IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2010-06-02

luke-jrMaemo is "open" like Mac OS X is "open"00:00
Ikarusluke-jr: more so00:00
luke-jrnot significantly00:00
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Ikarusthe hack is pretty damned silly though00:00
Ikarusthey are using RSA checks in the TI bootloader00:00
Ikarusbut forgot to disable module loading00:01
Stskeepsuse your time on porting meego instead, tbh :)00:01
Ikarusso a friend of mine just hacked up a kexec for it00:01
luke-jrkexec supports being a module? O.o00:01
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Ikarusluke-jr: with some creativity, yes :)00:01
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luke-jrIkarus: should make one for Diablo ;)00:02
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Ikarusluke-jr: why ?00:02
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* noobmonk3y grumbles00:02
luke-jrIkarus: cleaner bootmenu+kexec :p00:02
Ikarusluke-jr: aah, k, well, it should be easy00:02
Ikarusluke-jr: he tested kexec on the N90000:02
noobmonk3yCan someone clever explain something to me please, why does riverbankcomputing.... do all of its example codes in C++ when they are describing PyQT? !?!?! Aghhhhhhhhhhhh!00:02
Ikarus(same platform and all that)00:03
luke-jrIkarus: Diablo is 2.6.21, before ARM kexec worked00:03
luke-jrso this would be a backport+modularize00:03
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MohammadAGat least say hi when you enter you old grump00:03
* noobmonk3y farts00:03
MohammadAG(@ noobmonk3y btw)00:03
* noobmonk3y throws frals at MohammadAG 00:03
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noobmonk3ylol mo00:03
noobmonk3yevening alls!00:03
MohammadAGtoo late00:03
* noobmonk3y giggles00:04
fralsoi noobmonk3y00:04
* noobmonk3y grumbles again00:04
fralshows the hols?00:04
noobmonk3yhols was great back at work now :(00:04
noobmonk3ydid a 70 lap go-karting thing though, was great!00:04
noobmonk3ybody was a bit dead after that though :P00:04
fralsshould be lucky you have a work, am still bumming :D00:04
fralshehe, cool00:04
MohammadAGoh, hols00:04
MohammadAGidk what that is00:04
RST38hHaze now officially dead =(00:05
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* noobmonk3y is trying to figure out Qtmultimedia in python - no examples anywhere :(00:05
noobmonk3yok, no obvious ones that work, other than c++ :(00:05
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MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, make your own examples00:05
MohammadAGnow that's QHardCore00:05
Ikarusluke-jr: well, I can't actually test it, given I lack a N8[10]000:05
RST38hnone of the version downgrades work00:05
noobmonk3yMohammadAG, i would if i was clever, i'm not :(00:05
Ikarusluke-jr: but it should be easy00:05
fralsc++ to python is pretty easy00:05
MohammadAGRST38h, worksforme00:05
noobmonk3yfrals,  if you know c++?00:06
RST38hMohammadAG: Care to tell me package versions?00:06
fralsi dunno much c++ but i usually manage :D00:06
MohammadAGhe doesn't know C++00:06
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noobmonk3yi know none :| and it scares me, kinda like... waking up next to MohammadAG  every morning, that kinda scary00:06
RST38hMohammadAG: (and that is ICQ, right?)00:06
MohammadAGHaze is ICQ?00:07
fralswouldnt know anything bout waking up next to him lol00:07
MohammadAGand who uses ICQ00:07
MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, lolwtf00:07
RST38hok, you are not using haze then00:07
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MohammadAGlast time I woke up with someone next time was when my cat opened the door00:07
MohammadAGwas a bit creepy00:08
MohammadAGRST38h, I use MSN, and that's Haze too00:08
iPeter-Hey, when that rollercoaster game comes to OVI?00:08
MohammadAG||/ Name                                          Version                                       Description00:08
MohammadAGii  account-plugin-haze                           0.8                                           AIM, Facebook, GaduGadu, Groupwise, ICQ, MSN, QQ, Sametime & Yahoo00:08
RST38hok, what about telepathy-haze, libpruple0 ?00:08
MohammadAGii  libpurple0                                    2.6.6-1nix0          ii  telepathy-haze                                0.3.3-1maemo000:09
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noobmonk3yiPeter-,  i wish i knew00:09
RST38hMohammad: purple-extra-protocols?00:10
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* noobmonk3y realises lcuk is not here, omfg...... has the world caved in and armageddon is on it's way?!?! oh he's on holiday lols00:11
MohammadAGii  purple-extra-protocols                        2.6.6-1nix0          RST38h00:12
MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, he ran out of bacon00:12
RST38hOk. I have got 2.6.3 for those, icq won't work otherwise00:12
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RST38hHmm, Skype plogin is broken too now00:14
smokuIkarus: wanna join forces? I'm planning on doing the same once I get my Motorola Motoroi :)00:14
RST38hIn a weird way too: when you send a chat message from another machine via skype, N900 will indicate reception of your message but fail to open the message log00:15
iPeter-Why extras-devel doesnt work?00:15
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Ikarussmoku: mine is more a show of possibilities00:16
noobmonk3yiPeter-, you need to be more specific00:16
Ikarusnot really a serious goal of making all of Maemo run on it00:16
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alteregoReally like the Nokia Qt SDK ..00:17
iPeter-noobmonk3y: I get an error in app manager when trying to refresh repos, it gives an error of extras-devel repo00:17
smokuIkarus: oh. are you going to share it?00:17
RST38ha'ok somehow fixed icq00:17
Ikarussmoku: ofcourse00:17
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noobmonk3yiPeter-,  can you message me the error - 90% of cases is a spelling mistake fremantle not Freemantle00:21
noobmonk3yother then that - could just be in a bad mood00:22
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smokuIkarus: could you drop me an email at then?00:23
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Ikarussmoku: if I ever get it working yes00:25
Ikarus(more then just launching Xomap on sort of Maemo)00:25
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smokuIkarus: even that could kickstart my work :)00:27
Stskeeps.. xomap?00:27
Stskeepsdiablo or fremantle00:27
IkarusStskeeps: yeah,sorry, mixed up the two :)00:28
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IkarusStskeeps: the omap3 driver of xorg00:28
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iPeter-noobmonk3y: 404 Not Found [IP: 80]00:39
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MohammadAGdevel doesn't have a 1.2 repo00:40
pigeonahha! new ovi updates!00:41
MohammadAGchange the distribution from fremantle-1.2 to fremantle00:41
iPeter-Ok, disabled it.00:41
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iPeter-pigeon: What are you talking bout?00:42
pigeonangrybirds paid level pack is out for instance...00:43
iPeter-pigeon: I cant see it on ovistore?!?!00:43
* odin_ rushes off to OviStore00:43
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pigeoni haven't tried yet actually, i just read it on a few news site in my rss00:44
pigeon for example00:44
MohammadAGgo to Games and hit new00:45
MohammadAGit doesn't appear in top free, for obvious reasons00:45
pigeonfinally i can spend some money! :)00:45
iPeter-wow (:00:46
iPeter-Still waiting rollercoaster game00:46
pigeoniPeter-: ditto00:46
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pigeonand that kroll game too00:46
pigeonalso that 3d baseball game00:46
iPeter-Icedtea6 - Is this java or what, err -.-00:47
iPeter-Does it enable java on browser or what :D00:48
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djdmIt doesn't enable Java in the browser, no00:48
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pigeondon't think so.00:48
iPeter-Fuu, okay.00:48
MohammadAGI wouldn't hold my breath for java in microb00:48
djdmIt enables you to run Java apps on your phone00:48
djdmNo, I wouldn't either00:49
iPeter-Okay, good to know (:00:49
pigeontechnically it's possible though i think00:49
djdm(Does anyone use applets any more?)00:49
pigeonand the icedtea6 package actually has a /opt/icedtea6/jre/bin/pluginappletviewer too00:50
iPeter- - I was thinking how this guy got that GPRS and wifi icons on desktop?00:50
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brendansQuick general question: Any interest in seismic processing software for n900? Kind of a niche, but I was thinking of porting Seismic Unix (i.e. figuring out what it needs and compiling; no real code changes)00:51
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djdmiPeter: I think that's QuickConnect (or a similar name)00:52
iPeter-djdm: Okay, trying it, thanks (:00:52
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pigeonspeaking of which, i saw some people having a reboot button at the popup status menu, anyone knows what it is?00:53
noobmonk3ypigeon,  it is a button that reboots your phone lol00:54
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pigeonyeah... i mean where does that come from?00:54
* Arkenoi wants 1.1.1 back :-(00:54
* tybollt holds mohammads breath for him00:54
tybolltArkenoi: You do not.00:55
noobmonk3yits a mod :) - do a proper search in the huuuuge mod post for 'reboot'00:55
threshArkenoi: how dare you! a lot of nokians worked hard to get PR1.2 up and running...00:55
Arkenoitybolitt, because of compatibility issues, that's it. if i could resolve it, i really want 1.1.1 back, it is much more stable and i do not really use any new features00:55
pigeonnoobmonk3y: thanks00:56
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noobmonk3y:) good luck :) - did take me a little while to find it :)00:56
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pigeonit should be in the repository damn it! :)00:57
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iPeter-Now i need help :d00:59
iPeter- - On a 1minute 40sec this guy has COOL animation, where to get it? :D00:59
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brikit's the desktop?01:01
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iPeter-brik: When he goes to menu01:01
iPeter-icons "blops", its cool!01:01
brikoh, hmm01:01
SpeedEvilThat can be done with transitions control01:03
w00t_what time?01:03
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pigeonoh, interesting01:03
brik1.43ish w00t_01:03
w00t_yeah, transitions stuff01:04
w00t_which reminds me, i should play with mine again01:04
brikthis looks like effort01:05
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iPeter-djdm: Cant find quickconnect01:06
SpeedEvilthere is a transitionscontrol app in extras-devel I think01:06
w00t_SpeedEvil: yeah, except it seems the packaging for that is screwed01:06
* w00t_ just tried to install it01:07
w00t_Package python2.5-xml is a virtual package provided by:01:07
w00t_  python-xml 0.8.4-10.1maemo401:07
tybolltSpeedEvil: can you put that link as a ~ by any chance?01:07
iPeter-I tried too, cant install it -.-01:07
* w00t_ wonders what the hell happened there01:07
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brikanyone tried wormux? it just seems to crash whenever I try start a game01:08
iPeter-How do i install thast Transition Control thing? got same error as w00t_01:08
* GAN900 doesn't get the mwkn/SSU visability thread.01:08
w00t_GAN900: ML?01:09
iPeter-SpeedEvil: And then i would know what app is that to show uptime etc on desktop like in that vid i linked..01:10
w00t_iPeter-: go to a terminal, apt-get install python-xml transitioncontrol01:10
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w00t_that's what i've done anyway, don't know if it works yet01:10
* w00t_ will soon find out01:10
djdmiPeter: It's ConnectNow, not QuickConnect... blame my memory :)01:11
iPeter-djdm: Okay, ill try. Thanks! (:01:11
GAN900w00t_, community forumon Talk.01:11
iPeter-w00t_: Installing (:01:11
w00t_GAN900: don't make me go on there :-(01:12
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zlimvos_i have no wget on my n900! :(01:14
iPeter-w00t_: Where i can find this app? is it under settigns oor? :E01:14
w00t_no clue, yet01:14
w00t_zlimvos_: install it01:14
GAN900w00t_, you don't need to read it01:14
zlimvos_ah yes it was easier to install than i expected01:15
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GAN900w00t_, just somehow they expect us to turn the Tableteer link that Nokia ships on OS2008 into a link to overnight.01:15
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w00t_who's "they"?01:17
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GAN900w00t_, some people on Talk.01:17
fralslove how someone went mental on sjgadsby for not putting spaces between dots in a snip "..."01:17
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GAN900frals, silvermountain01:18
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GAN900frals, he's the guy that refused to remove the "quote" from his signature the he said proved I, and thus, hated users and wasn't interested in their input.01:19
fralsdoesnt everyone hate users? :\01:19
GAN900Based on something I said and he grossly misinterpreted from Kathyms Bugzilla thread.01:19
GAN900Well, that. :P01:19
GAN900He's a pretty low sort of troll.01:19
w00t_a lot of the people in that thread are names that I recognise as being rather odd in the opinions they hold01:20
w00t_(and my recognising names is either a really good or a really bad thing usually)01:20
* frals slaps w00t_ back to hacking HIM plugins01:21
iPeter-w00t_: Got anything?01:21
w00t_frals: I gave up and ran in terror for the time being. I have a working portrait/landscape keyboard, without T9, but the buildsystem for it and the code involved with it makes me unsure I want to go back to it01:22
w00t_iPeter-: working on it still, hold on01:22
w00t_the package has some other requirements that aren't installed automatically for some reason it seems, so working around that01:22
w00t_+ noobmonk3y is bugging me :(01:22
* noobmonk3y farts01:22
MohammadAGthrow him a frals01:22
fralsw00t_: awesome, put the code somewhere! ;)01:23
* noobmonk3y eats frals01:23
iPeter-w00t_: Okay, tell to me if you got sumthing01:23
w00t_frals: true.. it's publically available, but i'll push it to gitorious, since it did take a fair bit of effort for me to find it01:23
noobmonk3ylol w00t_ in demand tonight? ;)01:23
fralswoho \o/ plenty of translations already!01:23
w00t_noobmonk3y: yeah, hold a momentplease01:24
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MohammadAGooh nice01:24
noobmonk3yfrals, can i translate it into cockney and pirate english? lol01:24
MohammadAGfrals, I'll throw that at someone01:24
MohammadAGhe likes to translate01:24
MohammadAGLOL noobmonk3y please01:24
* noobmonk3y grins01:24
w00t_has -anyone- successfully used transitioncontrol? I seem to have everything installed now, but running it ..doesn't work01:24
MohammadAGw00t_, worksforme01:24
w00t_how the f do you launch it?01:25 transitioncontrol doesn't work, it's inside the gtk event loop but I see nothing01:25
MohammadAGas root01:25
w00t_tried that too, same result01:25
MohammadAGwell I have most python packages installed01:25
w00t_so do I, now01:25
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w00t_python-osso python-hildon python-xml01:26
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fralsw00t_: the old him plugin compiled without problems?01:26
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w00t_frals: mm. I honestly don't know its history01:26
MohammadAGw00t_, knock yourself out
w00t_it may have been hacked up01:26
w00t_MohammadAG: dear god01:26
MohammadAGingored the un stuff, cba to remove it :)01:26
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fralslet me rephrase, the code anidel linked compiled and worked without problems? :)01:27
MohammadAGpython-numpy lol01:27
noobmonk3yfrals do i just edit the pot file, save it and upload it?01:27
w00t_frals: hmm. no, it wasn't that01:27
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w00t_someone else gave me a hint which lead me to some code Stskeeps pointed me to, I can't remember the "someone else" right now01:27
MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, no01:27
w00t_hold on anyway01:27
fralsnoobmonk3y: yeah pretty much01:27
w00t_i'll push it to gitorious now01:28
MohammadAGyou change it to en_PIRATE.po01:28
fralsw00t_: alright01:28
noobmonk3yi listen to frals01:28
fralsw00t_: cheers01:28
w00t_frals: if you want to hack on this too, then maybe i'll find motivation to try. :P01:28
MohammadAGoh so frals compiles it a .mo01:28
MohammadAG*sniff* I have a filename extension named after me01:28
fralsw00t_: im interested in it ;)01:28
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w00t_frals: you got a gitorious user?01:29
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pigeonalright! angrybirds new level here i come...01:30
GAN900WTF: "By breaking this seal of this software packaet, you accept the terms and conditions of the End-User License Agreement and/or the GNU General Public License included with this product."01:31
* SpeedEvil makes a squaking noide.01:31
GAN900On the CD case in the back of a Chinese for Dummies book.01:31
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w00t_GAN900: methinks some lawyers have no idea what the GPL *is*01:31
iPeter- - Any1 know what systeminfo widget is used on 1min 40sec?01:31
* SpeedEvil takes GPL01:31
w00t_frals: don't leave me now :<01:31
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SpeedEviliPeter-: are you still meaning the transition?01:32
iPeter-SpeedEvil: No, not this time. On that desktop there is Bootcount, uptime etc stuff. Id like to know what app it is01:32
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GAN900w00t_, indeed.01:33
infobotDocScrutinizer51: thanks01:33
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infobotrumour has it, rage is a warrior's infinite mana bar.01:34
SpeedEvilerr - no01:35
SpeedEviliPeter-: Enable all repos.01:35
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SpeedEvilScroll down the list of desktop stuff01:35
iPeter-err -.-01:35
brendansGAN900: On my previous phone (Nokia 5310 from Rogers Canada), the bundled MP3 player application required me to "waive my right to trial by jury" before it would open.01:35
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tybolltthere's so much bullshit01:36
