IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2010-07-01

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lcukAppiah, sure, if you have an image there00:00
lcuklaunch it, lets open scratchbox00:00
lcukand confirm that that image is not correct00:00
lcukbecause, this is technically "theres an image there, but it might be mislabeled"00:00
lcukvs where is the new image00:01
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AppiahUbuntu 8.1000:01
lcukok, so its old00:01
rlinfatihi, when i'm lisen a mp3 and e-mail is incoming the music is paused ( or muted ) by 2 second to reproduce the sound alert of new mail..... is a bug or a feature ?00:01
microlithit is paused00:02
Appiahhappens all the time00:02
microlithhappens with calendar alerts and phone calls as well00:02
Appiahbut sometimes it laggs so its paused , unpaused and you miss 1-2secs of the music00:02
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rlinfatiwith gm00:02
rlinfatiwith m00:02
* rlinfati grrr stupid netbook keybords...00:03
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rlinfatiwith fm radio, the music is paused... but after the "frequency" is reseted and i listen only noise...00:04
lcukAppiah, there is one logical solution00:04
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lcukhrw|gone, :) thanks again for your down to earth level head00:05
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lcukits not ideal, but certainly feasible00:05
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lcukand you can backup/restore whole file in one go once you get it working00:06
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Appiahlcuk: ye true00:06
Appiahthought of that00:06
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Appiahbut I'd still like to poke whoever is "responsible"00:06
lcukAppiah, it needs following up on00:07
Appiahmaybe MohammadAG51 could do it with that long pole00:07
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lcukAppiah, problem with is i can barely find any info on the newest version00:08
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Appiah2009-07 latest announcment00:08
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hrw|gonelcuk: ?00:12
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lcukhrw|gone, commenting on your good sense in the thread i pasted :)00:14
alteregoI really don't like the look of the photo viewer in the MeeGo UX, though maybe I'll change my mind when I test it.00:14
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* hrw|gone -> sleep00:15
lcukgnite \o00:15
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alteregootoh, it looks like it will be the game changer they're looking for ... Shame it's rpm based packaging system.00:16
alteregoMakes me want to work on DeeBo :)00:17
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lcukpackaging doesnt matter00:17
alteregoI beg to differ, maybe not technically.00:18
alteregoBut from our perspective it is a huge difference.00:18
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trip0GAN900, moorsetown claims 21mw standby00:18
alteregoI learned about debian package for Maemo00:18
infobotAsk me about ipkg00:18
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trip0and correction, i read it wrong, moorsetown claims 1.1W playing 720p video00:19
trip0menlow is 4W00:19
lcukcool trip0 i just pondered how our arms coped00:20
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alteregoI guess it's almost time for me to get my feet wet with these MeeGo tools then ..00:20
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trip0lcuk, probably better.  but i'm not sure how much better00:20
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trip0the omap3 idles a bit lower00:21
lcuktrip0, 15mw ?00:22
jacekowskiidle is like couple microamps00:22
trip015mw vs 21mW00:22
jacekowskiare we talking about 0Hz idle?00:22
lcukcool do we have any comparison sftware that can be run on both atm00:23
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trip0lcuk, meego00:23
trip0if we get it running on the n90000:23
lcuktrip0, what speed is the aava advertising itself as?00:24
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trip0lemme see...00:25
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alteregoEh, someone is building dovecot for fremantle? weird ..00:28
infobotipkg is probably the Itsy Package Management system: or find the source in the CVS or see the howto at
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nomisisn't ipkg obsoleted by opkg?00:30
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trip0lcuk, iirc, 800 although the aavamobile website says nothing00:31
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trip0i dont' have ssh on this aava so i am unable to verify00:31
lcuktrip0, cant you just get it from repo?00:32
lcuknot that it matters00:32
lcuki gather it underclocks itself when idle00:32
trip0lcuk, yes, but my normal wifi went down (we are moving buildings)00:32
trip0and usb otg is currently not working :S00:33
lcuktrip0 is on a trip!00:33
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lcukit would be good to see how well devices cope with video playback00:34
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lcukwe have it quite nice on maemo00:34
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* lcuk vanishes anywa00:35
lcukta for digging trip0 \o00:35
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trip0lcuk, oh, i'm sure the n900 would own the aava currently at video playback00:41
trip0the meego image comes with the 2.6.33 kernel which doesn't have the nice/latest video drivers00:41
lcuktrip0, thats been story for mobile devices for a long time00:41
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lcuki can see the drivers arent being optimal00:42
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trip0the n900 does alright for video00:45
trip0but i dont' think it does 720p00:45
trip0oh, i just was told the aava runs a 1.5GHz atom cpu00:45
lcuktrip0, it copes, thats quite nice video spec, the cpu sounds odd - thats higher than my laptop!00:48
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lcukactually maybe not, i have core2 duo - but i run @800mhz00:49
trip0it is an atom z, so it scales up and down just like the core200:50
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trip0i bet your core2 will go up to 2GHz when under load00:50
lcukit could if i changed cpufreq stuff away from 800 fixed00:50
trip0ahh, you fixed it at 800... i c00:51
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keriohi all00:52
kerioi used chsh to change the default shell (both for user and root) to /bin/bash00:52
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keriobut it's apparently a stupid thing to do because maemo will now crash on boot00:52
kerioand x terminal doesn't work anymore00:53
keriowhat can i do?00:53
lcukdoes it get to desktop at all?00:53
keriodidn't reboot yet00:53
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lcukthen theres not a lot you can do.00:53
lcukif you had preinstalled bootmenu, perhaps00:54
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lcukbut if its not booting theres not a lot left other than flashing00:54
kerioit's still on00:54
lcukssh in00:54
keriolcuk: i don't recall setting a password for user00:54
keriojust for root00:54
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keriohmm, i'm getting permission denied00:55
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lcuklardman, how goes databases00:55
keriois root login somehow disabled?00:55
lardmanlcuk: hey, not done much on that, been doing some mbarcode main code sorting-out00:56
lcukusually not, if you installed openssh it should have asked for a password at install00:56
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kerioit did00:56
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keriowhy is x terminal crashing though?00:56
keriothat makes no sense00:57
keriois there another terminal i can install?00:57
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* lcuk never understood changing shells00:58
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tremnite all, sweet dreams01:03
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kerioare you sure there's no way to solve this besides reflashing?01:05
kerioi just got this today01:05
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kerioi played with it all this afternoon01:05
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kerioisn't there another shell i could install?01:06
SpeedEvilWhat's happening now - is it bootlooping, or ...01:06
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keriono, but x terminal crashes as soon as i start it01:06
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kerionot sure why01:06
SpeedEvilkerio: What if you ssh to it?01:07
kerioi can't login01:07
kerioneither with user nor with root01:07
SpeedEvilyou mean it won't let you login for authentication reasons, or are there other problems01:07
keriossh reports permission denied01:07
SpeedEvilwhat did you do?01:08
keriochsh -s /bin/bash01:08
b-manthey should have a mechanism that filters out *.net *.split content :P01:08
kerioas user and root01:08
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kerioSpeedEvil: ideas?01:09
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kerioi don't know why x terminal crashes01:09
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SpeedEvilI would wonder what ssh root@phone /usr/bin/chsh -s /bin/sh01:09
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SpeedEvilwould do01:09
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kerioi'm either getting the password wrong01:11
keriobut that's weird01:11
keriobecause it's my usual password01:11
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kerioor there's something worse going on01:11
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kerioi'm trying to use queen beecon to run chsh, but it doesn't work01:13
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SpeedEvilIt may be objecting to stuff as the new shell is not in /etc/shells01:13
SpeedEvilwhich can be interpreted by some software AIUI as 'user is not permitted to login'01:13
SpeedEvilhmm - there is no /etc/shells01:14
SpeedEvilIn practice - why not just reflash?01:15
keriobecause i don't want to01:15
b-man~ping MohammadAG5101:16
kerioi screwed this up, i want to fix it01:16
infobotpong MohammadAG5101:16
SpeedEvilkerio: can you browse sshfs filesystems with your file manager on your desktop01:17
kerioi think i have the FUSE installed01:17
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lardmannight chaps01:18
SpeedEvilFor example - kdes dolphoine file manager lets me just open fish://root@phone01:19
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keriocan you login with ssh too?01:19
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keriohuh, queen beacon has some sort of way to test commands01:20
keriothat lets you see the output01:20
kerioso i can run commands01:20
keriowhat can i do?01:20
lcukchange shell back to what it was?01:20
kerioit just says exit code=101:21
kerioto chsh -s /bin/sh01:21
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wazd :D01:22
keriosudo locks it up, i think because it wants a password01:22
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kerioso... no ideas besides "reflash" huh01:24
lcukkerio, google might know more, but frankly i think this is just chalk it up to experience01:25
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kerioi just don't get why x terminal crashes01:26
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SpeedEvilyou might try strace -o whereever /usr/bin/osso-xterm01:29
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keriomeh, screw this01:32
kerioi'll reflash tomorrow01:32
keriounless someone has a better idea, i mean01:33
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muellisoftkerio: can you SSH into it?01:36
keriomuellisoft: nope01:36
keriobut it's apparently a login error01:36
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keriocan't login as user because i have set no password, and i can't login as root because... i don't know01:37
kerioit's my usual password01:37
kerioi set it when i installed openssh server01:37
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LantiziaDoes anyone here use the Microemulator?01:41
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keriook, this makes no sense01:43
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kerioi checked /etc/passwd, and root's password is indeed my usual one01:44
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LantiziaWhat non-maemo Nokia would you say is closest to the screen resolution of the N900?01:46
SpeedEviln810 was the same wasn't it?01:47
LantiziaBasically I'm going to download a Java app and want to pick a Nokia model thats cloest to the screen resolution of an N90001:48
LantiziaThen run it using MicroEmulator01:48
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LantiziaThe N97 is 640x360 - not quite the same01:49
Lantiziahmmm E90 is 800x35201:51
kerioanyone willing to make a .deb package with "chsh -s /bin/bash" in one of the installation scripts for me? :301:51
Lantiziakerio, you mean edit an existing deb file to add in one line in the postinst file?01:51
keriowell, i was thinking about doing something from scratch01:52
keriobut meh, that's fine too01:52
Lantiziawell it's fairly easy to pick a .deb apart and put it back together again01:53
kerioopening one with the browser runs the installer, right?01:53
Lantiziaif gdebi-gtk is installed and assigned to .deb files... yes01:53
kerioi guess i could install it01:53
kerioit's still running01:53
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kerioand i do have access to the application manager01:54
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kerioor i could set up a repo01:54
keriobut meh, that's *really* too much effort01:54
kerioanyway, going to try that when i wake up tomorrow morning01:56
keriowell, today morning01:56
keriothanks for your help anyway, guys01:56
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keshnanyone knows why dropbear DOES NOT autostart on maemo when its init script working+added to all rc levels and I can start it manually?01:59
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keshnI also added it to fucking sudoers01:59
keshnnow i have2 login all the time rootsh /bin/sh then type dropbear01:59
keshnfucking annoying01:59
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SpeedEvilWy not simply install openssh02:04
SpeedEvilopenssh client +server02:04
SpeedEvil'just works' for me02:04
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keshnyeh u right i installing openssh now02:08
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prontodoes anyone know of a plugin that will share a photo directly to your own ftp server?02:18
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hardakerpixelpipe will do it through them to your ftp server.02:21
hardakerbut that's probably not what you want02:22
prontothat's what i'm using right now02:22
prontowas wondering a way to bypass that annoying middle-man02:22
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prontohrm, i wonder how hard it would be to just make one02:26
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MohammadAGinfobot, ping03:12
lcuksee MohammadAG even infobot thinks you smell03:12
* MohammadAG stabs infobot 03:13
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* MohammadAG announces his first proper-ish port, which took him quite a while to build the deps for
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pupnik_awesome MohammadAG03:24
lcukMohammadAG, awesome"!03:24
lcuksnap pupnik_03:24
MohammadAGShould piss off some busybox dev out there XD03:25
pupnik_see if you can't get the 'netstat' display to use less space for the radio buttons03:25
MohammadAGgtk glade, I suppose I could do that03:25
pupnik_that can take some time to fiddle with03:26
pupnik_i remember from pcsx03:26
MohammadAGhmm, forgot to take out license from the gtkAboutDialog (it's empty)... oh well03:26
pupnik_i see a couple of places where you could maybe get more screen real-estate, if you can find the time03:26
pupnik_or me, i guess :P03:26
pupnik_but hey thanks for the nice port03:27
pupnik_i am so used to using the console, but that looks very handy03:28
MohammadAGpupnik_, I freed up a lot of estate (ping had a graph which overlapped over the text, and only the top part was visible - so I commented it out)03:28
MohammadAGbut I'm open for suggestions :)03:28
pupnik_yeah i guessed as much03:28
MohammadAGnetstat, done03:29
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MohammadAGspacing was set to a high value03:29
lcukMohammadAG, are you running the tickboxes along the top and making box bigger there?03:29
kwtmahhh ... lcuk, I have had bad luck...03:29
pupnik_on 'whois' page, you could get a couple more lines of text in if you moved the whois button up to the same line as the 'domain name'03:29
pupnik_domain address03:29
MohammadAGlcuk, you lost me :P03:30
pupnik_can't see anything else03:30
MohammadAGpupnik_, tried that, but can't do it for some reason, I'll try again though03:30
* GAN900 yawns03:30
* MohammadAG yawns back03:31
pupnik_i'm a little too ignorant to help much03:31
GAN900pupnik_, what's your take on the handset UX?03:31
pupnik_had a few nice transitions03:31
pupnik_didn't give it too much thought beyond that03:31
pupnik_i thought the contacts opened too slowly03:32
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pupnik_i don't care if they need to preload qtbloat to get a fast response.  get it done :P03:34
lcukcontact list is very very poor03:36
lcukthe aava is meant to be a facter cpu too03:36
lcuk(according to unconfirmed reports)03:36
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keshnwhich is the best MC clone?03:37
lcukkwtm, :( have you broken it again03:38
lcukwhy not just get mc?03:38
pupnik_a fluid feel is a distinguishing market positioning factor - a slick response makes it a sports car and not a clunky station wagon.03:38
keshnmaybe cause its not in the repo03:39
pupnik_as liqbase author lcuk knows this very well03:39
lcukim sure people have mc on their n900s03:39
keshndo you own one?03:40
MohammadAGzaheerm, zoutube's not working again :)03:48
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smackpotatopower users kernel. I like it. when is it comming to the n81004:08
asjsmackpotato: when you port it :)04:09
smackpotatogive me a head start where is the source04:09
asjapt-get source no?04:09
MohammadAGdoes the N810 even use the same kernel version?04:10
smackpotatono because the hardware is different04:11
luke-jrsmackpotato: his point being, we don't even have Linux ported to N810 yet04:13
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keshnN900 roxx04:13
MohammadAGluke-jr, ty04:13
keshnmy previous pda was an xda 0204:13
luke-jrI agree, if considered a PDA, N900 does rock04:14
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smackpotatothanks luke04:15
lcukluke-jr, wheres n900 version04:16
luke-jrlcuk: I haven't looked into N900 enough yet :)04:17
luke-jrany idea: how much of the hardware is the same?04:17
luke-jrthat is, whether it needs its own new table, or could feasably share this one04:17
lcukluke-jr, the component base itself seems reasonable, the specific chips for each will have changed04:18
luke-jrso N900 has little, if anything, in common with N810 on the hardware end?04:20
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luke-jrmayeb just the touchscreen?04:21
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lcukluke-jr, its upgrades across the board04:21
lcukhow are you liking it as a device now you have one04:21
luke-jrlcuk: obviously you're welcome to copy the table and modify it for N900 on a N900 page ;)04:21
luke-jrlcuk: it's more usable than I expected, I admit04:22
luke-jrthe small screen isn't as annoying as I thought04:22
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lcukluke-jr, that looks like a decent layout for a lot of things, reminds me of things i used to compile dynamically04:22
luke-jrI want to get Gentoo on it, but semi-scared of using internal flash for swap/build/etc04:22
DrGrovWhy the fuck am I up still when the time is 04:22 morning?04:23
SpeedEvilDrGrov: Wrong timezone?04:23
lcukluke-jr, i keep wanting to click on items04:23
asjDrGrov: 11:23here...04:23
luke-jrDrGrov: are you tired?04:23
MohammadAGThu Jul  1 04:23:25 IDT 201004:23
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MohammadAGyou don't see me complaining04:23
DrGrovSpeedEvil: no, a chronic leg pain...04:23
luke-jrlcuk: some things are links04:24
luke-jrlcuk: to patches and such04:24
SpeedEvilDrGrov: There are surefire ways to cure that.04:24
* SpeedEvil starts his chainsaw.04:24
DrGrovMohammadAG: do you have chronic leg pain?04:24
MohammadAGnope, but I can help solve yours04:24
DrGrovMohammadAG: no thanks04:24
* MohammadAG fires up his chainsaw too04:24
* luke-jr highly doubts chainsaw amputation is effective pain relief04:24
DrGrovYou damn fuckers!04:24
asjMohammadAG: sadly, phantom pain can be a real problem04:25
DrGrovYou are thinking about cutting off my leg?04:25
asjDrGrov: oh, just one?04:25
TermanaDrGrov, NO why would we ever think that04:25
MohammadAGluke-jr, he'll lose consciousness when he uses the chainsaw, do you actually think we want to cut off his leg?04:25
Termana/say /sarcasim04:25
Termanadamn it04:25
lcukluke-jr, yeah04:25
luke-jrMohammadAG: LOL04:25
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DrGrovOne treatment I have found though is to wrap the leg in extremely hot towels and try to sleep...04:27
TermanaShit. I just joined the NetBSD channel and went to join the FreeBSD channel and forgot the slash. :\04:27
DrGrovIt eventually works but it is a fucking PITA to go through04:27
MohammadAGjust go to bed04:28
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asjDrGrov: better pain killers from the doctor?04:28
DrGrovasj: unfortunately they do not help04:29
MohammadAGthink of chainsaws and flamethrowers04:29
DrGrovMohammadAG: does not help. been trying to get some sleep for the past 6 hours or so04:29
MohammadAGtime a slingshot and put an N900 on it, then aim it towards your head04:29
TermanaDrGrov, sleeping pills?04:29
MohammadAGsleeping bricks ftw04:30
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SpeedEvilDrGrov: Heat pads can help.04:33
DrGrovSpeedEvil: yeah, I actually try to wrap my leg in hot and it usually does help04:33
DrGrovWhat I am wondering mostly about is that perhaps it is related to something more serious ...04:33
SpeedEvilIf it's ongoing, it's probably a good idea to see a doc.04:34
SpeedEvilboth legs?04:34
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DrGrovJust the left leg. Perhaps something to do with my previous ice-hockey accident in which I broke the leg in 3 places... That is though about 15 years ago but the pain has become more severe over the years04:35
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TermanaDrGrov, have you seen a doctor about it?04:36
TermanaEspecially if its getting worse every year, I would be checking up with my doctor with it04:36
DrGrovTermana: yeah now I have not checked it up since I was aware of the condition but now after it is getting worse I will go to a doc and see over it what might be the issue.04:37
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DrGrovOr then I just chop the leg off04:44
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keshnwoho just compiled my first helloworld program04:50
keshnhelloworld: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.14, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped04:50
