IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2010-05-25

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mintux1 crashanddie: how do you know I don't do that00:00
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mintux1 crashanddie: I don't remember you answer any my question . so please speak from you self not everyone in this channel00:01
lcukmintux1, sshfs is what you would need to create a file system branch, but im not even sure (a) if its on n900, and (b) whether you can map to the MyDocs00:01
crashanddiemintux1: because if you googled "maemo mount ssh" you'd find half a million hits00:01
mintux1I didn't know I can mount ssh00:01
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mintux1and I see it now here
zaheerm-lpyou asked "can I mount ssh" :)00:02
DocScrutinizer51~tell mintux1 about question00:02
lcukhold on, he did ask that00:02
mintux1and I'm looking for software00:02
lcuk<mintux1> can I mount ssh to file manager ?00:02
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lejonetHmm, what is the average time you'd have to wait for it to boot into flash mode?00:04
lcuklejonet, i dunno i have my machine upside down00:04
lcukremove battery, plug in usb leads, start flasher, wait till it says 'device not detected', put in battery, profit00:05
lejonetlcuk: That made sense... :P00:05
MohammadAGwhile inserting the battery00:05
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MohammadAGyes it did00:05
mintux1lcuk: if I know it's possible to mount ssh it's not need ask here and search in maemo forum . in my ubuntu I have connect to in nautilus and use this . I didn't know what should I look for00:05
Appiahapt-get install sshfs00:05
lcukmintux1, the file manager installed by default on maemo just views the MyDocs folder00:05
lejonetMohammadAG: I'll give it a whirl, right now it is just stuck with the Nokia logo on a white background and the USB icon in the right upper corner00:05
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lcukso if you make a sshfs mountpoint within there you should be able to browse normally with it00:06
Appiahsshfs myuser@atsomeremotehost:/path/to/dir /path/to/my/mountpoint00:06
lcukbut i dont know if sshfs is available as i said00:06
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Appiahwell I have it00:06
Appiahdunno which repo it came from ...00:06
Appiahthink its in extra00:06
MohammadAGlejonet, which OS?00:06
lejonetMohammadAG: it is an N900, so Maemo 5 I think00:07
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MohammadAGPC side...00:07
lejonetoh :P Sorry, Linux00:07
lejonetUbuntu atm, it is doing the same thing with my 32-bit chroot in Gentoo tho :/00:07
MohammadAGUbuntu 10.04 has problems detecting my N90000:07
lejonetIt is 9.0400:07
MohammadAGshouldn't cause probs00:08
MohammadAGdo as lcuk said00:08
MohammadAGremove battery, plug usb, execute command, plug in battery00:08
lejonetI have, I have just now started the flasher and it is at Suitable USB device not found00:08
lejonetBattery removed00:08
MohammadAGplug the battery00:08
MohammadAGwith the usb connected00:08
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DocScrutinizer51*sometimes* even a boot of host PC (eeeeeww) might help00:09
lejonetYeah, it reacted with going to the start screen with the nokia logo, and a quick flash of the usb logo in the corner and then it went into the bootloop it seems like00:10
MohammadAGyou lost me after boot00:10
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MohammadAGlejonet, sure the usb is connected to the PC? (i spent half an hour trying different methods then noticed it wasn't connected)00:10
ZogGMohammadAG go to sleep you have exam tomorroqw00:11
MohammadAGoh i forgot00:11
MohammadAGit's at 1:30 anyways00:11
DocScrutinizer51/kick MohammadAG00:11
lejonetMohammadAG: Yes, 100% positive, I can try another USB port if that might do something?00:11
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, do it!00:11
MohammadAGthat helps sometimes00:11
lejonetOne thing to note is that I did not press the 'u' button when I had inserted the battery00:12
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, if you don't do it i'll do it00:12
MohammadAGlejonet, you don't need to00:12
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lejonetMohammadAG: Hmm, what am I doing wrong then?00:12
MohammadAGi have no idea00:12
DocScrutinizer51lejonet: please also read the wiki00:12
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MohammadAGdo the routine u thing00:12
MohammadAGand check dmesg00:12
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lejonetDocScrutinizer51: I have, it is not that detailed :/00:13
MohammadAGanyone good at sketching?00:13
MohammadAGneed N900 sketches00:13
lcuklejonet, did the flasher tool change from saying device not detected?00:13
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MohammadAGthe wiki needs to have them00:13
MohammadAGlcuk, nope00:13
crashanddieMohammadAG: a few guys on TMO are very good -- made on N900 as well00:13
DocScrutinizer51err it's not? I posted a quote from flasher README lately00:13
lejonetlcuk: Yes, and then went back to saying device not detected00:13
lcukwhat did it say?00:14
MohammadAGwent back?00:14
MohammadAGcrashanddie, I wanted slightly detailed N900 sketches :)00:14
MohammadAGnot those kind of sketches00:14
MohammadAGumm sec00:14
crashanddieMohammadAG: if they can draw that on a N900, they can draw an n90000:14
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MohammadAGcrashanddie, good point :)00:15
lejonetit said USB device found and where, found the device RX-51 and hw revision, NOLO version, Version of sw release and then "Booting device into flash mode. Suitable USB device not found, waiting"00:15
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crashanddieMohammadAG: this guy seems to do inanimate objects as well:
meceuf I feel inspired to do a little programming perhaps..00:16
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lejonet... siigh, I guess that is what I get for playing around with that power user kernel -.-00:17
MohammadAGit shouldn't touch NOLO00:17
MohammadAGafaik it can't touch NOLO...00:17
lejonetWell it only lists the version of NOLO00:18
MohammadAGmeaning nolo exists00:18
MohammadAGwhich means it should go into flashing mode00:18
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lejonetWell it does say that it is booting the device into flash mode00:18
MohammadAGactually it is in flashing mode, your PC isn't detecting it for reason00:18
lejonetYeah, something goes wrong when it boots to flash mode00:19
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MohammadAGcheck dmesg00:19
MohammadAGon your PC00:19
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lejonetBecause that is when the computer outputs "Suitable device not found, waiting." Again00:19
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lejonetIt notices an new high speed USB device, choses configuration and then USB is disconnected ad infinitum00:21
lejonetThe USB address is incremented each time00:21
lcuklejonet, reboot laptop00:21
* MohammadAG backspaces00:21
lcukwindows fix! :D00:21
MohammadAGlcuk, not while it's doing something to the registry :P00:22
lejonetlcuk: Yeah, ubuntu is a bit like that sometimes :P00:22
lcukmine only allows me to flash once00:22
lcukthen says its busy with usb00:22
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lejonetTime to do the same procedure with an newly rebooted computer00:23
MohammadAGi have to take the battery out on my i500:23
MohammadAGbut my lappy works fine00:23
lcukyou have to disconnect form the internet00:23
lejonetlcuk: I am doing it from another computer :P00:23
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* lejonet loves that he has an Eee 900 that he bought dead cheap as a victim :P00:24
DocScrutinizer[2010-05-24 23:09:57] <DocScrutinizer51> *sometimes* even a boot of host PC (eeeeeww) might help00:24
MohammadAGvictim of what lol00:24
lejonetI think I paid around 110$ for it :P00:24
lejonetMohammadAG: My experiments :P00:24
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lejonetDocScrutinizer: Yes we know, just wanted to rule out other possibilities first00:24
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DocScrutinizeras soon as your host PC modprobes some drivers for USB that don't behave, you're pretty busted. Reboot!00:25
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, this episode of house reminds me of you xD00:25
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lejonetHmm, this time when doing the same thing it doesnt find the device even :/00:27
loufoquewhat is PR1.2?00:27
tripzeronoone knows00:27
loufoqueI see that everywhere on the net00:27
tripzerojust ignore it and it'll go away00:28
DocScrutinizerA placebo made by Bayer00:28
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MohammadAGbattery low00:29
lejonetMohammadAG: It doesnt react to the 'u' key method thingy now either :/00:29
infoboti heard pr1.2 is not here yet. Stop asking. Read the topic Just stop asking. Read the topic. AND STOP ASKING.  If you ask then release moves by another week, so do not ask.00:29
MohammadAGlejonet, rereboot?00:29
lejonetMohammadAG: siiigh :P00:29
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MohammadAGlejonet, use your current PC?00:29
lejonetMohammadAG: I guess I could try that again00:30
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loufoqueI'm not asking when it's coming, I'm asking what the hell it is00:30
lejonetAn update00:31
loufoquethat I could deduce.00:31
DocScrutinizerlejonet: you've read ?00:31
MohammadAGit ends world hunger00:31
MohammadAGbut seriously...00:31
loufoquebut what are its important improvements00:31
MohammadAGit includes Qt4.6.200:31
MohammadAGand other bug fixes00:32
MohammadAGit's pretty overhyped if you ask me00:32
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lejonetDocScrutinizer: Yes, a few times00:32
DocScrutinizerlejonet: seen the >>from README_Flasher-3.5_beta coming with the flasher dowload tgz:<< quote?00:32
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lejonetDocScrutinizer: THe one about the removing try and stuff?00:33
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lejonetWith my gentoo computer it atleast notices what vendorid and such and what it is, Nokia USB ROM00:35
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lejonetbut then after it gets to all that it disconnects00:35
loufoqueMohammadAG: ok, nothing major then00:36
DocScrutinizerlejonet: all the way thru >>from README_Flasher-3.5_beta coming with the flasher dowload tgz:<< until (and maybe including)
lejonetDocScrutinizer: That is the procedure I am trying to do00:36
GAN900crashanddie, how goes the job search?00:36
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DocScrutinizerthese are actually TWO slightly different methods00:36
DocScrutinizerboth seem to work, if your PC doesn't throw sticks at your legs00:37
loufoqueanyone knows I can tell maemo to use the GPS for the clock? GPSJinni reports the correct time, but the time reported by maemo (which I assume is that of GSM) is completely off00:37
lejonetYeah, like mine apparently like to do00:37
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, he can't flash anything if he isn't in flashing mode00:37
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MohammadAGflashing the kernel while the device is in any mode worksforme00:37
MohammadAGbattery low00:38
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ptlDoes changing the default theme for any theme whatsoever makes the use of memory increase?00:38
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: he clearly stated all the indicators he IS in flashing mode00:39
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lejonetWell lets try all this with a fresh  reboot of this PC too00:40
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, wasn't it the opposite?00:40
MohammadAGor actually the pc doesn't detect it00:40
DocScrutinizeralas even when N900 enters flashing mode correctly, some PC OS prefer to occupy the USB by greedy drivers that block the flasher. That's my take on it00:40
MohammadAGubuntu shouldn't do that00:41
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mintux1my some folder icons like images/ camera/documents / video clips are repeat twice is it a bug ?
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG:  <lejonet> it said USB device found and where, found the device RX-51 and hw revision, NOLO version, Version of sw release and then "Booting device into flash mode. Suitable USB device not found, waiting"00:41
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lejonetWell, lets try this from CLI in gentoo then00:42
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, last part :)00:42
lejonetLess things loaded, less things the computer is occupied with :P00:43
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, problem is his PC, not the N90000:43
DocScrutinizer[2010-05-24 23:05:54] <lejonet> MohammadAG: I'll give it a whirl, right now it is just stuck with the Nokia logo on a white background and the USB icon in the right upper corner00:43
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: Did I claim anything different?00:44
lejonetWell, the flasher aint reacting that way anymore...00:45
DocScrutinizerbtw, sometimes some users thanked me for that...00:45
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: sleep!00:45
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lejonetDocScrutinizer: could the fact that I am doing this in a 32-bit chroot from an AMD64-bit system without multilib affect the whole thing?00:46
DocScrutinizeryes, for sure00:47
lejonetWell the only 32-bit system I have is my Eee 900 with ubuntu 9.0400:47
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lejonetAnd even there it stopped reacting on it...00:48
DocScrutinizerUSB access is wacky from all virtual and chroot environments00:48
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ptlwhat about theming? Does it use more memory?00:48
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lejonetptl: No, unless the new theme has more animated stuff I guess00:49
DocScrutinizerlejonet: a silly question - you're starting flasher on PC under root?00:49
ptllejonet: hmmm, k, thx00:49
lejonetDocScrutinizer: Yes :P00:49
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lejoneton ubuntu PC it was with sudo, in chroot I am root by default00:50
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DocScrutinizerlejonet: yeah, but only for your "virtual" chrooted devices00:50
lejonetDocScrutinizer: Well I started the chroot as root too00:51
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG, go to sleep!!!00:51
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, the sleep bit killed my N90000:51
DocScrutinizerYOU should sleep, not your N900 ;-P00:51
lejonetI need to get my N900 to work, it is mine alarm clock lol :P00:51
tripzero+1 for the n900 alarm clock00:52
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, you did the wrong command then00:52
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DocScrutinizerhmm, I'm running short of options00:52
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MohammadAGmy body's ssh server runs on a port ouside the range00:52
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lejonetLuckily I still have my work phone, but I kinda need my N900 to work lol :P00:54
lejonetI guess I should let it charge the battery over the night and bash at it again tomorrow, it is late00:54
DocScrutinizerlejonet: you might want to check lsmod and see if you find any suspicious drivers to modprobe -r. But that's no cooking receipe for beginners00:54
lejonetDocScrutinizer: I think i'll manage, been running gentoo for 2 years :P00:54
DocScrutinizeron your host PC00:54
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DocScrutinizerthings like cdc_ether, *_nokia* etc come to mind00:55
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DocScrutinizersee what keeps usb locked00:55
lejonetWell the only USB mods in lsmod was bluetooth related stuff00:56
DocScrutinizerdunno what else00:57
lejonetI have that compiled in the kernel00:57
meceis attila ever on here?00:57
mece~seen attila7700:57
infoboti haven't seen 'attila77', mece00:57
lejonetI'll give it a go tomorrow, i'll use my workphone as alarm clock tonight00:57
* lejonet is glad he forgot to leave it at work00:57
lejonetDocScrutinizer, MohammadAG, lcuk: Thank you for your attempts to help me, I will probably be back tomorrow :P00:58
MohammadAGnp :)00:58
lejonetWith a fresh brain (hopefully) and some more time00:58
* lejonet sometimes wishes he didn't fiddled with every electronic device he gets across :P00:59
DocScrutinizernah, that's why we buy those gadgets after all01:03
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lejonetVery true01:05
lejonetI doubt this goes under warranty either :P I did afterall cause it myself with untested software (It all happened when I tried to uninstall the "Enhanced linux kernel for power users")01:05
GAN900mece, achipa01:06
meceattila is achipa?01:06
mece~seen achipa01:06
infobotachipa <~chatzilla@Maemo/community/council/achipa> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 5h 46m 10s ago, saying: 'if there are any extra fixes in there, they could have been just as well applied to libqt4-maemo5'.01:06
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DocScrutinizer[2010-05-24 23:11:07] <ZogG> MohammadAG go to sleep you have exam tomorroqw01:06
DocScrutinizer[2010-05-24 23:11:14] <MohammadAG> oh i forgot01:06
DocScrutinizer[2010-05-24 23:11:25] <DocScrutinizer51> /kick MohammadAG01:06
DocScrutinizer[2010-05-24 23:11:43] <MohammadAG> DocScrutinizer51, do it!01:07
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DocScrutinizerany questions, Mr Watson?01:08
satmdmh. trying it here, too.... anyone familiar with maps generation in png? just state boundaries + marked positions?01:08
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil *might*01:09
satmdok, have something01:09
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, got our vicodin?01:09
MohammadAGyour* lol01:09
DocScrutinizersince 3, 6th season I'm clean ;-P01:10
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DocScrutinizer(though I guess I'm cheating)01:11
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SpeedEvilsatmd: #osm01:11
SpeedEvilsatmd: over on irc.oftc.net01:11
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SpeedEvilI just woke up - what?01:12
* DocScrutinizer waiting for crashanddie telling it's not been 6,3, and the exact name of the episode01:12
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: a good time to wake up, it's actually nice outside (though I'm a few 100km away from you, so can't know for sure what's your weather)01:14
SpeedEvil9C and cloudy01:15
DocScrutinizer19° here01:15
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mecehey does maemo-optify make synlinks to binaries?01:25
mecesym even01:25
lbtis 1.2 out yet then?01:27
infoboti heard pr1.2 is not here yet. Stop asking. Read the topic Just stop asking. Read the topic. AND STOP ASKING.  If you ask then release moves by another week, so do not ask.01:27
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FauxFauxSurely the device will notify when there's updates..?01:28
meceit will01:28
mecebut It only checks like once a day, so unless you go poking at the app manager it wont notice right away.01:29
FauxFauxOh no!01:29
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mecebuilding wesnoth.. hopefully optified this time..01:32
ponyofdeathanyone know of an good prog to share the 3g connections through the wifi with the power kernel?01:33
DocScrutinizer23:59 worst case not noticing a fresh new version -*unbearable*!!11!!!1!!!01:33
DocScrutinizernah, I bet you'll notice when the internets go mad over it01:34
DocScrutinizerwill take an estimated 79s01:34
meceI've managed to package a lot of things already, but I'm still baffled amount of trouble it causes.01:34
meceyeah :D01:35
Dima202Mobile HotSpot01:35
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crashanddieDocScrutinizer: did you say that the rumoured date was wednesday?01:37
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DocScrutinizernah, not me01:37
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crashanddiedid you?01:38
DocScrutinizerI hope he's asleep01:38
crashanddiebecause I just remembered something01:38
crashanddieWednesday's my birthday :)01:38
MohammadAGcrashanddie, sec01:38
DocScrutinizerthere was even a URL to a blog about a facebook post in this chan today01:39
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MohammadAG crashanddie01:39
crashanddiehang on, a blog about a facebook post?01:39
MohammadAGI said it was a rumor01:39
DocScrutinizeryeah, a friend of the father of my granny's dog heard somebody wispering...01:40
crashanddiewould be nice for my bday though01:40
SpeedEvilI have also - really - heard comments it's 'happening soon' from someone who knows someone.01:40
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crashanddieSpeedEvil: sure, and i was told pr1.2 was definitely coming out before pr1.301:40
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, I hear it's coming before January01:40
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* SpeedEvil looks over at January.01:41
* SpeedEvil sets vibrate mode.01:41
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DocScrutinizercrashanddie: I doubt even that ;-P01:41
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DocScrutinizernow if nokia had good marketing dudes, thy'd rename the thing to 2.0 anyway01:43
SpeedEvilLook at how much better web 2.0 is.01:43
DocScrutinizer"see, it took a while, but now we're up with something really fresh and new"01:43
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, yeah, I have facebook now, that thing has been of so much use to me...01:44
DocScrutinizer"1.2 wasn't that great, and we felt we owe our custumers nothing less than the best, so here it is: PR2.0"01:44
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DocScrutinizer>>music, cheerleaders dancing across your N900 screen<<01:46
SpeedEvilThey'll break it!01:46
SpeedEvilI lost my last laptop that way.01:46
DocScrutinizerthey were drilled ;-) in a whatdoyacallit-camp01:47
DocScrutinizeron thin polar ice01:47
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DocScrutinizerthat's why it took so long - in winter the ice is too strong01:49
DocScrutinizerthey wouldn't learn how to treat the LCD nicely01:49
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zaheerm-lplardman, you had an issue with gl_FUNC_ARGZ macro finding in scratchbox when compiling libchamplain, did you ever fix it?01:51
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DocScrutinizerbtw, SpeedEvil - you got strange hobbies. Having cheerleaders step on your laptop screen ;-P01:55
lcukDocScrutinizer, generally you tend to let cheerleaders do pretty much what they want01:56
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lcukpr1.2 has gotten boobie shots anyway01:57
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DocScrutinizerto scare steve I guess01:57
FauxFauxWhat it needs is a catchy name.  How about "Froyo"?01:57
DocScrutinizersound like my dog's food01:58
DocScrutinizer(though I got no dog anyway :-D )01:58
DocScrutinizeraah: side note
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loufoqueis there an app that automatically hacks WEP networks?02:01
loufoquethat would be cool02:01
DocScrutinizerit's called aircrack02:02
DocScrutinizerextras-devel iirc02:03
DocScrutinizerbut it doesn't "hack", it does a security audit ;-)02:05
DocScrutinizerand it has a bug :-S02:06
SpeedEvilIt doesn't support xkcd-config?02:08
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loufoque_what's best, butterfly, pecan or haze?02:35
loufoque_for msn02:35
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opdf2How long is Dataviz ToGo Suite trial?02:47
opdf2oh nm premium coming soon, I'll wait for that02:48
ArkenoiDtG sucks02:49
Arkenoiwell, it is fast02:49
Arkenoibut maemo version is outdated02:49
Arkenoiand i doubt there will be update soon02:49
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Psidoes samba (server) work ok on n900?  I see it in the repo02:56
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accessdenied5khi ich habe mal ne frage jemand da ?02:58
accessdenied5kor english ?02:59
Ikarusaccessdenied5k: English would be more practical02:59
accessdenied5ksorry for me english i have question i have the apad can i make maemo installed ?02:59
Ikarusaccessdenied5k: I'm afraid your on your own with that03:00
Ikarusthough it might be possible03:00
Psiits possible, but you'd need to write lots of code to get it all working03:01
accessdenied5kahhh okay03:01
MohammadAGchroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory any ideas?03:02
IkarusMohammadAG: by default bash isn't installed03:02
Ikarusrun chroot /bin/sh ?03:02
MohammadAGIkarus, on my PC03:02
IkarusMohammadAG: errr, install bash ? heck, wonder why you lack it03:02
MohammadAGumm, bash is installed..03:03
IkarusMohammadAG: is it installed inside the chroot aswell ?03:03
MohammadAGchroot: cannot run command `/bin/sh': No such file or directory03:03
accessdenied5kthx for reply bye03:03
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MohammadAGmohammad@mohammad-laptop:~$ ls /mnt/ubuntu/bin/bash03:03
IkarusMohammadAG: and how are you running chroot ?03:04
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MohammadAGchroot /mnt/ubuntu /bin/bash03:04
Ikarusand is /mnt/ubuntu/bin/bash executable ?03:05
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MohammadAGyes, chmod'd it03:06
IkarusMohammadAG: is it mounted as non-exec ?03:06
MohammadAG/dev/sdb1 on /mnt/ubuntu type ext3 (rw)03:06
MohammadAGroot@mohammad-laptop:/mnt/ubuntu# ./bin/bash03:07
MohammadAG/scratchbox/tools/bin/misc_runner: /targets/links/scratchbox.config: No such file or directory03:07
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Ikarus# ls -l /mnt/ubuntu/bin/bash ?03:08
MohammadAGroot@mohammad-laptop:/mnt/ubuntu# ls -l ./bin/bash03:08
MohammadAG-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 617344 2010-01-04 21:09 ./bin/bash03:08
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DocScrutinizerecho $PATH03:22
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DocScrutinizeroops, no03:23
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b-man|n900just released netbeans for maemo :)03:36
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pigeonhow about eclipse next ;)03:42
b-man|n900i think it would be too large lol03:44
redeemanim not sure the N900 is very suited for netbeans though03:45
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b-man|n900it was mostly just an experiment :)03:53
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ptlit's cool anyway04:06
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* ptl dancing the dark beat04:13
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pupnikNvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang, when asked if the Atom Z6 processor could be competitive, quickly responded with a "not possible"04:15
ptlI'd like to be an interviewer for high-ranked individuals like that04:16
ptlI'd get the most embarrassing questions04:16
ptlI'd ask Nokia's CEO over and over again about flash for the N900 and PR1.2 and Ovi Store.04:16
ptlIt would not even be an interview, it would be enthusiastic harassment.04:17
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SpeedEvilUnless they _have_ to talk to you, that simply won't get you another interview.04:17
ptlYes, I know.04:17
ptlBut let me dream about the possibility, would ya?04:17
SpeedEvilI suggest you consider more possible actions.04:18
SpeedEvilFor example - the supply of rotten eggs.04:18
SpeedEvilOr custard pies.04:18
ptlNo, I was already flamed at tmo for suggesting beating Nokia's management with a huge piece of wood.04:18
ptl(these were not the exact words I used, of course04:19
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zaheerm-lpandroid gets webm support in q4, maemo gets it before q2 is over :)04:30
pupniknice zaheerm-lp04:31
pupnikbackdooring nintendo's gamecube
ptlvery cool indeed04:32
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zaheerm-lpenough vp8 stuff for me today, time to sleep04:44
b-man|n900just took this picture yesterday with my device :)
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pupnikb-man|n900: how far was the N900 from the flower?04:51
* pupnik is amazed at the universe04:51
SpeedEvilYou can focus sanely down to 7cm04:52
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microlith:( copying from sd card to internal memory is so slow05:00
SpeedEvilIt is?05:01
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ohwhymeDoes anyone know how to make opera mobile 10 display pages normally? (as in not mobile version)05:09
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SpeedEvilhow normally?05:12
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ohwhymehey speedevil :p05:17
ohwhymeI mean it shows the mobile version of websites05:17
ohwhymenot the full webpage like on the desktop05:17
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b-man|n900pupnik: about 1 1/2 inches away05:31
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microlithnote to self: don't copy stuff using easydebian05:45
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Macermicrolith: what happened?06:02
Maceri didn't have any problems saving to the mydocs dir from openoffice then uploading it somewhere else06:02
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microlithmore like a mass copy (1.5GB) using PCFileMan slammed the CPU and took forever to ge 30%06:05
microlithwhereas the maemo file manager did it in a minute or so06:05
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ShadowJKUsually it ends up saturating the emmc with /opt, $HOME and swap activity when you try to do your copy06:16
ShadowJKand emmc hates that and you get something like 300kbyte/s06:16
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undrwaterwhere did all the n900 ppl go?06:50
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njsf_mee go06:56
njsf_just kidding06:56
* microlith wishes he had installed easy debian ages ago06:58
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undrwaternjsf_: is meego a bad word in here?07:06
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microlithmy IME is killng my dictionary07:08
microlithinput method editor07:09
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njsf_undrwater: not  a bad word, just a roadblock consuming resources. maybe good for future, but stopping current users from getting needed updates from nokia (my opinion)07:13
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undrwatermicrolith: got it! :)  like anthy07:23
undrwaternjsf_: just reading that now...07:23
undrwateri hope there are some nice announcements in the next couple of months...i'm in the market for 3g now....but unhappy with the choices07:24
microlithundrwater: exactly, I've got it going (when ebview doesn't crash) but I'm not getting any conversion :/07:25
microlithand it won't insert what it does type07:25
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pigeonspeaking of anthy, does anyone know if there's a mscim-anthy?07:26
microlithkimitake has been working on some anthy and mscim packages07:27
pigeonah, cool07:27
microlithit works through a virtual keyboard, but I wasn't able to make it work07:27
pigeoni was wondering why there's only scim-anthy.07:27
pigeondoes scim work differently from mscim on the n900?07:29
microlithno idea07:29
microlithkimitake would know more, I think07:29
pigeonok, thanks.07:29
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slonopotamusis gst-dsp compatible with gst-plugins-dsp?07:59
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izzoxHey all I'm here to find a help in development of an aplet08:07
izzoxAnyone arround with enough notions abt applets?08:08
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FIQdoes maemo seriously not contain less? :(08:51
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FIQwhat does PR stand for?08:55
Stskeepspublic release?08:55
FIQproduct release?08:55
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Stskeepsor product release08:56
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FIQif PR1.2 is going to actually be released on wednesday, i need to clean up my root..08:57
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Stskeepswell, it is geek pride day today08:58
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mece/top Welcome to #maemo | | | Maemo Community Council | | | Free software mirror: PR1.2 Should be out today09:08
Stskeepsnext up is lindsay lohan quitting alcohol09:08
Stskeeps.. oh wait09:08
* odin_ rubs hands09:09
mecetopic Welcome to #maemo | | | Maemo Community Council | | | Free software mirror: PR1.2 Should be out today09:09
meceI'm not an op apparently :P09:09
meceanyway @PeterMeego: #PR1.2 FOR #N900 INCOMING. World's first Skype Video Call on the Go! OTA updates now started in UK.