tybolltthat agravates me to no end01:36
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brendansI'm not even clear what situation they're imagining where I'd need a trial by jury for listening to music on my phone... presumably music piracy or something like that. But I can't quite imagine that would hold up in any court...01:37
povbot`Bug 10261: Terms and conditions of use displayed on PR1.2 upgrade are incorrect.01:38
SpeedEvilsomewhat broken01:38
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iPeter-SpeedEvil: Cant find it.. :(01:38
SpeedEviliPeter-: sorry - can't view it at the moment - my net is going at a few K a second01:39
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Dantonicbrendans, LOL I wouldn't use that player!01:39
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iPeter-What is maemo-org 1.2-11 in appmanager at "desktop"?01:40
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fralsw00t_: yes, frals :)01:40
b-man|laptopiPeter-: it's a theme01:40
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w00t_frals: added to the project, full permissions, so go nuts01:41
fralsoooh, ty ;)01:41
fralswill take a look at it tomorrow i think01:41
w00t_hit me up when you're ready and we can have a chat about it01:41
iPeter-w00t_: Still working with those cool effects?01:41
brendansDantonic: Yeah, I tend to agree.01:41
w00t_iPeter-: no, I gave up as I can't get transitioncontrol to agree with me01:41
w00t_iPeter-: but, google for 'maemo transitions.ini' or something like that01:41
fralscan you link me the project? :)01:42
w00t_and you should get some results to play with01:42
midas_SpeedEvil: did you mean pipboy? :)01:42
brendansSpeedEvil, povbot`: Thanks for the link :)01:42
fralsah nvm found it now01:42
w00t_frals: oh, oops:
* satmd recognizes w00t_ and sees everything is good01:42
w00t_morn satmd ;)01:42
satmdhi ;)01:42
w00t_how's stuff?01:43
satmdalmost fine01:43
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satmdlot of changes in RL lately01:43
satmdbut almost everything to the better01:43
* satmd fell in love :)01:43
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satmd'bout irc things... doing the big upgrade finally... just waiting for one guy to configure the new setup, restart the daemons01:45
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satmdhow about yourself?01:45
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embeddedHi all01:45
MohammadAGb-man|laptop, I almost found the problem in the logs, had to search for bonehead01:45
embeddedIs there some1 who is using QTCreator with N900 (PR1.2) ?01:46
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luke-jrStskeeps: what I said about gpsdriver and disk full... ignore it01:46
luke-jrnew working theory:01:46
w00t_MohammadAG: I know why I never got transitioncontrol working01:47
luke-jrgpsdriver doesn't work inside a semi-tornado thunderstorm01:47
w00t_MohammadAG: I was ssh'd to brik's phone01:47
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MohammadAGw00t_, I ran it via ssh :)01:47
w00t_MohammadAG: her phone != my phone01:47
b-man|laptopMohammadAG: was that it?? O_o01:47
brikoi, stop hacking my phone01:47
MohammadAGw00t_, lol, my bad01:47
w00t_brik: hehe01:47
MohammadAGb-man|laptop, my paste expired x.x01:48
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MohammadAGidk why I still set a 10 minute limit on those01:48
brikdoes that mean it should work for me now?01:48
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b-man|laptophmm, do you guys think this is worth porting to maemo? - it's like python, but it compiles to native linux elf binaries01:50
MohammadAGb-man|laptop, anyways I won't go through that again (unpacking packages on a 600MHz CPU), I'm still waiting for <Stskeeps> MohammadAG: ask me between 7.30 and 13.30 polish time monday-friday :P01:50
b-man|laptopi've tested it on my N900 and it works :)01:50
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MohammadAGpython looks simpler than that lol01:51
b-man|laptopwell, still xD01:51
b-man|laptopit's simpler than C/C++ xD01:51
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luke-jrb-man|laptop: you can compile Python to native code too IIRC01:51
* MohammadAG nods01:51
b-man|laptopand gtk works with it01:52
luke-jrb-man|laptop: DEFINITELY NOT01:52
embeddedWhy if I create 3 QPushButtons in a QVBoxLayout with QTCreator I have this strange behaviour on target device (N900) while the IDE shows the three buttons correctly ? (see
luke-jrb-man|laptop: NOT IF IT ENCOURAGES GTK01:52
b-man|laptopluke-jr: LOL01:52
MohammadAGwhich reminds me01:52
b-man|laptopluke-jr: it supports qt too xD01:52
MohammadAGI found something which I wanted to compile01:52
luke-jrsupports or has bindings for?01:52
MohammadAGsince that was 6 scratchbox reinstalls ago, I forgot what it was :/01:52
luke-jrfor a language to support Qt, the language needs to have its own widget API and do the Qt translation behind your back01:52
b-man|laptopluke-jr: and does this python compiler support arm systems>01:53
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luke-jrb-man|laptop: no clue, no care01:53
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embeddedany help please?01:53
luke-jrwhat I do care about is how I'm supposed to sanely reverse engineer a GPS *WHEN THERE'S A TORNADO OUTSIDE*01:53
luke-jrtornado, go away!01:53
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tornadoNo I won't01:54
MohammadAGkeyboard should be pressure sensitive01:54
b-man|laptop~nuke tornado01:54
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* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at tornado ... B☢☢M!01:54
lardmanhey chaps01:54
iPeter-w00t_: Okay, got it thanks01:54
MohammadAGI hit the enter key harder and waited for it to post my reply01:54
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w00t_iPeter-: cool01:54
embeddedhey guys any help?01:54
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iPeter- - Any1 know what systeminfo widget is used on 1min 40sec?01:55
luke-jr~lart korhojoa01:55
* infobot flings poo at korhojoa01:55
w00t_embedded: on Maemo, the button size must be exactly 73px, and your arrangement makes them too big01:55
w00t_embedded: add a spacer to the bottom of your UI01:55
w00t_embedded: also, consider joining #qt-maemo01:56
luke-jrw00t_: don't give bad advice!01:56
luke-jris is that more of a Maemo bug?01:56
embeddedw00t_: so, it's not possible to show three boxes at full screen with Maemo?01:56
w00t_luke-jr: it's not, style guide says 73px01:56
luke-jrw00t_: using px for anything is a bug01:57
w00t_(well, depends who you ask I guess, I'm saying it's not because was told it was not by the developers, and referred to the style guide)01:57
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w00t_embedded: if by boxes you mean buttons, then yes01:57
luke-jrembedded: it looks like Nokia is ruining Qt :(01:57
w00t_embedded: unless you draw the button appearance yourself, however you might want to do it01:58
lardmanit's C++, no more to be done01:58
embeddedops,'s very strange that you cannot create three buttons that cover the entire screen01:58
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alteregoembedded: you can't?01:59
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* lardman hopes he can be bothered to finish his report soon01:59
w00t_alterego: you can't, because Hildon UI specifications say you can;t01:59
embeddedalterego: well, I was not able, so I'm asking for help here :)01:59
luke-jralterego: apparently some idiot at Nokia used a pixmap for buttons01:59
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alteregoluke-jr: ah ...02:00
w00t_you *can*, it'll just look ugly (unless you draw it yourself)02:00
w00t_luke-jr: bingo02:00
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alteregoThat's pretty horrific, I think it's because they get the pixmap from Gtk ..02:00
w00t_luke-jr: this is also the reason that listview rows with a size that doesn't match the Hildon UI guide are slow as shit to render02:00
alteregoFor styling ..02:00
embeddedw00t_: mhh...let me check just a thing...02:00
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w00t_luke-jr: as they involve a scale02:00
luke-jranyhow, back to GPS02:01
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luke-jrcgps says the sats are visible02:01
luke-jrbut no fix02:01
lardmandepends on the signal quality02:01
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luke-jrlardman: thunderstorm + half tornado02:01
lardmanand how long you wait to get the complete almanac + ephemerides02:01
lardmanah, perhaps not great then02:02
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luke-jrI get a fix every 10 mintues or so I think02:02
b-man|laptopi wonder what MeeGo would be like if Luke-jr was in charge of that project xD02:02
lardmanthe NMEA data should tell you the signal strength iirc02:02
luke-jrb-man|laptop: very different02:02
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w00t_b-man|laptop: probably empty, as he'd have scared everyone away :-P02:02
luke-jrlardman: which line?02:02
lardmanluke-jr: no assistance data?02:02
luke-jrlardman: of course not02:02
lardmanluke-jr: hmm, GPGSV perhaps, can't really remember, been a long time02:03
luke-jrlardman: but it should have plenty of ephemerides by now02:03
lardmanluke-jr: depends on the signal quality again02:03
lardmanhang on let me check02:03
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SpeedEvilluke-jr: are you in a good signal area?02:04
lardmanyeah GSV should do it, but the SNR value is chipset specific, so you;d have to work out what the limits are ;)02:04
luke-jrSpeedEvil: other than the thunderstorm and tornado, I guess so02:04
b-man|laptopluke-jr: unfortunately i may be getting what you are getting in a few days02:05
ShadowJKime you need a few >32 snr continously for a couple od minutes and it works well02:06
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luke-jrb-man|laptop: how? it's all getting dropped on me...02:06
b-man|laptopluke-jr: i've had such a hot/humid week that i wouldn't be surprised if there is enough energy to have those storms re develop when they arrive in my region02:08
embeddedw00t_ : where can I find the QT (not GTK) Style Guide for Hildon?02:08
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* b-man|laptop already had several tornadoes this past month02:10
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Macerheh. i thought land of the lost was going to be a serious movie but it was a comedy02:14
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* Macer remembers the tv show02:14
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w00t_embedded: Qt follows the same guidelines02:16
iPeter-Noone cant help me to find that app? :(02:16
ShadowJKwhat app02:18
iPeter- - Any1 know what systeminfo widget is used on 1min 40sec?02:18
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hawai`iHas anybody been in touch jonnylamb for fixing haze?02:25
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iPeter-w00t_: I did boot my phone and now i got transition control icon02:27
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MohammadAGyes I also noticed that02:28
MohammadAGhawai`i, I'm assuming that was you (you know what I'm talking about)02:28
iPeter-Still i cant launch it, crashes.02:28
lardmanbed time, night all02:28
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hawai`iMohammadAG, yes. It was me.02:29
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jcrawforddamn the internet is sooo slow through JoikuSpot on the N90002:31
jcrawfordit was a lot faster on my E72 with the same sim card02:31
jcrawfordvery odd02:31
hawai`iWrong UMTS banding?02:32
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jcrawfordno idea, but i mean like this slow:
jcrawfordused to get between 1.5-2.0 on the E7202:32
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hawai`iI assume you're with AT&T?02:33
hawai`iWell that would be because the E72 most like has the 850 UMTS/HSPA frequency02:33
hawai`iWhile the N900, does not.02:33
jcrawfordso the internet is much slower on a newer phone?02:34
microlithyou're on EDGE02:34
microlithand not 3G02:34
hawai`iWhat he said.02:34
jcrawfordis there any way to make it faster through hacks or something?02:34
hawai`iNo. It's a hardware limitation.02:34
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hawai`iThe radio only supports GSM on AT&T.02:34
microlithyou could switch to T-Mobile02:34
jcrawfordhrm why would i not be on 3G lol02:34
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jcrawfordmicrolith: yea i might have my boss get me a t-mobile sim02:35
hawai`iBecause AT&T rus on 850/1900 3G02:35
jcrawfordif that would be faster02:35
hawai`iand the N900 does not support it.02:35
jcrawfordbut this is dead slow02:35
microlithyou'd actually be on 3G02:35
jcrawfordthat so blows02:35
jcrawfordwhy would they make the N900 not support AT&T lol02:36
hawai`iBecause the world is bigger than whatever state you live in.02:36
microlithI don't think there were any 5-band chips when it was designed02:36
microlithand yeah, Nokia's presence in the US is limited02:36
jcrawfordi live just outside of Boston, damn them guys :)(02:36
jcrawfordgonna have to have a chat with my boss lol02:36
jcrawfordyea i'm hoping the US presence is brought up quite a bit, I know they are working on some stuff to make that happen02:37
jcrawfordguess I will have to use my E72 when I want to watch TV shows online, this is WAY too slow for that :)02:38
jcrawfordhad i known i would have brought it home from work tonight02:38
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jcrawfordtime to read up on Maemo development02:41
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GAN900Woo, new phone bug.02:45
SpeedEvilGAN900: Do monkeys fly out of the earpiece?02:46
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: how long does it take for a garage project to pass by x-fade's scrutinizing eyes? (or is it even X-Fade ?)02:50
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Rabiduswhy are you using bigbrovar_? nick while there is bigbrovar nick available?02:53
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iPeter-hey how do i get x11vnc work on my N900?02:53
Rabidusis that _-char symbolizing something?02:53
hawai`iiPeter-, you run x11vnc and it works.02:53
iPeter-i cant connect, im connecting from windows 7, using realvnc viewer02:53
hawai`iRabidus, it may symbolize that he is away.02:53
Rabidusthat was 90's ? ;)02:53
hawai`iSome are still stuck there :D02:54
Rabidusjust wondering...02:54
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Rabidusif we are @ 90's we don't just leave our nick02:54
Rabiduslike he does.. something doesn't match02:55
satmdRabidus: the ways of some irc clients as mysteriously winding02:55
hawai`iI also have an inkling that he enjoys the company of men.02:55
Rabidusyeah.. and wtf. what do i care?02:55
hawai`iSo who knows what else he is into.02:55
satmdsome have a primary nick, and a second and third, by adding _02:55
satmdit will more or less stupidly rotate them02:55
Rabidusthat _ char might show how long his penis is right now02:56
iPeter-hawai`i: i put to terminal "x11vnc -display :0" then in realvnc im trying: <ip>:0, wont connect.02:56
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crashanddieRabidus: if you get disconnected and your client reconnects before the server spotted the disconnection, your nickname can be "in use" during the initial handshake02:57
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Rabiduscrashanddie, yeah. that's true if client is too slow to take back that old nickname what he(it) had02:59
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crashanddieRabidus: eh?03:00
crashanddieRabidus: what does client speed have to do with it?03:00
Rabiduswith what? :)03:00
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crashanddiewith taking a nickname back?03:00
* GAN900 yawns03:00
crashanddieGAN900: please hold your hand in front of your mouth, I can see what you ate last night.03:01
hawai`iI can smell it.03:01
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hawai`iIt's delicious.03:01
GAN900You just wish you had the curry I had. :P03:01
Rabidusthere's nothing "in use" @ irc. if client gets disconnected, ok. client knows that he is not connected with server, but server doesn't know that. so client connects again to server and takes alt. nick. so sometime there is two nicks @ server03:01
Rabidusand when that original nick goes out03:02
Rabidusthere is some few seconds to take that original nick back03:02
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Rabidussry, i have to go now03:02
satmdexactly... it *could happen* to have 2 ghost if it's happening real fast03:02
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satmdyet some client rotate the list, others try them in order, I don't really care03:03
hawai`iI can't believe this is actually being discussed.03:03
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jcrawfordguys how much slower is Tmobile 3g compared to at&t 3g?03:06
SpeedEvilI get 150kbytes/s on t-mobile on the sofa.03:07
SpeedEvilIn the UK03:07
Pavlovdepends a lot03:07
Pavlovon where you live03:07
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SpeedEvilI'm 3km from my nearest tower I think03:08
jcrawfordhrm i was just getting 150kb/s on at&t according to Joikuspot but still seems very slow so I am guessing Joiku is not calculating properly03:09
SpeedEvilcheck with something locally03:09
ptl_demands_PR13MohammadAG: people are asking stuff to you here --->
SpeedEvildownload a file with microb, or use speedy03:10
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ShadowJK3g has higher latency than your dsl, and sgnificant "jitter" :)03:10
ptlI didn't notice I had this stupid nick till now03:10
Pavlovi was getting 1000kbit/s on tmobile this weekend03:11
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Pavlov3000ish on sprint "4g"03:12
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* ShadowJK has gotten 6Mbit/s with his operator on 3g, 9km (!) from cell tower03:13
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lcukn900how do you get distance from tower info?03:14
MohammadAGptl, thanks03:14
ShadowJKI walk to the fence surrounding it. turn on gps, check how far it is home03:14
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crashanddielcukn900: he waits until he has the signal information on his 5110 show up as 5 exclamation points, then he knows he's "in da house" (aka, next to the tower)03:16
