IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2010-06-13

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MohammadAGI'm sick of threads about closing threads making users sick of it00:06
w00t_MohammadAG: lol00:06
w00t_meta discussions about discussions are always a bit like that00:06
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MohammadAGw00t_, if only I could close that thread :P00:08
MohammadAGthe squid fell on him ^00:08
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w00t_I'm wondering if SD69 forgot his tinfoil hat00:09
MohammadAGhe survived it!00:09
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, <MohammadAG> the squid fell on him ^00:09
opdf2how many amps does n900 draw when under full load?00:12
SpeedEvilopdf2: Around 1.00:12
opdf2this car charger I have cant seem to charge with 500mA00:12
SpeedEvilmaybe a hair more00:12
opdf2okay I see00:12
SpeedEvilThat's a seperate issue00:12
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SpeedEvilIt needs to short the D+ and D- wires to be accepted as a charger00:12
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opdf2No I already have a dumb car charger00:13
GAN900w00t_, that guy's a nut00:13
opdf2It says "Charging." I just need a higher car charger output00:13
w00t_GAN900: seen the post I'm talking about?00:14
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SpeedEvilopdf2: 500mA should pretty much charge it acceptably fast.00:14
GAN900w00t_, not yet, probably.00:14
opdf2but while under full load? It'll only slow down depletion00:14
kW_SpeedEvil: thank you, that worked so far :-)00:15
kW_Now: Does anybody know which package for maemo contains the "blockdev" command?00:15
MiXu-1 amp at full load? That's more than just 100% cpu then. THere's gotta be radios and I/Os and shit simultaneously.00:15
kW_("util-linux" does not seem to contain it)00:15
SpeedEvilIf you're doing pretty much anything other than sharing 3G it will charge00:15
SpeedEvilMiXu-: yes.00:15
w00t_GAN900: see msg00:16
ali1234mine charges when tethered00:16
MiXu-The usual "high load" situation is more like 700mA the last I checked00:16
SpeedEvilMiXu-: That's with flashlight on, streaming camera video, while maxing the CPU, with FM transmitter on, and acting as an AP sharing 3G doing bittorrent, with the screen max brightness.00:16
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MiXu-SpeedEvil: Ok, so you were really trying :D00:16
SpeedEvilI diddn't even bother turning on the keyboard LEDs, notification LED, IR LED, and privacy LEDs, or the vibrator.00:17
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opdf2I usually use GPS and stream 3G while driving. Doesn't seem like 500mA is enough. I also used to have an 800mA charger but that broke00:18
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jacekowskiopdf2: are you texting while driving as well?00:20
opdf2I'm not that good00:20
MohammadAGI tweet while driving00:20
lcukyou arent old enough to ride a bmx, let alone drive a car00:21
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HtheBhi guys00:21
MiXu-I irc while driving00:21
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HtheBMiXu-, you're nuts00:21
FauxFauxI masturbate while driving.00:21
MiXu-saves time00:22
HtheBFauxFaux ftw!00:22
jacekowskihave you ever had sex while driving00:22
HtheBhey guys00:22
MiXu-no :(00:22
lcuklolz MohammadAG00:22
HtheBdoes anyone know about updating firmware from Symbian devices?00:22
HtheBI have some major problems over here00:22
jacekowskiHtheB: just ask00:22
HtheBI wanted to change a language00:22
MohammadAGjust plug it in and hit update00:22
HtheBchanged prod code00:22
jacekowskithat will fail00:23
HtheBtried to update00:23
MohammadAG<jacekowski> that will fail nah00:23
HtheBjacekowski, it worked for me like a charm before00:23
HtheBbut now it just says: you already have the latest firmware00:23
MohammadAGThe N97 uses some weird shit, use Pheonix/JAF00:23
HtheBbut by default, I could install the firmware again00:23
HtheBdo I need a special box for it?00:24
HtheBthe Prod code is changed successfully00:24
HtheBso... do I still have to use JAF?00:25
HtheBlatest version of Nemesis (NSS) supports N9700:25
PHiZiKlol @ irc while driving, wouldn't that be epic :D00:25
HtheBI changed some languages on N97 mini lately00:25
HtheBit told me: you are on the latest firmware, but you can re install it00:25
HtheBso that helped me out00:25
HtheBbut.... this time, I can only click on the Exit button :/00:26
MohammadAG<HtheB> do I need a special box for it?00:26
MohammadAGyou need one that's as legal as the MP3s you're listening to00:26
lcukPHiZiK, speech synthesis and recognition would be cool00:26
lcukand the typo rate would be about the same00:26
MiXu-I saw a guy driving a mini excavator on a public road yesterday00:27
HtheByou know what I mean MohammadAG :p00:27
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MiXu-He's driving ~1000km with that thing00:27
lcukMiXu-, the one driving across .fi?00:27
SpeedEvillcuk: I offer such a service for just $1/min.00:27
MiXu-There was a guy walking behind it :D00:27
lcukawesome did you beep? :D00:27
MiXu-Sure did :D00:27
lcukwicked, hes become a bit of a finnish hero00:27
MiXu-I figured it would be slow but I didn't think it would be slow enough for someone to keep up with it by walking :D00:28
lcukhes heading all the way up to oulu isnt he?00:28
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MiXu-The trip takes 4 weeks :D00:29
MiXu-I hope he has more summer holidays than that.00:29
Clasificadohi all again00:29
lcukhes fully sponsored up for his epic endeavor tho00:29
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jacekowskithere is nothing epic about it00:30
w00t_evening lcuk00:30
jacekowskithere are more epic things that somebody can do00:30
w00t_(& MiXu-, jacekowski :))00:30
jacekowskiit'll be morning in couple hours00:30
lcukjacekowski, you are only jealous because you didnt do it00:30
MiXu-evening w00t00:30
lcukmorning w00t_ \o00:30
w00t_then again00:31
w00t_the sun doesn't go down here very well00:31
jacekowskilcuk: have you heard about jessica watson?00:31
w00t_so I'm just going to start saying "good day"00:31
jacekowskilcuk: that's epic00:31
lcuksure, but if it had been a gruff 30 year old bloke who did the same00:32
lcukhe wouldnt have headlines00:32
lcukand he would have had to pay to be rescued00:32
jacekowskiwell if he would do it in excavator00:32
jacekowskihe would get headlines00:32
lcukyes because many people sail around the world00:32
jacekowskinot that many do it single handed00:33
lcukbut few take excavators on epic adventures00:33
MiXu-The guy has a live webcam in the excavator00:33
jacekowskiguess i'll take road roller across the europe00:33
MiXu-I was trying to find myself from the footage yesterday but couldn't remember the exact spot I saw him at :D00:33
lcukjacekowski, a month ago, you wouldv made news00:34
MiXu-just a sec00:34
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lcuknow around the world 100s of people went into offices and said "can we take our digger on a trip"00:34
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jacekowskidigger != roadroller00:34
lcukahhh, thats your angle00:35
lcuki see what you did there00:35
MiXu-The guy is constantly talking which is amazing00:35
lcukwell MiXu- not much else you can do lol00:35
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MiXu-On the phone a lot of the time but still :D00:35
MiXu-He talks by himself also :D00:35
MohammadAGI wonder how much time repartitioning would take00:36
vldcnstMiXu-: what kind of vehicle is that?00:36
lcukhes like ace rimmer00:38
lcuk"what a guy"00:38
MiXu-The speed cracks me up :D00:38
MohammadAGNokia-N900:/# yum install gparted <-- damn this looks awkward :P00:38
Clasificadodamn. compiling the kernel takes too much time. im impatient00:39
* w00t_ blinks00:39
w00t_a facebrick user requesting my help to evade their country blocking facebook00:39
w00t_that's something I didn't expect to see00:39
MohammadAGClasificado, 10 minutes on an i5 locked @ 2.80GHz using 6 processes at the same time00:39
MohammadAGincluding modules00:40
MohammadAGand deb packages00:40
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MohammadAGany RPM techies here?00:43
MohammadAG [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 6 - ""00:43
MohammadAGTrying other mirror.00:43
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GAN900Local news: "iPhone G4 release"00:44
GAN900Now that'll be some short battery life.00:45
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MohammadAGlol lcuk (vid)00:46
MiXu-"Strictly butter side up"00:47
lcukred dwarf kicks ass00:47
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DocScrutinizer2w00t_: what exactly was it you didn't expect?00:56
w00t_DocScrutinizer2: hrrm? oh, facebrick?00:57
w00t_I didn't expect to have people contacting me saying "please help me evade my country's censorship", tbh00:57
lcukwhat censorship00:58
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DocScrutinizer2great chinese wall, pakistan madness, pick your favourite out of a dozen01:00
jacekowskiwell, i was hosting tor exit node for a while01:01
jacekowskiamount of shit that was passing trough it was amazing01:01
* BugBlue hints australia, bangladesh, turkey, germany, netherlands, uk, ...01:01
jacekowskiand i totally agree with countries blocking facebook01:01
jacekowskifacebook, myspace, hmm01:01
jacekowskithat should be banned01:01
PHiZiKfacebook, never got what the big deal about it01:02
vldcnstno one did01:02
lcukDocScrutinizer2, i was asking w00t_ specifically, because the same people censored should be censored for all facebook?01:02
jacekowskibtw. is there a tor client for n900?01:03
SpeedEvilBan TMO~01:03
lcukjacekowski, agreeing with censorship for things you approve of might seem cool now01:03
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lcukhiya lardman01:04
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lardmanhey lcuk01:06
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* lcuk puts his beer down and boots a ball around the chan01:08
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SpeedEvilThat's no ball!01:09
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* SpeedEvil flies down the trench on the surface of the ball.01:09
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* SpeedEvil turns off the weapons using the power of visual basic.01:10
DocScrutinizer2Visual Basic for Anarchists01:10
SpeedEvilapt-get install bounce \ Reading package lists... Done \Building dependency tree        \Reading state information... Done \E: Handler silently failed01:11
MiXu-I get the same thing when I try to install Fennec 1.1 Beta :(01:11
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MiXu-If I do it via appmanager it just gets stuck while installing01:12
MiXu-Hm. Or not. I tried again and it worked :o01:13
jacekowskiis X-Fade around?01:14
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lcuklardman, expert opinion01:25
lcukwhos the guy in the first picture
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lcukis it who i think it is01:26
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jacekowskidoes anybody know what is used to build maemo packages01:35
jacekowskispecificaly the 1st part that process input from dput01:35
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tremnite all, sweet dreams01:42
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kthomasanyway to get a nokia maps app running on an 810 at this point?01:51
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jacekowskii personally would try n900 version in chroot01:54
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ljsdofuynsdfufuhis it possible to plug a higher quality recording mic into the n900?01:59
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SpeedEvilYou can plug a mic into the headset connection.02:00
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SpeedEvilI haven';t looked at the maximum quality though. I _think_ it's a 16 bit ADC02:00
ljsdofuynsdfufuhyeah, I want to record a concert02:01
ljsdofuynsdfufuhand would like something optimal02:01
SpeedEvilok - not easily then02:01
ljsdofuynsdfufuhI'm surprised at how many random connectors work in that thing02:01
SpeedEvilpossibly in the future with a woeking USB host.02:01
SpeedEvilNot now.02:01
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ljsdofuynsdfufuhwell, for now I'm sure I can get something higher quality than the voice mic02:02
SpeedEvilI mwan - you can in principle plug a mic in - not that it will work if you just plug it in02:02
SpeedEvilIt will at best be mono.02:02
SpeedEvilThere are also bluetooth mics02:02
SpeedEvilyou could in principle use one of those02:02
SpeedEvilHowever - that won't have supported software - so you'd need to implement that02:03
ljsdofuynsdfufuhwell mono will be best anyway, because I can only be in one place at once with the n900 (unless it has the feature to split myself in two)02:04
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ljsdofuynsdfufuhwhat software would you use for recording with the analogue mic in?02:04
SpeedEvilI'm unsure.02:04
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SpeedEvilanything that will record from the headset will work.02:04
SpeedEvilI'm unsure if it's of reasonable quality - the A/D though02:05
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DocScrutinizer2also you need to take care about micbias setting and type of mic matching. Not any random mic will work02:27
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DocScrutinizer2recording with recorder should probably be fine, if S16 @ 48kHz is used02:28
DocScrutinizer2also you'll need an adapter probably, to connect the mic to ring3 + 4(gnd)02:29
ljsdofuynsdfufuhyeah, where can I read about how that port works?02:29
ljsdofuynsdfufuhit seems to magically be compatible with different types of 1/4" jacks02:30
DocScrutinizer2is the best spec I know of02:31
DocScrutinizer2Nokia's spec for the AV-connector is based on that one02:31
ljsdofuynsdfufuhcool thanks02:32
SpeedEvilNot magically, there are internal switches02:33
ljsdofuynsdfufuhindeed, they are not magnets02:33
crashanddieljsdofuynsdfufuh: last time I'm warning about the nickname02:33
ljsdofuynsdfufuhoh shnap02:33
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shorterforgot it changes back when i log off02:33
SpeedEvilMagnets are not magic.02:36
konfooah thats fucking great - the power kernel with modest OC can kill your device's battery02:36
SpeedEvilThey are based on the distortion of spacetime by the aligned spins of electrons in materials.02:36
shorterindeed, terrible reference and I hate memetics02:37
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DocScrutinizer2konfoo: uhuh. I'd be more concerned about it killing my CPU though02:39
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konfoodoc: yeah well, it can kill your battery as well02:40
konfooin fact that didn't take long at all02:40
konfoo10 mins running gstreamer encode02:40
konfoobattery alert, poweroff, dead battery02:40
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DocScrutinizer2let's do a little math fancy: batery has ~4Wh, 10min = 0.167h; ergo 4Wh / 0.167h = 24W02:42
DocScrutinizer2do you think your device would survive a heating by 24W, for 10min?02:43
konfoono, i mean kill as in heat02:43
konfoobut nod02:43
opdf2Is there a way for sound or some sort of notification when a contact gets online from Gtalk, Skype, etc?02:43
