IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2010-04-16

* frals flashes lcuk's microSD00:00
* lcuk covers up his microsd00:00
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DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: you sound like my silly bosses sometimes - the device needs OLEDs! What? no idea where - oh there's no such thing like single OLEDs -shit!00:01
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lcukany wiki editors handy, or people who could cut and paste some stuff into a wiki page00:01
* javispedro would run out of money BEFORE running out of battery while browsing using 3g00:02
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lcukwant all pictures from a thread making into a wiki page00:02
javispedroyou could make the page first then leave formatting for latter00:02
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: mh?00:02
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lcukyes javis but that takes concentration i havent got00:02
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lcukmind is over there <<<<<<<< watching updates and stuff00:03
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DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: short version: World peace and intergalactical travels *should* be possible!00:03
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woglinde_hm when I define a static struct in .c file how can I use the struct in another file00:04
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: are you saying my expectations are unreasonable for a "mobile computer"?00:04
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* SpeedEvil1 sighs at stupid broken forums.00:04
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SpeedEvil1Is there a way to get all the posts in a thread on one page?00:04
lcukwoglinde_, you define the struct in a header00:05
lcukand declare the instance of that struct to be static00:05
MohammadAGSpeedEvil1, settings, but you'll never get all posts00:05
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: see, 'all day IM online" tends to be no difference to "all day surfing over 3G"00:05
javispedrothen a copy would be included on every file00:05
lcukyour method of "static struct { ... } blah;"   is afaik a private struct00:05
lcukno javispedro thats not  what i said00:05
lcuka struct takes no memory00:05
lcukis not data00:05
lcukits a definition00:05
woglinde_lcuk hm I wonder why it worked in earlier kernel00:06
lcukit works00:06
lcukbut afaik you cant share the definition for it00:06
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: mh I guess you're right.00:06
noobmonk3ylol lcuk00:06
javispedroa definition cannot be static ...00:06
noobmonk3yreally wanna swap with me for a day, i had a meeting from 9am - 5pm today :|00:06
lcukthe scope breaks it00:06
noobmonk3y(whilst ircing on the n900 at times)00:06
lcukstatic [variable];00:06
lcukwhere [variable] == privately declared struct00:06
lcukim still working noobmonk3y go figure00:07
fralsnoobmonk3y: i was trying to learn how cachememories works from 12-14 then i gave up and went home00:07
* SpeedEvil1 ponders using as a teaching aid.00:07
noobmonk3ylol lcuk00:07
noobmonk3yfrals, - you lost me at "learn"00:07
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Shapeshifter likes this idea.00:08
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: if you want better battery endurance, you don't want a more bulky device - rather you want smarter apps with better power conserving design00:09
hefferhoho my N900 has better speakers than my ThinkPad X20000:09
hefferin fact, the X200 even has only one speaker :)00:09
javispedroShapeshifter: not impressed. 50ml and only two weeks standby for a feature phone?00:09
N900eviland sometimes you can't do things smarter - as the outside world doesn"t cooperate00:10
Shapeshifterjavispedro: the fact that recharing it takes a few seconds is interesting.00:10
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prontodoes the n900 still have that issue with wifi + bluetooth?00:10
SpeedEvil1For example - you would ideally want to be able to group all IM activity so it only hit in batches every minute.00:10
SpeedEvil1And wifi powersaving only works with routers that support it00:10
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil1: bouncer/proxy then00:11
SpeedEvil1DocScrutinizer: yes - that's a partial answer00:11
javispedroDocScrutinizer: that's the apple approach afaiu (single server for notifications)00:11
DocScrutinizeryup, think so00:11
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javispedroaha, a phone producing CO2.00:12
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SpeedEvil1you really want it deeper into the system than that.00:12
SpeedEvil1If you can.00:12
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DocScrutinizeron N900 you can00:12
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SpeedEvilFor example, applications batching timers so that if the app doesn't care about exact value of timer, several apps timers are fired at once.00:13
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DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: listen!!00:13
javispedroI'm pretty sure there's a framework for that already00:14
javispedroin fact there's at the second granularity00:14
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: I'm listening00:14
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: timers sounds like your favourite pet recently00:15
javispedrobut yeah, second granularity is too high these days. apps should be grouped at minutes, etc.00:15
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: ;)00:15
woglinde_this seems a sed error00:16
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: see now why I pushed for an 'API', even a simple cmdline API00:16
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ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: well in my case it would just be interesting to get telepathy to batch/burst the connection.00:19
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: implement 3 additional parameters for time? absolute skew in millisec, freq relative error for periodic events, max jitter00:19
SpeedEvilprobably microsec actually00:21
DocScrutinizerk, us is fine00:21
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: heh. I just asked in telepathy. the guy said that the connect independently (jabber accounts), but also:00:21
Shapeshifter23:20 <            smcv > Shapeshifter: the N900 has some cleverness to have all the Jabber connections wake the device up at the  same time, but I think that's mostly in the kernel, i.e. not our problem :-)00:21
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DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: anyway I'm talking bout alarmed00:22
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ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: yeah I could do that.00:23
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woglinde_this cost me 2 hours00:25
woglinde_to understand00:25
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woglinde_but now fixed00:26
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* lcuk gets woglinde_ a coffee00:26
woglinde_but the patch got an ack00:26
woglinde_the patch who breaked it00:26
javispedroI see the static struct _declaration_ there.00:27
woglinde_kernel seems not to boot00:28
woglinde_-rfbi.dss_ick = clk_get(rfbi.fbdev->dev, "ick");00:28
woglinde_+rfbi.dss_ick = clk_get(&dispc.fbdev->dssdev->dev, "ick");00:28
woglinde_dispc is only defined in dispc.c00:28
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DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: plus a parameter --system and a checkbox "[ ] Show system events", so you can by default hide away system level timer events from user/GUI00:30
woglinde_hm hm so I have to backport kexec stuff to 33.100:31
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woglinde_oh is in there00:33
DocScrutinizerGAN900: the part of yesterday's twitter where it says"Palm came up with a device using Nokia's maemo code, before Nokia was ready to rollout", that gave a decent laugh00:33
* DocScrutinizer bbl00:33
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* Jaffa *assumes* that's talking about upstream patches rather than libhildon or something00:36
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GAN900kernel, primarily00:40
GAN900and the comment was intended to be humorous00:40
GAN900and an example of one of the things you have to cope with working with open source00:41
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wazdany website gurus in here? :)00:42
javispedrothey're also using gst-openmax, etc.00:42
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noobmonk3ywb MohammadAG00:43
MohammadAGty o.O00:43
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* javispedro now reads that they tried to bring GAN to the dark side by giving him a free nexus one00:46
GAN900Didn't work!00:46
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GAN900I haven't stuck my SIM in it, but I haven't been impressed poking around so far.00:46
GAN900Too bad Nokia didn't announce free N900s at Ari's talk. . . .00:47
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javispedroThey should. Free Droids given to potential MeeGo-developers is never a good thing :)00:48
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GAN900Lotta N900s here00:48
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GAN900More Nexus Ones today. ;)00:48
javispedrosee, the dark side won already.00:48
SpeedEvilmass blend!00:49
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GAN900SpeedEvil, yeah, that's what I said yesterday.00:49
* SpeedEvil wasn't paying close attention.00:49
* javispedro starts looking for cheap android devices in preparation for the soon massive "switch"00:49
javispedro first hit here when googling "cheap android phone" :)00:51
Gadgetoid_mbpjavispedro:  hahahahaha00:52
Gadgetoid_mbpAlienware gear looks horrendous00:52
SpeedEvilIt's Kosh!00:52
SpeedEvilIn a phone!00:52
javispedrodid I see an angel fleeing out of it?00:52
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Gadgetoid_mbpI really need to watch bab 500:54
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crazyhorseswhats up? talking through maemo on wifi using irssi00:57
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crazyhorsesthe keyboard is great00:57
wazdthat's the phone00:58
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javispedro"the" phone?00:58
crazyhorsesn900 :)00:58
wazdjavispedro: yeah :)00:59
SpeedEvilcrazyhorses: I'm up to 28wpm or so, which surprised me00:59
crazyhorseswow thats impressive00:59
wazdjavispedro: actually price/awesomness ratio of this thing is outstanding :)01:00
crazyhorsesI'm still getting used to some keys01:00
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javispedroah well, I don't like the form factor.01:00
acidjazzwhen can i put meego on n90001:00
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wazdacidjazz: yeah01:01
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MohammadAGacidjazz, not very soon01:02
MohammadAGif ever01:02
acidjazzok mr negative01:02
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* MohammadAG calls DocScrutinizer and asks for another autokicker :P01:03
SpeedEvilcrazyhorses: my laptop broke, so I was using it as my main IM and other device for a weekish01:04
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lardmanevening chaps01:05
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wazdacidjazz: you'd be able to install MeeGo on n900 in 2 hours. Faithfully yours, Mr. Postitve.01:06
wazdlardman: heya01:06
lardmanreading about the donation stuff, I've got to say I'd like an updated HAM with descriptions, rating abilities and a donation button myself01:06
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lardmanhey wazd01:06
wazdlardman: ironically01:06
javispedrothey're going to syndicate babylon just now.01:07
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javispedro*bab 501:07
javispedro(so, speaking of the devil...)01:07
javispedroevening lardman01:07
lardmanwazd: looks interesting01:07
lardmanhey javispedro01:08
crazyhorseswhat's that app they use to show cpu clock, load, etc?01:08
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javispedrolardman: saw reply to dsp mp3 post?01:08
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wazdlardman: it's Extras Client for Maemo from Daniel Wilms01:09
lardmanjavispedro: yes, Felipe has, as ever, given the pointers needed01:09
javispedro:nod: :)01:09
lardmanwazd: oh, I tried installing that a while back and it wouldn't work01:09
lardmanjavispedro: too busy atm, but I may take another stab at some DSP stuff further into the summer01:10
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javispedroah, the summer.01:10
javispedroso many projects :)01:10
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javispedroand still too far.01:10
wazdlardman: well, I can't do even that :D01:10
lardmanfurther!? and I mad, supposed to snow next week ;)01:10
lardmanwazd: no device?01:10
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wazdlardman: sort of01:10
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lardmanOC'd and burst into flames...?01:11
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wazdlardman: hehe, no, just no device :D01:12
wazdlardman: overclocked price tag in here :D01:12
GAN900X-Fade, Dawn and Randy are looking at the mailserver.01:12
lardmanwazd: ah, sorry to hear that01:12
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lardmanhey GAN90001:13
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GAN900Hey, lardman01:17
woglinde_hm someone knows the cmdline for the n8x0 diablo kernels?01:17
wazdlardman: well, that's a pathetic developing obstacle for me, so nothing to be sorry for :)01:17
crazyhorseswhat is the most lightweight ftp(pref. sftp) client?01:17
lardmanopenssh command line client...?01:18
lardmanlcuk: damn foo' ;)01:18
lcukbut working out the primes is a bit of a bitch manually01:18
lardmanand hi :)01:18
crazyhorsesgui client plz01:19
lardmanno idea then, sorry01:19
fralsfileparser done, all of... 5 lines of code01:19
* frals likes when its that easy01:20
lardmanactually what are you talking about on an N900, Windows, Linux, etc?#01:20
lcukthose 5 lines are 499999999999 characters each tho01:20
fralsscch lcuk ;)01:20
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FIQwhy did my program manager just force opened?01:20
lardmancrazyhorses: no idea then, try a search in HAM perhaps01:20
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fralsnow i just need to do a ui prototype and have some ui/ux tear it apart and make it make sense for users01:20
FIQdid i press on a "install (program) button by mistake, does it opens then?01:21
lcukfrals, auto config for fmms?01:22
SpeedEvilfrals: Have the UI random for each user, and then tweak it via a genetic algorithm from people that don't uninstall immediately.01:22
fralslcuk: yeah01:22
lcukgood good01:22
lcuki like the genetic algorithm aspect01:23
lcukSpeedEvil, thats a nice idea01:23
crazyhorsesstrange scrolling isn't workimg01:23
SpeedEvilcrazyhorses: ?01:23
crazyhorsesirssi on n90001:24
fralsSpeedEvil: sounds pretty good, gonna go for it!01:24
SpeedEvilhow are you trying to scroll?01:24
crazyhorsesusually ctrl + p/n01:24
SpeedEvilcrazyhorses: it's possibly not bound?01:24
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crazyhorsesdifferent binds.. it,s changing channels01:25
* lardman grumbles that there are always so many unread posts on TMO01:25
lcuklardman, just use vaispy.php01:26
lcukand if its gone from scrollback its gone01:26
lardmanah ok01:26
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lardmanbloody hell, they just keep coming!01:27
lcuklol lardman01:27
lcukits like irc01:27
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lcukbut it scrolls the wrong way ;)01:27
lardmanyeah but with 1000 conversations going on!01:28
javispedroand it scrolls too fast and with muuuch longer posts01:28
fralslcuk: actually using that page is insane!01:28
javispedroaha, we overloaded tmo01:28
javispedroI stopped getting updates...01:28
fralssame here lol01:28
lcuki just flick to it01:29
lcukglance and flick away i know it moves but its rare i see it01:29
* javispedro thinks lcuk is too used to twitter01:29
lcuktwitter is awful01:29
lcuki hate that "700 new twits"01:30
javispedrowell said.01:30
lcukjust show me the damn things01:30
fralslcuk only dislikes twitter because everyone is calling him insane on there01:30
lcukthey stopped that01:30
lardmanI don't use it, drives me mad01:30
lcukits ok for some uses01:30
fralsi mostly use it to advertise new fmms stuff01:30
FIQwasn't N900 planned this week?01:31
javispedroyes, I got one!01:31
FIQi mean PR1.201:31
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lardmanoh, I thought we had a 1 year lag on those comments ;)01:31
javispedro1 year already??01:31
javispedrodamn, need new gadget to play with.01:31
zappahey guys can i get some feedback on design or .  I plan to add essentially lesson 2 this weekend.  I've never done a document in wiki format and am wondering what i should do differently01:31
lardmanjavispedro: getting close I reckon01:32
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javispedrozappa: well you already used all of the mediawiki features I know =)01:33
fralshmm, i wonder which component owns /etc/operator_settings01:33
fralsis there an easy way to find out which package installs a given file?01:33
javispedro"operator-wizard-settings" is the package01:33
javispedroand "dpkg -S /filename"01:33
zappajavispedro:  i had no idea what i was doing.  I looked at the code for other wikis to get a semi clue.01:34
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* noobmonk3y prods lcuk01:34
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* frals prods noobmonk3y01:35
* noobmonk3y giggles01:35
noobmonk3ynight alls01:35
noobmonk3ytoo much giggling makes me tired....... :P01:35
lcuknn noobmonk3y01:35
noobmonk3y:D lcuk - back to work :P01:35
lcukyou stopped peeing pants now?01:35
lcukmake sure you go toilet before bed01:35
noobmonk3ylcuk,  only when i remember not to drink too much ;)01:35
noobmonk3ysorry, only when mum remembers to not make me drink to much01:36
* lardman settles down to another beer :)01:36
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MohammadAGnn noobmonk3y01:36
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noobmonk3ynights ;)01:36
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MohammadAGwas infobot glined?01:36
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fralslardman: share!01:36
lardmancome on over01:37
fralsall flights grounded :(01:37
lcuklardman, that app you posted01:37
MohammadAGstream e-coach results here :P01:37
lcukdoes it run on wine?01:37
fralsid need more than a beer to walk from sweden i think01:38
lardmandon't think I'd be shouting about beer otherwise do you ;)01:38
SpeedEvilfrals: you'd need a thick coating of lard.01:38
zappaReason why I ask is I've gotten no questions or comments about qtruby.  I would think there would be atleast some people interested in qtruby on the n900.  Am I just wierd for thinking more ppl would be interested in this?01:38
lardmanhmm, bloody slow typing with one hand (/me finishes bag of chips)01:38
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woglinde_zappa sofar you are the onlyone using qtruby01:39
fralsive been staring at my code for the last 10minutes waiting for it to type itself out.. not working so far :(01:39
lardmanlcuk: hmm, I'd prefer wine, but none in the house01:39
woglinde_frals lol01:39
MohammadAGfrals, lemme help, it won't write itself out :P01:39
lardmanfrals: more beer, you wake up in the moring with unintelligible but very good code01:39
SpeedEvilThe on-screen keyboard needs to have a large button mode, for noses.01:39
lcukyou only struggled home at weekend with a new barrel!01:39
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fralslardman: only got wine here and not in the mood for it, ill trade you for a beer ;)01:40
MohammadAGLOL @ SpeedEvil01:40
lardmanfrals: if only!01:40
zappawoglinde: I think you may be right.01:40
lcuklimited vocab01:40
lardmandamn those volcanoes/icelanders01:40
fralsyeah damn icelanders for making their volcano go nuts again01:41
fralsthats what you get when you dont raise em properly *goes off about parenting these days*01:41
lardmanfirst they knacker out economy, then our airline industry,... ;)01:41
lcukfrals, whats the code you gotta write01:41
lcukperhaps we can come up with some interesting variable names01:41
fralslcuk: i need to get current chosen apn from gconf from fmms settings, get it from /system/osso/blabla/IAP, get the relevant bits from there and populate the dialog im yet to create01:42
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fralsand if there is no apn select in fmms settings it should fetch it from /etc/operator_settings01:42
fralssounds fun eh?01:43
lcuksounds reasonably expected obviously not trivial01:43
fralsits really easy, which is why its so boring01:43
lardmanperhaps not the sort of thing to start at this time of night01:43
lardmanI can't be bothered to start some work I was planning to do01:44
lardmanin which case I should just go to bed01:44
lardman~curse drinking caffeine in the evening01:44
fralslardman: plan is to be up as late as possible so im absolutely knackered tomorrow when im suppose to learn more about cache memories and what not01:44
lcukblame it on iceland01:44
lardmanI have a day of testing tomorrow01:44
lardmanyes, blame iceland, indeed01:45
lcuktoday has been a testing day for me also01:45
lcukand will continue tomorrow too01:45
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lardmanIR cameras too? ;)01:45
woglinde_testing waht?01:45
fralsi made a cup of tea but i think i made some green tea shit without caffeine :(01:45
lardmandetection caps for IR cameras01:45
fralsnice lcuk, lardman, experienced testers, sounds like you are the perfect two candidates for fmms testing ;D01:46
lardmanwell perhaps, my wife laughs at the fact the N900 doesn't have MMS out of the box ;)01:46
fralsonly requirement currently is the ability to provide more feedback than "its not working, i got error."01:46
lardmanfrals: and tbh I couldn't get it to work last time I tried, so gave up then01:46
lardmanmine just didn't do anything, no error01:47
lcukyea frals :) hell of a lot further than we were 6 months ago tho :)01:47
FIQ[00:47:54] <frals> only requirement currently is the ability to provide more feedback than "its not working, i got error."01:47
fralswow even my irc client is tired, took a second for the beep to get here from the highlight01:47
lardmanFIQ: at least the error is gone now hey? ;)01:47
FIQheh, would be fun to test if i actually sent mms01:47
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fralslcuk: hehe, been quite a journey so far ;)01:48
fralsneed to start filtering my email and move all mails including 'fmms.log' to another folder as my inbox is a mess :)01:48
* lcuk raises a glass to maemo 01:48
* frals steals the glass and hopes its beer in it, cheers!01:48
lcukfrals is fmms on git yet01:49
fralsits been for err01:49
frals3 months i think01:49
lcukyeah i get distracted01:49
lcukits healthcheck thats not01:49
fralsMonday January 25 2010  frals  created project fMMS  \o/01:50
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* MohammadAG wonders why git01:50
fralswas talking to a tester today, turns out my magic-wizbang-script to do some routing stuff shouldnt have been working at all01:51
FIQwould it be theoretical possible to port (super)tyxkart for maemo?01:51
FIQwith u, even01:51
fralswas pretty interesting as running the code manually didnt work but in the script it did for some reason, v. confusing01:51
MohammadAGfrals, sure it's not just the beer kicking into action? :P01:52
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fralshehe, not had a drink for a week ;P01:52
fralsnot much incoming from coding for free for some reason so had to cut back ;)01:53
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MohammadAGoh so you haven't walked to lardman's yet :P01:53
fralsnope, hes holding back on me i think01:53
lardmanmight need to swim, I do live in Bath after all ;)01:53
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fralsshould maybe have shortened that link...01:54
lardmangood Lord, 6 days and 17 hours to do 2,803km01:55
lardmanmy arse01:55
lardmanpardon my French01:55
MohammadAGlardman, at least his N900 will company him on the way01:56
MohammadAGoh wait... :P01:56
lardmanoh I suppose it uses the ferry, so perhaps doable01:56
fralsyeah for the first 24hrs until the battery is run dry01:56
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> oh wait... :P01:56
MohammadAGfrals, you could take a battery belt01:57
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lardmanwell frals, if you do rock up in 6 days and 17 hours I'll make sure there's some beers in the fridge for you, and some for your feet too!01:57
lcukwow directions from manchester to stockholm are worse frals lardman01:57
fralslol lardman01:57
w00t_facebrick users:
fralslol loving the ferry from england to nederlands and then back again01:58
lardmanlcuk: lol01:58
lcuki have to bypass amsterdam01:58
MohammadAGi remember when google said swim across the atlantic ocean01:58
lardmanalmost as my coming to the Amsterdam summit, needing to fly from Berlin to London then back to Amsterdam01:59
MohammadAGasked for directions from the UK to new york01:59
lardmanyeah, says something about swimming iirc01:59
lcukyeah lardman01:59
lcukanyway, im gonna beat lardman tonight01:59
lcukgnite chaps \o01:59
frals some nice pics of the volcano01:59
fralsgnite lcuk o/01:59
lardmannight lcuk01:59
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lardmanMohammadAG: I think they've fixed that feature02:00
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MohammadAGnn lcuk02:00
MohammadAGlardman, why, i liked it :P02:00
lardmanjust tried and it won't route from e.g. London to NY02:00
lardmanMohammadAG: :)02:00
* MohammadAG sues google02:00
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lardmanhey Dave02:01
* lardman heads for bed02:04
lardmannight all02:04
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DocScrutinizerusers interested in this channel also checked the following products:
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woglinde_damn watchdog02:11
dmj726You know, there are nearly a thousand apps in extras, testing, and devel?02:11
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DocScrutinizerwhere's the dog? that's a wristwatch XP02:12
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woglinde_*sigh* even with rd-flags disbaled02:13
woglinde_it kicks in02:13
javispedrobut does it run linux?02:13
