IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2010-06-29

DocScrutinizerso 500 is usually ok then00:00
luke-jrflailingmonkey: as DocScrutinizer says, Nokia would need to have people review the code to even determine *if* there are legal issues00:00
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ShadowJKI'm guessing usb certification would frown on no enum ->500mA though :)00:01
DocScrutinizerI heard Nokia had the bme done by contractors for some decades now (well one decade), and that's why obviously there's no inhouse knowledge at Nokia about all that charger & bme stuff00:01
flailingmonkeyluke-jr, DocScrutinizer: I understand, but I suspect the IP is not patents, rather copyright00:02
luke-jrflailingmonkey: probably both00:02
Scelt - bad loser?00:02
luke-jr*everything* is patented00:02
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: probably none. but as said above, nobody can know, as the nature of the issue prevents tackling it00:03
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: realistically, you can't write a copyrightable software without infringing *some* patent00:03
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wazd1Stskeeps: ping? :)00:03
mortiniluke-jr: i've copyrighted that statement.00:03
mortiniluke-jr: you owe me 5 dev null's.00:03
luke-jrmortini: nope, I did first00:04
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: realistically Nokia isn't bothering to look nto it00:04
* mortini shows prior art.00:04
luke-jrmortini: prior art has no relevance to copyright00:04
* mortini makes it so.00:04
luke-jrcrap, mortini is a lawyer?00:04
* mortini alters reality.00:04
pyther24Does anyone know of any clover way to trick my device into using localhost:993 when it tries to connect to
luke-jroh, no, he thinks he's God00:04
mortiniJust waiting for a few minutes so I can go home.00:04
luke-jrpyther24: /etc/hosts00:04
ShadowJKCopyright wouldn't prevent nokia from writing a spec for someone else to implement00:05
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luke-jrShadowJK: correct00:05
luke-jrbut that also takes time00:05
DocScrutinizerpyther24: that's usually what /etc/hosts is for00:05
* flailingmonkey shakes his head as nubs don't know about the differences between IP, or the high difficulty of using prior art to defeat any patent00:05
BCMMwhat is the thing in the n900 that does video decoding called?00:05
BCMMit's on the tip of my tongue00:05
pyther24ok, I guess I'll have to write a script that will use ssh to forward port 993 to localhost and then add/remove a line for mail.pyther.net00:05
* ShadowJK is mostly unconvinced there's anything in bme that's crucial..00:05
luke-jrShadowJK: the battery doesn't charge w/o BME00:06
flailingmonkeySGX PowerVG?00:06
microlithBCMM: the DSP?00:06
BCMMmicrolith: thank you!00:06
mortinipyther24: you might want to bind it to another loopback address, like lo1 and give it or whatever00:06
luke-jrpyther24: ... so ignore the obvious solutions we gave you?00:06
mortininot that it particularly matters.00:06
ShadowJKluke-jr: me and SpeedEvil have both written scripts to charge without bme on n900 :P00:06
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: the problem is we can't proove this to Nokia :-P00:06
luke-jrShadowJK: N81000:07
flailingmonkeypyther24: you just put an entry into /etc/hosts that says is
pyther24but I need to access and is not
BCMMmicrolith: and how does it work? is it basically a small FPGA or what?00:07
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: I haven't even need of a script :-P00:07
pyther24I just need port fowarding (ssh) for mail00:07
ShadowJKdocscrutinizer: I'd say if they're saying a jrbme isn't safe they should maybe elaborate...00:07
tremnite all, sweet dreams00:07
pyther24as all ports are pretty much blocked here00:07
luke-jrpyther24: your question was unclear00:07
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flailingmonkeypyther24: ah, so just that one port.00:08
luke-jrpyther24: but still, you want the same thing00:08
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: ack00:08
ShadowJKWell without script it charfges at 100mA to 3.7V? :)00:08
DocScrutinizerthat's what I'm about to do now - provide a jrbme with proof of WFM00:08
microlithBCMM: not quite (though that'd be cool,) more a processor geared around performing the same sequence of operations to huge chunks of data, usually streaming data00:08
pyther24though now that  I think about it, I can't ssh from this phone (port is blocked)00:08
pyther24gah I get to get this stupid network fixed00:08
DocScrutinizerplus rationale how it works and why00:08
alteregomicrolith: sounds like OpenCL/CUDA/Stream00:09
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: without enum you can't pull more than 100mA00:09
pyther24we need to allow established tcp sessions trusted devices00:09
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microlithalterego: to some degree, yes00:09
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: how would you enum to a charger?00:09
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: and yes we can ;-P00:09
jacekowskiwell, you detect charger00:09
jacekowskiif it's not a charger00:09
jacekowskiyou have to enum00:09
DocScrutinizerand if that fails?00:10
jacekowskileave it00:10
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jacekowski100mA isn't worth effort00:10
DocScrutinizerthen it's a charging HUB00:10
DocScrutinizerand a charging hub is capable of delivering 50000:10
jacekowskior PC00:10
DocScrutinizerso if enum fails, we crank up to 50000:10
jacekowskiwith OS that hanged00:11
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DocScrutinizerI don't care00:11
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jacekowskior PC connected via cable without d+- lines00:11
DocScrutinizerI don't care00:11
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luke-jrwait, USB devices can crash a PC directly?00:11
jacekowskiyou seem to apply BME policy now00:11
jacekowskidon't care00:11
jacekowskijust make it pretend that it's working00:11
ShadowJKI wouldn't put no-enum->500mA in any jrbme versions before nokia has stopped the fud ;)00:12
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: you're talking BS and stealing my time.00:12
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* DocScrutinizer afk00:12
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microlithluke-jr: why couldn't they?00:12
jacekowskithat was harsh00:12
pyther24Is fm-boost safe to use?00:12
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: sorry00:12
AppiahI use it everyday00:12
jacekowskisort of unexpected from you00:13
alteregopyther24: define safe? Do you mean, will it blow your brains up?00:13
alteregopyther24: it'll increase battery usage but it's perfectly fine :P00:13
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jacekowskii would expect that from MohammadAG5100:13
luke-jrmicrolith: circuit breakers to prevent overloading?00:13
pyther24alterego, ok cool00:13
microlithluke-jr: oh, you said crash, not short00:13
luke-jrpyther24: it's illegal in various places00:13
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: sorry again. Look at mug warmers. they do much worse than "no enum?->500"00:13
pyther24luke-jr, do you know about the states?00:13
* DocScrutinizer away now00:14
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luke-jrpyther24: I think so00:14
Pavlovis the ovi store down for people?00:14
Pavlov"not available for your device" heh00:14
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: if the host doesn't enum, then it's supposed to not break on a attached device drawing 500. period00:14
microlithPavlov: been that way for at least the past week00:15
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: well, i design devices that have to be faultproof and idiotproof and everythingproof00:15
pyther24meh I like to live life on the edge00:15
Pavlovmicrolith: it was ok a day or two ago00:15
luke-jrpyther24: then you should setup a pirate GSM service too00:15
luke-jrpyther24: I'll pay you for service in Omaha00:15
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: so i would just go with option of fallback to safest option00:15
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: fact is almost no host even checks for <500 according to enum00:15
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DocScrutinizermost don't even check for >50000:16
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: my laptop does00:16
ShadowJKmine does00:16
pyther24luke-jr, haha I don't think I'll get in much trouble for my fm transmitter be to powerful00:16
pyther24at most a fine00:16
jacekowskii had it killing usb hdd's00:16
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jacekowskiand lot of other stuff00:16
luke-jrpyther24: seriously, I'll pay you $30/mo for GSM in Omaha :D00:16
pyther24luke-jr, haha, I don't have any background on GSM00:16
jacekowskisomething with usb port that complies with a spec makes you see how many devices don't care about specs00:16
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luke-jrpyther24: you take the legal and financial risks, I'll do the tech side :D00:17
DocScrutinizerthere's a butload of USB devices out there that don't even *try* to enum for 500 before starting to draw more than 10000:17
luke-jrpyther24: OpenBTS ftw00:17
DocScrutinizerand hosts are mandatory able to cope witht hat00:17
jacekowskipyther24: fm-boost is illegal in us00:18
DocScrutinizerthey may shitdown on overcurrent00:18
ShadowJKBut it seems Nokia had to follow usb spec to the letter to get the USB logo, hence the no_enum->100mA is "correct" in their books :)00:18
DocScrutinizerbut they mustn't break00:18
DocScrutinizerso ->500 on enum-fail is a sane thing to do00:18
pyther24jacekowski, do you know the penalties? A fine from the fcc?00:18
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luke-jrpyther24: life in jail00:19
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: sure it is, but do WE care?00:19
jacekowskipyther24: couple years jailtime00:19
luke-jrjacekowski: srsly?00:19
DocScrutinizeranyway, now for real... see ya00:19
jacekowskiluke-jr: i don't know00:19
Pavlovi guess it has sbeen going up and down00:19
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ShadowJKdocscrutinizer: I'd say at first safe and proper, then the fun00:19
jacekowskipenalty of up to $11000 per day and one year in jail00:20
pyther24That is probably for people broadcasting stuff out of their home00:20
pyther24they probably don't care much about mobile users00:21
jacekowskipenalties are still the same00:21
pyther24but you'd have to get caught00:21
jacekowskithat's really easy00:22
pyther24how so?00:22
luke-jrjacekowski: fm-boost is easy to catch?00:23
jacekowskiwell, any transmission is quite easy to detect00:23
jacekowskiand triangulate00:23
jacekowskiin less than second00:23
luke-jrjacekowski: triangulation requires signal AFAIK00:23
jacekowskiand technology has been around for like 70 years now00:23
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luke-jrfm-boost has a range so short, you'd be able to just glance around00:24
BCMMtbh, the laws are there for targeting pirate radio stations, and probably nobody will notice00:24
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flailingmonkeyfrankly, they just don't care00:24
jacekowskiluke-jr: not really00:24
BCMMif it got popular, some police department with nothing better to do could start trying00:24
jacekowskiluke-jr: every radio signal has infinite range00:24
jacekowskiluke-jr: but it's getting weaker with distance00:25
BCMMyou could do it by cruising up and down a busy highway with the right equipment...00:25
jacekowskiluke-jr: but it never disappears00:25
BCMMjacekowski: of course it doesn't; it just gets drown by all the other source of radio noise00:25
jacekowskiand triangulation is just a matter of seconds00:26
BCMMlike big transmitters, and static, and the CMB, and lighting strikes and spark plugs and people with cheap carpets and cheaper shoes00:26
jacekowskiduring WWII technology allowed to detect transmissions from far far away00:26
flailingmonkeythe laws exist so that, if they want to arrest you, they can usually find some law you've broken00:26
jacekowskithat were only seconds long00:26
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luke-jrif you could get the timing just right, you might be able to have multiple diverse transmitters broadcast the same data concurrently and confuse triangulation00:26
BCMManyway, they'd have to actually notice the transmission first00:27
BCMMand hte n900 can't go that far over regulatory requirements00:27
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jacekowskiBCMM: that was the thing with technology00:27
jacekowskiBCMM: 70 years ago00:27
BCMMfrom a long range, you'd be hard-pressed to distinguish an illegal device inside a car from a legal one not inside a car00:28
jacekowskiBCMM: there was couple antennas around the country00:28
jacekowskiBCMM: sets of antennas00:28
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jacekowskiBCMM: and every single set was able to detect direction quite precisely00:28
jacekowskiBCMM: and then you just use data from all of them and you have your source00:29
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luke-jrjust set off an EMP before you setup the transmitter00:29
luke-jrthen you can be sure nobody will triangulate00:29
BCMMjacekowski: i seriously doubt that the n900's FM could be detected from tens of miles away00:29
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DocScrutinizerShadowJK: btw though "no enum -> 100" might be correct in their book, trying to enum forever and even increasing power drain from bat by that surely isn't00:29
BCMMjacekowski: not because it would be too weak, but just because we make so much noise these days00:29
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: so they didn't adhere to what's corect in their book00:30
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DocScrutinizerand we won't learn to do it better, by RE of BME00:31
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jacekowskiThe arrangement permits accurate direction finding of signals from up to 4000 nautical miles (7 408 km) away.00:31
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jacekowskiAdvances in technology have made the FLR-9 almost obsolete.00:31
BCMMjacekowski: "Each ring of elements receives rf signals for an assigned portion of the 1.5 to 30-MHz radio spectrum."00:32
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BCMMjacekowski: also, it sounds as if it was being used by intelligence services, rather than by local cops chasing pirate radio stations00:33
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DocScrutinizerBCMM: they can't tell apart -111 from -103 dBm even for transmitters more than 100m away00:34
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DocScrutinizerBCMM: so don't worry00:34
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BCMMDocScrutinizer: i wasn't worrying00:35
BCMMDocScrutinizer: i think i said as much by saying that being inside a metal box like a car probably makes a greater difference to signal strength than fm-boost does00:35
DocScrutinizerBCMM: jacekowski: telling directions precisely is a different story than telling TX power correctly00:35
BCMMthank you :)00:35
jacekowskibut it's still illegal00:36
jacekowskiand he can still go to jail00:36
BCMMjacekowski: no he can't because he won't be caught...00:36
BCMMbasically, a bunch of stuff is illegal00:36
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BCMMi think using fm-boost is probably safer than pot or downloading mp3s00:37
alteregoWhere's the maemo source tree now-a-days?00:38
BCMMDocScrutinizer: any idea what sort of tech they do use for tracking pirate stations, given that multimillion dollar military sigint facilities are probably busy doing something else?00:38
alteregoCan't find the subversion for all their packages ..00:38
DocScrutinizer51doesn't matter as n900 isn't a pirate station by their definitions00:39
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BCMMDocScrutinizer51: so broadcasting slightly over what is permitted is a different crime from running a proper pirate radio station that you can listen to a block away?00:40
DocScrutinizer51your neighbour might complain, then FCC or whoever sends a RF analizer truck00:40
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BCMMDocScrutinizer51: and i wasn't asking because i think anyone is going to track down an n900's fmtx, i was just curious00:41
flailingmonkeyalterego: its on gitoreous00:42
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luke-jralterego: Maemo isn't open source.00:43
DocScrutinizer51basically there's not going to be any autonomous action by FCC. It's always somebody complaining and then they come, locate the device, andmcheck it00:43
alteregoluke-jr: a lot of it's components are, and I'm looking for them.00:43
luke-jralterego: various (mostly independent) parts/libraires used are00:43
luke-jrbut don't expect them to have source in the same place00:44
luke-jrand very few projects use Subversion anymore00:44
flailingmonkeythis whole discussion is moot, as the whole point of the fm tx requires a relatively quiet frequency, and won't interrupt licensed broadcasters00:44
alteregoThere's a fair amount of open Nokia projects too. Regardless, why are you mentioning this when all I want to know is the location of their source tree?00:44
luke-jrDocScrutinizer51: wait, so if I run a pirate GSM service, and nobody complains, I can get away with it?00:44 has alot of it iirc00:44
* DrGrov needs something to do until 04:00 which is still 3h 15min away. Suggestions are accepted00:44
DocScrutinizer51if they find the device doesn't comply, then they may ask you to fix that, or sue you00:44
flailingmonkeyluke-jr: set pedantic_mode=off00:44
alteregoThey used to have it all under subversion under but I'm guessing that's dead now and I can't off hand remember where it was ..00:45
DocScrutinizer51luke-jr: sure00:45
flailingmonkeyShadowJK: thanks, i knew i misspelled it00:45
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alteregoWell, I'll try the git then00:45
BCMMDocScrutinizer51: "sue you"? so it's actually only a civil issue?00:45
flailingmonkeyand the idea of criminal charges for that whole topic is beyond farfetched.00:45
luke-jralterego: there's a bit of learning curve, but git is awesome00:45
flailingmonkeyBCMM: yes.00:46
DocScrutinizer51BCMM: depend00:46
alteregoluke-jr: yeah, I'm going to have to learn it one of these days :)00:46
DocScrutinizer51mostly yes00:46
luke-jrflailingmonkey: pretty sure if you disrupt 911 service for a major city, it'll be criminal :)00:46
DocScrutinizer51BCMM: except if you did something dangerous like interfering with airplane radio etc00:47
DrGrovAnyone got a screenshot of that latest R-Style Green Theme by D-Iivil that has come to the extras repositories?00:47
alteregoHas anyone tried to "backport" any of the apps Nokia are doing for fremantle which are in gitorious?00:48
DrGrovWould love to see a screenshot00:48
alteregoI mean t Harmattan ...00:48
luke-jralterego: unlikely, as there's no platform to backport to00:48
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BCMMtalking of themes, my phone seems to have cached an image of app manager using a previous theme, and shows it for a few seconds when i start app manager00:49