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pytherkeshn: did you used some type of guide?04:57
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luke-jris there any lightweight Windows app compatible with N900 video calling?05:07
DrGrovIt is good to get a kiss from a girl when waking up05:08
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pigeonany girl?05:34
DrGrovany girl?05:36
pigeonas in, any girl? or a specific girl?05:37
johnxor like the super hero? Any Girl to the rescue!05:39
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keshnwhen people wake up their mouth stinks so no its not06:02
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Macerheh. i'm still kind of ticked that my bug for bluetooth keyboard support was marked as invalid07:13
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Macerbecause i didn't fill out the 20 page form that shows what my ssn is... where i was born.. what i like to do for blood type.. what version of maemo i run.. etc07:13
Macerand that my request for "add bluetooth keyboard support and place it in the settings app so people can use bluetooth keyboards with direct support" was "vague"07:14
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DocScrutinizerMacer: probably if you think about it this way, then not even providing info about preferred position for sexual intercourse of the last 10 generations in your family would help07:23
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luke-jrpeople have preferred positions?07:24
luke-jrI'd think that would get old...07:25
asjluke-jr: really like who doesn't07:25
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asjMacer: sounds like it should have been closed with "Out of Scope"07:25
luke-jrwhich is worst? 1st or 3rd degree burns?07:26
luke-jrI just got the *other* kind of burn. :(07:26
luke-jrneed to be more careful pouring vigourously boiling water...07:27
luke-jractually, it might be 2nd degree :/07:27
MacerDocScrutinizer: yeah. i forgot that part07:27
Macerasj: out of scope? :)07:28
Maceri'm sorry but i simply can not understand how m4 had perfectly good bt keyboard support but in m5 it is out of scope07:28
DocScrutinizerMacer: nah, you forgot to provide devels with a crisp terse exact description of your problem, along the lines common on tracker07:29
asjMacer: it has a keyboard, why would you want two ;) I'm teasing you07:29
MacerDocScrutinizer: add bluetooth keyboard support seems pretty straightforward07:29
luke-jrMacer: just yell 'regression' loud enough07:29
Macerluke-jr: like the braveheart "freedom" screaming moment at the end?07:30
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Macerah well. i suppose having my ghetto bt keyboard support will do for the time being.. but i would think that with things like koffice and openoffice (which already works in the chroot) that someone might think that it would be nice to be able to use an actual keyboard on this thing :)07:31
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Maceri just can't see myself typing on the phone qwerty for 10 pages :) but typing on a bt keyboard to the phone using openoffice would be nice to do07:32
DocScrutinizer(DocScrutinizer: add bluetooth keyboard support seems pretty straightforward) No, even this has assumptions07:33
DocScrutinizermaybe the devel has working BT support on his device?07:34
Macermaybe i should have put "make bluetooth keyboard support work like it did in maemo 4"07:35
DocScrutinizeryes, for a headline that's a start07:35
Macerwell. now it's hindsight07:35
Macerthen there's option b ... making the same request a million times until someone bans my acct on bugzilla07:36
Macerevery time it is marked as invalid just re-issue it :)07:36
Maceri mean i'm sure there are probably already a ton of people doing that for portrait desktop support07:36
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asjMacer: that's too long for a bug title and you assume the person used maemo407:43
asj(it's too long to be catchy anyways)07:44
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asjI think his numbers are out of whack08:32
asj"Today if you decide to develop a free app, you pay your $35,000 development"08:32
asjI'm not sure simple apps really cost $35,000 to develop, that's half a man year at 70k/year for example, assuming you're paying yourself for spare time work.  Either way I think that's a looney number to start08:35
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MiXu-asj: Also, the article doesn't take into account that not all the apps exist because they're meant to bring revenue to the developers.08:39
MiXu-There are lots of apps that complement some other service.08:39
MiXu-Like facebook app, youtube app, cnn surely has some app, etc.08:40
asjgood point08:40
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MiXu-You need to exclude all those to get any sane numbers08:40
MiXu-Although he does exclude them from the revenue calculation :)08:41
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ljpI'm quite sure iFart didnt take $35,000 to develop :)08:42
asjit's an odd article, and I'll always fall back to my uncle.  develops iphone apps in his spare time, simple dumb apps he bangs out in a few weeks.  Let's say an app brings in $1000.  That's not bad really08:42
asjljp: don't know the modelling's hard to get a model to fart on demand with just the right sound, and then you get a cargo load and you have to toss the mic...08:43
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kshlmi wanted to store username and passwords on mameo08:45
kshlmis there anything like a wallet fo maemo08:45
asjyes, look in the app manager08:46
asjthere's 3 at least08:46
kshlmanything built in08:46
kshlmi want to use with an app i;m makein08:46
ljpnothing built in08:47
asjthe only thing that uses password beyond wifi is microb?08:48
kshlmwaht do the inbuilt apps like the im& voip use to store the details?08:48
kshlmdo they store it by themselves?08:49
asjkshlm: probably, single use device doesn't have such high security issues...unless you  lose your phone08:50
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kshlmasj: right now i'm forcing the user to login everytime, looks like in terms of security this will be better08:52
kshlmasj: but it is frustating to login everytime08:52
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asjkshlm: depends on the security and the number of times the user has to login, but you have the option of allowing it to be stored and then having the user set a lock code if he wants it08:54
asjkshlm: phone lock code that is08:54
kshlmasj: security not needed much08:56
kshlmasj: think i'll just store the stuff in a configuration file08:57
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asjkshlm: :)08:59
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* luke-jr ponders hacking a MicroCell and upping the range to the max unregulated08:59
luke-jr(and redirecting calls/data to my own network, of course)09:00
kshlmasj: thanks for helping me decide :)09:00
asjkshlm: make sure to rot13 is before storing it to keep it safe ;)09:01
vanadismobiletwo times rot13 for doubled security!!1109:01
archn00bgood evening everyone. Has anyone ever used on a desktop/workstation? you paste the url of a youtube video and it then gives you links to various formats you can download for that video, some of which are the HQ versions. Now I use this a lot on the desktop, works nicely and it does use java. However, when I try to use it on the n900, it loads and loads the java applet, but nothing after that happens. Usually on the desktop you have to like a09:01
Wolfien900 has no java, afaik09:02
archn00bany idea what I can do here to make it work off the n900? would be nice to be able to download a hq video of a youtube vid and just show it to others offline later on (sort of like mytube, but that doesn't do hq ones)09:02
Wolfiethus, no applets either09:02
archn00bWolfie: I see09:02
kshlmasj: will kepp it in mind09:03
Rabidusuuh.. "evening". 9am here :)09:03
asjvanadismobile: I used 4x rot13 on this message, that's why you can't read it ;p09:03
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vanadismobilepretty hardcore asj09:04
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Pavlovcan anyone think of why an app built debug would crash calling atexit()?09:12
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D-Iivili_WorkGood morning09:34
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fralsmornin o/09:40
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D-Iivili_Workwhat's up here?09:45
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ebzzryHi! Is there a thread on tmo comparing all the available browsers for Maemo5?09:50
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Pavlova few09:52
D-Iivili_Workwhoa! 17 votes over night :O09:53
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aretrfre34D-Iivili_Work:just installed gpsd, where's the gps device file in maemo?09:55
D-Iivili_Workaretrfre34, come again?09:55
D-Iivili_Workgps device file in maemo?09:55
aretrfre34sorry, in n900 maemo os09:56
D-Iivili_WorkWhat do you mean by gpd device file?09:56
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aretrfre34not gpd, GPS09:57
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D-Iivili_Worksorry, typo. What do you mean by GPS device file?09:57
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D-Iivili_Workaretrfre34, in short: what do you want to do?09:58
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D-Iivili_Workaretrfre34, launch the program you just installed or what?10:03
aretrfre34i mean a device to which the "gpsd" daemon going to access, to retrieve data from it10:03
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aretrfre34to get my location show to up, i need to run gpsd, gpsd need a device name, which i can't find cos don't know10:03
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dotblankaww netsplit10:03
tristancan you guys not see timestamps in sshd irssi or is it my theme10:03
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aretrfre34to get my location show up, i need to run gpsd, gpsd need a device name, which i can't find, help me, anyone10:03
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D-Iivili_Workaretrfre34, aah. Okay, now I got you. Though I don't know so no help :-D10:04
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aretrfre34great anyways10:04
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JaffaMorning, all10:07
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D-Iivili_WorkMorning Jaffa10:08
fralsmorning Jaffa10:08
timeless_mbprotten day10:08
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fralsweather yesterday on the tram claimed itd be sunny today :|10:08
asjit was sunny today10:09
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fralsnot in HEL :[10:10
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TigerTaelHey guys.10:14
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TigerTaelAnyone playing with that MeeGo drop?10:15
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keriook, i'm back - i'm the guy who chsh'd and locked himself out of his n900 - any more ideas before i reflash?10:31
D-Iivili_WorkCan someone tell me how to display a notification banner from command line?10:31
johnxkerio, uhm, how far does it boot?10:31
D-Iivili_WorkI mean the basic "maemo" notification banner (yellow) which pops up ie. when you connect a charger10:31
keriojohnx: it's still on10:31
kerioi don't want to reboot because i'm really afraid it's not going to boot10:31
asjD-Iivili_Work: I think there's a dbus call10:31
johnxwhat did you chsh to?10:32
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kerioand now x terminal crashes before loading10:32
kerioand i can't change it back10:32
johnxcan you ssh to it?10:32
asjkerio: sshd installed?10:32
kerioasj: yeah, but i didn't set a password for user10:32
johnxwhat happens if you try to install it?10:32
D-Iivili_Workasj, thanks!10:32
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D-Iivili_Workasj, found it :)10:32
kerioand it doesn't let me login as root10:32
keriojohnx: no, it's installed10:32
keriomeh, screw this, i'm reflashing10:33
asjkerio: use the app manager and reinstall it10:33
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keriono way to run commands as root and no way to write in /etc/shells means i can't change the shell back anyway10:33
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asjset the root password when it asks, then log in :)10:33
kerioasj: i did10:33
kerioit's the correct password10:33
kerioi looked at /etc/passwd and crypto'ed it on my computer and it's the same10:33
johnxdid you install the bash package?10:34
asjkerio: you have vim installed?10:34
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kerioguys thanks for your help, but i'm reflashing it10:35
johnxalright. fair enough :)10:35
kerioand yeah, it's not booting10:35
kerio(just a last try)10:35
kerioi wonder why though10:35
kerioi mean, bash should be compatible with the posix sh10:35
johnxyeah, but there are likely ash'isms here10:36
asjcool, in vim :! works10:36
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keriohmm, is there any way i can avoid a complete reflash?10:37
johnxdid you just reboot it?10:37
kerioyeah, it's not booting10:37
johnxif yes, then probably no10:37
johnxif you'd left it up, I was relatively confident about finding a way in10:38
johnxespecially since you could still install packages10:38
johnxyou could have just made a deb that removed roots password or set your shell :P10:38
kerioi've been using it for less than a day10:38
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keriojohnx: i thought about that10:38
asjjohnx: I'm curious if my vim :! would work :)10:38
kerioediting the postinstall script to add chsh -s /bin/sh user && chsh -s /bin/sh root10:38
kerioasj: vim runs as root?10:38
keriooh right10:39
keriosudo gainroot after that10:39
asjkerio: no, as the user, yeah.  It probably runs it through system so it might need a valid shell, but <shrug>10:39
johnxcan't you :! anything?10:39
keriook, flashed it10:40
johnxcheater :P10:40
asjjohnx: yeah, but vim uses system(3) then that does /bin/sh -c command10:40
johnxah, so actually that probably would work just fine10:40
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asjjohnx: yeah :|10:41
johnxfor some reason I was thinking it would exec()10:41
asjkerio: do it again, I want to see if it would work :)10:41
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keriothis is weird... my desktop looks *kinda* the old one10:42
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keriooh right installed applications10:43
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redeemanhave anyone made progress reverting to the standard PR 1.1.1 virtual keyboard?10:44
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johnxhey, if anyone finds a way to do that, do tell10:46
redeemanpeople in here were working on it10:46
redeemanbut i havent kept up10:47
redeemanas im in the phillipines10:47
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redeemanhowever the new one really slows down10:47
johnxand I've been off IRC10:47
redeemanso i'd love to revert10:47
redeemanprobably i talked to you about it before leaving :P10:47
johnxnah. I haven't been on IRC since ... maybe april?10:47
redeemani left a month ago10:47
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redeemandoesnt look like theres much success10:51
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keriowhat's wrong with the physical keyboard?10:52
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kerioooh, good point10:52
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keriotyping ip addresses is somewhat annoying10:52
redeemanand also annoying to sometimes have it open10:52
johnxalso, sometimes it's nice to be able to use a decent onscreen keyboard if you're just typing a URL or something10:52
redeemanthe 1.1 onscreen keyboard was great10:52
kerio(probably ot - is Documents To Go worth it?)10:52
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kerio(i mean, the viewer)10:53
johnxredeeman, yeah. same one (essentially) as they shipped with maemo 3 on the N800 (or was it from earlier?)10:53
redeemani only have n90010:53
mirfis it possible to set up hosts file to redirect addresses depending on which iface is being used?10:54
keriomirf: probably switching the hosts file on-the-fly10:54
keriobut you'll probably have some issues with the dns caching of single programs anyway10:54
D-Iivili_WorkX-Fade, ping10:55
jacekowskithat's nice thing10:55
mirfI wondered about that kerio10:55
mirfsome kind of scipt that checks10:56
mirfit's only for one site so dns cache won't really matter10:56
keriohold on, a site?10:56
keriowhat kind of switch do you want?10:56
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mirfwell when I'm on local network the website is on a local IP so I've pue an entry in hosts to make it work like I'm on the web10:58
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mirfreally I just need a script that comments out the last line when I'm on GPRS10:58
keriowhy, can't you just use the same address and let it sort it out?10:58
mirfcan't resolve it from inside the lan10:59
keriowhy not?10:59
kerioshould i add extras-devel if i don't know what i'm doing?11:00
johnxkerio, no11:00
kerioaww :(11:00
johnxextras testing if you're careful11:00
johnxbetter benefit/risk ratio :)11:00
kerioheh, it reminds me of my old debian box11:00
keriostarted as a *stable*11:00
kerioby the end it was a sid/experimental11:00
D-Iivili_Work"i don't know what i'm doing?" :D11:01
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kerioisn't there a way to "queue" applications to install with the application manager so i can install multiple applications at once?11:01
mirfwell according to the internet the web address points at my external IP which I can't connect to from inside the network, fairly standard setup as far as I know11:01
mirfyou can with apt-get11:02
keriomirf: huh? can you reach the internet?11:02
D-Iivili_Workkerio, by apt-get install11:02
mirfyes I can reach the internet11:02
keriois the website accessible from the internet?11:02
kerioso why can't you reach that website?11:03
* kerio is confused11:03
mirfthe server is on the internalt lan11:03
mirfso I can access it by using an internal IP11:03
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D-Iivili_Workmirf, you need to setup a port forwarding @ your router to forward the trafic from your external IP to your internal one (the server).11:05
kerioit already has that11:05
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keriohe *can* access the same website from his mobile connection11:05
D-Iivili_Workumm.. then what's the problem?11:05
kerioi don't know11:06
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keriohe wants to use the internal ip for some reason, when he can11:06
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D-Iivili_WorkI mean what he want's to do and what he cannot do right now?11:06
pahartikmirf: Point hostname to localhost and use "socat" to redirect some port?11:06
johnxor run a split-view dns server11:06
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D-Iivili_Work~seen X-Fade11:07
infobotx-fade is currently on #maemo (1d 19h 22m 40s) #meego (1d 19h 22m 40s). Has said a total of 172 messages. Is idling for 11h 33m 40s, last said: 'lbt: Otherwise we can web scrape ;)'.11:07
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jaem_n900I noticed that the lens cover position on the N900 is sensed by an reflective optical sensor. Does that manually shut down the camera, or can you override the sense in software?11:08
kerioheh, i love how po11:08
jaem_n900My friend asked me to check, as he wants to run the camera with the lens cover closed.11:08
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keriohow most solutions to a given problem involve installing a daemon11:08
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mirfthe web name will not resolve from inside the lan, not too hard to understand really11:08
keriomirf: why not? that makes no sense11:09
mirfpahartik: what is socat?11:09
johnxkerio, I meant on his router or whatever internal server is hosting the service in the first place11:09
mirft makes perfect sense11:09
BCMMjaem_n900: using mplayer, i can get a boring picture of the inside of the lens cover11:09
D-Iivili_Workmirf, ofcourse you cannot access to your server from same LAN using web-address. Router goes grazy at that point.11:09
mirfyes I know taht11:09
D-Iivili_Workok :D11:09
BCMMjaem_n900: why does he want to do that, btw?11:10
D-Iivili_WorkThen what the hell are we talking about here? :D11:10
kerioD-Iivili_Work: why? :O11:10
johnxit doesn't need to go crazy ... it could just happily route you back in11:10
mirfthis is why I want my hosts file to switch dependeing on whethere I'm on my wifi connection or mobile web11:10
jaem_n900BCMM, excellent, that's what we want... possibly.11:10
kerioi can connect to my ddns address from within my lan11:10
D-Iivili_Workkerio, because that's the way it works by default.11:10
jaem_n900Do you know the command off-hand?  I'm not familiar with that.11:10
* D-Iivili_Work is not an expert with networking11:10
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pahartikmirf: "multipurpose relay for bidirectional data transfer"11:11
jaem_n900BCMM, he wants to try using CCD noise as a random seed.  Thoughts?11:11
mirfpahartik: hardcore :P11:11
BCMMjaem_n900: doesn't the n900 have a /dev/random?11:12
jaem_n900BCMM, yes, he would like a /dev/morerandom ;)11:12
SwedeMikenine, nine, nine.11:13
jaem_n900I don't know how well it would work in this case, but that's the intent.11:13
keriojaem_n900: /dev/random is guaranteed to be cryptosafe11:13
keriowhat more do you want11:13
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BCMMjaem_n900: if all you want it a seed, /dev/random should do11:15
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BCMMjaem_n900: if you need large amounts of random data, it can be an issue11:15
jaem_n900BCMM, that too.11:15
keriolinux should use the camera for random data anyway11:15
jaem_n900Mostly, we just wanted to see if it was possible.11:15
jaem_n900kerio, does it?11:15
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jaem_n900I certainly don't know.11:17
kerionot sure about the standard kernel, but most linux kernels do indeed use peripherals as sources of entropy11:17
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* jaem_n900 nods11:18
BCMMfrom wikipedia "It is also possible to write to /dev/random. This allows any user to mix random data into the pool."11:18
BCMMthe camara will not be used as an entropy source when not in use11:18
BCMMsince it will be powered down then11:18
keriowell, of course11:18
jaem_n900Also on my list - a hardware bitbucket!11:18
BCMMbut you could probably use it to help increase the entropy by cating it to devrandom11:19
* jaem_n900 is joking11:19
johnxI like the idea of holding the shutter button with the lens cover closed to "give your entropy pool a turbo boost"11:19
keriojohnx: "bashing on the keyboard like a monkey" is cooler11:19
jaem_n900johnx, yes, we should market it that way.11:19
keriofor... some values of cool i guess11:19
jaem_n900The N900 - now with a Turbo button!11:19
johnxif the n900 catches flack for being too geeky, it might as well live up to it11:19
pahartikmirf: I use it to redirect things between IPv6 and IPv4, for example...11:19
jaem_n900It makes your bits more random!11:19
jaem_n900johnx, I'll be sure to credit you if we do that ;)11:20