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FIQbut PR1.2 should have been released tomorrow?09:11
mecean official problems with upgrading thread will be needed...09:11
meceFIQ, haa!09:11
FIQnice that PR1.2 is incoming anyway09:12
SurfaFIQ, you heard this from where?09:12
FIQplanet maemo09:12
FIQsome sources09:12
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Surfaremember to breath while waiting09:12
FIQrootfs                  227.9M    209.2M     14.5M  93% /09:12
* FIQ must get some cleanup done09:13
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reggnaStskeeps: Thanks for sharing. :)09:14
Trewasso no meego to n900, at least they managed to announce some bad news along with pr1.209:15
SurfaTrewas, was it really news?09:15
* FIQ doesn't live in UK09:15
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SurfaI thought that was clear for some time ago that there won't be officially supported meego version :)09:16
Stskeepsharmattan's called meego too09:16
Trewasmaybe I haven't been following closely enough, but I thought the official stance has been "we don't know yet" until now09:17
Surfa"Officially we don't know yet, but it is highly unlikely" was stated at some point09:17
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Surfabut well, i think everyone who really want's to have it.. can do so with relatively stable community version09:19
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Surfabut let's see how people react on pr1.2.. is it that world saving release that many people have been waiting for ;)09:21
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Stskeepsmorning tekojo09:24
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meceTowelday is a good day to release software :)09:33
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meceaw for fuck's sake! the images are out for everyone apparently, but I don't have my usb cable.09:34
tekojoHave mine here right in my backpack :)09:34
mecegrr argh!09:34
* mece impersonates the Mutant Enemy logo09:34
tekojoboth towel and cable09:35
mecewait, my boss has an N90009:35
Wolfieso, it's not an OTA update?09:35
mecewell it is, but not yet apparently09:35
LiraNunawoot woot09:35
tekojosee, anyone with a towel is well equipped :)09:35
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LiraNunait's official09:35
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pupnikwill the video calling work over tcp/ip also09:37
mecepupnik, only afact09:38
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meceas far as I can tell.09:39
meceyay! A friend to the rescue. He bringeth usb cable!09:39
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* noobmonk3y prods lcuk 09:50
* noobmonk3y wonders if the title of this room will change? :P 09:50
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mecedamn that's fast.09:54
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lejonetmece: showoff... I couldn't get my N900 to even start flashing lol :P09:55
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meceit's booting..09:55
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lejonetYeah, I had the useful help of people here and that homepage and still no dice, somehow my computer refused to react on the flash mode or something09:56
LiraNunatopic should be change09:57
meceI tried. Turns out I'm not an op09:57
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meceuuh the hands are back..09:57
* LiraNuna kicks Stskeeps to work faster - FASTER09:57
tekojoStskeeps can you change topic?09:57
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* LiraNuna ducks09:57
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noobmonk3yflashed, but forgot to do the new emmc meh09:59
lejonetoh it was released now? Cool... and I wont be able to use it until I get my phone usable overall lol :P09:59
noobmonk3ythanks Stskeeps :D09:59
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noobmonk3ylejonet, whats up with yours?09:59
Wolfieso, is this a flash-image only, or does this get to OTA eventually?10:00
noobmonk3ywolfie ota uk today10:00
Stskeepsit OTA's in increments, ie, it takes some regiions first10:00
noobmonk3yand ditto above10:00
Wolfieokay, just making sure10:00
noobmonk3ybut the rest can flash now :P10:00
mecejust did' it works :)10:00
* noobmonk3y mis-read Stskeeps - thought he said religions ;) lol10:00
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meceI think I'll leave out the application list and install them manually..10:01
LiraNunaAtheists will get screwed with no update then?10:01
noobmonk3ymece, same here :P10:01
kimitakeI found PR1.2 image at :)10:01
noobmonk3ykimitake, and? :D :D10:01
meceWanha :P10:01
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LiraNunaso.. when does PR1.3 is being released? *ducks*10:02
Surfaany day now10:02
villemvit's november already?10:02
pupnikcapacitive screens: good bye clean, precise fingernail taps.  hello smudged screen and missed links10:02
noobmonk3yLiraNuna, pr1.3 will breed ducks all on it's own i hear ;)10:02
vesa_pupnik: hello ui designers needing to think about the click area of buttons/links10:03
mecevesa_, what do you mean?10:04
vesa_look at the rss application for example on the n90010:04
lejonetnoobmonk3y: I have no clue really, when I got it to boot into flash mode the flasher just said "Suitable device not found, waiting" all of a sudden and the N900 goes into an bootloop, I am guessing that is standard procedure10:04
vesa_it's usable with a fingernail if your hand is stable and you really really concentrate10:04
vesa_but it would be so easy to make usable with your finger10:04
mecevesa_, never had any trouble hitting those buttons10:05
vesa_scrollbars. that are 3mm wide. really helpful =P10:05
mecevesa_, they are not scrollbars.10:05
vesa_never accidentally resized the left area instead of scrolling? =)10:05
mecevesa_, they are indicators of where you are in the scrollable area.10:05
mecevesa_, or do you mean gtk scrollbars?10:06
vesa_umm? how do you scroll the left area if not with the scrollbar10:06
vesa_in the rss application for example10:06
mecevesa_, by dragging your finger on the stuff that is there.10:07
vesa_you mean 'kinetic' style?10:07
* noobmonk3y 's fat fingers work fine :P10:07
vesa_they don't move10:07
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noobmonk3yooo has 1.2 fixed kinetic scrolling :|10:08
vesa_grab a feed, pull down, nothing.10:08
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MiXu-PR1.2 finally out then? :)10:08
fralsso, uk a day ahead of the rest of us this time around eh10:08
* noobmonk3y feeds lcuk bacon.........10:08
noobmonk3yMiXu-,  yup10:08
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noobmonk3yfrals, available for all if u flash10:08
noobmonk3ymornin :D10:08
mecefrals, just the ota.10:08
fralsflashing suuuuucks10:08
* noobmonk3y just flashed :(10:08
* noobmonk3y sulks10:09
fralsi rather not have to set it all up again10:09
mecenoobmonk3y, why are you sulking?10:09
* noobmonk3y thinks it will gimme something to to today... (cough.... erm, shite meeting in 30 mins)10:09
* noobmonk3y can sulk if he wants too, surely?10:09
mecefrals, well the backup/restore works very well10:09
* noobmonk3y asks permission to sulk10:09
fralswell it clears /opt on reflash10:09
fralsand im using that as my devfolder10:09
mecenoobmonk3y, you can just ota that fcker, since you're in uk10:10
noobmonk3yfrals, lol!10:10
fralsand i cba to back it up manually and redo it10:10
noobmonk3ymece, global firmware10:10
mecenoobmonk3y, doh10:10
noobmonk3yactually global leaky firmware ;)10:10
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noobmonk3yanyway, restore is doing its thang :D10:10
mecewell, such is life for the leaky installer10:10
noobmonk3yhave to admit, worked fine until last night10:10
mecekarma I suppose :P10:10
noobmonk3yit randomly decided to play music!10:10
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* noobmonk3y kicks MohammadAG in the balls10:11
mecenoobmonk3y, the media player widget playing music after call bug?10:11
noobmonk3ymece,  yup10:11
MohammadAGumm, is facebook lying or is 1.2 out?10:11
fralsMohammadAG: topic? :p10:11
noobmonk3yfirst time i ever had a phone call over an hour - musta been that10:11
MohammadAGprolly former10:11
noobmonk3yMohammadAG,  truth for once :P10:11
* noobmonk3y has flashed10:11
joppuWhat images do I need to flash in order to wipe everything out? I mean both MyDocs and rootfs.10:11
MohammadAGit was canceled?10:11
lejonetjoppu: FIASCO bin and eMMC bin if I have understod it correctly :P10:12
noobmonk3yjoppu vanilla - RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin and RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin10:12
MohammadAGlet's try to ssu from my not so leaky 1.210:12
mecejoppu, eMMC, FIASCO then firmware10:12
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noobmonk3y(Well that was the generic firmware)10:12
MohammadAGthis'll be a *****10:12
MohammadAGoh and wb noobmonk3y10:12
* noobmonk3y waves!10:13
infoboti guess pr1.2 is not here yet. Stop asking. Read the topic Just stop asking. Read the topic. AND STOP ASKING.  If you ask then release moves by another week, so do not ask.10:13
Stskeepsinfobot: no, pr1.2 is here10:13
infobotStskeeps: okay10:13
* noobmonk3y lols10:13
infobot[pr1.2] here10:13
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noobmonk3yInfobot: PR1.3 is a ban'able subject now.....10:13
infobotnoobmonk3y: okay10:14
talmaianyone managed to successfully register 3rd party url handler on 1.2 (bug 6263)10:14
povbot`Bug libhildonmime: 3rd party applications cannot be registered as url handlers10:14
infobotsomebody said pr1.3 was a ban'able subject now.....10:14
MohammadAGwhere's the 1.3 thread?10:14
* noobmonk3y really should go get ready for work10:14
noobmonk3yMohammadAG, its already on the forums :(10:14
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lejonetmikki-kun: you here too lol? :P10:15
noobmonk3yno one has posted about 1.2.1 :P10:15
* MohammadAG turns on TV10:15
* MohammadAG sees world hunger and cancer still exist10:15
mikki-kunlejonet: yeah, i should be... ^^10:15
* MohammadAG files a bug report10:15
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lejonetmikki-kun: haha :P10:15
MohammadAGthey couldn't deliver what was promised!10:16
lejonetMohammadAG: You know what I realized, I could be using the wrong FIASCO bin or something, mine is labelled from sometime 200910:16
mikki-kunlejonet: did i miss something?10:16
KhertanHi all !10:16
lejonetmikki-kun: No idea :P10:16
mececheers Khertan10:16
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mecetoo bad Dio had to die for us to get PR1.2...10:17
MohammadAGno idea10:17
MohammadAGapril's joke?10:17
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fralsnoobmonk3y: does fmms autoconfig itself like it should in pr1.2? ;D10:17
mikki-kunis pr 1.2 out or why is pr 1.3 now a banable subject?10:17
MohammadAGfrals, no, it trouts you in the face10:17
* frals slaps MohammadAG around a bit with a large trout10:17
* Khertan is slowly backing is n900 data ... 28Gb so slow with usb !10:17
infobotpr1.3 is probably a ban'able subject now.....10:17
lejonetmikki-kun: Yes, 1.2 is out :P10:18
* MohammadAG doesn't have the SSU package, you know what that means10:18
mikki-kunohhh Ö.ö10:18
MohammadAGright, apt-get upgrade10:18
mikki-kunlol? :o10:18
infobothmm... pr1.2 is here10:18
mikki-kunthat's why i slept so good :D10:18
joppuwhere's the FIASCO image? sorry for asking stupid stuff :/10:18
Khertanthere is a new RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin10:18
mecewhere Khertan said10:18
MohammadAGsomewhere in that page10:18
lejonetI still wonder why it is called an FIASCO img tho :P10:19
Khertandoes this mean that there resize the rootfs space ?10:19
Khertanfiasco ... in french ... a fail :)10:19
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Khertanfound that funny :)10:19
joppuso first the eMMC image is the fiasco one?10:19
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joppuwee I can speel10:19
meceyay! Qlister installs and works right away. time to promote to extras10:19
MohammadAGthe eMMC image is to flash the eMMC10:19
Khertanfirst the fiasco img ... then the vanilla emmc10:19
KhertanNOTE: Always flash the FIASCO image first, then the eMMC image immediately after that. Never boot up the device between flashing the FIASCO image and the eMMC image!10:19
KhertanMohammadAG, yep ...10:20
lejonetKhertan: well, it is a bit odd to have the standard img called FIASCO ;)10:20
Khertanlejonet, clear :)10:20
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MohammadAGwhat Khertan said is important for 1.2!10:20
joppubut on the tablets-dev there's only the eMMC image and the firmware itself10:20
noobmonk3ydoesnt it auto boot after a flash?10:20
Khertanjoppu, the firmware is the fiasco ;)10:20
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mecejoppu, RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin 262090105 eMMC content 10.2010.13-210:21
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Khertannoobmonk3y, yep it s autoboot :)10:21
mecethat is fiasco10:21
meceerr no10:21
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* noobmonk3y thinks that happens just to make sods law real10:21
SceltAT LAST10:21
joppuD: seriously the firmware itself it called fiasco?10:21
SceltTwo months of waiting10:21
Khertani m currently looking at the flasher optionnal argument10:21
* frals waits for planet to get flooded with 10 identical "PR1.2 out now" blogposts10:21
noobmonk3yfrals, i'll get started on one ;010:21
mikki-kunlol, my n900 didn't find pr1.2 ^^10:22
Khertanfrals, apt-get remove rss, firefox, twitter10:22
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mecemikki-kun, ota only in the UK10:22
Khertanmikki-kun, did you have installed custom qt4.6 libs ?10:22
lejonetmikki-kun: well either you flash your phone or wait for ota :P10:22
noobmonk3yover the air10:22
Khertano the air10:23
* noobmonk3y giggles10:23
mikki-kunand afaik i didn't install custom qt4.6 libs10:23
MohammadAGapt-get upgrade isn't upgrading10:23
meceMohammadAG, ARGH10:23
* Khertan was bursted by noobmonk3y 10:23
mecemikki-kun, unrelated.10:23
Khertanmece, it could be ... as sdk custom qt4.6 install remove the metapackage mrp0 used for update :)10:24
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Sceltptl: PR1.2 IS OUT :-D10:24
MohammadAGsurely 1.2 is bigger than... 11 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.10:24
Khertanmece, but yep ... not here10:24
KhertanMohammadAG, hum ... maybe they remove everything that didn't pass tests ;)10:24
mikki-kuni'll just do it manually10:24
MohammadAGthen it'd say 0 packages10:25
wall[e]does this need reflash?10:25
MohammadAGjacekowski, the cake is a lie10:25
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MohammadAGapparently 1.2 isn't10:25
KhertanMohammadAG, :)10:25
wall[e]or apt-get disupgrade work?10:25
MohammadAGuse HAM10:25
Khertan1.2 is on tablet-dev ... but not yet ota10:25
MohammadAGoe bacon ;)10:26
jacekowskinothing on maemo.org10:26
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MohammadAGKhertan, oh10:26
wall[e]man i am so happy like a monkey reach the bank of amazon river10:26
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Khertanat least ota only for uk for the moment10:26
wall[e]Latest Maemo 5 USA release for Nokia N9010:26
MohammadAGthe uk never got it first?10:26
Sceltfrals: it could be nice if images were in descending timestamp order when adding file to mms. I mainly have to scroll to the bottom since I usually want to send the newest image which I just took10:27
noobmonk3ygotta goooooooooooooooooo  - ciaoooooooooooo10:27
* noobmonk3y slaps frals and MohammadAG with a double headed trout!10:27
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* Khertan is still waiting the 28Gb save over usb ... so slow ... 10:27
jacekowskino UK version10:27
mikki-kunKhertan: hf ^^10:27
fralsScelt: yeah, i have it somewhere on my list but not had time to wrestle with that dialog yet :)10:27
fralsScelt: thanks for reminding me :)10:27
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Sceltfrals: kewl. np. I have found that software very useful when drunk :D10:28
fralshehe :D10:28
Khertanfinally it was faster to backup 28Gb over usb than downloading from the firmware10:28
jacekowskiwell, 28G?10:29
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jacekowskiemmc flashes MyDocs as well?10:29
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jacekowskii thought it's just /home10:29
Khertannot sure10:29
Khertanso backup before :)10:29
Khertananyway it s still a good idea to backup10:30
mikki-kunjacekowski: if you flash the emmc then you also flash MyDocs afair10:30
Khertanas i didn't made any since 3 months10:30
jacekowskiwell, i have copy of all my porn10:30
jacekowskiand that's only important stuff i've got on a phone10:30
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jacekowskimikki-kun: only difference between me and you is that i admit to it10:31
fralsbah, upgrading means losing  09:34:53 up 22 days,  7:56, load average: 0.62, 0.15, 0.05 :[10:31
Khertan179Mb for the firmware ... there is a huge difference from previous fw10:31
mikki-kunjacekowski: well, i don't have it on my phone =p10:31
jacekowskiyou just don't want to admit to it10:31
jacekowskiKhertan: well, it might be just different compression10:31
Khertanjacekowski, true10:32
mikki-kunthe goddamn tracker-mechanism will somehow pull that out when i show something to somebody10:32
mikki-kunbetter be sure...10:32
jacekowskibtw. where is UK version of firmware?10:33
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tekojojacekowski coming up, it is always slower as it has to be accepted in the UK10:35
hrwPR 1.2 is not OTA yet?10:35
tekojohrw should be about now10:35
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fralshrw: in the UK only10:35
fralshrw: rest of the world tomorrow, according to nokia conversations10:36
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hrwtekojo: mp-fremantle-generic-pr is still at 10.2010.12-910:36
tekojohrw where?10:36
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hrwtekojo: on my phone10:36
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jacekowskifrals: there is pr1.2 in UK over ota?10:36
tekojohrw afaik that isn't an official build, so you are on your own10:36
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hrwtekojo: thats LR1.210:37
tekojohrw which means it's your problem :)10:37
jacekowskitekojo: it's already on tablets dev10:37
hrwtekojo: ;D10:38
Khertanyep ... but seems server are a bit overcharged :) download is slow on tablets-dev :)10:38
tekojojacekowski, the uk variant? people here are faster than I think :)10:38
hrwtekojo: all variants are there10:38
tekojoKhertan it's in Akamai, the server should not see a load10:38
MohammadAGcalls for a "that's what she said"10:38
jacekowskitekojo: no, just global10:39
Khertantekojo, yep ... it s in Akamai ... this is the problem :)10:39
tekojojacekowski ok, the UK variant should come in soon10:39
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MohammadAGit's out OTA10:39
LiraNunaanyone tried the map application on 1.2?10:39
Khertantekojo, akamai is slow with my isp ... don't know why10:39
tekojoKhertan depends on your physical location, better in Akamai than somewhere in Central Finland, then you would be screaming10:39
LiraNunaI'm wondering what has changed10:40
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hrwLiraNuna: in lr1.2 it was better then in pr1.1.1 but still not finished10:40
Khertantekojo, not sure :)10:40
MohammadAGwell i'm not reflashing10:40
MohammadAGso i guess it's still for the day10:41
* Khertan will reflash ... as i install many things from the sdk ... will be too hazardoos ... :)10:41
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LiraNunatekojo, tip: use the tab key to complete people's nicknames10:41
tekojoKhertan which isp, can't help right now, but these things are good to know in the future10:41
MohammadAGKhertan, not really ;)10:41
Khertantekojo, orange (old france telecom)10:42
tekojoLiraNuna: thanks :)10:42
Khertantekojo, but they are against internet neutrality ...10:42
* LiraNuna just hates to see his nick misspelled 10:42
MohammadAGso... now that 1.2 is out10:42
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Khertantekojo, they already cache youtube and made it slower10:42
MohammadAGwho thinks it was way too overrated/hyped10:42
* MohammadAG raises hand10:42
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Khertantekojo, but you can't do anything ... it s isp related i think10:43
joppu15 minutes until the backup is complete...10:43
tekojoKhertan hmm, that's bad10:44
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Khertantekojo, yep10:44
jogaMohammadAG: I think the "hype" was because everyone expected it a lot :)10:44
LiraNunahey, we got skype video chats10:45
LiraNunaI don't think it was overrated10:45
Surfaand gtalk too?10:45
danielwilmsnow 1.2 UK variant is as well available for download from tablets-dev10:45
MohammadAGwhich don't work with fring10:45
MohammadAGso udeless for me :)10:45
LiraNunaSurfa, I believe it was on 1.1 as well, but the other side needs to initiate it10:45
jogavideo chat is a nice add10:45
tekojodanielwilms: thanks :)10:45
Corsacwell, I'm more interested about fixed bugs :)10:45
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joppuhow bout the flash version? like I personally care, but some people do10:46
* wall[e] tries to remember all his modification10:46
wall[e]hi joppu i love your carbon theme very much10:46
MohammadAGyes, when **** sites upgrade we'll be left out10:46
wall[e]thank you for it a lot10:47
* Khertan is interested by qt4.6 and mce fix10:47
* Khertan is interested by qt4.6 and mce fixes10:47
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joppuwall[e]: yeah, I'll fix it up and release it after my exam week (which just started today), but thanks :)10:48
wall[e]can always wait!10:49
MohammadAGjoppu, what exams?10:49
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wall[e]i'm making theme that looks like iron man (with yellow/red metal buttons etc) with blender10:50
wall[e]rendering is fun but splitting them into so many pngs and try to understand them isn't10:51
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wall[e]appreciate your hard work! good luck with the exam.10:51
MohammadAGthanks :P10:52
* MohammadAG has an exam at 1:3010:52
wall[e]you too!10:52
MohammadAGtoday's a ***** :P10:52
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wall[e]and what are you still doing here?10:52
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joppuwall[e]: are you using MADDE, TM or manual method?10:53
wall[e]but reminds me i was playing mud and runs to the exam and almost late. that's 15 years ago.10:53
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wall[e]joppu: manual10:53
Khertannoobmonkey, to flash without reboot from flasher remove the option -R10:54
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wall[e]btw, i noticed that some png got stretch, is there a way to tell rendering engine to tile them?10:54
MohammadAGnoobmonk3y left afaik10:54
MohammadAGinfobot, seen noobmonk3y10:54
infobotnoobmonk3y <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 27m 24s ago, saying: 'gotta goooooooooooooooooo  - ciaoooooooooooo'.10:54
wall[e]through some config file?10:54
Khertanyep ... i see that after :)10:54
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KhertanMohammadAG, thx10:54
MohammadAGdon't thank me10:55
infobotMohammadAG: no worries10:55
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joppuMohammadAG: I had math today, still Finnish, Swedish, history, geography and English to go10:55
KhertanImpossible d'ajouter le message au fichier mbox : /home/khertan/.evolution/mail/local/Inbox : Fichier trop gros10:55
wall[e]why i can't see pr1.2 in my application manager?10:56
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MohammadAGoh, not gces then10:56
MohammadAGgood luck anyhow :)10:56
Khertanwall[e], because you should change glasses10:56
wall[e]i really cant see :S10:56
* wall[e] cries10:56
lejonetjoppu: lol you have Swedish in school? I guess you live in a Finnish/Swedish part of finland? :P10:57
wall[e]just reflash!10:57
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MohammadAGwonder if i should take backups of the mtd blocks10:57
floriangood morning10:58
wall[e]i have to repartition again oh no10:58
joppulejonet: we all have (and hate) to study it everywhere Finland :S10:58
Sceltlejonet: everywhere in Finland, we have two official languages10:58
MohammadAGso, i should backup the bootloader files, transitions, mce.ini, custom kernel image, and...10:58
MohammadAGoh yeah, the normal backup app stuff10:58
lejonetScelt: :O that is just wrong10:59
jpescelt: in belgium we have 4 !10:59
lejonetjoppu: Like fine, we did own finland a couple of hundred years ago, but why should we still force you to learn our language? :P10:59
Sceltlejonet: that's our history and I don't have anything against it10:59
Lynourelejonet: Swedish is mandatory in all of Finland10:59
lejonetjpe: Well you guys are weird ;)10:59
jpebut it's nice to have on youre CV11:00
Sceltjpe: do you have to study all of them at school?11:00
joppudo you guys ever backup your application list? I never do that11:00
lejonetLynoure: Didn't know that. Poor you :P11:00
wall[e]i do11:00
jpescelt: yep, but not all in the same amount..., and it depends in which part of the country you live11:00
wall[e]backup my app list11:00
Sceltjpe: okay11:01
Lynourelejonet: Could be worse :)11:01
wazdI knew they will release PR 1.2 right after Lost finale :D11:01
lejonetLynoure: True11:01
wazdthat light was PR 1.2 indeed :D11:01
pupnikmy friend says dont watch it11:01
wall[e]you have pr1.2 in ham?11:02
wall[e]all of you?11:02
wazdwall[e]: no11:02
wall[e]ah ok11:02
wazdwall[e]: but I'll try to update it thry nsu11:02
wazdwhich I doubt :)11:03
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mikki-kunMohammadAG: where is the transitions-file stored?11:03
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wall[e]wazd :)11:04
mikki-kunthanks :)11:04
wall[e]no luck here11:04
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mikki-kunand the mce.ini was somewhere in /etc afair11:04
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* wall[e] tries apt11:05
korhojoa_hmm. pr 1.2 eh11:05
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timeless_mbpoh darn11:07
timeless_mbpsomeone shipped it?11:07
sp3000...but does it have a pony?11:07
timeless_mbpthat means i actually have to get my package(s) fixed :(11:07
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korhojoa_timeless_mbp: oh noes :D11:08
timeless_mbpkorhojoa_: how dare they ship it!11:08
timeless_mbpit's so unfair!11:08
timeless_mbpcouldn't they wait another year?11:08
korhojoa_timeless_mbp: yeah! especially when it means effort for the devs!11:08
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wazd"Polishing each application for resistive screen (as good as it is) is  not trivial considering...."11:09
timeless_mbpnow poor users will update and things will break and they'll blame the lazy devs like me for not being ready11:09
korhojoa_I mean, they could at least have given you some warning, you know. So you'd have time to fix any broken functionality, but no.11:09
wazdof all possible explanations he chose this11:09
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MohammadAGmeego is overrated11:09
MohammadAGit has rpm, one reason to stay away from it (from my experience with fedora)11:10
wazdPeter is slowly moving onto Jobs' path :)11:10
timeless_mbpkorhojoa_: yeah, the 6 months i got was way too short11:10
timeless_mbpi needed at least 12 months11:10
Wolfiewazd: without all the technical rigor and overall determination11:10
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wall[e]mp-fremantle-generic-pr is already the newest version.11:11
wall[e]may be because i am in thailand?11:11
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MohammadAGwall[e], update the package list11:12
korhojoa_i quite like the debian package manager11:12
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Oli```Probably the hundredth person to ask this morning but why won't PR1.2 update over the air? I've got 68megs free on rootfs11:12
wazdis there any way to update n900 for windows? :)11:13
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MohammadAGOli```, it will tomorrow11:13
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Oli```MohammadAG: ? They're updating the package?11:13
wall[e]MohammadAG: I did11:15
wall[e]apt source.list right?11:15
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wall[e]  ./ and ./11:17
furunk3lyes hello11:17
meceomg I'm soo regretting not using the restore apps functions. Turns out I had a shitload of apps installed.11:17
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wall[e]ah i see11:18
wall[e]will flash then11:18
wall[e]who can wait for one more day?11:18
tekojomece if you have the backup, you still can do it11:18
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mecetekojo.. can I only choose the app list?11:19
mecehmm good idea.11:19
tekojowazd windows flaseher11:19
mecewazd, fast and easy11:19
joppuI think I screwed something up. I flashed the FIASCO image without the -R switch, kept the N900 plugged it, ran the eMMC flashing command. It it says booting into flashing mode and no suitable device found. The N900 boot is stuck to the second dot11:19
tekojomece in back-up tool yes and then in app manager there is the menu option of restore11:19
wazdtekojo: mece: thanks, I'll try that :)11:19
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GNUton-BNCX-Fade: ping11:20
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wall[e]joppu: restart it over?11:20
tekojojoppu try ripping out the battery and rebooting, or did you already?11:20
tekojoand how long is it stuck?11:20
joppuThe wiki pagesays it's strictly forbidden11:20
joppu""When flashing the eMMC content, always flash the FIASCO/Rootfs image first, then the eMMC. Do not boot up the device between the two!11:21
tekojojoppu: but you flashed both images already?11:21
tekojoor not?11:21
joppuNope, the eMMC doesn't flash11:21
joppuThe Firmware is already there11:22
TreibholzIs it possible, to have something like a wildcard-contact? E.g. all numbers from the office start with 431515 followed by 4 digits. I want to see, if the office calls.11:22
lbtis 1.2 out then?11:22
tekojojoppu: ahhh, then rip the battery, ready the flasher, plug in the cable and stick the battery in11:22
tekojoready the flasher as in run the command, it will wait for the device a while11:22
parim1Hey guys is there a port of google chrome for maemo 2008?11:22
joppudo I need to press U?11:22
tekojojoppu: depends, on my machine never, but some people need to11:23
MohammadAGparim1, ask jacekowski, but i doubt it, the N900's hardware runs it a bislow11:23
lejonetparim1: I think I saw a chromium app in extras-devel or something the other day, it aint that optimized for touch screen tho11:23
parim1lejonet: thanks11:24
Khertanmd5sum verified ... FLASHING !11:24
meceKhertan :)11:24
MohammadAGlejonet, it's for OS 2009, not 2008 afaik11:24
meceI'm going to pump out qt apps like there'11:24
meces no tomorrow11:24
lejonetMohammadAG: oh :P11:24
mece(not really)11:25
wazdNSU works11:25
mecewhat's NSU again?11:25
Khertani m impatient to test my Qt Apps :)11:25
lejonetNot Safe Education? :P11:25
Khertan(not finished yet)11:25
wazdnokia software update11:25
meceKhertan, mine installed as it should at least :)11:25
Khertanmine isn't packaged yet :)11:25
phellarv_So - PR1.2 is out, and everyone is a happy kitten?11:26
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lejonetI'm probably going to use my N900 to try and learn how to program with Qt :P11:26
Stskeepsphellarv: well, no commercially supported meego11:26
lejonetGotta setup an cross-compiler on my computer tho11:26
Khertanoups ... i ve got a pb ...11:26
meceKhertan, uh oh11:27
tekojolejonet try MADDE11:27
Khertandoesn't boot11:27
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meceKhertan, wait...11:27
meceKhertan, mine was slooow11:27
mecefirst boot11:27
phellarvStskeeps: That was not really a surprise.11:27
Khertanyep ... but reboot twice already11:27
meceKhertan. oh. damn11:27
tekojoKhertan: wait, it's doing a lot of optification of first boot11:27
phellarvStskeeps: Ain't no money in backporting, you know.11:27
wall[e]internet will down for an hour grrrr11:28
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joppuwall[e]: repars?11:28
Khertantekojo, yep ... i m just waiting ... maybe some internal fw upgrade like the phone chipset11:28
mecetekojo, are you still working on maemo btw?11:28
Khertanyouhou ! it s start the third time !11:28
meceKhertan, so it worked.. or?11:28
tekojomece: Yes, but my area is, as long as it's there I'm looking at it11:28
Khertanmece, yep it s working11:29
Khertani was a bit afraid after two reboot11:29
tekojoKhertan: not chipset, that happens in flashing, but it's optifying11:29
mecetekojo, nice. That's like my favorite place on teh interwebs :D11:29
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joppuok, screw the eMMC, it boots up just fine11:29
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mece~curse my slow 3g connection11:30
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, my slow 3g connection !11:30
tekojojoppu: I don't think you *have* to flash emmc, it's just a content change11:30
meceteehee... that never gets old11:30
Khertanhum ... my nokia11:30
* tekojo is being dragged to lunch11:30
jopputekojo: yeah, I was just hoping to start up on a clean slate11:30
Khertanadvice by sms ... will be short :)11:30
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wazdseriously, NSU worked like a charm11:30
wazdit should be listed in wiki I suppose11:31
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joppuhow does one change the menu layout?11:31
parim1Paul and microsoft have them take a look at it11:32
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wutryay PR1.2!11:32
mecetekojo, does pr1.2 use the same transitions.ini file as previous versions?11:33
timeless_mbpTreibholz: the algorithm looks at the last x digits which iirc is 8 or so11:34
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andre__mece: I don't think that tekojo knows every single file on the N900 by heart. wait and check?11:35
timeless_mbpi don't think it's particularly pluggable, but you could probably write another app which listens for some message and does something11:35
timeless_mbpandre__: how dare he not memorize the entire file system for all versions of the n900!11:36
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jacekowskinot enough memory in target location11:36
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jacekowskihow much is enough?11:37
timeless_mbpsx0n: it is in the topic...11:37
lejonetjacekowski: When 1 more bit is more space than needed ;)11:37
joppuholy crap, the back button now actually takes you back one page11:37
* lejonet hides11:37
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lejonetjoppu: :O11:38
MohammadAGA= infinty sign11:38
MohammadAGjacekowski, A11:38
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jacekowskijoppu: lies11:38
mecejacekowski, try disabling extras, testing and devel, perhaps that will do the trick?11:38
mecegives you 20 megs or so :)11:38
jacekowski6.3 at the moment11:38
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mecejacekowski, ouch11:39
joppustill no portait input in the browser11:39
fralstimeless_mbp: i think its last 711:39
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jacekowskii cleaned /var/cache/apt/archives and i've got 30M11:40
meceandre__, righty, sometimes people just happens to know though :)11:41
timeless_mbpfrals: i've spoken w/ the people who work on it11:41
timeless_mbpin the USA, we have 10 digit numbers, 3, 3, 411:41
wazdwoo, normal "back" in browser! :) update already worth it :)11:41
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jacekowski30M is not enough11:42
timeless_mbpa 7 digit number isn't actually useful, since it's an instant collision between any pair of area codes11:42
lejonetwazd: Sweetness :P11:42
meceandre__, hey btw did you get my email about the bugtrackers?11:42
timeless_mbpjoppu: did you find portrait input in any other application?11:42
MohammadAGjacekowski, it just hates you11:42
andre__mece, yes11:42
jacekowskiMohammadAG: it doesn't want me to hate it11:42
fralstimeless_mbp: alright, i only go by whats at which might not be used elsewhere :)11:43
jopputimeless_mbp: nope, but somebody was demonstating it on the SDK by forcing it into portait11:43
meceandre__, k. Is all ok there, or do you need more info?11:43
crashanddietimeless_mbp: yes11:43
crashanddiejoppu: try opera browser for Maemo, bloody brilliant, and added bonus: no flash!11:43
timeless_mbpfrals: hrm, maybe :)11:43
joppucrashanddie: I'm aware of this, yes11:43
timeless_mbpi distinctly remember disliking their behavior for a bunch of reasons11:44
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crashanddiejoppu: supports portrait input with a very good keyboard11:44
andre__mece, looks okay from a quick view. also see
timeless_mbpfrals: i will note that the first sentence in that blob is bad11:44
wazdcyrilic symbols in maps!11:44
timeless_mbpit should be "well-defined", not "well-define"11:44
joppucrashanddie: but it sucks you battery like a whor...11:44
timeless_mbpso given that they were off by one earlier, maybe they're off by one later :)11:44
wazdI feel a bit randy now11:44
crashanddiejoppu: then don't say "nope", when someone asks you "did you find portrait input in any other application"11:44
BugBlueI can't restore.. it does complain about available memory11:45
timeless_mbpcrashanddie: um11:45
timeless_mbpOpera has their own IME11:45
BugBluelet's switch to english11:45
timeless_mbpit isn't the nokia IME11:45
crashanddietimeless_mbp: yes, but it's still portrait input11:45
timeless_mbpit isn't11:45
crashanddietimeless_mbp: you didn't qualify initially :)11:45
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joppudamn, I always hit "settings", the last item in the menu by reflex :D11:45
timeless_mbpcrashanddie: it was a context sensitive question11:46
timeless_mbpthe context was 'pr1.2 changes'11:46
timeless_mbppr1.2 does not, to my knowledge, offer a portrait IME11:46
crashanddietimeless_mbp: my apologies, wasn't aware of it11:46
timeless_mbpas it does not offer it, asking one of the platform apps to use a feature that doesn't exist is unfair11:46
timeless_mbpand i'm in the middle of deciding how to bite someone's head off11:46
timeless_mbpso please don't tempt me11:46
joppuso there was an option to rearrange the menu, where it would be lacated?11:47
timeless_mbpi'm trying to be incredibly polite and include a certain amount of levity11:47
crashanddietimeless_mbp: that being said, I believe it is worthwhile to note that the only application that offers portrait input support is a beta version of a browser.11:47
timeless_mbpjoppu: tap and hold11:47
timeless_mbpcrashanddie: you think we *didn't* want it?11:47
crashanddietimeless_mbp: fuck off, don't pull that with me. Thanks. If you need to go for a shit, please, go ahead and go to the bathroom, no need to threathen the whole room.11:47
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timeless_mbpsure, we went to the IME people and said "please please please don't deliver a portrait IME, it'd give us too many features and hurt our WOW for post 1.2"11:48
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* timeless_mbp waits for that to hit talk11:48
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joppuinternet drama11:48
