IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2010-06-01

RST38hZogG; See above00:00
ZogGi saw00:00
ZogGsaw wha is this modularity is about?00:00
ZogGthat you have several files or what?00:00
RST38hZogG: They create a package, with all the updates. They test it (or so they say). They release it.00:00
KongfuPandaZogG, that doesn't work. Windows 7, Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro.00:00
RST38hZogG; Inside the package, things are still pretty modular00:00
ZogGKongfuPanda, second link?00:00
KongfuPandaIt doesn't split pages00:00
KongfuPandathey give same advice00:01
ZogGRST38h, no sense =)00:01
RST38hZogG: But they have to get released in a huge lump because that is how Nokia's release process works00:01
KongfuPandaDocument>Pages>E tract pages. But nothing happens00:01
ZogGKongfuPanda, there programs for that as well00:01
RST38h(and yes, it does make certain perverse sense in Symbian)00:01
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ZogGRST38h, tht's how Nokia fails you mean?00:01
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RST38hZogG: They think it is vital00:01
ZogGi don't care about symbian )00:02
RST38hZogG: A lot of Nokia engineers privately agree that it is bullshit00:02
ZogGRST38h, they just don't care as something doesn't work, they care if the whole picture is fine, and it's wrong as handset is something different for others00:02
KongfuPandaZogG, which ones?00:02
RST38hBut the engineers do not decide what and when to release00:02
ZogGfor example i don't care about certain things but need to wait whole update only for things i care00:03
DocScrutinizerRST38h: support is the crux00:03
RST38hDoc: I seriously doubt this argument.00:03
ZogGRST38h, it's an old war. the programmers against the market stuff00:03
RST38hDoc: You can release updates to packages into a separate unsupported "testing" repo00:03
RST38hZogG: The funny part is that the "market" people often resemble blind goats leading their sheep into the abyss00:04
DocScrutinizerRST38h: helpdesk dude:"which version are you running?" user:"ok, I updated from 1.1.1 to a new desktop manager, added the t-tan kernal, and.... what? No support??? FSCKYOU!"00:04
ZogGRST38h even better, as they make update test it inside and don't touch it anyway00:04
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ZogGso it can go straigfht to repo and if something wrong people would complain00:05
RST38hDoc: "Where have you added it? -- From the beta testers repo. -- Reflash to the latest supported version and test again"00:05
ZogGDocScrutinizer how does ubuntu works?00:05
RST38hDoc: Believe me, there ARE ways to quickly resolve these issues in support00:05
DocScrutinizerRST38h: I fully agree, but not the management drones at Nokia I guess00:05
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RST38hDoc: I mean, your local IT department probably solves such issues daily00:05
ZogGDocScrutinizer, so you decide what version of core and than the version of specific program, as well you can advise to make update - so you would know the versions =)00:06
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DocScrutinizerZogG: and what is a 1st level helpdesk robot supposed to do with such info?00:07
ZogGDocScrutinizer, okay, now i have pr1.2 and my widget still doesn't work properly, so how do they resolve it in support?00:07
ZogGDocScrutinizer, they don't anyway00:07
ZogGso at least they would work at bugs00:07
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ZogGi don't care about buggy soft as i see some work is done to resolve it00:07
ZogGhere i don't even know if someone work on it00:08
DocScrutinizernota bene, that's not MY opinion, that's what I suspect Nokia management thinks about that issue00:08
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ZogGmaybe they didn't update it - just said it's fixed and that's all =)00:08
RST38hDoc: Actually, the 1st level reporting should be done with an on-device program that reports all the necessary data (including list of installed packages) to the support00:08
DocScrutinizerRST38h: ack, full ack00:08
RST38hDoc: And the server side script should analyze this data and mark suspicious lines in red for the support guy00:08
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ZogGRST38h, too much00:09
DocScrutinizerthe callcenter doing 1st level probably can't handle that00:09
RST38hZogG: Not really. You are letting computer do what computers do best: analyze long lists of data00:09
RST38hDoc: Drone's instructions just say "You see red lines? ---> Ask what he installed and where from."00:10
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DocScrutinizerI know some callcenters, they pay zillions on a crappy CRM+phone-sw controlling the PBX00:10
MOUDdoes anyone know if those "Flex" keyboards work with n900?00:10
ZogGRST38h, yes, but people don't care about it, as programist or familiuar with computers you understand that calls are stupid and bug reports are important00:10
ZogGbut person want to get answer at the moument he calles00:11
RST38hZogG: And he will get one00:11
ZogGso he wants to talk to other person and get aswer00:11
DocScrutinizerand then that software doesn't even work. they never are prepared for such a nice innovative concept00:11
ZogGRST38h like what? bug 1234556 ?00:11
povbot`Bug was not found.00:11
RST38hhere is your answer :)00:11
ZogGRST38h we can use povbot` as support desk =)00:11
RST38hZogG: Guy calls support. The drone can either start asking him about stuff, OR he can ask the guy to click on the "Support" icon and enter a certian number (case ID) into the input field00:12
RST38hZogG: the second choice may actually be faster and easier than asking a lot of involved questions00:13
ZogGbut he want straight answer00:13
ZogGthe program doesn't know to give it straight00:13
RST38hEverybody wants straight answer00:13
RST38hThe program will not give him answer00:13
ZogGthat's the point00:14
RST38hThe program will report his setup to the call center where server side script will analyze it and show the drone a list of most likely bugs00:14
* DocScrutinizer waves00:14
ZogGif person on support don't give you aswer but talk to you and give info (that actually not usefull) it will come you dawn00:14
ZogGcalm down*00:14
RST38hStarting with non standard combination of system packages and ending with 'this bluez package has a known issue"00:14
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ZogGRST38h you have to understand common user, they don';t think logicly00:15
RST38hZogG: That is psychiatric support, not IT00:15
* RST38h is talking about IT/technology support00:15
ZogGwhat is marketing and phone support on companies?00:15
* lbt recalls, whilst working at BT a few years ago, that the cost per support call was ~ £1100:16
DocScrutinizerRST38h: this is not IT00:16
RST38hI thik it classifies as IT/technology00:16
ZogGwhy they ask you - have you restarted it and other stupid questions?00:16
DocScrutinizerRST38h: maemo is hiding the real filesystem hirachy from *THE USER*00:16
RST38hlbt: that is kinda high00:16
ZogGcause for them you have 0 knowledge00:16
ZogGthey wouldn't give you quiz to understand your knowledge00:16
RST38hDoc: Pretty irrelevant, 95% of callers won't know how to use it00:16
lbtRST38h: probably fully costed for a particular (retail) product00:16
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DocScrutinizerRST38h: that should tell you what Nokia expects about expertise of their average support callling *user*00:17
ZogGRST38h, here, you answered yourself00:17
RST38hlbt: You average Indian drone is getting $3-$7 per hour00:17
RST38hlbt: So, 11 pounds is a lot00:17
* RST38h sighs and hits the bed00:18
DocScrutinizerRST38h: 1st level _always_ is psychological treatment rather than IT support00:18
lbtyup...... which is why a) that was a few yrs ago and b) we know use indian drones00:18
ZogGRST38h most of support guys on phone are noobs themselfs00:18
ZogGand just like monkeys push the certain buttons00:18
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RST38hZogG: Most of support guys on the phone are not even human00:18
ZogGDocScrutinizer that's what i say00:18
ZogGRST38h maybe on moon00:18
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* lbt goes back to his workflow integration with speech simulation and voice recognition....00:19
RST38hZogG: If you assume that being human is defined by adequate reaction to arbitrary verbal input00:19
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RST38hZogG: i.e. drones do not even pass a Turing test00:19
ZogGi'm not english native speaker =)00:19
DocScrutinizerlbt: voice recog??? o.O00:19
ZogGlbt too late00:20
lbtplease say that again madam00:20
* ZogG xmms2> Dusk + Blackdown - Kuri Pataka (The Firecracker Girl) ft. Teji and Farrah ["Margin's Music" 2008]00:20
RST38hDoc: the adequate response to this string is "fuckoff."00:20
DocScrutinizerlol, I'll obey00:20
RST38hno, definitely sleep now.00:20
lbtme too00:20
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ZogGDocScrutinizer, he lost =)00:20
ZogGcitory is our00:20
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, finished the GUI?00:21
ZogGGUI for what00:21
astruasdhplease, guys... I was reading the easy debian scripts, and noticed that for each app intended to run in the debian a chroot is created... so it is 1 chroot per app ran on Debian. am i right?00:22
ZogGi found someone with froyo =)00:23
Macerwonder if there is smbmount for maemo00:23
MohammadAGif you're using the debbie command then i think it creates a bew chroot for each app00:23
ZogGwhere is flash lib in maemo?00:24
astruasdhhmmm the script that is ran to exec Debian's app is qchroot?00:24
MOUDhas anyone tried this kind of keyboard?
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MohammadAGastruasdh, yes00:26
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MohammadAGqole chroot i think00:26
MacerMOUD: that looks pretty cool00:26
Macerwish they had a bt ver00:26
MOUDMacer: yeah, i saw one in the supermarket today, was like $20,0000:27
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MohammadAGafaik there are other q* command00:27
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MohammadAGqmount is one00:27
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Macerand that maemo had good bt keyboard support00:27
MOUDis it now possible to dual boot the n900?00:28
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pupnikgood q00:29
ZogGMOUD probably00:29
MOUDhow many MB is  the GPU?00:30
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DocScrutinizer51MohammadAG: yeah, atm working on version 700:31
ZogGI GOT FLASH 10 !!!00:31
ZogGbut didn't check if it works =)))00:31
MOUDany word about java support?00:32
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, windows 7?00:32
ZogGwin7 is so old00:33
ZogGwin 98 is better00:33
ZogG98 > 700:33
DocScrutinizer51nah the 7th version for the 14th mio sold apps00:33
RabidusME > 98+700:33
ZogGRabidus 31100:33
MohammadAG1/0 rules all00:33
ZogGMohammadAG, i'm getting flash libs from android =)))))))00:34
MohammadAGZogG, right...00:34
MOUDi wish i could dual boot win 98, mainly for games00:34
MohammadAGyou expect that to work?00:34
ZogGMohammadAG meh, it;s old flash =(00:34
MohammadAGyou expect it to work with microb?00:34
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ZogGMohammadAG i expect mirracle00:35
pupniki saw a win98 emulator written in flash :)00:35
MohammadAGZogG, flash 10 on fryo is mainly flash 9 + some fixes + a version bump00:35
MOUDit would be nice playing DotA with it :P00:35
MohammadAGit doesn't have HW acceleration00:35
MohammadAGZogG, mirracles don't happen nowadays00:35
ZogGMohammadAG, how do you know?00:35
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ZogGyou are jealous00:36
MohammadAGgoogle it :)00:36
DocScrutinizer51pupnik: bsod?00:36
ZogGMohammadAG google is evil00:36
MohammadAGbing it00:36
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MohammadAGinfobot, you're supposed to Bong back00:36
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MOUDmaybe lunch time? :P00:36
infobotfrom memory, bing is an Empirical stochastic bandwidth tester00:37
infobothey is, like, almost for horses00:38
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infobotstupid is probably
* MohammadAG suggests switching to PM00:40
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infobothmm... pm is project manager, or private message, or perl mongers, or pathetic moron: when you see someone say pm, they're asking if you think that they're a pathetic moron, or something you don't do without asking permission00:40
hcm infobot: pm?00:41
infobotsomebody said pm was project manager, or private message, or perl mongers, or pathetic moron: when you see someone say pm, they're asking if you think that they're a pathetic moron, or something you don't do without asking permission00:41
MohammadAG#maemo is logged, that ^ spams the logs :)00:41
infobottalk dirty to me! Preferably, do so after you have typed "/query apt" which should open a new window/tab/whatever with most irc clients. You can talk to me all you like and don't annoy other people with endless queries. Be aware that the stuff you write is logged, so don't get too 1337 :)00:42
MOUDMohammadAG: just having some fun :)00:43
MohammadAGI'm not an op, but we don't want to make DocScrutinizer51 angry do we :)00:43
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MOUDwe have 5 docs on :P00:44
MOUDis there a way to partition n900? if so, would it be possible to create a FAT32 partition and install win98 in it?00:46
MOUDgn ZogG00:48
MOUDDocScrutinizer51: have you seen something like that?00:48
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luke-jrwow, infobot is retarded00:49
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DocScrutinizer51i think someone made win run under bochs00:49
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MOUDis it a program?00:50
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pupniklol DocScrutinizer5100:52
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pupnikyou can also install CP/M on a n900 partition!00:53
SwedeMikeMOUD: do you have win98 for ARM processors?00:53
Dassuanybody here tried video streaming from mediatomb?00:53
MOUDSwedeMike: no00:53
DocScrutinizer51that's what bochs and qemu are for00:54
SwedeMikethen I don't see the need for a separate partition?00:54
MOUDi was thinking about dual boot win98 for max performance but didnt think that win98 is incompatible with ARM processors00:55
MOUDwhere do i get qemu00:57
ShapeshifterMOUD: on the internet00:57
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pupnikwhat is the "Charging" sound effect called00:58
MOUDok, tks00:58
MohammadAGui-charging maybe?00:58
pupnikmoud has a thread about it00:58
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MOUDpupnik: tks, i'll check it now00:59
pupnikbut almost nobody does it - too slow00:59
pupnikthanks much MohammadAG00:59
DocScrutinizer51sorry, scratch bochs. prolly was false00:59
MohammadAGscratchbochs sucks00:59
pupnikMohammadAG: sucks when the usb connector is flaky and the charging sound comes on 50 times a minute01:01
MohammadAGmachine gun sound01:01
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pupniki should run win95 on here too01:03
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Myrttiwohoo! it's dead, jim!01:04
MOUDpupnik: tks for the link :)01:04
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pupnikis that where the cast of star-trek work out Myrtti ?01:05
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Myrttipupnik: intranet, xmpp and email just bite the dust for a moment... not that I was working or anything at this ungodly hour, but...01:05
Myrttiprobably electric problems :-(01:06
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pupniksorry to hear it Myrtti.  interesting this xmpp thing...01:11
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MOUDi installed bochs but i cant find the icon to run it01:18
luke-jrwhy on Earth would anyone use bochs?01:21
MOUDto try it out? :P01:21
MOUDso... how can i run it?01:22
DocScrutinizer51i'm not sure if bochs is maybe a console emulator01:23
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DocScrutinizer51arcade console01:23
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Flandrychirp chirp01:24
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pigeonso... what happened to the new ovi store?01:30
midas_it broke01:30
DocScrutinizer51was there any?01:31
luke-jrDocScrutinizer51: no, it's a pre-qemu x86 emulator01:31
midas_it should be released/was released briefly01:31
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DocScrutinizer51I'd be much more interested in szncing ovi contacts01:32
DocScrutinizer51syncing even01:32
MOUDnight all01:33
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MOUD /quit01:33
midas_id like to have ovi maps finally doing turn by turn navigation on my n900 :)01:33
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jacekowskimidas_: use sygic01:34
midas_is it free?01:34
DocScrutinizer51ovi store was such a disgusting experience, I couldn't be bothered to revisit it any time soon01:34
jacekowskimidas_: on torrents01:35
DocScrutinizer51luke-jr: heh so I was right01:35
jacekowskibut really01:36
jacekowskiyou don't want turn by turn on n90001:36
jacekowskiit drains battery too fast01:36
DocScrutinizer51damn lags. and then 20 post at once01:36
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budfivejacekowski: if you're in a car, it can be plugged in01:36
midas_yep indeed01:36
jacekowskiwell, you need holder for it01:36
jacekowskibetter speaker01:36
jacekowskiyou might as well buy proper sat nav01:37
midas_and my brodit active holder has that budfive :)01:37
jacekowskiwith bigger screen, and better gps01:37
SpeedEvilcomposite out is probably fine for the screen actually01:37
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, that's psm for ya :)01:37
DocScrutinizer51for a bandaid it'd be great01:38
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, other channel01:38
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FlandryI've got a repo/dependencies problem. Anyone here a wiz?01:41
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DocScrutinizer51MohammadAG: thanks01:42
MohammadAGjust ask01:42
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, np :)01:43
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FlandryI'm using libpoppler with the qt bindings and the package
Flandryclaims to have a missing dependency, but only in armel target01:44
FlandryIt actually exists and i'm not sure why it says it's unmet01:45
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jacekowskimaybe it needs specific version or somethign01:45
FlandryIt shows version requirements in the package page01:47
Flandryit doesn't have any01:47
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Flandryplus that doesn't really explain why it is happy on x86 target01:47
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opdf2midas_:  I love that holder. If you pair it with their car specific mount, it is such a clean look01:51
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astruasdhplease, guys. I would like to backup the whole original disk to recover it in case of some mistake01:57
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astruasdhhow can I do this? Is it possible to open n900 eh put the disk in a normal pc?01:57
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MohammadAG/ ?01:58
Flandryem disk?01:58
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MohammadAGthe 32GB MMC can be easily backed up01:58
jacekowskiastruasdh: you can always restore it01:58
MohammadAGjust plug the usb port in01:58
MohammadAGand /opt can be copied to an ext2/3 card01:59
MohammadAGuseless if you erase /01:59
FlandryAlso the backup app handles app data01:59
jacekowskibesides, have they fixed non vfat card support?01:59
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jacekowskior is it still hardcoded to vfat?01:59
astruasdhI wanna backup the maemo itself, in order to restore the whole /01:59
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astruasdhdd if=/dev/disk of=backup01:59
astruasdhsomething like this01:59
jacekowskiastruasdh: go to tablets-dev01:59
MohammadAGnot possible, easily02:00
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MohammadAGjacekowski, he wants a full rootfs backup, that doesn't help02:00
jacekowskiastruasdh: and type your imei02:00
Flandryeasier to backup data and reflash if needed02:00
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MohammadAGdd worked for me02:00
jacekowskiastruasdh: it will give you all images required for it02:00
MohammadAGbut the image was f'd up02:00
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MohammadAGso it stopped at 50 percent or so02:00
cure`don't forget to backup contacts, cause i have, it was painfull02:00
MohammadAGyou'll need to do it outside maemo02:01
astruasdhthere is also another problem: to recover02:01
MohammadAGusing another OS02:01
jacekowskiMohammadAG: never use dd on rw mounted fs02:01
MohammadAGflasher-3.5 -r imageyoumadeusingdd -f02:01
MohammadAGjacekowski, you didn't see what i wrote02:01
astruasdhif you dd inside a running maemo, and the crash makes you unable to boot maemo, it will be impossible to recover02:01
MohammadAGI said you have to use another os02:01
jacekowskiastruasdh: that's why you have flasher02:01
MohammadAG/dev/mtd5 can be recovered02:02
jacekowskiastruasdh: and you flash it using original os images over usb02:02
astruasdhand how i will recover?02:02
astruasdhthrough usb?02:02
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infobotsomebody said flashing was
astruasdhusb give me full access to the disk!?!?!?02:02
astruasdhso usb does not solve my problem02:02
MohammadAGI said you need to use dd outside of maemo for that02:02
jacekowskiastruasdh: yes02:02
MohammadAGinstall fedora or something02:03
astruasdhof course02:03
jacekowskiastruasdh: usb will give you full access to disk02:03
MohammadAGjacekowski, he can't backup rootfs over usb02:03
astruasdhdd outside maemo02:03
astruasdhgor it02:03
astruasdhbut how can I acccess the n900's disk outside maaemo?02:03
astruasdhthat is my question02:03
jacekowskiastruasdh: from bootloader02:03
astruasdhif I can plut the flash in my notebook, I can easily backup02:03
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jacekowskiastruasdh: you don't have to back it up02:03
MohammadAGif i remembered the url correctly02:03
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jacekowskiastruasdh: everything required to recover completly wiped phones is on tablets-dev website02:04
MohammadAGjacekowski, some people find redownloading + restoring one pain in the arse02:04
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MohammadAGdd'ing /dev/mtd5 to some image would be easier & faster02:04
astruasdhjacekowski, why not??? if I wanna remove all the / and install my own linux distro, for example... I need to recover it later in case of some trouble02:04
astruasdhI want /dev/mtd is it possible?02:05
MohammadAGyou can't install a distro to / afaik02:05
jacekowskiastruasdh: then you do it using flasher02:05
astruasdhto backup yes... but how do recover?02:05
jacekowskiastruasdh: flasher02:05
astruasdhI can damage even the bootloader02:05
MohammadAGto resotre you use flasher02:05
jacekowskiastruasdh: you can't02:05
MohammadAGjacekowski, you're missing something02:05
jacekowskiastruasdh: bootloader can't be broken02:06
MohammadAGhe can erase /dev/mtd0 and f up his device02:06
astruasdhdd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mtd bs=512 count=102:06
astruasdhthis will erase the bootloader02:06
MohammadAGexcuse my spam02:06
astruasdhand now? how to recover in such a scenario?02:06
MohammadAGdev:    size   erasesize  name02:06
MohammadAGmtd0: 00020000 00020000 "bootloader"02:06
MohammadAGmtd1: 00060000 00020000 "config"02:06
MohammadAGmtd2: 00040000 00020000 "log"02:06
MohammadAGmtd3: 00200000 00020000 "kernel"02:06
MohammadAGmtd4: 00200000 00020000 "initfs"02:06
MohammadAGmtd5: 0fb40000 00020000 "rootfs"02:06
MohammadAGerase mtd0, and you're f'd02:06
jacekowskiis it writable?02:06
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MohammadAGwhy wouldn't it be02:06
MohammadAGanyways i don't have experience with serial ports or jTag02:07
MohammadAGso I'm not going to try it02:07
MohammadAGand flasher can't backup02:07
MohammadAGit can only restore02:07
jacekowskiaccording to google02:09
astruasdhi understood nothing hehe. my question is: can I plug the flash directly in my notebook to dd if=/dev/nokia_flash of=backup?02:09
jacekowskiyou can't fuck up bootloader02:09
DocScrutinizer51yeah, how to RRALLY brick N90002:09
astruasdhwhy not? is it a read only memory?02:09
jacekowskiit's in mask rom of cpu02:09
MohammadAGb-man fucked up his bootloader02:09
MohammadAGon the N80002:10
astruasdhif it was a writable memory, it is easy to fuck bootloader with dd hehe02:10
MohammadAGi doubt it was 'fixed' in the N90002:10
DocScrutinizer51jacekowski: uh? why not?02:10
DocScrutinizer51jacekowski: for sure not02:10
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: accorging to google messing up with mtd0 will not brick device02:11
MohammadAGjacekowski, dd if/dev/0 (change it) of=/evd/mdt002:11
jacekowskiyou can reflash it after that02:11
MohammadAGi crippled the command02:11
jacekowskimtd1 will brick it02:11
astruasdhI will install my own Debian through the same easy-chroot technique... and I'm afraid to fuck something02:11
MohammadAGon purpose02:11
DocScrutinizer51jacekowski: maybe no sure ther is a mini bootloader to work over TTY(!)02:12
MohammadAGmy point stands, the N900 is brickable02:12
jacekowskihow evil would that be02:13
MohammadAGif you erase the bootloader i doubt you can even tty02:13
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jacekowskii could just add some bricking code to chromium package02:13
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MohammadAGflashing using serial should work though02:13
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DocScrutinizer51MohammadAG: YOU can't - *I* can02:13
jacekowskibefore it would get taken down at least 100s of phones would be bricked02:13
MohammadAGjacekowski, you need R&D mode afaik02:13
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: no, you don't - just to be root02:13
SpeedEvildd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mtd0 is the nice way02:14
MohammadAGi recall DocScrutinizer51 telling me NOT to post commands like that here02:14
DocScrutinizer51moo SpeedEvil02:14
SpeedEvilwell - probably a bad idea02:14
SpeedEvildon't do that02:14
jacekowskihmm, i can create small package called Brick with description - this will brick your device02:14
MohammadAGsee above, where i crippled the command :)02:14
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SpeedEvilYou can also set the battery voltage to 4.44V - which probably won't make it explode.02:15
astruasdhwith dd is easy to fuck what you need and is writable02:15
SpeedEvilAnd instantly kill stuff by overvoltaging it02:15
DocScrutinizer51please create no c+p fatality option02:15
* SpeedEvil erases the above line with dd.02:16
* SpeedEvil passes round the tippex.02:16
jacekowskichild + porn?02:16
* SpeedEvil sighs.02:16
MohammadAGcopy and paste you perv :P02:16
* SpeedEvil hits jacekowski with 4chan.02:16
pigeonis msn butterfly or haze better?02:17
astruasdhfbi will jail all of u hehe02:17
jacekowskimy experience with internet tells me to assume the worst02:17
pigeonbeen using butterfly, and seems there is a bug where my own messages not showing up in the ui are being sent02:17
pigeonseems to happen if the message is quite short02:18
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jacekowskiastruasdh: i'm not under fbi jurisdiction02:18
astruasdhneither do i hehe. so we can talk safely about c+p "dark" meaning :P02:19
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DocScrutinizer51jacekowski: happy awakening when the black heli lands in your garden :-P02:20
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jacekowskisince when i have garden?02:20
DocScrutinizer51they will bring one02:20
DocScrutinizer51and drop it prior to landing02:21
jacekowskii can hide under it02:21
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smokuDamn... Playing Dune2 on N900 is addictive... I rally should go to sleep :/02:36
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Macerok seriously02:48
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Maceris there some other devel repo i should be using with 1.2?02:48
Macerthe one on isnt working02:48
cehtehisnt working means?02:48
astruasdhhey guys. I'm trying debootstrap to install a new arm debian  in my x86 notebook. The idea is to put such an image in the n900 to use the easy-chroot02:48
cehteh(works for me)02:48
Macermeans 404 not found02:48
astruasdhhave any of u done that?02:49
