IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2010-04-24

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wall[e]sorry i dup the line00:00
ArkenoiSpeedEvil, the problem is you do not really have to scp or apt-get to see jerky video. as-daemon or modest will do that for you as well.00:00
wall[e]not familair with irc over vnc that much )00:00
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sECuREi managed to get the profile (general, silent) using the libdbus-lowlevel API. is dbus-glib supposed to support such operations (calling a method, getting a string from the answer) or is it a more high-level thing for gobjects only?00:02
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Arkenoiso if i want to watch a movie i have to enable offline mode. otherwise *something* surely will happen affecting playback performance.00:03
sECuREArkenoi: works for me00:03
MohammadAGMerging should be automatic on the N900 :s00:03
ArkenoisECuRE, what exactly?00:03
sECuREArkenoi: i watched three dr. who episodes (each about 45 min) without being in offline mode and without noticing any slowdowns/hangs/…00:03
ArkenoisECuRE, maybe you do not have push email and contact/calendar sync enabled?00:04
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ShadowJKI noticed that mafw-*gst* grows enormously in size when watching stuff00:04
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pupnikwell it looks like we can see what the chinese are choosing for a tablet OS
SpeedEvilShadowJK: check pss, not rss00:07
SpeedEvilor uss00:07
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ShadowJKSpeedEvil, well swapfile use went from 300 to 150megs when it crashed ;p00:07
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Mace_N900this thing is still going00:16
Mace_N900i wonder how long the battery lasts if you dont use it... my n810 used to go for almost a week00:17
nid0i can get like 3 days tops out of my n90000:17
nid0wifi off, bluetooth off, and idle00:17
zappaMohammadAG: my Muslim buddy thought your app was the bees knees.00:17
summelanyone got the SDK working on kubuntu 10.04 RC?00:18
* Arkenoi can get 3 days from my n900 with wifi and bt on00:18
summelMace_N900: 2-3 days with wifi and 3g and bt on and using wifi ~ 2-3 hours per day00:18
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Mace_N900it is a beast00:20
Mace_N900i love this thing00:20
summelit's perfect00:20
summelmine arrives tomorrow \o/00:20
Mace_N900if the desktop had a portrait mode it would be perfect00:21
* Mace_N900 hides00:21
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summelyes most apps dont have a portrait mode :/00:21
summelthat would indeed be nice00:21
Mace_N900i dont mind the apps00:21
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Disconnectif apps in general had portrait mode it'd be nice00:21
Mace_N900but the desktop00:21
zappaits far from perfect ut the best thing out there in my mind00:21
summelbut at least the sonser works better then the one in my E52 >_>00:22
Mace_N900i hate a landscape only desktop00:22
Disconnecti'm used to g1, sendo x, etc. portrait with optional landscape. way easier to use, esp one-handed or when you can't set it down00:22
Mace_N900when glancing at the phone it is a pain to rotate your arm around to read it for whatever reason00:22
* MohammadAG smiles00:22
MohammadAGzappa, did he vote for it? :)00:22
summelyes support for both modes should be required (excet for games)00:23
Disconnectzappa: play with a droid (or milestone). its getting really close to amazingly awesome, esp when its jailbroken00:23
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Mace_N900i hate android00:23
zappaMohammadAG:  he uses a balckberry, but I will register his vote.00:23
summelyes android is strange00:23
MohammadAGzappa, wait! Gonna upload a small fix for the bugtacker link :)00:24
* Disconnect has issues with android, but many of those were solved when we rooted it..00:24
zappaDisconnect:  I might try to get andorid on my iphone and see whats up with android these ays.  I am very ingnorant of whats going on in Android.00:24
MohammadAGnever tried android00:24
Disconnectbeen on the n900 for about 3 days now, and what i miss is apps (but at least 2 of those android apps should be core features, regardless of platform)00:24
Mace_N900i hate android00:25
MohammadAGwhen I was in Germany I saw a G1, someone locked it00:25
Mace_N900i have a g1 with cyanogen on it00:25
MohammadAGMace_N900, it had a blocked SIM :/00:25
Mace_N900cyanogen made it ok00:25
MohammadAGnever seen an android after that00:25
DisconnectMohammadAG: most devices ship with strong app sandboxes. rooting also provides root access (via popup verifier usually - "such-and-such app wants root access to run: /bin/sh" cuz apps never say what specific command :/ ..)00:25
MohammadAGthat was in June last year00:25
zappaMohammadAG:  My buddies one thing was that the arabic was in "old arabic" and he had trouble reading the writing.  He grew up in morroco and learned english, french and modern arabic i guess.00:25
DisconnectMace_N900: yah i've got his 2.x beta on my g1 right now, gonna give it to the wife as soon as i find her a replacement sd card00:26
MohammadAGzappa, that's how the Quran is :)00:26
Mace_N900i hate that android doesnt have a gnu base00:26
summelis there no #maemo-dev? :D00:26
Mace_N900the linux part is just a hcl00:26
DisconnectMace_N900: yah but realistically, thats what caused htc, samsung, etc to pick it up00:26
MohammadAGIs android good?00:26
MohammadAGbetter than Symbian?00:27
summelbut symbian is really great00:27
summelmultitasking ftw00:27
summelqt4 support ftw00:27
DisconnectMohammadAG: its getting there. i'd definitely say its better than s80 and getting really close to s60 (but then again, i'm assuming s60 got better since i last used it :) ..)00:27
zappaMohammadAG:  aye.  but maybe when i use the englsih version the names of the suras(sp?) are translated?00:27
docksideqt4 "support"00:27
summeldockside: qt4 works great on my e5200:27
MohammadAGzappa, afaik that's not implemented in the PC app00:27
Disconnectsummel: android manages mt without having to make the user manage it. 98% of the time thats a huge win.00:27
docksidetried developing qt4 stuff for s60?00:27
Disconnecttransparently kill/restore apps..00:27
summelthe only thing that annoys me is that most devs wrote the example qt4 apps for touchscreen devices :(00:27
docksidewhole diffrent story00:28
MohammadAGDisconnect, when did you last use S60?00:28
summeldockside: no im not a developer yet :(00:28
DisconnectMohammadAG: sendo x :)00:28
summeli want to develop for my n900 :)00:28
MohammadAGhuh? lol00:28
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Disconnectthat was a pretty awesome phone actually00:28
docksidedont bother with the with s60 development00:28
zappaMohammadAG:  wouldn't know anything about that.  But he was a blackberry users that was really impressed.00:28
DisconnectMohammadAG: it took s60 and made it modern, back in 200300:28
MohammadAGDisconnect, S60 had its time, particularly in 2006-200800:29
MohammadAGN95 times00:29
summeldockside: do you develop for maemo?00:29
Disconnectyah i never got to mess with it then00:29
MohammadAGthen it started getting pointless00:29
MohammadAGthe N95 had the best cam on the market00:29
MohammadAGwhen it was released00:29
summelMohammadAG: imho the X6 looks really nice00:29
Disconnectditto sendo :)00:29
docksideno but from what i see from the maemo sdk00:29
MohammadAG3 years later, and they're still using the same 5MP cam00:30
docksideit seems a lot better00:30
summelhaven't used it so far but the device looks nice ^^00:30
zappaMohammadAG:  its fun cause I was raised Catholic ( now agnostic) and love discussing/learning things with/from him.  And its cool cause he can say check out this sura...etc.00:30
MohammadAGsummel, that's the problem, the N97 looked nice, both have crappy RAM and CPUs00:30
summeldockside: i can't get the SDK installed :(00:30
Disconnectthey took the amiga style of offloading to task-specific chips00:30
summelMohammadAG: is the N97 the phone that has the size of a camera and slides up and down?00:30
summelor was that the 95? :D00:30
Disconnectso it was fast, it was skilled and it was a really awesome device :) with a flash beforephones had one00:31
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MohammadAGzappa, well, I like discussing stuff with other religions, some people take offense so I don't do it often00:31
MohammadAGsummel, the N97 has a hinge, it looks like this sideways _/00:31
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Disconnectin any case, sounds like about the same era - sendo backported a bunch of stuff for the x, so it was similar to the later phones00:32
summelMohammadAG: ewww :D00:32
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MohammadAGearly prototype
summeli dont like hinges on phones00:32
MohammadAGsummel, actually, it looked wonderful00:32
summeland i never liked sliding phones either until the n900 :)00:32
MohammadAGfelt more natural in the hand than the N90000:32
summelkinda like the E9000:32
summelbut cheaper00:32
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summelnow i remember00:33
MohammadAGThe N900 feels kind of cramped (some people's joints get tired after typing a lot)00:33
MohammadAGI don't00:33
Disconnecti kinda like the g1 slider, strangely enough. took getting used to but it feels way more natural than the straight rails. and its got durability - abused it for a year and a half with no issues. now i have towork to not drop the n900 when slidign it open one-handed00:33
summelthere is also an E97 mini?00:33
MohammadAGI went from the N95 to the N9700:33
MohammadAGN97 mini, yes00:33
Disconnectnot a fan of the g1 chin tho :) although hw make/break buttons were nice00:33
* GAN900 misses the N800's fingerkeyboard.00:33
summelit looks and feels so cheap00:33
MohammadAGwas a huge disappointment00:33
summelwhen open00:33
MohammadAGsummel, the N97? on the contrary00:33
DisconnectGAN900: n900 has it. the full-screen OSK?00:33
summellike its really thin plastic and could break anytime00:33
MohammadAGit has THE best hinge I've ever seen00:34
Disconnectjust gotta enable it in settings00:34
ShadowJKthe split-qwerty phones from Nokia have maybe better typing feel, but N900 rocks for typing00:34
GAN900Disconnect, it's full of both un- and intentional regressions.00:34
GAN900Disconnect, nowhere near as nice.00:34
MohammadAGShadowJK, I like the N900, never did a speed test but i get high speeds00:34
Disconnectah ok00:34
MohammadAG(can't beat GAN900 though)00:34
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GAN900zoom zoom00:34
summelbut i love the n900 :) have used the one from my freind for a few days now and tomorrow i get my own :)00:34
GAN900I almost hit N800 speeds during Ari's talk, but I paid for it after.00:35
Disconnectlol. sendo review: "We're talking lots of memory here. Lots and lots. There's a total of 64mb Flash memory, some of which is used for the Operating System." ... whoa, a whole SIXTY FOUR MEGS!! :)00:35
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MohammadAGGAN900, any speed tests for the N900? :)00:35
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tremnite all, sweet dreams00:36
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DocScrutinizerHAH, feeling tired after typing N900-qwerty? I *love* my querty ith the real cursor keys, now that I got rid of the awful ugly German wertzu00:37
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MohammadAGis down?00:38
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summelDocScrutinizer: yes the german keyboard is strange :/00:38
Disconnecti keep hitting 'm' instead of space :(00:39
summelhmmm that has not happened to me yet00:39
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Disconnectand i hate the old-style complete where backspace sometimes means "erase the last letter" and sometimes means "erase the completion"00:39
summelbut doom and supertux etc do not really work00:39
summelbecause of the missung up & down keys00:39
MohammadAGDisconnect, happened to me at first (when I switched from the N97 to the N900)00:39
MohammadAGN97 > N73 (got depressed, jk :P) > N86 > N90000:40
DocScrutinizerkick completion, it's useless, as is auto-capitals00:40
Disconnectcombined, i do a lot of "gom over to them barmand check form meloncholy" :)00:40
summelDocScrutinizer: at least make it optional :)00:40
summeloptional is mostly lways better then removing ^^00:41
Disconnecti like completion when its well-behaved (multiple wordlist and select with right-arrow or click, don't affect INPUT) but this just isn't.00:41
Disconnectand its got some bizarre ideas00:41
DocScrutinizerthank god it *is* optional00:41
GAN900MohammadAG, any of the web tests should be workable, but I haven't done any, no.00:41
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* MohammadAG cracks his fingers00:42
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GAN900Disconnect, there's a bug about the stupid completion backspace behavior.00:43
GAN900Disconnect, as usual, Nokia UI people are thick as bricks.00:43
summelyes the n900 UI could look soooo much better00:43
summeljust hire nuno for a few days <300:44
DisconnectGAN900: there's something they have in common with android. you can't submit any patches upstream that include ui changes because "the ui artists won't approve it because it doesn't match their requirements. which they mostly communicate in random hallway discussions, or not at all."00:44
* DocScrutinizer starts uttering high screaming vocals00:45
Disconnectok guy at the next table (yay for working-from-home at a bar :) ..) is waving a nexus one around. its -nice-.00:45
* DocScrutinizer points at OM epic fail when first thing pourred in concrete was GTA03's case00:46
Disconnector at least, its way thinner than i thuought00:46
greenflyno keyboard = dealbreaker00:46
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DocScrutinizer~attack designers00:46
* infobot grabs a pen, screams like she's possessed, and begins chasing designers00:46
Disconnectgreenfly: if they'd sent me one i'd have stuck with android. but they sent me a droid and i have less than zero desire to go to vzw so i sold it and put the $$ towards n90000:46
MohammadAG<DocScrutinizer> eeewww00:46
DocScrutinizernow they are called 'artists' even - OMFG00:47
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, no F words on #maemo please :P00:47
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* DocScrutinizer removes keycap between 'D' and 'G'00:48
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MohammadAG58 WPM00:49
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DocScrutinizerwords per minute?00:49
Disconnectgreenfly: i've heard a lot of kb-only people say the OSK on the n1 is fast enough/accurate enough to replace a hw keyboard. and its not insane like maemo's osk so it even works ;)00:50
greenflyDisconnect: touchscreen keyboards suck for interactive shell sessions00:50
MohammadAGGAN900, Test instructions, 1 minute00:50
greenflysince half your screen or more is taken up w/ a keyboard00:50
ShadowJKthe biggest problem with osk isn't soeed00:50
greenflyand I actually use the terminal on the n900 quite a bit00:50
N900evilMohammadAG: on n900?00:51
Tornegreenfly: that's not even the worst problem; touchscreen keyboards rely on autocorrection mostly, which doesn't work for character based input00:51
MohammadAGN900evil, yes00:51
Disconnectgreenfly: depends on the keyboard and screen res00:51
ShadowJKit's the space that could be used for displaying whatever it's your replying to00:51
N900evilMohammadAG: I can only hit 28.00:51
MohammadAGI'm badass00:51
greenflyDisconnect: for anything that'd fit in your pocket, it means a big sacrifice whenever you type00:51
greenflyand I use the terminal for irc and mail among other things00:51
N900evilMohammadAG: 2 thumbs?00:51
greenflyso a touchscreen keyboard is a dealbreaker for me00:51
MohammadAGN900evil, well I'm on my PC now, but I did the test on the N90000:51
Disconnecti did tons of ssh (and local) hackering on the g1 with both the osk and the hw kb. the res is so bad to begin with, losing some isn't the end of the world. going to the old telnet line-mode crap of n900 -is-, however, the end of the world :)00:52
microlithtelnet line-mode?00:53
Disconnectmicrolith: the n900 osk00:53
microlithoh that00:53
* MohammadAG waits for G-A-N900's test results00:53
Disconnectand lol -
MohammadAG-s so as not to ping him00:53
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Disconnectok n900 is -seriously- io-bound. installing maps, copying mp3s, etc all drags the ui to a screeching halt00:55
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Disconnecthow do i convince the gallery app00:56
Disconnect or button to go to the same path as the camera saves files? :(00:56
Disconnectugh. it just ejected the sd card from the pc without prmpting. thats gonna leave a mark.00:57
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GAN900Disconnect, N1 is a piece if shit00:58
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DocScrutinizerhmm, 19WPM out of the cold. And my spacekey occasionally makes noises :-/00:58
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GAN900Disconnect, OLED is way oversaturated, pixels are jagged, Snapdragon is slow in GPU and has no DSP, no hardware keyboard, etc.00:59
DisconnectGAN900: haven't played with one. initial impressions of n900 are well below g1 though, and even the droid can stomp the g1 so.. n900 has potential but its so far from there...00:59
GAN900Limited extra hardware features00:59
GAN900oh, and Android.00:59
GAN900Android sucks.00:59
DocScrutinizereeeek, c-ts00:59
GAN900End of story00:59
GAN900As the embarrased owner of a free Nexus One, I can't stand anything about it. ;)01:00
DisconnectGAN900: go to and swap it for a droid or cash..01:00
GAN900Cash cash cash01:00
GAN900May make its way to one needy friend or another01:01
GAN900But, man, I dunno what people see in this platform.01:01
MohammadAGGAN900, so did you do the test? :)01:01
C-S-B-N900is hermes broke?01:01
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MohammadAG(that's a challenge btw)01:01
GAN900MohammadAG, not yet.01:01
DisconnectGAN900: apps. continuity. performance.01:01
Disconnectportrait mode ;)01:02
* GAN900 is distracted by realword crap01:02
GAN900What performance?01:02
* MohammadAG itching to find out GAN900's WPM score01:02
GAN900It's freaking Java01:02
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: so that's what you get from doing heretics01:02
* greenfly got 32wpm adjusted01:02
DocScrutinizerbah, on N900?01:03
DisconnectGAN900: ooooh, neat. so you're reasoning from assumptions instead of reality. cool. you're right, "end of story". too many assumptions.01:03
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, you do the test, then say bah :P01:03
greenflyDisconnect: yeah01:03
GAN900Android is off-topic anyway01:03
greenflyer, DocScrutinizer: yeah01:03
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: [2010-04-23 23:58:36] <DocScrutinizer> hmm, 19WPM out of the cold. And my spacekey occasionally makes noises :-/01:04
* MohammadAG wonders if DocScrutinizer fired up the N900's browser01:04
MohammadAGam I fast, or is the test failing?01:04
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, put some pressure on the keyboard and move it upwards01:05
MohammadAGmy shift key used to make noise01:05
GAN90048 wpm adjusted01:05
GAN900That felt slow.01:05
MohammadAG56, I hold the fastest score! :P01:05
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DocScrutinizerooh friggin freaky shit, had to reinstall apps - now xchat is nagging me with idiotic banners all the time :-(((01:06
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, rm /usr/lib/xchat/somenotifyplugin.so01:06
MohammadAGsec I'll get the filename01:06
MohammadAGOh wait01:06
MohammadAGI reflashed :s01:06
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zappaanyone has a lin to the mafw dbus commands?  I'm having a hard time finding it atm.  Lost my bookmarks.01:07
GAN900Round two is 61 wpm01:07
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GAN900Now my thumbs hurt. . . .01:07
DocScrutinizerHEEEEELP!!! I have to click away every single one of those01:07
DisconnectDocScrutinizer: every one of01:08
MohammadAGGAH 5801:08
DisconnectDocScrutinizer: what?01:08
MohammadAGyou beat me01:08
N900evilDocScrutinizer: you mean on pm?01:08
MohammadAGrm the .so file!01:08
GAN900MohammadAG, my biggest issue is accuracy is all over the place.01:08
DisconnectDocScrutinizer: thats the problem01:08
DisconnectDocScrutinizer: with desktop apps01:08
DisconnectDocScrutinizer: on mobiles ;)01:08
DocScrutinizerthat they occasionally go apeshit?01:09
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Disconnect(otoh I was in #android when the first irc client was released to the market. it wasn't clear about description and resulted in several hundred users signing in going "a/s/l?" or worse. pretty funny actually.)01:09
Disconnectthe really funny part is it technically wasn't against the channel rules. it is now tho.01:10
DocScrutinizerhow can I vote down an app?01:11
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GAN900DocScrutinizer, XChat?01:12
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, thumbs down01:12
GAN900DocScrutinizer, is the notification plugin bothering you?01:12
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, ... <MohammadAG> rm the .so file!01:12
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MohammadAGneed I say it again? :)01:13
DocScrutinizerLOOOOOL -best thing is: it (xchat) seems to time out on irc server when you do not click away those idiotic notifier banners immediately01:13
GAN900DocScrutinizer, works fine here. :P01:13
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, they crash my N90001:13
DocScrutinizerGAN900: that's impossible to work fine -it's brainfucked by design01:14
MohammadAGno f words! :P01:14
GAN900DocScrutinizer, what's the issue?01:14
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DocScrutinizerthere's a banner popping up for every highlight in xchat - that's the major part of the issue01:15
DisconnectMohammadAG: er, how do i talk about how fine a featureset the flashy fone has without using f words? ;)01:15
DisconnectDocScrutinizer: so if i was to ask how you liked xchat, would you say it was01:15
DisconnectDocScrutinizer: terrible?01:15
MohammadAGgod fucking damn it, not that f word01:15
DisconnectDocScrutinizer: or is it worth it anyway ;)01:15
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MohammadAGDisconnect, XChat is epic, the plugin however...01:16
DocScrutinizerDisconnect: it was worth it until I was forced to update today01:16
Disconnectforced is an f word, be careful ;)01:16
* MohammadAG does a /cs op, and notices the +o on the other server01:17
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DocScrutinizersame to you, chaserv op ban kick all have no key-between-D-and-G01:17
Disconnectwhats wrong with e?01:17
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, err, huh? lol01:18
MohammadAG KnightStalker (bot22@01:18
MohammadAGI think it's safe to assume that's a bot01:19
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: any issues?01:19
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MohammadAGno, but the green-brown text is getting a lot01:20
DocScrutinizergreen brown text?01:20
MohammadAGJoin - part01:20
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DocScrutinizerare you talking bot join/quit msgs?01:21
MohammadAG knightstalker_ ( has joined #maemo01:21
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DocScrutinizernone here, I disabled thjem01:21
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DocScrutinizershall I ban him?01:21
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MohammadAGyour call01:22