alteregoluke-jr: actually, I just saw "MeeGo Image Editor" and thought, ooo, maybe I can back port it. But it looks like an example program which may not be of any use...00:49
BCMMhow do i make it forget that?00:49
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dima202is there a finished pipboy theme?00:50
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alteregoI don't get it, why is libsharing closed source, at leasat, I can't find the source for it ...00:52
SpeedEvil Woo!00:53
SpeedEvilHistorically, they've always been the techincal leader in the internet.00:53
alteregoThat and this poises them for iPhone domination ..00:53
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: though in case of a GSM station run on a official GSM band you can be sure the owners of that band will complain after a short while, as they constantly check their network for each aspect of service quality, incl interferences by unauthorized transmitters00:54
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: 900 MHz is free-for-all in the US00:54
BCMMalterego: yeah, they'd be fools to ignore the iphone: people who will unquestioningly pay money for stuff, and probably have a lot of free time00:54
luke-jrbut FCC still regulates a max on power used00:54
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr: anyway no attorney worldwide is paying patrols to find GSM pirates or any othe pirate/non-conforming TX00:54
DocScrutinizeron a regular base00:55
BCMManyone know what the UK law is on FM microbroadcasting?00:55
alteregoBCMM: permissable00:55
BCMMi know; i meant power limits and so on00:56
alteregoThere are power limitations00:56
flailingmonkeyluke-jr: you might be right, but I look forward to your scenario of how fm-boost will disrupt 911 service for a major city :)00:56
alteregoOh, I don't knkow off hand tbh00:56
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: then you're free to run a gsm station on 900MHz according to the T&C for this "free for all" which probably means you have to reduce bandwidth, TX-power and whatnot00:56
luke-jrflailingmonkey: I was suggesting pirate GSM service00:56
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: right, but if nobody enforces the TX-power rules...00:56
BCMMalterego: well, i figured there were limits, since we have large-scale fm broadcasting too00:56
BCMMi just wondered what they were00:56
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flailingmonkeysure, but our origin was someone saying that using fm-boost would land you in jail00:57
crashanddieBCMM: 50 nanoWatts, IIRC00:57
DocScrutinizerthen nobody is doing a hobby job to find and sue you, most probably00:57
DocScrutinizerBCMM: or 1500:57
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil knows better00:58
* DocScrutinizer waves00:59
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BCMMDocScrutinizer: please don't wave at me too...01:03
jacekowskidamn you steve jobs01:04
jacekowskiand you drm01:04
jacekowskiand your not working itunes store01:04
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dima202has anyone gotten deluge client working on n900?01:10
blizzowDoes anyone here have problems with fmms taking over the internet connection and not switching back to their regular provider?  (even in polite mode)01:11
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DocScrutinizer51who wrote simple brightness?01:13
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rafaelbrandaoI'm trying to install a source code on my n810 but here says "./configure: Permission denied" after using "sudo gainroot". Am I missing something?01:13
luke-jrrafaelbrandao: yes01:13
lcukDocScrutinizer51, qwerty01:14
luke-jrrafaelbrandao: it is *always* bad practice to "install a source code" as you describe01:14
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rafaelbrandaoluke-jr, but in this case I don't have any option.01:14
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rafaelbrandaoluke-jr, so is there a way I can get it done?01:15
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luke-jrrafaelbrandao: you can't make a package why?01:16
rafaelbrandaoluke-jr, actually I've never tried that. so this might be the way to get it done, right? I'll try.01:18
luke-jrrafaelbrandao: as to your actual problem, you can't do it under MyDocs01:21
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rafaelbrandaoI was trying it inside internal memory card, then I've moved to /home/user/ folder, but both didn't work.01:22
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luke-jryou need to stay on /home/user only01:25
luke-jrreally you need to make a package or such01:25
luke-jrbut IF you wanted to do it the broken way that will mess up your system, you'd need to stick to /home/user01:25
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rafaelbrandaoHm, I was doing fine with ./configure on scratchbox but now I need it on my n810. I'm trying to figure out how to make a package of it.01:30
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rafaelbrandaoOh, no. It didn't work: "Source file is a bz2 but bzip2 or gzip not available at /scratchbox/devkits/debian-etch/bin/dh_make"01:41
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cehteh .. anyone wants to package that?01:56
SpeedEvilWhy do I know that name...01:56
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cehtehwhat name?01:57
SpeedEvilAndrew Bishop01:57
cehtehheh dunno :)01:57
SpeedEvilerr - no01:57
SpeedEvilA useful offline/online web-proxy01:58
cehtehchristoph (the blogger/frontend programmer) asked me today about packaging it, he is not on irc, i just proxy his question01:58
cehtehi think that has some potential, albeit just being a working hack for now01:58
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opdf2anyone with froyo on n900?02:45
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pigeonweird, i'm surprised pingus isn't in the repo... or no one has been maintaining the maemo port03:08
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pupnik_pigeon: some memory collectin problems - i can't release it03:11
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pigeonpupnik_: oh!03:15
pupnik_someone else can try03:15
pigeonpupnik_: do tell, what do you mean by memory collecting?03:15
pupnik_i'm seeing hiccups in game pay and iirc that is garbage collection03:16
pigeonwhat is pingus written in? it does gc itself?03:16
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pigeonah, c++? seeing it needs libboost03:18
pupnik_needs a bit of repositioning of elements for 800x480 also03:20
* b-man yawns03:24
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* DocScrutinizer shoots at b-man with a hyper-accelerated-coffeine gun03:28
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b-man~nuke DocScrutinizer03:39
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at DocScrutinizer ... B☢☢M!03:39
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* b-man is bored03:45
b-mani never really got around to showing you guys this but:03:45
b-man^ EF4 recorded by a traffic camera tornado that passed about 6 miles north of my house a few weeks back03:45
b-man*EF4 tornado03:45
* DocScrutinizer51 runs a portscan and pentest against b-man 03:45
asjand people wonder why I left indiana03:46
b-manit's crazy though03:46
DocScrutinizer51to cure the boredom of your life03:46
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asjwell something exciting has to happen....03:46
b-man < more pictures/footage03:48
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DocScrutinizer51jhdfhyr JFJRJRE!!!!03:50
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Termanab-man, I was hoping you were here :P04:09
TermanaI have a couple of things to ask04:09
Termanab-man, do you still have this image:
b-mani might04:10
b-man1 sec04:10
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b-mani can't seem to find it :S04:12
Termanab-man, no problem :P Whenever you find yourself bored as hell with nothing to do, can I get you to look at something for me? *BSD (with x86 emulation) on the n900? (I don't have an n900 and the FreeBSD image crashes on my n810)04:13
b-mansure :)04:13
Termanathanks :)04:13
b-manalthough i've tried BSD on my N800 without luck :(04:13
b-mansince the N900 has 2.1x the power, it may work ;)04:14
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TermanaI had a small (but useless) NetBSD image running under Bochs on my n810. But trying to boot the freebsd image A) Took forever and B) Eventually made Bochs quit with an error04:15
b-manperhaps qemu is more suitable :)04:16
Termanammm, I could try. Is it available under Ubuntu's 9.04 ARM repo? (Mer)04:16
b-manit should be04:16
b-manhowever if i have to, i'll just compile an optimized version for maemo ;)04:17
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b-mani've already tested qemu-system-arm along with a minimal ulibc linux system with a DirectFB interface and it performed quite well04:20
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b-manway better than what my N800 did under the same test :)04:21
b-mang2g - going to a coffee shop :P04:22
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DocScrutinizer51I really think it's silly to run a FOSS OS under a cpu emulator04:44
DocScrutinizer51rather use a generic version and make it run natively04:44
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TermanaDocScrutinizer51, You would need to implement the armv7 code, the OMAP code, the board specific code, the peripheral code. The *BSD trees have none of this AFAIK04:49
DocScrutinizer51target=armel; chroot mynativeimg04:57
TermanaDocScrutinizer51, ? You can't chroot into a *BSD image from Linux... unless I've been missing out on something04:58
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DocScrutinizer51whateveryou do to make it run, emulating a x86 is idiotic04:59
luke-jrhe was emulating an ARM04:59
luke-jrneither kqemu nor KVM support ARM04:59
luke-jralso, what do you think x86 CPUs do?05:00
luke-jrthey emulate x8605:00
* luke-jr thinks Intel could feasably kill AMD off by opening the RISC "x86" instruction set(s)05:01
Termanaluke-jr, actually *I* was emulating x86 with Bochs. It would be fair to say I should use qemu-system-arm if I'm using qemu.05:01
luke-jr[20:20:46] <b-man> i've already tested qemu-system-arm along with a minimal ulibc linux system with a DirectFB interface and it performed quite well05:01
luke-jranyhow, it should be *possible* to run BSD chroot on Linux05:01
luke-jrbut nfc if anyone's done it05:01
luke-jrproof of concept: LUK supports two independent syscall tables-- the normal Linux syscalls, and the NT syscalls05:02
luke-jrtherefore executing binaries for either platform as equals05:02
TermanaTo be honest, I don't see much point in chroot into a BSD image from Linux. Your still running on Linux - wheres the joy in that, you may as well just use a normal linux userland05:02
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Termanaand thats the reasons why I think crashanddie is a great guy05:05
TermanaOh hey crashanddie!05:05
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DocScrutinizer51seems someone posted a psychotrop mantra to the channel05:15
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rafaelbrandaopackaging is harder than it seens. :(05:20
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DocScrutinizerIf pigs eat sand, they'd probably shit next generation SoCs05:35
* raster starts pig farming05:35
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* DocScrutinizer starts selling perfumes05:36
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DocScrutinizerhonestly - x86-BSD in bochs on a ARM-linux, how lame is *that*?05:37
rasterthats lame05:38
rasterevery time someone goes "oh woot heres windows xp on my phone" ... i sigh05:38
DocScrutinizereven virtualbox to run a linux on a linux is rather lame, when you think of doing that on a 500MHz ARM with 256MB of RAM05:40
doc|homeis there a way to have the n900 emulate voicemail? i.e. instead of picking up the phone automatically records the message05:41
DocScrutinizerthere are projects tackling that afaik05:41
SpeedEvilIn principle, yes, the hardware can do that.05:41
DocScrutinizerit's feasible05:41
SpeedEvilIn practice, I don't think anyone has released anything.05:41
doc|homeok, thanks for the reply05:41
DocScrutinizerthere's call recorder though05:42
DocScrutinizerwhich is basically doing all you need05:42
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DocScrutinizerthink the package is called diferently, but it's a call recorder05:42
doc|homeDocScrutinizer: yeah, just need it to automate the pickup and message play though :/05:42
DocScrutinizerso what?05:43
DocScrutinizerthat's prolly the easy part05:43
DocScrutinizercompared to messing around with friggin PA05:43
DocScrutinizerpulse audio BS05:43
doc|homeI don't have any time whatsoever to put into it :/05:44
doc|homeI barely have time to sleep these days05:44
DocScrutinizerdoc|home: you'll need to find the time to browse thru the garage projects. Guess you'll find something interesting05:45
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flailingmonkeyemulating an x86 for the purpose of running an OS is a terrible idea for a phone05:46
DocScrutinizerlol, yeah05:46
flailingmonkeyespecially when you can run it somewhere else and vnc05:46
DocScrutinizeror just run it natively05:46
DocScrutinizergnutoo, debian, meego... afaik all those run natively on N900. Don't see why BSD can't05:47
flailingmonkeyit could, but it would be more work05:48
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DocScrutinizerit would be *less* work... for the cpu :-P05:49
flailingmonkeyheh, indeed05:49
DocScrutinizerso much less that it even might make sense - as opposed to running x86 BSD in bochs05:50
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asjnetbsd is centered around portability....why not just do that?05:50
DocScrutinizerasj: I'm missing the point in discussion for quite some hours now. So don't ask me05:51
* DocScrutinizer yawns again, and decides it's time for breakfast at bakery05:51
asjDocScrutinizer: since when did irc need a point? :)05:51
TermanaExcuse me if I may, since your been shunning what I tried for the last half an hour.05:52
TermanaBut, I don't intend to run this all the time. Its called experimenting.05:52
flailingmonkeyfor those interested in netbsd on N900:
TermanaAnd if you weren't such a faggot, you would understand that. No wonder this community is failing.05:53
asjflailingmonkey: lol 40405:53
flailingmonkeyfor those interested in netbsd on N900:
doc|homehmm, is Termana how people spell "dick" these days?05:53
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luke-jrDocScrutinizer: BOCHS to run Linux on N810 might have a real-world use06:00
luke-jrsince N810 is memory constrained, one might have an application that demands 196 MB RAM...06:00
luke-jrand since Linux has not yet been fully ported to N810, BOCHS would provide a common platform to run it06:00
luke-jrtherefore enabling use of ramzswap06:00
luke-jrto compress memory06:01
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr: I emulated a cray on my N810 last weekend06:01
pytherhas anyone figured out how to listen to iheartradio no the n900?06:02
DocScrutinizerheard somebody else used a nfs-mounted swap of 96GB and emulated google's cloud computing06:02
* DocScrutinizer off for breakfast06:03
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luke-jrDocScrutinizer: you can't even have 4 GB swap on a 32-bit platform06:03
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr: you bet I can06:04
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luke-jrDocScrutinizer: no!06:05
DocScrutinizerI had on my P-II system ~2000, priority of the swap partitions 42, 41, 40 for the 3 HDD06:05
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr: (man 8 mkswap ->)06:12
DocScrutinizerThe  maximum useful size of a swap area depends on the architecture and the kernel version.  It is roughly 2GiB on06:13
DocScrutinizer       i386, PPC, m68k, ARM, 1GiB on sparc, 512MiB on mips, 128GiB on alpha and 3TiB on sparc64. For kernels after  2.3.306:13
DocScrutinizer       there is no such limitation.06:13
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr: there's no limitations on the number of swap areas used concurrently though (at least none I know of)06:14
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DocScrutinizer(to be precise and non-abiguous I don't know of limitations of the total size of concurrently used swap areas - anyway since 2.3.3 it seems any worries about swap area size are completely moot)06:25
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: 32-bit platforms by definition cannot address more than 4 GB memory06:27
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: per definition a single app can not address >4GB of virtual mem on a 32GB kernel06:28
DocScrutinizernot related to memory allocation LUT structure06:29
flailingmonkeytake it to #linux or #somewhereelse :p, g'night06:30
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DocScrutinizereven a 32bit system might implement a 64bit (or whatever size) mmu subsystem06:30
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D-Iiviligood morning... zzz...08:26
D-IiviliEveryone else are still sleeping? I need more coffee...08:28
fragmentmmm coffee08:29
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D-IiviliYeah.. my third cup so far. And I have been awake like half an hour...08:30
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D-IiviliTime to go to work >08:32
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DocScrutinizer51damn, thought I was about to go to sleep08:39
RST38hYou are asleep.08:39
DocScrutinizer51you are a doghnut!!! YOU ARE A DOUGHNUT!08:40
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RST38hYea, I am a doughnut. And I am going to swallow you.08:41
DocScrutinizer51listen to hypnotoad08:41
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Corsachmhm, doughnuts08:44
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DocScrutinizerIRC will kill me08:49
doc|homeyou're doing it wrong08:52
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ZogGare you taliking to yourself08:52
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D-Iivil@ work08:54
D-IivilDocScrutinizer: you seriously need to go and see a doctor :-D08:55
LiraNuna_hey guys, I got a "2500mAh" battery for N90008:55
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LiraNuna_how do I check the actual value?08:55
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D-IivilLiraNuna_: I bought also a "1950mAh" which could last two hours with full charge...08:55
LiraNuna_it was 10$, I didn't REALLY expect it to be as such08:56
D-IivilMine was too :-P08:56
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LiraNuna_will BatteryGraph show me real mAh?08:56
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DocScrutinizercharge completely, then take a 10Ohm,2W resistor and a voltmeter, and short the battery with resistor. Stop time until voltage drops to 3.0V08:56
D-IivilLiraNuna_: No it will not.08:56
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LiraNuna_DocScrutinizer, I got none of that08:57
luke-jr[sgx_misr] is locking up my N900 again :x08:57
D-IivilDocScrutinizer: intresting, how do you count the mAh from that?08:57
