IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2010-02-21

Arif_Why must you Brits do everything different and have your own firmware ! :P00:00
ponyofdeathhi, how can I access the ALT key to change channels in irssi on the nokia n900 the blue alt key doesnt seem to work00:00
N900evilArif_, not bothered me that much. More important stuff to do.00:00
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N900evilponyofdeath, use shift-numbers00:00
Arif_but now you're missing out on the 4 bugs that were fixed ;(00:01
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ponyofdeathN900evil: that just gives me cap W00:02
N900evildrop in .xchat200:02
ponyofdeathim using irssi00:02
ponyofdeathwhich is ALT + 1,2,3,4 to change between channels00:03
TomaszDfrals, looking through it but nothing stands out, any highlights?00:03
N900evildunno. misread, sorrt.00:03
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ponyofdeathN900evil: no prob thanks anyway00:03
fralsTomaszD: i have no idea, just throwing it out there :)00:03
N900evilF7 and F8 are the zoom buttons00:03
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N900evilxterm eats those.00:04
mgedminponyofdeath, alt+something in xterm is the same as esc followed by something00:04
mgedmin(where something is a letter or a number)00:04
mgedminso press esc, then 1/2/3/400:04
mgedminI believe xterm has esc on the toolbar00:04
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ponyofdeathmgedmin: thanks00:05
ponyofdeathmgedmin: cool will try00:05
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DocScrutinizerN900evil: a veritable ALT key would be great anyway00:06
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DocScrutinizerN900evil: e.g. for ALT-.00:06
DocScrutinizeror ALT-S for mc00:06
DocScrutinizeron N810 I tried to add ALT to the toolbar, but epic fail00:07
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ShadowJKit doesn't work with esc?00:08
fralstalking about osso-xterm?00:08
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: with mc some functions may00:08
jebbaheh. My karma is going down  ;)00:08
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: e.g ESC-<number> instead of Fn-key00:09
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Stskeepsjebba: bugzilla one seemed to give less credit now00:09
Stskeeps(which is odd)00:10
Stskeepsthen again i didn't follow the discussions00:10
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DocScrutinizerShadowJK: ESC-. on cmdline (for <last argument>) doesn't work though. Maybe that's crappybox's fault00:11
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: ...or a mere missing keymapping00:11
DocScrutinizeranyway, a real ALT key was fine to have00:12
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Arif_ask for an enhancement in bugzilla!00:12
DocScrutinizeror a generic way to specify qualifier keys on toolbar of xterm00:13
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Flyserdoes anyone know what the n900 wants to tell me, when the LED is constantly on (yellowish/white), while its turned off and plugged into my computer?00:13
Flyserits not possible to turn it on ...00:13
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V13Any idea on what "'Live background' enabler based on Jarmo Nikula's first prototype" in hildon-desktop's ChangeLog is ?00:14
fralsive heard its pretty damn cool00:14
FlyserDocScrutinizer: I thought a blinking led would be charging?00:14
V13frals: is it really "live backgrounds" for desktop ?00:15
Flysernvm. it just turned itself on00:15
fralssounds like it00:15
DocScrutinizerFlyser: yep, right00:15
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Arif_I found the LED pattern settings00:15
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Arif_but it looks like gibberish :D00:15
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DocScrutinizerArif_: nah, that's *real* hacking :-P00:16
Arif_I see a lot of zeros00:16
Arif_and some letters ;(00:16
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* Arif_ goes to decyfer that00:17
DocScrutinizernot a comprehensive doc about how to manage the LP552300:17
Arif_I just want the missed event LED to be more frequent00:18
DocScrutinizerbut sufficient to understand mce.ini00:18
jebbaStskeeps: ya, i've gone up 11 points since december  ;)  anyway, it doesn't really matter to me, just funny that it's going down and all that i've done isn't giving me karma  ;)00:19
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Stskeepsthey changed the method of karma calculation so00:19
Corsacbtw aren't apps upload providing karma?00:19
Corsacor maybe not to -devel?00:19
DocScrutinizerArif_: change the last 7108 sequence to something shorter like 710200:20
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humehi....I just upgraded from N800 to N900, can I ask a somewhat stuipd question here? what is the password for the user? I'm trying to ssh in to it00:21
* Arif_ is playing around with the file hoping he won't break it =}00:21
ShadowJKno password00:21
midasArif_: backups boy. backups ;)00:21
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Arif_if I break it backups won't save me :P00:22
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Arif_I can't reflash it either on Win7 x64 :(00:22
V13arif: you're aware of that : right?00:22
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Arif_yea I'm reading that00:22
humeShadowJK, but when I try to ssh to it, and do not give a password, it is not accepted....?00:23
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Mecehume, root, passwd user00:23
Arif_you need to install SSH server/client00:23
Arif_then you can set a password :O00:24
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humeMece, right, thx00:24
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wolf^hume, it can either have no password, but ssh is configured to require password, or the password login be entirely disabled for the account00:24
tremnite all, sweet dreams00:24
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V13you can also set-up public-key authentication00:25
humenow it works...great..:)00:25
V13which is secure and easy00:25
autoguyAre you specifying the user name to ssh, otherwise you'll login using whatever user you are on the host00:25
autoguyok good00:25
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wolf^yeah, go for key auth00:25
autoguydefinately key auth00:25
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autoguyssh-agent on the host, script that adds the key if not there already = type pwd once00:26
jebbaCorsac: i think just when your package hits extras, but not extras-devel.  More for a post to talk.m.o than packaging something... ;)00:26
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Justushas anyone here tried to stream videos from a computer via VLC to a N900? I can't try it out just yet, but I'd need to rely on it in a few days00:27
DocScrutinizerautoguy: huh? ouch00:28
Justuswhat is the quality and are there traps to avoid?00:28
Corsacjebba: ok :)00:28
autoguyJustus: I'd be interested in that.00:28
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DocScrutinizerautoguy: I use scp to copy ~pc/.ssh/ -> user@n900/.ssh/authorized_keys00:29
cehtehautoguy: there is pam_ssh .. but i dont know if you can hook ssh somewhere into the device00:29
autoguyDocScrutinizer:  yes that is done00:29
autoguybut then on the host I have one script to run, it starts up ssh-agent (if not running) adds the key (if not there) which will prompt for the passphrase, that's all I'm saying00:30
autoguyhost = your computer, that you log into n900 from00:30
DocScrutinizerssh-agent? never heard of it00:31
autoguynothing advanced really, maybe I explained it strangely00:31
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autoguyIt holds your key in memory basically so you don't have to load it (although the default key location is automatically loaded) but with ssh-agent you write the passphrase once00:31
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DocScrutinizeruh, I don't need passphrases for my private keys. Hey they're private ;-P00:32
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autoguywell then you're OK :)00:33
satmdssh-copy-id @ DocScrutinizer ... does exactly what your scp does... but better (append, no overwrite)00:33
autoguyI like scripting stuff :-)00:33
DocScrutinizersatmd: lol & smile00:33
DocScrutinizersatmd: of course I know how to handle append00:34
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satmdDocScrutinizer: still ... wanted to save you some time :P00:34
DocScrutinizerthanks :-D00:34
autoguyI've got another script that starts up the VNC server on the N900 and then the vnc client on the host.  one-click remote screen is nice00:35
DocScrutinizervnc, wow00:35
* SpeedEvil bound an unused laptop key to do ssh phone bing00:35
SpeedEvilSo I have one-key page.00:36
SpeedEvilFor when I lose it.00:36
* Arif_ throws rightclick at the vnc viewer creator00:36
autoguythe phone can be lying on the bedstand charging or whatever, no touching the phone needed00:36
autoguyssh opens it all up00:36
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DocScrutinizerI *did not* lose ssh connection to N900 even while I was out for dinner. came back and ssh-login still alive and happy ;-D00:36
autoguyThen your timeout is too long :)00:37
DocScrutinizertimeout *always* too short00:37
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autoguyJust kidding  I haven't had it time out on me either00:37
DocScrutinizerautoguy: though the really amazing thing was I took the N900with me, so it left WLAN area for hours. Just in case I missed to make clear00:39
midasits charging00:39
DocScrutinizerheh :-))00:39
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midasjust asked some electronic wizzkids00:41
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midasthey told me it was okay to charge liion. but dont charge lipo's like that00:41
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midasimma charging mah liion!00:42
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mavhcunless you're a rh-ino00:42
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midasmavhc: go back to efnet.00:43
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AntiXpucTdid anyone use zsh on maemo5? (and, by the way, which irc client you can recommend?)00:44
DocScrutinizermidas: so I gather you weren't able to stop the N900 cuycling boot to make it charge your bat?00:44
midasDocScrutinizer: correct00:44
midasso now im charging it in a e71 :P00:44
* DocScrutinizer feels like deja-vu nightmare of GTA02-A5 times00:45
DocScrutinizerthough this time it's not me to take the blame :-P00:45
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Proteousirssi vi ssh and screen00:50
ProteousFTW and all that00:50
* DocScrutinizer wonders if bat is charged despite boot cycling, or whether 50-reboot-fuckup will hit quite rapidly00:50
midasDocScrutinizer: i checked the charge on the battery, it was flat00:50
midashalf bar according to my e7100:51
DocScrutinizerhmm, that seems to indicate it sees not much charging during borked boot then00:51
Proteousanyone want to buy my external n900 battery charger?00:51
Proteousit doubles as a nokia n9700:51
midashaha :P00:51
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jacekowskiwhat does orange LED means?00:52
