IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2010-09-05

nptI didn't want to make any maemo people mad00:00
npt: )00:00
nptthanks DocScrutinizer00:00
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nptI am so excited to meet the man himself!00:00
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KaKaRoTonpt, download that and put it in your n80000:02
nptKaKaRoTo, it's that easy?00:02
KaKaRoTonpt, then edit the file /usr/sbin/ and add at the very top :00:02
npt: )00:02
KaKaRoToinsmod /root/psfreedom.ko00:02
KaKaRoToexit 100:02
KaKaRoTosave, reboot, try it00:03
KaKaRoTothat easy00:03
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nptmay I ask00:04
DocScrutinizerKaKaRoTo: you actually have to click "ass rage" on the menu, to enable ps-freedom then, or is that even before menu pops up?00:04
nptdoes your's allow backups to run or homebrea, or does that have to do with the ps3 backup manager?00:04
KaKaRoToass rage? :|00:04
KaKaRoToand what menu ?00:05
DocScrutinizerMass STOrage00:05
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nptI am saying, does your's allow backups to run, or just homebrew?00:05
GAN900You people are weird.00:05
DocScrutinizerthe menu on N900 that usually pops up when you connect to host00:05
midas_im gonna replace my n90000:05
nptor is that more related to the backup managed on the ps3?00:05
KaKaRoToDocScrutinizer, ah, no, that's for n810, the script gets run at boot :)00:05
MNZDocScrutinizer, it's such a common type I think infobot should pick on it and automatically do a 'User meant:'00:05
MNZcommon typo*00:05
DocScrutinizerKaKaRoTo: aaah I see00:06
midas_htc desire z or a motorola droid 2, hard choice again00:06
KaKaRoToDocScrutinizer, and I only do it because if the g_file_storage module gets loaded it screws up the controller00:06
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DocScrutinizer~ass rage is Mass STOrage00:06
infobotDocScrutinizer: okay00:06
DocScrutinizermidas_: equally hard to get good advice for that choice here in this chan00:08
infobotass is, like, titties,ass and titties. ass and titties. oh yes.00:08
MohammadAG~ass rage00:08
infoboti guess ass rage is Mass STOrage00:08
midas_DocScrutinizer: yeah, but im kinda done with nokia and the lack of support00:08
lcukmidas_, when did you not get support?00:09
DocScrutinizerI'm sad to hear that, but hnestly what can we do?00:09
nptKaKaRoTo, I am still curious, does your port allow backups to run, or just homebrew which I would be fine with, or is that done at the ps3 level?00:09
midas_thats why im replacing it :P00:09
DocScrutinizermidas_: and what can we learn?00:09
KaKaRoTonpt, depends... maybe... :p00:09
lpottermidas_:  when did you not get support?00:09
lcuki would like to know when he contacted nokia and about what, and how they let him down00:09
kirmahow do the other phone manufacturers "support" their end customers? yet to see that happening00:10
nptKaKaRoTo, may I ask on what?00:10
kirmaapart from basic warranty00:10
KaKaRoTonpt, latest code (I think I pushed it) allows you to push the payload and shellcode you want by putting them in /lib/firmware/psfreedom_payload.bin and /lib/firmware/psfreedom_shellcode.bin00:10
midas_lpotter: support as in dropping maemo 500:10
KaKaRoToI'll be providing both BD-emu enabled and BD-emu disabled payloads00:10
midas_it's all community powered now00:10
nptahh cool00:10
nptso xxxx and bdvd00:10
npt: )00:10
KaKaRoToby default (no firmware file found), it uses the bd-emu disabled payload00:10
npt0x78 lol00:11
timeless_mbpLynoure: for reference, i'm taking my month long summer vacation now. so forget about asking me :)00:11
nptjust curious, how do you use the other?00:11
kerioDocScrutinizer: tell me that one was not a typo00:11
DocScrutinizerkerio: ??00:11
Lynouretimeless_mbp: what??00:11
kerioDocScrutinizer: "ass rage"00:11
KaKaRoTonpt, what other ?00:12
Lynouretimeless_mbp: AFAIK, did not ask you anything...00:12
DocScrutinizerit's (C) SpeedEvil00:12
nptand does this mean that I need a different payload file from you00:12
lcuktimeless_mbp, dates for leeds - you didnt get back about film and tv afternoon00:12
kerioheh, yeah, i remember00:12
DocScrutinizerit's so good I adopted it00:12
nptKaKaRoTo, I mean, will I be able to backup my God of war 3 disc with this?00:12
KaKaRoTonpt, in theory yes00:12
lpottermidas_: did Nokia ever say they were not ever going to drop maemo 5?00:12
nptwhat do I do to change the payload00:12
timeless_mbplcuk:  i'm heading to England sometime today (sunday) or monday00:12
timeless_mbpi should be in leeds by wednesday through saturday evening00:13
kirmanokia is actively developing something that'd appear to be PR1.3 containing Qt 4.7 for N900. anyway, their primary goal is to make Qt the standard nokia smartphone platform, and turning Maemo/MeeGo/Symbian largely irrelevant for those that develop software for the devices00:13
* KaKaRoTo just realized he did all this and never actually installed a .pkg or tried to backup anything...00:13
* timeless_mbp needs to get tickets00:13
KaKaRoTonpt, to change the payload you do 'cp payload_bd.bin /lib/firmware/psfreedom_payload.bin'00:13
KaKaRoToI'll be providing those .bin files00:13
DocScrutinizerlo timeless_mbp00:13
KaKaRoTonpt, well, not with the file I sent you.. but with the latest git (locally) yes00:13
nptwhen will you push out of curiousity?00:14
KaKaRoTonpt, if you want, you can just fire up 'vi psfreedom.ko' and replace the 'xxxx'00:14
midas_lpotter: they did it in a short time dont you agree?00:14
KaKaRoToas most people did when I had just released the binary...00:14
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nptwell, it's nice to know I can do that00:14
nptI would like to know how to do it the way you are doing it00:15
nptie correctly (more correct to how you are doing things)00:15
KaKaRoTonpt, that would require me to compile a new module for you00:15
* KaKaRoTo yawns00:15
nptI'm sorry00:15
nptI didn't mean to put you out00:15
nptit's ok00:15
nptI assume you mean00:15
npthex edit the .ko?00:16
GAN900lpotter, given the competition's behavior. At least 2 years is a reasonable expectation in this market segment.00:16
DocScrutinizerlpotter: short Q  - what's Qt mobile (or what it's called) policy regarding kbd hotkeys?00:16
GAN900lpotter, 10 months or so is not that.00:16
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lpotterGAN900: and where is the official word that Nokia has actually dropped 'support' or is not developing maemo5 anymore?00:17
lpotterDocScrutinizer: you mean Qt Mobility?00:17
nptso KaKaRoTo does your implementation use the same backup manager on the ps3?00:17
GAN900lpotter, where is the official word that support has been dropped for 770? N800? N810?00:18
lpotterDocScrutinizer: has nothing really to do with higher level gui00:18
lcukGAN900, ffs00:18
lcuktheres development been done in many areas post pr1.200:18
GAN900lpotter, the rhetoric is not productive.00:18
DocScrutinizernot really, esp since I gather it's supported anyway00:18
lcukand you yourself are going to be involved in some further maemo stuff are you not00:19
lpotterGAN900: well, seeings you cannot buy those from Nokia anymore00:19
KaKaRoTonpt, my implementation just allows you to 'install package files'00:19
KaKaRoTo(psgroove and original psjailbreak too)00:19
lpotterGAN900: fairly certain that means no support00:19
KaKaRoTonpt, once that's done, you unplug the n810, plug in a usb flash key with the manager.pkg in it ,and install that00:19
GAN900lcuk, so when the N9's out, then we can expect the support to end?00:19
kirma"2 years" is not an expectation that anyone could predict on any other device either, beforehand... except maybe iphones, which are absolutely planned to turn crap after the two year contracts are to be renewed -> new one is sold00:19
KaKaRoTonpt, and yes, hexedit the .ko00:19
GAN900kirma, I think it's reasonable to expect that of manufacturers these days00:20
nptKaKaRoTo, I want to say, thanks for making it00:20
nptYou are a really nice guy.00:20
nptIt is an honor to meet you.00:20
nptmay I pm for one question?00:20
GAN900and Nokia certainly knows the people who buy Maemo devices expect it, given the uproar each time they end support early.00:20
kirmathere are very little reliable guarantees that *any* smartphone gets major manufacturer-approved OS upgrades, even if they give the feeling in the start00:21
KaKaRoTonpt, thx, and ask your question, no need for boot-licking... ;p00:21
GAN900But, despite Peter's protestations to the contrary, they don't listen, so management cripples us again.00:21
nptI meant it00:21
nptit wasn't ass kissing00:21
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* lcuk bangs head on brick wall00:21
nptanyway, I was going to ask a question about an email address hehe00:22
npt: )00:22
GAN900kirma, true enough, however I believe there's an expectation of it in this segment these days.00:22
GAN900lcuk, now you know what it's been like for me for the past few years! :)00:22
KaKaRoTonpt, I don't like receiving emails00:22
lcukGAN900, there are hundreds of thousands of N900s around.00:22
nptKaKaRoTo, ok00:22
nptthanks for all the help00:23
nptit's much appreciated00:23
GAN900lcuk, and Nokia isn't providing a migration path for the vast majority of them to their Next Big Thing.00:23
kirmain my opinion, it's unrealistic to expect true OS updates after one year of device on the market - at least from companies that have more than two phone models in their active catalog00:23
KaKaRoToyou're welcome00:24
crashanddie"Network administrator Oliver Beel lost his job after charging his Segway, a two-wheeled electric vehicle, at work in May 2009. After he connected the vehicle to the firm's power source for 1-1/2 hours, his boss asked him to remove it. Twelve days later Beel found himself without a job."00:24
lcukGAN900, dont you think people are trying00:24
GAN900kirma, I say many of Nokia's competitors are doing just that, so I'll take my time and money elsewhere.00:24
jacekowskicrashanddie: wtf?00:24
GAN900lcuk, I think a lot of good people are working for a rotten company in need of new management.00:25
kirmaI doubt if samsung has committed themselves to providing major firmware upgrades to specific handset models two years after their entry to market00:25
lcukGAN900, maemo itself is a pretty rock solid stable os00:25
kirmafor instance00:25
lcukwith lots and lots of apps and support and stuff00:26
crashanddiejacekowski: yeah... pretty insane eh?00:26
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: fair enough, given it can take up to 50ct per hour to charge such vehicles00:26
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: actually, it was more like 0.018 euros00:26
kirmafor instance, android upgrade paths seem very spotty00:26
GAN900lcuk, or not.00:27
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: and he had been employed for 19 years, and other employees are allowed to charge their phones, and use digital photo frames without any trouble00:27
GAN900lcuk, considering I have to reboot every two days to free RAM.00:27
crashanddieerhm... "lots and lots of apps"00:27
lcukwhich bug is this?00:27
GAN900I'm thinking something's missing from the story.00:27
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: that's magnitudes different story, and I really doubt a segway charger is like err 10W00:28
GAN900lcuk, 6xxx something00:28
GAN900RST38h filed it.00:28
lcukthe one that RST38h abandoned after we asked for more info?00:28
lcukGAN900, if you have info00:28
lcukthen please get it onto the bug report and show it me00:28
lcukand i will take it on monday morning00:28
GAN900lcuk, we can fix it in the next release after PR1.3 that isn't coming? :)00:28
lcukopen your eyes GAN900, stuff has been done post pr1.2, stuff continues to be done00:29
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lcukit wouldnt be done for no reason00:29
lcukcrashanddie, yes, and you can add to that by releasing yours :P00:29
lcukllibliqbase changelog from last night :P00:30
lcuklibliqbase (0.3.61) unstable; urgency=low00:30
lcuk  * lots of fixes, especially00:30
lcuk  * green flash removal00:30
lcuk  * rotation patch00:30
lcuk  * x86 support00:30
lcuk  * optification done at library level effecting all apps00:30
lcuk  * multitouch availability improvements00:30
lcuk  * added dialogs for color and image00:30
lcuk  * added facecamera support and invar00:30
lcuk  * added rotation support for sketches00:30
lcuk -- Gary Birkett <>  4 September 2010 00:41:03 +020000:30
lcuknew release coming soon00:30
lcuksoryr :$00:30
nokiae50KaKaRoTo: hi, great work on PSFreedom00:30
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kerioKaKaRoTo: so does it work?00:31
keriodid you try it?00:31
crashanddiekerio: well, it's been confirmed multiple times00:31
keriowill you get banned from the psn?00:31
MohammadAGin the near future00:31
kerioand you also have to buy a blu-ray burner00:31
lcukcrashanddie, add your app to the list and make it 59~~ + 100:31
satmdliq* ... what's that stuff about? I never gave it a try00:31
nokiae50I wanted some help porting it on Archos 5 IMT, it supports musb00:31
MohammadAGkerio, err no00:32
lcuksatmd, its nothing just yet :P00:32
MohammadAGBD checks are done 2-3 times afaik00:32
crashanddielcuk: the problem is that there might be a bunch of apps, but the development process is wrong00:32
MohammadAGonly way to pirate games is on a stick00:32
lcukit was more directed at crashanddie who is sitting on a great idea for an app00:32
lcukyes crashanddie and you have 1 app00:32
crashanddielcuk: people in maemo don't develop to have a popular app00:32
kerioMohammadAG: ooh00:32
jacekowskicrashanddie: phone is nothing compared to amount of electricity segway can suck00:32
kerio(and by stick you mean bigass hd, right?)00:32
crashanddiejacekowski: he charged it once00:32
MohammadAGwell, only fat32 is supported, go figure00:33
keriowait, what :|00:33
zr0ok, this probably gets asked a lot, but is there a maemo mutt client?00:33
kerioyay for games in 20 parts00:33
crashanddiejacekowski: I highly doubt a segway uses more in 1 1/2 hours than all the phones that have the charger plugged in all year00:33
nokiae50and the internal HDD also supported00:33
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MohammadAGkerio, you can't split games00:33
jacekowskicrashanddie: yeah, i think it's little bit drastic, but i think it's because they were trying to find a reason to get rid of him or article skips some important parts00:33
nokiae50the internal HDD is not FAT00:33
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crashanddielcuk: people develop because they have an itch, they can't be arsed to finish the apps properly, and basically, you end up with a bunch of half-assed shit apps00:33
crashanddielcuk: sure, the count is enormous (well, supposedly), but half the crap is either redundant, or just that, "crap"00:34
MohammadAGnokiae50, indeed, neither is it an FS we know00:34
crashanddielcuk: at least "crap" on iOS/Android looks good.00:34
nptcan someone  help me with my dang bluetooth keyboard on my n800?00:34
lcukcrashanddie, then put the effort in with yours.  show us how global search works00:34
MohammadAGcrashanddie, crap on maemo is good00:35
nptI've forgotten how to enable it...00:35
crashanddieI mean, ffs, we still have a phone that doesn't look much better than the n800. That's what, nearly 4 years ago now.00:35
nptas I hadn't used my n800 in a bit00:35
GAN900Apple knows how to make their app devs make things look decent.00:35
crashanddiehow come that we still have crappy scrolling, how come that we still don't have a properly defined development environment?00:35
keriobecause nobody is a control freak00:36
crashanddieopenness != performance00:36
crashanddieand the parts that should control the performance AREN'T FUCKING OPEN00:36
jacekowskikernel and OC is open00:36
lcukopen or closed wouldnt matter00:36
lcukits the pipeline length that would effect performance00:37
crashanddieAndroid isn't closed, hell, their UI blows Maemo out of the water00:37
keriojacekowski: oh shush00:37
lcukcrashanddie, you know performance can exist, but with x11 and however many layers inside both gtk and qt its hard00:37
jacekowskiwe should have VS plugin for maemo development00:37
lcukremove the layers00:37
lcukand improve perf00:37
crashanddielcuk: I know that00:37
lcukandroid and iphone both sidestep x11ness00:38
crashanddielcuk: liqbase and quickflickr demonstrate that nicely00:38
lcukliqbase does also00:38
lcukbut all 3 lose one thing00:38
crashanddiebut it shouldn't have to00:38
lcukbackwards compatability00:38
jacekowskinot fully00:38
crashanddiethen sod it00:38
lcukyes, fully jacekowski00:38
jacekowskiyou can replace xproto libs backend00:38
jacekowskisort of wineish like way00:39
lcukdo it then00:39
crashanddiejacekowski: oh yeah, I can smell performance right there :P00:39
lcukand lets have gtk compatabile inside android00:39
lcukor qt00:39
Corsacand switch from ipk to deb00:39
jacekowskiwell, sort of like qt00:39
jacekowskisame api for app but different drawing backends00:40
lcukthis backwards compatability thing is something i have looked at extensively this year00:40
jacekowskijust replacing library itself could do the job00:40
jacekowskibut somebody would have to make qt draw stuff without x11 on linux00:41
MNZdon't go blaming x11 now00:41
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jacekowskix11 is slowish by design00:41
jacekowskilook how 3d is done00:41
lcukMNZ, i am not!00:41
MohammadAGdocumentation on maemo sucks00:41
jacekowski3d in fact doesn't go trough x server00:41
MohammadAG  <-- doesn't work on qt00:41
MNZx11 is for the most part rock solid, time-tested technology00:41
lcukx11 isnt the problem i dont think00:41
jacekowski3d is passed via DRM straight to hardware00:42
DocScrutinizerwhat makes you believe implementing all the x11 functions in e.g. Qt would result in a solution performing any better than the original?00:42
MNZand I was just going to say that jacekowski00:42
lcukMNZ, same as gtk isnt the problem00:42
lcukand same as powervr/compositing isnt the problem00:42
lcukits all 3 combined00:42
jacekowskiDirect Rendering Manager00:42
crashanddiejacekowski: ah, ok00:42
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jacekowskiyou have to love english acronyms00:42
MNZpersonally I don't trust the stuff above X11 on the stack00:42
lcukDocScrutinizer, nobody said that00:42
MNZbut X11 and mesa (GL for the desktop) are rock solid00:43