DocScrutinizerthen you're basically out of luck for getting accurate capacity08:57
LiraNuna_DocScrutinizer, then, estimate?08:57
D-IivilLiraNuna_: Charge it up and stick it in your N900. Then use the phone as you normally do and see how long it will last and then compare it to the original.08:58
D-IivilFor rough estimate..08:58
LiraNuna_but thing is08:58
DocScrutinizerD-Iivil: rather simple: assume battery is ~3.7V avrg, then there will be 370mA flowing over the resistor, this makes 370mAh/h08:58
ZogGDocScrutinizer put the fingers in the electril plug08:58
LiraNuna_same battery - and my N900 will discharge one day in an abnormal rate08:58
D-IivilDocScrutinizer: Aaah, ofcourse. My brains aren't working yet.08:59
D-IivilZogG: I once did that when I was like five years old.08:59
ZogGD-Iivil did you like it?08:59
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CorsacLiraNuna_: one day is not that abnormal08:59
D-IivilZogG: Though I didn't directly stick my fingers, I had two wires I used :-D08:59
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LiraNuna_Corsac, "one day" was not a time frame09:00
ZogGD-Iivil, you always was a clever boy09:00
Corsacho, sorry09:00
LiraNuna_some days the battery lasts for 6 hours, others I can get 11 hours09:00
DocScrutinizerLiraNuna_: you could use a incandecent bulb of a torch or bike lamp09:00
D-IivilAll I remember was that big "flames" came out from the wall socket and I was scared like hell :D09:00
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DocScrutinizerLiraNuna_: that depends how much is consumed by WLAN & 3G, and of course by high load on CPU09:01
DocScrutinizerand by duration of backlight on09:01
LiraNuna_DocScrutinizer, almost the same values, I can give you batterygraph graphs09:01
LiraNuna_I'm speaking about 10% loss in 40 minutes when the phone is in my pocket09:02
DocScrutinizerbatterygraph is nonsense (sorry), as it tells you about nothing and adds to cpu load09:02
LiraNuna_I see09:03
* LiraNuna_ goes back to coding a google maps client for N90009:03
ZogGLiraNuna_ any beta preview or only started?09:03
LiraNuna_more like alpha09:04
LiraNuna_I want to get it to a state where I check if pure 2D accel is better than 3D09:04
DocScrutinizerjust yesterday I heard batgraph or bateye is causing 60 IRQ/s09:04
LiraNuna_I've noticed Mapparo uses simple blitbit for drawing09:04
LiraNuna_and it's slow09:04
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LiraNuna_I'm wondering how noticable it will be using OGL ES09:05
D-IivilOookay.. time to work now. They are changing the tax percentage here in finland tomorrow and I need to do some heavy database calculation to get all our webshops to use the correct tax. Plaah.09:06
TigerTaelDocScrutinizer, I concur.09:06
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DocScrutinizerit's kinda like using a 2kW flood lamp to illumiate the electric meter of your mains installation, to video the power your frige is using09:09
LiraNuna_^ lol09:09
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defraggerups wrong window, sorry09:32
D-IivilArgh... I would like to KILL our former IT-guy.09:32
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luke-jrD-Iivil: that'll land you in jail for sure09:33
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D-Iivilluke-jr: I think that guy who hard codes stuff into formulas should be killed without penalties.09:34
ham5isent being killed... the penality?09:35
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D-IivilWhy on earth he didn't use variables that ALREADY EXISTED! Instead that dumb ass wrote the values directly into the source.09:36
D-Iivilham5: I mean penalty for the one that kills the guy.09:36
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D-IivilAnd now I have like ~100 php files to dig through and manually seek through the formulas and transform all wrong values into variables. Search & replace won't do the work here since the same number is used in other places too and those should not be changed. Fuck fuck fuckedi fuck.09:38
* D-Iivil gets more coffee09:38
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DocScrutinizerD-Iivil: time to fire the guy who hired that crack09:42
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D-IivilDocScrutinizer: well.. it's kind a hard to do since it was the manager who did the hiring. And probably hired me since the guy didn't know what he was doing.09:43
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_0x47Morning guys! I really need libsdl-mixer1.2 to be updated. Who could help me? X-Fade seems to be gone for some reason... :/09:54
D-IivilArgharghargh. Time for break now...09:57
D-IivilBtw, can someone tell me what should a put on .desktop -file to run a shell script without opening the terminal window?09:58
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aboyeris it possible to configure scratchbox with two armel targets such that one compiles for pr1.1.1 and the other for 1.2? if so, any information on how to do that?10:10
DocScrutinizer51D-Iivil: possibly '/bin/sh -c /path/to/yoscript 1>/dev/null 2>&1'10:12
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jacekowskithere is one thing that's worrying me10:14
jacekowskiwell 2 things10:14
jacekowskimaybe just one10:14
jacekowskithat i'm really rude and insulting to other people10:14
jacekowskiand nobody seems to have problem with it10:15
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ZogGjacekowski, it's okay, me too, but people say i'm not like this and i'm kindhearted, just deep inside - they dont realize i'm not =)10:16
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* DocScrutinizer51 cackles and :-x10:18
D-IivilDocScrutinizer51: seems to work just putting "sudo myscript" into Exec -field10:18
DocScrutinizer51or that :)10:18
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_0x47D-Iivil: terminal=false10:22
_0x47with capital T10:23
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jacekowski.text:00019C78                 AND     R3, R3, #0x7010:28
jacekowski.text:00019C7C                 CMP     R3, #0x30 ; '0'10:28
jacekowski.text:00019C80                 BLS     loc_19C20       ; jumptable 00019BCC cases 0,1,9,1310:28
jacekowski0x70 == 0b111000010:28
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DocScrutinizer51hmm, would need 30min ARM asm crashcourse to digest that10:32
jacekowskiAND - binary and10:33
jacekowskiCMP - compare10:33
jacekowskiBLS - branch if lower than10:33
DocScrutinizer51what's a cmp with 3 args?10:33
jacekowskithing is that code is responsible for terminating charging10:33
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jacekowskithat's after ;10:33
jacekowski; - comment10:33
RST38hHCF - halt and catch fire10:34
DocScrutinizer51Nokia 12 here10:34
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DocScrutinizer51RST38h: LOL10:35
jacekowskithing is that it seems to set up charge termination to quite low value10:36
jacekowskibut it's still there10:36
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dotblankhmm I'm getting segfaults but I can't seem to disassemble output from gdb10:43
dotblankthis is with qt Creater10:43
dotblankwould love to troubleshoot this10:43
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wazdStskeeps: around? :)10:49
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tristanis uh. anyone here capable of looking atmy battery graph screenshot and telling me if something is catastrophically wrong.11:01
Sceltguess you're having same problem than me11:01
Sceltthe graph goes like \11:01
Scelthaven't yet solved why it' so11:02
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tristan3/3.5g is like11:02
MohammadAG51mine's like /(some 7 hour use)\11:02
tristana percentage a minute.11:02
tristanlike really really. my 40 minute commute home takes about half the battery11:03
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tristanjust to sit o msn11:03
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asjsomething wrong with msn?11:03
MohammadAG51yeah, it exists11:03
Sceltmine did go down rapidly as I was sleeping11:03
Sceltso I didn't do anything but had alarm waiting11:03
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tristanwell, its cpu usage isnt through the roof or anything.11:05
tristanill screenshot.11:05
SceltI had battery issues with fm widgets before. they have a bad habbit of teasing fm transmitter just to poll if it's on or not. I removed the widgets and everything when fine but now, yesterday it satsrted again11:05
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asjtristan: if it's discharging in ~90mins the phone will be warm11:06
RST38hOne of those widgets probably infected another widget in your device11:06
RST38hso that infected widget is also polling the fm transmitter now11:06
SceltRST38h: as I said it was fine for weeks11:06
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RST38hincubation period.11:06
MohammadAG51then the facebook widget will stand up and say I am Legend on all 3 rows11:06
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DocScrutinizer51hmm interesting11:08
tristani dont notice it being especially warm. ill pay muich closer attention tommorow to heat.11:08
tristanyou can see when my lunch breaks are :/11:08
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tristanbut the usage for the trip home is just extreme.11:08
asjwell CPU load is running about 40% for an hour11:08
Scelttristan: when that started for you?11:08
tristansince i got the phone. its only a few days old.11:08
Sceltoh, okay11:08
DocScrutinizer51when he installed batgraph :-P11:09
Sceltdo you use devel?11:09
tristanit seems pidgin might be horribly optimized.11:09
tristani have the repository enabled, yes.11:09
asjpidgin isn't optomized...11:09
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SceltI'm guessing that some new devel update did something awful to my phone11:09
* DocScrutinizer51 sighs11:09
tristanhmm. so is that sort of load from pidgin fairly normal.11:09
asjtristan: what are you doing that's pushed the cpu load up?11:10
tristantonight i had pidgin open talking to one person on msn. and checked facebook once.11:10
tristanover a 3g data connection11:10
Sceltso my phone did use 70 % of battery in 3 hours, when I was sleeping11:11
BCMMScelt: were you on eg?11:11
asjtristan: so, for 1 hour your had the phone open, were browsing fb and chatting on msn? turn the screen brightness down11:11
tristanits on the middle setting.11:11
SceltBCMM: ye, as I've been for months now11:11
tristanbut may have been adjusting itself, im unsure how the sensor works.11:12
BCMMScelt: i mean, were you using 3g data?11:12
SceltBCMM: naah, internet connection was down11:12
tristanactually it was set on two bars. brightness. with the simple ap.11:12
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tristanthere must be someting else, the only widget i have is conversations.11:12
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asjtristan: run top next time and see what's generating all the cpu load11:12
DocScrutinizer51Scelt: how that?11:12
Sceltand I only have 3 widgets: calendar, foreca and nameday11:13
BCMMdoes brightness change if you don't have simple brightness installed?11:13
SceltDocScrutinizer51: wat?11:13
BCMMScelt: got powertop?11:13
asjBCMM: yes, it always uses the ambient light sensor11:13
BCMMasj: does it still do that with simple brightness installed?11:14
BCMMcause i've noticed it blinding me in dark rooms11:14
asjBCMM: just cranks down the "gain"11:14
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tristani will replicate it momentarily.11:14
SceltBCMM: installing11:14
BCMMactually, the other day i saw it blind somebody who didn't seem geeky enough to have installed simple brightness11:14
asjBCMM: put your thumb over the sensor for 30seconds and you should see it get dimmer11:15
DocScrutinizer51BCMM: simple brightness disables ALS on 5bars setting11:15
BCMM(the hell was a non-geek doing with an n900?)11:15
DocScrutinizer51prolly a bug11:15
BCMMDocScrutinizer51: ah, that explains it11:15
asjheh, I never run 5 bars11:15
BCMMasj: ah, 30 seconds explains the other thing11:15
tristan5 bars is pretty damn abrasive.11:15
BCMMit's weird, but in daylight, 5 bars seems "sharper" to me11:15
asjwhat';s a geek doing out in sunlight?11:16
BCMMasj: cycling :)11:16
tristanim still uh, seeing a lot of duplicate processes too.11:16
tristanthat i would contend are closed.11:16
SceltBCMM: gives segmentation fault11:16
BCMMScelt: powertop does?11:17
JaffaMorning, all11:17
DocScrutinizer51mo Jaffa11:17
SceltBCMM: ye11:17
MohammadAG51morning Jaffa11:17
BCMMScelt: that's odd11:18
SceltBCMM: but gives out some info before seg fault11:18
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tristandoes this look odd11:18
D-IivilMohammadAG51: can I bother you with one guestion again? :-D11:18
SceltBCMM: C1 85,4 % 10,4ms 550 MHz 0.0%11:18
tristanlike, two address books, two image viewers. two xterms (when there is one)11:18
MohammadAG51D-Iivil, lol you're not bothering me by asking questions11:19
MohammadAG51crashanddie, ping?11:19
Sceltbtw, I have see from ps that I have fmrx-enabled running all the time. is that okay?11:19
asjtristan: look at the pids, they are all children, etc.11:19
MohammadAG51crashanddie, updated to 3.40?11:19
tristanbut. i dont see why they are open in the first place11:19
tristangoing to task manager, theres not a thing open.11:19
crashanddieMohammadAG51: wait, wut? Context?11:20
tristanperhaps this is the conversation widgets work.11:20
BCMMwhy isn't in the first page of search results for
BCMM(on google)11:20
MohammadAG51crashanddie, ps311:20
crashanddieMohammadAG51: dunno, maybe, not sure11:20
D-IivilMohammadAG51: hah, okay :-P Do you know about .desktop -files? I want to run that shell script of mine without opening the xterm -window. Now I have it like this: Exec=sudo myscript, Terminal=false11:20
MohammadAG51it was released today11:20
crashanddieah, then no11:20
D-IivilMohammadAG51: but it still opens the xTerm window when tapping the shortcut.11:20
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D-IivilWhat does StartupNotify -field do?11:21
MohammadAG51not sure tbh11:21
BCMMScelt: did you say you had the FM transmitter on all that time?11:21
mirfai ai ai am I blind or is there really no search function on the appinstaller ?11:21
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D-IivilMohammadAG51: okay, well, had to ask :)11:22
Duckbootmirf: All apps - start typing11:22
BCMMmirf: select your category (or all) then start typing11:22
MohammadAG51D-Iivil, i'm sure someone else here knows :)11:22
BCMMit did get less obvious in 1.211:22
BCMMbut also easier and faster11:22
BCMMthe thing i miss is listing apps by size11:22
BCMM(other than installed apps)11:22
mirfsweet thank you11:22
BCMMsince it is a consideration for me when there are multiple apps that do the same thing11:23
tristanblah. i just dont know11:23
D-IivilMohammadAG51: I already had this proposial, but after putting it this way, the shortcut won't do anything: '/bin/sh -c /path/to/yoscript 1>/dev/null 2>&1'11:23
mirfI thought there had to be a search11:23
tristaneven if i trip my desktop of wigets theres so many things open in ps x.11:23
BCMMand since it is a nice way to make the desktop category not full of themes11:23
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BCMMtristan: well, that's *nix for you really11:23
mirfheh yeah there should be a theme category11:23
BCMMtristan: a lot of small programs11:23
MohammadAG51D-Iivil, put it into a script and run that instead?11:23
SceltBCMM: fm transmitter not on but ps has /usr/libexec/n900-fmrx-enabler --nodaemon11:23
tristanbut why is calendar running without being run.11:23
MohammadAG51D-Iivil, see what I did with xarchiver11:24
BCMMScelt: i don't know what that does11:24
tristanand image viewer. i havent even opened it.11:24
tristanmy unix boxes dont do this:p11:24
D-IivilMohammadAG51: umm... like doing another script which will launch the actual script?11:24
BCMMtristan: oh, those11:24
SceltBCMM: me either11:24
MohammadAG51D-Iivil, yeah11:24
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BCMMtristan: yeah, i guess it keeps a bunch of the built-in stuff loaded in memory11:24
BCMMi doubt they use much CPU till they are activated though11:24
tristanwell thats just it, are they in the RAM or actually running11:24
D-IivilMohammadAG51: ookay, I will download the source of xarchiver and see how you did it.11:25
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BCMMit's so it can do tricks like "open lens cover, camera starts in no seconds flat"11:25
tristani guess thats a non issue then11:25
MohammadAG51D-Iivil, or download the package itself, the script's in /usr/sbin/xarchiver11:25
luke-jrBCMM: that's funny, pretty sure mine takes a number of seconds...11:25
luke-jrwhich is nowhere near as annoying as the phone-call thing taking 5 seconds at least to change from landscape to portrait...11:25
D-IivilMohammadAG51: will do that11:26
asjtristan: the next time you are commuting, have fb open and are doing msn via pidgin, THEN run top and see what's using cpu time11:26
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tristani will connect to them now.11:26
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luke-jrlens open to camera visible = ~6 seconds11:27
SceltBCMM: "sh: status: not found" says powertop11:27
mirfluke-jr: ew11:28
BCMMluke-jr: for me, somewhere between 0 and 611:28
mirfthere must be a way to speed that up11:28
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D-IivilMohammadAG51: see no xarchiver under /usr/bin11:28
Sceltwhy there's no like in ubuntu or debian. would help11:28
BCMMScelt: i'm afraid i haven't use powertop since my laptop died last year; probably ask somebody else11:28
MohammadAG51D-Iivil, /usr/sbin/runxarchiver11:28
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SceltBCMM: hugs and kisses anyhow11:28
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tristanwow. browser sitting at about 60% useage.11:30
tristangoing down to 30ish.11:30
tristanid say thats the flash talking eh.11:31
SceltI have flash block11:31
Sceltthat's nice11:31
mirfyar flash block ftw11:31
tristanwell its settled down to 1% just idling in the background11:31
mirfand ad block11:31
tristanpidgin oscillates up to around 30% then back to under 5.11:31
mirfcock block11:31
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D-IivilMohammadAG51: hmm.. I don't get the point. You have that runxarchiver under the /usr/sbin and it includes one line (well two) which does something. Do you have a .desktop -file included also in the package?11:32
MohammadAG51D-Iivil, of course, /usr/share/applications/hildon11:32
MohammadAG51D-Iivil, but as you can see, it's a script that doesn't open xterm11:32
D-IivilMohammadAG51: can't find xarchiver there. Is it some other name?11:32
MohammadAG51nope, i'm sure it's there11:33
tristanhmm yes. browser can comfortably use 60% while loading facecbook.11:33
jacekowski /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/charger - that's indicating if dedicated charger is connected?11:33
fx5Is it possible to put a .deb on a web-server so that microb opens it with the app-manager?11:34
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MohammadAG51just put it on the server?11:34
Sceltwhy browserd "RTComMessagingServer" is using 9,6 % of ram all the time?11:34
D-IivilMohammadAG51: hmm.. still can't see it. Allthough I see the shortcut on my desktop though.11:34