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DocScrutinizer*I* don't care. I never even realized01:22
_llll_it's quite usual to set temp bans for people with connection issues01:22
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lcukbeer ftw01:22
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_llll_or sometimes if you force a part it works to stop them rejoining01:22
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lcukhahaha Disconnect01:24
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lcukill use my other account when im back downstairs only came back for a smoke01:24
Disconnectliterally just posted it01:24
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_llll_(that ban wont work)01:26
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summeldont give up!01:30
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DisconnectDocScrutinizer: you should try01:31
DisconnectDocScrutinizer: your ban01:31
_llll_needs to be e.g.,  +b knightstalker*!*@* or01:31
DisconnectDocScrutinizer: again....01:31
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_llll_that one was fine too01:31
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Disconnectugh. nokia multimedia transfer is claiming its gonna spend 2 hours per 2 minute onion (or howitsmade) video before syncing it. podcast fail01:34
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summelis there a up-to-date vmware/virtual box image with maemo5 sdk? the installer always fails :(01:36
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MohammadAGsummel, how does it fail?01:37
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MohammadAGsummel, use the scripts01:38
summel:O but i like qt4 guis01:38
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summelhow do the scripts work? run script a then script b?01:38
MohammadAGsummel, basically yes01:38
summelok i will try that then01:38
summeldo i have to run the scripts as the user i want to install the sdk for?01:39
MohammadAGthen get a token and add it it, then apt-get update && apt-get install nokia-binaries01:39
PhonicUKhey all01:39
MohammadAGsummel, there's a wiki entry01:39
MohammadAGhey PhonicUK01:39
PhonicUKhows it going?01:39
MohammadAG *01:39
summelthx :)01:39
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MohammadAGPhonicUK, nm, just browsing the repos01:40
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* PhonicUK hunts for a freenode admin01:40
DisconnectPhonicUK: ?01:41
PhonicUKI was supposed to get my hostname cloak01:41
Disconnectand they're generally available on #freenode with no waiting01:41
PhonicUKfor donating to Freenode01:41
* Disconnect used to get a free hostname cloak by using ipv6 with 100-char hostnames01:42
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PhonicUKi worked out that i donate approx 0.5% of my income each year :)01:42
PhonicUKto charities or NPOs01:42
Disconnectclearly you need a better job. or a cheaper irc network ;)01:42
Disconnectoh. you need a better religion ;)01:42
PhonicUKI'm an atheist :P01:42
PhonicUKand i work full time for NSN as a software engineer ^_^01:43
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summelNational Software Nerds? :o01:44
PhonicUKNokia Siemens Networks01:44
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summeli really like nokia but siemens is just fail :o01:44
PhonicUKyah lol01:45
d14i need sleep!01:45
PhonicUKwe get discount for siemens stuff but not nokia stuff :\01:45
summel!give sleep01:45
PhonicUKwhich sucks01:45
d14summel: doest work ;)01:45
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DocScrutinizerDisconnect: (100char) LOL01:47
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* PhonicUK downloads Visual Studio 2010 and Office 201001:48
d14PhonicUK: and some mcd for lunch? :))01:48
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DisconnectDocScrutinizer: it was things like "" and ipv4 resolved to various random ips (localhost,, etc)01:48
d14macdonald ;)01:48
DocScrutinizerPhonicUK: /stats p01:48
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PhonicUKi wish :P01:48
* Disconnect should have ended them with "burmashave" but i only did tha tonce01:48
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PhonicUKDocScrutinizer, yah i kno :P01:48
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Shapeshiftermh. this RSS reader that shipped with the n900 is utter crap, I just noticed. Never looked at it before. not finger friendly, looks awful....01:53
* DocScrutinizer is going to disable that annoying join/parts again. Holler if some bot or UA is spamming the chan01:53
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DisconnectShapeshifter: the one thing i -really- miss from android is newsrob (google reader client, with offline caching. but most of the time i used it with a nice connection) and the ability to switch/manage windows in portrait mode01:54
PhonicUKAnyone tried using Mono on their N900?01:55
summelMohammadAG: 2nd script fails at installing sudo and then later a few other packages because sudo is not configured :o01:55
summelso it fails at the same part the gui installer fails :(01:56
MohammadAGtry clearing out the targets01:56
MohammadAGis it an x64 machine?01:56
summelhow do i do that?01:56
summelno i68601:56
summelPhonicUK: ewwww mono01:56
summeluse silverlight >_>01:57
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PhonicUKI've got a load of .NET code and I don't wanna port it to C++01:57
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PhonicUKeeh Silverlight is a .Net based web app framework01:57
summelport it to python :)01:57
PhonicUKthats not gna help :P01:57
summeli know it was a joke :P01:57
PhonicUKI want to run my IRC dameon on my device :)01:57
PhonicUKtis super awesome01:57
summelPhonicUK: use quassel01:58
summelafaik there is a maemo5 client01:58
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summelquassel irc client/core01:58
PhonicUKread more carefully01:58
PhonicUKIRC Daemon01:58
PhonicUKi use xchat on my device :P01:58
PhonicUKas the client01:58
summelewww xchat01:58
PhonicUKxchat is awesome01:59
mecebad channel to dis xchat!01:59
PhonicUKbut yeah ive been writing my own IRC server, and its very cool01:59
PhonicUKit can cope with 65000 simultanious users (in theory)01:59
summelquassel core is a commandline "client"/db system that runs 24/7 on your server and connects to your networks etc... and then you connect the quassel client (qt4 platform independent) to your core <301:59
DocScrutinizer~nuke xchat01:59
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at xchat ... B☢☢M!01:59
PhonicUKand thats only because of the 64k port limit01:59
DocScrutinizerthe *new* xchat01:59
PhonicUKand Lua scripting integrated into the server ^_^01:59
d14i use xchat.. long long time ago, now only irssi ;)01:59
PhonicUKsummel, sounds a lot like eggdrop02:00
summelMohammadAG: how do i clear out the targets? :o02:00
summelPhonicUK: its better :)02:00
MohammadAGrun the script with --help02:00
summelthx ^^02:00
summelthe 2nd one? :D02:00
Corsactoo many people in that chan wrote their own irc server02:00
MohammadAGsee which one clears out the targets02:00
MohammadAGhmm, not sure02:00
Corsac(but at least that means some of us got laid thanks to them)02:00
PhonicUKCorsac, how many IRC servers let you do something like this:02:01
summel2nd one i think02:01
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MohammadAGsummel, -yYes, force remove of existing targets.02:01
CorsacI'm not sure it's the point of an irc server anyway :)02:01
Corsacwhile helping people to get laid sure is02:02
MohammadAGi686 is i386?02:02
PhonicUKits for giving admins the ability to integrate their server with other services ^_^02:02
summeli guess02:02
summelits 32bit02:02
summeland i686 is compatible to i386 afaik02:02
summel(i386 runs on i686 but not the other way around)02:03
PhonicUKWinSCP ftw02:04
MohammadAGNautilus ftw02:05
PhonicUKooh the firefox engine supports some of the CSS3 stuff ^_^02:05
PhonicUKdrop shadows et al02:05
lcukn900beer ftw202:05
summelPhonicUK: yes i already use that stuff02:06
summeland rounded corners02:06
summeland png transparency02:06
PhonicUKi was just testing out my webapp library, works perfectly02:06
PhonicUKits for making web apps that are visually indistinquishable (sp?) from desktop ones02:07
summelMohammadAG: it still fails at setting up sudo :(02:07
summelUpdating sudoers02:07
summelmmap: Operation not permitted02:07
summel/etc/sudoers.d/01sudo changes break sudoers02:07
summeldpkg: error processing sudo (--configure):02:07
summel subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 102:07
summelcould it be because i use a kubuntu RC?02:09
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summelbut as far as i can tell the sudo stuff breaks in the scratchbox thingy which has nothing to do with the system im running?02:09
MohammadAGit could be because you're not running it as fakeroot/sudo02:09
summelyes i am running it as the maemo user like the wiki page said02:10
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summeli only did run the 1st one as sudo02:10
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meceis it possible to resize the opt and MyDocs paritions without emptying them?02:13
MohammadAGmight be, if you can export the whole eMMC02:14
MohammadAGthen you can just gparted it02:14
SpeedEvilmece: I tarred up mydocs onto /home - deleted the partition, made a new 4G mydocs - untarred - and created a large ext3 in the remaining space02:15
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mecethe speed differance of these two partitions are just ridiculous, considering it's the same chip, so I wanted to make more use of home parition.02:15
meceSpeedEvil, sounds like a good idea.02:15
SpeedEvilmece: then I told the tracker to also index /home/user/data/sounds - and the tunes popped up02:15
SpeedEvilspeed difference?02:16
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meceSpeedEvil, somehow using MyDocs slows the device down, but not using opt.02:16
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mecedunno wtf is up, but it seems that way.02:16
SpeedEvilwhat using?02:16
mecewell everything. Disc operations mostly.02:17
meceeverything seems faster on home than mydocs02:17
meceit could have been coincidence though.02:17
SpeedEvildepends what you're doing.02:18
SpeedEvilsome things are ridiculously slower on vfat - as vfat doesn't support sparse files.02:18
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, it is theoretically possible to resize MyDocs to use the whole 32GBs (minus the 768 swap), and move /opt to MyDocs right?02:18
MohammadAG(USB won't work obviously)02:19
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: I have no idea.02:19
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: This was done back when the camera would not save to ext202:19
meceSpeedEvil, didn't you do just that?02:19
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SpeedEvilno - mydocs is now 4G02:19
meceah ok.,02:19
meceyeah I want some mydocs too. I was thinking 8Gb02:19
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, afaik they just swapped partitions (2GB for MyDocs and the rest for /opt)02:19
meceoh well.. I don't think I'll du it right now though.02:19
PhonicUKmy nose hurts02:20
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* MohammadAG hits PhonicUK in the nose with the N90002:21
PhonicUKthab hurd02:21
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mecehmm I think we have links to some illegal stuff on the heroes 2 thread..02:22
MohammadAGPhonicUK, it's as powerful as a brick02:22
MohammadAGbut has other uses02:22
PhonicUK600MHz Brick!02:22
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DocScrutinizerMyDocs is VFAT -> no posix permissions02:24
MohammadAGunless we ext3 it02:25
MohammadAGthat would bork the camera, but I rarely use it02:25
MohammadAGand I have a MicroSD card02:25
pupnikbork bork bork02:26
DocScrutinizeryou usually can't run ELFs off a VFAT fs02:27
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MohammadAGVFAT caused me problems02:30
MohammadAGI was trying to run something off of it02:30
MohammadAGand it didn't work02:30
MohammadAGafter an hour or so o I remembered I can't exec from it02:30
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DocScrutinizerthat's what I say above, and why I think MyDocs isn't suitable for opt/02:32
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* b-man17 wonders from a technical perspective why the camera depends on the MyDocs patririon being vfat...02:37
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ds3isn't that to maintain that DCIM tree structure like other cameras?02:37
b-man17DCIM tree structure?02:38
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, but if the whole eMMC was formatted as ext3, and opt was moved to it02:39
MohammadAGit would be useful02:39
DocScrutinizersure, except for usb mass storage02:40
DocScrutinizerwhich was the whole point about that MyDocs madness02:40
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, ssh ftw02:41
MohammadAGespecially over a local network :)02:41
ds3that... pictures are stored under DCIM/something/....02:41
MohammadAGds3, got a microSD02:41
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MohammadAGso I don't care about the cam02:41
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hellyeahwhat the hell02:41
ds3and is it happy about the microSD?02:42
ds3it didn't like my ext3 formated microSD and complains loudly each time it gets02:42
DocScrutinizerds3: IIRC the camera vfat shit was a combined permissions + uc/lc issue02:42
DocScrutinizerbasically a huge bug02:42
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ds3that is a minor bug compared to the other annoyances02:43
b-man17DocScrutinizer: hope this bug gets fixed - a single 32GB ext3/4 partition would be nice :)02:44
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: and also IIRC cam won't work even with vfat uSD, if MyDocs is 'borked'02:44
ds3are there reasonably priced 32G microSDs?02:44
MohammadAGthat's f'd up02:45
b-man17well, you still need a partition for swap ;)02:45
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, only way to find out is...02:45
DocScrutinizerroundabout 80 bucks I think02:45
* MohammadAG umounts /dev/mmcblk0p102:45
MohammadAGoh wait02:46
MohammadAGmy microSD is ext3 atm02:46
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DocScrutinizerand a 3rd time IIRC this cam vfat bug was fixed with 1.1.102:46
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PhonicUKi hate installers that mandade restarting part way through ;\02:53
PhonicUKstupid .Net framework 4.002:54
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mececan you just copy ttf files to /usr/share/fonts/ and start using them?03:03
FlavioFerreirasomeone have been tried at Gsoc for ebook reader ?]03:05
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MohammadAGmece, I use /home/user/.fonts for my app03:08
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summeldoes syncing n900 with google work?03:10
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haltdef_contacts anyway, not tried anything else03:11
summelcontacts and calendar would be important for me :)03:11
ccookecalendar worked03:12
summeldirect syncing with kontact (bluetooth) would also be nice/ok03:12
ccookewith MfE03:12
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: thanks for the filename to that braindead xchat.so03:12
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MohammadAGno problem, wasn't that an hour ago? :P03:13
MohammadAGPR1.2 imminent
ds3I so miss USB hostmode :~(03:14
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ccookeMohammadAG: so, you mean "more dissapointed whining and fud" immanent? ;-)03:15
MohammadAGccooke, they corelate :P03:15
MohammadAG<ds3> I so miss USB hostmode :~(03:16
MohammadAGnever tried it here03:17
MohammadAGactually I thought about it when I had the N9503:17
MohammadAGthought it was technically impossible (never googled it)03:17
summelis there a tool to create n900 themes/wallpapers? or could i do that with the sdk?03:17
DocScrutinizerheh, usb hostmode *IS* possible03:18
ccookeDocScrutinizer: but not plausible ;-)03:18
cehtehshow it else it doesnt exist :P03:18
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DocScrutinizerslllow furry! Got my N900 some 9h ago03:19
summel;_; i still have to wait a few hours03:20
PhonicUK<3 CorsixTH :)03:20
DocScrutinizersummel: I had to wait months, until november 200903:20
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summeli ordered mine yesterday... should arrive sometime later this day (its 2:20 am :/)03:21
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DocScrutinizerhi 'neighbour' :-)03:21
FauxFauxHeh, I thought one charger was slightly faster than the other.  1200mA vs. 350mA.03:21
PhonicUKnummel, you don't need anything special to make the wallpapers03:21
cehtehFauxFaux: slightly .. haha03:22
hellyeahwhat is thi channel about03:22
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summelPhonicUK: but i need 4 wallpapers?03:22
cehteh350ma should take like half a day to charge03:22
summeland they have to overlap for ~90%?03:22
PhonicUKyou make 1 really long image (3200x480)03:22
PhonicUKand split it into 4x 800x480 images03:22
* FauxFaux swaps which is used for trickle-charge on the desk and which is used when I actually want it charged. :p03:23
PhonicUKet voila03:23
PhonicUKi made my own 4 screen background, was pretty easy03:23
summelbut do i have to name them in a special way or something like that?03:23
summelor do i have to load all 4 of them manually?03:23
PhonicUKif you don't mind manually setting each image, you don't need to do anything03:23
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PhonicUKif you want them as a 'pack' theres an extra file you have to make using a text editor03:23
DocScrutinizerccooke: it *is* plausible ->  plus follow-ups03:24
Tornecan you disable the startup video?03:24
PhonicUKTorne, yes03:24
summelis there an example file? :)03:24
PhonicUKyeah 1 moment03:24
cehtehhaha german beer with ice :P03:24
summel\o/ thx03:24
summelcehteh: ewww03:24
TornePhonicUK: :)03:25
PhonicUKyou can just delete the video :P03:25
PhonicUKor theres a file somewhere with a list of which videos to play at boot time03:25
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PhonicUKtheres an app called Bootscreen to help you manage it03:26
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PhonicUKlater all, nn03:38
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luke-jrhmm, Nokia should have made the bootup screen reconfigurable03:40
luke-jrover the air03:40
luke-jrchange it for holidays :)03:40
cehtehyou boot way too often03:41
MohammadAGIt can be changed over the air :)03:41
MohammadAGa deb can be made to unpack the video, the postinst updates the configuration file03:42
luke-jrcehteh: I don't boot at all.03:42
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MohammadAGWhy is down :/04:21
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summeldoes somebody want to test my wallpaper? :D04:27
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, is it always down at weekends?04:29
DocScrutinizernot uncommon04:29
MohammadAGFixed in PR1.2?04:30
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MohammadAGwell, can't be bothered to keep refreshing just to push a new package04:31
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Macer500GB hard drives for $8404:32
Maceri need one for a ps304:32
cehtehhuh last year i brought a 1.5TB one for little over 100eur .. incl usb encasing04:36
cehtehjust the badblocks check over usb (5 passes) took almost 14 days :P04:36
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asjtry $40
prontoasj: thats also refurbished04:44
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b-manhmm, infobot seems to be down :(04:46
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GAN900That Netwalker PC-T1 looks about perfecr04:49
infobotGAN900 meant: That Netwalker PC-T1 looks about perfect04:49
pronto(at the bot)04:49
Macern900 lasted a whole day under some pretty heavy use04:50
b-manhmm, infobot doesn't like me :(04:50
Macerthat's like 10x better than my G1 :)04:50
infobotpronto meant: s/boom/boom04:51
infobotpronto meant: boom04:51
b-manpronto: moo04:51
prontok i done :p04:51
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summel if anyone is interested :)04:56
prontoand that is?04:57
summel2 wallpapers :)04:57
summelmaybe i will do a complete theme in a few days if i can find out how :D04:58
prontoi've done a n900 wall paper \o/04:58
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pronto    (preview, gimp xcf file, and the images including in the post)04:59
summelits pretty easy once you know how04:59
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summelthe second one i did is very similar to my first one but should wrap around unlike the first one ^^05:00
prontoi rather like it05:00
summelthx ^_^05:01
prontowhat would be better is the blue1 style with wrap around05:01
summeli will probably do a few more in the next days05:01
prontoalso, you should do waht i did, provide a full preview :p05:01
summelyeah will do that for the next ones :)05:02
summeland for those later05:02
prontowhat did you use to m ake them?05:02
summelphotoshop ^^05:02
pronto i used gimp to edit someones wallpaper they made in photoshop05:03
summelsomebody should write a simple app to install .wallpaper files ( a zip file with the 4 images and the desktop file) :)05:03
summelyeah gimp is also nice i use both ^^05:03
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asjpronto: for $40 what's there to lose ? ;)05:08
prontothe announce of a HDD failing on you05:08
summelpronto: better? :D05:11
prontoawesome \o/05:12
ptlSummeli: I did a shell script that gets 3200x480 image and converts to the N900 format using imagemagick, it also creates the .desktop file05:12
ptlSummeli: do you want it?05:12
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prontoooo i want that too05:12
summelptl: does it put the pics in the right place on the n900?05:12
ptlno, it just creates the 5 files. It could be easily adapted to do that, though, if you run it on the N900.05:13
ptlit's very simple and check for errors.05:13
summelah thx :)05:13
infobotptl meant: it's very simple and checks for errors.05:13
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summelmaybe i will write one myself that "installs" the wallpapers on the n90005:14
summellater today when i got my n900 xD05:14
ptljust move it to /home/user/MyDocs/.images once they're converted05:14
ptljust need to add a couple lines to this script05:14
summelhmmm im not sure how i want to do that yet.... do i want to distribute a .wallpaper (zip) file or do i want to distribute 1 large jpg and let the n900 hanlde the slicing?05:15
ptl.wallpaper? Does the n900 recognize this one?05:16
summela gui application on the n900 like the kde4 get-hot-new-stuff wallpaper thingy would be nice :D05:16
ptlthere is, but it's not free05:16
summelptl: the script would unzip the provided .wallpaper file xD05:16
ptlit's the app from http://www.n900wallpapers.com05:16
summeli hate non-free stuff on my free device :D05:16
ptlme too.05:17
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summelsomebody should write a free app for that05:17
summeli would if i could get the sdk working xDD05:17
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Pavlzi don't find anymore my stylus pen for nokia 77005:20
Pavlzwhere can i buy it ?05:21
summelbuy an n900 and use that one :O05:21
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Pavlzis the same pen ?05:21
summeli guess npt but it should work xD and you get a nice phone for "free" too xD05:22
Pavlznpt ? xD ?05:22
summelxD = x) + :D05:22
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Pavlzyes, but i am searching only the pen05:23
