IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2010-08-27

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mgedminadmittedly I was talking about the combination (apt-get + dpkg) and hoping meego's use of zypper (?) + rpm might be an improvement in at least one respect00:00
MNZtobis87, you should try LFS :D it's quite a bit of fun to install (and maintain) a working copy of LFS00:00
mgedminiirc writing an rpm .spec file was also much easier than writing debian/*00:00
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MNZmgedmin, that, I will give you. debian/* is quite hellish :/00:01
tobis87MNZ: I had enough experience with Gentoo. It's nice to have the newest stuff. But really if you are able to use dpkg-buildpackage, patch and so on, it's not that hard to backport debian packages to older releases.00:02
tobis87Eventually your base system will be from the stone-age... But well, I'm not in the mood of updating my system every year.00:03
tobis87I mean dist-upgrade00:03
PerfDaveTBH the problem is less with the packaging format, and more with the QA process for the distro. IMHO Debian has it best, but there are apt-based distributions which are worse than some rpm-based ones.00:03
mgedmintobis87, want to give a try and backport collectd to Ubuntu 6.06/00:03
* mgedmin tried, gave up00:03
tobis87mgedmin: Nah, I've recently backported Firefox 3.6.8 to Ubuntu 7.1000:04
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tobis87I hate that I wasn't able to backport Dolphin (The new GameCube, Wii emulator)00:08
crashanddietobis87: i think the whole point about gentoo was that with a simple write-once-use-many ebuild files, anyone could deploy a specific version of a package00:09
crashanddietobis87: whereas with debian, you actually need to build the package, then transfer the binary00:09
rdDoes anybody know if I can use an external bluetooth GPS mouse instead of the built-in GPS receiver in the N900?00:09
keriogps mouse?00:10
GAN900crashanddie, no.00:10
tobis87mgedmin: Too much work, really... But somehow sad that you always have to do the whole configuration again, while everything works... for new features and security.00:10
kerioi think you can00:10
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GAN900rd, yes.00:10
rdhow to I tell the N900 to use the external mouse?00:10
crashanddieGAN900: well, the point about their ebuild files, not "the whole point of gentoo", obviously00:11
mgedminrd, it is hardcoded the way out in some respects (e.g. the X server is hacked so that it will never display a mouse cursor), iirc00:11
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rdI am not talking about a mouse, but a GPS receiver (often called GPS mouse, not sure why, maybe because of the form factor?)00:12
tobis87crashanddie: Have you tried to rebuild world? I've failed so often, it is just unstable... I don't like if you have to hunt for patches and do reverse-dependencies.00:12
crashanddieyeah, rebuild world was a bitch00:13
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crashanddieI don't think I ever managed to go through a single one without failure00:13
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crashanddieor without removing dozens of commented lines in a poorly documented portage file00:13
johnsqtobis87: sorry, but gentoo unstable works since years perfect for me00:13
PerfDaveYay, distro wars, the most interesting thing on IRC :)00:14
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keriogentoo stage1 > else00:14
johnsqtobis87: but i don't use kde + gnome00:14
crashanddieok, I'll change the subject00:14
tobis87depends, the first months it is all fancy to rebuild programs from scratch, cflags and all this stuff.... But really, I now want it stable...00:14
crashanddieAfrican debt: 200-something billion dollars00:15
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crashanddiePlanned cost of the Iraq war: 60 billion00:15
tobis87kerio: -ffast-math -funroll and all this stuff00:15
crashanddieActual cost? 3000 billion.00:15
rdfound it: through settings, location I can add an external GPS receiver.00:15
mgedmintobis87, Settings -> Location -> Pair new device?00:15
GAN900crashanddie, Quake Live. Keep up. :P00:16
mgedminsorry, that was to rd00:16
mgedminI need better tools to help me chat on irc00:16
crashanddieGAN900: that was so almost 9 hours ago00:16
rdmgedmin, yes that works, thank you.00:16
mgedminxchat doesn't even try to help untangle conversations00:16
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tobis87funniest thing was mfpmath=sse,38700:17
tobis87mgedmin: Sorry?00:17
johnsqmgedmin: turn on brain00:17
mgedmintobis87, nick miscompletion/brain fart, please ignore00:17
mgedminjohnsq, brain is busy with other things00:17
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johnsqcmake didn't like qemu00:18
mgedminactually, 20% of the brain is busy with other things; the remaining 80% seems to be missing00:19
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mgedminthank god for unit tests00:20
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GAN900crashanddie, asynchronous communications. Meh. :P00:21
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crashanddieGAN900: try email00:21
crashanddieGAN900: watch this:
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Gadgetoid_n900eeep my eyes!00:22
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Gadgetoid_n900Game gripper is wtfawesome!00:24
ToJa92[Gadgetoid_n900]: You got it today?00:25
Gadgetoid_n900got it last week, just got an n900 to test it with00:25
ToJa92It thought it was pretty good but it should have been a little bit longer00:26
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kerioToJa92: that's what she said00:27
Gadgetoid_n900its a wee bit rough around the edges, and the power hole doesnt quite line up00:27
kerioGadgetoid_n900: she also said that00:27
ToJa92[kerio]: Yeah I guess, lol00:27
Gadgetoid_n900but control wise- its really quite good00:27
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jacktheripperGadgetoid_n900: how does it connect to the phone ?00:27
ToJa92only thing I don't think is perfect is the dpad00:27
ToJa92[jacktheripper]: You slide it on over the keyboard00:28
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jacktheripperlol pretty smart00:28
ToJa92yeah, it doesn't require any batteries either00:28
ToJa92well apart from the fact that the n900 need battery00:28
Gadgetoid_n900its not the best situation for creating a great d-pad, but theres still worse00:29
Gadgetoid_n900its better than the xbox dpad anyway00:29
keriowhat keys does it use for the dpad?00:29
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ToJa92and some other keys00:30
ToJa92wasd for the dpad.00:30
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kerioit's decentered :|00:31
ToJa92sorry for confusing you, waxd00:31
keriooh, i see00:31
keriodo all key combos work?00:31
keriodiagonals, buttons+direction, button+diagonal00:31
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ToJa92I think it does but it's tricky to do diagonals00:31
ToJa92button + button + direction works00:32
ToJa92so diagonal + button should work00:32
keriomeh, the n900's keyboard is weird00:32
ToJa92but I don't think diagonal + button + button works00:32
Gadgetoid_n900it uses w a d x, t u b m, l p up left00:34
Gadgetoid_n900backlight kinda shines through the buttons too00:35
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ToJa92it shines through as long as the buttons are semi-opaque00:37
ToJa92I have some black ones and they dont shine through00:37
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crashanddieGAN900: as any well respected geek, you've heard of a 3D printer?00:47
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crashanddieDocScrutinizer51, MohammadAG: you guys too, I take it.00:47
crashanddieI'm actually thinking about buying one00:47
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crashanddiethey're only like $75000:48
MohammadAGgimme gimme gimme00:48
MohammadAGhow much is the "ink" though?00:48
crashanddie$30 per kilo00:49
GAN900crashanddie, yes.00:49
GAN900crashanddie, to what end?00:49
crashanddiei dunno00:49
crashanddiejust fun00:49
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GAN900Buy a lens instead00:51
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kerioGAN900: lol01:00
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MNZAnyone know if SDL can use the n900's accelerometer for input?01:04
PerfDaveThe TuxRacer / SuperTux package for N900 seems to work with tilting input..01:04
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PolarFoxand there is that little program somewhere that translates accelerometer inputs to joystick movements..01:14
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SkyscraperN900hi all01:20
SkyscraperN900mohammadag51 any news about ubuntu?01:20
MohammadAGback in jerusalem, so yes, should be up by tomorrow01:20
SkyscraperN900nice to hear!01:21
SkyscraperN900already uploading?01:21
MohammadAGstarting in a bit, new image size should be about 500 megs or so01:21
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SkyscraperN900hm. is the server fast?01:22
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SkyscraperN900hm. i'll get up at 6:45 and i'll drive away 7:15... dont think that my n900 can leech that fast xD (only 1600bkps downstream)01:23
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SkyscraperN900hm. so i'll leech it next night i think... have to go to sleep now. thank you for that great news. gn801:26
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mgedminjacktheripper, I can reproduce the same sudo apt-get dist-upgrade error you saw02:13
mgedminI suspect it's libsdl-mixer1.2 from extras02:13
mgedminah, no02:14
mgedminit's python-pygame02:14
mgedminhm, no, I can upgrade that one too02:15
mgedminthere were three packages kept back: libsdl-mixer1.2, libsdl-ttf2.0-0 and python-pygame02:16
mgedminthe first can be upgraded, but the upgrade removes mp-fremantle-generic-pr (and I don't want that)02:16
mgedminthe second can be upgraded with some hiccoughing02:16
mgedminand the third just upgraded without any problems -- maybe it was kept back because of libsdl-ttf2.0-0?02:17
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jacktheripperhmmm. The error I get is about upstart02:22
jacktheripperit depends on a lower version of busybox, and it still won't install02:23
jacktheripperdo you get the same thing ?02:23
MohammadAGyou apt-get dist-upgraded02:23
MohammadAGI get that error too (upstart)02:23
jacktheripperyes, I did02:24
MohammadAGyou're not supposed to ;)02:24
jacktheripperthere's no other way to install hildon-desktop, right ?02:24
MohammadAGi told you to wait02:24
MohammadAGand no, not without removing the metapackage02:24
MohammadAGremote the SSU line, it's useless as I disabled the repo02:24
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bionetI was wondering about power settings in maemo02:54
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bionetis there any one out there?03:11
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Macernow flash is outdated in m503:17
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infobotit has been said that xyawn is big coffee03:32
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MNZIs there a publicly available repo that holds the maemo kernel?03:42
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babsheri think that most of the kernel comes from the linux git repo03:45
MNZI know, but I want the maemo additions and patches all in one place.03:45
babsherthere is some stuff in the developer guide about the kernel03:47
babsherthey talk about compiling the kernel there03:48
MNZbabsher, ooh thanks! shoulda looked there...03:48
babsherdo you know about the power interface in maemo03:48
MNZwhat do you mean by power interfaces exactly?03:49
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babsherwell i have been looking at ways to save power by underclocking03:49
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babsherand turning things off03:50
babsheri only need the bluetooth but I would like to use it for about 10 hours03:50
MNZwell, there are some guides on saving battery and here's one I used
babsherya i looked at that. hmmm03:51
babsheri am installing the kernel-power module now03:51
DocScrutinizerthere's really not much use in underclocking03:52
DocScrutinizerat least when your apps are written sanely03:52
MNZAs I understand it, the kernel is a tickless one, so yeah...03:53
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babsherwell all iam doing is recording data off the bluetooth chip03:59
babsheri dont really care about gui or wifi04:00
DocScrutinizer>>Many users find that they have about 50% battery left after a full day's worth of usage if they only use 3G when really needed (and don't have the magnetic clasp problem).<<04:00
DocScrutinizerBT is cheap04:00
babsherwell that is good to know04:00
DocScrutinizerso what? 10h? should be absolutely no problem04:00
babshersweet. even without underclocking04:00
DocScrutinizeresp without underclocking. Rush to idle is the motd04:01
babsherbut I am going to be using the blue tooth continuously04:02
root___I have a question for anyone who's willing to help. All of my searches on the maemo forums, the wiki, and google have led me to dead ends.04:03
DocScrutinizerhmm, then you *might* end up with CPU running @ 250 all the time. That's as good as it gets anyway, as you can't clock lower04:03
root___Is it possible to mount the eMMC over usb without a working boot?04:03
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root___DocScrutinizer: was that for me?04:04
DocScrutinizerexporting of filesystems is done by a system daemon04:04
DocScrutinizerno system -> no exported filesystems04:05
DocScrutinizerhell, no filesystems at all :-P04:05
root___sure. what then are the two devices that are attached in /dev?04:05
root___... on a linux system. when I mount the n900, dmesg turns up two storage devices. any attempts to mount them turns up 'no medium found'04:07
DocScrutinizerI for sure have a lot more than two devices in /dev04:08
root___two *new*04:08
babsherDoc. So what you are saying is that the kernel will scale the clock without me interfering04:08
DocScrutinizerbabsher: ^^04:08
DocScrutinizerroot___: sorry, can't find my crystal ball. You'd need to disclose a bit more detail, so anybody can answer your question. E.G. the most detailed 2 lines from dmesg04:10
root___lines are:04:10
babsherDoc. Thanks for the help!04:10
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root___scsi 5:0:0:0: Direct-Access   Nokia   N900    031 PQ: 0 ANSI: 204:11
root___and a similar one with 5:0:0:1:04:11
root___followed by:04:11
root___sd 5:0:0:0: [sda] ...04:12
root___and sd 5:0:0:1: [sdb] ...04:12
DocScrutinizerfine, your system mounted two new storage devices, called sda and sdb04:12
DocScrutinizerprobably eMMC and uSD04:13
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root___I agree. However, I'm trying to figure out if I can then mount those as readable filesystems04:14
root___They are recognized devices, but not mounted04:14
DocScrutinizerthat might be related to automounter failing to corerectly detect them04:15
DocScrutinizerthere should be sda1 and sdb1 somewhere in your dev/04:15
root___nope. that's part of the problem04:16
DocScrutinizermount -t auto /dev/sda /mnt/eMMC_fatfloppy04:18
root___already tried. returned 'must specify the file type'04:19
DocScrutinizerroot___: please use pastebin to show the the full output generated during plugin, of dmesg or better `tail -f /var/log/messages` or whatever it's called on your system04:20
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root___[765804.276023] usb 1-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 1904:21
root___[765804.493565] usb 1-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice04:21
root___[765804.544439] usb 1-2: New USB device found, idVendor=0421, idProduct=010504:21
root___[765804.544450] usb 1-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=504:21
root___[765804.544456] usb 1-2: Product: Nokia N900 (Update mode)04:21
root___[765804.544460] usb 1-2: Manufacturer: Nokia04:21