DocScrutinizerlcuk: jacekowski implied it00:43
lcukMNZ, they are also bloated00:43
jacekowskiit won't be drasticaly faster00:43
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MNZlcuk, X11 has had  a MAJOR rework recently (few years) and it has become very modular. I really don't think it's the problem00:44
MNZvery modular and a lot of old cruft was removed00:44
crashanddievery modular == very abstract00:44
kirmaX11, Xlib or any of that is unlikely to be the problem regarding unresponsiveness in the sense of CPU load, although they may be tad inefficient regarding use of memory, if they're not used in a wise way00:44
crashanddievery abstract == overhead00:44
lcukmnz, there is a huge asskicking for x11 being discussed00:45
Corsacxcb is supposed to address latency issues, isn't it?00:45
lcukand i cant remember its codename00:45
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DocScrutinizerwe had that X11 performance vs fb plus new implementation of some window manager in a generic way, we had that several times on OM. It's always the same, either you use fb, or you use x11, but there's no way to have the speed of fb with the versatility of x1100:45
lcukbut a supreme light variation with most of the cruft removed00:45
Corsaclcuk: plymouth?00:46
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lcukdoesnt sound right00:46
kirmawith modern OpenGL, one can basically bypass most of the eighties-style functionality on it and go almost straight to the hardware acceleration00:46
* lcuk will know it when i see it00:46
GAN900MohammadAG, most things on Maemo are half-assed.00:46
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GAN900Attributable to both Nokia's culture and lack of dedication from the company.00:46
MNZlcuk, you are probably talking about that new server... something that starts with W....00:47
MNZit's not actually an X11 rework00:47
lcukweldon ot something00:47
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kirmawith Qt, Nokia *could* choose to skip Xlib/X server altogether, but only when everything is actually running on top of the Qt components00:48
DocScrutinizerkirma: I'd not buy that00:49
jacekowskii do00:49
MNZlcuk, yes that's the one00:49
Corsaclcuk: wayland00:49
* Corsac hides00:49
lcuklol :D00:49
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: you would remove bloat and 30 years old design of Xserver00:49
jacekowskinot to mention that xserver is a security risk00:50
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kirmaI still think Xorg server and Xlib, especially with DRM extensions and such, is particularly small portion of the complexity, or overhead, of a typical system. qt, gtk and whatever have considerable amount of untrivial complexity inside them, and not really tuned as long as the X server00:51
MNZI agree with kirma00:52
jacekowskithing is that you have to remove as much overhead as you can from everything00:52
* DocScrutinizer too00:52
MNZthe 30 year old design is 30 year olds for a reason really :/ it's been improved a lot since then of course as well, besides the X server manages a whole lot more than just display00:52
Corsacexcept that the part talking to hardware is X00:52
jacekowskiMNZ: think symbian00:53
kirmaone has also to remember that original X servers ran on hardware that had small fraction of CPU power in comparison to any phone these days00:53
Corsacnot the toolkits00:53
MNZand once you actually get a surface/rendering context, X gets out of the way mostly00:53
jacekowskiMNZ: that's 30 years old design as well00:53
lcukkirma, it does get a kick in the teeth based on the c/s principles and mechanisms for copying00:53
* kirma recalls his SGI system that had 25 MHz R3000 as CPU, and big graphics subsystem bolted on the side00:53
lcukwhich on a handheld system like maemo, the remoting capabilities being rarely touched but having to be used with every operation00:54
lcukadds to the heavy overhead gtk and qt abuse it for00:54
jacekowskiX on n900 uses 20-30% of cpu sometimes00:54
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: so why not discard unix concept all together? it's even older than X00:54
jacekowskiwhen i looked in htop00:54
lcuklike i said, individually they are not a problem, but combined they add up to slug00:54
lcukbut I know good people have worked damned hard this year to minimise as much of that as possible00:55
ml-mobilewe should go to a modern architecture, like WinNT ;)00:55
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: kinda no alternatives00:55
lcukwith extreme optimisations and profiling and looking at just how we can improve things00:55
keriothe remoting is not used because it doesn't easily work :(00:55
kirmamost of the heavy graphics stuff has gone through SHM (at worst!) on all meaningful apps for decades00:55
keriossh -X doesn't work :(00:55
lcukits not required here00:55
jacekowskiwinnt is old as well00:55
crashanddie< lcuk> like i said, individually they are not a problem, but combined they add up to slug <-- sounds like you were talking with GAN900 and myself about marines in starcraft 200:55
kirmaon local applications00:55
MNZjacekowski, I have been told and read in several places that the X cpu usage is not actually entirely X's cpu usage. Other programs contribute to it00:55
jacekowskiMNZ: X cpu usage is X cpu usage00:56
lcukMNZ, X is idle unless something is talking to it :P00:56
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lcukso yes you are right00:56
jacekowskiMNZ: even if caused by other program requesting something from X00:56
keriowhat are those programs asking?00:56
jacekowskito display shit for them00:56
lcukrendering ops most likely00:56
lcukno display shit has to go back through00:56
lcukbe made into a texture00:56
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lcuksent onto the powervr00:56
lcukpure 2d direct to lcd x11 rendering is fast00:57
kerioi want to know why ssh -X doesn't work00:57
jacekowskino tcp00:57
lcukthats why as much as possible the compositor is turned off00:57
keriojacekowski: how do i enable it?00:57
kerioi tried xauth00:57
jacekowskilcuk: how is that part of displaying working00:57
jacekowskikerio: it's not compiled in00:57
jacekowskilcuk: 2d00:57
keriothen why do we have networking00:57
jacekowskilcuk: hardware side of it00:58
kirmaX CPU usage is X CPU usage, which might though consist of waiting for the graphics hardware to accomplish something... X memory usage can be result of stupid X client applications, though00:58
jacekowskilcuk: it still has to go to powervr?00:58
lcukjacekowski, the omapfb graphic surface doesnt care how it gets filled00:58
lcukso fill it with pretty graphics00:58
lcukwhether they be direct from x11 cpu operaitons00:58
lcukor from the powervr output00:58
jacekowskihmm, that way00:58
lcukhell, you could write a blitter using the dsp00:59
MNZWayland would be quite perfect for a mobile device00:59
MNZ"Wayland is a nano display server, relying on drm modesetting, gem batchbuffer submission and hw initialization generally in the kernel. Wayland puts the compositing manager and display server in the same process.  Window management is largely pushed to the clients, they draw their own decorations and move and resize themselves, typically implemented in a toolkit library."00:59
lcukMNZ, i believe its discussions like this that evolved into wayland00:59
jacekowskiMNZ: it will probably require kernel mode switching00:59
kirmasane X11 programs use SHM or similar to share pixmaps with the server, and communicate over domain sockets in bunches of X11 commands that are sent in bundles only when results are needed to be displayed00:59
MNZjacekowski, most probably01:00
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lcukkirma, thats harder to setup generically than you think01:00
kirmaoverhead shouldn't be worse than any other method that applies something that separates different clients from access to the actual hardware/framebuffer01:00
keriolcuk: so write a toolkit :D01:01
lcukas soon as you want to talk with the server for complex stuff that overwhelmes it the benfit is lost01:01
MNZlcuk, actually, back when I used to idle on #radeon/#drm/#dri-devel I have seen wayland take a bunch of bashing01:01
lcukit will do :P01:01
lcukkerio, i did01:01
lcukand it performs like an iphone01:01
lcuki would love to actually do comparisons on direct hardware to hardware tbh01:02
lcukjacekowski, piss off01:02
jacekowskibut hmm, thinking about it now01:02
lcukjacekowski, for reference of what I mean
jacekowskigames and stuff on iphone01:03
jacekowskiare barely working on 128M of ram01:03
jacekowskiand n-gage had 1/4th of that01:03
kirmaresponsiveness of applications certainly depends on other things than "X server overhead" alone01:03
jacekowskiand i could run 2-3 games at the same time01:04
jacekowskikerio: and app and ui design01:04
kirmahaving a platform without mentionable multitasking helps keeping interactive response jitter down01:04
jacekowskiif you split ui and processing into separate thread01:04
jacekowskiwith non blocking communication between them01:04
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jacekowskiyou can have responsible ui01:05
jacekowski+ better sheduler that prioritises interactive threads/applications01:05
jacekowskisomething like RSDL01:05
* DocScrutinizer yawns01:05
jacekowskiwhere you can have loadavg around 100 and apps will still be responsive01:06
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lcukkirma, do you generally find maemo apps unresponsive?01:08
* lcuk certainly doesnt01:08
jacekowskibecause you are only using liqbase01:08
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* lcuk has conversations and xchat and browser and vnc open atm on n90001:09
lcukno jacekowski01:09
lcuki have and use many native apps01:10
kirmamy suspicions of choppy UI experience on small devices usually point towards scheduling, paging and specific hard-to-recognize inefficiencies in specific code paths crossing several abstraction layers01:10
lcukand i enjoy when an mms comes in etc01:10
DocScrutinizerthere's *definitely* other problems when it comes to sluggishness on N900, than exactly x1101:10
jacekowskilcuk: nokia maps?01:10
MNZJust look at GTK :/01:11
kirmalcuk: the magic "turns sluggish after couple days" issue certainly annoys me01:11
kirmabut not really otherwise01:11
lcukjacekowski, now that I mostly use a liq* app for but its not the same sort of app01:11
GAN900I love that apt-get update has scheduled itself to run during my lunch every day.01:11
lcuki simply rely on taking photos of local maps01:11
lcukor screenshots of websites01:11
lcukkirma, i havent got it personally01:11
lcukuptime 4 days, 12:4801:12
lcukand if you CAN reproduce it01:12
lcukhelp in the bug with good info01:12
kirmaI'm not certain if the call recorder has something to do with it in my case specifically01:12
kirmaor some other of those installed 150+ applications...01:12
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lcukyeah :)01:13
lcukits not like it happens to everyone01:13
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DocScrutinizerNokia-N900-02-8:~# uptime01:14
DocScrutinizer 00:14:14 up 12 days,  6:29, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.0001:14
DocScrutinizerno sluggishness01:14
jacekowskifake load01:14
jacekowskior OC01:14
lcukload was at 8 last night DocScrutinizer01:14
lcukyou said so01:14
DocScrutinizerthat's been another device01:15
kirmait feels like either some stupid list in window manager/compositor is growing absurdly list and being traversed all the time (unlikely), some critical applications' memory has gotten badly fragmented and results virtual memory pressure showing up as increased paging, or even that something might be happening in the kernel memory management01:15
lcukkirma, so follow your nose :)01:15
lcukthe bitch is that it takes 2 days to retry01:15
MNZwith all this negativity and complaints about sluggishness and bad apps and what not, I'd still take an N900 over an iPhone anyday. Is it only me?01:16
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kirmaI don't really have so much free time to tinker, especially after debugging stuff at work 8+ hours a day ;)01:16
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lcukMNZ, if it were only you then we wouldnt care enough to shout01:16
jacekowskilcuk: there is that qemu image of meego that will probably do the same thing01:16
DocScrutinizerMNZ: nope, me too01:16
kirmaI certainly like my N900, but there are some annoyances like this.01:16
lcukMNZ, and everyone is trying01:16
* lcuk adores his n90001:16
kirmawhich I can't call non-issues in every level01:16
lcukkirma, try reflashing perhaps and rebuild the apps you use01:17
lcukand leave the ones you dont01:17
lcuki know in linux thats not the done thing01:17
lcukbut a great many computer problems magically vanish when you reformat :P01:17
kirmawell, reboot is sufficiently good solution as it doesn't take more than a minute to get things back on sensible track after it01:18
MNZactually, a useful way to debug this issue would be if someone is proficient with dumping and exploring RAM. Like in computer forensics01:18
lcukMNZ, problem is:01:19
kirmaunlike on desktop machines, where recovery may take literally an hour of work or more01:19
lcukvenn diargam:  people experiencing problem,  People able to do forensics01:19
MNZhahaha I see where you are going01:19
lcukdiagram even :P01:19
MNZbut that's not what I meant. If there's a simple way to dump RAM and upload it so that those who can do the hackery can see it01:20
MNZand this being linux.....01:20
MNZwasn't there a mem device?01:20
DocScrutinizerMNZ: I thought there is01:20
lcuksure, DocScrutinizer - can we just dump all ram, and would it be helpful do you think01:20
lcukdoh crashdumps do?01:20
DocScrutinizercat /proc/kmem? something along that line?01:21
kirmayou would rather need a consistent dump of the memory (both userland and kernel) *and* all the files open by the processes, and the paging backing store01:21
MNZkmem would be kernel mem I guess01:21
jacekowskii think i tried something like that01:21
jacekowskiand it fails01:21
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jacekowskibecause of memory protection by trustzone01:21
DocScrutinizeror simply suspend to disk, then safe away the swap ?01:21
nox-there also is /proc/<pid>/maps for the virtual addresses01:21
MNZDocScrutinizer, actually, that's a good idea!01:21
nox-(unless that doesnt exist on n900)01:21
lcukso what good would it do01:22
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lcuk"ooho 1s and 0s01:22
lcukis it actually worth the hassle01:22
lcukwhen as kirma just said "meh i just reboot"01:22
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lcukerrr officially, he said:01:22
lcuk"<kirma> well, reboot is sufficiently good solution as it doesn't take more than a minute to get things back on sensible track after it"01:22
MNZwell, I'm not proficient with this kind of thing, but I was reading an article on computer forensics a while back and you can apparently do a whole load of stuff with a memory image01:23
lcukgill grissom maybe01:23
jacekowskinot easily01:23
DocScrutinizerdepends on the actual amount of hassle it means to anybody capable to deal with such kind of mega-dump crawling01:23
MNZlike extract and examine process memory01:23
jacekowskiyou would have to get maps first01:23
jacekowskiand memory is fragmented01:23
lcukthis discussion by the way01:23
kirmasuspend-to-somewhere + open files would certainly give some sort of idea what's wrong, but suspend-to-swap and such tend to be surprisingly hard :I01:24
lcukis the reason the bug is on NEED_INFO or something01:24
lcuki am vanishing01:24
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lcuki have stuff to do01:24
kirmaI mean, such a dump would be useful to *someone*01:24
jacekowskinot really01:24
jacekowskidumps of individual processes would be better01:24
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jacekowskibut still not very usefull01:25
jacekowskistatic analisys take lot of time01:25
kirmawell, they're better if you actually know the individual processes are the problem01:25
DocScrutinizerhah, fun. N810 xchat frequently reregistering :-S01:25
jacekowskiyou would need kdbg attached01:25
jacekowskiand just trace stuff01:25
jacekowskiover serial console01:25
SpeedEviljpinx-eeepc: Congrats!01:25
DocScrutinizer:-/ kdbg nonexistent for arm01:25
jacekowskiwell, there is serial trace interface01:26
jacekowskior whatever is it called01:26
* ShadowJK 's n810's xchat survives change of public ip even01:27
DocScrutinizererr is there?01:27
lollooi have xchat on my nokia n90001:27
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nox-DocScrutinizer, oh?  maybe try using qemu's builtin gdbstub?01:28
lolloonow am chatting with it01:28
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: don't you mean serial console?01:28
* ShadowJK has xchat on n810, n900 and desktop :)01:28
jacekowskii think it's called serial trace interface on arm01:28
nox-DocScrutinizer, i think ive used that one on the zaurus emulation once...01:29
DocScrutinizerthat sounds like JTAG then01:29
nox-the gdbstub01:29
nox-what i mean is qemu-system-arm -M foo -s ...01:29
nox-then in gdb: target remote 127.1:123401:29
kirmaas I said, enough to debug at work, not to really get too interested in debugging my *phone*01:29
kirmamaybe other stuff at home, but not particularly interested in debugging the only phone I use :)01:30
DocScrutinizerI'd love to have a decent way to debug musb-core01:30
nox-no, i meant debug a qemu guest01:30
nox-DocScrutinizer, idunno if the n900 qemu emulates usb, but if it does...01:31
jacekowskibut that depends on qemu emulation that's not perfect01:31
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DocScrutinizerand I'm quite sure qemu won't help with that01:31
lollooguys how do iget flash for firefox?01:31
nox-jacekowski, true01:31
lollooin my maemo01:31
merlin1991afaik impossible01:31
DocScrutinizernox-: it had to emulate mentorgraphics musb-core hardware. I doubt anything does on this planet01:32
nox-ok :)01:32
lolloohow do i get flash for my friefox in my nokai N900?01:33
lollooi want to play youtube content01:33
lcukthen just go onto youtube?01:33
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lcukwhich part of youtube *doesn't* work?01:34
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: I would be surrprised if there wasn't a musb emulator at mentor graphics in vhdl forrm for testing. Maybe on a fpga01:35
