IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2010-08-20

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kerioadhoc + wpa2 + ssh00:00
keriosneakernet is meh00:01
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DocScrutinizer51225452 <timeless> don't have sadly00:02
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quanttromI am reading a service manual and it quite clearly says that when the back cover is removed both eMMC and MicroSD interfaces are powered down00:06
quanttromis that correct?00:06
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SpeedEvilquanttrom: yes.00:08
pupnikquanttrom: i haven't seen that myself - and i think i was reading from microsd00:08
SpeedEvilquanttrom: umm00:08
SpeedEvilI think only microSD00:08
pupnikwell it booted for sure00:08
pupnikso that is done to prevent corrupted microsd cards?00:09
SpeedEviluser may unplug00:10
SpeedEvilSo they unmount00:10
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quanttromlets just assume I am reading a service manual from Nokia00:12
quanttromso yeah it says that00:12
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quanttromwell lets go into detail00:12
quanttromit says that an interrupt is send to OMAP which powers down both memory cards00:13
kerioyeah, because why should you trust users with a phone made for nerds00:13
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quanttromso technically it depends how that interrupt is handled00:13
kerioquanttrom: the eMMC is still powered on and working00:13
keriothat makes me wonder... what if your back cover broke?00:13
quanttromok thank you guys :)00:13
quanttromshort /open the magnetic sensor00:14
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SpeedEvildmesg says on open cover00:20
SpeedEvil[61524.116516] mmc0: cover is open, card is now inaccessible00:20
SpeedEvil[61524.422485] mmc0: card bfa2 removed00:20
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SpeedEvilHowever - mydocs accessibility does not change00:21
SpeedEvilSo manual is wrong.00:21
JaffaOne of the RM-680 bug reports mentions a firmware: which also mentions RX-71, RM-581, RM-660 and RM-69600:21
SpeedEvilI recall 71 before00:21
JaffaSpeedEvil: Indeed, came out in kernel references whilst we were waiting for RX-51 (N900)00:22
ioanto call gconftool-2 in a script, do I have to call it with why?00:24
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ioannever mind00:28
alteregoJust make sure you do it with the right user00:28
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quanttromHow does a phone recognize what battery is currenly in it if it is used with multiple batteries?00:35
quanttromEEPROM in the battery?00:35
* lcuk vanishes to do some stuff00:37
lcukquanttrom, battery has 3 connections for a purpose00:37
lcukbut I am not sure how it handles swapping between and whether it retains its history or if it gets reset00:38
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quanttromlcuk: I have seen some with 4 as well. I am just curious00:39
quanttromI tried to google it but didn't have much luck00:40
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quanttromif you have any links feel free to share :)00:45
SpeedEvilquanttrom: the n900 has no battery ID00:47
SpeedEvilquanttrom: It can't00:47
lolcat93quanttrom: The n900 has a crap battery00:47
SpeedEvilIt can have ID chips.00:47
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SpeedEvilthe battery charge monitor chip can do ID00:47
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SpeedEvilBut, it's not actually integrated in the battery as it's designed to be00:48
SpeedEvilIt's on the motherboard00:48
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SpeedEvilso it's a motherboard ID, not a battery ID.00:48
SpeedEvilThis is not very helpful00:48
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Commodore-Freakmorning... okay, i'm not sure how often this question has already been asked here... but is there just any fucking way to align desktop-widgets/shortcuts to grid?00:50
lolcat93I am so damn bored00:50
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SpeedEvilthey are aligned on a grid by default00:50
SpeedEvilbut it's 4 pixels00:50
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Commodore-Freaki could swear they are not00:51
SpeedEvilYou can't see 4 pixels on the screen00:51
* SpeedEvil looks for tha tthread.00:51
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quanttromSpeedEvil: so esentially every time u swap the battery the battery gauge is unaware and uses wrong information00:58
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quanttromthat's not nice...00:58
kerioCommodore-Freak: install tweakr01:00
kerioyou can set the grid size01:00
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Commodore-Freaktrying it out atm01:01
SpeedEvilquanttrom: pretty much01:02
timelessis there a *tiny* emmc image available?01:03
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timelessthe images i could find were 256mb or so01:04
timelesskinda breaks my budget01:04
Commodore-Freakah tweakr seems to do provide exactly the functionality i was looking for :)01:04
Commodore-Freakgreat, thx01:04
SpeedEvilIt now contains /opt01:04
timelessnot really01:05
* timeless kicks it01:05
lcuktimeless, could rummage around in the morning for you01:05
timeless/opt is part of the mmc image and is moved over at first run01:05
fabricecan anyone point me to the fremantle source repos?01:05
timelesslcuk: ineed it *now*01:05
timelessand i don't have vpn magic here01:06
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lcukfabrice, theres loads of source on
* timeless grumbles01:06
lcukall the desktop components and a load of other goodies01:06
fabricelcuk, regarding my menu issue, it looks like the issue is with /home/user/.config/menus/ not being used01:06
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fabriceis there an lxr like tool?01:07
lcuktheres a metric shittonne of code on garage.maemo.org01:07
lcukyeah fabrice we know01:07
fabriceyou know what?01:07
lcuktalk to MohammadAG51 he spent a little time tracking it down01:07
fabriceSpeedEvil, thanks01:08
lcukbut we were waiting for your proper report :P01:08
fabricelcuk, ok, I'm gonna file a bug01:08
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timelessspeedevil: is that working today?01:09
lcukcool :)01:09
timelessthe server moved and nokia dns masters...01:09
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lcuktimeless, yeak your mxr is working a treat :)01:09
timelessoh, wow01:09
* timeless wonders how it's working01:09
lcukI used it earlier with MohammadAG51 and I saw SpeedEvil giving links b401:09
timelessoh well01:09
* lcuk thanks you everytime I open it!01:10
timelessone warning, i can't remember which fremantle fremantle is01:10
MohammadAG51probably harmattan01:10
lcukit does for 99% of things01:10
timelessfremantle12 is obvious01:11
timelessnah, i don't think i ever really picked up 1.101:11
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timelessalias: fremantle fremantle-2009111601:13
timelessi could change fremantle to point to 1201:13
timelessif people like01:13
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lcukit will help timeless01:14
lcukthere were a few compatability changes and slightly newer apis available01:14
lcukand most are on pr1.2 now01:14
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* lcuk has lost truman show dvd01:16
timelesshrm, i think i've changed it to 1201:16
timelessnot sure offhand how to prove it01:17
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MohammadAG51check kernel revisions01:20
mecedoes anyone here see an sd card slot on the n9?01:22
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fabricelcuk, MohammadAG, MohammadAG51 :
povbotBug 11163: user01:25
MohammadAG51user? :/01:26
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keriomust be a PEBKAC01:26
timelesswrite failed after 655360 bytes01:26
fabricekerio, yeah you must be perfect01:27
ShadowJKlcuk, how did you cope with your stylus finger/thumb? this is terrible01:27
timelessusb_buk_write: no error01:27
povbotBug 11163: user menu is not used to build shortcut list01:27
lcukShadowJK, hmm?01:27
lcukwhere are you reading it?01:27
lcukfabrice, cool01:27
fabricelcuk, well, fixing this what would be really cool01:28
lcukany chance you can upload a deb or point to an example git repository so that user can reproduce easily?01:28
fabricelcuk, I can provide a .desktop file01:28
timelesshey did anyone ever make a group sms sending feature?01:28
ShadowJKlcuk: i remeber this xray of an injury you were pasting?01:29
lcukwill moving a standard desktop into that location reproduce it for him01:29
fabriceMohammadAG51, yes01:29
lcukShadowJK, sure, I notice it every time I pick up the sugar01:29
lcukand the nail grows a bit wonky01:29
lcukbut otherwise its fine01:29
mecehehh this "flick" person is on a bit of a rampage it seems...01:30
lcukmece where?01:30
timelessoh right it's -F -F01:30
* ShadowJK has injured left thumb in a fibre splicxing related incident and finding it hasd to type on hwkeyb with thumb in bandages :)01:30
mecelcuk, tmo, N9 thread currently, but all over.01:30
timelesssilly me01:30
lcukShadowJK, ahh ouchy01:30
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mecelcuk, he posted this: in a couple of threads.01:32
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* ShadowJK reported one of them with "opinions on nokia cs policies and their political alignment are offtopic for this thread" :D01:34
MohammadAG51I'd report it as "kids, drugs are bad for you"01:35
MohammadAG51closed source?01:35
lcukcounter strike obviously01:35
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MohammadAG51counter strike source01:35
* lcuk is just as flummoxed01:35
lcukShadowJK, care to elaborate01:36
ShadowJKcustomer service01:36
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lcuktimeless, how do I disable translation so the UI comes up with the standard labels?01:39
MohammadAG51mv locales and restart UI01:39
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MohammadAG51yep, seems to work for me01:41
monkeyiqanyone know a good guide for changing which backend canola uses for audio?01:41
Mouseyi miss canola01:43
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noctuleevening all01:48
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timelessanyone here understand how to workaround wifi wps or whatever01:49
lcukeep timeless nope01:49
lcukMousey, canola has someone working on it for gsoc01:49
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Mouseysuper awesome01:50
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noctuleanyone had to return their N900 to Nokia? Just trying to get an idea on how long repairs take01:50
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noctuleI was having some screen problems a few days ago, thought it had cleared up, and then bricked it tonight with an app update :/01:51
timelessok, with enough hand twisting, it worked!01:52
timelesslcuk: so, our WPS stuff is terribly broken01:53
timelessit doesn't understand that the e.g. cisco epc3825 wifi router only does button pairing01:53
timelessnot pin pairing01:53
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lcuktimeless, humm01:56
lcukhow rare are the routers?01:56
DocScrutinizerlcuk: LOCALE=C <program-with-standard-labels> ?01:56
lcukDocScrutinizer, I did what I needed by brute force thanks01:57
lcukI just have to remember to put it back afterwards01:57
lcukits on my principle phone01:57
timelessincredibly common01:57
timelesswhen i went to stockholm, the wifi ap at nokia's office there was button auth01:58
timelessno pin01:58
timelessit was a royal pain to pair it01:58
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timelessit wasn't this specific cisco01:58
timelessbut the button only auth class is very common01:58
timelessand ime it never works the first 5 times w/ n900s01:59
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ShadowJKbutton pairing was a bit odd the only time i tried it..01:59
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FireStorm|question, my phone was in middle of texting and it seemed to shut down screen when off etc but didn't, come back up and seemed to work ok. Now i get nothing screen is lik semi lit but nothing else any ideas?01:59
lcuknoctule, unsure02:00
FireStorm|someone said it was common thought on the n9702:00
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FireStorm|fault aswell02:00
lcukFireStorm|, is it charging at the moment?02:01
ShadowJKtimeless, for me it timed out, then when i tried to connect to same ap again, it just connected02:01
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timelessyeah, i remember that02:02
FireStorm|lcuk not plugged in no02:02
FireStorm|i was out and about02:02
lcukFireStorm|, unplug the connection if so, remove the battery, reconnect it and see if it boots02:02
FireStorm|done that02:02
lcukeven odder02:03
FireStorm|left battery out for 10 misn put back in nothing02:03
FireStorm|it seemed to boot up but u don't hear the nokia song u get02:03
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lcukDocScrutinizer, if you put it in flashing mode does it charge at same time?02:04
lcukFireStorm|, does it show any content on the screen02:04
FireStorm|2 secs let me grsb iit02:04
DocScrutinizer51afaik not02:04
FireStorm|black screen02:04
FireStorm|but when u slide it open the backlight comes on02:04
DocScrutinizer51NOLO 'NOKIA'02:05
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FireStorm|get nowt02:05
FireStorm|turning it on get white light02:06
lcukplug it into usb and turn it on again and see if it shares files02:06
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ShadowJKscreen or backlight?02:06
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tybolltsigh slow sd card is ... slow :)02:08
DocScrutinizer51FireStorm|: insert bat, plug in charger, watch screen in bright light for large 'NOKIA'02:09
FireStorm|pluggs in via usb nothing02:10
FireStorm|took battery out, put battery back in plugged in by usb charger, charging ok windows detects it02:12
FireStorm|nothing on screen02:12
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FireStorm|black screen with black light on02:12
FireStorm|but when turned on orange light not flashign to say it's charging.02:13
DocScrutinizer51hw defect. FPC ribbon02:14
FireStorm|english? hehe02:14
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FireStorm|fpc ribbon?02:16
FireStorm|e.g it fooked?02:16
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DocScrutinizer51flat/flexible plastic connector. the ribbon cable connecting the 2 halves02:16
keriolisten to DocScrutinizer on that02:17
keriohe broke his02:17
kerio(and he's a electronic engineer - for shame!)02:17
DocScrutinizer51or total fsckup of all NAND02:17
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FireStorm|how did u fix it then DocScrutinizer02:17
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DocScrutinizer51swap display PCB02:18
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DocScrutinizer51but maybe it's just the plug got loose02:19
FireStorm|i cracked screen and sent it back to where i got it and they changed screen would this effect it?02:19
DocScrutinizer51that's somewhat related02:19
FireStorm|back to crapphonewarehouse it goes02:20
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FireStorm|just annoying nothing but problems with this phone :(02:21
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FireStorm|they easy to take apart?02:21
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DocScrutinizer51basically yes. but also easy to break exactly that FPC during disassembly02:22
FireStorm|i'll let them do it then02:22
DocScrutinizer51or reassembly02:22
FireStorm|it's insured02:22
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DocScrutinizer51sure the better option02:23
DocScrutinizer51I'd nevertheless try a rootfs flashing prior to sending in02:24
FireStorm|how would i do that?02:24
DocScrutinizer51as usual02:24
infobothmm... flashing is
FireStorm|i can't do it though as it don't boot up?02:26
DocScrutinizer51flashing isn't relying on what's usually called boot02:27
DocScrutinizer51it depends on NOLO only02:28
DocScrutinizer51the bootloader02:28
DocScrutinizer51what's happening on indicator LED when you power up via power button, after bat insert?02:30
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FireStorm|grr dam net connection02:31
FireStorm|i can't do it though as it don't boot up?02:31
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DocScrutinizer51see chan log02:32
FireStorm|i disconnected so didn't see it02:33
FireStorm|but u said try flashing it02:33
FireStorm|and i said i can't as it don't boot up?02:33
yigalhow long since it powered of since you attempted to start it again?02:34
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FireStorm|urm been off 10 mins or so02:35
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yigalFireStorm|: try again? Sometimes it takes a littlt while to boot up again, you are getting zero reponse from the device?02:36
FireStorm|nar it goes to boot up02:36
FireStorm|black screen but backlightcomes on and nothing02:36
FireStorm|i was using it sending txt and it semeed to reboot but didn't. Then it come back on and seemed ok then i went to cal lsomeone and screen went off02:37
FireStorm|DocScrutinizer said it's the screen cable thats at fault.02:37
yigaloh, he's way more knowledgable than me, most likely right then02:37
FireStorm|DocScrutinizer could i plug the output cable into a screen and see what i'm doing...02:37
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DocScrutinizer51you can try, but AV usually also flawed by FPC break. And NOLO doesn't support AV at all afaik02:39
FireStorm|bah that sucks so much02:39
FireStorm|crappy nokia :p02:39
DocScrutinizer51you closed the slide prior to breakage?02:39
FireStorm|been using it all day fine02:40
FireStorm|gone out02:40
FireStorm|went to txt someone to tell them i was outside and then it went off screen02:40
FireStorm|it was like that for few minutes then come back on and was ok02:41
FireStorm|then about hour later went to call someone and it had gone off02:41
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FireStorm|grr why do the product id have to be so msall :(02:43
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FireStorm|ah well cheers for help DocScrutinizer going to flash it now see what happens02:49
DocScrutinizer51probably nothing as you obviously got a FPC break02:50
DocScrutinizer51maybe not flash it02:50
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DocScrutinizer51unless you got  a ssh login and saved all your data02:51
timelessi have a backup from pr1.102:51
timelessi restored it on pr1.202:51
