IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2010-07-19

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pebhi folks, anyone aware of a widget that displays the missed calls better/more prominently than the default "Gespräche"-Widget ("Talks"-Widget (?)).10:54
pebI forgot .. on the N90010:55
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timeless_mbppeb: the n900 shows missed calls in the task switcher11:07
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timeless_mbpwhich i consider to be fairly good11:07
timeless_mbpin contrast to the way most things work11:07
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toggles_wdamn, this n900 saves my bacon all the time..11:31
lcukmmmm bacon11:31
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parimhey lcuk: did you get the apple wireless keyboard to work?11:37
lcukno parim :( i couldnt get in the battery comparment11:38
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keriolcuk: wd40 + drill?12:42
lcukim not drilling anything12:42
lcukX-Fade, ping12:44
X-Fadelcuk: pong12:44
jacekowskilcuk: what's your problem with that keyboard?12:44
lcukhiya, i guess you already know about the cert on bmo12:44
lcukjacekowski, battery compartment stuck12:45
jacekowskiget a screwdriver12:45
keriojacekowski: he bent a coin12:46
keriotrying to open it12:46
jacekowskicoint != screwdriver12:46
infobotjacekowski meant: coin != screwdriver12:46
lcukcoin + pliars12:46
jacekowskicoin is made from soft metal12:46
keriojacekowski: yeah but you need a coin-shaped screwdriver12:47
jacekowskilcuk: pliers*12:47
jacekowskijust big flathead12:47
jacekowskiand you open it counterclockwise12:47
lcukok hivemind time12:48
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lcuksomeone was in channel recently12:48
lcuktalking about a theming problem12:48
lcukwith buttons not looking right12:48
lcukand im trying to think who/what12:48
lcuklast week or so12:48
jacekowskiand i'll grep my logs12:48
jacekowskiany keywords?12:49
lcukno just saw picture after clicking - i was oing other stuff at the time12:49
jacekowskiso he pasted a link ?12:50
lcukyes and was discussing it12:50
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keriogrep the logs12:51
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lcukfound it :)12:56
lcukthanks i got from marius' logs
JaffaMorning, all12:58
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lcuk\o jaffa12:58
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jacekowskijaffa krik13:05
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toggles_w* SpeedEvil stabs n900power in the genitals.04:4813:15
toggles_w* SpeedEvil has difficulties, and gets out an electron microscope.04:4913:15
toggles_wlol, that's what you get for trolling I guess ;-)13:15
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kerioi should remap more keys to have all the parentheses13:16
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keriodo you guys remap your keys?13:20
lcuklol Jaffa you say also it uses the paper to do its detection!  :p misconceptions rule13:20
lcukits not using the paper at all :D13:21
MiXu-kerio: nope13:21
Venemokerio: yes, that's how I can type all of the characters in my native language13:22
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* noobmonk3y prods MohammadAG51 then goes back to work13:27
* noobmonk3y slaps frals around a bit with a slimey trout13:27
noobmonk3ylol :P13:27
noobmonk3yMorrrrrnin (or probably afternoon over there)13:27
* lcuk throws frals onto MohammadAG51 who bounces off and bodyslams noobmonk3y 13:27
* noobmonk3y giggles13:27
noobmonk3ymornin lcuk13:27
lcukheya noobster13:28
fralsafternoon here aye13:28
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fralsbeen up since 0400 swedish time today13:28
noobmonk3yfrals: you only work mornings now? ;)13:28
fralsthis passing time zones is very confusing13:28
noobmonk3yfrals: why, why on earth would you do that!13:28
fralstook the morning flight back to helsinki13:29
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keriofrals: "0400 swedish time" isn't conform to the ISO13:29
noobmonk3yi need to get a job like lcuk, working from home sounds a lot better13:29
noobmonk3y(ie i have no kids - so less distractions, and work feels like a school playground at times)13:30
lcuki need to get a job like noobmonk3y, working from hospital sounds a lot better13:30
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noobmonk3ylcuk: lol!!! - off to the secure unit this afternoon - some genius workman decided to leave a chainsaw loose on the grounds!!13:30
lcuki have jake and luke (less so), and for the next 7 weeks its tough13:30
* lcuk is reading about overlay filesystems13:31
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noobmonk3yNot so much a problwem for the secure unit - ie, it is seure... but for the low building next door that allows patients to walk round the grouns, chainsaws is not a great idea!13:31
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lcukat least the doctors will be kept busy13:31
lcukimagine all the practice!13:32
noobmonk3yhaha - wrong type of doctors, they play with your mind here, not your limbs ;)13:32
noobmonk3yor lack off as it may be13:32
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alteregoIn thinking about Apple's really cool engineering advanced antenna design .. Do you think they'll continue using it in their next device? ::))13:35
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jacekowskiit's a software bug13:36
lcukthey just invested some huge amount of money on antenna engineers and stuff :P you think its going to remain the same13:36
TermanaN900hail jobs! :P13:37
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lcuknoobmonk3y, incase you missed twitter, i broke laws of physics again  :P
alterego"State of the art test facility", "17 anechoic chambers", "$100 million investment", "18 PhD scientists & engineers" "Advanced antenna design" -- And they still fucked up13:38
alteregoThough, I think it was lcuk that said, they probably spent all that money and did the research post iPhone 4 development :)13:38
lcukno, i said very recently they were advertising for antenna engineers (after this started to surface)13:39
alteregoOh yeah, that was it :)13:40
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MiXu-I suppose coating the antenna with anything non-conductive would have solved the issue13:40
MiXu-And I find it extremely strange that the problem got into production in the first place.13:40
alteregoMiXu-: actually not entirely, it'd have to be quite a thick amount of non-conductive coating to completely solve the issue13:41
MiXu-Do the engineers not use the phones during R&D :P13:41
alteregoMiXu-: they have to be in a case so they don't get seen with them :)13:41
WolfieMiXu-: i don't... i would be surprised if any of the real-world beta testers would've used the phone without a disguising case13:41
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fluxthe problem with engineers suing phones is that they subconsciously avoid such issues :)13:41
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Wolfiethus, the beta testers never actually used the phone as it would be used13:41
fluxusing, even :-)13:42
flux(darn lag)13:42
MiXu-Wolfie: But even at the office? :)13:42
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WolfieMiXu-: why remove the phone from the case, just because you're at some arbitrary location?13:42
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Wolfiebesides, testing the iphone is most probably under NDA also inside the company itself13:43
MiXu-True. I do see the point.13:43
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Wolfieso that the cleaning lady, or something, doesn't spill the beans13:44
MiXu-That just means that the cleaning lady has to sign an NDA as well.13:44
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alteregoAnyone know how I can watch one of these on ubuntu?
alteregoI tried doing it with VLC but didn't seem to want to.13:46
MiXu-Oh well. I bet from now on the iPhones will be tested without the fake covers as well ;)13:46
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noobmonk3ylo0l lcuk cant seeit at the mo - work and youtube dont get on too well!13:51
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TermanaN900lcuk, looks like you have a guessing game in the comments. anyone guessed it?13:58
DocScrutinizerMiXu-: (coating antenna) BS that's RF13:58
DocScrutinizerMiXu-: the coating has to be a few mm thick to have any effect13:59
MiXu-Like the rubber band =)13:59
TermanaN900i can telll you what would help the iphone 4 antenna. Leaving it inside the phone13:59
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lcukTermanaN900, almost but everyone still thinks its related to the paper underneath ;)14:00
TermanaN900lcuk, gps?14:00
jogamaybe they just didn't make the bars tall enough ;)14:00
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MiXu-I couldn't reproduce the signal loss issue with N900 unless I hold it very close to my body or with two hands.14:01
DocScrutinizerTermanaN900: hehe, I was god at guessing14:01
lcukTermanaN900, indoors, read the thread its easier, i actually explain it fully there
* DocScrutinizer curses the 'o' key14:01
* lcuk bangs head on filesystems14:02
lcukim closing irc for a bit, bbl14:02
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DocScrutinizerooooohnoooooes dooooont goooooo14:03
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alteregoI also like how Apple use youtube for their research.14:05
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alteregoSeveral times steve says: "We found on youtube" .. "blah blah blah"14:05
alteregoEvery smart phone has antennagate issue14:05
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DocScrutinizerblah, idiots. I fsteveboy and his team were that smart they'd have built a gsm-mimo to iPhone14:07
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alteregoIt's just every point of his press release is so well engineered for talking to the "dumb" public.14:08
alteregoHe's inviting people to search youtube to see people with handsets that seemingly have signal issues.14:08
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DocScrutinizerghostwriters are cheap14:08
alteregoAlso, where does he get this fact that people are testing the iPhone's antenna issue in "low signal areas" that's suck bullshit14:08
alteregoConsumer Reports did a throrough RF test, and they don't have a clue where there users are ffs.14:09
DocScrutinizer~wtf ffs14:10
infobotGee...  I don't know what ffs means...14:10
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DocScrutinizerblaerrrgh, coffee or die14:11
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, ffs = for fsck's sake14:15
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cehtehhey the n900 has no external antenna jack .. nokia forgot some geek plaything14:16
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jacekowski~ffs is for fuck sake14:16
infobotjacekowski: please, watch your language.14:16
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infobot:), DocScrutinizer14:17
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DocScrutinizerfreaky fsckng shit14:18
alteregohow cow bell14:18
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DocScrutinizer/nick fuck14:20
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I have a feeling it's taken14:21
kerioi second the need for an external antenna14:21
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DocScrutinizermimo mimo mimo mimo14:22
DocScrutinizerobviously a 4chan mimo14:22
DocScrutinizerincl auto tuning of antenna pi-balun14:22
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alteregoThat's funny, so that must mean that out of 100 calls, the iPhone 3g drops 30 calls (on avg) and the iPhone 4 drops 31 calls per 10014:23
alteregoThat's quite a large drop rate.14:23
keriowe need a fm antenna, a cellmo antenna and a wifi antenna14:23
kerioand a bluetooth antenna14:23
MohammadAGare bad sectors... bad?14:24
keriobad sectors are awesome ^_^14:24
iliussometimes my image viewer fail to detect image list and swiching next/prev image does not work with touch14:24
iliustwo times until now, and i remove my configuration files (in home) every time14:25
MohammadAGFilesystem check failed! Totally 1090 cluster accounting mismatches.14:25
iliusand then the problem soved14:25
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: bad sectors are like the seeds in grapes14:25
MohammadAGswap HDD or laptop14:26
* ilius N90014:26
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, the way you put it doesn't sound too bad14:26
MohammadAGWARNING: Bad sectors can cause reliability problems and massive data loss!!! <-- meh14:26
DocScrutinizerWARNING: bad sectors can be dangerous to your health!14:27
DocScrutinizernah that was smoking14:27
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kerioMohammadAG: run a fsck14:27
MohammadAGI've ran a fsck a lot of times on that thing14:28
MohammadAGa month or two ago14:28
* MohammadAG laughs diabolically14:28
MohammadAGdo I need windows?14:28
DocScrutinizerwhat's the media??14:28
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kerioMohammadAG: i think fsck on unix can run a surface scan14:28
keriomarking the bad sectors14:28
MohammadAGit's ntfs14:28
DocScrutinizercheck man fsck14:28
DocScrutinizerntfs???? what's THAT ffs14:29
* MohammadAG ponders dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda114:29