lcukn900shadowjk theres only 1 tower near you?03:16
ShadowJKno there's one at about 400m too, and one at about 12-15km in the other direction, but they don't have 3g03:17
asjlcukn900: where I used to live we had 1 tower, about 12km north03:18
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lcukn900heh i should look for where towers are.  i thought they send details over the air about chosem cell location03:18
asjlcukn900: hrm, I thought that's what| did, was convert the cellid into lat/log03:19
MohammadAGoh it's lcukn90003:19
ShadowJKmany operators consider celltower locations secret proprietary data03:19
MohammadAGhaven't seen you around lately :)03:19
ShadowJKasj: you know what google did before they had their own phones and gps? Their google maps software for phones would on phones with gps collect CellID and lat/lon data, sending it back to goole03:20
SpeedEvilShadowJK: In the UK, there is a web 0.2 site you can look up03:20
ShadowJKso google built up a rough idea of where CellIDs are located03:21
SpeedEvilcheck that03:21
asjShadowJK: makes sense really, would be very worthwhile to build maps03:21
SpeedEvilit's _deeply_ broken03:21
LiraNunadoes power kernel work for anyone with PR1.2?03:21
ShadowJKdon't have that here, all there is is incomplete databases by people "wardriving" :)03:21
iPeter-SpeedEvil: You dont have any clue how that "system info" could be done on that vid what i linked?03:21
threshat least it boots here03:21
SpeedEviliPeter-: You find the right desktop widget, and install it03:22
SpeedEviliPeter-: can you screengrab it - I can't do youtube ATM03:22
iPeter-Oh sorry, didnt remember :E03:22
iPeter- - Any1 know what systeminfo widget is used on 1min 40sec?03:23
iPeter-actually its shown on 0min 0sec ->03:23
SpeedEviliPeter-: Comment on video asking03:25
lcukn900moh its because im not around i have a week away with family :)03:25
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lcukn900but once again i cant sleep03:25
iPeter-SpeedEvil: I did, waiting for reply..03:25
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asj'What "sys info" widget you got on desktop? Cant find any. ' You can't find any system info widgets? Like the ip address and data monitor ones he has?03:26
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iPeter-asj: I mean exactly same widget as in that video is03:27
asjlooks like a series of widgets to me03:27
asjyoutube really has become the myspace for 201003:28
iPeter-asj: Well what widgets those would be?03:28
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lcukn900wow:  We're Sorry...The advertiser you clicked on has requested not to receive any visits from users outside of their market area.03:28
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lcukn900isnt that like failvertisement03:29
pigeoniPeter-: i'm not sure, but if i have to guess, maybe it's that command execution widget?03:29
iPeter-pigeon: I have been thinking it too, prolly it is conky or smthing?03:29
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ptlopendune is niiiiiiiiiiiice03:31
pigeonconky can't be a widget yet i think.03:31
iPeter-Hmm, dunno what it is..03:32
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pigeonbut you can definitely do what that video has with command execution widget.03:32
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pigeoncheck the wiki for command execution widget, it has a huge collection of scripts i think03:32
ptlmy post-PR1.2 N900 is über-nice, I love it.03:32
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MohammadAGhuman thinking/psychology sucks03:35
iPeter-pigeon: It seems to be this03:35
pigeondoes anyone know if there's any extra map i can get for the sygic mobile maps for regions that are not on the ovi store?03:35
MohammadAGptl, you only think it's that way :)03:35
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pigeonMohammadAG: human sucks in general03:35
ptlMohammadAG: what I think is that way?03:37
ptllol, ok03:37
pigeonnever get a human to do a machine's job...03:37
ptlPR1.2 took back my will to live03:37
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Macerptl: is that a good thing or a bad thing?03:38
LiraNunahow do you remove the MMS connection created by fMMS03:39
LiraNunawhen I select it, "Delete" is not available03:39
crashanddiewalk with a dead chicken around your n900 in counter-clockwise circles03:39
Macerheh. that's rough. LiraNuna did it even work for you?03:39
Maceri haven't tried it yet. my sister tried to send me an mms and i couldn't get one :/03:39
ptlMacer: make your own judgment :P03:39
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LiraNunafMMS didn't work for me03:40
ptlcrashanddie: what happens if you run clockwise instead?03:40
LiraNunaand my N900 keeps conencting to the MMS connection instead of the one I configured03:40
crashanddieptl: remember 1939?03:40
ptlok, counter-clockwise is better03:41
Macerit is connecting to your mms connection for internet access? :)03:42
Macerthat's just messed up03:42
Macerthere's always reflashing03:42
LiraNunaI don't feel like losing my data03:43
Macerwhich sucks but i'm sure will get the job done03:43
SpeedEvilthe APN list is somewhere in /etc03:43
LiraNunawill just removing the file work?03:43
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Termanagood morning03:44
SpeedEvil /etc/operator_settings03:45
LiraNunadamn that's a long list03:45
SpeedEvilI'm unsure if that's the right place to edit - there may be a better way03:45
SpeedEvilbut I'd start by backing it up - and nuking your ops mms03:46
LiraNunaI don't have a win machine to back up03:46
LiraNunaand I don't want to lose my contacts03:46
SpeedEvilumm - what?03:46
SpeedEvilcp operator_settings operator_settings.bak03:46
LiraNunabacking up the FILE03:47
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LiraNunaI thought you meant the phone03:47
cehtehphone would work too :P03:47
LiraNuna<LiraNuna> I don't have a win machine to back up <LiraNuna> and I don't want to lose my contacts03:48
cehtehwin machine?03:48
LiraNunabackup won't work on Linux03:48
* cehteh uses rsync :)03:48
cehteh+ git to version some important files03:50
* luke-jr uses git for his maildir03:50
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LiraNunawhy isn't it possible to remove 3G connections?04:03
sobczykanyone knows how to emulate behaviour of virtual keyboard buttons with qt4 QPushButtons? (focus changes, when finger slides - similar in opera mobile)04:09
DassuLiraNuna: If you mean to force n900 to use 2G. Yes it is possible.04:13
LiraNunano, I got two 3G connections04:13
LiraNunaone's called T-mobile04:13
LiraNunaother called MMS04:13
LiraNunamy phone tries to connect to 'MMS' automatically04:13
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LiraNunaI don't want the MMS connection and removing fMMS didn't really work04:13
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DocScrutinizerslap frals04:17
b-man|laptop~slap frals04:17
* infobot slaps frals, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!04:17
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GAN900LiraNuna, fAPN04:21
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GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, usually 24-48 hours.04:29
GeneralAntillesand, yes, it's X-Fade.04:29
GeneralAntillesSo it depends on his workload.04:29
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, also, ping?04:29
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GeneralAntillesHuh, STMicro is gonna make an A9 SoC.04:42
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infobotDocScrutinizer: thanks05:09
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dsfis the debian chroot worth the extra effort?05:14
Ken-Youngdsf, I certainly think it is.05:14
Ken-Youngdsf, It's worth it just to have a real bash and standard utilities, rather than busybox.05:15
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dsfyes, it would appear so05:32
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DocScrutinizererr, I got real bash on /maemo05:46
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DocScrutinizerI also got a set of 'real' tools, just in a separate path which is quite on head of $PATH, so it won't conflict with system boot where both busybox and real tools will cause init to break and device not booting up05:48
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dsfKen-Young: did it take >= 15 minutes for your debian-m5-v3d.img.ext2.lzma to extract05:49
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dsfit's only 300+MB, but this is on an armv7 so, hmm.05:49
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DocScrutinizerbtw there's even a mandb pkg now, courtesy mohammadAG :-)05:51
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CutMeOwnThroatthe time is running out of sync on my N810... and I can re-set it to the correct one with ntpd, but it seems the correction is lost on shutdown07:17
CutMeOwnThroatso I guess are there two different clocks like with pc hardware? If so, how does one sync the system time to the internal clock07:18
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RST38hEHLO indeed08:12
slonopotamusRST38h: hehe08:15
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pjs_is there a better chan than #maemo to discuss sdk (scratchbox) related issues?08:19
slonopotamuspjs_: unlikely08:20
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RST38hpjs: #maemo is the right place but only few people can help you with that08:23
RST38hscratchbox is evil08:23
RST38hslono: Yea, somewhat like this08:23
pjs_well, this isn't really sb related, im using the sb sdk, it works fine08:23
pjs_the problem is related to the state of the xephyr display08:24
pjs_i assume that not all software from the 1.2 firmware is installed in the sdk version08:24
pjs_but i am missing some stuff that i would expect, like the integrated fb chat08:24
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pjs_and am now wondering if i do in fact have 1.2 installed in sb08:25
RST38hwhat you see in your xephyr is a simulation, it is not necessarily supposed to look the same08:25
pjs_i would expect it to be mostly the same, minus wifi/cell/gps radio stuff08:26
pjs_i mean, they are the same packages just built for a different arch08:26
petteriif your sb is up-to-date, you should have the right packages08:28
pjs_well apt-get upgrade/dist-upgrade suggests i am up to date08:28
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pjs_i was hoping lsb_release -a would tell me that i am on pr1.2 but it does not08:29
pjs_anyways, its not like i need anythign that is missing, i was just suspicious when i didn't see the fb or skype protocols in the voip and im accounts control panel08:31
pjs_figured i would probe the irc people to see if i am missing something obvious08:31
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pjs_i have another question, unrelated to what i am working on now, but came across earlier today08:32
pjs_is there any way to get the qt-mobility libs/headers into the madde environment?08:33
pjs_or do we just wait for a madde that contains them?08:33
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dsfthis debian chroot seems disturbing in some ways, useful in others.08:45
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LiraNunaI wish Ovi store took PayPal08:53
LiraNunaI don't feel like filling all of those details on my phone08:53
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* Flandry_away yawns09:00
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viliny_wheres the jurassic rollercoaster game ? can't see it in ovi store at all09:04
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LiraNunahow exactly should I create an account if they tell me to cancel?09:22
LiraNunaI'm now in an infinite loop of 'cancel' and 'add email', 'register' and all over again09:22
LiraNunawhat am I doing wrong?09:22
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valdynLiraNuna: is the nokia messaging account created already?09:25
LiraNunaI'm trying - I'm inputing my phone number, selecting N900 and it says 'already installed'09:25
LiraNunathen I follow and press 'cancel' and it asks me to register09:26
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LiraNunainfinite loop time!09:26
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Lazy^hello, is there .docx viewer for n90009:33
ham5that could be09:34
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Surfaor doesn't the preinstalled viewer support docx too?09:34
Surfa(trial only, i know)09:34
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vallhallahello all09:48
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Stskeepsmorning andre__10:01
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andre__heja Stskeeps!10:04
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pupnikn900 speaker fixed with hair dryer10:24
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kruttohi pupnik10:25
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pupnikoops no, crackling out again10:25
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tybolltprod him10:36
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tybolltall this because I farted? :(10:44
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* noobmonk3y farts10:48
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Po0ky.w 2810:50
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* frals slaps noobmonk3y around a bit with a large trout10:52
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KhertanHi !10:53
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fralsmornin Khertan10:54
Khertanmoo frade10:54
Khertanmoo frals10:54
Khertanit s too early :)10:54
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noobmonk3ymorning Khertan10:55
noobmonk3y4 mins10:55
noobmonk3ystill in bed10:55
Khertanhello noobmonk3y10:55
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tybolltsacre bonjour khertan!10:55
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zomgHi, I have an N900 here which I'd like to check whether it has 1.1 or 1.210:56
zomgI found a version string from About Product but I don't know what it should say =)10:57
noobmonk3yzomg,  installed healthcheck?10:57
Khertantybollt, salutations !10:57
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jacekowskiis it possible to undelete call history?10:57
zomgnoobmonk3y: No but I can do that if it will show which version I have10:57
noobmonk3yit will do :)10:57
jacekowskii mean, couple calls has been deleted from history, is it possible to undelete them?10:57
zomgCool, thanks10:57
noobmonk3y10.2010.19-1 = 1.2 though10:57
noobmonk3y3.2010.02-8 = 1.110:58
zomgYeah then it seems to be 1.1 :)10:58
noobmonk3y(+ some variations)10:58
noobmonk3ysorry 1.1.110:58
noobmonk3y2.2009.51-1 = 1.110:58
* noobmonk3y has too many numbers in his head10:59
* noobmonk3y waves bye!10:59
noobmonk3y1 min to work10:59
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Khertandoes i didn't see in the last news that ovi store was updated ? it still require vat number ... :(10:59
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fralsis it just me or does seem fairly static? fAPN has been there for ages at least11:08
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jacekowskiit's top25 downloads11:12
jacekowskiso it will be static11:12
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fralstop25 downloads? you mean like ?11:13
jacekowskithat page is based on amount of downloads forever11:13
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fralsand the difference between the 2 pages is? O_o11:15
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ham5make -j211:25
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zashmake -j $(($(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) + 1))11:26
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tybolltehr yeah11:32
tybolltmake -j ona smartphone11:33
tybolltgood grief11:33
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pupnikplease do not update libboost to a newer version. newer is much slower11:40
jscinozI'm trying to install the SDK but I'm having issues...11:40
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pupnikhi jscinoz11:40
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jscinozI have set up scratchbox, but if i try install the sdk, it fails to get  'maemo-sdk-rootstrap_5.0_10.2010.09-3_armel.tgz' from the server with 404, is my installer outdated maybe? or is the file missing from the server11:42
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jscinozah sorry nevermind, i am stupid :P wget a new installer form the site and it looks for a different file now (mine was old)11:42
jscinozthanks for your time anyway11:42
pupnikgood news11:43
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auenfheh, personal data counter is couting my mms'11:57
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smokuanother day - another autobuilder problem... :D12:04
pupnikmornin smoku .. whats cooking?12:04
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smokuglobulation 212:08
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TomaszDzaheerm, ping12:16
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smokupupnik: todays problem is actually quite cute ;)
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tybolltsmoku: FAIL12:26
joppugitorious isn't generating any tarballs for me :/12:28
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noobmonk3yw00t_: question in tmo for you - 2) What is the widget used to show posts which you can cilck on (similar to facebrick, witter etc). Im using qtextbrowser which is quite useless.12:39
noobmonk3ynopt from me, but i'm replying to the other half of the question12:39
noobmonk3yso can chuck your answer in too :P12:39
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lardmangooood moaning12:59
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noobmonk3yeeeek meeting - back laters13:00
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breakd0wnhi, does anyone have any info on what the "latest" vanilla emmc is?13:12
breakd0wnwhat has changed in it13:12
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mvait is no libqt4-qt3support-4.6.2 for fremantle (and fremantle/sdk too) in repository! latest is
mvacan anybody explain, why it is no 4.6.2 version?13:17
Appiahshould there be?13:18
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alteregoDoes anyone else get annoyed when so called "tech" journalists write complete rubbish?13:19
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meceI do.13:19
