IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2010-08-09

mc_teo`can someone explain what happens when the battery dies00:01
SpeedEvilmc_teo`: It goes blibly-boop.00:01
lcukgit goes to heaven00:01
lcuk-g damn00:01
SpeedEvilmc_teo`: DSME tells BME to shutdown. It pops up the banner 'recharge battery' then shuts down.00:02
lcukit moans a few times beforehand00:02
lcukthen has a final wail00:02
mc_teo`does it not like save a state when battey is like 1% and then load this state on boot?00:03
mc_teo`it should00:03
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MohammadAGmc_teo`, install a framebuffer kernel00:03
MohammadAGyou'll see it does00:04
MohammadAGDSME shuts down the device at bootup00:04
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mc_teo`why would i want the device to shutdown at bootup00:05
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MohammadAGcause the batt's empty?00:05
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achipa~seen Jaffa00:06
infobotjaffa is currently on #maemo #meego. Has said a total of 75 messages. Is idling for 2h 36m 8s, last said: '~flashing'.00:06
Aranel[NITdroid question] I cannot get bootloader to work correctly. It only shows an empty entry (which defaults to Maemo it seems) , how I'm going to boot NITdroid with it?00:07
MohammadAGAranel, #nitdroid00:08
MohammadAGAranel, #nitdroid-help00:08
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lcukachipa, according to that, jaffa has been flashing for hte last 2 hours00:09
Aranelthanks but It seems they're asleep =)00:09
lcukit is entirely feasible he has been arrested00:09
achipalcuk: doesn't sound good, eh ? :)00:09
lcukheh not really00:10
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tremnite all, sweet dreams00:20
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nicholas-xFlashing cmt-mcusw... Sending request 0x50 failed!00:26
nicholas-xBootloader error log follows:00:26
nicholas-x  ERROR: Invalid argument for 'cmt'00:26
nicholas-x  ERROR: Error processing request, stalling00:26
nicholas-x  ERROR: EP0 STALL sent00:26
nicholas-x  ERROR: Algo didn't wake up00:26
nicholas-x  ERROR: Error processing request, stalling00:26
nicholas-x  ERROR: EP0 STALL sent00:26
nicholas-x  ERROR: Premature end of control transfer00:26
nicholas-xplease i need help00:26
nicholas-xwhat have i done wrong?00:26
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Jaffaachipa: pong00:31
Jaffalcuk: Was just watching Sherlock00:31
achipaJaffa: I hope reflashing did not take Sherlockian (is that a word?) methods00:31
nicholas-xpeople! please help!00:32
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achipaJaffa: anyway, I think I got kisstester where I wanted to regarding base look/function00:32
Jaffaachipa: Once I eliminated the impossible, whatever remained - no matter how unlikely - must be true00:32
achipaJaffa: or, in plain English, "I take patches" is now officially in effect00:32
Jaffaachipa: Cool. See my earlier stuff about "Recently installed" (or whatever it's called now) not working for me?00:32
achipadid you check the very latest (as in 30 min ago ?)00:33
Jaffaachipa: No00:33
* Jaffa does so00:33
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Jaffaachipa: "Already installed" is including some packages, such as Scout, 9x9-sudoku, Blue Sky Theme, Neon Theme that I don't have installed00:37
achipaJaffa: or you THINK you don't have them installed (twilight zone theme playing in background)00:37
achipabut granted, you might have stumbled upon a bug on how I parse dpkg output00:39
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Jaffaachipa: achipa Don't have them installed:
achipa(not sure if that is the right way to go about finding installed packages anyway)00:39
Jaffaachipa: The bug wasn't there earlier00:39
Jaffaachipa: Simplest way: ls /var/lib/dpkg/*.list00:40
achipaJaffa: that does not include versions00:40
Jaffaachipa: Ah, true.00:40
Jaffaachipa: Just doing dpkg -l and then manually parsing/grepping /var/lib/apt/lists/*_Packages?00:41
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Jaffaachipa: Although dpkg -l truncates, I'm sure there's a way of getting it better00:41
achipajaffa prolly via some dpkg-query stuff00:42
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* DocScrutinizer51 wonders what happened to nicholas-x00:42
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Jaffaachipa: dpkg -l just reads /var/lib/dpkg/status. That looks quickest00:43
DocScrutinizer51also what happened to his modem00:43
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SpeedEvilIt detonated, He hasn't been back.00:45
achipaJaffa: hah, I think I got it, dpkg-query -W00:45
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Jaffaachipa: Perfect00:45
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achipaJaffa: any other observations ?00:46
lbthey Jaffa00:46
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Jaffaachipa: Does it indicate with green if something's promotable or only red/green depending on your vote?00:47
Jaffalbt: hey!00:47
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DocScrutinizer51anyway seems dead (the modem)00:48
achipaJaffa: border color indicates your vote, text color indicates unlock status00:48
Jaffaachipa: Ah, cool. Taking into account timescales as well as votes? (And super-testers?) Presumably you go off status in
lbtJaffa: did you get my note earlier.... just wanted to give you an update for mwn00:49
DocScrutinizer51anyway seems dead (the modem)00:49
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lbthmm... my desktop must have gone down...00:50
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Jaffalbt: No, I didn't00:50
lbtand back :)00:50
obcecadohi channel00:50
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achipaJaffa: timescales ? I just scrape, don't try to think too much, kiss principle and all :)00:50
lbtwe have installed OBS on the OSU boxes00:50
Jaffaachipa: i.e. 10 days quarantine00:50
lbttons of disk and fair amount of CPU00:50
obcecadoafter updating kernel-power, my n900 has a reboot cycle (it does not pass nokia screen)00:50
Jaffalbt: oh yeah, cool00:51
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obcecadois there any way to fix it ? i tried reflashing following the wiki article, but no luck00:51
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lbtI thikn X-Fade and I are waiting for an audit and we need to see what sSO is available00:51
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lbtyou saw the small rucus that that bug raised?00:51
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lbtworth mentioning I think00:51
JaffaWondering if to link to that with a "bah, humbug"00:52
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achipaJaffa: umm... no ? not sure what/why would I include that ?00:52
lbtalthough I think the result will be favourable00:52
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lbtI'd like that nailed by the community people ASAP00:52
achipaobcecado: what exactly does no luck mean ? reflash went through but still reboots or could not reflash ?00:52
lbtit didn't get the attention last time around...00:52
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obcecadoit does not flash00:52
Jaffaachipa: "Unlock status" - if I wanted to use the colour to know whether or not to further test, I would prioritise things which hadn't already been unlocked (or were going to be)00:52
obcecadothe flasher keeps waiting for device00:53
lbtbut I think the +ve thing is that we're really making steps on the OBS/autobuilder for fremantle/meego and, one expects, harmattan00:53
achipaJaffa: err... that's the green text color00:53
lbtOK .. bed now... up in 6.5 hrs00:53
lbtnight all00:53
achipaJaffa: (after X-Fade's style of writing karma with green for unlocked packages)00:53
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obcecadoso, no ideas on what else i could do ?00:54
Jaffaachipa: OK, to be sure: what do you mean by "unlocked", promotable by the maintainer OR will be promotable by the maintainer once the quarantine expires?00:54
obcecadobesides taking the device to a nokia support centre00:54
achipaJaffa: the former00:54
Jaffaachipa: OK, and my point - partially - is that perhaps some indication for the latter (apart from reading the number) could be useful00:55
Jaffaachipa: But mostly I just wanted to understand without reading the code00:55
achipaobcecado: make sure you turned it off00:56
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achipaobcecado: and then started the flasher, so it waits for you to turn on the device00:56
achipaJaffa: aha, well, did not want to include too much logic that is not ever certain to have been implemented by niels the same way :)00:57
DrGrovGood evening00:57
achipaobcecado: pull battery if you can't stop it looping/turning on00:58
obcecadoshould i expect some output when it starts flashing ?01:00
achipaobcecado: the flasher should say it's flashing01:00
achipaobcecado: though it's fairly quick01:00
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astruasdhsometimes my n900 shows no signal, but when I shutdown and power on again, the signal appears. is there any way so solve this or it is a problem in my mobile company?01:04
Jaffaachipa: True01:05
SpeedEvilsame problem astruasdh01:05
SpeedEvilI suspect dirty SIM contacts01:05
obcecadono good achipa01:05
obcecadoit does not start flashing01:05
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astruasdhSpeedEvil, I had "no sim card" symbol, but I solves it putting a piece of paper netween sim card holder and the battery01:06
achipaobcecado: does it say any error or ? make sure you're root01:06
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obcecadoim running it from windows 64bit (using the boot method to use non signed drivers)01:07
obcecadoas it refuses to run on my fedora01:08
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achipaobcecado: umm... not sure about windows...01:08
obcecadowell, time to build a liveusb with persistent mode to run that flasher from debian...01:09
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DocScrutinizerastruasdh: make sure you properly lock the simcard holder01:10
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astruasdhhmmm ok, I'll do that, but I think it is ok01:12
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DocScrutinizerobcecado: exactly01:14
DocScrutinizerobcecado: then connect cable to PC, remove battery from N900, start flasher, connect cable to N900, insert battery to n900 while holding U key01:15
DocScrutinizerthough, tbh, I don't see why holding 'u' could ever be flawed by borked kernel or rootfs, as this detection is done by NOLO bootloader, so holding down 'u' prior to powering up should do the trick each day. But there's one gotcha and that's discharged battery. Device doesn't charge when bootlooping, and flashing on flat battery is *known* to fail01:19
achipaJaffa: hm.... what if you HAD that version installed but have uninstalled it in the meantime ? I'm inclined to show that, too...01:20
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obcecadoDocScrutinizer: i also tried that01:22
achipaJaffa: btw fix for your phantom packages pushed01:23
DocScrutinizerobcecado: yeah, but under windoze aiui01:24
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DocScrutinizer~seen Cazzzzzzzzzzzo2101:26
infobotcazzzzzzzzzzzo21 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 4m 56s ago, saying: ';)'.01:26
DocScrutinizerid... :-/01:27
keriohaha wtf01:27
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DocScrutinizersometimes I wish I was a freenode admin01:29
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DocScrutinizermost of the time I'm happy I'm not01:29
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DocScrutinizeranyway "there's no way to delay / that trouble coming every day" :-)01:32
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MohammadAG<DocScrutinizer> though, tbh, I don't see why holding 'u' could ever be flawed by borked kernel or rootfs, as this detection is done by NOLO bootloader, so holding down 'u' prior to powering up should do the trick each day. But there's one gotcha and that's discharged battery. Device doesn't charge when bootlooping, and flashing on flat battery is *known* to fail01:34
MohammadAGpressing u just forces the device to go into flashing mode, it doesn't need to be done01:34
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: I know what I've posted01:35
MohammadAGjust execute + connect N90001:35
* ieatlint holds u01:35
kerioMohammadAG: huh? really?01:35
kerioieatlint: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu01:35
MohammadAGNO U01:35
vldcnstdeja vu about this flashing while battery dead01:35
MohammadAG2nd, I flashed with the solid yellow light on today, and it was a success01:35
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: I can do that! just stop bme :-P01:36
keriowe need a "c" for charge01:36
DocScrutinizerhonestly, NOLO should probably always reset solid yellow01:36
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DocScrutinizerso if you managed to get NOLO on screen while still yellow solid, there's really something weird going on01:37
DocScrutinizerand if you managed to flash without NOLO on screen, then even more01:38
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DocScrutinizersolid yellow doesn't mean battery is particularly low, it just means no working system has managed yet to reset the bq2415001:39