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* MohammadAG_ needs a hibernate function02:16
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MohammadAGdump ram, shutdown, turn on, restore ram02:16
DocScrutinizerno, but it does blend ;-P02:16
MohammadAGthe N900 blends?02:17
dmj726I was surprised that there were that many applications in our repositories.02:17
dmj726I would have guessed 500 at most.02:17
MohammadAGwhy I need a hibernate function:02:17
MohammadAGyou'll find out in 5 minutes02:17
MohammadAG  battery.reporting.current = 5  (0x5)  (int)02:17
DocScrutinizer How can TI sell the eZ430-Chronos for only US$49?02:17
DocScrutinizerThe eZ430-Chronos kit is intended to be an attractive development kit and is not intended to be a consumer product. Texas Instruments and the partner companies are sponsoring components or services to increase the accessibility of flexible and innovative development systems to a broader audience. Consumer products usually retail for higher prices.02:17
javispedroit does not look like an expensive watch.02:18
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DocScrutinizerwell it looks pretty much like a watch, given it's a MSP430 uC devel kit02:25
DocScrutinizer4k RAM 32k flash02:26
GAN900Damn, where's lbt when you have an answer to his question.02:26
GAN900Timeline for arch discussion seems to be the November Summit02:26
javispedroit would be much interesting with a ~ 64x64 matrix lcd (and much expensive and with less battery life, though)02:26
GAN900low batt02:27
GAN900going down, brb02:27
DocScrutinizerhmm ok, specs say 96 segment display02:27
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: actually with 44GPIO it's a bit hard to drive a 64^2, without additional driver chips etc02:28
javispedro9 digits x 7 + some symbols (I guess) << 96 segments02:28
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javispedroyeah, maybe 64² too much02:29
dnearyhi all02:29
Robot101dneary: o/02:29
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javispedrooh, pressure sensor.02:30
dnearyRobot101, \o/02:30
javispedroaltimeter alone could be an interesting usecase for some02:30
javispedroGAN900: interesting stuff?02:31
* Robot101 still wants to port MeeGo to his free Nexus One02:31
GAN900javispedro, eeeeh02:31
Robot101problem is all of the kernel drivers use the Android kernel bonghits like wakelocks and new device model :(02:31
GAN900Robot101, you here?02:31
GAN900No shit? Where?02:32
* Robot101 is sitting next to dneary 02:32
GAN900Where the hell did Dave get off to?02:32
Robot101GAN900: oh! that was you at lunch :) hi02:32
GAN900Well now. ;)02:32
Myrttiohai Robot101 _o/02:32
Robot101I thought your name was familiar :)02:33
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MyrttiRobot101: what was the weather like at Cambridge?02:33
* javispedro thinks all those sci-fi authors fans of vr worlds should see this very channel02:33
Robot101Myrtti: I'm in San Francisco at the Collab summit too02:34
GAN900javispedro, N900 makes magic possible.02:34
GAN900Robot101, yeah, Myrtti two chairs to my left. :P02:34
MyrttiRobot101: yup, but you've probably been to Cambridge not that long ago, I've been here for a month now02:34
Robot101Myrtti: Collabora just joined the Linux Foundation, we thought we should show up :)02:34
MyrttiRobot101: whoo02:35
Myrttineed to poke my boss about that too02:35
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GAN900Everybody's doing it these days.02:35
Myrttiyeah, it's the new black02:35
Robot101need to see if we can maintain tp, gstreamer, dbus and stuff in meego02:35
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ShadowJKSpeedEvil, pong?02:39
dmj726cehteh: what do you think about the Lightworks news?02:39
DocScrutinizernow this channel is real madness - LOL02:39
* ShadowJK should complete, make, and maybe bme_replacedbyashellscript.sh02:40
ShadowJKand then rewrite in C02:40
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: actually that'd help a lot as long as Stskeeps is at Nokia talking to BME nerds about opening up stuff02:41
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DocScrutinizerShadowJK: I'm off for a short beer now. Let's throw on a heap all we think we know later on (or tomorrow). OK?02:44
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ShadowJKI'm actually at work now, can't irc much :)02:44
DocScrutinizerand I'm usually awake anothe r few hours, so cya l8er02:45
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* ShadowJK discovers why his n900 was using abnormal amounts of power02:45
ShadowJKsomeone was doing bruteforce ssh user/pass attack...02:46
prontosomeone was trying to bruteforce into your phone?02:47
MohammadAGbeen playing with leds02:48
MohammadAGif you set two colours to one engine02:48
MohammadAGat full pwm02:48
MohammadAGand the other colour that's left to the 2nd one02:49
MohammadAGat 0 pwm02:49
MohammadAGyou'd get a different colour (or same colour with different brightness)02:49
MohammadAGpurple turns pink in this case02:49
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MohammadAGweird yellow also works02:50
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ShadowJKpronto, yep02:53
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ShadowJKImagine if they'd gotten in, tried to wget their rootkit and met with ENOSPC02:55
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javispedrothen did df -h02:59
javispedroonly to die of old age before the pymaemo bind mounts listing ends02:59
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cehtehdmj726_n900: no code yet, only windows, 20 years old codebase (32 bit, poor smp?), lots of 3rd party licensed stuff which must be removed, looking at their specs a lot things are hardcoded03:18
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b-mancrashanddie: yo05:24
b-mancrashanddie: you ok? xD05:25
crashanddieThat's one word, in dutch05:25
b-manoh shi-05:25
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b-man_ToArtist_: yup, it's random hour05:26
yuizy_epäjärjestelmällistyttämättömyydelläänsäkäänköpähän is said to be the longest finnish non-compound word05:27
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_ToArtist_How can I slove it05:27
b-mananyone herd of Dragon Fruit? :D05:27
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crashanddieb-man: here's another one: Halfautomatischeautobandenventieldopjesetiketplakmachinehulpreperateur05:28
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fureddoWhat does PR1.1 means?05:29
b-mancrashanddie: imagine having a conversation with those words xD05:29
b-manPR1.1 is a firmware version05:29
fureddoWhat does PR stands for?05:29
fureddoDo you know?05:29
DocScrutinizerprogram release?05:30
b-manto be honest, haven't a clue05:30
b-manwhat DocScrutinizer said05:30
DocScrutinizeror production release or whatever05:31
DocScrutinizerwho cares?05:31
fureddoMe :-)05:31
fureddoI was just curious.  Of course, it's not that important.05:31
crashanddieproduction release05:34
DocScrutinizerbtw composite words of any length are just lame. recursive composite words of virtually infinite length are just slightly more braintickling. yuizy_'s longest non composite is funny actually05:39
DocScrutinizerfirst and second class in Finland must be a hell05:41
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crashanddieDocScrutinizer: stfu05:47
jacekowskiwith me luck05:47
jacekowskii'm going to flash my phone05:47
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crashanddiejacekowski: with you luck?05:49
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jacekowskisupport for ext3 or reiser on memory card would be nice05:55
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DocScrutinizerwhat's the problem with ext3 now?06:01
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jacekowskino support in builtin scripts06:04
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luke-jrjacekowski: N8x0 or N900?06:09
luke-jrworks fine on N8x0 if you run depmod06:09
ShadowJKworks on n900 too, just no automount and random apps think memory card doesn't exist06:12
ShadowJKand camera app outright doesn't work iirc06:12
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ShadowJKin other words, there are vfat assumptions built in all over the place :)06:14
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luke-jrShadowJK: automount works on N8x006:19
ShadowJKiirc the scripts on N900 grep output of fdisk looking specifically for fat partitions, and then try to mount it with -t vfat06:20
Macercywin ftw06:23
Macermakes for a quick win7 x server06:23
Maceri should see if it has zsh.. doubtful.. but bash is better than cmd06:23
* luke-jr smacks Macer06:24
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Gh0styhello anyone awake/alive here?06:28
luke-jrI killed them all06:29
luke-jryou're the only survivor06:29
Gh0styhm just wondering like if the majority here would be european06:29
Gh0styor also a lot of american people06:29
Gh0styit's now 5h30am where I live06:30
Gh0styso not much people from europe will be online now06:30
Gh0styperhaps only the die-hards lets say :p06:30
Gh0styI am going to admit I am not a developer, actually a sysadmin. But I find the phone lacking some really basic functions according to my requirements (and I think according to most peoples requirements)06:31
ShadowJK6.30 where I am :P06:31
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Gh0styis there a nice guide/howto on how to setup a complete development environment (virtual i guess)06:31
ShadowJKdude, xterm, ssh, openvpn, rsync.. all a sysadmin needs :D06:31
Gh0stywithout having the phone itself?06:31
Gh0styI good friend of mine is a very nice developer, one of the top people I know in the country06:32
Gh0styI even told him I want to pay but he wants to do it for free06:32
Gh0styonly thing is I'm not going to pay him a phone ofcourse ... :p06:32
ShadowJKthe easiest path is probably to use the virtual image06:32
Gh0styso how to setup a dev environment for him?06:32
Gh0styhe already worked on iphone and other mobile devices before so it's not like he's an amateur :)06:33
Gh0styvirtual image where?06:33
luke-jrGh0sty: Maemo is not a phone platform06:33
Gh0styit has phone functionality also06:34
Gh0styso i want it to have at least some nice phone features also :)06:34
luke-jrit's a side function06:34
Gh0styi know06:34
luke-jrit's not meant to be a phone06:34
Gh0stybut my statement goes ... :p06:34
luke-jrmy NIT does not have phone capabilities06:34
Gh0styits just in the spirit of the open source ...06:34
luke-jrat all06:34
Gh0styi want it cause i can :p06:34
luke-jrMaemo is not open source06:34
ShadowJKI guess that's where you download it06:34
ShadowJKor start to06:34
ShadowJK"Developers wanting to use a Microsoft Windows or Apple Mac environment should visit the  Maemo SDK Virtual Image or Maemo Application Development and Debugging Environment (MADDE)  projects."06:35
* ShadowJK uses the Virtual Image on linux too06:35
ShadowJKsetting up the SDK on Fedora is a daylong royal pain in the ass, i'm told06:35
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dmj726_n900cehteh: it's windows only?06:36
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dmj726_n900why are the linux news site going crazy then?06:36
Gh0styShadowJK: thx a lot06:38
Gh0stywe'll do it on debian or mac probably06:38
Gh0stythe guy uses a mac at work to develop for rhel also :)06:39
_ToArtist_how to use MADDE06:39
Gh0stybut like he writes code his code is portable over multiple platforms normally :)06:39
Gh0stya pitty the guy is leaving the company soon but thats due to management :(06:39
Gh0stycan't blame him, thinking to leave myself too06:39
Gh0stythings I would ask him to implement first:06:40
Gh0styauto-switcher between 2g and 3g06:40
ShadowJKthere is one06:40
Gh0stya wifi module audo unloader when wifi is not in use06:40
Gh0stya portrait style unlock screen ... :p06:40
luke-jryou're not supposed to unload modules when not in use ...06:41
Gh0stypossibility to add messages into the "phone like screen"06:41
Gh0styluke-jr: i now have an applet which does unload it06:41
Gh0styand I've read that this should improve battery life a lot06:41
luke-jrif it does, there's a real bug somewhere06:41
Gh0stynot that I notice much difference but my phone is now only lasting a day06:42
ShadowJKThere's a bug that makes wifi eat lots of power occasionally06:42
Gh0styluke-jr: thats just my problem06:42
Gh0styIf i look at the maemo site ... the community06:42
ShadowJKiirc turning off "Switch to wlan when available" fixed it for me06:42
Gh0styyou find a ton of "hacks" on how to save power ...06:42
luke-jrGh0sty: N900 is only designed to last 6 hours IIRC06:42
Gh0stybut none of them are officially supported by the people from nokia it seems :P06:42
ShadowJKmine lasts about 16 on the original battery (xchat on 30+ channels online) :P06:43
Gh0styand with officially supported i mean ... "confirmed to work for all"06:43
Gh0styShadowJK: yes but I want to use it also as a phone ... :p06:43
Gh0styIt should last at least a day when used merely as a phone ...06:43
Gh0stylike say 90% of the time it should be just connected to the phone network in standby06:44
ShadowJKMy previous phones didn't last more than a day either, so :)06:44
Gh0sty5% should be 3G surfing06:44
luke-jrmy phone dies in a few hours if I use it constantly06:44
Gh0styand another 5% wifi surfing06:44
luke-jrbut then, it's 6 years old or so, so that might be why06:44
Gh0stythink thats a realistic usage pattern from my point of view06:44
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Gh0styyou are from nokia? :p06:45
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Gh0stysince nobody else can have it for that long :)06:45
Gh0styby any accident none of you guys is the one I spoke to at the UKUUG conference 2 weeks ago? :)06:45
ShadowJKoh wait, the "automatic 2g" thing I saw was some stupid thing that switches from 3g to 2g when on wifi... wtf?06:45
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ShadowJKluke doesn't have an n90006:46
Gh0styah he still has 820 or so? :)06:46
Gh0styor 700?06:46
Gh0stya friend offered me a 700 I think06:46
Gh0styhe has laying around his office06:46
Gh0stynot using any more06:46
ShadowJKHe has a N810, and wont get tricked into buying nokia again until they've made an open phone.06:46
Gh0stybut can't run much I guess since 700 is not upgradeable to any recent maemo :)06:47
crashanddieGh0sty: 820 doesn't exist06:47
crashanddieGh0sty: neither does 70006:47
crashanddieGh0sty: there's the 77006:47
Gh0stywhat do you have06:48
crashanddiealso n800 and n81006:48
crashanddieI have n800, n810 and n90006:48
Gh0styah well then it's a 770 and 810 i wanted to say ... :)06:48
* ShadowJK has n800, n810 and n900 too :-)06:48
Gh0stylol :)06:48
Gh0stywas considering to buy an 81006:48
ShadowJKnote that 770 has no N, the others are part of N-series06:48
Gh0stynever did it cause it was not a phone06:48
Gh0stynow I have :p06:48
Gh0styimmediatly the 90006:48
Gh0stywhat is the functionallity of the 770 still?06:49
Gh0stycan you surf to flash sites for example?06:49
ShadowJKwith 2008HE maybe..06:49
Gh0styand how good/open is the sdk there?06:49
godrikGh0sty: Apple made flash obsolete06:49
* godrik giggles06:49
ShadowJKThis is the first good thing apple has done!06:49
ShadowJKI applaud06:50
Gh0styShadowJK: i think the guy told me there is the latest firmware on it, even some beta version which never made final or something06:50
ShadowJKI dread upgrading my OS, I have crashproof flash setup right now :(06:50
crashanddieShadowJK: did you see my post on tmo about that06:50
Gh0styI know some peole who know some people who work at nokia ... ;)06:50
ShadowJKcrashanddie, about?06:50
godrikShadowJK: They did something else before. They taught people computer does not have to be ugly and beige :)06:50
crashanddieShadowJK: about how good it is for apple to render flash pointless06:50
ShadowJKah, no06:50
crashanddiehow good it is for everyone06:50
Gh0stygodrik: shut up about apple06:50
Gh0styi'm a linux guy ... :P06:51
Gh0styrunning 99.9% linux whenever I can :)06:51
ShadowJKBut yo know, there's enough crap in html5 to bring us back to "agh why is htis so fucking slow still, I have a quad core 3 gigahertz computer!!"06:51
Gh0stybut hey06:51
Gh0stya girlfriend of mine still wants the ipad ... :p06:51
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godrikShadowJK: that's progress ShadowJK !06:51
Gh0stycan't convince here it's crap right now06:51
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Gh0stybut ok she'll find out :)06:52
godrikGh0sty: that's a nice maxipad ! :)06:52
Gh0styI have only an ipod nano which i got from work as a gift once06:52
Gh0stymeaning to crash it into a wall06:52
ShadowJKI assumed by "auto-switcher" you mean something that switches from 3g to 2g when screen is off, or something, so that you don't kill your battery in 6 hours on SIP/Jabber/MSN/GoogleTalk/IRC/IM/email etc..06:52
Gh0styfrom frustration06:52
Gh0styShadowJK: for example06:53
Gh0stybut even better:06:53
Gh0styif there is no browser or shell open anymore06:53
Gh0styand it's into phone mode again06:53
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luke-jrGh0sty: suggest a WePad06:53
Gh0styluke-jr: enough with the giggles ... :P06:53
luke-jrGh0sty: seriously06:53
luke-jror TouchBook06:53
luke-jrthey're both superior products06:53
Gh0styyou can't convince people when they are just plain stuborn06:54
ShadowJKI use the 3g/2g/dual mode switch applet/widget (it sits in statusmenu)06:54
Gh0styand its a girl06:54
Gh0stychanging girls mind06:54
luke-jrGh0sty: WePad has a webcam.06:54
Gh0styI would need a hammer :p06:54
luke-jrTouchBook has a magnet06:54
Gh0styShadowJK: me too for now06:54
Gh0stybut I want something automatic06:54
Gh0styI'm a sysadmin as said06:54
Gh0styand have the idea06:54
crashanddiegents, please go discuss this in #apple or #defocus06:54
Gh0styscript once, never do again :p06:55
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Gh0styso I want some auto switcher on that06:58
Gh0styalso 1 nice feature my E65 had (well added through software)06:58
Gh0styauto-profile switcher06:58
Gh0stybased on a) time b) cell location06:58
* ShadowJK wants lower minimum volume :)06:58
Gh0styhowever in the e65 it was not possible to combine a and b06:59
Gh0styI want this to be fixed here06:59
Gh0styso for example:06:59
Gh0stywhen i am at home (location) and it's 10pm (time) go to profile 'silent' or even offline06:59
Gh0stywhen i'm not at home ... stay on profile general07:00
Gh0stywhen i'm leaving home switch on bluetooth (i'm probably in the car)07:00
Gh0stywhen i'm arriving at work switch off bluetooth07:00
ShadowJKoh I'd want something that automatically goes to completely silent/novibrate at work where there's an official "no phones" policy :P07:00
crashanddieShadowJK: that has been rejected07:01
Gh0styso in the end: multiple profiles (already have those now sorta with an applet called tweakr)07:01
crashanddieShadowJK: EU asked for it, and it never took, sadly07:01
crashanddieShadowJK: though it would be easily implementable... Just have a BT-like emitor that sends a "No phones here please" signal07:01
Gh0styah yes and another example which i had setup at my previous phone for example ...07:02
Gh0styi tagged the cells inside the cinema where i go to regularly07:02
Gh0stywhen i arrive at the cinema my phone goes to vibrate only07:02
Gh0stythis is what i mean with the "basic phone functionality" i am looking for07:02
Gh0stythats where i want this device to make a difference for me in my everyday life :)07:03
ShadowJKcrashanddie, yes well, checking CellID to see if I'm near work, and setting phone to silent/novibrate would do. I just want it to not ring when I have phone in a place where I'm not supposed to have it ;)07:03
Gh0styjust automate things a bit so i don't need to bother about it07:03
Gh0styand i even want to pay to get this fixed ... :)07:03
luke-jrcrashanddie: what would stop me from carrying a "no phones here" transmitter? :P07:03
crashanddieluke-jr: nothing, and ought to be your right too, right?07:04
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Gh0styhehe the idea alone :)07:04
crashanddieluke-jr: if I don't want some jackass to scream HELLLOOOO in my ear while I'm on the train07:04
Gh0stybut you think what i put up here is outrageous ? :P07:04
Gh0stythis is the stuff i'm looking for :)07:04
crashanddieGh0sty: code it?07:05
Gh0stythat the phone lasts for a day and the above few things ...07:05
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Gh0stycrashanddie: i'm not a coder but as said a friend is willing to help :)07:05
crashanddieGh0sty: Open Source isn't "I WANT >THIS< CODE PLZ"07:05
luke-jrcrashanddie: I have a right to silence the phones of everyone around me?07:05
Gh0stythats why i asked nicely above how to get the SDK up and running07:05
crashanddieluke-jr: in my opinion? Yeah07:05
Gh0styjust putting my toughts here07:05
crashanddieOpen Source is: start working on an idea, "If you build it they will come"07:05
ShadowJKTrains here have soundproof booths with a big sign with the picture of a cellphone. You're supposed to go there if you get a call, so you can talk without disturbing the other passengers07:06
crashanddieDoesn't necessarily mean code though, can also be framework/architecture07:06
Gh0stycrashanddie: but I am actually surprised that for a +500 eur phone i have to 'hire' a guy to have basic functions i would expect from any phone07:06
crashanddieGh0sty: there's your problem "you expect"07:06
Gh0stybut as said ... I will fix it07:07
crashanddieCommercial products aren't based around "expectations", it's your job to buy whatever you want/need.07:07
Gh0styyou have a threatening tone man ... I'm just putting my toughts here ...07:07
Gh0styhave some respect please :/07:07
luke-jr[23:03:49] <Gh0sty> and i even want to pay to get this fixed ... :) <-- this is the spirit of open source :)07:07
ShadowJKhm... based on a 10 minute current consumption average, I'd get 4 hours of xchat + media player streaming 128kbit AAC over EDGE on N900 :)07:07
crashanddieif it says on the box "does this", and it doesn't, then I absolutely agree with you, however, as far as I'm aware, it didn't.07:07
luke-jrGh0sty: again, it's not a phone07:08
Gh0styok but as i said ... I want to use it as a phone also07:08
crashanddieShadowJK: in the UK it's the other way around, specific cars have a no-phones policy07:08
Gh0styI know it is and can be so much more ... but I expect it also to be my phone :p07:08
crashanddieI'd love to use my toaster as a microwave07:08
Gh0styotherwise it's a bit stupid to carry 2 devices around :)07:08
luke-jrGh0sty: fine, but you want to repurpose it. that is your job.07:08
Gh0styas said: I do because I can :p07:09
luke-jrit's not "more than a phone". it's a computer that your particular model happens to have phone capabilities07:09
Gh0styalso part of the "open source" spirit :p07:09
crashanddieI know my toaster is a toaster and can be so much more ... but I expect also to be my microwave :P07:09
Gh0stythis is my point of view also on linux in general:07:09
ShadowJKcrashanddie, there's a toaster that runs NetBSD07:09
Gh0styIt should do what I want, not what the system wants :)07:09
Gh0styJust because I can :p07:10
crashanddieShadowJK: quite a few microwaves run BSD actually07:10
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DocScrutinizercrashanddie: take your pills!07:10
luke-jrGh0sty: fine, but you are responsible for making it do it :)07:10
crashanddieGh0sty: god I'd love that07:10
crashanddieGh0sty: though computers still don't have the ability to read minds07:10
Gh0styand I think the device has the potential ... only will have to fix it myself :)07:10
crashanddieso in order for it to do what you want, you need to tell it07:10
ShadowJKcrashanddie, actually, OCZ make a neural sensor07:10
Gh0stycrashanddie: well if it comes close enough to what I want I'm happy :p07:10
crashanddieGh0sty: fairy nuff07:11
crashanddieGh0sty: learn python, seriously07:11
crashanddieGh0sty: you'll love it07:11
Gh0stybtw any official nokia people ever visit this channel? :)07:11
luke-jrI hate Python07:11
Gh0stysupposed to know some of them ...07:11
luke-jrGh0sty: crashanddie is sortof official nokia IIRC07:11
crashanddiesince when?07:11
crashanddieI didn't get that memo07:11
luke-jrsince you have +o ?07:11
Gh0stycrashanddie: i know xkcd and python is on my shortlist on things to learn07:12
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crashanddieweee, luke-jr is official nokia now07:12
Gh0stywhen i have "the time" (the big obscure thing which gets sucked into black holes)07:12
luke-jrPerl > Python07:12
luke-jrcrashanddie: that's cheating07:12
ShadowJKGh0sty, people that work for Nokia visit here07:12
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luke-jrI should have kicked Stskeeps while I had the chance07:12
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ShadowJKGh0sty, though rarely "as official Nokia representatives"07:13
Gh0stywell there is a guy working there we call him p2 which is one of the developers I hear :)07:13
Gh0styhe's also from belgium originally07:13
crashanddiewow, 10 seconds ping07:13
luke-jrcrashanddie: it's on your side07:13
ShadowJKAnd then we have various people who get paid by nokia for various things07:13
luke-jrcrashanddie: I only saw 2 seconds07:13
crashanddieluke-jr: I'm using webchat07:13
Gh0stybut ok I will have a look at the sdk07:13
crashanddieGh0sty: you from belgium bru?07:13
Gh0styhope my friend can teach me a bit07:14
Gh0styyes i am from belgium07:14
Gh0stynot brussels07:14
Gh0stybut rather near gent if that tells you something :p07:14
crashanddieGh0sty: ja, gent ken ik :)07:14
ShadowJK"The niaâ„¢ PC Game Controller frees your hands from commonly used game controls to experience true game immersion. By translating facial expressions, eye movements and concentrated brainwave activity into PC game keyboard and mouse controls, nia opens new."07:14
Gh0stylol you from belgium too? :P07:14
Gh0styor what? :)07:14
ShadowJK"concentrated brainwave activity" :)07:14
crashanddieGh0sty: yeah, only lived there for 14 years though, then moved to france, uk, and now australia07:15
Gh0styShadowJK: i'd opt for a matrix style plug in my head (well a bit more fancy for the ladies :P )07:15
Gh0stywoow thats nice crashanddie :P07:15
Gh0styyou're a globalist07:15
Gh0stybut i really like belgium07:15
Gh0styit's nice :)07:15
crashanddieGh0sty: m'n familie is van vlaanderen (een beetje overal), maar ik ben altijd naar waalse schoolen gegaan07:15
crashanddieGh0sty: dus heb nooit nederlands geleerd, alleen maar door het te praten met familie (dus ik maak verschrikelijk veel fouten wanneer ik nederlands typ ;))07:16
Gh0stythen i should congratulate you, your dutch is better than most people from the french part of belgium and especially after such a long time :)07:16
Gh0styabsoluut niet, mijn frans (geschreven althans) is veel slechter dan jouw nederlands07:17