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wazdctrl+shift+r doesn't work in media player? :(11:49
crashanddietimeless_mbp: I never said or implied anything of the sorts, please don't insult my intelligence by pretending I did, you know better than that.11:49
timeless_mbpcrashanddie: i'm in a bad mood11:50
BugBlueoke, an extra reboot did do the trick.. it's now restoring :-)11:50
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crashanddiethat's fine, hope things get better, but there really is no need to take it out on the channel, or anyone on IRC for that matter.11:50
timeless_mbpmy day started by receiving what amounts to a censure from a working group11:50
crashanddietimeless_mbp: may I recommend going to annoy the new paperboy?11:51
timeless_mbpi'd probably get arrested in this country!11:51
crashanddieI meant the Nokia paperboy, hopefully he's legal11:51
timeless_mbpharassing people at nokia would get me fired11:51
timeless_mbpthey don't have a sense of humor11:51
timeless_mbpand document every infraction11:51
timeless_mbpwith video cameras!11:52
joppuaccont setup has now "facebook"-option. it's just jabber, right?11:52
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timeless_mbpjoppu: it's probably facebook :)11:52
crashanddieis pr1.2 released?11:52
* timeless_mbp eyes crashanddie11:52
crashanddieor did joppu install the leaked version?11:52
timeless_mbpplease read the topic11:52
crashanddietimeless_mbp: I know the topic, I put it there11:52
crashanddiebut sometimes the conversations get misleading11:53
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joppuwellthe builtin jabber fuctioned fine with facebook, as it being XMPP11:53
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crashanddietimeless_mbp: oh, no, I didn't read the topic11:53
mecejoppu, I guess it's a jabber with the proper settings preinstalled11:53
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MohammadAGyou deserve a kick ban, you used the f word11:54
Stskeepswhat, fwanker?11:54
jacekowskicrashanddie: don't be to harsh on yourself11:54
timeless_mbp> This comment has been down-ranked into oblivion.11:55
crashanddiewhat did I say: PR1.2 Global Release on May 26th, my birthday!11:55
meceit's may 25th :P11:55
timeless_mbpcrashanddie: do you have a birthday every day?11:55
jacekowskicrashanddie: it's already released11:55
crashanddiewell, only UK release today, right?11:55
meceno global too. only uk on ota.11:55
jacekowskicrashanddie: everything except UK is released11:55
jacekowskicrashanddie: UK is released for ota instead11:55
crashanddie"UK release today, and global release tomorrow Wednesday, May 26"11:55
crashanddieyeah, so that's what I said :)11:56
Khertancrashanddie, for ota ...11:56
jacekowskicrashanddie: check tablet-dev11:56
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crashanddie26th May :) Nokia wanted to be polite11:56
meceI already installed global, so it's definately out.11:56
jacekowskicrashanddie: there are all firmware version except UK11:56
jacekowskicrashanddie: UK users can get update using OTA11:56
Khertancrashanddie, mine is restoring apps on pr1.2 :)11:56
jacekowskiand OTA fails11:56
crashanddiejacekowski: I understand that11:56
jacekowskibecause it needs god knows how much space11:56
joppuis there any way to erase my now obsolete jabber addresses all all my over 100 fabebook friends?11:56
joppunice spelling11:57
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crashanddiejoppu: look at the hermes app, it'll give you an idea11:57
joppuis it now capable of erasing stuff too?11:57
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crashanddieif it doesn't, send an ER11:58
ZogG_N900no meego and it's last update probably. sad11:59
lbtwhat's a UK user?  not a summit device? or a dev-device?11:59
Stskeepsi wouldn't be to worried yet11:59
Stskeepslbt: UK ips maybe11:59
joppuZogG_N900: what do you meanno meego?12:00
* lbt sets up a Tor12:00
pigeonam i supposed to be able to update to 1.2 by just apt-get update and dist-upgrade?12:00
X-Fadepigeon: no12:00
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ZogG_N900joppu, for n900 officially12:00
lbt(no updates available) ... in Reading, UK......12:00
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* lbt sobs and moves on with his destroyed life12:00
BCMMpr 1.2 is out?12:01
X-Fadelbt: Only for UK devices, with UK cal data.12:01
X-Fadelbt: You probably have global ones.12:01
crashanddieisn't that nice though... I ranted about PR1.2 last night, I wake up and... TADA12:01
ZogG_N900pigeon, you can flash for own risk12:01
jacekowskilbt: well, reading isn't in UK then12:01
joppuZogG_N900: N900 isn't really targeted at people who only install "officail" stuff on their device12:01
lbtcrashanddie: I told you!12:01
BCMMbother, i was hoping to be online when that happened12:01
lbtjacekowski: true...12:01
X-FadeBut flashing is better anyway ;)12:01
lbtthey got confused with pensylvania12:01
crashanddiejoppu: yes, that's exactly what it's aimed at12:01
pigeonhave to do it using the app manager?12:02
crashanddiejoppu: please don't take your habbits as a general rule for the whole of the community12:02
BCMMyou see, i was planning to find out before they changed the topic, and get kicked for asking about it when it was already out12:02
MohammadAGStskeeps, <crashanddie> timeless_mbp: fuck off :)12:02
ZogG_N900joppu, i have gentoo on desktop to have sex with and look forward for gf12:02
ZogG_N900X-Fade, would u advice o flash vanilla as well?12:02
BCMMjoppu: spot on, the n900 is a computer, and therefore it is for breaking and then fixing, for fun :)12:02
ZogG_N900BCMM, depends12:03
jacekowskii just did break my phone thing and moved locale-archive to /home12:03
X-FadeZogG_N900: No, but after a few SSUs you might have less space free than you would with  a clean flash for the firmware.12:03
joppucrashanddie: do you know the Hacker Editions for the previous tablets?12:03
ZogG_N900if it's an extra stuff i agree but common things. meh12:03
timeless_mbpMohammadAG: we're all friends here12:03
* lbt looks down at his Roomba and wonders if PR1.2 will help it clean into the corners...12:03
MohammadAGtimeless_mbp, stfu12:04
crashanddiejoppu: yah12:04
timeless_mbplbt: it'll give you a pony :)12:04
timeless_mbpa tiny one, to stick in the corner12:04
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MohammadAGtimeless_mbp, I know :)12:04
timeless_mbpwhich the roomba can play w/12:04
BCMMso one has to back up everything, make a list of apps you've installed, and reflash?12:04
lbtit should get in smaller gaps ...12:04
lbtit can go portrait ;)12:04
BCMMit already does portrait12:04
lbtBCMM: nah, the wheels spin12:05
BCMMi meant maemo already does portrait12:05
crashanddiewe don't need to flash the bloody emmc, do we?12:05
lbtI meant my Roomba12:05
jacekowskicrashanddie: we do12:05
ZogG_N900X-Fade, again. emmc or whta flash?12:05
crashanddiejacekowski: seriously?12:05
joppuyou don't need to flash the eMMC12:05
jacekowskicrashanddie: full flash you need as far as i know12:06
X-FadeZogG_N900: Don't touch emmc.12:06
jacekowskicrashanddie: they moved some stuff to emmc12:06
BCMMam i right in thinking that pr1.2 isn't going to be an OTA update?12:06
X-FadeZogG_N900: As that will remove your home etc ;)12:06
StskeepsBCMM: wrong12:06
crashanddieBCMM: read the announcement12:06
jacekowskiBCMM: it will be tomorrow12:06
joppuI didn't flash the eMMC and it's working fabulously12:06
ZogG_N900X-Fade, ok. that's what i mean12:06
BCMMcrashanddie: that's a good idea12:06
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jacekowskiBCMM: and it's today for UK users12:06
BCMMjacekowski: as OTA?12:06
jacekowski( at least once UK isn't behind everybody else )12:06
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jacekowskiBCMM: yes12:06
* BCMM looks at his phone12:07
BCMMoh my, so it is12:07
* BCMM does a happy little dance12:07
ZogG_N900X-Fade, no problem to back up12:07
crashanddieX-Fade, jacekowski: one is saying don't flash emmc, the other is saying do. Please get in tune. We need to send a unique message, especially on IRC.12:07
jacekowski46minutes ETA12:07
BCMMright, i should probably make some space on /, since it's been a bit full lately12:07
BCMMany ideas?12:07
X-FadeZogG_N900: Well if you backup on device, those will be gone then ;)12:07
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jacekowskiBCMM: i moved /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive to /home12:07
BCMMjacekowski: as in, move and symlink?12:07
BCMMand that doesn't cause any problems?12:07
jacekowskiwell, i didn't bother to symlink12:07
ZogG_N900X-Fade, backup on desktop. lol12:08
jacekowskiand it's still working12:08
BCMMjacekowski: you mean nothing uses that?12:08
jacekowskibut i'll move it back as soon as update is done12:08
jacekowskiBCMM: well, programs are using it12:08
BCMMis it put there by the international conspiracy of memory manufacturers?12:08
ZogG_N900X-Fade, can't back up on device and than format it.12:08
jacekowskiBCMM: but symlink shouldn't be a problem12:08
BCMMjacekowski: eta 46 mins as in download time???12:08
jacekowskiBCMM: it contains locales for all languages12:08
jacekowskiBCMM: yes12:08
BCMMthat is damn slow12:09
jacekowskiBCMM: over 2g?12:09
ZogG_N900global one?12:09
jacekowskiin metal building12:09
ZogG_N900over half G12:09
BCMMjacekowski: ah, i was assuming one would do taht kinda thing over wifi/USB networking12:09
jacekowskiand i have only 3 bars12:09
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BCMMjacekowski: no wifi?12:09
BCMMno computer?12:09
jacekowskiBCMM: not in here12:09
ZogG_N900wifi is slower for me that apn12:10
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jacekowskipretty much everywhere except electronics workshop12:10
crashanddiegents, I'd really like to know if we need to flash emmc or not12:10
BCMMwas somebody advising that one flashes instead of OTA'ing?12:10
crashanddienow, my understanding is that EMMC can't be flashed OTA anyway12:10
wazdanybody tested skype videocall already? :)12:10
tekojocrashanddie: correct12:10
BCMMhow much root should i have available?12:11
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BCMMi have 18.1M12:11
crashanddieso if it is being planned (or delivered) OTA, it seems unlikely that the EMMC flash would do anything, and only the bin update is required12:11
jacekowskiBCMM: not enough12:11
jacekowskiBCMM: mount -o bind /home /var/cache/apt/archives/12:11
BCMMjacekowski: yeah, i figured - not sure where it has all gone though :(12:11
jacekowskimkdir /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/12:11
jacekowskias root12:11
jacekowskithat will help a bit12:11
jacekowskiBCMM: mount -o bind /home/tmp /var/cache/apt/archives/12:11
jacekowskiand i moved that locales file to /home12:12
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jacekowskiand i'll see what happens12:12
jacekowskibut as there is no localedef on n90012:12
BCMMjacekowski: that directory is empty right now12:12
jacekowskiBCMM: it will get bigger12:12
BCMMjacekowski: perhaps because of me doing apt-get clean?12:12
crashanddieSo, could we as a channel, recommend the following: if you can lose your EMMC, backup everything and flash both the EMMC and Fiasco image. If you don't have time, or feeling risky, only flash the fiasco image. There may be content on the EMMC that we're unaware of.12:12
jacekowskii'll have to remove unused locales from archive12:12
crashanddie~emmcinfo is if you can lose your EMMC, backup everything and flash both the EMMC and Fiasco image. If you don't have time, or feeling risky, only flash the fiasco image. There may be content on the EMMC that we're unaware of.12:13
infobotcrashanddie: okay12:13
BCMMjacekowski: the thing is, i still don't know where all the extra space has gone12:13
jacekowskiBCMM: well, 20M seems about right12:13
BCMMjacekowski: i thought you said "not enough"?12:13
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jacekowskiit's about right12:14
jacekowskibut it's not enough for ota12:14
ZogG_N900jacekowski, i would mount to tmp dir12:14
BCMMwith the space i have, extras-devel sometimes won't update because of "no space left on device"12:14
jacekowskiBCMM: disable extra repositiries as well12:14
X-FadeProbably because you have 2 Qt versions installed.12:14
BCMMjacekowski: while doing teh update?12:14
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BCMMX-Fade: me?12:15
jacekowskiBCMM: yes12:15
BCMMjacekowski: ok12:15
jacekowskievery byte helps12:15
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BCMMhas anybody been set on fire or had their kitten eaten by 1.2 yet?12:15
X-FadeAfter PR1.2 install, you should have 100M free in rootfs.12:15
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BCMMX-Fade: it will free up space? how?12:16
joppuX-Fade: command please?12:16
jacekowskiBCMM: move stuff to emmc12:16
X-FadeBCMM: It will move a lot to /opt12:16
BCMMthat is a very, very good thing12:16
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X-FadeAlso, opt is a bind mount now, not a symlink12:16
BCMMX-Fade: what are the practical differences, btw?12:17
BCMMi mean, i know both exist, but i don't entirely understand why one would use bind12:17
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BCMMoh dear12:18
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jacekowskiBCMM: bind is better12:18
BCMM"to update your device to this version of the operating system you must use the nokia software update application on your PC"12:18
joppurootsf Size:227.8M Used:112.0M Available:101.5M Use&:55%12:18
BCMMwhat does a linux user do?12:18
joppuafter FIASCO reflash12:18
BCMMis there not a way to just create the backup in a MyDocs file which i then copy over MSC?12:19
jacekowskiBCMM: there is nokia software update application for linux12:19
joppuX-Fade: rootsf Size:227.8M Used:112.0M Available:101.5M Use&:55%12:19
BCMMjacekowski: where does one get it?12:19
Mobsanhow do I see space in rootfs?12:19
jacekowskiBCMM: tablet-dev12:19
joppudf -h /12:19
jacekowskiall that showing off with amount of space on rootfs12:20
jacekowskireminds me of something12:20
BCMMjacekowski: is that "flasher"?12:21
jacekowskiBCMM: yes12:21
ZogG_N900bind is awesome12:21
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MobsanI got 31.9M Available in rootfs, is that enough for update?12:21
PhonicUKholy shit did pr 1.2 just hit?12:21
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ZogG_N900PhonicUK, i hate you )))12:22
PhonicUKlo over 1000 updates12:22
jopputhe MicroB font rendering is now awesome, no more kerning bugs :D12:22
ZogG_N900cause u r UK12:22
Khertanarg !!! also external repository with PR1.2 should have the dists fremantle-1.212:22
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Mobsanwhat is rootfs used for?12:23
PhonicUKdoes only the UK get it atm?12:23
BCMMjacekowski: i'm being dense, can't find flasher for the n90012:23
BCMMlatest seems to be "flasher utility (Linux on Intel x86) for the Nokia 770, N800 and N810 Internet Tablets"12:23
mikki-kunhm... puh!12:23
jaskahmm, no ota yet?12:24
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mikki-kunforgot to back_up my data from internal eMMC Ö.ö12:24
joppuMobsan: a place where you shouldn't store application files12:24
Surfajaska, uk today, row probably tomomrrow announced12:24
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MobsanBut, how do you choose where to install applications?12:24
jaskaoh ok, cba to reinstall and retune everything12:24
crashanddieBCMM: flasher-3.5 works for n900 as well12:24
joppuMobsan: you don't, the dev does12:25
Mobsanok, and what can we do when the rootfs is full?12:25
X-FadeMobsan: Flash the image?12:25
SurfaBCMM, fremantle mentioned also in the description field :)12:26
joppuMobsan: not much, uninstall packages12:26
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BCMMSurfa: ?12:26
SurfaBCMM, link above12:27
Surfafor the maemo flasher12:27
Mobsanwhy is it so small? 227M?12:27
BCMMyeh, got it now from the wiki12:27
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crashanddieMobsan: why is what so small?12:28
BCMMhow do you get at backups without installing something?12:28
BCMMoh nm12:28
BCMMi must be going blind12:29
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Mobsanspace of rootfs...12:29
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Oli```Mobsan: did you find an answer yet? I've got 69.3Megs free and it's still telling me to flash it (rather than updating ota)12:30
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sejodoes the flasher tool allow to backup first?12:33
sejoor how do I do that?12:33
Oli```sejo: you can do that from your phone12:34
crashanddiesejo: go to system, backup12:34
MohammadAGbackup app12:34
MobsanOli: Im not updating yet (Not in UK), but trying to understand what rootfs is doing and how much space it needs so I can to update tomorrow...12:34
PhonicUKi wanna update :)12:34
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PhonicUKhow much space is needed?12:35
Oli```Mobsan: I've seen people in the forums saying they've updated OTA with ~57megs free but as I say, I've got 69.3 and it's not letting me upgrade ota12:35
sejodoes it also backup the phonenumbers?12:35
joppusejo: the backup app will12:36
jacekowskiOli```: use console12:36
sejogreat thx12:36
jacekowskiOli```: sudo gainroot12:36
jacekowskiOli```: apt-get update12:36
jacekowskiapt-get upgrade12:36
jacekowskiapt-get dist-upgrade12:36
joppusejo: just make sure to copy the "backup" folder out of the phone for additional safety12:36
MobsanAnd I only got 30.... i tried to uninstall a app, and now it its 100kb less space after the uninstall...12:36
sejojoppu: good advice thanks12:37
Oli```jacekowski: I've also seen somebody in the forums say that xterm gets shut down during upgrade, killing off dpkg, leaving you with a bricked phone12:37
jacekowskiOli```: you can always do full flash12:37
Oli```jacekowski: that's what I'm leaning towards right now... such a pita though12:37
lcukmorning \o12:37
jacekowskibut good to know12:38
Khertanmorning lcuk12:38
sejoI should take the GLOBAL one right (in Belgium)12:38
jogahow about running the upgrade in screen12:38
jacekowskii'll run my upgrade on screen12:38
Arkenoiand flash 9 still, as expected :-(12:38
jacekowskii've disabled repositories12:38
BCMMso it decides whether to OTA or ask you to flash based on free space?12:39
timeless_mbpArkenoi: so...12:39
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timeless_mbppr1.2 went to bed months ago12:39
jacekowskiBCMM: no12:39
timeless_mbpwe never promised a newer version of flash for 1.212:39
jacekowskiBCMM: it just refuses to do OTA if there isn't enough space12:39
BCMMjacekowski: how is that different?12:39
timeless_mbpand there is no way it could possibly have arrived before 1.2 went to bed12:39
* Arkenoi still cannot understand exactly *what* prevented it form releasing two months ago12:39
jacekowskiBCMM: stop asking tricky questions12:40
timeless_mbpArkenoi: let's not go there :)12:40
Arkenoitimeless, why?12:40
StskeepsArkenoi: each time someone outside nokia said the word 'PR1.2', it got delayed a day12:40
pigeonis there a wayto tell what version of the phone it is? like US or global?12:40
Arkenoitimeless, it was ready half an year ago12:40
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timeless_mbpArkenoi: and a lot of people said pr1.2, thus it was delayed a while :)12:40
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timeless_mbpit wasn't entirely ready 6 months ago12:41
Arkenoidoes everyone see firmware update in app manager, or it depends on product code? i do not12:41
timeless_mbpit was mostly ready12:41
PhonicUKupgrading, brb12:41
timeless_mbpArkenoi: there's generally a delay in the way things role out12:41
infobottimeless_mbp meant: Arkenoi: there's generally a delay in the way things roll out12:41
sejois this the correct fw: RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin ?12:41
PhonicUKalso, apt-get dist-upgrade12:41
timeless_mbpand iirc app manager doesn't check every minute12:42
timeless_mbpi wonder if that's because we don't want to run up your phone bill :)12:43
Corsacand battery life :)12:43
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Myrttiteehee. http://yearoftheplank.com12:43
jaskathink the default is 24h.. it can be changed somewhere, saw it on wiki12:43
Corsacwell, you can manually run update in HAM anyway12:44
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mikki-kuntihihi, flashing completed :D12:44
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TTilusx2x works nice, just copy-pasted phonenumber from n900 phone app to an email (which im writing on my desktop box)12:45
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TTilusis there any way to enable ordinary mouse cursor in maemo?12:46
kthomas_vhhow to restore or reload default browser (it fails after moving to boot from external memory card; N810)12:46
TTilusits pretty odd feeling to use mouse and not see the cursor  ;)12:46
chadiwill the backup app backup my conversations?12:46
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TTiluschadi: afaik, yes12:47
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chadiwhat about msn-pecan and skype attributes of contacts?12:47
DokterWHi. Is this the right channel to ask questions regarding desktop shortcuts/bookmarks and the MicroB browser on a N900?12:48
TTilusdunno about that12:48
chadioh and what about contacts themself?12:48
FIQHm, would it be disadventages more than filling liiittle more space with using bins not BusyBox-related when using ls, grep, etc?12:49
valdynFIQ: no?12:49
BCMMwhat is hte difference between global and UK releases?12:49
wutrDokterW: Probably, although I don't have any experience with it12:49
valdynFIQ: the gnu tools are renamed where they conflict12:49
TTiluschadi: im additionally backing up $HOME over to desktop box12:50
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valdynchadi: its possible that some software cannot be installed anymore after flashing, other than that you dont lose stuff when doing backup,flash,restore12:52
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chadiTTilus exactly what I wanted, thanks :)12:54
chadione last question, do I flash the FIASCO then the VANILLA?12:54
Khertanhum ... someone know which version of pyqt is the one to use with pr1.212:54
Khertanchadi, yep12:54
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Khertanchadi, and do not reboot between the both flash12:54
chadiso FIASCO PR1.2 then VANILLA PR1.212:55
TTilusis there any way to enable ordinary mouse cursor in maemo?  (would rock when using x2x)12:55
chadiKhertan: i read that, but I don't see why :D12:55
mikki-kunhm.... usb-speeds of the N900 are really top-notch i gotta admit12:55
valdynchadi: or just combined, afaik12:55
BCMMgah, server is slow12:55
DokterWThanks, wutr. I will see if anyone here can hopefully help me. :) First of all I am trying to locate where the file or configuration of the desktop shortcut for any bookmark, be it saved or just added from the browser as a shortcut. Second, I am trying to find out have to create a regular shortcut, as I prefer the smaller icon on my desktop, to open URLs. Third, well, I would like to not have the bookmark window to open first; a12:55
DokterWbit annoying.12:55
BCMMTTilus: i've seen something about that somewhere (in connection with using bluetooth mice) - might've been the wiki12:55
wutrchadi: first boot after FIASCO flash will write some data to eMMC, and if you flash eMMC after that the data is lost12:56
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TTilusBCMM: ah, bt-mouse12:56
chadiwutr: I don't mind loosing data, I have a backup, and i'm backing up my /home12:56
wutrchadi: No it's about some system data12:56
chadiwutr: okay, thanks12:57
wutrdon't know exactly what though, but that's the story behind the "don't reboot between FIASCO and VANILLA"12:57
BCMMhang on, one needs to flash two images?12:57
sejo/usr/bin/flasher-3.5 -F /Users/sejo/Downloads/RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R gives me this: To flash the bootloader, you have to supply the X-Loader image12:57
BCMMis this the procedure i should follow?
BCMMas in, "sudo flasher-3.5 -F <firmware-image> -f -R"?12:58
wutrBCMM affirm12:58
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mikki-kunsejo: i suppose /User isn't a true path12:58
sejoeh? it is12:58
BCMMany idae about the difference between global and UK versions?12:58
sejoUsers is12:58
mikki-kunhu? i don't have anywhere on my boxes ever seen /Users in my /12:59
valdynthats a windows 7 path12:59
ccookeWait... 1.2 comes with a new eMMC image?12:59
sejono that is a Mac OSX path12:59
wutrDokterW: wasn't there something like "shortcut.desktop" for each shortcut?12:59
mikki-kunahhhhhhhhhhh... but why do you use then /usr/bin? Ö.ö12:59
pupnik  delivered pandora :)13:00
sejomikki-kun: because that's where the flasher gets installed?13:00
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PhonicUKi wish i didnt cancel my pandora order13:00
sejomy linux is a 64 bit (no 32bit libs)13:00
sejoso can't use it13:00
mikki-kun <--- that'll help i think13:00
joppupupnik: holy shit, they finally managed to build and ship them?13:00
timeless_mbpccooke: you don't *need* the new eMMC image13:00
ccooketimeless_mbp: what's in it, then?13:01
timeless_mbpthere is an update, which iirc fixes the volume icon's compatibility with certain linux platforms13:01
ghostcube-.- ok now we got, and now we know we wont get meego13:01
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timeless_mbpbeyond that, i don't recall many changes to it13:01
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ccooketimeless_mbp: Excellent.13:01
timeless_mbpsomeone could of course get the old and new images and compare them13:02
pupnikjoppu: trickling out the door13:02
timeless_mbpi don't maintain the eMMC image itself, although i'm more involved w/ it than most13:02
* wazd bumps the skype video call question13:02
loufoqueanyone has had any problems with the kernel-module-cifs package? I had an error during installation, and I get errors when I try to uninstall it as well, and the package stays installed13:02
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zaheermso a friend of mine with a uk n900 tried a skype video call to a mac13:03
zaheermit didn't work, whichever initiated the call13:03
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wazdtimeless: new toolbar in the browser rocks :)13:03
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Treibholzdo I loose my settings when flashing the new image or should I wait for the OTA-update?13:04
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jopputimeless_mbp: the new font rendering in the browser rocks too13:04
lcukTreibholz, use the backup app13:04
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timeless_mbpTreibholz: i will let loose my wrath upon thy representation if thy dost not lose that excess 'o' when thou next attempt to write 'lose'13:04
valdynTreibholz: depends13:04
Treibholzlcuk: so I need to reinstall all packages?13:04
FIQ[11:52:11] <valdyn> FIQ: no?13:04
infobottimeless_mbp meant: Treibholz: i shall let loose my wrath upon thy representation if thy dost not lose that excess 'o' when thou next attempt to write 'lose'13:04
FIQjust what i though13:04
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Treibholztimeless_mbp: I am sooooo sorry.13:05
chadishould I download both fiasco and vanilla images to reflash emmc, one on eis the subset of another?13:05
valdynTreibholz: you lose settings from some 3rd party applications13:05
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timeless_mbpTreibholz: historically depressing anecdote : the "tetris" clone used to say "Game Over You Loose"13:05
timeless_mbpwhich is basically a good way to call 50% of the population a slut13:05
sejobleh can't upgrade have a preproduction one13:05
timeless_mbp(well, one doesn't typically call men sluts, so...)13:05
TomaszDis PR1.2 out yet?13:06
DokterWwutr: That works fine if I want to start an application, but not so well if I want to launch a specific URL as MicroB, for some odd reason, wants to launch the bookmarks window each time.13:06
Treibholztimeless_mbp: really, I felt embarrassed, as soon, as I read what I wrote...13:06
frals~curse hildon-live-search13:06
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, hildon-live-search !13:06
pupnikand javascript text entry13:06
timeless_mbpTreibholz: as you can see, the bot here supports a limited 's/ooops/oops/' notation, so you can express your embarrassment by trying to correct your most recently written line :)13:07
timeless_mbpbut it's ok :)13:07
DokterWwutr: I have also had no luck in finding .desktop file for bookmark shortcuts on the desktop. I have looked in /usr/share /etc and /home/user. must be in some conf file somewhere that I have not stumbled across, yet.13:07
lcuki wonder whether i should update13:07
timeless_mbpDokterW: /usr/bin/browser —url whatever doesn't do what you want?13:07
fralslcuk: you should explain to me why i need to do raise TypeError("whatever") for my ctypes to start working properly13:08
jaskayour client turns two - into a long dash?13:08
* timeless_mbp kicks ham for being unbearably slow 13:08
DokterWtimeless_mbp: that works great, but it still, for some odd reason, opens the bookmark window too. :(13:08
timeless_mbpjaska: either my client or my os, not quite sure which :)13:08
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timeless_mbpDokterW: has a 'Browser' product13:08
chadishould I download both fiasco and vanilla images to reflash emmc, or one is the subset of another?13:08
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jaskachadi: different parts, neither is a subset of either13:09
timeless_mbpif you can't find a bug complaining about that behavior, feel free to file one, be sure to include the command line you're using, your preconditions (no open windows) and your expected results :)13:09
chadijaska: thank you13:09
timeless_mbp(and actual results...)13:09
timeless_mbpchadi: if you have to ask, you shouldn't use them :)13:09
wutrchadi: check the wiki about the firmware update and the eMMC part @
timeless_mbpwhat's wrong w/ using SSU ?13:09
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wutrDoktwerW: that's where my knowledge stops :P13:09
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chadii have directories that are duplicated in the file manager (and that lead to the same place), i'd like to get rid of that13:10
timeless_mbpchadi: if you mean the ones w/ pretty icons13:10
DokterWtimeless_mbp: oki. thanks.13:10
timeless_mbpjust ignore them13:10
timeless_mbpiirc updating doesn't fix that13:10
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chaditimeless_mbp: is that a bug?13:11
FIQAfter this operation, 18,4MB of additional disk space will be used.13:11
FIQYou are about to do something potentially harmful.13:11
FIQdoes that means13:11
lcukfrals, mm?13:11
timeless_mbpchadi: yes13:11
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FIQthat i'm going to fill up root if i continue?13:11
chaditimeless_mbp: oh, I thought I was the only one having this problem13:11
chadifine, then. I'll flash fiasco image only13:11
FIQhm, yep13:11
timeless_mbpchadi: again, why not let the system update over the air?13:12
timeless_mbpflashing should be a method of last resort13:12
timeless_mbpnot a "ooh, i like burning down my house and starting over with a new prefab"13:12
wazdseriously, people :) Can anybody help me with skype video call?13:12
timeless_mbpwazd: eh?13:12
wazdtimeless: how can I do this from n900? I don't have any visible option :(13:13
* timeless_mbp grumbles13:13
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FIQlooks like so13:13
* FIQ need to clean up his rootfs13:13
achipawazd: couldn't get it to work13:13
chaditimeless_mbp: I prefer that it wipes all my applications13:13
achipawazd: it only appears in landscape and sometimes needs poking from the toolbar menu13:14
timeless_mbpchadi: well… if you *like* burning down your house, i guess you're free to do so13:14
wazdachipa: meh :D13:14
chaditimeless_mbp: heh13:14
timeless_mbpsince it takes me over an hour to reinstall my apps, i'm not one of those pyro's13:14
achipatimeless_mbp: err, backup/flash/restore ?13:14
timeless_mbpachipa: the restore step is hardly fast13:14
timeless_mbpi did it last night13:14
timeless_mbpit didn't finish before i finished my dinner13:14
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achipawell... depends on how many apps you have, I guess13:14
timeless_mbpthat included giving it a head start while we walked along outside in the rain13:15
achipaor how fast you eat in that case :D13:15
timeless_mbpachipa: i prefer to digest my dinner13:15
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timeless_mbpwe weren't in a hurry to finish13:15
FIQIs there a way to see what applications that places itself optified and which that doesn't?13:15
timeless_mbpi think we started around 7 or so13:15
timeless_mbpand ended around 913:15
timeless_mbpbut my memory is bad13:15
valdynFIQ: before or after pr1.2?13:15
timeless_mbpmaybe it was 7:30 and 913:15
FIQvaldyn: before13:16
FIQi'm preparing for OTA updating tomorrow13:16
timeless_mbpFIQ: before installing or after installing?13:16
FIQand i've 6% of root free13:16
FIQafter installing13:16
chadivaldyn: what changed after PR1.2 converning optifying?13:16
timeless_mbpFIQ: 6% seems a bit low13:16
valdynchadi: its pretty much automatic13:16
FIQyes, it is13:16
timeless_mbpyou don't really want to see what applications are optified13:16
chadivaldyn: k, thanks13:16
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timeless_mbpso much as which things are not optified and are taking up too much space13:17
lardmanmorning all13:17
timeless_mbpi'm sure someone wrote a script to do that13:17
valdynchadi: that means that even non-optified apps should be covered and not take much in /13:17
chadivaldyn: that's great13:17
FIQok, and where can i find that script?13:17
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FIQi need more space but i don't want to uninstall everything at random. :å13:18
ghostcubeis there any reproducable reason for none meego on n900, else than making provit with new devices?13:18
chaditimeless_mbp I used that script, and it bricked my device :)13:18
FIQhm, that feeled iPhonestyle13:18
FIQNice way to brick phones...13:19
timeless_mbpooh, i just got email saying pr1.2 was approved13:19
louigiveronamight be architecture problem with meego13:19
ghostcubeits developed on n900 how should this come13:19
joppu they removed the fake equalizer bars :D13:20
louigiveronaif not i think ppl will make it available anhway13:20
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louigiveronathis is free soft13:20
TomaszDjoppu, yep, I suggested that actually :>13:20
jopputhere's now a play button with cicle thing rolling around13:20
Shapeshifteroh lol13:20
wazdI have video-calls option in contacts enabled, but still nothing13:20
ShapeshifterI'm late to the party13:20
* Shapeshifter throws confetti13:20
louigiveronafree as in freedom i meant13:21
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valdynwazd: nothing as in what? no video call button in each skype contact?13:21
ghostcubeok what is prefered flashing complete or do the i hack it do teath variant :D13:21
wazdvaldyn: yep13:21
timeless_mbpwazd: i'm not sure 1.2 includes skype-video...13:22
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timeless_mbpmaybe it does  :)13:22
* timeless_mbp shrugs13:22
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wazdtimeless_mbp: well, it has an option :)13:22
valdynleaked pr1.2 had it13:22
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wazdtimeless_mbp: and it was mentioned in press release :)13:22
achipait *says* it does, but I'm still waiting for confirmation as to what exactly is needed for it to work13:22
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achipaas it seems to be a hit or miss13:23
timeless_mbpvaldyn: just because a leaked version has a feature doesn't mean it'll ship13:23
valdyntimeless_mbp: yes, i know13:23
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crashanddie_so where can we see qt4.6 goodness?13:23 :)13:23
mecewho asked about skype video? Anyway I have, in contacts with skype three options now instead of only two. Skype IM, Skype call and Skype video call13:23
alteregoSo, today is the second coming. Does dthat mean tomorrow is the apocolypse? @)13:23
Shapeshiftermh. I can't find any info on how much space on rootfs is needed, or if it's even possible to "update" instead of reflash.13:24
achipaalterego: commercial support for the apocalypse has been cancelled due to user experience on resistive screens13:24
meceShapeshifter, a bunch and yes :)13:24
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FIQit says "Command not found" when i try to run the shell script13:25
* Shapeshifter prepares for breakage13:25
lejonetFIQ: The flasher?13:25
FIQ/bin/sh: ./ not found13:25
meceFIQ, wtf?13:26
FIQtabbing to it works fine13:26
sx0ndoes it have x bit?13:26
FIQbut it doesn't want to run13:26
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sx0nwhat about: sh -c ./freespace.sh13:26
FIQ-rwxr-xr-x  1 user users     692 2010-05-25 12:24 freespace.sh13:26
crashanddie_what does it say?13:26
FIQsh: ./ not found13:27
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lcukFIQ, dos2unix - if you ever edited the file in windows potentially you have crlfs13:27
crashanddie_and sh
sx0nno freespace ;)13:28
timeless_mbpTrizt: ping13:28
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FIQ[12:30:26] <lcuk> FIQ, dos2unix - if you ever edited the file in windows potentially you have crlfs13:28
FIQi took it from pastebin13:28
PhonicUK2my rootfs has 0b free and i cant find where the space has gone :\13:28
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crashanddie_so are there any apps that use qt 4.613:28
FIQ - from that13:28
* timeless_mbp gets "(no applications")13:28
lcukfiq via what means, just try it tho13:28
jopputimeless_mbp: refresh the repos13:29
lcukX-Fade, news isnt chronological13:29
valdynFIQ: the file needs to be there obviously13:29
FIQ/bin/sh: dos2unix: not found13:29
timeless_mbpjoppu: from the task launcher :)13:29
FIQvaldyn: it is13:29
FIQi can tab to it13:29
FIQi see it in ls13:29
X-Fadelcuk: It isn't intended to be?13:29
valdynFIQ: ls ./freespace.sh13:29
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X-Fadelcuk: it is sorted by relevance?13:29
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midas_so, today and tomorrow there will be a new update :)13:30
FIQ[12:32:10] <valdyn> FIQ: ls ./freespace.sh13:30
SpeedEvilWhen is PR1.2 out (in the UK)?13:30
FIQoutputs ./freespace.sh13:30
Khertancrashanddie, i ve problem installing pyqt on pr1.213:30
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valdynFIQ: then "sh ./" will work13:30
valdynFIQ: but it will throw at least one error if you dont do this as root13:31
FIQhm, then it actually tried to run it13:31
FIQand, it outputted 213:31
FIQtry to runa s root13:31
lcukKhertan, try installing healthcheck13:31
lcukit works on pr1.2 (i know ive had it for a while)13:32
FIQwait a bit13:32
sx0nthere was pretty cool video of roller coaster13:32
FIQi'm already rppt13:32
valdynFIQ: cant do anything useful when not run as root13:32
lcukthen check what its dependencies are13:32
FIQ"#" @ PS113:32
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Khertanlcuk, it use only some modules of pyqt 4.613:32
SpeedEvilAny common 'the upgrade will brick your device if you've done foo' stories?13:32
SpeedEvilmidas_: Ah!13:32
SpeedEvilmidas_: _now_ I understand the delay.13:32
midas_meh, tomorrow a update, better update all my extra-devel crap :P13:32