SpeedEvilflash in firefox doesn't work01:35
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merlin1991but it does in microb, just use that one01:35
lcukahh ofc, i missed that SpeedEvil01:35
timeless_mbpflash is disabled in firefox because the performance sucks01:37
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* timeless_mbp can't remember if it's possible to enable01:37
nox-as if that was news with flash :)01:37
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* ShadowJK vaguely remembers some discussion about the performance issues on meego-devel iirc01:38
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nox-flash is just `optimized for windows'01:38
ShadowJKiirc it basically boiled down to architecture causing shitloads of extra memcpy()01:38
ShadowJKarch of fennec/blah/plugininterface/etc or something01:39
MohammadAGtimeless_mbp, it can be enabled01:39
MohammadAGidk hwo01:39
nox-about:config ?01:39
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ShadowJKflash is so handicapped already as-is, I'd imagine the performance would be unusable if it doesn't have a straight path to the screen :/01:40
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zchydemhi any debian packaging gurus here?01:45
SpeedEvilI sort-of-wonder if there is a way to do a flash app.01:46
zchydemI have a problem that I made a deb package of my app, but if is start app from the app launcher it fails to start. If I run it as a "root" from xterm it works so the problem is running it as a "user"01:46
zchydemso is this somekind of permission problem?01:46
SpeedEvilI mean - somerthing that basically runs flash in such a mode where it's fullscreen01:46
SpeedEviland direct to the screen01:46
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lcukzchydem, it might not be user/root issue01:47
lcukits more likely potentially to be a problem in your .desktop01:47
Jartzaor in control-file01:48
zchydemlcuk: ok. What should I look from there?01:48
lcukzchydem, which package is it? and is it in -devel for us to install and look ourselves?  (what is it by the way01:49
zchydemlcuk: it's not yet in devel.. It's QuickFlickr a QML/C++ based flickr client for n90001:49
zchydemI'm working on packaging now, but I want to test it first on my own device01:49
lcukpastebin your .desktop file01:50
lcukand it looks supertight by the way01:50
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lcukmuch kudos from many folks to you for just the hint of this01:50
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lcukfor those that havent seen the video01:51
zchydemlcuk: thanks for promoting:)01:51
zchydema newer video: with more features01:53
lcukbtw, "su user" changes you to user01:53
Jartzazchydem: check also control -file, maybe wrong architecture (armel), wrong section (must be user/<something>) ?01:53
lcukfor you to test also01:53
zchydemlcuk: I tested to run it as user already and it works then..01:53
zchydemJartza: I'll check that too..01:54
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* zchydem sucks when it comes to debian packaging...01:54
zchydemJartza: section is user/other and the Architecture is "any"01:55
lcukok zchydem01:55
zchydemI guess the any could be armel01:55
lcukdo you have to start in a specific folder?01:55
lcukor doesnt your app care01:55
lcukie is it opening in the wrong folder, finding nothing and bailing01:56
lcukand is there a chance you can write to a log file on startup to confirm whether or not its being run01:56
Jartzazchydem: change architecture to armel01:56
zchydemJartza: just did. Building a new package atm...01:56
lcukif the files are getting to the right location01:57
lcukits not those things (tho fixing them is the right thing to do)01:57
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lcukby saying that an icon exists to be clicked on01:57
lcuki would assume that to be the case01:57
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Jartzaoh yeah, and "of course" in maemo you have to install the desktop-file to non-debian-folder, /usr/share/applications/hildon/01:59
lcukleads to duplications if you want a cross platform app02:00
lcukbut thats not too much of an issue02:00
zchydemhmm thanks guys all the help.. I'm gonna test if this next package works and if not, I'll cont. tomorrow02:01
lcukzchydem, does your application register with osso and have a service file?  i notice its missing from the startup02:01
lcukis the .desktops i use by the way02:01
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lcukyou could try similar and put some echos into a script02:02
zchydemok thanks. I'll check it out02:02
lcukto confirm things are being run, then call your main app02:02
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Jartzazchydem: oh... user/other is not in the list of allowed ones...02:04
Jartzazchydem: check
Jartzaoh sorry02:06
Jartzalooks like "other" is the default, if it begins with user/... so should work02:06
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JartzaIf the package's section starts "user/", but is not any of the above, the Application Manager forces them into an "Other" section.02:07
Jartzadidn't remember that :)02:07
lcukJartza, what does it say about apps in the "waesome/" category?02:07
lcukawesome even02:07
Jartzanothing :)02:08
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GAN900Gotta love gangsters who think they're some city until some 70-year-old woman runs after them with a cellphone.02:09
lcukheh GAN900 yeah "dont take my photo"02:10
lcukor were you meaning as a weapon ;)02:10
zr0isn't installing rootsh a huge security hole or am i missing something?02:11
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zr0is there a way to install a deb package without having to install rootsh?02:18
lcukuse HAM02:18
lcukafter publishing the deb to :)02:18
lcukso everyone can benefit02:19
MohammadAGunless it's in a non user/ section, then you need to install rootsh02:20
lcukif its non user app why is it needed by regular user :P02:20
Jartzajust copy the .deb to your phone and start install from file manager02:20
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zr0Jartza: thank you !02:28
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zr0bummer, it looks like the app manager can't install offlineimap :/02:41
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MohammadAGKaKaRoTo, how many buttons should the app have?02:50
MohammadAGone for enable, one for disable, were you adding two more things?02:50
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lcukMohammadAG, for now just hack with 2, you can add more after easily02:51
MohammadAGlcuk, not if you're using a custom design02:51
lcukwow has it got so complex that you cannot just add/remove buttons from a layout with ease?02:52
lcukthe app functionality is important, just do it with 2 without worrying about design?02:53
lcukthen stick a coat of paint on it02:53
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zr0when i try to install offlineimap locally i get "unable to install, incompatible application package" from the app manager02:59
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MohammadAGuse dpkg03:05
zr0i'm trying to install without using rootsh03:05
zr0same error when trying to install mutt package too03:06
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MNZAnyone know where I can get more information about rapuyama?03:06
ShadowJKWhat repo is "offlineimap" from?03:06
MNZSpeedEvil1, ping ^^ since you seem to know about these hardware things03:07
zr0ShadowJK: same with mutt03:08
zr0ShadowJK: i was able to install vim at least03:08
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ShadowJKMNZ, afaik the cellular side (which includes rapuyama) is essentially "secret"03:10
ShadowJKIt's actually literally "side" too, the main board has the modem and stuff on one side and the CPU, RAM and linuxy stuff on the other side03:11
MNZShadowJK, hmm that would explain all the shit that comes up when I google it03:11
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DocScrutinizer51MNZ: there's not much moe than a block diagram of BB5 rapuyama03:13
MNZok, so the verdict is we can't tap that03:14
DocScrutinizer51plus of course the info related to flashing etc of phones based on BB5 only03:14
ShadowJKIt's a pretty sophisticated thing though03:14
ShadowJKIt could run an entire low-end phone on its own, screen keyboard and all03:14
DocScrutinizer51which it actually does03:15
* ShadowJK bets it's also inside the modem-only Nokia CS-1503:15
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KaKaRoToMohammadAG, don't know, depends on what the buttons are supposed to do ?03:26
KaKaRoToMohammadAG, well, I suppose that opening the application would 'enable it automatically03:26
KaKaRoToclosing the application would disable it automatically03:26
MohammadAGthat's too basic03:26
KaKaRoToif it gets disabled during runtime of the app, a "re-enable module" should appear/activate03:27
KaKaRoToit should automatically disable once the exploit succeeds03:27
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keriojust a single button03:27
kerio"enable module" when it's unloaded03:28
kerioand "disable module" when it's loaded03:28
kerionothing automatical03:28
KaKaRoTokerio, you think ?03:28
kerioand a label that tracks the status of the module03:28
* KaKaRoTo is really really bad at user-friendliness/design03:28
kerioyeah, or you'll accidentally open the application while scrolling the menu and you'll fuck up your usb connections03:28
KaKaRoTokerio, true03:28
KaKaRoToMohammadAG, now (latest git, locally) I have a file in /proc/psfreedom/status03:29
KaKaRoTowhich gives you the status of the state machine when read03:29
KaKaRoToatm, it's the string "INIT/DEVICE1_WAIT_READY/etc.." no \n, no \0 at the end03:30
KaKaRoToshould I make it the binary value of the enum ?03:30
KaKaRoToor keep it as a string ?03:30
KaKaRoToand should I append \n to it ?03:30
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KaKaRoTokerio, MohammadAG: also, now you can install firmwares for the module03:32
KaKaRoTo/lib/firmware/psfreedom_payload.bin and /lib/firmware/psfreedom_shellcode.bin03:32
* lcuk gets nervous around terms such at payload and shellcode03:32
KaKaRoToso the app should allow the user to set (browse) his own payload, + give him a combobox of available payloads (shipped with psfreedom)03:32
KaKaRoToI currently have the BD-emu support, and without BD-emu support payloads03:33
* KaKaRoTo might be aiming at more advanced users here... 03:33
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SpeedEvil1MNZ: What ShadowJK said.03:41
SpeedEvil1MNZ: You need ninjas, or really expensive prostitutes to find out.03:42
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pigeonhmm, am i not supposed to include both GLES/gl.h and GLES2/gl2.h?04:04
rasteru are either gles2 or gles104:07
RST38hwooohooo, new laptop!04:07
rastergles2 is gl2.h04:07
rastergles2 is not a superset of gles104:07
rasterdisjoint sets04:07
RST38hyea, gles2 being WEIRD04:08
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rasterwell no more so than 1.104:08
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DocScrutinizerKaKaRoTo: kerio: no way never! elementary guidelines for GUI design, §1: never use toggle buttons, especialy not on touchscreens. §2: don't require user to read labels to distinguish what a button does. §3 make sure you always have either a double-action user interface ("are you sure") or alternatively a way to undo that doesn't cause any harm04:30
MNZanyone just how far compatible are the omap3430 and omap35xx's ?04:31
MNZs/anyone/anyone know/04:31
infobotMNZ meant: anyone know just how far compatible are the omap3430 and omap35xx's ?04:31
DocScrutinizerit's same chip, just different marketing aiui04:32
MNZok, second question. Is the video/audio hardware accel on these chips used?04:32
DocScrutinizerafaik yes04:33
lcukMNZ, powervr, yes04:33
lcukAVI potentailly no04:33
lcukthe IVA contains certain accelerated hardware things04:34
lcuki believe one of them is hardware jpeg decoding04:34
lcukbut i may be mistaken04:34
lcukit might be video decoding perhaps04:34
MNZyeah, jpeg enc/dec according to datasheet04:34
MNZand there's a video decoder04:34
lcukthat has a higher chance of being used04:35
MNZyep doc04:35
lcukmnz, all the image thumbnails on the system are jpeg04:36
lcukand all your photos stored04:36
lcukand lots of the web04:36
MNZand we even have WMV and RealMedia 8 and 9 :D04:36
lcukand if the silicon is idle ..04:36
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lcukMNZ, does it also have optimized image scaling routines04:38
MNZnight lcuk04:39
MNZand no image scaling according to a quick grep of the datasheet04:39
MNZit does yuv conversions though IIRC...04:40
lcukyeah i know04:40
lcukvlad has done something also04:40
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lcuksomehow he got yuv overlay, underlaid behind the desktop04:40
lcukfor the livebg stuff04:40
SpeedEvilOther units do scaling04:40
lcuki am just fiddling atm to see how well it works04:41
* RST38h wonders who the hell came up with these hideous island-key keyboards04:41
RST38hThe guy probably never expected people actually type using these keyboards04:41
lcukRST38h, ? the split down the middle ones?04:41
RST38h*or* use their screens for anything other than watching movies04:41
RST38hlcuk: now, the macbook-like ones04:41
RST38hwith nasty little square keys located some space apart04:42
lcukahh i have an apple bt mini keyboard04:42
lcuki know what you mean04:42
lcukmy fingers bounce of the keys exceptionally well, i like them04:42
lcukgnite anyway :P04:43
DocScrutinizerraster: a short comment on 'optimizing performance by replacing x11 by fb + own libs"? As that's what's been discussed here some hours ago :-)04:44
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* RST38h cackles noting that modern UIs mostly shuffle bitmaps anyway04:44
RST38hso, 90% of the X11 API goes unused :)04:45
DocScrutinizerraster: iirc you were quite clear on that, last time a similar idea was bounced around04:45
MNZRST38h, which is exactly what we were saying :/04:45
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DocScrutinizerwho cares about unused api?04:46
DocScrutinizeryou don't have to carry it on your back uphill04:47
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MNZDocScrutinizer, it means X11 is largely not to blame for the slow downs04:47
rasterRST38h: "so what?"04:47
raster"90% of the linux kernel source goes unused?"04:48
rastershiould we just use a different kernel/os entirely?04:48
prontognu/hurd! :D04:48
* pronto hides 04:48
rasterDocScrutinizer: summary of earlier convo?04:50
MNZraster, earlier, we were arguing on whether X11 is really a huge slow down04:50
rasterie "l;ets just ditch x11 and do everythnig direct to fb?"04:50
lcukDocScrutinizer, to be clear, additional functionality isn't the issue, its the sheer number and extent of branching within the existing used functions that adds to the complexity04:50
SpeedEvilX11 slowdown is a lie.04:50
rasterMNZ: i'd say thats a fallacy :)04:50
rasterthe vast majority of the cases for "x11 os slow" is "the driver sucks"04:50
lcukits not on its own04:50
rasterand that happens irrespective of x11 or not04:51
lcukbut if its used for a lot of things04:51
MNZWhich is what I was saying...04:51
rasteru'd have sucky drivers anywhere04:51
lcukas it is told to04:51
lcukit becomes an issue04:51
rasterthe other side is that x11 EXPOSEs a chunk of cpu "time" that apps would use ANYWAY04:51
rasterit just shows up in "top' to be x1104:51
MNZjacekowski, ^^04:51
SpeedEvilAnd the memory usage confuses people too04:51
rasterand people "bitch" that "omg! x11 is using 20% cpu! if i didnt have x11 it'd be 20% faster!"04:51
rasterwhere in almost every single case all that you'd do is move that 20% to another windowing system daemon04:52
rasterOR u'd put it bakc into the process itself04:52
rasterand u'd have a zero-sum gain04:52
rastersame with memory usage too04:52
rasterno different04:52
rasterthere are SOME areas where x could be much better04:52
SpeedEvilThere is some interesting work being done on hot-code path optimisation in processors.04:53
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rasterbut the only people who can intelligently discuss those and know what they are generally the same peolpe that know the deep down innards of x1104:53
SpeedEvilThrowing out all but the bare subset to run common apps04:53
rasterand xlib and toolkits/wm's/compositors04:53
lcukoh, interesting SpeedEvil04:53
SpeedEvilFor example - if GCC doesn't use the instruction - there is little point in putting it on silicon04:53
SpeedEvilAs a silly example.04:53
SpeedEvilAt least in a primary core that's for battery saving04:54
rasterand they all pretty much  agree that x11 isnt really to be thrown out - just improved a bit and optimised where usage patterns change to work around a feature missing or use a path that before was less used and optimised04:54
RST38hraster: dunno04:54
rasteri do know04:54
lcukraster, since the world is a big enough place04:55
lcukwe already have people looking at both alternatives04:55
lcukand will no doubt meet somewhere in the middle04:55
rasteri've spent more time over the past 15 years or so making x dance and do things no one thought it could or should to need to worry that there is an argument for ditching x11.04:55
rasterlcuk: there is no middle04:55
rasterlcuk: u dont "half get rid of x11"04:56
SpeedEvilraster: umm04:56
rasterchances are x11 just gets a new extension or 204:56
* SpeedEvil trrries to remember that half-get-rid-of-x11 thing.04:56
rasterlegacy "rarely used ops" are relegated to a blob of "it works but no one bothers with it anymore" code04:56
SpeedEvilIt implemented x11 on windows using native windows04:56
rasterSpeedEvil:  tinyx?04:57
SpeedEvilRarely used ops in software - yes - in hardware they may actually cost.04:57
SpeedEvilnative mswindows04:57
rasterthere was some attempt to do it in-0kernel with a libx11 (xlib-compat thing) on the kernel04:57
rasterthere was one for amiga os too04:57
rasteri believe04:57
rasterway back04:57
lcuktheres also wayland04:57
SpeedEvilI haven't used windows for a while.04:57
rasterthe problemis you are not fully compatible04:57
SpeedEvil98SE I think it was.04:57
rasteryou are... annoyingly close04:58
RST38hVS C++ Express requires 2.4GB for installation04:58
lcukraster, sure04:58
lcukmsdn is large04:58