Macercehteh: you just chose install from and it works?02:49
cehtehastruasdh: you want some emulator (like the scratchbox based sdk)02:49
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cehtehMacer: i have it registered since ages02:49
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Maceri keep getting 404 errors from app manager02:50
cehtehNokia-N900:~# grep extras-devel /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list02:50
cehtehdeb fremantle free non-free02:50
astruasdhceesco, with debootstrap, as I read, it is possible to install a cross-platform debian02:51
MacerErr fremantle-1.2/non-free Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 80]02:51
astruasdhI'm trying it now02:51
cehtehmaybe its down now?02:51
cehtehdeb fremantle-1.2 free non-free02:51
Macerfor 2 days?02:51
cehtehwhats the line in your sources.list file?02:51
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cehtehsee the grep above02:52
Macerdeb fremantle-1.2 free non-free02:53
MohammadAG51remove it02:53
w00t_(very) long shot, I can't find anything at all on this.. but does anyone know how to change the virtual keyboard plugin used, relating to hildon-input-method?02:53
MohammadAG51devel has no -1.2 specific dir02:53
Macerit doesnt have that in app manager as a component02:54
MohammadAG51w00t_, check the pre-PR1.1 hack to see which files it uses02:54
Maceri can do it manually i suppose02:54
w00t_MohammadAG51: this is news to me, so :P02:54
cehtehMacer: i read something that the / at the end makes a difference02:54
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SpeedEvilw00t_: htere was a thread on tmo as of about a week ago that diddn't have positive resulyts yet02:54
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w00t_SpeedEvil: mind digging it up for me?02:55
cehtehall my repos work02:55
w00t_(if it's not possible, ignore)02:55
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* SpeedEvil ponders the awesomeba02:56
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w00t_there is a gconf key, /apps/osso/inputmethod/input_method_plugin..02:57
w00t_but apparantly that's for stylus stuff, on googling further02:57
w00t_(because that name of course makes me think it's stylus related.)02:58
* MohammadAG wonders if his reply to w00t_ went through02:58
MohammadAGbattery went dry02:58
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w00t_MohammadAG51: you mentioned an old hack, i said i didn't know of it02:58
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Macercehteh: keeps adding -1.2 to it02:58
MohammadAG51power search02:58
Macerin application manager02:58
infobotthanks, DocScrutinizer5102:58
MohammadAG51and use hildon-im-recache02:58
cehtehMacer: i saied the / .. the -1.2 here works for me02:59
Macerwhere does application manager get its sources.list?02:59
cehtehi updated half an hour ago or so, lemme try now02:59
Macerthe trailing / ?02:59
summelthere is a regression in the application manager :O03:00
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infobotCockroach. I win.03:00
summelin 1.1 you could change how the apps get sortet in 1.2 you cant oO03:00
Macerthat is what i have for the address03:00
cehtehah mine has no -1.2 for the extras-devel03:00
summeli want the apps get ordered by name again ;_;03:00
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cehtehdeb fremantle free non-free03:00
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cehtehexactly like that works for me03:00
Macercehteh: well. application manager is getting it from somewhere03:00
cehtehyeah i added mine long ago03:01
MacerNokia-N900:/etc/apt# cat sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list03:01
Macerdeb fremantle-1.2 free non-free03:01
cehtehdont paste that all here :)03:01
vi_emacssomeone else mentioned app manager sorting order being inverted.  it should be investigated03:01
cehtehwant my list?03:01
vi_emacsdamn nick03:01
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Maceri dont know why the 1.2 keeps coming back03:01
Maceri tried to remove it manually03:02
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Macerwith vi03:02
cehtehno idea :)03:02
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DocScrutinizer51church of vim03:02
cehtehprolly the app-manager keeps it in gconf or somewhere else too03:02
DocScrutinizer51worse than scientology03:02
cehtehhail emacs03:03
lcukindeed doc03:03
w00t_/apps/osso/inputmethod/default-plugins/ looks useful03:03
* w00t_ toys03:03
Macerlet me add it manually03:03
cehtehjust a guess :)03:03
jaskahail vim \o/03:04
Flandryall over the place are we03:04
lcukcehteh what order is it in03:04
cure` :((03:05
lcukand did you used to mess with the sort order in previous 1.1 system03:05
DocScrutinizer51well I heard there are guys who say all raytracers are evil and they prefer coding RGB for each voxel by hand ;-P03:05
cehtehthat works for me03:06
Maceradding it manually seems to have worked03:06
w00t_how very intuitive, it ignored the setting for 'finger', 'stylus' seems to have worked03:06
w00t_now.. why is my vkb not working03:06
Macersomeone needs to fix the install link on maybe?03:07
DocScrutinizer51becauseof leading V?03:07
lcukcure did you reboot after dwapping folder03:07
cure`every time03:07
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* w00t_ headdesks03:08
povbot`Bug 4730: hildon_im_ui_button_set_active() undefined.03:08
w00t_now why do I have old example code.03:08
Hamoorhi everyone....i just bought my n900 3 days ago...i want to know how can i add a contact to the desktop03:08
lcukcos its bank holiday monday w00t03:08
cure`it just doesnt seem to eat the 1.1 db03:08
w00t_no, it is now tuesday03:08
w00t_and I wasn't on holiday anyway, saving it for later :-P03:08
lcukhamoor click the edit desktop nobble then click the menu and select add contact03:09
* lcuk is on holiday03:09
lcukbut i cant sleep03:09
Macerdevel is working again03:10
astruasdhcehteh, done. with debootstrap I installed a fresh Debian in an image for arm arch. Now I need to chroot in such an image in the arm machine (n900) and run /debootstrap/debootstrap --seconnd-strage to finish the instalation03:10
Macernow i can get openarena going again heh03:10
Hamoorlol that was too easy....thanks lcuk :D03:10
astruasdhcehteh, this way I have my own Debian image to use with easy-chroot03:10
DocScrutinizer51damn, we got the better TV (PAL) we got the better 2G (GSM GPRS) and for 3G we adopt the battery eating BS from the losers03:11
lcuk\o hamoor if only all issues were as simple.  hope you are enjoying device03:11
MacerDocScrutinizer: huh?03:11
cehtehi have ext3 everywhere also considering to chroot the easy-debian instead using this file image, but currently i dont even have it installed03:11
Macerbetter tv? haha03:11
Macerisnt the difference between ntsc and pal like... 2 scanlines?03:11
Hamooryep very much :)03:12
lcukw00t_ can you open a pm window i cant see how using keyboard only03:12
cehtehno there are major diferences03:12
cehtehcompletely different color signals03:12
SpeedEvilMacer: no, it's fairly major03:12
SpeedEvilMacer: The colour subcarrier is completely different03:12
DocScrutinizer51Macer: nah. gues why NTSC means 'never twice same color"03:12
Macerlcuk: code bt keyboard support into the settings app03:12
cehtehother framerate .. and different resolution03:12
SpeedEvilMacer: the bandwidths are similar03:12
astruasdhcehteh, I have a brand new n900. I installed just 1 app: the flash light03:12
SpeedEvilI installed catorise.03:13
Macernot a major difference in frame rate either i thought03:13
SpeedEvilI have filled the /opt03:13
SpeedEvilMacer: 50 vs 60 half-frames03:13
SpeedEvil /s03:13
DocScrutinizer51btw even the scanlines are +10003:13
lcukmacer 900 and not knowing irc doesnt matter often enough03:13
cehtehpal is 50 fields per second, ntsc is almost (by a odd margin) 6003:14
Macerlcuk: huh?03:14
Maceri need it for openoffice :)03:14
cehteh(not exactly 60 because of historic rasins)03:14
Macerand build a cups pkg while youre at it03:14
* Macer finishes his list to santa lcuk03:14
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cehtehcolor subsampling in ntsc and pal are also different03:15
Maceri dont count interlaced as 6003:15
Macer60 half frames is misleading03:16
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astruasdhI'm really a bit afraid of having malwares in extra softwares, like the flashlight. what do u think?03:16
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Macerthe led flashlight is great03:16
Macerwell.. it is03:17
DocScrutinizer51Macer: I suggest wikipedia03:17
Macerit is bright as hell and not just some white screen03:17
DocScrutinizer5160 half frames / s is absolutely correct for ntsc03:18
lcukmacer sure but it doesnt work on my 810 ;)03:18
astruasdhya, it is very nice! I don't know if it can, in some way, fuck the leds that ware concepted to be used sometimes as a flash03:18
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: no, it's not03:18
Macerlcuk: you dont have an n900?03:18
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: it's 59.9998 or something03:18
jacekowskiastruasdh: there is led controller that limits current03:18
SpeedEvilIt's to make the colour subcarrier lineup or something03:18
lcuki have more than 1 device liqbase was born on my 810 and initially optimised for it03:18
astruasdhjacekowski, so can I safely use the flashlightr?03:19
Macerlcuk: make glesliqbase :-P03:19
Macerquit clinging onto the past03:19
lcukwould be slower03:19
lcukno i aint03:19
Macerthen ditch liqbase03:19
jacekowskiastruasdh: yes03:19
Macerand make hw accdelerated stuff03:20
Macerlike normal people03:20
astruasdhjacekowski, can I get flashlight code somewhere?03:20
lcukwhat do you think ive been doing for last few months.  working directly on fremantle03:20
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DocScrutinizer51now totally screwed crap03:20
Macerok.. my bad :)03:20
SpeedEvilastruasdh: you can setup the 'extras' repository, and install lots of stuff.03:20
cehtehDocScrutinizer: 60000/1001 Hz :)03:20
SpeedEvilastruasdh: and yes, it's safe03:20
DocScrutinizer51us nerds03:21
Macerthen make a 3D portrait stretching to landscape with scaling icons desktop!03:21
jacekowskiastruasdh: yes03:21
jacekowskiastruasdh: repository03:21
* Macer hides03:21
Macerwith compositing03:21
cehtehimportant when you program video software :P03:21
cehtehyou dont want to drift your fames out of time03:22
lcukmacer you mean like my beyond portait but in something else?03:22
astruasdhare extra apps verified by maemo team?03:22
Macerbeyond portrait?03:22
DocScrutinizer51so WHY T* F* we adopted UMTS wich is that loserms stuff of wcdma?03:22
MohammadAG5110 times, QA team03:22
lcukif maemo team == community, then yeah03:22
Macerwhats that?03:22
lcukwhich we are the maemo team03:22
jacekowskilcuk: nobody found anything in chromium so far03:23
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jacekowskilcuk: so i wouldn't leave QA to community03:23
Macerlcuk: whats beyond portrait? the rotating liq based thing ?03:23
cehtehWhen NTSC color was introduced in 1953, the older rate of 60 fields per second was reduced by a factor of 1000/1001 to avoid interference between the chroma subcarrier and the broadcast sound carrier.03:23
Macerthat was pretty neat03:23
astruasdhI'm asking this because, if anyone can put apps in extra, it will be easy to have some malwares there03:23
SpeedEvilextras apps are usually open-source.03:23
Maceryou working on making it the new maemo desktop?03:23
lcukjace then test it and find problems03:24
summeloh... i just lost "the game"03:24
jacekowskicehteh: but ntsc uses something strange like 23.9something fps03:24
Macerthat would be so awesome03:24
SpeedEvilThey have to be checked by 10 people for functionality and stuff, then there has to be a 10 day delay, and then they go into extras.03:24
SpeedEvilThere is however no formal code review.03:24
Macerrotating icons that always stay upright03:24
cehtehjacekowski: nope that what i saied above 60000/100103:24
* lcuk sleeps anyway03:24
SpeedEvilSo if someone chooses to put malware in, they can.03:24
SpeedEvilmuch like with apple, or android.03:24
lcuki only wanted to idle rly03:24
Macergood night lcuk03:24
Macersleep is a crutch03:25
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astruasdhSpeedEvil, should I avoid installing extra apps because of malwares?03:25
* SpeedEvil grabs his crutch.03:25
MohammadAG51malwares in the main repo?03:25
Macerit is 7pm here03:25
SpeedEvilastruasdh: I have never had any issues with any malware - nor as far as I'm aware has anyone.03:25
cehtehMohammadAG51: non-intentional malware :) .. looking at how much things there dont work :)03:26
MohammadAG51the apps pass a 10 vote QA and a 10 day quarintine, which frals thinks should be longer03:26
DocScrutinizer~hail cehteh03:26
* infobot bows down to cehteh and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"03:26
SpeedEvilOh - cehteh.03:26
SpeedEvilThat reminds me.03:26
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SpeedEvilhow do I get my xchat hildon banners back03:26
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cehtehhow did you lost them?03:27
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Macerdosbox? haha03:27
SpeedEvilI upgraded I think03:27
cehtehi mean i reflashed my device and still have them03:27
SpeedEvilor reinstalled03:27
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: was that a ETAB, meant to rst38 ?03:27
MohammadAG51hildon banners?03:27
* SpeedEvil ponders03:27
Macerdo people still use actual ms-dos?03:27
MohammadAG51top bar?03:27
astruasdhty, guys :)03:27
MohammadAG51ctrl enter03:27
jacekowskiMacer: yes03:27
Macerother than the win "shell" ?03:27
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: cehteh made a hildon-banner thing that works with xchat03:27
jacekowskiMacer: i encountered some PLCs that run dos03:27
jacekowskiMacer: and some of these are not so old03:27
DocScrutinizerooh, my fault03:27
cehtehSpeedEvil: cat /home/user/.xchat2/maemo_notify.conf03:27
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Macerjacekowski: that is amazing03:28
MohammadAG51those banners03:28
cehtehVIBRA_PATTERN PatternIRCMessage03:28
cehtehNOTIFY_MODE +bvld03:28
cehtehDIALOG_THROTTLE 2 180003:28
jacekowskiMacer: well, it's same reason why space shuttle flies on 40years old operating system and 40yo computer03:28
cehtehpick what you want from there :)03:28
Macerjacekowski: why is that?03:28
jacekowskiMacer: because it's been tested and every fault has been fixed03:28
SpeedEvilcat: can't open '/home/user/.xchat2/maemo_notify.conf': No such file or directory03:28
Macerfair enough03:28
SpeedEvilthat'll do it03:28
jacekowskiMacer: new platform == repeating all QA process03:28
astruasdhty all03:28
Macerjacekowski: i am sure a software bug on a space shuttle would be a little bit of a big deal03:29
SpeedEvilMacer: There are 5 computers - and 2 different software stacks.03:29
DocScrutinizer~/.xchat2 $ ls -l notify.sh03:29
DocScrutinizer-rwxr--r--    1 user     users         180 Dec 18 15:42 notify.sh03:29
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: not on space shuttle03:29
SpeedEviljacekowski: For the flight-control - yes03:30
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: there is one computer and one software03:30
cehtehDocScrutinizer: still using your old stuff?03:30
DocScrutinizer~/.xchat2 $ cat notify.sh03:30
cehtehmine is in upstream since ages03:30
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: aircrafts do it like that03:30
DocScrutinizerplay-sound $103:30
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DocScrutinizerdbus-send --print-reply --system /com/nokia/mce/request string:PatternChatAndEmail03:30
DocScrutinizeryou bet I do03:30
DocScrutinizerit JUST WORKS03:30
SpeedEviljacekowski: There are multiple redundant flight control computers. And in use they have actually failed in flight, and done the redundancy thing.03:30
cehtehwell it had isses :)03:30
DocScrutinizerAND I bet it's smaller than calling any friggin libs and whatnot natively03:31
cehtehSpeedEvil: i posted some kindof documentation ages ago on tmo03:32
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DocScrutinizerwhat's tmo ? ;-P03:32
jacekowskior talk.maemo.org03:32
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cehtehDocScrutinizer: 11.5k well :) .. guess its not optimized for size anymore, i had it smaller once03:33
SpeedEviljacekowski: yeah - 5 computers - one quad redundant, and a backup03:33
cehtehDocScrutinizer: but when you didnt disabled it explicitly its loaded in your xchat too since its default for quite some time now :P03:34
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Macerwhy is dosbox under games?03:35
DocScrutinizercehteh: that's why I don't do any more updates to xchat. Don't want my precious ram crammed with useless shit (no offense)03:35
cehtehreally i was very careful to make it small03:36
cehtehstarting your script will require far more memory03:36
cehteh(and resources/cpu in general)03:36
DocScrutinizerfor the moment it's executed - granted you're right it takes quite some ram03:36
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DocScrutinizerbut that ram is freed after 0.5s03:37
DocScrutinizerwhile your addon adds 11k of resident ram usage03:38
* cehteh doesnt think 11k are really a problem .. 03:38
SpeedEvilLook at the stupid clock03:38
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DocScrutinizerI don't see the advantage when I already got that file.03:38
DocScrutinizerif I had to invent it, I'd say "so what?"03:39
DocScrutinizerit's just 11k03:39
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DocScrutinizerbut I stopped updating xchat when there was that crap of every highlight popping up a notification I had to click to make it vanish - that's actually mega BS03:40
SpeedEvilI liked that03:40
DocScrutinizernow I'm so happy with what I have on xchat, and I couldn't bother less to update, given all the 'goodies' it would buy me03:41
cehtehhaha you can disable it in the config03:41
* SpeedEvil wonders why DSME is using _7_ meg03:41
SpeedEvilDoes it do more than be a simple watchdog?03:41
cehtehi just turned on all bells and whistles by default to make users available of the features03:42
DocScrutinizercehteh: why should I? just won't update03:42
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DocScrutinizer5 clocks less03:42
cehtehyeah be happy03:42
DocScrutinizerclicks even03:42
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: sounds insane03:43
DocScrutinizer~wtf wfm03:43
infobotWFM: works for me03:43
DocScrutinizer7MB wfm?? o.O03:44
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil wonders why DSME is using _7_ meg03:45
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SpeedEvilI thought (01:43:12 AM) DocScrutinizer: SpeedEvil: sounds insane was WRT the notification03:46
cehtehSpeedEvil: does the notify work now? .. not that when you want vibration and copied my config you have to configure PatternIRCMessage (by default it uses some standard vibra pattern)03:46
SpeedEvilcehteh: I missed that - no I haven't done - what config?03:47
cehtehwhat i pasted above03:48
SpeedEvilah - sorry - missed it03:48
DocScrutinizerthe all capitals stuff I refused to look at, I guess03:49
DocScrutinizer[2010-06-01 02:27:57] <cehteh> SpeedEvil: cat /home/user/.xchat2/maemo_notify.conf03:49
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DocScrutinizer[2010-06-01 02:28:13] <cehteh> VIBRA_PATTERN PatternIRCMessage03:49
SpeedEvilyes - I saw that now03:49
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* SpeedEvil pokes N900evil03:50
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cehteh  in lack of doc, read the source03:50
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cehtehthe first 6 are actually commands you can use from scripts if you care (i just used them for testing)03:51
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* DocScrutinizer edits slightly, and selects im_notify.wav%sppedevil for audio to playback on a certain event, to get a different VIBRA_PATTERN whenever he likes :-P03:52
* cehteh was thinking about regex on events but i want to keep it small03:54
DocScrutinizertakes me 2 minutes and a smile03:54
cehtehand another megabyte :P03:54
DocScrutinizerlol, never03:54
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DocScrutinizermaybe 200bytes03:55
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cehtehyet alone the .wav is biggier03:55
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DocScrutinizerand the .wav is there anyway03:58
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cehtehhow about writing some shell script around telnet to make an irc client instead xchat? :)04:07
cehtehactually i have a irc client in shell somewhere04:07
DocScrutinizercehteh: I bet you're too late with your idea04:09
cehtehyeah i fetched it somewhere from the internet04:09
DocScrutinizerbut I prefer xchat, for the GUI04:09
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DocScrutinizerand as I suppose your notifications are nicely integrated into xchat's settings, it is a perfectly sensible approach04:10
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DocScrutinizerit would be rather insane to try and edit the to meet the settings in xchat04:11
DocScrutinizerand probably even take more prgram text to implement it04:12
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DocScrutinizeryet if the code was segmented and would load the needed segment containing the notification bits just in case you selected any of the notify stuff in xchat setup, that would even more please me04:13
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matthew-do you think it's possible to use the n900 as a camera04:20
Termanagood morning04:20
matthew-i mean video camera connected to my mac04:20
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PHiZiKas a webcam?04:22
PHiZiKyeah i dunno04:22
Hydroxidehi... is there an IRC channel where I can contact someone about evopedia? I would like to use evopedia to view an offline copy of another mediawiki wiki that isn't a wikipedia language. (actually it's from jimmy wales's wikia site)04:23
Hydroxideasking here since seems like it's maemo-focused04:23
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DocScrutinizermatthew-: N900 uses quite standard means to handle video streams (v4l...) So the questions is just "can your mac use the N900's cam?"04:29
DocScrutinizerI bet vlc on mac can use the camera on N900 easily04:30
DocScrutinizerbut I dunno if there's such a thing like vlc on mac04:30
matthew-DocScrutinizer: there is VLC04:30
matthew-but i mean, how to connect it? via usb? and then i would have to install the drivers somehow ?04:31
DocScrutinizeryou don't need any drivers, if you use e.g gstreamer04:31
matthew-No I dont, but I can04:32
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DocScrutinizerthe drivers are inside N900 already. N900 is a fullsize linux system04:32
DocScrutinizerthink of N900 as a ethernet camera, not a usb webcam04:32
SpeedEvilOr someone could write a USB gadget driver04:33
SpeedEvilso it would look like a USB webcam04:33
DocScrutinizeryeah, but how ugly and useless that effort04:33
matthew-DocScrutinizer: Ok, so the question is, how04:34
SpeedEvilOr 'how would you stream a random linux boxes webcam to your mac'04:35
DocScrutinizermaybe the most simple way would be to have a NFS mount to N900 /dev04:36
SpeedEvilDoesn't work at all04:36
SpeedEvilthe device nodes are local04:36
DocScrutinizerwas a shoot from the hip04:36
DocScrutinizergstreamer thru ssh04:36
DocScrutinizerRTP stream04:36
DocScrutinizerno idea, really. depends on the client app04:37
DocScrutinizerI guess04:37
matthew-well the quality is far from what I want, so.. Just ignore it guys ;d04:37
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DocScrutinizerdamn, the quality of the 5Mp cam is far from what you want. I bet that's true :-P04:38
matthew-DocScrutinizer: Well i jsut recorded something and emailed it to myself04:39
matthew-to check the quality04:39
asjDocScrutinizer51: try mounting the N900 / to your system then to mke2fs /n900/here/dev/hda3 and see what happends ;)04:39
pigeonhmm, does anyone know which site has an rss feed of latest updated package? i remember seeing a list on the right hand side of a website, but i forgot what site it was?04:40
matthew-DocScrutinizer: and it's not about the Mps' i've got a panasonic hdc hs300eb-k with 3MP and well, it records in 1080i04:40
DocScrutinizerasj: I gues I won't do that04:40
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asjDocScrutinizer: it's a learning experiance ;)04:40
DocScrutinizerasj: I stopped learning for this week04:41
* DocScrutinizer mumbles "remote scsii"04:42
DocScrutinizerhey guys it's 3:42 AM here04:42
luke-jrprove it04:43
DocScrutinizerpigeon: sorry04:44
pigeonfor what?04:44
DocScrutinizerno ideA04:44
pigeonDocScrutinizer: apology accepted then :)04:44
luke-jrmatthew-: that *is* about MPs04:45
* DocScrutinizer muses about luke-jr's general mindset. smells like nazi04:45
* pigeon is still waiting for the ovi store...04:46
luke-jrmatthew-: 1080i is never [much] more than 2 MP04:47
luke-jrso 5 MP should always be more than sufficient for 1080i (or 1080p for that matter)04:47
luke-jrthough I have to wonder if N900's cam can really do 5 MP video04:48
DocScrutinizernope it can't04:48
DocScrutinizeror it doesn't04:48
DocScrutinizerI guess there's a bottleneck somewhere04:48
luke-jr"It is capable of video recording at up to 848 × 480 pixels at 25 fps."04:49
luke-jrmgiht as well use the front-side one04:50
matthew-well it looks crap ;d04:50
matthew-my mac web-cam records it better ;d04:50
luke-jrwhat's the difference between upstart and initng04:50
luke-jrI mean, besides the implementation04:50
luke-jror is this just a case of Canonical not-invented-here syndrom?04:51
DocScrutinizerupstart is event driven04:51
luke-jrand initng isn't?04:51
DocScrutinizeror it should be, though the way it's usually used today doesn't put that property to purpose very much04:51
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luke-jrthey look like they serve the same purpose, except initng remains compatible with existing init scripts to a degree04:52
DocScrutinizerinitng just runs scripts one after the other04:52
luke-jrinitng runs as much parallel as possible04:52
DocScrutinizeryes, but it doesn't handle dependencies04:52
luke-jryes it does04:53
DocScrutinizernot like upstart does04:53
DocScrutinizerI dunno initng any better than I know init-v04:54
luke-jrinitng supports ServiceA being before/after/need/use ServiceB for dependency04:54
DocScrutinizerbut init-v doesn't know about dependencies of one service finishing before you can start another, in the way upstart does04:54
luke-jrsysv != initng04:55
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DocScrutinizeranyway the way upstart is usually used it doesn't really perform up to its best04:55
DocScrutinizerit's usually used as a replacement for init04:56
luke-jrand cron, apparently04:56
DocScrutinizerwhatever. I remember upstart has a quite nice project homesite04:57
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DocScrutinizerI found it worth reading04:58
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DocScrutinizerhope it hasn't changed to the worse since I looked at it some 1..2 years ago04:59
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pigeonhmm, i'm using to install the sdk, and for custom installation, why is the list of users for the sdk install doesn't include the one i want?05:01
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pigeonah, great, it only shows >=1000 uid users. ..05:06
pigeonand i'm 50005:06
pigeonah, it uses /etc/adduser.conf, nice.05:10
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microlithcan someone please go scorched earth on TMO?05:15
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luke-jrisn't that a 3D game?05:15
microlithno, it's a civil war tactic where everything was burnt to the ground05:16
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mysoogalshello guys, i have nokia 95, is there theora support for this mobile ?05:21
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SpeedEvilI have no idea.05:28
mysoogalsno support :(05:28
SpeedEvilI skipped the end of the question, as I was assuming youwere asking f you could maemo it.05:29
mysoogalsi have real player in n95, why its not streaming 3gp video ? only asking to save05:29
mysoogals:( all these media players for mobiles asking to save video so sad05:29
SpeedEvilSorry - this isn't really a sybian channel.05:29
SpeedEvilI don't know if anyone happens to know.05:30
mysoogalser ok thanks05:30
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Gh0styis there any app to convert things like meter in inches and degrees celcius in fahrenheit? :/05:33
Gh0stybeen googling a bit but could not really find anything05:33
