IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2010-08-19

BCMMneedlessly theming widgets really annoys me00:00
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BCMM(unless it's in a game, and done well)00:00
DocScrutinizerso probably that's a clue about which users are those considering canola a defacto standard00:00
keriowtf is canola?00:01
* lcuk giggles00:01
DocScrutinizerand doesn't create .mediaartlocal/ as well :-P00:01
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lcukDocScrutinizer, :D do you need slippers and pipe app?00:02
spinningcompasslcuk: Elementary!00:02
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DocScrutinizernurse app :-D00:02
lcukI am sure there are some hot themes we could make - multi desktop pannables00:03
BCMMwhen i was doing A-levels, our computing (not IT) teacher told us that it was a good idea to use nonstandard widget colours in our applications00:03
DocScrutinizerif they come with hookers XP00:03
BCMMthat way, whichever screen the user was looking at, they'd know which application they were using...00:03
BCMMshe was typically wrong on programming stuff too...00:04
* lcuk only ever sets base colors and captions on buttons and will let themes sort out the rest00:04
mavhcBCMM: I hope you gave her an F00:04
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BCMMnot entirely sure she could program, actually00:05
BCMMshe tended to answer questions that weren't textbook-obvious by saying VB (which we were forced to use) "wasn't her language"00:05
BCMMeventually, she said that about quite a lot of other languages too...00:05
mavhcwhich one was?00:06
* DocScrutinizer starts to think the cover art maybe is included in the ID3-tags or whatever it's called, for the albums that have .mediaartlocal/00:06
BCMMmavhc: we never worked that out...00:06
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lcukDocScrutinizer, yes, albumart is extracted from within the mp3s if its there00:06
kerioDocScrutinizer: what's .mediaartlocal?00:07
DocScrutinizerso possibly it's actually tracker who creates these00:07
BCMMbut i wouldn't be at all surprised if it was either something domain-specific like SQL or like HTML or something00:07
keriorsync always deletes it00:07
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DocScrutinizerkerio: /media/mmc1/allofmp3/S/Sisters of Mercy/Floodland/.mediaartlocal00:09
BCMMlcuk: quite right to let themes sort it out, and it's not just aesthetic: overriding default colour schemes is people that hate the partially-sighted...00:09
kerioDocScrutinizer: i know00:09
BCMM^is for00:09
keriobut rsync with --delete always deletes them and the mediaplayer still works fine00:09
lcukBCMM, :P actually colour hints are enough but I don not make things unreadable00:10
DocScrutinizerkerio: so obviously tracker recreates them00:10
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lcukFirst N900 Maemo Coding competition looks to be all wrapped up with winners sorted in each category
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DocScrutinizerscrewit, what a PITA00:12
DocScrutinizer~lart tracker & mediaplayer00:12
* infobot declares tracker & mediaplayer a moron00:12
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DocScrutinizeranyway a Throttle=10 instead of Throttle=0 doesn't hurt in tracker.cfg00:22
DocScrutinizermight easily fix some general sluggishness percieved by user during tracker doing its thing00:23
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DocScrutinizer(throttle == unix niceness)00:23
DocScrutinizerit seems00:24
ShadowJKunix niceness on new enough kernel also means ionice unless you explicitly go poke withionice00:25
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: \o/00:26
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E0xwhat theme is this :
DocScrutinizerbtw can anybody enlighten me how tracker/mediaplayer finds mp3 on uSD at all? I mean there's no single mentioning of /media/card(/*) in any of the include paths of tracker.cfg, just EXcludes00:29
DocScrutinizerfsck nokia-magic00:30
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nox-moin DocScrutinizer5100:43
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tremnite all, sweet dreams00:47
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mc_teo`is there any python lib that deals with n900s wifi?01:07
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keriomc_teo`: os01:15
kerioimport os; os.system("ifconfig wlan0 up")01:15
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hwoarangis anyone using load applet to capture screenshots?01:27
SpeedEvilI have01:27
* kerio uses ^P01:27
hwoarangi cant make it work :) When I click the camera icon and then press the camera putton, the camera functionality pops up requiring me to open the camera cover01:28