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mirfpahartik: I think it's a bit more than I need but I'll certainly check it out11:20
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BCMMkerio: is it ssh-keygen that actually asks you to flail your mouse to make it work faster?11:21
jaem_n900I lost my Nokia USB cable on the train home last night. :(11:21
mirfthough I'm not feeling very sane about the set up anymore - I always thought it was normal for routers to do that11:21
BCMMkerio: something does11:21
kerioBCMM: probably11:21
kerioopera mini on every phone does11:21
jaem_n900Considering I have two more, and they're cheap, it's probably not worth even going to pick it up if they turn it in.11:21
jaem_n900BCMM, that rings a bell, but not ssh-keygen, IIRC11:21
jaem_n900Let me check11:21
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jaem_n900Not in the Maemo build, at least.  I've seen what you're thinking of, though.11:22
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kerioheh, you could use the accelerometer to give entropy to /dev/random11:22
BCMMjaem_n900: you're right, it isn't ssh-keygen11:23
nidOtruecrypt asks for a bit of mouse-flailing11:23
johnxmirf, I've seen it both ways really11:23
BCMMkerio: that is actually a very fun idea11:23
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kerio"Shake your phone like a monkey to generate the key faster"11:23
BCMMjaem_n900: i want to know what it is now, so i can benchmark it while using the cam and accelerometer11:23
pahartikmirf: Another possibility, redirect port on localhost through SSH, to always use your service from inside LAN...11:23
jaem_n900BCMM, ha... I don't remember.  Do you know for certain that the stock Fremantle kernel uses the camera?11:24
jaem_n900kerio, ssh-keygen is pretty quick on-device anyway, IIRC11:24
kerioi just bought this thing yesterday!11:24
rmrfchikhm, how to install my lovely ttf into maemo?11:25
BCMMjaem_n900: i know almost for certain that it does not use the camera when the camera is not on11:25
BCMMjaem_n900: i was suggest cat /dev/video0 > /dev/random11:25
jaem_n900rmrfchik, well, putting it in ~/.fonts should work11:25
jaem_n900BCMM, right... Is /dev/video0 the rear camera, then?11:26
jaem_n900Note to self: do not use IRC when walking across the street at 1am... :P11:26
BCMMjaem_n900: i can't remember, actually11:26
jaem_n900BCMM, meh, I can check11:26
BCMMoh, now i think about it, it was probably gpg11:26
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jaem_n900I think you're right...11:27
rmrfchikjaem_n900: thanks. works fine.11:27
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dazossh-keygen asks you do do disk activity, iirc11:30
jaem_n900rmrfchik, out of curiousity, which font?11:31
jaem_n900By the way, does anyone know how the Fremantle PDF Reader handles DRM?  Okular on my laptop handles it quite nicely - with a checkbox that says "obey restrictions?" :P11:31
LantiziaCan I install the .install files from the cmd line?  then apt-update and apt-get what I want out of it?11:31
jaem_n900dazo, cat /dev/zero > ~/foo11:31
rmrfchikjaem_n900: Monaco from MacOS11:32
dazoheh ... more like find / > /dev/null :)11:32
keriowtf? i can't change user's password?11:32
jaem_n900Lantizia, to my knowledge, not by default11:32
rmrfchikjaem_n900: it installed fine but useless because of invalid i18n11:32
* dazo likes the idea of using the accelerometer for entropy collection though11:32
Lantiziajaem_n900, do you know what handles the .install files?11:32
jaem_n900It would probably be fairly simple to write a small script that would make that possible.11:33
jaem_n900In fact, I'd be surprised if someone hadn't done so, but I haven't actually seen one.11:33
jaem_n900If you open it in a text editor, though, it should be readable and straight-forward to do manually.11:33
Lantiziajaem_n900, pretty sure I've seen it already done - just can't remember how11:33
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keriook, i'm linking /usr/bin/vim to /bin/vi11:35
keriowould that blow stuff up?11:35
D-Iivili_WorkHmm... how to make shell script wait for two seconds before moving on to next line on the script?11:36
keriosleep 211:36
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johnxecho "please wait two seconds and then press enter." ; read11:36
johnxusers always get a free ride. make *them* work for a change11:37
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keriojohnx: you mean sleep 2; read11:38
kerioactually, make a program that tells the user "MORON!" if he presses enter before two seconds11:38
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jaem_n900_Hmm... data connection dropped out... odd.11:38
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johnxkerio, "You pressed it too soon, formatting /home ... Done"11:39
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jacekowskiis that /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-1/1-0048/twl4030_usb/vbus indicating prescence of 5V on usb port or is it something else?11:44
oKtosiTeHello. today after booting up my n900, I noticed the Availability icon and the option to set it are gone. What might cause this?11:44
jacekowskithey disappear if you have all accounts disabled11:45
jacekowskiyou have to go to settings11:45
kerioalso if you don't have an open connection i think?11:46
oKtosiTethey're all enabled11:46
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johnxand what is presence set to?11:46
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oKtosiTenever mind. for some unclear reason all account passwords dissappeared. Thanks for getting me in the right direction!11:48
oKtosiTeLet's just hope it was a one time thing.11:52
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johnxhope so. hasn't happened to me except when I reflashed, started setting up accounts, then restored the backup I'd made11:55
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johnxbut that was in the 1.0 timeframe, not 1.211:55
_0x47any suggestions what would be an good name for a already existing package that has to be named differently? original names: libsdl-mixer1.2, libsdl-mixer1.2-dev. best guess: libsdl-mixer1.2.8, libsdl-mixer1.2.8-dev. what do you think?11:55
johnxerr, why do they have to be named differently?11:57
_0x47because it's not allowed to overwrite nokia packages11:58
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kerioeasy debian is slow to download :(11:59
johnxhmmm, I'm not a nokian, but it might be good to include the thing that's fixed/changed/hacked in your own version of that package11:59
johnxso like libsdl-mixer1.2-esd12:00
jaem_n900_kerio: I told qole that, and offered to mirror it.  He told me what his current download stats are, and I withdrew the offer. :P12:00
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johnxI bet he'd run through my monthly bandwidth allotment in a day12:01
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keriohuh? Mobile Maps is free for 7 days?12:02
keriooh, not ovi maps12:02
kerioi see12:02
jaem_n900_johnx, well, IIRC our server has a 200GB cap, and we can add more at a fairly cheap rate.  However, with the usage he quoted, we'd still have to ask for donations to pay for it. :P12:02
jaem_n900_It's with Linode.  They're pretty cool.12:03
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* jaem_n900_ is debating whether to go to work tomorrow...12:03
johnxI run a lot of my work stuff with them, and my own stuff with who is equally cool, but a little different12:03
johnxjaem_n900_, why wait? go to work *right now*12:04
jaem_n900_johnx, well, it's Canada Day tomorrow (technically today)...12:04
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johnxhappy canada day12:04
jaem_n900_The thing is, my uni is paying me out of a fixed grant, so if I take stat pay, I just get less money the next day. ;)12:04
Nadleyhi everybody12:04
* D-Iivili_Work is loosing his mind with disappearing python widgets while changing theme12:05
johnxgoing to set off some fireworks?12:05
jaem_n900_I do have some stuff I want to get done, but I'm just not sure if it's worth it.12:05
jaem_n900_If I can figure out how to tether my laptop, I may just head to the beach and work there. Heh.12:05
johnxsand is the enemy of all electronics12:05
jaem_n900_johnx, thanks. :)  And no, not personally.12:05
johnxjust don't12:05
jaem_n900_johnx, I didn't mean "the beach" as in the sandy part.12:06
jaem_n900_Just somewhere nearby12:06
johnxI have to admit I dream of the day when I can sit with my feet in the water, a beer in my hand and not worry about my electronics dying a horrible death12:06
jaem_n900_There are plenty of nice spots in Vancouver, and not having to have wifi available makes it a lot easier.12:06
jaem_n900_Nadley, hello12:07
NadleyI have a little question : I want to hard reset my N900. I have to flash first the eMMC or the other files12:07
johnxfirst the rootfs, then without letting it reboot, reflash the emmc12:07
RST38hheya, johhnx12:08
kerioflasher-3.5 -F $path_to_rootfs -f12:08
jaem_n900_Nadley, Yes, do exactly what it says on the wiki page, in the bottom section.12:08
johnxhey RST38h :D12:08
RST38hlong time no see12:08
keriothen flasher-3.5 -F $path_to_emmc -f -R12:08
johnxjaem_n900_, heh. "do as I say, not as I do" :
Nadleybut the wiki flash first the emmc12:08
jaem_n900_Nadley, note the lack of "-R" in the first command.12:08
johnxRST38h, yeah, been lacking in motivation lately, but my pandora finally arrived and so did meego handset ux12:08
johnxso I figure I'll put my hacking hat back on12:09
jaem_n900_johnx, woo!12:09
Nadleyjaem_n900_: can I have a link ?12:09
jaem_n900_Nadley, one moment...12:09
Nadleythanks a lot12:09
jaem_n900_By the way, has anyone tried running Quassel on Maemo?12:09
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jaem_n900_I remember trying it a year or so ago on the desktop and liking it.12:10
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jaem_n900_It's a bit verbose, but the commands kerio just gave are correct, and sufficient.12:11
kerioas usual run the first, connect while pushing u, wait for the first flash then run the second12:12
BCMManyone else find mapero 3.0+beta9 tends to crash?12:13
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jaem_n900_BCMM, no, I don't think I've updated to beta9 yet.12:14
Nadleyjaem_n900_: yes it is verbose but it is my first time so I like to understand what I'm going to do.12:14
BCMMjaem_n900_: which brings me to another question...12:14
BCMMi'm a debian n00b - how can i install an older version of a package?12:14
jaem_n900_Go on...12:14
johnxBCMM, apt-get install foo=1.312:14
BCMM(than the most current one in the repo)12:14
BCMMjohnx: neat12:14
johnxwhere foo is the package, and 1.3 is the *exact* version string you want12:15
BCMMjohnx: and what happens with updates? does installing that way mean that it never updates till i ask it to?12:15
jaem_n900_johnx, does that work with inequality operators too?12:15
johnxyou need to hold it12:15
johnxjaem_n900_, huh. I actually have no idea12:15
BCMMjohnx: what does that mean?12:15
johnxerrr, look up "debian setting a package to hold" or similar12:16
jaem_n900_BCMM, "put a hold on" the package.12:16
jaem_n900_I forget how to do it too. :P12:16
johnxI think it's a dpkg switch12:16
johnxI use aptitude mostly now ...12:16
jaem_n900_I'm not a hige fan of Debian packaging.  Don't even get me started on dpkg-query... :P12:16
jaem_n900_Nadley, ?12:16
Nadleyjaem_n900_: yes ?12:16
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jaem_n900_Nadley, you said you had another question...?12:17
johnxjaem_n900_, is there a reason to use that over apt-cache or apt-file?12:17
jaem_n900_johnx, dpkg-query?  Yes - it does something entirely different.12:18
Nadleyjaem_n900_: yes my battery it is 80% full I can flash or should I have to fully charge it12:18
keriogo ahead12:18
D-Iivili_WorkNadley, I would flash12:18
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jaem_n900_That's part of the reason I dislike the system - Arch streamlines almost everything into one command with convenient switches.12:18
jaem_n900_Debian has all manner of different things with little design continuity in the user-facing interfaces.12:19
jaem_n900_Sure, it's more powerful, but I like KISS12:19
keriodpkg never faces the user12:19
kerioat least, not *that* kind of user12:19
jaem_n900_kerio, it faces me.12:19
kerioyou're not that kind of user then12:20
jaem_n900_dpkg, apt-get, and dpkg-query are all entirely different to use.12:20
kerioand you know the difference between each other12:20
Nadleykerio: you say I can flash or I miss understand ?12:21
kerioNadley: there's a window of a couple of milliseconds where something *could* go wrong if the power is cut12:21
keriobut USB powers the phone anyway12:21
johnxjaem_n900_, agreed. I also like programming in scheme. But Debian and PHP are a livable compromise most days :)12:21
johnxthough actually what really made me insane was trying to start learning how to make debian packages. heh! now *that* is some arcane stuff12:22
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BCMMok, mappero is working now - anyone know how to make it talk in english?12:23
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jaem_n900_johnx, pacman (In Arch) isn't terribly "inuitive" either, but the design is more usable once you learn it, IMO12:23
jaem_n900_And yeah, packaging is a pain.12:23
kshlmjaem_n900_: +1 for pacman12:23
jaem_n900_BCMM, check the thread about language packs.12:24
johnxOE has the best packaging system I've ever seen, bar none12:24
johnxfor building packages at least12:24
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jaem_n900_johnx, ipkg? Or are they using something new these days?12:24
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BCMMi like portage12:24
* BCMM ducks12:24
johnxBCMM, OE takes that one step further :)12:24
Nadleykerio: last question. I have to turn off first the n900 if I well understand12:24
jaem_n900_Nadley, yes.12:24
kerioturn off12:24
jaem_n900_Power it completely off.12:25
johnxjaem_n900_, well, yeah, that's their binary package manager (opkg I think, which is ipkg compatibile)12:25
keriostart the first command12:25
keriokeep "u" on the n900 pressed and connect the usb cable12:25
johnxbut their source package format / build system is pretty incredible12:25
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jaem_n900_If it's still plugged in (to computer or charger) it will not turn off fully12:25
kshlmanyone here use scratchbox for maemo development12:25
jaem_n900_johnx, I used OE a few years back, with the HnD guys.12:25
D-Iivili_Workso this is how it feels to spend 8000 EUR.12:25
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jaem_n900_It was interesting.  Of course, I was quite inexperienced, then.12:26
jacekowski.text:0000CF34                 STMIA   R12, {R0-R2}12:26
jacekowski.text:0000CF38                 STMIA   LR, {R0-R2}12:26
jaem_n900_kshlm, I have, although I don't much anymore.12:26
johnxD-Iivili_Work, did you just check your email on your phone while roaming?12:26
kshlmjaem_n900_: i've problem12:26
BCMMjaem_n900_: is that "Mappero voice navigation: submit your voice, in your own language!"?12:26
kshlmjaem_n900_: could you help?12:26
D-Iivili_Workjohnx, lol :-D Bought a car and just paid it.12:26
jaem_n900_BCMM, yes.12:26
jaem_n900_kshlm, sure, give me a moment12:27
kshlmjaem_n900_: i don't get internet inside the scratchbox environment12:27
Nadleyok so let's go :d12:27
johnxeep. 2:30 and I have work tomorrow. time to sleep12:27
jaem_n900_kshlm, can you ping an IP?12:28
jaem_n900_Say,, off the top of my head.12:28
jaem_n900_johnx, Ha! Me too, but... well...12:29
jaem_n900_Have a good one12:29
johnx'night all12:29
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D-Iivili_WorkCould someone kindly type my nick, I'm trying to get highlighting working...12:30
D-Iivili_WorkNoup.. didn't work.12:31
pupnik_use privmsg for it12:31
Nadleyjaem_n900_: Do I have to unplug the phone between the two flash ?12:31
jaem_n900_Nadley, no, don't12:31
kshlmjaem_n900_: nope, get an "icmp open socket: operation not permitted"12:32
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NadleyI run directly the second commande ?12:32
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jaem_n900_kshlm, what environment are you running the SDK in?12:32
jaem_n900_Nadley, yes.12:32
kshlmjaem_n900_: X8612:32
jaem_n900_kshlm, native install on a physical machine?12:32
_0x47johnx: the only fix is the version being 1.2.8 instead of 1.2.6 :) so I guess I covered your suggestion. Thanks!12:32
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kshlmjaem_n900_: didnt get you?12:33
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kshlmjaem_n900_: scratchbox is installed on arch linux x64 bit12:34
jaem_n900_kshlm, are you running it in a virtual machine, a chroot, or what?12:34
jaem_n900_Oh, okay.12:34
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NadleyMy flash it is finish it  is very quick. Now I can start the device after the two flash ?12:34
jaem_n900_I never got it working on Arch properly... did you follow a guide of some sort?  (If so, link please?)12:34
jaem_n900_Nadley, it should boot automatically.12:34
jaem_n900_If you tacked on the -R switch to the second command.12:35
kshlmjaem_n900_: just the maemo wiki12:35
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jaem_n900_kshlm... huh, okay.  Did you have to install anything to make it work?12:35
Nadleyjaem_n900_: yes it reboot but now there is nothing on the screen :s12:35
jaem_n900_Nadley... wait a bit.12:35
kshlmjaem_n900_: nothing, just used force to install on x64 thats it12:36
kshlmjaem_n900_: did the samething on my desktop running ubuntu, it works there well enough12:36
jaem_n900_huh, okay.  Hmm... Well, sbox does have some oddness on 64-bit, I think, but I don't think that's the issue.12:36
Nadleyjaem_n900_: ok but the screen is fully black. However on the term I had two successfull message12:37
jaem_n900_It rings a bell, though.12:37
D-Iivili_WorkX-Fade, ping12:37
Nadleynow the phone looks charging12:37
jaem_n900_Nadley, you did use the -R switch on the second command, right?12:37
X-FadeD-Iivili_Work: pong12:37
kshlmjaem_n900_: my desktop box is also 64bit12:37
jaem_n900_Hmm, well, if it was successful, then try booting it.12:37
D-Iivili_WorkX-Fade, I've been wondering why aint my changes in package are shown here:
D-Iivili_WorkX-Fade, I've checked and doublde checked that both control and changelog -files should_be_correct12:38
D-Iivili_Work+ly formatted12:38
X-FadeD-Iivili_Work: Can be a bug in the changelog importer.12:38
Nadleyjaem_n900_: I have the 5 white pont on the screen it is charging12:39
D-Iivili_WorkX-Fade, it must be something wrong with my packages since I've never seen the Changes -block with any of my packages.12:39
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jaem_n900_Nadley, looks good, then12:39
D-Iivili_WorkX-Fade, but I cannot figure out what it could be. Not that it's too important but it's annoying :D12:39
X-FadeD-Iivili_Work: Compared it with a working package?12:39
D-Iivili_WorkX-Fade, yes12:39
D-Iivili_WorkX-Fade, ie here's a working sample:
Nadleyjaem_n900_: it works I have the first seetings screen12:40
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jaem_n900_Nadley, woot!12:40
Nadleyjaem_n900_: woot ? what does it mean ?12:41
CorsacNadley: means “woot!”12:41
jaem_n900_Nadley, essentially, "yay".  Check Wikipedia if you want the full history.12:41
Nadleyok :)12:41
X-FadeD-Iivili_Work: That one is compiled for multiple archs, so that is different.12:41
BCMMcan somebody help me understand how to get english announcements in mappero?12:42
Nadleyit is quite easy to flash the n900 if we check everything and did it carefully12:42
BCMMmy system is set to en_GB12:42
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BCMMi noticed that mappero comes with an en_US directory - i've symlinked that to en_GB, but it still talks in interlingua12:42
X-FadeD-Iivili_Work: also that is a source package with orig.tar.gz, which is also different.12:42
jaem_n900_Nadley, yep.  I find it much easier than using the fancy pointy-clicky app on Windows.12:42
D-Iivili_WorkX-Fade, ok.. and this:
jaem_n900_The command line is often like that - much easier and more efficient *if* you know what you're doing12:43
jaem_n900_BCMM, I'm not sure.  I can take a look if it's quick.12:43
NadleyI think I will try android or meego on my n900 in the future but in dual booting12:43
jaem_n900_I really should go to bed at some point, though.12:43
X-FadeD-Iivili_Work: Also an app, built for multiple archs.12:44
jaem_n900_BCMM, can you link me to that thread?12:44
BCMMjaem_n900_: i just copied teh en_us over the interlingua files - i'm sure it's not the right solution, but it works12:44
D-Iivili_WorkX-Fade, damn :D12:44
BCMMjaem_n900_: also, the guy sounds much more like irish than en_US12:44
BCMM(which is preferable, for me)12:44
D-Iivili_WorkX-Fade, okay, this:
jaem_n900_BCMM, in terms of general vocal sound, or actual pronunciation?12:45
D-Iivili_WorkX-Fade, suddenly seems like that one also has lost changes being updated to the "box" since version 1.20212:45
BCMMjaem_n900_: i'm not sure what you mean12:45
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BCMMjaem_n900_: just sounds like an irish person12:45
Nadleyjaem_n900_: is there some tricks to improve my battery life time ?12:45
X-FadeD-Iivili_Work: Yes, doesn't seem to work there either.12:46
jaem_n900_BCMM, yes, but is it "Irish English", or "English with an Irish accent"?12:46
D-Iivili_WorkX-Fade, but has been working before.12:46
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BCMMjaem_n900_: there isn't really enough there to distinguish12:46
jaem_n900_Nadley, yes, but come back when you've searched the forum/wiki. :P12:46
X-FadeD-Iivili_Work: Yes, wazd messed up changelog there at some point.12:46
BCMMjaem_n900_: just the rythm of the speech and the way the "r"s sound12:47
Nadleyjaem_n900_: ok no prob I'll check that thank you very much for the help12:47
wazdwhat? where? :)12:47
wazdI'm innocent!12:47
jaem_n900_Heya, wazd!12:47
jacekowskianybody brave enough to open that on microb12:47
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wazdjaem_n900_: hey :)12:47
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jacekowskiopera/chrome take it without problems on PC12:48
jacekowskifirefox just dies12:48
jaem_n900_wazd, out of curiosity, did anything ever come of that XChat mockup you did last year?12:48
RST38hjohnx: Ah the handset UI is here already?12:49
D-Iivili_WorkX-Fade, seems more like he has changed the structure of control -file?12:49
* RST38h runs to tmo12:49
wazdjaem_n900_: RST38h is too busy/lazy to dig into UI that deep :)12:49
D-Iivili_WorkX-Fade, well... anyways, just wanted to ask if there was some easy explanation.12:49
wazdRST38h: o/12:49
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* jaem_n900_ pokes RST38h12:49
jaem_n900_I just got a data plan for the first time, and it is indeed nice to use IRC on the go, among other things.12:50
D-Iivili_Workjaem_n900_, I couldn't image to live without data plan :O12:50
RST38hwazd: reMoo12:50
RST38hjaem: What?12:51
jaem_n900_...I'm just sad that I missed being able to be one of the oh-so-smug "I'm using IRC on the way home from work" people, last November. :P12:51
mikki-kunanybody living in switzerland and having a recommendation for a dataplan?12:51
jaem_n900_That said, I got to be smug with my N900 for most of a week before it came out, so...12:51
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jaem_n900_RST38h, that was a "-poke- get on it!", regarding wazd's comment. :)12:51
wazdRST38h: let's remake xchat in Qt :D12:52
jaem_n900_wazd, did you see my mention of Quassel?12:52