Appiah mva13:19
mvaAppiah, yep13:20
mvaand diff it with
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mvait IS 4.6.2 version for "core", but it ISN'T for "qt3support"13:21
mvaand, i interested, why13:21
Appiahit's 4.6.2 core for PR1.213:21
Appiah4.5.3 for PR1.x13:22
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Appiahqt3support is just lagging behind13:23
Appiah(my bet)13:23
mvai know, that 4.6 in 1.2, and 4.5 in 1.x, but i want build package, that requires qt3support for 1.2, and i cant do that due to unexistance qt3support-4.6.2 for maemo ;(13:24
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Shapeshifteris it safe to use bash-setup to set it as the default shell? and what would I need to do to safely set zsh as the default shell?13:29
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mvaShapeshifter, i set zsh not exactly default shell, i just write something like this into my ~/.profile (and /root/.profile): if [[ ${TERM} == "xterm" ]]; then exec zsh; fi;13:32
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mvaand when i starting xterm i get zsh cmd-line ;)13:32
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Shapeshiftermva: interesting. btw, does zsh work flawlessly for you? I can't get it to work right, e.g. it doesn't know promt and promtinit if I don't manually source the functions from /usr/share13:34
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mvaShapeshifter, yep, it works flawlessly (also, i was build 4.3.10 myself some time ago and using it)13:35
mvaand, i've my own /etc/zsh/zshrc from desktop ;)13:36
Shapeshiftermva: could you please paste me that zshrc?13:37
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MohammadAGNot again :/ /scratchbox/tools/bin/sh: line 1: scripts/basic/fixdep: No such file or directory13:42
mikki-kunMohammadAG: what dies that mean?13:45
psycho_oreosany of you guys built dpkg-dev?13:46
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sivangbattery out warrning should be more before it dies13:51
sivangin the middle of the conversation :)13:51
sivangI wonder if there's a bug for that already?13:51
sivangso I got no warning this time, and it just died on me while conversing13:51
mvaShapeshifter, aaaargh! pastebinit don't want to paste on N900 ;(13:51
sivangalso, we need to fix the odd behavior when powering on the device13:52
sivangafter a battery drain out and connecting to power outlet.13:52
sivangI never seem to get the sequqnce of presses to bring the device up in a predictable way :)13:53
MohammadAGpastebinit is broken13:53
SpeedEvilsivang: It depends.13:53
mvaMohammadAG, and what is alternatives?13:53
SpeedEvilsivang: It's actually moderately predictable.13:54
SpeedEvilsivang: from a early hardware POV13:54
SpeedEvilsivang: When the user presses the button, or the voltage passes n volts, it boots the kernel.13:54
SpeedEvilsivang: The confusion is softwares fault13:54
mvaMohammadAG, you suggest to post long file by hands?13:55
SpeedEvilIt can be apparantly 'off' - when it's really in _act_dead_ state.13:55
sivangSpeedEvil: ah13:55
SpeedEvilWhich is booted, and waiting in a shell-script for the battery to come to an OK state13:55
sivangSpeedEvil: yes, that's what I've seen13:55
MohammadAGmva, I added 400 spaces in a control file for an icon once, so... yeah, I'm that kind of person :)13:55
MohammadAGmanually btw13:55
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sivangSpeedEvil: let's add some progress indication , what do you say?13:56
sivangSpeedEvil: fix that bit of user experience13:56
SpeedEvilsivang: progress indication adds battery use13:56
sivangSpeedEvil: but when you are plugged, it is okay no?13:56
SpeedEvilI would say a flashing red/green to indicate 'very low battery, charging'13:56
sivangSpeedEvil: on the small led?13:56
SpeedEvilIt can't boot immediately with a very low battery13:56
sivangSpeedEvil: okay, I wanna do this, how to follow?13:57
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sivangSpeedEvil: which package to midfy ?13:57
SpeedEvilyou need to edit the scripts in /etc13:57
sivangSpeedEvil: and they will allow me to control the led?13:57
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sivangSpeedEvil: well, essentially, I do need to modify the package delivering the respective /etc script13:58
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sivangSpeedEvil: this implies that the system always runs off the battery, even when plugged13:59
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phellarvWhich is best - batterywize - Haze, Pecan og Butterfly?13:59
sivangSpeedEvil: is this a hardware constraint/ design ?13:59
sivangphellarv: what are those?14:00
phellarvTelepathy plugins for MSN14:00
sivangphellarv: ah14:00
sivangI personall prefer Pecan nuts14:00
SpeedEvilsivang: mce controlls LED14:00
SpeedEvilsivang: BME does battery charging14:01
phellarvSome of my friends wants to reach me by MSN, and those three are the different options I have.14:01
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sivangSpeedEvil: okay, once it is connected I will ssh there and check this out14:01
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phellarvAnd I remember sometime ago that there was a discussion on which was best for a phone.14:01
SpeedEvilLook at /etc/event.d/bme /etc/event.d/rcS-late14:01
sivangSpeedEvil: also, either the power button nor the show display button on the side act predictivly14:01
mvaShapeshifter, ^_^14:02
sivangSpeedEvil: If I come with a patch will it be shipped by Nokia?14:02
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SpeedEvilsivang: I don't know.14:02
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SpeedEvilAnd yes - the battery is in parallel with the charger - and the system is connected across both14:02
sivangSpeedEvil: I am asking because it is unlikely people will install this withouot the official stamp14:02
SpeedEvilIn normal use, the charger is on.14:03
SpeedEvilI know that there have been user-submitted mods to the init scripts accepted as patches14:03
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sivangSpeedEvil: if the system is connected through both, why can't why just consum outlet until battery is okay and then do display a progress indication or some sort of user friendly text?14:03
SpeedEvil(or more accurately, the charger is turned on and off to maintain the 'charged' voltage)14:03
sivangSpeedEvil: the led is already used so much in telepathy so it can gete confusing.14:03
SpeedEvilIn some cases, the battery has to be charged slowly14:03
SpeedEvilAnd in others, you can only draw a small amount of power through the USB port14:04
sivangSpeedEvil: I want to cater fro the case when I'm connected to the power outlest14:04
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sivangSpeedEvil: so given I can, provide as much info about waht's happening so the user will not bang head and curse :)14:05
sivangSpeedEvil: in more then 60% of times , I think people will charge the device through the power outlet instead of USB14:05
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SpeedEvilIn the case of a very low battery, the battery will take some time to be charged to a state where you can safely start the UI.14:05
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SpeedEvilThe battery should not usually get to this level though.14:06
sivangSpeedEvil: so if power consumption is constraind, use led, if not do some bootsplash msg14:06
SpeedEvilthat's what flashing yellow means14:06
sivangSpeedEvil: but only if I am not connected to an outlet14:06
SpeedEvilflashing yellow means charging14:06
sivangSpeedEvil: yes, but it does so only after it succeded boot14:06
SpeedEvilpower supply is constrained by not being able to - for safety reasons - charge the battery immediately14:06
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sivangSpeedEvil: and I always get to this state with my device, of so low battery14:07
sivangSpeedEvil: in about 5-6 hours14:07
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sivangSpeedEvil: I'm reading, very interesting.14:08
sivangSpeedEvil: a normal user does ot want to enter wiki pages to understand what his phone is doing.14:09
sivangSpeedEvil: just a note :)14:09
sivangSpeedEvil: and he couldn't care less why/how/security percautions14:09
SpeedEvilbut if you want to alter it, you need to know the above14:10
sivangSpeedEvil: "It should just work (tm)"14:10
puphomeit is a computer, camera, radio, radio transmitter.  why call it a phone14:10
sivangSpeedEvil: I will :-)14:10
sivangthank you SpeedEvil !14:10
sivangSpeedEvil: the note about the user was wrt to the flashing colors of the N900 disco machine14:10
crashanddieoh for fuck's sake14:10
crashanddiewhy the hell do people do validation against phone numbers14:10
matthew-any1 here from the UK?14:10
SpeedEviland the service manual14:11
sivangSpeedEvil: I would like to provide a splash for the user until the system start the booting splash14:11
crashanddieyes, my number begins with "09" it's a bloody VoIP number, bastards14:11
crashanddiematthew-: quite a few, why do you ask?14:11
SpeedEvilsivang: The user is assumed to read the manual - which is on the device - a document.14:11
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SpeedEvilmatthew-: yes, I am from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.14:12
matthew-crashanddie: need someone to call vodafone to call me14:12
sivangSpeedEvil: so that's probably the same with iPhone, you need to read the manual as they are probably facing the same issues with power outage.14:12
SpeedEvilumm - why?14:12
* sivang likes the UK14:12
SpeedEvilmatthew-: Sorry - I'm having problems with phone credit ATM. landline is down - I have stuff connected to it to attempt to diagnose DSL isue14:13
sivangSpeedEvil: Whereabouts in the UK are you?14:13
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SpeedEvilFife, Scotland.14:14
sivangSpeedEvil: oh Scotland is so cool, Been the Glasgow and Edinburgh14:14
infobotsivang meant: SpeedEvil: oh Scotland is so cool, Been to Glasgow and Edinburgh14:15
sivangSpeedEvil: would have stayed much longer had I not have to go back.14:16
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sivangbtw, all the eye candy and UI kinetics is delivered through Compiz or its version there of right? or is there some other layer that does this for N900/Maemo ?14:21
sivangor compiz.fusion14:21
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MaikBhey guys14:23
MaikBdoes witter work with identica for someone?14:23
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TomaszDzaheerm, ping14:25
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puphomeno sivang14:26
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puphomethe windowmanager does compositing, but isn't compiz14:26
sivangpuphome: cool, that's something I've been meaning to ask for a while, so what is it?14:27
Cy8aerMaikB: Do you have this Error 500 problem with witter?14:27
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MaikBi just 'rm -rf ~/witter*´ed and reentered my identica credentials.  Now I don't get the Server error 500 anymore, but it keeps trying to get the timeline without success14:29
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SpeedEvilMaikB: I'd hit it with tcpdump14:31
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Cy8aerMaikB: did you run it from console with python2.5 /opt/witter/ You will have some verbose stuff on the console. Looks like a missing / or so. dwould is doing some stuff with it: ff. But it is not running for me either.14:32
Cy8aerMaikB last "stable" version for me is 0.3.3-214:33
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puphomesivang: hildon-desktop is the term, i believe14:33
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zaheermTomaszD, pong14:42
infobotsomebody said flashing was
MaikBis there a command line binpaste tool in the repos?14:45
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MaikBi've got a.meaningful log14:46
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smokusivang: window manager is built-in hildon-desktop - it uses clutter library to do the fancy graphics stuff14:46
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sivangpuphome: so hildon-desktop the composite manager?14:49
SpeedEvildiddn't work for me14:49
SpeedEvilsivang: yes14:49
sivangSpeedEvil: interesintg. I was we were using compiz, but maybe it is not perofrmant enough for embedded14:50
SpeedEvilhildon-desktop does the task switcher14:50
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MaikBgreat, pastebinit gives just as the result14:53
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inzMaikB, maybe they're using magic to identify the paste!14:53
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SpeedEvilMaikB: more importantly, it soesn't seem to actually paste14:56
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MaikBhere we go14:59
MaikBit contains:  raise TwitterError("User must be specified if API is not authenticated.")14:59
zashraise Hell15:00
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MaikBmy guts tell me that this is an identica only issue cuz the dev is a twitter guy15:01
Shapeshiftermva: thanks15:02
MaikBalternatives to witter ( which are using right now and not just read about )15:02
MaikBzash: whats the matter?15:04
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MaikBwitter is a client indeed15:04
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zashI thougt this was another channel not related to software dev and concluded that it must have been a misspelling15:04
MaikBah, ok15:05
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TomaszDX-Fade, I've dished out some maintainership requests, where do these go to?15:05
MaikBso let me rephrase my rquestion:15:06
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MaikBwhich identi.15:06
Cy8aerMaikB: Mauku should (?)15:07
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MaikBwhich identica clients, that actually work, are there?15:07
Cy8aerMaikB: But that was more horrible than witter :-(15:07
MaikBCy8aer, are u using it right now?15:07
MaikBi tried it yesterday, did do anything15:08
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* MaikB ditches himself15:09
Cy8aerI am using 0.3.3-2 because >= 0.3.3-3 I have this Error 500 bug. I have an own server running, so I selected "Other". http(s)://servername/statusnet/api/ <-- the "/" is important.15:09
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Cy8aerSo it should be as an "identica"-server.15:09
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Cy8aerMaikB: No oAuth (that works with twitter only?) so username and password must be edited into the preferences form. And keep in mind that Python text inputs have the first letter upper case.15:11
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MaikBi have 0,15:12
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MaikBso its broken15:13
Cy8aerMaikB: You will have weird results if your password begins with a lower case letter - so you need to edit around the first letter. 0.3.3-9 does not work for me with a server. Last 0.3.3-2. right15:13
MaikBi think i just wait then15:14
MaikBto bad15:14
Cy8aerMaikB: 0.3.3-2 -> upper: the only difference I can see is the portrait mode (and bug fixing)15:15
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MaikBa lesson i learned from using  linux on the desktop for 5+ years: if something does work leave it alone unless you want to get involved15:16
MaikBI'm no friend of workarounds15:16
Cy8aerMaikB: Me too but I am talking to the developer (talk thread) ;-)15:17
MaikBCy8aer, so you are getting involved. Thanks for your efforts!15:18
Cy8aerMaikB: I hope this thingie is fixed in the next days.15:18
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MaikBIz looking forward to it15:19
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mecenice and fast action there mods :)15:26
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ShapeshifterI wonder what's eating my rootfs. 3mb per day.15:28
MaikBtmp dir, just a guess15:29
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crashanddieShapeshifter: do you have a cat, or a rat?15:30
MaikBor /var15:30
Shapeshiftercrashanddie: I have bugs15:31
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alteregoThass the UI so far,15:32
GeneralAntillesalterego, what theme?15:32
meceShapeshifter, LOL good one.15:33
mecealterego, damn. Carbon looks VERY nice. Where can I get it?15:34
mecealso, the application, where can I get that?15:34
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alteregomece: when I've finished it it'll be in extras-devel :)15:37
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alteregomece: Carbon is in the extras-testing I believe.15:37
mecealterego, what are you writing it in?15:39
alteregomece: backend is python + dbus + telepathy, frontend is python + dbus + telepathy + PySide15:39
mecealterego, how much is done?15:39
meceuuh which category are themes under?+15:40
alteregomece: 80% just need to write the configuration format and daemonize the backend, then debianize.15:40
alteregoNot bad for a days work I think :)15:41
meceah, desktop, duh.15:41
mecealterego, wow. Sweet.15:41
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alteregoI was suprised how well the backend actually works, updates occur on friends clients after roughly 2-5 seconds.15:42
MaikBalterego, python?15:42
alteregoMaikB: indeed.15:42
MaikBalterego, python?15:43
MaikBalterego, pyqt or gtk?15:43
crashanddiegood grief the bollocks you have to read these days15:43
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alteregoMaikB: PySide (qt)15:43
crashanddie"Streaming offers better quality than peer to peer, considering that peer to peer exchanges copies which are not perfect. Streaming however distributes master copies"15:43
alteregocrashanddie: wtf?! :D15:44
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sivangalterego: what version of PySide did you use? latest source stable?15:44
alteregosivang: what ever is on the device under PR1.215:44
crashanddiealterego: I'm tempted to go and shoot the guy who wrote that15:44
MaikBalterego, encontered any bugs you had to work around?15:44
mececrashanddie, OMGWTFLOL?!?15:44
alteregoMaikB: not really no.15:44
sivangalterego: ah I see, I didn't realize there was a PySide release there.15:44
sivangalterego: still alot is missing from the source API no?15:45
alteregoMaikB: as you can see though, it's not exactly a complicated UI ;)15:45
MaikBis the current maemo release still based on boost?15:45