autoguyThat reminds me I was going online to buy an extra batt and a table charger00:52
autoguyHow expensive is that "n97" charger you speak about? :)00:52
* SpeedEvil has tables that don't need charging.00:52
autoguyWell this is a 2x2m multitouch table, so there00:53
lcukmy table doesnt need charging either00:53
autoguybattery powered of course00:53
lcukgets wiped occasionally00:53
autoguyUses a BL-5J battery00:53
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jacekowskiautoguy: it's same charger as for n90000:54
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midasjacekowski: constand on or pulsing?00:54
jacekowskiautoguy: iphone charger costs £20 so nokia charger probably half of it00:54
jacekowskimidas: pulsing00:54
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autoguyI've found a good place already, just need to place the order.00:54
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ProteousI can't compete price wise with other standalone chargers, sorry :P00:56
autoguyDoes the n97 really use a BL-5J?  Thought it was only the 580000:56
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autoguyso it's a charger for the wrong battery type00:57
midasProteous / autoguy it can charge it00:57
Proteousdetails details00:57
midasas it is doing for me ;)00:57
midasbut dont do it the other way around00:57
midase71 has the same battery00:57
Proteousit would probably work just fine00:57
midaswell, the bp4l is a li-polymer battery00:58
midaswhereas the bl-5j is a li-ion00:58
midasli-poly tend to explode in a fireball00:58
midasli-ion doesnt00:58
midasso it's a bit saver to charge a liion ;)00:58
midasand autoguy for your info, the 5230, 5800, x6 and n900 share the same battery00:59
DocScrutinizerProteous: midas :  this  and this   and this   is for free :-)00:59
JustusI just wonder if the developers of VLC made that streaming interface that crappy on purpose or by accident01:00
Justuseither way it's damn well impressive how they could screw it up quite that hard X_x01:00
midasDocScrutinizer: but you can charge nokia batteries in nokia phones, even if they dont match ;)01:00
DocScrutinizermidas: depends01:01
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cehtehyou can get some initial charge with some wires on dumb batteries, the problem is rather finding the end for the charge which can destroy the battery if you do that wrong01:04
cehteh(smart batteries protect against such attempts)01:04
ShadowJKI wouldn't do wires on lithium batteries01:04
midascehteh: no you cant ;)01:04
ShadowJK(and the nokia batteries are pretty dumb)01:04
cehtehShadowJK: if you really want to so that is another question01:05
ShadowJKLi-Ion just explodes in slightly less violent fireballs :D01:05
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cehtehyou need current and voltage regulation of course .. and stay close and watch it01:05
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cehtehjust for ressurecting a dead battery it might help you do not want to do that regulary01:05
jaska(behind a suitably thick plexiglass)01:05
midascehteh: do it, with a lipo battery :P01:06
midasthey explode nicely01:06
cehtehbatteries dont explode out of nothing, they get at least warm before01:06
midascehteh: a lipo doenst need to get hot01:06
jaskaiirc, it was the other way around, li-ion being the more boomgenetic?01:06
cehtehwell i dont do that anyeays01:07
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midasthe polymer reacts with the litium, wich has a nice effect01:07
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cehtehProteous: your new n900 battery? :)01:07
Stskeepsthe people afraid of ARM saboteurism really scares me01:07
Proteousthe battery tray out of a APC SmartUPS100001:07
Proteoushad to cut the case apart a bit to extract them since they were so swollen01:08
cehtehwell that a lead/acid batteries01:08
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Proteousjust thought it was slightly relevant to the conversation :P01:08
Stskeeps(as in thinking MeeGo is a plot to take down ARM)01:08
cehtehmidas: i saied voltage and current contol and for the initial kick out of death, not even close to full charge it :P01:09
midashehe :P01:09
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midasit worked!01:11
midasits flashing it now01:11
Proteouswhat worked01:11
midasthe charge01:12
Proteouscharging it while it was in a reboot loop to get enough charge to reflash it?01:12
midascharging the battery in a different phone01:12
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Proteousthat was a gas moter :P01:14
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Proteousstill nice though01:14
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toggles_wsome funnly related links on there too01:18
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: the dangers of rude charging LiIon/LiPo are largerly overestimated. *ALL* batteries have a thermistor-based fuse nad overtemp protection. So on an _empty_ battery it's reaonably safe to use an old 3mm barreljack Nokia charger that says something like 600mA@4.8V and simply connect + to plus and - to minus on the battery01:18
DocScrutinizer**for max 15minutes, under close surveillance**01:19
cehteh.. just dont do that for 12 hours and leave the house01:19
DocScrutinizeryep, exactly01:19
cehtehthats exactly what i wanted to say with '2 wires'01:19
cehtehwell i wonder what happens when you reverse polarity :P01:20
satmdthen you short the line and your charger shortcuts01:20
* satmd guesses01:20
cehtehmaybe batteries have protection diodes01:21
cehtehreally dont know01:21
cehtehwell it would cost 3 cent ... forget it :)01:21
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DocScrutinizercehteh: it's impossible01:21
DocScrutinizercehteh: protect the battery from discharging? o.O01:22
DocScrutinizersure you *can* do this :-P01:23
cehtehuhm .. parallel to the battery in reverse direction, blowing the fuse .. but yes wont work either01:23
ShadowJKThere are protection circuits that go on the top of 18500 cells that protect against overdischarge too :)01:23
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cehtehor .. might work *thinking*01:24
DocScrutinizersmart bats always have such protective circuit01:24
cehtehsmart batts have a triac or mosfet and only turn power on when properly handshaked01:24
ShadowJKYeah but the guy who came up with the idea of taking a 18500 cell and putting that circuit on top and shrinkwrapping it was a genius :D01:24
DocScrutinizerthey have mosfet, but it's not enebled by handshake usually01:25
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autoguyJustus: Any progress on the video streaming?01:31
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* lcuk ponders peeling back the layers of gtk just for the hell of it01:34
* Arif_ wants an update to worldtv9901:34
Justusbesides that I'm so royally pi**ed off right now I'm seriously considering eating my own keyboard, no01:35
Arif_doesn't sound very tasteful01:36
autoguyDefinately distasteful to eat your keyboard01:37
Arif_you wouldn't be able to type anymore either!01:37
Justusthere is so much crap lying around it's hard to distinguish the useful page hits from the total crap01:37
lcukhis mummy told him to eat all his p's01:37
lcukJustus, whats up01:38
Justusthere are about 50k results for broadcasting to N900, and not one of them seems to actually be about broadcasting TO the N90001:38
Justusall are about broadcasting FROM to N900 to QiK01:38
Arif_have you tried installing Orb :p01:38
Arif_or any UPnP server for that matter01:39
Justusif you heard the noise01:39
Justusthat was my head01:39
Justusbanging against the table01:39
lcukjust do it again, i had my music on01:39
Arif_hell even Windows Craptastic Player does it01:39
lcukill tell you if i can hear it01:39
Arif_oh DVBViewer does it too if you bought that....:P01:40
Arif_mobile TV wherever you are \o/01:40
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Justusyou know, the really bad thing about this is, that I actually had this all preplanned01:42
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Justusand then list the urls...01:42
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Justuslost I mean01:43're installing orb?01:43
Justusright now01:43
Justusiirc the n900 media player should work with it, right?01:44
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Arif_your pc name will appear at the bottom left01:44
Arif_when connected to WLAN01:44
Justusdoes it work with adhoc wlan connections?01:44
Arif_no ýdea01:45
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Arif_mine's infra :p01:45
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Justus"your computer performance might decrease streaming performance"01:47
Justusno really? I thought a netbook could decode 1080p videos on the fly ^^01:48
Arif_my PC uses %50 CPU when streaming my tv card01:48
* LuciusMare_n900 adds his to the local "Did yaa know dat?"01:48
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Arif_I'm really loving this mini playlist when tapping the album art :P01:49
JustusI found the idea of streaming via VLC/rtsp to the N900 slightly more appealing, but after all upnp is designed for exactly this01:49
shamushas not tuched upnp01:49
Arif_I use VLC for live TV streaming ...01:50
Arif_because I have no choice :P01:50
tybolltme? I use pr0n for live streaming01:50
LuciusMareAnd, i forgot my n900 to component cable at home - is there a chance that i can make one with common household objects?01:50
tybolltoh wait01:50
JustusI couldn't get a vlc stream up01:50
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Justusthat actually made up for 75% of my annoyance01:50
Arif_apart from the VERY long buffer time in KMPlayer it plays fine01:51
tybolltJustus: how could you not? Hell it's as easy as it gets01:51
tybolltsetting up vlc streams is a matter of GUI + click click click01:51
Arif_and the speakers being craptastic01:51
JustusI find ways to complicate everything ;)01:51
* Arif_ gives Justus the task of porting Meego to the N900 :P01:51
shamuswhat gets complicated is networking01:51
midasoh i really missed my n90001:52
Arif_you did?01:52
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midasi fixed her :p01:53
LinuxCodeher ?01:53
Arif_that sounds more interesting than the N900...01:53!01:53
Arif_or midas has weird fantasies o.O01:53
Justustybollt: well I want a on demand stream, and couldn't get it running, after that I'd have settled for ANY stream, but I honestly don't know what to put into the adress field ;)01:53
midashahha :P01:53
autoguymy precious...01:53
autoguyJustus: so no luck so far?01:54
* Arif_ demands the next Nxxx phone has usable speakers...01:54
autoguyTo be honest I've tried it between *computers* and given up in frustration01:54
autoguyVLC is advanced but hard01:55
Justusatm I'm setting up ORB01:55
Arif_I have a frontend for VLC that does everything :D01:55
autoguyArif_: frontend running on a pc?01:55
Arif_web ui for DVBViewer :P01:56
Arif_I remembered01:56
Arif_you can also use Winamp Remote :O01:56
autoguyAnd that's the encoding/sending side, not the receiving?  Just trying to understand your setup01:56
Justusit works01:56
JustusArif_: you're my savior01:57
Arif_you select a channel+codec+stream method01:57
Arif_and then start it in KMPlayer :P01:57
Arif_Justus, yay :P01:57
Arif_now you can watch pr0n in the whole house!01:57