FIQ: not line 5:13:32
FIQline 5 is empty13:32
SpeedEvilmidas_: Everyone was waiting for the UK release to be ready.13:32
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valdynFIQ: sounds like you have dos2unix issues ?13:33
valdynFIQ: borked cut & paste13:33
midas_yep, global wont be to tomorrow SpeedEvil13:33
mikki-kunhm, can anybody tell me how i can make a video-call to a contact via skype? (it is at least advertised)13:33
Khertanlcuk, i ve just create a new dist in my repository : fremantle-1.2 :)13:33
FIQdos2unix didn't run13:33
FIQ"dos2unix: not found"13:34
* timeless_mbp cries13:34
achipamikki-kun: make a call and pick video call from the toolbar menu13:34
timeless_mbpwhat the heck is going on here?13:34
valdynFIQ: get the file straight: "" ( and click through the silly ssl warnings )13:34
PhonicUK2hmm, its probably easier to backup and reflash rather than try and upgrade in place13:34
valdynFIQ: get the file straight: "" ( and click through the silly ssl warnings )13:34
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valdynFIQ: first url was wrong13:34
PhonicUK2does /home/ get removed when you reflash?13:34
midas_that rollercoaster game is epic!13:34
SpeedEvilPhonicUK2: no13:34
FIQi think MyDocs is keeped13:35
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FIQah, SpeedEvil gave a better answer13:35
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ZogG_N900midas_, is it on ovi already?13:36
PhonicUK2whats the easiest way to reflash from windows?13:36
PhonicUK2can PC suite do it?13:36
SpeedEvilPhonicUK2: Only stuff in / is there13:36
SpeedEvilPhonicUK2: Wait till you get the over-the-air update?13:36
midas_ZogG_N900: dunno, watched the movie just yet13:36
meceI recommend just following the instructions here:
ZogG_N900PhonicUK2, to install ubuntu and reflash13:36
SpeedEvilOnly the stuff in / is removed, rather13:36
PhonicUK2the OTA update is causing hell13:36
midas_and will be waiting for over the air13:36
PhonicUK2because ive run out of space on root13:36
ZogG_N900midas_, the movie is old13:36
KhertanOUCH ! KhtEditor works very well on PR1.2 ... it s fast !13:37
SpeedEvilPhonicUK2: Worked for me - with 45m free13:37
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PhonicUK2i started with about 32MB free13:37
PhonicUK2now i have 013:37
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meceis khtEditor like pygtkeditor but qt?13:37
Khertanyep :)13:37
Khertanbut will be better13:37
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mecewhat's your repo again?13:38
Khertanpluggin support13:38
Khertanmece, still not available yet as binary13:38
Khertanas many things are still missing13:38
SpeedEvilPhonicUK2: Trust nokia. See
FIQbut... if that does what i think it do, why did Nokia put it in rootfs?13:38
ZogG_N900where is flash13:38
Khertanbut you can follow dev and particip if you want on
ZogG_N900give it to me13:38
PhonicUK2I don't trust nokia, and i work for them :P13:38
FIQin first place i mean13:39
Khertancurrently there is hilighting for Python only, auto rotation is working, also indent/unindent, comment, save, open, save as, new ... what are missing is preferences13:39
Khertanrecent files13:39
Khertanand hilight for other language13:40
ZogG_N900PhonicUK2, work as?13:40
Khertanonce this done i think i ll made a first 0.0.1 version13:40
PhonicUK2Software engineer, but nothing to do with handsets13:40
Khertanafter that i ll work plugin ... like a syntax checker13:40
Khertanand maybe pylint integration13:40
ZogG_N900PhonicUK2, what kind of software if it's not a secret?13:41
achipaKhertan: I don't bloody believe it - they just chucked out qtscript13:41
meceKhertan sounds cool. I'm pretty happy with pygtkeditor, but it gets a little slow with big files.13:41
achipacool. Let's rewrite shepherd one more time... GRRRR13:41
Khertanachipa, :)13:41
PhonicUK2a piece of software we use internally for the quality control process surrounding the subscriber data management team13:41
* SpeedEvil ponders filing the bug 'Video call makes me look ugly'.13:41
joppuGtalk video is working quite nicely13:41
mecejoppu, I couldn't get videocall to work from my N900 to friends mac.13:41
meceon skype13:41
Khertanachipa, anyway i install py-qt4-gui and py-qt4-core it s currently the only module i use in khteditor13:41
ZogG_N900mece, say what?13:42
meceit seemed fine from my side, but the other part didn't see a picture13:42
PhonicUK2how can i find out where space on / has gone?13:42
meceZogG_N900, sorry, missunderstood13:42
cehtehPhonicUK2: du -x / | sort -rn >,lst13:42
SpeedEvilPhonicUK2: unmount other filesystems - take the back off - and then find / -size +100k -mtime -213:42
achipaKhertan: that's not the problem, the point is that libqt4-maemo5 HAD those modules. I mean, what next ? Will they toss out webkit on networking in PR1.3?13:42
SpeedEvilOh - stupid busybox.13:43
infobotachipa meant: Khertan: that's not the problem, the point is that libqt4-maemo5 HAD those modules. I mean, what next ? Will they toss out webkit or networking in PR1.3?13:43
ShapeshifterI strongly doubt there will be a 1.313:43
ZogG_N900achipa, is there pr1.213:43
ZogG_N900i meant13:44
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SpeedEvilIt would have been lovely if there was a 'So, you're contemplating using library 'x' on your software' page. Which listed libraries, and their possible already-on-device variants.13:44
achipano idea, just saying 'next PR'13:44
mikki-kunhm, skype video call is really buggy13:44
mikki-kunand no, i can't see my video being sent13:44
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ZogG_N900achipa, there would be no next pr13:45
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ZogG_N900meego not comming as well13:45
ZogG_N900it's funny13:45
achipaZogG_N900: if they keep on removing packages that ARE going to be in meego it might be an advantage13:45
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wazdthere will be no 1.3 unfortunately13:46
achipaZogG_N900: there is no spoon13:46
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Shapeshifterand no cake13:46
lcukreally wazd how do you know?13:46
* SpeedEvil has spoon.13:46
lejonetShapeshifter: The cake is a lie anyway13:46
pexiwhen teh meego phone is coming?13:46
ZogG_N900we r doomed13:46
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ZogG_N900how old is nexus one?13:47
FIQperformance issuces13:47
wazdlcuk: well, let's say "I was told" :P13:47
odin_so the "supported" software/upgrade lifecycle for N900 is 6 months ?  and I thought mobile purchases were a 2 year consumable, I suppose its one way to ensure the user base buys another one, ha ha13:47
FIQwhatever, guess i will get rid of it soon13:47
FIQnice with a lot of space in root fried. :p13:47
zaheermwhy all this speculation about no support for n900?13:47
Stskeepszaheerm: PR1.2 came out with 'no commercial support of meego for n900'13:48
FIQ[12:50:04] <odin_> so the "supported" software/upgrade lifecycle for N900 is 6 months ?  and I thought mobile purchases were a 2 year consumable, I suppose its one way to ensure the user base buys another one, ha ha13:48
crashanddie_because most people are whiny bitches13:48
ZogG_N900because of the nokia policy13:48
FIQthere has been 4 upgrades for Maemo13:48
mikki-kunhm, no, video call is not working with skype...13:48
zaheermi know people working on maemo 5 still so there is definitely support13:48
odin_well its not entirely speculation,  ah Stskeeps beat me to it ^^^^13:48
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Shapeshifteris anyone surprised?13:48
FIQnot counting the prereleases13:48
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PhonicUK2this sucks13:48
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PhonicUK2im gna have to reflash13:48
joppunice, the facebook chat account just duplicated all my contacts !?13:48
wazdbut lets return to the video call case :)13:48
zaheermjust because meego is not commerically released for n900 doesn't mean we end with PR1.213:49
FIQMeeGo is pretty much open source13:49
loufoquehow can I install Microsoft fonts on maemo?13:49
wazdjoppu: you have done it as I see?13:49
dabelhotelmikki-kun: skype video is working for me13:49
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FIQpeople will hack it in, be sure with that. :)13:49
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joppuisn't there any script to merge contact with identical names?13:49
mikki-kundabelhotel: hm... funny, cause i tried now 3 versions of skype13:49
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wazddabelhotel: do you have dedicated option to video call along with chat and phone call?13:49
mikki-kunwindows version, linux and the n900's13:49
* odin_ has faith in the MeeGo N900 adaptation team13:49
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ZogG_N900joppu, there was some article about it13:49
mikki-kunevery time i start the n900's video call i can't send/receive video13:50
ZogG_N900odin_, not the same13:50
PhonicUK2thats weird13:50
dabelhotelwazd: i video called the n900 from windows, then the video option button appeared after accepting the call13:50
ZogG_N900it's cool when device is kinda computer13:50
PhonicUK2i turned off my N900 and now its got a progress bar going across the screen?13:50
PhonicUK2whats it doing?13:50
mecedabelhotel, from what to what are you skype video calling?13:50
dabelhotelmece: windows 7, latest skype version13:50
ZogG_N900but to have support is good feeling13:51
odin_FIQ, 4 upgrades, sure you make it sound good, the number of upgrades is higher than 4 if your count every change and this is good, but putting a product that has a 1 to 2 years MINIMUM lifetime on back burner within 6 months of it FIRST going on sale, is not good13:51
PhonicUK2"Nokia updater service is unavailable" ...13:51
meceok, anyone got N900-mac skype video calling working?13:51
ZogG_N900mikki-kun, u have bad karma13:51
PhonicUK2facking nokia13:51
mecePhonicUK2, what are you trying to achieve?13:51
PhonicUK2just trying to upgrade to pr 1.213:51
PhonicUK2but my phone is doing a funny13:51
zaheermmece, it failed for my mate who has a uk phone13:51
dabelhotelmece:  i'll try mac now13:52
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odin_ZogG_N900, yes I understand its not the same and agree, but its the best we get and sometime one can have more faith in oneself than the current vison of the Nokia corp entity13:52
FIQWhy does UK get it before everyone else?13:52
mecezaheerm, same for me.. well I called friends mac, and it seemed fine from my side but he didn't see pic.13:52
midas_odin_: you sould supprised?13:52
FIQis there a logic behind it?13:52
midas_sound even13:52
ZogG_N900odin_, if specifications and drivers would go open13:52
pupnikwhy cant we manually assist the gps lock?13:52
achipamece: n900-n900 works, n900-windows works, n900-linux doesn't (for skype)13:52
wazddabelhotel: oh13:52
meceFIQ, everyone has it. OTA doesn't go all at once, and UK got delayed last time, so it's only fair.13:52
midas_havent you checked the n8xx or n7xx development?13:52
achipalinux buddies are too painful to look at apparently13:53
wazddabelhotel: can't do that currently, but I thought one-way call would work as well13:53
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odin_well I am in the UK (with a UK/NL edition of N900) but its not on my update radar just yet13:53
FIQjust asked if there was a logic behind it, i'm fine with waiting 1 more day. :P13:53
ShapeshifterSo. I had to uninstall mp-fremantle-generic-pr to install the qt 4.6 from the SDK repo to be productive. now it seems like I can't oft update because it doesn't find the update. any hints?13:53
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meceachipa, is there skypo vid on linux? (besides on N900)?13:54
ZogG_N900Shapeshifter, to wait13:54
midas_Shapeshifter: use the flasher?13:54
mikki-kunachipa: n900-windows does not work for me...13:54
achipamece: yes ? on 2.0+13:54
ZogG_N900mece, sure13:54
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jopputhis ?13:55
crashanddie_confirmed, skype video call doesn't work with mac either13:55
ShapeshifterZogG_N900: I thought I'll not be notified because I don't have mp-fremantle-generic-pr anymore anyway.13:55
achipamikki-kun: not saying it ALWAYS works, but I have 7 out of 7 fails for linux people13:55
Shapeshiftermidas_: the wiki talks about some flasher.exe. I'm on linux.13:55
meceachipa, so that doesn't work. and apparently not on mac either.. or?13:55
mikki-kunachipa: well, linux-n900 does also not work13:55
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Shapeshiftermidas_: oh nevermind13:55
ZogG_N900Shapeshifter, do u have app manager?13:55
mikki-kuni mean, what do we have video-calls for if it is that buggy?13:55
achipamikki-kun: the direction is irrelevant13:55
achipan900-linux or linux-n900, it's the same13:56
mikki-kunyeah... just typing linux was "faster" for me ;)13:56
dabelhotelwazd: yup, not working with a mac13:56
crashanddie_achipa: actually it's not irrelevant13:56
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achipacrashanddie_: care to explain ?13:56
ZogG_N900mikki-kun, u want video call? buy new N and MAYBE U get it13:56
achipa(I did test both)13:56
mikki-kunwhat should i buy new?!13:57
* SpeedEvil wonders what the state of N900s in the supply chain is.13:57
SpeedEvilWhen did they start coming with pr1.1.113:57
ZogG_N900i hate google13:57
FIQi got mine with 1.1.013:57
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crashanddie_achipa: skype supports multiple clients connected at the same time, thus each capability is advertised differently13:57
ZogG_N900i love nokia devices13:57
ZogG_N900but i hate nokia suppport. and i love google suppport13:57
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odin_ZogG_N900, Nokia support is better than Vodafone support !13:58
FIQmake them merge!13:58
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ZogG_N900it's different things13:58
lcukwazd ask your little contact person to speak to others inside nokia then (he can even speak to me there) and lets set him straight :)13:58
crashanddie_achipa: I can call a mac using the video call button (skype), it shows my video, but mac client doesn't get it/display it. Mac calls n900, and video option doesn't appear13:58
Shapeshiftercan I read the imei out of some file in /proc or something?13:58
odin_Mobile Network Operators just want to sign you up and f**k you off for 24months, they dont care about software support13:58
FIQinteresting way the application manager works13:59
TuukkaAnyone have a problem with the lens cover becaming loose? The black part is coming of the blue part. :S13:59
crashanddie_shapeshifter: settings/about product13:59
Shapeshiftercrashanddie_: I know. was asking about the cli though13:59
mikki-kunShapeshifter: IMEI can be seen if you go to "settings ---> about product"13:59
FIQfirst it updates, showing packages, then it update again...13:59
odin_and these days, software support is a much more major issue to me in the buying process, since mobiles could finally do things I wanted13:59
SpeedEvilmikki-kun: Or if you pop the battery, and look under it13:59
ZogG_N900lcuk, anyway maybe we get small fixes13:59
crashanddie_shapeshifter: doubtful, you have to query the phone module for that stuff13:59
mikki-kunSpeedEvil: i assumed that he doesn't want to take the battery out14:00
wazdlcuk: sure I will :D14:00
SpeedEvilTuukka: You can buy the cover seperately.14:00
Shapeshiftercrashanddie_: ohkay thanks14:00
SpeedEvilTuukka: Also - I'm not sure if that would be covered by warranty14:00
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achipacrashanddie: well, the linux client get no video buttons regardless if it is the caller or the callee... which is funny as there IS a cam drawn next to my N90014:01
lcukand wazd also, one of my contacts says you smell like mouldy kippers ;) should i start telling everyone that :P14:01
joppuI just discovered the long-press on the keyboard!14:01
mecejoppu what does that do+14:01
ZogG_N900long press14:01
mikki-kunsticky fn i suppose14:01
crashanddie_oh, nice14:01
FIQrhat thing14:01
FIQwith t14:02
FIQhow did i turn it off?14:02
FIQwhen i get PR1.2 i mean14:02
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mikki-kunhmpf... it seems pr 1.2 made my apps rock-solid... ince started up i can't close em >.<14:03
ZogG_N900it's all conspiracy14:03
wazdlcuk: well, I knew that brits have very sophisticated sense of humor, so nothing wrong here I guess14:03
TuukkaSpeedEvil, somehow the spring inside has gotten loose and now it's pushing the plate apart :/14:03
ZogG_N900where is escape plan?14:03
crashanddie_anyone remember the qt 4.6 videos, demoing all the nice scrolling and such? any app that leverages that?14:03
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* lcuk raises a glass to wazd14:03
lcukhows matrix stuff going14:04
ZogG_N900my battery is going low14:04
lcukand have you got ogl working for it yet14:04
achipacrashanddie_: I Are you talking about qt4.6 or QML ?14:04
crashanddie_wazd: sophisticated humour? when beckham started dating victoria, the crowds were chanting "oy beckham, does she take it up the arse?" hardly sophisticted14:04
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achipacrashanddie_: there are places in the world where it could count as such :S14:05
TuukkaSeems like someone ha had similar problems with the lens cover
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wazdcrashanddie: that sounds more irish :D14:05
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lcukZogG_N900, with a stable OS updates dont need to be revolutionary, they need to support a decent stable of your apps - people dont rejoice because notepad got recompiled14:06
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SpeedEvilcrashanddie: Do you have any proof one way or the other?14:06
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crashanddie_lcuk: notepad got recompiled???? OMG that's excellent!14:06
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lcukyou know what i mean :p14:06
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* lcuk knows of at least 1 bug in pr1.2 o_O14:07
crashanddie_speedevil: proof?14:07
mikki-kunlcuk: which one would it be?14:07
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sx0nlcuk, it's not a bug if you don't reveal it.14:07
jacekowskii need a new name for chromium14:07
FIQlcuk: omg, we need to release PR1.2.1 now!14:07
crashanddie_jacekowski: unobtainium14:08
Noma"write failed after 0 bytes" and "usb_bulk_write: no error" when i'm trying to flash pr1.2? anyone know solution?14:08
SpeedEvilWoo! My phone vibrated, and is now berooting.14:08
FIQquick, before anyone detects it14:08
lcuksx0n, sure14:08
jacekowskicrashanddie_: that might work14:08
Treibholzjacekowski: Manganese14:08
Treibholzor Molybdenum14:08
crashanddie_jacekowski: AYCABTG14:08
mikki-kunwhy the heck do two "cp -r" kill my device, thus render it unusable for a few minutes?!14:09
* SpeedEvil sees hands!14:09
FIQHow much space does 1.2 need for allowing OTA flashing?14:09
crashanddie_jacekowski: all your cookies are belong to google14:09
jacekowskiFIQ: shitloads14:09
TriztFromWorkmikki-kun; too much disk I/O ?14:09
SpeedEvilFIQ: Worked for me, with 43488 blocks14:09
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jacekowskiFIQ: nobody managed to have that much space on rootfs14:09
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TuukkaHmmm, i think i'll try to fix the lens cover  by myself. The spring just has gotten off of it's "hook"14:10
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mikki-kunTriztFromWork: that can't be Ö.ö it's from internal eMMC to internal eMMC and and the files aren't too huge nor too small and too many14:10
FIQrootfs                  227.9M    166.3M     57.4M  74% /14:10
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alteregoYeah, what's different about the eMMC image btw?14:10
mikki-kuni'll copy it with my notebook14:11
crashanddie_alterego: probably some logos, legal or images, nothing important14:11
mikki-kunfor christ's sake.... that is bad14:11
alteregocrashanddie_: no new movie trailer then?14:11
infobotemmcinfo is, like, if you can lose your EMMC, backup everything and flash both the EMMC and Fiasco image. If you don't have time, or feeling risky, only flash the fiasco image. There may be content on the EMMC that we're unaware of.14:11
infobotusuk is, like, you suck14:11
infobotsure thing, crashanddie_14:12
Noma"write failed after 0 bytes" and "usb_bulk_write: no error" when i'm trying to flash pr1.2? anyone know a solution?14:12
infobotsomebody said pr1.2 was here14:12
crashanddie_noma: version, os, etc, our balls ain't made out of crystal14:13
infobothmm... pr1.3 is a ban'able subject now.....14:13
crashanddie_~forget pr1.314:13
infoboti forgot pr1.3, crashanddie_14:13
SpeedEvilNokia has the right to use your emails in adverts and other media?14:13
Nomacrashanddie_: trying to install pr1.2, now there's leakware in14:13
mikki-kunpr 1.2 is so not cool -.- crashed now my device 3 times in a row -_-14:13
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mikki-kunSpeedEvil: where did you read that? Ö.ö14:14
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SpeedEvil'However by submitting Material to the Service (ovi) you grant nokia a worldwide non-exclusive, assignable, fully paid, royalty free, perpetual and irrevocable license to ysem, copy,m publically perform, display, distribute and modify the Material, and to prepare derivitive works thereof...14:15
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crashanddie_~forget pr1.214:15
infoboti forgot pr1.2, crashanddie_14:15
lcukNoma, reboot pc try again14:15
mikki-kunbut only for ovi-things, right?14:15
phellarvHey - I'm gonna flash my N900 with PR1.2 - Do I need to flash eMMC too?14:16
Nomalcuk: let's try14:16
crashanddie_~pr1.2 is available since early Tuesday morning. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update14:16
infobotokay, crashanddie_14:16
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PhonicUK2its definately easier to backup & reflash :\14:16
PhonicUK2the OTA update completely killed my device14:16
SpeedEvilmikki-kun: As I read it that applies to too14:16
wazdoh, I've found a bug! You can't enter + into "mobile phone" field for your own card14:17
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mikki-kunso if i would use ovi to manage my mails i'd allow nokia to sniff in 'em?14:17
mikki-kungood that i am not using that14:17
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crashanddie_mikki-kun, sure, because google, yahoo, microsoft or your IsP are so much better and trustworthy14:18
SpeedEvilmikki-kun: Oh - never mind - the terms are completely invalid on their face.14:18
SpeedEvilmikki-kun: At the top 'These terms.... govern your use of the application or website where you saw them.'14:19
ShapeshifterI kinda never lose my stuff. but I can't find my micro usb cable.14:19
meceShapeshifter, same thing happened to me. I borrowed from a friend14:19
tybollt_SpeedEvil: meh - how comforting :S14:19
Nomalcuk: same errors after reboot14:20
mikki-kunhm... now anybody want to explain me why "mount" in xterm states me, that /home/user/MyDocs is rw, but if i wanna copy things it tells me it isn't?14:20
Shapeshiftermece: I guess I need to wait until tomorrow when I meet a friend14:20
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mikki-kunif i flash the emmc, i need to flash fiasco as well, right?14:21
alteregoI wonder what's going to happen to the Legendary thread now :)14:21
alteregoI guess PR1.3 ?14:21
TomaszDyou need to flash fiasco and then emmc without rebooting mikki-kun14:21
FIQor PR1.2.114:21
TomaszDso no "-R" flag for the FIASCO image14:21
FIQ@ alterego14:22
phellarvAnyone care to do a md5sum on their Global PR1.2? Just wanna make sure I don't got a faulty download.14:22
mikki-kuni was only wondering wether a broken eMMC could be flashed without killing the device...14:22
Nomawhere can i get the FIASCO image? the page with all the images doesn't have link for that14:22
lcukalterego, nothing14:23
mikki-kunyeah, goddamn nokia makes so many "security" mechanisms in there that i need to reflash my device now -_-14:23
phellarv561a95bced4e10b7e95d749c08d5c17d  RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin14:23
lcukdid you see the montage shot of all pictures in first pages14:23
Shapeshifterphellarv: 561a95bced4e10b7e95d749c08d5c17d14:24
phellarvShapeshifter: Thanks14:24
Nomacan someone tell me what's the fiasco image and where can i get it? :D14:24
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Nomaso does FIASCO mean the OS image?14:25
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Nomafor example RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin ?14:25
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phellarvNoma: Yep14:26
* noobmonk3y waves14:26
ghostcubehi noobmonk3y :)14:26
Nomaand that's what i'm not able to flash now14:26
noobmonk3ywhos not able to flash what? way to many flashers around today ;) hehehe14:27
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* tybollt_ has nothing in HAM14:27
Nomanoobmonk3y: i get "wrote failed after 0 bytes" and "usb_bluk_write: no error" when i try to flash pr1.214:27
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Noma*write failed14:27
PhonicUK2i flashed pr 1.2 no problem :)14:27
tybollt_guess I'm being fucked by the geoip thing14:27
PhonicUK2now to reinstall all my apps :\14:28
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noobmonk3ynoma - interesting one - the faile message can mean an error in the comman line run though14:28
PhonicUK2I also can't remove some of the built in ones that you used to be able to remove14:28
PhonicUK2facebook et al14:28
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mikki-kunNoma: is the md5 of the fiasco ok?14:28
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Nomai go check (the flashing machine is in different room)14:28
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* noobmonk3y slaps frals with a trout14:30
* frals slaps noobmonk3y around a bit with a large trout14:30
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* noobmonk3y lols at the extra flashing machine isea14:30
noobmonk3yidea even*14:30
fralsno more trouting, watching 24 series finale!14:30
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noobmonk3ysounds thrilling14:30
pupniksuch trash14:31
Nomanoobmonk3y: my primary pc has 64-bit windows only, so i have to flash it with the 32-bit xp14:31
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PhonicUKNoma, same here - so ive flashed it on my XP box at work xD14:31
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bash247hey guys my n900 has been updating for the past 2+hours, is this normal?14:31
* noobmonk3y needs to recover a corrupt excel 2007 file, using excel 2003 - any quick suggestions? :D14:31
noobmonk3ycompatability poack installed tho14:32
Ikarusbash247: that just depends on your connection :)14:32
lcuknoobmonk3y, you should use visicalc format14:32
* noobmonk3y blinks14:32
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bash247Ikarus: its downloaded but its been up updating for ages14:32
ghostcubelcuk: no chance you can insert the office 2007 comp addon to 2003?14:32
ghostcubenoobmonk3y: sorry14:33
Nomaok, quite stupid mistake from me, i had -k parameter instead of -F... just copypasted the line from a .txt file i made when i flashed the overclocking kernels...14:33
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lcukwhy are you asking me? :D14:33
threshpr12 + overclocking == ?14:33
ghostcubeweong tabbing lol14:33
lcuki strongly dislike the later MS offices14:33
* lcuk still has 2000 on his machines14:33
noobmonk3yNoma: told you so ;)14:33
achipaKhertan: seems qttest+qtscript will be pushed by Nokia a bit later, so not much to do on my side, when they do it, it will be installable14:33
Nomanoobmonk3y: yup :D14:33
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noobmonk3ythresh: i didnt tell you this - works fine14:33
noobmonk3ylcuk:  have to admit loving 201014:34
* Shapeshifter hates the fact that themes change the wallpapers14:34
Shapeshifterhow annoying is that14:34
lcuk2010 is a good year14:34
lcukShapeshifter, mm? make your own theme :p14:34
* noobmonk3y returns back to lcuk's offering - visicalc - wasn't/isn't that the oldest spreadsheet program around?14:34
pupnikbut it isnt the year we make contact14:34
lcuknoobmonk3y, sure14:34
lcukand its still runnable14:34
* noobmonk3y took a while to catch up there14:35
lcuk31 years old14:35
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noobmonk3ybearing in mind i was probably being born at the same time as visicalc14:35
ghostcubenoobmonk3y: as is suggsted use the fomrat compatibility addon in 2003 for 200714:35
noobmonk3yi lie ....14:35
ghostcubewoah my xchat sux14:35
noobmonk3yi was minus 2 years old14:35
lcukif theres something microsoft used to do right, it was sorta backwards compatability14:35
* noobmonk3y thanks ghostcube 14:35
* noobmonk3y doesnt know what that is but will investigatey14:36
hrwlcuk: m$ do good keyboard/mouses14:36
ghostcubenoobmonk3y: its for using 2007 files in 2003 :D14:36
ghostcubeand i must restart xchat brb14:36
noobmonk3yhrw: they did, you mean14:36
lcukhrw sure, apart from one keyboard i got was totally broken14:36
noobmonk3yghostcube: i have the compat pack installed, but looks corrupted14:36
Ikarushmz, PR1.2 global release in repositories will be tomorrow14:36
lcukthe keyboard was split in half14:36
lcukmy home keys were so far apart :D14:36
ghostcubedamn cant se anything anyone types brb14:36
PhonicUKhmm, does PR1.2 take less space on / than previous versions?14:36
hrwnoobmonk3y: I do not know do they do them still14:36
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hrwnoobmonk3y: I have 3 m$ keyboards and one mouse14:37
noobmonk3yhrw: true, but too expensive for what they are a 1.99 keyboard of ebay is just as good and functional14:37
noobmonk3ybut gd point the basic ones are great14:37
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* Khertan is a bit disappointed ... he have put too much hope in mfe fix with gmail14:37
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* lcuk hits noobmonk3y on the head with an IBM clicky14:37
hrwnoobmonk3y: I user ergo ones only14:38
lcukreal keyboards have weight14:38
noobmonk3yoh lol - never got to grips with them14:38
* noobmonk3y giggles14:38
hrwnoobmonk3y: RSI hurts14:38
valdynKhertan: why dont you use the nokia push mail service with gmail?14:38
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roquettoquestion: to use libosso-abook with Qt, must I load it with QLibrary or what?14:38
pupnikcould we get maybe a meego device with rresistive screen?14:38
* SpeedEvil wonders if people will ever read their terms and conditions before DISTRIBUTING THEM TO MILLIONS OF USERS.14:38
noobmonk3ythat will be a weighty headache if i threw it at someone14:38
povbot`Bug 10261: Terms and conditions of use displayed on PR1.2 upgrade are incorrect.14:38
IkarusSpeedEvil: no ?14:39
* SpeedEvil sighs14:39
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noobmonk3ylcuk: i have a laptop from 1983 sitting on my desk ;)14:39
Khertanvaldyn, ?14:39
Khertanvaldyn, how do this works ?14:39
valdynKhertan: nokia collects your mail and pushes to your phone14:39
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Khertanvaldyn, and how to configure it ?14:40
valdynKhertan:, set up your accounts, then add your nokia messaging account to the n90014:40
IkarusSpeedEvil: quite an interesting list of EULA problems14:40
Khertanoh i ll take a look ... thx14:41
Ikarusespecially as I DO NOT want to accept the terms to the Ovi Store14:41
SpeedEvilIkarus: That was only the highlights - there were more14:41
SpeedEvilIkarus: It's not the ovi store14:41
IkarusSpeedEvil: and the private non-commercial purposes14:41
valdynKhertan: im using it with one and one google hosted business domain and my private mail, so I know it works14:41
SpeedEvilIkarus: It's some poorly defined 'ovi services' thing14:41
Ikarusmost of the EULA is quite invalid here14:41
Ikarusheck, EULAs are invalid here :)14:41
Khertanvaldyn, as if i remember last time i check it wasn't compatible with n90014:42
valdynKhertan: no, it was compatible from n900 release14:42
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Khertan(was checked with a preproduction device :) )14:43
valdynKhertan: but its confusing that you dont have to get the nokia messaging client - It's built into n900 email client14:43
Khertanyep ... and i'm currently looking how to create an account14:44
Khertanit s strange14:44
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valdynKhertan: yea, i think the web interface is retarded14:44
valdynKhertan: but its good enough14:44
Khertanbut they said me that the software is already on my n900 when i want to create an account14:45
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IkarusSpeedEvil: it's always interesting though, EULA14:45
IkarusSpeedEvil: I mean it's not like they actually give legal powers to Nokia14:45
Khertanvaldyn, so how to create it ?14:46
Khertanand where to configure it on n90014:46
Khertanit s far from being clear14:46
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valdynKhertan: yea, it changed a little probably14:46
valdynKhertan: not to the better14:46
valdynKhertan: i just log in on web and add/modify email accounts14:47
valdynKhertan: on the n900 you create a new email account and select nokia messaging provider14:47
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achipa*IF* nokia messaging is available with your SIM (duh)14:48
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valdynwhy would it be bound to a sim?14:49
pigeonso can one upgrade to 1.2 without reflashing yet?14:49
Corsacin uk yes14:49
SpeedEvilpigeon: UK peeps14:49
Wolfieif you're in uk14:49
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pigeonand if not?14:49
noobmonk3yhmmmm was ovi store meant to get an improvement too? or still same old crap?14:49
Wolfiewait for tomorrow14:49
valdynnoobmonk3y: 27th14:49
TuukkaFixed the lens cover! Hopefully the old glue will last, cause I didn't add any new.14:49
pigeonright, thanks.14:49
Wolfienoobmonk3y: on thursday, iirc14:49
noobmonk3yahhhh cheers valdyn14:49
noobmonk3ythanks Wolfie14:49
Wolfiewaiting for that elusive angry birds level pack14:49
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Corsacshould we remove catorise before upgrading, btw?14:50
Corsacor will it cohabit with pr1.2 just fine?14:50
X-FadeCorsac: Works fine.14:50
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PhonicUKdoes PR 1.2 have the skype video chat?14:53
PhonicUKif so, has anyone tried it?14:53
timeless_mbpwell, i can see "Skype video call" on my n900 :)14:54
PhonicUKanyone wanna try device <-> device?14:54
TuukkaSome one wrote that it works nicely, it was in "are you satisfied with pr1.2" threat i think14:54
Khertanvaldyn, didn't see any nokia messaging in isp list14:54
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loufoque_maemoxchat isn't exactly nice on maemo14:55
lcukit works tho14:55
lcukand each update it gets stable14:55
lcuktweaked to be more stable14:55
timeless_mbpKhertan: nokia messaging is basically a deal between nokia and your cellular provider14:55
timeless_mbpif nokia hasn't made a deal w/ your provider, the option won't appear14:56
loufoque_maemothe default settings make it unusable14:56
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timeless_mbpwhen you try to create an account it will tell you something like "checking for messaging availability"14:56
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marmoutePR 1.2 is a lie14:57
PhonicUKnot in England its not :P14:57
Khertantimeless, oh ... didn't know ... thx ...14:57
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noobmonk3ynot everywhere if you want to flash14:57
noobmonk3yi was on global and flashed to the new global version fine :D14:57
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achipatimeless_mbp: and if it has, then you can keep wondering why you STILL don't have it, as your provider and Nokia keep pointing fingers at each other :)14:58
Khertantimeless_mbp, they block pop3 and imap ... so why autorize other things :)14:58
PhonicUKwhats the difference between the Global and country specific versions?14:58
PhonicUKis it just localization stuffs?14:58
noobmonk3yPhonicUK: very little at the moment :P14:58
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timeless_mbpachipa: that's where the fun is :)14:59
PhonicUKim glad i didn't get a network gimped handset :)14:59
PhonicUKdebranding ftw on other units though :P14:59
noobmonk3yare there actually branded handsets now?14:59
PhonicUKyeah, Vodaphone I think14:59
noobmonk3yhmmm not seen any and was in a vodafone store last week - looked generic to me15:00
noobmonk3yaware they have firmware though15:00
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Tuukkalooks ain't everything :)15:00
PhonicUKmy N97 was a T-Mo gimped unit15:00
PhonicUKuntil I debranded it15:00
PhonicUKI don't think T-Mo have ever passed on a firmware upgrade in a reasonable time frame15:00
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wutrHi! Why is the PR 1.2 for all regions available already, while nokia says it releases tomorrow (26 may)? (UK today, but I need the global one)15:06
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WolfieOTA is for UK only, comes for everyone else tomorrow15:07
lcuksome people are never happy, wutr if the update is ready 24hours before whats the issue?15:07
Tornewutr: because they haven't rolled out all the update packages for SSU yet. The firmware images are out for all regions, yes.15:07
Wolfiethe flash image is available for eveyrone15:07
wutrhaha not whining, just curious15:07
wutrmaybe they mean the OTA update15:07
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sx0nthey have DIY update for everyone15:08
wutrSSU = ?15:08
jacekowskii'm officialy surprised15:08
jacekowskiwutr: OTA15:08
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jacekowskithat UK has something before rest of the world15:08
jacekowskinormally UK version was released later15:08
jacekowski~ota is ssu15:08
infobotokay, jacekowski15:08
timeless_mbpjacekowski: we had to make up for their previous disadvantaged state :)15:09
wutrthank you ;)15:09
jacekowski~ota is ~ssu15:09
infobot...but ota is already something else...15:09
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infobothmm... ota is ssu15:09
infobotfrom memory, ssu is
jacekowskibtw. my phone is just upgrading15:09
infobotjacekowski meant: btw. my tablet is just upgrading15:09
wutrand the vanilla image, 10.2010.13-2, is that the one belonging to PR 1.2 as well?15:10
mecewoo tmo down15:10
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jacekowskiwutr: no15:10
meceoh it's back. just laggy15:10
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infobotdos is, like, (Disk Operating System) This OS is what got it all started for PCs.  Denial of Service...15:10
povbot`Bug 10261: Terms and conditions of use displayed on PR1.2 upgrade are incorrect.15:10
meceheey new record amount of users online. 251315:10
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wutrjacekowski: that's the firmware itself right? but I thought there would be a new vanilla eMMC image as well..15:12
jacekowskiwutr: there is15:13
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wutrcheck :)! thanks15:13
jacekowskiradio died15:13
Corsachmhm, and during that time, has seen quite some moves15:13
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PhonicUKaah so glad i reflashed :)15:18
PhonicUK87MB free on rootfs without any messing around15:18
* SpeedEvil checks his boogs.15:19