timelessand now conversations shows no messages02:51
timelessnot even new outbound02:51
timelessor new inbound once the message is closed02:52
FireStorm|i got ssh login but don't know ip addy for it02:52
FireStorm|should i just leave it then02:52
DocScrutinizer51FireStorm|: you'd for sure be able to find correct IP from e.g. nmap or router diagnostics02:53
FireStorm|thats long02:53
FireStorm|as don't allways connect to wireless02:53
FireStorm|i'll leave it and go to bed02:53
FireStorm|as its 1am and i'm up at 6am lol02:53
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DocScrutinizer51if it's not configured to autoconnect then for sure you are out of uck02:54
FireStorm|it is but we got multiply networks round here all open02:54
FireStorm|and it's random as to what it picks up lol02:54
timelessanyone know how to debug rtcom eventlogger?02:54
FireStorm|cheers for help DocScrutinizer51 will let ya know how i get on with it02:55
DocScrutinizer51and if it doesn't boot up correctly to a stage where at least kbd gives click or backlight response, then there's no way to ssh to it02:55
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FireStorm|that wha i though as i run a password and when u boot up u gotta enter pass before it finsihing booting02:56
DocScrutinizer51FireStorm|: good luck02:56
FireStorm|thanks lol, i need it02:56
FireStorm|they should do it as i've had new screen 2 weeks if that so can't see why it wuold be a problem02:56
FireStorm|infact 2 weeks sat02:56
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DocScrutinizerif you feel extremely venturous the you could try and fold a paper 3 times and push it in from kbd open up under the screen *carefully* and no further than upper end of lower half03:00
DocScrutinizerthis *might* temporarily fix the FPC/connector breakage, by gently pushing down on it03:01
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timelessanyone know how rtcom deals w pr1.1 ot pr1.2 upgrades?03:04
DocScrutinizer51screw that paper nonsense. Just tested - not feasible03:05
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odin_paper nonsense ?03:06
DocScrutinizer51odin_: backscroll?03:06
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* timeless finds a page which has suggestions03:07
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Jigglypuff_i tried apt-get upgrade in scretchbox, but error:03:45
Jigglypuff_qemu: Unsupported syscall: 33803:45
Jigglypuff_qemu: uncaught target signal 4 (Illegal instruction) - exiting03:45
odin_what system you running qemu on ?  uname -m ?03:51
odin_what kernel version uname -r03:51
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Jigglypuff_and arm03:52
Jigglypuff_target: sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL03:53
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odin_syscall 338 is looks to be set_robust_list  on ARM03:54
luke-jrJigglypuff_: 'arm' has no single meaning here03:55
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luke-jrwhat KIND of arm?03:55
Jigglypuff_uname -m = arm03:55
Jigglypuff_on scratchbox03:55
odin_its sbox emulated ARM I guess03:55
odin_the issue is that you are running per-binary emulation but really you are still Intel03:56
odin_as opposed to using qemu to emulate the entire N900 including a kernel03:56
odin_since Intel does not have a syscall 338  (but 336 does exist)03:57
Jigglypuff_so, how can i fix this?03:57
odin_what is the program you are running ?  you run ./a.out and get a qemu: error right ?03:57
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Jigglypuff_when i run fakeroot apt-get -f upgrade03:58
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odin_and without fakeroot, i.e. use 'sudo' ?03:58
Jigglypuff_same error03:59
Jigglypuff_without sudo - superuser needed error03:59
odin_and 'su' then 'apt-get upgrade'03:59
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odin_maybe you broke your install does -f mean force ?03:59
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Jigglypuff_su - command not found i think, but now i cant test, cuz reinstalling now the sdk files..04:00
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Jigglypuff_i tried install libsdl-mixer1.2-dev and get many dependency error, therefore tried apt-get upgrade...04:02
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odin_maybe try a refresh scratchbox setup ?  but using fakeroot with apt-get sounds wrong and if -f means force, even wronger, you are likely to leave your files hosed since instead of rolling back the software update the errors are hidden04:02
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nox-i wonder if your arm kernel is just too old to know that syscall...04:02
odin_I dont believe an ARM kernel runs under scratchbox, its application level emulation04:04
nox-hm but whats the qemu then for?04:05
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odin_providing the emulation, while qemu can emulate an entire hardware device in the case of scratchbox its only called upon to provide emulation of an ARM CPU to make an executable run04:08
nox-ah so this is qemu-user then?04:09
nox-or linux-user...  i.e. qemu-arm not qemu-system-arm...04:09
odin_that label is just a packaging facet04:10
nox-well i meant the type of qemu emulation04:10
nox-since qemu can either emulate an entire box/board or just a process04:11
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Jigglypuff_i hope working after reinstall...04:19
Jigglypuff_too many package, too slow download speed :D04:20
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Jigglypuff_working :)04:34
Jigglypuff_what is -lsmpeg?04:36
nox-mpeg1 it seems04:38
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Jigglypuff_hmm, i need this, what is package name? :D04:41
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Jigglypuff_this? SMPEG library04:42
Jigglypuff_i cant link04:42
Jigglypuff_cuz irc on windows, and sdk is in virtual linux :D04:43
nox-apt-cache search finds libsmpeg0 and libsmpeg-dev04:44
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nox-hm shouldnt you be able to apt-cache search from sdk too?04:45
Jigglypuff_i think yes, but works now, i installed libsmpeg0 and libsmpeg-dev04:45
Jigglypuff_make[1]: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.04:46
Jigglypuff_what is this?04:46
nox-sometimes VM clocks can be unstable...04:47
Jigglypuff_so this is not  error?04:48
nox-and make uses timestamps to find out if stuff needs rebuilding04:48
nox-if you built from scratch you should be safe04:48
Jigglypuff_ok :) thx04:49
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mortiniIf you insist.05:01
mortiniI still have 2 hours, though.05:01
MohammadAG515AM here05:01
MohammadAG51still awake from yesterday05:02
mortinii enjoy that more than i should.05:02
mortinibeing up for a sunrise/early morning is great05:02
TermanaN900MohammadAG, i am disappoint. Sleeping only 8 hours per 4805:03
mortiniNYC is awesome during that time, going from sleep, etc.05:03
mortinito being a city.05:03
MohammadAG51TermanaN900, sleeping is a waste of time05:03
MohammadAG51I am your father05:03
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TermanaN900i do lucid dreaming and/or sleep walking, to do stuff while sleeping05:04
TermanaN900:D lol05:04
mortiniTermanaN900: too bad you don't do sleep coding.05:04
mortiniand have the foresight to solve really complex things.05:04
mortiniwhilst sleep coding.05:04
MohammadAG51i dreamt i coded i huge +15k app once05:04
mortinii've dreamt i couldn't sleep. worst thing ever.05:05
TermanaN900mortini, yeah, but i do dream of #maemo and so, i pretty much do in my sleep what i do during the day05:05
mortinii have dreams that i go back to highschool and everything's the wya it was for awhile, and hten i realize that i actually live in NYC now, and have to convince people that i no longer live in BFEl.05:06
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DocScrutinizermortini is a city and mortini his father :-x05:09
DocScrutinizermortini is a city and MohammadAG51 his father :-x05:09
mortiniDocScrutinizer: lies!05:11
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MohammadAG51maemo needs a porn app, to see how many pervs will buy an N900 for that05:14
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: the browser works for thart.05:14
MohammadAG51ideally, it needs to use the open source xvid format, 800x48005:15
MohammadAG51SpeedEvil, yeah well... you need DSP acceleration or it's not real porn05:15
MohammadAG51on a related note05:15
MohammadAG51why the f is MohammadAG here :o05:16
SpeedEvil - someone linked me to last night - she was reading hitchhikers guide to the galaxy naked. (notr worksafe)05:16
SpeedEvilWorked fine on n90005:16
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SpeedEvilJust the internet is an increasingly silly place.05:18
DocScrutinizerbah, not even works on KDE405:21
DocScrutinizeror 30s is an unbearably long period of time for me05:22
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MohammadAG51not me05:32
MohammadAG51didn't even click the link05:32
MohammadAG51killed my perverted a month or two ago :p05:32
MohammadAG51now i only make perverted jokes05:32
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johnxluke-jr, sorry, you had a question for me?05:35
SpeedEvilIt's - technically - a very silly website. It populates the HTML page through a connection to flash which talks to the site on a socket.05:36
SpeedEvilSo it's a huge mess of complex js/flash/...05:36
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TermanaN900MohammadAG51, you killed your pervert? Does that remove you from the sexual predator list?05:48
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TermanaN900I guess you signed a NDA when you cut a deal for your murder prosecution05:52
SpeedEvilNight all!05:54
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johnx'night SpeedEvil05:55
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TiagoTiagook, now i'm pissed05:56
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johnxTiagoTiago, for any reason in particular? Or just inexplicably suddenly pissed off? Or 'pissed' in the sense the British use the word?05:59
TiagoTiagoback when i still hadn't installed anything i came here asking for suggestion on what would be the  better way to make sure i wouldn't run out of memory to install stuff and i was told to come back  when it becomes an issue, as if it wasn't somhing i shloud worry about05:59
luke-jrit's not06:00
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TiagoTiagoguess what, it's full, and i have lots of stuff i would have to reinstall and setup again, and my PC has HDD issues right now06:00
johnxActually, that's a good question. Is there a new script floating around to tell you what's taking up space on / ?06:01
johnxwell, yeah, du would be part of it06:01
luke-jrdu does everything you asked for06:01
TiagoTiagothere is a program that shows a "treemap" of the storage areas06:01
johnxluke-jr, by "what's taking up space" I meant "what packages" not "what files"06:02
luke-jro i c06:02
johnxso ideally, I'd probably want to pick the top several files and see what packages "own" them06:02
johnxIf no one knows of one I'll write one in a couple minutes06:03
TiagoTiagoit's called Storage Usage i think06:03
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TiagoTiagoother than uninstalling/deleting stuff there is nothing i can do to once again be able to install stuff without having to reflash or otherwise wipe the "disks"?06:04
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johnxwell, some packages (especially from -testing or -devel) might not be properly packaged to put big files on the big storage, so a lot of times you'll find 1 or 3 packages that were taking up 80% of your space06:05
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TiagoTiagoThere is really no way to do a live repartitioning without loosing data?06:13
TermanaN900loosing data?06:13
TermanaN900who cares about that06:14
TermanaN900live repartition that thing06:14
TiagoTiagoi guess that was redundant06:14
johnxNot sure re-partitioning would help in your care ...06:14
infobotjohnx meant: Not sure re-partitioning would help in your case ...06:15
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TiagoTiagowhy not? wouldn't it grow the partitions that are to small while shrinking the partiton that got space to spare?06:15
TermanaN900johnx, it probably wouldn't but it would provide some lulz06:15
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johnxTiagoTiago, uhm, the small / partition (that holds the OS and small parts of programs that need to be opened quickly) is a physically separate chip from the bigger storage on /opt and /home/user06:18
johnxbut first, just try and get a handle on which packages are taking up the most space06:19
johnxalso, how much space do you have left on /?06:19
TiagoTiago123 on /home06:20
johnxok. just checking because some people say things like "I only have 128MB left on /! Help!"06:21
johnxso go figure out what packages are wasting the most space06:21
TiagoTiagothere is a folder called git-core that is using up lots of space, can i do somthing with it without risk?06:22
johnxwhat package does it belong to?06:22
johnxI thought you were saying "storage usage" told you that?06:22
TiagoTiagonomis, sorry, i only saw you were looking for the package info after i had already sent the msg06:23
TiagoTiagohm,  sorry*06:23
johnxah, then give me a sec and I'll write a script that does it :) I've been meaning to do that for a while06:23
johnxyou gonna be on here for another 30 minutes or so?06:23
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johnxhah! flash will save you 6MB right there :)06:30
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johnxI'm testing my script. Getting rid of flash will save you 6MB on / :)06:30
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TiagoTiagobut i use flash o.o06:33
johnxwell, that's a problem :)06:33
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TiagoTiagoI remember i saw some scripts on the wiki to optfy some known progs but they had all sorts of warnings about things from missing icons to reboot loop and even plain bricking06:37
johnxyeah, they're even less safe now :)06:37
johnxthey were made for 1.0 I think06:37
johnxand they failed to take symlinks into account anyways, so now they show a lot of false positives06:37
johnxbetter to have a script provide suggestions and then take action on your own06:38
Mr_NobuHiya :D06:39
johnxhi :)06:42
Mr_NobuHows it going random interweb person06:42
johnxpretty great, other voice in my head :)06:42
Mr_NobuSweet :D06:42
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johnxso what brings you to this corner of the intarwebz?06:45
Mr_Noburandom i guess :)06:46
Mr_Nobustarted just messin with some1 but they took it the wrong way06:46
Mr_Nobuwas funny as hell xD06:46
Mr_Nobuso folk cant handle the banter06:46
johnxand some people are just really really good at annoying other people06:48
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Mr_Nobuyea true06:49
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TiagoTiagocan i uninstall git or does the system needs it?06:59
johnxuhm, did you install it?06:59
TiagoTiagoI dont remember07:00
TiagoTiagoseems like somthing i would install, but i donmt remember if i did07:00
johnxwell, go and see if it's listed in application manager07:01
johnxor try and remove it from the command like with apt-get07:01
johnxapt-get will warn you if uninstalling it would uninstall other packages07:01
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TiagoTiagoyeah, it's listed on HAM, gonna gimme about 10MB back07:01
N9so....n900 is oficially dead eh?07:02
TiagoTiagodoes HAM do that too?07:02
johnxN9, and you killed him! murderer!07:02
johnxTiagoTiago, if it's listed in HAM, then, yeah, you probably installed it :)07:02
N9no more n900 on nokiausa site for purchase.... obsolete 9 months after release07:03
johnxwow, not even on nokiausa?07:04
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TiagoTiagodidn't Nokia said the sa!es of the N900 surpassed their expectative by an order of magnitude or so?07:04
johnxI was seeing decent deals for it coming up in my RSS reader for a while, but $399 is still a bit much just for a spare07:04
johnxcould be they stopped making them too early :)07:04
N9TiagoTiago: maybe it did surpas....what im sayin is it is now being killed off by nokia07:05
TiagoTiagoperhaps we're gonna have a G2 N900?07:05
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N9n9  is coming07:06
asjdo you just make shit up or what?07:09
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TiagoTiagothey should keep the two chars names for the Symbian^* devices07:09
asj -- or if you prefer, in stock, 479 and well...still there07:10 came back i guess07:10
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johnxthat should do it07:11
johnxyou can tweak the script to give you a different number of results07:12
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TiagoTiago/home can be repartitioned, right?07:13
johnxyou could change the split between /opt and /home07:13
TiagoTiagohow can i repartiton it without loosing data?07:14
johnxback up your data first07:14
TiagoTiagoisn't opt inside home?07:14
johnx/home/user and /opt I should say07:14
johnxerr scratch that07:14
johnx/home/user/MyDocs and /opt07:14
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TiagoTiagoi find it hard to believe it's not possible to change partiton sizes  of existing partitons without loosing the dataa already in them if there is enough free space in the partiton that's being reduced07:16
johnxyeah, so install parted, read the manual, carefully change partition sizes07:16
johnxand if you screw up your phone doesn't boot07:16
asjTiagoTiago: there are, it's not easy...good luck. I've only used them on desktop systems07:17
johnxthen reflash it, and pray that you backed up07:17
TiagoTiagowhy it isn't as easy as it is on a desktop?07:17
johnxbecause no one ported the the nice partitioning app07:18
luke-jrTiagoTiago: you assume it's easy on a desktop07:18
johnxmaybe you could port it and adapt it to the small screen?07:18
luke-jrbecause your desktop OS hides the ugly details07:18
johnxluke-jr, used gparted?07:19
luke-jrjohnx: no07:19
TiagoTiagowhen i did it on my desktop it was07:19
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luke-jrjohnx: and that's part of hiding details07:19
johnxgparted is actually pretty nice and I've found it quite reliable07:19
asjand on your desktop when something goes wrong you just boot off a cd/network/anything and fix it07:19
johnxno real reason it couldn't be hildonized07:19
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johnxthe use case is pretty slim though07:19
johnxand are you really running out of space on /home/opt?07:20