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DocScrutinizerbrother, I got weird ideas...01:42
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DocScrutinizersystem can be bootloadered (i.e. real boot meaning NOLO is starting) by 3 means: powerbutton, RTC alarm, and VBUS 5V detection. I'm wondering what's going to happen when you power down the system while bq24150 still in boost mode, so the device itself will supply the VBUS 5V01:44
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: (pressing 'u') of course pressing/holding 'u' isn't exactly mandatory, but it's a nice help to stop system from running into bootloop, esp when you got problems with connectivity to flashing PC01:50
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DocScrutinizerkerio: try it, maybe NOLO has such function since 77001:51
MohammadAG<DocScrutinizer> honestly, NOLO should probably always reset solid yellow01:51
MohammadAGit didn't01:51
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* timeless doesn't remember the 770 having a keyboard :)01:52
DocScrutinizergood point01:52
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, you could try it out for yourself01:52
MohammadAGbut it involves dd'ing /dev/mtd501:52
timelesswhere's the fun in that?01:53
timelessit sounds like risk+pain01:53
MohammadAGkernel panics -> nothing to reset chip01:53
DocScrutinizeranyway see
DocScrutinizer2: U has its own row01:53
MohammadAGtimeless, risk+pain=fun01:53
MohammadAGk, maybe not01:53
DocScrutinizer~stab MohammadAG01:54
* infobot runs at MohammadAG with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.01:54
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timelesssw ep6 :)01:56
* timeless seems to recall seeing ep5 this morning01:56
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* DocScrutinizer pokes jacekowski about other special keys tested in NOLO01:58
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* SpeedEvil pokes back.02:18
* SpeedEvil stabs his shitty internet.02:19
* MohammadAG51 stabs it again, just to be sure02:19
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Macerwell. fmms seems to get the job done as far as pics go04:17
Macerpeople still sell n810s for $250?04:19
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DocScrutinizer51heh, I paid 240EUR04:40
DocScrutinizer51for the spare04:40
Ken-YoungDoes anyone (here) know if the N900 is still being manufactured?04:43
SpeedEvilKen-Young: well - it's still being sold.04:44
SpeedEvilKen-Young: It's moderately unlikely they'd have huge stocks.04:44
Ken-YoungSpeedEvil, yeah, I want to buy one more before stocks dwindle, but I don't know if I should be in a hurry yet.04:44
SpeedEvilI really doubt it.04:45
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Ken-YoungSpeedEvil, You doubt they're still being manufactured?04:45
Ken-YoungOh, sorry - I misunderstood.04:47
zeltakhya guys..i searched alot but just cant find the info..where do i need to put my aliases? .profile dosent seem to work04:49
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Ken-Youngzeltak, .profile works for me.04:50
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Ken-Youngzeltak, Are you using xterm?04:51
zeltakKen-Young: yeah..the default terminal that came with maemo04:51
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Ken-Youngzeltak, Which directory did you put .profile in?04:52
zeltakKen-Young: home/user/.profile04:52
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Ken-Youngzeltak, home/user/.profile or /home/user/.profile ?04:53
zeltaksorry about the mistype :)04:53
zeltakhere is the current file :
Ken-Youngzeltak, Who's the owner, and what are the file permissions on .profile ?04:54
zeltakahh i see the owner is root04:55
zeltakwierd it dosent work also in ssh (when i log in as root)04:55
Ken-Youngzeltak, Try making it user.04:55
zeltakk trying it now Ken-Young04:55
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zeltakyup workon the n900..wonder why it dosent work with ssh when i log as root..i have alos the same file in /root/.profile04:58
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Macerapplication manager seems screwed05:03
Macertrying to install nitdroid05:03
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zeltaksay anyone else having problems with usb connection under linux (where it takes a few tries to get it working in usb mass storage mode)?05:09
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tank-manzeltak, i've always used sd card or wifi05:40
default_zel: sorry.. I don't use it often (about 2 times a month) ..  but have not had that problem as of earlier today05:42
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zeltakthx default_06:01
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default_could be a bad connection06:05
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Macernitdroid is awesome06:42
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Ken-YoungMacer, I'm not familiar with nitdroid,  what does it let you do?07:00
luke-jrKen-Young: NITdroid is an Android port to NITs07:01
Ken-Youngluke-jr, Can you run Android apps with it?07:02
luke-jrit's Android07:02
luke-jrperfect for idiots like Macer who just want a lame phone07:03
Ken-YoungDoes it run as a Maemo app, or do you have to boot a full Android?07:03
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Macerluke-jr: hahahaha07:17
Maceryeah. everybody knows only the best and brightest use gentoo on their phones :)07:17
Maceri'm booting it back into deadmo5 now :)07:18
Macerluke-jr: honest go god. i would care less about maemo dying off if they at least added a portrait mode to the "desktop"07:19
Macerand actual built in hid support for bt keyboards like maemo4 had07:20
luke-jrMacer: portrait mode is easy07:21
Macera functional portrait mode :-P07:22
Macernot that disgusting non-usable hackery that just rotates a non-resizing screen around07:22
Macerandroid handles it nicely07:22
Maceras does any other OS than maemo :)07:22
luke-jrhmm I see what you mean07:22
luke-jrthe desktop doesn't really rotate07:23
Macerwell.. it does "rotate"07:23
Macerbut you can tell it isn't meant to do that07:23
luke-jrbut not resize07:23
Maceror reposition07:23
Maceri just hope that nitdroid figures out a few things. the gsm, gps, and cam is all that is left07:23
Macerbut i am sure nokia will do whatever it can to prevent it from working in android07:24
luke-jrGPS is pretty much a given07:24
Maceras they are unwilling to admit their OSes are failures :)07:24
luke-jrhave someone from NITdroid contact me ;)07:24
Macerjust go to #nitdroid07:24
luke-jrI'm there07:24
Maceri'm sure someone there will help you heh07:24
luke-jrI don't need help.07:25
Macerbut the cams and the gps and modem are the last 3 things07:25
luke-jrthey do.07:25
luke-jrI have GPS working on Gentoo 10)%07:25
lpotterquite sure symbian is still the most used/selling phone os07:25
lpotternot sure if that means its a failure or not07:25
Macerlpotter: yeah i suppose if you include crap phones too ;)07:25
Macerpeople who have their drug dealing burn phones don't care what os it runs07:25
lpotteryou mean s30 and s4007:26
Macerheh. well i am betting that statistic will close up soon enough07:27
lpotterthen wtf are you doing here? being a troll?07:27
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Macerno. i don't care about symbian. maemo is still good. it will just go stale soon enough.07:28
Macerwow.. 10% for android... why is that statistic so off on the symbian wikipedia entry..maybe it's outdated07:29
lpottersays 2010 Q1,. thats fairly outdated07:30
lpotteryouve been listening to US tech media too much07:31
Maceryeah but the symbian entry has q1 of 2010 at 4.7%07:31
Macerfor android07:31
lpotterthe graphic says 44%07:31
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Maceri was looking at the competition section07:32
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MacerAlthough the share of the global smartphone market dropped from 52.4% in 2008 to 47.2% in 200907:33
Macerwow that is a huge drop in market share07:33
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Maceryes. 5% of a market share is a huge drop07:35
DocScrutinizer51Macer: please stop trolling07:36
lpotterin that case, apple is hugely more poplular than android07:36
Macerwell. i'm not but ok. onthe brighter side... the front cam works great in maemo07:37
lpotterand synbian is insainly more popular than all07:37
Maceri was surprised how well it video chatted :)07:37
DocScrutinizer51Macer: please stop trolling07:38
Macerer. i wasn't. i was talking about using my n900 front cam for video chatting over skype and gtalk that worked well07:38
Macernokia holds 75% of the chinese market share. wow. doesn't show which operating systems tho.07:42
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ScifiHi, Is autobuilder still down?08:08
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Jaffaachipa: Cool, thanks08:33
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phish3hey guys, i'm looking to develop an event based application.. I've done my share of android deving and find it does things poorly here - you basically must poll here08:53
phish3but I'm wondering how maemo does with sockets being left open over time08:53
phish3do they become stale as a result of power saving or anything?08:53
luke-jrthey might get reset if the network connection changes08:53
phish3but so lets say things are pretty stable, when the phone isn't doing anything for a moment or lets say the screen turns off, the sockets are still good?08:54
phish3oh and is my application told when the sockets are ... killed?08:55
phish3android... they just are stale, you have no way of telling unless you watch for timeouts08:55
luke-jrshould work just like any other Linux system08:56
phish3completely new to maemo so I'm just seeing if it can help for these parts08:56
luke-jrordinary BSD sockets08:56
phish3well I get that that's the api08:56
luke-jrMaemo doesn't have any custom API nonsense (at least not for sockets)08:57
luke-jrit's exactly the same code that would be running on your desktop system08:57
phish3hmm, like I said, I get that and that's good08:57
phish3I'm just wondering if lets say cell tower changes will propigate up teh stack "like it should"08:58
luke-jror shouldn't.08:58
luke-jrif I lose cell signal, I don't want my connections reset.08:58
phish3yes, good catch08:58
luke-jrI want them to try to stick around in case I go back08:58
luke-jrwhen/if it does timeout, I think you'd get an EOF on the socket08:59
phish3yes, that's the kind of thing I thought on android08:59
phish3instead they hung around :forever:08:59
luke-jrwell Android isn't Linux08:59
luke-jrit's quite a different beast08:59
phish3well, it is and isn't :P08:59
luke-jrkernel fork aside, Android apps have numeroous layers of abstraction in between09:00
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luke-jrit could be running on HURD and nobody would notice09:00
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phish3tbh the linuxness of maemo is a great selling point for the people I'm discussing this app with09:01
phish3specially wanting to leverage qt app on the desktop being reused on the mobile app09:01
phish3just had to make sure the socket stuff would work better09:01
phish3*than on android, which it seems it does09:02
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phish3btw any updates on n900 successor?09:03
ieatlintqt compatibility between a desktop linux system and maemo should be good09:03
ieatlint details the differences09:03
phish3that thing is taking its time coming out and its lack of some power disqualifies it from some :ahem: military applications09:03
ieatlintworth reading, as there are changes to qt itself beyond the addition of the QMaemo5* classes09:04
Jucatoieatlint: +1. I just have one issue: a phonon bug which makes Qt apps not respect the system volume :(09:04
phish3oh, interesting09:04
phish3hnn, luckily I'm not looking to use sound just yet09:05
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ieatlintqsound may not work, but the qaudio* classes do09:05
phish3out of context that's pretty odd09:05
ieatlinti'd agree :P09:06
ieatlintmaemo wants you to use gstreamer to play media...09:06
Jucatodirectly in Qt apps using the gstreamer API?09:07
phish3directly huh09:07
Jucatoheh same question :)09:07
ieatlinti didn't say that :P09:07
ieatlintas to how you accomplish it...09:07
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ieatlintalso worth noting that if you stick to qt, an app can be written to work on a desktop, in maemo, in meego and in symbian09:09
ieatlintnot sure i'm the biggest fan of qt or c++ in general, but that is nice09:09
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Jucatoanyway, the bug was reported and confirmed by other people (but officially still tagged as unconfirmed). sound works anyway. it just doesn't respect system volume (if you set system volume to low, the Qt app will still play full blast)09:09
Jucatoieatlint: well, that's the theory :)09:10
ieatlintyeah, a theory that so far has proven only about 90% true09:10
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Jucatoyou'd still have to be mindful of the UI of course (form factor and such)09:11
phish3even so having c++ and alot of the qt util classes to use is great09:11
phish3try reimplementing all your c++ in java for android :/09:11
* Jucato nods09:12
ieatlinti've happily avoided java thus far...09:12
* Jucato too ... sometimes just because I'm afraid I might like it :D09:13