root___[765804.544464] usb 1-2: SerialNumber: 4D554D34393136383404:22
root___[767659.419454] usb 1-2: USB disconnect, address 1904:22
root___[767670.992155] usb 1-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 2004:22
root___[767671.125340] usb 1-2: configuration #1 chosen from 2 choices04:22
root___[767671.139911] scsi7 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices04:22
root___[767671.141496] usb-storage: device found at 2004:22
root___[767671.141503] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning04:22
root___[767671.141841] usb 1-2: New USB device found, idVendor=0421, idProduct=01c704:22
root___[767671.141850] usb 1-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=304:22
root___[767671.141856] usb 1-2: Product: N900 (Storage Mode)04:22
root___[767671.141860] usb 1-2: Manufacturer: Nokia04:22
root___[767671.141864] usb 1-2: SerialNumber: 37204175677504:22
root___[767676.140380] usb-storage: device scan complete04:22
root___[767676.140974] scsi 7:0:0:0: Direct-Access     Nokia    N900              031 PQ: 0 ANSI: 204:22
root___[767676.141567] scsi 7:0:0:1: Direct-Access     Nokia    N900              031 PQ: 0 ANSI: 204:22
root___[767676.144303] sd 7:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI removable disk04:22
root___[767676.148217] sd 7:0:0:1: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk04:22
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root___DocScrutinizer: and thank you for helping.04:23
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infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.04:24
root___apologies. I will educate myself04:24
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DocScrutinizeranyway it looks quite ok, no idea if it should detect partitions ( like sda1), need to check as I've done this last time maybe 4 months ago04:28
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asjroot___: if you mount them by hand does it work?04:30
asj(not -t auto)04:31
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root___asj: I haven't been able to determine what fs (or other method) to use04:32
asjthis is an n900 right?04:32
asjvfat, check for partitions04:32
asj(as root fdisk -l)04:33
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root___fdisk -l only turns up the local drives, and trying 'fdisk -l /dev/sda' or 'sdb' doesn't return anythign04:35
infobotroot___ meant: fdisk -l only turns up the local drives, and trying 'fdisk -l /dev/sda' or 'sdb' doesn't return anything04:35
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DocScrutinizere-yes: ??04:36
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DocScrutinizerroot___: try -t vfat04:37
asjusb is local04:37
root___also 'mount -t vfat ...' gives 'no medium found'04:37
e-yesDocScrutinizer, ??:)04:37
asjit should be sda1 I'm fairly sure no?04:37
DocScrutinizerthat's the problem asj. He says there isn't04:38
root___there are no partitions listed for the sda and sdb devices04:38
asjDocScrutinizer: then I would say full stop, something is busted.04:38
asjeither system is whacked, or n900 is broken.  So, does the n900 boot/work have 27 gigs  on /home/MyDocs?04:39
root___n900 shows 'nokia' boot screen, but no further.04:40
DocScrutinizer[2010-08-27 03:04:38] <DocScrutinizer> exporting of filesystems is done by a system daemon04:41
DocScrutinizer[2010-08-27 03:05:01] <DocScrutinizer> no system -> no exported filesystems04:41
DocScrutinizerwhat part of this was unclear?04:41
root___I got that.04:41
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root___I was under the impression that we were continuing the conversation with the understanding that I was attemping to mount without a complete boot04:42
root___thanks for the help, and the time.04:43
DocScrutinizeryour N900 system is borked. reflash!04:43
root___off to do so04:43
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DocScrutinizere-yes: infobot does't know about lid302 :-P04:45
DocScrutinizere-yes: nevertheless I do04:45
DocScrutinizere-yes: ECHAN?04:46
DocScrutinizere-yes: meego has a completely braindamaged lis3lv02d kernel driver, instead of the somewhat sane maemo borne lis302dl04:47
e-yesi'm not wondering how lis302 was implemented for n900. only one phone, no prob with non-standard interface. i wonder why they do it for meego in the same way (!dev/input)04:47
e-yesor meego intended only for n9?:)04:48
asjDocScrutinizer: jesus, must remember half the people out there are below average04:48
* asj bangs his head into a wall04:49
DocScrutinizere-yes: see my last line to you, above04:49
DocScrutinizer  is braindamaged joystick driver. Compare/diff to
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DocScrutinizere-yes: /dev/input is a bit of... err, underfeatured, for LIS30204:52
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DocScrutinizere-yes: you could use /dev/input_<lis302> if you're *really* interested in raw data from lis302 chip, at a rate of either 100 or 400 per second. Or you could have a lib that manages lis302 sysnodes/chip in a smart way, and have a dev/input device created by that lib, which only reports more filtered events, like e.g "up|down|left|right|front|rear" only if the device changed main orientation04:57
e-yesdidn't knew about lis3lv02d, my bad, i thought they going to use curent lis302dl with meego too04:58
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DocScrutinizerI hope they will consider doing that04:58
DocScrutinizerlis3lv02d looks to me like wiimote os similar crap04:58
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e-yesi have problems with current driver, reading coords in two processes (using dup04:59
e-yesed descriptor) cause weird behaviors04:59
DocScrutinizerhonestly, lis3lv02d is unusable for N90005:00
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DocScrutinizere-yes: not to state the nokia lis302dl driver is really great. It as well has flaws: it doesn't put highpass to purpose ( and so configures lis302 chip for one particular situation only, which is "flat on table, screen heading up" (
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e-yesDocScrutinizer, btw, what you think about lis302 driver from OpenMoko?05:07
DocScrutinizerthis concept obviously fails on as simple a changed situation as N900 placed on stand05:08
DocScrutinizere-yes: I have to admit I never looked into it05:08
DocScrutinizerI suggested to devels same I did here: use highpass, set threshold for matching the smallest relative movement you want to get notice for. Then switch chip config from relative (with highpass) to absolute (hp disabled) for reading out absolute values for all three axis when you get IRQ indicating there's been a change large enough to matter05:11
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e-yesoh, i see my knowledge about lis302 is far behind yours05:14
DocScrutinizeriirc on OM they changed the device node from absolute to relative reporting some point in time. But that hadn't any impact on kernel driver still doing sort of polling (*BAD*!) from lis302 chip, and then just calculating the "relative" properties by comparing new x|y|z vlaue tuple to last one and only output the changed values - yuck05:15
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DocScrutinizerbut maybe I'm totally wrong on that, and this was nly a dream I had 18 months ago05:16
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DocScrutinizerisn't it funny, when somebody complains about high CPU load or sluggishness, you really have to ask "have you placed your N900 on a really flat surface? screen pointing up?"05:19
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rm_youjohnx: lol05:37
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johnxhey rm_you05:41
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luke-jrwtf Maemo05:51
luke-jrit just disconnected my call so it could switch from GPRS to 802.1105:51
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DocScrutinizer51wut? lol05:58
DocScrutinizer51luke-jr: could you reproduce/verify that? and then file a bug? :-D05:59
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DocScrutinizer51luke-jr: wait. That wasn't a VoIP call?06:04
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TermanaN900DocScrutinizer, hello :P06:55
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TermanaN900Any reason why entering a chroot would slow the n900 down? Because thats what seems to happen07:01
TermanaN900(for me)07:01
TermanaN900and then i do some stuff with qemu in my chroot, and I need to restart because its so slow :P07:01
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johnxyou're running qemu in a chroot on an N900 and wondering why it's slow?07:06
TermanaN900johnx, no, im wondering why after exiting the system stays sluggish07:07
TermanaN900exiting qemu*07:07
johnxrun top before and after? look for interesting patterns in terms of memory usage?07:09
microlithentering a chroot?07:11
microlithmemory usage07:11
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DocScrutinizerTermanaN900: try joggling with a temporary swapfile, and swapoff; swapon - swapping swap ;-)07:13
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girishranyone know how i can launch fennec on the command line on n900?08:25
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DocScrutinizer51by typing fennec?08:29
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girishrthe executable name is browser08:30
girishrbrowser <url> doesn't work08:30
girishrbrowser --url=<url> works08:30
DocScrutinizer51what's going to happen to processes with lots of swapped out memory pages, on swapoff? will they simply terminate with fatal non-catchable signal?08:32
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DocScrutinizer51~wake hackers08:48
* infobot throws a barrel-full of ice water on hackers and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"08:48
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crashanddieDocScrutinizer51: yo08:55
DocScrutinizer2crashanddie: yo08:55
crashanddieDocScrutinizer51: most likely, they'll segfault or have future malloc()'s die08:56
DocScrutinizer2future malloc()'s? the ones in the discarded memepages? :-P08:56
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DocScrutinizer2segfault sounds logical08:58
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KnightStalkerHey,I have a problem with Firefox Sync on Maemo,mm,I wonder if anyone can help me?08:58
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infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.08:59
KnightStalkerSo,For saving time,the question is actually that I do not have any problem with open tabs sync,but the bookmarks seems unsnced08:59
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KnightStalkerAnd I know about that do not ask to ask,I just did it to get sure I am in right place and I mustn't stick to firefox support ways09:00
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crashanddieDocScrutinizer2: maybe this provides some insight:
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DocScrutinizer2crashanddie: mille gracie09:01
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crashanddieKnightStalker: truth is, it's 8AM in mainland Europe, where most contributors are from, so it's really not noisey at the moment09:02
toggles_wtoo busy eating musli09:02
Stskeepsor drinking coffee09:02
fralsmornin folks o/09:02
toggles_wMmm.. Cafe09:03
X-FadeUgh, coffee :)09:03
toggles_wthanks Stskeeps, i'm off to get an expresso09:03
crashanddieI would crack up if someone said he was taking a shower09:03
Stskeepsgetting there..09:04
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X-FadeNeed a waterproof device first, but then it would be a nice option :)09:05
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rmrfchikis there any relible way to sync my google calendar.09:10
* rmrfchik depressed09:10
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threshuse it wisely!09:11
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rmrfchikis there any relible way to sync my google calendar >>?<<09:18
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crashanddiermrfchik: you idiot09:19
luke-jrrmrfchik: if you want Google junk, get Android?09:19
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crashanddiermrfchik: why the heck do you think exchange is implemented on the device?09:19
crashanddiermrfchik: the only thing that works are calendar and contacts, btw09:20
toggles_wrmrfchik: don't take it to heart, they haven't had their coffee09:20
rmrfchikcrashanddie: you idiot. MfE doesn't work09:20
rmrfchik...after 2-3 weeks09:20
rmrfchikjust stop working. need to recreate calendar.09:20
luke-jrblame Google09:21
* luke-jr actually has 3 unsync'd calendars…09:21
threshblerg. now appmanager doesnt show any catalogues.09:22
threshoh finally, after 3 minutes it did.09:22
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threshuseless piece of junk.09:23
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fluxappmanager gets really slow once you have many (non-default) repositories09:37
MiXu-Yup :/09:38
fluxI guess it inherits that from the dpkg text-based database09:38
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MiXu-Faster Application Manager is a bit faster.09:38
MiXu-And at least it shows you what's happening behind the scenes09:38
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DocScrutinizerto whom it may concern (swapoff):
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DocScrutinizerthresh: only 3 minutes? lightning fast :-P <envy>09:58
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Stskeeps <- that really is temptng10:23
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crashanddiermrfchik: I've been using my calendar for months, never noticed anything dying after a few weeks10:25
rmrfchiklucky idiot10:25
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crashanddiewell, you're an idiot for not specifying you tried it10:26
crashanddie"is there any way to synch google calendar aside from MfE which is broken for me"10:27
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rmrfchikit's bad morning for you or it's you regular way to communicate?10:27
crashanddiepretty much regular, methinks10:27
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer: this might make you gag:10:28
rmrfchikok, plz, ignore me.10:28
Stskeeps– Can I get source code for this driver?10:28
StskeepsNo, the Intel® Embedded Media and Graphics Driver (EMGD) was designed so that Intel graphics chipset customers would not need access to the source code.10:28
crashanddieStskeeps: lmao10:28
crashanddiermrfchik: /ignore is a powerful tool, use it wisely ;)10:29
Stskeepswhich is fucking ironic considering it's tied to a certain xorg10:29
rmrfchikcrashanddie: you don't get it. please you ignore me.10:29
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crashanddieStskeeps: that's just painful10:29
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DocScrutinizererr, how?10:31
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DocScrutinizerhmm, chanserv topicadd, nice... but clumsy, when you got a decent textedit window to manage the topic10:34
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crashanddieactually is was more for the double pipe and double spaces10:35
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crashanddieand you can also simply replace the whole topic10:35
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DocScrutinizerrmrfchik: just get a coffee, ignore crashanddie's rude manners, and smile :-))10:35
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rmrfchiki did already :)10:36
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crashanddiegood, finally one who gets it10:36
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DocScrutinizertekojo: problems?10:37
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DocScrutinizertekojo: morning :-)10:40
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DocScrutinizercrashanddie: (double pipe and spaces) this was actually intetional, to separate it from the more serious parts of topic10:42
crashanddiemy bad then, apologies10:42
DocScrutinizernp, nm10:42
DocScrutinizerforgot about it spoiling the "topic auto tools"10:43