TiagoTiagoi thought there were lots of people that had to repartion 'cause of the little space for applications07:20
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asjthere's 2 gigs...and I'm not even 50% full and I have a lot of apps I'm sure compared to others07:21
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TiagoTiagoStorage Usage says opt is using 1.2 gigs from /home07:22
DocScrutinizer51resizing a mounted partition isn't a wise thing07:23
johnxaaah, and you want to claim more space for your mp3s?07:23
johnxDocScrutinizer, ah, right. that is one of the big show stoppers07:23
TiagoTiagoif i close all the programs on the dashboard, is there still somthing under /home that is needed?07:24
DocScrutinizer51opt for example07:24
TiagoTiagowhat in opt would be needed?07:25
TiagoTiagocould the repartitioning be scheduled to the next boot to happen before it's mounted?07:25
DocScrutinizer51lsof might tell you of a few things07:25
johnxTiagoTiago, look, unless you're going to write an app to repartition the device, you're out of luck07:26
DocScrutinizer51if you dare to tamper with initscripts07:26
johnxand no, I don't recommend taking space away from opt07:26
johnxjust get yourself a microsd card if you're out of space in MyDocs07:26
johnxor, delete some of your mp3s07:26
johnxgood luck, back later07:27
luke-jrhe ran out of space in MyDocs⁇07:27
luke-jrhow is that even possible?07:27
TiagoTiagoI just wanna grow /home and children, i know i'll have less space on the fat partition07:27
luke-jrI shrank my MyDocs to 2 GB and haven't even noticed07:27
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luke-jrTiagoTiago: the fat partition *is* the *only* child of /home07:27
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TiagoTiagoi thought the fat partition had like 25 GB and not just 207:28
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TiagoTiagoStorage Space tells me /home, with opt inside, has only 2GB total, while MyDocs has a bunch og gigs07:30
johnxand you're out of space in opt?07:30
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TiagoTiagothere is still 123 MB left there, i want more07:31
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TiagoTiagooo, found a way in Storage Space to see consumption per package, it's in the "hidden" title bar menu  :)07:33
johnxdoesn't help all that much. difficult to tell what space is used where07:34
johnxone of your games is probably using all the space in opt07:34
johnxaway now :) mythbusters time :D07:35
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DocScrutinizerdu /opt |sort -n|less07:41
DocScrutinizerthen pick the greedy hog pkg and mv to MyDocs, and symlink07:41
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TiagoTiagoI wish i hadn't believed when i was told i shouldn't worry about space, and instead repartitioned  /home to a decent size before having instal!ed all the progs07:42
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DocScrutinizerNokia-N900-42-11:~# df -h /home07:46
DocScrutinizerFilesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on07:46
DocScrutinizer/dev/mmcblk0p2            2.0G    384.1M      1.5G  20% /home07:46
DocScrutinizerand I'm not exactly running a lean system here07:46
DocScrutinizermaybe even:07:47
DocScrutinizerdu /home |sort -n|less07:47
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DocScrutinizer2G won't get lost by accident07:48
DocScrutinizerthare has to be one app that better had its files installed to MyDocs rather than /opt or ~user07:48
DocScrutinizerMy take on that is summarized in07:50
infobotrumour has it, optification is a inventive duct tape workaround to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the partitioning is FUBAR, or,_Deploying_and_Distributing/Installing_under_opt_and_MyDocs07:50
DocScrutinizerbut nevertheless, 2G isn't exactly small07:50
TiagoTiagomoment, uninstalling stuff, HAM keeps freezing everything07:52
DocScrutinizerand, as you see even in URL above, any package eating up too large chunks of 2G /home is supposed to rather move such files to MySpace07:52
TiagoTiagoless not found07:54
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DocScrutinizerI knew he'd say that ;-)07:58
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DocScrutinizerdo you think you know how to cope with this, or should I suggest a few solutions?08:00
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TiagoTiagoI'll study that page, if i still can't make things better i'll vome back08:02
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TiagoTiagololcat93, flipping channels i've stumbled upon "Zombie Stripers"  xP08:03
TiagoTiagoerm, wtf?!08:04
TiagoTiagohow did i do autocomplete?08:04
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JaffaMorning, all08:32
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RST38hThe TRUE Mac Mini!09:11
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ieatlintwow, that's disturbing09:14
ZogGi think n9 design is shitty09:15
ZogGgood night (i'm after night shift )09:16
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ieatlinti still miss the keyboard on the g109:18
ieatlinteasily the best i've had on a phone...09:19
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ieatlintalso, with the recent complaints about the microusb port on the n900, and an editorial of sorts attributing it to the fact that the connector is simply soldered on... you'll all appreciate that the pics of the pcb of the n9 also appears to show the microusb port simply soldered on :P09:21
Stskeepsieatlint: someone else noticed it was done differently than on n90009:22
* ieatlint shrugs... looks like just solder to me
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RST38hStskeeps: He is right, it is simply soldered on09:28
Stskeepsdoesn't it have to be soldered anyway? :P09:29
RST38hStskeeps: not even the usual plastic goo to protect it. on the other hand, it is labeled as a B2 prototype09:29
RST38hStskeeps: Well, if you *are* stupid/dogmatic enough to go with the microUSB for charging, you should at least screw it to the board09:29
ieatlintconnectors are often attached to pcbs with plastic tabs to make them much more durable09:29
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RST38hStskeeps: If you are too much of a miser to spend on screws, use the connector with the pins going all the way through the PCB09:30
ieatlintsolder is of course an extremely soft metal that with stress will fail over time09:30
RST38hStskeeps: But the supposed "N9" connector is simply surface-soldered.09:30
RST38hieatlint: the PCB traces will most likely fall off first09:31
RST38hmoo wazd09:31
ieatlinthaha, perhaps09:31
ieatlintthat's even worse of a repair09:31
ieatlinti'm wondering if the issue on the n900 is just a matter of luck, abuse, or some combination thereof09:32
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RST38hStskeeps: Of course, a much easier solution would be to provide a 3.5" or even a 2" power plug socket09:32
RST38hieatlint: oh, it is simple09:32
fluxcouldn't the port also be glued on in addition to being soldered on? or is that a difficult process-wise..09:32
Stskeepsshould just do it same way n810 had it for the small port..09:33
RST38hieatlint: it is a matter of bending the plug face down/up09:33
Stskeepsplastic thing around it, easily replacable09:33
RST38hieatlint: As long as you only bend it sideways, it is ok, but when you bend the whole thing up or down, the strain is too much and it comes off09:33
ieatlintheh, good to know09:34
RST38hieatlint: this may happens either because of your habits pulling it out, or because somebody pulled the cable and the thing flew09:34
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spinningcompassOK, that settles it. Android can take a walk. *grumbles*09:40
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ieatlintalso, hummus is awesome09:44
Stskeepsit is09:45
ieatlinti should go get some hummus, flatbread and beer09:45
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andre__hmm, should apps that install a .desktop file in /home/user/.local/share/applications/hildon also automatically be listed in the "Add shortcut" list in the Desktop customization menu?09:55
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fabriceandre__, why should they not?09:57
andre__yeah, I'm wondering09:58
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RST38hMohammadAG is a freaking genius btw10:02
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RST38hEspecially if he pulls off a community SSU for N90010:03
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ieatlintif he pulls off a community ssu, and i have the time, i'll actually look at trying to fix a bug or two or more10:18
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StskeepsRST38h: community ssu is easy..10:18
Stskeepsthe timing is what might be problem10:18
Stskeepscos all hell breaks loose if a SSU comes out when people are using cssu :)10:19
ieatlinti now have beer, hummus and flatbread, i am pleased10:19
johnxieatlint, your nick is false advertising :P10:19
ieatlintfor you it is10:20
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X-Fadeieatlint: pics or it didn't happen ;)10:23
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ieatlintyou want pics of my food/beer?10:23
johnxI think he wants pics of why your nick is 'ieatlint' :D10:24
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ieatlintbeer is far more interesting10:25
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johnxso, I know there have been a couple general purpose daemons for mapping 'events' to 'actions' like ActionManager (and there was something kinda similar for Maemo 4)10:31
johnxIs there anything like that in a reasonably working state that works in a hardware abstracted general sort of way?10:31
RST38hmoo johnx10:33
johnxm00f RST38h10:33
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RST38hjohnx: afaik maemo5 has no uniform way to report hw events10:33
RST38hjohnx: so, prolly not10:33
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RST38hbut listening to certain dbus messages and acting on them is as general as it gets10:34
johnxthat and then I'd want to be able to trigger based on time10:34
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RST38h(and yes there was a tracker for adding uniform way of hw sensors querying/signalling which of course had not been acted upon)10:34
johnxI'm thinking it's easiest to just suck up the job of cron while I'm at it10:34
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johnxalso, what was that 'uniform way'? Do you mean DSME or ...?10:36
RST38hThe "Nokia N9 real leak" thread is surprisingly unsatisfying10:37
RST38hSo many people who don't know what they are talking about and do not even know English there...10:37
johnxthe news that it's 'RM-680' is possibly the most interesting thing10:37
MiXu-RST38h: You just summarized every forum in the internet.10:38
RST38hjohnx: I mean a node in /dev which I can open and read from10:38
RST38hMiXu-: Compare with N900 speculation threads (circa 1H2009)10:38
RST38hMiXu-: Where most posters could actually be classified as human10:39
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johnxRST38h, so just have any process interested in being notified of an event sit there and read() from /dev/foo ?10:39
MiXu-RST38h: Yeah, then the mainstream ruined TMO.10:39
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RST38hjohnx: yes, or use the linux notification mechanisms to see if this node ever gets changed10:40
RST38hMiXu-: Not the mainstream. The kids.10:40
VoltageXHi, I'm getting weird slowdowns on my N900, and I'm not sure what I've updated on it - extras-devel is enabled though. Transitions and scrolling are noticably jerky10:40
RST38hMiXu-: TMO as it was has pretty much been mainstream10:40
johnxRST38h, I suppose you're against cron since programs should just sleep?10:40
VoltageXRST38h: how do kids afford an N900?10:41
RST38hMiXu-: Lots of different people there, power users most of them10:41
RST38hVoltageX: I do not know. Probably getting presents for BD, or buying it on their first paycheck ot something10:41
MiXu-RST38h: The mainstream always brings the kids with it10:41
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johnxVoltageX, running any interesting desktop widgets or statusbar applets?10:41
johnxalso, what does top say?10:41
RST38hjohnx: I think cron is a higher level of abstraction, it is ok for shell scripts etc but not if you are doing a standalone program10:42
RST38hMiXu-: Again, depens on what you mean by mainstream10:42
VoltageXjohnx: Data monitor widget, personal ip widget, what am I looking for in top?10:42
MiXu-RST38h: True. But consumer electronics mainstream is the thing that usually includes a bunch of kids.10:43
RST38hMiXu-: If by mainstream you mean the crowd of cell phone freaks who can't afford a flashy car, so they go for the next less expensive thing, then yes10:43
johnxin top? dunno, high CPU usage? some program using a whole bunch of memory?10:43
RST38hMiXu-: Not necessarily. Consider business laptops. TVs. Dishwashers.10:43
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MiXu-RST38h: Ok. Point taken :)10:44
RST38hMiXu-: Cell phone has apparently become some kind of a status object for the kids.10:44
VoltageXjohnx: I'm wondering if it's either the IP or Data widget leaking memory because I can't see anything standing out right now10:45
johnxRST38h, it just seems that there are a lot of programs that it would be useful to send a message to based on some set of user definable conditions, like 'battery charged' 'driving at 50+MPH'10:45
johnxVoltageX, could be. Also, did it come up slowly, or did it suddenly get slow?10:45
RST38hjohnx: Yea, except Maemo Devices never thought about it10:46
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VoltageXnoticed it during the day today.10:46
RST38hjohnx: ANd they ignored my request to add it10:46
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RST38hjohnx: I have been told that the kernel / drivers people are very difficult to talk to. They generally do not give a shit to what you want.10:46
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Stskeepsthey seem very friendly to me, but sure..10:47
johnxRST38h, I don't think it needs to be at the kernel level. I figure it should be a daemon with a bunch of different backends, such as dbus and inotify and sleep()10:48
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VoltageXjohnx: browserd has ~6 processes using 10% memory each10:48
johnxthen it should either run a script as well as having a couple of special cases, such as sending a d-bus message10:48
RST38hStskeeps: Then I hope you can ask them to do something on these bugs:10:48
johnxVoltageX, if it's exactly the same amount of memory in each, I'd bet that it's actually only 10% total, give or take10:49
crashanddiehmm, looks like the PS3 hack was a fake10:49
StskeepsRST38h: do they exist in 2.6.35?10:49
VoltageXoh, right10:49
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johnxcrashanddie, huh. interesting10:49
keriocrashanddie: typical10:49
johnxwonder how many pre-orders they got :>10:49
RST38hBug #603810:49
povbotBug Implement common device-level interface for accessing hw sensors10:49
VoltageXcrashanddie: wow, got one of the australian shops very interested - hope he didn't put any money down10:49
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RST38hBug #532910:49
povbotBug Provide real accelerometer device (via /dev/input* devices) instead of forcing D-Bus10:49
crashanddiewell, at least a thousand I'd say10:49
crashanddieso they just made $150k10:49
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StskeepsRST38h: sensorfw in meego, 5329, we already have one in 2.6.3510:49
crashanddiewell, it's not really a fake, it's just useless to the population at large AFAICT10:50
crashanddieThe unit they're running is already a debug unit10:50
crashanddie(You can purchase them for about $10k from Sony, it's for game development)10:50
VoltageXRST38h: that bug looks similar to the reaction I got from asking for direct access to the GPS10:50
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RST38hStskeeps: So, for Maemo5, when?10:51
StskeepsRST38h: check for these bugs in meego kernel and we'll see if anything can be done about it. some of these things are dealing with linux kernel directly though (and you need to convince linus & co)10:51
RST38hBut I do not have Meego, I have Maemo5.10:51
StskeepsRST38h: i think it's fair to assume kernel development beyond fixing bugs that aren't enhancements for maemo5 is dead.10:51
crashanddieRST38h: didn't we have to read a file for the accelerometer interface?10:51
RST38hcrashanddie: YOu have to OPEN, read, and CLOSE the file. For each reading.10:51
crashanddieRST38h: I know10:52
RST38hAnd the value is in floating point, as text10:52
crashanddieRST38h: but how is that related to dbus?10:52
RST38hcrashanddie: it is not, I do not know what you mean10:52
crashanddie09:49 < RST38h> Bug #532910:52
crashanddie09:49 < povbot> Bug Provide real accelerometer device (via /dev/input* devices) instead of forcing D-Bus10:52
povbotBug 5329: Provide real accelerometer device (via /dev/input* devices) instead of forcing D-Bus10:52
RST38hah that10:52
RST38hthe bug has been filed when the accelerometer-via-file access has not been made official yet10:53
crashanddieah, ok10:53
RST38hand it is still relevant10:53
crashanddiebut yeah, agreed, the open/read/close is bollocks10:53
crashanddiesounds like college student-level implementation10:53
RST38hStskeeps: Once again, the problem is that nobody has Meego here, so people want Meego Devices to fix their current firmware, not the next one10:54
VoltageXIs it too much to expect support for my 6 month old phone?10:54
VoltageXNokia dropped the N900 too quickly10:54
johnxRST38h, so any thoughts on my horrible re-inventing the wheel abstraction idea?10:54
RST38hStskeeps: (the usual list of arguments for that follows here)10:54
StskeepsRST38h: i don't really care, kernel development happens in upstream kernel and enhancements are rarely backported to earlier kernels. there's an active team upstreaming kernel patches to support n900 properly10:54
crashanddieVoltageX: erhm, not 6 months10:54
crashanddieVoltageX: in a couple of months, it'll be over a year old10:55
crashanddieVoltageX: IIRC, the warranty goes for a year10:55
RST38hjohnx: Well, from practical point of view, I suggest you take the EventDaemon (or whatever it is called) from Extras-Devel and enhance/rectify it the wa you would like10:55
RST38hjohnx: I think it does what you want as far as events aggregation is concerned, but not cron10:55
johnxah, you mean 'ActionManager' or is there another one?10:55
VoltageXcrashanddie: I mean more like development10:55
