IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2010-07-11

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rhaamohi all.00:15
rhaamois anyone getting sigsegv when trying to run 'aptitude' (on root, no arguments, just aptitude) too ?00:17
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kerioreducing the swappiness to increase UI responsivity is dumb00:17
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Arkenoikerio: why?00:25
keriobecause the swappiness is there for a reason00:25
kerioyou're trading ui responsivity for i/o caching00:25
kerioi mean00:26
keriothe opposite00:26
Arkenoiwell, but as long as phone runs more smoothly we do not really care, right?00:26
kerio...yes we do?00:26
kerioat least, i do00:26
Arkenoiwhat's wrong with this tradeoff?00:27
kerio3 seconds to open a menu after two hours is an acceptable tradeoff for 30 seconds less when compiling a kernel00:27
kerioyou notice the first, but you don't notice the second00:28
NadleyWhat content I backup when I use the default backup tool00:28
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fluxnadley, /etc/osso-backup has a list of sorts00:30
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Nadleyflux: I don't understand what you say00:31
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fluxnadley, /etc/osos-backup/applications contains the lists that control what the backup backs up00:31
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Arkenoikerio, it's ok for me, then ;-)00:32
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Arkenoii do not recompile kernel on-device every day00:32
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DrGrovflux: you can not have 2 similar bluetooth devices connected at the same time. that means you can't have 2 BT handsfrees.00:33
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fluxdrgrov, what happens when you try to connect?00:33
DrGrovflux: i do not need to connect in order to know that. have not even tried it since i know it will fail.00:34
fluxI've been thinking of hooking one bt-hf permanently to my car for music playback and wondering how it would work, if I have a carry-on bt-hf as well00:35
fluxI suppose most of the time only one would be turned on00:35
fluxbut possibly the vehicle one would be turned on all the time, leading into having two bt-hfs in the phone's vicinity00:36
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DrGrovflux: i am pretty sure you can have one bt-hf for music playback and one for talk-bt-hf. not really too sure but should work out.00:39
DrGrovbut on the other hand, you can have two bluetooths paired to your device but you could easily switch between bluetooths.00:39
keriomy ears! the bluetooths do nothing00:40
fluxautomatic connecting is nice. but if it's possibly to switch in a programmatic fashion it would be nice as well.00:40
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DrGrovflux: you could easily do that. or i consider it to be quite straight forward without too much clicking and fiddling around.00:44
DrGrovkerio: perhaps a bad bluetooth?00:44
DrGrovonce you get a quality BT there is no issues.00:44
Maceri go to a gas station that takes like a week to process its cc payments00:46
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trumeemy average roundtrip time to the router (PSM) is 40ms, is that bad?00:46
trumeewith pings00:46
Maceri have never seen a place that takes so long00:47
Stskeepstrumee: psm will naturally add a little bit of latency00:47
Stskeepscos of queueing, etc00:47
trumeeis there any good router which works well with PSM?00:48
SpeedEvil1I get ~400ms rtt00:48
SpeedEvil1one of these.00:49
SpeedEvil1I do not recommend it00:49
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SpeedEvil(not for the hardware, for the ignorance of GPL)00:49
trumeethat is pretty crap00:50
trumeei need an alternative to linksys00:50
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SpeedEvilIt works - I get about 30m range through 3 very thick stone walls00:50
trumeelinksys doesnt handle sip very well00:50
SpeedEvilAnd great powersaving00:51
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Macerhm . after my son leaves i think i'll put his wii into a new case00:51
trumeeSpeedEvil, i guess you dont do sip calls.00:51
SpeedEvilI don't do any calls00:52
DrGrovMacer: actually I have. Takes about 1 week where I usually also did put fuel in the car.00:52
tgalalcan n900 tether internet from other phones and computer just like the N800/00:52
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MacerDrGrov: heh. yeah welll. :) they are taking forever00:52
Macerand i don't like money floating around out there like that00:52
DrGrovMacer: yeah, a bit too long.00:52
trumeei need a router which handles sip calls with PSM.00:53
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Macertrumee: then find one ;)00:53
DrGrovMacer: well, today it merely matters though. internet banking is so easy so it literally does not matter, at least to me.00:53
SpeedEviltgalal: yes, it can - sometimes the connection manager gets in te way a bit00:53
trumeeNokia devs should let us know what routers they test N900 against.00:53
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MacerDrGrov: yeah well.. still. everywhere else takes like 5 secs to hit the acct00:54
DrGrovI use against my trusted Elisa Kotiboksi shit and it works out well00:54
Macerdo they mail in the cc slips or something?00:54
DrGrovMacer: yes, they mail them. pretty sure about that.00:54
Macerthey still use like some old ass modem based cc machine00:54
Maceryou can hear the old school modem noises00:54
DrGrovyes but they do not get the cc receipts sent then. the cashier system they use is too old.00:54
tgalalSpeedEvil: N800 supported that smoothly00:55
SpeedEviltgalal: n900 is designed as a user device.00:55
tgalaland N800 ?00:56
SpeedEviltgalal: And the users are assumed to not have enough clue to do clever things.00:56
SpeedEvilSo bugs filed against broken stuff sometimes get 'conforms to spec' resolutions.00:56
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jacekowskiwith fmtx01:19
jacekowskidoes power level 120 have any special meaning?01:19
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GAN900It's clearly not over 9000.01:21
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jacekowskiif anybody is interested01:40
jacekowskimodified fmtxd binary that will ignore headphones01:40
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SpeedEvilHmm - my n900 won't play at the higher res.02:18
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jacekowskii got banned on ubuntu-uk02:43
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MohammadAG51jacekowski, not surprised tbh :P02:43
LuciusMareHello, my device does not prompt me for password, how to set it?02:43
LuciusMareat startup02:43
jacekowskiMohammadAG51: i got banned for posting link to
SpeedEvilThe n900 has an internal masquerading DNS of some form02:43
SpeedEvilhow do I get this to serve up DNS to the USB network?02:44
MohammadAG51jacekowski, still not surprised :P02:44
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Macerhm. so.02:52
Macer$150 for all my xbox 360 mods02:52
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pigeonSpeedEvil: that would be dnsmasq? play with /etc/dnsmasq.conf maybe.03:05
IkarusSpeedEvil: you need the other dnsmasq package iirc03:05
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pigeoni know mobilehotspot just start another dnsmasq instance to serve dns over wifi03:06
SpeedEvilI guess03:06
IkarusI still need to tinker with userland NAT03:07
Ikarusgot a sample one somewhere03:07
* SpeedEvil wonders if he's logged in through the phone proxy still.03:07
Ikarusbut it's not quite complete03:07
SpeedEvilhmm - guess so.03:08
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SpeedEvilWonder why firefox doesn't understand far-end DNS for socks03:08
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IkarusSpeedEvil: far-end DNS ?03:09
pigeonthere's an about:config for it i think03:09
Ikarusit's just an option for it03:09
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pigeonbut i use foxyproxy, which is much more convenient03:09
pigeon(an addon)03:09
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SpeedEvilyeah - I don't see any easy options03:11
SpeedEvilI suppose I should reinstall foxyproxy03:11
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pigeonhmm, installed ringtoned, but i don't get the "set custom ringtone" button03:17
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SpeedEvilI have found tcpick - which is nice. This reassembles tcp streams into files. This is 99% of what I want - you get client and server files per connection.03:28
SpeedEvilI'm looking for something similar to debug issues - that ideally would be like a datestamped hexdump -C of each file03:28
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: with that BSI thing03:49
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: BME seems to read it couple times03:49
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: 5 to be more precise03:49
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: then sorts it and then i'm not sure yet03:50
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Termanagood morning04:32
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f00bar80I'm between E72 and N900, my needs are mainly VOIP(sip client)+PPTP-VPN and SSH , anybody can advice which of them can be the best for these mentioned needs ???05:32
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f00bar80anybody there ?05:37
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f00bar80SpectralNewt, cool .. so what's your opinion ?05:47
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SpectralNewtf00bar80: i've used e71 and n900 and i like them both.  i prefer n900 for ssh.  dunno a bout your voip06:05
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f00bar80SpectralNewt, basically what's better regarding the voip performance , also both has same HSPDA support transfer rate ?06:11
hatake_kakashione is powered by shitian, err symbian and the other is powered by linux06:12
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hatake_kakashithere's no ssh afaik for e7106:13
f00bar80hatake_kakashi, i know06:13
hatake_kakashior any symbian for that matter06:13
f00bar80hatake_kakashi, putty for symbian06:13
hatake_kakashif00bar80, that's ssh client not ssh server, unless you wanted ssh client, maemo already has that06:14
f00bar80hatake_kakashi, any idea about voip and pptp vpn support in maemo ?06:14
hatake_kakashif00bar80, I've tried voip support on maemo, its not bad, but you'll need voip account as usual06:15
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f00bar80hatake_kakashi, yea sure, and what's the Max. transfer rate of HSPDA ?06:16
hatake_kakashif00bar80, not sure off my head, I'm sure its noted on the nokia's website or something, 10.2? I dunno06:16
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f00bar80hatake_kakashi, what's meant by # TCP/IP support ??06:21
f00bar80hatake_kakashi, it's in the :Data network:06:24
hatake_kakashif00bar80, still not following you, in n900 specs?06:24
f00bar80hatake_kakashi, also from maemo does include a pptp vpn client ??06:24
hatake_kakashif00bar80, I don't know I think there is, you are always welcome to give google a search06:25
f00bar80hatake_kakashi, they're using with MPPE06:26
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jacekowskif00bar80: it's linux06:28
jacekowskif00bar80: as long as you are willing to make your own kernel you can have whatever you like06:28
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tripzerolcuk, looks like they fixed the libmeegotouch-dev dep issue06:29
tripzerobut apps still don't build against it...06:29
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luke-jranyone want a script to get 3G internet w/o service?07:25
luke-jr*actually only works for a remote BASH shell right now07:26
Macer3G without service?07:26
luke-jrwell, without a subscription :P07:26
Macerbuy a 3G transceiver for your house and a sim card maker07:27
luke-jrlol fail07:27
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Macersteal someone else's phone07:27
Macerand use their sim until they cancel07:27
luke-jror just use my script07:27
luke-jrsee Macer, my script lets me use a cancelled SIM ;)07:27
luke-jrno lies07:28
luke-jrat least in theory07:28
luke-jrinstalling the Perl modules I need on N900 right now07:28
Macergoing through the emergency data connection? :-P07:28
Macerit wont work07:28
luke-jrthere is no emergency data AFAIK07:28
luke-jrit will07:28
luke-jreverything is tunneled over DNS07:28
Macerstill wont work07:29
luke-jrI've tested the conceptual access07:29
luke-jrI can do DNS without a subscription07:29
luke-jrspecifically, I can lookup AAAA records07:29
luke-jrup to 16 at a time ;)07:29
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luke-jrthat gives me 120 * 16 bits per packet07:30
luke-jranyhow, Gentoo is taking forever to install perl modules07:30
luke-jrso I'll have results in like 30 mins07:30
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* luke-jr ponders whether or not to publish proof-of-concept...07:34
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abhayaFor some reason the internal memory on my n900 is corrupted.08:07
