless: the first telefonica vanished without images19:54
DocScrutinizerI bet he's not19:54
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DocScrutinizeras there is no root on OSX by default :_P19:54
kerioit's unix19:54
keriothere's always a root19:54
MohammadAGtimeless, I don't... get it                 <span>A Telef&oacute;nica comapny</span>19:54
Maceri'm running it as sudo so yes?19:55
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MacerSuitable USB device not found, waiting.19:55
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timelessoops, scrollback19:55
MohammadAG<timeless> could someone w/ a web browser read the last line of19:55
Macermaybe i should just sudo -s and try running it?19:55
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MohammadAGkeep flasher running19:55
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kerio© 2010 Telefónica O2 UK Limited.19:55
MohammadAGtake out the battery19:55
MohammadAGplug in the USB19:55
kerioi didn't know telefonica bought o219:55
MohammadAGplug in the battery19:55
MohammadAGwatch flasher scroll19:56
timelessyou didn'tt get it?19:56
DocScrutinizermaybe hold 'u' while inserting battery19:56
kerioget what?19:56
timelessyou quoted the right bit!19:56
keriooh, yeah, in the left there's a "a telefonica company" image19:56
timeless Telef&oacute;nica comapny</span>19:56
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MacerMohammadAG: nope19:57
* ShadowJK couldn't copy/paste it19:57
tank-manyea, iphones suck ...19:57
Macerhm. let me try holding u again :)19:58
timeless                      @@@19:58
ShadowJKif your n900 boots it wont work19:58
ShadowJKor has booted19:58
timelessMohammadAG, so ever met a comAPNy before?19:58
MacerOH WAIT. it just took off :)19:59
* Macer watches his n900 get bricked right before his eyes19:59
timelessnow you have, thanks to telefonica19:59
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MohammadAGMacer, that'll be 50 IRC bucks please19:59
ShadowJKmacer: if your commandline includes -R, it'll fail :)19:59
timelessok, next challenge20:00
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MacerShadowJK: uh oh20:00
DocScrutinizerMacer: so now if you either manage to keep device from regular boot between flashing, or flash VANILLA image first, then you got chances to actually flash eMMC and get a working system20:00
timelesscan someone please find something which specifies what kind of terms and conditions apply to cc payment?20:00
timelesssomeone from o2 claimed it's mention british credit cards only20:00
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timelessi can't even find anything mentioning terms20:01
Macerlooks like it's trying to boot20:01
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MohammadAGMacer, first boot takes a shitload of time20:01
Macerreally i just want to make sure the nitdroid installer works properly so i figured i'd put a stock maemo on it20:01
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ShadowJKdocscrutinizer: well no, if he first flashes emmc and boots, it boots into broken system.. if he first flashes fiasco and boots, data gets moved to emmc and system becomes broken once he flashes emmc20:02
Macerfor some reason the nitdroid installer made maemo stop booting.. probably some obscure multiboot problem20:02
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ShadowJKso just dont use the reboot flag :D20:02
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: so isn't that exactly what I said?20:02
Macerwould be nice to try out meego too once they get the modem working as well20:02
Chibi-Taigahumm kernel power flasher cant find it on maemo.org20:03
MiXu-Ironic that you can make calls on N900+Android but not on N900+MeeGo :)20:03
Macerwtf. a piece of my phone .... fell out?20:03
Macerwtf is that??20:03
ShadowJKdocscrutinizzer: you implied one could boot after flashing vanilla and still flash emmc without a third flash of fiasco again :)20:03
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: and by the way the rationale why I always say the wiki is abysmal wrong on recommending to flash rootfs first20:03
Goliath23DocScrutinizer: I'll take your comments as a chance to try with "always on" ... I set the search interval to 60 minutes, prolonged the update intervals of some widgets and configured AutoDisconnect to automatically switch to 2G if there is not much data transferred.20:03
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: vanilla IS eMMC20:03
e-yesStskeeps sweared voicecalls are working. i seeing last (prebuilt) version now... now phone support yet, seems20:04
e-yesMiXu-, no voicecalls @nitdroid yet20:04
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: so I implied nothing of what you claim I did20:04
timelesstry loading
ShadowJKah ok20:05
Goliath23DocScrutinizer: btw. If I would set search interval to 5 minutes and NOT set "change to WLAN if possible" .. would that drain a lot of battery? (since it theoretically wouldn't need to check if there is a GPRS connection)20:05
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ShadowJKwlan has or had a tendency to get stuck active for me when I had change to wlan activated... it'd drain battery in 6 hours when the bug hit20:06
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ShadowJK"check if there's a gprs connection" shouldn't use any power20:07
DocScrutinizerGoliath23: search interval seems to have impact on battery life no matter if it autoswitches to WLAN or not20:07
Goliath23DocScrutinizer: probably a software bug20:08
DocScrutinizerGoliath23: especially if you have any connection configured that has "hidden SSID", which is a real nonsense20:09
Goliath23DocScrutinizer: is there a bug entry for that?20:09
DocScrutinizerGoliath23: that's  not actually a bug20:09
Goliath23DocScrutinizer: ok, it's an important missing feature ..20:10
Goliath23a wishlist entry :)20:10
DocScrutinizerGoliath23: see, if you have a connection with hidden SSID of "foobar" and the wifi scans all available staions, it needs to SEND a query to all stations with hidden SSID if they by any incident are "foobar"20:10
Chibi-Taigaguys what can i do about this
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DocScrutinizerGoliath23: sending is expensive20:11
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DocScrutinizerGoliath23: and there's only so much you can do about all that20:12
DocScrutinizerGoliath23: just don't use 'hidden SSID'20:12
MohammadAGwtf is kernel-flasher-maemo20:12
Goliath23DocScrutinizer: okay. I was still at the easier case (don't scan for connections if a) a gprs connection is active and b) "swtich to wlan" is disabled20:12
Chibi-TaigaEnhanced Linux kernel for power users20:13
Chibi-Taigai wanan underpower the cpu to enlarge the battery life20:13
DocScrutinizerso what is the device actually supposed to do at all during scan periods?20:13