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asjGh0sty: gonvert05:35
Gh0styha good, strange why that did not show up in the search results05:36
doc|homeso, I'm in canuckistan. Wind are coming to vancouver this week and I'm considering switching. It seems like the n900 should be supported on its network but nokia don't sell/support the n900 here. If you were in my position would you wait for the next phone?05:38
asjwhich next phone?05:38
PHiZiKnext maemo phone?05:38
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doc|homewell, whatever follows the n900 I suppose05:39
doc|homebe it meego or whatever05:39
wazddoc|home: it can be Nokia 1100 successor :D05:39
PHiZiKi don't think this will be anytime soon05:39
asjdoc|home: how does wind make a difference? are they a real operator of an mvno?05:39
doc|homeasj: they have their own network. They're not piggy backing anyone.05:40
doc|homewazd: you lost me :)05:40
asjdoc|home: the n900 is 900mhz, 2100mhz (ignoring the tmobile crap), does that match up with Wind? Rogers is 850 I thought so no luck there05:41
doc|homeit's kinda crappy that I can't even buy the thing here and expect to have support, and even  if I did, it might become a dead end when meego properly comes along05:41
doc|homeasj: they're aws05:41
asjdoc|home: ah ok, well it's a dead end product as you state05:42
* doc|home nods05:42
asjbut it's a pretty fun phone if you want linux in your pocket05:42
doc|homejust wondering how long a person might expect to wait for its replacement05:42
doc|homeI bought an openmoko freerunner about two years and still can't use the damn thing05:42
doc|home*two years ago05:42
PHiZiKI'd say long05:42
PHiZiKyeah 2 years probably05:43
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PHiZiKor more05:43
doc|homeit's almost like nokia wants to not capitalise on the good thing they have05:43
doc|homeanyway, thanks for the replies05:44
asjdoc|home: the n900 is a trial balloon I think05:44
PHiZiK^ i agree05:44
doc|homeseems kinda an odd way to run it05:44
doc|home"you can't buy it here, and you also won't have any OS upgrade route" :/05:44
doc|homehere = canada05:45
wazdasus came uber-close to my tablet idea, bastards05:45
asjdoc|home: what phone ever went through a real os upgrade? even the iphone 2g was dropped05:45
wazdbuuut, since it's asus, they don't have enough brain to think out of the boundaries :)05:45
doc|homeasj: yep, but still, doing it about 6 months after you start selling the phone, with no replacement in sight seems a bit odd05:46
PHiZiKewww that thing looks fugly05:47
asjdoc|home: not really if you think about it, we knew there would be maemo6, no one expected it to run on the n900, why would we expect meego to as well? The n810 doesn't run maemo5...05:47
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doc|homeasj: yep, but some of the tablets did go through multiple OS versions05:48
asjdoc|home: the tablets were way more niche than the n900 after all05:48
* doc|home nods05:48
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doc|homeobviously I'm not expecting all the same functionality, or speed advances, but some should be transferable I'd have thought05:49
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asjdoc|home: even if the next device were only a year away, do you want to run it on 2 year old hardware? (assuming the n900 was finalized 6mo before mass production)05:50
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doc|homeasj: sure, if it's usable05:51
doc|homeit won't be much slower than the piece of junk I use now :)05:51
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asjdoc|home: the market isn't about "useable" it must perform great, at least as good as the original if not better, otherwise imagin the reviews.  This also retricts the new OS to 256 meg / and do you want to limit that?05:52
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asjand potentially keeps the current /opt -> /home/opt mess05:52
doc|homeasj: I know things progress, but like I said, the tablets did a reasonable job of handling OS advances, so a person can hope05:53
asjdoc|home: there's always community support ;)  anyways I enjoy the n900 and had the option a couple of weeks ago of getting one to last the next 2 years and chose the n90005:54
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doc|homeasj: yeah, community support is what I was relying on for the openmoko freerunner :(05:55
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doc|homeasj: I still haven't ruled out a n900. Just not sure yet either way.05:55
asjdoc|home: not enough of a community, I wonder how many openmoko's were made?05:55
doc|homeasj: I don't know if the number was ever said05:56
asj"This would give programmers as well as users complete freedom. Up to now the manufacturer has produced two models, the first has sold 3,000 units and the second one 10,000"05:57
doc|homethe first one really was a dev machine though05:57
asjI wonder how those numbers compare to a nokia proto run ;)05:57
doc|homehah, they don't :)05:57
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SpeedEvilThe n900 has sold 100K in the first 5 weeks reportedly.06:00
asjreuters would disagree, but I can't find anything else06:01
asjbut considering nokia doesn't promote the n900 <shrug>06:02
SpeedEvilWell. fmms looks to have at least 10000 users.06:02
SpeedEvilI think that a very large number of users are simply not installing anything, or enabling any other than the default repos.06:03
SpeedEvilThird-party mms add-on.06:03
asjI would agree with the lack of knowledge about repo06:03
asjotherwise we wouldn't see the "there's no n900 apps"06:04
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SpeedEvilit's not too hard to just think that ovi store must be it.06:04
SpeedEvilAnd the selection there is underwhelming06:04
asjheh, that's an understatement06:05
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Robot101vodafone have discontinued n900 in the UK :(06:07
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Robot101the guy in the shop said "oh it has linux or something, its not very popular"06:07
asjRobot101: any other carrier deals?06:07
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Tobarja_n810my media player keeps forgetting about the 100 mp3's i have. is there a replacement that's easy on the resources? n810(if you didn't notice)06:11
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TermanaTobarja_n810, Canola?06:24
TermanaNot sure how easy it is on the resources, but its great all the same06:24
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jaem'Evening all.06:32
jaemMy friend just got an N900 in Vancouver, BC, where a new carrier is about to launch.  He's wondering if there's an app that gives channel/signal info, etc. for cell sites in the area.06:32
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SpeedEvilNot for nonauthenticated cells06:46
SpeedEvilAs I understand it anyway06:47
jaemSpeedEvil, Okay, thanks.06:48
jaemGah, some part of either my chair or laptop stand keeps making clicking noises that sound like the N900's IM alert. :/06:48
jaemGiven how attuned I am to those sorts of noises, it keeps distracting me.  heh.06:48
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jaemOn a different note, the beta SDK is telling me it can't find a header on compilation, despite the header being in the include path that it quotes in the compiler output log.06:49
jaemIt builds fine from the command line.  Can I build with the MADDE framework outside of Qt Creator?06:50
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dracflamloci need help... just updated n900 to 1.207:06
dracflamlocapp manager shows no catalogs07:06
dracflamlocand i cannot manually add any07:06
dracflamloci hit new, and save, but nothing shows07:06
asjtry reflashing the emmc?07:07
dracflamloccan you restate that for a non-techie?07:07
jaemdracflamloc, When you say "nothing shows", do you mean that the one you added isn't then on the list?07:07
jaemdracflamloc, the eMMC is your main storage, where your documents and a few other things go.07:07
dracflamloccorrect jaem, the one i add doesnt show07:07
dracflamlocand none of the defaults are in there either07:08
jaemIf the appropriate (non-personal-files) parts of the eMMC don't get cleared during the upgrade, it might cause problems.07:08
dracflamloci used the nokia software updater, btw07:08
jaemasj was suggesting that you could try flashing the eMMC as well, to fully wipe/reflash the phone.  I don't think there's a pointy-clicky way to do that, though, unless the NSU does it automatically.07:09
jaemBe warned that if you do do that, it will wipe all your files and settings, so you'd want to back up.07:09
dracflamlocok. i have a backup already from before 1.2 udpate07:09
jaemdracflamloc, Do you feel comfortable checking something in the terminal if I give you the commands to type in?07:09
jaemIt might save some time.07:10
dracflamlocso, my question is, how do i do the emmc thing07:10
dracflamlocyea sure07:10
jaemdracflamloc, okay, let me know when you have XTerm open.07:10
jaemType the following, and (if you can), copy the result into, and send me the link07:11
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jaemcat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list07:11
jaem"cat" in this case just spits out the contents of the text file to the screen.07:12
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jaemdracflamloc, Paste is on the XTerm menu, FYI07:13
jaemsorry, Copy07:13
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jaemdracflamloc, Okay, that part looks good.  Was Extras/"" the repository you tried to manually add just now?07:15
dracflamlocum, i tried adding that one, and a few others that were just 'test' in every field07:16
dracflamlocnothing showed int he list at all07:16
jaemDid you ever install root access with the rootsh package?07:16
dracflamlocprobably, i had that debian thing on here07:17
jaemOkay, that makes things a bit easier, hopefully.07:17
jaemYou'll need root access for this, so run "root" (no quotes)07:18
jaemAlso, in general, if someone tells you to do something as root, be suspicious - some people are jerks, although usually not in #maemo.07:18
jaemFeel free to check what I'm telling you07:18
dracflamlocroot is a command?07:18
dracflamlocsays not found07:18
jaemAh, okay then.07:19
dracflamlocit removed everything prior to the update i think07:19
jaemDid you try refreshing the lists from within Hildon Application Manager (HAM)?07:19
jaeme.g. from the Menu, or by hitting Update.07:19
dracflamlochildon application manager?07:20
dracflamlocyou mean what shows int he menu as 'app. manager'?07:20
jaemHildon is the Maemo desktop interface, but the name isn't really used as branding.07:20
dracflamlocwell thats where i was trying to add the new catalogs07:21
jaemYes.  Sometimes if it glitches, refreshing the app lists will give it a kick in the proverbial butt.07:22
dracflamlocall the sources just showed up07:22
jaemHeh, I should have thought of that in the first place.07:22
* dracflamloc smacks himself07:22
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dracflamloci swear i did that 3 times07:22
dracflamlocand nothing happened07:22
dracflamlocnow poof07:22
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jaemDon't worry, it /is/ caused by a bug or similar, so it wasn't your fault.07:22
dracflamlock, now to restore all those programs. fun time!07:23
dracflamlocthanks for the help07:23
jaemYou might want to double-check that there aren't duplicate Catalogue entries now, since it looks like there might be.07:23
jaemYou're welcome, glad to be of assistance.07:23
jaemYou might want to install rootsh, just in case you run into a bind in the future.07:23
dracflamlocah there was a dupe07:24
jaemWith sufficient knowledge, one can usually fix Linux systems even if they're really trashed, but you'll generally need root access.07:24
jaemProbably not an issue, but certainly pointless.07:24
dracflamlocyea. i'm okay from a shell but no wizard. especially not on n90007:25
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luke-jrStskeeps: fwiw, gpsdriver fails epic silently if disk full08:01
luke-jr(not related to 2.6.33 issues)08:01
jaemluke-jr, context?08:01
Stskeepsluke-jr: most things do08:01
luke-jrjaem: I'm reverse engineering it; Stskeeps is revising it08:02
luke-jrStskeeps: true enough :p08:02
luke-jrwell, usually things crash and burn in my experience08:02
luke-jrbut whatever08:02
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jaemluke-jr, refresh my memory about what gpsdriver's role is?08:02
luke-jrjaem: it is the GPS08:02
Stskeeps'gps' 'driver'08:02
jaemepic fail on my part, sorry08:03
jaemWhich layer of the stack, though?08:03
luke-jrGNOME Postscript driver08:03
jaemluke-jr, gah!  Get it away from me!08:03
luke-jrjaem: best I can tell, it does most of the GPS calculations08:03
luke-jrthankfully there's already some open source code for that08:04
jaemluke-jr, alrighty.  I have to poke at GPS stuff at some point for work, but I haven't gotten there yet.08:04
luke-jrI just need to build some glue08:04
luke-jror rather, document enough for someoen else to build the glue08:04
luke-jrso it's clean-room08:04
luke-jrwill probably make my own glue in the process, but not share that08:05
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slonopotamusthat was accidental08:13
slonopotamusStskeeps: we're getting libcal?08:14
TermanaSURE it was :P08:14
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Stskeepsslonopotamus: right, still in midst of being prepared for open sourcing but there's a 'go' on it08:14
Stskeepsshould be coming out as part of the meego on n900 stuff hopefully08:15
Stskeepsnext up: pigs flying08:15
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luke-jrwhy the heck are we getting libcal?08:16
slonopotamusluke-jr: because we can?08:16
luke-jrI mean, why waste the effort when it's been replaced?08:16
Stskeepsit hasn't, just for read mode08:16
luke-jreffort that could be put toward gpsdriver or BME or NOLO08:16
Stskeepscos it's a closed source dependancy to libdsme?08:17
Termanaluke-jr, why not? How is it a problem that something is being opened?08:17
Stskeepser, dsme08:17
slonopotamusStskeeps: i already have read mode.08:17
luke-jrTermana: there's much more important things08:17
Stskeepsslonopotamus: what i meant was, write mode is in libcal08:17
slonopotamusStskeeps: so its value is smth about zero.08:17
Stskeepsslonopotamus: and that part is going out too08:17
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slonopotamusStskeeps: oh. you were not specific enough :)08:17
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luke-jrStskeeps: btw, you know OMAP Tags is outright rejected from mainline?08:18
luke-jrwhich means we need either a guarantee all N8x0 have the same tag content, or NOLO opened08:18
Termanaluke-jr, I'm not sure that this is going to take so much time that its unprioritised open sourcing of other components.08:18
luke-jrTermana: needs legal to review it, etc...08:19
Stskeepsluke-jr: yes, i know that08:19
Stskeepsluke-jr: i have a userspace atags decoder at least08:20
luke-jrme too08:20
luke-jrit converts to XML08:20
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luke-jrincluding decomposing GPIO OMAP Tags08:20
Stskeepsnolo can't be replaced anyway, it's signed by a nokia key08:21
Stskeepsso no good reason for it to be released08:21
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Stskeepsat least on n90008:22
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Stskeeps(what use is open source if you can't recompile and replace it in the area it's in?)08:23
TermanaJust as a sort of related side note - I saw on tmo someone completely bricked their n800.08:23
Stskeepsdid they dd /dev/mtd? :P08:23
TermanaStskeeps, right, they erased the bootloader partition :P08:23
Stskeepssilly people08:23
* slonopotamus half-broke /dev/mtd1 on his n800 :/08:24
slonopotamus*some* entries are not readable now :)08:24
Stskeepswell, with libcal you'll be able to debug what's wrong :P08:25
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slonopotamusi know what's wrong, my write algorithm08:27
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jaemslonopotamus, but how could a right algorithm be wrong?08:34
* jaem ducks08:34
slonopotamusjaem: ...08:37
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slonopotamusdo ducks duck?08:40
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timeless_mbpStskeeps: ping08:49
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timeless_mbpwhat do you think of my button label?08:53
Stskeepshmm, interesting08:55
Stskeepssince there's no auto focus, backup would be the normal choice08:55
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* timeless_mbp chuckles08:57
timeless_mbpthat reminds me08:57
timeless_mbpi need to fix the sim dialog08:57
timeless_mbpright now it has 'skip' and 'done'08:57
timeless_mbpbut if you try calling someone and the sim dialog appears08:57
DassuAnybody here here experienced with mediatomb or with UpNp+n900 in general?08:57
timeless_mbpyou might try clicking skip a number of times08:57
timeless_mbpsince it's the natural button08:57
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ruskieDassu, works for me if you you consider that experienced08:59
timeless_mbpoh brother08:59
timeless_mbpSkip and Done seem to come from distinct domains08:59
timeless_mbpand Done seems to be a generic domain string08:59
timeless_mbpremind me to shoot someone08:59
Dassuruskie: Okies. What codec are you using?08:59
ruskieDassu, I don't transcode09:00
Dassuruskie: are you using the default player or something else. And why?09:00
ruskiemplayer and djmount09:00
timeless_mbpStskeeps: so...09:00
Dassuruskie: dude, the files still have a codec09:00
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timeless_mbpi *really* want help09:00
ruskiesimply because I prefer mplayer09:00
timeless_mbpi want to rewrite how glib's gettext works09:00
Dassuruskie: Oh, okies. well, ... that most likely has the best codec support09:00
ruskieDassu, various codecs09:00
timeless_mbpi need to change it so that it can do evil things based on the name of the running app09:01
timeless_mbpbecause these running apps are incredibly stupid09:01
DassuAtm. I'm trying to setup MythTV+mediatomb streaming setup that would work with default player by doing on-fly-endcoding to either h264, h263 or to the mpeg409:01
Dassubut definately a pain in the ass.09:02
Dassua) Huge CPU load on the server b) Huge delay c) Sometimes I manage to get some picture but it is all messed up.09:02
ruskieI used dvd quality for streaming to the ps3 and the n900 myself when I did transcoding09:02
ruskiegave up on that since had issues with mythtv playing that upnp stream09:03
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DassuOne way would be to install mythfrontend on the N900.09:05
* timeless_mbp grins09:05
timeless_mbpi finally found a team at nokia that i like09:05
timeless_mbptoo bad i don't think end users will ever meet them :(09:06
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ruskietimeless_mbp, how so?09:06
DassuSome people are lucky.09:06
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timeless_mbpruskie: the team works on an internal product :(09:08
timeless_mbpbut the team does things that seem unbelievable to me...09:09
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timeless_mbpthey respond to suggestions!09:09
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timeless_mbpyeah i know… unbelievable09:10
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jaemI love how much Intel's markety-speak for this sounds like people advertising "amazing" 10-year old computers for four times their value:
timeless_mbpplaying games on i486 sucked at a certain point09:15
jaem...and it still does now09:16
timeless_mbpand surfing the web w/ it instead of a pentium was depressing09:16
jaemYeah, I just am amused at how even Intel can't really find anything good to say about their low-end processors.09:16
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timeless_mbpthe i486s at my high school library still depress me09:16
timeless_mbpwe only had a couple of pentiums09:16
jaemThey still have them?09:16
jaemYou had me worried.09:16
timeless_mbpdunno, i haven't been back in ages09:17
timeless_mbpi sure hope not09:17
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timeless_mbpin other news, i met an infected laptop last night09:17
Appiahthey are upgraded to PIII I bet09:17
timeless_mbpand i think i managed to clean it w/o reinstalling the world09:17
timeless_mbpit was fun actually09:17
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timeless_mbpjaem: what do you think of:
jaemtimeless_mbp, looks good to me, but I forget what it originally looked like.09:18
timeless_mbpjaem: um, hrm09:19
timeless_mbpyeah, i suppose i need a before/after shot09:19
jaemI only have one N900 with me right now, and I don't want to mess with it to see. :P09:19
timeless_mbplemme switch locales09:19
jaemtimeless_mbp, sure.09:19
jaemtimeless_mbp, you wouldn't happen to know anyone involved in the beta SDK who I could poke about something, do you?  I've hung up on a weird issue, and wondering if the "Beta" label has anything to do with it.09:20
timeless_mbpwhich beta sdk is this?09:20
jaemthe new Qt SDK, from April 2709:20
timeless_mbphrm, no?09:21
timeless_mbpthere's a #qt-maemo right?09:21
jaemA g++ command line that should be fine is bailing on a missing header, which is exactly where it's looking.09:21
jaemIs there?09:21
jaemI just went and explained it at length in #qt, to no reply.09:22
jaemI'm hesitant to just paste it all over to another channel09:22
* jaem frowns09:22
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jaemI think it's an environmental issue in MADDE09:23
Stskeepsoil leak?09:23
asjtimeless_mbp: and #qt-labs too09:24
jaemStskeeps, I'm not sure... there are a lot of variables to consider.09:24
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timeless_mbpis a "before" shot09:25
jaemStskeeps, naw, it's just that the build works fine natively, and the headers are where they should be, but somehow when I run an (apparently) equivalent build inside Qt Creator, it can't find the header, in (apparently) the same place it could before.09:25
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jaemHence, I'm guessing it's an environment issue, or something else to do with MADDE's voodoo09:25
jaemtimeless_mbp, yes, that looks much better than before.09:26
timeless_mbpjaem: what amuses me is the button label09:27
jaemThe arrow on the button is a nice touch, and the text has been compressed while /gaining/ clarity, IMO09:27
jaemtimeless_mbp, is this your work?09:27
timeless_mbpi did this if that's what you mean09:27
jaemtimeless_mbp, yes09:27
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timeless_mbpjaem: minor warning, i'm making random updates to my locale so things aren't always perfect09:28
jaemtimeless_mbp, sure09:29
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timeless_mbpare you running 1.1.1 or 1.2?09:30
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* timeless_mbp has one 1.1.1- string to fix still09:31
timeless_mbpit's my favorite string:09:31
timeless_mbpmsgstr "XXX How did you get here?"09:31
jaemI'd be happy to help you with strings later, but I can't right now.09:31
jaemWhere's that one from?09:31
timeless_mbpi wrote that because in 1.2 the string doesn't happen09:31
jaemAh... :D09:31
timeless_mbpit took me visiting a friend w/ my strings running 1.1.1 to finally spot it09:31
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timeless_mbpif you're using 1.2, you'll never see it :)09:32
zekedoes maemo5 support 64bit yet?09:32
jaemtimeless_mbp, I think you'll appreciate this, which I found the other day.09:32
zekethe sdk09:32
timeless_mbpzeke:  "the sdk:09:32
jaemzeke, Yeah, my 64-bit N900...09:32
jaemaw, darn09:32
timeless_mbpthat sounds monolithic09:32
jaemzeke, you're too quick09:32
jaemtimeless_mbp, link:
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zekebecause I have to use a 64bit OS, and last time it bitched about me using 64bit09:33
timeless_mbpjaem: nice09:33
jaemzeke, the beta SDK is fine on 64-bit Linux09:33
jaemtimeless_mbp, I thought so.09:33
jaemI discovered it while talking (in meatspace) with a Symbian guy.09:33
timeless_mbpzeke: so, depending on how new/old your kernel is, there's sometimes something that you have to tune09:33
timeless_mbpjaem: is it limited to the perforce tab?09:33
jaemHe agreed that I should mock it before reporting it. :P09:33
jaemtimeless_mbp, I think so, but I forgot to check.09:34
zeketimeless_mbp: I run Gentoo09:34
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timeless_mbpzeke: i don't care =)09:34
zekeso I always use the latest everything :)09:34
jacekowskii have normal scratchbox 1 and it works fine on09:34
jacekowskiLinux #1 SMP Tue Dec 29 14:41:12 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:34
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zekeLinux narfxeon 2.6.33-gentoo-r2 #1 SMP Fri May 14 23:55:47 Local time zone must be set--see zic  x86_64 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X3440 @ 2.53GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux09:34
jaemzeke, you remind me of the guy on #kde last release, who was bragging about how Slackware had their packages out 45 min after release.09:34
jaemI pointed out that Arch had theirs out >1hr before. :P09:35
* jaem high fives zeke09:35
* zeke high fives back and raises eyebrow09:35
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* timeless_mbp frowns09:35
timeless_mbpwhat the heck is in post-build-checks ?09:35
timeless_mbpother than stuff that makes my xref EEP a lot :(09:36
jacekowskisuch a waste of resources09:36
zekejacekowski: well my machine whoops yours :P09:36
jacekowskimodel name      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X3360  @ 2.83GHz09:36
jacekowski4 core09:36
jacekowskiand 8G of ram09:37
jacekowskiare you sure?09:37
timeless_mbpjacekowski: well, mine makes a nice lap warmer09:37
timeless_mbpdoes yours weigh too much to fit comfortably on your lap?09:37
zekeSysinfo for 'narfxeon': Linux 2.6.33-gentoo-r2 running KDE Development Platform 4.4.81 (KDE 4.4.81 (KDE 4.5 >= 20100527)), CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X3440  @ 2.53GHz at 2534 MHz (5371 bogomips), HD: 112/458GB, RAM: 5046/5973MB, 232 proc's, 13.21h up09:37
jacekowskiit's mounted in rack09:37
jacekowskiyeah, mine is better09:37
timeless_mbpyeah, ETOOHEAVY09:37
timeless_mbpand ETOOWIDE09:38
timeless_mbpdefinitely not a proper lap warmer09:38
timeless_mbpjaem: fwiw, the XXX string above means:09:39
timeless_mbpmsgstr "Select Status to Edit"09:39
timeless_mbpbut that feels too long09:39
jacekowskiopen that09:39
jacekowskiand press ctrl+a09:39
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jaemtimeless_mbp, did I miss something, or are you commenting on the thing from a while back?09:40
jacekowskitimeless_mbp: besides, it warms whole room instead of just lap09:41
timeless_mbpjacekowski: oh sure09:42
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acidjazzwhen is the maemo update for US n900's?09:43
acidjazzand where can i read what the update has09:43
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timeless_mbp ?09:45
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timeless_mbpacidjazz: afaik it should have been available ages ago09:47
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acidjazzah i see it09:47
acidjazzsorry my n900 has been off for a while09:47
acidjazzwhats in it?09:47
jaemacidjazz, Skype/Jabber video calling, for one thing.09:49
jaemSkype video seems to work quite well.09:49
jaemThere's a list on the wiki.09:49
acidjazzurl to wiki pls09:49
acidjazz ?09:49
jaemA few big things like that, a long list of bugfixes, and a fair amount of small changes and additions that you'll run into as you poke around the device.09:49
jaemFor instance, overdue Tasks in calendar are now in Red text09:50
jaemYeah, should be.09:50
jaemSigh... maybe I should take a break from this stupid problem.09:50
timeless_mbpjaem: interesting09:50
* timeless_mbp never uses tasks09:50
jaemIt's driving me crazy.09:50
jaemexhibit A: I just almost put toothpaste on my razor09:51
acidjazzi dont have enough room for the update09:51
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jaemtimeless_mbp, yeah, it's helpful, but I wish they'd taken my suggestion and added a "Postpone" button, like RememberTheMilk has09:51
jaemacidjazz, see topic09:51
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acidjazznic esolutions09:55
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TuukkaWhat's the most stable/safest unzip app?09:57
timeless_mbphow dangerous should an unzip be?09:57
jaemTuukka, unzip09:57
jaemwhich is command line09:57
jaemthere is an unzip addon for the file manager, as well09:58
