IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2010-06-14

shorterhow about the codec, DocScrutinizer?00:00
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shorterhmm, I thought this had no compass functionality, maep thinks it knows which way I'm turning00:01
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SpeedEvilIt doesn't00:02
SpeedEvilit's assuming you're moving forward00:02
lcukshorter, every gps knows to a rough approximation based on gps history00:02
lcukbut its fine grained for just standing still00:03
SpeedEvilAssuming you're moving forward00:03
SpeedEvilThis generally fails if you are moving under 1mph or so00:03
lcukits not ^00:03
shorterah, indeed00:03
shorterso it only knows change in location00:03
shorterlol, I was turning around in my chair and it was changing00:03
shorter"omg it werks"00:03
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SpeedEvilIt probably also works if you sit still :)00:04
SpeedEvil(it changes)00:04
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shorteryou know where I can get more codecs SpeedEvil?00:05
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shorter[ffac3] afm: ffmpeg - is what the video uses on my linux desktop00:05
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crashanddielolwut... the only game I don't watch there's 4 goals?00:11
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PolarFoxcrashanddie: Godz of sensible men are punishing you for watching football at all.00:17
crashanddiePolarFox: I'll watch anything00:17
crashanddiein order of preference: tennis, cricket, rugby, football00:18
crashanddiewith tennis about a million miles in front of anything else00:18
crashanddiePolarFox: A sensible man is punishing you for believing in gods at all.00:19
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lcukcrashanddie, tennis for the game or for the bouncing boo errr balls00:19
crashanddieWell, anything that has bouncy balls has my attention (except for gay porn)00:20
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crashanddiebut yeah, tennis for the game, the players, the tactics, the effect of the crowd on the players and their game, etc00:20
crashanddieit's the only game where you can see a guy go from acing each serve to not even bothering going after an easy ball because of the crowd's reactions00:21
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shorterdidn't realize how many of these applications ive installed make something run in the background and eat battery00:21
jogawell...the processes are probably mostly just sleeping00:22
lcukapart from when they arent00:22
lcukshorter, depends on what you do and how often they things monitoring wakeup00:22
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jogadepends of course on the prog but generally having them in the background doesn't necessarily mean they're doing anything00:22
shorterso I shouldn't disable their startup?00:23
shorterlike sshd for example00:23
shorterwhich I'm almost always not using00:23
jogathe sshd statusbar applet thingy is pretty useful00:24
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jogaif you occasionally want t00:24
jogawell...time to crash, good night...00:24
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shorterhmm, I wonder if I can cache like 10gigs of maps for offline work00:34
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tremnite all, sweet dreams00:38
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: ping00:44
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DocScrutinizer51if you don't want sshd running, then maybe xinetd is the right ting for you00:45
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shorterwell that app worked - now only port 53 is open00:49
shorteryall install bash3?00:51
DocScrutinizer51anyway I feel rather happy about sshd each time I need to quickly check sth wrt maemo when sitting on my laptop and phone is 2 rooms away. And every time the damn screen is broken :-P00:51
MohammadAGwhat's dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)00:51
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MohammadAG* MohammadAG51 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) <-- always remember to remove all bind mount before removing a directory with /dev/ and /proc mounted00:59
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DrGrovAnyone tested to stream some World Cup games on the N900?01:02
vldcnstwhats the stream source?01:02
DrGrovI have not tested but wonder if anyone have tested01:03
DrGrovI might test tomorrow if I am not in front of the computer or tv to watch the early game between Netherlands - Denmark01:03
vldcnstI'm streaming just fine yup01:03
MohammadAGon the N900?01:03
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DrGrovyes, on the N900. Hope it works01:04
MohammadAGthat was @ vldcnst01:05
vldcnstto the n900, yes01:05
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MohammadAGvldcnst, how/what stream?01:06
vldcnstMohammadAG, knots and dvb01:07
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kW_MohammadAG: Do you know whether it is possible to enable serial-over-USB on the N900?01:07
MohammadAGUSB networking?01:08
kW_MohammadAG: the former, but the latter would be fine, too01:08
kW_(I need this when nothing in the system is setup, e.g. during a script caleld by /sbin/preinit)01:09
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MohammadAGwell, there was a bootmenu mod for it01:09
kW_(it is just for debugging why my booting modifications fail for some reason...)01:10
DocScrutinizer51serial over usb commonly known as usb rs232 adapter?01:10
MohammadAGit's not RS232 iirc01:10
DocScrutinizer51or the thing e.g. uBoot does01:11
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DocScrutinizer51usb etworking is yet another ting01:12
MohammadAGThe boot menu mod works, USB networking didn't work for me, but I was quite a n00b when I tried it01:12
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, yeah, but he said it'd work equally as well for what he's doing01:13
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DocScrutinizer51oh, ok01:13
DocScrutinizer51nvm, me raming...01:13
MohammadAGI really want the serial console thing though01:13
DocScrutinizer51roaming even01:13
DocScrutinizer51Ikarus: ?? any news?01:14
kW_well... starting WLAN using WPA instead of usbnet would be overkill, wouldn't it?01:14
pupnikvery interesting  MohammadAG01:15
MohammadAGdebootstrap's validating step is kinda fooked01:15
kW_MohammadAG: maybe you know something different: is it possible to get a normal console on the N900 screen?01:15
MohammadAGit validated files for a wrong distro01:15
MohammadAGframebuffer, you need a custom kernel, and it won't work (at least to my knowledge) on maemo01:16
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kW_hm... I have the "power" kernel01:17
MohammadAGThere's no precompiled binary for one w/ a framebuffer01:17
MohammadAGwhich is kinda sad01:17
MohammadAGLoad average: 10.08 6.00 4.4 \o/01:18
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kW_Ok, I think I got it. :-) Now I have Maemo 5 PR 1.2 running on a 20GB encrypted root :-)01:24
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Corsacdid you do a howto?01:25
meceshit, i've uploaded 3 busted packages in a row01:25
kW_no, I just tried to make it work :-)01:25
meceannoying when they all work nicely when built at home, but the autobuilder versions either miss deps or segfault on launch.01:26
kW_Is it possiblet to disable watchdogs _without_ getting into R&D mode?01:26
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MohammadAGyeah... no01:26
MohammadAGwell, you can try the Mer way I guess01:26
kW_MohammadAG: which is?01:26
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kW_"The keyboard backlight behind the left and right side of the keyboard flickers in response to system activity. " is quite annoying when using a phone for production, but I need to tame the watchdogs in order to have sufficient time to enter the passphrase01:28
pupnik  wonderful song from SNES Seiken Densetsu soundtrack01:30
kW_MohammadAG: thank you :-)01:30
DocScrutinizer51kW_: patch the kernel01:31
kW_DocScrutinizer51: for the kernel to do what?01:32
MohammadAGkW_, np01:32
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DocScrutinizer51for the kernel not to wake the watchdog(+)01:33
SpeedEvilOr maybe there are simply flags to turn off hte watchdog01:33
DocScrutinizer51also a posibility01:34
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benno2DocScrutinizer, BAD news: used QAudioInput on a N900, tried to record some audio in an interactive app. guess how much the latency was ? :)01:35
MohammadAGthere are flags, he doesn't want them01:35
DocScrutinizer51once a watchdog is awake it's its nature not to sleep01:35
SpeedEvil - see that kW_01:36
MohammadAGI tamed the watchdog01:36
kW_MohammadAG: the script depends on  /usr/sbin/wd_keepalive which does not seem to be preinstalled in maemo and which I also cannot find...01:36
SpeedEvilbenno2: 3 hours 24 minutes.01:36
DocScrutinizer51benno2: 2s?01:36
benno24000-5000msec latency with QAudioInput,01:36
MohammadAGkW_, check the mer rootfs image01:36
SpeedEvilThat is quite bad.01:36
benno2I don't know if I should laugh or cry01:36
kW_MohammadAG: well, the flags are fine, but I do not want the need for R&D-mode01:36
* SpeedEvil checks that.01:37
DocScrutinizer51benno2: see the 'policy enforcing engine" in the paper you dug out01:37
benno2how is a developer supposed to write an app for the N900 if by using the official Qt API getting those bad values01:37
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benno2DocScrutinizer51, but VOIP apps achieve lower latencies, so there must be a way. any idea which app I should look at ? (open source)01:38
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DocScrutinizer51also you can ccess low level alsa soundcard drive directly, on the expense of screwing PA01:39
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DocScrutinizer51not on maemo, sorry01:40
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DocScrutinizer51libtelepathy? nope01:40
SpeedEvilWith arecord, it's more like 0.25s01:40
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SpeedEvilrecord  -f cdr test.wav -t raw -V stereo01:40
DocScrutinizer51check the paper, ther,s a 'voice sink'01:41
DocScrutinizer51and that policy engine01:42
SpeedEvilIt's more like 0.15 (I forgot ssh latency)01:42
DocScrutinizer51which is the modern complement of alsactl01:42
benno2DocScrutinizer51, I would like to write an app which is system friendly and is interactive.  I found this document, any idea if one needs to use libplayback, OHM,PEP ?
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DocScrutinizer51sorry Imm ircing in a pub right now. no way to check that01:43
pupnikbenno2: nice graphic01:43
benno2SpeedEvil, that 0.2sec  would be much better, wondering what arecord does differently since QAudioInput too uses ALSA01:45
benno2SpeedEvil, the question is what device is arecord using in your case ? if you launch it with -v (verbose) it should show it01:45
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kW_MohammadAG: maybe there is a possibility to simply increase the watchout timeout interval (e.g. to 3 minutes)?01:46
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SpeedEvil benno201:47
* SpeedEvil pokes lcuk01:48
SpeedEvilaudio input - delay latency?01:48
benno2SpeedEvil, could you use a unix pipe to test the input output latency ? mkfifo /tmp/fifo  ,  and then piping the raw audio to that pipe and aplay reading from it so you should hear what you say in real time (with a short delay)01:48
* SpeedEvil points at benno2's question above01:48
MohammadAGkW_, not sure about that, but you probably need a custom kernel01:48
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kW_it looks like does not contain a Mer image anymore...01:50
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pupnikbenno2: can do that with gstreamer from commandline01:51
benno2SpeedEvil, thanks for the info.  I see period_size 5512, buffer_size 22050, quite a lot !01:51
benno2pupnik, if you can try it please (no N900 handy ATM)01:51
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pupnikalso benno2 to see what alsa is using for buffer..01:52
pupnikcat /proc/asound/RX51/pcm0p/sub0/hw_params01:52
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SpeedEvilben: not working for some reason01:53
SpeedEvilben: that's half a second01:53
pupniksome more notes
SpeedEvilbenno2: err - 1/401:53
DocScrutinizerbenno2: PIPE?? "arecord|aplay"01:53
benno2SpeedEvill what do you get with:  cat /proc/asound/RX51/pcm0p/sub0/hw_params01:53
SpeedEvilbenno2: which is about what I 'measured' - by banging on the mic and looking for the peak01:53
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: doesn't want to know01:53
benno2DocScrutinizer, I honestly did not try to combine arecord and aplay to act as a fullduplex audio system, pipe | might work01:55
crashanddieI fucking hate it when the browser crashes about 2/3 in a long post01:55
DocScrutinizerpupnik: that for sure isn't the buffer used by alsa<->PCM PA plugin01:55
DocScrutinizerbenno2: works great even over ssh :-P01:55
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pupnikDocScrutinizer: that is the buffer alsa uses when talking to the hw subsystem, at the end of the chain01:56
DocScrutinizerused that to copy mic of Freerunner to a laptop01:56
SpeedEvilcrashanddie: There exist form history things that save that01:56
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pupnikin the general case it is set by PA01:56
DocScrutinizerpupnik: axactly01:56
crashanddieSpeedEvil: nha, it's blogger, so it autosaves every twenty nano seconds01:56
kW_ is a Mer image, but it does not contain "/usr/sbin/wd_keepalive"...01:57
benno2SpeedEvil, thanks. that looks like the real hw device,  buffer size 1920, so 2 channels, 16bit = 480samples / 48000 = 10msec01:58
benno2the question is can an user space app access the real alsa device and not the one emulated by pulse audio01:58
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: should work, if not then you got problems with arecord input device or aplay output device. For arecord I wouldn't be astonished to find 'default' doesn't work for record source01:59
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SpeedEvilIt was working - I was banging on the mic - and the vumeter was bouncing01:59
SpeedEvilHowever - playing audio wasn't01:59
benno2I mean without killing pulse audio. the app should be system friendly and not requiring the user to do something special like killing and restarting daemons01:59
* SpeedEvil wants to at some point work out how idle the device can be when playing audio.02:00
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SpeedEvilI want to know if the audio 'card' can simply take a 10 meg buffer, and play it02:00
DocScrutinizerbenno2: (can a user...) can, if you accept the limitations as mentioned above. Might freak PA02:00
* SpeedEvil wonders how he's totally killed sound02:01
DocScrutinizeryou tried to playback tru alsa?02:02
DocScrutinizer[2010-06-14 00:59:35] <SpeedEvil> However - playing audio wasn't02:03
SpeedEvilOk - somehow the audio has gotten wedged into going to the speakers02:03
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: just using aplay/record02:03
benno2DocScrutinizer, I can only pray that Meego will clear this mess, since other companies like intel are involved perhaps they dumped some of this nonsense. looks nice on paper but works crappy in practice02:03
DocScrutinizeryou bet it's crap02:04
DocScrutinizerthe concept is flawed02:04
SpeedEvilOk - that works now02:04
SpeedEvilI get wierd delayed feedback noises02:04
DocScrutinizerwhat works now02:04
benno2SpeedEvil, verdict ?02:04
DocScrutinizernice :-D02:05
SpeedEvilIt sounds like a 1960s dr who02:05
DocScrutinizerusually has a rtt ~500ms02:05
DocScrutinizeror less02:05
SpeedEvilaround a second02:05
SpeedEvilthat is - one tap generates a ~1hz cycle02:05
benno2SpeedEvil, keep in mind that unix pipes introduce some delay too, probably the pipe is a few kbytes so it might still not be the best the system can achieve02:05
SpeedEvilI know02:06
DocScrutinizerarecord -D hw:0.002:06
DocScrutinizeror 0.102:06
DocScrutinizeror 1.002:06
DocScrutinizernota bene you can advice arecord/play to use arbitrary buffer sizes etc02:07
mecewhy autobuilder, Why are you killing my wesnoth?!02:08
DocScrutinizeryou can config almost everything, as aplay also is the test app for alsa02:08
DocScrutinizerthe reference implementation02:08
DocScrutinizerthe only thing not used in aplay/record is buffer skipping as used in twinkle, and that's why twinkle fails with PA's vrappy ALSA compatibility plugin - they never even cared about implemeting that call in a semi decent way02:10
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benno2DocScrutinizer, so do I understand it correctly that the N900 provides a real ALSA hw interface (10msec latency hw buf), pulse audio hijacks it and provides the crappy high latency alsa device to user space apps ?  still wondering how voip apps like skype get their work done02:11
DocScrutinizermaybe skipping wasn't the correct term02:11
DocScrutinizerbenno2: obviously, yes. exactly02:12
DocScrutinizerbenno2: look at p15 of the unbelievable paper02:12
DocScrutinizer""ALSA hw:0 \n the reular ALSA device""02:13
DocScrutinizerregular even02:13
DocScrutinizerwhich is ALSA sink/source in the PA domain02:14
benno2DocScrutinizer, ALSA provides a software mixing layer which can be sample accurate, wondering why they did not use it and let the app developer the possibility open to use hw alsa directly02:14
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DocScrutinizerthen you got a voice sink/source, and a music sink02:14
MohammadAGDownloading 400MBs on the N900's gonna take time02:15
MohammadAGeven worse is unpacking them02:15
SpeedEvilThere are constraints.02:15
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* MohammadAG disables PSM02:15
SpeedEvilFor example - you have to do the filtering also02:15
MohammadAGwould that even help?02:15
DocScrutinizerbenno2: dunno. Somebody every now and then claims dmix is buggy, but I always found it works like a charm and PA is buggy like dogshit02:15
SpeedEviland other stuff that's not in alsa02:15
* benno2 agrees with DocScrutinizer 02:15
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: With me - PSM does not decrease download speed.02:16
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: It does affect some interactive stuff like X, or ssh02:16
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: filtering? not in ALSA? c'mon02:16
SpeedEvilIt is?02:17
SpeedEviloh well.02:17
MohammadAGOh, so it wouldn't help :/02:17
* MohammadAG wants a quad core armel cpu02:17
DocScrutinizerthere's LADSPA, you can't do the things that can't be done with LADSPA02:17
MohammadAG23 minutes, that's not bad02:18
benno2is there an open source VOIP app which works well on the N900 ? (in order to look at the code what's the magic key to achieve latencies that are not measured in centuries)02:18
SpeedEvilecho cancellation?02:18
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: also notice they developed their own proprietary shit for PA. So they could have done for ALSA02:18
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SpeedEvilOr they could have put pulseaudio in kernel.02:19
DocScrutinizerkernel: tainted02:19
DocScrutinizerI mean there's a *reason* why PA uses the ALSA soundcard kernel drivers02:20
benno2SpeedEvil, no need for audio stuff which resides in the kernel. for example the jackd sound daemon is an userspace app. it uses alsa and runs with RT scheduling, kernel must be compiled with  real time support. it can easily achieve single digit latencies without dropouts, under high load and several active apps.02:21
DocScrutinizerthey're just not capable to come up with anything on par02:21
SpeedEvilbenno2: Things aren't always one sanely :/02:22
DocScrutinizerbut WHO NEEDS THAT?02:22
infobotSpeedEvil meant: benno2: Things aren't always done sanely :/02:22
DocScrutinizermaybe musiciians trying to run realtime effects on their computer. Then a 10ms latency might be too much02:22
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DocScrutinizerthough even musicians seem to tolerate 50ms02:23
DocScrutinizerI mean, that's 15m distance. So what?02:23
DocScrutinizerok, 16.502:24
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benno2DocScrutinizer, it depends, sound travels 1meter in 3msec, so 10msec = loudspeaker at 3 meters distance. as said jack is capable of 3-5msec latency (input to output), and since most dsp based hw effects do use buffering too I don't think they do considerably better.02:24
DocScrutinizerat a velocity of 330m/s02:24
