IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2010-05-26

Dima202and done im @ 1.2 woot00:00
wollopthen came to this way00:00
ManoftheSeathunderfest: wouldn't that be the computer half of it?00:00
thunderfestmore or less...a slightly less powerful computer00:00
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fralsInstantGoogle: hmm, probably not... :p00:01
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fralsdont have the device with the code on here and cba to checkout teh code again on the phone i have here :(00:02
GAN900Is the PR1.2 distro up for Extras-devel yet?00:02
X-FadeGAN900: No, it is just fremantle.00:02
SpeedEvilA while back lcuk alluded to installing build essentials on the device from the sdk repo. Apparantly I'm too stupid to work this out - I've spent some time with google - and not foind anything helpgul.00:02
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anotnaclol gerbick is worlds worst complainer hes making lot of noise on t.m.o about no official meego on n900 yet he dont own a n900, hes trolling is becoming like orangebox  recently so bored of reading is shit00:04
MohammadAGfrals, diff it against the new one then, it's a pain to do it manually :)00:04
MohammadAGI got lost, it seems he changed the buttons = part00:04
fralsi changed it there because i could stand having 170 lines when it could be done in ~2000:05
fralsthat diff got weird00:05
DocScrutinizer51anotnac: request ban00:05
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GAN900anotnac, he's always been a troll.00:06
Dima202after installing emmc vanilla thing at boot the top sidebar is purple and characters are different kinds of square and rectrangle shapes?00:06
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, the mod would be reported00:06
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ToJa92[Dima202]: Tried rebooting?00:06
anotnaci would'nt go that far is a long term member but hes becoming so destructive in every thread he posts he needs a warning00:07
Dima202i re-flashed the new firmware again and all is fine00:07
Dima202i can access my sd card just fine, so do i need to flash emmc again?00:07
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ToJa92well to flash eMMC you need to first flash the fiasco image and then flash eMMC without reboot00:08
ToJa92read this
Dima202but it reboots automatically00:08
DocScrutinizer51Dima202: eMMC flash always needs to go hand in hand with flashing rootfs00:08
ToJa92yeah you're supposed to remove the -R parameter at the end00:08
DocScrutinizer51Dima202: remove -R00:08
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: emmc == /home?00:09
Dima202ooh got ya00:09
Dima202ok thanks00:09
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: there isn't anything important there00:09
Dima202but pr 1.2 is faster from the 2 minutes i've ran it :)00:09
DocScrutinizer51jacekowski: home is on emmc, yes00:09
puzzledDocScrutinizer: contrary to what most docs say. I've seen a ton of docs that said flash image -R and then the eMMC with -R00:09
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: well, so when n900 comes out of factory emmc is empty00:10
DocScrutinizer51puzzled: which is wrong00:10
DocScrutinizer51jacekowski: nonsense00:10
puzzledI omitted the -R during flashing of the image as told in the wiki section with the big "I" and it worked fine00:10
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: what's on there00:10
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: just basic directory structure00:10
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: some apps00:11
tybollt_so I do see the device connected in window device manager00:11
tybollt_the device is there00:11
tybollt_yet still the flasher will not find it00:11
tybollt_fucked up00:11
phellarvBlargh wmo is sloooow00:11
tybollt_google (TMO) has -> "I basically plugge/unpluggde my cable ERANGE time and WFM!11100:11
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DocScrutinizer51jacekowski: mine had a few videos and whatnot00:12
ToJa92[tybollt_]: What OS do you use?00:12
Arkenoiso how much free root space required for OTA?00:13
DocScrutinizer51jacekowski: nota bene emmc >> $HOME00:13
tybollt_"It appears that Windows 7 64 bit doesn't handle USB in the same manner, and"00:13
tybollt_fuck me00:13
tybollt_I've 64bit windows00:13
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DocScrutinizer51tybollt_: when device manager noticed N900 you already are busted00:14
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tybollt_DocScrutinizer51: fair enough00:15
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jaem(Linux) flasher-3.5 is giving me "No such file or directory" when run on a 64-bit distro (yeah, I know... 64-bit... :/).  The permissions are fine - what am I missing?00:16
thresh32bit libc00:16
jaemthresh, aha! Thanks.00:16
jaemHeh... I'm used to Arch, where it just nicely installs 32-bit stuff for you... silly *buntu doesn't00:17
jaem...that wasn't criticism - just grumbling.00:17
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threshbiarch is bad mmkay00:18
DocScrutinizer51fsck ubuntu00:18
jaemthresh, well, it is if you can avoid it, but sometimes you can't.00:18
Dima202oh crap my backups are gone00:18
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jaemI just liked distros that handle it nicely when needed, rather than having to force-install it.00:18
cure`wow dennis fong is in here00:18
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jaemcure`, ?00:18
threshhe's Thresh00:19
* satmd wants a pure 64bit os, without 32bit legacy00:19
MohammadAGWhy oh why does PSM ruin ssh00:19
satmdso people have different targets00:19
satmdand once you know it does /does not install everything, you can at least fix it00:19
threshand yeah I kinda admired the guy00:19
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GAN900I love the sticky arrow keys in MicroB00:21
GAN900"Guess how much we'll scroll this time."00:21
lardman|homeGAN900: any improvements to Maps?00:21
jaemGAN900, I give up.  How much?00:21
jaemOr was that a joke?00:22
GAN900lardman|home, it's slower.00:22
GAN900jaem, you can never tell00:22
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GAN900sometimes it's none, sometimes it sticks00:22
* javispedro failed to notice those sticky keys00:23
MohammadAGso, I'm without a hildon-desktop, and the N900 appears to have put Wi-Fi to sleep00:23
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MohammadAGany way to wake it up?00:23
Dima202Is PR 1.2 still using hidden direcotries for My Documents etc..? didn't check before restoring from backup00:24
javispedrowhat kind of sleep?00:24
javispedroDima202: that will never change00:24
MohammadAGjavispedro, PSM00:24
MohammadAGssh doesn't respond00:24
javispedroMohammadAG: PSM is independent of hildon-desktop00:24
GAN900Dima202, of course.00:24
MohammadAGjavispedro, I know, but I have no way of waking up ssh00:24
GAN900Dima202, i18n00:24
* ptl will NOT upgrade to PR1.2 just to be a rebel00:24
DocScrutinizer51GAN900: page-up (shift-space), home and end are missing00:24
javispedroMohammadAG: PSM shouldn't cause it not to respond O.o00:24
MohammadAGjavispedro, well it is...00:24
MohammadAGand it always does00:24
MohammadAGunless I'm online00:24
javispedrobroken router00:25
ZogGptl port symbian 40 to n90000:25
MohammadAGI wouldn't be surprised...00:25
GAN900DocScrutinizer, try the arrows.00:25
MohammadAGZogG, there's been one limitation on symbian devices00:25
MohammadAGthe screen res00:25
MohammadAGno symbian devices scales up the old S60v3 except the E9000:25
ZogGit's ok00:25
ZogGthe screen is smaller00:25
ptlZogG: Symbian S40? No way, if there's a Symbian that's work porting, it's Symbian S90! (Nokia 7710)00:25
ZogGthe resolution i mean00:26
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ZogGptl win mobile FTW00:26
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skynetsPR1.2 ftl00:26
Appiahwhat now00:26
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* MohammadAG wonders if dbus-send --system --type=method_call --dest="" --print-reply /com/nokia/osso_browser/request string:"" would wake it up00:26
skynetsquestion for u guys00:26
DocScrutinizer51javispedro: you've noticed sarahn on hm-thread?.00:27
* MohammadAG realizes there's no ssh to do that command00:27
skynetswhats the falsher 3.5 command to fully erase the phone memory while reflashing with PR 1.2 final?00:27
ZogGi tottaly forgot to watch how i met your mother and big bang theory today =(00:27
ZogGall because of pr1.200:27
MohammadAGskynets, you need the eMMC image00:27
javispedroDocScrutinizer: done now.00:28
skynetsso i get that and what's the command to reflash?00:28
ZogGskynets but be carefull00:28
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infobothmm... flashing is
MohammadAG~factinfo flashing00:28
infobotflashing -- created by GeneralAntilles <n=GeneralA@pdpc/supporter/active/generalantilles> at Tue Jul  1 17:47:33 2008 (693 days); last modified at Thu Nov 13 03:55:42 2008 by GAN800!n=ryan@pdpc/supporter/active/generalantilles; it has been requested 151 times, last by MohammadAG, 14s ago.00:28
DocScrutinizer51javispedro: you definitely should chat with him/her00:28
ZogGskynets, can briknk if you do it wrong - read the thread and wiki before00:28
MohammadAG151 times, 50 of which were today00:28
jaemthresh, I installed the ia32-libs package, and it's still bailing.  I'd just flash it on Windows, but the Windows flasher makes me cry.00:29
skynets:S i have windows x6400:29
ZogGMohammadAG so how was fedora?00:29
DocScrutinizer51MohammadAG: the counters are BS00:29
threshjaem: still the same error?00:29
jaemthresh, yes.00:29
ZogGi saw someone posted screnshots of netbook meego with xfce400:29
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ZogGis it true?00:29
MohammadAGZogG, I'm dumping it00:29
DocScrutinizer51MohammadAG: expect all of the 151 be of today00:29
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, true00:30
jaemthresh, I've done this before, but I haven't used *buntu in ages.00:30
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lardman|homeCan anyone confirm whether the FIASCO images correctly flash pre-summit devices?00:30
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lardman|homeI guess it's about time to do some flashing00:30
MohammadAGnot me00:30
GAN900lardman|home, no.00:30
MohammadAGYou need legacy images00:30
lardman|homeah, in which case not time to do some flashing then00:30
MohammadAGwhatever those are00:30
user_fuck you Nokia, fuck you to hell00:30
ZogGuser_ цфеср еру дфтпгфпу00:31
heffercan someone tell me why i get all those "Missing Image" messages after flashing the latest eMMC image?00:31
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, ping00:31
javispedrohello baron.00:31
ZogGwatch the language00:31
DocScrutinizer51user_: fuckoff00:31
threshjaem: are you sure there is /lib/ or whatever?00:31
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, I recall that you wanted to ban him last week00:31
MohammadAGor at least kick him00:31
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MohammadAGa ban would be a lot for the nick user__ (since xchat uses it by default)00:32
phellarvirssi and /kickban00:32
jaemthresh, hmm, maybe this is my problem00:32
ZogGor punch him in the face00:32
jaemsomehow both /lib and /lib64 contain 64-bit libc's :S00:32
threshjaem: well, proper 32 bit libc should contain something like that00:32
threshthat is weird indeed.00:32
Milhousewere any bugs actually fixed in PR1.2? ffs! :(00:33
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thunderfestjavispedro: can you help me get open gl es working again since the pr1.2 upgrade00:33
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*** DocScrutinizer51 sets mode: +q user*!*@*00:33
jaemthresh, I'm trying an install --reinstall00:33
javispedrothunderfest: not really, as it will leave your local package db in a broken state and I don't want to be responsible for that..00:34
ZogGDocScrutinizer, maybe ip ban would be better?00:34
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MohammadAGZogG, most users have dynamic IPs00:34
* javispedro hides00:34
GeneralAntillesMilhouse, yes, there were also a lot of new bugs and regressions, though.00:34
GeneralAntillesMilhouse, MicroB can actually zoom somewhat usably now.00:34
MohammadAGit doesn't help, plus IP bans are controlled by IRcops, which would mean we need freenode staff to do it00:34
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javispedroapple-like font rendering!!!00:35
tybollt_zOMG javis00:35
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MilhouseGA: just going through basic bugs opened months ago, none seem to have been tackled. really depressing.00:35
GeneralAntillesMilhouse, yeah, Nokia sucks.00:35
javispedromonths ago?00:35
thunderfestjavispedro: Well I was in the middle of using your excellent library to build some apps00:35
Milhousejavidspedro: well, Dec 0900:35
DocScrutinizer51MohammadAG: nope I can do IP ban00:36
DocScrutinizer51just it's nonsense00:36
RST38hMilhouse: there are older bugs that have not been tackled00:36
Milhousebrowser still fucking opens links at the same zoom level as the previous page - kraaaaap! ;)00:36
* javispedro points to years old eduroam bug00:36
ZogGDocScrutinizer51 you can add some options to bot, autoban on certain phrase00:36
jaemMilhouse, gah00:36
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, forgot freenode was cloak-less00:36
tybollt_awesome :D00:36
jaemjavispedro, I thought the eduroam bug was (mostly) fixed00:36
tybollt_I installed "Global"00:36
MohammadAGour server sets mode +x on all users00:36
MilhouseRST38h - i'm sure there are, but i'm just going through some of the really simple cosmetic bugs that have been open since Maemo5 and they got no love.00:37
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tybollt_and now I've all boxes :)00:37
DocScrutinizer51got user_ IP fwiw00:37
jaemjavispedro, if you're referring to TTLS-PAP support, that is00:37
GAN900Milhouse, no staff left00:37
MilhouseRST38h: Just kinda makes you wonder... "Why do I bother?" :)00:37
javispedrojaem: yes well they added the 30-line protocol support in the daemon, they didn't certificate it nor code the UI00:37
dhdis there any known problem with gstreamer not being able to find user-compiled plugins on diablo (or specifically the INdT vmware image?)00:37
GAN900Milhouse, they're all focused on the MeeGo we wont be getting.00:37
MilhouseGAN900: Yep, same old Nokia - when will they ever learn?00:37
ZogGDocScrutinizer51 just get his adress and punch him in the face00:37
jaemjavispedro, blech.  Okay, I see.  But if I'm using pw auth, I can still set it up manually, right?00:37
MilhouseSeriously... we need our heads seeing to.00:38
* RST38h does not know. He does not bother any more.00:38
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DocScrutinizer51Milhouse: that's a questionable feature indeed00:38
GAN900Milhouse, don't think they will00:38
javispedrojaem: "pw auth"? manually?00:38
GAN900Milhouse, as far as I can tell, MeeGo's no improvement00:38
GAN900They're just hypocrits now.00:38
PhonicUKhey all00:38
SWFuAnyone know when the monitor mode patches will be aplied to pr 1.2?00:38
tybollt_gan: improvement how?00:38
PhonicUKhas anyone else noticed that they cant search in the app manager since PR 1.2?00:39
SWFuMissing having Kismet already00:39
jaemjavispedro, as in, I use a password rather than a cert to authenticate, and I thought someone was saying that you could fiddle around in GConf to set it up.00:39
jaemPhonicUK, you can, just type00:39
GAN900tybollt_, openness, reliable device support, generally not abusing their customers and community.00:39
thunderfestjavispedro: if I want to continue doing sdl + opengles development do you suggest I switch back to pr1.1 until the opengles-sgx-img-common 0.20091104.34+0m5    package conflicts are worked out00:39
javispedrojaem: yes, that's the only way you can use the new support in the daemon.00:39
ZogGit's so stupid that there browser opens in full screen and in portrait you can't even close page without going to landscape =(00:39
PhonicUKjaem, but what if I dont know the category?00:39
jaemPhonicUK, "All"?00:39
thunderfestOr what can I do to help speed this along?00:39
javispedrothunderfest: well, I'd would, but I know it's a pain.00:39
MilhouseGAN: Yep, and there's nothing we can do - just watch them die and pick up their P45s00:39
PhonicUKok got it :)00:39
PhonicUKI didn't restore "rootsh" xD00:40
jaemjavispedro, I agree that it's annoying as all get out that they didn't do it fully, but I'll be happy if it works at all.00:40
javispedrothunderfest: and hopefully since the bug's been filled we can hope for a fast response (wishful thinking)00:40
jaem...for now, anyway00:40
Milhouse"them die" being the company, of course00:40
ZogGit would be have tabs in microb like in fennec but instead of moving browser aside to use swipe out of screen like for mouse mode00:40
PhonicUK87MB on rootfs, *much* better00:40
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PhonicUK<3 PR 1.200:41
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PhonicUKshame theres no proper landscape support yet00:41
MohammadAGLOL What00:41
tybollt_GAN900: I agree00:41
ZogGthunderfest what conflict do you talk about?00:41
MohammadAGlandscape is what we have00:42
* MohammadAG waits for the other DocScrutinizer to come back00:42
PhonicUKi meant portrait xD00:42
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ZogGand would never have it =)))00:42
ptlDoes Ctrl-Shift-R still work?00:42
thunderfestjavispedro: it does look like someone is working on it...that packages have changed since I first complained about it 10 or so hours ago00:42
acidjazzn900 update eh?00:42
ZogGPhonicUK, though you can turn it in some apps - but it's ugly (CTRL+SHIFT+R)00:42
ZogGptl, yes, even in calendar00:43
ZogGbut it's ugly00:43
javispedrothunderfest: so, as for now, just install whatever libgles1-sgx-img package you can get your hands on then ensure to remove it later00:43
ptlthanks, ZogG00:43
ZogGthough conversation is readable00:43
MohammadAGcontacts too00:43
PhonicUKaah thats much better00:43
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MohammadAGfrom what I see contacts should have portrait support00:43
PhonicUKdoes that enable it globaly?00:43
PhonicUKor is it per-application?00:43
MohammadAGit's a hildon-desktop switch00:44
MohammadAGso afaik it's global00:44
ZogGptl, the problem that some programs just turn WM portrait but not content itself00:44
MohammadAGbut it's annoying sometimes00:44
ZogGPhonicUK per app and you can turn it off00:44
ptlI know... lol00:44
PhonicUKit switches to landscape for the keyboard though :(00:44
ZogGMohammadAG, per app00:44
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ZogGafaik per app00:44
cure`fedora 13 and maemo 1.2 on the same day, and i use both fedora and maemo, what about that?00:45
wolf^yes, it's per app00:45
cure`should keep me busy for the weekend00:45
PhonicUKthe file manager works :D00:45
ZogGcure`, both oses are not the best =)00:45
MohammadAGwell how about that00:45
cure`nothing is the best00:45
ZogGphotomanager also but it's ugly =(00:45
ZogGit's like pictures are one on the other00:45
ZogGcure` Plan9 FTW00:46
PhonicUKplan9 is a weird OS00:46
threshif you're from outer space00:46
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ZogG~Plan9 is the best operation system in the world. comming to N900 soon.00:46
infobot...but plan9 is already something else...00:46
infobotwell, plan9 is the plan9 operating systen from bell labs  I will not be using Plan 9 in the creation of weapons of mass destruction to be used by nations other than the US. and
PhonicUKPlan9 from Bell Labs?00:46
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infobothere in this channel / we write very bad haiku / readers all go mad00:47
PhonicUKhaiku OS is cool00:47
PhonicUKas is AROS00:47
PhonicUKAROS is scarily quick on real hardware00:47
ZogGi heard haiku runs on really really low performance hw00:47
ZogGit would fly on n900 i assume00:48
bleeterlol plan 900:48
javispedroI heard Haiku runs.00:48
bleeteryou guys should ctcp version me ><00:48
PhonicUKI also tried BeOS 5 Personal Edition on real hardware00:48
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PhonicUK350MHz AMD K6-200:48
ZogGbleeter, are you kidding? plan9?00:48
PhonicUKit was really quick00:48
bleeterctcp_version_reply = "mIRC on C= Vic20 running Plan9";00:48
ptl[18:48:54] CTCP VERSION reply from bleader []: irssi v0.8.14 - running on NetBSD i38600:49
bleeterZogG: No, completely serious! ;)00:49
ptlrandom ctcp00:49
skynetsguys is there a way to replace the n900 body00:49
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skynetsand the screen without the lcd00:49
* bleeter goes back to trying to sort out his app manager mess00:49
ZogGskynets, only M.D. House can do that00:49
skynetsi dropped it and it slid down a hill for 20 minutes00:49
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skynetsit looks like darkman00:50
skynetsM.D. house?00:50
skynetsmedical doctor?00:50
bleeterso when they say 1.2 on Wednesday, I guess they don't mean in Australia? :P00:50
* bleeter now goes back to sleep00:50
MohammadAGskynets, Mad Doctor would be more precise for him00:51
skynetsdoes that mean no :/00:51
MohammadAGyou can replace the faceplate00:51
MohammadAGit's just a pain in the *** to do00:51
MohammadAGunless you have the screws00:51
MohammadAGthen it should be easy00:51
MohammadAGjust be careful not to f up the USB port when removing the mobo00:52
MohammadAGthe service manuals should also help,
skynetswhere can i find one for cheap?00:53
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ZogGskynets check the ebay00:53
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ptlskynets: there are some messages on about it00:53
ptlskynets: search the forums and you'll find some good advices00:54
skynetsalright thanks00:54
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MohammadAGfull housing for 8 bucks?!00:54
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MohammadAGthat's either an epic price, or a fake00:55
skynetsim seeing others for 2000:55
skynetscheck here00:55
skynetsthere are tons for under 30 bucks00:55
skynetseven white ones00:55
skynetslike the full set00:55
DocScrutinizer51strongly discourraged by M.D. Scrutinizer (who's done that)00:56
hefferi used to work in a nokia repair shop here in germany. the spare parts prices directly from nokias distributors are around 4-13€ for a full housing00:56
hefferdunno what the price on a n900 housing would be though00:56
MohammadAGlisten to DocScrutinizer51, he knows his **** :P00:57
ptlA white N900 seems like a doctor wearing all black, it's just wrong00:57
Khertanhum does there is particular thing to do skype video call ?00:57
javispedrowell, you can also use a white theme and call it n900 angelical edition or something00:57
Khertani didn't see anything about it00:57
ptlI do use iStyle Lightphone :)00:57
* javispedro has seen jingle video call at least00:57
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ohwhymemy n900 just died on me :o00:58
javispedros/jingle/google talk00:58
MohammadAGlol what a typo00:58
ZogGNew Housing Fascias Cover For Nokia N900 Black+Pen+TL00:58
ZogGLocation: Hong Kong00:58
ZogGFeedback: 7,947 | 99.5%00:58
ZogGC $10.59+C $7.4100:58
hefferohwhyme, things happen00:58
* javispedro ponders trying n8x0 <-> n900 video call.... hm... can I video call a specific JID resource?00:58
DocScrutinizer51heffer: you'd accept orders?00:58
skynetsi hope the n900 isnt as crazy to open as the iphone :/00:58
ohwhymetrue i have no warranty so im not sure what to do00:58
MohammadAGno, the N900 actually has screws00:58
hefferDocScrutinizer51, i can't as i stopped working there around 200500:58
DocScrutinizer51err like in 'I order a stylus'00:58
Milhouseohwhyme: I wonder who would get another N900 if theirs were to die right now.00:59
MohammadAGhowever *waits for DocScrutinizer51 to say something about the ribbon*00:59
Milhouseohwhyme: Android 2.2 looks nice.00:59
ohwhymehaha well theres no screen but tv out works00:59
MohammadAGohwhyme, how did it die...00:59
MohammadAGCould be the ribbon00:59
ohwhymewell it lights up with two horizontal lines in the middle00:59
ptlMilhouse: I think I'd do it :/00:59
ptland I am not proud about it00:59
Milhouseptl: lol. not sure I would - too much grief.01:00
ohwhymetried to clean the ribbon and reseat it but still nothing01:00
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ptlbut once I got used to a Linux phone, sorry, there's no turning back, even if it is to be treated like Nokia treats their customers.01:00
* DocScrutinizer51 just says "don't mess with your N900 mechanically unless your're prepared to o major repair"01:00
Milhouseptl: you're new round here, right? ;)01:00
* Arkenoi played with milestone a bit. i wish n900 present such solid feeling :-(01:00
ptlMilhouse: no, and I think I've been flaming here and on tmo long enough...01:01
Milhouseptl: Nokia will knock it out of you in the end01:01
ptlZogG: that's because it's in all caps, if it were in lowercase it would look much worse01:01
ohwhymeanyone know if the n900 ribbon is replacable?01:01
SpeedEvilohwhyme: Spray it with wd40.01:01
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, most probably01:01
Milhouseohwyme: which cable, the once connected to the LCD panel? probably need to replace the panel.01:01
ptlMilhouse: I long for Meego devices from other manufacturers.01:02
SpeedEvilohwhyme: It will temporarily restore the black, though you may get the paper a bit greasy.01:02
PhonicUKthere is no tetris game! :O01:02
PhonicUKi must make one01:02
MohammadAGPhonicUK, but there is01:02
MohammadAGgtk tetris01:02
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MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, requested it01:02
MohammadAGI couldn't be ****d to fix it01:02
PhonicUKi cant find it in "games" searching for tetris01:02
MohammadAGbut it works01:02
PhonicUKi want to make a tetris game using SDL01:03
ohwhymebah do i need a touchscreen or the panel? People sell it separately. The touchscreen works fine when I use it on tv out?01:03
ZogGptl )01:03
MohammadAGZogG, how much?01:03
SpeedEvilPhonicUK: - driven by the accel01:03
ZogGMohammadAG about 60 $01:03
ZogGbut they look cool01:03
MohammadAGin IL?01:03
ptlwhat is this "Eve" stuff?01:04
ZogGnope - ebay01:04
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ZogGMohammadAG go to dimphone and ask what you can order01:04
DocScrutinizer51ptl: lol ++01:04
MohammadAGZogG, it has a bit of a disadvantage though01:04
MohammadAGyou can't carry it in a pocket01:05
Milhouseptl: Me too, the Nokia apps let down the devices.01:05
ZogGi'm not gonna but anything for now01:05
ZogGMohammadAG you carry it on neck01:05
MohammadAGZogG, looks kind of weird at school don't you think01:05
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javispedro eta 72s01:06
* javispedro counts µs01:06
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DocScrutinizer[2010-05-25 23:32:33] <user_> go suck a cock fanboi01:07
ptlhow do I get this instant community app for the N900?01:08
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javispedro"instant community app"?01:08
SpeedEvilapt-get install community01:08
javispedroyou add a bookmark to the 5 most idiot tmo topic01:08
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javispedroah, yet another MANET reinvention01:09
MohammadAGdo as SpeedEvil said01:09
ptlSpeedEvil: no such package01:09
MohammadAGthen just add water01:09
DocScrutinizer[2010-05-26 00:08:34] [314] user_ ~user * Unknown Unknown01:09
DocScrutinizer[2010-05-26 00:08:34] [Whois] user_ ist auf dem Server (Tue May 25 22:07:28 2010).01:09
DocScrutinizer[2010-05-26 00:08:34] [314] user_ ~user * Unknown Unknown01:09
DocScrutinizer[2010-05-26 00:08:34] [Whois] user_ ist auf dem Server (Tue May 25 21:35:03 2010).01:09
ZogG_N900just logged in to say. b&w theme is scewed for ukbrd and i hate default theme 'cause of yellow notifications01:09
SpeedEvilptl: That's been the problem all the time.01:09
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, from the US01:10
ptlbtw, is there a widget that does lyrics in a capable way on the N900? Tunewiki just doesn't and it is closed-source.01:10
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asjptl: yes01:11
DocScrutinizerhappy nmaping01:11
ptlasj: which one?01:11
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ptlI'd like to read lyrics as I drive01:11
thunderfestjavispedro: well I have my apt good and mangled I can install and run neheGLES and my own gles code but I have a feeling that if I power down the device it will not come back on ... as I had to remove a bunch of new qt stuff01:11
asjptl: and text at the same time?01:11
asjwhile talking on the phone?01:11
* asj ducks01:11
ptlasj: lol, if I am going to die, I want to die while having fun01:11
javispedrothunderfest: I know what you did. Your device will come back, but when the stuff is officially released you might need to reflash.01:12
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asjptl: there's something, try google ;)01:12
javispedrothunderfest: either way backup.01:12
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thunderfestcan you give me a link to where the bug report was filed so I can follow its progress01:12
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javispedrobug #681601:13
povbot`Bug OpenGL ES 1.1 should be supported01:13
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ptlasj: I was kidding, I tried google, really, and also tmo, found nothing that I recall now01:14
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ptlasj: GPE audio player is not a widget and it didn't work well here01:14
asjptl: huh, I thought I saw something, maybe one of the media players had it, or some widget01:14
ptlasj: the widget was tunewiki, I guess01:14
ptlwhich is closed-source, that I try to avoid, and also is not thatr good.01:15
ptlI don't think that adding Simultaneous Multiprocessing to tunewiki would make it better01:15
ptl[user@n900 user]% apt-cache search tunewiki tunewiki-community - Tunewiki media player tunewiki-applet - Watch lyrics on your device desktop while listening to music.01:15
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asjlol, I have to many n900s =)01:17
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* asj tries to make sure they are all in silent mode01:17
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thunderfestjavispedro: your right it did reboot...but now some pr1.2 changes are missing i.e. "more" button is back...browser rotate still seems to be working fine01:19
louigiveronaguysoft42, is there a way to auto align or tie shortcuts to grid on N900 desktop?01:21
louigiveronaguysoft42, is there a way to auto align or tie shortcuts to grid on N900 desktop?01:21
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alteregolouigiverona: they already do, it's jus tthe grid is small.01:21
ptllouigiverona: use the tweakr application01:21
louigiveronaalterego thx01:22
guysoft42louigiverona, i JUST walked in to my room, after not being in it all day, to hear a 'ding' from my X-chat client01:22
guysoft42but er - i dont have  a N900, only a N810.. would like one, but dont have the money01:22
louigiveronaguysoft42 i actually wrote 'guys'01:22
guysoft42louigiverona, you must have added a tap :)01:22
louigiveronai rechecked01:23
ptllouigiverona: tweakr allows you a larger grid01:23
louigiveronathat's why there was a double post01:23
SpeedEvilso does vi01:23
louigiveronaptl thx is it in the repos?01:23
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ptllouigiverona: yes, it is :)01:23
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louigiveronathx a lot, will try it out01:24
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louigiveronahow to press Tab in XChat btw?01:24
thunderfestit seems stupid for nokia to release a major os update during the last few weeks of its annual major development contest.01:25
louigiveronaone team did that, the other this01:25
SpeedEvillouigiverona: IIRC the default setting is shift space.01:26
SpeedEvillouigiverona: I prefer shift-rightarrow01:26
louigiveronaSpeedEvil, thx space worked01:26
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ljpthunderfest: thats what happens when releases are delayed01:29
ptlis titan's kernel compatible with PR1.2?01:30
Funnyfacemobis it officially out?01:31
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javispedronoooooooooooo now you've delayed it one extra week.01:31
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thunderfestwell I've been busy making some sweet new games for the ovi store but until OpenGL ES 1.1 is fixed on pr1.2 they will have to be pr1.1 only01:32
javispedrothunderfest: indeed in this case I suggest you to downgrande01:32
javispedrothunderfest: vote for the bug (hit the "vote for this bug" link)01:32
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ptlFunnyfacemob: it is out, it's all around the place, didn't you see the N900 blogs?01:34
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ptlFunnyfacemob: OTA updates for the global and US firmware will be released tomorrow though01:35
Funnyfacemobptl: not yet, :P01:35
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ptlFunnyfacemob: but you can upgrade using flasher already01:35
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javispedrowell it's on this channel's topic...01:35
DocScrutinizertomorrow which TZ, btw?01:35
Funnyfacemobwell, I haven't checked the news today so :P01:36
DocScrutinizer0:00 Akamei01:36
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Funnyfacemobwill see what happens tomorrow then01:36
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PhonicUKis the perl package optified?01:37
lardman|home~curse SMB1 problems that prevent my Linux system from booting01:37
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, SMB1 problems that prevent my Linux system from booting !01:37
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DocScrutinizerjust because it's so funny01:37
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, pr1.2 is available since early Tuesday morning. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update01:37
infobotmethinks flashing is
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infobotwell, 42 is the answer to life the universe and everything, see also,_the_universe,_and_everything01:38
ptlPR1.2 == 4201:38
* lardman|home goes to try again01:38
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PhonicUKhas anyone installed frozen bubble?01:39
Funnyfacemob"video in skype and google talk" yay :D01:40
SpeedEvilIt diddn't work01:40
SpeedEvilit did01:40
SpeedEvilbut it was a bit jerky01:40
SpeedEviland the controls were meh.01:40
FunnyfacemobI wonder which camera it uses :>01:40
DocScrutinizerFunnyfacemob: but skype still doesn't support stuttering01:41
PhonicUKi tried it in a debian chroot01:41
PhonicUKworked really well01:41
DocScrutinizerFunnyfacemob: or was it like it actually does ? ;-P01:41
PhonicUKbut not outside of that01:41
DocScrutinizernow I got it, skype transmits stuttering01:42
DocScrutinizerso everything fine XP01:42
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pwnguinso here's a grim question: is there going to be a 1.3?01:51
javispedrowhen is pr 1.3 going to be released?01:51
lbtjavispedro: well, that's +2 days01:52
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happyblobofftopic but just curious as to what anyone here makes of this- Is that fremantle or older?01:57
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pwnguinkinda looks like maemo501:59
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happybloblooks slightly tempting if it actually is.. and if it comes out at a reasonable price02:01
pwnguinoh dont worry02:01
pwnguini doubt it will ever leave china02:01
SpeedEvilWow! How can I live without the calendar app.02:01
happybloblicensing? or just.. plain too weird?02:01
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pwnguini can buy all kinds of plain too wierd stuff from dealextreme02:03
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SpeedEvilpwnguin: DX sell a n900 too.02:03
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IkarusSpeedEvil: that dual SIM one ? :P02:03
pwnguini just looked at it02:03
pwnguinthey sell iFhones02:03
SpeedEvilDual SIM is actually a feature I might like.02:03
pigeondual sim n900?02:03
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Ikaruspigeon: it's a chinese copy of the N90002:04
thunderfestjavispedro: scratchbox wants to update some of its lib (like libgles1-sgx-img-dev) ... do you think updating scratchbox and then recompiling any opengl es 1..1 app will solve the problem ...or do you think that if I update my scratchbox right now I will then not be able to produce opengles 1 binaries for nigher pr1.1 or pr1.202:04
Ikaruspigeon: including fake Nokia logo, wrong battery and wrong OS ofcourse02:04
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pwnguincompletely bogus02:04
jaemHeyo... has anyone fiddled with the wlantool package from here: ?02:04
povbot`Bug 1635: Eduroam (EAP-TTLS+PAP) WiFi auth02:04
pigeonyou just made me jumped a bit :)02:04
Ikaruspwnguin: there is a better one02:04
pigeonah, not maemo then?02:05
ptlaw :| still no LEAP support02:05
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javispedrothunderfest: upgrading your scratchbox shoouldn't break anything nor fix anything...02:05
pwnguinspeaking of wifi and roaming02:05
pwnguinis it possible to set up a campus wifi network so that you can seamlessly wander without dropping connections?02:05
Ikaruspwnguin: yes02:05
pigeonnice price too02:06
Ikaruspwnguin: just setup the same ESSID on all the APs02:06
Ikaruspwnguin: though if you are using WPA2 you need some extras, else hand offs take quite long02:06
thunderfestseems like at least part of the problem is that libgles1-sgx-img has its dependencies hard coded02:06
pwnguinIkarus: seems like every time i wander between APs here, it drops me and asks for my username/password again02:06
Ikaruspwnguin: yes, then they didn't setup proper WPA2 roaming02:06
Ikaruspwnguin: the APs need to share crypto session information for that to work02:06
bleeterpwnguin: you might want to look in to WDS02:07
Ikarusbleeter: uh, no02:07
javispedrothunderfest: no, the issue is that they forgot to update it. has happened in the past. possibly didn't even pass certification.02:07
bleeterIkarus: i must've misunderstood. damn my lack of coffee!02:07
pwnguinwell then02:07
Ikarusbleeter: WDS is absolutely shit for heavy used networks02:07
pwnguinnext networking question02:07
Ikarusbleeter: any campus network can use a fixed ethernet backbone02:07
pwnguinwe have some goofy cisco sign in page that authenticates people against LDAP02:08
Ikaruspwnguin: *shudder* WHY02:08
thunderfestah well I hope its update before pr1.302:08
Ikarusthey could do that with WPA202:08
pwnguinnot all devices support wpa202:08
Ikaruspwnguin: their problem02:08
Dima202I can't believe it I made a backup using n900 backup util. after saving backup to pic02:08
pwnguinyes, it is the college's problem02:08
bleeterIkarus: campus here is cheap as shit, that's why they're using WDS I guess02:08
Ikarusolder security systems are broken anyway02:08
Ikarusyou might aswell use full open wifi if you can't use WPA202:09
pwnguini think there are some advantages02:09
pwnguinwe have fewer wifi leeches02:09
tank-manwindows without bars on houses are useless too? :)02:09
pwnguinbut im just wondering, the captive gateway is
pwnguinand it has a self signed cert02:10
Ikarustank-man: they are if the neighbours all have bars and you have delicious cookies on the table02:10
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pwnguinim wondering if there's a way to get it signed so that passwords might not be stolen02:11
pwnguinbut it sounds like the answer is wpa202:11
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pwnguinIkarus: there's plenty of free wifi in town02:11
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pwnguinlibrarys, sandwich shops, starbucks02:11
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jaemWhen are the council elections closing?02:31
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DocScrutinizeranybody knows sarahn on IRC?02:33
Dima202!seen sarahn02:34
DocScrutinizer~seen sarahn02:34
Dima202no bots here?02:34
infobotDocScrutinizer: i haven't seen 'sarahn'02:34
DocScrutinizerinfobot: relax02:34
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Dima202I recently found tron in one of the repos.. that game is narly02:35
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odin_where is the Quake (1 2 or 3) download for N900 ?02:36
Dima202extras testing i think02:36
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Dima202not sure if they ported quake 3 yet02:37
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Dima202wow that's sick02:39
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Alphai have some questions about maemo02:45
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csc`is it possible to switch the default user 'user' to something else in maemo without extensive configuration changes or random things breaking?02:56
csc`didnt think so, but id assume because maemo is debian based, i can create new users, correct?02:57
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DantonicN900In mappero is there a way to keep the map zoom at the previous level?  So that the map view is actually bigger, and the street names are more readable?  I know that was possible on the N800 but haven't figured it out on this.03:03
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lipehelp on n900/maemo5 is here?03:04
lipe(sorry for my english) after reboot my n900 only appears calc icon on up/left screen03:05
lipewhen i tap the screen, its vibre03:06
lipethe icon changes color on tap03:06
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lipebut, no more action03:07
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DocScrutinizerthat's odd03:08
lipewhat's odd?03:08
DocScrutinizerthe whole issue03:08
DocScrutinizerrebooted again?03:08
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lipemany times03:08
lipeduring boot/reboot the nokia handshake appears, the nokia sound plays, the load animation (whitch litle balls) appears03:09
DocScrutinizerand there's what? no black bar on top left? no double windowframe icon in the very upper left?03:09
lipejust calc icon03:10
lipeon upper/left03:10
DocScrutinizerpretty bad03:10
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lipeoh oh03:10
DocScrutinizernah, nothing that can't be fixed03:10
DocScrutinizerbut maybe you actually need to reflash03:11
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DocScrutinizerwhat firmware/os version?03:11
DocScrutinizerdid you update today?03:11
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lipei think i win a new paperweight03:11
lipetoday i'm not update the os03:12
DocScrutinizerso you're using 1.1.103:12
lipejust install some games03:12
ptlI did activate ssh by default, this way I can always get to the command line if anything goes wrong and I have network access.03:12
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lipegreat ideia ptl03:13
DocScrutinizerooh, thought that's been you lipe03:13
lipereflash is a best solution?03:13
DocScrutinizerif you can't get a shell...03:13
DocScrutinizerwhat happens if you press ctrl+backspace?03:13
DocScrutinizerpowerbutton... is there a 'stop current task' button in the menu?03:14
lipepowerbutton only work if i press to shutting down03:15
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xorAxAxhmm, i wonder whether its out in .de already03:15
DocScrutinizerlipe: shift+ctrl+X03:16
lipenothing too03:16
DocScrutinizerlipe: then probably you're out of luck. Reflash03:17
DocScrutinizeror hang on a while here, asking every 30 minutes03:17
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lipeDocScrutinizer: i will try... thank you a lot03:17
xorAxAxDocScrutinizer: is PR 1.2 out already?03:17
DocScrutinizerquite possible someone with better advice may vome along eventually03:18
DocScrutinizerxorAxAx: not here03:18
DocScrutinizerexcept for the fiasco of course03:18
DocScrutinizerglobal version03:18
DocScrutinizerOTA, no03:19
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MohammadAGit's already tomorrow03:20
MohammadAGwhat gives03:20
DocScrutinizerbtw though I know the original italian (latin?) meaning, I nevertheless alway feel uncomfortable with that name03:20
xorAxAx3:20 in finnland03:20
MohammadAGOh hey, it's crashanddie's bday03:20
MohammadAGcalls for a topic change :P03:20