crashanddieWel I usually don't have issues speaking dutch, it's just writing that's a bitch07:17
crashanddieespecially when it comes to "dt"07:17
Gh0styvoor derest ben ik 3 talig (nederlands/frans/engels)07:17
Gh0styhaha lol07:17
crashanddiebut then again, most natives struggle with dt too, so I'm too bothered :P07:17
Gh0styyes that dt rule ... not easy for none native dutch people :)07:17
crashanddies/ too/ not too/07:17
infobotcrashanddie meant: but then again, most natives struggle with dt not too, so I'm too bothered :P07:17
Gh0styoh well thats not so important :)07:17
crashanddiefeck, failwhale07:18
* infobot starts crying and hides from crashanddie in the darkest corner of the room. :(07:18
Gh0styi know what you mean :)07:18
infobotluke-jr: :)07:18
luke-jr~lart crashanddie07:18
* infobot makes a balloon animal out of crashanddie07:18
crashanddieinfobot: you need to start reading thoughts07:18
Gh0stybut you work for nokia really?07:19
Gh0styor you just a fan ;-07:19
luke-jrStskeeps gets paid by Nokia, at least07:19
Gh0styor thats on a need to know basis :P07:19
luke-jrbut I think he's "officially" not an employee07:19
crashanddiehe's a contractor07:19
crashanddieworks for the community07:20
crashanddiepaid for by nokia07:20
Gh0stythats cool07:20
Gh0stynokia has the right spirit on that :/07:20
crashanddieStskeeps: lick my shoes, the community wants it.07:20
Gh0stywish more companies were like that :/07:20
Gh0stypaying people to develop open source07:20
ShadowJKcrashanddie, you have to ask the council first07:20
Gh0styI even have trouble sometimes to get documentation validated to be published to the outside world ...07:21
Gh0styits my way of doing something back for the community ... I work in 'secure' environment ...07:21
Gh0styand they like to maintain security by obscurity ....07:22
Gh0stymeaning if i publish something it should be done that it's not traceable where it comes from. who created it exactly and so on ... :/07:22
Gh0styso not getting much credits anywhere but as long as i can ...07:22
Gh0stybut ok, since I have insomnia I was awake at 5am local time07:23
Gh0stynow it's 6h2007:23
Gh0stytime to get up, take a shower and go to work ...07:23
luke-jrmeaning you have a NDA that you've just publicly on record said you're willing to violate07:23
luke-jror the company really just doesn't want credit for their work?07:24
Gh0styto put the time I gain from not sleeping into some good use ...07:24
Gh0styluke-jr: I don't have an NDA07:24
crashanddieluke-jr: if only you knew how many documents I sent to wikileaks ;)07:24
Gh0stybut in european contracts it says "everything you invent here or create here is owned by the company"07:24
luke-jrcrashanddie: ...07:24
Gh0styI invent nothing in fact, I just beta/alfa test stuff, document it for the company07:25
luke-jrGh0sty: so just infringing on their copyrights07:25
crashanddieluke-jr: note that the statement above is absolutely useless legally.07:25
Gh0styand make a copy of the documentation with no specifics and the company information ofcourse removed ...07:25
luke-jrcrashanddie: :)07:25
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Gh0stylet that get approved by the company head first ...07:25
Gh0styand then publish that online ...07:25
Gh0styusually on the wiki or something of the project in question07:25
Gh0stybut I usually hand it over to someone else from the project to publish it07:26
Gh0styso it does not come from me officially07:26
crashanddieluke-jr: there's also a lot of marketing done by allowing specific details to be leaked07:26
luke-jri c07:26
crashanddieluke-jr: Apple is one prime example of that, but Microsoft does the same, BMW, and NASA, to name a few07:26
crashanddieluke-jr: usually it's in the form of going to one of the (trusted) employees, giving him a pre-approved list of information, a few untruths, and a few plausible things, and telling him "Why don't you go have lunch with your friend from <insert website/newspaper here>"07:28
Gh0stywell not that strict maybe, I don't work for nasa07:29
Gh0stybut try to maintain that07:29
Gh0stysame goes for my nickname ...07:29
Gh0stytry to seperate that completely from my realname as much as possible07:29
Gh0styseen security audits at our company07:29
Gh0stywhere they start digging through facebook, linkedin, other social sites07:29
Gh0stytracing how much information can we find based on dns records, ripe contacts, things which are on our website07:30
Gh0styit's amazing actually07:30
crashanddieGh0sty: but to answer your question, no, I don't work for Nokia, I'm a security expert (or at least, used to until I resigned last month) specialised in PKI, payment and authentication systems, I'm moving back to Europe in a couple of weeks.07:30
Gh0stythey found pictures, names, even schools of the children of our CCO and stuff ...07:30
Gh0styoh really :)07:31
Gh0stysecurity is one of my 'hobbies also' :P07:31
Gh0styand actually then i'm not so far from your job ;)07:31
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Gh0stybut anyway gtg07:33
Gh0styget outta bed and do some work07:33
Gh0stybe back later maybe from work but due to the amount of workload currently (doing a followup of 5 projects and 30 ongoing things and that does not include daily operations ...)07:34
Gh0styI doubt that I will have much time to get on irc during the day :)07:35
Gh0styrather this evening if i'm not on a terrace (its actually quite nice weather here the last week ... sunny but not too warm, i like it!)07:35
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crashanddieluke-jr: The way it works is that a senior exec will come in and say, "We need to release this specific information. John, do you have a trusted friend at a major outlet? If so, call him/her and have a conversation. Idly mention this information and suggest that if it were published, that would be nice. No e-mails!"07:36
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RST38hEHLO all08:07
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crashanddieHELO RST38h08:13
FIQehlo all08:13
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* RST38h still getting Facebook invites from unknown people. WTF? Is it some advertising scam from Facebook?08:23
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crashanddieRST38h: nope, facebook scrapes email accounts, so if you were on an email chain once, they have your email address and can "send you an invite"08:26
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crashanddieI predict that the more people use facebook, the more those who don't want to use facebook will receive invite emails (once your email is attached to a facebook account I suspect you don't get those emails anymore), eventually generating more spam from facebook than spam itself08:28
crashanddieRST38h: remember that cute girl you gave your email address to? She sent you a few chains, with you and all her buddies (and coincidentally, all the emails of all the guys who tried to pick her up like you) in the "TO" header.08:29
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* RST38h has not given addresses to any cute girls08:29
crashanddieI tend to reply: "So, out of all the guys who gave this bitch your email address, how many got some tang?"08:29
RST38hBut, you are saying it is Facebook itself spamming me from the names of imaginary friends?08:30
crashanddieI tend to be removed from the list pretty quickly08:30
crashanddieyup, but it's doing it on their behalf, they are asking facebook to do it08:30
RST38hWhy would they?08:30
RST38hto spam me more?08:30
crashanddienot you specifically08:30
crashanddiethey just give their gmail account username and password to facebook08:30
crashanddieand say "INVITE/ADD ALL MY CONTACTS"08:31
* RST38h is not seeing how this works08:31
RST38hNow I see08:31
Surfayou can prevent fb from sedning any emails08:31
crashanddieNo, they don't respect it.08:31
Surfait's not very difficult if you browse the settings08:31
Surfayes they do08:31
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* RST38h has no Facebook account, hence no setting to browse08:31
RST38hmoorning Stskeeps08:32
Surfafb is simply not generating emails if you have forbidden it08:32
crashanddieSurfa: but for that you need to have an account with them08:32
Corsachey there08:32
crashanddieSurfa: all the mailing lists keep getting facebook invites, even though a few people have clicked on the "I don't want to receive facebook emails anymore"08:32
StskeepsCorsac: there's no 2.6.32/.33 on TByet is there?08:33
crashanddieSurfa: they do it on a per-language base08:33
CorsacStskeeps: they're working on it08:33
crashanddieSurfa: if you say "no thank you" to the french facebook, english facebook will still send you spam08:33
crashanddieetc, etc08:33
Corsacactually I lunched with gregoire tuesday :)08:34
Surfaand how many language variants are your friends using?08:34
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Corsacbut -pm branch isn't really stable yet afaiui08:34
crashanddieSurfa: does it matter? They shouldn't be spamming me ffs08:34
Surfawhine whine08:34
Surfahope it makes you feel much better08:34
crashanddieSurfa: in case of a mailing list, that can be quite a lot. There's chinese people, russian, english, french, dutch, german, etc08:34
Surfaclicking twice instead of once is so huge difference that it must be worth complaining08:35
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crashanddieStop trolling in favour of facebook, thanks08:36
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Stskeepscrashanddie: are you silencing people opposing your views again?08:36
RST38hFight! Fight!08:36
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* RST38h gets some popcorn08:36
crashanddieoy, that command didn't work08:37
crashanddieah, there it is08:37
crashanddiesorry, lag08:37
Stskeepsyou -really- have a problem, don't you? :P08:37
* Stskeeps goes do work08:37
crashanddieX-Fade: you ought to remove me from the operator list, really08:37
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* slonopotamus needs coffee08:37
Stskeepsi think you can be a good op, just wondering about some of your actions08:37
Surfa\o/ how constructive this is again08:37
Surfahow surprising that crashanddie is the one08:38
crashanddieI am The One?08:38
crashanddiewooohoooo \o/08:38
dmj726_n900Who would be interested in having glutter-box2d packaged for the n900?08:38
slonopotamusThe Chosen One?08:38
crashanddieslonopotamus: nope, just The One08:38
Stskeepsdmj726_n900: what is it's purpose08:38
Stskeepstrue, true08:39
* Stskeeps needs coffee 08:39
Surfa"stop trolling in favor of facebook" please.. what kind of comment is that? how about "stop trolling against the facebook" ?08:39
dmj726_n900it is clutter (a graphics library) tied to the box-2d physics engine.08:39
crashanddieSurfa: just don't say people whine when they are stating an obvious issue, it's all I'm asking. It may not be a problem to you, but please understand it can be an issue to others08:39
Surfayou need to be objective08:40
crashanddiewell, email costs money, believe it or not08:40
crashanddieand just because one service is popular for a couple of years means that everyone should get the noise08:40
crashanddieMy professional email is riddled with facebook spam, continuously, I'm getting an average of 5-10 facebook emais *a day*08:41
crashanddieAnd yes, I've clicked quite a few times, they just don't respect my wishes08:41
Stskeepswell, you are a popular guy :P08:41
crashanddieStskeeps: nha, I just gave my business card to the wrong people :P08:41
RST38hcrashanddie: that is what procmail is for08:42
crashanddieRST38h: I don't control my corporate email08:42
Surfamoney? ok, how much money do you pay per received email, compared to case if you didn't receive them?08:42
RST38hcrashanddie: you direct all email from to as many facebook corpse addresses as you can find08:42
crashanddiecorpse addresse?08:42
crashanddiethat's morbid :P08:42
RST38hcrashanddie: corporates => corpses08:43
Surfahaahaa, just like you didn't understand the corpse word08:43
RST38ha handy abbreviation, (C)Peter Watts I suppose08:43
crashanddieSurfa: no, it's satire08:43
Surfasatire is fun when you're not overusing it08:43
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dmj726_n900I ported clutter-box2d but I'm debating wether to package it and submit to extras-devel.08:44
crashanddieSurfa: when I'm abroad, roaming? Roughly .2 gbp _per email_. And the time it takes me? Seconds, but multiply that by the whole workforce across the globe, and you get wasted money.08:44
crashanddieSurfa: anyway, now you're really becoming a troll, picking on absolutely everything I say, so, first warning before you get a 24h ban, understood?08:45
Surfathat's not quite the formula you can use for count the price of an email08:45
crashanddieif you wish to yell at me, sure, but please do it in PM08:45
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TigerTaelSurfa, it's still annoying and costs actual money?08:46
TigerTaelJust on principle alone it would annoy me.08:46
Surfacrashanddie, just just a way to show you how your behavior appears many other people.. our last discussion was just as productive08:46
* RST38h throws some popcorn at Surfa, suggestively08:46
Surfabut ok, hope you got the point so we can stop this stupid game08:47
RST38hSurfa: You should troll a wider audience rather than simply provoke crashanddie08:47
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Surfacrashanddie, but honestly, how many emails have you declined and how many do you still receive?08:47
RST38hSurfa: Tell us what you think of Apple products or something08:47
Macerhm. if i wanted to output to a log file while keeping something outputting to the term would it be command &> output.log08:47
Surfacrashanddie, fb itself doesn't even have that many language variants so i still find it pretty difficult to believe that it would be remarkable amount of emails08:48
dmj726_n900Stskeeps: ^08:48
SurfaRST38h, it was discussed earlier.. what do you want to know? :)08:49
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RST38hSurfa: Ah, anything08:49
RST38hSurfa: Everything, even08:49
RST38hAnd then you can move on to overclocking and how eager you are to try PR1.208:49
Surfathey are ok for some things and missing something.. i'll prefer win7 for desktops and any other phone types08:49
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Surfaoverclocking is waste of time and pr1.2 is well, who cares, it comes when it's ready08:50
Surfanext? :)08:50
RST38hSurfa <== not being a good sport08:51
RST38hOk, try something political, palestinians, gay rights, world conspiracy, I dunno...08:52
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bullet`hi room08:52
bullet`whats the discussion :)08:52
TigerTaelThank you for your mail. We have planned some updates and improvements for the OVI Maps Application in N900 with the next upcoming release of maemo5. Ovi Maps on Nokia N900 will support maps and route search functionality, but does not include voice-guided navigation.08:53
TigerTaelBest regards,08:53
TigerTaelAre vhrist...08:53
StskeepsTigerTael: time to buy sygic08:53
TigerTaelTime to become disgruntled. ;/08:53
RST38hPoor N900 lost all networking overnight =(08:53
TigerTaelStskeeps, Sygic doesn't work in my country.08:53
TigerTaelSo, why would I buy that?08:53
dmj726_n900...I'm also seeing if people are interested in clutter-box2d.08:54
SurfaRST38h, politics is quite difficult to talk as we probably lice in different countries, palestinians are too far away that i would care, gays are ok as long as they don't harass me.. how long do you want to continue?08:54
Surfai don't like monologs, give some input to get a discussion08:54
TigerTaelAs it stands, I have no solution for my N900. ;/08:54
StskeepsTigerTael: what country, btw?08:54
Surfamore provocative your input is more provocative i can get08:54
TigerTaelStskeeps, South Africa08:55
RST38hNo, no. definitely not a good sport08:55
SurfaRST38h, you already got that if you want to get me angry you need to try something else :P08:56
Surfaand to be honest, it's pretty impossible in the irc08:56
Surfai don't really care that much :)08:56
dmj726_n900the noise in here is tremendous!08:57
* RST38h needs to go to work08:57
dmj726_n900Stskeeps: who's doing game stuff around here?08:58
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Stskeepsdmj726_n900: not sure, i'm more on OS side08:58
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dmj726_n900looks like a useful thing for that kind of stuff.08:59
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dmj726_n900Noticed a lot of packages are stuck in devel09:00
dmj726_n900about 700 actually.09:01
crashanddieTigerTael: you have to buy sygic! You need to help a poor company to survive in this cruel and competitive world!09:01
crashanddieTigerTael: show that you have good faith, buy the software, even if it doesn't work in your company, and if enough people do it, they will add support for your country!09:01
TigerTaelcrashanddie, bah, I don't believe that. ;/09:01
dmj726_n900oh woe is Mecorp?09:01
crashanddieTigerTael: that, or they may just stop supporting any country in the world, considering that people buy it even if it doesn't work.09:01
TigerTaelcrashanddie, it wouldn't affect me anyways, so why don't you go and buy 5 copies...09:02
TigerTaelThat should help them.09:02
crashanddieTigerTael: I buy a copy every day!09:02
crashanddieIt's like my newspaper really09:02
crashanddieI buy it everytime I use it09:02
TigerTaelThat's pretty good eh. ;]09:03
crashanddieSo one in the morning, and one in the evening, and a special one on Sunday09:03
crashanddieMan, it's a good thing software companies don't work that way09:03
TigerTael                Simone Leggio09:04
TigerTaelP.S. May I ask from where you have obtained my contact information?09:04
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TigerTaelI only saw that part now.09:04
StskeepsTigerTael: probably slightly worried of getting attacked by hordes of unsatisfied t.m.o users09:05
TigerTaelSounds like it!09:06
TigerTaelThis blows man... Google won't enable turn-by-turn navigation here because of licensing issues (maps and hardware works already), Nokia N900 I can't use turn-by-turn because the software doesn't support it. ;/09:07
TigerTaelI did have a solution on Android though, NDrive...09:07
crashanddieTigerTael: lemme guess, ?09:08
dottedmagThis guy is careful, the only easily obtainable source of his email address in internet is two scientific papers.09:09
TigerTaelcrashanddie, exactly. :D09:10
Maceranybody here use nget?09:10
TigerTael" Results 1 - 10 of about 8,830 for"09:11
dottedmagTigerTael: only two first results contain the email09:11
dottedmagTry quoting it.09:12
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TigerTael3 results... BUT...09:12
TigerTaelcrashanddie proved my point.09:12
dottedmagYeah :)09:12
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dottedmagNon-security through lack of obscurity :)09:13
crashanddiethen again, it would fail if it was ""09:13
TigerTaelWell I guess I'm just going to give up hope on a native app for turn-by-turn from Nokia.09:14
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TigerTaelI could consider making my own basing it on Nokia maps if they allow me to. ;/09:14
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TigerTaelBut that sounds like a lot of heart-ache.09:14
crashanddieOr my corporate number: 1198626053216@company.com09:14
TigerTaelcrashanddie, drone119862605321609:15
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crashanddiehey, you have the same code as me?09:15
dottedmagthey should start using UUIDs for email.09:15
TigerTaelThat'd be pretty sweet, but horrible to remember the actual email address.09:15
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crashanddie(btw, 1 for male, 1986 for year of birth, 2605 for day and month, 32 for country, and 16 for region)09:15
TigerTaelHow thoughtful.09:16
crashanddiethough 16 may also be an incremental number based on how many registrants in one da09:16
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TigerTaelIn other news, I'm eager for MeeGo. :309:17
crashanddieyo wazd!09:17
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TigerTaelWhich I'm sure you've heard a bazillion times before.09:17
crashanddieTigerTael: you can download it and install it! GO GO GO09:17
TigerTaelyay yay yay. ;/09:18
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TigerTaelI actually need my phone to be able to make and receive calls.09:18
crashanddiemeh, who needs such rudimentary tools09:19
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crashanddieWhen I was your age, we threw stones at each other as a communication device09:19
crashanddieThough long distance usually meant at the other side of the street09:19
crashanddieand local meant same room09:20
TigerTaelHow old are you now?09:20
crashanddieyes, they don't take the - in the corporate drone number09:20
crashanddiebut really, the first watch I had said "BC" on it09:21
crashanddiethen some day, we didn't just have to change the hour, we had to start counting backwards!09:21
crashanddieAD? Who's he?09:21
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crashanddieTigerTael: how old are you, for the record?09:24
TigerTaelQuid pro quo09:24
crashanddieIn this context that doesn't mean anything, mate09:25
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TigerTaelIn the spirit of openness, I'm 27.09:25
crashanddieTigerTael: yeah, well see, I have *never* been that old!09:26
TigerTaelThat's what I was thinking.09:26
crashanddieSo I am right, it was an infinite amount of time ago!09:26
TigerTaelAssuming that time is linear.09:26
crashanddiestop with your blasphemy09:27
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crashanddieChuck Norris has decided time was linear, so it is09:27
crashanddieFor his Chuckness has counted to infinity, twice.09:27
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Anss|if Chuck would be a teacher, he would know the question for the answer 42.09:48
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crashanddieAnss|: he doesn't need to be a teacher, he knows the question10:00
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crashanddieBloody hell, flying from Brisbane to London is expensive10:08
crashanddieAnd it's going to be a looooong trip.10:08
Stskeepsand impossible atm? :P10:08
crashanddieBrisbane -> Singapore -> London -> Perpignan. Full 34 hours worth of travel.10:09
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crashanddieStskeeps: it's in two weeks, I reckon the dust will have settled10:09
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adeusyou never know10:10
Stskeepscrashanddie: if the volcano keeps going, i wouldn't bet on it :P10:10
adeusthe last eruption lasted for 2 years :)10:10
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crashanddieMeh, we'll find a way around it10:10
crashanddieDrop me off in italy, there's no smoke there, right?10:10
crashanddieI'll drive from italy to france, np10:10
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TigerTael2 years, haha!10:17
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crashanddieadeus & Stskeeps: bastards10:18
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crashanddieI don't want to be trapped here for two years10:18
Stskeepsin australia or in europe?10:18
crashanddieI don't mind being trapped in eu10:18
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TigerTaelbut AUS is terrible?10:19
Macerawesome beach landing in the last episode of the pacific10:21
TigerTaelcrashanddie, you could always go by boat... ;p10:22
Macerthose first 4 episodes kind of totally sucked10:22
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crashanddieMacer: STFU10:22
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Maceryou must have seen the 2nd episode where all the americans were impregnating the aussies?10:24
crashanddieSTFU I said10:24
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crashanddieWe only had the first episode here10:24
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crashanddieWhere at the end they get on board the ship, and the cook goes "Everyone knows about gualdapanal back home, you guys are heroes"10:25
Macerwell... the americans win :-P10:25
Macerin the end10:25
crashanddieMacer: no, the americans didn't win10:25
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crashanddieMacer: nobody won in WW210:25
Macerif you say so10:26
crashanddiesome may have lost more than others, but it definitely wasn't a victory10:26
Maceri was a Marine.. we go by kill ratio10:26
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Macerwell... i guess am.. but i've been out since 200710:26
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crashanddieMacer: did you do fun stuff?10:27
crashanddieMacer: when did you join?10:27
petterii thought the soviets won ww210:27
petterigot hitler and stuff10:27
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Maceri joined in 02 and left for boot camp in 0310:27
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crashanddieso you didn't see any real war? Fail10:27
Macerand yes. got to do plenty of "fun" stuff10:28
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Macerpetteri: yeah but we ot to drop abombs :)10:28
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crashanddiepetteri: the war in Europe was officially over when Soviets, US and British troups met in Germany10:29
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JaffaMorning, all10:34
* RST38h moos10:34
JaffaAnother night tonight in Stockholm. And it's started raining10:34
crashanddieThough if you really want to get anal, WWII only ended in 199010:34
crashanddieJaffa: nice toxic ash rain?10:34
fralsJaffa: Dont hate on Stockholm ;)10:34
crashanddieJaffa: like it wouldn't be raining in Rugby ;)10:35
Jaffafrals: Stockholm's great. Whether the last few days has been fantastic.10:35
GAN900So, who's going to have MeeGo on their Nexus One first?10:35
crashanddieGAN900: you?10:35
frals... at least we had good weather the last few days10:35
fralscould do without the rain today :P10:35
Jaffafrals: Yeah.10:35
Jaffafrals: Whereabouts are you in Stockholm; and can you recommend anywhere for the 6 of us to go on a Friday night?10:35
crashanddieJaffa: 6 of you? What are you guys doign?10:36
RST38hGAN: You, if you start hacking now10:36
fralsJaffa: im in the northern suburbs (Täby)... depends what you are looking for really10:36
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Jaffacrashanddie: Implementing our product at a client. First week of ~4,000 day project proper.10:36
fralsand whereabouts you are, I assume smack down the middle somewhere?10:37
Zeddycant open my theme manager on the n900 anymore10:37
Jaffafrals: Office is on Stora Essingen. We're now in a hotel in Alvik (but were more in the centre on Kungsholmen)10:37