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DocScrutinizerand that poor soul of sw engineer worries about 5ms latency on GSM - MUHAHAHA02:26
kW_How do I actually _disable_ R&D mode? It looks like when booting, the USB logo does not appear anymore..02:27
SpeedEvilThere is probably a nokia spec somewhere that says 'thou shalt keep under xms delay'02:27
benno2IMHO next time nokia should better research what kind of architectures exist (eg audio) on linux and discuss that with the project devs rather than hire a local intern and then based on his findings make a device out of it. doomed to fail02:27
Martiiniprofessional soundcards advertise latencies below 6 sec02:27
SpeedEvilWritten in the days of the 331002:27
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MohammadAGkW_, R&D mode doesn't have to do with the USB icon02:28
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: the problem is there isn't. It just says "keep latency as low as possible"02:28
MohammadAGanyways, flasher-3.5 --disable-rd-mode02:28
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: how do you know?02:28
kW_MohammadAG: well, this was my problem, the USB cable was simply not connected...02:28
Martiiniany development of Android take place here much`?02:29
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil:  page 9 ""Cellular Call Latency Challenge""02:29
SpeedEvilnope Martiini.02:29
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SpeedEvilMartiini: I suggest you try other channels - maybe ##politics for android development.02:30
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: this together with the way the rest of this paper is written makes it obvious what requirement spec the poor sw eng got02:30
MartiiniMajority of software being written on Earth .. is just crap ... KDE, Gnome, Windows .. iphone, symbian ...02:31
Martiini+ you get PC games ...02:31
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: "challenge" == 'the paper where my boss has written down what I need to do'02:31
MartiiniIf only we would get simple things ... like a decent IRC app for linux  phones .. etc02:32
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SpeedEvilxchat works OK.02:32
MartiiniI mean .. You get 100 000 applications for iPhone .. how about a decent IRC application .. with contact saving support .. etc .. no02:32
SpeedEvilbut it's hardly for phones.02:33
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marmouteMartiini: irsii ?02:33
Martiinixchat is not good enough .. quadrapassel is much better if you talk IRC clients02:33
FredrIQwhat's wrong with xchat02:33
SpeedEvilwha'ts wrong with...02:33
SpeedEvilwhat he said02:33
DocScrutinizercontact saving - in IRC??02:34
FredrIQyou also have kvirc if you really don't want to use xchat but it isn't customized for 800x48002:34
SpeedEvilAlso pidgin02:34
FredrIQand irssi02:34
DocScrutinizerfsck pidgin02:34
Martiiniso .. to get features for IRC on a phone .. one needs xchat, pidgin, irssi ...02:34
ali1234i like the way pidgin makes irc look like any other protocol and wish that someone would make a half decent plugin for telepathy02:35
DocScrutinizeronly nice feature of pidgin is softscrolling. And I'm not sure I've seen this on maemo02:35
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: also channel aliases.02:35
DocScrutinizerchan aliases would be mad useful02:36
FredrIQwhat do you miss with xchat?02:36
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: My pidgin setup is tabs down the righthand side, with the letters at 90 degrees - 'HOS' 'MD' 'ED' 'OSM' 'TP' ...02:36
MartiiniAndroid may become great if they get it right02:36
DocScrutinizernevr knew pidgin can do that. Maybe that relates to the <60min I was willing to cope with it02:36
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DocScrutinizerand that's been on OM, not on maemo02:37
MohammadAGAndroid is kinda broken by design02:37
MohammadAGbroken linux that is02:37
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pigeonexcuse my ignorance, but what is softscrolling?02:38
MohammadAGthe opposite of hardscrolling of course02:38
Martiinimaemo/meego is based on fedora, .. correct ??02:38
SpeedEvilInstead of jumping from line to line, it scrolls smoothly02:38
SpeedEvilor it can02:38
MohammadAGMaemo is based on Debian, MeeGo is based on RPM (didn't this originate on Red Hat?)02:38
pigeonthat would be smooth scrolling? no?02:38
FredrIQmartiini, maemo were developed from debian but nowdays it isn't compatible with it anymore02:39
FredrIQpigeon, same thing02:39
pigeonok then02:39
Martiinihow about puppy linux .. anyone tried puppy ... super-efficient .. tiny , fast02:39
SpeedEvilIt smoothly scrolls up when a new line appears, with the new line coming into view slowly02:39
DocScrutinizerFredrIQ: please don't torture my brain with such fuzzy stereotypes02:40
MohammadAGcurrently installing Ubuntu 9.1002:40
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FredrIQDocScrutinizer, eh?02:40
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DocScrutinizerFredrIQ: what for god's sake means ""maemo were developed from debian but nowdays it isn't compatible with it anymore""02:41
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teilzeitstudentIs the Phonet kernel stuff related to maemo (n900 anyway)? Just updating my kernel and I was wondering if I need that to get usb network running.02:41
DocScrutinizerthat's BS02:41
FIQwell, go figure out02:41
SpeedEvilphonet is required to get the phone to work02:42
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DocScrutinizer~wtf aiui02:42
infobotAIUI: as I understand it02:42
teilzeitstudentah :p02:42
MohammadAG~wtf roflmaowpimp02:43
infobotGee...  I don't know what roflmaowpimp means...02:43
DocScrutinizerphonet are the modem drivers (the short version of the story)02:43
teilzeitstudentSo.. phonet is required on the device, but not on the host?02:43
marmoute~wtf tla02:43
infobotTLA: three letter acronym02:43
teilzeitstudentAlright thanks02:44
benno2DocScrutinizer, going to post some of my findings and problems with Qt audio on talk.maemo, let's see if one can suggest how to lower the latency. which forum should I chose ?02:44
DocScrutinizerand it's needed for access to the GSM modem only02:44
DocScrutinizer~wtf etla02:44
infobotETLA: extended three letter acronym02:44
DocScrutinizerbenno2: !tmo?02:45
DocScrutinizerbenno2: honestly, tmo is the maemo badlands. If I had to guess, I'd opt for "n900"02:46
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benno2DocScrutinizer, I too tought to chose n900. I will report this as a BUG. a big BUG IMHO :) will it ignite a flameware ? :)02:46
DocScrutinizerjust everything ignites a flamewar on tmo02:47
DocScrutinizersome of the users have multiple personalities so they can troll with themselves ;-P02:48
benno2DocScrutinizer, I will try to be polite but describe the facts as they are, that Qt Audio in this form is useless for interactive apps.02:48
DocScrutinizerone thing's for sure, you won't get a single bit of useful info iut of tmo, without sophisticated stuff like Kayman filters etc02:49
DocScrutinizerbenno2: all honest I'd suggest you better open a ticket02:50
DocScrutinizeror post to devel ML02:50
benno2DocScrutinizer: you mean better to post to maemo devel list ? (I'm subscribed)02:50
DocScrutinizernobody of the people you want to address is bothering to read tmo, I guess02:51
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DocScrutinizerbenno2: yes, post to devel mailing list02:51
DocScrutinizerand open a ticket on bugtracker02:51
benno2DocScrutinizer, yeah might make sense what you said, too much noise.  so better the ML or open a bug report ? (what's the URL of maemo's bugtracker)02:51
DocScrutinizererr, mompls02:52
DocScrutinizerbug #22202:52
povbotBug List of Maemo icons is missing02:52
kW_MohammadAG: the wd_keepalive does not work :-(02:56
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DocScrutinizerbenno2: I'd suggest you open the ticket, then post to ML and refer to it02:59
DocScrutinizerbenno2: in the ticket you're supposed to be terse on description of problem, and on ML you can elaborate on your thoughts and ask for alternative ways to implement what you need03:01
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DocScrutinizerkW_: wd_keepalive probably only works when it comes from the process that initiated aka awakened the watchdog03:02
DocScrutinizerkW_: that's pure guessing03:03
kW_DocScrutinizer: well, but the script here suggests something different03:03
DocScrutinizerI easily might be completely wrong on that03:03
DocScrutinizerhey it's loading03:04
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DocScrutinizerkW_: that's not exactly a script, that's a upstart file to start / stop a service03:07
DocScrutinizerhmm, more a initfile03:08
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benno2DocScrutinizer, thanks for the tips. will do it! but probably today my concentration is too low to precisely write down the stuff precisely. I might even write some sample source because often the first response you get is, it's your fault, your code probably does something wrong,read thje API xyz, there is a low level acess API etc :)03:10
DocScrutinizerfair enough :-D a small proggi to demontrate the issue is probably best you can do, for a ticket03:12
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benno2DocScrutinizer, yes because no one can deny it and saves a lot of useless talking.  ok thanks again guys for your help. see you next time hopefully with a less buggy maemo :)03:16
DocScrutinizerkW_: also /usr/sbin/wd_keepalive seems to not exist on maemo (I know it's fedora). So if you boot the maemo kernel, I wouldn't expect the way the watchdogs work on N900 is completely compatible with the wd_keepalive way03:17
DocScrutinizerbenno2: hope to see you next time soon, same place, with just a few news on the same old bug :-)03:17
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DocScrutinizerbenno2: don't expect Nokia to release PR1.3 merely for fixing this issue, in 3weeks.03:18
kW_DocScrutinizer: well, I used the wd_keepalive from fedora-arm-RPM packages03:19
DocScrutinizerbenno2: so probably here and devel ML is your best chance to get it sorted03:19
* luke-jr wonders why Canonical writes a crappy replacement for standard system components and every other distro jumps onboard03:19
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr: ohnoes. Which one this time?03:20
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luke-jrDocScrutinizer: just the same init/cron => jumpstart03:20
DocScrutinizer~curse canonical03:20
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, canonical !03:20
DocScrutinizerwell, upstart isn't a cononical nvention aiui03:21
DocScrutinizerand actually upstart *could* be nice03:21
luke-jrupstart does nothing that init-ng didn't already do03:22
luke-jrother than trying to replace cron03:22
luke-jrand upstart breaks my workflow03:22
DocScrutinizerif it were used the way it's been intended and not as a cheap crappy replacement for init03:22
luke-jrI type /etc/init.d/service action and it whines to type something else03:22
GAN900Jaffa, ping?03:22
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: ack03:23
DocScrutinizeron a device like N900 upstart concept make a damn lot of sense03:23
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: what benefit over init-ng?03:24
DocScrutinizerevent driven by design03:24
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DocScrutinizerso everything like e.g shutting down modem for flightmode should be handled by upstart03:25
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DocScrutinizeras upstart is supposed to manage services all the lifetime, not just boot up the system03:26
MohammadAGdidn't you say GSM during flights causing problems is really just a rumor :P03:26
GAN900Damn, I guess it's done.03:26
* GAN900 was playing softball.03:26
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: and init-ng doesn't do that how?03:26
luke-jrMohammadAG: it causes problems for the device at least..03:26
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: sure you can implement all this with init-ng as well. It's just more elegant in upstart, more generic03:27
* luke-jr doubts it03:28
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xim_is it possible to set an application to launch when the headphones are plugged in?03:28
GAN900xim_, yes03:28
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: I haven't dealt with upstart much, just read he project homepage some 2 years ago, and it was really more appealing than it looked like when you look at it from a init-ng_replacement POV03:29
xim_GAN900, would one use the headphones daemon package for that?03:29
xim_seemed from the description to just send an interrupt when they were unplugged03:30
GAN900xim_, dunno, I only know a dbus signal is sent when it's plugged in, so. :P03:30
DocScrutinizerGAN900: lo03:30
GAN900DocScrutinizer, hey-ho.03:31
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: sure you don't mean init-replacement?03:31
luke-jrinit-ng is the 5 year old thing, not the pre-Linux thing03:32
luke-jrlol at Wikipedia on init03:33
luke-jr"Various efforts have been made to replace the traditional init daemons with something better. Below is a list of these alternatives in no particular order."03:33
luke-jrInitng, a full replacement of init designed to start processes asynchronously03:33
luke-jrUpstart, a full replacement of init designed to start processes asynchronously initiated by Ubuntu03:33
luke-jrthe only difference being that Ubuntu initiated Upstart03:34
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xim_gan900, I am new to dbus, how would I go about learning how to intercept dbus signals and luaunching events03:35
SpeedEvilxim_: start by grabbing the source of headphoned - or whatever it was called03:35
xim_ah good idea thanks03:36
DocScrutinizerwell, in gemany we got the profession names application-developer and system-developer, and wiki has exactly same description for both. Still everybody of random HR wants to know if I'm app-dev or sys-dev03:36
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SpeedEvilFix wiki then.03:37
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DocScrutinizerI would if I knew any difference03:38
SpeedEvil'Application developers always wear blue hats'.03:39
DocScrutinizerhmm, sounds reasonable XD03:39
GAN900System dev works with libraries, application dev uses them.03:40
GAN900Generally a platform dev is slightly above an app dev03:40
DocScrutinizerI allways found that I need both in the end03:41
GAN900DocScrutinizer, personally, I'd call you a platform dev.03:41
luke-jroh, actually I'm fine w/ SysV init too...03:41
luke-jrit looks like the part that makes Upstart worthless is actually called OpenRC03:41
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kW_Does anybody know where (e.g. in the kernel) the flickering keyboard backlight is controlled in R&D-mode?03:49
SpeedEvilsearch for watchdog03:49
SpeedEvilor LED03:49
SpeedEvilor elvis03:49
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DocScrutinizerkW_: the flickering kbd backlight in R&D mode is a hardware feature. It's enabled by NOLO I guess03:57
kW_DocScrutinizer: but how does the hardware know whether some parts of the system are active or not?03:58
DocScrutinizersee ""SLEEP_IND, NSLEEP1, SYS_CLKREQ"" on schematics page 603:58
kW_well, SLEEP_IND does not refer to the keyboard LEDs, does it?03:59
DocScrutinizerSLEEP_IND seems the gate signal enabling this feature03:59
kW_what makes you believe this? (I actually tried to disable "sleep_ind", with no success)04:00
DocScrutinizerthe other 2 signals obviously control the flickering of the ndividual LEDs04:00
DocScrutinizerkW_: the schematics make me believe this04:00
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MohammadAGwhat's with the N900 me disconnecting all the time...04:01
kW_DocScrutinizer: do you have a URL for the schematics?04:02
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DocScrutinizerbtw SLEEP_IND is GPIO16204:02
DocScrutinizerkW_: you find the scheamtics via a link on the wiki hardware schematics page04:03
DocScrutinizerD1322 is the component that's in your focus04:06
DocScrutinizeralso N1322 2-channel LED driver chip04:07
crashanddie< mrclopes> who australia played to be in world cup anyway... are there any ohter countries in Oceania?04:09
crashanddie< crashanddie> mrclopes: you must be american?04:09
crashanddie< mrclopes> yes04:09
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derfIn our country's defense, I've _been_ to more contries in Oceania than that.04:11
DocScrutinizerand you're also sure this isn't a disk we live on, yes? :-P04:12
derfI understand WGS84 coordinates.04:13
kW_DocScrutinizer: yes, it looks like N1322 is handling this04:16
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DocScrutinizerbasically *somebody* does the GPIO wiggling in SoC, probably NOLO starts with it. Dunno if maybe SYS_CLKREQ and SYS_OFF_MODE aka NSLEEP1 are configured to work 2nd function04:19
DocScrutinizerbut I'm rather sure setting GPIO_162 to low (high?) will enable rsp stop that flickering04:20
kW_but then, setting SLEEP_IND to 0 should work, why it apparently did not04:21
DocScrutinizerAnd I'd not be surprised to learn this particular GPIO isn't touched anywhere in the kernel04:21
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DocScrutinizermaybe the GPIO isn't configured correctly as output?04:22
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kW_DocScrutinizer: now, " echo inactive >/sys/bus/platform/drivers/gpio-switch/sleep_ind/state" did it actually04:23
DocScrutinizersee? :-D04:23
DocScrutinizergreat, please document it on the wiki hw pages somewhere04:23
SpeedEvilSee if you can add somewhere sane to add that on the LED page04:23
DocScrutinizerkW_: nice find :-D04:24
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crashanddieanyone ever heard of the acronym FML?04:29
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GeneralAntillescrashanddie, one of my best friend's favorites.04:32
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, what now?04:32
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crashanddiejust never heard it, was surprised to see an article on cnet describing it as a "very popular acronym amongst bloggers and regulars on internet forums"04:33
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: please fix  -  refer to  I don't get it as the references don't show up in it seems  :-o04:33
derfIt was very popular like two years ago.04:33
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, the internet is a big place, I suppose.04:33
GeneralAntillesThere are places where soccer is popular in the US, too. :P04:33
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: seems I need to open another ticket against mediawiki?04:34
* SpeedEvil sighs.04:34
povbotBug 147659: was not found.04:34
SpeedEvil(not related to that)04:34
crashanddiewho owns povbot?04:34
crashanddiepovbot: ownerinfo04:34
povbotcrashanddie: Error: "ownerinfo" is not a valid command.04:34
crashanddiepovbot: owner04:34
povbotcrashanddie: Error: "owner" is not a valid command.04:34
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, mgedmin.04:34
crashanddiepovbot: help04:34
povbotcrashanddie: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.04:34
DocScrutinizerpovbot: info04:34
povbotDocScrutinizer: Error: "info" is not a valid command.04:34
vldcnstpovbot: version04:35
povbotvldcnst: The current (running) version of this Supybot is 0.83.3.  The newest version available online is
DocScrutinizerpovbot: status04:35
povbotDocScrutinizer: Error: "status" is not a valid command.04:35
crashanddiepovbot: leave04:35
povbotcrashanddie: Error: "leave" is not a valid command.04:35
vldcnstpovbot: part04:35
povbotvldcnst: Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.04:35
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: that was moved from somewhere I forget, I haven't gone through it for sanity04:35
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: please don't kill povbot :-D04:35
crashanddieI'm going to04:36
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crashanddiemgedmin seriously needs to put a filter on the bug trackers URLs that povbot matches against04:36
crashanddieI'm tired of seeing "bug not found"04:36
crashanddieas soon as someone links to anything that isn't bugs.maemo.org04:36
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, there aren't that many non bugs being pasted. :P04:36
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DocScrutinizerexactly, though I tend to agree with crashanddie it *should* have better filtering04:37
DocScrutinizerpovbot: ?04:38
povbotDocScrutinizer: Error: "?" is not a valid command.04:38
DocScrutinizerthis is what annoys me much more04:38