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fx5Mohamed: microb only allows me to save it11:35
D-IivilMohammadAG51: found it from the source package.11:35
D-IivilMohammadAG51: will try that trick :)11:35
fx5Mohammad.. sorry11:35
fx5tried mime-type application/x-debian-package11:36
tristancouldnt you just11:37
tristanwget lele.deb;dpkg -i lele.deb11:37
tristanor is the gui essential.11:37
MohammadAG51isn't it application/x-deb?11:37
MohammadAG51sec i'll check11:37
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eitama_Hey guys11:37
eitama_MohammadAG51, got 2 min?11:37
fx5yes, the strange thing is: my sever says: "application/x-debian-package" but microb says "application/x-deb"11:38
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fx5Mohammad: Doesn't work for me. Only option i see is "Save on device"11:39
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fx5I saw a few sites (mozilla, joikuspot) adding an apt-repository through microb, does anyone know how this works?11:42
MohammadAG51.install files, lots of examples11:42
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fx5thanks, will try to find more information on this11:44
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D-IivilMohammadAG51: thanks, it still open a "window" but now the user won't see all the unnecessary stuff that's being run in terminal window :)11:47
D-IivilMohammadAG51: And by "window" I mean that top menu is popping up with name of my desktop -file and loading indicator is rolling there.11:48
D-IivilMohammadAG51: But it's okay now :)11:48
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MohammadAG51D-Iivil, umm, sec11:49
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MohammadAG51D-Iivil, add X-App-Loading-Image=none to the end11:49
D-IivilWill try that :)11:49
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D-IivilMohammadAG51: That did the trick! Thanks again (like I said yesterday, this is starting to be a daily habit) :-D11:50
MohammadAG51:D np11:50
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DocScrutinizer51hmm, this x-app-loading-image=none gives me a shaddowed desktop wallpaper with plain nothing. only way to escape is ctrl-bs11:59
MohammadAG51yes, until an app shows up12:00
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MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer51, it's only useful for apps that don't start with a window12:01
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DocScrutinizer51my app doesn't start with anything12:01
MohammadAG51lol what's your app12:03
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DocScrutinizer51wome nonsense script, actually ~/.xchat2/notify.sh12:04
DocScrutinizer51that's exactly what OP was asking for aiui12:04
MohammadAG51his script opens a zenity window12:04
DocScrutinizer51except for the not working sudobit12:05
DocScrutinizer51well, whatever. a app started this way will render device in a rather messed up state12:05
DocScrutinizer51looks like a solid flaw or even bug to me12:06
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer51, it's used by Nokia12:06
MohammadAG51Facebook installer, ap news installer, * installer, MeeGo UI gallery12:07
DocScrutinizer51you seem to miss the point12:07
MohammadAG51all of those use x-app-loading-image=none12:08
DocScrutinizer51nobody can "use" that12:08
* DocScrutinizer51 sighs12:08
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fx5Great... .install-file did what i needed12:48
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_0x47could someone tell me the best way to create dependencies for two packages that rely on each other? Is it sane to add the other package to each of them? to make it clear: a.deb depends on b.deb, whereas b.deb depends on a.deb... how to fill debian/control?13:05
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sx0n_0x47, by creating third package13:07
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sx0nmutual exclusion sounds like poison, without further knowledge.13:09
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jacekowskianybody with gdb on a phone and dedicated charger at hand?13:11
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DocScrutinizer51jacekowski: ADCIN0 is marked as BATTEMP in schematics, just FYI13:14
jacekowski_0x47: never create circular dependency13:14
_0x47sx0n and jacekowski, thanks this is why I ask. Seems not to be an good idea. So, I guess a virtual package is what I need, is it?13:15
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nidObasically yeh, just create c.deb depending on a.deb and b.deb13:15
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: adcin0 on twl?13:16
_0x47and how to prevent a.deb and b.deb being installed alone?13:16
jacekowskiyou can't13:16
nidOwell specifically for maemo, dont mark either of them as user packages13:16
_0x47or is this not a problem? both of them would install, but would be unusable13:16
jacekowskithat sort of design is wrong13:17
_0x47nidO: ah, that makes sense, that would prolly work :)13:17
nidOif someone specifically wants to go out of their way to install a non user package you cant stop them, but there's no real reason they would13:17
jacekowskieither have them in one package or just separate them13:17
_0x47then just c.deb is the user/ app13:17
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kaieduing package install (I clicked on that amazon installer), my original nokia battery died, after just 2 months, and even while the charger was connected. device turned off13:18
_0x47so, i didn't try, but would dh_make work without a source package? because I don't have one, it would just be the debian/control depending on the a. and b. deb13:18
kaienow using another battery. need to repair package database...13:18
wazd[fremantle]: hildon-theme-marina 1.151 UNKNOWN13:19
wazdwhat the hell does that mean? :)13:20
kaieso, "apt-get update" tells me "following sig couldn't be verified, because public key unavailable, in order to fix it run apt-get update" ... recursion. looking for a fix13:20
D-Iivilwazd: where?13:21
wazdD-Iivil: that was the autobuilder mail response13:22
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D-Iivilwazd: check this:  background-image: url(mid.jpg);  background-repeat:repeat-y;   background-position: center;13:22
D-Iivilwazd: ups!13:23
D-IivilNot that :D13:23
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* kaie got past that error13:23
wazdD-Iivil: oh, thanks13:23
wazdD-Iivil: whatever that means :D13:24
D-Iivilwazd: you are missing a field in your control-file I think13:25
wazdD-Iivil: the weird thing is that it is there as always13:25
wazdArchitecture: all13:25
D-IivilHold on13:26
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D-Iivilwazd: try this: move this line on your control file to the bottom of the file: XSBC-Bugtracker:
wazdD-Iivil: I've just added a break13:27
D-IivilThere should be one empty line break after Standards-Version -line and then should come the Architecture -field13:27
wazdD-Iivil: let's see13:27
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D-Iivilwazd: seems like you're also using the old control-file template. You have old depencies there.13:29
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D-Iivilwazd: should be like this: Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), hildon-theme-layout-5 (>= 0.15.0), hildon-theme-layout-5 (< 0.16.0), hildon-theme-tools, imagemagick13:29
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D-Iivilwazd: have you also changed all other files in under your applications -folder etc when you started to use the new theme template?13:30
wazdD-Iivil: no, I've already fixed it :)13:30
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D-Iivilwazd: okay then. Just caught my eye while looking at your control-file.13:31
* D-Iivil goes doing some heavy cigarette smoking13:33
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RST38hmoo wazd13:36
wazdRST38h: heya :)13:36
RST38hwazd: How is suffering?13:36
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wazdRST38h: death fight with autobuilder again :)13:37
RST38hwazd: The autobuilder cannot be defeated!13:38
RST38hJust beaten into pulp for a while13:38
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wazdRST38h: yeah, I know, it kicks me in the nuts again and again :)13:39
wazdRST38h: "FAILED: You're too blond!"13:39
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wazdRST38h: crazy woman from AKADO just called and asked me if I want to use their digital tv stuff13:42
wazdRST38h: I said that I don't watch TV at all. "But you can use digital tv anyway" :D13:43
wazdWho's making vuvuzela app? :D13:43
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nidOand why havent they put a bullet in their own brain yet13:44
crashanddienidO: because vuvuzelas don't fire bullets13:44
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fx5I finished my vuvuzela app right now13:45
* wazd stands in the rain and screams "whyyyyyyyy?!"13:45
pupnik_is MONO bad for meego?13:45
alteregois MONO on MeeGo?13:46
pupnik_yes sadly13:46
wazdfx5: you need loop option :)13:46
pupnik_some novell dude snuck it in with banshee media player13:46
alteregoI don't think it's bad at all I quite like C#13:46
alteregoIf performance is good, I'd rather use that than C++ for quite a few things.13:47
pupnik_this crap has twisted legal implications13:47
pupnik_it's not about the code13:47
alteregoWell, apparently.13:47
wazdfx5: but that's fucking brilliant :D13:47
fx5wazd: you have to blow into the microphone... so it is not too easy to annoy anyone13:47
DocScrutinizerMostly Obsolete Nonsensical Object13:47
wazdfx5: aaah13:47
wazdfx5: then it's not yurs in devel13:47
fx5no, is there one? didn't see yet13:48
wazdfx5: yeah :)13:48
fx5will try it13:49
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fx5maybe it has a better sound than mine13:49
wazdfx5: well, it has pretty authentic sound :)13:49
DocScrutinizerif your swap goes nuts, don't fire up top, just do a killall "*mono*"13:51
fx5yes, the sound is better13:51
D-Iivilwazd: had that error once too. Easiest fix was to re-download the theme master template and then just copy & paste all images from old "session" to the new re-downloaded one and then change the control etc files line by line.13:52
DocScrutinizerMaximum Offending Non Operational13:52
DocScrutinizerI mean, even .net is BS. So what's the idea to port it to linux, then?!13:53
alteregoHas anyone else got an app with a donate option in extras?13:53
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BCMMalterego: fMMS does13:55
nidOmappero has one13:55
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* BCMM wonders if frals highlights on fMMS13:56
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nidOhe probably does on frals13:56
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alteregoJust wondering if it had worked for anyone at all, I.E. how generous our user space actually is. My app is a pretty shitty one tbh, So I'm not gonna be suprised if I don't get anything :)13:57
alteregoBut I'm working on something to publish on Ovi, which I hope will be pretty successful.13:58
BCMMi think somebody gave frals money13:58
D-IivilOh noh, now it's done. I just left my dear N900 to Nokia Cervice Centre. I miss it already :(13:58
jacekowskiso, you can publish to ovi?13:58
nidObeen able to for a while13:58
alteregoD-Iivil: you need a spare :)13:58
jacekowskii've heard that it's like impossible13:58
nidOand they accept independant devs now13:58
jacekowskiand that it's user and developer hostile13:58
nidOit is that13:59
alteregojacekowski: they openned it to indie developers last week, 50 EUR one off charge to be an Ovi publisher.13:59
D-Iivilalterego: yeah... seems like I do :(13:59
jacekowskialterego: seriously?13:59
D-Iiviljacekowski: yeah13:59
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alteregojacekowski: yup, it was announced with Nokia Qt SD 1.013:59
D-IivilI thought a second about submitting my new themes to OVi but then I realized how fucked up the whole OVi -shop is and has been.14:00
Kegetyscan we get a common publishing license for the whole community? :P14:00
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MohammadAG51damn up + enter14:00
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alteregoAnd I think we're in a unique marketting position too, people are dying for N900 apps, and judging from a tmo thread yesterday base users seem to trust Ovi content over maemo extras ...14:00
D-IivilSo no support from me to OVi.14:00
MohammadAG51D-Iivil, free themes in the store? eww14:01
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jacekowskithemes should disappear14:01
DocScrutinizer51MohammadAG51: tested down+enter? :-D14:01
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jacekowskiand go to separate repository14:01
nidOthese should be in their own ham category14:01
alteregoYeah, theme's need to be distributed in some other way imo14:01
D-IivilnidO: yeah, second to that!14:01
jacekowskiseparate repo14:01
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer51, judging by the source it makes the device implode14:01
D-Iiviljacekowski: I think separate category would be just fine.14:01
MohammadAG51yeah, I also agree on a separate category14:02
D-IivilI don't understand why there isn't one already... or has been from the beginning.14:02
jacekowskino because it will still appear in "All"14:02
MohammadAG51seriously who uses ham...14:02
D-IivilI find it very very stupid to search themes under desktop or system -category.14:02
nidOwhats wrong with that, "all" by definition should be showing everything14:02
jacekowskinidO: application manager14:02
MohammadAG51apt-get ftw14:03
jacekowskinidO: *application"14:03
jacekowskinidO: not application and themes manage14:03
jacekowskido you get it?14:03
MohammadAG51that can be arranged14:03
nidOI dont see any point in making it more akward to use for no sensible reason other than you dont think it has a fully explicit name14:03
* MohammadAG51 edits ham's name to HT&AM14:03
alteregoThere's no bloody consistency either, even D-Iivilhas publiched under two diffrent categories. :)14:04
D-Iiviljacekowski: then you might find it nice that I won't upload separate packages anymore to repos if I create a variation of some theme. I'll just make a single package and simple script which can change the variation on the fly.14:04
D-Iivilalterego: yeah, my bad and I'm sorry.14:04
alteregoD-Iivil: it's okay, we're all learning :)14:04
D-Iivilalterego: Maemo Wiki says that themes should go under system -category, but the theme template I'm using has "desktop" set by default and I've accidently forgot to change that to system.14:05
MohammadAG51everyone fucks up somewhere :)14:05
MohammadAG51alterego, rm -rf'd my / once14:05
alteregoTheme's were never really thought about when we started maemo.14:05
alteregoHah, fool! :)14:05
alteregoI've done it a couple of times.14:05
MohammadAG51yep, your package did that14:05
alteregorm -rf * is also a killer :P14:06
D-Iivilbtw, can the category be changed just by uploading a new version with different category in control-file?14:06
alteregoI don't back my stuff up because I'm scared of hardware failure, I do it because I don't trust me with a computer :D14:06
MohammadAG51D-Iivil, never hurts to try :P14:06
alteregoD-Iivil: yes14:06
DocScrutinizer51alterego: rm -rf .* is really mice14:06
alteregoNewer versions will replace older versions debian/control info.14:07
D-Iivilalterego: okay.. well, I guess I need to seek through those themes that are currently under "desktop" and re-upload those to system. Will be a nice task :-D14:07
alteregoD-Iivil: yup, nice and easy, though they'll need to be promoted again :/14:07
DocScrutinizer51alterego: classical admin joke14:07
D-IivilMaybe first check that wiki-page hasn't been updated...14:07
DocScrutinizer51"remove all hidden dirs!"14:08
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DocScrutinizer51incl., .. MUHAHA14:08
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RST38hwazd: That answer has not been in her chart =)14:09
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D-IivilStill says they should go under system:
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MohammadAG51D-Iivil, edit it14:09
* D-Iivil takes a deep breath and starts to download sources14:09
RST38hwazd: What have you done! You coredumped that poor AKADO girl!14:09
D-IivilMohammadAG51: I think the system-category is better than desktop.14:09
* RST38h thinks themes should go into themes14:09
D-IivilMohammadAG51: since themes affect the whole system, not just desktop14:09
alteregoMe too ...14:09
D-IivilWho should be ping if we would like to have themes -category?14:10
RST38hBecause right now, Desktop and System categories have become unbrowseable14:10
MohammadAG51themes should have a user/themes category14:10
D-IivilRST38h: yeah, I know. Sorry about that.14:10
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MohammadAG51that's what's proper14:10
nidOD-Iivil, its apparently not practical14:10
D-IivilnidO: why?14:10
* RST38h also thinks D-Iivil better create some theme-customization app rather than create so many themes that only differ in few colors =)14:10
D-IivilRST38h: already did!14:11
RST38hCooooooool =) Where?14:11
D-IivilDownload the latest version of Black Plastic from devel.14:11
nidOX-fade's answer a few months ago when I first brought up a themse category was that nokia will need to add it to HAM as well to include the icon14:11
D-IivilIt has script that allows you to choose which variation to use and you can change the option later also.14:11
nidOso it's not just a repo change, needs nokia's cooperation14:11
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nidOdoing it like that via a script seems a much preferable way rather than uploading 5689034803 packages with colour variations :p14:13
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alteregoD-Iivil: look into zenity to present a UI to the user via script.14:14
D-Iivilalterego: it uses zenity already14:14
alteregooh sweet :)14:15
D-IivilThanks to MohammadAG51 and friends who guided me to it :D14:15
D-Iivilalterego: check the link I just posted.14:15
alteregoHah, I accept your thanks, as I showed it to MohammadAG51 :P14:15
SpeedEvilD-Iivil: great - much easier for users to try more.14:15
D-Iivilalterego: oh it was you!14:15
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RST38hD-Iivil: Yep, look good14:16
D-Iivilalterego: are you tswindell @ tmo?14:17
DocScrutinizer51ooh, so it wasn't me who first asked where is zenity?14:17
alteregoIf you want I can show you how to put that in the settings app rather than app menu14:17
RST38hWould probably be better as part of Settings, and with all the settings in one dialog, but can't have everything14:17
alteregoD-Iivil: yup that's my name :)14:17
D-Iivilalterego: yes please. That's the next task I'm trying to survive.14:17
D-Iivilalterego: then I already thanked you @ when MohammadAG51 told me to thank you for the zenity -tip :D14:17
alteregoD-Iivil: you'll need a little C program I wrote, but all you need to do is edit a .desktopfile and one line in the source to run your script/s.14:18
D-IivilSo he didn't take the credit ;)14:18
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alteregoHe's such a nice guy :)14:18
D-Iivilalterego: sounds great :)14:18