MaikBalterego,  i c :)15:45
alteregosivang: not sure, it's my first Python+PySide app, very simple, a line edit, some check buttons and a dialog+dialog button box.15:45
alteregoOh and a scroll area15:45
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mecealterego, pyside is so so sweet.15:46
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sivangalterego: cool, I'm just looking to collect usage and code examples for PySide.15:46
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sivangalterego: I'll check carbon out15:46
alteregoWell, I designed the UI in Nokia Qt SDK, then wrote it manually in Python once I was happy with how it looked on the device.15:47
alteregoI'm thinking of using gconf for configuration ..15:47
MaikBi use boost.python  myself and was very surpised when i figured pyside uses it, cuz gcc produced massive binaries when C++ templates are used15:47
sivangalterego: may I advice against it? :)15:47
meceooooooo carbon is purrty15:48
alteregosivang: you can, but I think it's going to be the easiest for me tbh :/15:48
sivangMaikB: PySide trunk does not use it anymore15:48
sivangMaikB: uses shiboken15:48
sivangMaikB: I thik there's even a released tarballs for shiboken15:48
MaikBsivang, i know, see what i wrote above15:48
MaikBmy question was if the current version still uses boost15:49
alteregoMaikB: afaik, yes.15:49
mecealterego, why not just a csv?15:49
sivangMy guess is that pr1.2 shipped one uses it15:49
alteregomece: I suppose I could use a CSV15:49
sivangalterego: or use the ini file conf15:50
alteregosivang: that was my original idea, ini type file.15:50
sivangalterego: there's a very cool module to use such foramt15:50
sivangalterego: stdlib15:50
MaikBsivang, thx15:50
alteregosivang: still looking at it now "ConfigParser" I actually use it in the app already to parse some telepathy config files.15:50
sivangalterego: there you go, I was stupid enough to reimplement some of its functionality just to discover there's something like that already, abck in 200415:51
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DocScrutinizerfrom a random log:15:53
DocScrutinizerdpkg - warning: downgrading kernel-modules from 2.6.28-20101501+0m5 to 2.6.28-20100903+0m5.15:53
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DocScrutinizerthe 20101501 kernel is supposed to be older than the 2010090315:54
DocScrutinizerare some blockheads using a YYYYDDMM scheme here?15:54
thresh15th month yay15:55
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alteregoDocScrutinizer: that would seem obvious from a '15' month? :D15:56
DocScrutinizeryeah, but alas it's obviously not so obvious to the "is greater than" test in some install scripts, package rdepends, and whatnot15:57
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DocScrutinizerit's a braindamaged idea to use YYYYDDMM for a version string (or for anything, to be honest)15:58
alteregoDocScrutinizer: I whole-heartedly agree ..15:58
smokudpkg-buildpackage throws warnings when detecting descending version number in changelog15:58
smokuso it's even more serious error15:59
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MohammadAGold: kernel (2.6.28-20101103) unstable; urgency=low15:59
MohammadAGnew: kernel (2.6.28-20101501) unstable; urgency=low15:59
threshwell, maybe a typo?16:00
MohammadAGin a kernel source?16:00
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jaskasounds more like YYYYWWRR (r = revision?)16:01
jaskaor YYYYWWDD ( day of week)16:01
DocScrutinizerwell, that doesn't pan out then16:01
DocScrutinizeras the higher week-of-year is supposed to be the older kernel16:01
summelohhh i hate the bugs in the pr1.2 browser >_>16:02
DocScrutinizerat least I'm told it is the older one16:02
MohammadAGhuge (kind of) paste16:03
MohammadAGkernel (2.6.28-20101501) unstable; urgency=low16:04
MohammadAG  * Fixes: NB#162856 - Camera: Support alternative SSL3250A flash controller16:04
MohammadAG -- Eugene Lyubimkin <>  Wed, 14 Apr 2010 09:06:17 +030016:04
MohammadAGkernel (2.6.28-20101103) unstable; urgency=low16:04
MohammadAGit didn't paste the empty line breaks, cool16:04
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Scelt - funnyy16:04
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asj__MohammadAG: it sounds like 20101501 fixes 2010110316:05
asj__so I would assume week 15, rev 1 fixes week 11 rev 3.16:05
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: that's loking quite funny, but what will it teach us?16:05
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, just pasted it to show which one is older16:06
smokuDocScrutinizer: ok. you downgraded the kernel. but what's the problem?16:06
DocScrutinizerok, but how to read that gibberish?16:06
DocScrutinizersmoku: I didn't downgrade anything16:07
GAN900Piece of shit16:07
GAN900It's like PR1.2 was designed to break things16:07
crashanddieGAN900: what now?16:07
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, first line is the version number, lines starting with * are changes, -- is a signature-like line (with a timestamp)16:07
DocScrutinizersmoku: I'm rising a general issue here, that I've been told of16:07
asj__you guys whine more than a 3 year old16:07
* asj__ goes to bed16:07
MohammadAGit goes from new to old going downwards16:07
GAN900crashanddie, lost my data connection again16:08
smokuDocScrutinizer: and the issue is?16:08
MohammadAGVersion numbers shouldn't be made like that...16:08
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GAN900Which is extra great when I have a meeting I want a log for on here.16:08
DocScrutinizerasj__: you tell more shit than my granpa16:08
crashanddieGAN900: I can log, give me channel16:08
Shapeshifterof the two or three ways of opening doc/docx files on the n900, which one do you consider best?16:08
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GAN900crashanddie, I can pull up screen16:08
GAN900It's just a goddamn pain in the ass.16:09
smokuDocScrutinizer: as long the developers find it usefull, whats the problem with using large numbers?16:09
asj__DocScrutinizer: heh, if you spent less time complaining and more time listening...ah never mind16:09
DocScrutinizersmoku: dunno, tell me! wo said there's a problem in using large numbers??16:10
smoku[15:07:54] <DocScrutinizer> smoku: I'm rising a general issue here, that I've been told of16:10
DocScrutinizerso ... what?16:10
smokunuthin' EOT16:10
crashanddieGAN900: chill, take a pill.16:11
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: if it's "going new to old downwards" then the collation order of version strings is sane, no?16:12
GAN900crashanddie, mmmm16:12
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crashanddieGAN900: breathe, and enjoy beautiful pictures:
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: what you are telling me, is 2.6.28-20101501 is *NEWER* than 2.6.28-20101103, not older. That looks perfectly sane, no problem in this then16:15
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crashanddieDocScrutinizer: obviously 20101501 is newer than 20101103. We all know that the 15th month of the year comes after the 11th, duh.16:20
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BCMM*perfectly* sane16:20
korhojoaof course.16:21
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: well, I've been told differently. So I thought it's YYYYDDMM16:21
korhojoawho in their right mind would put months/days the wrong way around16:21
korhojoait's either YYYYMMDD for archives or DDMMYYYY for written stuff16:21
crashanddieiso standard is yyyymmdd (or yyyy-mm-dd), logical and works fine for order by name.16:22
DocScrutinizernow MohammadAG pasted some changelog or whatever to proove the 201015 version actually *is* newer than the 201011 version. So my previous info was erratic, and the whole topic is moot16:22
crashanddieyyyyddmm is stupid.16:22
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korhojoasomeone invented a month or three16:23
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: my statement, see above16:23
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crashanddiedecember, jenember, febrember and marchember.16:24
jannegkorhojoa: aks the us. they use mm/dd yy16:24
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korhojoai know, it's just not sane.16:24
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crashanddiejanneg: I believe 11th september was a conspiracy to get the world to use the mmdd format. 911 (or 9/11) means something to most educated people, even though they think in terms of ddmmyy16:25
korhojoa9/11 does mean something to people. to me it means that americans still can't do dates correctly16:26
korhojoait should be 11.916:26
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korhojoawhich incidentally is the emergency services number in some asian countries (eg. china)16:27
crashanddie911 is the emergency service number in the US ;)16:27
crashanddie112 in Europe, 000 in Australia, etc, etc16:27
MohammadAG112 in IL16:27
smokuwhy did you stick to the 15th month?  debian package number consists of opaque numbers separated with non number strings. every block is compared separately16:28
korhojoacrashanddie: i know.16:28
Ikaruscrashanddie: the 11th september is called just that here16:28
Ikarus112 is the international emergency number16:28
crashanddieyeah but IL is pretty much european anyway :P16:28
Ikarusworks everywhere these days except the USA16:28
smokuso it's obvious that 20101501 > 2010110316:28
korhojoaMohammadAG: IL? illinois?16:28
MohammadAGHint: whois my IP16:28
Ikaruskorhojoa: israel16:28
MohammadAGdamn you Ikarus :P16:28
korhojoahow is israel il ?16:28
Ikaruskorhojoa: official 2 letter ISO country codes16:29
crashanddiekorhojoa: first and last letter?16:29
korhojoai guess so16:29
Ikarus112 as universal emergency number is btw mandatory in GSM networks16:29
crashanddieIt gets funny when you try to email people in the ukraine. it's so easy to typo with .com.au16:29
korhojoawhat's strange though is that many nokia phones also accept 08 as an emergency number16:30
puphomerule 34.  linux
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crashanddiepuphome: she's fugly16:33
alteregoWell, finished the configuration UI, now for a shower :)16:33
BCMM_how did GB end up with .uk anyway?16:33
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crashanddieBCMM_: united kingdom?16:33
puphomerename it to NSGB16:33
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BCMM_crashanddie: ISO code is gb16:34
crashanddieBCMM_: except that gb isn't right16:35
crashanddieBCMM_: gb is just england + wales + scotland, and UK is GB + northern ireland16:35
BCMM_crashanddie: does NI have it's own iso code?16:35
crashanddieBCMM_: not that I'm aware of16:35
amigadave is helpful16:36
BCMM_crashanddie: ah, i misunderstood16:36
BCMM_indeed, GB does not correctly refer to northern island too16:36
BCMM_but it is the assigned ISO 3166 code for the lot16:37
crashanddieyup16:37 ISO code is one of a few minor deviations16:37
Ikarusno one ever said ccTLDs where identical to ISO16:37
Ikarusthen we couldn't have a ccTLD for the Palestine areas, Taiwan, etc16:38
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crashanddieSome french nuclear company tried to get a .va domain name, but vatican denied it... would've made avi.va16:39
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crashanddiedamn... iraq only provides .com.iq16:43
crashanddieI wanted to register negative.iq16:43
crashanddieanyway, off, 'later16:44
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puphomewhoah.  progress!  May release nearing playable16:51
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timeless_mbpthere's a .su ccTLD too fwiw17:02
ShapeshifterI usually just starve17:02
Shapeshifterwrong chan. was talking about nethack ^^17:03
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alteregoDoes anyone know of a settings plugin written in python?17:07
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alteregoI can't seem to find an example anywhere.17:07
wazd~seen vdvsx17:07
infobotvdvsx <~Valerio@Maemo/community/contributor/VDVsx> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 8d 20h 15m 18s ago, saying: 'Andy80, with support for the 770 :D'.17:07
fralshe was online last night wazd17:07
wazdfrals, oh, thanks :)17:08
fralsnp :)17:08
SceltI put on my hat and wizard rope17:08
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alterego~seen qwerty1217:11
infobotqwerty12 <n=faheem@Maemo/community/contributor/qwerty12> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 180d 19h 47m 39s ago, saying: 'Khertan: "As of hildon 2.2, HildonDialog has been deprecated in favor of GtkDialog. "'.17:11
alteregoErm ..17:11
Khertanhum ... back to sleep mode17:12
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alteregoDamnit, so there's no official python loader for settings applets :(17:17
alteregoWhich means I'm either going to have to make this stand alone, or maybe a status area or desktop plugin :/17:18
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GAN900180 days? Wow17:34
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joppuI updated to MADDE 0.6.72 and where is my /home/ -folder?17:36
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hmiltn5its not /home?17:38
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joppuwell, it's a fresh install and I can't seem to find home folder anywhere17:40
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MohammadAGX-Fade, ping17:46
X-FadeMohammadAG: Here17:46
X-FadeMohammadAG: Crap, forgot to check the approval list.17:47
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joppumaybe I just manually create those folder and it'll work?17:48
TomaszDX-Fade, do you know who approves maintainership requests on
X-FadeTomaszD: yes, me17:50
TomaszDe.g. there is one guy on decoders-support who I don't know, approved as a maintainer17:50
X-FadeTomaszD: Are you maintainer for the package?17:50
X-FadeTomaszD: Then you should be able to remove him ;)17:51
X-FadeTomaszD: Can you edit metadata on the package?17:51
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TomaszDwhere do I click here17:52
X-FadeTomaszD: In the midgard bar17:52
TomaszD"marek sladek" I don't know17:52
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TomaszDthe midgard bar does nothing for me17:53
TomaszDI can log out there17:53
TomaszDand look at online help17:53
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X-FadeTomaszD: Hmm under Page?17:53
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TomaszDnothing there, doesn't open17:53
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TomaszDfolder is the same17:53
X-FadeTomaszD: Hmm ok, need to work on that then ;) But anyway, *poof* ;)17:53
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TomaszDX-Fade, heh, ok. I also sent out a couple of requests for gstreamer packages to centralize the whole decoders-support dep mess17:54
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TomaszDhalf of those are maintained by zaheerm, the other by kulve17:55
TomaszDso if you're they guy who approves these requests, please do :P17:55
X-FadeTomaszD: Don't see those?17:55
TomaszDI click request17:56
TomaszDthen confirm17:56
TomaszDnothing happens, same page reloads17:56
TomaszDnothing says "request sent" or anything17:56
X-FadeI don't see your request, and you probably not either as it should be visible on the page then.17:57
TomaszDso chrome is evil? let's see ff17:57
TomaszDnothing happens in ff too17:58
TomaszDX-Fade, something is clearly broken :)17:59
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X-FadeTomaszD: Yeah, need to debug.17:59
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MohammadAGX-Fade, shall I close the bug?18:03
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X-FadeMohammadAG: Sure.18:05
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auenfwelp, need more angry birds levels, beat all 21 free ones with 3 stars each18:06
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GAN900It's impossible to answer the phone in PR1.218:08
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X-Fadeauenf: Go to ovi store and by the level pack?18:08
GAN900Your finger gets within a quarter inch of the screen and the green button becomes the red button18:09
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GAN900How does QA testing not pick something like that up?18:09
SpeedEvilHow do I dump SMSs in a readable format with all their metadata?18:09
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mc_teodoes maemo support local pacs?18:11
SpeedEvilOr more acuratey.18:11
SpeedEvilI have a SMS showing as the contacts name is 'NOKIA'18:11
SpeedEvilHow do I know what number this came from?18:11
mc_teoi dont think you can18:12
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X-FadeSpeedEvil: It is also possible to only send a name as ident, instead of a number.18:12
X-FadeSpeedEvil: If you have access to an SMSC.18:12
mc_teoit was probably sent via nokia pc to sms gateway18:12
mc_teoso what sort of proxies can i use?18:13
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SpeedEvilX-Fade: Sure - possibly.18:14
mc_teossh tunneling + socks5 config'd in FF was the only one that ever truly worked here18:14
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SpeedEvilIs there a way to dump the SMS database so I can see if this is the case?18:14
E0xthis really work ?18:14
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crashanddieSpeedEvil: yeah, what case exactly?18:14
E0xi read a thread about that but look like the head-set button don't get report withou the phone app18:15
crashanddieSpeedEvil: I wrote a few python scripts to search through sms18:15
fralsSpeedEvil: open el-v1.db in sqlitebrowser of choice?18:15
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SpeedEvilI forgot about that - I just submitted a bugreport about that too.18:15
* SpeedEvil sighs.18:15
* SpeedEvil tries to recall how to dump dbs.18:15
mc_teodoes maemo support local pacs?18:16
mgedminsqlite3 filename.db .dump > data.txt18:16
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SpeedEvilI was going through .help18:18
mc_teodoes maemo support local pacs?18:18
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mgedminwhat are 'pacs'?18:18
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mc_teoproxy automatic config18:19
mc_teoim open to other suggestions18:19
mc_teossh tunneling + socks5 config'd in FF was the only one that ever truly worked here18:19
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mc_teoand turning on socks proxy through about:config is a pain18:20