DocScrutinizerChibi-Taiga: NOOOOOO, please go away from whereever you are this moment. And never ever mention it here for next 6 months *at least*20:14
infoboti heard omap-oc is  read that!20:15
MiXu-You seriously don't want to underclock. The thing is slow as is.20:15
jacekowskihave you heard about flash 10.1 for arm20:15
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DocScrutinizerand underclocking is mega BS regarding battery savings20:15
Chibi-Taigaoverclock and underpower should be good as they say20:15
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jacekowskiChibi-Taiga: do whatever you want20:16
DocScrutinizerChibi-Taiga: please read that link, and stop it now20:16
jacekowskiChibi-Taiga: just don't tell us that your phone is dead20:16
Chibi-Taigaits oced to 900 mhz now20:16
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Chibi-Taigait was for 2 months on 82520:16
Chibi-Taigajust want to see what it is capable off20:16
DocScrutinizerChibi-Taiga: We don't give a damn shit about it20:16
DocScrutinizerread !!!20:17
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_Lucretia_I'm trying to set up my N900 as a target, I've tried the new root password that I set when I installed mad developer, and I've tried the password that is created when I press the developer password button, none work20:18
_Lucretia_I can ping the device20:18
Chibi-Taigaso anyways why would a phone die from overclock, its basicly a pocked pc, cpu's are made to over clock rite ? look at it many i7 users oc to 4ghz, ok thats cooled, but for a lappy it isnt20:18
jacekowskiit's different cpu20:18
jacekowskidifferent design20:18
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DocScrutinizertake that OC nonsense to t.m.o where it belongs. There you find literally all sorts of claims and their exact opposite, and nobody has a fsckng clue about it20:18
jacekowskidesigned to spend most of it's lifetime in 0Hz mode20:19
DocScrutinizerChibi-Taiga: a last time: please read the link above, and keep that nonsense out of here20:19
jacekowskiChibi-Taiga: and have you noticed that these 4GHz+ cpus ussualy don't last very long20:20
Chibi-Taigawho knows , lots humans live long specialy gamers20:20
jacekowskiit's your decision20:21
jacekowskijust don't come back crying20:21
Chibi-Taigai myself had an 3.8ghz amd dual core but i jumed over to an 6core though20:21
Goliath23DocScrutinizer: when I have gprs on and am traveling, does it need to send and receive data on every cell change?20:21
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Chibi-Taigai know what the risks are20:21
DocScrutinizerGoliath23: it does anyway, for GSM20:21
Goliath23DocScrutinizer: additional data, compared to just GSM?20:21
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Ken-YoungHave reports been coming in yet about N900s fried by overclocking?   I haven't seen one.20:21
Goliath23DocScrutinizer: ah, okay20:21
jacekowskithere were20:22
jacekowskii saw somebody couple days ago20:22
Chibi-Taigaif ocing is that dangerous they wouldnt publish it on the net would they ?20:22
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jacekowskiChibi-Taiga: what do you mean by they20:23
DocScrutinizerChibi-Taiga: you also are publishing it right now, and those who do the same have no any better clue than you20:23
jacekowskiChibi-Taiga: guns are dangerous and you can buy them in every shop in US20:23
Ken-Youngjacekowski, Not *every* shop.20:23
Chibi-Taigawell why would they publish oc settings for the n900 if its that dangerous20:23
DocScrutinizerChibi-Taiga: BECAUSE THEY ARE JUST LIKE YOU20:24
DocScrutinizerNOW TAKE IT ELSEWHERE20:24
jacekowskiit's sort of like HV is dangerous20:24
Chibi-Taigai think iphones are more dangerous with its exploding batteries20:25
jacekowskiwhy we are making 110kV transformers20:25
jacekowskianybody can buy one20:25
ShadowJK(Nokia has not, does not, and will not publish OC settings for the N900)20:25
MNZStop spreading the FUD about OC being dangerous! :|20:25
MNZChibi-Taiga, it's not dangerous20:25
DocScrutinizerlol, you bet they won't20:25
MNZjust costly, that's all20:25
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: hmm, well, i don't see why nokia would care really20:26
DocScrutinizerMNZ: nobody except Chibi-Taiga used the term 'dangerous'20:26
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: it's not their problem if user fucks up their device20:26
ArkAnGiCIAHellOlAloHallOhayo.. I HI..20:26
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Chibi-Taigabut ok if you say its bad then i set it back to 60020:27
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jacekowskiset it to 900020:27
MNZOVER 9000!20:27
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Chibi-Taigait wont reach that20:27
DocScrutinizerArkAnGiCIA: hi20:27
Chibi-Taigaits no scouter20:27
Otacon22My Symbol virtual keyboard is disappeared! Anyone can help me?20:28
kerioMNZ: less memes, more audio20:28
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, count to 10, and -o20:28
DocScrutinizercount to 10 and /kick ArkAnGiCIA20:29
DocScrutinizerArkAnGiCIA: ping20:29
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MNZkerio, :|20:30
MohammadAGoh, thought you were going to kick someone else20:30
DocScrutinizerArkAnGiCIA: identify as human being, or get kicked20:30
jacekowski19:29 [freenode] CTCP VERSION reply from ArkAnGiCIA: mIRC v6.32 Khaled Mardam-Bey20:30
Chibi-Taigaok i used the qcpuferq to set it to 55020:30
* MNZ goes back to his hole20:30
_Lucretia_Can anyone help me with this? <- I can set up the n900 via QtCreator, but not by hand20:30
kerioMNZ: <320:30
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_Lucretia_and before someone tells me just to use QtCreator, I'm not intending on using it just yet20:31
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jpinx-eeepcDocScrutinizer: update - ssh over usb working, N900 using the eeepc as a gateway to the wifi, debian chroot installed and the fs.img copied to allow me to "experiment" ;),20:31
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jpinx-eeepccurrently logged in my ssh over USB and chroot int he copy and installing some stuff to see what'll run20:32
DocScrutinizermeh, out for shopping20:33
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jpinx-eeepcshopping? it's midnight:30 ffs!20:35
Chibi-Taigasnap , it stays 900mhz if i run overclock option 520:35
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merlin1991oh you're still there jpinx-eeepc20:35
jacekowskithat's good20:35
jacekowskileave it at 90020:36
Chibi-Taiga700 now lowest i can set it with the app20:36
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timelessoh, wow20:38
timelessthis keyboard has ~ too20:38
timelessno need for the blue menu for it!20:38
keriowhat kbd?20:39
mecetimeless, which keyboard is thaT?20:39
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kerioand my keyboard has ~ too20:39
kerioas shift+fn+a20:39
alteregoI'd like to map my backspace button to allow fn+bksp do tilde ..20:39