* DocScrutinizer calls for a ban :-P03:20
* MohammadAG gets freenode staff03:21
MohammadAGsecond thoughts? :P03:21
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DocScrutinizergive him a patched hosts.conf and a nice special pr1.203:21
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, shall I edit the optification script to run rm -rf?03:22
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: topic says 1.2 is out03:22
DocScrutinizerhe was so excited about 1.2 on his bd, we can't ship the plain vanilla stock to him :-P03:22
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: mega-out :-P03:22
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*** DocScrutinizer changes topic to "Welcome to #maemo | | | Maemo Community Council | | | Free software mirror: --- PR1.2 shipping, :-)"03:24
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: pr7.7 is IN03:26
DocScrutinizerlcuk: bashing Nokia for not shipping meego with dancing hookers for N900 is IN03:27
DocScrutinizerlcuk: pr1.2 definitely is soooooo OUT, toatlly MEGA-OUT03:27
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roquettodoes anyone know to which package kde4-config belongs, or where i could grab the source? ( i need to build it on maemo)03:28
DocScrutinizersince amost 18h03:28
DocScrutinizerooops, s/lcuk/luke-jr/g03:29
DocScrutinizerlcuk: sorry for highlight, ETAB03:29
asjI wonder if we can skip music tracks now without having to wake the device up, say using the headset dongle03:29
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openstandardsHi all03:30
DocScrutinizerasj: nope03:30
b-manhi openstandards :)03:30
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asjDocScrutinizer: hmpf, nothing in /sys to tell us switch status?03:31
DocScrutinizernot without additional cruft to detect long press of HOLD-button03:31
Kegetyswould be nice if the volume keys would change tracks when on the unlock slider screen, then you could press the power button once and then cycle tracks with the volume keys03:31
openstandardshow much free space does a n900 have its rootfs as standard if you don't mind me asking03:31
asjKegetys: I like that one, or maybe just a long press of volume keys?03:31
SpeedEvil~80M I think03:31
DocScrutinizeropenstandards: 77M downto some 10M03:32
SpeedEvilIt does not - and this is a DEALBREAKER - have enough space to install build-essentials on /.03:32
openstandardsdamn the new update is 119mb and its bitching about having to be upgraded via pc :(03:32
DocScrutinizerno native gentoo03:32
* asj shoots SpeedEvil, dealbreaker03:32
DocScrutinizeropenstandards: you shalt update via App Manager!03:33
DocScrutinizerand if there are problems, then probably it's fine to have a look at wikipage03:34
infobotfrom memory, flashing is
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b-manoh dear.. 119mb. - that means that i need to do a complete system restore of all of my stuff once i upgrade to 1.2 :( - gonna take several hours03:35
DocScrutinizerKegetys: sounds quite sensible03:35
MohammadAGb-man, use apt-get, it helps03:35
openstandardsDocScrutinizer, atm its moaning and giving me the maemo up message03:35
MohammadAGtook about 30 minutes to restore all my apps03:35
openstandardsb-man, i was wrong its 113 mb03:36
MohammadAG(I had the .debs though)03:36
lcukrootfs space after a clean pr1.2 build is over 100mb03:36
b-manMohammadAG: i may just temporally reroute /var/cache/apt/archives to /opt03:36
b-manit worked when i installed quake303:36
lcuki have 103 at the moment03:36
MohammadAGb-man, it's 'rerouted' to /media/mmc1 here03:36
b-manwell, symlink if you want to be specific xD03:37
MohammadAGlcuk, max I could reach on 1.1.1 was 115MBs03:38
DocScrutinizerplease everybody check
MohammadAGbut I didn't move /usr/share/include03:38
MohammadAGlcuk, isn't it past your bed time? XP03:38
b-manMohammadAG: any luck with debootstrap btw?03:38
lcuksure, DocScrutinizer pinged03:38
MohammadAGb-man, was restoring apps03:38
MohammadAGand now it's restoring convos03:38
MohammadAGa hefty 58MBs of them03:39
DocScrutinizerlcuk: sorry for that03:39
MohammadAGI should use my PC for chat more often03:39
SpeedEvilI had maybe too many apps installed.03:39
SpeedEvilIt wanted to download 600M.03:39
MohammadAGthat's nothing03:39
MohammadAGHAM wanted to download 1.2GBs03:39
SpeedEvilThat was HAM - for me.03:40
MohammadAG(HAM duplicates dependencies apparently)03:40
b-manMohammadAG: i use to use my N800 almost exclusively for all development.. until i got a laptop lol03:40
MohammadAGb-man, LOL03:40
MohammadAGb-man, I might install debootstrap in scratchbox03:40
MohammadAGon an i503:40
MohammadAGdeb unpacking would be so much easier03:40
MohammadAGespecially when locked at 2.8003:41
MohammadAGor overclocked to 3.2003:41
MohammadAGpossibly more, I'll just run a hose with water in there03:41
* b-man was tempted to overclock his device03:41
SpeedEvilPeople have tried watercooling their n900s.03:41
SpeedEvilGenerally down the toilet.03:42
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, yeah I heard a lot of them dropped the N900s in toilets too03:42
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* SpeedEvil sighs.03:42
* MohammadAG laughs hard03:42
SpeedEvilMy 3G connection is going 10* faster than my DSL03:43
* b-man laughs harder03:43
* b-man wished he had a data plan03:43
MohammadAGget one :P03:43
* MohammadAG has 5GBs each month03:44
* SpeedEvil is about to buy another 6 months of internet.03:44
b-mandon't have the money atm03:44
SpeedEvilFor 20 quid.03:44
SpeedEvilOnly 1G/mo - but meh03:44
MohammadAGno 1G option03:44
MohammadAGotherwise I'd go for it03:44
SpeedEvilt-mobile - uk03:44
MohammadAGit's either 30, 150, 5000, or 20000 (no idea who does the maths here)03:44
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: you better don't ask03:45
* b-man is a highschool student without a job due to the lousy econimy - i have no money for such a plan lol03:45
SpeedEvilThey do careful studies, to make sure that there are four seperate classes of users that typically use 40, 180, 6000 or 25000.03:45
MohammadAGb-man, the media makes the US look cheaper it seems :)03:46
MohammadAGhow much is 1GB a month03:46
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: $5(us) equivalent/mo03:47
b-manin some places up to $50/month03:47
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: But I pay absolutely nothing else for the mobile service.03:47
SpeedEvil(well - unless I make calls)03:47
MohammadAGdon't make calls tbh03:47
b-manphone carriers suck here :(03:47
MohammadAGI have 5GBs, so I got my friends to join skype03:47
MohammadAGproblem solved03:47
SpeedEvilI made one call.03:47
MohammadAGto check your voicemail? :P03:48
DocScrutinizer~lart MohammadAG for recommending skype03:48
* infobot keeps mailing MohammadAG free America Online CDs until he drowns for recommending skype03:48
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MohammadAGwtf lol03:48
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, why, skype rules!03:48
* MohammadAG hides03:48
b-man~lart MohammadAG for hiding03:49
* infobot chops MohammadAG in half with a free Solaris 7 CD for hiding03:49
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: no - to get the number of my mobile on my landline, so I can ring it back and see if the modem wakes the device from suspend-RAM.03:49
b-maninfobot has a lot of CDs :D03:49
SpeedEvilIt does actually - but what also wakes it is signal strength reports. Which is a pity.03:49
SpeedEvil(as they are about every 5-30 seconds usually)03:50
MohammadAGLOL SpeedEvil03:50
MohammadAGb-man, someone lart'd here before03:50
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DocScrutinizerb-man: you bet. She's collecting all my crap since I know her03:52
MohammadAGcan I send her some?03:53
MohammadAGa year ago I burned an iso of Ubuntu every time I needed one03:53
MohammadAGI have about 15-2003:53
MohammadAG(same version - ironically)03:53
b-mani use to get useless AOL CDs in the mail all the time03:53
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MohammadAGb-man, I never got AOL CDs, haha!03:54
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: what??? the don't disable unsol msgs from celmo??03:54
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Well - suspend-RAM isn't normally done AIUI03:54
SpeedEvilIt doesn't save _that_ much power.03:54
b-manMohammadAG: i did get a free Linux magazine with ubuntu xD03:55
SpeedEvilBut I think it goes with cellmo active - from somewhere like 4 days standby to 603:55
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: still I'd expect the cellmo unsol get disabled whenever signal meter is hidden03:55
SpeedEvilThere are also things that might be listening to signal strength on dbus03:55
DocScrutinizerwell, except inbound signalling03:56
DocScrutinizerif that's group unsol at all03:56
SpeedEvilIt's signal strength reports that's waking it03:56
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DocScrutinizerepic fail03:56
* b-man needs to turn on the air - got up to 88F today03:56
SpeedEvilat least - I assume so - there are no broadcast messages on UK nets AIUI03:56
DocScrutinizerand you'd need to explicitly enable those afaik03:57
DocScrutinizerbtw WHEN will we get CB on N900?? NOKIA!!03:58
MohammadAGcoffee break?03:58
DocScrutinizercell broadcast03:58
SpeedEvilI don't think the FMTX will go down to 27MHz03:59
DocScrutinizermuhaha, knew somebody's going to say that :-P03:59
* SpeedEvil envisions a n900 with a 1/4 wave 27MHz antenna out the top.03:59
DocScrutinizersaves you from porting an umbrella with you04:00
DocScrutinizeras you might have guessed I'm highly interested in CB:22104:02
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DocScrutinizerbtw, anybody reported back on the Engineering mode thingy meanwhile?04:03
DocScrutinizer(as of konttori_work's request from err 1? week ago)04:04
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DocScrutinizerdarn, I even forgot the nick... :-/04:04
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: you seen anything?04:06
DocScrutinizeror remember anything?04:06
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SpeedEvilnope, sorry04:06
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DocScrutinizer~seen onen_openbmap04:07
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infoboti haven't seen 'onen_openbmap', DocScrutinizer04:08
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microlithphone went from thin green line on the battery to red-outline battery and shut off04:10
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DocScrutinizerbetter than if it explodes, no?04:11
DocScrutinizerlart braindamaged bme for that!04:12
SpeedEvilmicrolith: Have you been soldering on the battery contacts?04:12
DocScrutinizermaybe hald-addon-bme04:12
DocScrutinizerbtw I always wondered if the red color is worth anything for the few pixels left over for empty bat icon04:14
DocScrutinizerwhat are they called? GUI-designers?04:15
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skynetsso i cant upgrade maemo with windows 7 x6404:16
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hcarregaany news for OTA?04:16
hcarregaits today?04:17
hcarregai will w804:17
haltdefuk :D04:17
DocScrutinizerwell, the nick konttori_work makes me wonder... :-D04:18
hcarregai dont want flash method:04:18
hcarregain uk OTA is start rolling?04:18
hcarregaor only via flash?04:18
SpeedEvilhcarrega: OTA'd at about midday here.04:18
hcarregai w804:18
hcarregaim in same GMT of london04:19
SpeedEvilThe new virtual keyboard is annoying.04:19
DocScrutinizerthen you finally get OTA and realize you have to flash anyway, as it won't work. Then you'll start to shout :-P04:19
hcarregaDocScrutinizer: i have done all OTA04:19
DocScrutinizerme too04:19
SpeedEvilI mean - sure - the keyboard now follows the consistent UI to dismiss a child window.04:19
* DocScrutinizer waiting patiently04:19
SpeedEvilBut... That was not worth losing 1/8th of the display for.04:20
DocScrutinizersee topic04:20
hcarregaload ""04:20
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hcarregamaybe by 1204:22
hcarregaright now is 2:2204:22
MohammadAG<SpeedEvil> The new virtual keyboard is annoying.04:22
MohammadAGyou can always go back :)04:23
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, he can go back04:23
MohammadAGbetting on this will cost you a beer04:24
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: I know - I want to figure on how to do that04:24
DocScrutinizernah, that should cost HIM a beer04:24
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, you suggested it04:24
MohammadAGI ruined my rootfs cause of you04:24
MohammadAGit had so many mods04:24
DocScrutinizerPLUS you owe me a beer for that :-P04:25
DocScrutinizerthat must hurt04:25
DocScrutinizerdon't cry, Nokia nuked my rootfs, and for icing on top they broke my powerswitch04:27
b-manDocScrutinizer: oh sure, kick a man while he's down xD04:27
DocScrutinizermeanwhile he's up and well again04:27
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I gave you that beer04:28
DocScrutinizeraah I remember that strange scp, yeah04:28
MohammadAGthat was to dd /dev/mtd0, but it didn't work04:28
MohammadAGsome process called mousetweaks had my CPU on 100%04:29
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DocScrutinizermust've been windoze04:29
MohammadAGpackages restored in 30 minutes04:30
DocScrutinizerprolly a virus04:30
MohammadAGoh nope04:30
MohammadAGI checked bugzilla04:30
MohammadAGit should be fixed in 1.304:30
DocScrutinizerdamn, what will all those dudes do with their "fixed in 1.2" t-shirts? o.O04:31
DocScrutinizerprobably patch XP04:31
MohammadAGMeeGo 1.2 will be announced some time04:31
MohammadAGso they'll just wear them again when that happens04:31
* DocScrutinizer starts shipping "3" patches04:32
DocScrutinizerplus the killer:  "^this is a patch!"04:33
lipeDocScrutinizer: i was reflashed my n900 and... it's work04:37
lipeone more time, thank you04:38
DocScrutinizerlipe: \o/04:38
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DocScrutinizerlipe: not for this, you did it all yourself04:38
lipelet's crash it again (install some apps)04:39
lipegood by04:39
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roquettowas anyone able to build kdepimlibs to maemo? has anyone even tried?04:43
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matthew-it tells me i need to connect my n90004:46
matthew-to a PC to upgrade, is it cause of lack of space?04:46
MohammadAGo/ DocScrutinizer04:47
matthew-it says to update to this version bla bla you must use nokia software update aplication on your PC04:47
matthew-bla bla bla04:47
matthew-is that normal?04:47
matthew-ok, can I _somehow_ update it OTA?04:48
matthew-(or get a mac version of said software)04:48
hcarregadisable some repos04:48
hcarregaand voila04:48
matthew-hcarrega: So how much space do I need?04:48
hcarregaextra-devel etc04:48
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matthew-yeah did it04:48
matthew-ive got over 50mb free04:48
matthew-got 54MB free memory04:50
matthew-and i left only the software upgrade repo04:51
DocScrutinizer51I think last OTA (1.1.1) needed 57MB04:51
matthew-dunno how to free more space04:52
matthew-moved most of the unneeded shit anyway04:52
DocScrutinizer51blame nokia for shooting their own foot with04:52
matthew-dont have amny things installed04:52
infobotoptification is probably a inventive duct tape workaround to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the partitioning is FUBAR, or,_Deploying_and_Distributing/Installing_under_opt_and_MyDocs04:52
matthew-DocScrutinizer51: what do you mean?04:53
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DocScrutinizer51they broke their SSU by cramming the rootfs with /var /usr etc04:54
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matthew-ok but how can i reclaim some rootfs space04:55
DocScrutinizer51rm /var/cache/*04:59
SpeedEvilTurn off extras* repos04:59
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espringeWhen trying to install libtpsession, I get "libqt4-core (>= 4.6.2~git20100401) but 4.6.2~git20100310-0maemo1+0m5" as a dependcy error05:08
espringeis it possible somehow make it be ignored05:08
matthew-SpeedEvil: turned off all repos05:08
matthew-moved themes05:08
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matthew-ive got 65MB free05:11
matthew-and still not possible05:11
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matthew-DocScrutinizer51: was that a genuine advice?05:16
matthew-cause i think it broke my device...05:17
matthew-yay now there's nothing on my screen05:17
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MNX1024Anyone flashed to PR1.2 yet?05:18
matthew-DocScrutinizer51: That was being a prick.05:19
matthew-thanks a lo.05:19
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MNX1024Well, I'm currently having an issue right after I flashed to PR1.205:20
MNX1024I was wondering if someone can help me out here.05:21
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MNX1024Here's the problem I'm having05:22
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DocScrutinizer51matthew-: sorry for that. But honestly there shouldn't be anything in /var/cache that isn't rebuilt on next boot afaik05:27
DocScrutinizer51especially I can't see why it would cause an empty screen05:27
MNX1024Anyone nice enough to help me out?05:28
matthew-DocScrutinizer51: well05:28
matthew-DocScrutinizer51: I just did it, and screen is blank05:29
matthew-just black underlit05:29
matthew-and that's it05:29
matthew-so have to reflash the device to be ready for my 8am work.05:29
matthew-the awesome thing being the fact that i've got no idea how to do it.05:29
matthew-So, thanks for making me learn useless thing at 3:30am.05:30
skynetsdont hate the player, hate maemo05:30
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matthew-if not the fact that it's the only phone that runs bloomberg05:31
matthew-i would flush it down the toilet long time ago05:31
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matthew-DocScrutinizer51: I would've hit you if you were here. Honestly.05:32
matthew-which flasher works with mac and n900???05:33
Scifi_MNX1024: I had that problem before PR1.2, I had to reflash and install all apps one by one05:33
matthew-A GUI interface for upgrading the firmware of Nokia 770, N800 and N810 devices from Mac OS X.05:33
matthew-is there a one for n900?05:33
DocScrutinizer51matthew-: there's exactly one file except apt cache in /var/cache - I guess you could restore that one file if it really casues trouble when removed05:34
DocScrutinizer51but I will leave now, not to get beaten05:34
matthew-DocScrutinizer51: there were 7 catalogues05:34
matthew-i removed them, tried to update, it said operation failed05:34
matthew-i restarted the device and cant get it back up sonce.05:35
matthew-awesome that i know what to do now.05:36
matthew-seriously, congrats on putting another person off maemo and it's support05:37
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MNX1024Concerning my Problem, I get this error from a freshly flashed N900.05:37
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MNX1024I just can't open "Contacts" without it closing in 2 seconds.05:38
Scifi_MNX1024: I had that problem before PR1.2, I had to reflash and install all apps one by one and it solved it05:38
MNX1024Anyway, how did you fix your issue anyway?05:38
Scifi_I don't know what caused it though. Reflash but do not restore the apps from your backup05:38
Scifi_Install one by one05:38
MNX1024My problem has nothing to do with apps.05:38
Scifi_That solved it for me05:38
MNX1024My problem is that "Contacts" is closing on it's own.05:39
MNX1024And I just flashed my N900.05:39
asjMNX1024: it's crashing05:39
asjMNX1024: worst case, reflash the device and the eMMC05:39
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asjand remove any sd cards (who knows)05:39
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MNX1024I actually reflashed with eMMC without anything in it.05:40
Scifi_MNX1024: Other than default Nokia/Maemo apps, which apps do you have?05:40
MNX1024I just freshly flashed my phone.05:40
MNX1024Basically it's a clean slate05:40
Scifi_Which image did you use? US/Global/UK?05:40
asjMNX1024: emmc is internal storage, there's a separate image for it05:40
MNX1024I've used US and Global, same issue.05:41
MNX1024And my N900 is US05:41
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Scifi_Tried reflashing eMMC as well?05:41
Scifi_There is a Vanilla image for that.05:41
Scifi_Just in case?05:41
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MNX1024I did flash with the Vanilla image.05:42
MNX1024Then I flashed with PR1.205:42
MNX1024And whola, that is the issue I got.05:42
asjtry redoing the pr1.2 again? maybe it didn't complete right the first time?05:43
Scifi_I thought you need to flash kernel first and then eMMC.05:43
asjand do you have any contacts on the phone btw?05:43
MNX1024I backed that up05:43
Scifi_asj: The correct order is PR1.2 first and then eMMC right?05:44
MNX1024No, correct order is vanilla, then pr05:44
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MNX1024Looks like I'm just going to go back to the older firmware05:51
Scifi_MNX1024: I am sure I read somewhere it is firmware first and then eMMC05:51
Scifi_someone had the same problem05:51
Scifi_why not give a try PR1.2 first and then immediately eMMC05:51
Scifi_just as a last attempt05:51
Scifi_make sure you have taken necessary backups05:52
Scifi_and do not reboot between flashes05:52
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MNX1024Thanks for the tip up05:52
MNX1024It turns out I misread the wiki, lol05:53
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ShadowJKit's probably important not to reboot in between05:54
ShadowJKor boot05:54
|Ranyone manage not to flash the eMMC and still upgrade like previous release?05:54
Scifi_|R: Not sure i got it. But I just flashed the FW and left eMMC as is05:55
Scifi_worked fine05:55
Scifi_I had lot file songs etc on eMMC so didn't flash it05:56
Scifi_it is not necessary to flash eMMC but a backup is needed before flashing FW05:56
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puzzledMNX1024: if you are going to redo it, flash with PR 1.2 first, do *not* reboot (so omit -R) and immediately flash the vanilla eMMC stuff next05:57
MNX1024Oh, ok than.05:58
puzzleddo not reboot05:58
Scifi_MNX1024: Ever :)05:58
puzzledwell, after the eMMC you can  :)05:58
Scifi_puzzled: Just kidding05:59
MNX1024Thanks a lot guys05:59
|Rwhat is the new eMMC supposed to contain?05:59
puzzledno problem. good luck05:59
Scifi_MNX1024: Let us know how it goes05:59
MNX1024I hope this works, because it's seriously giving a lot of trouble05:59
Scifi_It may help others hopefully05:59
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puzzled|R: think it's just basic files, same as when you got the N900 but in sync with PR 1.206:00
MNX1024Out of curiosity, what is the difference between Global and Us?06:00
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puzzledI flashed the eMMc too just to get a totally clean install06:00
|Rpuzzled: marketing crap? not Qt and all?06:00
Scifi_I guess date format changes, some language changes may be06:00
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MNX1024Guess I'll try using the global, lol06:01
asj|R: qt is part of the main image06:01
|Roki :)06:01
puzzled|R: iirc there's Qt 4.6 preview in there06:01
|ReMMC plays with dpkg ?06:01
asjhow big is the US one and how big is Global?06:02
|Rthat sounds awkward... or it's just a binary? and thus someone will post it i guess :)06:02
puzzled|R you can download the eMMC image from the same place as the PR 1.2 image06:02
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Ken-YoungAny reports of an OTA pr1.2 update other than in the UK?06:02
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|Rpuzzled: i know, but i don't want to delete all i have on that partition06:03
puzzledthen back it up :)06:03
|Ralso what's up with the holding 'u' ... didn't need that for earlier releases :)06:03
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Scifi_|R: Make sure you backup the "Backups" folder from eMMC before flashing06:04
|Rpuzzled: but if it's to get it emptied and filled by crap marketing garbage...06:04
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Scifi_|R: Before PR1.2 Vanilla eMMC had couple of Nokia videos (yes marketing), some ring tones and wall papers06:05
puzzled|R: afaik you need the eMMC image installed or your N900 won't work06:05
Scifi_not sure about the updated image06:05
puzzledit's 250MB06:06
DocScrutinizer|R: the 'u' is supposedly not needed if flasher is catching the right moment of NOLO bootloader checking the USB. If you hold the 'u' then NOLO is supposed not to boot but instead stay in ready-to-flash state06:06
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MNX1024Just to make sure once again. I should flash PR1.2 first, without the -R. Then I flash the eMMC right?06:06
MNX1024without unplugging the cable?06:06
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|RDocScrutinizer: ok, i just used to plug it after starting flasher-3.506:07
puzzledMNX1024: yes06:07
DocScrutinizerMNX1024: as long as you do not reboot, sequence is irrelevant. If you happen to boot between, it's probably less problem to flash eMMC first06:07
DocScrutinizeras rootfs on first-boot will alter the eMMC data06:08
DocScrutinizerthen when you flash eMMC after that, these edits are lost06:08
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puzzledwas reading the story about broken usb connectors on tmo. anyone have a similar experience?06:09
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|ReMMC = /home ?06:13
MNX1024For some reason, flasing the PR1.2 first and then trying to flash the eMMC does not seem to work06:15
MNX1024I can't seem to get eMMC to flash right after PR1,206:15
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skynetsquestion: would diamond polish work on the n900 screen?06:18
skynetsto remove scratches06:18
Ken-Youngskynets, I think that would be more apt to introduce more scratches.06:19
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DocScrutinizer51I'm not sure any pollishing will work on touchscreens. tried with real paste and engine (dremel), on a OMNIA. result was scratch less but large dull spot06:28
skynetsso you've got scratches on your current screen?06:29
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ohwhymeanyone know how hard it is to replace a screen?06:29
skynetsnot sure but its only the digitizer06:29
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skynets60 bucks06:30
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skynetsnot sure if i should get it for 2 small scratches06:30
skynetsit gets annoying06:30
Scifi_MNX1024: Any error message?06:31
Ken-Youngskynets, THere are products made that make scratches on eyeglasses less noticable.   They might help, and are less apt than a polishing compound to make things worse (I think).06:32
MNX1024Well, yes, still have the error message.06:32
Scifi_Contacts app crashing?06:32
Scifi_Well that sux, I guess you have to wait for OTA then. Unless anyone has a suggestion06:33
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MNX1024Doubt OTa works06:33
MNX1024I've finally narrowed down to the issue06:33
MNX1024It's actually my sim card that is causing a conflict somehow06:34
MNX1024And I don't know how to get T-Mobile to replace my sim card for free, lol06:34
MNX1024And without noticing that I'm using their T-Zone plan with my N90006:34
Scifi_So if you use a different SIM card it works fine?06:34
|Rcan't you flash without a SIM ?06:35
MNX1024That's not the problem06:35
Scifi_Yes he can but the problem reappears after inserting SIM06:35
Scifi_if i got it right06:35
skynetsill check it out06:36
MNX1024The problem occures only with "my" sim card06:36
MNX1024Well, it is pretty old and busted up06:36
MNX1024Now I have another Problem, my phone is not reading my microsd....06:36
thunderfestI flashed from pr1.1 to 1.2 and back to 1.1 today and I connot for the life of me get my n900 to recognize my sim anymore06:36
MNX1024PR1.2 just gave me so many problems.06:36
thunderfestme too06:37
DocScrutinizer51MNX1024: delete contacts from your sim06:37
MNX1024If the N900 wasn't such a great phone and does the things I need, I would've trashed it by now.06:37
MNX1024Try this here06:37
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DocScrutinizer51thunderfest: flashing back to 1.1 from 1.2 renders whole modem nonfunct06:38
DocScrutinizer51known 'issue'06:39
MNX1024You can fix that by flashing only the pr1.2's modem driver06:39
DocScrutinizer51as 1.2 updates modem firmware06:39
GeneralAntillesCan somebody check a string for me?06:39
thunderfestwow what a mess this all is06:40
GeneralAntillesI need to know what the first checkbox in the Browser options window where the cache, hardware key and other stuff is is called.06:40
GeneralAntilles"Automatically focus address bar" or something like that.06:40
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shinkamuipr1.2 today?06:41
GeneralAntillesand can somebody tell me which button in options brings that dialog up?06:41
ohwhymeyes shinkamui06:42
DocScrutinizer51GeneralAntilles: sorry no 1.2 here06:42
shinkamuianyone who has it know if it fixes the missing 3D libs and some of the broken widgets in gtk apps?06:43
MNX1024Doc, your tip really saved my butt!!!06:43
MNX1024Deleting the contacts from my sim actually worked!!!!!06:43
shinkamuimy leaked 1.2 has been perfect other than those06:43
|RMNX1024: woohoo!06:43
|RMNX1024: everything is fixed?06:44
MNX1024Now my only problem is that I can't read my microsd anymore....06:44
MNX1024Not everything06:44
MNX1024microsd problem.06:44
MNX1024one problem is fix, next comes up06:44
MNX1024I don't think I like PR1.206:44
|Ryou can't mount it manually either?06:44
thunderfestso my choices are....use pr1.2 and have gms abilities but no gles 1 (which I am currently using to make a game) ....or downgrade to pr1.1 which will render me gms unusable...or use pr 1.2 force the gles 1 which will create dependency problems...or downgrade to pr1.1 and use the gsm libs from the leaked pr 1.2 to create a "frankenbuild"06:44
MNX1024What do you mean by mount it manually?06:44
|RMNX1024: well from a shell with the mount command06:45
Scifi_GeneralAntilles: Open any webpage, Menu --> Options -->Settings06:45
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shinkamuithunderfest, woah, so gles is still broken in 1.2?06:45
MNX1024franken build it is for you06:45
MNX1024R: you might want to instruct me on that06:45
* shinkamui is dissapointed, he really wants descent on his n900 :(06:45
thunderfestshinkamui: yes gles is still broken in pr1.206:45
|RMNX1024: gimmie a sec :)06:45
shinkamuipardon my french, but that is fucking GAY.06:45
MNX1024But the fact that I can't use my microsd just by going to file manager or through my other app is a no no06:46
shinkamuiso I guess bounce evo doesn't work on 1.2 either06:46
|RMNX1024: in the shell, typing : df       do you see anything saying mmcblk1p1 ?06:46
shinkamuinot that it matters, but thats silly, nokia best be fixin it06:46
MNX1024I have mmcblk0p106:46
MNX1024and mmcblk0p206:47
|Ryeah that's MyDocs06:47
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|Rand /home06:47
MNX1024well, I have /home/opt06:47
thunderfestshinkamui: we filed the bug report earlier ( please vote on it and maybe we can get this issue fixed06:47
povbot`Bug 6816: OpenGL ES 1.1 should be supported06:47
|RMNX1024: yes but what you want is /media/mmc1 which would be your microSD06:48
MNX1024Let me reflash one "last" time and hope it would work06:49
MNX1024if not, I'll come back and bother you in 5 minutes, lol06:49
|Ryeah maybe that's it06:49
Scifi_MNX1024: Good luck again06:49
Scifi_this time try eMMC first and FW next?06:49
|RI'm waiting for my backup to finish before trying to flash... a friend just flashed his with only the root (not eMMC) and it seems to work...06:49
Scifi_as DocScrutinizer said06:49
MNX1024sci: that's what I've been doing, lol06:49
shinkamuithunderfest, voting as we speak06:50
MNX1024when i did the opposite, like you guys told me, flashing eMMC in the end never seems to flash06:50
Scifi_thunderfest: done06:50
DocScrutinizer51sure, you don't need to flash eMMC when updating to 1.206:51
MNX1024if you're talking about me, then my reason for it was because I did too much stupid stuff on the phone and I need a clean install. :D06:52
|RDocScrutinizer51: there is nothing of value to the system, you're sure? anyone seen a list of files around? (diff between eMMCs)06:52
DocScrutinizer51but who told you to flash eMMC last?06:52
|Ri've read that somewhere too06:52
|R(eMMC flash)06:52
Scifi_DocScutinizer51: thats me06:52
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MNX1024After rereading the wiki, I've realize, I was right in the first place. You have to flash eMMC first. lol06:53
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microlithwhy is flasher-3.5 forcibly rebooting my device when I tell it to flash the eMMC06:53
DocScrutinizer51MNX1024: yes. as I told you06:53
MNX1024What confused me was scifi told me to flash the fw first, and the new red message in the wiki06:53
Scifi_Few weeks ago I followed this blog blindly
Scifi_It said FW first and eMMC next06:54
Scifi_it worked for me anyway06:54
Scifi_But what u said made sense06:54
microlithwhich is what I'm doing06:54
Scifi_microlith: Then don't do it :)06:54
microlithand instead it reboots the device into a non-working state06:54
microlithrather than actually flashing the N90006:55
DocScrutinizer51simple rule: flashing eMMC will break your system. So you need to flash rootfs after that06:55
MNX1024scifi: well, this wiki here said you have to flash the eMMC first:
microliththere we go06:56
Scifi_Yes thats the official source :)06:56
|Rthe question is...06:56
|Rwhy do you have to flash the eMMC ...06:56
microlithDocScrutinizer51: if that's the case then Nokia needs to fix their site06:56
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MNX1024but you confused me with the whole flashing fw first, lol06:56
Scifi_MNX1024: Sorry, hope your N900 is back to usable state soon :)06:57
MNX1024I do hope so, lol06:57
MNX1024at least I got the contacts part fix06:57
DocScrutinizer51microlith: it's obvious as eMMC flash kills /homeVopt06:57
MNX1024now I just hope this reflash would save my memory card06:57
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DocScrutinizer51I doubt06:57
microlithDocScrutinizer51: realizing that now, however Nokia's own site describes the exact reverse06:58
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DocScrutinizer51anyway as long as you don't boot the freshly flashed rootfs nothing bad will happen if you flash 'wrong' sequence07:00
MNX1024I give up, the phone still can't read my memory card07:00
MNX1024Looks like I'll send my phone in for a replacement once I get a new phone, lol.07:01
DocScrutinizer51reformat the card07:01
microlithexcept trying to flash in the wrong order -will- break your device, as trying to flash the eMMC forces a reboot07:01
DocScrutinizer51probably the MBR got corrupted07:01
espringemaster boot record07:01
espringeDoes anyone know why scratchbox would have a different version of Qt than my n900? :/07:02
MNX1024I need some elaboration.07:02
DocScrutinizer51MNX1024: in your desktop linux call cfdisk for the uSD07:03
DocScrutinizer51delete all partitions, create one VFAT partition07:04
DocScrutinizer51then mkfs.vfat a fs on the card07:04
DocScrutinizer51take care not to accidentaly nuke your harddisk07:04
MNX1024I have no idea what you just said to me, lol07:04
MNX1024But all I can say is, thanks a lot for helping me.07:05
espringeMNX1024, have you formatted your card?07:05
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MNX1024just did07:05
espringehow did you do it?07:05
MNX1024right click, format07:05
MNX1024restore to default07:06
espringenot sure how it varies, but you might want to try what docScrutinzer suggested07:06
espringeif you have linux installed07:06
espringeYou can google 'cfdisk' which is a partion manager program thingy07:07
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GAN900DocScrutinizer51, anything specific holding you back?07:08
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MNX1024Looks like reformating my card made it fine.07:08
DocScrutinizer51no OTA07:08
DocScrutinizer51MNX1024: woohoo07:08
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MNX1024Did not think 1.2 would give me this much trouble.....07:09
MNX1024The previous firmware was a breeze...07:09
DocScrutinizer51MNX1024: the uSD issue probably was unrelated07:09
MNX1024it was?07:10
MNX1024It was working fine before07:10
MNX1024but the heck with it. It's fine now, so no point in pondering.07:10
MNX1024Thanks a lot though!!!07:10
asjMNX1024: fat has no error checking so really the satement should be "I knew of no errors"07:10
DocScrutinizer51sure a point in pondering07:11
asjMNX1024: it could have been very broken for a very long time.  Wife's sd cards always seem messed up one way or anothen07:11
DocScrutinizer51wiki needs a recommendation to remove uSD prior to flashing07:11
MNX1024Not as of now. Got to head to bed and wake up early, then go on my 50 mile bike ride.07:11
DocScrutinizer51remove battery - WTF! sure this can kill the uSD07:11
MNX1024I was suppose to be in bed at an hour ago...07:12
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Scifi_MNX1024: So ur issues fixed?07:12
MNX1024everything is fine07:12
GAN900DocScrutinizer51, ah, right, somehow UK got it first.07:12
MNX1024once I'm done with installing all my ap, I gotta sleep07:12
Scifi_Good night07:12
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* DocScrutinizer51 firing up HAM just another time :-S07:14
microliththere, ticking again07:14
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MNX1024Anyone know of a bike dashboard for the N900?07:14
MNX1024I've been looking for one so I can attach it to my bike.07:14
DocScrutinizer51nope, sorry07:16
asjMNX1024: someone made one and won an awards07:18
asjdon't know if they ever released the code07:18
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* RST38h yawns, watching just the right selection of tmo posters bitch about pr1.2 not being available in the US yet07:19
asjwfm, like I care about the US ;)07:20
GAN900RST38h, who cares? Buggy as shit anyway.07:20
* DocScrutinizer yawns sympathizing07:20
RST38hGAN: anything really bad I should look out for?07:21
* DocScrutinizer ponders to postpone update for another week :-P07:21
DocScrutinizerjust in case07:21
GAN900RST38h, haven't found anything nasty07:21
GAN900Just a whole lot of sloppy rough edges and regressions07:22
GAN900DocScrutinizer, wont help07:22
DocScrutinizercool, regressions - I *love* it07:22
GAN900Nothing'll be different in a wekk.07:22
pupnik_nice vague insinuation07:22
GAN900Maybe my typing will be worse.07:22
DocScrutinizerGAN900: workarounds for problems yet to find will be known in a week07:22
GAN900Got two bugs out tonight07:23
asjI haven't seen any major problems with 19-107:23
GAN900Gonna try to do the more involved ones tomorrow evening.07:23
RST38hWW19 is pretty fresh stuff btw07:24
DocScrutinizere.g who'd have known you possibly need to erase all contacts from SIM, not to cause contacts app to crash in a second07:24
asjwell it's -1, so I assume wk18 probably has a million builds ;)07:24
MNX1024The dashboard I meant means the mount for it, lol07:24
GAN900I love that it was delayed forever and still sucks07:24
DocScrutinizerGAN900: a very nice bug btw07:25
RST38hGAN: That has been fully expected though07:25
GAN900RST38h, true enough07:26
DocScrutinizerGAN900: probably caused by new modem FW07:26
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Scifi_MNX1024: Seems like u r not the only one with crashing issues07:26
GAN900RST38h, it's amazing that no matter how much I manage to lower my expectations, Nokia still slips under the bar07:26
RST38hBth psychologically (too long wait time inflating expectations) and testing-wise (I do not believe they really test)07:26
GAN900DocScrutinizer, SIM contacts are ugly anyway. :P07:26
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GAN900RST38h, nor I07:26
DocScrutinizerlol, agreed07:27
MNX1024lol, looks like I wasn't the only unlucky fella07:27
GAN900It's amazing what slips through the cracks07:27
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GAN900It's like the nazi-checklist against their stupid specks07:27
MNX1024I'm almost done with my apps, and bed I will head to afterwards.07:27
GAN900and test for certifications07:27
GAN900and call it a day07:27
RST38hmore or less07:27
* asj smells the wiff of whinning07:27
RST38hbut then, such a complex UI is a bitch to test07:28
asjI think it would be beneficial to release a small number of more frequent small updates than large ones though07:28
RST38hcannot test it well with the unit tests (which are overrated anyway)07:29
GAN900asj, I'm filing bugs, so your nose is miscalibrated. :)07:29
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thunderfestbut then stuff would break all the time instead of all at once07:29
RST38hthey could have done it by releasing a beta to the community and addressing community bug reports07:29
GAN900asj, Nokia's processes are completely incapable of working like that.07:29
RST38hbut no, that is apparently not how nokia works07:29
microlithRST38h: iirc, they ignored most input from the 300 they released last september, no?07:30
asjGAN900: you must know them better than me07:30
GAN900RST38h, well, certification takes to long07:30
RST38hmicrolith: Not ignored, they are still fixing bugs reported by those 300 people07:30
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GAN900If you get a beta out a month ahead of release then only critical data-eating bugs can be fixed.07:30
dmj726I would be fine with their slow updates if they at least had open beta processes07:30
RST38hGAN: You only have to recertify when you change cellmo and power management07:30
GAN900RST38h, Flash, too.07:31
opdf2so what apps can I uninstall for free up for OTA?07:31
RST38hGAN: Changes to desktop or pa do not require that07:31
wall[e]hi, anyone on virtual keyboard know a way to just enter text rather type enter character?07:31
wall[e]w/o sliding hwkb out07:31
asjI suspect you would shocked at how small the n900 team is now07:31
GAN900and they have their own inhouse bullshit, too.07:31
GAN900asj, not at all07:31
dmj726...then I could have proper updates and testing while keeping Mom on the stable release07:31
wall[e]eg. on skype chat i enter, and it types enter, not enter the text for me07:31
RST38hThey should just hire some Android process management guy07:31
wall[e]oh i forget to click outside07:32
GAN900asj, I'm just sick and tired of Nokia screwing over this platform.07:32
asjGAN900: by your comments I could beg to differ07:32
GAN900asj, meh.07:32
GAN900asj, been here for 5 years.07:32
GAN900asj, I know all of the excuses07:32
RST38hasj: A lot of people at #maemo have got sort of a history with Maemo devices07:32
GAN900I just don't think they're acceptable.07:33
RST38hasj: We have heard *all* of this before07:33
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asjRST38h: what's your point? It's a dead end device with fw that's dead end in maintainance mode07:33
RST38hasj: My point is that the manufacturer should not declare device dead 3 months after manufacture07:34
GAN900Which justifies a bit of bitching when you've poured as much of your time into it as we have.07:34
wall[e]ok, dumbass07:34
wall[e]just click outside you insensitive clod07:34
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GAN900wall[e], virtual input hasn't been tested by Nokia since the N810.07:34
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ShadowJKSince the N810 came out, right07:35
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GAN900The PR1.2 vkb is a fucking joke07:35
RST38hasj: My other point is that non-critical stuff (no certification) should be updated often, both to show that Nokia cares *and* to collect bug reports07:35
GAN900"Let's make it more useful by making the keys IMPOSSIBLE to hit!"07:35
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RST38hGAN: BTW, Opera keyboard is quite nice07:36
* RST38h would not be averse to having that everywhere07:36
GAN900RST38h, problem is, they don't care and they don't want bug reports. ;)07:36
GAN900WTF we're they thinking?07:36
RST38hGAN: Correct. Or such is the impression, anyway07:36
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opdf2anyone try this to quickly gain OTA space?