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PhonicUKwhere is the skype video call option?15:19
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jacekowskiyeah, upgrade failed15:21
jacekowskion not enough space on /15:21
TigerTaelJesus, 1.2 finally came out15:21
wutrPhonicUK: read here earlier that it's only available in portrait mode and if still not >>  options, or tap on it somewhere (?)15:21
jacekowskiTigerTael: i was more likely to believe that jesus has walked on water rather than pr1.2 will came out15:22
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TigerTaelSo guys, is it AWESOME? :D15:24
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BCMMi'm reinstalling an arseload of applications15:24
jaskawalking on water is easy15:24
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BCMMthen i will look for awesome15:24
jaskajust wait for winter15:24
thunderfestlooks like the opengl es packages are broken after upgrade to 1.215:24
thunderfestlibgles1-sgx-img: Depends: opengles-sgx-img-common (= 0.20091104.6.1+0m5) but 0.20091104.34+0m5 is to be installed15:24
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BCMMis there a changelog, or does that not go with nokia's secrecy?15:25
Oli```I keep hitting settings on the menu trying to click the old More link that doesn't exist anymore15:25
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infobotfrom memory, pr1.2 is available since early Tuesday morning. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update15:25
asj_BCMM: there's normally a closed buglist15:25
thunderfestanyone else have brain party or Nehe tutorials fail to reinstall after upgrade?15:25
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summelthe backup application sys that my memory card is read only but it is not :O15:25
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BCMMasj_: what about enhancements?15:26
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Oli```thunderfest: brainparty reinstalled fine here (from extras-devel)15:26
X-Fadethunderfest: Yes, that is a known issue. SDK team is looking at a fix.15:26
BCMMasj_: reading now15:26
summelwhat do i do nw?15:26
infoboti heard flashing is
BCMMi wonder if they fixed sync?15:26
BCMMno meego for the n900?15:27
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thunderfestX-Fade: is there a page where I can check the status of the fix?15:27
summelall images are 40415:27
BCMMsummel: "Although Nokia N900 devices are being used for platform development and testing purposes by those involved in the MeeGo project, we don’t have plans for a full scale commercial MeeGo upgrade on the Nokia N900."15:28
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summelnetbook images als15:28
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summelrelease imminent?15:28
summelBCMM: so what?15:28
summelit will not come as an update15:28
summelbut thats nothing new15:28
wutrPhonicUK: Maybe I meant landscape instead of portraid, don't remember what it was15:28
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BCMMi like the removal of the "more" thing on the menu15:28
fralswoho Thanked: 1,000 times \o/15:28
summelHOW DO I MAKE AN UPDATE?????15:28
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infobotdselect update, grabs the Packages.gz files from their sources and refreshes the available packages. Use before an apt-get upgrade, or you can use apt-get update instead of dselect update15:29
loufoquedoes upgrading to 1.2 require flashing my device and erasing everything that is on it?15:29
summelnot update15:29
puzzledcapslock stuck?15:29
summelloufoque: no15:29
loufoquesummel: how do I upgrade then?15:29
Oli```loufoque: if you run a backup first, you can restore all the installed things after flashing15:29
Oli```and most of the settings15:29
summelloufoque: wait for the device to tell you that there are updates15:30
wutr~update firmware15:30
summelOli```: backup does not work!15:30
wutr(lets see if that works)15:30
Oli```summel: works for me15:30
summelit says my memory card is read only15:30
loufoquesummel: it does, but it tells me I need to use some special PC software15:30
summelit worked for me before :(15:30
loufoquewhich of course I don't have15:30
loufoquespecial PC software = special windows software15:30
infobotflashing is, like,
summelbut my backup is old15:30
wutraaah thanks Tuukka15:30
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summeland i want to mak a new one but it does not work15:30
loufoquewutr: that does flash and erase everything.15:30
crashanddiewhy the hell did all the series finales suck this year?15:31
thunderfestX-Fade: is there a page where I can check the status of the opengl es fix?15:31
X-Fadethunderfest: Don't know.15:32
wutrloufoque: not if you don't flash eMMC I believe, but you can wait for the SSU (I learned something too today ;))15:32
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crashanddiecommunity -- became the show it wanted to be so satirical of. Bones -- parody of itself; uneventful and anticlimactic season finale case + no interesting b-line story arcs, nor surprises (everyone leaves for a year, ya-fucking-hoo). House -- uneventful and anticlimactic season-finale case. Lost (hated the show, and now I have half the fanbase agreeing with me: it sucked), 24 (admittedly, those two I'm not sad to see go. Lost an15:33
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crashanddieit's like all the writers are on strike, but they asked the cleaners to finish writing the stories. Or maybe the writers are actually trying to bore us to death.15:35
SpeedEvilWacky. Front-cam is not completely shit.15:35
* noobmonk3y kicks frals in the shins15:35
lcukcrashanddie, they were on strike15:35
lcuktv hasnt gained its momentum since15:35
crashanddiesome shows did15:35
crashanddieSome shows handled the mid-season break very nicely15:36
crashanddieyes, that's the whole point of "some shows"15:36
puzzledhmm no x86_64 maemo_flasher15:36
crashanddieGAN900: yes?15:36
SWFu64Any UK users have an OTA update yet?15:36
crashanddieSWFu64: it's past midnight in the UK, so doubtful15:37
haltdefupdated my n900 a few hours ago15:37
TuukkaCan't wait till Qt apps start flooding to repos =)15:37
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SWFu64It's 13.37 here now15:37
alteregocrashanddie: midnight? Which UK are you in. It's lunch time :P15:37
GAN900crashanddie, MeeGo announcement re: N90015:37
crashanddieSWFu64 & alterego: Well, that's still "past midnight"15:37
SWFu64Oooh there it is. :)15:37
SWFu64Seemed to take a while to appear in app manager15:38
crashanddieGAN900: yeah well. Stskeeps will be able to keep working on Mer after all.15:38
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wutr45damnit, mIRC crashing on me again15:38
SWFu64've been waiting for Skype video calling for some time:)15:39
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MyrttimIRC :-(15:39
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PhonicUKthats a weird bug15:39
wutr49and again15:39
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crashanddieGAN900: it's like they can't even make up their minds. Once it's "No, nothing'll be supported", then they release development images, everyone assumes it means we'll get it, and now "Well, we know we have a development environment, but you can still piss off"15:39
crashanddieGAN900: how many decision makers in Nokia? Too many methinks.15:39
PhonicUKi set my status to "Offline" and the green icon in the status menu says im still online15:39
wutr49seems to happen when I click the icon in the windows start bar, or whatever it's called15:39
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SWFu64Just need the monitor mode patchesback and I'm sorted15:39
Stskeepscrashanddie: meh, why mer?15:40
crashanddieStskeeps: well, Mer being the fork/branch being that contains an installable package with drivers and shit15:40
Stskeeps.. why?15:40
noobmonk3yfrals: fresh install testing ....15:40
* noobmonk3y holds his breath15:40
crashanddieStskeeps: or "codename"15:40
Stskeepsmeego for n900 provides them15:40
noobmonk3yfrals: failboat express - wooop woooop15:41
crashanddieStskeeps: but it won't be supported, so we'll need a "community edition", no/15:41
Stskeepscrashanddie: support = nokia answers tech support about it15:41
puzzledis it correct that there is no PR 1.2 image specifically for Europe (non-UK) and that I should use the Global release called  RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin ?15:41
crashanddieStskeeps: I read it more like "we will not provide any images that can be used to install on the n900"15:41
PhonicUKdoes anyone else not like the new virtual keyboard?15:41
tekojopuzzled: yes15:42
PhonicUKi prefered the old one :\15:42
Stskeepscrashanddie: that's not the reality though15:42
puzzledtekojo: thanks15:42
alteregoI'm in the UK and I use the global release ..15:42
crashanddieStskeeps: I'll believe it when I see it15:42
MohammadAGPhonicUK, you'll get used to it15:42
Stskeepscrashanddie: install the flashable image from codedrop15:42
* noobmonk3y throws frals at MohammadAG 15:42
Stskeepsclosed image15:42
MohammadAGrepackage the old one as a new version and pull in old libraries15:42
lcukwhich is more open, meego or maemo15:43
crashanddiemeego, sounds of it15:43
lcukthen why in gods name are things like codedrop still being used15:43
crashanddielcuk: oh baby15:44
alteregoInteresting, the N900 codedrop URL isn't working ..15:44
lcukyou are right about a community edition crashanddie15:44
satmdactually... the firmware of pr1.2 global is on the nokia site already, too - unlike the announcement in topic15:44
lcuki woud love a complete maemo community UX for meego :)15:44
PhonicUKnow when are we getting Flash 10 eh?15:45
lcuknice suite of open source apps sat ontop of the open meego stack15:45
PhonicUKor have adobe stopped bothering :P15:45
alteregoIn fact, none of those links are working for me.15:45
* tybollt_ trouts MohammadAG 15:45
SWFu64Haha, wtf,
tybollt_frals: ?15:45
* MohammadAG ricochets frals at noobmonk3y 15:45
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* noobmonk3y farts15:46
Myrttihow productive15:46
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lcukthats a defence mechanism15:47
lcukdefense even15:47
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satmdSWFu64: a comment on it says: no touchscreen, lmao15:47
MohammadAGsince 1.2 is out15:47
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roquettoI need to access maemo's address book - should I go for libosso-abook/libebook or is it safe already to try Qt Mobility API?15:47
lcukMohammadAG, how was your exam15:47
MohammadAGi can now dd rootfs15:48
MohammadAGand see if what i told DocScrutinizer works15:48
alteregoHow hard will it be for us to do a "Theme" application category?15:48
jacekowskinot hard at all15:48
MohammadAGlike C, it shot me in the foot15:48
alteregoIn dire need of user/Themes or something15:48
MohammadAGjk, it was python-y15:48
jacekowskiwell, you would need to rebuild all packages15:48
fralsnoobmonk3y: you suck!15:48
lcukalterego, expand discussion to the mailing list, there will be shouts, if i remember rightly it was hard work organising the current keywords15:48
jacekowskiwith changed category15:48
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noobmonk3yfrals: why thank you!15:49
villemvinterestingly pr12 feels faster than the warez versions I ran before15:49
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jacekowskialterego: just move themes to different repository15:49
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jacekowskialterego: extras-themes15:49
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noobmonk3yvillemv: warez, lol!15:50
roquettoanyone played with Qt Mobility?15:50
fralsnoobmonk3y: what failed?15:50
villemvwell, unofficial ones15:50
alteregojacekowski: that's a bit of a cop-out solution really :P15:50
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alteregoEasy to do, but still ..15:50
villemvroquetto: it should be okay to use qt mobility15:50
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jacekowskialterego: nobody gives fuck about themes really15:50
noobmonk3yfrals: well, i did a fresh install - and hoped it would pick up the settings auto-magically - meh it didnt15:50
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jacekowskialterego: so if i could just make them disappear it would be much better15:50
fralswhats your operator and does the settings exist in /etc/operator_settings?15:50
lcukvillemv, running real version always tastes sweeter :)15:50
alteregojacekowski: :)15:51
roquettovillemv: thanks - that sounds easier than mixing Qt code with libosso-abook API15:51
fralsnoobmonk3y: if they dont, file a bug!15:51
* noobmonk3y also wishes all themes and things would have their own category and stop cluttering up the applications lists15:51
MohammadAGI can finally upgrade to ubuntu 10.04!15:51
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* noobmonk3y eats the bug and farts15:51
alteregoMohammadAG: don't tell me you've been waiting for PR1.2 to do that aswell! :D ^.^15:51
TuukkaSWFu64, it even has an gravity sensor lol15:51
villemvroquetto: and you can complain to GNUton-BNC if it breaks ;-)15:51
* roquetto takes notes15:51
roquettovillemv: thanks ;)15:51
* noobmonk3y throws the notes at frals15:51
MohammadAGalterego, how'd you know15:51
* noobmonk3y stares at MohammadAG 15:52
alteregoMohammadAG: well, I've been doing the same :D15:52
cehtehohnoes 1.2 really? :)15:52
noobmonk3ycehteh:  nope, all a dream, back to sleepies15:52
noobmonk3yor was it a nightmare? meh15:52
cehtehi thought hell has frozen over15:52
MohammadAGalterego, the 1.1.1 SDK was priceless for me15:52
noobmonk3ycehteh: i did see a monkey and a pig flying by this morning though15:52
lcukmmmm bacon15:52
noobmonk3ylcuk: i'm gonna ram a veggie sausage up your.... anyway.... nice and sunny everywhere today?!15:53
tybollt_mmmmh bacon15:53
tybollt_oh wait15:53
fralsnoobmonk3y: it helps so i know if its a bug in fmms or just missing settings in the file15:53
CorsacBLT \o/15:53
MohammadAGdid I disconnect two hours ago?15:53
tybollt_bacon is not PC in here...15:53
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* tybollt_ thinks of mohammad and the lads15:53
noobmonk3yfrals:  most likely me, will buggify it :D15:53
MohammadAGi left the irc connected during my exam, thought lcuk would help15:53
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noobmonk3yMohammadAG: you werent here when i was screaming your name in vain15:53
fralsyou had an exam about bacon?15:53
fralsotherwise i cant see how lcuk would be able to help!15:54
tybollt_frals: pig academy?15:54
noobmonk3yfrals: pigology - MohammadAG 's speciality ;)15:54
noobmonk3ysits nicely along side his alocohology course15:54
lcuktybollt_, bacon is perfectly acceptible meat based candy food group.15:54
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MohammadAGhow'd you know that?15:54
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tybollt_lcuk: Not in Israel it isn't15:55
lcukand just like marmite and twiglets will cause debate around the world about whether or not they are edible15:55
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MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, guess what my 3rd course is15:55
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noobmonk3yMohammadAG: your studying english right? thats pretty much the study off fat arse bacon eaters and drunks (Just a guess, lol)15:55
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noobmonk3ylcuk:  i love twiglets, hate marmite15:55
MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, lol passing my GCEs15:55
noobmonk3ylol MohammadAG  ;)15:55
tybollt_mmmh marmite15:55
* tybollt_ drools15:55
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MohammadAGmy nick should've given off what my 3rd course is15:56
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lcuktybollt_, i dont personally like squid or other food groups, that doesnt mean i dislike other people talking about them15:56
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, adjust the auto kick regex to 1.315:56
tybollt_lcuk: Thing is bacon can get the wrong person go all SHALOM or JIHAD on your ass :)(15:56
lcukso they prefer human bacon?15:56
alteregoHah, Jews eat Bacon too.15:56
MohammadAGLOL @ tybollt_15:56
* tybollt_ spent som time in Kuala Lumpur - suffice to say I had not much alcohol and bacon during... :-|15:56
noobmonk3ymeh infobot  on holiday?15:57
noobmonk3y~ PR1.215:57
infobothmm... pr1.2 is available since early Tuesday morning. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update15:57
MohammadAGshe hates you15:57
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, pr1.2 is available since early Tuesday morning. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update15:57
infobotit has been said that pr1.2 is available since early Tuesday morning. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update15:57
tybollt_lcuk: Depends. I know plenty .us jews that eat it not15:57
noobmonk3yspambot attack15:57
noobmonk3yoh wow15:57
noobmonk3ytybollt_:  sorry daddy15:57
lcuktybollt_, no it means that some people are unstable anyway.  talking about food should not be the cause of angst for people15:57
noobmonk3ydid it once, no reply, so added a space....15:57
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MohammadAGinfobot, yoy're fired15:58
noobmonk3yMohammadAG:  think you need a space15:58
alteregoI think I should have waited until updating PR1.215:58
alteregoSome of the apps aren't installing correctly ..15:58
tybollt_lcuk: jajaja15:58
MohammadAGinfobot, pr1.315:58
noobmonk3yalterego:  why? no added bacon?15:58
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MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, nah, it's lagging15:58
tybollt_lcuk: in any case I am fairly sure we agree - mmmmh bacon :-)15:58
MohammadAGit'll throw 4 messgaes now15:58
* noobmonk3y grins15:58
* MohammadAG shrugs15:58
TermanaThats right15:58
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TermanaYou shouldn't be worried about the jews eating bacon15:59
MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, you were missing for about a week15:59
MohammadAGi thought the x-s were the reason15:59
noobmonk3yMohammadAG: sorry will also be missing for another week :(15:59
lcukTermana, im not15:59
noobmonk3yunder a lot of pressure at the mo :(15:59
TermanaYou should worry about them SLAYING ANIMALS TO APPEASE THEIR GOD15:59
MohammadAG<-- mo15:59
noobmonk3y^ Mo not mo15:59
MyrttiGo Away, There's nothing to see here16:00
noobmonk3yMyrtti: see where? see what? when? how! WHYYYY!!!16:00
MohammadAGTermana, some of them don't, kosher i think16:00
tybollt_Has anyone here been at a halal slaughter or a kosher slaughter?16:00
* lcuk wanders off and lets the chat topic change16:00
tybollt_If you haven't well ... don't comment on it :)16:00
* frals lets lcuk change while the topic wonders off16:00
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tybollt_lcuk: I call chicken on you ;P16:00
* noobmonk3y throws the floppy disks of dos 3.0 @ lcuk 16:00
noobmonk3yhehe frals16:01
MohammadAGyep they have to diss the N90016:01
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tybollt_MohammadAG: engadget and gizmodo are sites invented to hype anything out of Apple Inc I suppose16:01
tybollt_course they will diss a superior device :)16:01
MohammadAGtybollt_, i know16:02
MohammadAGthey suck tbh16:02
MohammadAGflash - they mention stevie16:03
MohammadAGNokia - they mention f ups16:03
ZogGMohammadAG, reflashed?16:03
MohammadAGnot yet16:03
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MohammadAGneed to check this bb stuff16:03
MohammadAGgoing into fedora o/16:03
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tybollt_but haeh - no meegoo?16:03
tybollt_that was a surprise16:03
tybollt_certainly judging from what Stskeeps have been saying16:04
GAN900Surprise indeed.16:04
tybollt_GAN900: no to you- - no way16:04
infobottybollt_ meant: GAN900: not to you- - no way16:04
GAN900Nokia deserves what they get.16:04
tybollt_come now, you knew this ages ago - surely16:04
GAN900I'm not particularly more informed than anybody else on corporate stuff16:04
ZogGhm, i can't reflash16:05
GAN900No NDA16:05
ZogGi don't remember how i managed it last time16:05
achipaGAN900: the 100$ question is why did they feel the need to say it (considering the announcement policy history)16:05
GAN900achipa, dunno16:06
crashanddieGAN900: you're a 24 yo bearded guy, they're scared of you.16:06
IkarusEngadget seems to be quite wrong though16:06
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Ikarusthere seem to be significant work for it16:06
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tybollt_crashanddie: HAHAHA :)16:07
Ikarusso perhaps no official release for the N900, but it damn well be used as the development kit for MeeGo16:07
happyblobi just assumed the upgrade wont be pushed out over the air (i.e. manual.. for the power users to play with) and they didnt want to get novice users' hopes up?16:07
tybollt_that is just weird though - innit?16:07
tybollt_"You will develop the distro on this device but you can never run the official outcome on it"16:08
Ikarustybollt_: not really16:08
fralstheres quite a difference between making something work for developrs and supporting it for endusers... i imagine16:08
X-FadeThere is a big difference between an development platform and a commercially supported platform.16:08
Ikarusfrals: exactly16:08
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tekojoandrewfblack: morning16:09
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Stskeepsmorn andrew16:09
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* GeneralAntilles 's currently picturing another Fremantle-for-N8x0 Mer-esque situation.16:10
andrewfblackMorning Stskeeps guess its time to dig my N900 out of drawer16:10
GeneralAntillesI'm really worried the reference shit just isn't going to cut it.16:10
* GeneralAntilles wouldn't be surprised if Flash 10.1 works with the N900+1 and the N900 but Nokia specifically disallows its use for N900 users.16:10
t_s_opossible, nokia is in the hardware sale business after all16:11
andrewfblackGeneralAntilles: Meego for N900 has a group of professionals working on it Mer was just community members16:11
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tybollt_frals: considering it will run on the device the only reason they won't officially support it has to be revenue16:11
SurfaGeneralAntilles, what are you after with that kind of assumptions?16:11
fralstybollt_: running on device != supporting it for endusers16:11
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tybollt_frals: the ever standing marketing no#1 rule - NEVER _E V E R_ support a new OS/software on an old device.16:11
N900killaNo freaking meego on the n900 - FAIL16:11
Stskeepsdid you read the 'commercially supported' part16:12
* tybollt_ hones in on Stskeeps 16:12
N900killai dongt16:12
tybollt_Stskeeps: presto!16:12
tybollt_Stskeeps: we did16:12
GeneralAntillesandrewfblack, is that supposed to make me feel BETTER? :P16:12
tybollt_Stskeeps: thing is - will I void warranty installing it?16:12
Ikarustybollt_: no16:12
N900killai dont want an os put together by a bunch of pimple faced hackers. i want official release !!!!16:12
fralsStskeeps: you're fighting a losing battle ;)16:13
andrewfblackGeneralAntilles: did you ever really think Nokia would Offically support a new OS on old device,  they only ever did it once with N800 because n810 was just N800 with keyboard16:13
tybollt_wow that's a lot of exclamationpoints16:13
GeneralAntillesSurfa, that Nokia is clearly incapable of learning the lessons of the past 5 years, is more than happy to jettison whatever inertia they've built up behind a platform with each new hardware release and hates its customers.16:13
GeneralAntillesandrewfblack, and the N900+1 is, apparently, just an N900 without.16:13
Stskeepsfrals: i'm pondering to go watch a movie16:13
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, do that.16:13
tybollt_frals: that is the point, indeed16:13
N900killanokia give me my money back16:13
tybollt_Stskeeps: your contempt is duly noted. ;-P16:13
SurfaGeneralAntilles, later on you may notice how much too hard you take this all16:13
Stskeepstybollt_: good question, i'm not sure - there was a thread on this at some point16:14
GeneralAntillesSurfa, maybe maybe not.16:14
pexiany info when the meego-phone is coming?16:14
SurfaGeneralAntilles, calm down and enjoy your great device16:14
tybollt_Stskeeps: to be honest this is no different then any other company would've done... I'm not really outraged...16:14
N900killahuge huge huge fail nokia16:14
pexistfu and save cash16:14
GeneralAntillesSurfa, unfortunately I'm not really in that position.16:14
N900killapexi: toy your nokia never16:14
* GeneralAntilles points to the hostmask.16:14
* frals points to his hostmask, mine is cooler!16:15
pexiN900killa, I don't care, I want a new hardware anyway :)16:15
GeneralAntillestybollt_, continual sad disappointment.16:15
GeneralAntillestybollt_, that's what Nokia brings for its customers and community members.16:15
Stskeepsmarvin, is that you?16:15
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N900killaI'm freaking disappointed nokia - never again am I buying nokia16:15
StskeepsN900killa: good for you, go complain somewhere else16:16
lcukN900killa, since maemo is open source, what could you add to improve it yourself16:16
TomaszDnobody cares N900killa, you can go now...16:16
N900killastskeeps: open your fanboy blinders suckers16:16
Surfakind of provoking discussion yep :)16:16
StskeepsN900killa: first warning, watch the language..16:16
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: what weirds me out is that so many people pitch open source, but when it comes to it, they just want a closed system16:16
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Stskeepswhere the vendor does it all16:16
Surfaluckily some people do have got the point of this all16:17
lcukopen source does not mean being spoon fed everything, you have one of the most open operating systems on any device - one thats capable of supporting and utilising multiple toolkits16:17
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, I want open source where the vendor doesn't do everything in its power to undermine it. ;)16:17
Andy80what is the official Qt libs distributed with PR 1.2?16:17
lcukAndy80, qt 4.616:17
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zomgN900killa: welcome to the world of business. Name a company that has never broken something they said :p16:17
lcukon flash16:17
Andy80I tried installin Tweego after upgrading to PR 1.2 and it wants to download 44 Mb of Qt libraries16:17
lcukoptified nicely :D16:17
* lcuk is pleased at that16:17
SurfaGeneralAntilles, your points somehow make me think that you're working for apple, google or samsung perhaps? :)16:17
achipalcuk: but where's the business model ? why bother with open source if you don't want to leverage it ?16:17
* frals is pleased lcuk is pleased16:17
Andy80lcuk: I mean... there are two builds16:17
lcukAndy80, it shouldnt16:17
ZogGflashed mtf16:17
crashanddielcuk: no, open source means you accept help where you lack expertise or craftmanship (at least, that's what it means in my book). It's not about how many things you can run on it, it's about how you treat the people who want to help.16:18
lcukachipa, so use the qt stuff?16:18
Andy80libqt4-gui, libqt4-maemo5-gui for example16:18
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tybollt_what I would really like to see now is a new device, meego or maemi - doesn't matter. But I want a smaller N900, N900 min if you will16:18
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fralshmpf still no comment on my merge request with vertsms :<16:18
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ZogGafter flash - what settings i can lost?16:19
TomaszDZogG, all, so back up using the built-in backup application.16:19
achipalcuk: considering how Qt in PR1.2 has been handled, I have my reserves16:19
SWFu64The OTA update is not working for me, it just says to connect up and use Nokia Software Update16:19
lcukcrashanddie, sure thats one aspect, but openness means not being locked into one specific path - helping build the barn to improve existing things is equally valid16:19
tybollt_achipa: do elaborate16:19
tybollt_achipa: what's your gripe?16:19
achipalcuk: for desktop, I'll take Qt any day. For mobile, far from sure16:19
lcukachipa, yeah please do16:19
ZogGTomaszD i did it, restoring16:20
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flukeboxhi all ... I ran into some problem related to theme chooser on my nokia n900.... I am not able to run theme selector from settings/personalization ... Does anybody know the application name for the same... which i can fire from command prompt ??16:20
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ZogGi mean after restore ( had to mentioned it)16:20
SWFu64Anyone have any ideas?16:20
PhonicUKanyone know a good N900 theme?16:20
N900killanokia needs fools that continue buying into their junk - fools16:20
PhonicUKI'd love something like a blue version of the Humanity theme16:20
fralswhat we need here is a real good troll16:20
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fralsno shit N900killa is already here :(16:21
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rangeBut is it a good troll?16:21
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achipatybollt_ lcuk: well, for example, we had this public community - nokians meeting with regard how Qt is going to be deployed in PR1.2, had an agreement and in the end PR1.2 comes out and it turns out to be not quite what was agreed on16:21
* N900Evil stabs N900killa 16:21
crashanddielcuk: but instead of accepting defeat on specific levels, they took the corporate way, and told everyone to "wait, wait, wait". Rather than doing that, they should've opened up the stuff that was hurting people: MfE would've been fixed in days or weeks had it been open sourced. No-one could try and fix it, because it's close sourced, locked down, and what not. Some things have been fixed using very smart hacks (catorise for exa16:21
loufoquewhy is the firmware different for vodafone devices?16:21
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lcukachipa, whats different?16:21
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flukeboxany idea ???16:22
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N900killaall I'm saying is all N900 buyers got their money stolen by nokia16:22
achipaachipa: well, at some point someone decided to optify it + move it to a different directory16:22
lcukcrashanddie, again, agreed - but you cannot force open source on people16:22
achipatalking to myself, duh16:22
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lcukall open source can do is route around the damage16:22
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TomaszDI think I found a really serious issue in PR1.2...16:22
TomaszDoh god...16:22
fralsyes N900killa now please go elsewhere if thats all you have to say16:22
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achipalcuk: and had we known that was the plan, our suggestions would have been different16:22
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StskeepsTomaszD: your device burst into flames?16:22
lcukachipa, you arent talking to yourself16:22
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Stskeepsif not, not serious enough!16:23
Ikaruscrashanddie: quite alot of other stuff was easily fixed due to the opensource stuff (wrong enter being send by xterm, some issues related to mediaplayer, etc)16:23
lcuki know quite a bit about the optificaiton of qt16:23
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TomaszDStskeeps, no, but whenever I remove an app with appman it downloads and installs a random app16:23
E0xwhat data the backup save ?16:23
TomaszDI'm being serious16:23
lcukbut if apps are expecting specific folders that should have been catered for with symlinks etc?16:23
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E0xjust sms , contacts , or save apps too ?16:23
tybollt_achipa: oh really? Care to be a bit specific on the "not quite" part?16:23
achipalcuk: so the 'community compromise' in the end resulted in a suboptimal solution (as in, we make extra effort to break our own stuff)16:23
fralslol TomaszD, that sounds AWESOME :D16:23
lcukachipa, so if i write a qt app now it wont work?16:23
Tornedid xterm actually get fixed in PR1.2 then?16:23
fralsE0x: depends what you tell it to save16:23
TomaszDit happened four times already16:24
lcukor if i compile a desktop qt app ?16:24
achipalcuk: we could have avoided the whole libqt4-maemo5 mess16:24
IkarusTorne: it should have, it was documented as being fixed16:24
TermanaTomaszD, nah THATS A FEATURE16:24
StskeepsTomaszD: whenever you remove an app with appman, it pays for a ovi store app?;p16:24
ZogGStskeeps have you kicked me today too =)16:24
TomaszDI had a kimi app, lockdeamon, now I have unofficial Hungarian translation16:24
crashanddielcuk: then don't pretend to be. Remember the nice talks that Nokia had about being surprised by how well Open Source worked for them? Remember the talk they gave about people saying "Open Source will never work" and now having people inside Nokia congratulate them because it was such a success? What kind of marketing bollocks is that. They don't even know 6 months ahead if their division will still exist.16:24
achipa(as in renaming, invalidating, manually updateing dependencies, etc)16:24
TomaszDwhenever I remove the unwanted app, something else gets installed16:24
lcukachipa, qt went a bit wild16:24
achipatybollt_: it was stated several times that libqt4 WILL be on NAND16:24
E0xfrals: ok , thx16:24
TomaszDcan anyone confirm this behaviour?16:25
fralsTomaszD: the good news is that H-A-M is oss and at so you can track it down and fix it if you know c ;)16:25
ZogGdo i need to turn readd all repos or i just need to turn them off after restore16:25
tybollt_achipa: ? I thought stskeeps said NAND was just /boot now a days?16:25
TorneIkarus: it's not marked as fixed on bugzilla16:25
Ikarusmy only real gripe with Nokia is that they don't want to call the DRM mode in the next device either that or "cripple mode", but instead wanting to use a more deceptive name16:25
crashanddielcuk: MeeGo was announced because Maemo has been deemed a failure by Nokia management. It doesn't matter how much Ari or Quim believe in it, it's over. Maemo will be dead and gone in a year, and we'll look like idiots for having tried to improve things.16:25
Stskeepstybollt_: that's on meego16:25
tybollt_achipa: anyway why does it matter? Speed concerns?16:25
IkarusTorne: it was marked on the fix list on the wiki16:25
tybollt_Stskeeps: d'oh sorry :)16:25
TorneIkarus: well, i'm testing it now :)16:25
IkarusTorne: anyway, else I have a .deb for it16:25
achipatybollt_: it matters because we broke EVERY SINGLE Qt package on because of that nomenclature16:26
jacekowskimy phone is now fubar16:26
ZogGcrashanddie the king is dead ,viva la king16:26
ZogGi hope it would be ported to n900 anyways16:26
Stskeepsit is!16:27
ZogGStskeeps, i mean more oficial16:27
tybollt_achipa: Eeeek :-|16:27
lcukStskeeps, what about the ux ontop tho16:27
IkarusZogG: it will be official16:27
ZogGofficial than putting android on n90016:27
IkarusZogG: the question is one of support16:27
ZogGIkarus, the nokia said different16:27
SWFu64Can someone point me to a good pr1.2 guide please, ota is not working for me, and Nokia oftware Updater is saying there is no update.16:27
IkarusSWFu64: OTA will be out tomorrow16:28
StskeepsZogG: it isn't support - you can't call tech support for it, but it is made professionally16:28
lcukyou can call tech support16:28
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lcukthey will ask what version of maemo you areon16:28
ZogGStskeeps Ikarus maemo is on n900 without support - so what? =)16:28
SWFu64Ikarus, I can see the update, i just does not work, it tells me to connect to pc an use the software updater16:28
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IkarusZogG: without OFFICIAL support16:28
ZogGlcuk i would say 6 =)16:28
IkarusZogG: ie, you can't call Nokia and bitch16:28
lcukZogG, :)16:28
jacekowskiIkarus: you can16:28
jacekowskiIkarus: but they will just ignore you16:29
ZogGi don't have n900 in my country so i don't that care of phone support - until new programs for n900 and bugfixes are coming16:29
ZogGand new teh not passing it16:29
Ikarusjacekowski: exactly16:29
ZogGi dunno but our country wouldn't get n90016:30
achipatybollt_, lcuk : plus, just to make it more funky just SOME qt packages are optified16:30
ZogGthough we don't have nokia here at all16:30
ZogGonly company representing nokia16:30
tybollt_Stskeeps: Maybe I asked you this before but...16:30
lcukachipa, apps themselves are optified based on individual app policy16:30
tybollt_Stskeeps: are there speed concerns nand vs emmc wrt binaries etc?16:30
lcukthats nothing to do with OS16:30
achipatybollt_, lcuk : so QtGui yes, QtCore/Sql/Xml no16:30
ZogGnokia are nazi =))))16:30
tybollt_achipa: why do they do that though?16:31
achipalcuk: but these are packages that depend on each other16:31
TorneZogG: be nice16:31
* Torne works at nokia :(16:31
Torne(not on maemo)16:31
lcukachipa, do you want to try and do something, get a tree showing the footprint of qt on the device16:31
lcukall folders used and files dropped16:31
TorneIkarus: It's still broken in PR1.216:31
ZogGTorne, it was joke =) i'm from israel =)))))16:31
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lcukso we can try to arrange it?16:31
TorneIkarus: where did it say it was fixed? :)16:31
IkarusTorne: ah well, once I have PR1.2 and tested my new binaries I'll toss you a copy of the .deb16:32
ZogGTorne, can i call you and bitch about meego on n900 after it would be ported? pleeeease?16:32
TorneZogG: no16:32
achipalcuk: seems they went with a simple size filter -> gui and webkit are the biggest, so they go to opt16:32
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TorneZogG: i don't work on meego either16:32
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achipalcuk: never mint that qtgui is the most often used one after core...16:32
ZogGTorne, i just need attention =)16:32
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TorneZogG: people are only allowed to ask me for support with rockbox :)16:33
jacekowski162M used on root16:33
lcukachipa, perhaps - go into #qt-maemo and discuss with them16:33
lcukjacekowski, :)16:33
lcuknice isnt it16:33
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ZogGi got ukeyboared installed on my N900 finally, waited for a loooooong loooong time16:33
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achipalcuk: isn't it spilt milk ?16:33
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achipalcuk: the biggest gripe, needlessly kicking ourselves in the balls, can't be undone16:34
lcukachipa, well, it couldv been spoken out about before ;)16:34
drizztbsddo I need to upgrade the eMMC?16:34
drizztbsdI see that there is a new eMMC image16:34
lcukits not like there werent any opportunities16:34
drizztbsdeMMC content 10.2010.13-216:34
achipalcuk: yes, if that wasn't a DISCUSSED AND AGREED UPON plan, maybe it would make sense16:35
jacekowskiany upgrades to MfE?16:35
lcukachipa, wheres the planning documents?16:35
ToJa92[drizztbsd]: I didn't flash the new eMMC16:35
lcukand if you have them file bugs against them16:35
ToJa92so I guess you don't16:35
drizztbsdok  thanks16:35
achipathere was an irc meeting with half a dozen nokians, let me dig up the log16:36