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MohammadAGNTFS (New Technology File System) is the standard file system of Windows NT14:29
kerioMohammadAG: meh14:29
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: you made up that this very moment, no?14:29
kerioif you're getting bad sectors, you're past the point where the drive has used his own spare sectors14:29
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, yeah14:30
MohammadAGseriously though,
DocScrutinizerkeep it14:30
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DocScrutinizermodern HDD never should expose bad sectors to user, see what kerio said14:31
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MohammadAGwell I was going to resize14:31
kerioMohammadAG: make filesystem, run surface scan14:32
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DocScrutinizerrun smart diagnostics on the drive14:32
MohammadAGbacking up and getting rid of windows14:33
DocScrutinizerman smartctl14:33
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DocScrutinizerHitachi tauft sein Tool Drive Fitness Test, Seagate nennt es Seatools Desktop, Maxtor Powermax, Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostic, Samsung Hutil, Fujitsu schlicht Drive Test und Excelstor ESTest.14:37
MohammadAGStskeeps, are kernel modules redistributable?14:40
Stskeepsall gpl14:40
MohammadAGthat was fast, ty14:40
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aepany idea if you can configure the n900 to always use mass storage mode? my car radio doesn't like when it has to wait for the device to appear14:42
alterego~cripes ..14:42
MohammadAGcould be doable14:42
MohammadAGreplace hildon-usb-status-menu14:42
MohammadAGmight produce ugly results14:42
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: that's been slow for an autoresponder :-P14:43
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: which manuf? which model?14:51
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, manuf?14:51
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MohammadAGWestern Digital IIRC14:52
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MohammadAGno, laptop doesn't have SATA, it's more than 5 years old14:52
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DocScrutinizerso PATA14:53
MohammadAGWDC WD1200VE14:53
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MohammadAGX crashed14:57
Venemohey guys14:57
Venemocould you please tell me where can I find some documentation on the theme API of the N900?14:57
iliusMohammadAG: ntfs on linux?? why really?14:57
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alteregoWhat do you mean by "Theme API"?14:58
MohammadAGilius, windows14:58
MohammadAGlinux is on a 20GB partition14:58
VenemoI would like to get the path to the current theme's folder14:58
* DocScrutinizer burns MohammadAG on the stake14:58
MohammadAGthat usually is enough, till you get scratchbox14:58
iliusMohammadAG: writing on ntfs in linux may cause problems in long-term14:59
MohammadAGilius, I use ext4 for linux...14:59
iliusMohammadAG: if you want to share data from linux to windows, vfat is better14:59
MohammadAGbah, I don't care tbh, I'm getting rid of the whole partition15:00
MohammadAGI don't need windows, at all15:00
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smhar_what is the default password for root in N900?15:00
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: CHECK YOUR DRIVE!!!15:00
keriothere isn't one15:00
DocScrutinizeryou've seen the link above?15:00
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, shouldn't a format clean all errors?15:00
smhar_how to ssh to it then?15:00
iliussmhar_: there is no! install rootsh to became root without password15:01
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keriobad blocks are bad blocks15:01
MohammadAGsmhar_, install openssh-server15:01
smhar_ilius, both are installed15:01
MohammadAGilius, there is nothing like no password15:01
iliussmhar_: the type: rootsh sh15:01
MohammadAGall users have a pass, no one knows the default one15:01
MohammadAGilius, rootsh is now deprecated15:01
Venemorootsh is deprecated? how so?15:02
iliusMohammadAG: hmm, thanks15:02
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MohammadAGokia-N900:~# rootsh15:02
MohammadAGrootsh is now deprecated for it poses too much of a security risk. However, you can still obtain a root shell by running the commands 'root' or 'sudo gainroot'.15:02
kerioMohammadAG: huh15:02
keriothey have no password15:02
smhar_I normally su to root, but it is not available in N90015:02
VenemoMohammadAG: so "sudo gainroot" now works without rootsh?15:03
MohammadAGerr, you misunderstood15:03
MohammadAGrootsh had a command "rootsh"15:03
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MohammadAGon diablo or chinook, idk, but it had one apparently15:03
DocScrutinizeryou need pkg rootsh, the cmd is "root"15:03
MohammadAGit was rootsh apparently15:03
VenemoMohammadAG: ah, I didn't know about it. I have the package "rootsh", but I use the command "sudo gainroot" -> is that okay?15:04
DocScrutinizersudo gainroot is obsolete and lame15:04
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MohammadAGsudo su ftw15:04
MohammadAG~ $ sudo su15:04
MohammadAGBusyBox v1.10.2 (Debian built-in shell (ash)15:04
MohammadAGEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.15:04
MohammadAG/home/user #15:04
VenemoDocScrutinizer: I thought "sudo gainroot" is equal to "root"15:04
iliusMohammadAG: then the package rootsh is not deprecated. the command does. yes?15:05
smhar_mohammadAG, sudo su = root (command) ?15:05
DocScrutinizerstrange I always read that as ""1osso30+0m5) bullshit shell (ash)""15:05
MohammadAGsudo su doesn't need rootsh15:05
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, hmm, might edit the source for busybox, that sounds better15:05
MohammadAGsu = switch user15:05
MohammadAGdoesn't work on all N900s, except mine for some reason :P15:06
DocScrutinizerUSE `root` NOOBS!15:06
MohammadAGsu = switch user, not superuser15:06
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I have an alias for it, R15:06
MohammadAGless letters to type15:06
DocScrutinizerwhats wrong with the four letters r o o t15:06
MohammadAGR is shorter15:07
infoboti guess mohammadag is special15:07
smhar_is there a 'less' command?15:07
* DocScrutinizer redefines MohammadAG'15:07
MohammadAGapt-get install less15:07
DocScrutinizers R to rm -rf15:07
MohammadAGalias rm -rf = echo "haha, deprecated"15:08
smhar_mohammadAG, is it in extras?15:08
MohammadAGnot sure15:08
FauxFauxI'm sure there's a pager in the default install.15:09
DocScrutinizersmhar_: prolly -devel or even tools15:09
DocScrutinizerFauxFaux: yeah, messybox more :-((15:09
MohammadAGnah, not tools15:09
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smhar_docscrutinizer, what is tools?15:09
MohammadAGsmhar_, SDK repos15:09
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DocScrutinizersmhar_: that's not tools (though the URL looks alike) - but maybe you like it nevertheless:
smhar_I want to ssh to my N900, do I need to first establish a usb network?15:12
DocScrutinizersmhar_: I always use WLAN15:12
Venemosmhar_: it works on any network15:12
DocScrutinizer10^4 time more convenient15:12
keriousb networking isn't worth it imo15:13
kerioDocScrutinizer: what15:13
DocScrutinizerkerio: tahw¿15:14
smhar_I want to establish 'connection' between my notebook and N900, I do not have a wifi router here.15:14
keriohow can it be 10000 times more convenient?15:14
keriosmhar_: hmm15:14
keriousb networking is probably the best idea, yes15:14
smhar_mass storage is ok for copying files but not issuing commands15:15
DocScrutinizerkerio: that's the magic of WLAN that makes it more convenient .- compared to USB networking15:15
keriooh, i see15:15
Venemosmhar_: you can also use PuTTY15:15
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smhar_Venemo, I run linux, and I need to give N900 an IP somehow first15:16
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Venemosmhar_: you can also use WLAN to establish a connection15:16
Venemosmhar_: or USB networking of course15:16
Venemosmhar_: the "Mad Developer" app can help you with USB networking15:16
* DocScrutinizer mumbles ad-hoc15:16
kerioad-hoc networks suck15:17
keriohostap ftw15:17
DocScrutinizerfsck!! buy a cheap accespoint15:17
kerioadhoc is the one without an AP, right?15:17
DocScrutinizerkerio: right, dude15:18
mirfusb networking could be better15:19
mgedminkerio, have you managed to turn the n900 into an AP?15:19
MohammadAGhasn't everyone?15:19
MohammadAGjust create a new access point in Settings and set it to ad-hoc, then connect to it15:19
MohammadAGto start broadcasting15:19
mgedminoh, right, the joikuspot app15:19
keriomgedmin: hmm15:19
DocScrutinizermirf: atually it *could* be much better, if only they'd specified a decent protocol to set it up15:19
MohammadAGyou don't joikuspot15:19
mgedminMohammadAG: ad-hoc kinda sucks...15:19
MohammadAGkerio, or mobilehotspot15:19
MohammadAGyou don't need either15:20
DocScrutinizerjoghurt sport??? ;-P15:20
kerioMohammadAG: setting up routing and forwarding is a pita15:20
* mgedmin hadn't known about mobilehotspot15:20
MohammadAGad-hoc doesn't necessarily mean sharing a connection15:20
MohammadAGI use it to ssh when I'm away from an AP15:21
mgedmincustom kernel? kinda sucks ...15:21
* DocScrutinizer mumbles "nobody listens to my mumbling"15:21
nidOsomeone say somethin?15:21
mgedmindoes joikuspot also require a custom kernel?15:21
DocScrutinizerno, but liquid nitrogen cooling15:22
keriothe kernel-power15:22
MohammadAGjoikuspot loads a module15:22
smhar_mohammadAG, if not joikuspot and not mobilehotspot then how?15:22
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mgedmincustom module?15:22
Po0kye/w 3215:22
mgedminor bog standard iptables?15:22
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MohammadAGnot sure, but it's open source15:24
DocScrutinizersee, joghurt needs slightly higher temperature to ripe15:24
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DocScrutinizerthat's why joghurt sport has special temperature control to ensure it's riping on N90015:24
keriojoikuspot sucks15:25
keriomobilehotspot ftw15:25
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ruskiehmm is the limitation of only having a single instance of the cli sharing plugin a feature of the sharing api or the plugin? Also naming different instances would certainly help15:25
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DocScrutinizerjoghurt sport for the losers15:28
ShadowJKhm, that thing would be cheaper without the adsl15:32
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DocScrutinizersure, didn't find any (figure!) in the time given15:32
DocScrutinizerruskie: talking gibberish15:34
DocScrutinizerruskie: cli sharing plugin???15:34
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DocScrutinizerdamn, looks like joghurt sport is meant to run on laptops tethered to a 3G mobile. Not exactly what we got on N90015:40
mirfhas anyone got outlook notes to sync with n900?15:41
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MohammadAGvfat doesn't support symlinks15:43
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DocScrutinizervirtually some words I uttered some days ago15:44
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DocScrutinizerthough some fits nicely here as well15:44
MohammadAGsince when does windows use symlinks15:44
DocScrutinizerntfs does15:45
DocScrutinizervfat doesn't15:45
MohammadAGbut I thought windows used .lnk files15:46
MohammadAGnot symlinks15:46
Venemontfs can have symlinks15:46
mirfnice link DocScrutinizer15:46
DocScrutinizerhmm, not sure about symlinks linux flavour, maybe they get translated by the ntfs driver15:46
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mirffunambol seems to be the answer15:47
DocScrutinizermirf: don't expect more, still puking from that o* word15:47
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DocScrutinizerVenemo: thanks, but thanks no. Though I still have some ntfs patitions on my laptop, for historical reasons, I nevertheless couln'd care less I guess and have to confess15:50
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DocScrutinizerI basically know (V)FAT structure by heart, at least I know enough to hate it. And NTFS isn't my cup of tea15:52
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DocScrutinizereven though it's really versatile15:53
Jaffalcukn900: Does it say that?15:54
DocScrutinizerwell, there has to be some good things all the VMS programmers bought out by big-evil brought to WNT15:54
alteregoI've got an abcess the size of a bowling ball on my face.15:55
* alterego books a dentist appointment.15:55
alteregoI look like the elephant man15:55
alteregoPR1.3 would have fixed this ..15:55
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Jaffalcukn900: The headline says "using paper" because "using light" a) doesn't let people know if they've seen it and b) the user is navigating via the paper, even if the device is not ;-p15:56
* DocScrutinizer joins alterego on his way to dentist :-S15:56
alteregoDocScrutinizer: you got a dental prob too?15:57
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alteregoI don't mind check ups, I just hate it when I know they're going to have to do sommething big15:57
DocScrutinizeryeah, prolly killing me next time15:57
iksaifanyone know why I got these errors with the i386 target (worked for armel) ?