Chibi-Taigais 700mhz also bad its still an oc of 50mhz per core though20:39
meceI've got alt-gr " on mine. It's a keytronic from 1991 :)20:40
kerioalterego: nah, that's tab20:40
alteregokerio: is it? Well, that's kind of cool too :)20:40
kerioalso shift+fn+bksp = esc20:40
mecekerio: ctrl-i is tab20:40
joga...fn+bksp is not tab20:40
jpinx-eeepcmerlin1991: I'm having fun here - the chroot is copied for experrimentation20:41
alteregoI think he might have been saying that's what he'd want it to be because of the simularity.20:41
keriojoga: it is on my remapped keyboard20:41
jogakerio, ok20:41
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merlin1991jpinx-eeepc, but you're still using your weird ssh tunnel :D20:41
jpinx-eeepcmerlin1991: I'm still using the ssh over usb and the eeepc as a gateway to the public wifi20:41
jogaon my keyboard capslock is also ctrl, right ctrl is escape and scroll lock is esc+a but whatever :)20:41
timelessfor me fn-z is ~ and fn-c is |20:41
timelesswhich is grerat20:42
jogaoh and the key to the left of 1 is alt20:42
timelessas i have no need for GBP or EUR20:42
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jogaI haven't remapped the n900 keyboard but having pipe and stuff would be nice, now I have those on the key bar though20:43
meceis there some howto on remapping?20:43
meceI wouldn't know where to start.20:43
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keriomece: sudo vi /usr/share/x11/xkb/symbols/nokia_vndr/rx-5120:46
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kerioor X1120:47
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mecekerio, thanks.. looks like hard work though.20:51
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keriojust mind the indistinguishable combos20:52
Otacon22Hello, i need help on my n900: i can't no longer see the special character view pressing Sym+Fn20:52
timelessotacon: did you install something like the hebrew keyboard?20:53
Otacon22timeless, i've installed scim some days ago20:53
Otacon22but i've removed it20:53
Otacon22since when i've installed scim the special character view doesn't appear20:54
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lollooAm trying to recieve Arabic E-mail... but when I open it in my N900 it shows wrong characters!20:56
lollooas if it is not using the right unicode characters20:56
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lollooit shows multiple "??????" so many20:56
Chibi-Taigaguys how can i get set my cpu to stock sped ?20:56
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BelmoroneEnter text here...Ciao bella2026sono un bel 25 enne 2026.aggiungimi su messenger ho cam e ci divertiamo2026se vuoi  anche in anonimo2026il mio contatto è   AGGIUNGIMI2026CI DIVERTIAMO2026PROVARE X CREDERE20:58
ArGGu^^Hello, my friend has a problem with his n900. If he has sms chat open, but display off his phone will not give any notification of received sms to that chat.20:59
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ArGGu^^No sms ring tone, flashing led or vibration.21:00
ArGGu^^Has anyone else had this problem?21:00
timelessseems likely to be by design21:01
lolloommm try call notifier app21:01
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ArGGu^^lolloo you mean this?
ArGGu^^or is there another app21:05
lollooyes this one21:06
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Maceri have no idea why but modest will no longer work with zimbra imap21:07
ArGGu^^lolloo ok thanks.21:07
Macerany other client works21:07
Macerit will download the email lists from the imap but when trying to open an email it just kind of tries to open it then goes back to the email list screen21:07
DocScrutinizermece: (gone, bah)
DocScrutinizerMacer: dunno if notifier app will help, but likely it's a design flaw of conversations app21:10
DocScrutinizerMacer: also a known issue, though I don't know if there's a ticket for it yet21:10
MohammadAGMacer, happens to me sometimes, I clear modest's cache and it works again21:11
DocScrutinizererr, sorry ->arggu21:11
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* DocScrutinizer hates drive-by askers21:12
MacerMohammadAG: hm. where does it store the cache? in ~/.modest?21:12
MohammadAGyes, you might lose some settings :P21:13
MohammadAGthe word some is probably an understatement here21:13
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Macerit doesn't seem to even want to refresh the imap acct21:13
Macerwas working fine with modest until i updated zimbra. but it is still odd that all other clients work with it EXCEPT modest :)21:14
Macereven the android email app works fine with it21:14
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Macermodest is the only one that isn't playing nice with zimbra21:15
Maceris there anywhere else modest keeps stuff?21:15
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ShadowJKthere's a clear cache option in the modest menus, iirc21:17
Maceris there  a verbose flag for running it from a term?21:17
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ArGGu^^DocScrutinizer but How it can be a design flaw because it works on my n90021:19
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Macernope. still fail21:20
Maceralthough i'm a little confused as to me rm -rf .modest21:20
Macerand i still have settings at all :)21:20
keesjwhat is a good price for a second hand n900 these days?21:20
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Macerkeesj: about $200 with a new contract from any carrier to get a good android phone21:20
* Macer grins21:21
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Macerblah. of course modest has to be the only damn email client that doesn't work .. go figure21:22
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Macerthe ONLY one i WANT to work :)21:22
MohammadAGKhertan_, ping21:22
Maceris there some other email client i can get for maemo that is integrated?21:22
Maceror that can be integrated?21:22
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* ShadowJK used tcpdump to figure out what was wrong with his modest21:23
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MacerShadowJK: you are using a zimbra server too?21:23
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Macerwtf. i rm -rf .modest and i stil have settings21:24
MohammadAGgconf :P21:24
ShadowJKor .config/modest21:24
SpeedEvilapt-get remove modest21:24
Macerthere isn't a .config/modest21:25
ShadowJKMacer, no I use dovecot21:25
Chibi-Taigaguys is there an easy way to return to stock settings for cpu ?21:25
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, that fixes half the problem and creates another half21:25
DocScrutinizerChibi-Taiga: reflash21:25
ShadowJKmaybe you need to kill modest first21:25
ShadowJKit's left running after you close it21:26
DocScrutinizerand odds are it even writes back config on regular quit :-P21:27
MohammadAGChibi-Taiga, uhh, reflash stock kernel21:27