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mgedminI suppose...18:21
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mgedminon a regular Linux desktop you can configure the proxy for all GNOME apps via gconf18:22
mgedminI don't know if microB uses gconf for its proxy configuration18:22
mc_teoit doesnt18:22
mgedminI've never used proxies in maemo18:22
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mc_teosince its gnome specific18:22
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ZogGµTorrent is comming for linux18:23
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pexioohh nice18:24
mc_teoso anyone know about proxies in maemo?18:24
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crashanddieresistive support multi-touch, right?18:29
crashanddiethe meego tablet demos it, etc18:30
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mc_teoso anyone know about proxies in maemo?18:30
tybolltso Intel now producing Android gadets too?18:30
* tybollt ... _bit_ confused18:30
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BCMM_android runs on x86, or at least Atom, IIRC.18:32
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ZogGMohammadAG, have you read about Mercedes SLR exhibition in Te-Aviv?18:32
ZogGonly 75 cars in the world ? =)18:32
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mc_teoso anyone know about proxies in maemo?18:36
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GAN900DocScrutinizer, hopefully I can start collecting the dev info for the loans today.18:40
DocScrutinizerGAN900: cool18:41
DocScrutinizerI already fear my time window for sending in the repair repair (pwpbutton borked by Nokia) will expire18:42
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GAN900DocScrutinizer, isn't it 2 years?18:42
DocScrutinizeractually sth like 6 months, 2 years only for problems clearly caused by production18:43
DocScrutinizerand for claiming a faulty repair things are still a little bit different18:44
ZogGDocScrutinizer, you mean to give n900 back?18:44
GAN900He's switching to Android18:44
DocScrutinizerZogG: I don't mean that18:44
GAN900Because it's more hackable18:44
DocScrutinizerand I haven't said such thing18:45
GAN900and there's less overclocking. :P18:45
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GAN900DocScrutinizer, flip-flopping now, eh?18:45
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: flip-flopping?18:46
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ZogGnokia connecting people18:46
ZogGtoday so girl with phone like mine18:46
ZogGso started to talk18:46
ZogGas there are not a lot in my country18:46
ZogGgave her my number and facebook - but was stupid enuf not to tack hers =(((18:47
GAN900DocScrutinizer, changing your mind on switching to Android. :P18:47
DocScrutinizerGAN900: you make me sad, mate :-)18:47
GAN900DocScrutinizer, US political term used to describ a politician who reverse their stance on an issue repeatedly.18:47
ZogGdamn udev not mounting N90018:48
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* ZogG misses hal18:48
Tornehas anyone written a script to go through the package database and work out how much space each package uses on rootfs?18:48
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mc_teoso anyone know about proxies in maemo?18:49
mc_teo... im really getting annoyed now18:50
ZogGmc_teo i don't18:50
ZogGor you want everyone to say that the don't ?18:50
ZogGmc_teo, what exactly you want?18:50
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mc_teoZogG: just some info about proxies18:51
mhmhTorne: at the bottom there is a script that claims to do that18:51
mc_teoand really is there any sight of an app or anything to switch between proxies easily18:52
mc_teolike use a socks proxy when im in school18:52
mc_teoand direct when at home18:52
Tornemhmh: That's more or less what I was going to write, thanks ;)18:52
Tornesaves me doing it18:53
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andrewfblackanyone ever had any luck getting N900 to connect to a WPA-Enterprise server?18:54
arachnistandrewfblack: yes, i had18:54
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DocScrutinizermc_teo: you looked into "advanced" at end of intenet connection setup wizard?18:54
andrewfblackmy N900 keeps asking for WEP Key but server is suppose to be WPA-Enterprise18:54
povbot`Bug 2051: Unable to connect to EAP PEAP MSCHAPV2 without certificates18:55
ZogGmc_teo you probably can edit connections in settings18:55
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mc_teoDocScrutinizer: yes18:56
mc_teobut no option for socks18:56
mc_teoso i tried using a pac18:56
MohammadAGI need to overclock this PC...18:56
mc_teobut doesnt support local pacs either18:56
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MohammadAG10 minutes is way too much time to compile 6MBs (from 1 GB source)18:57
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: you need to build the *right* shit, with the right patches applied ;-P18:57
MohammadAGlet's hope I built the right shit then18:59
andrewfblackarachnist: no matter what still asks me for WEP key18:59
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DocScrutinizerandrewfblack: there's  a strange mess invented by microsoft that uses a wep connection and then negotiates some wpa key based on certificates, or sth like that. Maybe that's your problem?19:00
mhmhanyone been using the jabber plugin for conversations for muc? Would love to get the backlog support to work. Experimented abit and can't get it functioning. Stuck to using pidgin för that atm19:00
zashmhmh: define "backlog support"19:00
mc_teoso when you open it19:01
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mc_teoprevious conversations appear19:01
zashdefault behaviour is for the server to send stuff19:01
mc_teofaded out, like history19:01
MohammadAGwell, framebuffer didn't show up19:01
MohammadAGwell, framebuffer didn't show up19:01
andrewfblackDocScrutinizer: Most likely in my companys guide to connect using a windows mobile phone they tell you to set it to key provided by server.19:01
mc_teolike xchat19:01
mhmhzash: when i join a ejabberd server using pidgin it send me the stuf that's been typed in the channel when i was offline. but not when i activate it in conversations19:01
DocScrutinizerandrewfblack: yes, that's it19:01
zashmhmh: the problem beeing that telepathy fails on <delay/> stuffs19:02
andrewfblackDocScrutinizer: Still no luck with connection to this kind of server on N900?19:02
MohammadAGit was the right kernel, but the framebuffer console didn't show up19:02
MohammadAGguess they changed that too19:02
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DocScrutinizerandrewfblack: no idea. I'd think there should be some software on linux to handle that, but for sure it's rather complex to set up19:03
zashmhmh: is related19:03
povbot`Bug 24933: was not found.19:03
DocScrutinizerandrewfblack: and not included in the rather simplistic connection manager on N90019:03
zashpovbot`: you are bug 2493319:03
povbot`zash: Error: "you" is not a valid command.19:03
andrewfblackDocScrutinizer: wish I knew what kind of server it was called to help me search.  I guess N900 is going back in the draw thought I might have a use for it again if I could use it at work.19:05
calvarisX-Fade: are you who manages the autobuilder or do you know anything about it?19:05
mhmhzash: ok.. så know telepathy problem. saves me some time :)19:05
zashmhmh: the weird thing is, if it doesn't understand that it's backlog, it should just recive and display them as plain messages19:06
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mhmhzash: indeed.. got nothing at all while testing it a couple days ago. But guess i can live with using pidgin for a couple of days until i can have a closer look at it all19:09
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, is smartreflex related to framebuffer?19:10
mhmhzash: it was the last thing i had left to migrate over in communications to the phone ;)19:10
MohammadAGcause it's not showing up, and I'm sure it's the right kernel this time19:10
DocScrutinizerandrewfblack: in your help manual from company, there should some xxxxx.exe be mentioned which needs to be installed on the winmoob phone. This is a good keyword to find the corresponding article in microsoft knowledge base, which explains about the more generic protocols used in this stuff. With these protocols you might find the right linux tools to handle that19:10
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: not directly19:11
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andrewfblackDocScrutinizer: yeah it talks about an enroll.exe19:11
DocScrutinizerthat's it19:11
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GAN900andrewfblack, lamer19:12
DocScrutinizergoogle for that one, and you'll find the specs on MSDN or whatever it's called19:12
andrewfblackgood morning GAN900 :)19:13
GAN900Yo, andrewfblack.19:13
ZogGis media player widget opensource?19:13
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SpeedEvilAnyone here in the UK, with easy access to online phone billing?19:13
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SpeedEvilI mean - the online bill for their n900 phone account19:14
povbot`Bug 10506: 'My nokia' unsubscribe attempt costs money. This is in breach of the UK regulations on premium rate texts.19:14
SpeedEvilAm I totally misguided?19:14
ZogGi can't even subscribe19:14
SpeedEvilSure - but clicking on the button certainly does not give a clear indication of pricing beforehand.19:15
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DocScrutinizeralso I don't think unsubscribing may be billed at all19:15
SpeedEvilIt's not a recurring text message in the normal form I think.19:16
mc_teoi think its mean sending a message without warning19:16
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: first refuse paying it, contact your provider not to transfer the money to Nokia19:17
ZogGit's like with apps in Ovi19:17
ZogGwhen it says tax incl and it's not19:18
SpeedEvilIt's probably actually sybase, not nokia.19:18
ZogGSpeedEvil, it's ending msg19:18
ZogGto unsubscribe19:18
SpeedEvilZogG: As I understand it - it sends a free SMS to unsubscribe.19:18
ZogGthe question how much is it cost?19:18
SpeedEvilthis is sent to a premium rate phone provider19:18
ZogGSpeedEvil, free sms?19:18
DocScrutinizerthere's no free SMS19:18
ZogGSpeedEvil, i don't think so19:18
SpeedEvilthey send you back a reverse-charged premium rate SMS19:19
DocScrutinizerexcept to your carrier's service center19:19
ZogGSpeedEvil, don't think it works like that19:19
ZogGSpeedEvil, depends on provider19:19
ZogGi don't think we have such thing in our country at all19:19
SpeedEvilHowever - that is an inbound message. It's shown in the UI as an inbound message.19:19
SpeedEvilNo outbound message is listed.19:19
ZogGSpeedEvil, call ypur provider and ask him19:20
SpeedEvilI've emailed them.19:20
ZogGyou can ask qguil and get " but nokia is great answer" =)))19:20
ZogGSpeedEvil, emailing is wrong19:20
ZogGemail was invented to ignore people19:20
SpeedEvilIt's one of the manners they offer for contact.19:20
ZogGcall them on phone19:20
SpeedEvilthat would cost money.19:20
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SpeedEvilWhich kind of defeats the purpose of getting a refund.19:21
ZogGhere it works opposite19:21
ZogGwe prob can email but it takes years to get answer19:21
ZogGeasier to call19:21
ZogGas well as the call is free19:21
ZogGas example i have orange IL19:21
ZogGand it is all numbers starting 05419:21
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ZogGso if i call *054 - it's company and it's free call19:22
ZogGthere are free services as well19:22
ZogGfor account info and so on19:22
SpeedEvilOh - my mistake - it is a free call from the phone19:22
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ZogGSpeedEvil, have your bought n900 at shop or at phone company?19:23
ZogGby phone company i mean operator19:23
ZogGcontract to be certain19:23
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SpeedEvilI bought it from
SpeedEvilno contract19:24
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RST38hmoo all19:28
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andrewfblackI might be way off but it looks like to generate the WEP my company uses a radius server.  That provides the WEP for me just can't find a away to connect to it19:29
ZogGSpeedEvil you wouldn't get answer =))19:29
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ZogGRST38h \o19:30
DocScrutinizerHOSTMODE, finaly!!19:30
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DocScrutinizerall courtesy to sarahn, and her kernel patches19:31
* ZogG activated 19:31
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ZogGSara Connar?19:31
ZogGi have to find her19:31
DocScrutinizerwe'll need anothe maybe week to clean up kernel, and to implement a silly little gui to enable for 'normal users'19:31
ZogGdo you know that robocops Os was meego?19:32
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: time for a MWKN update, I guess ;-)19:32
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, beat me to it19:33
GAN900DocScrutinizer, oh?19:33
* ZogG beats MohammadAG 19:33
MohammadAGand thanks to DocScrutinizer for the VBUS19:33
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DocScrutinizerand for swinging the whip, to make you go ahead right direction ;-P19:34
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ZogGi'm gonna sleep for several hours19:36
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GAN900DocScrutinizer, who needs attribution?19:38
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: uh?19:41
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GAN900DocScrutinizer, when I write up the summary, who should I note as having contributed to the success?19:41
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DocScrutinizerthe major work been done by sarahn in her kernel patches, though a lot of people were almost there as well, e.g javispedro. We discussed the whole thing on tmo thread (see above), so it's basically a success story of the hostmode taskforce team as on tmo thread last 10 pages, and in #maemo-hostmode-discussion19:43
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG tested sarahn's / tealbird's patches today, added his own ones inspred by me suggesting to kick a lot of useless OTG crap19:44
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BCMM_DocScrutinizer: as in USB host mode?19:44
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MohammadAG"Inspired by me" I lol'd19:45
GAN900DocScrutinizer, OK.19:45
* MohammadAG gives DocScrutinizer his beer, he doesn't drink anyways19:45
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: cheers!! :-)))19:45
noobmonk3ylo alls :) :)19:46
BCMM_i don't entirely understand that log19:46
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: please sign h-e-n garage project as quick as possible :)19:46
BCMM_is it actually about host mode usb on an n900?19:46
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BCMM_i thought that was not possible in hardware?19:46
t-tanit's another the people vs. Nokia success!19:46
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG attached a usb memstick to his stock N900, with stock cable CA-101 and a F2F adapter, and it works19:47
* RST38h wonders when abill_uk guy will finally buy himself a different phone19:47
noobmonk3yMohammadAG,  - My first Morpho pic -
DocScrutinizerBCMM_: I tell you since 6 months that's a lie19:47
BCMM_if it isn't supposed to do that, why is it capable of providing power?19:47
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, and you were right19:48
* MohammadAG trouts noobmonk3y 19:48
BCMM_well, that is totally cool19:48
* noobmonk3y grins19:48
BCMM_who do we thank?19:48
MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, so the world is flat!19:48
noobmonk3yi need some thanking19:48
GAN900RST38h, he probably uses an iPhone19:48
GAN900He's a troll19:48
noobmonk3yMohammadAG, it is!19:48
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BCMM_BCMM: wtf?19:48
BCMM_guess the n900's 'net connection just bounced...19:49
microlithhe's the only person I have blocked on the whole site19:49
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RST38hGAN: I asked him:
* RST38h cackles evilly19:49
BCMM_so does anybody know how much power the port provides? does it actually meet the USB spec on that?19:50
dnearyGAN900, Ping?19:50
dnearyAny idea when Jaffa gets back online?19:51
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* frals slaps noobmonk3y around a bit with a large trout19:54
* frals slaps MohammadAG around a bit with a large trout19:54
fralsoi, i do the trouting around here!19:54
BCMM_hang on, i CTCP-version'ed you the first time i saw you do that, didn't i?19:55
* MohammadAG wants something MS Paint-y on linux19:56
MohammadAGI can't do damn mockups in GIMP, it's too complicated19:56
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BCMM_MohammadAG: is KDE software OK?19:57
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BCMM_MohammadAG: there is kolourpaint, which is a lot like a less stupid version of ms-paint19:58
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DocScrutinizerBCMM_: nope, N900 can provide 200mA20:01
fralsVDVsx, wazd was looking for you earlier20:01
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dnearyI'm trying to /msg NickServ with my android client, and it ain't buyin' it20:01
BCMM_DocScrutinizer: that is brilliant20:01
wazdVDVsx: yep :)20:01
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BCMM_that would actually be of great practical use20:02
BCMM_ would be the correct sort of adaptor, right?20:03
VDVsxwazd, I'm here now :D leaving soon for dinner :D20:03
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BCMM_(more poketable than a cable)20:03
MohammadAGlol BCMM20:03
wazdVDVsx: I'm preping a list of fixes for BlueMaemo, interested? :)20:03
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VDVsxwazd, sure :D20:03
BCMM_MohammadAG: have i said something stupid?20:03
wazdVDVsx: I'll send it along with files to your gmail then :)20:04
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VDVsxwazd, ok thanks20:04
MohammadAGBCMM_, nah (it was @ the KDE app)20:04
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wazdVDVsx: settings have only one setting btw? :)20:05
BCMM_kolourpaint is my prefered thing for doing very quick, ugly things to images20:05
viszor this one?