RST38hThey are thinking of selling you the NEXT device? :)07:36
GAN900Let's use space for this vkb as inefficiently as possible.07:36
asjRST38h: we agree there, I think it would be better to release more frequently07:36
RST38h...and that next device often becomes an Android device lately07:37
GAN90060 wpm on the N80007:37
asjRST38h: but there seem to be release maturity issues within the mameo group07:37
RST38hasj: Please use English07:37
GAN900down to about 40 wpm on PR1.007:37
RST38hmoo Sts07:37
GAN900down to about 35 on PR1.107:37
RST38hAh, GAN, you will learn :)))07:38
GAN900down to less than 30 on PR1.207:38
GAN900Something isn't right here.07:38
* GAN900 sleeps.07:38
RST38hyour touchscreen is losing sensitivity maybe? =)07:38
GAN900RST38h, no, the software is trending towards "fucking useless"07:38
pupnik_there shouldnt even be a vkb07:39
DocScrutinizermoo Stskeeps07:39
asjRST38h: hmm? big projects stopping cleanly releasing, continuing work and merging changes upstream as work continues is something that takes time to learn how to do well07:39
* |R flashed, restoring 940MB :P07:39
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* Stskeeps notes things didn't calm down overnight07:39
Scifi_Lot of ppl are facing issues with eMMC flashing. Here is the bug link07:40
DocScrutinizerGAN900: you're getting old and get artrosis07:40
povbot`Bug 10264: Unable to flash emmc RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin on newly released PR 1.2 Iindian variant)07:40
wall[e]pupnik_, help with global warming due to less energy used to get a character.07:40
* ShadowJK missed all the excitement07:41
RST38hasj: This is not a software project07:41
ShadowJKBut I'm guessing people discover that despite 5 months in the works it's not the holy grail07:41
GAN900DocScrutinizer, clearly.07:41
RST38hasj: This is a hardware support project. makes it different.07:41
RST38hBut still...07:41
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asjRST38h: not in the least07:41
RST38hShadowJK: No shit, Sherlock...07:41
* GAN900 really sleeps07:41
* ShadowJK wonders if there's a way to get kernel to tell you the total amount of locked memory07:42
RST38hShadowJK: And that has not started yet. The moment OTA hits the US, we will all have to close t.m.o and wait for a week, until lemmings calm down07:42
ShadowJKwould be interesting to compare 1.1.1 and 1.207:42
DocScrutinizerehlo ShadowJK07:42
DocScrutinizerRST38h: ack :-)07:44
pupnik_i hear 1.2 feels faster07:44
asjRST38h: just because it runs on a phone doesn't make it hardware, maemo is a huge software project. Treating it as anything but is the road to failure.07:44
DocScrutinizeri hear 1.2 falls faster07:44
ShadowJKI just have to reboot 1.1.1 and it feels faster ;-)07:44
RST38hasj: it has got certain specifics07:44
RST38hasj: consider this07:44
RST38hShadowJK: oh yesss07:45
pupnik_i think asj has a good point07:45
RST38hasj: Your random open-source software project is a piece of free software that comes with no expectations attached07:45
pupnik_calling 1.2 "firmware" doesnt make it so07:45
prontois the 1.2 going to show up in thhe applicatoin manager?07:45
|Rlibgles is screwed up apparently...07:45
RST38hasj: People who do not like it may switch to different software or modify it to their needs07:45
asjRST38h: I disagree with that, but continue07:46
RST38hasj: Maemo isn't just software. 100% of its user base have plunked n*$100 to buy devices that run nothing but Maemo07:46
DocScrutinizeractually calling it firmware is braindamaged07:46
DocScrutinizer~dict firmware07:46
infobotDictionary 'firmware' (1 of 3): /ferm'weir/ n. Embedded software contained in EPROM or flash memory. It isn't quite hardware, but at least doesn't have to be loaded from a disk like regular software. Hacker usage differs from straight techspeak in that hackers don't normally apply it to stuff that you can't possibly get at, such as the program that runs a pocket calculator. Instead, it implies that the firmware could be changed, even if doing so ...07:46
pupnik_ty DocScrutinizer07:47
RST38hasj: Nor can people fix all Maemo problems by themselves07:47
asjRST38h: if I buy MS Word (vista, windows 7, etc) I'm not buying hardware, I'm buying closed source software07:47
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thunderfest|R: yes gles is screwed up ... gles2 works but not gles1.107:48
asjwhat's a retail full price copy of Office these days? it's well over $500, and it contains bugs like any other, and has no offical bug filling method to boot ;)07:48
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microlithand office 2007 has some pretty harsh regressions, too :)07:49
DocScrutinizerevidence: there's a folder with firmware *inside* maemo rootfs. So you might argue the rest of it obviously isn't firmware then07:49
* wall[e] kept googling for maego related info and wonder why there was no result.07:50
* ShadowJK wonders if 1.2 fixes the occasional need to cycle device offline for 60s to regain cellular07:50
pupnik_that dict link ecplains it07:50
DocScrutinizeralso fw generally isn't edited/configured by the user07:50
|Rpython-gobject also missing ...07:51
RST38hasj: Office cost me $10, or I would never buy it.07:51
RST38hasj: Even at $10, I seriously doubt the usefullness of this purchase.07:52
RST38hBut Office is patched way more frequently than Maemo07:52
asjRST38h: anyways, you can make the same argument against any commercial software, and it seems as the price increase so do the bugs...I could tell you horror stories about $15k  software packages07:52
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thunderfestok all I have a workaround for gles1.1 on pr 1.207:53
RST38hasj: I can tell you horror stories about $1b software packages :)07:53
RST38hthunder: What is wrong with gles1.1 there?07:53
|Rarf a bunch of widget requires pyhton-gobject :/07:53
thunderfestnokia forgot to build the libs for it07:53
opdf2is a backup from 1.1.1 restorable in 1.2?07:54
RST38hthunderfest: OMFG...07:54
opdf2okay so I could just do a backup, uninstall all my apps for rootfs space, then restore safely07:54
pupnik_thunderfest: got a prog that uses gles 1.1 yet?07:55
thunderfestopdf2: yes  except some some apps that depend on opengles 1.1 will not reinstall (brainparty GLtron nehe ect)07:55
opdf2thunderfest:  okay thanks for the heads up07:56
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: rarely seen here (60s offline)07:56
ZogG_N900damn. never had widget play button bug til pr1.207:56
opdf2that's still a bug in 1.2?07:56
thunderfestpupnik: yes I can run the nehe demos and my own opengles apps07:56
ZogG_N900it just doesn't work07:56
Wolfieaww, no pr1.2 yet07:56
ZogG_N900i didn't have it before though07:56
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ZogG_N900and it works as i change theme. the weirdest thing ever07:57
ZogG_N900as well sometimes ukbrd doesn't appear till reboot07:57
ZogG_N900i hope wouldn't wait another 5 months for fixes )07:58
DocScrutinizerwall[e]: I gather you found the bug meanwhile in google? :-D07:58
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RST38hZogG: Caused by other applets (OMWeather, RSS, USSD)07:59
RST38hremove them07:59
ShadowJKIt'd be funny if there was a typo in some tiny script somewhere that completely killed, for example, microsd, and we'd have to wait until November :D07:59
ZogG_N900how do i check libraries and packeges in maemo. if they allright. like revdep-rebuild07:59
RST38hShadowJK: Lack of gles1.1 is a huge problem for me07:59
RST38hAlmost like that typo07:59
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ZogG_N900RST38h, still it's bug.07:59
ShadowJKstart filing bugreports :D08:00
RST38hZogG: It has been filed.08:00
WolfieDocScrutinizer: :D, nah, i'll wait. Just somehow thought for it to be available at midnight08:01
RST38hAnd even researched, a little bit08:01
thunderfestyes everyone please vote on the opengl es 1.1  bug (
povbot`Bug 6816: OpenGL ES 1.1 should be supported08:01
thunderfestbut the workaround is working I just installed brainparty and it works08:01
RST38hwhat is the workarond? Use the old library?08:02
thunderfestyeah force the old library to install...its not a real solution cause if ans when the real lib come out you'll have dependency all over the place08:03
DocScrutinizerdman, too late, but anyway:08:04
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DocScrutinizerHAPPY 5TH BIRTHDAY #MAEMO08:04
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pupnik_suddenly the blue fn key only works when held down08:06
ZogG_N900RST38h, yep. but reboot brings it back08:06
DocScrutinizerpupnik_: WAHT?08:06
pupnik_expected result: hit blue fn key once to get blue-key symbols (e.g. numbers)08:07
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thunderfestbut as long as you remember to remove the old lib when the fix come out you'll be fine...and the work around will let you use opengl es 1.1 now....I would not really recommend this for the average user .. but if you are a  deveopler who is actively developing with opengl es 1.1 this will get you going on pr1.208:07
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DocScrutinizerI guess they 'fixed' that with the idiotic "holding a key gets the symbol" kickprovement08:08
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DocScrutinizeror kinkprovement08:08
RST38hyea, the keyboard (physical and virtual) is definitely suffering from overabundance of "UX designers"08:09
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DocScrutinizerRST38h: ack, and not only the kbd08:10
Stskeepsmeh, you people would be happy with emacs as a UX ;)08:10
ZogG_N900so how do i check if the packages are not broken?08:10
ZogG_N900so maemo still reminds to be as one update instead seperate packages08:11
DocScrutinizerpupnik: there's a fix for the 'symbols without blue' shit (some gconf voodoo) - maybe it fixes the blue button itself as well08:11
RST38hSts: You know I am deeply suspicious of anything using AI language for scripting...08:11
ZogG_N900and next bugfixes never comming08:11
RST38hSts: But at the moment, EMACS does not look like a worse choice08:12
ZogG_N900i would use vim if i needed08:12
StskeepsRST38h: i'm starting to wonder if RMS's erractic behaviour is from that he actually uploaded himself into emacs ..08:12
microlithStskeeps: so RMS himself has become a LISP program?08:13
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DocScrutinizerprobably he's always been ;-)08:14
DocScrutinizerthe ghost in the machine, born in Bell labs, and finally freeing himself by founding party of GNU08:15
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ZogG_N900RST38h, is it other widgets break it or it's mediad widget bug?08:15
RST38hSts: no, it is from the Tentacled One sucking his brain out early in his career08:16
tybollt_Stskeeps: sorry, there is already maemo/meego, we do not need another OS (emacs). :P08:16
RST38hZogG: It is some DBUs bug08:16
RST38hZogG: Complicated by the fact that all widgets are running in the same process08:16
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tybollt_is there an app that displays the date right in the status bar?08:17
tybollt_I seem to recall there was one but can't find it :-|08:17
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RST38hthere is a few calendar widgets08:17
RST38hyou can even have it displayed in arabic08:17
tybollt_ja but I mean right up there next to the clock in the status bar? Not on the desktop08:17
RST38hoh, no08:18
tybollt_sigh... ok I understand.08:18
ZogG_N900RST38h, but shouldn't be fixed in pr1.2. never had that problem before08:18
DocScrutinizerstatus bar is missing quite a few configuration options08:18
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DocScrutinizerrsp the applets in there08:19
RST38hZogG: it depends on other applets you have08:19
RST38hmoo tekojo08:19
ZogG_N900same as before08:19
ZogG_N900conversation and player08:19
RST38hwhich ones?08:19
RST38hremove conversation08:19
RST38hI can almost bet the player will work08:19
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ZogG_N900RST38h, it works. but i need conversations08:20
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tybollt_DocScrutinizer: Well then we agree, MOAR POWER to the staus bar :)08:20
infobottybollt_ meant: DocScrutinizer: Well then we agree, MOAR POWER to the status bar :)08:21
RST38hmoar power to the straus bar08:21
* DocScrutinizer googles for next straus bar08:21
DocScrutinizer   and the strauss bar in Zurich is closed because of drug dealing XP08:24
wall[e]DocScrutinizer, hehe, just typo08:24
ZogG_N900does anyone know how next fixes would work. per package or in update?08:24
wall[e]rushing works or i'd get fire08:24
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tybollt_Im not a drug dealer08:24
tybollt_come now, I'a zit faced nerd w/ greasy hair and bad breath - who the hell would buyy drugs from me?08:25
RST38hgood cover08:25
RST38hand I am sure you do not have a pirate ship, too?08:25
tybollt_I am from sweden so...08:25
ZogG_N900sweden girls. mmmmm08:26
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DocScrutinizerinfobot: wake up!08:27
infobotrumour has it, xyawn is nap08:27
* infobot throws a barrel-full of ice water on up! and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"08:27
* microlith hits hildon-desktop with a stick, show the xchat icon!08:28
DocScrutinizernow you got me upset, try again08:28
infobotmethinks xyawn is nap08:28
* DocScrutinizer overrides silly infobot and heads out for a coffee08:29
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wall[e]me too08:31
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tybollt_says sygic is free in ovi store08:34
tybollt_can't be, can it?08:34
RST38hit can08:35
RST38hmaps will cost you though08:35
tybollt_heh :)08:35
tybollt_walk right into that one didn't I? :)08:35
Trizttybollt_; 7day trial now in OVI store []08:35
DocScrutinizerfinally I tought her... ;-D08:36
infobotxyawn is, like, strong coffee08:36
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tybollt_did someone around here try sygic?08:36
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RST38hyes, what would you like to know?08:37
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tybollt_really just overall - does it deliver?08:37
RST38hdepends on what you need08:37
RST38hfor a car driver it does, for a pedestrian do not bother08:38
tybollt_ah ok08:38
tybollt_this would be pedestrian08:38
tybollt_I have a separate unit in my car08:38
RST38hMaep for pedestrians, free in Extras08:38
tybollt_RST38h: so it's the lack of compass that ruins it for pedestrian or?08:38
tybollt_ah ok08:38
RST38hIf you want offline maps, Ovi Maps wil do the job08:38
RST38htybollt: No, the map lacks detail needed for pedestrian use08:39
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TriztRST38h; but you need an infected machine to get offline maps08:39
RST38htybollt: That is, of course, Russian map. Your mileage may vary08:40
RST38hTrizt: No, you do not need Ovi Suite to get aps08:40
RST38hTrizt: Can just download and copy them08:40
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TriztRST38h; how do you download the offline maps?08:41
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RST38hTrizt: google.08:42
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ToJa92Wow, maep is extremely accurate08:43
wall[e]can you use n900 in space?08:44
wall[e]like no air08:44
wall[e]with bt headset in helmet08:44
RST38hwall[e]: you should tr08:45
Triztnot likely, your blood will boil08:45
wall[e]no, i'm in space suite08:45
RST38hwall[e]: You are in your space now?08:46
DocScrutinizerwall[e]: probably yes08:46
wall[e]kind of08:46
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RST38hI guess this makes the standard "What are you wearing?" question pointless.08:46
Triztthen you have to shoult quite a lot and as the space outside lacks medium to transport the sound, your voice wouldn't reach the phone08:47
Corsacwall[e]: only in pr1.208:47
DocScrutinizerwall[e]: you easily can test by putting the N900 into a vacuum chamber08:48
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DocScrutinizerwall[e]: but I guess it will not like the hard radiation out in space08:48
wall[e]DocScrutinizer, thanks08:49
Corsacat what time was the uk pr 1.2 available ota yesterday?08:49
DocScrutinizerwall[e]: for the vacuum major issues come from touchscreen, LCD, and cell08:49
wall[e]i only concern like solar activities08:49
wall[e]while coding I dress like that08:50
DocScrutinizerwall[e]: the type of chip used in OMAP reacts extremely unforgiving to xray and ion radiation08:50
wazd1hello humanity08:51
RST38hwall[e]: Does it give you superpowers, or simply prevents the management from crawling from behind and hitting you on the head while screaming "AND DON'T YOU EVER USE STL LIKE THAT"?08:51
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wall[e]my gf gave me, at least08:52
wall[e]i wear it just to make her happy08:52
* wall[e] clears screen.08:52
RST38hHello wazd the 1st08:52
StrobefluxI cannot send PMs on the site, It says that im not having sufficient privileges or that my accoun't hasnt been activated. But it is activated.08:52
wall[e]but.. i like the part that, you can press buttons on the side and auto close the mask and with beeps beeps etc voices and noises.08:53
* RST38h doubts Doc has ever tried using his OMAP in xray/radiation rich environment08:53
wall[e]DocScrutinizer, someone x-rays the device right?08:53
wall[e]but that is different coz it's off?08:54
wazd1RST38h: moo :)08:54
* RST38h off to work08:54
wazd1anybody knows where to get PR 1.2 theme template?08:54
wall[e]for those who wonders08:54
* RST38h hopes corporate wifi will have to suffer an OTA download today08:54
DocScrutinizerRST38h: yu're right, but I know about the design principles for xray-hardened chips used in spacecraft etc, and I can tell OMAP chip is exactly the opposite08:54
RST38hDoc: Yes and no08:54
CorsacRST38h: I don't have corporate wifi, so I'd rather like if it was available _before_ I leave :)08:55
RST38hDoc: IBM Thinkpads have been successfully used on ISS for years08:55
DocScrutinizer*inside* ISS08:55
wall[e]do they use it outside the iss?08:55
RST38hDoc: But yes, you basically want a fault tolerant design08:55
DocScrutinizerand those have no OMAP, right?08:56
RST38hDoc: It is not like you cannot shield a cell phone, especially if you can shield the huge garbage can the ISS is08:56
wall[e]reminds me i wouldn't want digital compass if i were in space08:56
RST38hDoc: They have got Intel chips, with the same or higher integration scale than OMAP08:56
DocScrutinizerRST38h: with larger structures and higher currents, so a single ionization doesn't flip the bit or fry the totem pole gate08:57
RST38hDoc: Not really sure about it08:57
RST38hDoc: This gets into details that I have no firm understanding of08:57
RST38hDoc: But if you want fault tolerant, LEON ( is actually being used in a lot of low cost Chinese DVD players08:58
wall[e]i used to read years ago you can break some hw security like atm with some kind of radiation08:58
wall[e]on /.08:58
Funnyfaceis the audio supposed to work out of the box with the lastest easy debian image? I can't get it working, but I still can't find any discussions about it anywhere.. which leads me to think this might be a problem only I have :p08:58
wall[e]can't remember the details08:58
Surfasounds like very random approach :)08:58
RST38hNot every thing you read on Slashdot is true :)08:59
wall[e]i know :)08:59
RST38h==> WORK08:59
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mecehow are things going maemites?09:03
Stskeepsi'd steer clear of t.m.o if you haven't already09:04
mecehow so?09:04
Stskeepstoxic environment09:04
mecehaa :D09:04
mecethe best cind09:04
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wall[e]DocScrutinizer, thanks!09:18
wall[e]45 mins to the dead line09:19
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Funnyfacehmm "Ad-hoc wifi leaks kernel memory, puts N900 into unusable swap hell" listed as fixed bugs in 1.2, hopefully joikuspot should be usable for longer than ~45 mins then09:24
lejonetHmmm, when doing an backup of user stuff and the app list, what directories do I have to save? MyDocs and ??09:25
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lejoneton the N900, forgot to add that09:25
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Tuukkalejonet, just use the N900's backup app and you don't need to worry about directories09:27
DocScrutinizerFunnyface: no, after 45 minutes the case begins to melt down. ;-P09:28
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Funnyfacewell, the latest version of joikuspot didn't seem to use as much CPU as the first one09:29
lejonetTuukka: I never looked to see if it had a native backup app lol, I just used grsync and synced the relevant dirs (that I thought :P)09:30
lejonetTuukka: Now I feel a bit sheepish :P09:30
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lejonetThat went fast and painless lol :P09:31
lejonetwell, time to flash the N900 to PR1.2 ^^09:32
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HukkaDoes anyone know what kind of 3G speeds N900 supports? There's a discount for an unlimited dataplan, and am thinking of upgrading from 384kbps09:32
Surfalejonet, ota promised today doesn't suit you?09:32
Funnyfacehehe I am still waiting like an impatient kid for the update to show up in the app manager :P09:32
lejonetHukka: I have 7.2Mbps 3G, I havent really tested to see how much of that I get, but it is atleast 2Mbps down09:33
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lejonetSurfa: Well I heard that some rekommend a flash anyway, besides that would clean up the mess I created too :P09:33
TuukkaYeah me too I don't feel like doing all those adblock and rootfs space tweaks again...09:33
Hukkalejonet: That's quite bad, compared to the specified 10Mbps downlink...09:33
Funnyface"Nokia doesn’t have plans for a full scale commercial MeeGo upgrade on the Nokia N900. The reason? It’s really about ensuring that you have the best possible experience designed for the features on your Nokia N900 device." sounds like something steve jobs could have said09:33
Surfalejonet, recommend is quite strong word to use, but if you like to09:34
Funnyfacejust that I think nokia fans won't accept that in the same way as apple fans would accept it from apple :P09:34
tybollt_well IIRC apple actually offered the fanbois to pay for OS upgrade09:35
lejonetHukka: Well I havent really been in the places with the best coverage either :P09:35
SurfaHukka, how about this site
SurfaHukka, suprisingly it might contain information you need09:35
HukkaSurfa: Yeah, that says the 10Mbps downlink (or the usa version did)09:35
HukkaSurfa: Do you trust broadband numbers as announced?09:35
Surfaby operators?09:36
HukkaSurfa: Surprisignly, there's inflation09:36
HukkaBy modem providers09:36
tybollt_and seriously - the usual argument "OS X.y.z is not designed for $HARDWARE - yo have to buy $NEW_HARDWARE to use it" can't possibly fly seeing as stskeeps is developing the OS on this very device... :S09:36
HukkaThat's the same as buying any 10 dollar mobile usb stick and wondering why you aren't getting the whole 7.2Mbps09:36
Stskeepstybollt_: i never claimed to understand that argument09:36
timeless_mbp!seen andre__09:36
SurfaHukka, i happen to know that network is in 99% cases the bottle neck09:36
Surfadon't worry about your device capabilities09:36
lejonettimeless_mbp: I think its ~seen here09:37
timeless_mbp~seen andre__09:37
tybollt_Stskeeps: pure speculation on my part - but I guess it is logical enough...09:37
infobotandre__ <~andre@Maemo/community/bugmaster/andre> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 21h 52m 56s ago, saying: 'mece, looks okay from a quick view. also see'.09:37
HukkaSurfa: The network has been verified to deliver with HSPA+ sticks, so don't worry about what I'm not asking09:37
timeless_mbp~summon andre__09:37
infobotapt takes out 20 clean, identical-looking phones, some extra hands, and pretends to be a telemarketer for a large corporation, so he gets delivered a phonelist containing andre__'s coordinates09:37
SurfaHukka, so nothing to worry about09:38
TuukkaJust tested my speed in 3.14Mb/s out and 0.78 Mb/s in. In 3G network almost full strenght using 15Mb/s dataplan09:38
HukkaTuukka: Which operator?09:38
SurfaTuukka, well, there are plenty of things that affect throughputs in addition to signal strength09:39
TuukkaSaunalahti, you propably ain't aware of it I'm from Finland09:39
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SurfaTuukka, and hukka wouldn't be from finland? :)09:39
Funnyfacethe HSDPA providers here support "7.2Mbit" HSDPA, but still say "0.5 to 1.5Mbit" as "realistic speeds"09:39
Funnyfacehowever, I don't really think the speed is the problem with HSDPA09:40
TuukkaJudging from his nick maybe.. :D09:40
Corsactybollt_: imho the very problem about commercial meego on n900 is the upgrade path09:40
HukkaOr whoissing me...09:41
SurfaHukka, but anyway, i'm pretty sure that n900 won't be the bottleneck in your data transfers anyway09:41
HukkaTuukka: Which city?09:41
TuukkaHukka, Turku09:41
HukkaAh, ok. Don't know about there09:41
HukkaI know the speeds can exceed 10Mbps in Oulu and Helsinki09:41
Surfapublic networks have that much changing conditions that they are the ones limiting the throughputs before the device09:41
tybollt_corsac: <Nookla> Hi Guys! Maemo fs layout was seriously FAIL! Here's how it should've worked from the begining - backup your device - wipe it and flash it - easy huh?09:41
TuukkaQuite happy with my dataplan it's fast, unlimited and pretty affordable ~15e/motnh09:41
pupnikMust Hear. Marc Faber speech on economic outlook: (mp3, 67:32)09:41
Corsactybollt_: OTA seems not really doable, flashing could work but if it messes deeply that means user settings might not be conserved, backups won't apply etc. which might not be really commercialy fine :)09:42
TuukkaHukka, well technically i'm not in Turku atm. At work in Kaarina09:42
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timeless_mbptybollt_: where was he planning to back up his device?09:43
SurfaHukka, constant speeds? in live networks? :) i highly doubt that... peaks may of course be near to that, but constant i believe when i see09:43
HukkaTuukka: 13,90 a month ;)09:43
Surfasaunalahti has those offers until end of month?09:43
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TuukkaYep =)09:43
Funnyfacewith my data plan, I can transfer as much as I want for about 1 euro per day, but at 200MB I get dropped to EDGE until the next day. problem is that each MB is still like half an euro per MB until that limit is reached, so for occasional use the plan sucks09:44
tybollt_~buy box of leijona tar candies for timeless_mbp09:44
* infobot goes to S-Mart and gets a dozen of leijona tar candies for timeless_mbps for box09:44
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FunnyfaceI'd really love some sort of combined plan for say 1GB per month, while also having the ability to use the network a lot on specific days :p09:44
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tybollt_timeless_mbp: well backup inside the device and copy it to $SAFE_PLACE09:45
timeless_mbptybollt_: do i not want that candy?09:45
tybollt_you tell me09:45
TuukkaSurfa, but the price stays for the whole to year contract09:45
timeless_mbp"tar" sounds bad09:46
tybollt_timeless_mbp: seriously have no idea what candy I am talking about? :)09:46
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Corsacdon't take a candy from a stranger09:46
Wolfieleijona tar is awesome09:46
timeless_mbpthankfully, i believe that's correct09:46
HukkaTuukka: Yeah, the think is it's only 4 euros more, but on the downside I would be stuck with it for two years09:46
SurfaTuukka, i know i know09:47
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SurfaHukka, it's not 2 years contract09:47
tybollt_timeless_mbp: terva leijona it's a friggin classic09:47
SurfaHukka, you may get rid of it any time you want09:47
Surfaonly the price is fixed for 2 years09:47
HukkaSurfa: Then you have different offers from me09:47
timeless_mbptybollt_: i'll pass?09:47
povbot`Bug 14223: was not found.09:47
timeless_mbp4 months to get rid of one space09:48
SurfaHukka, nope
Wolfiehm... isn't leijona a salmiac candy? don't see it in's (crappy) title photo09:48
SurfaHukka, "Sopimus ei ole määräaikainen."09:48
Hukka"Määräaikainen sopimus 24 kk"09:48
tybollt_<Mr T> I pity the fool</Mr T>09:49
HukkaOk, that one is a different deal09:49
mecehey, damn missed the 3g speed discussion09:49
HukkaHm... so it looks like the defined contract includes a usb stick but otherwise is the same09:49
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meceI have the cheapest data with sauna for my N900 from saunalahti. 384kbps.09:50
Hukkamece: Same09:50
TuukkaWho needs a usb stick :D You can use your N900 to tether09:50
HukkaTuukka: Yeah, I know, but I only saw the adverts for the packet09:50
SurfaTuukka, if you have lack of electricity the usb-stick is more useful09:50
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mecebut, here in my office in ICT I sometimes get speeds of around 1Mbps for some reason. Only here though.09:51
Surfaand you don't need your phone and can use it for other purposes elsewhere09:51
HukkaSurfa: You can buy a separate stick, though09:51
HukkaSurfa: Does the free contract include multi-SIM?09:51
Funnyfacemece: perhaps the tower there doesn't allow plain UMTS09:51
sivangGreetings from Nokia Developer Workshop in TLV :)09:51
LynoureI think I have one old stick to spare, if someone needs one.09:51
LynoureAssuming the new one works, when it arrives.09:51
SurfaHukka, i don't know :) i've never been interested in multi sims09:52
LynoureThey push them as extras, annoyingly09:52
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tybollt_timeless_mbp: OpenSolaris - the project that after 5 years still is not open. :)09:56
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tybollt_you can't compile osolaris w/out massive amounts of binaries09:56
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Corsacthat reminds me of something else09:57
lejonetCool, I must say I like the improved bootup time so far in PR1.2 :P09:57
timeless_mbptybollt_: it's more open than maemo :)09:59
timeless_mbptybollt_: and that one character fix is still better than some of my symbian patches :)10:00
timeless_mbpTrizt: i think i might have finally fixed it!10:01
timeless_mbpplease say you haven't updated to 1.2 yet :)10:01
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thunderfestHere I did a wrtie up on the state of opengles under pr1.2 and detail some workarounds to get it going
pupnikbamboo for crash reporting?10:04
pupnikcould volunteers run debug builds of pr release candidates, for crash reporting?10:04
pupniksorry, bad keying10:04
sivangtimeless_mbp:  in the developer workshop :)10:06
sivangtimeless_mbp: how's you?10:06
* timeless_mbp is in a 2 hour meeting10:07
sivangtimeless_mbp: ohhh10:07
sivangtimeless_mbp: been quite lately, had to take real life prpjects for bills paying,got a free day at last to attend the event10:07
sivangtimeless_mbp: *quiet10:07
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noobmonk3yhmmm just me or is the custom operator widget now doing nothing?10:10
noobmonk3yi wonder if i shout bacon loud enoughm will people amazingly wake up? :D :D :D10:12
bleetermmmm bcaon10:13
noobmonk3ylol :P10:13
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noobmonk3ywow.... bacon made tekojo quit ;) - *Shocker*10:13
phellarvmmmmm - snus10:14
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* mece has a craving for a footlong subway10:15
* mece blames noobmonk3y10:16
Funnyface I wonder if this battery truely is 1930mA as stated.. probably not10:16
noobmonk3ylol mece :P10:16
noobmonk3yno is the answer to that10:16
noobmonk3yFunnyface, same size, same shape, yet more juice ;) - the seller is praying on dumbasses10:16
Funnyfaceand the battery doesn't have the capacity printed on it, meaning they can type in any capacity they want.. :P10:17
noobmonk3y:) yup10:17
noobmonk3yanyway, chances are very unlikely at that price10:18
* frals slaps noobmonk3y around a bit with a large trout10:18
* noobmonk3y blinks10:18
* frals slaps noobmonk3y with a bunch of waffles10:18
noobmonk3yooo yayness!10:18
noobmonk3yinventive frals! i likie10:19
* tybollt_ slaps frals around a bit w/ an automatic apn/mms setting sms parser which he must integrate in FMMS10:19
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fralstybollt_: feel free to do it!10:19
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tybollt_I would but I think fMMS is closed source so I can't... *visslar*10:20
fralsactually a sms parsers wouldnt need to be included in fmms in anyway ;)10:20
tybollt_you still need to configure fmms right?10:21
noobmonk3yfrals does however porn all trout porn pics sent via mms, and forward them to himself :P10:21
noobmonk3ytybollt_, yes :(10:21
mecehey has anyone had problems answering the phone with pr1.2? I had a strange issue just now..10:21
noobmonk3ymece,  nope :)10:21
timeless_mbpmece: we don't receive calls in .fi :)10:21
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fralstybollt_: id just revert to making it shwo a list of configured apn's, would take 5minutes ;)10:22
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mecewell luckily the one calling was a telemarketer (according to google) so It was nice that I failed to answer.10:22
* noobmonk3y deleted his mms apn10:22
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noobmonk3yphone kept bloody connecting to it and pissed me off10:23
fralsnot my fault :(10:23
noobmonk3ytrue, i blame lcuk10:23
fralsyou should have set fmms to havoc! ;)10:23
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tybollt_frals: to be perfectly honest - that's what I don't get - why doesn't it just offer you the apn-list when you click configure :)10:23
tybollt_I like that10:23
fralstybollt_: because users are stupid10:23
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noobmonk3ythat would be a hell of alot easier :P10:23
fralstybollt_: and with pr1.2 the autoconfig should be better10:23
* noobmonk3y agrees <--------------- I r Stup1d10:23
tybollt_frals: got that right! Missus calls me "bloody stupid" even10:24
fralstybollt_: ^^10:24
meceanyway the issue was this, the phone thingamabob popped up as usually, but just when I tapped answer, the screen changed into 4 buttons instead of 2, and the answer/reject ones were on the bottom row, so I clicked one of the top row ones instead by mistake.10:24
mecei think it was send sms. Anyway after that I couldn't get back to the phone app to answer.10:25
tybollt_yonkers - did you praps turn the mobile somehow - hence triggering the accel-o-meter?10:25
furunk3lyes hellau10:26
meceI've set it to portrait, as in not auto, so it shouldn't be affected by that.10:26
tybollt_furunk3l: why is there hell in .au? :S10:26
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furunk3ljust cause10:27
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furunk3lask TheAppleMan10:27
furunk3li bet he knows why10:27
TheAppleManWoah! Don't drag me into this.10:29
MaikBSpeaking of the Phone task, is there an dbus message that broadcasts if the user gets a call?  Running processes should react to this message by putting their CPU intensive parts on hold.10:29
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* tybollt_ blames TheAppleMan - indeed10:30
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MaikBOr is this issue dealt with via the `nice' value?10:30
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* noobmonk3y meh's10:32
noobmonk3yi really should goto work10:33
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PhonicUKpr 1.2 swapped around the Back and Bookmarks buttons in the browser :s10:36
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timeless_mbpPhonicUK: yeah10:38
timeless_mbpminor changes happen :)10:38
timeless_mbpPhonicUK: i'm actually relatively happy w/ those changes10:38
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MaikBSince I'm to lazy to flash my N900 I wonder at which time today 1.2 will be pushed in Germany.10:40
timeless_mbpMaikB: no one here knows10:40
timeless_mbpjust be patient, your n900 will tell you when it's ready10:40
tybollt_all the nokians here knows but enjoys laughing sinisterly at us when we're asking... >:)10:40
* timeless_mbp is a nokian10:41
* timeless_mbp has absolutely no idea10:41
timeless_mbpthe way i'll know it's available in .de is when a customer from .de says it was offered10:41
FIQI told you yesterday that i somehow lost all my repositories10:42
FIQMy battery died then, so i didn't see any answers10:42
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MaikBDoes someone know how this works? Does the repository server see where I'm from and hold back the upgrade, or is there different Server for the UK?10:42
FIQCan i get some help with resetting it?10:42
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FIQBecause, i have _no_ repositories at all10:42
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* MaikB takes a look at the /etc/apt/sources.list10:43
timeless_mbpMaikB: you want /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*10:43
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timeless_mbpthe repository server isn't one server10:43
timeless_mbpit's one address at many locations10:43
timeless_mbpand dns generally controls which server you reach10:43
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timeless_mbpdns can work any way it likes, but generally dns for magic addresses tries to pick a server that is "close" to you and "fast" to you10:44
MaikBtimeless_mbp, I see10:44
MaikBtimeless_mbp, thanks10:44
timeless_mbpi believe we're using akamai...10:45
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MaikBI guess the repo at the Server I am forwarded to just has to be populated with 1.2 then10:45
MaikBAnd this is done by the Admins running it10:46
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timeless_mbpadmins don't really "run" these boxes like that10:47
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FIQSeems as i have some repos in hildon-application-manager.list10:47
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FIQBut why does the application manager not recognize anything now?10:48
MaikBtimeless_mbp, What I mean is this: The guys who manage the repo for the UK and those who manage the one for the rest of Europe are different people10:48
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MaikBis this statement correct?10:48
timeless_mbpMaikB: it doesn't work like that10:48
timeless_mbpat least, not generally10:48
FIQsources.list seems to be empty10:48
FIQis that why?10:48
timeless_mbpFIQ: souces.list is a legacy file10:48
timeless_mbpfor you to **** with10:48
FIQbut why don't i have any repos in appmanager then?10:48
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timeless_mbpapt honors it and sources.list.d/*.list10:49
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MaikBFIQ: this is the location on my device /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list10:49
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FIQYes, it contains things10:49
timeless_mbpbut my mac is out of power10:49
timeless_mbpso i'm going offline10:49
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MaikBtimeless_mbp, cya10:49
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FIQbut when i take up the menu and look up "Program Catalogues", the list is empty10:49
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midas_well, it wasnt that timeless then :P10:50
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LiraNunathere was an update to Power Kernel today10:51
LiraNunait wrecked my wifi10:52
LiraNunaanyone having the same problem?10:52
midas_hey yeah!10:52
midas_i cant connect via wifi to my phone anymore10:52
midas_it says it has a ip tho10:52
LiraNunaand I can't restore stock kernel :|10:52
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midas_oh well, just a reflash10:53
LiraNunaI don't feel like a backup10:53
midas_hm mine is working again10:53
midas_wifiswitches + powerkernel issue10:53
midas_just restarted wifiswitcher10:53
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hrwLiraNuna: flash only kernel then10:54
phellarvwifiswitcher - Switch wifi off and on, and you're all good!10:55
midas_putty + n900 :)10:55
phellarvWhy putty?10:55
midas_because i dont have a linuxbox on my desk right now10:56
phellarvmidas_: Oooh - Kk - I thought you where using putty on your N900?10:56
LiraNunahow do I use wifiswitcher?10:57
midas_haha no no :P10:57
LiraNunado I need to download it?10:57
midas_if you dont have it yet, yes but probably you have a different problem than i had10:57
TuukkaSeems like the ota is around the edge here in finland. Some packages been updated in repos.10:57
LiraNunaI don't have an internet connection anymore10:57
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phellarvLiraNuna: Did you go from one wifi hotspot to another?10:58
LiraNunawas at home10:58
LiraNunaupdated the power kernel as I saw it popped up10:59
LiraNunathen left the phone10:59
LiraNunacame back later and I see wifi tries to connect forever10:59
phellarvUhm - you must reboot after a kernel update.10:59
LiraNunaI know10:59
LiraNunaI did10:59
TuukkaHukka, Surfa, OTA is here =))11:00
midas_over the air is everywere Tuukka ;)11:00
LiraNunadamnit, 1.8MB on EDGE11:00
phellarvLiraNuna: Kill the saved wifi-connection.11:00
LiraNunakill == erase?11:00
SurfaTuukka, hooray.. must install it right away11:00
phellarvLiraNuna: Mmm11:00
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midas_ah after a shell apt-get update and upgrade, i have it in my app manager :P11:01
DocScrutinizermaemo5 OTA in Germany11:01
LiraNunaphellarv, no go11:01
MaikBwow, just did a apt-get update && apt-get upgrade to see how many packages being hold back.  A ton!11:01
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LiraNunafails to connect11:01
MaikBcool beans11:01
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matthew-Hey, any1 available for help? trying to reflash my n900 under mac and im getting11:02
matthew-flasher-3.5: invalid option -- P11:02
threshno OTA in Russia still11:02
phellarvLiraNuna: Get wifiswitcher - turn wifi on and off - helped for me11:02
Wolfieyay, go finland11:02
LiraNunahow can I get wifiswitcher11:02
LiraNunaI am on retarded EDGE that barely works11:02
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timelessmatthew: why do you want to use flasher?11:02
matthew-timeless: cause my device doesnt switch on ?11:02
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Wolfieover 100mb of updates... that's not a little...11:03
Wolfieover 3g :)11:03
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midas_Wolfie: nope it isnt11:03
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MaikBI get 100MByte updates for my Arch Linux installation every week :P11:03
midas_DocScrutinizer: youtoob link is broken11:03
matthew-I'm using guide.11:04
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WolfieMaikB: but hardly over cellular network...11:04
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matthew-and then RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.42-11.203.2_PR_F5_203_ARM.bin11:04
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MaikBWolfie, nope11:04
timelessmatthew: doesn't list -P11:04
LiraNunacould it be that the new kernel expect something in PR1.2?11:04
phellarvLiraNuna: Seems strange.11:05
LiraNunawifi just died after I upgraded+rebooted11:05
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Wolfiedoes 1.2 add more authentication protocols to wifi, by happenstance? haven't seen any advertisement about that, but I hope I missed something :)11:06
timelessfwiw, it's typical for nokia doing a uk based launch to GO @9am London time11:06
matthew-timeless: yeah but the guide does..11:07
timelesswhich was 7mins ago11:07
midas_stupid thing, i dont want to backup11:07
phellarvLiraNuna: try "ifconfig wlan0 down && ifconfig wlan0 up"11:07
timelessmatthew: well that sounds stupid11:07
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Corsachow large is the SSU update?11:07
matthew-timeless: and look at this:11:07
matthew-To flash just a part of the whole FIASCO image (for example, only rootfs) run  $ flasher-3.5 -F <FIASCO image> --flash-only=rootfs -f11:07
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LiraNunaphellarv, already restored stock kernel11:07
WolfieCorsac: 110 and a bit11:07
matthew-ON the wiki page u gave me11:07
phellarvLiraNuna: Did it help?11:07
Corsacmight bit a bit too large over 3g :)11:08
LiraNunarebooting now11:08
timelesswas the guide on * it ran off my screen because of someone's topic change11:08
WolfieCorsac: nah, i'm currently doing that. I have the whole workday to spend, so...11:08
Wolfiedoesn't matter whether it takes an hour or five11:08
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viszOTA available in finland11:08
timelessmatthew: sure,11:08
timelessis there a problem w/ that?11:09
matthew-timeless: So i've got no clue what to do now11:09
LiraNunais OTA available in US?11:09
matthew-well there is no '-P'11:09
matthew-so there kinda is :D11:09
timelessmatthew: did you download an image?11:09
matthew-sudo /usr/bin/flasher-3.5 -F <firmware-image> -f -R11:09
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matthew-that's what it says11:09
X-FadeI see the global SSU now too.11:09
CorsacWolfie: yeah but I kind-of have a 1G limit on my unlimited dataplan so... :)11:09
midas_okay, why does my phone want to be hooked up to a pc?11:09
matthew-so im doing mbp:Downloads Matt$ sudo /usr/bin/flasher-3.5 RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1.203.1_PR_COMBINED_203_ARM.bin -f -R11:09
LiraNunaphellarv, yep, restoring the stock kernel worked ...11:10
matthew-and it gives me flasher-3.5: invalid option -- P11:10
matthew-Usage: flasher [OPTIONS]11:10
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timelessand then you turn on your already attached n90011:10
matthew-timeless: yeah, but nothing happens11:10
matthew-and it doesnt specify what the P is11:11
timelessrename that file to "fiasco"11:11
LiraNunaalso, did anyone notice the recent Opera updates?11:11
LiraNunathere's no changelog :(11:11
timelessi think you're missing the -F before the image name11:11
matthew-timeless: it doesn't make the difference if its .fiasco .bin or .tranny11:12
timelesslira: why the heck do you neeed a changelog for your web browser?11:12
n900-dk_What should be backed up before OTA update?11:12
matthew-well, at lest it shouldnt, should it?11:12
timelessmatthew: no no  no no11:12
timelessrename ther entire file to uust fiasco11:12
timelessthe fewer charaadters the easier it is for you not to screw up11:12
matthew-JUST fiasco ?11:12
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timelessthe app doesn't care, but your commandline looked wrong11:13
timelessand i'm typing on my n90011:13
MaikBmatthew-, the filename and extension doesn't matter. timeless wants to make command you have to enter shorter11:13
timelessso i don't want to have to type ouy something long11:13
MaikBthats all11:13
mecedamn this bug is annoying:
povbot`Bug 10273: Auto-capitalization somewhat broken11:13
matthew-timeless: ok, well im only following wiki11:14
timelessmbp:Downloads Matt$ sudo /usr/bin/flasher-3.5 -P11:14
timelessthere's a P there11:14
matthew-timeless: yeah11:14
timelessit should have been an F11:14
matthew-i changed -P with -F11:14
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matthew-timeless: sorry there is -F not -P in wiki11:15
matthew-i just dont have my glasses on ;d11:15
timelessmiakb: please ask guide author to improve the font for that line11:15
timelessmatthew: perfectly reasonable problem11:15
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midas_quick question, why does my n900 need to be hooked up to my pc for a ota update?11:16
mecemidas_, it does not11:16
timelessmidas: it shouldn't11:16
matthew-timeless: will do, thanks.11:16
timelesswho said otherwise?11:16
midas_mece: / timeless but it does :P11:16
midas_the installer told me11:16
crashanddiemidas_: it doesn't11:16
mecemidas_, you have experimental qt libs perhaps?11:17
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midas_it says backup, did that, now i want to continue and it cant11:17
crashanddiemate, what installer told you that?11:17
mecemidas_, what exactly does it say?11:17
petteriit asks if you wan't to do backup before upgrading11:17
midas_it does, correct11:17
crashanddieinteresting spelling11:18
midas_and then, i cant continue even after backing up11:18
petterisorry about that :P11:18
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mecemidas_, what does it say?11:18
crashanddiemidas_: installer on the N900 or on your computer?11:18
midas_just a second, starting it again :P11:18
midas_crashanddie: n90011:18
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: my condolences :-)11:19
timelessmidas: if the n900 doesn't like it config11:19
timelessit can suggest using the computer to reflash11:19
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timelessthat is an available message11:19
midas_just a quick translation, to upgrade your device to this version you need the program for upgrading, hook your phone to the pc and start the program11:19
timelessmidas: don't translate11:19
timelessbut you got the path i just described11:20
midas_oh well, just a reflash11:20
mecemidas_, that means you have something incompatible on the phone.11:20
timelessyour n900 doesn't have space or it has a conflict11:20
hrwok, my n900 is upgrading11:20
midas_timeless: you want it in dutch? :P11:20
hrwLR1.2 -> PR1.211:20
crashanddiemidas_: waarom niet?11:20
timelessmias: yes11:20
mecetimeless, if it doesn't have space, it tells you it doesn't have space.11:20
midas_ja voor jou is het geen probleem :p11:20
timelessi have the strings for all locals11:20
timelessso i can reverse11:20
midas_ah ok timeless11:20
timelessi can't handle free translations11:21
n900-dk_damn space.. or missing space :)11:21
timelessbecause you're going FI .. GB .. NL .. US11:21
timelessa bad game of telephone11:21
timelessanyway, it's basically a conflict11:21
ruskiehmm finally got the update...11:21
MaikBI got: rootfs                  227.9M    198.6M     25.1M  89% /11:21
ruskienow to see if I can break the system or not11:21
hrwlooks like LR1.2 was nearly final.11:21
MaikBis this ok?11:21
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timelessand the message is asking you to use a pc based flasher11:21
meceMaikB, too little for ota upgrade I'd guess.11:22
meceMaikB, if that's what you're asking11:22
MaikBmece, yes, thx11:22
meceMaikB, disable extras, testing and devel11:22
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mecegives you 20mb, could be enough11:22
MaikBmece, Stupid me, of course11:23
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pupnikanyone else agree with GAN that 1.2 is buggy?11:23
ruskiedefine buggy11:23
MaikBhere we go, OTA in germany11:23
pupniklike, we must be upset about it11:23
mecepupnik, no. But the stupid autocapitalization bug is annoying.11:24
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MaikBbut i disable devel and testing repos first11:24
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mecelardman|home, mornin11:25
lardman|homehi mece11:25
pupniklooks like in dosbox 3000 cycles are doable @ 600mhz without sound.  5k @ 90011:26
MaikBmece, hm, symlinked the apt stuff to /home, so there is no space issue with to many active repos :)11:26
MaikBmece, and thus no gain11:26
lardman|homealbanc, barisione: re lat/lon data for contacts, do you know if this is something that could be added - iirc I added a bug requesting this. It would be cool to get decent contacts/map integration, but that would probably need a decent maps app too of course ;)11:26
MaikBI just wipe the Qt stuff11:26
MaikBshould be enough11:26
Bluewindhow much free space on / is needed for pr 1.2?11:27
ruskiehmm I should look at redefining the rest of the apt files to a diff dir... cache I already set through the config11:27
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pupnikMaikB: i see no OTA here (de)11:28
MaikBpupnik, I got it 3 minutes ago11:28
lbtmrs lbt is upgrading.... I'm scared11:28
MacDrunkhow do i know if i have ota here in mi country11:28
pupnikthen maybe i dont install it.  ty MaikB11:29
DocScrutinizerMaikB: [2010-05-26 10:01:21] <DocScrutinizer> maemo5 OTA in Germany11:29
pupniki just ran apt-get update11:29
n900-dk_and available in Denmark11:30
NitialBluewind: apt-cache show mp-fremantle-generic-pr says 42000 for required free space, so I guess 42 MB should be enough11:30
Bluewindk thx11:30
lardman|homeinteresting how we now have the opposite problem to before, some of the extras-devel apps explicitly want QT 4.5, at a 40Mb download11:31
* MaikB keeps removing stuff ..11:31
ruskieNitial, hmm mine states: Maemo-Required-Free-Space: 3584011:31
MaikBruskie, thx for this info!11:31
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n900-dk_It is a little like Christmas, right :)11:32
MaikBn900-dk_, indeed!11:32
MohammadAGcrashanddie, happy birthday you (insert word not suitable for channel) :P11:33
crashanddiethanks mate11:33
n900-dk_Is all this just for crashanddie?11:34
lardman|homecrashanddie: birthday?!11:34
lardman|homeah, finally they'll let you into bars! ;)11:34
lardman|homehappy birthday mate :)11:34
lardman|homemine is next week fwiw11:35
MaikBcrashanddie, happy bday11:35
lardman|homeI think11:35
hrwupgrade from LR1.2 → PR1.2 worked fine11:35
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lbtavailable: 41.1M11:36
crashanddielardman|home: I know yours is next week11:36
ruskiewell apt-get dist-upgrade that 14MB will be freed up after installation11:36
MaikBIs someone using Catorise?11:36
crashanddieMaikB: aye11:36
MaikBand knows if it will work with 1.211:36
MaikBcrashanddie, thx!11:36
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crashanddieit's a bit weird, because there's a bit of panning now11:37
crashanddienothing troubling though11:37
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MaikBcrashanddie, are you involved in catorise?11:37
lardman|homehmm, so has this been fixed then?:
povbot`Bug 2962: Not able to open Maps application with contacts location as a search string11:37
lardman|homesays it has in the page11:38
lardman|homebut I can't see how11:38
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TuukkaNice your able to change theme without the wallpapers getting change aswell in 1.2 =)11:40
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threshyou bastards11:41
threshdon't tease us OTA-impaired11:41
MaikBI changed the start video, I hope this doesn't cause issues with 1.211:41
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MaikBwell, if the upgrade just overwrites my changes its all fine11:42
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lbtso my wife reports "operation failed" .... no more clues11:44
lardman|homecrashanddie: is your N900 on? Could you broadcast your location so I can see if it appears in the Maps app?11:44
lardman|homelbt: sounds like a standard female error report hey? ;)11:44
lbtand her device has hung11:44
lardman|homeoops, hope I didn't offend any females, just going by the standard of my wife's telling me what's wrong with a PC11:45
lbtI've found ctrl... where's alt+delete...11:45
lardman|homeswitch off a plug, seems easier :)11:45
lbtah... it popped up "operation failed"11:46
lardman|homemight have more info in the app manager log11:46
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lbtand the bottom says "Updating Maemo 5"11:46
TuukkaAirport touch has a update lol :D11:46
lbtso it hasn't totally failed...11:46
Corsaclbt: I had the “operation failed” too, it seems that it's when the device is forced to offline mode11:47
Corsaclbt: then it goes to a locked UI where you can't do much thing11:47
CorsacI have the Maemo 5 update on top, and a progress bar “Updating Maemo 5" on bottom11:47
Corsacwhich progresses slowly11:47
lbtand then the screen goes off and you're wondering wtf is happening11:47
Corsaclbt: just open the keyboard or unlock with the right button?11:48
lbtand don't want to hit "cancel" when you touch the screen to wake it up11:48
Corsac(I plugged it so the screen doesn't shut down)11:48
lbtit is plugged in...11:48
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lbtI guess she didn't have that setting11:48
Corsacyeah, it might not be a default11:49
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Corsacanyway, just pull the little right button won't mess with the cancel stuff11:49
Corsacwell, it's called “stop” here and is greyed out anyway11:49
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lardman|homeGAN900: you about at this time of the morning?11:50
lbt*nod* .... fair comment11:50
lardman|homehmm, is Ovi Store working yet? I'm being told to upgrade my PR1.2 N900 to make it work by the placeholder webpage11:51
MohammadAG27th of may i think11:52
lardman|homeok thanks11:52
Surfaanyone faced the situation where pr1.2 ota installation forces you to use nsu?11:52
MohammadAGmany users afaik11:53
midas_yes, if you used devel or not enough space :p11:53
Surfahaven't used devel11:53
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Surfawonder how much is enough space11:54
midas_i think <80 or 70% on rootfs11:54
Milo-640 kilobytes should be enough for everyone11:54
bleetermore than enough11:54
MaikBSurfa, ruskie> Nitial, hmm mine states: Maemo-Required-Free-Space: 3584011:54
Surfahmm.. 54MiB free11:54
Surfaon rootfs11:55
lardman|homemmm, I see "Maemo 6 Tech Preview" as a classification in the bugtracker11:55
bleeter2.1TB plenty11:55
Milo-this update requires windows?11:55
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MohammadAGlardman|home, what about it11:55
lbtI had 42.5Mb free and it seems to have started11:55
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defraggeris it possible to find out my maemo version on n900?11:56
Stskeepsin about product11:56
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lardman|homeMohammadAG: well I was wondering whether we'd ever see anything of it basically ;)11:57
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MohammadAGlardman|home, it's already in devel11:57
SceltSurfa: I removed tuxrace and I'm able to OTA now11:57
ZogG_N900RST38h, hey. fixed play button just deleted record widget but left conversation - works11:57
lardman|homeMohammadAG: really? Oh right11:58
ZogG_N900what in devel i wanna test11:58
ZogG_N900it's in my blood )11:58
ZogG_N900MohammadAG, don't u have exam today?11:58
SurfaScelt, let me try that one too..11:58
SceltI accidentally first started the update with apt-get full-upgrade as I'm used to since App. manager is so slow to use. hopefully it haven't screwed up anything, OTA is going in now11:59
SurfaScelt, i actually have tux racer installed also11:59
MohammadAGZogG_N900, not that i recall :)11:59
Milo-"This maemo update requires the nokia software update application on your pc for installation."11:59
SceltSurfa: that's a reason at least11:59
ZogG_N900today is nokia thing right?11:59
Milo-so it requires windows? ._·11:59
thunderfestyeah there are some open gles 1.1 problems with pr1.2 things that depend on it will not reinstall currently (tuxrace, brainpart , nehetutorials, ect)12:00
defraggerdo i have to install the new firmware with another pc, or is it possible to update to maemo 5 1.2 with apt?12:00
Corsacuse HAM12:00
ZogG_N900Milo-, just reflash it12:00
ZogG_N900Milo-, but backup first12:00
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Milo-ZogG_N900 with this?12:01
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SurfaScelt, no luck..12:01
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sivangso , is 1.2 released already?12:01
MohammadAGSurfa, uninstall all games and ioquake312:02
n900-dk_hmm, where is the smileys on the new virtual keyboard..12:02
hrwah.. I have to remove smileys again12:02
defraggerwhat version is 3.2010.02-8?12:02
SceltSurfa: how much space on rootfs? check out the list of the apps on that post12:02
SceltSurfa: there's more than tuxrace12:02
SurfaScelt, proceeding on that :)12:03
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threshoh yea12:04
threshota in .ru12:04
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summeli thought 1.2 was an ota update?12:05
Sceltit is12:05
hrwsummel: I did over ota12:05
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SceltI'm doing over ota12:06
Sceltover over the air12:06
hrwdefragger: 1.1.112:06
summelNo the update program tells me to use a pc usb thingy12:06
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MaikBI wonder whats so special about OTA? Its just an updated deb repo, right?12:06
summelbut i dont have a pc12:06
threshMaikB: kinda12:06
thunderfestyou guys now updating to pr 1.2 if your interested, I did a write up about the current problems around opengles support in pr1.2 (including current workarounds) ...
