IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2010-07-24

trumeeluke-jr: funny thing is my N95 sip client works excellent on the same network/PBX. But N900 doesnt.00:00
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toggles_wobviously the n95 sip client is broken00:01
trumeeluke-jr: what!!!00:01
trumeeluke-jr: sorry00:02
trumeetoggles_w: why n95 is broken?00:02
* toggles_w pulls trumee's leg a bit further00:02
ShadowJKiirc it took 4 revisions to get it working00:02
trumeetoggles_w: i need a new wireless router, this linksys wrt54gl/ddwrt isnt up to the task00:03
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trumeethere is a cheap belkin router available, but i am a bit scared of belkin00:04
tripzerodon't fear the belkin00:04
trumeealthough i only need a wireless access point, i will retain linksys as the wired router00:04
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tripzeroif it runs ddwrt, it's good00:04
trumeewell linksys wrt54gl isnt good00:05
trumeeand it runs ddwrt00:05
luke-jrgotta find an open router00:06
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trumeewhat open router?00:06
crashanddieMohammadAG51: nope. Still no news00:06
crashanddietrumee: probably WRT-type00:06
luke-jrtrumee: dunno, research it a bit00:06
trumeeis there a pci/pci express card which i can plug into my linux  box00:06
luke-jrtrumee: on the other hand, maybe WRT54GL support will mature soon00:06
crashanddietrumee: plenty?00:07
trumeeluke-jr: you mean mature in N900?00:07
luke-jrtrumee: I mean Linux support for it00:07
luke-jrif so, it'll hit OpenWrt before DD-Wrt00:07
trumeecrashanddie: then i can ditch my linksys router and use my computer as a router00:07
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trumeeluke-jr: wrt54gl has been around for donkey years and you think code is not mature?00:08
crashanddietrumee: wait, what?00:08
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luke-jrtrumee: DD-Wrt doesn't use it yet AFAIK00:08
luke-jrtrumee: Broadcom wireless has only been around a few years00:08
crashanddietrumee: you're asking for a "pci/pci express card which you can plug into your linux box"?00:08
luke-jrand mainly just for client mode00:08
trumeeluke-jr: so openwrt is more mature?00:09
luke-jrOpenWrt is more bleeding edge usually :)00:09
luke-jrlooks like they got it working as of 8.09_RC100:09
trumeecrashanddie: yes using which i can stream radio signals00:09
crashanddietry to be more precise?00:09
trumeeluke-jr: is there gui for openwrt?00:09
luke-jrtrumee: third-party, X-Wrt00:09
trumeecrashanddie: i want to replace my wireless router with my linux box.00:10
luke-jrtrumee: WRT54GL has little flash though, so be conservative with what you install :)00:10
crashanddie"Is there a card I can plug into my computer?" "Erhm, most probably"  "Oh yeah, which one?" "Well, depends. What do you need?"00:10
luke-jrunless you wanna hack in the MMC card mod00:10
crashanddietrumee: please go back and learn how to have a conversation.00:10
crashanddieI'm tempted to call you "stupid" or "wanker", but I won't.00:11
trumeecrashanddie: wtf00:11
luke-jrcrashanddie: everyone else understood him obviously00:11
trumeeluke-jr: exactly.00:11
luke-jrcrashanddie: read your history before you start ranting about what you don't understand00:11
crashanddiewhat history? I just joined00:11
crashanddiepiss off00:12
trumeecrashanddie: ha ha00:12
crashanddieThe guy said "Can i put a card into my computer?" I said "yes", then he said he wanted to turn his computer into a router, which really doesn't help. Does he want wireless or wired? And if so, why use your desktop to do so?00:12
luke-jrcrashanddie: it was perfectly clear with context00:13
luke-jrso anyhow00:13
luke-jranyone have a license I can buy?00:13
trumeeluke-jr: i think i will try openwrt00:13
crashanddiewhat kind of licence?00:13
SpeedEvilluke-jr: I have a licenst to kill, that I no longer need.00:13
luke-jrSpeedEvil: srsly? what country?00:13
SpeedEvilluke-jr: Atlantis.00:14
crashanddieso, to get back off-topic, what kind of card? LAN or WAN? And why use a desktop for a router rather than a dedicated device to do so?00:14
* DocScrutinizer beats luke-jr down the street with a bunch of tonal meters00:14
crashanddieI mean, aren't most wireless and ethernet cards supported these days under linux?00:14
luke-jrcrashanddie: he just wants to cut his wifi router out of the "my SIP isn't working" equation00:15
* luke-jr glares at DocScrutinizer00:15
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: I actually have a tonal meter stick00:15
crashanddietrumee: does SIP work at your neighbour's?00:15
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: and my wall schedule is in tonal units00:15
trumeecrashanddie: it works fine on 3g00:15
crashanddienot the question00:16
crashanddiedoes it work at your neighbour's?00:16
trumeecrashanddie: but on wifi it is very jittery00:16
trumeecrashanddie: no idea.00:16
crashanddiebut you do get a connection then?00:16
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luke-jrcrashanddie: he's already tried turning off PSM too00:16
trumeecrashanddie: yes, sip works fine. but audio is quite jittery. bug #1038800:16
povbotBug Choppy audio in SIP conversation, WLAN power save problem?00:16
crashanddietrumee: I'll set up SIP on my N900 tomorrow (need to download certificates and stuff) and comment on that bug if I can't reproduce it00:17
crashanddieFYI, my ISP provides SIP and router is made them too00:17
crashanddies/them/by them/00:18
infobotcrashanddie meant: FYI, my ISP provides SIP and router is made by them too00:18
luke-jrcrashanddie: FWIW, SIP works flawless here00:18
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luke-jrboth 3G and Wifi00:18
crashanddiedoes the same happen with Skype00:18
trumeeluke-jr: i am thinking of changing to centos from gentoo. centos is used heavily by voip folks, so the kernel would be sensible00:19
trumeecrashanddie: dont care about skype00:19
luke-jrtrumee: Gentoo kernels work fine for me00:19
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crashanddietrumee: again, that wasn't the question00:19
divanhi, is this right place for development questions or there is another channel for developer questions?00:19
luke-jrdivan: development of what?00:20
trumeeluke-jr: yes, but i want to check all software things before i invest in a router00:20
crashanddiedivan: you can ask general dev questions here, it's fine. Please pastebin anything over a couple of lines, though.00:20
trumeeluke-jr: and you use fon router?00:20
luke-jrtrumee: I'd try OpenWrt next :)00:20
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crashanddietrumee: you never tried on another wifi network?00:20
luke-jrtrumee: I use the 2200 model La Fonera, which is probably no longer available, for WiFi00:20
luke-jrtrumee: it has 1 Ethernet port00:20
divanI work with rtcom and libaccounts libraries for maemo and there is a very big lack of documentation and examples. Hope to find a few wizards here :)00:20
toggles_wluke-jr: me too00:21
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crashanddiedivan: I've abandonned dev'ing for Maemo due to major lack of proper documentation00:21
luke-jrdivan: you are aware the Maemo platform is discontinued?00:21
crashanddieluke-jr: stfu?00:21
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luke-jrcrashanddie: pfft, same thing you said almost00:21
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trumeecrashanddie: i have not test much some other wifi network. i am usually scared of using sip on other peoples network.00:21
divanI will rewrote my thing for MeeGo(actually I love QT), but for now I need it on Maemo.00:21
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crashanddietrumee: if you don't trust SIP to be secure enough, don't trust it on any network, including yours00:22
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crashanddietrumee: find some granny in the neighbourhood, who has a different modem, and try there00:22
divanActually I already wrote almost everything I need but I want it to be userfriendly (for others users) and stuck with a few problems with libaccounts00:22
crashanddietrumee: heck, go to your local starbucks or something00:22
divanSo, no rtcom/libaccounts wizards here? (00:23
luke-jror Panera...00:23
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trumeeluke-jr: is this the one LA FONERA Wireless Router Model FON2100. WIFI,
Maceris sip even encrypted ?00:23
luke-jrtrumee: no, that says 210000:23
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luke-jrtrumee: 2100 was crap00:23
luke-jrMacer: no00:23
trumeeluke-jr: oh ok.00:23
Maceri figured it had to be encapsulated00:23
luke-jrtrumee: 2100 = overheat easily00:23
Macerluke-jr: ah. i see.00:23
Macerskype ftw hahahaha00:24
luke-jrSkype sucks00:24
divancrashanddie: actually I love Maemo cause it allows me develop in my native languages and libraries. (Except of such closes things as rtcom)00:24
crashanddieskype works?00:24
luke-jrcrashanddie: not on N90000:24
Macerworks for me00:24
crashanddieworks for me00:24
trumeeluke-jr: i dislike skype too00:24
Maceryes it does00:24
Macerworks great on n90000:24
luke-jrnot for video00:24
Macereven over 3G00:24
toggles_wactually, mine is a 2100, works fine unless you leave it in a 100f attic00:24
Macerdont use skype for video00:24
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luke-jrtoggles_w: mine didn't :/00:25
Maceri use gtalk :)00:25
divanBTW, native skype support on N900 is a killer feature for some of my collegues - they bought N900 just because of that00:25
crashanddieMacer: next we're going to hear that "Skype is evil because it's owned by a big bad multinational company"00:25
luke-jrtoggles_w: I had to hack on a fan00:25
luke-jrdivan: before they noticed it doesn't work?00:25
divanWhy it doesn't work?00:25
crashanddieluke-jr: last warning before you're banned00:25
luke-jrcrashanddie: no, Skype is bad because it's closed00:25
Macercrashanddie: no. his last one was network hijacking of your bandwidth :)00:25
toggles_wi think mine is still in the atic, it's in the states in a mates place, he casn't complained yet, it's online..00:25
divanI use Skype on N900 each day heavily.00:25
luke-jrcrashanddie: in a bad mood or what? I've done nothing to warrant banning00:25
Macerdivan: me too. works great00:25
crashanddieluke-jr: you're saying things don't work when they do. You're spreading fud. Please stop00:26
luke-jrcrashanddie: it doesn't. I've tried it with like 4 people by now...00:26
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luke-jrnfc how you get it to work00:26
* Macer goes to eat00:26
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crashanddie"The bad craftsman blames his tools."00:27
luke-jrright... need to be a craftsman to video chat now?00:27
divanluke-jr, maybe you and 4 peoples don't have any internet connection in your town? No 3G/GPRS/EDGE, no Wi-Fi.. )00:27
luke-jrwhatever, I'll stick to "Skype is bad because it's closed" then00:27
trumeeluke-jr: cant find 2200 model even on ebay :(00:27
Macerno. you just tap "video chat" :)00:27
luke-jrdivan: all hard-wired00:27
mtnbkrdivan: I have not spent too much time with skype, but when I try to make a call to a friend, I am told that I need t use "international format" for the phone number.   If I change the callers phone number to internaltional format, won't it break my nortal call calling of them?00:28
trumeeluke-jr: "La Fonera FON2201 Wireless Router" ?00:28
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luke-jrSkype/Windows, Skype/Mac, and I don't know what the other 2 people were using00:28
luke-jrtrumee: maybe00:28
divanCool. BTW, is it possible to use USB-RJ-45 with USB Host Mode enabled on N900?00:28
divanI would like to have such possibility.00:28
Macermtnbkr: yeah. that is one draw back00:28
luke-jrdivan: should00:28
mtnbkrMacer: oh crap, really?00:28
trumeeluke-jr: here
SpeedEvildivan: USB host is not working yet00:28
Macermost phone companies accept int formats00:29
divanSpeedEvil, I saw the kernel with USB host enabled, released today. Didn't try yet.00:29
Macershouldnt be a big deal00:29
SpeedEvildivan: it's really not that simple.00:29
toggles_wso anyone know if liblocation is going to be supported under meego?00:29
keriohuh? usb host?00:29
mtnbkrMacer: oh! ok, but the drawback then is that I would need to modify ALL of my contacts' phone numbers00:29
divanI understand00:29
luke-jrtrumee: AFAIk that should work...00:29
SpeedEvildivan: also - where was this announcemnt - there have been many unfortunate incorrect announcements before.00:29
trumeeluke-jr: thanks00:29
luke-jrtrumee: La Foneras *are* locked by default, but that one sounds pre-rooted00:30
lbtgoddam it ... X-Fade ... wiki.... :)00:30
divanI'l find a link, wait a second00:30
SpeedEvilContext - I'm one of those involved in the details of geting USB host working.00:30
SpeedEvilAnd have heard nothing00:30
trumeeluke-jr: uh, on wiki, Routers known to be incompatible with PSM mode Fon2200 ?00:30
divanoops, it's not today release, sorry00:30
luke-jrtrumee: ?00:31
trumeeluke-jr: at the bottom of the page00:31
SpeedEvilIIRC that was a release for testing some asplects of the USB host system, and diddn't work as hoped00:31
divanok, I got it.00:31
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mtnbkrMacer: Hmmm, maemo phone app will allow ONLY numeral is the phone number fields, so I can not type a +   how to get past this?00:31
kerio+ is 0000:32
divanWell, now I'm going to find developers of libaccounts and beg them to share a little bit of documentation or, at least, answer to my questions.00:32
mtnbkrreally?  wow... there is no way in the world I would have ever guessed that... lol00:32
divanThis 'closed part in open source' is kinda weird00:32
luke-jrtrumee: no idea; works fine for me on N90000:33
luke-jrtrumee: on N810 I did disable PSM tho00:33
luke-jrdivan: Maemo is mostly closed00:33
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mtnbkrkerio: also, how do I do a comma   like when adding 2 second wait for answering machine etc, then press extention #00:33
DocScrutinizer(hostmode) so am and have I00:34
mtnbkrkerio: some phone numbers I have that I imported, have ( and ) and spaces and commas and it all works fine, but I cna not manually recreate it for new numbers00:34
keriomtnbkr: ** does + and p00:34
keriowtf is (?00:34
mtnbkrkerio; parenthesis areounf the US area  code.00:35
_llll_they are not part of the number00:35
crashanddiemtnbkr: of course not. You can dial your own country code in your own country without any problem00:35
_llll_just indicate parts that can be omitted if you are local00:35
DocScrutinizerkerio: where is 'p' on dialer?? o.O00:35
fluxyes, it would've been nice if the phone numbers allowed even the simplest separators, such as spaces00:35
kerioi think that's non-standard00:35
kerioDocScrutinizer: ***00:35
luke-jrcrashanddie: not in the US...00:35
crashanddieWhy not?00:35
DocScrutinizeractually failed to get that so far00:35
luke-jrno idea00:36
luke-jrphone companies here are idiotic00:36
crashanddieyou can't call +1 in the US?00:36
luke-jrnot if it's local00:36
crashanddiedouble "eh?"00:36
luke-jrif it's local they tell you to hang up and dial without i00:36
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mtnbkrkerio: the * is NOT accepted. :( only numerals00:36
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crashanddiebackass country00:36
keriomtnbkr: huh?00:36
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crashanddiemtnbkr: there's one solution00:36
mtnbkrcrashanddie: and it is pissing me off, 'cause I can not use skype.00:37
kerioDocScrutinizer: you can also just type p00:37
DocScrutinizerkey 'p' actually there :-D00:37
crashanddiemtnbkr: have one skype number, and one local number00:37
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keriowith the hw kbd00:37
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crashanddiemtnbkr: or the better solution: move to a country where they understand how phones work00:37
DocScrutinizermissing 'w' :-S00:37
mtnbkrcrashanddie: yeah, that is what I was thinkin... wowo great "integration"00:37
crashanddiemtnbkr: that's not the phones fault, it's the operator00:37
* luke-jr ponders if telepathy-spirit can run under qemu-arm on other platforms... :p00:38
keriowhat's w?00:38
DocScrutinizerwait for connect00:38
crashanddiemtnbkr: I have one number for all my contacts, and call them through skype or phone, doesn't matter00:38
mtnbkrkerio: my N900 subs a 0 "zero" for the p or any char on the top row that is a number00:38
keriomtnbkr: fn+"0"00:38
DocScrutinizeror wait for silence - not sure about it right now00:38
mtnbkrcrashanddie: I know, that is what I want :)00:38
kerioand you get p00:38