lcukand the sdk also04:58
rasterx11 is changing in many ways04:58
rasterits adding multitouch support04:59
rasterhell - its already all possible - its a driver + toolkit matter04:59
* SpeedEvil sighs at stupid patents.04:59
rasterefl already supports multitouch04:59
rasterhas for a while now04:59
SpeedEvilWhich reminds me - I need to mail vmware.04:59
lcukyeah raster, cool04:59
rasterworks for me on my devices.. but thats ebcause they have mt screens and drviers and xi2 is exposing multiple touch point devices04:59
rasterso i dont see how u can say "u need to kill x11 because of mt"04:59
* RST38h wonders if he can skip msdn05:00
rastercompositing is a new brave world of pain for x1105:00
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SpeedEvil'I intend to rewrite this 1998 kernel code for the current kernel' Can you confirm that you will not take legal action WRT your 2004 patent'05:00
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lcukraster, sure managing a bitmap surface of that size is a pain05:00
rasterits quite amazing that it works05:00
* lcuk tries not to05:00
rasterand a chunk of little things its bad at can actually be solved entirely between compositors and toolkits05:00
rasterx11 core doesnt need to be involved at all05:00
rasterthe hard bit is agreeing05:01
rasterbut i think there is a willingess to agree and improve there05:01
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SpeedEvilraster: linero?05:01
rasterthe only things right now that i think x11 could really need is05:01
SpeedEvilor aligned projects?05:01
raster1. input translation/manager05:01
RST38hYou do all understand that you are repeating the same argument that led to XRender extension many years ago?05:02
raster(like wm and cm - we need an im. and not the scim/xim one. one were mouse, key etc. events go thru a translation/manager layer that can enforce policy - transforms etc. etc.)05:02
RST38hAnd (on smaller scale) to the client-side X11 API implementation, framebuffer-based GTK and Qt, etc05:02
raster2. a "better" shm than mit-shm for directly exposing pixeld ata to avoid copies (when possible with the hw arch underneath)05:03
rasterSpeedEvil:  linaro? no. :)05:03
* RST38h personally thinks all UI has to be moved to EMACS, out of malice and sociopathy05:03
* lcuk creates an instance of RST38h in plan905:03
RST38hplan9 was good, so was AmigaOS =)05:04
rasteri loved my workbench05:04
RST38hlcuk: BTW, yet another crazy enterpreneur has bought Amiga trademark and is going to sell newly built A500s with AROS05:04
rasterForbid() was my favorite syscall05:04
lcukyeah, cygnused and directory opus kicked ass05:04
lcukyes RST38h i saw05:04
RST38hGive whole meaning to the phrase "screwing a dead horse"05:05
lcukcomputer in a keyboard was awesome05:05
DocScrutinizerI had the joy to learn about multitasking OS from NeXT & AmigaOS05:05
* SpeedEvil ponders what old computer hardware he'd like.05:05
lcuki read from cover to cover many times the amiga basic manual05:05
lcuki had no other source of computing input other than library books and magazines at the time05:05
* RST38h was blown away by the multiple screens concept05:05
rasterdid u have the system programmers guide?05:06
rasterand the KRM?05:06
DocScrutinizerRKM yeah05:06
rasterway too much fun dreaming up copper lists :)05:06
lcukHAM mode was kickass05:06
rasterit was a cool hack05:06
RST38hHAM mode is nothing compared to some V9958 modes on MSX2+05:07
rasterbut it proved most annoying05:07
lcukand I was liking fractals and coding05:07
RST38hraster: funnily, this "hack" is used nowadays, in many DVD players05:07
rasterthat explains the quality05:07
RST38hraster: only they also make it non-linear (checkerboard-like) to optimize for MPEG decoding05:07
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RST38hraster: Quality? What quality? Check your MPEG format. Then, just to be sure, check PAL format description ;)05:08
rasterpal... pffft05:08
RST38hWhat is wrong with analogue? Classic games look way better in analogue05:09
pigeondeep down, you know you want all your apps all in html5/javascript, sitting in a cloud somewhere05:11
PolarFoxpigeon: and run by google.05:12
RST38hwould you like a toilet plunger with that?05:12
jpinx-eeepcirssi and bitlbee05:12
jpinx-eeepcin a screen05:12
* SpeedEvil sighs.05:13
SpeedEvilI still need to work out how to get xrandr to do non-orthogonal screens05:13
SpeedEvilI want to lie down, and 30 degrees off would be about right for optimal comfort.05:13
SpeedEvil(of my laptop)05:14
* DocScrutinizer suggests prism goggles05:14
RST38hdirect neural interface05:15
RST38h(just remove the eyes and plug into eyesockets)05:15
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DocScrutinizeror just rotate eyes by 30°05:15
RST38hgooood idea05:16
SpeedEvilActually - the more logical solution would be to take my laptop apart, and replace the baseplate.05:16
SpeedEvilSo it can actually be used mobile05:16
RST38hhang it from the ceiling by a thread05:16
* RST38h wonders if answering a guy named "Fresh Prince of Nowhere" is socially acceptable05:17
RST38hProlly not05:18
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SpeedEvilOn pondering somewhat - the only bit of old computer hardware I'd really like would be a difference engine.05:21
DocScrutinizerI'd like a nice HP-calculator05:22
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DocScrutinizerwith real cool buttons05:23
DocScrutinizerdarn, those guys knew how to build keyboards05:23
pupnikSpeedEvil: horizontal doesn't work for you?05:24
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DocScrutinizermy HP-41CV incinerated 2 years ago :`(05:25
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MNZnight folks!05:27
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SpeedEvilpupnik: Oh. My head is --------05:38
SpeedEvilup like that a bit05:38
SpeedEvilFor comfort.05:38
SpeedEvilSo I want the display canted too05:38
pupniktry this sometime - look in a mirror at your eyeballs - tilt your head left and right - do your eyeballs auto-level to horizontal?05:39
SpeedEvilAre you high?05:41
SpeedEvilOf course not.05:42
SpeedEvilREadiing text that's tilted at a 30 degree angle is just not comfortable05:45
morderr, you might want to rotate the text, or if that's not possible, yourself a bit to make things more ... orthogonal05:46
pupnikSpeedEvil: mine do :/05:47
SpeedEvilpupnik: They don't.05:48
SpeedEvilThe eyeballs do not have rotation as one of their degrees of freedom.05:48
SpeedEvilIf yours do, then please check youself into your local secret alien-vivisection base.05:49
pupniki knew it...05:49
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whatwhatwhatcan one of you recommend a place online to buy an extra battery and charger for the n900?06:29
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pupnikwhatwhatwhat: i bought a universal li-ion charger06:37
pupnikit's a bit fiddly to align the pins with the proper terminals on the battery but otherwise works fine06:37
whatwhatwhathmm, I found some interesting things on ebay for cheap06:39
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pupnikwonder if any of these damage the battery though06:42
pupnik   <<< this is a great podcast for learning economics06:51
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npthow do I get root access on an n800 w/ the latest nokia release?08:27
timeless_mbpask the wiki?08:29
infobotfrom memory, rootsh is an easy way to get root and it's found here:, or
timeless_mbpyou want os2008 ..08:29
nptyep,  I have OS2008...08:31
nptthe latest official nokia release08:31
nptor last I suppose : )08:32
jpinxdoes screen run on the n900?08:32
luke-jrIt's funny how quickly "community support" went from "Maemo5 on N8x0" to "MeeGo on N900"08:32
luke-jrjpinx: it does on mine08:32
luke-jrfunny and sad*08:32
jpinxluke-jr: stsndard repo? or extra?08:33
luke-jrjpinx: I run Gentoo.08:33
nptI run gentoo as well08:33
luke-jrbtw, KDE runs on N900 too08:33
nptinternet high five08:33
npt: )08:33
luke-jrnpt: you use my overlay?08:33
nptso, do I have to install rootsh?08:33
jpinxis that in a chroot?08:34
nptdo you mean you run it on your nit?08:34
luke-jrjpinx: cound be08:34
luke-jrnpt: yeah, both of them08:34
luke-jrN810 and N90008:34
nptI would LOVE to do that08:34
nptI have an n80008:34
nptdo you have instructions on how you did it?08:34
luke-jrnot sure how useful it will be w/o a keyboard, but…08:34
luke-jrnot for N900 yet08:34
jpinxluke-jr: I was hoping to install screen and bitlbee on the native maemo08:34
nptthanks luke-jr08:35
jpinxluke-jr: I have ssh over usb to give me a keyboard ;)08:35
luke-jrnpt: N900 isn't too much different08:36
luke-jrjust a different overlay08:36
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nptso, on older releases there was a hack for root access that was built in08:38
nptbeen out of the NIT scene for like 9 months08:38
nptmaybe a year08:38
nptis there anything in that LAST n800 nokia release that will allow me root access?08:38
luke-jrnpt: maybe sshd?08:38
nptor must I install rootsh08:38
luke-jrI don't think I installed rootsh/gainroot/etc on any Maemo08:39
luke-jrbut it's been quite some time since N810's install08:39
nptdo you mean if I run sshd root has no pass or what?08:39
luke-jrIIRC it asks you to set a password08:39
nptahh nice08:39
jpinxnpt: by default root has no password iirc08:40
nptthanks luke-jr08:40
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JaffaMorning, all09:42
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trumeeguys, how can i bypass pulse-audio using mplayer on N900?10:18
valdyntrumee: -ao alsa ?10:19
trumeevaldyn: with that pulseaudio is still eating 26% cpu10:20
valdyntrumee: read the help text in mplayer, you can specifiy the alsa hw device10:21
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valdyntrumee: hmm i guess thats not in the help text, but its in the docs, something similar to -ao alsa:device=hw,0,0 , dont remember the syntax10:23
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trumeevaldyn: cheers10:23
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trumeemplayer xx.mp3 -ao alsa:noblock:device=hw=0 doesnt produce any audio?10:41
keriotrumee: why alsa?10:43
trumeekerio: I am playing an  ogg internet stream and mafw eats up 40% cpu10:45
trumeekerio: and that is with headphones plugged in!10:45
kerioyeah, i doubt mplayer will be much faster than mafw10:45
kerioit's pulseaudio the problem, not mafw-gst-renderer10:45
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trumeekerio, dont think so. with mplayer -ao pulse the load is 21% with mafw it is 40%10:47
kerioyeah, it's still pulseaudio the problem10:48
keriothe fat, greedy bitch10:48
keriohe takes about 15/20% cpu just by doing nothing :<10:49
trumeekerio, so any idea what alsa device should i select with mplayer?10:50
keriono idea10:50
trumeekerio, mafw is not suitable for ogg streams :(10:50
trumeekerio, because of the cpu load.10:52
kerioit's less than 10010:52
trumeekerio, cant browse the web along with that in the background.10:52
keriocodecs not supported by hardware acceleration take more cpu. news at 1110:53
trumeekerio: 50.8% puke10:53
trumeekerio: but mplayer with same codec takes 15-20%10:54
kerioand doesn't work10:54
trumeekerio: and using -ao pulse10:54
trumeekerio: it does work!10:54
keriooh, i see10:54
keriothen... you have no problems10:54
trumeekerio: yes, dont have any problem. but starting mplayer is a bit of hassle10:55
keriotry canola10:55
trumeekerio: i will try mediabox10:55
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Chibi-Taigahow do i creat an m3u playlist for n900?11:22
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jpinxChibi-Taiga: it's just a textfile. copy an old one by hand ;)11:29
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Venemogood morning guys :)11:40
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crashanddieWAKE UP MAEMO, IT'S SUNDAY!12:14
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alteregoGood day to you :)12:34
TermanaN900crashanddie, as if it wasn't quiet enough of weekdays, weekends its a ghost town12:36
TermanaN900I have a theory for this though12:37
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TermanaN900Either A) people who visit #maemo have lives (unlikely) or B) People only visit #maemo while working12:38
nid0b is partially true for me12:38
nid0case in point, i work sundays :(12:38
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alteregoI should make some breakfast I'm starving ...13:16
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SpeedEvilYou can have some of my pancakes.13:16
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SpeedEvilJust send an insulated SAE.13:21
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alteregoHeh :)13:28
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ieatlintdude, it sounds legit, don't be a wuss13:31
ieatlintyou do want pancakes, right?13:31
alteregoSure, and my girlfriend has not returned from a party she went to last night, so I have noone to make me pancakes :(13:33
ieatlintyeah, i need to make my own food too... my SO is at burning man, heh13:34
alteregotbh, my gf is a pretty awful cook, and she hates it when I tell her she's doing something wrong. And she never lets me cook13:37
alteregoSo I kind of like it when she goes out for a day or two :)13:37
SpeedEvilI cheat.13:40
SpeedEvilAnd make up truly massive quantities of food, and freeze them in portions.13:40
_llll_so does his girlfriend13:40
SpeedEvilSo pancakes are a matter of snapping 3 off the 4Kg stack in the freezer, then nuking for 2 min13:40
alteregoHeh, nice.13:40
alteregoI don't have a freezer.13:41
alteregoSo I'm forced to eat the massive portions my gf makes :D13:41
Venemoalterego: hey13:41
SpeedEvilWell - to be honest, I'd prefer a girlfriend rather than a freezer.13:41
SpeedEvilSo I'm not sure you're losing out there.13:41
alteregoLuckily I get a fair amount of excercise.13:41
alteregoVenemo: aloha13:42
Venemoalterego: I was looking for you the entire week13:42
alteregoOh, what can I do for you?13:42
Venemoalterego: you owe me a workaround you promised to tell me in #qt-maemo :P :)13:42
alteregoI generally just idle13:42
Venemoalterego: yeah, I noticed :)13:43
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alteregoIn the paint method for you child dialog, check the desktop width & height and set the portrait option on the dialog appropriately, then call the superclasses paint.13:45
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alteregoIt's a one liner, but I'm not in front of my computer :P13:45
ieatlintfreezers + microwaves are awesome13:46
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ieatlintand there's a US company that sounds like the vulgar german word for penis that sells all sorts of frozen stuff cheap -- schwans.com13:46
Venemoalterego: from the sound of it, not a one-liner13:47
alteregothis->setAttribute(Qt::WA_Maemo5PortraitOrientation, QApplication::desktop().width() < QApplication::desktop.height())13:48
alteregosure it is :P13:48
ieatlintand woo, i just got ipv6 working on my n90013:48
ieatlintwhich uh, is totally useful .. yeah13:48
alteregoThen: QDialog::paintEvent()13:49
Venemoalterego: ahm.13:49
Venemoalterego: too bad the autoorientation is buggy13:50
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alteregoWell, it works well enough for me, I created a subclass called Maemo5Dialog with that code and some other stuff in it.13:50
Venemoalterego: what is the other stuff?13:51
alteregoI'd have to look at the code,13:51
alteregoI can't remember what whacky stuff I've been doing.13:52
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alteregoProbably nothing too interesting, I think just some "helper" code that I tend to use in my apps which warrented sticking it in a shared set.13:53
Venemoalterego: ahm13:53
tobis87Hi, if anyone is interested I took together the problems I have with the omap-aes module:
Venemoalterego: I created a library release for the stuff I have13:53
Venemoalterego: and I would be interested in some of the stuff you mentioned, too13:54
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alteregoOkay, I'll upload some stuff when I get home.13:59
Venemoalterego: no need to hurry :)13:59
alteregoWell, I don't know whyen I'm heading home yet :P14:00
alteregoNeed to get two buses and a train14:01
alteregoAnd it's a Sunday which means a lot of waiting around :D14:01
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Venemoalterego: yeah...14:02
Venemoalterego: I know the feeling14:02
Venemoalterego: I got home yesterday, and I'm leaving today14:02
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MNZmorning folks o/14:04
Venemomorning MNZ o714:04
dr34mman iam gettin angry with nokia here :\14:05
dr34malready 6 weeks gone my phone14:05
dr34mstill no sign of it yet :<14:05
dr34mfirst they said within 2 weeks youll get it back14:05
Venemodr34m: poor soul14:05
dr34mye sure thing almost 2 months now :|14:05
Venemodr34m: have you contacted them?14:06
dr34mthey have to replace some smaller part inside the phone they couldnt fix14:06
alteregoWhat did you break?14:06
dr34mwhy not just send a new phone damnit.. theres so many people who got new ones :(14:06
Venemodr34m: agreed14:07
alteregodr34m: they've sold out of new nes now :P14:07
dr34mhehe might be14:08
dr34mgonna get em tomorrow once agin14:08
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Venemodr34m: just harass them until they give it back14:10
alteregoHarrass them until they give you a new one :)14:12
alteregoThink it's almost time for me to make the journey home.14:14
DocScrutinizermoo chan, MNZ14:16
alteregoThat reminds me, think I'll start working on the theme engine for my GPS app when I get back.14:17
alteregoVenemo: know any good resources on customising interfaces in Qt?14:17
alteregoI'd like to be able to allow users to hack it too.14:17
DocScrutinizerdr34m: 8 weeks is really too long, that's unbearable. Nokia can't say they are short of silly little parts they need to replace, they have whole working phones. I'd shout at them if I were you14:19
alteregoI agree :)14:20
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DocScrutinizerbtw, at least here in Germany, but I thinks also in whole Europe, when you e.g. buy a laptop which after 4 months breaks and can't be repaired or replaced, you get your money back. However manufacturer is allowed to charge you for the 4 months you used it and the amount you get back will be considerably less than what you originally paid14:27