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DocScrutinizer~help topic10:46
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crashanddieDocScrutinizer: ?10:52
Stskeepsgot cut off10:52
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TermanaN900Everyone see that the OpenSolaris Governing Board resigned? Guess even they didnt have any confidence in Oracle's plans10:54
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StskeepsTermanaN900: their hand was kinda forced it looks like10:56
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TermanaN900Stskeeps, maybe / probably. I've only read Oracle's plans and then the last meeting agenda. I dont blame them even if they werent forced to10:58
DocScrutinizer I read >>TV-Out with ... WLAN/UPnP<< - anybody tried this? (no device here that could do video streaming over WLAN, so no ay to test)10:59
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer: it should be possible to a dlna television i guess11:00
crashanddieTermanaN900: opensolaris was dead fish anyway11:00
crashanddieTermanaN900: opensolaris had been announced as dead nearly a month ago11:00
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: I do have multiple servers, it shows them in media player.11:00
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: that's exactly opposite direction though11:01
X-FadeAh, otherwise you need rygel.11:01
DocScrutinizerbut hey, so I should be able to see one N900 as server in other N900's mediaplayer?11:01
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X-FadeThere is no upnp server included by default.11:02
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DocScrutinizerso this spec is a lie11:02
Stskeepstv out with wlan/upnp -> tv is a upnp server11:03
JaffaMorning, all11:03
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FoobHi, any ideas what I should do, when I want to connect to my N800 with ssh by using bluetooth (Nokia E55 (Symbian) -> N800)11:03
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DocScrutinizerinstall ssh server pkg on maemo11:04
FoobI think I should have ssh server  running already11:04
DocScrutinizerthen, for the BT part, errr no idea11:04
FoobYeah, I were trying to google already for a while. It should be possible11:05
DocScrutinizerPAN maybe11:05
FoobPAN? -> google11:05
DocScrutinizerPrivate Area Network?11:05
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DocScrutinizera BT profile11:05
FoobThen there should be Ip address11:05
FoobActually  I'm trying to use Qt for making a client for one server11:06
FoobBut the server is  running on my N800 and I need to connect to it by Nokia11:06
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FoobOk, Thanks11:07
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DocScrutinizerJaffa: morning11:09
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mecemussorgsky is pretty sweet!11:18
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secyrita1hmm. any way to force n900 to use headphone-mode?11:21
secyrita1or should i just go yell at the store that my original headphone doesnt work anymore :-(11:22
Duckbootsecyrita1: Stare hard and evilly at it for 5 minutes, while you are waving a enormous magnet at it.11:22
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threshbe sure to enable camera, otherwise the device wont see you.11:23
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Duckbootthresh: Oh - I almost forgot that one - thanks11:24
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RST38hFacebook Is Trying To Register The Word Face As A Trademark11:24
secyrita1Duckboot, thresh: already tried that :-(11:25
DuckbootRST38h: Wuut?11:26
RST38hGoogle, no?11:27
DuckbootRST38h: *facepalm* well well - so much for thinking.11:29
threshyou cant use facepalm!11:30
RST38h"Palm" is already a registred trademark, isn't it?11:31
Duckbootthresh: Shit - It contains the word face....11:31
crashanddieRST38h: well, after they sued some poor teacher website for the use of "book", I'm not really surprised11:31
threshRST38h: indeed. so it's ** from now on.11:31
DuckbootSo both face and palm are protected11:31
RST38h"Face" is still safe11:31
RST38h"Book" too BTW11:31
crashanddieDuckboot: pretty sure that "Cap" is owned by CapGemini11:31
DuckbootI have to either start speaking klingon, og just shut up.11:32
Corsacisn't klingon trademarked too?11:32
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ShadowJKsure, but TtLINGHan HOL (or whatever klingon language is in klingon, I forget) isn't? :P11:33
crashanddieDuckboot:  'uch lIj nuj11:34
RST38hI am sure the whole language is patented11:34
DuckbootRST38h: Probably11:34
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crashanddiewell, it's related material of Star Trek11:34
crashanddieso yeah, Paramount owns it11:34
DuckbootThen I'll have to come up with my own language, and trademark it.11:34
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RST38hwowow, "On FedEx vehicle for delivery"11:35
crashanddieyeah, good luck with the first pick up lines11:35
crashanddieRST38h: what are you going to get?11:35
Duckbootcrashanddie: Don't need that, I'm married.11:35
crashanddieDuckboot: well, marriage doesn't exclude chat up lines, does it?11:35
RST38hcrash: a laptop11:36
crashanddieIs flirting prohibited when in a serious relationship?11:36
crashanddieRST38h: sweet11:36
Duckbootcrashanddie: Hehe11:36
RST38hthis one has got broken LCD and it is too expensive to fix =(11:36
crashanddieRST38h: ah yes, had the same issue11:36
crashanddieRST38h: kinda dropped it in the stairs, big crack along the center line11:36
crashanddieso I just made a debian server out of it11:36
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DocScrutinizer*nod* mussorgsky is exactly what I've been looking for11:46
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DocScrutinizerthough a mediaplayer allowing to sort and `art` media files based on directory structure and filenames would be magnitudes nicer still11:48
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X-FadeCan anyone paste the Mem: line of top on a N900 running PR1.2 for me?11:58
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psycho_oreosX-Fade, Mem: 199776K used, 45572K free, 0K shrd, 1124K buff, 51900K cached12:01
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X-Fadepsycho_oreos: What does total say?12:01
psycho_oreosX-Fade, it won't say in there, but if you do cat /proc/meminfo it'll show12:02
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X-FadeHmm ok, looking at a different top myself ;)12:02
psycho_oreosactually free can show total as well12:02
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X-Fadepsycho_oreos: What does total say for you?12:03
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psycho_oreosX-Fade, Total:      103177212:03
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psycho_oreosI'm sure that figure shouldn't change12:03
X-FadeHmm on MeeGo I have: MemTotal:         228580 kB12:03
psycho_oreosmeego on which? n9?12:04
X-FadeNo, N900.12:04
StskeepsX-Fade: different utilities maybe12:04
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psycho_oreosahh probably different setup, maybe more swap space12:05
X-Fadecat /proc/meminfo |grep MemTotal12:05
X-FadeMemTotal:         228580 kB12:05
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psycho_oreosMemTotal:         245348 kB12:05
DuckbootNokia-N900:~# cat /proc/meminfo |grep MemTotal12:05
DuckbootMemTotal:         245300 kB12:05
X-FadeNo, that is supposed to be ram, right?12:05
X-FadeYeah, that is what I figured. We have less ram to play with in the MeeGo kernel.12:06
jacekowskiiirc that ram is shared12:06
jacekowskiwith dsp ivs and powervr12:06
psycho_oreosyeah that's definitely RAM, swap was 768MB12:06
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jacekowskior just dsp12:07
X-Fadejacekowski: It is 16MB less, sounds suspicious ;)12:07
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psycho_oreosI was suspecting kernel is newer on meego therefore it may reserve more but then that should still show it12:07
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jacekowskicheck memory map12:08
jacekowskiit should be in dmesg12:08
jacekowskiis bootloader same?12:08
jacekowskior different?12:08
X-Fade[    0.000000] Memory: 128MB 128MB = 256MB total12:08
X-Fade[    0.000000] Memory: 228440k/228440k available, 33704k reserved, 0K highmem12:08
jacekowskilooks OK12:08
X-FadeSo it reserves 32MB.12:09
psycho_oreoscan't see mine lol, my n900 has been on awhile so it won't appear in dmesg12:09
psycho_oreoss/on/on\ for/12:09
infobotpsycho_oreos meant: can't see mine lol, my n900 has been on\ for awhile so it won't appear in dmesg12:09
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DocScrutinizerX-Fade: isn't meego run via kexec?12:10
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X-FadeNo, direct boot.12:11
DocScrutinizerso odds might be the original kernel ram isn't available to the meego kernel?12:11
DocScrutinizerwell, was just an idea12:12
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crashanddiehi Khertan12:14
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DocScrutinizerhehe ->[112673.533477] wl1251: ERROR Power save entry failed, giving up12:14
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crashanddiepsycho_oreos: space isn't a special character in regexp12:14
Khertancrashanddie, depends of implementation12:15
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crashanddieKhertan: eh?12:15
crashanddienot it          ain't12:16
crashanddies/\s/ /12:16
crashanddiedamn you infobot12:16
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DocScrutinizeribot regex is most basic12:18
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psycho_oreoscrashanddie, it is to me when using it under vim for example but its just a habit that I've gotten used to12:18
DocScrutinizerbasically it's no regex but a stringsearch12:18
crashanddiepsycho_oreos: in sed it's most likely due to your shell, not regexp12:19
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psycho_oreoscrashanddie, ahh ok, well then that'll be issue in bash department with escaping chars12:19
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* Khertan should try to use regex a bit more ... i forgot everythings12:20
* crashanddie wrote a 600 line perl script earlier this week12:20
* psycho_oreos sucks at regexp but will learn how to deal with it when and if needed again12:20
crashanddiethen I noticed I forgot ; nearly everywhere (I wrote it in one go), so I wrote another perl script to modify the first perl script12:21
* Khertan write a pylint plugin for khteditor ... need a regexp test plugin now :)12:21
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DocScrutinizererr, regex is *simple*12:21
crashanddiejust unreadable12:21
KhertanDocScrutinizer, hum ...12:21
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crashanddieit really is very simple logic, find this, group this, replace with this12:22
marmouteKhertan: sweet for the pylint plugins12:22
crashanddieit's just that the way the grammar is written is extremely confusing and non-obvious for visual creatures like ourselves12:22
DocScrutinizernot to me :-P12:22
Khertanyep it s simply unreadable12:23
DocScrutinizerI started my career with such things like wordmaster on CPM2.212:23
DocScrutinizeror - even better - MEDIS on BS-M12:23
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crashanddie\(((?:[a-zA-Z_0-9]| |\*(?: ?,)?)\) <- not really the easiest way to read something12:24
crashanddie(I just wrote that on the fly, errors possible)12:24
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Khertan /<\/?\w+((\s+(\w|\w[\w-]*\w)(\s*=\s*(?:\".*?\"|'.*?'|[^'\">\s]+))?)+\s*|\s*)\/?>/i what does it do ?12:25
Khertanit s not readable12:25
Khertanif there isn't any comment in source12:25
crashanddieKhertan: matches an opening and or closing tag of XML12:25
crashanddieKhertan: and adds grouping for tag name, and properties+values12:26
toggles_wwhat's xml?12:26
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crashanddieKhertan: do you know what mine matches?12:26
Khertancrashanddie, ok but admit it s not easy to read12:26
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crashanddieKhertan: I said that 5 minutes ago :P 11:21 < crashanddie> just unreadable12:26
Khertancrashanddie, lol meme pas12:26
crashanddieKhertan: it matches function arguments for C or C++12:27
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Khertanoh ... i keep it for my c qsyntaxhilighter so :)12:27
crashanddieyou'll have to modify it12:27
crashanddieit's not perfect12:27
DocScrutinizerit's silly to ask "can you read this?" - I can't even read C code without the context given12:28
crashanddiekhertan: /\((?:((?:[a-zA-Z_0-9]| |\*?)(?: ?,))+\)/ <-- that should work12:29
DocScrutinizerit's like demanding machinecode should be written in flowcharts as the assembler is so hard to read12:29
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crashanddieonly for function definitions, not function calls12:29
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DocScrutinizerregex isn't a noation to read, but to efficiently *write* something12:29
KhertanDocScrutinizer, yep ... like perl ... this is something to write, not to read or maintain12:30
crashanddieI never try to "re-use" a regexp a couple of months after I've written it12:30
crashanddieI just write it anew12:30
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DocScrutinizerif you need a descriptive notation, use something like EBNF12:32
MNZwhat does rx51 mean?12:35
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MohammadAGdevice model number12:36
* MohammadAG ponders what the unreleased RX-71 was all about12:36
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MNZand that's the model number of the production N900s ?12:36
DocScrutinizerfor regex it's bets practice to supply a comment with maximum complexity string pattern example that should get matched by the regex - then it's actually simple to read regex12:36
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hrwMNZ: n900 is rx-5112:37
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: N9?12:37
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, it was in the kernel from about a year ago afaik12:38
DocScrutinizersure, why not12:38
DocScrutinizertbh I'm puzzled to see 'N9' pictures where the device has a kbd12:38
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DocScrutinizerbut that's not uncommon for products to get such features like hw kbd added/removed during development12:39
crashanddieKhertan: gets any parameter, including function calls: \((?:((?:[a-zA-Z_0-9\(\)\[\]]| |\*)+)(?: ?, ?)?)+\)12:40
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Surfawhat makes you think it wouldn't have kbd from the beginnning?12:40
Shadikkammmm, regexes12:40
DocScrutinizer51MNZ: guess what I'm typing this on12:40
MohammadAGAn N95?12:40
Shadikkacrashanddie: Hmm, why comment the parentheses inside the character class?12:41
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crashanddiedunno, just wrong habbit I guess?12:41
MNZDocScrutinizer,  a PDP11?12:41
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ShadikkaJust started wondering. :P Better safe than sorry, though.12:41
crashanddieMNZ: you are so wrong12:41
DocScrutinizer51no no PDP11-5112:41
MNZcrashanddie, what? what did I do?12:41
DocScrutinizer51actually I gave away the PDP11 6 years ago12:42
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crashanddieMNZ: DocScrutinizer51 actually drums his thoughts on a djembe, and has an autochtone from papua new guinea who converts it at lightning speed into binary bits which are fed through a USB port to his computer12:42
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crashanddiebecause the autochtone has so many piercings, it was just a simple operation of shoving a A23 battery up his nose, and now everytime he taps his fingers on a cable, the computer can read it as a digital input12:43
* crashanddie bows12:44
MNZI thought real programmers used the butterfly effect to manipulate the atmosphere into focusing cosmic rays onto usb cables to send keyboard input?12:45
MNZXKCD does it best.