Maceri want to get a G2 but i don't think i can take this n900 anymore21:27
Chibi-Taigai try21:27
Chibi-Taigabut it doent work21:27
Chibi-Taigais what it says but no changes21:28
Maceris there symbian for n900?21:28
Chibi-Taigawhen use this apt-get install --reinstall kernel kernel-flasher21:28
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ShadowJKWell you could try install it, I suppose, but then you'd have like 0 apps21:28
ShadowJKand probably not all the hw drivers needed to talk to stuff liek modem21:28
MohammadAGI don't see a reason Symbian^3 can't be ported21:28
MohammadAGother than being pointless21:29
DuckbootChibi-Taiga: That's a know problem - probably libsdl-ttf<something>21:29
* ShadowJK nods21:29
Maceri was hoping maybe since it was nokia's official OS that they might have had that going on or something21:29
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ShadowJK"avoid-frequencies" was misspelled btw21:29
Chibi-Taigai see21:29
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ShadowJKnot that I know what putting "echo" inside it would doo21:29
ShadowJKMacer, on the other hand they've shown videos of symbian on atom21:30
DuckbootChibi-Taiga: I had to remove som games because of it.21:30
Chibi-Taigawell i dont know what to remove21:30
Chibi-Taigai can uninstall everything again21:30
infoboti heard flashing is
MacerShadowJK: right about now i'd take anything other than maemo as long as the modem worked21:30
Maceri hope nitdroid puts the modem stuff in their next release21:30
Duckbootremove freeciv21:30
ShadowJKI think you're in the wrong channel then :)21:30
DuckbootMacer: It's the plan atleast21:31
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DocScrutinizerMacer: get a decent android phone?21:31
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Chibi-Taigasigh this i wont do, last time when i changed libusb i had to format my pc since usb wont work so cant use kb/mouse21:32
DocScrutinizerI mean, that's about as silly as it can get - get a N900 and seek for nitdroid21:32
MacerDocScrutinizer: yeah. i'm looking at them now21:32
Chibi-Taigaohwell guess i should use my portable charger now, since its idling at 500-700mhz21:33
MacerDocScrutinizer: well. i would stick with maemo if it was realistically going to be around in another year or so but that cow is dead21:33
* DocScrutinizer stares at Chibi-Taiga21:33
Maceri suppose it will be around in a "well.. this is all i have to work with" kind of way with internet tablets21:34
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Chibi-Taigawould it work if i use nsu 3 ?21:34
Chibi-Taigawould it be stock again ?21:35
DocScrutinizerMacer: tell me why is that all dudes turning away from maemo for debatable reasons have the stong urge to let whole maemo community know about it?21:35
DocScrutinizerChibi-Taiga: REFLASH!!!21:36
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infobotwell, flashing is
* MohammadAG would bang head on keyboard, but the laptop's new21:36
Chibi-Taigaguess i try it with nsu21:37
DocScrutinizerI guess I try it with +q21:37
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Macerdebatable? :) i don't know. maybe to lure devs away from a dying os so they can work on one that might be around later.. but then again.. judging by what nokia did to maemo you never know what may be next ;)21:38
Macerhm. they don't seem to make newer android phones with hw qwerty :/21:38
luke-jr_Lucretia_: I'm not sure on the 4.4 -> 4.5 changes; ABI also broke from 4.3 -> 4.421:39
jpinxN900chroot2when I installed chroot, where was the command chroot installed? Not in /sbin I believe ?21:39
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DocScrutinizer`which chroot` helps21:40
jpinxN900chroot2thanks DocScrutinizer21:40
DocScrutinizerI'm starting to build up a mood that's not adequate for participating in this chan... So o/21:41
jpinxN900chroot2take it easy mate :)21:42
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GAN900Macer, MeeGo?21:42
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_Lucretia_luke-jr: the abi thing tho, was an error and was fixable or was it done on purpose?21:43
* DocScrutinizer switches the anti-t.m.o MTHELs to automatic mode, and leaves, mumbling weird stuff21:44
luke-jr_Lucretia_: neither21:44
luke-jr_Lucretia_: well, either intentional or acceptable21:44
luke-jrmight have been a "oh, that broke compat… oh well"21:44
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_Lucretia_luke-jr: I'll look into it21:45
_Lucretia_luke-jr: do you know why I can't log into my n900 from mad?21:45
_Lucretia_password just fails21:45
luke-jr_Lucretia_: no idea what mad is21:46
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* _Lucretia_ gave up on scratchbox and is trying madde instead21:46
* luke-jr is forbidden to tell what he uses.21:47
slonopotamus_Lucretia_: Packed bit-fields of type char were not properly bit-packed on many targets prior to GCC 4.4. On these targets, the fix in GCC 4.4 causes an ABI change.21:47
_Lucretia_luke-jr: cant be any worse than sb or buildroot21:47
jpinxN900chroot2_Lucretia_: what aare you trying to do?21:47
luke-jr_Lucretia_: no, probably better. but DocScrutinizer insists it is off-topic and unwelcome here.21:47
bobbNeed some advice on installing one ap on n900. Anyone?21:48
luke-jr_Lucretia_: if you're interested anyway, feel free to PM21:48
slonopotamusbobb: i advice avoiding installing it21:48
_Lucretia_slonopotamus: and there will not be a 4.4 build of the fw for n900?21:48
luke-jr_Lucretia_: almost certainly not. that would break ABI :p21:49
_Lucretia_jpinxN900chroot2: in what respect? general dev or madde?21:49
slonopotamus_Lucretia_: maemo is abandoned, isn't it?21:49
slonopotamus(well, maybe there'll be pr1.3 with minor fixes, but i don't believe any more updates will happen)21:49
_Lucretia_most likely, nokia tend to create something then abandon it straight away21:50
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_Lucretia_slonopotamus: that is very annoying21:50
slonopotamus_Lucretia_: that's nokia way21:50
_Lucretia_especially after spending ÂŁ400 on the thing21:50
Chibi-Taigaso nokia dropped the maemo project ?21:50
Chibi-Taigalast time i readed something that nokia want all its new deviced in maemo platform21:51
slonopotamusChibi-Taiga: officially, not yet (though they stopped developing hildon)21:51
Chibi-Taigai see21:51
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luke-jrChibi-Taiga: uh, where'd you read that myth?21:51
jpinxN900chroot2so much crap talked21:52
_Lucretia_jpinxN900chroot2: My aim is to get a full ARM port of the GNAT compiler and wanted to use the latest version, oh well21:52
Chibi-Taigaways back21:52
luke-jrChibi-Taiga: the closest thing I've heard from Nokia is that Symbian is their phone platform21:52
DocScrutinizer  0:55 - all I can say21:52
Chibi-Taiganokia wanted to o completly over to maemo t21:52
Chibi-Taigaive readed21:52
slonopotamusChibi-Taiga: that's outdated info :)21:52