hwoarang= no screenshot taken01:28
SpeedEvilI dunno.01:29
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SpeedEvilI think I used it a couple of times by just ignoring that, and waiting for it to timeout01:29
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hwoarangi see01:29
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kerioctrl+shift+p works fine01:30
hwoarangyes it does but i was just wondering ...01:31
SpeedEvilIt conflicts with camkeyd01:31
hwoarangcan i tweak that deamon?01:32
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hwoarangSpeedEvil: camkeyd is not installed :-/01:36
hwoaranganyway i ll use ctrl+shift+p01:37
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astruasdhplease... a friend of mine installed kernel-power-settings (apt-get install kernel-power-settings), rebooted and uname-r keeps showing 2.6.28-omap102:19
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astruasdhis there more things to do in order to install kernel-power-settings ?02:20
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pigeonlooks like kernel-power-settings doesn't depend on the actual power kernel then...02:21
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astruasdhpigeon, what he should do?02:22
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pigeoninstall kernel-power too i guess?02:23
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pigeonit says kernel-power-settings will automatically other things, though it's not your case then...02:26
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astruasdhI said him to apt-get install kernel-power kernel-power-flasher kernel-power-settings02:28
astruasdhthis should work02:28
lolcat93I need to find the better battery for my N9702:28
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astruasdhI dont know other smartphones, but my battery is ok02:32
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blizzowThere are a few packages to add AIM/MSN/Yahoo! IM protocol support to the N900.  Which is the proper package to choose?02:34
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lolcat93astruasdh: I feel its not enough02:54
lolcat93I use it for 6-8 houres02:54
astruasdhlolcat93, but you use it like a laptop?02:54
lolcat93Playing with it, mobile broadband with bad reception02:54
astruasdhso it is ok, I think... my laptop lasts for an hour and half02:54
astruasdhlolcat93, using as a cellphone, my n900 lasts 2,5 days02:54
lolcat93But since I also use it as a phone02:55
lolcat93I want the bigger battery02:55
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lolcat93Like, if it isn't too expencive02:55
lolcat93I want to have the one with twice the capacity02:55
astruasdhI will buy a unlimited 3g internet next week, so this battery will be a nice thing for me too02:55
lolcat93I just dont know its name02:55
astruasdhis there such a battery?02:56
astruasdhbut is it an official one?02:56
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lolcat93It is a third party one03:03
lolcat93I have a "dumbass" insurance03:03
lolcat93It covers any "accidental" mistake I migth make with the battery03:03
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nox-this one?
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nox-(and no i havent tried it :)03:06
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lolcat93expencive though03:07
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* lolcat93 checks deal-xtreme03:07
astruasdhlolcat93, but it sounds good!03:08
astruasdhcan u tell me the name if u find it?03:08
nox-see my link03:08
astruasdhnice, ty03:09
astruasdhbut it is not a nokia's offical one... is it?03:10
nox-no its not official03:10
lolcat93But I'm insured03:10
lolcat93What alternatives do I have? Carrying a charger, and hoping a socket is nearby03:10
lolcat93A solar charger (it is quite dark in norway)03:10
SpeedEvilThe mugen battery03:11
astruasdhu can buy a battery backpack and use it :P just kidding03:11
Briksolar charger might work, friend of mine uses it in england and it's not like we ever have sun there03:11
lolcat93I saw on dealxtreme there were some with 4000mAh batteries inside03:12
lolcat93So it didn't actually need sun...03:12
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DocScrutinizera pocket full of original BL-5J03:15
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SpeedEvilAll you need is a car charger, a 12V car charger socket, a sturdy backpack and
DocScrutinizerlolcat93: 4000mAh formfactor BL-5J??? that's nuttin, you can buy a 800.000mAh from me - at least that's what's written on it when it comes to you03:16
lolcat93Dealxtreme could probaly send me CHEAP ass batteries and a charger that doesn't require the phone...03:17
SpeedEvilRun your n900 for around a couple of months active time.03:17
