IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2010-08-08

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SwedeMiketimeless: GSM is GSM, and it's 2G (or perhaps 2.5G). UMTS is 3GPP 3G, and I'd say that most of the world 2G and 3G is GSMA/UMTS, and it's perfectly valid to use them as such.13:20
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TiagoTiagowhat about WCDMA?13:21
timeless3G/3.5G/4G are generation markers13:21
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timelessthey do not specify the technology13:22
timelessbut when you say13:22
SwedeMikesince the N900 doesn't support anything apart from the GSMA/3GPP stuff, I don't see your objection as valid.13:22
SwedeMikeit's all a matter of context.13:22
TiagoTiagohm, according to Wikipedia, W-CDMA is also known as UMTS-FDD13:22
SwedeMikethe N900 will display 2G for GSM, 2.5G for GSM with EDGE, 3G for UMTS, and 3.5G for HSPA13:23
SwedeMikeand I think this is perfectly valid to talk about in this context.13:23
SwedeMikeand trying to besserwisser people into not using that will only cause confusion.13:24
SwedeMikeyes, it might not be perfectly valid in all parts of the world, but in the context of N900 talk it's perfectly valid.13:24
MohammadAG/dev/mtd5 shouldn't affect the N900's NOLO right?13:24
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timelessthe conversation included a worldwide context somewhere13:24
TiagoTiagois the N900 capable of measuring signal intensity/quality for more than one cell tower at once?13:25
MohammadAGshouldn't charging be handled by the kernel?13:25
SwedeMiketimeless: that was me, stating I had travveled and it working in several parts of the world which run things that the N900 supports.13:25
SpeedEvilTiagoTiago: yes, but no.13:25
TiagoTiagohow so?13:25
timelessTiagoTiago/Stskeeps: fwiw, the n900 is missing a GSM-3G in the US13:25
SpeedEvilTiagoTiago: the hardware is quite capable of it.13:25
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timelessthe 3G band used by AT&T13:25
SpeedEvilTiagoTiago: The software in the modem does not allow this.13:26
timelesserr, s/Stskeeps/SwedeMike/13:26
timelessMohammadAG: the kernel is GPL or something13:26
SwedeMiketimeless: yes?13:26
TiagoTiagois this somthign witht he firmware or a program might be able to bypass the limitation?13:26
timelessif you want to keep the code non GPL, then sticking it in the kernel is a bad idea13:26
timelessswedemike: one of you wondered about the n900 covering all GSM bands worldwide, just noting that it doesn't13:27
achipa_afkJaffa: errr... ?13:27
MohammadAGtimeless, low level charging should be handled by the kernel13:27
Jaffaachipa_afk: Ta13:27
MohammadAGbme doesn't run with the device off afaik13:27
* timeless shrugs13:27
timelessthe kernel doesn't run w/ the device off13:27
SpeedEvilthere is also an 450MHz band.13:27
MohammadAGhmm, true13:27
MohammadAGbut afaik, bme doesn't handle charging at first13:28
MohammadAGcould be the bq27xx chip13:28
TiagoTiagois the code for the modem closed or is there hope for multiple tower stuff to be implemented?13:29
Jaffaachipa_afk: Is it supposed to build yet, or is it a "run it directly" job atm?13:29
MohammadAGTiagoTiago, closed13:29
MohammadAGyou could beg nokia to open it :P13:29
SpeedEvilCan anyone with the power kernel installed pastebin me find /sys -name "*current*"13:29
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TiagoTiagook, more than a sec :/13:30
Stskeepsactually its probably renesas you have to ask now13:30
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Stskeepsnokia sold off/moved their modem division to renesas13:31
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trumeeanybody used an A-data sdhc card? i am looking for some recommendations for sdhc13:38
timelesswell, because we're nokia13:38
trumeewould like to use it for nitdroid13:38
Jaffaachipa_afk: Ah, OK - then I'm using less software which needs voting than I thought! :-)13:38
TiagoTiagoah, i see13:38
timelessand it'd be bad if our device was brickable in a bad way13:38
Jaffaachipa_afk: Heh, just spotted a character encoding/UTF-8 bug. I love those :-)13:38
MohammadAGHmm, lesson to everyone here, never dd /dev/mtd513:38
SpeedEvilAnd worse if the device was usable for advanced hacking/freaking.13:38
TiagoTiagoofficially Nokia can' be for the possibility of people gettign their own modem firmwares running 'cause that would look bad 'cause of that mobile hacking tool law thingyt13:39
SpeedEvil(of the phone nets)13:39
SpeedEvilTiagoTiago: It can also disrupt emergency calls.13:39
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Jaffaachipa_afk: Looks very promising.13:39
SpeedEvilTiagoTiago: This can actually lead to people getting killed.13:39
TiagoTiagoI want a phreak machine *pouts*13:39
Jaffaachipa_afk: Happy to do some hacking on it too, btw13:39
timelesstiagotiago: get a gun and shoot it13:39
timelessthat'll freak it out13:40
timelessnote: the above is not official advice13:40
trumeetimeless: i have setup a freeswitch server for testing against Bug 10388. Have given the details to Mikhail (Nokia) and Olivier (Collabora). Hope they make use of it.13:40
povbotBug Choppy audio in SIP conversation, WLAN power save problem?13:40
timeless... you are not expected to actually act on it13:40
timelesstrumee :)13:40
TiagoTiagowasn't necessary, at least when dealing with me13:40
timelesstiagotiago: this channel is logged13:40
trumeetimeless: if only these guys came onto irc, sigh!13:40
timelessand i really don't want people to claim i gave out advice like that :(13:41
TiagoTiagoare people really that sue hapy?13:41
Jaffaachipa_afk: s/Recently installed/Software you're using that you haven't voted on yet: you leecher!/?13:41
timelessi really don't want to find out :)13:41
TiagoTiagothey could get the log and clip the non interesting parts out13:41
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TiagoTiagodoes pastebin works on the  default browser of the N900?13:42
SpeedEvilTiagoTiago: Many sites work, some that you don't expect.13:42
timelessi'm pretty sure i've used from it13:42
timelesswhy would pastebin not work?13:42
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TiagoTiagoi'm trying to load the page to post somthign there and it isn't showing the stuff13:43
timelesswhich pastebin?13:43
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TiagoTiagothe other day i read about this guy that figured out how to trick mobiles into conecting to his own mini tower and he was able to spy on calls, i think it was on defcon13:45
timelesshe set up a tower on a frequency not used/regulated in the USA13:45
timelessgave it a name to match something they were configured to look for13:45
timelessand ran it w/ a "i don't support encryption" marker13:45
TiagoTiagoto avoid law enforcement issues13:45
timelesssome phones said "oh hi there, can i make a call?"13:46
timelessit said "sure"13:46
timelessmore or less13:46
TiagoTiagoit was in the unregulated ham radio band or somthing13:46
TiagoTiagoit's interesting the unregulated band could be used to hack into people's cell conections13:47
* trumee is embarrased to ask timeless if he could check nokia internal bug (int-171987) to see whether there is any update.13:47
timelesslast reference is to
povbotBug 10388: Choppy audio in SIP conversation, WLAN power save problem?13:48
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trumeetimeless: thanks :)13:49
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* MohammadAG wonders if a 5V USB cable is enough to power the backup menu on the N90013:51
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timelesstrumee: in other words: the public bug has more current/better info13:52
timelessi think you guys have more or less managed to get the engineers into the public. congrats :)13:53
TiagoTiago keeps loading and loading and doesn't work :(13:53
timelessime sucks <period>13:54
TiagoTiagoehich one do you recomend?13:54
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timelessi tend to use pastebin.mozilla.org13:55
timelessbut you could try or or ..13:55
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timelessanyway, are you talking about the initial page or the submit result page?13:56
TiagoTiagonot getting any different result from either13:56
timelessi just used from one of my n900s13:57
TiagoTiagoit's working for you?13:57
timelessthat's from pr1.213:57
timeless~typing triggers urlbar; enable javascript; stop other web apps: no13:58
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TiagoTiagohave you seen that proposal for the 9 screens 2D swiping home screens?14:03
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TiagoTiagowho was asking for find /sys -name "*current*" on  power kernel?