cehtehArif_: a subwoover pluginable into the headphone jack would already suffice01:58
Justuswell SG:A in the whole house01:59
Justusbut the general direction was right ;)01:59
Justusfor some folks out there SG:A and pr0n don't have that much of a difference ^^01:59
autoguyHold on I'm not following.  (maybe cause I'm trying to follow #meego too).  What's the setup now Justus?  Orb on a PC, then what player in the N900?01:59
Justusstandard player01:59
autoguyAnd you open a local net address, URL and it just works02:00
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JustusI just open the media player02:00
Justusin a normal wlan/lan there will be a small symbol on the bottom left02:00
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autoguyAha, that's DLNA / upnp causing a server to be noticed automatically?02:01
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Justusand atm I'm trying to get it working with adhoc wlan02:01
autoguythanks I understand now.  Any specific encoding settings on the server Orb side02:02
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Justusby all means it's just press install, wait, use02:02
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tgalaldoes anybody know where the default contacts avatar can be found? I want to use it in my app02:03
Arif_you can't set any encoding settings in Orb as far as I know...02:03
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orangeyhello all!02:05
orangeyI'm having a persistent problem on my n900 that I basically can never send documents via bluetooth02:05
orangeywith computers, I don't see them. With other phones, it just says "connection failed" after I pair with them02:06
orangeyaha! finally found a relevant thread on tmo02:06
orangeynope. unhelpful.02:07
Justusis it possible ORB needs an active internetconnection?02:07
Justusneeds as in "won't work without one"02:07
orangeywhat's ORB?02:07
Justussry that was about another problem earlier on ;)02:07
Justusthe server doesn't show up in the location02:08
Arif_orangey, Petrovich doesn't send? :o02:08
Justushum, I think I'll solve that by just taking my freaking wlan access point with me, I'm done with experiments ^^02:08
Arif_Justus, I guess it only needs to be connected to lan ? :P02:08
Justuswell, as I said, there is an active adhoc WLan02:09
orangeyArif_: if I don't pair, it doesn't see. if I do pair, it says connection failed02:09
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orangeyas for to computers, it just doesn't see them regardless02:09
Arif_can't help you there ={02:09
Arif_remove all pairs and try again? =o02:10
orangeyArif_: done : )02:11
Justuswell I wish you all a good night02:11
orangeyhmm. irritating problem.02:11
* Arif_ is getting sleepy too02:11
Justusbye, and thanks for your help02:11
Justusat least I can watch my favourite show on the normal TV ;)02:11
Arif_stargate and normal...02:12
Justuswell the TV is normal anyways ;)02:12
* pupnik is bright awake for some evil reason02:13
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DocScrutinizerpupnik: explosions? burglars?02:29
DocScrutinizerolympic games ??02:30
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pupniknah am recovering from head wound02:32
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midasthe new update is pritty big for maemo02:32
midasor atleast its taking its time02:32
GeneralAntillespupnik, what did you do now?02:33
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pupnikGeneralAntilles: had a bad fall.  lost ability to read/talk02:35
GeneralAntillespupnik, snow?02:35
pupniki appreciate being able to see #maemo again :)02:35
GeneralAntillespupnik, you go to the hospital?02:36
jacekowskipupnik: what have you done?02:36
pupnikyeah in neuroclinic02:37
pupnikgot the scan in the cool machine02:37
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GeneralAntillesHead injuries aint no joke.02:37
pupnikscared me good02:37
pupniklosing speech02:37
pupnikstill hard to focus02:38
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* tybollt gives pupnik a pink pony02:38
jacekowskipupnik: so, what and how you did it?02:38
pupnikcome on over tybollt02:40
pupniki'm bored02:40
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monocerosHi all! I opened an italian site entirely dedicated to Meego ... :D It arises from a rib of :D02:50
autoguybuona fortuna with that02:50
pupnikGeneralAntilles: what are some of your more preferred news aggregators for when t.m.o. is too much?02:51
monocerosautoguy: thank you !02:51
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lcukpupnik, maemo weekly news02:56
lcukurl is somewhere02:56
lcukits none obvious cos theres an extra letter in it02:56
lcuk(like non lol)02:56
lcukstupid k02:57
lcuklol net too02:57
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lcukmcnees walla & nurick llc02:57
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* lcuk stops typing02:58
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pupniklooks like qt plus madde is worthy of a workshop02:58
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lcuktheres also a qt dev competition as well02:59
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pupnik"I’m completely stunned by how easy and obvious things are after sitting down with a bunch of great designers."  yeah so true03:02
cjardI have perhaps a bit of a dumb Q about maemo, but here goes..03:05
cjardShortly after buying my N900 I was a little disappointed that it didnt really have portrait mode texting03:06
cjardin particular I was expecting it to have a 3x4 button pad and predictive text (T9 style)03:06
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DocScrutinizer51funny idea03:07
cjardI'm wondering how such a thing would be added? Are some parts of this device Nokia only03:07
cjardi.e. the on screen keyboard - is it part of maemo that we can see the source of/implement our own03:07
cjardor are there some parts that are not available?03:08
cjarddoes a 3x4 text entry device not exist simply because anyone who would buy a N900 with the intention of developing for it have no use of such a panel?03:08
cjard(i.e. they weren't expecting it to behave as a phone)03:09
cjardor can it not be developed because it's in the "too hard bin" for the community and nokia would have to be the ones to provide it?03:09
pta0007hi, guys, I am writing a camera program on n900, using example_camera.c from maemo examples, which employs gtk+. The problem is I can compile the program correctly, but when I tried to run it on device, it just showed "Failed to initialize pipeline"03:09
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DocScrutinizer51cjard: dialer has 3*4 keypad and portrait03:10
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lcukcjard, thats a reasonable question put well, im not sure if anything is happening, but it might be an idea to search tmo and see what has been said already03:10
pta0007i am using vl4l2src for VIDEO_SRC and xvimagesink for VIDEO_SINK03:10
autoguycjard: There's a brainstorm on about improving the phone experience.  Think it covers some of this stuff03:11
pta0007who can figure out what the problem then?03:11
lcukyeah autoguy sounds familiar03:11
lcukpta0007, just a min03:11
autoguyweren't you going to sleep? :)03:11
lcuki said gnite to the channel :)03:12
lcuki was going doing code03:12
cjardI also wondered about the MMS issue; yes fMMS is solving it but it's still a way to go; some very slick plugins for Conversations bring us MSN, AOL, Skype etc.. MMS could be integrated there perhaps? Is it another part that is "hard" to hook into?03:12
autoguyaha well that's better03:12
cjardI'll check for that brainstorm..03:12
lcukas i do at the end of every birthday ;)03:12
lcuka full day off wandering around thinking :)03:12
autoguyof course03:12
cjardbecause I feel that quite a few people will buy this N900 as I did, expecting it to be a powerful phone, and finding the features they most use of a phone somewhat.. missing03:12
autoguyHere's a birthday present for you.  I'm actually using liqcalender quite extensively, and enjoying it!03:13
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DocScrutinizer51lcuk: congrats03:13
lcuktexting on the n900 is unlike ive ever done on a mobile03:13
lcuki actually write loads now03:13
lcuki used to hate phone interfaces03:13
lcukcos i couldnt see conversation03:13
lcuknow, its like irc03:14
cjard(and of course, sticking a warning sticker on it saying "This is a mobile computer, that makes calls.. Don't be thinking it does the phoney [hah.. there's a pun in there] stuff that Symbian phones do" wouldnt help it sell to the phone crowd...03:14
lcukunlimited texts help too03:14
cjardWell, sybmian devices had a conversation style thing...03:14
cjardi only get 1400 a month03:14
lcukive not used those tho03:14
GeneralAntillespupnik, Planet and
cjardI could change that but I tend to use MMS and write a lot of text03:14
cjardlike, an email even...03:14
cjardbecause 1 mms costs me 4 texts03:15
ptldo you guys have a few sources (rss or atom 2.0, preferrably) of maemo/n900 related news and software?03:15
pupniki guess those are best, ty GeneralAntilles03:15
lcukcjard, sure03:15
cjardbut lcuk, did you find the QWERTY onscreen or h/w keyboard not a little cumbersome?03:15
cjardI can definitely type faster and spell better on a predictive T9 3x4 dialpad03:15
lcukive never had it on03:15
GeneralAntillescjard, there's a h-i-m plugin up on Bugzilla somewhere.03:15
lcuki use physical qwerty03:15
lcuki started with an n81003:16
lcukive never used osk03:16
GeneralAntillescjard, I believe it'll do T9.03:16
cjardmy thumbs are pretty big..03:16
DocScrutinizer51qwerty onscreen???03:16
ptlI found the hardware keyboard surprisingly good, and my previous phone/PDA was a giant HTC Athena with a hardware keyboard with 5 rows03:16
ptlI thought I wouldn't get used, but it took only a few seconds, not even minutes03:16
cjardGA: Yep, T9 in the sense that it predicts the word youre typing, but not in the sense of "I want to write ROPE, so i dial 7673 and then press * until the underlined word becomes ROPE"03:17
cjardI'm still finding I type a lot of Ms instead of spaces ;)03:17
DocScrutinizer51I'd prefer 4 rows to the actual 303:17
lcukhave you people never heard of shift keys and caps03:17
lcukand delete keys03:17
DocScrutinizer51but onscreen kbd??? o.O03:17
cjardThats another thing I find weird with the onscreen vs physical..03:17
cjardthe key maps are different03:17
lcukt9 is the reason why i never used mobile sms!03:17
lcuki couldnt bloody decipher it03:18
lcukthanks for reminding me03:18
DocScrutinizer51even T9 3*4??? hualp erksss03:18
cjardsometimes its just way easier to use the onscreen because the symbols wanted are more accessible03:18
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, I can type faster on the N800's finger keyboard than I've ever been able to on the N900.03:18
lcukGeneralAntilles, you had lots of practice03:18
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, admittedly I have about 3 more years of practice on it, but still.03:18
lcukit always surprised me03:18
cjardDS: the problem I have with the phys and onscr keyboards in qwerty form is that they are huge!03:18
lcukGeneralAntilles, pupnik has an n80 and hes worn out the keys03:18
GeneralAntilleslcuk, I don't think I'll ever be as fast on the N900.03:18
lcukits impressive to see03:18