hrwMaikB: ota saves time due to not need for reflashing12:07
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MaikBhrw, My impression is, that OTA is something special for non linux distro based Hansets12:08
MaikBI never owned an smartphone before the N90012:08
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MaikBSo I'm a bit confused by the term OTA :P12:08
Wolfie"Over The Air"12:08
MaikBits a glorified apt-get upgrade12:08
MaikBWolfie, I know12:09
SurfaScelt, brain party removal helped12:09
SurfaScelt, thanks a lot12:09
SceltSurfa: np :)12:09
WolfieMaikB: i guess it's a nokia term for tech that has been around before wifi and linux was common in smartphones12:09
n900-dk_Is the conversation widget gone?12:09
Wolfiei remember it being discussed as something new and supported only by one phone in the UK back in... um... 2004, i think12:10
MohammadAGugh i want to set all messages as read12:10
MohammadAGwhy can't that be so easy12:10
Wolfieand it was a S60 phone, iirc. So thus you couldn't just call it "apt get"12:10
Milo-MohammadAG I agree12:10
summelI have 46GB... that should be more then enough space12:11
crashanddielardman|home: location switches off automatically, don't know why12:11
MaikBWolfie, I guess are are right12:11
Milo-I can't use the email client since I have 2000 '12:11
Milo-2000 emails there12:11
Milo-and they are all 'unread'12:11
crashanddielardman|home: when I select anything else than "do not show", and hit save, the GPS icon flashes once and then disappears, location reverts to "do not show"12:11
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summelAnd now it relly hurts that i cant uninstall multiple applications at once12:12
Wolfiehm, my theme, or parts of it, seems to be updated12:12
Wolfiei previously had orange icons, now they're blue12:12
Shapeshifter"Internal error. applicaiton 'Conversations' closed"12:13
Wolfieupdated, or reverted.12:13
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hrwWolfie: check /usr/share/themes/default symlink12:13
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Wolfiehrw: it's linked to "alpha"12:14
summelScellt: could you summarize that in a sentence? opening links from irc on the n900 is a bit painfull atm :D12:14
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ArkenoiErr ./ libqt4-xmlpatterns 4.5.3~git20090723-0maemo6+0m512:14
Arkenoi  The requested URL returned error: 40412:14
ArkenoiFailed to fetch  The requested URL returned error: 40412:14
ArkenoiE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?12:14
hrwWolfie: link to beta and restart12:14
MaikBmeh, the program manager dialog tells me to flash the device12:14
ShapeshifterMaikB: not enough space on /12:14
MaikBI guess there are conflicts caused by installed software12:14
Wolfiehrw: thanks12:14
MaikBShapeshifter, hmmmm I guess the program manager doesn't know that I symlinked the apt cache to /home12:15
lardman|homecrashanddie: odd, I'm broadcasting my location now12:15
MaikBrootfs                  227.9M    182.4M     41.3M  82% /12:15
MohammadAGMaikB, it uses MyDocs anyways12:15
Sceltsummel: there is a list of packages that are blocking OTA installation, including tuxrace and brain party etc.12:15
MaikBnot enough?12:15
ShapeshifterMaikB: I think the last one needed 4512:15
hrwhmm.. after update I have only 75MB free on / :(12:16
Arkenoiwhat should i do?12:16
MaikBShapeshifter, apt-get dist-upgrade doesn't complain... however, how to get more details on why the OTA doesn't? (i.e. a log file)12:16
hrwArkenoi: apt-get update?12:17
threshArkenoi: why would you want to install 4.5.3 anyway12:17
goodyhello guys,  is global release of 1.2 out now?12:17
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MaikB ??12:18
summelScelt: omg thats even more fail12:18
Arkenoihrw: does not help12:18
Arkenoithresh: i just do apt-get dist-upgrade12:18
threshArkenoi: remove google latitude?12:18
threshor whatever wants that package12:18
Sceltnot yet12:19
Scelthrw: how long did it stay in black screen after progress bar went to 100 %?12:19
RST38hCould somebody please tell me the maemo5 package name?12:19
Corsacafter progress bar goes to 100%, the device just says it'll reboot, and reboots12:20
Sceltmine stays in application manager12:20
CorsacScelt: check the screen didn't just blank because of power management12:20
hrwScelt: I did not used hildon-application-manager for update12:20
RST38hhrw: What is the name of the pr1.2 umbrella package? (also cannot use HAM)12:20
hrwRST38h: mp-fremantle-generic-pr12:20
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SceltCorsac: title still displayed12:20
Scelthrw: okay12:20
RST38hhrw: thanks =)12:20
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RST38hSays I do not have enough space12:21
* MaikB doesn't find a log file on what blocks OTA and keeps uninstalling stuff12:21
RST38hAnd HAM cannot update it too12:21
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hrwRST38h: Maemo-Required-Free-Space: 3584012:22
CorsacMaikB: already disabled extra and extra-devel repositories?12:22
Corsacor is it not needed now?12:22
RST38hgot 5712:22
hrwRST38h: use apt-get?12:22
Corsac(I didn't really check disk space before upgrading, just disabled repositories, and it worked just fine)12:22
Corsac(hurgh, the reindexing after final reboot takes quite some time)12:23
ArkenoiPackage libqt4-xmlpatterns is not installed, so not removed12:23
Surfathat list is worth checking12:23
ruskiehmm fun... managed to get into an endless loop cycle12:23
MaikBCorsac, I did.  I don't like guessing, I want to see the reasons why it want me to use the flasher12:23
SceltCorsac: does not respond to any inputs. only power managements blanks the screen after while12:23
MaikBin a log file on the device12:23
ruskieI love how crappy the whole system is wrt to upgrades using normal tools to do so12:23
SurfaMaikB, removing brainparty and tux racer worked for me12:23
MaikBsummel, thx, I had gltron installed12:23
MaikBtrying again..12:23
MaikBbut still, I don't like guessign12:24
hrwbrainparty is in extras-1.2 so you will be able to install it after update12:24
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MaikBthere must be an log file somewhere12:24
ruskiewell atleast the rescue console still works12:24
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MaikBno luck12:25
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MaikBhm, I installed opengles manually...12:27
SurfaMaikB, are you sure that you don't have any other on the list?12:27
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summelok i uninstalled all games and everything that could probably need opengl but i still cant update -_-12:27
MaikBSurfa, yes, but this not the issue I have.  I will find the reason eventually12:27
goodyis there any particular reason why the hildon manager shows no updates? is there another way to 1.2?12:27
SceltI shutdown from power key. Seems to continue the update process just like last time. Nokia screen and little green progress bar12:28
threshran out of space in the middle of apt-get12:28
MaikBSurfa, what bugs me is not knowing where to look at ( log file )12:28
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djkrikkeHi Guys, what can be the reason the OTA update asks to connect to the pc?12:29
djkrikkeok, couldn't find it that easy, thanks Scelt12:29
goodyhow about when OTA shows no updates at all?12:29
Corsacjust wait12:30
hrw /t Welcome to #maemo | | | Maemo Community Council | | | Free software mirror: --- PR1.2 OTA and fiasco shipping, | N900 tells "use PC for update" -
hrwcan someone with @?12:30
RST38hhrw: Apt-get complains there is not enough space in archives/12:30
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hrwRST38h: symlink it to /opt/?12:30
defraggeris it save to make a firmware upgrade?12:31
furunk3ldefragger, worked for me like a charm.12:31
threshis it safe to symlink /var/lib/dpkg to /opt ?12:31
Arkenoithresh: i did remove latitude, did not help12:32
MaikBThere is no way I will do a PC firmware update12:32
MaikBits stupid12:32
defraggeris there a good howto?12:32
MaikBI want to know where to look for the reason why it fails12:32
threshArkenoi: apt-cache depends / rdepends to find out the cause12:32
MohammadAGthresh, yes12:32
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RST38hhrw: Is it safe?12:33
defraggerfurunk3l: is there a howto you worked woth to upgrade?12:33
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furunk3ldefragger, i just use the "over the Air" upgrade12:33
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defraggerfurunk3l: and how can i do that?12:34
Arkenoithresh: does not look like i hae any installed12:34
furunk3ldefragger, just connect to a wifi and after some time you will see a small yellow icon in the upper status bar.12:34
hrwRST38h: I have many dirs moved from /12:34
furunk3ldefragger, click on the statusbar and then on the yellow icon12:34
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hrwRST38h:  /var/cache/apt /var/lib/apt are safest12:35
furunk3ldefragger, this will start the upgrade. be sure to have your battery fully loaded.12:35
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Wolfieif the yellow icon hasn't appeared, go to app manager and press update12:35
Wolfieit'll show up there12:35
defraggerfurunk3l: i see, i will try that now, thanks :)12:35
furunk3ldefragger, you are welcome.12:36
hrwRST38h: but I have /usr/share/{fonts,locale,hildon-welcome,icons,maemoblocks,osso-lmarbles,pixmaps,sounds,themes} moved to /opt12:36
hrwRST38h: and this way I have 77.5MB free on /12:36
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Arkenoithresh: no luck. what should i do next?12:38
Mobsanhow do I make a google talk (video) call? can't see any options for this in my contact list...12:38
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MohammadAGany ideas when the opengl libraries will be put back12:41
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goodyis anyone getting no updates?12:42
Arkenoifunny, if i disable extra repositiories dist-upgrade says there is nothing to upgrade12:42
ruskiegoody, it takes a while to propagate around12:42
goodythank you ruskie12:42
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stranger__any clear idea of the future of maemo after Nokia's last announcement?12:43
vanadismobilewill pr1.2 install itself by wifi?12:44
Stskeepsstranger__: it would wonder me a lot if pr1.2 is last SSU.12:44
stranger__Stskeeps, it looks like it12:44
Stskeepslooks like last SSU?12:45
fralsbah, i dont want to update my other device, 23days of uptime :(12:45
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* MohammadAG halts frals' device12:45
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stranger__it seems there will be almost no Nokia involvement in N900 after the final release of meego12:46
Stskeepsthat's wrong on a lot of levels :)12:46
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Stskeepsfirst off, there has been talk in bug reports of a fremantle PE1, which means this isn't the last update we'll see.12:47
MaikBI just issued `apt-get move libqt4-opengl' which causes a ton of upgrades12:48
djdmStskeeps: Mind if I jump in and ask what PE stands for?12:48
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Stskeepsdjdm: honestly, i don't know12:48
MaikBI'll see how it works out12:48
Stskeepssecond, there is a team working on hardware adaptation for MeeGo on N900 (meego the rpm system), with a bunch of nokians too. N900 is ARM reference device and it has to be kept in good shape12:49
stranger__maybe just a driver update here or there, but that is it12:49
Robot101djdm: we've worked on some PE releases in the past, and we have no idea either :P12:49
MaikBI hate try and error12:49
Stskeepsthird, nokia care still answers your phonecalls :P12:49
djdmStskeeps: Fair enough - cheers :)12:49
Robot101Post-release Engineering? Product Enhancement?12:49
MaikBespecially if its not needed, I'm sure of it12:49
StskeepsRobot101: Programmers Escaping?12:49
djdmPink Elephant?12:49
stranger__and soon, 'most' of the developers will move to meego,12:49
Robot101stranger__: most of the developers are working on maemo 6 atm, not meego, so, this is manifestly untrue.12:50
MaikBstranger__, meego is just another distro12:50
defraggerfurunk3l: how long does it take, to get this update info?12:50
* djdm will assume it's Pink Elephant, actually - I like that ;)12:50
Robot101djdm: me too :)12:50
Stskeepsstranger__: situation isn't perfect, but there's -plenty- of life in my n900 yet12:50
MaikBwhats the matter?12:50
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Stskeepsstranger__: but to say nokia is dropping n900 on the floor and not caring about it at all, is a far stretch from the truth :)12:51
biertieis it possible to update to pr 1.2 without flashing the system? :s12:51
stranger__Stskeeps, now... but I am talking about after the release of meego.12:51
Stskeepsstranger__: meego 1.0's out this month. next one is october12:51
Stskeepsalso, if you actually mean harmattan, please denote it meego-harmattan12:51
Arkenoithresh: any further ideas what can i do to get the update? and why i do not see anything to upgrade if i remove extra repositiries?12:51
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furunk3ldefragger, some time. check this video: this shold help you get the upgrade.12:52
Robot101Stskeeps: srsly...? :P12:52
stranger__Stskeeps, well, actually I meant after the first Nokia mobile based on meego12:52
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StskeepsRobot101: srsly what? :P12:52
Robot101Stskeeps: meego-harmattan :P12:52
Lazy^Hello, since now nokia release 2.1 patch for N900. How i can choose videocall. Do i need to use some client or ?12:53
Robot101Lazy^: press the video call button in the address book, it will show for Google Talk and Skype contacts who have video support12:53
noobmonk3y2.1 lol12:53
TuukkaIs carbon theme working as it should with pr1.2?12:53
noobmonk3yLazy^:  videocall on PR1.2 is available for skype/google etc12:53
noobmonk3yi think it is under the contact options.... (Just checking)12:54
furunk3ldefragger, you can also check the application manager. and update manually by clicking on "Update" after you started the application manager.12:54
pupniki suspect apt-get upgrade maymbe dangerous12:54
Robot101Stskeeps: is this not a violation of the meego trademark policy? :P12:54
phellarvHrmf - No search in HAM after flashing to PR1.2.12:54
noobmonk3yyeah tis under contact options :P12:54
Lazy^noobmonk3y: so i need to use skype/google...12:54
noobmonk3yphellarv:  yes there is12:54
X-Fadephellarv: just start typing.12:54
sECuRELazy^: you can also do SIP video calls12:55
StskeepsRobot101: i think calling harmattan meego is bad enough :P12:55
noobmonk3yyup - there is no video calling for the normal phone function12:55
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phellarvX-Fade: Aha - Thanks.12:55
defraggeryayyy got it, thank you very much furunk3l :)12:55
Stskeepsstranger__: there's multiple threads of development happening. one of the community backport of harmattan, another is 'real' meego on n900, and then there's the updates to fremantle12:55
furunk3lnp, yw.12:55
Stskeepsstranger__: on top of that, synchronised APIs in form of Qt, so you won't miss out on apps12:55
Lazy^But there is no videocalls on normal phone funtion...12:55
* phellarv is oldschool - I like clear instructions, and less dark magic.12:55
Stskeepsstranger__: the situation could be a hell lot worse.12:55
noobmonk3yphellarv: :D :D i agree12:55
sECuRELazy^: if you have configured a SIP account, there is (for SIP calls)12:56
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X-Fadephellarv: Oh, then you need to try start typing at more places :)12:56
phellarvnoobmonk3y: That's why I mostly use apt-*12:56
X-Fadephellarv: For instance on the desktop itself.12:56
* noobmonk3y grumbles12:56
portraitmguys, i've flashed my n900 to the newest firmware, but i can not get portrait mode working now, any clues way ?12:57
portraitmp.s it's UK version12:57
Lazy^sECuRE: erm (stupid question) where i can get SIP account12:57
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hrwPR 1.2 lacks one thing which was in PR1.2 SDK packages12:57
noobmonk3yX-Fade: stop being so gosh darn clever - you are making the rest of us look bad!12:57
noobmonk3yhrw: ?12:57
hrwstatus area is not available in portrait12:57
sECuRELazy^: for example12:57
Corsacnot exactly sure which apps got a portrait mode12:57
stranger__Stskeeps, maybe for an owner of N900, but what about those who plan to buy one soon? most will just think it is better to wait and the meego based one,12:57
phellarvX-Fade: If I start typing at more place, I probably would be charged for doing grafitti.12:57
hrwCorsac: run app, press shift-control-r and rotate device with keyboard closed12:57
noobmonk3ystranger__:  but you dont know if meego is better or worse so to speak yet? lol12:57
Stskeepsstranger__: even my n800 is still useful.12:58
sECuRELazy^: but your video call partner would need to use SIP too, i think12:58
* noobmonk3y lols - healthcheck in portrait mode is rather hysterical12:58
Stskeepsstranger__: everyone always wants the next thing, not knowing wtf it's about12:58
Lazy^ahh kk =)12:58
Lazy^maybe skype then...12:58
Corsachrw: I was asking about which ones12:58
Corsac(since it seems not all of them do)12:58
Robot101Stskeeps: exactly12:58
hrwCorsac: with this trick any will rotate12:58
hrwCorsac: some will just do not look good12:58
lcukStskeeps, hold on "community backport of harmattan"   ?? !! how can community backport whats not even out!12:59
Stskeepslcuk: beats me, but we started talking about it12:59
Corsachrw: hmmh ok it has to be done for each and every app12:59
Corsacwell, each and every one you want12:59
noobmonk3ylcuk: i want windows 2012 with added bacon and i want it yesterday - i also want it to be open source lol12:59
hrwCorsac: yep - this is debug option which did not got removed12:59
tybollt_lcuk: O_o13:00
tybollt_lcuk: where?13:00
tybollt_Stskeeps: this harmattan package that was/is in dev extras (right?) what's its name?13:00
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hrwportraitm: basically nearly no apps with real portrait mode13:00
noobmonk3yhrw:  thats cos some of us couldnt test it until yesterday13:00
* lcuk rotates hrw13:00
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portraitmguys, i've flashed my n900 to the newest firmware, but i can not get portrait mode working now in the browser, any clues ?13:00
* noobmonk3y is figuring out how to do it this week13:00
portraitmyeah, but with 1,1 it was working with the browser13:01
portraitmbut now it does not13:01
hrwportraitm: go to settngs of browser?13:01
noobmonk3yportraitm: there is an option in options13:01
noobmonk3yor settings lol13:01
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hrwnoobmonk3y: any Qt based can be autorotating by one line in code. no idea of gtk13:01
portraitmoh, and i had to enalbe rotation, yeah ?13:02
portraitmsilly me..13:02
noobmonk3yhrw - got healthcheck installed?13:02
tybollt_qt based apps in repositories are ... surprisingly bad13:02
tybollt_if entire meego will be that quality I fret, big time13:02
hrwnoobmonk3y: no13:02
* noobmonk3y slaps tybollt_ with a horde of sloppy wet trouts13:02
cehtehwargs .. it doesnt update automatically13:02
tybollt_Stskeeps: will it?13:02
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* tybollt_ blocks noobmonkey slap w/ MohammadAG 13:03
Corsachmhm, weren't the bug about SMS to land lines supposed to be fixed in pr1.2?13:03
hrwnoobmonk3y: instaling13:03
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djdmCorsac: There's an option in the Settings13:03
hrwCorsac: it is in settings13:03
Arkenoiactually there *are* landlines that do support SMS13:03
lcukCorsac, ? what bug against landlines?13:03
tybollt_Corsac: it is13:03
bigonmmm my n900 is stuck in reboot loop :'(13:03
tybollt_Corsac: there's an option to only text mobiles13:03
portraitmhrw is it possible to open a virtual keyboard on screen when writing a sms in this firmware ?13:03
noobmonk3yhrw - the code has been in it for a while - but it has not had any thought put into it on my behalf13:03
lcukBT are cool, if you SMS home phone, they call you and robot speak your message13:03
noobmonk3yyou literally get half the app :P13:03
hrwportraitm: no idea13:03
Corsacthanks people :)13:03
tybollt_Corsac: but technically texting landlines is possib le (I have this service) so it is not off by default13:04
* noobmonk3y 's landline supports sms13:04
tybollt_so it's not a bug, it's a feature added for 1.213:04
cehtehi used that too13:04
tybollt_noobmonk3y: I have it on my home phone =)13:04
* satmd fails13:04
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satmdI installed 1.1 yesterday13:05
cehtehwtf .. cant install 1.2 with the application manager13:05
hrwnoobmonk3y: you wrote healthcheck?13:05
noobmonk3ysatmd:  you retro mo fo!13:05
lcukSMS to house phone isnt something that the mobile can do anything about?13:05
noobmonk3yhrw: supposedly13:05
hrwnoobmonk3y: it is UGLY13:05
noobmonk3yfrom scratch lol13:05
noobmonk3yhrw my first ever foray into linux, python, maemo and qt13:05
lcukStskeeps, come on, dont go quiet :p13:05
* cehteh kicks nokia13:05
satmdnoobmonk3y: the firmware on n900 site at nokia said pr1.2, but it was not 1.2 -- or I took the wrong local file but I doubt the latter option13:05
hrwnoobmonk3y: so learn about making normal buttons and using dialogs?13:05
tybollt_lcuk: what do you mean?13:05
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noobmonk3ysatmd: i think you took the wrong file :P13:06
MaikBI give up and do the flashing13:06
MaikBwhat a PITA13:06
tybollt_lcuk: there's an option (added in 1.2) to block texting option to landlines - that's it. I am pointing out this is a _feature_ and that texting landlines is perfectly possible13:06
Robot101bigon: there used to be a bug with reboot loops which you could fix by putting it into R&D mode with flasher, and then booting it, and then rebooting it into the flasher to turn R&D mode off13:06
MaikBis RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin the right image?13:06
RST38hhrw: How do I determine why Maemo5 update does not install without actually downloading the files?13:06
anonukneed some major help ppl. upgraded the n900 and it rebooted during the upgrade and now is stuck in a reboot loop. No usb port for flashing, i have a bootmenu i installed so i should be able to boot mer from sd but it freezes on TSLIB calibration utility13:07
anonukand ideas?13:07
portraitmguys anyone knows is it now possible to get the virtual keyboard when sending sms ?13:07
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StskeepsIn some countries in West Africa, the heavy amount of dust in the air can severely limit visibility and block the sun for several days,[2] comparable to a heavy fog. The effect caused by the dust and sand stirred by these winds is known as the Harmattan haze, and costs airlines millions of dollars in cancelled and diverted flights each year.[citation needed] The interaction of the Harmattan with monsoon winds can cause tornadoes.13:07
Stskeepsbrilliant name for a os ;)13:07
noobmonk3yhrw: what version of healthcheck you loading btw?13:07
hrwnoobmonk3y: 1.2.0-113:08
Robot101Stskeeps: you mean it's just a load of hot air? :)13:08
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noobmonk3yahhh ok - i thought that was the better looking version :P13:08
pillar_argh, same thing againa - the OTA update complains that the update has to be done through USB .. last time it was Quake causing it - wonder what it is now13:08
StskeepsRobot101: it was more along the lines of 'costing airlines millions of dollars' and 'causing tornadoes'13:08
tybollt_Robot101: being the head honcho of that project - I believe that is EXACTLY what he means :D13:08
MohammadAGRobot101, hot air might be vaporware13:08
n900-dk_portraitm: double tap on the white textspace to get virtual keyb.13:08
tybollt_MohammadAG: .'might be','is',13:09
MohammadAGtybollt_, not always :P13:09
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bigonRobot101: thx13:10
djdmQuick Q to anyone who may know: The apps in App Manager now seem to be sorted in a random (and not consistent - it keeps changing) order - any way to fix that?13:10
MohammadAGdjdm, maybe you changed the arrangement?13:10
MohammadAGby size13:10
Arkenoiis dist-upgrade really safe alternative to app manager update?13:11
anonukarkenoi: i did that just now and now stuck in reboot loop13:11
anonukarkenoi: so id say no13:11
threshthough I had no space on /13:11
djdmMohammadAG: How do you change it under PR1.2?13:11
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MohammadAGwasn't it under the title menu?13:11
djdmIt doesn't seem to be now13:11
MohammadAGunless they f'd up and removed it13:12
MohammadAGOne step forward two steps back13:12
djdmThey're now in reverse alphabetical order, until you install something, in which case they seem to be random-ish13:12
hrwnoobmonk3y: code is awful13:12
anonukcan anyone share their /lib/firmware files with me? im trying to boot mer and have no access to the n900 rootfs anymore as the 1.2 upgrade messed up and its stuck in a reboot loop13:12
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MohammadAGhrw, improve it :)13:12
MohammadAGanonuk, it's against ToS afaik13:13
hrwMohammadAG: you mean "rewrite"?13:13
MohammadAGanonuk, you should be able to mount ubi0:rootfs and get the files13:13
anonukMohammadAG: I know its against ToS :( ive got no way to mount anything - usb port gone and cant load main OS13:13
anonukMohammadAG: ive got bootmenu installed so was trying to load something else to try chroot and recover13:14
SpeedEvilyou can also now adjust the order13:14
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anonukMohammadAG: but nothing will boot without /lib/firmware13:14
MohammadAGanonuk, why can't you chroot?13:14
anonukMohammadAG: from where?13:14
SpeedEvillong-click on somewhere that's not an application on the application manager. Then you click an app, and move it where you want it13:14
anonukMohammadAG: no access to any OS on the device13:14
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DrGrovMohammadAG, hi there again.13:14
hrwnoobmonk3y: rewrite your app to use .ui file for UI definition instead of making ui in code. then stop making own buttons. then stop assuming screen size13:15
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MohammadAGhey DrGrov13:15
DrGrovMohammadAG, how did you say I should update to PR 1.2? From the device yes but how about the right type of backup? Just contacts and settings is needed as backup since I lose the apps?13:15
MohammadAGif you update ota you shouldn't lose anything13:16
djdmMy conversations disappeared, actually (but I wasn't that bothered)13:16
djdmSo do back them up :)13:16
sECuREmy conversations did not disappear13:16
sECuRE(i ticked all checkboxes in the backup app)13:16
djdmSo did I :)13:16
MohammadAGneither did mine13:16
MohammadAGpr1.2 changed the db name13:17
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MohammadAGno idea why13:17
djdmI tried restoring it but it seemed to have some trouble so I killed it (stuck for ages on 99%)13:17
djdmCould probably get them back if I was desperate13:17
Milo-is there still no free .doc/.xls reader/writer for n900?13:17
stylehmm, is it true that PR1.2 application manager doesn't have search anymore o_O13:17
Stskeepsuse live search13:17
Stskeepstype first letter ..13:17
djdmstyle: Start typing the app name13:17
noobmonk3yhrw: meh........ i got so annoyed with the qt designer and steps involved i did it all manually - i agree i *should* do it properly, but it requires time :(13:18
portraitmguys, i've tried crtl+shift+R in the blocks game13:18
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portraitmit rotated the screen, but when i pressed start a game13:18
portraitmapp stucked...13:18
djdmMilo: DocsToGo will read13:18
Milo-djdm it's not free13:18
djdmOh, hang on, that's 30-day trial13:18
portraitmi just shut off my phone and turned on, but now i doesnt rotate blocks app, how can i get it rotate again ?13:18
Milo-portraitm reboot13:18
Milo-portraitm your accelerometer died13:19
Milo-it happens13:19
portraitmso i have to take off my baterie you mean ?13:19
Milo-just reboot13:19
Milo-turn off your device and then turn it back up13:19
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Milo-should do the trick13:19
portraitmMilo- it rotates in the browser, but doesn't rotate app13:21
portraitmshall i try ctrl+shift+r again ?13:21
satmdStskeeps: doesn't the new search in application manager effectively disable the use of the virtual keyboard?13:22
Milo-which app?13:22
DrGrovMohammadAG, ok so just update as OTA and good to go? How about applications as OTA update? I need to get them?13:22
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Stskeepssatmd: no lcue13:22
Milo-has it rotated before?13:22
hrwportraitm: what did we told?13:22
andresIs there a trick to make the modest widget monitor different folders?13:22
Milo-not all applications support rotation13:22
MohammadAGDrGrov, check out the flashing page, it has a paragraph about SSU afaik13:22
portraitmbut it rotated me fist time :)13:22
satmdStskeeps: well, hard to use it if you have no text box to tap. That's how it is enabled usually13:22
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MohammadAGinfobot, flashing13:22
Milo-portraitm okay13:22
infobotwell, flashing is
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hrwportraitm: shift+ctrl+r is *debug* thing13:23
Stskeepsneat, flawless pr1.2 update13:23
DrGrovMohammadAG, ok. Will do, checking now as we speak. I try to get some good background info first before I go berserk with my beloved N900 lol13:23
portraitmhrw can you tell me any app which supports rotation ?13:23
hrwno, I cant13:24
LoCusFdo I need the eMMC image from tablets-dev or do I just need the FIASCO image?13:24
sECuRELoCusF: fiaso is enough13:24
pupnik"photos" portraitm13:24
LoCusFRX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin <- ?13:24
lcukStskeeps, im surprised you werent doing testing on pr1.2 before today!13:25
LoCusFhmm thats it, since I'm in Europe13:25
sECuRELoCusF: yep13:25
portraitmand i have probably the last question, i want to get the virtual keyboard out when sending sms13:25
portraitmbut can not..13:25
zaheermlardman, yes?13:26
lardmanzaheerm: oops, sorry I didn't reply to your question re libchamplain13:26
zaheermlardman, its ok i fixed it :)13:26
lardmancool, not sureI had that problem anyway13:26
StskeepsLoCusF: emmc is only needed if you have problems or want to erase your emmc13:26
zaheermsome -dev package had an m4 installed that referred to an undefined macro13:26
lcukheya lardman \o13:26
Stskeepslcuk: i'm not a tester13:26
DrGrovMohammadAG, seems like not too different than the update to PR 1.113:27
DrGrovMohammadAG, I will backup the whole freaking thing and get it over with right now :)13:27
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alteregoWhy is Qt OpenGL support missing for maemo5 in the SD?13:27
loufoqueisn't the seamless update there yet?13:27
infobotThe Palm SDK is now public, and can be downloaded from http://developer.palm.com13:27
DrGrovMohammadAG, perhaps I am too concerned always when there is something new out there :)13:27
bleeteronly had the n900 a week, how can I fill / so quickly? hehe13:27
lcukStskeeps, no you are a distmaster :P13:27
Stskeepslcuk: i thought that was just about being punching bag for community13:28
portraitmmaybe i should download something to get the virtual keyboard ?13:28
LoCusFStskeeps: figured as much13:28
lardmanhi lcuk13:28
DrGrovWhere can I find a changelog for PR 1.2? What does it bring to the table compared to PR 1.1?13:28
* satmd gives sts a bag of cookies13:29
alteregoI quite like the contact menu extension interface ..13:29
lardmandoes Mardy (i.e. mappero maintainer/dev) hang out on irc?13:29
loufoquebleeter: installing tons of crap13:29
DrGrovalterego, how is it looking? how is it extended?13:30
loufoqueDrGrov: portrait web browser13:30
sECuREhm, still no custom groups in addressbook, it seems? or am i overlooking sth?13:30
DrGrovloufoque, ah that is a good addition.13:31
loufoquepupnik: you can see photos in portrait mode now?13:31
DrGrovalterego, thank you13:31
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alteregosECuRE: no, no custom groups, but with that interface we can implement it ourselves :)13:31
tybollt_lcuk: ,distmaster,head honcho, ,distmaster,big kahuna,13:31
sECuREalterego: ah, i see13:32
DrGrovloufoque, thanks. reading now. had a bit of problems to find it first.13:32
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DrGrovah this is good13:34
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DrGrovwhat are the new applications in PR 1.2?13:35
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DrGrovcan't seem to read anything about those in the wiki13:35
noobmonk3yDrGrov: new email desktop widget :D13:36
alteregoNew "Help" application .. If you can call it that ^.^13:37
alteregoI noticed some more settings in settings under the phone, I think, but they may have been there before ..13:37
Milo-I kind of liked the two level menu13:38
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Milo-now I  keep clicking "settings" each time I want to access any of the additional applications13:38
sECuREis there a way to remove icons from the program menu? i could only move their position so far13:38
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timeless_mbpTrizt: ping :)13:38
timeless_mbp(ttl: 3min)13:39
pupnikloufoque: yes for a while13:39
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, oooh! that's some fancy shit! :) lol13:39
loufoquepupnik: how?13:39
noobmonk3yhehehe ;) - doesnt work too great with nokia messaging accounts tho :(13:39
alteregoOh well, no Qt OpenGL for me then :(13:39
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, my fiancee tried to wake me up in the morning to do the update but i was sleeping. so she went to work and kindly reminded me again before she left to update the phone :) how sweet isn't that? :)13:40
noobmonk3yawwwwwwwwwww! thats lovely - its a geeky romance! love it13:40
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DrGrovnoobmonk3y, yes it is :) lol13:41
loufoqueis there a trick to move to portrait mode?13:41
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DrGrovnoobmonk3y, she must seriously love me for my geeky attributes :)13:41
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SpeedEvilA keeper!13:42
DrGrovSpeedEvil, yes most certainly a keeper :)13:42
an0therb0xupdate error - not enough space in target ... where is the target ?13:42
Milo-DrGrov how much?13:42
noobmonk3ymy missus lets me and my n900 just continue our relationship - as long as i tell her she looks beautiful every so often, works for me13:42
* SpeedEvil sighs.13:42
Milo-I'll buy her right now13:42
SpeedEvilnoobmonk3y: Does the n900 respond when you tell it that?13:42
Stskeepswtf is this 'my nokia' thing.13:42
noobmonk3yan0therb0x: the target s your root lol13:42
noobmonk3ySpeedEvil: it reb00ts :(13:43
SpeedEvilStskeeps: It's apparantly to SMS spam you.13:43
DrGrovSpeedEvil, though I wonder how she likes my extremely long sleeping sessions and making noise like an idiot while sleeping :)13:43
noobmonk3yStskeeps: evil nokia sms text spam13:43
inznoobmonk3y, by 'her', did you refer to your missus or your n900?13:43
DrGrovMilo-, you pimp ;) she is not up for sales13:43
noobmonk3yinz: both :P13:43
Milo-DrGrov dang!13:43
Myrtti"buy her..." *sigh*13:43
loufoquepupnik: ctrl+shift+O doesn't do anything in the image viewer13:43
tybollt_Stskeeps: it's basically Nokia sms-spamming you "tips'n'tricks" and in the long run they will probably start sending comercial messages as well (I get some of those)13:43
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, you have a sort of a dirty relationship with your N900. That's the way I like it ah ah ah :)13:43
pupnikloufoque: dunno, sometimes works here13:43
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DrGrovnoobmonk3y, but nice to hear you don't forget the "real" missus :)13:44
hrwmynokia smses? crap tricks13:44
Stskeepstybollt_: ah, corporate evil13:44
RST38hOk. Cannot update using HAM. Cannot update using apt-get13:44
SpeedEvilRST38h: Time to break out the butterfly.13:44
DrGrovMilo-, you don't got yourself a nice missus eh? :(13:44
hrwRST38h: but you got update info at all?13:44
portraitmand i have probably the last question, i want to get the virtual keyboard out when sending sms13:44
RST38hhrw: Yep, it shows the package13:44
Milo-DrGrov no, haven't been able to find one that would appreciate my geeky habbits13:44
* MaikB is in the progress of installing the packages that are listed in the backup13:44
RST38hhrw: Is there any way to check for conflicts without really installing?13:44
Stskeeps"Attempt to unsubscribe has failed"13:44
cehtehRST38h: same here13:45
MaikBit is confusing not to have the cpu monitor to look at13:45
SpeedEvilStskeeps: I'm not sure - I think it sent a - chargeable - SMS to unsubscribe13:45
an0therb0xnoobmonk3y: nothing to remove under rootfs its all system files13:45
timeless_mbpRST38h: apt-get has a dry run flag13:45
tybollt_-n yeah?13:45
DrGrovMilo-, trust me. you will find one some day. you will be enlightened i am sure.13:45
MaikBfortunately ssh is one of the first things thet got installed13:45
noobmonk3yDrGrov: real? whats real? - i have a picture of the other missus on my n900 - thats as real as things get? - oh damn i need to get a life13:45
MaikBtop ftw13:45
noobmonk3yan0therb0x: lol - lets start from the beginning, you are trying an over the air PR1.2 upgrade i assume?13:46
an0therb0xnoobmonk3y: correct13:46
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, yes perhaps it is time to upgrade yourself a bit eh lol ;)13:46
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, nah, you just make sweet love to the N900.13:46
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, it will as you've seen say NO to anything you do with it....13:46
tybollt_put on some Barry White and go down on it13:46
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, god damn!13:46
noobmonk3yan0therb0x: and you have not got enough room it is saying? can you tell me how much room you have in your root free please?13:47
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, i mean it will never say no like a real missus would do13:47
noobmonk3ylol DrGrov13:47
noobmonk3yDrGrov: puter says nooooooooo13:47
tybollt_hell yes din grove fan :)13:47
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, god damn i am becoming insane here13:47
noobmonk3yDrGrov: i work in mental health - so does revKathy lol13:47
an0therb0xnoobmonk3y: rootfs                  227.8M    200.8M     22.7M  90% /13:47
tybollt_DrGrov: s,becoming,are, ;)13:47
noobmonk3yok... you need space....13:47
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noobmonk3yan0therb0x:  can you disable all repo's bar the one needed for the update (specifically extras devel and testing please) - just disable do not delete13:48
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, you got some space there for a loner like me? rofl13:48
noobmonk3ythen let me know the space13:48
noobmonk3yDrGrov: system says 18 spare beds atm13:48
noobmonk3ycould get a double, for you and the n900 ;)13:48
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, damn. that is a lot13:48
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, oh. a double you say you dirty little bastard :)13:49
noobmonk3yDrGrov: in 14 buildings, not a lot lol13:49
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, damn you. make 18 spare beds in one building and we got a deal :) lol13:49
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noobmonk3yhaha - how many phones are you in a relationship with!!! lol13:50
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, let me count actually....13:50
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MaikBMeans knowing one phone knowing them all?13:50
an0therb0xnoobmonk3y: i disabled all catalogs except for nokia applications and nokia system software updates13:50
noobmonk3yhow much root free now?13:51
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, i do have a Nokia 3120 Classic, a Nokia N73, a Samsung S5600, a Nokia N97 which the missus has, a Nokia N900, a Nokia 2680 something for a work phone13:51
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, so i count my private phones to 4 or 5 about...13:51
noobmonk3ylol you phone'enizer!13:51
noobmonk3yDrGrov: and the woman still loves you! - she's a keeper!13:51
noobmonk3y(or a zoo keeper lol)13:51
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, of course she is not too happy though about me getting a new phone once in a while but she starts to understand my craving for phones and geeky stuff13:52
noobmonk3ydoes that means she gets your sloppy seconds so to speak?13:52
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DrGrovnoobmonk3y, my next phone will be a Nokia 9500i i think13:52
MaikBdevice is restored.. phew13:52
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, no. i keep all my phones dearly like a flower on the palm13:52
noobmonk3yan0therb0x: how much rootfs free now?13:53
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noobmonk3ycongrats MaikB13:53
an0therb0xnoobmonk3y: looks like its not going to be possible i am at 89% capacity with 25.0M available13:53
noobmonk3yDrGrov: n9500i?13:53
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noobmonk3yhmmm it's always possible :p13:53
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, no. the Communicator 9500i or 9300i13:54
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noobmonk3yNSU or flashing is one way - but there are things to do to help :D13:54
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, or what the name was again. can't remember lol13:54
an0therb0xnoobmonk3y: it needs 113.6M on a file system with a total size of 227.8M13:54
noobmonk3yan0therb0x: PM me (On web irc atm, so can't initiate easily)13:54
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MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, just type /query nick13:56
MaikByay, removing entries from the current play list..13:56
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lcukan0therb0x, do simple things, disable your -devel -testing and other misc repositories and see how much space13:57
lcukafaik you dont need to start with >100mb even through the update is 119mb :)13:58
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chadido you guys expect PR 1.2.1?13:58
lcuk(first thing it does is reshuffles and makes tonnes more space)13:58
MaikBrootfs                  227.9M    132.5M     91.1M  59% /13:58
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chadithere seems to be a lot of threads about PR 1.2 bugs13:58
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MohammadAGmorning lcuk13:59
RST38hHmmmm... apt-get dry run works13:59
RST38hapt-get install needs more space in archives/13:59
RST38hHAM just plain fails13:59
MohammadAGis it me or does facebook try to download the home.php page now14:00
lcukRST38h, if you are using apt-get then why are you moaning about HAM14:00
lcukmorning MohammadAG14:00
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toresbehey guys14:01
toresbeI'm trying to install PR1.2 but I'm having some trouble14:01
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toresbeE: You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/.14:03
MohammadAGmove it14:03
tybollt_7xdcc get meego-rel1-unofficial.bin Stskeeps14:04
Stskeepstybollt_: it's an xterm, not sure why you'd fake that ;p14:04
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hrwdid someone used kexec to boot own kernel on n900?14:05
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tybollt_Stskeeps: ;)14:05
Stskeepshrw: yes, but there's a reinitialisation problem in omapdss214:05
RST38hlcuk: I have tried both apt-get and HAM, neither works14:05
tybollt_Stskeeps: just moaning... want unoptified (meego) noooooow =)14:05
RST38hlcuk: apt-get says there is not enough space. HAM just fails.14:05
tybollt_Stskeeps: are you allowed to talk about what you think of the looks and "shinyness" of QT gui vs current gnome-ish?14:06
lcukthen backup and reflash14:06
MohammadAGRST38h, move it!14:06
hrwStskeeps: so no screen14:06
MohammadAGumm wait14:06
MohammadAGHAM fails?14:06
Stskeepshrw: no, just a lot of output to console14:06
RST38h"You should use Ovi Suite for update"14:06
Stskeepshrw: screen works fine ;)14:06
tybollt_RST38h: uhm itäs not released yet!?14:07
RST38hwhatever, PC Suite or somethign14:07
MohammadAGRST38h, what does apt-get fail with?14:07
RST38hnot enough space in archives/14:07
noobmonk3y -> Move apt cache outside of rootfs -maybe? :D14:07
hrwRST38h: symlink it...14:08
BCMMhaving pr1.2 frees up a lot of rootfs14:08
noobmonk3yBCMM - you owe lcuk a bacon sandwhich i feel14:08
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noobmonk3ysandwich even14:08
noobmonk3yor just a plate of bacon, screw the bread14:09
BCMMnoobmonk3y: was it him that told me that yesterday?14:09
noobmonk3yhe always needs bacon the more bacon he gets the more free rootfs space we seem to get14:09
BCMManyway, was very true on my device, so i'll repeat it :)14:09
noobmonk3yhehehe :D14:09
toresbeMohammadAG: that's fairly obvious, in hindsight - thanks14:09
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lcuki have had no bacon for a while now :( i am unable to eat it for at least another 2 months14:10
noobmonk3y:| 2 months?!?!14:10
lcukthats when i may finally have a working mouth14:10
tybollt_until you've converted out of islam/judaism?14:10
noobmonk3yomg and ouch14:10
tybollt_what happened?14:11
lcukso i oculd suck on bacon lollies14:11
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lcukbut the experience isnt the same, i <3 crunchy bacon14:11
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Ken-YoungHas OTA pr1.2 shown up anywhere besides the UK yet?14:11
* SpeedEvil passes lcuk a bacon enema bag.14:11
lcuktybollt_, just having some dental reworking done and dont want to rock the boat14:11
ShapeshifterI just flashed the new firmware an now all my settings have been reset14:11
ptlwhat is the name of the PR1.2 update package? I can't get it on HAM.14:11
Shapeshiftermy mails are gone etc14:11
Shapeshifterand the apps I had installed14:11
ShapeshifterI did not flash the emmc14:12
ptlKen-Young: according to some people on tmo, yes14:12
tybollt_lcuk: fair enough14:12
StskeepsShapeshifter: if you reflashed, of course a lot of things go bad..14:12
StskeepsShapeshifter: not all settings are on emmc14:12
Shapeshifterso I should have made a backup14:12
Robot101Shapeshifter: doing a backup and restoring it is a normal part of the backup process...14:12
Stskeepsif you wanted to keep things, you should have OTA'ed14:12
lcukShapeshifter, "you flashed new firmware"  ok, so use the restore tool to restore your settings and data14:12
Robot101er, reflash process14:12
Ken-Youngptl Thanks14:12
ptlKen-Young: but I can't get the update to show14:13
Shapeshifterlcuk: I assume it did not make a backup automatically.14:13
iPeter-i dled new update and i understood i could dl rollecoaster game from somewher but i cant find it from ovistore or app manager14:13
Ken-Youngptl Me neither.   I'm in the US.14:13
lcukShapeshifter, :) why ever would you assume that?14:13
ptlapt-get dist-upgrade shows 111 Mb of packages14:14
lcukeverywhere tells you to backup14:14
Shapeshifterlcuk: well.14:14
lcukiPeter-, isnt ovi on its way through14:14
ShapeshifterI went here and like... hit "linux" and read on from there14:14
lcukdidnt i see a post saying thursday?14:14
tybollt_clearly this is what you need lcuk´;
tybollt_ost == cheese14:15
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Shapeshifterstill it's kinda weird. when booted up now, I still saw my own background wallpaper. then it disappeared and was replaced by the blue one. and "cannot do operation, internal error" or something like that popped up twice14:15
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lcukShapeshifter, any computer upgrades and especially a reformat require proper backing up :'(14:15
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Shapeshifteryeah I should have thought of that14:16
lcukmmmm baconarom14:16
Shapeshifterwould have been nice if the flasher would do a backup automatically though ;)14:16
lcukahem, linux console does not dick around or mollycoddle the user14:16
RST38hapt-get installing...14:17
Shapeshifteryeah ;)14:17
lcukthe ham explicitely tells you to14:17
* RST38h holds fingers crossed14:17
aboyeri am looking into the possibility of compiling the bc-cat kernel module for maemo/n900. this modules allows for opengl texture streaming and depends on the SGX sdk. has anyone done this already? is there a package or binary available somewhere?14:17
SpeedEvilit's designed for arm?14:18
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aboyerSpeedEvil: it should be, it supports omap3x and sgx14:19
tybollt_RST38h: na z'dorovje14:19
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ptlwhat should I do for the update to PR1.2 appear?14:20