timelessthe channel topic points ot irc logs14:12
MohammadAGwasn't it SpeedEvil ?14:13
TiagoTiagook, i checked the log, it was14:13
TiagoTiagois he still around?14:13
SpeedEviloh - yes14:13
TiagoTiagosorry about the delay, couldn't get pastebin to work on the device itself14:14
MohammadAGTiagoTiago, ssh ftw14:15
SpeedEvilTiagoTiago: hmm. Is there a bq27x00_battery module that you can modprobe?14:15
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SpeedEvilnvm if ou can't easily find out14:15
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, afaik there is14:15
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SpeedEvilyes - I'm just trying to work out the sysnode for the current it reports14:15
TiagoTiagoactually i copied it from the terminal and sent the contents in an email to myself and then copied it on my desktop and pasted on the site14:16
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TiagoTiagoseems it wasn't the fastest way to do it14:16
JaffaWow, created my first merge request.14:16
SpeedEvilThere is also 'pastebinit'14:17
SpeedEvilthough I never got that to work14:17
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, "And you will have a directory /sys/class/power_supply/bq27200-0 containing files: capacity, current_now, temp, voltage_now.14:17
SpeedEvilah - thanks14:17
MohammadAGand afiak, kernel-power uses that14:17
MohammadAG(Matan's patch)14:17
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SpeedEvilit may not be modprobed by default though14:18
MohammadAGhm, borked my N900 - again14:19
TiagoTiagoI wonder if i should make myself a t-shirt with a big QR code with the text "Hahah! Made you look!"14:19
SpeedEvilTiagoTiago: naah.14:20
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SpeedEvilA QRcode to a website with just an image of the QRcode14:20
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TiagoTiagoperhaps a link to Rick Astley's infamous video on youtube?14:20
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SpeedEvilOkaay. Searching HAM for power. I get 'power kernel updater' and 'power kernel (obsolete please remove this package)14:26
SpeedEvilis the kernel updater the package I'm looking for?14:27
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MohammadAGapt-get install that14:27
SpeedEvilI suppose I need to pull fcam first14:27
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Jaffaachipa: I've submitted a (one-line) patch to kisstester BTW14:29
achipaJaffa: already merged :) though your git setup is is not yet complete (you show up as "user" in the logs)14:30
Jaffaachipa: That's cos I committed it on the N900 and hadn't set it up as you say14:30
Jaffagit should stop you doing that14:31
achipaJaffa: no biggie, just saying in case you were not aware :)14:31
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achipaI'll go and fix the vote dialog now (it worked but I decided to change it to a mainwindow so we have stacked windows and pushed without realizing that change is only halfway through)14:32
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Jaffaachipa: Fixed for future14:32
SpeedEvilIs this a package in testing as yet?14:32
achipaSpeedEvil: it's so not in testing it's not even in devel yet :)14:32
SpeedEvilI meant devel14:33
SpeedEvilAnd suspected so14:33
achipaI want it to have at least minimum functionality before going to devel14:33
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SpeedEvilfair enough.14:33
achipaas in that you CAN actually vote14:33
Jaffaachipa: Suggest renaming "Recently installed" to "Awaiting votes"14:34
achipaalso, is there a way to obtain .install files from ?14:34
achipaI mean for extras-testing stuff ?14:34
achipaJaffa: agreed14:34
Jaffaachipa: I think so, but easier to just generate on the fly?14:34
SpeedEvilMaybe an initial testing version that can only vote on a test package?14:34
achipaSpeedEvil: good idea14:35
achipaSpeedEvil: if you're interested you can get it from gitourius14:35
SpeedEvilI don't have a toolchain setup on my laptop.14:35
achipaSpeedEvil: (for now)... no need to compile, just run14:35
achipayou just need pyqt on the N900 and you're good to go14:36
SpeedEvilah - right14:36
achipathat's the beauty of python :)14:36
TiagoTiagothere is a thread on with a link to get the fcam stuff that is comptible with the powerkernel14:36
MohammadAGrecompiled fcam-drivers14:36
SpeedEvil - a simple script to show wake events.14:36
SpeedEvilAnd current battery usage.14:37
SpeedEvilI'm getting it working with power-kernels battery module too, and then moving on to fixing the rest of the page.14:37
achipaJaffa: note that the progress bar is flaky - don't bother fixing it, I'm doing it completely wrong, just added it so you don't wait half a minute wondering what's going on14:38
achipaJaffa, SpeedEvil : and of course, comments, patches, merge requests welcome :)14:39
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lcukachipa, Jaffa (morning!)  is kisstester in the repos already? or are you guys hacking from source atm until its stable/comfortable?14:41
achipalcuk: morning (err) ! the latter14:41
achipalcuk: no pushing to extras-devel until we're sure people don't get burned14:42
lcukcool, make sure it can vote on itself when its time!14:42
achipalcuk: heh, it will do that automatically ! (kidding)14:42
TiagoTiagoseems we need an addiotnal repo, somthing like extra-experimental for things even the developers themselves don't feel confortable with14:42
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achipaTiagoTiago: long ago, in a distant land, there was an idea... and it was called PPA :D14:43
TiagoTiagowhat does that stands for?14:43
lcukachipa, ++14:43
achipaTiagoTiago: personal/private package archive, as popularized by Ubuntu launchpad14:44
lcukTiagoTiago, small package repositories from single developers - if you want to track the code and apps a single person/group have been making before they are in official repos you use them14:45
lcukexceedingly good idea14:45
* timeless shrugs14:45
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lcukyes you do timeless14:45
TiagoTiagoi was thinking more about somthing that is centralized like the other extra,  but with an additional level of there be dragons14:45
achipabut we're beyond that point - OBS will probably change everything anyway14:45
lcukbut not everyone has hosting/skills to manage it14:45
achipaTiagoTiago: the point is that one dragon is enough at a time, you don't want to unleash all of them simultaneously14:45
lcuki see someone else watched "how to train your dragon"14:46
TiagoTiagoit would  be the place for devs to post unstable, WIP etc code, things that are expected to not be usable etc14:46
* lcuk actually read that line in thick viking/scottish accent14:46
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achipalcuk: heh, I just saw the trailer... intend to watch is someday tho :)14:47
lcukits fun14:47
timelessit's :(14:48
achipaTiagoTiago: yes, that's pretty much the concept behind launchpad with extra stuff like built-in bugtracking, roadmaps and all :)14:48
TiagoTiagobut would it be just another extra-* repo?14:49
achipaTiagoTiago: with a single repo, the problem is interdependent projects14:49
lcukTiagoTiago, it would be a choise to say "ahhh I like achipa's apps and branches and want to have them installed"14:49
* lcuk goes for coffee and bacon14:49
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TiagoTiagothat is diferent from a very experimental unstable etc repo14:50
lcuknot really14:50
lcukachipas stuff is unstable :P14:50
achipalcuk: pfft :D14:50
lcukTiagoTiago, having everything in one repo makes it hard to differentiate14:51
achipalcuk: unstable is the wrong word. It would have to work in some way in order to be unstable, right ? :P14:51
lcukjust because I want to track some new cool app14:51
TiagoTiagodifferentiate  what?14:51
lcukdoes not mean I want to update all the instable ones14:51
lcuknor manage which I update on an app by app level14:51
achipaTiagoTiago: I want always the latest mplayer, but not ukeyboard14:51
achipaTiagoTiago: and I don't want always to upgrade one by one - as lcuk says14:51
TiagoTiagoi think we are talking about two different concepts14:52
achipaTiagoTiago: yes, but the PPA is far more often what people are after14:52
lcukTiagoTiago, if ppa were implemented, -devel would revert to being as you say14:52
achipa(the experimental repo means something else, even in Debian)14:52
TiagoTiagowhat does it mena?14:53
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achipaTiagoTiago: experimental is (almost) literally just a dump, there is little to no requirement to fullfill dependencies, and it is not a full repo (i.e. you don't always go through it to get to unstable)14:55
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* achipa goes off to fix the vote dialog (finally)14:59
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Corsachmhm, is n900 requesting usb chargers to be smarts? (I tried using a car charger/usb-adapter and it didn't charge)15:05
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lcukmorning wazd \o15:05
ShadowJKd+/d- shorted15:06
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wazdlcuk: greetings from Mordor :D15:06
wazdhello all :)15:06
wazdSauron's kingdom looks pathetic next to Moscow :D15:07
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BluesLeecan someone help out with skype viedo call?15:10
BluesLeei dont see an option to do a video call, only "skype call"15:11
CorsacShadowJK: so that means “smart”? :)15:12
ShadowJKnot really15:12
CorsacShadowJK: I mean, random usb-adapter won't work15:12
ShadowJKit's how dumb chargers should identify themselves as dumb charger15:12
TiagoTiagotry rebooting15:13
TiagoTiagosomtimes it shows somtimes it doesn't, if someone enables their video durign the call (or call you with their video already enabled) the phone app will show the option of you starting your own video during the call15:14
CorsacI had car chargers, one with standard female A connector, the other with miniB male15:14
TiagoTiagoi haven't figured out yet what makes the option in the contact only show somtimes15:14
TiagoTiagoanyway, i'll go lay down for a bit, cya15:14
BluesLeeTiagoTiago: thanx15:14
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TiagoTiagogood luck :)15:15
BluesLeeTiagoTiago: i saw a similiar hint on talk.maemo.org15:15
BluesLeenow i deinstalled my pidgin protocols, hehe15:15
TiagoTiagoanyway, cya15:16
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SpeedEvilOkaay - that's bad - install powerkernel, and vi segfaulted.15:18
SpeedEvilI thought it came with non-overclocked settings.15:18
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kwtmCorsac: I just started looking at this discussion.  Having trouble charging the n900 with car USB charger?  I know why.  Is that the problem, or should I go back and review earlier records of this discussion?15:29
kwtmOh, ShadowJK already has it under control. :)15:29
ShadowJKthat was his problem15:30
kwtmAgree that it's dumb that you need to short D+ and D- to charge the N900.  The whole thing would have been solved by a single 100k (say) resistor, which would have cost Nokia, what, $0.25 to install?  duhhh...15:30
kwtmAnyway, I plan to buy a short USB extension cable and solder D+ and D- so I don't have to solder either my car chargers or my Nokia USB cable.15:31
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kwtmIdeally it would be a small USB adapter that plugs into USB type A plug and accepts also a USB type A plug, but since that adapter would be absolutely useless before I solder the D+/D-, no one would sell such a thing.  I guess the USB extension cable would be the next closest thing.15:33
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Corsackwtm: basically yeah, I had problem with usb car chargers15:34
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kwtmCorsac: Just to be clear: it's solved now, right?  Or, at least, you know how to solve it?  Or should I tell you the answer?15:35
Jaffalbt's OBS plan contains PPAs. And that's for Fremantle, Harmattan and MeeGo15:35
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SpeedEvilkwtm: no - the hardware can charge without d+ and d- shorted - it's a software/USB certification thing.15:36
Corsackwtm: well, I know the theory (putting a 100k resistor between D+ and D-), now I'm not sure how to do that (since I don't have any resistor, soldering iron or whatever at hand :)15:36
kerioSpeedEvil: can't we hack the n900 so it sucks as much power as it can?15:37
ShadowJKkwtm: uh it's not a hardware requirement to have resistor/short there, it's a policy/standards thing15:37
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SpeedEvilkerio: it's a several line script.15:37
keriooh noes15:38
ShadowJKvoltage only and unconnected D could be a PC, and if you pull full power from that you could disable/kill the usb port15:38
ShadowJKoops, talling ontop of SpeedEvil15:38
keriois a full bme replacement in the works then?15:38
sebastianhaanyone knows where I can get the sources of the tuxracer and gltron ports to n900 by mikkov?15:38
SpeedEvilkerio: yes15:38
keriois it ready?15:38
kwtmShadowJK: I know it's not a hardware requirement.  But it would be SOOoooo easy to do!  Just in case, you know, Nokia doesn't have any software engineers capable of making the N900 charge even without a data connection.15:39
ShadowJKnot really15:39
crashanddiehmm, sounds like there's a big fire in the area -- just saw a couple dozen firetrucks fly by with sirens and all15:39
ShadowJKkwtm, I can make it charge without data connection15:39
kwtm ... or a product manager who thinks, "Gee, I wonder if I should allow our customers to use car chargers to charge the N900?"15:39