summelPavlz: well i guess any stylus would do...05:23
Pavlzi got my nokia 77005:23
Pavlzhow much for ?05:24
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summeland i guess there are a few on ebay... it wont probably fit in the holder though05:24
Pavlzand where to send you the transfer banking ?05:24
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Pavlzi have not find on ebay05:24
Ken-YoungHas anyone seen any figures on how many N900s Nokia has sold?05:25
Pavlzwhich is the code of stylus pen for nokia 770 ?05:26
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Pavlzi find one at home05:48
Pavlznow a little query:05:48
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Pavlza little circuit to convert 5 Volt of USB to 3,7 Volt, so that is possible to charge the battery05:49
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cehtehyou cant charge a liion battery by voltage alone05:54
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Macerman can not live on bread and water alone05:59
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Pavlzis possible06:00
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Maceri have a problem06:02
Maceris there a way to delete specific jabber fields ?06:02
Macerinstead of the entire jabber contact info?06:03
Macerthey don't let you delete individual fields like jabber call06:03
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Maceror better yet.. is there a way to make a contact icon on the desktop go straight to an IM instead of showing the contact? :)06:04
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Pavlzcable usb, take red color and weld a diode 1N4007  or  1N4148 where there is not the circle, at this point weld on the center the diode06:11
Pavlzon the connector 2,00 mm06:12
Pavlzand the black on the external pin06:12
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Pavlz5 volt - 1,2 Volt = 3,8 Volt06:13
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cehtehcharge end voltage is 4.2V06:18
cehtehliion is very sensitive to overcharging06:18
ptljust found out about sleeppy patterna06:19
infobotptl meant: just found out about sleeppy patterns06:19
cehtehbut with 3.8V you wont get close to that .. while you need a current protection too06:19
ptlthis program seems very interesting06:19
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Macerthere's no away status for jabber? :)06:37
Maceronly available... offline.. and busy06:37
Macerthat sucks06:37
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summel\o/ sdk works07:17
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Gh0styquiet here today :)08:25
* ptl working out, can't talk08:26
Gh0stynot that i follow all the news around maemo yet ... but wondering: there is lots of talk about the "soon" (or not) comming out of meego?08:26
Gh0stythat this would be better than the current version and stuff ...08:27
Gh0stywhats the truth about that? :)08:27
summelGh0sty: meego is another os... kinda08:27
Gh0styptl: so you said that through your neural interface (a usb plug in your head matrix style? :P )08:27
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summelmore like another distribution...08:28
Gh0styyes but from what I hear it's something intel and nokia created together and nokia will support it in the end?08:28
summela merge between maemo and moblin...08:28
summeland i am not sure if it will be better then maemo08:28
Gh0styyes i understood that already08:28
summelmoblin sucked :D08:28
Gh0styoh really? :o08:28
Gh0styhmm ok then i was mal informed08:28
Gh0stybut was just wondering from a developer point of view:08:28
summelit looked nice and had some nice ideas and features but most stuff was broken08:28
ptlGh0sty: no, I've got a few seconds to rest between repetitions, so I check IRC08:29
Gh0styis it worth it to start hacking / creating new stuff for the current version of maemo?08:29
summelwifi didnt even work and it had a strange ui concept08:29
summelbut it looked nice08:29
Gh0styor do i wait for meego?08:29
ptlGh0sty: I've setup a small gym in my house08:29
* ptl will wait for PR1.2, then install Meego08:29
Gh0styptl: hehe i'm not so much of a sports guy but i'd like to start some more sports08:29
Gh0stynow do swim once a week (or at least i commited to that sorta)08:29
summelGh0sty: imho yes... maemo is really great and afaik nokia does not "support" meego on the n900 (but you can install it anyways if you like)08:29
Gh0styoh and are there new versions of maemo coming out any time soon?08:30
summelafaik yes08:30
summelbut only minor upgrades08:30
summelmaemo6 = meego08:30
ptlGh0sty: doing an exercise once a week is not healthy, it overloads your heart. A healthy routine should include exercise at least 3 times a week and no more than six times a week.08:31
ptlhmmm, overloads it not a good word. :P08:31
ptlit forces your heart.08:32
Gh0styyes yes i understand08:32
Gh0styptl: trying ... but currently i have too much of a work schedule08:33
Gh0stywhich is soon going to change since i'm about to quit jobs08:33
Gh0styafter 2,5 year putting heart and soul in the company08:33
ptlHmm! :-/08:33
Gh0styi get a review ... job very well done, a pat on the back ... but we do not have anything for you ...08:34
ptlHope the wage is better then.08:34
Gh0stywell already got a call from a recruiter yesterday that i'm highly wanted for a new opportunity :)08:34
Gh0styand i don't care so much about the wage08:34
Gh0styit's just that i put heart and soul in it ... and do not get any respect or appreciation back08:34
Gh0styI asked for some simple stupid things beside a small augmentation of my wage08:35
Gh0stywhich was actually more of a focus than the augmentation itself ...08:35
vasily_pupkin[m]anybody know, is tear alive?08:35
Gh0styand that got denied08:35
Gh0styhello Stskeeps08:35
Gh0styyou are from europe then Stskeeps ? :)08:36
Gh0styoh right ... ofcourse ... finland :P08:36
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Stskeepsoriginally .dk, now .pl08:36
Gh0styoh nice08:37
Gh0stywhats interesting to see at .pl? :)08:37
Gh0stymy parents go there this summer i believe :p08:37
Gh0stynever been though08:37
Stskeepsdon't ask me, just moved here in september, but prices are fairly cheap and the women are beautiful08:38
Gh0styi heard something about that too yeah :p08:39
Gh0stydammit should go there :)08:39
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Gh0styhad a nice contact with a girl but she has "problems in her life" right now so she does not want to date currently :(08:39
Gh0styand i already lost part of my heart to her even though i never met her :/08:40
Gh0styi'm just too soft i guess :p08:40
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Stskeepsi met a girl at my dorm who asked if i could help her with her computer, one thing let to another and we are now married08:40
Stskeeps(yes, geek dreams do come true)08:41
Gh0stywell the girl i was talking about ...08:41
Gh0styworks in IT :p08:41
Stskeepsah, i could never date anyone who could criticize my code :P08:41
Gh0styis a php developer, creative mind, knows a bit about linux, goes to girl geekdinners, likes to swim (also one of my hobbys)08:42
Gh0stya girl to my heart :P08:42
Gh0styas said already lost part of my heart to her and I don't even know her irl :p08:42
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Stskeepsah, how young and naive people can be :P08:43
* Stskeeps goes get coffee08:43
Gh0styjust some chatter on facebook and stuff ... its also completely random that I got into contact with her :p08:43
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Gh0styits vaguely a colleague from a friend ... and he posted some random chatter (which was about her from me) to her mail ... :P08:44
RST38hStskeeps: So, whaddayathink? Male? 40+? Beer belly and that nasty glittering look in the eyes these guys always seem to have?08:44
RST38hProbably masturbates while chatting to Gh0sty, too...08:44
Gh0stynah :P08:45
Gh0stygot pics from her (from that friend and also what i can see on facebook)08:45
summel<3 google image search08:45
StskeepsRST38h: nah, just that what you think is not what you always eget08:45
RST38hOh, I also look just like Sandra Bullock on my pics =)08:46
Gh0stylol RST38h :P08:46
* RST38h idly notices that it is a shame having to find out about new Maemo5 software by checking
RST38hThe /packages/ page is not even linked from anywhere a normal person would look08:48
Gh0stythere is so much i still need to find ... :/08:49
Gh0styfeel like i'm behind ages :p08:50
Gh0stysince i only got the device a week or 2 now :)08:50
Gh0styalready installed half of the apps from the normal repos :P08:50
ptlRST38h: I just found some package that way, sleeppy - sleep patterns for the N900, kinda like the iPhone Sleep Cycle app08:55
ptlRST38h: maybe someone could add the /packages/ page to the wiki08:55
Gh0stywhats that? :/08:56
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Gh0sty(i do not have an iphone and never will)08:56
Gh0styfrom my point of view its trading evil (windows mobile) for pure evil (mac stuff)08:56
ptlI agree08:58
ptli haven't used this app yet08:58
Gh0stybut what does it do? :P08:59
ptlbut from what I understand it stays at your side when you sleep08:59
Gh0stysing sleepy songs for you? :)08:59
ptland using the accelerometer it records when you shake the bed and such08:59
ptlso it records your 'sleep patterns', it means it records your movements08:59
Gh0styputting a phone next to you ... while you are asleep08:59
ptlwhen you are in deep sleep, you don't move08:59
ptland you set an alarm08:59
Gh0stydoes not sound like ... good for your brain cells08:59
ptlit waits for you to leave the deep sleep phase before sounding the alarm08:59
Gh0styi stil believe in turning off the antenna during the night ...08:59
ptlyou get a pretty graphic and such09:00
ptlthere is a youtube demo where some stop-motion of someone sleeping is show alongside the graphics09:00
Gh0styamazing what you can do with this thing :p09:00
ptlI don't know if this is a feature of the app, but it doesn't seem to be09:00
Gh0sty but anyway i would like to see some other stuff fixed :(09:01
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Gh0stystudying my own sleep cycles is no priority :P09:01
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Gh0styanyone here prepared to make me some software if i say ... pay you 20 eur? :p09:01
ptlit's more of an alarm app09:01
Gh0sty(really really want some stuff ... :/ )09:02
Gh0styand since i'm not a developer ... :/09:02
Gh0styor if you ever would come to belgium also willing to pay in beers :P09:03
Gh0styofcourse i cannot advance those ;)09:03
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Macerugh. i forgot my wall cahrger somewhere and the usb charger seems to take like forever to charge it09:05
Gh0styMacer: if you plug it into usb did you select mass storage or so?09:06
Gh0styfrom a friend i got the insider information:09:06
Gh0styif you click next to the box it only charges at 100mA09:06
Macerno. i just let it charge09:06
Gh0styif you click on mass storage or the other thingy ... it charges at 500mA09:06
Maceroh wtf :)09:06
Macerwell.. that explains a lot09:07
Gh0styand i guess the regular charger in the wall is probably more ... *not sure about that though*09:07
stondalogical, not09:07
summelGh0sty: you know that the magnet field of the earth is MUCH stronger then any radiation from a mobile phone? :D09:07
Gh0stysummel: nevertheless09:07
Gh0styfrom documentaries i've seen09:07
Gh0styelektromagnetic waves are supposedly not too well for your brain and stuff09:08
summeli've seen documentaries in which all gay men are pedophiles... ;)09:08
Gh0styand anyway09:08
Gh0stywho has to call me when i'm in my deep sleep? :P09:08
Gh0styi just use it in a sane manner:09:08
Gh0styat night it gets turned off09:08
Gh0stythe same with my wifi at home09:09
summelbut i would also pay someone to write an app for me :)09:09
Gh0stywell the app i really want09:09
Gh0styis something i have on my e65 already ... (well i would like a better version ofcourse!)09:09
summeloh... and are there instructions on how to make a theme? or can someony make a theme for me? i would also pay :D09:09
Gh0styits location and time based profiles ... :P09:10
Gh0styi once scouted the movie theater in our town09:10
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Gh0styall those cells are in my cellphone09:10
Gh0stywhen i now arrive at the movie theater09:10
Gh0stymy e65  was switching automatically to "silent" (only vibrate, no sound) profile09:11
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Gh0stytime based schedules:09:11
StskeepsGh0sty: there's a tool in works for that09:11
Stskeepssheperd, i think09:11
Gh0styat night around 22h people are sleeping at home ... my phone goes to really silent (only light up, no sound or vibrate) profile09:12
Gh0styand what i would like ... is a combination of the 2:09:12
Gh0styif i am at home and it's 22h ... it should go to really silent ...09:12
Gh0styif i am not at home and it's 22h ... leave it to normal ... and put it to silent when i come home later that evening09:13
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ptlthere is certainly a way to set the N900 for that09:13
Gh0styas said: willing to pay even to get that fixed :p09:13
ptlbut I think you have to use some more deep customization. Maybe dbus-scripts and actman09:13
ptlas far as I know, there's nothing friendly for that09:13
Gh0styptl: i am not a developer so can't do it myself :P09:14
ptljust pieces you can use09:14
ptlyeah, it's a big downside of the GNU/Linux world.09:14
Gh0styalready asked my friend if he does not want to fix me that :)09:14
ptlsome developers build just the basic pieces and expect you to do the rest09:14
Gh0styand he's actually present at the momnet :p09:14
Gh0sty(but probably not yet awake)09:14
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crashanddieGh0sty: how about you stop saying that you "want to pay for people fixing that", and how about you just post an offer?09:14
Gh0styhe's waiting a bit, considering to buy the phone also to develop on it ... :)09:14
ptlcrashanddie: he did say he'd pay EUR2009:15
crashanddieGh0sty: the work involved to develop such a feature would be more around a full month salary (then again, depends on what your salary is)09:15
ptlI happen to disagree09:15
ptlif it's a full-fletched application, I'd agree09:16
ptlbut I think this work is more like setting up some scripts and such09:16
crashanddiewell, I don't know exactly what he's requesting09:16
ptlthe 'configuration' would not be easily changeable, tho09:16
summeli would pay 10€ for a nice wallpaper manager application :)09:16
Gh0styi don't know what the work involved would be :p09:16
summeland 20€ for a custom theme ^^09:16
Gh0stybut i'm sure other people would like the same app09:16
crashanddieI'm writing a SMS/conversation analyser09:16
RST38hBut it should be very easy and cheap because it is Linux and the Linux software is all free!09:16
Gh0stymaybe we can start a market ? :)09:17
Gh0stybid on an idea ... :P09:17
crashanddieGh0sty: ovi store09:17
RST38hSo, crashanddie, you should start working on his request immediately, if you want to earn those EUR20!09:17
Gh0stypost an idea, get some people to chip in small amounts, get a developer to do it ...09:17
RST38hYes, idea is all that matters, right09:17
Gh0styRST38h: it was just a suggestion ... :p09:17
summelGh0sty: users submits idea for an app. next user pays 5€... next user pays 7€... overal amount paid: 28€ ... developer says: ok, i do that for 28€ :D09:18
RST38hImplementation is boring and better be done by "coders" who are not qualified to come with their own ideas.09:18
Gh0stysummel: well i dont think i'm the only one who would like an app like described above ... :)09:18
crashanddieThe app goes through your conversations, and tells you how many SMSs you send on average per day (amount of sms's and amount of messages), also gives you stats with regards to when you send the most texts/place most calls, and eventually, I'd like to aggregate price comparison websites so that the app can recommend the best deal for you per country.09:18
summeli guess so :)09:18
Gh0styif i pay 20, another pays 10, another pays ...09:18
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Gh0styin the end we could maybe gather 200 - 300 eur lets say09:19
crashanddieguys, you can't have people pay different amounts09:19
Gh0stythen maybe a dev could say ok lets do it ... :p09:19
crashanddiebecause nobody would pay the first app09:19
crashanddieThis is an age-old economy chestnut: can customers retroactively get reductions?09:19
RST38hcrashanddie: Nobody will pay, period.09:19
crashanddieRST38h: actually, I think the appstore has proven the contrary09:20
Gh0stywhat do you mean by nobody would pay the first app? :/09:20
RST38hIf you can get something for free, you will not pay.09:20
RST38hcrashanddie: Actually, AppStore rather confirms what I have just said09:20
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Gh0styok let me put it differently then ...09:21
Gh0styeverybody who wants the app pays 5 eur09:21
crashanddieGh0sty: if the first purchase is 10eur, and then the second and third purchase is 5eur, and then the next 5 purchases are 3eur each, etc09:21
RST38hcrashanddie: Check how many developers actually make a living by publishing on AppStore09:21
Gh0stypeople who first invest in it get it for free09:21
Gh0styand it stays in the ovi store for 5 eur ... :)09:21
Gh0styso even if the app is finished ... new guys still need to pay 5 eur09:21
Gh0styi bought half of my symbian apps too ...09:22
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RST38hGh0sty: Ok. So, 100 people pay 5 euros each, which comes down to 500 euros. That is what a software engineer makes *per week*, in a developing country09:22
crashanddieRST38h: that's hardly "nobody pays"09:22
Gh0styfor the couple of euro you pay adding some nice additional features ...09:22
ptlGh0sty: I am trying to find some app for you09:22
ptlGh0sty: try dwind09:22
Gh0stywhere can i find that ptl ? :p09:22
crashanddieGh0sty: how much do you make yearly?09:22
Gh0styRST38h: well i am hoping those developers also do it partially because they like it ... :)09:23
Chiku|dcptl, no more _wait_PR1.2 for your nick ?09:23
ptldwimd processes sensor inputs (like the GPS location or the phone orientation) and modifies the phone behaviour based on a user policy.%09:23
Gh0stythats what foss is also about :p09:23
ptlGh0sty: extras-devel, of course09:23
RST38hcrashanddie: this is for one application only, and even that is hardly stellar09:23
ptlChiku|dc: nokia's unwillingness to satisfy basic needs of their users has beaten me.,09:23
ptlChiku|dc: it was 'demands' :P09:23
* Gh0sty agrees with ptl 09:24
crashanddieRST38h: I believe that for most apps the return on investment is sufficient09:24
Gh0styptl: not really what i want ... :p09:24
RST38hGh0sty: What makes you think developers will implement your idea because they like it?09:24
RST38hMost developers have their own ideas09:24
Gh0styok so be it ... :p09:24
RST38hcrashanddie: I do not believe that, sorry.09:24
RST38hcrashanddie: And, believe it or not, I have been selling my apps for years now.09:24
ptlGh0sty: you should add extras-devel and extras-testing and try some searches to see if you can find a suitable application09:25
Gh0styyour opinion can differ from mine RST38h ...09:25
Chiku|dcalot extra devel still block about PR1.2 dependency packages?09:25
Gh0stybut as i said for example i offered a friend developer some money to build me an app09:25
Gh0styand he did not want it ... :P09:25
crashanddieRST38h: well, if I could choose between making an app and selling it for a dime and some, I'd be happier than just putting the code on gitorious09:25
RST38hcrashanddie: One thing you find out pretty soon is that $5-a-copy is the very bottom you can charge09:25
Gh0stybut he first gotta go buy a phone cause he wants one too (he played with mine half an hour)09:25
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Gh0stythey should put up explicit warnings:09:26
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RST38hcrashanddie: well, making it free is of course a whole different deal09:26
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Gh0stywhat did i do?09:26
crashanddieGh0sty: you have been saying that for a bloody week, shut the fuck up.09:26
RST38hcrashanddie: but as long as selling is concerned, those $1 apps at the AppStore are hardly making their authors anything at all09:26
Gh0stya bloody week? only yesterday ...09:27
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crashanddieRST38h: well, they just need to sell a hundred times to pay the SDK back09:27
Chiku|dc PR1.2 for next week ?09:27
RST38hGh0sty: You talk too much. And most of the stuff you say has been said here for at least a dozen times.09:27
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RST38hcrashanddie: that too09:27
crashanddieRST38h: however, the SDK is worth the $100 imo09:27
RST38hProbably is, but then there is also the publishing agreement.09:32
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Gh0styshees people just sent a notice to crashanddie that i'm serious ...09:39
Gh0styand yes i talk a lot ... but i already explained why ...09:40
crashanddieGh0sty: that's all nice and well, just stop saying the exact same sentence every bloody 20 minutes09:40
crashanddieseriously, just today you've said it two or 3 times09:40
crashanddiemaybe more, didn't read up09:40
Gh0styand a dozen times is not the case, i'm only here for couple of hours in the early morning09:40
crashanddieanyway, take your senility medicine09:41
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Ken-YoungGh0sty, Have you looked at ?09:43
Gh0styi'll just shut it cause there is no arguing on a serious level with you guys ...09:43
Gh0stythere are several similar things like that Ken-Young, but did not know about that specific one.09:44
Ken-YoungGh0sty, THere were a few projects done for Openmoko phones that way.   It worked, albeit slowly.09:45
Gh0stywell i think it would be better if there was something specific for maemo like that09:46
Gh0stybecause if people don't know about it ... they'll have to stumble on such a project being setup :)09:46
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Ken-YoungGh0sty, They wouldn't have to stumble across it.   You could post a message about it on t.m.o.09:48
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Ken-YoungGh0sty, for the Openmoko projects, the rewards grew to a few hundred euros on some projects.09:51
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Gh0styKen-Young: hm nice, but ofcourse for openmoko the community was probably not so large (considering only devs bought the device i guess)09:52
Gh0stydoes openmoko acta=09:52
Gh0stydoes openmoko actually run on n900? :)09:52
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Ken-YoungGh0sty, No, the Openmoko stack has not been ported to the N900.   You're right that the Openmoko community was smaller.   So you might be able to get bigger prizes set aside for maemo projects.09:54
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Stskeepswhy on earth would anyone run openmoko software on n90010:04
Ken-YoungStskeeps, Some people *really* don't want any closed source components.10:07
Stskeepsyes, i know that10:07
Stskeepsbut openmoko of all things? :P10:08
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Ken-YoungStskeeps, Say what you will about Openmoko, but I don't know of any other phone that was released with not one piece of proprietary software running on the ARM core.10:09
StskeepsKen-Young: i am not talking about the hardware support or licensing. i'm talking about the horrid UI.10:09
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Stskeepswhich made me want to throw out my freerunner as it seemed like it was designed by engineers who decided to move back in their mothers basement10:10