Maceranybody want to buy my n900.. i'm going to switch to verizon and get an android phone in a couple of days so if anybody here is looking for one just let me know21:52
slonopotamusChibi-Taiga: current thing is meego (though it doesn't support lots of stuff yet)21:53
Chibi-Taigasymbian seems the be most populair os for smartphones21:53
Chibi-Taigano it does21:53
_Lucretia_symbian really is shit tho21:53
Chibi-Taigajust need to code it yourself21:53
Chibi-Taigalinux is same as windows 2000nt21:53
Chibi-Taigaall manual instalation and coding21:54
_Lucretia_does piss me off that we get fuck all from nokia, we give em ÂŁ400-500 for this thing and then they say, fuck off21:54
lpotterfud. all of it21:54
_Lucretia_I wasn't going to buy an n900 either, I was talked into it21:54
Appiahnokia never told me to fuck off21:54
DocScrutinizer_Lucretia_:  0:5521:54
slonopotamus_Lucretia_: you wasn't forced to buy n90021:54
Chibi-Taigasomeone adviced me n90021:54
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jpinxN900chroot2DocScrutinizer: :( This video contains content from Turner EU, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds21:55
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Chibi-Taigabut he was a linux user so he knows his ways21:55
MNZROFL @ DocScrutinizer21:55
jpinxN900chroot2Chibi-Taiga: please stop talking crap21:56
slonopotamusChibi-Taiga: Nxxx are good until they're abandoned (what happens < 2 years after inception)21:56
DocScrutinizerjpinxN900chroot2: he won't - I asked several times21:56
_Lucretia_Appiah: not directly, but by releasing something then dropping it after people pay (a lot of money for it), that's tantamount to saying "fuck off"21:56
lpotterdropping it?21:57
Appiahwhat the support is dropped?21:57
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DocScrutinizerWHO? DROPPED? WHAT?21:57
Chibi-Taigai see21:57
AdeonI dropped my lenses!21:57
Appiahplease show me the source of this information _Lucretia_21:57
_Lucretia_can anyone help me with this madde thing?21:57
AppiahI dont belive nokia would drop the support21:57
Chibi-Taigai should realy gone off samsung android21:57
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_Lucretia_Appiah: just what I keep hearing in places like this21:58
Appiahwell they have not :D21:58
slonopotamusDocScrutinizer: nokia stopped _any_ hildon development. that is called "drop support"21:58
_Lucretia_Appiah: and this -> <slonopotamus> (well, maybe there'll be pr1.3 with minor fixes, but i don't believe any more updates will happen)21:58
DocScrutinizerthat's what is called "mission accomplished" in my book21:59
MNZChibi-Taiga, #android21:59
_Lucretia_Appiah: and what slonopotamus just said21:59
Appiah_Lucretia_: that does not mean end of support21:59
Chibi-Taigabut what would be best os for phones these time ?21:59
jpinx-eeepc_Lucretia_: if you are a dev, you should know better than to spread cruft like that21:59
_Lucretia_Appiah: does mean dead project tho21:59
Appiahmeans they move on..21:59
lcukslonopotamus, nahh21:59
_Lucretia_too quickly21:59
Appiahjust like must OSs do21:59
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_Lucretia_can anyone help me with this madde thing?21:59
lpotterslonopotamus: no, thats called stopping development21:59
Appiahwho are you to decide the lifecycle?21:59
_Lucretia_the end user22:00
crashanddiethat'll be enough of the flaming guys22:00
slonopotamuslpotter: "any development" includes bugfixes reported by users22:00
_Lucretia_I just need help with -> can anyone help me with this madde thing?22:00
timelesso2 pretty much scewed me out of 20gbp22:00
X-Fade_Lucretia_: So your device is unusable the minute development stops? :)22:00
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Macerwonder if i can get $200 for this n90022:00
Maceri bet i can easily ebay it to some sucker for that much :)22:00
DocScrutinizersigh, go watch  0:55  another few times, it's (for) *you*22:00
timelessand they can't even spell company right...22:00
slonopotamuslpotter: if user reports a bug against hildon and doesn't get it fixed, it effectively means he has no support22:00
lcukslonopotamus, ahh22:01
crashanddieandre__: it's your last day?22:01
lcukyou mean like the one madam fixed after his little posting22:01
lcukyes, i understand22:01
X-FadeAnyway, the n900 may have the longest support ever with meego on it.22:01
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MNZDocScrutinizer, when will you start kicking?22:01
slonopotamuslcuk: i don't parse your random sounds :)22:01
_Lucretia_X-Fade: and I saw a post today that mentioned it's likely it won't be an official image anyway22:01
lcukslonopotamus, you don't have to.  madam said hildon was free22:02
X-Fade_Lucretia_: Well, current development images published already look very promising.22:02
GAN900Disgruntled consumers (yes, you do have a right to be) should take their complaints to Nokia (doesn't) Care.22:02
lcukits a solid reliable desktop22:02
slonopotamuslcuk: yeah, but the point is that _nokia_ doesn't support it anymore22:02
jpinx-eeepc_Lucretia_: you have probably talked your way out of any possibility of help in here22:02
DocScrutinizerMNZ: not long until I either start shouting and kicking, or rather should really go for a walk, and hope the whining mood here will go away until I return22:02
GAN900The phone number will be listed on your country's Nokia site.22:02
lcukslonopotamus, strange22:03
lcukdo you have a problem with it22:03
andre__crashanddie, is it?22:03
lcukif so, wheres the bug22:03
_Lucretia_jpinx-eeepc: why's that? because I had an opinion? I wasn't getting any anyway22:03
lcukand have you contacted nokia support about it?22:03
GAN900crashanddie, are you confusing Karsten with Andre?22:03
lcukto ask22:03
lcukif not, how do you know its not supported?22:03
GAN900Now, this isn't to say that contacting Care wont be painful as hell, but it's better thanm shouting into the ether here.22:04
slonopotamuslcuk: you want to say there are no open bugreports in bugzilla against hildon?22:04
lcukslonopotamus, i want you to ask nokia support directly22:04
lcukif you have a problem22:04
crashanddieGAN900, andre__: apologies, my email ticker showed me an email from Andre quoting Karsten... without indicating it was a quote22:05
lcukthis channel is not a support mechanism22:05
andre__crashanddie: in that case I am sorry too, as you've not gotten rid off me yet in maemo ;-))22:05
crashanddieandre__: well, that's the whole point, WE DON'T WANT YOU TO GO22:05
crashanddieI was nearly shellshocked, "ANOTHER ONE LEAVING????? OMGeleven!!!"22:06
andre__crashanddie: now that makes things more complicated.22:06
crashanddielol, I'm kicking off "caps alerts" against myself22:06
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andre__crashanddie: I don't plan to leave currently. However I've got my personal expectations towards Nokia with deadlines included that I communicate to them, as it seems that they learn too slowly from their mistakes.22:07