abhayaI tried sudo umount /dev/mmcblk0p1 and it gave Invalid argument as output.08:08
abhayaI canm5 seem to read or write from or to it08:08
ShadowJKYou don't have it connected to a computer with usb, right?08:09
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ShadowJKanything interesting in dmesg?08:12
abhayaNot really.08:15
abhayaWould flashing it take care of the int mem?08:15
ShadowJKWould need to flash both rootfs/fiasco and emmc images08:16
ShadowJKwould erase your settings too unless you use the backup utility to create a backup on a microsd card08:17
ShadowJKSo is it mounted right now?08:17
abhayaLooks like it.08:17
abhayaDo you have a paper on flashing rootfs/dfiasco/emmc?08:18
ShadowJKBut you can't access /home/user/MyDocs?08:18
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, flashing is
jacekowskitry rebooting08:19
jacekowskibefore doing any flashing08:19
abhayaShadowJK: Um, there's only DMRc or whatever in it.08:19
jacekowskiand then show us dmesg from a phone08:19
abhayajacekowski: tried.08:19
ShadowJKwhat's dmrc?08:19
abhayaShadowJK: dcim.08:19
ShadowJKdf MyDocs08:20
jacekowskithing is that if p1 is corrupted scandisk on windows should fix it08:20
ShadowJKis that empty?08:20
abhayaShadowJK: yes08:20
abhayajacekowski: I don't run windows08:20
ShadowJKOk, so it's /not/ mounted08:20
abhayaShadowJK: I'll mount it then08:20
ShadowJKno wait08:20
jacekowskimkfs maybe08:21
ShadowJKI'd try fsck.vfat /dev/mmcblk0p108:21
jacekowskii would go straight for mkfs08:22
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abhayamount returns invalid arg.08:22
ShadowJKDepends really on if there's data there you want to try save08:22
ShadowJKmkfs.vfat then..08:23
abhayafsck.vfat says 102 is not supported, only FAT 1 or 208:23
ShadowJK102? wtf08:24
abhayaafter mkfs.vfat, reboot?08:25
ShadowJKThat's probably what I'd do08:26
abhayaAlright, rebooting brb08:26
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luke-jrit's WORKING, Macer09:08
luke-jrnot very reliably (I have to kill it when I'm done, and restart it, to make another session), but it WORKS09:08
ptlwhat works?09:26
timeless_mbptunneling tcp over ipv6dns?09:28
luke-jrptl: two-way stream over DNS, without a data plan09:30
ptlwow. Seems complicated.09:31
luke-jractually, the client piece is under 200 lines09:31
luke-jrthe core of it is under 10009:31
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luke-jrthe next logical step would be to make it somewhat stable. then get PPP working, or a simple tunnel to port 22 for SSH09:32
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luke-jrbut I'm not sure how much further beyond proof-of-concept I want to go, seeing as I'm opposed to using it XD09:33
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timeless_mbpare you abusing the bits which are used for location support of e911?09:34
luke-jrnfc what those bits are09:35
timeless_mbpwhich bits are you borrowing?09:35
luke-jrit's just a series of AAAA lookups09:35
timeless_mbpbut what provides AAAA?09:35
luke-jrwhich gets a 16-answer round-robin09:35
timeless_mbpie why is AAAA available to your phone?09:35
luke-jr16x AAAA is 1820 bits data09:35
luke-jrT-Mobile has DNS on their 3G even for non-subscribers09:36
timeless_mbpone reason for AAAA is to enable phones to figure out their location09:36
luke-jrso you can go to their site to order service09:36
timeless_mbpthat's useless09:36
timeless_mbpif people abuse it, they can limit the dns service to their domain09:36
luke-jrI just figured it'd be fun to write09:37
timeless_mbpso you're wasting effort building a system which has no requirement for reliability/availability09:37
luke-jrbefore I get data service09:37
luke-jrnot wasted if I learn from it09:37
ShadowJKif only luke uses it maybe they wont notice it ;)09:37
luke-jrShadowJK: I would object to using it myself, it's just for fun09:38
Macerdidntknow there was a geoip filer for iptables09:38
Maceramazing how much crap comes out of china internetwise09:38
luke-jrMacer: is there?09:38
luke-jrlol, my thought exactly09:38
Macerconsidering its oppressive ways09:38
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luke-jrmy PBX's filter is full of Chinese IPs09:39
Macerand its firewalling tactics09:39
luke-jrretards ring my phones at night -.-09:39
Maceryeah.. i had to ban all of hinets subnets09:39
Macertheres like 30 of them09:39
ShadowJKmacer: websites on how to secure computers are firewalled and blocked, so every pc is full if malware sending crap ;p09:39
Maceris that what it is? :)09:40
Macergoogle caved on free speech in china09:40
Macermoney talks09:40
Maceryuan ftw09:40
luke-jrmoney nonsense09:40
* RST38h moos evilly09:40
luke-jrGoogle has to follow the law like everyone else09:40
ShadowJKit only took 8 years to convince western ISPs to do something about infested customers09:40
Macerim sure their decision was more so related to money09:41
ShadowJK(the port 25 block)09:41
luke-jrShadowJK: and now they're on the worse extreme :(09:41
luke-jrrather have port 25 unblocked than hopelessly blocked09:41
Macerme too09:41
Macerhinet keeps trying to relay through my mail server09:41
Macerit gets denied.. bit still09:42
Macerhinet is .tw tho09:42
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Macerbut im pretty sure tw is still under the chinese iron fist09:42
RST38hquite the opposite, it is under ITS OWN chinese iron fist09:44
luke-jrit might as well be09:44
Maceri thought they were part of the "republic"09:44
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RST38hMacer: There are two republics09:44
Macerthe peoples and the chineseownsyous?09:44
RST38hMacer: PRC and ROC09:45
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RST38hMainland China is known as PRC09:45
RST38hTaiwan is ROC09:45
Macerwell. communism is just a collective of "states"09:45
luke-jrMacer: basically, present-day Taiwan is the former China09:45
luke-jrPRC took over the mainland09:45
luke-jrbut was too lazy to take over the isle09:45
Macerironically enough. in soviet russia. states were supposed to be allowed to secede09:46
kerioso... how do i tell Multimedia to go look at my brand new files?09:46
Maceri wonder what happened to the ones that tried09:46
luke-jrTaiwan/China is the only country to have been basically kicked out of the UN :P09:46
Maceri thought china was still in the un09:47
luke-jrTaiwan/Old China was kicked out and replaced with New China09:47
RST38hMacer <-- does not know what he is talking about.09:47
luke-jrMacer: the government of Taiwan used to rule all of China09:47
MacerRST38h: i dont keep up with asian history09:48
Maceramerican arrogance :)09:48
luke-jryou'll have to learn it when they bomb your cities!09:48
Maceri bet 1% of americans know who the canadian pm is09:48
Macerand 99% of canadians know who the us president is09:49
Macerluke-jr: like firefly?09:49
Macerwith the whole pseudo english-chinese language?09:50
luke-jrso 6-core AMD 3.2 GHz for $300 vs 6-core Intel 3.33 GHz for $97009:51
luke-jris Intel *that* much better?09:51
RST38hAMD is that much worse09:52
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Macerwow tho... 6 core09:52
Macerthats pretty awesome09:52
tank-mantheres a lower priced amd with 6 core too, $20009:53
luke-jrseriously? Why not just get 3x 6-core AMD?09:53
luke-jr$200? then get 4 of those...09:53
luke-jr24 cores09:53
luke-jrsurely that can beat Intel?09:53
tank-manand the amd one just needs a bios update for current motherboards09:53
RST38hAnyone considered what you will do with all those cores?09:53
Macerare there even boards that support that?09:53
RST38hEspecially given that they are connected to the same memory?09:53
luke-jrRST38h: I use Gentoo09:53
MacerRST38h: good virtualbox server09:53
RST38hluke: Was that supposed to mean "I do not consider things before choosing them"? =)09:54
MacerRST38h: get 256G of memory09:54
luke-jrRST38h: no, it was supposed to mean MAKEOPTS=-j2509:54
RST38hluke: eek!09:55
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luke-jrthe weather here is being fairly LAME09:56
luke-jrthunder w/o rain?09:56
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luke-jrhow boring can it get09:56
Maceryou are going to be struck my lightning10:00
Macerand when you are on the ground sizzling with a stopped heart you will wish the weather had been even more lame .)10:01
luke-jrI'm inside.10:02
Macerball lightning10:03
Macershattering windows and tracking you down10:03
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RST38h"Are we using GNU Fortran compiler...."10:54
* RST38h loves autoconf10:54
mortinibut is stdio.h there?!10:55
RST38hPile of garbage checking for stuff that is either never going to eb used or not used since 5+ years ago10:55
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RST38hmortini: That is actually a good question. If I remember correctly, at least SuSe Linux did not let you compile helloworld if you did not have kernel sources installed10:56
RST38hmortini: its stdio.h referred to a header file in the kernel sources10:56
mortiniI think i was reading fortran code just the other day.10:57
mortinithis researcher's been working on this crazy fortran (I think) program for like 30 years. It's 800 pages long.10:58
mortini(printed pages)10:58
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RST38hMB of code then11:01
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mortiniheh, doesn't seem like as much when you say it like that.11:03
RST38hthat depends11:04
RST38hon what that code does11:04
RST38hI mean it is not 1.6MB of phone directory entries, is it?11:05
mortinino, it's the actual code. i'm not sure what this guy is researching11:05
mortinibeen working with a number of them lately and can't keep them straight since I don't actually interact with the researchers much11:05
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mortinianother job that guy runs docks various molecules together to see if they'll fit. so, it's probably something in that vein11:08
RST38ha'ok, another xchat dcc test11:09
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Macerwhat ever happened to quantum computers?11:24
PolarFoxI'm working on it..11:26
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DocScrutinizerRST38h: seems to me like DCC is suffering from exactly same problems like SIP RTP11:39
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SpectralNewtI found that when i need to cough, it's useful for blowing out dust from keyboard12:55
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kerion900 at the beach = awesomeness12:57
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Stskeepswhen there12:58
Stskeeps's radio coverage,yes12:58
Appiahkerio: people will think you're a creep if you run around taking photos of them12:58
Appiahtrust me I , i tried12:58
kerioAppiah: nah, not taking pictures12:59
keriojust IRCing, like a proper nerd12:59
cure`lol who's the creep now :P12:59
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LiraNunais MicroB opensource?13:19
keriothe rendering engine definetely is13:19
LiraNunait's the only program on the N900 that has smooth, by-the-pixel dragging operation13:20
LiraNunaeven the application list has noticeable lag13:20
SpectralNewtthere is a lag that is necessary to initiate any drag operation13:24
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SpectralNewtto distinguish it from a click13:24
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LiraNunaSpectralNewt, not talking about initiation13:25
SpectralNewtAnd that lag is itself different from the refresh rate of the transition effect or panning13:25
* h0n3st_ is away: I'm busy13:25
SpectralNewti can only estimate, but it looks like about 12 fps to me13:25
keriothe whole menu is clickable, so you can't optimize that13:26
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SpectralNewtkerio: you can indeed, see liqbase by lcuk13:26
LiraNunaI've created a very simple Qt app, with a texture panning around the screen - and there's a noticable lag that makes the texture look like it's "chasing" the finger13:26
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LiraNunaI'm using OGL ES2 and the CPU usage is very low (~5%)13:27
LiraNunaI would really love to make it responsive13:27
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SpectralNewtLiraNuna: i think your issue should be a top priority13:27
LiraNunais that sarcasm?13:28
SpectralNewtthat people write this OO stuff without nearly enough consideration to performance13:28
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SpectralNewtit's been a plague on software performance for two decades13:29
LiraNunaI don't know what's the cause of the problem, Qt, Maemo events (i.e touch readings are slow) or the vsync bug from the SGX13:29
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LiraNunaSpectralNewt, the whole reason I'm coding this is performance - I hate the original Ovi Maps13:29
LiraNunait's slow as hell, and it's a shame since the N900 is a god damn powerhouse13:29
SpectralNewtwell lcuk went through the fire to make liqbase fast.  he learned what needed to be learned, and he implemented what he needed13:30
SpectralNewtLiraNuna: if your test app is small and simple, consider submitting it to the -devel mailing list(s) and asking 'why is this slow?  isn't this a real problem for QT' ;)13:32
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LiraNunaSpectralNewt, I know how this will end: Qt will blame the HW, HW will blame Qt13:32