DocScrutinizerbots ares upposed to correctly identify themselves and their owner04:38
vldcnstpovbot: stats04:38
povbotvldcnst: I have 1 registered users with 0 registered hostmasks; 1 owner and 0 admins.04:38
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, 'course it should. :P04:39
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: that's at least freenode policy04:41
GeneralAntillesWell, somebody poke mgedmin.04:41
MohammadAG/ms send mgedim would be equally good :p04:42
DocScrutinizerif some freenode stuffer runs into povbot then (s)he'll kill that bot for not identifying who's admin04:43
DocScrutinizerfor strange reasons this seems to never work. Nobody of those I sent a /ms msg to ever seen it04:44
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kW_Where can I get not-so-exotic packages for maemo? (For example, "hexdump" and a proper "head" implementation?)04:59
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lipecan someone help me to connect my n900 in wifi with cisco leap authentication?05:31
lipei need wpa_suplicant package but i don't found it05:32
povbotBug 3655: EAP-LEAP (Cisco) not supported05:33
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lipepovbot: officially...05:35
povbotlipe: Error: "officially..." is not a valid command.05:35
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lipepovbot: wpa05:37
povbotlipe: Error: "wpa" is not a valid command.05:37
SpeedEvilumm - don't off-hand know what might provide wpa_supplicant05:39
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SpeedEvilLurk - maybe more people will have a clue hen they waek up05:44
SpeedEvilI know it's a question that's been asked before I haven't been tracking it - as I use one AP.05:44
SpeedEvilTrying building it on device, to see if it works05:45
lipei will try...05:45
lipethanks for support05:45
SpeedEvilI mean - I'm trying05:46
lipe:) thanks again05:46
SpeedEvilah - I need to setup more prerequisites - openssl fails05:46
SpeedEvilnot tonight.05:47
SpeedEvilGood luck05:47
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DocScrutinizerdamn,  is a shame06:00
DocScrutinizerguess I can't keep from fixing it, as it's really a pity06:01
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SpeedEvilGetting started hacking on stuff - even if it's not related directly isn't bad06:04
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DocScrutinizerand it's a shame how they waste 96 steps of programming storage, by simply assigning fixed addresses and restricting prog length for a engine to 1606:11
DocScrutinizerincredibly uninspired code06:12
DocScrutinizerguess I can fix that so we keep API compatibility06:13
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DocScrutinizerobviously another case of "we don't need that"06:14
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: btw I fixed the references mentioned above06:19
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, end result?06:19
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: err? of the "fixing"?06:20
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DocScrutinizerwiki was ok, just a tiny line at end of that page was missing:  <ref />06:21
DocScrutinizeror something like that06:21
SpeedEvilI'm planning another pass over the hardware pages tomorrow, adding data from modules.06:22
SpeedEvilkernel modules06:22
DocScrutinizerthat <reference /> bit is one weird piece of wiki formating magic O.O06:23
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GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, no, driver improvements06:25
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pupnikhappy thoughts, happy thoughts06:26
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: lol, I've not even started editing. The result will be you can at very least use 32 steps of program text per indicator LED flashing engine06:26
GeneralAntillesAh, cool06:26
DocScrutinizerinstead of the hardcoded arbitrary limit of 16 we have now06:26
DocScrutinizerwell maybe 31, as I need three steps for the muxer tables06:27
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DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: the LP5521 in N810 had 16 steps per engine, fixed. The LP5523 in N900 has 6 pages of 16, forming a uniform storage area of 96, which you can partition as you like to point each engine to the start address of its program. Alas the driver developer was 'too lazy' to deal with that awkward paging, and hardcoded a dedicated page for each of the 3 engines, wasting the remaining 3 pages worth of storage06:33
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* Stskeeps ponders idly if any sandwich stores are open06:38
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* pupnik has extra frozen pizzas06:39
DocScrutinizerif only I could patch mce as well, to free up engine3 from the idiotic task to do a 250ms ramp on dimming the kbd backlight. Damn that's really simpler and easier done in sw in mce, rather than sending a program for it to an engine in LP5523 and thus exclusively allocating the resource06:39
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* pupnik looks nervously over at DocScrutinizer's laboratory06:41
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DocScrutinizerbut probably the developer wasn't aware you can control the brightness of each single led without using an engine running a program to do that06:42
DocScrutinizerhehe, but I could patch the driver to take care of that in sw (aka on SoC CPU)06:45
* pupnik stares bovinely06:46
rafaelbrandaogreetings. does anyone know if there is any way I can install libusb-1.0 on a nokia n810?06:48
DocScrutinizerpupnik: we got /sys/*/*/engine1 engine2 and engine3. Engine3 is used by mce to dim the kbd backlight LEDs. If I change the code servicing the engine3 sysnode, so it does what mce *should* do, then the real hw engine3 is free and could show up as /sys/*/*/engine3_now_for_real06:48
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DocScrutinizerugly but should work06:50
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pupnikthat sounds crazy DocScrutinizer06:52
DocScrutinizeryes, I know. Probably I *am* crazy06:52
SpeedEvilSo you can do RGB LED patterns/06:52
SpeedEvilOr map to the keyboard LEDs in groups of three, and do a running light display with no CPU.06:53
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DocScrutinizerI just can't stand it when poorly written software wastes hw capabilities just because somebody was too lazy to think of a better more clean and less kinky way to implement things06:54
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: also possible06:55
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DocScrutinizerthough I'm able to do this with just one engine, and a few muxer table entries06:56
DocScrutinizerit's actually extremely simple06:56
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GAN900Platform dev. :P07:05
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DocScrutinizerbug #10353 :-(( OMG I'd be ashamed If I were a Nokian07:25
povbotBug result of USSD query should not be shown to user at all (If he wishes that)07:25
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Maceranybody know where mencoder instructions are for reencoding on the n90007:30
Maceror is there some sort of mencoder front end i can use?07:30
Macercopied a show over to it and just now realized its 720p07:30
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Macerohl nm. found it i think07:31
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Maceron the n90007:34
Macernot worth it07:35
Maceri just reniced it.. maybe it will finish in 8 hours07:36
Macerwhile destroying my battery07:36
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CorsacStskeeps: wow, did you see the unrealircd backdoor/08:17
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shorterThe GPS barely works on its own - is it not meant to?08:52
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shorterAt least in my minimal testing (waiting for sim card to arrive)08:52
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kirmaI'd say it's an compromise in hardware-software design08:53
kirmaGPS receivers on phones are *meant* to be assisted, IMO08:53
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plastunhello! how to create TouchSelector with some columns, but show only one?08:53
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kirmaunassisted GPS isn't so central function to phone operation that the hardware would be allowed to take lots of space for components or power, and assist is an effective solution that's available on phone by design08:55
kirmatoo bad regarding roaming, but well...08:55
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* RST38h moos evilly08:58
shorterI was hoping it wasn't just my phone kirma08:59
shorterwhat about roaming though?08:59
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kirmaroaming costs money, and assist uses data :)09:03
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shorterkirma, oh so you mean the ability to use GPS always without spending; yeah good idea09:04
kirmabut anyway, if you don't get GPS lock with assist outdoors, then you have a problem. otherwise it's probably ok.09:04
kirmaI've also observed excess unassisted lock times on e90 and n900... situation of course doesn't get any better if you're on the move, or in even slightly obstructed environment09:05
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kirmaassist solves pretty much all of those issues with a rather small amount of traffic (although if it's done repetitively, that might cause noticeable numbers on roaming)09:07
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shorteruh, how do you line up icons on the desktop?09:42
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DocScrutinizertweakr - enable gridsnap09:46
DocScrutinizeror just a problem to move them?09:46
shorterwhat causes a bunch of "failed cataloges"?09:51
shorterare the repositories down?09:51
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valdynshorter: or your net connection was down09:54
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shorterworry sleepy eyes = newbness09:58
dotblankIs /tmp a good place to store temporary files during run time or something like ~/.tmp more usefull09:58
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stondawhoops :P10:05
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mecetimeless_mbp, well that's actually good news.10:06
shorterdamn /home getting full and only been using for 2 days10:07
shortergive me a linux computer and I'll use a linux computer10:07
meceshorter, on N900?10:09
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shorterdo you guys have strategies to avoid root getting full?10:12
MohammadAG51tracker runs at the worst times, when you're installing a damn distro, load was 15+10:13
MohammadAG51yeah, it's called...10:13
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, optification is a inventive duct tape workaround to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the partitioning is FUBAR, or,_Deploying_and_Distributing/Installing_under_opt_and_MyDocs10:13
shorterhow much of your home directories have you used?10:13
MohammadAG51a lot, reached 36MBs (free) once10:14
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shorterforgot what's default?10:14
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shorternone of that is taken up by default?10:14
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shorterwonder how I used 1.6GB!?10:15
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shorterit is funny how much more space a 3gb folder (on reiserfs on my box) will take up on a vfat partition (~5gb on the n900)10:21
bef0rdwow opera 10 looks pretty nice on diablo10:21
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meceheey.. irrilict has an gles port..10:26
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mecemornin hrw10:26
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PolarFox"leaks" :D10:33
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RST38h"NASA has begun to wind down construction of the rockets and spacecraft that were to have taken astronauts back to the Moon Á10:34
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RST38hA arge [lithium] deposit worth an estimated $1 trillion has been discovered in Afghanistan10:37
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RST38h(can they just pour water there? =))10:37
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asj_do I pay $80 extra for a preffered seat with extra leg room on a 15 hour flight?10:46
lcukasj_, only if that seat is in the cockpit10:47
asj_lcuk: lol10:47
asj_the jump seat isn't comfy and they don't allow that anymore10:47
lcukask for a seat with air conditioning10:48
lcukperhaps an external10:48
asj_for 15 hours at 40,000 feet I want heat10:48
Surfaasj_, depends on how tall you are10:48
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asj_Surfa: I'm short10:48
Surfathen you probably won't pay :)10:48
asj_done :)10:49
Surfalong haul planes typically have more than enough leg room for shorties like me10:49
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asj_I haven't flown Air Canada in wow, probably 15 years, we'll see how they do10:49
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asj_Surfa: mmm, I'm guessing unless it's business class I wouldn't notice, I want one of those seats they advertise on tv with Emerates, sadly I don't have 15k to spent on a trip10:50
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Surfa:) sas has that economy extra class that's quite ok.. it has some other benefits too..10:52
Surfacan't remember what and how much it costs10:52
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asj_heh, this is one of the cheapest roundtrip and shortest total time flights to North American I've done, which speaks well of Air Canada10:53
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shorterasj_ any tips, I'm trying to find good ticket prices10:58
asj_shorter: to/from?10:59
shorterus -> europe10:59
shorterneed specifics?10:59
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asj_shorter: nope, there's a seat sale with AC, but that's not going to help to the US...probably...10:59
asj_shorter: worth a try though, just plus something into and see what pops up...who knows10:59
shorteryeah, I need round trip for about 2 months from abut july to about aug30... so long as it is cheap enough I don't care where in europe it lands11:00
asj_unless you object to changing planes in toronto11:00
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shorterI found one for 1100$, whadya think?11:00
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asj_I would expect better than that....11:01
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shorterthat is, round trip11:02
shorteram I supposed to enter a code for teh air canada site?11:02
shortersame price there actually11:02
shorterah found th codes11:03
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asj_hwh ok11:03
shorterim only 1 passenger so it wouldnt count anyhwo11:03
shorterhow often to ultra-travelers give away free miles or wahtever?11:03
shorterI don't know about all this travel stuff as I rarely get to fly11:04
asj_I never have luck with airmiles, they never have seats open for me and I have a lot of airmiles waiting to be used...11:04
shorterone reason i got the n900 actually was for compatibility to gsm in EU11:04
asj_it'll do 3g in EU...11:04
shorteryep, I'm just looking for the best options now11:05
shorterbuying a sim for every country I'm in vs finding some provider that roams for cheap11:05
mececompiling Irrlicht opengles. I wonder what will happen. It's alpha stage apparently.11:05
shorterI'm getting a prepaid tmo in the US so I don't have to pay for service in the US while im not here11:05
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shorterhow much you have left in /home mece?11:06
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shorterjust curious11:06
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meceshorter, dunno, lemme check.11:08
meceshorter, 645Mb free11:09
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meceapparently I have a whole bunch of crap there :D11:09
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shorteryeah, I'm using 1.6G and I've only had this thing for 2 days11:10
shorternot sure how11:10
shortergot sloppy damn fast11:10
shorterI don't think it would have to do with the crap I transfered over into MyDocs11:10
shorterthough, the files seem to take nearly twice as much space on vfat as they did on my reiserfs partition for some reason11:11
meceshorter, what have you installed then?11:11
shortersome apps, uh11:12
shorterI guess that's it?11:12
shorteryeah, I don't know how a few dozen apps from the manager would be that much....11:12
meceFlight Gear Urban Effect. Pretty epic!11:12
shorterdo people usually not use tha many?11:12
shorterno games actuallly11:12
meceas open source games go, flight gear is pretty amazing.11:12
shorterI'll get q3 on here sometime soon11:13
shortercan't wait till they have usb host support or whatever you call it11:13
shorterfor flash drives, mice, and keyboards (usb)11:13
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meceshorter, for reals! I have no interest in the q's currently, but mouse + tv-out == win :D11:14
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shorteryeah, not sure about the status, but the possibilities are thrilling11:14
shortercould hook up that hardcore USB GPS puck I have11:15
shorterI don't plan on actually playing q3 on the thing, but I'll just be thrilled as shit to have the game that got me into computing ('cause I had to overclock my 133mhz computer back in the day to play it) in my fookin pocket!11:16
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shorterbtw, mece, do you update everything with extra testing repo disabled?11:18
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meceshorter, you mean apt-get upgrade?11:19
shorterI'm using the app manager still11:20
meceshorter, me too. I don't feel like using upgrade.11:21
mecewell I do use apt-get install11:21
mecebut not apt-get upgrade11:22
shorterso when I enable and disable repos in the app manager does it affect the repos used in apt-get?11:22
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meceshorter, yes.11:25
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meceIrrlicht compiles nicely in scratchbox.. interesting.11:26
meceok so.. who the hell do I install this lib?11:26
mecethrow it in /usr/lib/ ?11:26
shortermece, after installing a whole crap load of apps - are there any optimizations I can do for all the stuff that will startup automatically?11:27
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meceshorter, no idea. I'm not very good at that stuff.11:29
meceI'm more into dl source, compile, try, package, release :)11:30
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LiraNuna"One reason why we have done this on this way is that at the same time we have been trying to handle opening of many currenly closed components that are needed in MeeGo and to build feasible MeeGo images for N900"11:32
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achipaX-Fade: I see you got rid of hoops, but soccer is just too omnipresent these days :)
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DrGrovAnyone using Ubuntu 10.04 ?11:39
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toggles_wDrGrov: yes doc11:39
DrGrovtoggles_w: have you found any good use of Ubuntu with the N900?11:40
toggles_wDrGrov: you mean 10.04 on the n900? Not me, just on my desktops, I use my n900 for podcasting and like a usb stick11:41
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DrGrovtoggles_w: no, i mean if there is any good things i can use 10.04 to help me with the n900. not installing 10.04 on n90011:43
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toggles_wDrGrov: VBox ose to run the dev environment, things like that
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DrGrovtoggles_w: oh, good. that would be something i am looking for.11:46
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My_PeSePein this chanel speak inglish or spanish ?11:47
DrGrovtoggles_w: is it easy to install virtualbox+11:48
DrGrovtoggles_w: ?11:48
My_PeSePeus very easy11:48
toggles_wDrGrov: yes, it's in the app center11:48
DrGrovtoggles_w: ok, i will go and fetch it right away. synaptic package manager?11:48
toggles_wapplications->ubuntu software center11:48
toggles_wsearch for virtualbox11:49
DrGrovi install virtualbox ose?11:49
DrGrovanything else than virtualbox ose?11:49
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DrGrovtoggles_w: should i download the VBoxGTK as well?11:50
DrGrovtoggles_w: and virtualbox ose?11:50