phish3so yea though, has there been any news in the last 3 months for n900 successor?09:13
Stskeepsphish3: is probably better to search09:13
* phish3 checks it out09:13
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Jucatohow about any definitive news on what Maemo 6 will really be? I've been out of the loop for a while so the last thing I heard was that it would be a something ("product"?) of MeeGo.09:14
phish3oh yea so if I just bought a n900.. er should I just buy a normal model for development right?09:15
Jucato(ironically, again I am getting a Nokia device after it has been "deprecated" ... just like my N810 :)09:15
ieatlintJucato: there is no maemo 6, it will be meego09:15
phish3and will it come out of the box with maemo 5 and qt libs are available for that without much mucking around, right?09:15
Jucatophish3: I don't think there are any abnormal models :)09:15
ieatlintphish3: there is no dev model per se09:15
phish3apt-get away or so?09:16
Jucatophish3: Qt will be installed by default when you upgrade the firmware to PR 1.2 (latest update)09:16
ieatlintan n900 running the current firmware has the qt 4.6.2 libs09:16
phish3upgrades automatic or do I have to download stuff to flash and run a special bootloader or something?09:16
JucatoI believe it's automatic OTA09:17
phish3no root-preventing fiacos?09:17
ieatlintnot sure about OTA... i used the nokia software update utility, which was just a windows app that is designed for idiots to run09:17
phish3that's good, I wasn't looking to foruming around for a day like I often do for android09:18
ieatlintgetting root on the device doesn't require a hack09:18
ieatlint(which is also something to note security-wise)09:18
phish3that's mostly good - I don't want the system fighting me if I have to do something more custom than normal09:19
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fralssoftware updates are OTA but can be flashed as well if that floats your boat ;)09:22
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MiXu-Is there some way to bypass apt-get over https certificate errors?09:36
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kkeThe following NEW packages will be installed:10:08
kke  libsdl-ttf2.0 libsdl-ttf2.0-010:08
kketrying to overwrite `/usr/lib/', which is also in package libsdl-ttf2.0-010:08
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kkebtw how do i know which PR i have?10:09
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mecekke, menu -> settings -> about product10:10
meceVersion: 10.2010.19-something is pr1.210:10
dr34manybody ever send a broken nokia back? was wondering about avg time it takes to get it back... waiting 3 weeks now10:11
dr34mn900 that is10:12
kkemece: ok cool so i got 1.210:12
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mecedr34m, I got mine back in 3 hours. I didn't sen it though. Took it directly to the service people.10:12
hatake_kakashidr34m, not I but have they given you any form of contact?10:12
kkedr34m: my e71 was in for over two months and didn't work even then.. (battery still goes out in about 10 minutes)10:13
dr34mbrrr i brought it back where i bought it and they send to nokia .nl10:13
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dr34mkke over 2 months :s10:14
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mece~seen qole10:42
infobotqole <~qole@Maemo/community/council/qole> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 151d 15h 5m 47s ago, saying: 'Stskeeps, oh that's some great news!'.10:42
mece151 days... I guess he'll be back any day now..10:42
MohammadAG51~seen Jebba10:44
infobotjebba <~jebba@> was last seen on IRC in channel #meego, 28d 6h 21m 32s ago, saying: 'Well, you better wear a helmet around here....'.10:44
meceMohammadAG51, I hope qole gets the meego chroot working. Would be nice to fiddle with it a little without having to reboot or anything.. :)10:44
Stskeepswe already have a meego chroot though10:45
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meceStskeeps: we do?10:45
meceStskeeps: I haven't been paying attention10:45
* mece waits10:45
MohammadAG51swap images and boot that thing10:45
MiXu-dr34m: It's summer so the queues are quite long.10:46
MiXu-My gf took her phone to service and was told to expect it back in about a month10:46
meceMohammadAG51, well that's what I didn't want to do.10:46
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meceI don't feel up to the task of actually installing that chroot. I'll wait for something easy. I think qole is doing just that.10:48
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jophishI might be hallucinating though11:36
jophishJust got in from a flight from NJ to the UK11:36
TermanaN900he did the mash, he did the n900 buuuton mash11:36
mecejophish, well I can't imagine why you would want to mash the keys, but it still shouldn't reboot from that..11:37
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* MohammadAG51 mashes keys11:41
* crashanddie mashes MohammadAG51 11:42
MohammadAG51crashanddie, gtfo11:42
crashanddieBut I'm at work, I can't go out11:42
* DuckBoot makes mashed potatoes11:42
MohammadAG51work != IRC11:42
TermanaN900when he says mash, does he mean with his fingers or with his mouth?11:42
crashanddieTermanaN900: with a spork?11:42
lcukor with a potato masher11:42
TermanaN900if hes mashing it with his mouth, that would make it reboot11:43
* MohammadAG51 chroots into TermanaN900 and executes rm -rf /* then reboots11:43
TermanaN900water damage11:43
* frals trouts MohammadAG51, irc == work11:43
Knirchagreed, irc == work11:44
infobot[frals] a large smelly trout, or the developer of fMMS11:44
TermanaN900MohammadAG51, so frals hit you with himself?11:44
mecehave you guys noticed that the N900 has an incredible microphone?11:44
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marmouteand pitiful speaker11:44
meceThe best I've ever seen on a phone.11:45
MohammadAG51kerio, that hole on the bottom of the device11:45
TermanaN900kerio didnt even know it had one11:45
kerioooh, yeah, that phone thingy11:45
lcukyes mece, marmoute no11:45
MohammadAG51you know, the one you use to talk on calls11:45
kerionever used it11:45
crashanddiemece: well, I've heard the quality of the microphone more than I've seen it11:45
mececrashanddie, teehee11:45
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mecekerio, LOL11:45
meceThe funny thing is that it's much better than my ears when sound is loud.11:46
TermanaN900mece, i would assume sound quality of the speaker is limited to what your ear sound quality was11:47
* MohammadAG51 cloaks frals w/ Maemo/community/trouter/frals11:47
TermanaN900but obviously your listening to it another way than your ears to get better quality11:47
meceTermanaN900, well I meant that if the sound is so loud that my ears can't hear it properly, ie it cracks, the N900 can still record it perfectly clear.11:47
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BCMMdoes the n900 screen tend to scratch in normal use?11:49
meceBCMM, it does in my normal use.11:50
lcukBCMM, not really, but its a bit troublesome with my diamond tipped stylus I agree11:50
meceBCMM: I've got small kids, so I get dirt everywhere.11:50
koala_manmine hasn't scratched yet11:50
lcuktracy keeps her N900 in her  handbag and the kids play with it11:50
BCMMi've used a screen protector so far, whish is now extensively scratched by the stylus, and i'm wondering whether to replace it11:50
lcukit does have some minor scratches, but nothing like the monster on my n81011:51
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crashanddielcuk: the kids are in her handbag too>11:51
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fralscrashanddie: where else would you put them when you go out?11:51
meceI have one proper scratch and a ton of superficial ones that don't really matter.11:51
lcukno, but explaining keeping something in a hangbag with all assortment of things is not normally the most healthy of places11:51
BCMManyone know of an n900 case that it can be charged in?11:51
BCMMthe biggest risk is probably when it's kicking around my desk, plugged into the pc11:52
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BCMMthe rest of the time it can be in the case or alone in a pocket11:52
lcukBCMM, tracy has tried 2 covers for hers11:53
lcukboth allowed charging11:53
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lcukshe is geting one of those pretty covered cases soon (stick on plastic) so getting best of both11:53
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meceBCMM: there's a pretty trick leather case fron nokia that looks cool but is slightly bulky. My boss has that one on his.11:54
BCMMi could get a "sock", actually11:55
BCMMmece: i have a leather case from nokia, came free11:55
BCMMcovers the ports11:55
X-FadeI use the 770 pouch thingie :)11:55
BCMMi kinda want that, but with charging...11:55
lcukheh X-Fade i have a bigger Nokia baggie11:55
lcukwith drawstrings too!11:56
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meceBCMM: this one I meant:
X-Fade~seen javispedro11:57
BCMMalso, i'm veggie and kinda don't wanna acquire leather things on purpose11:57
infobotjavispedro <~javier@Maemo/community/council/javispedro> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 74d 7h 58m 32s ago, saying: 'oh.. aisleriot solitaire with clutter/3D vista-like animations! port port port !'.11:57
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meceI got a screenprotector after I started noticing scratches, so I don't have to be so careful, and that's enough for me. The phone is very sturdy as long as you have the screen towards yourself when in a pocket.11:58
X-FadeHmmm I wonder where he went.11:58
lcukX-Fade, gsoc meego11:58
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crashanddieDocScrutinizer51: did you get my email from yesterday?11:58
BCMMi thought i had minor scratches, but i can't find them now11:58
meceBCMM: Dunno if it's real leather.11:58
StskeepsX-Fade: doing some really cool stuff with meegotouch virtual keyboard and gtk11:59
TermanaN900I put a screen protector on my n900 after what happened with my n81011:59
meceBCMM: you need sunshine to see them properly. The sun comes out and suddenly it's all scratched11:59
fralsbah, anyone else having trouble getting to ?11:59
BCMMsometimes the stylus will draw a line through the finger-grease that looks just like a scratch11:59
meceStskeeps: so meego has full gtk?11:59
Stskeepsmece: i'd say 'real gtk'11:59
mecefrals, took about .1 of a second to load that page, so no.11:59
TermanaN900the stylus has scratched my n810 screen so badly that when trying to use the stylus on it, it makes a bad blackboard scratchy sound11:59
meceStskeeps: as opposed to hildon?12:00
Stskeepsmece: bingo12:00
fralsmece: cheers12:00
Stskeepsmece: i did a proof of concept libhildon for 'real gtk'12:00
Stskeepsnoone has really followed up on it12:00
meceStskeeps: well, the n900 can use real gtk can it not?12:00
BCMMmece: heh, i'm not one of the crazies who think fake leather just encourages real leather12:00
X-FadeStskeeps: Yeah, saw that. I wonder why he isn't here though ;)12:00
meceBCMM: that's nice :)12:00
BCMMleather is a big selling point, so if it doesn't say so, it isn't12:01
BCMMmece: how does that thing work? plastic back clips on, whole for cam?12:02
TermanaN900i had a red plastic case for mine. took it off because it made the device feel unnatural12:03
BCMMyeah, i was mostly looking for the sort of small case that you take it right  out of to use12:03
BCMMjust to keep it safe when charging12:04
meceBCMM, ok. no that case has a hole for the camera and for every plug and whatnot. It's very good that way, but it's not something you take it out of easily.12:04
meceit has a smooth fabric on the inside of the "lid" very soft and nice.12:05
lcukStskeeps, links to the gtk experiment please12:05
Stskeepslcuk: planet.maemo.org12:07
Stskeepsor which one?12:07
lcuk<Stskeeps> mece: i did a proof of concept libhildon for 'real gtk'12:07
lcuk<Stskeeps> noone has really followed up on it12:07
Stskeepsas well as on gnome-mobile12:08
lcukdid you perhaps ping claudio about it after you did it?12:09
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wazdStskeeps: o/12:10
wazdhello all :)12:10
Stskeepslo wazd, how's tricks? suffocating?12:10
wazdStskeeps: Well, if I'll open the window - I'll die, if I'll close the window - I'll die :D12:11
wazdStskeeps: that's how Moscow looks now :)12:11
X-Fadewazd: Awesome footage though. Post apocalypse like ;)12:13
wazdX-Fade: thanks, that's around my countryhouse, not far from Moscow itself :)12:14
X-FadeBut I can imagine it is not fun to be there right now.12:14
wazdX-Fade: looks like some giant zombie movie stage :D12:14
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wazdX-Fade: well, actually yes, I'm laughing more because I'm tired of all that stuff :)12:15
wazdX-Fade: Have to keep my windows shut - about 40 degrees in the room now :(12:16
mecewazd, where are the photos?12:16
X-Fadewazd: I can imagine that that is quite horrible yes.12:16
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mecewazd, nasty stuf :/12:16
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achipaX-Fade: hi there, is there any way I can get a simple way of acquiring the vote/comment URL for the interface ?12:17
achipaX-Fade: I would need it for KISStester, it's the only big thing missing...12:18
lcukwazd, whats the smoke from?12:18
X-Fadeachipa: the rest api?12:18
achipaX-Fade: so you CAN vote via rest ?12:18
mecehee, important research completed!