crashanddiebut again, you make a false assumption12:45
MNZlet me guess12:45
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MNZDocScrutinizer is not a real programmer12:45
crashanddieyou assume DocScrutinizer is a programmer, he is not. At best, he's an electronic programmer, and assembles systems using analogical electronics12:45
DocScrutinizerI'm not a real programmer, as "real programmers don't use Pascal"12:46
* Khertan hate php12:46
Stskeeps<3 polypasca12:47
MNZPascal Hyper-Processor ?12:47
crashanddieanyway, I'm out12:47
crashanddielunch, and I'm getting a medical12:47
MNZcheers crashanddie12:47
MNZKhertan, a pythoneer?12:48
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Shadikkapython -c "import antigravity"12:50
Shadikka(try it if you don't know.)12:50
MNZwhat really scares me is python -c "import sentience"12:50
MNZdidn't they remove that easter egg?12:50
Shadikka*shrug* Works in 3.1 at least.12:51
rmrfchikseems like i'm alone with scheme here12:51
Shadikka(3.1.2 to be more accurate)12:51
rmrfchik3.1.2 is not a function12:51
ShadikkaTook me a moment to figure out wtf. :P12:52
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MNZDocScrutinizer, I have heard the name openmoko a bunch of times before but never did check it out. That wikireader is pretty awesome!13:00
DocScrutinizeryeah, funny little thing13:02
DocScrutinizerand it was originally designed with a decent hw kbd, in a clamshell13:03
DocScrutinizerand the kbd matrix was decently designed, not like the N900 one :-P13:04
FoobDarn, there isnt PAN support on my Nokia :P13:04
jacekowskithere is nothing wrong with n900 keyboard13:04
jacekowskii don't really see case when somebody would want to press more than 2 keys at the same time13:05
DocScrutinizerplus I even had some footprint for a mini-USB connector on the PCB, so hackers could easily retrofit :-D13:05
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DocScrutinizererrr, ctrl-shift-i or what was that now? to switch to portrait? and what was printscreen?13:06
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TermanaN900right, I have determined without doubt #meego == tmo13:07
rmrfchikjacekowski: up+left to to move + ctrl to fire13:07
DocScrutinizerF-keys on Fn-Shift-<number> would be friggin nice13:08
DocScrutinizerctrl-shift = alt  - also a nice-to-have13:08
X-FadeJaffa: ping?13:08
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: the point is, there is ZERO *nada* niente reason to build the N900 kbd matrix in _this_ borked way13:10
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: Can you drop the ops please?13:10
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FoobArgh... It's starting to look, that easiest way to connect my Nokia E55 to N800 is program the damn thing by myself :P13:11
Foobwith not so stable and good way of course13:11
flashnjacekowski, you like typing "|" on your n900?13:11
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jacekowskii do it with blue arrow key + sym + click on |13:12
MohammadAGI have it remapped somewhere13:12
MohammadAGblue + up arrow key13:12
flashnthe arrow/sym buttons are malplaced13:12
jacekowskiwell, i don't write poems on a phone13:13
jacekowskiand i have "full" size bt keyboard13:13
DocScrutinizeron N900? surely not13:13
DocScrutinizerlet's face it, N900 is short of one row on hw kbd13:13
jacekowskiyeah, n97 keyboard is so much better13:14
Surfai don't need extra row for n900 kb13:14
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LjLmy Milestone has 4 rows, but that results in very small keys...13:14
Surfapersonal preferences13:14
jacekowskiand the way it opens is much better13:14
DocScrutinizerthe N810 kbd is really way better in that respect13:15
MNZwell I just tried hitting blue arrow + sym both with my left thumb and it seems that I manage to get it right each time13:15
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: ugh, not really. No key bump feedback and far too hard to press.13:16
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: I'm used to it, and I'm faster on N810 than on N90013:16
MohammadAGI get 60WPM13:16
MohammadAG72 on laptop13:16
Shadikka"while not all(x <= y for x, y in zip(deck, deck[1:])):" .. my head hurts.13:17
TermanaN900Im with X-Fade - i like the n900 one better13:17
MNZI vote N900. (Small Print: never tried the n810)13:17
DocScrutinizerwtf "while not all" ?13:17
MohammadAGI haven't use an N8x0, so I have to agree the N900's better13:17
* LjL scratches his head13:18
ShadikkaDocScrutinizer: all(x) returns True if all values in the Iterable x eval to true13:18
svuorelaI like the keys much better on n900, but the layout better on n81013:18
ShadikkaOkay, that's probably the most compact way of doing it (I cannot think of how to do it otherwise), but..13:19
* rmrfchik votes for n810 layout13:19
ShadikkaIt's definitely not the most elegant solution.13:19
DocScrutinizerisn't python nice?13:19
DocScrutinizerwait, is it even py?13:20
visz <- is that a men's wristwatch?13:20
viszLarisa Riquelme - lanzamiento del Nokia C313:20
Shadikkawhile not all(deck[i-1] <= deck[i] for i in range(1, len(deck))) would work13:20
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ShadikkaIt is Python.13:21
JaffaX-Fade: pong13:21
Shadikkaoh whoopsie, my train's leaving pretty soon o_O13:21
Shadikka(of _course_ I keep track of time.)13:21
DocScrutinizerShadikka: that looks way better13:21
Shadikkagotta agree.13:23
* DocScrutinizer really hates these oo-oriented coding styles13:23
KhertanHow i can add shortcut on menu on maemo with qt ... QAction with shortcut are ignore13:23
X-FadeJaffa: Would you agree I should just remove libgio from diablo extras*?13:24
DocScrutinizerprolly I'm too old to learn to like them13:24
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ShadikkaDocScrutinizer: that was more like a functional coding style13:25
JaffaX-Fade: AIUI, yes.13:25
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DocScrutinizerShadikka: yep, you're right. oo wasn't the right attribute13:26
DocScrutinizermaybe cluttered is more to the point13:26
X-FadeJaffa: ok. exterminating...13:26
DocScrutinizeror let's call it the "Why use an array when we can use a dictionary of structures" coding style13:28
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* DocScrutinizer gets headache on figuring what python does to memory usage by building up the lists to operate on, in above example13:30
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ShadikkaI'm not actually sure13:33
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, if something other than the bq chip takes over charging, the solid yellow light would go off right?13:33
ShadikkaIt might just reference the same list from two different points.13:33
DocScrutinizererrm, yes, think so13:33
X-FadeMohammadAG: Light is not driven by bq.13:33
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: it is13:34
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: It isn't.13:34 well at least13:34
X-FadeOn meego, it charges without led.13:34
DocScrutinizerbeg to disagree13:34
X-FadeSo something drives it.13:34
X-FadeOr it needs to be configured to drive it at least.13:34
X-FadeMy guess is that bme just pulses the led.13:35
ShadikkaBut anyway, memory usage in Python is usually not one of the first concerns.13:35
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, when nothing is handling charging the light is handled by the bq13:35
DocScrutinizerthe RGB-indicator LED is driven by LP5523 *and* by bq24150 (for red+green)13:35
X-FadeAs you can edit the pattern with led pattern editor.13:35
MohammadAGit's solid yellow13:35
jacekowskiNokia accounts for about 20% of sales;13:35
jacekowski20% stuff TI makes go to nokia13:35
MohammadAGX-Fade, you can't edit the solid yellow light13:35
X-FadeMy N900 pulses green while charging.13:35
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TermanaN900X-Fade, that wouldn't explain emergency charging13:35
MohammadAGI'm on ubuntu atm, so no mce or bme13:35
TermanaN900BME isn't running when doing emergency charging and the led is yellow during it13:36
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: that's nice, though usually it pulses yellow. Solid yellow however is usually from bq24150 on mere hardware level, without any system involved13:36
MohammadAGdd your /dev/mtd5 with /dev/zero, then connect a charger :P13:37
MohammadAG(don't... do that)13:37
ShadikkaI've just set the led to pulse turquoise when charging.13:37
DocScrutinizerbq24150 switching on red + green led via two transistors, during recovery charge13:37
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: afaik bq24150 is switching off the pin which drives yellow, as soon as any software takes over and reconfigures for *real* charging. So solid yellow means it's emergency charge13:38
MohammadAGand when that turns off, the light goes off13:39
MohammadAGany other lights are controlled by other software13:39
RST38hYou are sure there is a pin that drives yellow? :)13:39
MohammadAGon maemo, that would be mce13:39
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: *maybe* you could configure bq24150 to still assert the yellow pin, while doing normal charge, but that's up to software then, which usually won't do that13:39
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MNZSince we are on about hardware, is anyone working on that digital filter support on the hardware codec in the n900?13:42
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ShadikkaNow that's a binary operator for you. XAND.13:43
ShadikkaA and B, but not both.13:43
DocScrutinizerMNZ: I looked into it, but for sure didn't think about actually starting a project to support it. Just know it's there and it looks versatile and worth a second look13:44
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DocScrutinizerX-Fade: even nolo seems to stop the bq24150 solid yellow, and use LP5523 for doing these white light ramp-ups and stuff. But on comletely empty battery, so system won't even level-one-boot to NOLO, bq24150 kicks in and signals emergency recover charge in progress via lighting up red+green on a hw-level13:47
MNZDocScrutinizer, I have always wanted to do some linux driver work, but taking a look at this I think it's way too complex for a noob right?13:48
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: But MohammadAG is running in ubuntu, so NOLO has touched it already.13:48
* MohammadAG calls child abuse13:48
DocScrutinizerhe's working on some very special wizardry involving bq2415013:48
MohammadAGnothing's handling the chip13:48
MohammadAGwhen I run a charging script, the light goes off13:49
MohammadAGso I'm assuming the script does _something_ right13:49
barisionehow are maemo apps translated usually? transifex?13:49
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fralsbarisione: ive seen a few use transifex at least (and i use it ;D)13:53
barisioneI guess I should do the same then13:53
barisioneI'm used to gnome where a bunch of people just translate my software without me even noticing13:53
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DocScrutinizerbarisione: I guess it depends on the rest of tools/libs you're using14:03
barisioneit's not a problem of tools I'm using (as a programmer), but how to get translators to translate my software14:03
DocScrutinizerfor Qt based programs I'd guess using QtLinguist is the way to go14:04
DocScrutinizerfor a gtk based program QtLinguist obviously is nonsense14:04
barisionehm, there is this:
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DocScrutinizerhmm, so..?14:06
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DocScrutinizer is also nice14:09
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barisioneDocScrutinizer: I have a different problem. you are suggesting a technical way to translate stuff14:13
barisioneI'm looking for the place where translators get my strings and put their translations14:13
DocScrutinizerahh, you need a management framework for all the tranlating groups?14:13
DocScrutinizerI see, no clue. ignore me14:14
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MNZis the scratchbox environment a faithful reproduction of the OS as it is on the phone?14:19
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MNZwell, at least is the kernel source that I can get on scratchbox the actual source used to build the maemo kernel?14:20
DocScrutinizerermm, no14:21
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MNZso how do I build a module or rebuild the maemo kernel? is it available on some public repo?14:22
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DocScrutinizerthere have been reports the binaries shipped with images or via SSU are different to those you create from any available source. It's not completely clear yet if it's simply due to build environment differences or if there are actually different sourcecode versions used internally by Nokia14:23
alteregoMNZ: you need scratchbox and download the kernel-source package.14:23
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MNZermm actually I did a apt-get soruce kernel. So what's the kernel-source package, alterego?14:26
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MNZthe package description says it's the kernel source for rx-51. I guess this is as close as possible?14:28
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DocScrutinizerclose enough14:32
DocScrutinizeranyway it's probably a good idea to compile and install kernel and modules from same source, no matter what14:33
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DocScrutinizerask MohammadAG, he should know by now :-)14:34
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MohammadAGrebuilding a module is easy14:35
MohammadAGin fact, I'm doing that right now14:35
DocScrutinizerhow well do modules match the stock kernel?14:36
MNZwhat about a module that's builtin? One would need to replace the kernel and I don't want to miss nokia-specific code14:36
MNZMohammadAG, what's the difference between the kernel source from source of the 'kernel' package and the kernel source that the kernel-source package installs?14:38
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DocScrutinizerif you modify a builtin module you'll have to build all modules as well. But you won't lose any 'nokia specifics'14:38
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MNZDocScrutinizer, unless the kernel sources we have are not the ones used to build the stock kernel14:39
Stskeepstrust me, it's the one14:39
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DocScrutinizeryep, but as mentioned above, that's just rant14:39