Ken-YoungStskeeps, No argument there.   The machine was really underpowered, and could not run a slick UI.10:10
Ken-YoungI don't think the engineers can be blamed though.10:11
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Ken-YoungThe whole thing had to be done on the cheap, with obsolete components.10:11
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Stskeepssure it could, which is the sad part :P10:13
Stskeepsfreerunner os state is a prime example of why things like meego are good, don't make a OS specifically for your device, people fork in so many different directions nothing actually ends up working10:13
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Ken-YoungStskeeps, Yes, it was distressing to see how many distributions popped up for the Freerunner.10:14
Stskeepson the other hand, it did hopefully inspire people to do things the right way by providing a bad example10:15
Ken-YoungPeople got all excited about Android being ported to it, as if having the worst Android device in the world was cause for celebration.10:15
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Stskeepsit's a bit sad, admittedly10:16
Stskeepsotoh, time to market for a open phone should diminish with meego10:16
Ken-YoungYes, both the company and the community failed, in different ways.10:16
Stskeepsie, fully open core system + a hardware adaptation + blobs if you have any10:16
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Ken-YoungStskeeps, The blobs are a real issue, though.  When the manufacturer loses interest in your device, you become frozen in time.10:17
Stskeepswell, if you ever saw my vendor social contract proposal, i did think of those things :P10:18
crashanddiedid you ever get any reaction to that?10:19
crashanddieFrom anyone who works for <vendor>?10:19
Stskeepscrashanddie: there was some but not from official hand, but do remark that nokia's providing a vendor hardware repository for instance10:19
Stskeepsbut consumer policies are not really meego's goal10:20
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Stskeepsbut, i think that it is difficult to lock down something like meego :P10:23
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fralsthis gotta be some kind of record, 9hrs since i posted new fmms version and not a single bug reported yet \o/11:11
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Stskeepstheir devices exploded in their faces, obviously11:12
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mavhcmaybe the download server is broken11:13
Stskeepsor that he forgot to upload it11:14
mavhcor the post didn't send11:14
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trumeeanybody uses kde?11:28
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rm_youmy lack of presence here in the last few months is depressing me11:32
rm_youI need to do less idling and more hacking :P11:32
rm_youi'll put that on my to-do list11:33
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* rm_you goes to bed11:33
SpeedEvilSleep is for the weak!11:34
Ken-YoungSleep is for the weekend.11:34
rm_youWhich it is currently! :P11:34
trumeeweird, all gnomeis here!11:34
trumeeoh, yeah some winblows users as well. always forget about them11:35
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trumeeok end of trolling. anybody knows how can i sync contacts on N90011:36
vanadismobileon windows, linux or mac?11:38
Ken-Youngtrumee, You can sync with some cloud services (like google), using the "Mail for Exchange" dialog under settings.   Otherwise, you can write out a comma separated list format file, and import it into contacts.11:39
trumeeKen-Young: ideally i want to use syncml (using opensync) to sync against my computer. However, syncml opensync doesnt seem to work. I dont want to store data on the cloud. Is it possible to export contacts from N900 as a csv file?11:40
trumeevanadismobile: on linux.11:41
Ken-Youngtrumee, Yes, I have done that successfully.11:41
trumeeKen-Young: using opensync?11:41
vanadismobiletrumee, dunno, windows here11:41
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Ken-Youngtrumee, THe way I did it was to scp the file only the N900, and use the contacts app to import it.11:42
trumeeKen-Young: i want the other way round. Export contacts from N900 as a vcf file/11:42
Ken-Youngtrumee, Oh, sorry - that I have not done.11:43
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trumeeKen-Young: All the contacts on my N900 are the latest ones. and i want to import them on my desktop11:43
trumeeKen-Young: what is this synce-evolution thing, any idea?11:43
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Ken-Youngtrumee, Nope, I'm afraid I know nothing about that.11:44
trumeeKen-Young: i am afraid the day my N900 dies, i will loose all the contacts.11:44
Ken-Youngtrumee, You *can* have them automatically sync with a gmail account, which will provide backup.11:45
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trumeeKen-Young: Problem with gmail is that, i am not sure whether all the fields of N900 will be transferreed to gmail.11:45
trumeeKen-Young: N900 has extra fields like sip address, notes etc. will those get transferred to gmail?11:46
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trumeeKen-Young: i dont want to loose any information in the addressbook, so dont like the cloud sync.11:47
trumeecrashanddie: is that funny?11:48
crashanddietrumee: not talking about that11:48
trumeecrashanddie: cool :)11:48
crashanddieNew law "forces Alabama law enforcement to demand identification from suspected illegal aliens"11:48
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trumeeopensync is almost a dead project. There is no sync solution left!11:49
trumeeanybody knows what this synce-evolution is all about?11:49
trumeeor how reliable are cloud services to sync nokia fields.11:50
crashanddietrumee: also, "meh" doesn't provide any conotations of humour or laughter ;)11:50
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Ken-Youngcrashanddie, I thought "meh" denoted indifference.11:50
crashanddieor indignation11:51
dubziior the sound of a sheep11:53
crashanddieno, that's baah11:53
trumeeso nobody syncs their N900 here?11:53
SpeedEvilPersonally, I don't.11:54
SpeedEvilThough I have 4 phone numbers listed, and have recieved 1 call.11:54
dubziii do, with google ;)11:54
SpeedEvil(since I got it 6 mo ago.)11:55
Ken-YoungI do it with google too, and rsync.11:55
trumeedubzii: are all the N900 fields kept intact on google?11:55
parim1Ken-Young: i lost a lot of meta data while syncing to google11:55
ccooketrumee: ... well, I rsync it. Does that count? :-)11:55
trumeeparim1: there you go, i knew shit would happen when syncing with google11:56
dubziitrumee i havent checked, dont use them all11:56
Ken-Youngparim1, I pulled contacts, calendar etc off an android phone, so I know the metadata I care about is kept by gmail.11:56
trumeeccooke: maybe rsync is the way to go then. But it is only one way sync i guess Desktop > N90011:56
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dubziiken-young, me too, came from iphone11:57
trumeeN95 was way much better. The sync worked perfect on it.11:58
Ken-YoungYeah - but the N95 won't run "The Gimp"!12:00
trumeeaha! there is export contacts thing in contact application12:00
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ccooketrumee: I tend to sync n900 -> backup, with calendar sync (currently) manual via ermining12:01
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trumeeccooke: what is ermining?12:01
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trumeeccooke: i want to sync only the contacts. can ermining do that?12:02
ccooketrumee: a typo. Try erminig :-)12:02
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ccookedon't think so.12:02
SpeedEviltrumee: Covering with ermine - the fur from the weasel.12:02
trumeeccooke: ah, it is google syncer. nope dont want that.12:03
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trumeeatleast the contact apps can produce vcf files. that is a good start12:03
ccooketrumee: what do you want to achieve?12:03
trumeei can atleast import vcf files into desktop12:03
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trumeeccooke: ideally i want to sync between computer (kde kontact) and N900 via syncml using opensync12:04
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trumeeccooke: syncml works perfectly in N95, but Nokia broke something in Maemo512:04
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trumeeccooke: and i dislike putting my sensitive contact information on the cloud. Happy to run a local funambol server if that is needed12:06
trumeeccooke: does that make sense to you?12:07
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lbttrumee: I'm with you 100%  You want syncevolution12:08
trumeelbt, nice. how does that work?12:08
lbtI want to use it with egroupware but that's not there yet12:08
lbtsyncevolution is a backend/cli sync tool. There's a gui for the n900 too12:09
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trumeelbt: do i need to run  a funambol server here? or can i simply use a syncml client to query N900?12:10
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lbtI'm not up on the internals of it I'm afraid12:10
lbtI don't know if the n900 will be a syncml server using se12:11
lbtI think not12:11
lbtmy plan is a local egroupware or tine20 server12:11
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lbtsimilar to funambol12:11
ccookelbt: how stable is syncevolution atm? LAst time I tried it, it wasn't usable12:11
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trumeehmm, so N900 will be a syncml client only. So i deifinitely need a funambol server?12:11
lbtccooke: rapid development12:12
ccookelbt: that's good12:12
ccooketrumee: (sorry, distracted) yes, that did make sense.12:12
lbtlook, someone has kindly condensed this issue down to loads of random chat spread over multiple contradictory forum pages... as usual
lbtgoddam idiots won't summarise to a wiki12:13
ccookelbt: that would be *useful*12:14
ccookewe couldn't have that!12:14
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trumeewiki says "Syncing with a Linux Desktop, You also can use syncevolution", but that is not a direct sync i guess. i definitely need to set up a funambol server.12:16
trumeelbt, are all the Nokia special fields transferred to funambol (there is no loss of meta-data)?12:17
lbttrumee: looks like you can add something valuable to the wiki when you find out:)12:18
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trumeelbt: :), what pisses me off is why syncml server in N900 is broken.12:19
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lbtthey are looking for bugs ... if we can get stuff to them there's a good chance they'll be receptive right now12:19
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crashanddieheh, airbus a380: total wingspan: 79.8m12:49
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trumeelbt, ccooke:filed a bug for non-working opensync
povbotBug 10023: OpenSync/Syncml fails on N90012:59
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crashanddieThe quotes from Iron Chef are just hilarious13:23
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crashanddieWoman, beaming "It came in my mouth so gently, it was delicious"13:23
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awilkinsI'm having trouble flashing the eMMC ; anyone who knows what they are doing to tell me where I'm going wrong?13:25
frals hehe13:25
awilkinsI'm following the procedure and not booting the phone between flashing the firmware and the eMMC image ; the flasher gets to "booting device into flash mode", the phone reboots, the progress dots show, then they stop "dotting" and it just sits there13:26
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awilkinsI wanted to totally revert the phone to factory state because I wanted to see if the problem I'm having is software related ; alternately, does anyone know if the phone caches your SIM information in the home folder anywhere?13:28
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Barttechhey ppl13:31
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crashanddieI'm so bloody bored13:43
crashanddieit's not even fun anymore13:43
xeatry some martial arts13:44
xeathat will keep you busy for a while :>13:44
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lcukn900if i am using xchat whilst it updates will the universe implode?13:48
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pupnikor not necessarily13:49
lcukn900oh... lol 2mins to test13:49
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lcukn900hows u pupnik13:50
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crashanddiexea: only here for another week13:50
crashanddiexea: pretty hard to start martial arts when traveling13:51
Barttechi gots n900 yesterday \o/ it wins13:51
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Barttechhehe thanks13:53
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Barttechhad to wait a month for it, but totally worth it13:53
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haltdef_a month? ouch13:54
haltdef_I was going crazy waiting 3 days for mine13:54
Barttechyeah i ordered it 4 months before my contract with tmobile expired, but you can apparantly only do that 3 months up front13:54
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nocturnalany swedish/danish users who can tell me how to use the alternative danish characters on the n900 keyboard?13:55
Barttechpainful month with a crappy htc13:55
nocturnalthey're printed on the key, but i don't know how to use them13:55
haltdef_which one?13:55
* gevaerts had to wait for two months before he found a store where he *could* order one!13:55
Barttechhaha :p well i wanted to get it through contract ofc13:56
Barttechi had a htc touch pro. crappiest phone in existance13:56
gevaertsYou mean you *wanted* to wait for a month? ;)13:56
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haltdef_qualcomm msm72xx :(13:56
lcukn900nocturnal what color are they?13:56
lcukn900if blue use the blue arrow13:56
Barttechhahaha well i had no spare monies to just buy it so it was involuntary13:57
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lcukn900nocturnal then use shift13:57
nocturnali have triple characters on two keys13:57
nocturnalone regular, which you make a capital one with shift, one blue and one danish13:57
nocturnali want to use the danish one13:57
Barttech3rd is blue tho isnt it?13:57
nocturnalyeah but that's ! and ?13:57
nocturnali also have ö ø ä æ13:58
Barttechno clue lol :P13:58
gevaertsis that danish blue?13:58
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nocturnalno the swedish and danish characters are white, ö and ø on the same key13:58
nocturnaland ä æ on another key13:58
Barttechmaybe try shift and blue13:58
lcukn900mm i dunno then. stskeeps you any idea since your device is potentiaslly .dk13:58
Barttechbut srsly i love this phone <313:59
nocturnalhmm i guess icould add danish to the on screen keyboard layout14:00
Barttechand this OS :P14:00
nocturnalthanks for your help guys14:00
Barttechgl nocturnal :)14:00
lcukn900doh nocturnal14:00
lcukn900try sym/ctrl key14:01
lcukn900ctrl is printed white which is prolly a clue ,)14:01
Barttechhaha yeah14:02
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* haltdef_ came from windows mobile as well14:03
Barttechah, this is much better eh?14:03
haltdef_xperia x1, pretty much a touch pro with a better screen .. been using the OS since 2003 though :P14:03
Barttechi wanted to smash my htc14:03
Barttechbut i can get like 90€ for it so14:04
haltdef_windows mobile is so close to being everything I want in a phone14:04
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haltdef_just so sluggish and doens't quite manage it :P14:04
Barttechquestion is wheter the satisfaction i could get from smashing it is worth more lol14:05
TriztN900ain't the triple chars there for cutting prise for the nordic market, you will get ö as default if use finnish/swedish, while using danish you get to o with the line14:05
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* lcukn900 ponders a new phone14:05
Barttechtouchpro was super slow and buggy, sms was annoying, bluetooth didnt work14:06
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haltdef_I didn't realize how slow my x1 was until I fired up my n900 :P14:06
Barttechhaha yeah14:06
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Barttechhad the same feeling14:06
haltdef_not sure if it's the OS or hardware difference14:06
Barttechfrom yesterday when i got my phone ive been on it constantly14:06
haltdef_msm72xx really is shit14:07
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Barttechjust installing stuff and playing angrybirds lol xD14:07
nocturnallcukn900: yeah i know i thought it was a good clue too but it didn't work. i also tried locking fn and sym14:07
nocturnali think maybe they're printed there for in case you change the system side locale14:07
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Barttechyeah, i had a glofiish m800 before this. now that was awfu.14:07
nocturnalor keyboard layout14:07
nocturnalso i'm better off adding it to the on screen layout14:08
nocturnalbecause i move between danish and swedish a lot14:08
haltdef_only issues with the n900 is lack of, lack of hardware keys under the screen (used to control media player from my pocket) and irritating media player :p14:08
lcukn900which has better bacon?14:08
nocturnalhaltdef_: i think i saw something related in the dev repository14:08
nocturnalyou should check it out if you haven't already14:09
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nocturnali honestly don't remember14:09
haltdef_I have it installed and working, just doesn't seem to cache when offline14:09
nocturnaljust saw it briefly14:09
Barttechi dont mind the no hardware keys. i have a zen so i dont really use it for music (yet)14:09
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haltdef_I listen to music at work over bluetooth, can't have cell on *and* scrobbling, not with the stock battery :P14:09
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nocturnalwhat i found interesting to note was that a certain theme, could have been from the dev repo, slowed down the phone so much that it was almost unusable. the whole gui became unresponsive until i changed to an official theme from ovi store.14:10
Barttechso far its perfect :p14:10
Barttechyou have a better battery?14:10
haltdef_only extended battery is a bit fucked by the look of it14:11
Barttechi mean it survives for like a day for me so its ok14:11
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haltdef_yea it's just about enough if I'm careful14:11
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Barttechoh? how much was it? and how long does yours last?14:11
haltdef_GSM only unless i need 3G, always keep the screen brightness down as low as possible14:11
haltdef_I haven't bought it, just read about it in here :P14:12
Barttechi have 2 classmates with n900's so i knew not to except long battlife14:12
haltdef_yea me either, I do plan on getting the extended one once everything's sorted though14:12
Stskeepslcukn900: no .dk keys here, thank god14:12
lcukn900ahh k14:12
Barttechyeah, but i usually have charger with me and usually am near power so i dont mind it14:13
TriztN900haltdef_: I bought a proporta 3400, not much larger than the phone, handy when nowhere to recharge14:13
lcukn900file performance bugs and talk with developers about simplifying their apps and try to emphasise well tuned apps make battery life better14:13
haltdef_yea dad has something like that, should yoink it14:13
Barttechplus got the usb cable and a netbook in case im not near power lol, just the netbook seems pointless now i have this :P14:13
lcukn900netbook == external battery for n900 :)14:14
Barttechits like a large usb charger now14:14
Barttechlol indeed!14:14
Barttechand that can charge it like 3 times so :D14:15
lcukn900im only miffed about my laptop needing to be turned on to use usb14:15
Barttechyeah, thats a shame14:15
aquatixthere seem to be some netbooks/laptops now that have an always-powered usb connector14:15
lcukn900ill get a car battery or simething14:15
aquatixspecifically for these things14:15
TriztN900lcukn900 aint that heavy to carry a netbook as battery?14:16
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Barttechmy netbook is only like 1kg14:16
Barttecheee 1201n14:16
TriztN900think it's too heavy14:16
* aquatix was wondering whether there is an updated claws-mail somewhere14:16
awilkinsBah, Windows sucks donkey-poop milkshakes through a straw.14:16
Barttechn900 has better games and can do what the eee can tho :p14:17
squiddwouldnt fit in to my pocket :(14:17
lcukn900trizt when travelling properly i need laptop anyway for other things and its a small one.  its simpler to use n900 for everything mobile but at airports etc i n,sometimes need a boost14:17
awilkinsIt doesn't flash the eMMC properly... linux to the rescue14:17
Barttechmyeah its dualboot14:17
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Barttechwin7 and ubuntu14:17
Barttechwoot my screenprotector is here14:17
awilkinsBarttech, Which type did you go for?14:18
Barttechany tips to apply it? i suck at that14:18
Barttechbrando ultraclear14:18
lcukn900need spray on screenprotectors14:18
Barttechonly because it would ship in 1 day14:18
lcukn900would coat everything14:18
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awilkinsBarttech, Run a shower in the bathroom for 5 minutes until it's steamy and put it on in there14:18
aquatixBarttech: don't thinker too much with it, it'll only attract more dust14:18
Barttechidd Icukn90014:19
awilkinsBarttech, That will cause water to nucleate around airborne dust and draw it to the ground14:19
Barttechok thanks guys14:19
Barttechindeed sorry, dutch abbrevation lol14:19
aquatixlcukn900: indeed14:19
aquatixBarttech: :)14:19
squiddvwin 314:19
lcukn900young uns!14:19
Barttechim going to try that now! ill be back soon ;)14:19
aquatixlcukn900: short for 'inderdaad'14:20
lcukn900you have a qwerty keyboard on n900 use it14:20
aquatixbut that word is all over the keyboard14:20
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Barttechshower is running14:20
lcukn900gan900 must have super thumbs14:20
awilkinsDamn damn damn damn damn damn14:21
awilkinsAh well, I admit defeatt14:21
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awilkinsI've been getting "SIM card registration failed"14:21
awilkinsBut I've looked through the phone logs and everything trying to diagnose it and it's reading the SIM fine14:21
fralshmm, i wonder if i should pack both my n900s or just grab the battery from the 2nd one14:22
awilkinsSo not a hardware problem (in theory)14:22
TriztN900lcukn900: sure there can be times when something bigger than n900, sometimes I wish it could have had more buttons on the keyboard as missing some characters like pipe on the buttons14:22
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awilkinsTriztN900, Yes, pipe is the char I miss the most14:22
Barttechthis screenprotector has only 1 hole, tho ive seen some that have more14:23
awilkinsWhen I found out it was on the virtual kb I exclaimed "surely not, this is a linux phone!"14:23
lcukn900fr*ls take both and use second as a posh batterychargwe14:23
fralsgood point14:23
fralsi like how you censored the a ;)14:23
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Barttechit will cover the frontcam and such, will that be an issue?14:23
lcukn900lol lazy typo14:23
gevaertsBarttech: it can't really make the front camera image worse14:23
awilkinsBarttech, It might interfere with the brightness and proximity sensors14:23
Barttechoh right14:24
awilkinsBarttech, I've not even USED the frontcam14:24
Barttechbut im sure they considered that14:24
Barttechyeah im sure i wont haha14:24