alteregotimeless_mbp: how'd you bank crap go?14:18
D-IivilAlready tried just to move the .desktop -file under hildon-control... but didn't work :)14:19
DocScrutinizer51~ MohammadAG14:19
infobotsomebody said mohammadag was special14:19
alteregoD-Iivil: yeah, give me half an hour and I'll hook you  up with it :)14:19
D-Iivilalterego: cool! Just in time so I won't be heading home from work (this is the only place where I have peace to do these things) :-D14:19
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: i see code reading channels 9 and 12 in gaia but well, no reference to them in datasheet14:20
DocScrutinizer51whatever channel 9 and 12 means14:21
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DocScrutinizer51like ADIN12 :14:21
jacekowskiwell, it might just be some internal value14:22
jacekowskilet me check in driver14:22
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jacekowskilinux/i2c/twl4030-madc.h:#define TWL4030_MADC_MAX_CHANNELS 1614:23
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DocScrutinizer51well that pile of BS also read reg 34 or sth from bq2415014:24
DocScrutinizer51hmm, ok14:24
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DocScrutinizer51bq24150 has just 5 regs14:24
DocScrutinizer51or 6?14:25
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DocScrutinizer51I'm missing a nap14:25
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MohammadAG51alteregoHah, I accept your thanks, as I showed it to MohammadAG51 :P lol14:26
pupnik_in a free market, the working class RULES14:26
alteregoMohammadAG51: :)14:26
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alteregozenity could do with a bit more maemoification though14:26
MohammadAG51source is available14:27
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alteregoIndeed, but I have other things I need to do :P14:27
MohammadAG51get people to vote for your app?14:27
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: well, thing is that in drivers it says that it has 16 channels14:27
DocScrutinizerhmm, just trying to find the file on mxr14:28
jacekowskiso it might be some non generic purpose analog in14:28
* MohammadAG51 asks alterego to make a fake SMS app14:28
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alteregoD-Iivil: are you okay compiling this yourself? If I just give you the source file?14:30
D-IivilMohammadAG51: fake SMS? Send SMSs with someone else's number as sender? :D14:30
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jacekowskii can't find registers in datasheet14:30
D-Iivilalterego: well.. to be hones, I don't know what I'd need for compiling a C -app.14:30
D-Iivilalterego: never done it before.14:30
alteregoD-Iivil: okay, I'll come up with a Makefile14:30
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DocScrutinizer100 /* Fixed channels */14:30
DocScrutinizer101 #define TWL4030_MADC_BTEMP              TWL4030_MADC_ADCIN114:30
alteregoD-Iivil: then you'll need to add some stuff to your debian/rules file.14:31
MohammadAG51D-Iivil, nah, it would just save them in the .db as if someone sent them to you14:31
D-Iivilalterego: big PLEASE for that :)14:31
DocScrutinizer106 #define TWL4030_MADC_VBAT               TWL4030_MADC_ADCIN1214:31
DocScrutinizer103 #define TWL4030_MADC_VBKB               TWL4030_MADC_ADCIN914:31
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DocScrutinizermain and backup cell voltage14:31
D-IivilMohammadAG51: that would be lame :-/ I remember back on 90's when I had windows program which could send SMSs with faked sender number.14:31
jacekowski#define TWL4030_MADC_VBKB               TWL4030_MADC_ADCIN914:31
jacekowski#define TWL4030_MADC_VBAT               TWL4030_MADC_ADCIN1214:32
rmrfchikhmm. again hit this bug: phone receives a call, when I click Answer the screen goes black and device locks.14:32
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: your collation sequence is definitely better than mine :-P14:32
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MohammadAG51D-Iivil, alterego is too much of a noob to do that14:32
rmrfchikI have to unlock the device and choose "Phone" from application list to pick the call14:32
* MohammadAG51 hides14:33
jacekowskihmmm, WTF?14:33
jacekowskivery big WTF14:33
jacekowski#define TWL4030_MADC_BTEMP              TWL4030_MADC_ADCIN114:33
SpeedEviljacekowski: It's also on the schematic.14:33
jacekowskion schematic it's connected to ADCIN014:33
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: that's not funny to echo my c&p14:33
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: correct14:33
SpeedEvilrmrfchik: Are you running much stuff from devel, or testing?14:34
jacekowskiwell, that still doesn't explain why it's as ADCIN1 in sources14:34
rmrfchikSpeedEvil: dunno. some stuff yes.14:35
SpeedEvilrmrfchik: Anything related to call handling?14:35
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rmrfchikwell.. maemo recorder14:36
DocScrutinizerrmrfchik: you not accidentally hold your thumb on proximity sensor?14:36
crashanddiehow many times have the TSG meetings been rescheduled?14:36
crashanddieIt's like they don't give a fuck about the people who want to assit, and are content with just checking with the "paid people"14:37
DocScrutinizerrmrfchik: or have a crappy screen protector?14:37
rmrfchikno protectors.14:37
vanadismobileis it possible to see the source code of a website on the n900?14:37
joga(unless I remember wrong..)14:37
rmrfchikmay be I hold thumb on sensor.. but it is normal -- I pull phone from pocket ;)14:38
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fluxvanadismobile, if not otherwise, you can always save the page and use some other program to view the source :)14:38
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vanadismobileflux, sure14:38
DocScrutinizerhmm, holding thumb on prox sensor is supposed to blank screen and locj ts14:39
vanadismobilectrl+u doesn't work -.-14:39
fluxdocscrutinizer, it is?14:39
fluxwell, does it actually do it sometimes as well, then?14:40
jogaduring a call14:40
rmrfchikDocScrutinizer: hmmm. so when I talk with phone, it goes black and locked?14:40
jogabut only during a call14:40
rmrfchikbut when I open sensor it goes unlocked14:40
rmrfchikthis not happens for me14:41
DocScrutinizerand only while you hold prox sensor next to ear or thumb :-P14:41
fluxdoes the proximity sensor affect the volume during calls, btw?14:41
fluxbecause sometimes it seems that the volume varies a lot14:41
jogaflux: no, it's your ear position14:41
jogathe sensor is on/off14:41
DocScrutinizerflux: no14:41
jogavanadismobile: well, I guess the browser doesn't have that, at least anywhere visible, so I remembered wrong. but probably firefox can do that :)14:42
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D-Iivilflux: you have faulty speaker. I had too. Volume varied during phone call and turning the phone made the volume rise back etc. Loose connector or something like that.14:44
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fluxis the ear-speaker different from other speakers?14:45
flux(it looks like it is)14:45
D-Iivilflux: I think so.14:45
fluxand how can I switch regular audio output there.. I could simply output some high-volume test tune and check if I can affect its volume by physical means.14:46
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jacekowskiwhy is it reading that14:47
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alteregoD-Iivil: ping14:50
D-Iivilalterego: pong14:50
alteregoD-Iivil: how do you develop themes? On device or are you using some kind of SDK?14:50
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D-Iivilalterego: I have scratchbox running.14:50
alteregoCool, you should be able to compile this then14:51
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alteregoD-Iivil: just need another 10 minutes to test it's working.14:52
D-Iivilalterego: no horry :)14:53
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alteregoD-Iivil: okay, it's done. I'm gonna tar it up and upload it.14:58
D-Iivilalterego: great :)14:59
alteregoThere is actually only one file you need to edit ;)15:00
alteregoAnd like I said you'll need to modify your debian/rules file a bit and also add a few items to your debian/control depends.15:00
* timeless_mbp cries15:00
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D-Iivilalterego: sounds like it's something even I can survive :-D15:00
alteregotimeless_mbp: you never voted!15:00
timeless_mbpi used it!15:01
alteregoHeh :)15:01
timeless_mbplink me15:01
D-Iivilalterego: okay, downloaded and extracted15:02
alteregoRight, to manually build it, cd into the package directory.15:03
alteregoqmake libosso-plugin-exec-loader.pro15:03
alteregoand then: make15:03
wazdI surrender :(15:03
alteregoD-Iivil: your debian/control file needs to have these added to the Build-Depends list: libqt4-dev, libglib2.0-dev, libgtk2.0-dev, libosso-dev, hildon-control-panel-dev15:04
D-Iivilalterego: what should I change and where to make it launch this script /usr/sbin/launchblack ?15:04
D-Iivilalterego: ok. Will add those15:04
alteregoD-Iivil: right, the only file you need to edit is in the main directory15:05
alteregoI've commented the lines15:05
timeless_mbpStreaming "Classical WETA 90.9 FM  - Washington D.C." @ "<unknown>" via Nokia N90015:05
D-Iivilalter, oh, okay.15:05
* timeless_mbp ponders15:05
alteregoBasically, TARGET and the second DEFINES15:05
timeless_mbpalterego: what's w/ "<unknown>" ? :(15:05
alteregotimeless_mbp: it means that stream souce didn't provide the organisation metadata15:05
D-Iivilalterego: so it should be like this: OSSO_PLUGIN_EXEC_LOADER_COMMAND=\\\"/usr/sbin/launchblack\\\"15:06
* timeless_mbp kicks maemo.org15:06
timeless_mbphurry up!15:06
timeless_mbpalterego: i was #10! :)15:07
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alteregotimeless_mbp: :) saved it just for you :D15:07
alteregoD-Iivil: yup, exactly, make sure the script is executable.15:08
alteregoAnd that should be it.15:08
D-Iivilalterego: yes it is.15:08
alteregoThere's also an example .desktop file for you15:08
alteregoThe .desktop needs to go into /usr/share/applications/hildon-control-panel15:08
D-Iivilalterego: so should I first compile the thing with qmake after I've changed that one line?15:08
D-Iivilqmake gives me command not found -error when typing that inside scratchbox15:08
alteregoand the library file under "build" once it's built needs to go under /usr/lib/hildon-control-panel/15:09
alteregoD-Iivil: you need to install the build deps then15:09
D-Iivilwill do that.15:09
alteregoThat one is libqt4-devel15:09
alteregoSorry, libqt4-dev :)15:09
D-Iivilalterego: so maybe I should build it locally and not make autobuilder do that for me?15:10
alteregobuild it locally so you can manually copy the files across and test it all works15:10
alteregoOnce you're happy setup your debian/rules to build and copy the files to the right places. I can show you where and how to edit your rules file.15:11
D-Iivilalterego: okay, I've now built it and I see bunch of files under /build -directory15:11
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alteregoYeah, it's slightly annoying but you want the odd one out15:12
alteregoThe real file not the symlink15:12
D-Iivilalterego: aaah, ofcourse15:12
alteregoD-Iivil: do you use scp?15:12
D-Iivilalterego: yeah15:12
D-Iivilalterego: so this one: osso-plugin-exec-loader.o15:12
alteregoNo, .so15:13
alteregoNo, .so.1.0.0 I think :)15:13
D-Iivilalterego: this:
alteregoYeah, but annoyingly you want to copy it to it's destination as just .so15:13
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D-Iivilalterego: okay15:14
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alteregoOh, you'll need to edit the .desktop file to use an icon of your choice to, as I bet you don't have my 'media-im-status-updater' iconn :)15:15
D-Iivilalready did that :)15:15
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D-IivilI see the icon @ settings15:16
D-Iivilbut it won't launch anything :(15:16
alteregoAww ...15:16
alteregoHrm .. Unfortunately debuggin this is a pain in the friggin ass :(15:17
D-Iivillet me check.. I have the loader_command typed in correctly. The script is working if I launch it from my own .desktop -shortcut15:17
alteregoTook me a while to get it to work :/15:17
wazd~seen x-fade15:17
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infobotx-fade <~xfade@Maemo/community/webmaster/X-Fade> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 22h 50m 29s ago, saying: 'Sure.'.15:17
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D-Iivilalterego: anything I can do to debug?15:20
pytherIs there any way to force the alarm to keep playing the alarm tone until I tell it to snooze15:20
pythercurrently it'll do two rounds of the alarm and then auto-snooze15:21
alteregoD-Iivil: where is your script again?15:21
alteregoInfact, can you give me your script?15:21
D-Iivilalterego: /usr/sbin/launchblack15:21
D-Iivilalterego: sure15:21
alteregoIf I can customise the build, reupload it for you and I'll test it here.15:21
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D-Iivilalterego: give me sec, I'll upload it somewhere.15:21
_0x47while trying to create my virtual / metapackage I get an error from dpkg-buildpackage: make: make: *** No rule to make target `configure', needed by `config.status'.  Stop. This seems to be caused by not having a ./configure file, but as this is only a metapackage, would I really need one? Here is my debian/control (icon data removed):
alteregoWhy have you got two scripst /sbin and /usr/sbin?15:24
D-Iivilalterego: there's actually two scripts. One that launches another. Did that to make the xterm window to be hidden from end user (that's what MohammadAG51 did with xarchiver).15:24
alteregoD-Iivil: you don't need that with this.15:24
alteregoD-Iivil: just launch the proper script15:24
D-Iivilalterego: okay, will try that also.15:25
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D-Iivilalterego: can it be located under /sbin or should I move it under /usr/sbin ?15:25
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alteregoWell, should be under /opt :P15:25
alteregoin theory15:25
rmrfchikin what package diff reside?15:26
alteregoBut /usr/bin is probably better /sbin is meant for super user15:27
D-Iivilalterego: I changed the .pro -file to point to correct script, re-built the thing and still won't launch the script :-/15:27
alteregoAlso, I noticde you're using in your script all over the place, I don't think it's required for this.15:27
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alteregoD-Iivil: move your script out and write a really simple one that just does: 'echo "test" > /home/user/test.out'15:28
D-Iivilalterego: well it's required because that script is ran also during package installation by postinst -script. That's for preventing the installation not to fail if user taps outside the zenity window (will cause exit code 1)15:28
alteregoSee if it's running the script.15:28
D-Iivilalterego: will try15:28
alteregoAh, okay.15:28
wazdeven Madde doesn't like laest template :(15:28
D-Iivilalterego: okay.. did simple script (echo "test" > /home/user/test.out), placed it under /usr/sbin/ then chmodded it a+x15:32
D-Iiviland re-built your thing15:32
alteregoI don't get your /usr/sbin obsession :P15:32
tristanits the best bin.15:32
D-Iivilalterego: haha :D15:32
alteregoIt's not really a true system script :P15:32
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D-Iivilalterego: but still won't work. file "test.out" won't appear under /home/user15:33
alteregoI wonder if you need to restart hildon ..15:34
alteregoTry that15:34
D-Iivilwhat is the command for it?15:34
alteregoErm .. restart?15:34
alteregoI can't remember I Don't use it :P15:34
alteregoNot for a long time anyhow.15:34
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alteregoShould really setup a scratchbox install.15:34 restart maybe ..15:35
D-Iivilalterego: I'm testing it inside scratchbox15:35
alteregoI know15:35
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alteregoWhat does your .desktop file look like?15:35
D-IivilThe one I use @ application launcher or the one that you pre-made?15:36
alteregoThe one I premade15:36
alteregoHave you not modified it?15:36
D-Iivilhold on15:36
D-Iivil[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Version=1.0 Name=Plastic Theme Setup Comment=Configuration interface for Plastic Theme. Type=HildonControlPanelPlugin Icon=blackplastic Categories=general15:36
D-IivilOh, fuck :D15:36
D-IivilIt came in one line..15:36
alteregoThat's fine15:37
alteregoBetter that way tbh15:37
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alteregoOkay, now can you 'ls /usr/lib/hildon-control-panel/' for me :)15:37
DocScrutinizer51D-Iivil: it better did. pasting >>3 lines is usally deprecated15:37
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D-Iivilalterego: I can see there's "" under that folder.15:38
DocScrutinizer51D-Iivil: use pastebin please15:38
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alteregopastie.orrg is better ...15:39
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alteregoHrm ..15:40
kenya888Hi all15:40
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alteregoD-Iivil: okay, now paste the "DEFINES" line in your .pro file where you specify the executable for me please.15:40
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D-Iivilwhere "jau" is the test script I just made.15:41
alteregostrange, you see the top line, remove that '\', completely unnessacary15:42
kenya888Does anyone know guide doc for developing hildon-im-plugin, except for vkb? I'm interested in other type of plugin for CJK charactor inputing:-)15:42
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alteregoOh, also, when you edit the .pro file, you need to run the qmake command again as well.15:42
D-Iivilalterego: okay, removed. Should I build it again and test?15:42
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D-Iivilalterego: I've done it again.15:43
alteregoOkay, cool.15:43
alteregoYeah, try now.15:43
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D-Iivilalterego: still no go :-/15:44
jacekowskimhm, why does rapuyama needs 128M of ram?15:45
kenya888X-Fade, hi, could i ask you a question about maemo autobuilder queue status?15:45
X-Fadewazd: ping?15:45
X-Fadekenya888: sure15:45
wazdX-Fade: hey there :)15:45
X-Fadewazd: Stop using Windows ;)15:46
wazdX-Fade: I'm fighting with autobuilder again :)15:46
X-Fadewazd: You have windows linefeeds in your first 2 lines.15:46
wazdX-Fade: uh15:46
D-Iivilalterego: these are the files under "build" folder after typing the "make" -command:
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alteregoD-Iivil: leave it with me for a bit, I'll get back to you. I need to do a few errands, I'll try and get it to work with your scripts and let you know what I get done.15:47
kenya888X-Fade, thanks, now some my package are in the queue of frematnle extras builder. If you can could you let me know how to clean up them? BTW, it's name is IBus, an input method.15:47
D-Iivilalterego: you know you don't have to if you have something else to do ;)15:47
wazdX-Fade: and why the hell autobuilder thinks that 1.095 is newer than 1.17-1? :D15:47
X-Fadewazd: Because it is.15:48
D-Iivilalterego: anyways I need to hit the road in few minutes. Need to drop my wife to her work.15:48
kenya888X-Fade, you can see queue status from extras-assistant top page.