DocScrutinizerreally big surgery waiting15:58
alteregoDocScrutinizer: :/ I hope it turns out all good for you15:58
DocScrutinizerI hope I move my arse before they have to call the ambulance to get me there15:59
alteregoiksaif: looks like the i386 target is having some kind of issue with Qt Mobility APIs15:59
alteregoDocScrutinizer: what's wrong if you don't mind me asking?15:59
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DocScrutinizer3 jackets rotten underneath. Radix surgery, or extraction pending16:00
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DocScrutinizermaybe jawbone infected, dunno16:01
alteregoI think I'm going to need three extractions and a root canal16:01
iksaif:/ and current Qt Mobility (at least Location) is bugged and can't use network...16:01
alteregoWhich means I'll need a denture for my back molar.16:01
iksaifbut this is fixed in current git tree :)16:01
alteregoI suppose it sounds worse than it is ..16:01
iksaifalterego: what can I do for the autobuilder ? wait ? ping someone ?16:01
alteregoiksaif: not sure, still looking into it :)16:02
alteregoOh, this is interesting ..16:02
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alteregoActually, it looks like libraries that Qt depends on are not being bought into the build process.16:03
alteregoSo the issue is actually Qt libs not being able to link against libs they rely on.16:04
alteregoiksaif: maybe ping X-Fade16:04
alteregoThough I don't know if it's something wrong with what you're doing, from the log though it seems like it might be an issue with builder.16:04
* alterego wonders if X-Fade isn't on holiday though ..16:05
DocScrutinizer~seen X-Fade16:05
infobotx-fade is currently on #maemo #meego. Has said a total of 35 messages. Is idling for 3h 21m 14s, last said: 'lcuk: pong'.16:05
alteregoI guess not :)16:05
iksaifalterego: I use cmake, and it works on my gentoo, and on my scratchbox (i386 and armel)16:05
iksaifand it works with the armel autobuilder16:06
iksaifso .. porbably a i386 autobuilder issue ...16:06
alteregoiksaif: that's because you have all the deps installed :P16:06
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iksaifI can probably put a fake build-depend to install required dependencies :-*16:07
alteregoYes, probably.16:07
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iksaifhum .. liblocation is reported missing .. but is installed16:09
iksaiflet's try with a make VERBOSE=1 to get the cflags ...16:09
alteregoAre you running qmake before make?16:10
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iksaifalterego: I'm using cmake, not qmake :)16:14
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iksaifthe log are now more verbose ... same url16:20
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ruskieDocScrutinizer, there's a cli sharing plugin on tmo and garage16:28
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DocScrutinizerhmm, sounds odd. what is it supposed to do?16:29
ruskieallow to execute an arbitrary command to share16:29
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ruskieI have it configured for scp upload atm16:29
ruskiebut I'd like to add others16:30
DocScrutinizerooh share *VIA* cli, not share _the_ cli16:30
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* DocScrutinizer notices the extreme non-inuitivity of "check for new services" in setting-sharingAccounts16:34
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DocScrutinizerLOL!! minutes later HAM pops up, with a list of sharing plugins and lots of unrelated crap :-P16:35
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GAN900Section: user/sharing-plugins16:36
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* DocScrutinizer wonders how liqtactoe got in there16:37
DocScrutinizeralso petrovich probably isn't exactly a plugin16:39
DocScrutinizerbut meh16:39
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GAN900Meh indeed16:41
GAN900I mean, you could file a bug, but where would it get you? :P16:42
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barisionedid anybody managed to run pulseaudio in scratchbox?16:44
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DocScrutinizerdid anybody managed to run pulseaudio?16:46
DocScrutinizerdid anybody managed pulseaudio?16:47
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* DocScrutinizer ponders adding "PA must die" to his signature16:47
GAN900Penny Arcade? :(16:48
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GAN900DocScrutinizer, I'm gonna process the last round of device requests this week.16:48
DocScrutinizerk, I'm out :-)16:48
smharI know I can establish a usb networking to allow N900 to get internet from a computer, but does it work the other way too? making N900 the host and allowing the other computer to get to the net through N900 using usb?16:50
lcukyes smhar thats the "normal" way of doing it16:50
lcukmy ubuntu laptop detects it naturally without any extra drivers16:51
fralspc suite mode and let the magic begin!16:51
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lcukany filesystem guys knocking around?16:51
lcukim pondering things about unionfs16:51
slonopotamusStskeeps: fb_text2screen!16:52
E0xsmhar: in pc suite mode you can use you phone like a modem16:56
E0xdebian sid detect it just fine  ( debian sid + gnome, network manager16:57
smharE0x, any idea about squeeze?16:57
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E0xsmhar: not sure but i think will work17:01
E0xi think just need have installed network-manager  for "easy" setup all17:02
E0xbut you can use wvdial too17:02
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mirfwow what a load od balls this sync business is17:03
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smharwhat editor are available in terminal?17:07
FauxFauxWhy would you want anything else?17:08
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smharnone in in extras yet17:10
ieatlinterr, nokia siemens just bought motorola's phone division?17:11
DocScrutinizerNokia-N900-02-8:~# ls -l `which editor`17:11
DocScrutinizerlrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           24 Apr 23 20:02 /usr/bin/editor -> /etc/alternatives/editor17:11
DocScrutinizerNokia-N900-02-8:~# ls -l /etc/alternatives/editor17:11
DocScrutinizerlrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           22 Apr 25 19:32 /etc/alternatives/editor -> /usr/bin/mcedit-debian17:11
fragmentieatlint: networks, not phones17:11
ieatlintah, i misunderstood17:12
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ieatlintok, that made me do a real double-take, that makes a lot more sense now17:13
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DrIDKHow can I make a call from my custom maemo5 application ? Is there an API ?17:14
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alteregoDrIDK: I believe it's telepathy17:17
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Donglebeen using my n900 for like 2 weeks now17:21
Donglei love it17:21
Dongleu jealous?17:21
Donglewhy what17:22
mortiniwhy would i be jealous?17:22
Donglewhy wouldnt u be?17:22
slonopotamusDongle: been using my n800 for 2.5 years and my n900 since nov. you jealous?17:22
slonopotamus(oh, and i love them)17:23
* slonopotamus fails to get the point of this conversation but whatever17:23
* mortini nods.17:23
Donglethere really wasnt one17:24
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Donglejust making convo17:24
slonopotamusDongle: oh(2), and nokia granted me n900 for free.17:24
slonopotamus1:0? :)17:24
lcukslonopotamus, you dont wanna start a pissing competition in here ;)17:24
slonopotamusDongle: because "i'm an expert in this area" as they said17:25
slonopotamuslcuk: c'mon, it's just funny :)17:25
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mirfI can't  piss very well but my penis is HUGE17:25
Donglean expert? a phone expert?17:25
slonopotamusDongle: i didn't say i am.17:26
lcukDongle, what have you been doing with your n900 then17:26
mirfunfortunately it won't sync with ovi17:26
Dongleare u a blogger? i know some of those guys got free ones17:26
lcukmirf, if it was so big, you would risk trapping it in the ovi17:26
ieatlinti got an openmoko freerunner for free... does that make me special?17:26
Dongleive been loading it with games, organizing my work stuff, adding contacts17:26
lcukDongle, cool, are you a linux user yourself, or is this your first linux device?17:27
mirflcuk: I was coaxed in, I figured I could leave whenver I wanted17:27
Dongle@ieatlint yes it does17:27
Donglemy first linux device.17:27
ieatlintin a hilarious and depressing way..17:27
lcukcool, what did you have before it17:27
Dongleim on it right now at work hehe17:27
Dongleiphone 3g17:27
Dongletotally feel like a free bird17:28
slonopotamusieatlint: that may make Dongle jealous17:28
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ieatlintslonopotamus: best phone ever!17:29
Donglei probable should change my font color17:29
Dongle...didnt work17:30
slonopotamusDongle: irc doesn't work that way. you can't force your colors on others17:30
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FauxFauxOnly because the channel is +Cu^Hcnt.17:30
lcukhe meant his own - im guessing hte grey of his own text is too light (it is for me at times)17:30
Donglewell i was trying to do local but still didnt work17:31
Dongleyea exact.y lcuk17:31
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tybolltseems to work there buddy17:32
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Donglenot working for me!17:33
Donglemaybe i have to restart irc17:33
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tybolltZagg invisibelshield users around here?17:38
toggles_wtybollt: yes17:38
tybollt"microbubbles and imperfections will work themselves out in a day or two" <-- this true to the word or should I spoent the extra time to really REALLY get them all out of there? :)17:38
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jacekowskitybollt: it's true17:39
ieatlintif they're "microbubbles", then ignore them.. if they're 1mm or so, work them out17:39
jacekowskitybollt: unless bubbles are too big17:39
tybolltjacekowski: good stuff17:39
tybolltieatlint: faire nough17:40
toggles_wtybollt: sorry, didn't notice any after I put mine on,17:40
jacekowskiwell, microbubless will go17:40
jacekowskibubbles no17:40
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toggles_wmine has started to lift on various parts, lost the edges at about ~ 6 months, now the back is starting to go, but to be fair, it was washed, and has spent 6 months unproteced in my pocket17:41
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ieatlintyeah, the screen is the real one to worry about17:42
Donglewhere can u buy these?17:43
SpeedEvilinvisibleshields Dongle?17:43
SpeedEvilI would suspect invisibleshield.com17:43
toggles_wyeah, i don't think i'll buy anything but the screen when my meego device arrives17:44
Donglei dunno...sounds too exact17:44
Dongledoes the screen get scratched easily? mine hasnt so far. knock on wood17:45
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SpeedEvilI have bought: and
SpeedEvilwhich work well for me17:45
SpeedEvilDongle: It depends.17:45
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SpeedEvilDongle: If you keep it in a pocket with little or nothing else, do not live in a gritty environment, and rarely if ever use the pointer - maybe not.17:46
keriowhat's a meego device? :o17:46
SpeedEvilBut one oops with something sharp can otherwise cause major scraching. As can a teeny bit of grit on the edge of the pointer17:46
Donglepointer? u mean stylus? i use it often17:46
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Dongleoh really. i keep the pointer inside away from the grits!17:47
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kerioi lick the pointer before using it17:47
Dongleim gonna check out those protectors. do they make the sensitivity of the screen decrease?17:48
kerioDongle: yes17:48
SpeedEvilPersonally, the above protectors work fine for me. And not that I noticed.17:48
keriobut not that much17:48
kerioscreen protectors suck17:48
Donglei see. well it would be a good investment anyways for such a valuable device17:48
toggles_wkerio: i'll let you know when mine arrives17:48
kerioyou can just buy another full cover when it gets unusable17:49
SpeedEvilRemoving the cover is not risk free17:49
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer bricked his phone that way.17:50
ieatlintjust put a condom over the phone, it's effective and also makes it water resistant17:50
SpeedEvilieatlint: ribbed?17:50
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kerioSpeedEvil: what if i go to a nokia point?17:50
ieatlintfor your finger's pleasure17:50
SpeedEvilkerio: they will not - as I understand it - replace the case free.17:50
Donglebricked it from a protector?17:51
SpeedEvilIt's quite an intricate operation.17:51
SpeedEvilDongle: bricked it by removing the innards from the case17:51
SpeedEvil- which you'd need to do to replace a damaged case17:51
Donglewhy would he do that?17:51
SpeedEvilbecause he's like that.17:51
Dongleohh i see17:51