VoltageXoh, and it only came out in Australia a month or two ago.10:56
johnxthe PS2 only came out in Brazil recently ...10:56
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RST38hjohnx: ActionManager probably10:56
* RST38h never installed it10:56
crashanddieVoltageX: so april is only 2 months ago?10:56
StskeepsRST38h: file those bugs toward main linux kernel, bugzilla.kernel.org10:57
RST38hjohnx: What you can do is make it listen to whatever dbus stuff it has to listen and signal events in a uniform way via a unix pipe10:57
Stskeepsat least the sensor one10:57
crashanddieVoltageX: the N900 was released in April in Oz, I know, I was there for the launch10:57
RST38hjohnx: So it will be the next best thing to the /dev/* stuff10:57
VoltageXcrashanddie: oh, oops, I only paid a little attention to the date because I already had one.10:57
RST38hStskeeps: Nah, I would rather go to a nearby church and pray there.10:57
johnxRST38h, heh. not exactly where I was going. I was actually thinking mostly about it sending d-bus messages10:57
RST38hNot interested in, it is in no way related to the device I have at hand10:58
RST38hjohnx: It can do both.10:58
johnxI'm thinking about it more for making policy decisions10:58
RST38hjohnx: But the thing is, most of these events are already present as MCE dbus messages10:58
RST38hWhat policy decisions?10:59
johnxSo I want to solve the problem of 'how do I tell my tablet to start bittorrent automatically, when I'm on my home wifi, and my N900 is charging or mostly charged, and it's between 10PM and 6AM'10:59
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* timeless drops off n900 for repairs :-)11:00
RST38h(btw, it is already on the N900)11:00
keriotimeless: farewell, n900!11:00
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timelesssadly they don't have the part right now. So i need a temporary phone11:01
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RST38hbut the truth is, most users cannot even program their VCR (when they had one, anyway), so your idea is somewhat too elaborate for them11:01
timelessthis n81 8g isn't terrible for irc :-)11:02
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johnxso the other thing it should solve is 'when the device has been idle for 5 minutes on battery, and battery charge is less than 80%, what should it do'11:04
RST38his there even a question? :)11:04
johnxjust because most users can't understand cron syntax, doesn't mean they aren't taking advantage of tasks that run from cron11:04
RST38hstay idle, for Tentacled's sake!11:04
johnxbut maybe it should kill your bittorrent client too?11:05
RST38hno, because I started it, so I probably want it running11:05
andi-heya, i got a problem with my N900 and sip-calls, i've added my account, i can call in to the device but incomming calls are always displayed as missed (not ringing once - they are getting dropped) and i've no option to use sip for outgoing calls (the dropdown menu only shows cellular and skype). Any ideas?11:05
RST38httg, bb11:05
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timelessfrom memory you need to set "use for phone calls" in advanced in voip settings for the account11:07
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andi-timeless: i wish i could see that option..11:08
timelesswhich version and which locale?11:11
crashanddieandi-: your network is crap11:12
andi-newest upstream versions and english settings with german timezone11:12
crashanddieandi-: the RTP ports can't be established11:12
andi-crashanddie: from the notebook on the same wireless it works.. but thanks for the info ;)11:12
timelessthe last n900 i met (mine oddly) was running 1.1 ...11:12
crashanddieandi-: hmm, weird11:12
crashanddieandi-: sipgate usually works fine11:13
crashanddieandi-: if I were home I'd make you connect to my server, but I'm at work at the moment11:13
crashanddieand can't really just give out SIP servers like that, not during my second week :D11:14
andi-i'll check if i've some weird "new version" of the sip plugin installed via test/devel.. maybe it's just something i can't remember anymore.11:15
andi-on the sipgate page ist says: Telepathy-SofiaSIP/0.6.2 sofia-sip/1.12.10devel..11:15
crashanddieandi-: well, their SIP works11:15
crashanddieI'm connected to them via my server11:16
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* johnx digs into dbus / glib and for the first time in quite a while: C11:32
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ieatlintdbus in c is kinda eh11:32
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johnxsaw that. was thinking of using glib11:33
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ieatlintglib is awesome, yes... not going to make dbus that great11:33
ieatlintbut it gives you a main loop with signal support so you can at least do stuff :P11:33
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keriohmm... what can give you a main loop with signal support... oh right11:34
ieatlintPOSIX is overrated11:34
crashanddieyou're overrated11:34
johnxPOSIX is for Eunuchs11:34
ieatlintno, actually i'm pretty aptly rated as an idiot11:35
crashanddieno no, that is overrated as well :P11:35
crashanddie(you asked for it)11:35
johnxI'm open to other options, but I think I need to speak D-Bus to get anywhere in this case11:35
ieatlintnormally i don't get what i ask for though11:35
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crashanddieI have one simple rule about ass kicking. If you're asking for it, I have to let you have it.11:35
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crashanddieQuote from Taylor Mali11:36
RST38hjohnx: No glib, please, no glib11:36
ieatlintfair enough... where do i have to go for it?11:36
ieatlintRST38h: what's your problem with glib?11:36
johnxRST38h, great. I'll have a daemon that links against Qt then? or maybe one written in python?11:37
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* RST38h suddenly found out the comments on the N9 leak in Eldar's blog to be more sensible than the ones on TMO11:37
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RST38hNot a good sign, really not a good sign...11:37
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RST38hjohnx: Why not do it in C, anyway?11:37
johnxI looked at the dbus API for C and it told me not to use it11:38
RST38hjohnx: You only need to use it once, for a wrapper.11:38
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RST38hjohnx: Then you can forget about it.11:38
ieatlintc is awesome, as long as you don't have to learn it11:38
RST38hBTW, I hope to do the same thig with the meego touch API :)11:38
ieatlintand that applies to its libraries too11:38
johnxRST38h, it needs to go both ways for what I'm thinking, both receiving messages, checking conditions, then potentially sending a dbus message11:39
RST38hC is ok to learn and use11:39
RST38hthere are several things which are cumbersome to do in C, but we have C++ for that11:39
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RST38hjohnx: Usually comes down to three API calls11:39
RST38hjohnx: Receive, Send, SendAndWaitReply11:40
RST38hjohnx: You wrap those three, and you are free to do your own stuff11:40
johnxyeah. I kinda thought it shouldn't be too hard, but when the API doc itself says "No, look over here" I tend to take notice11:40
johnxanyways, there's scheme bindings so I'll just do that instead. I never liked for and while anyways11:41
RST38hjohnx: just means people who wrote it were assholes11:41
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* RST38h looks into the mirror, lovingly11:41
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johnxit told mE: WARNING: you should NOT use this API unless you absolutely have to. This is NOT designed for application developers. Application developers should use one of the bindings if at all possible. If you are writing in C then the GLib bindings are recommended.11:42
ieatlintit's right... and glib is decent methinks11:42
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RST38hjohnx: Ok, use glib.11:43
RST38hWhy the hell not...11:43
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johnxgreat. two votes for glib11:43
RST38hieatlint: Well, glib is designed by some hellbent C++ haters who successfully recreated C++ in C, with twice the mess11:43
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RST38hieatlint: But it is already on the device and everybody uses it, so why not11:44
ieatlinti'd argue that it backports some c++ features to c, so you can use them and still not have to deal with the mess that is c++11:44
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RST38hYou are not forced to deal with the WHOLE C++ standard11:45
andi-anyone can tell me where the telepathy plugins are stored or epsecially the sip plugin is located on the phone?11:45
RST38hUsing it as a "better C" is perfectly ok and practiced by most programmers I have seen11:45
ieatlintit's how i treat c++, heh11:45
ieatlintbut i still like c a lot11:45
RST38hAs long as you preventively whack every person in your team who mutters "STL" or "multiple inheritance", or "let us use exceptions", you are ok11:46
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ieatlintexceptions are an awesome idea11:46
ieatlintbut impossible to maintain in any large program11:46
RST38hON ERROR GOTO is an excellent idea?11:46
ieatlinthey, even knuth says goto has its place11:47
RST38hieatlint <-- obviously has not understood the construct and where it came from11:47
* ieatlint obviously is not as obtuse as others in here11:47
RST38hgoogle for it11:48
wazdRST38h: o/11:48
kerioRST38h: ON ERROR GOTO NEXT11:48
wazdRST38h: <- OMWeather on it's tough way to MeeGo :)11:49
wazdRST38h: yeah, NokBook Pro :P11:49
RST38hwazd: Fun =) I have just started creating an EMULib port to MeegoTouch11:49
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RST38hwazd: No, Mac Mini Real(C)11:50
wazdRST38h: hehe :)11:50
wazdRST38h: Air I guess :)11:50
RST38hwazd: AirMore!11:50
RST38hor MoreAir, anyway11:50
wazdMAcBook Hydrogen :D11:50
wazdBut I think it won't be silver anyway :)11:51
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RST38hwazd: Eldar says it is supposed to be black "in most markets"11:51
wazdAnd "n9" label really bothers me :)11:51
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RST38hwazd: But, of course, usual warnings apply11:52
RST38hwazd: What bothers me is that it is running what looks like vanilla Meego UI11:52
wazdRST38h: I think it's an old photo11:52
RST38hwazd: I.e. we do not know if it is a Meego device, really ;)11:52
wazdRST38h: It looks the same as the device from old leaked ad11:53
wazdRST38h: so I think the body is real11:53
wazdRST38h: though it's not finished11:53
RST38hoh, the C0 aka E7 ?11:53
wazdRST38h: yeah11:53
RST38hwazd: but that was clearly a symbian device11:53
wazdRST38h: nono, not video11:53
wazdRST38h: ad11:53
wazdRST38h: with sliding cartoonish stuff11:54
wazdRST38h: HTC'like11:54
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TomaszDshot with the n900 :)11:55
Stskeepsnot bad11:56
wazdRST38h: aaaaahahahha, check 0:14, there's an airbourne goat :D I guess this is the source of creativity for those crazy guys with donkey :D11:56
kerioare you talking about the nokiabook pro?11:56
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* timeless rotf *crying* ?11:56
RST38hwazd: well just look at the symbian foundation artwork...11:56
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wazdRST38h: yeah11:57
TomaszDStskeeps, this one is a bit worse, but I like the expression on its face ;)
wazdRST38h: still I'd prefer some hardware buttons on the front11:58
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RST38hwazd: I think they are trying to capitalize on the idea that weird shit draws attention11:59
StskeepsTomaszD: 'omg this stick feels and looks like a N9'?11:59
RST38hwazd: (which of course ignores the fact the the punters have seen so much weird shit lately that NOTHING can draw their attention any more)11:59
johnxit's a game of escalation12:00
TomaszDStskeeps, or "yeah, you took your picture, now gtfo, I have flies to catch"12:00
johnxeventually they'll have to physically throw a whole bunch of bouncy balls down a city street just to sell a TV12:00
johnx...oh wait12:00
TomaszDit wasn't actually difficult to take these, they weren't scared by the n900, and it was about 5 centimeters away12:01
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TomaszDI just don't understand why the standard camera doesn't shoot in such beatiful quality when it clearly is able, the hardware ain't too shabby it looks like12:03
RST38hjohnx: well, this will only have a local effect, while the rest will call it photoshopping12:03
johnxRST38h, heh. already getting to the point where tv spots come with a 'making of' video12:03
RST38hjohnx: But I am eagerly awaiting live gladiator games (to the death) on the US TV, since that Gladiator movie12:03
RST38hjohnx: It probably just requires a few really good lawyers12:04
StskeepsTomaszD: fcam?12:04
TomaszDyeah, this is fcam's bidding12:04
johnxRST38h, the TV show you're looking for is called "American Gladiators"12:04
RST38hjohnx: Lame, weird competitions, no fatalities12:05
TomaszDlocked the focus at 5cm, ISO100...12:05
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TomaszDit did keep hard-resetting my n900 every couple of pictures though, I think I was shooting too fast for processing12:06
TomaszDI hope this new version will be better12:06
johnxRST38h, yeah. I couldn't resist suggesting it just based on the name12:06
johnxit's actually fairly old and totally goofy12:06
crashanddieTomaszD: nice pictures12:06
TomaszDcrashanddie, last one worth showing
RST38hjohnx: But the thing is, the public wants blood, it wants golden imperial banners, soldiers in dusty uniforms marching, heroic and scenic conquest of the barbarians, etc12:08
TomaszDI took dozens, but it's really hard to do a macro shot, even if the subjects are cooperating like this ;)12:08
crashanddieTomaszD: shame about the backdrop here, my favourite is the second one, excellent bokeh and backdrop choice12:08
crashanddiemacro is easy :P12:08
TomaszDyeah, but the fence was tall12:08
johnxRST38h, yeah. but don't encourage them until I get the hell out of dodge12:09
TomaszDhmm, what's a bokeh :P12:09
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RST38hjohnx: In the worst case, there should be some12:10
RST38hjohnx: senatorial intrigue, but with the losing side getting torn apart by the crowds or at least crucified12:10
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TomaszDok, now I know what's bokeh and I must assure you crashanddie that it was completely accidental, as well as the backdrop :)12:11
RST38hjohnx: (on the other hand, I have not been in the US for a while, so maybe the tastes have changed, with the crisis and all)12:12
johnxyeah, the 'bread' might be more popular than the 'circus' at this point, but I think there's room for both12:13
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Treibholzthere is still no rubust and working posibility to syncronize the calendar (or contacts) over the air, right?12:23
johnxintellisync to exchange?12:23
johnxthough, isync to mac os x is working ok for me12:23
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johnxtotally non-ideal, but not totally awful12:24
TreibholzI have neither an Exchange-Server nor a Mac.12:24
johnxsome people have had some success using intellisync to google calendars12:24
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Treibholzin fact I do have an Exchange-server at work, but I don't want put my personal dates in there...12:25
Treibholzor my contacts.12:25
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ngocketitI encountered mime type errors after issuing apt-get upgrade from scratch box12:29
ngocketithere is the errors list12:29
ngocketit* Error in type 'application/x-pkcs12'12:29
ngocketit*   (in /usr/share/mime/packages/
ngocketit*   Unknown field 'generic-icon'.12:29
ngocketit* Error in type 'application/x-planperfect'12:29
ngocketit*   (in /usr/share/mime/packages/
ngocketit*   Unknown field 'generic-icon'.12:29
ngocketit* Error in type 'application/x-pw'12:29
ngocketit*   (in /usr/share/mime/packages/
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X-FadeYeah, but that list is probably 200 lines long ;)12:30
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MohammadAG51ignore mime type errors in scratchbox12:33
RST38hMohammadAG: thanks again for the hildon-desktop12:34
RST38hMohammadAG: Any hint of what other packages you are going to include into your SSU?12:34
KhertanHello Everyone !12:34
MohammadAG51RST38h, probably pulseaudio12:35
MohammadAG51join #maemo-ssu12:35
MohammadAG51and you're welcome ;)12:35
RST38hMohammad: I would be interested to take a look at PulseAudio code once again12:36
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Venemohey guys12:42
Venemojust out of curiosity... what is the current status of the USB Host mode development for the N900?12:43
FoobHi guys, is there any way to disable this virtual keyboard from jumping on my screen12:45
FoobAnd to get it only by pressing button12:45
johnxFoob, you want to hit a keyboard button to see the virtual keyboard?12:46
FoobThis button in N800, what usually makes this full screen keyboard12:47
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johnxaaah, on the N80012:48
johnxthat's different then12:48
johnxhmm, mine isn't charged right now otherwise I'd look12:48
FoobYou can disable this fullscreen mode, from settings. But I need to disable the whole virtual keyboard from jumping on my face. When I'm using one text based program12:48
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crashanddieFoob: you can deactivat ethe virtual keyboard too12:54
crashanddieFoob: on my n810 I removed it completely12:55
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FoobWell the thing is, that I dont wan't to loose it totally13:00
FoobAfter all i have N80013:00
FoobNo physical keyboard :/13:01
KhertanHello all !13:01
timelessfoob =~ s/loose/lose/13:02
KhertanFoob, a specifics purpose ?13:03
johnxFoob, ah, there's a script called when you plug in a usb keyboard or pair a bt keyboard. you could track it down, see what it does, then run that before starting your app13:03
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FoobKhertan, I have program what uses ncurse.13:06
FoobMenus are working with just clicking them, but same time my virtual keyboard is jumping up. And i have to close it everytime13:06
Foobor menus arent working correctly13:06
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janiFoob: disable vkb completely ?13:07
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Foobwell I was thinking, that it might be easier. If i just use this physical button13:07
Foobto bring it up13:07
Foobwhen i actually need it13:07