alteregoD-Iivil: well, I do right now, but I'll be free later :P15:48
alteregoOkay, I'll let you know how I get on next time you're here.15:48
wazdX-Fade: I'm not that bad at maths :D15:48
D-Iivilalterego: yeah, sounds cool. I think I'll be online after four hours or so.15:48
D-Iivilalterego: but thanks for your effort so far! Great to have people like you hanging around here :)15:49
X-Fadewazd: That is how debian version number comparison works.15:49
D-Iivilso long =>15:49
X-Fadewazd: Check dpkg --compare-versions15:49
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X-Fadekenya888: Hmm I wonder why these packages aren't being processed.15:51
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kenya888X-Fade, me too. I don't change any of the way making source pkg:-(15:53
lcukX-Fade, kenya888 has had probs with his package for a while i recall :S15:53
lcukkenya888, you are just keeping x-fade on his toes :D15:53
X-FadeThere seem to be a lot of locks in place, I wonder why.15:53
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* vldcnst runs and hides.15:54
kenya888lcuk, thanks a lot :-)15:55
X-Fadekenya888: All your packages have been building for all this time.15:55
X-Fadekenya888: So I think something in the build makes it stall.15:55
X-Fadekenya888: Most likely related to rsvg-convert it seems.15:55
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kenya888X-Fade, Oh... rsvg-convert!! hmm... it may be true...15:57
X-Fadekenya888: Shall I kill those processes and see what happens? :)15:57
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kenya888X-Fade, yes, of course, please :-)15:57
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jacekowskiX-Fade: is there a timeout?15:58
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wazdX-Fade: damn, how can I delete these symbols and why they've appeared now? :)15:58
X-Fadejacekowski: no15:58
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wazdX-Fade: I've been using windows for ages :)15:58
X-Fadewazd: Use wordpad next time :)15:58
jacekowskiwordpad convert linux line endings to windows15:59
wazdX-Fade: in fact it's exactly what I'm using :D15:59
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X-Fadejacekowski: not if it is a linux file to begin with.15:59
X-Fadenotepad does though15:59
jacekowskinotepad can't open linux line endings16:00
jacekowskiand you end up with file that has one long line16:00
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jpethe n900 does not have rSap onboard, my wife's simple nokia phone does :-(16:00
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BCMMit isn't a linux line ending, it's a unix line ending - just another case of microsoft doing one thing and almost everyone else doing something else16:00
lcukjpe,  what is rSap and why will it make my life better16:00
BCMM(see also HTML and programming APIs)16:01
jacekowskiBCMM: well, mac is a unix16:01
jacekowskiBCMM: and it has \n\r16:01
jacekowskiBCMM: opposite to windows16:01
jpeits a bluetooth protocol and it allows ou to communicate with most modern car-kits16:01
BCMMjacekowski: that's what i said isn't it? everybody else does the other thing16:02
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jacekowskiASCII was developed simultaneously by the ISO and the ASA, the predecessor organization to ANSI. During the period of 1963–1968, the ISO draft standards supported the use of either CR+LF or LF alone as a newline, while the ASA drafts supported only CR+LF.16:02
BCMMjacekowski: hang on, what is \r?16:03
jacekowskiThe sequence CR+LF was in common use on many early computer systems that had adopted teletype machines,16:03
jacekowskiBCMM: carriage return16:03
jacekowski\n - line feed16:03
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BCMMjacekowski: and are you sure mac does \n\r16:03
jpewhat i don't understand, rSap is basically a nokia owned protocol....16:03
jacekowskiMS-DOS adopted CP/M's CR+LF; CP/M's use of CR+LF made sense for using computer terminals via serial lines.16:03
jacekowskiThe Multics operating system began development in 1964 and used LF alone as its newline. Unix followed the Multics practice, and later systems followed Unix.16:03
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lcukjpe - maemo comes from a different background, im sure the 900 is capable of supporting the protocol, its just not been written yet.  just like we have a community MMS package - if, if this means much to you then find out about it and discuss ways to make it happen16:03
BCMMthat's "Line fee, carriage return", isn't it?16:03
jacekowskiBCMM: yes16:04
jacekowskiBCMM: it's reverse of what windows is doing16:04
jacekowskiwhich doesn't comply to any standard16:04
BCMMjacekowski: i thought MacOS and linux did \n, and windows did \r\n16:04
BCMMand nobody did \n\r16:04
jacekowskisame fucking thing they did to 4 pin 3.5mm jack16:04
jacekowskinokia was 1st company to use it16:05
jacekowskiand everybody had it compatible with nokia16:05
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jacekowskiand then apple made it fucking opposite16:05
BCMMjacekowski: oh, so macos does \n\r, and nobody else does?16:05
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jpelcuk: i voted for it on the maemo org site, but still, 90 votes is not al lot ->
jacekowskiBCMM: yep16:06
BCMMjacekowski: what did they swap, and can you still use an apple cable if you plug the left, right, video things in to a TV in the wrong order?16:06
jacekowskiBCMM: their video cable is connected to dock connector16:06
jacekowskiBCMM: and apple headphones are detected as tvout cable16:07
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jacekowskiin nokia16:07
X-Fadekenya888: It seems that killing rsgv-convert got it going again. So something must be blocking/looping there.16:07
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BCMMjacekowski: is is now, but on older ipods there is a video out cable that comes from the headphones port16:07
wazdX-Fade: I think you should integrate vuvuzela sound into failed autobuilder report :D
BCMMjacekowski: oh, are these iphone headphones with a mic on them?16:07
DocScrutinizer51jacekowski: I don't think Nokia was first to use 4pin 3.5 with sane/standard headphone compliant config16:08
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X-Fadewazd: We have plenty of vuvuzela sounds around already.16:08
BCMMjacekowski: are you sure the mac newline thing applies to OS X and not just Classic?16:08
jacekowskiit's called niggerhorn16:08
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jacekowskiBCMM: well i fortunatelly never had to touch osx16:08
lcukjpe - help it along then, find out about the protocol itself and what would be required16:08
jacekowskiBCMM: but i'm sure that it was the case with all macs i had to touch16:09
alteregoWell, I don't know what he was sdoing wrong, but it works perfectly for me :)16:09
BCMMjacekowski: OS X's graphical stuff is a pain to use, but the command line is just BSD16:09
jacekowskiand i think files from iphone had it in reverse as well16:09
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BCMMjacekowski: and i believe they use unix newlines now16:09
jpelcuk: nokia doesn't want to open this protocol....16:09
lcukand talk about it - your passion about helping cure things will count towards whether solutions come (that is same for anything)16:09
BCMMjacekowski: easier than modifying all the BSD stuff they borrowed16:09
lcukjpe, to be honest, when has that ever stopped anyone hacking16:10
jacekowskimaemo is LE?16:10
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kenya888X-Fade, thanks! I've received some emails telling to fail to building :-)16:10
X-Fadekenya888: Next time you have a problem with your package blocking, please don't upload 10 packages after ;)16:10
lcukX-Fade, i think that was our fault :$  i tihnk at first it was problem with version numbers so we said push a new one16:11
wazdX-Fade: I can't locate anything with wordpad :(16:11
wazdX-Fade: it still fails :(16:11
X-Fadewazd: Get linux?16:11
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jacekowskikenya888: just submit package which has "killall -u $USER" in rules16:11
X-Fadewazd: Or a proper editor?16:11
wazdX-Fade: well, it worked flawlessly before16:11
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X-Fadewazd: That doesn't make it right :) Specs tell you only to use \n16:12
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kenya888X-Fade, OK, I understand:-) sorry for confusing... :D16:14
X-Fadekenya888: No problem :)16:14
BCMMjacekowski: i really cannot find any citation for macos using \n\r, although apparently os 9 used \r without a \n, which is the opposite of linux, in a sense16:14
wazdX-Fade: maybe you can setup autobuilder to parse these symbols? :)16:15
X-Fadewazd: No16:15
zashBCMM: OS X uses \n, as *nix16:15
X-Fadewazd: They are just not valid.16:15
jacekowskiit was long time ago16:15
kenya888jacekowsk, Oh, it's nice idea! :-)16:15
kenya888jacekowski, thx!:-)16:16
lcukwazd, on linux there is a dos2unix tool which will sort out the crlfs "infected" from windows - perhaps a similar windows tool is available to fix your problems and runnable directly on windows16:16
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X-Fadelcuk: Check the url I posted ;)16:17
lcuklol ok X-Fade  that would do it16:17
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wazdX-Fade: I still wonder why it never happened before16:19
X-Fadewazd: Because the tools were from 2005 then.16:19
X-Fadewazd: New tools don't like it, complain to Debian upstream :)16:20
wazdX-Fade: hah :)16:20
DocScrutinizer51I'm holding them in couples, in small cages16:21
ShadowJKso nobody saw the picture in the manual how to hold N90016:21
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kenya888yah! I have another question again. Do you know any information for developing hildon-im-plugin except for virtual keyboard? I'd like to develop bridge plugin between hildon-im and ibus:-)16:27
wazdX-Fade: looks like it helped, thanks a lot! :)16:28
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X-Fadewazd: Of course it did :D16:28
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wazdX-Fade: though Daniel says that he didn't see these symbols with nano either :)16:29
X-Fadewazd: Doesn't mean they are not there.16:29
wazdX-Fade: you have some third eye or something :D16:29
X-Fadewazd: No, I just googled the error message.16:30
X-FadeNo magic involved.16:30
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fluxx-fade, that's amazing! you can do that?!16:30
wazdX-Fade: oooh. Didn't think of that actually :D16:30
X-FadeMost people don't, that is the problem.16:30
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DrGrovA Vuvuzela sound? You gotta be shitting me16:36
DrGrovBeing made for the repos16:37
ptl[user@n900 user]% apt-cache search vuvuzela16:37
ptlvuvuzela - A simple Vuvuzela application with a start & a stop button. Possibility to change the background colour.16:37
ptlholy shit.16:37
DrGrovWhy the fuck does anybody want a Vuvuzela application? Seriously, gotta be fucking shitting me16:38
DrGrovSorry for publicly swearing16:38
nidOit'd be ace if whoever's writing that application could do the world a favour and kill himself16:39
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DrGrovI have such a fucking migraine when watching the World Cup now with that insanely disturbing vuvuzela sounds coming through16:39
ptljust vote it down16:40
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mortiniDrGrov: go watch some youtube videos with it turned on16:41
nidOcant, its a shit app that serves no purpose other than being an annoyance to anyone unlucky enough to be near the dickhead n900 owner with it installed, but thats not a reason to downvote it if it hits testing and it actually works like it should16:41
DrGrovmortini: no fuck no, no youtube videos for me with that insanely fucked up sound in the background16:41
kwtmHi! Need help: my n900 has become useless: hangs on bootup (5 flashing dots continue for hours).16:41
nidOreflash it16:42
lcuki actually find vuvuzela sound (some good continuous recording thereof) to be relaxing16:42
ptlreflash it16:42
nidOand then dont do whatever it was you last did that broke it16:42
DocScrutinizerif Nokia had done a little smarter on AV and audio in general, we could create an antivuvu app that filters out the annoying angry bees from audio, before feeding it to your home stereo or TV surround16:42
lcukit blocks out the edge of hearing noises that usually catch my attention16:42
kenya888OK, i'll leave here. thanks X-Fade, lcuk, and all thank you again again again :D:D bye!!16:42
kwtmLooks like the only way to reset is to re-flash the firmware (no hardware reset button).  I want to verify: this is NOT the same as me upgrading to PR1.2 via the App Manager, right?16:42
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X-FadeDocScrutinizer: Just install the equalizer?16:42
kwtm(If "reflashing" is the same as "upgrading to PR1.2" then the App Manager already did that.)16:43
DrGrovWell, be back later. Football time in 15 minutes16:43
nidOreflashing is a full os reinstall16:43
* pahartik does not watch any sports, but thought about listening to audio track once just to hear what "it" sounds like16:43
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: a first step on sw side, but still unclear how to get stereo in to the device16:43
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DocScrutinizeranyway, me is afk again16:43
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: stream? :)16:43
kenya888The game of Japan vs Paraguay is going to start:-)16:43
kwtmnid0: Actually, this is my second n900.  I had to return the first one to the store due to same problem.  Can't figure out what I did to break it.  One day I pulled it out of holster, and it had hung.16:43
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kwtmOkay, will download the flasher deb package and reflash.  Hope it works (not sure how to get it to talk to USB if hung.)16:44
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X-Fadekwtm: Flashing is basically reinstalling the factory software.16:44
nidOpahartik: "it" is just a fucking annoying horn. people suddenly find vuvuzela sounds neat because it's "cultural", but the truth is the noise they make is just as fucking annoying as those tits that stand near people with air horns16:44
aboyerhow can i install/setup a scratchbox pr1.1.1 sdk?16:44
ptlI've got a bull-calling horn in my house and I learnt how to use it16:45
ptlwhen there are vuvuzelas making noise nearby I just honk my horn16:45
kwtmX-Fade: Ok.  I understand.  I'm really just looking for a "hard reset" so it won't hang on boot-up. Is there something I should do to figure out what I did to make it crash?  Some strace program or debugger code something?16:45
X-Fadekwtm: Depends on how skilled you are, but then again, you wouldn't be asking that if ... ;)16:46
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pahartiknidO: It has been all over news and discussions on radio... My thought is just to use "mute" on audio amplifier... But...16:46
nidOjust think about what you're doing when you use it, so that if it happens again you remember what you've done to it since last reboot16:46
ptlactually, there is, but it is not practical. You can use the serial wires behind the battery to try and get a serial console.16:46
X-Fadekwtm: Problem is that if it doesn't boot, all easy solutions go out of the door.16:46
kwtmIs there a hardware button on the n900 to do hard reset when the boot-up sequence turns into an infinite loop? (And why on earth would the bootup sequence become an infinite loop, anyway?)16:46
nidOmaemo doesnt tend to just up and die of it's own accord, you've probably hit onto a broken devel application or you've tried manually changing things yourself and done it wrong16:47
X-FadeProbably because your rootfs is corrupted.16:47
X-FadeOr full16:47
kwtmX-Fade: Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. If two n900's in a row (this is my second one) keep coming up with the same problem, I'll just have to return it and get a droid or something.  :(16:47
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X-FadeFlashing takes a minute though.16:47
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nidOkwtm, why're you afraid of that? as we said when you first asked, just reflash the device16:48
X-FadeBut really, I wonder how you managed to do that.16:48
nidOits like a 2 minute process to reset it16:48
kwtmX-Fade: Well, something corrupted rootfs on two n900's in a row.  It's probably something from that I installed, but if I can't install apps, I might as well buy some $10 phone or something.16:48
nidOhow many have you installed from -devel.16:48
lcukkwtm, do you install apps from extras, or from extras-devel also?16:48
kwtmnidO: Because when it crashes while I'm in the middle of work, I can't reflash it.  Then my phone is useless until I can get home and have a chance to reflash.16:49
X-Fadekwtm: It hasn't happened to me ever and I install all kind of dodgy software on purpose.16:49
kwtmlcuk: I haven't enabled any other repositories, just what was visible in App Manager when I first turned on the device.  I guess that's "extras" but not "extras-devel"?16:49
kwtmX-Fade: Maybe I got two bad ones in a batch?  I did get both from the same store.16:49
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X-Fadekwtm: No way that an app from Extras can have caused it.16:50
X-Fadekwtm: Flash your device and see if that fixes it.16:50
kwtmX-Fade: What do you think?  Bad microSD card?  (It couldn't be a bad SIM card would it?)16:50
X-Fadekwtm: broken mmc is very very rare.16:50
kwtmX-Fade: I will reflash it.  On the other hand, the n900 was working perfectly until one time when I pulled it out, the screen was completely black and unresponsive.16:50
X-Fadekwtm: Did you remove the battery?16:51
nidOhavent really seen any of them either here or on tmo other than ones that've been dropped and had the card knocked loose16:51
lcukkwtm, i dont know offhand what you managed to do (obviously) but your case does not sound normal in the least16:51
kwtmX-fade: After I could not get it to respond, I removed the battery and replaced it.16:51