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timeless_mbpoh, that sounds dangerous09:58
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jaemTuukka, You can generally assume that anything in Extras is safe.09:58
jaemOf course, you can never be 100% sure of anything unless you've read every line of code and built the app yourself09:58
Tuukkajaem, by unzip you mean zip?09:58
jaemBut I wouldn't worry about "safety"09:58
jaemTuukka, the program is called unzip, but it does both.09:59
timeless_mbpjaem: weren't zip and unzip in distinct packages?09:59
jaemtimeless_mbp, maybe?  I can't remember.09:59
jaemI thought the unzip binary did both functions.09:59
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timeless_mbpfrom memory they're like the pkzip versions10:00
timeless_mbpbut distinct10:00
acidjazznothing i uninstall is freeing up room on /10:00
acidjazzthis is retarded10:00
jaemtimeless_mbp, in regards to your question about the screenshot, the label doesn't seem to exist in the other tabs, so I assume it's limited to the Perforce tab.10:01
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acidjazzwhy doesnt the maemo update just use the 32gb of room?10:02
acidjazz the f10:02
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timeless_mbpacidjazz: you mean "why doesn't the maemo update eat all of my data, songs, music, videos, photos of my gf"?10:03
timeless_mbplet me think about that!10:03
acidjazzthat doesnt make sense10:03
acidjazzwhy does uninstalling apps not show more room on ?10:04
timeless_mbpwhich part?10:04
acidjazz=> /10:04
timeless_mbpthe file system doesn't work the way you think it works10:04
timeless_mbpso often you need to reboot to actually get space back10:05
timeless_mbpand this is fairly typical for file systems10:05
acidjazzwhats the command to run things as root again10:05
acidjazzdid you just tell me its fairly typpical that filesystems need to be rebooted to see current the current available room?10:06
timeless_mbpyou don't reboot file systems10:06
timeless_mbpbut basically10:06
* timeless_mbp ponders10:06
timeless_mbpimagine you have a spot on the beech10:06
timeless_mbphrm, beach10:06
timeless_mbpyou build a nice sand castle and stick some plastic around the castle to protect it from the waves10:07
timeless_mbpyou decide it's time to go home10:07
timeless_mbpso you take your plastic with you10:07
acidjazzah gainroot10:07
timeless_mbpthe castle doesn't magically disappear just because the plastic is gone10:07
timeless_mbpbut the next kid who comes along can try to kick the castle10:08
timeless_mbpit might work, or it might be too hard10:08
jaemtimeless_mbp, you were that kid, weren't you?  Jerk. :P10:08
timeless_mbpif you come back the next day after high tide10:08
timeless_mbpthe waves will have wiped out your castle10:08
timeless_mbpthat's kinda like the reboot step10:08
jaemThat analogy is made of win.10:08
timeless_mbpthings which are protected by plastic don't go away even when the waves come10:08
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timeless_mbpbut things which aren't don't magically disappear unless waves or something else comes along10:09
acidjazz.5mb freed up10:10
tank-mananyone here still using the PalmOS VM ?10:10
acidjazz29.5mb free now10:10
acidjazzim gonna snap this phone in half10:10
timeless_mbpacidjazz: are you using 1.1.1?10:10
acidjazz1.1.1 of what10:10
acidjazzmaemo 5 3.2010.02-8.00210:11
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timeless_mbpthat's some regional variant10:11
* timeless_mbp would back up and reflash w/ global10:12
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timeless_mbpregional variants are disturbing10:12
acidjazzits whatever the thing came w/10:12
jaemGah... I finally figured it out.10:12
acidjazzim not listening to you after your creepy sandcastle story10:12
acidjazzwhatd u figure out jaem10:12
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timeless_mbphey, i wasn't the one who kicked the sand castle!10:12
timeless_mbpthat was jaem!10:12
jaemacidjazz, the problem that was making me distracted enough to almost put toothpaste on my razor10:13
* timeless_mbp points an accusatory yellow plastic shovel10:13
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jaemtimeless_mbp, I made you a scapegoat first - read the scrollback - therefore your scapegoating of me is invalid10:13
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jaemacidjazz, timeless_mbp, it turns out that if I stick my headers in the MADDE target rootfs prefix, it all works nicely10:13
* jaem grumbles10:14
jaemWell, that was a lovely waste of - what?  Four hours or so.10:14
jaemNot that I was doing that the whole time, but still10:14
acidjazzwhta ar eu working on jaem10:14
jaemacidjazz, currently?  Trying to get a demo app for a university project to compile in the SDK.10:15
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jaemMy prof needs it running on Symbian in short order, for some event he's going to10:15
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acidjazzwhat school is this10:16
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timeless_mbphow would a maemo sdk help you w/ a symbian problem?10:16
acidjazza java class?10:16
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jaemacidjazz, Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada10:17
jaemand no, not Java (blech)10:17
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jaemIt's C/C++/Qt10:17
jaemtimeless_mbp, Getting it building in the SDK at all was the first step, and the new SDK builds for both.  (Well, Symbian isn't supported on a Linux host yet, but it will be in release)10:18
* timeless_mbp frowns10:18
jaemI just thought that trying to solve an SDK-specific problem would be easier if I kept the amount of things I wasn't familiar with down to one.10:18
timeless_mbpmy gmailbox is 10% full10:18
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jaemtimeless_mbp, so, it was happy finding and linking to a library in $randompath, but it couldn't find the headers for it anywhere but the cross-compiler's include prefix, despite the correct g++ -I switch.10:20
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jaemWould that count as an SDK bug, do you think?10:20
timeless_mbpi think we fought something like that in a previous sdk10:20
timeless_mbpwe gave up10:20
timeless_mbpand decided the sdk people were stupid10:21
acidjazzis there a google maps app for maemo yet?10:21
acidjazzhow do i reset the whole phone10:22
timeless_mbpacidjazz: there's maepero or something10:22
acidjazzand wipe everythign on this thing10:22
fralsjust open google maps in the browser?10:22
timeless_mbpwhich can use google maps10:22
timeless_mbpor you could just use the browser10:22
timeless_mbpin 1.2 the browser has integrated location suppor10:22
timeless_mbp(in 1.1.1 you had to install an extension)10:22
jaemtimeless_mbp, the app is called mappero, but the package itself hasn't transitioned, and is still called maemo-mapper10:24
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jaemtimeless_mbp, Oh?  Gah, how do I disable that?10:24
jaemIt would have been nice if they'd mentioned that up-front.10:24
jaemI might end up using it at some point, but I like to *know* when those sorts of features are enabled.10:24
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timeless_mbpjaem: the browser asks permission!10:25
jaemtimeless_mbp, oh, good.10:25
timeless_mbpit doesn't go off and give away your location...10:25
jaemI presume that webapps can still detect the feature, though?10:25
timeless_mbpwe're not quite *that* stupid10:25
jaemHeh, no, I figured there would be an "off" switch, but I wasn't sure it if was opt-in on a per-site basis.10:25
timeless_mbpthe clever people unfortunately didn't provide a good way to lie about position10:26
timeless_mbpwhich sucks10:26
* timeless_mbp curses enthusiasts10:26
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mc_teodid maemo gets socks proxy support yet?10:27
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timeless_mbpmc_teo: eh?10:30
timeless_mbpthe browser engine supports socks10:30
timeless_mbpthe ui unfortunately doesn't prioritize socks10:30
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timeless_mbpi think you can use a PAC file10:31
mc_teotimeless: i never thought of that10:31
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timeless_mbpfwiw i didn't the last time you or someone else asked a day or two ago10:31
timeless_mbpbut a google search for iphone socks proxy suggested it10:32
mc_teoi remembered there was someway to bookmark the about:config settings10:32
timeless_mbpthat unfortunately doesn't work anymore10:32
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timeless_mbpit relied on code i had written for about:config10:32
acidjazzof all the strategies to free up 100mb on / for the update whats the most effective?10:32
timeless_mbpbut we replaced that w/ the standard gecko about:config :(10:32
timeless_mbp… and well, we support PAC, so what's good for apple is good for us :)10:32
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timeless_mbpacidjazz: back up your applications and reflash :)10:33
mc_teoah, so a PAC it is then10:33
timeless_mbpit'll save you time10:33
timeless_mbpmc_teo: fwiw10:33
timeless_mbpacidjazz: the backup can record the list of applications you've installed10:33
timeless_mbpand it will save your settings10:33
timeless_mbpso after you reflash you can restore your backup, and then restore your apps10:33
timeless_mbpit's going to be faster than freeing up 100mb of space10:34
mc_teoyeah, much faster10:34
mc_teoas often its conflicting packages too10:34
mc_teoi spent hours making rootfs smaller10:34
timeless_mbpi'm not saying it isn't possible to do it, i've done it for a few devices10:34
timeless_mbpbut it can easily cost 4 hours10:34
mc_teoand then it still wouldnt update ota10:34
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LiraNunawho made RDS Notify?10:40
LiraNunaor ported10:41
TuukkaLiraNuna, Maintainers: Fabrice Crohas10:42
jaemLiraNuna, technically maintainer doesn't necessarily == author10:43
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LiraNunaI understand10:43
jaemAlthough in the Maemo world, it quite often does.10:43
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jaemIf you can't find the original author, they should be able to get you in touch, though, in any case10:44
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LiraNunawell, I'd like to offer improvements, and I don't know how to10:45
threshmm, does media player support flac?10:45
acidjazztimeless_mbp: there a tutorial for this?10:45
threshcause i'd like to listen to new trent's ep10:45
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timeless_mbpacidjazz: "how to create a backup"?10:46
timeless_mbp1. open the task launcher10:46
timeless_mbp2. open backup10:46
timeless_mbp3. create backup10:46
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timeless_mbp4. give it a name10:46
timeless_mbp5. create backup (it should back up everything by default, w/o a password)10:47
timeless_mbp6. follow the flashing instructions in the wiki to just reflash the rootfs (*not* the eMMC)10:47
timeless_mbp7. turn on the n90010:47
timeless_mbp8. open the task launcher10:47
timeless_mbp9. open backup10:47
timeless_mbp10. restore backup10:47
timeless_mbp11. it will reboot10:48
timeless_mbp12. open the task launcher10:48
timeless_mbp13. open app manager10:48
timeless_mbp14. tap the title area10:48
timeless_mbp15. select restore applications10:48
timeless_mbp… it's something like that10:48
timeless_mbpactually in theory backup should offer to run app manager for you10:48
timeless_mbpso it's arguably simpler than that10:48
timeless_mbpnone of this is complicated10:48
timeless_mbpit's designed for normal customers10:48
timeless_mbpthe labels while not perfect aren't terrible either10:49
acidjazzthe flasher part is def ont for normal customers10:49
acidjazznothign about this is for normal customers10:49
timeless_mbpoddly, it is10:49
timeless_mbpwe ship a windows application which does flashing10:49
timeless_mbpit might be
timeless_mbpnot certain10:49
* timeless_mbp doesn't use it10:49
* timeless_mbp ponders10:50 feels like an internal site i used recently10:50
acidjazzi dont even have a usb cable around right now10:50
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timeless_mbpwell…. you could spend hours trying to free up space10:51
timeless_mbpor an hour getting a cable10:51
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acidjazzor i could turn it off10:53
acidjazzand put it back in my droor of useless gadgets10:53
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jacekowskiSpeedEvil: ping10:56
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lucentacidjazz: flash is not mystical, it is a standard procedure11:05
tybolltflash (the kind from adobe) certainly is :P11:06
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fralstimeless_mbp: is it summer in helsinki yet?11:07
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lucentadobe flash is "Internet herpes"11:07
hrwacidjazz: NSU is tool for normal users11:07
meceit's nice in Turku at least.11:07
meceI mean Åbo11:07
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tybolltlucent: >:D11:07
timeless_mbpfrals: there's sun out today11:07
timeless_mbpand i'm wearing shorts right now11:07
tybolltTurku - please11:07
timeless_mbpbut i haven't gone outside yet11:07
tybolltnot åbo11:07
meceit's Åbo.11:07
timeless_mbpget a room11:08
acidjazzthe flasher i used before was a dos cli11:08
fralstimeless_mbp: mkay11:08
lucentI used the Linux instructions11:09
fralsuh, whats the language codethingy for czech? cz?11:09
timeless_mbpcs-CZ ?11:09
fralsyeah, cs. doh, uploaded file to transifex as cz ;(11:10
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timeless_mbpfile a bug asking transifex to warn :)11:10
timeless_mbpit's a common mistake11:10
fralsthe lack of ways to remove a translation from the transifex website is disturbing11:10
timeless_mbpfile a bug for that too ;-)11:10
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timeless_mbpcs-CZ language — Czech11:11
timeless_mbp- FeedbackIs this accurate? Yes NoThank you for your feedback.11:11
timeless_mbpAccording to,, and 6 others -11:11
timeless_mbpShow sources11:11
lucentwhy does the maemo port of keepassx not see the memory card on file open dialog?11:12
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timeless_mbp"no but i saw the movie"11:20
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acidjazzwat is this11:20
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* timeless_mbp frowns11:30
timeless_mbpok, so not following symlinks would be bad11:30
* timeless_mbp needs a better solution11:30
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smokupupnik: do you have the deb source for your warzone2100 port anywhere?11:31
jacekowskianybody with beagleboard here?11:31
jacekowskismoku: have you tried apt-get source?11:32
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smokui'll start with ubuntu debs then, as usuall :)11:34
smokujacekowski: i'm on jabber-irc transport11:34
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jacekowskiwell, i think admin nick was "smoku"11:35
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smokujacekowski: cause it is11:36
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viliny_Hey guys11:36
viliny_have some trouble with my phone11:37
viliny_was running titans kernel and did a apt-get upgrade earlier today11:37
viliny_lots of stuff got updated since i didn't know pr1.2 had come out11:37
jacekowskiviliny_: everybody warned you that oc breaks phone11:37
viliny_yeah, true11:37
viliny_but my problem right now is that my apt-get is having trouble after it updated the phone partially and seems to have lost symlink for archives that someone here suggested i do earlier to be able to do apt-get upgrade in the first place11:38
viliny_so i would need to set that up so that it works again, or failing that -> can i just reflash the device to a default state and move on forward from there?11:39
viliny_the phone works but i have a load of updates that won't go through as it is right now11:39
smokuviliny_: PR1.2 brings new eMMC layout (lot of stuff was moved there), so if your upgrade was interrupted, I guess you're out of luck and need to reflash both the rootfs and eMMC11:40
viliny_smoku: oh alright, does that mean the phone will be cleaned completely?11:41
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viliny_i wouldn't mind starting over at this point11:41
viliny_any nudge towards an up-to-date article about doing the reflash?11:42
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ZogG_N900dneary, \o11:43
pupnikjust upgrading packages worked here, after freeing up much space11:43
pupnikbut not recommended!11:43
viliny_pupnik: i suspect that would work for me too11:43
viliny_but my apt get archives were symbolic linked earlier and now thats not in effect anymore and theres some directory troubles11:44
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dnearyhi ZogG11:45
dnearyAnyone know if there's an easy way in the graphical user interface to see how much rootfs space is left?11:46
viliny_E: Archive directory /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing. #when doing apt-get update11:46
dnearydf -h doesn't seem the most user friendly :)11:46
jacekowskidneary: storage usage11:46
asj__dneary: three's something in the file manager11:46
ZogG_N900dneary, conky )11:46
pupnikviliny_: symlinking archives was the only way to get em all pulled-in11:47
viliny_E: Could not open lock file /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (2 no such file or archive)11:47
viliny_when upgrading11:47
smokuviliny_: do you have root access? you may try "mkdir -p /var/cache/apt/archives/partial"11:47
viliny_one moment11:48
viliny_whats does p do?11:48
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asj__viliny_: parents11:48
smokucreates the whole path11:48
smokuwith all needed subdirectories11:48
viliny_cannot create directory '/var/cache/apt/archives/' No such file or directory11:49
dnearyjacekowski, "memory for installable applications" lies though11:49
dnearyreports 1.7GB free, df -h reports 77MB in rootfs11:50
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ZogG_N900dneary, in memory in settings?11:50
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smokuviliny_: remove the dead symlink and try again :)11:50
dnearyZogG_N900, No - in file manager->Memory usage11:50
timeless_mbpdneary: i don't think you can get info about rootfs from Maemo's UI11:50
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timeless_mbpdneary / ZogG: that's the same widget11:51
timeless_mbpjust w/ two entrypoints11:51
zlimvos_heya all. i was wondering, would it  be possible to install this on n900? (if someone is knowlegable enough ofc)11:51
viliny_smoku i guess it was done in the "default way" last time, how do i go about finding out where it is and what to do?11:51
timeless_mbpdneary: you need to use X Terminal11:51
timeless_mbpdf -h /11:51
dnearytimeless_mbp, Someone created a bug saying "timeless isn't nice"11:51
timeless_mbpdneary: that was me11:51
jaemdneary, Lies!11:51
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jaemtimeless_mbp, link?11:51
dnearytimeless_mbp, I think I should close it as "WORKSFORME"11:51
timeless_mbpthe problem is the '-,' part11:51
viliny_smoku: and the symlink target probably still exists so maybe i can re-link it there if it's just dropped the link between updates?11:51
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timeless_mbpdneary: i saw your comment11:51
jaemdneary, heh, yes.11:51
dnearytimeless_mbp, Ah, that wasn't clear to me, sorry :)11:52
timeless_mbpdneary: if you log in, you can see the reporter...11:52
timeless_mbpthe complaint is that it doesn't let me hide my last name11:52
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timeless_mbpeven though long ago i told it not to show my last name11:52
jaem...found it11:52
timeless_mbpjaem: it's actually filed twice11:52
dnearytimeless_mbp, I don't suppose you'd consider setting your last name to t, and your first name to imeless - that would almost solve it11:53
timeless_mbpbecause filing it the first time didn't work properly11:53
timeless_mbpdneary: i'd rather do tim eless11:53
ZogG_N900dneary, does file manager have details?11:53
timeless_mbpexcept, i recently met a guy...11:53
dnearytimeless_mbp, I mean, it wasn't clear to me that "-," was the problem11:53
timeless_mbpdneary: the bug itself wasn't clear? oh dear :(11:53
dnearytimeless_mbp, I did actually notice that you were the reporter11:54
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jaemtimeless_mbp, what is your name, anyway?11:54
timeless_mbpi like memorable bug summaries11:54
BCMMzlimvos_: don't see why not, presuming the source is available and it doesn't use any really odd libraries11:54
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BCMMzlimvos_: you'll need a custom kernel if it needs ipv6 support, but there is one in extras-something11:54
smokuviliny_: I guess you would need a fresh PR1.2 flashed N900 for comparison11:54
fralsthings to do next time in nokialand: find timeless office and see what name is on the door11:55
timeless_mbpjaem: time stamp 10s11:55
BCMMzlimvos_: just try building it according to it's instructions using the SDK11:55
timeless_mbp"that would be telling"11:55
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timeless_mbpfrals: sadly the doors in our wing are unreliable11:55
zlimvos_BCMM: yeap, i saw about that. was hoping it would be in pr1.2 (ipv6 support) put apparently not. i hope this kernel customization is only module changes. Thanx for the info!11:55
timeless_mbpsometimes they're missing people or have names on the wrong offices11:56
timeless_mbpheck my mailbox's label has been wrong for months11:56
BCMMzlimvos_: nah, it's a whole new kernel - don't worry, it probably won't eat your family11:56
timeless_mbpsp3000: is my name on the right door these days?11:56
viliny_alright well i'll just flash the device again11:56
BCMMzlimvos_: it's nothing too strange really, just a slightly newer kernel with some extra options turned on11:56
* timeless_mbp should walk to work just to check11:56
viliny_any tips?11:56
sp3000not the last time I saw it ...last week?11:57
timeless_mbpfrals: see? :)11:57
viliny_im about to flash the fiasco image in but do i NEED to flash the emmc aswell?11:57
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timeless_mbpviliny_: if you want to lose all your data, you can11:57
timeless_mbpif you don't want to lose your data, flashing the emmc would be a bad diea11:57
infobottimeless_mbp meant: if you don't want to lose your data, flashing the emmc would be a bad idea11:57
fralstimeless_mbp: bah ;)11:57
timeless_mbpfrals: thank … um...11:58
timeless_mbpsp3000: what's the name of that group? something resources?11:58
timeless_mbpthey're too busy knocking down walls to get the names on offices right11:58
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viliny_timeless: im having some trouble pasting links to this virtual machine im ircing from but is the RX-51_2009SE_xxxxxx.bin the file i want to use as fiasco?11:59
viliny_says pr1.2 global11:59
fralshehe timeless_mbp11:59
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timeless_mbpsounds right, but ask someone else, i don't flash regularly12:00
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timeless_mbpheck, i usually get my friends to do it for me :)12:00
* timeless_mbp ponders12:00
timeless_mbpactually, 2009?12:00
timeless_mbpsounds bad12:00
* timeless_mbp grumbles12:00
Psiso has anyone burned out their n900 by overclocking yet? :P12:01
fralsneed bugzilla to customise the "comments" field for each product12:01
timeless_mbpwhich clever person made up the naming convention for those files? :(12:01
timeless_mbpfrals: you mean the template?12:01
timeless_mbpyou can write your own template links12:01
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fralswhereabouts would i do that in
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timeless_mbpmaybe you can't in bugs.maemo.org12:02
timeless_mbpit looks like someone botched the template?12:02
viliny_oh is the image supposed to be 180 megs?12:03
timeless_mbpyeh, you can't12:03
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* tybollt tells tim e less about and such12:03
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timeless_mbptybollt: nah, that'd defeat the point of pasting them12:04
timeless_mbpi don't want people to click them, i want people to read them12:04
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jaemviliny_, the file I downloaded (and successfully flashed) on the 26th is called RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1.002_PR_COMBINED_002_ARM.bin12:04
timeless_mbpstay away from the 002 junk :)12:05
jaemThat's either the US or Global one, I forget.12:05
jaemtimeless, what is 002?12:05
* timeless_mbp pondes12:05
* timeless_mbp ponders12:05
jaem...I didn't mean philosophically12:05
viliny_thats not the global one12:05
timeless_mbpstick to global :)12:05
viliny_mines the global one and thats named differently12:05
jaemtimeless_mbp, any particular reason?  I may anyway, but I'm curious.12:06
timeless_mbpthe 10.2010.19 bit is important12:06
timeless_mbpjaem: they aren't what's used by the majority of testers12:06
viliny_aight it's flashing12:06
timeless_mbpand engineers at nokia generally know very little about what's actually in them12:06
viliny_hope i won't end up with a brick later today :)12:06
timeless_mbpor how they differ12:06
timeless_mbpwhich means you have something which is just "magically different"12:06
timeless_mbpthat's never a good starting point12:06
jaemtimeless_mbp, ah, good to know.12:07
timeless_mbpit isn't that we can't flash w/ it12:07
timeless_mbpor that they're entirely untested12:07
jaemIs the global firmware "generic", then, for those purposes?12:07
jaemNo, I understand.12:07
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jaemIt makes sense, and thanks.12:07
timeless_mbpthis of course doesn't necessarily align w/ nokia's message12:07
timeless_mbpbut i'm not nokia's messenger :)12:07
jaemYeah, that caveat was implicit, as far as I'm concerned, but it's useful to know, from my end of things.12:08
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vallhallagood * all i need a hand removing a broken deb file install faild when installedwith dpkg -i kde-mmc.deb now i seem unable to remove it with dpkg -r kde-mmc.deb or with apt-get install -f12:09
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tybolltvallhalla: apt-get autoclean12:10
tybolltvallhalla: apt-get autoremove12:10
vallhallatybollt: thank you for sugestion but i have tryed that also and to no avail12:10
viliny_aight, reflashed and phone seems to be ok12:11
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viliny_thanks guys :)12:12
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timeless_mbpvallhalla: dpkg -P ...12:13
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timeless_mbpbut hopefully you learned a lesson: don't randomly install debs12:14
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jaemtimeless_mbp, I agree.  If you want to trash your system, you should plan it out very carefully.12:17
vallhallajelly: the comand i ran to install was dpkg -i kde-mmc.deb and the error was cannot remove /etc/nss_mdns.conf no such file or directory dpkg error while cleaning up error exit status 112:17
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jaemvallhalla, what is the deb in question?12:18
Psihe's probably trying to install wine :P12:19
vallhallajaem: it was to insall kde on the device the file is called kde-3.5.8-mmc1.deb12:19
vallhallaPsi: tht would be silly12:20
Psiexactly :P12:20
jaemPsi, What?! You mean WINE *isn't* an emulator?!12:20
vallhallatho it can be done with the use of qemu i would have no use for it12:21
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jaemI did at one point try running Windows 3.1 on my N81012:22
jaemMicrosoft sure did a pretty poor job with their power management subsystem.12:23
Psithere is a youtube of someone running win95 in dosbox on n90012:23
jaem...either that, or it was never meant to run emulated on a phone.12:23
jaemPsi, yes, I believe it takes about half an hour to boot.12:23
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Psiit was slow++12:24
jaem*yawn* Goodnight, all.12:24
jaemThanks for the help, $helpfulpeople12:25
jaemI'm too lazy to export that variable properly, so assume an appropriate value12:25
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chem|sthas s/o a link ready for how "contacts" works?12:33
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chem|stlike where/how are merges stored, I am looking at dbus atm12:34
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pupniksmoku: around?