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kerioor keep pushing the "*+" virtual key00:38
crashanddiemtnbkr: well, don't blame the integration then, call your operator and yell00:38
luke-jrmtnbkr: could in theory write a telepathy module that proxies them00:38
mtnbkrcrashanddie: ahhaha  Yeah, like At&T will listen00:39
luke-jrcrashanddie: he could blame telepathy-spirit for being closed ;)00:39
crashanddieluke-jr: international in the US is 011, yeah?00:39
luke-jrcrashanddie: dunno, I use voip00:39
crashanddieluke-jr: whereas in most of the rest of the world, it's 0000:39
luke-jrcrashanddie: I *think* if you try to call a US number as an international one, it might work and bill $1/min00:40
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DocScrutinizerok, 'p' is waiting for connect. So that's not bad so far00:40
blizzowWas the big announcement from the nokia conversations blog about Fcamera?00:40
luke-jrblizzow: probably00:41
kerioluke-jr: hahahaha that's horrible00:41
tripzeroso... i can't reproduce the apple-death-grip on the n90000:41
luke-jrtripzero: why not?00:41
keriotripzero: i can reproduce it quite easily00:41
tripzerodunno.  i'00:41
luke-jrtripzero: you have to be sure you're pressing on the power button00:41
tripzerowhere do you hold it?00:41
luke-jrhold on, I got a tutorial00:42
keriotripzero: landscape, with both hands00:42
tripzeroi tried death gripping on the lower part, upper part and both00:42
tripzerooh, landscape...00:42
tripzerolemme try00:42
mtnbkrluke-jr: nope... I just got the cute little song and "your call could not be completed as dialed" message00:42
kerioyou know, when using it as a *tablet*00:42
mtnbkrDocScrutinizer: wait fr connec is OK, but need a pause.00:42
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alteregoin a lead glove?00:42
kerioit probably works as a pause too00:43
tripzeroluke-jr, haha00:43
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mtnbkrOk, so there is no "one number format" I can use so that both Skype and my ATA&T cell calls to the same number work?00:43
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alteregomtnbkr: you should use the MSISDN00:44
ShadowJKI can do death-grip, but only if I'm like 10km away from transmitter00:44
jacekowskiwell hold it with both hands00:44
ShadowJKBut in proper conditions I can't move it even with both hands00:44
jacekowskiand then you can make it go to 2g quite easily00:45
ShadowJKIt mostly does go to 2g here when i get calls :P00:45
tripzeroi'm in 2.5 and i don't see any bars dropping00:45
DocScrutinizermtnbkr: kerio yep works as pause (too? not so sure about wait-for-connect anymore)00:45
ShadowJKbut again, that's 3km beyond the range my operator's map says is available00:46
mtnbkrAH! I got it!  Shift S gives + and +1 areacode exchange number works for both!00:46
ShadowJKFn S?00:47
keriomtnbkr: just s works00:47
mtnbkrShadowJK: I used shift S, but maybe just S works too00:47
kerioalso, * on the virtual keyboard00:47
ShadowJKYeah that makes sense, every non-qwerty keypad has + on *00:48
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DocScrutinizer+, p, *, 0..9, # working. Missing A, B, C, D, \, (comma), w00:51
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DocScrutinizerseems 'p' is a substitute for ','00:52
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DocScrutinizerexcept when using it with international access prefixes that require you to wait 5s after prefix, befor continuing to dial00:53
keriodo they even make sense for cellular calls?00:53
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kerioaren't they DTMF tones?00:54
DocScrutinizermaybe that's just not applicable to GSM00:54
DocScrutinizerABCD are dtmf00:54
DocScrutinizerthe unknown fourth col00:54
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kerioDocScrutinizer: you're a phreaker!00:55
DocScrutinizerever been00:55
DocScrutinizercomma is pause for 0.5s iirc, and 'w' is "wait for silence"00:56
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DocScrutinizerso also a dmtf command basically, though a passive one00:57
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microlithBME completely failed to realize the capacity of my new battery00:59
ShadowJKWhat battery?01:00
DocScrutinizermicrolith: you expected anything else??01:00
microlithI expected the charge meter to be somewhat accurate :(01:00
DocScrutinizerbme doesn't even have any means to theoretically detect size of your new battery01:01
keriofully recharge it and fully discharge it01:01
microlithuntil it goes through a full cycle or so?01:01
ShadowJKand there's no reliable method to detect state of charge of a newly inserted battery01:01
DocScrutinizeras Nokia afaik hasn't defined any other meaningful values for BSI other than 100kR for BL-5J01:01
* alterego starts working on his super duper camera app.01:02
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ShadowJKif I could attach multimeter to measure resistance I could give you a wide curve with the thermistor in mugen :)01:03
kerioShadowJK: the beat-em-up engine?01:03
DocScrutinizerno use in that, as it's not supposed to be a thermistor :-P01:03
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DocScrutinizerSo I actually wonder how mugen came up with this01:04
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, sure, but it's a varable resistor and I can stop/start bme and read out a new design.capacity value each time :)01:04
ShadowJKmaybe they just read some random forum post/blog claiming it's a thermistor01:05
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ShadowJKand put in one01:05
DocScrutinizerso you should attach a set of resistors and create a table of reported design cap vs R01:05
ShadowJKsounds easier to just change temperature01:06
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DocScrutinizeryep, so what's the problem in probing the resistance then, with same temperature?01:06
DocScrutinizerno DVM?01:06
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jacekowskiso, anybody can recommend any decent music store?01:08
jacekowskiwith client software for maemo ideally01:08
ShadowJKI don't know of any01:08
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blizzowjacekowski: Transmission bittorrent client.01:08
DocScrutinizerof any what?01:08
jaem_n900My N900 is refusing to pick up a cell signal for some reason. Is there a  kick-in-the-butt command to reset things without rebooting?01:09
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jaem_n900jacekowski, Jamendo has some good stuff, and it's all free01:09
ShadowJKAmazon was doing one where you could get files that actually work (plain mp3) through a browser.. but it's US only :/01:09
DocScrutinizerjaem_n900: check dual for modem mode setting in system menu01:09
jacekowskii'm looking for normal music store01:09
jacekowskinot for jamendo01:09
ShadowJKjaem_n900, check settings - phone, network mode dual, autpmatic operator selection01:10
jaem_n900DocScrutinezer: It's still checked.  I haven't touched the settings.  It just dropped out on the bus a few hours ago and hasn't come back since. :S01:10
jacekowskithere is a way of rebooting just a modem01:10
jacekowskieither by gpio if it's hard stuck01:10
jacekowskior via phonet if it's still working01:11
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jacekowskinolo is doind that on boot01:11
ShadowJKSometimes just going to offline mode for a minute helps01:11
DocScrutinizeranyway never should be necessary01:11
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: yep, but ^^^01:11
jacekowskiyeah, modem has it's own watchdog01:11
jacekowskithat brings me to a thing01:12
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jacekowskii'm pretty sure that scheduler they use on modem isn't theirs01:12
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, sure, but those bugs are never fixed. They're stuck in an infinite loop of nokia blaming operator for misconfigured network, and operator blaming nokia for crap firmware.01:12
DocScrutinizeryep, lol01:13
jaem_n900ShadowJK, I tried toggling it offline.01:13
jaem_n900jacekowski: Jamendo has a Maemo streaming/download client.01:13
jacekowskii'm not interested in jamendo01:13
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* DocScrutinizer wonders what becamo of allofmp301:14
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* ShadowJK wonders why the hell there's still no easy way to legally buy music, that's easy and that works and that isn't too incompetent to take payment, it's 2010 already ffs01:15
DocScrutinizerand please keep your 92k-mp3 crap, and give flac01:16
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smharI am worried. I used my N900 extensively today until the battery was drained. when I was back home I charged it. but after half an hour, the indicator is still orange light. and I am not able to switch it on!!01:16
jacekowskiit's in emergency charge mode01:17
DocScrutinizeruse wallcharger, umplug and replug if light goies off, after 30min01:17
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DocScrutinizerdo NOT try to boot01:18
jacekowskiwhich means that battery is really flat01:18
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kerioemergency charge is somewhat broken01:18
kerioit charges reeeeeeeally slowly01:18
DocScrutinizernope it doesn't01:18
DocScrutinizerit does when connected to PC01:18
jacekowskiit's emergency charge01:18
DocScrutinizeron original charger it takes 550mA01:19
kerioDocScrutinizer: normal charging is twice as fast01:19
smharjacekowski, I am using the wall charger01:19
DocScrutinizerso what?01:19
jacekowskismhar: then wait01:19
DocScrutinizeruse wallcharger, umplug and replug if light goies off, after 30min01:19
DocScrutinizersmhar: ^^^01:19
jacekowskismhar: phone will boot itself when it's ready01:19
DocScrutinizerdo NOT try to boot01:19
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smharI replugged, and now there is no light. I am waiting01:20
DocScrutinizerhmm, no light actually might be good sign01:20
jacekowskismhar: IF LIGHT GOES OFF01:20
jacekowskismhar: not before01:20
DocScrutinizerif it comes up in 2 minutes01:20
jacekowskismhar: now battery isn't charged enough for phone to boot01:20
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jacekowskismhar: but it will not go to emergency charge mode again01:21
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: should01:21
DocScrutinizerif nothing else helps, remove battery for 1 min01:21
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keriothere! are! four! lights!01:21
DocScrutinizeryes, and helicopters01:22
Macermy son and i are watching the never ending story01:23
Maceri never realized how twisted it was01:23
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jacekowskii need somebody to try to boot phone with id pin grounded and serial console enabled and usb-host-mode enabled in cal01:26
jacekowskiand something connected to serial console01:26
jacekowskiand see if it will detect usb host01:26
DocScrutinizersmhar: remove battery for 1 minute. Insert battery. Plug powered Nokia wallcharger to device. Watch steady amber. Let sit and charge. Do NOT try to boot. After 30 min, you got either a) a booted up N900, b) an flashing amber which means you can boot, c) steady amber going off - in this case start over again with unplugging and replugging charger to device01:27
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DocScrutinizer~flatbatrecover is <reply> Remove battery for 1 minute. Insert battery. Plug powered Nokia wallcharger to device. Watch steady amber. Let sit and charge. Do NOT try to boot. After 30 min, you got either a) a booted up N900, b) an flashing amber which means you can boot, c) steady amber going off - in this case start over again with unplugging and replugging charger to device01:28
infobotDocScrutinizer: okay01:28
infobotRemove battery for 1 minute. Insert battery. Plug powered Nokia wallcharger to device. Watch steady amber. Let sit and charge. Do NOT try to boot. After 30 min, you got either a) a booted up N900, b) an flashing amber which means you can boot, c) steady amber going off - in this case start over again with unplugging and replugging charger to device01:28
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smhardocscrutinizer, battery remove for 1 min.  replaced and charger replugged. immediately there was a vibration and welcome screen with 'Nokia', then it was off again. now the indicator is flashing amber light.01:32
DocScrutinizerlet it charge, I'd suggest01:32
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smhardocscrutinizer, Ok.. I need to go to sleep so I will let it do its work. I am having a serious problem with battery life, that needs to be investigated later01:34
DocScrutinizerthough you *probably* also could 'switch on' now, but odds are device is eating more battery than it's charging when on01:34
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smharthanks docscrutinizer, and bye for now01:35
DocScrutinizerhmm, you obviously have a nasty app that causes device to eat power like there's no tomorrow01:35
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jacekowskigoing back to my id pin grounding01:42
jacekowskiwhere i can get microusb cable with that pin grounded or something?01:42
DocScrutinizerget a micro-mini adapter01:43
jacekowskidoes these adapters have that pin grounded?01:43
DocScrutinizerthen get a mini-extension. Those I got have 5 wires ;-)01:43
jacekowskiyou can do it then01:43
DocScrutinizernope, but they *should* be 5 wire full connect01:44
DocScrutinizer(the micro->mini)01:44
DocScrutinizerthe 4 inches cable type micro->mine I got is 4 wire01:44
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jacekowskibtw. i've found a bug with headphones and phonecalls01:46
jacekowskiwhen somebody called me and i plugged in headset01:46
jacekowskiproximity sensor was still active01:46
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: be happy it's not detecting the transient short on mic ring as a press of holdbutton and releases call, on plugin01:47
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: anyway ID is connected to GAYA only and not supposed to help a lot in switching musb controller core01:54
jacekowskimaybe gaia is doing some shit and passing it to musb controller01:55
jacekowskibesides, i think it's just pin that nolo is reading and then configuring usb properly01:56
alteregoThis FCam stuff is nice, though the examples aren't very Qt at all ..01:56
alteregoI'm writing my own viewfinder widget at the moment. It's quite fun :)01:56
alteregoGoing to have nice pretty transparent overlays to create my UI with01:57
alteregoI think I'll model it slightly on the built in camera application but obviously with the full customizations we have available through the FCam API's. And then I'll work on a filter plugin interface so I can write some neat filters I can distribute/package seperately if needed.01:58
jacekowskicamera app that can save to png would be nice01:59
SpeedEvilthe right way to do the filters is really DSP01:59
SpeedEvilbut it's hard01:59
alteregojacekowski: I'll bare it in mind, configurable file format conversions.01:59
SpeedEviljacekowski: it's in practice probably not very imporant.01:59
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: gaya can not pass anything to musb core directly, needs to go via cpu01:59
SpeedEviljacekowski: the camera cannot physically resolve 5MP - the lens is not large enough.01:59
alteregos/conversions/saving format/02:00
infobotalterego meant: jacekowski: I'll bare it in mind, configurable file format saving format.02:00
DocScrutinizerso no real use in ID pin02:00
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: why gaya?02:00
SpeedEvilAnd I need to do a resolution test at some point02:00
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: well, nolo is checking it02:00
DocScrutinizerwell nolo is sw, so what is it nolo does to musb core and PHY that musb_core.c can't?02:00
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alteregoAccording to docs the Native resolution of the N900's camera is 2592x196802:14
alteregoSpeedEvil: ^02:14
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luke-jralterego: sounds about right02:15
luke-jrthat's why there's black edges on left/right in Camera02:15
alteregoReally? I see them at the top/bottom ..02:16
alteregoI don't see any on the left or right edges.02:16
luke-jrleft/right in landscape02:17
luke-jralso, I think it doesn't default to 5 MP02:17
SpeedEvilalterego: The native resolution of the sensor is that, yes.02:17
SpeedEvilalterego: The lens cannot physically resolve the incoming light onto independant pixels though.02:18