toggles_wjust ose11:51
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DrGrovah ok11:51
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DrGrovi hope i get a gui frontend to ose11:52
DrGrovtoggles_w: ok, virtualbox ose is running. which is the image i should download?11:53
* timeless_mbp wonders why people favor OSE over PUEL11:56
DrGrovtoggles_w: thanks. i will go and fetch it right away.11:56
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DrGrovtoggles_w: what should i do when i have it downloaded?11:59
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DrGrovtoggles_w: thanks, i will give it a go later on tonight.12:04
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StskeepsCorsac: yeah, i don't have anything to do with that12:11
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marmouteCan MicroB use the <video> tag ?12:52
Venemotry it12:53
MohammadAGhmm, what does platform.system() return on Windows?12:54
MohammadAG(python, after importing platform)12:54
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JaffaGAN900: pong12:57
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alteregoMohammadAG: you mean it' async?13:00
MohammadAGno, I'm trying to detect what OS the python script's running on13:00
alteregoOr do you expect it to work like exec on Linux/UNIX?13:00
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PBeckperhaps anybody can help me. I have a problem with my program kfzcheck. Since my update to pr1.2 i get the following error without any code changes => *** glibc detected *** python: free(): invalid pointer: 0x004737a0 ***13:01
PBeckon pr1.1 i had no problems. What has changed? Is that a python problem itself?13:01
alteregoPBeck: have you recompiled it? :P13:01
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PBeckalterego: yeah on every starting process through the python interpreter to bytecode ;)13:02
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alteregoPBeck: interesting, and your scratchbox is up-to-date with PR1.2?13:04
PBeck <= thats the complete log13:04
PBeckalterego: i have only tested it on the device - i develop only on the device13:05
alteregoOh wait, this is a python app?13:07
PBeckalterego: i dont know where the warning come from. But the warnings was not a problem on 1.113:07
PBeckalterego: yes right13:07
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PBeckalterego: it's in the repos perhaps you can test it13:10
alteregoPBeck: dunno why, can't see your paste. :/ on the N90013:10
alteregoSure, what's it called?13:11
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PBeckyou cant see the paste?13:12
alteregono :/13:12
alteregooh wait, got it now.13:14
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PBecki have no problems with my n90013:14
hajI have... but it's mostly that it tends to get a bit slow after some time, and then it needs a reboot..13:16
marmoutehaj: you mean after a few month ?13:17
PBeckhaj: to few the pastebin entry ;)13:17
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hajmarmoute: after about a day.. is more like it..13:18
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PBeckhaj: i think my uptime is around 5-14 days13:20
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aksheyHi, Is video calling supported on n900? By, video call I mean calling on a phone number, not through skype or gtalk.13:23
hajmarmoute: could be the apps I run, or Titan's kernel, though... I'm mostly using development stuff...13:23
hajmarmoute: I'm always running witter, dataplan monitor widget, fm transmitter widget, personal ip widget, and omweather widget.... Don't know if it could be some memory leak in those..13:25
alteregoakshey: 3G video calls are not supported no.13:27
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BCMManyone know why? is there some kind of hardware constraint, or do they just consider it not important, or are they keeping it back to differentiate the next phone?13:27
alteregoBCMM: I just think they can't be bothered at the moment :)13:29
alteregoBCMM: It's a feature that wasn't really discussed, should be availabe in the next phone I guess.13:30
alteregoNot particularly popular though13:30
alteregoanyhow bbl13:30
BCMMhow does it work, anyway? is it something that could be implemented the a third party like MMS, or would it require source to some closed things?13:30
aksheyalterego: thanks for the answer13:30
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alteregoBCMM: I'd be interested to know the answers to those questions myself as I don't know how video calling wroks tbh. would be nice if it was possible, I'd imagine it will be possible with MeeGo13:57
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alteregoAlso, I swear Nokia were more prompt releasing the fremantle sdk, where's the Harmattan SDK?!? :)14:00
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* SpeedEvil notes from the (way) above discussion that silent answerphone type functionality would be entirely possible.14:00
SpeedEvilAs if the cellmo is solely connected over a databus, you can easily ham a recorder/playback thingy in tehre.14:00
BCMMSpeedEvil: are you talking about having the phone itself answer calls and take messages?14:00
BCMMSpeedEvil: that would be really nice14:01
BCMMthere is a thing that i think phones should do, that i have never heard of:14:01
alteregoSpeedEvil: that's on my list of apps todo actually, should be pretty easy.14:01
BCMManswer a call, play a message saying "i'm in a restaurant, press 1 if my parents died or something, otherwise hang up"14:01
SpeedEvilI'm not sure how muhc the stack will get in the way.14:01
alteregoBCMM: that's a neat idea.14:02
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SpeedEvilI suspect you may be working in the closed source bits, or at least replacing them in major ways.14:02
BCMMinstantly solve the problem people leaving phones on in awkward situations in case something important happens14:02
alteregoAlso, half way through the month, nohandset UX yet :(14:02
SpeedEvilxterm isn't enough ux for you?14:03
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crashanddieI just have python running, and type my will directly into it, direct execution, no files, freedom.14:04
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crashanddieit is the evolution of cat | gcc14:04
SpeedEvilcat|gcc is for the weak!14:04
SpeedEvilThat reminds me.14:05
* SpeedEvil goes back to working out why wpa_supplicant isn't linking.14:05
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alterego"Nokia values your opinion, please reply with SURVEY?" :D14:05
alteregoWeird SMS's14:06
BCMMalterego: i just got that too14:06
BCMMi though mass-spamming sms took longer than that...14:06
BCMMunless we are actually the first two14:06
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BCMManyone have any reason to believe that 84000 is actually nokia?14:07
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BCMM(apart from the way they know i have an n900)14:07
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alteregoLooking at MeeGo/Maemo gitorious, lots of nice activity going on, they're certainly looing busy at least.14:07
alteregoBCMM: apart from that? Nope, but they're probably the only ones that would ...14:08
SpeedEvilBCMM: It is14:08
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SpeedEvilyou're in the UK alterego?14:09
SpeedEvilBCMM: rather14:09
alterego"MeeGo Kernel Bot" okay, maybe there aren't actually any busy devs :D14:09
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alteregoSpeedEvil: indeed.14:09
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Stskeepswhat, we have a kernel bot?14:09
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alteregoStskeeps: looks like it applys upstream patches to their tree.14:10
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BCMMi replied and they didn't send anything yet14:10
kirmaalterego: sounds suspiciously like a lure to send a specially charged message so that someone can extract profit from it14:10
alteregoActually, looks like it does a bit more than that, interesting. BCMM me too, not got a reply either.14:11
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BCMManyone done that survey before and know what they ask?14:11
alteregoI'll check my bill and see if that costed me like 50 quid :D14:11
povbotBug 10506: 'My nokia' unsubscribe attempt costs money. This is in breach of the UK regulations on premium rate texts.14:12
SpeedEvilThis is as I understand a premium rate text number.14:12
SpeedEvilAnd you have not been informed about the costs.14:12
alteregoSpeedEvil: said local rate in the text14:12
SpeedEvilIt costs 10p14:12
SpeedEvilthis does not make it not premium in terms of the regulations as I understand it.14:13
alteregoghey, not part of my inclusive texts then ...14:13
alteregoWhy can't the susidise it or something, freakin' idiots.14:13
BCMM"local sms cost" means "not included in your free texts"?14:13
alteregoBCMM: I don't think it means anything :P14:14
BCMMi presumed it meant "normal sms cost"14:14
SpeedEvilAs I understand it also - SMSs from 84000 will cost you money.14:14
BCMMhmm, that would anger me14:14
SpeedEvilStill only 10p. But...14:15
SpeedEvilSee above bug14:15
BCMMwhy are incomming messages even allowed to cost money?14:15
BCMMi mean, i know that happens all the time in the US14:15
SpeedEvilI believe the above facts are also related to ongoing my nokia subscriptions.14:15
SpeedEvilBCMM: Premium rate SMSs can. They have all sorts of regulations round them. In principle, they are required to do all sorts of things to tell you about the price14:16
alteregojust got the reply /14:19
alteregowould you recommend to a friend 0-9 :)14:20
alteregoanswer: 014:20
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alteregohah, there's no, "depends on friend" option14:20
PBeckalterego: i have wrote a mail to the pymaemo list - perhaps they can help me. Thank you for your help14:21
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SpeedEvilA friend that uses linux - sure!14:23
alteregoWell, I think there are more aspects to it than just the Linux point.14:24
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pigeonhas anyone used the share via service to upload video onto facebook?14:37
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ghostcubesup peoples?14:37
PBeckpigeon: facebook is evil ;)14:37
pigeonyeah, it is...14:37
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Appiahthe internet is evil14:38
ghostcubenah only the flash internet is evil14:38
pigeonanyway, it is uploaded but it just doesn't show up anywhere.14:38
Appiahflash and lolcats14:38
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pigeonit's just a bit annoying there's no error messages or anything.14:41
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flailingmonkey~seen mece14:43
infobotmece <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 3h 52s ago, saying: 'heh,'.14:43
timeless_mbpi got a conflict updating mappero14:44
timeless_mbpwhere do Mappero bugs go?14:44
flailingmonkeyno bugzilla I presume?14:45
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SpeedEvilthe bugzilla?14:46
* timeless_mbp grumbles14:47
timeless_mbpit uses garage14:47
pigeonhmm, that's weird, for some reason from the file manager, i can't delete/move any files, the action is not there in the pop up.14:50
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pigeonfor files on the mmc card only it seems.14:50
pigeonyeah, the default.14:51
pigeoni wish i could use ext2 with it auto mounted14:52
auenfx4delete doesnt show up for me, copy does14:52
auenfx4move doesnt show up either14:53
pigeonyeah, but why?14:53
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pigeoni can delete if i use the top drop down menu14:54
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auenfx4bug 679114:54
povbotBug "Delete" and "Move" context menu entries missing for files on memory card14:54
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* MohammadAG slaps frals with a TypeError: run() takes no arguments (1 given)14:56
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vldcnstX-Fade: here?14:56
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mintux1sometimes when i open a image and rotae 90 degree my image rotate but sometimes can i open picture always rotate when phone rotate?14:59
alteregoGod, why isn't mafw documented ... at all, I can't find any api docs.15:00
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mintux1 no soulotion15:06
plastunhow to make each row of TouchSelector multilined? couse my text doesnt fit15:09
SpeedEvilI assume15:10
SpeedEvil\n in the string doesn't work15:10
plastun\n is not good way, I don't know real text length and row width15:10
mintux1why photo sometimes rotate with rotate phone sometimes not?15:11
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Appiahbad sensor perhaps?15:13
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mintux1no my phone sensor works correctly in game in dial but in photo viewer i dont know how open image that can be rotate is it image viewer bug?15:14
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* Mece is very impressed how god my n900 is for watching the world cup. thanks yle for that.15:30
flailingmonkeyhey mece. what ever happened with your filemanager15:31
Meceoh, it's somewhere.. search the irc history for hedwerks and you will find the url15:33
Venemohey guys15:33
jogaMece: thru areena?15:34
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VenemoI'm looking for someone who has some knowledge about X and Hildon15:34
GeneralAntillesThe N9 has Android touch buttons. . . .15:34
vldcnstMece: hows the quality?15:34
jogaVenemo: many have but it's better to ask a specific question for them to react...15:34
Venemothanks, joga :)15:34
Venemoso, I'm creating a Qt application which uses X directly and creates a homescreen widget on the current desktop15:35
Venemohere is the code:15:35
Venemoand now the issue:15:35
Mecequality is excellent, framerate not perfect, but definately enough to be watchable. 10-15ish I think.15:35
flailingmonkeyyle won't help me here in USA :-p15:35
Venemoit always adds the widgets to the current desktop15:36
vldcnstMece: can I pm you?15:36
Venemoand I would like to have a way of 1) telling which desktop it is on 2) telling Hildon which desktop should it add the widget to15:36
Mecevldcnst, sure15:36
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Mecevldcnst, what about?15:38
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Venemojoga: any clues?15:38
flailingmonkeyah, so you are the one working on eve-watcher. I'm surprised there aren't more apps to support MMO players15:39
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Venemoflailingmonkey: where have you heard about eve-watcher? :P15:40
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Appiaheve-watcher O_o15:40
Appiahis that like mEvemon ?15:41
Venemoyes, only better15:41
Venemoexcept that it is still under development15:41
Appiahwhat can eve-watcher do that evemon cant?15:41
Venemoit can put widgets on your desktop15:41
Venemofor as many characters as you want :)15:41
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Appiahso its a eve monitor with widgets?15:42
pigeonthat was fun, i just turned on the world cup widget for minute or so and got a goal15:42
Venemoalso, it displays notifications (sms/email style) if your skill training is complete15:42
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pigeonown goal too :)15:42
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Appiahbut basiclly is same functionality like Evemon/Gtkevemon15:42
Venemoit will also have a skill planner15:42
Appiahwatching your skills  / skill planing?15:42
Venemoyes, with a few personal touches :)15:42
Venemolike portrait mode support and stuff like that15:43
Mecewow.. I increased font in xchat, and now I can read xchat and watch football in the multitasking window!15:43
flailingmonkeybasically its going to be sexy15:43
jogaVenemo: sorry I'm on metro and haven't rally coded with qt myself15:43
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AppiahSo I'm gonna have 2 eve apps to try15:43
Venemojoga: you're not needed to code with qt15:44
Venemojust tell me what should I tell to X to make it do what I want :)15:44
flailingmonkeyi can't think of any other program that adds widgets to the desktop, rather than having the user add them15:44
guysoft42hi all, some developer i know wrote a maemo app in qt creator, is there a way for him to automatically package the program in a deb package?15:44
flailingmonkeythats a unique feature15:44
jogaVenemo: sorry, hard to find out with my net buggin out every minute ;)15:45
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BCMMMece: what is "the multitasking window"?15:45
Venemojoga: still, if you have better circumstances, could you please contact me?15:45
jogaif there aren't people who know here (now), maybe forums are better15:45
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Venemoflailingmonkey: thanks for your support :)15:46
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Appiahwell I'd be happy to try that app out15:48
MeceBCMM, the window with the thumbnails of apps running. dunno what it's called15:49
BCMMMece: oh, the task switching thing15:49
VenemoMece: it is called the "dashboard"15:49
BCMMMece: i thought you were saying there was a WM available to let you view more than one window at once15:49
Meceright, thanks.15:49
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SpeedEvilWell - if anyone wants a wpa_supplicant binary - see the aove post15:51
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SpeedEvilIt seems the original questioner has wandered off in the intervening 1000 minutes.15:51
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Mece_oops.. apparently that wlan's range was not as long as I suspected.16:01
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Khertan_Hi !16:03
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GAN900Jaffa, ping timeout, I think.16:06
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Khertan_I've a question ... some users have problems with some of my apps ... as packages are available in extras, HAM simply ignore my packages in my own repository even if package are more recent ...16:08
Khertan_i didn't see many way to avoid that :16:08
Khertan_1/ Said to user to launch xterm and type : apt-get upgrade16:08
Khertan_2/ Said to user to download and install the package manually from deb16:09
SpeedEvilI'm unsure if you can push newer versions of libs into extras-devel16:09
Mece_flailingmonkey, did you find the filemanager lib?16:09
Khertan_so i got bug report for old version and already fixed bugs16:10
Mece_Khertan_, are we talking about libs?16:10
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Khertan_Mece_: nop16:10
VenemoKhertan_: apt-get update before apt-get upgrade16:10
Khertan_This happen for any packages from external repository16:11
Khertan_Venemo: yes ... i know ... but ... many user didn't do apt-get upgrade and just wait for HAM update notification16:11
Khertan_which didn't happen16:11
Mece_Khertan_, ok. perhaps rename the package then? that would solve this.16:12
GAN900Khertan_, obviously a good reason to not run and play with your toys somewhere else but help us get Extras working better. . . .16:12
Khertan_GAN900: HAHA !16:12
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Khertan_Mece_: yep ... rename is the easier solution i think16:12
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Mece_Khertan_, why did you move away from extras anyway?16:13
Khertan_Mece_: full of bugs ... QA Testing borring me ... and things like that16:13
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Khertan_Mece_: try to push a non-free apps ... or try to push a fix for apps available in extras ... it s a require more time than fixing the bugs16:14
Khertan_Mece_: require to found 10 users16:14
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Khertan_to test and report it16:15
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Khertan_and i got so many thumb down due to bug in web package interface16:15
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Khertan_that i lost any hope in this repository16:15
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GAN900Basically, take toys play elsewhere.16:20
GAN900Did you file those bugs?16:20
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Mece_Khertan_, but your logic with the QA is flawed. From a users pov your apps are now at a less reliable place than even devel.16:23
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alteregoMece_: is that  the case with Opera too? :P16:26
alteregoWith a one click installer link I don't think a user will care ...16:26
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Khertan_GAN900: yep ... still open i think16:27