cjardas in, very wide.. lot of travelling needed to type on them03:18
lcuki bet your screen was similar03:19
GeneralAntilleslcuk, screen protector03:19
cjarda 3x4 dialpad is smaller so less stylus travel03:19
DocScrutinizer51GeneralAntilles: I prefer the N810 kbd to the N90003:19
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, now that one I definitely can't use.03:19
lcukhe must have toxic fingertips03:19
DocScrutinizer51an I guess it's a lot of 'I'mm used to itM03:19
cjardand also the buttons are larger, helping someone like me whose thumbs are...03:19
GeneralAntilleslcuk, Boxwave knows how to make a good protector.03:19
lcukhold on, i got pix03:19
lcukcan i share pic of your n81003:19
* cjard is measuring his thumbs03:19
ptlDocScrutinizer51: I'd prefer 4 rows than the actual 3 too, but only to play duke3d better.03:19
cjardi cant find a ruler03:20
ptlI think I understand the compromise03:20
cjardbut my thumb can cover QWER on the N900 physical keyboard03:20
cjardi use the onscreen because it's bigger and the "keys" are easier to press03:20
ptl4 rows would definitely help us type faster, but it would make the device more bulky03:20
DocScrutinizer51ok, I always mess the ' with M and ,03:21
DocScrutinizer51as you've seen in prev posts03:21
DocScrutinizer51but actually I dont see how to irc in a pub with OSK03:21
cjardlcuk; you maybe never used sms with a T9 because you looked at the screen while writing the word03:21
cjardi had to get my bro to put his thumb on the screen03:21
GAN900DocScrutinizer51, why not?03:21
cjardso he couldnt see what he was writing til he got to the end of the word03:22
DocScrutinizer51cjard: stop chewing nails03:22
cjardotherwise he'd get halfway thru it and say "it's guessing it wrong!"03:22
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DocScrutinizer51GAN900: no conversatio left when OSK actove03:22
cjardlol, doc if I type with my nails I'll scratch off the paint like on my N9503:22
GAN900DocScrutinizer51, meh, I managed.03:22
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pupnikheh lcuk why?03:23
lcukjust because!03:23
DocScrutinizer51literki (OM freerunner) style transparent kbd?03:23
lcukive found it, hold on ill pm it you first03:23
pupnikhehe  use to make kids clean hands03:23
lcukif you are ok ill post it03:23
DocScrutinizer51anyway when I read T9 on N900 I feel nausea03:24
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DocScrutinizer51btw (T9): anybody has the slightest idea how to edit/dump/save/foobarize the T9 dict of a Nokia 6210?03:28
ptland btw too, no one has a few good RSS/Atom/RDF for maemo-related news/blogs/software? :)03:29
DocScrutinizer51there's 8 years of effort and 'love' in this user dict :-S03:30
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cjardyou don't text much then03:31
DocScrutinizer51ptl: thought tmo was the place to go03:31
cjardif your 6210 can store 8 years of cto ords03:31
cjardcto = custom03:31
ptlwhat's tmo?03:31
cjardit either has the biggest dict I've seen03:31
cjardt mobile? (in uk at least)03:31
ptlt mobile were that guys that made youtube videos teaching how to zoom in and out in the browser - without using gestures?03:32
DocScrutinizer51nah' average amerivan individual has ~10000 worts at max active vocabulary03:32
ptlI can't say that this testifies to knowing the N90003:32
cjardDS; and I found my suymbian devices, with their 4kb user dictionary limit, would learn around 300 words03:33
cjardthen start overwriting the oldest with the newest03:34
DocScrutinizer513ven when assuming all is unique: 10000 *  8 = 80k. 3asy even for 621003:34
cjardclearly LRU concept hadn't entered nokia heads at the time03:34
cjardthe user dict on a symbian phone was 4kb03:34
cjardlater 8kb, but unicode03:34
cjardso still the same effective word count03:34
ptlwhy so small?03:35
cjardplus they made some really nasty bugs with their text input engines early on03:35
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cjardsuch as if you wrote "Hello World" and then put the cursor at the start of world: Hello |World03:35
cjardand then wrote more words into the sentence: Hello there nice big world03:36
cjardyour dict ended up with "thereworld, niceworld, bigworld03:36
cjardas custom entries03:36
cjardwhich really quickly fills it up with junk, and overwrote..03:36
cjardptl; no idea why it was so small03:36
maherdoes anything bad happen if i reformat the MyDocs partition as ext3?03:36
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ali1234maher: camera borks03:36
cjardmaybe if they made it bigger they had performance issues03:37
maherali1234: bah03:37
cjardDS; for real03:37
DocScrutinizer51maher: yep03:37
cjardI even submitted a bugtraq type thing for it on the N8003:37
maherali1234: could i shrink it and have two partitions one vfat one ext3?03:37
cjardor some later phone03:37
* DocScrutinizer51 mumbles 'why? OMG why??'03:37
ali1234maher: what you can do is swap the partitions around and reformat so that you have 2GB MyDocs and 30GB home03:37
DocScrutinizer51~spank cam app devels03:38
* infobot bends cam app devels over his knee and tatoos 'ibot' on cam app devels's pasty white buttocks.03:38
cjardthe guys who thought "lets make it auto learn a users words.. oh and not give them a way to clear them out" - I'd like to have had a chat with them03:38
cjardshowed them a sony ericsson03:38
cjardetc.. but I digress03:38
DocScrutinizer51maher: you already got 2 partitions, one of them ext303:39
mahercjard: heh - i once borrowed my brother's phone - it was amising to see his favourite words...03:39
maherDocScrutinizer: i want to copy all of my music over, but the filenames don't play nice with vfat03:39
mahercjard: amising/amusing03:39
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pta0007alright, any one can help me with my problem?03:40
DocScrutinizer51cjard: (chat) yep' here too03:40
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pta0007just repeat my question: I am writing a camera program on n900, using example_camera.c from maemo examples, which employs gtk+. The problem is I can compile the program correctly, but when I tried to run it on device, it just showed "Failed to initialize pipeline"03:41
DocScrutinizer51maher: consider the suggested resizing03:41
pta0007i am using vl4l2src for VIDEO_SRC and xvimagesink for VIDEO_SINK03:41
lcukpta0007, sorry sidetracked03:42
DocScrutinizer51pta0007: I was even unaware of camera.c03:42
cjardmaher: my N900 was second hand.. Reading the user dictionary it became obvious that the prev owner had some.. "interesting" passtimes03:42
javispedropta0007: iirc v4lsrc is no longer used in n90003:43
javispedrothey have some brand new "camerasink"03:43
javispedroor that :)03:43
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pta0007yes, i tried it as well03:43
pta0007v4l2camsrc doesnt work03:44
DocScrutinizer51cjard: it's also obvious the first owner wasn't up to par with that OS / platform03:44
javispedrowiki says it's "camera_src"03:44
mahercjard: that goes away afaik if you reset to factory defaults03:44
javispedroerno, sorry03:45
pta0007do you mean i should replace video_src to camera_src?03:45
maherDocScrutinizer: thanks - I didn't realise there were two different partitions on the same device already03:45
javispedropta0007: no, forget that03:45
DocScrutinizer51pta0007: ping SpeedEvil about gstreamer invocation03:45
pta0007DocScrutinizer51, dont understand it exactly03:47
DocScrutinizer51pta0007: SpeedEvil knows a few 'magic incantations' of gstreamer for taking still photos and videos03:48
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pta0007DocScrutinizer51, how to use it then? in my program?03:51
DocScrutinizer51depends. Either do a simple system(), or just learn a few details03:53
DocScrutinizer51I dunno Ur app03:53
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cjardmaher: or deleting the files also works, without resetting the phone :)03:54
pta0007ok, i shall take a look at the speedevil first, hope i can find some solution for that03:54
cjardmaher: rm the contents of /home/user/.osso/dictionaries/03:56
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: ping :-D03:56
maherwhat's this obsession with putting non config files in dirs starting with a .03:57
cjardi thought it was to do with a special representation in the gui03:58
cjardguys, how do I add an idea into an existing brainstorm?03:59
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cjardi want to add to the "Improving the phone experience" one03:59
cjardi mean *add a solution* into a brainstorm04:00
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pta0007SpeedEvil ping04:34
pta0007SpeedEvil: ping04:34
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GeneralAntillespupnik, recommend some music. I need to acquire more for my library.04:50
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crashanddiepta0007: stop pinging04:56
crashanddieboo GeneralAntilles04:56
* GeneralAntilles runs screaming.04:56
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XisdibikGeneralAntilles: do you have Stratovarius?04:59
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GeneralAntillesXisdibik, nope.05:00
GeneralAntillesWill investigate.05:00
cehtehgrr why is pairing bluetooth from debian such a pain...console05:02
javispedrofinally, the net result of a day of coding!05:03
javispedroI guess this will end up and the "I don't know how to write /" complaisn.05:03
Xisdibiklol javispedro05:04
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javispedroohhh the fn sticky key works05:06
javispedrothis must be the 3rd most complex way of implementing sticky keys support.05:07
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* javispedro looks at the time oh dammit05:08
Xisdibiknight javispedro05:09
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crashanddieXisdibik: I hope you're talking about the band, and not the instrument05:25
crashanddieIf I hear just one more native-english-speaker say or write "Stratovarious" when really they mean Stradivarius, I will kick them in the bollocks05:27
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crashanddieAnd did the new tattoos get done within 4 weeks as well?05:29
Xisdibikcrashanddie: hmm?  Stratovarius is a instrument?05:31
crashanddieit's a type of violin05:32
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GeneralAntillescrashanddie, clearly.05:32
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Xisdibikcrashanddie: hmm05:34
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crashanddieXisdibik: They're violins made by a specific family (The Stradivari, from northern Italy), and less than 200 are accounted for today...05:36
Xisdibikbut thats Stradi.. not Strato :p05:36
crashanddieWhich means that they generally fetch prices of multiple millions05:36
crashanddieAndre Rieu was quite famous for breaking a stradi during rehearsal...05:37
crashanddieGod I know way too much useless shit05:37
crashanddieanyway, I hate Stratovarius05:39
crashanddieSounds like Abba meets Led Zeppelin for comic relief05:40
crashanddieon ice05:40
crashanddiein 3d05:40
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, if you didn't know enough shit we'd have to kill you.05:42
crashanddiekill me?05:43
crashanddieYou can't kill an ignorant05:43
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, cool, looks like fun.05:47