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Barttechbut the proximity sensor hmm14:24
awilkinsBarttech, the protector I have has cutouts for them.. and the LED14:24
Barttechwell i can take it off it says so ill try it14:24
Barttechits very thin anyway14:25
awilkinsI'm quite pleased with it, it looked like ass the first day but as it's dried out the microbubbles are all gone and the finish is a lot nicers14:25
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TriztN900awilkins pippe and {} had been more useful on the kbd than €£14:25
awilkinsTriztN900, Indeed, what do they think we are, accountants?14:26
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N900evilTriztN900: you can alter tje keym aps14:26
N900evilThouth I hacenMt14:26
awilkinsBah, still "SIM card registration failed" after a full bleach-clean OS install + eMMC wipe14:26
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lcukn900awilkins try different sim out of interest14:27
awilkinsIt can't be hardware problem, the SIM worked in it last week. Maybe they barred my IMEI and aren't admitting it14:27
fralsawilkins: flashing latest firmware right?14:27
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lcukn900and failing that it sounds borked?14:27
awilkinsfrals, No, I flashed the official vodafone firmware it already had14:27
awilkinsfrals, It's going back to the vodafarm in a bubble pack, so don't want to around their ire14:28
fralsshould be recent enough, 51-1 flashed the cell modem afaik and if you flashed to a previous version it wouldnt work with a sim card (iirc)14:28
awilkinslcukn900, Other SIM doesn't work and this SIM works perfectly in my old RAZR14:28
awilkinslcukn900, And it also worked in this unit for at least a week14:28
awilkinslcukn900, The syslogs have the serial number in them so the hardware must be reading it OK14:29
awilkinsThe SIM serial number, that is14:29
lcukn900was the reflash total scratch? ie you didnt restore after?14:30
lcukn900cos you did emmc i think i knpw answer14:30
awilkinslcukn900, Total 100% flash and no restored backups, it even went into the "Getting started" app for the second time ever14:31
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awilkinsI can't see why they should bar the IMEI but it's the only explanation remaining to me... I bought the phone from them, and have only ever used it on their networks14:32
lcukn900ok take it to store14:32
lcukn900speak they can play with sims?14:32
awilkinslcukn900, Yes, there's a "repair return" pack waiting for it to go into14:33
awilkinslcukn900, It will have to wait until monday to go special delivery from the PO14:33
Barttechits attached14:33
Barttechno bubbles14:33
Barttechno dust14:33
Barttechproximity sensor still works14:33
Barttechthanks for the bathroom tip there14:34
awilkinsBarttech, I wish I'd used it on the first one I tried ... dropped it on a printout and utterly destroyed it14:34
lcukn900bartech i would probably have same experience.  then realise i attahed it to the cat or something14:34
awilkinsBarttech, But it stood up so well to the abuse I subjected it to in anger, that I bought another of the same type14:34
awilkinsThis sucker wouldn't even puncture with full-on-biting-canine-teeth14:35
Barttechive also ordered a kind of rubber thing for the sides which wa s like 2€14:35
Barttechhahaha the cat :p14:35
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Barttechmy n900 looks significantly different from my cat ;)14:36
lcukn900i just sent half a sms msg because i dropped phone and caught it by the send button14:36
awilkinsBetter than not catching it14:37
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lcukn900was heading for my face, so yeah14:37
* Trizt should be eating 14:37
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lcukn900wheres most extreme place n900 will work?14:38
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lcukn900can you take mobiles to ISS?14:39
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Triztsure you can, but you won't have much of mobile carrier connection up there14:39
lcukn900will n900fly work in orbit14:40
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gevaertsit will "work", yes :)14:40
lcukn900liqflow will be funky14:40
gevaertsActually, at least it will be more or less safe to use there :)14:40
lcukn900doesnt all hardware have to be confirmed space safe14:41
aquatixthey take laptops too14:41
aquatixbut those have a lesser life span because of the radiation14:41
aquatixso an n900 will work too14:41
aquatixfor a while :)14:41
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aquatixlousy gsm coverage though14:42
lcukn900good gps lock tho14:42
aquatixmight freak out the n900 though14:43
lcukn900you could use wifi AP14:43
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aquatix'wtf, *that* high?!'14:43
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Barttechim sure they have wifi in iss ;)14:43
SpeedEvilThe GPS will not get a lock14:43
SpeedEvilUnless nokia is violating ITAR and related stuff.14:44
Barttechhow else will they survive? you need either 3g or wifi. its like oxygen :p14:44
SpeedEvilAll consumer GPSs drop out at >60000ft and >1000kt14:44
SpeedEvil(some drop out at or - which is a bug)14:44
lcukn900speed? rly14:44
gevaertsYou don't actually need GPS though. I'm sure they can derive their position straight from the clock14:44
lcukn900i thought it would still work14:44
Barttechalso they prob dont need much navigating up there14:45
aquatixBarttech: they got extensive training to be able to go without that for long times though14:45
Barttechrespect, if i dont have internet for a few days i become very, very ill14:45
lcukn900they install a massive stars screensaver14:45
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gevaertslcukn900: on one screen. The other screen has a spinning earth screensaver14:46
Barttechi mean no sex for a year, ok, but no internet? impossible14:46
lcukn900for you maybe14:47
* aquatix needs both14:47
Barttechwell if you had to choose one14:47
Barttechsex or internet14:47
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Barttechfor a full year.. which would youmpick?14:47
Barttechfor me it would depend on the quantity of sex and speed of internet14:48
aquatixdepends on my location14:48
lcukn900and internet eccludes porn and you have hand tied behind back.14:48
aquatixlcukn900: :)14:48
Barttechindeed, yes!14:48
lcukn900just to balance the argument14:48
Barttechno porn :P14:48
aquatixthen no internet14:48
Barttechbut if youre getting sex once a week only?14:49
Barttechthen id pick internet14:49
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aquatixas said, depends on where we are14:49
Barttechindeed :P14:49
aquatixmaybe we're travelling around the world or something14:49
aquatixi'll get serious withdrawal though14:50
lcukn900i need to do some hacking later14:50
Barttechyeah me too14:50
lcukn900im making a widger to show distance from active volcano14:50
aquatixhell, i even jumped on internet when i found an open wifi spot in namibia14:50
Barttechhaha cool14:50
aquatixlcukn900: lol14:51
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Barttechid do that too lol14:51
Termana"shit, theres a volcano thats erupting right in front of us - if I hadn't seen this widget on my n900, we would of been screwed"14:51
Barttechmy gf wont let me bring my netbook anywhere14:51
Barttechbut, a phone.. thats a must14:51
* aquatix wouldn't want to carry his laptop around on vacation14:52
Dassu Barttech wat?14:52
Barttechwell true14:52
DassuNo netboob?14:52
DassuHAve you tried to reason with her?14:52
aquatixDassu: only stand-alones14:52
Barttechi mean to like vacations hahaha14:52
DassuBarttech: But still :( No netbook.14:52
aquatix(paired, that is)14:52
Barttechshe cant be reasoned with ;)14:52
TermanaThis is why I don't have a girlfriend14:53
Termana:P lol14:53
Barttechits a woman, they seem allergic to small technology14:53
aquatixmine has an n90014:54
aquatixand a netbook14:54
Barttechreally? she must be awesome14:54
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aquatixso i'm kinda good14:54
aquatixBarttech: of course :P14:54
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Barttechlucky guy14:54
aquatixhey, the moment she bought an n900, i proposed ;)14:55
Barttechhahaha :D14:55
Barttechreally? :p14:55
aquatix(actually, that was before, but hey)14:55
Barttechah! she said yes?14:55
aquatixthank the Light :)14:55
Barttechcongrats then :D14:55
aquatixghehe, thanks :)14:55
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Barttechhow long have you been together?14:56
aquatixalmost 12 years now14:56
Barttechoh wow, nice14:57
aquatixhighschool sweethearts14:57
aquatixkinda scary really ;)14:57
Barttechnaa its cool14:57
* aquatix agrees14:57
Barttechive been with my gf 2 years now14:57
Barttechshes pretty cool14:58
aquatixgreat :)14:58
Barttechbut im a total gadget freak and she doesnt like that lol14:58
Barttechwhat do you do btw? work, i mean14:59
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aquatixsystem stuff for the navy14:59
aquatixBarttech: you? :)15:00
Barttechstudent atm15:01
Barttechstudying software development15:01
fralswow, was pretty easy to get a "donate via paypal" button generated15:03
Barttechyeah :D15:03
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Barttechwell, Delft15:03
aquatixBarttech: been there ;)15:03
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aquatixthat's no amsterdam :P15:03
Barttechwell, close enough ;)15:04
* aquatix really needs to wrap up his study at the VU15:04
Barttechwhat did you study there specifically?15:04
lcukbeer strength and its effect on human subjects15:04
aquatixlcuk: that's my master indeed15:05
TriztDelft... not been there but had a server there15:05
aquatixTrizt: :)15:05
aquatixBarttech: computer science; internet & web technology15:05
aquatix(distributed systems, parallel programming, the works)15:05
aquatixhave some colleages from TU Delft btw15:06
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Barttechdelft is pretty cool15:06
lcukaquatix, what languages were you using for parallel programming15:06
lcukand were you using ondie cores for the parallel systems or the distributed computing elements?15:07
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Barttechif i try to disable callforwarding and click save (in settings and then phone) it doesnt work15:09
Barttechif i go back to look its enabled again15:09
aquatixlcuk: C and java15:09
aquatixand both dual-core and multisystem15:10
TriztBarttech; switch to another provider, then maybe if you are lucky15:10
Barttechoh right. i thought it was my old mobile number but its tmobiles voicemail15:10
Barttechbahh lol15:10
Barttechohwell its disabled anyway15:11
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* Trizt wonders why canal+ has to dub anime15:12
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aquatixjust subtitle it...15:12
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Barttechi dont see why they dub anything :p15:12
summel\o/ now i can do my own ujnboxing video15:12
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Triztaquatix; I agree15:12
lcuksummel :D you got n900?15:13
summeljust picked it up at the packstation :)15:13
Barttechwoot cong15:13
summeland my 32 gB Micros SDHC card ^^15:13
aquatixBarttech: funniest is when watching Air Crash Investigation or similar about something Dutch, which is dubbed in english and I can barely make out what the guy is saying15:13
Barttechahhaha yeah15:13
aquatixsummel: whoa15:13
aquatix32GB is out15:13
summel16 GB15:13
Barttechthey dub, they sub back to dutch rofl15:14
* aquatix crawls from under his stone15:14
summelbecause 32 costs still way above 100 €15:14
aquatixah yes15:14
summelbut they are "out"15:14
* aquatix remembers now15:14
aquatixand i remember the price ;)15:14
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Barttechi just have 4gb xD15:14
* SpeedEvil wonders if there are SD->SATA adaptors15:14
* aquatix has 16GB15:14
SpeedEvil(yes, that way round)15:14
TriztI haven an 8& thought the 16 far too much15:14
aquatixSpeedEvil: sd-card->sata?15:14
SpeedEvilaquatix: plug a SD card with a lead on it to a SATA drive15:15
aquatixi think that exists15:15
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, I wonder how fast it would be15:15
Barttech32+4 is fine for me :p15:15
Barttechhardly using the storage so far15:15
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aquatixlike that?15:15
TriztBarttech; good place to place backups IMHO15:15
SpeedEvilaquatix: no - the other way round15:15
aquatixsata to sd15:16
aquatixso you can have a ginourmous sd 'card' :)15:16
aquatixproblem is, sdhc goes to 32GB15:16
Barttechi have a 30mbps 4gb sdcard in my netbook lol15:17
Barttechsuper expensive for 4gb15:17
SpeedEvilaquatix: SDXC is just another bitfield tweak as I understand it. (with another shitty fs)15:17
* aquatix likes the CF design a lot better15:18
SpeedEvilCF sucks in several ways15:18
summel*hums the nokia melody*15:18
SpeedEvilprimarily, the connector is horribly fragile.15:18
aquatixit's kinda big for a phone too ;)15:19
SpeedEvilSecondly - it's - comparatively - huge.15:19
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* Arkenoi thinks it was a big mistake to a) use _micro_SD slot and b) to make it inaccessible without removing back cover15:19
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SpeedEvilI think it should have supported a stack of 8 microSD.15:19
aquatixArkenoi: it's quite the default with phones nowadays15:19
MohammadAGArkenoi, drill a hole15:19
Barttechthe sd slot seemed a bit fragile15:19
fralsmicroSD is pretty much standard in cellphones these days isnt it?15:19
Barttechit is yeah15:20
MohammadAGafaik yes15:20
jaskafinding miniSD for the n810 was harder than getting a microSD and adapter :|15:20
SpeedEvilIs 32G SD cheaper than uSD?15:20
aquatixminisd goes up to 4GB i think; after that they stopped making them15:20
aquatixSpeedEvil: i think so15:20
aquatixit's bigger :)15:20
crashanddieSpeedEvil: 32GB is cheaper than 16GB uSD IIRC15:21
CorsacArkenoi: at least you don't have to remove the battery15:21
crashanddieaquatix: every miniSD has been stopped, their price will gradually increase as stocks dry up15:21
aquatixi got some minisd-microsd converters from dealextreme15:21
SpeedEvilcrashanddie: until someone starts cashing in on teh market by gluing microSD into mini adaptors.15:21
Barttechanyway folks nice talking to ya, be back later! bye! :)15:22
Arkenoiaquatix: being "default" does not make it any better :-/15:22
aquatixArkenoi: true15:22
aquatixBarttech: ciao15:22
Barttechsame as microusb15:22
aquatixwell, microusb is kinda nice15:22
crashanddieSpeedEvil: sure... Also, CF had several advatanges over SD some time ago... Those advatanges are being washed out slowly15:22
Arkenoii have only one device for which use of microSD looks justified15:22
aquatixas it doesn't wear out the connector in the device that much15:22
Barttechid have preferred miniusb, have like 5 miniusb charges and cables15:22
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jaskayou could probably fit about a terabyte in cf tho.. looking at 32 gig microsd :)15:22
Barttechwell true15:22
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Barttechanyway bye folks :D15:23
aquatixBarttech: ciao15:23
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Arkenoiand even that one could have full-size SD slot and still be handy enough15:23
SpeedEvilI want USB in a 3.5mm socket15:23
SpeedEvila quad-ring one15:23
Arkenoiand that device is wrist watch15:23
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crashanddieI have a smart uSD :)15:23
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DocScrutinizerto control satelites?15:25
pupniki have an idea for a new app(let)15:26
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SpeedEvilpupnik: It counts the number of girls and cups in a photo?15:26
pupnikgood idea15:26
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: nope, but it does NFC and has an integrated cryptoprocessor ;)15:26
DocScrutinizersmart enuff15:26
jaskanfc sd flash card? so people can loot the contents without touching?:)15:26
pupnikwell is there anything that will let me map my wifi reception?15:27
pupniksay i have an access point and it isnt getting everywhere15:27
SpeedEvilpupnik: I've got a stupid script that I've misplaced15:27
SpeedEvilpupnik: basically - install gps-tracker-widget15:27
SpeedEvilpupnik: set it recording. Take a while loop to parse /proc/net/wireless - well - to cat it every second.15:28
crashanddiejaska: nha, more like: I wrote a C app that emulates my BAC smartcard protocol, so I can enter the office with my phone ;)15:28
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SpeedEvilpupnik: A cheesy script to correlate, and plot via colour with gnuplot15:28
pupniknice SpeedEvil15:28
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* pupnik goes into crazy idea mode15:29
SpeedEvilpupnik: there is also an app - wififinder - that will beep if it finds a connection.15:29
SpeedEvilpupnik: or wander around watching streaming porn.15:30
pupnikkismet works on n900?  i forgot15:30
SpeedEvilthere is aircrack-ng15:30
pupnikyeah we need to do the cuptracker app15:30
SpeedEvilbut that's not quite teh same thing15:30
pupnikgood enough.  anything that can promiscuously scan and log15:31
crashanddieoh god... flash used for hyperlinks to ensure people stay on the website for a minimum amount of time15:31
pupniknow about NN-recognition15:31
pupnikmore or less annoying than an advertisement between the forward15:32
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crashanddiebecause if you don't have flash, you can't even browse anymore...15:33
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summelMohammadAG: the sdk works on another laptop :)15:35
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SpeedEvilIs there a simpe way to turn the GPS on?15:36
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SpeedEvilI want to be able to turn it on and off from shell - ideally15:36
crashanddieOn the n810 you needed something that would poll it every x seconds to prevent it from shutting down15:37
SpeedEvilI think I need to send a broadcast dbus message - but I'm unsure15:37
lcukSpeedEvil, noobmonk3y does it from pyqt - not sure how but you could check his src15:37
lcukand jebba mightv put something in his wiki15:37
crashanddieI had this script that basically broadcast the GPS data on a wifi network, but don't know if the same would work on n90015:37
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pupnikdoesnt really matter.  i find the places just by disconnects15:40
pupnikoh.  a wifi SIGNAL STRENGTH would e nice to see in menubar icon15:41
pupnikyou know, so you can see at least 1,2,3 radial 'bars' for signal strength15:41
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SpeedEvilI'd like it to work like the 2G/3G bars15:43
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dimitraanyone use sb ?15:46
dimitraroom dead?15:48
ToJa92sb = ???15:48
* gevaerts doesn't see any room!15:48
Triztsoft bread? ;)15:48
dimitrasb = scratchbox15:48
Shapeshifterdimitra: 1) ask your question, not if anyone does anything, 2) be a lil more patient ^^15:49
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* RST38h yawns and announces a new XChat build15:49
dimitrafirst question, whats the diff between scratchbox & scratchbox215:50
RST38hlotsa diff man15:50
dimitrasecond question, I cant include <clutter/clutter.h> when I compile in sb for armel15:50
RST38hlotsa lotsa diffs diff 'em urself to find out man15:50
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aquatixcan i do a request for a new claws-mail build for diablo?15:51
RST38hlearn about pkg-config man15:51
dimitraRST38h, I want to compile a c prog useing gstreamer clutter and cairo15:51
RST38hpkg-config is ye friend15:51
aquatixRST38h: :)15:52
RST38hye best matey15:52
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dimitraRST38h, I have set the paths in pkg-config15:52
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RST38hwhat paths?15:52
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dimitraRST38h, for clutter-1.0 diretcory15:52
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RST38hyo next besta friend is man, mate15:53
RST38hman pkg-config15:53
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dimitraRST38h, what i saw in SB directory, is that I have a SB inside another SB15:53
dimitraRST38h, is that rt?15:54
dimitraRST38h, I ll try another clean install15:54
RST38hno idea, only have one SB215:54
dimitraRST38h, for cairo clutter gstreamer & maybe a bit gtk for maemo in N900 u rekon SB or SB2?15:55
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fralsRT @lcuk retweet!15:55
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lcukRT: @frals RT @lcuk retweet!15:56
dimitra btw why says ABANDONED PROJECT ?15:56
Shapeshifterdimitra: it says right below that line.15:57
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dimitraShapeshifter, I c that is mainted by NOKIA15:58
* frals slaps lcuk with some bacon before he leaves15:58
dimitrajust cant understant the DIABLO the FREMANTLE the SCratcjbox2 difs15:58
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auenfNOKIA or NOKlA ?16:00
dimitraauenf, ?16:03
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* lcuk grabs the bacon and runs - i knew i recognised the smell coming from my laptop16:05
dimitrado i need NOKIA binaries for a clutter application in ARMEL?16:05
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crashanddiedimitra: stop using caps16:07
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summelcan i set a "default" phone number for a contact?16:11
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styleHi, any ideas why google calendar synchronizing fails with n900 (it starts synchronizing and "Calendar and Task" almost finishes, but after that always comes error16:19
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Shapeshifterstyle: it's not supported. there's an app called ermining, or you can use a service like nuevasync.16:20
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Shapeshifterboth enable you to sync google calendar with the n900 calendar.16:20
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styleShapeshifter: yeh, Erminig doesn't seem to support n90016:22
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Shapeshifterstyle: I'm 99% sure it does. In any case, I use nuevasync and it works.16:25
styleokay, I'll try =)16:25
Shapeshifterstyle: ^16:26
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stylevery alpha indeed =) crashes quite often =)16:36
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dymaxionanyone know if I can i use OpenVPN on the N900 to connect using Cisco OpenConnect protocol? cheers16:56
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gevaertsdymaxion: openvpn uses the openvpn protocol16:57
MohammadAGhow long have i been *not* here?16:57
dymaxiongevaerts, I see.. so I guess i need openConnect from the testing repo...  cheers16:57
gevaertsMohammadAG: 30 seconds?16:58
MohammadAGwas the channel that quiet?16:58
MohammadAGlag was going up for some reason16:59
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* pupnik imagines a 4 row keyboard with dedicated numberkey row17:08
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mtnbkrpupnik: put that Droid down!  :)17:09
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MohammadAGwhat's with upstart-job missing...17:31
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Stskeepsi don't understand why anyone depends on that17:32
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Stskeepsit does not exist in any of the upstart versions of maemo17:33
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crashanddieBloody hell18:00