konfooand the battery was not drained in 10 mins02:44
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MohammadAGopdf2, I guess it could be done with an app, but atm, no02:49
lardmannight all02:54
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MohammadAGdf doesn't get updated by deleting files03:00
DocScrutinizer2konfoo: actually this info is highly appreciated. It doesn't come by surprise, as LiIon tend to collapse at temperatures over 70°..1xx° C, due to separator meltdown, which shorts the cell and adds to the heat. It's amazing to hear bme failed to stop that effect for you03:00
MohammadAGNokia-N900:/var/log# du -h03:00
MohammadAGI'm removing sysklogd03:01
DocScrutinizer2konfoo: well, maybe it had stopped that, if it weren't the OC kernel03:01
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: youv'e got to sync03:02
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SpeedEvilhow failed?03:02
SpeedEvilDiddn't catch fire03:02
DocScrutinizer2konfoo: maybe bme throttles CPU when cell heats up, and OC kernel made that safety measure fail, so the CPU heated your battery to the point where it had that infarct03:02
shorterIf I add the dev and extra repositories will the phone then update to unstable software?03:02
MohammadAGNokia-N900:/var/log# sync03:02
MohammadAGNokia-N900:/var/log# df03:02
MohammadAGFilesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on03:02
MohammadAGrootfs                  232868    232860         0 100% /03:02
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> Nokia-N900:/var/log# sync03:03
SpeedEvilhow did you manage to totally fill / ?03:04
DocScrutinizer2konfoo: anyway first firsthand report of a OC fatality. Please report on TMO :-)03:04
MohammadAGsysklogd,<MohammadAG> 165.7M .03:04
MohammadAGthat's only /var/log ^03:04
DocScrutinizer2SpeedEvil: sync will trigger garbage collection?03:04
DocScrutinizer2MohammadAG: space on NAND is freed on next boot, not the very moment you delete a file03:06
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SpeedEvilI thought also low free space would03:06
DocScrutinizer2maybe also on sync03:06
DocScrutinizer2SpeedEvil: you'd think it should03:06
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SpeedEvilyeah - it does on sync - just confirmed03:07
SpeedEvilI can see why lazy deallocation is good - but maybe that's a bit too lazy03:07
N900rulzguys what's the easiset way on the N900 to manipulate files on home PC when away from home? What soft do I need?03:08
MohammadAGdoesn't work for me03:09
MohammadAGuse ssh from the N900 if you're on linux03:09
shorterthat would be my first guess03:10
shorterespecially if you can mount ssh volumes03:10
N900rulzI'm on Win 703:10
shorterand then us a file manager03:10
SpeedEvilssh fails hard if you try to move stuff03:10
shorterhow danagerous is it really to add the developer repository?03:10
SpeedEvilas it doesn't do rename03:10
shorterI want that app to change the startup vid, which is in the dev repos.03:10
SpeedEvilunless it does, and I'm confused again03:11
SpeedEvilshorter: I have currently ~30 apps installed from devel03:11
N900rulzis there a soft to access my pc remotely? sorry for noobish question03:11
SpeedEvilshorter: no issues03:11
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SpeedEvilshorter: However - enable devel - install the app - disable devel03:11
SpeedEvilN900rulz: there is a VNC client I thin03:11
shortersame with extras?03:11
SpeedEvilextras is meant to be safer03:12
N900rulzSpeedEvil: ok...will try03:12
shorterso should i disable extras usually?03:12
lcuktested and stable03:12
SpeedEvilTen people have to check the app to see it doesn't crash.03:12
SpeedEvilThen it has to go ten days after that.03:12
lcukshorter, its enabled by default03:12
SpeedEvilThen the blood of ten virgins has to be shed on a nokia 3310.03:12
shorternot on mine, i just added extras03:12
lcukthe other in development repositories arent03:12
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SpeedEvilAnd then it goes into extras.03:13
infobothmm... extras is
shorteryeahm, i meant extra testing03:13
lcukUsing Extras03:13
lcukThe Extras repository is pre-configured on the N900 and listed as and is enabled by default in PR1.1.03:13
lcukpossibilities include not having pr1.103:14
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lcukor you removed it somehow03:14
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shorterwhen the phone updates, will having extra texting or dev repositories effect the updating process?03:14
lcukshorter, usually no, but installing applications from these repositories might03:15
SpeedEvilGenerally simply removing the app will make you able to upgrade03:16
SpeedEvilif there are problems03:16
SpeedEvilBut I diddn't have problems - and probably had 15 apps from testing03:16
lcukyeah SpeedEvil - majority dont have any issue whatsoever03:17
lcukbut the other repositories are more wild wild west, so its not possible to rule out03:17
shorterI just enabled extras testing and it found some updates to apps that i didnt have before I added extras testing......03:17
lcukoh shorter thats normal, you had the apps installed03:18
lcukbut the developer hasnt pushed the latest bleeding edge to extras yet03:18
shorterah, okay03:18
lcukso until you added extras-devel you were using the latest "stable"03:18
shorterso when updating have testing and devel disabled03:18
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lcukthats recommended for other reasons anyway03:19
DocScrutinizer2yeah, and I see a regression on xchat though I don't recall having updated at all o.O03:19
lcukthe size of the catalogues is quite large03:19
lcukDocScrutinizer2, ?03:19
lcukwhich regression03:19
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shortergreat, was just scared of all the blog "brick phone" warnings about devel repositories and such03:20
shorterfear tactics!03:20
DocScrutinizer2I filed a bug about "add to favourites" in chan tab context menu doesn't work like expected. Now there isn't any such menu item in that context menu anymore .o0(???)03:20
N900rulzwhat's that vnc client called?03:20
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lcukshorter, if you are a developer and sensible you can understand the differences and rationally deal with most things03:21
lcukNokia-N900:~# apt-cache search vnc03:21
lcukvncviewer - A VNC viewer for maemo03:21
DocScrutinizer2or my mind need a chillout&refresh03:21
N900rulzlcuk: thanks03:21
lcukN900rulz, use the syntax i just did in future to answer self ;)03:22
N900rulzlcuk: I see....cool03:22
SpeedEvilshorter: brick is very very unlikely in the classic sense.03:22
SpeedEvilshorter: Generally - the worst case - if you don't install anything with 'kernel' in the name - is that your device doesn't boot properly and you need to flash it03:23
infobotsomebody said flashing was
lcuki just realised the x11 vnc server isnt around03:23
shorteromg conky is sexy on here03:23
* lcuk has seen things sexier than conky03:23
shorterpics or ...03:23
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DocScrutinizer2has anybody seen/not seen the "add to favs" context menu item in xchat?03:24
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SpeedEvildon't think so03:24
DocScrutinizer2damn, I'm not THAT mad, am I?03:24
SpeedEvilass friends?03:25
SpeedEviladd friends even03:25
SpeedEvilwhen I click and hold on a nick03:25
SpeedEvilit doesn't seem to do the same in the channel switcher03:25
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lcukDocScrutinizer2, when you tap/hold on a #chan name03:25
SpeedEvil(which I have on tree mode)03:25
lcukyou can add/remove from favorites03:25
DocScrutinizer2SpeedEvil: it doesn't work in tree mode, which is another bug I filed03:26
DocScrutinizer2lcuk: not here anymore03:26
SpeedEvilah - yes03:26
SpeedEvilI get it if I enable tabs03:27
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lcuki have no idea what chan favorites are tho03:27
lcukdoc, what version are you using03:27
SpeedEvilAutojoin or notify03:27
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MohammadAG<lcuk> you can add/remove from favorites03:28
MohammadAGit doesn't save them on exit03:28
MohammadAGboth on my PC and my N90003:28
DocScrutinizer2.8.6 Feb 2203:28
lcukbut the menu item is there?03:28
lcuk2.8.6 april 24 201003:29
DocScrutinizeryes another bug03:29
lcukis the regression you having an old build03:29
DocScrutinizerI refused to update, so the FEB 22 version is ok then03:30
DocScrutinizerwonder if that might be related to the znc bouncer?03:31
DocScrutinizerno menu item03:31
lcukpass, ask RST38h about it?03:31
lcukwhen hes here obviously03:31
* lcuk vanishes anyway03:32
DocScrutinizerlemme restart that thing03:32
lcukgnite guys03:32
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DocScrutinizer51tadaa, add/remove from Favourites is here again (without znc bouncer)03:34
shorterwhat does it mean when an installed app doesn't show up?03:34
shorterinstall was successful03:34
pigeoncan you tell modest to do top quote during a reply?03:34
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DocScrutinizer2might mean it's an app without icon, and you need to start from terminal03:36
shorteroh, it says "error: cannot create configuration file"03:36
shorterthat is probably why it didn't show up - i launched it from the term03:36
DocScrutinizer2pigeon: move the cursur under the quote?03:36
pigeonDocScrutinizer2: almost... it adds the signature at the top of the e-mail...03:37
shorterwhy wouldn't bootscreen app (from devel repo) not be able to create settings files?03:37
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DocScrutinizer2hmm, read the docs on project homepage, I'd suggest03:39
DocScrutinizer2bootscreen sounds quite like a task for root, for example03:39
shorterwow typing sudo before it helped, lol03:40
shorterI wonder how people were running it not from the terminal03:40
shorterwhat do they run everything as root or something?03:40
shorterit usually has an icon03:40
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shorterill figure it out03:44
shorterI wonder if restarting took as much battery as it looked like03:45
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DocScrutinizer51for sure not the restarting03:50
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pigeonmodest does not download e-mail attachments unless you actually click on the attachments, right?03:55
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skynetsim changing the digitizer03:56
skynetstried unscrewing the screen03:56
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DocScrutinizer2ok, scratch that "favourites" context issue. I switched to another server (actually my znc bouncer) by direct /cmd, so there isn't any entry in the server list where the favourites/autojoins could be added. Everything working perfectly reasonable wrt that03:57
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skynetsthe screw is striped :/03:57
skynetsi cant use any thing to open it03:57
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DocScrutinizer2pigeon: I'd wonder how it'd do that, on my POP3 account03:59
DocScrutinizer2pigeon: dunno if such acrobatics are feasible n IMAP03:59
derfIt's technically possible in POP3.04:00
derfBut I'd be really surprised if modest actually did things that way.04:00
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skynetsdoes anyone have an idea what i can do04:01
SpeedEvilskynets: Drill it out04:01
SpeedEvilI suggest using a 22mm masonry bit in a SDS drill.04:01
SpeedEvilOn hammer.04:01
skynetswhen i drill it what will happen04:02
pigeonok, well i'm using imap.04:02
skynetsthe whole thing  cracks?04:02
DocScrutinizer51get the right tool04:03
SpeedEvilMore seriously.04:03
SpeedEvilThe right drill can safely drill out the screw.04:03
skynetsall i have is a portable drill with no battery left and i can't find the charger for it (4.5v)04:04
SpeedEvilThis would ideally be a left-hand threaded bit in a pillar drill set at a relatively low speed.04:04
skynetsi only found 6v04:04
skynetsand i have pointy screws04:04
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skynetsand all kinds of manual screw drivers04:05
skynetscan i be mcgyver for this04:05
shorterdoes leaving wifi connected really drain the battery that much?04:05
skynetsand drill it with the screw manually?04:05
SpeedEvilGenerally - you never harm screws by pressing too hard with the screwdriver.04:05
shorterwhat battery saving strategies do yall use?04:05
SpeedEvilshorter: Not with a powersavin gAP04:05
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SpeedEvilshorter: I get ~120 hours battery life logged in over SSH with wifi04:06
luke-jrSpeedEvil: does SSH actually work w/ PSM on N900?04:06
SpeedEvilwith mine, yes04:06
luke-jrI thought PSM basically turned the radio off except when an app wanted it04:07
SpeedEvilThe radio wakes up for a timeslice, and listens for the AP saying it has data for it - in the prearranged interval.04:07
SpeedEvilIt then pings the AP - saying 'gimme'04:07
SpeedEvilAs I understand it anyway04:07
luke-jrso really high latency04:07
shorteranything i need to do to configure psm?04:08
SpeedEvilluke-jr: 200-300ms typical04:08
SpeedEvilluke-jr: so noticable but not really painful04:08
SpeedEvilshorter: it's normally set to on. If you have a compliant router, it will 'just work'04:08
skynetsi used the screw driver and a screw04:09
skynetsnow i can open the screen04:09
skynetsbut the bit is still in the hole04:09
shorteranyone here have an otterbox?04:09
skynetsdunno how i will close it04:09
skynetswith another screw04:09
shorterrunning around with this thing scares me04:09
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: easily several seconds when the AP isn't in sync04:09
SpeedEvilskynets: Now you need some way of firmly clamping on the screw, in order to remove it04:09
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: yes - I'm saying what it normally does04:09
SpeedEvilI would strongly recommend finding someone with a clue.04:10
SpeedEviland tools04:10
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SpeedEvilwhere are you skynets?04:11
* MohammadAG gets out his Javelin04:13
MohammadAGhe's asking where you live04:13
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SpeedEvilIt's OK, I don't stalk random people off #maemo, and kill them.04:14
SpeedEvilWell - not often.04:14
* MohammadAG targets skynets' garden04:14
SpeedEvilScotland - so I probably can't help. :)04:14
* MohammadAG fires at Scotland04:14
DocScrutinizer51skynets: EMEA here04:14
skynetsMohammadAG, the Javelin suits you for some reason :P04:15
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MohammadAGskynets, racist!04:15
b-manskynets: lol04:15
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skynetslol no don't worry alot of my friends are arabs04:15
* MohammadAG slaps b-man 04:16
skynetsnot sure if you're talking about my last line, but no i'm serious :D04:16
b-manMohammadAG: jk xDDDDD04:16
MohammadAGskynets, I was jk XDDDDDDD04:17
MohammadAGb-man, is that bot in here? :P04:17
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* DocScrutinizer51 puts a ticking Mk-57 next to MohammadAG's horizon04:17
b-manMohammadAG: i hope not lol04:17
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b-manMohammadAG: you maen Archabot or infobot?04:18
* MohammadAG throws an unarmed tactical nuke at DocScrutinizer5104:18