bennypr0fanehello, is it a bad idea to run N900 overclocked at all times? If no, how do do that? I have latest power kernel installed, ideal settings work well, but i'd like to go a little faster still17:51
SpeedEvilTo take pictures of the insides, for debugging purposes.17:51
SpeedEvilbennypr0fane: Overclocking isn't as well tollerated by the CPU. It's only rated at 10000 hours at 600Mhz anyway.17:52
Donglei would only open up the screen to blow out dust that gets trapped. if that happends17:52
kerioa little *faster* than 1ghz?17:52
keriothe fuck17:52
SpeedEvilbennypr0fane: According to spec. goin faster may dramatically reduce this life, and permenantly damage things.17:52
keriooverclocking is a bad, bad, bad idea17:53
Dongleitll be a good hand warmer for the winter too17:53
bennypr0fanei only sert it to 85017:53
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lcukSpeedEvil, technically where the hours rating coming from?17:53
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lcuki'd just rather we didnt talk about n900 OC whilst we still have lovely warranties17:54
DocScrutinizerbennypr0fane: might cause system failure unrecoverable, in several months17:54
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bennypr0fanesome people on say it can't be told yet how what the risks are exactly17:54
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bennypr0faneit is really going to slow for me17:55
Donglewhat r u using it for?17:55
lcukthen find other ways to improve performance17:55
keriobennypr0fane: do you really need to?17:55
DocScrutinizerbennypr0fane: they are idiots that can't read or believe TI specs17:55
bennypr0fanelike what, for example?17:56
lcuki remember for years having to close EVERYTHING to get reasonable gaming performance17:56
lcukwe can now do so much more without being so drastic17:56
lcukinfact, i remember havign to do same just to play an mp3!17:56
Donglemines stock and is fastest mobile device ive ever touched17:56
DocScrutinizerbennypr0fane: so if they claim 'it' can't be told, they mean they themselves do not understand17:56
lcukDongle, the n900 kicks ass!17:56
Donglethat is so true lcuk17:57
bennypr0fanewhat bugs me the most is phone reacting so slowly17:57
keriothe Phone application?17:57
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keriothe rotation delay won't get better with a faster cpu17:57
bennypr0faneyes it does17:57
kerioand it's a ram problem, not a cpu problem17:57
bennypr0fanei tried it17:57
Donglei mean....just cope17:57
lcukno its not, its a set thing, you can tweak rotation times17:57
lcuktransitions can be effectively removed17:58
Dongleor disable it right?17:58
ham5I want an options in the phone app to just bring up the dial pad when opened17:58
lcukdunno about flat out disable17:58
keriodo you really need more than 10Hz to dial a number?17:58
bennypr0fanesee? ask 2 people, get 2 opinions, ask 10 people, get 10.....17:58
lcukbut rotation can occur literally in the blink of an eye, it just doesnt look as good and is more jolting17:58
ham5ask 515 get 515?17:58
keriobennypr0fane: we're all pretty consistant on "overclocking is stupid"17:58
lcukno ham, 51617:58
Donglei agree the rotation can be annoying17:59
bennypr0faneis that true everyone?17:59
DocScrutinizerbennypr0fane: it's up to you to estimate the conpetence of the opinion givers17:59
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bennypr0fane"all pretty consistant", i mean?17:59
Donglei wouldnt go 100017:59
DocScrutinizer~tell bennypr0fane about joerg17:59
bennypr0fanebut 850 should be ok....17:59
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lcukbennypr0fane, if 850 was ok, it would have that as top speed when you bought it18:00
bennypr0fanei mean if you get even better battery life....?18:00
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Donglewell they want good battery life18:00
bennypr0fanewhat about JörG?18:00
* DocScrutinizer starts to get into OC-kick-them-bastards rage and fury again :-(18:01
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kerioDocScrutinizer: nooooo18:01
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keriojust let them overclock18:01
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keriothey'll disconnect after their n900 blows up18:02
* DocScrutinizer waves18:02
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keriohopefully causing permanent damage18:02
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bennypr0fanehowever battery life  is not that much of an issue for me, but between using the n900 for other things (browsing,...) you really have to wait a lot for a lot of rotations to make a phone call18:02
DocScrutinizerkerio: n900 WILL NOT BLOW UP! it just will act up, by throwing SEGV every 5 minutes18:03
lcukright :) bennypr0fane its off the dicussion board, one more word about it..18:03
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jacekowskibennypr0fane: and how overclock will help with rotation?18:03
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mirfany nice frontend for overclocking yet?18:03
DocScrutinizerrhen they go sobbing "eeew those apps are so crappy"18:03
bennypr0faneit is faster18:03
jacekowskibennypr0fane: unless you overclock RTC it's not going to help at all18:03
nidObennypr0fane no it isnt.18:03
bennypr0fanebut it does18:03
keriojust call in landscape18:03
mirfused to have a nice clock app on my old htc that would speed up only when needed18:03
jacekowskinah, rotation is using timer that's calibrated to RTC18:03
Donglehe wants dial pad18:04
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nidOrotations are specifically controlled by time delays in transitions.ini. upping the cpu speed doesnt change the plain fact that those specifically-set delays are still there18:04
bennypr0fanealso, fast access to contacts is only there in portrait18:04
jacekowskiand it's designed to wait a while to make sure that you really turned your phone18:04
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nidOyou or whoever told you overclocking would change rotation times is talking out their ass18:04
Donglesetm delay to 018:04
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: and transitions probably done by gles and GFX accel hw anyway18:04
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jacekowskibut well, you could overclock RTC18:04
lcukdamn where was the kick msg18:04
jacekowskithat would make rotation faster18:04
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lcukjacekowski, you as well :P18:05
jacekowskilcuk: overclocking rtc would make rotation faster18:05
Dongleisnt that what u want? fast rotation?18:05
jacekowskilcuk: but clock would be faster as well18:05
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keriojacekowski: the n900 is so fast that even the clock does 48 hours a day18:05
lcukjacekowski, drop the subject18:05
jacekowskihmm, that would be evil18:06
keriono joking allowed here?18:06
jacekowskiapp that would mess with RTC clock18:06
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jacekowskiand some marketing BS18:06
jacekowskithat slowing it down improves battery life18:06
lcukthanks DocScrutinizer :D18:06
Dongledoes anyone use a case for their n900?18:06
jacekowskii'm wondering how many people would buy it18:07
jacekowskii would do it just for sake of screwing with people18:07
lcukDongle, ive got a little bag/pouch18:07
jacekowskii've got a pocket18:07
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Donglewhen u get a call, how do u whip it out in time?18:07
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keriowhen a problem comes along18:08
kerioyou must whip it18:08
Donglei bought a leather clip case but the n900 is heavy and wobbles on my belt18:08
Donglefeels annoying18:08
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jacekowskiDongle: nobody calls me18:09
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jacekowskiDongle: besides, i have huge pockets18:09
jacekowskiso it's easy for me to take phone out of it18:09
jacekowskii have my phone in left pocket18:09
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jacekowskiand my wallet in right18:09
jacekowskiany car keys in right18:10
luke-jrDongle: when someone calls me, I take my phone out, not my tablet18:10
jacekowskiand house keys in left18:10
Donglewell im worried about dust getting under the phone18:10
Donglescreen that is18:10
luke-jrjacekowski: house keys don't scratch it up?18:10
jacekowskinot so far18:10
jacekowskii've got more scratches from dropping it18:10
Dongleprotector on it?18:10
Donglehow much was it? from nokia?18:11
luke-jryeah, I stopped putting it in my shirt pocket because it'd just fall out -.-;;18:11
jacekowskifrom my bank18:11
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Donglelol it would look like a square boob18:11
luke-jrI keep wallet + both keys in my right pocket18:11
mtnbkrspeaking of scratches... does anyone else have issues with the stylus causing 'fine' scratches?18:11
jacekowskii pay £9/month for travel insurance + phone + AA cover18:11
luke-jrand N900, phone, and rosary in my left18:11
jacekowski+ gold card18:11
Donglebank phone insurance eh?18:11
TiredWolfWould you say the 810 is is a good ebook reader? I was thinking it might be because of the pretty hires screen that's kinda bigger than cellphones and transflective, as well as decent battery life18:11
jacekowskiDongle: one of "freebies" with my account18:12
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StskeepsTiredWolf: i like it as a ebook reader as i can read it in the sun18:12
jacekowskiDongle: so when phone goes wrong/lost/something i just have to pay £30 excess18:12
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jacekowskiDongle: which is cheaper than screen protector18:12
rodaldhi, does anyone knows if theres a way to use the n900 as a web cam?18:12
luke-jrif you want something to read in the sun, use GameBoy Colour for ebooks18:12
Donglei need to ask my bank for that haha18:12
jacekowskiDongle: where do you live?18:13
TiredWolfis it big enough? I know the specs in theory but i've never actually seen one18:13
jacekowskithat might be a problem18:13
Dongleyea ive seen an app for streaming camera rodald18:13
luke-jrTiredWolf: no handheld is big enough for most PDFs, IMO18:13
Donglei use bank of america18:13
jacekowskii doubt any bank sells something like that there18:13
jacekowskii'm using lloydstsb18:13
rodaldwhere and whats the name?18:13
Donglei use bank of america18:14
jacekowskiyou're repeating yourself18:14
luke-jri use bank of america18:14
Donglei know i hit the down arrow lol18:14
TiredWolfHmm. Although the actual ebook readers, while bigger, are often similar resolution18:14
Dongleno the up arrow18:14
luke-jrTiredWolf: resolution is about quality, not size18:14
Dongleits so close to the enter key on the n90018:15
luke-jrTiredWolf: you could scale PDFs to fit on N810's display, but you wouldn't be able to read it because the print would be so small18:15
luke-jror at least, you'd be straining if you could18:15
TiredWolfluke-jr: well but if you have hi res you can fit more stuff without reaching unreadable quality18:16
Donglerodald try google18:16
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luke-jrTiredWolf: size matters18:16
TiredWolfi see18:16
Dongleu could use the tv out and read pdfs on a tv18:16
luke-jrthere is no TV out18:17
luke-jralso, that'd be far worse18:17
Dongleon the n900 yesss18:17
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Dongleworse how? small print gets bigge18:17
luke-jrDongle: but he's talking about N81018:17
luke-jrDongle: TV resolution is utter crap18:17
Dongleohh my bad18:17
luke-jrand interlaced18:17
luke-jrso effectively 720x24018:17
Donglewhen i tried it watching something it seemed fine18:17
Donglewhats interlaced mean18:18
luke-jrwatching video is not reading18:18
luke-jrit means half the height, alternating lines18:18
Dongleoh by the way. can the n900 tv out videos u record on it? i tried but i dont get video,  just audio18:18
* lcuk remembers highresolution amiga18:18
Dongleoh i see18:19
lcuk14" tv and flicker18:19
lcukits no wonder i have glasses18:19
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Stskeepsmgedmin: ping18:19
luke-jrlcuk: I think my Amiga supported a non-interlaced mode...18:19
Stskeepsmgedmin: what kind of web interface does your logs run on?18:19
ieatlintdoesn't actually mean half height exactly18:19
mgedminStskeeps, static files served  by apache18:20
ieatlintinterlacing means half the veritcal resolution per update18:20
lcukluke-jr, you were posh and had an RGB monitor with deinterlacer18:20
ieatlintntsc 60hz, so you still get the same full picture with 480 vertical lines18:20
Stskeepsmgedmin: ok, so supybot spits out html directly?18:20
ieatlintjust only 240 at a time18:20
mgedminStskeeps, cron18:20
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Stskeepsany specific tool to export it like that?18:21
ieatlintand the interlacing is essentially required by the composite format it uses18:21
mgedminincidentally, ever page has a link to the tool in the footer ;)18:21
Stskeepsi never read stories to the end ;)18:21