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FoobOr actually just disabling vkb for a while would be ok13:10
FoobIf i can bring it back, when I need it13:10
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KhertanFoob, arg i ll like to try ... but my n800 isn't running Maemo :)13:10
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FoobOh, what is your N800 running ?13:11
Khertana custom things builded from mer :)13:12
Khertanwith a mix of meego :)13:12
Khertanand there is just the xterm :)13:13
Khertanso on n800 it s not very usefull13:13
juke_my header column in gtk doesn't appear since 2 weeks, have you got this bug ?13:13
Khertanby default it s doesn't appear13:14
Khertanin gtk maemo style13:14
lcuk2morrrrrrrrrrrrrrrning \o13:14
KhertanMMMMMMMMMMMMMMoooooooooooooorrrninnnnnnnnnnnng Foob13:14
KhertanMMMMMMMMMMMMMMoooooooooooooorrrninnnnnnnnnnnng lcuk213:14
Khertanoups sorry stupid completion :)13:14
juke_Khertan, ok13:14
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Foobwhat else I could install to my n80013:15
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KhertanI know that some are trying to build meego handset for n80013:15
KhertanI know that some are trying to build meego handset for n800/n81013:15
Khertanoh god i hope the n9 leaked image are fake ... :)13:15
Foobactually if you think about it...13:16
Foobon my table I have N800 N810 and N90013:16
* Stskeeps looks at his office13:16
Fooband somewhere in this room there is also N77013:16
KhertanFoob, n810 n900 n900 on my desktop currently :)13:17
Foobor was it nokia 77013:17
jaskajust nokia 770, not n.. predates n-series13:17
FoobHee, Actually only N800 is from me13:17
Stskeepstwo dead 770's, 2x n800, 1xn810, 1xn900, a omapzoom2, a joggler, an aava mobile, smartq5..13:17
Foobeverything else company owns13:17
Khertanaava mobile ?13:17
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StskeepsKhertan: for work13:18
Khertaneach time i use the keyboard of the n810 i found the n900 one better ... but i regret the n810 screensize13:18
KhertanStskeeps, yes i didn't doubt but i think none was available yet13:19
juke_do u know how can i force to show gtk column header ?13:21
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mavhknokia could have lead the way with 4" phones13:23
Surfai would never carry a 4" phone to anywhere..13:24
Khertanjuke_, .show_headers methods will show headers13:24
KhertanSurfa, i ll carry a 4' phone everywhere13:25
mavhkeveryone's making them now13:25
mavhkKhertan: is that a phone in your pocket....13:25
Khertanmavhk, i have always put my n810 in my pocket13:25
SurfaKhertan, crazy13:26
Khertanand take it everywhere13:26
Khertannot crazy ... matters of preferences ...13:26
mavhkme too13:26
Khertangive user the choice ... make same device with same hardware ... just some little differences13:26
mavhkI'm not paying smartphone bills, I'll buy a kindle for free 3g browsing13:26
Khertana n900 with small screen and a n910 with a larger one will content everyone13:27
Khertan(and maybe an n901 without hw keyboard)13:27
mavhkthey're not going to make variations unless the software is actually ready13:28
Khertanmavhk, lol ... Maemo can handle the variation13:28
Khertansame resolution on screen ... but with different size13:28
Khertanand software didn't see any difference13:29
mavhkI mean cost wise13:29
Khertanhum ...13:30
Khertanthey will never made any varations so13:30
Khertanand why they do variations for symbian ? the os is far from being ready since it s firt versions :)13:30
mavhkwell, they didn't much when it was epoc13:32
Khertani didn't like this new mode that every company are trying to force (and apple the first) where one design is the better one and fills everyone needs13:33
FoobSorry about spam of questions, but you guys know how to disable this power saving mode13:33
Foobor what ever it is13:33
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BrikFoob: you mean on wireless/whatever?13:40
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Khertanbbl ...13:43
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user_Whenever I use Ctrl-F in the browser, I have to scroll the see the highlighted find13:45
user_Is that normal?13:45
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user_The result won't render on the screen unless I scroll first13:46
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BrikFoob: internet connections -> select the connection -> edit -> next until you get advanced ->advanced: should be under there13:53
flashnMy n900 has stopped interfacing with the USB port, cant charge through it from the computer, nor does it show up as a device13:55
sharpneliIt's broken. Quite common problem.13:56
sharpneliAs the port is attached to the device with only small solder pads it tends to get ripped off extremely easily. Use your warranty to replace the device.13:57
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chem|stflashn: does it charge with a wall charger?14:02
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sharpneliYeah the other possibility is that the computer has a broken usb port :p14:03
flashnit charges with the wall charger14:03
flashnbut I have tried 2-3 different computers14:03
flashnand all the usb ports14:03
flashnwhich works with other devices14:03
X-FadeBroken cable?14:03
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Skyscraperhello everybody14:03
flashnIm gonna try some updates then its off to service14:03
flashnX-Fade, hardly, works for my colleague on his htc desire14:04
Skyscraperanyone tried to get working the "Logitech Cordless MediaBoard Pro" (for PS3 xD) with the N900?14:04
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Skyscraperyesterday i managed to get the Logitech diNovo Edge Keyboard AND Touchpad from my brother working on N900... but only the keyboard layout is a bit wrong (äöü ...)14:06
Skyscraperso i think it should be possible with that other logitech board, too?14:07
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ShadowJKi think keyboard layout problems are common with bluetooth and n90014:09
ShadowJKiirc there's a thread on tmo somewhere.. :/14:09
RST38hmy bt keyboard does not work with n900 at all., what layout problems?14:09
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SkyscraperRST38h: i can set model to pc105 and layout us with setxkbmap14:19
Skyscraperbut i CANT set model pc105 and layout de - and its an qwertz keyboard with öäü etc14:20
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Skyscraperbut the touchpad from the diNovo edge works very great without problems... when i use the script to display mousecursor its like a normal pc ;)14:21
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Skyscrapermaybe i will buy an Logitech Cordless MediaBoard Pro for PS3 later this day... i need external keyboard for n90014:22
Skyscraperso i can chat and surf via my n900 very fast... and display it on tv, for example14:23
jacekowskiSkyscraper: apple wireless keyboard14:24
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Skyscraperjacekowski: pricing?!14:24
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Skyscraperah and jacekowksi ? with your modified fmtxd the fmboost script doenst work anymore, right?!14:25
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jacekowskiSkyscraper: well, it works14:27
jacekowskiSkyscraper: but it's not required14:27
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Skyscraperjacekowski i need a fixed rate of 118 for fmtx - otherwise i have no clear signal in my car... - with original fmxtd and fmboost it works... with your fmtxd and fmboost it doenst works?!14:28
jacekowskimy fmtxd defaults to 12014:28
Skyscraperomg? 118 is maximal allowed for the fmtx chip?14:28
Skyscraperi've seen the specifications of the chip14:29
jacekowskinot the full spec14:29
jacekowskibut anyways14:30
jacekowskido you have hex editor at hand?14:30
Skyscraperbut with 120 it should be very nice in my car without problems? but with your fmtxd it wont work :/14:30
Skyscraperhm not directly but i can get one14:30
jacekowskii can give you offsets to modify14:30
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SpeedEvil118 is hardware max14:31
SpeedEvil120 is ignored14:31
SpeedEvilAnd treated as 11814:32
Skyscraperah okay.... maybe this is the problem ;)14:32
Skyscrapermaybe values higher than 118 would be reset to 114 or slt?14:32
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jacekowski27C0 -14:33
jacekowski27D8 and 27C0 - change to 0x7514:34
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Skyscraperthen its 118?14:34
jacekowski27C8 and 27DC change to 0x7614:34
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jacekowskiand it will default to 11814:34
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jacekowskibut modify my modified fmtxd14:34
jacekowskiit will not work on original one14:35
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Skyscraperyes i will do^^... i need your modified version ;) - because i need active fmtxd while connected headset/external mic/input14:36
Skyscrapercan i mirror your modified fmtxd on my homepage?14:37
jacekowskiwhere do you live?14:37
jacekowskiif you want to go to prison14:38
Skyscraperwhy that? xD14:38
jacekowskiit's illegal14:38
Skyscraperoh - dont know oO14:38
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Skyscraperwhy its illegal?14:39
Skyscraperbecause you modify nokia closed source with disassembling or because its not legal to have txrate 118 in germany`?14:40
ShadowJKis that the one that can transmit on TV frequencies? :D14:40
MohammadAGSkyscraper, modified binary14:42
MohammadAGyou may not disassemble binaries14:42
Skyscraperhm okay thats why its illegal?14:42
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MohammadAG118 could also be illegal :P14:43
Skyscraperhm... so nokia should open the code from fmtxd then it isnt illegal? xDd14:43
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MohammadAGthey won't open it14:45
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Skyscraperi know... but WHEN they would do it... its lgal14:46
jacekowskiSkyscraper: well both14:46
jacekowskithen 118 will still be illegal14:46
SkyscraperMohammadAG: when will you upload next ubuntu image?14:47
jacekowskithere are different laws about disassembling14:47
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jacekowskiUK law is quite lax about that14:47
Skyscraperjacekowski ok i WONT upload your binary to my homepage :D14:47
MohammadAGSkyscraper, probably tonight14:47
jacekowskiyou can legally disassemble stuff14:47
jacekowskifor research purposes14:47
Skyscraperyeah sounds good MohammadAG14:47
ToeiReiisn't that the radio transmitter stuff?14:47
jacekowskiit is14:47
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ToeiReiuhm... there are also legal things regarding frequencies you'll have to keep in mind.14:48
ToeiReias far as I know you shouldn't be able to send below 88.0 and above 108.014:48
ToeiReiat least here in .at14:48
ToeiReiwhich is quite similar to germany14:49
jacekowskiwell, that's illegal as well14:49
ToeiReijacekowski: found a new favorite word, huh?14:49
Skyscraperyes but i dont need that... i'm sending on 88.1 which is very free frequency14:49
MohammadAGfavorite words are illegal14:49
MohammadAGI'm testing 87.5 today14:50
MohammadAGnever seen a 76.1 radio14:50
jacekowskijust little bit illegal then14:50
jacekowskiMohammadAG: japan14:50
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* ShadowJK has a 50-180 radio14:50
MohammadAGwell, the car radio goes down to 87.514:50
ToeiReiI never got mine working with the radio in the car14:50
ToeiReimaybe the metal of the car shields it too much to work14:50
Skyscrapermy car radio goes 88.0-107.914:50
jacekowskiToeiRei: keep it close to radio14:51
ShadowJKwhen i get free time i want to try enable the fmtx chip's find-free-frequency14:51
MohammadAGI plug into a car charger and raise power to 11814:51
MohammadAGtransmission reaches the car next to it on the road (tested this xD)14:51
jacekowskiShadowJK: it's not fmtx chip feature14:51
ToeiReijacekowski: I can't stuff it into the radio. by now it's below the radio device.14:51
jacekowskiShadowJK: it needs fm reciever for that14:51
ShadowJKjacekowski, i thought i saw it in the datasheet14:51
SpeedEviljacekowski: no, it doesn't.14:52
SpeedEviljacekowski: There is a power reciever in the FMTX chip14:52
ToeiReibtw - I got the N900 since a few days... is anyone able to confirm ActiveSync problems?14:52
SkyscraperMohammadAG: but its not possible to override real stations with fmtx 11814:52
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MohammadAGSkyscraper, when it's plugged into the car I can14:52
MohammadAGin fact, it completely overrides it14:53
* ShadowJK can override any station without fmboost.. at a range of 1-2m :)14:53
SkyscraperMohammadAG: wtf? how do you do that? - i need to search free freqencys14:53
RST38hThat will depend on your receiver14:54
ShadowJKWith a peltor headset radio, the N900 boosted fmtx has a range of about 30-50m indorors.. with the newer radio receivers it's more like 10m14:54
X-FadeIt all depends on how crappy your radio is.14:54
X-FadeThe crappier the better.14:54
RST38hIn general, FM receivers will latch onto the strongest signal14:54
jacekowskifmtx can recieve as well14:54
MohammadAGX-Fade, I doubt chevy radios are crap :P14:54
MohammadAGespecially 09 ones14:54
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sharpneliAlso the orientation of your phone is quite essential.14:55
MohammadAGSkyscraper, just plug into a "car charger"14:55
MohammadAGor in my case14:55
X-FadeMohammadAG: Well if they aren't shielded well, fmtx works a lot better.14:55
RST38hShadowJK: well, they no longer make good radios, with AM gone and FM localized14:55
SkyscraperMohammadAG: car charger is very BAD... - i use DCAC converter with AC10e14:55
MohammadAGa 12-240V transformer14:55
MohammadAGsame here then14:55
ShadowJKMohammadAG, actually many cheaper radios are better, where cheaper means ones with lots of analog components14:55
Skyscraperworks very great because car chargers have only 500mA normally14:56
MohammadAGShadowJK, yeah I know, but it works fine in a shielded radio here14:56
ShadowJKthe radio-on-a-chip modern things are crap14:56
MohammadAGwell, not "in"14:56
ShadowJKNokia DC-10 microusb car charger gives 1200mA :)14:56
X-FadeMohammadAG: And also antenna cable has a lot to do with it.14:56
RST38hAnyways, with the Sony audio center, I only get 20cm of distance with N900, even at the highest signal strength14:56
SkyscraperShadowJK: maybe - but when i buy this, i can buy a 12 -> 230 V converter for 15€,too - and use original nokia AC10 - its cheaper14:57
RST38hi.e. N900's FMTX is fairly useless in my case14:57
SpeedEvilSee the inherent_limitations section in the FM transmitter page14:57
SpeedEvilIrt's designed to be14:57
RST38hwith the car radio, I get a couple of meters maybe, as long as N900 is not blocked by my hand14:57
MohammadAGwhere is the transmitter14:57
RST38hNowhere near 30-50m, or even 10m14:58
RST38hMohammad: antenna should be at the left upper corner14:58
X-FadeRST38h: That is really a receiver issue.14:58
* MohammadAG solders a 10 foot antenna to it14:58
* MohammadAG solders the antenna to a satellite14:58
RST38hX-Fade: Both receivers have no problem receiving broadcasting FM stations14:59
X-FadeRST38h: Those are 1000s of times more powerfull ;)14:59
X-FadeRST38h: Kilowatts instead of nanowatts.14:59
Skyscraperi think its important in what angle you hold your n900 to radio/antenna14:59
lcukMohammadAG, if you manage to solder your n900 to an antenna big enough for a sat, then perhaps we could get some small monkeys to climb it!14:59
* MohammadAG PMs noobmonk3y15:00
X-Fadelcuk: No, then you should just use line-out ;)15:00
ShadowJKRST38h, the 30-50m involved careful placement of N900 /and/ the receiver antenna :)15:00
SpeedEvilX-Fade: they are also much further away15:00
RST38hShadowJK: Oh, no placement can sole my distance problem, tried many :)15:00
SpeedEvilShadowJK: with a transmitter antenna too?15:01
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, no just n90015:01
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SpeedEvilShadowJK: connect USB cable (loose) to n90015:01
SpeedEvilFMTX goes a lot further15:01
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RST38hSpeedEvil: !15:02
jacekowskiSkyscraper: ?15:02
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, connect it fully, FMTX goes a lot lot further15:02
Skyscraperopen USB-Cable helps fmxt?15:02
SpeedEvilI mean with stock firmware15:02
RST38hHeadphone cable probably works even better15:02
MohammadAGstock firmware here :P15:02
RST38hBecause it is used for FMRX antenna anyway15:02
SpeedEvilheadphone cable turns off tx with stock firmware15:02
MohammadAGusb doesn't15:03
ShadowJKbasically inside a large building with many wires and cables running from floor to ceiling, it formed "bubbles" with no reception as near as 5m of n900, and bubbles with perfect reception as far as 50m :)15:03
Skyscraperheadphone cable DOESNT disables fmtx :D - i love modified fmtxd15:03
MohammadAGhe said stock15:03
Skyscraperstock is bad :p15:03
Skyscraperso i can transmit any external mono-source to fm with n90015:04
ShadowJKthe environment at work is harsh for fm, ethernet blocks out 97-103 approx, nearby residential cable network leaks so much that the real fm chans get blocked in many parts :)15:05
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Skyscraperso... installing little hed exit15:07
Skyscraperhex edit ^^15:07
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MohammadAGpulseaudio is restarted at start up right?15:09
MohammadAGi.e I have to reboot to apply new packages15:09
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Venemoor simply killall pulseaudio15:11
Venemoor type in the terminal:15:12
Venemostop pulseaudio15:12
Venemostart pulseaudio15:12
Skyscraper27D8 and 27C0 - change to 0x7515:13
Skyscraper27C8 and 27DC change to 0x7615:13
Skyscrapershould work now?15:13
Skyscraperok.. will ssh it in a moment to my n90015:14
ShadowJKhm, there seems to be a new ca-146c without cable part, bigger enclosure instead15:14
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ShadowJKmaybe they thibk bigger plastic heatsink will fix it :)15:15
SpeedEvilyou mean no USB cable???15:15
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ShadowJKlooks like a usb plug attached to a doublematchbox size box15:18
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SpeedEvilgiven a known fragile connector15:25
ShadowJKya :)15:25
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lcukSpeedEvil, perv!15:29
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MohammadAG51who's on facebook twitter15:30
MohammadAG51who's on facebook/twitter*15:30
lcukyour comment about someone doing a recital of HGTG15:30