X-Fadekwtm: Ok.16:51
kwtmlcuk: That is reassuring.  At least now I know I have some hope of getting a n900 that does not do this.16:51
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X-Fadekwtm: It really sounds like a software issue, but it is hard to debug without access to the device. (And a jig) :)16:52
lcukkwtm, i am also doubtful its hardware related16:52
kwtmOh, the first n900 had this behaviour where it got slower and slower (e.g. 30 seconds to respond to a tap).  Is there something I should have done (e.g. on the X-terminal) before it became completely unresponsive?16:52
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lcukif you reflash, restore your apps and take a backup of your normal working set16:52
X-FadeYes, close some apps :)16:53
kwtmOkay, I'm going to reflash it now.  Wish me luck!  (or "wish me lcuk"! :) )16:53
nidOsome widgets have memory leaks which will cause that kind of behavior over a period of a few days16:53
lcukcome back here with those and we can see if there  is potentially anything in those apps16:53
X-FadeNo luck needed though.16:53
lcukie, do you know which apps you installed last16:53
lcukie, did you do the maemo5 upgrade from app manager, or had you already flashed pr1.2 directly16:53
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aboyeris it possible to setup a pr1.1.1 scratchbox environment?16:58
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X-Fadeaboyer: yes, but why?16:58
aboyerX-Fade: in order to build an application for a pr1.1.1 device16:58
X-Fadeaboyer: Just build it on PR1.2 with symbols enabled and make sure you don't use a new api?16:59
E0xwhy still in pr1.1.1 ?16:59
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lcukE0x, because some folks dont upgrade - its like people still used chinook even when diablo came out16:59
aboyerwe have an instalation which is using 1.1.1 and upgrading is not really an option since it would take to much time for the QA...16:59
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aboyerX-Fade: what do you mean "with symbols enabled"? is that a scratchbox thing or a compiler thing?17:01
X-Fadeaboyer: if you use the squeeze devkit in scratchbox and install maemo-sdk-symbols, it will be done automagically.17:02
X-Fadeaboyer: It will then always specify the lowest version dependencies possible.17:02
lcuksome kind of voodoo!17:03
aboyerX-Fade: ok, thanks. i'll try that out...17:03
lcuk:D and awesome17:03
X-FadeWhich is what we do on the autobuilder.17:03
X-Fadeaboyer: Just submit your app there to see if it works ;)17:03
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X-Fadeif it is opensource of course.17:03
kwtmAbout flashing: to reset the device, I do *not* need to read the part about "flash eMMC", just "flashing the firmware", right?17:03
lcukkwtm, yes initially17:03
X-Fadekwtm: Yes, try firmware only first.17:03
aboyerX-Fade: one more question, if i setup a new scratchbox environment (as of today), will squeeze be the default devkit?17:04
X-Fadeaboyer: no17:04
X-FadeBut you can install it in parallel.17:04
X-FadeAnd switch between them.17:04
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aboyerhmm... that is what i tried doing in the first place (having multiple targets in scratchbox) but it borked my 1.1.1 target, hence the questions here today...17:05
X-FadeThat is what we use sbdmock for.17:05
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* aboyer googles sbdmock17:06
wazdmmm, now marina package is 48 kb17:09
wazdand screwed obviously :)17:09
kwtmCould someone verify that the firmware I should download for flashing is "PR 1.2 version 10.2010.19-1"?  It's marked "latest global Maemo 5".  I should *not* use "OS 2009 version 1.2009.42-11" which is just marked "global Maemo 5", right?  Or is the "latest" too bleeding edge to use?17:09
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X-Fadekwtm: latest is 19-1 == PR1.217:10
kwtmX-Fade: Thanks.  I didn't notice that option till I started downloading the other one.17:10
kwtmCrumm, it's going to be a 45-minute download.17:10
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wazdX-Fade: I don;'t think that wrong symbols cause that :) Size: 8330 bytes17:11
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X-Fadewazd: Sorry, try to find someone else to look at it, really need to work on other things.17:12
wazdX-Fade: ok, nm :)17:12
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* X-Fade just imported 500+ packages from Extras into OBS to see how many will build.17:15
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D-Iivilgreetings everyone.17:18
alteregoD-Iivil: well, I don't know what you're doing wrong, but I got it to work first time :P17:19
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* D-Iivil just witnessed the fastest Nokia repair ever!17:20
alteregoD-Iivil: :)17:20
D-Iivilalterego, that's weird17:20
alteregoD-Iivil: They're usually pretty good in my experience, but I think people have different, erm, experiences.17:20
D-Iivilalterego, yeah.17:20
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D-Iivilalterego, can you drop the link to the source tar, so I can play with it later tonight?17:21
D-IivilI currently don't have remote access to my work PC which I downloaded the files earlier today...17:22
alteregoOkay, baring in mind, that I tested on device, _not_ scratchbox, as I don't have scratchbox installed.17:22
D-Iivilalterego, I will test it also on my device now that I got it back :P17:22
alteregoThe only issue I had, was your script quits straight away if your THEMEDIR doesn't exist.17:24
alteregoAnd it didn't on my device :)17:24
alteregoSo I just commented out that conditional and it workd fine.17:24
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alteregoAlbeit, I couldn't even run it from the console because of the above issue so ...17:25
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D-Iivilalterego, justo be sure, can you also send me the .so file built by you so I can try that also if mine won't work?17:26
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D-Iivilalterego, thanks :)17:29
kwtmX-Fade: Hey, you said you installed all sorts of "dodgy software" and your n900 never went into infinite loop on bootup.  You're using the 2010.19-1 firmware, right?17:30
D-Iivilwill try those later this evening. Now I gotta feed the kids ->17:30
X-Fadekwtm: yes, of course.17:30
kwtmOk, thx.  Still downloading firmware.17:31
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alteregoI've installed quite a lot of stuff and I've never had an infinite reboot ..17:35
SpeedEvilme too.17:35
alteregoStrange how it seems to be the newbs that suffer that issue :)17:36
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mgedminwell, experienced users learned not to do things that lead to infinite reboots ;)17:38
alteregoI guess so ..17:39
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alteregoBut all these users seem to think it's developers fault, 99% of the time it's "after I installed package X from extras"17:39
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* noobmonk3y sits and waits for the abuse..........17:43
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rex1Whats its better maemo or android17:47
* noobmonk3y lols at the amount of ~seen noobmonk3y's in the logs, wooops, but gotta goto a meeting too!17:47
* noobmonk3y prods frals on the way out... my first random push mms!!! - can see it's there, but wont download lol!17:47
rex1Anyone knows how i can install app in another mmc17:48
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rex1Because i dont have enough space17:48
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kwtmhelp! typing this with 1 hand. i am trying 2 flash. am holding down u key with other hand on n900. when i plug in usb cable, is it supposed to turn on?17:49
kwtmdo i have 2 let go of u key first?17:50
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noob_afkkwtm: u should just work17:53
noob_afkhold down on turning it on, wait for symbol at top right, let go17:53
SpeedEvilrex1: What are you trying to install? It's saying you're out of space?17:53
kwtmnoob_afk: Okay, that did not happen.  When I plugged in USB cable, screen remained dark for 2 minutes.17:54
kwtmnoob_afk: I removed battery, then put back in, and was able to get the dark screen.  It seems to be flashing now.17:54
X-Fadekwtm: Pressed the powerbutton?17:54
kwtmIt says flashed successfully.  We will see what it does.17:55
kwtmX-Fade: tried that, too, but hard to hold down power button while keyboard is slid open so I can press U key,17:55
X-Fadekwtm: Try 2 hands?17:55
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X-FadeOr linux where you don't need to :)17:55
kwtmX-Fade: Well, that's what I ended up doing, so now I know that that did not work either.  But removing the battery and replacing did.17:55
crashanddieJust bought a new bike :)17:56
kwtmOkay, this does not look hopeful.  The flashing dots continue.  I will let it go for another 15 minutes then I have to go to work.17:56
X-Fadekwtm: Did you see a progress bar on the screen while flashing?17:56
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kwtmX-Fade: Yes, I did, and the shell prompt says "CMT flashed successfully", so the flashing was successful.17:57
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X-Fadekwtm: Ok, then it might be your emmc which needs flashing.17:57
kwtmQuestion is: with the old or new firmware, what's keeping it from running properly?  Checking the memory or something?  Random bit flipped in the RAM or something? :P17:57
ptmncrashanddie: show it17:58
crashanddieptmn: don't have it yet, it arrives early next week17:58
kwtmOkay, will read up on emmc.  Is that just the RAM that acts like a RAM disk (the 25+ GB of space)?17:58
alteregoInterresting, with fine accuracy my app is saying that horizontal accuracy is about 6k meters :o17:58
X-FadeNo it is just flash storage. 32GB.17:58
crashanddiejust a cheap 125cc bike, nothing fancy. Just happy I'm going to have two wheels again (my full bike licence was revoked three years ago)17:58
* frals slaps noob_afk around a bit with a large trout17:59
alteregoI don't think it's actually in meters ..17:59
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lcukkwtm, you could simply have found a serious bug in a single extras application.18:00
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kwtmX-Fade: It says "always flash the FIASCO image and then the eMMC without booting".  What is the FIASCO image?  Is that the firmware I just flashed?18:01
X-FadeMore likely that his emmc got corrupted.18:01
lcukwe dont know off hand it will be interesting to see your app list and some stas from your mahcine (space available etc)18:01
X-Fadekwtm: yes, that is the firmware.18:01
X-Fadekwtm: But don't worry about that warning ;)18:01
kwtmlcuk: I believe we just heard from this group that "newbies always think it's the developer's fault that there's a bug."  I'm going to let the rest of you figure it out.18:01
kwtmMe, I'll just continue to think that Nokia should have put a hardware reset.18:01
X-Fadekwtm: Where is the hardware reset on your PC or Mac?18:02
SpeedEvilhardware reset?18:02
kwtmx-fade: In the power button, where, upon reboot, the BIOS is not corrupted by changes in memory contents.  But I was thinking more along the lines of a phone.18:02
X-Fadekwtm: It is not being sold as a phone.18:03
SpeedEvilX-Fade: Bullshit.18:03
X-Fadekwtm: A mobile computer, with phone capabilities ;)18:03
SpeedEvilX-Fade: It's being offered by several carriers as a phone.18:03
kwtmX-Fade: E.g. if I don't care that my n900 doesn't work properly but I need to make that phone call when I'm stranded in the middle of a deserted highway, then I should be able to at least get phone functionality.18:03
SpeedEvilX-Fade: And in many shops.18:03
X-FadeSpeedEvil: Sure, but nokia doesn't call that.18:03
SpeedEvilX-Fade: none of them say 'this is not a phone'.18:03
SpeedEvilDo they call any of their phones phones?18:04
kwtmOkay, I'll let the rest of you hash out whether the n900 should be used as a phone or not.  I'm going to read up on emmc flashing. Thx.18:04
X-FadeAnyway, flashing both firmware and emmc will put it in factory default state.18:04
alteregokwtm: I was stating what I believed to be a rather accurate statistic that when users get into infinte reboots they automatically blame the last package they installed.18:05
kwtmWhen I downloaded the firmware labeled "2009.42-11_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin", does the "combined" mean I've also already downloaded eMMC?  Or is that a separate download?18:05
alteregoAnd I think I said 99% :P Which isn't everyone18:05
alteregokwtm: it's seperate18:05
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X-Fadekwtm: No, that is just old firmware.18:05
kwtmalterego: I'm not doubting you.  But if there is anything you think I might be doing which I shouldn't, I'd love to hear it.  My second n900 had tread very carefully, and yet the same error happened.18:06
* alterego contemplates writing an app that integrates street view with GPS18:06
SpeedEvilalterego: You can't.18:06
SpeedEvilalterego: (legally)18:06
alteregoSort of like augmented reality, where the augmentation is actually looking back in time .. woo0000ooo18:06
alteregoSpeedEvil: really? Why not?18:06
SpeedEvilalterego: The terms and conditions of streetview are basically that if you're really, really nice, and promise not to remember too much, you can look at it.18:07
kwtmSpeedEvil: alterego can't legally contemplate it?  MUA HA HA Ha Ha ha ha ... here comes the thought police. :)18:07
alteregoWell, how is this goign to make people "remember" ...18:07
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alteregoThey use street view on the android phone ..18:07
SpeedEvilalterego: You can't view the streetview content outside of the google service, can't download it, ...18:07
kwtmOkay, I'm downloading the eMMC image and it says "1 hour 49 minutes remaining".  I think I'll leave it to download while I go to work. :P18:07
SpeedEvilOutside of approved apps that is.18:08
alteregoI know, I'll be using an embedded webkit with streetview being fed information from my app outside18:08
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kwtmX-Fade: When you said I can ignore the warning about rebooting between the FIASCO image and the eMMC image, does that mean I can try rebooting my n900 to see if the flashing worked? If I can get it working before I go to work, it means I can use the n900 for work.18:08
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SpeedEvilcheck the t&cs - they are nasty.18:08
alteregoMeh, fuck 'em, they can sue me.18:08
X-Fadekwtm: That warning is only valid when you upgrade versions.18:08
alteregoThen I'll ask them to hand over the wifi data they ripped out of my wifi as they were driving past.18:09
X-Fadekwtm: But as you are about to wipe your device, that doesn't matter.18:09
kwtmX-Fade: But I guess I was using the old maemo 5 --Oh, I see.  It only applies if I was using Maemo 4?18:09
X-Fadekwtm: No.18:09
kwtmX-Fade: Oh, I see, the consequences of not following those instructions are just that the device gets wiped.  So I don't need to care in my case, right?18:09
X-Fadekwtm: If you were using something older than 19-118:09
X-Fadekwtm: Everything will be gone anyway.18:10
lcukX-Fade, nope its not.   kwtm do not bootup between flashing the main image and the emmc18:10
kwtmX-Fade: Okay, will try rebooting to see if this works.  (I hate removing the battery cover --I have to struggle and sometimes it cuts into the skin under my nails)18:10
lcukbecause if you then flash the emmc you will wipe the /opt18:10
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lcukand be in the wrong state18:10
X-Fadelcuk: emmc was already 19-118:10
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kwtmlcuk: Okay.  Alright, to play it safe I'll just leave the n900 alone and use my <sigh> trusty if clunky Treo 650. :P18:11
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kwtmThanks, guys.18:11
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kwtmBtw, what time zone are you in?  I don't seem to get as many responses in this IRC channel when I check it in my evenings (around 0:00 GMT)18:11
kwtmEveryone is dead at that time, I guess.  Ozzies here, right?18:12
crashanddiekwtm: a lot of us are in BST/GMT+118:12
crashanddiekwtm: I used to be in Oz, back in the old continent now, there's a handful of ausers18:12
kwtmOkay.  Well, this is a more helpful crowd than whoever comes here at ... wait, I said 0000h GMT, but I  probably should ahve said 0400h GMT.18:12
lcukmap of maemo people:   europe is the hotspot18:12
X-FadeMohammadAG51: ping?18:13
BCMMok, they aren't acquiring all of it, but they are getting the certificate authority18:15
BCMMoh well, at least they aren't getting a root nameserver18:16
X-FadeBCMM: ?18:16
DocScrutinizer51kwtm: you're using an old fiasko img. 2010... is the newest18:16
BCMMX-Fade: i would appear to have changed channel without noticing18:16
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DocScrutinizer51kwtm: you don't need to flash eMMC to upgrade18:16
X-FadeBCMM: Sounded interesting ;)18:17
Venemohey all18:17
BCMMX-Fade: symantec acquiring verisign's security business18:17
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BCMMX-Fade: as we say on Slashdot, whatcouldpossiblygowrong18:18
X-FadeBCMM: nutin...18:18
DocScrutinizer51kwtm: if you flash eMMC (the VANILLA img) then you MUST AVOID booting after eMMC flashing and you MUSTflash COMBINED after eMMC18:18
VenemoI have a package which should place a file into /etc/event.d/ on installation18:18
Venemothe file is in the .deb18:18
Venemobut it is not installed18:18
Venemocould anyone please help me finding out why?18:18
DocScrutinizer51kwtm: the wiki is pretty clear about that18:18
DocScrutinizer51~tell kwtm about flashing18:19
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jacekowskiwhat's a version of BME in n8x0?18:22
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: a totally different one, as the hw has nothing in common between N810 and N90018:25
jacekowskiwell it would be nice to compare18:25