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thunderfesthello all02:18
alteregoHeh min image size: 160x12002:18
alteregoNice ... :D02:18
alteregoI wonder what they look like ..02:18
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: musb core is waiting for a msg from PHY saying "ID grounded", via whatever interface those 2 chips are connected. This makes musb core enter host mode, and emit an IRQ to CPU to let driver know about the fact. N8x0 is doing sw controlled hostmode by sending a cmd *to* phy that makes phy *echo* a fake ID-gnd msg. 1707 doesn't know how to do that, and hw doesn't have ID of PHY connected, so only thing we can do is use force_host02:26
DocScrutinizerbit in musb core debug register02:26
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jacekowskiso explain then why there is full usb host mode code in nolo02:28
DocScrutinizeror walk musb core thru a number of faked events on USB to simulate a HNP handover02:28
jacekowskiit doesn't look like heritage02:29
DocScrutinizerfrom whatever times02:29
jacekowskiat least not from different phone02:29
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jacekowskimaybe different version02:29
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jacekowskibut that would mean there was n900 version with host mode working02:29
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SpeedEvilThere is rememnants int he code of an alternative phy IIRC02:29
DocScrutinizerremember N900 not always had 1707. There are surely some N900 protos somewhere that use GAYA PHY and probably have no problem with hostmode02:29
jacekowskiwhy they added that chip anyways?02:30
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DocScrutinizercharger detection, recovery charging02:30
alteregoINFO: Sensor Manufacturer: Nokia02:31
alteregoINFO: Sensor Model: Nokia N90002:31
alteregoWell, that was useless :)02:31
jacekowskiemergency charging isn't dependant on 170702:32
jacekowskifast emergency charge is02:32
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jacekowskiand as i've noticed they had different charger chip as well02:32
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DocScrutinizerwell, probably the other charger chip didn't play nicely with 170702:33
DocScrutinizeranyway rumour has it fist version of GAYA had no charger-detect so they needed another PHY02:35
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jacekowskiwhen did it became GAYA?02:36
DocScrutinizerby now they probably happiöly could revert to original design, as GAYA knows to detect charger meanwhile. Isn't that a sarcastic joke of reality?02:36
ds3if it is like other setups, the 1707 to OMAP3 should be a ULPI bus02:37
DocScrutinizerit is02:37
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DocScrutinizerthat's why swapping PHY was simple. GAYA has ULPI as well02:37
ds3so it should be a matter of implement the hostmode command in the MUSB driver and have that send a command to the PHY02:38
LjLso in the end i've got a used Motorola Milestone rather than a used N900. wonder if i made the best choice. i guess i could always sell it and get an N900 once i know Android and MeeGo work properly on it! :|02:38
DocScrutinizernope, the 1707 doesn't know about the magic command to fake a grounded IDD pin02:39
ds3OTG does not require grounded ID pin for hostmode02:39
DocScrutinizernope it also can do HNP02:39
jacekowskidoes HNP work with n900 with stock kernel?02:40
DocScrutinizersee my lengthy post some lines above, starting[2010-07-24 01:26:11] <DocScrutinizer> jacekowski: musb core is waiting for a msg from PHY saying "ID02:40
ds3HNP is mostly code in the MUSB stuff02:40
ds3there is some things the PHY needs to signal but that is mainly for OTG-OTG connections02:40
DocScrutinizerbasically it should, but PHY isn't connected to VBUS directly, instead it has a 1k saying "for device-mode-only devices only" in app notes02:41
alteregoThe N900 can't do the strobe effect like in the fcam demos02:41
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ds3the lack of connection to VBUS would prevent it from doing full HNP support against another OTG device02:42
DocScrutinizerds3: not exactly, it's always the statemachine in musb core controller hw that gives us the headache02:42
ds3but we don't care about that02:42
ds3DocScrutinizer: that gives everyone headaches :(02:42
ds3has anyone actually tried just implementing the code for the PHY and seeing if the host command works like on the 8x0?02:44
DocScrutinizerstatemachine in musbcore can go to hostmode on a) ID-gnd signal from PHY, b) HNP sequence of evens from PHY, c) force_host in debug register02:44
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FireFlyHi, when I plug the N900 in as USB mass storage mode, it appears as two /dev/sd* devices, but neither has any partitions (only the sd(letter) devices). Any idea why?02:44
alteregoFireFly: the 32G storage doesn't have any partitions, you just mount the device.02:44
alteregoAnd if you've not got a micro SD inserted, that wont show up with partitions either, just device node.02:44
alterego(I think.02:44
FireFlyI'm pretty sure I have a microSD plugged in, though02:45
alteregoluke-jr: Shouldn't that be 32G* (* NB: Not really 32G)02:45
alteregoFireFly: maybe it is not partitioned.02:45
luke-jralterego: nah, 27G02:45
FireFlyAnyway, mounting MyDocs went fine02:45
alteregoluke-jr: is this where you tell me it's American gigs too? :P02:45
alteregoI'm going to have some serious fun tomorrow I think ...02:46
luke-jralterego: no, it's really 27 GB :p02:46
DocScrutinizerds3: N8x0 has completely different PHY02:46
luke-jralterego: the entire eMMC is 29 GB, and Maemo uses 2 GB for /home02:46
alteregoSerious fun with Qt, fcam and gstreamer.02:47
alteregoBut now it is bed time :)02:47
ds3DocScrutinizer: yes, that's why I said implementing the PHY code02:47
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DocScrutinizerds3: actually probably nobody did02:47
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ds3DocScrutinizer: the 4030 PHY also lacks the code to do this... i been meaning to get that code implemented02:48
DocScrutinizeras the datasheets are quite clear about that. It doesn't support the command. So if it's not a secret leftover or sth02:48
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: so why would that id pin be connected at all then02:48
DocScrutinizergood question02:49
DocScrutinizerprobably they just kept the connection from times where GAYA was PHY02:49
DocScrutinizeras it would be utterly insane to remove it anyway02:49
DocScrutinizerds3: not sure about 4030 GAYA. You probably could reprogram the GPIO that's connected to ID02:50
DocScrutinizerso brute force ID pin to any state you like02:50
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: too slow02:51
luke-jrI just got host mode working02:51
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DocScrutinizeralso I'm not informed about PHY in GAYA capability to deal with that command sent down the ULPI02:51
MohammadAG51luke-jr, well, everyone can talk from their arse :P02:52
luke-jrnot sure I can repeat it yet tho02:52
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr: well, that's nice news, but not yet anything particularly new02:52
luke-jrif you send just the right signals to the 5MP cam (requires new fcam drivers) and the FM transmitter, you can materialize a trace from the ID pin to a spare GPIO02:52
DocScrutinizerquite a number of people got hostmode working, with at least 2 methods02:53
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luke-jrwith some tweaking, maybe OTG support02:53
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: that's novel though02:53
luke-jrjust gotta get the lead from the GPIO to the USB socket02:53
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: indeed. it'd be the killer app of free software, since I'd patent it and use a really viral license :D02:54
DocScrutinizergoogle for prodders02:55
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DocScrutinizerI'm thinking about hybrid prodders, combined with organic semiconductors02:55
luke-jrUsed as a disparaging term for a Protestant. prod (pr d). tr.v. prod·ded, prod· ding, prods. 1. To jab or poke, as with a pointed object. ...02:55
DocScrutinizerthe sort you can print with a ink printer02:56
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DocScrutinizerooops, they are called fabers02:58
DocScrutinizerfabbers even02:58
* DocScrutinizer needs a beer02:59
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: google Fab@Home02:59
luke-jrI wait patiently for fab-on-demand03:00
luke-jrFab@Home seems unrealistic IMO03:01
DocScrutinizerI'm thinking about very special hybrid fabbers. you can do a lot of interesting things, by combining several technologies here03:01
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DocScrutinizerbut now... BEEEEEEER03:02
luke-jrfabbing beer?03:02
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luke-jr"Buying all of the parts for a Model 1 currently costs about $2400. The Model Two is expected to cost approximately $1,300."03:03
luke-jrout of my budget :(03:03
DocScrutinizerthe fabber I think about will cost $$$$$$$, for a first prototype03:04
DocScrutinizerand still can do no beer :-D03:05
luke-jrit says any liquid... :/03:05
luke-jrthough I wonder how03:05
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* luke-jr ponders if the Fab@Home can build all the parts for a Fab@Home :p03:09
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luke-jrthis thing looks too inaccurate to make anything electronic :/03:27
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ds3if you want something that works, get a Dimension03:30
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luke-jr"uPrint is compact enough to fit on your desktop; simple enough for no-hassle setup and operation; and — best of all — affordable enough for most users, no matter your profession or office size."03:32
luke-jr"starting at only $14,900* USD"03:32
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ds3the dimension stuff puts out pretty good stuff... I much rather blow $14K on something that works then $2K on something that doesn't03:32
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luke-jrhow many materials does it support?03:33
luke-jrcan I have it make all my meals?03:33
ds3the demo I went to was with ABS03:33
ds3and they can do overhangs that the fab@home/reprap guys can't03:33
luke-jrin any case, I don't have even $2K to waste on a toy03:35
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luke-jron top of that, I'd have to buy the materials for anything I make03:35
luke-jrso I don't know if it could ever pay for itself03:35
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jef91can I assign a ring tone per person on the n900?03:36
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Macerflash uses p2p bandwidth sharing?03:37
Macerwtf? :)03:37
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luke-jron the bright side, $14K might not be bad if someone wants to invest in a fab-on-demand company...03:37
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Macerjef91: no03:41
Macerluke-jr: you wouldn't make anything worth buying anyways03:41
luke-jrMacer: you missed it03:41
Macereven if you had enough money to buy 10 of them. they would be 10 paper weights in a couple of months with nothing useful produced from them03:42
luke-jrMacer: you clearly have no idea what fab-on-demand means03:42
DocScrutinizerjef91: yes03:43
luke-jrit means YOU provide the design you want fabbed, and can order it in quantities as low as 103:43
luke-jrso instead of spending $14K on your own fab, you just have the company fab and ship it to you03:44
DocScrutinizerjef91: search, somewere next to keyword espeak you'll find the way to go03:45
Maceryour intent was to consider having one in order to have your own fab on deman shop for personal projects. and you are correct. it would be a useless toy that would not produce anything useful for yourself or society other than a few brief moments of seeing it do anything at all03:46
luke-jrMacer: now you're not only ignorant, but just trolling03:47
Macerlittle bit. but still the truth nonetheless03:47
MacerBUT.. i have to see if someone ported carman to maemo5 or meego :)03:47
luke-jractually, if I had one, it would produce at least 2 useful things for myself03:47
luke-jrso f u03:47
Maceri really want carman back03:47
Macerno kidding. carman is in dev ? :) now that is great news03:49
Macertoo bad i can't find my damn n810. i have no idea where the hell that thing went. i think i lost it in the move :(03:49
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Macerwtf are n810s like 225$?03:50
* DocScrutinizer makes note to diary that after 8 months still a popular simple way t have per-contact ringtones and profiles in general is missing. Wonder why some of the most obvious apps never seem to happen03:51
Macerscrew that. i'll get a car mount for my n900 haha.. what a gyp. n800 for $200? i suppose a lesson in scarcity03:51
MacerDocScrutinizer: because the *OS is abandoned ;)03:51
Macer*see meego03:51
DocScrutinizerwait til we abandon *you* :-P03:52
Maceris nokia ditching symbian after the n8?03:53
Maceri thought i heard it was the last phone they were going to use with symbian on it03:53
DocScrutinizernpe, only for N-series03:53
DocScrutinizeror top notch smartphones in general03:54
Macercan't really trust a blog tho03:54
DocScrutinizeris the key03:54
Macerso symbian will remain for what exactly? low end phones?03:55
Macerso their entire shift will be towards meego in the future and they have already started working on it?03:55
ToaIs Symbian superior to Maemo/Meego in any way currently?03:55
ljpsymbian is for middle range phones. s40 is for low end03:55
psycho_oreossymbian was a piece of shit03:55
DocScrutinizerlorrn, right03:56
Macerpsycho_oreos: a lot of people say differently ;)03:56
ljpsymbian is secure03:56
Maceri had a friend of mine compare it to "the fbsd of phones"03:56
psycho_oreosMacer, yes like every other OS regardless if its for phone or not03:56
Macerand he is a huge fbsd lover ;)03:56
Macerpsycho_oreos: true03:56
psycho_oreosljp, even if symbian is secure, it doesn't mean maemo can't be hardened03:57
Maceri just find it odd that realistically maemo5 had such a short life span03:57
ToaIt's been out for quite a long time, so I imagine it has a larger set of applications available for it. Am I correct?03:57
Maceri mean honestly .. once a good working version of meego comes out for n900... i doubt anybody will be running maemo 5 anymore03:57
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psycho_oreosand symbian to me was a pure example of security through obscurity03:57
Macerother than people unwilling to accept it and let go :)03:57
DocScrutinizerMacer: and that opinion is based on what exactly?03:58
ljpsymbian security goes beyond that03:58
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psycho_oreosToa, as to symbian vs maemo? probably, but maemo was aimed more at tablet users or generally linux fans, symbian had more exposure due to its phone functionality03:58
MacerDocScrutinizer: well. on the fact that development for meego will be rather similar. that meego has its roots in maemo probably making development easy to swap over to. meego will be used on future nokia models whereas maemo will no longer be used... etc03:58
Macerstuff like that.03:58
i0hmy n810 cant access any of sd cards. any program attempting to access either internal or external sd just hangs :(03:59
DocScrutinizerMacer: and how would that make me swap my OS short term?03:59
i0hhowever they are present at /dev03:59
Macermake you swap your os short term?03:59
psycho_oreosand that is the exact reason why I loathed n95-1, from the time I bought it from store I've had numerous phone reboots, and the OS telling me what I can't do.. which is absolute stupidity03:59
i0hany ideas?04:00
Macerpsycho_oreos: i loved my n95 tbh04:00
psycho_oreosMacer, never did, never will04:00
Macerat the time it was an awesome piece of hardware04:00
DocScrutinizerMacer: maybe like KDE4 hype, where everybody is jumping train just for the "4" in it04:00
psycho_oreosit was an awesome piece of hardware laced with shitty OS named symbian04:00
MacerDocScrutinizer: possibly. but i would consider the larger fact of it being a linux based distro just like maemo and a future nokia roadmap04:01
Macernot to mention the other devices that will try to use it04:01
ljppsycho_oreos: I think you are confusing symbian with nokia's interface04:01
psycho_oreosthe future of maemo already lies in the path of meego, its successor04:01
DocScrutinizeris of ZERO relevance to me, my N900 and the apps I've configured after careful selection04:02