LiraNunait'll eventually be closed as WONTFIX13:32
jacekowskiwell, software rendering is slow by design13:32
LiraNunajacekowski, I am using opengl es 213:33
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jacekowskiare you doing it correctly?13:33
LiraNunaI'm using Qt's QPainter13:33
LiraNunaon a QGLWidget13:33
LiraNunaI'm guessing it's "right" because <LiraNuna> I'm using OGL ES2 and the CPU usage is very low (~5%)13:33
SpectralNewtyeah that does point-away from qt as the culprit too13:34
jacekowskithat's not right13:34
SpectralNewtbut can't be sure13:34
jacekowskiqt is slow13:34
jacekowskithe way how it processes events will make it lag13:34
LiraNunaSpectralNewt, well, the app list view suffers from the same view13:34
jacekowskiLiraNuna: it does?13:35
LiraNunathe graphics seem to 'chase' the finger13:35
LiraNunathe only place that is accurate to-the-pixel is MicroB13:35
jacekowskiworks on mine13:36
jacekowski( i'm using that categorised app menu )13:36
LiraNunaI don't13:36
MohammadAG51which package is pyuic in?13:36
LiraNunaMohammadAG51, pyqt4-dev-tools - Development tools for PyQt413:37
LiraNunaapt-cache search pyuic # would've given you the answer13:38
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LiraNuna<jacekowski> the way how it processes events will make it lag13:39
LiraNunacan you elaborate?13:39
LiraNunavirtual functions?13:39
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jacekowskiwell, in a loop13:41
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jacekowskisort of13:47
SpectralNewthow would you verify that most easily13:47
jacekowskithing is that when qt gets an event13:47
jacekowskiit adds it to a queue13:47
jacekowskiand that queue is then processed in event loop13:47
fluxso, pretty much instantly?13:47
fluxwhat does it do in the mean time?13:48
jacekowskiit has to13:49
jacekowskiunless you want your cpu usage to be constantly at 100%13:49
LiraNunaevent -> process loop -> sleep -> your code gets notified about the event ?13:49
fluxjacekowski, it's called blocking on IO, not sleeping13:49
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fluxno reasonable program issues sleep or usleep and poll for events13:49
jacekowskiwell, qt does13:50
jacekowskievent -> queue, and in another thread - check for events in queue -> sleep -> check for events -> sleep ......13:50
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fluxI just straced a simple qt program, and I find it only calls poll (that is, it waits for IO)13:51
LiraNunaI'm noticing a lag of at least 1.5 seconds13:51
LiraNunaI highly doubts events are that slow13:51
jacekowskiLiraNuna: that's little bit too high13:52
LiraNunaI know13:52
LiraNunait's not a drawing bug though13:52
LiraNunacause the transition is smooth13:52
LiraNunait just seems as if the animation is ~1 second behind13:53
jacekowskiit might be that queue is growing faster than you are processing it13:53
LiraNunathat's how it feels13:53
LiraNunait's my very first Qt app, so constructive criticism is welcome13:54
LiraNunayou can try it here13:55
jacekowskican you send all files?13:55
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fluxliranuna, well, I haven't written qt a lot, buy you could try putting map painting into a separate thread, in order to not block the main event loop13:55
LiraNunaisn't OGL unthread-safe13:56
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flux Pastie now auto-senses  if line-wrap is a bad or good idea. Feedback?13:57
fluxPastie Pastie << self Blog13:57
flux    * Pastie13:57
flux    * New13:57
flux    * Pastes13:57
flux    * Search13:57
jacekowskibut that doesn't stop you having qt in separate thread13:57
jacekowskihow do i check out from that repository13:57
jacekowskigit checkout
LiraNunagit clone13:57
jacekowskithat's a no go13:57
LiraNunagit clone
jacekowskiSVN FTW13:58
LiraNunacheckout is like 'svn reset'13:58
LiraNunasvn revert*13:58
fluxliranuna, even if opengl isn't thread-safe, perhaps the APIs qt provides over it are?13:58
fluxliranuna, besides apparently you ounly have one thread drawing on GL anyway?13:59
* timeless_mbp chuckles13:59
timeless_mbpvery funny13:59
LiraNunaflux, sure, but isn't threads overkill for the N900? I'm really aiming for fast software14:00
jacekowskiuse threads14:00
fluxliranuna, the thread would basically be used for discarding events14:00
jacekowskithreads are fast14:00
LiraNunaany examples on how to do that?14:00
fluxliranuna, what you're now doing implies that for each input received a map must be painted14:01
fluxalternatively I guess there's some idle-event which you could use?14:01
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fluxQTimer with 0 timeout apparently works14:02
LiraNunaI've read QTimer is slow14:02
fluxI'm not sure how do it only once, though14:02
fluxyou could write your own event loop as well (should be simple, using that QEventLoop)14:02
LiraNunaand do what?14:03
fluxand when there are no more events in the event queue, perform the painting, if necessary14:03
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fluxit feels to me perhaps the threaded solution would be simpler though, or atleast not much more complicated..14:03
LiraNunatrying to find any info on that14:04
LiraNunasee second post14:05
fluxfatal: not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?14:05
LiraNunamust be github issue14:05
LiraNunaI can clone the repo14:05
fluxnah, I used jacekowski's url :)14:05
flux(now it works)14:06
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LiraNunaokay so, I have added a timer that fires every 16ms (60FPS)14:24
LiraNunaand it's still the same issue14:24
LiraNunajust CPU usage spikes14:24
SpectralNewt'something is interfering with something else' ;)14:26
LiraNunait *does* seem like there are "too many" events14:27
LiraNuna(mouse move?)14:27
henkkadoes some1 have more experience with nokia n90014:27
LiraNunaeven reducing the refresh rate to 24FPS doesn't make a difference14:28
crashanddiehenkka: yes, and don't use language like that "some1"14:28
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LiraNunato make sure I'm running the correct binary, I have set the refresh rate to 1sec and no, I'm not running a different binary14:28
* SpectralNewt thinks back to the xsp pixel doubling debacle14:29
SpectralNewtand the 'let's lie to userspace about screen refresh' decision14:30
LiraNunathis started from a fun project to "whatever, I'll let someone else do it in a decade or two"14:30
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SpectralNewtyour choice14:31
Venemow00t_: ping14:31
SpectralNewti stuck at it for two months back in 2007/200814:31
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MohammadAGcrashanddie, hey m814:32
crashanddieSpectralNewt: also reminds me of working for my previous employer, having a customer complain that they were getting "consistently 30% less performance than expected on this hardware". We sent them a patch, which did a simply tps_count *= 1.3 ("transactions per second)14:32
SpectralNewtoh man :)14:32
crashanddiethis was temporary though, until we found the real source of the problem14:33
crashanddiebut yeah, you don't want to piss off a 10+ million USD customer14:33
SpectralNewt"this routine is broken"  "no it's not"  "here's how i invoke it, is it wrong"  "no"   "then it's broken"  "no it's not"14:34
SpectralNewtby the time i found the work-around all motivation was in the toilet14:35
crashanddieI got a call one day "Hi, I've been told by the US office that you developed library X for product Y, is that correct?" "Err, yes, but I don't do phone support" "Oh, but I talked to <big cheese's name> and he said you would help me"14:35
crashanddieI refresh my inbox, and indeed, an email from the big cheese telling me to be nice14:35
LiraNunaSpectralNewt, see what I mean14:35
timeless_mbpcould someone please explain why a Finnish translation of "48 minutes" was 45 minutes?14:36
VenemoLiraNuna: still struggling with the map app?14:36
LiraNunaVenemo, yeah, mostly speed issues with Qt14:36
jacekowskitimeless_mbp: their minutes are longer?14:36
VenemoLiraNuna: that is very odd.14:36
SpectralNewtLiraNuna: perhaps what i should have done is release the app and let everyone complain about how broken it was14:36
crashanddie"What can I do for you?" "Well, I'm trying to run the library with .NET 2.1, and I'm getting compilation issues" "Compilation issues? .NET? You do realise I wrote a Java library, right?" "Oh... Are those not compatible?" "Not quite" "Could you recompile it for .NET and send it to me then?"14:36
henkkai need some help with removing icon shadows in nokia n900.. i know there is many sites for doing that, but tried it multiple times and not working.14:36
LiraNunaSpectralNewt, then it'll be MY fault14:37
SpectralNewtcrashanddie: :)14:37
LiraNunaoh, you14:37
Venemocrashanddire: That is just LOL.14:37
SpectralNewtLiraNuna: well it's one way of making the problem relevant to others14:37
LiraNunanon-programmers don't understand that, they expect 'bestest' results14:37
SpectralNewtas it stands it's only bothering you14:37
LiraNunaI doubt anyone else cares14:37
timeless_mbphenkka: eh?14:38
crashanddieVenemo: I've got tons of those stories, it's just not fun anymore :(14:38
LiraNunaand #qt-maemo isn't very helpful either\14:38
VenemoLiraNuna: what about #qt?14:38
SpectralNewtlaggy, slow gui will make reviews *shit* on meego14:38
LiraNunaVenemo, "too broad and platform independent, go o #qt-maemo"14:39
crashanddieVenemo: or people asking you how to print codes directly from their HSM (hardware security module). "What do you mean, 'print'? It's a cryptoprocessor, it doesn't do printing" "But it has an ethernet port, yes?" "well, yes, that's why you paid $25k for it" "But my printer has an ethernet port too, surely they are compatible"14:39
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VenemoLiraNuna: compile it for desktop, see how it works there14:39
LiraNunaVenemo, I test on desktop14:39
LiraNunaworks great14:39
LiraNunano matter what I do, too14:39
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MacerSpectralNewt: did you try it on the n900?14:40
Maceror do they even have a gui yet?14:40
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LiraNunaMacer, they have a GUI but not HW-accelerated yet14:41
Venemocrashanddie: my favourite is this one: Lead developer: "You should make [feature], you have 3 days" Me: "okay, I think we should use the ASP.NET session state to store [thing X]" Ld: "No, we don't use session for that." Me: "Okay." ... [3 days pass] ... e-mail from my boss: "The lead developer says you should have used ASP.NET session state to store [thing X], because now it has a security hole" Me: .......14:41
Macermust have taken it from mer14:41
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Stskeepswait, what?14:42
* Macer hides14:42
crashanddieVenemo: you now the security tokens that generate passwords?14:44
crashanddieVenemo: a 10 digit number that is only valid for a specific period of time?14:44
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Venemocrashanddie: the task was to allow users who want to order a coupon to add a personal text to their coupon14:45
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Venemocrashanddie: I recommended to store the coupon id in the session, and the lead developer wanted me to store it in the URL14:45
Venemocrashanddie: obviously, when stored in the URL, anyone could scan for any coupon ids very simply.14:46
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crashanddieVenemo: imagine having someone (a big cheese, again) call you and say "I'm typing my code in but it doesn't work", "what's the code", "6E58H9L1". I'm baffled, letters? "I'm sorry sir, but there can only be numbers in an OTP, the devices don't support..." he interrupts me "Hey, I can READ, can't I? Just fix it on your side". I think for a few seconds, not knowing what to answer, and then he goes "Oh wait, I was holding it upside14:48
crashanddieAnd this is on near CEO level of a security company that actually manufactures those devices...14:49
keriowhat was the H?14:51
kerioan upside-down H is still H14:51
fluxliranuna, I wonder if you need to do some kind of manual double-buffering if one wants to render anything outside the event loop..14:51
crashanddiekerio: it was a 414:51
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Venemocrashanddie: haha! :D14:52
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smhar_what is the best english/english dictionary for N900?14:56
crashanddiea dictionnary that translates from english to english? Nice.14:57
crashanddieDoes it work in the other way too? I mean, English to English?14:58
fluxit works recursively14:58
keriocrashanddie: there's already one14:58
fluxyou can look up the words it uses again in the dictionary.14:58
kerioit's called echo14:58
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Venemocrashanddie: perhaps smhar_ means a dictionary which explains the meaning of an English word in English... pretty useul if you are learning the language14:59
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smhar_Venemo, right14:59
crashanddiesmhar_: I tend to use "define:word" on google15:00
smhar_crashanddie, I mean an offline one15:00
crashanddiebtw, people, do that type "define:word" in google15:00