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DocScrutinizerI'd think same applies for manufacturer keeping you from using your device, just reverse order of things. Device loses value while sitting on their workbench14:28
Venemoalterego: customizing how much?14:29
Venemoalterego: there is QSS14:29
Venemoalterego: then there will be QML in 4.714:29
Venemoalterego: and you could also try MeeGo Touch14:29
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Venemoalterego: (will be backported to Maemo5)14:30
DocScrutinizerwth is meego-touch?14:32
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VenemoDocScrutinizer: it is a Qt-based UI library for MeeGo14:35
VenemoDocScrutinizer: formerly known as "DUI" or "DirectUI"14:35
DocScrutinizerdr34m: btw it usually isn't exactly Nokia you need to pester, but the shop you bought it at, at least in Europe14:35
DocScrutinizerVenemo: darn, yet another lib layer14:37
VenemoDocScrutinizer: yes...14:37
VenemoDocScrutinizer: alhough (fortunately) it is not based on the existing Qt widgets stuff14:38
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DocScrutinizerjust out of curiosity I'd like to know the number of lib layers between LCD and app :-P14:38
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Venemohaha! :D14:38
MNZa lot doc, a lot.14:39
VenemoDocScrutinizer: they said that it will allow the UI to be rendered with hardware acceleration, which wasn't allowed by the previous ones14:39
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DocScrutinizersounds like a Qt mega fail14:40
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DocScrutinizerwasn't there a promise meego will be Qt based so all maemo apps correctly based on Qt were easily ported to meego :-(14:41
DocScrutinizerand *vice versa*14:42
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DocScrutinizersounds to me like they are breaking promises just another time14:42
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DocScrutinizerand honestly if they need new lib to implement hw-accel, instead if plumbing it into Qt in a transparent manner, I'd say that's candidate for the annual WTF14:44
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VenemoDocScrutinizer: the existing Qt stuff will work on MeeGo too14:44
VenemoDocScrutinizer: so, using this stuff is purely optional.14:45
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VenemoDocScrutinizer: although I agree with your opinion14:45
Venemoanyways, brb14:45
VenemoI'm going ot lunch14:45
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Noobmonk3yright... irc installed on my pc.... lol14:49
DocScrutinizerpurely optional like the use of meego instead of maemo, or even like the usage of Nokia prodacts in general. Go somewhere else if you don't like it14:49
Noobmonk3ymorning alls!14:49
DocScrutinizerlo Noobmonk3y14:49
Noobmonk3ymorning :)14:49
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* Noobmonk3y is considering trying the sratchbox method of designing for the n900 - allthough if i'm correct that does involve some form of C ... meh14:50
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Noobmonk3ymorning MohammadAG51 , morning lcuk , oi frals troutface!14:51
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Noobmonk3yand meh, tis afternoon, oh well14:51
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DilbertoPetition to pressure Kevin Rose to eat uncured pork bacon live on streaming video and drink COLD BEER with it. Have him prove that simple greed and or incompetence was the reason behind Digg 4.0 and its selling out and not something else, if you get my drift!14:52
DilbertoSign the petition here:14:52
tank-manwhat is digg 4.0 mr spammer?14:53
Noobmonk3ywho is kevin rose and why do i care?14:53
Noobmonk3yDocScrutinizer, did someone fart? this place is a deadzone....14:53
DocScrutinizersorry, no idea. Fartfilter enabled here14:54
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DocScrutinizerIt's been me who played partypooper 1 min before you said hello14:54
ieatlintno more moped for you14:55
DocScrutinizerbut that didn't change the general funeral mood14:55
Noobmonk3ylets test the awakeness...14:55
ieatlintyesterday was bacon day14:55
Noobmonk3yevery day is bacon day!14:56
Noobmonk3yexcept for MohammadAG5114:56
Noobmonk3ylol ieatlint14:56
Noobmonk3ylcuk, hows the ear?14:57
lcukieatlint, that being tomorrow?14:57
ieatlintlabour day in the US is monday, yes14:57
ieatlintso yesterday (saturday) was bacon day14:58
DocScrutinizeryummy, bacon-themed drinks14:58
lcuk1 day is not enough14:58
Nitialshiiit, bought bacon yesterday but forgot to eat :/14:58
lcuki shall go and make bacon14:58
lcukNitial, you must eat double14:59
lcukNoobmonk3y, its ok14:59
Noobmonk3ygood idea me 2... tis lunchtime after all, not that i need an excuse to eat bacon!14:59
Nitialmakes sense14:59
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lcuk<lcuk> noobmonkey was talking about mini earth things earlier14:59
lcuk<lcuk> i remembered afterwards I had this saved14:59
lcuk<lcuk> :) its a great photo14:59
ieatlintwell, the article also states you may celebrate it on dec 30, and the first saturday in january14:59
ieatlintone would assume you should celebrate it on all these days14:59
Noobmonk3ylcuk, i likie!!! great pic!14:59
DocScrutinizerbartender bring me a california triple bacon on the rocks!14:59
Noobmonk3ythat is a great example!14:59
DilbertoPetition to pressure Kevin Rose to eat uncured pork bacon live on streaming video and drink COLD BEER with it. Have him prove that simple greed and or incompetence was the reason behind Digg 4.0 and its selling out and not something else, if you get my drift!14:59
DilbertoSign the petition here:14:59
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Noobmonk3ybacon flavoured trout, its the new bacon15:00
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Noobmonk3yDilberto, why, why why! why would i bother?15:00
lcukpigs with snorkles15:00
Noobmonk3ylcuk, makes a change from flying pigs i suppose15:00
ieatlintDocScrutinizer: what's in a california triple bacon? :)15:01
DocScrutinizeryou don't know?? damn, I'll find a better bar15:01
lcukieatlint, i expect reminders next year15:01
lcukbefore the time15:01
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lcukand IDB needs fixing on a specific preplanned date :P15:02
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ieatlintlcuk: i sadly found out at 9pm yesterday :(15:02
ieatlintit was sad15:02
Noobmonk3ylcuk, does it matter? thats an american day, just start an english one for today15:02
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ieatlintnah, bacon is to be shared by all, not just an american day15:02
lcukits an international day15:02
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Noobmonk3y"Some cultures, however, celebrate on December 30th, while others celebrate the day on the first Saturday in January after the new year."15:03
Noobmonk3ywell, that means i get 3 days a year15:03
ieatlintit's a day where we can all come together and make fun of jews, muslims and vegetarians15:03
lcukoh screw it15:03
lcukits international_bacon_week15:03
Noobmonk3yyesterdat, dec 30th and first sat in jan....15:03
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DocScrutinizerdecember 30 sounds just right for chaos communication congress15:04
* ieatlint wishes he could afford a trip to 27c315:04
* DocScrutinizer wishes too ieatlint could afford15:05
DocScrutinizerso we would meet there15:05
ieatlintif i get a decent job this month, i might be able to pull it off...15:05
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ieatlintyeah, you'd get to see me try and speak german15:05
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ieatlintich kann ein bisschen deutsch sprechen, aber gar nicht gut15:06
* SpeedEvil is a jelly-donut.15:06
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Noobmonk3ywooop chicken, bacon and chips on the go....15:08
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DocScrutinizerieatlint: nobody will be amused :-) most of the talks are LANG=en_EN anyway15:08
ieatlintyeah, i've sadly not been, but i've got quite a few friends who have15:08
Noobmonk3yhmmm, which vmware image do i need from this page? -
ieatlintand yeah, you people are too nice to those struggling with crappy german... people kept lying to me saying i spoke it well15:09
DocScrutinizerieatlint:  :-)15:10
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ieatlintarm chips?15:11
DocScrutinizera few15:11
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knightstalkerHello,I was using QCpuFreq for over clocking,I upgraded Enhanced Kernel and now it seems I can only under clock,any reasons?15:11
DocScrutinizerjust a grab into my box of crap15:12
ieatlintwell, there's a chance i'll make it15:12
DocScrutinizer(no I didn't bother to pick that litter up after taking the pics)15:12
knightstalkerWarning: Overclocking voids your warranty, may damage your device and is at your own risk! Overclocking is disabled by default and can be configured during runtime. => configured during runtime?15:12
ieatlintwhat part of germany are you in anyway?15:13
DocScrutinizersouth even15:13
ieatlintah, so where there's actually good beer and food15:13
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* Noobmonk3y used to live in hamburg..... mMMmmmm hamburgers15:14
DocScrutinizermore good beer than you can drink and remember the taste15:14
DocScrutinizerhighest brewery density in whole world15:14
SpeedEvil - copenhagen suborbital (the guys with the sub and rocket - live launch stream - launching in 5 min)15:15
DocScrutinizerNoobmonk3y: the way you say it sounds somewhat... scary :-P15:15
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ieatlintmy favourite is still altbier :P15:16
DocScrutinizerBildeoverføringen kan til tider være ustabil15:17
DocScrutinizeruhuh, probably explains why I got a white page15:17
keriohaha what wall of highlights15:17
kerioyay for bacon15:17
DocScrutinizerjust I don't get anything except ustabil15:17
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SpeedEvilthough they have now updated to say 12:30 GMT - 12 min15:18
lcuklol kerio you have bacon set too now?15:18
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knightstalkerNo one?15:19
DocScrutinizer~tell knightstalker about omap-oc15:20
kerio~debian knightstalker15:21
* infobot tells knightstalker to RTFM!!!! GAH!!! HELL FIRE AND BRIMSTONE!!!! BURN!!! DIE!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!15:21
keriotoo rude?15:22
kerio~ubuntu knightstalker15:22
* infobot lovingly explains to knightstalker in a way that causes knightstalker to weep with gratitude that knightstalker must read the fine, friendly manual15:22
DocScrutinizerkerio: though power kernel and esp cpufreq-UI manual is maximum useless15:22
knightstalkerI just did overclock for 3 mins and I liked it a bit :p15:23
keriorevert, really15:23
knightstalkerI did,forcefullu15:23
kerioi mean, waiting 3 seconds more won't destroy your life15:23
keriobut overclocking *will* destroy your cpu15:23
knightstalkerkerio,not when playing PS games15:23
knightstalkerthey'll run ... :P15:23
keriobuy a playstation15:23
knightstalkerBut as I said,I can not overclock anymore15:23
DocScrutinizerkerio: I just took a deep breath from that glue can, and I also liked it a bit. Should I make that a daily custom?15:23
knightstalkerAh,I do have one,I want one on the go15:24
keriobuy a psp15:24
knightstalkerPsht,That will cost me weight :p15:24
kerioit's not like the n900 is good as a game console without a gamegripper15:24
knightstalkerand I do not like psp >;p15:24
kerioincidentally, i want one15:24
lcukand knightstalker rather than increasing the speeds15:24
lcukcould it be considered like the n8x0 had15:24
lcukto change the mode15:24
lcukto stay at one speed15:24
keriolcuk: pretty sure that when actively using the cpu the frequency doesn't scale down15:25
lcukkerio, thats what i am asking15:25
lcukon the n8x0 liqbase used to render so fast15:25
lcukit never triggered the speed up to full15:25
VenemoNoobmonk3y: it's been some time since I saw you here!15:25
kerioepic :D15:25
lcukso the cpumode changed from ondemand to performance15:25
lcukand then cpu sat happily at its speed15:26
keriolcuk: i wanna have pretty graphics too, what should i instal?15:26
lcukand appeared faster and more responsive15:26
Noobmonk3yyeah, moved home, never set my pc back up properly15:26
lcukkerio, #liqbase15:26
Noobmonk3ykinda concentrated on life for a bit :P15:26
VenemoNoobmonk3y: so where did you move? :)15:26
Noobmonk3yabout 2 miles away from where i lived, but in with the misses :)15:27
Noobmonk3yso still on the south coast, uk15:27
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VenemoNoobmonk3y: anyways, congrats15:30
knightstalkerhmm,so what about under clock?15:30
Noobmonk3yhehe, cheers Venemo :)15:31
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VenemoNoobmonk3y: how is healthcheck? :)15:33
DocScrutinizerknightstalker: no use in that. The device usually will run @250MHz unless real CPU grunt needed. By incidence that's the lowest clock speed the CPU works reliably, as for 125MHz there are stability issues15:33
Noobmonk3ygood question, not updated it in a few months, just reinstalling all the programmy stuff now :)15:33
Noobmonk3ywell, after i eat my chicken, bacon and chips :) hehehe15:34
achipaVenemo: Noobmonk3y: speadking of healthcheck, it could display some extra info, now that QtMobility is available... (hint, hint)15:34
Noobmonk3yachipa, yup! thats another reason i'm back kinda, been waiting for qtmobility for a loooong time!15:34
Noobmonk3yjust been reading up on it this morning :0 - looks good!15:34
Noobmonk3yi'm assuming qtmultimedia still doesnt work, and probably wont though?15:35
Venemoachipa: has the address book bug been fixed in Qt Mobility?15:35
DocScrutinizerknightstalker: you know the 'l33t" tool powertop?15:35
achipahey, hey, I maintain just the bindings :)15:35
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achipaVenemo: wouldn't expect much until/if QtM 1.1 lands15:36
Venemoachipa: I mean the bug with the unicode characters15:37
Venemoachipa: I heard it was already fixed but not released... has it been released yet? (They talked about 1.0.1 at the time)15:37
achipaVenemo: no idea, 1.0.2 is the actual stable on the N90015:38
achipaVenemo: so if it has the fix, yay, if not, wait for 1.115:38
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Venemoachipa: well then, I guess it has the fix.15:41
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* DocScrutinizer especially recommends this *very* useful short explanation about powertop:
RCL_are there any Nokia (MADDE) developers here?15:50
RCL_I mean, those responsible for MADDE15:50
DocScrutinizernot afaik15:51
RCL_i'd like to ask about flags/parameters used to configure cross-compiling gcc for MADDE... tried looking on the net, but haven't found15:51
RCL_built-in headers point to user savanain15:52
DocScrutinizerso just ask15:52
DocScrutinizerodds are somebody is listening who knows an answer, or can point you to a better place for getting advice15:53
RCL_well, I'm trying to replace gcc in madde with a more recent version (4.5.1)15:54
RCL_I have the compiler built already15:54
RCL_now seeking how to build support libs15:54
RCL_I'm following these steps:15:55
RCL_right now I'm failing at the attempt to build libgcc15:56
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RCL_I can be more specific about error I get if it's interesting... but does anyone remember any maemo-specific docs on replacing the compiler?15:58
RCL_(4.2.1 seems to have problems with NEON intrinsics)15:58
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DocScrutinizerif there's no answer in 30min, repost. then if still no answer, try tomorrow. Seems today quite a bunch of chan members are inactive15:59
RCL_Okay, thanks :)15:59
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DocScrutinizerodds are US westcost will join in the next few hours :-)16:01
RCL_oh, I see :)16:02
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RST38hmoo all16:07
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* DocScrutinizer mooes at RST38h16:12
DocScrutinizerRST38h: <RCL_> well, I'm trying to replace gcc in madde with a more recent version (4.5.1)16:12
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RCL_DocScrutinizer, thanks for reposting :)  Yeah, seems like I'm now able to build libgcc (who knew they relied on libppl-c being installed for their configure... that library looks completely unrelated for me)16:18
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RCL_well, actually including libgcc in the search produces better results :)16:25
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crashanddie_Warning: if Laszlo Papp comes and adds you on gtalk16:25
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crashanddie_he's an idiot, just refuse... he's adding people from the mailing lists and hopes to have his work done by others16:26
DocScrutinizerwhat's gtalk? :-P16:26
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pogI have a new N900 and I get on quit well. It's a nice box. There are some "handlings" issues...16:44
pogHow do I come to the virtual console from Xterm?16:44
pogactually I't not clear, but in firefox it sometimes comes automatically.16:44
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RST38hyes, raster?16:45
rasternokia are being arsetarts again.16:45
raster"ooh maemo 5 update avilable"16:45
raster"yay! i cant update vai std package manager... i have to connet to pc and use "pc suite"16:46
rasterwhihc is windows-only16:46
rasteri'm staring at the dialog right now16:46
pogif some german speaking people are here, I make my notes over Maemo and N900 here:
raster"Maemo update"16:46
Appiahare you running PR1.2 raster ?16:47
RCL_raster: try deinstalling soft to make free space on /16:47
raster"To update your device to this version of the operating system you must use Nokia PC Suite on your PC."16:47
raster"Conect the device.. blah blah"16:47
rasterAppiah: 10.2010.19-116:48
RCL_raster: I had the same problem with PR 1.2 (only PC suite update proposed), but it was only because there was too less free space left on /16:48
rasterRCL_: it'd be nice that it actually said that16:48
Appiahraster: so you got PR1.116:49
rasterit checked for the amount of space16:49