SpeedEvilNo - it needs more work. Donations of hot thai live-in workers to help me with the housework would increase my output on hacking stuff.15:39
crashanddiekwtm: erhm... you don't need data connection for charging15:40
SpeedEvilkwtm: modern car chargers implement the charger spec15:40
SpeedEvilwhere modern is perhaps 2 years designed15:40
ShadowJKkwtm, I have a car charger that complies with USB Charging spec. It works fine with n900 out of thw box15:40
kerioSpeedEvil: huh, are you sure that won't *hinder* the development?15:40
SpeedEvilkerio: yes.15:40
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crashanddieSpeedEvil: is "hacking" a euphemism, then?15:41
keriohacker? i hardly know 'er!15:41
BCMMthis promises to be amusing15:41
kwtmShadowJK: Weren't you the one who sent me the script to allow the N900 to ignore the floating D+/D- inputs?  But the casual N900 user shouldn't need to find and run this software in order to use a car charger.15:42
crashanddieand they don't15:42
crashanddiejust use a proper charger15:42
keriothe casual n900 user should buy a good car charger15:42
ShadowJKkwtm, a car charger should be properly designed in the first place15:42
keriothe fucking cheap bastard15:42
crashanddieand not wire the USB cable directly to the battery15:42
SpeedEvilcrashanddie: But it charges _really_ fast like that15:42
kerio(also, the n900 has no end users)15:43
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crashanddieSpeedEvil: oh yeah, it even goes faster than the car :D15:43
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kwtmWell, I'm just thinking of the case where I am travelling with the N900 and for some reason lose my charger.  Then I go buy a charger locally.  That charger may or may not implement the proper spec.15:43
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crashanddiekwtm: again, products don't try to tackle every exceptional worst case scenario15:43
kwtmSo, perhaps my needs/expectations of the N900 are different: I want it to be portable and adaptable so I don't need to bring a whole bunch of peripherals.15:43
crashanddiekwtm: if you lose your charger, though. Use a USB cable and your laptop or buy a proper charger15:44
Corsactbh I have to admit I just bought a car charger in a mobile store15:44
ShadowJKI'd claim chargers that don't implement usb charging spec are defective :P15:44
Corsacso yeah it's not a nokia-certified one, but I assumed it would be a conforming one15:44
kwtmThis was based on my experience with my Treo650: I was stuck without a charger overseas, so I hit about a dozen electronics stores trying to get a charger for the non-standard port/non-standard battery, with no luck.15:44
crashanddiekwtm: I built my own USB-hub-hacked-USB-periperhal-charger that is mounted on my motorbike, so it can't be that hard15:44
kwtmI thought, "Boy, if I had a N900, I would be able to just buy a standard microUSB cable and charge it from anywhere!"  But I guess such is not the case.15:45
crashanddiekwtm: I'm about to stop you from trolling15:45
kwtmcrashanddie: You're kidding, right?  "I was able to do it, so it can't be that hard."  I am able to do it, too, but not if I'm travelling and don't have a soldering iron ready.15:45
ShadowJKProblem is it's hard to find standards compliant charger ;p15:45
kwtmWho's trolling?  I think it's valid to expect that the N900 is a portable device to be used when travelling, when one might not have all the resources available from home.15:46
kwtmShadowJK: Agreed.  So I think the easiest way to get around this is to15:46
kwtmcreate a USB cable/adapter with D+/D- shorted.15:46
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kwtmIt does mean that you have to carry it around when travelling, so it would be equivalent to15:47
ShadowJKBuy a shitload of chargers repeatedly and return the ones that don't work, eventually manufacturers stop making crap ;p15:47
crashanddieI'm starting to get really tired of all the whining kids going "OMG, I paid 500 bucks and it doesn't cover the exact specific use case of mine, LOOOOOOSSER"15:47
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ShadowJKyeah my car cost 9000 and I can't use the cheap heating oil in it15:48
ShadowJKnot even diesel!15:48
kwtmneeding a special adapter (just like the Treo does have a USB adapter available for $25 ... which I couldn't get on short notice while travelling overseasl)15:48
ShadowJKI have to use something called petrol15:48
crashanddieShadowJK: omg, sucks15:48
crashanddieShadowJK: return the car! Go whine on #manufacturer!15:49
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crashanddieShadowJK: like, what if you happen to be in the middle of africa, and they don't have this proprietary petrol you talk of which your car uses, like, HOW CAN THEY BELIEVE THE CAR IS USABLE IN SUCH CONDITION???15:49
ShadowJKand also they're mixing ethanol or something at manplaces now, and it's hard to tell in advance what you're going to get :/15:51
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crashanddieI don't like the E10 petrol though15:51
crashanddie(on a more serious note)15:51
crashanddieApparently it's corrosive with specific engines (my bike has that problem)15:51
crashanddieSo last time I had to do 20 miles to get normal 95 petrol15:52
korhojoait's the plastic parts that sometimes aren't ethanol resistant15:52
korhojoathey can withstand the solvent capability of normal fuel but not ethanol15:53
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crashanddieplastic or rubber?15:54
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V13Anyone can help with gtk ?15:57
lcukV13, ask question and perhaps someone will know15:57
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V13i try to add support for portrait mode and I need to relayout my widgets.15:57
V13but I fail miserably...15:57
SpeedEvilIsn't 'portrait' mode simply the window being resized to 400*800 not 800*400?15:58
V13I am not destroying the widgets. Instead I try to create some new HBox/VBoxes and put the in there..15:58
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, it's just a flag, yes15:58
V13SpeedEvil: I believe yes, but to have a proper display you have to re-layout the widgets.15:58
V13else the window is ugly.15:59
V13and I fail on re-layout.15:59
V13I'm using python but this should not be the problem.15:59
V13Anyway, the problem seems to be that I cannot change the widgets once they are parented.16:00
V13I tried remove() and add(), but no good16:00
V13I tried reparent()... same...16:00
lcukhmmm v1316:01
V13If anyone has written any gtk app with portrait mode support, should have faced that.. or I'm doing something very wrong.16:01
* lcuk wonders why there isnt an orientation flag on a Box widget but thats a different question16:01
V13no need for that.. I've two columns of widgets in landscape and I need to make it one column in portrait.,16:02
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V13(it's the configuration window)16:02
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lcukv13, screenshots help to explain your thinking :)16:03
V13imagine two columns of options in landscape that don't fit in portrait.16:03
V13so you just create one column with all options16:03
V13it's like: .. and :16:04
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V13anyway. that's not the problem.16:04
V13the reparenting thing seems to be16:04
lcukbut if I were to go and ask people who *would* know the correct way to deal with this, rather than trying to explain in 2000 lines, one screenshot would do the job16:05
V13ok.. here's the question. I've an HBox() and a widget in it. Can I move the widget from this HBox to a newly created VBox() ?16:05
V13(no need to explain more)16:06
crashanddieV13: no16:06
crashanddieV13: not easily, and you'll end up with memory leaks16:06
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V13so I need to create a new set of widget from scratch ?16:07
crashanddieV13: just store the widget state, delete hbox and widget, and reinstantiate in vbox16:07
timelessain't gtk awesome?16:07
V13it sucks :)16:07
timelessupgrade to html :)16:07
V13that was just the confirmation16:07
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V131000x thanks crashanddie16:07
* V13 goes back to the coding cave16:08
lcukgtk can reparent i am sure16:08
V13it can.. but it doesn't work as expected.16:08
crashanddielcuk: and everytime I've tried it, over the past 6 years, it's always buggered me16:08
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lcukstop painting a target on your ass then16:09
crashanddieoooh, so that's why the dart competition hurt so bad16:09
crashanddieI remember an old hack in C where you had to malloc() and memcpy() the widget, then re-parent it16:09
lbtJaffa: quick FYI .... we've installed OBS on new HW at OSU. need to setup projects and get an audit I think16:09
crashanddieI doubt that the python libraries support reparenting16:09
crashanddieanyway, I'm out, 'later all16:10
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* lcuk likes new kylie song16:17
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SpeedEvil np: Blondie - Maria.16:19
lcuki'll listen16:20
lcukbut you just reminded me of heart of glass16:20
lcukand I recall childhood16:20
SpeedEvilHeart of glass is great too.16:20
SpeedEvilMaria does not however disgrace it - which is surprising.16:20
lcukmy mother will be pleased I am listening to crappy songs16:21
* SpeedEvil wishes ISPs were compelled to provide a 'you have used this much data' API16:21
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* SpeedEvil ponders modern music.16:21
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SpeedEvilI think Florence and the machine - My Boy Builds coffins - is one of my current favourites.16:21
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* lcuk shall have to see when Kylie is coming to UK again for concerts16:22
lcukor shall find a way to see her elsewhere16:22
SpeedEvilDownload mastalker.16:23
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SpeedEvilP2P coordination of stalking. With scheduling, to ensure a 24*7 watch on likely locations.16:23
lcuktwitter exists for that16:23
ohwhymehey SpeedEvil16:25
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ohwhymei remember you told me about t-mobiles internet for 20 pounds16:25
ohwhymecan you get that anymore?16:25
ohwhymecause i just got my sim card16:25
SpeedEvilyes - I think so16:25
ohwhymecant seem to find the deal for 20 pounds for 6 months16:26
lcukSpeedEvil, thanks16:26
SpeedEvilthey hide it.16:26
SpeedEvilFor some reason.16:26
SpeedEvillcuk: thanks? For anything in particular? /me is confused.16:27
ohwhymethanks man16:27
lcukSpeedEvil, enjoying blondie16:27
lcukthe neighbours are too16:27
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* SpeedEvil was listening to radio 1 - the ibitha set from GrandMaster Flash. Awesome.16:28
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SpeedEvilI regret that my sound system only went to 14.16:28
lcukmy little speakers are straining, but the high pitched sounds are getting through16:28
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* lcuk goes for chip butties at Carl Winterbottoms16:29
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SpeedEvilThat reminds me of SirMix-A-Lot.16:29
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ohwhymewhat speakers do you have?16:31
lcuksome labtec ones16:31
* lcuk is ashamed16:31
* SpeedEvil is more ashamed.16:31
SpeedEvilWhich is surprisingly loud, and OK quality.16:32
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SpeedEvilI need to hook my speakers up again - but I've mislaid my class D amp board.16:32
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* lcuk once had a party at home16:34
lcukmy entire large bedroom window bowed to the music16:34
lcukand cupboard boards fell on peoples heads when we were jumping around16:34
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lcuk(to jump around)16:34
lcukit was a great party16:35
lcukpolice came :$16:35
* lcuk starts on coldplay16:36
lcukviva la vida kicks ass16:36
* lcuk might make that an intro to something16:37
MohammadAGlcuk, lol @ police part16:37
lcukMohammadAG, yeah they had complaints about the noise from the next street16:38
lcukdave answered the door in his underpants I believe16:38
MohammadAGheh, someone called the german police on us while we were in germany16:38
lcukor we managed to hide him16:38
MohammadAGthey brought a translator with them16:38
b-mansounds like it was a crazy party xD16:38
lcukb-man, it was an awesome party16:39
lcukwe blew up a stereo16:39
MohammadAGus? nope, 10 5800s all on the same song16:39
lcukand happily managed to produce an identical drop in replacement16:39
lcukthat was awesome magic16:39
lcukthere were gatecrashers too o_O16:39
MohammadAGROFL, how do you blow up a stereo?16:39
luke-jrMohammadAG: a bomb?16:39
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MohammadAGluke-jr, yeah, I should know that16:39
lcukMohammadAG, drastic impedence mismatch on the outputs or beer poured into it16:40
DocScrutinizerpoor EE16:40
MohammadAGlcuk, I'll go with the beer16:40
lcuko_O @ original version of James - Sit Down.16:41
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lcukthats awesome I havent heard that before - its very close to the released version16:42
lcukbut its just different enough to be cool16:42
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* lcuk is pleased he put on music today16:44
DocScrutinizerbuuurrrp, OMFG. How will I make sure nobody installs *#-ena to PR1.0.1 etc?16:45
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lcukDocScrutinizer, technically add a dependency (and use it) that reuqires pr1.2?16:46
DocScrutinizerseems the pkg needs a RDEPENDS or whatever, to latest16:46