Macerwhereas maemo 5 will eventually go stale since nokia will hve dropped all official support for it and the community relies on the resources of joe developer to create things for it04:02
Maceri mean don't get me wrong. maemo 5 is great. but if meego acts more like a phone on my phone along with the power of the underlying maemo base04:02
psycho_oreosljp, no I'm not confused, I have had issues with OS telling me that I can't install unsigned packages or signed packages whereby the certificate does not exist on the device itself. Then there's issues with stupid camera shutter sounds which you can't turn it off legally.. then there's issues with accessing C:\ on symbian for example04:03
Macerthen it makes for a better phone OS04:03
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psycho_oreosljp, and that's just the tip of the iceberg for my issues with symbian04:04
Macerunfortunately whether community developers want to believe it or not.. the n900 is a PHONE. it is not a tablet that happens to be a phone. it is a step forward and requires acting like a phone.04:04
psycho_oreossomeone is severely out of touch with what n900 was04:04
DocScrutinizerso waht?04:04
Macerso all nokia support will be put behind meego and you will find 3 guys working on a stale maemo 5 in their parents basement because they have some niche thing they always wanted to get working04:05
DocScrutinizerI'm using N900 as a phone on a everyday basis, and I actually had *#-ena published for others to do the same04:05
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psycho_oreosthere's nothing wrong with people developing for legacy devices, there's always has and always will be fans of old/discontinued products04:06
MacerDocScrutinizer: heh. a phone is not just talking. it is a way of use.04:06
DocScrutinizerN900 is no less a phone than any other smartphone out there, and meego will take a looong time to get on par.04:06
MacerDocScrutinizer: depends on how much support is being pushed into it which appears as quite a bit04:06
Macerit is definately moving way faster than mer was04:06
DocScrutinizerwhat do you dream when you're asleep?04:07
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psycho_oreosprobably the death of maemo fans ;)04:07
Macerhaha.. no way. don't get me wrong. i love maemo 5 and my n900. honestly do.04:07
DocScrutinizerMacer: see, I'm using some linux version from 2006 on some of my machines. Guess why04:08
Macerbecause there is no need to upgrade? ;)04:08
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DocScrutinizerthe thing does the job, and never change a running system04:09
psycho_oreosyou're constantly belittling n900 is all I can see, n900 lacks features of what a phone is capable of and compared to n95 it is a far cry of being more complete of a phone.. above all what is not the real issue is the device itself, the issue is with people are having hard time to grasp the difference between what was once off a series of NIT that had phone capability on it compared to devices that has been around on much more bigger market and04:09
psycho_oreos has had time to mature04:09
Macerphones are tools of the masses and the majority of the money always wins DocScrutinizer04:09
DocScrutinizerzero need to improve *anything*04:09
Macernokia is a company. it goes where the money is04:10
Macerand money is found in innovative new products ... not by clinging onto old things that go stale. that was palm.04:11
DocScrutinizerMacer: again: why would *I* change to meego then??04:11
mortiniMacer: or, rather, where it *thinks* the money is.04:11
DocScrutinizeras that's been your original statement04:11
Macermortini: touche ;)04:11
psycho_oreosbecause he wants you to become a geek, spend more money on new devices that hasn't even come out yet04:11
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DocScrutinizerand that's getting annoying and boring04:12
DocScrutinizerI used my last phone for 8 years04:13
DocScrutinizerwith a short intermezzo on FR for 9 months04:13
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psycho_oreosthe 770/Nxxx series were specifically meant to be NIT devices, all except for n900 where there's interested NIT users who wants phone capability, and it was purely slapped on. It wasn't refined, but this is also the cause of why such debates exist between tablet users and phone users04:13
ljppsycho_oreos: that is the way symbian was designed. its secure04:13
DocScrutinizerand I'm planning to use N900 for at least 404:14
DocScrutinizerexactly the way it is *right now*04:14
psycho_oreosljp, some old article I read awhile ago said that symbian powered phones weren't secure, installing of some 3rd party app renders the device easily hackable. As soon as the email was sent off to symbian, they quickly reacted and turned symbian into some police state OS04:15
DocScrutinizerif not bought a promise on a bright future, I got me a device that meets my needs right now04:15
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DocScrutinizerand that will not 'stall'04:15
psycho_oreosljp, thus I'm sure there's a fair few angered users over symbian's tough on security approach that is well beyond restrictive-ness... and if they really want a phone like that there's always iphone, blackberry or win mobile04:16
DocScrutinizerhell, I even can update kernel on my pertty own, if I feel like04:16
DocScrutinizerand meego offival as of Nokia, for N900, will never happen anyway, so wtf should I feel like abandoning maemo as soon as a half-cooked meego is released ?04:18
psycho_oreosI never wanted to buy a device that controls me, its a waste of my money, I never expected symbian to be like that and now that I know how shitty it was I will never own another symbian powered OS, it has always been a POS.. obsessive on security and lack of flexibility04:19
psycho_oreosa crude way to look at things would be to say those who own such devices who controls their freedom just wants to be controlled.. like master and slave04:20
ToaI'm in the market for a new phone, and I really like my N810, but would prefer not to spend $450 on a phone/computer that is very dependant on the community for its applications if the developers will dry up if the next device releases soon.04:20
ljppsycho_oreos: symbians security model was not some quickly done reaction to a magazine article. operators had more to do with it04:20
Maceras opposed to their continued support for maemo?04:21
psycho_oreosljp, apparently it was a rather swift action and there's no way to disable any of such stupid implementations without hacking the firmware04:21
DocScrutinizerToa: if there's any app you are missing on N900 from nokia now, then go search for your dream elsewhere04:22
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MacerToa: galaxy s looks pretty nice for an android phone04:22
returnthisToa: all options suck. iPhone is a jail, Android is java on a phone (lots of apps though). n900 is linux on a phone, but at end of line04:22
MacerToa: one might go so far as to say it is an android version of an iphone.. the videos of them side by side were comical :)04:23
returnthisI bought the n900 before nokia did the confusing meego switch. right now I have no idea which phone I would get04:23
Maceri was expecting it to boot with an apple symbol04:23
ljppsycho_oreos: trust me, nothing in nokia is donr swiftly04:24
psycho_oreosand the switch from maemo to meego happened to be a joint venture between two companies sharing different styles. Sure its inevitable that n900 will be the last of maemo 5 which will be the last of the maemo series but for now meego seems to be the future04:24
psycho_oreosljp, so you're saying it was symbian's fault for implementing those stupid security stuff and not having the ability to turn them off?04:24
ToaWhat makes it more confusing is some of the carriers (like AT&T) lock down their Android phones so the user can only use their apps.04:25
Macerpsycho_oreos: it will be interesting to see if a good meego beta comes out in a bit04:25
Macerfor n90004:25
ljpi am saying there was a demand for it. it was the way symbian was designed to work.04:25
DocScrutinizerplease would everybody go read - before I get angry and start kicking asses04:25
ljppsycho_oreos: or rather, s6004:26
psycho_oreosMacer, maybe but I'm not keen on dualbooting meego until its more stable04:26
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psycho_oreosljp, designed to work.. so its fundamentally flawed in not being user friendly enough to give the end users flexibility?04:27
DocScrutinizerreturnthis: what confusing switch? whether next release of OS for N-series is called maemo or meego, it simply won't run on N900 when designed for a c-ts mt device without hw kbd04:28
psycho_oreosthat's probably why symbian fails04:28
ljppsycho_oreos: not a flaw.thats how its supposed to work04:28
DocScrutinizerreturnthis: so I honnestly wonder how your N900 got any less worth and value by Nokia developing a OS that integrates moblin04:28
Macerpsycho_oreos: Stskeeps said it would be best to wait until a little later on to try it out and i will do that eventually just to see how far it has come04:28
psycho_oreosljp, again you're simply indicating that symbian is no better than the likse of iOS, blackberry or win mobile in terms of controlling users's freedom04:29
Maceri'm sure it will be a little while but i ran my G1 for quite a while and it only got better but eventually the hardware was dated04:29
ljppsycho_oreos: at least users and developers do not have to rely on one companys graces to be able to sell apps04:29
psycho_oreosljp, more like pay $ x 1000 for the right to develop the software on symbian04:30
psycho_oreoshardly different04:30
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Macerpsycho_oreos: don't think the goal of "open" symbian was to really be open :)04:35
ljppsycho_oreos: that is changing04:36
psycho_oreosMacer, during my time of ownership of n95, symbian was never open, there were works underway but it would never reach into my hands04:36
psycho_oreosljp, changing at a very late time too bad04:36
ljpnot too late at all04:37
Macerljp: well. if symbian is meant for middle range phones and meego is for the upper smart-phones04:37
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Macerat least if that is the nokia roadmap... then who would want to develop for a phone that comes out as outdated hardware?04:38
* SpeedEvil is bored. Bored since Sat Jul 24 00:23.04:38
psycho_oreoswell in nokia's case for example, symbian will soon be powering lower priced nokia phones, I'm sure there will be a few other companies soon to follow now that android is taking a serious share on the market04:38
Maceryeah. android did kind of take off. it was a total piece of shit when it first came out on my G1 :)04:38
Macercyanogen did absolutely awesome work on his community devs04:39
returnthisDocScrutinizer: its the promise of an application ecosystem is what really matters. with the move to meego, n900 is not going to get much more attention for new apps.04:39
psycho_oreosthe key point is that it was shit but because its slightly far more open sourced than symbian (which could probably be labelled as open symbian) it had gain far more audience, devs, etc04:40
DocScrutinizerreturnthis: would you fsckng please read
DocScrutinizerif you already did, then I strongly suggest you do again04:40
DocScrutinizerapplications built for Qt are ported back to maemo on the push of a button04:41
ToaDocScrutinizer, thanks for that link.  It was very informative.04:42
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MacerNext step. You're worried you are getting left behind in terms of applications from 3rd parties targetting Maemo6 and MeeGo.04:42
MacerDocScrutinizer: heh. i'm more intrested in the ui04:42
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Maceri mean that is so pretty :)04:44
psycho_oreosMacer, who? me? never, I'm quite happy with n900 as it is, sure its incomplete masterpiece and its my very first maemo device. I'm quite happy to acquire linux that now has phone functionalities (albeit far from complete but meh) and at least an OS that isn't as restrictive as what shitian was04:44
Macershitian hahha04:45
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psycho_oreosalbeit linux on phone isn't new, I've missed the boat a few times and now managed to grasp one04:47
psycho_oreosphone/internet tablet04:47
SpeedEvillinux on a fairly open phone intentionally is pretty new.04:50
psycho_oreosif symbian had been more friendly by providing flexibility to the end user, I would not be having my beef about how my past experience of how shitty symbian was.. and most likely would have bought X6 or N8. At the end of the day I want a device that obeys me, if I tell it to go fuck itself, it would as you would expect on linux.. not like go fuck yourself instead on windows or you need valid signed certificate for that04:50
psycho_oreosvalid and signed certificate on symbian04:51
psycho_oreosand probably by then it'll probably say the same thing as windows after all that effort.. access denied04:51
ToaMacer: You're right, that's a great looking UI.  I wonder how much it affects battery life.04:52
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: not THAT new :-)04:54
psycho_oreosstill linux on phone is no longer new, Qtopia (trolltech) had the first slice of linux on phone, then came early HTC breeds with linux (supposedly)04:55
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: to be fair, the neo1973/freerunner were not an open phone really until fairly recently.04:56
SpeedEvilAt least unless you picked a 'golden' software version, and stuck with it.04:56
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DocScrutinizeraah yes04:56
psycho_oreosI don't think much of the older linux phones had that much openness either way :)04:56
SpeedEvilthey were an open phone-shaped-object - with a broken software stack.04:57
mortiniimo, n900 is great if you want a 'portable computer', but it kinda blows if you want a lot of spiffy apps already written04:57
SpeedEvilpsycho_oreos: Android was the first 'open' phone probably - you could buy the unlocked one. The OS is _very_ not 'normal' linux though.04:57
psycho_oreosfreerunner was somewhat ill-equipped for average phone users at the time, it remained much like enthusiast type of phone much like how n900 is04:58
psycho_oreosSpeedEvil, problem is I've heard rumours G1 was the only phone with unlocked bootloader, so its not all that open in other sense either04:58
SpeedEviln900 is - I think - a mostly workable phone (I've had worse phones) with a comparatively open stack, though with closed blobs,and a normal userspace.04:59
SpeedEvilI don't really count iphone or android if you have to root it.04:59
mortinigiven phone regulations, can only be so open04:59
psycho_oreosdon't know why you bothered to mention iphail in the first place ;)04:59
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SpeedEvilmortini: the software stack is almost irrelevant to that. In almost all cases (but the cheapest phones) the modem stack runs on a different CPU.05:00
psycho_oreosand yes I generally agree that n900 is a more workable phone albeit I have little experience with userspace stuff, etc05:00
DocScrutinizermortini: regulations don't hinder openness, as modem is a subsystem as blackboxy to you as the OS on your USB storage cornroller chip05:00
DocScrutinizerand you don't care05:01
mortiniI wanna combine opera & moz & built-in browser. since they all have things i like and dislike.05:01
mortinimostly, i just want a mail app that doesn't suck.05:01
mortiniand can handle more than 5 messages in an inbox05:01
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TermanaN900good morning05:02
mortini you insist.05:02
mortiniIf. You. Insist.05:02
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Toamortini: You can tinker with many electronics (wireless routers, for instance) to make them perform in such a way that they are outside regulations.  Why they don't have them more locked down to prevent it, I don't know.05:05
SpeedEvilThe mail app on n900 is opensource. Modest.05:05
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mortiniSpeedEvil: yeah, and based on libtinymail which, somehow is 'tiny' and includes gtk widgets.05:06
mortiniToa: mostly becasue you can't actually modify the radio in any meaningful way05:07
Toamortini: Well, you could, for example, boost the output of the antennas to go well beyond regulations.05:08
* mortini shrugs.05:09
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luke-jrI need a gear to move a vertical stick downward at a rate of 8 Mt/Tim, with a pendulum that has a timmill interval05:11
luke-jrany ideas?05:11