MohammadAGb-man, archabot04:18
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b-manMohammadAG: NO. xD04:18
MohammadAGb-man, I expect to have a working Ubuntu rootfs image 10 minutes ago04:19
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b-manMohammadAG: btw, you grabbed the wrong nuke; that one was armed!04:19
* b-man runs for the hills04:19
MohammadAGhmm, DocScrutinizer51's quiet all right04:19
MohammadAGjust got my bill, my dad's not gonna be happy04:20
skynetsthanks SpeedEvil and the others who helped04:20
MohammadAGnp racist04:20
MohammadAGsee? that's racism04:21
skynetsyeah it means sex04:21
MohammadAGphone bill04:21
shorteraren't you getting free service man - you seem to be contributing a lot...04:21
MohammadAGit means hi btw04:21
* b-man dies04:21
MohammadAGshorter, nah, others contribute more04:21
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MohammadAGtake b-man for example, he made a ROFL ascii04:21
MohammadAGnow THAT's contribution04:21
shorterI hope to be soon too, just got this thing 2 days ago04:21
DocScrutinizer51the laser pulse of the anti balistic missile measures was so bright, I still hardly can read the screen04:22
b-manDocScrutinizer51: blame MohammadAG for giving you the wrong nuke XD04:22
MohammadAGI swear they're f***ing with me04:23
DocScrutinizer51giving wasn't exactly the right word for that04:23
MohammadAGthe gif is just making fun of me04:23
b-manDocScrutinizer51: ok, throwing xD04:23
DocScrutinizer51hmm yes, it's a balisyic curve mostly04:24
MohammadAGלצורך שמירה על הפרטיות שלך, נשלחה למכשירך הודעת sms המכילה קוד זיהוי חד פעמי. לאחר הקלדה של הקוד החד פעמי תוכל לצפות בפרטי החשבונית האחרונה שלך. <--- right... say what04:24
DocScrutinizer51so throwing isn't completely wrong04:24
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, you've annoyed me for the last time04:24
* MohammadAG throws 10 nukes, only 1 is armed04:24
MohammadAGyou have 30 seconds to defuse the correct one04:25
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer: he was a good lad04:25
MohammadAGI'm sure he'll be missed, by all 487 of us04:26
shorterI think I'm changing my boot screen to this:
* b-man noticed that someone was switching around MohammadAG's nukes04:26
shortershould me help this plane trip04:26
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MohammadAGthat looks so broken on linux04:26
DocScrutinizer51ROTFL in TV there was just a duck that catched flies while sitting04:27
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shorteranyone have the lastfm app?04:28
shorterI don't see it anywhere except settings04:28
skynetswtf i dunno what to do with the new digitizer and plastic surrounding04:29
MohammadAGthat only scrobbles04:29
MohammadAGk, it's getting late04:29
MohammadAGNight peeps04:29
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: I misread that as fire.04:29
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, I expect to see that nuke here in IL at 11AM04:29
b-manc ya MohammadAG04:29
MohammadAGducks catching fire04:30
MohammadAGwould be... awkward04:30
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shorteri thought you could listen via lastfm n900 app04:31
MohammadAGthere's an app04:32
MohammadAGor vagulume04:32
MohammadAGor sth04:32
MohammadAGused it for a month, then cancelled my sub04:32
DocScrutinizer51hmm, my English is abysmal. Anyway I feel a duck catched flies but caught fire. Not sure if I'm completely wrong04:32
MohammadAGI figured that youtube kinda does the same, for free04:32
* MohammadAG slaps DocScrutinizer51 for the night04:33
* MohammadAG shuts down X server on screen 104:33
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MohammadAG<MohammadAG> just got my bill, my dad's not gonna be happy04:34
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> XD04:34
MohammadAG<b-man> LOL04:34
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MohammadAGhappy isn't the best word btw04:34
HtheBwtf is nuke age04:35
MohammadAGI'm off04:35
HtheBhappy ending!?04:35
HtheBdo u know happy ending!?04:35
MohammadAGnot really, it would be... a quiet, radioactive one04:35
HtheBu should see it before going04:35
MohammadAGit goes KABOOM04:35
skynetsMohammadAG is excited tonight04:36
MohammadAGskynets, yeah I'm high04:36
MohammadAGfinished my 3rd bottle04:36
MohammadAGof water04:36
HtheB:D :D :D :D :D04:36
HtheBthere u go!04:36
skynetsmineralized i bet04:36
MohammadAG@ HtheB04:38
MohammadAGskynets, nah04:38
HtheB:D :D :D :D04:38
HtheBhappy endiiing!04:38
DocScrutinizer515L of water when drunken quickly can be fatal04:38
MohammadAGand they're 0.5L :P04:38
skynetsanyones got a manual or a guide04:38
MohammadAGyeah, man-db04:39
skynetsto replace the fukking digitizer04:39
MohammadAGit's not that capable yet04:39
MohammadAGcome back when PR1.3 is released04:39
skynetsu know that surrounding piece04:39
skynetswith Nokia04:39
MohammadAGlast I checked, that was never04:39
skynetsi can't get that around the digitizer04:39
SpeedEvilskynets: See the manual on the wiki04:39
MohammadAGthat Nokia bezel isn't the digitizer04:39
skynetsi want to put it around the digitizer but can't04:40
skynetsMohammadAG, i checked that but that guy ditched me at the end04:40
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, he ^ disassembled the screen 4 times I think04:40
MohammadAGskynets, tweet him04:40
skynetsi dont tweet04:40
SpeedEvil skynets04:41
MohammadAGyou should start to04:41
HtheBhappy ending!04:42
cure`haha hardware hacking04:42
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cure`that's amazing04:42
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DocScrutinizer51that's ridiculous04:43
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skynetsi can't get the surrounding plastic around the digitizer04:44
skynetsit seems too tight04:44
skynetsis there a trick for that04:44
MohammadAGuse a screw driver04:44
MohammadAGto lever it into place04:44
skynetswhere do i start04:44
MohammadAGnext to the clips most probably04:45
MohammadAGcommon sense helps, sometimes04:45
DocScrutinizer51skynets: i never disassembled thescreen04:45
skynetsoh ok04:45
MohammadAGbtw, I said sometimes04:46
* MohammadAG sheds a tear on his old PS304:46
MohammadAGah well04:46
MohammadAGNight all04:46
MohammadAG~attack DocScrutinizer5104:46
DocScrutinizer51I strongly recommend to cling to L1/2 manual and the video on youtube04:46
DocScrutinizer51she asked04:46
MohammadAGwhy doesn't that bevel come attached anyways04:47
MohammadAGinfobot, attack DocScrutinizer5104:47
MohammadAGthat's an order!04:47
MohammadAGinfobot, die04:47
* infobot takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.04:47
MohammadAG~unforget attack04:47
infobotMohammadAG: cannot undeleted 'attack' because it already exists!04:47
HtheBhappy ending!04:47
MohammadAGinfobot, attack b-man04:47
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, she's broken again04:47
* b-man runs04:47
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MohammadAGfunny enough, it happens on a monthly basis04:47
skynetscomon sense broke my iphone :(04:48
b-mancuriosity killed the cat04:48
marmouteiPhone broke comon sens anyway04:48
MohammadAG<b-man> curiosity killed the cat04:48
MohammadAGnope, cat works fine for me04:48
HtheBhappy ending!!04:48
MohammadAGI think he's stuck04:48
b-manyup xD04:49
marmouteMohammadAG: but curiosity send SIGKILL to cat04:49
* MohammadAG SEGFAULTS b-man 04:49
* b-man slaps HtheB out of it04:49
HtheBi like the video04:49
* MohammadAG dumps b-man's core and sells it on ebay04:49
HtheBhappy ending!04:49
b-manSEGMENTATION FAULT *core dump*04:49
MohammadAGb-man, too late, someone already got it04:49
MohammadAGhe paid a buck04:50
HtheBhappy ending!!04:50
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marmouteSomeone kill HtheB  ?04:50
HtheBwhy kill me?04:51
HtheBI just want04:51
HtheBhappy ending!!04:51
MohammadAG51I'm gonna pry this plymouth thingy04:51
HtheBim going to fall asleep04:52
* b-man gives HtheB a "happy ending" >;)04:52
HtheBi just have to rofl about it :D04:52
HtheBwatch it, and ull know it :P04:53
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MohammadAG51why does the sun rise up so early04:53
MohammadAG51it's still 5 AM04:53
b-manhey, the sun sets at 10:15 here04:53
MohammadAG51lol that's nothing04:54
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer51, when does the sun set in good ol' Germany04:54
MohammadAG51last summer it used to set @...04:54
DocScrutinizer2I'm afraid in ~90 minutes04:55
DocScrutinizer2nah that's dawn04:55
crashanddieGAN900: thoughts?
MohammadAG51crashanddie, scary title04:55
HtheBhappy ending!!04:56
* MohammadAG51 facesmacks04:56
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, explain separation of church and state to whom?04:56
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: sorry/04:57
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, nevermind, I misread.04:57
* b-man will facesmash if HtheB says happy ending again..04:57
DocScrutinizer2lo comods04:57
GeneralAntillesDespite the legacy shit in the Federal government, most day-to-day people really don't care much about religion.04:57
HtheBhappy ending!!04:57
* b-man smashes his face in from smacking it so hard04:57
* b-man falls down dead04:58
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HtheBb-man, did u watch the vid?04:58
MohammadAG51doubt it, b-man is one serious grown up04:58
MohammadAG51#maemo disrupts my normal sleep patterns04:59
MohammadAG51Night, ffs05:00
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crashanddieMohammadAG51: 4Am here if it makes you feel any better05:00
MohammadAG515 AM05:00
MohammadAG51so.. no not really :P05:00
HtheBhappy ending!!05:00
b-manMohammadAG51: SLEEP lol05:00
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HtheB_ok ok05:02
HtheB_I'm going aswell :p05:02
HtheB_4.02 already over here05:02
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HtheB_that wasnt very happy ending at all hehe05:02
HtheB_nite all05:02
HtheB_and you too b-man05:02
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HtheBwell... cya later guys05:03
HtheBand remember:05:03
HtheBhappy ending!!05:03
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ds3before I go down the wrong road, can someone confirm that the old Linux flasher will work with the N900 and PR1.2 assuming PR1.2 is available as a Fiasco image05:14
crashanddieds3: yes05:15
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ds3and does upgrading via the flasher wipe out the emmc?05:15
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GeneralAntillesds3, not unless you tell it to.05:19
GeneralAntillesand provide an eMMC image.05:19
GeneralAntillesds3, why flashing?05:19
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ds3GA: how else do I upgrade w/o to PR1.2 w/o installing windows?05:22
GeneralAntillesds3, OTA?05:22
GeneralAntillesFrom the application manager05:22
ds3doesn't seem to offer that option05:22
GeneralAntillesds3, hrm, apt-get dist-upgrade spits out what, exactly?05:22
ds3one sec05:22
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GeneralAntillesds3, the likeliest story is that you removed the update metapackage at some point using apt.05:23
DocScrutinizeryou should mention it's not supposed to answer Y05:23
GeneralAntillesAye, that.05:23
ds3E: You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/.05:24
ds3is that why it doesn't even offer the option in app mgr?05:24
GeneralAntillesds3, nope.05:24
GeneralAntillesIf the metapackage isn't installed, h-a-m wont know to offer the upgrade.05:24
GeneralAntillesSince the packages being updated aren't in user/05:25
ds3dpkg -l | grep for what?05:25
GeneralAntillesWhat the hell is the name of the metapackage now?05:25
GeneralAntillesIs that the package name?05:25
DocScrutinizermompls, as I still have it pending in HAM, I can look05:26
GeneralAntillesI think.05:26
DocScrutinizerHAM will need 5 min though, to startup05:26
ds3ii  mp-fremantle-002-pr                                 3.2010.02-8.00205:27
ds3that is there05:27
GeneralAntillesRun an apt-get update and see if everything responds?05:28
ds3will apt-get update confirm before doing anything dangerous?05:28
ds3<-- kernel guy05:28
ds3it looks happy, there were some Hit/Ignlines but no errors05:30
lcukds3, backup first05:30
lcukthen you can just reflash restore if you screw up05:31
ds3backup is tricky with all the third party apps saving things all over; which is why I been taking so long05:31
GeneralAntillesds3, update just refetches the catalogs.05:31
GeneralAntillesMost of the 3rd party stuff is pretty good about backing up with the built-in tool.05:31
ds3don't have a 20G drive online handy05:31
lcukds3, from what ive encountered, its quite a reasonable uptake05:31
ds3hmmmm... either it is doing it quietly or it isn't doing t cuz it only lists standard apps when it runs05:32
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ds3guess I'll resume course with a full backup of every filesystem on there before running the fiasco flasher05:33
ds3any chance that installing an alt kernel would be what's preventing an OTA upgrade?05:34
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DocScrutinizer51I got custom kernel, and HAM says "damaged, but upgradeable"05:35
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DocScrutinizer51for maemo505:35
DocScrutinizer51(no idea what's the name of the pkg)05:35
ds3I also get other weird things from appmgr... tells me there is an update for koffice viewer but it cannot update it due to missing libs05:35
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DocScrutinizer51(ham doesn't tell such redundant info :-P)05:35
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DocScrutinizer51missing libs is a quite reasonable warning for a 1.2 app on a 1.1.1 device05:37
ds3that predates the official existance of PR1.205:37
ds3App Mgr tells me:05:38
DocScrutinizer51hmm, quite some apps werebuilt against 1.2 before it emerged05:38
ds3"This Maemo update requires the Nokia software update application on your PC for installation."05:38
ds3that sounds like it wants to do a full flash05:38
ds3unless it wants me to just hit continue instead of looking at the details05:39
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GeneralAntillesds3, that means package conflicts05:57
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ds3I see06:22
ds3would recommendation be to do a verbatim backup and fiasco flash or to deinstall apps one  by one til it takes an OTA upgrade?06:23
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ech0Asusahhhh wtf06:27
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shorterdoes gps not work without a sim card or something?08:08
shorterthe satellite thing just blinks - does it not work very well or is mine broken or soemthing?08:09
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swc|666shorter, maybe disable the network positioning checkbox from Settings > Location .. not sure if that will fix it08:41
shorteris there a good compass emulator for n900?08:43
shorteralso, is there a way to have the pkgmanager not have to reload everything everytime you install a new app or change the repositories?08:44
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shorterswc|666: I don't see things settings parameter in Maps...08:49
swc|666shorter, in the actual Maemo Settings > Location08:50
swc|666shorter, i don't know about the pkgmanager, i use apt from terminal to install stuff08:51