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GAN900alterego, except for the fact that they don't need to do anything to install from Extras16:28
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Khertan_GAN900: everythings reported was : not fixed, won't fix, not reproductible ... so i didn't bother anymore with reporting things now16:28
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GAN900Nobody has bothered helping X-Fade with the development load16:28
GAN900So I can't say I'm surprised.16:28
GAN900alterego, do you still need a loaner?16:28
Khertan_GAN900: and how can we help ?16:28
Khertan_where is src ... ?16:29
Khertan_Mece_: using a external third party repository could work if HAM didn't ignore package from external that are already in extras, or if my packages was removed from extras16:30
Khertan_alterego: the one click installer could be HAM ... if my packages wasn't in Extras ;)16:31
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alteregoGAN900: No, I got a device in the end. Why have you heard any news?16:32
GAN900Khertan_, Garage16:32
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GAN900alterego, no, but the queue is moving, your name is on it.16:32
GAN900I sent you an email two weeks ago about it.16:33
Khertan_GAN900: garage or my own website is the same ...16:33
SpeedEvilGAN900: Any progress on tracking numbers, or ... ?16:33
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alteregoGAN900: ah, okay, I'll remove my name then :)16:34
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Razzo78anyone know when will come new applications on ovi store16:39
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Khertan_Hum ... December 204516:39
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Razzo78so soon?16:40
Khertan_GAN900: So did you suggest me to recreate an garage account and ask right again for uploading to devel then flood and after ask for right to help to debug things ?16:40
Khertan_Razzo78: maybe a year latter ...16:40
Khertan_Razzo78: only a few publisher can pusblish app to ovistore ... it s not open to all developpers ... so there is few chance to see many new apps on it16:41
Razzo78but if the world ends in 2010 ..16:41
Khertan_but you will see many new apps in the community repository i think16:42
flailingmonkeydo we know which Nokian(s) manage Ovi Store? I have a feeling Maemo (and in the future, Meego) influence is very weak there16:42
jacekowskiit would be very evil to create alternative to ovi store16:42
SpeedEvilAnyone can publish to ovi store.16:42
SpeedEvilAs I understand it.16:42
SpeedEvilHowever, the process is not easy, or perhaps cheap16:42
hardakerI really really wish that they would have an OVI store that wasn't HTML based...  sigh...16:43
flailingmonkeyOffscreen is like 75% of ovi store :-(16:43
Khertan_SpeedEvil: you can't until you didn't have a VAT16:43
Khertan_SpeedEvil: so not everyone16:43
flailingmonkeyI also wish that HAM allowed ratings, comments and bug ticket creation16:43
Khertan_SpeedEvil: you can't until you have a VAT16:44
SpeedEvilAnyone can have a VAT number.16:44
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flailingmonkeyand some damn screenshots16:44
SpeedEvilI diddn't say it was free to set it up.16:44
Khertan_SpeedEvil: yep ... require you to create a company16:44
SpeedEvilSetting up a small company is generally not onerous.16:44
Khertan_but not all company have a vat16:44
jacekowskiKhertan_: in UK it's couple phone calls16:45
Khertan_jacekowski: in france it s 10 000 euros16:45
alteregoin England, most companies bringing in less than 50k are not VAT registered.16:45
jacekowskiKhertan_: WTF?16:45
Khertan_8000 to be exact16:45
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jacekowskiKhertan_: it's free here, and you don't have to pay anything for a year16:45
Khertan_sarl and sa have a vat16:45
Khertan_you can create you company for free in france ... but you didn't have a vat16:46
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Robot101alterego: that's not quite true - it's just not required. if you sell to or buy from big businesses, it's very poor form (or a waste of money) not to have a number16:46
jacekowskiand you are not required to do any paperwork for 3 or 6 month16:46
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Khertan_so to be short, it s not open to everyone16:46
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alteregoRobot101: what's untrue about my statement? It's a statistic which is true ...16:47
alteregoRobot101: what you're saying doesn't negate what I said at all. :P16:47
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Robot101alterego: I think a lot of companies which intend to grow to a non-trivial size, even when <50k, would register for VAT early16:47
Khertan_alterego: he didn't say it's false ... just not quite true16:47
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alteregoRobot101: I don't agree, but I don't have facts to back that up, just my previous experience with start ups16:49
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alteregoI'd image that has a lot to do with initial funding. Someone starting out on a limited budget wont fork out the 50 quid or whatever just for the sake of it.16:50
flailingmonkeyThe Ovi store obviously wants to have paid content, so they have missed a chance to get developers into the system with free content16:51
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Khertan_OHOHOHOHOHO :::::: look this thread on the nokia forum :
nidOtaking their sweet time about it16:52
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flailingmonkeythey should have made it easy to start, and require the extra work when you want to submit paid content16:52
Khertan_they are currently working on made ovi available also to third party developpers16:53
Venemothe question is: who cares?16:54
Khertan_flailingmonkey: nokia16:54
Venemothe Extras repos have everything16:54
alteregoGuess there's no need for the maemo community store now :)16:54
Khertan_Venemo: false16:54
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VenemoKhertan: care to elaborate?16:54
alteregoVenemo: there are a fair few of us that want to develop paid for content tbh.16:55
nidOExtras is a great source for community-written stuff but it completely precludes the entire commercial side of application development16:55
Venemowell, that is understandable16:55
flailingmonkeycommunity store will bring more developers than ovi store, because its progress will be more transparent16:55
Khertan_Venemo: maemo extra didn't have khteditor, new version of pygtkeditor, new version of pypackager16:55
nidOfor which the ovi store being non-shit is badly needed16:55
alteregoEspecially now I don't have a job :)16:55
Venemostill, there are ways to publish paid apps16:55
cehtehis there any commercial side?16:55
Venemolike Sygic16:55
cehtehfor the n900..16:55
Venemothey did it without the Ovi Store16:55
cehtehanything which gets comercially developed gets a free clone soonafter :P16:56
Khertan_Venemo: i did for VectorMine too withotu Ovi Store ...16:56
Appiahcehteh: really?16:56
flailingmonkeyovi store had a decent chance but Nokia PR and Nokia development seem to hate each other16:56
cehtehwell most things16:56
Appiahthen tell me when there's free turnbyturn for the n90016:56
alteregoVenemo: pointless and hackish. I'm not setting up a stupid web page just for an app.16:56
Venemoflailingmonkey: so it seems16:56
cehtehat least the useful things16:56
Khertan_Venemo: but s it s require you to make many ads ... as before users need to setup your repository in your phone16:56
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Khertan_Venemo: but s it s require you to make many ads ... as before users need to setup your repository in their phone16:57
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VenemoKhertan_: true, sadly16:58
flailingmonkeyI am in support of community store16:58
alteregoThere's also the issue with piracy, ovi is a bit more protective.16:58
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alteregoThough uploading non-free apps, with maybe a demo mode and then registration support might work.16:59
lcuka place where open source community apps can be obtained for devices (ala extras) is a must have important part of Open Source.16:59
Khertan_Venemo: and there is worst problem, if you have try to publish it before to maemo repository, Hildon Application Manager will ignore all package (even newer) from external repository if there is an older version in extras16:59
flailingmonkeyuntil I can get someone on Ovi store team onto forum/irc, I'm not going to expect much improvement from them16:59
lcukforgetting any monetary concerns, if we cant have open source on our handsets build from open source theres something wrong!17:00
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Venemolcuk: that's right17:00
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flailingmonkeylcuk, extras should still exist, but adding the ability to donate from HAM for example would be a major feature to support open source development17:02
lcuksure but how do you balance that - i write a simple wrapper app around already existing libraries who gets the spoils17:03
lcukdo we enumerate the developers of all the components in the stack and share the money accordingly (in which case linus gets a couple of cents for each app)17:04
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flailingmonkeylcuk, it really works just the same as when people go to a donate link in some random t.m.o thread17:05
nidOthatd be fun to manage, call about 15 deps then have to split a $1 donation 800 ways17:05
lcukflailingmonkey, sure17:05
pupnikdon't try to engineer everything.  donations and gifts particularly should be left to the discretion of the giver17:05
lcukindeed pupnik17:05
lcukthats how it is at the moment17:05
* Khertan_ thinks it s look like more a polite way to say : we will not do it !17:06
lcukif someone wants to add a donation link in their about screen (we have a really nice boiler plate for one) then they can17:06
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lcukKhertan_, its not wanting to do it, its a difficult problem!17:06
Khertan_lcuk: yep ... i know17:06
lcukyour pushing is making people question it lots - you are a pioneer really :)17:07
Khertan_specially if we want everythings done automatically17:07
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Khertan_lol ...17:07
alteregolcuk: Linus didn't help you write your app. Why are you counting the kernel? Or are you talking about a Kernel module? :P17:09
flailingmonkeyindeed it is difficult. In general, HAM is in a position where improvements to the app browsing, fetching and installing would be natural17:09
lcukalterego, without linux your app wouldnt run17:09
lcukor are we all on solaris or some other kernel now?17:10
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alteregolcuk: well, that's not true. My apps should be pretty XP.17:10
alteregoAnd Linux is a POSIX clone :P17:10
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lcuknew code though17:10
infobotalterego meant: And Linux is a POSIX instance? :P17:10
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lcukright, thats it, we need to retro actively divert funds to babbages family.17:11
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lcukand does anyone know the inventor of the abacus :D17:12
alteregoWith the exception of a couple of kernel drivers and some user space server management tools. there's not a lot I've written that's been platform specific, in fact I definitely try not to be :P17:12
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alteregoYou're forgetting Nokia for roviding our platform? :P17:12
flailingmonkeywhat would people like to see in HAM17:12
alteregoIt should be up to them to split their share wsith their platform components and heritage.17:13
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nidOmy wish list basically just extends to multi install/removal and being less painfully slow17:13
alteregoYou should just worry about the one above, a bubble up approach :)17:13
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flailingmonkeyas for donations, I frankly do not like paypal, which is why Ovi Store seemed promising as Nokia basically implemented their own payment system17:16
nidOfrankly though it wouldnt be asking a lot to make paypal an option, which a lot of people do want/need to use17:16
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alteregoflailingmonkey: for me, it's easier as it's more integrated into the phone (well not really but you get my point ;)17:17
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flailingmonkeyalterego, what do mean by integrated17:18
GAN900alterego, I can do that, just checking if you still need. ;)17:20
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GAN900SpeedEvil, no, emailed Quim last Thursday and haven't heard back.17:21
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flailingmonkeyalterego, do you mean HAM or paypal is more integrated17:23
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crashanddieif anyone isn't aware, one of the major fights at the moment is mobile payment. A lot of people in the financial industry believes that combining a payment method inside a phone would have a massive market17:26
alteregoGAN900: Well, I can always do with another one ;) as my N900 is my primary and it'd be nice to not be completely paranoid of blowing the thing up with my hacking :)17:26
alteregoGAN900: but no, I don't expect one anymore :)17:26
alteregoflailingmonkey: ovi17:26
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talmaihello. does anyone have experience with qt's input method hints inside webview on maemo17:28
flailingmonkeycrashanddie, most definitely17:28
flailingmonkeyalterego, from the forum link Khertan_ posted it is plain that Ovi Store does not plan to support independent developers at this time17:30
alteregoflailingmonkey: I was saying that I agree, paypal isn't as good an option as Ovi, from a UX perspective ..17:30
Khertan_lcuk: i've still a abaccus  somewhere :)17:30
talmaii have a text input field in HTML that should receive only digits and i don't know how to implement it to work in all localisations (so i cant just convert character "q" to number 1 etc. with javascript)17:30
crashanddiesalut Khertan_17:30
Khertan_'lu crashanddie17:30
flailingmonkeyalterego, yeah, its a bummer that its not more suitable :-/17:30
alteregoflailingmonkey: should we start a foundation which is tax registered that we all can use to promote extras apps then?17:31
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flailingmonkeyalterego, its an approach, but the overhead would probably be way too much of a strain17:32
Khertan_talmai: if i remember well webview use webkit, wich support html5 : so just use <input type=number>17:32
alteregoHas anyone explored this possibility, I know there is discussion about maemo select apps being pushed into Ovi, but this is a different issue all together, how about a foundation that can be used to push maemo extras apps into Ovi and accept payment?17:32
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alteregoflailingmonkey: still, it might be worth at least a discussion :)17:33
flailingmonkeyalterego, ah now I see what you mean. quite clever actually17:33
alteregoI've not heard anyone pitch the idea, seems like an interesting proposal :)17:34
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flailingmonkeyI suspect that paid members would need new help to work on such a thing. hopefully the extra (hah) work can be seriously considered17:36
alteregoI might attempt to start a discussion on t.m.o17:36
alteregoWell, I need a job ;)17:36
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flailingmonkeyso goes qole17:37
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crashanddieand so does I17:38
alteregoflailingmonkey: ?17:38
Khertan_alterego: hum ... starting a discussion on talking is maybe not the best place ... i suggest you to launch it on the mailing list17:38
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crashanddiealterego: qole just posted a thread on tmo because he's looking for a job17:38
Khertan_s/talking/talk17:38 could stand to have some more independence, and it might help if that includes some financial independence too17:38
alteregoKhertan_: okay, does anyone want to do it on my behalf? :P17:38
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alteregoI'm somewhat away from keyboard at the mo.17:39
crashanddieKhertan_: pas envie qu'on commence une boite de dev ensemble?17:39
Khertan_crashanddie: pour faire quoi ?17:39
sivangre all17:39
crashanddieKhertan_: du dev? :D17:39
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Khertan_crashanddie: ah bah ... oui ... mais... faut des clients derrière et des projets qui se vendent :)17:40
crashanddiedes details ca17:40
crashanddieanyone feeling like starting a maemo company?17:40
flailingmonkeyi'm surprised I remember as much french as I do17:40
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Khertan_ouais ... parceque je suis déjà auto entrepreneur ... et déjà ca, ca n'aboutit à rien :)17:41
crashanddieWe'll live off paypal donations and n900-love.17:41
Khertan_lol good luck :)17:41
crashanddieGeneralAntilles will be our Steve Jobs, and Nokia our Google.17:41
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crashanddieand qole our Wozniack17:42
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Khertan_and who will be Shantanu Narayen ?17:43
Khertan_(adobe ceo)17:43
flailingmonkeyShantanu Narayen will do a cameo appearance17:44
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crashanddieKhertan_: lcuk :D17:44
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flailingmonkeygood call :-P17:45
crashanddieKhertan_: he'll be yelling that liqbase apps would have been a great thing, but GeneralAntilles will only accept Qt-powered apps.17:45
crashanddiethen lcuk will write a liqbase to qt converter, but we'll manage to ban those too.17:46
alteregoI like this, you should do a comic sketch :P17:47 parallel universes :P17:47
crashanddieLol... Maemo-story at Wembley Arena. Special appearance by Texrat.17:48
flailingmonkeyone where maemo is the WinMo of mobile OSes (when no open source was pursued :-P)17:48
crashanddieAnd timeless would be heckling me continuously. "That's not how it happened"17:48
* timeless_mbp looks up17:49
lcukcrashanddie, but in that you get to be the sweaty monkey ranting and throwing chairs :P17:49
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crashanddielcuk: oh come on, at least admit I managed to unhook a smile off ya :P17:49
flailingmonkeyone where maemo is the iOS of phone OSes (nokia goes crazy, stops caring about the low end markets and pours its resources into maemo)17:49
lcukanyway >> gone17:49
alteregoheh, abill_uk always manages to form a crowd :D17:49
lcuki think its a sizable problem about donations and code contributions17:50
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flailingmonkeyI think being able to integrate the content from (or packages?) into HAM would also improve the app experience17:51
crashanddiewell, I've always wanted to see a community-written HAM17:52
crashanddieHAM has always been limited -- GeneralAntilles has put together plenty of ideas, but it's never been done.17:52
alteregoflailingmonkey: I think someone is/was doing that, things like ratings and screenshot right?17:52
flailingmonkeyeven being able to select the developers name to see their user page (which could have a donate link on it)17:53
alteregoI'm still pissed at the ammount of bloody themes in extras! :P17:53
crashanddieHAM needs to be dynamic. I don't go to downloads, I browse HAM. I wanted to be prompted "based on your choices, you might be interested in "this" new app"17:53
flailingmonkeyyeah, but HAM is open, on gitoreous17:53
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crashanddieflailingmonkey: and how many years before any code makes it to end-users?17:53
flailingmonkeyso we shouldn't make something from scratch, we should extend it, either with a plugin interface or directly in the app17:54
flailingmonkeyI'm going to break that whole mechanism anyway17:54
alteregoYou want HAM to be more like HAS (Hildon App Store) :P17:54
alteregoYou want ads, movies!17:54
alteregoflashy banners!17:54
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flailingmonkeybased on mece's work, I'm looking into how to replace any package in the "Maemo 5" firmware metapackage17:55
alteregojk btw :P17:55
alteregoI know you'rehung like a donkey ;)17:55
flailingmonkeyalterego, hey, they will be a hit in Ovi store :-P17:56
Khertan_flailingmonkey: it s open ... but you can't update it ... you can just fork it !17:56