wazdlcuk: burning forests around the country12:18
lcuko_O :(12:18
X-Fadeachipa: No, only comment itself.12:18
Jucatohi, is there a way to automatically update the applications menu when I install my (Qt) package? it's installed in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/<size>, but the icon only displays properly in the menu after a restart of the device (the XB-Maemo-Icon-26 part works perfectly though)12:18
X-Fadeachipa: But for comment listing see:
Jucatoor should the proper path be /usr/share/icons/hicolor/<size>/hildon/ ?12:20
mecehehe "Mordors black mist has also reached Helsinki, thanks."12:20
wazdthis is even more sad photo -
achipaand how do I get the "450c69a4a68811de965317405429a5f7a5f7" part from the package name ?12:20
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achipaX-Fade: ^^12:20
X-Fadeachipa: That is the guid listed in the package info in the rest api.12:21
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wazdand this is moscow right now
achipaX-Fade: I'm still bonked in the head, do you have like... docs for that api ? I know just the call for search and now the comments12:24
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X-Fadeachipa: the search gives you <id>12:25
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MohammadAG51Shapeshifter, why didn't you ask X-Fade to take down maemoreactor?12:26
crashanddieX-Fade: d'you get my email?12:26
X-Fadeachipa: <- OCS api12:26
X-Fadecrashanddie: Yes, but haven't gotten to it yet.12:26
achipaX-Fade: is going through search foolproof wrt to different versions in the repo ?12:26
crashanddieX-Fade: yeah take your time, I'd like to get your thoughts and GAN900's before doing anything12:27
X-Fadeachipa: It should only list most recent versions. If not ping me ;)12:27
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achipaX-Fade: sooo... can you tell me what I'm doing wrong:
achipaand I get the fheroes2-demodata package (even though there is one actually named fheroes2)12:35
X-Fadeachipa: Hmmm I do see it here:
X-Fadeachipa: Let me look at the code.12:36
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X-Fadeachipa: Hmm it searches in title, instead of name ;)12:38
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achipaX-Fade: heh, no wonder the results looked kooky12:38
X-Fadeachipa: Let me fix that now.12:38
achipaX-Fade: (Y)12:39
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X-Fadeachipa: Try now.12:39
achipaThe connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.12:40
X-Fadeachipa: flushing cache ;)12:40
achipaokay now...12:40
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X-Fadeachipa: I think I can get a thumbs api implemented today problably.12:47
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achipaX-Fade: that would be cool12:49
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achipaX-Fade: (as basically that is now only missing piece in KISStester)12:50
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X-Fadeachipa: I'll probably use this api:
Jaffaachipa: I'm thinking of looking at doing some automated analysis on the checkbox screen, e.g. check /var/lib/dpkg/info/$PACKAGE.list for any /opt entries (or paths handled by python-optify) and showing the bug tracker URL.12:52
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achipaJaffa: excellent - though note that optify is tricky business - it really should be done on the server12:53
achipaJaffa: as it's not really an optification bug if someone messed with one's own paths12:53
Jaffaachipa: Perhaps; I don't think KISStester should do any auto-checking, but it can at least do the same heuristic check12:54
Jaffaachipa: ...that I'd do when testing a package.12:54
Jaffaachipa: i.e. it puts some stuff in /opt, or it's contained within the bind-mounted Python dirs.12:54
achipaJaffa: yeah12:55
achipaJaffa: though I'd probably suggest using something like os.path.realpath to work around symlinks12:55
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Jaffaachipa: I'll have a look tonight12:56
achipaJaffa: licensing is a tough thing to check, tho, as appmanager has no concept of it, and docpurge happily kills anything the maintainer might have put in12:57
achipain any case, all help welcome12:58
achipaI'll make it packageable/buildable tonight, so as soon as we have the REST stuff in, ship it !12:58
achipaJaffa, X-Fade: just wondering, should maybe the first versions have some sort of safety switch ? so that people unfamiliar with what this is about don't get trigger happy while we're only testing it ?13:00
achipa(I already added an are you sure for the thumb to avoid oops-es, but was thinking about something more proactive...)13:00
X-Fadeachipa: Add a confirm dialog?13:01
X-Fadeachipa: Or something like that?13:01
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achipaX-Fade:  yes, you have an areyousure on thumbing, but saying if maybe there should be something else to enable write access (talking about the testing phase - it would not be needed once it's stable enough to go to testing and extras)13:03
achipalike 'create a file named rwtesting in MyDocs' or whatever13:04
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X-Fadeachipa: Maybe don't enable direct voting right away?13:04
achipaX-Fade: well we DO need to put it out to people to be able to test if it works :)13:05
X-Fadeachipa: Sure, but maybe not while testing the tester ;)13:05
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* MohammadAG wonders why the N900 accepts a BT connection before it asks where to save the file14:10
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xkr47-DII'm trying to sync the calendar with exchange using the built-in exchange sync14:20
xkr47-DIafter a bunch of minutes of "first time sync" it fails and says there was an error communicating14:21
xkr47-DIbased on tcp dumps I can see that the phone spontaneously closes the connection 30 seconds after last network activity14:21
xkr47-DIso I'm guessing there's a timeout that causes it to fail14:21
xkr47-DII guess our exchange server may just be really slow (it's located in another office overseas)14:22
fralsthere is a thread on and a wiki page on which have instructions on how to get log files from activesync, might be a starting point :)14:22
xkr47-DIyeah I saw, I was just thinking if you know a setting for such a timeout14:22
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xkr47-DIa bunch of events flow through and the progress bar progresses about 40%14:23
xkr47-DIbut then it always disconnects after 30 seconds of "nothing"14:23
xkr47-DIbut alright, I'll try the syslog14:23
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nas_xkr47-DI you do that over WIFI ?14:35
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Jaffaachipa: Drop the confirm dialogue and make it go off /home/user/.kisstester-rw file existing14:45
fralsxkr47-DI: if you have that autodisconnect app it might be interfering if the connection goes down completetly after exactly 30sec14:49
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achipaJaffa: ook14:50
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xkr47-DInas_, usb networking15:00
xkr47-DIfrals, no autodisconnect on usb15:00
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keriohey, new mobile maps version15:07
keriodoes someone use it? is it good enough as a satnav?15:07
DuckBootkerio: Ovi Maps?15:07
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keriono, the Sygic one15:08
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rmrfchikhmm, mBarCode don't read datamatrix. Only QR15:12
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kerioZogG_N900: depends on your orientation15:32
ZogG_N900straight )15:32
keriothen... the sky15:32
kerioor the roof15:32
ZogG_N900is on fire15:32
keriowe don't need no water let the motherfucker burn15:33
ZogG_N900damn hot here15:33
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* mece just got a pair of koss PortaPro's for his N900. yay!15:33
ZogG_N900koss portawut?15:33
SpeedEvilI got a Kosh case for my n900. You can't even tell it's a phone now.15:34
ZogG_N900meh. n900 is too big anyways on it's own. don't need case15:34
meceZogG_N900: yes.15:35
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ZogG_N900mece, control buttons/mic or just headphones?15:35
ZogG_N900sorry, on phone, can't google it (15:35
meceZogG_N900: just headphones. Old school, and very good imo.15:36
ZogG_N900but is n900 quality is that good, i mean audiocard15:37
ZogG_N900or chip15:37
ZogG_N900i like to listen to music on it15:37
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ZogG_N900but thinking of cowon d2+15:37
ShapeshifterMohammadAG51: because there's a new package called "reaction face-off". The maemoreactor package is obsolete. (name change because of the trademark issue)15:38
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MohammadAG51Shapeshifter, I asked why you didn't ask him to take it down15:38
pupnik  Looks like an improved fish fillets - game port candidate for maemo / n90015:38
MohammadAG51i know that you changed names15:38
ShapeshifterMohammadAG51: Oh, I DID ;)15:38
ShapeshifterI wrote him in here and I wrote him an email15:38
Shapeshifterno reaction15:38
MohammadAG51Shapeshifter, btw, prime numbers are incorrect, or i'm a retard15:39
mecepupnik: how did you're lady like the weather yesterday?15:39
ShapeshifterMohammadAG51: yes they are.15:39
ShapeshifterMohammadAG51: I fixed it but I need to update the package15:39
pupnikmece: said it was amazing!15:39
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MohammadAG51damn you Shapeshifter, you made me lose a game15:39
mecepupnik, no tent landed on her then?15:40
ZogG_N900MohammadAG51, did u get ur bluetooth headphones ?15:40
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pupnikno injuries thankfully.  she said people had to squat down to prevent being blown-over from the storm gusts15:40
mecepupnik, insane...15:40
MohammadAG51ZogG_N900, nope15:40
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ZogG_N900MohammadAG51, mwahahahah15:41
DuckBootBluetooth Audio on the N900 is at best choppy. atleast when you're streaming music over wifi.15:41
ieatlintweather? what's that?15:41
mecepupnik, we had thunderstorms on saturday in stockholm too, but it rained the whole day instead :/ Stuff didn't break though.15:41
ZogG_N900ieatlint, it's when it is really f* hot15:41
JucatoWeather: that thing people use to make up excuses for delaying or cancelling schedules15:42
ieatlintit's been 11-15c here since winter15:42
ieatlintwhen it occasionally dropped as low as maybe 5c... on rare occasion, that is15:42
ZogG_N900like u15:42
SpeedEvilI was blown out of my shoes by a storm once.15:43
DuckBootWeather: That thing that makes women more attractive, due to less fabric covering vital parts.15:43
SpeedEvilI never expected that when I went to see Gladiators being filmed.15:43
ieatlintwe have fog though, i haven't seen the sun in maybe a week15:43
ZogG_N900if u think it isn't enuf use farenhgeit15:43
MohammadAG51heh, it's 38C here15:44
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MohammadAG51lol DuckBoot15:46
ieatlinti was in vegas last weekend actually, 32c low and 45c high15:46
ieatlinti have some sympathy... dry heat though15:46
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SpeedEvilI'm in Scotland. High of 16C, low of 9 today.15:47
ieatlintscotland sounds nice then :P15:47
DuckBootApprox 23c in Oslo today15:47
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* MohammadAG51 packs and moves to scotland15:48
MohammadAG51i miss bad weather15:48
ieatlinti don't think it's exceeded 15c here in san francisco for at least a month15:49
* crashanddie throws a bucket of water on MohammadAG51 15:49
crashanddiethere's your bad weather15:49
ieatlintthat is, on the western side of sf anyway15:49
crashanddieieatlint: serious? Such bad weather?15:49
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ieatlintcrashanddie: we don't have weather here15:49
crashanddieyou just have fog?15:49
DuckBootMohammadAG51: I was in the very northernmost part of Norway earlier this summer - ~24 m/s wind, 3c and rain - Is that bad enough for you?15:50
ieatlintjust fog15:50
crashanddieI'm in southern france, high of 3815:50
ieatlintsummertime means 18c highs, wintertime means 15c highs .. it's a cold summer15:50
ieatlintcoldest in 40 years15:50
MohammadAG51DuckBoot, no15:50
MohammadAG51i haven't seen any snow for about 3-4 years15:51
ieatlintthe only way we know between summer and winter is rain.. it never rains in the summer15:51
MohammadAG51well, since CoD4 came out15:51
DuckBootMohammadAG51: I promise you shitloads of snow in the wintertime, and absolutely _no_ sun there for atleast a couple of months.15:51
crashanddieMohammadAG51: is that because you never left the house ever since CoD4 came out?15:51
ieatlintMohammadAG51: where are you?15:51
crashanddieieatlint: IRL15:52
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MohammadAG51crashanddie, LOL no15:52
ieatlinthaha, yeah, i was about to ask wtf15:53
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ieatlinthow is it 38c in ireland and 16c in scotland15:53
MohammadAG51ieatlint, ireland moves closer to africa15:53
ieatlinti'm going to guess morocco then15:54
crashanddiewhat is the shorthand for your bloody country then?15:54
crashanddieMohammadAG51: go outside and chant the hatikvah15:54
SpeedEvil38C in ireland sounds unlikely.15:55
crashanddiethen move to Haifa and get a job you bum15:55
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crashanddieah, IL15:56
crashanddieieatlint: he lives in IL15:56
MohammadAG51not in IL atm though15:56
crashanddieyou fled?15:56
MohammadAG51no, tactics, planning a war15:56
Stskeepsgoing to bomb apple?15:57
SpeedEvilIL is not ireland. The religious differences are slightly larger.15:57
ieatlinti can bomb apple much more easily15:57
MohammadAG51Stskeeps, you could say that :p15:57
crashanddieok, so the military excuse for fleeing: you executed a tactical withdrawal?15:57
MohammadAG51kind of, we're targetting france atm15:58
ieatlintyeah, take care of france for us.. the rest of the western world will thank you15:58
crashanddieMohammadAG51: can you wait 3 months?15:59
MohammadAG51maybe, if you give us 10k frogs legs15:59
MohammadAG51they make better warheads15:59
crashanddieMohammadAG51: after 3 months the probation period is over and I'm entitled to jobloss benefits in case of a war16:00
crashanddiealso, anyone who currently resides in a country where the education system isn't better than france's is not allowed to joke about invading it16:00
MohammadAG51in that case, no16:00
ieatlintbah, france would probably just surrender anyway :P16:00
crashanddiehealthcare instead of education16:00
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MohammadAG51healthcare in IL is almost on par with western countries crashanddie16:01
crashanddiefor starters, to anyone who lives in the UK and US, France has a healthcare system, and it works :) So there :P16:01
ieatlintsan francisco has a healthcare system, and it kinda works16:01
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Stskeepsand it's not just a guillotine(sp) for every sick person?16:01
ieatlintbetter than the rest of the country, anyway16:02
crashanddieMohammadAG51: then again, most western countries aren't on par with France's healthcare ;), so your point is mooot16:02
MohammadAG51crashanddie, can't see hoe france's healthcare's better16:02
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DuckBootNorway has a pretty good healthcare.16:02
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crashanddieMohammadAG51: that's like saying that your car goes as fast as most WWI-era trains.16:04
crashanddieieatlint: also, for the record, the Dutch surrendered before the French did.16:04
crashanddieread history books, don't watch TV.16:04
ieatlintyeah, well, they didn't have the maginot line to defend them16:04
pablo2In scratchbox , where I find Packages name !?16:04
ieatlinti'm still bitter about vietnam16:05
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ieatlinti mostly kid, my bias against france is based on personal experiences16:05