shorterhow do you browse apps?08:52
shorteri mean, just looking for new things etc08:52
swc|666apt-cache search08:52
swc|666i generally know what i want to install08:53
shorterah, I guess I could use the regular pkg manager to browser and then apt to isntall08:53
shorterwhat is this network positioning thing?08:54
shorterthe satellite is still blinking, and in Maps it has a line through it08:55
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digitalsurgeonany newbie guide to packaging ?09:54
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macbeth8chi I need help10:37
macbeth8cI have device N90010:37
macbeth8cI have connected to wireless network with the password10:37
macbeth8cis there a way to remove the password from the device memory now when I disconnected it?10:38
macbeth8cit was borrowed I need to give it back10:38
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macbeth8cok nevermind10:42
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macbeth8chow to off the device??10:46
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psycho_oreospress and hold the power button?10:50
RST38hAnyone knows how I can use textures in GLES?10:50
macbeth8cpsycho_oreos,  the small one?10:50
psycho_oreosmacbeth8c, yes the small one, in the middle10:50
Venemomacbeth8c: App menu / settings / connectivity / connections -> remove the wifi in question10:50
RST38hThe approach shown in the examples on the web does not work10:51
macbeth8cpsycho_oreos, Im pressing like 30 sec and nothing10:51
macbeth8cand when I press once the button menu appears10:51
psycho_oreosmacbeth8c, ok then hit turn off the device10:52
shorterI wonder how hard it would be to port an app like xcalib to maemo - It would be really cool to be able to invert the display10:52
macbeth8cthere is an item switch off! when I choose it nothing happenning10:52
shortercan any maemo pdf readers invert, btw?10:52
psycho_oreosnormally pressing and holding the power button the device should turn off, but there is probably some app that is hanging and needs to be forcefully shut down10:52
macbeth8cpsycho_oreos, how to check it?10:52
psycho_oreosmacbeth8c, rather than going about checking it, I'd suggest opening up terminal, gain root access and then type in poweroff10:53
macbeth8cok I'll try10:54
psycho_oreosmacbeth8c, should be lot faster than figuring out the culprit process which might happen to be zombified10:54
macbeth8cok done thanks psycho_oreos10:54
psycho_oreosmacbeth8c, no worries10:54
macbeth8cpsycho_oreos, do you know how to get the sim card out?10:57
macbeth8cIm trying to open the cover10:57
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psycho_oreosmacbeth8c, there's online user manual that shows you how to do it10:57
psycho_oreosor even the manual that comes with the device10:57
macbeth8cI dont have the one that comes with device, its borrowed10:58
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shorterany ideas on how to invert the display or change background color for reading documents?11:00
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eternal197quick question for anyone here, attempting to get video calls with skype working, however before i begin i've noticed the front camera quality has decreased severely in pr1.2, anyone else noticed this/ know whats happened?11:01
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macbeth8cok psycho_oreos I red it - no button pressing ;-)11:01
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Venemoeternal197: for me, it is increased11:02
Venemohowever, it is still very bad11:02
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Venemoit somehow doesn't compensate for light conditions correctly11:03
eternal197hmmm perhaps thats what i'm noticing, as i am in a fairly dimly lit room11:04
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macbeth8cpsycho_oreos, thank you I got it out :)11:05
eternal197Venemo: anything special about the way you updated to pr1.2, something I might have missed that might be my issue?11:05
VenemoI reflashed eMMC then rootfs11:05
Venemofor me, in bright sunlight, its picture is WAY too light and washed out11:06
Venemoin artificial lighting conditions, it is barely even visible11:06
Venemobut in PR 1.1, it was even worse... :(11:06
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digitalsurgeonhow can i get rid of this error: Packaging Error: Command 'dh_shlibdeps' failed. Output was: c:\nokiaqtsdk\maemo\4.6.2\madbin\dpkg-shlibdeps: failure: couldn't find library needed by debian/easywallpapers/usr/local/bin/EasyWallpapers (its RPATH is 'C:/usr/lib'). Note: libraries are not searched in other binary packages that do not have any shlibs or symbols file. To help dpkg-shlibdeps find private libraries, you might need to set LD_LIB11:07
digitalsurgeoni am using the Nokia Qt SDK RC 1.011:07
digitalsurgeonon Win 711:07
digitalsurgeonand trying to make a package for the n90011:07
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Venemodigitalsurgeon: ask this on #qt-maemo channel11:08
Venemoyou will more likely get a correct answer in there11:08
psycho_oreosswc|666, ping!11:08
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swc|666psycho_oreos, pong11:10
psycho_oreosswc|666, pm?11:10
swc|666psycho_oreos, of course11:10
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dr34mhm anybody knows if there will be support for on the n900 ?11:24
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lbtlcuk: ping11:38
lbtmeeting up in Helsinki tonight?,%20Helsinki  at about 6pm local time11:41
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Ken-Youngping MohammadAG5111:42
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timelesslbt: hrm11:43
timelessa couple of us are doing stuff early11:43
timelessif your plans fit, we might be able to squeeze them in11:43
lbtwe're just going for a drink/meal11:44
timelesslbt: so.. you in town for an extended interval?11:47
timelesslunch tomorrow could be more +interesting people11:47
lbtjust our regular 1day team meeting11:48
lbtwe're too ad-hoc to plan lunches reliably11:48
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JaffaBah. Easy week for MWKN - only one submission.11:50
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Stskeepsfrals, ping11:51
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Jaffalbt: Oooh, MeeGo Core as well as Fremantle11:59
lbtthat was the idea :)12:00
lbtand it built last night12:00
lbtI'm meeting Tero and Niels tomorrow12:00
lbtHW is "in the US"12:00
lbtTero isn't sure that we should 'launch' the community OBS as a single entity doing both MeeGo and Maemo12:01
lbtso don't overblow that idea in MWKN12:01
Jaffalbt: No, of course not. Having continuity for long standing Maemo contributors is just plain crazy. MeeGo should continue its scorched earth policy with everything related.12:02
lbt(although I'm working on persuading him... so subtle "wouldn't it be good if")12:02
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lbtor you could say that12:02
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* Jaffa 'll try for subtle ;-)12:02
* lbt wonders about an anonymoud coward comment...12:02
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lbtsee if you can editorialise.... a community quote "whoul would like to remain anonymous "12:04
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pancakeis nokia planning to release the GSM support of n900 for ofono some day?12:29
alteregoIt's already available.12:30
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pancakevoice and data?12:36
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alteregopresumably, as that's what they're using in meego12:37
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pancakeoh, will check that12:38
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LiraNunais Nokia releasing GPL code for the N900 modem?13:13
LiraNuna"Our adaptation guys are in fact contributing those modem subsystem related drivers as we speak, and if you are following kernel mailing lists you can see how that goes on."13:14
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* nextime is thinking to write a maemo MUA from scratch using python 13:18
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SpeedEvilThe actuall modem code will never be released. The interaction code - possibly.13:19
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LiraNunaSpeedEvil, what chip is it?13:22
SpeedEvilIt's some nokia part developed with IP from TI13:22
LiraNunablah, TI again13:22
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alteregobleugh, TI, bluergh13:42
nextimeit is better to use hildon or pyside to write a python application on maemo right now?13:43
alteregoI wish Imagination would just open their friggin' drivers, or specs :)13:43
alteregonextime: that kind of depends on whether you wan yor app to function with minimal modification on the next device or the community edition of MeeGo/Harmattan for the N90013:44
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alteregonextime: hildon is probably a bit easier as PySide has a tendancy to segfault on poor reference counting implementation ..13:45
nextimealterego: i will happy to see it work with meego too (or a fork from maemo who hope will be annunced by the community in future as i don't like meego )13:45
nextimebut for the moment it is importat that it can have a good integration with the maemo5 gui13:45
alteregonextime: you don't like MeeGo? it's not even out yet! :P13:46
nextimealterego : yep, but the lose of the "debian like base" in meego is, for me, a bad thing13:46
alteregonextime: my app is Qt, there should be no UI look&feel issues if that's what you mean :P13:46
nextimeas i'm a debian fanatic and this is one of the most important things that make me choice an n90013:46
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alteregonextime: I feel your pain there, I'm an avid debian user myself, but, it's still Linux and the differences are mostly cosmetic :P13:47
nextimealterego : it isn't cosmetic. I have my own debian reposiitory, i have set of personal tools to manage db packages. I don't like the need to start another set with rpm packages.13:48
alteregoThere was alk of a debian based MeeGo instance, I'd like to see that continue :)13:48
* MohammadAG51 hates rpm13:49
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alteregonextime: sure, but it can all be done with rpms too, it's not the end of the world and tbh, the benifits of what MeeGo will bring to embedded Linux far out weight debian fanatacism :)13:49
alteregoMohammadAG51: for technical reasons? Or just fanboism :P13:50
MohammadAG51alterego, benefits? what benefits?13:50
MohammadAG51technical reasons - it's fsc*ing slow13:50
alteregoMohammadAG51: common open infrastructure and framework.13:50
nextimealterego : i know that all can be done with rpm. I don't say that deb is better or rpm is better. I say that i ALREADY have a lot of tools that i use for my personal needs on ALL my platforms, and i hate to be pushed to another package system cause of the "duplication" of the work13:50
nextimethis is my point13:51
MohammadAG51well, I don't see any open apps being fixed13:51
alteregoMohammadAG51: ?13:51
alteregoregardless, it's sad, but it's the future :P13:52
MohammadAG51alterego, take modest or HAM, both need fixes, that should be quie easy, but.. nothing13:52
MohammadAG51I'm not complaining btw, just pointing it out13:52
alteregoI think HAM is being relaced?13:52
alteregoand it's not MeeGo :P13:52
alteregoreplaced ...13:52
nextimeMohammadAG51 : i'm starting just now to write an alternative to modest :)13:52
alteregoSorry I tend to type scht on the N900 in IRC for some reason. :)13:53
MohammadAG51nextime, why not fix modest, a lot of use IMAP IDLE (nokia messaging)13:53
nextimeMohammadAG51 : cause there are so many things i don't like in modest13:53
MohammadAG51of us* use13:53
nextimeMohammadAG51 : anyway, my point is to have a great support on imap-idle13:54
nextimeMohammadAG51 : and. modest actually DOESN'T support imap idle for real.13:54
MohammadAG51I know, it's quite shitty :P13:55
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nextimeMohammadAG51 : basically i'm thinking about make a bindings library on mutt for python, and write in this way a gui frontend for maemo over mutt13:55
alteregoAre there no good mail handling libraries available already?13:56
alteregoLike, standard Linux ones?13:57
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nextimealterego : there are a lot good libraries, but mutt is the best mua in my opinion13:57
alteregoIs there a libmutt? :)13:57
alteregonextime: I thought you were writing an mua, wrapping mutt seems a bit ugly :/13:57
nextimealterego: i'm just doing some preliminar research, the two possible ways are one mua from scratch or a mutt frontend13:58
nextimei want to have a very complete and good mua but i hope to reach the goal in less time i can13:58
alteregoMohammadAG51: I've come up with another app idea, I think it'll be quite cool if I do it write, and I definitely think you'd be interested in it. Though it's a sizeable project.13:59
nextimeso, i'm investigating which one of those two is the most rapid13:59
* MohammadAG51 gulps13:59
MohammadAG51alterego, what is it :)13:59
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alteregoHeh, I want to write a UI that allows you to attach dbus signals to method invokations.14:00
alteregowith some rudimentary scripting maybe.14:00
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, Germany vs australia @ 7:30, bolt the door :P14:00
MohammadAG51read that as attack dbus14:01
alteregoBasically, I want a user to be able to "wire" up say, headphone's being unplugged to pausing the media player.14:01
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MohammadAG51hasn't someone already done that? :)14:01
alteregoThat specific function sure.14:01
MohammadAG51good project though, if you understand dbus :P14:01
lcukalterego, and users14:02
alteregoBut I'm want to develop a more semantic generic service.14:02
spbwhen did you become a middle manager?14:02
* SpeedEvil wants tap implemented.14:02
alteregospb: get out :P14:02
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MohammadAG51SpeedEvil, tap?14:04
a-sainthi guys I need to know is overclocking n900 safe and what is it for14:04
MohammadAG51infobot, overclocking14:04
alteregoso, just jotting some ideas at the moment, I'll hack something together with object introspection and PySide and see how well it works. Should be fine for simple method calls at least.14:04
infobot"OK, listen up.  This is your CPU."  apt drops the CPU into a hot frying pan.  "This is your CPU on overclocking.  Any questions?"14:04
SpeedEvilMohammadAG51: the accelelrometer supports 'tap' functions. Which generate interrupts when tapped14:05
alteregoPassing parameters around maybe more difficult and require some level of abstraction and logic to allow a user to use it.14:05
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MohammadAG51SpeedEvil, hmm, that was available in previous Nokia phones (E66 iirc)14:05
MohammadAG51hmm, is the accelerometer on when the screen is off?14:06
SpeedEvilNot by default I think.14:06
SpeedEvilBut in 'sense taps' mode it uses almost no power14:06
SpeedEvil(with regards to the rest of the phone - no power.14:06
SpeedEvilIt interrupts, the CPU does not poll this.14:07
alteregoneed to think of a decent name for the project though ....14:08