infobotflailingmonkey meant: alterego, hey, that will be a hit in Ovi store :-P17:56
alteregoI see what you mean though, but apps/store it's all on Nokia this is their platform.17:56
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alteregoI'd really like to develop a whizzy app store platform for maemo, but Nokia are doing it themselves, so what's the point?17:57
alteregoMine would be better though,17:57
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timeless_mbpalterego: that's not very hard =b17:58
fralsso err, how common it is not to have grounded power outlets in finnish apartments?17:59
alteregoWhat if my killer app is an open store, I can distribute my store app on ovi store :P17:59
alteregoI just want a small cut of all you guys sales. and I'll donate some of my profits to :)18:00
flailingmonkeywithout any of the donations/paid apps parts, HAM updates would still greatly benefit development18:00
alteregoflailingmonkey: HAM is dead anyway, we will probably be forced to maintain it eventually.18:01
alteregoThough, whatabout MeeGo?18:01
talmaiKhertan_: (about type="number") QWebView does not recognize type number, it's treated the same as type text :/18:01
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flailingmonkeyit will have QAM, Qt-App-Manager18:01
xkr47-DIfrals, all older houses (>10-20 years) have grounded outlets only in kitchens & bathrooms18:01
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Khertan_talmai: :(18:02
fralsxkr47-DI: alright, cheers :)18:02
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flailingmonkeyor something. I suspect they wouldn't have such a major component in anything but qt18:02
xkr47-DIfrals, why ? :)18:02
fralslooking for apartment in hel atm and two of the ones i looked at had a disturbing lack of grounded outlets where i would want them :;p18:03
timeless_mbpfrals: did they have ungrounded outlets?18:04
crashanddiefrals: I visited a flat on Saturday, there were 6 outlets in the kitchen, 2 in the living room, and 1 in the bedroom.18:04
fralsor whatever they are called, the ones who arent 'schuko' plugs :p18:04
xkr47-DIfrals, all new houses have grounded everywhere18:05
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xkr47-DII must say I like the plugs they have in italy18:05
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xkr47-DIlike a normal euro plug, but with a ground pin in the middle18:06
xkr47-DIthey sold those with regular computer plugs in the other end.. felt like buying a bunch of those and an extension coord18:06
xkr47-DItake half the space, with the same functionality :)18:06
Khertan_in my house every plug was connected on the same 32 A (380V) fuse. I rebuilt everything18:07
nidOeverything on one 32a fuse?18:08
xkr47-DI380V sounds strange18:08
Khertan_yep on on 32A - 380V fuse yep18:08
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nidOthinking of flats, gotta tidy mine up :<18:09
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nidOset to ring an alarm 4 hours before anytime the girlfriend's parents are due to show up.18:10
penguinbaitI would prefer an app that tidyup itself, not remind me18:10
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GAN900alterego, start working on app downloader.18:11
GAN900alterego, they really need help.18:11
alteregonidO: hook that into a subdermal gps embedded in their poodle and a teleportation machine, sold, I'll buy it for 50 dollar18:11
alteregoGAN900: how active is that project?18:11
flailingmonkeyGAN900: thats the one with the screenshots/reviews, right?18:12
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flailingmonkeyI think making comments about an app from an app manager would be great18:15
flailingmonkeyand for testing, voting :-p18:15
alteregoI'd prefer ratings, comments will get out-of-control ...18:16
alteregoI want star ratings and screenshots and a seperate area for themes and art18:16
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SpeedEvilGAN900: Thanks.18:18
flailingmonkeyyeah, "art" content definitely clutters up the app list right now, and in HAM its almost pointless since you can't see them18:18
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Mecethe testing quarantine is 10 days, right?18:19
flailingmonkeyperhaps a link to the app's download/package website to write reviews18:19
Meceflailingmonkey, que?18:19
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GAN900alterego, X-Fade, danielwilms and somebody else.18:20
Mecesoo.. I seem to have a problem that is beyond my skills to solve.18:21
alteregoGAN900: I'll look into it Wednesday :)18:21
MeceI've got a build of wesnoth that works perfectly fine when compiled in scratchbox, but if Autobuilder builds it, the binary segfaults.18:22
* alterego makes an appointment18:22
puphomeheh freenode doesn't filter ctrl-g18:22
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Mecepuphome, what's ctrl-g?18:22
GAN900alterego, cool.18:22
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Mecewas it a dumb question I wonder..18:23
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MeceX-Fade, ping?18:24
flailingmonkeymece, i have no idea either.18:24
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Meceflailingmonkey, did you find the filemanager thing?18:27
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SpeedEvilflailingmonkey: cuteftp?18:27
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flailingmonkeyMece, haven't searched the logs yet, but I will in a moment18:28
MeceSpeedevil, I was referring to my modified libhildonfm218:28
MeceI'll give you the link, holdup18:29
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flailingmonkeymece, thanks18:29
penguinbaitis Mece plural for Mice?18:29
SpeedEvilMece: Ah18:30
flailingmonkeymultiple multiples of mice18:30
flailingmonkeya regiment really18:30
penguinbaitHey look, its mece's feces, not to be confused with reeses pieces ;)18:30
SpeedEvilMece: I'm practically dead ATM. Spent 2 hours up a fucking tall ladder, with a hedgetrimmer18:30
LinuxCodeSpeedEvil, dont even mention it18:30
* LinuxCode has to do his18:30
LinuxCodebut birds are nesting18:30
LinuxCodebest to do later this year18:30
SpeedEvilI have decided that it's evolution in action.18:31
lcukif the birds are occupying the bushes, they should maintain it - drop them an official letter of eviction18:31
SpeedEvilIf the birds can provide me with a time machine so I can do it 6 months ago, I am quite happy to do so.18:32
SpeedEvilThis will lead eventually to birds evolving the ability to produce time machines.18:32
SpeedEvilWhich is a net plus.18:32
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lcukavine technology is far more advanced than ours18:32
lcukafter all, they have had personal flying cars for centuries18:33
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penguinbaitif they just had opposable thumb they would rule the world!!!!!!!!18:33
SpeedEvilOpposable left or right thumb?18:34
Khertan_bye !18:34
penguinbaitthumbs :)18:34
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alteregoJust found ctrl+n in microb, that's the only thing I kept having to un maximize for :D18:39
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flailingmonkeywho uses shortcutd?18:49
smharwhat is this rumor about N9? is it true?18:49
korhojoamaybe. D:18:49
Meceflailingmonkey, I do, I think. is it the one with camerabutton to taskswitcher?18:49
alteregosmhar: what about N9? All I've heard is rumour about rumour :P18:50
Mecesmhar, which rumor is that?18:50
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smharalterego, korhojoa, it does not seem authentic to me.. but .... -maybe I am just hoping :-)
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alteregosmhar: it's not authnentic, not until Nokia officially release some statement.18:52
vldcnstabill_uk ever comes here?18:52
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alteregoIgnore crap like that :P18:52
alteregovldcnst: never seen him here ... (thankgod)18:53
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alteregoI mean, unfortunately ...18:53
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Mecevldcnst, I hope not..18:53
Stskeepsvldcnst: if he showed up here he'd immediately piss off crashanddie for sure18:53
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vldcnstI agree.18:53
vldcnstJust wanted to test my new ignore script.18:54
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alteregotest it on me! :P18:54
alteregoYour mom has crabs ...18:54
alteregodid it work?18:54
vldcnstit only works with idiots.18:55
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vldcnstsorry :p18:55
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alteregoI think I've found your first bug then :P18:55
alteregoMight not detect minus IQ points :)18:55
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alteregovldcnst: have you been following his latest thread?18:56
vldcnstalterego: the n9 one?18:56
alteregoI'd ignore him, but he doesn't really get to me.18:56
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alteregovldcnst: yeah, I've been trying  to be civil in that one :)18:57
vldcnstalterego: I think he's funny. He's a good combo with microwave popcorn.18:57
vldcnst(funny in a bad way)18:57
Mecealterego, the most annoying thing about that guy is that he seems to try to do something constructive but fails so utterly on every level.18:57
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alteregoI'm tswindell18:57
alteregoMece: you've noticed that too? Well, he is a really kick ass engineer :P18:58
alteregosir Engineer I believe he likes to be known :D18:58
Mecealterego, he has some strange deficiencies in his social skills.18:58
alteregoYeah, though I understand his blatherings, they still come across as nonsensical and eratic.18:59
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Mecealterego, well i understand what he means, he is just simply wrong in pretty much everything he says.19:00
alteregoI think he's a kid, some young person that wants respect but is trying to hard I fear.19:00
Meceyeah, seems that way.19:00
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alteregoWe need to bring back the calm, so I've ecided I'm going to become maemo.orgs Mr Fonze.19:01
vldcnstIt's sad that a kid like that could get so popular19:01
vldcnstNot that I envy his kind of popularity in any way, but still19:02
alteregoI will be gate crashing a lot of threads over the next week as a social experiment to see if I can stabalize the newbies19:02
benno2DocScrutinizer, Hi, did still not write the bug report, need to write a flexible, idiot proof (me knows better dev) app first.  :) but at least when it comes to audio output (QAudioOutput) the latency is not that horrible (not stellar, but acceptable).19:02
alteregobenno2: still probably begtter going direct to gst :P19:03
vldcnst(he himself has almost finished work on usb otg) < does he even know how to open a terminal?19:03
benno2alterego, I am sceptical about that, since according to the docs, gst sits above pulse audio19:04
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alteregoHeh, vldcnst try not to think about it and just wait and see, wait for his announcements ;) he said he's pretty much finished ...19:04
vldcnstalterego: right.19:04
alteregobenno2: well, to the side really19:04
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Mecevldcnst, he is not popular. he is known and unpopular.19:05
alteregobenno2: you need to play nice with pulse to maintain phone function though ..19:05
benno2alterego, interesting. so what audio interface does gst use ?19:05
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Mecealso I think many will agree that he is the most annoying person currently active on tmo.19:06
xkr47-DItmo = ?19:06
Mecegst as in gstreamer?19:06
vldcnsttalk maemo org ?19:06
xkr47-DItrackmania original :D19:06
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Mecewhat's infobot?19:07
alteregobenno2: oh that platform generally uses pulse for mixing channels and sharing audio input and output. gstreamer, when used directly, will use whatever you tell it to use by constructing the correct pipeline.19:07
infobotb-man, i love abuse, feed me!, or whack, yo19:07
alteregobenno2: i.e. talk direct to alsa if you want. but you will almost certainly break everything else.19:07
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benno2alterego, but what are the "breakage" scenarios exactly ? my audio app opens alsa and then the phone app does not work any more ? (no calls can be made, receive until reboot?=)19:09
alteregobenno2: and by everything else I mean media player, phone19:09
b-man < a textbook example of a hijacked thread lol19:09
Meceinfobot, tmo is http://talk.maemo.org19:09
infobotokay, Mece19:09
alteregobenno2: yes exactly, I would have expected that.19:09
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alteregobenno2: That's probably because you've cause pulse to get in a bad state as it maintains handles to mkc and speaker through alsa19:10
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alteregobenno2: so, to play nice, talk to pulse directly, or use gstreamer with pulse sink or src.19:10
benno2alterego, the question is how does a VOIP app on maemo open the audio device in a system friendly way without breaking anything ?19:10
infobotrumour has it, tmo is http://talk.maemo.org19:10
alteregobenno2: gst :)19:11
alteregoThat is how we handle audio and video in maemo, plain as.19:11
* Mece made infobot do something!19:11
zaheermyes but alsa apps do work19:11
benno2alterego, ok. so regarding gst, any app you recommend to look at (at the source) ?19:11
alteregobenno2: what are you writing? a VoIP client?19:11
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alteregoIt's somewhazt different if you want to stream data from some source like network, or just play an audio file :)19:13
benno2alterego, no an app which should fast react to audio input showing it visually. currently with QAudioInput I get 5000msec (5sec!) latencies. the same code on Linux gets low latencies. QAudioInput uses ALSA (did look at the code of qt 4.6.2/3). so I think it's maemo's pulse audios ALSA emulation19:13
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alteregobenno2: your getting 5 sec latency on device?19:14
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alterego~you're ...19:14
zaheermbenno2, you tried on a desktop with pu;seaudio and alsa emulation turned on?19:15
benno2alterego, exactly, seems unbelievable but it's that way. on the SDK under freemantle-x86 it works well, as well as on plain linux with alsa. but on a N900 it sucks. it's a plain N900 with PR 1.2.  QAudioOutput OTOH seems to work ok (I'd say 0.x secs output latency)19:15
benno2zaheerm, no I tried on the desktop with plain alsa.19:15
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alteregobenno2: okay, just to clarify here, pulse actually also provides alsa with sources.. Erm, I read a cool article a while ago on Linux audio systems, I'll try to find it, but basically pulse has a loop back, which goes back in alsa, it's those "devices" you should be using.19:17
alteregoIf you want to talk direct to alsa that is.19:17
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alteregojust trying to remember where I read the article. I'll dig up a gst example too.19:19
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benno2alterego, probalby QAudioInput choses the default ALSA devices and that is the pulse ALSA device. and this is what causes latency. if I request a buffer of 2048 bytes at 44kHz (mono 16bit = 1024 bytes = about 20msecs), it returns a bufsize of 8000bytes, which is already fishy.  I tried with 8khz mono 16bit and a bufsize of 512bytes and it is adjusted to 1600bytes. so it seems like it always tries to set the bufsize to 100msec.  but the real latency is 5000msec19:20
benno2 when capturing audio. not the advertised 100msec19:20
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alteregobenno2: sure, unfortunately the article was in Linux Format and unless you're a subscriber I can't show you the pdf :P19:21
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alteregobenno2: I think that might be because pulse is monitoring that input itself.19:22
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benno2alterego, I will write example code and file a bug report to maemo, this is a severe bug. otherwise they have to explain the latency thing more detailed. since Qt is advertised as the API to use for crossplatform code (and will be the official API on Symbian and Meego), Nokia needs to get things straight. not halfbaked high latency multimedia API. I worked with real time audio for the last 10 years, on dozen of platforms and never saw this bad behaviour.19:24
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BCMMah, pulseaudio...19:26
benno2alterego, I'm one of the authors of this open source sampler : and have contributed tools and tests to improve the audio latency of linux, so I know what I am talking about. in linuxsampler we achieve single digit latencies on any platorm even windows. Nokia messed up the audio system on maemo big time.19:26
benno2and it seems that meego will use the same stuff.  very sad19:26
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alteregobenno2: I'm not convinced it's a bug, I just think you don't fully get how maemo's audio is "wired" together.19:27
alteregoQt and multimedia is, well, broken atm ...19:27
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alteregoSo, using gst or pulse directly is probably your only option, and from what it sounds like you're doing, I'd go with gstreamer.19:28
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benno2alterego, might be, but look at it from a developer's perspective. Nokia says: use Qt so you get efficient and portable code. I use QAudioInput and the latency sucks. so it means the maemo qt people did not do their homework. if developers need to go through 1000 hurdles to get decent latency they lose interest and patience and will switch platform. on iphone for example almost any stupid app provides low latency. because there is a single audio API which work19:30
benno2s. I tihkn I need to join the meego ML and Qt ML and start providing numbers and test apps like I did with the linux kernel. it helped a lot. inversted a lot of time but kernel devs listened, used my tools and improved the scheduler.19:30
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alteregobenno2: also, looking at the default settings for pulsesrc in gstreamer, which is probably what Qt is using, there's a default 40000 microsecond latency buffer ..19:32
alteregowhich is pretty close to your your five seconds?19:33
benno2alterego, thanks for the tips. I can try to change my code to use gst. but if Nokia did their homework and used it in QAudioInput too it would solve this issue without embarassing 5000msec latency. no wonder that user say Nokia phones are slow and unresponsive. those latency details do matter. users do want reactive multimedia19:33
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Wild_DoogyWould this place be ok to ask a question about carriers for the n900?19:34
mecex-fade, ping?19:35
alteregoWild_Doogy: possibly not,19:35
meceWild_Doogy, but ask anyway.19:35
alteregothanks for finishing me sentence mece :)19:36
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Arkenoiis there a hack to make ctrl-shift-R effect presistent?19:36
Wild_Doogyright-ho, I have narrowed down my search to t-mobile prepaid plans. what would I need to get that working? just a SIM card? or is it more complicated.19:37
alteregoWild_Doogy: just a sim card19:38
alteregoWild_Doogy: N900's are unlocked.19:38
benno2alterego, I just scanned the qt-maemo sources, qt multimedia does not seem to contain maemo specific code nor QT_WS_MAEMO_5 defines, it just uses plain ALSA. like the official Qt version19:38
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alteregobenno2: well, that's kind of expected. Have you posted to maemo-devel mailing list?19:39
mecealterego, simple minds think alike :D19:39
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alteregobenno2: I'm sure your issue is config over code :P19:39
Wild_Doogyalterego: Thanks heaps.19:39
alteregoWild_Doogy: np19:40
alteregoI think my karma should be very good today :P19:40
alteregoI should look for a job or something ...19:40
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benno2alterego, not yet (though I am a subscriber since the N770 days). but I'd like to write some test code first to backup my claims. otherwise I already know the answer: it's probably your fault, your code is wrong etc19:40
vldcnstbenno2: where are you with linuxsampler? do you need help?19:42