MohammadAG51crashanddie, you're not french, why do you like france so much16:06
ieatlintpeople in paris are dicks, and i was stopped by customs while driving into france near lille16:06
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ieatlintand well, it resulted in the guy sticking his hands in my pants without warning16:06
crashanddieMohammadAG51: I love the country, I just hate the French16:06
ieatlintyeah, i heard good things about the south, especially provence16:07
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E0xsorry for the offtopic , but i take some code from the app , exactly the part that do the draw but when i run my program i get some error : , this is the code is not finish and is very very dirty and don't do anything yet, just want try the draw first :
alteregoHeh, you hate a whole nationality ...16:10
crashanddieMohammadAG51: A few quotes from De Gaulle (a general who fled to Britain and then led France through the rebellion against the Nazis, ended up being the first president of the 5th Republic): "How can anyone govern a nation that has two hundred and forty-six different kinds of cheese?" "I have tried to lift France out of the mud. But she will return to her errors and vomitings. I cannot prevent the French from being French." and16:10
alteregoE0x: None with a capital N not none.16:11
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E0xhmm alterego what i dump ass i am16:13
alteregodumb with a b not a p :P16:14
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ieatlintfrance... a country that strikes so often, it does it at the world cup16:18
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ieatlintstill, a country known for being arrogant dicks might be better than a country known for being ignorant bigots16:18
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MohammadAG51since we're already off topic16:19
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MohammadAG51new topic: politics16:19
* MohammadAG51 runs16:19
ieatlintso, nationalism socialism...16:19
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pupnikpablo2: should be provided by libc16:20
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* RST38h moos at wazd evilly16:23
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wazdRST38h: hello :) Are you in Mordor or gone to the US? :)16:23
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RST38hwazd: Still here, working16:24
RST38hwazd: Family left for .BY yesterday16:24
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wazdRST38h: good :)16:24
RST38hwazd: obligatory pic:
wazdRST38h: yeah-yeah :)16:25
wazdRST38h: in fact at my countryhouse it was even worse16:25
wazdRST38h: now it's much clearer brw :)16:26
RST38hwazd: Just wait until the evening...16:26
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wazdRST38h: well, I'm trying to get as much quasi-fresh air into my room as possible right now :)16:27
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RST38hwazd: airplane O2 generator is the only answer...16:28
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RST38hwazd: The Mist.16:29
lcukRST38h, one of those thunderstorms near HEL should clear the air somewhat16:30
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RST38hlcuk: had thunderstorms here for a month16:30
RST38hlcuk: they do nothing16:30
RST38h(which actually looks weird, as one would expect things to at least get more wet)16:31
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DocScrutinizerfor all the "maemo is dead" trolls: >> This has been fixed in package kernel 2.6.28-20103003+0m5 which is part of the internal build version 2010.31-2<< From bug 1080816:44
povbotBug kernel oops on activating heartbeat trigger16:44
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alteregoDocScrutinizer: yeah, I think the "maemo is dead" clan aren't really interested.16:51
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DocScrutinizeryeah, giraffe stage 216:52
DocScrutinizerto 316:52
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E0xnice! my fisrt widget get draw !16:53
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E0xnow let make it do something16:53
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DocScrutinizerI should make subtitles (translate to maemo trollish) for the giraffe video16:53
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GAN900DocScrutinizer, who cares if it's fixed internally.16:54
GAN900If you'll recall there were at least two rounds of Diablo updates that never made it out of the pipeline.16:55
DocScrutinizeractually nobody. But quite evidently the assumption maemo development is abandoned is quite wrong16:55
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lcuk100% totally wrong16:58
GAN900Well, we'll see16:59
GAN900I've been bitten by optimism too many times before.16:59
TermanaSo now you refrain from any at all16:59
TermanaJust saying16:59
lcukjees GAN900 did anything break?17:00
lcukDocScrutinizer, have you seen how the live background support is coming on?17:00
lcukvlad has managed to create the whole new control panel as well as a core set of cool new live items17:01
lcukeven a video one :D17:01
DocScrutinizereeew, please don't17:01
lcuktis uber cool17:01
GAN900Termana, yep.17:01
luke-jr[08:55:11] <GAN900> If you'll recall there were at least two rounds of Diablo updates that never made it out of the pipeline.17:01
luke-jrGAN900: as in, stuff we still don't have?17:01
DocScrutinizerlcuk: bat killer17:02
GAN900Termana, call it burnout. Or perhaps burnout prevention.17:02
lcuksure DocScrutinizer17:02
GAN900luke-jr, yep17:02
lcukbut theres many people who leave devices on desks during daytime etc17:02
lcukwhilst hacking on main computer with device sat charging17:02
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Dassu can somebody explain me the benifits of this? :|17:02
GAN900luke-jr, the community SSU project is working on releasing at least some of them.17:03
Dassu"I'm using over 9000 apps so I need to have all shortcuts on my dekstopzzsa"17:03
lcukDassu, sure, some people are unhappy with only 417:03
luke-jrI think 5 would be nice17:03
DassuI was unhappy with 4 but because it was way too may17:03
Dassu2 is eough17:03
lcukand its entirely feasible to have whole homescreen for contacts and another for shortcuts and another for xyz etc17:03
luke-jrI have 20 on my desktop17:03
DassuI have like 517:03
lcuk"2 is enough...FOR YOU"17:03
TermanaI just use 117:04
Dassu"FOR ME"17:04
DassuWell, it is for everyone17:04
Termanaand it has 2 rows of 4 icons17:04
Dassupeople just fill their screes with shortcuts they dont eve use17:04
Termanaand a bookmark on each side17:04
lcukDassu, and?17:04
GAN900Sadly it's about two years too late for most people to care.17:04
lcukthey might have a use for them17:04
lcukyou dont - deal17:04
Dassuit is faster to search it from the menu then17:05
Dassu2 clicks17:05
lcukfor you17:05
luke-jrDassu: desktop isn't for shortcuts, n00b17:05
DocScrutinizernever restrict users by introducing random arbitrary limits! If anybody wants 100, give her 10017:05
DassuOh it is women now17:05
DassuNOw I c17:05
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DassuNO help then17:05
DocScrutinizer~attack Dassu17:06
* infobot grabs a pen, screams like she's possessed, and begins chasing Dassu17:06
GAN900DocScrutinizer, don't use PC pronouns.17:06
GAN900DocScrutinizer, or we'll have to ban you.17:07
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: I will stop that, just for they are NOT PC, at least the notion I use them :-)17:07
DocScrutinizernever restrict users by introducing random arbitrary limits! If anybody wants 100, give them 10017:07
luke-jr'them' is plural17:08
GAN900luke-jr, STFU17:08
GAN900"they" and "them" are acceptable for singular gender-neutral pronouns.17:08
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luke-jrEnglish has enough ambiguity without such abuse :P17:10
luke-jr'em' is a perfectly good singular gender-neutral pronoun here17:10
GAN900I think European speakers just like pissing off native speakers with PC pronouns.17:10
DocScrutinizerk, have fun. /me off for coffee (and popcorn?)17:10
luke-jrEuropeans don't speak natively?17:10
GAN900luke-jr, so you prefer he or she?17:10
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GAN900luke-jr, not English.17:10
LynoureGAN900: can I use "she" if I ever write something relevant? :)17:11
luke-jrGAN900: I prefer e17:11
luke-jror he17:11
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LynoureI prefer 'hän' but that's wrong language17:11
GAN900Lynoure, is the person the pronoun is refering to actually a person, and female? :P17:12
LynoureGAN900: possibly. If 'them' is ruled out, I think defaulting for one's own gender is pretty sane.17:12
luke-jrwomen/she/her are a subset of men/he/him after all17:12
luke-jrbut works if less ambiguous terms are required17:13
GAN900Lynoure, them is proper and acceptable17:13
GAN900Despite luke-jr's grammar natzism.17:14
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DocScrutinizergrammar tonalism?17:14
LynoureI like how many RPG books use 'she' and 'he', one for the gamer, one for the gamemaster17:14
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luke-jrDocScrutinizer: Spivak has widespread use17:15
LynoureThat actually squeezes some usefulness out of there being two different words.17:15
DocScrutinizersounds like a Czech Military17:15
DocScrutinizeror something I don't wanna eat17:16
lcukdid this whole brainfart occur because someone used "her" ?  hwy the big hangups?17:16
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lcukwhy ^17:17
Lynourelcuk: you don't want my speculation on that =)17:17
lcuknot really, i think DocScrutinizer's original point was much more worthwhile rather than bikeshedding about it ;)17:18
DocScrutinizerwell, I said 'give her 100' imagine what had happend, had I said "give her 50" :-D17:18
LynoureDocScrutinizer: hee.17:18
DocScrutinizerinfobot: WAKE UP!17:18
* infobot throws a barrel-full of ice water on UP! and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"17:18
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luke-jrinfobot: wake TiagoTiago17:19
* infobot throws a barrel-full of ice water on TiagoTiago and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"17:19
GAN900DocScrutinizer, anyway, now you're more informed about a stupid issue than you were 5 minutes ago.17:21
TiagoTiagoCan any of you help me with please?17:22
DocScrutinizeryeah, my morning was so funny, even with tmo, I had no time yet for my coffee :-P17:22
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GAN900Coffee is bad for you.17:24
DocScrutinizernah, TiagoTiago is bad for me17:24
DocScrutinizercommenting on threads without reading the original post17:25
E0xhow i can change the current desktop17:25
E0xi try changing the gconf key17:25
E0xbut not work , i mean it get change at gconf but not visual17:25
TiagoTiagoclick on the backgorund then on the gear that appear and then on the gear on the top left corner to see the menu17:26
E0xi am trying do a widget that jump to N desktop when you preset the number of it17:26
TiagoTiagonot what i thought you were talking about17:26
E0xlike a pager17:26
E0xdef set_view_key(self, view): client = gconf.client_get_default() client.set_int('/apps/osso/hildon-desktop/views/current', view)17:27
E0xdo the change it gconf17:27
E0xbut not get apply17:27
E0xin the desktop17:27
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: though you're probably right, nevertheless I don't want to hear it. Your not my medical doctor :-) let's talk about OC instead :-P17:29
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GAN900DocScrutinizer, don't do that either!17:30
DocScrutinizerwhy? is adrenaline even worse than coffee?17:30
* GAN900 wonders if last-gen Mac Pros will be cheap.17:31
GAN900With longterm abuse, yes. :P17:31
DocScrutinizerheh, I'm not an adrenaline junky17:31
TiagoTiagoCan any of you help me with please?17:31
infobotonly one word of alphabetic characters supported17:32
korhojoa~spell tornado17:33
infobot'tornado' may be spelled correctly17:33
* DocScrutinizer just had a weird idea of povbot maybe could do tmo topic expansion the same way it does for tracker ticket numbers17:33
korhojoawhen people post thread urls, it replies with the thread title?17:34
TiagoTiagothat would be usefull17:34
korhojoadoes it post the title of websites otherwise?17:34
korhojoabecause that's pretty darn handy17:34
TiagoTiagobetter if it also quoted the firsr post17:34
DocScrutinizerbug 1080817:34
povbotBug kernel oops on activating heartbeat trigger17:34
korhojoai know a few irc channels that have bots that do that, it really makes it easier to know what you're clicking on17:34
korhojoathat is handy17:35
DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: sure not better, as bot will get banned for spamming then17:36
TiagoTiagothe thread is about the issue i'm having with the browsr refreshing cdrtain pages over and over again17:36
DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: you're googling for a URL... :-S What's the expected result of ~google? another URL?17:37
TiagoTiagohm, i didn't thought about that, yeah, many threads got lenghty first posts17:37
TiagoTiagoperhaps it would show the title of the page and an excerpt?17:38
TiagoTiagoi mean, Google17:38
DocScrutinizereverything >5 *short* lines is considered flooding here17:39
TiagoTiagofor the first result given the search terms, be it an url or keywords17:39
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DocScrutinizerme browses to, and drops a greeting not to Werner Almesberger in BUE while doing so17:40
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TiagoTiagogah! lol  i remembered thee naeme of the browser wrongg, completly wrong17:41
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TiagoTiagolool, itms hard to type fast on the N900 without silly typos xP17:42
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* DocScrutinizer registers doman17:42
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MohammadAG51TiagoTiago, i get 59 WPM adjusted (w/o typos) on the N90017:43
DocScrutinizerhi hihi17:43
MohammadAG51w/ typos i get 68 or so17:43
DocScrutinizerdjjk dakjdah  dakjhd  sdkjhda skjh sök skjhs skhsh dkiorqh  sdjh17:43
MohammadAG51sometimes, even ops spam and need a kick :p17:43
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TiagoTiagohm, weird, i got the yellow notificarion but the msg is missing in the chat history :\17:44
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TiagoTiagoah, nvm, it was just colored differemtly17:45
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DocScrutinizernah, now it gets silly on
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DocScrutinizeryellow notification??17:49
DocScrutinizerare you guys all using pre-summit devices? the ones with "red and blue led swapped" bug?17:50
TiagoTiagosent the URL via skype to my desktop, can't browse talk.maemo threads on the device ebcause of the issue i'm having17:50
TiagoTiagonomis, i mean the yellow card in the dashboard17:51
kerioif i don't have a receipt, do i get warranty right now?17:51
keriofrom nokia17:51
DocScrutinizerdepends on the shop, I guess17:52
DocScrutinizerbasically, as the device is not possible to be older than 2 years...17:52
keriooh, then ok17:52
kerioyeah, the law says i have 2 years17:53
fralsatleast in .se i dont know any shop who would take your device and send it off unless you have a receipt showing you bought it there, but dunno how nokia care handles it17:53
DocScrutinizerbut then you might have to prove you bought it in a country where 2 years warranty apply at all17:53
kerioi think nokia knows17:54
DocScrutinizerfrals: nope, it's supposed to be irrelevant in which shop you bought the device. Every Nokia care center shall accept return for repair17:55
kerioand yeah, it's only nokia for me - i bought it used17:55
X-FadeHmm is warranty transferable?17:55
DocScrutinizerusually yes17:55
fralsDocScrutinizer: alright, never had to use warranty for any of my nokia devices so... :D17:55
kerioit's by-device17:55
X-FadeWarranty is a contract between buyer and seller iirc.17:56