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MohammadAGMNZ, use the source of the package "kernel"14:41
MohammadAGkernel-source is generated by that14:41
MohammadAGit's a copy of the kernel before anything is compiled14:41
MNZMohammadAG, ah, thanks14:41
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TTabletHey there!15:07
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TTabletAbou NITdroid....15:07
TTabletHow it is going?15:07
TTablet(NITdroid 2)15:07
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ramonciocan anybody help me plz? I bricked my n900. it exists flash mode in just a second, so I can't flash it  :(15:21
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MohammadAGtake out battery, run flasher, connect USB, shove the battery back in15:22
ramoncioI'll try that right now, thanks15:23
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ramoncioSuitable USB device not found, waiting.15:29
ramoncioUSB device found found at bus 002, device address 004.15:29
ramoncioFound device RX-51, hardware revision 210415:29
ramoncioNOLO version 1.4.1415:29
ramoncioVersion of 'sw-release': RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_MR015:29
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ramoncioBooting device into flash mode.15:29
ramoncioSuitable USB device not found, waiting.15:29
ramonciothe usb icon appears for just a second15:29
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ramonciothis is the command I run15:29
ramonciosudo flasher-3.5 -F /media/Windows7/Users/ramoncio/Desktop/nokia\ n900/firmware/RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R15:29
ramoncioflasher v2.5.2 (Oct 21 2009)15:29
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Scelt?? flash15:30
infobotfrom memory, flashing is
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Sceltramoncio: you press the u key?15:32
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pycghow can i get qmake installed on n900? libqt4-dev qmake from sdk repos doesnt work15:34
X-Fadepycg: You can't.15:35
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X-FadeAs the -dev package is hacked so that there are i386 binaries inside for scratchbox support.15:35
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ramoncio_sorry, my computer hanged15:38
ramoncio_so this is the correct flash command?15:38
ramoncio_sudo flasher-3.5  -F /media/Windows7/Users/ramoncio/Desktop/nokia\ n900/firmware/RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin --flash-only=kernel -f -R15:38
X-Faderamoncio_: no15:39
ramoncio_what should I change?15:39
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ramoncio_sorry, I lost the link15:39
X-FadeThe EMMC bin is your internal storage.15:39
ramoncio_I see15:39
X-FadeYou need the actual firmware.15:39
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ramoncio_THANK YOU VERY MUCH15:42
ramoncio_that was the problem15:43
ramoncio_My n900 is back!!15:43
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ramoncio_thank you very much, I0m out for dinner15:44
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crashanddiemake an effort: ood16:17
crashanddieso, first horizontal, then vertical, then horizontal again, then vertical mirroring.16:18
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MohammadAG/kick crashanddie16:19
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* crashanddie wonders who the hell is behind Energy Star, and why have we been seeing them on our BIOS' for 20 years, even though every year someone else comes out with a better solution than their current crap.16:22
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derfcrashanddie: It's a government program.16:30
crashanddiewhich government?16:31
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derfThe US.16:31
derfDoes it matter?16:31
crashanddiewell, kinda16:31
crashanddieconsidering it appears on nearly any European computer16:31
derfWe probably conned them into giving out tax breaks, too.16:32
crashanddiehmm, it's international, actually.16:33
derfI'm sure it is now.16:34
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derfAnyway, the point is, Energy Star == tax dodge, and nothing to do with energy.16:35
crashanddie"To qualify for an Energy Star logo, companies self-certify that their products comply with the standards. The Energy Department does not test products for compliance with Energy Star standards, and often there is no independent verification of what manufacturers report."16:36
kerioShadikka: hmm16:36
crashanddiederf: not quite16:36
kerioisn't that just a check for sortedness?16:36
crashanddie"Devices carrying the Energy Star logo, such as computer products and peripherals, kitchen appliances, buildings and other products, generally use 20%–30% less energy than required by federal standards."16:36
DocScrutinizer51sounds quite like 'CE'16:37
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derfcrashanddie: Who do you think wrote the standards?16:37
crashanddiewell, as always, the industry16:37
kerioif list(deck) == list(sorted(deck))16:38
crashanddieheck, my name is probably in a couple of standards drafts16:38
crashanddieand I was far from being unbiased16:38
crashanddieas timeless can certainly certify :D16:39
kerioyou mean "crash and die" is in a lot of standards?16:39
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crashanddienever checked for that16:39
crashanddiebut then again, that's not my name16:39
crashanddieand "couple" is hardly "a lot"16:39
kerioi hope those are not plane standards16:39
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crashanddiekerio: I was a security consultant, if it makes you feel any better16:40
MNZmuch better16:40
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crashanddiewhich is one of the broadest terms I could think of, admittedly16:40
DuckbootA security Consultant named Crash and Die - Now I feel _real_ secure16:40
keriooh, nitdroid has calls now?16:41
Duckbootkerio: Almost16:41
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Duckbootkerio: they are working on audio-routing afaik16:42
keriohaha what a pr0n clip during the video launch of the N8?16:42
* kerio is reading RSS feeds16:42
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GAN900derf, quit being such a cynic. The government is only ever looking out for your best interests. *choke*16:43
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DuckbootGAN900: And Unicorns really do exists.16:45
crashanddieDuckboot: I'm thinking unicorns really did exist16:47
jogadoes mappero have any command line parameters? It would be convenient to be able to make a shortcut that would display the route from gps position to some fixed target like home, using the "Reittiopas" route planner interface16:48
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DocScrutinizer51reit die Opas?16:51
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jogamappero already has a nice interface to it, it's just that I need to manually click a few times to get the route16:52
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jogaI'd like to have a couple of shortcuts like "Go home from here"16:52
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* DocScrutinizer51 as well16:55
GAN900Somebody should write a "SpecAnalyzer" application to check the numbers on rumor specs and tell you whether they're complete bs.16:57
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DocScrutinizer51meh, maemo is incredibly lacking on such nice and actually simple integration: no way to click "take phot now" from contacts avatar selection. No way to store geo-coords to a contact, not to think about having a 'go there from here'. No copy of GPS coords to any other app in a simple manner16:58
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DocScrutinizer51aso aso16:58
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GAN900It lacks polish everywhere17:01
GAN900It's no surprise, given that it's a miracle the damn thing shipped at all17:01
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GAN900(which Nokia's marketting people like to point to like it's not embareassing)17:02
DocScrutinizer51but meego will be so much better... Really! believe me! no kidding17:02
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psycho_oreosmeego with rpm hell17:03
GAN900It will! We've got Intel and Novell n'shit involved!17:03
Stskeepssigh, i've only had sanity with rpm so far17:03
DocScrutinizer51yeah, so system integration and uniform UX can't fail17:04
Stskeepsconsidering how i usually rape OS'es, rpm hasn't been the least bit problematic17:04
DocScrutinizer51yep same here17:04
TermanaI'm not concerned about rpms17:05
DocScrutinizer51RPM vs deb is kinda like emacs vs vim17:05
TermanaI am concerned however over DocScrutinizer51 and Stskeeps raping OS'es17:05
Stskeepsit's more fun when people compare rpm and apt-get17:05
SpeedEvilCan we not have a cat/dd war?17:05
SpeedEvilThat'd be fun.17:05
psycho_oreosand there's no proper equivalent of apt-mirror17:05
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DocScrutinizer51I'm temped to define a set of aliases and see how long it takes til people even notice they use zypper instead of apt17:06
MohammadAGI present to you, something that should go down linux history :P
lbtpsycho_oreos: and no apt-cacher-ng :(17:07
MNZMohammadAG, I've seen ~300 on an 8core i717:08
SpeedEvilI've seen 8000 on a 486/7517:08
SpeedEvilIt was however a wierd app17:08
SpeedEvilI basically had several thousand sleep 5min going at once.17:09
MNZof course the load number stops really being of any use/meaning after a certain threshold....17:09
SpeedEvilI was finding free domains in [a-z0-9].(com|net|org)17:09
psycho_oreoslbt, yup and we've silenced the rpm fans :)17:09
MohammadAGI was running make -j 10017:09
MohammadAGcompiling the kernel17:10
SpeedEvilThis was on a 33k6 modem - which wasn't slow at the time, and already they were mostly gone up to length 417:10
SpeedEvilI now have a 4 letter domain name.17:10
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kerioSpeedEvil: what domain?17:10
kerioalso, don't you mean [a-z0-9]+\.(com|net|org) ?17:11
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SpeedEvilthough also I checked single letters.17:11
keriooh, so...17:11
keriowhat's the "one or more"?17:12
SpeedEvilI picked it through the advanced means of placing snipes for a fiver on all ebay domain name auctions under chars.17:12
SpeedEvilI really wanted to express 1-4 - but I couldn't be bothered remembering the syntax17:12
keriodid you invent a nice backronym for it?17:12
MNZSpeedEvil, [a-z]{1,4}17:13
SpeedEvilIt's a duck surfing website.17:13
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kerioMNZ: [a-z0-9]{1,4}17:13
keriocan domains start with a number?17:13
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keriooh right17:14
* kerio feels dumb17:14
keriowho owns
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keriooh, the IANA17:14
MNZMohammadAG, btw, you'll probably build faster if you set the number of threads to something sane :D maybe double the number of cores? (guessing)17:15
MNZummm wtf?17:15
MohammadAGMNZ, I wasn't building to get a kernel, was loading the PC to get more entropy17:15
MohammadAGwhich didn't exactly work17:16
MNZMouse wiggling FTW17:16
GAN900Anybody else feel old when people talk about 1GHz ARMs like they're so 2008?17:16
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* Jaffa still has a 12MHz ARM250 in the loft :-(17:16
JaffaAnd a StrongARM netBook in his study17:16
keriobash on the keyboard like a monkey!17:16
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SpeedEvilI have a Z80 netbook.17:17
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_berto_fuck ARM, this is going to be my next computer:
_berto_(well, actually when they make one with a zx spectrum case :D)17:18
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jacktheripperhey, I installed openjdk from the wiki. java is spitting out an error. It can't find libjli.so17:26
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GAN900The N9 specs thread is gold.17:27
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jacktherippernvm, it works17:28
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disseA little question: I compiled my first programm with scratchbox and saw it @ Xephyr. now, I wanted to test the same @ FREMANTLE_ARMEL. So, I changed this with sb-conf select FREMANTLE_ARMEL and wanted to compile. I give you some Information:
disseand I created an other gtk file with ARMEL, but it doesn't worked too.17:29
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psycho_oreosthat's a simple user error17:29
dissewhere is my problem?17:30
psycho_oreoswhat you have: gtk_helloworld.c ... what you tried to make which the file doesn't exist: gtk_helloworld-1.c17:30
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dissewhy ARMEL doesn't work with Xephyr?? With X86 with no problems, but with ARMEL?17:32
dissesame commands17:32
X-Fadedisse: Because your CPU is x86? :)17:33
disseah, k17:33
psycho_oreosyou could probably get that to work under qemu heh17:33
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DocScrutinizermuhaha. vulnerability in ActiveX-Control "UfPBCtrl.dll" of Trend Micro Internet Security. Allows execution of code in local context17:47
SpeedEvilActive-X is the vuln.17:47
kerioisn't there something similar to Muphry's Law for security?17:47
SpeedEvilActive-X is batshit insane.17:47
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SpeedEvilIt relies not only on the signator being honest, and non-compromised, but also producing 100% vulnerability-free code.17:48
kerioSpeedEvil: what could go wrong when using activex in a security tool? :D17:49
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DocScrutinizerwell Trend Micro is a antivir & firewall17:49
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* RST38h has a PDP11-compatible palmtop. Eat that, punks.17:52
DocScrutinizer .aspx !! lol17:52
* DocScrutinizer had a PDP1117:52
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dr_s99Hi everyone17:54
DocScrutinizernot yet17:54
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GAN900RST38h, why are you arguing with capacitive people?18:40
GAN900RST38h, it's like arguing with liberals, you can't appeal to the emotional basis of their position. :P18:40
kerioresistive allows for a stylus18:40
kerio'nuff said18:40
GAN900kerio, resistive doesn't make me want to throw my phone at the wall.18:41
DocScrutinizerGAN900: echo >>/etc/hosts18:41