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, vaguely reminiscent of Climb Dance
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crashanddieGeneralAntilles: very vaguely then, and long time since I saw that video05:50
crashanddieseriously fast car05:50
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GeneralAntillesRally aint no joke05:51
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crashanddiewell, that wasn't rally, it was setup05:51
crashanddiethe car was built for the occasion, modified specifically for that track, the suspension was hand built, the gears were custom pressed for the specific elevations of the mountains05:52
crashanddieIt's probably the most unique car in the world: not even built for a person, built for a single track and a single driver05:52
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: guess you've seen this one:
GeneralAntillesNo, don't believe I have.05:55
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GeneralAntillescrashanddie, crazy.06:03
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: and for once the comments on youtube are correct!06:03
UtPaTtYanGhello guys06:03
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, end of the world06:04
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crashanddieanyway, time for me to go get some food06:04
UtPaTtYanG!top20 lines06:04
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genewitchis there a trick to loading gpsjinni's logs into google earth?06:33
genewitchwhen I loaded it it zoomed in on the atlantic ocean...06:33
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genewitchit seems to not know the longitude06:34
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RST38h(Related stories: Koala fight gets rough)09:53
pupnikbeautiful RST38h, ty09:54
RST38hmoo to you too09:55
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* pupnik is listening to the illuminating Albert Jay Nock10:02
Proteousevery time I see nokia releasing another symbian s60v3 device I die a little inside10:04
MyrttiProteous: I wish they'd release more s40 phones with smartphone capabilities10:05
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Proteouss60 is a dog of an OS, love my older nokia dumbphones/semismart phones though10:06
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Ken-YoungYes, Nokia needs to decide: Symbian or Linux.   Not both.10:08
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MyrttiI wouldn't go that far10:08
KamuiN900haha i loggef in at the perfect tiem10:08
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KamuiN900agree. that comment is premature at bes10:10
pupnikback to Epoc?10:11
KamuiN900lo hi pupnik10:11
Myrttiback to NokiaOS10:11
ab3339no i say 2 operating systems make nokia a powerful company, better than others10:11
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pupniktwo sounds good to me too ab333910:12
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Ken-YoungYes, two operating systems for a company that is losing market share on the high-end, high profit sector of the market.   That's definately the way to go.   After all, there are *way* too many apps in the Ovi stor already.10:13
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arachnisti wish nokia would phase-out symbian on high-end phones10:14
Ken-YoungApp developers *love* developing for multiple platforms.   Keep's 'um busy!10:14
pupniksymbian is newer than linux ;)10:14
KamuiN900nokia needs to port all sybian first party apps to both platforms not drop a platform10:14
Ken-YoungVMS is newer than Unix.10:15
pupnikthe maddee with qt looks worth learning10:15
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pupnikwhat is the magic bridge between nokia, apple and android though ?10:16
Ken-Youngpupnik, What do you mean by that?"10:17
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Ken-YoungDoes anyone think Apple would be doing better if half the iPhones ran a different OS?10:18
pupniksdl :)10:18
ab3339listen, just bcuz it loosing oney right now doesnt mean whatever its doing right now is wrong. there is a huge market shift going on, devices r going through dramatic changes, nokia has not been loosing money since forever10:18
ab3339apple does not need a new os, it needs freedom10:19
pupnikwell see when apple decides to make a break with their legacy iphone os Ken-Young10:19
Ken-Youngab3339, Apple's doing pretty well without freedom, unfortunately.10:19
Triztpeople need to understand that they need freedom, most thinks it's ok to be forced to use things for a company thinks so10:20
ab3339maemo and symbian puts nokia is a much powerful position, and makes the future predictable10:20
Ken-Youngab3339, Did you predict Meego? I sure didn't.10:20
pupnikpeople understand aneroexic women with lipstick.10:20
ab3339no i didn't either10:21
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ab3339chat in the office is not a good idea !10:21
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LuciusMareHi, how playable is openarena? Is it slow? And how much space does it take on rootfs?10:23
crashanddieLuciusMare: how about you try to install it?10:24
LuciusMare250 MB?10:25
MiXu-I heard you can't exit it =)10:25
MiXu-Unless you ssh to N900 and kill it from there10:26
MiXu-I wouldn't recommend installing stuff like that :D10:26
LuciusMareOn the other side, who would want to exit from openarena? :D10:26
Ken-YoungI respect software that refuses to go quietly into that good night.10:26
MiXu-good point10:27
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crashanddieKen-Young: that's a shit behaviour. Software should obey you, not have its own meaning10:28
Ken-Youngcrashanddie, I agree.  I was joking.10:29
LuciusMarecrashanddie: except evil AI robots10:29
crashanddieKinda reminds me of the time I moved to London, and noticed for the first time that even though I lived in "South-East London", what it actually meant was "The other side of the fucking planet"10:29
crashanddieI took a cab, and I told him "To Grove Park please, near Lewisham"10:30
ab3339software is obeying us, it just wants us to issue the commands from ssh thats all :)10:30
crashanddiethe guy replied "Nha, I don't go that way mate"10:30
crashanddieIncredulous, I told him "well, where do you want to go?" "Whatdyamean?" "Well, just drive, <sarcasm>I'm paying!</sarcasm>"10:31
LuciusMareab3339: actually, software is obeying us any way, in fact, it obeys you even if it is "disobeying you" because it obeys your command to disobey :))10:31
crashanddieThen he said "Nha mate, it doesn't work that way", "That's what I thought, to Lewisham please!"10:31
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LuciusMarecrashanddie: i don't ride with cabs, there are way too expensive10:32
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ab3339they r expensive everywhere unless the company pays for them10:34
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crashanddieab3339: really depends what kind of money you make10:35
LuciusMarethe paper one10:36
MiXu-Really? My money is mostly electronic kind.10:36
LuciusMarebut...well, you got me10:37
MiXu-Yeah. Just being a smartass ;)10:37
arachnistMiXu-: you can exit it10:37
ab3339yea, my money has to goto the meamo devices so i kinda save it :p10:37
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arachnistopenarena is playable, though the controls are a little wacky10:38
LuciusMarewhy is that?10:38
arachnisti'm too used to mouse+keyboard, probably10:38
arachnistaccelerometer doesn't feel right for an FPS (imo)10:38
MiXu-Sure you can take the money out. But these days I use maybe something like 5% of my salary as physical money.10:38
ab3339ahhh the mouse and the keyboard and the pc games!10:38
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arachnistwell, you turn by turning the device left/right10:40
arachnist(for example)10:40
LuciusMareI can imagine myself trying to turn quickly and throwing my n900 across the whole room10:40
ab3339luciusmare: havnt u seen the quake3 demo vids for n900 on the neta.10:41
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simulai'm working my way through packaging on linux.  do you guys know of a good channel oriented towards that?10:50
simulaluciusmare, do you know of a friendlier channel ;)10:51
RST38hPersonal request: If you see ANYONE bitching about lack of one or another application on t.m.o, SEND him to this post.10:51
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Sachinanyone here?10:52
Sachinso wats up?10:52
LuciusMaresimula: ##linux-friendly10:52
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simulaheh, i'm the only one there luciusmare :)10:53
lbtsimula: what kind of packaging?10:53
simulalbt, i was hitting .deb, but i'm re-starting by working out all the files i want and where lsb wants them10:53
lbttypically packaging is a distro-based thing rather than generic10:54
lbtafter all, the point it to ensure the sw is installed in line with distro policy :)10:54
lbtso for debian try #debian-mentors10:55
lbtbut they're not on freenode10:55
simulai'm on that channel :)10:55
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lbtit can be quiet10:55
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RST38h"...But the sock piles! The hills of socks of every color and style known to mankind, they go on for miles. ... Despite the rather rank odor we have decided to explore further. My secretary is taking notes on the apparent depth and height of the piles."10:58
ab3339what was that10:59
Sachinso will the next device from nokia have a larger screen?10:59
RST38hSachin: Whom are you asking?10:59
Sachinjust curios what u guys think?11:00
RST38hWe do not.11:00
Ken-YoungMy 52-year-old eyes would be very happy if the next device had a larger screen.11:01
RST38hThere is no information on the next device. None. The only information present is that there is a dev board.11:01
Sachinhow big?11:01
Sachinoh ok...11:01
RST38hSo, why do you expect an answer?11:01
Sachinis it wrong to ask a question?11:02
RST38hNo. It is probably wrong to expect an answer to this particular question though.11:02
ab3339its fine dont worry :)11:02
ab3339ok i bet u, its a bigger screen11:03
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fralswhats the policy on voting on your own packages in -testing?11:06
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Ken-Youngfrals, I confess - I voted for mine, and nobody complained.   However, the message sayin I could promote to Extras didn't come until I had 11 votes, so mine may not have counted.11:08
fralsim just curious because i see a lot of people do it :)11:08
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ab3339who wants a vote, just lemme know :)11:12
LuciusMareHow do i compile code for n900 ON my n900?11:12
Stskeepsthere's a chroot for this11:12
Stskeepswith a rootstrap inside11:12
ab3339c++ or python?11:12
th0br0you don't compile python, ab333911:13
LuciusMareyou can11:13
threshyou actually do11:14
th0br0well, but that's only to bytecode ...11:14
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ab3339there is a thread on t.m.o related to compiling c++ code on n11:15
ab3339th0br0: umm yea :)11:16
ab3339th0br0: your nick is difficult to write on n900 :)11:17
th0br0call it toebro then ;) i won't be highlighted but yah ^^11:18
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ab3339meego is up11:22
ab3339it seems11:22