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a-sainthi guys I need to know is overclocking n900 safe and what is it for14:09
SpeedEvila-saint: It's making the n900 faster. It may not be safe.14:09
SpeedEvilIt is not like overclocking desktops.14:09
vldcnsta-saint: overclocking the n900 is like taking bad drugs, it will make the n900 a bit faster but it will kill it much sooner.14:10
alteregoa-saint: if you don't know, then I wouldn't worry about it :P14:10
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lcukthe biggest problem i have with overclocking my phone is the fact when i talk to people on non overclocked phones, my voice sounds like a chipmonk14:11
vldcnstlcuk: doctor who presented a solution to that problem in the last episode.14:11
alteregolcuk: hahah14:12
alteregothat was funny :)14:12
alteregodon't spoil it, I'm gonna watch it in a bit :P14:12
a-saintSpeedEvil Buscatcher is a reply for me ?14:12
SpeedEvilTo MohammadAG5114:13
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: ack, I don't get it why gmeter seems to be disabled by default14:13
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Because these are software peopel.14:13
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Oh - it measures accel - we must have to poll it.14:13
SpeedEvil-> turn it off when not in use14:14
DocScrutinizeryou checked the kernel driver?14:14
DocScrutinizerwhat it is they actually do?14:14
SpeedEvilNot bothered, as with the accel on, you can observe interrupts when you bang the phone on the table14:14
psycho_oreosany of you guys use kismet/airodump-ng ?14:15
SpeedEvilSo it obviously works.14:15
DocScrutinizerof course it works14:15
SpeedEvilI mean in kernel driver in some limited manner14:15
SpeedEvilActually - that may just be the default settings.14:16
DocScrutinizerit's the same design we used for OM Freerunner and even 1973 ;-P14:16
SpeedEvilNo, it's not.14:16
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SpeedEvil1973 has no accel14:16
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SpeedEvilUnless I'm forgetting stuff.14:16
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lcuk1973 had ford capri didnt it?14:16
DocScrutinizerI had no coffeee yet, so forgive my brain not yet at working temp14:16
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* SpeedEvil places DocScrutinizers head in microwave.14:17
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MohammadAG51lcuk, extended displays @ different res-s do work!14:22
stevermhi guys what is overclocking n900 for and is it safe14:23
alteregoerm, .. deja vu14:23
pupnikLapto15.9 watts watching a divx movie while chatting, full screen brightness14:24
pupnikwhat does n900 need for that? :) 0.3 watts?14:24
infobot"OK, listen up.  This is your CPU."  apt drops the CPU into a hot frying pan.  "This is your CPU on overclocking.  Any questions?"14:24
SpeedEvilpupnik: More like 1.1W14:24
SpeedEvilsteverm: It makes the n900 faster, and no it is not safe.14:25
pupnikyou have seen battery drain over 400mw SpeedEvil ?14:25
lcukMohammadAG51, cool14:25
DocScrutinizersteverm: just yesterday we had a report here of a device almost killed by 10min of mpeg encoding at OC14:25
SpeedEvilpupnik: yes.14:26
stevermSpeedEvil ok thanks that's what I needed to know14:26
SpeedEvilpupnik: ~3.1W14:26
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stevermSpeedEvil ok one more question, I use msn pekan but I can't see any of my contacts, what is the plugin needed for me to see them14:28
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SpeedEvilNo clue, sorry.14:28
MohammadAG51Try Haze14:29
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MohammadAG51ALG vs SVN - game started14:33
th3hateALG ftw14:33
th3hate2-0 plz14:33
pupnikSpeedEvil: if i didn't know you i'd guess that was BS!14:34
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* sp3000 imagines CVS took too long to tag their team for release and missed the games14:49
SpeedEvilpupnik: I think you may be confusing mA and mW14:50
SpeedEvilpupnik: mW=mA*volts14:50
SpeedEvilpupnik: Also - the screen uses 250mA or so on its own at brightest14:51
SpeedEvil3G can use the same again14:51
ham5cant I view rootfs ?14:52
pupnikyou're right SpeedEvil ty14:52
ham5file browser dosent cut it14:52
SpeedEvilham5: Install cuteexploere - for example14:55
SpeedEvilOr just use xterm14:55
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pigeonhmm, why would an app not appear in the "add shortcut" list on the desktop, but it does appear in the application menu?14:58
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lcukpigeon, most likely because you have a widget on the desktop already15:04
lcukand if not, it mightv just got its knickers in a twist15:04
lcuksee if it comes back after rebooting15:04
lcukive noticed at different times (mostly with add/remove/reinstall apps) that it can occasionally happen15:04
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pigeonit's not widget, it's an app shortcut, and i tried rebooting already.15:08
lcukmhm dunno then15:08
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alteregoshame we can't have minus stars on threads :)15:33
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alteregoAnd is there a brainstorm for sorting out t.m.o? I think it's getting better by itself a bit though ..15:50
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MOUDHey all15:53
MOUDhow can I watch world cup on my n900?15:54
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alteregoMOUD: find a flash based streaming service that works I guess ...16:01
MOUDalterego: That's the problem. I cant find any16:04
MOUDif you could link one please16:04
JaffaMOUD: Where are you based?16:05
alteregosky sports usually do streaming I believe ..16:05
*** florian has joined #maemo16:05 or iPlayer may work in the UK.16:05
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MOUDJaffa: Saudi Arabia atm. I travel to many countries whenever i have to16:09
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melmothgosh... how complicated is it to find where to download the maemo sdk for debian ?16:27
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melmothlast time i checked (2 days ago), there was a bundle (sdk+qtcreator) that miserablt failed to install on ubuntu16:28
melmothi want to try again on a fresh debian, but cannot find the url again16:28
vldcnstX-Fade: here?16:28 gives url to the manual install....16:29
melmoth gives url to the sources...;16:29
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MohammadAG51infobot, ping16:35
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HtheBMohammadAG51, are you there?16:35
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MohammadAG51HtheB, yeah, not home though16:36
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HtheBwhere are you ? :P16:36
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w00t_any pyqt people around? I'm trying to prototype something insane and I've forgotten most of how it works, which isn't helping16:40
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JaffaGah. So utterly pissed off and demotivated. One single throw away discussion can destroy your optimism16:42
Jaffa(not entirely Maemo related ;-))16:43
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w00t_never mind, C++ it is16:47
w00t_Jaffa: what's up?16:47
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alteregow00t_: i'm somewhat familiar with PySide :) what's your problem?16:50
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w00t_alterego: I couldn't figure out how templates (like QList<QWidget*>) would translate, so I just decided to stop translating.. I probably think quicker in C++ right now anyway16:51
Jaffaw00t_: Primarily work stuff (although frustrated with MeeGo). Some of my colleagues are sidelining me (or rather it feels like they are), despite management claiming I'm essential.16:52
alterego:) fair nuff. qlists just get converted to lists I believe.16:52
Jaffaw00t_: Not sure if it's conscious "we don't need to talk to him anymore"; or whether it's subconscious "out-of-sight/out-of-mind" stuff. Neither makes me happy :-(16:52
w00t_hmm :-(16:53
* w00t_ pats16:53
Jaffaw00t_: So, if I'm abrupt in replying to your posts; sorry ;-)16:53
w00t_it's ok, i'm used to it!16:53
* Jaffa needs to talk to lbt again16:54
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DocScrutinizerJaffa: sounds like "DocS trying to talk to TPE EE, via email from Germany" been there, seen that :-S16:57
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Jaffalo crashanddie16:59
DocScrutinizerJaffa: sometimes I felt like talking to a spamfilter or autoresponder16:59
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JaffaDocScrutinizer: Know that feeling :-(16:59
DocScrutinizerand the 79 different meanings of "yes" in chinese lang, from "great idea" till "fsck you", didn't really help on better comunications either :-P17:01
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DocScrutinizer"will you agree on those suggestions?" YES - "...or do you think it's BS?" YES17:04
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HtheBim getting nuts!17:16
* HtheB needs help with NITdroid17:17
alteregoSunday flame wars, gotta love 'em17:17
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HtheBjo Guest68707 !17:17
crashanddielo Jaffa17:18
HtheBcant get it to work :(17:18
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Guest68707still not home17:18
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HtheBcan anyone help me17:30
HtheBwith NITdroid on N90017:30
DocScrutinizersee /topic17:30
HtheBofcourse its boring if you dont help me >:(17:30
* DocScrutinizer ponders to set up several autoresponders for HtheB17:31
HtheBhappy ending!?17:31
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DocScrutinizerone being /on regex('ending\!') msg "/cs op #maemo", msg "/kick HtheB "17:33
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HtheB:D :D :D :D17:34
HtheBwhy the hell..17:34
HtheBhappy ending?!17:34
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DocScrutinizerIt'd be fun to see you kicked on any random person posting "bla blub ending! chiao HtheB !"17:34
HtheBhappy ending!17:35
HtheBthat video just made my day17:35
HtheBsooooo many +1 !17:35
vldcnstinfobot, HtheB is boring, obsolete, crying, sad.17:35
infobotokay, vldcnst17:35
vldcnstinfobot, tell HtheB about HtheB17:35
HtheBinfobot, happy ending!?17:35
HtheBinfobot, vldcnst sux....17:36
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HtheBinfobot, tell vldcnst about vldcnst17:36
HtheBinfobot, vldcnst is sucking a lot....17:36
infobotokay, HtheB17:36
HtheBinfobot, tell vldcnst about vldcnst17:37
vldcnstinfobot, forget vldcnst17:37
infobotvldcnst: i forgot vldcnst17:37
vldcnstHtheB: now stop it.17:37
HtheBinfobot, forget HtheB17:37
infoboti forgot htheb, HtheB17:37
HtheBanyone got NITdroid working?17:37
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DocScrutinizer~docscrutinizer is infobot's best friend17:39
infobotcannot alter locked factoids, DocScrutinizer17:39
FredrIQinfobot, forget about yourself17:39
infoboti didn't have anything called 'about yourself' to forget, FredrIQ17:39
FredrIQinfobot, forget infobot17:40
infoboti forgot infobot, FredrIQ17:40
HtheBinfobot, tell infobot about infobot17:40
DocScrutinizerFredrIQ: fsckU17:40
FredrIQinfobot, recover infobot17:40
FredrIQ~recover infobot17:40
HtheBinfobot, infobot is awesome!17:40
infobot...but infobot is already something else...17:40
vldcnstsundays are boring, aren't they17:40
HtheB:D heh17:41
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DocScrutinizerstop messing with infobot. That's a serious warning!17:41
DocScrutinizerFredrIQ: RTFM!!17:41
* HtheB hears grasshoppers17:42
FredrIQ? >_>17:42
FredrIQi've already stopped17:42
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DocScrutinizernevertheless you messed with factoid database, without even knowing what you do. your [2010-06-13 16:40:38] <FredrIQ> ~recover infobot  is BS ->RTFM!!17:44
DocScrutinizeranyway *I* fixed that for you17:44
infobotdocscrutinizer, i love abuse, feed me!, or whack, yo17:44
vldcnst*he* fixed it.17:45
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FredrIQdocscrutinizer, calm down17:47
FredrIQi just used a command wrongly17:47
FredrIQnothing to rage about17:47
FredrIQit's not like i ruined the whold db or smth17:47
DocScrutinizerfirst of all you deleted a factoid17:47
* DocScrutinizer goes messing up FredrIQ's user wiki page17:48
vldcnstoh noes.17:48
HtheBa bit weird that everybody can mess with infobot17:48
FredrIQdo i even have one?17:48
FredrIQnot that i care anyway17:49
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FredrIQand it's not like you can disable write access to the public level17:49
FredrIQi've forgotten what levels infobot had17:49
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vldcnstrage quit! rage quit!17:50
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DocScrutinizervldcnst: who's "*he*"?17:52
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MohammadAG51isn't that a Nokian?18:11
crashanddieI wonder if the players at the world cup have been told the goal was the thing with the nets in it18:12
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DocScrutinizerwtf? Aari was banned?18:17
vldcnstJust an impersonator18:17
GAN900DocScrutinizer, you actually think that guy would show up here?18:18
DocScrutinizerstrange things happen occasionally18:18
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crashanddieqgil comes once in a blue moon, for ari to come it would take a corporate meltdown18:18
DocScrutinizerhmm, prolly18:19
crashanddieor like, I dunno, say if nokia completely screwed their users and community, so it's really not likely to happ... oh wait18:19
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alteregoI, personally, don't feel screwed.18:19
DocScrutinizerhand me the screw driver18:20
alteregoI'm very happy with my device/s from Nokia18:20
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alteregoNot been as happy with the phones mind. My previous before the N900 was an N96 whcih I thought would just be a better N95 8G18:21
alteregoIt turned out to be a crashy pos :)18:21
Surfan96 wasn't the best device..18:21
alteregoI think my 7650 was more reliable ..18:21
SpeedEvilMy 3310 is way more reliable than my n90018:22
MohammadAG51alterego, the N95 was an epic phone18:22
SpeedEvilI'd love a n900 with that ruggedness.18:22
SpeedEvil'Oh - I'm sitting on my phone'18:22
MohammadAG51mod it18:22
SpeedEvil'I'd better move - it's uncomfortable'18:22
SpeedEvilvs 'Oh noes!'18:22
HtheBi still cant put Nitdroid18:23
HtheBon my N90018:23
Surfai personally like n900 too18:23
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Surfathere are so many possibilities with it18:23
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ZuccaI've noticed rather irritating "bug" in maemo camera software on N900... Every time I plug my N900 via USB using mass storage mode the camera software changes the picture storage location to the memory card if it was internal storage before.18:23
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alteregoYeah, I think, after the N900 the N95 8G was the best phone I've ever owned.18:24
alteregoIt was the perfect companion for my N800 ans N810 :)18:24
SpeedEvilZucca: When in mass storage mode, the internal flash is not accessible by the camera18:24