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VDVsxwazd, more, but removed in that version20:05
BCMM_like sending somebody a schematic of a motherboard with a red circle and "This bit!" drawn on it20:05
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wazdVDVsx: ah, ok :)20:06
VDVsxwazd, 3 IIRC20:06
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VDVsxbut need to think a bit more about that20:06
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RST38hheya wazd, vdvsx20:13
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GAN900RST38h, you'll make him melt.20:15
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GAN900RST38h, he's secretly in love with is N900, but he can't admit it to himself.20:15
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VDVsxRST38h, hey :D20:16
* RST38h snickers20:19
MohammadAGX-Fade, ping (x100)20:19
* frals pong floods MohammadAG20:19
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MohammadAGdamn you frals, I thought he replied20:19
MohammadAG~attack frals20:20
* infobot grabs a pen, screams like she's possessed, and begins chasing frals20:20
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Shapeshifterso infobot is a fembot.20:35
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xDaReaperxi used health check to find out my CPU frequencies , i used to see a max freq of 1150 MHz till yesterday , but now it shows a max of only 600 MHz why ?20:39
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wazdRST38h: moo :)20:53
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joppudebug, anyone?20:57
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Mecequiet here. what is up?20:58
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xDaReaperxhow do i delete the files in /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive21:02
xDaReaperxits a 28 MB file in rootfs21:03
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xDaReaperxi dont need it21:03
zashxDaReaperx: what does `dpkg -S /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive` say21:03
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xDaReaperxwell nvm21:04
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xDaReaperxhow much space do you have in rootfs left ?21:06
GAN900RST38h, what does the caption read?21:07
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* mgedmin would suggest moving that file into /opt instead of just nuking it; it may turn out to be necessary for correct operation of the UI21:11
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SpeedEvilAlso - /lib/ is quite large - you should probably nike that too.21:12
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* SpeedEvil did that shortly after getting his first linux system.21:12
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xDaReaperxhow do you nuke it ?21:14
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xDaReaperxsays no such file exiss21:16
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SpeedEvilThis will stop your device booting21:17
SpeedEvilJust because you don't know what a file does, and it's large, doesn't mean it's pointless21:17
xDaReaperxwell i didn't say anything like that21:18
xDaReaperxthe maemo's webpage says so21:18
SpeedEvil'the maemo's' ?21:18
SpeedEvilI think there are several pages about maemo.21:18
xDaReaperxi know you're trying to argue , i'm not here for an argument21:19
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SpeedEvilI'm not trying to argue.21:20
SpeedEvilHow much space do you have?21:20
elstupidosYou can't just delete these files, this is just a list with ideas! You have to know what you are going to do with them21:20
elstupidosthats what it says21:20
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xDaReaperxyeah i read that21:20
MecexDaReaperx, is your rootfs full?21:20
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SpeedEvilAlso - you can uninstall tutorial applet21:20
MecexDaReaperx, so what's the problem?21:21
SpeedEvilDisable all repos21:21
SpeedEvil(apart from nokia)21:21
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xDaReaperxi actually rebooted now , everything looks messed up21:21
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Mecewhat did you do?21:22
xDaReaperxwait its restarting21:22
xDaReaperxah nothings wrong21:22
* SpeedEvil remembers the discussion on DPI here earlier.21:22
SpeedEvilhe little slate's features include a 10 hour battery life, 2450 dpi  touch resolution screen, pen writing and input controls, a fast screen  refresh response time, 2MP camera, USB port, and a MicroSD slot.21:23
SpeedEvilRead more:
xDaReaperxactually when i rebooted from xterminal21:23
xDaReaperxevery thing on the screen was weird21:23
Meceso what are you trying to do xDaReaperx?21:23
xDaReaperxall messed21:23
xDaReaperxi dunno just rebooted using xterminal21:23
xDaReaperxi think it was the nokia cable problem , maybe a bug21:24
Mecebut what are you trying to do?21:24
xDaReaperxclear some space up in rootfs21:24
elstupidoshow much space is left21:24
xDaReaperx50 MB21:24
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xDaReaperxis it enough ?21:24
MecexDaReaperx, for some particular reason or? 50 is plenty.21:24
xDaReaperxHmm well okay , i thought it was too less21:25
xDaReaperxjust that21:25
MecexDaReaperx, for what? in general?21:25
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xDaReaperxwell i read through the forums i found that if there is not enough space in the rootfs you cannot update21:26
xDaReaperxor so21:26
Meceooh.. for updating :D21:26
RST38hGAN900: "If Jesus were hung..."21:26
Mecethat's true. 50 should be enough tho.21:26
Mecetry it.21:27
xDaReaperxhmm okay so i can now update right ? okay fine21:27
Meceit will tell you if you can't21:27
xDaReaperxokay ty21:28
xDaReaperxanyways it was really weird how the screen was21:28
xDaReaperxeverything was messed21:28
xDaReaperxhow did that happen ?21:28
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MecexDaReaperx but it's ok now?21:29
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xDaReaperxall icons , images buttons were gone all green erros and stuff21:29
xDaReaperxyeah switched off and on , its okay now21:29
xDaReaperxthank God lol21:29
MecexDaReaperx, hehe. hey do a backup before you upgrade.21:29
xDaReaperxyeah it told me to take a backup , i just did21:30
* noobmonk3y waves21:30
elstupidosis that whole "need 50+ space for update" just for doing OTA?21:30
* Mece waves like the queen at noobmonk3y21:30
xDaReaperxwell yeah21:30
Meceelstupidos, yes.21:31
xDaReaperxi was worried21:31
xDaReaperxin case the update goes wrong21:31
MecexDaReaperx, flashing is a pretty simple procedure, so don't worry.21:31
fralsw00t_, im here now ;)21:31
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xDaReaperxdid any of you try to reboot keeping the nokia cable connected ?21:31
* noobmonk3y prods frals 21:31
xDaReaperxOh okay , kind of new to the device21:31
* frals trouts noobmonk3y21:32
noobmonk3yis there a #qt room?21:32
fralsyes, #qt21:32
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fralsa bunch of them actually21:32
* noobmonk3y giggles21:32
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Mecenoobmonk3y, are you being qt?21:33
w00t_frals: lo21:33
w00t_how goes? ;p21:33
fralsello, just booting up my vm with sb21:34
noobmonk3yMece,  i'm failing qt21:34
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noobmonk3ycannot find one working example of QtMultimedia.QAudioDeviceInfo.defaultInputDevice anywhere on an n900 :(21:35
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noobmonk3ythe demo code translated works - but looks like pyqt has a big bug - it doesnt like being in the same room as pulseaudio ... so basically... #fail21:36
noobmonk3ysry qt has a big bug21:36
GAN900RST38h, lol21:36
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Lynourenoobmonk3y: Has pulseaudio done their share for compatability?21:37
Meceuff low battery. bbl.21:38
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Lynourenoobmonk3y: Or you, to make it work? :)21:38
xDaReaperxguys is the opera 10 mobile for maemo released on the Opera website officially ?21:39
LynoureBut yeah, as N900 has pulseaudio, that's a bit of a problem, though I have heard of people having Qt apps still happily play sounds.21:39
LynoureI guess they sacrificed their chickens well. :)21:40
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petterixDaReaperx: no21:41
fralsw00t_: did you get it to show up properly in sb?21:41
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w00t_frals: no21:42
noobmonk3yLynoure,  lol done my part in the coding21:42
w00t_frals: works on device though, so.. *shrug*21:42
noobmonk3ybut not detecting input devices21:42
fralsw00t_: lol, alright21:42
fralsw00t_: gonna compile and test on device as well then, min21:43
noobmonk3yLynoure, there is a bug on the qt pages relating to pulseaudio problems - so i'm just assuming though21:43
w00t_frals: to get it working on device, you need to install the shared objects, then run hildon-im-recache, then:21:43
noobmonk3yLynoure, can play sounds fine just not get the mic using qt i think21:43
tybolltyes frals21:43
w00t_gconftool -s --type string /apps/osso/inputmethod/default-plugins/finger <pluginname>21:43
noobmonk3ytis really odd21:43
w00t_gconftool -s --type string /apps/osso/inputmethod/default-plugins/stylus <pluginname>21:44
tybolltare are you moving fmms to qt? :)21:44
xDaReaperxah opera for N900 is available at opera labs21:44
w00t_(as far as I can figure out, you need both finger and stylus set)21:44
* tybollt qt's frals21:44
w00t_also note, you may need to reboot your n90021:44
fralstybollt: no, why would i? :)21:44
fralsw00t_: roger, building package now21:44
frals(everytime i do this i realise how much i love python)21:45
w00t_it's not that bad21:45
w00t_compiling gives you time to think21:45
tybolltfrals: it21:45
w00t_(and procrastinate on IRC)21:45
tybolltfrals: it's ze future!11121:45
tybolltpyqt? :)21:45
MohammadAGze future sucks, i want to go back to inventing the wheel21:45
w00t_plus, C++ means that your app won't explode horribly because you passed something an integer when it wanted a string, 5 minutes into testing :-P21:45
MohammadAGat least they had trouts at lunch each day21:45
* noobmonk3y re-invents the trout21:45
fralstybollt: not for something that is working perfectly fine for the targeted os and wont be used elsewhere ;)21:46
w00t_(I do like python though! kidding! Kidding!)21:46
* noobmonk3y likes python and is hating qt21:46
* noobmonk3y wants someone clever to fix qt21:46
* noobmonk3y looks at w00t21:46
noobmonk3yw00t_, even21:46
* MohammadAG looks at infobot 21:46
w00t_noobmonk3y: arggh I'm already doing two things at once atm :P21:46
* noobmonk3y slaps infobot 21:46
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* w00t_ is working on qt-community and talking to frals about keyboards21:46
noobmonk3yw00t_, not good enough lol21:46
MohammadAGI wish that was our bot21:46
* noobmonk3y grins21:47
fralsnote to self; armel.deb is the one you want, not i386 :<21:47
w00t_I make that mistake all the time21:47
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MohammadAGI just change arch to armel only, fixes the problem21:48
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w00t_I work on both, so not so easy :-P21:48
fralsinteresting that it installed a lot more plugins on armel than on i38621:48
RST38hhmmm, no more unlim data plans on at&t?21:48
w00t_..then again, i also manage to do things like sshing to the wrong n900..21:48
fralsw00t_: i know that feeling :(21:49
* frals has renamed the saved sessions to be at top/bottom of session list21:49
fralsso enabling vkb seems like a good first step21:49
w00t_haha, yes21:49
w00t_you need to do that too21:49
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fralssuggested app to test it in? ;o21:50
fralsah ill do a python app which is in portrait21:51
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fralsreboot.. no vkb at all atm :P21:52
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Lynourenoobmonk3y: ah, then it's better than last when I heard :)21:54
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* noobmonk3y is still battling with it - gotta be a fix by now :(21:54
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LynoureI'm still waiting for any reaction to the patch I submitted (to a smaller problem, though)21:55
fralsw00t_: this seems to work pretty good21:55
w00t_frals: yes indeedy.. problems, as i see it:21:55
noobmonk3yfor qt? :P21:55
w00t_- packaging21:55
LynoureSo I'm under the impression fixes don't happen fast in Qt.21:55
Lynourenoobmonk3y: yup21:55
w00t_- some way to avoid a million presses21:55
noobmonk3ybig things move slowly21:55
w00t_(T9, or other)21:55
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* noobmonk3y is soooo close to getting it working though21:55
Lynourenoobmonk3y: But this was just a 2 line fix =)21:55
w00t_frals: thoughts?21:55
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w00t_Lynoure: what patch?21:56
noobmonk3yif i kill pulseaudio on the n900 will that fcuk up the device?21:56
fralsw00t_: mhm, packaging should be solveable21:56
ljsdofuynsdfufuhyall gota the n900?21:56
xDaReaperxhi , did anyone try out browser-switch ?21:56
Lynourew00t_: wait, I'll check the bug number.21:56
ljsdofuynsdfufuhif so, then what provider are you using?21:56
noobmonk3yljsdofuynsdfufuh,  yes21:56
w00t_Lynoure: please =) i'll try bump the appropriate people21:56
w00t_Lynoure: note though that you will be asked to submit a merge request21:56
fralsw00t_: t9 would be nice, but i saw someone who said he had a working t9 somewhere on talk, should be able to use his code hopefully21:56
fralsok doesnt work too good in browser :\21:57
* noobmonk3y wonders how to kill pulseaudio21:57
w00t_frals: really? worked OK for me..21:57
* w00t_ tries21:57
fralsoh it did21:57
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fralsit was just thinking it was in landscape mode at first21:57
fralspicking the phone up sorted it21:57
w00t_frals: the only oddness i've noticed was from using the hw and sw keyboard at the same time. sometimes.21:57
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GAN900RST38h, thank goodness they're grandfathering21:58
w00t_frals: shall we give it a go, then? i'm game if you are.. :)21:58
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fralsyeah im up for it, i got a few days of doing nothing before leaving the country ;)21:58
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noobmonk3ywtf 13 dead in UK shootout22:00
noobmonk3ythats fcuked up22:00
w00t_Lynoure: can you pop into #qt-labs for me?22:00
Lynourew00t_: sure22:01
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noobmonk3yffs x-chat died too22:02
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ljsdofuynsdfufuhn900 - which providers do you guys use with it?22:02
ljsdofuynsdfufuhit doesn't seem to be supported by mine22:03
noobmonk3yuk vodafone22:03
SpeedEvilUK T-mobile22:03
microlithUS AT&T22:03
fralsw00t_: basically packaging is just changing the control file to indicate new maintainer i recon, right?22:03
w00t_frals: I don't think so22:03
microlithljsdofuynsdfufuh: who is your provider?22:04
w00t_frals: it doesn't install the plugins afaik(?) and it also doesn't configure them through gconf and other magic22:04
w00t_we'd need to figure that out22:04
fralsw00t_: plugins are installed in postinst22:04
w00t_ah, I didn't notice22:04
xDaReaperxhow come the N900 dosent support some network providers ?22:04
w00t_that simplifies that then22:04
fralsthe gconf stuff needs to be done i guess22:04
w00t_and also a phone reboot (erm.) or prompt for one (much friendlier)22:04
ljsdofuynsdfufuhmicrolith, sprint22:05
fralsshould probably provide something to change it back to normal22:05
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ljsdofuynsdfufuhcan you get the n900 subsidized from any providers?22:06
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v13Is there any way to do the "sliding" effect like the image viewer does when switching images?22:07
microlithljsdofuynsdfufuh: Sprint uses CDMA, not GSM. The N900 will not operate on their network. And no US carriers offer a subsidized N900.22:07
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w00t_frals: could do that in uninstall target (maybe? no idea, i'm a packaging n00b)22:10
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fralsyeah could add it in prerm22:11
fralsgod you commited a bunch of less than useful files in initial commit :D22:11
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threshmeh, suse meego22:17
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Robot101thresh: there's no such thing - you have to use the packages to call it meego22:18
Robot101thresh: ie, novell have been working on the same version intel are shipping22:18
threshso, they are a part of meego as weel?22:19
Robot101yes basically22:19
* b-man|laptop is going nutz22:23
b-man|laptophave you guys had any issues with zypper hanging in meego?22:24
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* thresh wants apt for rpm22:26
threshwell, apt-rpm to be exact22:26
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fralsw00t_: think ive sorted packaging now, everything cept asking for a reboot22:33
fralstis was like 4 lines ;D22:34
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fralsseems to work alright, ill push the changes in a sec22:35
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Corsachmmh, is there a way to NOT to-post in modest?22:36
fralsw00t_: lets pray i didnt commit a bunch of junk now... ;o22:37
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fralsseems to have worked;
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MohammadAG~seen lcuk22:37
infobotlcuk <~user@Maemo/community/contributor/lcuk> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 1d 19h 13m 3s ago, saying: 'gnite'.22:37
fralsMohammadAG: hes on vacation!22:38
savant42Does it mean I seriously hosed something if I have no sound for mp3s, etc, on a fresh reflash of maemo 5 USA? I've not had this n900 for 24 hours and Ive broken it.22:38
MohammadAGhe didn't say that!22:38
fralsknew the bastard wouldnt be able to stay off irc22:38
w00t_frals: let me seeee22:38
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MohammadAGsavant42, or it could be hosed before you even got it :)22:39
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savant42it was NIB! :(22:39
savant42I know I've heard audio out of this before22:39
w00t_frals: maintainer needs changing too22:39
savant42but I goofed and installed a bunch of stuff to rootfs and openssh stopped taking connections22:39
MohammadAGwell, my vibration motor broke after a day22:39