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fralswtf have to wait 60seconds between reporting posts11:25
frals~curse tmo11:25
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, tmo !11:25
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ab3339tmo is nice11:26
pupnika thriving community11:28
Brendan[BP]where is the Meego site?11:28
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LuciusMareis there some upnp av server for maemo?11:29
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threshLuciusMare: to launch it on a device?11:30
threshi've tried rygel, but it didnt work for me :(11:31
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ab3339brendan: meego.com11:32
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RST38hfrals: Yes, you can vote on your own package. Means you trust in it11:32
Brendan[BP]ab3339 cheers mate11:32
RST38hfrals: Only one vote though, so you need 9 more.11:32
fralsRST38h: ok, I figured promoting it to -testing meant that :)11:32
RST38hmoo thresh11:32
RST38hfrals: Well, it may require repetition :)11:33
RST38hEspecially with the current fucked up approval procedure.11:33
* thresh waves11:33
Ken-YoungRST38h, What do you believe is fucked up about the approval procedure?11:34
RST38hKen: Every update to the package (however minor) requires 10 votes. Users generally do not vote.11:34
RST38hKen: Instead, they enable extras-testing/extras-devel on their devices and open "Applications that work" threads on t.m.o11:35
Ken-YoungRST38h, OK, I agree with that.   Bug fixes, for example, should not be delayed.11:35
ab3339mee too11:35
RST38hKen: Web based voting/promotion UI is generally misleading, unresponsive, and there is no link to it from the top page11:35
RST38hKen: The testing instructions are rather excessive and either turn people away from testing or attract wikipedians who will vote your app down for minor deviations form the testing instructions11:36
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* RST38h is kinda tired repeating the same thing over and over for months though. It is incredible that NOBODY tried fixing it so far.11:37
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Brendan[BP]i feel that portrait is extremely important though!11:37
RST38hehlo, konttori. Do we have a bug about media player applet stopping working after a day or two uptime?11:38
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RST38h(the only way to reestablish its functions is to remove applet from desktop, then readd)11:38
konttorino, agaik, we don't11:38
RST38hok, making a bug11:38
RST38hhas been around for a while too11:39
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konttoriby the way, the pr1.2 media player is finally getting there on the usability front. Especially the live search support has been a great addition to it.11:40
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Stskeepsfinally ;)11:40
Brendan[BP]YES!!! live search!11:40
Brendan[BP]man that annoys me trying to find songs11:40
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pupnikwe should all be able to make our own media players11:42
Stskeepswe are11:42
Brendan[BP]how do you mean make our own11:42
pupnikmany people are yeah11:42
pupnikStskeeps: did you ever try time stretch with mplayer?  quite fun11:43
threshwhats live search?11:43
RST38hkonttori: I have to be frank here: live search is very low on my list11:43
Stskeepslive search in HAM is higher on mine ;)11:43
RST38hOk, behold bug
povbotBug 9192: Media Player applet stops working after a while11:43
RST38hkonttori: Way below working media player applet, decent support for playlists, working avrcp11:44
konttoriStskeeps: HAM has full live search support as well11:44
RST38hSearch in HAM would be *very* nice though =)11:44
konttoriwell, playlist support is going to be bad11:44
RST38hkonttori: Btw, there is a good chance #9192 is somehow related to avrcp11:44
konttoriapplet -> dunno what's the status, I never use it (for the purpose it provides, I use BT headset previous and next buttons).11:45
konttoriRST38h: what's your problem with avrcp?11:45
konttorifor me, bt headset is working really well.11:45
ab3339whats HAM?11:46
konttoriI think we only support 1.0 of avrcp, but do you want more support? Or what's missing in avrcp?11:46
konttoriab3339 application manager11:47
RST38hkonttori: does not work unless full media player is running (applet is not enoguh)11:47
konttoriab3339: hildon application manager (HAM)11:47
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RST38hkonttori: also, sometimes gets stuck if headphones go out of the range and then back in11:47
konttoriRST38h: yeah, well, that sucks. I agree. And as it stands, it won't be fixed.11:47
* timeless_mbp sighs11:47
konttoriit's just done architecturally in an insane manner11:47
timeless_mbpkonttori: the way strings are handled in maeom5 suck :(11:47
RST38hkonttori: yea, that is what I mean :(11:47
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konttori(that UI is responsible for handling the BT commands)11:48
konttoriRST38h: OTOH, considering that AMFW is opensource, perhaps community could help in fixing it11:48
konttoritimeless_mbp: the way region settings are used (they are not), is also insane11:48
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timeless_mbpyeah, that's a battle we lost a long time ago11:49
timeless_mbpyou just discovered how useless they are?11:49
* timeless_mbp should have mentioned that11:49
konttorino, I've known it for a long time11:49
RST38hkonttori: I am afraid AVRCP can't be done by the community, but the applet problem may be fixable. Is the media player applet source available?11:49
konttoriapplet is closed source11:49
Brendan[BP]wht is ACRCP?11:50
timeless_mbpRST38h: replace it11:50
konttoriof course, at the same time, applet is also trivial to do.11:50
crashanddieI love how England is democratic about absolute everything. Even the things that aren't really up for debate. For example, the Daily Mail has been running polls to find out if people think that Charles ought to be King.11:50
konttoriBrendan[BP]: remote control profile of bluetoot a2dp profile11:50
crashanddieIt's a fucking monarchy, the people don't get to choose!11:50
timeless_mbpcrashanddie: heh11:51
Brendan[BP]konttori AHHHH thanks mate!11:51
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Brendan[BP]i still REALLY want the ability to have a secondary sub exchange account :(11:51
Ken-YoungCharles seems to be unusually stupid, even for royalty.11:51
RST38hdirecting public attention to trivial matters of low significance is an ages old practice11:51
RST38hhuman cloning, gay marriage, kingship choice...11:52
Brendan[BP]kingship choice + cloning go hand in hand11:52
RST38habortion rights, for Tentacled's sake...11:52
* timeless_mbp chuckles11:53
timeless_mbpthere's a BBC special on Romanian Gypsy thieves11:53
timeless_mbpand they just had an 95 ringing11:53
infobottimeless_mbp meant: and they just had an n95 ringing11:53
* RST38h bets nobody asks British public opinion on taxes, health care, or war in .AF11:53
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nid0plenty of people ask, but daily fail poll != government11:54
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timeless_mbpnid0: lol11:54
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crashanddieThe British Royal family has been German since the late 17th century, they're massively inbred and must be incredibly stupid12:15
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crashanddieTHat's why they never go outside... Should they meet people they'd be completely bewildered. "A plumber? What on Earth is that?"12:16
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SpeedEvilcrashanddie: don't be nasty. You're talking about my future wife, unifying the kingships of sweeden and the UK.12:19
SpeedEvil(barring 190 unexpected deaths and a case of insanity)12:20
crashanddieIs that a new Country?12:20
crashanddieSpeedEvil: I'm sorry, they are German12:20
crashanddieSpeedEvil: coincidentally,the names Windsor and Mountbatten were originally Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and Shelssweig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glucksburg.12:21
SpeedEvilcrashanddie: if you look down the list of succession, to the UK throne, you find people who are in the lines of succession to other thrones - including sweden.12:21
crashanddie(no, I have to admit I didn't know that off the top of my head)12:21
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crashanddieSpeedEvil: I was born under a monarchy, I know how they work ;)12:23
pupnikwhere crashanddie ?12:23
crashanddiepupnik: I'll be helpful: somewhere in Europe12:24
RST38h(sorry for the long link)12:24
nid0somewhere in europe = uk12:25
crashanddieworks too:
crashanddienid0: wrong12:25
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nid0linkedin failed me :(12:26
crashanddieit did indeed12:26
crashanddienid0: however you probably found the correct linkedin page12:26
crashanddienid0: link?12:26
nid0you're in aus right now?12:27
crashanddieRST38h: what the hell is that?12:27
JaffaMorning, all12:28
crashanddiemoaning Jaffa12:28
nid0anyone had much use of evopedia by any chance?12:28
fralsmorning Jaffa12:28
* Jaffa sniffs at
povbotBug 3822: Application menu should have enough top-level folders to match package sections12:31
JaffaAlthough thanks to konttori for the heads up12:31
konttoriissue is that when you go to edit mode, it shows the flat list even if you are inside a category12:32
konttorianyway, feel free to help marcoil in fixing it for pr1.3. (or should pr1.2.1 come --- you never know)12:33
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arachnist     Homepage:            http://duiframework.wordpress.com12:33
Jaffakonttori: So it's an issue with the editor mode for the menu?12:33
konttorieh, so in hildon desktop code, in the launcher code12:33
konttoriyeah. issue is there12:33
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konttorithe categorization stil works,12:33
Jaffakonttori: OK, cool. Thanks.12:33
konttoriuser is not able to meaningfully edit the order inside the categories12:33
fralsvictory, got my sharing plugin to work (i think) \o/12:33
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RST38hAnyone can tell me the specific #defines set when building under Maemo?12:35
* RST38h needs something to put into ifeq() in the makefile12:35
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RST38hAnyone can tell me the default variables set by make?12:43
moudmengood morning, i'm trying to install mksh on my n900, it gives me an error in the postinstall script, abt add-shell not being found, i know that add-shell and remove-shell are provided by passwd, and i do have the latest passwd pkg installed. is there a way to fix this ?12:43
moudmeni'm still new to debian so i dont know my way around12:43
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SpeedEvilmoudmen: passwd is probably not passwd as normally packaged12:47
moudmenthen how to get my add-shell and remove-shell ?12:47
CorsacRST38h: but I guess you already know that?12:48
CorsacRST38h: but maybe you missed the make -p?12:48
SpeedEvilmoudmen: there is no /etc/shells12:48
SpeedEvilmoudmen: I have doubts that stuff actually will read it12:49
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* RST38h sighs12:49
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RST38hscrew automake.12:50