MohammadAG51alterego, I had the N95-118:25
MohammadAG51it was better than the N97 tbh18:25
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SurfaMohammadAG51, depends on what you look for in a phone18:25
Surfan95 was ok, but not quite attractive in my minf18:25
MohammadAG51well, I expected more free RAM18:25
MohammadAG51don't give a crap about device looks18:26
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: I got a deja vu, or you got a macro for that "I'm sitting on my phone" stuff?18:26
ZuccaSpeedEvil: Yes. But after I un plug it the picture storage location won't change back. And it happens even if I don't touch any camera software during USB connection.18:26
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SurfaMohammadAG51, attractive in any way, not just looks18:26
alteregohell yeah, not sure if the later f/w revisions for the N97 improved much. But judging by the "N97 was a failure, I think Nokia should give all N97 owners the new N900" rants when it came out last year18:26
MohammadAG51the N95 was an epic phone18:26
Surfasure was, but first of certain kind and thus a little immature18:26
MohammadAG51alterego, it's a HW fail18:26
alteregoNow, all those N97 owners are saying "All N900 owners should get N8" :D18:27
MohammadAG51128MB ram, 40MBs on bootup18:27
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: I'm just somewhat repetitive.18:27
Surfai wouldn't switch n900 to n8 :)18:27
MohammadAG5120MB phone memory out of the box18:27
SpeedEvilThat was rant #439818:27
alteregoIt's just a self perpetuating joke18:27
Zuccaalterego: Just wait for N9. Rumors say that it will be a MeeGo device.18:27
MohammadAG51the only thing the N97 owns at is the hinge18:27
Surfai like the mechanism of n9718:28
MohammadAG51i'll wait for neither18:28
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MohammadAG51the camera was fail too18:28
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Surfarumours are the best, you can have everything and no problems :)18:28
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MohammadAG51scratching itself, I kept it open for 6 months18:29
MohammadAG51lies, I have an N90018:29
Surfamini version dont have that camera lense protector at all18:29
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DocScrutinizerZucca: that switching to uSD thing is a veritable bug, please file a ticket18:30
MohammadAG51I had the original one18:30
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: It's not really a bug. It's a consequence of a feature.18:31
MohammadAG51the N97 looks better than the N900, the N900 beats it in every other way18:31
SpeedEvilWithout completely reworking the camera saving, you can't fix it.18:31
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: it clearly a bug, if the setting is changed for no reaon at all18:31
SpeedEvilHaving said that, I would reward lavishly anyone who made a replacement camera app.18:31
MohammadAG51someone already did18:32
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: It's not changed for no reason. It's changed as the camera cannot save pictures onto the filesystem that the PC has mounted18:32
MohammadAG51BlessN900 (idk why the f*** it was called that)18:32
MohammadAG51o/ lardman18:32
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lardmanhi MohammadAG5118:32
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: wtf the cam has to safe anything when it's not 'activated'??18:32
MohammadAG51you should fix that cloak :P18:32
SpeedEvilI missed that bit18:33
lardmanis fixed, just that my client logs in before I can /msg NickServ18:33
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MohammadAG51use a loadfile and time it like you want :)18:33
SpeedEvillardman: If you set you client pass and username to login to the IRC server - you are automatically  logged in when that happens18:33
SpeedEvillardman: with no /msg needed18:34
DocScrutinizerlardman: set server password = user:ns-pw18:34
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SpeedEvil(you also need to add as a grouped account whatever you client will pick if your nick is unavailable, and set that up)18:34
DocScrutinizerfreenode supports that18:34
MohammadAG51IRCseven sucks tbh :P18:35
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SpeedEvilvisz: hmm18:35
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: that's what docscrutmp is for ;-D18:36
cehtehblessn900 reported to me 'not enough memory18:36
viszthe low blur mode seems nice enough18:36
MohammadAG51SpeedEvil, it breaks image saving though18:36
MohammadAG51cehteh, same18:36
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: though I use a different unique temporary login nick for every of my clients18:37
DocScrutinizerthen /ns ghost the main nick and change own nick from temporaray to main18:38
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: but with bouncer, a completely different setup is needed18:38
konfooah i finally got gstreamer to poop out a format that streams live through our CDN18:40
MohammadAG51world cup?18:40
DocScrutinizerword count18:40
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konfooha no, im in socal, although the world cup location is indeed my hometown :P18:41
MohammadAG51i want a stream that works on the N900 :(18:41
Surfavideo? audio?18:42
konfooseems like pulseaudio is the only valid source for capturing audio on the n900 - no direct dsp source for gstreamer that anyone knows of?18:42
MohammadAG51video, world cup18:42
DocScrutinizerkonfoo: I'd guess ALSA hw:1.0 should work18:43
konfoodoc: thanks ill give that a try. pulse creates a horridly desynced rtp muxed stream. completely unplayable18:43
DocScrutinizerbut might break your mic, when inbound call needs it18:43
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konfoothe dsp h264 encoder actually works really well incidentally - i get no frameskipping even end to end18:44
DocScrutinizerdamn, ther emust be hornets in my TV, and people in panic screaming and shouting18:44
konfooend to end being viewing the phone's live stream in a flash player embedded on a web page18:45
MohammadAG51Goal! xD18:45
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DocScrutinizerI *hate* horror movies :-P18:45
* DocScrutinizer zaps18:46
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alteregoDocScrutinizer: inbound call?18:47
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DocScrutinizer51alterego: there's a new invention know by the name of "phone call" - those come in two flavours: inbound and outbound18:48
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DocScrutinizerwhile the type outbound is quite under your control, the inbound may occur any time, and might interfere with your usage of hte hardware, especially if you have establoshed exclusive access to a hw resource mandatory for that type of phone call, like microphone18:53
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DocScrutinizerso you better think about how to handle that situation18:55
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konfooanyone know why 30/1 framesource for gstreamer always appears as 60fps in vlc playback codec info even though it's 30fps? muxing bug?19:05
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laurihey guys, I remember on Maemo summit someone showed how to enable LEDs to show CPU interrupts19:08
lauriwhere can I find more information about this?19:08
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DocScrutinizerkonfoo: interlace? 2 half-frames?19:21
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GAN900Jaffa, lol.19:28
GAN900DocScrutinizer, mwkn19:30
GAN900I always forget that Google Docs email is coming19:30
* satmd pokes Stskeeps19:31
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* noobmonk3y waves19:37
* SpeedEvil particles.19:37
* noobmonk3y giggles19:37
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* MohammadAG51 throws a frals at noobmonk3y 19:38
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* noobmonk3y slaps frals with a nokia N93 .... better than a trout ;) with less use ;)19:41
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SpeedEvilhtere are better phones to use19:46
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* GAN900 wonders how it is that MeeGo is distributing Chrome/Chromium.19:49
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DocScrutinizerchrome salts are extremely toxic, so I think I don't need chrome :-P19:50
kW_Hello! Has anyone experience putting Maemo 5 PR 1.2 completely on a eMMC partition?19:51
JaffaGAN900: Indeed. tekojo never got back to us about that.19:53
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SpeedEvilGAN900: Differet set of lawyers?19:54
th3hate_what's best font to use in n900's xchat?20:00
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BCMMth3hate_: a matter of personal taste20:03
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th3hate_what do you use?20:03
BCMMth3hate_: the default, atm20:03
BCMMi may change it20:03
th3hate_too small20:03
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BCMMth3hate_: do you prefer proportional or fixed fonts for IRC?20:03
BCMMyou can of course just use the default font in a larger size20:04
th3hate_whats the difference?20:04
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BCMMth3hate_: between fixed and proportional?20:04
BCMMth3hate_: fixed-width fonts have all characters the same width - space, i and W would all be the same width20:05
th3hate_omg that would be one fat i20:06
BCMMthey originated in typewriters due to technical limitations, and today are often used for displaying source code20:06
BCMMth3hate_: well, the i has a big serif at the bottom and a bit of empty space either side20:06
BCMMth3hate_: the default font is fixed20:06
BCMM(without a serif on the i though)20:07
BCMMare you on the n900 now?20:07
BCMMlook at the word "fixed"20:07
MohammadAG51SpeedEvil, how long did it take to compile the kernel on the N900 again?20:07
BCMMif you are using the default font, there is a bit of space either side of the i20:07
th3hate_then i prefer proportional20:08
BCMMand the characters line up into neat columns between the lines20:08
th3hate_i guess20:08
BCMMth3hate_: yeah, not sure why so many people prefer irc to be fixed-width20:08
BCMMi do, though20:08
SpeedEvilMohammadAG51: ~3 hours20:08
BCMMth3hate_: well, next question - serif or sans-serif?20:08
th3hate_whats the difference again...20:09
* MohammadAG51 facepalms20:09
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BCMMth3hate_: well, a serifed font has serifs... they are small things on the end of lines20:09
BCMMth3hate_: for example, look at a capital I20:10
th3hate_i don't see serifs20:10
BCMMin a sans font, such as the default n900 xchat font, it is a straight line20:10
* DocScrutinizer sighs20:10
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BCMMth3hate_: in Times New Roman, for example, there would be horizontal bits at the top and bottom of the I20:11
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th3hate_i like sans-serif then20:11
BCMMth3hate_: you reall need a picture, look at this link:
BCMMth3hate_: the most well-known sans font is arguably Arial, and the most well-known Serif font Times New Roman20:12
benno2Hi, any idea what's the maximum sampling frequency supported by the N900 while capturing audio ? can I open an alsa input device with 22kHz in capture mode ?20:12
BCMMth3hate_: but both sans and serif fonts come much nicer than those20:12
th3hate_i see20:12
BCMMth3hate_: so you want a sans-serif proportional?20:12
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th3hate_that would be good20:13
BCMMth3hate_: you could look at Nokia Sans20:13
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th3hate_Nokia Sans SemiBold, 1620:13
th3hate_that's what im using20:13
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SpeedEvilarecord -f cd test.wav20:14
SpeedEvilRecording WAVE 'test.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Stereo20:14
SpeedEvil benno220:14
SpeedEvilbenno2: I have not got anything plugged in ATM - so can't confirm this works20:14
BCMMth3hate_: serif fonts are generally more readable, but a lot of people consider sans to be more readable on screens20:14
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BCMMi am not somebody who considers sans to be more readable, in general20:15
th3hate_Nokia Sans20:15
th3hate_this one is very good20:15
benno2SpeedEvil, thanks. because other Qt phones (Symbian) can do only 8kHz, so it might be handy to use higher rates on the N90020:16
BCMMis nokia sans the one the rest of the interface uses (by default)?20:16
MohammadAG51Nokia Sans is the default one20:16
MohammadAG51in xchat20:16
th3hate_rest of the interface uses a thinner font than nokia sans20:17
th3hate_not the same20:17
BCMMMohammadAG51: oh, perhaps i did change the default to a fixed one20:17
MohammadAG51looks the same to me20:17
BCMMsorry for misleading people20:17
MohammadAG51currently looking @ a blue block in my CPU load graph20:18
th3hate_actually i learned a lot about fonts from you :P20:18
MohammadAG51I'll leave my i5 running for kernel compilation xD20:18
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: benno2: you also might want to add a -v to arecord, to see if it *really* opens the hw PCM witha sampling rate of 44100, or the plugin stack resamples somewhere20:18
BCMM_i'm using MHeiGB18030C-Medium Light 1420:18
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th3hate_you should make it 1620:19
SpeedEvilIt claims to be real20:19
th3hate_14 is hard to read20:19
SpeedEvilEyes vary.20:19
BCMM_i like it, actually - sans makes some sense for fixed20:19
MohammadAG51lol indeed20:19
andre__anybody knows how to find out the phone number in ~/.rtcom-eventlogger/el.db that I was forced to send an SMS to because of MyNokia when upgrading to PR1.2?20:20
vldcnstX-Fade: here?20:20
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MohammadAG51andre__, I doubt it's saved there20:20
MohammadAG51I might be wrong though20:21
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: I could think the hw even supports 44100 *only*, and every different sampling rate is resampled by alsa/PA20:21
andre__MohammadAG51, but some people found out in the bug reports. They didn't describe how, though. maybe I should ask there :-P20:21
th3hate_is it illegal to download chromium for n900 now?20:21
MohammadAG51no, but it might be illegal to host it20:21
benno2DocScrutinizer, thanks. I am using QAudioInput but don't have a real device handy ATM, (colleague is doing the testing remotely). on the SDK for example I set QAudioInput to record with a buf of 512bytes but on the real N900 it opens it with 1600bytes (which is a strange number, not a power of 2).20:22
MohammadAG51andre__, hmm, i suggest asking ossipena or anyone who's used a database20:22
MohammadAG51or check out VertSMS's sources20:22
BCMM... and messages like that are why i don't use a size 16 font...20:22
DocScrutinizerbenno2: yes, ALSA does that weird kind of stuff20:22
th3hate_use shift+up to scroll long messages20:22
benno2DocScrutinizer, it seems QAudioInput uses ALSA. while other maemo apps use gstreamer. so does it mean that one can use ALSA and gstreamer in parallel ? (software mixing in the ALSA layer?)20:23
SpeedEvilIt is not illegal to host chromium - in the courgette free version.20:23
SpeedEvilIn any way.20:23