crashanddieThe hills are alive with the sound of haggis?18:00
SpeedEvilTractors here.18:00
crashanddieOne in five people in Britain thinks that haggis is an animal that roams the Highlands, according to a survey on Friday.18:01
SpeedEvilI could record them, and make a symphony.18:01
SpeedEvilOr ... not.18:01
SpeedEvilIt does! It has one leg shorter than the other, to enable it to graze hills more effectively.18:01
crashanddie18 percent of the UK thinks haggis is a sheep, 15 percent think it's a scottish musiscal instrument, 4 and percent think it's a character from Harry Potter18:01
SpeedEvilThere are two subspecies - which can't mate - the clockwise, and the anticlockwise haggis.18:01
SpeedEvilOne has the left leg shorter, the other the right.18:02
crashanddieEvent 14% of the 800 scots polled said they didn't know what haggis was18:02
crashanddiebut I guess that's normal, with them being drunk and the funny accent18:02
RST38hcrashanddie: isn't haggis a brand of diapers though? =)18:02
crashanddieRST38h: no, that's huggies18:02
crashanddiewell, depends again, if you say that with a scottish accent or not :P18:03
RST38hah shit18:03
SpeedEvilWell - in some parts of scotland - there are 4 food groups. Deep-fried, battered, Tennants special, and Irn Bru.18:04
crashanddieyup, tastes like it, RST38h18:04
RST38h"HTC Walks From Palm Bid, Will Lenovo Step Up?"18:04
crashanddielet Palm die18:04
RST38hOh, the Tentacled One! You have heard my pleas and obliged! Thankyouthankyouthankyou18:04
crashanddieshoot it in the fucking head and piss on its dead fat carcass18:04
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RST38hNow Lenovo will buy Palm and they will BOTH die in the embrace of death18:04
PhonicUKhey all18:05
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crashanddiePhonicUK: did you ever notice your nick could be pronounced as "phony cock"?18:05
PhonicUKno i did not18:05
crashanddieIn that case I'm happy to have contributed to your life18:05
PhonicUKdid you notice that the abbreviated version of my nick is PhUK ?18:06
crashanddie"Phuck a phony cock"18:06
crashanddiesounds like something robin williams would say18:06
crashanddieor victoria beckham18:06
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crashanddieanyway, I'm off to bed18:08
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crashanddie'night all18:09
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trumeesip calls over wifi make N900 hot.18:10
trumeenot sure whether it is the g729 codec18:11
PhonicUKHas anyone made a GPS-base tron-like trail app yet?18:11
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ShadowJKit's probably wifi that eats most power18:18
Arkenoi3G data eats way more than wifi18:19
ShadowJKBut wifi eats more than cpu running g72918:20
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BCMM_how do extensions for the browser work?18:27
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BCMM_and is there a nice way to handle youtube available?18:29
BCMM_flash can be a little slow (and annoys me on any platform)18:29
BCMM_ideally i'd like a way to open youtube videos in the media player automatically18:30
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MohammadAGzoutube uses the media player (and the dsp)18:30
BCMM_zoutube can do that, but i don't think it can be given a URL18:30
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Arkenoidigia @scene was good18:31
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Arkenoibut it does not work for me anymore18:31
MohammadAGuse it from the start18:31
BCMM_Arkenoi: it seems a bit broken to me18:31
BCMM_and slowed things down a bit18:31
Arkenoi"this video has been deleted" for everything18:31
BCMM_that, and damn near hanging the system18:31
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BCMM_i'd quite like to be able to just launch media player from the browser when i'm on a youtube url - does some way of doing that exist?18:31
MohammadAGyoutube updated their api18:32
BCMM_if not, i guess i'll have to learn how to install custom browser extensions18:32
MohammadAGall youtube apps broke18:32
MohammadAGzoutube was updated18:32
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MohammadAGback to maths18:32
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jacekowski i'm trying to connect apple keyboard to n90018:33
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jacekowskiand i get error straight away18:34
jacekowskiit doesn't even try to do anything18:34
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BCMM_pretty sure i've seen a wiki article about apple bluetooth keyboards18:35
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pupnikif them n900 keyboard were 4 rows, the balance of the unit would be very high and it would tip over if laid down18:36
jacekowskiok, its working now but i found solution on tmo not on wiki18:36
RST38hwhich n810 actually does18:36
jacekowskiand it looks like ill have to play with keymap little bit18:36
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jacekowskiletters are working18:38
jacekowskinumbers no18:38
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MohammadAGjacekowski, try using the alt key18:42
jacekowskinah, keymap is messed up18:43
MohammadAG(at least that's how numbers work on the SU-8W)18:43
jacekowskiits apple keyboard, nothing here is normal18:43
jacekowskibut at least its small and quite robust18:43
MohammadAGlol the same happens with nokia's keyboard18:44
MohammadAGthe : key is actually a ? (same as the N900 keymap)18:44
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MohammadAGi get high speeds on my N900, no need for an extra keyboard18:45
MohammadAG59WPM as of today18:45
jacekowskinow i just need bt mouse18:45
pupnikirc, using no punctuation?18:47
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PhonicUKMohammadAG, 59WPM on the N900 keyboard?18:49
PhonicUKdo you have midget fingers?18:49
jacekowskithese are small 1 letter words18:50
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jacekowskisomebody got klined18:54
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jacekowskiit looks like it's keymap problem18:56
jacekowskiit's working fine on windows18:58
jacekowskiwith all numbers and etc.18:58
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trumeeis it possible to have bookmarks in mc?19:01
trumeeits a pain to put server details everytime19:02
MohammadAGjacekowski, it uses the rx51 keymap for all keyboards19:02
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jacekowskitrumee: if you click on that thingy in entry box it shows you list of recently used servers19:05
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trumeejacekowski: thanks19:06
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trumeejacekowski: any idea how can i select multiple files for copying19:10
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jacekowskiwith +19:12
jacekowskipress + and type *.*19:12
trumeeapparently one needs to use insert key. but how to get that in n90019:12
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trumee*.* will select all the files19:13
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trumeeno way to select individual files?19:14
summelhmmm how does stuff like *101# work on the n900? when i try it it just says wrong number :o19:15
ShadowJK"It doesn't"19:16
MohammadAGsummel, it doesn't19:16
ShadowJKAlthough there's a USSD widget or something in extras19:16
summelhow am i supposed to know how much money i have left on my card? :O19:16
ptland there's some dialpad for ussd too19:16
MohammadAGsummel, PR1.219:16
trumeejacekowski: ctrl + t does it19:16
summelah ok i will wait for that then :) thx19:17
ptlin PR1.2 USSD codes will be available in the default dialer, summel19:17
MohammadAGuse the ussd-widget19:17
MohammadAGor switch to a bill19:17
ShadowJKdunno it it'll run programs on the SIM card though19:17
MohammadAGsummel, use the ussd-widget...19:17
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MohammadAGonly the *xxx# crap19:18
MohammadAGit's not a toolkit :)19:18
MohammadAGnever used these codes in IL19:18
ShadowJKWell I'm wondering how his operator would know how much memory he has left on his SIM card19:18
ShadowJKSo my guess was that the sim had a program that would intercept a specific *xxx# code19:19
ShadowJKNot that I know if that's even possible19:19
summelwhen i build an application in the sdk where should i copy the binary to on the device? /usr/bin? and how do i add a shortcut to the menu?19:19
glogiotatidisanybody who can help me not returning my maemo summit loaned n900 ? (maybe from the council?)19:20
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glogiotatidisI'm actively developing 3 apps and contributing and i would like to keep the device. I can't reach quim though to request a loan extension...19:20
MohammadAGShadowJK, i'm sure they use a db and nothing on the actual sim19:20
MohammadAGsince some operators require the you call an automated number to hear how much you have left19:21
ShadowJKMohammadAG, well I'm not wondering how they store this information19:21
ShadowJKI'm wondering how they obtain this information in the first place19:21
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ShadowJKsince it's not standard for SIM cards to inform the operator about how much memory is used19:21
summelwhy would they even need to know that? oO19:21
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ShadowJKYeah exactly19:22
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MohammadAGShadowJK, they compare the number with that in the database19:22
MohammadAGsame as voice mail19:22
ShadowJKMohammadAG, dude why would the operator or the voice mail know how many contacts he has stored on the sim?19:22
ShadowJKPresumably they know the sim card's memory capacityu19:22
ShadowJKbut how do they know how many contacts he has added!?19:22
summelhmm ussd widget does not work... nothing happens when i try to add it to my desktop :(19:22
MohammadAGumm to check for credit they don't need to know19:23
summelShadowJK: they do not need to know that either19:23
summelprivate information :o19:23
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ShadowJKMohammadAG, oh for some reason I read memory not money :D19:23
ShadowJKoops :D19:23
MohammadAGumm to check for credit they don't need to know19:24
MohammadAGdamn, hit up enter instead of enter19:24
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: USSD isn't related to SAT (SIM Application Toolkit)19:24
MohammadAGsorry for the repeated msg19:24
MohammadAGlol ShadowJK, it happens :P19:24
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summel:O creating a loopable wallpaper is not that easy :/19:24
DocScrutinizerSAT is nonsense, evil, and braindamaged19:24
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summelbut it still looks great :)19:25
summelyeah i know19:25
summelbut to match both ends together is complicated19:25
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I hear it's also mentally disturbed19:25
summelif you want it to look "right"19:25
MohammadAGblack pic19:25
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: and will eat your children19:25
MohammadAGor a solid coloured one19:26
summelor is there a function like "hold power- and photo button at the same time?19:26
MohammadAGeasiest to loop :P19:26
* MohammadAG doesn't have any children19:26
MohammadAGshould I be worried?19:26
summelMohammadAG: ^^19:26
summelthe 2nd one loops... kinda... but looks strange19:27
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summelhave to redo it again later19:28
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* PhonicUK simmers19:31
summelin which application should i install the binary i build?19:32
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summel/usr/bin/ ?19:37
summeland where are the .desktop files for the menu-entries?19:37
GAN900The first person to get the MeeGo Handset UX running on that new Sharp tablet will make a lot of former Nokia tablet people happy.19:38
MohammadAGbinaries are installed in /usr/bin19:39
MohammadAGif not optified19:39
MohammadAG.desktop files in /usr/share/applications/hildon/19:39
summelok thx :)19:39
MohammadAGsummel, if it has a make file install would most likely be defined19:40
MohammadAGso just run make install19:40
VDVsxGAN900, any link to that device ? :D19:40
summelMohammadAG: what would "make install" do good for me if i run it in the sdk? :P19:40
MohammadAGinstall it?19:41
MohammadAGsummel, what exactly are you doing?19:41
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MohammadAGtimeless, ping19:45
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MohammadAGoh ffs19:48
MohammadAGi'm fixing tear19:48
Robot101there's no way to exit frozen bubble?19:48
* Robot101 rages19:48
StskeepsRobot101: ctrl-backspace?19:49
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MohammadAGctrl backspace and X19:49
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MohammadAGi need to remap the x button to something19:50
Robot101well yeah, I have camkeyd too19:50
Robot101but actually being able to return to the menu from inside the game would be good too19:50
Robot101like, just rebind esc to something, would it be so hard :(19:50
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MohammadAGRobot101, it is since I never looked at the code...19:52
summel:O no nano ? ;_;19:53
GAN900VDVsx, ^19:54
summeland no vim19:54
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* DocScrutinizer startes at N900 kbd, searching for ESC key19:55
lcukyou should know by now, there is no escape19:55
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DocScrutinizerso well maybe I got this wrong -> [2010-04-24 18:50:40] <Robot101> like, just rebind esc to something, would it be so hard :(19:56
lizardoX-Fade: ping19:56
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lcukDocScrutinizer, it would be good to have a generic esc hotkey combination for titles which need one19:57
* DocScrutinizer curses the shiny new qwerty keypad - no more esc key XP19:57
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summelwhat text editor is there for the terminal? oO19:57
DocScrutinizerooh wait - yeah the wertzu hadn't any either19:58
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luke-jrsummel: vim, nano, etc?19:59
summelluke-jr: there is no nano in the repositorys afaics? oO20:00
luke-jrsummel: I have it... :o20:01
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summelonly vim20:01
luke-jrah, it's called nano-tiny20:01
summeli hate vim20:01
DocScrutinizerlcuk: the kbd driver should have a way to assign arbitrary macros to all the hw-keys, to invoke while in 'sym' mode (os-kbd)20:01
MohammadAGvi not vim20:01
luke-jrvim > vi20:01
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lcukDocScrutinizer, reproducability20:01
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lcukmake "add_escape" as apackage and it becomes simple20:02
summelluke-jr: also no package nano-tiny20:02
lcuktheres too manyhacks and things in for people to type20:02
luke-jrsummel: is for me!20:02
lcukand they reflash and lose stuff20:02
DocScrutinizerlcuk: sorry you lost me20:02
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lcukDocScrutinizer, there were keyboard remapping hacks on the 810 too20:02
lcukbut they were fire once, root modificaitons for people20:03
lcukwho then reflashed and lost them20:03
lcukif those hacks were packages people can keep them through reflashing20:03
DocScrutinizerlcuk: that's the problem with all mods20:03
* lcuk nods20:03
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luke-jrblame Stskeeps20:04
DocScrutinizerreplace the original kbd driver with a hacked one you put into a pkg20:04
Stskeepsluke-jr: it's all my fault, but i blame you20:04
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DocScrutinizeranyway, has anybody noticed the 'sym' mode has no special meaning for the hw-kbd? that's what I call a lost opportunity20:11
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MohammadAGovi store and Ovi Music ad in arabic20:14
DocScrutinizeralah agbar20:14
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summeladmiral ackbar?20:14
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* marmoute slaps DocScrutinizer 20:15
DocScrutinizerpardon my french20:15
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SurfaDocScrutinizer, slightly inappropriate20:18
DocScrutinizerno offense intended20:19
MohammadAGLOL just noticed it20:19
MohammadAGnone taken20:19
summeli just wondered why there is no neverball port for the n900 yet :o20:20
MohammadAGs/g/k if you want it to be more similar to arabic :p20:20
korhojoaDocScrutinizer: uhh. if you're going to do that, at least spell it right20:20
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DocScrutinizerI'm a nonworthy westerner, I'm supposed to misspell it20:21
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DocScrutinizeractually I guess there's no way to spell it right in latin writing20:22
korhojoaI have no idea what he's talking about20:22
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korhojoaLet's say there are a lot of ways to spell it better20:22
DocScrutinizerno doubt in that20:23
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* MohammadAG sees the channel going off topic cause of a Nokia ad20:24
MohammadAGdamn you Nokia! :P20:24
DocScrutinizerالله كبير20:24
MohammadAGsummel, it's taking ages to download20:24
DocScrutinizernow blame google, not me ;-P20:24
summelMohammadAG: what?20:24
* MohammadAG blames google since it's also wrong20:25
MohammadAGwell, not wrong, but not what u said earlier20:27
MohammadAGsummel, neverball20:27
summelwhere i can i download it? :D20:27
MohammadAGdownloading the source20:27
DocScrutinizerwell, I 'learnt' exactly 3 words Arabic in my life -> water melon, honey melon, and Attention20:28
summelhmm ok20:29
DocScrutinizerthen I thought I'm not the right person to learn to break my tongue that way20:29
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, is reassembling the screen easy?20:31
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: I never disassembled the screen20:31
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, as in reassembling it with a base20:32
DocScrutinizerbut all reports of broken screws I heard were about those in the screen half20:32
Dblurwhat filesystem does the n900 use?20:32
Dblurim trying to mount it20:32
MohammadAGnot the screen itself20:32
Dblurtried vfat doesnt work20:32
Dblurlsusb displays the device, but i cant mount it :S20:32
DocScrutinizerahh, it's a real PITA to reinsert theboard2board connector20:32
Dblursuggestions ?20:32
MohammadAGDblur, it uses vfat, ext3, and ubifs20:32
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, the ribbon?20:33
MohammadAGmy screen is misaligned a bit20:33
MohammadAGmoves sideways about 1mm (but I can hear/feel it)20:33
Dblurmout -t vfat sdb /mnt/usb20:34
Dblurmount : no medium found20:34
Dblurwhat am i doing wrong?20:34
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: and obviously odds are you break the FPC ribbon or the connector during the process - it's extremely sensitive and flimsy20:34
Dblurok it just wasnt sdb sorry about that :S20:34
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: the whole upper half or just the screen (I'd wonder how that may work then)20:35
summelnow i only need a bag for my n900 :/ the one nokia sells sucks :(20:36
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, i've worked with ribbons before, but not sure how the n900's works20:36
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: me too, you bet. Still this one broke :-/20:37
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: it's real crap20:37
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: they managed to bond a flexible PCB onto the flexible PCB just where the B2B-connector is mounted on the opposite side. Any tiny bending will destroy the vias or whatever they used to contact the 'jumper' PCB to the main FPC20:40
lcukDocScrutinizer, how would you manage that unless you took the lid off tho?20:40
DocScrutinizerlcuk: manage what?20:41
* lcuk always has pieces left over when he takes stuff apart20:41
lcukand generally doesnt do it until warranty is a thing of the past20:41
lcukbreaking ribbon under screen20:41
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: seems it happens frequently, even to those not taking apart the two halves. We had three reports of exactly this fault pattern during the last 2 weeks or somesuch, just here in IRC20:42
SpeedEvillcuk: that's where you're going wrong. Taking it apart when you can do wa warranty return is clearly the right way.20:42
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MohammadAGnah i meant how does the ribbon look20:45
MohammadAGthe PS3s ribbons had to be clipped20:45
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: this one has a board2board connector soldered to it20:45
MohammadAGdamn lag20:46
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: so you have to use bending force to the ribbon to pull out the connector. Odds are either the connector comes off the ribbon or the 2nd small ribbon patch on the opposite side of the connector breaks its joints to the main ribbon20:49
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SpeedEvilIs there a specified way to remove the connector in the manual?20:50
DocScrutinizerbelieve me, it's one of the most insane engineering pieces of craftmanship I've seen in 40 years20:50
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: not really20:51
DocScrutinizerand not a single word about how to reassemble it in a correct manner20:51
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, i'm surprised tehkseven took it off easily20:51
MohammadAGaka jon20:52
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: It's friggin easy to disassemble - almost as easy as breaking it by doing so20:52
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: let me put it this way: I'll not do it again20:54
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* MohammadAG takes a hint20:56
* MohammadAG loos for a service centre20:56
spectre-i'm selling n900's like mad in uganda20:57
Chikuwhat nolo mean?20:57
spectre-huge open source community here20:57
spectre-huge open source community here20:57
spectre-people love it20:58
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DocScrutinizerChiku: NOkia-bootLOader20:58
ShadowJKspectre-, that's awesome :)20:58
spectre-giving a speech/presentation w/ two of em on monday20:59
spectre-gonna load an entire RACHEL open-courseware repository on one20:59
spectre-set up lighttpd and streaming video capability20:59
spectre-turn on joikuspot20:59
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spectre-and have another one plugged into a projector21:00
spectre-load up some MIT lessons and such21:00
MohammadAG29 wpm signle handed (one thumb one hand)21:00
DocScrutinizerhehe, bring fan and charger when enabling joiku21:00
spectre-videos in particular21:00
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spectre-haha yeah21:00
spectre-but people with laptops will be able to see it too21:00
summel:o the media player widget stopped working21:01
summelnow it only works when the player is running :(21:01
spectre-the idea is you could walk into a remote village with an n900 and kids with wifi enabled phones or laptops can consume open-courseware21:01
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spectre-rather than hauling a server, clients, and a genny21:02
DocScrutinizeryou'll need the generator anyway, for the charger and fan :-P21:02
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spectre-i figure the battery will last 2hrs max with that going on21:03
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spectre-was also thinking of trying to create some sort of mesh technology if i had 2 with joikuspot21:04
spectre-or more21:04