DocScrutinizerplayback self recorded video? WFM, like any other video does18:21
mgedminthe tool badly needs love and attention (e.g. documentation)18:22
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iksaif~seen X-Fade18:24
infobotx-fade is currently on #maemo #meego. Has said a total of 35 messages. Is idling for 5h 40m 1s, last said: 'lcuk: pong'.18:24
bennypr0fanewhich method do you guys use for syncing your calendar?18:25
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Stskeepsmgedmin: if we were centralising logging for #meego* things, would it be possible to get a tarball of your #meego logs so we have them in one place?18:25
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mgedminStskeeps, sure!18:25
mgedminI can help with supybot config and the cron scripts too18:26
Stskeeps:nod: will note it in the page, we're working on proposal for IRC setup when servers are set up at OSUOSL18:27
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hrwhow many people use maemo-mapper/mappero under maemo5?18:29
trip0not me18:29
Stskeepsi use maep or sygic18:29
mirfanyone in here overclocking?18:30
infobot"OK, listen up.  This is your CPU."  apt drops the CPU into a hot frying pan.  "This is your CPU on overclocking.  Any questions?"18:30
smharI managed to get usb networking working. I can ping both ends and I can ssh to n900 :-)18:30
hrwStskeeps: is maep stable?18:30
trip0smhar, nice!18:30
mgedminsmhar, yay18:30
Corsacwhat's sygic?18:30
bennypr0faneHi mirf, be careful i got kicked out 10 mins ago fro asking about oc18:31
Stskeepshrw: works for me for simple things18:31
mgedminI've a shell script that runs dnsmasq configured as a DHCP server on the n900 side18:31
bennypr0faneyes, really18:31
mgedminI run it, plug in the USB cable, and my laptop autoconfigures18:31
mgedmincombine this with avahi-daemon, and you can ssh your-n900.local without any extra setup18:31
smharnano installed :-)18:31
mgedmin(only cables suck, so I use wifi anyway, usually)18:31
keriomgedmin: static IPs do that too18:31
hrwStskeeps: I need a tool for Prague sightseeing - old maemo-mapper like tool with google maps data18:31
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mgedminkerio, static IPs would require me to do static config on my lappy18:32
Stskeepshrw: i pre-cache in maep quite often18:32
keriomgedmin: yeah18:32
luke-jrmgedmin: why do you need avahi?18:33
* mgedmin <-- lazy, hates manual work18:33
mgedminluke-jr, so I can access my n900 without knowing its IP address in any network whatsoever18:33
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luke-jrdidn't you just say dnsmasq?18:33
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smharmaybe it is time to symlink some directories from rootfs outside to free more space :-)18:34
mgedminluke-jr, eh? that's for when there's no WiFi nearby and I have to use usb/adhoc wifi and need my n900 to become the DHCP server18:34
luke-jrmgedmin: dnsmasq is a DNS server18:34
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mgedminluke-jr, it has a DHCP server too18:35
luke-jrmgedmin: I'm aware.18:35
luke-jrit also adds systems that use DHCP to its DNS records18:35
mgedminright, and your point is?18:35
luke-jrmy point is that you don't need avahi18:35
luke-jrsince dnsmasq will just resolve whatever for you18:35
mgedminI need it when I'm not using my own dnsmasq18:35
mgedminif there's an existing WiFi network, I connect both my laptop and my n900 to it, then avahi lets them find each other18:36
mgedminif there's no existing WiFi network, only then I need my custom scripts and stuff18:36
luke-jri c18:36
smharbecause I am have only 53mn left now :-)18:36
mgedminI sometimes wonder how much avahi-daemon costs in terms of battery life18:36
mgedmindid anybody ever do any tests?18:37
smharI do have serious problems with battery life. It only lasts for around 4 hours18:38
mgedminI'm unhappy because mine lasts maybe 10 hours18:38
smharI am not sure if it is because of some programs running in the background18:38
Donglescreen brightness18:39
keriosmhar: using 3g data?18:39
smharwhen the battery is full after charging and I unplug the charger, the battery level immediately drops 2%18:39
Dongleis bluetooth and gsm data on?18:40
Dongleis the transmitter on?18:40
smharbloetooth is off but gsm is on18:40
smharthe fm transmitter? it is off18:41
lcukusing the light sabre attachment?18:41
Donglewhat app are u using to view battery life?18:41
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smhardesktop command execution widget18:42
Donglehmm. try getting batterygraph and see if they match up18:42
Dongleone might say18:43
Dongleits lower than it actually is. is ur device oc?18:43
smharwhat is oc?18:44
smharoh, no18:44
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keriobroken battery18:44
smharnot that I did anyway?18:44
lcuksmhar, 4 hours of idle or 4 hours of busy use?18:44
ShadowJKThe maemo battery meter is somewhat inaccurate. Either it over-estimates charge level (and shows 100% forever) or underestimates it (and shows something less than 100% after you disconnect charger)18:44
Dongleyea could be a dying batteey18:44
smhar4 hours of heavy use on and off -with idle gaps-18:45
FauxFauxBattey Graph.18:45
smharit is a one month old N90018:45
Dongleive noticed it sort of overestimates for me. if i do a restart, it becomes accurate18:45
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bennypr0faneHello, last try: can anyone recommend tools for syncing the Meamo 5 calendar OTA? I've tried syncevolution with google, but it doesn't work for me...18:47
Donglesorry i got nothin18:48
bennypr0fanethanks Dongle18:48
alteregoOn two different antibiotics and I can't drink on one of them .. :(18:48
Corsacbennypr0fane: I think google calendars can be sync'ed with mail for exchange18:49
Corsacthough I don't use either so I can't help18:49
Corsac(but syncevolution worked fine for me)18:49
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Corsacbennypr0fane: may have some help too18:50
trip0smhar, so how do you get usb-host working?18:50
dmj726_develjrocha: I'm having a hard time building and packaging pygoocanvas.18:50
jrochahi dmj726_devel18:51
jrochawhy is that?18:51
dmj726_develI get errors like this when I ty to make a debian package:
Dongleanyone know how to use python-scapy?18:51
hrwStskeeps: maep require user to zoom/pan to cache maps? no option to download ares?18:52
chem|stsmhar: I just killed my device from 80% with a OTA upgrade of easydebian in 2 hours18:52
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luke-jrmy N900 is building WebKit -.-18:52
bennypr0faneCorsac thanks, but I don't even have Mail for Exchange18:52
Stskeepsluke-jr: see you in 3 days18:52
luke-jr285 MB memory use linking, and it's come to a stand-still18:52
luke-jrStskeeps: that how long it takes?18:53
chem|stbennypr0fane: thats build in...18:53
kerioluke-jr: hahaha nice18:53
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Corsacbennypr0fane: look in settings18:53
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bennypr0fanei mean on my desktop18:54
luke-jrseriously, all it's doing is swapping18:54
luke-jrI hope it doesn't destroy the eMMC :|18:54
kerioluke-jr: ^c18:54
dmj726_develjrocha: I know you got pygoocanvas built, so I was wondering what you did.18:54
chem|stbennypr0fane: thats a client-server thing and you don't need anything on your desktop for it18:54
luke-jrin fact, screw that...18:54
* luke-jr activates external SD swap18:54
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bennypr0fanedoes it make sense to use MfE for syncing from the N900 if i don't use it anywhere else?18:54
ShadowJKluke-jr, beware, swap on vfat hangs18:54
luke-jrShadowJK: it's not on vfat18:55
luke-jrShadowJK: but it has crashed in the past18:55
chem|stbennypr0fane: why shouldn't it?18:55
ShadowJKI had biweekly I/O hang/stall with swapfile on ext318:55
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ShadowJKseems to have gone away either with PR1.2 or with moving to using a swap partition on microsd18:55
jrochadmj726_devel, it might have to do with the attempt to use Python 2.318:55
chem|stbennypr0fane: sync with whatever you like18:55
luke-jrShadowJK: better to hang than to destroy eMMC :\18:56
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luke-jrplus, this way I get the added benefit of faster swap :P18:56
jrochadmj726_devel, I didn't package pygoocanvas18:56
bennypr0fanechem|st looks like i'm not understanding this right. so i can get MfE to sync with my google account?18:56
jrochaI only compiled it by the time I ported OCRFeeder to Maemo18:56
chem|stbennypr0fane: for n900 yes18:56
dmj726_develoh, so you didn't put it on the device with a deb?18:56
chem|stwhat tool you use for your desktop is another thing18:56
bennypr0fanei thotught i'd need a corporate e-amil server tot do that18:57
dmj726_develI got it to compile.18:57
dmj726_develbut the build process fails.18:57
dmj726_develI mean building the package18:58
chem|stbennypr0fane: we use communigate so also no MS-Exchange server18:58
* luke-jr should have set ionice on it18:58
bennypr0faneis mfE supposed to be pre-installed?18:59
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bennypr0fanethank you chem|st, this has been very helpful!19:03
jrochadmj726_devel, yes, I think it has to do with the Python 2.3 being used19:04
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jrochadmj726_devel,  maybe lizardo might help you19:05
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madhavping jacekowski:19:05
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madhavjacekowski: how did solve this issue make: *** [out/Release/] Error 12619:06
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jacekowskiwhat are you trying to achieve?19:08
jacekowskiand it's all published19:08
madhavbuilding chrome19:08
madhavon maemo19:09
jacekowskithere is already one build done19:09
jacekowskiwhy are you doing it again19:09
jacekowskiinstead of just porting my patches to new version19:09
jacekowskior something19:09
madhavi need support for pepper plugin19:09
madhavwhere r the patches19:10
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jacekowskiit's not going to work anyways19:10
jacekowskiit depends on features that had some problems on ARM19:11
jacekowskiand i just disabled them19:11
madhavwat were they..19:11
jacekowskimost of JITs are gone19:11
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madhavdid u have documented it19:11
jacekowskiit's all in my svn repo19:11
madhavis that the svn link>19:12
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madhavgot it19:13
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madhavjacekowski: didnt see any patches around19:13
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jacekowskithat's because it's svn repository19:15
jacekowskiyou have to ask it to give you patches19:15
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jacekowskimadhav: besides, what sort of machine do you have?19:20
madhavjacekowski: n900 and build machine is ubuntu19:20
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jacekowskii mean CPU19:20
jacekowskion ubuntu19:21
jacekowskimake and model19:21
madhavintel quad core 2ghz19:21
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jacekowskiyeah, that might build it in under 2h19:22
madhavit builds within 45min19:22
madhavim using gold linked19:22
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madhavits pretty fast19:22
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jacekowskiwell, my machine builds it in under 20 minutes19:22
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madhavjacekowski: ;) looks to be a super server19:23
trip0my n900 builds it in 10mins19:23
jacekowskimodel name      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X3360  @ 2.83GHz19:23
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trip0jacekowski's mom builds it in 519:23
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jacekowski4 cores19:23
jacekowskiand 8 gigs of ram19:23
madhavthats a good syste,19:23
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kerioshould i buy 3 or 4 mugen batteries?19:52
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ShadowJKoh man, I had forgotten how nice the N810 speakers sound20:00
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iksaif~seen X-Fade20:07
infobotx-fade is currently on #maemo #meego. Has said a total of 35 messages. Is idling for 7h 23m 5s, last said: 'lcuk: pong'.20:07
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LateralusWhy would I receive W: GPG error: http:/blabla/bla blabla/bla Release: Couldn't access keyring: 'No such file or directory' when I run apt-get update?20:12
keriowtf? xchat switches tab on volup/voldwn?20:13
keriosince when?20:13
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LateralusDoes anyone know what package contains the contacts application?20:16
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GAN900kerio, last year or so.20:18
keriohow do i enable volume keys on xchat?20:19
kerioi mean, for the *volume*20:19
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GAN900kerio, dunno how it's implemented (plugin or app)20:21