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SpeedEvilIt may be subject to legal action from Red Bend, due to them thinking that it has some patented stuff in - this does not make it illegal to host.20:24
MohammadAG51well, hosting it can cause problems if they really infirnged that patent20:24
th3hate_they removed it from -devel20:24
SpeedEvilMohammadAG51: No, it can't.20:24
DocScrutinizerbenno2: theoretically that's possible, but I'm afraid PA hijacked the N900 and ALSA plain vanilla doesn't fit in too good to that picture20:24
th3hate_can't download now20:24
MohammadAG51then why did the council take it down20:24
SpeedEvilMohammadAG51: The version recently in -devel had no courgette - it had been removed.20:24
SpeedEvilThe council did not take it down. Nokia legal basically insisted it was taken down.20:24
benno2DocScrutinizer, sorry missing the term 'PA'20:25
th3hate_what's courgette20:25
DocScrutinizerPulse Audio20:25
SpeedEvilsee the top comment20:25
MohammadAG51seen that20:25
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benno2DocScrutinizer, ah thantks. so is pulse audio running on the N900 by default ? if yes then strange that Qt for Maemo does not use those interfaces. I did look at Qt sources and there is no trace of PA or gstreamer20:26
DocScrutinizerPA is a layer *above* ALSA (basic hw drivers still are ALSA soundcard), but claiming (falsely) to do a better job on mixing/sharing than ALSA dmix/dsnoop does20:26
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SpeedEvilTo add to the fun, there is a 'fake alsa' implemented by pulseaudio20:27
benno2DocScrutinizer, yes I know PA, still wondering why it got adopted by many distros as the official audio mixer. jackd does a much better job (extreme low latency, down to single digit) and has a clean API. sight20:27
DocScrutinizerthen again PA supplies a ALSA audio device compatibility plugin for PA, so an app thinking it uses ALSA is in fact connected to PA, which in turn hands the samples down to the ALSA audiocard driver - all a nasty nightmare20:28
benno2DocScrutinizer, yes, this is probably why I get that odd 1600 bytes buffersize.20:29
benno2SpeedEvil: could you launch: arecord -l  on your N900 pease ?  just wondering if only pulse audio is supported or the hw device too (card 0). thanks20:30
DocScrutinizerplus PA is known to have a few really terrible bugs in maemo, like not freeing the resources on closing the audio stream20:31
th3hate_hildon-desktop uses too much cpu lately20:32
th3hate_how to stop that20:32
DocScrutinizeror occasionally eating up all cpu cycles for mixing down nonexistent streams20:32
HtheBhappy ending!20:32
* HtheB is going to jump from the window20:32
MohammadAG51dsmetool -k hildon-desktop20:32
* HtheB falls on the ground20:33
MohammadAG51or simply killall -9 hildon-desktop20:33
DocScrutinizerbetter for you, before I get on you20:33
* HtheB stands up and scratches his head20:33
HtheBhmmm... I jumped from the first floor :P20:33
th3hate_will that remove widgets?20:33
benno2DocScrutinizer, sad, the linux audio devs are not happy too about PA. especially jackd author, which is widely respected by the audio community.  any idea what audio API Meego will use ?20:33
benno2SpeedEvil, thanks. so it seems that capturing directly from the card:0 (hw) is supported20:34
DocScrutinizerno, but I really hope they dump PA20:34
SpeedEvilbenno2: that is not really the card20:34
SpeedEvilbenno2: It's the pulseaudio emulation layer20:34
benno2SpeedEvil, you thinks so ? :)20:34
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SpeedEvilAs I understand it20:34
benno2SpeedEvil, I think pulse registers as pulseaudio: ...20:35
DocScrutinizerthat's such an incredible MESS :-(20:35
SpeedEvilarecord: pcm_read:1617: read error: Input/output error20:35
SpeedEvilafter killing pulseaudio while recording from above 'hardware' device20:35
benno2SpeedEvil :(20:35
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HtheBDocScrutinizer, u know what I'm going to say?20:36
th3hate_Xorg is using 10% cpu all the time20:36
SpeedEvilThe other issue is that the audio routing is quite complex (though not as complex as some other decices :) ) so even once pulse is dead, it's not completely trivial to work out how to record20:36
th3hate_is that normal20:36
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benno2SpeedEvil, how can it be. I always thought that ALSA was the base system and maemo used an alsa audio driver for the audio hw ? what does lsmod say in this regard ? or do they have some proprietary stuff which PA and gstreamer plugs into (still OSS API?)20:37
DocScrutinizer2HtheB: go ahead20:37
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HtheBI still couldnt get NITdroid to work20:37
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HtheBit drives me crazy :(20:37
GAN900alterego, ping?20:38
DocScrutinizerbenno2: Nokia definitely has some 'proprietary' crap around sound drivers and config of whole audio system20:39
DocScrutinizerbenno2: tok me 2..4 years to understand 80% of ALSA. No idea how to wrap my head around what they did to N900 audio system20:40
DocScrutinizertook even20:40
benno2DocScrutinizer, a proprietary driver is plausible but I doubt they use a new driver system so the N900 probably talks to the audio hw either via OSS or ALSA. otherwise both gstreamer and PA would need to have special N900 patches.20:42
DocScrutinizerALSA I guess20:42
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DocScrutinizeranyway Nokia obviously hasn't got it that a FOSS project is much more about good documentation of the concept, rather than dropping a working implementation to the community20:47
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DocScrutinizerthe sourcecode of a working implementation can be next to useless, if it's poorly documented20:47
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HtheByou're the man :D20:48
MohammadAG5110m22s on the i520:48
MohammadAG5149m57s on my laptop20:48
MohammadAG51i'll use the i5 next time20:48
MohammadAG51(kernel, modules, packages)20:48
DocScrutinizerHtheB: c'mon just say it one more time, so I don't waste that +o20:49
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Roflshappy ending!20:49
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HtheBit was Rofls :(20:50
HtheBnot HtheB ;p20:50
HtheB:D :D20:50
HtheBsunday <320:50
MohammadAG51aww, crashanddie is offline20:51
DocScrutinizer2told ya I'll set up an autoresponder to kick you whenever somebody sends that string20:51
MohammadAG51i wanted you to kick him20:51
HtheBarg :op20:51
MohammadAG51LOL you set it to kick @ that regex?20:51
HtheBno one should say " ending! " anymore!20:51
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HtheByeahh :20:52
HtheB hahaha20:52
DocScrutinizer2MohammadAG51: I'm compiling a kernel ;-P20:52
* MohammadAG51 deops DocScrutinizer2 20:52
BCMMhang on, which string?20:52
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer2, if you want use my i520:52
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MohammadAG51kernel compilation is an ass20:52
HtheBMohammadAG51, dont yell the word ending :(20:52
BCMMis it :p?20:52
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MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer2, or hijack into t-tan's Xeon20:53
DocScrutinizer2MohammadAG51: nah, I don't bother if autoresponder is a bit laggy20:53
MohammadAG51if you do that, change the pass for me20:53
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer2, how much time does it take you to compile it?20:53
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DocScrutinizer2j/k tbh20:54
HtheB_MohammadAG51, dont yell the word ending :(20:54
MohammadAG51HtheB_, you already said that :P20:54
HtheB_it will be not ending!20:54
* HtheB_ gets kicked20:54
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* DocScrutinizer2 takes HtheB_ to a painful turing test20:54
HtheB_xD hahaha20:55
BCMMyou torture him and see if he screams in binary?20:55
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer2, what's with the 2?20:55
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DocScrutinizer2I'm still transitioning20:55
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HtheB_jo DocScrutinizer20:57
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HtheB_jo MohammadAG5120:58
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timophn810 keyboard feels strange after not using it for some months21:23
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fralsStskeeps: pong... doh :p21:27
fralsbug #1066821:27
povbotBug fmms21:27
fralsthis bug... :|21:27
Stskeepsfrals: ah, too late :P me and lbt went out for dinner :)21:28
fralsyeah, i figured21:28
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fralssorry i missed it - been busy :<21:28
Stskeepsit's fine, had a good steak :)21:28
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Stskeepswill have to catch you when back from tampere i guess21:30
fralswhen are you in hel again? thursday?21:31
Stskeepsleaving saturday midday21:31
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: you've seen the report of a killed battery by running some encoder on a OC N900? yesterday this chan...21:31
fralsah, shouldnt be a problem catching up at some point then :)21:32
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: no, but i wouldn't be surprised if OC'ing messed with some expectations of how quickly the battery runs down21:32
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: if not, then search for "24W" in backscroll21:32
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Stskeepsnot sure i have that long back in backscroll, 19 hours ago :P21:33
DocScrutinizersems either bme/dsme failed to manage the termal situation, or the "power kernel" broke the meassures taken by bme/dsme to stop the N900 from overheating and thus literally killing the cell21:34
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DocScrutinizerseems* and thermal*21:34
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: just a few more bits of ammunition for you to bring jrbme and related stuff ahead21:36
Stskeepswell, OC's people's own fault if they break anything..21:38
laurihello guys, do you know what are called those yellow popup messages?21:38
lauri(in programming terms)21:38
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: sure21:38
GAN900or hildon-note21:38
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, Germany 1!!!21:38
GAN900For the big one21:38
MohammadAG51(australia 0)21:38
DocScrutinizeraaah that's the noise outside21:38
lauriIs there integration with Qt4/PyQt4 apps?21:39
ds3what's a good way to view a huge (say 8192x8192) image on the N900?21:39
MohammadAG51zoom out :P21:39
ds3no,that's not the problem I am trying to solve21:40
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: I'm just concerned about similar thing could happen with a regular stock kernel, when only environment conditions are a little worse.21:40
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ds3most image viewers will try to load all of it into memory and that well... don't work too well21:40
BCMMds3: there is liqmap21:40
ds3I know in the dos days, they had viewers that were smart enough to load parts of the file...21:40
ds3BCMM: let me look that up21:41
BCMMds3: which is supposed to be an interface for using a high-resolution photo as a draggable map21:41
BCMMds3: although i suspect it still loads it into memory21:41
ds3mapping is exactly why I am looking for this21:41
BCMMis it even possible to selectively load parts of, for example, a JPEG?21:42
ds3what I was thinking of doing is chopping it up into tiles and using something like mapper to look at it but that's a lot of work21:42
ds3BCMM: sure... a jpeg is a lot of tiny tiles in DCT space21:42
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BCMMds3: is that why poorly-compressed, low-quality JPEGs seem to have a "grid" over them?21:43
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: as there's no requirements spec for bme, we don't know if that particular situation was caused by OC kernel, by a out-of-spec battery, by a flaw or bug in bme/dsme, or what else. I'm not tempted to test it on my device, with stock kernel :-P21:43
BCMMds3: does mapper already do that, or would you need to modify it?21:44
BCMMds3: i mean, the chopping up isn't a great deal of work21:44
BCMMwell, it is for your CPU :)21:44
ds3BCMM: basically, yes.. that grid is the tiles being converted from normal to DCT'ed space where the high coef's get dropped21:44
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ds3BCMM: that and either having to georeference on the spot or have a ton of repos21:45
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ds3I can chop it up on import to device but it is the georef/tons of repo part that I don't like21:45
BCMMds3: i don't know what "tons of repo" means21:45
ds3I have huge scanned USGS topo maps that I would liketo carry21:45
ds3BCMM: one repo per image... nad I have tons of images21:46
BCMMds3: well, try liqmap - perhaps it does do something clever21:46
ds3like more then 50 cds full of them21:46
BCMMusgs provides something a bit like like the Ordnance Survey in the UK?21:47
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ds3sort of...USGS provides more free data then what I recall was available for the UK21:48
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ds3you can get digital rasters (huge TIFF's) from them or digital data with all the elevation data and a bunch other formats21:48
BCMMliqmap is supposed to be for taking a photo of a map and using that, so it may not do that21:49
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BCMMds3: yeah, OS is kinda stupid about copyright21:49
BCMMby "do that", i mean "not choke on the massive images"21:49
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benno2DocScrutinizer: here is the pulse audio mess you described, horrible:
ds3from what I am reading, it is worth a try21:51
ds3wish I could find the homepage for it tosee if it natively understand GeoTiffs21:51
BCMMds3: the homepage for what?21:52
* frals throws some bacon at lcuk21:53
BCMMwonder if lcuk is online21:53
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pexids3, try asking on some GIS channel like #osm :)21:53
ds3pexi: for an app that does it or for liqmap?21:54
pexifor the n900 and geodata stuff21:54
ds3what I want to do is slightly different21:55
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DocScrutinizerbenno2: WTF??21:56
ds3what I really want is a N900 app for view topo maps21:56
DocScrutinizer• Synchronize up link audio buering with Cellular Modem21:56
DocScrutinizer Cellular Modem sends up-link timing adjustment messages21:56
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DocScrutinizer Align up-link buering according to messages21:56
DocScrutinizer Change UL timing with 5 ms granularity21:56
ds3the android folks apparently have one ;)21:56
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MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, germany 2 - 0 australia xDDDD21:56
benno2DocScrutinizer, set the latency higher while not in calls, this sucks for real time apps :(21:56
DocScrutinizerthere somebody honestly lost his mind over the challemge perceived21:56
DocScrutinizerIt's an utterly useless concept21:57
ds3SpeedEvil: that's all vector data... I want the raster maps as it has notes made by surveyors, etc on them that is not in the vector ones21:57