RST38hGAN900: I am not arguing, I am *hunting* =)18:41
kerioGAN900: meh, capacitive touchscreens aren't bad18:41
keriomy ipod touch works well18:41
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GAN900DocScrutinizer, oh, but I'm having fun.18:42
GAN900RST38h, well then, carry on.18:42
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* DocScrutinizer51 hands RST38h a javelin18:43
* MNZ hands RST38h a stylus18:44
RST38hMore to the point though...18:44
RST38hQuesion: I have got two files (Image.c and Console.c) that qmake refuses to see. They are included as SOURCES in the .pro file, but the resulting Makefile does not mention them18:45
RST38hAny idea what may be wrong?18:45
RST38h(tried asking that on #meego, with nil result)18:45
DocScrutinizer51RST38h: or want a M134?18:45
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GAN900RST38h, no go here, either, apparently.18:52
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* DocScrutinizer51 aims his MTHEL in tmo general direction18:59
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RST38hGAN900: Yea, IRC has become useless for technical stuff lately, too =(19:02
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Macerugh.. installing kubuntu on someone's pos emachine from like 200219:03
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DocScrutinizer51RST38h: that's subjective19:10
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DocScrutinizer51RST38h: I'm sure you checked for silly UC/LC issues19:10
RST38hof course19:10
DocScrutinizer51rename? atime?19:11
DocScrutinizer51even strace?19:11
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DocScrutinizer51or shoot with MTHEL19:13
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DocScrutinizer51the youtube vid is wort it - just for the music :-P19:14
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antlong_hello, does anyone know if its possible to view the contents of an sms via t-mobile.com19:19
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alteregoantlong_: this really isn't the best place to be asking that question ..19:22
alteregoDon't tmobile have a forum?19:22
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SpeedEvilt-mobile UK does19:28
SpeedEvilBut yes - that's an entirely provider dependant question.19:29
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rtylerhowdy guys, I'm wondering if there's a quickstart tutorial I might have missed somewhere about syncing things like music to a maemo powered device like the n90019:54
rtylerI tried syncing somehow with mass storage mode, but that only gave me access to my SD card19:55
SpeedEvilYou plug n900 in19:55
SpeedEvilselect 'ass rage' mode, and then simply copy the files.19:55
SpeedEvilmass strorage19:55
rtylerand I'm only permitted to push stuff onto the SD card as opposed to the phone's builtin storage?19:56
SpeedEvilIf you don't select mass storage, it's not mounted19:57
SpeedEvilyou're using windows?19:57
rtylerof course not, openSUSE :D19:57
SpeedEvilThere is also sertting up USB networking, or using wifi, and then rsync/scp/...19:58
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SpeedEvilI just rsync over wifi,as I'm lazy.19:58
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rtylerheh, well I was hoping to take advantage of the podcasting stuff that banshee does19:58
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D-IivilI have a stupid question; is there a switch or option for cp -command @ xterm to copy actual files instead of symlinks? I mean when copying ie. symlink folder, it just copies the symlink instead the real destination.20:02
DocScrutinizerrtyler: mount sshfs, if you want kinda generic access, without the pain of USB mass stoarge and cable plugging20:02
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SpeedEvilcp -R or -r20:03
SpeedEvilor -d20:03
SpeedEvilI forget20:03
DocScrutinizerrtyler: or use sftp://user@n900 in your favourite browser/filemanager20:03
SpeedEviland maybe busybox cp won't actually do that at all20:03
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D-IivilSpeedEvil, -r copies folder recursively.20:04
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* rtyler nods at DocScrutinizer 20:04
DocScrutinizer -L, --dereference              always follow symbolic links in SOURCE20:05
DocScrutinizerseems what you want20:05
D-IivilDocScrutinizer, thanks. Will try it :)20:05
D-IivilStupid cp wont give any help of available whitches with --help20:06
DocScrutinizernuke messybox, get decent tools20:07
DocScrutinizerapt-get install coreutils-gnu20:07
DocScrutinizerapt-get install bash20:08
D-IivilDocScrutinizer, I cannot tell other users to nuke it.20:08
D-IivilDocScrutinizer, need to get my tiny shell script to backup the real files instead of symlinks.20:08
FIQwhy isn't bash a color terminal anymore, did some modify it?20:08
DocScrutinizerecho PATH=/usr/bin/gnu:$PATH >>.bashrc20:08
FIQcause it were last time i downloaded it20:08
mikki-kunFIQ: i think you need to either active that in the .bashrc or maybe write a couple of lines for it20:09
johnsqD-Iivil: busybox cp -L20:09
FIQlol -L20:09
FIQwhat a random switch20:09
D-Iiviljohnsq, yeah, already got the answer :)20:10
FIQshould be -H at least20:10
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johnsqFIQ: works also20:10
FIQor well, -h should work as cp isn't putting out human readable info)20:10
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johnsq-h should show the help, and not use --help for help!20:11
mikki-kunFIQ may i ask which distribution you had the colored output in?20:11
GAN900Now that's just obnoxious.20:11
mikki-kunuhhh, on your n900? :o i didn't have that20:11
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* GAN900 neglected to include beer in gluten-free considerations.20:12
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FIQmikki-kun, neihter did I on this download20:12
FIQbut last time i had it. D:20:12
FIQand yea, coreutils-gnu >>>> messybox-things20:13
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mikki-kunhm, i guess you can find somewhere on the interwebs some lines which make it output in color again :)20:13
mikki-kunbusybox ftl20:13
FIQgoogle ftw. :P20:13
ieatlint"bash" isn't colour... if you mean why isn't ls showing colour coded results, try "ls --color"20:14
DocScrutinizer51out what in color?20:14
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DocScrutinizer51or just look at .bashrc20:15
mikki-kunhm, does anybody have an idea what made my python behave like this?
FIQwell, i used to have ls --color=always as alias before and i will add it again when i feel like charging my N90020:15
FIQls as alias to that*20:16
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kerioFIQ: "ls --color=always -f" you mean20:16
SpeedEvills probably does not support it20:16
SpeedEvilthat is - busybox ls20:16
FIQis -f adding *, /, etc?20:16
FIQSpeedEvil, meant gls. D:20:16
mikki-kunFIQ: ssh in there and then something like 'echo "alias ls='ls --color'" >> ~/.bash_rc' could already do the job20:17
FIQalias ls='gls --color=always' if i don't fail (tired atm)20:17
D-Iivil-H or -L didn't work.20:17
FIQif i recall correctly i had -F as well20:17
D-IivilI still get cannot create symlink -error when trying to copy symlinked file to MyDocs20:17
ieatlinti'm impressed how many people are participating in a topic of making ls show colours :P20:17
FIQ(add suffixes)20:17
MNZD-Iivil, try some tar magic20:18
mikki-kunieatlint: that's called teamwork ;)20:18
mikki-kunsomething other OS-communities don't have that much ^^20:18
SpeedEvilD-Iivil: mydocs is vfat20:18
SpeedEvilIt does not support symlinks.20:18
MNZSpeedEvil, he wants to copy what the symlinks point to20:19
D-IivilSpeedEvil, yes, I know, that's why I want to copy the_real_file instead of symlink.20:19
D-IivilFIQ, -F didn't help :/20:19
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FIQD-Iivil, oh20:20
MNZD-Iivil, like I said, tar magic20:20
adisbladisIs there any way to solve the error while running pacmd?20:20
SpeedEvilFIQ: you probably nered to install gnu tools.20:20
FIQ@ D-Iivil20:20
SpeedEvilD-Iivil: the busybox versions are cut down and are only intended for noninteractiver use.20:20
SpeedEvilThis is fine, and they work well for that.20:20
MNZD-Iivil, try "tar chf - yoursymlinks | tar x -C where/do/you/want/to/extract"20:20
FIQSpeedEvil, i installed grep-gnu, coreutils-gnu, and some other gnu things20:21
ieatlinttar is kinda over the top, heh20:21
D-IivilMNZ, thx, will try it :)20:21
DocScrutinizermikki-kun: ...or `nano .bashrc`20:21
ieatlintat that point, just do "cat file > dest"20:21
ieatlintpermissions won't be kept, but on vfat, that doesn't matter20:21
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: i'd rather use notepad than go with nano...20:21
FIQ(like nano for example)20:21
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D-IivilFIQ, I cannot force other users to use those. Must work with included tools.20:21
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FIQnano is nicer. :D20:21
mikki-kuni am a vim-user20:21
FIQguess vim is fine too. :p20:22
MNZieatlint, he would have to loop through all files, perhaps use find or something. tar will do the job (if -h is supported in busybox tar)20:22
mikki-kunin the past i liked nano, but as i grew accustomed to vim i kinda cannot live without it20:22
ieatlintMNZ, rsync would be the better choice overall... assuming it's not as crippled20:23
FIQbtw, is screen compiled for Maemo?20:23
MNZieatlint, I know, but it's not there on busybox20:23
ieatlintah, i guess i installed it then... double checked it was on my n900 before commenting20:23
kerioapt-get install rsync20:23
ieatlintsomehow it just seems hilarious to do tar like that20:24
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DocScrutinizerD-Iivil: doesn't support messybox cp the -L flag?20:24
lcuktimeless, ping20:24
D-IivilMNZ, getting just "cannot change ownership" -errors with that tar -command20:24
FIQit appeared that the Debian .deb (copy/paste ftw) worked just fine to install, but had broken packages and didn't existed the repo20:24
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MNZkerio, he's writing a shell script for end users, and doesn't want to force them to install any extra stuff20:24
FIQs/the repo/in the maemo repo/20:24
infobotFIQ meant: it appeared that the Debian .deb (copy/paste ftw) worked just fine to install, but had broken packages and didn't existed in the maemo repo20:24
D-IivilDocScrutinizer, -L gives "cannot create symlink" error.20:24
ieatlintD-Iivil, those are warnings i'd bet, just ignore them.. the file is there20:24
keriooh, i got "cannot change ownership" too20:25
ieatlintthe change owner error i mean20:25
keriowhile unpacking a tar with different owners/permissions20:25
kerioi ended up using rsync :320:25
keriorsync is epic20:25
FIQthat's because of +x problems in vfat (as vfat isn't supporting the +x chmod at all), kerio20:25
D-Iivilieatlint, yeah, you're right!20:25
keriobut tar on busybox has no ignore-unix-stuff (or whatever the option is called)20:26
D-Iivilso the tar -magic works :)20:26
keriono, wait, the problem was that the tar had a read-only directory with files inside20:26
kerioso it created the directory, happily set it to read-only, and then complained that it couldn't write to it20:26
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D-Iivilrunning out of battery. Thanks for the help :)20:28
MNZkerio, umm... I never thought of that.. so how do you solve that?20:28
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ieatlintyes, rsync is awesome... and even works for transferring files over ssh20:29
kerioroot; tar jxvf archive.tar.bz220:29
keriothen i cursed a lot20:29
MNZoh of course20:29
kerioand then bzcat archive.tar.bz2 | tar xv20:29
DocScrutinizerNokia-N900-42-11:~# ll bln20:29
DocScrutinizerlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 2010-08-27 19:28 bln -> .bashrc20:29
DocScrutinizerNokia-N900-42-11:~# busybox cp -L bln blnx20:29
DocScrutinizerNokia-N900-42-11:~# ll blnx20:29
DocScrutinizer-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 420 2010-08-27 19:29 blnx20:29
MNZDocScrutinizer, maybe there were other factors complicating the thing.... a symlinked dir, or some permissions thign?20:30
DocScrutinizermaybe, dunno what you did20:31
MNZI didn't do anything. And he logged off20:33
MNZmoving on20:33
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DocScrutinizerkerio: (messy tar) LOL! but wait, extracting .bz2 shouldn't work at all with messytar, as it doesn't know how to invoke any decompressor, like usual tar does on finding proper file extension20:39
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kerioDocScrutinizer: read more scrollback20:39
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: uh? tar doesn't detect format by extension20:39
kerioalso it supports gzip20:40
luke-jror at all for that matter20:40
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: uhuh?20:40
luke-jrthat's why you need to specify -z or -j for gzip or bzip220:40
keriotar zxvf is so standard20:40
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luke-jrtar xjvpf <-- my default20:41
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MNZluke-jr, I'm pretty sure it does some kind of detection (file, extension, or whatever) because I use tar xf for everything20:41
luke-jrpreserve permissions20:41
luke-jrlike +x :p20:41
* mgedmin votes for xvzf20:41
luke-jror maybe it means owners20:41
luke-jrand only works for root20:41
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keriounderstanding unix: ur doin it wrong20:41
luke-jrMNZ: pretty sure normal GNU Tar doesn't do that20:41
mgedminluke-jr, not only -p works only for root, it's on by default when you run tar as root20:42
tobis87FIQ: Regarding colors, add these alias to /etc/bash.bashrc and source it in /etc/profile
mgedminso I'm not sure what's the point of ever specifying it explicitlhy20:42
mgedminmaybe I'm missing something20:42
luke-jrmgedmin: lol, maybe it wasn't at one point20:42
SpeedEvil-p will also work in the case of groups won't it?20:42
MNZluke-jr, tar --version : tar (GNU tar) 1.2320:43
luke-jrkill $(ps -eo size,pid | sort -n | tail -n 5 | cut -b 7-) # easily make more memory space!20:43
MNZluke-jr, tar xf works just fine whether it's a tar.bz2 or tgz/tar.gz20:43
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luke-jrMNZ: so it does … weird20:44
DocScrutinizer  --no-auto-compress              do not use use archive suffix to determine the compression program20:45