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ptlI never reflashed my N900, I never used overclocked kernel14:20
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ptlbut I refresh from HAM and the update does not appear.14:20
ptlI deactivated extras-devel14:21
anonukjust a heads up for people,    apt-get dist-upgrade broke my device14:21
anonuksent it into a reboot loop14:21
Corsacptl: just wait14:21
anonuk(and ive no usb port to flash again :( )14:21
tybollt_anonuk: FLASH for you.14:21
anonuktybollt_: no usb port so thats not a possibility14:21
ptlCorsac: but there are people who managed to do it14:21
SpeedEvilwhat do you mean no USB port?14:21
anonukSpeedEvil: broke out14:22
SpeedEvilanonuk: So return for service14:22
tybollt_anonuk: SOL mate14:22
anonukSpeedEvil: some 'friend' dropped it14:22
jaskanow to replace my libvte with the darkgrey and border fixes :|14:22
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anonukSpeedEvil: was secondhand dunno if i can get service on it14:22
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Corsacptl: yes, in .eu, for us you might need to wait14:22
SpeedEvilI would phone and ask.14:23
Corsacptl: all updates aren't pushed at the same time14:23
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anonukSpeedEvil: im hoping maybe i can fix it by booting off SD to a different OS, as bootmenu is installed14:23
ptlCorsac: no, the update for north america14:24
ptlCorsac: people in the US say they did it14:24
fralsafternoon everyone o/14:24
fralshows you lcuk?14:24
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chadihey fMMS14:25
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EsbenHJust updated my n900 firmware with the app manager, and device seems to reboot itself in a loop :-((14:25
RST38htime to use PC Suite then14:26
RST38hor flasher14:26
an0therb0xi am stuck in a rebooting loop, i may have hosed my n90014:26
EsbenHwhere do I find doc on that?14:26
threshflasher works fine for me14:26
chadiwhat's wrong with infinite loops today?14:26
threshafter a reboot loop ;-)14:26
RST38htybollt: not until it installs ;)14:26
anonukan0therb0x: same with me :(14:26
RST38hinifinite loops will be fixed in pr1.314:26
kehnaany solutions to an n900 refusing to install apps?14:26
threshkehna: tell it in harsh voice to do so.14:26
RST38hfile a bug report, contact nokia care, discuss it in brainstorm14:26
kehnai'll try14:27
Appiahkehna: depends on which app and why14:27
Appiahwhat errors do you get?14:27
RST38hit is a serious bug though, probably unfixable unless you make a human sacrifice to the Tentacled One14:27
RST38h(no, rabbits won't do this time though)14:27
EsbenHwhen it (tries to) boot I get  wush sound, a themes background, a pink box in top left corner, and a bar underneath with 0000000 in it.14:28
EsbenHanybody else having the same problem?14:29
ptlI didn't even get the update to show up on HAM14:29
xorAxAxis 1.2 already out in .de?14:29
EsbenHit is in .dk, and now my n900 is dead :-(14:29
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tybollt_RST38h: :) fine, but I'm sure it'll be fine though.14:30
mecehey what's the standard separator object called in pygtk? I remember using something like that, but forget where. like <hr> in html.14:30
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RST38htybollt: it is a proto device14:30
tybollt_Oh ok14:30
RST38htybollt: which means a at least a couple of things may go wrong14:30
tybollt_ja, I understand14:31
lcukposts like this remind me why i like maemo so much: :)14:31
an0therb0xupdate just killed my n900, nokia has finally convinced me to switch ... XPERIA X10 here i come14:32
threshok thanks for telling us that!14:32
an0therb0xno problem14:32
ptlyou waited so much for PR1.2 and will switch just because the update failed?14:32
mecean0therb0x, LOOOOOOOOL14:32
mecelcuk, ftw!14:32
ptlI just wanted PR1.214:32
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toresbeErrors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/adobe-flashplayer_3.0.0.82+0m5_armel.deb14:33
Stskeepsan0therb0x: just flash it with the right fiasco image and you should be a happy boy. did you backup as being told to?14:33
toresbeE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)14:33
pigeonahha! i see pr1.2 from my app manager...14:33
toresbesh: getcwd: No such file or directory14:33
ptland as soon as I get it, even if I brick my device, I'll be satisfied (I'll unbrick it with the firmware images, no problem)14:33
RST38han0therb0x: Very good idea, switch to Xperia immediately14:33
sivangs somebody responded to me here, and the backlog was lost14:33
RST38han0therb0x: You are making a perfect choice14:33
sivangplease retype )14:33
ptlpigeon: what is the secret?14:33
Ken-YoungOTA pr1.2 just showed up on my tablet in the US.   Wasn't there 15 minutes ago.14:33
ptlwhy can't I get it?14:33
pigeonthe secret was i waited almost a day...14:34
mecehey the gtk separator is called... wait for it... gtk.separator! OMG!14:34
toresbeworks on reinstall.14:34
ptlI don't have mp-fremantle-002-pr14:34
an0therb0xRST38h: will do, thank you sir14:34
threshi need to connect nookla via usb to get the packages from backup back. the problem is I don't have a root.14:34
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* noobmonk3y blinks14:35
DrGrovMohammadAG_, so if I update now I just do a backup with the own N900 software?14:35
threshand no libicd-network-usb in PR12 preinstalled :-(14:35
DrGrovMohammadAG_, will I lose my settings and contacts?14:35
MohammadAG_OTA - no14:35
MohammadAG_reflash - yes, only settings14:36
noobmonk3yDrGrov: the n900 backup worked fine for me, device was as-was when i restored ;)14:36
MohammadAG_(and apps - but you didn't ask about them)14:36
DrGrovMohammadAG_, good :) I will do a backup just in case something goes horribly wrong14:36
DrGrovMohammadAG_, I hate to do all settings again :)14:36
MohammadAG_shit happens14:36
EsbenHDrGrov: better remember the backup, PR1.2 seems to brick devices :-(14:36
noobmonk3ybut you can select what you want to restore14:36
noobmonk3yie contacts / apps etc14:36
chadido you guys have any idea why "My Nokia" is crashing my Settings application?14:36
MohammadAG_EsbenH, no bricks here14:36
DrGrovEsbenH, it bricks devices?14:36
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threshit doesnt brick it14:36
noobmonk3ychadi: because it is nokias version of spam'a'lot?14:36
threshjust a new feature of reboot loops14:36
EsbenH2 or 3 here already reported it, including me.14:37
chadino bricks here14:37
DrGrovMohammadAG_, any need to backup applications?14:37
MohammadAG_how did you upgrade?14:37
noobmonk3yEsbenH: hmmmmmm any update has a chance of doing that?!14:37
chadinoobmonk3y, but I like spam14:37
MohammadAG_DrGrov, you can't backup applications, you can back up application lists14:37
EsbenHdid anyone have success with OTA PR1.2 update, or did all you lucky guys use flasher?14:37
chadiIm curious to know what it is about14:37
ptlif I try to install mp-fremantle-002-pr it tries to download 110 MB of extra packages14:37
DrGrovMohammadAG_, ah okay. Just settings and contacts then.14:37
chadino seriously, does anyone else have this problem?14:37
ptlEsbenH: I am trying to make it appear here14:37
threshI had an infinite-loop after apt-get dist-upgrade, then i reflashed ;-)14:37
MohammadAG_DrGrov, do a full backup14:37
DrGrovMohammadAG_, ok. will do a full backup14:38
ptlshould I do apt-get install mp-fremantle-002-pr?14:38
Stskeepsdist-upgrade failing is your own darn faults14:38
MohammadAG_apt-get dist-upgrade causes problems14:38
DrGrovMohammadAG_, what should I do if something goes wrong? Just apply the latest full backup?14:38
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MohammadAG_which can be circumvented using dirty methods14:38
noobmonk3yhmmm probably obvious question....14:38
DrGrovMohammadAG_, will my 32GB storage be intact without losing any stuff from there?14:38
noobmonk3ywe can currently screenshot the device, anything around to record the device? (Other then doing it from a pc?)14:39
DrGrovMohammadAG_, so no lost information ? :)14:39
DrGrovGod damn!14:39
ptlMohammadAG_: do you know if there is any way of me installing mp-fremantle-002-pr safely and then upgrading via HAM?14:39
DrGrovNow I will just do this before my fiancee gets irritated :) LOL14:39
noobmonk3yDrGrov: it doesnt make you a cup of tea though :(14:39
MohammadAG_DrGrov, you're a bit overreacting lol14:39
noobmonk3yyou need the fiancee to do that!14:39
RST38hGasson surgically implanted an RFID chip infected by malware into his hand. He claimed claim this made him the first human to become "infected with a computer virus".14:39
MohammadAG_ptl, apt-get install it?14:39
RST38hBritish scientists...14:39
noobmonk3yi am quite parcial to getting a massage from the gf at the same time as updating... lol14:39
ptlMohammadAG_: If I do it, it tries to push 119 MB of extra packages14:40
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MohammadAG_ptl, duh.. that's the update14:40
DrGrovnoobmonk3y, yes. my fiancee will do my PR 1.2 update :)14:40
ptlMohammadAG_: I know, but I don't want to do it via apt-get because people here says it's failing.14:40
MohammadAG_ptl, you need to install the old version14:40
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pigeonDrGrov: you have a lot of confident in your relationship ;)14:41
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pigeonconfidence even14:41
MohammadAG_3.2010.02-8 AFAIK14:41
ptlMohammadAG_: yes. How?14:41
ptlMohammadAG_: apt-cache policy does not show it.14:41
MohammadAG_apt-get install mp-fremantle-generic-pr=3.2010.02-814:41
tybollt_noobmonk3y: you mimicing that scene in "Swordfish"? :P14:42
ptlE: Couldn't find package mp-fremantle-generic-pr14:42
MohammadAG_replace generic with your code14:42
ptlalso, for -00214:42
ptlE: Version '3.2010.02-8' for 'mp-fremantle-002-pr' was not found14:42
ptlonly      10.2010.19-1.002 014:43
noobmonk3ylol tybollt_14:43
ptlno previous version14:43
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MohammadAG_ptl, you can always fabricate it :)14:43
MohammadAG_(or ask someone with the old firmware to repack it14:43
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ptlcan someone with the older firmware from north america repack here for me?14:43
loufoquewhat does OTA stand for?14:44
MohammadAG_Over The Air14:44
EsbenHAnd specifically, I meant using App Manager14:44
loufoqueMohammadAG_: wasn't that called SSU or something?14:45
Lazy^Hey, i have install tar-gnu package to N900. Now i'm trying to extract .tar.gz packa with option tar xzf but i get an error tar: invalid tar magic14:45
MohammadAG_SSU = Seamless Software Update14:45
MohammadAG_OTA = Over The Air14:45
Lazy^am i missing a package or14:45
* frals trouts MohammadAG_14:45
phellarvLazy^: tar -xvzf ?14:45
loufoqueMohammadAG_: SSU is OTA14:45
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phellarvAll this is PITA14:46
Milo-how did I disable the annoying startup video? (the dang hands)14:46
MohammadAG_loufoque, your point?14:46
* tybollt_ hands frals a whale - there, trout him w/ that =)14:46
* MohammadAG_ throws a noobmonk3y at frals 14:46
* noobmonk3y giggles in mid-flight14:46
loufoqueMohammadAG_: using tons of acronyms for the same thing is confusing14:46
* frals throws a whale at noobmonk3y14:46
* noobmonk3y eats the whale and farts14:46
jaskaedit /etc/hildon-welcome.d/default.conf then comment out the filename= line with a #14:47
jaskagets rid of the wiggling hands and noise14:47
MohammadAG_loufoque, it's the interwebz, get used to it :P14:47
tybollt_so nibbler/futurama14:47
SpeedEvilOr replace it with rickroll.14:47
Milo-jaska thanks :)14:47
Shapeshifterwhere's ifconfig?14:47
MohammadAG_on the device14:47
MohammadAG_not in user's path though14:47
loufoqueShapeshifter: /sbin14:47
Shapeshifterloufoque: thanks!14:47
DrGrovpigeon, damn straight I have confidence in our relationship :)14:47
DrGrovMohammadAG_, now it is getting the firmware14:48
sx0nwhereis ifconfig14:48
SpeedEvilsx0n: Right behind you!14:48
DrGrovgod damn!14:48
DrGrovi am excited!14:48
jaskayay, dark grey works now \o/14:48
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DrGrovgod damn!14:49
DrGrovit seems like it halted....14:49
DrGrovfreaking things these updates14:49
MohammadAG_told ya14:49
DrGrovmy fiancee will kill me soon she said!14:50
DrGrovi am being paranoid about this update according to her14:50
MohammadAG_<MohammadAG_> shit happens14:50
sivangDrGrov: she using the phone ? :)14:50
ptldang, I just needed old mp-fremantle-002-pr... Could I get it from a previous FIASCO image?14:50
DrGrovsivang, yes. she is using the phone14:50
pigeonis there anything i should do before upgrading to 1.2 OTA?14:50
sivangDrGrov: hehe, tell her that's the thing in dog fooding.14:50
pigeonapart from backups, that is. is there something i should uninstall or disable first14:50
jaskaalso, anyone else run into trouble trying to run the desktop environment in sbox when in fremantle_armel target?14:51
DrGrovsivang, trust me. you don't want to keep messing around when she is angry lol14:51
pvanhoofthis new update tells me to use some piece of software on my PC14:51
pvanhoofwhat is this about? what software?14:51
sivangDrGrov: oh dear.I h one likethis, she's gone now :)14:51
DrGrovMohammadAG_, will the update still keep my ringtone?14:51
MohammadAG_LOL seriously mate14:52
DrGrovMohammadAG_, what!?14:52
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DrGrovMohammadAG_, LOL14:52
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MohammadAG_yes it will lol14:52
sivangDrGrov: actualy there afix there for the ring tone slector on a crash I reported :)14:52
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DrGrovMohammadAG_, perhaps I will revert back to a old god damn Nokia that has absolutely nothing?14:52
DrGrovWTF? Action failed.... Seriously14:53
MohammadAG_It's called Operation not action14:53
DrGrovBut still updating...14:53
MohammadAG_Operation Failed14:53
MohammadAG_your device will now reboot14:53
DrGrovDamn you Nooooookia114:53
fralsand kabooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom14:53
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MohammadAG_lcuk, explodes!14:53
zokierso pr1.2 is out. is version "10.2010.19-1" pr1.2?14:53
* shiny_____ dutifully explodes14:53
pigeonhmm now i get that "you must use the nokia software update application on your pc"...14:53
Surfapigeon, that's solvable14:54
DrGrovgod damn autolock14:54
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DrGrovautolock can still be active without problems?14:54
Surfapigeon, most likely you have certain applications there that would create dependency problems14:54
zokierthis feels bit buggy so i was wondering if i accidentally installed some beta or something14:54
Surfapigeon, check for those applications14:54
DrGrovshould i just ignore the autolock and let the device work as normal?14:54
SurfaMohammadAG_, it appears to print that error message once or twice during update, don't know why, but upgrade seems to work anyway14:55
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DrGrovgod damn this upgrade is slooow14:56
ivan4thdid anyone try to install PR1.2 on repartitioned N900?14:57
DrGrovany need to add new repositories after the PR 1.2 update?14:57
SpeedEvilivan4th: I have reparttitioned my mydocs to 5G size, and added a 'data' partition of 25G14:58
SpeedEvilivan4th: no issues14:58
SpeedEvilDrGrov: I added the SDK ones.14:58
SpeedEvilBut that's because I'm wierd.14:58
DrGrovSpeedEvil, ok. lol :)14:58
ivan4thI have /usr on eMMC14:58
SpeedEvilivan4th: I would expect that to much more likely have problems.14:59
SpeedEvilivan4th: Back up, and prepare to reflash14:59
ivan4thMy device survived PR1.0.1 and PR1.1 upgrades (though it needed some intervention)14:59
DrGrovwill be interesting to see what is new in PR 1.214:59
SpeedEvilDrGrov: Annoyingly, my three top bugs were not addressed.14:59
DrGrovSpeedEvil, what were those 3 bugs?14:59
povbot`Bug 6584: GPS geotagged pictures truncate precision of GPS reading (0 decimal places)14:59
zokierso far 1.2 has been a disappointment here15:00
DrGrovzokier, nothing new and nice then? :(15:00
povbot`Bug 9827: Blocks should have highscore15:00
povbot`Bug 9826: Blocks collision detection bug15:00
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zokierDrGrov, yet to see anything nice, but have been using just few hours for now15:01
DrGrovzokier, ok.15:01
* noobmonk3y expected free porn with 1.2 oh well.......... 15:01
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noobmonk3yooo lunchtime............15:02
SpeedEvilnoobmonk3y: It has MrHands.15:02
DrGrovMohammadAG_, how can I be sure that there will be no probolems?15:02
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DrGrovMohammadAG_, *problems15:02
noobmonk3y_afklol SpeedEvil15:02
SpeedEvilIt worked just fine for me - the over-the-air15:02
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DrGrovSpeedEvil, no problems with contacts being separated in two different names ?15:02
SpeedEvilI have about 8 contacts.15:03
SpeedEvilThey all look OK15:03
DrGrovSpeedEvil, i have 2 numbers for many people but kept as one contact.15:03
SpeedEvilI do not make heavy use of the calling features of the phone15:03
SpeedEviland none have 2 numbers15:03
Lazy^Hello, i'm trying to chmod +x as root15:03
DrGrovok. i do make since it is impossible not too because of my work15:03
Lazy^ but it doesn't give +x right for it15:03
chadiI flashed, but didn't even loose the msn-pecan merging. That's great15:04
SpeedEvilLazy^: you cannot make anything execute on the MyDocs partition, as it is vfat.15:04
SpeedEvil /home should work15:04
alteregoOkay, maybe I spoke too soon, I can actually see all the GLES includes and libs in the sysroot, so I should be able to develop using the Nokia Qt SDK ..15:04
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DrGrovgod damn this update is slow15:04
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DrGrovi think i will go down to 1 workspace.15:05
DrGrovhow about keeping my encrypted WLAN settings? that is possible?15:06
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kirmaehm. I don't see geotags at all on my n900 photos after PR1.2 upgrade...15:07
Appiahis it enabled?15:08
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AppiahI remeber disabling this when I was asked..15:08
TrewasOTA update started with "Operation failed" here too, but it still seems to be going on...15:08
Appiahdunno where to enable it15:08
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RST38hAha, it just killed my cell connection15:09
RST38hMust be upgrading cellmo!15:09
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ptlanyone has mp-fremantle-002-pr from PR1.1.1?15:12
X-Fadeptl: just flash your device?15:13
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ptlX-Fade: I want the safest way15:13
X-Fadeptl: That is the safest way :)15:13
CorsacTrewas: “operation failed” seems to be spit when going to offline mode15:13
ptlWhy didn't Nokia let the older version stay there?15:13
X-Fadeptl: it does.15:13
ptlwhere? can I download it somewhere?15:14
SpeedEvilptl: get the old image, extract it with flasher, ...15:14
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Talus_Laptopanyone here from esbox project?15:14
X-Fadeptl: Flashing takes 10 seconds, why bother?15:14
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cehtehwhats the package name that provides the pr1.2 update in apt?15:14
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ptlcehteh: if you use global, mp-fremantle-generic-pr and if you use US mp-fremantle-002-pr15:16
ptlX-Fade: flasher-3.5 -u RX-51_2009SE_3.2010.02-8.002_PR_COMBINED_002_ARM.bin ? is that how I extract the PR1.1.1 image?15:17
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MohammadAGptl, no15:18
MohammadAGflasher-3.5 -F image.bin -u15:18
MohammadAGyou forgot the -f15:19
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F66Fis there an way to geht 1.2 without an PC?15:19
ptlI did it... no .deb's, only rootfs and such15:19
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SpeedEvilIt should update automatically F66F15:20
Wolfiewifi or 3g on the device itself works well15:20
ptlit will take some time :/15:20
SpeedEvilptl: you get a ~100M or so ubifs image misnamed as a jffs that you need to mount15:20
F66Fthe device Asced 4 an cp connection15:20
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kevloralHi all15:20
Scelt12:30:23 < hrw>  /t Welcome to #maemo | | | Maemo Community Council | | | Free software mirror:15:21
Scelt --- PR1.2 OTA an fiasco shipping, | N900 tells "use PC for updat e" -
Scelt12:30:29 < hrw> can someone with @?15:21
pigeonhmm is down for anyone?15:21
Sceltseems so15:21
Corsacsame here15:22
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pigeonor really really slow...15:22
Appiahwhat's "OTA" ?15:22
Corsacmaybe they are upgrading it to pr1.215:22
CorsacAppiah: “over the air”15:22
infobothmm... ota is ssu15:22
infoboti guess ssu is
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fraggelnIs there anyway to resize / on a n900?15:22
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X-Fadefraggeln: Yes, but only smaller.15:23
fraggelnI only have like 33mb left on /. its a bit hard to patch to the latest maemo then :/15:23
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X-Fadefraggeln: As it is the size of the physical chip.15:23
Talus_Laptopanyone here using esbox ide ?15:23
X-Fadefraggeln: disable extras and extras-devel, should save enough.15:23
fraggelnX-Fade: my / is only 256mb, and the update is 136mb15:23
phellarvfraggeln: Do a reflash = Problem solved15:24
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MohammadAGis there any way to use sudo in the SDK?15:24
SpeedEvilfraggeln: wfm with 50M free15:24
X-Fadefraggeln: That doesn't matter, it needs a bit under 50MB to work with.15:24
fraggelnphellarv: reflash?15:24
MohammadAG(or chroot)15:24
ptl[root@ubuntola ~]# mount -o loop,ro -t ubifs /dados/n900/x/rootfs.jffs2 /mnt/tmp15:24
ptlmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,15:24
SpeedEvilptl: it's not that simple15:24
Stskeepsptl: ubifs only works in a mtd environment15:24
ptlso... how would I mount it?15:24
MohammadAGptl, see X86's post15:25
SpeedEvilBets on how long compiling the kernel will take on the phone?15:25
SpeedEvilStarted 13:2215:25
ptlMohammadAG: which one? which url?15:25
MohammadAGbtw tmo seems down15:26
pigeonSurfa: hmm, that didn't help... maybe i need to uninstall some package that is not listed there...15:26
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F66Fapt tells me about 1080 not upgraded packages Oo15:27
fraggelnannoying. I cant upgrade using the Nokia Software Updater.15:27
fraggelnnor using the application manager in the device15:28
F66Ffraggeln: y?15:28
cehtehbah .. drat .. ota update still doesnt work15:28
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ptlX-Fade: I gave up, I'm flashing it15:32
ptlonly combined image15:32
ptldo I need to take the battery out?15:32
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GeneralAntilleslardman|afk, pong?15:33
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MohammadAGptl, follow the instructions15:34
Funnyfaceyay the update is available in the reposies now :P15:34
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Ikarus[N900]huh, the pr1.2 update wants me to hook the phone to a pc ?15:35
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fraggelnanyone wanna buy a n900? Im starting to hate it more and more.15:35
Funnyfacefraggeln: what's wrong with it? :>15:35
Funnyface<Ikarus[N900]>huh, the pr1.2 update wants me to hook the phone to a pc ?15:36
Funnyfaceuhm.. apparently, it just wanted me to do the same thing -_-15:36
cehtehhere too15:36
fraggelnFunnyface: lack of features, and now, impossible to upgrade to the latest maemo.15:36
cehtehthats caused by some dependencies of installed software15:36
xorAxAxhmm, apt-get upgrade doesnt work with PR 1.2 :-(15:36
Sceltfraggeln Funnyface Ikarus[N900]:
X-FadexorAxAx: It isn't supposed to.15:37
cehtehi am now surgically upgrading it with apt and some hacks15:37
BluewindxorAxAx: what doesn't?15:37
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Bluewindso far apt-get works here15:37
xorAxAxBluewind: it reboots the device directly15:37
X-FadeIf you upgrade with apt,you will have less space on your root when done.15:37
cehtehxorAxAx: when?15:37
xorAxAxcehteh: after downloading15:37
Bluewindwell how else should I do it?15:37
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xorAxAxat least it did for me, watchdogs got active15:38
Bluewindham doesn't want to15:38
cehtehHAM ... but well its broken15:38
RST38hepic fail15:38
RST38hroot fs all used up, installation crashed15:38
Bluewindand for nsu: I don't have windows machines here15:38
Trewasdamn updated nokia maps in pr1.2 still does not have option to lock direction of north (to prevent it from spinning randomly) and the old fix does not work anymore15:38
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* cehteh deinstalled some conflicting packages and symlinked the dpkg archive to /home to have some space and now apt-get upgrading15:39
defraggeris there a goog howto, to port a debian package to maemo?15:39
cehteh25 secs remaining for download ...15:39
RST38hcehteh: I do not see any normal N900 user doing that15:39
cehtehlets see15:39
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Funnyfacehmm I thought the update would be installed the same way as the previous one15:40
cehtehRST38h: yes thats pain15:40
* RST38h doing apt-get install -f now15:40
Funnyfaceoh well I guess it is time for a fresh start anyway15:40
Funnyfacehaven't flashed the device since I got it :P15:40
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threshRST38h: haha, failed for me.15:40
cehtehblame nokia (again)15:40
cehtehwell 1.2 is likely the last thing i take from nokia i plan to divert anyways ..15:40
RST38hthresh: Well, I moved the apt-get cache to MyDocs15:40
RST38hthresh: still managed to fill / though15:41
pupniksame here RST38h15:41
Bluewindthen move some more stuff15:41
fraggelnyay! its upgrading.. :D15:41
Shapeshifterham is still the same lame, slow garbage thing it was before though15:41
threshnokia fails :(15:41
fraggelnany year now :)15:41
RST38hpupnik,thresh: install -f folks15:41
cehtehRST38h: HAM does some more tricks to prevent roof fs fill up15:41
RST38hcehteh: HAL fails installing this for me point blank15:41
threshRST38h: yes, and it fills up FS. and then infinite loop of reboots.15:41
RST38hthresh: no reboots for me yet15:41
threshRST38h: wait and you will have those =)15:42
MohammadAGcehteh, the fact that it repropulates the whole list after each install sucks15:42
pupnikall done here it seems and no reboot15:42
zokierluckily i decided to flash the device instead15:42
pigeonSurfa: good catch, that's it, thanks, now i'm moving onto the not enough memory in target problem :)15:42
Bluewindapt-get dist-upgrade currently running fine15:42
cehtehfor me neither, but the download just completed and the optify runonce is installing15:42
Surfapigeon, hehe :) good luck on that.. i don't have much experience there15:42
Bluewindlocales take ages to install though :(15:42
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cehtehmhm forgot to rip out the uSD card with the backup .. i hope it wont touch it :P15:43
Smokershey there, anyone from germany here?!15:43
satmdit wont15:43
BluewindSmokers: nope but Austria15:43
satmdlol, german in austria here15:44
skynetsN900 is dead15:44
Smokersmhh dont know if you can help me ;-)15:44
skynetsnokia let it go15:44
skynetslike other phones in the past15:44
skynetsand people dont care15:44
Smokersi just tryed to update my n900 but it seems that the european / german update server from nokia are dead...15:44
skynetsthis time it was too early15:44
Smokersis that possible?!15:44
pupniktoo many languages15:44
GeneralAntillesskynets, people care.15:44
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X-FadeSmokers: no15:44
GeneralAntillesProblem is, too few people are left around because Nokia keeps abusing them.15:45
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Smokersmhh any suggestions about the problem X-Fade15:45
cehtehyeah .. i give a shit about nokia, 1.2 hopefully got a lot firmware and necessary fixes now, thanks nokia, now i part away doing my own stuff with the device15:45
BluewindSmokers: what's the error?15:45
zomgMine updated for 1.2 quite fine just a while ago15:45
cehtehSmokers: i just downloaded from the servers in germany15:46
SmokersMhh The Nokia Software updater tried more than 3 times to reach the server15:46
cehtehwell they use akamai, so that tells nothing15:46
Smokersor download. Maybe there is a error while establishing connection .. etc15:46
Bluewindah guis not having usefull error messages right?15:46
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* GeneralAntilles finds it interesting there's no discussion of the Harmattan/N900 issue on Planet.15:46
satmdwhere would I look for rtcom logs?15:47
Smokersi can paste it in german ;P  "Nokia Software Updater hat mehr als drei mal versucht , Ihre Software herunterzuladen. Möglicherweise ist ihre momentane Internetverbindung nicht stabil genug. Das Problem kann jedoch auch an unseren Servern liegen."15:47
satmd"network error" isn't helping me15:47
Bluewindanyone knows how to blacklist/remove/whatever the unused locales? there are some metapackages which prevent me from just uninstalling and I'm not used to apt15:47
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: i think it's because people aren't update starved15:48
satmdversuch n pc neustart oder später nochmal, das kann auch einfach n routing oder dns-problem sein15:48
cehtehBluewind: no localepurge package?15:48
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: with Diablo, it had been dead for a fair bit when it got announced n8x0 was hosed15:48
MohammadAG wasn't this fixed? (I can't reproduce it)15:48
povbot`Bug 10291: Media widget play button doesn't work15:48
Smokerssatmd ich versuchs seit 4 h,.. immer der gleiche error... okay kein neustart seitdem aber .. mh15:48
Bluewindcehteh: actually I want to prevent apt from wasting it's time15:48
Smokerssatmd ich werd mal n reboot testen, danke.. die info das es an mir liegt is ja schonmal was15:48
Bluewindinstalling 20 locales takes ~ 1 min15:48
fraggelnanyone got a changelog for the latest update?15:49
Bluewindthat multiplied by ~200 packages = ages15:49
cehtehConfiguration file `/etc/init.d/rcS'15:49
cehteh ==> Modified (by you or by a script) since installation.15:49
cehteh ==> Package distributor has shipped an updated version.15:49
cehtehhaha nice :P15:49
crsHi, anyone is having doubled contacts on the contacts list due to facebook?15:49
Funnyfaceoh so the reason I can't do the update is that the installer doesn't have enough space on the device?15:49
Sceltcrs: everyone I think15:49
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cehtehonly 'd' for diff doesnt work since it has no diff installed by default .. bah15:49
crsI tried to resolve it by using facebook contacts merger by Marco, but it says all is OK.15:49
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crsScelt: But only foir me that app is not working. ;/15:51
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Ikarus[N900]hmz, manual apt-get dist-upgrade doing the trick15:51
Bluewinddist-upgrade install ~20 new packages15:52
Bluewindonly upgrade wouldn't do that15:52
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Funnyfacewhoever came up with the partitioning ideas of the N900 did a horrible job15:53
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RST38hcehteh,thresh: I updated15:53
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cehtehstill running here, but seems fine so far15:53
Bluewindis that flash they use for / really faster than the one used for /home?15:53
RST38hcehteh,thresh:definitely not "painless"15:53
cehtehBluewind: yes15:53
Ikarus[N900]Funnyface: it's due to the older webtablet's legacy really15:53
Bluewindhow much? any numbers?15:53
Ikarus[N900]Bluewind: yes15:54
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RST38hMore like "our plane is going to crash, take proper positions, shut up and pray"15:54
Funnyfacewell they should have allocated less space for MyDocs and more for the system partitions :P15:54
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* Ikarus[N900] hacks a little script to see what packages use most space on /15:55
* Scelt advices Ikarus[N900] just to use Storage Usage app15:55
Bluewindcd /; du -shx *; excludes symlinks but not bind mounts15:55
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Bluewindor actually mounts15:56
ghostcubeOTA worked fine yeah15:56
Bluewindi.e. /home will show up as used space15:56
threshRST38h: you lucky guy15:56
lcuki wonder why theres a whole bunch of people who say theres better formatting and layout methods yet have not managed to come up with a convincing plan of action to migrate ;)15:56
fraggelnyay! upgrade complete :)15:57
threshbecause they shouldnt and nokia shouldve though about it in the first place?15:57
ghostcuberepo update without flashing15:57
ShapeshifterThey changed something on the desktop widgets, now the settings button is lower than before. Now I can't move around very small desktop command execution widgets15:57
jaskaaah, looks like i can remove the HildonPanninArea indicator in my xterm and reclaim valuable spaaaccee15:57
infobotjaska meant: aah, looks like i can remove the HildonPanningArea indicator in my xterm and reclaim valuable spaaaccee15:57
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ShapeshifterIs there a config file for the positions of widgets?15:59
ShapeshifterI need to edit it by hand15:59
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Bluewindprobably they use gconf15:59
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MohammadAGfrals, some users aren't happy :P
tybollt_will 'users' ever be happy?16:00
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cehtehrootfs                  227.8M    216.2M      7.4M  97% /16:01
cehteh... cross fingers16:01
Funnyfaceaah stupid me, I was copying stuff from my home directory to a backup folder on my PC, then half way through I forgot I was doing and decided to "aah, let me switch on the phone that I just turned off" and messed up the copying process -_-16:02
Funnyfacehave to start over now with several GBs :p16:02
Funnyface(instead of turning the phone on, I turned it off, thinking it was already off)16:03
crsFunnyface: Use rsync.16:03
FunnyfaceI don't trust automatic backup tools :P16:03
frosty`rsync is not just a backup tool..16:03
GAN900Stskeeps, maybe once they realize how flaky the update is.16:03
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* RST38h did not even have to reinstall applications16:04
ShapeshifterGAN900: what issue?16:04
ShapeshifterGAN900: "no official meego for n900"?16:04
GAN900Shapeshifter, regression city.16:05
GAN900Shapeshifter, oh, yeah, that.16:05
crsHmm, noone had any problems with facebook merger?16:05
ShapeshifterGAN900: I mean what you said earlier16:05
ptlbah :/ restoring lots of stuff now16:05
cehtehhehe prolly coming for me too16:06
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ptlat least I saved my settings using the backup app16:06
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cehtehok update done16:08
meceWhat the shit? is there no function to replace or remove an item in a hildon.TouchSelector?16:08
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cehtehreboot ...16:09
Smokerssatmd noch da? leider keinen erfolg16:09
Surfakeinen erfolg bei was?16:09
Smokersreboot, neuinstallation nokia software updater16:10
Smokersund anschließendem versuch neue firmware zu laden16:10
defraggeris there a good howto, for porting debian packages to maemo?16:10
cehtehSmokers: you have to tell a precise error, just telling "doesnt work" wont help16:10
ghostcubeSmokers: OTA update geht nich?16:10
mgedminthis is probably a FAQ, but what's the deal with extras-devel for fremantle-1.2?16:10
SurfaSmokers, was sagt app manager?16:10
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DrGrovDoes anyone with PR 1.2 think it boots up faster than with PR 1.1?16:11
cehtehjust boots here ... doesnt look faster yet16:11
DrGrovMohammadAG, seems like the settings were okay. No worries there16:11
cehtehwell first flashed the kernel16:11
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DrGrovIt seems like the "bootup" bar goes a bit faster. Not just from left to right but simultaneously right and left.16:11
SmokersIch mach ma englisch... The exact error is :" Updatedownload was failed -  NSU tryied more than 3 times to download the update. Maybe your internet connection is not stable. Please try again later"16:11
ghostcubeif you backup settings and after ota clean up device its fine here16:12
DrGrovBe back later, gotta run.16:12
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passeli|wanyone knows what is the gps device name in N900 ?16:12
cehtehwee .. somethnig gone horrible wrong16:12
mgedminok, apparently Distribution is supposed to be 'fremantle' not 'fremantle-1.2'16:12
SmokersIs there a difference between updateing from nokia software updater and from the app manager?!16:12
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Smokerswich one ;-)?!16:13
cehtehthe pin screen looks like a completely unthemed gtk with no font (all boxes)16:13
ham5figured ud ask that16:13
ham5shouold of in the first place16:13
mgedminSmokers, you mean, firmware update?  yes, update from NSU will wipe your device clean; update from app manager will preserve all apps and data16:13
cehtehbah .. bricked it ..16:14
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Ikaruswell, looks like I broke it16:14
Smokersokay,.. thx mgedmin. i would like to have a clear device, so a update from NSU would be great,.. but seems that will be a hard trip16:14
ham5godda 'login' to your n900 when it 'boots'?16:14
Ikarusand ofcourse no USB A -> micro B cable handy16:14
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Ikarusmine hits the desktop16:15
Ikarusthen spontaneously reboots16:15
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X-FadeSmokers: You can also try flashing without nsu.16:15
X-FadeSmokers: Check the planet for an article on how to do that.16:15
Smokersmh okay,.. that will be much harder right ?! -.- i could be so easy.... T_T16:16
Ikarusguess I'll have to reinstall everything16:16
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RST38hOk, physical keyboard STILL does not switch the layout when pressing Ctrl+Enter16:16
ghostcubeok, question: do i need to set extra and extra devel to fremantle-1.2?16:17
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X-Fadeghostcube: Only extras has fremantle-1.216:18
ZogGBBT is great16:18
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ghostcubeX-Fade: thx a lot16:19
cehtehgrr .. what was the page to get the flash images? ...16:19
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jacekowskijust google it16:20
andrewfblackaccording to this guy,2817,2364160,00.asp?kc=PCRSS03079TX1K0000585 the Dell Mini 5 and he might as well said Nokia 770 and N8x0 are not tablets.  Because they are smaller then an ipad and have a mic and speakers.  I just lose the little repect I had for PCmag16:20
Stskeepswtf does mic and speakers have to do with it16:20
Stskeepsreality distortion field indeed16:20
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andrewfblackStskeeps: They are calling anything smaller then a ipad or Hp Slate with a mic and speaker a phone not a tablet.  Doesn't matter if it has Cell Voice on it or not16:23
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MohammadAGanyone on fedora and using gnome?16:23
Dassuhmm, any ideas when is the 1.2 gonna be released in Finland?16:23
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noobmonk3yDassu: today supposedly16:23
Dassuyeah, I know that but at what time?16:24
noobmonk3yat some point :P16:24
noobmonk3yDassu:  really think they give times out? lol16:24
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DassuI hope they fix the wlan bug16:24
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noobmonk3yMohammadAG: no but there's a gnome in left4dead 2 thats quite cool16:24
noobmonk3ywhats the wlan bug?16:25
noobmonk3ythere is a full list of fixes though16:25
BluewindDassu: IÄm from Austria, but my device also installs Finnish locales so I guess it's out16:25
RST38hAnyone knows how I switch to portrait mode in PR1.2 apps?16:25
TrewasDassu: it was released about at noon as OTA16:25
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noobmonk3yBluewind / Dassu - there are multiple servers / locations - all depends when they are updated to roll out16:25
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MohammadAG17831     1 user     S     5988  2.4 58.2 /usr/libexec/hildon-thumbnailerd  <-- what exactly is this for16:26
cehtehwhats new on the emmc image btw?16:26
MohammadAGUser guides!!!16:26
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achipaRST38h: crt-shift-r ?16:26
Dassuomagod. It found it :o16:26
achipa(if you mean the forced switch)16:26
MohammadAGignore my question above, whatever that process was, no longer is16:26
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ZogGMohammadAG now try photo apps16:27
Ikarusright, it's stuck in a reboot loop...16:27
RST38hachipa: testing16:27
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ZogGIkarus reflashing?16:27
RST38hfuck it works16:28
* Ikarus goes to the local shop for a new USB-A micro-B cable16:28
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ghostcubeok i think it was asked before, but is skype video call supported?16:28
achipadepends on the app, really16:28
ZogGRST38h, what works?16:28
noobmonk3yghostcube: yes16:28
noobmonk3yi think16:28
achipaZogG: forced universal portrait16:28
ZogGIkarus, you don't have one?16:28
MohammadAGRST38h, watch your language, it's a fscking family channel16:28
ZogGachipa, screenies?16:28
noobmonk3yghostcube: PR1.2 update - first on the list - Skype video call (with PC and other skype video capable clients)16:28
ZogGachipa, or it's CTRL+SHIFT+R16:29
IkarusZogG: yeah, tactically misplaced it :P16:29
ZogGachipa, meh16:29
IkarusZogG: stupid cables are pretty under used16:29
Ikaruseven though technically superior16:29
achipafor some stuff it's perfect, some (like nokia default apps ;) ) it's pretty bad16:29
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Ikarusso I'm off shopping in a bit16:29
ghostcubenoobmonk3y: thx :)16:30
ZogGMohammadAG, so try to open photo thing16:30
ZogGor file folder16:30
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noobmonk3yghostcube: no probs at all :)16:30
MohammadAGZogG, it works16:31
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ghostcubenoobmonk3y: ota worked fine backupped all before cleaned up the dvice after16:31
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ghostcuberestored backup works fine here16:31
Shapeshifterhow to configure the new menu?16:32
kaieam I the first who semi-bricked his n900 with today's maemo5 update? it constantly reboots, and brings up some weird grey dialog for 2 seconds16:32
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ghostcubewah sshd applet is gone ;(16:32
SceltShapeshifter: push hard16:32
ShapeshifterScelt: thanks16:32
SceltShapeshifter: for 2-3 secs. it asks then where you want to move that icon16:32
Sceltnp :]16:32
ghostcubehmmm the best way is to use xterm and apt for an ota update16:32
noobmonk3ygood to hear ghostcube16:33
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* MohammadAG votes for a ban, who seconds that
kaieI used over the air update16:33
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noobmonk3yMohammadAG: i vote for a slap round the chops with a trout16:33
cehtehkaie: no you are not ..16:33
cehtehmine didnt reboot but other thnigs are broken, i am going to reflash now16:34
Scelt :-D16:34
ZogGMohammadAG, wierd16:34
kaiewill flashing erase all contents of the internal 32gb storage?16:34
ghostcubenot home16:34
kaieok that's good16:35
ZogGkaie no. but you should do backup for contacts and calendar16:35
threshScelt: lol16:35
noobmonk3yScelt: legal typo?16:35
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noobmonk3yam i blind?16:36
kaieZogG, I did a backup prior to attempting the over-the-air-update, which semi-bricked it16:36
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cehtehkaie: do *not* flash emmc ..16:36
ZogGkaie until it's not eMMC flash16:36
Sceltnoobmonk3y: in the middle chapter16:36
ZogGkaie have you turned off all the extra repos?16:36
kaieok. /me starts to read
noobmonk3yok seen it!16:36
kaieZogG, I had extras-devel enabled when I attempted the update16:37
cehtehi turned them off still broken16:37
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cehtehwell possibly because of other changes i did16:38
ZogGkaie any error?16:38
ZogGkaie, can you turn it on?16:38
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cehtehdont let the battery run empty btw .. you want some charge for flashing16:38
kaieZogG, yeah, I said it above. The device no longer works. It is constantly rebooting, showing nokia text, then bringing up a grey broken dialog (might be the enter pin dialog), but after 2 seconds, before I can do anything else, it reboots again16:39
ZogGkaie flash it16:39
kaieThe usb cable will provide charge16:39
ZogGkaie, d oyou have at least half battery?16:40
ZogGmy turtle driving me crazy16:40
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ZogGHIMYM FTW!!!!16:41
kaiemy battery was full when I started the upgrade. but now, how would I know? :-)16:41
Ikarushrm, there is no way to access the MyDocs partition when it's stuck in a reboot loop right ?, I can only hope that just flash root will allow me to access it ? (just spotted a few files missing in my backup)16:41
ZogGkaie go for it16:41
noobmonk3yIkarus: it shouldn't touch the mydocs :P so should be fine16:41
noobmonk3yi think16:41
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cehtehyesterday was towel day .. today is flash your n900 day :)16:43
* cehteh just flashed it16:43
ham5dont forget to bring a towel16:43
MohammadAGnow he's pushing it
* satmd is unable to use icq/y!/aim since today16:44
noobmonk3yMohammadAG: have you taken up troll-hunting as a new hobby?16:44
satmd"extended settings" come up empty16:44
Ikarussatmd: yeah, some other users reported that the extra protocol handlers had some issues16:44
satmddo have any pointers for me?16:45
cehtehmhm .. how long is it supposed to stick with the oooOo dots when booting?16:45
noobmonk3y5 secs'ish16:45
threshit stuck for me and i had to reboot16:45
cehtehok was 50 secs here16:45
MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, yeah, the damn bastards tricked me, it doesn't come with a shotgun16:45
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cehtehnext question: can pr1.2 mount ext3 emmc and uSD now? .. i bet not16:46
MohammadAGyou won the bet16:46
MohammadAGjust edit rcS-late16:46
cehtehyes i did .. before16:47
cehtehnow i flashed :)16:47
MohammadAGjust edit rcS-late again16:48
MohammadAGPR 1.2 music not showing up  <-- was music updated?16:48
ZogGMohammadAG say what?16:48
ZogGMohammadAG, sometimes happens - just restart16:48
cehtehbah great .. i flashed 1.1.1 .. fail :P16:49
SpeedEvilcehteh: lol16:49
MohammadAGnah, was making fun of the thread title16:49
noobmonk3yfailboat express *toot* *toooooot*16:49
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* MohammadAG hopes MeeGo gets released soon16:50
MohammadAGwe can offload the trolls to the other forums :P16:50
* cehteh gets used to flashing :)16:51
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satmdoh btw pr1.2 ota worked fine here16:52
ZogGMohammadAG tomorrow16:52
kaiewow, lots of choices for the firmware image. I'm in Germany, so I guess I want the "Latest Global", PR 1.2 version 10.2010.19-116:52
ZogGMohammadAG, you gonna stick to maemo?16:52
cehtehis there a tool to backup the whole device image (nand and emmc) as a flashable imagee? would be a nice backup because its fast16:52
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ZogGcehteh connect it and backup it16:53
cehtehkaie: yes and not 3.2010 .. :)16:53
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fiferboyX-Fade: ping?16:55
X-Fadefiferboy: here16:55
fiferboyX-Fade: If I put a new package in the autobuilder now, is it still available in the non-PR1.2 repos?16:55
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X-FadeOnly once it reaches Extras, it is separated.16:56
X-FadeThe cutoff for Extras will have to happen soon(ish)16:56
fiferboyX-Fade: Ok.  I need to put a package upgrade in extras-devel but it won't work on non-PR1.2 devices16:57
fiferboyI guess my best bet is to make it work for both?  Or is PR<1.2 going to be dropped soon?16:57
X-Fadeextras-devel is considered trunk at this point ;)16:57
X-FadeSo if you want to run apps from there, you need to run latest released.16:58
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fiferboyOk.  I am changing personal-gprs-mon to use the two separate data counters so it will no longer work for PR1.116:58