ToJa92I don't know if there's any new content though16:36
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achipaand then there were the conclusions on, official council announcement and all16:36
ZogGanyway do i readd all repos or restoring does that?16:36
lcukachipa, an irc log isnt a spec16:36
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Khertanjacekowski, there is bug fixes on MfE ... but still didn't sync email with my gmail account16:36
achipalcuk: so what exactly are we supposed to do ? Ask written confirmations as *official* irc meetings and nokian blogs are not relevant ?16:37
ToJa92[Khertan]: Google doesn't support MfE officially... contacts and calendar should work though16:37
achipalcuk: this wasn't some random chitchat, it was #maemo-meeting business16:37
lcukachipa, sure who agreed to take on the task?16:37
KhertanToJa92, google doesn't support anythings officially ... everythings is beta ...16:38
lcukand still ifnd the documents relating16:38
KhertanToJa92, but be carrefull that i didn't blame nokia for MfE not working with Gmail ... their (gmail) implementation isn't standart !16:38
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mikki-kunanybody notived a huge slowdown in his n900 after pr 1.2?16:38
KhertanToJa92, but be carrefull that i didn't blame nokia for MfE not working with Gmail ... their (gmail / on google side) implementation isn't standart !16:39
ToJa92[Khertan]: Well if you want to sync contacts + calendar you could use SyncEvolution16:39
mikki-kunmine is as slow as a vic32 running windows vista for the first time16:39
ToJa92then you can use the mail client for mail16:39
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KhertanToJa92, yep this was mainly  to avoid imap as imap is blocked by my phone isp ... and exchange isn't (https port)16:39
KhertanToJa92, but i ll continue to use my dns tunnelling :)16:40
ToJa92well, imap isn't blocked by my operator, so I'm happy :)16:40
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KhertanToJa92, full internet ... limited in speed for 69 Euros by month ... or restricted to http, https for 25 Euros by month (with 3g+ and a 1Gb limit by month) ... i do my choice really fast :)16:42
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Khertana restricted one with tunnel :)16:42
achipalcuk: it wasn't a task. It was a statement that the layout will be kept, and libqt4-maemo5 will have to be broken because of that.16:43
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TomaszDif anyone can pitch in by removing the tutorial applet and the "installers" (ap news, amazon, facebook) and observing weirdness, please look at
povbot`Bug 10267: Sometimes when I remove an application a random one gets downloaded and installed automatically16:43
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ZogGMohammadAG, here you go16:43
ZogGhow was fedora?16:43
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Andy80achipa: what are the official Qt, libqt4-gui or libqt4-maemo5-gui ?16:44
ZogGplay button on media widget is not working for me16:44
MohammadAGAndy80, both16:44
TuukkaI'm setting up maemo developement enviroment should i install qt 4.5 or 4.6 toolkit?16:44
Andy80which one I mean...16:44
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MohammadAGlibqt4-gui is 4.6.216:44
Andy80MohammadAG: both?16:44
achipaAndy80: libqt4-gui16:44
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MohammadAGlibqt4-maemo5-gui should be 3.7 soon16:44
Andy80having two versions of Qt makes no sense16:44
achipalibqt4-maemo5 is pending deletion16:44
achipa(completely needlessly)16:44
TuukkaMohammadAG, Thanks!16:45
MohammadAGAndy80, the one without maemo5 is the one integrated in fw16:45
Andy80ok... I won't install Tweego for the moment then :)16:45
Andy80because it requires libqt4-maemo516:45
TuukkaJust blindly following guide at hopefully everything goes right :DD16:45
Andy80I don't want to stupidly waste space having two Qt on my N90016:46
achipaMohammadAG: 4.7 will be called libqt4-experimental16:46
MohammadAGachipa, so maemo5 is just a waste of space?16:46
achipaor at least *I* think it will16:46
alteregoSo where are all these commercial apps that have been waiting for PR1.2? :D16:46
alteregoI thought 1.2 was going to saveb the world!16:46
achipaMohammadAG: it isn't, it helps creating confusion :S16:46
MohammadAGyou thought wrong16:46
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alteregoDagnamit, but abill_uk said that 1.2 would save the human race!16:47
Arkenoiso how much free root space is needed for OTA?16:47
tybollt_do spill16:47
cehtehis this display locking bug when maep or mapper is running and the display goes idle fixed in 1.2?16:47
tybollt_achipa: also... this optifying thing... wasn't it in the SDK anyway?16:48
MohammadAGit was on git afaik16:49
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alteregocehteh: is that a bug?16:50
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achipatybollt_: no, that was just a cludge16:51
alteregoOr is it maep/mapper ?16:51
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achipatybollt_: so we could have both installed on the devices16:51
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cehtehalterego: graphics/opengl or whatever bug .. well it locks the device sometimes that you have to pull the battery out for a reset, i call that a bug16:51
GAN900PR1.2 is such a buggy mess16:51
cehteheven pressing the power button long time doesnt reboot it16:52
MohammadAGGAN900, post a rant thread16:52
MohammadAGor does tmo have one already :P16:52
GAN900MohammadAG, nah, I'm just gonna soapbox in mwkn. :P16:52
MohammadAGcan I help?16:52
MohammadAGfirst start off with the menu16:52
alteregocehteh: Ah, okay. Well, I don't know. Why don't you try it. I don't use either of those apps personally.16:52
MohammadAGit doesn't have the scroll effect16:53
MohammadAGthen continue to rant about no MeeGo for the N90016:53
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cehtehalterego: i wait for tomorrow for the update16:53
MohammadAGeventually you'll reach a point where you'll ask about Maemo 7 for the RX-7116:53
cehtehand i have to do a full backup later today :P16:53
MohammadAGwhich will be step 6/516:53
alteregoI just flashed mine.16:53
MohammadAGrelease will be 1/016:53
MohammadAGdivision by zero16:54
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GAN900No Jaffa to cramp my style this week, either. *eg*16:54
cehtehi hope updating in contrast to flashing will not wipe out all my customizations16:54
alteregoGAN900: I was made redundant on Friday :/16:54
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MohammadAGgot a dd of /dev/mtd516:54
MohammadAGwonder if it'll brick my N90016:54
alteregoI've got too much time on my hands now, I'm so f*cking bored right now.16:54
cehtehso i have less pain restoring it afterwards16:54
Stskeepsalterego: contribute to meego!16:54
GAN900alterego, wait, again?16:54
cehtehhey when is 1.3 scheduled? :)16:55
GAN900It's a trap!16:55
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alteregoGAN900: it was just a possibility the week before. Well, I knew it was going to happen, but it wasn't official until Friday just gone.16:55
GAN900cehteh, when it's ready.16:55
achipa(admiral ackbar style)16:55
GAN900alterego, that sucks.16:55
alteregoStskeeps: unfortunately I need money :P16:55
tybollt_MOAR MONNEH16:55
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, oi! fix infobot!16:55
w00t_but money leads to the dark side16:55
infobotmeh int. /meh/ [The Simpsons] An interjection expressing apathy, or mgeary's favorite phrase16:56
alteregotybollt_: "moar" would imply I actually have some :D16:56
* javispedro sings "dadadadadadada pr 1.2 dadadadada backslash dadadadada it didn't fix world hunger..."16:56
cehtehat nokia, cellphone updates you! :)16:56
alteregojavispedro: give it a chance, it's not even been a day yet! :D16:56
* javispedro patiently waits for the pitchforks16:56
E0xhow i can start from ZERO , i want put my n900 like out the box16:57
E0xand apply the update/upgrade16:57
MohammadAGDowngrade to 42-1116:57
bigbrovarsince upgrading to PR1.2 i cant seem to get mail for exchange to work with gmail. syncing always fails16:57
MohammadAGand reflash the emmc16:57
MohammadAGthen change the faceplate16:57
E0x2 months old not need change the faceplate16:57
MohammadAGif you want to go to pre-out-of-the-box sell it on ebay and buy another one16:57
javispedrothen send it to a fellow member, which will send you back a new n900 ...16:57
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E0xjavispedro: heh16:58
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javispedrotmo is completely changed, I the threads I was following have been buried16:58
javispedro*all the threads16:59
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alteregoClassic title: "Firmware PR1.2 Whats so different (20)" pahahaa17:00
bigbrovarsince upgrading to PR1.2 i cant seem to get mail for exchange to work with gmail. syncing always fails17:01
achipalcuk: from Nokia/Qt side we had sandman, shaneb, kate and tekojo, and most of the crew (X-fade, stskeep) and I was the community representative17:01
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achipalcuk: also, recommended read: (section 'A note on PR1.1 vs PR1.2')17:02
achipamarmo... I guess it shows I'm in dire need of marmelade...17:02
mirr0rAnyone else has a problem with extras-testing and extra-dev repositories after updating to pr1.2?17:02
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alteregoI want more levels for Bounce Evolution ..17:03
lcukachipa, i cant read/digest all that in one go, if there arent clear action points specified and followups then what can people do?17:03
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javispedroachipa: woah, I completely missed that one :(17:03
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achipalcuk: the point is that the actions were DETERMINED by the information presented17:03
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E0xalterego: i want some mod for bounce that make it look like wipe-out17:03
alteregoE0x: I thought it was already in there P17:04
E0xalterego: where !!?17:04
bigbrovaris anyone having issues with gmail mail for exchange after upgading to PR1.2?17:04
achipathis is the distilled action plan, but it is semi-meaningless as it is based on the wrong assumptions17:04
bigbrovarI have not been able to sync17:04
alteregoE0x: Oh, you want the space ships over being a ball? :)17:05
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Turksanyone know how to get g++ installed on the n800 running itos08?17:05
lcukachipa, so follow it up with the folks in the meeting.17:05
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MohammadAGis anyone being annoyed that they don't have anything to wait for now?17:06
E0xalterego: yea17:06
javispedrofree ovi maps navigation, MohammadAG.17:06
alteregoMohammadAG: I'm waiting for PR1.3, with Qt 4.7 so I can use QML17:06
alteregoMohammadAG: you're free to wait with me :)17:07
lcukalterego, 4.7 is in -devel17:07
MohammadAGjavispedro, go buy sygic17:07
MohammadAGalterego, ^17:07
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alteregolcuk: not on devices though is it :P17:07
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: meego17:07
lcukso stop waiting, start writing and filing bugs and dont leave it till AFTER all the releases are made17:07
javispedroMohammadAG: not me, tmo!17:07
lcukalterego, not the point17:07
MohammadAGtmo go buy sygic17:07
achipalcuk: certainly will mention it. I'm certain the change wasn't malicious, but the whole council and meeting thing is there in theory so we could avoid cases *precisely* like this one17:07
MohammadAGlcuk, what about bacon 1.3?17:07
alteregolcuk: I'm being silly, there's literally nothing stopping me developing with QML. I was just trying to give MohammadAG something to look forward too ;)17:08
lcukwell achipa most of the pr1.2 was stabilised by the time that meeting occured17:08
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, won't touch anything RPM related for some time17:08
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achipaalterego: what makes you think pr1.3 will contain qt 4.7 ?17:08
lcukso whatever happened doesnt sound malicious its just dealing with whats feasible at the time with very busy people17:08
achipalcuk: in that case someone forgot to tell us they changed the battle plan17:08
alteregoachipa: that's the general consensus as far as I can tell.17:08
lcukalterego, id like to see some simple qml things17:08
MohammadAGachipa, what makes you think there's a 1.3 :)17:09
lcukachipa, follow up however you see fit17:09
alteregolcuk: I'm still just getting my toes wet. The docs for QML are pretty thin :/17:09
achipalcuk: I wouldn't have it any other way ;D17:09
lcukachipa, :) good17:09
bigbrovarPlease is anyone having issues syncing with mail for exchange (gmail) I can only get it to work it says server not responding. plese all i need is a yes or no so i know whether its a isolated issue :S17:09
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* lcuk is pleased you are on the council17:09
BCMMdid we get imap idle support?17:09
MohammadAGit's safe to assume that if no one said something, no one is having problems17:09
lcukalterego, so simplicity17:09
bigbrovarcant* get it to work (mail for exchange)17:09
lcuklearning qml17:10
lcukblog about it17:10
lcukand post code17:10
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* Turks is confused and trying to compile software on the n80017:10
alteregolcuk: how about I learn about it, post code, and you can blog about it .. As I do't have a blog .. :P17:10
StskeepsTurks: you have to be confused trying to do that17:10
Stskeepsjust look at lcuk ;p17:11
mirr0rI get 404 error when trying to refresh Maemo Extras-Devel, anyone knows why?17:11
mirr0ri googled, and in forum is 1 guy that has the same issue, but no replies to it yet17:11
TurksStskeeps, no stranger to linux, just new to maemo/armel17:11
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X-Fademirr0r: put fremantle in the dist field of your catalog entry in AM.17:11
lcukStskeeps, trying to support maemo and fremantle makes me look confused? strange ;)17:12
lcukX-Fade, any idea how long before SDK is back up17:12
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mirr0rX-Fade, awesome, thanks..17:12
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lcuki want to re-test getting build-essential on a default device17:12
lcuktheres loads of space now17:12
mirr0rWeird though that its not there by default17:13
X-Fadelcuk: What kind of question is that?17:13
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lcukX-Fade, repos were down for update werent they?17:13
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Turkslcuk, mind giving me a hand at setting up a build env on diablo? =P17:14
BCMMstill no portrait-mode list boxes17:14
lcukTurks, its easy to get compiler directly on system, the -dev packages are larger17:14
ZogGBCMM еруку цфы ыщьу луны сщьиштфешщт ащк зщкекфше - тщ,17:15
lcukif you are booting from mmc17:15
lcukwith lots of space its rly simple17:15
ZogGthere was some keys combination for portrait mode in some programs?17:15
BCMMZogG: i'm afraid i can't read cyrilic17:15
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BCMMZogG: ?17:15
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BCMMZogG: what i meant was the the browser still doesn't handle dropdowns in portrait mode17:15
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alteregoZogG: CTRL+SHIFT+R17:16
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Turkslcuk, apt says g++ conflicts, shouuld i deb-src packages to update these or is there a repo wi17:17
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Turksth a working g++ package?17:17
phellarvHmmm - My conversation-innbox-widget is gone after PR1.2 - Says it's installed, and the latest version, but no luck getting it onto the desktop.17:18
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lcuksdk and tools repositories are available17:18
Turkssorry, n800 keyboard sucks17:18
lcuknormally for use in scratchbox :)17:18
mirr0rphellarv, yea mine too17:18
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phellarvmirr0r: Hmmm - Wonder why?17:18
Turkslcuk, red pill mode doesnt have to be enabled for installing the toolchains for building source does it?17:19
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mirr0ri removed it, and am reinstalling it now17:19
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mirr0rwill see if that solves it17:19
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maddlerhowdy all!17:20
mirr0rheya maddler17:20
lcukTurks, installing development kits has nothing really to do with HAM red pill stuff?17:20
maddlerdid anyone managed to start a videocall on 1.2?17:20
alteregoOh, nice, now maps remembers it's view settings. That was possibly one of my biggest annoyances ..17:20
Turksim new to maemo, lcuk =p17:20
Turksi got my n800 stuck in a bootloop with rpm on D=17:21
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lcukTurks, sure go slowly and carefully, things like devkits and sdk stuff is really a console thing17:21
tybollt_then surely you're using ze meeko?17:21
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javispedrosounds better than meego.17:22
Turkstybollt_, red pill mode, lrn2osk ;)17:22
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TuukkaMan... maemo sdk installer fails at 4/917:23
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lcukalterego, also, write a maemo blog app using qml :P17:23
alteregolcuk: hahah, nice idea ;)17:24
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Turkscrap, maemo sdk repos have to be configured in console =(17:25
GAN900frals, when are you going to handle vCard MMSes?17:25
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SuRfDeMoNHi, my nokia n900 says there is a maemo update and says I should do a backup, when I try to do a backup it just sits there saying backing up and stays at 0% to get rid of it I have to use the power button and end current task... any ideas what I'm doing wrong or why this could happen?17:25
MohammadAGRemember that bet we had about rootfs image flashing?17:25
TuukkaThe sdk installer can't fetch
MohammadAGI owe you a beer :S17:26
TuukkaCan anyone help?17:26
javispedroMohammadAG: I'm curious, what was the bet about? :)17:26
slingrwhat are the major differences between the UK and USA versions?17:26
X-FadeTuukka: Works for me?17:26
slingris it just language?17:26
MohammadAGdd if=/dev/mtd5 of=desitnation.img17:26
MohammadAGthen flash the file17:26
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javispedrothat can potentially corrupt the backup17:27
alteregoOoo, ussd codes should work now!17:27
javispedrofor a start because /dev/mtd5 is mounted17:27
* alterego tests17:27
TuukkaX-Fade, I have tried several times, but it can't get it :/ Could it have anything to do with the installer settings?17:27
MohammadAGdid it in fedora17:27
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TuukkaI used the defaul ones17:27
Turkslcuk, are sdl applications usually fully supported when compiling on maemo?17:27
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MohammadAGjavispedro, booted fedora17:28
alteregoI like how they've done it too.17:28
javispedroMohammadAG: but then what's /dev/mtd5?17:28
X-FadeTuukka: Do can you download other things from the internet?17:28
alteregoWith No copy&paste :(17:28
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MohammadAGjavispedro, the rootfs node17:28
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MohammadAGI booted fedora off the uSD17:28
javispedroMohammadAG: ah, you booted fedora on the n900.17:28
SuRfDeMoNAny one got any ideas why backup just hangs?17:28
Stskeepsah, ok17:28
TuukkaX-Fade, Yeah the sdk installer is able to dl other files17:28
* MohammadAG slaps Stskeeps 17:28
X-FadeTuukka: Strange.17:28
alteregoSuRfDeMoN: sometimes it takes a long time.17:29
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MohammadAGmaybe I should've actually got the image before I tried this :S17:29
Stskeepswhy mtd5 fwiw?17:29
X-FadeTuukka: Do you get a 404 error?17:29
Stskeepsand not mtdblock517:29
Stskeepsor wtf it's called17:29
SuRfDeMoNalterego: oh ok, its only a few days old though, not installed that many apps either,17:29
Tuukkayeah if i go to
Tuukkawith browser17:29
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slingrwhat are the major differences between the UK and USA versions? Just wondering what version I should get being in Canada.  If its just the language I'd get the UK but if it's others specific to north america....17:29
MohammadAGStskeeps, root's on mtd5 afaik17:30
MohammadAGcat'd /proc/mtd17:30
MohammadAGX-Fade, can you take down 4 packages? :)17:30
X-FadeMohammadAG: Sure, but not now.17:31
ZogGBCMM the longpress in browser is awesome thoug =)17:31
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BCMMZogG: what longpress?17:31
MohammadAGX-Fade, anyways, remove all my packages from -devel, restore it to SDK only as my version broke the autobuilder
X-FadeMohammadAG: Ah, that is bad. Let me remove it.17:32
MohammadAG if anyone's interested, this one works17:32
styleHi, is there software or something to make nokia n900 -> computer internet link as ethernetcontroller or something like that? Using pc-suite it "names" n900 as modem connection and then max link speed (usin One Touch Access) is 921.6Kbps, that sucks17:32
MohammadAG(and doesn't conflict with the SDK)17:33
ZogGBCMM there is enable rotation in options17:33
BCMMZogG: yes17:33
BCMMZogG: but what do you mean by "the longpress in browser"?17:33
tybollt_Stskeeps: "17:33
tybollt_The Official reason for not porting MeeGo is the screen technology.17:33
tybollt_MeeGo doesn't seem to have support for resistive screen - may be it will be added later.17:33
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X-FadeMohammadAG: removed.17:33
tybollt_Stskeeps: any truth to that17:34
MohammadAGX-Fade, thanks (cc lcuk)17:34
X-FadeMohammadAG: Also note that it is in nokia-binaries now too.17:34
javispedroX-Fade: MAN-DB???17:34
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MohammadAGX-Fade, man-db is not a nokia binary17:34
X-Fadejavispedro: Yeah, check the page ;)17:34
MohammadAGI'll sue!17:34
Stskeepstybollt_: quote?17:35
Stskeepstybollt_: source, i mean17:35
ZogGBCMM touch screen for a while17:35
MohammadAGX-Fade, can you also revert the maintainer please?17:35
TuukkaBlaah... the sdk installer script is old... It tries do dl a older version of the file17:35
ZogGon picture or link or whatever17:35
javispedroX-Fade: O.o.17:35
mirr0rphellarv, it worked for me, i reinstalled and the widget was there again17:35
MohammadAGsays SDK repo here...17:35
X-Fadejavispedro: Will ping Marcell.17:35
BCMMZogG: doesn't that just give a context menu?17:35
X-Fadejavispedro: That can't be right.17:35
TuukkaWhere do i get the newest python gui sdk installer?17:35
MohammadAGsays free17:36
MohammadAGAm I missing something?17:36
tybollt_Stskeeps: comment section of the engadget story17:36
Stskeepstybollt_: nfi17:36
javispedroengadget story?17:36
BCMMZogG: it give a context menu - but at least in 1.2 it reliably notices if you did it over a link17:36
Stskeepstybollt_: ask quim and peter17:37
MohammadAGBCMM, the context menu also works in portrait mode17:37
BCMMthat was bothering me, before17:37
lcukwow, if its screen technology i wonder how the hell you can use the nokia qt sdk on a desktop without even a touchscreen at all!17:37
phellarvmirr0r: Kk - Then I will try that too17:38
ZogGno WM controls in portrait17:38
BCMMlcuk: perhaps they mean the UI will *require* multitouch?17:38
MohammadAGlcuk, you imagine one17:38
ZogGcan't change pages17:38
ZogGas not abs17:38
BCMMlcuk: (stupid, but possible)17:38
MohammadAGor use two mice17:38
javispedroI've heard that excuse sometimes.17:38
lcukBCMM, that does not get away from the fact you have to build/test these things17:38
lcukand the qt sdk includes a nice simulator17:38
MohammadAGMouse with akimbo attachment17:38
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Ikarusanyone know where a friend of mine can find the OS2008 SDK (Ubuntu boot image)17:39
* tybollt_ \o/ I think I just poked on stskeeps NDA spot ;)17:40
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X-Fadejavispedro: ah, no my mistake. Will fix ;) Import gone wrong.17:40
ZogGno conversation widget?17:40
ZogGplay button doesn't work =)17:41
ZogGon media also17:41
Stskeepstybollt_: harmattan UI framework widgets gallery works fine doesn't it?17:41
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tybollt_Stskeeps: ehr I have no idea - that shit is not public is it?17:41
phellarvmirr0r: Did you have to reboot, or anything other than reinstalling?17:42
Stskeepstybollt_: it's in extras-devel17:42
MohammadAGtybollt_, it is17:42
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ZogGmy nokia in settings =)17:42
MohammadAGand it segfaults your theme selector17:42
tybollt_oh olrite then17:42
MohammadAGZogG, don't unsubscribe17:42
MohammadAGyou send a message and get a refusal message17:42
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: Which you pay for.17:43
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, which is why I said don't unsubscribe :)17:43
ZogGMohammadAG why not?17:43
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ZogGpay for waht?17:44
SpeedEvilThe SMS17:44
ZogGif i send17:44
ZogGor if they send too?17:44
ZogGthey wouldn't anyway =)17:44
ZogGmaybe Torne only, to make me feel less lonely17:44
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* timeless_mbp sighs17:49
timeless_mbplcuk: ping17:49
MohammadAGOH CRAP17:49
MohammadAGlcuk, PR1.2 clears /opt right?17:49
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SpeedEvilNokia-N900-02-8:/opt# ls17:49
SpeedEvilask-ziggy            lib                  pedometerhomewidget17:49
SpeedEvilbatlevel             maemo                pymaemo17:49
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* MohammadAG checks bugzilla17:50
MohammadAGI think it was bug 743217:50
povbot`Bug /opt and /home/user  not cleared after firmware reflash17:50
MohammadAGor sth17:50
Stskeepsreflash, not ota17:50
MohammadAGI reflashed...17:50
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SpeedEvilnever flashed, just OTA'd17:50
slingrUSB device found found at bus bus-0, device address \\.\libusb0-0001--0x0421-0x01c8.17:51
slingrthat just gonna sit there for awhile?17:51
MohammadAGwhy are there all regions except Israel...17:51
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pexiits called usa17:52
javispedroMohammadAG: reflash should kill /opt iirc17:52
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javispedrothere's a file you can put in /var17:52
javispedroin /var?17:52
MohammadAGalready cleared I guess...17:52
phellarvconversations-inbox-widget does not work for me after PR1.2 flash.....17:52
crashanddieMohammadAG: because nobody lives in israel17:53
MohammadAGcrashanddie, I'm not a nobody you racist aus17:53
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Turksanyone know how to use aim/yahoo/etc with the onboard maemo chat application?17:53
joppuI'd like to create a desktop comman execution widget that open terminal and executes a command. possible?17:53
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crashanddieMohammadAG: well, you may be a zionist, doesn't mean medinat yisra'el exists.17:54
joppuTurks: install "extra conversations protocols"17:54
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Turksjoppu, figured as much. silly that theyre listed but not enabled =/17:55
lcuktimeless, pong17:56
lcukMohammadAG, yes17:56
MohammadAGlcuk, suggestion for PR1.317:56
MohammadAGreplace the calendar with liqcalendar XD17:57
styleis joikuspot light (free) available on n900?17:57
javispedrolcuk: btw, did you get to implement that /home/opt/please-do-not-clean-opt file?17:57
lcukMohammadAG, sure17:57
chadiDoes skype support proxy settings in PR1.2?17:57
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opdf2SpeedEvil: Is the OTA just as stable as a nsu flash?17:58
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lcukjavispedro, no it was discussed and not implemented.  engineers could not see a need and it was too late in the process to have full dialog about it17:58
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javispedroah, I see.17:58
MohammadAGI wonder if apt got crippled more :)18:00
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joppuTurks: did you add the accounts already?18:00
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Turksjoppu, yea but they didnt show up. why?18:01
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jopputhat's weird...18:02
Turkslinux is weird18:03
opdf2any important uninstallations before 1.2?18:03
Turkspidgin does the same thing sometimes, depends on how its packaged18:03
MohammadAGdamn bot18:06
MohammadAGopdf2, no18:06
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phellarvBug 10232 is still in the released FW. Hrmf.18:09
povbot`Bug Could not open , and not show up in widget setting18:09
javispedrogames, games, every one loves games.18:09
javispedrophellarv: a bug filed this 4 days ago not fixed yet?18:09
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phellarvjavispedro: Well Bug 10150 is the same18:10
povbot`Bug Conversations Widget for N90018:10
javispedroI had to wait one and a half years for this update .... which includes official PAP support.18:10
phellarvAnyone else using the conversation-inbox-widget, and cannot get it to work in PR1.2?18:11
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alteregoIt's interesting how this time the UK got it first :)18:11
alteregoWe're usually the last, though I always use the global image anyway.18:11
opdf2phellarv:  did u update to the newest conversation version? I think it's 1.1.118:11
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phellarvopdf2: Uhm?18:12
javispedroanyone know why the status area in portrait mode was removed?18:12
javispedrothe previous hildon-desktop GIT i was using had it, now I am on the 1.2 hildon-desktop and it doesn't have it :S18:12
opdf2phellarv:  there was a new conversation widget released in preparation for 1.218:12
phellarvopdf2: Aha - So I might have to get extras-devel up and running?18:13
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Turksjoppu, cant find them in the catalogs18:13
Khertanjavispedro, the status area is here for me under pr1.2 ... but can't click on it18:14
javispedroKhertan: exactly that18:14
javispedroKhertan: I'm pretty sure I could click on it...18:14
* javispedro is starting to think he dreamt it.18:14
Turksand is using apt-get autoremove safe on maemo?18:14
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Khertanjavispedro, you could before ... but result in many error when clicking on menu18:14
Khertansomeone know how to access to theme icon from Qt ?18:15
Khertansomeone know how to access to maemo theme icon from Qt ?18:15
opdf2phellarv:  Yes it is in devel18:15
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phellarvopdf2: Thanks alot.18:18
opdf2Is it working?18:19
phellarvopdf2: Now it's working all fine18:19
joppuTurks: what catalog have you enabled?18:19
opdf2oh great18:19
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infobotrumour has it, pr1.2 is available since early Tuesday morning. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update18:19
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infobotTo understand recursion, you must first understand recursion. see ~recursion18:20
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MohammadAG~unforget pr1.318:20
infobotMohammadAG: Successfully recovered 'pr1.3'.  Have fun now.18:20
infobotmethinks pr1.3 is a ban'able subject now.....18:20
Appiahwhen will we see PR2.0 ? PR1.x feels old18:20
* Appiah ducks18:20
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DocScrutinizermethinks ibot is right18:21
lcukAppiah, whenever you want to get started thats fine18:21
slonopotamusanyone has patches for gst-plugins-dsp making it build with (enabled by them) -Werror?18:21
joppuTurks: well enable devel and try to update to thr version18:21
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MohammadAGA warning would've been better...18:22
infobotfrom memory, extras-devel is
Turksdevel is enabled iirc18:22
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slonopotamusokay, anyone has anything else useful for me? :)18:23
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DocScrutinizer>>see ~flashing for how to update<< WTF? No SSU?18:24
DocScrutinizeraah, k18:25
MohammadAGor if someone has the time...18:25
* DocScrutinizer yawns18:25
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MohammadAGset up a community SSU, we'll need it sooner or later18:25
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DocScrutinizerbah, I could even wait til next week18:26
MohammadAG  mp-fremantle-generic-pr: Depends: apt (= but is to be installed18:26
MohammadAGoh, .118:26
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: no changes in usb related stuff.18:27
DocScrutinizerno surprise18:27
TigerTaelGod, my N900 is super awesome now!18:27
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javispedrowe were using the 1.2 kernel either way for testing.18:27
opdf2how much root must be free for OTA?18:27
pupnikwhy TigerTael18:27
javispedrowell the released one is not the same as the sdk one yet...18:27
slonopotamusMohammadAG: maemo deps strings are just broken18:28
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* javispedro needs to check changelog of kernel..18:28
slonopotamusDocScrutinizer: and deps on exact version in general18:28
* slonopotamus missed18:28
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MohammadAGjavispedro, NOT? the same?18:29
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: sorry for my stubbornness but I can't imagine you were totally off with your idea to restore whatever state we need, to musb core18:29
javispedroMohammadAG: yes, it's NOT the same.18:29
MohammadAGcause I flashed my custom kernel18:29
MohammadAGoh well18:29
MohammadAGI never even saw the changes18:29
MohammadAGmaybe they fixed the driver (ha!)18:29
fralsGAN900: err, when someone tells me how to handle them properly i could probably do that ;)18:29
javispedroDocScrutinizer: I'm starting to think that too.18:29
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: there HAS to be a way to set musb core registers18:29
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: think about suspend to ram/even_disk18:30
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MohammadAGhow do I change the build number?18:30
GAN900frals, I think it just sends the raw vCard18:30
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GAN900frals, so dbus it over to address book, maybe?18:31
t-tanthere are no interesting changes in the latest PR1.2 kernel patches18:31
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t-tanbasically they disabled SmartReflex and fixed memory leaks in WLAN18:31
javispedrowell the later one is interesting at least..18:31
fralsGAN900: ill do some testing and see how hard it is, i suspect its trivial to do it but not sure when ill have the time to look in to it18:31
microliththe locust swarm descends18:32
javispedrot-tan: disabled as in removed its sysfs nodes?18:32
t-tanjavispedro: yes, and it ignores settings != 018:32
javispedroquite bold move, and late in the release process.18:32
javispedro== device fried danger panic?18:33
loufoquet-tan: supposedly PR 1.2 makes the gps less crappy18:33
* javispedro wishes he could read minds18:33
loufoquei've yet to try that18:33
fralsuh, anyone with a freshly flashed pr1.2 who could try to apt-get install python-gobject?18:33
GAN900frals, just wanted to put it up on your radar.18:33
fralsGAN900: added to the almighty list :)18:34
GAN900frals, just got one this morning and didn't realize they were handled through MMS18:34
javispedrofrals: I already have it installed18:34
t-tanloufoque: possible, but that's not due to a kernel fix18:34
javispedrofrals: the only python app I have is fmradio iirc.18:34
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t-tanjavispedro: NB#160765 - remove sysfs interface that allows user to enable Smartleflex18:34
javispedroI don't have access to NB#18:35
DocScrutinizert-tan: which all sounds very good to me :-) esp fixing leaks18:35
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slingr?? repo18:35
t-tanthey have at least 160000 internals bugs... :)18:35
slingrwhere is that list of repositories?18:35
fralsjavispedro: ok, im getting user reports that fmms fails to install because it cant pull in python-gobject18:36
t-tanif you want to flck through it, here's the patch
fralsi suspect its because python-gobject seems to be in nokia-binaries now18:37
X-Fadefrals: Can be because of package domains.18:37
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javispedrofrals: I reflashed, not OTA.18:37
Khertanfrals, python-gobject is already the newest version.18:37
Khertaninstalled with pygtkeditor18:38
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fralsalright, cheers18:38
fralshmm, nokia-binaries got some stoneage 2.14.2 while extras got 2.16.1 :/18:38
javispedrowhat's up with nokia-binaries getting so many stuff?18:38
fralsbut only listed in i386 otoh18:38
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X-Fadejavispedro: qt-mobility18:39
DocScrutinizert-tan: now isn't that bold?18:39
t-tanDocScrutinizer: pr_warning("VDD2 smartreflex is broken\n");18:39
DocScrutinizert-tan: just removing the sysfs nodes sounds like a nasty thing to me18:39
* javispedro wonders what qt-mobility guys are doing with python, but decides not to pursue that mental thread.18:39
Khertanfrals, hum ... it s listed in every repositories18:40
Khertanjavispedro, ?18:40
fralsi might just write it off as user error ;)18:40
fralsanyways time to prepare the dinner, laters o/18:40
DocScrutinizert-tan: 'broken' as in 'will fry the CPU'?18:40
javispedroDocScrutinizer: that's exactly what I though. quite a bold move and late in release? fried devices for sure.18:41
t-tanDocScrutinizer: yep. normal users don't know how to enable it anyway18:41
javispedroor some other panicish reason.18:41
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: t-tan Yes probably18:41
DocScrutinizerin which case it's quite sane to remove the sysfs nodes18:42
DocScrutinizersmartreflex was attributed "unstable" from very beginning18:42
javispedroand it was.18:43
DocScrutinizerwhich could be a hw design issue or even a silicon erratum18:43
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pvanhoofhey guys, when I install that new firmware, will it retain all my contacts and settings?18:43
pvanhoofand if not, can I use backup and then restore ?18:43
pvanhoofAnd if I use backup/restore, will I loose things?18:43
auenfflash, no, OTA, yes18:43
javispedroDocScrutinizer: read the changelog part?18:43
* DocScrutinizer off for a coffee18:43
pupnikhonestly, calling a kernel+libs "firmware" is silly18:44
javispedronew flash chip for camera18:44
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Sceltjavispedro: where's changelog?18:44
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: not read anything bout 1.2 yet (except the changelog maybe)18:44
javispedroDocScrutinizer: I mean the kernel changelog, it's in the diff.18:44
lcukpvanhoof, your software is on the device!  surely you should know this stuff already as part of original testing ;) :p (hint, yes backup/restore will keep all that and let you restore after a flash even)18:44
MohammadAGsomeone removed apt v12 from the repos18:45
t-tanthey removed it on 16 Mar 2010. could it lead to battery problems?