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lcukmgedmin, you have seen many apps translated around the OSS sphere, for the gtk apps, which mechanism/service is commonly used?20:53
lcukthats the runtime translation tool though, do the translators have to have access to the source repositories to actually put the translations there?20:56
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mgedminlcuk, this is a bit beyond my expertise21:00
mgedminusually yes, the .po files live in the upstream source repo21:00
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mgedmintranslators often have commit privs21:00
mgedminthere are various tools that I'm not familiar with (Transifex? Pootle? GNOME has something of its own, I believe) and maybe they automate some of those things21:01
mgedminsometimes translators attach .po files to bug reports saying "updated $language translation, please apply"21:01
LjLaww, i just found out the N900 doesn't have a compass :(21:02
mirfshame isn't it21:04
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mirfbut it's got other awesomness :D21:04
LjLyeah, magnetometer. i have a Motorola Milestone now, which has it, and it's handy for 1) navigation when you're on foot 2) augmented reality stuff21:04
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LjLyeah the N900 has some nice things, which is why i've been considering switching, but i considered a compass a relatively important one21:05
LjLfor some reason i was convinced it had it21:05
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keriopeople with N900s don't walk that much anyway21:07
viszwalking is for chumps21:09
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mikki-kunreal geeks build their own compass! ^^21:09
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derfJust live in a country where you can see the sun.21:10
mikki-kunderf: even without it, the polar star helps you find your way21:10
MNZand if all that doesn't help, just ask someone with a magnetometer21:11
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LjLgyroscopes would be even better anyway!21:17
SpeedEvilneed both21:19
LjLboth would be most excellent21:19
LjLand a barometer!21:19
MNZThe augmented reality thing is pretty awesome. Makes me feel like I'm holding a pokedex21:19
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LjLwell on my Milestone at least, augmented reality apps i've tried were kind of below expectations. the compass doesn't seem very accurate.21:20
SpeedEvilThe compass is quite accurate - if calibrated properly, and away from metal.21:22
SpeedEvilIf this is not true, it doesn't work so well21:22
MNZSpeedEvil, ... someone needs to stick that thing into an RC plane or something21:22
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LjLMNZ: i keep thinking about this automated small dirigible idea...21:24
LjLSpeedEvil: well maybe, in fact i know a person who's trying to make an improved (and open-source) version of Android's daemon for processing raw compass values... but, i don't know. on my phone, moving it in directions that shouldn't really affect the compass reading seem to affect the compass reading, and i can't seem to get it to calibrate in a way that makes sense.21:25
SpeedEvilMNZ: I happen to know someone who actually is.21:25
SpeedEvilLjL: do you have access to the raw accel and magno ouputs?21:26
LjLSpeedEvil: magno i think so, accel not so sure. i'll know better after i'll be home with a linux machine where i can actually compile stuff for android21:27
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MNZSpeedEvil, mad props to him21:28
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SpeedEvilLjL: you know that you have to use the accel to correct the output of a compass?21:29
SpeedEvilLjL: That is - the accelleration and the field orientation are two vectors.21:30
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SpeedEvilYou have to use your model of the earths field, and the difference in these vectors pointing, to work out the absolute orientation of the device.21:30
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tobis87unrelated: native zfs kernel module will be available next month.21:37
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tobis87i would really like to see a comparision, between xfs and zfs (both as native modules).21:38
tobis87don't know, ext4 and brtfs may be still unstable, and reiser4. mmh, i don't think i want to use a fs with the name from a murderer. (old joke: he killed his wife, because she became FAT)21:40
Stskeepsgod, i just had a 90's debian flashback21:41
Stskeepsget out of my head21:41
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tobis87Stskeeps: What do you think about multiple sd card slots, in the  next nokia devices? We could make some mighty sw raids. :-D21:46
Stskeepstobis87: n800, go nuts with zfs21:46
luke-jrtobis87: why Nokia?21:47
MNZwhat's mafw?21:48
tobis87Stskeeps: As I said, it was unrelated, zfs would be an overkill, like xfs would be. Didn't they said that they had to ported linux to xfs. :-D21:49
SpeedEvilThis is clearly the CPU a new nokia/meego device should have:21:50
tobis87luke-jr: Or Intel, it was a joke anyway.21:50
luke-jrtobis87: why Intel?21:50
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luke-jrwhy joke?21:51
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nox-SpeedEvil, 12W?  isnt that a bit much? :)21:51
nox-(for something like a smartphone i mean...)21:51
SpeedEvilBut feel the cores!21:52
babsherThe n900 has a few 'cores' already but they are specialized21:54
tobis87luke-jr: Will meego, not be supplied by Intel and Nokia? I mean of course other tablets could also have sw raid. But I don't think that you could easily compile the raid modules on android. Joke, because sw raid would be dead slow, I don't think omap's are fast enough.21:55
luke-jrtobis87: shrug, I don't care about MeeGo21:55
luke-jrsw raid isn't slow at all21:55
luke-jrespecially not RAID-021:55
luke-jrthat's just doing writes to alternative devices21:56
luke-jrRAID-0 would be handy for a nice performance boost21:56
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luke-jrand you assume Android competes with MeeGo21:56
luke-jrit doesn't21:56
tobis87luke-jr: Well raid-0 is not really raid, I did mean raid-521:56
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luke-jrMeeGo competes with Ubuntu and Gentoo21:56
luke-jrRAID-5 requires 3 devices21:56
keriowith the space of one?21:57
luke-jr"real" RAID makes no sense for a handheld device IMO21:57
SpeedEvilluke-jr: Sure it does21:57
SpeedEvilluke-jr: I want important data to survive disk or chip failures.21:57
kerioSpeedEvil: so send it away21:57
luke-jrSpeedEvil: but not filesystem failures?21:57
luke-jror CPU failures?21:57
luke-jror RAM failures?21:58
kerioor someone stealing your n90021:58
luke-jrRAID's only purpose is for low-end uptime improvement21:58
luke-jrit's not useful for data survival21:58
SpeedEvilI note that there have been 4? people in here reporting failures of rthe emmc21:59
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luke-jralso, I'll note that SSD by nature are in fact a kind of RAID21:59
crashanddieMohammadAG51: sony is banning the PS3 Jailbreak users, and they've managed to get a court order to prevent the company sending any more devices21:59
tobis87does the n900 actually have ecc ram? i seen a ecc error recently in dmesg.21:59
SpeedEvilSSD is not a kind of raid.22:00
SpeedEvilAny more than an elephant is a kind of tomato.22:00
SpeedEviltobis87: ECC flash - yes - RAM no.22:00
luke-jrSpeedEvil: it uses redundant NAND to handle failures22:00
SpeedEvilluke-jr: Which is totally different from RAID22:01
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crashanddieluke-jr: and RAID has not a lot to do with redundancy22:01
SpeedEvilThe data is never duplicated.22:01
SpeedEvilThe failure detection mechanism only kicks in due to a nearly incorrect, or incorrect read.22:01
SpeedEvilAt that point, it may step in in some way to manage block errors.22:02
zeltakhya..anyone know whats the minimum size of micro-sd needed to boot nitdroid?22:02
SpeedEvilAnd copy the data around.22:02
luke-jrRAID requires redundancy, not inherently duplication :p22:02
luke-jrit's a /Redundant/ Array of Inexpensive Disks22:02
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crashanddieerhm... well, if you are running raid-0, is it still redundant?22:02
luke-jrSSD arguably is an array of NAND22:02
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luke-jrcrashanddie: that's why RAID-0 isn't really RAID22:03
crashanddieok, so we agree on that22:03
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tobis87if i think about it, ssd's don't really need raid-5, since they will fail, after a time i will surely be dead. but raid-0 seems indead intersting.22:03
luke-jrI suppose you could define NAND as expensive, thus never usable in RAID..22:03
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luke-jrtobis87: uh, you don't plan to live long?22:04
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luke-jrsure, SSD will fail after the *device* dies, but not after you or I, hopefully :P22:04
Kegetysssd is not a disk so its not RAID ;)22:04
luke-jrit's not a disc, but how is disk defined? O.o22:05
pauly_quick question anyone knows what blinking greed led light when charging n900 off usb mean22:05
SpeedEvilAre you colour blind pauly_?22:05
SpeedEvilblinking yellow is charging.22:05
mnzakipauly_, it means I've had enough, you can unplug me now22:05
SpeedEvilBlinking blue is you have a message.22:05
Kegetys"something with a round shape resembling a flat circular plate"22:05
SpeedEvilsolid green is charged22:05
luke-jrKegetys: that sounds like 'disc'22:06
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jattin easy debian I press the blue arrow and this is mapped to enter how do i fix this22:07
rtylerdoes maemo 5 run dnsmasq or anything else locally to cache DNS queries? trying to find ways to improve my performance on AT&T's crap EDGE network :)22:07
Kegetysafaik. "disc" is not an actual word but just an alternate to "disk" used for optical media22:07
kerioso it *is* an actual word22:08
kerioit's like disk but for optical media22:08
SpeedEvilrtyler: It has its own internal DNS22:08
SpeedEvilrtyler: I'm unsure if it caches22:08
SpeedEvilNo reason not to install bind in principle.22:08
tobis87luke-jr: i thought that the ssd wear problem is only a theoretical problem. i mean the cpu of the n900 will be long dead before the ssd starts to wear.22:08
luke-jrafaik 'disc' is the actual word22:08
luke-jrand 'disk' some modern variant22:08
luke-jrfor non-visibly-circular drives22:09
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luke-jrtobis87: yes, the CPU in N900 is shorter-lived.22:09
Kegetysguess they are just alternate spellings according to that22:09
luke-jrtobis87: but I hope you aren't :P22:09
mnzakiby short-lived, how short do you mean?22:10
luke-jrmnzaki: the CPU is estimated to last under a year at full speed22:10
luke-jreven with Gentoo, though, my N900 is usually idle22:10
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luke-jrfull speed = 600 MHz, not overclocked22:11
pauly_im prim pretty sure its blinking green so idk22:11
luke-jroverclocked obviously will rapidly degrade it22:11
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kerioit's all a scam so you'll buy the new, faster meego device!22:12
SpeedEvilNo I won't.22:13
SpeedEvilI'm running my n900 for the next 4 years at least.22:13
MNZneither will I22:13
keriome neither22:13
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MNZI'm going down with my n900.22:13
luke-jrI'll buy whatever device fits my needs, regardless of what company makes it or what OS is ships22:13
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nox-yeah same here22:14
keriogee, i just like shiny toys22:14
luke-jrand nothing really has since Sharp's Zaurus SL-C* line22:14
nox-and also, yes raid is no susbstitute for backup22:14
luke-jrso I'm very curious about their new IS0122:14
kerionox-: otoh, backup is not a substitute for RAID22:15
tobis87luke-jr: No, surely not... Through I sometimes think about the future... How will they look at the devices we use today. Consider you go, 20 years back in time with a sdhc card with a size 16gb. What had they thought of it.22:15
kerioRAID is meant to improve performance and uptime22:15
luke-jrkerio: RAID is just a cheap alternative to true redundancy.22:15
nox-kerio, yep22:15
RST38hIs it me, or have Extras* gone mad?22:15
luke-jreven for uptime, RAID can't handle a power supply failure, for example22:15
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RST38hI am getting report of severla updated packages (including numptyphysics) but trying to update them returns "file size mismatch"22:16
luke-jrif you really need uptime guarantees, run two servers on a round-robin in Europe and USA22:16
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* SpeedEvil segments luke-jr.22:18
MNZluke-jr, lets see your 'uptime guarantee' hold up when nuclear war breaks out! HA!22:19
luke-jrMNZ: if I need it to survive that, I could handle it… ;)22:20
luke-jrin that case, you put them in a secured facility underwater, with some kind of fuses on the network connection to suppress the EMP22:20
luke-jrand you have a minimum 3 servers :p22:20
MNZof course all internet communication is now controlled by the govt and cut off so it doesn't really matter22:21
MNZoh, and your users are dead22:21
SpeedEvilInteresting - displays without polarisers22:22
tobis87MNZ: The satellites should still work, if they don't use a-sat's against communications. Depends, don't know how much MAD is considered today.22:25
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crashanddie"British Airways apologized to passengers after an emergency message warning they were about to crash into the sea was played by mistake."22:26
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tobis87, and the internet was designed for an nuclear war. so it is decentralized.22:27
nox-haha crashanddie22:28
nox-i wonder if that really was a `mistake' tho...22:28
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MNZtobis87, I know it's decentralised, but when it comes down to the real deal, each country/alliance is going to grab their 'piece' and assume full control of it. Cut off communications with the enemy probably?22:29