GAN900Camkeyd or something then use the volume keys?20:22
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kerioyeah, like the browser...20:22
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keriobut i actually have ctrl+pgup/down working here, so i don't exactly need it20:22
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SpeedEvildoes unbinding 'f7/f8' in the uI do anything/20:23
kerioi did, nothing20:24
keriohold on i'll restart xchat20:24
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SpeedEvilI wonder if unbinding in the UI not releasing the keys is a bug20:24
kerionope, still doesn't work20:25
kerioi bet it's related to that maemo plugin20:25
keriohow do i disable a plugin?20:26
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ColdFyreis there a better/replacement program for the built in messages application20:34
DocScrutinizer51kerio: xchat - settings - key bindings. think it's F7/8 or somesuch. Just unbind them I guess20:34
DocScrutinizer51ooh, sorry for lag20:35
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: wasn't that you who did research with (shift-)F7/8?20:36
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DocScrutinizer51I guess xchat still segfaults on shift-F7, don't like to test now20:37
ZuccaIs there a way to turn off sim card/phone functionaly other than just offline mode?20:37
ZuccaSometime I'd like to have phone functionality turned off while still use WLAN.20:37
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DocScrutinizer51unplug sim? switch off phone? what is it you want to do?20:38
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merlin1991zucca turn on phone and don't put in pin20:38
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DocScrutinizer51there's tablet mode button app for that20:38
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ZuccaDocScrutinizer51: It allows me to do that what I can archieve by not entering pin at startup without rebooting?20:41
luke-jrso my N900 is hanging with the LED green solid... any ideas? :|20:42
nidOits fully charged?20:42
DocScrutinizer51luke-jr: maybe it's acting_dead?20:43
luke-jrit was about 600 MB swapped20:43
Zuccaluke-jr: Tried to reboot already?20:43
luke-jrZucca: just pulled the battery20:43
DocScrutinizer51luke-jr: it didn't react to power button?20:44
luke-jrDocScrutinizer51: tbh, I didn't try20:44
Zuccaluke-jr: Ah. So you meant that nothing else was happening but led was lit green?20:44
luke-jrps uax hung though20:44
luke-jrZucca: yes20:44
luke-jractually, my active sshd did echo20:44
luke-jrbut nothing else20:44
luke-jra new ssh got a TCP connect, but no data20:44
luke-jr(I gave it hours)20:45
DocScrutinizer51luke-jr: insert battery, plug in charger ->same thing: grenn and doesn't do anything20:45
luke-jrDocScrutinizer51: it was running last I checked :)20:45
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DocScrutinizer51ssh of course won't work on acting_dead20:45
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DocScrutinizer51kernel oops20:47
DocScrutinizer51check mtd with dmesg/oops-dump20:48
DocScrutinizer51whatever it's called20:48
luke-jrcan't find anything liket hat20:50
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ZuccaDocScrutinizer51: Thanks for the tip btw. Celcullar Modem Control Buttons package was just exactly what I was looking for. :)21:00
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr: mompls21:07
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr: Nokia-N900-02-8:~# cat /proc/mtd   mtd2: 00040000 00020000 "log"21:08
SpeedEvildocs; no21:08
DocScrutinizerNokia-N900-02-8:~# less -f /dev/mtd221:09
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: no?21:09
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: if it's been a kernel oops/panic, then it should show up there, no?21:10
SpeedEvilI was meaning I have done nothing about f7/f821:11
SpeedEvili did do some playing with xchat maps - but that is solely userside21:11
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DocScrutinizerk, I'll give shift-F8 a try now :-P21:14
DocScrutinizerand booom21:14
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DocScrutinizerI fail to believe it's anything beyond just keybinding in xchat settings21:18
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mgedminwell, xchat has to set a window property to tell the system not to intercept the volume keys21:20
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DocScrutinizeryes, and changng kbd shorcuts F7/8 for page up/down from plain F7/8 to ctrl-F7/8 in xchat-settings-advanced-keybordShortcuts, then restarting xchat -> et voila: volume works during xchat. So what, gnetlemen?21:22
DocScrutinizernow how hard was it to check out THIS? o.O21:23
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DocScrutinizermganyway thanks for explaining clearly why it needs an xchat restart to make volume keys work, after changing xchat settings21:26
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DocScrutinizernevertheless you ewant to restart xchat anyway, after doing such config change, as xchat saves config files on gracefull shutdown only. If you forget this, your changes will be lost after forced shutdown of either xchat or whole engine21:27
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DocScrutinizerkerio: ^^^ see above for xchat & volume keys21:30
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DocScrutinizerLOL!! ctrl-VolUp is bound to show/hide userlist now, on my xchat21:34
DocScrutinizerctrl-volDown works like expected21:34
DocScrutinizermhm, menu is pretty clear about it: "User List   Ctrl-F7"21:35
rookie2010hi everyone any one knows how i can install some libraries which i need to install other package21:36
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DocScrutinizerhow about `apt-get install <libname>` ?21:36
DocScrutinizermaybe do a `apt-cache search <libname>` prior to that, to find correct name21:38
kerioDocScrutinizer: hmm... volume keys here still don't work, i deleted the keybindings21:39
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DocScrutinizerbut usually you shouldn't need to deal with dependecies by yourself. Acorrect package should draw all depends aiui21:39
dmj726_develhi lizardo21:39
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DocScrutinizerkerio: too bad. I just ticked the 'ctrl' modofier21:40
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DocScrutinizermaybe deleting them doesn't really work as expected?21:40
kerionow i can't even add it back because f7/f8 doesn't work21:40
keriodunno lol21:40
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lizardodmj726_devel: hi21:41
dmj726_devellizardo: I've been trying to port pygoocanvas and running into problems making the package for it.21:42
lizardodmj726_devel: which kind of problems?21:42
dmj726_develjrocha suggested you might be able to help21:42
lizardodmj726_devel: can we move the discussion to #pymaemo ?21:43
DocScrutinizerkerio:  HTH21:44
dmj726_devellizardo: sure, just sent you something on #pymaemo21:44
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kerio~wtf hth21:45
infobotHTH: hope this helps21:45
kerioit probably does21:45
kerioDocScrutinizer: ty21:45
slonopotamus~wtf wtf21:46
infobotWTF: {what,where,who,why} the fuck21:46
DocScrutinizercheckout the 'C' first line of F7/821:46
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slonopotamus~lick kerio21:46
* infobot licks kerio *SHLUUURRRRPPP*21:46
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DocScrutinizerRun Command21:50
DocScrutinizerD1:/GUI MENU TOGGLE21:50
DocScrutinizergives me ideas21:50
DocScrutinizerloooots of ideas21:51
DocScrutinizer/notify_mode being just one of them21:51
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DocScrutinizerShadowJK: ^^21:51
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Donglehey can someone explain how the rootfs works?21:52
DocScrutinizerit roots and it systems21:52
Dongleoh ok thanks21:52
Andy80why I can't see an icon in this page: ? Application icon is correctly shown in Application Manager and N900 menu....21:52
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DocScrutinizerthe quality of the answer rarely is higher than the quality of the related question21:53
DocScrutinizeror simply21:53
infobotit has been said that question is If you have a question and want people to give useful answers, make sure you have read this first:
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Donglehow about u guys not be a holes... is there an article for that?21:54
kerioDocScrutinizer: funny21:54
kerioi meant - is there a physical button that maps to F9 on the n900?21:54
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DocScrutinizerkerio: nope21:55
DocScrutinizerbut we learnt there's buttons like ctrl-F8 ;-)21:55
DocScrutinizeror even a simple ctrl-N21:56
DocScrutinizerlike "NoNoNoNotificationBlieBlinking!"21:56
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kerioDocScrutinizer: are you sure your volume keys work after changing the keybindings?21:57
keriothey only work the first time here21:57
DocScrutinizerat least the notifier bar thingie made me *believe*21:57
dmj726_develDongle: quick search for "rootfs maemo" yields:
DocScrutinizermmmk, don't work now here as well21:58
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DocScrutinizernow that's kinda funny21:59
DocScrutinizerI still hear keyclicks, and they do nothing in xchat21:59
kerioDocScrutinizer: you lied to me!21:59
kerioyou didn't have a workaround!22:00
DocScrutinizerno, I didn't22:00
* kerio cries22:00
DocScrutinizerI just said I seen them work22:00
DocScrutinizerI didn't say I've seen them work multiple times22:00
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DocScrutinizerweird!!! now they don't work at all, after xchat restart22:01
kerioi might as well just use them22:02
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itmustbejj__hey all22:02
DocScrutinizerdamn I've seen those buggers work22:02
itmustbejj__is anyone here familiar with the sixad package?22:02
* DocScrutinizer wonders who's latching up brokenness of volume sliders in xchat :-o22:03
hnoNot me, What is it?22:03
* DocScrutinizer reboots22:03
itmustbejj__hno: it's a daemon for connecting ps3 controllers :)22:03
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hnoAh, that. Sorry, have no ps3 controllers here..22:04
itmustbejj__I'm actually an android guy, and was wanting to learn more about that daemon for a possible port, cuz it's the last step for me having a ps3 controller on android22:04
kerioitmustbejj__: blasphemer!22:05
alteregoNot sure you can do it on Android22:05
keriowhy not? :o22:05
itmustbejj__well android supports udev, so that's a start22:05
hnoHmm.. what was the scratchbox start command again?22:05
alteregoI thought PS3 controllers were bluetooth22:06
sheepbatthey are, alterego22:06
itmustbejj__I'm running a rom with full bluetooth hid support22:06
keriowtf is a rom22:06
itmustbejj__so it should be possible22:06
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sheepbatthey require being plugged in to pair though22:06
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alteregoitmustbejj_If you can port the sixaxis handling stuff to a c library (may already be of that f form) you can probably build it for android, then you'll need to write an app in java to start/stop the daemon I'm guessing22:07
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hnoitmustbejj__: It's not a HID device iirc.22:07
DocScrutinizerkerio: now THAT *IS* a bug. It works exactly one keyclick either vol-up or down, after reboot22:07
itmustbejj__well it is and it isn't22:07
itmustbejj__hno: it doesn't support traditional bluetooth pairing22:08
BCMMhow can i manually focus the camera?22:08
BCMM(on the n900)22:08
kerioafter reboot?22:08
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kerioof xchat?22:08
kerioBCMM: lfocus22:08
DocScrutinizerBCMM: lfocus22:08
kerioDocScrutinizer: zing22:08
DocScrutinizerkerio: reboot of maemo22:08
itmustbejj__on any other platform: linux desktop, maemo, winmo that have implementations you have to hook it up to a desktop/laptop and set it to the bluetooth mac addy of the phone22:08
kerioDocScrutinizer: zing22:08
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kerioDocScrutinizer: huh22:09
keriothey work after a restart of xchat here22:09
DocScrutinizeryeah, HUH?!22:09
itmustbejj__alterego: says sixad is triggered by udev22:09
kerioand they still work on other applications22:09
DocScrutinizerkerio: you're right. But wasn't like this before I rebooted22:10
keriowhat does shift+space do?22:10
keriojust space?22:10
DocScrutinizerhere it expands nicks22:10
DocScrutinizerin xchat22:10
kerioanother thing that's completely replaced by my kbd remap22:11
BCMMalso, what is the closest you can focus the camera?22:11
kerioi have tab on fn+bksp22:11
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DocScrutinizerBCMM: ~10cm iirc22:11
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lcukn900if you listen to the youtube comments it can focus at 2mm22:12
alteregoitmustbejj__: well, grab the sourcec and have a look :P22:12