rasterand then appropriately complained16:49
rasteri havent updated in a while16:49
Appiah1.1 or 1.1.116:49
rasteri want to see if the newer firmware/kernel/gl fixes the gl bugs i see16:49
RST38hraster: not news (them being arsetarts)16:49
RST38hraster: you definitely want PR1.216:49
rasterbut making space is going to be hell16:49
RST38hraster: you definitely CAN do it without PCSuite16:49
rasteri'll try that16:50
rasterit'd be nice if they had a better err msg16:50
RST38hraster: #1: Remove SSH, it is interfering with update16:50
rasterRST38h:  wtf? ssh is?16:50
rasterhow the hell am i meant to get stuff done? :)16:50
RST38hraster: #2: Move bloody apt cache away to the mmc16:50
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RST38hraster: you will reinstall it later16:50
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rasterwell i have a lot more on there16:51
rasterlike gcc16:51
rasterand make16:51
RST38hraster: In any case, it is suggested that you try installing that nokia update with apt-get install - the error messages will be way more meaningful16:51
rasterand a few dev pkgs etc.16:51
MohammadAG51how does ssh interfere16:51
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rasterRST38h: nice that the update manager tells me that :)16:51
RST38hMohammad: Dunno, seems to lock something PR1.1.1update wanted to update16:51
rasterMohammadAG51:  other than using up space.. dunno16:51
RST38hanother possible cause of can't-update is an older qt16:52
rasterlets uninstall a bunch of stuff and see16:52
RST38hneeds to be manually removed (if apt-get install nokia-update tells you that it is a problem)16:52
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poganybody knows how to enter a & in the N900 console? (I have a "german" layout, which might differ vrom us)16:53
RST38h"How come I have got this new shiny i7 and it does not feel faster at all?" :)16:53
rasterRST38h: because you run windows... or use gnome? :)16:53
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RST38hraster: yep16:54
RST38hraster: Burning ubuntu cd, going to install16:54
* raster hopes the gl bugs are gone... got a nice sgx out of memory errrr16:55
rasterSGX Out of mem event16:55
rasterSGX Out of mem event16:55
rasterSGX Out of mem event16:55
RCL_pog, try pressing arrow two times and then sym16:55
RCL_list of symbols should appear16:55
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pogtwice arrow, the all blue Signs are pressed, o.k. but fuer example I don't see a & my  keyboard16:58
pogI have to see, whether the behaviour is different in console as in let's say ff.16:59
pogit's true, I pushed the wrong buttum it's the buttom over the arrow, which one has to push twice17:00
RCL_n/p :)17:01
rasterman this takes too long to uninstall goops17:02
* raster slaps his n90017:03
rasterwork damnit17:03
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jpinx-eeepcraster: yep - mine's dead slow to install, download, configure and load apps, but once loaded they zip along - so i leave everything running :)17:04
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rasterjpinx-eeepc: fair enough17:06
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rastera tad frustrating when i have to "clear space" for an upgrade17:06
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jpinx-eeepcraster: the joys ;)17:08
rasteri dont even know if that wil work17:08
rasteri have spacre17:08
rasterjust in different partitions17:09
rasterpartitions SUCK17:09
* raster sucks on his n900 partitions17:09
rasteralways leaving u with no space in 1 spot17:09
rasterand all the spare room somewhere else17:09
LynoureAny of you use Nokia SDK for development for maemo5?17:14
LynoureI don't seem to have Maemo Emulator configured by the SDK and I have no idea what to do with that.17:14
rasterLynoure: yes17:14
rasterthoi dont use the emulation stuff17:15
rasterjust scratchbox for building17:15
Lynoureraster: One you have set up yourself?17:15
rasterwell not like it was already on my machine17:15
rasterso i did have to set it up17:15
rasteri wish the gcc handled neon asm properly :)17:16
Lynoureraster: I guess I'll have to dig out the instructions and do that... I'm getting really frustrated with this. (even the device simulator shows just desktop widgets, not maemo widgets)17:16
rasterand my arm toosl didnt segv inside of it for some unknown reasons17:16
raster(and gdb isnt of much use)17:16
* ShadowJK longs for some nonsucky SD/uSD/USB-flash :(17:17
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rasteri guess i could try the qemu and gdb remote stuff17:17
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rasterb ut it seems the build tools work on other sbox sdk's fine17:18
pogwow from my N90017:18
rasterand on the real arm targets fine17:18
rasterso beats me whats up17:18
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LynoureThe Nokia SDK claims it does the setup for you... but nah, no such luck so far.17:21
Lynoureraster: other box's sdk is Nokia SDK or Maemo5 SDK?17:22
pogas I read you develop on PC with this kit and the crosscompile... (but I not yet have tried out).17:22
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rasterLynoure: its another scratchbox based sdk for arm+linux+stuff for a different linux os17:24
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Lynoureraster: yes, but which sdk of the two?17:24
rasterdifferent os17:24
Lynoureah, different target os, you mean?17:25
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rasterwell still linux, glibc, x11, etc,17:26
rasterjust yes - a different os in name and marketing. not in general raw "guts and infra"17:26
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rasteri test my stuff against many an
rasterit keeps me honest17:27
rasterneed to find out why yuv texture stuff is not working on tegra2 tomorrow17:27
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rasterjust to make my chi feel better about "hopefuly not violating an gl-es spec assumptions that work on sxg and s3c gpu's and desktop gl, but not gles "strictly" and nvidia has interpreted it that way for tegra2"17:28
rasterso to speak17:28
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Andy1210hi, i tried compile supertux2 (v0.3.3) with opengles support, build completed, but when i start the game, no image, just black screen with sound...  I can start the leveles, and etc, but no image :D. Could anyone help me? pls :)17:29
rasteri found the older gle-s drivers had some egl correctness bugs17:30
rasterthey dont allow proper egl fb config specification according to the egl specs17:30
rasterso u have to disable some requested info to get thinjgs to work17:30
rasteri want ot get a latest update to test if those and other bugs have been fixed17:31
DocScrutinizerraster: updating to 1.2 from 1.1 on a device with many installed apps of which a large number isn't optified, that's actually a pita17:32
rasterDocScrutinizer:  actually most are17:33
rasterits all my dev shit17:34
rastergcc, -dev pkgs17:34
rasteretc. i think17:34
rasterbloody partitions17:34
rastershould just have / on mmc17:34
rasterand be done with it17:34
rastera single / mmc partition17:34
rasterand thats it17:34
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DocScrutinizerand of course my personal POV:17:36
infobotoptification is probably a inventive duct tape workaround to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the partitioning is FUBAR, or,_Deploying_and_Distributing/Installing_under_opt_and_MyDocs17:36
rasterDocScrutinizer:  no more nand17:37
rastermuch better17:37
rasteraccept it17:37
rasternand is for bootloader and a rescu os fs+kernel17:37
rasterthats it17:37
rasterand maybe some perisstent info17:37
rasterlike have a snapshjotting logging fs17:37
DocScrutinizercouldn't agree more17:38
rasterand stick in nand the last known good snapshot date/rev/tag17:38
rasterso if all hell break sloose during a pkg upgrade17:38
rasteru can reboot into the last known good snap17:38
rasternand just keeps a circular bufefer with a list of those known tags and dates and some meta-info for them17:38
DocScrutinizerthe basic brainfart is to have /usr on NAND17:38
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DocScrutinizer(and of course /var as well)17:39
Corsacdon't forget /srv17:39
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DocScrutinizersorry no idea what /srv is all about17:42
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rasteri wonder if i should uninstall all those spurious language packages i never use17:43
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Noobmonk3yooo an fmms update - i'm behind the times17:49
* Noobmonk3y slaps frals around a bit with a trout17:49
Corsaca large one?17:49
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Noobmonk3yfrals - why does it still say "send and receive MMS, hopefully"??!17:50
Noobmonk3yand yes Corsac it was a tunafish sized trout17:50
MohammadAGNoobmonk3y, extra optimism17:50
Noobmonk3ylol Mo17:50
Noobmonk3ywow 120kb - biggy for fmms17:51
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Noobmonk3yno visible change :P17:52
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EchooAnyone knows where the placement of widgets on the home screens are saved?18:02
DocScrutinizerRST38h: ssh (both server and client) never blocked SSU for me18:02
RST38hDoc: Did for me18:03
RST38hNot that I am saying it will do so always18:03
DocScrutinizeralso I never heard of this before18:03
fralsNoobmonk3y: because users still suck ;)18:03
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alteregoin gconf18:05
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Noobmonk3ylol frals :)18:12
fralsso hows you Noobmonk3y? not seen you in ages18:13
Noobmonk3yvery good thankee, finally got round to setting up my pc :)18:13
Noobmonk3yjust finished dloading the sdk, so may give Madde or similar a go18:14
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Noobmonk3yhows finland frals?18:16
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Noobmonk3ystill cold up there? :P18:17
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fralsheh, tis decent.. fuckin weather is horrible now18:17
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fralsbut im in stockholm this weekend so enjoying being back to civilziation :D18:17
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Noobmonk3yyay! :)18:17
Noobmonk3ynice it is so close :)18:18
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Noobmonk3ybit like me working in paris i spose :P18:18
Noobmonk3ydownside would have to be speaking french though lol18:18
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binceany one knows how to execute a c file in maemo,i mean from within the scratchbox18:22
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bincei used this code to compile it in scratchbox      gcc base.c `pkg-config hildon-1 --cflags --libs` -o base18:23
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alteregobince: ./base18:23
bincealterego:oh thanx a lot18:23
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sevardI can't copy or paste from or to Tear or Midori's url bar.  does anyone know why? or am i stuck using microb :/18:29
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Venemo_N900sevard: Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V should work everywhere18:35
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MNZOk so who here has heard of DMAI and gstreamer_ti ?18:53
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Chibi-Taigaanyone know how i can make an m3u playlist for n900 ?19:08
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DocScrutinizers/everywhere/almost everywhere, except in xterm and similar apps where those keys got special meanings/19:08
jpinx-eeepcChibi-Taiga: I told you earlier19:09
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Chibi-Taigaearlyer ?19:10
Chibi-Taigai probaly didnt read it19:10
jpinx-eeepcso much for giving you help then :p19:11
Chibi-Taigacopy/paste it pls19:11
* jpinx-eeepc can't be arsed /lastlogging it 19:11
jpinx-eeepca M3U file is just a text file - nothing magic - copy the format and write your own19:12
Chibi-Taigai like to write it by pc , i thought it was like '/home/user/MyDocs/Music/"19:12
Chibi-Taigabut no luck19:12
Chibi-Taigaits easyer with playlists, specialy if you have acdsee jusr select all and copy > paste in notepad and save as m3u19:14
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Chibi-Taigaok just rename the folder but thats 1 shot to with replace19:14
Chibi-Taigait would be beter if the nokias could folder play19:14
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Andy1210i tried compile supertux2 (v0.3.3) with opengles support, build completed, but when i start the game, no image, just black screen with sound...  I can start the leveles, and etc, but no image :D. Could anyone help me? pls :)19:15
Chibi-Taigabtw where does n900 save its playlist ?19:15
Chibi-Taigai might take it and use it as sample19:16
kerioAndy1210: why aren't you using the sw renderer?19:16
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Andy1210because slow and laggy19:17
Chibi-Taigai cant find anything usefull on google eighter19:17
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DocScrutinizerChibi-Taiga: /home/user/.mafw-playlists/*19:19
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Chibi-Taigaso with that line i can make a playlist ?19:20
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lcukAndy1210, you will have to look at how tuxrace was compiled19:21
lcukand see about similar19:21
* lcuk plays supertux original often19:22
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DocScrutinizerChibi-Taiga: yup19:25
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DocScrutinizerand with grep FmpAudioPlaylist  /home/user/.mafw-playlists/*  line you even can get current playlist it seems19:26
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Chibi-Taigaso "/home/user/.mafw-playlists/music/exit trance/" ?19:27
Andy1210tuxrace not similar19:27
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DocScrutinizer51Chibi-Taiga: mafw is using tracker database to refer to media files, so please look at the content you findin path quoted above, and relate what you find to what youcreated with 'save playlist' in mediaplayer19:33
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Chibi-Taigaim in that folder, but how can i see what files aare in there? ,im totaly not used to linux based systems19:34
Chibi-Taiga<- windows noob19:34
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secyritasls will help :)19:34
secyritasi prefer ls -lsA19:34
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DocScrutinizer51Chibi-Taiga: tracker in turn is relying on tags inside mp3 rather than directory structure, so creating your own playlists in a generic way will involve getting the content of thos ID3 tags19:35
Chibi-Taigauhh ?19:35
lollooHow do you take screenshot of your N900?19:35
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Chibi-Taigai used to creat playlist for my n82 "e:\Music\Exit Trance Presents Speed Anime Trance Best 7\" that always worked19:36
Chibi-Taigabut this is more difficult, i should have stayed symbian19:36
lollooIt didnt work!19:36
* DocScrutinizer51 shrugs19:36
DocScrutinizer51it worked19:37
DocScrutinizer51lolloo: it always works19:37
Chibi-Taigai always use playlists instead tags and the order how nokias order them19:37
Chibi-Taigaits confusing19:37
DocScrutinizer51Chibi-Taiga: ack19:37
Chibi-Taigait should be like the walkmenphones onf sony19:37
DocScrutinizer51mediaplayer and tracker are a brainfuck and a PITA19:38
Chibi-Taigajust simple play a folder , although a playlist is fine to sothat it plays on order19:38
lollooDocScrutinizer51: where is the shot?19:38
jpinx-eeepctracker - as in gps ?19:38
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lolloowhere can I find the screenshot I did by using Ctrl+shift+P19:39
DocScrutinizerlolloo: /home/user/MyDocs/.images/Screenshots19:39
lollooDocScrutinizer51: I will check, thank you!19:40
DocScrutinizeror in imageviewer, after tracker has indexed them :-P19:40
Chibi-Taigai guess i make them the long way -.-19:40
DocScrutinizerjpinx-eeepc: tracker as in spotlight / kerry beagle / desktop search, dunno what19:41
Chibi-Taiga1043 music files but ohwell19:41
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lollooDocScrutinizer51: oh Thank you! you the man!19:42
DocScrutinizerChibi-Taiga: at least with decent ID3 tags you got interprets & albums as generated 'playlists' in mediaplayer. And there's musorgsky app to add cover art and edit ID3 on N90019:42
Chibi-Taigawell, i have folders to with random tracs19:43
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DocScrutinizerChibi-Taiga: I am completely on same page with you about size and type of balls it sucks that media player doesn't know a shit about directory structure of media file collections, but meh19:44
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Chibi-Taigathats why i want to creat playlists but i dont know how its formulated for n90019:44
DocScrutinizerthere's just so much you can do about it19:44
Chibi-Taigaplaylist is easyer for me19:45
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Chibi-Taigai cant even figure out what drive leter the massa storage has mby that will fix the problem like on smartphones symbian19:45
DocScrutinizerChibi-Taiga: do `ls -l /home/user/.mafw-playlists`; then save a playlist and do same again. You'll find a new file19:46
Chibi-Taigaill try19:47
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DocScrutinizerthen you look at that new file by `cat /home/user/.mafw-playlists/4` for example, where 4 is the name of the new file19:47
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DocScrutinizer6. line=number of files (guess); 3. line is name of playlist you gave;  2. line is ???; 8.+ lines are the songs in your playlist19:50
Chibi-Taigauhh ?19:50
Chibi-Taigai made an test playlist in the media player19:50
Chibi-Taiganamed as test19:50
Chibi-Taigabut it doesnt seems to find it19:51
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DocScrutinizerthe name of the file is not you playlist name19:51
Chibi-Taigao i c19:51
DocScrutinizerit's a random sequence number integer19:51
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DocScrutinizer3. line is name of playlist you gave19:52