korhojoaspectre-: give up. it won't work21:04
lcukspectre-, adhoc wifi works :)21:05
* korhojoa is so positive21:05
korhojoaI also need to switch trains = no moar interwebs.21:05
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* VDVsx throws a screwdriver at lcuk :D21:17
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lcukthats a long throw!21:18
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VDVsxlcuk, volcano ashes help on that :D21:19
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lcukVDVsx, yeah they also hinder flight timetables too lol21:19
lcuk"airports across europe were closed today by an errant screwdriver in the flighpath"21:20
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Arkenoiincoming call while doing something cpu and io intensive == almost guaranteed major system clusterfuck :-/21:28
MohammadAGsummel, neverball isn't compiling21:30
MohammadAG/usr/include/SDL/begin_code.h:94:8: warning: extra tokens at end of #endif directive21:30
DocScrutinizerArkenoi: strange, as all the subsystems to handle the call should be preloaded and non-swappable21:30
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* RST38h yawns at Arkenoi, Mohammad, and VDVsx21:32
DocScrutinizerwell, if the kernel is stuck in a huge IO and has NOPREEMPT then it might result in unbearable delays21:33
* MohammadAG moos at RST38h 21:33
lcukcan transitions be disabled per app?21:33
ArkenoiDocScrutinizer, i had that several times - while watching movies or doing heavy web browsing, i almost certainly get unresponsive UI21:34
RST38hthere is a common file for the hildon desktop21:34
lcukyeah i know21:34
DocScrutinizerArkenoi: UI != phone subsystem21:34
RST38hfrankly, given how slow and stuttery they are, I am not sure it is worth enabing them at all =(21:34
MohammadAGlcuk, killall hildon-desktop :P21:35
Arkenoiah, that's great phone subsystem keeps running "somewhere inside" if i cannot even answer call or terminate a task to do it!21:35
MohammadAGIf anyone has any idea what the problem is, shout out,
RST38hArkenoi: Sorry, what is the problem?21:35
wazdhello humans21:35
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RST38hhello wazd21:35
DocScrutinizerArkenoi: but well, if X is laggy, you probably get into trouble21:35
MohammadAGhello world21:35
MohammadAGoops wrong tab :P21:35
MohammadAGhey wazd21:36
wazd1st episode of battlestar galactica is 3h long? O_o21:36
summel2 parts :)21:36
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RST38hoh you reminded me to check for the latest drwho episode21:36
lcukMohammadAG, have you perhaps added an 'ifdef yourself in your code before calling the headers21:36
wazdcause I seriously need a break :D21:36
TriztI hate f***ing ms-fags, now I can't access my ovi shares :(21:36
MohammadAGNokia-N900-02-8:~# dsmetool -t hildon-desktop21:36
MohammadAGrebooted my N900 ^21:36
lcukand some systems have expectations of predefinitions21:36
wazdRST38h: MohammadAG: heya21:37
MohammadAGlcuk, nothing edited21:37
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MohammadAGjust compiling neverball21:37
Arkenoirst38h: the problem is i cannot answer to incoming call. even s60 behaved better (not to mention s80 which had phone subsystem effectively separated with hardware)21:37
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wazdbtw, is there anybody here who contacted qgil bout Amsterdam n900's?21:38
RST38hArkenoi: what else is running at the same time?21:38
summelis there a programm that tells me how long it ~ takes unitl the battery is fully charged?21:38
Arkenoirst38h: i was watching a movie. flash one this time.21:38
RST38hArkenoi: Ah, ok, that explains it21:38
Stskeepswazd: to keep them or?21:38
MohammadAGsummel, it's called the calculator app21:38
wazdStskeeps: yep21:38
Stskeepswazd: think ukki did it for instance21:39
Arkenoiwell, if i do it with media player it is just a bit better21:39
Stskeepswazd: if someone has a good reason they get to keep it21:39
RST38hArkenoi: The phone app is actually niced up, so that it is always accessible21:39
summelhow do i calculate it if i dont know how full the battery was when startet charging, i dont know how long it's been plugged in and how full it is atm?21:39
wazdStskeeps: any results? :) Cause he seems to ignore Vlad (again)21:39
RST38hArkenoi: The problem is, this does not take into account swap activity21:39
Stskeepswazd: you are aware of quim's story the last couple of days? :P21:39
Stskeepssec, msg21:39
wazdStskeeps: nope :)21:40
RST38hArkenoi: and the mot@#$^ing Flash does a lot of swapping21:40
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DocScrutinizerRST38h: why there is another xchat update today? I installed yesterday and wasn't too happy with the default - had to remove the braindamaged to put it back to purpose21:40
DocScrutinizerRST38h: so what will this new update get me today?21:40
Stskeepswazd: long story short, was stuck in san francisco and came home yesterday :P21:40
ArkenoiRST38h, actually i am afraid that the root of the problem is, as usual, it was not recognized by nokia as being a problem at all :-/21:40
RST38hArkenoi: I am guessing the media player does not do swapping, but it is disk activity21:40
wazdStskeeps: oh21:40
Stskeepswazd: so i doubt he have had time to answer any work related stuff :)21:40
RST38hArkenoi: It is recognized as a problem. Talk to abbra, he knows the gory details21:41
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wazdStskeeps: ah, ok then21:41
RST38hArkenoi: He will also tell you of how they are trying to fix it21:41
wazdStskeeps: good to hear that :D21:41
Stskeepswazd: bus trips from frankfurt to talinn sounds brutal :P21:41
RST38hArkenoi: Although, I really do not think you will be able to help anyway21:41
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wazdStskeeps: yeah :)21:42
Stskeepswazd: is a nice volcano story too21:42
RST38hDocScrut: I have no idea what you updated yesterday, but today's update disables the plugin for everything but the LED21:42
RST38hDocScrut: It also enabled XChat's own notificatiob bubbles which are pretty nice21:42
MohammadAGthanks to me for noting that it works21:42
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wazdStskeeps: touchy :D21:43
wazdStskeeps: Nokia can tell that they've delayed Symbian^3 cause of volcano :)21:44
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DocScrutinizerRST38h: I really hate those types of config updates. I'm happy with my very own custom config, and don't like to do updates every 3 days just to revert the changes they bring to me21:44
Stskeepswazd: you know, it wouldn't surprise me21:44
RST38hDocScrut: Not happy? Do not update.21:44
MohammadAGRST38h, that's not a good way to maintain a package21:45
RST38hBTW, the update does not erase your current config, so I have no idea what you are complaining about.21:45
RST38hMohammad: What is not a good way?21:45
wazdStskeeps: recession, volcano, mayan calendar :)21:45
MohammadAGDon't like it, don't update :)21:45
MohammadAGRST38h, that ^21:45
wazdStskeeps: all kinds of crazy shit to ruin your plans :D21:45
* MohammadAG makes the word Mohammad highlight/ping him21:45
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RST38hMohammad: That is not a way I maintain the package. That is a way I answer people whining.21:46
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: thanks. I was reluctant to answer as I was unsure about my speech21:46
Stskeepswazd: able to see youtube?21:46
wazdStskeeps: yep21:46
MohammadAGRST38h, DocScrutinizer isn't whining21:46
MohammadAGthe plugin wasn't actually that good21:46
RST38hMohammad: So, I disabled it, anwering many complaints.21:47
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RST38hMohammad: In today's update. And he is *still* whining.21:47
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wazdStskeeps: yeah, saw that :)21:48
Stskeepswazd: kinda cool :P21:48
wazdStskeeps: yeah, that guy is really crazy at making maemo 5 ui for diablo :)21:49
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GAN900RST38h, any chance XChat could be made less stupid about handling automatic connection migrations?21:52
* wazd wonders why cylons have monocular scaner-like infra-red vision21:52
GAN900I find it takes 10 pr 15 minutes, sometimes, for it to reconnect after moving from WiFi to GPRS21:52
MohammadAGGAN900, it's server dependent for some reason21:53
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Stskeepswazd: it's actually microwave, boil the brains of the victims21:53
MohammadAGit takes 4 minutes to disconnect from a private server I'm on, but never disconnects on freenode21:53
wazdStskeeps: oh my :)21:53
MohammadAGironically, it fails to connect @ first attempt to that server when it's first started21:53
SpeedEvilThat would be shiny.21:54
GAN900libconic should be able to deal with that.21:55
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Surfadoes anyone have idea what settings should i use with icq using pidgin plugin21:59
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RST38hGAN900: Dunno, I have no idea what connection migration is22:03
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MohammadAGRST38h, when you switch from 3G to wifi or vice versa22:03
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RST38hWell, tcp/ip connection breaks then.22:04
GAN900But XChat should be able to see this with libconic and respond accordingly22:04
MohammadAGRST38h, what he was suggesting was something daemon-like22:04
MohammadAGit monitors the connection in use, if it changes XChat reconnects22:04
GAN900Instead I have to do a /reconnect everytime I leave the house.22:04
* MohammadAG has a button for it22:05
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RST38hGAN900: You can probably set it to reconnect22:06
* RST38h checks xchat settings22:06
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* MohammadAG already checked them22:07
MohammadAGI've been using XChat for more than a year22:07
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RST38hGAN900: net_auto_reconnect = 122:08
RST38hGAN900: And yes, it is a default setting22:09
MohammadAGRST38h, it DOES auto reconnect, after 15 minutes22:09
RST38hOk, next setting22:09
MohammadAG(or if someone glines you)22:09
RST38hnet_reconnect_delay = 1022:09
MohammadAGthat's when someone kills you22:09
MohammadAGit waits 10 seconds then attempts a reconnection22:10
RST38hdecrease this one and it will reconnect faster22:10
MohammadAGit's not that :/22:10
MohammadAGit reconnects after XChat times out22:10
MohammadAGXChat takes 15 minutes or more to time out22:10
RST38ha'ok, I will see where that time out delay is set22:10
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MohammadAGafter that, it takes those 10 seconds to reconnect22:10
RST38hThis one: notify_timeout = 15 ?22:11
MohammadAGthere isn't any setting for it, you're better off making something that checks the connection22:11
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GAN900notify_timeout - How often in seconds to check for users in your notify list.22:11
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GAN900Really, libconic handles this22:12
MohammadAGthis is fail dcc_dir......................: C:\Users\Mohammad\Downloads22:12
MohammadAGI'm on linux :/22:12
MohammadAG(PC XChat btw)22:12
GAN900Every other networked application knows when a connection migration has occured and handles it accordingly.22:12
RST38hexcept that XChat knows nothing about libconic and making it know about libconic requires non trivial time investition22:13
GAN900So somebody just needs to write something up for XChat22:13
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RST38hGo ahead, the source code is out there22:13
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VDVsx~poke wazd22:24
* infobot cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind wazd, pokes wazd repeatedly, hilarity ensues.22:24
frals~poke VDVsx22:24
* infobot cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind VDVsx, pokes VDVsx repeatedly, hilarity ensues.22:24
* wazd scratches his butt :)22:25
* VDVsx catches the small tree from infobot and beats him to dead :D22:26
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wazdhilarity ensues :D22:26
summelnow i know why my program wont run on my n90022:27
RST38hyou compiled it for x86?22:27
SpeedEvilsummel: It was compiled for a commodore 64?22:27
pupnikit is a text file?22:27
summelthe QT4 librarys in the DK are way newer then the ones availeable on the n900 :(22:27
summelwtf?= :(22:27
VDVsxSDK is pr1.222:28
RST38hYou see, you are supposed to have PR1.2 update on your N90022:28
summelwhen will it arrive?22:28
RST38hNobody knows22:28
RST38hYes, I know22:28
RST38hVery considerate of both developers and users.22:28
VDVsxperhaps, one day in the future :D22:29
RST38hWe got it, summel. You are upset.22:29
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* MohammadAG pings timeless_mbp 22:30
MohammadAGwb DocScrutinizer22:30
VDVsxoh forgot the standard answer; "will be released when its ready" :D22:30
* VDVsx thinks timeless_mbp didn't recognized him in the other day :D22:31
summelsoon (TM)22:31
* RST38h wonders if they have really killed the kitty for Pet Cemetery movie22:31
timeless_mbpVDVsx: quite likely...22:32
timeless_mbpwas this irc or irl?22:33
timeless_mbphrm, sorry...22:33
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Maceri just found out that when the n900 is powered off it goes into usb mass storage mode when you plug it into a pc to charge it22:33
Macerwhat a plus22:34
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SpeedEvil-It has to do that to reliably charge on 'all' OSs22:34
VDVsxtimeless_mbp, ehehe, np22:34
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Macerthe usb mass storage thing?22:35
Macerwell.. to me it's a good thing22:35
Macerdon't know about anybody else :)22:35
GNU\caust1chi! i'm trying to call ##002# to deactivate my mailbox with my n900, but it says "incorrect number"22:35
timeless_mbpthe usb spec is such that if you don't provide a service, you aren't allowed to ask for much power22:35
timeless_mbpso we provide a service :)22:35
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timeless_mbpGNU\caust1c: 'fixed in pr1.2'22:36
GNU\caust1cokay, thanks22:36
timeless_mbpGNU\caust1c: … sorry22:36
Macertimeless_mbp: well.. someoen told me that if it isn't in mass storage mode it charges at 100mah22:36
timeless_mbpMacer: that's correct22:36
Maceras opposed to mass storage mode which gets 500mah22:36
SpeedEvilProbably more accurately stated as 'if it has not enumerated at 500mA'22:36
Macerwhat does the wall charger give it?22:36
SpeedEvilMacer: >50022:36
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timeless_mbpat least the nokia one22:37
Macer1200? seriously?22:37
Macerso like.. 1 hr to charge? :)22:37
Macera little over22:37
SpeedEvilMacer: more like 222:37
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Macerdamn. i need to get my wall charger back from work haha22:37
Maceri left it there22:37
SpeedEvilI've never seen it charge the battery that fast22:37
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SpeedEvilAlso - there are two phases - a rapid charge phase till it hits 4.14V or so, and then a slow charge phase over the next little while - half an hour or more22:38
Macerwell... .. this n900 has been kicking ass.. i'm glad i bought it :)22:38
Macerit's great22:38
SpeedEvilthe last phase gets the last 10% of charge in22:38
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Macerall it needs is a portrait desktop  and it'd be perfect :)22:38
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Maceri mean i can deal with it not having one.. but if it did.. :)22:39
Shapeshifterinstalling easydebian is really taking ages22:39
MacerShapeshifter: what's thtat? another chroot debian?22:39
Macerthey had something similar for android.. it was OK i suppose but still kind of sucked.. i actualy perfer the maemo userland instead of installing a power sucking chroot :)22:40
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Macerno gftp for maemo5 ?22:40
* timeless_mbp has had it do portrait in desktop (it isn't supposed to do that)22:40
Macertimeless_mbp: yeah. there's a hack for it22:40
Macer"hack" heh22:40
timeless_mbpnah, here it does it accidentally22:41
Macerbut i hear it doesn't work very well22:41
Maceraccidently? :)22:41
Macerhow so?22:41
Macercomes out of the phone app and never flips around?22:41
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timeless_mbpnot quite sure22:41
timeless_mbpin 1.2 a bunch of other apps have portrait mode too22:41
timeless_mbpso it isn't that simple22:42
Macerwell. i can see the desktop being a pain22:42
Macerbut if android can do it.. maemo can do it too heh22:42
timeless_mbpfwiw, technically the image viewer has had a portrait mode since day 1 :)22:42
jacekowskisomebody mentioned something about heroes port to maemo22:42
jacekowskidoes anybody remember anything about that?22:42
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Maceri hate android.. cyanogen made my G1 tolerable22:43
Macerbut overall it sucked :)22:43
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jacekowskidalvik on n900 would be nice22:43
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Macera qt based ui would be nicer ;)22:44
GNU\caust1cmy n900 spawns dbus-scripts resursively pretty often, is this a known problem or did i fuck up? :)22:44
Macerbut damn the n900 is great.... i love it.. i think the integrated WORKING jabber client was the best part22:44
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: from my experience I'd say the slow charge phase is muuuuch longer22:44
Macerin android i tried like 10 jabber clients and they all sucked22:44
Macerwell.. maybe 5 :)22:44
ShapeshifterMacer: yes22:44
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: yes -  'or more'22:45
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MohammadAGtimeless_mbp, is there a way to reset microB settings?22:45
MohammadAGsettings not history22:45
MacerShapeshifter: it works very well with my zimbra server ;)22:45
MohammadAGit stopped rotating22:45
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: like 'charging gets to ~80% in half an hour, then takes 3h for the remaining 20%22:45
GNU\caust1chm, the n900 jabber client isn't perfect :/ it lacks gui for setting the priority and i can't connect using ssl :/22:45
Maceri don't even know what kind of jabberd it runs22:45
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GNU\caust1cand no MUC support22:45
timeless_mbpMohammadAG: sorry, what do you mean?22:46
trumeeis there any way to find out the diskspace rootsh consumes on a vanilla flash22:46
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: well, maybe s/half//22:46
MohammadAGtimeless_mbp, microb stopped rotating22:46
timeless_mbpmicrob settings are a combination of ~/.mozilla/microb and ~/.browser[something]22:46
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MohammadAG(CTRL SHIFT O thing enabled)22:46
timeless_mbpbut in 1.1 you need to use ctrl-shift-o w/ each launch22:46
SpeedEviltimeless: which adds the insanity?22:47
timeless_mbpit doesn't persist across quits22:47
trumeei am using the UK firmware and rootsh is 178.7M occupied22:47
MohammadAGtimeless_mbp, doesn't work22:47
timeless_mbptrumee: rootsh is a package22:47
timeless_mbprootfs is a file system22:47
timeless_mbpthey aren't the same :)22:47
trumeetimeless_mbp: sorry i mean /22:47
trumeetimeless_mbp: root fs22:47
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timeless_mbptrumee: if you have 30mb free, you'll be fine for a while22:47
timeless_mbpin 1.2, we move a lot of stuff off /22:48
MohammadAGit's 80 with a flash22:48
MohammadAGI get 115 since I move some stuff out of /usr/share22:48
MohammadAGand /var/lib22:48
trumeetimeless_mbp: i have 44.7 MB left. i was transferring some files over ssh via mc and somehow i filled up all the space22:48
MohammadAGtimeless_mbp, the microb engine is hefty :p22:48
timeless_mbpMohammadAG: yeah well...22:48
trumeeMohammadAG: 80MB sound better than my 44.7 MB22:49
trumeei suspect mc is using some sort of cacheing when it transfers files over ssh22:49
MohammadAGmy script's a very basic one, running it twice breaks the device22:49
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trumeebecause mc ate up all my disk space and i received a memory error22:50
MohammadAGmy N900 has more / than my PC22:50
MohammadAG/dev/sda5             10531272   9918664     77644 100% /22:50
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trumeeMohammadAG: so i can get 80MB free with a UK flash?22:50
MohammadAGjust switch to global22:51
MohammadAGand yes22:51
MohammadAG/dev/sda5             10531272   9996308         0 100% /22:51
MohammadAGAudacity fills it up22:51
DocScrutinizerMacer: SpeedEvil: the charger chip can charge at max 1050mA. so an empty cell will reach ~80% in 1h+some minutes. Then CV mode kicks in and charging slows down so Nokia states 'charging time: 3h30'22:52
MohammadAGtimeless_mbp, if you remember, I filed a bug report a while back22:52
MohammadAGwhen I said the browser took 7 seconds to start loading22:52
wazdis there any way for SVG clock to show digital time? :)22:53
trumeewhy isnt my favourite program DrNokSnes not optified :(22:53
MohammadAGthought about it, and you're right, my PC takes 4 seconds to start it up22:53
MohammadAGbut wouldn't having it in RAM be better?22:53
MohammadAG(as in, load about:blank on startup and hide the window)22:53
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timeless_mbpMohammadAG: we should be kinda doing something like that22:54
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MohammadAG*should* be?22:54
MohammadAGI noticed the browser is instant if it's already loaded22:55
PhonicUKI want to make an N90022:55
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PhonicUKbut have no idea what to make22:55
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MohammadAGPhonicUK, take a look at the Apple app store :P22:55
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: I've never seen it go that fast22:55
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PhonicUKMohammadAG, if I did that I'd end up writing an app that does nothing but play fart sounds22:56
valdynPhonicUK: i believe we have no fart app yet22:56
PhonicUKyou're kidding22:56
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PhonicUKwell tough it can stay that way :P22:56
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PhonicUKI want to make something worthwhile22:56
MohammadAGPhonicUK, I am kidding22:56
trumeei think themes are eating up my device22:56
MohammadAGvaldyn, it's coming soon22:56
PhonicUKI could make an IRC client using QT22:56
SpeedEvilAccellerator-driven fart app.22:57
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SpeedEvilControl the pitch and duration by moving the phone.22:57
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: that's not from tests with N900, it's based on other evaluations with charging LiIon22:57
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: yes - I know.22:57
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PhonicUKbut we have enough IRC clients as it is22:57
MohammadAGPhonicUK, improve on XChat22:57
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: I'm not talking about the general case here - just what I've observed the n900 to do22:57
PhonicUKxchat is a pretty tough act to follow22:57
GAN900VDVsx, what, you don't have to wear a sign for the first week? :P22:57
Shapeshifterso, it's been decompressing stuff during the easy debian installation for 2 hours now22:57
MohammadAGPhonicUK, or improve TweeGo22:57
Shapeshifteris this normal?22:57
PhonicUKi tried out TweeGo22:58
PhonicUKseems awefully bloated for a twitter client22:58
SpeedEvilXchat needs some tweaking.22:58
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: I noticed N900 takes AGES to enter 'green' state22:58