MohammadAG51does opening either make music stutter?15:30
ShadowJKI'd imagine those sites with js and flash enabled consume large amounts of ram15:31
SpeedEvillcuk: Ah.15:32
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SpeedEvillcuk: What's wrong - you don't like douglas adams?15:32
lcuklol nope15:32
lcukjust the description of the recital15:32
lcukdo let us know if theres a repeat ummm performance15:32
SpeedEvilThat would imply I regularly watch.15:33
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korhojoa_Skyscraper: could you send a patch?15:38
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crashanddienewsflash, the moon may have shrunk 300 feet (~100m) over the past billion years15:43
crashanddiein other news, statistically speaking you are more likely to die than reach 100 years of age, and teenagers jerk off regularly15:43
alteregoThanks for the update, that's very interesting news.15:44
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crashanddieI think I might apply for a repoter position at Fox News15:45
SpeedEvilI dispute that fact.15:45
SpeedEvilRegularly implies a schedule.15:45
Skyscraperkorhojoa_: for what?15:45
crashanddieSpeedEvil: actually, it means "with constant frequency or pattern", so if the pattern is 3 days without, one day with, then it's "regularly"15:46
korhojoa_Skyscraper: err, fmtxd?15:46
crashanddieSpeedEvil: it could even mean "zero or more times a day", and still be a pattern15:46
korhojoa_ahh. how handy15:47
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Skyscraperkorhojoa_: fixes automatic disable of fmtx when plugging headset15:49
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korhojoa_Skyscraper: I noticed. Me gusta.15:51
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vltRis it true that modified fmtxd sets FMTX power to 120 ?15:58
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vltRsomebody written that at but on there's no word about that15:59
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aquatixSpeedEvil: every half a day?16:01
* aquatix hasn't been a teenager for while anymore, so might be off16:01
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chem|stvltR: didn't measure but I guess it does16:03
jacekowskivltR: yes it is true16:03
chem|sthi jace16:03
chem|stbut truely I don't get any difference, with boost or without16:04
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jacekowskiwell, more important thing is that it doesn't reduce power when cables are connected16:06
jacekowskiand connecting cables will make it better16:06
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jacekowski. Follow this TMO thread for more. Original hack by Jake Kowski.16:08
jacekowskiJake Kowski16:08
jacekowskithat's new16:08
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aquatixjacekowski: butbutbut, you're jake right? ;)16:09
aquatixgotta love those name fails16:10
jacekowskii'm not jake16:11
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jacekowskii'm quite surprised that nobody took that t.m.o thread down16:15
jacekowskibecause it's illegal16:15
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lcukjacekowski, illegal threads?16:19
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SpeedEvilIt's not illegal in japan16:19
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lardmanafternoon all16:25
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* lardman browses the Google My bookshelf api16:25
vltRjacekowski: from poland? :) me bialystok ;)16:26
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jacekowskivltR: well, i don't live in poland at the moment16:28
jacekowskihmm, can you have fmrx running at the same time as fmtx?16:29
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SpeedEvilYes - from a hardware pov16:32
SpeedEvilThe stock software won't let it16:32
MohammadAGwho uses stock nowadays16:34
keriostupid nokia :(16:34
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jacekowskiso fmtx can transmit16:34
jacekowskiand fmrx can map free frequencies16:34
jacekowskibased on noise levels16:34
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jacekowskiand with rds radio should be able to follow changes16:34
lcukMohammadAG, LOTS of people use stock software and will continue to do for a long time16:34
jacekowskiinstead of doing it with fmtx only16:35
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SpeedEvilfmtx can find free frequencies faster16:35
SpeedEvilthe engine is designed for spedd16:35
lardmanhmm, have not tried fmtx16:35
lardmanI always thought it was just a desktop plugin16:36
SpeedEvilI mean the hardware16:36
keriofmtx can also check noise levels16:36
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MohammadAGSpeedEvil, and I suppose that's disabled too?16:39
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SpeedEvilno - not enabled16:40
kerionot used, actually16:40
SpeedEvilSame as tap events on the accellerometer, and adjacent cell information in the phone.16:40
kerionobody made a scanner yet16:41
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, let me guess, enabling it isn't the easiest thing to do16:41
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jacekowskiSpeedEvil: yeah, but fmrx can do it in background without any interruption16:43
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MohammadAG<SpeedEvil> fmtx can find free frequencies faster16:44
MohammadAG<SpeedEvil> the engine is designed for spedd16:44
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jacekowskiit will still take time16:44
jacekowskiso instead of having couple second interruption to scan for frequencies16:44
jacekowskifmrx can scan for them16:45
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lardmanhmm, not sure if I can stop holding my breath now that PythonQT has started building16:49
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GAN900lardman, just don't pass out.16:51
lardmanGAN900: yeah, I gave up when it all went black around the edges, and it's still compiling so sacrificing the goat must have helped too16:52
lcuklardman, you are interested in a2dp stuff aren't you? (hi btw)16:52
lardmanlcuk: vaguely interested, not overly relevant for me atm though as I've not had a chance to play with the DSP on the N90016:53
lardmanhi too :)16:53
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lcukokies :)16:54
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lardmanwhat was it though, go on16:54
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derfI've had a _much_ easier time with the C64x than I ever did with the C55x.16:56
derfLike, I actually got something that worked at the end.16:56
lardmanoh cool :)16:56
derfThough perhaps this was because I had someone else doing the hard work :).16:57
lardmanWell the SBC encoder worked, but just wasn't useful what with the memory transfers16:57
lardmanI imagine 8bit types would be nice and helpful :)16:57
derfFor video, they're essential.16:57
lardmannah, you can do lots of ORing ;)16:58
lardmanI got bored of that though and moved onto other things16:58
derfNot if you expect things to run in a reasonable amount of time.16:58
lardmanyes, that was a minor issue ;)16:58
derfC64x also has a bunch of SIMD instructions, etc.16:58
derfIt's much more capable overall.16:59
derfThough it's considered the gas-guzzling SUV of DSPs.16:59
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lardmanwell they've added 9 to the CXX so I'd hope so :)16:59
lardmanderf: what are you up to these days?17:00
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lardmanstill audio & video codecs?17:00
derfI've managed to get a full-time job doing it, finally.17:00
lardmancool, well done17:01
derfOnly took a decade.17:01
SpeedEvilderf: Congratrs!17:02
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lardmandamn, spoke too soon about PythonQT17:03
lardmanpyuic or somesuch doesn't exist17:04
lardmananyone know what pyuic is?17:06
lardmanActually do we have a maemo-Python channel around here?17:06
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GAN900It's the thing they put in the keep lardman from making things work.17:08
lardmanyeah, buggers!17:09
lardmanIt's the thing they put in to annoy lardman enough that he can't be bothered to compile the package that is a dep for the work he wants to do17:09
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Venemoalterego: ping17:13
Venemo~seen alterego17:13
infobotalterego is currently on #maemo. Has said a total of 73 messages. Is idling for 1h 29m 35s, last said: 'Thanks for the update, that's very interesting news.'.17:14
SpeedEvil~seen icee17:14
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infoboti haven't seen 'icee', SpeedEvil17:14
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SpeedEvilcan anyone point me at a python based map thingy?17:28
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lardmanpython based, or one with bindings?17:29
SpeedEvilpython based17:29
lardmaniirc libchamplain has bindings17:29
lardmanoh, sorry17:29
SpeedEvilSomeone is looking for a python map program17:29
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lardmanwhat version of Qt do we have on the device?17:29
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crashanddieNokia announced Friday that it will acquire Motally, a small, privately held mobile analytics firm in San Francisco.17:43
crashanddieStaffed by a team of only eight people, Motally offers mobile app developers a service for tracking the usage of their software. The goal is to help developers enhance and optimize their apps by understanding how people use them.17:43
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SpeedEvilI wonder if this is related to 36017:44
Kht_Awaycrashanddie, they should before offer a plateform for developper to sell and distribute their apps17:45
Kht_Awayovi isn't one :)17:45
crashanddieov... oh17:45
lcuklardman, yes, 4.6 is default since pr1.2 with 4.7 in -devel17:45
Kht_Awaylardman, still here ?17:46
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Kht_Awaylardman, 4.6.2 ... pyuic is available on device17:46
Kht_Awaymaemo-Python channel <<< no python channel ... but pyqt channel have some maemo addict :)17:46
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Khertanand if you have any pyqt question maybe i can answer it :)17:47
Khertanand a pyqt apps example : or ... and there is many pyqt apps already in repo17:48
[DarkGUNMAN]daft question. how do you lower the colour depth in maemo ?17:48
jacekowskiyou don't17:48
jacekowskiyou don't even imagine how many things will break17:48
Jaffaw00t_: BTW, following on from the MeeGo Touch Framework tutorial, do you know if there's an equivalent one focussed on nicely interactive Qt apps?17:48
lardmanKhertan: yep, am here17:48
jacekowskiand it will stop hardware acceleration17:48
lardmanKhertan: ah, I don't want PyQT, I want PythonQT which allows one to embed the python interpreter in a Qt app so I can perform scripting17:49
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lcuk[DarkGUNMAN], to what end are you wanting lower colour depth?17:49
lcukbecause when I started, it was one of hte questions I asked17:50
lcukand I ended up using XVideo and the YUV overlay to allow 256greyscale17:50
jacekowskilcuk: teh*17:50
Khertanlardman, such strange idea ... why not use python everywhere17:50
SpeedEvilIn some cases lowering bit depth can reduce power17:50
lcuk(I just neglected drawing onto the UV layers initially17:50
lardmanKhertan: lol17:50
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jacekowskiSpeedEvil: but it will disable hardware acceleration17:50
SpeedEvilI have one laptop that uses 10% less powerr at 4 bit, than 2417:50
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: one of quirks of linux X17:50
Khertanlardman, let me look :)17:50
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: hardware acceleration works only on 24bpp17:51
lcukjacekowski, it depends if the intermediate compositor handles it happily17:51
lcukits mute really because things will break17:51
lcukbut its not a technical foregone conclusion17:51
lcukand jacekowski thats really good since x11 is in 15bit mode17:51
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lcukso reevaluate your point quickly ;)17:52
jacekowskino wai17:52
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[DarkGUNMAN]i was hoping to use 16bit.17:52
lcuk[DarkGUNMAN], what are you using to do the drawing etc17:53
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jacekowskiwell, desktop 3d17:53
jacekowskiati drivers and nvidia drivers require 24bit17:53
lcukoh, sorry I forgot we were on a desktop linux channel17:53
lcukthat would be cool actually to plugin a new graphics card to maemo device17:54
[DarkGUNMAN]yep. lower the desktop colour bpp in hildon17:54
jacekowskiwell, you sort of can17:54
jacekowskix can do 3d over network17:54
lcuk[DarkGUNMAN], to know you want to lower it you must have evidence its using a higher BPP17:55
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* lcuk has to convert 24BPP YUV images down to 15/16bit for viewing on X11 ximage17:56
lardmanfwiw here's my error:
Khertanlardman, ouch hard to found "pythonqt" documentation with google ... it s cache all python+qt17:56
lardmanhave to pop out and pick up my wife's car17:56
lardmanyeah, the project page is here:
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lardmanbbl anyway, any thoughts gladly accepted :)17:56
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Khertanlardman, uic is in a devel package17:57
[DarkGUNMAN]fair enough, its just speculation really to see of it would speed up the desktop17:57
lcuksure [DarkGUNMAN] - which parts are bottlenecks for you?17:58
alteregoVenemo: pong?17:58
* lcuk thinks desktop runs well on the whole17:58
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lardman|awayKhertan: (not quite gone yet), yeah uic is present17:59
lardman|awaynot sure why the error17:59
Khertanuic maybe but pyuic ?17:59
[DarkGUNMAN]an experiment to see if scrolling and transitions are better. possibly .avi files.17:59
lcukavi files would be a different case usually because they would use the nice rapid renderer afaik18:00
[DarkGUNMAN]if its easy for someone with limited experience like me to do18:00
* lcuk never experiences problems watching movies18:00
lcukscrolling is different to transitions also - you can tweak the transitions.ini file to find a different balance18:00
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Venemoalterego: well, I solved it since then :P18:01
[DarkGUNMAN]me neither, but i know i had issues with tv streaming during the world cup, mplayer needed less detail to run smooth18:01
Venemoalterego: I wanted to port fpaste to Maemo :P18:02
[DarkGUNMAN]though vlc had issues at times as well18:02
lcuk[DarkGUNMAN], streaming video has problems beyond local optimisations18:03
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lcukbecause you are working many more components ontop of an unreliable connection18:03
Venemoalterego: and I succeeded :P18:05
[DarkGUNMAN]never mind, it was just an idea :)18:05
lcuk[DarkGUNMAN], of course18:05
crashanddieplus, I can only imagine that the world cup wasn't exactly bandwidth friendly on streaming servers18:05
Venemoalterego: just pinged you, because it was Python code and I never worked with Python18:05
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spinningcompassAre there Hildon bindings / libraries to enable PyQt users to use the N810/N900-specific goodies?18:08
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crashanddiegoing home, 'later18:09
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Venemomva: hey18:34
Venemomva: how did you get to this?18:35
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mvaapt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade18:36
Venemomva: what repos do you have enabled?18:36
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VenemoRST38h: this is old news18:38
RST38hah ok18:39
Venemomva: interesting, I have the same output18:39
KhertanRST38h, but ... thx ... i didn't know !18:39
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Khertanso it s now official18:40
Khertanno more update :)18:40
VenemoKhertan: this is not true18:40
VenemoKhertan: this is only for hildon-desktop...18:40
KhertanVenemo, yes ... hildon-desktop18:40
RST38hwell hildon-desktop is what you see 90% of time18:40
Venemowell, it is considered stable18:41
Khertanhum ...18:41
* RST38h laughs hysterically18:41
Khertansome consider it stable18:41
Venemotry MohammadAG's fixed version18:41
Khertanthe one which conflict with many packages ? :)18:41
VenemoKhertan: afaik it doesn't conflict with anything18:42
VenemoKhertan: read the first post18:42
Khertanit was in the past :)18:42
VenemoKhertan: ?18:43
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Khertanyep i'm reading it18:43
mvaVenemo, any ideas, how to fix it? :)18:43
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Khertanfirst release was conflicting with some maemo "official" package18:43
mvaruskie, ping18:43
Venemomva: no idea. but I'd say ignoreit18:44
Khertanthis seems to be fixed right now18:44
VenemoKhertan: I dunno... it works for me18:44
KhertanVenemo, :)18:44
VenemoKhertan: it eliminates the PR 1.2 call ui glitch too18:44
Khertani like this sentence ... : "works for me"18:44
Khertani use it everydays !18:44
dmj726_develPR1.2 call ui glitch?18:45
KhertanVenemo, i hope it fixes the last memory leak :)18:45
Khertandmj726_devel, yes ... should be PR1.2 call ui glitches18:45
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povbotBug 10613: screen glitches on incoming call18:47
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VenemoKhertan: you should be aware of the "works on my machine" certification then18:47
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dmj726_develNot sure if that's what happens to me or not, but it quite likely is.18:48
keriopff, "works as coded" is the best one18:48
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Venemoread this18:48
Venemodmj726_devel: possibly.18:49
Venemodmj726_devel: there is also a youtube video about the issue, found in the bugtracker18:49
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* RST38h idly wonders what it would be worth to rotate application icons in hildon-desktop, when in portrait mode18:49
Khertancurrently i working for a company where i always say : conform to specs ... no specs ... no code !18:49
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dmj726_develI've noticed the call ui can be laggy (and momentarily redraw itself funny) when the phone is under load18:50
Khertanno specs ... no features is frequent also18:50
kerioportrait mode sucks ._.18:50
VenemoKhertan: :D18:50
Khertandmj726_devel, particulary when it switch to portrait ... :)18:50
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Venemodmj726_devel: that's it18:51