`0660jaem_n900_, irc on the way home has been a reality for almost a decade now :)12:52
RST38hwazd: Good luck remaking their main view widget in qt...12:52
jaem_n900_A mobile version of that might be interesting...12:52
wazdjaem_n900_: no, I guess not12:52
RST38hOn the other hand, I have fixed that long delay bug in FBReader after PR1.212:53
jaem_n900_`0660 well, yes, but not for Maemo12:53
RST38hThey did a blocking gtk event loop where they should not have12:53
wazdRST38h: or we can add Qt frontend to IRSSI :)12:53
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`0660quite many years with maemo too12:53
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`0660when tethering via phone12:53
jaem_n900_wazd, it's Qt-based, and has a separate core/daemon so that you can dis/connect various clients from a server.12:54
jaem_n900_`0660, well, yes, fair enough.  My point still stands, though.12:54
jaem_n900_wazd, As I recall from an older version, it was rather nice.12:54
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wazdjaem_n900_: maybe I can take a look :)12:56
wazdjaem_n900_: but now I'm totally overloaded with work :)12:57
jaem_n900_wazd, Aren't we all.  If you do, let me know, please.  I had thought about taking a look as well, but I'm in the same boat.12:57
D-Iivili_Workif I wanted to start Hildonizing an existing GTK -app (written in C?) without any knowledge of anything, where should I start? Good tutorials etc somewhere?12:58
wazdjaem_n900_: oh, if you're interested in actually doing it - maybe I'll find some time :)12:58
jaem_n900_wazd, well... I might be, but I'm busy coding for the N900 for work right now.12:58
wazdjaem_n900_: well, I'm not in a hurry either :)12:59
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jaem_n900_I'll take a look at it, though - I haven't used it in about a year - and get back to you.12:59
jaem_n900_I potentially would be interested.12:59
jaem_n900_Another thing I'd be interested in doing would be writing a Qt-based frontend for GIAC, a Maple-compatible CAS.12:59
jaem_n900_I was talking to a guy here the other day about that.13:00
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jaem_n900_wazd, if I ever take *that* on, I could certainly use design advice!13:02
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hajwould have been nice if Nokia had build in a SDHC-slot instead of a MicroSDHC.. :)13:07
jaem_n900_That complaint is sooo N81013:07
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hajmaybe.. :)13:07
BCMMhaj: why?13:08
BCMMhaj: oh, i see what you mean13:08
jaem_n900_BCMM, well, SD is cheaper.13:08
X-FadeThat alone would have added 4 mm to the thinkness of the device:)13:08
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hajBCMM: because the cards are cheaper...13:08
X-Fade4 GB < 10 euro, do you really need it cheaper than that? :)13:09
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BCMMalso, accepting regular SD would make it a meaningful sort of removable media for transferring data, but microsd is really only for adding storage13:09
X-FadeUse a nas + upnp/dlna and be completely wireless.13:09
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BCMMhow much of a price difference is there?13:09
hajX-Fade: Well, when I get a MicroSDHC for my N900 it will not be 4GB...13:09
jaem_n900_X-Fade, yeah... I still do occasionally have a brief moment of awe when I realize that I'm holding an encyclopedia (Wikipedia Dump) with ~3M articles in an object the size of my fingernail13:09
X-Fadehaj: Did you really fill up your 32GB and still need more?13:10
X-Fadejaem_n900_: I just have 3G for that.13:10
jaem_n900_haj, I got an 8GB card for around $25CAD on sale.13:10
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jaem_n900_X-Fade, well, I do too, now.13:10
hajBCMM: In Denmark, it's like £55 for a 32GB SDHC and £85 for a MicroSDHC13:10
BCMMjaem_n900_: a Maple-compatible CAS is a frightening concept...13:10
tristani got a 16gb card13:10
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tristanwith bad sectors13:10
jaem_n900_I didn't even have voice on my phone until recently, because I was locked into a contract with another carrier.13:11
jaem_n900_BCMM, why?13:11
hajX-Fade: it's not actually full.. but it's getting there.. And I'd like to keep at least some gigs free for transport of data.. and stuff :)13:11
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X-Fadehaj: Large pr0n collection huh?13:11
jaem_n900_I have little experience with any CAS - my only thought was that using something compatible with what my uni uses would mean less of a learning curve.13:11
hajX-Fade: more like music...13:11
hajX-Fade: oh, and I like to have a big buffer of podcasts in gpodder.. ;)13:11
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X-Fadehaj: Well I have gpodder too, but at 60MB per hour of podcast, man you must have a lot of time to listen :)13:12
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alteregohaj: buy some micro sd's :)13:12
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hajX-Fade: sure.. I'm a cyclist.. and it's 40 minutes each to/from work.. :)13:13
hajalterego: I guess I could just get a 16gig..13:13
X-Fadehaj: Still, that is nothing 0.004% of storage used per day ;)13:13
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X-FadeJust saying that I always think I need a lot of storage, but if you realistically look at what your really use...13:15
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BCMManyone else noticed that mappero seems to be able to nearly hang up hte system without using significant CPU?13:15
haji like having lots of storage :)13:15
alteregoSo, today I was thinking of writing a Telepthy XBox messaging plugin.13:16
X-Fadehaj: buy a 3TB disk and connect with usb :)13:16
X-Fadehaj: Only $250 :D13:16
BCMMX-Fade: actually kind of want to see an n900 with a backpack full of stuff13:16
alteregoI need to get another ext HDD13:17
hajX-Fade: nah.. thats annoying.. :)13:17
nidOI could do with replacing my entire fileserver tbh :(13:17
BCMMX-Fade: you know, a monitor, USB hub, full-sized USB hard drive, mouse and keyboard13:17
X-FadeBCMM: Samba server in your backpack sharing over wifi ;)13:17
alteregoI'll have to calculate the "sweet spot" I bet it's 750 to 1TB by now.13:17
nidOan entire full tower with an array of 5 750gb drives, replaced by a single disk these days :<13:17
BCMMX-Fade: well, 3tb drives typically do not draw power from USB :(13:17
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X-FadeBCMM: Just put a 12V 5000mah lipo in your backpack then ;)13:18
hajoh well.. silly topic anyway... :)13:18
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BCMMX-Fade: that would be an awesome mobile computer13:18
X-FadeOnly adds about 800 gram, should be ok ;)13:18
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BCMMX-Fade: you could power the n900 and the monitor off the big battery too :)13:19
alteregoOne of my friends got a mugen battery yesterday13:19
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alteregoHe seems pretty happy with it ..13:19
Duckbootalterego: Any good?13:19
DuckbootBattery I mean.13:19
hajX-Fade: I guess it's just quite easy to fill up the internal 32GB if having 2GB of Sygic map-data installed, and 16GB of music, and a couple of videos, and gpodder with some nice feeds (including a couple of video-podcasts) and some of the larger games... ;)13:20
alteregoSaid something about there not being a camera slide on the back. Which is a shame ...13:20
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jaem_n900_alterego, sorry?13:20
nidOthe lens cover on the mugen back has no slider13:20
nidOits just an open cover13:20
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hajX-Fade: It's easy on a iPhone because you are not allowed to store stuff on it.... but since the N900 works as mass storage device... ;)13:21
alteregoI was thinking of getting one as a spare battery, but that sort of put me off.13:21
nidOtbh, getting an external battery pack seems way way preferable to a mugen13:21
X-Fadehaj: Amazon s3 ;)13:21
nidOcheaper, much more powerful, and you dont have to carry it round with you when you know you arent going to need it13:21
hajX-Fade: not always an option.13:22
X-FadeWhen I travel, I just have a few spare batteries.13:22
X-FadeLight weight, easy to carry.13:22
* jaem_n900_ yawns13:23
jaem_n900_03:23 here, which is IRC-time for bedtime.13:23
alteregonidO: I agree, I was thinking of converting an old laptop battery to an external portable charger for those long journeys :)13:23
jaem_n900_Night, all13:23
Duckbootjaem_n900_: Nn13:24
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achipaX-Fade: btw we are a go with the list - I don't see any critical apps, but am saddened that it seems we have a fair amount of abandonware :(13:25
X-Fadeachipa: I have wiped everything already.13:26
achipaare you sure ? :)13:26
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achipaduh, it's the interface msg funk13:27
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alteregoX-Fade: ? I'm being noseybut your statement sounds interesting? :)13:28
X-Fadealterego: We removed all packages related to qt4-maemo5-* and apps depending on it.13:28
achipaX-Fade: thought stuff got reimported... see
achipabut fair enough, I don't see it in the repo13:28
alteregoAh, not that interesting then ... :D for the experimental renaming of the devel qt packages?13:29
jpnurmiargh, i suddenly started getting constant "internal error. application e-mail closed" messages on my n900. reboot does not help. any ideas?13:29
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achipaalterego: yes13:29
X-Fadeachipa: Hmm yeah, race condition between deletion, index regeneration and importer.13:29
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* achipa goes off to post a council announcement about the package removal and braces for impact13:31
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D-Iivili_WorkNo-one has yet written an application that will hildonize gtk application on the fly? :D13:33
* D-Iivili_Work is getting frustrated with this thing...13:33
alteregoD-Iivili_Work: ? what thing ?13:33
D-Iivili_Workalterego, I just started on looking how to hildonize zenity.13:34
D-Iivili_WorkHave nothing else to do :P13:34
alteregoD-Iivili_Work: ah, right.13:34
alteregoI didn't think you were a coder?13:34
D-Iivili_Workalterego, well.. only PHP13:34
alteregoIt'd probably be easier to just write your own Python stuff :P13:34
alteregozenity would be awesome hildonised,13:35
alteregomore hildonized that is ... :)13:35
D-Iivili_Workalterego, there's not that_many_files included and not that_much_code in it, but don't really know where to start :D13:35
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qknighti want to download the virtual desktop image but i can't find it anywhere, was it removed?13:36
alteregoPick an ugly one you depend on, and try to find that widget :)13:36
qknight <- i's not here13:36
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D-Iivili_Workalterego, well that's what I'm doing :P13:38
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DocScrutinizerX-Fade: you edited something on* wrt eMMC / rootfs sequence?13:41
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: no13:42
DocScrutinizerI wonder *where* the § is to be found...13:43
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DocScrutinizersomebody please point me to the § in* where it says ""NOTE: Always flash the FIASCO image first, then the eMMC image immediately after that. [...]""13:44
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lcukX-Fade, qknight is the second person to ask about that missing vmware image - i couldnt find anything recent about it either, do you know anything?13:45
qknight <- this page does not exist for me13:46
qknightDocScrutinizer: so you mean, right?13:46
qknightlcuk: i wonder why i'm only the second persion. i've tried to find it about 4days ago13:47
qknightshould i use filesharing to download it?13:47
DocScrutinizerI mean the page where it is written """NOTE: Always flash the FIASCO image first, then the eMMC image immediately after that. Never boot up the device between flashing the FIASCO image and the eMMC image!""13:47
DocScrutinizerqknight: ^^^13:47
lcukqknight, not everyone who wants it shouts loudly in here13:47
qknighti don't shout ;-)13:48
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: That not on this page, that is on the n900 firmware page.13:48
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: I gather I need to authenticate prior to watching this secret stuff? :-D13:49
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: Well, that is where you can download all the goodies.13:50
* qknight is very confused about that desktop virtual image stuff13:50
qknightso do you guys use it native, without any virtual image?13:50
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: I know, but I wasn't aware the readme or whatver also needs an authentication13:50
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: Well, it doesn't make sense without anyway.13:51
DocScrutinizerthis whole thing starts to become a PITA13:51
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DocScrutinizer(eMMC/rootfs flash sequence)13:52
achipaX-Fade: one teensy q... when you say removed, do you mean totally and completely or just the binary packages (as in, we *should* keep the source, just in case)13:52
X-Fadeachipa: Source will never be removed.13:52
achipaX-Fade: good, good13:52
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: wasn't exactly targeted at you13:52
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: Noobs use windows flasher, which does things for you.13:52
X-FadeWith a nice gui.13:53
* Duckboot wants a phone which is completely console based. NO ui, except curses.13:56
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nidOmeego 1.0 is for you then13:56
mavhcwhat was the open source phone, kinda was like that13:56
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Duckbootmavhc: OpenMoko?13:57
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DuckbootOpenMoko wasn't console-based13:57
DocScrutinizerwhat are "Stock Files"?13:57
qknightmy openmoko has a nice gui13:58
DuckbootDocScrutinizer: "Files which has a variable value"?13:59
DocScrutinizer(<Duckboot> OpenMoko wasn't console-based) what's the meaning of that?13:59
nidOread up about 4 more lines13:59
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DuckbootDocScrutinizer: I was just airing a dream of mine - The fully working console-based cellphone.13:59
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DocScrutinizeremacs based OM is it then, for you14:00
nidOim sure you could just remove hildon-desktop from an n900 and write an upstart script to open xterm14:00
nidOthen have all the fun you like with dbus commands by hand14:00
DocScrutinizernidO: ack14:01
Duckboot~# call 555-3564-33314:01
DocScrutinizerbut I guess you're actually talking about gnuphone14:01
DuckbootDocScrutinizer: Yes14:02
qknightexecuting qstardict on my n900 i get this error message: "The plugin '/opt/maemo/usr/lib/qstardict/plugins/' uses incompatible Qt library. Expected build key "armv6 linux host-g++ full-config", got "arm linux g++-4 full-config"14:04
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DocScrutinizer dial voice +1-555-1212 –ntwk verizon –prot cdma2000 –ssh-version 2 -a -l -q -9 -b -k -K 14 -x14:06
DocScrutinizerand away you go! Simple and obvious!”14:07
wazdoh my god, the most annoying voice ever14:07
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: you might know14:20
jacekowski10:44 < jacekowski> is that /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-1/1-0048/twl4030_usb/vbus indicating prescence of 5V on usb port or is it something else?14:20
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: afaik (and seen) it indicates VBUS presence14:21
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mavhcpretty sure there was a console interface for openmoku14:21
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: does it indicate only external vbus?14:21
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: nope, it simply reads out the twl4030 GPIO14:21
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jacekowskiso forcing charger chip to output 5V might confuse bme14:22
DocScrutinizeryes, it actually does14:22
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jacekowskido you know anything about /suspend in same folder?14:23
DocScrutinizerthat's why VBUS boost mode is reset after <500ms, if you don't stop bme prior to starting jrbme boostmode14:23
pupnik_wazd: i keep thinking, if the screen were higher res, that'd make a nice meego device14:24
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: not really, but aiui this suspend node is virtually everywhere (err, in every subsystem's sysfs folder)14:24
wazdpupnik_: I guess n9 won't be too far from it14:24
wazdpupnik_: since nokia now have n8'ish design concept everywhere :)14:25
DocScrutinizermavhc: paulfertser (or originally mat shu?) actually worked on a emacs interface for GTA0214:25
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: (suspend) so I *guess* it might deal with power mode of the particular subsystem when device goes to suspend mode14:26
DocScrutinizerraster: moin :-D14:27
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DocScrutinizerraster: uh?14:27
rasteri need to yell at something14:28
rasteri also need tactical nukes14:28
rasteri need to nuke people14:28
DocScrutinizerraster: infobot comes handy for that :-D14:28
DocScrutinizer~nuke some people14:28
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at some people ... B☢☢M!14:28
wazd~lart raster14:29
* infobot keeps mailing raster free America Online CDs until he drowns14:29
wazdoh, something new :D14:29
DocScrutinizerwazd: I guess you're too late :-P14:30
wazd~burn himself14:30
* infobot pours gasoline all over himself, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze14:30
DocScrutinizerprobably that's what raster recently oticed14:30
BCMMdo free AOL CDs still exist?14:31
kerio~wtf is wtf14:31
infobotusage: wtf <foo>.14:31
DocScrutinizer~tell wazd about query14:31
DocScrutinizer~tell kerio about query14:31
BCMM~wft wft14:31
infobottalk dirty to me! Preferably, do so after you have typed "/query apt" which should open a new window/tab/whatever with most irc clients. You can talk to me all you like and don't annoy other people with endless queries. Be aware that the stuff you write is logged, so don't get too 1337 :)14:31
BCMM~wtf wtf14:31
infobotWTF: {what,where,who,why} the fuck14:31
* infobot looks at jacekowski and wonders if he can't find some better way to occupy his time14:31
keriowtf should allow for the bsdgames' wtf syntax14:31
BCMMhe doesn't have teh same syntax as /usr/bin/wtf14:32
BCMMoh, kerio just said that14:32
keriohe should14:32
keriowtf [is] $acronym14:32
DocScrutinizerand he's a she14:32
keriooh, sorry14:32
BCMMi seem to recall a website documenting somebody who built a throne entirely out of AOL trial CDs and glue14:32
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BCMMor rather, documenting the chair14:33
DocScrutinizerraster: what went wrong?14:33
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rasterincompetent fools who cant even compare 2 numbers to know which is bigger14:34
rasterand the numbers have only 2 digits14:34
rasteri'm amazed they they havent died from forgetting to breathe14:35
DocScrutinizerthere's no state of idiocy severe enough to excuse this14:35
rasterincompetence can kill14:35
rasterwhen it's bad enough14:35
rasteri'm just wondering what has prevented it so far14:35
kerioto be fair, when i think about > and < i think about nethack14:35
DocScrutinizerthat's called darvinism14:35
ZogGi hate microsd =(14:35
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ZogGhow is it possible when it's fat32 it;'s okay14:36
ZogGbut when i use it as ext3 i get errors14:36
ZogGi can't even mount it14:36
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DocScrutinizerZogG: might have bad blocks14:37
ZogGi think so14:37
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DocScrutinizeror it's a completely faked one - there've been uSD that claim to be 8GB, but actually mirror after 1GB14:37
ZogGi have 8gib14:37
ZogGbut it's shown as 8 gibs14:37
ZogGi bought it on ebay14:38
DocScrutinizeryou THINK you have 8GiB14:38
kerioDocScrutinizer: haha that's brilliant14:38
ZogGDocScrutinizer, are you srs?14:38
keriowell, microsds *are* computers14:38
DocScrutinizeryou only *know* after writing AND checkreading >5GiB14:38
X-FadeZogG: Yes, there are lots of reported cases. Most cheap ones on ebay are fake.14:38
DocScrutinizerZogG: yes, absolutely14:39
wazdDocScrutinizer: I thought infobot finally decided to date me :(14:39
ZogGi retated that guy with 5 stars =)14:39
X-FadeZogG: Well, write large files to it and check if they are ok.14:39
DocScrutinizerZogG: first confirm the case14:39
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ZogGlarger than 5 gibs or 1 gib?14:39
DocScrutinizerZogG: see my and X-Fade 's suggestion14:40
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ZogGi would try it later14:40
DocScrutinizerlarger than reported-size/214:40
ZogGok - i'll try14:40
ZogGX-Fade DocScrutinizer maybe you should write to maemo news about it btw14:41
keriowouldn't you also be able to write two different things at offset 0 and at offset 4gb and keep them different?14:41
keriowith dd14:41
DocScrutinizerand make sure your file isn't just filled with 0x00, otherwise you won't even notice the mirroring :-P14:41
DocScrutinizerkerio: nope14:41
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ZogGDocScrutinizer, wait - do i need to copy one file?14:41
ZogGas fat32 doesn't support 4gibs+14:42
DocScrutinizerkerio: you have that controller on uSD that maps block address to phys mem14:42
X-FadeZogG: No, just fill it with files and run md5sum on them.14:42
DocScrutinizerZogG: no, any data will do, as long as it's large enough all together14:42
X-Fadelocal and on sd card.14:42
X-Fadeand compare with diff ;)14:42
ZogGi'll try14:43
jpnurmihow do i disable e-mail polling? i'm suddenly getting constant "internal error. application e-mail closed" messages on my n900 and reboot does not help...14:43
DocScrutinizeror for that behalf: just copy a >4GB folder structure from your PC to uSD, then compare14:43
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DocScrutinizerjpnurmi: ugh14:44
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DocScrutinizerjpnurmi: first do a 'df -h'14:44
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jpnurmiDocScrutinizer: what i should be looking for? none of the partitions is full14:47
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ZogGDocScrutinizer fu, i'm batman... i mean, la fufufu je suis la fantomas.. . i mean F#%^k you, i'm on linux =)14:54
ZogGbut htnx anyway14:54
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DocScrutinizerZogG: ??14:54
alteregoI should really unsubscribe fro extras-builds :D14:55
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DocScrutinizerZogG: (batman) wazzup?14:59
alteregoIS that the sound he makes when he upper cuts someone ?15:00
DocScrutinizerZogG: because of /whois? (Petach Tikva)15:00
ZogGDocScrutinizer, i'm from TLV15:00
ZogGalterego which one?15:01
DocScrutinizerZogG: anyway, what's that <ZogG> DocScrutinizer fu, i'm batman... i mean, la fufufu je suis la fantomas.. . i mean F#%^k you, i'm on linux =)15:01
alteregoZogG: < DocScrutinizer> ZogG: (batman) wazzup?15:01
ZogGi mean the instructions probably for some windows programs15:01
ZogGalterego, "wazzup" ?15:02