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keriowill i get a substitution for the device?17:56
fralsX-Fade: afaik in sweden it depends, some allow it to pass to second buyer or such, but ianal so17:56
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: though you're basically right, the contract is transferrable, and usually not even bound to name of original customer17:56
TiagoTiagoperhaps if you talk directly witth Nokia and do not mention where you got it?17:57
X-FadeI'd say, don't mention the bought used part ;)17:57
keriothat's what i'll do :D17:57
kerioit should be a eu device anyway17:57
DocScrutinizersay it's been a gift17:58
keriothe limits on the fmtx ui are 107.9/88.117:58
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TiagoTiagoare there any variations in the hardware of the N900 across the world?17:58
X-FadeHw keyboard?17:59
keriooh yeah it's definetely an IT device17:59
TiagoTiagooh, right, ok other than localized keys, any difference?17:59
DocScrutinizercharger that comes with it17:59
DocScrutinizerand sticker placed in battery bay18:00
MohammadAG51and fmtx state18:00
DocScrutinizerthat's not hw18:00
keriocan't you override that by sw?18:00
keriois 87.5/108 the hw limit?18:00
X-FadeHardware tends to change also a bit over time.18:00
MohammadAG51hm, right18:00
MohammadAG51kerio, no, kernel module limit18:00
keriowhat's the hw limit?18:01
DocScrutinizerover time yes, over localization no18:01
kerioand is the module opensourced?18:01
MohammadAG51all modules are18:01
MohammadAG51kerio, you can edit limits18:01
DocScrutinizerheard the new devices use glue to harden the micro USB18:01
MohammadAG51you'll have to use something other than the GUI18:01
kerioooh i'm getting one of those18:01
keriothe wallcharger doesn't always work18:02
TiagoTiagoif i installed the powerkernel would the fmtx limitations from what came with the device still be there or does it set it to a common value?18:02
kerioand the screen is scratched18:02
kerioTiagoTiago: it's mostly a ui problem18:02
MohammadAG51TiagoTiago, afaik fmtx state is in cal18:02
keriowith v4l-ctl you can go 87.5-10818:02
romendo you think it is possible to have the keyboard changed in a nokia center?18:02
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: correct18:02
kerioromen: probably not18:03
MohammadAG51so the GUI will only show values for the region set in cal18:03
keriobut you can change your layout18:03
MohammadAG51fmtx-faker helps18:03
TiagoTiagoIt would be pretty awesome if Nokia had a warranty like NSD (makers of the Powerball) offers18:03
DocScrutinizerromen: most likely yes18:03
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MohammadAG51romen, changing the keymat is piss easy18:03
DocScrutinizerromen: I changed it myself though18:03
MohammadAG51two screws, then pry it18:03
MohammadAG51i did with the screen & device on18:03
kerioTiagoTiago: like?18:03
romenMohammadAG51, I'm quite scared of opening it xD18:04
MohammadAG51it's not opening the whole device :)18:04
DocScrutinizerromen: you're not exactly "opening" it18:04
MohammadAG51oh, for the record, i just turned 17, so i'm not an engineer or something18:04
DocScrutinizerit's the two torx screws under keyboard18:04
kerioMohammadAG51: does it replace the fmtxd?18:05
keriobecause i have jacekowski's18:05
MohammadAG51kerio, no, it reports a different region18:05
TiagoTiagoWorldwide, lifetime waranty, if you prove you got one made by them they will send you replacement parts no questions asked18:05
MohammadAG51instead of the one in cal18:05
MohammadAG51kerio, so you can use both18:05
GAN900MohammadAG51, nor a grammarian, apparently. :P18:06
romenDocScrutinizer, the two on the bottom of the rear side (bottom left and bottom right corners)?18:06
DocScrutinizerthe other 4 are Phillips18:06
MohammadAG51GAN900, err? :p18:06
MohammadAG51PH0 afaik18:06
MohammadAG51the torx screws are T6 i think18:07
romenDocScrutinizer, and where can I find spare parts?18:07
DocScrutinizerthat's the hard part18:07
TiagoTiagoas many times as you need18:07
MohammadAG51spare parts for what?18:07
MohammadAG51i used the same screws18:07
MohammadAG51disassembled it 4 times18:07
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TiagoTiagoNSD rocks! :D18:08
romenMohammadAG51, I have a N900 with finnish keyboard (as I'm living here and bought it here) but as I'm not a finnish/swedish speaker (even less a writer!!) the localized keyboard is quite uncomfortable18:08
DocScrutinizerromen: ^^^18:09
MohammadAG51esp the arrows,18:09
DocScrutinizersaremi is where I got my QWERTY18:09
kerioMohammadAG51: fmtx-faker did jack shit18:10
romenMohammadAG51, right, especially the arrows xD18:10
MohammadAG51kerio, reboot18:10
keriohmm... is there a way for nokia to check for past overclock?18:10
kerioMohammadAG51: i did18:10
romenDocScrutinizer, I'm checking thos 2, thanks!18:10
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MohammadAG51kerio, set region18:11
kerioromen: if you need help on keyboard remapping ask here18:11
* GAN900 has dark spots on his screen. :(18:11
StskeepsGAN900: stop spilling coffee on it18:12
DocScrutinizerromen: inserting the new keymat is a bit tricky, as you need to do it both keymat and frame same time, but it definitely works18:12
kerioMohammadAG51: how do i do that?18:12
MohammadAG51fmtx-faker-tool --help18:12
romenkerio, the thing is that as also the US N900 keymap is not really "standard" (due to size) just changing the keymap wouldn't be enough for me, as I would get crazy in looking for blue keys and the rightmost part of the keyboard would be completely different18:12
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TiagoTiagodid you use a magnifying glass to read tiny text in a sunny day?18:13
DocScrutinizerromen: so you're quite out of options then18:13
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GAN900Stskeeps, must be somebody else, I don't drin coffee.18:14
StskeepsGAN900: it's the rot from seeping into your n900 then18:14
MohammadAG51replace keymat + layout and you're done18:14
GAN900Could be that18:14
romenMohammadAG51, how hard is that?18:14
DocScrutinizerGAN900: dark spots on LCD ts are a known problem18:15
GAN900Either way, it's going back to Nokia in a month.18:15
fralsromen: the solution is obviously to learn swedish so you can use the keyboard properly... ;-)18:15
DocScrutinizercaused by too much force applied18:15
romenreplacing keymat+frame?18:15
* GAN900 wonders if they'll do another proto round.18:15
DocScrutinizerromen: only keymat18:15
TiagoTiagodoes the screen got tiny lenses that would focus the sunlight and burn stuff inside?18:15
kerioMohammadAG51: even with other/50 i get the usual restriction18:16
romenfrals, yeah maybe, but still I will not use the Å, Ö, Ä keys very often I don't have so many sedish/finnish correspondants xD18:16
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romen(not to speak about the arrows xD)18:17
fralsåäö is the shit ;-)18:17
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romenDocScrutinizer, my german is somewhere near my finnish/swedish, do they ship to finland?18:18
DocScrutinizerdunno, but probably yes18:18
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TiagoTiagois that your finnish?18:20
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romenDocScrutinizer, thanks! Anyway I will try to ask to some Nokia center near here if it is possible to change the keyboard through them, as I guess that with shipping costs to Finland the price will grow considerably18:20
romenTiagoTiago, my finnish, swedish and german are all around a level of 0 xD18:21
romen(among many other languages, unfortunately)18:21
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TiagoTiagocould you get the parts from somthing like ebay and have the service tcenter assemble it for you?18:22
E0xhmm look like the desktop switching can get done via dbus , where i can find reference of maemo dbus ?18:22
kerioif you bribe them, sure18:22
DocScrutinizerromen: I'd say any Nokia center is supposed to perform this perfectly legitimate request18:22
romenTiagoTiago, do yuo think it would be even remotely possible?? In Italy (I'm Italian) they would be quite rude if I ask them to replace the keyboard of my device with a spare part provided by myself18:23
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romenwell actually in my home town I've always had troubles with the only nokia (nad other brands) care center18:24
TiagoTiagoif the spare part is made by the same brand and intended to be used with that device, what would they have against it?18:24
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DocScrutinizerromen: will your car repair shop be happy when you come for a oil swap and bring your own oil?18:25
romenTiagoTiago, that they cannot (over)charge you for it, therefore they will be surely able to come up with some (apparently to them) good reason to refuse it (and there will be nobody to complain with if you think the reason is not valid at all)18:26
romenDocScrutinizer, luckily I don't yet own a car: so many troubles, expenses and taxes xD18:27
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TiagoTiagowhat if you offer to pay them the equivalent to the profit they would have if you bought an equivalent part from them?18:27
kerioas i said, bribe them18:28
DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: won't fly, as they are liable for the quality of the work, and you might bring a component with hidden defect18:28
TiagoTiagoi see18:28
romenTiagoTiago, they would not admit that the real reason is that they would overcharge you for the spare part in addition to the workload for exchange the parts xD, kerio's solution is more fashionable in Italy xD18:29
kerioromen: IT_it here18:29
TiagoTiagoit's a warranty voiding procedure?18:29
DocScrutinizerwell, maybe if you come and just ask to *help you* do the swap, then they might do it on a different legal base18:29
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romenDocScrutinizer, that would be one way to start a good "bribing" approach18:30
TiagoTiagodoes your lens cover make a litle noise whenyou shake your N900 a bit?18:31
DocScrutinizernot here18:31
mirfmine does18:32
mirfbut I think tis' actaully the stand18:32
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TiagoTiagohm, might be18:32
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mirfyeah the noise changes when I open the stand18:32
mirfits' a lot more loose18:32
romenanyway before buying it from germany and try to do it myself I'll ask here in Finland if they can "regularly" do it and how much will I be charged, they are usually so kind here in Finland xD18:32
TiagoTiagoindeed it changes18:33
TiagoTiagolol, thanx for pointing it out :)18:33
DocScrutinizerromen: tell them you asked on Nokia technical support forum and it's just 2 screws and 10min of work, so they don't charge you for a complete disassembly of device18:34
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TiagoTiagohm, but if i hold it still the noise doesn't go  away....18:34
romenTiagoTiago, here too, there is something moving and making some noise on shaking near the cover lens, but it does not stop when I hold with fingers the stand and the lens cover...18:35
DocScrutinizerlens cover is notorious to have... issues18:36
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romenTiagoTiago, and the little "shaking" noise was there since I unboxed it, is not something recent18:36
DocScrutinizerseems they even reworked the slider design18:37
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TiagoTiagook, I think i've figured it out, it's the memory hard holder18:37
romenI figure it right now xD18:38
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DocScrutinizernoobs, did you think about taking off the backlid and shaking it without the whole phone attached to it :-D18:39
romenDocScrutinizer, only now xD18:39
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romenthat's how I figured it out (well, 5 months is not so long to coming out with this brilliant idea xD)18:39
TiagoTiagolol, i took of the lid and shook the phone xD18:39
romenTiagoTiago, my card holder is still empty, what about yours? does it make noise even with a memory card inside?18:40
DocScrutinizerno, doesn't18:40
TiagoTiagothough i guess that is not all that dumb considering we had just noticed that holding the parts on the lid still didn't stop the noise18:41
TiagoTiagoi don't have a card to put there yet :/18:41
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DocScrutinizermaybe you get a 1GB for free, when you get your next grocery shopping18:42
TiagoTiagoare they that cheap over there?18:43
DocScrutinizerI guess they're 3 bucks if you can find any18:43
DocScrutinizernot checked18:43
TiagoTiagoare the cards the N900 use also victim of the pandemy of falsified mass storage devices like how it has been going on with Kingston pendrives?18:45
pcfeis your empty internal card holder in the open or locked position (as per the writing on the holder)18:45
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TiagoTiagoit make noise unlocked, but locking still doesn't kill the noise18:46
TiagoTiagomore noise*18:46
TiagoTiagodamn batery sucking progs18:47
pcfeconsidering the price of cards thes days, if it bothers you, buy a small one18:48
DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: (falsified) yes, there are falsified uSD, see 1GB sandisk are 5.50, not 3.0018:48
pcfeas to false cards, my N900 did not come with a card IIRC, anyway, when buying just be sure to buy from a reputable source and not from the low end of the price range18:48
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pcfethen, when you have it, write it full of verifiable data and read the data back plus verify18:49
pcfesay, for example an ISO image of some Linux distro (big file and comes with a md5 or sha checksum file18:49
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romenTiagoTiago, what do you mean with "pandemy of falsified mass storage devices"?18:51
DocScrutinizerdd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk1 count=1 bs=<size of card>; (well maybe count 1000, and size-of-card/1000) then do a md5sum18:51
TiagoTiagodamn, just about 2 hours and almost 80% of charge used :\18:51
TiagoTiagoyeah, a disease that has spreead all over the world18:52
* DocScrutinizer wonders if N900 might sufer same uSD Vdd shortcircuit issue on empty holder, that's been found on Freerunner18:52
MohammadAG51doesn't the accelerometer support taps?18:52
DocScrutinizereven doubletaps18:53
MohammadAG51and isn't the accel always on?18:53
TiagoTiagowe could use that for mouse clicks and the touch screen for mouse hovering! :D18:53
MohammadAG51cool, then my post is half right18:53
MohammadAG51the other half i'll need to check18:53
TiagoTiagodunno about batttery consumption though18:54
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SpeedEvilThe accel is not always on.18:55
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SpeedEvilThe 'tap' mode uses _lots_ less power than pollin it18:55
DocScrutinizerlis302 is reasonably modest with power. It's connected to Vdd2_8, so 'always on'18:55
SpeedEvilBy always on, I mean enabled18:55
DocScrutinizermhm, that's a sw issue though18:55
SpeedEviltap mode just generates an interrupt on tap.18:55
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SpeedEvilAs far as I'm aware there is nothing to handle this though, so it gets ignored as it's not exposed to software.18:56
DocScrutinizerhonestly g-meter is *never* supposed to be polled18:56
DocScrutinizerif kernel driver does polling, then that's abysmal wrong and BAD(tm)18:57
SpeedEvilWell - it's not really18:57
celestehhow often does maep update it's maps? I'd like it to re-download once a week or once a month.18:57
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DocScrutinizerusually you have it in differential mode, and trigger on any kind of movement18:57
SpeedEvilcelesteh: The openstreetmap servers are at their limit.18:57
SpeedEvilcelesteh: they're running on donated bandwidth, and are pretty much pinning it.18:57