crashanddieabout halfway through the definition list, Google will insult you and say you're an "asshole"15:01
RST38hIt does not15:02
RST38hJust informs you what "Asshole" stands for15:02
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RST38hvery informative, too15:03
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RST38hIts first appearance as an insult term in a newspaper indexed by Google News is in 196515:05
MacerRST38h: huh?15:05
RST38hyou did not know google news indexed news archives? =)15:05
RST38hIn the United States, and, to a lesser degree, in Canada, the words arse  and ass have become synonymous; however, in the rest of the English-speaking world, ass still only refers to the donkey, rather than the arse (buttocks).15:06
RST38hHmmm, didn't know that15:06
Macersee! the internet is educational15:07
Maceri didn't know that passing through a supermassive black hole wormhole still keeps you trapped in an event horizon and you die seeing a parallel universe15:07
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Macertalk about an awesome way to die. but then again i'm sure the tial forces would rip you apart down to the quark first15:08
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RST38hShows how linguistic knowledge is more useful than astrophysical...15:08
Macerwell. you can't describe things without words15:09
Macerone might go so far as to even use the abstraction that all things are man-made15:09
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RST38hYou can, with math =)15:10
SpeedEvilMath is also a language though.15:10
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RST38hGoogle indicates there are differing opinion on that =)15:12
MacerRST38h: google is going to place you in the games15:12
RST38hOk, if you had some bugs to report in XChat, now is a good time15:12
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Macerit doesn't do portrait mode15:13
RST38hok, fuck the portrait mode.15:13
SpeedEvilRST38h: you have the long list that I posted to talk 6 months ago?15:13
Macerspeaking of irc clients. does telepathy do irc channels yet?15:13
VenemoMacer: there is an IRC plugin for it if that's what you're asking for15:13
MacerVenemo: last i heard it only worked with msgs15:14
RST38hSpeed: A URL will be appreciated15:14
Macerit didn't allow you to join a #15:14
RST38hSpeed: I think I have kinda squashed the DCC reception bug but cannot fully test it (NAT)15:14
VenemoMacer: well, there is an "IRC plugin for Conversations and Contacts"... I dunno how it works though15:14
RST38hWill go over the rest in a moment15:14
MacerVenemo: that would be the one that doesn't allow you to join a # ;)15:14
Macerbut i could be wrong. it has been a while.15:15
Maceri am a big fan of the integrated apps15:15
SpeedEvilDCC recieve has always worked for me15:15
SpeedEvilDCC recieve is an _outbound_ connection15:15
Maceri would prefer to use stock stuff whenever possible15:15
SpeedEvilso shouldn't generally have problems15:16
Macerdoesn't dcc still required an open inbound port?15:16
VenemoMacer: I haven't tried it but others said it works fine... hm.15:16
RST38hSpeedEvil" Yes but there was some trouble selecting the destination folder15:16
SpeedEvilMacer: no15:16
MacerVenemo: let me try it out :)15:16
MacerSpeedEvil: hm. didn't know that.15:16
VenemoMacer: I'll try, too15:16
SpeedEvilMacer: no - oly for senging15:16
RST38hSpeedEvil: Input widget height - not changeable.15:17
RST38hSpeedEvil: Blame Nokia gutting its GTK+ fork.15:17
SpeedEvilMacer: For sending - you need some way to punch a hole.15:17
SpeedEvilpatch the lib - upload to extras!15:17
RST38hSpeedEvil: You do that.15:17
Macerwell. let me take a look at this irc plugin15:17
RST38hScroll bar - looking at it right now, to make it wider15:17
Macerbut i'm sure someone here said it doesn't let you join #s15:18
SpeedEvilWider - for me - isn't the issue15:18
VenemoMacer: I'll try it, too. I'm curious now15:18
SpeedEvilI simply cannot see the scrollbar block15:18
SpeedEvilIn all but the most ideal of conditions15:18
SpeedEvildefault theme15:18
RST38hSpeedEvil: Well, I am inclined to say the same thing as with the input widget15:19
RST38hSpeedEvil: But in this case, I can probably do something to help15:19
SpeedEvilactually - it's quite visible indoors15:19
SpeedEvilbut it's not outside15:19
RST38hMaking it wider should do the trick15:19
SpeedEvilnot at all for me15:19
SpeedEvilI can easily see objects the size of the scrollbar, it's simply that those shades of gray do not render at all when the screen is in transflective mode15:20
SpeedEvilI assume there is also no way to make the outline of the scrollbar block larger?15:20
RST38hthere may be15:22
RST38hlooking at it15:22
jacekowskiLiraNuna: it looks like lag is coming from opengl part itself15:22
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SpeedEvilAlso - many thanks in polishing xchat!15:27
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RST38hI do what I can15:28
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VenemoMacer: hm. I seem to be unable to join a channel with that plugin.15:31
RST38hOk, its main view is a GdkWindow15:31
VenemoMacer: but I can pm myself :P15:32
RST38hI do not see where it allocates scrollbars =(15:32
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RST38hmust be textgui.c15:33
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RST38hfound it15:37
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SpeedEvilI was wondering why media player was skipping. Then I realised I was still compiling ffmpeg and coreutils15:47
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MohammadAG51RST38h, use a normal text input field so we can paste multiline15:59
RST38hit is a normal text input field15:59
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MohammadAG51RST38h, nope, it's a hildon on16:01
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RST38hSorry for a stupid question but could someone explain to me, in cow terms, how I add kinetic scrolling to an arbitrary widget?16:04
TermanaRST38h, moo. moo moo moo moo, moo moo moo moo, moo moo... moo, moo.16:05
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TermanaI hope that helped16:08
lcukRST38h, adding it to an instance of a specific widget (im guessing xchat textbox) would require handling mouse events and paint/timer events to know when you started a pan/keep it updating16:08
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lcuki havent seen a generic function to allow tying it together in one call in initialization yet (but that doesnt mean it hasnt been made)16:09
RST38hOk, it will not work with xchat16:09
RST38hXChat text box is a GdkWindow, not a GtkWidget16:10
SpeedEvilsomething like what fbreader does would - mostly - work for me16:10
RST38hOtherwise, I would make it HildonpannableArea16:10
RST38hSpeed: And no, I failed changing scroll bar size =(16:10
RST38hI.e. I changed it but it did not :)16:10
kerioxchat for n900 is fucking epic16:12
lcukRST38h, dont the width of sliders come from the gtkrc?16:12
lcukor is again the xchat window custom for speed already16:12
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keriooh yeah, lack of panning is lame16:15
RST38hlcuk: in theory it does16:15
lcukRST38h, even if it was not kinetic panning, finger panning would be feasible with a fairly simplistic hook into mouse events16:17
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VanadisMy n900 crashed, probably because of high temperature16:18
Vanadisare there any logfiles to check?16:18
lcukwhat makes you think it was high temperature specifically16:19
RST38hlcuk: you will loseselection then16:19
RST38hyes, was it glowing red? =)16:19
SpeedEvilliqchat - the killer app?16:19
Vanadisbecause its about 40° C in my room16:19
Vanadisand the phone was really hot, when i touched it16:20
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lcukRST38h, thats a choice many of the old apps have with retrofitted scrolling16:20
lcuklol SpeedEvil16:21
* RST38h leaves the scrollbar in place16:21
lcukRST38h, mouse events - if you move left/right initially its selection mode - if you grossly obviously move up/down its usually for motion?16:21
RST38hheh, Jobs has invented the new way to brainfuck developers16:21
* lcuk agrees to leave it 16:21
lcukVanadis, is this the first time your machine has crashed16:22
lcukand what actually happened16:22
RST38h"One developer reported Thursday that he earned $1,400 in one day for his flashlight app. The amount iAds pay is 'a high number when you get it, but you don't get it very often,' said Dave Yonamine, the director of marketing at MobilityWare. "16:22
lcukVanadis, "cat /proc/bootreason"16:22
* RST38h killed Vanadis' n90016:23
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lcukSpeedEvil, there have been tests btw
Termanalcuk, ooo I like how it automatically grabbed the pics from the link and showed them16:26
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SpeedEvilVanadis: overclocking?16:28
Vanadiscurrently not16:29
Vanadisbut sometimes on 85016:29
SpeedEvildoing anything wierd?16:30
lcukTermana, yeah it does it for links and stuff too16:30
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Vanadisweird not, but it was at high load16:32
RST38hAhhahaha, Exxon is going to swallow BP16:33
RST38hWell, at least they indicated an intent to do so16:33
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wazdRST38h: o/16:40
RST38hheya wazd =)16:42
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FinnishHow do you enable multiple discs/isos in amiga emulator?16:44
kerioi'm getting a consistant 10dBm drop in signal when holding the n900 with the right hand (landscape)16:44
keriois that common?16:44
wazdRST38h: how's it going? :)16:44
RST38hwazd: too hot =(16:45
wazdRST38h: you tell me :)16:45
RST38h+ got a laptop venting hot air like it is going to explode16:45
wazdRST38h: heh :)16:45
kerioRST38h: cover it with ice16:45
RST38hOn the other hand, looks like I have finally found the Fix for the N900 performance troubles16:46
wazdRST38h: I'm going to buy HP tpuchsmart tm2 - it's pretty cool, even under heavy load16:46
RST38hwazd: Probably got more casing on it =)16:46
keriowhat troubles?16:46
RST38hwazd: This R500 thing is practically barebone, its casing thin like paper16:46
RST38hwazd: Hopefully getting a new one (R700) in a week though, this one has got a broken display =(16:47
wazdRST38h: well, HP is not thin at all :D16:47
luke-jranyone know a cheap phone that fits the description of "just barely open enough to be modified to make calls via DNS"?16:47
RST38hluke: define DNS16:47
Corsaccalls via dns?16:48
kerioluke-jr: openmoko16:48
wazdRST38h: the only downside is that Russia, as any good thirld-world country gets only lowest config :)16:48
luke-jrkerio: keyword: cheap16:48
RST38hwazd: Well, you know how I avoid this downside...16:48
luke-jrCorsac: DNS to PBX which calls back16:48
kerioyou'll save on the calls16:49
Termanawazd, in Soviet Russian, country configures you!16:49
kerioluke-jr: just go voip16:49
wazdRST38h: yeah :)16:49
luke-jrkerio: VoIP requires GPRS and probably doesn't have the quality guarantees16:49
luke-jrerr, requires data service*16:49
wazdRST38h: I hope I'll have that solution one day :P16:49
* RST38h thinks he will get all violent if he hears just one more "in soviet russia" joke16:49
kerioluke-jr: can't you just call and wait for a callback?16:50
luke-jrin soviet russia, thinks just work16:50
wazdRST38h: in soviet russia, violence gets you :D16:50
RST38hwazd: If it makes you feel better, Europe is also not getting the best stuff16:50
luke-jrkerio: I hear DTMF is blocked16:50
RST38hwazd: And prices are higher than in the US16:50
wazdRST38h: damn :)16:50
keriovoice recognition16:50
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RST38hwazd: On the other hand, if you need an ASUS or an LG, or a Samsung, you have got better chances to find the right one in .RU =)16:51
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wazdRST38h: who needs samsung or LG anyway :)16:51
RST38hwazd: Net journos who get paid by them =)16:52
SpeedEvilkerio: hands absorb RF16:52
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RST38hwazd: Looks like Samsung bribed DPReview, of all things16:52
kerioSpeedEvil: i know16:52
SpeedEvilkerio: At least at 800-2.4GHz16:52
RST38hwazd: Check out this review:
wazdRST38h: I was looking at ASUS UL30J recently, very nice laptop, but touchsmart's built in wacom is a deal for me pants down16:52
SpeedEvilkerio: 3G ?16:52
RST38hwazd: Look at the samples comparison. Then read the conclusion and weep =)16:53
SpeedEvilkerio: I get that too - display up also can hurt16:53
RST38hwazd: Asus stuff actually looks ok, but I am scared like hell of what is inside, after bad experience with Asus Digimatrix16:53
keriogrip of death indeed16:54
keriothat sounds like a bad design choice16:55
SpeedEvilwow - ffmpeg - especial fail.16:56
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SpeedEvilIf no /usr/local/bin - it drops the first binary as /usr/local/bin16:56
SpeedEvilAnd then fails on the others.16:56
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timeless_mbpRST38h: wow, i was about to buzz that17:07
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pytherMaemo 5 is Fremantle correct?17:23
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pytherHmm then how can I downolad this?