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Chibi-Taiga for ls -l /home/user/.mafw-playlists/19:53
DocScrutinizermost likely your new playlist is the highest number file you find by `ls -l /home/user/.mafw-playlists`19:53
Chibi-Taigaam i going the rite way ?19:54
DocScrutinizeryup, do `cat /home/user/.mafw-playlists/4` as suggested above19:54
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Chibi-Taigalike that19:56
DocScrutinizerChibi-Taiga: but honestly and no offense intended - are you sure you have the necessary knowledge to deal with creating your own new playlists this way?19:56
GAN900w00t_, your avatar really has that "Muahaha!" evil smirk look going at the pixel count.19:57
Chibi-Taigauhh not this way, it looks complicated compare to windows way19:57
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Chibi-Taigai thought it woulda be simple to creat an m3u like on the smartphones19:58
DocScrutinizerseems mediaplayer doesn't care about m3u :-S19:58
Chibi-Taigai simply selected all random tracks and copy and then pasted it in notepac19:58
Chibi-Taigawell it does read m3u19:58
Chibi-Taigabut just the directory19:59
Chibi-Taigait cant locate the files cuz the folder is wrong19:59
Chibi-Taigalike i said earlyer i though /home/user/mydocs/music/19:59
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Chibi-Taigabut it seems it doesnt work that way20:00
Chibi-Taigaand i cant find on google eighter how it folders it20:02
MohammadAGcan someone post the output of uname -r for kernel-power20:02
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Chibi-Taigaif i only know how i can access the right pad to music20:04
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Chibi-Taigalinux is to complicated -.-20:08
lcukChibi-Taiga, my care engine is complicated too, i could never fix it myself, but i can still happily drive my car around.20:10
Chibi-Taigai get an headache of this phone20:10
Chibi-Taigaall i wanted is a simple playlist not a code playlist20:11
lolloo hahaha20:11
Chibi-Taigasimply just d:\music\random\20:11
Chibi-Taiganever thought it would be this hard for something simple like it should be20:12
lcukChibi-Taiga, hmm lemme just read scrollback because it shouldnt be *odd*20:12
Chibi-Taigawhy in the heck does it support m3u anyways20:12
Dassuif I remember correctly m3u should be just a text file with file paths20:13
Chibi-Taigait is a simple text file20:13
lolloo<Chibi-Taiga> get used to it.20:13
Chibi-Taigafor a player that cant order like nokia players20:13
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Dassujust do "ls dir > file.m3u" to create it20:13
lolloothis is not a phone its a gadget20:14
Dassulinux is awesome :)20:14
Chibi-Taigai want to creat it on pc20:14
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Chibi-Taigaeasyer copy/paste20:14
Chibi-Taigaand done20:14
lollooDassu: I really want to know basics of linux, where do I start:20:14
lcukdoesnt media player end up showing things in folders/albums anyway20:14
* lcuk has never touched console to play music20:15
DocScrutinizerfolders no, albums yes20:15
lolloolcuk: how did you do that?20:15
lcukwell my mp3s are just in folders20:15
lolloololloo has never20:15
lcukand media player ended up deciding that they are albums20:15
* lcuk shrugs20:15
Chibi-Taigai has few cd's and losts randoms20:15
lolloommm how did you write in 3rd person?20:16
Chibi-Taigabut i noticed this phone dont play on order20:16
lolloololloo has never used20:16
Dassulolloo: dunno actually20:16
Chibi-Taigait plays on artst or something20:16
DocScrutinizerlcuk: nope20:16
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: tracker decided they are albums, based on ID3 tags20:16
lcukit knows kylie fever20:16
lcukthats just a folder20:16
Dassulolloo: well double tab presses gives you list of commands20:16
lcukand pulp different class20:16
Chibi-Taigaits bothersome to use i3d tags20:17
Dassulolloo: then there is "man" thar gives you the manual20:17
lcukwhoosh then :S20:17
* lcuk carries on bashing liqflow into submission20:18
Chibi-Taigawhy does nokai miss something this special" folder play"20:18
DocScrutinizernobody knows20:18
Dassulolloo: then you might search for the "bash guide" actually you can script (do programming) on linux shell. like " if [ 0 ]; then echo lol ; fi"20:18
Chibi-Taigasigh ill keep using my n9520:19
lcukChibi-Taiga, is the music actually coming over to your 900 correctly20:19
lcukits just not playlisting in the order you want?20:19
jpinx-eeepcDocScrutinizer: has to be said that the n900 default software is badly sukky20:20
DocScrutinizeranyway you can play single files from folders, by clicking them in filemanager20:20
Chibi-Taigawell for random tracs its anoying20:20
DassuChibi-Taiga: You should be excited to enbark on this new mission ( Like indiana jones)20:20
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Chibi-Taiganeed a player like TTpod20:21
Chibi-Taigathats one awesome custom player20:21
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: seems Chibi-Taiga has random selections of mp3 in a folder called 'my-evenings-playlist' or whatever, or he has ludwig_van/9/1.mp3 and it doesn't have ID3 tags so is sorted under 'unknown interpret' by mediaplayer20:22
Chibi-Taigathere are linked tracs, well tracks that follow to each other20:23
Chibi-Taigabut since it are only 2-3 trachs i drop it under random20:24
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Chibi-Taigai just dont get it why it support m3u i cant make one20:25
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Chibi-Taigai guess linux systes dont use drive letter20:25
Chibi-Taigaassignments w/e20:25
crashanddie_not at all20:25
DocScrutinizerfact is (for all I've seen) mediaplayer doesn't know a shit about file hirachy, and only cares about ID3 tags, displaying the plain filename only for files.mp3 that have no tags at all20:25
crashanddie_it mounts a filesystem to a directory20:25
Chibi-Taigai give up, i hope someday someone creat a plugin "folder play"20:27
Chibi-Taigai tryed everything i can think of to creat m3u files20:28
Chibi-Taigabut it cant find the files20:28
DocScrutinizereven for those ID3-less files there's no way to get info about full pathname of file and implicit details like album-name/some-song.mp3 - the album name goes unnoticed20:28
Chibi-Taigai dont care for id320:29
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DocScrutinizeroooh :-o, sorry I didn't notice20:31
Chibi-Taigaall i want is "e:\Music\Exit Trance Presents Speed Anime Trance Best 7\01 Cagayake! GIRLS (K-ON! OP Theme).m4a" like that20:31
DocScrutinizer0,localtagfs::music/albums/Seventeen%2520Seconds/%2Fmedia%2Fmmc1%2Fallofmp3%2FC%2FCure%2C%20The%2FSeventeen%20Seconds%2F03%20 -%20Secrets.mp320:31
DocScrutinizeractually has full pathname20:31
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jacekowskifucking hell20:33
jacekowskii made some photos20:33
jacekowskiand then i had nothing in gallery20:33
jacekowskior anywhere20:33
DocScrutinizerlol, killed tracker?20:34
jacekowskijust messages in dmesg that there was some problem with fs20:34
jacekowskiwhy there was no message that saving failed20:34
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Chibi-Taigaphotos i make appear on pc link under images20:35
DocScrutinizerChibi-Taiga: do you think your "e:\Music\Exit Trance Presen..." foo would work even on a different winblows box, where those friggin driveletters might be completely different?20:35
Chibi-Taigawhat you mean ?20:36
DocScrutinizerI mean you're asking for something to work on a linux device which would fail even on windows20:37
jacekowski[ 3650.241302] FAT: Filesystem error (dev mmcblk1p1)20:37
jacekowski[ 3650.241302]     fat_get_cluster: invalid cluster chain (i_pos 371193997)20:37
jacekowski[ 3650.241333] FAT: Filesystem error (dev mmcblk1p1)20:37
jacekowski[ 3650.241333]     fat_get_cluster: invalid cluster chain (i_pos 371193997)20:37
jacekowskithat kind of shit20:37
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Chibi-Taigano on windows it works fine >_>20:39
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Chibi-Taigaals on my n9520:39
Chibi-Taigabut i know i cant use that path for n900 so i thought to change it to" /home/user/mydocs/music/Exit Trance Presents Speed Anime Trance Best 7\01 Cagayake! GIRLS (K-ON! OP Theme).m4a"20:40
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: m3u files have relative paths20:40
DocScrutinizeron *your* windows it works fine, locally. You never tested the porting to a different machine, and now you bitch it doesn't work to port these playlists tah work for your local setup, when you take them to linux20:40
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: <Chibi-Taiga> all i want is "e:\Music\Exit Trance Presents Speed Anime Trance Best 7\01 Cagayake! GIRLS (K-ON! OP Theme).m4a" like that20:40
Chibi-Taigaall systems i have is windows20:41
jacekowskiunless it's m3u made with some braindead player20:41
Chibi-Taigaand i know each pc has its own drive assignemt20:41
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Chibi-Taigaif i copy file to c it would be "c:\Exit Trance Presents Speed Anime Trance Best 7\01 Cagayake! GIRLS (K-ON! OP Theme).m4a"20:41
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Chibi-Taigathat are things i know but i dont know anything for linux20:42
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jacekowskibesides, nobody listen to trance20:42
* DocScrutinizer gives up20:43
jacekowskim3u should be portable20:43
jacekowskibecause it's using relative file names20:43
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Chibi-Taigawell i copy them from pc to device20:43
DocScrutinizerthen obviously that's no m3u Chibi-Taiga is using20:43
Chibi-Taigai dont use any applications20:43
Chibi-Taigawell its made by foobar20:44
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Chibi-Taigabut it seems i cant copu the old m3u files to this device20:45
jacekowskifoobar uses absolute paths20:45
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DocScrutinizerso can we agree on "use decent tools and please don't pester linux folks about borkedness of windows shitty tools", pretty please?20:46
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jacekowskithing is that most players try to deal with absolute paths20:47
jacekowskiand find files20:47
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DocScrutinizerso what?20:48
jacekowskiso, at the moment i've got no photos20:48
DocScrutinizerpatch linux to support windows driveletters???20:48
Chibi-Taigaso what app can make them for linux ?20:48
jacekowskibecause n900 decided that my fs is fucked without any warning20:48
keriojacekowski: ass rage now20:48
keriodisable automounter on your local box, ass rage, dd everything20:49
keriothen fsck20:49
jacekowskii did20:49
jacekowskibut it's too late now20:49
DocScrutinizerkerio: thanks for a few sensible words, I was about to go nuts20:49
jacekowskiphotos are gone20:49
jacekowskiif it would warn me i could deal with the problem20:50
jacekowskibut there was no warning20:50
keriouse a recoverer20:50
keriosomething like undelete20:50
jacekowskiphotos were not written at all20:50
keriooh, you mean the last two photos20:50
keriowho cares20:50
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kerioit's your data you're talking about here20:50
Chibi-Taigaanyways atleast tell me what app i can use to make playlist readablefor n90020:51
kerioChibi-Taiga: really, fix your tags :<20:51
keriothere are a couple programs who can find tags from the path20:51
Chibi-Taigabut tags arnt good for randomness20:51
keriotags are *definetely* good for randomness20:52
kerioas a side note, i don't listen to anything that isn't worth listening togheter with the full album20:53
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crashanddiekerio: so when you go for a quickie, you watch anal addicts 1 through 12?20:53
keriocrashanddie: nah, i just continue where i left off20:54
Chibi-Taigamy tags looks like
crashanddiekerio: good one :P20:54
kerioChibi-Taiga: so?20:54
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crashanddieChibi-Taiga: is it a japanese song?20:54
kerioi don't expect my english songs to have an italian title20:55
Chibi-Taigabasicly all are i only romanized them for n9520:55
Chibi-Taigan95 no kanji support20:55
Chibi-Taigaseems n900 has kanji support20:55
lcukChibi-Taiga, lol, so you can flex your stuff for the n95 but can't do similar flexing for n90020:55
lcukwhich by tagging your media would actually help for now and evermore :P20:56
kerioromanizing japanese is not that hard20:56
kerioanyway, if you're really into japanese music, you should learn at least the alphabet20:56
crashanddiekerio: nope, you just need an english keyboard :D20:56
Chibi-Taigaeh ? likei said i said i used playlist, ofcource n95 had kanji tracks witch appeared as squares20:56
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kerioso... you didn't fix the tags and lived with the square titles?20:56
lcukwhich would help with randomness i bet20:56
keriolcuk: lol20:57
Chibi-Taigaso what part do i have to fix then ?20:57
kerioChibi-Taiga: meh, write a script to romanize the tags for you20:57
crashanddieAnd also awesome if you want to share it with a friend, "Dude, what's that song's name?" "errr."20:57
lcukrun an id3 scanner on it20:57
lcukto store id3 tags based on your folder stuff?20:57
keriooh, right20:58
kerioi'd just use a romaji converter20:58
Chibi-Taigai dont get it anymore though20:59
kerioChibi-Taiga: the default mediaplayer is somewhat of a nonstandard mess20:59
Chibi-Taigathe media player can read on album or artist20:59
kerioso yeah, good luck on getting playlists on20:59
Chibi-Taigaso i have to rename all albumsto random ?20:59
keriowhat do you want to do?20:59
keriolisten to random songs?21:00
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crashanddiejust press the "random" button?21:00
keriothere's a button to do that, yknow21:00
crashanddieor shuffle21:00
keriocrashanddie: dude!21:00
keriodo you *want* apple to sue you?21:00
crashanddieI'm not afraid21:00
crashanddieI'm drinking orange juice!21:01
Chibi-Taigai used to play them in folders
Chibi-Taigajust like they apear21:01
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keriowhere... where's the antialias21:02
kerioi don't even21:02
lcukChibi-Taiga, you could look at different media players which do what you want21:03
lcukbut the system one does not21:03
lcuki believe ukmp plays by folder21:03
lcukand when canola comes out that should too afaik21:04
Chibi-Taigai see21:04
lcukso if you want to group like you have them21:04
lcukyou will have to id3 tag them into whatever combination you want21:04
Chibi-Taigai do since w850i21:04
lcukprior to copying on21:04
lcuki understand21:04
lcukits a quesiton a lot of people have pondered21:04
Chibi-Taigawhen i got n95 and n82 i created playlist21:05
keriolcuk: do you know of media players that support bluetooth controls?21:05
lcukbut the tracker for whatever reason does not care for the layout of your mmc folders21:05
lcukbut you could look :P21:05
* lcuk rarely plays much music21:05
* DocScrutinizer is pondering to throw together a silly lil script to create mediaplayer playlists from folder names21:05
Chibi-Taigagood thing is it supports flac to now , no more converting needed21:05
lcukDocScrutinizer, ++21:06
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lcukand allow it to be rerun21:06
lcukto rescan as required21:06
DocScrutinizersure :-P21:06
* lcuk supports that kind of thinking21:06
lcuksimple workaroundish at least21:06
Chibi-Taigaoh another question , perl where can i get it since some xchat scripts need it21:07
keriolcuk: because it's supposed to be file-agnostic21:08
DocScrutinizerI'm not sure xchat on N900 is perl-enabled21:08
keriomove songs, media player doesn't care21:08
Chibi-Taigai see21:08
lcukhmm perl is deffo available, but as doc says xchat might not have it usable21:09
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Chibi-Taigawhen i try loading a script it ask for perl or python w/e its called21:10
DocScrutinizerRST38h refuses to pull in too many dependencies for building xchat21:10
Chibi-Taigai see21:10
DocScrutinizerpython definitely isn't enabled in xchat21:10
kerioisn't python preinstalled?21:11
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kerioif it's not, i should really install it21:11
DocScrutinizerRST38h: where's my python enabled xchat?? :-P21:11
Chibi-Taigatobad there is no mirc for linux21:11
kerioChibi-Taiga: mirc is a mediocre irc client21:11
lcukperl not a dep of xchat21:11
lcukerr perl not mentioned as a dependency within xchat21:12
DocScrutinizerkerio: the xchat python plugin is missing21:12
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crashanddielcuk: I thought about making a nifty IRC client using liqbase21:12
kerioDocScrutinizer: no, i mean, python21:12
MohammadAG51infobot, maemosdk21:12
infobotmaemosdk is probably
keriopossibly python321:12
Chibi-Taigai rather use mirc then xchat21:12
crashanddielcuk: or at least a fast UI framework21:12
lcukcrashanddie, sure, i thought about it too21:12
kerioChibi-Taiga: so install windows 98 under dosbox21:12
lcuki even started to make some notes:
lcukcrashanddie, ^21:13
Chibi-Taigathats to slow , i tryed that on n82 , and 300mhz wont make any difrents21:13
crashanddieChibi-Taiga: then / than.21:13
Chibi-Taiganot for an windows21:13
kerioChibi-Taiga: you should also read about sarcasm21:13
crashanddielcuk: it needs some sexing up though21:13
Chibi-Taigasofar n900is an ok phone though, just need to get used to the os21:14
lcukcrashanddie, indeed it does :)21:15
keriohuh? it's not a phone21:15
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lcuki was more intested in looking at functionality21:15
Chibi-Taigaok pocket pc21:15
lcukand requirements21:15
lcukthan of making it look good too early21:16
trumeekerio: yes it is indeed a pocket pc since it cant make sip calls reliably.21:16
keriopocketpcs are made by microsoft21:16
kerioit's a NIT21:16
keriodammit >.<21:16
trumeekerio: NIT, whatever.21:16
Chibi-Taiganetbook >_>21:17
Chibi-Taigamini netbook21:17
Chibi-Taigaonly flash is missing21:17
MNZnini metbook!21:17
Chibi-Taigaans silverlight21:17
Chibi-Taigalaso is miss hdmi >_>21:18
kerioflash is there :|21:18
Chibi-Taigaadome flash player ?21:18
Chibi-Taigaplugin for web browser ?21:19
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trumee3 months on a 'major' sip bug and no resolution until now, bug #1038821:19