ZogGDocScrutinizer, i found some programs to check also - but they are for windows15:02
DocScrutinizerZogG: the info as such is generic though15:02
alteregoYes .. I Was wondering about the (batman) before and thought , well, that :)15:02
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ZogGalterego, wazzup is short for what is up? o.O15:02
alteregoZogG: yes, I know ...15:02
alteregoNevermind ...15:02
ZogGi think you should grow up on the streets like me to know that =)15:03
ZogGalterego, you confused me, but i like you =)))))15:03
alteregoYou didn't grow up on the streets, you went to the same preppy school as GAN90015:03
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* DocScrutinizer wonders how many seconds it'd need him to write a shell oneliner to grab random words out of a dict and post them to this chan15:04
ZogGalterego, he was bulling me there btw15:04
alteregoSounds believable, he is a bit of a bully :P15:04
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ZogGDocScrutinizer i copied on sd on n900 - it worked i think 1.75+3 gibs are enuf for check - it worked =\15:11
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DocScrutinizerZogG: It works means what exactly?15:12
ZogGit copied the files with no errors15:12
DocScrutinizercopying works without any errors - the fun thing is the mirroring which destroys older data15:13
keriohmm... where can i find telnet?15:13
DocScrutinizerthat's the reason you need to *compare*15:13
DocScrutinizerkerio: in the museum of obsolete art?15:14
ZogGDocScrutinizer ok - i'll give a try letter as mu card reader don't read that card - so i can use it only on n900 or laptop(with built in reader)15:14
DocScrutinizerkerio: honestly I think it *might* be in tools repo15:14
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ZogGDocScrutinizer, i think it's enuf just to copy 2 movies in HD and try to play them both15:14
DocScrutinizerZogG: sure15:15
ZogGif it's okay they would play15:15
ZogGif not they would skip15:15
X-FadeZogG: md5sum them.15:15
DocScrutinizerkerio: or just use socat15:15
ZogGam i right?15:15
ZogGX-Fade, don't you think they wouldn't be playable if something wrong?15:15
X-FadeZogG: If you have the time to watch 4 hours of HD, then yes ;)15:15
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DocScrutinizerZogG: yes, right. X-Fade 's suggestion is faster though15:16
X-FadeZogG: MPEG allows for data corruption.15:16
kerioDocScrutinizer: telnet is a little more complicated than netcat15:16
X-FadeZogG: It will just skip corrupted parts.15:16
ZogGX-Fade, i can skipforward as mplayer quits if the file has "holes" in the middle15:16
X-FadeZogG: You want safety, I don't ;)15:16
ZogGX-Fade, first of all only pussies watch HD in mpeg, second of all mplayer doesn't skip =0)15:16
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ZogGat least there is one thing that is good in this not skipping thing that was annoying =))15:17
X-FadeZogG: What other non-mpeg codec do you have your HD content in then?15:17
ZogGX-Fade, but thanks anyway againg =)))15:17
ZogGX-Fade, only mkv+x26415:17
X-FadeZogG: And that is not owned by MPEG LA?15:18
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ZogGi have 2 or 3 images as well as i tried to encode them =)15:18
DocScrutinizerZogG: just tar (without gzip) a large enough folder iincl subfolders to the card, then compare (again tar)15:18
ZogGX-Fade, does mpeg la own x264 and mkv?15:18
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X-Fadex264 yes, mkv is just the container?15:19
ZogGi know15:19
ZogGthat mkv is container15:19
X-Fadex264 is a dangerous format ;)15:19
ZogGwhy so?15:19
X-FadeCan be licensed in about 2 years.15:19
ZogGbecasue of the lisence?15:19
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ZogGX-Fade, we'll leave and see15:19
X-Fadempeg la decided to give it away for free and review the case in 2012.15:20
ZogGanyway all the movies i have are pirate =)15:20
X-FadeGuess what happens then :)15:20
ZogGX-Fade, they wanted to do it in 2010 as well =)15:20
ZogGX-Fade, nothing for me - untill mosad comes to my house i guess15:20
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achipathe idea is that they hope if they don't push licenses too hard, people will adopt it, and it will have such dominance in two years that whatever terms they set, will eventually have to be met15:21
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ZogGachipa, the world is geting more and more evil15:22
Trewash264 is the format, x264 is an open-source encoder for it </nitpick>15:22
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achipaTrewas: same thing. control the format and you control the producer/consumers of it15:23
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achipait's not like we did not see the same story with mp315:23
ZogGachipa mp3 format license is over - isn't it?15:24
kerioachipa: control the format and people will use it without caring about your patent15:26
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achipaZogG: not really, many aspects are still patented AFAIK - it's just that they realize there is no money to be made on FOSS people, so they let them be15:27
Trewascommercial (legal) users cannot easily "not care" about the patents or licensing15:27
ZogGmake the world opensource!!!15:27
DocScrutinizerlcuk: ping15:27
achipakerio: that is exactly the point. Nobody wants to harrass people. They want to harrass companies that make stuff for people.15:27
lcukDocScrutinizer, \o15:28
ZogGlcuk o/15:28
lcukhiya ZogG15:28
kerioachipa: yeah, they'll totally sue Open Source Development inc. for the money they're making selling the encoder15:28
keriooh wait, it's not a real company and nobody is making money with x26415:28
DocScrutinizerlcuk: am I right we agreed upon flashing eMMC first, then rootfs is probably safer than doing other way round?15:28
lcukyes if you are doing both15:29
ZogGwhen ps3 would support divx7 that supports x264, damnit15:29
Corsackerio: are you sure nobody makes money with x264? :)15:29
DocScrutinizerlcuk: ok15:29
kerioif they are, they probably shouldn't15:29
achipakerio: they are, it's economy 10115:29
ZogGkerio it's all about money man, the world is corrupted15:30
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achipakerio: if you kill the free encoders, only paying ones survive, and they do bring income. So for them cease & desisting free encoders makes a whole lotta sense15:30
achipaseriously, just take a look at the history of mp3 encoders under linux15:30
pupnik_i would like a mp3 reconstructor15:31
achipait took, what, 10-15 years to make mp3 encoding semi-legal ?15:31
pupnik_identify adjacent music pieces by fuzzy match of the fft spectra of end-frames15:31
ZogGachipa pupnik_ duck the mp3 - flac FTW15:32
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alterego"n900-camera-firmware" there's firmware for the friggin' camera?! :D15:32
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Trewasachipa: afaik x264 is even used by some companies making bluray disks, it just means that the company itself has to take care of licensing instead of whoever made the encoder15:32
ZogGalterego what?15:32
ZogGTrewas, that is point in license15:33
alteregoZogG: just watching the packages scroll past whilst generating this meego image and saw that package.15:33
ZogGnot for user but for the companies =)15:33
alteregoIt also has openssh installed, I wonder if USB networking will work ..15:33
ZogGalterego, oh,i would liek you show some more detailed instructions15:33
* alterego thinks for a second .. No bme, erm, will host mode work under MeeGo?15:33
achipabtw mp3 vs ogg/flac is the prime example - it doesn't matter how free or good ogg/flac are, the ubiquitous format (exactly because of initial weak enforcement) is mp315:34
alteregoDocScrutinizer: MeeGo + N900 + Hostmode, what do you think? :P15:34
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Venemoalterego: yes, there is15:36
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Venemoalterego: for example, the BlessN900 app in fact changes that firmware15:36
alteregoVenemo: yes there is usb networking support on the MeeGo build?15:36
alteregoOh, camera firmware :P15:37
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alteregoOn qt libs now, shouldn't be too long15:37
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Venemoalterego: I spoke about the camera firmware15:37
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Nadleyhi everybody15:40
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NadleyI think I have trouble with my wifi connection. In fact I'm connecting but when I want to install a theme from extra ( approx 6Mb) it take 30minutes or more :s15:41
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* pahartik would like to know what is recommended way to play specified alert sounds on "Nokia N900" shell15:43
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sx0nbeep ? :)15:45
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Nadleynobody to help me15:48
DocScrutinizeralterego: hostmode on meego wil suffer from borked musb_hdrc.c and relatives same way maemo does. BME is considered solved for now15:49
DocScrutinizeralterego: simply do a 'stop bme' before you start hostmode, and 'start bme' after you've quit hostmode15:50
alteregoDocScrutinizer: okay, well, is there any fix for musb_hdrc.c which will be sumbitted upstream to
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alteregoIs it broken? Or does it just not do what we _need_ it to do?15:51
DocScrutinizeralterego: that 'fix' is exactly what hostmode is all about - and no there's none yet that does anything really useful15:51
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DocScrutinizeralterego: the whole musb driver zoo isn't written for hostmode on N900, not to talk about testing/debugging15:52
pahartiksx0n: I tried "gst-launch filesrc location=/home/user/MyDocs/.sounds/Good\ morning\ mummot.aac ! decodebin ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! pulsesink" but it gives silence15:52
alteregopahartik: why not just use playbin?15:53
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DocScrutinizeralterego: we have a limited flawed OTG implementation on musb driver. Alas OTG isn't handling hostmode at all, on the N90015:53
DocScrutinizergeneric plain vanilla hostmode that is15:54
VenemoDocScrutinizer: this reminds me, can I ask what is the current state of generic (non-OTG) host mode?15:54
DocScrutinizerthough I'm not really the kernel devel dude to fix that friggin musb driver, and the kernel hackers seem on holiday lately15:55
* alterego can see the "Speculations about N900 USB host mode ..."15:55
DocScrutinizereven another new tmo thread?? :-o15:56
BCMMa thread along the lines of "speculation on pr1.2", right?15:56
alteregoNo, but I'm sure there will be.15:56
alteregoYou know how people hate waiting.15:56
kerioi'm trying to install easy debian, but the deb img install doesn't work15:56
* alterego considers starting it himself15:56
BCMMand we do need a new way to get people kicked for fun15:56
keriox terminal just crashes15:56
DocScrutinizerthere is a thread already15:57
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alteregoYeah, tmo is not a good forum for open development discussions :)15:57
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BCMMi'm amazed at how many projects seem to be semi-successfully organised on a single unthreaded phpbb thread15:58
pahartikalterego: "ERROR: from element /GstPlayBin:playbin0/GstFileSrc:source: Internal data flow error."15:58
DocScrutinizerit works as long as there's not TOO much attention from end users15:58
BCMMthen again, a quick look at sourceforge would suggest that most small projects, given a bug report system and so on, basically don't use it15:59
alteregoHeh, yes, what other community has as much of a rabid dog aspect to it than us15:59
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pahartikalterego: Oh, it succeeds with "/usr/share/sounds/ui-wake_up_tune.wav" for example16:00
alteregopahartik: ah, so it's a problem with aac maybe16:00
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alteregoOn the subject of gstreamer, does anyone know why the "alpha" element doesn't work?16:00
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alteregoI wonder if this will be fixed in MeeGo ..16:01
alteregoHopefully if the camera works I can test it in a few minutes :)16:01
pahartikalterego: Yes, even though that stream works fine on default media player...16:01
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DocScrutinizerpahartik: filenames with whitespace are EVIL(tm), and you never should \escape the whitespace, rather enclose the whole path/filename in 'ticks'16:04
cehtehfilenames with newlines are evil :o)16:04
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BCMMyeah, those are really evil16:04
cehtehand in old unix days you could embed control sequences in filenames .. was rather funny with a clear-screen escape sequence16:05
BCMMcehteh: i spent a while banging my head against one of those16:05
cehtehls *bang*16:05
BCMMcehteh: apparently certain X11 file managers make it easy to create one16:05
DocScrutinizercehteh: yeah! or have colored filenames16:05
BCMMand until you think of it, you wonder what the hell the terminal is doing16:05
DocScrutinizeror embedded BELL16:05
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cehtehDocScrutinizer: and forget to reset the color or the highlight :)16:05
cehtehor bold16:06
cehtehbut still my favorite was xxxxxxESCc16:06
DocScrutinizerthere's a FSCKNG LOT of funny things you can do with odd filenames16:06
ech0Asusmornin' all16:06
DocScrutinizerbackticks are nice :-P16:07
cehtehwell gnu tools handle them half-way sane .. at least much more sane than old original unix tools16:07
cehtehmkdir \*   ... rm -rf * :)16:08
ech0Asusanother day another chunk of the gulf destroyed.. yay.. thank god for the combustion engine what would we ever do without..16:08
cehtehcheat the noobs16:08
pahartikDocScrutinizer: Acknowledged16:08
DocScrutinizer~/.myData/MyRoge`rm -rf \*`File.bad16:08
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DocScrutinizeroops, poor infobot16:09
BCMMcreating a file called -rf is potentially amusing16:09
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ech0Asus-rf bp...16:09
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cehtehtouch $'-rw-rw-r--   1 ct   ct     211 Nov 23  2009 test\n'16:11
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DocScrutinizershould still be worth a lol16:12
DocScrutinizerdepending on the tool (shell) you're using16:12
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ech0Asusthere is nothing this company can do to make up for what it's done.. they're entire company needs to be shut down and this should honestly be treated as an act of war against the us and all other countries effected.. stupid people and their cars 90% of all business could be done over the internet we destroy this planet for our vanity..16:12
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DocScrutinizerech0Asus: ack16:13
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DocScrutinizerech0Asus: I fI were Obama I already had seized their complete activa16:14
ech0Asusobama is getting paid off this shit.. theres no way he aint.. he should of taken control and stopped this shit already he's not doing shit.. worthless as a president.. the last one would of done better and he was a freakin' murderer..16:16
DocScrutinizerthrown a few hundered managers and chief engineers in prison, until proper trial16:16
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alteregoThis is sort of Ironic coming from the most oil dependant country on the planet.16:17
ech0Asusi want bill clinton back16:17
ech0Asuswtf this is crap16:17
ech0Asusstupid laws why can't the one man with big enough balls to get his dick sucked take the lead..16:18
ech0Asuseveryone else been pussies in my opinion since then..16:18
pupnikwhat can i say?  stylin :)
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DocScrutinizerjust a proof of the concept we're no longer governed by politicians but by economy zones managed by global players - like in blade runner, or a dozen other movies16:18
ech0Asusyeah shits run by people with cash and we just get to watch the show they put on...16:19
lcukoh pupnik that is gorgeous16:21
DocScrutinizermeh, 4-row kbd16:21
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ech0Asusis there another media player similar to xbmc for linux?16:24
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ech0Asusxbmc has a few bugs, random crashes when loading my media libraries16:24
ech0Asuscool i'll google those16:24
mortiniboxee is xmbc based tho16:24
mortiniI think there's a few more out there, but they're in varying levels of support16:25
mortinia lot depends on what you want to do, too16:25
ech0Asusmovie management and music16:26
alteregoHeh, just got a "You've exceeded 500M" I've downloaded about 2G this month and they realise this now?16:26
mirfXBMC FTW16:26
ech0AsusXBMC crashes when i go into certain directories and i'm not sure why.. i think maybe it's just too much in it..16:27
DocScrutinizerpupnik: what's the writing lower leftmost corner of screen on that device?16:27
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ech0Asusgoin to try this boxee looks like it'll be perfect16:27
mortinimythtv is more meant for recording tv, and that's what i use it for as well as othermedia management16:28
DocScrutinizerpupnik: left of "Options"16:28
pupnikno idea DocScrutinizer16:28
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DocScrutinizerpupnik: "Nĸ¼" ?16:29
pupnikso that's a knockoff device?16:29
ech0Asusyeah i have no input card16:29
ech0Asusso i just need media management mostly16:30
ech0Asusi'm excited bout this boxee looks cool thx for the tip16:30
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ech0Asusi wonder if there is a myth tv or boxee remote for the n900... so u could watch your tv shows or whatever from your n900 via wifi when out and about..16:31
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ech0Asusi remember something like that for the n810 for mythtv..16:32
mgedminthere's BlueMaemo which can make the n900 pretend to be a keyboard/mouse/remote control16:33
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mgedminI didn't have much luck with it (connection drops etc.); dunno if the fault is on the n900 side or my laptop side16:33
alteregomgedmin: same here, never got it to work ..16:34
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Lantiziadoes anyone use the microemulator in here?16:39
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mikki-kunhm, are there other alternatives in getting skype back runing besides making a new account? tried moving the shared.xml but it doesn't kinda spawn a new one which works properly16:42
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TuukkaAnyone using Nitdroid who could clear one thing out? NitDroid is updated fairly often how easy is it to update it? Reflash?16:44
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mikki-kunTuukka: from what i've read now in a short while it needs reflashing at least the first time you do it... i assume that after that it should work "normal" with updating...16:50
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Tuukkamikki-kun what exactly means "normal"? ota updates :O that be sweet16:51
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mikki-kuni think they could work as the internal mmc will get partitioned into three smaller partitions16:52
mikki-kunone vfat, and another one ext316:52
mikki-kunand the ext3 seems to be the android root fs16:52
mikki-kunjust the guide is kinda like "make three partitons" but in the next step only sda1 and sda3 will get attention16:53
mikki-kunsda2 is totally lost16:53
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TuukkaSo you just replace the old files with new ones in your memory card/internal memory. Thanks!16:53
mikki-kuni am not sure though16:54
mikki-kuni've never tried android on any nit so far16:54
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mirfwhy would yo want to?16:54
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mikki-kunmirf: to also see the other side of the market ;)16:55
mirfI guess16:55
lardmanallo allo16:55
mikki-kunwhen you get in an argument with what's the best you gotta know how it behaves16:55
mirfsomeone beter port iphone os over then ;)16:55
mikki-kunTuukka: <-- this site also has some info, just it seems outdated16:56
mikki-kunmirf: ok, that's an exception16:56
mikki-kunyou just know it sucks for us ^^16:56
mikki-kunit's like a magazine16:56
mirfI'm loving maemo so far16:56
mikki-kunonce finished you can't do anything with it anymore besides reading it again16:56
Tuukkamikki-kun thanks, but those are for N700- N800 :/16:56
mikki-kunTuukka: hm, sadly the newer site is down ;/ but i think it hasn't changed that much16:57
mikki-kunmirf: i kinda feel overpowered with my n900...16:57
mikki-kunsure, it needs skill to master it and exploit it to it's limits16:58
mirfyes true16:58
mikki-kunbut once you get there the n900 is at least a year ahead of the competition16:58
mirfI'd like to lowere the resolution on mine16:58
mirfso it strains the eyes less16:58
mikki-kunTuukka: is sadly down, would have otherwise looked there ;/16:58
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TuukkaI'll try to cope with the old info16:59
mikki-kunmirf: hm, i am not so sure it would be that smart... some apps are maybe hardcoded to certain resolutions...16:59
mikki-kunTuukka: maybe you can fetch from some youtube-links info17:00
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mikki-kuni mean "youtube-vids"17:00
Tuukkayeah already found a youtube tutorial17:00
mirfmikki-kun: damn17:00
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mikki-kunmirf: but it could maybe work, by tweaking xorg's resolution though...17:01
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mirfas long as I have ssh access shouldn't be too dangerous17:02
mikki-kunTuukka: hm, that's cool :) i like youtube for the people making tutorials there :)17:02
mikki-kunmirf: reflashing should also work then ^^17:02
Tuukkamikki-kun, Now all I need is a memory card :D ...17:03
mikki-kunTuukka: memory card for froyo?17:03
mikki-kuni heard froyo doesn't recognize the sd-cardslot :/17:03
DocScrutinizerYEEEEHA!!! I *love* that dog!
mirfhehe yeah I haven't backed up yet so that would be poop17:04
mikki-kunbut if it can boot from it then it's cool :D17:04
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mirfI've had it a week so I don't want to go that far yet :P17:04
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mikki-kunmirf: some people flashed it the first day XD17:05
Tuukkahmmm... well i read some where that installing NitDroid might bust the internal memory so it is safer to use a memcard. Just to be safe :D Maybe i'll need to use a older android version17:05
mirfhaha nice17:05
mikki-kunTuukka: i'd recommend for booting a fast micro-SD17:05
mikki-kunso one of the class 6's...17:05
mikki-kuni thought about buying an 8gig class 6 for it17:06
TuukkaYeah, i'll be soon ordering  2 16gb ones, 32gb is too expensive :P17:06
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: muhaha, the dog shows how annoying the vuvuzuela is :D17:07
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mikki-kunTuukka: they are writing around 2MB/sec... that's then like 7450secs or roughly 2:09 hours until that's full...17:08
mikki-kunthat's a huge pita imho17:09
TuukkaLol... awfully slow :D17:09
Tuukkaclass 6?17:09
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LantiziaIf I install usbcontrol and get one of these...