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: you REALLY want to know?18:26
DocScrutinizerk, hold on18:26
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kwtmDocScrutinizer: Thank you for your advice.  I wanted to clarify the advice I heard from another member of this channel who SEEMED to be saying that this advice no longer applied, so perhaps you could let the member in question know.  Thanks.18:31
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kwtmAnyway, now firefox has crashed, so I'm going to restart my 2 hour download. :P18:32
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DocScrutinizerkwtm: should resume18:33
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: sorry for delay, the friggin N810 decided to panic & reboot once more18:36
alteregoHow many channels does the N900 GPS have? 10?18:36
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DocScrutinizerI guess a lot more18:37
alteregoI can't see it being any more than 12 ..18:37
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DocScrutinizeralterego: the definition of "channel" is somewhat fuzzy on GPS18:40
jacekowskiwell, how many sattelites can it track18:41
alteregoDocScrutinizer: I didn't think it was that fuzzy, how many satellites can the inbuilt GPS on the N900 use simultaneously?18:41
alteregoI've got 5 right now.18:41
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jacekowskinot inbuild18:42
alteregojacekowski: pedant18:42
alteregoI said inbuilt18:42
alteregoNod inbuild18:42
infobotalterego meant: not inbuild18:42
marmoutealterego: not18:42
jacekowski TI GPS503018:43
DocScrutinizerthere's a more meaningful defnition for GPS, and that's hardware corellator18:43
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alteregojacekowski: anyhow, inbuilt is fine, I don't see why you would even bother trying to correct me ..18:43
alteregoUnless this is some stupid American thing.18:43
jacekowskibuiltin is only correct form in english18:44
alteregobull shit18:44
alteregoAnyway ...18:44
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: seems there's no TI GPS503018:46
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alteregoI didn't realize we got the Qt mobility API's in PR1.2 ...18:47
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fluxjacekowski, nevertheles, WrodNet recognizes the term, as a synonym for built-in (not that I'd have seen it before)18:48
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mgedminsynonyms are tricky; sometimes there are subtle shades of meaning18:48
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_0x47hey, my menu icon doesn't show up before rebooting, but I have the gtk-update-icon-cache... in the postinst script. in fact it doesn't even show up after updating the cache manually. it shows up after rebooting tho. what did i do wrong?18:49
alterego_0x47: probably nothing, it happens for every app I've installed ...18:49
_0x47but it doesn't happen to all the apps I've downloaded before?18:50
_0x47is it a SDK problem?18:50
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jacekowskiflux: it's american18:54
jacekowskiflux: it's not a proper english18:54
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: i found it on ti website18:54
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: with note that it's not for end users18:54
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: just for big manufacturers18:54
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: what?18:55
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: that gps18:55
jacekowskihardware correlator i mean18:55
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jacekowskihome time18:55
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sar3th|N900hey, MyDocs is read-only after a crash (N900), anyone know how to fix?19:03
Dialektdamn i forgot my nickserv pass because it was stored in my keychain for years19:04
Dialekthow can i retain it?19:04
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frals/msg nickserv help i recon19:05
fluxsar3th|n900, you could run fat repairing tools from a PC on it19:06
fluxsar3th|n900, or you could unmount it in n900 and run fsck.vfat on it19:06
sar3th|N900ok flux, ty, i will try that19:06
sar3th|N900will xchat crash when i unmount it? lol19:06
fluxit might refuse to unmount if there are open files there, though19:07
fluxif that's the case, lsof should help you find the processes that have those19:07
sar3th|N900it worked :)19:07
sar3th|N900now running fsck.vfat19:07
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fluxoh right, and as always, keep backups of your data 8-)19:08
sar3th|N900"FATs differ but appear to be intact. Use which FAT ?"19:08
fluxdifficult questions, yes..19:09
fluxif you aren't too worried about the data, I suppose it doesn't matter19:09
sar3th|N900i will remount it l8tr then and backup anything which is still readable19:09
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sar3th|N900i'd hate to loose this weekend's photos19:09
fluxyou could probably abort the fsck and do it right now (even if it is read-only)19:10
flux(infact, you should possibly ensure it is read-only when you mount it :-))19:10
sar3th|N900yes, i figured, but i don't have a pc at hand19:10
fluxsend them to your email :)19:10
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D-Iivilalterego, ping19:11
sar3th|N900it will be faster to wait 1h till i am home, cos its so much ;) but ty for the suggestion19:11
fluxgood luck19:11
sar3th|N900thanks :)19:12
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wazd <- feel free to test :)19:18
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D-Iivilwazd, will test right away :)19:19
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wazdD-Iivil: you can probably wait for 1.201 or just ignore lockscreen bug :)19:20
D-Iivilwazd, what bug is there?19:20
wazdD-Iivil: wrong wallpaper :)19:21
D-Iivil(I'm on  2G connection so it will take some time to download the package...)19:21
D-Iivilwazd, heh, shit happens :P Any plans for new themes btw?19:22
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wazdD-Iivil: I have plans but don't have much time :(19:22
D-Iivilwazd, really liked Marina theme coz it was Solarion "finished" in all areas.19:22
D-Iivilautocomplete beat  :P19:22
wazdD-Iivil: well, now it's even more finished :)19:23
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D-Iivilyep :)19:23
wazdD-Iivil: I think I've fixed all bugs (except for "gear" one, that won't be fixed) :)19:23
D-Iivil43 percent done...19:24
D-Iivilbtw, are you using photoshop or what?19:24
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wazdD-Iivil: yep19:28
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D-Iivilwazd, Bug: your theme is names as  "my example theme" in the list where you select the theme ;)19:30
D-Iivilnamed, not names...19:30
D-Iivilnew virtual keyboard looks nice.19:31
wazdD-Iivil: yeah, actually I don't know what's wrong with that since control looks just fine19:33
wazdalso forgot to change painted text color19:33
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wazdbut now, penalties!19:34
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wazdgood luck Japan19:34
D-Iivilwazd, it is not control file what is used for that19:34
D-Iivilrun the .sh script again and remember to type in theme name.19:34
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wazdaw, fucking ninjas :(19:42
lcukwazd :( ninjas got your family again?19:43
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an0therb0xis ovi store working for the N900 ?19:53
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wazdno, seriously, that changelog bug is not normal20:04
wazdI even tried Dreamweaver and it "corrupts" it too20:04
lcukwazd libraries on windows do the same all over - and yes it is corruption, it can also be the mechanism you are using to copy files20:07
lcukwinscp has options to automagically translate20:07
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wazdlcuk: so using FTP client to edit text file is normal nowadays? :)20:10
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wazdit's like using columbia shuttle to travel to the grocery20:12
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lcukwazd - tomatoes grown in zeroG are delicious!20:12
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SpeedEvilNot much good if you prefer them raw, not roasted though.20:13
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D-Iivilhow difficult it can sometimes be to get two under four years old to fall asleep...20:45
lcukD-Iivil, kiddy valium20:46
mortinibaseball bat.20:48
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D-Iivilespecially when they are already tired... they go just grazy and I'm trying to compile a god damn small piece of software nearby...20:48
lcukheya konttori \o20:48
lcukD-Iivil, get them involved with compilation20:48
lcukgive em a laptop and gentoo20:48
lcukkonttori, just chilling after tea :)20:49
lcukhows your hacking going?20:49
konttorino much hacking. Well, I did some qml particle effects last week20:50
konttoribut nothing much. harmattan taking every ounce of my energy for the past month or so20:50
konttorilooks like we are on the winning end of the battle though20:50
D-Iivilvldcnst, LOL that story and images :D20:51
RST38hmooo lcuk, konttori, frals20:51
fralsEHLO RST38h o/20:51
konttorilcuk: have you made any home screen live wallpapers?20:51
konttoriwould be nice to install some20:51
lcukkonttori, ive managed somethings too - w00t_ and a few other guys from collabora have been hacking some things together on liqbase and cleaning up things20:52
konttorioh, cool20:52
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lcukyeah it would, ive not done much in rgb yet - ive heard theres some nice ogl wallpapers around somewhere though :)20:52
inzfrals, you're supposed to identify yourself in EHLO, not the other party.20:52
lcukg\o RST38h20:52
* w00t_ waves at konttori :)20:53
lcukkonttori, silly video
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konttorilcuk: sweet20:54
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konttorilcuk: where are the ogl wallpapers?20:55
konttorithe video looked pretty smooth. anything else your gallery does?20:55
lcuki dunno20:55
lcukyeah, plenty :p20:55
lcukw00t_ brought the x86 branch back to life too :)20:56
lcukwith that rotation stuff its letting me bring the bookreader back - ive been reading in portrait with same kinetics and smoothness i normally have20:58
lcuk(reading in landscape on 900 was a bit cramped, but it comes back amazingly so in portrait :)20:59
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D-Iivilalterego, ping21:02
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alteregoD-Iivil: pong21:03
SpeedEvilI personally don't see the point of smoothness.21:03
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SpeedEvilAt least for books. It's easier to read if it's static, and you just flip pages.21:04
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D-Iivilalterego, don't know what's wrong but when I use the .so file built by you it's working. If I build the file myself it won't work :D21:05
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D-Iivilalterego, so it must be something to do with buildin @ scratchbox21:05
ZuccaHow do I know if I have uprgaded my N900 to PR1.2?21:05
alteregoHrm, D-Iivil what target are you using?#21:05
SpeedEvilZucca: Settings -> about21:06
D-Iivilalterego, the sme I use for theme building: FREA21:06
D-Iivilalterego, fremantle_x8621:06
D-Iivil(damn these tiny buttons)21:06
SpeedEvil10.2010 is 1.221:08
lcukkonttori, are you watching th eworld cup21:08
SpeedEvilAlso - there are some fun things you can do with peoples IMEIs21:08
alteregoZucca: you probably don't want to be pasting that info about ..21:08
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_0x471ls -lah22:21
ShadowJKwhat's adcin2 connected to?22:21
_0x471damn it22:21
flailingmonkeypcgeek: i think the wiki might actually have something about repartitioning, and it might cover camera22:21
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pcgeekIve been on the wiki22:22
timeless_mbpdrwxr-xr-x  29 timeless users  4.0K 2010-06-09 03:55 ./22:22
timeless_mbpdrwxr-xr-x  68 root     root   4.0K 2010-05-31 13:28 ../22:22
jacekowskiShadowJK: it's named ECI_AD, and it's connected to IN+ on something that looks like opamp22:22
jacekowskiShadowJK: and22:23
ShadowJKoh it goes to BSI probably22:23
jacekowskiShadowJK: one input on analogue switch22:23
jacekowskinah, bsi is connected to ADCIN422:23
jacekowskiand ECI_AD is connected to "Microphone Interface" as well22:23
pcgeekHas anyone here re flashed the N900 to the previous firmware as if skype video calling is not bug free, I dont really need this update22:23
jacekowskito Mic2p22:23
N900eviljacekowski: headset button?22:24
jacekowskibut that's strange22:24
jacekowskias BME is reading that22:24
jacekowskiwhy would bme be interested in something like that22:24
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ShadowJKCoincidentally pulseaudio talks to bme22:25
jacekowskiare you sure?22:25
pcgeekwho me22:25
jacekowskido we pulseaudio source code22:26
jacekowskii mean nokia version of it22:26
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ShadowJKCheck /proc/$(pidof pulseaudio)/maps for bme..22:26
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ShadowJKMaybe bme reads state of headphone socket and passes it on to bme / rest of os22:28
ShadowJKon to pulseaudio*22:28
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jacekowskiNokia-N900-02-8:~# ldd /usr/bin/pulseaudio | grep bme | wc -l22:28
jacekowskiit's not bme22:28
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jacekowskiit's not pulseaudio22:29
jacekowskiit's something else that PA depends on22:29
jacekowskibut PA itself is not talking to bme22:29
jacekowskinot directly at lease22:29
ShadowJKMaybe it dlopens it22:29
jacekowskivery unlikely22:29
ShadowJKsince pa has plugin design anyway22:29
alteregoextremely unlikely.22:30
ShadowJKWell I'd ldd the Nokia pa plugins then? :)22:30
jacekowski[sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL: ~] > objdump -T /usr/bin/pulseaudio  | grep dlopen22:31
jacekowski0000d8c8      DF *UND*  00000074  GLIBC_2.4   dlopen22:31
pcgeekI have lost the wiki for paritioning the n900 anyone have the link22:31
jacekowskibut that's probably for plugins22:31
alteregoYes, that is for plugins :P22:32
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jacekowskiNokia-N900-02-8:/proc/778# for i in `cat maps  | cut -c50- | sort| uniq`;do ldd $i| grep bme >/dev/null; AA=$?; if [ $AA -eq 0 ]; then echo $i;fi;done 2>/dev/null22:33
ShadowJKgrep bmeipc /usr/lib/pulse-0.9.15/modules/*22:33
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jacekowskibut why?22:34
e-yesdpkg -keyShowMeWhoDependsOn libbmeipc0 ?22:35
ShadowJKMaybe only one process can use twl4030 adc and bme was chosen to pass on headphone socket status22:35
ShadowJKand do the headphone/headset/tv detection22:35
alteregojacekowski: could it be because they all depend on libnokia-common?22:35
e-yesheadset detection here - /sys/devices/platform/gpio-switch/headphone/*22:36
jacekowskialterego: then only libnokia-common would depend on libbmeipc22:36
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jacekowskiwould link with *22:36
ShadowJKe-yes: well it can distinguish between headphone and headset too22:36
jacekowskibesides, it's from microphone22:37
flailingmonkeybme, the beast that never ends22:37
jacekowskinot from headset22:37
BCMMflailingmonkey: no, "never" starts with "n", not "m"22:37
alteregobme (bastard management entitiy)22:37
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ShadowJKWell presence of a microphone on the fourth pin would make it a headset rather than headphone :P22:38
e-yesit's all done in kernel, in nokia-av22:38
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alteregoI'm quite liking GLSL22:41
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alteregoIn some ways, though it's a bit of a head fuck, having to manually program everything yourself.22:41
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eitama_Hello guys, I need help - I implement a dbus service in my app, to allow opening it via dbus, the dbus works great, but if the app is already hidden, and I click the icon, the app is not shown.22:43
alteregoYou need to look into 'top_application' in osso I believe.22:44
flailingmonkeyBCMM: it isn't an m, it's an n that just never stopped22:45
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eitama_thanks alterego22:46
eitama_you helped me lots!22:47
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alteregoeitama_: no problem :)22:49
eitama_it worked22:50
eitama_kinda stupid, the method's name HAS to be top_application()22:50
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sar3thflux: i ran fsck.vfat, but in the end, it said "Leaving filesystems unchanged", what did i do wrong?23:13
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e-yesjacekowski, ShadowJK, guyz, it looks like you have rx51 schematic that I can trust. what is file name?23:22
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SpeedEvile-yes: see the wiki23:23
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e-yesSpeedEvil, thanks23:26
SpeedEvilsee also [[Category:N900 Hardware]]23:26
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e-yesi saw other files over internet, like RX51_Schematics_v2_0 etc. that's why I asking;)23:27
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SpeedEvilThe above schematic has not been found to be inaccurate.23:39
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pyther24Is there anyway to get the alarm to continuously play until I press stop?23:56
pyther24Currently it plays twice and then "auto-snoozes"23:56
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asj__pyther24: write your own alarm? ;)23:56
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pyther24asj__, is that the only way?23:57
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hardakerpyther24: no, you can ask asj__ to write an alarm for you too.  :-P23:59
pyther24Is the alarm source publicly available? And if so where?23:59

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