V13IIRC, PR1.2 uses a different repository.16:47
V13So if you upload it and it gets compiled, it will not be installable by PR<1.216:47
* DocScrutinizer wonders...16:47
b-mani think it depends on what it is16:47
* lcuk shivers @ song on atm16:48
V13Of course anyone can get the .deb from the site...16:48
DocScrutinizerit's really my first pkg ever, and not vrn a 'real one'16:48
b-mansome library versions on PR1.3 are the same as PR1.1, some are not16:48
DocScrutinizeractually it depends on a certain version of dialer and cellmo I'd say16:49
DocScrutinizernot even sure about that16:49
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V13DocScrutinizer: Depend on mp-fremantle-generic-pr >= 10.2010.19-116:50
DocScrutinizerk, thanks mate16:50
V13but that's not 100% effective16:50
DocScrutinizersure, but good enough16:50
fralspreferably depend on the package that got updated?16:51
b-manthat should work for the most part16:51
V13I'd go with frals' suggestion if you know the package16:51
b-mani used that method for kernel-debian-img on my upcoming nitdebian port for the N90016:51
DocScrutinizerrtcom-call-ui, and errr cellmo?16:52
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fralsis it the modem firmware stuffthingy?16:52
fralscmtx-firmware might be the one?16:52
DocScrutinizerbut, on 2nd thought, new rtcom-call-ui won't work with old cellmo16:52
b-man(btw, just as a hint: nitdebian is structured very similarly to ubuntu-n8x0 ;P)16:53
b-manbut this time it will be complete16:53
b-manand i'm not releasing it until it's structurally finished16:53
DocScrutinizerso if A depends on B depends on C, then A needs to check for B but not for C16:54
b-manC should pull in necessary dependencies unless for a special case16:55
b-manin which A uses a special feature that C's dependencies don't provide16:56
DocScrutinizerstarhash-ena "interacts" with rtcom-call-ui, so checking for right version should suffice16:56
alteregoI feel soooo rough16:56
alteregoStag do last night.16:56
alteregoDrank from 8am until 4.30am16:56
TermanaN900DocScrutinizer, You could just make the package description "Dont be a nob - only install on PR1.2 kthxbye"16:57
b-mankinda like the kernel-power package16:57
TermanaN900alterego, you drank so much, time went backwards! :P (kidding)16:57
timelesswhy dont you just set a proper depends?16:58
fralsTermanaN900, or just set proper depends16:58
fralsbecause users dont read the description16:58
DocScrutinizertimeless: that's what I'm pondering16:58
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TermanaN900frals, frankly i think secretly calling them nobs is better than setting proper depends :P16:59
koala_manhow do I take a photo automatically or from the cli? I tried with a basic gst-launch line, which works but gives a tinted and blurry image16:59
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil might be able to help17:00
DocScrutinizerseems he knows a few "secret spells" for gstreamer17:00
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kkaldear friends. I have betrayed you17:01
kkalI have bought an android phone17:01
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DocScrutinizeras long as you don't start whining about it here now17:02
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, DocScrutinizer5117:02
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TermanaN900MohammadAG, hes too concerned about the android guy17:03
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kkalheh. spam is offtopic :D17:03
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marienzDocScrutinizer: might want to ban or at least quiet *!*@gateway/web/cgi-irc/* for a while17:03
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b-manno duh lol17:03
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MohammadAGworks equally well I guess17:03
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TermanaN900Anyway as i was about to say before the spamfag came17:04
fralsfwiw DocScrutinizer, i think its safe to ban as most people who arent spambots use freenode web iface17:04
TermanaN900does anyone actually know who that guy is that brought the android phone?17:04
kkalDocScrutinizer well I'd disallow unregistered users17:04
kkalerrr I mentioned buying an android phone17:04
DocScrutinizerwe don't like to +b/q $~a17:05
TermanaN900yes you17:05
TermanaN900does anyone know you?17:05
DocScrutinizerit has side effects17:05
* MohammadAG suggests bitching on #freenode17:05
kkalwell..... probably not17:05
MohammadAGI'm already there :P17:05
marienzDocScrutinizer: *!*@gateway* is *probably* a bit more wide than is really necessary (they started spamming through the wikia cgi-irc shortly after we've captcha-protected, which hasn't been spammed with since then)17:05
trumeeso if a phone is overclocked and later reverted to stock kernel. does that invalidate the warranty?17:06
MohammadAGmarienz, why aren't all webchats captcha-protected?17:06
kkalTermanaN900: I've had both the n800 and n810 and not deciding to get the n900 was a difficult decision for me17:06
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marienzMohammadAG: because we don't run them17:06
MohammadAGmakes sense, shut off all APIs17:07
MohammadAGoh wait, nvm, IRC doesn't support that17:07
marienzMohammadAG: webchats work by the server they run on (most of them) or the browser itself (java-based ones) connecting to us as a regular irc client17:07
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marienzMohammadAG: so unless we implement some kind of irc-level captcha we can't captcha-protect webchats not running on our own infrastructure (like this wikia one)17:07
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DocScrutinizerI'm going to throttle joins today...17:08
MohammadAGmarienz, yes I know, we run a private server on our site17:08
MohammadAGless users -> less spam though17:08
DocScrutinizerwill bite our ass on netsplits I bet17:08
koala_manis the camera app foss?17:08
janmaltehello together, i'm looking for a way to get more rootfs. There are several ways to do so at the maemo wiki. Could you tell which one is the best?17:09
MohammadAGfcam is17:09
DocScrutinizersomebody around here good with ircbots?17:10
TermanaN900DocScrutinizer, why, what do you want?17:10
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DocScrutinizerset up a bot on my box, to act upon multiple fast joins from same IP*mask*17:11
TermanaN900DocScrutinizer, why dont you just disallow fast joining with the channel mode?17:11
DocScrutinizerthere's e.g dropegg17:11
TermanaN900unless freenodes stupid ircd doesnt support that channel mode17:12
DocScrutinizeras join throttle isn't as configurable as that proprietary solution would be17:12
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achipaJaffa: if you're up to it, I just pushed a ver with a voting dialog that (gasp) actually displays, plus a few tidbits17:14
trumeeso if a phone is overclocked and later reverted to stock kernel. does that invalidate the warranty?17:15
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* DocScrutinizer coughs and mumbles "told ya it's not yet over.."17:15
trumeefrals, but if the phone is not fried is that still an issue?17:15
fralsyes, you still did something to it that voided the warranty...17:16
* achipa envies people who actually have warranties to worry about17:16
fralsits not something you can take back :p17:16
DocScrutinizer~tell trumee about omap-oc17:16
niko /1217:16
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trumeefrals, hmm. how does Nokia know that the phone has been OC17:16
achipafrals: if you have a car that has a warranty for 100.000km and you get to 120.000km, does the warranty get unvoided if you drive it 40.000km in reverse ?17:17
MohammadAGof course it does17:17
achipaor sth to that effect :)17:17
fralsachipa: :D17:18
fralstrumee: dunno, dont care :)17:18
* frals goes back to sc217:18
alteregoâ/lastlog alterego17:19
alteregowhoops :)17:19
TermanaN900trumee, your answer is yes your warranty is void, but if something happens and your a dishonest person, they probably wont take the time to check and your warranty will stick17:19
SpeedEvilWho was asking about gstreamer?17:20
koala_manI was asking about capturing an image, because gstreamer didn't white balance or focus17:21
SpeedEvilI have no idea aout how to get gstreamer to do that.17:21
koala_manI can post-process white balance, but not focus17:21
SpeedEvilyou could look at the source of lfocus17:21
koala_manI'll give fcam a try17:22
MohammadAGor fcamera17:22
DocScrutinizermeh, COFFEE, sudo make me C0FFEE17:22
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, user joerg is not in sudoers, this incident will be reported17:22
koala_manis it in any of the repos?17:22
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lcukcrap wrong chan17:27
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: cheap brazil remake?17:30
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lcukremake of?17:30
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lcukDocScrutinizer, its a followup to the walkin fridge/wardrobe one from last year17:30
DocScrutinizerBrazil, the first film a whole country was named alike17:30
DocScrutinizerdon't tell me you don't know Brazil by Terry Gilliam17:31
lcuki won't tell you then, and just google it17:31
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DocScrutinizerok, the trailer is errr humm.... not really representing the mood of the film17:37
DocScrutinizerbut it should suffice for a "Ohh THAT brazil, sure I've seen that"17:39
MohammadAGoh swell17:39
MohammadAGI flashed and now modest doesn't show Nokia Messaging17:39
MohammadAGdamn operator restrictions17:39
SpeedEvilapt-get remove modest17:39
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DocScrutinizergetting rid of Nokia msgs can't be anything particularly bad17:40
DocScrutinizerexcept maybe for Nokians who might be supposed to use it :-D17:40
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: at least brazil has kinda same tubing Heineken got in this ad17:43
lcukahhh DocScrutinizer its not unheard of17:43
lcukits just beer on call thats fun17:43
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lcuki saw a few weeks ago some guys had created a cool robot who would go and pull a selection of beer from the fridge and deliver it to you17:44
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lcukused high tech recognition and AI to perform it17:44
lcukMan: laziest of all17:44
DocScrutinizernot exactly17:45
DocScrutinizerthe effort to build that thing would dwarf the lifelong burden of fetching your beer the traditional way17:46
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DocScrutinizerprobably even regular service is more effort than delivering beer to a whole army :-P17:46
DocScrutinizerso you have to be both lazy and blind/stupid to build such a thing to easy your daily life17:47
SpeedEvilOr you have to find it a recreation.17:48
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SpeedEvilIf building the robot is cheaper recreation than - for exampl e- going out to expensive events - then you can't really count it simply as a cost.17:49
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DocScrutinizerbut then it's more the mere joy of doing it, rather than the benefit of it fetching your beer - if everything pans out every once in a while17:50
DocScrutinizernot exactly laziness related17:51
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* DocScrutinizer muses idly about bots stopping their attacks same moment they are quieted in a channel17:52
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DocScrutinizerwhat an asshole anyway... tried to read a few words of his spam. Disgusting and sad17:54
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trumeedoes ps3 six axis controller need a different kernel as well. can that invalidate warranty?17:58
timelessi sure hope it doesn't need a new kernel18:00
timelessthat'd be pretty impressive levels of fail, even for linux18:00
timelessok, wait a sec, i take that back, it'd probably be typical fail18:00
TermanaPlease be a macfag somewhere else18:00
timelessfwiw,i'm pretty sure that sticking your n900 in the washing machine voids your warranty18:01
DocScrutinizerbut, tbh, I fear the strings of spam are just a medley of the mails and posts to irc from the infected PCs rather that statements that skiddie made up18:01
trumeetimeless, ok i am lost on your response. does sixaxis need a separate kernel?18:02
DocScrutinizertimeless: nope, but starting the program does immediately :-P18:02
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trumeeand is that an issue with warranty18:03
timelesstrumee: i dunno18:03
timelessthe general idea is that doing something risky *can* void your warranty18:03
timelessbut the vendor can be nice and choose to service your product anyway18:04
DocScrutinizerbut installing a new kernel isn't per se such risky operation18:04
timelessor if it discovers serious damage which had to come from your voiding it18:04
timelesswell, let's use my washing machine example18:04
timelessif i do that and ask them to service my n90018:04
timelessthey're likely to laugh at me when they see the water damage18:04
timelessit'd be clear that the damage wasn't from proper care, and that i voided it18:04
DocScrutinizerand started the washing program, 95°C18:05
timelesssimilarly, if they see that you've burned out the chip18:05
timelessthen that too wouldn't happen from the warranteed software18:05
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trumeetimeless, i see your point18:05
TermanaDocScrutinizer, I don't know, I think I learned a thing or two from the spam. "Meth is the shortest word in the english language one can lisp while drunk and underage at a gay bar"18:05