DocScrutinizerkerio: sounds lovely22:12
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DocScrutinizerlcukn900: muhaha22:12
kerioit's epic22:12
kerioesc is on shift+fn+bksp22:13
DocScrutinizerno it does that with the proximity sensor in reverse gear22:13
kerioalthough i guess that reversed tab is important22:13
itmustbejj__alterego: do you know where I might look to find it? All I've found so far are .installer packages22:13
Dongleanybody had success using the ir for a remote?22:13
kerioi could put esc on... shift+space?22:13
DocScrutinizerI'd love to have esc on sym-bs aka ctrl-ctrl-bs22:14
kerioyou can map sym?22:14
DocScrutinizerit's such a waste to have no special hw key meanings/mapping in sym mode22:14
DocScrutinizeralas you can't22:14
DocScrutinizerat least I wouldn't know of a way to do, without massive driver tweaks22:15
itmustbejj__alterego: nm found it22:15
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keriohow does russian do, with 8 chars on each button?22:16
DocScrutinizerno idea22:16
Donglethey drink vodka22:16
DocScrutinizerask the Russioans here in this chan22:16
kerioi was thinking of *more* remaps22:16
DocScrutinizerRST38h: ^^^^?22:17
DocScrutinizeriirc Russian is the only double keymap switchable with ctrl-space that actually works22:17
keriohmm... i bet fn+return isn't mapped22:17
keriotwo keymaps22:18
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kerioi could use that22:18
kerioscrew this, i'm using an external keyboard22:18
DocScrutinizerkerio: then FIX IT! :-P22:18
kerioi bet it's related to the dumn UI22:18
kerionah, i'd just move my keymaps to russian22:19
DocScrutinizerthere are a lot of people who'd like to have two arbitrary maybe even proprietary keymaps, switchable by ctrl-space22:19
hnoitmustbejj__: git://
kerioDocScrutinizer: move everything to russian, set russian kbd22:19
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DocScrutinizerkerio: I don't care if I have to set that stinky settings-gui-setting to "Russian kbd" as long as it in reality does what *I* want22:20
DocScrutinizerkerio: :D hehe22:20
DocScrutinizersee how slow my typing, I started before your last line22:20
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kerioit's not hard22:21
kerioi'll probably do it22:21
keriofn+return for escape, add some more symbols...22:21
kerioi think i can get away with just one22:21
DocScrutinizerBS HELL goddamn die fsck! xchat crap!!22:21
Donglewhy do u need to remap?22:21
FredrIQuh, so ctrl+enter is actually the thing that enables 2-charset-thing...22:22
kerioDongle: more symbols22:22
DocScrutinizer/nitify_mode -L seems isn't persistent22:22
FredrIQthat was useful information22:22
Donglewhat do u need symbols for?22:22
kerioDongle: write symbols22:22
kerioit's a device for unix nerds with no | button22:23
DocScrutinizercrtl-enter afaik is the thing that switches to fullscreen in xterm, xchat...22:23
Donglei see22:23
kerioplus, the sym vk sucks22:23
DocScrutinizerdonkey balls22:23
Donglehow do u target ppl to talk to them directly in xchat?22:23
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keriofirst few letters then tab22:24
Dongleok thanks22:24
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Donglei dont have a tab22:24
kerioDongle: exactly22:24
kerioso you see22:24
Donglewhats tab on the n90022:25
FredrIQshift+space works in xchat22:25
fralsctrl i22:25
FredrIQbut, tab doesn't exists in the layout per default22:25
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itmustbejj__hno: thanks22:26
DocScrutinizer51ctrrl-i is just an xterm keymapping22:26
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DocScrutinizer51xchat won't take ctrl-i as tab22:27
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keriomy awesome remapping 1 - nokia 022:28
* DocScrutinizer51 wonders where's the xmodmap-GUI. There should be such thing, really22:30
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* FredrIQ remapped Q to tab once before22:35
FredrIQ(q isn't used at all in my locale)22:36
FredrIQexcept in some names22:37
DocScrutinizerwhat a weird locale is that, and do you never ask @estions on IRC?22:37
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FredrIQi do22:37
DocScrutinizerfair enough22:37
FredrIQQ exists, but only in the alphabet22:37
DocScrutinizerI c22:37
KegetysI remapped å to tab22:37
DocScrutinizerI dreamt of a keymap-WYSIWYG editor22:38
FredrIQdo one!22:38
Gizmokid2005DocScrutinizer: Feature req? :P22:38
DocScrutinizerso everybody would just *shrug* on statements like these, and point you to the editor22:39
FredrIQbtw, doesn't tilde work?22:39
FredrIQor is it just fn+smth that make tilde fail?22:39
FredrIQi use asciitilde atm, but dead tilde would be awesome22:39
Gizmokid2005`` <-- wfm FredrIQ22:39
DocScrutinizerjust like "I made my alive notifier LED blink blue-red, twice a second"22:39
DocScrutinizerso what, use notification LED editor app22:40
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FredrIQ~ = Fn+z22:40
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DocScrutinizerthen we could resort to more exciting topics here, like creating a rainbow indicator, or mapping ctrl-ctrl-bs to esc22:42
kerioDocScrutinizer: write one22:42
DocScrutinizerwhy me??? I'm the system architect and consultant and hw EE duse. Not the coder monkey ;-P22:43
DocScrutinizerstill consider doing a lil python fancy. kbd mapper ditor looks simple enough to get it right in one day22:44
* FredrIQ cannot code in any not-fail language except PHP - that would not really help now22:44
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* sp3000 giggles a not-fail vs php22:44
sp3000at, too22:44
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FredrIQmeh, PHP is still waay better than mIRC-scripting22:45
andrewfblackkonttori: Ping22:45
kerioDocScrutinizer: you have 37 keys to map22:45
DocScrutinizerjust for sentimental old times when I actually was the coder monkey as well22:45
sp3000I'll admit I haven't experienced the latter22:45
DocScrutinizerkerio: I actually give a shit how many keys. I have to code exactly one class22:46
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andrewfblackkonttori: Any idea when Theme Maker will be updated to 1.2?  Havn't seen a release yet and was thinking of releasing some themes on Ovi22:46
DocScrutinizermaybe two, a second one for the qualifier keys22:46
konttorihmm... I could do it now. What was your email? I could send it to you for pre-test.22:46
kerioDocScrutinizer: i know22:46
kerioi was just saying22:46
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DrGrovkonttori: How about NuvoFre? Will it become finished some day? :)22:47
konttoriDrGrov: I updated a version just yesterday22:47
FredrIQit is 3822:47
FredrIQminus volkeys, pwr, camera22:47
konttoriDrGrov: did you have issues with it, or why did you ask?22:47
DocScrutinizeror even 4222:47
FredrIQwhat a coincidence22:47
keriocan't remap pwr or camkey22:48
DrGrovkonttori: I just waited to see whether it will be a finished theme or will it continue to develop?'22:48
DocScrutinizerkerio: that's what I meant22:48
FredrIQok, 40 then22:48
DocScrutinizerlock slider22:48
FredrIQhm, does the slider count as a buttom?22:48
DocScrutinizeris a key22:48
andrewfblackkonttori: andrewfblack@gmail.com22:48
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DocScrutinizerplus I think even slide and lens cover are keys :-P So 4422:49
DocScrutinizererr 4322:49
FredrIQwhat slide22:50
DocScrutinizerkbd slide22:50
FredrIQlet's remap it22:50
FredrIQnokia programs will be happy22:50
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sp3000let's make it Q22:50
kerioand you can't even remap shift/fn/ctrl22:50
kerioat least, i think22:50
kerioDocScrutinizer: you can't remap those22:50
kerioand the camkey is *two* keys22:50
keriolet's remap the whole touchscreen22:50
FredrIQmake a shuffler!22:51
FredrIQthat remaps the touchscreen to randomly22:51
FredrIQvery useful indeed22:51
DocScrutinizerkerio: I can't remap sh/Fn/ctrl but nevertheless I have to deal with them22:51
FredrIQhaving 2 keysets available22:52
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kerioDocScrutinizer: you don't22:53
kerioyou deal with up to 4 levels for each key22:53
FredrIQup to 8!22:53
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FredrIQ: <22:53
FredrIQyeah, fac 8 of course22:53
keriowell, for the russian layout22:54
FredrIQit's just a setting22:54
FredrIQit seem22:54
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FredrIQcouldn't be that hard to make for other layouts22:54
keriothe ui is dumb though22:55
DocScrutinizerkerio: in WYSIWYG editor I deal with 35 normal keys plus three qualifier keys that can be checked/unchecked22:55
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DocScrutinizerplus maybe two layers, one for orininal and one for alternate keymap22:55
keriowith other layouts, you switch dictionaries22:55
DocScrutinizer(aka ctrl-space)22:56
DocScrutinizeryes, dicts and keymaps are synced22:56
kerioDocScrutinizer: *two* qualifiers22:56
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kerioctrl is not a qualifier22:56
DocScrutinizerwhy not 3 ??22:56
kerioit's a mute22:56
DocScrutinizersure it is22:56
FredrIQkerio, it's just a line that differs russian from other, except the chars22:57
kerioctrl+n is not a character22:57
FredrIQthat turn on 2x-charset22:57
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DocScrutinizeras long as you accept ctrl as the original qualifier meaning22:57
DocScrutinizerdunno how keymaps work exactly, had to look into them. But in theory you can assign "hello world!" to ctrl-shift-enter22:58
DocScrutinizerso ctrl clearly is a qualifier22:59
DocScrutinizersee ctrl-shift-P for printscreen22:59
kerioyou can't set that in a keymap22:59
DocScrutinizermaybe not in a keymap, that's why [2010-07-19 21:58:38] <DocScrutinizer> dunno how keymaps work exactly, had to look into them.23:00
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DocScrutinizera generic keymapper utility would work with raw key-down/up codes and allow arbitrary 2-key mappings and (due to hw limitations) a selected number of 3-key mappings23:02
DocScrutinizerand the best of those mapper utilities I've seen or built myself in the past, had even things like shift-altGR-scrollLock=start/stop macro recording, where on end of macro recording you'd assig the macro to next key-combo you press23:04
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keriolame and boring23:05
DocScrutinizernow for N900 we obviously should select better keys than scrollLock or altGr23:05
kerioDocScrutinizer: that's xmodmap23:06
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kerioor whatever23:06
keriobut it's an external program23:06
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DocScrutinizerkerio: man xmodmap didn't tell me how to record macros23:10
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keriothat's where you kick in23:11
FredrIQ<DocScrutinizer> now for N900 we obviously should select better keys than scrollLock or altGr23:11
FredrIQFn actually is alt+gr23:11
DocScrutinizeryep, seems you got a point there23:12
keriothat's where you kick in23:13
keriostupid n90023:13
kerioyou could also ignore the issue23:13
kerionobody needs macros23:13
DocScrutinizeron a totally unrelated sidenode, CA-146C dongle can be used to charge N900 with input voltages as low as 3V23:13
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keriowhat dongle?23:14
DocScrutinizerkerio: exactly, but everybody wants a nice WYSIWYG editor for keymaps23:14
kerionot with macros!23:14
kerioyou want to edit the keymap file23:14
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DocScrutinizerlol, mentioning CA-146C made DrGrov go offline??23:14
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DocScrutinizerkerio: I didn't say the m-word in conjunction with WYSIWYG editor23:15
DocScrutinizerthough afaik you actually can assign multi-'char' sequences to keys, in keymaps23:16
DocScrutinizerkerio: in fact Fx keys are multi-char23:17
DocScrutinizersomething like ~[423:17
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DocScrutinizerbut wait, that's probably xmodmap again23:17
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DocScrutinizerso, cooked key input, not raw keycodes23:18
DocScrutinizerdamn that keybord stuff is confusing23:18
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frikinzHi everyone, on diable, how can I get a way to run a command as root, easily (without xterm) like with an icon. personal launcher says "rootsh is a security risk blabla.."23:19
DocScrutinizersudo <your-cms>23:19
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DocScrutinizerand adapt /etc/sudoers so the command is allowed without password query23:20
frikinzah so that works. and in personal launcher I call "sudo cmd"  ? ok I thought sudo did not work.23:21
frikinzDocScrutinizer: thanks23:21
DocScrutinizerhope it actually works23:21
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parimis there a meego room?23:22
frikinzI'm leaving for a business trip for a month and my girlfriend has no clue about xterm. the n800 is used as a samba client to play the music which is hosted on a PC23:23