X-Fadefiferboy: You can depend on a PR1.2 version or higher of a certain lib to make sure it doesn't run on 1.1.16:59
kaieZogG, cehteh, it's back to life. question, is this PR1.2 a stable release, or did not originate from extras-devel?17:00
fiferboyX-Fade: But it will still show up as an update in PR1.1 extras-devel?17:00
X-Fadefiferboy: Yes17:00
fiferboyIt just won't be able to be installed17:00
threshugly :(17:00
X-FadeBut I didn't design AM :)17:00
fiferboyX-Fade: Can you take the version of personal-gprs-mon 0.6-2 out of the autobuilder?17:00
kaie... typo... s/not/it/17:00
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cehtehkaie: thats an offical nokia update extras is community based17:01
fiferboyX-Fade: I want to make a change in 0.6-2 so it won't screw up PR1.1 data counters17:01
kaiecehteh, k thanks. /me tries restore from backup17:01
satmdIkarus: thanks, got it by removing those accounts, reinstalling the protocols and setting up them again17:02
X-Fadefiferboy: Just increase the version?17:02
ZogGX-Fade fiferboy that's the time for ugly own repos =)17:02
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fiferboyX-Fade: As long as nobody installs 0.6-2 while I am preparing 0.6-3 :)17:02
ZogGfiferboy i gonna install it17:02
X-Fadefiferboy: Hurry up then ;)17:02
ZogGno bugs were closed17:03
RST38hwow, filemanager goes portrait now17:03
ZogGalready got 3 bugs that were marked as closed17:03
ZogGRST38h, ut it's ugly17:03
RST38hZogG: Cyrillic keyboard still does not work17:03
Shapeshifterwtf. since when is pkill hildon-desktop a reason for rebooting -.-17:03
ZogGRST38h, where?17:04
RST38hZogG: Add Russian as the second language and click Ctrl+Space on the physical keyboard17:04
RST38hit will report the switch but will not let you type letters17:04
ZogGanyway pr1.2 is making me sad, i hoped for bugfixes, and main ones i eeded to be fixed are still here17:04
ZogGRST38h oh, i don't use russian on hw17:05
ptlwhich ones?17:05
lcukZogG, psssst the bug trackers have been updated as bugs get fixed, which ones did you hope to be fixed17:05
ZogGthe keymap is ugly17:05
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X-FadeRST38h: Did you try xterm? :)17:05
fiferboyX-Fade: Okay, now both 0.6-2 and 0.6-3 are in the queue together :)17:06
RST38hX-Fade: yes17:06
ZogGlcuk there are 2 that are not fixed17:06
ZogGlcuk, the play button on widget17:06
ZogGand the music plays after call17:06
ZogGthe first can be fixed by delting recall widget17:07
X-Fadefiferboy: Ok, killing 0.6-2 once it reaches the repo ;)17:07
ZogGsecond one is no exuce. i had this in the middle of test17:07
fiferboyX-Fade: Thanks17:07
ZogGno i need to turn sound off when i select silent mode as well =(17:07
ZogGlcuk, do you have permission to re-open bugs?17:08
lcuki just asked what they were, you still havent shown me17:09
lcukbug 1234 format is good ;)17:09
povbot`Bug close-buttons on home menu are too small17:09
ZogGlcuk okay17:09
E0xlook like the widget data plan17:10
E0xnot work17:10
E0xin pr1.217:10
ZogGbug 690717:10
povbot`Bug Media Player widget suddenly starts music after Phone call ends17:10
ZogGbug 589417:11
povbot`Bug Play track button doesn't work17:11
X-Fadefiferboy: killed17:11
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fiferboyX-Fade: Thanks.  I just got the email that it built17:11
noobmonk3ybug 66617:11
povbot`Bug Problems with Javascript setTimeout function17:11
noobmonk3ythe bug of the devil muhahahahaha17:11
X-Fadeyeah, removed it in import queue ;)17:11
noobmonk3ytrust Java to be in there17:11
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ZogGlcuk ^17:12
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kaieI'm very pleased with the automatic restoring of application. Only the manually downloaded ussd-applet won't be included automatically, but at least it tells me what I had in addition, that's very nice17:12
MohammadAG<noobmonk3y> trust Java to be in there lol17:12
MohammadAGbug 133717:13
povbot`Bug Menu item News -> garage news is broken17:13
MohammadAGnot so leet after all17:13
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noobmonk3ylol MohammadAG !!17:13
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prontotrying to do that maemo update, but it keeps compaling about i need to connnect to a computer and launce the application...please tell me the aplication works with linux,  and is there anyway around that so i dont have to use my computer?17:14
noobmonk3y~slap bug 133717:14
kaieit's not possible to install microb-engine-common-ext, do you want to proceed with installation?17:14
* infobot slaps bug 1337, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!17:14
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infobotflashing is probably
kaieI'll go for "yes", assuming "do you want to proceed" means "do you want to proceed with the other packages"17:14
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ZogGlcuk, ?17:17
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prontoso is there a way?17:19
ZogGpronto flash it17:19
pronto"restore to factory defaults"  umm , no17:19
prontoi can't just have it update via the app manager? :|17:20
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prontodidnt the pr1.1 just update right on the phone itself17:20
SceltWhy can't any of you ops put that link to the topic? This is the 10th time today I've pasted that link already17:20
ZogGScelt cause you are here =)17:21
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Nomais there already a bug report that you can't write a lower case letter after a dot even if you'd do it with shift?17:21
prontoand that NSU is windoiws only/17:21
SceltZogG: I'm not here 24/7 and it'd be nice if users would still get answer17:21
SceltNoma: I have the same problem17:21
ToJa92[pronto]: You probably need to free up space in your rootfs to update, it should be about 60MB free17:21
Sceltpronto: check the link I pasted17:21
ZogGpronto linux also17:21
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NomaScelt: i know three people that have the same problem17:22
ZogG~flashing pronto17:22
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SceltNoma: kewl. please check the bug tracker17:22
infobotfrom memory, flashing is
Nomai tried to search but didn't find it17:22
ZogGpronto, ^17:22
SceltNoma: maybe you should post it then?17:23
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ZogGNoma have you disabled auto cap latters?17:23
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NomaZogG: then it works - but it should also work if I press shift+letter after a dot17:23
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SceltZogG: I have the same problem. It's a bug17:23
ZogGit's not a bug - it's a feature17:24
cehtehgreat nokia ... now mounted my MyDocs as /home :)17:24
Nomait worked in pr1.117:24
Nomaand it works in symbian and android etc17:24 is down17:24
ZogGoh nooo17:24
auenftoo many posts complaining about P1.3?17:25
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auenfPR1.2 is out, theres nothing to complain about ;)17:26
ZogGauenf, cause Nokia should release it before and now release bugfixes for it17:26
ZogGsome bugs are not closed at all and there too many new17:26
auenfexcept whats going to be fixed in PR1.3 and why it isnt already out ;)17:26
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ZogGi don't think bugfix release should be merged with new features release17:26
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* auenf decides not to download the 113mb update on 3g17:27
ZogGauenf, the complaining are about things from pr1.1.1 that still in pr1.2 and new uppseting bugs17:27
Bluewinddownloading is faster than installing ;)17:27
Bluewindthink it's running for 2h now17:27
ZogGi flashed so can't say anything =)17:27
ZogGit was several minutes17:28
auenfit'd cost me AU$1.70 to download it over 3g ;)17:28
E0xi flash fromn windows and was fast17:28
auenfim not in that much or a rush to install it17:28
E0xtake more time downloading the image17:28
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ZogGi use linux FTW17:28
* ZogG sys Linux 2.6.33-gentoo [965P-S3; x86_64 Desktop]17:28
Bluewindafter flashing I'd have to reinstall all apps and that also take ages17:28
Bluewindold kernel...17:29
E0xif you do backup17:29
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E0xthe restore will install all app17:29
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Bluewinddoesn't change apt's slowness17:29
Bluewindinstalling one locale package takes ~10 sec17:30
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laurihey guys17:31
Smokersokay guys,.. i want to flash over mflasher, but  the flasher wont find my device,...17:31
lauriWhere can I browse Maemo builtin apps source code?17:31
laurifor example phone boo17:31
Smokersdrivers are installed, 64 bit problem is known and windows is startet in secure / driver mode17:31
Smokersbut still : Suitable USB device not found, waiting.17:32
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auenfisnt xp mode suggested when running 64-bit windows?17:32
ZogGSmokers turn it off17:33
ZogGturn on while pressing "u" key17:33
ZogGconnect while pressing17:33
Smokersoption 1 is using special boot mode for windows auenf17:33
ZogGdon't turn on17:33
Smokersjop ZogG is done17:33
Smokersbut nothing happend17:33
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ZogGSmokers did nokia turned on and there was usb symbol in the coner?17:35
Smokersyes ,.. it is all like the manual says17:35
Smokersexcept that there will happen anything after that command o.O17:35
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Smokersin first, windows said, installtig driver faild... i de-installed all drivers for n900 in the device manager, than boot in secure driver mode, and installed them again, everything okay...17:36
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Smokersthan again starting flasher, but nothing happend =/17:37
ZogGwazd privet17:37
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Arkenoiah. now i see update but it won't install. what applications are known to block it?17:38
ZogGSmokers get the ubuntu livecd and you can flash17:39
NomaScelt: i posted the bug17:39
SceltNoma: id?17:39
Sceltbug 1031017:39
povbot`Bug can't write a lower case letter after a dot even if you'd do it with shift17:40
SceltNoma: thx!17:40
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ZogGbuggy bug17:40
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Smokersdid i need some hdd in live ubuntu? because i only have 3 ntfs partitions17:40
SceltNoma: actually you need to put space after dot to reproduce the bug17:41
Smokersokay, thanks17:41
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NomaScelt: oh, okay17:41
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SceltNoma: writing right after the dot it's still lowercase17:42
ZogGcause it thinks it's the same word17:42
Nomaso it seems17:42
ZogGi just don't use Cap letters on phone at least17:43
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jef91Can I upgrade to pr 1.2 from nix?17:44
ZogGtransmission  2.00b1 released ? how had i missed?17:44
ZogGjef91 linux?17:44
jef91ZogG Yea17:44
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BluewindI'm running apt-get dist-upgrade and so for no problems17:44
ZogGjef91 yes, you can flash17:44
Bluewindjust takes like ages17:44
ZogGBluewind clear upgrade is always better imo17:44
Bluewindyeah gonna do that once I have more time ;)17:45
jef91ZogG got the link offhand to the rom?17:45
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ZogGjef91 you mean the pr1.2 bin?17:46
jef91Yes ZogG17:46
ZogGjef91, i don't but i think there is one in the topic17:46
threshmeh ussd widget doesnt work cleanly in 1.217:46
ZogGpr1.2 works faster and has qt but nothig fixed actually, ah?17:47
jef91ZogG sounds like Nokia17:48
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ZogGjef91, i hope everything would be fine17:49
ZogGi just angry of none of communication with us =)17:49
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hrwheh... just tested video skypecall17:50
GAN900thresh, doesn't PR1.2 have USSD support?17:50
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GAN900ZogG, browser actually zooms OK.17:51
hrwn900 -> fring/s60, n900 -> skype/win32 and in both combos video from me was not sent17:51
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KMFDMare the servers hosting pr 1.2 down?17:51
KMFDMsoftware updater keeps failing to download the update for me17:51
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skynxnexKMFDM: I just successfulyl downloaded it (through t-mobile) about 30 minutes ago17:52
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skynxnexKMFDM: but it took two attempts; luckily it resumed17:52
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ZogGGAN900 it was fine also before for me 9 i don't know any zoom problems) but there still several bugs that were marked as closed but they are not17:53
KMFDMi have something (or multiple) apps installed blocking update over air17:53
KMFDMso i have to do it through software updater17:54
KMFDMonly it's download screwed up17:54
KMFDMpresuably server went offline17:54
ZogGGAN900, bug 6907 and 5894 for example17:54
povbot`Bug Media Player widget suddenly starts music after Phone call ends17:54
skynxnexKMFDM: it still does it through the software updater.17:54
KMFDMbut now it fails to resume it17:54
KMFDMcan't restart it at all17:54
KMFDMi see it has 36.3megs dled17:54
ZogGbtw gps takes hours to get any data from sats17:54
KMFDMand then it throws the error17:54
marmoutegrmlm I don't have enought freespace to dist-upgrade. wtf17:54
KMFDMbeen trying for 3 hours17:54
jef91"OS 2009 version 1.2009.42-11" thats pr 1.2 right?17:54
ZogGjef91 no17:54
ZogGjef91, 201017:55
Bluewind1.2 ist 2010.x17:55
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jef91oh shoot I found it17:55
jef91was lower down on the list17:55
jaskai wonder what uses swi-prolog in maemo :D17:56
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jaskaohm i suppose17:56
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ZogGjef91 use only pr1.2 not eMMC17:57
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jef91yep yep, thanks ZogG17:58
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cehtehjaska: device management :)18:01
TuukkaDoes the receiving end need a webcam to get skype video call working?18:02
cehtehwell dunno for skype, but in sip it can be one-way and i expect that for skype too18:02
Corsachmhm, fMMS isn't integrated to contacts :(18:02
GAN900hrw, I think you need the lastest win32 client.18:02
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GAN900ZogG, you didn't notice the horrifying text rendering issues with zooming?18:03
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hrwI checked list of my bugs in option "mass update all selected bugs" would be nice18:04
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jacekowskihannesw_: blow job would be nice as well18:06
E0xinstalling the extra decoders support, is taking to much time , almost 5 minutes already and not finish yet18:06
E0xoh , it finish now18:06
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skynxnexwow, text zooming is a lot better in microb now.18:08
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kaiereflashed n900 and restored back and all applications. 1 gb of downloads, installing and power cycle later... trying to use n900 again... microb no longer works. window starts up, then quits18:10
kaietrying terminal, "microb", runs for 10 seconds, then quits, no window coming up18:11
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kaiefennec works18:12
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tgalalcan't restore the FREAKIN CONVERSATIONS :@ !!!!18:12
pinheiroheeerrrr phonnne prt of the n900 gone after flashig to 1.218:12
FredrIQPR1.2 :D18:12
Stskeepspinheiro: did you use the leaked pr 1.2 before? :P18:12
* FredrIQ is updating atm18:13
pinheiroStskeeps: nope18:13
Stskeepspinheiro: do a full reflash i guess, emmc and all18:13
pinheirotried to update via the regular way but it tollme to flash it instead18:14
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pinheiroStskeeps: how does one do that ?18:14
infobotrumour has it, flashing is
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pinheiro"./flasher-3.5 -F *.bin -f -R"18:16
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chadi*.bin ?18:17
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GAN900DocScrutinizer / SpeedEvil, finally emailed Quim.18:17
chadiwhat if more than one image were present?18:17
GAN900Yo, lardman.18:17
GAN900lardman, re-pong?18:18
pinheirojust have 1 :D18:18
lardmanhey GAN90018:18
lardmanGAN900: fire away, I've been out most of the day18:18 there deborphan for n900?18:18
StskeepsGAN900: what'd you complain about this time? :P18:18
lardmanah, I was wondering about location information18:18
jogaI've uninstalled heaps and only got a few megs back ;)18:18
xorAxAxhmm, PR 1.2 doesnt want to install itself over HAM, what could be the reason?18:18
* lardman feels better after filing a couple of bugs18:19
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lardmanmardi: hey18:20
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lardmanor is it the wrong mardi/y?18:21
pinheiroRX-51_2009SE_1.2009.42-11_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin the one i should be using right?18:21
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Stskeepspinheiro: grab a newer one18:22
Stskeepsthere should be a 2010 one18:22
pinheiroStskeeps: were ?18:22
Stskeepson ? :P18:22
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cehtehpinheiro: no18:24
cehtehthere are 2 2010 ones dont be fooled :P18:24
pinheiroiiiiiiiiii seeeeeeeee18:25
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ZogGcehteh there are more18:25
* cehteh flashed the wrong one earlier too 18:25
ZogGdepend on country18:25
ZogGcehteh where did you get 2?18:25
pinheirocehteh: confusing website18:25
jogagreat, I uninstalled firefox and lost half a meg of space :)18:25
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cehtehZogG: i just used the last one in the ls here sorted18:26
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jogais this package thing fixed in 1.2?18:26
cehtehbut 3.2010 is higher than 10.2010 ... duh :)18:26
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cehtehwow 100M free on root now :P18:27
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SpeedEvilGAN900: err - re what - I forget?18:27
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jogaI've uninstalled tens of megs and gained only a couple back, a bit frustrating18:28
jogaI guess it leaves all the dependencies18:28
C-S-B-N900arrgh, cant wait to get home and upgrade...18:28
ZogGPR 1.2 version 10.2010.19-1Latest Maemo 518:28
GAN900SpeedEvil, device queue and broken loaners.18:28
C-S-B-N900no probelms with it?18:28
slonopotamuscehteh: not enough for porn18:28
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SpeedEvilGAN900: Ah - right.18:29
SpeedEvilGAN900: I should have done that myself.18:29
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C-S-B-N900cant do ota, seems not to work, no doubt due to 4pmb rootfs18:29
hrwbug 1031218:29
povbot`Bug Video calls with Skype does not work18:29
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hrwduring week it will be wontfix or ignored18:30
jogahow can I free the space taken by the packages I've installed and then uninstalled?18:30
C-S-B-N900skype video isnt working?18:30
kaieok, browser-switchboard was responsible for the failing microb startup. although it said microb is the default, I confirmed that setting, switched from "faster startup" to "lower mem usage", now microb starts up fine18:30
jogaI mean, isn't this something the package manager ought to be doing automatically18:30
slonopotamusjoga: apt-get dependency cleaning is just broken. it leaves stuff around under certain circumstances18:30
cehtehwell i suspect a user error18:30
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jogaslonopotamus: so aptitude then?18:30
jogaprobably not now but anyway :)18:30
cehtehnokia should have enough time to test video calls18:30
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* ShadowJK wonders if skype video is even "supposed" to be working18:31
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C-S-B-N900so use flasher to install, restore backup and i should be where i started?18:31
ShadowJKor if it's just gtalk video that's supposed to work18:31
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StyleWarzanyone got a repository where i could find a cfdisk package for my n800?18:31
pinheiroRX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM this one right?18:31
pinheirofalashing now18:31
slonopotamusjoga: dunno if it properly works. either reflash or read through dpkg -l output, find stuff you don't need, try to remove it, if it doesn't pull away fremantle stuff, remove :)18:32
slonopotamusStyleWarz: it's in sdk repo afair18:32
Arkenoiit damn sucks that OTA updates are that tricky18:32
C-S-B-N900why do these things comeout when i cant install them :(18:32
StyleWarzslonopotamus: hm you got an url? ;)18:32
slonopotamusArkenoi: it's nokia :)18:33
Arkenoiprevious one required enormous free space on root fs18:33
Arkenoiand this one just does not work and i do not know what is blocking18:33
pinheirothink the phone in snot working18:33
Arkenoibecause there is no sane diagnostics18:33
pinheirodidnt propmt me for the pin code18:33
slonopotamusArkenoi: hi, btw. no, sflphone isn't there. X-Fade doesn't fix autocleaner18:33
slonopotamusStyleWarz:, somewhere on that page18:33
pinheiroand takes for ever to boot18:34
Arkenoiis there a faq on most common applications that may block ota update?18:34
StyleWarzslonopotamus: it isn't extras-devel *searching*18:34
pinheiropin code18:34
jogaslonopotamus: to me it sounds like a big mistake to have left it that way...the average joe will install apps and basically needs to reflash their phone to get the space back18:34
C-S-B-N900right, im off. need to keep battery for flash later.18:34
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X-Fadeslonopotamus: Just committed a fix for it (hope it works)18:35
Arkenoihow much free space is required, after all?18:35
slonopotamus(did i say extras-devel?)18:35
joganow I just ran apt-get autoremove because it suggested that at some point, it claimed to free 8MB of space, but I got nothing back18:35
SpeedEviljoga: UBIFS lies.18:35
jogaor maybe they were optified18:35
SpeedEvilYou need to sync18:35
jogajust with plain sync?18:36
SpeedEvilafter removing files, or it won't immediately recover them18:36
joga(did that)18:36
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SpeedEvilah - ok18:36
jef91grr flashing pr 1.2 reset my theme :-/18:36
slonopotamusX-Fade: one-more-fix-that'll-fix-it-for-sure? :) how the hell it decided to remove?18:36
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jef91and all my widgets18:36
ZogGjef91 do the restore thing18:36
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StyleWarzslonopotamus: i didn't find anything18:36
ZogGjef91 and than you get everything back18:36
jef91really? it reset applications as well?18:37
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slonopotamusStyleWarz: did you search anything?18:38
Arkenoiit damn sucks if i need to reflash from pc. any hints how to avoid that?18:38
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jef91will it need to re-download my installed applications?18:38
StyleWarzslonopotamus: i went through the repositories packages-files18:38
slonopotamusStyleWarz: i gave you an url. i gave you a keyword. what else do you need?18:38
StyleWarzslonopotamus: at least anything that sounded like sdk for diablo18:38
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StyleWarzoh didn't see that18:38
ZogGjef91 yes18:38
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ZogGjef91, restore from backup18:39
slonopotamusStyleWarz: i strongly suggest disabling it back after you install cfdisk (other nasty stuff can sneak in accidentally)18:39
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StyleWarzslonopotamus: what nasty stuff might happen with cfdisk?18:40
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StyleWarzi've never had troubles in all those years ;)18:40
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slonopotamus(having different versions on device/in sdk is the most insane thing you could do with sdk)18:40
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StyleWarzslonopotamus: ok it ain't there. ;)18:42
cehtehdid the frontcam quality improve with 1.2?18:42
Lazy^Hello how i can make skype-video calls on n900 ?18:44
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brikby starting a skype call and clicking the video button18:44
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Lazy^brik: where should that video button be ?18:45
cehtehin coversations18:45
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StyleWarzso there is no partitioning tool other than sfdisk left on the n800?18:45
davhotelLazy^: Are you calling a mac? I have trouble with that18:45
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brikLazy^: when you've started the call it gives you an option to show your camera18:46
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Arkenoiis there less dangerous way than dist-upgrade and at the same time more verbose than app manager?18:46
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StyleWarzslonopotamus_: the package isn't there18:46
Lazy^brik: i choose contact from contact list, start skypecall. There isnt any option for videocall18:46
X-FadeArkenoi: Flashing?18:46
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Arkenoix-fade: OTA :-)18:46
Lazy^brik: should i enable it first =18:46
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X-FadeArkenoi: Use AM only then.18:47
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Lazy^davhotel: i'm calling to n900 -> mac18:47
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X-FadeArkenoi: Make sure you have > 48MB free on roo18:47
davhotelLazy^: probably wont work18:47
roquettowho does the qt4 packaging for maemo?18:47
Arkenoix-fade: it does not work, saying i should flash from pc and i do not even know what does it want -- free root space? removal of some blocking app?18:47
Lazy^davhotel: do you know the reason ?18:47
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X-FadeArkenoi: And remove brainparty/tuxracer if installed.18:48
davhotelLazy^: I don't think the mac client is currently supporting the codec or res, or doesnt see the video flag18:48
Arkenoiah. i have 45, it is probably too low. should remove something big18:48
X-FadeArkenoi: disable extras*18:48
anonukMohammadAG: still there?18:49
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Arkenoix-fade, already done18:49
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Lazy^davhotel: yes i see no support for h26418:50
Bluewindhm funny that dots during boot are way too fast18:50
X-FadeArkenoi: Reboot can sometimes help as GC runs on boot.18:50
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Arkenoix-fade: tried that, still not enough18:50
plastunwtf? using apt-get or App manager on N900 my app is not copying files to python2.5/site-packages directory. Using dpkg -i deb-file everything is OK18:51
davhotelLazy^: skype video was too good to be true :)18:51
X-Fadeapt-get clean, remove libqt4-maemo5*18:51
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X-Fadelibqt4-maemo5-* even.18:51
Lazy^davhotel: seems so :/18:51
f66fi last jear my gandpa died now i have a Aquarium ... and dunno what to do with it ....18:51
FredrIQi got a prompt about modified file since installation when runned an upgrade18:51
FredrIQi wanted to check what were different with D18:52
FredrIQ"diff: not found"18:52
FredrIQvery helpful indeed18:52
slonopotamusFredrIQ: they call it "user-frendly"18:53
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FredrIQwill it be fine ignoring with Y and continue upgrade?18:53
FredrIQthe file in question:18:54
FredrIQConfiguration file `/etc/powervr.ini'18:54
FredrIQwhat is that file anyway18:54
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slonopotamusFredrIQ: i think yes18:54
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* satmd found out where the setting for enabling video calls is hidden18:55
satmdwithin contacts18:55
plastuncan anybody help me with testing my app? just install it, please18:55
FredrIQnice place18:55
FredrIQ...and it's not enabled by default?18:55
Bluewindhere it is18:56
FredrIQnot installed 1.2 yet18:56
FredrIQand not using videocalls18:56
Aranel"Move apt cache outside of rootfs"18:56
AranelIs this a good way to update? I only have 24 megabytes of rootfs space :/18:56
jogaI've deleted every big program besiedes vim and mplayer and have only gotten like 10MB back18:57
jogaif even that18:57
FredrIQjoga: devel enabled?18:57
jogaFredrIQ: nope, but testing is18:57
redeemani have 56MB and it won't update18:57
cehtehAranel: make backup, reflash, restore .. i had to do that anyways since installing it ota borked the device18:57
FredrIQturn it off, refresh the lists18:57
BluewindI moved like 50 things from /usr to /opt and used apt-get dist-upgrade18:57
Bluewindworked though18:57
davhotellive oil spill rover cam feed works in media player18:58
jogaFredrIQ: you mean the repos?18:58
FredrIQand you will end up with some space18:58
Bluewindand took 3-4h I think18:58
FredrIQyeah, the big ones18:58
jogathe problem here isn't that I don't get 'some' space, rather it's that I should get *A LOT* more space than that18:58
slonopotamus/home/user/.local is 10 megs18:58
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chadican I lower the vibration level?18:58
tripzeroare the rumors true? 1.2 is alive?18:58
Aranelcehteh: I've upgraded from PR1.0 to PR1.1 and PR1.1.1 later. It always worked, making backup and restoring is not a %100 guaranteed way to restore every data.18:58
FredrIQtripzero: updating atm. :)18:58
cehtehchadi: /etc/mce/mce.ini18:58
cehtehbe careful :)18:59
slonopotamus/home/user/.local/share/sounds, to be more exact18:59
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chadicehteh: oh so it can be done? that's great; I'm asuming under the LED patterns?18:59
jogaI've probably removed about 100M worth but I guess they're still there, somewhere18:59
jogarebooting didn't have an effect earlier at least18:59
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FredrIQjoga: if the packages is optified, they don't fill up root space19:00
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Corsacis it just me or one can't search anymore in HAM?19:00
jogaFredrIQ: so what does then? are libraries optified, in general?19:00
Corsacwhile it was possible before19:00
cehtehAranel: the 1.1 things worked for me too, but considering for how many people (admitly the ones who fiddled with the device) its broken19:00
greenflyis there a consensus on how much free space you need on / for an OTR update?19:00
Aranelis it possible to get a list of non-optified packages?19:00
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X-FadeCorsac: It is you.19:00
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X-FadeCorsac: Just start typing.19:01
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* slonopotamus wonders why he has qt installed19:01
jogaAranel: I thought about it, I guess it is since you can get a listing of package contents with dpkg -L and so on, but there should be an easier way19:01
slonopotamusarachnist: no19:01
slonopotamuserr, missed19:01
slonopotamusAranel: no19:01
FredrIQi think the update is done19:01
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teilzeitstudentI installed 1.2 manually using the flasher, including a new emmc. Now I seem to have filesystem problems; it keeps telling me that a directory called "music" exists, but it is not there. Also, 246mb are already used (probably by default?). Are there any tools to check filesystem integrity?19:01
FredrIQinteresting that some of the features actually works without reboot19:02
tripzerofsck it19:02
tripzeroFredrIQ, not surprized19:02
tripzerothat's linux ;)19:02
teilzeitstudenttripzero, which means I have to unmount it?19:02
teilzeitstudentThe MyDocs~19:02
tripzeroteilzeitstudent, yep, umount it and fsck it19:03
Araneljoga: doesnt seem hard to do, maybe someone with basic Python knowledge can do that and save the day :)19:03
FredrIQbut as 50 percent, including Sym doesn't work.. brb reboot19:03
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GAN900SpeedEvil, meh, supposedly that's what I'm here for. ;)19:03
Arkenoi 49972 free, still does not let me update :-/ that sucks!19:03
jogaAranel: yeah, shouldn't be all that hard19:03
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Araneljoga: dpkg -L is misleading :/ Tried it on amsn package, it showed LOTS of files on rootfs, removed it and yay, 0.9 freed :(19:04
jogaAranel: yeah but are they big files ;)19:04
jogafor some reason I think deborphan is needed19:04
Araneljoga: It does not print sizes to screen :/19:04
jogaAranel: the app manager can sort by size19:05
jogabut doesn't tell if it's opt :)19:05
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Araneljoga: app manager says its 24 Megabytes, and dpkg -L shows them all as non-optified.19:05
joga(I suppose optification can be seen from the package itself?)19:06
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slonopotamusfmradioplayer is 2.6mb o_O19:06
Araneloops, it seems terminal history was not enough for entire output. Now I'm not sure :/19:07
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jogaAranel: I think the app manager has some rough estimate of the size...maybe including libs19:07
jogaso it just deletes the prog and leaves all the deps hanging there19:08
jogabut I dunno19:08
greenflyArkenoi: remove any applications that might use opengl19:08
root____guys what is the situation with the whole meego/maemo nonsense, i was preparing to get the n900 and sold off my old phone but i just found out that meego is not going to come out on the n900 which means not many people will be using maemo anymore and not enough market for potential developers to sell apps for. Is that reasonable concern?19:09
Arkenoigreenfly, ah, *again*. ok19:09
greenflyArkenoi: yeah, I freed up to like 60Mb by using all the tricks and still nothing. removed things like duke nukem and then it worked *shrug*19:09
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Arkenoiok, byebye descent19:10
Arkenoiand fuck stupid idiot who thing that detailed diagnostics is confusing and user should not see it or ever understand what happens19:11
infobotArkenoi meant: and fuck stupid idiot who think that detailed diagnostics is confusing and user should not see it or ever understand what happens19:11
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timeless_mbpt0or: maemo isn't going to die tomorrow19:12
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timeless_mbpand there should be additional service releases19:12
tripzerowhat's a good way to find my wifi mac addy?  ifconfig doesnt exist in the busybox :|19:12
timeless_mbpNokia is trying to encourage people to develop applications using Qt19:12
timeless_mbpQt should work on both Maemo5 and MeeGo19:12
aSIMULAtori have a question..someone i know who has a device from the maemo summit wants to know what he shoudl flash his device with19:13
timeless_mbpso, if an app dev tries to write for the future and picks Qt, they should be able to provide a Maemo binary too19:13
FredrIQand symbian^3 and onwards19:13
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t0ortimeless_mbp: yes i agree  infact i doubt that it'll die at all but the more important point was because the client base for devs.19:13
FredrIQshouldn't texting in the menu start a search?19:13
timeless_mbpaSIMULAtor: same thing as anyone else19:13
aSIMULAtorsupposidly there's like 5 different types19:13
aSIMULAtoruk, global, blah balh albah19:13
timeless_mbpaSIMULAtor: ignore uk19:13
Arkenoidid not help. fuck!19:13
timeless_mbpyeah, i'd pick global19:13
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t0orFredrIQ, timeless_mbp: i see19:14
aSIMULAtorthis is interesting though everyone i know who has an n900 is having friggin trouble with pr1.219:14
Corsacworks for me19:14
timeless_mbpaSIMULAtor: i'm not :)19:14
aSIMULAtori didnt' have problems either19:14
marmoutetimeless_mbp: you have it for month :-)19:14
timeless_mbpi mean, minus a bug which two people found in the browser earlier this week...19:14
aSIMULAtori was able to update over hte air19:14
timeless_mbpmarmoute: yeah well19:14
timeless_mbpi mean, it isn't perfect, but… actually19:15
timeless_mbpi have 2 devices19:15
* timeless_mbp ponders19:15
SpeedEvilAstralStorm: Worked first time flawlessly for me19:15
timeless_mbpno, iirc they're both running pr1.2 official19:15
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timeless_mbpone was running a pre for a bit, but i think it got updated last week19:15
SpeedEvilAlso - yay - back is now back.19:15
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* timeless_mbp installs some random app19:15
SpeedEvil np: Sir Mix-A-Lot - Baby Got Back.19:15
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Corsachmmh, is there a (ex app?19:16
Arkenoisucks. other suggestions?19:17
* Arkenoi 'd torture the asshole who made such shamanic practices required the way he deserves if i could get my hands on him19:18
tripzeroi can has wifi mac addy?19:18
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Trizthow much free do you need on the / to be able to update? I have now 42.1 and it don't seem to be enough19:20
oilgame_ Have I done something or should rootfs really be just 227.5MB?19:21
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oilgame_I cant even update to PR1.2, because it requires over 100MB free space.19:22
SpeedEviloilgame: No, it dordn't19:22
johnsu01do I actually need to reflash in order to update to 1.2?19:22
SpeedEviloilgame: I had about 55.19:22
timeless_mbpjohnsu01: 'no'19:22
johnsu01(as the updater is telling me I have to use the nokia pc application)19:22
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timeless_mbpjohnsu01: you probably have a conflict… do you have rootsh installed?19:23
Bluewindanyone else has issues with the chat history not showing up?19:23
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johnsu01timeless_mbp: yes19:23
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* timeless_mbp wonders if the hildon-application-manager log feature is useful19:23
Arkenoifuck! it was kernel-module-joydev!19:23
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oilgame_SpeedEvi: When I try to update it only says that I dont have enaught free space..19:23
timeless_mbpbefore you run to the console, try tapping  application manager's title area and selecting 'log'19:23
timeless_mbpyou should be able to tap 'save as'19:24
timeless_mbp(this assumes your current session has a failed install attempt)19:24
timeless_mbpsave the log, and stick it somewhere19:24
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timeless_mbpif we're lucky, the log explains why ham refused to update your system :)19:24
a-sainthello guys am unable to download the new N900 maemo update "Not enough memory in target location"19:24
timeless_mbpdoes someone have a nice faq url for a-saint? (there is one)19:24
MiXu-a-saint, oilgame_:
Arkenoishould i change any repository information after update to get correct 1.2 versions of packages?19:25
a-saintMiXu- thanks a lot19:25
MiXu-Arkenoi: not necessary19:25
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timeless_mbpArkenoi: ideally everything should magically DoTheRightThing ™ :)19:25
oilgame_MiXu-: ty19:26
MohammadAG_but hey, BadThingsHappen™19:26
Bluewindwhere's the chat history saved in pr 1.2?19:27
blizzowanyone got an idea how long the update should take?19:27
Bluewindblizzow: took 3h or something like that here19:27
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Bluewindthough that was OTA19:27
timeless_mbpBluewind: same place it is before? it's in a sqlite db19:27
blizzowthree hours??!19:28
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Bluewindtimeless_mbp: where?19:28
MiXu-Took me about 30 minutes iirc19:28
timeless_mbpBluewind: there's a wiki page which covers this stuff :)19:28
PhonicUKhey all, is there a way to view alt text in the browser?19:28
blizzowWas that in the download or the actual upgrade?19:28
timeless_mbpPhonicUK: in 1.2 view-source:<url>19:28
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johnsu01timeless_mbp: only error seems to be a gpg error from the mozilla repa19:28
tgalalhow do I launch the Conversations app from terminal ??? It's not reading the restored db file and I need to debug it19:28
timeless_mbpPhonicUK: or turn off downloading images19:28
timeless_mbp(in adjust view)19:29
timeless_mbpjohnsu01: darn19:29
timeless_mbptime to use XTerminal :)19:29
Bluewindtimeless_mbp: it's not that I wouldn't google before asking19:29
Corsacgrmnl, tmo search only gives the thread, not the post or the page19:30
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timeless_mbp the last comment on the first page lists the relevant directory (.rtcom-eventlogger)19:30
PhonicUKthats annoying19:30
PhonicUKah well19:30
timeless_mbpPhonicUK: why?19:30
timeless_mbpwhat do you need them for?19:30
Bluewindtimeless_mbp: thx19:31
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timeless_mbpPhonicUK: xkcd is broken19:31
timeless_mbptell them to fix their site19:31
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PhonicUK? seems fine to me19:31
timeless_mbpalt is *ALTERNATE* text19:31
timeless_mbpit is not "magic secret text"19:31
timeless_mbpit's supposed to be *equivalent* to the picture19:31
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PhonicUKhes actually using the title tag19:32
timeless_mbpthat's not the same as ALT19:32
timeless_mbpif you mean TITLE, say TITLE19:32
* timeless_mbp hates users19:32
PhonicUKwhich is legit19:32
timeless_mbpif you're a user, please say "i want to see something when I hover over the picture"19:32
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timeless_mbpyou want to use Mouse Mode19:32
timeless_mbpor Interactive Mode, however you want to call it19:32
PhonicUKim a dev :p19:32
timeless_mbpwhich was supported in the original sales release19:32
timeless_mbpyou're a bad dev, please go back to pretending to be a user.19:33
timeless_mbp… and is documented all over, including in the page19:33
PhonicUKi didnt realise he was using label instead of alt until i looked at the code19:33
timeless_mbpyou should watch their videos19:33
timeless_mbpsee, view-source: saved the day!19:33
timeless_mbpa pr1.2 feature :)19:33
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timeless_mbpaSIMULAtor: where's the browser howto? i can't find it in that youtube page19:34
* RST38h wonders how to make portrait mode stick in some applications19:34
PhonicUKi dislike that the bookmarks and history buttons swapped places19:34
* timeless_mbp shrugs19:34
PhonicUKand the new OSK19:34
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timeless_mbpthe new osk is /mostly/ better than the old one19:35
SpeedEvilI hate the new osk19:35
timeless_mbpsadly they regressed some 1.1 features :(19:35
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SpeedEvilIn what ways is it better?19:35
PhonicUKthe text keeps changing size as i type :/19:35
timeless_mbpincluding a community negotiated feature :(19:35
PhonicUKreally annoying19:35
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timeless_mbpPhonicUK: eh?19:35
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PhonicUKuse the OSK to type a long message.19:35
defraggerwhy is the rootfs that small?19:36
SpeedEvildefragger: Because the / device is 256M19:36
PhonicUKafter the 1st line, it changes size every time you type a char19:36
w00t_timeless_mbp: do you know how to use OSK to type a | character since 1.2 btw? I can't figure that out for the life of me..19:36
PhonicUKpause typing and it changes again19:36
defraggerah ok i see19:36
w00t_and i just found out how..19:36
w00t_(a bit nonobvious that symbols change when you hit shift)19:37
PhonicUKfound it too19:37
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PhonicUKthats annoying too19:37
pillarhey where is the skype video calling available at?19:37
timeless_mbpw00t_: installing hebrew breaks the hardware keyboard, so i press fn-EUR and get |19:37
SpeedEvilIn some ways I hate all the little 'obvious' ways of doing stuff.19:37
PhonicUKpillar, contacts list19:37
pillarI just installed PR1.2 and wanted to try it19:37
timeless_mbppillar: normal contacts19:37
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timeless_mbpit depends on whether skype "thinks" the other party is video enabled19:37
SpeedEvilI would love in many cases a popup the first time I use a feature explainind stuff.19:37
PhonicUKyou have to be logged into skype for the option to show19:38
SpeedEvilFor exampl - click application manager - 'Hey - do you know you can rearrange these icons by...'19:38
timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: way too logical19:38
PhonicUKi made that mistake19:38
timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: you mean the app launcher not application manager :)19:38
SpeedEvilRather than randomly spastically clicking on bits of decoration.19:38
SpeedEviltimeless: indeed.19:38
pillarok, skype is showing that my friends status is offline so that's maybe why19:38
timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: we've asked for that repeatedly19:39
Aranelfiles located @ /home/user/.something counts as rootfs or optified?19:39
timeless_mbppillar: yeah, you can't make video calls to people who aren't online :)19:39
cehtehpillar: yes no video chat selection for offline people19:39
SpeedEvilAranel: /home/ is a different filesystem19:39
pillarthey are online for sure though, I just talked normal skype call19:39
SpeedEvilAranel: As is MyDocs19:39
timeless_mbppillar: are they invisible or something?19:39
pillarit's just that the status hasn't updated19:39
AranelSpeedEvil: so everything stored under /home/ is not gonna help me for freeing up rootfs space, isnt it?19:39
MaikBHi folks.  Am I imagining it, or is 1.2 quite a bit snappier?19:40
SpeedEvilAranel: Not at all.19:40
AranelSpeedEvil: thanks =)19:40
SpeedEvilMaikB: In some ways.19:40
SpeedEvilMaikB: I still get occasional music stalls when compiling a kernel.19:40
timeless_mbp<  Nokia N900: How to use Mouse Mode  >19:40
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MaikBSpeedEvil, you compile kernels on device?19:41
jogadoes anyone know what the sizes reported by app manager are actually?19:41
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MaikBawesome lol19:41
SpeedEvilMaikB: I'm just trying it.19:41
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SpeedEvilMaikB: It's at net/packet after a couple of hours19:41
PhonicUKi know about mouse mode :p19:42
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Aranelany good apps for graphical disk usage? DiskUsage shows lots of /home/ folders, even If I ask for rootfs space :/19:42
PhonicUKwtf, they moved backspace to the BOTTOM of the OSK?!?!19:42
Bluewindok ~/.rtcom-eventlogger/el.db ist still here and ok, but the gui doesn't show the logs19:43
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jogaPhonicUK: maybe you can use ukeyboard to make it better? I haven't tried it though19:43
ShadowJKJust let some schoolchildren play scrabble, then take the OSK layout from the result19:43
PhonicUKAranel, storage usage is good19:43
Bluewindpermissions also seem ok19:43
PhonicUKit shows by filesystem instead of by tree19:43
MaikBSpeedEvil, I didn't build my own kernel since my gentoo days :)19:43
PhonicUKconky is a must have too19:43
timeless_mbpPhonicUK: yeah well, the people who designed the new OSK aren't the brightest19:44
AranelPhonicUK: thanks, trying it now =)19:44
PhonicUKno kidding19:44
timeless_mbpin general, their changes weren't so bad19:44
timeless_mbpbut yeah, the backspace should have been top right19:44
timeless_mbpthat's unfortunate19:44
aSIMULAtoryeah and how are you going to put it at hte top right19:44
aSIMULAtorif it's a friggin dialog now19:44
timeless_mbpaSIMULAtor: ?19:44
PhonicUKtheres more stuff i hate in 1.2 than i like19:44
aSIMULAtori'm talking about the backspace19:45
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aSIMULAtoradd another row?19:45
a-saintMiXu- isn't there a way to increase the root space19:45
timeless_mbpaSIMULAtor: the OSK has 4 rows19:45
lardman~lart Ubuntu updates for breaking things19:45
* infobot cuts off Ubuntu updates's head with a halberd that could have been a little bit sharper for breaking things19:45
timeless_mbptake the backspace key from row 4 and move it to row 1, move rows 1..3 to 2..419:45
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timeless_mbpi.e. "top right of the OSK"19:45
PhonicUKthe osk should have stayed full screen19:46
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timeless_mbpPhonicUK: the full screen keyboard was moderately painful19:46
timeless_mbpand problematic19:46
xorAxAxwhat could be the reason for this apt problem?