chem|stI still have the problem that the connections between contacts -> [calendar,chat] are messed up12:35
pupniksmoku: disable opengl, install many libraries, and if you get sound, ukki and i will buy you beer12:36
jaskai always read as :|12:36
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ZogG_N900in video of "ew nokia research n900 has portrait mode12:38
ZogG_N900for menu at list12:39
ZogG_N900even with battery status and watch12:39
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phellarvMohammadAG: There?12:42
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* MohammadAG hides12:43
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phellarvMohammadAG: Hehe - Did you have a non-crippled apt lying around?12:43
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phellarvMohammadAG: No?12:46
* frals throws a whale at MohammadAG12:47
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ZogG_N900MohammadAG, saw today beautiful arabic girl, wanted to give her your phone )12:48
* MohammadAG throws a white whale at frals - have fun12:48
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MohammadAGphellarv, I'm pretty sure sharing it is now illegal :)12:49
MohammadAGreviewing the points...12:49
MohammadAG1. they took down that specific source12:49
MohammadAG2. they made user/hidden installs fail12:49
MohammadAG3. ovi store apps are in user/hidden12:49
MohammadAGand i'm not delaying the ovi store :)12:50
phellarvMohammadAG: Aha - That's why the link I found was gone with the wind.12:50
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ZogG_N900MohammadAG, are u the one who hacked ovi?12:50
MohammadAGwhich link?12:50
phellarvOn TMO12:50
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MohammadAGZogG_N900, i never hacked it, actually i don't 'hack' sites, never read a how to about it12:50
MohammadAGphellarv, link me to the link12:51
timeless_mbpZogG: typically people aren't languages12:51
phellarvMohammadAG: /q12:51
phellarvMohammadAG: /query12:51
ScriptFanixHi there12:51
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chem|stso any idea on how to resurrect ossoAbook?12:53
chem|stits so weird12:53
ScriptFanixis there any package providing ionice for OS2008? I installed MPD on my N800, worked great until the device rebooted unepectedly. Since then, I'm having serious performance issues (i remove metalayer-crawler)12:53
ZogG_N900MohammadAG is haxor12:53
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TomaszDzaheerm, ping..12:55
zaheermTomaszD, pong :)12:55
chem|stScriptFanix: if its not in the repos I guess not12:55
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ScriptFanixwhat i do not understand is that MPD worked just fine until the reboot. as I purged metalayer-*, i don't understand which process(es) / daemon(s) are hogging the system (too many IOs)12:57
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manjiriAny idea how one can go about building a virtual keyboard that uses harmattan UI framework?13:00
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SpeedEvilScriptFanix: strace?13:00
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ScriptFanixSpeedEvil: i don'ts see how this would be of any use. MPD does many ios because it needs to read files from the SD card, the problem is that some other process is making too many IO for MPD to read its files fast enough13:03
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guille_hi there13:04
ScriptFanix(I'm using MPD because media-player and canola2 are unusable with a 7400+ file collection)13:05
ShadowJKAmusingly netstreaming has less skips13:06
guille_do you know some good bus planner for london?13:07
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SpeedEvilScriptFanix: Find which processes are at all active.13:08
SpeedEvilScriptFanix: top - for example13:08
SpeedEvilScriptFanix: then strace them to find out if they are doing lots of IO13:08
ShadowJKespecially look for fsync() calls13:09
ShadowJKthey can block other IO for several seconds13:09
sp3000timeless: wr!13:09
ShadowJKand some apps do tons of them13:09
sp3000timeless: also, fish13:10
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ScriptFanixSpeedEvil: thanks, i'm gonna do that as soon as i get wifi connectivity (i don't have strace installed :/ )13:14
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SpeedEvilSwapping can be somethign that won't show up on strace13:21
SpeedEvilSD cards can drop in performance as they age13:21
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Khertan_Hi all !13:21
Dassuò_ó we don't take kindly people who "hi all!"13:22
Khertan_gniagnia !13:22
ScriptFanixSpeedEvil: the SD is 1 week old13:23
Khertan_Is there any news about the Maemo OBS ?13:23
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X-FadeKhertan_: Still working on it, starting to look ok.13:26
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X-FadeIt uncovered a problem we have with build-depends promotion, which I needed to fix first ;)13:27
Khertan_X-Fade: thx for the information ...13:27
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ghostcubeis there an flash update somewhere for fennec 1.01?13:27
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pupnikcan we get a real serial console on jtag?13:27
Khertan_X-Fade: did you got also any answer from people wanting to maintain the PyGTKEditor and PyPackager Package ?13:27
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Khertan_X-Fade: i didn't got any request about that13:28
jacekowskipupnik: jtag isn't anywhere close to serial console13:28
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jacekowskiSpeedEvil: do you have beagle board?13:28
X-FadeKhertan_: For pypackager the pymaemo guys were looking into hat.13:29
SpeedEviljacekowski: I do not.13:29
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SpeedEviljacekowski: I'm currently not having the heating on as an economy measure - the n900 was my sole extravagence in the last year13:29
SpeedEvilwell - two13:30
tybolltghostcube: go for fennec 1.2, it's teh shit!1113:30
tristanworth it?13:30
ghostcubeso still not working with youtube :D13:31
jacekowskiwho owns beagle board here?13:31
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: no heating?13:31
SpeedEviljacekowski: yes.13:31
SpeedEviljacekowski: Because it costs money.13:32
jacekowskiinternet costs money13:32
jacekowskilife costs money13:32
jaskadunno where you need heating this time of year, on northern hemisphere (unless in greenland)13:32
phellarvSpeedEvil: OC your N900 - New heat source - Problem solved.13:32
SpeedEvilBut if it's a choice between wearing more jumpers.13:32
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SpeedEvilAnd no internets.13:32
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SpeedEvilAnd all winter.13:33
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SpeedEvilNot just now.13:33
jacekowskiwhat about winder?13:33
jaskayeah, winter is different, no heating would mean death :) (.fi)13:33
jacekowskithere was like -10 there13:33
SpeedEvilIt only got to 5C inside, which was managable with an electric blanket.13:33
jacekowskido you know that you can squeeze some money from government if you can't afford to heat your house?13:34
asj__wtf is it with people angle grinding themselves?13:34
Khertan_X-Fade: thx13:34
SpeedEviljacekowski: Not if you are in my demographic.13:34
SpeedEviljacekowski: And I'm able.13:35
SpeedEviljacekowski: I just wouldn't have any internet.13:35
ghostcubeanyone testet it?13:35
SpeedEvilYou'll be the first.13:35
Sceltapril 28th13:36
ghostcubenah ... If you installed Firefox 1.0 from the Ovi Store, you will not be able to upgrade to Firefox 1.1 Beta 1 (either from the N900 Application Manager or by downloading the software from Mozilla).13:36
SpeedEvilIs there a nice way to go from a package name to its QA page?13:37
SpeedEvilOr alternatively, to get the QA list on one page13:38
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pupnik   meego performance vs ubuntu, moblin, fedora13:41
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SpeedEvilThat would explain it - it wasn't in the QA queue :)13:47
* SpeedEvil is having a 'submitting minor bugs' day.13:47
* MohammadAG marks all as duplicates13:49
SpeedEvilI have a cunning way to avoid that.13:49
SpeedEvilFind programs with no bugs in their trackers.13:50
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mece'ello maemites13:52
hrwI love how maemo bugs are moved to brainstorm13:52
mecehrw, say what now?13:52
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hrwbug 693113:52
povbot`Bug After installation of software last icon in list has default icon instead of own one13:53
Khertan_hrw: maybe better than fixed in hartman :)13:53
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hrwKhertan_: 'moved to brainstorm' other way of 'wontfix'13:53
hrwhmm 6931 got reopened13:53
ghostcubelike apple bug tracker13:53
SpeedEvilIs there an easy way to list all applications that appear in HAM's 'delete package' list?13:54
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SpeedEvilapt-cache can tell me all apps.13:54
SpeedEvilI want 'user-visible' ones that I can test.13:54
hrwbug 6933 will not be fixed13:54
povbot`Bug Alarm times are shown wrong13:54
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Khertan_hrw: <<13:55
povbot`Bug 6931: After installation of software last icon in list has default icon instead of own one13:55
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Khertan_hum ... i ve still report on old version of PyGTKEditor ... should i say to user after installing my repository to open xterm and : 'sudo gainroot' then 'apt-get udpate && apt-get upgrade pygtkeditor'13:57
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meceSpeedevil you want an "installed applications" list in xterm?14:00
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SpeedEvilsomething like that14:01
hrwSpeedEvil: dpkg -l|awk '{print $2}'14:01
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meceawk ftw14:01
meceawk sounde slike the sound some weird flightless bird makes.14:01
hrwone day I will learn it14:01
SpeedEvilI want a user-visible list of applications.14:01
mecewhat does user-visible list?14:02
SpeedEvilAlso - awk '$0=$2' is shorter14:02
SpeedEvilI mean the list that shows up in HAM when I click 'delete'14:02
meceyou mean the stuff that is listed in ham uninstall14:02
hrwSpeedEvil: so you want list of packages from 'user/*' sections14:03
MohammadAGwhich are installed14:03
hrwfor pkg in `dpkg -l | awk '$0=$214:03
SpeedEvilI'm unsure - I haven't looked as to how the package manager works in detail14:03
hrwfor pkg in `dpkg -l | awk '$0=$2';do [ ! -z `apt-cache show $pkg|grep '^Section: user/'` ] && echo $pkg;done14:04
hrwnot tested14:04
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SpeedEvilThat doesn't work - I do see now how to get the info out of dpkg -l and apt-cache with a little munging14:10
smokuautobuilder is broken again... how cute...14:11
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lardmanhmm, Nokia Point and Find looks nice14:13
lardmanshame it's not for Maemo; sounds somewhat familiar14:13
RST38bis"Castrated EU telecommunications regulator BEREC has now been relocated to Riga, Latvia - a mere 900 miles from everyone else."14:13
RST38bisEHLO lardman, how is life treating you?14:14
lardmanhey RST38bis14:14
lardmanok, very busy at work though14:14
lardmanjust need to get through the next couple of weeks14:15
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RST38bissame here, except there is no end in sight =(14:15
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lardmanyeah, well 2 weeks isn't the end, but at least I'll have time to breath then ;)14:17
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Macernice day out. think i will go for a jog14:18
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lardmanraining here14:19
Macerit was raining bad here yesterday14:19
Macerluckily it was a holiday otherwise driving would have been a pain14:19
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Maceri had to go through the west side too... so even more lucky that black people dont go outside when it is raining14:20
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Milo-how do you turn the gps on without opening ovi maps?14:21
Milo-can't find a button14:21
Khertan_Hi again !14:21
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lardmanMilo-: start something that uses it14:21
SwedeMikeMilo-: you also have the problem that your "im location" isn't updated unless you start maps?14:21
Milo-SwedeMike 'speedometer' doesn't update the speed14:21
Milo-so I figure it requires gps14:22
lardmanSwedeMike: that's a good thing though, saves draining the battery14:22
Milo-but I don't want to start ovi maps each time I want to check my speed14:22
lardmanMilo-: speedometer need to be changed then so that it keeps the gps open14:22
Khertan_Milo-: personnaly for checking speed (and radars i use roadrunner)14:22
Maceri was expecting a ton of traffic when i drove through the west side because there are usually family reunions at a park there which makes traffic horrible14:23
Macerso the rain was kind of a blessing14:23
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SwedeMikelardman: well, I'd like it to at least look at the mobile network basestations etc and do a location conclusion, it doesn't have to actually start the satellite receiver.14:24
lardmanSwedeMike: that's also provided by liblocation, depending on how you call it14:25
Milo-lardman but as far as I know, speedometer has no settings14:25
SpeedEvilSwedeMike: Location that way can be very inaccurate14:25
SpeedEvilas in multiple kilometers off14:25
SwedeMikeSpeedEvil: I need city level accuracy, so it's fine.14:25
SwedeMikebasically the location it sets in google talk and Skype isn't updated well enough continously.14:26
SwedeMikeI usually have to start the ovi map application for that to work, sometimes even that doesn't help14:26
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Khertan_Someone know what class / attribute should i look in the Qt Documentation to display a throbber near the QMainWindow title ?14:28
StskeepsTomaszD: that does look sweet14:28
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TomaszDapart from viewing angles, yes14:29
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fralsit looks really nice14:29
TomaszDthat IPS panel apple put in the ipad is miles ahead, I hope this is just an engineering sample14:29
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Khertan_Sweet ! i like the panel style !14:30
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TomaszDAcer plans to run MeeGo on their netbooks and tablets14:31
TomaszDthings are beginning to sound good14:31
SwedeMikewonder if MeeGo or Android will be the one to prefer on tablets like that14:31
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Milo-tablets are pointless14:32
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Khertan_TomaszD: it s sound good ... but a bit slowly ...14:32
tybolltSwedeMike: Uhm there's going to be ChromeOS for netbooks14:32
TomaszDMilo-, thanks for your input on this14:33
tybolltandroid was designed for smartphones not netbooks14:33
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SwedeMiketybollt: good, then we have plenty of choices :)14:33
Milo-too big to be hand held, too small to do anything useful14:33
TomaszDI'd love to see all the major players on netbooks on tablets14:33
tybolltthat's why I am a tad confused wrt meego14:33
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tybolltthat sets out to work as fine ona phone as ona netbook not taking into account (obviously?) that the actual screen realestate varies ... by several orders of magnitude.14:34
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lardmanre size I quite like the size of the Dell Streak14:43
mJo_Any idea how one can go about building a virtual keyboard that uses harmattan UI framework? Also what event do I need to listen to in order to replace the current virtual keyboard with on of my own?14:43
lardmanN800 replacement sort of thing14:43
lardmanmJo_: there should be docs on the wiki about this14:43
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mJo_lardman: I have been looking. Found one for Hildon not harmattan.14:44
lardmanah sorry14:44
lardmanprobably in git then, but I don't know14:44
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mJo_git has very little info14:45
lardmanno code? No idea then, sorry14:46
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mJo_lardman: code is ofcourse there. No tutorial , or a how-to.14:47
lardmanah well, that's something different ;)14:47
lardmanI imagine that will appear once harmattan is finalised14:47
lardmanassuming it ever appears, as aren't we all moving to Meego now anyway (with or without N900 support)#14:48
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vallhallawhat is the best way to update my phone n900 on a linux system14:52
lardmanOTA without a computer needed or reflash using flasher-3.414:52
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vallhallaok using flasher i go to a link and there is a list of files it is not to clear what on is most revent14:53
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lardmanis this the FIASCO image or the flasher?14:55
vallhallathe image14:55
lardmanre the FIASCO image it should say something along the lines of *this is the latest one*14:55
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lardmanwhat version numbers do you have? Sould be a 2010 one14:55
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vallhallajust looking for files now14:57
mJo_I am guessing harmattan UI framework will be used in Meego14:57
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lardmanI've no idea, I'd guess at least some of it would be, as Meego is the underlying system iirc and needs to be skinned14:58
mJo_coz the duikeyboard is called m-keyboard for meego keyboard14:59
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tybolltvallhalla: you are Valteri Halla?15:00
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Surfanot likely15:01
Stskeepsdoubt it, he only has one l15:01
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vallhallaok found the latest15:02
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vallhallanext silly question what is the eMMC image used for?15:03
tybolltas I've said erarlier15:03
ghostcubeif you have an old device thats needing an emmc flash15:04
tybollteMMC image is for flashing the eMMC15:04
tybolltthe eMMC is where your pr0n is15:04
vallhallaemmc bieng the internal storage?15:04
vallhallatybollt: no sorry15:05
vallhallanot valteri15:05
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DAREAPERon pressing ctrl+shift+r in an app we can rotate our screen but after it rotates , on clicking the area near the battery icon it dosent open15:08
DAREAPERit opens only in landscape mode15:08
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DAREAPERis that a bug ?15:09
ghostcubenope an feature15:09
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fralsah, "My Nokia" at its finest, links to which is claiming latest fw is 2.2009.51.115:09
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Myrttier, right.15:10
DAREAPERbut u didnt get wat i meant15:11
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DAREAPERwhile viewing a app in potrait mode the area where the battery icon is shown becomes unclickable15:12
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RST38bisYou are not supposed to click Ctrl+Shift+R. It is an experimental mode.15:13
tybolltfrals: I never figured how to opt out of that spam shitz :(15:13
SpeedEvilportrait mode is not supposed to work flawlessly15:13
RST38bisOnce you enable it, all expectations become invalid15:13
fralstybollt: Settings -> 'My Nokia' -> unsubscribe15:13
RST38bisAnd hello, Myrtti15:13
DAREAPERoh ok its still buggy15:13
SpeedEvilfrals: Which fails.15:13
SpeedEvilfrals: And seems to cost money15:13
fralsSpeedEvil: WORKEDFORME :)15:13
fralsprobably charges you for an sms thou15:13
tybolltfrals: <ångest> måste... komma ihåg... password... till... skiten... </ångest>15:14
jogawhat's this ctrl-shift-r thing?15:14
fralstybollt: dont need a password? O_o15:14
tybolltfrals: this in your phone now? I thought you mean like -> click "my Nokia"15:14
fralstybollt: in my phone yes ;)15:14
tybolltnice :D15:15
tybolltI had no idea it was there :)15:15
ag0nyIs there any chance to get Flash working with Opera on Maemo 5?15:15
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Myrttiag0ny: very slim to nonexistant.15:15
ghostcubehmm i would be glad if flash would work with fennec on maemo :D15:15
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ag0nyThat is sad. Opera is pretty quick15:16
ghostcubeisnt there an chrome build in devel?15:16
tybolltfrals: AHAHAHAHAHA... "attempt to unsubscribe has failed"15:16
tybolltfrals: Epic NOOKLA win!15:17
fralstybollt: pwnd!15:17
ghostcubetybollt: so you havent been enabled :D15:17
tybolltfrals: oh hell yes :D15:17
DAREAPERon trying to unsubscribe from nokia it sends an sms saying attempt to unsubscribe failed15:17
DAREAPERand it charges me for the sms too15:17
ghostcubehmm i send one and i quit it succesfull15:17
pupnikGoogle to ban windows PCs from corporation :)15:18
ghostcubelink or it didnt happen15:18
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phellarvNo windows at google15:20
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RST38bisHow to make a lot of people pissed when the device gets released:
Noma"MeeGo phone will be capacitive" :(15:23
RST38bisWhatever it will be, the expectation of gullible people will exceed it15:23
tristanexperience beyond symbian eh15:23
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ShapeshifterThere has been a change in how the gprs counter counts. Any clues? I had previously unset /system/osso/connectivity/network_type/GPRS/gprs_rx_bytes but that doesn't exist anymore. Which one is the correspondent in the new value set? gprs_home_rx_bytes?15:24
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ShapeshifterI mean, looking at gconftool-2 -R /system/osso/connectivity/network_type/GPRS the only ones counting bytes are these two gprs_home_tx_bytes and gprs_home_rx_bytes. What is the "home" about? home as in own provider?15:24
tybolltnokia have now sent me about 20 sms in the last two minutes w/ exact same message "Attempt to unsubscribe failed..."15:24
Shapeshifteras opposed to roaming?15:24
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SpeedEvilShapeshifter: yes15:25
SpeedEvilShapeshifter: personal-gprs-monitor got updated15:25
SpeedEviltybollt: chargeable?15:25
RST38bisAnd yes, I would love to see how S60 bosses at Nokia react to his statement that the next flagman will NOT be running Symbian =)15:25
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pupniknokia needs to indicate change and motion to investors15:26
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tybolltSpeedEvil: no I don't pay to receive texts :)15:26
SpeedEvilpupnik: liblocation15:27
pupniknice :)15:27
tybolltdo you?15:27
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mece~seen smoku15:27
infobotsmoku is currently on #maemo (1h 21m 50s) #meego (1h 21m 50s). Has said a total of 1 messages. Is idling for 1h 16m 6s, last said: 'autobuilder is broken again... how cute...'.15:27
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mecesmoku, opendune is in devel now.15:28
mecesmoku, thank you so much for that. I need that spice to liveeeeee!!15:28
pupnikis the engine working?15:28
mecewhich engine?15:28
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vallhallais there a bot here15:29
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ShapeshifterSpeedEvil: but why's there nothing like, say  "gprs_roaming_rx_bytes"? Is that because I never used roaming?15:30
kirmaRST38bis: I sense slavic influence in the use of "flagman" for "flagship"15:30
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Nadleyhi everybody15:31
RST38biskirma: Yea, I have come by this abomination of an interview at a Russian news site.15:31
vallhallahi dr nick15:32
vallhallaoo sory hehe15:32
tybollthello dr nick!15:32
kirmaI came across the term mostly on the side of a vodka bottle. :P15:32
NadleyI want to start my first application for maemo but I don't find documentation to start. The documentation I find is for the old version of maemo. Somebody can help me15:32
ghostcubehmm, so N900 wont get an meego if i understood this right eh?15:32
* vallhalla hopes not for meego15:33
Shapeshifterghostcube: not officially, but it's kinda sure some version will run fine.15:33
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kirmaghostcube: everything strongly points to the direction that there will be nokia-supported commercial version15:33
* ENTERANICK [W2I=000:u:0:000:]15:33
tybolltghostcube: not an OFFICIAL meego15:33
ghostcubehmm, oki thx guys15:33
fralstybollt: hah, got the N900 under "we recommend", not seen that anywhere before in .se :P15:34
tybolltghostcube: but since in effect what the nokia meego team uses now is N900 to build meego - yes there will be SOME KIND of meego -  be sure of that15:34
kirmathere may be a functional version, though. how much it lacks in comparison to the next device with meego, hard to say... but probably there are notable omissions15:34
ghostcubei know the devs running N900 that was the point i didnt get it why no meego will be on N90015:34
tybolltfrals: that's pretty interesting considering the average sven svensson numbnut probably won't understand lots of things about maemo  :)15:35
fralstybollt: even more interesting is it says "eletronic compass" under specification15:35
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kirmatybollt: but nobody has said that Meego devices would be based entirely on open source components... Nokia may and most probably is going to have central pieces of UX/applications only for their own installations15:35
kirmathat's my speculation, but still15:36
tybolltghostcube: My guess; Nokia will officially require all Meego devices to have capacitive touch screen15:36
ghostcubecapacitive is bad ass ...15:36
tybolltghostcube: and thus N900 is excluded15:36
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kirmamultitouch-ness of the display is certainly something that is problematic to work around on a non-multitouch device15:36
tybolltfrals: that's BS obviously :S15:36
jaskacapacitive feels inaccurate, and you need a special stylus for it :)15:36
Nomaresistive >>> capacitive15:37
meceyou can't really play freeciv sdl on capacitive. other than that it's fine.15:37
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meceI'd like some new tech for my next device.15:37
kirmaI think there have been rumors/speculation of manufacturers, Nokia included, looking at hybrid resistive-capacitive touchscreens15:37
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mecesensitivity of cap and accuracy and stylus use of res15:38
bbgHello, Does anybody know in what encoding E_CONTACT_SIP in N900?15:38
mecekirma, I've heard, but I don't think they are production ready any time soon.15:38
bbgitry to get in UTF8 but? but it is wrong15:39
kirmaprobably not on the timeframe Nokia optimistically would want the device on market... somehow I've noticed their wordings have changed in a way that the device, which was obviously targeted for christmas market earlier, is now spoken to be "announced" this year15:39
kirmafearing the fate of N97...15:39
NadleyI need documentation to start developping an app for Maemo5 with Esbox15:40
meceheey petermaemo responded to twitter widget problems.15:40
GeneralAntillesRST38bis, well, since they're now called MeeGo Devices. . . . *eg*15:41
tybolltGeneralAntilles: Source?15:41
GeneralAntillestybollt, um, Ari's blog or something like that.15:42
GeneralAntillesI've seen the string once or twice.15:42
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GeneralAntillestybollt, fwiw,
GeneralAntillesFirst line.15:43