Zeddyi had no idea wierd is actually spellt weird10:38
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fralsif you just want a 'regular' pub, Bishop Arms or Monks is pretty nice (Bishop Arms is just around the corner from the central station)10:39
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fralscrap gotta run to the bus10:40
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Macerhm. cuda sure does warm up this video card10:43
jacekowskiallies won WW210:44
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jacekowskipetteri: ^10:44
jacekowskicrashanddie: ^10:44
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Macerwasn't china an ally?10:45
jacekowskilater on10:45
jacekowskibut in 1939-1940 there were only 3 countries taking part in a war10:46
Macerthey were always fighting the japanese tho10:46
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jacekowskiin europe10:46
marmoutechina was at war with japan. japan was at war with USA, USA was an allies10:46
Macertruman was trying to drop the bombs before russia joined the pacific war10:46
jacekowskiand china vs japan was non related at the time10:46
Macerwell. i know the japanese were absolutely horrible to the chinese10:47
Macerworse than hitler with the jews10:47
jacekowskiit was only 1942-43 when it became world war10:47
thresheveryone knows USSR won it.10:47
jacekowskinot really10:48
Zeddyanyone ever had the problem on n900 where you cant open the theme manager :F10:48
jacekowskiussr signed ribentrop-molotov pact before war10:48
Macerthresh: i doubt russia would have won if hitler wasn't fighting on two fronts10:49
jacekowskiwhich they did pretty much in hope that war will not reach them10:49
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Macerhitler's biggest mistake :)10:49
Macernot only that but he was so hard pressed to take over england10:49
jacekowskiwell, 1st - resistance was much bigger than they expected10:49
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Macerand wasn't expecint such harsh resistance10:49
Macerhaha yeah10:49
jacekowski2nd - enigma10:49
toresbeOn the other hand, the USSR could probably not have won without equipment from the USA10:49
Macerengland probably didn't look like someone who would go all hard core ultimate defense like that10:50
jacekowski( nobody knew that enigma was cracked for another 20 years )10:50
Macernot to mention they had radar :) i'm sure that helped10:50
jacekowskiwell, it was only 50% england10:50
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Macerengland seriously dug in... i can't believe they lasted as long as they did10:50
jacekowskia lot of "english" army/navy/air force was foreign10:51
marmouteMacer: we did won at kill count:
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Macermarmoute: er... that's death count10:52
Macernot kill count10:52
Macerand i said kill ratio ;)10:52
MacerMarines measure victory by a kill ratio10:52
marmouteMacer: and then you drink the blood of you opponent ?10:53
Maceri think ww2 in europe... the kill ratio was 1:13 in favor of ze germans :)10:53
Macerto russia10:53
jacekowskiyeah, they wiped small country10:53
RST38hAh hello Macer10:53
Macerso for every 1 german killed... they killed 13.. that is a good kill ratio10:54
RST38hDid not help them at the end though.10:54
MacerRST38h: hey ;) been a while10:54
MacerRST38h: no.. sure didn't heh10:54
jacekowskiMacer: well, they were killing civilians10:54
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mikki-kunis there actually any good navigation software for the n900 available?10:55
RST38hMacer: Actually, according to Wiki, you are away off10:55
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jacekowskimikki-kun: sygic10:56
RST38hMacer: military losses: Germany: 5533000, USSR: 88000000 to 10700000010:56
Macerthey didn't have a 1:13 kill ratio against the russians?10:56
RST38hMacer: At most 1:210:56
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mikki-kunjacekowski: is there turn by turn for that?10:56
jacekowskiRST38h: seems little bit to high10:56
marmouteRST38h: 5533000 on eastern front ?10:56
jacekowskimikki-kun: yes10:56
jacekowskiRST38h: that's way to high10:57
RST38hMacer: Which is logical given that both sides had similarly specced arms and neither side used WMDs10:57
jacekowskiRST38h: russia population was about 200m 100  years ago10:57
mikki-kunjacekowski: thanks :)10:57
MacerRST38h: that is against russia alone?10:57
RST38hMacer: Yes10:57
jacekowskiRST38h: that would mean that half country was killed10:57
RST38hMacer: And no civilians10:57
marmouteRST38h: you have too much zero in your russia figure10:57
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RST38hjacekowski: I typed an extra 0, do not be such a wikipedian10:58
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jacekowskithat extra zero matters10:58
jacekowskiairports still closed10:59
mikki-kunjacekowski: was sygic free?11:00
Macer40 million for brazil?11:00
Macermexico was in ww2? :)11:00
jacekowskimikki-kun: from torrents11:00
jacekowskiMacer: that's why it was ww211:00
mikki-kunhm... any free alternative?11:00
jacekowskimikki-kun: no11:00
Maceroh... wait.. wrong column11:00
Macerhaha.. i was about to say11:00
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jacekowskiMacer: all commonwealth countries were in a war11:01
mikki-kunhm ;/ let's see what nokia is then doing out of ovi maps...11:01
jacekowskimikki-kun: nothing11:01
jacekowskimikki-kun: no turn by turn11:01
MacerRST38h: er11:01
JaffaOvi Maps sucks donkeys' balls.11:02
Macerthat doesn't separate it by country... german military deaths are lumped together for the entire war and at 4 million11:02
mikki-kunwell, i won't give up in a way... still having small hopes11:02
jacekowskimikki-kun: get sygic11:02
marmouteThe poland military/civilian death ratio is impressive. But givenit's army hold only two 2 days before collapsing it's easily explainable.11:02
TigerTaelThank you for your mail. We have planned some updates and improvements for the OVI Maps Application in N900 with the next upcoming release of maemo5. Ovi Maps on Nokia N900 will support maps and route search functionality, but does not include voice-guided navigation.11:02
TigerTaelBest regards,11:02
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MacerTigerTael: Love, Google11:03
TigerTaelLove, Nokia.11:03
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MacerTigerTael: everybody knows google runs the world11:04
TigerTaelGoogle ftl. ;/11:04
Maceri tried my best to ditch google11:04
mikki-kunwell, gotta sort that out with myself in a way... didn't want to turn to torrents11:04
Macerit's like the blob.. it just keeps getting bigger11:04
jacekowskimikki-kun: buy it from sygic then11:05
TigerTaelMacer, the thing is, other Nokia phones in my country support voice-guided navigation...11:05
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TigerTaelOnly the N900 doesn't. ;/11:05
RST38hTigerTael: Tell us something news.11:05
MacerTigerTael: my n95 did but you had to pay extra11:05
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Macermy G1 did as well11:05
Macerdoes.. i still have it11:05
mikki-kunlet's see what the price is11:05
RST38h'cause lack of voice navigation in n900 is not news11:05
TigerTaelMacer, you don't have to pay extra now...11:05
TigerTaelRST38h, obviously.11:06
MacerTigerTael: because google is forcing everybody to make it free ;)11:06
TigerTaelMacer, which is great!11:06
mikki-kunohhh, not my region avail for the n900? bad11:06
MacerTigerTael: until garmin goes bankrupt and nokia loses 50/share11:06
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TigerTaelThen maybe they will take their thumbs out of their arses?11:06
MacerTigerTael: of course not11:06
Macerthey will be bought by google11:07
TigerTaelLinux ftw.11:07
mikki-kunö.ö 60€ ?!11:07
mikki-kuni paid for the phone already enough11:07
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Macerso how is maemo5 working out so far?11:08
TigerTaelWorks quite well.11:08
Maceri've heard a lot of rumors that it's rather unstable but i can't go off rumor11:08
TigerTaelI've never had a reboot on my phone.11:08
Macerdon't really know what people might consider unstable11:08
TigerTaelNever had an app crash...11:08
MacerTigerTael: lots of apps crashing?11:08
Macerwell... guess that's odd then11:08
mikki-kuni had some apps crashing...11:09
TigerTaelMy phone is rock solid.11:09
mikki-kunbut well, used many from the devel11:09
mikki-kunwas trying different apps11:09
TigerTaelYeah, I don't generally take apps from devel.11:09
Maceri think i'll buy one tomorrow then11:09
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mikki-kunexpected that to happen, so after it got really slow and whatever i flashed it and have only selected apps on it11:10
TigerTaelMacer, N900?11:10
mikki-kunand it's really fast11:10
TigerTaelFor what reason?11:10
Maceri was about to get one when it first came out but i check fired11:10
TigerTaelWhat phone do you have now?11:10
MacerTigerTael: i loved my n810 ;)11:10
Maceri still have my G1 and n9511:10
TigerTaelThen you should like the N900.11:10
Macerstill has most of the same apps?11:10
Macerlike a linux term etc?11:10
Macerand the integrated jabber app? :)11:10
TigerTaelctrl+shift+x goes straight to terminal.11:10
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TigerTaelDunno about telepathy...11:11
TigerTaelBut I use the pidgin plugin for conversations for every other service that the phone doesn't natively support.11:12
MacerTigerTael: well. i don't use gtalk.. i use my zimbra server for jabber stuff11:12
jacekowskiMacer: integrated jabber11:12
Macerwhich can talk to gtalk contacts ;)11:12
Macerjacekowski: ah ok awesome11:12
jacekowskizimbra jabber sucks11:12
Macerjacekowski: it works well enough :-P11:12
jacekowskiwell, s2s has problems11:12
jacekowskiit doesn't read SRV records correctly11:12
Macerjacekowski: hm. mine seems to work with gtalk fine11:12
Macerwhich is probably the only one i care about11:13
Maceri haven't tried facebook contacts but i don't use facebook11:13
Macerthat's another thing that i have learned to avoid :)11:13
jacekowskii run my own ejabberd2 using zimbra ldap to authenticate11:13
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Macerjacekowski: really? that sounds pretty interesting11:13
jacekowskiwith jorge + log_sql for archiving11:13
Macerworks a lot better?11:13
Macerhow do you get the zimbra web client to use it?11:13
jacekowskinever tried that11:14
Macerwell.. that part is important ;)11:14
Macerthat's why i didn't swap off the internal one11:14
jacekowskibut there is a lot of jabber clients11:14
jacekowskithat can work11:14
Macerjacekowski: the clients for android all suck ;)11:14
Macerbut then again.. i think android kind of sucks in general11:14
jacekowskiandroid sucks11:14
Macerespecially with that self killing thing android does when it runs low on ram11:14
Macerwhere it just picks and chooses what to kill11:14
jacekowskiMacer: that's linux thing11:15
Macerwhich is usually a jabber client11:15
jacekowskiand maemo does the same11:15
jacekowskiit's called OOM kill11:15
Maceri never had a problem with my n810 doing it11:15
Macerin android.. if i run a browser.. everything dies11:15
jacekowskiwell, apps for maemo are more efficient11:15
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jacekowskidalvik creates huge memory overhead11:16
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Maceras long as telepathy has jabber support11:16
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Macermy main concern is an integrated jabber client11:16
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Maceri would rather run integrated included apps for things .. i'm not a big fan of a 3rd party app unless it is required11:16
jacekowskiwell, there are plugins for im in n90011:17
jacekowskiso it integrates nicely with it11:17
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Maceri figured jabber support was included11:17
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Macerit was in the n810 ;)11:17
* noobmonk3y overclocked................. his coffee this morning, 1 extra sugar ;)11:17
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jacekowskinoobmonk3y: your coffee might break because of that11:18
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* noobmonk3y was prepared and has a second mug awaiting just in case...... in the world of science, a coffee is never safe!!11:19
korhojoanoobmonk3y: remember: if you find that it does not have you functioning normally, don't try to RMA it11:19
noobmonk3ykorhojoa: loL!!!11:19
jacekowskithat reminds me of my laptop11:20
korhojoa"I'm sorry, I can't handle all this sugar..." "you put that sugar in there yourself, sir." "oh."11:20
jacekowskii have to RMA it11:20
noobmonk3yhehehe! :D11:20
korhojoajacekowski: you should not put sugar in your laptop11:20
jacekowskiwhat's the default password for root on n900?11:21
korhojoauh, is there any?11:21
korhojoai thought it was set when you install ssh11:21
jacekowskinah, nothing asked me for it11:22
fralsrootme or smth isnt it11:22
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Khertan_Homewhile testing moblin on my netbook ... i'm discovering yum ... hum ...11:23
fralsmornin X-Fade11:23
Khertan_Homestrange managment11:23
StskeepsKhertan_Home: it's supposed to be zypper instead i think11:23
korhojoastrange management?11:23
Macerwow n97 costs more than an n900?11:23
korhojoaMacer: that isn't right11:23
jacekowskiwell, nokia underpriced n900 little bit11:23
Macerno wait11:23
Macer$50 less11:23
Macermy bad11:23
jacekowskiit's still underpriced11:23
Macern97 still run symbian doesn't it?11:24
jacekowskiMacer: yes11:24
fralsthe 600e i spent begs to differ ;)11:24
jacekowskiiphone costs more11:24
Maceri thought iphones were 40011:24
Macerunlocked iphones are 800+ on amazon11:25
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MacerWCDMA (UMTS) / GSM 850/900/1800/190011:26
Maceri thought tmob was 170011:26
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Maceris that right? those tech specs don't look right. it has a freq of 190011:32
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ShadowJKthat's a list of gsm frequencies11:34
ShadowJKnot of wcdma frequencies11:34
ShadowJKand yes, N900 pricepoint was about 200euro below N97 at release :)11:35
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Macerah ok11:36
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ShadowJKand those frequencies are correct for gsm :)11:37
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Zeddybtw the widget examples are not to be downloaded11:43
Zeddythey apparently mess with the system a bit11:43
Zeddyi was unable to open theme manager, after uninstalling the widget examples it worked perfectly, and somewhat quicker response time aswel11:44
Zeddywonder what the heck they coders of those examples have been up to :p11:44
threshYEAHHH most useful app for N900
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ShadowJKoh, even better! :-)11:47
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Stskeepsor keeping track of how many drinks a girl have had11:48
Stskeeps"her alcohol level is now optimal for flirting"11:48
ShadowJKStskeeps, you're possibly more creepy than me11:49
threshStskeeps: exactly.11:49
Stskeepsi could have said much worse things.11:49
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jacekowskihave anybody made app package with bash?11:50
ShadowJKStskeeps, yeah sure, it's just recognizing the stalker value in it11:51
StskeepsShadowJK: i'm as surprised as anyone that i'm actually married without the slightest bit of stalkering in it :P11:51
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ShadowJKStskeeps, admit it, your computer fixes had built-in timebombs so she'd come back for more tech support11:53
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StskeepsShadowJK: no, those were not placed yet at that point ;)11:53
* Stskeeps yawns and looks at bootmenu11:54
MacerStskeeps: i am sorry. i didn't stick arond long before.. did mer finally get the gl stuff going?11:54
Maceryou said something about meego or whatever it's called11:54
StskeepsMacer: not in a usable fashion, but that wasn't reall mer's fault11:56
Stskeepsand meego is the successor of mer11:56
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ShadowJKpossibly the more interesting question would be if it's even possible to get it going in a usable fashion ;-)11:57
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Macerwell. didn't you guys get it going on x86?11:58
Stskeepssure, gl part works11:58
Macerjust not on n810?11:58
Stskeepsbut there's a big stretch from that to a mobile device11:58
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MacerThe hardware is now final at shipment. Software is still in beta, probably till the end of 2009.11:59
Macer(From AI's touchbook site)11:59
Maceri wonder if they still tip over12:00
Macer:) wow what a let down that thing was12:00
MacerStskeeps: try out an ipad?12:00
Macerisn't it just an oversized iphone without the 3G modem?12:00
StskeepsMacer: afaik12:00
StskeepsMacer: i don't like devices i can't hack12:00
X-FadeTerribly low res too.12:00
Macerthey're that locked down?12:00
MacerX-Fade: really? what is the res on it?12:00
X-FadeI would expect 3000x2000 on that size.12:00
Macerit's rather large to have a low res12:00
X-Fade1024x768 or so.12:00
Maceroh. that's not too bad for a "pad"12:01
StskeepsMacer: i like devices like the joggler,
Maceri can't stand anything that uses on-screen touch keyboads12:01
X-FadeNot 260 dpi as we are used to ;)12:01
StskeepsMacer: (there's some flaws due to 16 vs 24 bpp. fixing today)12:01
ShadowJKsome ipads have 3g modem12:01
TermanaSome Pads are for hygeine12:02
MacerShadowJK: i thought they were going to release the 3G ipads later12:02
Macerlike the iphone: now with compass!12:02
ShadowJKwell they still haven't released ipad anywhere except US12:02
Macerand people ate them up12:03
Maceri don't know what it is about apple products where people just eat them up12:03
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Maceri mean is their marketing just that good?12:03
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meceiSheep numbers are great in america.12:03
Maceri honestly never saw a single ipad commercial12:03
Macerhow ddi they even know they were coming out? :)12:04
Macerthen again. i hardly ever watch actual tv12:04
meceit's the interwebs12:04
Macerah well12:05
Maceramazing that at one point people were thinking apple was going to go bankrupt12:05
Maceror get bought out12:05
TermanaIsn't it a little dangerous to be eating iPads?12:05
Maceri think the ipod and imac saved apple12:05
mecewell.. ipod.12:06
Macerno. the imac helped12:06
mecei suppose.12:07
Macerit was the "cheap one" with colors12:07
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* ShadowJK watched tv last christmas12:07
Maceri think it was the colors that did it12:07
ShadowJKuh, last last..12:07
Arkenoiimac really shocked me back then12:07
Arkenoior to be more precise people shocked me12:07
Arkenoithe same old "Quadra" put into transparent plastic bin12:08
Arkenoiand people really DID believe it is "revolutionary new computer"12:08
mecewell, things haven't changed then :)12:08
MacerArkenoi: it used a ppc cpu :)12:09
Maceri could give it that much12:09
Arkenoidespite the fact there were numerous weird custom computer case designs and market mostly ignored them12:09
Arkenoimacer haha12:09
Maceri miss ppc12:09
Arkenoippc macs were available several YEARS before iMac12:09
MacerArkenoi: it was the apple symbol12:09
Arkenoiit is the same Quadra packet differently12:10
Macerpeople can relate to apples in most non 3rd world countries12:10
Macerthey got rid of the rainbow apple look12:10
ShadowJKI walked into an apple store once12:10
* Arkenoi loved old rainbow logo more12:10
meceyeah! now they is hating on the gays!12:11
ShadowJKI said "I heard Mac OS is like unix now, where's the xterm, does it have a compiler? how do I make stuff?" and the people in the store had no idea what I was talking about ;(12:11
Macerthey probably got sued by the gays claiming trademark on the rainbow12:11
ShadowJKI think that was 2004 or 200512:11
meceused to be all about the gays, now they're all about the smug.12:12
MacerShadowJK: it isn't that bad12:12
meceok.. sorry about that :)12:12
meceShadowJK, LOL12:12
Macerosx that is12:12
Lumpio-Actually the gay never went out12:12
Lumpio-Now it's about being smug *and* gay.12:12
Maceri personally can't stand osx12:12
meceBut, they removed the rainbow logo!!!!12:12
Macerbut it's not bad when you get rid of the gui12:12
Macerironically enough i'm running kde on a macbook now12:12
N900evildo not use the word gay like that.12:13
* Arkenoi thinks that rainbows and black leather are NOT gay and does not care gay community claims rights on that things ;-)12:13
N900evilthe correct term is iSexual.12:13
meceerr... no.12:13
MacerArkenoi: don't mess with the gays man.. i mean personally i could care less if a man is gay... but... they're dangerous12:13
Macerdon't let the treated nails and bleached hair fool you.. they are like a mafia12:14
Arkenoiwell, i guess you may feel quite safe (if you watch your behind ;-)12:14
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Macerand hey. the more gay men there are the less competition for women in the world so that's a +12:14
Macer:) but osx totally sucks12:14
Maceri'd think otherwise MAYBE if they actually put kernel level zfs in it12:15
Arkenoinot "totally"12:15
meceI hear it's pretty good. Oh well. wouldn't touch the thing with a six foot pole12:15
Macerlike they were supposed to12:15
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Arkenoiit sucks a bit less than widnows12:15
Maceri hate the gui12:15
Macerand hfs+12:15
Macerhfs+ most of all12:15
Macerbut using it headless as a server would be nice to do12:15
* Arkenoi hates damn ___OSX folders in archives12:16
meceI started disliking mac's when I was working tech support, and there was 99% pc and a couple of douches who just had to have macs12:16
Khertan_Homeok ... moblin isn't for me ... no tomboy sync12:16
MacerArkenoi: there is no way to stop that12:16
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Macernot the ._DS_Store ones.. but the other ones12:16
meceKhertan, it doesn't sound like something permanent...12:16
Macerthat you can't stop from popping up without 3rd party software12:16
Zeddyanyone know what i should do? When i roam around in my school and walk from one wlan area to the other, it apparently "roams" but after roaming i cannot use the connection12:17
* noobmonk3y has 1 mac and 7,800 pc's at work to deal with, and damn that mac gives me grief12:17
Zeddyi have to manually disconnect and connect for it to work12:17
jacekowskiit's not phone problem12:17
jacekowskiit's AP problem12:17
Arkenoiwhy macos archivers just do not have "don't pack os-specific shit" option default?12:17
jacekowskimost of the doesn't update mac tables correctly12:17
nid0simple solution noobmonk3y, ditch the mac12:17
Zeddyjacekowski, you sure?12:17
nid0by force or violence, if need be.12:17
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jacekowskiyeah, i've spent some time fuc*** around with wifi roaming12:17
jacekowskiand it's just hopeless12:18
noobmonk3y;) - i've tried coffee spillage, and the darn thing survived12:18
Zeddybut it works with my laptop :)12:18
jacekowskibecause laptops advertise itself12:18
nid0but yeah we have the same problem at work, 95% of the "i cant publish my website, help" are tossers using iweb that only works properly with apple's own hosting service12:18
jacekowskiand arp's get updated12:18
jacekowskibut that's AP job not STA12:18
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Zeddyso theres no workaround then12:19
jacekowskithere is workaround12:19
Macernid0: ahhahah12:19
Macerwhat about entourage? :)12:19
Zeddyi cant tell the it administration to fix it.. They most likely even cant :p12:19
Macerever have the fun with those types yet?12:19
jacekowskibut you should tell them to fix it12:19
nid0actually mac mail does give us a lot of problems as well12:19
jacekowskibesides, school with public wifi/12:19
jacekowskiwhere are you12:19
jacekowskii want to live there12:19
nid0as the damn thing defaults to port 587 for smtp12:19
nid0whoever's braindead idea that was.12:20
jacekowskithat's submission port12:20
jacekowskiand it's correct behaviour12:20
nid0no, its authenticated submission port, and is incorrect behavior for nonauthenticated client smtp.12:20
jacekowski25 is supposed to be only s2s communication12:20
crashanddiejacekowski: when I was at school there was free wifi all over the technical area12:20
jacekowskihere it's ussualy that you can get internet from school equipment ( wpa2 )12:21
jacekowskiand pretty much everything is filtered12:21
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crashanddiewhere is "here" again?12:22
Treibholzdamn... the flash-player is to slow for
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hrwX-Fade: how many people worked on ->squeeze move?12:51
X-Fadehrw: about 612:52
hrwX-Fade: and everybody from maemo community? no one @nokia?12:52
X-FadeWe've actually been testing for a while now.12:52
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X-Fadehrw: Also people from the Nokia sdk team.12:52
X-Fadehrw: squeeze devkit finally uses sane versions, not deprecated ;)12:53
hrwX-Fade: big thanks to all of you for solving this problem12:53
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X-Fadehrw: At least from now on bringing in recent debian packages will be a lot easier too.12:57
jacekowskithat's debian release name and what else?12:57
hrwjacekowski: debian 'testing'12:57
achipajacekowski: character from toy story ?12:57
jacekowskii'm not getting relation between debian and maemo12:57
hrwjacekowski: all Debian releases are named by characters from toy story movies12:57
hrwjacekowski: maemo uses Debian as base but most of packages were altered12:58
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supertrampis socat replacement for netcat?12:58
hrwoften in ugly way12:58
jacekowskisupertramp: no12:58
supertrampjacekowski: I can't find netcat package ... then12:58
jacekowskitry searching for nc12:58
hrwjacekowski: there were rumours that when Debian will use all characters from Toy Story 1/2 Pixar will make Toy Story 312:59
supertrampI think socat extends netcat12:59
supertrampis there something the socat cannot comparing to nc?12:59
hrwsocat can be used as netcat12:59
supertrampcannot do12:59
jacekowskiwell, it's like comparing mhm13:00
jacekowskitv to radio13:00
jacekowskisocat purpose is completly different13:00
hrwjacekowski: anyway according to Debian description socat can be used as netcat replacement13:01
jacekowskiwell, i'm using both13:01
jacekowskiand it's completly different program13:01
Zeddywonder how much battery thats gonna drain lol13:02