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pytherit isn't in the repos :(17:24
SpeedEvilapt-get install rsync17:25
infobotextras is probably
SpeedEvili386 is 38617:25
SpeedEvildesktop PC17:25
pytherya I grabbed the wrong link17:25
pytherI have extras enabled17:25
SpeedEvilSeems to be17:26
SpeedEvildoes apt-get work?17:26
SpeedEvilsome stuff doesn't appear in HAM for reasons I should probably understand17:26
SpeedEvilgrsync will prolly pull it in17:26
pytherSpeedEvil: yep apt-get did the trick thanks17:28
keriodoes fapman work better than HAM?17:29
pytherHmm doesn't seem like rsync wants to work in both directions :(17:29
keriopyther: he's just embarassed and confused about his identity17:29
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timeless_mbppyther: ham only shows user visible apps17:36
timeless_mbprsync has no gui17:36
timeless_mbpso installing it w/ ham makes no sense17:36
timeless_mbpbut if you you want to use rsync the other way, install ssh-server17:37
kerioreally, answering "y" to the apt-get prompt doesn't work17:37
keriothe fuck17:37
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pytherI have way to much music17:40
kerioDo you want to continue [Y/n]? y17:40
keriothis makes *no sense*17:41
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RST38hAnother potential Anonymous Cult saint.17:44
SpeedEvilAh - a mothers love.17:45
SpeedEvil'Harris-Moore's mother, Pam Kohler, said last week that many of the  allegations made against her son were false but that she was hoping he  would eventually reach a country without an extradition agreement with  the US'17:45
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* RST38h hopes for the same: it will make the whole thing even funnier17:46
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PhonicUK'lo all17:47
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zogg_laptophey is C channel invites only on freenode?18:00
zogg_laptopMohammadAG51, \o/18:00
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Arkenoiis huge (5) /proc/sys/vm/page_cluster justified on n900 and ssd swap at all? or it is just a default no one bothered to change?18:03
RST38hArkenoi: I think it is related to the notion that an MMC card can only write in 256kB increments18:04
RST38hI.e. it has to do a block-erase and then write new block contents18:05
RST38hSo, it is set to 32 pages = 32*4kB = 128kB18:05
keriowhat if you just overwrite content?18:06
timeless_mbp you don't18:06
timeless_mbpthe underlying architecture doesn't have that ability18:06
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RST38hkerio: can't "overwrite content" on the MMC18:06
timeless_mbpwrites are always to new blocks18:06
RST38hkerio: See wiki on "nand memory"18:07
timeless_mbpif you overwrote the same blocks repeatedly, you'd fry your target much faster18:07
timeless_mbpso, oddly, nokia did tune something to fit the device it shipped18:07
timeless_mbpi know it doesn't make sense for a hardware vendor to actually do something sensible18:07
* RST38h wonders what would happen if page_cluster were set to 6 (i.e. MMC block size)18:07
timeless_mbpbut once in a while, accidents happen18:07
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ArkenoiRST38h, true, but page_cluster is affecting read operations more? if you write something to memory page, it is unlikely to be swapped out really soon.18:09
RST38hArkenoi: Feel like going out today?18:09
Arkenoimaybe, it is damn hot out there18:10
RST38hArkenoi: Getting better18:10
RST38hArkenoi: Should be ok by 20:00, as long as we stay in the shade18:10
RST38hQuoting from LinuxInsight: "page-cluster controls the number of pages which are written to swap in a single attempt. The swap I/O size."18:10
RST38hnothing about read operations18:11
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RST38hSounds more like it is telling the swap mechanism not to bother until its has 2^(page-cluster) pages to dump18:11
RST38hDoes not say if they have to be consecutive though18:11
DocScrutinizerfavourites karma rating is odd, so is the bargraph which is about same size on my page on .25 as is the 181 bar for some other value18:11
DocScrutinizerwho's doing that?18:12
timeless_mbpRST38h: where are you physically?18:12
DocScrutinizerX-Fade, dneary?18:12
RST38htimeless: Moscow.18:12
RST38hDoc: They fucked up karma computation. A while ago.18:13
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RST38hDoc: Well known problem, been discussed ad nauseum18:13
zogg_laptopRST38h, moscow sucks, viva la kaluga18:13
* RST38h checks weather in Kaluga18:13
zogg_laptopDocScrutinizer, hey18:14
zogg_laptopRST38h, i'm not there anyway =)18:14
RST38hZogg: Not much better, still sucks.18:14
timeless_mbpdoes Vaibhav Sharma irc?18:14
RST38hZogg: lcuk offered cold rain this morning though, so wherever he is, it must be better than here18:15
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil's place should be nice18:15
RST38hDoc: Someone set all bug-reporting karma to nil, while letting bloggers have unlimited karma18:15
RST38hDoc: Also did some weird crap to favorites, but that was less hilarious18:16
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Arkenoibtw, still not a single handset fried with OC, despite all scaremonger stuff.18:16
SpeedEvilnice and sunny ATM18:17
DocScrutinizerArkenoi: wrong18:17
SpeedEvilArkenoi: not on single handset reported as fried with OC18:17
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ArkenoiDocScrutinizer, SpeedEvil i doubt there are reasons to hide it for anyone18:18
RST38hTI did not want a PR crisis on their hands, so they underclocked it18:18
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: also wrong18:18
RST38hBut I would be really interested to know what Nokia's own stats on the fried CPUs are18:18
SpeedEvilRST38h: I extremely doubt they have any18:18
RST38hHave they fried at least a few while developing?18:19
ArkenoiDocScrutinizer, really?18:19
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DocScrutinizerArkenoi: I doubt there are *good* reasons to state false facts18:19
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RST38hArkenoi: Anyways, the swappiness trick has done it for me: I do not need overclocking18:20
ArkenoiDocScrutinizer, so there are reports on that? and why there are none on tmo and where can we get the details?18:20
DocScrutinizerArkenoi: and your statement even double wrong, even by underlaying context. Usually devices get unreliable or show strange sporadic defects, none will 'fry'18:20
DocScrutinizerexcept the one which actually did18:20
RST38hDoc <--- correct18:20
MohammadAG51as always18:20
* RST38h overclocked ARM-based hardware before. What you most often get is random coredumps, usually from sections of code that do a lot of memory accesses18:20
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RST38hBecause memory timings tend to go haywire first :)18:21
DocScrutinizerRST38h: or driver settings for membus18:21
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Arkenoii have crash reporter installed, so i see all coredumps that usually get unnoticed by user. i do not see the rate to be increased any way after a few months.18:21
RST38hWell, my hardware had no drivers tor speak about :)18:22
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RST38hArkenoi: BTW, I cannot create a single coredump18:22
Arkenoiand actually there was plenty of those before, just "invisible" if you have no crash reporter installed18:22
RST38hArkenoi: Is there a magic trick?18:22
* RST38h has directory created on mmc, and ulimit set18:22
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SpeedEvilArkenoi: I don't think anyone has ever argued that overclocking will fry any given CPU over x months.18:22
odin_RST38h, core dump on N900 ?  what paths have you got set on mmc ?18:23
SpeedEvilArkenoi: It may damage only a small fraction of CPUs after a year, or ...18:23
RST38hodin: a moment18:23
ArkenoiRST38h, i have "crash reporter" installed which does it for me18:23
Arkenoidid not try by hand18:23
DocScrutinizerArkenoi: if you see rate increasing, it's too late, dude18:23
SpeedEvilIt would be so cool if you could enable that for all processes cheaply18:23
RST38hodin: /home/user/MyDocs/core-dumps18:24
SpeedEvil(the ability to step backwards though a crashed program to get to before it crashes)18:24
RST38hSpeed: Old news18:24
RST38hSpeed: You can only do this on an emulator18:24
odin_RST38h, I have /media/mmc1/core-dumps/  (as I have MMC installed)18:24
SpeedEvilI only recently discovered it18:24
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odin_RST38h, do you have eMMC only or "eMMC and MMC" ?18:24
RST38hSpeed: [Here I am supposed to advertise the emulation product we are working on at Intel]18:24
RST38hodin: I have an external card as well18:25
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SpeedEvilRST38h: Oooh! Can it emulate ARM, and use the same amount of power!18:25
RST38hodin: Does it matter?18:25
RST38hSpeed: No, you will have to switch to Atom ;)18:25
odin_RST38h, then create that dir, I seem to remember it was brain dead to working out that dir does not exist, if the /media/mmc1 is there is will always try and send there18:25
* SpeedEvil wishes the fusion power source next to his genitals was more powerful.18:26
RST38hEat more plutonium18:26
SpeedEvil - one of these18:27
odin_RST38h, also cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern, if 'crash reporter' is installed ok, it should point to the scripts it installed18:27
keriothe n900 needs an unlimited battery18:27
kerioso we can delete the bme18:27
odin_DocScrutinizer, how were you getting on with openBME (and MeeGo) ?18:28
RST38hodin: Installing stufff.18:29
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odin_RST38h, what is the translation from russian ?  you got a core file to appear, well an lzo "incident" packaged core file ?18:30
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: WTF?!?!18:31
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RST38hodin: I am installing crash reporter.18:31
DocScrutinizeris tritium an alpha radiating isotope?18:31
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SpeedEvilit emits beta18:32
ArkenoiDocScrutinizer, beta18:33
Arkenoistill safe enough18:33
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SpeedEvilWell - and a neutrino18:33
odin_tin foil hat time ?18:33
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SpeedEvilThere is no other gaseous radioisotope that's likely to get accidentally mixed with tritium.18:34
DocScrutinizerodin_: testicles frying time18:34
SpeedEvilSo, as beta is _completely_ shielded by the ~4mm of plastic/glass - it's utterly safe18:34
RST38hUnless you ingest a beta emitter18:34
odin__completely_ safe, huh !18:34
SpeedEvilRST38h: I did the numbers some time ago18:35
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DocScrutinizerI wonder how they even may sell those18:35
* Arkenoi has wristwatch illuminated with tiny tritium tubes18:35
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SpeedEvilRST38h: To hit the safety limits for beta ingestion, you would need to take 30 of these devices, and then crack them while inhaling through a flame.18:35
RST38hDoc: Easily18:35
RST38hSpeed: What devices?18:35
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Arkenoimarathon u.s. government, made just before they switched to light accumulating18:36
RST38hSpeed: Oh, but if I get you into my hands, you will not be swallowing those.18:36
SpeedEvilREally handy on the keychain.18:36
RST38hSpeed: You will be eating those brushes photographers use to remove dust from their glass instead.18:36
* RST38h cackles evilly18:37
* SpeedEvil ponders overclocking, as ffmpeg is taking ages to rebuild.18:38
DocScrutinizerhmmm, my own little atomic power plant....18:38
* DocScrutinizer ponders18:38
SpeedEvilThe optical output of the above is of the order of 500nW18:39