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achipatybollt: MeeGo is input agnostic. The speficic UXes might not be.15:45
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ZogGi have a question about vkbrd15:48
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ZogGif it separete pckg15:48
ZogGwhy can't we change it to portrait?15:49
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Mecewhat's preferrable? symlink from /usr/bin to binary in opt, or .sh file in /usr/bin?15:55
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SpeedEvilI'd go with a symlink15:57
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jacekowskiyou can always exec at the end15:58
SpeedEvilIt still loads it into RAM15:58
jacekowskiwell, bash is loaded all the time15:58
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SpeedEvilno it's not15:58
SpeedEvilAnd you mean busybox shell15:58
SpeedEvilThere is a non-zero cost in launching it.15:58
SpeedEvilIt's small.15:58
SpeedEvilBut if it's an either-or choice - and there is no penalty - why?15:59
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vallhallabefor i updated my phone (n900) i could use the terminal to sudo apt-get update now when i try it askes for a password now i have installed rootsh is there one i am missing ?? or is there now a passwd?16:07
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E0xvallhalla: sudo gainroot16:08
E0xthen apt-get....16:08
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vallhallaE0x: i never had to do that before why has this changed16:09
vallhallaE0x: also if i sudo gainroot it askes for password16:10
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crashanddieinteresting, one of my pictures has the following exif data: "Subject Distance: 2147483647 m"16:13
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E0xif you install rootsh not need asking about any password16:14
jaskathats rather... far16:14
crashanddie2 million km range, and accurate metering... w00t16:14
crashanddieno, km16:14
crashanddieor it would be 2 trillion m16:14
Sceltin what country16:14
jaskathe NRO will be contacting you to acquire your camera soon.16:14
Sceltyankees say billion16:14
Sceltwe say milliard16:15
crashanddieScelt: ah, crap16:15
jaskaor whatever govt organization does spy sats in your country :)16:15
Sceltwhat do brits say? billion?16:15
jaskabrits use short scale these days i think16:15
crashanddieScelt: I read the wikipedia article on this once, can't remember though16:15
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Sceltcrashanddie: it's very confusing16:15
Sceltit's easier to say thousand millions16:16
jaskai use short scale in english, long scale in finnish :)16:16
smokuScelt: brits convert to miles ;-)16:16
crashanddieScelt: I think in short scale, I just used the wrong word there, for some reason16:16
Sceltsmoku: ;D16:16
Sceltjaska: tuhat miljoonaa?16:16
jaskascelt: miljardi16:17
Sceltisn't that the short scale?16:17
jaskathats long scale16:17
Sceltdon't get it16:17
jaskashort scale would be to say 1000 million = billion16:17
Scelt"thousand millions" is longer than "milliard"16:17
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crashanddiejaska: yes, which is proper reasonning :)16:18
crashanddiejaska: it's the same as kilo before gram, meaning a thousand.16:18
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sECuREhow can i install a package in MADDE? seems like mad-admin does not have a command to install a debian-package. an application of mine is using json-glib and i want to compile it in MADDE16:19
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crashanddieso a kilo tonne is a thousand tonnes, not kilo * tonne.16:19
crashanddieand add the subsequent result to tonne.16:19
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TomaszDkulve, ping16:21
kulveTomaszD: pong16:21
TomaszDkulve, msg >16:21
jaskatera, not terra :)16:21
jaska(a pet peeve)16:21
E0xhmm my gps not getting fix sense the last saturday , i use all nigh for find a place16:22
pigeondoes anyone notice rm from coreutils-gnu is broken with -i?16:22
E0xnow is not working :(16:22
ZogGE0x, with out connection right?16:22
E0xZogG: hmm ?16:23
E0xoh look now get fix16:23
* GAN900 closes his troll-feeding reply for the bugzilla "security" thread.16:23
ZogGMek, ping16:23
ZogGis Mek alive? does he ever talk?16:24
E0xwhat mean the blue and the red pin16:24
E0xin mappero ?16:24
tybolltthe fsf assholes are going to rewrite (?) parts of gcc in c++16:24
E0xbetter , where i can find mappero doc ?16:24
E0xsomethings i not sure how it work16:24
tybolltgcc just signed its own deathwarrant16:24
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BCMMtybollt: i thought it was more like "will now allow c++ to be used, where appropriate"16:24
Appiahhow can you be so sure tybollt ?16:25
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ZogGtybollt hey16:26
Shapeshiftertybollt: why does the language matter?16:26
tybolltnice there :) I thought I'd get arguments from people saying c++ is nice :)16:26
tybolltbut no :)16:26
Shapeshiftertybollt: they could rewrite it in zsh, if the output is still the same, only speed is at a loss. i don't see the difference.16:26
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ZogGtybollt found plasma guy16:27
tybolltZogG: oh, neat-o16:27
tybolltZogG: is he sharing the code or?16:28
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: you fixed your ping-timeout?16:28
GAN900DocScrutinizer, think so, forgot to notice when I got to work.16:28
BCMMShapeshifter: i suspect the implication is that it would become unpredictable in some way. Seems more likely to me that the GCC people have a pretty good idea of how languages work.16:28
tybolltShapeshifter: ...16:28
Nadleyis it good to write application in python for maemo16:28
ZogGtybollt he is not answering, he is here =)16:28
tybolltZogG: Booo... :)16:29
ZogGtybollt, Mek16:29
SpeedEvilIt's more to do with 'languages people who might hack on compilers know'.16:29
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ZogGsend him email as well16:29
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SpeedEvil^people with a clue16:29
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: I tried with 90s and 120s, both earned me a spanking for repeated relogins even while not 'roaming', due to GPRS lags sometimes actually are that magnitude16:30
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tybolltZogG: ssssssssh, until there is code in my inbox - sssssh :)16:30
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ZogGtybollt =(16:30
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* ZogG cries16:30
DocScrutinizerGAN900: with 240s it kinda 'works'16:30
ZogGso have you seen nokia video with portrait n900 ? =)16:30
DocScrutinizerGAN900: maybe 180s is worth a try16:30
GAN900DocScrutinizer, set it to 12016:31
GAN900Got a proxy, so.16:31
pupnikwhat is the command to set that?16:32
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DocScrutinizerpupnik: edit ping_timeout line in xchat.cfg16:36
pupnikoh i thought this was a modem setting for gprs timeout16:37
pupniknever found that16:37
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SpeedEvilping timeout can't be meaningfully larger than 240ms with freenode anyway16:38
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tristantheres a damn efnet server set at 900.16:38
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* SpeedEvil just installed several updates - and now I have no applications.16:41
crashanddieman, I really hope silvermountain is coming to the summit16:42
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: still it seems to me default for xchat is like 12 minutes for ping timeout16:43
SpeedEvilyes - I mean that freenode has now gone to 240s timeout16:43
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SpeedEvilwhich is annoying - it used to be 10 min16:43
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: meaning xchat will reconnect to freenode only after 12 minutes no reply to a ping16:43
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SpeedEviluninstall catorise - bang16:44
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SpeedEvilI guess it will kill hildon-desktop16:44
crashanddieGAN900: The summit will be in London right? Will you be coming? If you are, I can have baseball bats, knives and a very quiet and isolated room where we can store Geneven and silvermountain's corpses after we beat them to fucking death.16:45
SpeedEvilAnd I may have already done that a couple of times, so watchdog hit16:45
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: what you're talking about are pings from freenet to irc client, and freenet considering a client offline when these don't pong after 240s. That's exactly inverse to what the xchat ping_timeout setting is all about16:45
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: I know. I was meaning that xchat having a ping_timeout set to >240 with freenode is not different from a timeout of infinity.16:46
SpeedEvilactually - yes it is.16:46
SpeedEvilIgnore me.16:46
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sobczykanyone knows how to emulate in qt4 the behavoiur of the virtual keyboard? (focus changes when one slides the finger) similar is in the opera browser16:46
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: your point isn't moot. if xchat pin_timeout > freenode ping_timeout, then you don't need the /ns ghost voodoo in my loadscript16:47
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: yes.16:47
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: though it does affect the 'changed IP, or for some reason the connetion to the server died' timeout.16:48
SpeedEvilIf there is actually a route to the server now16:48
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tybolltcrashanddie: I'll back you up! Who are we beating and why? ;) (assuming these are numbnuts from TMO, yeah?)16:49
crashanddietybollt: indeed16:50
DocScrutinizerwell, as GAN900 noticed so educated, xchat should use that lib, err libcolon? ;-D, to detect when connection on N900 actually changed16:50
tybolltlibcolon - for real? :)16:50
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crashanddietybollt: kinda provides the same functionality as libcaca16:50
crashanddieand libpoo16:50
tybolltcrashanddie: :D16:51
SpeedEviland libmicrosoft16:51
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DocScrutinizersorry I forgot the name16:51
MohammadAGI've spent hours talking to myself cause of that...16:51
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: that saved us a lot of pain ;-P16:52
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* tybollt pats MohammadAG on the head demeaningly - there sonny - wear this white shirt and we will take gooooood care of you :)16:52
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: wb16:52
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MohammadAGDoes #maemo allow swear words? :)16:53
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Stskeepsi fucking hope so16:53
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MohammadAGStskeeps, watch your fucking language16:53
b-man|laptopwho the fuck cares? :D16:53
* DocScrutinizer kicks MohammadAG for using a word starting with f16:54
MohammadAGfsck /dev/mtd516:54
MohammadAG(answer n if anyone tries to do that :P)16:54
MohammadAG~trout b-man|laptop16:55
* infobot slaps b-man|laptop around a bit with a large trout!16:55
b-man|laptop~attack MohammadAG16:55
* infobot grabs a pen, screams like she's possessed, and begins chasing MohammadAG16:55
DocScrutinizerwill earn you that nice "...OR SOMe MORON (YOU?)..." msg at max16:55
MohammadAGGFX card replaced, ethernet port working again, now to fix scratchbox16:55
sobczykanyone knows how to emulate behaviour of virtual keyboard buttons with qt4 QPushButtons? (focus changes, when finger slides)16:55
MohammadAGI tried to be a smartass and make the Ubuntu chroot as a new target but....16:55
MohammadAGlet's say it didn't go well16:55
tybollt~frals MohammadAG16:56
tybolltthere no ~frals yet? ;P16:56
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* GAN900 loves download pages with no download button16:58
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tybolltGAN: if you use firefox instead of lynx one will be rendered for you (/me runs and hides ;)16:59
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GAN900crashanddie, doubt they'll come17:01
GAN900crashanddie, in the US and NOT getting sponsored.17:01
crashanddieI guess I'll have to bring my fists to their faces then.17:02
SpeedEvilDoes anyone prefer the rubbery USB charger lead?17:02
MohammadAGUhmm, a Nintendo DS emu?17:02
MohammadAGwonder how that'll work..17:02
MohammadAGI like the USB cable one more17:02
SpeedEvilI find it is much harder to detangle.17:02
pigeonbadly, unless it can run the arm instruction somehow natively.17:03
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, and the charger's USB is harder to take out17:03
tybolltI actually like that the charge cable sticks there17:03
MohammadAGwhich kind of worries me, since the N900's USB isn't that good17:04
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: not seen that17:04
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SpeedEvilMohammadAG: you can remove the two little 'prongs' on the USB plug17:04
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, how?17:04
SpeedEvilWith a teeny screwdriver17:04
SpeedEvilor a file17:04
SpeedEvilor a knife17:04
tybolltremoving the prongs? wtf :S17:05
SpeedEviltybollt: It makes the insertion/removal force _much_ lower17:05
SpeedEvilthereby easing concerns about USB connector.17:06
tybolltSpeedEvil: Mind I own a use cable that lacks prongs17:06
DocScrutinizeractually mine 'fixed itself' by careful use and quite some playing with retracting the jack 1mm and the reinserting it snugly17:06
tybolltI HATE IT17:06
tybolltthe fucker literally _falls_ out on its bloody own (almost ;)17:07
DocScrutinizertybollt: toldya17:07
DocScrutinizerdon't mess with the prongs ;-)17:07
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tybolltDocScrutinizer: That's how the store bought cable came17:07
tybolltDocScrutinizer: I did shit to it. :)17:07
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GAN900tybollt, libconic17:08
DocScrutinizeraah, libcolon is much nicer17:09
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DocScrutinizerwe should prod RST38bis to implement it to xchat17:10
DocScrutinizer(libcolon/libconic that is)17:11
tybolltthat sounds absolutely libtastic, Doc.17:11
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: I also hate the thick clumsy cable17:12
DocScrutinizeralso the micro-USB jacl should have a much smaller molding17:12
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tybolltwhy have you NOT ranted about this GAN?17:17
GAN900DocScrutinizer, did, he didn't want to.17:18
GAN900tybollt, what's to rant about? :P17:18
GAN900tybollt, I vented my spleen in this weeks issue, so it'll take me a fews days to work up more ire.17:19
DocScrutinizerGAN900: :-/17:19
Stskeepsi demand objectivity in the journalism made by mwkn.net17:19
GAN900and, yes, I think x86-based mobile devices are retarded wastes of time, energy, and money.17:19
tybolltGAN900: :D17:19
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GAN900DocScrutinizer, I think it's non-trivial.17:19
crashanddiebetter video:
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: I bet you're right on that one17:20
GAN900Stskeeps, hey, I'm objectively irrate!17:20
Macerwatching hd avatar17:20
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* b-man|laptop is going to scream is bison keeps erroring out with a '3 shift/reduce' notice no matter what he does to fix it17:22
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Stskeepsb-man|laptop: ha-ha17:22
b-man|laptopthat wasn't meant to be funny :P17:22
Macerbison ftl17:23
GAN900chippy fails at filming17:23
b-man|laptopi hate it :P17:23
GAN900Also: that display sucks.17:23
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ghostcube  o.O17:26
DocScrutinizerit's really making my day the way completely fails to get any of my statements. Am I writing zuaheli, or what?17:26
povbot`Bug 7432: /opt and /home/user  not cleared after firmware reflash17:26
tybollt"Qualcomm's Dual-Core Snapdragon 1.2GHz Chips?Seen In A Smartphone Near You Soon"17:27
tybolltdual core ina phone?17:27
tybollt'sat REALLY necesarry?17:27
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pexivery nice17:27
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crashanddieGAN900: ^17:28
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GAN900tybollt, Cortex A917:28
X-Fadetybollt: There are already dualcore phones on the market.17:28
GAN900N96 is dual ARM917:28
tybolltI repeat17:28
tybollt'sat REALLY necesarry?17:28
GAN900tybollt, you can get higher battery saving out of a dual core17:28
jacekowskitybollt: n95 is a dualcore17:28
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GAN900So, depending on your usage, it can be a better fit17:29
tybolltGAN900: o_O do explain sir17:29
GAN900jacekowski, only sort of.17:29
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GAN900tybollt, well, assuming good parallelization and non-linear voltage scaling a dual 500MHz would net you somewhere in the vicinity of 20-40% powersaving over a single 1GHz.17:30
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GAN900also: race-to-idle17:30
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tybolltGAN900: aaah like that17:31
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tybolltGAN900: hmm still there's the overhead of dualcore... no?17:31
tybolltvs a single core which doesn't need the locking etc17:32
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DocScrutinizeryup, I bet it's not *that* simple17:34
DocScrutinizertoo many unknowns in that equation17:34
GAN900tybollt, yeah, a bit, so it's not simple17:35
DocScrutinizerfirst of all being "assuming good parallelization"17:35
GAN900But, it does allow you to get a performance multiplier without putting your voltage through the roof.17:35
GAN900DocScrutinizer, :P17:35
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GAN900tybollt, DocScrutinizer is the expert you should be talking to.17:36
GAN900The number of tasks running on a modern mobile device is going up.17:36
SpeedEvilYou can get effectively similar savings with race-idle.17:36
DocScrutinizernah, I deny any knowledge ;-P17:36
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SpeedEvilIf you can ramp up and down the clock faster17:36
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SpeedEvilWhere really interesting power savings might be would be with assymetric cores.17:37
DocScrutinizerasync cores!17:37
DocScrutinizerclockless cores17:37
Stskeepswhy did i read that as clockless whores?17:37
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DocScrutinizererrrm rings a bell, but can't recall which one17:38
SpeedEvilSo that if you have - say - the accelerometer interrupting at 400Hz - instead of waking the CPU - the tiny CPU jams the result into a buffer, and does some sums on it.17:38
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jaskaprobably the ass-ymmetric part17:38
alteregoQuite happy with my MAFW IM status updater :)17:38
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SpeedEvilmaybe interrupts the CPU under specified conditions.17:38
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SpeedEvilThe hardish part is making this second core binary compatible17:38
SpeedEvilThe harder part is teaching programmers to use it.17:39
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: actually the gmeter should do that on his own, that's why it got a small core inside, after all17:39
SpeedEvilthat was an example17:39
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TomaszDscuse me, does anyone have any performance comparisons between SU4100 and N450?17:40
DocScrutinizeryup, just felt like mentioning it17:40
SpeedEvilthere are out there _much_ fancier ones that do gesture recognition in the accel itself.17:40
SpeedEvilWhich is shiny17:40
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SpeedEvilalso - there are emerging accel+magnetometer - and magnetometer + gyro in one package17:40
alteregoIs there a command line program that updates IM status?17:40
SpeedEvilI don't think anyones rolled all three into a cheap package yet - but a QFN IMU  is not far away17:41
zashalterego: I guess you could do something with dbus-send17:41
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: I'm waiting for first integrated laser gyro17:41
alteregozash: yeah, I'm just curious because I was planning on writing one for a project I'm working on.17:41
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: MEMs gyros are not actually bad. Laser gyros have issues.17:41
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: that would be awesome17:42
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: much better than accels.17:42
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: which issues?17:42
* GAN900 likes this Ubuntu Humanity theme.17:42
jacekowski16:40 < popey> jacekowski:
jacekowski16:40 < popey> namely:  * Support for HW accelerated video decoding on N90017:42
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: they are inheretly hard to make small17:42
X-FadeMEMS gyros keep my helis level in the orientation I have set them, they do a good job ;)17:43
DocScrutinizerI don't see that17:43
GAN900DocScrutinizer, don't be too hard on Milhouse. :P17:43
X-FadeAnd that is with quite a lof of vibration :)17:43
GAN900X-Fade, I still need to find the money/time for RC helos.17:43
X-FadeGAN900: Yes you should ;)17:44
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X-FadeNah, my 3KW 1.3M dia heli is quite enough ;)17:45
X-Fade.... for now.17:45
GAN900X-Fade, X-Plane FTW for poor college slobs, though.17:45
GAN900I do have a nice CH Products setup.17:45
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* SpeedEvil needs to get his UAV done.17:45
X-FadeGAN900: Realflight for me. But I need Windows for that :(17:45
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SpeedEvil500W in a 8" rotor.17:45
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GAN900X-Fade, never tried Realflight17:47
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DocScrutinizerare there nice 2-stroke_motor+generator e-power blocks already, for powering such drones?17:49
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: Just big lipos and electro motor?17:50
DocScrutinizernah, the energy/weight density of fuel is much higher than the one of LiPo17:50
X-Fade -> 10s 4000Ah17:50
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X-Fade4000mAh ;)17:50
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DocScrutinizerand 'recharging' is much faster ;-)17:51
X-FadeWell, I can charge them in 10 mins, but yes.17:52
penguinbaitsweet chopper17:52
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SpeedEvilI really want $30000 to try to prototype my hoverboard.17:52
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SpeedEvil~50Kg of small ducted fan units, ESCs, battery.17:53
DocScrutinizerso I gather that motor+generator concept isn't yet usual in that domain?17:53
SpeedEvilThat you stand on.17:53
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: no - it adds inefficiency17:53
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X-FadeDocScrutinizer: The weight is prohibitive, I guess.17:53
SpeedEviland power conversion in the several hundred watt range is not well understood by your average modelmaker17:53
DocScrutinizerthat's what I'd like to have a look into17:54
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* lardman hears mention of magnetometer and thinks about augmented reality...17:54
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: ack17:54
SpeedEvil - silly RC - 1/1000th (ish) the weight of the n90017:54
DocScrutinizerlardman: hmm, what specifically?17:55
* lardman also wonders why Airbus autopilot doesn't apparently handle the failure case of no airspeed reading17:55
lardmandocscrutinizer: just in general really, would be pretty cool17:55
DocScrutinizerare you the compass enthusiast missing such a capability in N900 ?17:56
lardmanThough I've not got any code written, but it would be cool17:56
DocScrutinizerlardman: USB-hostmode should save your day17:56
SpeedEvilMiswiring a modern fly-by-wire airliner, and nearly crashing it17:56
lardmanSpeedEvil: oops!17:56
lardmandocscrutinizer: that working now then? Cool17:57
DocScrutinizerlardman: kinda17:57
* rosch wonders what the software update to flashlight is... 17:57
DocScrutinizeryou should start to get a compas in a micro-usb dongle17:57
lardmanSomeone mentioned X-plane earlier, if I have a spare 20min over the summer would be cool to write a MATLAB/Simulink/Stateflow autopilot to hook into the Ethernet link they provide17:58
IkarusSpeedEvil: another case of NEVER replace plugs, always replace the complete wire (which has keyed connectors)17:58
RST38bisslow Slow SLOW17:58
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RST38bisDamn N900 has definitely become even more sluggish after the PR1.217:58
DocScrutinizerIkarus: LOL17:59
VenemoRST38bis: not true17:59
threshRST38bis: yes, that's right17:59
RST38bisWell, true here17:59
IkarusDocScrutinizer: I have seen expensive equipment killed that way17:59
RST38bisAnyone tried experimenting with the swappiness controls?17:59
Venemoit worked in 1.117:59
thresheven when I use kernel-power, it's sluggish17:59
SpeedEvilIkarus: You can't17:59
IkarusRST38bis: I have my N900 running compressed swap17:59
RST38bisIkarus: Does it run faster?18:00
Ikarusbut no objective tests18:00
SpeedEvilIkarus: Tearing out the whole wire along a duct running along ducts in the plane is another major operation.18:00
IkarusRST38bis: it seems about the same18:00
SpeedEvilIkarus: And the plugs probably won't fit through the ducts18:00
RST38bisOk, so that won't work18:00
IkarusRST38bis: perhaps a tiny bit faster18:00
IkarusRST38bis: it might work with your usage patterns18:00
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RST38bisIkarus: Could you test something like this:18:00
SpeedEvilI did some tests.18:00
SpeedEvilMake -j4 of the kernel18:01
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SpeedEvilwith swap on the same or a different FS18:01
RST38bisIkarus: 1) Run App Manager update and while it is updating try switching back to the desktop and running media player or XTerm18:01
SpeedEvilIt made no difference to the runtime.18:01
IkarusRST38bis: I know that running app manager update has less impact then it did without compressed swap18:01
RST38bisIkarus: 2) Run Fennec and try loading some pages, see if it is more sluggish or less18:01
RST38bisIkarus: Ahha, coooool18:01
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Ikarusbut that is hardly typical usage18:01
SpeedEvilIkarus: Swap over nbd, and instrument it. :)18:02
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IkarusSpeedEvil: heh :)18:02
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IkarusSpeedEvil: I need to figure out a good test suite first18:02
RST38bisIkarus: It is a good corner case18:02
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RST38bisHow about swapping to the second MMC card? Does it make system faster?18:02
SpeedEvilRST38bis: no18:03
IkarusRST38bis: SLOWER18:03
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IkarusRST38bis: the eMMC is hooked up to a 8 bit MMC bus, the card is on a 4 bit bus18:03
Ikarusactually I need to see how much compression is done18:03
Ikarusperhaps I can swap to NAND :P (not a good idea, the cycle life of the NAND is far lower then of the eMMC)18:04
DocScrutinizersorry for the maybe silly question, but - is there a competent blog or whatever summarizing the regressions and workarounds of PR1.2 over PR1.1 ?18:04
SpeedEvilIkarus: The right way is a linear swap - I need to finish up my writeup on this. :/18:05