SpeedEvilnot much13:03
SpeedEvilless you sit there staring at it13:03
jacekowskiZeddy: not a lot13:03
jacekowskiZeddy: i doubt it will be moving when you are not looking at it13:04
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jacekowskibtw. google e1713:04
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SpeedEvilI wonder if it can do live streaming13:06
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NuD1t7hmm ... btw .. is there a way for my n900 to find/access my windows workgroup shared folders/files ?13:08
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NuD1t7like in ubuntu the mambo/jambo/samba or whatever it was13:09
NuD1t7always forget the name of the thingy13:09
fralsthink there is cifs module13:09
NuD1t7cifs ?13:10
* Arkenoi does not need live wallpapers, but i'd like to have different themes for daylight and for nighttime13:10
lcukArkenoi, live wallpapers can be used for that sort of thing13:10
lcukthey dont have to be busy active13:10
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fralsNuD1t7: it should be able to do what you want iirc13:10
lcukit can be as simple as just changing its own wallpaper every now and then13:11
NuD1t7frals ok thx i'll try it out13:11
fralsi want live wp with a mailman delivering my email13:11
X-FadeBut live wallpapers can do a lot more if you want ;)13:11
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X-FadeThe wallpaper can actually interact with the icons and widgets on the desktop.13:12
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Stskeepsgodzilla live wallpaper13:12
Stskeepseating icons13:12
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fralsneed to have a look at that when i get fmms in extras :)13:13
ccookeX-Fade: the problem with live wallpaper is it reminds me of Active Desktop in Windows... mainly because that *is* live wallpaper. And I can't help but recall seeing one person's desktop set to the hampsterdance page (hey, it was years ago ;-)13:14
ccooke(with the audio, of course)13:14
X-Fadeccooke: hehe :)13:14
lcuklol ccooke13:15
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BCMMis there a package to block flash that isn't also a general ad-blocker?13:15
fralstodays annoyance: not being able to copypaste from "about product" :P13:15
fralsBCMM: i saw something on tmo about flashblocker, sounds like it might do what you want13:16
BCMM(i try to only block very annoying ads to avoid cutting off a site's revenue and exert a selective pressure)13:16
BCMMonly thing i've found is also an adblocker13:17
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SpeedEvilX-Fade: xsnow!13:26
* achipa wonders whether Debian started to be late again, losing clamav due to EOL from latest stable is not funny13:27
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agixsnow with accelerometer support!! or make your n900 one of those 'NY at winter' things13:35
agiachipa: lenny was released ~1year ago, you cannot released every year, for many reasons13:37
noobmonk3yfrals:  i agree tis annoying - what are you trying to copy?13:38
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achipaagi: they sort of have lenny-updates for exactly this purpose13:39
noobmonk3ylcuk: thinking about arranging a london and a Brum meetup in the next few months, would you be up for either?13:39
lcuknoobmonk3y, sure thing13:40
fralsnoobmonk3y: was gonna copy version info ;(13:40
lcuki need to sort out finances tho13:40
agiachipa: nope, the have volatile for that13:40
noobmonk3y:( hmmm i should probably make healthcheck values copyable ;)13:40
noobmonk3ylcuk: i can buy you some tap water ;)13:40
agiachipa: lenny-updates is for secutiry and important fixes, no new versions13:41
lcukis it cooled?13:41
achipaagi: volatile schmolatile, the point is they're late :)13:41
fralsnoobmonk3y: had to restort to using my brain to memorise it.. :)13:41
noobmonk3ywell, i may be able to strecth to one ice cube ;)13:41
noobmonk3yfrals: dont waste too much brain space... hard to come by ;)13:41
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fralsnoobmonk3y: exactly my point! :D13:41
achipaagi: also, technically it IS a security fix13:41
noobmonk3yi remembered something this morning... but the problem was i remembered something else just after and forgot the first thing..... ;) - i need overclocking13:42
noobmonk3ythankfully my warranty has long since expired ;) lol13:42
fralsyou need bigger cache as accesstime to your memory sounds awful ;)13:42
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frals(just completed assignment on cache memories :P)13:43
noobmonk3yfrals.... it doesnt matter, i can send mms's my life is complete......... the irony of me having an n900 is that.... initially i said i needed a new phone, and my first thought was, it needs mms .... lol... as i had never used it before, not because i actually needed it ;)13:43
lcukmemory leak13:43
agiachipa: not IMHO. is a new release, it's not fixing a security bug. And it's more of a uptream caprice than anything13:44
fralslol noobmonk3y13:44
* lcuk lights a big cigar13:45
* noobmonk3y lights a small cigarette and feels a bit insecure13:45
* nid0 puffs on a fat joint13:46
achipaagi: yes, well, grey area, whether inability to provide updates is (not) a security bug. It's just that the 'fix' never got backported. As for caprice, well, I guess so, but doesn't help neither clamav nor Debian to ship outdated stuff and create a false sense of security13:46
* frals throws the smokers out.. no smoking during workhours. tis the law13:46
* nid0 works in his own house, what law?13:46
* noobmonk3y looks at frals... no smoking on work property during work time, nothing stopping me standing out on the street ;)13:47
noobmonk3ynid0: - you are above the law, remember that ;)13:47
nid0quite right :D13:47
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noobmonk3ylcuk, on the other hand is a little sideways of the law ;)13:47
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noobmonk3yand frals, is the law... lol13:47
* achipa always thought people who held beer in one hand (inside the pub) and a cigarette in the other (outside the pub) looked funny13:48
ShapeshifterI really like the sharing framework on the n900. Although what I really need is missing, the concept itself is nice.13:48
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Shapeshifterwith all the backgrounding13:48
lcuknoobmonk3y, nid0 might be in a permissive country13:48
fralslol achipa13:48
nid0<< norfolk13:48
Shapeshifterthis is really nice.13:49
noobmonk3ylol -  you need a passport to get out of norfolk i hear ;)13:49
nid0theres a fence all the way round it :(13:49
noobmonk3yvery similar to wales and coventry ;) hehe13:49
nid0keeping the riff-raff out.13:49
noobmonk3ylol nido thats what we want you to think ;)13:49
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achipaWe're permissive here. Friends coming here ofter wonder how 'only' 50% of the population is smoking, especially considering the price of cigarettes13:50
noobmonk3yallthough with leicesters ring road.... also similar there, miss one turning and you are on one big ass roundabout13:50
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noobmonk3yachipa: how much for a pack of ciggies there?13:51
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noobmonk3y£6.20+ per pack here :( well if you smoke a half decent brand........13:51
nid0blah, freeciv promoted to -testing finally, but broken13:53
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achipanoobmonk3y: we start at 0.6-0.7 euros per pack for local brands13:53
fralsi love when it takes an hour and 10mins instead of 40min to get home... ><13:53
achipaare we dirt cheap or what ?13:53
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achipanoobmonk3y: Marlboro and similar are about 1.3 euros per pack...13:54
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noobmonk3ywow, i need to come over there!13:56
Stskeepsachipa: what country were you in again?13:57
noobmonk3ywill give you $2 euros a pack to post em, hehehe13:57
nid0how much dyou reckon you can persuade customs is "personal use" when you come back?13:57
achipaStskeeps: Serbia13:57
Stskeepsachipa: ah13:57
achipaStskeeps: that explains it, eh ? ;)13:58
Stskeepsachipa: eastern european countries are typically cheap in that area :P13:58
achipaditto for booze :)13:59
* Stskeeps is fairly happy to live in poland in that regard13:59
Shapeshiftersmoke stinks14:00
ccookeShapeshifter: cigarettes stink. *tobacco* smells wonderful. (And I have never been a smoker ;-)14:00
achipanid0: I know you can take 2 packs into Hungary, but not sure if that's a local law or EU-wide14:00
Shapeshifterccooke: agreed14:00
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noobmonk3yeu-wide is "personal consumption limit"14:01
ccooke(I never understood how smoking could have started... until I met a pipe smoker)14:01
nid0heh thatll be local, in the uk you can generally get away with several bags full, as long as you're careful to tell them its for personal use14:01
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nid0its when you start taking truckloads in theyll get suspicious14:01
noobmonk3ybrought 4000*2  back from spain last year14:01
noobmonk3y(with the gf)14:01
noobmonk3ybut yeah Uk, it depends what minute of what day and what the weather is to how they react14:02
achipanoobmonk3y:  whoa, I just hope you don't plan to use all that up yourself :)14:02
* noobmonk3y already has ;)14:02
noobmonk3yonly 200 packs of ciggies lol14:03
noobmonk3yright off for lunchies14:03
achipanoobmonk3y: ah... thought 4000 *packs*14:03
nid0we need another testing marathon.14:03
noobmonk3ynid0: we need maemo branded cigarettes lol14:03
achipathat would be a killer concentration, eh ? :)14:03
Zeddystop smoking14:04
noobmonk3yZeddy: Start smoking.......14:04
Zeddyi stopped 7 months ago14:04
noobmonk3yso did i :( - but only for about 45 minutes, was horrible14:04
Zeddyits a dying hobby14:04
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achipanid0: we need a fixed autobuilder, THEN we can really start testing again14:06
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achipa(technically that has already happened, let's just hope there is no fallout :) )14:07
X-Fadeachipa: We have a fixed autobuilder now ;)14:07
nid0well, thats debatable. packages thatre bust havent been getting promoted out of devel in the first place14:07
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nid0all the stuff thats been sitting untested in -testing is working fine14:07
jacekowskiX-Fade: so how to send something for 1.2 and how for 1.1?14:07
nid0except freeciv :<14:08
achipaX-Fade: heh, just said that :)14:08
lcukX-Fade, :)14:08
lcukjacekowski, you dont14:08
achipajacekowski: you don't14:08
lcukyou submit to the builder14:08
lcukand it knows14:08
X-Fadejacekowski: when you use a PR1.2 feature it sets PR1.2 dependency.14:08
X-FadeIf you don't it will default to the lowest possible dependency.14:08
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ccooke(Damn it, whenever I see the name "Meego", my brain starts playing this at me: )14:11
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* lcuk follows hrw from
lcukits follow friday!  who else needs stalking/following14:15
* hrw|gone needs ipv6_available() informations14:16
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hrwand also need food so bb in few14:16
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lcukhrw, at fosdem there were folks talking about wanting ip614:16
hrwsome app here uses ipv6_available() and fails to link14:16
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achipaX-Fade: so now binary stuff is okay, but we're supposed to hund down users of bindings 'manually', right ?14:17
infobotachipa meant: X-Fade: so now binary stuff is okay, but we're supposed to hunt down users of bindings 'manually', right ?14:17
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MohammadAGMorning everyone14:18
lcukmorning MohammadAG14:18
lcukand tekojo \o14:18
jacekowski( my joggler is almost delivered )14:19
* MohammadAG is having a weird weird problem14:19
jacekowskiif i can get it out of dhl14:19
MohammadAGSays device storage is full14:19
MohammadAG(no it's not full lol)14:20
lcukMohammadAG, pastebin df14:20
DocScrutinizerand pastebin mount ;-P14:21
lcukMohammadAG, you filled up /home14:23
nid0/home looks pretty full14:23
* MohammadAG didn't check that14:24
MohammadAGit's prolly full of xchat logs :P14:24
X-FadeHmm all these people forgetting qmake as Build-Depends.14:25
X-FadeI wonder how we can explain that better. And especially where.14:26
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lcukX-Fade, do people generally make their own debian packages with qt14:26
lcukie, should the qmake depend be something automatic from qt side14:27
X-Fadelcuk: Yes, but they just do apt-get install qmake once.14:27
lcukor is this for people who use pyqt14:27
MohammadAGwow, chromium's cache is about 80MBs14:27
X-FadeSo then they have qmake.14:27
lcukyes, but what makes the package for them14:27
lcukare qt people still hand building them14:27
lcukor does qt itself generate that lot14:27
MohammadAGdpkg-buildpackage afaik14:27
* DocScrutinizer mooos and checks accesslist14:27
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MohammadAGpypackager for pyQt14:28
MohammadAGqmake and make for Qt14:28
MohammadAGat least that's how facebrick works14:28
DocScrutinizer~trout qmake14:29
* infobot slaps qmake around a bit with a large trout!14:29
larsividid disappear?14:31
MohammadAGother than awk, is there a way to remove something from output?14:31
MohammadAGlarsivi, it's - not _14:31
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Jaffalcuk: A lot of Qt apps might be being packaged by Qt Creater/MADDE14:33
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: grep -v ?14:33
larsiviMohammadAG: eh, seems like bash broke somehow14:34
lcukJaffa, of course, i dont know how a package is actually defined in qt14:34
Jaffalcuk: me neither14:34
lcukw00t_, noobmonk3y you both have qt apps from different angles, how do you go from code to a debian package and was it an automatic process14:35
lcukor did you have to use the debian toolings14:35
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* MohammadAG thanks DocScrutinizer 14:36
MohammadAGi should read some man-s14:36
Treibholzis that meant as a joke?14:36
w00t_lcuk: myself and MohammadAG hacked up the Qt example packaging until it did (most of) my bidding14:36
MohammadAGlcuk, may I answer that?14:37
w00t_lcuk: what Jaffa says is pretty correct though, for simple apps, MADDE makes it a lot easier14:37
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lcukanyone can, its just to see whether anything in the toolchain needs to be added to ensure qmake is added as a build dependency14:37
MohammadAGlcuk, noobmonk3y uses pypackager14:38
lcukbased on X-Fade's observation14:38
w00t_well, yes14:38
w00t_(I'm being decisive today, eh?)14:38
lcukMohammadAG, im guessing pypackager doesnt need qmake because the python apps dont use it14:38
MohammadAGw00t_, calls the qmake in rules14:39
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rmrfchikcan't get sdlquake works with russian keybd layout :(14:39
MohammadAGlcuk, nope, it only puts the .py (and the other code stuff) into a tar.gz with the normal .dsc and .changes files14:40
MohammadAGthere isn't even a makefile14:40
jacekowskii think i "fixed" that capslock issue in chrome14:41
lcukyeah MohammadAG i know its very minimal with no boiler plate :)14:41
jacekowskiwell, worked around it14:41
* lcuk likes that aspect of py14:41
MohammadAGa minute lag14:41
lcukjacekowski, what was caps issue14:41
lcukand does it also effect numeric entry14:41
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: on N900?14:41
lcukie, you are bypassing hildon input method / gtk key routines14:41
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lcukbecause if so, every framework has had to do it14:42
MohammadAGlol lcuk14:42
MohammadAGmeh, tracker's indexes got corrupt14:42
lcukgtk qt liqbase sdl edje14:42
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, me? yeah14:42
MohammadAG(oh and building python programs doesn't even need a PC)14:42
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: so expect occasional lags14:42
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, psm?14:43
MohammadAGpower saver14:44
DocScrutinizeryes, I guess it's to save power14:44
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Treibholzis your n900 getting slower over the uptime, too?14:46
DocScrutinizernever noticed on mine, but seems a commonly observed issue14:47
* lcuk looks puzzled14:47
lcukanyone seen my shoe?14:47
DocScrutinizerI ate it14:47
DocScrutinizerwas tasty14:47
lcukmmmm toe cheese14:48
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DocScrutinizer~scramble lcuk14:50
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DocScrutinizeror was it14:51
DocScrutinizer~scramble luck14:51
* noobmonk3y is back from lunch14:52
noobmonk3ywhat did i miss?14:52
MohammadAG~curse tracker14:53
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, tracker !14:53
noobmonk3y~overclock MohammadAG14:53
* infobot overclocks MohammadAG until MohammadAG burns out!14:53
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crashanddieheh, nice way to spam lcuk14:55
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* MohammadAG wonders who added the ~overclock14:55
write_eraseHi ... I just bought a used N900. How can I reset it (full reset) . Thx14:56
crashanddie~factinfo overclock14:56
infobotoverclock -- it has been requested 2 times, last by pcj at Fri Nov 21 10:46:58 2008.14:56
hrwwrite_erase: just reflash it14:56
crashanddie~listkeys overclock14:56
infobotFactoid search of 'overclock' by key (3): overclock ;; cmd: overclock (.*?) ;; overclocking.14:56
DocScrutinizer~literal overclock14:56
infobot"overclock" is "<REPLY> I overclock in winter to keep dpkg's toes warm."14:56
write_erasehrw,  flashing RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.41-1.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin and RX-51_2009SE_3.2010.02-8_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin ? will remove everything ?14:56
DocScrutinizer~literal overclock xx14:57
* infobot overclocks xx until xx burns out!14:57
noobmonk3ywrite - yup :D14:57
DocScrutinizerwrite_erase: yes14:58
noobmonk3y~Underclock DocScrutinizer14:58
noobmonk3ylol ;) - i confuzzled infobot14:58
write_eraseOk .. Thx . I'm in France... is that "Global release" or "Middle East and North Africa release" ? not sure14:58
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DocScrutinizeruse 'global'14:59
noobmonk3ylol!!! -
write_erasefine . Thx14:59
infobotflashing is probably
noobmonk3yi dont beleive infobot15:00
noobmonk3yi'm sure there is another meaning for flasher15:00
infobotwell, icecream is the greatest food in the world, along with a distributed compiler, that distributes not only its compile work, but also the tools as a chrootable tar.15:00
DocScrutinizer~tell noobmonk3y about /query15:01
DocScrutinizer~tell noobmonk3y about icecream15:01
noobmonk3yseems like fail on toast to me15:01
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noobmonk3ydocscrutinizer wants you to know: i heard icecream is the greatest food in the world, along with a distributed compiler, that distributes not only its compile work, but also the tools as a chrootable tar.15:04
noobmonk3ydelayed infobot!15:04
crashanddie"Hi, I have version string <abc> of my app. I deleted version <abc> from my server. I uploaded version string <abc> to the server. Logs show that version is <abc>. Is there anything wrong?15:05
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crashanddie"Yes, you're an idiot.15:05
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jacekowskiblowjob and icecream in polish translate to same word15:07
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crashanddieDBA sees error ("Not enough file handles"). DBA goes to boss, and tells boss to increase handle count. Boss tells DBA to call <product> support. Support goon: "You have an outdated version, I can overnight deliver a CD with the update" DBA: "That's not fast enough" Support goon: "I can fax it" DBA: "What about our FTP" Support goon: "Yes, I can fax it to your FTP, what is the number please?"15:08
crashanddiefull story at TDWTF15:08
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Arkenoioops, having decent contacts merge is WONTFIX for maemo :-/15:09
pupnikand these people... have... JOBS15:09
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crashanddiepupnik: I can tell you of people in my company...15:12
crashanddieThis chick, part of "tech pubs"15:12
crashanddieit's basically a department who's sole role is to go through technical documents that we deliver to customers, and ensure that they are up to the same standard15:12
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pupniki worked in a similar role15:13
crashanddiethis means spelling, grammar, Engrish, size of screenshots, fonts, text alignment, templates, the lot15:13
crashanddieShe has never been able to spell my name right15:13
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crashanddieI asked her to review a document for customer X15:14
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crashanddieShe reviewed it, left it in a worse state than I did (I'm extremely anal about templates), botched half the template, and sent it to postmaster@customer.com15:14
pupniknice one15:15
noobmonk3ylol i love seeing russian web pages translated by google :)15:16
* Arkenoi thinks i never seen a company where postmaster mailbox actually gets read for 12 years at least15:16
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DocScrutinizer~scramble crashanddie15:17
DocScrutinizerlike that? :-P15:17
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* DocScrutinizer sends cadndrshiae to postmaster@braindead.nul15:18
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tazz gives a 40415:25
hrw2007 == chinook?15:25
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write_eraseAre there tricks to sync my N900 with ovi contacts ?15:26
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Arkenoisyncevolution might work15:27
tazzooh my bad, i landed on that 2007 page from google. While searching for maemo+ruby15:27
* noobmonk3y blinks15:28
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* ZogG feels the breath of PR1.2 in his back15:34
Surfahas anyone faced the problem that mfe for doesn't work anymore?15:34
JaffaZogG: Lucky you. How? ;-)15:35
Surfait doesn't seem to get a connection anymore15:35
JaffaSurfa: There are very few people for whom it works reliably. Use a free Nuevasync account as a proxy.15:35
Surfaindependently on the access connectivity15:35
Surfahmh, it worked very well for a month or two.. :)15:36
Surfanow it hasn't been working for two days at all15:36
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* Arkenoi uses nuevasync. it sucks anyways.15:36
ZogGJaffa i just feel it15:38
Khertan_HomeSurfa, sometime it s work sometimes it doesn't15:38
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RST38hmoo Arkenoi15:39
SurfaKhertan_Home, ok, so is it google or n900 related problem?15:40
wazdepic :D15:40
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Khertan_HomeSurfa, n90015:41
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MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, does your screen still crackle?15:43
noobmonk3yerm, good point, not in the last week or two15:43
noobmonk3ylooks like it really was temperature15:44
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SurfaKhertan_Home, hmh, ok15:45
Khertan_HomeSurfa, this is the same when trying to send email15:45
Khertan_Homesometimes it s works15:45
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Khertan_Homesometimes it s doesn't during 3, 4 or 5 days15:45
Khertan_Homebut ... at the same time ... i didn't got any problem with other device on the same account15:46
pupnikpretty goof15:48
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ZogGthat one is better15:51
ZogGshawing =)))) fail15:52
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threshwho let a douchebag in the channel?15:53
Wolfiewhere's the trollkicker?15:53
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Treibholzwho needs flash?15:53
DocScrutinizerhuh? who needs a kick?15:54
lcukme, theres some nasty grime on the kitchen worktop15:54
MohammadAGme me me!15:54
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prontoyou you you!15:54
Treibholzflash is a disease, that needs to be cut out of the net15:54
nid0I really could use the motivation to wash up after last night's curry15:54
ZogGthresh Wolfie hey, wht's wrong?15:54
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WolfieZogG: your flamboyant trolling15:54
DocScrutinizerso, what's up now?15:55
ZogGDocScrutinizer, they meant me15:55
ZogGWolfie, you are boring15:55
ZogGand there is trolling to say others are trolling15:55
Wolfiethat might be, but it's also irrelevant15:55
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ZogGjust chill out and if you don't like something - just ignore - ok?15:55
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threshZogG: you pasting stupid links here15:56
ZogGif you read log - you'll understand15:56
ZogGit was responce15:56
DocScrutinizerZogG seemed to answer nid015:56
ZogGi hate those guys who play srs15:56
hrwand forgot to add his nick ;(15:56
ZogGbut they don't understand what's going on15:57
ZogGjust learn to talk on IRC15:57
DocScrutinizerso stop it now, gentlemen15:57
ccookeHmm. There aren't really enough libs in the repositories to build sensible ruby n900 apps, are there?15:57
DocScrutinizera non-issue15:57
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, if you don't end up kicking anyone kick me, don't want that /cs op to go to waste :P15:57
TermanaAll your base is belong to DocScrutinizer15:57
TermanaExcept mine, because he can't see what I say15:58
ZogGyou can kick me so MohammadAG will be relaxed =)15:58
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TermanaSo, I guess all my base is belong to crashanddie15:58
MohammadAGi had the cyberbullying authority's site open15:58
TermanaMohammadAG: lol15:58
DocScrutinizerTermana: nah, somebody convinced me I mustn't keep you on my ignore list15:58
parimhwy every one, is there a way to video chat on the N810 with Skype?15:58
ZogGi'm ready to be sacrificed for all good15:58
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ccookeparim: no. Nor can anyone but skype themselves provide a means of doing so15:59
ZogGskype is going to be open source don't they15:59
* MohammadAG wonders how Fring pulled it off on S60 devices15:59
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ZogGthey announced it like months ago15:59
ZogGbut nothing changed15:59