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benno2vldcnst, help is alway appreciated :) in which area would you like to help out ?  we thought about porting linuxsampler to maemo but the question is if it makes sense. you can downscale the memory requirements (polyphony etc). but one needs a frontend too, eg a virtual keyboard or using an external keyboard etc. the polyphony will not be great but I guess 30-50 voices is doable19:43
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VenemoI would need the help of somebody who has some understanding of X or the Hildon dekstop19:45
alteregoOh, that's a bit insulting ...19:45
vldcnsta bit?19:45
alteregoQt labs wants me to upgrade flashon my N900 to watch a video :(19:46
vldcnstbenno2: indeed, porting it to maemo isn't that interesting. I'll take a look on the forums and maybe I can help out in some areas. I'll keep you in touch.19:46
benno2vldcnst, you are welcome thanks ! all devs read the linuxsampler forums so you can ask there or subscribe to the ML (though the forums do have much more subscribers)19:47
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BCMMVenemo: i'm sure that giving some more detail of your problem will attract more attention19:56
SpeedEvilAlternative ways might be to cover yourself in lard, and swim the channel.19:56
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vldcnstor change your nickname to abill_uk19:57
vldcnstwait, that wouldn't help.19:57
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vldcnstno, really. How can he say he finished work on USB OTG, that pisses me off19:59
VenemoBCMM: I would like to know a way to determine which homescreen widget is currently active19:59
alteregovldcnst: I think you need to distract yourself from him out of fear of some kind of unhealthy obsession. fools die off.19:59
VenemoBCMM: I would like to know a way to determine which homescreen is currently active19:59
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Venemoeither C or C++ code would help19:59
alteregoVenemo: you mean in the form of some kind of index?20:00
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alteregolike 1-4?20:00
Venemoyes, something like that20:00
SpeedEvilVenemo: Have you done dbus-monitor --system - or whatever - while changing desktops - to check if anything changes?20:00
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alteregoSpeedEvil: nothing ;)20:00
Venemohm, I will20:00
Venemobut still, I don't want to be notified when it changes20:01
SpeedEvilalterego: I'm unsure what parts of hildon is open.20:01
VenemoI would like to know which is active20:01
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SpeedEvilVenemo: even20:01
SpeedEvilVenemo: I would start by inspecting to see if hildon-desktop - or is it hildon-home is open20:01
SpeedEviland then if it is - inspect the code20:01
Venemothey are open20:01
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Venemobut I couldn't find such a thing20:01
VenemoI don't even know where to start :)20:01
VenemoI found this:20:02
vldcnstVenemo: I believe the hildon screen manager checks which widgets are active.20:02
Venemonot which widgets20:02
Venemowhich homescreen20:02
alteregoVenemo: write 4 hidden desktop home widgets and get them to output a number to a file on their activation events :P20:02
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vldcnstVenemo: my mistake20:02
Venemono, I made a typo, sorry20:02
alteregoThen put one on each home screen, and you're done :P20:03
Venemoalterego: okay, but how do they know the number?20:03
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Venemois this a joke?20:03
alteregoVenemo: It is yes,20:03
Venemookay... :P20:03
alteregoIt would work, but it's horrible.20:03
BCMMi know this is newbish of me, but is there any way to get qdbus on the n900?20:03
Venemoyes, there is20:04
Venemoat #qt-maemo, you can get more help :)20:04
Venemoso, I need this, because I wrote an application that puts widgets dynamically on the homescreen20:04
BCMMVenemo: was that directed at me?20:04
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Venemonot the last one20:04
alteregoVenemo: what I would do, if I was doing what you're doing. I'd open up a python interpreter on the device, and I'd start looking at the x windows :)20:05
VenemoI need to know which homescreen is active, because I wrote an application that puts widgets dynamically on the homescreen20:05
Venemoand obviously, when the device is powered off, the widgets disappear20:05
VenemoI can put them back if I set my app to autostart when device starts20:06
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VenemoI even know their previous coordinates20:06
flailingmonkeywhat if you just have it generate normal widgets20:06
Venemobut, the problem is, I can't determine which screen they were on and how to put them to that homescreen20:06
BCMMVenemo: aren't there applications which add a widget to the current desktop on install? you could check the source of one of those20:06
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Venemobut I want to add widgets _dynamically_20:07
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alteregoBCMM: that's done as default, you can't target specific screens.20:07
Venemothe advantage is that this way I can have multiple instances of the same widget20:08
flailingmonkeyit could remove/modify those widgets I would think, but then the widgets wouldn't need the program to be running to display20:09
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Venemoflailingmonkey: I get your point, but that is not the issue20:09
Venemothe issue is that I can't set which desktop are the widgets gonna be added to20:09
Venemoat least, I don't know how20:10
alteregoVenemo: yes you can, just add it directly into gconf20:10
flailingmonkeyI haven't seen widgets add to a specific desktop, other than when they are loaded on boot20:10
flailingmonkeyany other time, widgets just get added to current screen right?20:11
Venemothis is the isse20:11
Venemothis is the issue*20:11
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Venemothese widgets are _not_ re-added automatically20:11
flailingmonkeyit might be a use case that was not considered20:11
Venemothis means that my app needs to re-add them manually20:11
Venemowell, I'm sure it is possible with some hacking around in X20:12
flailingmonkeyI don't know how you add widgets dynamically though20:12
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Venemoit is quite easy:20:12
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SpeedEvilWhat sort of widegts are you planning?20:13
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Venemothis sort: v20:14
Venemothis sort:
BCMMis there a way to determine, before installation, the files a package provides?20:14
BCMMa website, perhaps?20:14
VenemoBCMM: download its .deb file, open it with 7-Zip and see what's in there20:15
flailingmonkeythe utilities that install packages can show their contents too20:15
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BCMMVenemo: they are in 7z format?20:15
DrGrovHow is it with the N900? Is there any way to use some kind of WLAN package sniffers?20:15
yipdwBCMM: dpkg -L <deb file>, if you have the archive20:16
yipdwno need to unzip20:16
VenemoBCMM: no, but 7-Zip can open .debs, too20:16
DrGrovNot thinking of using myself. More as a safety precaution.20:16
vldcnstDrGrov: monitor mode is implemented.20:16
yipdwor, rather, unbzip2, because that's what Debian archives typically are20:16
BCMMVenemo: wikipedia says one can just use tar...20:16
Venemofor me20:16
VenemoI double click a .deb, and it opens20:16
BCMMVenemo: ar, rather20:16
BCMMVenemo: oh, is this on windows?20:16
DrGrovvldcnst: oh, so it is possible to follow a specific WLAN and gather a swarm of information?20:16
yipdwBCMM: yeah, Debian archives are tarballs20:16
BCMManyway, if there isn't such a site i may as well just install20:17
VenemoBCMM: yes, I use Windows20:17
BCMMsince i'm only bothered due to my 'net connection being slow20:17
BCMMVenemo: ah, that would explain not suggesting tar20:17
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BCMMVenemo: heh, aren't you glad i asked you a minute ago instead of now...20:18
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VenemoBCMM: The Windows version of 7-Zip can open a bunch of different formats20:19
BCMMyeah, i know20:19
VenemoI guessed that the Linux version can, too20:19
BCMMVenemo: perhaps it can, but tar is popular20:19
BCMMalso, always installed20:19
BCMM(give or take)20:19
Venemosorry for that20:20
Venemothe N900 is my first Linux experience that lasted more than 5 minutes :)20:20
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BCMMVenemo: it's ok, i'm not bothered20:22
BCMMVenemo: i just forget that not every Freenode channel is full of linux people :)20:22
BCMMVenemo: having fun with maemo?20:22
VenemoBCMM: yes :)20:22
VenemoI'm not one of those people who hates Linux or anything20:23
VenemoI just haven't used it thus far20:23
vldcnstwho would hate linux?20:23
Venemowell, I know many people who hate "the other side"20:23
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yipdwvldcnst: some people dislike it because the system as a whole isn't really a paragon of consistency or architectural excellence20:25
yipdwone example brought up by FreeBSD users is the lack of a unified kernel event notification system20:25
yipdw(which FreeBSD has)20:25
BCMMVenemo: didn't say you were... for a start, you're using maemo20:25
flailingmonkeywe are the root cause of the downfall of humanity of course20:25
BCMMyipdw: people who dislike linux for that reason probably wouldn't go near windows...20:26
yipdwthat said, for many situations a Linux-based system is good enough20:26
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yipdwBCMM: depends20:26
BCMMi use linux pretty much exclusively, but i'd agree that freebsd is "theoretically" superiour in a number of ways20:26
BCMMi especially admire their paranoia20:26
valdynbeing cleaner doesnt make it any more practical20:26
flailingmonkeyindeed, the design is practical not elegent20:27
VenemoBCMM: true, but unfortunately, my work requires me to use Windows20:27
VenemoI do plan to install Linux on a USB drive, though, for Maemo development :)20:27
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BCMMthere was that xorg bug a while back, and IIRC it didn't effect freebsd20:27
yipdwvaldyn: in the case of kernel event notifications, that's not really true20:27
flailingmonkeyvaldyn, for use perhaps not, but for development it definitely would be20:27
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yipdwa cleaner design *is* more practical if you're waiting for notifications on various kernel events, e.g. I/O, process completion, process forking20:27
BCMMnot because they'd found it already, but because somebody had gone "i don't quite understand that bit, better change it in case" a few years back20:27
valdynyipdw: i didn't try to be specific to that thing, i dont even know what it is20:28
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SplasPoodheh, every time I restart my XMPP server contacts on the N900 get filled with dupes where the Nickname differs from the existing contact entries... big PITA20:28
BCMMyipdw: so by a "unified kernel events system", you mean things like processes ending and inotify and so on would be integrated?20:28
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yipdwBCMM: yes20:28
BCMMyipdw: that is kind of neat...20:29
yipdwfor example, to watch processes and I/O on Linux you'd have to use ptrace and select20:29
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yipdwI think20:29
yipdwon FreeBSD it all goes through kqueue20:29
yipdw(and Darwin, just fyi)20:29
yipdwjust things like that20:29
luke-jrlet's raid Nokia HQ20:29
luke-jrbring your gnus!20:30
yipdwpersonally, I use a Linux system, not a FreeBSD system, because ATi's Catalyst drivers don't work on FreeBSD afaik20:30
yipdwand I need the OpenCL bits that fglrx provides but radeonhd does not20:30
yipdwso yeah, priorities and needed features, etc.20:30
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luke-jrGAN900: is your N900 is proper gnu??20:31
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BCMMyipdw: ati's catalyst drivers don't work, period...20:31
BCMMyipdw: oh, sorry, you already said why you weren't using open drivers20:32
yipdwBCMM: some parts do.  in 10.5 the 3D bits work, but the 2D acceleration is crap20:32
BCMMyipdw: looked at radeon as well as radeonhd?20:32
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yipdwBCMM: yeah20:32
yipdwas far as I can tell, neither support the OpenCL extensions20:32
yipdwbut I could be wrong20:32
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luke-jryipdw: so add them20:33
yipdwluke-jr: I would, if I had sufficient time20:33
vldcnstVenemo: have you tried playing with xev?20:33
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benno2SpeedEvil, Hi. could you try please to do: arecord -v file.wav  and then see what the capture parameters are. perhaps they are different from the aplay ones you posted yesterday.  many thanks for your help.20:33
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yipdwluke-jr: but as my time with OpenCL is primarily spent learning and using the system, I find myself often in the situation where I don't have time to delve into the radeon/radeonhd drivers and do it20:34
yipdw(and it's not easy, for me at least, to justify e.g. funding for that sort of thing)20:34
Venemoread this:20:34
Venemodid this feature actually make it into PR 1.2? :o20:35
yipdwoh great, more ways to kill my N900's battery20:35
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orospakrIs there a convenient web search tool for the maemo repositories? ala
Wizzupradeonhd is outdated, use radeon20:38
Wizzupbut it doesn't support opencl yet, no20:38
yipdwWizzup: yeah, i was using whichever shipped with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS20:38
yipdw(probably radeon)20:38
yipdw2D was fantastic, 3D/OpenCL didn't work though20:39
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WizzupWhat card? All but evergreen/r800 should have 3d as well20:39
Wizzup(but 3d is still kinda experimental)20:39
yipdwATI Radeon HD 585020:39
Wizzupah,r800 I think?20:39
Wizzupoh, that's r70020:39
yipdwsomething like that20:39
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* luke-jr has r30020:39
WizzupWell I g2g :)20:39
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BCMMyipdw: oh, radeon has seen a lot of improvement pretty recently20:42
BCMMwell, relitively20:42
yipdwBCMM: yeah, it's gotten quite good20:42
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BCMMyipdw: especially for 600/70020:42
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yipdwthe 2D in particular (as I mentioned) absolutely destroys what fglrx does20:43
DrGrovAnyone seen the D-THEME Night?20:43
DrGrovNo screenshot available on :/20:43
BCMMyipdw: i've been using kde desktop effects and even stuff like google earth on my Radeon HD 387020:43
BCMMyipdw: then again, i've been compiling the xorg driver and mesa from git20:44
BCMMand using kernel 2.6.3420:44
yipdwBCMM: oh, neat20:44
DrGrovis there always used to be screenshots for themes?20:45
BCMMyipdw: over the past 6 months or so, i've seen Google Earth go from quite glitchy to very smooth20:46
yipdwBCMM: that's pretty slick; good indication that the radeon driver is progressing well20:47
BCMMyipdw: yeah20:47
yipdwI'd love to get involved with that but the time issue (as well as the fact that I haven't written a device driver for any platform in, uh, six years) prevents me from doing so20:47
BCMMyipdw: i got the radeon instead of a new nvidia because the kernel driver was progressing so fast20:48
BCMMyipdw: makes it look like r600 and r700 are in similar states, so you should get the same sort of features i do20:49
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yipdwBCMM: well, kind of.  Evergreen is the 5xxx family20:49
BCMMyipdw: oh, i thought you had an r700, sorry20:49
yipdwBCMM: yeah, i thought I did too and then I found out that Radeon HD 5850 is in the Evergreen/Cypress/whatever-they-called-it family20:50
yipdwthat said, Evergreen's not in a bad state20:50
BCMMyipdw: opengl - WIP20:50
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yipdwand the fact that they're working on accelerated video decoding is also very slick20:50
flailingmonkeyI think live backgrounds did make it, but haven't seen control panel they ask about in that email20:51
BCMMyipdw: shouldn't be *that* long though, iirc AMD is helping, or at least cooperating20:51
yipdwyeah, that was one reason I went with ATI stuff20:51
yipdwit's rough now, but it has far brighter prospects than NVIDIA wrt Linux, and I can put up with the WTFs caused by fglrx for now20:52
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BCMMyipdw: yeah, previously: ATI can't do linux drivers right. Now: they still can't, but they've noticed they can't and they're cooperating with community drivers20:53
satmdthat's what the community asked them from the beginning20:54
BCMMsatmd: yeah20:54
crashanddieand talking about ATI drivers on this channel is relevant, how?20:54
yipdwit isn't20:54
crashanddiethen take it to #linux, thanks20:54
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Tobahey. anyone having a bug in the 'notes' application on the n900 where if you make a bullet list, save, and re-open, a bunch of blank bullets intersperse into your lists?20:55
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TobaI've tried googling for people talking about it but I have found nothing20:55
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crashanddieToba: if you can reproduce it, just create a bug for it20:56
BCMMcrashanddie: sorry20:57
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benno2any good soul which could perform a arecord test on his N900 (I don't have a N900 here ATM)  arecord -v file.wav  and then see what the capture parameters are and then post the output to pastebin. I'm trying to track down high latency problems while recording with Qt Multimedia. many thanks!21:02
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lardmanevening chaps21:08
lardman& chapesses21:08
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infobotflailingmonkey meant: afternoon21:09
lcukhappy june lardman21:09
lardmanah, generic ugt greeting to all21:09
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MohammadAG51happy 9:11 peeps21:11
lardmanbbiam, supper beckons :)21:12
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luke-jrhow does Sprint stay in business?21:13
luke-jrthey want $100/mo for what Cricket offers at $30/mo21:14
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MohammadAG51when oh when will I see a progress bar for mv21:14
luke-jrheck, even T-Mobile wants $50/mo -.-21:14
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lcukMohammadAG51, when you make one yourself, normal mv doesnt have one21:15
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MohammadAG51yeah lcuk, I know :/21:16
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* MohammadAG51 ponders how the GUI calculates it21:16
flailingmonkeyit should use rsync for mv then :-p rsync for eeeverything21:16
lcukthe calculation is fairly simple21:16
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* MohammadAG51 uses scp over localhost21:17
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luke-jris it usually against the ToS to get a line to hook to Asterisk and use it for all calls? <.<21:17
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flailingmonkeywell, for data?21:20
flailingmonkeyor the phone service21:20
luke-jrobviously O.o21:20
flailingmonkeythen you can probably do what you like as long as you are in your use of minutes21:21
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luke-jrwell, my thought being abuse the mobile-to-mobile minutes ;)21:21
luke-jrnot that it matters mcuh... even abusing the mobile-to-mobile minutes, it's more expensive than Cricket's $30/mo -.-21:22
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* lardman takes a glance at the openpandora blog in passing and sees that they have still not really started shipping21:58
meceis it possible to have normal widgets in a QMenuBar?21:59
meceI would like some checkboxes.21:59
b-manthey'll probably update it once they have fished shipping all of the devices ;)21:59
lardmanwhat dnf will be released once the pandora ships?!22:00
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* lardman goes to get a beer to recover, bbiab22:00
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Venemomece: check this out:
meceVenemo, thanks!22:04
Venemoyou're welcome22:04
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meceflailingmonkey: que?22:05
Venemonot really, but some customization of the menu22:05
mecewell it was exactly what I wanted either way :)22:06
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peturfootbalfreak :P22:09