RST38hSpeed: But why not compile on the host?18:39
SpeedEvilIt's a testament to the sensitivity of the eye that you can see it at 30m18:39
DocScrutinizereye can detect some 10 photons18:39
SpeedEvilRST38h: I have very, very little energy for actual thought these days.18:39
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SpeedEvilRST38h: Doing stuff that 'just works' - is lots easier. And installingn scratchbox on slackware seems like quite a lot of pain.18:40
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: 1nw/m^2 is a nice handy number for an easily visible star (magnitude 4)18:41
* DocScrutinizer waves and heads out for a fast graceful death in the heat outside, rather than the somewhat cruel slow one inside18:41
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SpeedEvilAll I'm actually wondering about is if ffplay can play some slightly malformed flash files I've rtmpdumped.18:42
SpeedEvilmplayer and the inbuilt player won't18:42
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RST38hFun: move a file from the internal MMC card to the external MMC card with mv18:44
SpeedEvilall apps stall?18:44
RST38hBut of course18:45
RST38hPlus it is probably faster to transfer them to the host over USB and then back18:45
SpeedEvilI wonder if dd could be faster with some of the write flags18:46
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RST38hactually, with less swappiness, it is bearable18:47
RST38hdoes not hang that much18:47
RST38hjust slow18:47
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* alterego wonders what the latest build of the handset UX is like ..19:05
Stskeepsmake a image?19:06
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FinnishShould there be sound when using amiga emulator in n900? I get no sound19:08
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DocScrutinizerhmm, t(0.5) of T =12.32y19:10
RST38halterego: same as the one published just now?19:10
ShapeshifterMh. really, a build cycle for python apps with maemo is kinda complicated. I develop on my laptop. I prepare a tar that contains a folder structure that py2deb likes. I tar it, transfer it to the n900. I run py2deb. I transfer the dsc, changes and tar.gz to my lap top. I upload it to autobuilder. I wait. I update the n900, and get the new version.19:10
Shapeshifterlots of transferring going on.,19:10
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jacekowskiShapeshifter: scratchbox19:13
alteregoRST38h: ?19:13
alteregoRST38h: "just now?" :)19:13
RST38halterego: I mean, why do you think they changed anything since the publication date?19:14
alteregoI tried it on day 1 of its' release.19:14
RST38h11 days ago, no?19:14
alteregoYeah, I built my own, wondering if there's been much progress.19:14
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* SpeedEvil sighs.19:17
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SpeedEvilI was wrong - ffplay on that flash content I was referring to doesn't use 25% of CPU19:17
crashanddieShapeshifter: you could probably have a shell script that tar'd, scp'd to n900, untared on n900, ran the py2deb command on n900, scp the files back, and upload to autobuilder19:18
SpeedEvilIt uses 40% at 250MHz19:18
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Shapeshiftercrashanddie: mhh, yeah.19:19
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Venemohey guys19:36
Venemodoes anyone know how to properly install a 3rd party library inside MADDE?19:36
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alteregoVenemo: I don't know about properly doing it, but if you can get the package and it'sdeps you can alwaystry dpkg -x package.deb /path/to/madde/rootfs19:38
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* timeless_mbp sighs19:40
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keriowhat's madde19:41
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alteregokerio: it's a buildenvironment formaemo apps19:42
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alteregoIt's used in the Nokia Qt SDK19:42
Venemoalterego: there is no dpkg in MADDE afaik19:43
alteregoVenemo: doesn't matter, ifyou're using a debian based distrojust use that.19:43
Venemoalterego: I use Windows19:43
alteregoThough, permissions will be broken and postinst preinst scripts wont be executed etc.19:43
* Venemo runs quickly19:44
JaffaAf'noon, all19:44
alteregoInstall GNU/Linux :P19:44
alteregoHey Jaffa :)19:44
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Venemoalterego: I extracted the contents of the .deb and -dev .deb files of the library to the sysroot folder of MADDE19:45
alteregoAnd it doesn't work?19:46
Venemoalterego: no19:46
alteregoHave you asked in qt-maemo?19:46
Venemoalterego: if I add the exact path to the full .so file to LIBS, it works19:47
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Venemoalterego: otherwise it fails with "undefined reference to ..."19:47
alteregoYeah, I think it's to do with the library cache19:47
alteregoTry running: mad ldconfig19:47
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Venemoalterego: okay, will do19:48
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Venemoalterego: ldconfig -- command not found19:49
alteregoWas sort of half expecting that :D19:50
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alteregoStrange, worksfor me..19:51
alteregoWell, it doesn't work work, but it's there in my rootfs ...19:51
Venemoalterego: ?19:51
VenemoC:\Projects\Sticky Notes\sticky-notes>mad ldconfig19:51
Venemomad: ldconfig -- command not found19:51
alterego:/ ?19:52
alteregoI don't know then :P19:52
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Venemoalterego: how did you do it?19:52
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alterego/home/tswindell/NokiaQtSDK/Maemo/4.6.2/bin/mad ldconfig19:54
alterego/sbin/ldconfig.real: Can't create temporary cache file /etc/ Permission denied19:54
alteregoThat's sort of expected reallly.19:54
alteregoAnyhow, I'll bbiam19:54
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Venemoalterego: okay19:56
Venemoalterego: the problem is, that this doesn't work: LIBS += -lhildon-extras-119:57
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Venemoalterego: even though that is in the output of mad pkg-config hildon-extras-119:57
Venemoalterego: this works: C:/MADDE/0.6.72/sysroots/fremantle-arm-sysroot-10.2010.19-1-slim/usr/lib/
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Venemoalterego: however, I don't think I would get through the autobuilder with that! :D19:58
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pytherIs gameboy advance emulation suppose to be really slow?20:14
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MohammadAG51bad port, so I guess it would be slow20:15
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pytherMohammadAG51: what do you mean by that?20:15
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MohammadAG51the emulator is a bad port20:15
pytherahh what are some good ports?20:16
pytheror which emulators will perform well on the N900?20:16
pupniki don't know which will but i know which do20:17
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pytherpupnik: mind sharing?20:18
pupnikMohammadAG51: if you're talking about vgba please clarify why you say it's a 'bad port'20:18
pytherwoops wrong window :P20:18
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lcukRST38h, lake district, north england20:23
lcukplenty of rain20:23
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ShapeshifterCould someone who has a couple of minutes to spare please install Maemo Reactor from extras-devel and tell me if it launches okay from the app menu? I can't figure out why some people seem to have a problem launching it... It's a game for two players btw.20:28
ShapeshifterAs always, it is hard to extract any useful info out of tmo users telling me that "it doesn't work".20:29
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SpeedEvilAfter this operation, 9548kB of additional disk space will be used.20:30
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Shapeshiftermost of it is pngs20:31
Shapeshifterand its optified20:31
nidOShapeshifter: your best bet to get meaningful feedback if you need it and the app itself is optified and remotely stable is promote it to testing20:31
ShapeshifternidO: I see20:32
nidOyoull generally get proper feedback on whats gone wrong from testers rather than tmo's usual "ITS BROKE FIX IT FUCKER"20:32
ShapeshifterI'm guessing that I made some sort of packaging mistake because the app itself is rockstable and WFM20:32
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* lcuk installs maemoreactor20:33
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alteregoTime forsome seriousrefactoring, muahahah20:34
SpeedEvilI click the icon, and nothing happens20:34
ShapeshifterSpeedEvil: :/ so what happens if you run /usr/bin/maemoreactor ?20:34
* udntnome Shapeshifter bricked my phone!20:34
nidOtry launching from terminal, see what output you get20:34
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nidO(im installing atm as well)20:34
SpeedEvilnot found20:35
smharI have a a book in word  document format. what is the best way to make it available for N900? It will have lots of internal hyperlinks20:35
lcukShapeshifter, you have icon at least!20:35
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pupnikvery zen game20:35
SpeedEvilOk - the file is actually tehre20:36
SpeedEvil60 bytes20:36
Shapeshifteryes it is20:36
udntnomenot found and icon does nothing20:36
Shapeshifterchmod +x?20:36
SpeedEvilsilly Shapeshifter20:36
nidOthats that one solved then :p20:37
udntnomei wasted my time cause of that mistake!20:37
pupnikis the proper way to use #!/bin/sh and rely on a simlink if bash/ksh/zsh is preferred?20:37
Shapeshifterso, /bin/ash ? or something with env?20:37
lcuknidO, thats why sometimes smoke tests before -testing is good :)20:37
SpeedEvilpupnik: generally, yes20:38
nidOlcuk: I figured he had something more obscure that would need a bit more testing, as he mentioned "some" people having problems launching it, suggesting it was okay for most :p20:38
SpeedEvilWell - it will work for a subset of users.20:38
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lcuknidO, if it works for him and not for his other tester - thats same result20:38
nidOthose that've installed bash20:38
lcukanyway, Shapeshifter please be updating it :P20:38
ShapeshifterSo I assume stuff that goes to -testing needs a proper bugtracker. A forum thread is not valid, is it?20:38
nidOit is20:39
Shapeshifterlcuk: fix will be up within half an hour or so20:39
ShapeshifternidO: allright20:39
SpeedEvilI prefer a forum link over an email address - which is also legal20:39
nidOemail address is fine for small basic apps, for others either a dedicated forum thread or proper bugtracker anywhere is fine20:39
SpeedEvilbut I greatly prefer bugtracker if it's there20:39
lcukShapeshifter, "python shapeshifter -f" does not come up fullscreen20:40
Shapeshifterlcuk: mh?20:41
lcuktis ok either way20:41
lcuki used -f as parameter20:41
lcukand just screwed up asking you a min ago ;)20:41
Shapeshifteryou're not happy with the f?20:41
lcukit works now am looking :P20:41
Shapeshifterwell I guess I should use getopts but I was lazy20:41
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pupniknice app Shapeshifter20:42
lcukyes, novel20:42
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Shapeshifterwell the idea wasn't mine. It's inspired by an android app I saw on a friedns HTC. But some of the minigames are entirely my idea. And it has more than the original ;)20:43
pupnikHow much have you spent on patent lawyers so far?20:44
pytherShapeshifter: link to your app?20:44
Shapeshifterit's fun as an occasional challenge at the pub :)20:44
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Shapeshifterpyther: it's in extras-devel. tmo discussion