Toamortini: But you're right, the telecommunications networks are much more regulated and enforced than the wifi spectrum.05:13
SpeedEvilluke-jr: use sensible units?05:16
SpeedEvilWierd bongy noises and shutoff.05:16
SpeedEvilIt was plugged in and not on 3G05:16
luke-jrSpeedEvil: why?05:17
luke-jrtonal units are the only sensible ones..05:17
chiwhere is the media library db stored in maemo?05:17
mortiniSpeedEvil: i started writing my own client, but then i got mindf'd on the whole deal and sorta gave up05:17
SpeedEvilhmm - device read error05:17
SpeedEvil(on the host side)05:17
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chior rather how can i clear all past user info from maemo?05:18
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luke-jrhas anyone tested my GPS stuff from scratch yet? :P05:20
luke-jrMacer: test my GPS stuff.05:21
Maceri'm going to bed. i am just watching this iphone 3gs / n900 video05:22
SpeedEvilluke-jr: no, I meant to, then I got ambushed by a kangaroo wielding a scimitar.05:22
SpeedEvilOops - you're right - sorry - it was a sabre.05:22
MacerSpeedEvil: HAHAHAHAH05:22
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Toachi: There is a reset the device option in the control panel, I believe05:28
Toachi: Or, you can simply reflash the device by using your computer.05:29
luke-jrSpeedEvil: wd!05:29
Toachi: I suppose I should ask what device you have.05:29
SpeedEvilluke-jr: In reality - I forgot, and I'd ave to go outside and get it, and charge it, and ...05:30
luke-jrSpeedEvil: you won the game <.<05:30
SpeedEvilUnfortunately not. I have no large catgirl harem on the moon.05:31
MacerSpeedEvil: :) the scimitar was a way better choice of weapon05:31
SpeedEvilMacer: I am not resonsible for the state of kangaroo armaments.05:32
Maceryeah. a kangaroo right of passage is smelting their own blade05:32
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chii think i will then. thanks Toa =)05:42
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: failure to start charging? (though I never seen it happen on USB hosts)06:46
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: anyway that's exactly what happened to me a few hours ago, see backscroll06:46
DocScrutinizeron wallcharger06:47
* DocScrutinizer considers to set up autokick on 'tonal', with fixed user t kick, no matter who posted the matchstring06:48
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DocScrutinizeror, more clearly: This a tonal-free zone, including all units, numbers, and other concepts based on tonal. This applies particularly to user luke-jr06:50
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DocScrutinizerno kidding06:51
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TermanaN900what have i missed?06:51
* TermanaN900 grabs popcorn06:51
DocScrutinizernah, eat your popcorn while watching TV. Here's nothing happening, move on06:52
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: discrimination!06:52
DocScrutinizernope, enforcing of a minimum of common sense. Tonal indoctrination isn't appreciated, as is trolling about Qt being a lib, a preprocessor extension, or a programming language in it's own right06:54
DocScrutinizerI get my daily WTF elsewhere06:55
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luke-jrDocScrutinizer: you'll have to ban metric too then. and inches/feet/etc just to be fair. no units allowed.06:56
DocScrutinizerso let me put it simple: OT discussions are stopped as soon as somebody complains. I complain06:56
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DocScrutinizerdiscussion here subsumes statements and remarks that nobody is answering on, aka trolling06:58
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* luke-jr wonders what with the ops here and their bad moods today06:59
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Stskeepsmorn slonopotamus07:10
slonopotamusStskeeps: morn, yep07:10
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DocScrutinizerthough, actually dawn outside :-S07:11
chiToa, i flashed it and everything went fine. old contacts and what not are still there =/07:12
* slonopotamus had terrible headache since tuesday and isn't very happy about that.07:12
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DocScrutinizerToa: sure, most of that is in your homedir, and that's not even touched on flashing the rootfs07:13
DocScrutinizerchi: ^^^07:13
chii went through there already heh07:13
chiwill just deleted it all i guess07:13
DocScrutinizera backup and restore will still give you most of that, even after eMMC flash07:14
DocScrutinizerotoh if complete erasure is what you're after, maybe give settings a try, there are some erase all private data  and  restore factory settings  options07:15
chiooooh there it is07:16
* chi grins07:16
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chigreat, it wants an unlock cod07:19
* chi shakes his head07:19
DocScrutinizerI'd shake head if those options were's double-secured07:20
DocScrutinizerooops, weren't07:20
pigeonhmm, the software update check on the n900 could be quite annoying sometimes...07:21
* DocScrutinizer wonders if meanwhile we got a clear howto_reset_devicecode07:22
DocScrutinizerheh, qgil online :-D07:23
DocScrutinizerchi: what means "no" here?07:23
chi12345 didn;t work either07:25
DocScrutinizerthen you changed the code07:25
DocScrutinizeror you're messing with SIMlock unlock07:25
DocScrutinizerwhich is called "unlock device" OWTTE in settings menu07:26
DocScrutinizer"enter code to remove network provider lock" here (in de_DE, translated)07:27
chiyup i was entering in the wrong place07:27
chigeebus i really need sleep07:27
* chi facepalm07:27
chi12345 was correct07:27
pigeondoes anyone know what /usr/libexec/ham-after-boot does?07:27
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DocScrutinizermoos back07:44
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ml-mobileit seems this battery cannot be estimated at all :/08:17
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slonopotamusml-mobile: tried BatteryGraph?08:21
microlithyeah, it's showing a slight decline in power consumption08:27
microlitherr, battery charge rather08:28
microlithguess I haven't been messing with it as much as I usually do08:28
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astruasdhhello guys... please, sometimes my n900 shows that there is no sim card. I related it to the lack of signal, but sometimes it happens in a place with a really strong sinal. is it possible to workaround this?09:43
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slonopotamusokay, ppl. autotools are just crap.09:48
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slonopotamusastruasdh: it's the lack of contact between phone and simcard09:49
astruasdhslonopotamus, what can I do? buy another sim card?09:49
slonopotamusastruasdh: put something thick (folded piece of paper, for example) between simcard and battery.09:49
slonopotamusastruasdh: that helped 2 n900s here :)09:49
slonopotamusastruasdh: bad simcard holder, doesn't produce enough pressure09:50
slonopotamusastruasdh: it helped? :)09:58
astruasdhslonopotamus, a lot!09:59
astruasdhslonopotamus, you saved my cellphone (it almost has been thrown to the wall) and my cellphone company (I almost put a bomb there)10:00
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* slonopotamus considers opening a paper-pressure-thingie-for-your-n900 shop10:01
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slonopotamus~curse autobuilder10:05
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, autobuilder !10:05
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slonopotamus~curse autobuilder10:08
slonopotamus~curse autobuilder10:08
slonopotamus~curse autobuilder10:08
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, autobuilder !10:08
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slonopotamuswhat autotools thing creates config.guess/config.sub?10:10
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slonopotamusokay, found10:20
slonopotamusWriting NEWS, README, AUTHORS, and ChangeLog10:21
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slonopotamusThese files are required by automake. More correctly, these files must exist in order for automake to run successfully. The contents of these files are not really relevant to automake. You can just put placeholders, or you can put the correct contents into each (the names are pretty self-explanatory).10:21
marcusHeya guys, any "big" and exciting news the last 2 weeks? I've been hiking in greenland, and not much network there.10:22
marcusFor the n900 mostly10:22
slonopotamusmarcus: nope10:22
marcusslonopotamus: Not even any exciting new apps?10:22
slonopotamusmarcus: fcamera10:23
marcusslonopotamus: fcam that is?10:24
slonopotamusmarcus: package name is fcamera10:24
marcusAhh, nvm.10:24
marcusYeah, just googled a tad deeper (:10:25
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slonopotamusit really knocks off osso-camera-ui10:28
slonopotamuss/off/down or smth/10:29
infobotslonopotamus meant: it really knocks down or smth osso-camera-ui10:29
RST38hbuilt in camera app seems to produce better pictures though10:29
RST38hfcamera shows vignetting and noise10:29
slonopotamusand clearly shows that it measures focus distance wrong :)10:29
RST38hyep, noticed that today too10:30
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slonopotamusalways more than needed10:30
RST38hopposite here10:31
RST38htends to put it at 1-2m when shooting at infinity10:31
slonopotamus~2 times more for me10:31
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slonopotamusRST38h: well, your infinity isn't so infinite as you think then :)10:32
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slonopotamusmy package builds in sdk but doesn't on builder. thoughts?
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* slonopotamus forces everyone to abandon autotools10:57
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alteregoSome wanker started dril!lng at half eight in the morning ..11:25
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alteregowtf, on a saturday?!?11:25
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trumeecould somebody help me with usb networking11:31
trumeeI run a gentoo box. What should i do at the host side?11:32
trumeei have usb0 and usbpn0 on my host box.11:32
trumeedo i need to specify an ip address to usb0 before i connect N900?11:33
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cylenthello all11:34
cylentanybody know if theres a program that will announce calls by "speaking them" per name like on other Nokia devices ? (for the n900)11:35
alteregotrumee: yes, the IP address should be on the network11:35
alteregotrumee: the N900 expects .14 for gateway for some reason though that is un important.11:35
trumeealterego: my lan runs on
alteregotrumee: So? this is a different "LAN"11:35
trumeealterego: ok11:36
alteregocylent: there is, search talk.maemo.org11:38
alteregoIt uses eSpeak I believe11:38
cylenti honestly am searching but dont know what to search for LOL11:38
astruasdhalterego, I'm sorry, but what does lng mean?11:39
slonopotamusholy crap. looks like i won autotools.11:42
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slonopotamusfuuuuck! now arm target builds and i386 cannot link because is broken on builder11:48
fralscylent: espeakcaller or smth11:50
slonopotamus(arm built successfully)11:54
fralsarch: armel in control file ;D11:54
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cylenthmm. i added extras-testing and extras-devel but its not in there.11:58
slonopotamusfrals: cheater11:59
slonopotamusfrals: and i386 builds in sdk loclly11:59
cylenti was typing freemantile instead of fremantle12:01
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crashanddieDocScrutinizer: itunes?12:06
* MohammadAG51 pukes12:06
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alteregoagood fnord morning12:16
alteregoaallah akbar12:17
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crashanddiealterego: I can remove him12:18
alteregocrashanddie: please12:18
alteregoai Sverige det är mycket sent mörk12:18
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alteregoHe's obviously dogging me for some reason.12:18
alteregoai got my nick since 200312:19
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crashanddieI had to watch out for nick autocompletion there :P12:19
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alteregoIt's juxst dodgy coming from china :D12:19
MohammadAG51crashanddie, nah, you could've banned both12:20
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crashanddiealterego: no, that's switzerland12:20 is switzerland?12:21
kerioduh12:21 china12:21
alteregoAnyhow, thank you crashanddie he's been a bit of a nuisance over the past week ..12:21
kerioalso, he registered alteregoa on Apr 29 10:32:30 2008 (2 years, 12 weeks, 1 day, 22:48:41 ago)12:21
alteregoAh, right.12:21
alteregoI was wondering if he had actually _registered_ it :)12:22
alteregoI wonder how long I've had mine for ..12:22
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slonopotamusMohammadAG51: :D12:24
kerio-NickServ- Registered : Dec 13 21:57:02 2003 (6 years, 32 weeks, 0 days, 11:27:18 ago)12:24
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crashanddieI'm removing the ban, the guy apologised in PM12:25
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alteregokerio: thanks :) wow, thass a long time.12:26
kerioyou know, /ns help is free12:26
alteregocrashanddie: the point is, he doesn't even know what the channel is for, he's here for me only.12:27
kerio(or /msg nickserv help if your client sucks)12:27
crashanddiekerio: he wondered, didn't ask you to look it up12:27
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keriocrashanddie: sorry for being helpful12:27
crashanddiealterego: this channel is supposed to be open, spread the word, all that12:28
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alteregocrashanddie: fair enough.12:28
alteregoMaybe it's about time I got a new Nick anyway12:28
crashanddiehe shouldn't bother you again, if he does, without disrupting the channel: /ignore. If he disrupts the channel, we'll remove him anyway.12:28
keriospread the word that the hw keyboard is pure crap on 3-key combos12:28
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crashanddieI don't know what's more epic, the clamp, or the colour of those cars12:29
kerioalthough i did manage to get all the unix keys here12:29
slonopotamuswho broke libgcrypt?12:29
Myrttigood morning12:29
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slonopotamusMyrtti: you?12:29
kerioi also got the gbp symbol there, not sure why12:29
slonopotamusor, who updated libgpg-error?12:30
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slonopotamuswho is Bjoern Ricks?12:34
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keriowhat do you guys use to sync the time?13:01
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alteregoI do13:02
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alteregoContemplating using GPS time though13:03
th3hateI forgot my N900's lock code, anything i can to get it back?13:03
th3hatebut not flashing..13:03
alteregoth3hate: even flashing wont change the code.13:03
alteregoDid you set the code yourself?13:04
th3hateno i changed it some time ago13:04
th3hatebut i forgot it now13:04
kerionokia could probably change it13:04
kerio*if* you provide enough proof you're the owner13:04
alteregoYeah, if you take it into a care centre you might be able to get it fixed.13:04
th3hatewell, sadly no close nokia care point around here..13:04
th3hatei have to drive like 6 hours..13:05
alteregoThere's always mail :P13:05
alteregoPhone them up and ask.13:05
th3hatei heard there is a way to get it back via terminal13:05
slonopotamuswasn't there some bug that allowed logging in without entering security code?13:05
alteregoI'd try to use memorable numbers, maybe you used a normal PIN with a 0 on the end or something like that.13:05
alteregoth3hate: nope.13:05
th3hateso nokia care point is the only way?13:06
alteregoth3hate: well, it's the closest thing we have to an answer.,13:06
th3hateNot even flash rootfs and eMMC?13:06
alteregoNo, lock code is on a secure area of the phone.13:06
slonopotamusdoes it store password in CAL?13:07
alteregoIt wouldn't be very secure if you could just flash it and remove the security :P13:07
slonopotamusalterego: it isn't secure13:07
alteregoslonopotamus: how do you get around it then?13:07
slonopotamusalterego: you can happily replace kernel/loader/whatever13:07
alteregoFair point ..13:08
th3hatecheck this vid:
th3hatewill it work?13:08
th3haterecovering lost security lock code on Linux CLI13:08