slonopotamuscrashanddie: now you have to kick'n'ban yourself22:07
X-Fadecrashanddie: We can't have andre__ leave, he is worth his weight in gold. (well not if he has a big mean, but normally yes ;)22:07
infobotX-Fade meant: crashanddie: We can't have andre__ leave, he is worth his weight in gold. (well not if he has a big meal, but normally yes ;)22:07
andre__X-Fade: I know I have to lose weight (my g/f says the same), but thanks for the nice way you chose to express it ;-)22:08
X-Fadeandre__: Hehe no problem ;)22:08
MohammadAGUnrar add-on for the file manager, for those lazy to use the CLI :P
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slonopotamusMohammadAG: available in extras*?22:10
slonopotamus(maybe i'm too lazy) :D22:10
slonopotamus+1 for you then :)22:10
lcukslonopotamus, addendum, if you do find and fix a bug in hildon, submit a merge request to gitorious and see if it gets accepted :)22:11
djszapiis there a maemo 6 SDK ?22:11
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nox-so there will be official support for meego on n900?22:15
djszapinobody knows, neither does Nokia22:15
nox-ok :)22:16
alteregoNo, not official ..22:16
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Chibi-Taigabtw is there any way to make folders to drop the apps like on smartphones?22:30
Chibi-Taigai mean menus22:30
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FIQyou can uninstall applications yes, if that was what you asked22:32
Chibi-Taigano i wanna make menus like " internet applications in menu internet"22:32
andre__smartphones? are they available yet?22:32
andre__ah, categories22:33
Chibi-Taigais it safe ?22:33
GAN900djszapi / nox-, no, no there wont be.22:34
DocScrutinizer51screw catorize22:34
Chibi-Taiga1st time i tryed mymeny my whole menu was gone22:34
DocScrutinizer51apmefo ftw22:34
DocScrutinizer51Chibi-Taiga: look for app called apmefo22:34
timelessandre: i was told by o2 that my n900 being a smartphone wasn't in the same class as the iphone22:34
Jaffa_I hate flights which afre delayed.22:35
Chibi-Taigaok i do22:35
timelessjaffa: geoping22:35
Jaffa_especially when your phone battery starts dying. When your phone is an N900, that doesn't take that lokng22:35
ml-mobilenot when you're using it heavily22:35
* timeless only has one n900 for a month22:36
Jaffa_timeless: LHR (heading to Stockholm)22:36
timelessjaffa: darn22:36
ml-mobilethe radios eat power like candy22:36
timelessi'm downtown22:36
DocScrutinizer51lo Jaffa_22:36
timelesshad i stayed at a cheap hotel i could have tried to meet you at the airport22:36
Jaffa_ml-mobile: No shit.22:36
GAN900I think the battery scale is geometric.22:36
timelessalthough i suspect that'd cost you two passport stamps22:37
GAN900Going from half to dead takes no time at all.22:37
timelessgan: it isn't linear22:37
timelessmy impression is that this is fairly common22:37
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* Jaffa_ belatedly pongs dneary (tho' he's not here)22:38
Jaffa_Hmm, why am I underscroed.22:39
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infobotJaffa_ meant: Hmm, why am I underscored.22:39
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trumeetimeless: around?22:50
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lcukbobb, why would you ask that sort of question in a private message window?22:56
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lcukit says on the page he doesnt want to push to extras atm22:58
lcukie, ask him directly22:58
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tobis87Hi! My last test shows, that twofish-cbc-essiv 256bit is as fast as aes-cbc-essiv 128bit WITH hw accel on the N900. :-D23:01
SpeedEvilOr not.23:02
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SpeedEvilDo you happen to recall what the fastest hashing speed you've seen is?23:02
mintux1I would like ssh to my phone without password so I did it this manual  but I got this error
tobis87maybe this is, because aes was optimized for x8623:02
mecehmm.. that worked for me at least.23:03
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mintux1 mece: this how to ?23:03
mecewell I think it was that one.23:03
mintux1a different things I saw was in /etc/passwd23:04
tobis87blowfish was faster on all other architectures than x86... I don't know how much twofish builds on blowfish, but this is interesting... But could still be that the hw accel. driver is not working properly.23:04
Chibi-Taigahumm hey guys what was that unzipper called earlyer linked to me23:04
mintux1in this how to it was user:!:29999:29999::/home/user:/bin/sh but mine was user:wN1DAS0Mqp3vE:29999:29999::/home/user:/bin/sh23:04
DocScrutinizer51mintux1: you need to check etc/passwd and the perms of your home, .ssh, and .ssh/*23:05
mintux1DocScrutinizer51: what should I check ? what looks for ? in /etc/passwd23:06
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DocScrutinizer51user:!: won't work23:06
DocScrutinizer51your home and ssh dir mustn't be readable for others23:07
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mintux1DocScrutinizer51: in /etc/passwd is user:*:23:08
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DocScrutinizer51that's ok afaik23:09
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mintux1DocScrutinizer51: .ssh dir per is drwx------23:09
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mintux1DocScrutinizer51: and auth..._keys is -rw-------23:10
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tobis87SpeedEvil: without encryption 16,1MB/s, aes-128 5,7MB/s, aes-128 hw accel 7,9MB/s, aes-256 4,4MB/s, aes-256 hw accel 6,6MB/s, blowfish-256 7,6MB/s, blowfish-320 7,6MB/s, twofish-256 7,9MB/s23:11
tobis87SpeedEvil: gdd bs=1M count=100 if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/swap23:12
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DocScrutinizermintux1: and ~/.23:13
tobis873 times, calculated the average23:13
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Chibi-TaigaDocScrutinizer i cant find that ApMeFo to download23:14
MNZChibi-Taiga, apt-get install apmefo23:15
DocScrutinizerMNZ: wtf? why not use ham?23:15
mintux1DocScrutinizer: drwxr_xr_x23:15
Chibi-Taigacant find package23:15
Chibi-Taigaso it says23:15
DocScrutinizerchmod go-a ~/.23:16
MNZDocScrutinizer, if he was using HAM he would have found it, I was assuming he didn't find it because he was trying "ApMeFo" with apt-get23:16
Chibi-Taigaand extras devil dont work23:16
DocScrutinizermintux1: or chmod 700 ~/.23:16
mintux1DocScrutinizer: got same my log
MNZChibi-Taiga, apmefo is on extras-devel, not extras-devil.23:19
Chibi-Taigaso anyone has the deb file or install ?23:19
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Chibi-Taigais what i mean23:19
Chibi-Taigai downloaded an install file for that devel23:19
Chibi-Taigaoperation failed23:19
crashanddiemintux1: .ssh/authorized_keys isn't an important file23:20