SpeedEvilI assume there is no trivial way to go from a SDL-on-FB - with a link switch or something to a SDL-on-window?20:44
ShapeshifterSpeedEvil: you mean going from fullscreen to windowed?20:45
SpeedEvilI've currently done a stupid proof of concept - built ffplay on the device - with sdl20:45
lcuksimple direct layer on facebook?20:45
SpeedEvilThis 'works'20:45
lcukor whatever sdl means ;)20:46
SpeedEvilIn terms of it plays video smoothly, and fast, with low (comparatively) CPU usage.20:46
SpeedEvilBut - it breaks the touchscreen, and tries to draw directly on the framebuffer - which has obvious issues20:46
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Shapeshifter... fapman20:56
Shapeshifterlove that name for a package manager...20:56
alteregoOne of frals? :)20:57
ShapeshifterProcessing package fapman 0.1-3. Uploader: hqh20:57
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MohammadAG51alterego, sudo make me a sammich20:59
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alteregoMohammadAG51: sorry, I can't:delegate wife, because she's doing the washing ...21:01
sistoi have a question21:01
MohammadAG51alterego, screw you21:01
MohammadAG51infobot, $10021:01
* infobot gives mohammadag51 full service!21:02
kerioalterego: nah, it's Fast APplication MANager21:02
sistomaybe someone can help me out :)21:02
kerioinfobot: $521:02
MohammadAG51kerio, no, it's fap manager21:02
keriosisto: don't ask if you can ask questions21:02
keriojust ask the question21:02
kerioMohammadAG51: heh21:02
sistokerio: lol21:02
sistoI have an n810 and i'm worried the repos might get shut down21:02
Shapeshifteryep. people need a manager to fap these days.21:03
luke-jrsisto: probably21:03
keriosisto: why would they be?21:03
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sistois there a backup script to get the packages?21:03
MohammadAG51Shapeshifter, yeah, bad memory21:03
MohammadAG51see apt-mirror21:03
sistolike download the whole repos21:03
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kerioalterego: lol21:03
crashanddiesisto: that would kind of render the usefulness of repos null, would it not?21:03
Shapeshifterallright. I updated the maemoreactor package. should work for everyone now.21:04
MohammadAG51This FAPT has super D*** powers21:04
sistocrashanddie: exactly21:04
nidOtime for a promote to testing then Shapeshifter? :p21:04
crashanddiesisto: there are no plans to shut down the n810, they are hosted on the same servers as the ones that offer the n900 services, so I doubt they'll die any time soon21:04
ShapeshifternidO: will do.21:04
sistoI'm just worried the n810 repos might get shut down because n810 was discontinued21:04
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nidOit probably wont happen anytime particularly soon sisto21:05
sistoI guess21:05
sistobut better safe than sorry21:05
crashanddiesisto: and even if it were to happen, you can be sure that a community alternative would be set up21:05
crashanddiesisto: also, please don't download the full repos just for shits and giggles. Bandwidth is expensive.21:06
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sistoi guess too but someone has to keep all the repos if we want the community to make an alternative21:06
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sistoanyway... MohammadAG51 thx21:06
sistowill try that21:07
MohammadAG51hmm, nvm, that's for M521:07
crashanddieif you'd like to setup a mirror, I'm sure you can contact some people if you'd like to offer some help21:07
sistothe apt-mirror suggestion21:07
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crashanddieX-Fade: around?21:07
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crashanddiedid sisto leave?21:09
Maceri hate it when windows can't just automatically find drivers for a nic21:09
Maceri stuck a realtek 8169 chipset nic in it and that is something that should just work21:10
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crashanddiehi RZ21:13
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RZOk so it works :)21:13
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crashanddieno, it doesn't21:13
RZThank you for your help.21:13
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kerio(wc2010 final start)21:30
* crashanddie wonders if he could install a turbocharger21:31
keriopowered by the vuvuzelas?21:31
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Venemoalterego: ping21:32
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Macerusb2 drive is only giving me 15MB/s21:32
Macerwtf :)21:32
Macer480mbit my ass21:33
SpeedEvilI get 30M21:33
kerioi only get 4MB/s with 100baseT21:34
keriowifi n plus ethernet 100mbps21:34
MohammadAG51i get 34MBs with my N90021:35
SpeedEvilMohammadAG51: yeah - reading from all devices at once21:35
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Macerwell. i suppose 1hr for 40GB must do21:41
VenemoMacer: did you try the IRC plugin after all?21:41
Maceri have to back vdisks up to an encrypted drive21:42
kerioMacer: and how would it work with ##world-cup?21:42
Macerthere is no way to join a # that i can see21:42
alteregoVenemo: pong21:42
VenemoMacer: yeah, I couldn't find a way either21:42
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Macerim uninstalling it21:43
Venemoalterego: so, how did you solve the issue about MADDE + libraries?21:43
Macerit is worthless :)21:43
VenemoMacer: yeah... sorry. I really didn't know21:43
Macerkind of sucks21:43
Maceri would rather use telepathy than xchat21:44
alteregoVenemo: I didn't :P21:44
Maceri guess i can always use irssi21:44
VenemoMacer: is it good?21:44
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VenemoMacer: yeah21:44
Macerusually i ssh to my shell box and use irssi21:44
Venemoalterego: and... can you recommend something?21:44
Macerit is really great once you set everything up just right21:45
kerioMacer: it's probably for bitlbee21:45
Venemoalterego: it seems that MADDE doesn't know which .so file does "-lhildon-extras-1" mean21:45
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Venemoalterego: is it possible to set it up somehow?21:45
Venemoalterego: I'm a total lame when it comes to Linux and its stuff, I have to admit.21:46
Macerhopefully the telepathy plugin stops sucking some day soon21:47
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VenemoMacer: yeah, hopefully.21:49
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DrGrovGood evening guys and gals!21:51
DrGrovWhat is the news for today?21:52
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RST38hDrGrov: The end of the world is coming.21:52
Corsacin 2012?21:53
Macersooner if the bp methane bubble explodes21:54
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RST38hAh, the have goot a methane bubble too now?21:54
Macerwish i remember the site21:54
DrGrovI got methane enough21:54
Macerit was a riot21:54
DrGrovDo not get in wrong situation with me or feel the wrath of the methane21:55
Macersome environmental site saying the bp spill could end all life on earth21:55
Macerit was great21:55
RST38h(nothing new, really, but fun)21:59
crashanddiethe end-of-the-world talk is starting to get very old21:59
RST38hdon't worry, fresh reasons are coming up daily.22:00
DrGrovi wonder when a mobile phone will be responsible for the end of the world? rofl22:00
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kerioRST38h: i don't get it22:03
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: that BSI seems to be bit more than just battery type22:04
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: bme is reading it too often22:05
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: just another nonsense/bug/younameit of bme22:05
DocScrutinizerexcept of course that bme is shutting down device in <1s on bat removal22:06
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DocScrutinizerand bme has no other way to detect bat removal, that reading BSI22:06
jacekowskiwell, i stopped bme22:06
keriohow about we just let the device power down naturally?22:07
jacekowskiand phone still died22:07
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: eh?22:07
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: you seen my hotswap tmo?22:07
jacekowskiconnect charger -> stop bme -> disconnect -> dead phone22:08
ShadowJKYou need careful planning to keep charger chip properly configured after shutting down bme andr removing batt22:08
jacekowskii suppose bme stops charging when it's stopped22:08
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: yeah. make sure it's charging22:08
DocScrutinizernope it doesn't22:08
ShadowJKWell, if battery is full it might actually be in the charger-off state22:08
DocScrutinizersee tmo hotswap - it's all in there22:09
jacekowskiso now when it's charging i can just do stop bme22:09
jacekowskiand it will keep working?22:09
DocScrutinizerfor at least 32min22:09
DocScrutinizerfor longer if you tickle bq24150 32min timer22:10
ShadowJKit'll keep charging at 950mA for 0-32s, then 500mA or 100mA for 32 minutes afaiu22:10
jacekowskisort of22:10
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: exactly22:10
jacekowskiit took it more than 1s to die22:10
jacekowskibut it still died22:10
DocScrutinizeranyway, back to tv22:11
ShadowJKAlso, if power draw drops below 50mA, charger shuts down. 3g/gsm/wifi likely draw more than 500/950 peak22:11
jacekowskinah, it looked more like i went over the limit22:12
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ShadowJKSo DocScrutinizer's guide is designed to ensure draw doesn't drop below 50 and doesn't exceed max22:12
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ShadowJKdid screen fade to white then dim? :)22:12
jacekowskisort of22:13
jacekowskibacklight faded away22:13
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: well, that's what I wrote there, yes22:13
jacekowskiand then it just looked like it lost power22:13
kerio<RolePlayGame> is there a tutorial "how to change your car's wheels without stopping"?22:14
jacekowskidoes anybody have idea what is the difference between charger22:15
jacekowskiand usb cable connected to pc22:15
jacekowskiand headphones22:15
jacekowskiin terms of fmtx22:15
jacekowskibecause connecting charger just reduces the power22:15
jacekowskibut connecting headphones or computer switches it off22:15
keriothat makes no sense btw22:15
jacekowskiwhich part?22:16
SpeedEvil #2622:16
povbotBug 6792: FM radio transmitter does not play while USB cord is connected22:16
keriothe part where the fmtx reduces power when something is plugged in22:16
keriodo the headphones help with the transmission, btw?22:18
SpeedEvilevery lead helps with transmission22:18
SpeedEvilAnd the transmission is intentionally shit.22:19
keriostupid nokia22:19
SpeedEvilSee the inherent limitations section22:19
SpeedEvilnot actually nokias fault22:19
jacekowskiwell, i've modded fmtxd to squeeze as much oompf of fmtx as possible22:19
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infobotjacekowski meant: well, i've modded fmtxd to squeeze as much oompf from fmtx as possible22:19
keriojacekowski: so does your modified fmtxd make the fmtx work as much as it can?22:21
kerioand should i plug headphones and usb cables to boost the transmission?22:21
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jacekowskii've never tried that22:22
SpeedEvilPlug in the USB cable, not plugged into anything else, and the transmission vastly improves22:22
jacekowskiit just ignores usb cable and headphones22:22
keriojacekowski: can you modify it so that it ignores the power settings and it always transmits on 118?22:22
jacekowskithat's what i've done22:22
jacekowskiwell, i've changed it to 12022:22
kerioeven better!22:23
keriowe should overclock the transmitter22:23
SpeedEvilthe driver enforces 12022:23
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jacekowskiwell, we could talk directly over i2c22:23