alteregoIf the risks are low, try it ..13:09
slonopotamusth3hate: do you have sshd installed there?13:09
slonopotamusth3hate: and is your n900 locked currently?13:10
alteregoOh, heh13:10
slonopotamusth3hate: but... can you login via ssh?13:10
alteregoYeah, is it currently connected to a network?13:10
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th3hateno i restarted it and lock screen appeared13:11
th3hateso its not connected to anything13:11
alteregoHrm ..13:11
slonopotamusth3hate: won't it autoconnect to your wifi AP?13:11
Stskeepsand 12345 doesnt work?13:11
th3hateno it's not set on auto connect13:11
th3hateonly manual13:11
alteregoOh dear.13:12
slonopotamusthat was your mistake No2 :)13:12
slonopotamusStskeeps: is lock code stored in CAL?13:12
Stskeepsits however a hash i believe13:13
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slonopotamuswell, it is set to smth when it is _unset_13:13
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slonopotamusso, plan: 1. boot meego/android/whatever. 2. build my libopencal 3. set lock code to smth that means "no lock code" 4. reboot 5. profit :D. it can accidentally destroy CAL data, but you were going to nokia care anyway :D13:15
th3hateWell driving six hours seems easier than what you said13:16
slonopotamusokay :)13:16
th3hatebut wait i think i have multiboot installed13:16
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th3hatei can boot android13:17
th3hatehow to: . 2. build my libopencal 3. set lock code to smth that means "no lock code" 4.13:17
slonopotamusso, #1 is done :D13:17
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slonopotamusth3hate: maybe you just use android? :)13:17
th3hateIt has no phone function13:18
th3hateyou gotta be kidding me..13:18
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th3hateIs there anything i can do or im just wasting time?13:20
psycho_oreosafaik NITdroid was very much WIP :)13:21
Stskeepsif you can wait a week we have a rescue initrd of sorts in meego..13:21
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slonopotamusmeh, got disconnected13:26
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smharI am thinking of using my N900 as the mail 'email system'. I currently use thundrebird in my notebook and my home pc. I have several email accounts. when away from my computers I use web email interface. what suggestions do you have for me?13:44
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DocScrutinizerslonopotamus: there's no such thing like 'no lockcode' afaik13:51
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DocScrutinizer[2010-07-24 06:22:28] * DocScrutinizer wonders if meanwhile we got a clear howto_reset_devicecode13:56
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jacekowskith3hate: code-reset in repository13:57
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: initrd? how's it going to boot?13:57
slonopotamusDocScrutinizer: hmm. okay13:57
jacekowskith3hate: it will reset the code to 1234513:57
SpeedEvilWelcome all!13:57
DocScrutinizerthat's been about time13:58
slonopotamusjacekowski: does it run from android? :)13:58
DocScrutinizerwas about to say "where's jacekowski when you need him?"13:58
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slonopotamusjacekowski: well... then what's use in it?13:59
jacekowskigive me a sec13:59
slonopotamusokay, you can mount maemo fs from android.13:59
jacekowskii could make a generic unlocker that unlock phone via usb14:00
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: was "itunes" the reply to [2010-07-24 00:14:18] * DocScrutinizer wonders what becamo of allofmp3  ??14:00
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jacekowskithing is that generic unlocker could be abused14:01
SpeedEvilWell - you can flash a kernel, and ask it to boot, and that kernel can load a FS over USB, and read out everything from the phone, in under a minute.14:03
jacekowskithat requires little bit of skill14:03
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jacekowskii was thinking of something that would require you to use some sort of id14:04
jacekowskilike pay £1 via credit card and you get imei locked version14:05
slonopotamus£1 is a good id, yep14:05
jacekowskicredit card is14:05
jacekowskiunless it's stolen14:05
jacekowskibut that eliminates all low level thiefs14:06
* slonopotamus hates autotools14:06
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MohammadAGcan't ssh to the N90014:16
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: Did you make its hostname mordor?14:16
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smharI am thinking of using my N900 as the mail 'email system'. I currently use thundrebird in my notebook and my home pc. I have several email accounts. when away from my computers I use web email interface. what suggestions do you have for me?14:20
jacekowskibuy an iphone14:21
slonopotamususe imap14:22
smharjacekowski, not funny14:22
slonopotamusor, better, read mail through mutt/pine on remote host through ssh :)14:23
slonopotamusthat's so 199014:23
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smharI was thinking about using some dedicated email client like thunderbird or Claws Mail or Sylpheed14:30
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: imei-locked costomer-specific was what we had as plan B on OM, if ever our flashing of modem firmware would cause fatalities like erased config (==CAL) areas14:32
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: you wouldn't want to go thru the hassle to receive 1GBP via credit card from all over the world, ans paypal probably useless for that identification purpose14:35
jacekowskithat can be automated14:35
jacekowskiand i could make some profit on it14:35
DocScrutinizertry it, you'll curse the day you started it14:36
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jacekowskii can't really imagine what could go wrong14:36
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DocScrutinizer"Dear Mr jacekowski - here is the money transfer from india to your account at our bank. Ammount: 1GBP, fee for handling and conversion from Indian rupies: 7.86GBP"14:37
alteregoHrm, so omapfb.h isn't in the linux kernel hedaers.14:38
alteregoI guess that makes sense, so they have to distribute the file seperately .. Great ..14:38
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smharcan I run thunderbird , Claws Mail or Sylpheed without easy debian?14:39
alteregoclaws should be available.14:40
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petteriAny germas here that could help? I am going to Berlin for couple of days next week. Any pointers if (and where) I could get prepaid sim card with unlimited data, so that I could internet on my n900 (maps and stuff)14:43
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: then OTOH think about that: the hacker interested in your personal data on N900 is cute enough to do what you're planning to do, without your help. For the usual dumbass junkie thief and dealer N900 is a dead booty, as there's no standard flasher out there to deal with IMEI in N900 - nota bene you can not flash cellmo via USB like you do on RAPUYAMA-only phones14:44
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pebHi Petteri, I'm German. About Prepaid-Sims: I've to check myself ... Normal Prepaid Sims you can buy nearly everywhere .... I'll check.14:44
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DocScrutinizerpetteri: heard simio *should* work - supermarkets, need to fine the right one. O2 has shops everywhere, get a LOOP prepaid PAYG SIM, and book INTERNET_L for 25EUR/month (==5GB)14:46
pebThanks DocScrutinizer, saved me some work :-)14:46
petteriDocScrutinizer, peb thanks for you both. I'll look it up14:47
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kerio25€/month is way too much imo14:48
kerioalthough we are paying 21 atm14:48
keriofor 350 hours14:48
kerioplus 9 on my phone sim...14:48
keriogaah i'm paying too much for internet14:49
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SpeedEvilPaypal is not useless for ID purposes.14:50
SpeedEvilPaypal has ID tied to every account.14:50
DocScrutinizerpetteri: tariff LOOP LMS(?) ->LOOP-UP30 (30EUR) = 30eur normal account PLUS 30eur bonus. Then send sms "START INTERNET-L" to 566714:50
SpeedEvilYou can pass the paypal ID to police, and they can investigate14:50
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DocScrutinizerpetteri: will leave you with 5EUR normal account for special numbers etc, 5GB traffic for one month, plus 30EUR bonus for normal call and SMS 'minutes'14:52
petteriDocScrutinizer: ok :)14:54
DocScrutinizerpetteri: dunno how it matches with a freshly bought card, maybe the card is 25eur and comes without any bonus or minutes, for one month. You need to ask in shop14:54
DocScrutinizer(comes without) but with data volume of course14:54
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: fair enough, but paypal accounts are notorious to be faked14:55
DocScrutinizeror hijacked14:56
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h4xordoodhey maemo doesnt have video calling support ? o_O14:56
DocScrutinizerdepends on your definition of video-call14:57
h4xordoodlike when u dialling number u can choose video calling 3g14:57
DocScrutinizerseems maemo's video-call support is at least as good as the very new 'cute' iPhone's14:58
jacekowskiyou can do jabber video call14:58
jacekowskiand skype video call14:58
h4xordoodDocScrutinizer: how can i video call14:58
h4xordoodjacekowski: thats VOIP14:58
DocScrutinizerh4xordood: honestly I never seen *anybody* doing video calling over 3G14:58
jacekowskialmost like 3g14:58
kerioDocScrutinizer: the front-facing camera sucks :|14:58
h4xordoodbut the call like 3g14:59
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: i never made a video phone call14:59
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: even on the internet14:59
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: i don't really like when somebody watches me14:59
h4xordoodwhere i dial phone number actually and not paying skype14:59
jacekowskii don't have webcam14:59
jacekowskiand webcam drivers in my laptop are uninstalled14:59
h4xordoodjacekowski: same here i never do14:59
h4xordoodbut its matter with my girlfriend :P14:59
DocScrutinizershe got a N900?15:00
h4xordoodshe has nokia 580015:00
h4xordoodxpress music15:00
jacekowskinot so geeky15:00
h4xordoodshe wants to have an eye on me may be :P15:00
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jacekowski3g video calls with video faker15:01
DocScrutinizerso I wonder if 5800 came with big letters "VIDEO CALLS WTH EVERYWHERE!" on the box15:01
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: to create a paypal account, you need a CC or a bank account.15:01
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: So it's pretty much the same proble15:02
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: to hijack a paypal account you need much less :-P15:02
slonopotamuswtf?  apt-get update && apt-get install sflphone-client-gnome 0Mb15:02
DocScrutinizergood social engineering or a virus will do15:02
infobotslonopotamus meant: wtf?  apt-get update && apt-get install sflphone-client-gnome 0bytes15:02
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: don't forget the rubber hose.15:03
slonopotamusinfobot: stop highlighting me without a reason.15:04
* infobot leaps to his feet and stops highlighting me without a reason.15:04
slonopotamusinfobot: go away15:04
infobot/server irc.rt.ru15:04
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jacekowskiinfobot: die15:04
* infobot takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.15:04
slonopotamusinfobot: lick jacekowski15:04
* infobot licks jacekowski *SHLUUURRRRPPP*15:04
DocScrutinizerh4xordood: get your gf a n900 and use skype or any IM with video. Or you both buy a Iphone 4G and claim you invented videocalling15:05
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h4xordoodha ha :D15:06
* slonopotamus hates autobuilder that behaves differently from sdk15:06
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jacekowskislonopotamus: ?15:06
jacekowskislonopotamus: works for me15:06
jacekowskislonopotamus: it's same here and there15:06
jacekowskislonopotamus: just less packages installed by default there15:06
DocScrutinizerwhich is a good thing(TM)15:07
h4xordoodi am thinking mee go on n90015:07
h4xordoodmee go has that function of video calling yes ?15:08
slonopotamusjacekowski: no. same config.guess resulted in arm-unknown-linux-gnu locally and in arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi on autobuilder.15:08
slonopotamusjacekowski: it was old config.guess, but so what?15:08
DocScrutinizerh4xordood: screwit, meego has probably no call function at all yet :-P15:08
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DocScrutinizer(well, actually it might have something considerably more rudimentary than maemo has)15:09
keriois there a guide in configuring ntp for the n900?15:10
DocScrutinizerdon't expect meego on par with maemo+apps for the next 9 months at very least15:10
slonopotamusnow, everyone, apt-get update && apt-get install sflphone-client-gnome && sflphone :P15:11
DocScrutinizeresp on N90015:11
DocScrutinizerthis might change on rollout of N90x++, but that won't instantly change things for N90015:11
h4xordoodapt-get update doesnt updates my n900 o_O15:11
DocScrutinizerh4xordood: RTFM!15:12
kerioit updates the apt catalog15:12
h4xordoodsome errors and shuts15:12
kerioapt-get update && apt-get upgrade will update the packages too15:12
DocScrutinizersounds like PEBCAK15:12
h4xordoodDocScrutinizer: RTFM! i read some of it15:13
smharseems there is still no mature email client for N900, this means I will still not be able to use it as my primary email device.. sad15:13
flashnyoure gonna keep another device with you just for emailing?15:14
keriocan someone make a better wifi toggle applet?15:14
flashnyeah, thats really sad15:14
DocScrutinizersmhar: this might be true, and due to the fact I'd not use it as my primary mailing client even when it had thunderbird, I can't really comment on it. Except there won't be change if everybody feels the way I do15:14
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DocScrutinizerhow about webmailer?15:16
alteregoUrgh, why aren't there any good tutorials/examples on making X video overlays ...15:17
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: pretty much15:17
alteregoI don't wanna use fbdev :(15:17
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DocScrutinizercrashanddie: mhm15:17
alteregospecifically omapfb ..15:17
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: don't exactly agree but meh15:17
crashanddienot what became of it, but rather, an alternative as you asked15:17
SpeedEvildiddn't lcuk do something overlayey?15:17
crashanddieIIRC, lcuk paints directly in YUV to the buffer15:18
alteregoYeah, it's just I can't do Qt widget overlays on top of that.15:18
mhmhyay.. Back to maemo again. Got sent a Galaxy S as replacment when my first one broke.. Getting aN900 again middle of next week :)15:18
DocScrutinizerthere's a living tutorial and the nick is rater :-P15:18
DocScrutinizerraster even15:19
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alteregoI want to do something similar to the inbuilt "Camera" application.15:19
DocScrutinizerand that is?15:20
DocScrutinizersuck? be closed?15:20
SpeedEvilA nice camera would be awesome.15:20
alteregoWell, I think they use gstreamer, but I want to be more direct.15:20
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: nope, something that opens randomly in your pocket :P15:20
alteregoSpeedEvil: that's what I'm working on :/15:20
DocScrutinizerfcma has potential I thought15:20
alteregoDocScrutinizer: yeah, I'm using fcam.15:21
alteregoTheir examples use fbdev/omapfb15:21
alteregoBut I can't render widgets on top of that.15:21
DocScrutinizerthey can15:21
DocScrutinizeror wait, no they don't15:21
alteregoThey use colour keys15:21
alteregoWell, a colour key15:22
DocScrutinizerdo they?15:22
alteregoThen omapfb only updates based on that key.15:22
alteregoThe "grey" that some people report they see when they don't get video is the colour key15:22
DocScrutinizerhmhmhm, histogram is superimposed15:23
DocScrutinizerbuttons are not15:23
alteregoWell, they can render the histogram on the QWidget they use for the view finder, the colour key will be replaced with white and show "through" the frame because the frame isn't drawn there.15:24
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alteregoMaybe I could use OpenGL ..15:24
DocScrutinizerping raster, maybe he has some tips, or he will tell you 2h why it sucks :-P15:25