Termanaand "Microsoft is the best thing that ever happened to computer users, ever."18:05
TermanaOr... maybe I guess not18:05
TermanaNo, I guess it wasn't that useful18:06
Jaffaachipa: Pulled newest version, once the "Already installed" button has been hit, and dpkg called lots, no packages get display: "Already installed" shown at the top of the screen (selected) with "Complete QA queue" alongside it, unselected.18:06
trumeetimeless, i guess that means sixaxis kernel is okay to install :)18:06
timelessyou won't hear that from me18:06
timelessbut yeah, i'd probably risk it18:06
timelessfwiw, i risked the nokia ipv6 kernel18:06
timelessof course, that bricked my n90018:06
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timelessand reflashing the kernel left me w/ a broken about dialog18:07
timelessflashing can be dangerous :)18:07
Termanatimeless, especially when your arrested18:07
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DocScrutinizertimeless: maybe helps your issue18:08
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Jaffaachipa: But if I switch to "Complete QA queue", it shows.18:09
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timelessi don't get an error if i run osso-product-info18:10
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DocScrutinizerheh, how about replacing the shaking-hands video by some nice porn, on next starhash-enabler update? Just for fun, and without prior notice :-P18:10
timelessmy flash screen has been replaced for ages18:11
DocScrutinizersorry, just getting silly18:11
JaffaDocScrutinizer: And that's why we have 10 day quarantine :-p18:11
timelesshave you seen my splash?18:11
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DocScrutinizerJaffa: no worries, will trigger on 2010-09-2418:12
timelessdoes everyone have /etc/osso_software_version?18:13
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DocScrutinizerls: /etc/osso_software_version: No such file or directory18:13
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timelessosso-product-info|grep VERS18:14
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DocScrutinizerNokia-N900-42-11:~# osso-product-info|grep VERS18:14
DocScrutinizertimeless: (flashscreen) is it >DONT PANIC< ?18:17
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timelessusing non global software18:18
trumeeit is uk firmware18:18
trumeethere is not much difference between this and global iirc18:19
trumeesomething different about fm frequencies i think18:20
timelessthe update cycle is worse in non global18:20
timelessbecause of nokia stupidity18:20
timelessthe regions have the ability to delay updates18:20
timelessto ensure "quality"18:20
TermanaHow can you delay updates when you make a global release and the other country firmwares would work anyway? :P18:21
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timelesstermana: 99% of people use OTA updates based on the notifier18:22
timelessno notice, no update18:22
timelessand the update is based on the meta package, which is distinct per regional release18:22
timelessanyone smart enough to replace the region w/ the global image doesn't suffer18:22
timelessbut isn't typical18:22
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trumeefirmware update is like once in four months. not something which happens everyday so can live with it18:24
timelesswe're lucky if we do them at 4 month intervals18:24
trumeeguess PR 1.3 going to take a long time then ;)18:26
* DocScrutinizer is googling timeless' quote about PR1.3 supposed to be out the latest on 2017(?)18:28
DocScrutinizertimeless: hope we don't have to call you out on that, -one day- :-D18:29
* timeless too18:29
timelessthat'd suck18:29
timelessbut i didn't say precisely that :)18:30
DocScrutinizer"and.. you know... 12 years is a long time. I really can't recall if maybe I was drunk or mentally disordered when and if I said such thing back in 2010"18:32
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TermanaLucky, we have logs18:32
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SpeedEvilTermana: Of the state of timelesses intoxication?18:32
DocScrutinizerlogs don't even log state of authentication18:33
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Termana-2oh really? they don't? shit!18:33
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DocScrutinizerQED (that's been me, the line above - for the logs)18:34
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TermanaI just grouped that in to my account18:34
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TermanaI wonder if there is a freenode rule about how many nicks you can register/group :P18:36
DocScrutinizer #Termana: so now you lost the game :-D Ircd logs on freenode are 5 min late to So now it's evident you grouped that nick, then posted the line I claimed would be mine :-P18:37
TermanaDocScrutinizer, you can't fool me. Logs might be 5 minutes late, but they don't get arranged into a different order :P18:38
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DocScrutinizerlog.freenode.nickserv [15:30] termana-2 grouped to account termana;18:42
DocScrutinizer : Termana-2  oh really? they don't? shit!  18:3318:42
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DocScrutinizerguilty, shoot him18:43
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TermanaDocScrutinizer, I call fake log. You aren't a freenode ircop - only an ircop would typically have access to logs of when I grouped my nicknames :P18:45
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* Termana wags finger at DocScrutinizer18:45
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DocScrutinizerTermana: try to prove that... 2012 at court :-P18:46
TermanaDocScrutinizer, 23rd of December is the court date I assume? :P18:47
DocScrutinizerdunno, depends on timeless' case I guess18:48
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DocScrutinizermaybe 4th of July 202818:49
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DocScrutinizerif we are all still alive then :-D18:49
V13the doomsday is near18:50
V13ls -ltr will be useless18:50
V13total chaos18:50
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DocScrutinizerTermana: at least the logs will survive, that's for sure :-D18:51
V13isn't that the end of 32bit unix timestamp ?18:51
V13nonono.. they'll be overwritten :P18:52
V13the time ring-buffer will roll over18:52
Termana23rd of December, 2012 is the the big 2012 doomsday thing - which is why I said that date :P18:52
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DocScrutinizerin fact I've seen such amounts of partially valuable data going down the drain by time ringbuffer - it's amazing18:53
V13indeed.. 7 feb 201618:53
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V13but 2038 is the end of the *signed* 32 bit unix timestamp :)18:54
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* DocScrutinizer yawns and ponders another coffee18:54
V13what's at december 2012?18:54
timeless"too late" :)18:55
DocScrutinizer2012-12 I'd say18:55
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DocScrutinizerfar away as well18:55
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* V13 waits for 203818:55
DocScrutinizerand for sure another month I'd not miss when vanishing into oblivion, here in Germany18:56
V13half of earth's population will fail to wake up because their alarms will have the wrong time..18:56
V13kitchen timers will fail, making the food burn18:56
DocScrutinizeryayaya exactly like y2k - what a lame joke18:57
V13well.. in fact this is not a joke18:57
V13i dare you to set the time of your computer to that date :)18:57
DocScrutinizery2k wasn't as well18:57
V13well.. it was... partially..18:57
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V13it can't be compared with the depletion of IPv4 addresses or the end of the unix timestamp18:58
DocScrutinizerwell at least ipv4 isn't a thing that gets used up on a regular basis18:58
lcukscrew all this, theres a more important set of variables that are due to screw up life as we know it18:59
lcukDoctor Who is near the end of all his regenerations!!!oneone11!!!18:59
DocScrutinizerlike in "the day the last IPv4 got void"18:59
V13doc: I've lost you18:59
DocScrutinizerV13: even if ICAN or whoever doesn't have any more *new* IPv4 to assign, the old ones still continue on to work happily19:00
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trumeeis it possible to write a script which kills the browser when a sip call comes in19:01
trumeeand even the media player19:01
TermanaI fear the worst, I have lost him to - he isn't responding to pings!19:01
V13well.. ICAN will be finished in a year, RIR's will finish in about two years (Except from RIPE which got the extra block already)19:01
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trumeei am always worried that my browser will eat up the cpu and i will miss the important call19:01
DocScrutinizertrumee: wtf would you want to do that? better hit the big red button and desintegrate the whole device19:02
V13DocScrutinizer: but what you describe is a concern by itself. First of all, there will be not enough addresses for mobile phones... second, the exchanging of IPv4 address is a headache. The BGP table could grow very large.19:02
trumeeDocScrutinizer, sip call needs 35% cpu. sometimes there isnt much remaining with browser and media player going19:03
DocScrutinizerV13: #1 is moot as GSM is usually over carrier NAT anyway19:03
trumeea quick killall browserd will be usefull19:03
DocScrutinizer#2 is a mere performance/resouces problem19:03
DocScrutinizertrumee: man nice19:04
V13DocScrutinizer: It's not a small problem. The size of the BGP table is quite a big concern.19:04
trumeedo browsers and media player have low priorties on by default?19:04
trumeewhat happens when a youtube video is on and a sip call comes in?19:05
V13anyway, based on the consumption of IPv4 addresses, the need won't be satisfied for a long time after the depletion.19:05
DocScrutinizerV13: yep, one day each cisco switch will have to have a mysql database19:05
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trumeei will be much happier with a killall command to be triggered when a call comes in19:06
DocScrutinizertrumee: ever thought about just *testing* it?19:06
lcukdon't let empirical testing stop wild ideas :P19:07
trumeewell said, i will test it19:07
DocScrutinizersure :-P19:07
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trumeebut is it possible trigger a shell script at all?19:07
DocScrutinizeriirc youtube vids stop playback as soon as some other screen is foreground19:07
V13not in my system.19:08
DocScrutinizertrumee: it's unix, everything is *possible*19:08
V13in fact i've let a video playing music a couple of times19:08
V13oh... unless you're talking for n90019:08
trumeeyes, but where should i trigger the script from?19:08
DocScrutinizertrumee: question is: does it *blend*? Err... make sense19:09
V13trumee: the easiest way is perhaps a python script that listens to dbus messages19:09
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trumeeV13. ah so there is a dbus message on an incomng call19:09
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* DocScrutinizer refuses discussing vapor concepts based on speculative scenarios19:10
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trumeeok. this is a starting  point then.19:10
DocScrutinizerno, this is beginning of madness19:10
trumeeDocScrutinizer, :)19:11
DocScrutinizeryou're re-implementing dispatcher priorities and scheduling, on a really messed up basis19:11
DocScrutinizeror - more colloquial - reinventing the wheel19:12
DocScrutinizerif your sip shit doesn't perform then rise prio (aka lower niceness). If this still doesn't help, run it RT-scheduled19:13
DocScrutinizer(which btw it probably already is, on maemo)19:13
V13doc: that won't help in case of heavy I/O19:13
trumeeDocScrutinizer, reality check atm is that sip calls dont work for me. so once sip is stable on N900 i will look into this19:13
V13only memory page locking can save you from this19:13
V13and heavy I/O some times means high memory usage, which is a usual sideffect of the browser19:14
sECuRESIP works for me19:14
trumeeDocScrutinizer, sip shit! doesnt perform for me at all atm19:14
lcukDocScrutinizer, is Brazil worth watching19:14
DocScrutinizerV13: sure, but heavy IO frequently is caused by swapping. I don't think killing a process will cause *less* swapping, at least initially. Au contraire19:14
* lcuk will go and get dvd from a friends if so19:14
trumeesECuRE, Bug #1038819:14
povbotBug Choppy audio in SIP conversation, WLAN power save problem?19:14
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: is one of my favourites19:14
V13doc: killing a process will immediately free the memory if it's KILL and not TERM.19:14
V13without any extra disk IO19:15
trumeesECuRE, 5 minutes of call is what i get before it garbles up19:15
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lcukDocScrutinizer, then I will19:16
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DocScrutinizerV13: sure, but you're not suggesting to SIGKILL several core processes of maemo, to make SIP perform - esp when the problem is wlan related as mentioned in above quoted ticket19:16
V13well.. no I don't.19:17
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V13I just said that higher priority will not help on a slow system because of disk IO.19:17
* DocScrutinizer refuses discussing vapor concepts based on speculative scenarios - once more19:17
trumeeDocScrutinizer, it is not related to wlan as per I but the jury is out on that one19:17
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DocScrutinizerV13: I've stated several times swapperd is borked by concept, as it doesn't inherit priorisation of the swapped process19:19