dmj726_develprobably one of the more annoying aspects of the device18:52
KhertanAnyway i think there will be no more update for n900.18:52
RST38hKhertan: Obsession with specs is usually a sure way to fail the project18:52
RST38hNot that specs are unimportant, but...18:52
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KhertanRST38h, but none is the otherone18:52
KhertanRST38h, as when there is no specs ... no real definition of what they want18:53
VenemoKhertan: not right. PR 1.3 is coming.18:53
Khertanno testing validation18:53
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KhertanRST38h, when the client got the soft ... they just say ... this is not what who want ... we want more ...18:53
RST38hAh, just because you have specs does not mean you can always do validation...18:53
RST38hKhertan: Yea, the task has to be properly defined18:54
KhertanRST38h, ah ... yes of course ... but this isn't the case18:54
TrewasKhertan: that message wrt hildon-desktop is far after pr.1.2, so pr 1.3 is quite likely (and from what I have heard certain)18:54
RST38hKhertan: It goes bad when they start specifying HOW you are supposed to achieve their goal18:54
Khertanthe task isn't define18:54
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KhertanRST38h, but it s not better when they clearly not explain their need18:55
Khertani could write specs myself ... if i know what they want :)18:55
RST38hKhertan: do they ever? :)18:55
kerioPR 1.3 IS COMING TO GET YOU18:55
Khertanthey just ... not like that18:55
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KhertanVenemo, yeah pr1.3 ... bug fixes ... but real evolve ... meego is the futur18:56
KhertanVenemo, yeah pr1.3 ... bug fixes ... but no real evolve ... meego is the futur18:56
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Khertanand at least .... i should try to install meego on a micro sd and try to install pyside18:57
Khertanjust to see what my editor look like under meego :)18:57
Khertanmeego handset18:57
RST38hIncredibly, rotating icons in hildon-desktop may not be that difficult18:57
kerioyou also need ...... to use less ... ellipses.....18:57
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* RST38h looks at the sources of hd-launcher-tile.c18:57
RST38hJust need to hook up to the rotation signal on DBus and tell those tiles to rotate18:58
KhertanRST38h, i think it s useless ... there is enough glitchs when switching to portrait18:58
Trewasbut I have to say that some people have been whining about FUD in tmo, at least nokia is completely responsible for any FUD with their policy of not saying anything about n900's or maemo's future18:58
rmrfchikN9 photos
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Khertanrmrfchik, it s horrible ...18:58
keriohmm, fud18:59
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Trewashehe, at least fud is good for something18:59
rmrfchikKhertan: it's nokia18:59
GAN900Treibholz, they've said plenty. If not in so many words.19:00
Khertanrmrfchik, and ? i like the n900 design ...19:00
rmrfchikKhertan: well. all good nokia is in the past19:00
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nid0other than failing with the keyboard layout as badly as they have with the n900, i dont see the problems with the "n9" you guys seem to19:03
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Trewashopefully they will get rid of excessive bezel around the screen in the final model, amd none of the pics show well how thick n9 is either so hard to say in from that POV19:06
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keriokeyboard fail again ._.19:10
kerioit's a pretty big deal, you know19:10
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lcukis fennec the default handset browser?19:11
GAN900Nokia's hardware developers are foolish.19:11
kerionokia fails19:11
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keriohow can a company make something that kickass and then fail so badly at easy stuff like talking to your community19:12
SpeedEvilAsk openmoko.19:12
keriowill they answer?19:12
SpeedEvilA open linux mobile could have happened xmas 2007.19:12
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psycho_oreosopenmoko lacked lots of features back then19:14
SpeedEvilpsycho_oreos: True. Much of that was hardware.19:14
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SpeedEvilIn xmas 2007 - a phone with basic phone/sms/... functions could have happened, that was able to run random GTK stuff.19:15
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SpeedEvilThe march 2007 stack was 'ok' as a phone.19:15
GAN900Hardware sure didn't help19:18
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psycho_oreosn900 may have sucked but by far it was still a better overall internet tablet/phone compared to its competitors in terms of being hacker-friendly.. period.19:19
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SpeedEvilGAN900: No. But there was nothing too fundamentally broken about neo1973 that could not have been fixed with minor hardware mods. The rest is arguable form factor breakage that will put some off.19:22
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keriothe n900 is a great internet tablet, is a good enough phone and it's a truly kickass smartphone19:24
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DocScrutinizer(<kerio> will they answer?) depends on whom you ask19:27
kerioDocScrutinizer: how can a company make something that kickass and then fail so badly at easy stuff like talking to your community?19:27
SpeedEvilBy not having someone with a clue high up that is a liason.19:27
SpeedEvilYou need someone at at least the same level as the software dev lead.19:28
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lcukkerio, everybody grows up.19:32
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Venemokerio: noone knows19:33
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lcukkerio, you will find that very few companies have a community presence19:34
lcuktheir community is different to the communities you are thinking about19:34
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Venemolcuk: what do you mean?19:35
SpeedEvilI would not expect 'proper' community involvement in many companies to hit for >>10 years19:36
lcukVenemo, where I used to work, a normal company - there was no user community as such.  its a different environment because their community are other businesses etc19:36
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lingling_hi, a question: how many colors can the n900 show? on some sites you see 65k (e.g. nokia website) on some others you can read aout 16,7 million19:50
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SpeedEvil65k on the screen normally19:54
SpeedEvilThe hardware can do 24 bit, and in some compositing things that's what's used19:54
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slonopotamusSpeedEvil: 24? sure? i think 1619:55
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kerioit's normally 1619:58
SpeedEvillcuk was saying earlier that it does 24 bit in overlay19:59
keriobut the hw is capable of 2419:59
SpeedEvilOr was it luke-jr19:59
keriolet's always use overlay!19:59
lcukit was me19:59
SpeedEvilI always get those two confused19:59
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* lcuk notices difference when switching between YUV and RGB19:59
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lcukkerio, not practical, YUV is a completely different color space19:59
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lcukand converting between them is an intensive process20:00
keriomake X convert the colors20:00
cehteh.. and lossy20:00
keriothe lazy bastard20:00
lcukkerio, its not just converting colors20:00
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kerioanyway, is there a way to just enable 24bit while in RGB mode?20:00
DocScrutinizerbah, the maxPITA is the AV fb, which seems 12bpp or somesuch20:02
slonopotamusi doubt20:02
lcukto take a 16bit full screen (native RGB) and convert to YUV, you have 768000 bytes of information on source side and 576000 bytes on destination side20:02
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lcukyou can read the source pixels using a planar run, but the destination require 3 planes and encounter all sorts of optimisation issues that make it a non trivial issue (but there is technically hardware available to do it20:03
lcukIVA on n8x0 and called something else on the n90020:03
lcukbut not used afaik20:03
slonopotamuskerio: dunno about n900 but on n8x0 /dev/fb1 that is used by X to output stuff only provides mmap-able area with 16bpp.20:03
slonopotamuslcuk will correct me if i'm wrong :)20:04
lcukit sounds reasonable, I am not actually sure about the lower graphics modes available directly on the N90020:05
lcukRST38h is actually better able to speak up most likely, since some of his apps use it20:05
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DocScrutinizeralas there's once more no datasheet available for LCD module, but odds are it can't do anything better than 32k colors anyway20:06
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slonopotamuslcuk: i know that because i was rewriting text2screen (whose colors are broken on both n8x0/n900 because it doesn't convert them to 16bpp :)20:07
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slonopotamuslcuk: try text2screen -t test -T 0x00ff00. it is yellow :)20:08
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slonopotamusjohnsq: hello20:09
lcukDocScrutinizer, it can certainly manage greater than the 16bit20:09
slonopotamus(and with fb_text2screen it is properly green) :)20:10
lcukI will try to show you 2 pictures taken in YUV and RGB20:10
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: why do you think it can?20:13
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: aiui the LC driver logic usually has really crappy D/A converters, so the number of discrete physical states you can drive the crystals to is rather limited20:15
slonopotamuslcuk: that won't make sense if i'll be looking at them from 16bpp n900 :D20:15
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skyscraperanyone know anything about restarting n900 using bluetooth keyboard/mouse?20:15
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slonopotamusskyscraper: sure20:15
skyscraperslonopotamus: whats the problem?20:16
slonopotamususe bt mouse to launch terminal, then use keyboard to type root, enter, reboot20:16
slonopotamusand voila, n900 is restarted20:16
skyscraperit restarts itself .. and shouldnt do that20:16
DocScrutinizerslonopotamus: you should improve your pidgin :-) I also got it wrong20:17
skyscraperi've get bluetooth keyboard working - partially...- mousepad works - and... keys working... but no CAPS and no numbers and no äöü ... the arrows are ö . and left/right20:18
mikki-kunseems to be keymap error20:18
DocScrutinizerskyscraper: ^^^20:18
skyscraperi wanted to remap with20:18
skyscrapersetxkbmap -device 4 -I -I/usr/share/X11/xkb-chinook -rules base -model pc105 -layout de20:19
skyscraperbut it wont work20:19
lcukslonopotamus, DocScrutinizer - I can see a distinct amount of stepping on gradients on normal x11 vs much smoother gradients on yuv20:19
skyscraperafter reboot this command with "-layout us" works... but with "-layout de" i get an error..20:19
DocScrutinizermodel pc105 ? does that even exist?20:19
slonopotamusDocScrutinizer: after rereading i still understand the question that way :)20:19
skyscraperit seems that the bluetooth keyboard uses same mappings as internal keypad20:19
lcuknow I have put my foot in it, I have added 10second waitstates to one of the functions and just found out its called multiple times per frame20:19
skyscraperDocScrutinizer: get it from
* lcuk might reevaluate this section of code20:20
skyscraperlike described in
DocScrutinizerskyscraper: seems it's missing the de layout20:21
skyscraperDocScrutinizer: where to get it?20:21
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DocScrutinizersorry, talking outa my a...20:22
DocScrutinizerno idea, really20:22
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slonopotamuslcuk: hw can do 16 bit rgb and 24 bit yuv?20:23
slonopotamuslcuk: and x runs in rgb because most stuff it draws is rgb20:23
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DocScrutinizerskyscraper: -I/usr/share/X11/xkb-chinook  vs Fremantle_Bluetooth_Keyboard_Layout makes me scratch head though20:23
mikki-kunhm, btw, is there kind of a reason the front facing cam on the n900 has a blueish-green tone?20:24
skyscrapercopied it from there 1to120:24
DocScrutinizerok, so it's intentional20:24
DocScrutinizermight be ok20:24
DocScrutinizerprolly pc105 layout changed little from chinook to fremantle ;-P20:25
skyscraperhm.... whats wrong with the mapping..argh... double-mouseclick seems to be "reboot" xD...20:25
slonopotamusmikki-kun: if its colors are damaged the same way as text2screen, it would explain that20:25
mikki-kunhm, may i ask how i can check that? till now i haven't heard of text2screen20:26
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skyscraperthe bluetooth connection itself seems to be ok:  > ACL 00:07:61:FF:ED:EA handle 11 state 1 lm MASTER AUTH20:27
slonopotamusit outputs 24 bit color to 16bit device without doing conversion so higher bits of RED get lost20:27
lcukslonopotamus, yes20:27
lcukslonopotamus, DocScrutinizer
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slonopotamuslcuk: yuv one looks... lighter20:29
DocScrutinizermikki-kun: missing/borked white balance, together with artificial light?20:29
lcukslonopotamus, color banace gamut differences - its the gradients which you are talking about20:30
lcuknow, I might have done something wrong in my conversion, but I could not get the 24bit RGB path to work20:30
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: uhm, well, i can't say that good... the problem is that somehow the image is in general either too blueish-green with mplayer or just way too dark (as in my room)20:30
lcukbut those screenshots are taken in the respective mode directly20:30
lcukone using liqbase YUV image taking tool, the other with ctrl+sh+p20:31
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: screenshots mean nothing, but anyway you see massive gradient steps in the second shot20:31
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DocScrutinizerto get reasonable comparision you need real *screen* shots20:32
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lcukyeah DocScrutinizer that gradient step is noticable as the conversion is occuring20:32
DocScrutinizerwith a really good cam, in macro20:32
mikki-kuni use as a command with mplayer "mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:width=640:height=488:outfmt=rgb32:quality=100:hue=0:contrast=10:brightness=10:saturation=50:gain=100:fps=30:device=/dev/video1 -vo xv tv:// -vf mirror20:33
lcukbut the time when like for like is onscreen is very short20:33
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lcukI just posted those because it was possible to do it reasonably reproducably20:33
mikki-kunthe contrast, hue, saturation and brightness i will adjust as i need to check it at times20:33
DocScrutinizermikki-kun: try to adjust hue20:34
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: well, i try from -100 to 100 in different steps20:34
mikki-kunit kinda doesn't work20:34
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DocScrutinizersorry, no idea with mplayer. Maybe use gstreamer, maybe ask SpeedEvil20:35
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mikki-kunhm, i've till now only used mplayer for mostly any stuff related to checking webcams and stuff... i am not very talented with gstreamer20:35
skyscraperhm... no one know how to remap all those keys?20:35
mikki-kunbut i think i'll try searchign for a command20:35
Venemoskyscraper: sorry, what's the question?20:36
skyscraper hildon-im-xkbtool --list .... output looks great20:36
DocScrutinizerskyscraper: check the related wiki pages20:36
skyscraperID 4, Name: "Logitech Cordless MediaBoard Pro(TM)"20:36
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DocScrutinizerxorg needs a kick in the ass to accept normal mice afaik20:37
slonopotamus_lcuk: smth is wrong. i can see gradients difference using n900 xorg :/20:37
DocScrutinizerthe fremantle special flavour of xorg20:37
DocScrutinizerskyscraper: ask MohammadAG5120:37
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lcukslonopotamus_, huh?20:38
lcuki just said, 16bit is known20:38
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lcukhurrah I came back to life20:38
* MohammadAG wakes up20:38
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DocScrutinizer~wake MohammadAG20:38
* infobot throws a barrel-full of ice water on MohammadAG and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"20:38
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: hm, i found something for gstreamer, but it can't find specified command... via 'find / | grep gst-launch' it isn't findable either...20:39
slonopotamus_lcuk: i opened your page in microb (that should be in same mode as X) and can visually see that gradients differ.20:39
mikki-kunnow that's a morning... i'd say hot coffee would be more effective ^^20:40
DocScrutinizermikki-kun: apt-cache search is your friend20:40
lcukthats probable for other reasons20:40
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mikki-kunthanks for the hint :)20:40
lcukslonopotamus_, I did the best I could wit hthe YUV/RGB conversion, but the gamut is slightly off, its enough on those photos to see what I see on screen20:40
DocScrutinizerlcuk: how about setting up a decent calibration screen?20:41
DocScrutinizerwith color and grey gradient bars20:42
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slonopotamus_lcuk: you do yuv24->rgb16 or yuv24->rgb24->rgb16?20:42
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lcukper pixel, the YUV->rgb is 24bit oriented20:43
lcukthen it gets dropped and chopped and bitrolled20:43
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DocScrutinizerrgb16 is 5/6/5 !!20:43
DocScrutinizerso any greenish clor in rgb24 data displayed as rgb16 is expected20:44
slonopotamus_DocScrutinizer: surpsize :)20:44
skyscraperat least i got bluetooth encryption working20:45
DocScrutinizerbut generally everything should look completely odd when 'converting' 8/8/8 (RGB24) to 5/6/5 (RGB16) by mere truncation of higher bits or whatever20:46
slonopotamus_DocScrutinizer: 1 sec, i got conversion thingie somewhere20:46
* lcuk thanks microsoft everytime I look at that formula20:47
DocScrutinizerslonopotamus_: waiting for the beers to bribe me into looking at that *now*20:48
lcukslonopotamus_, thats endian specific?20:48
johnsqno wonder why it didn't work20:48