moudmenbut it looks as if something went wrong on my box, since mksh is in the maemo repository for fremantle.12:50
moudmenthere must be a way to fix this without flashing the device12:50
moudmenhow to find the dependencies of a package with apt-get ?12:51
Corsacapt-cache show will give you direct dependencies12:51
Corsacapt-rdepends will give you recursive dependencies, but it's a separate package12:52
moudmenthanks, got it12:52
moudmenyup, i understood both commands, rdepends and depends12:52
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Corsacapt-cache rdepends is not apt-rdepends12:52
Corsac(not confusing at all :)12:52
Corsacapt-cache rdepends will give you *reverse* dependencies12:53
moudmenrdepends command is reverse12:53
Corsacwhile apt-rdepends will give you recursive forward dependencies12:53
moudmenbut maemo doesn't have apt-rdepends12:53
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timeless_mbpmoudmen: so install it12:53
Corsacyou might be able to install it from debian etch or lenny, it requires perl and libapt-pkg-perl12:53
moudmencouldn't find package ...12:53
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moudmenoh okay, i'll look there12:54
Corsac(or maybe they're in the sdk)12:54
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moudmensorry but this is a whole new world for me, i worked with centos and freebsd and redhat, never with deb12:54
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timeless_mbpmoudmen: why start now?12:55
moudmengot an n90012:55
moudmeni mounted my easy-debian image and now i have my add-shell and remove-shell :\12:56
tealbirdmoudman: why not wait for meego?13:01
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Brendan[BP]i hope the phone they release with meego is as good looking as the n90013:01
tealbirdmoudman: sorry nm13:01
nid0here's hoping for a meego-based e-series communicator13:02
Brendan[BP]NOOOOOOOOOO not e-series13:02
moudmenany previews for meego so far ?13:02
tealbirdit's just been out for a week13:03
tealbirdSo I don't think so13:03
nid0communicator e-series are fantastic phones :(13:03
timeless_mbpmoudmen: meego is roughly vaporware for this quarter13:03
pupnikmoudman any interest in a freebsd chroot for fun?13:03
timeless_mbpprobably for most of next quarter13:03
moudmennah, i hate bsd13:03
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: seems like it's -really- a tabula rasa also on the technical side :P13:04
tealbirdpupnik: that's slightly obscene ;) Do you have it working?13:04
timeless_mbpnid0: um, how many eseries communicators were there?13:04
Stskeepswhich is positive and negative13:04
moudmenbut i was thinking i'll dual boot this thing with maemo and some mini linux image13:04
timeless_mbpthe e6x and e7x were not communicators13:04
pupniki do not13:04
timeless_mbpthe 9x00's were not eseries13:04
timeless_mbpthe e90 is not really a communicator13:04
moudmenhehe true true13:04
nid0sure it is13:04
moudmennah it's not13:04
timeless_mbpnid0: communicator ran s8013:04
tealbirdmoudmen: I don't know of anything other than android maybe working, you could try for something OE based I guess13:04
timeless_mbpe90 runs 'something else'13:05
nid0dropping back to s60 for e90 kinda sucked sure, but I dont really see how you'd qualify that as "not a communicator"13:05
timeless_mbpnid0: a friend i met in England explained13:05
timeless_mbpcommunicators could do a number of things which the e90 can't do13:05
moudmenwell tealbird i've already seen n900 run mac and maemo as dual boot13:06
timeless_mbpit really was basically 's60 tuned to vaguely emulate communicators'13:06
moudmenhavn't heard of any tries to run linux on it yet13:06
nid0the only significant functionality missing from the e90 out of the box that previous communicators had, is fax support13:06
tealbirdmaemo is linux13:06
nid0and that just requires installing content beamer to get back13:06
moudmenby linux i mean rhel13:06
moudmenredhat, centos, fedora13:06
moudmenthe linux i know :p13:06
tealbirdyeah check out meego then13:06
tealbirdit's rpm13:06
tealbirdwhen it comes out13:07
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moudmeni'll get that phone in a blink of an eye when it's released13:07
tealbirdbig flame war over that :P13:07
tealbirdI bet you could back port it13:07
moudmenyea, it shudnt be hard, true13:07
tealbirdThey're trying to stay mostly standard, so  hopefully no weird patches like android13:08
tealbirdAnd cross device so it would be surprising if n900 couldn't support13:08
rangeGuys, stop that. My head hurts. Meego isn't "rpm", nobody saw Mac (whatever that is) *dualboot* on an N900 and linux is just kernel.13:08
range*a kernel.13:08
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tealbirdLinux is technically the kernel but most people associate a particular user space with it.13:09
RST38hrange: exhale slowly.13:09
moudmenmac runs via pearpc,13:09
RST38hrange: avoid using drugs in the future.13:09
rangemoudmen: Yes. where is that dual booting?13:09
moudmensry, my bad, not dual boot, that was smthg else13:09
rangeRST38h: I thought I needed some :)13:09
moudmenlet me re read the stories13:09
tealbirdpearpc?  Like vmware ?13:10
moudmenah android right13:10
tealbirdah oops13:10
moudmenemulator, yea13:10
moudmenjust like DosBox13:10
tealbirdAFAIK android runs directly, not in an emulator13:10
RST38hOk, javis' Vulture's Eye does not build =(13:10
* RST38h hates when it happens 13:11
tealbirdThe n800 , vmware was running both wince and  android13:12
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tealbirdWe were discussing alternate OSs13:13
tealbirdI thought13:13
RST38hAndroid is not an "os" in the sense that it runs on top of Maemo as well13:13
RST38hWinCE is not an OS any sane living being would consider using13:13
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* moudmen watching the video13:14
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tealbirdNo, android does not run on top of maemo.  Android adds some stuff to the kernel / userspace and then runs in a vm which writes directly to the frame buffer, it does not use X.13:15
timeless_mbptealbird: vmware already demod their platform on Maemo4 / n80013:15
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RST38htealbird: so, you run it from Maemo, eh?13:16
RST38hWhen Maemo is fully booted?13:16
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timeless_mbpoh, yeah, it's in that link13:16
RST38hHow is it a no?13:17
Stskeepsit's dual-boot13:17
Corsacthe android patches could be added to the kernel so the android userland could run on maemo kernel13:17
timeless_mbpyou can cross a pig with a crow, but why would you?13:18
RST38hStskeeps: doesn't Android run from chroot?13:18
roadiCorsac: but they don't doit; thats why the kerneldeveoper kicked out the patchset13:18
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StskeepsRST38h: initially, now it's dual-boot13:18
timeless_mbproadi: you're thinking about upstream13:18
timeless_mbpCorsac: is talking about 'in general outside upstream'13:19
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tealbirdAndroid is being removed because nobody is maintaining it, not because it's not explicitly wanted13:19
RST38hStskeeps: Well if it runs from chroot, you can't really call it an OS :)13:19
roaditimeless_mbp: no. it was only a comment.13:19
RST38htealbird: If someone wanted it they would maintain it13:19
timeless_mbpRST38h: 'OE'13:19
* Arif_ yawns13:20
Corsactealbird: not maintained *mainline*13:20
StskeepsRST38h: well, ok, android UI under chroot. android OS dualboot.13:20
Corsactealbird: it's behind maintained at google, they just don't care about pushing the patches mainline13:20
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Arif_I woke up early today :D13:20
RST38hStskeeps: there any "os" beside UI?13:20
Corsacwhat exactly do you mean by “os”?13:20
StskeepsRSyes, afaik :P13:21
tealbirdI agree corsac, and that's different from being explicitly kicked out13:21
Corsackernel, kernel+basic userland, kernel+userland+X+DE?13:21
Corsactealbird: not so much13:21
Corsactealbird: it was explicitely kicked out13:21
RST38hStskeeps: I have got an impressin that below Dalvik there is hardly any OS at all13:21
StskeepsRST38h: not much, agreed13:21
tealbirdcorsac: by who?13:21
Corsacbut kicked out from staging/ is not the same thing as being kicked out13:21
Corsactealbird: Linus?13:22
Corsacnot sure who did the commit though13:22
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CorsacRST38h: well, there is a kernel which does memory management, scheduling, etc. and some userland, which is not really available for any user :)13:22
Corsacso yeah, by itself it's not much of an os13:23
roadithats what i told you.13:24
RST38hCorsac: memory management and scheduling is about 2000 lines of code at most13:24
CorsacRST38h: well, kernel manage devices too13:25
tealbirdroadi: semantics13:25
Corsac(2000 lines only?)13:25
* tealbird shrugs13:25
RST38hCorsac: well you want to write a malloc() and a simple scheduler13:25
roaditealbird: i ment few minutes ago.13:25
RST38hCorsac: if you cannot fit 'em into 2000 lines, you are doing something wrong13:26
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CorsacRST38h: yeah but I meant the Linux ones13:26
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RST38hCorsac: Yes, if you are lazy you can use linux ones and a thousand penguin worshippers will trumpet you as "a linux distro"13:26
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* Stskeeps decides to learn rpm and spec13:27
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* Arif_ decides to eat breakfast13:28
* RST38h decides to catch javispedro and interrogate13:28
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tealbirdroadi: yes, semantics differences :) You said kicked out, committer said in essence "sadly removed" which is what I vaguely remembered13:29
RST38htealbird: It is a polite way to say "kicked out'13:29
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Arif_sadly removed = kicked out13:29
RST38hWhen you kick someone in the nuts with the sad face, it makes you feel morally superior to the victim13:29
tealbirdThank you for that picture13:30
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tealbirdI'll have to try that sometime13:30
Arif_I'm not sure that'll be appreciated very well o.o13:30
fnordiansliphmm.  my unresponsive N900 showed a load of 17 over ssh before i rebooted it. wonder if that is a record?13:31
tealbirdYou never know13:31
RST38hfnordian: No13:31
fnordianslipoh.  what is the record?13:31
RST38hfnordian: UMD EE department microVAXen showed up to 45.13:31
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RST38h(yes, "ls" took a while)13:32
Arif_stop ls'ing in the pr0n folder :P13:32
RST38hArif: What pr0n? It was *before* Netscape13:32
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fnordianslipRST38h: i mean for an n900.  i remember hearing of a old server being decommissioned, and they found a low priority print job that had been waiting over 20 years to run :)13:32
Arif_there was no porn before netscape? :o13:33
Arif_good times =}13:33
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SWFu64still no update for uk users wtf is going on?13:33
Arif_I just noticed13:33
Zoupbadblocks /dev/mmcblk0p2 shows lots of errors, is this hardware issue?13:33