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parimcooke: does video chat work with fring?16:00
ZogGMohammadAG, magic16:00
TermanaDocScrutinizer: Ah ok. Well, I'm sorry about the other day anyway, I didn't mean to be so personal and let my feelings of the topic get in the way of the discussion16:00
nid0ZogG: what theyre working on is an open-sourced-ui client for *nix16:01
nid0the protocol itself remains closed16:01
Treibholzhmm, where are the contacts stored?16:01
ccookeMohammadAG: IIRC they did a deal with skype16:01
ZogGbut is there api or something?16:01
ccookeparim: pass, never tried fring16:01
parimthanks ccooke16:01
ZogGcause you can make your client to use protocol and than you can get video or what ever for maemo16:02
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ZogGi don't know what is fring16:02
ZogGi mean i saw the screenies16:02
ZogGnever tried it16:02
ZogGit's useless for me - cause no friends use it16:02
ZogGor it can use other protocols?16:02
Treibholz.osso-abook/db ... eeeejjkk BerkeleyDB!16:03
nid0fring supports basically everything16:03
ZogGdoes maemo5 have it16:04
ZogGi think i saw it on ovi16:04
ZogGlamovi =)16:04
parimZogG: fing supports SKype, MSN, gtalk, yahoo, icq, aim, sip, xmpp16:04
hrwnid0: but what for fring can be used what is not in contacts already (when plugins installed)16:04
hrwparim: I have those already without fring16:04
ZogGanyway pidign is enuf16:04
hrwbut I use only jabber/icq/skype16:04
nid0hrw: for me nothing, I was just telling ZogG what it does.16:04
nid0personally though ill switch immediately to any mobile msn client that finally brings multi location signin16:05
DocScrutinizerTermana: k, accepted16:05
ZogGi need videocalls on maemo and intagrated with contacts (with other protocols than phone also) so i wouldn't use other app16:05
ccooke(hmm. Maybe ruby daemons and python for the UI would work...)16:05
tazzHello i seemed to have messed up my repository config for my nokia n900. I tried adding maemo extras-devel repository manually via vim16:05
parimhrw: i was just answeing a ZogG`s question16:05
hrwZogG: if you want video calls then maemo is wrong choice16:06
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tazzany way for me to restore my repository settings?16:06
ZogGparasight, nid0 don't fight guys, i love you both same16:06
ZogGhrw, it's not that i need16:06
hrwZogG: maemo5 will rather never get video calls16:06
ZogGthere is a difference16:06
ZogGi want16:06
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ZogGi hardly used them on old phone btw16:07
ZogGbut it would be nice to have camsex on maemo =)16:07
ZogGhrw, you can't be sure16:07
ZogGas well i think meego will be ported to n900 and maybe it would have it16:08
mikki-kuni heard somewhere that meego will be ported to the n900 towards the end of this year16:08
ZogGyes i read it16:09
ZogGbut it's not like that16:09
hrwZogG: when meego will reach usable state on n900 I will use other phone16:09
ZogGthe nokia's meego would be developed on n90016:09
ZogGbut it's only base16:09
ZogGnot really full function os as i understand16:09
ZogGhrw i hope i wouldn't16:09
parimisnt there a dev release of meego for the n900?16:09
hrwZogG: will be developed but then will be released with successor of n90016:10
Khertan_Homejust an xterm currently :)16:10
ZogGparim, if you want to have terminal and only terminal on phone16:10
Khertan_Homebut the base is here16:10
ZogGhrw that's what i said16:10
nid0n900 + development releases = definitely happening. n900 + community-ported usable meego releases = probably. n900 + fully productised and nokia-supported meego release = maybe/maybe not16:10
ZogGnid0 maybe not or not =)16:11
alteregoSo, I'm looking at the Qt 4.6 documentation, and for the QLineEdit there's mention of the placeholderText property, which is obviously a requirement of the UI guidelines.16:12
alteregoIt says "This property was introduced in Qt 4.7"16:12
alteregoAnd low and behold, it's not in my dev libararies :(16:12
ZogGalterego, oh16:12
ZogGare you the one from
alteregoZogG: nope16:13
ZogGor something like that16:13
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BenjaminWilki have a directory on my n90016:22
BenjaminWilkwhich is called Mac OS16:23
BenjaminWilkwhats that?16:23
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furunk3li think its for people that want to access their stuff on mac16:23
ZogGi had it too16:23
furunk3llinks to the different directories on the n90016:23
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furunk3lvideos, pictures and so on16:24
BenjaminWilkdo not understand it16:24
furunk3lif your n900 is connected via usb16:24
hrwthats crap which nokia left for you16:24
fralsshort story, dont delete it, it does no harm16:24
BenjaminWilkso its useless?16:24
fralsits v. useful if you ever gonna plug it in in a mac16:24
BenjaminWilki should not delete it?16:25
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BenjaminWilkbut i have no mac16:25
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ZogGBenjaminWilk delete mac =)16:26
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fralsunless you have a good reason to remove it, id say leave it just in case16:27
fralsits not like it takes up any significant amount of space16:27
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SurfaKhertan_Home, sounds anyway weird, because it hasn't work for three days at all16:28
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Khertan_HomeSurfa, most of the time ... i delete the account ... recreate it ... and it s works16:29
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Surfadoesn't sound very useful16:30
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ZogGyay net split16:37
ZogGyaya =)16:37
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rmrfchikmmm.. can't register on; already have account in talk and garage.16:39
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* Khertan_Home don't find where to change his password on maemo.org16:39
rmrfchikthose logins aren't accepted on
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ZogGso just talked to some guy16:47
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ZogGhe is dev of some interesting program for phones and win16:47
ZogGit's like twit but geo16:47
jacekowskithat's fun16:48
jacekowskikey-press-event are sent correctly16:48
ZogGit's like you see everyone on map16:48
jacekowskiwith correct character case16:48
ZogGyou can talk to them and make friends16:48
jacekowskibut commit event is send incorrectly16:48
ZogGkinda social gps thing16:48
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jacekowskihildon is for some reason messing up letters16:53
redeemaninsanely huge?16:53
jacekowskisort of16:54
redeemanthat happened once in the network dialog for me16:54
jacekowskii mean when i press a key16:54
jacekowskiin text box16:54
jacekowskiit makes them uppercase16:54
jacekowskiand if i hold it for a while letters change to lowercase16:54
jacekowskii can work around it because key events are correct16:55
jacekowskibut then i'll lose all nice hildon features16:55
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ptlDoes anyone know what's happening with the repositories? I force-installed two of these "updateable" packages but I am not afraid that it might be a trojan (since there is a size mismatch). Is my fear justifiable?16:56
ptls/I am not afraid/I am now afraid/16:56
fralsprobably due to caching proxy not been updated yet from the mass-rebuild earlier today16:57
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ptlbut the versions of the packages are the same as the installed versions16:57
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ptlso why does it try to update them at all?16:57
ptlpriority issues?16:57
jacekowskibecause some of these packages are for 1.2 and some are for 1.116:58
fralsyeah no version diff as its been rebuilt to work for 1.1.1 even thou its built on 1.2 builder16:58
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ptloh, I see17:00
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Zeddythe desktop widget player is bugged17:20
Zeddyif i pause it, and then after lets say 10 hours make a call, the call ends and what happends? the player starts playing :p17:20
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Zeddysucky programming i say17:20
fralsinteresting how /etc/operator_settings dictates that vodafone mms dns servers are and
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jacekowskig_signal_connect(context_, "commit",G_CALLBACK(HandleCommitThunk), this);17:22
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PhonicUKhey all17:24
PhonicUKis pr 1.2 out?17:24
toresbeWhat's the ETA?17:25
Zeddycrappy version anyways17:25
Zeddynothing to wait for17:25
toresbeZeddy: Video improvements?17:25
Zeddysay what?17:25
Zeddywhats wrong with the video ::p17:25
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hrwtoresbe: 12 November17:26
jacekowskipr1.2 out?17:27
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Khertan_HomeZeddy, pyside 0.3.017:27
Khertan_Homeso not so crappy17:27
Khertan_Homeat least for me :)17:27
Khertan_Homeand some mfe fix17:27
Khertan_Homewhich will be welcome17:27
auenfi might get my n900 (with PR1.2 pre-installed) before you get to download it ;)17:28
Khertan_Homejacekowski, NO17:28
Khertan_Homeauenf, oh your estimated delivery date is 12 September 2010 ?17:28
toresbehrw: You're kidding!?17:28
hrwtoresbe: why you think so?17:28
toresbehrw: Wasn't it "any day now" in March?17:29
hrwtoresbe: no, it was 'next week' in february17:29
Khertan_Hometoresbe, yep but the year was missing17:29
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hrwtoresbe: and as nokia does not give any release dates for maemo 12 November sounds good17:30
toresbehrw: heh17:30
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jacekowskithey could just tell the truth17:30
jacekowskithat there will be no 1.217:30
Treibholzarggghggg!!! why is there no bsdbd-module for python in maemo?17:30
n900-dkIs the provisioning problem with Exchange only on ME2003, or is it the same with ME2007?17:30
toresbejacekowski: that's not the case... delays are common17:30
hrwjacekowski: what for? now they have great situation17:31
jacekowskitoresbe: remember that they are working on meego now17:31
Treibholzn900-dk: works fine here with 200717:31
hrwjacekowski: remember that nokia is quite big company - they have enough people for two teams17:31
fralsTreibholz: vote ;-)17:31
povbotBug 9865: Python missing bsddb module17:31
toresbejacekowski: I'm open to that meaning "no 1.3" but 1.2 is mostly done, most likely17:31
n900-dkTreibholz: And your ME-server only allows provisionable devices? Or is it not a setting in ME2007?17:32
fralsn900-dk: the "provisioning" problem should be unrelated to exchange version as it the device does not support provisioning17:32
n900-dkfrals: I thought so.. :-/17:32
Treibholzn900-dk: oh... ahrm...17:32
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hrwjacekowski: and now they have pr1.2 inside (which no one use as they rather prefer more fresh images) so they can check amount of users/devs leaving platform just due to lack of updates17:33
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n900-dkSo if my company upgrades from ME2003, then it wouldn't solve the problem17:33
hrwmonth after 1.2 they will release 1.2.1 just to keep people complaining 'when 1.3???'17:33
Khertan_Homehrw, ?17:33
fralsn900-dk: nope, it shouldnt17:33
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andrewfblackjacekowski: did you got to Florida Linux show last year?17:34
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fralsn900-dk: if you can get your company to upgrade exchange, isnt it easier to ask them to allow you to use a non-provisionable device? ;)17:34
Khertan_Homehrw, there is some many dev leaving the plateform ?17:34
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n900-dkfrals: Unfortunately I think, that I can't get them to do either17:35
hrwKhertan_Home: maemo never had big amount of devs. mess about 1.2 upgrade does not helps to add new ones17:35
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n900-dkIs the iphone a provisionable device?17:36
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Khertan_Homehrw, at least ... for me i ve stop for the moment any specifics maemo dev ... i was tiring with qa testing and other aspects of some maemo users17:36
Khertan_Homehrw, but to be honest i know only three guy which have stop dev for maemo and i count me in this number17:37
hrwKhertan_Home: I stopped any development because I need Qt 4.6 and extras-devel one require PR 1.2 to be usable17:37
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Khertan_Homehrw, :) for the moment i m learning Qt with python17:37
n900-dkIs it the restrictions in the OS, that makes a device non-provisionable?17:37
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hrwautorotation for Qt apps is present in Qt 4.6 - require PR 1.2 even if you use 1.1.1 packages17:37
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Khertan_Homehrw, while i m still making apps for me ... i'm not sure i ll made them available ...17:38
fralsn900-dk: in theory the OS should allow the MfE application to enforce a few settings17:38
fralsn900-dk: if someone would write their own application it could probably report its provisionable even though it isnt17:38
Khertan_Homehrw, this is like mnotes ... my own notes taking apps ... with his own web cloud sync :)17:38
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Khertan_Homehrw, good to hear that autorotation is available17:39
Khertan_Homein qt 4.617:39
hrwKhertan_Home: but you need pr 1.2 to use it17:39
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achipayou can do it in 4.5, too , it's just that it's a lot uglier17:39
Khertan_Homedid you use qt with python ?17:39
hrwKhertan_Home: no, with c++ only17:39
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n900-dkfrals: So int theory maybe pr1.2 could make it provisionable?17:39
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lcukwhich version of qt is pyqt running ontop of17:39
Khertan_Homelcuk, don't know17:40
fralsn900-dk: pretty sure nokia cant fake provisionability (is that even a word?) without getting eaten my microsoft17:40
hrwachipa: working autorotation with qt 4.6 is possible with pr1.1.1 but in ugly way (listening to dbus events + rotating when they happen)17:40
Khertan_Homei got strange things with pyqt and pyside currently17:40
Khertan_Homebut i think this is just because pyside in extras is 0.2.0 (an old version)17:40
MohammadAGhrw, when a Qt app rotates here it has enlarged fonts17:41
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hrwMohammadAG: qt 4.5?17:41
n900-dkGuess I will never be able to use exchange on my device then..17:41
hrwMohammadAG: 4.6 works normally here17:41
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achipahrw: but then you could just use the premade classes for that17:41
Khertan_Homehum ... be back ... 10.04 beta 2 install require reboot17:41
MohammadAGhrw, 4.6.217:42
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MohammadAGkhertan just made one big mistake installing 10.0417:42
hrwachipa: was my change from working autorotation -> PR1.2 way one17:42
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hrwachipa: added first version of autorotation to my app17:43
n900-dkfrals: So what is needed, is that a new version of OS, that allow MfE to enforce these settings, and a new version of MfE on maemo, that supports this?17:44
achipathat kind of wrapped the ugliness for old stuff17:44
fralsn900-dk: from what ive gathered yes17:44
fralsn900-dk: there is a whole thread about MfE on, i suggest you read it :)17:44
hrwachipa: I do not like to use external libs just because they let me avoid 1 one of code (PR1.2) or working code from Qt documentation17:44
achipahrw: I did say it was an ugly solution :)17:45
hrwachipa: "Maemo Qt Extra Libraries are extensions to the community supported Qt (version 4.5) "17:45
n900-dkfrals: I did, but it never seemed to reach any conclusion of what is needed for getting this to work17:45
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hrwachipa: I once tried Qt 4.5/maemo and then decided not go that way anymore17:45
achipahrw: slightly painful, yes17:46
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hrwachipa: it is ugly17:46
hrwnot follows UI guidelines etc17:46
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achipahrw: but 4.6 will cause headache with the custom QMaemo5 classes and funky properties, just wait for it... :)17:46
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hrwachipa: I use Qt 4.6 with Maemo5 things17:47
hrwachipa: look at my app code17:47
Treibholzis there another way to dump the addressbook in the terminal?17:47
n900-dkguess the iphone must be a provisionable device, since exchange works fine for some of my colleagues..17:48
zashTreibholz: evolution-addressbook-export ?17:48
achipahrw: that's what I'm saying. That's not solid stuff, I would bet that API will be broken sooner or later17:48
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Treibholzzash: command not found17:50
Treibholzn900-dk: what exactly is a 'provisionable device'?17:52
noobmonk3ymeh - even infobot is baffled by that phrase.... why can't techies speak english.......17:52
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lcuknoobmonk3y, who mentioned upstream to you17:53
lcukand its where original code comes from17:53
noobmonk3yread it all the time in the forums, and just read it on that Ari Jaaksi interview page17:53
noobmonk3y"How will the open development model and working so closely with upstream partners help to position MeeGo for success? "17:53
noobmonk3yi can't see all developers living at the end of the amazon tbf17:53
lcuktop of mountains17:54
lcukGTK is "upstream" to the version we have in maemo17:54
noobmonk3yGTK is GTK it aint no stream!17:54
n900-dkTreibholz: from what I understand, it is a device that can and will follow some security policies, that the Exchange-server can demand.17:54
lcuktheres slight differences and tweaks made here17:54
noobmonk3yahhh ok, so python V pymaemo?17:54
lcukpython is special17:55
noobmonk3yis hacked to shreds to work for us, but the upstream version is the original17:55
lcukupstream is a yellow line17:55
noobmonk3ywow, upstream is on a london road?17:55
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DocScrutinizer~dict upstream17:55
noobmonk3ynow i'm just confuuuuuuuused17:55
MohammadAGinfobot died17:56
noobmonk3yDocScrutinizer: Infobot hates upstream as much as i do17:56
lcuknoobmonk3y, suppose someone takes healthcheck17:56
MohammadAGit's not in the list17:56
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lcukand uses it on ubuntu17:56
noobmonk3yahhhh ok17:56
lcukand makes some changes to it17:56
lcukYOU are upstream17:56
noobmonk3ywell technically healthcheck being qt should work, but i know what you mean - not its initial intended use17:56
* MohammadAG summons infobot17:57
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MohammadAGwrong button17:57
noobmonk3y~slap infobot17:57
noobmonk3ynope... not playing ball17:57
MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, it got killed I think17:57
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DocScrutinizeribot is down17:58
noobmonk3yibot is going down on who you say?17:58
MohammadAGwhat brought it down17:58
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* MohammadAG loves these games18:00
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noobmonk3yffs webchat doesnt like messages, MohammadAG  can you msg me please!18:01
MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, do I have to? :P18:01
lcukDocScrutinizer, can we block and ban people from irc?18:01
noobmonk3ynope :D18:01
MohammadAGlcuk, kickban18:02
noobmonk3ythats only from here18:02
noobmonk3yhe means glining?18:02
MohammadAGgzlining is better :P18:02
DocScrutinizerlcuk: ?18:02
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MohammadAGbut iirc DocScrutinizer said no one has the perms in here18:02
Treibholzyeah! with a weird hack I can now use the addressbook in mutt on my workstation! :-)18:02
lcukDocScrutinizer, just a question18:02
lcukim not thinking of anyone in particular18:03
* lcuk idly looks around at noobmonk3y for no reason18:03
* noobmonk3y farts18:03
DocScrutinizerchanops kan ban from the chan they manage18:03
* MohammadAG stares at noobmonk3y 18:03
DocScrutinizerno chanop is supposed to kline a user from freenode18:03
* noobmonk3y giggles18:03
lcuki know DocScrutinizer im messin around18:03
* noobmonk3y giggles18:04
noobmonk3ylcuk:  one day... just one day ;) - you may be taken seriously! then there will be tears!18:04
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lcukfor you :p18:04
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KhertanHi again !18:04
noobmonk3yi blame Khertan18:04
noobmonk3ymust be Khertan's fault by now?18:05
noobmonk3yoh hai Khertan18:05
Khertangnié ?18:05
KhertanHi noobmonk3y18:05
noobmonk3yis a gnie like a gnu?18:05
fralsbah writing boring code is boring18:05
lcukspeaking of which i might actually do some tonight18:05
Khertanfrals, yep as other boring things18:05
DocScrutinizersomebody said netsplit?18:06
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Khertannoobmonk3y, did you have some screenshot of healcheck ?18:06
noobmonk3ydid i or do i?18:06
noobmonk3ysome are on the tmo post18:06
noobmonk3yprob no new ones18:06
lcukfrals coding is fun!18:06
noobmonk3ybut newish ones18:06
Khertanas what i got on my device isn't very a beautiful ui :)18:06
noobmonk3ylol its crap18:07
fralslcuk: yes! but not when its easy stuff ;P18:07
noobmonk3ybut then i aint that beautiful, so it's only fair :D18:07
lcukfrals, you mean all the boilerplate18:07
Khertannoobmonk3y, ok i ve just check your screenshot on first post18:07
Khertanwhat i got isn't that18:07
Khertani ve clearly a problem with my qt install18:08
Khertanyep ... strange things18:08
lcukcode once, crash anywhere18:08
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Khertani think this is due to trying pyqt18:08
noobmonk3yKhertan:  -- ? closer?18:08
Khertanmixing sdk package18:09
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Khertanand things like that :)18:09
fralshmm now comes the design decision18:09
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fralsshould i store all apn settings in fmms gconfdir or should i add them to osso/connectivity/iap and just mask out the sim imsi when fmms is not running?18:09
Khertannoobmonk3y, more something like really large font :)18:09
noobmonk3yooo freaky deaky - lcuk didnt you have that once?18:09
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Khertansome text line are in front of others :)18:10
noobmonk3yi think you caught the lcuk lurgy Khertan18:10
fralsthe benefit of doing it in osso's dir is that ppl can manually connect to the apn, which is needed in some connection modes18:10
Khertanok i think it s time to flash the device :)18:10
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frals... i should probably just mask it when its in connection mode havoc18:10
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lcukfrals, i dont quite understand the question.  you want to create a new visible IAP sometimes18:12
Khertanme while downloading the fw image is trying brain party18:12
Khertanit s a nice game18:12
fralsyeah depending on the connection mode configured in fmms the connection have to be conenctable in the CSD UI18:12
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frals2 out of 3 modes need it to be visible18:13
lcukand you can create an IAP from code18:13
fralsand i can hide it from the UI from my code as well18:14
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fralsbut all settings are still in gconf18:14
lcukis it worth just adding a "make IAP" button in config rather than automatic?18:14
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lcukor is that bit not the prob18:14
fralsthat bit is not the prob18:15
fralsi was just thinking where i should save the settings but its pretty obvious i should do it where csd saves the iap's18:15
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fralsjust had to think about it for a minute :D18:15
lcuksounds reasonable18:15
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yabbastupid question, but am I only one who gets connection timeout when I try to use
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Stskeepsyabba: down for me too18:17
fralssame here18:17
fralsworking again now :P18:17
spliffy_not for me18:17
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spliffy_i mean it does work here18:18
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yabbayeah, its working again :) It did the same thing yesterday to, some server maintain maybe?18:18
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infobotI'm on 43 channels: #debian/965, #maemo/556, #asterisk/252, #wowace/163, #wowuidev/128, #edev/60, #curseforge/49, #norganna/37, #sc2mapster/34, #/26, #openezx/25, #openjtag/24, #brlcad/24, ##kierra/23, ##essy/18, #waruidev/12, ##guleague/12, #arl/11, ##pxe/11,, #debian-bots/10, ##ducleague/9, #botpark/8, #debian-france/6, #arm-netbook/4, #dub/4, ##ols/4, ##bz-inc/4, #ud/3, #linuxfund/3, #saygus/3, ##icf/3, ##bspress/3, ##t42/2, ...18:20
infoboti've cached 2518 users, 2151 unique users, distributed over 43 channels.18:20
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lcukalmost as many as me18:21
DocScrutinizershould be >20018:21
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infobotI'm on 63 channels: #debian/963, #maemo/559, #kde/413, #gsoc/349, #asterisk/254, #openmoko/189, #wowace/163, #wowuidev/128, #htc-linux/98, #asterisk-dev/64, #edev/60, #bzflag/55, #curseforge/49, #elinux/40, #norganna/37, #gllug/36, #sc2mapster/33, #elive/27, #/26, #openezx/25, #openjtag/24, #asterisk-bugs/24, #brlcad/24, ##kierra/23, #handhelds/23, #bzflag-chat/19, ##essy/18, #asterisk-doc/14, #debianppc/13, #waruidev/12, ##guleague/12, #flyspray/11, ...18:23
infoboti've cached 3911 users, 3132 unique users, distributed over 63 channels.18:23
infobotSince Fri Apr 16 15:05:14 2010, there have been 0 modifications, 2 questions, 0 dunnos, 0 morons and 0 commands.  I have been awake for 17m 58s this session, and currently reference 116951 factoids.  I'm using about 15908 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 15.56/1.78 child 0.1/0.0218:23
noobmonk3yDocScrutinizer: stop chatting up infobot18:23
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DocScrutinizernoobmonk3y: stop killing infobot!18:24
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noobmonk3ymeh, fair point18:24
fralsi heard queries/dcc chats are pretty good for checking up on bots18:24
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noobmonk3yfrals: dont give him ideas.... he will marry infobot next18:24
fralsalso, misclicking and ending up in a "waiting for pr1.2" thread is pretty depressing18:24