DocScrutinizerbut that'sclearly something you need to tackle in kernel (swapper daemon), not by messing around with randomly killing processes19:20
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V13well.. just like in some illnesses, sometimes you need to do this.19:21
V13you can't cure cancer so you kill cells.19:22
DocScrutinizerSIGSTOP will completely suffice to stop the process from trigering any further swapping, no need to SIGKILL19:22
V13well.. I was curious about that...19:22
V13whether STOP/CONT will do the job19:22
V13if it works then it would be perfect for what trumee wants19:23
V13of course, if the sip application was swapped out, it will still have a delay.19:23
DocScrutinizerSTOPed processes get no more timeslice, so aren't run anymore, so won't swap anymore19:23
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* V13 just remebered that STOP can't be ignored19:23
V13so it should work as advertised19:24
DocScrutinizersip probably isn't ever swapped out, should be memfixed19:24
V13i doubt that they memlock the SIP part.19:24
DocScrutinizerif it's not, then you're free to patch that19:24
V13well.. yes..19:24
DocScrutinizereasy one19:25
V13I'm also free to rewrite it, write one of my own, etc etc..19:25
V13hm.. regarding the "easy", I'm not so sure19:25
V13Never done this..19:25
V13and SIP has a lot of dependencies.19:25
DocScrutinizerdsme-tool --help - I guess19:25
V13I don't see a parameter for locking memory.19:26
V13and that's expected.. It would be cruel to memlock the whole process.19:26
V13hm.. rtcamm-call-ui has 32M VM19:27
V130kb locked19:27
DocScrutinizerV13: actually nope, dsme isn't managing that19:27
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V13csd, ohmd, libstartup... those have locked memory19:28
V13bme_RX too19:29
V13mission-control and telepathy-ring.19:29
V13but I've disabled sip ... let me check19:30
V13Nope, sofiasip doesn't have any locked memory19:30
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V13in /usr/lib/telepathy/, only telepathy-ring and telepathy-stream-engine are suid. only those can lock memory19:31
trumeetelepathy-stream-engine is what kicks in on a sip call19:32
V13trumee when you have a call check /proc/<pid>/status19:32
V13and see VmLck19:32
V13if it is non-zero then it locks pages.19:33
V13however, it may be using the suid bit just to get lower priority19:33
trumeeVmLck is 0kb19:34
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V13then try what DocScrutinizer said.19:35
V13whenever you receive a call send a SIGSTOP to the browser19:35
V13then , when the call is finished, send a SIGCONT19:35
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trumeeok, i will try that19:36
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V13is builder ok ?19:46
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V13I uploaded a package about an hour ago, it sent an OK mail but it is still not visible in the interface19:47
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SpeedEvilv13 - there have been mails that the builder is having issues19:59
V13the last hour ?20:00
V13thnks for the tip20:01
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: o/20:04
SpeedEvil||| (pink, green, blue) (shipped)20:05
SpeedEvil(to me)20:05
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lcuki guess today is credit card day, I have so many offers in mailbox that got through spam20:24
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* ShadowJK remembers a time when it was impossible to get a cc even if you went to the bank and dropped 5kE on their counter as collateral20:28
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lcukShadowJK, something has changed because suddenly I have about 15 places offering them that normally I wouldn't see20:31
ShadowJKWell your government /is/ spamming the banks telling them to lend moar :-)20:32
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SpeedEvilAbout fbreader. I hit a bug - DCC download speeds and ETAs completely broken.20:45
SpeedEvilI think this is due to the patches for low power - where would I sumbit bug?20:45
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lcukhey guys21:00
lcukanyone got an n810 to hand thats charged21:00
lcukif so, can you tell me result of "uname -m"21:01
lcukor 8x021:01
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timelessi have one in a box21:02
timelessnever used21:02
timelessor an n800 that's charged21:02
lcukI sitll have box for my n81021:02
lcukbut its been well used21:03
* lcuk has a little sticker over the light sensor still :)21:03
ShadowJKboth mine have custom kernel21:03
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lcukShadowJK, the -m is chip model afaik21:03
lcukso shouldn't change21:03
Jaffalcuk: armv6l21:04
lcukJaffa, ++ great, thanks21:04
ShadowJKLinux Nokia-N810-23-14 2.6.21-omap1 #1 Sun Apr 5 11:12:41 BST 2009 armv6l unknown21:04
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lcuk<lcuk> uname -m sounds good, hold on I will get it from all 4 places21:05
lcuk<lcuk> n900 == armv7l21:05
lcuk<lcuk> scratchbox == arm21:05
lcuk<lcuk> scratchx86 == i48621:05
lcuk<lcuk> ubuntu == i68621:05
lcuk<luck> and Jaffa just gave n810 == armv6l21:05
lcukShadowJK, thats normal uname stuff, I was interested in the cpu model underneath21:05
ShadowJKamrv6l is there too21:06
* lcuk nods21:06
lcuk\o ta21:06
* lcuk goes back to batcave21:06
ShadowJKmy PC would say amd6421:06
ShadowJKi think21:06
lcukyeah ShadowJK i really only needed to try and identify arm21:07
lcukbut wanted a sample of potential build environments to see if it was usable21:07
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nicholas-xhello :)21:16
nicholas-xcan someone please help me with my n900?21:17
nicholas-xi came from the link on wiki21:17
Ken-YoungWhat problem are you having?21:17
fralsnice weather in hel atm21:18
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fralseither someone is going crazy with a camera or there is a decent frequency of lightnings21:18
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nicholas-xi always get this message at  startup :21:18
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nicholas-xTo recover, you might have to reboot the device/21:20
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Ken-Youngnicholas-x, Are you sure your SIM is good - has it worked in your N900 in the past?21:20
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nicholas-xthank you , but yes,21:20
nicholas-xit is ok]21:20
nicholas-xi  get the same on other sim cards21:21
nicholas-xand even without them :(21:21
Ken-YoungHas it worked properly for you in the past?21:21
nicholas-xno problems21:22
alteregoOh wow, MIT opened up a load of course material21:22
alteregoLots of cool stuff there ..21:22
Ken-YoungDoes it behave in exactly the same way whether or not a SIM in installed?21:22
nicholas-xnow.... yes :(21:23
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nicholas-xis this important that the last time n900 shut down because my baqttery died?21:23
Ken-YoungI don't know.21:24
lcuknicholas-x, did you try removing the sim and reseating it21:24
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nicholas-xthank you for trying to help/ :) can you please tell me where can I ask for help?21:24
V13i might sound silly, but: Are you sure that the sim card is properly placed ?21:25
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V13do you have another sim ?21:25
V13or another phone21:25
Ken-YoungHave you inspected the contacts that the SIM card connects to on the phone, to see if there might be dirt or corrosion?21:25
lcuknicholas-x, please remove and reseat the sim21:25
nicholas-xyes, i tried the all - the same problem21:25
alteregoKind of want to learn chinese21:25
V13does it ask for pin when it startsup ?21:25
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nicholas-xI have my pin turned off21:26
nicholas-xi remembered 1 detail21:26
nicholas-xsettings app crashes when it comes to sim - card21:26
V13did you put the sim on another phone ?21:26
V13did it work ?21:27
nicholas-xit works just fine21:27
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V13did you try another sim on n900 ?21:27
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nicholas-xyes... unfortunately, the problem persists :(21:28
lcuknicholas-x, just to appease us, could you shutdown phone, remove battery and sim, resaet it, and then bootup.   after bootup, could you run dmesg and paste the console log somewhere if its still being a problem21:28
V13after trying what Ken-Young said, I suggest a reflash just to be sure that nothing in software was damaged.21:28
nicholas-x1 moment please. thank you guys for trying to help :)21:29
V13lcuk's comment is also a good one :)21:29
V13dmesg could give nice results21:29
V13or trying installing syslogd21:29
nicholas-xbtw,  can you please send me a link with flashing instructions for n00bs ?21:29
lcukv13, its good practice to try and diagnose using tools available without faff21:29
nicholas-xi user ubuntu21:30
lcuknicholas-x, continue reading the wiki you are currently on21:30
infobotsomebody said flashing was
lcukall hte info is on there21:30
nicholas-xok . rebooting....21:30
lcuknot reboot, shutdown, remove etc21:30
nicholas-xyes yes21:30
lcukthats important :)21:30
nicholas-xthanks :)21:31
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nicholas-xbtw, now my nokia now increased the bootup time twice21:33
nicholas-xoh-oh !21:34
nicholas-xwhat exactly should i  copypaste from dmesg21:34
V13if possible21:34
lcuki normally do dmesg >file21:35
lcukthan use a modern age editor to review21:35
nicholas-xplease explain to the noob :)]21:35
* V13 hands a candy to lcuk for his helpfulness21:35
lcukdmesg >/home/user/MyDocs/demesg.logfile21:35
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nicholas-xi am so sorry for being a n00b21:39
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Ken-YoungEveryone was once a n00b21:40
V13or is :)21:40
nicholas-xplese , where is the >/home/user/MyDocs/demesg.logfile21:40
V13aren't we all ?21:40
nicholas-xi connected nokia21:40
V13nicholas-x: If you typed this command in a terminal then you'll have the file "demesg.logfile" under MyDocs.21:40
lcukMyDocs is the normal location that is shared when you plug in the USB21:40
nicholas-xvia usb in mass storage mode21:40
V13That's the file you want to share (i.e. copy-paste its contents)21:40
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_llll_you can probably upload it onto a pastebin site21:43
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nicholas-x there is no mydocs folder though i ran dmesg >file21:43
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nIzQwow. crowded21:44
nicholas-xplease, guys , how can i copy from x terminal ?21:44
_llll_go to and click upload file21:45
V13don't try this21:45
V13( i mean the copy )21:45
nicholas-xi cannot find any dmesg file on my nokia :(21:45
nicholas-xi ran dmesg >file21:45
V13do you see other files from the MyDocs folder ?21:46
_llll_type "more file"21:46
nicholas-xno. only .documents folder:(21:46
_llll_proably need to do "mv file .documents/" before you can upload it21:47
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timelessMyDocs is sufficient21:47
timelessbut if you had a usb cable attached, myDocs wouldn't be mounted...21:48
_llll_this .documents stuff confused me endlessly21:48
nicholas-xi ran more file21:48
V13me too21:48
V13do you have an sd card instaled ?21:48
timelessMyDocs is the user visible root21:48
timeless.documents is your 'Documents' folder inside root21:49
timelessunless of course your locale isn't English21:49
V13timeless: yes, but it's not possible to only see .documents21:49
timelessin which case it's something else21:49
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_llll_except it isnt root in the sense im used to21:49
timelessoh forget it21:49
* timeless goes off to watch Sahara21:49
nicholas-xoh, should i do smth. more than check view hidden files in nautilus?21:50
V13anyway, run this: dmesg > /home/user/MyDocs/dmesg.txt then open a browser from n900 and go to, then upload the file dmesg.txt21:50
_llll_you did run this command on your n900, right?21:50
timelesstry *not* having your n900 connected via a usb cable21:50
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timelessthings will work a lot better21:50
timelessand in the future, pay attention :)21:50
_llll_or is nautilus what ubuntu users call every single graphical program?21:51
timelessnautilus is explorer21:51
timelessbut please take your n900 20' away from your computer21:51
timelessensure it has *ZERO* cables attached21:51
timelessand follow directions21:51
timelessthe directions are incredibly simple21:52
timelessas long as you follow them21:52
timelessotherwise, you just piss people off21:52
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nicholas-xi ran dmesg > /home/user/MyDocs/dmesg.txt21:53
nicholas-xcannot create21:53
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* timeless grumbles21:54
V13in n90021:54
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timelessyou don't have any usb cables attached, right?21:54
timelessand you're using the X Terminal on the n900?21:54
V13ok.. do this:21:54
V13cd  ; cd MyDocs21:54
V13in a terminal in your n90021:54
timelessv13: i think using 'mount' might make more sense21:55
timelessodds are it isn't mounted, possibly because it's corrupt or something21:55
V13timeless: He'd have to copy-paste :P21:55
ShadowJKalso mydocs isn't same as MyDocs21:55
V13timeless: that's what I thought :)21:55
timelessmount|grep fat21:55
timelessno c+p required21:55
ShadowJKtyping | though...21:55