mintux1crashanddie: I copy content on it23:20
Chibi-Taiga used those files23:20
crashanddiemintux1: well, yeah, but other than that it's moot23:20
Chibi-Taigabut the devel dont work23:20
mintux1crashanddie: so what shall I do now ?23:20
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: huh?23:20
crashanddiemintux1: the problem from that log you've shown is the fact it can't read your private key23:21
DocScrutinizerwait, now crashanddie comes with his /etc/based ssh config23:21
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crashanddienot at all23:21
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crashanddieI'm just looking at that log file, and seeing a bunch of errors about whitespaces23:21
mintux1 crashanddie: means I should create keys again and copy on it ?23:21
crashanddiewhich tells me that your id_rsa file is buggered23:22
keriotobis87: what about cpu usage?23:22
mintux1authorized_keys is a directory or file ?23:22
DocScrutinizerdebug3: Not a RSA1 key file /home/mrg/.ssh/id_rsa.23:23
mintux1so I copy contents of into authorized_keys23:23
crashanddiemore importantly:23:23
crashanddiedebug2: key_type_from_name: unknown key type '-----END'23:23
crashanddiedebug3: key_read: missing keytype23:23
mintux1I copied23:23
crashanddiemintux1: yeah, cp .ssh/ .ssh/authorized_keys23:24
mintux1I did everything wrote in that how to23:24
crashanddieok, last question23:24
mintux1crashanddie: I did it before23:24
SpeedEviltobis87: I note time dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=102400|md5sum -23:24
SpeedEvilreal0m 3.49s23:24
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crashanddiewell, I'm guessing that you have the wrong keys on the wrong machine23:24
tobis87kerio: I didn't had any other program running than xterm, so I assume the fastes is the one with the most bytes per cycles.23:25
DocScrutinizermintux1: aiui your local .ssh/id_rsa is borked23:25
crashanddiemintux1: you're trying to connect to your n900 over ssh with public keys, correct?23:25
mintux1crashanddie: I did this steps: first remove both .ssh dir on my pc and phone. then I did that manual23:25
mintux1crashanddie: yes23:25
crashanddie"that" means nothing to me23:25
crashanddieOK, I'll be your manual from now on23:25
crashanddierm -rf ~/.ssh on both computer and n90023:26
tobis87SpeedEvil: is the speed calculation from gdd not correct? why md5sum?23:26
DocScrutinizersuggest that to me, dude :-P23:26
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mintux1crashanddie: done23:26
crashanddiemintux1: on the computer: ssh-keygen23:27
SpeedEviltobis87: It's the only hashing function I'm aware of on the n900 by default23:27
crashanddie(use a passphrase, it's safer)23:27
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mintux1empty or not?23:27
tobis87SpeedEvil: Yes, I have compiled rmd256... and used this for the tests23:27
SpeedEvilActually - no - sha1sum is there too23:27
mintux1I used passphrase23:28
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crashanddieok, on your n900: mkdir ~/.ssh23:28
SpeedEvilmd5sum goes at 30M/s, sha1 at 13.723:28
mintux1now im in Enter same passphrase again:  what should I enter?23:28
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tobis87SpeedEvil: does md5sum use the kernel modules, or a userspace implementation?23:29
mintux1ok I made .ssh23:29
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SpeedEviltobis87: Oh.23:29
SpeedEviltobis87: and : gdd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=102400|gmd5sum -23:29
SpeedEvil104857600 bytes (105 MB) copied, 2.24353 s, 46.7 MB/s23:29
Venemogood evening guys23:29
Venemo&girls (if any)23:29
mintux1crashanddie: then ?23:30
SpeedEvilWith gsha1 being 21M/s23:30
crashanddiemintux1: chmod 711 .ssh23:30
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crashanddie(from memory, not sure of that one)23:30
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Tucomorning guys23:31
crashanddieon your computer scp ~/.ssh/ user@IPofyourN900:.ssh/23:31
mintux1on n900 chmod 711 .ssh done23:31
SpeedEviltobis87: I would assume userspace.23:31
DocScrutinizernot 700?23:31
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: no, sshd needs to be able to enter it to read the authorized_keys file23:31
crashanddie1 is x on directory (traverse)23:32
kerioso i see the hw crypto is not much better than the sw crypto23:32
mintux1crashanddie: I could not ssh
SpeedEvilkerio: This is hashing speed.23:32
kerioyeah, whatever23:33
SpeedEvilkerio: Also - trhe power usage may be different23:33
kerioooh good point23:33
mintux1afetr that manual I can not ssh to my phone23:33
mintux1maybe I should change something in sshd_config23:33
crashanddiemintux1: not really23:33
tobis87SpeedEvil: So the gnu program is faster... Anyway using sha1 is unsafe. There aren't many hash functions which are safe and fast. Whirlpool might be safe, but hell slow... The sha-2 group is only a matter of time to become broken, I would recommend rmd ->
mintux1PasswordAuthentication no23:33
crashanddiemintux1: just get your file on there some other way23:33
DocScrutinizersend per email :-P23:34
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mintux1crashanddie: I did in ssh_config PasswordAuthentication no23:34
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mintux1return it ?23:34
DocScrutinizercould help23:34
crashanddiesorry, did not compute.23:34
crashanddiebut yeah, set it to yes for a second23:34
crashanddieyou'll have to create a password for the user account though23:34
SpeedEviltobis87: Sure.23:34
SpeedEviltobis87: It's interesting for some cases.23:34
DocScrutinizerI guess he already has23:35
tobis87kerio: it is faster, but only for aes... twofish is as fast as the hw version of aes23:35
crashanddietobis87: sha1 isn't safe?23:35
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DocScrutinizer<mintux1> in this how to it was user:!:29999:29999::/home/user:/bin/sh but mine was user:wN1DAS0Mqp3vE:29999:29999::/home/user:/bin/sh23:35
SpeedEviltobis87: For example - deciding if of all of the pages in RAM - any are identical23:35
DocScrutinizer<mintux1> DocScrutinizer51: in /etc/passwd is user:*:23:35
mintux1crashanddie: I see password prompt but it doesn't accept my password23:35
crashanddiemintux1: on the n900, root, then passwd user23:36
mintux1DocScrutinizer: I think it refer to that point. it doesn't accept my pasword my config is user:*:29999:29999::/home/user:/bin/sh now23:36
DocScrutinizermintux1: passwd user on N900 xterm23:36
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: he has to root first, otherwise it asks for the current password23:37
DocScrutinizerthat's why passwd user, not just passwd23:37
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mintux1done . but I got
DocScrutinizermintux1: ls .ssh  please23:39
crashanddiemintux1: ls -l ~/.ssh23:39
DocScrutinizereven that23:39
mintux1it's wonderful I created ~/.ssh/ before .