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VenemoDocScrutinizer: there is a thread on TMO about it18:06
DocScrutinizerVenemo: got a link please? :-)18:07
SpeedEvilxsnow in extras-devel18:07
VenemoDocScrutinizer: I didn't check it out because I had no issues :P18:07
derfJust in time for Christmas in July.18:08
TermanaDocScrutinizer, blog... competent... I didn't realise those two words went in the same sentence! :P Kidding18:08
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pupnikwant to see a hi-res pic from n900?  (bread rolls and flour)18:10
* mgedmin hungry!18:11
MohammadAGPaid app in the store?18:11
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MohammadAGOMG PAID APP18:12
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pupniki used the oven door to brace the device so there are no shakes.  individual flour specks visible18:12
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MohammadAGI wonder if no one believed me :)18:14
IkarusSpeedEvil: the right way is to solder a 1 Gbyte ram chip on the N900 :P18:14
Ikarusbut that would take quite the surgeon18:14
SpeedEvilI don't think you can18:15
SpeedEvilI'm pretty sure there are no compat chips18:15
SpeedEvilyou'd need a compatibility PCB soldered on the POP, with the RAM on top.18:15
MohammadAGask Sammy to make one for you18:15
SpeedEvilWhich may be silly18:15
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IkarusSpeedEvil: well, actually there are 256MB NAND + 1GB RAM (in 2x 512 dies) for OMAP platforms18:17
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nidO*finally* managed to get hold of the angry birds level pack \o/18:19
waoangry birds is also for maemo?18:20
waonidO: ^18:20
andre__wao: obviously yes? :)18:20
nidOyeah, the game itself is free from ovi and included on the device by default18:20
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nidObut the paid level pack has been in and out of ovi store for months as nokia keep trying to get their thumbs out their asses and make the payment system work18:21
nidOand it just went back in18:21
waoshould be also for android18:21
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MohammadAGAngry birds level pack!18:24
MohammadAGand morpho panorama app18:24
tybolltRobot101: \o/18:24
SpeedEvilI wish there were more (than 63) levels18:25
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SpeedEvilI've ***'d them all, and am reduced to beating highscores18:25
MohammadAGon the iPhone there are 5 level packs18:25
SpeedEvilyou mean 1*21 + 5*21?18:26
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MohammadAG5*21 I think18:27
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b-man|laptopfinally got bison working - i had to download a version from Debian SID and force depends install it - it looks like maemo's version is faulty18:29
MohammadAGyou could've recompiled it so you don't break dependencies...18:30
SpeedEvilxsnow - running on all 4 desktops - keeps the CPU at 500MHz.18:30
b-man|laptopwell, it didn't have broken dependencies but i did it just in case lol18:30
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b-man|laptopnow i have Google Go on my N900 xD18:31
MohammadAGwhat's google go?18:32
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b-man|laptopit's like a mashup with c and python18:32
b-man|laptopit's easy to use :)18:32
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b-man|laptopand it compiles to native binaries18:33
b-man|laptop(even has it's own toolchain)18:33
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MohammadAGb-man|laptop, the chroot stuff failed when I tried to install ubuntu-desktop18:35
MohammadAGat one point, an app failed then the whole card went corrupt18:35
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MohammadAGfsck moved all folders and renamed them in lost+found18:36
b-man|laptopouch :(18:36
b-man|laptophow big is your card?18:36
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DocScrutinizerX-Fade: could you find out about the GPIO names / SoC pin numbers / testpad names of any serial TTY boot console?18:38
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: Not likely.18:39
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: whom to ask?18:39
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: Good one, no idea.18:40
MohammadAGb-man|laptop, 16GBs18:41
MohammadAG6GB partition18:41
b-man|laptopdid you bind mount /proc and /dev/pts?18:41
MohammadAGthe latter no, isn't that for logs only?18:42
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b-man|laptopi believe so18:43
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b-man|laptopit wouldn't hurt to mount it18:43
b-man|laptopMohammadAG: what was the output when it failed?18:44
MohammadAGb-man|laptop, not sure right now, it's in the logs somewhere lol18:45
MohammadAGsec, I might find it18:45
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* smoku just got latest PSX4ALL sources :D18:48
MohammadAGsmoku, with the plugin?18:49
smokuwhat plugin? PSX$ALL is not plugin based18:50
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MohammadAGsmoku, the DSP plugin :)18:52
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smoku??? PSX does not have DSP18:54
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MohammadAGerr, ZodTTD's sources18:55
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Summelismoku: is there some nice updates?18:56
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alteregoLooks like when I update my IM status, maemo doesn't seem to recognise the change :/18:58
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alteregoMeaning, when I do it via dbus, it works, but if you check your availability settings it's not recognised, it's the same as the last time youc hanged it using the maemo ui19:01
* microlith notices the media player updating while in the app switcher19:01
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Macerfinished watching avatar and the credits for the visual teams.. it took a whole small country to make it19:06
n900-dka lot of blue men19:07
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* jacekowski just bought beagleboard19:10
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Shapeshiftercan't wait for when my warranty expires. I'll finally be able to optically improve the n90019:22
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mintuxis it possible to create wireless network?19:23
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lardmanhmm, I wonder if the Nokia point and find barcode db and movie world image db are available for people to use...?19:28
lardmanI imagine not19:28
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MohammadAGmost probably19:30
pupnikmaybe for n900 owners19:30
lardmanwell it's not that important really, there are other data sources19:31
lardmanbut the image recognition stuff for the movie posters is a nice idea19:31
lardmancity info would be useful, but again there are other data sources19:31
lardmane-compass would be good though ;)19:31
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trumeeis ovi store not updated for UK users?19:32
trumeeif i browse to ovi store from my N900, i dont see the new apps.19:32
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trumeeprobably they havent settled on the payment system for UK.19:33
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BCMMthey are serving different versions based on geoip?19:34
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MohammadAGThe ovi store has always been like that19:35
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MohammadAGSetting up sudo (1.6.8p12-4osso22+0m5) ...19:40
MohammadAGUpdating sudoers19:40
MohammadAGSetting up x11-xkb-utils (7.4+1-maemo2+0m5) ...19:40
MohammadAG FINALLY!19:40
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nidOtrumee: angry birds level pack's been available from my uk connection since just after 4 at last19:42
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trumeenidO: yup, i see it now. in the process of buying it :)19:50
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MohammadAGtrumee, do tell what 'system' it uses19:50
MohammadAGi.e does it use HAM19:51
trumeeMohammadAG: yes it does19:51
MohammadAGor a .deb19:51
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trumeeMohammadAG: it opened up HAM for me.19:51
MohammadAGtime to try a normal deb19:51
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tobbdoes anyone know if QTouchEvent is supported in nokias qt sdk, I never receive the event19:58
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MohammadAGtrumee, it didn't ask to open/save?19:59
tobbI mean, is it supported on the n900 ?19:59
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trumeeMohammadAG: no it straight-away opened HAM19:59
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trumeemy browser on PR1.2  has been acting weird. Is there any way to extract /home/user/.mozilla from emmc image and copy to N900?20:02
trumeeor can i simply delete .mozilla/microb folder to start afresh?20:03
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hcm_trumee: try renaming it instead of deleting, but it should work20:03
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trumeehcm_: renaming .mozilla or .mozilla/microb?20:04
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hcm_I'd start with microb.. if your problem isn't solved, you can also try .mozilla20:04
jcrawfordomg i love the N900 :)20:04
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jcrawfordhmm extras-testing repo down eh20:09
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jcrawfordget a 404 not found on
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jcrawfordhaha my bad typo :)20:10
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jcrawfordodd after adding the extras and extras-testing repositories i cannot seem to find Mobile HotSpot listed in the app manager20:15
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trythilhi all -- does anyone know if Fremantle logs XMPP connection attempts and errors?20:20
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trythilI'm trying to figure out why the Jabber client in PR 1.2 keeps blowing up when it attempts to connect to my server -- I suspect SSL certificate errors, but after importing the necessary certificates things are still going wrong and I have no information to work on20:21
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FredrIQnoes. :(20:26
* FredrIQ was going to check what happened when passing 99999m in Bounce Evolution and ended up losing on 88244m because of major fail20:26
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* SpeedEvil always falls off at 300m or so.20:27
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jcrawfordso now where is a good place to start reading about maemo development?20:28
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BCMMThe Internet.20:28
FredrIQyou mean at 1500m at the "fall of part for non-common player"20:28
FredrIQi guess20:28
BCMM(actually, if somebody answers jcrawford, i'd be interested too)20:28
SpeedEvilFred: probably20:28
SpeedEvilFredrIQ: I never played it much20:28
SpeedEvilFredrIQ: I got distracted by 'blocks'20:29
jcrawfordi think i just found some training on maemo.org20:29
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RST38hTest Failed.20:34
RST38hInitiating Self Destruct Sequence.20:35
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RST38hSelf Destruct Sequence Initiated.20:35
RST38hSelf Destruct Will Commence in 4:4920:35
RST38h<beep> <beep>20:35
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brendansCode zero zero zero.20:39
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zlimvos_i cant find any package with traceroute for n900, am i missing something..?20:40
xDaReaperxI kind of find something weird , the battery icon dosen't seem to update it self every time , after every reboot i get to see the actual results of the battery state20:40
SpeedEvilinstall traceroute20:40
SpeedEvilReading package lists... Done20:40
SpeedEvilBuilding dependency tree20:40
SpeedEvilReading state information... Done20:40
SpeedEvilThe following NEW packages will be installed:20:40
xDaReaperxi started to happen now20:40
SpeedEvil  traceroute20:40
SpeedEvilzlimvos_: you need MOAR REPOS.20:41
SpeedEvilI think it's probably in tools20:41
zlimvos_repo called 'tools' right?20:42
SpeedEvilyes - hangon20:42
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brendansfairly sure it is in tools20:42
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SpeedEvilCatalog name - fremantle tools20:43
SpeedEvilweb address:
xDaReaperxanyways , is there any way to unsubscribe from Nokia ? i tried it i got an SMS saying : Attempt to Unsubscribe Failed20:43
mindfaqit's in maemo developer tools20:43
SpeedEvildistrubition fremantle/tools20:43
SpeedEvilcomponents free/non-free20:43
SpeedEvilin applicatoin manager - 'add repository' in settings20:43
jcrawfordxDaReaperx, nope once we got ya we keep ya hahaha20:43
jcrawfordseriously no idea :)20:44
xDaReaperxcause it charges me for the SMS's they send20:44
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brendansxDaReaperx, if nothing else you could probably call your carrier and have the number blocked20:45
brendans(not that that's the first thing to try, lol)20:45
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xDaReaperxhmmm , isn't there anyway i can block calls or SMS's ?20:45
SpeedEvilblocking SMSs will not stop you being charged for them20:46
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xDaReaperxthat sucks20:47
SpeedEvilBy the time you try to block them - they are already on your phone20:47
xDaReaperxso there's nothing i can do for now20:47
SpeedEvilSMSs are not delivered with a 'do you want this' first20:47
xDaReaperxyeah i know that20:48
SpeedEvilFor me - the 'stop' worked - they diddn't send anymore after - though it said failed20:48
brendansobviously this is one of those things that varies between providers, but everybody around here has unlimited incoming SMS... still, I've definitely heard that if you call your carrier in many cases they can put a block on it at that end, and prevent them being transmitted to you20:48
jacekowskixDaReaperx: how you can be charged for incoming sms?20:48
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xDaReaperxberndans : i'll try to do that20:49
brendansjacekowski, it's one of those things that varies around the world (like how incoming long distance calls don't cost anything in Europe, but do in NA)20:49
xDaReaperxyeah you do get charged in different places20:49
jacekowskigive me your number20:49
jacekowskiand i'll make you bankrupt20:50
SpeedEvilnot here.20:50
SpeedEvilall inbound calls are free20:50
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jacekowskiSpeedEvil: because we are civilised here20:50
SpeedEvilany SMSs that are chargeable are refundable if the provider has not complied to the terms of conduct.20:50
mindfaqonce upon a time even outgoing sms were free here20:51
xDaReaperxjacekowski : if you send me sms's it wont charge me20:51
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mindfaqthen they realized they can charge people for that20:51
xDaReaperxit's hard to explain for me20:51
brendansyeah, it's really pretty frustrating here (Canada); incoming SMS are free, but incoming calls get charged long distance on cell networks20:51
jacekowskixDaReaperx: so why sms from nokia charges you?20:51
xDaReaperxthat's why i am on this IRC ^ to know that20:51
xDaReaperxand to stop it20:52
jacekowskibrendans: well, phone costs more in canada and US20:52
jacekowskibrendans: at least from what i heard20:52
brendans(I mean, free incoming SMS is good - Caller ID is pretty key to avoid telemarketers though on a cell)20:52
zlimvos_speedevil: i added the repo but i got " fremantle/tools/free/non-free/binary-armel/packages 404 not found [ip 80] :/20:52
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jacekowskibrendans: here there is something called tps20:52
xDaReaperxyeah i'm having that error too adding the extras repositories20:52
jacekowskibrendans: if you are on tps list and somebody calls you20:52
jacekowskibrendans: well, they just don't call you20:53
brendansjacekowski: yeah, generally bad locked-in plans too. Plus getting an unlocked phone is pretty much unheard of, people think of it as borderline gray market20:53
xDaReaperxzlimvos_ : yeah i'm having that error too adding the extras repositories  , guys any solution for this ?20:53
jacekowskibrendans: most phones sold here are unlocked20:53
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jacekowskibrendans: ( you have to pay your contract anyways )20:53
brendansjacekowski: yeah, I think there is a DNC registry in Canada now as well20:53
PhonicUKhey all20:53
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yuizy_i got a new device from warranty. now i'm trying to charge the battery for the first time but there's only a red light blinking and it doesn't apparently charge at all20:54
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PhonicUKanyone know of a bluetooth auditing tool for maemo 5?20:54
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yuizy_any ideas what might be the problem?20:54
jacekowskiyuizy_: google20:54
xDaReaperxhow did the battery die so fast ?20:54
brendansjacekowski: Yeah, the carriers here argue that there's no need for an unlocked phone, "Just buy our out-of-country long-distance package, and we won't charge $2/min..."20:54
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jacekowskibrendans: well, roaming in EU is almost free20:55
jacekowskibrendans: and it will be completly free in 2012 or somewhere around that20:56
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jacekowskibrendans: outside eu it costs a lot20:56
jacekowskibrendans: it was something like 80p/minute in US20:56
brendansjacekowski: yeah, that would be nice... I know that even US roming on Rogers (one of Canada's networks) is $1.45/min20:56
brendansjacekowski: without a special package, that is20:56
jcrawfordso why can i not find the mobile hotspot app?  I added both extras and extras-testing to my repos20:56
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AndrukasHi, Can any one tell what should I do to get my n900 upgraded to PR 1.2? apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade does not pick it up.20:57
xDaReaperxi added Maemo extras20:57
xDaReaperxbut it says catalog failed to load20:57
xDaReaperxand dosent' show up20:57
jacekowskibrendans: some carriers already stopped charging for roaming in EU at all20:57
ToJa92[Andrukas]: I'd use NSU on a computer, unless you got ~54MB free on rootfs you can't update OTA anyway20:58
jacekowskibrendans: well, for calls, data still costs a lot20:58
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brendansjacekowski: about the best in Canada is a new carrier called Wind Mobile:
AndrukasToJa92, I've got about 60mb free on rootfs, how do I initiate the upgrade?20:58
jcrawfordi updated my N900 OTA the other day went just fine20:59
brendansjacekowski: (well, new to us, I think they exist in the UK if I'm not mistaken)20:59
jacekowskibrendans: how much does n900 costs?20:59
jacekowskinever heard of them20:59
brendansjacekowski: but they've only deployed in about 4 cities thus far20:59
ToJa92[Andrukas]: You should see it in application manager20:59
jcrawfordthough I used wifi and not the AT&T internet as it was tooo damn slow20:59
ToJa92if you press update20:59
ToJa92maybe you should try apt-get update ?20:59
AndrukasToJa92, that's the thing, I can't see it there20:59
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brendansjacekowski: N900's not actually available in Canada, so I ordered it from the US. $600 CDN + tax (12%)21:00
jacekowski1 CAD == 1USD?21:00
brendansjacekowski: Might be $50 less now...21:00
xDaReaperxi bought the N900 for just: 450 $21:01
jacekowskii bought my n900 for £4921:01
xDaReaperxlocked ?21:01
xDaReaperxcompany ?21:01
ToJa92[Andrukas]: Do you have the Vodafone UK version?21:01
jacekowskiuk carriers don't sell locked phones21:01
brendansjacekowski: about 0.95 USD right now; but I bought it outright without a plan21:01
xDaReaperxhmm k how so cheap ?21:01
jacekowski24 months contract21:01
AndrukasToJa92, not sure, I bought it from ebay. I think it is a UK version21:02
jacekowskiwith 500 minutes, 500 texts, unlimited data21:02
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jacekowskiso it works out at £650 over 2 years21:02
brendansthat's ridiculous... even at the best rates available, that would run easily $75-$100 /mo here21:03
xDaReaperxoh cool21:03
ToJa92[Andrukas]: Oh, well if it's from vodafone then IIRC PR1.2 isn't released21:03
ToJa92so you would need to flash the global release21:03
AndrukasToJa92, is there a way a can check witch version I'm running?21:04
jacekowskiiphone was like £100 for phone + 35/mo over 18 months with 600 minutes 600 texts and unlimited data21:04
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ToJa92[Andrukas]: I don't know, really21:04
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ToJa92unless you got anything important on the device you should do a full flash anyway, so that you clean it up(unless you bought it new, that is)21:05
DocScrutinizeranybody who can answer me why SSH key field on account mgmt throws out the space between the leading "ssh-dss lksduadnhjk..." and the trailing "user@machine.dom" ?21:05
crashanddiejacekowski: they do sell locked phones. Blackberries for example don't work with vodaphone SIMs from other countries21:05
jacekowskiwell, iphone and blackberry is an exception21:06
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: you don't need that last part21:06
xDaReaperxA problem here , i can't add the extras repositories from , i did a apt-get update  and go this : Err   fermantile/freepackages - 404 not found [IP : 80]21:06
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: and from my experience dss keys don't work21:06
DocScrutinizeris the key supposed to have no user@machine.xx extension?21:07
crashanddiexDaReaperx: fremantile?21:07
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: it has to be rsa21:07
xDaReaperxsorry femantle21:07
DocScrutinizerthanks anyway21:07
xDaReaperxi typed it down looking it from my N90021:07
crashanddiexDaReaperx: no, "fremantle"21:07
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: so you just need ssh-rsa wqwefweirfwoierjfowejrfwoierfwejrfiwjrefiwerf21:07
xDaReaperxyeah okay21:07
xDaReaperxso whats the problem actually ?21:07
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crashanddiexDaReaperx: well, if you typed it wrong now, what says you didn't type it wrong on your n900?21:08
crashanddiexDaReaperx: it's a 404 not found, so you typed something wrong21:08
jacekowskiwho gives out @maemo cloaks to people?21:08
xDaReaperxno i didn't type it wrong , it shows the IP21:08
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: hmmm :-S (me going to create a pubkey just for friggin garage - maybe tomorrow)21:08
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crashanddiexDaReaperx: that's for the hostname, not the "fremantle" and "free" part21:08
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: X-Fade claims that it should work with dss key21:08
crashanddiejacekowski: on IRC?21:08
xDaReaperxok can u tell me what to type in the add catalog menu ?21:09
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: so it might be problem with scratchbox ssh or something21:09
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: but i can log in with that key somewhere else21:09
jacekowskicrashanddie: yeah21:09
crashanddiejacekowski: ask GAN, he will forward the request to X-Fade21:09
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ToJa92[Andrukas]: You could check if you have the repository "Nokia system software updates" in application manager, if you don't have it for some reason it wont find pr 1.221:09
crashanddiexDaReaperx: it needs to be "free", not "freepackages"21:10
xDaReaperxyeah its : free non-free21:10
* DocScrutinizer pokes X-Fade about garage project :-)21:10
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crashanddiexDaReaperx: screenshot please21:10
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xDaReaperxto take screen shot its : shft + ctrl + p ?21:11
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xDaReaperxokay here's the screen shot :
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xDaReaperxi save it , and it adds , but it dosent show up now21:16
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xDaReaperxwow so much silence21:18
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Andrukasdoes anyone know how to upgrade N900 to PR1.2 using apt-get?21:21
Andrukaswhich rep should be used?21:21
mintuxfennec doesn't support flash player what shall i do?21:21
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RST38hyou should kill yourself over it21:21
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PhonicUKlol netsplit21:27
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xDaReaperxhow did you find out?21:27
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PhonicUKits obvious when it happens :/21:28
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xDaReaperxhmm k21:28
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xDaReaperxdoes overclocking your N900 reduce battery life ?21:28
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microlithxDaReaperx: shouldn't21:29
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xDaReaperxany benchmarking apps ?21:29
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PhonicUKoverclocking will reduce battery life and device lifespan21:30
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PhonicUKand void your warranty21:30
xDaReaperxyeah thats what i thought21:30
crashanddie[citation needed]21:30
PhonicUKit by definion needs more power21:31
PhonicUKsince power increases with the square of the frequency21:31
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xDaReaperxhey is there a FTP client for N900 ?21:32
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crashanddiePhonicUK: I was more talking about the device lifespan21:32
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PhonicUKsame again, you're switching the silicon more frequently21:33
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xDaReaperxso there's no FTP client for N90021:34
PhonicUKand transistors have a fixed lifespan if terms of the number of switches they can do21:34
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PhonicUKits in the app manager :/21:34
xDaReaperxi cant find it21:34
xDaReaperxsearched the app manager a lot21:34
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mintuxi need a browser that it support socks proxy and flash palyer together. the FCKing microb ui can not support profile or keep about:config setting and fennec doesn't support flash player21:35
PhonicUKi went to All and searched for FTP21:35
PhonicUKfirst result21:35
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PhonicUKdo you have the extras repo enabled?21:35
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xDaReaperxwhen i type : ftp nothing shows up :(21:36
xDaReaperxyeah thats the problem , i can't add the extras repo21:36
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xDaReaperxi added it actually , but it dosent show up21:36
PhonicUKfind it on then21:36
PhonicUKusing the device21:36
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smokuPhonicUK: "transistors have a fixed lifespan if terms of the number of switches they can do" where did you get that revelation?21:39
xDaReaperxso weird , i went to maemo 5 downloads section , and i type FTP on the search says nothing found21:39
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PhonicUKduring my module in digital systems design at university21:40
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PhonicUKalso, see wikipedia entry for overclocking21:40
PhonicUKbrb getting off bus21:40
PhonicUKor not21:41
PhonicUKi hate the busses here21:41