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noobmonk3yfrals: just wait until the waiting for meego 1.0 or 1.1 thread......... :|18:24
DocScrutinizerfrals: you bet I got a query open to infobot all times18:25
DocScrutinizerthe ~chat here was to demonstrate it's up since short time, and currently rejoining channels18:25
* noobmonk3y is gonna go and enjoy the weekend18:26
fralsnoobmonk3y: bastard!18:26
lcukthat sounds like a nice idea noobmonk3y18:26
DocScrutinizerthe first good idea you got since errr.. anyway will do same18:26
noobmonk3yinteresting that was down for the same amount of time and at the same time as :P18:26
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lcuki have to take eldest and his mates to a concert later18:26
noobmonk3ylcuk:  what concert? :D18:26
fralsgah, need to get up and get my other charger, battery low on both devices :<18:26
lcukso i cant start drinking till muuuuuuuuuuuuch more18:26
lcuksunno hes got backstage pass tho18:27
DocScrutinizernoobmonk3y: and infobot18:27
lcukyeah they are well excited18:27
noobmonk3yooo its a threesome18:27
noobmonk3y[16:27] <noobmonk3y> ooo its a threesome [16:27] <lcuk> yeah they are well excited18:27
DocScrutinizernoobmonk3y: and netsplit here on freenode18:28
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noobmonk3y~seen arif_18:29
infobotarif_ <Arif@> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 13d 3h 34m 2s ago, saying: 'they're not exactly the same are they?'.18:29
noobmonk3ywow..... long time no spam!18:29
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noobmonk3y~seen Qwerty1218:29
infobotqwerty12 <n=faheem@Maemo/community/contributor/qwerty12> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 133d 21h 5m 33s ago, saying: 'Khertan: "As of hildon 2.2, HildonDialog has been deprecated in favor of GtkDialog. "'.18:29
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lcuk~seen jott18:29
infobotjott <n=j@unaffiliated/jott> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 553d 14m 44s ago, saying: ':)'.18:29
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noobmonk3ywho be jott? :|18:30
opdf2update file corrupted! maybe PR 1.2 is here lol18:30
lcuk:) excremely talented hacker18:30
Khertanopdf2, no18:30
noobmonk3yopdf2:  - naaa just HAM wind18:30
FIQnew 32GB microSDHC cards are being made atm18:30
noobmonk3ylcuk: hacked himself into invisibility?18:30
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FIQwould they work on N900?18:30
noobmonk3yFIQ:  should do18:30
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DocScrutinizernoobmonk3y: (Arif_) he's online, but not in #maemo. Probably he's thru with shouting and playing fun at him18:31
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DocScrutinizerFIQ: s/made/sold/18:32
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BCMMam i missing something, or is it impossible to open multiple PDFs?18:33
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fralsguys quick licensing question18:35
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fralsits ok to distribute my GPL code along with LGPL code right?18:36
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lcukfrals, ? you mean use a piece/component which is currently lgpl within/attached to your gpl app18:37
fralsor do i need to convert to lgpl?18:37
lcukis it the whole component18:37
lcukor are you wanting to just rape a function out of it18:37
fralsits pretty much the whole component18:38
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fralsslightly modified but yeah18:38
fralsie the mms library im using is lgpl'd18:38
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BCMMam i missing something, or is it impossible to open multiple PDFs?18:38
fralsso trying to figure out if im breaking the license or not18:38
lcukBCMM, i dont tihnk you can open multiple in the default app18:39
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lcukfrals, are you going to be "adopting" this lgpl library into your codebase18:39
lcukand keeping it as a library18:39
BCMMthere are alternatives, aren't there?18:39
lcukor are you wanting to cherry pick bits from within18:39
fralsim keeping it as a library18:39
lcukBCMM, i dunno, pdf is somewhat evil18:39
lcukthen its a normal lgpl thing18:40
lcuksource compliance etc18:40
BCMMthe format or the maemo program?18:40
lcukBCMM, format is just ugly, but standard - its mostly the players on other platforms i have problem with18:41
fralslcuk: so it should be no probs since im distributing the complete source code to everything right?18:41
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lcukfrals, as far as you have explained, creating a modified version of the library is ok - the ultimate best18:41
BCMMhated pdfs till i used okular18:41
lcukwould be to push your modifications upstream18:41
fralswell i cant get a hold of upstream, email bounces as its a 3yr old lib18:41
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* lcuk wonders where he got nokia pen from18:42
BCMMcan evince autoreload changed files?18:42
fralsand my mods are mostly fmms specific anyway :P18:42
lcukdunno bcmm, change one and test18:42
paul_____quick question, this qwbasite requires the following installed add on microsoft visual c++ 2005 sp1, is that avaliable for our phones?18:42
lcukfrals, then fork the library to prevent confusion18:42
BCMM(i'm writing LaTeX)18:42
lcukkeep its license the same18:42
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paul_____fmms has anyone got that working as it doesn't like my apn settings on t-mobile uk :(18:43
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lcukpaul_____, you are in luck!18:43
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fralspaul_____: yes, quite a few have got it working ;-)18:43
paul_____any special hacks to make it work then or am i just silly?18:43
lcukpaul_____, theres someone here who might be able to help18:43
fralswhat does the log say?18:43
paul_____lcuk, you just finished writing it?18:43
lcuknot me18:44
* lcuk hasnt touched anything of fmms18:44
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* frals is glad lcuk hasnt touched fmms18:44
fralsit be full of insane c code everywhere!18:44
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fralsin a good way, obviously!18:45
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lcuki am perfectly capable of writing insane python code too you know18:45
lcukerrr logical python code18:45
lcukdamn you18:45
paul_____name or serivce not known18:45
paul_____c++ who can help me the lcuk ?18:45
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fralspaul_____: Run in x-terminal: cp /tmp/fmms.log /home/user/MyDocs/18:45
fralsand then mail me the log18:46
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fralsi sent you my email in a notice18:46
BCMMhow do i get evince out of fullscreen mode?18:46
Khertanoh the ubuntu 10.04 install system is really nice18:47
yabbaKhertan, yes it is and lot of updates every day, but that's what you got when choosing beta :)18:47
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Khertanyabba, yep of course18:48
Khertani'm trying the ubuntu netbook 10.0418:48
Khertanand the installer is nice18:48
BCMMevince reloads! n900 is a surprisingly good latex environment18:49
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lcuk\o/ some flights can depart from manchester lol18:54
paul_____oooo :D18:54
lcukmost of the country is under a bad egg cloud18:54
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paul_____it's been nice n quiet over here18:54
paul_____on lfight path for heathrow18:54
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lcukyeah for some it will be eery18:55
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paul_____oh yer it is strange nothing going over but it's so nice n quiet18:55
paul_____the ozone layer is all good18:55
* paul_____ pokes frals 18:56
paul_____see msg i sent u18:56
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opdf2anyone use NoLazy? the n900 app for Remember the Milk?19:04
opdf2i see the due date on no lazy is off by 1 day. But on the RTM website it is correct19:05
tripzeronot i19:05
MohammadAG_DocScrutinizer, any estimate on when infobot will be back?19:06
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infobotaw, gee, DocScrutinizer19:07
nid0~lart MohammadAG_19:07
* infobot brandishes Excalibur! "With this sword, I vanquish thee, MohammadAG_!" and lops off MohammadAG_'s head19:07
MohammadAG_errordeveloper, why doesn't it have voice..19:07
MohammadAG_I always check the top of the list19:07
DocScrutinizerwhat for does it need voice?19:07
MohammadAG_why does xchat keep turning on automatic nick completion :/19:08
DocScrutinizertbh nobody needs voice here :-P19:08
MohammadAG_(without tab)19:08
MohammadAG_DocScrutinizer, it had voice so.. :)19:08
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG_: (xchat nick completion) you're sure that's not word completion of hildon input method?19:09
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MohammadAG_it's the thing in settings19:09
MohammadAG_like if I say Doc, it autocompletes it19:09
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MohammadAG_without tabbing19:10
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG_: never seen that19:10
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MohammadAG_Input box DocScrutinizer19:10
MohammadAG_turn it on, type Moha,19:10
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DocScrutinizernext week I hope to do that :-S19:10
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hrw|gonehave a nice weekend19:10
MohammadAG_<MohammadAG_> error dev eloper, why doesn't it have voice.. <-- resulting in embarrassing pings19:11
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DocScrutinizererr what?19:12
MohammadAG_what's with the CTCPs19:13
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DocScrutinizerdumbass here, you need to be more verbose19:14
MohammadAG_ToJa92, why did you CTCP ping + version me?19:14
ToJa92I was bored I guess :P19:14
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paul_____i didn't want to be left out :p19:15
* MohammadAG_ waits for the third person to explain why he version'd me19:15
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nid0my reason's pretty similar to paul_____, and a bit of ToJa92's19:16
* paul_____ pokes MohammadAG_ 19:16
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paul_____ooo like facebook just less words to type19:16
paul_____or buttons to click19:16
* MohammadAG_ pokes paul_____ 19:17
MohammadAG_why the ____?19:17
paul_____broken ribbs here19:17
paul_____just what irssi assignedme19:17
MohammadAG_Khertan, is there any way to add a Suggests field to the control file using pypackager?19:18
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MohammadAG_tried p.suggests='packagename'19:18
* DocScrutinizer suggests /msg nickserv ghost to paul______________19:18
KhertanMohammadAG_, currrently no :)19:19
* MohammadAG_ untars and adds manually19:19
Khertan <<< but you can add your suggestion here ...19:19
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Khertanand i ll add it when i ll do a new release19:19
n900-dkw00t_: You should have 'about' in the dropdown menu in Facebrick to promote yourself (and with versionnumber) :)19:21
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w00t_n900-dk: hehe, I have thought about adding that, yes19:21
w00t_but more important things to finish first :)19:21
DocScrutinizerI bricked my face, help PLZZ!!19:22
ToJa92Flash it!19:22
ToJa92Oh wait19:22
ToJa92... thats not possible right?19:22
MohammadAG_Khertan, added :)19:23
MohammadAG_ToJa92, it is, I just won't detail it19:24
jacekowskii have my joggler19:24
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ToJa92Wow, TMO works again... I couldn't access it like a half-hour ago :(19:26
slonopotamususe google cache then :)19:26
luke-jrwhen did Google cache add posting capabilities?19:27
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jacekowskinobody posts on tmo19:27
jacekowskiit's just bots19:27
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ToJa92If that's the case I would say the bots are pretty advanced :P19:28
slonopotamusluke-jr: why care to post to tmo?19:28
DocScrutinizerecho "" >>/etc/hosts19:28
KhertanMohammadAG_, thx19:28
* slonopotamus deletes tmo by doing wget > /dev/null19:30
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jacekowskislonopotamus: have you made a backup?19:30
ToJa92[slonopotamus]: Dosen't seem to be working... yet19:30
luke-jrslonopotamus: wget doesn't work like that19:30
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slonopotamusluke-jr: meh. need to patch it then.19:31
luke-jrslonopotamus: or just use curl19:31
luke-jreven still, it'd copy, not move19:31
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slonopotamusjacekowski: cat /dev/null | <your preferred upload thing > :)19:32
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* DocScrutinizer suggests to poison DNS system though19:34
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nid0you dont have long, dnssec going live soon19:35
nid05th may19:35
MohammadAG_X-Fade, was the workaround applied?19:35
DocScrutinizerbetter it should19:35
X-FadeMohammadAG_: yes.19:35
MohammadAG_lots of updates popped up at once19:35
X-FadeYeah, rebuilds got imported.19:36
DocScrutinizer(DNS) see Pakistan and China rogue DNS takeovers19:36
MohammadAG_X-Fade, thanks!19:36
DocScrutinizererr s/Pakistan/Iran/ ?19:37
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Maceri was realigning the gears in a ps3's blue ray19:46
Macerand i pulled the rollers a little too far back19:46
Macerand didn't realize that the damn things release gears when you do that19:46
Macerand now i have no idea how it goes back together19:46
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lcukMacer, i believe you need to say "oops" about now19:47
frosty`pretty sure there are better words than oops19:48
ToJa92[lcuk]: He probably already did19:48
frals"Size mismatch" on rebuilt packages - something i can do or wait for repo cache to get updated?19:49
slonopotamusfrals: you can curse the damn thing a couple f times19:50
slonopotamusfor being nonatomic19:50
* slonopotamus fails to understand why it is so hard to put deb first and only _after_ that publish package info in Packages file.19:51
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Macerlcuk: oops would be too nice of a word :)19:52
Maceri'm trying to figure out how the rollers go back together19:52
slonopotamusMacer: i'm more than sure your eula prohibits you from doing that kind of stuff.19:53
Macerslonopotamus: are the sony police going to come get me for trying to repair a drive?19:54
DocScrutinizerMacer: reflash!19:55
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MohammadAG_Macer, at least they can be put back together :)19:55
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slonopotamusMacer: surely no! no warranty in case of eula violation :)19:55
* MohammadAG_ remembers his long long night when he did that19:55
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SpeedEvil - fun19:58
MohammadAG_Macer, here you go
SpeedEvil - /me ponders desktop material.19:59
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luke-jrsilly slono20:01
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PhonicUKhas anyone tried using a normal desktop like xfce on the n900?20:01
Macerthis thing is over 4 years old ;)20:01
Macerit doesn't have a warranty20:01
Maceri was able to piece it back together20:02
Maceri thought i lost a plastic gear20:02
DocScrutinizerget a cutter and some old cheese20:02
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luke-jrMacer: I meant his talk about EULAs20:04
luke-jras if EULAs have any legal meaning whatsoever20:04
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AppiahPhonicUK: check out Debchroot20:08
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GAN900Ah, Friday.20:12
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rm_youI. NEED. A. JOB. >_>20:15
DocScrutinizerGAN900: you noticed that by reading backscroll and pondering about silly topics? :-D20:15
rm_youalright, venting complete. heading to lunch.20:15
GAN900rm_you, go talk to Nokia!20:16
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rm_youNokia is hiring people with 5-10+ years of experience in low-level programming or the like20:16
DocScrutinizerGAN900: does same advice apply to me?20:16
rm_youI'm a college graduate >_<20:16
GAN900DocScrutinizer, nah, I'm just happy to not have to get up a 7 AM today to ride the bus to a conference full of Linux geeks. :D20:17
rm_youreally do need to go Lunch tho :P20:17
GAN900rm_you, try!20:17
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rm_youI guess the worst they can do is laugh at me and reject my queries.20:17
* GAN900 hears somebody in a similar situation was picked up20:17
GAN900Contractors are an option, too.20:17
GAN900DocScrutinizer, clearly you have too much experience.20:17
* DocScrutinizer feels like happy as a contractor20:18
DocScrutinizerGAN900: :-(( feck20:18
* GAN900 mutters evil things about iPhones making data suck for the rest of us.20:18
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* DocScrutinizer wonders if Nokia has a policy about keeping avrg experience in their teams below a certain level20:19
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GAN900201.16 seconds20:21
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DocScrutinizeraverage experience?20:22
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DocScrutinizerwell, then for sure I have to ponder carefully which position I might apply for20:22
GAN900ping time20:23
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DocScrutinizermaybe I should apply for Perl development - clearly no experience at all XP20:24
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luke-jrGAN900: Nokia interested in people who won't move? :P20:25
GAN900luke-jr, depends on the position, I think20:26
* GAN900 notes Texrat hasn't had a huge amount of luck there20:26
DocScrutinizerperl developers?20:26
GAN900Will have more luck with Nokia contractors for that.20:26
luke-jrnot that I want a job20:26
luke-jrI just want a good product :/20:26
* DocScrutinizer does20:26
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DocScrutinizerI just want to participate in building a better product20:28
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a-sainthello guys while I was updating my n900 I've been having update file corrupt for several of the packages update any idea20:29
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DocScrutinizera-saint: retry tomorrow20:30
a-sainthow come?20:30
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DocScrutinizerautobuilder changes20:30
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a-sainthm ok20:30
X-Fadea-saint: We're flushing the akamai cache now will take some time.20:31
a-saintX ok thanks guys20:31
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DocScrutinizerX-Fade: everything smooth?20:32
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: Yes, only akamai cache caching debs for 2 days by default ;)20:32
X-FadeBut we flush them out now.20:32
X-FadeNormally you would not replace debs.20:32
DocScrutinizernot a major problem20:32
X-FadeSo then it is actually a good thing.20:32
a-saintwhile am here how do I know if am running the latest maemo update and is there a new update soon20:32
X-FadeBut yeah, slight hack today :)20:33
Shapeshifterso, I was sitting down in the train and battery.charge_level.percentage from hal reported 35%. I surfed some 3G for 15 minutes and then it said 22%. I switched trains, sat down again (took me one minute) and then it reported 0%.20:33
Shapeshifterbut yeah we all know the battery meter is kinda broken.20:33
DocScrutinizeryep, and 3G in train is kinda worst case20:33
GAN900a-saint, update should be coming sometime in the future.20:33
a-saintGAN900 near future20:34
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: how much experience is too much to apply for a job at Nokia?20:35
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: Depends on where you want to be ;)20:35
Shapeshiftera-saint: within months20:35
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: If you apply as helpdesk guy....20:36
GAN900DocScrutinizer, talk to Texrat.20:36
a-saintShapeshifter ok thanks20:36
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DocScrutinizeractually I'd be more interested in termal management and general low level / hw20:37
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: for the helpdesk job?20:37
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: There are teams in Oulo, Tampere and Helsinki doing that.20:38
GAN900DocScrutinizer, for jobs at Nokia.20:38
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: The more north you go, the more hardcore it gets, it seems ;)20:38
GAN900DocScrutinizer, he's got some experience applying. ;)20:38
DocScrutinizereeew :-/20:38
X-FadeBut it is other people should know more, I'm outside the Nokia firewall.20:39
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fralsanyone know how id get this widget in a gtk.dialog?20:45
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Vanadishaha oh wow, transitions.ini mods are great21:00
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mrlanratWhen booting vis bootmenu and using usb networking, where do i find the driver for my computer?21:04
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wall[e]hi, can I boot a gnu/linux pc with n900 like thumbdrive?21:05
SpeedEvilyes, in principle.21:06
SpeedEvilI've never tried it.21:06
SpeedEvilIt should work though.21:06
wall[e]and setting up all connection etc automatically21:06
SpeedEvilsetting up all connection?21:06
wall[e]like usb networking21:07
SpeedEvilIt basically functions like a thumbdrive21:07
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mrlanratso, nobody knows where i can get the networking driver to recover via bootmenu?21:07
SpeedEvilas I understand it in thumbdrive mode, it does not support usb-net21:07
SpeedEvilyou'd need to do some magic to get that working21:07
mrlanratim talking bout a n810 with bootmenu21:07
SpeedEvilwhich should be possible21:07
wall[e]I see21:07
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wall[e]boot then eject the device may be21:08
wall[e]i don't know21:08
mrlanratit makes the n810 act as a usb network controller so you can ssh/telnet to it to revover it21:08
mrlanrati cant seem to find the windows driver for it anywhere....21:08
wall[e]btw, i am thinking of a 3d like wallpaper, more like using camera mapping technique so when you tilt the phone, wallpaper will change and make it look like the background is actually in 3d21:09
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mrlanratwell, the page with the driver was once here:
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wall[e]info are not in new usbnetworking wiki page?21:10
wall[e]i am sorry my link is too slow to actually open that21:11
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: (thumbdrive?) are you talking bout tethering & usb mass storage?21:11
mrlanratok, im reading that page now. by any chance is there a windows 7 driver or xp only?21:12
* wall[e] has no idea, never use windows21:13
DocScrutinizeraiui in pc network mode (select from popup menu at usb plugin) you get a standard modem or network device21:13
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mrlanrati found a driver that works for windows 7. There was non in the wiki21:23
mrlanrathere is it if anyone wants it:
DocScrutinizeredit wiki, please!21:23
mecefascinating how much faster transitions are without the background blurring...21:24
mrlanratI will21:24
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mrlanratwell, that driver makes windows recognize the device, but it gets an error code 10 (won't start)21:25
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jacekowskiit's not driver that makes it recognize device21:28
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jacekowskiit's inf file that comes with driver21:28
jacekowskithat tells windows that driver x will work with device id y21:28
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mrlanratdoes windows (7 x64)  have the driver built in? so that an inf can tell it to use the correct built in driver?21:29
jacekowskiwell i'm using,inf21:29
jacekowskithat came with maemo kernel sources21:29
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mrlanratok, ill give that one a try21:30
mrlanratnope, did not work for me21:31
mrlanrati found another one that gives me error code 1021:34
jacekowskiwell it works for me21:35
RST38hRepent, fornicators!21:36
RST38h...and now, back to our usual programming: is PR1.2 out? =)21:36
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jacekowskithat's good question21:37
jacekowskiis it out?21:37
mrlanratbrb, gonna reboot21:38
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N900evilthought my keyboard slide had jammed21:52
N900evilI'd put the top half of a case on upside down.21:52
N900eviland it doesn't slide that way21:53
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* RST38h found Krusell lanyard/stylus in the store today21:57
RST38ha minor usability win21:57
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fralsanyone know how i force a widget to use a specific style in gtk? eg i want my gtk.HBox to use the style22:03
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mecewhat language?22:04
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fralspython preferable, but if you show me c i can probably translate it :)22:04
meceheh. python preferred here too. Simplest :)22:05
meceerr ok. did you get my tweet?22:05
C-S-B-N900alright guys!22:05
fralsjust saw it, gonna have a look22:05
mecehomogeneous TRUE and spacing 0 should do it. This is a pretty nice document:
mecefrals, page 50 has the toggle buttons22:06
MohammadAG_yay a youtube vid on how to overclock the N90022:06
MohammadAG_and still no vid to show how to flash the device22:07
fralsmece: thanks22:07
mecewell, at least flashing is super easy :)22:07
MohammadAG_mece, flashing helps, overclocking kills22:08
MohammadAG_both are essentially the same (they need flashing)22:08
MohammadAG_37 second boot video22:08
MohammadAG_seriously, who wants to add more boot time to their N90022:09
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fralsmece: thanks, seems to be working.. was using hildon_gtk_radio_button_new :P22:09
mececool :D22:09
fralsaccording to gtkrc it should be the same but alas no :P22:09
mecefrals, could you paste me the source for that bit? I could use one of those in the comic widget settings.22:09
fralsgonna clean it up and ill get you a link22:10
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E0xsomebody saw this ?