alteregoI might look at the source for xvimagesink or something15:26
SpeedEvilI'd actually quite like a no-UI camera.15:26
SpeedEvilOpen shutter - it goes beep - close shutter15:26
alteregoSpeedEvil: you meen command like operation?15:26
slonopotamusanyone has sip account?15:26
alterego~mean ..15:26
* infobot thinks .. is mean :(15:26
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slonopotamus~mean Mr Mustard15:26
* infobot thinks Mr Mustard is mean :(15:26
crashanddieslonopotamus: aye15:27
DocScrutinizerslonopotamus: sure15:27
fluxspeedevil, possibly even: open shutter - capture image, beep, start capturing video until close shutter?15:27
alteregoSpeedEvil: my first fcam app had no UI :)15:28
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fluxbut how easy is it to fully override the builtin camera app?15:28
fluxwell, I suppose you could always replace the binary :-)15:28
SpeedEvilflux: possibly, yes15:28
alteregoI'm sure there's a neater way.15:28
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SpeedEvilthere is15:29
SpeedEvilyou cannot change the signal camera-UI listens for15:29
slonopotamusDocScrutinizer: address?15:29
alteregoIn fact, my "Camera" app seems to not open any more when the screen is on, only if the phone is in standby now ..15:29
SpeedEvilyou can change - I forget how - the signal that the thing - hal? - monitoring the button emits15:29
SpeedEvilmaking the camera app not open15:29
DocScrutinizerI'd prefer "open shutter -> torch, press cam button ->switch to cam with GUI and take first shot." "press cam button ->arm stealth camery for duration <userdefined> ->open lens slider takes photo without beep but vibrator feedback"15:30
DocScrutinizerslonopotamus: huh?15:30
slonopotamusDocScrutinizer: sip add15:30
slonopotamusDocScrutinizer: *address15:30
kerioDocScrutinizer: wanna take pictures of underage girls huh15:30
slonopotamusDocScrutinizer: not found/404 :/15:31
DocScrutinizerslonopotamus: I'm not sporting a web nterface there15:32
DocScrutinizerslonopotamus: honestly I dunno what you wanna do15:33
DocScrutinizersipgate had extenal SIP dialin (aka users known to the wider internet for SIP, under a name@domain addr) but I think they closed it down. You can call me anytime via my landline number associated to that sipgate account15:35
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DocScrutinizerslonopotamus: you also could call me via direct P2P SIP, if I gave you URL of this laptop and would care to open up the right ports on NAT again15:37
DocScrutinizerslonopotamus: but then you'd need a SIP UA capable of direct P2P, and there are few I know of. Twinkle being one of them15:38
DocScrutinizerN900 SIP client obviously not15:38
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smhardocscrutinizer, webmailer? you mean web mail? the problem is that I have several accounts in several domains -mine- and I need to check them all, it would be very time consuming to log in to all of the individually15:44
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DocScrutinizersmhar: hmm I see15:44
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smhardocscrutinizer, I am not looking for some Push email, always on with notifications. I can do a 'check email' every now and then.15:47
DocScrutinizerprobably best approach would be to run your own fetchmail on a box, and have it manage and aggregate all the mail accounts you have. Then interface to it from N900 by whatever you think meets your needs, there's a plethora of solutons for that under linux15:47
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DocScrutinizerfrom a mere ssh, to your own web mail interface15:49
DocScrutinizerplus, of course all the IMAP and POP3 and whatnot solutions15:49
DocScrutinizerand, as you're have full control over 'far end' you are free to tailer it to your needs15:51
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DocScrutinizeralterego: raster is online :-D Quite unusual for saturday evening15:52
alteregoI think I've found a usable example of using XVideo in Qt15:53
DOnJUiLiEmDocScrutinizer, raster ?15:53
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redsmhar: why not create one additional mail account and forward copies of all the other accountts to that one15:55
redthen use it on the n900 to read them all easily15:55
DocScrutinizerDOnJUiLiEm: google for rasterman15:55
crashanddie~lame DOnJUiLiEm15:55
infobotDOnJUiLiEm is completely not lame.15:55
crashanddie~nickometer DOnJUiLiEm15:55
infobot'DOnJUiLiEm' is 97.370% lame, crashanddie15:55
crashanddieah, there you go.15:56
smharred, I can do that, but what about when I need to reply to an email, I will have to login to the original email account to reply.15:56
redgmail atleast via web lets you choose which account to use as a sender15:56
redbut then you need to auth gmail to pull the mail via pop3 or imap instead of forwarding15:57
reddunno if that choosing is possible on n90015:57
DocScrutinizerI wonder... rnd()15:59
DocScrutinizer~nickometer DOnJUiLiEm15:59
infobot'DOnJUiLiEm' is 97.370% lame, docscrutinizer15:59
DocScrutinizerduh, no rnd()15:59
JaffaX-Fade: What's the status of bug 10951?15:59
povbotBug SSL certificate for expired15:59
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DocScrutinizerJaffa: weekend :-S16:00
DocScrutinizerJaffa: EHLO btw16:00
DocScrutinizerlong time no see16:00
alteregoI thought that was unusual when it hit me last week ...16:00
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DocScrutinizeralterego: search backscroll for CERT16:01
DocScrutinizerexpired since some 16th of this month16:01
alteregoWell, maybe the week before last then16:02
DocScrutinizerGAN900 claims it suggests there's no longer any use in reporting bugs16:02
DocScrutinizersounds sensible16:02
alteregoWhat about all our apps ...16:04
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alteregoOh, this is even cooler ..16:05
alteregoI found an example which uses OpenGL :)16:05
alteregoSo I can make a pretty 3D camera ui :)16:05
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alteregoGot a really cool idea for my menu and stuff ...16:07
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alteregoAnd by menu I mean toolbar ..16:09
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smharred, I do not use gmail16:40
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riddleboxhey all I have reflashed my n810 and now when I added the extra repos my n810 doesnt install anything because of package dependencies?16:47
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alteregoOkay, got my OpenGL ES2 context, got the ability to overlay whatever I want, text, images etc on top of the GL canvas.16:57
alteregoNow to add buttons.16:57
alteregoOh, and texture the canvas to show the input from the camera.16:58
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GAN900Muelli, yeah, it's been reported.17:30
fralsaka bug 1095117:30
povbotBug SSL certificate for expired17:30
GAN900No idea what progress is, though.17:30
Muellican I make the jabber client use a local SOCKS proxy that I've spawned with SSH?17:31
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Muellihm. maybe bug 673917:41
povbotBug Cannot set Socks5 proxy in the Internet Connection Settings dialog17:41
Muellibut how could I found out the currently connected IAP?17:41
SpeedEvilClick the status area. It will show current internet connection.17:42
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SpeedEvilGo to settings -> internet in app starter.17:42
SpeedEvilthen you can inspect the connection details17:43
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MuelliSpeedEvil: eh. well. erm. thanks.. But I want to do that programatically of course17:45
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SpeedEvilI vaguely remember stuff in /etc/ip-up or something that gets called with interface name17:49
Muellihm. there is /system/osso/connectivity/IAP/last_used_network in gconf but it's not what I think it is: I am currently connected to a network but the value is not that network. In fact, that value doesn't show up as IAP ID17:49
SpeedEvilI don't know how to extract current though17:49
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alteregowiki still f*cked?17:58 is losing pieces, it seems.17:58
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alteregoAh, just really slow it seems :/17:59
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dotblankever since ive installed fcamera-drivers my xserver is incredibly glitchy18:07
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dotblankI don't have proof but im getting artifacts and it just seems and feels liek thats what caused it18:07
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DocScrutinizerhi dotblank18:13
DocScrutinizermhm quite possible18:13
dotblankhmm im un-installing now18:14
dotblankI really did enjoy hdr capture18:14
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alteregodotblank: I'm having the same issue ..18:21
dotblankjust removed it and it seems to be resolved18:23
dotblankAh ha.. what a shot in the dark.. going with my gut to solve bugs!18:23
dotblankwell not fix or solve but finding them :)18:24
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alteregodotblank: didn't actually occur to me it was fcam, I was just going to try and reboot18:31
dotblankyea I reboot and it got worse18:32
alteregoReally, worse? Mine is doing it on pretty much ever transition18:33
alteregoIt's got a distinctive key color appearing though18:33
dotblankyea it started showing artifacts never redraws the screen properly18:34
dotblankI click a contact and "I have to guess where his call with skype button is18:34
alteregoOh, mine isn't that bad, seems to only happen when switching apps/transitions18:34
dotblankthen I click it and it shows up18:34
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dotblankwell it had some transition issues before the reboot then after it had about half the framerate18:35
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dotblankand a whole host of other issues18:35
alteregoActually, it seems to be for me a flashing green, in the middle of rotating from landscape to portrait ..18:36
alteregoInteresting ..18:36
dotblankdoesn't dot hat for me18:36
alteregoI'd say it's probably something to do with omapfb ..18:36
dotblankits all fixed tho18:36
dotblankafter uninstalling18:36
alteregoYeah, but I'm writing an app based on fcam :P So I need it :)18:37
dotblankdid get one hdr image off18:37
alteregoNice pic :)18:37
alteregoYeah, I've been using HDR18:37
dotblankthis is without hdr on normal camera app18:38
alteregoAmongst other things, just playing really.18:38
alteregoThose are almost high enough quality to use as wall papers on my laptop, they're really good.18:38
alteregoWhat did you use to convert them from dng?18:38
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dotblankI just used hdrcapture and the normal camera app18:39
alteregoOh, I was using fcam.18:39
dotblankit saved the composite hdr image as a jpeg18:39
alteregoI'll have to try that one then :)18:39
dotblankThe hdr one looks soo much better18:40
dotblankit shows you the the tree perfectly in front of the SUN that super bright object in the sky18:41
dotblankthats super crazy18:42
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* DocScrutinizer hands award for exceptionally crappy webadministration/design to, for completely fsckd up registration&login process under konqueror18:55
DocScrutinizeryou think you registered ut confirmation mail never arrives. Login will silently fail with no hint about what's up18:56
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DocScrutinizersounds like faithfully following rules in "how to ruin a FOSS community"18:57
smharanyone have a link on how to setup a development environment on debian to develop for N900 using qt and python?18:58
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DocScrutinizer>>> It’s also important to set up an official web site which is down as often as it’s up. It’s not enough to have no web site at all; in such situations, the community has an irritating habit of creating sites of its own. But a flaky site can forestall the creation of those sites, ensuring that information is hard to find.<<< :-P
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crashanddiedotblank: you do realise that neither of those pictures are HDR19:05
dotblankcrashanddie, well its a jpeg composite with 3 pictures taken at 3 different exposures19:05
dotblankso what ever that is19:05
crashanddiethat's just multiple exposure. HDR is a picture quality, not a setting of some sort.19:06
dotblankThen why do they call it HDR?19:06
crashanddiethis is HDR:
crashanddieBecause they're marketing berks19:06
dotblankthats just really well done hdr19:07
crashanddiethey stick a name on a feature that gives a lot of hits on Google so people who don't understand it will go "ooooooh"19:07
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ShadowJKwhat's "picture quality" then?19:08
dotblankHigh Dynamic Range. An HDR image aims to store pixel values that span the whole tonal range of real-world scenes. In order to create such an image several low dynamic range (ie ordinary digital photos) taken at differing exposure values are combined.19:08
ShadowJKnow that flicr link is just hdr turned up to 11-Silly setting19:08
dotblankyea thats abused HDR19:08
Kegetysits a name for a method of merging multiple exposures to get a single exposure with a higher dynamic range than what is possible to capture with the camera using just one exposure... hardly has any "quality" requirement to it19:09
viszkinda like audio compression for video, but almost quite entirely different19:11
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dotblankit would be like having multiple microphones recording within different frequency ranges and compining them19:12
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viszi do dislike how those high quality hds images mostly have saturation turned to beyond candy19:13
Kegetysthey are just overdone19:14
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SpeedEvilIt depends.19:14
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SpeedEvilfor example19:15
Kegetys that one is pretty good for example19:15
SpeedEvilWould be a really, really nice picture with a little hdr19:15
viszor some fill light19:15
SpeedEvilWell - yes.19:16
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SpeedEvilBut I don't carry fill lights around outside.19:16
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viszyou can always build a reflector out of branches and your white t-shirt19:18
* DocScrutinizer kicks luke-jr for matchword "tonal" appearing in [2010-07-24 18:08:14] <dotblank> High Dynamic Range. An HDR image aims to store pixel values that span the whole tonal range of real-world scenes. In order to create such an image several low dynamic range (ie ordinary digital photos) taken at differing exposure values are combined.19:20
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smharanyone have a link on how to setup a development environment on debian to develop for N900 using qt and python? all the links I am see in google are about stuff related to pre PR1.219:23
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alteregosmhar: read the documentation on ..19:24
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: I bet you'll find highly interesting19:26
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smharfrom the wiki and documentations, I reached the sdk site in : . but it is dated May 26th, so before 1.2 . is there an update to this?19:36
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alteregosmhar: the SDK updates itself19:39
alteregowith a couple of incantations.19:39
alteregoIt is debian after all ..19:40
FireFlyAny hints on what API I want to interface with if I want to create a custom "file sharing" entry (in the file sharing menu for e.g. images)?19:40
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alteregoFireFly: sharing service plugin19:41
smharwhat is the difference between 'Nokia Qt SDK' and 'Maemo 5 SDK'?19:41
alteregosmhar: a lot19:41
FireFlyFound it, thanks, alterego19:41
alteregosmhar: can you read? There is plenty of documentation out there on both19:41
smharI have no problem with reading :-) but what is the basic difference between them?19:42
alteregoBasically, one allows you to develop in Qt using C++, the other lets you develop in anything the platform has to offer.19:43
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: you remember the looking quite daft sync from GSM 20ms TX timeslice to audio interface, in that 8pp paper? Now I know where it stems from:  3.3.  MODEM_AUDIO_SPC_TIMING_REQ   in Wireless Modem API G2 V1  ( ISI papers)19:43