LantiziaBasically a Female USB to Male MicroUSB17:10
LantiziaI'm all set for using mice, keyboards, usb pens etc right?17:11
DbusKilledMeanyone know what are the performance odf dbus on maemo please ? if it's a standard dbus or pacthed one ? what kind of optimisations is done on it17:11
mikki-kunTuukka: class 6 means it writes around 6MB/sec17:11
mikki-kunat some point i read it's the slowest, at another, more recent one it was stated it's the max speed...17:12
DocScrutinizerLantizia: yoh man, only will need hostmode working then17:12
TuukkaPropably getting two of those then17:12
LantiziaDocScrutinizer, I thought thats what the usbcontrol package did?17:12
mikki-kuni made my 16Gig class 2 for permanent storage like my music which isn't changing every day17:12
DocScrutinizerLantizia: or are you talking bout N810?17:12
LantiziaN900 :)17:12
mirfthat is awesome Lantizia17:12
LantiziaThis has made me think about it again...
LantiziaBut it's not clear at the end of that thread if people have changed their minds and do think it's possible17:13
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mikki-kunhostmode.... oh, forgot we have this as well... does it work now?17:14
TuukkaWhat's the difference between micro SD and micro SDHC?17:14
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MohammadAGHC = high capacity17:14
mikki-kunTuukka: just storage-wise17:14
DocScrutinizerLantizia: seen sarahn's post at the end?17:15
Tuukkak, so they both fit17:15
DocScrutinizerUSBcontrol is N810heritage and doesn't work on N900, as N900 has a kernel that doesn't support hostmode, and not long ago common sense was it's not possible at all on N90017:16
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: so usb-hostmode is still under development for the n900?17:17
DocScrutinizeryes, basically. Though development is rather slow lately17:17
MohammadAGI asked X Fade to take the usbcontrol package down17:18
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MohammadAGwhich iirc he did17:18
mikki-kunwould love to support it, but as i can't code i would me more of a burden then ;/17:18
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: would be a sane thing to take it down17:18
LuciusMareHi, I made a panoramatic wallpaper, got the .desktop file, but what should i do with it now?17:18
OyvindraHow long can I expect to wait while the phone is unresponsive during the install of easy debian?17:19
MohammadAG10 minutes or 2017:19
MohammadAGI suppose17:19
tristanwhats easy debian?17:19
MohammadAGextracting a heavily compressed image takes time on a 600MHz CPU17:19
LuciusMareMohammadAG: A little longer, mine installation took a bit more than a half a hour?17:20
MohammadAGnot sure17:20
MohammadAG300 MB to about 1.2GB, do the maths :P17:20
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, he reuploaded it x.x17:20
MohammadAGX-Fade, mind taking it down again?17:20
mikki-kunMohammadAG: mine took about an hour ;/ ^^17:20
X-FadeSure, let's see.17:20
MohammadAGUrho Konttori <-- it seems17:20
LuciusMare300 MB to 1.2 GB -> Be patient :)17:20
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OyvindraOk, guess I'm about half way then... not much reaction at all, unlocking takes probably 4-5 minutes now :)17:21
DocScrutinizerhe'd better upload some kernel patches17:21
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I think he selects fremantle, and diablo when he uploads it17:22
MohammadAGfor some reason17:22
LuciusMareHi, I made a panoramatic wallpaper, got the .desktop file, but what should i do with it now? When i click "add" at the wallpaper menu, the .desktop file doesn't show17:22
b-manLuciusMare: is the .desktop file in /home/user/MyDocs/.images? ?17:23
chem|stTuukka: SD <= 2GB, SDHC <= 32GB17:23
DocScrutinizerOK, idle N900 with clean PR1.2, no services installed (except sshd), sitting idle on WLAN for >4 days now - bat ~50%17:23
DbusKilledMeAnyone knows where can i get maemo's dbus source code please ?17:23
DocScrutinizerNo GSM17:23
LuciusMareb-man: no, the wiki page just said "In the same directory as your pictures"17:23
LuciusMareI'll try17:23
chem|stDocScrutinizer: I had it 6 hours on 0% with wifi on and logged in to various accounts...17:24
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LuciusMareb-man: thank you, it works now :)17:25
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mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: your wlan seems to support pretty good power management17:25
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DocScrutinizerit supports PSM=max, yes17:26
b-manLuciusMare: np :)17:26
DocScrutinizerthough I see lags of ~30..60s sometimes17:27
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crashanddieDbusKilledMe: an appropriate nick wouldn't hurt, either17:27
DocScrutinizerso maybe it doesn't really support it that well17:27
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mikki-kunhm, i heard something about backtrack linux for the n900... will that be then in form of an image which get's chrooted like the one from easy-debian?17:28
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: hm, you're pinging it every 2 mins?17:28
DocScrutinizermikki-kun: no, why should I?17:28
mikki-kunhm, jus thought as you mentioned the lags17:29
DocScrutinizerI'm doing plain nothing on it, except it checks for sw-updates once a day17:29
DocScrutinizerthe lags are from ssh sessions17:29
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DocScrutinizerwhich I haven't active for the last 4 days17:30
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DbusKilledMecrashanddie: its killing me for real ! and its not fun17:30
crashanddieDbusKilledMe: doesn't matter17:30
DocScrutinizeralso from IRC ocasionally (though on 1.1.1 there)17:30
mikki-kunyou have two n900s? :o17:30
DbusKilledMecrashanddie: i dont care about your comments also ! good day !17:30
crashanddiemikki-kun: backtrack mobile for N900? Should be out soon, no word on the image format17:31
DbusKilledMechem|st: thank you17:31
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mikki-kuncrashanddie: hopefully it'll work as good as the normal backtrack then...17:31
crashanddiemikki-kun: well, they're promising full packet injection support17:32
crashanddiemikki-kun: which really is what most people are hoping for17:32
mikki-kuncrashanddie: more of the kiddies who think hacking is cool when done randomly17:33
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: with WL1251? or will they use some weird hardware hack?17:34
MohammadAGWL1251 iirc17:34
crashanddieyup, with wl125117:34
mikki-kunusing backtrack and doing package injection is one thing, understanding what is done a whole other story17:34
MohammadAGcrashanddie, how soon is soon?17:34
DocScrutinizero.O :-D17:34
crashanddiebefore BH and DC17:34
crashanddieso in the next few days, less than two weeks17:35
mikki-kunwhat means "BH and DC"?17:35
MohammadAGAC/DC wannabe17:35
mikki-kunok, i am now totally confused *running wildly through the channel with my arms in the air screaming*17:35
DbusKilledMegood day all17:35
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crashanddiemikki-kun: blackhat and defcon security conferences17:36
mikki-kun*calms down*17:36
mikki-kunthanks ^^17:36
mikki-kun*returns to normal state after playing the song of healing*17:36
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DocScrutinizerhmm BH :-))17:37
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alteregomikki-kun: this song of healing?
mikki-kunohhh, blackhats... aren't those the bad guys in hacking? :o17:37
DocScrutinizerI'd not be surprised to find it rolled out *at* BH17:37
mikki-kunalterego: you failed due to my slow internet :D17:37
lardmanab: ping17:38
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crashanddiemikki-kun: hardly
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mikki-kuncrashanddie: <--- third definition17:39
DocScrutinizerbasically he's right on meaning of 'blackhat'17:39
crashanddieyes, but we're not talking about "bad guys" when talking about the Black Hat Security Conference17:40
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crashanddiejust people who happen to break the law in order to expose security issues17:40
timelessright, these are the good bad guys17:40
b-mansomeone recently did something like that to AT``&T17:40
mikki-kuncrashanddie: those are then whitehats ;)17:40
crashanddiemikki-kun: no, they're not17:41
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mikki-kunb-man: you mean that ipad issue?17:41
MohammadAG *hides*17:41
crashanddiemikki-kun: white hats are usually employed by security companies, and have permission. There is a contract around their work.17:42
b-manmikki-kun>: it may be; he was mostly exposing security holes throughout their cell service17:42
b-manmikki-kun: but instead of fixing the holes, at&t just had the guy arrested and moved on :P17:43
sejohmm when I take a picture with the n900 I cannot see it in the gallery?17:45
jacekowskisejo: maybe you are recording a movie17:45
mikki-kuncrashanddie: thanks for correcting me, i had "script kiddies" in mind when thinking about gray hats ^^'17:45
jacekowskisejo: do you have something looking like a camera on the right side17:45
mikki-kunsejo: tracker process running?17:45
sejojacekowski: no the files are written in a DCIM folder17:45
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jacekowskisejo: secon icon from the top17:45
sejogeotagging is done17:46
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timelessDCIM includes movies too iirc17:47
sejoyeah but movies aren't .jpeg?17:47
timelessfirst, is your n900 intentionally broken in some interesting way?17:47
timelesssecond, is your n900 attached to a usb cable?17:47
sejotimeless: it's a new phone17:48
alteregoMohammadAG: funny thing is, the more Steve Jobs tralks about the issue, the more the fanbois are getting angry, then you look at us, Nokia don't say much, and we're all kind of "Meh" ..17:48
sejojust got it last week (replaced my developer phone)17:48
timelessthird, what version of the firmware are you using?17:48
sejotrackerd is running17:48
timelessthere are ~5 versions floating around17:48
* timeless isn't interested in supporting <1.217:48
timelessbut in short, the image viewer lists things which tracker has found17:49
MohammadAGalterego, meh17:49
timelessso if tracker hasn't found the file, then it's reasonable that image viewer wouldn't show it17:49
timelessyou should be able to open the file w/ file manager17:49
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sejoyes I can open it17:50
sejoperhaps I need to reboot it first?17:50
timelessyou could try patience17:50
MohammadAGor reset tracker17:51
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MohammadAGwho the f is
mikki-kunnot me at least...17:53
TuukkaAnyone using Hifi quality headphones on the N900? Is 3.5mm audio out jack good enough?17:54
MohammadAGthey posted f ewffrea on my wiki talk page17:54
crashanddieMohammadAG: it's some scottish guy, no worries17:54
mikki-kunsejo: "tracker-processes -r && /usr/lib/tracker/trackerd &" <--- could help17:54
mikki-kunwill reset the tracker and start it again17:55
MohammadAGjust start the media player to restart tracker17:55
MohammadAGyou don't have to keep terminal open17:55
mikki-kunMohammadAG: hm, another way, just that one is a c&p way ;)17:56
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alteregoHah: quote: fahadj2003: "good = not free"17:57
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LantiziaDocScrutinizer, sorry was on the phone17:59
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Lantiziai've seen that post but still confused17:59
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mikki-kunhm, steve jobs is pretty relaxed about his phone... seems he has the iphone 5 already...18:04
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Termanamikki-kun, I don't think he is going to be too happy about the class action law suit18:05
ech0Nokiasup everyone..18:05
mikki-kunhm, let's see who has more money for the "better" lawyer...18:05
mikki-kunthat's what'S most probably reality ;/18:06
crashanddienobody cares about class action lawsuits18:06
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ech0Nokialol im at ross my chick is shopping.. this is so borin at least i got my n900 lol...18:06
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crashanddieTermana: everyone involved in it will get a $20 free gift card for itunes, and then they'll say "Hey look, firmware update, all fixed"18:06
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mikki-kunech0Nokia: don't leave the house without your n900 ;)18:07
ech0Nokiafor sure.. love this thing..18:08
crashanddieanyone who calls his "girlfriend" his "chick", probably has neither.18:08
ech0Nokiaand my 10 unlimited 3g lol18:08
mikki-kunmore than your 'chick'? ;)18:08
crashanddiemikki-kun: want a picture?18:08
ech0Nokia10$* nah not more then my chick...18:09
crashanddiemikki-kun: old joke my teachers used to crack as soon as a student got a new girlfriend18:09
crashanddiemikki-kun: Do you have naked pictures of your girlfriend?18:09
ech0Nokiai dont buy my nokia clothes lol18:09
crashanddieusual answers is "No"18:09
crashanddiethen they ask "Do you want some?"18:09
mikki-kuncrashanddie: i know that, but in german... from ""18:10
ech0Nokiai got video18:10
mikki-kuni am really watching too much LoZ laterly18:11
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ech0Nokiaxchat works really good on here18:11
ech0Nokiaover tmo 3g18:12
ech0Nokiayoutube is all choppy though...18:12
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ech0Nokiaso anything new came out for the n900 lately?18:13
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MohammadAGdoes anyone have a connection error problem when calling?18:13
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MohammadAGa friend is bi***ing about it18:13
ech0Nokiai occasionally do18:13
crashanddieMohammadAG: SIM authentication issue.18:13
crashanddieMohammadAG: I had it with a prepaid card in Australia18:14
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ech0Nokiai wish this place sold pretzils18:15
mikki-kunanybody else using BlessN900?18:15
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ech0Nokiawhats blessn900 a theme?18:15
mirfcamera app18:16
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mirfI tried it18:16
mirfbut I prefer the inbuilt cam18:16
mikki-kunmy pics are kinda funny ^^18:16
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timelessthat file just has 'user=timeless' ...18:18
timelessoops, wrong window18:18
mikki-kunnp ;)18:18
misc--hello, I installed the kernel from here:   I then put the original kernel back. I now want to re-install the mobile hotspot kernel. How do I do that? I installed the two .deb packages but it appears that it's still not running the *other* kernel18:19
MohammadAGwhy not just install it from the repos?18:19
ech0Nokiaur doin too much bro..18:19
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misc--oh is it easier to install it these days?18:20
misc--ah ok.. so I'll just put it back to how it was then18:20
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misc--when I try to start it, in the terminal I get: DEBUG: Command output: insmod: can't read /lib/modules/2.6.28-omap1/nf_conntrack.ko: No such file or directory18:23
mikki-kunmisc--: did you restart it?18:23
misc--I reinstalled the original kernel (apt-get install --reinstall kernel kernel-flasher) then rebooted18:24
misc--I don't need to reinstall iptables or anything do I? Or the mobile hotspot app itself?18:24
MohammadAGno, you're just missing the modules for it18:25
misc--yeah. The modules are there, but just in a different directory. They're in /lib/modules/2.6.28-hotspot but my running kernel is 2.6.28-omap118:26
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MohammadAGthen cp them over, assuming they're compatible18:27
MohammadAGor flash the hotspot one18:27
misc--ah, how do I go about flashing the hotspot one?18:28
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mikki-kunwhoah :o i think i got the best pic ever with blessn900 :o gotta check it out18:29
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mikki-kunmehh... but it dies often >.<18:30
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misc--so maybe I could do: flasher -F /boot/zImage-hotspot-2.6.28-20094803.3+0m5.fiasco18:32
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misc--damn... so close :/ oh well18:35
pobegai have this bug with the built-in IM client on my N810 -- all of my contacts are duplicated 2-6 times! is there any way to fix this?18:37
d1bhi does anyone know where the freerunner port is at ?18:42
d1bi can't find a working download :/18:42
MohammadAGmisc--, umm18:43
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mikki-kunmirf: did you get problems saving your images while using blessn900?18:43
MohammadAGfiasco-image-update /boot/zImage-hotspot-2.6.28-20094803.3+0m5.fiasco18:43
MohammadAGif you have it there18:43
mikki-kunhm, mine are not correctly overlapping :(18:43
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mikki-kunhm, i'll reinstall it...18:45
D-Iivilevening everyone.18:45
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mikki-kunevening :)18:45
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misc--MohammadAG: thank you very much :) appreciate it18:48
d1bso no one knows/18:48
misc--can finally go to sleep now18:49
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D-Iivilshopping... makes.... me... wanna... kill.... myself....18:49
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D-Iivil(but luckily I have my N900 with me and I managed to escape back to car)18:50
DocScrutinizerd1b: freerunner port?18:50
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VenemoD-Iivil: what happened?18:50
D-IivilVenemo, nothing special. My wife just wanted to go buy some woman stuff etc and dragged me with her.18:51
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Corsacdid you need some woman stuff too?18:52
D-IivilCorsac, LOL :D Noup but she needed a ride.18:52
Corsacis it just me or does it sounds a bit...18:52
VenemoD-Iivil: ah, I can understand you :)18:53
D-IivilI mean... ride... by18:53
mikki-kunmuhahaha arkward moment ^^18:53
d1bDocScrutinizer: yes18:54
D-IivilHaha :D18:54
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Venemomikki-kun: you most certainly have a very good sense of humour! :P18:56
DocScrutinizerd1b: no idea what you're talking about18:57
DocScrutinizerd1b: maybe mer on Neo Freerunner?18:58
mikki-kunVenemo: that's what i am usually told ;)18:58
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ZogGmikki-kun konichua mikki kun19:02
ZogGMohammadAG ho19:02
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mikki-kunZogG: hm, my japanese is not even a stage 1 yet ;) need to load the sources and bootstrap it ^^19:04
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ZogGmikki-kun i don't it at all =)19:05
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ZogGjust one movie19:05
ZogGand i think it's french one19:05
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mikki-kunlol ^^19:06
ZogGmikki-kun Taxi 219:07
ZogGas we speak i don't know french as well19:07
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ZogGMohammadAG, ping19:07
ZogGyo terrorist19:08
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MohammadAGlol ZogG, hey19:11
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ZogGMohammadAG, don't you love me anymore?19:13
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ZogGMohammadAG51, have you got ears?19:14
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crashanddieZogG: yes, there is japanese in the french movie taxi 219:17
d1bDocScrutinizer: yes19:17
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ZogGcrashanddie, i know19:19
GAN900It didn't piss me off so much not having AT&T 3G when Nokia was going to do a subsidy through T-Mobile19:19
GAN900But that never panned out19:19
GAN900So all of their customers using AT&T (the vast majority of US people) get screwed19:20
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ZogGhey GAN90019:20
ZogG the most cool gadget for ipad - i want one on n900 as well19:21
ZogGcrashanddie i have some noob linux question =_)19:21
crashanddiewhy would you be asking me particularly?19:22
crashanddieAsk the channel :)19:22
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ZogGcrashanddie cause i have the feelings for you19:23
crashanddiewell, don't feel forced19:23
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ZogGnever mind =)19:25
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ZogGi'm trying to find the laziest way to find out that my microSD is a fake one19:25
ZogGand i was given an advice to try out dd if=/dev/flash of=~/allsize19:26
VenemoZogG: how can a microSD be a fake one?19:26
tybolltmy question indeed :)19:27
DocScrutinizerd1b: /join #mer19:29
mikki-kunhm, a FLOP exception isn't good, right?19:30
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SpeedEvilVenemo: Unreliable19:31
MiXu-Oo. New firefox for N900.19:31
VenemoSpeedEvil: ah, okay.19:31
SpeedEvilZogG: I've never seen out-and-out fake microSDs19:31
SpeedEvilSee zog19:32
SpeedEvilnot that19:32
SpeedEvilnot worksave19:32
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SpeedEvilworksafe, and interesting on fake microSDs19:32
timelessold iirc19:32
mikki-kunSpeedEvil: WTF are you looking at?! Ö.ö19:33
SpeedEvilmoderately old, yes, but interesting19:33
timelessbut yeah, well worth a read19:33
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* SpeedEvil wishes SDs supported a 'get out of my way' mode of error correction.19:34
SpeedEvilOr at least TRIM19:35
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loufoqueanyone knows whether meego on N900 is usable?19:35
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timelessi think you want #meego19:35
Kegetysisn't SD just direct access to the flash blocks? or does that depend on the controller19:36