savant42so I reflashed it, not eMMC, and it seems more stable, but no dice on the audio22:39
savant42oddly, the nokia handholding tone works on boot22:40
MohammadAGand it was new in box, shipped from amazon US to IL (not the state)22:40
CabletwitchIs the bloke what does fMMS about?22:40
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w00t_Cabletwitch: you want frals, but he's mine at the moment22:40
MohammadAGstupid question, but did you check volume?22:40
fralsw00t_: we should probably rename the whole package tbh22:40
w00t_frals: what's the current name?22:40
* w00t_ didn't look22:40
fralsw00t_: Package: hildon-input-method-plugins-example22:40
w00t_we should22:40
fralsCabletwitch: that be me22:40
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w00t_and probably remove the other VKBs from it, too22:40
fralsw00t_: yes :)22:41
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savant42MohammadAG: yes, checked volume, checked silent mode22:41
* w00t_ will look into finding T9 code soon, just finishing up a few Qt bits22:41
w00t_( - if you're curious)22:41
fralsw00t_: ill start renaming stuff and hope i dont break anything22:41
CabletwitchFrals: Nothing major, bud. Do get the APN info for my network, or does it actually get it by itself?22:42
MohammadAGif the startup sound works22:42
xDaReaperxWhats QT ?22:42
MohammadAGit's not a HW error22:42
fralsw00t_: id prefer if you cleaned up the git repo from old build files and stuff that gets generated at buildtime if you can :)22:42
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MohammadAGxDaReaperx, it's something evil, that was made to kill gtk22:42
fralsCabletwitch: from settings on the phone if possible, otherwise they have to be manually configured22:42
w00t_frals: egh. I'll try, but no guarentees22:42
w00t_me and autotools don't get on :-D22:42
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MohammadAGIt failed - or so I hope :)22:43
xDaReaperxOh ok22:43
fralsw00t_: i know that feeling.. i finally setup stuff to be done properly for fmms last week after throwing out probably 30 different packages in different ways :P22:43
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CabletwitchFrals: Next easy question... where would they be on the phone? :O)22:44
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savant42so, if I wanted to go all the way back to a default state, would I have to flash: Fiasco -> eMMc -> pr1.2 ?22:44
fralsthats where fmms gets them from, if they dont show up in fmms i suggest looking at ;)22:44
xDaReaperxoh the date picker thingy and all are running with QT ?22:44
mikki-kunhm, is kernel-power from extras-testing "safe" to use it or does it crash the device badly? (i know, it's testing, but still many apps are rock-solid there...)22:44
threshworks here on Pr1222:45
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w00t_frals: hmm.. which files? everything looks fairly ok22:46
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w00t_ah, hmm.22:46
fralsconfig.* and debian/build/*22:47
fralsconfig* rather, i think22:47
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fralserr no, should be there most likely22:47
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frals#       modified:   config.guess22:47
frals#       modified:   config.sub22:47
frals#       modified:   configure22:47
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thunderfesthello all22:48
CabletwitchOk, question from the clueless again... best way to open and read the operator settings file?22:48
* Cabletwitch is far too used to being given a choice of program when opening unknown files in windows...22:48
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CabletwitchOh, I wish.22:49
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thunderfesta settings file it pry just plain text so notepad?22:49
v13is builder down ?22:49
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CabletwitchIf you mean the notes app on the N900, then that cant navigate anything that isnt a user folder.22:50
v13open terminal, type "cat /etc/operator_settings"22:50
v13without the quotes22:51
v13also try "more" instead of "cat"22:51
thunderfestI meant notepad on windows22:51
thunderfestso I'm trying to get scratchbox set up on a pc running ubuntu 10.04  but it keeps failing due to dependency errors...has anyone setup up scratchbox since pr1.2 or on ubuntu 10.04?22:51
w00t_frals: pushed22:51
v13thunderfest you can always use the vmware image. it works with qemu/kvm too22:52
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thunderfestI quite like scratchbox and have been using it for some time now22:53
v13the vmware image is a linux distro (ubuntu) with scratchbox.22:53
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noctulethunderfest: had it running okay before I switched to Fedora last week22:53
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noctuleHaven't got it running on Fedora properly, but that could be down to me being an idiot22:54
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thunderfestwill the vmware image run under virtualbox?22:55
thunderfestwhere can I find it?22:55
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JiriI am having i trouble installing the latest update to my n90022:56
thunderfestI've set scracthbox up on a few machine so far and it never gave me any issues before22:56
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Jiriall the time it says "not enought memory" even though i have delete most of my progs22:56
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Jirithe istallation need 113mb where i can check how much i have this free memory?22:57
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thunderfestv13: thanks for the link22:58
pupnikJiri: how are you invoking the update?22:58
CabletwitchEh, I can find a few references to vodafone mms, but surely fMMS should be able to pick that up from the file, no:22:59
noctuleJiri: have you disabled devel and testing?22:59
Jiripupnik with wireless connection22:59
Jirinoctule yes i have disable them.22:59
v13thunderfest: download the desktop image. the server has no gui.22:59
noctuleJiri: apologies, I always check the basics first =)23:00
fralscool w00t_23:00
frals(i broke something localy when renaming stuff :D)23:00
Jiridon't worry23:00
Jirii try to clean the rootfs23:00
Jiribut without no luck23:00
pupnikJiri: are you using the hildon application manager and clicking the maemo5 update?23:00
thunderfestv13: I know what server means thanks...and I don't need a gui I just need to get to the scratchbox terminal23:00
Jiripupnik hildon?23:01
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pupnikok you are nm23:01
v13i tried the server once but failed. But it was my first time and I didn't know how to use sb. Perhaps you'll have better luck with that.23:01
v13thunderfest: I'm now using the desktop because of that.23:02
v13nm ?23:02
CabletwitchI'll bugger about with fMMS tomorrow, I think :O)23:02
thunderfestreally I just want to get scratchbox up and running on this local machine. I'd rather not have to run a virtual anything23:02
thunderfestv13 is windows your host os?23:02
v13thunderfest: linux23:02
fralsCabletwitch: why do you want to read /etc/operator_settings? ;)23:03
CabletwitchYou said the MMS settings could be found there?23:03
fralsits used internally by fMMS, if they dont show up in fMMS they are most likely not there for your operator ;)23:03
fralsif you want to find settings, look at :)23:04
CabletwitchI did find something I think was what I was after, buts presented in such a way thats it requires a degree in astrophysics to decipher.23:04
CabletwitchVodafone UK, they're there alright.23:04
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fralsand fmms doesnt pick them up?23:04
frals(from /etc/operator_settings)23:05
CabletwitchNothing so far.23:05
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fralsalright will have to look at that at some point23:05
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fralsjust enter them manually in the config, they should be listed on the wiki page23:05
alteregoSo, those USB host modders, have they found a way around BME?23:06
Jirii Managed to find out that i have rootfs 227,9 195,3 avaiable 28,4mb23:06
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Jirii have allready deleted the largest programs why is that so low still23:06
SpeedEvilalterego: kill it.23:07
SpeedEvilalterego: Alternatively, lie to it.23:07
SpeedEvilalterego: That is - a virtualisation attack.23:07
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Jirii have many small programs which size is kb but still the rootfs is pretty much used23:08
v13check if you have qt 4.6 installed.23:08
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v13webkit and others take too much space23:08
noctuleJiri: Did you grab anything that isn't optified?23:08
thunderfestlooks like the vmware images are based off of karmic and not Lucid23:08
brendansjiri: Have you installed things with apt-get? Might want to issue apt-get clean23:08
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Jiribrenadas: i tried that apt-get clean but it says that the folder is locked23:09
noctuleJiri: A lot of programs in devel didn't use the /opt directory for installing23:10
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Jiriv13 what is qt 4.6? which program?23:10
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CabletwitchWell, settings are all plugged in... there should be an mms waiting for me somewhere.23:11
CabletwitchAlso, there is no 'always ask' checkbox, the wiki is a bit incorrect.23:12
CabletwitchPrompt password and use proxy, I mean.23:12
noctuleJiri: do a quick search through your apps to see if any of them mention Qt. It's the library that is being used by a lot of applications nowadays23:13
Jiricould someone please help me trough this in private, I am little bit confused because all the people are saying diffrent things. Please pm me!23:13
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fralsw00t_: nuking was bad, i think :D23:13
w00t_frals: I don't think so, I did so on good advice23:13
fralsw00t_: config.status: error: cannot find input file: Makefile.in23:13
w00t_rerunning should fix that, I think23:14
fralsah, alright23:14
pupnikJiri: to run apt-get clean you must be root and the application manager must be closed23:14
fralsbah, i probably broke something23:14
brendansjiri: what pupnik said; sorry, I just noticed the response23:15
fralsreset --hard and verify everything works without me messing with it i think :P23:15
* w00t_ tries also23:15
xDaReaperxis there a PS1 emulator for the N900 ?23:15
fralsw00t_: let me know if it works for you, not working for me :p23:16
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w00t_let me guess: gl_FUNC_ARGZ23:16
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w00t_I ran into this yesterday, I never found a conclusion23:16
w00t_Stskeeps: you there?23:16
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w00t_you know all, so you will know the solution :-P23:16
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fralsw00t_: seems we need libtool2, link on google to discussion here back in november :P23:18
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w00t_let me try something23:18
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w00t_yay i think that will work23:19
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w00t_frals: think that works, hold on.. testing23:20
fralspush when you verified, need to fetch some dinner :)23:20
frals14 files changed, 24740 insertions(+), 20281 deletions(-) :D23:22
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Robot101if this file is generated, it should not be in VCS. :P23:24
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threshhow do I preload maps into ovi maps ?23:27
microlithmmm, checking in .o files :D23:28
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fralsw00t_: what do we want to call the package? :P23:32
w00t_frals: hildon-portrait-keyboard? I'm unimaginative :-p23:33
fralsnot sure if we should include 'hildon' in the name, dunno the policy on that23:33
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MohammadAGhildon(R)-portrait-keyboard :P23:34
MohammadAG(sadly that will get rejected by dpkg-buildpackage)23:34
fralsportrait-keyboard then? ;o23:35
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w00t_works for me23:36
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w00t_(and that is grr. :P)23:36
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alteregoWell, I'm almost ready to debianize this app :D23:42
threshyay for nookla23:42
redany idea how i could modify fbreader colors?23:42
threshfor providing *working* map loader for OSX23:42
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redn900 terminal needs find pff23:45
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brendansred: It's in the options for fbreader; there are a ton of tabs, you'll need to scroll right23:45
mikki-kunhm, anybody an idea why i don't have /usr/sbin/kernel-load on my device although i have kernel-power installed (kernel-power is v37)23:45
brendansred: e.g. I often set it with red text on a black background because it's better for night reading... doesn't kill my night vision as much23:45
Gadgetoid_iPadRed text on black??23:46
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mikki-kunohh, ok, seems as i forgot to execute one command...23:46
Gadgetoid_iPadNever heard that one before23:46
brendansI find it works. Looks a bit weird with mobi books that have images though23:46
redbrendans: oh lol didnt realize that23:47
Gadgetoid_iPadYellow on dark blue is where it's at23:47
redi also want red on black since i read at night23:47
brendansoften white on black, depending on the day23:47
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redred color doesnt kill dark eyesight23:47
brendansGadgetoid_iPad: Interesting... I may have to try that23:47
Gadgetoid_iPadbrendans: It's a scientifically accurate method of achieving high contrast23:48
brendansred: Yeah, I mean it only sort of works, because even at full black the screen lets a bit of the backlight through. Better than some of the other options though23:48
SpeedEvilbrendans: Oooh23:48
Gadgetoid_iPadAs yellow/blue trigger different parts of the eyes optical receptors- I believe23:48
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brendansGadgetoid_iPad: lol, that's officially my favourite phrase of the day; reminds me of the XKCD shirt
Gadgetoid_iPadBlack level on the ipad is good, but the backlight wont dial down enough- gah23:50
Gadgetoid_iPadHahaha @ "science, it works bitches"23:50
brendansGadgetoid_iPad: That's entirely why I'm doing my degree in the first place, just so I can walk around and say whatever I want :D23:51
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SpeedEvilbrendans: echo 2 >/sys/class/backlight/acx565akm/brightness23:51
brendansGadgetoid_iPad: I forget, is the iPad OLED?23:51
Gadgetoid_iPadI am wholly unqualified, hurrah for me23:51
brendansSpeedEvil: handy, thanks23:51
SpeedEvilbrendans: will set it to the dimmest mode. Which is somewhat dimmer than available through the UI23:51
Gadgetoid_iPadNope, it's an IPS lcd panel23:51
SpeedEvilbrendans: add that as a 'queen beecon' onto the desktop23:51
Gadgetoid_iPadVery, very nice screen... But it sucks for nighttime reading23:51
brendansGadgetoid_iPad: Ah, k23:52
SpeedEvilGadgetoid_iPad: too bright?23:52
redbrendans: the bleed is to be expected, but its not that bad on lowest brightness tbh23:52
Gadgetoid_iPadFbreader is king23:52
brendansSpeedEvil: Good idea23:52
Gadgetoid_iPadSpeedEvil: Aye23:52
brendansred: Yeah, fair enough23:52
SpeedEvilGadgetoid_iPad: Sunglasses. :)23:52
Gadgetoid_iPadAlso the whole thing is too big to fall asleep reading23:52
redi also like droid sans over regular :)23:52
brendansanyone know how to adjust the aggressiveness of the ambient light sensor to do the same thing automatically?23:52
SpeedEvilGadgetoid_iPad: yeah - fbreader works great for that.23:53
* SpeedEvil suspects it's 'Important nokia IP'23:53
* SpeedEvil sighs.23:53
infobotmethinks closed is
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Gadgetoid_iPadI have never found anything better than fbreader on the n810... The rocker switch is just in the right place and the stand works as a hand strap23:53
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SpeedEvilI find the screen works well - fingertap23:54
Gadgetoid_iPadPlus the better brightness util on the n810 is excellent23:54
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brendansGadgetoid_iPad: I used to use my n800 stand as a hand strap all the time... now I just took a wiimote strap and threaded it through the n900's clip23:55
Gadgetoid_iPadCan't seem to get the same finesse on the n900s brightness23:55
Gadgetoid_iPadThat's a good idea there brendans23:55
Gadgetoid_iPadNot like I actually use wii controllers to play wii games.... Haha a preposterous notion!23:56
brendansGadgetoid_iPad: Yeah, I don't use it on the wiimote anyway, since I don't own a wii, and the wiimote is mostly used as a gyro mouse23:56
brendanshence less risk of throwing it across the room23:56
brendansplus, the wiimote strap has the awesome locking clip, so I can feel moderately assured of not dropping the n90023:57
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Gadgetoid_iPadI think my neighbour was playing wii earlier....either that or trying to box flies23:57
SpeedEvilbrendans: you mean through the lanyard hole?23:57
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brendansSpeedEvil: Yes, exactly; I was trying to phrase it without it sounding strange23:58
Gadgetoid_iPadI keep dropping my n900, it lives on23:58
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SpeedEvilGadgetoid_iPad: I've once accidentally thrown it across the room.23:58
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brendansGadgetoid_iPad: I'm in Canada with one ordered from the US, so I'm moderately paranoid about issues that may lead to warranty service23:58
Gadgetoid_iPadIt's a pretty tough phone, surprisingly... Not having a sheet of freaking glass probably helps23:58
brendans(or lack thereof)23:58
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, err, how?23:58
SpeedEvilGadgetoid_iPad: It has a sheet of glass.23:59
SpeedEvilProabbly 3 even23:59
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: I was in bed - and flipped off the covers23:59
Gadgetoid_iPadAh Canuck eh.... I'm a quarter!23:59
SpeedEvilAnd the n90023:59
Gadgetoid_iPadIt does? Whatwhatwhat23:59
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Gadgetoid_iPadThe glass must be under the restive doodad then23:59
ShadowJKbut the sheets of glass are surrounded by plastics :)23:59

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