meceI just have the stream open. Got a lot of italian friends. I bet they're pissed now.22:09
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SpeedEvilIt's OK, I'm sure they all did well out of their coincidental bets against italy.22:10
SpeedEvilWhich had nothing to do with the whereabouts of the italian players relatives.22:11
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SpeedEvilSome people in other channels have eben commenting on the possibiltiy og a 'n9' - and referring to video. Is there anything substantive?22:15
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meceSpeedEvil. No.22:16
flailingmonkeynothing really besides the video itself22:16
flailingmonkeythe video makes me think of a sidekick kinda22:16
mecethe video doesn't have an actual item though. A render.22:16
SpeedEvilflailingmonkey: You mean where nokia store all your data, and then delete it all in one massive accident?22:17
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mecedamn.. the checkable actions weren't as nice as I wanted.22:18
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Venemohow did they look?22:18
peturI have a dev question: I created a Qt app (using Qt Creator), and would now like to build a version for n900. I installed scratchbox and now I'm a bit stuck: "bash: qmake: command not found"22:18
mecewell they work, but I wanted a checkbox button.22:18
Venemoand what does it look like as it is?22:19
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meceVenemo: a button that remains "clicked"22:19
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flailingmonkeypetur, what about using MADDE?22:19
peturisn't that windows-only?22:20
flailingmonkeypetur, might be right about that22:20
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peturusing ubuntu 10.04 here22:20
b-mani think i found something very, very odd - apparently the armel package providing qmake contains i386 binaries22:20
benno2SpeedEvil, Hi. could you try please to do: arecord -v file.wav  and then see what the capture parameters are. perhaps they are different from the aplay ones you posted yesterday.  many thanks for your help.22:20
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SpeedEvilNot at the moment.22:21
flailingmonkeybenno2, you just want the output it creates?22:22
SpeedEvilThat would involve getting out of bed.22:22
Venemopetur: MADDE is for Linux and Mac, too22:22
SpeedEvilAnd I've been up a ladder cutting hedges all day.22:22
Venemoand also it is less buggy on Linux than on Windows22:22
SpeedEvilWell - for a couple of hours - which was my mimit22:22
peturVenemo: thnx, I'll have a look22:23
Venemojust download the Nokia Qt SDK RC for Linux22:23
benno2flailingmonkey, no. I am trying to debug what kind of audio device I have to open in order to achieve lower latency.  if you run arecord -v file.wav then it prints some debug info on the console , like buffer size etc. it would be useful to get that info because I have no N900 herre ATM22:23
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Venemoit contains MADDE and installs it for you, effortlessly22:23
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peturVenemo: I installed Qt Creator already from, I assume you mean something else?22:26
Venemopetur: yes, you assume correctly22:26
benno2flailingmonkey, thanks alot for the info!22:27
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Venemopetur: uninstall the current qt-related stuff, and install this:22:27
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peturuninstall qtcreator?22:27
Arkenoihow do i skip intro on scrummvm games? (beneath a steel sky etc)22:27
VenemoNokia Qt SDK comes with a newer Qt Creator, anyways22:28
Venemothere is both a 32-bit and a 64-bit version22:28
peturwill my existing Qt project still open with that?22:28
Venemoyes, it will22:28
peturok... let's get to work then :)22:29
Venemolook at here:
Venemowhat applies to MADDE applies to the Nokia Qt SDK as well, because it uses MADDE22:29
Venemoon that page, you can find how to use it with your device22:29
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peturgreat, thanks a lot22:30
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Venemoyou don't have to follow the steps on integration and other stuff, because it is already done22:30
Venemohere is what you'll need:
Venemoand #qt-maemo is the right place to ask questions about Qt stuff :)22:31
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Venemothere are a lot of helpful people there22:31
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flailingmonkeybenno, your welcome :)22:32
infobotflailingmonkey meant: benno2, your welcome :)22:32
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b-manhmm, it looks like the libqt4-dev package is gonna need to be rebuilt - looks really messed up :(22:38
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b-manthe armel package has a mix of arm and i386 binaries :P22:38
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flailingmonkeythats just because the N9 will have hardware x86 instruction emulation22:41
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flailingmonkeyi'd tell the people in #qt-maemo though22:42
* b-man does so22:42
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xDaReaperxis there a working bittorrent client for N900 ?22:53
xDaReaperxi searched a lot22:53
vldcnstnot really22:53
vldcnstnot really as in, you haven't searched enough22:53
Venemore all22:53
VenemoPidgin is WAY better than mIRC22:54
xDaReaperxtransmission is in development right ?22:54
vldcnstit's working22:54
MohammadAG51irssi ftw22:54
VenemoMohammadAG51: hehe, haven't tried that one yet22:55
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vldcnstVenemo: I've used mIRC since 98. I even use it on wine.22:55
Venemowell, it's non-free22:56
Venemoand I don't feel like paying for it22:56
nidOsince when have you ever had to pay for mirc22:59
Venemosince it is shareware?23:00
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VenemonidO: -> they ask for $20...23:00
nidOits optional23:01
flailingmonkeyi downloaded both irssi and xchat, and the font on xchat made no sense23:01
flailingmonkeyirssi feels more irc-style23:01
VenemonidO: no, it is a 30 day trial, and then goodbye mIRC23:01
Venemowell, it is for me23:01
RST38hmoo all23:01
nidOthen "ask you for payment, make you wait 5 seconds, then press continue"23:01
alteregoWhen I'm holding my N900 I give off some weird electromagnatic stuff23:01
flailingmonkeybut I had to find a theme that worked with white backgrounds, most themes assume black background23:01
nidOwhen i open mirc i get told its like 900 days over then carries on fine23:01
Venemohehe :D23:02
alteregoMy girlfriend can actually tell when I'm holding it by stroking my arm and now my ear.23:02
Kegetysjust because it works doesn't mean its legal to keep using it23:02
alteregoAnd I can hear it too O_O23:02
Venemowell, still, Pidgin doesn't ask for any money, and looks better23:02
flailingmonkeyrofl, it generates super powers23:02
b-manalterego: do electronics and compasses go nutz? xD (jk)23:02
flailingmonkeypidgin on N900? never tried IRC through pidgin23:03
infobotflailingmonkey has neutral karma23:03
alteregoIt's quite weird, I did a blind fold test and she instantly knows if I'm touching it, seems to only work with the screen or metal border of the screen :/23:03
MohammadAG51infobot, karma23:03
infobotalterego has neutral karma23:03
MohammadAG51infobot, karma23:04
b-man~nickometer alterego23:04
infobot'alterego' is 0.000% lame, b-man23:04
b-man~nickometer MohammadAG51>23:04
infobot'MohammadAG51>' is 39.000% lame, b-man23:04
infobotmohammadag51 has neutral karma23:05
vldcnst~nickometer vldcnst23:05
infobot'vldcnst' is 0.000% lame, vldcnst23:05
vldcnstgood bot.23:05
b-man~nickometer b-man23:05
infobot'b-man' is 14.000% lame, b-man23:05
vldcnstvery good bot.23:05
lcukwhy does this make me want to go to the toilet:
flailingmonkey~nickometer flailingmonkey23:05
infobot'flailingmonkey' is 0.000% lame, flailingmonkey23:05
MohammadAG51~karma MohammadAG23:05
infobotmohammadag has neutral karma23:05
lcuk~karma lcuk23:06
infobotlcuk has karma of 223:06
b-man~nickometer lcuk23:06
infobot'lcuk' is 0.000% lame, b-man23:06
b-man~nickometer b-man23:06
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flailingmonkey~nickometer MohammadAG23:06
infobot'b-man' is 14.000% lame, b-man23:06
infobot'MohammadAG' is 8.000% lame, flailingmonkey23:06
alteregoWhat's infobots' karma about?23:06
flailingmonkey~nickometer MohammadAG5123:06
infobot'MohammadAG51' is 31.000% lame, flailingmonkey23:06
lcukwhen the end of the world happens the karma will be taken into account23:06
SpeedEvil~nickometer GAN90023:06
infobot'GAN900' is 69.000% lame, speedevil23:06
flailingmonkeythats why people haven't abandoned Maemo yet23:07
vldcnst<infobot> please don't karma yourself23:07
vldcnstaww man.23:07
lcukvldcnst, you will go blind23:07
infobotflailingmonkey has karma of 123:07
lcuklike MohammadAG5123:07
infobotI feel different somehow.23:07
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* lcuk watches relaxing mountain stream video23:08
infobotmohammadag51 has karma of 123:08
vldcnstwell that failed.23:08
SpeedEvillcuk: That's no stream!23:09
DocAvalanchePLEASE forget ibot karma concept!23:09
b-man~lart everyone23:09
* infobot eats everyone's liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti23:09
* MohammadAG51 forgets what he said23:09
infobotturns plaintext words into encrypted strings in a variety of ways.. URL:
vldcnstdon't give free karma.23:10
alteregothanks flailingmonkey23:10
b-man~burn himself23:10
* infobot pours gasoline all over himself, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze23:10
alterego~burn ~labotomy23:10
* infobot pours gasoline all over ~labotomy, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze23:10
alteregoheh, oh well, no batch processing thwn :P23:11
infobotmethinks main is a topic that doesn't work.23:11
MohammadAG51infobot, pr1.323:12
infoboti heard pr1.3 is a ban'able subject now.....23:12
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infobot[meego] an opensource distribution for netbooks and mobile devices23:12
vldcnst~ignore * except owner23:12
* infobot sticks her fingers in her ears. "La, la, la! I can't hear you, * except owner!"23:12
infobotwell, google is
infobotLinux kernel versions, linux-next: next-20100614, mainline 2.6: 2.6.35-rc3, snapshot 2.6: 2.6.35-rc2-git6, stable 2.6: 2.6.34    , stable 2.6.33:  , stable 2.6.32: , stable 2.6.31: , stable 2.6.27: , stable 2.4.37:
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* flailingmonkey reads h-e-n mailing list23:14
* b-man resumes fixing his broken sdk23:14
* MohammadAG51 fixes his SDK on each reboot23:14
flailingmonkeyDocAvalanche, any news about jrbme?23:14
SuRfDeMoNHi, I've made a qt4 & python app that I can run from terminal using python however I would like to have it run from an icon on the desktop, does anyone know how I can do this ?23:14
MohammadAG51.desktop file23:15
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xDaReaperxthe apps in extras-testing are not safe to install right ?23:15
DocAvalancheyeah, I'm postponing that to cure infobot from damage done by fools23:15
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flailingmonkey:-p no more karma then23:17
alteregoI'd quite like to integrate sshfs into the default filemanager ...23:17
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flailingmonkeylets do it23:17
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alteregoWhat does filemanager do to check mounts?23:17
alteregoIs it vfs?23:17
flailingmonkeyisn't it just udev?23:18
flailingmonkeywell, we can see its code on gitoreous23:18
alteregoNo, udev will trigger a mount.23:18
flailingmonkeymaybe it looks in /media?23:19
SuRfDeMoNMohammadAG51: where is the .desktop file?23:19
alteregoI was wondring if anyone knew offhand rather than me needing to research :)23:19
jogaI tried sshfs once with n900 but when the network connection hung, the whole device pretty much hung when something started to wait for it23:19
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lardmanis down for other people23:19
jogaso I deemed that at least with default configuration it made the device pretty much unusable23:20
joga(I'd like to use it though, maybe I'll try later with more thinking)23:20
lpotterlardman: works here23:20
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alteregoflailingmonkey: yeah, it checks for mounted dirs under /media (just mounted tempfs under it)23:20
lardmanlpotter: thanks, perhaps it was just my laptop playing sillybuggers23:21
flailingmonkeywould having / access throug filemanager be nice?23:21
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MohammadAGRX-51not really23:21
alteregoNot really23:21
jogabind mount to /media? ;)23:21
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jogaif I need to mess with / I use the shell anyway23:22
jogabut sometimes the "N900" is a bit confusing23:22
flailingmonkeythats been my impression, that people who need to muck about use terminal, and those that don't need to are a bit likely to break things23:22
* MohammadAG51 reminds #maemo someone deleted /usr cause it used up too much space23:22
* flailingmonkey is aghast23:23
lardmanthat's ok, you only need /bin and /lib ;)23:23
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alteregolardman: not if you want xterm or ssh access :P23:24
lardmanwell, yeah..23:25
jogabut if you have them in memory..23:25
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DocAvalanchealterego: flailingmonkey: please consider
DocAvalancheHFM is broken by design23:26
killefizI think I need help. My n900 had errors on the internal flash ( ). I took it to a nokia shop, they sent it somewhere, I got to wait three weeks and now it's back with the same error :(23:26
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jogakillefiz :/23:27
DocAvalancheflailingmonkey: and I completely disagree with MohammadAG51 on usefulness of access to /23:27
killefizcan anyone think of anything I could do to convince the repair center that this is an issue that they cannot "fix" by  reflashing the device?23:27
MohammadAG51DocAvalanche, I hate you too mate :)23:28
DocAvalancheMohammadAG51: how could user 'user' break things when he's got a filehandle to / ?? o.O Is maemo really that fsckdup wrt permissions??23:28
lardmankillefiz: run fsck on the device?23:28
DocAvalancheflailingmonkey: ^^^ to you too23:28
MohammadAG51DocAvalanche, err, users know how to launch an app as root23:29
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DocAvalancheMohammadAG51: so WHAT??23:29
DocAvalanchethat's an absolute BS argument23:29
MohammadAG51DocAvalanche, we don't need more shit on tmo, it's bad as it is already23:29
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MohammadAG51the only thing / access is useful for is to download files through microb23:31
MohammadAG51hildon-fm is fscked up23:31
MohammadAG51I couldn't copy to a USB stick with it23:31
meceMohammadAG51, actually, hildon-fm would be nice for opening files too, if it had / access.23:31
MohammadAG51mount --bind / onto somewhere on media23:32
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meceanyway, bye.23:32
killefizlardman: how am I supposed to fsck the /home partition?23:32
MohammadAG51reboot I guess23:32
MohammadAG51not sure if it works on maemo23:32
DocAvalancheMohammadAG51: no!!! we already have enough BS on maemo23:32
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MohammadAG51but touch /forcefsck works on Ubuntu23:33
greenflyonly the superuser should be allowed to fsck23:33
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lardmankillefiz: it will probably not make Hildon very happy, but ssh in, become root and umount the device23:34
lardmanat least that's what I'd try23:34
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DocAvalanchegreenfly: and that's what exactly now? the postscriptum under the fsck manpage?23:34
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greenflyDocAvalanche: just general common-sense role separation23:34
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DocAvalancheas done on every sane Unix installation since 197223:35
crashanddie[citation needed]23:35
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greenflythe fsck command requires write access to that partition's device23:36
greenfly(and of course read access)23:36
* DocAvalanche *yawn*23:36
greenflyif you have that level of access you can bypass any access control on the file system itself23:36
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killefizlardman: but what is that going to get me? I\m pretty sure that it's a hardware issue - don't you think?23:36
valdynkillefiz: your paste is broken23:37
greenfly*shrug* I thought this was common knowledge23:37
lardmanyeah, but it's probably just some part of the flash drive being knackered, so at least that would mark the region and let you get on with life23:37
* flailingmonkey came back23:37
DocAvalanchegreenfly: so WHY do you quote it then??23:37
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valdynalterego: firefox is in ovi store.23:38
greenflyDocAvalanche: someone talked about wanting to fsck /home as a user, and when I explained why that was a bad idea, you seemed to not understand, so I was trying to help explain why23:38
jogahow would you even fsck as a user?23:39
jogaespecially your own home23:39
DocAvalanchegreenfly: that's not a bad idea, that's a silly idea as it simply won't work23:40
greenflyjoga: you'd have to have rw access to /dev/whatever23:40
jogagreenfly: but that's not really good :)23:40
greenflyjoga: agreed :)23:40
Arkenoifile-roller conflicts with gnome-nettool23:40
jogaand you can fsck a read-only filesystem too, but not fix the errors23:40
joga(a mounted one, I mean)23:40
DocAvalanchejgfsck "your own home" is a meaningless statement. You can fsck volumes only23:41
jogaDocAvalanche, well I meant the filesystem where home resides on, in this case the flash23:41
joga(or, a partition on the flash) ;)23:42
DocAvalanchejoga: fsck...23:42
DocAvalanchejoga: that filesystem is not "your own whatever" so this will fail23:42
killefizlardman: no - I want a working device - I  paid 600 EUR for this thing23:42
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DocAvalanchejoga: refer to a good howto about permissions under Unix23:43
killefizvaldyn: what is wrong with it? Works fine for me -
flailingmonkeytell him what the fsck flag is for read-only, so he can see if there are even any problems it would be able to fix23:43
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jogaDocAvalanche: I think you're just misinterpreting me23:43
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valdynkillefiz: The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.23:44
jogafunny, works for me too..23:45
valdynkillefiz: "Apache Server at Port 80"23:45
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jogavaldyn: try this
valdynjoga: i see, the server works23:46
killefizjoga: thanks23:46
valdynjoga: but theres a broken router, i know its not mine23:46
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jogaI guess, if it works for us23:47
valdynjoga: i can load it23:47
valdynjoga: but squid breaks it23:47
flailingmonkeyis anyone other than Tommi Asp working on cuteexplorer?23:48
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SuRfDeMoNadding a .desktop file to /usr/share/applications crashed my n900 luckily restarting it made it come back to life, does anyone have a link to a good tutorial on how to put a shortcut to a python qt app on the desktop ?23:52
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flailingmonkeyDocAvalanche: you said hfm is broken by design, but didn't elaborate. where does it fail?23:52
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alteregoflailingmonkey: he thinks that because Nokia made it intentionally locked down for normal users it's broken by that design.23:54
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alteregoHiding the OS is a very good idea for normal users and it has a pretty similar UX to the symbian fm23:55
greenfly*shrug* having a package to get you root easily available in a non-development repo I think is a good tradeoff with giving people who know the access they need, and acknowledging (by installing the package) that they have some sense of the implications23:56
greenflyeveryone else requires you to jailbreak stuff23:56
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alteregoindeed, I just like things not being cluttered.23:58
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alteregoThe filemanager is fine for my user data, everything else I use sshfs from my laptop as root on the device or terminal.23:59

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