mintux1I created again23:40
crashanddiemintux1: were you root when you did ssh-keygen?23:40
crashanddiessh-keygen generates the id_rsa and files23:40
SpeedEviltobis87: For whch I utterly don't care about those attacks as long as sha1 is a valid hash function. I do not especially care about attacks on the hashing algorithm.23:40
crashanddieit even sets the right permissions on .ssh and files inside it23:40
DocScrutinizerin the .ssh of *current user*23:40
mintux1in ~  . but I think something is wrong . I'll create it again23:40
mintux1now I have it23:41
mintux1done23:41                                    100%  397     0.4KB/s   00:0023:41
crashanddiegood, now try to ssh23:41
crashanddiewoops, sorry23:41
crashanddieforgot one step23:41
DocScrutinizermv hosts_allowed23:42
crashanddiemv ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys23:42
DocScrutinizererr, yes23:42
crashanddieon the N900, AS USER23:42
crashanddienot root23:42
luke-jrssh-copy-id wfm23:42
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: ack23:43
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crashanddieluke-jr: well, that only works if password is allowed in the first place, which wasn't the case here :P23:43
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mintuxI disconnected . please copy if you wrote anythings23:44
crashanddiemintux1: as user on n900: mv ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys23:44
crashanddienow it should work23:45
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mintuxthat works23:45
mintuxit's great23:45
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mintuxnow I can continue writing  my bash script23:46
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mintux crashanddie:  DocScrutinizer: thanks so much23:46
crashanddiemy pleasure23:46
crashanddieso that was the good deed for the day23:47
crashanddienow I can go to bed23:47
DocScrutinizermintux: keep your rsa_key and, you can use them everywhere and multiple times23:47
crashanddieand deactivate password login on n90023:47
tobis87SpeedEvil: Yes, it won't be easy to replace it anyway, since it is used everywhere... But if you can choose, you should consider to not use it. Regarding OTP, i meant to use it to encrypt a harddisk would be unpractical. Of course you could use otp to encrypt the key which then unlocks the harddrive. But the harddrive itself wouldn't be otp encrypted, only the key is.23:47
mintuxcrashanddie: why deactivate?23:48
crashanddietobis87: which is what I explained last time23:48
SpeedEviltobis87: Or for some tasks, it's uninteresting - as I don't care if the encryption is any stronger than CRC3223:48
DocScrutinizerit's on your discretion23:48
mintuxit works now without deactivate23:48
mintuxhmm ok thanks23:48
keriocrc32 is awesome and inexpensive23:48
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mintuxcrashanddie: have good night23:48
DocScrutinizermintux: just it's a security consideration to either keep passwd-auth or disable it23:48
mintuxDocScrutinizer: means . if ssh from another machine that config will loss ?23:49
luke-jrany idea how many watts the N810 needs on AC?23:49
luke-jrwondering if I can use a splitter to put N810 and MBP on a 100 watt power inverter..23:49
keriowhat mbp?23:50
luke-jrMacBook Pro23:50
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DocScrutinizermintux: nope23:50
keriowhat one?23:50
luke-jrthere's more than one MBP?23:50
Shadikkathere's like 25 different MBPs.23:50
kerioi think the 13" have the smaller charger23:50
keriothe 65W23:50
kerioas opposed to the 85W23:50
luke-jrhow can I tell?23:50
kerioit's written on the charger23:50
DocScrutinizerit just means whenever you want to establish ssh keys on any other machine, don't rerun ssh-keygen but just use the same files23:50
crashanddiekerio: 60W mine says23:51
keriooh, it was 6023:51
kerioluke-jr: hmm23:51
keriothat leaves you with 15W for the charger :|23:51
crashanddiewhich is 3 amps at 5V, largely enough23:52
DocScrutinizermintux: use ssh-copy-id to any machine, as suggested by luke-jr, or do same steps of scp and mv, but do NOT rerun ssh-keygen23:52
luke-jrso how much does N810 need?23:52
mintux DocScrutinizer: hmm23:52
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luke-jrdoes it make any difference if I intend my MBP to be powering my N900 btw?23:52
crashanddieluke-jr: it's written on the charger23:52
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: do NOT rm -rf .ssh23:52
luke-jrcrashanddie: not mine23:52
kerioluke-jr: nah23:52
luke-jrhmm, can MBP charge when it's asleep? :/23:53
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DocScrutinizermintux: do NOT rm -rf .ssh23:53
kerioluke-jr: not mine :(23:53
crashanddieluke-jr: no23:53
kerioit works for the fucking ipod, why doesn't it work for the n900 :(23:53
tobis87Is there a difference between bash and bash3 in the repos?23:53
mintuxDocScrutinizer: yeah ok . ill be careful23:53
crashanddieluke-jr: the N900 thinks it is, because the mbp provides 5V, but there's some weird apple voodoo going on with the data wires23:53
kerioanyway, keep in mind that your battery can probably output more W than the charger23:53
* luke-jr wonders if there's any possibility to have MBP power off its hard drive completely until I say otherwise23:53
kerioi have a 85W charger but the battery could output 90W23:54
kerioluke-jr: hmm23:54
crashanddiekerio: I have the 60W charger and 85W battery23:54
crashanddiekerio: so when I'm running hardcore compilation or photo work, my battery drains even when on AC23:54
kerioluke-jr: can't you charge the n8x0 with the mbp?23:54
luke-jrkerio: err, no?23:54
keriowhy not? :o23:55
crashanddiewhy not?23:55
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: N810 etc power converter charger needs some 5W MAX23:55
keriono power through usb?23:55
luke-jrN8x0 doesn't charge via USB…23:55
keriosorry for not knowing the hardware of a tablet i don't have and i don't care about :<23:55
luke-jr(my N8x0 doesn't charge period, though)23:56
crashanddieluke-jr: sure you can:
luke-jrit only runs with AC23:56
luke-jrcrashanddie: I'm not in Europe23:56
crashanddiethey sell it everywhere :D23:56
crashanddieor ebay does23:56
luke-jrI don't have time23:57
luke-jrneed it in under 24 hours23:57
keriothe inverter will work doc sez23:57
luke-jrassuming it does 100W as advertised…23:58
MohammadAGis there anything faster than X11vnc?23:58
MohammadAGlike.. starting X remotely23:58
MohammadAGI want my N900's display on my laptop's screen23:58
crashanddietobis87: at some stage, we attempted to use smart-card provided certificates for hard drive encryption23:58
luke-jrMohammadAG: no23:59
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DocScrutinizerusually they do a bit more even than what's advertised, though only for a short while23:59
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kerioMohammadAG: X11 was compiled without TCP support :(23:59
crashanddietobis87: the main problem was that a/ you limit yourself to one single user b/ recovery is a lot more difficult, even with key escrow23:59
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: also your MBP charger won't take max all the time23:59
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