lolcat93I could buy four originals for the price of a mugen03:18
lolcat93or 20 unoriginals03:18
SpeedEvilI question if those are originals.03:18
DocScrutinizerboth a better deal03:18
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lolcat93It says and I quote: "100% genuine Nokia product"03:19
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lolcat93  $14.97 shipped if I buy 5...03:19
DocScrutinizerquestionable quality03:21
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lolcat93Original battery sucks, so this one probably does too03:22
lolcat93But I could always buy 10 of the unoriginal for $3003:22
DocScrutinizerI'd either go for the ~30$ genuine Nokia ones from a local dealer you can hit his nose when it's a fake, or for the 5$ explicit fake ones. No use in paying for counterfeit "package"03:23
SpeedEvilMy suggestion is _much_ better value.03:23
SpeedEvilFor around the same price as 5 bl5js, you get abourt 300* the storage.03:24
SpeedEvilAnd you can cancel that expensive gym membership too.03:24
DocScrutinizerhmm one bl5j = 5$...03:24
DocScrutinizerone BL-5J Nokia is 30$03:25
DocScrutinizermaybe more03:25
SpeedEvilIt's $15 for those 'genuine' nokia batteries.03:25
DocScrutinizerthat's double fake03:25
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DocScrutinizeras you also have to pay for the counterfeit hologram and shits03:26
lolcat93DocScrutinizer: $3 with shipping for the fake one03:26
lolcat93 Would this work to charge it?03:27
lolcat93Oh well, it is so cheap I can afford it anyways...03:27
Brika once off charger?03:28
lolcat93If I buy 10 fake, or 5 fake fake I will need somehow to charge it without putting it into the phone03:28
Brikhow about 2 fake fake fake?03:29
DocScrutinizerthat particular charger looks really crappy03:29
DocScrutinizernot even mentioning any charge management03:30
DocScrutinizercould get nasty03:30
lolcat93So I need a real charger then03:30
lolcat93I agree03:30
lolcat93But how much could that be?03:30
DocScrutinizerseen other ones with at least some product description mentioning charge management electronics, for about same pricetag03:31
DocScrutinizerlike 7.99 with one fake bl5j "genuine"03:33
lolcat93But the comments confirms this is real...03:33
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DocScrutinizerdon't ask *me*03:34
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DocScrutinizerI'm proud to claim I wasn't the one who built them03:34
SpeedEvilIt is not impossible they get cheap ones.03:35
SpeedEvilSometimes the factories can be convinced to run off extras.03:35
SpeedEvilFor example - I have a Thinkpad X60S laptop.03:35
SpeedEvilI have a replacement factory identical bottom metal shell.03:36
SpeedEvilAlso a identical to original power connector03:36
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lolcat93I found out, five batteries, *migth* be a little impractical...03:37
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lolcat93But that would give me 40 houres of phone usage03:37
lolcat9348 actually03:37
mortinifor extra-long benders?03:37
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lolcat93But I need to do something about this battery time03:43
lolcat93I could probably order one of each though03:43
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SpeedEvilWhat is your usecase?03:45
lolcat93I go from my house, and use the phone VERY active aroudn town in bad reception areas for about 12 houres a day.03:47
lolcat93Most of the time I do not have time to charge the battery in a wall/computer socket03:47
lolcat93DocScrutinizer: Would rather use a solar panel03:48
SpeedEvillolcat93: ah03:49
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DocScrutinizerc'mon, 2.99GBP03:51
DocScrutinizermeh, out of stock03:51
lolcat93DocScrutinizer: What?03:53
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DocScrutinizerlolcat93:  2.99GBP, out of stock03:57
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DocScrutinizeranyway I'd sugest to use CA-146C adapter with such device, not to make magic blue smoke escape from N90004:00
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prontoblue smoke is awesome though :o04:03
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pigeonhmm, what's the remedy for fcam stopping the led from working?04:22
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MohammadAG51pigeon, stop mce; sleep 1; start mce04:35
pigeoni've done that, even rebooted, and uninstalled fcam too, but still :(04:36
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DocScrutinizerwhich LED stopped working?04:45
* DocScrutinizer frowns04:46
pigeoncharging light not working, all tests from LED patterns fail.04:46
DocScrutinizerthat's really odd04:46
SpeedEvilUnplug bat.04:46