alteregoThis is quite annoting, that the accounts system doesn't pick up on my presence updates :(21:42
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mintuxno suggestion?21:42
smokuPhonicUK: overclocking damages hardware due to admixture migration because of heat21:42
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smokubut I can't see how transistor could wear by electrons flow21:43
SpeedEvilsmoku: They do.21:43
SpeedEvilsmoku: Wikipedia - electromigration21:43
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smokuSpeedEvil: that does not happen under normal conditions21:45
smokuok. it happens so slow, that it takes a lifetime to notice21:46
alteregosmoku: overclocking beyond spec is not "normal conditions" though is it :/21:46
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SpeedEvilsmok: yes, it does.21:46
SpeedEvilsmoku: It has actually caused failures in real chips.21:46
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SpeedEvilsmoku: The nokia graphics chip failures were due to this21:47
SpeedEvilerr - nvidia21:47
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smokuthese lacked proper cooling21:47
SpeedEvilThey diddn't.21:47
xDaReaperxthe n900 uses nvidia graqphics chips ?21:47
SpeedEvilThey were adequately cooled to not fail.21:48
b-man|laptopPowerVR SGX21:48
alteregosmoku: The N900 has no cooling :P21:48
SpeedEvilThe failure was due to electromigration, not overheating21:48
jacekowskiit has21:48
jacekowskipassive cooling21:48
alteregoSure, but nothing active.21:48
alteregoWhich was obviously what I meant.21:48
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alteregoThere isn't even a heatsink.21:48
ShadowJKI thought nvidia graphics chip failures were due to heat and not due to electrical sissues21:49
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alteregoEven though the A8's should handle high clock rates, the N900 is extremely compact.21:49
SpeedEvilShadowJK: It was electromigration exacerbated by heat21:49
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SpeedEvilAlso - the actual makers datasheet for the chipset actually says that it has a limited life when run at 600MHz21:50
xDaReaperxso the N900 is a fail ?21:51
jacekowskiwell, it's 2 years on 600MHz21:51
jacekowskiinstead of 500 years21:51
xDaReaperxactually only 15 months21:51
microliththat's assuming constant operation at 600MHz21:51
xDaReaperxthe rest are only service21:51
smokuSpeedEvil: elecromigration caused by overheating ;P21:52
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smokustill, saying that transistors have a finite number of switches, is exageration at least...21:52
jacekowskithey do21:53
jacekowskieverything has finite lifetime21:53
SpeedEvilsmoku: It's not transistors.21:53
SpeedEvilsmoku: It's wires.21:53
jhpHi everyone. I have a little problem. I had my "mail for exchange" configured and working but I had to restore my contacts due to some mixup out of an backup from before the last big upgrade. Now my "mail for exchange" won't configure anymore, I can configure it but it will never end in a situation where it stays activated and working.21:53
SpeedEvilsmoku: The wires actually 'flow' slightly due to the electrons flowing past them.21:54
smoku[20:34:46] <PhonicUK> and transistors have a fixed lifespan if terms of the number of switches they can do21:54
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xDaReaperxMy mobile heats up on charging21:54
SpeedEvilfrom the charger?21:54
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alteregoxDaReaperx: that's not really anything in comparison to the CPU and, it's not even in direct contact with it ..21:55
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xDaReaperxwell i can feel it heating from below21:55
xDaReaperxnot much but usually its cool21:55
alteregoSo, has anyone got any experience with telepathy on the N900?21:56
xDaReaperxwhats that ?21:56
alteregoN900/maemo as I guess this is to do with the platform.21:56
xDaReaperxi saw one app21:56
jacekowskixDaReaperx: IM21:56
xDaReaperxoh ok21:56
DocScrutinizerooohnoes, don't get me started again on OC21:57
cgoncalveshow can I send a project from esbox to a n900? I already have it connected via usb and configured.21:57
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xDaReaperxyes now i can see gFTP21:57
GAN900DocScrutinizer's powering up!21:58
GAN900What if I were to overclock my N900?21:58
xDaReaperxi had to add the extras tesing and devel repository21:58
GAN900Would it run iPhone then?21:58
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GAN900How about Half Life 2?21:58
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: smoku: actually the most usual case is the 'wires' flow *into* the 'transistors' (it's actually FETs), such ruining the P/N dotation22:00
DocScrutinizerso the transistor loses his semiconductor properties22:01
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smokuSpeedEvil: nevertheless, it's unnoticable under normal conditions - like the glass flowing in windows. and if it is noticable - it's a design mistake.22:01
hajanyone know if I can somehow search for a street without searching for the city in Sygic?22:01
DocScrutinizerwhile OC isn't exactly 'normal conditions'22:01
hajOC works fine though..22:02
xDaReaperxanyone dual booted their phones?22:02
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DocScrutinizerhaj: N2O for your motor also works 'fine' :-P22:03
hajI have been running my N900 at max 900MHz like a month.. just set it to max 1000MHz some days ago... no problems..22:03
smokuDocScrutinizer: ok. I was learning on discrete elements. I guess it may happen faster in todays integrated chips, when one is actually counting single atoms.22:03
DocScrutinizersmoku: exactly22:03
xDaReaperxhow do you overclock the n900 anyway ? is it easy ?22:03
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hajDocScrutinizer: I have been overclocking CPU's since I had a 486 DX2 OC'ed to DX4... This is no different..22:04
SpeedEvilsmoku: The maker of the chip says the chip has a limited life at 600MHz. This is designed to be completely adequate for the application it's in.22:04
DocScrutinizersmoku: you got current densities of kA or even mA / mm^222:04
hajxDaReaperx: or something like that22:04
DocScrutinizerhaj: stfu22:04
SpeedEvilsmoku: If you overclock, then you may get lots less life22:04
RST38halso does not appear to be true22:04
smokuSpeedEvil: you don't have to convince me that overclocking damages hardware :)22:05
alteregohaj: you're completely ignorant if you think that a desktop computer is at all the same as a mobile embedded SoC.22:05
SpeedEvilsmoku: No, I don't.22:05
hajDocScrutinizer: why? It is no different.22:05
SpeedEvilsmoku: I'm pointing to a fact - the chip datasheet. Do you know the authors of this are lying?22:05
DocScrutinizerhaj: apply somewhere else for basic lessons please22:05
hajalterego: I don't say that... But the N900 has safeguards that shuts it down if it overheats.22:05
SpeedEvilhaj: No, it doesn't.22:06
DocScrutinizeror send $$$ to my paypal22:06
alteregohaj: No, it doesn't.22:06
SpeedEvilhaj: There is no CPU temperature sensor.22:06
hajUhm.. I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere.22:06
DocScrutinizerhaj: stop telling BS22:06
SpeedEvilhaj: At least no reliable one. There is a 'battery' temperature sensor22:06
alteregohaj: Please, if you don't know what you're talking about, shut up and listen to those that do, or do some research.22:06
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SpeedEvil(which is not very close to the battery)22:06
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hajalterego: then I'll put it this way... How many people killed of a N900 by overclocking it?22:07
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pexireal world results are the ones that count :)22:07
DocScrutinizerhaj: do you think anybody here can answer that question to you?22:07
alteregohaj: Mobile processors like those that are in our beloved N900, are extremely tightly geared to give the best possible performance with a reasonible lifetime. You mess with that, it's a gamble.22:07
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alteregohaj: when they start appearing in talk, why don't you keep a count.22:08
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hajDocScrutinizer: Did you hear about anyone frying a N900 by overclocking?22:08
alteregohaj: considering the N900 hasn't even been out a year yet ..22:08
DocScrutinizerhaj: yes. so... now it's your turn22:08
hajDocScrutinizer: Okay, I have heard about lots and lots that didn't have problems overclocking them.22:09
smokuSpeedEvil: so you're saying that Cortex was designed to fail after a destined lifetime?  i didn't know that. much enlightening22:09
alteregoOkay, so it's not even been around for a year, and DocScrutinizer says someone has already fried theirs, and I trust his words :P22:09
SpeedEvilsmoku: Cortex is not a CPU.22:09
SpeedEvilsmoku: Cortex is an architecture.22:09
DocScrutinizerhaj: I heard about lots and lots of cat surviving a drop from 10th floor. Do you want to try?22:09
alteregosmoku: they're not designed to fail, they're deisgned to last :P22:09
hajbut hey.. We can stop discussing it, I don't really care :)22:09
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alteregosmoku: but they can only make things last for so long.22:10
SpeedEvilsmoku: It is implemented by vendors taking the design, and putting it into a chip in the form of silicon.22:10
DocScrutinizersmoku: and SpeedEvil is absolutely right on that22:10
alteregosmoku: and it's a balance between performance and life expectancy.22:10
DocScrutinizer(lifetime limits)22:10
xDaReaperxHey is this a right benchmarking tool ?  :
Meceo.O fiery overclocking discussions :) (pun intended)22:12
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hajDocScrutinizer/alterego: I'll bet you a N900 that when my N900 stops working it'll not be because it runs 1000MHz... ;)22:12
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smokuSpeedEvil: if I would write "OMAP 3430" you would say that it's not a microprocessor, rigt?22:12
alteregosmoku: OMAP is a processor manufactured by Texas Instruments using the ARM blueprints.22:13
SpeedEvilsmoku: It's SoC - a system on a chip. It contains a cortex A8 design on it - on one chip along with other stuff made by TI22:13
SpeedEvilThe actual chip may also have stuff soldered to the top of the package22:14
alteregoWell, SpeedEvil's description is much better.22:14
alteregoI just rwanted to say it first :P22:14
DocScrutinizerhaj: I actually believe you're right. It will probably stop working because you threw it to the wall, annoyed by the ever increasing segfaults in each and every app22:14
alteregoDocScrutinizer: hahaha, :)22:15
DocScrutinizerhaj: you quite obviously have not the slightest idea about how OC, electromigration, and modern SoC work22:15
smokuSpeedEvil: so by "cortex" I meant the CPU core within that chip. do you have any better term?22:15
smoku(I'm not native english speaker and I am still learning)22:16
hajDocScrutinizer: Not likely... Since I'm not an idiot I know that that isn't very likely to happen because of overclocking.. Thats more likely to happen if the device has a bad memory chip.22:16
DocScrutinizerhaj: stfu22:17
hajDocScrutinizer: why don't you stfu...22:18
SpeedEvilsmoku: The term 'cpu' works22:18
DocScrutinizerhaj: because *I* know what I'm talking about, which you quite evidentally don't22:18
smoku"so you're saying that CPU was designed to fail"?  weird22:19
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alteregohaj: a lot of people in this channel are not idiots, and you're just showing your ignorance. So I would seriously back off.22:19
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xDaReaperxwhy dosen't anyone in the channel ever " lol " ?22:19
hajDocScrutinizer: your use of sftu in discussions dosn't really suggest that you know shit about anything...22:19
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DocScrutinizeron 500MHz it'll fail after e.g 100.000h, on 600MHz it will fail after 10.000h, on 700MHz after 1000h...22:20
alteregohaj: no, it doesn't, but DocScrutinizer knowledge on semiconductor design does, something that you quite obviously lack.22:20
hajalterego: I'm not ignorant at all...22:20
alteregohaj: you certainly are in this field.22:20
hajDocScrutinizer: So, now you are saying that you have already tested the N900's CPU at 700MHz for 1000h ? ;)22:20
n900-dkHow often does HAM check for new updates, if you doesn't open the HAM manually?22:21
* alterego gives up22:21
* alterego gets back to coding.22:21
DocScrutinizerhaj: if you refuse to carefully read my posts (here ">>e.g.<<") then you'll qualify for a kick acting this way22:21
smokun900-dk: once a day22:22
hajDocScrutinizer: people have been saying this always about clockspeeds.. The factory clock of a CPU, regardless of it being for a desktop or a mobile device will always be a compromise based on that the company that makes the device need it to be nice and stable, and with a mobile device that it can't use up too much power.22:23
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n900-dksmoku: Do you know the time?22:23
hajDocScrutinizer: I don't care about being kicked if I'm not allowed to use my freedom of speech.22:24
nidO"freedom of speech"?22:24
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DocScrutinizerfreedom of spamming the chan with BS22:24
smokun900-dk: no. but experience shows that around midnight.22:24
hajDocScrutinizer: how about spamming the chan with FUD.. :)22:25
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crashanddieDocScrutinizer: you do realise you're kicking more than me these days22:26
n900-dkSo crontabs is not in use on the N900, or am I wrong?22:27
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: if he PM's you, send him to me22:27
brendanshonest question that's peripherally related: I know the new-rev beagleboards are running at 720 MHz, and my understanding is that the 3530 core is more or less the same as the 3430 core in a different package22:27
RST38hShit, cannot install the old libpurple0 any more22:27
brendansdoes anyone know if this is a design lifetime decision, or just the fact that it has better cooling?22:27
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: must be the rainy spring causing an unforgiving mood22:27
RST38hand telepathy-haze won't work without it22:27
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DocScrutinizer...or me entering male's climacterium22:28
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SpeedEvilbrendans: You can get different speeds22:30
DocScrutinizera felt 17 people told haj to stop speading BS and think twice before he states he's expert for chip design22:30
SpeedEvilbrendans: And exactly what the difference between the speedgrades is is a qustion22:30
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SpeedEvilbrendans: All parts may in fact go at 720 without issue. Or some of the 600MHz parts may fail irretrievably after 3 hours.22:30
SpeedEvilYou can't tell withjout more data22:30
brendansSpeedEvil: so a question of quality bins and thermal profiles, perhaps?22:31
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: not criticising your actions mate, just stating the obvious22:31
joorinquick repository question: is there often a delay between uploads of new package (to Extras-devel) and it showing up as the active package in the package view? my upload was done 12 hours ago and still no change.22:31
SpeedEvilAnd TI won't tell you, and nokia won't know.22:31
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SpeedEvilThe only way to do this would be to take a few hundred chips, and overclock them, and observe the results22:31
SpeedEvilAnd this may be invalid as the parameter you're testing may change partway through a batch with new product22:31
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brendansSpeedEvil: Makes sense22:32
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SpeedEvilOr have the overclock kernel come with a $1 fee - which goes to the first person to break their n900.22:32
brendansSpeedEvil: I will say the 720 MHz on the beagleboard is nice... but it also didn't cost almost $700, so I'm less inclined to mess around with MTBF numbers on the n90022:33
brendansSpeedEvil: Nice; like an endowment fund?22:33
joorinas it stands i have no idea if the package thats pushed to users is the one on the package view page or the one listed if i surf to the repository listing.22:33
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DocScrutinizerjust leaves to say: TI *did* that kind of OC tests to their chips, and that's what Nokia based their N900 clockspeed at22:34
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Viliny__crashanddie: you here?22:34
trythilah ha22:34
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brendansDocScrutinizer: Yeah, it goes without saying that if they could actually get stable performance at a higher clock, they'd have done it22:35
crashanddieI am22:35
Viliny__may i pm you?22:35
trythiljust a note -- if anyone else is having trouble with getting telepathy-gabble to do TLS, might be useful22:35
povbot`Bug 9262: Modest not able to validate server certificates22:35
crashanddieViliny__: about to leave though22:35
DocScrutinizerbrendans: exactly22:35
brendansDocScrutinizer: (consistently, at least)22:35
Viliny__crashanddie: ah well then nvm22:35
crashanddieViliny__: what's it about?22:35
Viliny__expression simplifying22:35
brendansDocScrutinizer: More than likely they want some maximum percentage of the phones to die within e.g. a three-year contract term. Say two or three standard deviations out.22:36
crashanddieViliny__: ask DocScrutinizer22:36
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DocScrutinizersorry, also leaving22:38
brendansheading out myself; bye all22:38
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xDaReaperxhey , i downloaded the file : using xterminal , where will the file be saved ?22:42
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Viliny__xDaReaperx: to the directory you had active at the time is my guess22:44
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xDaReaperxhmm i had no directory active22:45
xDaReaperxi downloaded using xterminal22:45
xDaReaperxits a benchmarking app22:45
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Viliny__wget downloads to the directory you have active when you type it in unless you specify otherwise, i don't think you can actually have the terminal open and NOT have a directory active22:46
Viliny__my 2 cents22:46
alteregoTeeheehee, well, at least it works. My MAFW Telepathy status updater! :D22:46
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alteregoI suppose I should write a little UI for it or something ...22:47
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xDaReaperxis it possible to browse the files in the root ?22:51
xDaReaperxlike the bin , home etc22:51
setzcd / ?22:52
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ShadowJKNot with the default file manager, no.22:52
xDaReaperxhmm some other way22:52
xDaReaperxi tried gFTP , it shows the folders , but it wont open22:52
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ToJa92[xDaReaperx]: Install midnight commander22:52
xDaReaperxis it available in app manager ?22:52
ToJa92or if you just want to browse, open a browser and enter filer:/// as url22:52
ToJa92file:/// *22:53
ToJa92[xDaReaperx]: I think it's in extras-devel22:53
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xDaReaperxwow my app manager takes forever to load22:54
ToJa92well the download part of app manager takes some time22:55
ToJa92if you got rootsh installed you could just apt-get install mc22:55
ToJa92to install midnight commander22:55
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xDaReaperxyeah i'll do that22:55
xDaReaperxi did apt-get install mc22:56
xDaReaperxit says could not get lock /VAR/LIB/DGKB/LOCK22:56
Khertan /ctcp #Khertan_Migo22:56
xDaReaperxfound it anyways22:56
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ToJa92[xDaReaperx]: you must close app manager22:57
xDaReaperxyeah i figured it out22:58
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xDaReaperxok i openend it22:59
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DocScrutinizerxDaReaperx: also from your desktop you can browse sftp://user@ quite conveniently22:59
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xDaReaperxusing the browser ?23:00
ShadowJKprobably want filezilla23:00
DocScrutinizer(of course depending on the particular browser you use)23:00
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xDaReaperxthe normal one23:00
ShadowJKor something else that does sftp23:00
DocScrutinizerkonqueror works fine23:00
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DocScrutinizerthe gnope one allegedly also works23:01
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xDaReaperxhow abt the firefox browser23:01
ShadowJKIt doesn't know how23:02
DocScrutinizerworks, but probably will not allow to just click a textfile to open it in e.g. kate/kwrite23:02
andrius_hi, what will happen if i change apt source from "deb ./" to  "deb ./ " in order to upgrade my n900 to PR.1.223:02
xDaReaperxi want to know where the files get installed from wget23:02
DocScrutinizerat least here with ssh pubkey passwordless login FF works23:03
ShadowJKdpkg -L wget23:03
ShadowJKshows the files associated with wget23:03
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xDaReaperxwhen i do a cd /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads/  it says can't cd to that23:05
xDaReaperxwhy ?23:05
xDaReaperxi want the wget to download the files there23:05
rkbmdoes it exist?23:06
rkbm(the directory)23:06
ShadowJKpresumably you can't go there because it doesn't exist..23:06
xDaReaperxthats waht i want to know23:06
xDaReaperxthats why i want to browse the root23:06
rkbmtry creating it first - mkdir /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads23:06
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xDaReaperxokay fine23:07
xDaReaperxnow its fine23:07
xDaReaperxstill new to the device23:07
xDaReaperxand maemo23:07
ShadowJKI'm not sure you want to follow any instructions involving wget and x-terminal :D23:08
jaskai do wonder how i managed to break osso-xterm not to use the spot where the scrollbar usually is again, *shakes fist at 79 colums*23:08
xDaReaperxwell are there any instructions ?23:09
xDaReaperxi wanted to install the nbench app23:09
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andrius_is here anyone still on older version than pr1.2?23:11
xDaReaperxnot me23:11
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andrius_does anyone have " " in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager ?23:13
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microlithisn't 205 the vodaphone branch?23:14
xDaReaperxcan we copy paste in the x terminal ?23:15
DocScrutinizerandrius_: still on PR1.1.123:15
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ShadowJKtap the arrow icon, paint text, menu->copy23:15
andrius_microlith, yea that's why I'm asking, i wondering what would happened if i change 205 vodafone to 203 uk generic23:16
andrius_would i be able to upgrade my phone to pr1.223:16
andrius_or would that break something23:16
DocScrutinizernope, won't break anything afaik23:16
xDaReaperxok ty23:16
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alterego'Listening to "Castaway" by "Jerry Cantrell" via Nokia N900' :D23:17
DocScrutinizerandrius_: but then otoh you'd need to reflash to 203 PR1.1, so you could as well flash pr1.2 straight away23:17
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ShadowJKalthough you've probably got the wrong mp-fremantle-* (or something like that) package installed for it to do anything sensible with stuff it finds in uk repo, I'd think23:18
* ShadowJK 'd also say no to variants crippled by operators :)23:18
andrius_DocScrutinizer, i'm trying to avoid flashing23:19
ShadowJK(and whine at vodafone and nokia care)23:19
DocScrutinizerso how would you change from 205 to 203 then?23:19
andrius_editing the apt source file23:19
xDaReaperxfinally benchmarking23:19
DocScrutinizerhmm, dunno if that'll pan out23:20
andrius_not sure how different these repositories are23:20
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DocScrutinizerprobably marginal23:20
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DocScrutinizertheming maybe23:21
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DocScrutinizerbut also maybe diferent kernel version - just for the version string. But I never had a look into any of those non-global versions, so I can't even give an educated guess23:22
alteregoOh, that's interesting, it does update the "My Availability" dialog, just not the "global" one.23:22
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xDaReaperxanyone using aircrack-ng ? on the N900 ?23:25
IkarusxDaReaperx: great way to waste battery power23:27
MohammadAGafaik the wireless card doens't support injection using the default kernel23:27
xDaReaperxwell so it dosent work ?23:27
MohammadAGwas there even a typo...23:27
MohammadAGnot yet I think23:27
xDaReaperxhmm then i'll remove it23:27
xDaReaperxMohammadAG , saw ur name in that Health check app23:28
MohammadAGyeah I really need a healthcheck, I'm in a queue23:28
xDaReaperxbtw my N900 is heating up badly23:28
xDaReaperxits warm23:29
xDaReaperxactually a bit above warm23:29
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ShadowJK... are you runnih nbench?23:29
xDaReaperxi was23:30
xDaReaperxnow its stopped23:30
xDaReaperxi closed x terminal23:30
ShadowJKwell it would make it warm :)23:30
xDaReaperxhmm okay23:30
MohammadAG~'s usually warm here too23:30
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xDaReaperxhey any way to clean the screen of N900 , to leave no marks23:33
xDaReaperxlike the finger marks23:33
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SpeedEvilscrub it with a t-shirt23:34
xDaReaperxlol it will cause a scratch23:35
xDaReaperxi worry23:35
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ShadowJKthis 3M microfibre cloth I bought along with Vikuiti screen protector is amazing23:35
xDaReaperxhmm the screen protector is not yet available in my country23:35
ShadowJKthe nokia cloth mostly spreads it out, the 3M cloth needs like 2 swipes to lift it off23:35
ShadowJKI ordered it from Germany, I didn't like any of the protectors available in my country23:36
xDaReaperxis chromium browser fast ?23:36
xDaReaperxor opera23:36
xDaReaperxor the normal firefox23:36
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Saviqhi all, anyone noticed problems with Salut / Bonjour account unable to connect in PR 1.2?23:41
alteregoSaviq: I can't even install it properly :/23:41
Saviqwell, I couldn't wait and reflashed, so...23:41
Saviqhad to use windows, mind you23:42
Saviqflasher had some problems23:42
alteregoSeems there's a problem with avahi-daemon23:42
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Saviqright - the avahi daemons don't start23:49
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MohammadAGis it quit hour?23:53
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ToJa92[MohammadAG]: I just installed Virtualbox, so my network connections were reset :P23:57
luke-jrlame excuse23:57
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* Ikarus smiles @ the hacked Motorola Milestone nearly booting Maemo already23:58
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Stskeepsscary people23:58
IkarusStskeeps: heh23:59
luke-jrIkarus: too bad you can never distribute it?23:59
Ikarusluke-jr: sure we can23:59
Stskeepsthat too23:59
Ikarusjust not binary parts from Nokia23:59
luke-jrIkarus: nope23:59
luke-jrthat's what makes it Maemo23:59
Ikarusluke-jr: most of Maemo is open23:59
Stskeepsno it's not23:59
luke-jrmost of Maemo is closed23:59
Ikarussufficient to make it interesting :)23:59

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