PhonicUKbetter than this imo19:46
xorAxAxanybody seen that?19:46
pillarit's annoying that the Call with skype to the cell number is visible right away, but the actual skype call one has to scroll for..19:46
aSIMULAtorfrom what i remember, the reason why the backspace key was added to hte lowest row is cause it's right next to your thumb19:47
PhonicUKusing it now on the bus19:47
timeless_mbpaSIMULAtor: interesting19:47
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aSIMULAtorenter, backspace, blah blah19:47
timeless_mbpaSIMULAtor: it would be nice if people published their explanations19:47
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PhonicUKbut my thumbs are in the middle, not at the bottom19:47
timeless_mbpaSIMULAtor: personally, having just been a user experience guinea pig for a future OSK19:47
aSIMULAtorare your thumbs retarded19:47
timeless_mbpaSIMULAtor: it's easier for me to hit the top right of the OSK than the bottom right19:48
timeless_mbpbecause it's a radial sweep away from the bottom right corner of the device19:48
aSIMULAtori would have prefered it not to be a dialog19:48
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aSIMULAtorbut yeah as you said, problems with it being full screen19:48
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timeless_mbpxorAxAx: why do you think that apt-cache output indicates a problem?19:49
aSIMULAtorthough also, i think that hte on screen keyboard is somewhat supposed to look like how a regular kb looks like which i think it does19:49
SpeedEvilDeal with it by making the 'return' icon look like close19:49
aSIMULAtorbackspace would have been good at hte top19:49
aSIMULAtorwhat about hte other languages?19:49
SpeedEvilspace is too large now19:49
GNU\caust1chi! is there a way to update the n900 without the nokia software?19:50
StskeepsGNU\caust1c: yes, flasher-3.19:50
timeless_mbpGNU\caust1c: eh?19:50
timeless_mbpyou can use SSU, Flasher, or NSU19:50
zaheermTomaszD, ping19:50
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, flashing is
BluewindGNU\caust1c: apt-get dist-upgrade but takes ages19:50
timeless_mbpall of that is nokia software19:50
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TomaszDzaheerm, pong19:50
timeless_mbpaSIMULAtor: you're around these days, right?19:51
PhonicUKthe osk should match a real one as close as possible imo19:51
PhonicUKsame here19:51
PhonicUKand you need backspace a lot in the osk19:51
MohammadAG_MeeGo 1.0 out?19:51
TomaszDzaheerm, is it that time again?19:51
aSIMULAtorin the office?19:51
aSIMULAtoryep same place19:51
zaheermTomaszD, i created gstreamer plugin packages so we can get webm support in, any chance you can add it to extra decoders19:51
zaheermTomaszD, and add the tracker-register-mimetype stuff for video/webm19:51
* aSIMULAtor batts her eyelashes at timeless19:51
aSIMULAtormy friend is having problems with pr1.219:51
TomaszDzaheerm, sure, I was kind of thinking if we need any updates for the other gstreamer packages19:52
timeless_mbpcome visit me some time19:52
blizzowso fmms is in extras once I install 1.2?19:52
timeless_mbpwhat's wrong? :)19:52
blizzowand will work?19:52
aSIMULAtorwhat flor19:52
zaheermTomaszD, no need for updates, tho we could use the opportunity to push new versions of plugins in19:52
timeless_mbpin now fwiw19:52
MiXu-a-saint: no, there's no way to increase rootfs size since it's on a separate chip.19:52
aSIMULAtori haven't been on this irc in a long time19:53
TomaszDzaheerm, yeah, mkv, musepack and others19:53
Arkenoinow watching NOKIA logo for several minutes19:53
zaheermTomaszD, well i already did mkv19:53
Arkenoiis that ok?19:53
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: it should merge all versions to one19:53
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: it thinks that it needs to update that and other packages19:53
KMFDMnokia software updator keeps failign for me19:53
zaheermTomaszD, needed for webm support19:53
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: after update, it still thinks so19:53
TomaszDzaheerm, ok so we could do musepack and rm then19:53
KMFDMwith downloading update failed19:53
KMFDMit keeps trying to resume a download it seems19:53
KMFDMas it always jumps to 33.6MB done19:53
KMFDMthen fials19:53
TomaszDand then push out new decoders-support with updated dependencies19:54
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zaheermTomaszD, yah good idea19:54
MohammadAG_MeeGo 1.0 out*19:54
Arkenoiit would suck if i will be finally forced to pc reflash19:54
timeless_mbpxorAxAx: hrm19:54
aSIMULAtortimeless: meet kmfdm my friend out of the other many who are having problems19:54
TomaszDzaheerm, I need the mimetypes for webm19:54
Arkenoibut there is no progress, just nokia logo19:54
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timeless_mbpso, you don't really want to use 'policy'19:54
KMFDMmy problem seems to be nokia software updater19:55
zaheermTomaszD, video/webm19:55
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timeless_mbpxorAxAx: policy is basically saying " you have 3 repositories configured with the same host which claim to offer the same version"19:55
MiXu-KMFDM: Do you have the latest NSU?19:55
zaheermTomaszD, and it needs to pick up latest gstreamer0.10-mkv package plus gstreamer0.10-vp819:55
timeless_mbpthey might not be the same package version :)19:55
KMFDMi installed the update today19:55
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timeless_mbphi KMFDM19:55
KMFDMhi timeless19:55
TomaszDzaheerm, how about moving registering mimetypes to the metapackage like we planned19:55
TomaszDwas there a good plan for this?19:55
aSIMULAtorno email app shortcut for desktop?19:56
johnsu01timeless_mbp: it looks like my problem might just be space after all..19:56
TomaszDI can't think of one that doesn't break things19:56
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: no, it has to look like this:19:56
zaheermTomaszD, which mimetypes need to move to the metapackage?19:56
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TomaszDlet me see19:56
timeless_mbpxorAxAx: try apt-cache showpkg … instead of policy ...19:57
blizzowwow meego uses btrfs.19:57
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: 4 provides lines :-(19:58
PhonicUKi did a reflash, ota install died on me19:58
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Arkenoiphonic: how it died?19:58
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MohammadAG_Arkenoi, I said 1.019:59
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MohammadAG_not 0.119:59
* Arkenoi tries to figure out if it died or just stuck for a while19:59
MohammadAG_anyways, i'll reflash it soon, not19:59
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xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: brb, this issue seems to block also the pr 1.2 upgrade19:59
timeless_mbpxorAxAx: pastebin the showpkg output?19:59
PhonicUKlol ptl19:59
Arkenoi10 minutes of blue NOKIA logo19:59
TomaszDzaheerm, decoders-support only registers matroska and mpeg2 transport stream20:00
Arkenoiis it too much? should i turn it off until it drained battery completely?20:00
PhonicUKmine took 5 mins to boot, rootfs was full, nothing worked20:00
blizzowArkenoi: I thought mine died, I had to hold in the power button for a few seconds and then it went to a nokia screen and said it's "installing software update"20:00
PhonicUKso i reflahed with maemo flashed20:00
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infobotmethinks flashing is
zaheermTomaszD, so realmedia one needs to be done, what else20:00
TomaszDand musepack20:01
infoboti guess flashing is
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TomaszDzaheerm, ^20:01
infobotwell, bj is Benin20:01
infobot42 is, like, the answer to life the universe and everything, see also,_the_universe,_and_everything20:01
* Arkenoi will wait 5 more minutes and then will try to restart it either way20:01
infobotwell, infobot is the most helpful and smartest of all the bots20:02
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infobotrumour has it, meego is an opensource distribution for netbooks and mobile devices20:02
infoboti heard cheese is pure awesomesause.  I love cheese.20:02
infobotsomebody said maemo was
infoboti heard bp is pb backwards20:02
infoboti heard n900 is a wooden box with stained cans inside20:03
TomaszDzaheerm, what would be the solution, push everything at once?20:03
blizzow~British Petroleum20:03
TomaszDcould you two stop doing this?20:03
infobotgoogle is probably
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blizzowSorry TomaszD, I'll private message infobot with this.20:03
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TomaszDzaheerm, or push the updated metapackage first, it won't be installable, then push the decoders20:04
papoI'm flashing my N900 and am wondering about the following things: 1. what exactly does the MMC image contain? wiki sais that I don't need it but some other bogs etc. want me to flash it. 2) what is not contained in the backup done by the backup utility?20:04
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Stskeepspapo: it overwrites your 32gb storage20:04
Arkenoiwell, power button does not respond either20:04
Arkenoiwill wait a little more and remove accumulator20:04
PhonicUKtake the battery out20:04
timeless_mbpsorry, irc client crashed, time for an update :)20:04
papoStskeeps: Hm ok but what would one to flash that storage in the first place? Isn't it more or less empty?20:05
papoI mean when you first get the device20:05
Stskeepspapo: it's the same thing that's flashed initialyl to the device20:05
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Arkenoigot Nokia logo20:05
Arkenoithen bubbles running20:06
Arkenoithen nokia logo again20:06
papoStskeeps: to be honest I have no idea what was in there initially20:06
Arkenoibubbles running again20:06
Arkenoiand it powered itself off20:06
papoStskeeps: so if I don't flash the MMC I will keep my home with all the podcasts and dot files/directories etc.?20:06
Stskeepspapo: right. but i would just do OTA update20:06
Arkenoithen on, nokia logo again20:07
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papoStskeeps: this doesn't work for me for some reasons20:07
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MiXu-Arkenoi: How long since you started the update?20:07
Arkenoii guess it is a loop and it is dead20:07
papoStskeeps: I just never get the message of a pending OS upgrade. I get notifications for programs, though20:07
SpeedEvilArkenoi: bubbles?20:07
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ArkenoiMiXu-, half and hour20:08
jogais 45MB enough?20:08
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MiXu-Arkenoi: Ok. I don't recall it powering off that much while upgrading.20:08
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Arkenoilooks quite like a reboot loop, it boots up to different stages (i've seen a desktop wallpaper once even) and then reboots again20:08
Khertan_n900Hi !20:08
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jogaArkenoi: on charger?20:08
Arkenoijoga: nope, should i?20:09
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jogaArkenoi: I dunno. I've had such loops when I was using a charger that didn't actually have the muscle to charge the device20:09
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papoStskeeps: I don't even understand how this is supposed to work... I read reports like "1.2 available in UK today" and stuff like that, how can this be rolled out country by country anyway?20:09
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jogain the package details it says "Updating 'Maemo 5' requires 20,0 MB of device memory"..20:10
microlithpapo: the repositories are marked off by region20:10
jogameh, quite confusing20:10
papomicrolith: oh ok20:11
marmoutejoga: it will download much more. Then upgrade. then remove download.20:11
Arkenoidamn if i knew i will be forced to PC reflash anyways i'd installed leakware the first week it appeared20:11
marmoute20 more Mo will remain after that20:11
jogamarmoute: won't it download them to the flash card?20:11
marmoutejoga: how are you tring to upgrade ?20:11
jogamarmoute: from the app manager20:11
jogaI suppose it's possible even though it says it will use 113,1MB in the package view, and I don't think you have that much free rootfs even with a vanilla device?20:12
* timeless_mbp files bug reports against a software platform using the n900 :o20:13
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Aranelis it ok to remove /var/cache/apt/*.bin ? they took 3.9 megabytes.20:13
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zaheermTomaszD, push the decoders then the metapackage in v ery close succession20:14
Triztnot enough space on rootfs when having 45.4MB free (4.2 more if purged some tempfiles)20:15
jogahey, it started updating, complained about putting the charger in and told me to try again, but it didn't stop and just continued after I put it on charge and clicked the notification away20:15
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jogaI wonder if it now did all the proper disk space checks etc ;P20:15
* microlith boggles as he taps a mail notification and the mail window pops up faster than ever20:15
PhonicUKi have 85MB free on rootfs since the update :)20:15
ArkenoiMalfunction -- device shutdown in 10s20:15
PhonicUKa lot of stuff is faster now20:16
tripzerooh noes20:16
jogaArkenoi :/20:16
tripzeroself destruct sequence initiated20:16
* joga hoping for the best 20:16
PhonicUKreflash :p20:16
wazdmy update thru NSU took about 30 seconds or so20:16
jogareflashing is wrong because it can be fixed! :p20:16
Triztanyone know how much free space you need before update?20:17
timeless_mbpTrizt: hey, did my package finally update properly? :)20:17
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PhonicUKreflashing gets rid of loads of junk20:17
jogaTrizt: I just started the update with 45MB, but it's not done yet20:17
timeless_mbpi think at least in .1 the package should work. i hope.20:17
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Trizttimeless_mbp; yes, it seemed to work now20:17
* timeless_mbp hasn't deployed it officially yet, but will once Trizt confirms20:17
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* timeless_mbp goes to flip the switch20:17
skynetsturned off the phone 2 hours after updating20:17
skynetsit wont turn on anymore20:17
PhonicUKbattery flat?20:18
Arkenoiso which file do i need?20:18
Triztat least I'm back on having your excelent translation instead of the default english and the buttons seems to be as they should20:18
jogabattery is the first thing I'd check20:18
skynetsbattery full20:18
skynetswow reseated battery twice and it works now20:18
PhonicUKremove it, wait, put it back20:18
jogaskynets: does the led light up when you try?20:18
Triztjoga; each time I try it says I have to flash instead of OTA20:18
skynetsfirst time this happens20:18
Triztsoon uninstalled everything20:18
jogaTrizt: how much free rootfs space do you have?20:18
jogaTrizt: yeah, I did that too, but most of it was optified I guess and took away a lot without getting much rootfs back20:19
a-saintisn't there a way to increase the root space on N90020:19
* GAN900 reads the MeeGo/N900 thread.20:19
fragmentTrizt: do you have gles1 libs or games installed?20:19
Triztjoga; 45.420:20
chadiis anybody having a problem with qtirreco?20:20
jogaa-saint: there are of course ways, but I guess not all of them are something everyone agrees on20:20
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jogachadi: what sort you have?20:20
chadiI can't download a remote20:20
Triztfragment; I think I now have just the default games  gles1 I don't know20:20
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skynets1.2 is so buggy20:20
chadiin the download remote section, i have nothing20:20
a-saintjoga can't install the new update because of root space20:21
jogaskynets: how?20:21
skynetsits freezing right now20:21
skynetsreally slow20:21
aquatixhm, is there a known issue about the backup app on n900 not wanting to backup?20:21
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aquatixas in, stuck on 0%20:21
jogaskynets: if there's something more important going on than then gui, things will lag20:21
joga*than the20:21
timeless_mbpaquatix: i know of a case if you have symlink mazes20:21
timeless_mbpbeyond that, no20:21
jogaa dual core would help ;)20:21
PhonicUKaquatix, mine did that20:21
skynetsnow screen is blank20:22
timeless_mbpaquatix: you should be able to look at the backup app using sshd and the procfs20:22
aquatixtimeless_mbp: it's a default used install20:22
PhonicUKjumped to 100 after a few mins20:22
timeless_mbpor strace20:22
timeless_mbpaquatix: no evil stuff?20:22
aquatixPhonicUK: oh20:22
skynetsstill lagging20:22
aquatixtimeless_mbp: no, it's my girl's phone20:22
PhonicUKjust takes a while20:22
aquatixnothing weird20:22
timeless_mbpaquatix: i've done ~5 backups w/ pr1220:22
microlithskynets: sounds like my device occasionally, back on PR1.1.120:22
timeless_mbpplus a couple of restores w/o noticing anything annoying20:22
jogaskynets: I like to have the cpu tray applet, then I can always see when something's going on and if there's a reason it's lagging20:22
timeless_mbpthe only annoying thing is that OTA disables BT20:22
aquatixtimeless_mbp: this is right before updating to 1.220:23
timeless_mbpaquatix: oh, um. i haven't used 1.1.1's backup in ages20:23
a-saintjoga can't install the new update because of low root space20:23
jogagot "operation failed"20:23
jogait downloaded it but didn't get to install20:23
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timeless_mbpbut from memory they haven't been particularly active about fixing bugs :)20:23
Triztwhat was the command to purge pdkg not needed by dependencies?20:23
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jogaTrizt: hehe...yeah.20:23
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jogaTrizt: it would be deborphan to list them, but apt-get doesn't handle it without it20:24
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DocScrutinizer51GAN900: moo20:24
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timeless_mbpTrizt: apt-get autoremove ?20:24
GAN900DocScrutinizer51, yo.20:24
a-saintjoga no didn't download it said no free space target destination20:24
ShadowJKOTA disables BT?20:24
DocScrutinizer51GAN900: you pinged me?20:24
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GAN900DocScrutinizer51, I poked Quim about the device queue20:25
jogaa-saint: yeah, but for me it did20:25
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jogait actually seems to be updating20:25
DocScrutinizer51GAN900: nice20:25
Trizttimeless_mbp; thanks20:25
jogathere's a progress bar going slowly20:25
chadijoga: I get this:
timeless_mbpTrizt: that's really sp 300020:25
timeless_mbpi'm just an audio irc proxy20:25
jogabut I wonder, what was that operation failed...oh, maybe it was when I pressed camkey20:25
GAN900DocScrutinizer51, I'll let you know what something comes back.20:26
a-saintjoga i see the update can't download20:26
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jogaa-saint: then I'm afraid you need to free up some space or reflash it if you want it fast20:26
johnsu01hm I think I may be in a reboot loop here, maybe dist-upgrade wasn't so wise20:26
DocScrutinizer51GAN900: thanks20:26
a-saintjoga i tried and freed some space but it wasn't enough20:27
DocScrutinizer51GAN900: btw my excuse not to use 1.2 has changed now :)20:27
chadijohnsu01: a lot of people were reporting problems with dist-upgrade20:27
jogaif I restore a backup, are my /home configuration files gone?20:27
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jogaa-saint: yeah, then keep on doing it :)20:27
GAN900DocScrutinizer51, I hear it may eat your children.20:27
a-saintjoga i got 47.9 free space in /20:27
johnsu01chadi: yeah, it's rebooting right after it loads the desktop wallpaper20:27
jogaa-saint: I got less and it was enough20:27
jogaa-saint: try rebooting it and try again or somtehing20:27
DocScrutinizer51GAN900: exactly20:27
jogaa-saint: *though* my update is not done yet, so hold on!20:28
jogalet's see if it works ;P20:28
a-saintjoga ok20:28
DocScrutinizer51GAN900: and I got none to sacrifice20:28
jogait's at about 20%20:28
a-saintjoga yeah it's a big update20:28
a-saintjoga but there must be a way to increase space20:28
DocScrutinizer51GAN900: so I might wait until cat of the neighbour is enough to feed it20:29
chadijohnsu01 but I have no idea and no experience to help you :) someone else might be able to help20:29
jogaa-saint: there are risks involved in radically reorganizing things from the way they are now, but there are some tips in the wiki
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a-saintjoga am trying to free all unused app lets see where it gets20:32
chadia-saint: be aware that using the script on that page may brick your device..20:32
a-saintchadi thanks for the warnning20:32
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chadia-saint: it happened to mine, that's why I'd like to warn people. it may not necessarily apply to you :)20:33
chadiI don't like the fact that they used the word "safely"20:33
a-saintchadi well i will try and not use any script20:34
chadiheh, good luck20:34
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a-saintchadi thanks20:35
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jogaat ~60%...20:36
a-saintjoga i got this link earlier20:36
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a-saintjoga worked according to it20:37
jogathis is almost done..20:38
a-saintjoga and still removing app lol20:38
jogayeah I know, I got rid of everything big and most of the averages :)20:38
lcuka-saint, how much space have you got?  and have you already disabled -devel and -testing20:39
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lcukspace on / and also /home20:39
MohammadAG_bah, meego is a raw file20:39
MohammadAG_assuming it needs reflashing20:39
a-saintlcuk yeah done the disable repos20:39
MohammadAG_it took half an hour to reinstall my apps, i'm not wasting that time again20:40
lcukMohammadAG_, ?20:40
MohammadAG_lcuk, meego.com20:40
lcukreinstall apps where on meego or back onto maemo20:40
MohammadAG_when i upgraded to PR1.220:41
lcukfrom 1.1.9 or whatever you had :D20:42
blizzowAnyone know how to start a video call with a gmail account?20:42
MaikBMy N900 performs much better since I upgraded to 1.220:43
MaikBI'm very happy so far20:43
MiXu-I'm trying to upload my app to extras-devel but I get this error:
MiXu-Any ideas what's wrong?20:43
jogaseems like the update worked, it's rebooted and now I have 68MB on rootfs (45MB when I started)20:44
a-saintjoga I will try and redownload again now20:44
X-FadeMiXu-: Do you have the proper Build-Depends specified?20:44
E0xMiXu-: qmake20:44
a-saintjoga congratulations :D20:44
E0xis not found20:44
jogaa-saint, thx :)20:45
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MiXu-X-Fade: Hmm. Probably not.20:45
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MiXu-E0x: I can see that it's not found :D20:45
E0xwell , that is the problem20:45
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E0xyou asking what is wrong20:45
E0xthat is wrong20:45
MohammadAG_tmo down20:46
dmj726reflashing doesn't remove all your documents and settings, does it?20:46
jogathe first improvement I see is that the "Update all" is no longer in the menu and instead a button above the updates20:46
MohammadAG_back up20:46
MaikBjanyone here uses dgiatscene?20:46
FIQWasn't texting in the menu going to start a search?20:46
FIQtexting in menu does nothing for me20:46
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microliththat touchscreen click sound interacts badly with music playing20:46
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a-saintjoga finger crossed for me hopefully it work I freed as much as i could and kept the good needed ones20:47
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Arkenoibtw did leakware updated to pr1.2 ota well?20:47
MaikBits an youtube app and it always shows "This video has been removed", no matter which video i select and try to play20:47
E0xwhat need happen for a package get promote to extra ?20:48
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jogaMaikB: haven't tried that, but zoutube works pretty ok20:48
jogait's quite simple though20:48
MaikBjoga, thx, trying that20:48
a-saintjoga backing up20:49
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a-saintjoga and it's updating :D20:51
jogaa-saint: nice. hope it works20:51
odin_here goes me and PR1.2 then20:51
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a-saintjoga I believe it will now that it's updating20:52
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jogaa-saint: that's what you'd expect, at least ;)20:52
a-saintjoga lets keep the spirit up20:53
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Otacon22is it possible to update my n900 from linux?20:53
Otacon22it asks for nokia software updater app20:53
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Araneldamn, still need 16 mbyte more space to upgrade :/ Any rootfs-filler apps you know?20:54
lcukOtacon22, you can reflash from linux - after a backupflash/restore it will be cleaner anyway20:54
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lcukAranel, -devel -testing repository disable20:54
MaikBjoga, zoutube is slow...20:55
Aranellcuk: already diabled.20:55
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jogaMaikB: yeah, but still more comfy to use than youtube in the browser, albeit slow20:56
jogaor, well, depends on drunkedness :)20:57
MaikBI wonder how it can spend some much time on parsing some meta data20:57
C-S-Bso anything really wrong with this update?20:57
jogawhere's vim??20:57
skynetsthe phone is lagging so much i cant instaqll shit20:57
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lcukAranel, how much space do you actually have now?   du -s /usr/share/*|sort -n20:58
C-S-Balso, for the record, you can force the architecture for 64bit linux users20:58
lcukalso, du command for seeing specifics20:58
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skynetsi just disabled the fucking wifi and it works ok now20:59
evilrobdoes the app manager "restore applications" work well?20:59
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Aranellcuk: lots of output. want me to paste?20:59
jogahmm...oh, I still have vim, thought I got rid of it temporarily20:59
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DrGrovFinally PR 1.2 installed and settings back like they should21:00
DrGrovMohammadAG, I was a bit too worked up there today, eh? ;)21:00
dmj726how much space is needed for pr 1.2?21:01
MaikBWhen did this happen?21:01
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jogais there a video call testing service for skype? ;p21:02
timeless_mbpjoga: good question21:02
jogasome loopback thing21:02
DrGrovAnyone else see something like a SMS icon or missed call icon when the screen is locked and something has happened?21:02
DrGrovA missed event so to speak21:02
jogatimeless_mbp: it is?21:02
DrGrovAnyone else know if there is a way to get the old "virtual keyboard" of PR 1.1 back? I hate to take out the physical keyboard each freaking time I want to write a SMS21:03
DrGrovThe new virtual keyboard of PR 1.2 is freaking disgusting and non working21:03
lcukAranel, paste df result too please21:03
DrGrovCan't even get big letters for some reason....21:04
DrGrovBig disappointment it seems...21:04
timeless_mbpDrGrov: you can't go back :)21:04
kamuiman, even flaming in the comments of bugzilla21:04
timeless_mbpDrGrov: what problems are you actually having w/ it?21:04
DrGrovtimeless_mbp, no problem.21:04
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kamuithis community can certainly be unforgiving :-D21:04
timeless_mbpwhat do you mean by "big letters"?21:04
timeless_mbpthere's a shift in the lower left corner for uppercase...21:04
DrGrovtimeless_mbp, i am having the big problem of the virtual keyboard. i can't put a big A for ex. "A nice day today"21:05
DrGrovA shift? I don't see no damn shift...21:05
GAN900kamui, who could blame them, though?21:05
timeless_mbpDrGrov: the up arrow in the bottom left isn't working?21:05
GAN900timeless_mbp, been through the new browser bugs?21:05
jogatimeless_mbp: "Maintenance of videoecho123 was difficult technically, and I decided to finish this service" :/21:05
timeless_mbpGAN900: i think so, depends21:05
GAN900See ctrl-l is tied to that automatic focus setting now.21:05
DrGrovtimeless_mbp, i tried to press the arrow in the bottom left but it just changes the letters for numbers and other signs....21:05
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* GAN900 wonders if that's a spec change or a regression.21:06
DrGrovtimeless_mbp, so i need to keep it pressed in and then a for a big A?21:06
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timeless_mbpDrGrov: hrm21:06
timeless_mbpthere's an up arrow to the left of 'Z' in my English OSK21:06
timeless_mbpis that not what you're pressing?21:06
timeless_mbpGAN900: regression21:06
MaikBwell, chromium started and looked up the whole system21:07
MaikBto bad21:07
timeless_mbpwe discovered it the day pr1.2 shipped21:07
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DrGrovtimeless_mbp, i have pressed that several times.21:07
timeless_mbpGAN900: the bigger problem is that the feature you're using doesn't persist across browser launches21:07
microliththat is quite terrible21:07
timeless_mbpwhich makes it hard for people to reliably use it21:07
microlithno key touch indication21:07
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timeless_mbpsp3000 was only dogfooding defaults until recently hence the miss for him21:07
microlithno obvious boundaries between keys, either21:07
DrGrovtimeless_mbp, i will just use the physical keyboard. tomorrow i will test more. have too much stress atm to get into this persistent keyboard issue.21:07
timeless_mbpi don't use ctrl-l myself21:08
DrGrovyet again though some positive comments timeless_mbp21:08
jogaisn't there anymore skype availability icons for contacts?21:08
jogaor, any account or whatever the green dot thingy is21:08
timeless_mbpDrGrov: so, the up arrow definitely works for me21:08
timeless_mbpjoga: it's still there21:08
jogatimeless_mbp: not seeing it :(21:09
jogaI'll try to relogin to the account..21:09
timeless_mbpjoga: stupid question… are you connected? :)21:09
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DrGrovtimeless_mbp, ok. you see upon boot that the both "dotted" lines tend to move from right to left simultaneously and not only left to right?21:09
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lcukAranel, which liqbase stuff have you got :D21:09
lcuktho it wont tip you off the top21:09
aquatixhah, it finished backing up now21:09
timeless_mbpaquatix: good to hear :)21:09
jogatimeless_mbp: ok now they came back when I set it to offline and available again21:10
aquatixwith a big leap from 0 to 10021:10
Aranellcuk: I dont even know anything about liqbase. what is it? :)21:10
aquatixtimeless_mbp: yeah :)21:10
lcukAranel, its installed21:10
timeless_mbpDrGrov: i don't pay much attn to the splash stuff21:10
lcukell components may be21:10
ghostcube_maemohmmm 1.2 is cool21:10
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timeless_mbpother than my maemo splash video21:10
lcukits too small to be everything21:10
DrGrovtimeless_mbp, ok :) no worries21:11
Aranellcuk: how to remove it? apt-get remove liqbase doesnt do the trick.21:11
jogathe front cam is really dark21:11
DrGrovtimeless_mbp, i am now looking at a youtube video to see the conversations virtual keyboard.21:11
DrGrovtimeless_mbp, trying to figure out whether something i have missed out on :)21:11
lcukAranel, i dunno what you have installed, i just see the top level folder in your du report :P21:11
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jogathe image quality seems a lot less grainy though!21:12
Aranellcuk: If I manage to remove it, how much free space I'll get?21:12
lcukgo into HAM and read up the du report you shown me and remove things which match if you need so much space21:12
jogait's just so dark and lacks contrast, maybe good in daylight21:12
DrGrovtimeless_mbp, yes I see that arrow in the left corner. I will try my phone now to see if it really works. God admn!21:12
lcukwell thats the general numbers on the left21:12
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timeless_mbpGAN900: can you reproduce bug 10313? i can't, even at
povbot`Bug Browser fullscreen virtual keyboard closes when turning from portrait to landscape21:13
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timeless_mbpjoga: we have a night mode in camera now :)21:13
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jogaand more resolutions21:14
MiXu-X-Fade: It was simply build-deps issue. Thanks :)21:15
MiXu-Works now.21:15
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GAN900timeless_mbp, reproduced first time on that page.21:15
timeless_mbpGAN900: hrm...21:16
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Aranellcuk: I think I didnt understand what to do :/ How can I know them if they match or not?21:16
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GAN900timeless_mbp, open site, go into portrait, tap text field, watching vkb open, move device into landscape, watch keyboard closes.21:16
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lcukAranel, this paste you put in21:17
lcukeach line consists of a line number, folder size, folder name /usr/share/SOMETHING21:18
Aranellcuk: cant I send you the list of installed packages or something? I really don't have any idea how I did fill that much space. There was much more space a month ago :/21:18
lcukthe sizes get bigger towards the bottom21:18
Aranellcuk: yes but they're system files, mostly?21:18
jogahehe, can I somehow press backspace with the osk without using ctrl with it or hw keyb?21:18
Aranellcuk: like micro-b, locales, themes, icons, nokia maps..21:18
lcukso look up the list whilst you have app manager open and see hwat you can remove21:18
jogaor, well, ctrl doesn't work either since it opens a text input field where it acts and not the terminal21:19
lcuksure Aranel you cant wipe those im not asking you to, im just trying to help you find out whats taking up space21:19
DrGrovtimeless_mbp, my theme was blocking the arrow key and space key. LOL21:19
timeless_mbpDrGrov: please file a bug21:19
lcukAranel, looks like you just have a lot of smallish apps on21:20
* DocScrutinizer wonders whether to call the coach and medic care, to prepare for meego meeting madness during the remaining 40 minutes21:20
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Aranellcuk: can't I simply upgrade to PR1.2, without reflashing, or freeing up space? Like moving the apt cache?21:20
timeless_mbpGAN900: ok, hit it21:20
Arkenoi..and qt does not start any faster21:20
timeless_mbpi think that google is changing its page layout21:20
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timeless_mbpGAN900: can you reproduce w/ data:text/html,<input><textarea> ?21:21
DocScrutinizeris there some confirmed figure now how much free rootspace 1.2 OTA will require?21:21
lcukAranel, backup and reflash21:21
lcukand restore afterwards21:21
DocScrutinizermoo lcuk21:21
lcukif you havent got the space and arent comfortable finding out how to make it/rectify issue the only thing left is reflash21:22
timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer: no :)21:22
lcukhey DocScrutinizer21:22
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DocScrutinizertimeless_mbp: great. Thanks anyway :-D21:22
MaikBis there something to use google's buzz ?21:23
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AranelDocScrutinizer: heard that It needs 48 megabytes.21:23
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timeless_mbpMaikB: the browser works w/ buzz :)21:24
lcukthats about right Aranel21:24
timeless_mbpdinner time.21:24
DocScrutinizerAranel: sounds somewhat reasonable (though not exactly sane), as 1.1.1 required about same21:24
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* Trizt ended up with flashing, managde to f**k it up by removing packages21:24
MaikBtimeless_mbp, I know21:24
timeless_mbppeople often forget that21:25
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FredrIQCan i compile things same way as on a computer on N900?21:25
Aranellcuk: If I just do rm -rf /usr/share/liqbase. How much space I'll gain?21:25
DocScrutinizersomebody spanked crashanddie? :-P21:25
timeless_mbpthey paid for a good browser, got a good browser, and then forgot that it worked21:25
FredrIQand place it in the 2G partition21:25
MaikBtimeless_mbp, I thought about adding (which is not the browser) but assumed...21:25
lcukabout 680k21:25
lcukfrom the looks of df21:25
timeless_mbpMaikB: i've been working on microb here @nokia for 4 years21:25
timeless_mbpso it annoys me when people go looking for other solutions which tend to be inferior :)21:26
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Aranellcuk: aww :( so I'll still need 17.4 megabytes to upgrade :P21:26
threshdo you know the man who worked on ham?21:26
MaikBtimeless_mbp, it is IMHO _the_ feature of the N90021:26
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MaikBtimeless_mbp, thank you!21:26
threshso we could kill him.21:26
lcukyes so its thousand papercuts21:26
johnsu01will flashing the emmc image overwrite the backup I made before bricking?21:26
ghostcube_maemohmmm i cant get skype to do vid call grml21:26
DocScrutinizer~spank crashanddie s/ibot/happy bd/21:26
lcukreally, save hassle and backup/flash21:26
* infobot bends crashanddie s/ibot/happy bd/ over his knee and tatoos 'ibot' on crashanddie s/ibot/happy bd/'s pasty white buttocks.21:26
lcukyour system will be cleaner and you can tick select the apps to reinstall afterwards21:26
blizzowanyone have trouble logging into AIM accounts?  I set up my client and click connect, it just continues to say "not signed in"21:27
Aranellcuk: I'd hate to reflash :/ I'm kind of.. weird, when it comes to reflashing, see: I've installed Ubuntu 7.04 like 3 yrs ago, now its 10.04 and I'm still using it. :)21:27
DocScrutinizerjohnsu01: depends on where you stored the backup, no?21:27
Aranellcuk: what about moving the whole microb-engine to opt, then symlink it?21:27
MaikBtimeless_mbp, but I don't think any general purpose browser can compete in terms of energy efficiency with an dedicated app for an low volume task like twitter or buzz.21:28
Aranellcuk: I can move it to same location after upgrade.21:28
MaikBtimeless_mbp, disagree?21:28
johnsu01DocScrutinizer: Yes, and I think the answer to my question is yes, judging by the warning in bold at
lcukAranel, dont21:28
lcukit will just cause more upsets21:28
DocScrutinizerjohnsu01: anyway flashing eMMC isn't considered mandatory for debricking21:28
jogaAranel: how much space do you have free now?21:29
DrGrovtimeless, sorry what did you say?21:29
Araneljoga: 32 megabytes.21:29
DocScrutinizerthe only real nasty pathological case would be some rogue content of ~user/21:29
jogaAranel: 45 was enough for me to update21:29
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Aranellcuk: It seems there's 100megabytes of data which APT doesnt know anything about.21:29
DocScrutinizeras it seems there is no other way to clean/edit ~user/* than reflashing the *whole* eMMC21:30
Araneljoga: hmm, so I need 13 more, but I can't find any app to remove, they just give me 50~100kb, nothing more.21:30
jogaI don't think the sizes reported by the app manager are even nearly accurate, if they're static, since programs share the libraries21:30
lcukAranel, but then when the install occurs it does all sorts of things beyond your cleaning up21:30
jogaand I assume it includes the libraries in the estimate21:30
joga(otherwise it wouldn't be very useful at all) :)21:31
dmj726Aranel: what message does it give you?21:31
Araneldmj726: It says I have to use NSU to upgrade.21:31
dmj726same here21:31
Araneldmj726: which I resist :P21:32
dmj726I don't want to deal with that.21:32
DocScrutinizerAranel: look into python libs21:32
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Arkenoiso qt still sucks and it likely *will* continue to suck :-(21:32
josephnexushi everyone!21:32
jogahmm...what Attitude needs is the camera finder view to overlay the pitch meter on instead of the dull horizon21:32
josephnexusi'm wanting to update to the latest version of maemo21:32
jogawould be even useful then :)21:32
josephnexusbut I don't have a windows machine21:32
josephnexushow would I go about updating?21:32
AranelDocScrutinizer: where to look exactly?21:33 about a linux machine?21:33
DocScrutinizerjosephnexus: feel happy, windows is a virus21:33
josephnexusi have a linux box21:33
josephnexusbut I thought we could update this over the air21:33
dmj726you can flash with that21:33
DocScrutinizerthat's MUCH better21:33
dmj726...hopefully we can21:33
Aranellcuk: so it is normal thing to see that APT doesn't know about 100 megabytes of file?21:33
dmj726some are having issues with ota21:33
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josephnexusso how do i do the update?21:34
Aranellcuk: I'm just suspicious about "unwanted files", maybe some package installed lots of things which APT is not even aware of.21:34
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dmj726go to update in the app manager21:34
josephnexusand it will do it's thing?21:34
josephnexuscuz it was telling me to have it plugged into a PC and update that way21:34
josephnexuswhich isn't possible for me21:34
DocScrutinizerAranel: no expert here. But I found python libs eating some 50MB of my rootspace a few months ago. Some package called python-optify or similar cured that21:34
dmj726it will give a maemo 5 package in the update list21:35
MaikBoops, I broke stackoverflow.com21:35
dmj726tap that to install21:35
MaikBI'm sorry21:35
FredrIQqt4-qmake libqt4-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-net1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev liblua5.1-dev fpc - is everything available somewhere?21:35
josephnexussince it is reflashing and such, is my data at risk?21:35
AranelDocScrutinizer: is it pymaemo-optify?21:35
DocScrutinizerAranel: mount should show you a few python bindmounts, otherwise you have to get that optification21:35
DocScrutinizerAranel: yes21:36
josephnexus(i know you should always have a backup, this is more out of curiosity)21:36
AranelDocScrutinizer: It's already installed.21:36
DrGrovanyone found any HD quality videos about PR 1.2?21:36
DocScrutinizerAranel: sorry21:36
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Arkenoithe most disappointing part is qt21:37
Arkenoii did really hope qt application will start fast21:37
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DocScrutinizerAranel: anyway, regarding space freed by app deinstall - it's lieing as it doesn't count the dependencies21:37
Arkenoiand modest21:38
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Arkenoimodest is still the same disaster21:38
Arkenoiall numerous usability bug reports were ignored21:38
DocScrutinizerAranel: app-a (100k) depends lib-x (10MB),  app-b (150k) depends lib-x (10MB), you never will see the 10MB freed figure that you get on deinstalling app-a AND app-b21:39
Shapeshifterdoes modest now save sent mails on the imap server as well or is that  still missing?21:39
josephnexusmy phone is telling me the following21:39
DrGrovSMS in portrait mode?21:40
josephnexus"To update your device to this version of the operating system you must use the Nokia software update application on your PC. Connect the device to your pc via a USB cable and launch the application."21:40
RST38hArkenoi: At least there is hope it can now access POP3 accounts21:40
DrGrovHaven't had the time to test yet....21:40
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josephnexusthe only button I have is a "Create Backup" button21:40
Ikarusjosephnexus: it means your root filesystem is too full21:40
josephnexusso uninstall some stuff?21:41
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josephnexusis there any way to have a larger root fs?21:41
RST38hArkenoi: but the upgrade process has been...mmmhmm...eventful21:41
DocScrutinizeror conflicts stop the upgrade21:41
Ikarusjosephnexus: nope21:41
Ikarusjosephnexus: but you can clean it with some luck21:41
Aranelthere should be some other way to upgrade without reflashing, or  freeing up space.21:41
Ikarusalso don't try to use apt directly (to get a different package dir)21:41
Ikarusmy N900 ended up in a reboot loop that way21:41
josephnexusi have only used the app manager21:42
Arkenoijosephnexus, author of that diagnostic string deserves to get his shit beaten out of him21:42
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DocScrutinizerArkenoi: ack21:42
jogajosephnexus: do you have a network connection? :)21:42
IkarusArkenoi: yes he does21:42
josephnexusi am removing unused apps21:42
josephnexushopefully that will free up some space21:43
josephnexushow much space do I need?21:43
Aranelheard that you need 48, joga said that 45 megabytes is enough.21:43
jogaI had 45.x MB when I started it21:43
Aranelalso I heard Brain Party conflicts with update. Is it true?21:44
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Araneldamn. removed Firefox. It didnt even give me 0.1 megabyte :/21:45
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Sceltbecause it's on emmc21:45
jogabtw...does firefox on maemo make its caches on rootfs?21:45
jogaor microb21:45
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jogaI was thinking if clearing cache from the browsers would help21:46
joga(or is it just memory cache?)21:46
Scelt12:09:14 < Surfa> Scelt, brain party removal helped21:46
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SceltAranel: 12:09:14 < Surfa> Scelt, brain party removal helped21:46
bennypr0faneHi, is it possible to make n900 show me a list of all installed applications that are from devel or testing repos? If yes, how do i do that?21:47
Aranelremoved brain party, didnt even free up 0.1 megabyte21:48
lcukAranel, what are you testing freespace with?21:48
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Aranellcuk: Free Rootfs widget from DECW21:48
josephnexusconky is good to have21:49
lcukhave you thought that perhaps the widget isnt refreshing?  open a terminal and check "df"21:49
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Aranellcuk: did that too. 32.0 Available.21:49
Aranellcuk: and I'm sure it's refresing, because I manually refresh it.21:50
lcukwhat does your widget show then now21:50
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lcukdoes it match with df21:50
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josephnexusdf -h21:51
Aranellcuk: yes, it matches exactly as df. df says 32.0 Available, Free Rootfs: 32.0MB21:51
josephnexusmight be more useful21:51
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Araneldamn I'm uninstalling everything, but It still doesn't free up any reasonable space :/21:52
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dmj726heh...25.6 free on rootfs isn't enough, right?21:54
lcuksure Aranel DocScrutinizer told you why21:54
josephnexusaranel, a flash might be in store for you21:54
plastunmy apps files installs to /opt/maemo/usr/,,,,/python2.5/site-packeges. So, import MODULENAME can't import module, because /opt/... path is not incuded to PYTHON_PATH. Hot to fixe this best?21:54
Aranellcuk: isnt it possible to remove a whole library? with all applications depend on it?21:55
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lcukAranel, its your device, you can remove what you like!  just expect to have to reflash if you get it wrong21:56
lcukits just like your 4 year old linux desktop21:56
DocScrutinizer51make a backup, then uninstall 'all' apps, upgrade, restore apps from backup21:56
MohammadAG_anyone on 1.1.1?21:56
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lcukDocScrutinizer51, if hes doing that he would be easier just reflashing21:56
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lcukinfact, had he done that, he would be up and running again now21:57
Aranellcuk: I can boot my linux desktop with a live-cd. and It doesnt end up with reboot loops If some important app -like Xorg- crashes :)21:57