pvanhooflcuk, ok :)18:45
pvanhooflcuk, just double checking! :)18:45
pvanhooflcuk, I know tracker's data will be backup/restored, but not sure about the other team's stuff18:45
crsHi there. Any other rss reader which supports google's reader other than grr?18:45
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lcukpvanhoof, perhaps you should also do similar tests on other systems too :)18:46
lcukfremantle backup/restore works well and pretty much all core apps handle it properly18:46
Kegetysdoes the flasher update erase mydocs as well? The wiki page for updating the firmware says backup/restore backs up the files there but that doesnt seem right when the backup is 50MB and I have 10GB of data there18:47
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* t-tan wonders why kernel-power has been on the front page of for days (category hot). does it warm up the devices?18:47
DocScrutinizert-tan: aiui SR drives the regulators dynamically. Of course this will save *a little* energy, but also may introduce problems with slew rates for the core voltages rising/falling on clock changes18:47
pupnik:) wow18:48
hrwcrs: I would not say that grr is rss reader18:48
cato`is the ovi store down?18:48
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DocScrutinizert-tan: imagine for example the external capacitors of GAIA regulators aren't up to spec, or the traces too long, or whatever18:49
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DocScrutinizert-tan: then each 600->250 transition could cause a 10ms overload of the CPU internal smartreflex per-gate regulators18:50
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DocScrutinizert-tan: something along that line18:50
DocScrutinizert-tan: it's extremely complex18:50
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t-tanNokia doesn't seem to have someone working on SR:
povbot`Bug 7633: Enable SmartReflex on N900 by default18:51
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X-Fadet-tan: Only disables VDD2 SR?18:52
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X-Fadet-tan: VDD1 should still be available.18:52
BCMMis it just me, or has the option to search by name/description in the app manager gone in 1.2?18:53
X-FadeBCMM: Start typing18:53
X-FadeBCMM: Livesearch everywhere.18:53
SpeedEvilSR may not be stable on all devices18:54
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SpeedEvil(just a suggestion, I do not have several hundred devices to do exhaustive tests on.18:54
SpeedEvil(I can provide address for such devices to be shipped to by PM, if required)18:54
t-tanX-Fade: you seem to be right18:54
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X-Fadet-tan: Always :)18:55
Kegetysdoesnt seem like the backup contains anything from mydocs so the wiki page is wrong I guess18:55
t-tanX-Fade: how is the autobuilder upgrade going?18:55
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X-Fadet-tan: Builder is done, interface repos are being imported/configured now.18:56
t-tanX-Fade: I wonder why my upload this morning did not get imported but later other uploads did18:57
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X-Fadet-tan: There is some kind of race issue I think, not easy to find at least.18:57
t-tanX-Fade: should I reupload?18:58
X-Fadet-tan: Probably best as SDK got updated too.18:58
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: I'm going to help on that :-P18:58
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X-FadeAnyway, dinner first, will continue in a while.18:59
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Kegetysso... anyone know if flasher erases MyDocs or not?18:59
t-tanX-Fade: ok, thanks. bon appetit18:59
puzzledanyone know how I can backup my N900 sms messages? Nokia PC Suite does see them and Ovi Suite does not seem to support the N90018:59
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slonopotamusX-Fade: maaan! autocleaner continues to remove my uploads of sflphone-client-gnome19:00
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DocScrutinizerKegetys: onlyif you flash a EMMC image19:00
crshrw: Is very bad, I know, but this is the only google reader enabled client I think. Unless someone can point me to different one...19:00
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slonopotamusX-Fade: how much its logic is broken so that it thinks that package is outdated when it is the _only_ available version?19:01
hrwcrs: opera mobile?19:01
hrwcrs: microb + greasemonkey?19:01
KegetysDocScrutinizer: ok, thanks.19:01
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MohammadAGThe following NEW packages will be installed:19:02
MohammadAG  joikuspot19:02
MohammadAG WOHOOO19:02
MohammadAGunfixed their 'fix'19:02
crshrw: rss client, not a webbrowser. :)19:02
DocScrutinizerjust another question: does pr1.2 nuke my ~ and /opt now?19:03
DocScrutinizeras suggested in this notorious ticket?19:03
t-tanDocScrutinizer: AFAIK only /opt19:03
DocScrutinizernasty enough19:03
hrwcrs: I do not use offline n90019:04
DocScrutinizerbut saves Nokia from a massive air strike19:04
DocScrutinizernuking my ~, I think I'm dreaming nightmares :-S19:04
microlithgood to see nokia continues to fail on Vsync19:04
microlithyay tearing19:05
Stskeepsi don't understand what everyone's problems is with that.19:05
slonopotamuswhere's PR1.3?19:05
Stskeepswe have upgraded sgx libs in meego 1.0 + driver19:05
microlithStskeeps: it looks like shit19:05
* DocScrutinizer summons raster19:05
slonopotamusStskeeps: you!19:05
sjgadsbyslonopotamus: Please do not create another thread on t.m.o asking that.19:05
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slonopotamussjgadsby: hehe19:06
t-tanDocScrutinizer: it also erases all your memories. You won't know that you lost something19:06
MohammadAGwow if it nuked my xchat logs I would've lost my British council PIN19:06
MohammadAGI PM'd it to myself :)19:06
lcukmicrolith, my n810 and n900 doesnt tear?19:06
slonopotamusStskeeps: 1. have patches for gst-plugins-dsp? 2. can you reformat mbx code to unix line endings? 3. have a git repo with kernel patches for n8x0?19:07
DocScrutinizert-tan: the coords of the balistic missile were preprogrammed :-P just needs a 'huh? what's that red button for?'19:07
Stskeepsslonopotamus: what patches? 2) possibly, my git repo 3) we have packaging19:08
slonopotamusStskeeps: it has -Werror unconditionally and dies on write/read where it doesn't handle return value19:09
achipaX-Fade: there were a few packages missing in the nokia repo (libtq4-script and libqt4-test, f.e.), which have been updated since but still show up as missing dependencies in the interface. Will this resolve itself automatically after a while or does something need to be poked ?19:09
slonopotamusStskeeps: i mean, gcc produces error19:10
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DocScrutinizert-tan: actually for some important things I got what we call a "totmannschalter" here for trains. Sort of a watchdog. Nokia is welcome to erase all my memory, I would be happy to get rid of some of it :-P19:11
slonopotamusStskeeps: 2 would be cool, in current state git diff produces \r crap on each line19:11
MohammadAGFremantle Nokia-binaries explicit i386 <-- uhuh19:12
MohammadAGman-db is there...19:12
t-tanDocScrutinizer: just reflash your brian :)19:12
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infobott-tan meant: DocScrutinizer: just reflash your brain :)19:12
DocScrutinizert-tan: can't find the 'q' button XP19:12
MohammadAGt-tan, too much risk of breaking the bootloader :)19:12
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* MohammadAG gives DocScrutinizer his beer - 2:119:13
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Turkswhat package contains sdl config?19:13
DocScrutinizerfool - listen to stskeeps19:13
achipaDocScrutinizer: it's called the same in English, too: dead man's switch19:14
crshrw: neither do I but I do not want to use webbrowser to access rss articles. Have you ever seen newsbeuter?19:14
t-tanI just this for reflashing:
Stskeepsslonopotamus: i can do a lot of stuff later this week, if i'm not comatose from not sleeping enough :P19:14
crshrw: Brilliant rss client, recently supporting google reader so you might have many clients in different places.19:14
Ian--people regarding pr1.2 - what do you suggest if i have only 47mb free on rootfs. should i wait for tomorrow OTA and try to upgrade or reflash and install everything again?19:14
TigerTaelHow do I get rid of User Guide?19:15
crshrw: and they all are synced by google reader. Nice solution.19:15
MohammadAGt-tan, fscked up partitioning if you ask me19:15
DocScrutinizerIan--:  47MB free? I suggest you do a jigg dance of joy19:15
t-tanunfortunately it also doesnt support hostmode ;)19:16
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DocScrutinizerTigerTael: uninstall? rm ?19:17
E0xIan--: you can do dpkg --get-selections > selections.txt then , when you reflash do dpkg --set-selections < selections.txt19:17
E0xthat will automatic install everything again19:17
lcukE0x, tsk tsk19:18
TigerTaelDocScrutinizer, it's not listed in uninstall...19:18
slonopotamusStskeeps: sleeping is for weak :)19:18
lcukIan--, use the backup application to have your settings and app choices and repos all saved happily19:19
lcukthen do whatever you have to do to update, then restore if required19:19
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DocScrutinizersleeping is overrated anyway19:19
lcukit restores settings and catalogues and even opens app manager with nice list of apps to restore19:19
E0xoh backup app save the selection ?19:19
lcukE0x, your method requires getting root19:19
Ian--yes i know that's what i did for pr1.1.1 ...just i guess OTA would be much easier19:19
lcukwhich requires getting network config working19:19
lcukwhich requires going onto repositories19:20
slonopotamusDocScrutinizer: overrating is also overrated, you know19:20
lcukrestore involves clicking restore ;)19:20
DocScrutinizerlcuk: excempt the apt-get install foo19:20
MohammadAGt-tan, :)19:20
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ShapeshifterAny ideas how I'd be able to install mp-fremantle-generic-pr? I uninstalled it because I needed qt4.6 from the SDK repo. Now I can't update OTA because I can't install it anymore, because "mp-fremantle-generic-pr: Depends: libqt4-gui (= 4.5.3~git20090723-0maemo6+0m5) but 4.6.2~git20100310-0maemo1+0m5 is to be installed" and so on. (and I can't find my usb cable for a regular flash)19:20
DocScrutinizerlcuk: for which I got my own little apt-get wrapper now19:21
lcukDocScrutinizer, backup/restore does all the normal apps?19:21
lcukyou may however have more19:21
MohammadAGShapeshifter, apt-get --reinstall install libqt4-gui?19:21
lcuksince you are a god etc19:21
opdf2man getting rootfs free is too tough. I think I'm forced to use NSU19:22
ShapeshifterMohammadAG: mhh. "Reinstallation of libqt4-gui is not possible, it cannot be downloaded"19:22
MohammadAGrm -rf /* (seriously DON'T do that)19:22
MohammadAGShapeshifter, fake a package :)19:22
ShapeshifterMohammadAG: does that even work in busybox? I know it doesn't in normal bash.19:22
ShapeshifterMohammadAG: --no-preserve-root19:23
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: please add a # to head if line19:23
Shapeshifteryou know19:23
MohammadAGShapeshifter, feel free to try it19:23
hrwDocScrutinizer: rootfs                  227.4M    139.5M     83.8M  62% /19:23
DocScrutinizerthe way you posted it it's syntactically correct19:23
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hrwShapeshifter: apt-get dist-upgrade?19:24
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MohammadAGor that19:24
Turkssorry for the simple question but whats the command to purge apt's local package cache?19:24
lardman|homehmm, PR1.2 is out, interesting19:24
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: never post potentially destructive cmdlines in a executable form19:24
hrwlardman|home: nearly half year before my rumour19:24
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, dd... nvm19:25
lardman|homehrw: lol19:25
lardman|homehow long has it been out?19:25
Shapeshifterhrw: doesn't seem like that pulls in "PR1.2". It's no different from the normal apt-get upgrade. just the new pyqt4 and some other minor stuff19:25
lardman|home~curse having too much work to do19:25
MohammadAGhrw, rootfs                  232868    128860     99728  56% /19:25
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, having too much work to do !19:25
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lcuklardman|home, \o heya19:25
hrwlardman|home: flash images today, ota tomorrow19:25
DocScrutinizerhrw: hmm?19:25
Shapeshiftermeh I'll just wait until tomorrow and borrow a cable19:25
* hrw off19:26
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lardman|homeDocScrutinizer: cool, so I'm not that far behind the times then ;)19:26
Shapeshifterone more day of waiting doesn't really make a difference, does it now19:26
lardman|homelcuk: hey, how's things?19:26
DocScrutinizerhrw: incredible, but still 'hmm?'19:26
DocScrutinizerlardman|home: also 'hmm?'19:26
lardman|homeDocScrutinizer: hmm?19:27
lcukgood thanks \o pleased we have pr1.2 out19:27
DocScrutinizerseems I got a massive stackerror19:27
lardman|homeI see it's apparently OTA in the UK now, time to see if I've enough space to upgrade19:27
lcuklardman|home, did you see i found and killed gstreamer rolling shutter problem19:27
DocScrutinizerall the context missing, none of your highlights really makes a sense to me19:27
lcuklardman|home, :) as always proper backup restore19:27
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lardman|homelcuk: nope, been buried in report writing and house hunting I'm afraid19:27
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lcukwell i now how a crystal clear nicely updating camera image :)19:28
lardman|homewhat was the bug?19:28
SWFuHow to you video call with Skype?19:28
lcuktheres a gst-launch command to see how it was and how it is19:28
lcukit was minor thing as specifying a framerate!19:28
lcukwood from trees tho, it worked on 8x0 just not on 90019:29
lcukcaught as i looked at other things19:29
lardman|homelcuk: was that my suggested framerate business?19:29
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lardman|homeif so sorry, as I was looking for a slow update19:29
lcuklardman|home, dunno19:29
lcuki think it was in original barcodey stuff maybe :p19:30
lcukthe effect is striking tho!19:30
lardman|homeglad you sorted it anyway :)19:30
lcuki can now draw ontop of real live video at 30fps19:30
achipaX-Fade: plus, there is a slight bug in the promotion mechanism, it's not libqt4-maemo5*, but libqt4-maemo5-* that should be blocked, libqt4-maemo5 is a valid end-user pr1.2 package19:31
lardman|homehmm, no OTA for me then19:31
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lcuklardman|home, shall have to catch up with how you are doing barcodey later19:31
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lardman|homelcuk: I've not done much recently, need to get my plugin up and running and get some more UI ideas implemented19:31
loufoque_does maemo have a ready-made sdk for linux, or do I have to go through the trouble of setting up the toolsuite myself?19:32
lardman|homelcuk: dragly has been dragging my sorry hide around with his hard work19:32
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RichardPok, now I have a Maemo device, what do people consider 'must haves' or 'must do' things?19:32
lcuksure ive been looking at focusing and stuff19:32
lcukRichardP, you must supply patches for at least 5 public bugs19:33
lardman|homeyeah there's a new version in SVN which does autofocus every couple of seconds, so that should then behave better, more as people expect19:33
mikki-kunhm... nokia removed in pr 1.2 adduser -_-19:33
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microlithloufoque: there's two SDKs, the linux-native SDK using scratchbox or the Nokia Qt Creator19:33
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lcukyeah lardman|home but even if it doesnt do auto focus, on startup it should attempt to set focus to be "normal" distance from the camera eye19:34
lcukand persist that setting19:34
lcukso when people hold it as they know works it will beep each time they run app19:34
lcukotherwise it will be frustrating19:34
lardman|homewell improving the 1D decoder performance with out of focus images would be a good option too19:35
MohammadAGhow do I create a tar archive?19:35
MohammadAGtar -c displays unicode chars19:35
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lcuklardman|home, sure, what res do you use for 1d now?19:35
lardman|homelcuk: I'm also tempted by a suggestion to have overlays on the video, something more like the N900 version of Maemomapper19:35
lcukand do you do rotated barcodes?19:35
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lcukto have overlays you need to convert to rgb dont you19:36
lardman|homelcuk: 640x480 I think, I don't explicitly handle them, but I think the decoders try rotations too, I'd have to check though19:36
lardman|homelcuk: no idea tbh19:36
lardman|homehmm, any other UK residents got PR1.2 OTA?19:36
lcuklardman|home, another thing,  albanc has been mucking with mapbuddy application which uses the map thing you looked at libchamplain, i think theres some issue with it that you two could discuss19:36
Turkswhats the easiest way to screenshot in maemo?19:36
* Turks misses scrot =(19:37
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* lcuk had pr1.2 updated a while ago, i havent tested live ota19:37
lardman|homelcuk: some crash or other? I saw something about an N900 crash on the libchamplain list, but it was answered pretty sharpish so didn't pay much more attention19:37
mikki-kunTurks: Shift+Ctrl+p should give you a screenshot19:37
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mikki-kunplaces them in ~/MyDocs/.images/Screenshots afair19:37
Turksmikki-kun, n80019:38
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mikki-kunahhh, hm... i only have the n900 so i can't help further ;/19:38
lcuklardman|home, albanc would know the details, it might not be crash - infact its not its packaging19:38
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* albanc is reading backlog19:39
Turksanyone else know an easy way to take screenshots on the n800?19:39
Stskeepsload applet19:40
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albanclardman, I posted the crash post on the libchamplain mailing list. I cannot reproduce the crash anymore, I don't know why19:41
lardman|homealbanc: ok, so it was that one19:41
lardman|homealbanc: I don't know I'm afraid, I've not used libchamplain in a long while19:42
albanclardman|home, if I understand correctly, you packaged the first version of libchamplain and then pierlux did the next versions?19:42
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lardman|homeyes, he was the author, so I produced the initial debianisation as I wanted it for Emerillon (again his app) and then he took over/I lost interest in those apps19:43
albancpierlux lost interest in his apps too, he was looking for new maintainers19:44
lardman|homeyes I saw that19:44
lardman|homeand certainly with libchamplain the new maintainer is keen and pushing patched like nobody's business ;)19:45
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PhonicUKhey all19:45
albancI tried to repackage a new version of libchamplain, as I believed it would fix my crash. But I could get it compile correctly... some libtool/misc errors19:45
PhonicUKanyone know if that rollercoaster game has been released yet?19:46
albancSo I give up for now (and it seems the crash mysteriously disappeared)19:46
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lardman|homealbanc: you should probably push for them to update their debian packages19:46
lardman|homeat least iirc 0.6.0 is out now, which should be more stable afaiu19:47
Gizmokid2005Am I just stupid, or does the extras protocols plugins seem to not want to install anymore with 1.2?19:47
lardman|homealbanc: does map buddy support data sources for anywhere other than Canada now?19:47
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albanclardman|home, the business thing? I don't know, I never get it work... (I am in UK)19:48
lardman|homeyeah same here, I looked at it, nice idea, and then gave up19:48
albancactually I was more interested by the contact integration than the business source... so I didn't look closer19:49
lardman|homeIt would be nice to get a unified map app, so rather than writing a new one I decided maemo-mapper looked like the best bet19:49
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lardman|homealbanc: as in showing their locations on a map?19:49
lardman|homeI wrote a plugin for emerillon to scrape locations from the contacts db19:50
albanclardman|home, Mardy showed interest to have the "contact location on a map" feature in mappero19:50
lardman|homethe location info attached to the contacts is rather poor, not even lat/lon, just a place name19:50
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MohammadAGPhonicUK, should be out on 27th of May19:50
MohammadAGcause the ovi store was fixed19:50
lardman|homealbanc: we need to press Nokia to add lat/lon to the contact meta data, rather than just placename19:51
MohammadAGnow no one can download packages using apt-get19:51
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MohammadAGexcept those who have the old source (diabolical laugh)19:51
albancbarisione, you may be interested by what lardman|home says ^19:51
lardman|homealbanc: We've already spoken, but I don;t think he can fix it singlehandedly19:51
albancoh ok19:52
lardman|homeI'm ever hopeful they've changed things for PR1.2 anyway ;)19:52
lcuklardman|home, albanc and barisione are amongst the best, you will not find any developers closer to the correct apis ;)19:52
barisioneyeah, UI designers didn't like the lat,lon in the presence as something nice19:52
barisione*as it's not something nice19:52
barisioneso they just have a string19:52
lardman|homemy argument was that you already do a location lookup, so no harm in just storing lat/lon/precision data too19:52
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lardman|homealbanc: are you a Nokian, or a subcontractor, or just a mere mortal like me ;) ?19:54
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ponyofdeathso anyone in the us do an successfull upgrade to 1.2 wondering what the process is when i have the power kernel? Do I have to un-install that first?19:56
albanclardman|home, /whois albanc shows the company I am working for :)19:57
lardman|homeis there a known incompatibility with some extras-* app and the OTA update? I.e. a reason I don't see it at all?19:57
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lardman|homealbanc: ah ok, just thought I'd ask rather than prying ;)19:57
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DocScrutinizer51~tell lardman|home about pr1.219:59
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DocScrutinizer51lardman|home: this suggests there is no OTA yet19:59
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loufoque_can anyone tell me why the firmware for the UK is different than the rest?20:01
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sECuREmh, i have a german n900. is RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin the right PR 1.2 update file? (says maemo 5 global release)20:02
sECuREor will there be a more specific one tomorrow?20:03
ponyofdeathsECuRE: i guess from what i read tomorrow comes the specific versions all the regions20:04
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ponyofdeathnot too sure tho as i have the custom kernel and how that will play out :)20:05
DocScrutinizer51global version should work just fine20:05
ponyofdeathDocScrutinizer51: what are the differences?20:05
DocScrutinizer51not sure. but anyway they are minor to negligible20:06
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DocScrutinizer51not sure if there's any more specific version for germany at all20:07
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ponyofdeathDocScrutinizer51: do you know if I need to uninstall the power kernel first or the re-flash will overwrite that20:07
DocScrutinizer51for GB there are some vendor thingies in there20:07
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DocScrutinizer51sorry, no idea20:08
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ponyofdeathDocScrutinizer51: no problemo thx i will wait for the us version tomm and let things settle a bit20:08
DocScrutinizer51probably it will be overwritten by new kernel20:08
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sECuREDocScrutinizer51: did you update a german phone with it?20:11
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StrobefluxHtheB doesn't happen to come in here once in awhile?20:14
StrobefluxIt would be nice to see what he says about this thread
StrobefluxI would be delighted.20:15
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StskeepsStrobeflux: a bit of a witchhunt you're applying..20:17
StrobefluxIt is.20:17
StrobefluxSince he has now been taking credits for other peoples work for about 4 years.20:18
StrobefluxAnd he just keeps going and going, and no one does nothing.20:18
StrobefluxSeriously, this guy is even making money of it.20:18
StrobefluxReleasing tunes on Spotify and iTunes.20:18
StrobefluxIf he had atleast stopped at the free games releases.20:19
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lardman|homeDocScrutinizer51: ah my apologies, I was going from what it says here:
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DocScrutinizerlardman|home: also sorry, but I still miss the context20:21
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DocScrutinizerlardman|home: could you please quote the last phrase of the conversation you referred to20:22
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DocScrutinizeraah, nm20:24
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DocScrutinizeranyway no reason to be apologetic20:24
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valdynKhertan: i have no idea why, but my 3rd "Provider" in the list is "Nokia Messaging"20:24
DocScrutinizerlardman|home: somebody said OTA SSU will come tomorrow20:25
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valdynKhertan: maybe this is Region dependent too20:26
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DocScrutinizeryes, it is. The blogs talk about UK OTA today, other regions tomorrow. No idea how N900 decides which region it 'is'20:33
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer: variants20:33
sECuREhum, on it says the backup/restore would save files in /home/user/MyDocs, but when i do a backup, it is 4.8 MB big, while i have lots of bigger files in MyDocs20:33
sECuREhow comes?20:33
sECuREwill MyDocs be unavailable after flashing?20:33
valdynsECuRE: backup does not cover MyDocs and MyDocs is not touched when flashing20:34
DocScrutinizersECuRE: it doesn't 'save', it simply 'keeps'20:34
sECuREok, thanks20:34
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valdynDocScrutinizer: i was referring to an older discussion with Khertan where he cant see Nokia Messaging in his list of email providers in his n900 email client20:35
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DocScrutinizervaldyn: ooh, anyway it matched the other 'thread' as well :-D20:36
DocScrutinizerobviously kinda wildcard-comment ;-P20:37
valdynthe email widget doesn't work with nokia messaging.. anyone want to confirm?20:37
dhqi flashed to pr1.2 ...... i downloaded the version for india ........ and downloaded the emmc......... when i install the pr1.2 its boots fine ....after i install the emmc i get square boxes and weird buttons and when i click all that i get missing images on all the icons20:38
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lcukdhq, emmc BEFORE booting main flash20:38
lcukor if you like emmc, then main flash20:38
Milhousedid you boot in after flashing with 1.2 and before flashing the emmc?20:38
lcukduring first boot after a flash, content is moved from rootfs onto /home/opt20:38
lcukflashing emmc wipes that20:38
lcukkilling os20:38
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lcukso do both again without booting20:39
DocScrutinizerso, flash emmc, do NOT boot, flash roots20:39
dhqit automatically booted20:39
Milhouseflash roots, flash emmc, boot20:39
infobotMilhouse meant: flash roofs, flash emmc, boot20:40
lcukit doesnt matter which order as long as you dont boot :)20:40
lcukthe flashing documentation should have been updated20:40
Milhousethink my keyboard is failing - keeps missing random keys20:40
lcuklemme go peek20:40
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MohammadAGit was updated...20:40
sECuREwhat is the emmc about? i can’t find a PR 1.2 emmc file?20:40
Milhouseit's in red text next to the emmc download load as well20:40
lcukWhen flashing the eMMC content, always flash the FIASCO/Rootfs image first, then the eMMC. Do not boot up the device between the two!(Which means that do not use "-R" switch in command line when flashing FIASCO/Rootfs20:40
dhqemmc doesn not boot where as the otherone automatically boots up20:41
lcukthats on the emmc update instructions already :)20:41
MohammadAGwho crippled the grammar in there!20:41
MohammadAGI fixed it20:41
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MohammadAGoh, it was readded.20:41
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MohammadAGto the top warning20:41
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dhqi used this sudo flasher-3.5 -F <firmware-image> -f -R and it reboots20:43
lcuk(Which means that do not use "-R" switch in command line when flashing FIASCO/Rootfs20:43
MohammadAGI'm not sure if it can be clearer than that20:43
lcukyeah i know grammar is wrong, but the meaning remains20:43
lcuktbh we shouldnt specify -R in the main instructions20:43
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lcukand ensure people turn off etc20:44
sevanteriI was looking the pr1.2 changes and saw the "symlink /var/cache/apt to /home/apt-archives". I took a quick look how much space the whole /var directory takes and it takes like 56MB. Is it okay to symlink the whole /var to /home/var? are there any risks in this?20:44
MohammadAGlcuk, or update flasher to detect eMMC and FIASCO images automatically20:44
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MohammadAGbut *sigh*... it's closed20:44
lcuknahh MohammadAG20:45
lcukthat would still fail20:45
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lcukbecause people rarely grab flasher20:45
lcukbut always have to look up command line20:45
MohammadAGso... how do they use flasher if they don't grab it20:45
lcukrarely i said :p20:45
lcukie those that have it now already have it20:45
MohammadAGthen push it to the Debian repos20:45
MohammadAG(as well as other distros)20:46
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sECuREdouble-checking to not do it wrong: i downloaded the PR 1.2 global image (RX-...ARM.bin) and flasher 3.5. now i should use flasher-3.5 -F *.bin -f, without the -R flag?20:46
dhqfiasco 1st20:46
lcukalthough most people dont need to update emmc20:47
lcuksince they lose photos etc20:47
sECuREdhq: so i need fiasco 10.2010.13-2 first?20:47
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lcuksECuRE, technically you only need the fiasco20:48
lcukemmc should ONLY be done if you want to reset to factory (and should be done in combination with fiasco rootfs)20:48
sECuREok, i think i just got the images wrong. fiasco is RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin, right?20:49
sECuRE(i want to keep all my stuff and just want to go to pr1.2)20:49
SpeedEvilI don't think eMMC does a full wipe. That is, you might be able to recover stuff20:49
SpeedEvilIf you care about security that is.20:49
lcukSpeedEvil, not helpful20:50
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lcuksECuRE, yes20:50
valdynsECuRE: backup, apply that image, restore20:50
dhqphone not booting now :(20:50
sECuREok, thanks20:50
dhqshould i remove the battery and try20:50
lcukdhq, go for it20:50
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valdynsECuRE: and manually fix "advanced" settings you might have applied ( like stuff in /etc/ )20:51
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dhqlcuk: it booted20:51
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Kegetyshmh, skype video calling doesnt seem to work that well20:53
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Kegetyscouldnt see any video when turning it on, and when I disconnected the call the whole IM feature seemed to freeze and needed a reboot20:55
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wutranyone knows if the search function in the app manager of PR1.2 is moved or removed?20:56
wutr*does anyone know..20:56
sevanterijust start typing and it searches?20:57
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wutrbut I remember being able to press a dedicated search button20:57
wutrin 1.1.120:57
wutrwithout selecting a category first20:58
sevanteriit doesnt work if category isnt selected?20:58
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korhojoa_god daymit20:59
wutrone moment, installing an app now after finding it with the search method you provided20:59
korhojoa_anyone know how to get the virtual sdk image?20:59
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wutrkorhojoa: it's mentioned somewhere in the wiki21:00
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breakd0wnhey all, about to flash my emmc and to pr1.2. In the past I would always flash the emmc 1st, then the firmware. Looks like the directions have changed, or at least that part is confusing me21:01
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lirakisbreakd0wn, (shrug) i just flashed the base firmware image21:02
noobmonk3yhmmm is pyside now installable on app install?21:02
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: ack21:02
breakd0wnwant to clean up the emmc is why.21:02
wutrbreakd0wn: First FIASCO then eMMC (vanilla) and DON'T reboot inbetween21:03
lcukbreakd0wn, if you do emmc and then fiasco thats ok21:04
lcukthe only thing important is not rebooting21:04
lcukso stick with your normal instructions if you are used to doing it that way :)21:04
wutrsevanteri: it used to work, yes, at least inside a category, now it doesn't anymore21:04
noobmonk3ylcuk, and that is helpfully assisted by the flashing part - that auto reboots right? :P21:04
lcukthats the -R command line parameter21:04
breakd0wnthat's what is confusing me. I always thought the fiasco was *only* the kernel from the firmware image21:05
lcukso user error :P21:05
noobmonk3yyou clever ickle thing :P21:05
wutrow wait..21:05
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* noobmonk3y is finally updating healthcheck, wohooooooooo21:05
lcukbreakd0wn, yeah, but optification got in the way21:05
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: aiui a reboot between emmc flash and rootfs flash wouldn't hurt too much?21:06
wutrNow I'm sure, dedicated search option in app manager is gone or hidden at least21:06
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lcuksure DocScrutinizer but lets not muddy waters21:07
lcuksimply easier to explain no reboot inbetween - whichever way they do it21:07
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* DocScrutinizer can't resist21:07
infobotsomebody said optification was a inventive duct tape workaround to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the partitioning is FUBAR, or,_Deploying_and_Distributing/Installing_under_opt_and_MyDocs21:08
* microlith resists the urge to cynically troll the MeeGo N900 community support thread21:08
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wall[e]nooo.... oh no... I thought i'll have to move to #meego but i'll have to stick here for the rest of my life..21:09
wall[e]with MohammadAG21:09
noobmonk3ylol wall[e] could be worse, imagine 5 MohammadAG's in here lol21:10
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MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, what's that supposed to mean *grins*21:10
* noobmonk3y thinks 1 MohammadAG is just the right number ;)21:10
lejonetTime to fix my expensive paperweight :P21:10
breakd0wnyeah, i will follow the new directions :) flash firmware, skip -R, flash mmc, done21:10
MohammadAGupdated the wiki a bit21:10
MohammadAGmight be useful21:11
MohammadAGbut it needs a nuke21:11
MohammadAGor actually21:11
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* lejonet hands MohammadAG a nuke21:11
MohammadAGremoving the common parts21:11
wall[e]finish d/l firmware! flash time weee21:11
achipaX-Fade: still around ?21:11
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* MohammadAG throws it at the Akamai servers21:11
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X-Fadeachipa: yep21:11
MohammadAG"You have been signed out of the PlayStation (R) Network" I shouldn't have nuked them21:12
lejonetHaha :P21:12
achipaX-Fade: sorry to bother, seen your comment, much appreciated, but I still have no promote button ?21:12
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X-Fadeachipa: Hmm it must hate you then.21:12
MohammadAGachipa, did you log in? (it happens :P)21:12
lcuktime to turn off irc again back tomorrow \o21:13
MohammadAGand did you visit the specific version of the package's page?21:13
achipaMohammadAG: yep :)21:13
MohammadAG\o lcuk21:13
lcukooo before i go21:13
lcukX-Fade, sdk synced and open now?21:13
achipaX-Fade: oh, I can live with hate  if it let's me promote :D21:13
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breakd0wnMohammadAG: thanks21:13
infobotachipa meant: X-Fade: oh, I can live with hate  if it lets me promote :D21:13
achipaX-Fade: ah, spotted it21:14
X-Fadelcuk: You are talking weird stuff today, I really don't understand what you mean ;)21:14
achipaX-Fade: still missing the qtscript thingy21:14
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achipaX-Fade: is that automatic ? or do I need to do something ?21:14
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lcukX-Fade, nb#17020321:14
X-Fadeachipa: Is that in nokia-apps?21:15
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achipaX-Fade: yes. They forgot to upload it initially, but it did land eventually21:15
X-FadeI am just importing that.21:15
lejonetMohammadAG: Hmm, I managed to flash the kernel, that small little = was the little culprit :P21:15
achipaditto for libqt4-test21:15
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X-FadeSo will take 10 minutes or so before it is indexed.21:15
alteregoAlmost finished backing up my laptop ready for buntu 10.0421:15
lejonetMohammadAG: That is what I would call irony :P21:16
achipaX-Fade: np21:16
MohammadAGlejonet, oh forgot to fix that21:16
MohammadAGsaw it wrong in the wiki21:16
lejonet:P No probs, huge thanks yourself :P21:16
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MohammadAGok, done some edits to the wiki21:17
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lejonetAnd now I got a functioning phone again ^^21:18
lejonetTime to take an backup and flash to PR1.2 :P21:18
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lcuk\o/ X-Fade it is updated, i can now install "build-essential" on a default device (theres enough space also)21:19
breakd0wnthat scared the hell out of me, was sitting at the 5 dots part for a long time21:19
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lardman|homeDocScrutinizer: re OTA, ok thanks, and apologies for my rather disjointed conversation, Holly booted me off the PC for a while! ;)21:20
lcukyup X-Fade it was out of date and one of the blockers for mucking about, but now everything is synced again21:20
MohammadAGlcuk, I'd rather use qole's image :P21:20
lcukMohammadAG, sure, but i just wanted it for something21:20
DocScrutinizerlardman|home: yw, np21:20
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X-Fadecommunity contribution in nokia-applications now:
lejonetHmm, do you need anything more than an cross-compiler for ARM to compile an kernel for the N900? (Or only madde maybe?)21:21
MohammadAGX-Fade, what does 'explicit' mean21:22
MohammadAGlejonet, not sure if MADDE works, I use scratchbox21:22
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: err what?21:22
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, the package was promoted to nokia-applications (no warning on download)21:23
lejonetMohammadAG: Explicity roughly means literally21:23
X-Fadelibqtm-multimedia uses it.21:23
breakd0wnawesome, pr 1.2, finally. Thanks for help guys :)21:23
lejonetMohammadAG: I'll check it out21:23
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SpeedEvillcuk: How? apt-get says no.21:23
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lcukSpeedEvil, with the sdk and tools repository it says yes21:24
DocScrutinizerforce it, beat it, lart it :-P21:24
lcukbefore it would require lots of messing21:24
lcukand removal of things21:24
SpeedEvilI don't think I have the SDK repo enabled21:24
lcukor shuffling21:24
lcuknow it just works21:24
SpeedEvilWhere is it/21:24
MohammadAGSDK repo21:25
DocScrutinizerSDK repo on N900 ?21:25
MohammadAGwhy not21:25
lcukpersonally want all packages within build-essential to be optified but theres no push to optify SDK tools21:25
DocScrutinizersounds odd21:25
MohammadAGI got a (virtual) beer from you because of it21:25
lcukhas info21:25
MohammadAGlcuk, libs can't be optified afaik21:25
lcuksure they can21:26
MohammadAGunless you have a better solution21:26
MohammadAGnot with maemo-optify21:26
lcukand /usr/share/include could have easily been21:26
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lcukMohammadAG, thats maemo-optify limitation, not that they cant be put into /opt21:26
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lcukheh first revision of maemo-optify-boottime had include as one of its config items21:27
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infoboti guess optification is a inventive duct tape workaround to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the partitioning is FUBAR, or,_Deploying_and_Distributing/Installing_under_opt_and_MyDocs21:27
DocScrutinizermove friggin /usr to eMMC21:27
DocScrutinizeras well as /var!21:28
MohammadAGlet's move / to /dev/null21:28
DocScrutinizermake sur those are mounted in time21:28
MohammadAGlcuk, why was it dropped then21:29
DocScrutinizerand find a fix for rootfs flashing "postinstall" script21:29
DocScrutinizerthen let's move ~optification to /dev/null :-P21:30
lcukDocScrutinizer, you can play and test things21:30
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DocScrutinizeryeah, but every update will render device in a completely borked state - that's the main problem21:31
DocScrutinizerand as long as there's no install-time --no-otification switch it won't help anyway21:32
SpeedEvilfor includes - surely simply a symlink would work just fine21:32
* DocScrutinizer always thought or maybe hoped optification was *all about* symlinks, and nothing else21:33
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DocScrutinizeran application that has /opt pathes hardcoded should be stuffed down the developer's throat anyway21:34
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* noobmonk3y cries :(21:36
noobmonk3ynot all developers know what a symlink is lol <--------------Hint Hint21:36
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, about 4 devs do that here21:38
chadievening/morning, healthcheck! =)21:38
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MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, and frals are two :)21:39
alteregoIs there a good guide on optification?21:39
alteregoBest practices docs are usually quite handy with things like these :P21:39
* noobmonk3y does it :) - mainly out of ignorance21:39
noobmonk3yevening chadi !!21:39
chadiwhat's up with PR1.2?21:40
noobmonk3yhows the life of chadi these days?21:40
DocScrutinizeralterego: here it comes: cp <crap> /home/opt/<younameit>/<crap>; make a symling to original location21:40
noobmonk3ywhat do you mean what's up? :)apart from mine has a love obsession with portrait mode21:40
DocScrutinizers/cp /mv /21:40
infobotDocScrutinizer meant: alterego: here it comes: mv <crap> /home/opt/<younameit>/<crap>; make a symling to original location21:40
noobmonk3ygot the textBrowser to do hyperlinkies21:40
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chadimy life? exams - what's with portrait mode? never seen it in pr1.2 apart from phone and web...21:41
alteregoDocScrutinizer: symlink it to what?21:41
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lejonetHmm, what backup software is recommended? :P21:41
noobmonk3ychadi - some other apps support it , like pygtkeditor - and mine + broswer ae permanently potraiting - except when i force them into landscape by opening the keyboard21:41
noobmonk3yeeeeek exams?21:41
noobmonk3ywhich ones?21:41
DocScrutinizeralterego: e.g. ln -s /home/opt/mycrap/crap /usr/bin/carp21:41
alteregoAh, right.21:42
noobmonk3yDocScrutinizer, i appreciate the effort to get me to do things right, but you are speaking greeklish :P21:42
alteregoDocScrutinizer: and that's the best practise is it?21:42
alteregoI suppose that's as good as any.21:42
lcukgnite \o21:42
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noobmonk3ynite lcuk :D21:42
alteregoDon't really want a mamoth PATH variable.21:42
chadihealthcheck: that's great. my exams: computer organization, electronics, signals, algorithms21:43
DocScrutinizeralterego: exactly that is the rationale21:43
Turksquestion. how do i run compiled software on the n800?21:43
alteregoDocScrutinizer: well, good to know, as I'll be needing to do that soon enough.21:43
Turkskeeps saying permission denied running it in a terminal21:43
alteregoDocScrutinizer: what about /{home/,}opt/* naming conventions?21:43
DocScrutinizernothing authoritative afaik21:44
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alteregoI was thinking: /{home/,}opt/ or something.21:44
DocScrutinizergood idea might be to have a <mycrap>/ and in there duplicate the original folder names like <mycrap/bin/ <mycrap/usr/sbin/ etc21:45
alteregoActually, that's too C:\Program Files - ee21:45
alteregoDocScrutinizer: well, I thought that was a given :P21:45
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odin_so has anyone in the UK has App Manager notify them of PR1.2 update ?  I keep manually asking App Man to update every few hours and still nothing21:47