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SpeedEvilcelesteh: In most places, there is not significant editing going on that would make updating much more than a couple of months worthwhile.18:58
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tobis87Hi! Has anyone done nmon for the n900?19:03
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SpeedEvils a binary.19:04
SpeedEvilThere is no source.19:05
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SpeedEvilSo no, it can't work.19:05
pupnikbundyo never chats does he19:05
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TiagoTiago|AFKgonna go eat, be back in a bit19:06
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tobis87SpeedEvil: Did you mean me? There is source:, and it only needs libncurses5-dev dependency. So I may be even able to compile it on the device. (gcc -o nmon lmon12f.c -Wall -D JFS -D GETUSER -D LARGEMEM -D DEBIAN  -lncurses)19:13
kerioi read that as "nom"19:14
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SpeedEviltobis87: I couldn't see any link to the source19:14
SpeedEvilIs there actual source anywhere?19:14
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tobis87 tobis87:
tobis87argh I meant SpeedEvil:19:15
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celestehSpeedEvil: I use open cycle maps, and my area (london) is in the midst of ading new cycle routes and other infrastructure for bikes19:16
celestehSpeedEvil: I should donate to the OSM project, though19:16
SpeedEvilcehteh: ah - fair enough. london is better mapped19:16
SpeedEvilcelesteh: I don't off-hand know how you'd convince maep to redownload periodically though.19:17
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SpeedEviltobis87: - seems to work19:19
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SpeedEvilThough it's badly written.19:19
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SpeedEvil(coredumps with no proc)19:19
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keriois maep better than mappero?19:20
jogamaep is nice and simple in comparison19:20
jogamappero is a bit weird imo19:20
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jogait can do more though19:21
ShadowJKinstead of reloading it'd be nice if there existed sensible way to check if it has been modifiedvupdated19:21
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SpeedEvilShadowJK: yes, I'm unsure if there is a nice way to do that with OSM/opencyclemap tiles19:21
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tobis87SpeedEvil: Thanks, I will try it but I found that the source from debian is newer. I will try compiling it19:26
SpeedEviltobis87: that was the compiled version from the tarball you linked19:26
tobis87SpeedEvil: Yes, I know thank you for that. At first I thought it would be hard to compile it, but since it is only one file, I will try it myself.19:28
SpeedEvillooks like an interesting tool.19:29
SpeedEvilA proper package would be useful.19:29
tobis87SpeedEvil: Yes this is my problem, I would do it. But I can't get going with scratchbox. I don't have problems backporting the newest firefox to the my oldest Ubuntu machines (7.10). But I fail miserably with working inside a vm.19:31
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celestehI used to use Maemo Mapper with my n800 and it was birlliant, but the new version seems really unfinished19:36
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TiagoTiagowell, i'm heading off, cya19:41
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FinnishHow is Meego compared to Maemo on Nokia N900?20:27
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Stskeepsmaemo's a consumer OS, meego's not atm20:28
FinnishAh, ok20:28
prontoto me meego seems likes its for idiots(majority of people) and maemo is for linux nerds20:28
prontobut i've only used meego on a usb boot on my netbook20:29
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MiXu-Maemo does feel like an OS designed for linux nerds20:30
MiXu-It's like ubuntu but on a phoen.20:30
prontothat dont make sense20:30
prontoconsiding ubuntu is not for linux nerds20:31
MiXu-Ubuntu is for linux nerds. Don't get me started. :D20:31
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MiXu-If you use linux you are a linux nerd D:20:31
prontouubuntu is for people who still want windows but also want linux20:31
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MiXu-Ubuntu is way too difficult for anyone who's not "computer literate"20:31
prontothat can be debated20:32
MiXu-Sure everything is ok if the only thing you do is use OoO and Firefox.20:32
MiXu-But people just don't understand why some stuff won't work on ubuntu.20:32
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alteregoWindows is also pretty dificult for people that are not computer literate ..20:33
alteregoAs with pretty much any computer OS20:33
PhonicUKMiXu, most comp illiterates/semi literates i show ubuntu to find it easier than windows20:33
PhonicUKmostly because apps are organized by category20:34
alteregoPhonicUK: I think it's easier too ...20:34
MiXu-PhonicUK: The UI is pretty easy yes20:34
MiXu-And the window manager is nice and flashy20:34
prontoubuntu is like the retarded dog in a wolf pack20:34
PhonicUKand all apps are managed in the package manager20:34
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MiXu-PhonicUK: "all" meaning the ones community provides20:34
Jartzaeven my mom uses ubuntu20:35
GAN900PhonicUK, my limited testing backs that up.20:35
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Jartzabut she was always in problems with windows20:35
PhonicUKwhich provides almost everything the average user needs20:35
Jartzashe's Really computer-illiterate20:35
PhonicUKall the essentials20:35
MiXu-Then John from Hickville buys Adobe Photoshop to edit his family photos and is surprised that it won't work.20:35
GAN900The only sticking point tends to be specialized stuff for Windows. Accounting, photo editing, PIM, etc.20:35
MiXu-John takes his pc to service to have it fixed, and they install windows.20:35
PhonicUKif hes buying photoshop just to edit family photos, hes got other problems20:36
Jartzathat happens too, yes.20:36
MiXu-PhonicUK: Yes. Not understanding shit about IT.20:36
MiXu-And that's 85% of population20:36
Jartzabut I don't think that's too common. would happen with mac as well, if it was.20:36
MiXu-Jartza: There's photoshop for mac20:36
PhonicUKpre install gimp and getting a gimp book is what i do20:36
MiXu-But you do have a point20:36
luke-jrMiXu-: troll20:37
JartzaMiXu-: sure, but if you just go and buy "photoshop", they most propably just sell you a windows version :)20:37
luke-jralterego is correct20:37
GAN900MiXu-, who buys Photoshop?20:37
luke-jrKDE is far easier to use than Windows20:37
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MiXu-luke-jr: Yes, I am in a trolly mood today. But I'm saying Ubuntu is still way too difficult for majority of people, as people tend to be totally clueless when it comes to IT.20:37
PhonicUKall you need to explain is that they shouldnt buy any software and only use the package manager20:37
wazdoh crap, here comes the smoke again :(20:38
luke-jrMiXu-: Ubuntu sucks. A fair comparison is Kubuntu.20:38
Jartzamy mom thinks meego was much messier and harder-to-use than ubuntu :)20:38
JartzaI tried meego on her laptop20:38
PhonicUKUbuntu is only hard if yoju are too used to the windows ecosystem20:38
PhonicUKsdent from my n90020:38
MiXu-I just read about a study today that stated that young people aren't actually computer literate. Many young kids don't even know how to google efficiently.20:38
wazdRST38h: looks and smells like you were right :(20:38
PhonicUKmost people just type their question into google as plain english20:39
luke-jrPhonicUK: for the most part, that's the only way to do it…20:39
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alteregoMiXu-: abundantly apparent when you read some of the questions in #linux .. even in here.20:40
MiXu-Yep :)20:40
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E0xnot python-xlib in maemo 5 ?20:41
E0xi saw the package is available in Diablo20:41
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DocScrutinizerif you encounter any recurring problems with this setting, please drop a note to any of the chanops (/msg chanserv access #maemo list)21:17
chadidoes purging an app clear its settings from /home ?21:18
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DocScrutinizernope, usually not21:18
DocScrutinizerthough depends on particular app pkg21:19
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chadiaptitude... then what is the difference between remove and purge?21:19
mortiniremove just removes it's package, but generally leaves some junk behind21:19
mortinipurge removes said junk21:19
chem|st purge will remove config files installed with the package21:20
mortinilike, a config file that's in that path21:20
mortinier, pacakge.21:20
chem|stusally the ones in home are not installed but created once a user starts the app21:20
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chadiumm ok ty21:23
DocScrutinizeras apt can't now about that fact, it depends what package maintained decided to do on postremove script. Best practice is to keep those files21:23
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chadiand any idea where hermes stores its configuration files?21:23
DocScrutinizerjust a generic idea: use strace hermes, and check for the file handles opened21:24
chadiDocScrutinizer: "strace hermes" in a terminal? That doesn't seem to work.21:25
chem|stoh hell I still am 12mA above a real deep sleep...21:25
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DocScrutinizersorry, no idea what hermes is at all, so can't give better advice, except RTFM21:26
chadiDocScrutinizer: I mean, the strace command is not found..21:27
DocScrutinizeraaah, it's in tools21:27
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mortinichadi: dpkg -L21:28
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mortinigives a listing from the pkg anyways21:28
chem|stchadi: it is a damn phone... all stuff for debugging and such most devel must be installed from terminal...21:29
chadichem|st: no problem at all :-)21:30
chem|stgood! ;)21:30
chem|stjust wanted to make captain obvious happy, you will find some stuff provided in "tools" and some other in "extras-devel"21:31
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tobis87To find the packages which only have been removed, but no purged, you cold just do "dpkg -l | grep ^rc"21:46
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ShadowJKI've had my N900 since November, and never encountered the bug where it gets stuck saying "Media format not supported" at everything21:48
ShadowJKand now it has happened twice in two days :/21:48
* pronto hands ShadowJK a cookie21:48
* ShadowJK can't figure out how to fix it21:49
* DocScrutinizer blames ShadowJK for OC... err, nah21:49
ShadowJKvery often I get this bug where it just does nothing21:49
ShadowJKrestarting mafw-gst something usually fixes that21:49
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ShadowJKbut it's not working for this issue :-)21:49
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prontohave you tried turning it on and off again?21:50
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pupniksuper YAAY THANK YOU Tom Tanner for 'locate' package21:51
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: added some mangled media file? The hw accel is known to blow chunks on oddly encoded media files, and won't recover from that until reboot21:51
ShadowJKI have too much stuff open21:51
ShadowJKI'd rather spend some time figuring out how to recover than spend half an hour on a power cycle each time it happens21:51
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ShadowJKnope, not afaik21:51
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ShadowJKIt happens in the middle when I've paused and want to resume21:52
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DocScrutinizerand nothing in dmesg I presume21:53
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BCMMhalf an hour for a power cycle?21:53
ShadowJKWell I need to copy/paste stuff from browser into notes, save that, copy paste it back to browser afterwards and so on...21:55
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BCMMbut yeah, it would be useful to be able to reset the dsp from software22:02
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kthomas_vhvery useful :)22:03
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BCMMis it theoretically possible?22:03
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pupnikskaven is a fantastic mod composer22:05
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iliusDuring flashing N900, is it possible to change rootfs to 27 GB memory?22:12
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iliusi have flasher-3.5 but i can not find any option for this22:13
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kerioilius: rootfs is on the internal flash, not the eMMC22:14
kerioyou can resize home in spite of MyDocs22:15
kerio(home also holds /opt)22:15
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iliussize of root partition is not really enough and not compatible with these much packages in meamo repo!!22:17
iliushow can i increase it?22:17
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iliuskerio: what do you mean "home also holds /opt" ? /opt is part of rootfs (mounted in /) and /home is in a separate device22:18
jacekowskino it's not22:19
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kerio/opt is binded to /home/opt/22:20
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iliuswhats the size of home? (my n900 can boot up right now)22:21
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iliusmost of application files will be installed to /usr, then i want to move /usr (or the root itself) to 27 GB device22:22
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TiagoTiagomicroB keeps refreshing over and over again in some sites, what can i do to fix this?22:25
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kerioilius: most of the application files will be installed in /opt/, because of how the programs are packetized22:26
iliuskerio: how can i move /usr (or the root itself) to 27 GB device? this is my question!22:26
keriodon't know if it's possible22:26
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DocScrutinizerilius: if you don't know how to 'mount|less', you probably shouldn't worry about all that22:27
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TiagoTiagoisn't it just a matter of messing with the partitions of the 32 GB internal flash drive?22:28
iliusDocScrutinizer: yes i know that, but i was not deeped into it, and /opt was not matter for me22:28
crashanddieilius: you can't22:28
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DocScrutinizerif you want to move /usr out of /, the you need to make sure it's monted early enough during boot, as maemo managed to mess up system configuration by mandatory use of some commands living in /usr/(s)bin ;-(22:29
kerioDocScrutinizer: let's just move / to the eMMC22:29
DocScrutinizeror you fix that flaw/bug, by moving the corresponding commands to /(s)bin where they belong22:30
TiagoTiagoDoesn't the file system allows for trivcking the os into reading/writing stuff in a different place than it thinks they are?22:30
iliusDocScrutinizer: it seems that /usr is needed before even any statup script go to run22:30
ShadowJKIf there's a package in extras that uses much space on /, it's a bug that should be reported22:30
BactiusI'm confused. If I have a problem with the LED-pattern, should I describe it at maemo talk forums?22:31
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: let's face it: optification is a bug on top of a bug22:31
infobotoptification is, like, a inventive duct tape workaround to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the partitioning is FUBAR, or,_Deploying_and_Distributing/Installing_under_opt_and_MyDocs22:31
BactiusAnd under which category?22:31
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, I would just have had PREFIX=/opt/maemo/ , and called it /usr/pkg/ instead of /opt/whatever ;p22:32