DocScrutinizersudo should work, as sudo gainroot is supposed to work23:23
Stskeepsparim: #meego23:23
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user_how do you install whois?23:23
DocScrutinizerand in fact installing rootsh does simply add a line to /etc/sudoers23:24
DocScrutinizeruser_: apt-get install whois?23:25
user_doesnt find it23:25
DocScrutinizerthen probably it's not there23:25
user_didnt root replace rootsh23:26
user_what would be fookin cool is xcalib on maemo23:26
DocScrutinizerroot is the command supposed to replace the rotsh command coming with package rootsh23:26
frikinzhum nice I already have a line "user ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" I wonder how this arrived here23:26
FredrIQhow can i get rid of OOo in the debian img? what files to remove?23:26
FredrIQ(as it isn't installed as a package that can just be removed)23:27
frikinzbut who cares about the security of a device like this. I'm sure it's full of security holes23:27
DocScrutinizerfrikinz: don't forget to check / update your SElinux settings ;-P23:27
DocScrutinizerfrikinz: actually it shouldn't23:28
DocScrutinizerbut yeah, this is a bit.. err, odd23:28
user_so no whois on maemo?23:28
DocScrutinizerif you really care, you install ssh server/client metapkg and remove rootsh :-)23:29
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jacekowskimaemo is full of security holes23:29
user_to me DocScrutinizer?23:29
FredrIQThe following NEW packages will be installed:23:29
FredrIQ  libidn11 whois23:29
FredrIQwhois seems to exists yea23:30
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: no, OpenEmbedded is realy full of security holes23:30
frikinzplaying with fragrouter against the n800 was quite funny. after 10 seconds, the tcp/ip stack was _dead_23:30
user_not sure what ssh has to do with whois23:30
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: well, remote code execution is bad enough23:30
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: on maemo23:30
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alteregoManaged to compile and flash a kernel. That's phase one ...23:30
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frommyphoneFredrIQ: how do i install it?23:31
Funnyfacewhat is the max total capacity of an EDGE base station when multiple users use it?23:31
FredrIQsudo apt-get install whois23:31
alteregoAre there any reasons to not use my "custom" kernel over the one in the fiasco?23:31
jacekowskiFunnyface: depends23:31
FunnyfaceI know that it's 230kbit or so per user, but what's the total capacity23:31
jacekowskiFunnyface: 8 users on one frequency23:31
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alteregoOr should they operate identically with rx51 defconfig?23:31
frommyphonesays no suck pkg FredrIQ23:31
FredrIQmaybe it's in devel23:32
DocScrutinizerFunnyface: no simple answer23:32
jacekowskiFunnyface: but one basestation operates on multiple frequencies23:32
jacekowskiFunnyface: but number of frequencies is undefined23:32
Funnyfacehmm oki, because I notice that I get a stable 22k/s on EDGE when I am in any area with good UMTS/HSDPA coverage, but as soon as I get into rural areas where only EDGE is available, it gets really bad23:32
frommyphonehow to quickly enable/disable devel from cmdline?23:32
Funnyfaceas in even patient people like me get impatient :P23:32
DocScrutinizeralterego: you need matching modules23:33
FredrIQdunno, always have it activated (NO, don't complain, i know what i risk, and i know what i must do if something fail)23:33
jacekowskiFunnyface: these transmitters ussualy have only radio uplink23:33
alteregoDocScrutinizer: oh, but everything seems to be working?23:33
jacekowskiFunnyface: 3g requires little bit more than just slow radio uplink23:34
DocScrutinizeralterego: lucky you23:34
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frommyphonelol never used irssi on here before23:34
frommyphonepretty leet23:34
alteregoHeh, I would have thought same kernel source? and gcc version would be good enough ...23:34
Funnyfaceyeah I know, it's just a little annoying that EDGE works fine where it is not needed, and doesn't work any well at all where it is needed the most23:34
FredrIQirssi is nice23:34
DocScrutinizeralterego: try a modprobe to some arbitrary shit that usually should succeed23:34
frikinzCool it works. Thanks DocScrutinizer for reminding me sudo and for secretly changing my sudoers file23:35
FredrIQPrefer xchat, it's nice to have an UI, but i like irssi23:35
jacekowskialterego: kernel does a lot of sanity checks before loading module23:35
DocScrutinizerfrikinz: we do everything to keep you happy23:35
jacekowskialterego: and you probably ended up with tainted kernel now23:35
Funnyfacefor example, in this village I was in 2 weeks ago, I got an unstable ~7k/s, where it kept randomly cutting off all transmissions for 30 secs or so, with 3 signal strength bars :P23:36
jacekowskivoice has priority over data23:36
frikinzare there some people still using xmms on n800 or 770?23:36
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DocScrutinizerFunnyface: that's related23:36
Funnyfaceindeed, I just wish it would allow less slots instead of dropping me completely23:37
jacekowskiyou always get one slot23:37
FunnyfaceI mean, instead of having 7k/s on and off half of the time, I'd rather have a stable 3.5k/s :P23:37
alteregoDocScrutinizer, jacekowski managed to load and unload usbtest. The kernel config is untouched, I'm using rx51_defconfig ..23:37
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jacekowskiFunnyface: it's uplink that was too slow probably23:38
DocScrutinizeralterego: probably as long as you don't change kernel version, the version magic will be happy23:38
alteregoThat's what I was thinking ...23:38
DocScrutinizeralterego: and ABI shouln't change23:38
jacekowskithere are things that change it23:39
Funnyfaceoh well I think I will sign up with this 450MHz CDMA provider23:39
Funnyfacejust too bad the SIM card won't work in our N900s23:39
alteregoProbably bad form if I plan on modifying usb sources...23:39
Funnyfacebut they offer wifi modems :P23:39
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DocScrutinizerthe SIM card will, just the N900 modem won't work on 450MHz23:39
jacekowskialterego: what are you trying to break?23:39
alteregojacekowski: I fancied poking with host mode.23:40
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jacekowskiwell, it's working now23:40
alteregoI've got a little kernel dev experience.23:40
DocScrutinizeralterego: musb_core is monolitic23:40
jacekowskiso what are you breaking?23:40
frommyphonethe gps seems to be the most lacking23:40
DocScrutinizercompiled in23:40
frommyphoneon the N90023:40
alteregoDocScrutinizer: good point23:40
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: you can always force driver to release device23:40
frommyphoneit lags behind everyone elses it seems23:40
FunnyfaceI can carry this box around in my pocket, along with my N900.. :P
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: even compiled-in ones?23:41
alteregoDocScrutinizer: I just don't want to f*ck my device ;)23:41
DocScrutinizeralterego: you will, nevertheless23:41
DocScrutinizereventually you will23:41
jacekowskithese driver still have everything required to support module loading/unloading23:41
DocScrutinizerprapre for reflashing, anytime23:41
alteregojacekowski: that's not what I heard, I thought there were only a select fews that managed to get it working.23:42
jacekowskiso you can trigger module unload function in it23:42
jacekowskiwhich would cause it to release device23:42
jacekowskiand your new driver could tak over from there23:42
jacekowskior you could end up with kernel panic23:42
DocScrutinizerheard "echo moofoo >/sys/moofoo/unload"23:42
alteregoDocScrutinizer: well, as long as I don't use my user data I don't mind reflashing. I also backup weekly so :)23:42
frommyphonehow close are we to usb host mode23:42
* DocScrutinizer idly starts a backup23:43
frommyphonei wana use an ultra usb-gps doggle23:43
jacekowskifrommyphone: that's not going to work23:43
jacekowskifrommyphone: it requires a lot more power than n900 can deliver23:43
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: sure??23:43
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jacekowskithat always requires loads of power23:43
SpeedEvilnot really23:44
DocScrutinizeranyway, then use a Y-cable :-P23:44
SpeedEvilI get 18 hous of logging with GPS23:44
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jacekowskiin n95 you can easily feel it warm up keyboard23:44
DocScrutinizeron N90023:44
jacekowskias it's under 0 key23:44
DocScrutinizerthat would be evidently <100mA then23:44
jacekowskiand these sticks are probably not the most efficient ones23:45
frommyphoneyeah but n900 gps isnt great23:45
frommyphonetakes so long to update23:45
jacekowskifrommyphone: not really23:45
frommyphonelike when im riding the bus and want to get off on the right stop23:45
jacekowskifrommyphone: it does like 4 samples per second23:45
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DocScrutinizer~seen t-tan23:45
SpeedEvilI've never seen it do >123:45
infobott-tan <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 38d 1h 4m 48s ago, saying: 'smoking hot device?'.23:45
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SpeedEvilOh no!23:45
SpeedEvilhe caught fire!23:46
DocScrutinizerfamous last words23:46
DocScrutinizerfrommyphone: once it has a fix, N900 GPS isn't bad23:47
DocScrutinizerfrommyphone: the crux is it might take ages TTFF, without 3G data23:47
jacekowskiwell, with 3g data while moving 70mph23:48
jacekowskithat's not going to happe23:48
DocScrutinizerwith 3G data (or 2G) it's a matter of ~15s23:48
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jacekowskitry doing same thing while on a train23:48
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: sure?23:48
jacekowskithat's doing 70mph or more23:48
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ds3even at 35mph if you are in a spotty area, it takes forever to get a lock (even with 2G or 3G)23:49
DocScrutinizeryeah, maybe GPS has real problems getting FF while moving fast23:49
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jacekowskiwell, there are some things that don't help23:50
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jacekowski70mph+ and steel roof23:50
alteregods3: I don't have that issue, travelling 70mph get a lock in usually under 30s23:50
DocScrutinizerthat's somewhat natural, as GPS is listening to several channels to spot a predicted signal, if it does then the sat is found and locked. But if you're moving fast the signal will be quite different to the pattern it's looking for23:51
DocScrutinizerthe A part of GPS is basically to reduce the set of signal patterns to look for23:52
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alteregoI think that's only really true for sats in front and behind. Though I don't know much about GPS signals.23:52
SpeedEvilIt's true for all really23:53
SpeedEvildue to various factos - such as multipath23:53
alteregoI can't see velocity adversely affecting signal from sats to your sides.23:53
SpeedEvilin a clear sky - no23:53
jacekowskialterego: doppler effect23:54
SpeedEvilIt however affects reflections of rapidly appearing and dissapearing objects23:54
alteregoI actually really like the GPS on the N900 performance wise23:54
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DocScrutinizerwell, even then. Isn't that code diversity signalling on one frequency?23:54
alteregoOkay, yeah get that. clouds trees and such23:54
jacekowskialterego: gps is based on doppler effect and any fast movement will mess it up23:54
alteregoI guess I'm lucky living in a boring flat sparsely populated area :)23:55
SpeedEvilGPS is jsut fine - when locked - at up to several kilometers a second23:55
SpeedEvilIt's during certain types of lock it reauires an un-corrupt signal from the satellites to lock to in some cases.23:55
SpeedEvilEspecially when it's not doing the AGPS thing23:55
DocScrutinizercause when it is, a sat in front would somewhat mangle the signals from sats aside of you as well23:56
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: yes - ut's a 1024 point spreading code. With different psuedorandom signals for eachsat.23:56
alteregoI should look into the workings of GPS I find it all very interesting :)23:57
SpeedEvilrepeating at 1.024KHz23:57
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SpeedEvilthe chip rate that is.23:57
alteregoI also need to work a bit more on my "navigation tool"23:57
DocScrutinizerso one completely 'off' signal would ruin the whole pot, no?23:57
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SpeedEvilno - all the signals go into a kalman filter or similar, and out pops a position/velocity solution23:58
DocScrutinizerlemme put it this way: you can spoil GPS with just one jamming transmitter23:58
DocScrutinizeryou don't need to jam each sat in vicinity separately23:59

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