alteregoBut one is easier, the other is more complicated19:43
alteregoDo some research.19:43
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: it still feels daft to me, btw19:44
Stskeepsdidnt i say there might be a reason for it?19:44
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: :-D Jury is still out on it, if that's a valid reason though19:45
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: blame moves up the chain, not pulse guys faults19:45
DocScrutinizermaybe after comping and swallowing all the ISI specs and 3GPP TS43.050 in the end you find the whole problem is moot19:46
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: ack19:46
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: without having any look to TS43.050 my guts feeling tells me it's daft to apply quality constraints wrt chain delay time jitter, that would excel a studio hifi recording equipment19:51
DocScrutinizerto a cellphone19:51
keriowhy not?19:52
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: no clue19:52
alteregohow hard can it be texturing a polygon in GLES2 :)19:53
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: these measures and means maybe were introduced to deal with situations where you have largely varying system parameters wrt audio processing delay, such as on a 20MHz CPU based cellphone that's really maxing out on trying to establish a echo cancellation for a "far away" speaker (10 meters so you get real large buffers to deal with the skew between speaker and mic). On a beefy device under normal conditions it may be absolutely19:57
DocScrutinizerirrelevant (in short this is meant to deal with 500ms, not with 5ms delay)19:57
Stskeepsnfi :P19:58
derf10m is about 30ms.19:58
DocScrutinizerderf: yep, multiplay by 16000samples/s and then you get the idea what a 20MHz based FFT or whatever looks like and the time it takes for processing19:59
keriodepending on the meaning of "m", 10m is exactly 600000ms19:59
th3hateCan anyone tell me what command to restore default kernel?20:00
th3hatemaemo wiki is down20:00
* DocScrutinizer adds kerio to luke-jr autokick20:00
infobotflasher is probably
SpeedEvilWill your n900 not boot? have you been screwing with the kernel?20:02
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Macerit was like someone scooped up lake michigan20:04
Macerand poured it on us in chicago20:05
Macerall at once20:05
kerioDocScrutinizer: :(20:05
keriooh crap i forgot to add & to my remaps20:06
DocScrutinizerIf you don't have individual images, but want to flash just a part of the whole FIASCO image you can do so by running:20:09
DocScrutinizer.B flasher-3.5 -F <FIASCO image> --flash-only=rootfs -R20:09
th3hatei meant this one apt-get install --reinstall kernel kernel-flasher20:09
th3hatebut thanks already restored20:09
DocScrutinizerth3hate: replace =rootfs by =kernel20:10
DocScrutinizerMacer: got your pressuriced air bottles ready?20:12
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luke-jrDocScrutinizer: you're the troll20:14
Macerit was a lot worse earlier20:14
Macerit stopped now... but in the early am i think i saw a ship floating down the street20:14
* SpeedEvil passes Macer
GAN900luke-jr, nou20:17
DocScrutinizerbtw wrt scoop up lakes, I heard tornados trying to do exactly that sometimes20:17
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DocScrutinizerwhen it starts raining fish or frogs, you know what's going on :-D20:19
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DocScrutinizerkerio: will you share those remaps eventually?20:21
kerioi don't think somebody actually cares20:22
kerioi mean, they're based on the it keyboard20:22
DocScrutinizerI'm sure some do.20:23
kerioi already put my 4-button keypad for it on the maemo wiki20:23
kerio(moving a couple of characters)20:23
DocScrutinizerit's not about the actual kbd, it_IT or wwhatever. It's more about you seem to push the limits20:23
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DocScrutinizerso a commented out mapping, with a note "doesn't work due to...." is worth a lot20:24
trumeei am unable to capture packets on usbo with tcpdump20:24
trumeetcpdump -n -w sip.pcap -s 1500 -i usb020:24
trumeegives 0 packets captured.20:24
trumeei do have usb networking fine. any idea how can i capture packets?20:25
DocScrutinizerhmm, wrong nterface I guess20:25
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DocScrutinizerifconfig will tell20:25
trumeeifconfig -a does list usb020:26
DocScrutinizerdoes it also report any resonable and *increasing* number of TX/RX bytes?20:27
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trumee0 packets captured, 0 packets received by filter,  -1095293916 packets dropped by kernel20:28
trumeeIt doesnt give any indication of TX/RX20:28
sandstormhello, I have a out of the box question if you want to help with apologizes, I wanted to sync my outlook express contacts(address book) to my N900 but the PC Suite only flushed mobile and work numbers ignoring fax and other numbers, what may I do for this? thanks alot.20:29
trumeeluke-jr: ping20:29
DocScrutinizerwlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr A8:7E:33:CD:F0:E320:30
DocScrutinizer          RX bytes:67461112 (64.3 MiB)  TX bytes:4118164 (3.9 MiB)20:30
DocScrutinizersorry never used USB networking on N900, so no idea20:30
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SpeedEviltcpdump here borks the networking on wlan020:31
DocScrutinizermaybe wrong ABI?20:31
kerioDocScrutinizer: i need to clean it up20:31
DocScrutinizeris it built for the current kernel you use?20:31
trumeeSpeedEvil: yup i had that too. Funny thing was that i changed the firmware on the router from tomato to dd-wrt. after that tcpdump was happy.20:32
kerioas of now, it a ugly hack - changing the base layout and the it layout20:32
MacerSpeedEvil: haha20:32
Macerneat scuba gear there20:32
Macerit didnt say how long it lasts tho20:32
thplcuk: is there code for the liqbase mouse concept already?20:32
Macerbut i suspect rebreathers last a long time20:32
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SpeedEvilMacer: 3h20:34
Macernot bad20:37
Macerhow much is that thing?20:37
SpeedEvilIIRC $900020:38
SpeedEvilplus a mandatory maintainance contract20:39
keriowhat, nine thousands?20:39
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DocScrutinizerwhat's the CO2 absorber?20:44
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SpeedEvillithium carbonate probably in some manner20:51
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DocScrutinizeruh, seems I need some wikireads. Never heard of20:54
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PontusOhmanWhat's the problem when I can't connect to my N900:a from Ubuntu with booth SSH and Filezilla? The phone pings out :S21:08
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* GAN900 wonders what's wrong with his MMS settings. . . .21:15
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trumeeluke-jr, ping21:45
luke-jrkerio: on a serious note, 1m = 1 me?tre; 1 [tonal] meter is abbreviated 1 M21:45
luke-jrtrumee: ?21:45
* luke-jr stabs input line21:45
trumeeluke-jr, i connected N900 directly to the pbx server via usb networking. the voip call got miced again21:46
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trumeeluke-jr, so it is not an issue of wifi21:46
luke-jrwould 3G come in another path?21:46
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trumeeluke-jr, something is screwed up in N900 or pbx21:47
luke-jrbut 3G works...21:47
trumeeluke-jr, yup 3g works21:47
trumeeluke-jr, i am going to do an install of centos today with freeswitch21:47
luke-jrtrumee: it can't be the PBX if 3G works... O.o21:47
trumeeluke-jr, i dont know what the issue it21:48
trumeeluke-jr, i am doing tests by calling my voicemail number on FS21:48
trumeeluke-jr, if i use ATA it is perfect but with N900 it screws up21:49
luke-jrATA over USB? :p21:49
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trumeei wanted to capture usb data with tcpdump but it didnt work21:49
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panaggioAm I expecting ensure to work the wrong way or it is not working at it should?22:07
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panaggioAny idea how I can call that stop and be sure that some function is executed?22:10
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Guido-5im thinkin about getting an N900 here when i go into the military. i was wondering if anyone can give me any advice or suggestions23:09
udntnomeGuido-5: why do you want it?23:10
tybolltGuido-5: get a zahh23:10
Guido-5for SHTF thingymabob and tool23:11
Guido-5i wanna get a solar charger and maybe and extra battery23:11
Guido-5shit hits the fan23:11
* luke-jr doesn't get it23:12
Guido-5earth quakes23:12
Guido-5world ending23:12
udntnomeGuido-5: you a programmer?23:12
Guido-5udntnome: no23:12
luke-jrif you're in an earthquake or tornado, put the N900 away :P23:13
Guido-5why would i do that23:13
udntnomeN900 is a bit rugged23:13
udntnomeive dropped it many times23:13
luke-jrat least until you get safe23:13
Guido-5yeah it looks pretty beefy23:13
luke-jrmaybe use the N900 as a flashlight if you need light :P23:13
udntnomeuse it as a bulletproof vest23:13
Guido-5well im sure it hasa calculator23:14
Guido-5it can store informatin on what to do and how to prepare things23:14
Guido-5i can put videos on there of how to fix things23:14
udntnomei believe you can get a n900 for like 350 some places23:15
Guido-5it wont just be for me. but also the people that are with me might need to know how to do things or repair things23:15
GAN900Guido-5, what good does an N900 do for you then?23:15
udntnomeits a good deal23:15
GAN900Buy ammo or provisions instead. :P23:15
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Guido-5GAN900: i might not be near home when SHTF23:16
Guido-5so if i have that it would help out alot23:16
Guido-5and it has GPS23:16
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udntnomewhere will you be taking this phone?23:16
Guido-5it will be with me most of the time but when im out ona tour i wont have it with me23:17
LiraNunawhat's the AVRCP version on the N900 is?23:17
Guido-5but on my off time i will23:17
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LiraNunait doesn't seem to send song meta-data to my AVRCP 1.3 car stereo23:18
Guido-5im just wondering if there is anything to watch out for in the unit23:18
Guido-5like prone to hot weather23:18
Guido-5or soemthing23:18
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Guido-5or something that is super sensative23:18
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udntnomeGuido-5: i believe its like every other phone, but it does get hot doing lots of task and espically if you overclock it23:19
luke-jrmy N900 gets fairly hot when Gentoo is compiling stuff23:20
Guido-5whats gentoo?23:20
udntnomecrap linux distro23:21
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Guido-5uh oh is pavlov done with his experiment?23:21
Guido-5how would you compare the N900 to a droid?23:22
luke-jrGuido-5: build-your-own-OS toolkit basically :P23:22
luke-jrit compiles everything from scratch23:22
Guido-5what on earth would i be compiling?23:22
luke-jrsupports Linux, BSD, maybe Mac still, but obviously in context of N900 just Linux-based stuff23:22
udntnomeGuido-5: Driod and Maemo to different OS's23:22
luke-jryou wouldn't if you're just using stock stuff23:23
LiraNunawhere can I see a list of supported profiles of the N900?23:23
Guido-5so you can put any OS you want on a N900?23:24
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SpeedEvilIn principle, yes guido5.23:25
luke-jrGuido-5: not just any OS, but to an extent23:26
SpeedEvilIn practice, you'd need to convince someone to port VMS to it.23:26
luke-jrSpeedEvil: and you'd need to reverse engineer all the closed stuff...23:26
Guido-5no clue what VMS is23:26
DocScrutinizerGuido-5: you'll want to watch out for very weak USB connector. No good idea to drop the phone with cable plugged in23:26
DocScrutinizerGuido-5: also probably want silicon jacket and screen protector, and one or 2 spare batteries with desktop charger23:27
Guido-5yeah thats what i was thinkin23:27
udntnomeGuido-5: N900 is tended for programmer/hacking crawd who like to full around with the phone etc23:27
udntnomelot of the new phones have gps and play videos etc23:28
DocScrutinizerGuido-5: also the N900 is basically 'open', so even rain might be too much for it23:28
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: seriously?23:28 gonna geta a sealable case for it23:28
brikmine has survived rain23:28
DocScrutinizerwhen water starts running down between screen and keyborad, you fet a watercooled CPU XP23:29
briknot a lot of rain tho, have to take care of my baby <323:29
GAN900Guido-5, Otterbox has a product.23:30
SpeedEvilWhen closed, it is perhaps 'splashproof'23:30
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Yoann512is there a way to start x terminal directly with bash23:37
Yoann512(on N900)23:38
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LiraNunaYoann512, set it as user's shell23:38
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SpeedEvilSetting bas hs users shell bootlops the phone I believe23:39
Yoann512you mean, in /etc/passwd ?23:40
Yoann512i already did that23:40
Yoann512it start bash23:40
Yoann512but dont load my ~/.bashrc23:40
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Yoann512i need to retype "/bin/bash" and then its ok23:40
LiraNuna<SpeedEvil> Setting bas hs users shell bootlops the phone I believe23:41
LiraNunaor rather, how?23:41
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SpeedEvilSimply as the X startup scripts - run as user - must have some ashisms23:43
SpeedEvilwhich don't work on bash23:43
LiraNuna"must have some ashisms"23:44
SpeedEvilAt least people have reported that it bootloops the device.23:44
LiraNunaas in "it probably has ashisms" or "it MUST have ashisms to function properly"23:44
SpeedEvilHave syntax that is specific to the ash shell in busybox that don't work on bash23:44
LiraNunaso, it's potentially fixable, correct?23:45
famicomok, just to stir up the beehive a bit, meamo is a lot more like a purpose built linux distro, rather than a locked in firmware kind of thing like windows mobile/iOS23:48
famicomor am i dead wrong?23:48
SpeedEvilfixable, yes.23:48
SpeedEvilfamicom: yes23:48
famicomeh, did you answer the first or the second question :P23:49
SpeedEvilyes to liranimas - it's potentially fixable, yes to your question about it being a distro23:50
DocScrutinizerif you're not bootlooping on user's shell set to bash in passwd, then that's just because it doesn't suffice, you also need bash in /etc/shells to allow it for user's defualt shell - then happy reflashing23:52
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luke-jrfamicom: it's not locked in firmware, but it's not completely open either23:52
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luke-jrand rather than "purpose built", I would suggest "usage built"23:52
luke-jrit's designed for finger-touch use, but not so much a specific purpose23:53
udntnomealso you don't have to worry about nokia removing installed software on your phone without you knowing it :P23:53
luke-jrudntnome: no? can't be sure23:53
luke-jrudntnome: quite possible some blob gives them root23:53
famicomis it possible to run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade through ssh :P23:53
luke-jrthey just SMS you a magic code and their proprietary phone stack sends them control ;)23:53
luke-jrfamicom: yes23:54
famicomIf i do rm -RF /* what will happen23:54
DocScrutinizeryou win the internets23:55
famicombut in all seriousness23:55
famicomi gotta renew my cellphone plan in a few days, and i'm looking for a new phone. Up untill now i've used Windows Mobile, which is just plain godawful23:56
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DocScrutinizerin all seriousness I doubt RF are the options you meant, and /* will shellexpand to a list of dirs and files that get removed as the builtin last resort catch to stop  you from rm -rf / will not help on a list of objects, I guess23:57
famicomyeah, you're right23:58
LiraNunahow can I see what profiles my N900 supports from a Linux computer?23:58
famicomyeah, but more in the sense of, am i deal with ROM or an actual read/write FS23:58
LiraNunahcitool info lists capabilities of the HW, not software stack23:58
DocScrutinizerI'm not eager to verify-test it here for your convenience23:59
famicomanyway, i've had crap like pushmail on my phone, but it only works with exchange, which is a pisspoor excuse of an MTA23:59

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