SpeedEvilAnd USB04:46
* pigeon tries.04:47
SpeedEvilnow, plug in bat, and plug in charger04:47
SpeedEvilIf the yellow does not go on - it's a hardware failure04:47
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DocScrutinizerwatch LED04:47
DocScrutinizerat least a short yellow flashing should be visible for sure04:47
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MohammadAG51you know04:47
MohammadAG51kill mce and bme, then shove an empty battery in there04:48
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: bq24150 recovery charge *always* kicks in, until bme/mce started04:48
DocScrutinizeror NOLO04:49
DocScrutinizerto be precise04:49
DocScrutinizerfirst hardware emg-chrg yellow, then NOLO yellow flashing, then bme/mce yellow flashing04:49
SpeedEvilFirst stage is yellow LED - before CPU has booted.04:50
SpeedEvilNo software is running at this point04:51
DocScrutinizeron plugin of charger to a powered down system. Otherwise without USB the first thing is NOLO ramping up white lifelight LED04:51
pigeonwell, the powering on led light still works04:51
DocScrutinizeralso a good test04:52
DocScrutinizeras it includes all 3 LED colors plus LP552304:52
DocScrutinizerthen /etc/mce/mce.ini probably is borked04:52
pigeonunplugging the batteries seem to have done the trick.04:53
DocScrutinizerstrange enough we had same issue yesterday04:53
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pigeoncharging light is back04:53
DocScrutinizermhm, then it's been a lockup of LP552304:53
DocScrutinizerthere's no way to hardreset LP5523 except removal of battery04:54
* DocScrutinizer highfives SpeedEvil04:54
pigeonguess i'll try fcam again much later... :)04:55
DocScrutinizer51unrelated to fcam04:55
DocScrutinizer51I'd guess... :-)04:56
pigeoni thought it was only because of:
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DocScrutinizerhmm, no idea05:08
DocScrutinizercan't see how fcam would interfere with indicator LED at all05:08
DocScrutinizerbut LED blinker device somewhat sounds like that, yes05:08
DocScrutinizerotoh maybe that's flash LED 'blinker', dunno05:09
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DocScrutinizerpigeon: are U using titan kernel?05:17
pigeonDocScrutinizer: i'm using power kernel.05:17
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pigeonis that titan?05:18
DocScrutinizerobviously another flaw in that kernel05:18
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DocScrutinizerthere are several malprovements in that kernel, e.g aiui loading the bq27200 module locks up direct I2C access to the batery gauge chip so all kinds of strange things can happen as we don't know exactly why is usually talking to that chip via I2C and what's going to bork when that fails. At least bme is known to query bq27200 via I2C directly05:21
DocScrutinizerwouldn't feel surprised if LP5523.ko also got messed up in some way05:22
DocScrutinizeror any other incompatibility that interferes with mce, leading to mce in turn messing up LP5523 chip05:23
nox-sounds ugly05:24
pigeonthe only thing i want from that kernel, really, is nat.05:24
nox-is there another kernel that supports wifi monitor mode?05:24
DocScrutinizermessing with kernel without thorough knowledge of the whole system and possible incompatibilities is nasty by definition05:24
pigeoni suppose i could rebuilt from the stock config with nat turned on if i'm desperate... yeah?05:25
DocScrutinizerthink so05:25
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DocScrutinizerpigeon: if you encounter same LED problem again, please do: lsmod|grep 5523 >; modprobe -r leds_lp5523;  modprobe leds_lp552307:13
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pigeonDocScrutinizer: ok07:35
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DocScrutinizer51err pink08:30
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JaffaMorning, all09:20
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crashanddie"French police have arrested two teenage girls they say stole hundreds of euros from unsuspecting cash machine customers after distracting them by flashing their breasts."10:19
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kerioto the guy that was asking... i bought a unofficial battery + external charger for 20€ shipped10:20
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jacekowski100 euros from customers ( plural )10:25
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ag0nyIs it possible to disable the update check that is performed as soon as an online connection is available?10:25
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quanttromI believe it is by stopping a process. I think I saw that on the maemo website somewhere.. let me look again11:02
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