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nicholas-xwait.. i've done cd  ; cd MyDocs21:56
timelessshadowjk: actually, it should be21:56
V13did it produce any errors?21:56
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V13type: dmesg > dmesg.txt21:56
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timelessoh, hrm, no, MyDocs and below is vfat21:56
timelesshence case insensitive21:56
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V13timeless: MyDocs is the mount point.. should be case sensitive21:56
timelessthat was stupid :)21:56
ShadowJKtimeless, 'MyDocs' directory entry is on ext3 though :)21:56
* timeless blames someone from 6 years ago21:57
V13nicholas-x: ok, now open the browser, go to and upload the dmesg.txt21:57
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ShadowJKwhat is this about anyway, why do you want his dmesg?21:58
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nicholas-xnow i see dmesg ! :)21:58
nicholas-xthank you!21:58
V13ShadowJK: he has problems with the sim card that are not related to the sim card itself21:58
V13ShadowJK: see the history21:58
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ShadowJKnothing useful there :/22:02
lcukagreed nicholas-x ShadowJK, bah22:03
nicholas-x... :(22:03
V13[    5.992950] mmci-omap-hs mmci-omap-hs.0: Failed to get debounce clock  <-- is this ok ?22:04
lcukit did give the message this bootup didn't it?22:04
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ShadowJKhow long did you remove battery for?22:04
nicholas-xnot this messege22:04
nicholas-xfor 1 minute and22:04
nicholas-xalso tried for 3 hours22:04
nicholas-xthe same22:04
nicholas-xit DID22:05
jacekowskiStskeeps: what do you mean by "at that point"22:05
Stskeepsjacekowski: no idea, but either way, u-boot is interesting to have.22:05
nicholas-xshould i flash my nokia?22:06
Stskeeps <- cool initiative22:06
jacekowskiwell, nand stuff has to be ported22:06
fralsi think he should probably install syslog and see if anything interesting gets logged22:06
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nicholas-xor bring to the  service center22:06
lcuknicholas-x, have you changed the area you live in?22:06
Stskeepsnicholas-x: i'd generally bring it to service center when seeing a probem like this22:06
* ShadowJK too22:07
lcuksounds reasonable Stskeeps22:07
nicholas-xi did not change :(22:07
fralswhats the message you get when you downgrade pr1.2 -> pr1.1 or similar?22:07
fralsie incompatible cellmo?22:07
jacekowskiwhere is that article about n900 keyboard i saw on wiki22:07
nicholas-xi cannot connect to ovi suite22:08
nicholas-xit does not recognise my n90022:08
jacekowskiis it in pc suite mode?22:09
nicholas-xthat's why i can't downgrade :(22:09
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V13nicholas-x I can only suggest a reflash, but before this perhaps you could open a thread in t.m.o or send a mail in maemo-developers. Perhaps you'll get more help from there. If you do so, state that you're new to *nix.22:10
jacekowskinicholas-x: what happened?22:10
jacekowskinicholas-x: it's just not detected by ovi suite or it's not connecting via usb at all?22:10
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nicholas-xovi suite stopped recognising n90022:11
timelesswhat did you do to do that?22:11
jacekowskido you have linux on your pc?22:11
nicholas-xthank you very much V1322:12
nicholas-xand windows 722:12
jacekowskiare you running it now?22:12
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nicholas-xrunning ubuntu22:12
jacekowskido you have flasher at hand?22:12
jacekowskiand have you backed up your data22:12
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nicholas-xi am sorry i haven't read about flashing yet22:13
jacekowskii would try to flash it22:13
nicholas-xwhat is flasher?22:13
jacekowskiprogram that does all the flashing22:13
nicholas-xcan you send me a link&22:13
jacekowskican you check if gps is working22:13
infobotrumour has it, flashing is
jacekowskicheck if gps is working22:13
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DocScrutinizerAT -> OK22:14
timelessbug 9391..22:14
povbotBug Cellular access unavaible with "no access" error but works after reboot22:14
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fralsheh, people in helsinki area recommended to stay inside during the storm \o/22:14
DocScrutinizerumm, trivial cellmo segfault or other lockup?22:15
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: well, cellmo has loads of failsafes22:15
timelessfrals: oh really?22:15
timelessyou mean trying to get killed by going outside isn't a good idea?22:15
* timeless can't imagine why22:15
nicholas-xi think it is ok but as far as i now don't have  3g i cannot establi9sh connection22:15
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: cellmo should restart faulted app and or do full reboot22:15
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* DocScrutinizer shrugs22:15
jacekowskinicholas-x: check if it can get lock22:15
DocScrutinizer*should* is the word22:16
jacekowskinicholas-x: it may take a while without internet22:16
timelessthere's a way for the modem to get truly wedged22:16
timelesswell a couple of ways22:16
nicholas-xsorry how can i check?22:16
jacekowskistart nokia maps or something22:16
DocScrutinizeryeah, outside22:16
timelessjacekowski: isn't Maep a better test?22:16
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jacekowskiand see if after couple minutes in open air you will get that red dot come up in top right corner22:17
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DocScrutinizerstill sugesting pnatd22:17
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nicholas-xwhen i start nokia mmaps my gps sign is croosed22:17
jacekowskiyeah, pnatd is a good idea as well22:17
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DocScrutinizerAT<enter> -> OK22:18
nicholas-x<jacekowski> ATI1<enter> is this for me?22:18
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jacekowskiwell, start pnatd22:19
nicholas-x<jacekowski> , please what is pnatd22:19
jacekowskiwell, have you tried rebooting first22:19
jacekowskia program22:19
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nicholas-xrebooting...  how to tart pnatd?22:20
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* DocScrutinizer suspects cellmo update might have gone wrong, or for any other reason modem FW may have suffered unrecoverable error. Reflashing the *cellmo* thing might help22:20
DocScrutinizernicholas-x: open xterm22:21
DocScrutinizertype 'root'22:21
DocScrutinizertype 'pnatd'22:21
DocScrutinizertype 'ATI1'22:21
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nicholas-xok thank you i'll try this , one moment22:22
nicholas-xroot not found22:22
nicholas-xi get an error : root : not found22:23
DocScrutinizerno problem22:23
DocScrutinizershould work without root22:23
DocScrutinizerpnatd will give you no reply22:24
DocScrutinizerjust type ati122:24
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DocScrutinizeror ati22:24
nicholas-xpipe endpoint allocation : operation not permitted22:25
DocScrutinizer~ $ pnatd22:25
jacekowskisudo gainroot22:25
DocScrutinizer~ $ id22:25
DocScrutinizeruid=29999(user) gid=29999(users)22:25
jacekowskils -la /usr/bin/pnatd22:25
jacekowskiusr bin?22:25
jacekowskidoes it have suid or something22:26
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jacekowskimy phone is dead at the moment22:26
DocScrutinizerit has afaik22:26
jacekowskiemergency charging22:26
nicholas-x ~ $ id uid=29999(user) gid=29999(users)22:26
nicholas-xi have this22:26
jacekowskiafter couple hours spent in my pocket with flat battery22:26
DocScrutinizerNokia-N900-42-11:~# ls -l `which pnatd`22:26
DocScrutinizer-rwsr-sr-x    1 root     root        12676 Aug 27  2009 /usr/bin/pnatd22:26
jacekowskihmm, so cellmo is dead22:27
nicholas-x... whar next? please22:27
DocScrutinizerreflash cellmo22:27
jacekowskidownload flasher22:27
jacekowskiand fiasco image22:27
infoboti heard flasher is
infobotsomebody said flashing was
jacekowskidownload flasher and fiasco image22:27
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nicholas-xand then flash ?22:28
DocScrutinizersomebody with better knowledge has to walk you thru exact steps to make sure cellmo firmware actually gets flashed22:29
nicholas-xcan you please explain what cellmo is?22:29
jacekowskicellular modem22:29
DocScrutinizerthe GSM part22:30
DocScrutinizeror "the phone"22:30
DocScrutinizersubsystem of your handheld linux computer22:30
nicholas-xi live in Ukraine and do not think anyone here can have experience with flashing n900 :(22:31
DocScrutinizerI'd recommend first do a normal rottfs flash, to rule out problems with linux system (if you didn't yet)22:31
DocScrutinizerrootfs even22:31
nicholas-xok.. thank you.. what command should i run?22:31
DocScrutinizersee ~flashing22:31
jacekowskidownload flasher22:31
jacekowskiand fiasco image22:32
DocScrutinizerCOMBINED image22:32
ColdFyreanyone used those chinese version of the nokia batteries for the n900?(the 1700-1900mAh)22:32
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DocScrutinizeryeah, but nobody survived to report about the great experience X-P22:33
jacekowskiColdFyre: well, these are not really 1700mAh for starters22:33
nicholas-xok... downloadind and installing flasher22:33
jacekowskiColdFyre: and may explode22:33
ShadowJKColdFyre, someone opened one up and found a 1000mAh battery cell inside22:33
DocScrutinizereven a can of Ravioli *may* explode22:34
ColdFyrei'll buy one of them from the US then so i can drive there and mug them22:34
ColdFyreif it explodes22:34
DocScrutinizergood plan22:34
nicholas-xcan you please tell me where to download those images?22:35
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: how to guarantee cellmo is going to get reflashed?22:35
ColdFyrethe ineternet22:35
nicholas-x<ColdFyre> the ineternet :))))22:36
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jacekowskinicholas-x: read the wiki22:36
DocScrutinizernicholas-x: you realized on that wiki page all the orange words are actually links to click on?22:37
jacekowskinicholas-x: everything is there22:37
nicholas-xok :)22:37
DocScrutinizernicholas-x: also carefully read the WHOLE description of procedure, esp don't miss n 3)22:38
DocScrutinizererr 3.22:38
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jacekowskiwhat's in 3?22:39
DocScrutinizererr 3.Ensure the battery is fully charged.22:39
jacekowskifuck yeah22:39
jacekowskireboot loop22:39
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nicholas-xbtw, do i loose warranty if i flash n900?22:45
luke-jrnicholas-x: only if you break it while trying to flash it22:46
luke-jrdue to your own fault22:46
luke-jrat least that's a limit set by the USA government(s)22:46
luke-jrno idea on internationally..22:46
nicholas-xok . thank you]22:46
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crashanddienicholas-x: the answer is: No22:48
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crashanddienicholas-x: Nokia is providing software updates, and flashing is one of the means of update, so there is no warranty void clause (unless you kill your device by being stupid, as luke-jr said)22:49
nicholas-xthank you crashanddie22:49
luke-jrcrashanddie: over here, it's illegal to void warranty unless someone actually does damage to the device ;)22:50
luke-jrthat is, maintenance by third parties is protected22:50
nicholas-xso as far as i understood i first flash Latest Maemo 5 Global release for Nokia N90022:51
nicholas-xand then22:51
nicholas-xLatest Vanilla version of the eMMC content for Nokia N90022:51
DocScrutinizer51no vanilla22:51
DocScrutinizer51just combined22:52
DocScrutinizer51aka maemo5 global release22:52
nicholas-xok :) thanks22:52
nicholas-xwill it flash cellmo?22:53
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DocScrutinizerI don't think so, but as mentioned above, you need advice of somebody more savvy with respect to that topic22:55
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DocScrutinizertbh I have no clear idea how flasher, NOLO bootloader and modem play that game of updating the cellmo firmware22:56
DocScrutinizerjacekowski should know a little bit more22:57
DocScrutinizeralso Stskeeps I guess22:57
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timelessw00t: thanks22:58
DocScrutinizertimeless: do you know how to force a cellmo reflash?22:58
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timelessdocscrutinizer: more or less22:59
timelessbut i don't have signatures so i can't cheat22:59
DocScrutinizertimeless: we don't want to cheat, just resurrect a dead modem22:59
DocScrutinizer(just in case reflashing of rootfs doesn't fix it)23:01
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DocScrutinizertimeless: so is cellmo version checked and fw updated just in case, when flashing rootfs the usual way?23:02
timelessi believe so23:02
DocScrutinizerfine :-)23:02
timelessyou can of course force things by dissecting the fiasco and only trying to flash the cellmo23:02
DocScrutinizeryup, that's how much I thought23:03
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ShadowJKi think there's also a way to trick the ssu cellmo flasher into flashing23:03
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DocScrutinizerbut anyway if it's done unconditionally on flashing rootfs, then we are probably fine with that23:03
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: sweet, how?23:04
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: nolo is flashing cellmo23:04
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: that's why I said we need to ask you :-D23:04
jacekowskiit would be nice if he would have serial connection to phone as well23:04
jacekowskito monitor progress23:05