ZogGVenemo, i have fake one i need a proof19:36
VenemoZogG: okay, I was just asking19:36
timelessit's rarely direct access19:36
Venemoloufoque: not, it isn't really. it is a development version.19:37
VenemoZogG: thanks!19:37
loufoquetimeless: no I do not19:37
loufoquemeego simply threatens maemo19:38
Venemoloufoque: you cannot even assume about pre-alpha software that it will be even remotely usable?19:38
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loufoquethe future of maemo looks bleak if that is meego19:38
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Venemoloufoque: what do you mean?19:38
timelesserr. if you're going to talk about meego, please use #meego19:39
timelessand please keep in mind that access to prealpha does not give much in the way of hints as to what a final product might look like19:39
timelessit's just an invitation to devs to do stuff19:39
Venemotimeless: agreed :)19:39
timelessand if there's no gui, then the invited devs would obviously be lower-level devs19:40
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ShapeshifterI'm writing something using pygame for maemo5. Generally, what do I have to do to make an app request to be shown fullscreen without the status area?19:42
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ZogGdamn maemo and damn meego and damn my fake microsd, i'm listening to music =)19:46
* ZogG xmms2> Gorillaz - Stylo (feat. Bobby Womack and Mos Def) ["Plastic Beach" 2010]19:46
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SpeedEvilxmms4> Sir Mix A Lot - Baby got n900.19:47
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ZogGSpeedEvil can you make xxms4 debs?19:48
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* SpeedEvil doesn't really have xmms4.19:48
kerioso... is there a GUI for kismet/aircrack yet?19:49
SpeedEvilI'm using cuteftp19:49
SpeedEvilcuteexplorer + media player19:49
ZogGcuteftp on n900 or at all?19:49
ZogGSpeedEvil, media player? which one?19:49
SpeedEvilZogG: the inbuilt19:49
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keriopossibly with a status bar toggle that reads "Auto pwning lololol"19:49
SpeedEvilAs in pick a file in cutexplorer, and click on it19:49
ZogGwhy wouldn't you set xmms2 or mpd on server and listen from ity19:49
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SpeedEvilZogG: Because I have no fucking energy at all.19:50
* ZogG hugs SpeedEvil 19:50
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SpeedEvilZogG: Getting out of bed is hard at the moment. I tend to stick with stuff that basically works, rather than spending hours sorting stuff out.19:50
ZogGcome on man, come to here and grab a beer19:50
ZogGSpeedEvil, what country are you from btw?19:51
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ZogGSpeedEvil, WOW, i like your accent =)))19:51
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ZogGanyway i'm going back to drink19:51
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kerioshould i add sources through the gui or can i just edit /etc/apt/sources.list?19:52
* SpeedEvil passes ZogG some lime flavoured paintthinner.19:52
kerioalso, why isn't "y" working at the apt-get prompt?19:54
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RST38hrcadden is some seriously pissed off kind of guy20:14
RST38h"Symbian-Guru shuts down, says Nokia is 'losing hard'"20:14
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GAN900He cracks me up20:19
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GAN900The Reg article on the MyNokia thing is surreal.20:26
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SpeedEvilGAN900: AKA commentators on crack.20:31
GAN900Whatever happened to at least pretending objectivity in journalism20:32
GAN900Even the newspapers are all editorials now.20:32
ToJa92_anyone here knows if screen is available for N900? I can't find it...20:32
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ToJa92_nevermind found it20:35
mikki-kunwtf?! why doesn't chmod change my mods for the file?!20:36
timelessis the file on a FAT volume?20:36
RST38hObjective journalism is boring and does not pay.20:36
timelessbecause FAT doesn't have the same permissions model, it's mostly ALL or NOTHING20:37
kerioi thought FAT had some permissions20:37
keriothat everyone implemented in his own way20:37
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timelessor WRITABLE20:37
timelessthat's your choice20:37
keriowhat about hidden and system?20:37
timelessand it's global, either everyone can write to it, or no one can write to it20:37
timelesskerio: not expressed by chmod20:37
mikki-kuntimeless: yeah, internal emmc of the n90020:37
mikki-kunhm... man >.<20:38
mikki-kunhm, fun thing is i can't execute a sample script...20:38
mikki-kunwould be just to test the kb lights of the n90020:39
timelesssh ./script20:39
luke-jrtimeless: IIRC there's some way to access hidden/system/archive in Linux...20:39
luke-jrmaybe chattr20:39
timelessluke-jr: good to know20:39
luke-jrtechnically speaking, read-only should be exposed as the 'immutable' attribute too ;)20:40
timelessbecause it'd make other things i do easier20:40
mikki-kuni started it via /bin/bash script...20:40
mikki-kunfunny though... busyboxes behaviour i suppose...20:40
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mikki-kunhm... anybody an idea how i can tell blessn900 i have gstreamer-plugins installed?20:46
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SpeedEvilHave you done the dance?20:47
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kerioyou can dance if you want to20:47
kerioyou can leave your friends behind20:47
keriocuz your friends don't dance and if they don't dance they're no friends of mine20:48
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ZogGkerio wtf man20:48
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wazd omg20:53
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qknighti've just tried to compile qstardict for my n900. my own program compiles and runs on the n900. but compiling qstardict for maemo fr 1.2 results in this error: :: error: Packaging Error: Could not copy '/home/joachim/NokiaQtSDK/qstardict-build-maemo/qstardict' to '/home/joachim/NokiaQtSDK/qstardict-0.13.1/debian/qstardict//usr/local/bin/qstardict'.20:55
qknightany idea what i can do about it?20:56
wazdwas it that guy, Ricky Kaden or something?20:56
qknightprobably because /home/joachim/NokiaQtSDK/qstardict-build-maemo/qstardict <- does not exist at all20:56
qknightwrong target?20:56
timelessqknight: how much of that ... yeah20:56
Mecewaxd, who?20:57
Meceis spin from the same peeps that made zen bound?20:57
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qknighttimeless: sorry, what did you mean?20:57
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timelessi was going to write a question20:58
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timelessbut you discovered the error matching my question20:58
qknighti see20:58
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qknightdo you have any idea where to fix that? must be somewhere in the installation step20:58
timelessroughly, "cp" (copy) takes something from one extant place and puts it in another extant place20:58
timelessin this case, it tried to copy a file and put it 100ft past the edge of a cliff20:59
timelessthat doesn't work20:59
timelessso it errors :)20:59
SpeedEvilThough I don't know if busybox cp does that20:59
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prontohow hard would it to make an app that would allow me to share via serivce to my own server via ftp or scp?21:02
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Meceyeah it does21:02
Corsac does someone has any idea?21:02
Corsac(I'm on amd64 but still...)21:02
wolf^Corsac, amd64 should run x86 code, provided there are x86 libraries in the system21:03
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Corsacha, missing libc-i386, that's why21:04
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DrGrovGood evening everyone21:10
VenemoDrGrov: good evening for you, too21:14
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ljsdofuynsdfufuhit seems like having a really long sms history slows down the conversations program a lot - true?21:14
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ljsdofuynsdfufuhalso, how much memory is your n900 taking right after a boot?21:15
mikki-kunmine was about 150 afair21:15
Venemoljsdofuynsdfufuh: on your first question: I haven't experienced it, but it depends on what you consider "rally long"21:15
Venemoreally long*21:15
lcukljsdofuynsdfufuh, sure its possible to overload things in this device as any other21:16
Venemoljsdofuynsdfufuh: for your second question: do you mean RAM, or what?21:16
ljsdofuynsdfufuhwell when should it be cleared?21:16
ljsdofuynsdfufuhI'd like to have the messages for reference, but i wouldn't like to slow it down as much21:16
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alteregoWhy the cock has tracker decided to index all of my icons >:(21:16
ljsdofuynsdfufuhVenemo,yeah RAM - how much conky is showing21:17
ljsdofuynsdfufuhalterego, I too wish I could tone down tracker's desire to index21:17
Venemoljsdofuynsdfufuh: if you notice slowness, clear it - although I doubt it would slow it down21:17
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Venemoljsdofuynsdfufuh: afaik, Linux uses all the available RAM all the time - at least this is what I have been told for the same question21:18
lcukljsdofuynsdfufuh, how would software know which messages you want to keep?21:18
lcukthe n900 is good, but its not a mind reader21:18
radiochickenwaxhello I need help making alsa work on n900.21:18
ljsdofuynsdfufuhlcuk, i would save them all somewhere (like "archive" in gmail) and then have a clear message box21:19
lcukljsdofuynsdfufuh, which other phones have archive like you discuss?  im not saying its impossible to achieve - for sure an app could be written to do as you suggest21:19
lcukits actually a good idea and something desktop apps use to get over overflowing databases21:20
Venemoljsdofuynsdfufuh: I say you don't worry about it!21:20
DrGrovhi Venemo21:21
lcukVenemo, some people end up with overflowing sms boxes and i can understand it would cause it to not run optimally21:21
ljsdofuynsdfufuhim worried about it needing to use swap21:21
ljsdofuynsdfufuhbecause when i check conky it shows 4%21:21
ljsdofuynsdfufuhthat means it had to use it at some point21:22
lcukon my old phones in the past i think they have limits of a few hundred messages - my n900 has thousands :D21:22
keriohuh, how's it possible? people actually call with the n900?21:22
lcukljsdofuynsdfufuh, thats your problem then21:22
ljsdofuynsdfufuhbut currently it is using 152megs of memory21:22
ljsdofuynsdfufuhlcuk that I'm using swap?21:22
luke-jrCorsac: x86 libs basically means your OS doubles in size21:23
lcukljsdofuynsdfufuh, usage patterns vary and so what if you are in a bit of swap?21:23
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luke-jrCorsac: this is one reason why you shouldn't tolerate proprietary software :)21:23
luke-jrCorsac: FWIW, Flasher 3.0 supported amd6421:23
lcukagain, i'd rather have swp than run out of memory and have phone stop dead as normally happens on other models21:23
ljsdofuynsdfufuhwell if I'm trying to optimize I guess finding out why I'm in swap would be the first order of business21:23
luke-jrbut I can't legally share that with you thanks to Nokia et al21:23
mikki-kunljsdofuynsdfufuh: after some time my swap is used around 100MB... don't worry about that21:23
lcukyes ls21:23
* ZogG is little bit drunk \o/21:24
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mikki-kunZogG: what's drinkcounter saying?21:24
kerioyou can reduce the swappiness i guess21:24
keriobut using the swap is *good*21:24
ZogGi'm not sure21:24
kerioit means the system has ram to use for the disk cache21:25
lcukwe need proper alcohol sensors on n900!21:25
DrGrovThe best way is to clear Conversations each and every day. Nothing more.21:25
mikki-kunyou haven't installed that app before starting to drink? :o21:25
lcuki wonder if qtmobility will support reading breathilizers21:25
Venemoljsdofuynsdfufuh: don't worry about swapping.21:25
mikki-kunhow dare you?21:25
kerioinstead of keeping it for unused programs21:25
ZogGit was the martini for desert and braeiger for the good life21:25
lcukDrGrov, every day!21:25
Mecewho is Cassolini again?21:25
Venemoljsdofuynsdfufuh: the OS knows when it needs swap. It may use swap regardless of your messages21:25
lcukDrGrov, i have conversations that go back to last year21:26
pupnikhow abou adding fibre-optic torsional sensors so you can twist the device21:26
ljsdofuynsdfufuhI didn't think it was the messages, but possibly a lot of the apps Ive installed21:26
lcukpupnik, that could only work if you move the accupuncture module21:26
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mikki-kunljsdofuynsdfufuh: btw, i used swap in the distant past and even though i had enough free ram it wrote some things to swap (was around 4KB) dunno why, maybe to have it occupied21:26
lcukljsdofuynsdfufuh, then you know what to do21:26
ljsdofuynsdfufuhsay more pupnik!21:26
DrGrovlcuk: yes, i clear it every day.21:27
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kerioif you really want the system to only use swap when really out of physical RAM, you can set the swappiness to 0'21:27
keriobut that's not advised21:27
DrGrovi will fill the root with just themes21:27
ljsdofuynsdfufuhat least it isn't HDD swap21:27
keriousing swap is good21:27
DrGrovany upcoming themes from testing repos?21:28
lcukljsdofuynsdfufuh, go investigating then21:29
ljsdofuynsdfufuhI'm using that lame ass matrix theme21:29
ljsdofuynsdfufuhi like it21:29
lcukrun top or some other things and break down whats happening21:29
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Mececarbon theme ftw.21:30
Meceis carbon even in testing?21:30
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Venemoljsdofuynsdfufuh: you can always set swappinedd to a lower value - some people actually think that it improves battery life21:31
mikki-kunuhm, wtf?! busybox removed from cp the -v option?!21:31
mikki-kunthat is so not cool -.-21:31
keriobusybox sucks21:32
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mikki-kuni mean, saving space is gorgeous, but at some point it just isn't the usual linux-experience any more21:32
kerioi thought -v was in posix21:32
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lcukmikki-kun, is it possible it didnt remove it - it merely did not implement it21:33
kerioand how much space are you going to save eliminating -v from cp?21:33
Venemokerio: what is -v doing anyways?21:34
kerionot sure21:35
mikki-kunverbose output21:35
Venemomikki-kun: which means... what?21:35
mikki-kunyou see what cp copies and where it is currently21:35
kerio-v    Cause cp to be verbose, showing files as they are copied.21:35
kerioman cp from a bsd system21:35
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Venemokerio: ah, thanks, I didn't know21:37
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radiochickenwaxI don't have a .asoundrc file by default on n900.  Does anyone know more about this?21:40
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VenemoIs there any mapping app that can search the maps when in offline mode?21:43
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lardmanevening chaps21:45
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* RST38h yawns21:46
Venemolardman: evening to you, too21:46
lardmanhi Venemo21:46
lardmanRST38h: I'm offended I have that affect on you :p21:46
kerioso... why did i buy a n900 with an italian keyboard again? :/21:47
BugBluebecause you put in dvorak mode and type blind anyway?21:47
kerioBugBlue: nope21:47
kerioand there's a dvorak mode for the n900?21:47
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blizzowmy maemo email client is soooooo slow.21:47
blizzowThis is the one reason I'd go back to a blackberry.21:47
blizzowIt's email done right.21:48
blizzowIs there any way to improve performance on the Exchange and Gmail client?21:48
lcukkerio, i dont think there is by default, but the keymat can be customised easily21:48
kerioi see21:48
kerioi really like having up and down as real keys21:48
mortiniblizzow: yeah, modest blows as an email client if you ahve any mail in your inbox. and even beyond that.21:49
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* kerio uses a webmail :/21:50
Venemokeiro: you are better off with webmail, believe me21:51
keriogmail? on microB?21:51
blizzowoooff.  Webmail doesn't push.  :(21:51
kerioblizzow: i have 50MB/day anyway21:52
kerioit has to *ask* me when it wants to use the mobile data21:52
* RST38h moos at lardman trying to persuade that the yawn has been merely a coincidence21:53
* lardman moos back in acceptance :)21:54
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radiochickenwaxDoes anyone out there use mplayer on n900?21:55
keriowtf? there's no way to move an email?21:55
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* RST38h wonders if N900 can be coerced into doing 3D21:56
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RST38hAre there BT-controlled shutter glasses? =)21:56
kerioRST38h: just put a mirror behind it21:57
kerioshutter glasses work with IR21:57
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ShadowJKradiochickenwax, I don't use it but I know a bit about it?22:00
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FlyserHi, since a few weeks, the ICQ support of my n900 has been broken. It doesn't even connect. Is there a known fix for that?22:01
radiochickenwaxShadowJK,  thanks.  I was starting to think nobody could see what I was writing.22:01
radiochickenwaxI can't make any sound from the n900 commandline.  aplay, sox, or mplayer; none of them make any sound.22:02
ShadowJKDo you have silent profile or generic profile active?22:02
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radiochickenwaxtried with both silent and generic22:04
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* DocScrutinizer throws some random shit at PA general direction22:04
flailingmonkeywhat about if you plug in headphones22:04
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keriohow do i change the volume from within microB?22:07
BugBluechange the settings from zoom to volume?22:07
RST38hFlyser: You should downgrade pidgin stuff to 0.6.122:07
lcukkerio, theres a configuration option to allow zooming or volume22:07
SpeedEvilkerio: An annoyance. The easiest way I've found is to use camkeyd to pop out to the desktop/task switcher, then do it there22:07
radiochickenwaxok.  changing profile to general gives me sound from aplay.  sorry.  Still can't run mplayer at all though.  Video works in easy-debian, but no sound.22:07
lcukor just tap out of microb to do volume then back in22:07
RST38hWeird, no excitement about meego release...22:08
lcukthe amount of times i changed zoom until that feature arrived22:08
FlyserRST38h: How am I supposed to do that? sorry, but I never really used debian before22:08
kerioomg youtube is slow22:08
ShadowJKAnd what about MPlayer outside of easy-debian?22:08
keriooh, it works fine in fullscreen22:08
lcukkerio, depends on the vide and what else is happening around your device at the time22:09
kerioand the volume key actually works22:09
lcukbut i take youtube over 3g as win22:09
DocScrutinizeraplay .local/share/sounds/daf-der_mussolini.mp3.wav  WFM - though... not really, need a stetoskope22:09
radiochickenwaxmplayer outside of easy-debian says "crashed by bad usage of CPU/FPU/RAM"22:09
DocScrutinizerkerio: custom ringtone cache22:10
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kaieI got a weird experience with n900. In the middle of using, device vibrated and turned off. Couldn't turn it back on. After a while, I was able to turn it on when connected to charger. Even after a full night's charge, the n900 reported "nearly empty". I changed to a secondary battery. Now, after 2 days rest with that batter, it reports full.22:13
kaiethat's the original battery that came with the n900. I originally suspected the battery died, but now I guess it's a software bug?22:13
kerioomg, robot unicorn attack works22:14
keriocrap, i have my final in less than a week22:14
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DocScrutinizerRST38h: no real crowd of devels on meego (possibly caused by general hostile mood to community in meEgo), so I'm not much interested in it. So - if others feel alike -there won't be devels in numbers on the next future, so no way to overcome the "we'll finish next release, then you - the devels - can jump the train" attitude any time soon22:14
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* RST38h isn't hostile toward Meggo, why be hostile to it?22:15
DocScrutinizerkaie: maybe you reporting about charger used would help a lot - don't you think so?22:16
lcukRST38h, what would make you excited?22:16
RST38hlcuk: An actual device running Meego and widely available22:16
RST38hBTW, anyone knows if Maemo5 Gtk+ generates events for double- and triple-clicks?22:17
* RST38h is trying to finally fix FBReader's tap-to-turn22:17
DocScrutinizerRST38h: lost in translation? I claimed meEgo has a hostile mood towards developers, not me having a hostile mood towards meego22:17
RST38hDoc: Ah!22:17
RST38hDoc: I do not see that either22:17
lcukRST38h, how well does your stuff run on the x86 netbook or on the aava stuff22:18
lcuk(you are @ intel, cant you get yourself an aava22:18
RST38hlcuk: I have no aava hw22:18
RST38hlcuk: And no, I cannot22:18
SpeedEvilRST38h: What's weong with it?22:18
flailingmonkeyThe meego handset ux release is only "exciting" in that it allows more N900 hardware adaptation in the open22:18
DocScrutinizerRST38h: maybe that's because you never tried to paricipate in real system development22:18
kaieDocScrutinizer, you propose I should file a bug against the charger component?22:18