DocScrutinizer51lcuk: not really21:57
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fralshe, the new firmware update brought along a few fmms downloads... 9686 in a day :D21:57
josephnexuswhat's that?21:57
MohammadAG_Aranel, kill the watchdog with a shotgun21:57
fralsfMMS, application for sending/receiving MMS21:57
lcukthat doesnt help moh21:57
MohammadAG_not with Xorg21:58
MohammadAG_but the rest, yes21:58
bennypr0fanehey frals, is that you, the guy who made fmms?21:58
MohammadAG_I killed hildon-desktop using killall -sigstop and it stayed dead21:58
fralsthat be me21:58
bennypr0faneyou're awesome, man21:58
BCMMfrals: ^21:58
* MohammadAG_ points to the Donate button on frals' blog21:58
lcuk:D heh frals is blushing now!21:58
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AranelI wonder why reflashing is always preferred. I hated it on Symbian too :/21:59
fralswell thank you :) this community is awesome, wouldnt have done it by myself21:59
* MohammadAG_ suggests using trouts as a currency21:59
BCMM(although i'm not yet sure if i know anybody else with an MMS phone...)21:59
lcukAranel, because its SIMPLER and gets the job done21:59
bennypr0fanethanks a lot!21:59
BCMMMohammadAG_: IIRC, trout handle international shipping just fine21:59
lcukif you are comfortable tho please continue, i however have to make some tea and put some packages in the oven21:59
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bennypr0fanetrouts are quite tasty indeed22:00
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DrGrovMohammadAG, it worked out wonderfully the update to 1.2 :) Sorry for being a bit overreacting there earlier22:00
fralslcuk: you are suppose to upload packages to the repos, not put them in the oven!22:01
DocScrutinizerDrGrov: seems you're the lucky ONE22:01
MohammadAG_DrGrov, oh it worked? damn22:01
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bennypr0fanehas anyone read my earlier question?22:01
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bennypr0fanei''d like to install pr 1.2, but need to make room first22:02
* anonuk somehow got maemo to boot again but now all the colors and fonts are wrong (unhildonized)22:02
bennypr0fanei'd like to do it by removing most of the apps from devel and testing22:02
ag0nyJust updated to PR1.2. What happend to the search function in the program manager?22:02
lcukag0ny, just type22:03
bennypr0faneag0ny you just type what yu're looking for22:03
lcukon the main list22:03
an0therb0xhelp please can someone please direct me to instructions on how to "re-flash" my n900 ... i did something wrong installing the 1.2 firmware22:03
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bennypr0fanelike in contacts22:03
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infobotmethinks flash is the same as ~flashing22:03
infobotwell, flashing is
MohammadAG_DocScrutinizer51, still on 1.1.1?22:03
ag0nylcuk, bennypr0fane: thanks22:03
MohammadAG_Can you check which version of hildon-desktop is installed?22:04
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* pupnik is running a partially updated system :)22:04
DocScrutinizertell me what you want me to do22:04
MohammadAG_I hate the face that kinetic scrolling was partially killed, so I'm comparing sources22:04
MohammadAG_dpkg -l hildon-desktop22:04
DocScrutinizerk, mompls22:04
MohammadAG_remember, -l, not -r, we don't want you to go into a boot loop :P22:04
ag0nyJust typing does not work? Do I just start typing in the download section?22:05
DocScrutinizerii  hildon-desktop            1:2.2.120-4+0m5           Hildon desktop for Fremantle22:05
pupnikii  hildon-desktop 1:2.2.138-1+0m Hildon desktop for Fremantle22:05
MohammadAG_Thanks :)22:05
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MohammadAG_pupnik, that's 1.2 right?22:05
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pupniki guess.  i havent rebooted into upgrade hell yet22:05
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pupnikwas hoping to fix the upgrade with proper 1.2 metapackage22:06
an0therb0xanybody else have the infinite loop issue ?22:06
pupnikwhat is the right thing to install for ota upgrade?22:06
DocScrutinizerinfobot: no, flash is <reply>see flashing22:07
infobotokay, DocScrutinizer22:07
pupniki probably will if i reboot now22:07
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infobotflashing is, like,
Aranel/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive can somebody explain that why I need this?22:08
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DocScrutinizerinfobot: flash is also a plugin eating your left leg22:09
* infobot starts a firmware update on is also a plugin eating your left leg, then pulls the plug halfway through22:09
AranelIt's one of "List of big and rarely used files" and 28 megabytes of data.22:09
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fralswow crash reporter... "14 stored reports" and only button i can activate is "Select all", cant send/delete or deselect any of them \o/22:09
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lcukfrals, select all, delete22:10
lcukyou cant send/delete until you have selected what22:10
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fralsi had all selected, but delete was still "disabled"22:10
fralsbut it worked clicking it anyway \o/22:11
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fralsi think my phone is fubar thou, might need a reboot22:11
DocScrutinizer~flash <self>22:11
Arkenoiwell, just about 10mb more with pr1.2 than with script22:11
* infobot starts a firmware update on <self>, then pulls the plug halfway through22:11
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anonukan0therb0x: i had infinite reboot issue22:11
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fralswhenever i scroll desktop it scrolls half of it then stops animation, and wont update until i tap on it22:11
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* DocScrutinizer thinks infobot has done that before22:12
josephnexuswhat's the best way to free up things from my rootfs?22:12
DocScrutinizerprobably doing that every day22:12
bennypr0fanesome of the themes for n900 are supposed to slow down the device. Would that be from the moment i install them them or only if i actually use them?22:12
an0therb0xanonuk:  how did you fix it ?22:12
Gadgetoid_iMacWeird, the search option seems to have taken a leave of absence from HAM22:12
MohammadAG_lcuk, since you're a C expert, do you know what this means?22:12
MohammadAG_   if (priv->transition)22:12
MohammadAG_-    priv->transition = (g_object_unref(priv->transition), NULL);22:12
MohammadAG_+    hd_launcher_page_transition_stop (HD_LAUNCHER_PAGE (gobject));22:12
fralsso err22:13
frals[91847.421813] HWRecoveryResetSGX: SGX Hardware Recovery triggered22:13
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fralsgetting this every second in dmesg, good/bad?22:13
anonukan0therb0x: long long story... i had a boot menu installed already so i could boot to mer... got a firmware copy, and completed the apt-get upgrade / reinstalled packages inside mer22:13
anonukan0therb0x: but my maemo is still broken, everything is grey and pink22:13
anonukan0therb0x: no idea how to fix that and the fonts are tiny22:14
lcukMohammadAG_, yeah - the call which originally was just a gobject unref was replaced by a specific function method to cleanly stop the transition - by the looks of it22:14
bennypr0fane"josephnexus  what's the best way to free up things from my rootfs?" that is actually the question i probably should have asked in the first place22:14
josephnexusany good answer?22:14
an0therb0xanonuk:  sounds like i am going to have to send it back to nokia ... that sucks22:14
lcukso dig into the hd_launcher_page_transition_stop method and see what it does22:14
lcukfrals, :O22:15
fralsany ideas how to debug it?22:15
anonukcan anyone give me a pointer how to get my maemo hildonized again? im getting everything in grey and unhildonized after upgrading22:15
fralsneedless to say, the display is pretty fubar22:15
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josephnexusi've got 43.77 available, need to free up a smidgen more22:16
josephnexusany ideas?22:16
*** DocScrutinizer changes topic to "Welcome to #maemo | | | Maemo Community Council | | | Free software mirror: --- PR1.2 OTA and fiasco shipping, http://"22:16
josephnexusyay for the wiki22:16
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FIQtoo long topic22:17
IkarusPR 1.2 is RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin right ?22:17
fralslcuk: any ideas or should i just reboot and pray? ;)22:17
bennypr0fanejosephnexus for the last update, i uninstalled some apps from devel and rebooted22:17
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bennypr0fanethe worked nicely22:17
lcukfrals, was this during the upgrade? or had you already done that earlier22:17
lcukand yes reboot22:17
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* josephnexus doesn't have any devel apps22:17
lcuktheres not much more you can do22:17
fralstis was after phone rebooted after upgrading22:17
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josephnexusi'm suspecting an apt-get clean will do the trick22:18
MohammadAG_lcuk, so changing it back should stop the transition from being stopped?22:18
josephnexushow do I switch to root?22:18
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fralsok shutting down, was just curious if i could debug it in anyway :)22:18
lcukMohammadAG_, you have to ask why it was changed22:18
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lcukgimme the gitorious commit url22:18
bennypr0fanejosephnexus sudo gainroot22:18
DocScrutinizerjosephnexus: though you need to install rootsh first22:18
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MohammadAG_lcuk, PR1.2 doesn't scroll through the menu as quick as 1.1.1 for some reason22:18
josephnexusit says22:19
MohammadAG_lcuk, I used apt-get source hildon-desktop=version22:19
josephnexusEnable RD mode if you want to break your device22:19
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MohammadAG_install rootsh22:19
DocScrutinizerbennypr0fane: that's quite obsolete, 'root' will do22:19
bennypr0faneoh, good to know22:19
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anonukif my maemo (1.2) doesnt look hildonized, which packages should i try to reinstall?22:20
Ikarusanonuk: try reselectiny your theme22:20
josephnexusi have 45 mb free now22:21
DrGrovKind of like using themes from D-Iivil which are not PR 1.2 compatible22:21
DrGrovKind of nice having a few buttons missing here and there :)22:21
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anonukIkarus: problem is that control panel doesnt have real names for things only pers_ti_personalization and names like that.. is there a manual way?22:21
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anonukIkarus: half upgraded i guess some bits are missing....22:21
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Ikarusanonuk: I guess you'll have to reflash to be sure to catch everything22:22
anonukIkarus: cant reflash, no usb port22:22
bennypr0faneDrGrov all the d-themes don't work with pr 1.2?22:22
anonukIkarus: or id have flashed it already22:22
LiraNunais PR1.2 OTA for US released?22:22
DrGrovbennypr0fane, they work but they have something missing like ex. the virtual keyboard the Shift arrow besides z on the left side22:23
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blizzowAnyone seeing network errors with MSN and Yahoo IM connections?22:24
blizzowI wish I could see more error message than that.22:24
Ikarusright, restoring backups22:24
Ikaruslet's see if that works22:24
Ikarusbackup application == dumb22:25
Ikarustells me files conflict22:25
Ikaruswithout telling me the name22:25
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Ikarusand only offering the options rename and no22:26
Gadgetoid_iMacSheesh, I'm getting spammed with calls from dodgy numbers... need a default-deny call blocking script methinks22:26
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IkarusI can't see which files conflict, etc22:27
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anonukanyone know which packages the original background image and other images like the start button etc are? my n900 starts but has images missing all over the OS22:28
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Ikarusanyone know what happens if you hit rename ?22:29
Ikarusie, how can I find the renamed files22:29
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josephnexusi'm doing all I can to free up space22:31
josephnexusand rootfs is only at 44.1 available22:31
Arkenoioops. ussd widget is now broken - pr1.2 intercepts ussd responses. that sucks!22:31
pupnikneed an irc plugin for sharing from camera22:31
Ikarus that is :(22:32
povbot`Bug 7265: Backup/Restore Version Conflict dialog needs to be more verbose22:32
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josephnexusyay, up to 44.222:33
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josephnexushow hard is it just to reflash the device from linux?22:34
odin_depends if you have a USB cable :)22:35
Ikarusjosephnexus: easy :)22:35
josephnexusi have the USB cable22:35
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josephnexusthat's usually how I charge it22:35
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E0xmeego 1.0 release22:36
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chadiGuys. I was playing a movie; I paused for one minute, then clicked pause again, it stopped and said media file not supported. now it doesn't restart and no other video can play. What happened?22:38
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chadiThat's PR 1.2. Add this to the buglist22:39
chupy35hello, does someone now how to update to the pr 1.2 over the air?22:39
josephnexusthe same way you install anything22:39
josephnexusif it says something otherwise, you don't have enough space in rootfs22:39
chupy35how can i make more space on rootfs¡22:40
threshrm -rf /22:40
* Ikarus thwaps thresh 22:40
chupy35i am not so stupid22:40
josephnexusthresh, not everyone understands that's a job=ke22:40
threshsorry #222:41
chupy35i understand it luckily :)22:41
josephnexusi order 10,000 floggings with a wet noodle!22:41
Rabidushow much space that needs 'bout @ rootfs22:41
josephnexussome say 4522:41
josephnexussome say 4822:41
* MohammadAG_ votes for a #maemo-flashing/#maemo-pr12 channel22:42
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* josephnexus votes to end all voting.22:42
* SpeedEvil flashes the channel.22:42
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redIs there any way to force teh tracker to ignore certain folders?22:43
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redI don't want my podcasts to appear in the music player since I use gpodder + mplayer to view em22:43
SpeedEvilvi ~/.config/tracker/tracker.conf22:43
SpeedEvilI've got it ignoring /home/user/data22:43
Rabidusi have 56Mb free, and can't update from application manager22:44
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johnsu01hm, well, got the update flashed on, but now browser won't start...22:44
johnsu01or rather, starts and dies22:44
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chupy35i have 711.3 mb for applications and i cant install PR 1.2 over the air22:46
josephnexusyou have enough space (mine just start with about 48MB) you must have some conflicting software installed22:46
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marexhi, makes me curious, can I just apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade the PR1.2 into my N900 ?22:47
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marexthe built-in app manager tells me to install over PC22:47
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josephnexusmarex, it lies22:47
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chupy35the app manager tells me the same and i have 713 mb free for install apps22:48
lcukchupy35, its rootfs space you need22:48
josephnexusopen up the terminal22:48
marexjosephnexus, so dist-upgrade is fine ?22:48
josephnexusand run22:48
josephnexusdf -h /22:48
lcukwhich i can say for certain is not 713mb22:48
marexdf -h22:48
* lcuk wishes it was22:48
josephnexusthat will tell you how much space is available in the applicable partition22:48
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marexjosephnexus, I moved the apt-cache, that's fine ... but it won't screw up the system, right ?22:49
Rabidusi have 56mb and can't install with application manager :(22:49
* josephnexus wouldn't suggest changing core settings22:49
redRabidus: have you disabled the testing and devel repositories?22:49
josephnexusrabidus, you may have a conflicting app installed22:49
redtry setting them to disabled + rebooting22:49
redshould free up some space22:49
Rabidusok, i'll try22:50
mintuxdo we have vlc for maemo ? not play stream it can be install on n900 . I would like to see my move with put subtitle on bottom of it22:50
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redmintux: its not finished22:50
redbut there are source files somewhere22:50
redthey are working on it22:50
redso if u can compile yourself u can give the unfinished one a go22:50
mintuxkmplayer support subtitle ? I can put subtitle with mplayer but problem is I can stop moviye or pause or forward an backward22:51
marexjosephnexus, what core settings ... the app manager that's in maemo should be built on top of apt ... so tell me, will dist-upgrade screw the thing ?22:51
chupy35how can i free space on rootfs?22:51
Thomas_Zahreddinhi, i have a vanilla N810 and the volume is so low - any solution for this?  (system and app volume is to the max - still to low)22:51
lcukclean your ears out22:52
ioeee80,6mb :D22:52
lcukThomas_Zahreddin, also, too low at what point, in a specific app, with a specific media file?22:52
C-S-Bwith the patches in the titan kernel, can I assume that except injection, aircrack works?22:52
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Arkenoiso we can rearrange application icon positions now, but there are no folders? that sucks, i'm going back to mymenu -- does it work with pr1.2?22:53
threshyes it does22:53
Rabidusstill application manager whines about pc connection.. :(22:53
mintuxI plu my n900 to pc but it doesn't mount kust see the icons22:54
Thomas_Zahreddin lcuk: ;-) did this without any luck, any app (mplayer, …) any audio file (used different - but did not use mp3gain - what i will definititly) - any other ideas?22:54
Rabidusremoved unnecessary cataloques and booted22:54
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lcukRabidus, its not whinging, backup,reflash,restore.22:54
Rabiduscable is missing, that's why i'm whining :)22:55
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lcukor have a go at clearing space, but read the topic first it has ideas22:55
Corsacgrmbl, seems that transfering pcap files makes the wlan0 freezes22:55
josephnexusRabidus, visit me here in southeast idaho, united states, I'll lend you my cable22:55
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mintuxit says device storage  in use . but I don't use any file of storage22:56
Rabidusok.. it's about... too far away :)22:57
Rabidusnearly other side of world22:57
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mintuxhow can I know what app is using storage22:57
slonopotamusmintux: who cares what you use... you device uses it!22:57
ruskiehmm interesting... they added a fsck for home22:57
slonopotamusmintux: lsof. no idea if it is available in maemo22:58
marexRabidus, europe ?22:58
Rabidusyeah, finland22:58
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marexRabidus, try console -- sudo gainroot ... apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade22:59
Macerwhats with the maemo update needing a windows pc?22:59
ruskieMacer, it doesn't22:59
Macerruskie: it keeps telling me it does in app manager22:59
josephnexusmacer, it lies22:59
ruskiecould also probably use flasher22:59
marexheck ... can I do that dist-upgrade or will it fsck it up ?22:59
microlithdist-upgrade is probably a bad idea23:00
ruskiemarex, depends23:00
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ruskiefor me it fscked up23:00
Rabiduswhat :O23:00
slonopotamusMacer: and... it doesn't suggest to download a windows pc?23:00
xorAxAxhmmm, which reasons are known why OTA for PR 1.2 fails?23:00
marexruskie, in what way ?23:00
xorAxAxi have 53 MB free23:00
ruskieI'm currently cleaning up the stuff I don't need23:00
threshxorAxAx: nokia is the main reason23:00
ruskiemarex, I had customizations23:00
Rabidus"you dont have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives23:00
xorAxAxthresh: yes, that as well23:00
ruskiethough frankly it shouldn't happen sadly23:00
microlithxorAxAx: made any modification to the filesystem layout, full eMMC23:00
marexruskie, I only have stuff from the official feeds and extra23:00
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xorAxAxmicrolith: yes, i did23:01
marexruskie, was it recoverable ?23:01
microlithxorAxAx: what'd you do?23:01
ruskiemarex, not for me... went into a reboot cycle23:01
Arkenoibarriosqare does not install anymore -- python2.5-qt4-gui conflict23:01
xorAxAxmicrolith: the ruskie script23:01
ruskiehad to reflash23:01
microlithmoved stuff off rootfs?23:01
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xorAxAxmicrolith: yes23:01
pupnik_can we fix a 1.2 apt-get upgrade?23:01
ruskiexorAxAx, different changes for 1.223:01
microlithyeah, the upgrade process won't like that at all23:01
ruskieand apparently some other stuff as well23:01
xorAxAxruskie: well, the OTA doesnt want to run23:02
marexruskie, that can be done over the usual cable supplied with N900, right ...23:02
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ruskiemarex, yup23:02
xorAxAxruskie: it instructs me to use the flasher23:02
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marexruskie, so no risk of bricking the device ?23:02
microlithif you've made changes to your rootfs, yes, use the flasher23:02
ruskiexorAxAx, well I used apt-get dist-upgrade23:02
pupnik_any luck with that ruskie23:02
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ruskiepupnik_, it crapped for some reason23:02
xorAxAxruskie: that activated the watchdogs because an optify-runonce program killed stuff23:02
mintuxis it possible to select text in pdf reader?23:02
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arachnisti updated with the "gui"23:03
ruskiefor some reason the device started rebooting23:03
pupnik_here i kept deleting stuff and resuming install23:03
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ruskieehh I just reflashed rootfs and am currently purging all the crap on my removelist23:03
xorAxAxruskie: so dist-upgrade isnt safe?23:03
ruskiexorAxAx, apparently not23:03
microlithI do like that my rootfs now has more than 50% free23:03
ruskieI'd really like for dist-upgrade to actually work23:03
ruskiebut I'm amazed that there's a fsck for /home now23:04
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ruskiethough apparently it'll only get run on massive failures23:04
ruskiei.e. fs mounted as ro23:04
marexruskie, what modifications have you had ?23:04
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ruskiemarex, init script changes... emmc is spread out to: /home /home/user/MyDocs /opt and swap23:05
* RST38h moos evilly23:05
* pupnik_ decides to avoid reboot for a few weeks23:06
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marexruskie, so you changed fstab23:07
ruskiemarex, yup23:07
ruskiemarex, you can see most of the changes on User:Ruskie wiki page23:07
marexruskie, wasn't that the case why it crapped /23:07
ruskiemarex, it shouldn't23:07
* josephnexus needs faster internet23:07
josephnexuson have 1.5mbps here23:07
josephnexuser... only have23:07
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ruskiemarex, it should stop the update and allow me to diff changes and select which ones I want23:08
lbtMy OTA worked fine with 41.5Mb free .... just FYI23:08
marexjosephnexus, 10gbps here :b23:08
ruskieyou know... like normal distros23:08
josephnexusmarex, share the wealth dude23:08
marexruskie, like normal dpkg ... yea23:08
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josephnexusur sucking up all of the internets23:08
* frals throws a whale in MohammadAGs general direction23:08
ruskiemarex, sadly in my case something triggered a reboot before that happened23:08
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ruskieand crap ensued23:08
marexjosephnexus, don't worry, that's only on the server in the basement23:08
marexoh jeez23:09
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marexwhat the heck :-/23:09
ruskieatleast not without user permission23:09
marexruskie, right23:09
Rabidushey, is it safe to link a cache to somewhere else?23:09
ruskieshould be23:09
marexRabidus, should be fine23:09
Rabidusshould :)23:10
Rabidussounds promising :)23:10
marexRabidus, you can adjust the apt config23:10
slonopotamusruskie: they also should not trigger disabling wifi and locking screen. but who listens?23:10
ruskieRabidus, search apt-get howto change cache location23:10
ruskieslonopotamus, don't forget 3g23:10
Rabidusyeah, i know how to change23:10
Rabidusi was just thinking is it safe23:10
ruskieRabidus, I meant without symlinking :)23:10
Macerim all ears23:10
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Macercan i dist update this to work without the windows pc?23:10
Rabidusi was looking this thread23:11
StskeepsMacer: use the application manager23:11
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Rabidususer "b666m"23:11
Stskeepsif you can't, something's wrong with your setup23:11
asj_bugger, Nokia messaging has stopped working23:11
MacerStskeeps: it keeps telling me i need a pc and to connect the usb23:11
mintuxit'sintresting nothing use my storage but it said device is busy . I got lsof also23:11
Macerand my only option is to create a backup23:11
StskeepsMacer: hrm, ok. what previous version were you on?23:11
Maceryou mean still on? :) one sec..23:12
ruskieRabidus, I have a /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02cache with: Dir::Cache::archives "/home/user/MyDocs/.apt-archive-cache/";23:12
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Macerthat is what i am using now23:13
* Arkenoi bets next ota won't go smooth either23:13
anonuksorry to repeat but can anyone tell me how i can get icons back, all my icons and graphics disappeared after updating to 1.2 . cant find which package they are in.....23:13
ruskieanonuk, you mean you get squares instead of text and widgets etc?23:14
fralsMacer: do you get the details for the update? it should list whats conflicting there23:14
MohammadAG_anonuk, I'm assuming the image worked?23:14
anonukruskie: pink squares and blue squares. and some "missing image" images on bootup23:14
MohammadAG_sorry haven't been to my other PC23:14
anonukMohammadAG: i managed to chroot with mer23:14
ruskieanonuk, hmm sounds like /opt is missing23:14
ruskiecan you check23:15
anonukMohammadAG: took ages but now im missing all the graphics in maemo23:15
MohammadAG_anonuk, graphics?23:15
anonukMohammadAG: and also the icons and hildon theme23:15
ruskieyeah that's /opt23:15
fralsMohammadAG_: bah, thought you were on the other client, you have pm there!23:15
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anonukpink squares and 'missing image' icons everywhere23:15
MohammadAG_frals, paste again :P23:15
anonukruskie: how do i check /opt23:15
fralsand now you have it on both!23:15
ruskiesome stuff gets moved to /opt with the update23:15
anonukruskie: and where should i mount it to?23:15
anonukruskie: i mean what do i mount? MyDocs/opt?23:16
anonukis there a way to manually copy stuff to there or reset it? cant flash no usb port23:16
ruskie/home/opt is where it should exist primarily and be bind mounted to /opt23:16
MacerThis Maemo update requires the Nokia software update application...23:16
Stskeepsor flasher23:17
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Macerso i will have to manually download an image and flash it.23:17
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Macerupdate fail23:17
Stskeepsor NSU handles it23:17
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* Macer adds this to the no list next to "portrait"23:18
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anonukruskie: sorry irc client was acting up... is there a way to reset/copy over the icons and images into /opt23:19
ruskie/home/opt is where it should exist primarily and be bind mounted to /opt23:19
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anonukit is23:20
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anonukbut somehow still not finding the icons/images23:20
MarLawNhello everyone23:20
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anonukwondering how i can reinstall them manually (or by force)23:20
MarLawNflashing fest today ? :)23:20
ruskieanonuk, and I take it you tried rebooting?23:20
MacerScelt: oh i am sure i can figure out how to do it and get it going23:20
anonukruskie: yep23:20
Macerbut it is still fail heh23:20
anonukruskie: and reinstalling all the packages in the apt archive23:20
anonukruskie: from the update23:21
Macernot really an end user device for the masses it seems23:21
anonukruskie: and flashing is not an option on this machine23:21
AranelI've moved the locale-archive to /home/ and symlinked it, but I still have the same rootfs space. How its possible?23:21
ruskieAranel, iirc ubifs does some compression as well23:22
Maceri honestly shouldnt have to go through all these steps for an ota update :)23:22
slonopotamusarachnist: /home is on rootfs, surprise :)23:22
* xorAxAx straces apt-worker23:22
microliththe calculator breaks in spectacular fashion when put into portait mode23:22
MarLawNwell I don't see why I should lose all my data cause I'm reinstalling the OS - I always put home on a different partition23:23
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* slonopotamus straces strace23:23
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timeless_mbpslonopotamus: eep, why?23:23
Macerfreeing up rootfs.. using a pc... manually downloading an image? seriously? just for a phone update. put one in the android column for and v maemo23:23
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slonopotamustimeless_mbp: because i can!23:23
Aranelslonopotamus: really? /home/ is rootfs, too?23:23
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slonopotamusarachnist: df -h will tell you everything you want to know about partition layout :)23:24
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ruskieslonopotamus, having completion issues?23:24
arachnistslonopotamus: it didn't change here23:24
Maceranyways. have to get my son.. i will do this lame ass windows pc required update or flashing manually update later i suppose23:25
slonopotamusruskie: kinda23:25
slonopotamusAranel: okay, i was wrong :)23:25
arachnistas in, my ~/ is still on a 2G partition23:25
Aranelslonopotamus: so where do I have to move it? /home/opt?23:25
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ruskie/dev/mmcblk0p2 20.2G /home /dev/mmcblk0p4 3.6G /home/opt /dev/mmcblk0p1 4.8G /home/user/MyDocs23:26
Aranelhmm. so It doesnt explain why I didnt gain even a little free space after moving :/23:26
MarLawNI was looking in the documentation about flashing and holding the 'u' key but I can't find out why and I can still flash without holding - do you know what does it actually do ? i.e. Press and hold down the 'u' key but no reason23:26
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ruskiefor me this works well ;)23:26
ruskieMarLawN, it can be needed at times to get the device into the right usb mode23:26
slonopotamusAranel: apt-get purge python2.5-minimal :)23:26
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slonopotamusAranel: i managed to free 30 megs that way here23:26
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slonopotamusAranel: you can reinstall removed apps after upgrade23:27
anonukruskie: no ideas what package those icons and images are in?23:27
Aranelslonopotamus: isnt is dangerous to purge python2.5?23:27
ruskieanonuk, lemme find it out23:27
MarLawNruskie,  this at times seems very ugly to me. Anyway, thanks. I've installed yesterday the leaked version, and then debian - going to do it again tonight with the UK version - btw, any particular difference in the various builds ?23:27
slonopotamusAranel: no, it isn't bundled with os23:28
anonukruskie: thx23:28
ruskieanonuk, hildon-theme-alpha and hildon-theme-beta23:28
ruskieanonuk, try that23:28
slonopotamusAranel: however it is very likely that some of apps you installed need it (and so they will be removed too)23:28
RinsmasterI have a quick question: I'm trying to update to PR1.2, and the update manager says I have to launch the "Nokia software update application" on my computer. Do they mean the flasher with that? Does that mean I'll lose my data if I don't back-up?23:28
xorAxAxyes, yes23:29
ruskieRinsmaster, the data should be on the eMMC and the flasher will only touch the rootfs23:29
MarLawNRinsmaster, I backed all up but I flashed and it was all there, just some settings gone23:29
RinsmasterOh, great, thanks guys!23:29
johnsu01Rinsmaster: I just had that as well, and I'm pretty sure it was just because I lacked space on rootfs23:29
MarLawNI suggest you backup anyway23:29
anonukruskie: done that already, didnt work23:29
johnsu01Rinsmaster: but anyway I ran a backup, then used the flasher23:29
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ruskieanonuk, that's really the only thing...23:29
johnsu01Rinsmaster: then restored the backup, and all seems good23:29
RinsmasterI will definately back-up, I was just wondering :)23:29
ruskieanonuk, not sure about anything else23:29
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MarLawNRinsmaster, what version are you installing ? USA ? UK ?23:30
RinsmasterMarLawN, Not sure? I'm in the Netherlands23:30
RinsmasterGlobal I guess?23:30
marexruskie, doing dist-upgrade ... we'll see23:30
MarLawNI guess since you've got it in the update that it would be the you bought it from23:30
anonukruskie: surely those icons and things must be in one of the packages?23:30
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RinsmasterOr can I choose?23:30
MarLawNfrom the site you can choose, from the mobile I don't know23:30
MarLawNI flashed it23:30
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ruskieanonuk, I'm guessing something is bad with the optification23:31
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Aranelslonopotamus: ok, doing it now.. *prays*23:31
anonukanonuk: yes thats probably it, but is there a way to trace it and fix it23:31
RinsmasterMarLawN, oh, so it can be done without a computer too?23:31
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Aranelslonopotamus: I'm running remove instead of purge, any difference?23:31
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slonopotamusAranel: almost none :)23:31
valdynAranel: purge removes configuration aswell23:31
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slonopotamusAranel: you'd better read what it is removing so you know what apps you installed got eradicated23:32
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Aranelslonopotamus: already did that, noted them =)23:33
slonopotamusAranel: tell us how much space you get :)23:33
* slonopotamus wonders why maemo pulls in qt23:34
RinsmasterAlso, guys, what does "OTA" mean? I can't find it anywhere, I feel such a noob... :/23:35
ruskieslonopotamus, because it's now part of the basesystem23:35
ruskieRinsmaster, Over The Air23:35
josephnexusOTA = over the air23:35
slonopotamusruskie: but why? base system has no apps using it23:35
marexslonopotamus, to pull in developers ;-)23:35
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ruskieslonopotamus, the next one will have it as the primary toolkit23:35
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* josephnexus crosses his fingers as his phone finishes installing and is now installing the maemo update23:35
slonopotamusruskie: sooo?23:36
AranelI didnt get any free space23:36
AranelI lost 3 megabytes.23:36
slonopotamusmarex: it could happily sit in repo, like python does23:36
josephnexusfinishes downloading23:36
Aranelhow it can be possible??23:36
slonopotamusAranel: how you're checking it? df -h / ?23:36
Araneldf -h23:36
jogaAranel: did you remove the pkgcache thingy?23:36
joga(it regenerated it?)23:37
AranelAvailable 29.723:37
Rinsmasterruskie, oh, so I _can_ update it without the flasher? My update manager says I have to use a computer..23:37
slonopotamusAranel: and what it says for / ?23:37
Aranelpkgcache thing?23:37
jogaAranel: in /var/cache/apt23:37
slonopotamusAranel: did apt-get clean already?23:37
Aranelno I did not remove pkgcache23:37
jogaAranel: referring to (2013  Aranel) is it ok to remove /var/cache/apt/*.bin ? they took 3.9 megabytes.23:37
slonopotamus(you can't lose space by deinstalling stuff)23:37
jogasure you can if something uses it while doing the uninstall ;)23:38
Araneldid apt-get clean23:38
jogaor, it's reporting it falsely23:38
jogatried rebooting?23:38
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Aranelstill 29.823:38
slonopotamus(we're not in windows)23:38
emillohi all I have updated the firmware but now the image in "mirror " is very dark almost black23:38
slonopotamusemillo: mirror is broken23:38
Aranelit should be a curse.23:38
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emilloyesterday it was working23:39
dmj726how is mirror broken?23:39
AranelI really cant understand how can I lose space when I remove lots of package.23:39
jogaemillo: now it has better image quality23:39
slonopotamusemillo: i got much worse picture with it than with other things using front camera23:39
Aranelhow can I run fsck on n900?23:39
jogaeven though it's unusably dark and grey23:39
dmj726slonopotamus: what other things used the front camera?23:39
timeless_mbpAranel: why?23:39
jogamaybe in direct sunlight it's okayish23:39
timeless_mbpyou'd run it as root from a shell23:39
timeless_mbpjust like you would anywhere else...23:39
dmj726...mirror also gets bad picture quality with the back camera for some reason.23:40
Araneltimeless_mbp: I've lost space after uninstalling lots of stuff -including python2.5-23:40
jogabut the quality has significantly become better I think :)23:40
timeless_mbpAranel: did you reboot?23:40
slonopotamusdmj726: you can convince mplayer to play what front camera sees. don't remember exact command.23:40
timeless_mbpAranel: running fsck isn't going to give you space23:40
jogaAranel: have you rebooted?23:40
Araneltimeless_mbp: now I did and regained some of the space. 42.0M =)23:40
Araneldamn, it was really weird.23:41
jogait's not really, that's how it kinda works23:41
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jogaif something still has the old stuff in memory, it won't be 'really' gone until the process stops23:41
Araneltimeless_mbp: doing regular filesystem checks is a old habit, comes from Win98 :P It also worked on some cases on ext3. If your filesystem fills up even if you remove something, it is good to check.23:42
emillojoga: so it's a regression or a new feature?23:42
slonopotamusdmj726: and the fact that pr1.2 ships video skype and gtalk makes me think that they managed to make front camera produce usable picture23:42
jogaemillo: I suspect it's mirror's problem, but the camera has gotten better, but I haven't yet tried anything but mirror with it23:42
Aranelnow I have 42.0M, can I upgrade to PR1.2? I'm trying to do it for hours :/23:42
marexruskie, did the dist-upgrade finish for you ?23:42
emillojoga: I tried skype and was dark as well23:42
marexruskie, or it rebooted in the middle23:42
slonopotamusAranel: try :)23:42
ruskiemarex, no clue... when I checked on it it was rebooting23:42
dmj726...take a look at what mirror produces for /dev/video0 and you'll see23:42
timeless_mbpAranel: that's not how this file system works23:42
jogaemillo: heh, turn on flashlight and reflect it with a paper or something23:42
ruskieso I'm assuming in the middle23:42
timeless_mbphere it's garbage collected23:43
marexruskie, d-u still in progress23:43
RinsmasterCan anyone tell me why I can't do an OTA update? Updating the "Maemo 5" package tells me I have to use the flasher on a computer..23:43
ruskieRinsmaster, out of space?23:43
jogaout of internets?23:43
lcuksee the channel topic23:43
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slonopotamusRinsmaster: didn't pay checks?23:44
DocScrutinizer51Rinsmaster: see /topic23:44
RinsmasterWiFi is connected, and I have about 30M free on rootfs23:44
slonopotamusRinsmaster: make it more about 40mb23:44
noobmonk3ycould i ask a favour of some lovely people in here please :D - in about 5 mins (New version of healthcheck will be in extras devel), want a few people with different firmware variants (PR1.2) to update and check what comes out in the firmware version pleeeeease. IE usa variant should say ... PR1.2 - USA Version23:44
Rinsmasteroh, I'll flash it then23:44
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Aranelslonopotamus: It seems I still can't.23:45
lcuknoobmonk3y, hardware revision?23:45
noobmonk3ywohooo healthcheck update in devel if anyone is able to help me out - muchos appreciation23:45
noobmonk3ylcuk, firmware revision23:45
Aranelslonopotamus: any good libraries to remove? :P23:45
noobmonk3yand goooood evening :)23:46
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lcukAranel, i believe i have already backed up, downloaded pr1.2, installed it, restored apps and am now onto getting changes for a later PR in place whilst you are still not giving up with finding a way round it23:47
lcukhow much space have you got now?23:47
Aranelafter removing the python.23:47
noobmonk3y'the python' w000p23:47
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noobmonk3ythe freeing up rootfs guide on the wiki is the way - ie sorting the downloads location archive bit out works fine23:48
lcukyou are aware that this method you are wiping out stuff via may still not be enough23:48
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slonopotamusAranel: fire up app manager, open removal list, sort by size and see what's on top :)23:48
pupnik_how can i remove unneeded l10n-*23:48
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slonopotamusAranel: fmradioplayer freed about 3 megs23:48
noobmonk3ysoooo...  any lovely healthcheck testers? :D23:49
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slonopotamusAranel: fbreader is smth like that too23:49
MohammadAG_oh look, there's a monkey on the channel23:49
AranelIt seems like I'll even remove the linux kernel and updater will still not be happy :|23:49
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noobmonk3yhe Mo ;)23:50
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noobmonk3yhe-mo the offspring of he man and mo-mowlam?23:50
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noobmonk3ychadi, evening23:50
ruskieCould not resolve ''23:50
Aranellcuk: why do you think that it may still not be enough? Isnt 45.0~ ok for update?23:50
noobmonk3yfrals, evening23:50
fralsevening noobmonk3y o/23:50
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noobmonk3yAranel, seems to be random atm somewhere between 43 and 60 does it23:51
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GAN900sp3000, thanks for being quick on the bug response.23:51
noobmonk3yflashing is just so much easier then faffing lol23:51
fralsbah should head to bed soon, wouldve wanted to fix fmms a bit :(23:51
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fralswhat you upto noobmonk3y?23:51
noobmonk3yjust fixing baby bugs in h/c23:51
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noobmonk3yand erm preparing for my travels23:52
* noobmonk3y is gonna be 1/2 way towards lcuk by saturday lol23:52
fralswhere you going? :)23:52
strohiit is possible to resize the / partition?23:52
* lcuk is gonna be in dorset on monday23:52
noobmonk3yborrowing my bros funky ickle sporty car and visiting mates on my way to my best mates 30th - go karting wooooop23:52
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* frals have no idea where hes going to be on monday23:52
ruskiestrohi, reduce it that's all23:52
lcukand tue,wed,thu,fri23:52
lcukno internet23:52
noobmonk3yi'll be back in worthing on monday lol23:52
lcuka full itiniary23:52
fralsno internet for a week? wow!23:53
strohiruskie, the partition? i think maximize would be better23:53
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lcukfrals sure23:53
ruskiestrohi, it's 256 flash on the chip23:53
noobmonk3yfrals, very doable when you spend all day on a pc23:53
lcuki rarely use internet when i travel23:53
strohihm k23:53
lcukbut with family its even less23:53
slonopotamusAranel: i have 80 free after updating to pr1.2 :)23:53
noobmonk3yhad no pc at home most of last year23:53
ruskiestrohi, the rest of the storage is an internal MMC23:53
MohammadAG_<frals> no internet for a week? wow!23:53
MohammadAG_Bad Sulzangen (?) wasn't any better23:53
lcukslonopotamus, 80 is reasonable, its over 100mb for a clean flash23:53
strohiruskie,  i can't upgrade using the update manager .. oh i didn't know that23:53
fralsi knew you were isolated on your little island but bloody hell i expected there to be some kind of network built ;)23:54
lcukfrals, its purely functional23:54
Aranelslonopotamus: removed fbreader. fmradioplayer is not installed.23:54
noobmonk3ylol frals23:54
lcuki just dont see why i travel XYZ miles to sit on bum infront of a screen23:54
ShapeshifterHas someone written a tool to pre-render and scale map data for maep, mapper etc.?23:54
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slonopotamusAranel: how much? :)23:55
* noobmonk3y whinges23:55
MohammadAG_yeah lcuk there's VNC for that23:55
Shapeshifterlike, so that someone can let the whole of europe through to be cached so that it's available "offline"?23:55
noobmonk3yi want healthcheck testers lol....23:55
Aranelslonopotamus: cant say before reboot :| It doesnt give me any free space. weird.23:55
* noobmonk3y goes and storms tmo..... gotta be some bored trolls23:55
fralslcuk: good point, i however dont need to sit infront of a screen the whole time even though i do have net access ;)23:55
MohammadAG_he wants a healthcheck for healthcheck23:55
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* noobmonk3y thinks Mo is talking the truth, innit23:55
lcukfrals i have phone with me and that has emergency access and i can keep updated in read only mode if required23:56
jogaAranel: you've checked that there's nothing big in /home/user or so?23:56
MohammadAG_nah, I was just pointing out the obvious irony23:56
lcukie n900 awesomeness :D23:56
Araneljoga: isnt /home/user is another partition? apart from rootfs?23:56
MohammadAG_lol [extras-builds] [fremantle]: grr 0.0.4 FAILED   Maemo Extras Builder23:56
* noobmonk3y will be honing his go-karting skills in a fiesta RS w0000p23:56
jogaAranel: /home/user/MyDocs is23:57
noobmonk3yno phone for much of this wkend :P23:57
joga/home/user is still on rootfs23:57
fralslcuk: if you got your n900 with network access you cant claim to be going off without net :D23:57
ZuccaNow Maemo 5 terminal works with tmux. \o/23:57
jogaoh, no sorry, it isn't23:57
jogamissed one line in mount that says /home23:57
ruskiehmm how can one specify a specific version of a packaget to install using apt-get ?23:57
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lcukfrals, indeed i can23:57
lcukphone is phone23:57
jogabut mydocs and home are on separate partitions23:58
lcuki will not be sat here like htis23:58
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fralsfair enough23:58
marexruskie, ok, reboot23:58
marexruskie, but dist-upgrade finished23:58
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strohithe only way to upgrade is to flash the device?23:58
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jogastrohi, I did it OTA23:59
marexruskie, I see NOKIA logo and a progress bar23:59
josephnexusmarex, it's updating23:59
marexupdating what ?23:59
josephnexusyour OS23:59

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