jacekowskibut well23:05
DocScrutinizerhehe, yes23:05
timelesssomeone's greedy23:05
jacekowskifull flash should do the job23:05
DocScrutinizernicholas-x: how's flashing going?23:05
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, dunno, I saw it in one of the threads on downgrading to 1.1.1 after people flashed the leaked 1.2-pre23:05
jacekowskiyou can try coldflash23:05
DocScrutinizeryesyes, thought about that as well23:06
DocScrutinizeralas I never followed that whole topic closely, as pre1.2 never was a point on my list23:06
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nicholas-x<DocScrutinizer> cherging my n900 ;)23:07
DocScrutinizerooh, yes - good plan23:07
DocScrutinizerswitch off the screen (lock it) so it charges a bit faster23:08
nicholas-xit's turned off23:08
DocScrutinizerwhen green idicator LED you're ready to start the flashing adventure23:08
nicholas-xbtw can you plese tell me23:08
nicholas-xok :)23:09
nicholas-xi bought apacer 8 gb microsd for my n90023:09
jacekowskiok after looking at that part of nolo23:10
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nicholas-xwhen i copy files there I get mistakes in 85%23:10
jacekowskifiasco flash will only flash cmt if nolo thinks that it should be flashed23:10
nicholas-x'memory is read-only until fixed23:10
jacekowskilike older version or something23:10
DocScrutinizerhmm, then it's a bad card. Return it for a replacement23:10
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jacekowskiso if cellmo is dead then it should flash it23:11
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: that's what I expected, yes23:11
jacekowskibut doing flash with just mcusw firmware23:11
jacekowskiwill flash it as well23:11
nicholas-xok .. thanks23:11
jacekowskiso try fiasco flash23:11
jacekowskiif it fails23:11
jacekowskithen well, get it to nokia care23:12
nicholas-xi tried other microsd cards and the problem persisited23:12
jacekowskihave you tried overclocking it?23:12
DocScrutinizerwell, let's see what a normal reflash of / incl the phonet libs (or whatever they're called) will result in23:12
nicholas-xoverlocking my n900? i bought it 2 weeks ago23:13
DocScrutinizernicholas-x: maybe it's a series of poorly built cards. There's quite frequently such things23:13
nicholas-xofficial nokia-approved internet-shop23:13
DocScrutinizertry another brand and other size of card23:14
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DocScrutinizerjust for test23:14
nicholas-xok . thanks, bro )))23:14
DocScrutinizeralso try the problem card in another reader/system23:14
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nicholas-xoh, i love linux and my n900 ... but so much problems, questions...23:15
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jacekowskithat just the beggining of your problems23:15
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DocScrutinizerI got a 16G card that failed on my Freerunner phone after some 50..100k written, and on my PC after 600k..5M written (or somesuch)23:16
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jacekowskiwell, freerunner was a design failure23:16
DocScrutinizernicholas-x: (problems, Qs) that's why you are in here - partially - so you can learn23:16
jacekowskiit reminds me shower radio i saw some time ago23:17
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: you are a ... err you got a point there23:17
jacekowskiso you can hang it on something in shower23:17
nicholas-xyes. but i was glad i managed to install LXdE23:17
jacekowskiand freerunner look almost the same23:17
nicholas-xvery impressive device.. hardware :)23:17
jacekowskicolours are different but thats all23:17
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jacekowskii'm just not sure23:18
nicholas-x:) truly open-source (or free) phone23:18
jacekowskithat thing on the bottom/top is that a hole?23:18
DocScrutinizershower radio and ice hockey puck were the names I gave to all those :-D23:18
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: that hole at bottom of it, is that a real hole?23:18
DocScrutinizermore precisely that's where the GSM antenna is located23:19
DocScrutinizervery cute RF design23:19
jacekowskiup untill now i was just thinking that it's speaker or something and it just looks like a hole on photos23:20
nicholas-xfreerunner has USB ! XD23:20
DocScrutinizeryes, full USB hostmode23:20
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nicholas-xwhat is the price ??23:21
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DocScrutinizersome 200+ bucks I think23:21
DocScrutinizerdunno, never bought any :-D23:22
DocScrutinizerbut maybe will sell a few eventually23:22
nicholas-x??? silly q, but where do you get 'em?23:23
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DocScrutinizer~ DocScrutinizer23:23
infobotfrom memory, docscrutinizer is jOERG, a HW-developer and engineer of Openmoko23:23
nicholas-x:) ... it's an honor to speak with such a clever guy :)23:24
jacekowskiso, you are the person that designed the hole?23:25
DocScrutinizernope, that has been done loong before I joined, and EE isn't involved at all in ME23:25
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nicholas-xi am glad i moved to linux.. only half a year passed but i now cannot live without ubuntu and can't stand windows :)23:28
DocScrutinizerprobably this specific design has been done by same guy who designed the first iMacs (the desk lamp shaped ones)23:28
jacekowskihave openmoko seen any real designer?23:29
mc_teo`how can i update individual packages?23:29
jacekowskii mean exterior design designer23:29
mc_teo`like i downloads msn-pecan intregration using app manager, but i need to update it now23:30
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mc_teo`im not 100% sure its been updated though, so how to check version would be first i guess23:30
nicholas-xi am still a noob but as far as i know you get a messege in the status bar as soon as there is an update23:31
default_I'd like to remove the MyDocs partition and resize the home partition to fill the void.  Or at least resize both.  Anyone know a forum post, blog entry or something somewhere that discusses the best way to do this?23:31
MohammadAGremoving MyDocs would prolly cause a lot of problems23:32
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MohammadAGsomeone mentioned sed'ing the eMMC image to partition it easily23:32
default_why?   the folder would still be there..  just on the same partition as the rest of home23:33
lcukdefault_, theres some posts on which people have adjusted and messed with things23:33
nicholas-xDefault_ , just interesting, why do you want to delete MyDocs23:33
default_Sick of the 2gig limit23:33
MohammadAGyou'll need to change rc.S-late so it doesn't try to mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 on MyDocs23:33
lcuki have links somewhere, but its sunday night and I have had a beer23:33
default_That bug 1305 is annoying me23:33
povbotBug Planet doesn't list the feeds it aggregates anymore23:33
lcukdefault_, sick why? have you filled space?23:33
default_And there is no good reason for me to have it there other than it is already there23:34
MohammadAGlcuk, I hit the cap once23:34
MohammadAGor twice23:34
lcuki wasnt asking you23:34
* MohammadAG cries in the corner23:34
lcuk:P i know you do stuff which fills it23:34
default_lcuk: got about 150mb free in it..  but bug 1305 won't let app installer install anything with that amount free23:35
lcukbut it is rare tosee someone else23:35
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lcukare you sure its 1305?23:35
lcukbug 130523:35
default_no  l[23:35
* MohammadAG deleted 20GB of duplicate files on his PC23:35
default_no  ;]23:35
MohammadAGbug 130523:35
MohammadAGpovbot's dead23:35
MohammadAGbug 123:35
povbotBug test - ignore it23:35
MohammadAGor it ignores dupes23:35
DocScrutinizerfor good reason23:36
lcukbug 10305 is the one you mean23:36
povbotBug Application Manager in PR1.2 says not enough space even though there is.23:36
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default_sorry..   bug #1030523:36
MohammadAGfor x in range [1..100000]; do echo bug $x; done23:36
default_thats the one  ;]23:36
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I'd like to see it ignore that ^23:37
lcukok default_ if you have experienced this, be specific vote for the bug, and if you can add new info not already in the report, please add it23:37
DocScrutinizerI'd like to see you trying it :-P23:37
lcukthere are very few people encountering this, and adjusting it generically is a problem23:37
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lcukso if you find posts and howtos for adjusting, please also add info there23:37
* DocScrutinizer nods23:38
default_well..  it sounds like others are curing this bug by reinstalling the mme..   I was thinking if I was going to go to that trouble.. I might as well look into fixing the whole mme problem from the get go.   I'd easily have filled that 150mb by now if I could23:39
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default_Can't really install many of the larger games with the 2g limit23:39
default_errr..   screweing up my terminology again, am I?23:40
lcukdefault_, sure but now with the 2g limit been there a long time and only a handful of people have come up against it23:40
lcukDocScrutinizer, its almost that yes23:40
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default_It seems I meant "eMMC"23:41
DocScrutinizeranyway you lost me23:41
default_Really?  I remember reading a lot of reviews before the device complaining about that and the root limit.23:42
* lcuk remembers the amiga variable allocation RAM drive and smiles23:42
DocScrutinizeris this about filling up /home now, or about free space in / ?23:42
lcukdefault_, root limit and 2gb home are actually 2 different problems23:42
default_But basically blowing it off out of expectation it would be easy to fix since we're talking about debian23:42
lcukrelated yes, but totally different23:42
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default_well...  yes and no.   The cause similar problems but one is a hardware limit and the other is a design limit23:43
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lcukdefault_, nobody is blowing anything off, the remaining space on the eMMC is mounted and unmounted at various times, for data thats used as the operating system its not quite a straight forward thing23:43
DocScrutinizerI fail to see how you can fill up 2GB by just usual usage patterns23:44
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jacekowskii did23:44
jacekowskiquite easily23:44
default_I was referring to the reviewers I had read last year when remarking upon those limits in their reviews..  I apologize for using an overly strong term23:44
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lcukDocScrutinizer, some games are 200mb+ each23:44
lcukyes, silly23:45
lcukbut thats it23:45
mc_teo`so anyways, to update packages manually, should i just use apt-get?23:45
lcuki prefer having device for data23:45
jacekowskidata == porn?23:45
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default_Nobody has ever described me as being "usual"23:45
* DocScrutinizer waves23:45
lcukjacekowski, :|23:45
default_But then, if you install a lot of the software available, it is easy to fill 2g23:46
default_But why are we debating this?23:46
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mc_teo`2gb is easily filled23:46
* lcuk is finally glad that this is now the problem and that rootfs no longer fills by default23:46
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jacekowskii suppose, gui resize for that 2g partition would be killer app23:46
lcukdefault_, go finding mechanisms to change on the fly then23:46
jacekowskiit's simple to resize it23:47
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default_I hope nobody thinks I am suggesting that the device should have been sold as I want it...   That is certainly not what I am saying.  I don't intend on pushing my ideals on others23:47
mc_teo`would there be any way to make a percent battery indicater?23:47
jacekowskiwell, resize is simple23:47
lcukdefault_, I think you are in an ideal position to do the investigation - purely because you need it for your use case23:48
default_jace: you have unmount partitions to resize them23:48
jacekowskidelete MyDocs partition23:48
jacekowskidefault_: nope23:48
lcukadding the info onto the specific bug about it is the right thing to do23:48
jacekowskiyou can update partition table23:48
jacekowskiso system will reread it23:48
jacekowskibecause you can't force reread if it's in use23:48
default_lcuk:  I think the other posts on that bug cover all of the angles that I have experienced23:48
jacekowskiand then resize filesystem23:48
jacekowskiand filesystem resize can be done online with ext23:49
jacekowskii think23:49
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jacekowskii'm not really sure about ext323:49
jacekowskii know it was possible with ext223:49
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lcukdefault_, sure - I see people iwth the issue23:49
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default_I hadn't heard that before..  at any rate I'm fine with temporarily booting into a partition on the microSD and then resizing..   but it would be ideal to find someone who has already done it23:51
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default_Thanks for the help everyone23:53
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil has resized his home and mydocs iirc23:55
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nicholas-xmy n900 is redy for flashing :)23:57
nicholas-xcharged ]23:57
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