RST38hlcuk: Netbooks run my stuff just fine22:18
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flailingmonkeywhich should benefit harmattan on N90022:18
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DocScrutinizerkaie: did I???22:18
RST38hlcuk: Although I have no idea why anyone would 1) buy a netbook and 2) run Meego on it22:18
RST38hDoc: I didn't? =)22:19
kaieDocScrutinizer, I didn't understand your proposal, and that was my guess. I'd appreciate if you could clarify your proposal.22:19
lcukhas anyone tried building the meego apps for fremantle?22:19
kerionetbooks are the only way you can play nethack on the go22:19
RST38hkerio: I can play nethack on N90022:19
RST38hand yes, it is in Extras22:19
DocScrutinizermy proposal was you mention the exact type and build of charger you used22:19 you can't22:19
kerioyou need two hands and a fullsize keyboard22:19
flailingmonkeykaie: it matters which type of charger you used22:20
RST38hnot really22:20
keriootherwise it's just not worth it :(22:20
kerioRST38h: (testing or devel?)22:20
RST38hkerio: I forgot22:20
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flailingmonkeythere is one in extras22:20
keriothat's vulture's eye22:20
kerioaw, it's probably in devel22:20
kerioif it's not vulture, i mean22:20
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DocScrutinizerflailingmonkey: doesn't help - probably has been an offense to ask that22:21
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kaieDocScrutinizer, flailingmonkey I see, thanks for clarifying. I used the adapter that came with the device. It was either original Nokia AC-3E or original Nokia AC-4E, I don't know which one it was22:22
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DocScrutinizerthat's exact enough22:22
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flailingmonkeyspeaking of charging... :P22:22
DocScrutinizerkaie: did it have the moving bat icon indicating it's charging?22:22
kerio:( i don't have a 80x24 terminal22:23
kaieI've charged using those older charges multiple times before22:23
flailingmonkeyDocScrutinizer: what are your goals for first/next stage of jrbme?22:23
kaieI use the AC-10E that came with the device at my work desk, and the older ones in the bedroom for overnight charging22:23
DocScrutinizerkaie: you had some special software running? like wifihotspot, joghurtsport mencoder or something22:23
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kaieDocScrutinizer, no, don't use any of those. witter, FeedingIt, browser, email22:24
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kaieDocScrutinizer, when it happened, I tried to click on the amazon-installer icon for the first time, it started installing, then it turned off22:24
keriois there a way to have a fullscreen terminal with x terminal?22:24
DocScrutinizerfeedingit I don't know. Were you connected via 3G?22:24
kaieDocScrutinizer, wifi at home. feedingit is a RSS feed reader22:25
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DocScrutinizerkaie: you made sure it's not accidentally using your 3G all the time?22:25
kaiebut yes, I was using a SIM and the sime was booked in to wifi22:25
kaieDocScrutinizer, yes I'm sure, because my device is configured to ask me which connection I want22:26
kaieerr, I meant, yes, the sim was connected to the 3g network (but not online via 3g, was online via wifi)22:26
DocScrutinizerok, then I'm actually out of easy options - I suggest you try charging via PC-USB22:26
DocScrutinizerand see if that works better. If yes, then probably your charger is broken22:27
kaieDocScrutinizer, the battery is now full again. the mysterious is that the battery recovered from "being empty" to "being charged" without charging, after 2 days idle period22:27
DocScrutinizerwithhout charging?? o.O22:27
kaieI've charged with AC-10E now, to make sure it's full. I will have a look. I can report if it happens again.22:27
keriohmm, i need a bigger screen to play nethack22:28
RST38hSo, gentlemen, double-click and triple-click in Maemo5 GTK+? Anyone knows if these are implemented?22:28
kaieDocScrutinizer, should I stay away from that battery? :) maybe it's really broken22:28
DocScrutinizernow bme (the pile of shit sw estimating battery capacity) is doing weird things, but *that*...22:28
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DocScrutinizeryou said you got a spare battery?22:29
kaieDocScrutinizer, I've even running that battery meter application. (BatteryGraph). It dropped to competely zero 2 days ago. And even while charging the capacity remained at zero22:29
kaieDocScrutinizer, yes, I was using the spare battery during the previous 2 days22:29
DocScrutinizerkaie: bat meter and bat eye are notorious to eat up batery power by issueing display refresh IRQ at a rate of 60/s22:30
ShadowJKthough you don't run the UI usually22:31
kaiethat might explain why it drains quicker, but should not explain that behavior22:31
ShadowJKthe daemon sits waiting for dbus messages from bme22:31
DocScrutinizerkaie: there's a known problem of N900 frequently needs a second plugging round for charger to be detected22:31
DocScrutinizerkaie: have an eye on that22:31
kaieDocScrutinizer, ok thanks, I'll make sure I'll always verify it's really charging22:31
kaieDocScrutinizer, question: If the n900 notices the charge is getting low, shouldn't it notify me? I didn't get any notifications whatsoever22:32
DocScrutinizerkaie: also you should install   mem cpu  load applet, and watch for excessive cpu load. And you should close browser windows in time, esp when there's any plugins, namely flash22:32
kaieyes, I do all of that22:33
DocScrutinizer(notification) yes, that's the tale22:33
DocScrutinizerI'd not rely on that22:33
SpeedEvilkaie: It bings22:34
SpeedEvilkaie: At least for me22:34
kaieI probably was in silent mode. No visual feedback?22:34
DocScrutinizeralso this notifier comes up once at best, then ever after it will happily drain your bat until shutdown22:34
kaiethen I might have missed it22:34
ShadowJKsometimes for me it comes up every 5 secs22:35
kaiebut really, I really think I would have noticed that the indicator showed low level. I really believe it was actively charging when it dropped out.22:35
DocScrutinizerhmm, I heard different reports. I myself never seen it at all, but then I also never had that problem22:35
DocScrutinizer..of *low* charge. I just get *no* charge 1 out of 222:36
kaieshould Nokia AC-3E work fine, even if it's a lower power charger?22:36
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DocScrutinizerkaie: when the charger current is less than what device consumes, then you discharge battery over time, and you get bat charging indicator, and a onetime notifier "warning, charge current low" OWTTE22:37
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kaiethat's true, maybe that's what happened22:37
kaieis there some way to see drain ? I should look for a /proc/acpi/battery22:38
* DocScrutinizer mumbles 27B/6 27B/6 27B/6 27B/6 27B/6 27B/6 27B/622:38
DocScrutinizerer AC-3E22:38
SpeedEvilkaie: not directly with the stock firmware - no22:38
keriorobot unicorn attack is too slow :(22:38
SpeedEvilkaie: Do you know what elf is?22:38
DocScrutinizerAC-10E here22:38
kaieSpeedEvil, you mean the binary object format?22:38
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keriono, the monster manual entry22:39
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: ???22:39
Pavlovis there a vmlinux image handy for oprofile on the n900 anywhere?22:39
SpeedEvilkaie: - is a simple script from ShadowJK that polls the charge meter chip22:40
kerio1d8 HD, 15 AC22:40 is the cookie for kaie22:40
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SpeedEvilkaie: It is not fully baked, but it works well - especially run from ssh.22:40
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kaieSpeedEvil, great thanks, will try it22:40
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DocScrutinizertry -r22:41
SpeedEvilIt gives - the 'mA' column - with -r option - battery discharge rates every 5s22:41
DocScrutinizermaybe -r 3022:41
SpeedEvilPractically, I've seen surprisingly little difference wiht lower poll rates22:41
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DocScrutinizerbut it's simply annoying22:41
DocScrutinizerI'd suggest -r 30022:42
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DocScrutinizerther's just so much that can change on battery state in 5 min22:42
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: is i2ctools included in that tgz now?22:43
DocScrutinizeraah yes22:43
DocScrutinizerit is22:43
kaieDocScrutinizer, wonderful thanks.22:43
kaieok, I'll uses these scripts to see what's happening when I run into the same state again22:44
ShadowJKno -r22:46
ShadowJKjust a number22:46
DocScrutinizerkaie: as I always get confused with sign of mA current: there's TTF and TTE, that's time to full/empty, and if it's charging, the TTE shows a bogus number, on discharge TTF does22:46
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DocScrutinizerShadowJK: aah22:46
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DocScrutinizerkaie: you should 'install' and use it before you run in trouble again, so you got it ready and are familiar with it22:47
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DocScrutinizerI even had it autostarted on boot and redirected output to a logfile in ~user/22:48
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DocScrutinizercomes in handy when you want to know what happened the *last* 30h22:49
kaiewhat way do you propose to install? /etc/init.d script? divert to logfile?22:49
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DocScrutinizer'install' = tar -xf ; autostart I did via xsessions's autostart drawer iirc22:50
DocScrutinizerthere's also tracker and whatnot in it - looks like a natural place for such things22:51
paroneayeawhat file is the contacts and etc kept in on the n900?22:51
DocScrutinizerhmm yes22:51
paroneayeait looks like mine may need to be exchanged, I'm hoping to back it up22:51
paroneayeais it in the user's home directory?22:52
kaiewhile we're at it, here's my story about the spare battery. it was labeled as "original nokia", but bought on amazon. While it looks original, I guess it isn't. With that battery, I get the following behavior: "n900 shows battery completely full for all day, then it suddenly drops to nearly empty". that behavior is an additional mechanism for me to distinguish the came-with-device-battery and fake-original-bought-on-amazon22:52
DocScrutinizerbackup app does that for you22:52
DocScrutinizerparoneayea: ^^^22:52
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b-manthis is extremely awesome: - if this works there may no longer be a need for R&D mode to keep the watchdogs hardware happy :))))))))))))22:52
flailingmonkeyparoneayea: use backup app, as they are stored in a db22:52
b-man*hardware watchdogs22:52
paroneayeaDocScrutinizer: flailingmonkey: ok...22:52
DocScrutinizerb-man: what's unhappy with watchdogs??22:53
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kaieb-man, your link has a typo, => showthread22:53
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: yeah, but nobody wants do mess with that :-P22:54
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flailingmonkeykaie: what was price difference from that amazon one and direct from nokia22:54
ShadowJKkaie, sounds like signature fake-battery behaviour :)22:54
b-manDocScrutinizer: with that fixed i hay have a chance at ubuntu-n9x022:54
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: do a good deed and check what's that watchdog nonsense -your nerves are young :-D22:54
kaieflailingmonkey, 20 euro22:54
kaiewhich clearly explains I should have expected a fake22:55
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MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, hmm, I just shot it in the head, my device doesn't reboot now :)22:55
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flailingmonkeyDocScrutinizer: its about having twl4030 module reset watchdogs on module load22:56
flailingmonkeyfor nitdroid22:56
* DocScrutinizer shrugs22:56
MohammadAG51flailingmonkey, he knows what a watchdog is22:56
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DocScrutinizerprobably the most useless effort in sw development I ever heard of22:57
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer isn't a n00b22:57
MohammadAG51he's a power user22:57
* MohammadAG51 hides22:57
DocScrutinizerdamn there are really nice cheap android phones22:57
MohammadAG51nah seriously, he's an engineer who argues about software too22:57
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flailingmonkeyhe just didn't want to load tmo :P22:58
DocScrutinizermy nerves...22:58
MohammadAG51who _wants_ to load tmo?22:58
DocScrutinizerthe word nitdroid was just about enough for them22:59
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DocScrutinizerblasphemy to run android on a maemo device :-S23:00
DocScrutinizerbut honestly that's no rocket science to never start the watchdogs23:00
DocScrutinizeror feed them correctly23:01
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MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, yeah, kill it23:03
flailingmonkeyDocScrutinizer: you missed my earlier question, or I missed your response23:03
DocScrutinizercome here lil puppy, get me the slippers! - Arfarf arf - ourchh -SICK23:04
flailingmonkeythey don't want to use R&D apparently23:04
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DocScrutinizerI don't talk about R&D23:04
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, more like come here lil pupply, arf arf *gun fire*23:05
jacekowskitomorrow is THE day23:06
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DocScrutinizer*(Here Fido, Fido, mpt, mpt, mpt, come here little puppy23:06
DocScrutinizerBring the slippers23:06
DocScrutinizerArf, arf, arf23:06
DocScrutinizerHuhm, HAH, HAH, HAH...hmhmhm)*23:06
flailingmonkeyindeed. my question was what are your goals for the first/next step of jrbme23:07
DocScrutinizer*(Well then Fido got up off the floor, and he rolled over23:07
DocScrutinizerand he looked me straight in the eye23:07
DocScrutinizerAnd you know what he said?23:07
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* ENTERANICK [W2I=000:u:0:000:]23:08
MohammadAG51that ^?23:08
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ENTERANICKcan i speak my language? :)23:09
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jacekowskiif it's english23:09
jacekowskithen yes23:09
ENTERANICKor eng only?23:09
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nitnatsnokhuh lol23:10
kerioyay, i successfully remapped the keyboard23:10
nitnatsnokno it's russian :)23:10
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kerioalthough now i don't have a "à" key anymore :(23:10
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: he said "the crux of the bisquit is the apostrophe"
nitnatsnokwhat is maemo?23:12
MohammadAG51nothing you need to know about if you don't already it23:12
kerioMohammadAG51: i accidentally the whole maemo23:12
kerionitnatsnok: it's the linux distribution that handles nokia tablets23:13
nitnatsnoki use iPhone and i'm happy23:13
keriogood for you23:13
nitnatsnokalso i think to by device with maemo or android23:13
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DocScrutinizerfine for you - but wrong channel23:13
MohammadAG51don't buy an N900 then23:13
MohammadAG51if you're an iPhone user i'd say android23:14
kerionitnatsnok: i'm reading the freedesktop documentation to remap some keys in the keyboard23:14
kerioand i bought this thing *yesterday*23:14
kerioit's a phone for nerds23:14
MohammadAG51kerio, check wiki.maemo.org23:14
kerioMohammadAG51: i know23:14
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kerioit's somewhat working now23:15
keriobut i'm not exactly happy with the result23:15
nitnatsnoknice :)23:15
kerioi mean, for ò and à i need to fn+key to get the dead accent and then push the letter23:15
nitnatsnokcan you advice me a best device with android on this moment?23:15
MohammadAG51change your language23:15
DocScrutinizerkerio: now THAT'S the way to go for kbd mapping23:15
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kerioMohammadAG51: i'm italian, it's not my fault :(23:16
MohammadAG51nitnatsnok, i'd say a Nexus One, or a Droid X23:16
MohammadAG51never had any of those23:16
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: 7min ban! :-P23:16
kerioi guess i could merge two keys here23:16
MohammadAG51or an HTC desire. how about #android if it's there23:16
keriogaah i don't know23:17
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MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, I dare you23:17
nitnatsnokI have never seen these in Russia...23:17
MohammadAG51kerio, it is, change nationality23:17
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: that's not a sentence my english teacher tought me23:17
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: kerio 's way is *much* smarter23:18
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, ever heard of sarcasm? :P23:18
keriois there another italian here?23:18
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, and it's taught, not tought, fire your english teacher23:18
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DocScrutinizerI guess he's been fired already, when he got fire funeral23:19
kerioare pgup/pgdwn/home/end that useful?23:20
keriobecause i could remap the accents there23:20
DocScrutinizerhmm, depends23:20
kerioor i could lose the capitalised È23:20
kerioand that'd get me another key23:21
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keriowhat do i use more, i wonder23:21
kerioò or à?23:21
kerioi need a frequency table23:22
smackpotatocan someone tell me the advantages of ramzez or compcash23:22
kerioDocScrutinizer: i know23:22
kerioi already remapped it23:22
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keriobut i'm not completely happy with the results23:22
smackpotatoits a swap file in ram23:22
MohammadAG51~keyremap is
infobotMohammadAG51: okay23:22
keriowhere is keyremap?23:23
kerio~where is keyremap?23:23
infobotrumour has it, keyremap is
MohammadAG51err, i just defined it for infobot23:23
kerioi know23:23
smackpotatodoesnt linux swap page to ram untill ram is full23:23
kerioi was trying it23:23
infoboti guess keyremap is
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DocScrutinizerand especially
DocScrutinizersmackpotato: I guess the hack there is compression23:26
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keriook, now i have a single combination for the grave-accented letters23:27
smackpotatoi should read first23:27
smackpotatoit compresse befor swaping to ram23:27
keriodo you guys think this is worth writing in the wiki?23:27
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DocScrutinizerkerio: if it's something new, then it's always appreciated if clearly documented and correct23:30
DocScrutinizerkerio: virtually everybody prefers c&p to editing keymaps on his own23:31
kerioi would've liked it too23:31
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b-manthis is odd - application manager is complaining that i have no more space for installing applications yet i have 77.3mb on / and 362.0mb on /opt :P23:39
b-manhave any of you had this problem?23:40
lcukb-man, well technically what are you trying to install23:40
b-manautocomplete editor23:40
MohammadAG51b-man, use apt-get you noob23:42
MohammadAG51b-man, i've seen it on tmo though, what do the logs say?23:42
b-mani do - but i'm being lazy atm xD23:42
lcukMohammadAG51, that option has a RED LIGHT i repeat a RED LIGHT.  heis not 1337 enough23:42
MohammadAG51use fapman23:42
b-man1 sec23:42
MohammadAG51lcuk, he has 3 lights, does it matter?23:42
lcukb-man, in all seriousness, just try in console because i wanna know how much space apt thinks it needs23:43
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b-manapt-worker is saying i don't have enough freespace in /home, but i still have 22GB free on my Emmc23:45
MohammadAG51permissions issue?23:46
* b-man checks23:46
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b-man/home/.apt-archive-cache/ has root permissions23:47
kerioalrightl done23:48
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MohammadAG51b-man, chown it to user:users?23:49
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b-manMohammadAG51: that's what i'm trying - 1 secv23:49
* MohammadAG51 wants a microb plugin which reroutes FLVs to the mediaplayer23:50
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keriothe mediaplayer reads .flvs?23:51
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b-manMohammadAG5: didn't make any difference23:53
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b-manapt-get works fine though23:53
* b-man stabs apt-worker23:54
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mortinibut it has super cow powers!23:55
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* infobot mooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass23:56
mortiniapt-get moo!23:56
Nadleykerio: since I flash my device I can find bounce to install it in the default catalog23:56
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mortiniwell, without the!23:56
b-manmortini: i know lol23:56
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DocScrutinizerapt: moo23:57
* apt mooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass23:57
kerioNadley: it's in the ovi store i think23:57
Nadleykerio of course you're right I totaly forgot :s23:58
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kerioyay, i'm helpful23:58
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lcukDocScrutinizer, ?23:58
vldcnstaww, you kicked the sexy one.23:58
DocScrutinizerlcuk: * b-man stabs apt-worker   <mortini> but it has super cow powers!   <b-man> ~moo   <mortini> apt-get moo!23:59
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