PhonicUKi wish that QWebView worked :\22:58
VDVsxGAN900, humm ?22:58
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: yeah - I've often found myself giving it ~2 0.5 hours of charging a day22:58
GAN900VDVsx, so people can tell who you are. :P22:59
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: as I can't easily reach the charger to plug it in when I have put my ebook down at night.22:59
VDVsxGAN900, lol, sometimes I forgot my badge :D22:59
trumeeis Mozilla Runtime app required to run microB? it is 28.6MB size.22:59
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, some? :)23:00
PhonicUKtrumee, yes it is23:00
valdyntrumee: look at the depends23:00
trumeevaldyn: i am more of a gentoo guy stuck in debian. How do i check the package dependencies23:01
valdyntrumee: apt-cache show packagename23:01
trumeevaldyn: cheers23:01
valdyntrumee: apt-rdepends would be nicer but its probably not packaged, no idea23:01
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: A) Input box size. B) tabs to the left mode should have the option of pinning the tab bar so you don't accidentally finger it. C) Scroll should work in some manner on the main window from touches. D) If the last isn't easy - at least make the scrllbar bar an obvious colour23:01
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SpeedEvilE) fullscreen button to the righthandside of the inputbox23:02
SpeedEvilF) Better managment of connection loss.23:03
trumeevaldyn: apt-cache show mozilla-runtime says package not found. How do i find package name?23:03
SpeedEvilG) Preferences menu scrolling is somewhat broken.23:03
valdyntrumee: "apt-cache search" searches name and description23:03
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, I suspect bme is driving the charger a bit funny23:04
trumeevaldyn: apt-cache search runtime |grep -i mozilla returns nothing23:04
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, or then the charger chip just doesn't react that fast to battery voltage varying rapidly :)23:04
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: quite possible23:04
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, no H)?23:05
valdyntrumee: youre looking for the package to directory or file?23:05
trumeevaldyn: package. The app manager calls it Mozilla Runtime23:05
PhonicUKwhat version of Qt is on the N900?23:05
valdyntrumee: ok, that has to be confusing, the app manager added its own fields to packages23:05
ShadowJKOne of the benefits of the mugen battery is that it charges to ~1600mAh very rapidly :P23:06
trumeevaldyn: uh, oh!23:06
valdyntrumee: they're probably ( or even most likely ) not supported by the standard debian tools23:06
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SpeedEvilMohammadAG: I decided to stop spamming.23:06
valdyntrumee: could be microb-engine23:06
trumeevaldyn: hmm. In uninstalling section of App Manager it says this package is required by Firefox 1.0.023:07
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: And see if I could find a bugzilla link or similar23:07
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: honestly BME should leave alone the bq24150 to let it do it's thing23:07
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, well... bme can actually see the current going in/out of the battery... bq24150 can not23:07
valdyntrumee: hmm, I see, that packages doesnt exist anymore with my fennec version23:07
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: just a small pushing up charge current limit to max on detecting charger23:07
ShadowJKI mean for termination23:08
ShadowJKand preventing trickle charge23:08
valdyntrumee: i dont quite remember, maybe this really isnt needed by anything but fennec / firefox 1.023:08
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: we don't really care about the current going in/out of battery23:08
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: temp23:08
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, sure we do23:08
trumeevaldyn: The package is Mozilla Runtime  28.6MB in size23:08
DocScrutinizerwe don't care as well23:08
valdyntrumee: app manager does not track packages23:09
ShadowJKWe want to be able to tell when the current going into the battery at 4.2V has tapered off23:09
valdyntrumee: app manager shows package + depends at times, i cant tell you how exactly that works obviously23:09
trumeevaldyn: what do you mean track packages?23:09
trumeevaldyn: ah ok.23:09
valdyntrumee: it shows applications23:09
valdyntrumee: its made for ordinary users, obviously23:09
MohammadAGit only shows user/ applications23:09
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: though that's actually not of high importance23:10
ShadowJKOr maybe we could just tell charger chip to maintain 4.1V :)23:10
ShadowJKI guess trickling at 4.1 should be okay, maybe23:10
valdyntrumee: you can look at details to see the packages23:10
ShadowJKN8x0 backed off to 4.0V during variable/high load :P23:11
trumeevaldyn: well Details is what i was looking at in App manager. not very helpfull23:11
SpeedEvil4.2 does quite bad stuff to battery life23:11
infobotShadowJK meant: N8x0 backed off to 4.0V during variable/moderate load :P23:11
SpeedEvilI mean longevity23:11
valdyntrumee: hold on im looking for myself....23:11
SpeedEvilIf you charge a bat to 4.2, and leave it in a hot car everyday for a week, it will easily measurably permenantly decrease in capacity23:11
valdyntrumee: i see the package names in details in the right tab23:12
ShadowJKTrickle charging at 4.2 does even worse things afaik23:12
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trumeevaldyn: yes that is what i said, Mozilla Runtime
trumeevaldyn: that is the package name23:12
valdyntrumee: thats not the package name unfortunately, package names cant have whitespace23:13
DocScrutinizerthat's why bq24150 stops charging at 4V2 and resumes when battery discharged to ~3V8 (iirc)23:13
trumeevaldyn: sorry, it is under Application. I dont have package name.23:13
valdyntrumee: and indeed its not really showing the .deb package name, just the app name23:13
ShadowJKEh, it doesn't stop at 4.2V afaik?23:13
valdyntrumee: it just matches sometimes, in this case it does not23:13
DocScrutinizerno, it actually stops at a certain current threshold, when in CV at 4V223:14
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trumeevaldyn: i dont have package name for any of the installed app. Only have the Application name23:14
valdyntrumee: i believe however that you can safely remove it23:14
valdyntrumee: right, exactly23:14
ShadowJKYeah and it can't tell current consumed by system apart from current absorbed by battery...23:14
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ShadowJKSo if system consumes alot of current, it will never stop charging because it thinks the battery is still eating it23:14
trumeevaldyn: app manager complains that firefox depends on it.23:15
valdyntrumee: sure, remove firefox23:15
DocScrutinizerbut that's no real problem, as after some hours a watchdog kicks in23:15
valdyntrumee: that will remove the mozilla runtime too if you didnt mess with it23:15
trumeevaldyn: but i thought your fennec browser doesnt depend on mozilla runtime?23:15
valdyntrumee: mine doesnt, mine is a daily build 1.1b223:15
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trumee[21:07] <valdyn> trumee: hmm, I see, that packages doesnt exist anymore with my fennec version23:16
ShadowJKIt actually looks like some of the algorithms in maemo4 bme lived on to maemo5 bme :P23:16
valdyntrumee: but yours is 1.023:16
trumeevaldyn: ah, so this 26.8MB of space is just a waste23:16
valdyntrumee: and my fennec alone is 33.6mb23:16
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: and that's a BAD thing23:16
valdyntrumee: its just a waste if you dont need firefox23:16
ShadowJKI'm not entirely convinced :)23:16
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trumeevaldyn: ok, doesnt help then. my firefox is 6MB and mozilla-runtime is 28.6MB so not much of a space saving than yours :)23:17
valdyntrumee: yea23:17
trumeevaldyn: is 1.1 version better than 1.0.0 version?23:17
valdyntrumee: yea23:17
valdyntrumee: i cant vouch for its stability though, i barely use it23:18
valdyntrumee: worked so far.. thats all23:18
ShadowJKThe way the chip is wired it can't properly terminate the charge on its own.. bme apparently does its own current monitoring either through bq27200 or through cellmo side and drives the bq24150 itself... I imagine as a safe workaround for letting bq24150 operate autonomously without putting excessive wear on the battery you could instruct it to do CC/CV to 4.123:18
valdyntrumee: but its a little faster23:18
Shapeshifterso I ssh'd into my n900 and launched htop and the terminal has been empty for like 15 minutes now. I don't think it's responding anymore. if I tap the screen, it still lights up and shows the terminal after 10 seconds but I can't do much23:18
trumeevaldyn: ok, got rid of 1.0.0 version23:19
trumeei dont understand hy i have only 46MB of rootfs space left when most of the program on the device are optified23:20
valdyntrumee: qt isnt optified iirc23:20
valdyntrumee: and 46 mb is fine23:20
lcuktrumee, how much space do you have on the device after reflashing23:21
valdyntrumee: qt is huge too23:21
trumeelcuk: that is what i dont know. i didnt check that when i flashed.23:21
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: you don't even need that and it's not considered healthy to the cell. All charger chips do the stop-on-current/timer and resume-on-lowvolt shuffle23:21
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lcuktrumee hold on, ill find out for you - pr1.1?23:22
trumeelcuk: yes23:22
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trumeelcuk: on uk firmware RX-51_2009SE_3.2010.02-8.203.1_PR_COMBINED_203_ARM.bin23:22
DocScrutinizersorry Shapeshifter23:22
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: ^^^23:22
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, I guess we have to leave the bq24150 alone then, because any read resets the timer :)23:23
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: a few hours of keeping the cell at CV isn't any harm to the cell23:23
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lcuktrumee, yeah not sure about the variant but im not downloading another image to check ive got a 1.1 here23:23
valdyntrumee: theres scripts to get ~80, but i probably wouldnt do it at this point when pr1.2 is imminent23:23
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trumeevaldyn: i think i reflash + clean emmc when PR 1.2 comes out23:24
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: (leave alone) that's what I said23:24
ShadowJKMaybe this is why bme doesn't detect error conditions, it never bothers to check in order to not reset timer?23:25
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DocScrutinizerShadowJK: the bq24150 does a good job at maintaining the battery, as long as no bme tries to force an obsolete operation scheme on it23:25
ShadowJKI get the impression they've tried to implement proper charge to 4.2 followed by maintain at 4150 :-)23:26
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ShapeshifterI wonder what lzma is actually doing... When it's extracting the easy debian image, it uses almost 0% CPU and about 13% ram. and everything is totally unresponsive.23:26
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: my assumption is bme is trying to manage bq24150 in a way so it behaves like a N81023:26
Shapeshifterbut the cpu is only on 6-8% load in total23:26
* lcuk nearly reflashed his primary phone23:27
Shapeshifterram only at 160mb.23:27
valdynShapeshifter: io does that23:27
StskeepsShapeshifter: 160 out of 25623:27
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, n900 is considerably more conservative towards the end of the charge23:27
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PhonicUKI <3 Qt!23:27
ShapeshifterStskeeps: yes.23:27
StskeepsShapeshifter: swapping maybe23:27
PhonicUKstylesheets for UI layout? How novel!23:27
ShadowJKMaybe as a result of customers complaining about their BP-4Ls becoming useless early :-)23:27
Shapeshifterswap is at 137. has been for a while. doesn't seem abnormal.23:27
valdynShapeshifter: n900 is bad at any big disk i/o23:28
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Shapeshiftervaldyn: I see23:28
valdyn( likely better than the competition but not like a real computer )23:28
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DocScrutinizerShadowJK: they ported bme to N900 without realizing the completely different hw concept23:29
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valdynShapeshifter: actually, its just as bad in windows xp23:29
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bobbyddoes anyone know if there's a fast "full device" or email search for the n900?23:29
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bobbydI see it indexing things all the time, but I can't seem to find a search application23:30
realitygapscan anyone give me a tip on playing mp3 with gst-launch on maemo... im trying gst-launch playbin uri="file" but that doesnt play23:30
valdynbobbyd: the index is used by the media player23:30
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: and I heard bme code lingers around since ~10 years now, and is full of contractors' IP of several 3rd parties23:30
luke-jrbobbyd: email searching is server-side anyhow23:30
luke-jror should be23:30
ShadowJKIt seems to behave significantly differently in the full-battery followed by heavy load situation though23:31
lcuk? really23:31
ShadowJKN8x0 would happily dip below 4.0V before excerting much effort23:31
bobbydluke-jr: but it's not implemented is it?23:31
luke-jrbobbyd: no clue, I don't have N90023:32
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: frankly put I'm not interested in N810 charging scheme23:32
luke-jrand N810 didn't even have usable email sw23:32
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bobbydit's really good actually, I just need to be able to search subject and sender23:32
bobbydI might have a go at that, should be pretty simple23:32
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, I'm only using N8x0 as comparison point to illustrate how N900 bme behaves differently on N900 :P23:33
bobbydassuming there's a new mail notification event23:33
bobbydI'll just use python and sqlite23:33
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: the hw of N900 is totally different23:33
ShadowJKbme is obviously not letting bq24150 run independently, but it's not doing the same thing as on N8x0 either23:33
bobbydor C++ if that's too slow, but the sqilte fucntionality is in C++ anyway23:33
lcukbah trumee my older images have been purged and im not downloading one tonight (and i cant tell you figures from anything else)23:33
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DocScrutinizerand so is the algorithm used to maintain the cell - well at least it *should*23:34
luke-jrbobbyd: no, sqlite is C23:34
trumeelcuk: no worries.23:34
ShadowJKshould? :)23:34
bobbydwell, most C++ compilers will compile C as most C is C99 these days23:34
bobbydso I just use C++ rather than the ugly C/C++ thing23:35
luke-jrbobbyd: C++ is not C99-compatible23:35
luke-jrI don't think it's pre-C99 C compat either for that matter23:35
luke-jranyhow, plain C is not ugly :)23:35
ShadowJKAnyway, seems like both on N8x0 and N900 considerable amounts of thought has been put into not ruining the battery if the user leaves it on charger overnight.. Seems sensible to figure out a way to do the same in openbme :P23:35
lcukc++ has never been c compatible23:35
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: yes should. N810 was kinda botch, while bq24150 implements a sane management in hw23:35
lcukit just looks similar for some constructs23:35
ArkenoiI think the proper behavior for maemo could be actively suspending interactive tasks if something really important demands realtime interruption. Say, halt browser and media player on incoming call.23:35
kokoszhey peeps, I'm using Xchat right now on the awesome N900. But... the colours are too dark especially for what I write...can I change that?23:35
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Arkenoithis will solve most of the problems23:36
lcukc with objects " Cfront! the meta compiler that took original cpp code and generated c from it23:36
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bobbydlcuk, we'll it's pretty compatible depending on what you're writing in C23:36
ZogGkokosz yes23:36
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ShadowJKkokosz, settings-preferences-colours ?23:36
luke-jrbobbyd: for example, you cannot compile Linux with a C++ compiler23:37
ShadowJKNot all of C99 compiles as C++..23:37
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jacekowskiwell, 1st c++ compiler was just a translator that translated c++ code to C23:38
bobbydluke-jr: oh I'm tired, I meant that many C compilers support some additions from C++23:38
lcukjacekowski, cfront yeah i mentioned that23:38
bobbydwhich is where C99 came into it23:38
luke-jrjacekowski: just like Qt does now23:39
luke-jrtranslates Qt code to C++23:39
* lcuk giggles23:39
lcukyup luke-jr23:39
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ZogGnerds 8)23:39
bobbydbecause it got inline fucntions, bool etc.23:39
luke-jrinline functions I'm pretty sure is not even *new* in C23:40
lcukbobbyd, inline was around way before23:40
bobbydyeah, Qt's signals are a bit ugly because of the moc stuff, bug nice to actually use23:40
luke-jrand I don't know of GCC supporting bool for C23:40
* ShadowJK presents: main(){ new(); } void new(){ printf("Hello World!\n");}23:40
bobbydlcuk: right but C99 standadised it, before that it was just specific compilers afair23:40
lcukwill that compile?23:40
lcukhow does main() know where to find new() ?23:40
ShadowJKit's only a warning :(23:41
luke-jrShadowJK: add -Wall -Werror -pedantic23:41
bobbydboolean type in <stdbool.h>   Done23:41
ShadowJKThe point is that new is a reserved keyword in c++, I think23:41
lcukdoes that same code then work in c++23:42
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lcukor does it should about bool being predefined23:42
lcuk(if you use <stdbool.h>23:42
lcukdoes it shout^23:42
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lcuki would personally like to go back to c with objects sorta stuff - leave the operator overloading and retain objects with methods23:43
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ShadowJKLess of the perl-type stuff eh?23:44
ShadowJK(write-once never-read)23:44
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luke-jrPerl ftw23:44
lcukcleanly written objective interfaces23:45
ghostcube_maemoperl for the see. deep under23:45
bobbydlcuk, can't you just do that by not using operator overloading?23:45
bobbyd(in C++)23:45
lcukbobbyd, but if you have the toys they are used - i could try it23:45
luke-jrmore relevant than overloading is the huge stdlib23:45
lcukand expect a+b to be addition23:45
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lcukbut some sadist overloaded it and made it subtract23:45
bobbydright, but any tool can be abused23:46
bobbydthere are really horrible constructs in all languages23:47
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bobbydcertainly C++ begins to look horrible when people start using meta-programming to evaluate stuff at compile time, but I just see that as people doing things with it that it wasn't designed for.23:48
bobbydbut in general I think it still does a good job at what it's good at. I certainly wouldn't choose it for writing non-performance-critical tools, but for large projects that require performance, it's still a good tool.23:49
bobbydanyway, just my opinion23:49
DocScrutinizerperformance and c++ in one sentence - wow ;-P23:51
lcukyou wouldnt use c++ for general tools?23:51
lcukif you are a c++ developer, you use c++ as your hammer dont you23:51
bobbydI use python for a lot of stuff23:51
lcukwhat do you use?23:51
bobbydC# for others23:51
bobbyddepending on the scale23:52
lcukwhat do they offer c++ doesnt?23:52
PhonicUK"When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail"23:52
bobbydautomatic memory management23:52
MohammadAGwow I f'd up again23:52
MohammadAGtried to optify mc, failed23:52
lcukand what happens when the scope changes?23:52
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MohammadAGand the changelog says optified23:52
LiraNuna<DocScrutinizer> performance and c++ in one sentence - wow ;-P23:52
LiraNunaC++ isn't slow23:52
lcukbobbyd, good memory management comes from the developer and knowing the scope of your objects23:52
lcukit happens in c too!23:52
lcuknot all programs leak memory23:52
bobbydDocScrutinizer: I've shipped many games on the Game Boy Advance that run at 60fps and were written in C++, so yes, C++ and performacne23:53
DocScrutinizerLiraNuna: no, it's just the machine it runs on gets slow23:53
bobbydperformance :)23:53
LiraNunaGBA <323:53
lcukc++ classes are nice23:53
bobbydlcuk: yes, but removing the possibility removes the need to manage it23:53
lcuksame as any objective system23:53
lcukoooh thats bad23:53
bobbydI worte a game engine for minigames that used Lua23:53
lcukremoving the care from the developer does not mean theres no problem23:53
bobbydwe were able to write a game in a day and it just worked23:54
lcukits easy to get a leaky drippy heavyweight app if you are careless enough23:54
lcukeven in a memory managed system23:54
bobbydyou don't remove the care, for some things it just doesn't matter as much23:54
bobbydcertainly, so you employ good software engineers :)23:54
lcukso you write a consutructor and a destructor23:54
lcukand know what you are doing23:54
lcukbobbyd, very high personal standards is all :)23:55
* dottedmag .oO(someone dropped the language-flamewar-bomb to the channel?)23:55
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ghostcube_maemodottedmag: yep23:55
bobbydI've got experience of writing large and small applications in C++, once an application gets to a certain size (50+ programmers) there are many more opportunities for peple to make mistakes23:55
bobbydeven good engineers23:55
MohammadAGdottedmag, it's a discussion :P23:56
ghostcube_maemobetter than oc23:56
bobbyddottedmag: it's just some friendly discussion, no make calling :)23:56
lcukmake was better :P we arent testing your code yet23:56
bobbydnow make, there's a topic for a flame war!23:56
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lcukbobbyd, in a large project with that many developers internal reviewing and cross checking buddy coding spots the grossest mistakes23:57
bobbydI just think it's a case of horses for courses, for some applications it just doesn't matter about memory and performance because speed of development is the crucial thing23:57
bobbydlcuk: it certainly does, and that works on our project, but still things slip through23:57
lcukyou are on the maemo channel23:57
lcukprinciply targeting a system with low ceiling for memory and leaks23:58
lcukso caring is important for every bit of memory and performance23:58
bobbydright, and for some maemo apps (like the mail search I'm just writing), python is fine23:58
bobbydthere are many useful maemo apps already written in python23:58
bobbydwhere they're small and memory isn't that important23:58
lcukonly if backed up by a low level lib23:58
bobbydthe Gameboy Advance has 32Kbytes of internal memory :)23:59
lcukusing python to do gross processing is going to be much less optimal than even c++23:59
* DocScrutinizer yawns violently23:59
* lcuk inserts bacon23:59
bobbydlcuk: yes of course23:59
* SpeedEvil has used awk +hexdump to do realtime DSP23:59
* bobbyd goes back to searching mail :)23:59
lcukawk is c isnt it :D23:59

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