keriowe should overclock the driver22:23
SpeedEvilthe chip may or may not do interesting things if you wrote 128 to the register22:23
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SpeedEvilthe specced limit is 120 in the datasheet IIRC22:23
keriomaybe it'll explode22:23
keriodelicious magic smoke :322:24
SpeedEvilThe limits are actually sane22:24
SpeedEvilThe power limit that is22:24
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SpeedEvilConsider a radio listening to a marginal station. a 50nW transmitter on the same frequency will actually interfere with that from up to a kilometer away22:24
kerioSpeedEvil: yeah, that's what i want to do22:25
SpeedEvilIt's not audible of course, but it causes the noise level to rise for that radio22:25
jacekowskiand there is one more thing22:26
jacekowskifmtxd itself enforces headphones and usb detection22:26
jacekowskibut then GUI checks for headphones again22:26
keriodepartment of redundancy department is redundant22:27
jacekowskiwell, it doesn't check for USB cable22:29
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alteregoI have to say, I'm quite glad Nokia has forced me to learn Qt, I think I prefer it to gtk ...22:45
Venemoalterego: HAAH! I actually found the solution!22:46
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ptlwhy do you prefer it?22:48
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Macerbecause it doesnt look like it is from 198022:50
jacekowskiwell, gtk-engines-qt22:50
derfWere you even alive in 1980?22:51
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alteregoVenemo: prey tell :)22:55
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nidOShapeshifter: about?22:55
keriogtk looks nice22:55
unixSnobis there a way to SMS vcards from the nit?22:57
Macergtk looks horrible23:05
Macermight as well use motif23:05
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RST38hgtk is themeable23:06
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RST38hmotif was not23:06
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FireFly|n900Hi, are global shortcuts like ctrl+shift+p modifiable? (e.g. is there any config file for them?)23:07
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keriowhat does that do?23:07
FireFly|n900hmm, perhaps it was s23:07
FireFly|n900to screenshot23:07
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FIQit's ctrl+shift+p23:09
FIQas you said23:09
FireFly|n900Ah, all right then23:10
alteregoFireFly|n900: no, not customisable, as they're hard coded into the source of hildon desktop23:10
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FireFly|n900Oh, okay23:10
jacekowskialterego: ???23:10
FireFly|n900Thanks for the info, though23:10
jacekowskialterego: it can be changed23:11
alteregojacekowski: yes?23:11
jacekowskiwell, i can23:11
Venemoalterego: the solution was to copy-paste the .so.0.0.0 file into the .so and the .so.0 file23:11
jacekowskiVenemo: symlink23:11
Venemoalterego: because MADDE looks for -lyourlib as ""23:11
alteregojacekowski: so, howdid you customise it.23:12
Venemojacekowski: yeah, but I rather don't symlink on Windows23:12
jacekowskiwith hex editor23:12
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alteregoI don't believe you :P23:18
FIQyou know you can modify pretty much in theory with a hexeditor23:18
FireFly|n900jacekowski, if so, could you please enlighten me what file to edit23:19
unixSnobVenemo: why not symlink in windows?23:20
jacekowski /usr/bin/hildon-desktop23:20
jacekowski /usr/bin/hildon-desktop.launch23:20
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alteregoFIQ: I know in theory, I don't think he's done it though.23:21
VenemounixSnob: it is possible, but unconvenient. and there is no GUI for it. :P23:22
jacekowskii'm using hex editor with a gui23:22
FIQyou can?23:22
alteregoAnd it's not maintainable.23:22
unixSnobVenemo: i seem to recall using a gui for it23:22
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alteregoAs soon as a new version is released you'll need to get the offset again.23:22
unixSnobi think power tools or something has a gui for ntfs simlinks23:23
jacekowskinot too complicated23:23
alteregojacekowski: speaking of which, what is the offset for the input mask for thescreenshot then?23:23
jacekowskiit's plain text23:23
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unixSnobI've used ntfs symlinks in the past to relocate C:\documents and settings to a more reasonable place23:24
FireFly|n900hmm.. modified-hildon-desktop sounds a bit promising23:24
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AranelAnyone know a good torrent client for Maemo 5? Transmission is using a lot of resource and gets the device hot.23:25
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Macertorrents by nature are rough on a system23:25
VenemounixSnob: tbh, I didn't care too much. I'm just happy to make it work.23:25
jacekowskialterego: 6396c23:26
jacekowskialterego: on file with md5 3F8B37004BE5201BFA6EDB22E9A80CC623:26
jacekowskialterego: and size 45361223:26
keriounixSnob: use mount points!23:26
kerioway cooler23:27
Croosterhow do i increase the font size i xXchat?23:27
kerioCrooster: settings menu23:27
keriotap the menu bar23:27
unixSnobkerio: what are you saying?  the precise term in windows is "ntfs junctions"23:27
jacekowskialterego: it's plain text and easy to edit23:27
AranelMacer: so you think that It's not the optimization of Transmission, torrent is the real problem itself?23:27
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Croostercant find it :)23:28
Macerwell. transmission does have the added overhead of the webserving23:28
jacekowskitorrents on a phone23:28
jacekowskithat's little bit of overkill23:28
Macerbut torrents are a pain on a system regardless23:28
Macerespecially a 600MHz arm23:28
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Macerwith 256MB of actual ram ;)23:28
alteregoI kill my N900 using it asa modem downloading torrents on my laptop23:28
kerioi think transmission is as light as you can get, in unix23:28
jacekowski500Mbit of torrent trafic can use whole core on 2.83GHz xeon23:29
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jacekowskiand 5-6G of ram23:29
AranelI'm downloading @ 1 MBit peak.23:30
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alteregoI get 2/2.5Mb23:30
keriounixSnob: mindblowing huh?23:30
Macerkerio: not really23:30
Aranelkerio: maybe CLI alternatives?23:30
Macerrtorrent is lighter23:30
jacekowskibut rtorrent is really heavy on ram23:30
Macereither way libtorrent will murder a phone23:30
keriomicrosoft is actually catching up on 20-years-old unix technology23:30
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Macerjacekowski: that's from the hash checking23:30
Maceri don't really think that's a matter of rtorrent23:30
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Macermore a problem with libtorrent overall23:31
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jacekowskiwell, it's not for hash checking23:31
jacekowskiit keeps chunks in memory23:31
jacekowskiuntill chunk is complete23:31
jacekowskiand then it writes it to disk23:31
jacekowskiso if you have like 10 connections ( 10 chunks being transfered ) each from 2 to 50M23:32
Maceri'm sure there is a way to edit the rtorrent.rc to correct that ;)23:32
jacekowskiit's how it was designed23:32
Macerah well23:32
keriojust use a seedbox23:32
Macerwhat about ctorrent?23:32
jacekowskiwell, that makes it really efficient in terms of disk I/O23:32
AranelIt'll kill the N900 much more easily.23:32
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jacekowskiit's just a tradeof between disk/cpu/ram23:32
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Macerdisk io shouldn't be an issue unless you have a retardedly fast internet connection23:33
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Macerif you are getting stalled out by your disks then whoa :)23:33
jacekowskiMacer: it is an issue23:33
jacekowskiMacer: it's completly random I/O23:33
Maceryeah but at an extrememly slow rate23:33
jacekowskiMacer: and fast 15k SAS drive can do maybe 10M/s at that iops23:33
Maceri've never really tested my fileserver as far as writing the torrents to the drive23:34
jacekowski( that drive can deliver more than 120M/s at sequential writes )23:34
jacekowskithat's how random I/O is killing performance23:34
Maceri know that maxed out on my internet connection my 1GHz C7 w/ 1G and a 5400rpm sata 2.5" drive can keep up :)23:35
Macerand i have 22/623:35
jacekowskiwith a lot of sequential writes23:35
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Macerthat's why i named it beast... artigo ftw23:35
jacekowskitry running a seedbox23:35
jacekowskiwith 500 torrents23:35
Kegetyshow many peers where you downloading from?23:35
Macerjacekowski: hahaha23:35
Croostertrying to install amsn, installation says i need libgssdp 1.0 and libgupnp 1.0. where can i find these files?23:36
keriowhy do you need amsn?23:36
jacekowski4x 15k SAS barely can keep up23:36
MacerKegetys: probably like 50 right now23:36
Macerjacekowski: i will try it some day23:36
Macerbut i wouldn't know what to seed23:36
Croosteror any other msn cliengt forf n90023:36
Macermaybe i'll seed ubuntu CDs haha23:36
kerioCrooster: huh... Conversation23:36
kerioinstall the MSN (pecan) plugin23:36
MacerCrooster: there is an MSN plugin23:37
kerioMacer: romsets!23:37
Macerkerio: hah!23:37
kerioget the full TOSEC23:37
jacekowskiMacer: linux ISOs23:37
Croosterwhich works better than the amsn one?23:37
Macerjacekowski: yeah. that's what i said.23:37
Maceri'll get some linux torrents23:37
Macerscrew it... let me do it now and see what happens :)23:37 redirects to world reform of civil society networks hahahaha23:38
keriostart seeding the MAME romset23:39
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Maceri'm seeding debian cds23:40
iPeter-Hey, just were wondering, where is bootscreen manager from repos?23:41
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kerioi want to quad-boot fremantle, meego, mer and froyo23:45
kerioam i crazy?23:45
tybolltkerio: is there a suitable meego out yet?23:47
slonopotamuskerio: you're just undesided.23:47
keriotybollt: well, do you consider making phone calls as necessary?23:48
Venemonah, good night guys&girls23:48
tybolltkerio: it doesn't yet?23:48
kerioi think the cellmo isn't working23:48
kerionot sure though23:48
kerioask the #meego guys23:48
tybolltkerio: What I mean to say - has there been a meego release since the first once that was just an xterm?23:48
kerioagain, ask the meego guys23:49
Macerwell.. not seeding them now23:49
Macernow i'm leeching them23:49
Macerlet me see how rtorrent does on my beast of a 1GHz C723:49
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kerioMacer: heh, i consider my dual-core mbp as slow23:50
keriooh god, i *am* crazy23:50
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luke-jrVNC over SSH over DNS : WIN23:55
keriohow many SPF are you getting?23:56
Macermary jane is such a tramp23:56
kerioseconds per frame23:57
* Macer goes to play wii with his son23:57
Maceri need to get a custom case for the wii too23:57
luke-jrkerio: it actually worked quite well, but I was testing locally23:57
Macergoing for the whole red theme23:57
luke-jrso in theory it only went me->router->me23:57
luke-jrI did do telnet via 2G earlier tho23:57
luke-jrquite slow :/23:57
luke-jrbut SSH might help a little, since it adds compression23:57
luke-jrI also just added dynamic per-packet MTU detection on the server end23:58
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keriowho cares, it's free23:58
luke-jrwhat is?23:58
keriotmob's dns abuse23:58
luke-jrI wouldn't be doing it if I wasn't planning to get data in a few days ;)23:59
kerioidea: get multiple modems23:59
luke-jrjust wanted to have the fun while I could23:59

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