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tobis87MNZ: Don't know, it depends how long it would take to switch to a secondary system. If you have a first-strike from a nuclear-submarine, I doub they would have enough time. Sure Norad might have enough time to close their big fat door, but to shut down all systems and switch to backup. I don't think so. Since, they still have to communicate with all their units...22:33
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tobis87MNZ: But a attack will surely damage a huge percent of the gateways.22:34
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* satmd test fennec alpha22:39
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tobis87MNZ: But we could also discuss if people from mars will land here in the next hundred years. Nuclear weapons are used to prevent war, not to use them. Except, the two bombs on japan, "they were test cases", I would be indeed good for the near east if the iran would have nuclear weapons, because this would balance power with israel again. But now enough on politics.22:41
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satmd'test cases'22:42
tobis87yes, sorry to harsh22:42
MNZnuclear war is never justified.22:42
satmdthere were a lot better places from a stratetic point of view22:42
satmdthey really were used to test effectivity against people22:43
tobis87but, at that time no other country had nulear weapons. so only after russia became the second power, the weapons were not usable anymore.22:43
babshernuclear war would destroy civilization22:43
satmdalso one was enough22:43
alteregoDepends who's justifying it.22:43
MNZalso, the iran-israel balance, IMHO, is not that simple.... a lot of people, me included, fear that Iran might actually use the bombs22:44
crashanddietobis87: there's only what... 9 root dns servers which would operate in case of a nuclear war?22:44
luke-jrtobis87: the two used in Japan really were test cases.22:44
crashanddietobis87: the rest of the root dns servers are hosted in the US22:45
luke-jrtobis87: the war was already over when they were dropped22:45
MNZof course if they do it it'd be epicly stupid, because they simply are no match to israel/usa. Never mind the damages from their bomb(s) while iran would be literally wiped off the map22:45
luke-jrcrashanddie: what does it matter? all the sub-root DNS servers would be dead22:45
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crashanddieluke-jr: all of them? Would they?22:45
luke-jrMNZ: I'd prefer Iran did use the bombs.22:45
MNZluke-jr, ?22:46
luke-jrMNZ: Israel deserves it at this point.22:46
luke-jractually, I might be exaggerating a little…22:46
crashanddielet's not get into who deserves what22:46
luke-jrarguably nobody deserves nukes22:46
luke-jrcrashanddie: all the ones relevant to the US. and as you said, Europe has its own22:47
MNZluke-jr, imho israel deserves a bit of spanking, but not nukes. And like I said, iran would most probably seize to exist if they used even just one bomb22:47
luke-jrMNZ: this is where you blame the speech recognition, and tell us where to find it22:47
luke-jranyhow, Iran wouldn't cease just so long as they got the US at the same time22:48
tripzerothe dominion deserves nukes22:48
tripzeroand i gave it to them last night22:48
tripzerothem and the zerrg22:48
luke-jrsneak EMPs into the military-hosting cities22:49
luke-jrwipe out all the US offenses22:49
MNZI'd bet a good sum that the US will know Iran is about to strike several hours before they do22:49
tripzeroEMPs have to be detonated in the upper atmosphere to be effective22:50
crashanddieseriously, I don't mind the theoretical discussions about what would happen in case of nuclear wars, but "attacking" countries specifically is just going to end up in a troll war22:50
luke-jrtripzero: they're line of sight. depends on the range you want.22:50
tobis87MNZ: It depends on your view. Israel is totaly mitarilised by the US. Try to get the point of view of the counties around israel. I don't live there, so I can only argue about the facts i read. Also the big wall in jerusalem... My view is that israel thinks they can do whatever they want. I mean stopping the ship under flag from turkey. This could have been seen as an act of war against turkey, and turkey is in the nato.....22:50
luke-jrtripzero: just get up high in some big commercial building…22:50
luke-jrnearby all the military complexes22:50
SpeedEvilcrashanddie: Unless it's a universally unpopular country.22:50
crashanddieI don't think such a thing exists22:51
SpeedEvilFor example - nigeria. Do we really want all that spam?22:51
crashanddieSpeedEvil: so a few hundred idiots spamming the world is enough to deserve a nuke?22:51
crashanddienice application of "innocent until proven guilty"22:51
MNZNuke em I say22:51
luke-jrcrashanddie: people can get pretty bent out of shape over spam :022:51
tripzeronukes aren't as good as you might think.  takes 2 of them to take out a hive cluster these days22:52
luke-jrnukes are boring22:52
luke-jrif you're going to take over, use EMPs and/or neutrons22:52
SpeedEvilbrb, collecting shipment of diamonds, that I'm recieving for a modest fee.22:52
tripzeroSpeedEvil, aka, DiamondSmuggler22:53
luke-jrneutron bombs are probably ideal22:53
luke-jrjust wipes out living beings, leaving all the infra intact22:53
luke-jrblow one of them and start moving in…22:53
luke-jrlots of jobs for cremators too22:53
luke-jrand free iPhones22:54
babsherwhat is the best way to parse argv22:54
luke-jrbabsher: Perl!22:54
* luke-jr runs22:54
babsherwell i am programing in c22:55
MNZPicture this... a huge ass plane with ginormous amps blasting out a nigerian prince's email with a jamaican accent. Then a 'Eat neutrons suckers!' and drop the bombs22:55
crashanddiebabsher: for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { println("%s\n", argv[i]); }22:55
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babsheri was trying getopt22:55
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babsherbut it is giving me errors22:56
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crashanddiebabsher: yeah, cuz "it's giving me errors" is such a useful way of describing the error22:58
luke-jrcrashanddie: ++i22:58
crashanddieluke-jr: doesn't matter22:58
luke-jrcrashanddie: doesn't matter in practice, but does in theory!22:58
crashanddieluke-jr: erhm, no.22:59
tripzerobabsher, getOpts22:59
luke-jrif your compiler doesn't optimize, and your instruction set doesn't have a post-increment opcode22:59
tripzeroit's the best way22:59
crashanddieluke-jr: the incrementation condition gets evaluated on its own, so post or pre wouldn't matter22:59
luke-jrcrashanddie: you're assuming basic optimization23:00
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tripzero* luke-jr was optimized out23:00
crashanddieyeah, this isn't 198623:00
crashanddieand you're not using assembly to write c23:00
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luke-jrand if the code ever gets put into C++, it could have practical problems too :P23:00
luke-jrwell, except that you're in complete control of 'i' there23:01
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babsherwell from the few minuets i have spent with getopts i realized that it is garbage23:02
* luke-jr wonders why C++ doesn't just take "foo[bar++]" and rewrite it as "foo[bar]; ++bar;"23:02
crashanddieisn't that exactly what it does?23:03
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crashanddieluke-jr: you're in a troll mood, go have a walk and beer outside, I'm buying23:03
SpeedEvilSome processors have postincrementing addressing modes23:03
SpeedEvilSo the explicit form is slower23:04
babsheri am sure if you add -O4 the gcc will figure it out23:04
luke-jrcrashanddie: you don't want me to have a beer.23:06
luke-jrtrust me.23:06
crashanddiea coke then23:06
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tobis87i still don't understand why the icc (intel c compiler) is so much faster than gcc.23:06
luke-jrtobis87: because it only supports x86 crap23:07
luke-jrGCC has a middle layer to support multiple instruction sets23:07
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MNZok I'm confused. What does 'flashing' actually do?23:09
tobis87i only compiled game engines and aircrack with it, but with ipo and pgo it is really fast. you only have to check fp-model source and -fstack-security-check, -static-intel are also nice features.23:09
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tripzerotobis87, its not faster in all cases23:11
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tripzerofrom what i hear, it's really good at optimizing tight-loop stuff (like game engines)23:12
tripzerobut if you were to compile something like firefox in icc, it'd probably be slower23:12
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tripzero(if it would compile at all)23:12
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tobis87have you tried it with auto-vectorizing, ipo and pgo? it reduces "recompute light" in sauerbraten in one map (nmp8)  from 21s to 12,3s.23:15
tripzerotobis87, i've never used icc.  I'm just relating what others have said on the matter.  There's a reason why intel doesn't compile even their own distro using icc23:16
tripzeroand the fact that it doesn't make everything faster is one of those reasons23:17
tobis87just, as an example... there is also an enhanced version of par2, which makes use of the threading building block libary... all cores used.23:17
tobis87tripzero: I don't say you should, I would only recommend it for very cpu intensive programs.23:17
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tripzeroi think we are saying the same thing23:18
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MNZsomeone answer me before I brick my n900. I just built a kernel from the sources in scratchbox. Now theoretically I can just drop the package in and install it and everything will be fine and dandy right? or do I HAVE TO use the flasher tool?23:21
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Stskeepsalways keep a backup23:22
MNZthe flasher tool can backup my kernel?23:23
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lcukMNZ, it was more incase it all goes tits up and you need to reflash ;)23:27
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lcuktripzero, did you by chance get any further with libmeegotouch on maemo?23:37
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tripzerolcuk, no :(.  But i haven't tried in 2 weeks23:37
tripzeroi wish public obs for maemo worked23:38
lcukhows your app going?23:38
lcukor is that the 2week stoppage too23:38
tripzeroyes. it's the stoppage as well.  It's pretty much done.23:38
tripzeroit does what it's supposed to do.  too bad i can't test it though :(23:39
tripzeroit runs on my igep board with meego though :)23:39
tripzeroi'm happy about that23:39
* lcuk ponders 23:39
lcukI need to get the dependency chart together for it lal23:39
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lcukhey Jaffa \o23:40
JaffaX-Fade: seen the req. to get rid of libgio from chinook as well?23:40
tripzeroi started another app to remote control my car from my phone.  but it's just a UI skeleton right now23:40
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tripzeroneed to make the backend properly support stuff23:41
lcuktripzero, thats how lots of apps start23:41
luke-jrlcuk: lots of poorly designed apps*23:41
luke-jrapps that begin with UI, probably never see a library/console version23:42
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tripzeroluke-jr, this ui is designed to talk to a library23:42
tripzerowhich talks to a daemon over dbus23:43
luke-jrthe way all UIs should be :D23:43
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* lcuk sees a nice front end liqcalc and a nicer backed osso-calculator-engine and ponders23:43
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luke-jrso 10 days, and my N900 is laggy again23:48
luke-jrI have info to report!23:48
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kerioluke-jr: "works on *my* machine!"23:49
luke-jrin 10 days, hildon-desktop has nearly doubled in memory usage23:49
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luke-jrit is now #3 most memory consuming process23:49
keriokillall hildon-desktop!23:49
luke-jrafter hildon-status-menu (#2) and pulseaudio (#1)23:50
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luke-jrbut those two were consistent in their location23:50
tripzerodid you add a bunch of widgets to the desktop?23:50
luke-jrnew 4th place memory waster has come from even lower on the list:23:50
luke-jr/usr/bin/mafw-dbus-wrapper mafw-gst-subtitles-renderer23:50
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luke-jrtripzero: no23:50
luke-jrtripzero: in fact, I suspect my 2 year old deleted some for me23:50
luke-jrso anyhow, mafw-gst-subtitles-renderer looks at first glance to be the biggest leak23:51
luke-jrfrom under 20 MB memory to over 40 MB23:51
luke-jrhildon-home went from 8 MB to 35 MB23:52
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tripzeroand yikes23:52
keriohaha wait, what23:52
luke-jrosso-connectivity-ui-conndlgs went from under 2 MB to over 20 MB23:53
luke-jrkerio: pulseaudio is consistently always the largest memory (ab)user23:53
luke-jrconsistently around 75 MB23:53
luke-jrwhether 1 hour or 10 days23:53
kerioand how is that *not* a problem, given the limited amount of RAM?23:53
luke-jrkerio: it's a consistent problem :P23:53
luke-jrI set out to analyze the lag developed over a period of time23:54
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luke-jrtrackerd has gone 10 MB -> 16 MB23:54
tobis87maybe it's me, but i only need shortcuts, i don't use any widgets and i also don't use multiple screen. through i don't have it on longer than two days.23:54
mgedminI disabled wlan search accidentally; battery life doubled23:55
lcukhow often do you drift between Aps?23:55
SpeedEvil lcuk23:56
lcukmgedmin, I guess the amount of change will depend on how often you drop out of range23:56
mgedminwhile I'm guessing it's due to my n900 being offline for the whole day23:56
luke-jrthat seems to be the worst of it23:56
mgedmin(there's usually a wlan near me, so my n900 tends to be online)23:57
keriohardware uses battery, news at 1123:57
lcukkerio, stfu, its about which and when and how to mitigate it23:57
ShadowJKluke-jr, this is like VSZ, right?23:57
luke-jrShadowJK: size23:57
tobis87how is the swap fragmentation caused anyway? does the kernel forget, to free swap if a program exits?23:57
lcukthink apollo 13 ish23:58
ShadowJKtobis87, sex23:58
ShadowJKThis is swap access pattern23:59
ShadowJKI recorded the position (y axis) in swap of each write23:59

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