povbotBug Choppy audio in SIP conversation, WLAN power save problem?21:19
Chibi-Taigai cant view youtube21:19
kerioworks perfectly here21:19
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Chibi-Taigaguess its opera then21:20
Chibi-Taigathat donw play youtube21:20
lollooI have firefox, how can I install flash for youtube?21:21
trumeeChibi-Taiga: opera doesnt support flash on N90021:21
lolloowhich package should i21:21
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lolloowhat extention should I download?21:22
Chibi-Taigafirefox for n900 ?21:22
lollooyes please...21:22
Chibi-Taigai need that21:22
lollooit directed me to adobe website to download flash21:22
lolloobut which extention is compatibil with N900?21:23
Chibi-Taigalinux probaly21:24
Chibi-Taigabtw are there any good vid players for mkv ?21:24
nox-i tried enabling flash with fennec but i only got audio...21:25
keriololloo: there's an extension for fennec that enables the plugin for youtube21:25
nox-oh i just enabled it in about:config21:25
JaffaChibi-Taiga: FWIW, only provides x86 and x86_64 Linux images21:27
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Chibi-Taigai see21:27
kerioit's preinstalled21:27
kerioit just doesn't work on opear21:27
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Chibi-Taigameh firefox is crap it doesnt support plugins i use on pc21:38
tank-manyou mean adobe doesnt support the browser you use21:39
lollookerio: Thank you, but in the site which file is compatible with maemo5?21:39
keriololloo: it's preinstalled21:39
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Chibi-Taigaopera is the best for now, tobad no flash support but i use the regular wb for it21:40
KMFDMChibi-Taiga, the built in web browser has flash support21:41
Chibi-Taigai know21:41
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Chibi-Taigai just tested it21:41
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Chibi-Taigajust opera dont21:41
lolloowhat about firefox?21:41
lollooit does support flahs21:41
Chibi-Taigait sems i cant find out how to get flash running in ff21:42
lollooI think firefox is best21:42
lolloofast too21:42
Chibi-Taigaalso it dont suppor some of the plugins i use on pc21:42
Chibi-Taigafast ?21:42
Chibi-Taigayoure nuts21:42
Chibi-Taigaff is one of the slowest web brouwser21:42
Chibi-Taigasince it takes alot ram to load it21:42
Chibi-Taigaeven on my pc it takes uo +/-10 sec befor ff opens21:43
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Chibi-Taigaup to *21:43
Chibi-Taigaits just ff supports alot21:43
Chibi-Taigais a reason why i use it on pc21:43
Chibi-Taigaoh yeah is there an messenger live for maemo ?21:46
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MohammadAG51psfreedom needs musb_core.h to be built21:53
MohammadAG51that's not part of the headers package21:53
MohammadAG51can i provide binaries in the source package, or should I pull in the whole kernel source?21:54
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keriodid you all ignore Chibi-Taiga but me?21:55
lcuk"musb_core.h" needs building?21:57
lcukwhat does it get compiled into21:57
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lcukits a header..21:57
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* Noobmonk3y lols21:57
jacekowskiMohammadAG51: add build depend to kernel sources21:57
lolloolol @kerio21:58
lcukkerio, o_O no i had looked away22:00
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Noobmonk3ylol and yay!!!! scratchbox is working!22:03
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MohammadAG51lcuk, musb.c i think22:05
MohammadAG51err, .o22:05
MohammadAG51then it goes in the kernel22:05
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lcukMohammadAG51, check first22:07
lolloodoes maemo use 3d graphics very well? I get sluggish performance when moving through apps!22:07
lcukbecause .h usually does not produce anything22:07
lcuksince its headers22:07
lcuklolloo, powervr dashboard and desktop panning and stuff22:07
lcukand the dialogs fade and pop using it22:08
MohammadAG51i'll check the full source when i'm back22:08
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lcukwhen do you get sluggishnes22:08
MohammadAG51should get a bag for my new laptop22:08
MohammadAG51it doesn't fit in my old 12" one, for obvious reasons22:08
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Noobmonk3yright, back laters! :)22:09
Noobmonk3ynite alls22:09
lolloolcuk: contacts, programs dashboard22:09
lcuklolloo, dashboard works for many people, which bit of it doesnt22:09
lcuknite Noobmonk3y22:09
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lolloolcuk: When scrolling through my apps i get sluggish movements as if thier is no gfx card built in the fone, and dont forget contacts! horrible slideshow!22:12
* nox- suspects the sluggishness just means is swapping22:13
ShadowJKI get sluggishness when scrolling stuff in gpodder too :)22:14
* ShadowJK blames gtk22:14
nox-.oO(which might be the reason iphones only allow running one app at a time?)22:14
Chibi-Taigathe worst ever22:14
Chibi-Taigaonlything thats good about them is the display22:14
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Chibi-Taigathats all the rest is crap for a huge ammount of $$22:15
lolloono really I get bad performance when looking through my contacts!22:15
* nox- still remembers the time when apple computers came with schematics and everything, and now you have to `jailbreak' their stuff...22:15
Chibi-Taigamy n900 works fine wit htat22:15
nox-where has the world come to :(22:15
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lolloomaemo5 should have better gfx drivers! Dont you guys think that?22:16
Chibi-Taigaits probaly not the drivers but the chip22:16
lollooI even overclocked my fone but sluggynish is still there!22:16
Chibi-Taiga825 mhz here22:16
Chibi-Taigaworks fine22:16
lollooDo you use QcpuFreq?22:17
Chibi-Taigawhen i try 900mhz, it reboots but its still stock22:17
Chibi-Taigaxterminal overclock22:17
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Chibi-Taiga900mhz is safe still22:18
Chibi-Taiga1150 mhz is rage22:18
Chibi-Taigayoure phone need to be realy stable to run that22:19
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rtyleris there any means of using GnuPG with maemo 5's built-in mail client?22:19
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lcuknox-, one app at a time wouldnt matter, its the sheer work that gtk + x11 combined have to do and whilst I know theres optimisations around, am not sure of whether they were stable and generic enough to be accepted22:20
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nox-mm idunnu xorg on my 486 was more `responsive' as long as the box wasnt swapping...22:22
infobot"OK, listen up.  This is your CPU."  apt drops the CPU into a hot frying pan.  "This is your CPU on overclocking.  Any questions?"22:22
infobotMNZ: :)22:22
RST38hyes, what if I...22:23
RST38hand then...22:23
lcuknox-, make your 486 do compositing too22:23
RST38hit should work, right?22:23
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nox-lcuk, :)22:23
MNZ~nuke Overclocked N90022:23
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at Overclocked N900 ... B☢☢M!22:23
nox-lcuk, the gfx card could only do 2d `accelleration' (was an s3 trio 64 with 2 MB)22:24
rtyler~nuke nox's house22:24
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at nox's house ... B☢☢M!22:24
Chibi-Taigalike i said its fully tested 900 mhz is safe22:25
Chibi-Taigaover it its a chance to break it22:25
Chibi-Taiga1150 mhz can do at max22:25
nox-rtyler, the 486 was already dead anyway :P22:25
lollooI did 1000 but using QcpuFreq22:25
lolloois it reliable?22:25
Chibi-Taigai dont know22:26
lcukoi Chibi-Taiga22:26
lcuk"is safe"22:26
lcukquit that22:26
Chibi-Taigawell acording to the forums 900mhz is safe22:26
lcukin your singular experience you may run that22:26
lolloocan you provide me with the commands for xterm?22:26
Chibi-Taigayou need files for it22:26
lollooi did22:26
Chibi-Taigaand i posted the link for it22:26
lolloouname -r22:26
Chibi-Taigajust register22:26
lollooi get power4022:27
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jacekowskiChibi-Taiga: we already had couple people here with broken phones22:27
lollookernel-config something22:27
jacekowskiChibi-Taiga: because they were thinking that 800MHz is safe22:27
jacekowskiyou will be next22:27
crashanddiejacekowski: god, you're such a troll :P22:27
Chibi-Taigawill see22:27
crashanddiewell, not a troll, just a douche, really.22:27
jacekowskido i look like i care?22:27
Chibi-Taigasofar it runs like this 2 months22:27
crashanddieChibi-Taiga: that being said, jacekowski is right. You'll break your phone, and then come and cry in here22:28
crashanddieat which point, we'll go "haha"22:28
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nox-if it really was `safe' wouldnt it already be running at that speed by default already?22:29
nox-hm one already too much :)22:29
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rtylerhow about this, a vnc server for maemo5?22:29
lcukthere is one22:29
rtylerin the garage?22:29
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* rtyler is still getting used to digging about22:30
lcukmaemo packages interface is good22:30
lcukfor eywords22:30
crashanddienot only that, nox-, but the real power would come from increasing the RAM speed, MMC speed, etc22:30
lcukrtyler, in HAM22:30
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Chibi-Taigalink for ram speed22:30
lollooChibi-Taiga: when I use QcpuFreq and alter the speed, I go to Xterm and type "kernel-config show"22:31
rtylerlcuk: what's HAM an acronym for?22:31
crashanddiertyler: Hildon Application Manager22:31
lcukhildon application manager22:31
lollooI get the new speed correctly22:31
rtylerah, is that something different than the default package manager in maemo5?22:31
jacekowskiit's the default app manager22:31
Chibi-Taigabut after reboor is the speed back to stock ?22:31
jacekowskithere is fapman as well22:31
jacekowskiand fapman is a lot faster22:32
lollooChibi-Taiga: yes22:32
Chibi-Taigawell the xterminal way stays22:32
Chibi-Taigano need to reconfig22:32
lollooalso Qcpufreq is easy22:32
lcukjacekowski, remove all your extra repositories22:32
lollooyou can change speed in one click22:32
lcukso its the proper safe ones22:32
lcukand its a lot lot faster22:33
lcuk-devel and -testing really strain it22:33
lollooChibi-Taiga: Thanks mate22:33
lcukwith thousands more packages than it ever used to have to handle22:33
Chibi-Taigaso what do i need for this Qcpufreq22:33
lcukand many many more versions thereof22:33
lolloommm but I still get sluggish movement in contacts22:33
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lollooChibi-Taiga: Nothing really just install it22:33
lollooand try it out22:34
Chibi-Taigalink ?22:34
rtylerone more stupid question, maemo5 is codenamed diablo or fremantle?22:34
lollooand use "kernel-config show" to be sure overclocked is applied22:34
Chibi-Taigaconky i use to se if its oced22:34
lolloolol @ rtyler22:34
rtylerI figure with x11vnc I'll be able to get stuff done faster while at my desktop22:35
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Chibi-Taigais it called Qcpufreq in app list ? cuz i didnt see it22:37
h4waiiapt-cache says the package name is qcpufreq22:37
infobotomap-oc is, like,  read that!22:38
Chibi-Taigauhh is that another packlist that apt cashe?22:38
rtylerhm, which package should I take, from the Freemantle extras-devel or extras-testing22:38
* rtyler wonders if the "testing" denotation is similar to debian22:38
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Chibi-Taigadevil doesnt even work for me22:38
h4waiirtyler; Most definitely not.22:38
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rtylergiven the choice between -devel and -testing though, I'm uncertain which is safer22:40
trumeeis there app which well let you search through contacts.22:40
rtylertrumee: the contacts app does22:40
h4waiitrumee; search for what?22:40
rtyleror do you mean by more than just name?22:40
trumeertyler: yes22:40
trumeeon PC is just do a grep on the vcf file.22:40
Chibi-TaigaQcpufreqohwell im happy it runs 82522:40
h4waiitrumee; install extended-contacts-search22:41
trumeei want to search for any string match in the contacts22:41
trumeeh4waii: cheers22:41
h4waiiSend beer.22:41
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trumeeh4waii: extras-devel app. hmm22:42
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h4waiitrumee; Continue and your own risk.22:44
jacktheripperI'm trying game development, and I noticed some banding in my 32-bit images. If this is because the n900's screen is 16bit, I can't find a way to convert those images into a suitable format. At least using Photoshop.22:44
jacktheripperanyone has any experience on this ?22:45
trumeeh4waii: yeah. last thing i want is to crash the contacts db.22:45
h4waiitrumee; Back it up, export all contacts to VCF and store off-site.22:45
trumeei miss syncing the phone with Kde using opensync.22:45
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h4waiitrumee; The plugin works just fine on my device for the past who knows long.22:45
trumeeh4waii: N95 worked very well with opensync. N900 just craps out.22:45
SpeedEviljacktheripper: Adding a little noise can help22:46
trumeeh4waii: i dont care much about funambol or google sync :(22:46
jacktheripperSpeedEvil: I don't get how noise could help. They're gradients.22:47
SpeedEviljacktheripper: If you add noise to the amount of 1/2 LSB, you 'dither' the banding22:47
trumeeh4waii: does it search in Note field as well?22:49
trumeeh4waii: doesnt mention that.22:49
h4waiitrumee; No.22:49
trumeeh4waii: ok. doesnt help me then.22:49
trumeeh4waii: i usually have interesting bits in the Note field.22:50
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keriojacktheripper: either use dithering, or use YUV22:51
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jacktheripperok guys. Thanks a lot. I'm trying dithering now.22:53
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jacktheripperI want it smooth. And noise doesn't make it look good. When I apply some blur, banding kicks back in. I'll check what YUV is now.22:55
Jartzaand another 3 day maemo-course22:57
Jartzathank god, advanced stuff and not again basic qt :)22:58
jacktheripperphotoshop does not support YUV :/22:59
h4waii:otep: Anybody here using BitchX?23:00
lcukjacktheripper, omg23:00
Chibi-Taiga wierd i dont even have them installed23:01
lcukjacktheripper, thats a real shock - but the YUV mode suggested is not just for images23:01
lcukit is a video mode and very different to the normal modes available23:01
lcukkerio mentioned it because it does indeed support full 24bit, but its not just a single switch in your code to make it work23:01
jacktheripperI noticed, after reading some.23:01
lcuk(incidentally, all jpeg images are stored as YUV internally..)23:02
lcukand you should not be attempting to use "smoothing" in your stuff23:02
lcukyou should be using dithering23:02
lcukthe same mechanism used commonly in gif images23:03
jacktheripperbut I don't want 24bit support. Isn't the screen 16bit ?23:03
lcukto allow their 256colors to be used as effectively as possible23:03
lcukjacktheripper, the x11 drivers and all the usual software side is set in 16bit mode23:03
lcukthe video card can support an alternative video mode (which is the yuv overlay) used for movies and other apps, which is YUV mode and sends full 24bit color over23:04
lcukbut i think even then the screen is not fully 24bit, i dont think any lcd is23:04
jacktheripperit's 18bit. I think. So that's why videos don't look as bad as normal images ?23:05
lcukjacktheripper, here is a page showing some differences (and a bug in my code)
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jacktheripperI actually tried liqbase. Your scrolling is pretty impressive.23:06
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LynoureDoes Maemo Emulator actually come with Nokia SDK like the docs say or is that a myth?23:37
VenemoLynoure: there is an N900 emulator, yes23:38
LynoureVenemo: how does on activate it?23:38
LynoureVenemo: I don't mean the simulator, but the emulator23:38
Lynoureah, different... worth a try23:39
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VenemoLynoure: this is about an N900 emulator23:39
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VenemoLynoure: no way related to the "simulator"23:40
LynoureVenemo: I don't seem to have those commands after installing Nokia SDK23:40
VenemoLynoure: launch the MADDE terminal23:40
LynoureVenemo: where?23:40
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VenemoLynoure: if you installed the Maemo toolchain, it is in the start menu23:41
LynoureVenemo: I'm a linux user...23:41
VenemoLynoure: well, I'm sure it's there, too23:41
LynoureVenemo: don't see it there next to the other stuff the SDK installed, at least :/23:41
VenemoLynoure: I have it installed on my Fedora, too, but I'm currently booted from Windows23:41
LynoureI've so far tried on 2 different Kubuntus and 1 Debian, and the darn emulator is nowhere to be seen.23:42
VenemoLynoure: "Use the terminal to run the MADDE commands as described in the guides."23:43
VenemoLynoure: you have the mad command working, right?23:43
LynoureVenemo: that was the command that was not found.  Do I need to install MADDE separately in addition to the SDK?23:44
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VenemoLynoure: no, the SDK works with MADDE, too23:45
VenemoLynoure: but you can certainly try installing MADDE23:45
VenemoLynoure: should work23:45
LynoureVenemo: hmm... but I don't have that command. :/23:45
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VenemoLynoure: I believe you. Try installing MADDE separately23:46
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LynoureVenemo: takes a bit to download, but yes, trying.23:47
VenemoLynoure: works for me on Windows, btw23:47
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LynoureVenemo: not quite ready to change an OS for this =)23:48
VenemoLynoure: I know, I know23:49
VenemoLynoure: just sayin' that it works23:49
LynoureVenemo: *nod*23:49
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VenemoLynoure: btw, someone else asked for this the other day... worked for him too after I have him the link23:50
VenemoLynoure: although I dunno what OS he used23:50
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