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alteregoodin_: are you with vodafone?21:47
odin_yup, but I am polling WLAN (UK DSL service)21:48
alteregoodin_: have you ever flashed your device using the Nokia fiasco images?21:48
odin_vodafone but not subsidised, handset was direct from Nokia but UK/NL version21:48
alteregoodin_: ah, okay.21:48
odin_yup I did for the last PR release (after a failed update)21:49
alteregoodin_: not sure what your problem is then.21:49
alteregoI manually flashed mine, but I prefer doing that for every update tbh.21:49
DocScrutinizermaybe flashed global version?21:49
alteregoAh, would that make a difference?21:49
odin_well no it still knows its a UK/NL version21:49
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DocScrutinizer[2010-05-25 19:33:08] <DocScrutinizer> yes, it is. The blogs talk about UK OTA today, other regions tomorrow. No idea how N900 decides which region it 'is'21:50
DocScrutinizer[2010-05-25 19:33:20] <Stskeeps> DocScrutinizer: variants21:50
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odin_there are only a few versions ? EMEA, USA and ???21:50
Milhouset.m.o forum just gone off the air?21:50
StskeepsMilhouse: it was at record users earlier as ell21:50
alteregoAh, well, I always flash global edition21:51
roquettohas anyone ever experienced weird segfaults on scratchbox running on a x86_64 box?21:51
MilhouseStskeeps: thanks, just getting connection timeouts - guess it's keeled over21:51
alteregoroquetto: under the ARM target?21:51
odin_no the keyboard layout is UK/NL I guess, the hardware model I have21:51
jacekowskiroquetto: rtfw21:51
odin_there are 3 global versions21:51
jacekowskiroquetto: there is everything in wiki21:51
roquettoalterego: no, freemantle_x8621:52
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alteregoodin_: he means, which image did you flash? Global or UK version?21:52
jacekowskiodin_: one21:52
roquettojacekowski: thanks21:52
odin_there is no UK one21:52
alteregoodin_: yes there is.21:52
jacekowskiodin_: there will be tomorrow21:52
jacekowskialterego: no there isn;t21:52
roquettojacekowski: i will re read it, i might have missed something21:52
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odin_it is the keyboard layout that is UK/NL, but its the standard EMEA versions flashed21:52
jacekowskiroquetto: esspecialy part about vdso21:52
alteregoThat's the UK version21:52
jacekowskialterego: that's not UK21:53
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alterego"Latest Maemo 5 UK release for Nokia N900 "21:53
Chikuit's not possible21:53
alteregoIS the site lying?21:53
jacekowskiwhen they released it21:53
jacekowskiit wasn't there couple hours ago when i looked21:53
alteregoIT's been on there since this morning21:53
alteregoWell, I downloaded the global edition about 12 hours ago, and it was there then ..21:53
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alteregojacekowski: I know it was there then, because I thought (wow, the UK version is actually there the same time as all the other versions ... neat)21:54
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DocScrutinizerRX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1.002_PR_COMBINED_002_ARM.bin 187852797 PR 1.2 version 10.2010.19-1 Latest Maemo 5 USA release for Nokia N90021:55
DocScrutinizerRX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1.003_PR_COMBINED_003_ARM.bin 187852797 PR 1.2 version 10.2010.19-1 Latest Maemo 5 Middle East and North Africa release for Nokia N90021:55
DocScrutinizerRX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1.004_PR_COMBINED_004_ARM.bin 187590653 PR 1.2 version 10.2010.19-1 Latest Maemo 5 India release for Nokia N90021:55
DocScrutinizerRX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin 187721717 PR 1.2 version 10.2010.19-1 Latest Maemo 5 Global release for Nokia N90021:55
odin_yes I see that now a UK version21:56
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alteregoDocScrutinizer: that was yesterday.21:56
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: where is UK version on that list?21:56
odin_which things make the UK special ?  WLAN regs ?  Telecomms regs ?21:56
alteregoHow long has the update been on the tablets-dev?21:56
jacekowskiodin_: nobody knows21:56
alteregoodin_: nothing afaik, except maybe the OTA :P21:56
SpeedEvilodin_: It's just cooler.21:57
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jacekowskikeyboard layout?21:57
alteregojacekowski: doesn't really matter.21:57
odin_well its a UK and NL keyboard layout I have (or hardware is same at least, as it was on the outside of the box)21:58
alteregoMy keyboard layout is fine, with (£ instead of $) and after selecting region on inital boot. No problem.21:58
alteregoIn fact, I didn't even have to set the region, the global firmware already knew I was in the UK ..21:58
DocScrutinizerodin_: I have a international qwerty layout now. Been german qwertz. The *hardware* is the same all over the planet21:59
odin_well no... the keyboard layout, altho only a sticker, it a different hardware model, thats just the way it works21:59
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sECuREis it just me or is the vibration more powerful in 1.2?22:00
DocScrutinizerodin_: sorry if I was too terse in my prev post. I changed the keymat, but the electronic hardware is still "german" which is the same as >N900-generic>22:00
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odin_however with regards to WLAN and BT and GSM/3G etc.. yes same hardware but programmed differently22:01
X-FadeCan somebody with a UK image device create a tarball of /var/lib/apt/lists for me?22:02
odin_maybe someone should photographic their keyboard layouts and WIKI them so everyone knows what everyones elses looks like22:02
X-FadeI don't have access to a UK device, but need to check something for the Packages interface.22:02
DocScrutinizer51so there's no reason to bother about which image might 'match' your N90022:02
roquettojacekowski: is disabling vsdo all I can try? i had already tried those info on the wiki, without success22:03
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odin_I think I may have reflashed PR1.1.1 with Global release not UK (as I'm sure a UK one was not up there when I last looked, maybe that is what they meant by delayed UK release last time, but I too fast to notice)22:03
Wolfiei wonder why frals has decided to center-align the mms text field...22:04
alteregoX-Fade: unfortunately I'm using global. Can you not just unpack the image yourself and look? :P22:04
odin_it was a case of, "USA" well no thats not me..... "Middle East and North Africa"  errr no thats not me..... AH!  "Global" that will do22:04
alteregoodin_: exactly what I was thinking when I started doing it ;)22:04
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Wolfiealso, line breaking is totally funky in fMMS22:05
alteregoI heard the difference between other variants and the UK variant was Labour insisting on having a keylogger installed by default.22:05
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alteregoThat and GPS remote activation handled in the CMT firmware.22:06
DocScrutinizer51odin_: and that's probanly the reason your device DOES NOT think it's a UK and thus no OTA SSU for you yet22:06
TomaszDthis is a public service announcement, if you're having troubles with skype video calls, update your desktop client. It works with the latest windows client.22:06
Wolfieumm... doesn't fMMS have any kind of timeout?22:07
* DocScrutinizer51 runs for latest windows22:07
Wolfieoh, there it went22:07
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DocScrutinizer51~nuke skype22:08
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at skype ... B☢☢M!22:08
DocScrutinizer51useless crap22:08
lardman|homeHmm, I imagine my device also doens't think it's a UK version22:08
noobmonk3yMohammadAG, will you be doing anything in , ummmm a few minutes?22:08
MohammadAGyeah, I'm gonna check my schedule to see if I have anything in the next few minutes22:09
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* noobmonk3y taps fingers n waits22:09
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* MohammadAG sees noobmonk3y waiting for a loop22:09
* noobmonk3y checks with MohammadAG again.... 22:10
noobmonk3yfree? :D22:10
* noobmonk3y slaps frals with a trout22:10
noobmonk3yfancy doing a quick devel update to see if a new h/c has randomly appeared for an update? :D22:11
MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, when did you upload it?22:11
noobmonk3yabout 2 mins ago, so may take a few secs22:11
MohammadAGnot really22:11
MohammadAGthe autobuilder runs at :5 and :3522:11
MohammadAGwait 30 minutes :)22:12
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MohammadAG23 to be more exact22:12
noobmonk3ywhen did that happen?22:12
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noobmonk3ybuild suceeded on my screen :)22:12
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MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, when a build succeeds it needs to be imported22:13
noobmonk3yomg is this new in the last 2 weeks?22:13
MohammadAGfrom what I understand it's been like that ever since the builder was made22:13
MohammadAGyou just timed it right22:13
noobmonk3ynaaa, mine have always been updatable on the device after about 3 mins22:13
MohammadAGbut you're special22:13
noobmonk3ynow that be true!22:13
* MohammadAG high fives lcu22:14
alteregonoobmonk3y: you've obviously got working to within a half hour cycle down a treat :P22:14
MohammadAGdamn, he left22:14
noobmonk3ytakes a while for the packages list to show it as updated tho about an hour or so usually22:14
* noobmonk3y is gonna be proved wrong lol - no update yet22:15
* noobmonk3y whinges22:15
alteregoI wonder how long it'll take the N900 to have a good workable host USB implementation22:15
DocScrutinizer~MohammadAG is special22:15
infobotDocScrutinizer: okay22:15
alteregoThe work going into it is looking very good indeed, and almost there it seems.22:15
noobmonk3y~DocScrutinizer is one bad ass mofo22:15
infobotcannot alter locked factoids, noobmonk3y22:15
X-Fadeif ($app->name == "healthcheck") die ();22:15
X-FadeOh, did I paste that? :)22:15
* noobmonk3y blinks :(22:16
MohammadAGinfobot, MohammadAG22:16
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, mohammadag is special22:16
noobmonk3yX-Fade,  surely dus mame/torture();22:16
MohammadAGoh god22:16
midas_alterego: im not sure if the n900 actually supports it22:16
noobmonk3yMohammadAG,  healthcheck now in extras devel22:16
MohammadAGdouble you tea ef22:16
alteregomidas_: they've already got it working in some sense of the work.22:17
noobmonk3yicon has gone walk abouts again, oh well22:17
infobotalterego meant: midas_: they've already got it wording in some sense of the work.22:17
midas_a okay22:17
alteregomidas_: there's a nice long t.m.o thread about it, unfortunately it's rather ironically named ;)22:17
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MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, err, you got it in the last minute :S22:18
noobmonk3ylol MohammadAG :P22:18
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noobmonk3yi r the special one22:18
DocScrutinizeralterego: we're working on it ;-P22:18
alteregoDocScrutinizer: I know, and I can't wait until there's something workable for everyone :)22:19
MohammadAGinfobot, DocScrutinizer22:19
infobotdocscrutinizer is probably jOERG, a HW-developer and engineer of Openmoko22:19
MohammadAGlol noobmonk3y she ignored you22:19
noobmonk3yquite possibly22:19
noobmonk3yanyway MohammadAG, updated? :D :D22:19
alteregoIs openmoko still alive?22:19
MohammadAGas long as they don't kill it22:20
DocScrutinizersnot in the sense you're implying22:20
RST38hso, pr1.2 out?22:20
noobmonk3yRST38h, nope, all a dream22:20
MohammadAGif you ask you'll get kicked22:20
noobmonk3yno MohammadAG , thats 1.3 now22:20
infoboti heard pr1.2 is available since early Tuesday morning. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update22:21
Stskeepsand the forums errupted in horror over the 'no commercial support for meego on n900'22:21
alteregoNow, should I run 32 or 64 bit ubuntu, I've used 64 bit for about 2 years now, but the latent flash bug is really annoying.22:21
MohammadAGRST38h, ask infobot about pr1.322:21
noobmonk3yStskeeps, really?22:21
Stskeepswhich is possibly, just possibly, more toxic than my distmaster review thread22:21
noobmonk3yStskeeps, only the odd vocal few22:21
noobmonk3yStskeeps, the rest are waiting on what could be possible community wise :P22:21
* Stskeeps is watching eurovision22:21
* noobmonk3y lols22:21
tybollt_noobmonk3y: I'm vocal - not odd!22:21
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Stskeepsyeah.. :P22:21
noobmonk3ylol tybollt_  ;)22:21
thpalterego: never had a problem with flash on 64bit ubuntu (but only went 64bit in january)22:21
MohammadAGsome show that recently started afaik22:22
* X-Fade slaps Stskeeps 22:22
Stskeepsand the finnish song atm is .. interesting22:22
noobmonk3ynot on uk channels :(22:22
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: I guess it will make it into prime time news on CNN22:22
MohammadAGOi, you got PR1.2 first, wait for everything else22:22
noobmonk3yomfg BBC 322:22
noobmonk3ythats quite funny22:22
noobmonk3ydegraded to a channel no one watches22:23
noobmonk3yloving finnish folkyness22:23
matthew-MohammadAG: what do u mean, pr1.2 released?22:23
Stskeepsthey're actually singing n900's running meego22:23
noobmonk3ymatthew-, released today22:23
DocScrutinizermatthew-: what do YOU mean?22:23
noobmonk3ywell kinda22:23
Stskeeps.. and you can't have them!22:23
alteregothp: I have a problem with the mouse, it's a known issue, not sure about the environment exactly which causes it, but it is very common. Basically my left-mouse button doesn't work as it should, I have to hack it by pushing middle and then clicking left to get it to work properly. Though, this isn't the case for all apps, I suspect some are written not to care about which button for their controls ..22:23
noobmonk3yOTA for the UK, and the rest tomorrow, but you can flash22:23
matthew-ANyone knows if it's out in UK yet?22:23
matthew-ah ok22:23
MohammadAGinfobot, pr1.322:23
infobotsomebody said pr1.3 was a ban'able subject now.....22:23
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* noobmonk3y laughs22:24
* noobmonk3y got in early with that one ;)22:24
jacekowskiroquetto: disabling vdso will fix it22:24
noobmonk3yoh eurovision semi final22:24
roquettojacekowski: thanks22:24
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noobmonk3yMohammadAG, Healthcheck killed your device yet?22:25
MohammadAGConnection to closed.22:25
MohammadAGkind of22:25
MohammadAGno trout to host22:25
noobmonk3ydoing what?22:25
MohammadAGssh got swapped22:26
DocScrutinizernoobmonk3y: you're doing it wrong. To know how to reliably kill the device, you need lesson from me ;-P22:26
noobmonk3ylol DocScrutinizer :P22:26
MohammadAGand i2cset22:26
* noobmonk3y is confused22:26
noobmonk3ywhats ssh got to do with h/c?22:26
noobmonk3ywhy do some of the countries sing in english... meh - would much rather here the nationals language lyrics22:27
threshbecause they want to win?22:27
noobmonk3ybut everyone hates england lol22:27
noobmonk3yit ruins their chances22:27
noobmonk3yunless immigrants vote22:27
MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, aren't YOU english?22:28
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noobmonk3yMohammadAG, half :P and lol - tis true tho22:28
MohammadAGoh wait, forgot the parts you talked about in PM22:28
* thresh doesnt hate england22:28
noobmonk3yenglish people due to recent wars etc, arn't the mot loved people in the world,22:29
noobmonk3yi still blame G W Bush, but meh...22:29
threshhmm I wonder what russians are then22:29
noobmonk3yrussians are russian maybe?22:29
threshcould be true22:29
alteregoI think England is mainly unpopular in England, well, and the middle-east22:29
DocScrutinizerI'd think there's quite a difference between english and US22:29
noobmonk3ylol alterego good point22:29
alteregoBut the Middle-East hate everyone that isn't themselves.22:30
MohammadAGyes, I hate you alterego22:30
* DocScrutinizer in fact likes British22:30
noobmonk3yDocScrutinizer, i agree, but i do find sometimes everyone gets bundled up in 1 cozy package.....22:30
noobmonk3yand yes it depends on where in the world you are i suppose :D22:30
alteregoMohammadAG: I come from burma? ...22:30
MohammadAGI come in peace22:30
alteregoI suppose that isn't really middle ..22:30
MohammadAG(mars afaik?)22:30
noobmonk3yMohammadAG, did you ever actually upgrade healthcheck? lol22:31
MohammadAGalterego, I'm from the ME lol22:31
alteregoI leave in peices :)22:31
noobmonk3yis that a bloke?!?!22:31
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RST38hMohammadAG: Just take along a BFG900022:31
MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, actually no, here's a reason After this operation, 43.6MB of additional disk space will be used.22:31
noobmonk3yMohammadAG, pyqt stuff :P22:32
noobmonk3ystill got 95mb free in my rootfs :P22:32
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DocScrutinizer~art appmanager22:32
DocScrutinizer~lart appmanager22:33
* infobot shoots appmanager in his sleep22:33
DocScrutinizer..., for not showing the volume where the disk space will be allocated22:33
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noobmonk3yright - need to go get chineseyness!22:33
noobmonk3yyeah doc :P22:33
noobmonk3yhealthcheck is still tiny :(22:33
noobmonk3ybut uses a bloody load of dependencies22:33
MohammadAG and
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MohammadAGRST38h, second one is my favorite22:34
tybollt_flashing manually involves wiping22:34
MohammadAGI take it to school22:34
tybollt_OTA is teh shit22:34
alteregoMY rootfs is now 87.9, but I've installed all my apps back.22:34
noobmonk3y:D :D22:34
DocScrutinizerideally from HAM pkg details you should be able to tell if a app is optified or not22:34
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, you got one? (Scar-H)22:35
noobmonk3yright off to go get food, back laters22:35
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: errr wut?22:35
MohammadAGget me some22:35
MohammadAGoh and get frals some trouts22:35
noobmonk3yduck :D w0000p22:35
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, second link I posted22:35
noobmonk3yclose enough22:35
RST38hMohammadAG: Given the nature of the problem, I really expected you to go for WMDs...22:35
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: unrelated noise gets usually ignore by me22:36
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, it's only a few lines up22:36
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MohammadAGRST38h, :)22:36
DocScrutinizerI see, but can't get bothered to click it22:36
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MohammadAGI thought you liked weaponry :P22:37
RST38hMohammadAG: Yea, except that these are half-mythical22:37
DocScrutinizerthere's no tag "waeponery" on it...22:37
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DocScrutinizerno I may consider checking it22:37
crsHi guys. How can I switch to silent and back to General profiles at given times?22:37
MohammadAGRST38h, it's the 25th killstreak22:37
MohammadAGso I don't get it often22:37
chadiI can't capture IVs on easy debian using airodump (data is 0 on all networks, even though there is a lot of active clients). Do you guys also have this poroblem?22:37
alteregocrs: set two alarms to prompt you to do it yourself? :P22:37
MohammadAGI use #maemo as my spawn point22:37
crsalterego: Haha :)22:38
MohammadAGcrs, alarmed22:38
RST38hMohammadAG: Yea, these will do22:38
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tybollt_Updates to the Ovi Maps application, but no voice navigation yet.22:39
alteregotybollt_: I posted that earlier, hilarious ;)22:39
tybollt_alterego: yes sorry didnt mean to post the link ;)22:39
alteregotybollt_: Oh, right :P22:39
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DocScrutinizercrs: check alarmed app22:44
DocScrutinizercrs: and tweakr maybe22:44
* MohammadAG prefers alarmed22:44
DocScrutinizertweakr just for additional profiles22:45
MohammadAGShapeshifter, you should cut down on the options, they're a bit confusing :)22:45
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: don't listen to him, he gets confused in his own trousers' bags22:45
DocScrutinizererr pockets22:46
n900-dk_infobot: Are we there yet?22:46
MohammadAG#maemo should cut down on DocScrutinizers22:47
* alterego contemplates writing an app that allows you to setup the device to act as an ubuntu installer.22:47
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alteregoI'd find that quite useful, being able to switch between it being able to install 32bit and 64bit ubuntu22:47
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DocScrutinizer~ubuntu alterego22:49
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* infobot lovingly explains to alterego in a way that causes alterego to weep with gratitude that alterego must read the fine, friendly manual22:49
simoneb_i'm trying to skip to the next track in the media player from the command line. i've seen that the media player widget sends to the dbus a command that ends with "member=get_next". How do I turn that into a command for dbus-send?22:49
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DocScrutinizeralterego: ubuntu ->
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Spitfire_Enjoying the new Firmware :)?22:50
DocScrutinizernah, it's lame22:50
simoneb_Spitfire_: no new firmware here yet22:50
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, hey, the guy on the left like commenting out stuff22:51
Spitfire_Simoneb_ look on tablet.Nokia :)22:51
simoneb_Spitfire_: uh?
DocScrutinizersimoneb_: check and fine a matching template to tweak22:51
alteregoDocScrutinizer: no maemo :P22:52
infobot[pr1.2] available since early Tuesday morning. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update22:52
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DocScrutinizersimoneb_: esp I suggest
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simoneb_DocScrutinizer: that's to play a file22:55
DocScrutinizeryes, I know22:55
crsDocScrutinizer: Is it in extras?22:56
DocScrutinizersimoneb_: ""...and find a matching template to **tweak**""22:56
simoneb_DocScrutinizer: i was infacts wondering about that two and why they were so different22:56
crsDocScrutinizer: Do you mean alarmd?22:56
DocScrutinizerextras-devel afaik22:57
crscan't find it22:57
simoneb_i just tried the dbus-send-music-pause, but it doesn't seem to pause the music player...22:57
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DocScrutinizeralarmed ^^22:58
DocScrutinizerthough this should work better now, with 1.222:58
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Dassu:/ hmm, still getting stuttering through skype(wlan)22:59
DocScrutinizerwasn't it worse when skype would refuse to transmit stuttering ? ;-P23:00
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tybollt_was the ovi suite version compatible w/ n900 released yet?23:01
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DocScrutinizercya dudes, this is a day too boring with too few new exciting things happening, to make me stay on IRC the whole evening :-P23:02
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* DocScrutinizer --> dinner23:03
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DocScrutinizersimoneb_: I just wondered if maybe the first (play) is addressed to the GUI, to put the file into the playlist and pop up on screen, while the 2nd is to the actual playing daemon to cause it pause the playback23:06
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Turksany decent barcode scanners for the n80023:07
DrGrovPR 1.2 out now!?23:07
DocScrutinizersee /topic23:07
b-man17well, for the UK23:07
simoneb_DocScrutinizer: i found the answer here where it says Pause what's currently playing, just change "pause" into "next"23:07
DocScrutinizerno, for everybody23:07
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DocScrutinizersimoneb_: fair enough23:07
DrGrovDocScrutinizer, it is out for everybody?!? :)23:07
DrGrovGod damn!23:07
* b-man17 didn't get an update notification23:07
DrGrovParty time!23:08
simoneb_DocScrutinizer: i'm trying to make some buttons for my laptop's desktop, to control the n900's music player23:08
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DocScrutinizer[2010-05-25 22:03:10] * DocScrutinizer --> dinner23:09
DrGrovDocScrutinizer, PR 1.2 is also available in Finland then I presume?23:09
b-man17DocScrutinizer: i thought that the UK was getting it today, and everyone else tomorrow23:10
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DocScrutinizer>>The update is available OTA in the UK, but if you want to flash your device to get a fresh start, grab the firmware images from here.23:11
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DrGrovDocScrutinizer, any news on that the phone can be used in portrait mode also for most apps?23:13
MohammadAGHow many times was that confirmed to be NOT coming to Maemo 5?23:14
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* b-man will just wait for the OTA update to arrive for his area23:14
b-manhello, johnsq23:14
MohammadAGb-man, your ubuntu rootfs is kinda borked :P23:15
MohammadAGhey johnsq23:15
Dima202Is it possible to run the flasher if i have only 50% battery life?23:15
Dima202just came home and want to update =)23:16
b-manMohammadAG: everything is outdated23:16
ToJa92I had like 15% when I flashed23:16
microlithDima202: I wouldn't run it if not plugged in...23:16
MohammadAGb-man, actually, /bin/bash isn't executable :)23:16
MohammadAGDima202, yes23:17
thpmicrolith: well, you can't flash if you're not plugged into USB ;)23:17
MohammadAGb-man, I was kinda going to work on it but.. it looked for /scratchbox23:17
Dima202ok, thanks i'll give it a shot23:17
MohammadAGfor some reason...23:17
microliththp: ahh, I was thinking doing the update from the repos instead23:17
MohammadAGb-man, also is the most f'd up place I've been to, can't find the image23:17
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MohammadAGoh and still haven't paid for that thingy XP23:18
RST38hhmmm...flash or OTA? it is a difficult question23:18
threshyou already have OTA, RST38h ?23:18
b-manMohammadAG: they don't host images, it's a package repository - you have to bootstrap your own23:18
RST38htoo early for us23:18
threshi'm too lazy to reflash23:18
RST38hwell, reflashing is proto is somewhat complicated in my case23:18
MohammadAGb-man, I wasn't looking for a root image, I was looking for something to start bootstrapping with lol23:19
threshand I would need something to waste my at work tomorrow, too23:19
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MohammadAGI got the imax51 image, but I feel I went off course there23:19
b-manMohammadAG: do you have debootstrap? :)23:19
Dima202hmm Suitable USB device not found, waiting.23:19
* b-man sends you mine23:19
b-man1 sec23:20
MohammadAG0 upgraded, 206 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.23:20
MohammadAGNeed to get 78.7MB/214MB of archives.23:20
MohammadAG <-- at least my backups help23:20
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ToJa92[Dima202]: What os do you have?23:20
RST38hAre you in the UK or what?23:20
Dima202Windows 723:20
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MohammadAGGet:15 ./ tunewiki-community 1.0.7 [628kB]         wohoo fixed apt (this is illegal - kind of - right?)23:20
Viliny__crashanddie you here?23:21
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ToJa92look here:
ToJa92under 64-bit section23:21
ToJa92didn't work for me though, I just had to get my school laptop with xp 32-bits23:21
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b-manMohammadAG: i'll get you a guide, 1 sec23:23
* Dima202 rebooting23:23
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ZogGis extra dev down or just for 1.2 is not created yet?23:23
ToJa92it works for me23:23
MohammadAGb-man, oh it installs to the N900?23:24
ZogGToJa92 always "can't resolve"23:24
b-manMohammadAG: yes23:24
ToJa92[ZogG]: Do you have the correct url?23:24
b-manMohammadAG: i optified it ;)23:24
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MohammadAGb-man, wouldn't scratchbox be faster? :)23:24
hawai`iMohammadAG: you have PM23:25
ZogGToJa92, not sure23:25
ZogGb-man, what's that for? =)23:25
simoneb_seems i can't use dbus-send with a user which isn't "user" or "root" ... any clues? i tried with ...23:25
ZogGMohammadAG, you have me23:25
b-manMohammadAG: bootstraping on the device would be easier - and probably faster23:25
ToJa92[ZogG]: Remove it and add again then:
ZogGwhat is boot straping23:25
MohammadAGb-man, kk :)23:25
b-manZogG: bootstraping an ubuntu image :)23:25
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hawai`iHas anybody noticed HUGE hammering of browserd and rtcom-messaging-ui with PR1.2?23:26
hawai`ier, proc hammering.23:26
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ZogGb-man i have no clue what is boot straing, can you explain in few words or it's better to google? =)23:26
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hawai`i2 packages changed fingerprints in the repositories23:26
Srycheanyone using opera mobile?23:26
ToJa92[Sryche]: I have tried it23:27
ZogGif i make restoring the programs and select only few from list - do i loose the installed ones?23:27
ToJa92using MicroB / Minefield now though23:27
b-manZogG: bootstraping is the process of gathering packages from a repository to construct/install the distribution on the device23:27
summelSryche: sometimes23:27
SrycheToJa92, i see. how did you updated microb to latest version?23:27
summelopera looks nice but you notice that it is not finished yet :)23:28
dhqwhat is osversion23:28
ToJa92[Sryche]: What do you mean by 'updating'?23:28
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dhqOS 2009 version 2.2009.51-123:28
dhqwhat is this23:28
dhqwhy dont i have skype inbuilt23:28
SrycheToJa92, well, which one you use?23:28
summelyou have oO23:28
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summelrtfm :P23:29
Srychesorry :x23:29
trumeechanging keyword.url in microb doesnt stick with PR1.223:29
b-manMohammadAG: as a reference ;)23:29
ToJa92[Sryche]: The one included in PR1.2 :P23:29
Srychesummel, rtfg = read the fucking grammar23:29
SrycheToJa92, n900?23:29
Srychei see23:29
summelSryche: no i meant dhq23:29
Srychei'm using it on a n80023:29
trumeeanybody changed google search in microb?23:29
summeldhq: you do have skype23:30
trumeecan i add simply to prefs.js?23:30
dhqno i dont23:30
Srychei'm trying to change user agent to use iPhone version of websites23:30
summelyes you do :)23:30
dhqwhen i go to settings--> voip and im all i have is SIP23:30
summelsettings > voip & chat accounts23:30
summelthere should also be jabber23:31
summeland skype23:31
summeland stuff23:31
dhqthere is no skype i have all the others23:31
zashstuff is the best protocolnetworkthingy ever!23:31
Stskeepsdhq: try in im accounts23:31
Srychezash, indeed.23:31
dhqi check there too23:31
dhqi think they dint add it in the indian one23:32
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dhqso   i think i will download the global one23:32
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dhqso i download RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin23:32
Milhousebit of a freaking disaster restoring a backup after flashing with pr1.223:34
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fralsMohammadAG: you didnt include qwerty keyboard in 0.5 of vertsms? ;-)23:34
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MohammadAGfrals, he didn't tell me to :)23:34
Milhousepretty sure that previously, upon restoring the backup all previous apps would be restored... i've got no apps to restore, lost all my rss feeds... not what else didn't make it. seems a major backward step.23:34
MohammadAGfrals, I'd happily do it though23:34
ZogGToJa92 is it freemantle or freemantle-1.2 ?23:34
MohammadAGfrals, any way of swapping between both23:34
fralsstill not heard anything about my merge requests :(23:35
MohammadAGZogG, it's fre not free!23:35
fralsMohammadAG: theres a key to switch between them in my patch23:35
frals123/ABC switches23:35
MohammadAGno GUI switch?23:35
fralsgui key23:35
ZogGMohammadAG anyway is it 1.2 or not23:35
MohammadAGyes, but why?23:35
MohammadAGb-man, thanks :)23:36
MohammadAGanyone got any ideas how to STOP hildon-desktop?23:36
DrGrovMohammadAG, may I ask you? Is there any portrait mode for most things now also, not only landscape?23:36
ZogGtimeouts damn23:36
MohammadAGDrGrov, no, same as before23:36
ZogGdid i got answer - was timeouted =(23:36
MohammadAGexcept for the browser23:36
MohammadAG<ZogG> MohammadAG anyway is it 1.2 or not23:37
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> yes, but why?23:37
ZogGMohammadAG i get error connecting to it23:37
MohammadAGsue bezeq23:37
phellarvHmm should I upgrade my apps to the stuff in extras-devel? Choices choices...23:37
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ecksunhow can i listen to all dbus-messages send/recived in the phone? Im interested in finding out how to listen for wlan-changes23:37
DrGrovMohammadAG, ah okay. What major changes do you see at the moment?23:38
MohammadAGQt 4.6.223:38
MohammadAGand tmo's slower than usual23:38
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ecksunMohammadAG, okay, thx, will look into it23:38
phellarvMohammadAG: Hehe23:38
ToJa92[ZogG]: I just have fremantle23:38
DrGrovMohammadAG, I will still keep all my old applications and contacts etc. even through an update to PR 1.2?23:38
MohammadAGDrGrov, not if you reflash23:38
ZogGToJa92 that;s what i think is problem in23:38
phellarvMohammadAG: If you do a backup first, yes23:38
MohammadAGphellarv, not in the same state as before23:39
ToJa92[ZogG]: Works for me...23:39
ToJa92Do you have a WLAN you can try connecting with?23:39
MohammadAGkillall -SIGSTOP did it (thanks DocScrutinizer :P)23:39
DrGrovMohammadAG, so I do a backup first and then reinstall the backup and that is it?23:39
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phellarvMohammadAG: Well - They did for me - Atleast doog enough for me23:39
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MohammadAGDrGrov, you'll need to reinstall all apps23:39
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MohammadAGphellarv, well some settings will be wiped, even after restoration23:39
phellarvDamn - where is my spellchecker...23:39
MohammadAGthe bootloader is one23:39
DrGrovMohammadAG, ah that is a shame but nevertheless not a big problem. Just need the contacts basically.23:40
MohammadAGthe custom stuff in /usr23:40
phellarvMohammadAG: Mmm - but that is expected..23:40
DrGrovMobsan, contacts will be kept intact?23:40
wollopis it just ask any question in here about maemo etc or if you need help is there a offical help channel?23:40
MohammadAGI killed hildon-desktop (so that it does f up the CPU to regenerate the menu) and I'm restoring apps using apt-get23:40
DrGrovMohammadAG, contacts will be kept intact?23:40
MohammadAGwhich.. .is faster23:40
ZogGMohammadAG it's without 1.223:40
ToJa92[wollop]: Just ask :)23:40
MohammadAGDrGrov, if you reflash the eMMC yes23:40
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MohammadAGmy screen's red :/23:41
phellarvMohammadAG: I've been working with Linux since back in the Slackware 1.0 days - So I pretty much know what to expect from such a wipe.23:41
DrGrovMohammadAG, so the device gives me the chance to do a backup and I accept and problem solved sort of?23:41
MohammadAGZogG, deb fremantle-1.2 free non-free23:41
ZogGMohammadAG do you have screen protection?23:41
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ZogGMohammadAG nope23:41
MohammadAGchange it to that23:41
ZogGMohammadAG i was talking about extra-devel23:42
MohammadAGphellarv, I didn't say you didn't23:42
Appiahis extra-devel down?23:42
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MohammadAGdeb fremantle free non-free23:42
MohammadAGdeb fremantle free non-free23:42
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phellarvJust flinging out a question - If I install apps from extras-testing, and upgrade from extras-devel - Am I pretty much opt-safe?23:42
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MohammadAGDrGrov, use the backup app23:42
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MohammadAGZogG, I have a screen protector23:42
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ToJa92[Appiah]: No23:42
MohammadAGinterview done? :P23:43
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ToJa92[phellarv]: You never know... But in general, you should be safe23:43
ZogGMohammadAG which one? is it good? is it cheap?23:43
DrGrovMohammadAG, yes will do sir yes sir :)23:43
DrGrovMohammadAG, i hate to lose my contacts LOL23:43
phellarvToJa92: Expected that - Just had to ask.23:43
Appiahmaybe I should just reboot..23:43
MohammadAGDrGrov, I hate getting them unmerged :)23:43
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DrGrovMohammadAG, yes that is a true pain LOL :)23:43
MohammadAGDrGrov, if you reflash the FIASCO only the contacts should be there23:43
wollopwell i updated firmware now it just reboots constant with a pink rectangle at the top or saying missing image23:44
tybollt_MohammadAG: "suitable usb device not found waiting" while flashing - what am I doing wrong? :)23:44
wollopany help?23:44
MohammadAG(unmerged though)23:44
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MohammadAGtybollt_, troubleshooting sections in...23:44
ZogGMohammadAG and if i have news apps and i do restore apps - do i loose new ones, or it's only add them?23:44
infobotrumour has it, flashing is
phellarvtybollt_: Not pressing "U"?23:44
ToJa92[wollop]: Did you flash?23:44
DrGrovMohammadAG, nevermind. you talk about FIASCO etc LOL and I just try tomorrow. What is the worst thing that can happen? A bomb perhaps? LOL23:44
wollopno just updating23:44
DrGrovMohammadAG, thanks for your kind help :)23:44
GAN900tybollt_, why are you flashing?23:44
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InstantGoogleDrGrov, np :P23:44
phellarvUuuh - New opera out too...Nice23:44
ToJa92[wollop]: Did you have any extras-devel apps installed?23:45
wollopits possible but i had the resp disabled for doing the update23:45
InstantGoogleDrGrov, you lose power while flashing the bootloader, turning the N900 into paperweight23:45
tybollt_GAN900: I want to learn how to do it. Perhaps not important now - but probably later when meego gets here.23:45
ToJa92[wollop]: Do you have a recent backup?23:45
DrGrovInstantGoogle, I kind of like to hook up my N900 to my 42" LCD Full HD Tv. Is it possible or even necessary? What cool things can I do when it is connected to the tv?.... How you mean paperweight? I will lose all settings etc. ?23:45
GAN900tybollt_, ah23:45
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GAN900tybollt_, well, follow the wiki23:46
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wollopToJa92: yes i dont a backup before upgrading23:46
tybollt_GAN900: which is what I am doing, ehr wait not wiki, I'm following, uh wait23:46
phellarvDrGrov: Paperwieght = Brick23:46
DrGrovphellarv, ah yes of course :)23:46
GAN900It's super easy23:46
tybollt_which was linked from maemo.org23:46
InstantGoogleDrGrov, use the inbox cable, paperweight = a reflash won't be a fix23:46
InstantGooglephellarv, no, a brick's heavier23:46
infoboti guess flashing is
DrGrovInstantGoogle, I need to reflash even though the device will tell me there is 1.2 available?23:47
tybollt_GAN900: problem is to get windows to "notice" the device - it seems23:47
GAN900tybollt_, ^23:47
cehtehDrGrov: tv out is only pal or ntsc .. no hd23:47
wollopToJa92: any idea?23:47
tybollt_GAN900: I hear you - going there now23:47
ToJa92[wollop]: Well I'd suggest going to a nokia care center and see if they can save it.. worst case would be if they need to reflash - then some stuff will be removed(not photos)23:47
phellarvInstantGoogle: Depends on what paper you want to wieght down.. ;-P23:47
InstantGoogleDrGrov, wait till tomorrow, OTA will be available by then23:47
GAN900Hold U while plugging in the cable.23:47
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DrGrovcehteh, yes I know. I am not perhaps too noob if I buy a 42" tv :)23:47
InstantGooglephellarv, e-paper23:47
DrGrovcehteh, of course no HD. Nokia is not that hardcore yet :) thanks though :)23:47
wollopToJa92: would it just be apps that i would loose?23:47
InstantGoogleHD might be coming soon23:47
phellarvInstantGoogle: Then it's featherweight ;-P23:47
InstantGooglekind of23:47
wollopi realy need the phone working for tommorow23:47
ToJa92[wollop]: Unfortunately all contacts and messages will be removed23:47
DrGrovInstantGoogle, yes I will wait until tomorrow. Otherwise things can go horribly wrong lol23:47
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wollopall contacts are on my sim23:48
InstantGooglejavispedro got a displaylink working23:48
wollopand messages dont matter23:48
InstantGoogleSIM contacts aren't that detailed23:48
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DrGrovInstantGoogle, can I still take calls while I keep it connected to my TV and send messages etc. ?23:48
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* phellarv flashed to 1.2 roday at work - No problems - Just some hacks here and there is gone23:48
ZogG<InstantGoogle> HD might be coming soon ?23:48
InstantGoogleDrGrov, it will be the same as without the cable23:48
DrGrovInstantGoogle, ah yes. Good :)23:48
ToJa92[wollop]: Oh, then you could flash it if you don't really mind losing installed apps etc.23:48
wollopok then23:48
wollopwell i dont mind that at all23:48
DrGrovInstantGoogle, I would love to have it on my 42" screen to send a few messages and make a few phone calls LOL :)23:49
ZogGInstantGoogle does it make coffee?23:49
phellarvZogG: Instant Coffee23:49
ToJa92[wollop]: Just look here23:49
GAN900Awesome, stuck keysound23:49
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, flashing is
InstantGoogleZogG, I said kind of
GAN900PR1.2 -- It sucks because we're all working on MeeGo23:49
DrGrovnah, be back a bit later.23:49
InstantGoogleDrGrov, heh23:49
DrGrovRed Dead Redemption time here :)23:49
InstantGoogleno idea what that game is all about23:49
GAN900but we really do care about N900 users!23:49
InstantGoogleit's kinda hyped23:49
GAN900Can't you tell?23:50
DrGrovInstantGoogle, it is hyped but freakin' awesome :)23:50
microlithGAN900: you're starting to sound like gerbick23:50
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GAN900InstantGoogle, it's GTA IV with horses.23:50
GAN900microlith, never!23:50
crsOK, what cron is being used by alarmed?23:50
DrGrovGAN900, it is so much more than GTA IV with horses.23:50
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GAN900DrGrov, I haven't actually played it yet.23:50
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wicketwallop: i have the exact same problem after upgrading to pr1.223:51
wollopi cant get my machine to read the phone23:51
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tybollt_phellarv: I _am_ pressing U23:51
DrGrovGAN900, then get it as fast as possible. it is an awesome game.23:51
wollopso im backing up all data i can atm23:51
DrGrovInstantGoogle, can I hook up my N900 to Ubuntu 10.04?23:51
wollopjust wondering if theres a way i can fix it atm without having to flash it23:51
wicketseems other people have the same problem too:23:51
ToJa92[crs]: According to this: it's nokia's "alarmd" daemon23:52
wicketi can ssh to it23:52
thunderfestalright flashing for the second time today23:52
InstantGoogleDrGrov, any device23:52
ToJa92[wollop]: Go talk to a nokia care centre23:52
InstantGooglefrals, is git 'awesome'? (i.e should I sign up :P)23:52
wicketi think i'll have to reflash23:52
DrGrovInstantGoogle, what would it sort of help me to connect it to Ubuntu?23:53
dougtanyone have a link to the 1.2 released rom?23:53
DrGrovInstantGoogle, can I easily transfer pictures etc. to the device?23:53
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InstantGoogleDrGrov, mass storage23:53
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InstantGooglewhy am I doing this xD23:53
wicketall that time waiting and nokia still didn't test it properly23:53
ToJa92[dougt]: Go here and enter your IMEI
DrGrovInstantGoogle, ah yes. of course mass storage. i have been too much playing Read Dead Redemption and watching 24 to even be thinking straight anymore lol :)23:53
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phellarvMmm - kernel-power running again23:53
dougtty all23:53
thunderfestdougt: the wiki links to it
wollopi would but i need the phone tommorow23:54
wollopso going to have to back it all up and flash it23:54
fralsInstantGoogle: gitorious is pretty good yeah23:54
fralsInstantGoogle: imo anyway :)23:54
InstantGooglefrals, can I get a diff file of that patch?23:54
ToJa92[wollop]: But you coudln't access the phone, could you?23:54
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wollopi can via usb atm23:54
fralsmhm probably, sec23:55
wollopplugged it in and and can browse the phone contents atm23:55
ToJa92oh, right23:55
tybollt_silly windows23:55
wollopremoving all the updates that it downloaded23:55
wollopsee how it boots now23:55
tybollt_or whatever it is that makes it not detect my N900 =)23:55
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phellarvtybollt_: Install Linux - Better than real butter.23:56
crsToJa92: thanks, I am reading that document now. alarmed has about 16MB of dependencies, I might just use fcron...23:56
tybollt_phellarv: bah =)23:56
wollopim just wanting phone back to factory settings now23:57
ToJa92[wollop]: Flash the fiasco image + eMMC23:57
phellarv<-- Proud Linux user since 1994.23:57
wolloplinux user for 5 years23:58
wollopbut its a phone23:58
wollopand i didnt bother using it as a computer23:58
ManoftheSeawallop, you're doing it wrong23:58
wollophow so23:58
ManoftheSeawhy get an N900 for the PHONE function?23:58
wollopand non symbian23:59
wollopoh wait23:59
InstantGooglefrals, it's not diff'd against the latest one is it?23:59
wollopam a trollan23:59
thunderfestbecause maybe you had a n810 and wished it had phone function23:59
wollopnah i had a n77023:59
wollopthen i got a n7823:59

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