N900evilIs there a statusbar wifi signal meter?22:11
E0xsome italian guy having problem with the n900 , some wired things22:11
E0xasking for any help22:11
E0xN900evil: i saw something in the repository22:11
E0xbut not remember22:11
E0xhmm but i think was not a status bar22:12
N900evilwifi-eye - that's just a lister aiui22:12
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ToJa92[N900evil]: Isn't the wifi-icon changing with strength?22:14
ToJa92Or have I just imagined that o.O22:14
C-S-B-N900ToJa92: i think thats your imagination. wish it did.22:15
ToJa92I barely use Wifi anyway...22:15
ToJa92Only when I want to SSH my N90022:16
ToJa92otherwise my 3.5G connection is faster22:16
C-S-B-N9003.5 is surprisingly fast22:16
fralsops, dont need the set_property on hbox22:16
meceLOOOL one of my cats is sleeping with her back foot in her mouth, making whistling noises!22:16
C-S-B-N900and you can ssh over it.22:16
N900evilI am in the shed - 30m from my ap - through 2 really thick walls.22:17
ToJa92[C-S-B-N900]: I'm too lazy to try it, maybe I should do that....22:17
C-S-B-N900mece: the win!22:17
N900evilwatching the sunset22:17
N900evilmece: pics!22:17
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mecejust took one. hold up.22:17
C-S-B-N900ToJa92: you can tunnel through dns to use fon APs for free to. :)22:18
fralsuh, mece: it should be a gtk.HBox in that pastebin and you dont need the set_property.. but yeah :P22:18
meceyeah I got it, thanks. It was pretty simple after all :D22:18
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fralsonce i got over i couldnt use gtkradiobutton it just worked :P22:19
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C-S-B-N900where are the cat pics?22:20
mecesorry sorry coming up.22:20
ToJa92[C-S-B-N900]: Can't connect to my N900.... unless I do something wrong :( I guess I just can't connect as usual through SSH?22:20
C-S-B-N900ToJa92: try a reverse tunnel?22:21
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ToJa92Don't have a SSH server on my computer unfortunately... :(22:22
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ToJa92I run W722:22
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C-S-B-N900mece your cat is awesome. whats his/her name?22:24
meceWe call her nala but her real name is Karma Chameleon22:25
MohammadAG_a CPU frequency changing app, awesome!22:25
* MohammadAG_ waits for complaints to Nokia about dead N900s22:25
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ToJa92[MohammadAG_]: Sounds awesome indeed22:25
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chadiHi. How do I launch a new terminal window that does a ping? Tried > osso-xterm "ping"     but it opened a window then closed it22:36
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C-S-B-N900chadi: you need to be root for the network tools22:37
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chadifine: > osso-xterm "sudo ping"    == same behavior22:38
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chadiopens a terminal then directly closes it22:38
C-S-B-N900chadi: ctrl+shift+x will load a terminal.22:38
chadiI want to do that througha command22:39
C-S-B-N900can you explain differently, i dont understand.22:39
spliffy_sudo doesn't work like you expect22:39
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spliffyat least on my n900 it does nothing. just exits with code 022:40
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spliffyand looks like it did something22:40
chadiC-S-B-N900: the idea is that I'm trying to do what this tutorial suggests:
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johnsqchadi: "" correct? try without them22:41
chadiand the app is specifically a ping, in order to use the SSH server (you know, wifi in power saver mode kind of disconnects the wi-fi22:41
chadijohnsq one moment22:42
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chadijohnsq: so osso-xterm sudo ping == also fail22:42
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SpeedEvilchadi: depends on your AP - works just fine here22:43
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C-S-B-N900chadi screen  and background it?22:44
C-S-B-N900sudo ping &22:44
C-S-B-N900you wont see it, but do you need to?22:45
C-S-B-N900or screen sudo ping
spliffychadi: just put it in a script and run the script with osso-xterm22:45
* MohammadAG_ wonders why sudo works for everything here22:45
SpeedEvilOr turn your powersaving mode to 'medium' from 'high' or 'none' from medium22:45
C-S-B-N900MohammadAG_: got root?22:46
MohammadAG_not sure which package enabled it (not rootsh)22:46
spliffychadi: i thried that and it works22:46
MohammadAG_C-S-B-N900, everyone has root...22:46
C-S-B-N900It was a joke...22:46
infobotspliffy meant: chadi: i tried that and it works22:46
MohammadAG_sudo works here ^22:47
chadispliffy: yea I read the script part in the comments of that page, but I am trying to understand why this doesn't work22:47
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MohammadAG_don't ask me how22:48
spliffyi don't understand it either. i tried osso-xterm "sleep 5" and that works. must have something to do with permissions?22:49
lcuk146 pages!22:49
MohammadAG_one of these packages enables it
chadispliffy yeah exactly; the example suggests top, so osso-xterm top would also work22:49
GAN900Weeee, Oakland boatshow time22:49
spliffyMohammadAG_: it works. i see the behaviour i decribed when i'm root already and forgot that22:50
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spliffyit's irritating22:51
MohammadAG_spliffy, I ran it as user22:51
spliffylike osso-xterm "sudo ping xy" ?22:51
* frals slaps lcuk with some bacon22:51
* lcuk giggles22:51
lcukthanks for reminding me once again im bloody hungry22:52
fralssomeone has to make sure your eating properly22:52
opdf2is there a simliar "usb port coming off N900 problem" for other nokia products?22:52
opdf2I just got an n97 mini as well for someone and wanna know22:52
lcukfrals, tracy tries22:53
chadiMohammadAG_: go to your terminal, and there, issue > osso-xterm "sudo ping xy"22:53
chadithat's what we're trying to say22:53
fralslcuk: i should tell her about slapping you with bacon then ye?22:53
lcukfrals, did you eat in NRC cafe?22:53
spliffyMohammadAG_: yeah. this is not really the problem. when you combine that call with osso xterm it's not working22:53
MohammadAG_~ $ osso-xterm "sudo ping xy"22:53
MohammadAG_~ $22:53
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infobotwell, $ is a dollar sign22:53
fralscafe? the restaurant downstairs?22:53
lcukher love for me does not extend to making bacon often22:53
lcuki have to make it myself22:53
lcukwhat was main dish on the day you were there?22:54
fralserr no clue lol22:54
fralsi played it safe and went where the queue was the longest == burgers22:54
lcuki had great food all week22:54
* MohammadAG_ is tempted
lcukuntil the friday when i accidentally a whole fish22:55
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chadispliffy: I think adding & at the end can make it work without the terminal opening22:57
* lcuk stops posting22:57
chadiit actually sends the ping, but let me try again to confirm22:57
chadino it doesn't22:58
chadihow about: sudo gainroot && ping
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Noobmonk3ylcuk, are you bored? commenting on the mega thread :)22:59
lcukNoobmonk3y, which mega thread?22:59
spliffyi would use a script22:59
lcukjust amused at how big it is23:00
fralsnice, someone made a 20min walkthrough of fMMS23:00
Noobmonk3y1.2 :)23:00
chadispliffy: it worked :/  osso-xterm "sudo ping -c 5"23:00
lcuk:) frals23:00
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chadiI had to add the -c23:00
fralsand i pushed 5 versions from he started recording it until he was done lol23:00
lcukfrals, its a damn sight better than the 4 hour walk through of the original command line version23:00
MohammadAG_Noobmonk3y, stop highlighting me23:00
MohammadAG_<Noobmonk3y> 1.2 :)23:01
spliffychadi: hm, true23:01
* lcuk twiddles thumbs till luke is done at the concert23:01
chadispliffy I wonder why23:01
lcukNoobmonk3y, irc clients allow highlighting certain keywords23:01
lcukmine flashes red when someone says "bacon"23:01
Noobmonk3yon the n900 tho23:01
lcukxchat is xchat23:02
Noobmonk3ybacon? lol23:02
C-S-B-N900do we have a date on pr1.2 yw23:02
C-S-B-N900do we have a date on pr1.2 yet?23:02
spliffychadi: mabye it depends on some environment variable23:02
lcuki think im gonna have to make an n900 build of classic liqbase23:02
Noobmonk3yC-S-B-N900, yes23:02
fralssomeone should get a screen of a recent release and post in that thread23:02
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fralsand go "what, it arrived yesterday, didnt you get it?"23:02
jacekowskisomebody said pr1.223:02
Noobmonk3yC-S-B-N900, some time, at some point in some yearl..... twas pin the tail on the calendar23:03
chadiwhat happens when PR 1.2 is released?23:03
fralsworld ends23:03
chadiyou think?23:03
Noobmonk3ychadi .... world peace23:03
fralssee the volcano on iceland is just the beginning23:03
lcukMohammadAG_, :)23:03
fralsnext step is PR1.223:03
fralsthen the world ends23:03
lcukliqbase is my first linux app23:03
Noobmonk3ysame as world ends frals ?23:03
chadihi healthcheck maker23:04
lcukfor the n800 n81023:04
Noobmonk3yhi chadi!23:04
chadispliffy: ping -i 5 -c 5 does NOT work :P23:04
fralsi wanna be famous like Noobmonk3y!23:04
lcuki went on to build libliqbase using the concepts there23:04
lcukand its still i nthe shed23:04
chadifrals: sorry, you don't have healthcheck23:05
lcukMohammadAG_, the video is quite enlightening23:05
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Noobmonk3ylols frals23:06
spliffychadi: random busybox weirdness :P23:06
* chadi runs to submit that bug :P23:06
ptlPR1.2 is released, the world does not end. It just reboots.23:06
* lcuk slaps ptl23:06
chadiptl great news!23:06
ptlwhat for? :(23:07
ptlI should have used 'when' in the beginning of my phrase. PR1.2 is not released23:07
Noobmonk3yhealthcheck is taking over the world, muhahahaha23:07
chadiptl for the world rebooting... that's amazing23:07
jacekowskianybody familiar with gtk and hildon?23:07
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spliffywhere do i get PR1.2?23:07
ptlI want to go to N900 conferences like Noobmonk3y and get all the chicks23:07
Noobmonk3yfrals cant wait to see your download totals when you get it to downloads :)23:08
ptlspliffy: first you have to tune your delorean...23:08
Noobmonk3yloll ptl  where do ya live?23:08
RST38hlcuk: have you seen any poultry at the last Maemo Summit?23:08
spliffyptl: cool, i was about to do taht anyway23:08
ptlNoobmonk3y: Campinas, Brazil! :)23:08
Noobmonk3yanywhere near rio?23:08
fralsNoobmonk3y: im curious as well :)23:08
Noobmonk3ythe missus whas there in october :)23:09
lcukRST38h, ??23:09
fralsrecently hit 10k .deb downloads on garage :)23:09
Noobmonk3ywow frals!!!23:09
lcuki saw lots of good friends23:09
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Noobmonk3yh/c just hit 40k, think you will obliterate that sooon!23:09
SpeedEvilfrals: how's the blackmail income from the feed of incoming images going?23:09
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fralsSpeedEvil: scch, we werent suppose to tell anyone all MMS's go through my server!23:10
nid0I do think healthcheck wont stand much of a chance once fmms goes to extras ;)23:10
* SpeedEvil wonders about opera mini.23:10
Noobmonk3ynid0, unless i quickly implement picyure messaging this wkend!23:10
ptlNoobmonk3y: about 450km from Rio de Janeiro23:10
chadianyone wondered by how much nokia could have saved worldwide bandwidth by announcing a date for PR 1.2? :P23:11
ptlNoobmonk3y: are you coming to Brazil?23:11
Noobmonk3ytis as easy as that isnt it frals, you are just teasing people23:11
nid0well, judging by the current idiotic trend on the forums, you might just as well bundle an overclockable kernel and flasher for it into healthcheck23:11
nid0probably hit 100k in about 10 mins then23:11
Noobmonk3yhopefully next year :)23:11
fralsNoobmonk3y: ive promised myself to just add this last feature and then promote to -testing23:11
lcukjesus theres an even longer thread23:11
fralsthis last feature depending on PR1.2, but should be done in time23:11
nid0wasnt that the same promise like 50 features ago? :D23:11
ptlCool, let me know when and at the time we make a Meego conference to show off our newly acquired N990's :D23:11
Noobmonk3yfrals please either add a paypal button or mail me you addy when u do! :)23:12
fralsnid0: hehe, nah, this has been the initial plan all along more or less actually23:12
chadiNoobmonk3y I didn't try healthcheck yet, by the way :P23:12
Noobmonk3yptl wont it just be an N9?23:12
fralsive had this one big point on my todo list ever since one of first packages... "AUTOMATIC MMS APN CONFIGURATION"23:12
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ptlor that23:12
Noobmonk3ylol chadi! one day left in testing for v1!23:12
ptlmaybe N9, with Meego 2.1 with android compatibility23:13
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fralssince thats wihtout a doubt the biggest problem23:13
SpeedEvilfrals: is there a big list of mms apns out there?23:13
fralsSpeedEvil: in 1.2 it will be on device :)23:13
nid0hows the next version doing Noobmonk3y, is that going to testing as soon as 1 hits extras? :P23:13
Noobmonk3yfrals, easy, ask nokia to fly you ov........ oh they have :)23:13
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Noobmonk3ynid0, will go in on sunday! other promotes late sat night :)23:14
frals(at least its on pr1.2 SDK :P)23:14
chadiNoobmonk3y and the version you are currently working on is in devel?23:14
ds3frals: what thread are you refering to on TMO when I select one of the 3 modes in the latest version?23:14
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Noobmonk3ychadi one in each repo, latest is only on my phone, hehe23:14
fralsds3: aka the huge fMMS thread23:14
fralsi should probably make that a link at some point23:14
chadiNoobmonk3y: may I PM you?23:15
fralsor just throw the browser in the face of the user on first launch23:15
Noobmonk3yyou may! on my phone so i apologise if i am slow to reply23:15
ds3oh that one23:15
nid0particularly with your healthcheck updates I cant help but wonder again if -testing qa rules about the quarantine time shouldnt be changed...23:15
SpeedEvilfrals: set to auto-thank you for the release post.23:15
nid0as it doesnt exactly make fast update turnarounds practical23:15
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fralsSpeedEvil: awesome idea... *evil grin*23:15
Noobmonk3ynid0, only because i wouldnt promote if i wasnt sure23:15
nid0but thats exactly my point - you're now waiting to promote ish to -testing for that was checked as fine over a week ago to go up23:16
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nid0and cant promote it before then without wiping out and having to start the 10 days again before anything hits extras23:16
dmj726_n9001I'm also noticing that 2/3rds of the packages are in devel or testing.23:16
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Noobmonk3yyeah nid0 !23:20
Noobmonk3yunfortunatley... testing is important and have to stick by the rules for now23:20
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nid0im sorely tempted to bring up a suggestion on the testing ml to drop the quarantine time by quite a way though23:21
Noobmonk3ynid0, it has been requested23:21
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Noobmonk3ynot sure what the consensus is23:21
nid0um, when/where, I havent seen any proposals about it for quite a while23:21
fralswas a few weeks back23:22
fralscant remember if anything was ever decided23:22
frals10 days is a pain if you push updates regularly23:22
frals(i can imagine)23:22
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Noobmonk3ynid0, gd point, not since my argument about bugtracker have i raised it23:22
Noobmonk3yfrals, h/c is a drug......... :)23:23
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fralsand off he goes for another shot23:23
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lcukh/c is a drug23:24
Noobmonk3yclosed xchat by accident23:24
Noobmonk3yhealthcheck lol23:24
Noobmonk3ydid i kill the conversation23:26
lcuknow i know those with dirty minds23:26
Noobmonk3ylcuk,  stop talking to yourself!23:26
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lcukwell i obviously thought it and you and chadi did too :23:28
Noobmonk3ylol, cyall laters23:29
Noobmonk3ymisses says hi n bye to u all!23:29
chadibye Noobmonk3y23:29
lcuktell her ill see her later23:29
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supertrampguys - what is generating fstab in maemo?23:41
cehtehinit.d/rcS and some glue23:42
SpeedEvilgrep -r fstab /etc23:42
cehtehor was it event.d ...23:42
cehtehyeah grep and have fun .. i forgotten since i disabled it and made my own fstab23:43
supertrampah - rcS-late23:44
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pupnikhsdpa is just magic23:47
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