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TiagoTiagosomthing lieke symlinking the folder to another folder in the other parititon? (i don't know what i'm talking about, do i?)22:34
ShadowJKNo I mean no symlinks22:35
DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: you start to have a slight idea about what you're talking of22:35
DocScrutinizerTiagoTiago: but here it's done by bindmount22:35
chem|stTiagoTiago: try again ;)22:35
DocScrutinizernot by symlinks22:35
TiagoTiagocool! :)22:35
ShadowJKright now stuff is compiled with PREFIX=/usr, and installed to /usr, then moved to /opt/whatever and symlinked from /usr22:36
chem|stTiagoTiago: like matrix... there is no spoon22:36
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: incredibly stupid botch22:36
chem|stShadowJK: did not undertand the initial though on that22:36
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TiagoTiagoi can feel there is no spoon, but i still see the shiny silverware instead of raining green code22:37
chem|stTiagoTiago: wrong pills my friend, wrong pills22:38
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chem|stjust be aware of the truth... everything is a file22:39
ShadowJKhopefully with MeeGo we get new enough kernel that btrfs or logfs works, so we can sanely have / on a big emmc22:39
DocScrutinizerwith uBoot on NAND ;-D22:39
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kerioi want DumbOS on the NAND and meego on the emmc22:40
DocScrutinizerDumbOS==maemo :-D22:40
jacekowskiwell, somebody would have to find enough time to port nand driver to work with uboot22:41
DocScrutinizermeego on eMMC seems feasible right now22:41
jacekowskiand we can get uboot to work22:41
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: how's OM FR uBoot doing it then?22:41
jacekowskiand replace nolo22:41
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: OM FR have different nand22:42
jacekowskiwell, controlled differently22:42
DocScrutinizerwhy replace NOLO? it chainloads uBoot happily22:42
TiagoTiagois there somewhere i can see a roadmap-like thing for opening up Maemo & company?22:42
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: where would you store kernel then?22:42
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: hmm?22:42
jacekowskiget rid of 2nd stage nolo22:42
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: it's not like uBoot takes 127MB22:43
jacekowskiand shove uboot there22:43
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jacekowskiand then kernel can stay where it is at the moment22:43
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DocScrutinizerfind the private key to sign it, and we'll all be thankful22:43
jacekowski2nd stage bootloader is not signed22:44
jacekowskionly 1st stage bootloader is22:44
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jacekowski2nd stage is only checksummed22:44
TiagoTiagoHas anyone managed to replace the firmware with a bootloader and thenload Maemo and anythingnelse people managed to maeke compatible with the device from less firm storage areas?22:44
DocScrutinizerwell, seems you need to discuss that with Stskeeps and maybe timeless22:44
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DocScrutinizerthey both disagree22:45
keriodumbos should run the phone to call by dialing numbers and to receive22:45
jacekowski1st. there is only one signature for nolo22:45
jacekowski2nd. no signature checking in 1st stage bootloader22:46
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jacekowskii'll try to replace 2nd stage nolo tomorrow22:47
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TiagoTiagowhy was it decided to make the os be firmer than plain software?22:47
* DocScrutinizer writes a condolence card, to be prepared - just in case22:47
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: i've already wiped mtd22:47
jacekowskiwell, part of it22:48
jacekowskithe one with bootloader22:48
koala_manwhy am I getting a 302 Found "error" on the maemo repos?22:48
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jacekowskiphone can be booted from usb using flasher and then nolo can be flashed22:48
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jacekowskiso cat /dev/zero > /dev/mtd0 is safe22:49
* RST38bis suddenly found another use for n90022:49
crashanddieMohammadAG51: great initiative on USB host mode22:49
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: anyway since there's absolutely no documentation about whole the bootprocess (that I'm aware of), I have not the slightest idea what you are talking about with 1. stage 2. stage and all that foo22:49
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: huh?22:49
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jacekowski1st stage - nolo x-loader22:49
jacekowskiMLO on beagle board22:49
jacekowski2nd stage - real bootloader, uBoot, NoloScnd22:50
RST38bisN900 has much profile than a laptop, so it is usable at 35oC with all windows closed22:50
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: deciding to release the binaries22:50
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RST38bisGot smaller screen of course, but still better than getting boiled alive22:51
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DocScrutinizercrashanddie: ooh that old thing, well it's kinda funny how I posted a "I'm considering that" previously and then MohammadAG51 "decided" on it. Anyway I got the feeling the way it's coming along now users again will get it completely wrong22:52
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, we discussed it here on IRC22:53
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: it goes like that - omap boot rom -> read 1st stage bootloader -> verify signature -> run it or shutdown or boot from usb -> 2nd stage bootloader -> kernel22:53
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: Well, having more people trying to reproduce it can only bring good things -- as long as you guys filter out the "doesn't work, sux" comments22:53
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, and we all know the status of the project atm22:54
DocScrutinizernot exactly. Filtering of sux is easy, it's the false positives that really tend to ruin your day22:55
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: I'm not so sure "we all know"22:55
MohammadAG51it's stalled, now we all know22:55
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: then you need to find a way to easily filter out the false positives22:55
crashanddieMohammadAG51: depending on your definition of "we", "we" already knew22:56
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: that's as impossible as filtering out trolls at server level22:56
DocScrutinizerdepending on your definition of "stall" you seem to miss quite a few details22:56
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: not if you ask for technical details (dmesg, amongst others), and fdisk information22:57
DocScrutinizerthat's exactly the points that are going to ruin your day22:57
* RST38bis feels like he is missing on a personal conflicts of sorts22:57
RST38bisonce again, what is the matter?22:58
DocScrutinizerRST38bis: ???22:58
pupniki have taken a n900 into a sauna briefly22:58
MohammadAG51RST38bis, nothing personal, normal discussion22:58
RST38bishmm ok22:58
MohammadAG51pupnik, i put mine in a fridge once22:58
RST38bispupnik: is it still alive?22:59
TiagoTiagomine feels warm all over after charging for a while somtimes22:59
pupnikno RST38bis but the killer was different22:59
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: maybe you noticed new users in #mhd, maybe you also read maemo_developers_device_queue wiki23:00
MohammadAG51I did23:00
DocScrutinizerand then we need to clearly know WHAT we are hoping to get from a mass deployment of a definitely borked kernel, for mere test purposes, and we need to publish that, and we need to give users the means to accomplish on gathering that info23:01
RST38bispupnik: poor n900...23:01
RST38bisDoc: massive suffering of tmo lemmings, what else?23:02
RST38bisIsn't it a worthy goal?23:02
pupnik  Alright lastnight finland had VERY strange weather - stormfront at Hietanieme beach23:02
DocScrutinizerRST38bis: exactly - except hostmode devels drownng in the crap torrent23:02
RST38bisof course23:02
* RST38bis does suspect few people really need the host mode though23:03
TiagoTiagomicroB keeps refreshing some pages, mostly unusablr, any idea how i can fix this?23:03
kerioi still want the hostmode :(23:03
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crashanddieRST38bis: well, host mode was just fun23:04
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crashanddieRST38bis: you're not a true NIT convert until you've seen johnx setup a complete desktop system with only his n800 as computer in a couple of minutes23:04
chem|stkerio: even my notebook uses less power than my n900 so get off with stuff using power...23:05
RST38bishmm... yes I can appreciate that but prefer bt peripherals23:05
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DocScrutinizerat least one thing is for sure: publishing a hostmode test kernel prematurely, without proper announcement about what it is exactly, what we expect it to do and not to do, and especially without giving users one-click solutions to create proper reports, we will waste a big chance as no noob-user will give it a second try just for us comin along like "duh, we forgot: please do #a lsusb, #a dmesg>logfile, #a foo bar..."23:06
kerionoob-users? on *my* N900?23:08
chem|stcrashanddie: my management was going uweeeee when I plugged it to the beamer and used an bt-pen for presentation23:08
RST38bishave you thought of integrating changes into titan's kernel?23:08
MohammadAG51RST38bis, I suggested it, but it might conflict while testing23:08
DocScrutinizerhthey woll com ebitching at us for 2 weeks, then ask for a working kernel and otherwise turn a way from it23:08
MohammadAG51hmm, I like the idea of something logging dmesg + usb statemachine23:08
crashanddiechem|st: yeah, I did a few presentations using the N900's TV output too23:09
mordpupnik: it /was/ rather scary23:09
* ShadowJK has lost a DVB box so far23:09
TiagoTiagohow does the main camera handles running behind a visible light filter (like a couple of layers of overexposed phpotographic film) ?23:09
chem|stcrashanddie: the office's equipment is quiet low so tv out is fair enough ;)23:09
ShadowJKwasn'r qucik enough to unplug it when thuderatorm appeared :)23:09
RST38biswell at least that huge gaping asshole of a storm did not stay23:10
DocScrutinizermord: see? we need to know what we want to ASK before we deploy a kernel for users to give us the ANSWER23:11
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: ^^^23:11
DocScrutinizersorry mord ETAB23:11
mordDocScrutinizer: np23:11
TiagoTiagois there another channel for getting help with misbehaving default progs on the N900?23:13
pupnikchem|st: you not being stupid makes me wonder what you mean about 'notebook uses less power than n900'23:13
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: you also seen red areas bleeding out to the right, on TV out?23:13
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: like chan tabs in red on xchat illegible23:14
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: can't say I have23:14
DocScrutinizermaybe just my TV23:14
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: I only used pictures generated from PPT23:14
TiagoTiagoyou should try on a different device23:15
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RST38bisDoc: for a variety of reasons you wont get good tv output from N90023:15
DocScrutinizerRST38bis: I'm aware23:15
* lcuk has variable experience with tvout23:15
DocScrutinizerbut that particular effect is kinda bug23:16
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RST38bisred/blue bleeding is standard when trying to show high contrast digital picture on tv23:16
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DocScrutinizermhm, ack23:17
RST38bisand you have got a pal tv right?23:17
DocScrutinizerso the contrast too high on my TV23:17
TiagoTiagogot any test pic that would make that effeect obvious i can have?23:17
RST38bisyea if you can lower it do23:17
RST38bisor you can try lowering it with resistors23:18
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DocScrutinizerwell it's probably the sensitivity of AV-in of TV that's mismatched to N90023:18
DocScrutinizeryep, exactly23:18
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TiagoTiagoi haven't noticed any artifacts in my tv while display the tv-out from my N900 so far23:20
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tobis87DocScrutinizer: Could you not just make this experimental kernel dependend on a script which runs in the background. And this script would query all informations you would need and send these if the wifi would be connected? I don't like the idea, since it is how mirco$oft would do it, but it may be neccacery for the noobs.23:20
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TiagoTiagoi mean, other than the stretching due to brightenss and thefuvked up tops scanlines; but those issues are of the TV hardware itself, any input  will have them23:22
TiagoTiagofucked up*23:22
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RST38bisnot quite23:23
DocScrutinizertobis87: sure we could - just we didn't discuss THAT yet23:23
RST38bisdigital sources tend to generate high contrast output with higher resolution than tv can handle23:23
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TiagoTiagohm, i've just switched it to pal and it's a mess23:24
RST38bisthis causes all kinds of artefacts, especially if this analog output is shown at digital tv panel23:24
tobis87DocScrutinizer: This just came to my mind, I think they did something like this for ubuntu as well, I remember uninstalling it was first thing I did.23:25
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TiagoTiagogonna try hooking up directly to the TV insteada going thru the VCR to see if gets any better23:25
pupnikdoes X11 have temporal dithering?23:26
TiagoTiagodamn fatass CRT with plugs only in the behind :/23:27
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DocScrutinizerpupnik: ?? only with >200fps?23:28
pupnikDocScrutinizer: i dislike banding, my eyes seem to be very sensitive to it23:29
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DocScrutinizeryou mean that rainbow thing seen on colorwheel projectors?23:30
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TiagoTiagocurious, my TV doesn't even show colors with PAL directly pluggrd.....23:32
DocScrutinizermaybe it's not a PAL device? :-D23:32
TiagoTiagolike with 16 bit gradients?23:32
TiagoTiagoit acepts NTSC, PAL-M and -N23:33
DocScrutinizerhmm, but probably does no good job on autodetect23:33
TiagoTiagowhich PAL does the N900 sends?23:34
DocScrutinizerseems you'll need to kick it to PAL23:34
TiagoTiagoset it manually to each format, still black and white, with some of the grays waving moire patterrns23:35
RST38bishmmm, xchat does not run browser on url click23:35
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kerioRST38bis: url hold23:36
TiagoTiagoit also got some dashes just above the screen (the TV is 4:3) on the top left side23:36
DocScrutinizerRST38bis: click&hold23:38
TiagoTiagoalso for some reason it seems to wobble side to side kinda like how when the degaussers are running, but not as strong and no rainbowing23:38
RST38bisah! thanks!23:38
TiagoTiagoi need a new TV :\23:39
chem|stTiagoTiago: I don't even own one...23:39
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TiagoTiagoa program to gerate images that got patterrns like those ties and suits that flicker colored moire patterns would be fun23:40
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TiagoTiagohm, now i'm getting the same issue with pal via the VCR...23:42
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keriooh ffs my vibra is stuck again23:54
kerioi really need to send it to repairs :(23:55
TiagoTiagobe back in a bit23:56
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