DocScrutinizeras there's not the slightest need to sync ALSA buffering with GSM timeslots or whatever21:57
benno2MohammadAG51, australia.klose()  :)21:58
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benno2DocScrutinizer, software voip phones work quite welll  even with echo cancellation21:58
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DrGrovWho mentioned about some World Cup widget? Perhaps I have been mistaken21:59
MohammadAG51search for pelota on tmo21:59
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* DocScrutinizer shakes head, deeply depressed about that paper and the concept sketched therein, sighs, and heads out to the toilet for puking22:01
DrGrovPelota on tmo?22:02
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: I'm unsure it might not have marginal powersaving benefits.22:03
benno2I need to write a debugfile on the n900 and place it in a dir where the user can read it it via USB cable. what is the exact path please?  /home/....   thanks (no device handy ATM)22:03
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: but I extremely question if that's relevant when the GSM bit is using a largish fraction of a watt22:03
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SpeedEvilbenno2: /home/user/MyDocs is exported on plugin22:03
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: that's almost the biggest BS I ever heard - this part about >>• Synchronize up link audio buering with Cellular Modem<<22:03
benno2SpeedEvil, thanks. trying now.22:04
SpeedEvil'but this way I get paid for 10000 extra lines of code'.22:04
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: exactly, plus for 3..6 additional man-months for implementing that idiocy22:05
DocScrutinizergo figure: Cellular Modem sends up-link timing adjustment messages22:05
SpeedEvilIt may also help remove 5ms of latency in the stack22:05
DocScrutinizerto ASLA!!22:05
SpeedEvilI'm unsure about that22:05
DocScrutinizerI'm absolutely sure that's a big steaming pile of BS22:06
SpeedEvilI do wonder what the hard minimum number is for GSM or 3G voice phone power use on call.22:06
DocScrutinizerGSM latency/skew is known to be in the magnitude of 500ms rather than 5, and the lag between speaker out and mic in to the modem is completely meaningless to anything OTA22:07
SpeedEvilds3: no, it's not22:08
benno2DocScrutinizer, QAudioInput gives me 8000byte latency on the N900 when using 44khz, that sucks. equals to 100msec.  courtesy of pulse audio and finnish audio experts :)22:08
DocScrutinizerso why on earth and in hell would anybody want to ""Synchronize up link audio buering with Cellular Modem"" ?!22:08
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SpeedEvilds3: OS streetview is a raster product, and there are other raster proucts22:08
* melmoth sigh22:08
melmoththis plateform is depressing...22:09
melmothtrying to install  qt4-dev-tools22:09
DocScrutinizersorry, need to puke again...22:09
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Venemomelmoth: seems that this stuff depends on Qt 4.5 and you have Qt 4.6 installed22:10
SpeedEvilds3: - admittedly - nicer would be better22:11
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: btw all that isn't about powersaving at all (except the part where it's babbling about using modem amp to playback system sound would be a suboptimal solution)22:12
DocScrutinizerthe whole hassle is just to keep the AEC inside modem working22:13
SpeedEvilOh - the AEC is in the modem22:13
SpeedEvilso you need _really_ controlled jitter then22:13
DocScrutinizerwhich needs a non-jittery rtt from speaker to mic, to calibrate decently22:13
SpeedEvilMight almost be easier to put that into PA22:14
benno2DocScrutinizer, I really hope they did not do such a mess on Meego regarding audio. otherwise no wonder that steve jobs laughs all the way to the bank. since audio call do require low latency and stutterfree operation. why cannot have it in audio apps ? it rules out a lot of apps like musical apps, and other stuff which depends on low latency. on symbian it's the same. with nokia's api it's impossible to get decent latencies and users are smashing ovi store wi22:14
benno2th negative comments about high latency. the fun thing is symbian phones are low latency capable. but nokia does not publish the api since it does not work on older phones.22:14
DocScrutinizermaybe it's even inside PA, but then I don't see ANY benefit in bothering about 5ms delay for that buffer22:15
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MohammadAG51germany is sooo gonna win this one22:15
SpeedEvilgermany v poland?22:16
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MohammadAG51germany vs australia :D22:16
MohammadAG512-0, half time now22:16
MohammadAG51additonal time, 1 minute22:17
xDaReaperxyeah haha that too before half time22:17
xDaReaperxi support Brazil though22:17
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melmothVenemo, problem is, i dont find any qt6-dev . What is supposed to be qt on a up to date sdk ?22:19
MohammadAG51Qt 4.7.3 is the newest one afaik22:20
MohammadAG51Qt 4.6.2 for the N90022:20
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cure`god trying to install flexget on my readynas, braindamage for a linux noob like me, it seems to install the to python2.4 subdir when it should install to python 2.5, despite python -V returning 2.522:20
cure`had to install python 2.5 first, but something is not right22:20
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: that's an excellent example what happens if you give a requirements spec to a sw engineer who has no idea about the real thing. He tries to minimize a 5ms lag, just before it gets transferred over a channel that probably has a 1000ms rtt22:20
ds3*** Signoff: melmoth (Read error: Connection timed out)22:21
ds3<MohammadAG51> DocScrutinizer, germany 2 - 0 australia xDDDD22:21
ds3<Jymmm:#emc> cradek: Ok, so the "FILL" is purely a visual thing (on screen),22:21
ds3+not remove that area like you would with V-carving?22:21
ds3<benno2> DocScrutinizer, set the latency higher while not in calls, this sucks22:21
ds3+for real time apps :(22:21
ds3blah sorry22:21
DrGrovAnyone up for some theme testing? Let me know22:21
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GAN900Seems like all themes out are testing themes.22:23
GAN900DrGrov, just push it to Extras-devel?22:23
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melmothaccording to , fakeroot apt-get install libqt4-dev should works22:23
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* melmoth thinks there is something rottent in finland.22:23
DrGrovGAN900: it is not my theme. it is the Nuvofre theme by Konttori22:24
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: and that "syncing to p link" introduces jitter to the buffering, and also add complexity in an amount you can't do different than just running to toilet a 3rd time, just FOR NOTHING22:24
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DrGrovGAN900: he asked me to test it so why not someone else also give it a test go?22:24
* GAN900 hasn't tried it in a while.22:25
melmothlibqt4-dev installation seems to work.22:25
DrGrovGAN900: perhaps up for testing it? Seems to be perhaps a new version. Have not tried it myself yet but I got the link from konttori22:25
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GAN900DrGrov, is it in Extras-devel?22:26
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DrGrovGAN900: i can link you to it. I got a straight link to the .deb. It should work from the browser right to install when I enter the address?22:27
kW_Hello! Has enybody experience with extract the contents of an ubifs image?22:28
SpeedEvilkW_: There is a howto on the wiki. It's not pretty - and I forget where it is - I suggest searching ubifs22:29
kW_SpeedEvil: well, I have the howto, but unfortunately, it does not work for me22:29
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SpeedEvilWell - work out wehrre it's breaking, and start reading docs22:30
DrGrovGAN900: you get my PM ?22:30
DrGrovCan I install deb packages directly with my browser if I enter the address to the .deb file?22:31
MohammadAG51game's back22:32
MohammadAG51yes, you can22:32
MohammadAG51i suggest you don't install debian packages22:32
kW_SpeedEvil: it breaks here:
yuizy_is there any app to send sms through n900 using desktop pc22:32
DrGrovMohammadAG51: it is a theme?22:33
DrGrovMohammadAG51: it is the Nuvofre theme22:33
MohammadAG51why not22:33
MohammadAG51yuizy_, an X11 server, kinda22:33
DrGrovMohammadAG51: so a theme i can install? it is the 1.08 version that konttori released for testing purposes22:33
MohammadAG51sure, why wouldn't u be able to install it22:34
DrGrovMohammadAG51: you said that you don't suggest me to install debian packages?22:34
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MohammadAG51those packages22:35
DrGrovMohammadAG51: ah sorry, my mistake22:35
yuizy_MohammadAG51: how would that work?22:35
DrGrovMohammadAG51: i will give it a test go now then. the browser will automagically install the package for me?22:35
MohammadAG51yuizy_, it clones your whole screen22:35
MohammadAG51no, it will open the app manager22:35
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MohammadAG51just try it22:35
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DrGrovMohammadAG51: ok, i try :)22:35
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shorterhow do you make a movie that is widescreen go fullscreen? It seems like it is the correct aspect ratio to use the entire screen...22:41
shorteralso, is there a package for more audio codecs?22:41
DocScrutinizer/me prints out pp9+10 of and pins it to the wall, with ""Cellular Modem sends up-link timing adjustment messages"" highlighted and underlined in red22:45
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, germany's kicking ass22:45
DocScrutinizernot mine22:46
DocScrutinizerI'm lame of laughter from reading ""Cellular Modem sends up-link timing adjustment messages""22:46
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Stskeepsblog about it, makes you seem less condemning :P22:47
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adeusa slaughtering22:56
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konfoodeutschland uber alles22:57
shorterare there any more audio codecs to install?22:58
shorterSelected audio codec: [ffac3] afm: ffmpeg works on linux, but not sure about the n90022:59
shortervia mplayer22:59
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shorteralso, I'm wondering why it leaves puts big bars for a 16:9 movie rather than fullscreening it23:00
DocScrutinizer51shorter: you probably should fix the config23:02
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DocScrutinizer51maybe the original media is a 4:3, with letterbox black bars actually inside the video content. And you try to playback that 4:3 on a 16:9 screen, which will result inn black bars left and right?23:05
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alteregoI'm kinda confused, is the next device going to be an N9-01?23:12
konttorialterego: how could we know?23:14
konttoriI mean, I work inside and even I don't know.23:14
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MohammadAG51alterego, it'll be an NX1123:14
DocScrutinizer51the net device *might* be a RX-7123:16
alteregoyeah, it was a silly question based on the N900 possibly being the N9-00 ... :)23:16
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alteregoAnd this new naming scheme (rumour?)23:16
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DocScrutinizer51konttori: seems USSD and network control codes still not completely functional on PR1.223:17
konttoriyeah, can't remember the exact details that were not there23:18
DocScrutinizer51I don't understand what's so terribly hard in allowing all possible controll codes to be sent to the operator23:19
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alteregoI had this weird dream last night were there was an exploit in the N900 that allowed people to remotely execute USSD codes by sending DTMF on an active call to an N90023:19
DocScrutinizer51e.g I heard ##61# doesn't work23:19
MohammadAG514-0, game's over23:20
DocScrutinizer51alterego: lol, nice23:20
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MohammadAG51alterego, I dreamt I lost my USB port after DocScrutinizer51 fixed host mode23:21
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konttorilcuk: has the cool live homescreen stuff been put out ? any cool bgs?23:23
konttoriHas the one Kimmo had been working on been published?23:23
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DrGrovCan the battery draining be dependent on a particular theme?23:27
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lcukdamn he left23:42
* lcuk kicks n900 anyway23:42
DocScrutinizerlcuk: ?? o.O23:42
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lcukDocScrutinizer, konttori asked a question23:42
lcukbut i was just looking up fromcoding23:43
lcukand i managed to use more power than i was charging from23:43
DocScrutinizerthat's bad23:43
lcukrunning the camera with fullscreen brightness and sending reams of data over the network (and i do mean reams, multiple debug lines *per pixel*23:43
DocScrutinizerI thought I heard maemo is rising a warning notifier on that?23:44
lcukyeah i saw that hours ago23:44
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DocScrutinizerprobably a warning isn't really helpful, should be a persistent flag, like battery charging icon switching color to orange, or whatever. Anyway something where you can tell the situation still persists23:45
DrGrovCan the battery draining be dependent on a particular theme?23:45
DrGrovDocScrutinizer: good, thanks for a quick reply :)23:46
DrGrovDocScrutinizer: i started using the NuvoFre theme by konttori. Damn it is so sexy23:46
brikanyone here have any experience with grabbing/ungrabbing key events on maemo?23:46
lcukbrik, you mean with a daemon or just in process whilst your app is in focus23:47
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DrGrovProblems with the repositories? Anyone got the same issue?23:48
shorterDocScrutinizer, if you're asking if the letterbox black bars are in the actual video, then no they aren't23:48
shorterbut which config are you saying I could fix?23:48
shorter(sorry for the delay)23:48
DocScrutinizershorter: sorry, just wild guessing.23:49
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shorterwell are there settings for aspect ratio on any video apps for the n900?23:49
DocScrutinizerif it's not a video with letterbox bars in it, then obviously it has to be an config issue23:49
shorterI enjoy your guesswork23:49
shorterI mean, which config23:50
DocScrutinizerno expert for mplayer/whatever video playback here23:50
DocScrutinizerbut afaik you pass all the details to mplayer as cmdline parameters23:52
DocScrutinizerwell, maybe a few of them are from X or whatever23:53
DocScrutinizerDPI, aspect ratio of actual physical screen, dunno23:53
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jacekowskii think everyghing can be overriden with cmdline anyways23:54
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briklcuk: I have a setting to enable using volume keys for changing font size, when enabling it it works fine, but when disabling it - it doesn't get disabled until the window has refreshed23:57
lcukbrik, refresh the window then?23:58
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