lcukjohnsq, the YUV->RGB works nicely20:48
DocScrutinizerlcuk: RGB conversion for sure is endian-dependant20:48
lcukmore informative than any other bit of pseudo code I found20:48
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slonopotamus_lcuk: i guess that's little-endian20:49
lcukyeah, that might be why you had problems with wrong colors ;)20:49
slonopotamus_i didn't have20:50
slonopotamus_text2screen has :)20:50
slonopotamus_lcuk: your rgb gradients are bad :) n900 can do better20:51
lcukslonopotamus_, I don't see how because I am filling the available colour space from what I can gather20:52
* MohammadAG yawns and wakes up20:52
MohammadAG~nuke DocScrutinizer20:52
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at DocScrutinizer ... B☢☢M!20:52
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: hm, i can't seem to find the right packet for gst-launch... maybe you have an idea where it could be?20:52
slonopotamus_lcuk: gradients do differ when seen on n900. yuv one is smoother20:53
* lcuk looks 20:53
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lcukslonopotamus_, that might simply be other interpolation perhaps, let me bring it up20:53
slonopotamus_(and colors are visually different, what hints that you're coing smth wrong)20:54
lcuktimeless, does microb do colour interpolation and dithering?20:55
* lcuk takes a screenshot of the screenshot20:55
slonopotamus_lcuk: i saw that link already :/20:55
lcuklcukn900 hadn't though ;)20:56
* slonopotamus_ takes a screenshot of lcuk saying he takes a screenshot of screenshot20:56
lcukthere is another layer between20:56
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* lcuk investigates20:57
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luke-jrgosh, N900 down to <$300 already… tempting to buy for once20:57
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DocScrutinizermikki-kun: hmm, I got gst-launch installed, sorry no idea where from, but I generally didn't care about any gst pkg installation20:58
mikki-kunmaybe when i install all gst packages?20:59
slonopotamus_luke-jr: some interesting updates in "relicense bme" bugreport20:59
luke-jrslonopotamus_: really? I must not be subscribed…20:59
mikki-kunwhat would be the proper command for that? i am not familiar with apt-get install... would "apt-get install gstreamer*" work?20:59
slonopotamus_you've reported it20:59
lcukthe mid range has a green hue20:59
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DocScrutinizermikki-kun: gst-tools is da pkg21:01
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povbotBug 9314: relicense BME21:01
mikki-kunahhh, big thanks :)21:01
slonopotamus_povbot: wtf povbot21:01
povbotslonopotamus_: Error: "wtf" is not a valid command.21:01
slonopotamus_povbot: quit21:02
povbotslonopotamus_: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.21:02
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skyscraperI've read something and YES: the bluetooth keyboard can type numbers etc. in DOSBOX... - but in DOSBOX it seems to be US layout21:05
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slonopotamus_US layout doesn't have numbers?21:06
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lcukupdated the page with some more info and that screenshot of micro21:07
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* lcuk is pleased at least some of it is a bug in code and hopefully rectifiable :)21:07
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DocScrutinizerinfobot: attack slonopotamus_21:08
* infobot grabs a pen, screams like she's possessed, and begins chasing slonopotamus_21:08
skyscraperslonopotamus_: US layout has numbers... but / on german "-" or "-" on german "ß"21:08
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skyscraperand in easy debian some things work, too... but not in maemo itself21:10
slonopotamus_lcuk: i'm not sure yuv image goes through rgb24 when seen in microb (though i don't know how to check that)21:12
slonopotamus_no, i know. do direct yuv24->rgb16 conversion and output to screen bypassing X21:12
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: the image looks the same when using gstreamer for the pic... i'll try and search for more settings now21:13
mikki-kunat least it starts now21:14
DocScrutinizerthere should be options for white balance21:14
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slonopotamus_lcuk: though i don't know what we'll gain after finding root of this issue :P21:14
skyscraperMohammadAG: are you here?21:15
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lcukyou mentioned something about 454 or something?21:15
MohammadAGskyscraper, no, IRC does not exist21:15
slonopotamus_lcuk: 56521:15
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lcukslonopotamus_, DocScrutinizer !!21:15
slonopotamus_lcuk: 16 in total :)21:15
lcuksussed where the drop is21:15
lcukI am losing the single bit of green plane data21:16
lcukall are being dropped to 55521:16
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* MohammadAG is bored21:16
* MohammadAG slaps lcuk21:16
skyscraperMohammadAG: maybe you know why i cant "setxkbmap -I -I/usr/share/X11/xkb-chinook -rules base -model pc105 -layout de"21:16
* MohammadAG would suggest qole21:16
lcukok, so theres a very slight advantage available21:16
Shapeshifter whoa man mypaint is _amazing_21:16
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Shapeshifterit actually works pretty damn well21:16
MohammadAGShapeshifter, reactionfaceoff doesn't start21:16
ShapeshifterMohammadAG: wat21:17
ShapeshifterMohammadAG: what happens21:17
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: rgb16 usually is either 5/6/5 or actually rgb1521:17
MohammadAGsec, lemme paste backtrack21:17
* MohammadAG hits head21:17
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slonopotamus_DocScrutinizer: you need to develop your math skills :/21:17
DocScrutinizerslonopotamus_: eh?21:18
MohammadAGwhat's a faster pastebin?21:18
slonopotamus_DocScrutinizer: 5+6=11. 11+5= 1621:18
MohammadAG5+6 = 5621:18
DocScrutinizerslonopotamus_: so WHAT?21:18
ShapeshifterMohammadAG: pastie.org21:18
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DocScrutinizerwhat's wrong with 5+6+5=16????21:19
skyscraperhm. no one has any idea?21:20
slonopotamus_DocScrutinizer: i accidentally skipped "either" in your message, sorry21:21
lcukskyscraper, whats up?21:21
skyscraperi cant get fucking numbers work -.-21:21
DocScrutinizerslonopotamus_: you need to develop your troll skills21:21
slonopotamus_DocScrutinizer: is that an invitation to talk about OC? :)21:21
nid0i hear overclocking's well great and perfectly safe, discuss.21:22
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lcukhmm skyscraper which numbers which app which language, dont they work normally?21:22
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GAN900nid0, so do I, clearly you should try 1.25GHz.21:22
ShapeshifterMohammadAG51: well that's great. That bug is in numpy...21:22
ShapeshifterMohammadAG51: I'll look into how it got there...21:23
skyscraperlcuk n900 bluetooth keyboard...21:23
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MohammadAGGAN900, meh, 6GHz is where it's at atm21:23
lcukskyscraper, hmm21:23
ShapeshifterMohammadAG: mhh but I think something's wrong with your numpy version. Did you install something on your own?21:24
BCMMnid0: very few people have set themselves on fire21:24
skyscraperMohammadAG: will you upload ubuntu this night, really?21:24
skyscraperlcuk setxkbmap doenst work21:24
ShapeshifterMohammadAG: I'm all up to date and if I run python and then import numpy; numpy.core.numeric I see <module 'numpy.core.numeric' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/numpy/core/numeric.pyc'> which means the module DOES exist contrary to what your backtrace says21:24
MohammadAGskyscraper, not sure, still not going home21:24
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lcukskyscraper, not sure on this one21:25
MohammadAGShapeshifter, it worked before i reflashed21:25
lcukperhaps others with bt keyboards can help21:25
skyscraperMohammadAG: hm... hoped ;(21:25
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skyscraperlcuk maybe.. but seems to no one is only21:25
MohammadAGstill not on my way home21:25
MohammadAGmax tomorrow though21:25
lcukskyscraper, try to write a clear mail to the mailing list or potentially on talk.maemo.org21:25
slonopotamuslcuk: the funnies thing is when watching through microb, you see _both_ images in 16 bit :)21:26
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lcukslonopotamus, sure21:26
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lcukslonopotamus, I am pleased I can see why its a problem at least21:26
slonopotamuslcuk: and bad gradient effects on PLUS are seen on both images21:26
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lcuktheres no gradient problem on device in yuv mode21:26
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lcukso that part is still valid21:27
slonopotamusbecause it's 24 bit :)21:27
lcukit was just highlighted more by my bug21:27
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* lcuk has been saying hes crap at coding21:27
lcukfor ages21:27
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skyscraperits crazy... i dont understand why keyboard works great in DOSBOX but not in maemo21:28
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slonopotamusnow, the interesting part is what is 32 bit mode :)21:28
ShapeshifterMohammadAG: you could run python and then execute import numpy; numpy.version.version Should say 1.4.021:29
slonopotamusskyscraper: because dosbox rocks and maemo doesn't21:29
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lcukslonopotamus, 32bit graphics is rgba21:29
MohammadAGShapeshifter, which package is that part of anyways?21:29
lcukquite well known21:29
skyscraperslonopotamus: but dosbox runs IN maemo... why can handle dosbox all those keys and maemo cant?21:29
lcukand for end of the line the A isnt used, but aligning pixels on long boundaries gives benefits21:30
slonopotamuslcuk: well, with nvidia card i can only set 24bbp in xorg.conf. but with ati one i can set 32.21:30
lcukskyscraper, so the dosbox on maemo sees the keys but the hildon-input-method doesn't ?21:30
lcukif thats the case, file a bug21:30
lcukwith very very specific reproduction21:30
ShapeshifterMohammadAG: python-numpy I guess21:30
* MohammadAG reinstalls21:30
skyscraperlcuk the problem is the hildon keyboard map...21:30
slonopotamusskyscraper: art of breaking stuff in most mysterious ways is a nokia know-how21:31
skyscraperslonopotamus: :D21:31
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ShapeshifterMohammadAG: apt-cache show python-numpy should be 1.4.0-1maemo2 apparently21:31
Shapeshifterat least that's what I have and it works21:31
slonopotamuslcuk: so, now you see two visually indistinguishable images after fixing your bug?21:32
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lcukno i wouldnt21:35
jacekowskican anybody check something for me21:35
lcukit would go from smooth full 24bit21:35
lcukto the same as the microb image21:35
jacekowskidoes that modified fmtxd work without modified kernel module21:35
jacekowskii mean, frequency part21:35
slonopotamusi mean, wheb screenshotted and seen from X :)21:35
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lcukslonopotamus, doubt it, the conversion I am doing from yuv to rgb will give differences21:36
slonopotamuslcuk: will give differences from what X does?21:36
lcukslonopotamus, I am not going to be changing the yuv->rgb code, just ensuring I retain that extra bit of green21:37
lcuki have to go anyway21:37
slonopotamusbtw, why 16bit rgb at all? saving ram/cpu?21:37
slonopotamuslcuk: bye21:37
lcukgo look at the mode that x11 is on21:37
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skyscrapertimed out?21:58
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pincyhi, anyone here who can help me with the jagged alliance 2 port?21:58
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pincywhen i want to start, it closes... in the terminal is written Opening file failed ; Creating an emergengy savegame failed. ; Please report this error with a description of the circumstances.22:01
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BCMMwhat can i use on Linux to view all the metadata from fcamera's DNGs?22:03
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DocScrutinizerpincy: start with 'strace <game-executable>'22:07
DocScrutinizersomewhere in last few lines of output you'll find the name of the file that failed to create22:08
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skyscraperjacekowski: are you there?22:19
skyscraperanyone with n900 and bluetooth keyboard here? -.-22:20
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skyscrapernid0: working?22:21
nid0my keyb uses a serial connection so doesnt work with the n900 though22:21
skyscrapermaemo doesnt like my numbers on the keyboard ;)22:21
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skyscraperalways getting "Error loading new keyboard description" when setxkbmap22:24
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jacekowskiskyscraper: i'm here22:27
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skyscrapermaybe you know why setxkmap wont work?22:27
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jacekowskinever had to use it22:31
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skyscraperposted problem to
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pincy@DocScrutinizer: with what package i can use strace? strace not found in /bin/sh22:42
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DocScrutinizerinstall from tools repo using apt-get I'd guess22:46
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IcanCUare most developers in here Qt developers?22:49
pincyyeah, had to add the catalogue..22:51
pincynow ill look for it again :)22:51
DocScrutinizerclicking this link should also work22:51
pincybut then i would have to shove it to my phone :)22:52
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DocScrutinizerWFM iirc. Just clicking the link opens up HAM and installs the .deb from web22:55
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DocScrutinizeright be related to some funny thing called red-pill-mode though22:56
DocScrutinizer51clicking link opens icrob, which  in turn asks 'store to device or open with HAM?"22:58
pupnikn9 is looking very must-get :|22:58
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pincyok doc, so i installed it, startet 'strace ja2'23:02
pincyand the last line is 'exit group(1)            =?'23:03
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DocScrutinizer51look for file related lines before that23:04
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MohammadAG51skyscraper, might upload it tonight after all23:05
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pincythe last one with a file is 'unlink("Temp//files.dat")        =0'23:06
DocScrutinizer[sbox-FREMANTLE_X86: ~/src/testing/gdb_example] > strace -e trace=file ./gdb_example23:07
DocScrutinizeralso -f might be necessary23:08
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pincyall together before the ja2 or shall i type it in its own line?23:09
nox-btw i think qemu linux-user emulation has an -strace too in case you do need to test an actual arm executable23:11
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pincykk, its closed and now, where do i find the file23:12
DocScrutinizerpincy: strace -f -e trace=file ja223:12
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pincyor shall i write the last lines?^^23:15
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skyscraperMohammadAG51: yes very nice msg23:16
skyscraperwhen tonight?23:17
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DocScrutinizerpincy: you'll most probably find a line similar to >>open("/opt/man/de/cat7", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_LARGEFILE|O_DIRECTORY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)23:17
pincy4 times23:18
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DocScrutinizercheck the "/opt/man/de/cat7" part, which in your case might point to a file that ja2 fails to create, also the end of the line holds details about the error and reason (why it failed)23:19
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pincythe problem is with files.dat, finances.dat, email.dat and history.dat23:22
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pincybut whats the "/opt/man/de/cat7" part? my n900 says not found23:23
DocScrutinizerthat's an unrelated example I created from man man command23:24
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DocScrutinizerpincy: if you got no clue how to process from strace output to fixing ja2 setup, then probably it's reasonable to pastebin the last ~200 lines of output23:25
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DocScrutinizerI'm sure somebody here will happily have a look and tell you what's wrong23:26
DocScrutinizeranyway I'm afk now, good luck23:26
pincythanks so far23:26
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pupnikjagged alliance 2?23:28
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ShapeshifterUh, has someone found out how to save as png in MyPaint?23:34
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Shapeshiftermypaint is just awesome. too bad I'm not good at drawing. If I was an artist I'd be shitting bricks by now.23:37
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skyscraperlol... just saw an video with wine on n900 for i386 apps?!23:41
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skyscraperand.... whats "bochs"? i've seen it in app-mgr those days...23:43
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nox-bochs is even slower then plain qemu23:44
skyscraperi'm just bored... trying out some things :D23:44
skyscrapersearching for very interesting and useful things for n90023:45
nox-actually qemu was first implemented to run wine on ppc...  (linux-user came before system emulation)23:46
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skyscraperah and i'm searching for an decibell-meter app for n900...23:46
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pincyhow can that be, that when im trying to install the irc client, i get the message of not enough memory....???? the files 112kb and ive got around 250mb free23:50
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SkyscraperN900bad colors xD23:52
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skyscraperhow to disable all those colors in XChat?23:55
skyscrapercant see anything23:55
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Pincy55strace of ja2: ewemail.sti", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)23:57
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