zerojayDid the Karma calculations just massively change or something? I just lost over half my karma.13:33
Arif_my old N95 8GB charger is still plugged in the wall socket13:33
Zoup<---- N90013:33
crashanddieRST38h: before netscape you had erotic stories which was enough13:34
Arif_erotic text adventures!13:34
RST38hcrash: Actually, yes13:34
Stskeepszerojay: yes, like it was discussed for lengthy periods of time?13:34
Stskeeps(i lost bugzilla karma myself)13:34
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RST38hAh the horror! The suffering13:35
zerojayStskeeps: Yeah, I lost mainly bugzilla karma from what I saw.13:35
Stskeepszerojay: was the thread13:35
* N900evil wonders if renaming bugs accont will link it.13:36
RST38hStskeeps: What is the story on Bugzilla karma anyway?13:36
Stskeeps for consensus13:36
StskeepsRST38h: i'm not sure13:36
Stskeepsunbalanced with the new changes13:36
zerojayBlog posts seem to be weighted SO much more.. wtf.13:37
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RST38hBloggers, sir13:38
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zerojayWhich is great if you're accepted into the blogroll...13:39
Stskeepswhich is pretty simple to get13:39
zerojayI've been refused twice.13:39
Stskeepshrm, odd13:39
RST38hStskeeps: Complete omittance of bug reporting karma is still weird13:39
zerojayI really don't understand how bug reporting can be far less important than posting about the same thing everyone else is.13:40
tealbirdbug reporting > posts13:40
StskeepsRST38h: i think it was just not included in the change proposal13:40
Stskeepsand hence it wasn't discussed13:40
Stskeepsgo read the discussion, i know nothing13:40
RST38hStskeeps: Weird13:40
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Stskeepsand submit a discussion for getting bug karma changed cos it does seem a bit unbalanced atm13:41
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RST38h"Well, that's a bug among others it seems, we didn't proposed any alteration to bugzilla karma, nor for favs that is also very low."13:42
RST38hzerojay: I guess it will get fixed in a while13:42
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RST38hchown -R user:root /home/fms/vultures-2.2.100/debian/vultures/media/mmc2/share13:43
RST38hopt/maemo/dists/lenny-2009-1/bin/chown: invalid user: `user:root'13:43
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RST38hStskeeps: No idea, it seems to build for javispedro13:45
RST38hBut not for me13:45
JaffaScaling on seems crazy.13:46
RST38hThat scaling has been crazy for months now13:46
timeless_mbpJaffa: there's a username 'thenokiablog'??13:47
timeless_mbpbut yeah, that scaling is wonky13:47
JaffaI'd suggest that if the order of makes people go "eh?" rather than "fair enough" the experiment with the new multipliers isn't quite right yet13:47
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timeless_mbpJaffa: i'm not on page 1?13:47
zerojayJaffa: It's completely fucked.13:47
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timeless_mbpJaffa: ok, what page am i on?13:48
timeless_mbpah, page 413:48
zerojayBug reporting is apparently useless now.13:48
Shapeshifterso I still dont get this. in both the maps app as well as the location widget, I get a very acurate lock but the map never moves around the middle. the dot never follows my position.13:48
Shapeshifterwhat do i need to do to have this kind of tracking?13:49
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timeless_mbpzerojay: why?13:49
timeless_mbpkonttori is now in charge of getting things fixed13:50
timeless_mbphe's doing a relatively good job13:50
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zerojaytimeless_mbp: I'm just saying that's the impression you get when you look at the way karma is calculated now. You get more karma for posting the same shit everyone else is than you ever would from bug reporting. That's the impression that the less connected of us is going to get for the moment anyways.13:51
zerojayWho do I gotta poke to get my package added to the maemo bug tracker?13:51
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ZogGhey, i got forum account and garage account on but can't login in brainstorm section =(13:52
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RST38hzerojay: What really sends your karma through the roof is a regular sacrifice to the Tentacled One. Most bloggers who get aggregated through practice it.13:53
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Zoupis this normal to have badblocks on mmc disk?13:53
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tealbirdzoup: I had issues and I'm blithingly ignoring it until I feel like I can do without my cell phone for a while13:54
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Zoupi have face major fs corruption :(13:54
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tealbirdBut I haven't upgraded to latest release and I think there may have been some bug fixes13:54
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Zouptealbird: which is not repairable with fsck13:54
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timeless_mbpzerojay: there's a wiki page explaining the process to add to bugs.maemo13:55
Zoupis this hardware fault? can this get fixed with reflashing?13:55
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timeless_mbpZoup: mmc's will have bad blocks13:55
timeless_mbpthey come w/ spares13:55
timeless_mbpit's actually fairly rare to *not* have bad blocks13:55
Zouptimeless_mbp: how can i deal with this issue then?13:55
tealbirdThe card shouldn't report it unless it's a real issue13:55
tealbirdAt least AFAIK13:56
Zoupi have lots of file issues, and errors in dmesg13:56
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tealbirdI would say thats a real problem13:56
tealbirdCheck talk but I think that some people said reflashing emmc might help13:56
GeneralAntilleszerojay, X-Fade denies aggregation requests?13:56
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tealbirdI haven't done it myself13:56
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Zoupnone of you received anything in dmesg?13:57
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tealbirdYes, I received something in dmesg about errors13:57
RST38hZoup: was there supposed to be a message from you? :)13:57
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tealbirdBut not huge13:57
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timeless_mbpZoup: a bad block's a bad block13:57
timeless_mbptrying to paint over a pothole doesn't make the pothole go away13:57
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Zouptimeless_mbp: maybe i can use -k to preserve badblocks?13:58
ZogGanyhelp here?13:58
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tealbirdzoup: what are the dmesg errors13:59
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zerojayGeneralAntilles: I don't remember who it was... maybe Quim himself, but yes.14:00
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zerojayGeneralAntilles: Though to be fair this was pre-N900 and all that.14:00
SpeedEvilmmc corruption means that the mmc has run out of bad blocks in one zone.14:00
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GeneralAntilleszerojay, didn't even know you had a blog.14:01
Zouptealbird,timeless_mbp :
zerojayGeneralAntilles: I had started one up specifically for the NITs back in the day but was pretty much told it wasn't going to be agregated so don't bother. lol14:02
SpeedEvilTypically mmc wear leveling is done with - say - 1024 blocks - which present to the user as 1000 blocks. The 24 blocks are spares. Every write means an erase of one block, a copy to one of the spare blocks, and reallocation of the block numbers.14:02
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GeneralAntilleszerojay, weird.14:02
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tealbirdSpeedEvil:  but should that be happening already?14:03
SpeedEviltealbird: yes - this happens below the interface level.14:04
SpeedEviltealbird: if the mmc is reporting bad blocks, this mechanism has failed.14:04
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ZoupSpeedEvil: how can i fix this?14:04
tealbirdI mean, severe enough for it to have failed14:04
tealbirdI have never seen it on normal SD cards14:04
SpeedEvilZoup: I would try first filling the entire device with zeros - to ensure it's had one write cycle.14:05
SpeedEvilZoup: and then retry flashing. And then run badblocks14:05
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ZoupSpeedEvil: as in Flashing the eMMC in or normal flashing?14:05
SpeedEvilflashing the mmc14:06
SpeedEvilwhat are the errors - can you pastebin?14:06
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tealbirdWas already done14:06
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Andy80hey guys14:06
ZoupSpeedEvil: + unrecoverable fs corruption14:06
Andy80what happened to all karma in
Andy80I lost more than 1000+ karma points O_o14:06
ZoupSpeedEvil: fsck even fails with seg faults!14:06
zerojayAndy80: Scroll up.14:06
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Andy80zerojay: up where?14:07
RST38hThat was karmic apocalypse14:07
SpeedEvilZoup: does it ever come back from this state - might it be the mmc stopping responding?14:07
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ZoupSpeedEvil: yeah, normally is kind of ok14:08
ZoupSpeedEvil: this happend when i have tried to install lots of applications14:08
ZoupSpeedEvil: disk usage i guess, before that it was very much ok, no errors at all14:08
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ZoupSpeedEvil: and even now if i enable mounting of p2, its kind of working but some files are not accessible14:09
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SpeedEvilZoup: simply installing apps should not kill the mmc in this way14:09
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ZoupSpeedEvil: i guess its because installing means using more disk space, reaching more bad blocks?14:09
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povbotBug 5767: Corrupted /home/user/MyDocs VFAT filesystem out of the box14:10
SpeedEvilI approve wholeheartedly of the new karma system.14:10
SpeedEvilIt's entirely coincidental that my karma just quadrupled.14:10
SpeedEvilI don't think you can ever get this sort of stuff right.14:10
Corsacmine went from 140 to 109 :(14:10
SpeedEvilRST38h: naah - not blogged once.14:10
RST38hSpeedEvil: So, what was it? A cat? A whole pony maybe?14:10
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Andy80SpeedEvil: how/when did the karma change?14:11
SpeedEvilAndy80: dunno. Between today and a couple of weeks ago.14:11
Zouptealbird: note that mine is ext3 parition issue mainly, maybe vfat one is dead as well, its not very much used14:12
sejois python-qt4 supported on the maemo5-sdk14:12
villemvsolarion: pyqt is in extras14:12
Andy80I'll ask more details on mailing list,....14:12
Andy80got to go now14:12
villemvsejo: I mean14:12
tealbirdzoup: your home directory?14:12
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Zouptealbird: yep, p214:13
sejovillemv: going to look for the intel extras then14:13
sejoyeah in the sdk14:13
ZoupSpeedEvil: so, i will try to fill mmc with zero's, mmc reflash and badblocks again?14:13
sejoI have a scratchbox running and whish to test the app there before copying it to my n90014:14
villemvah, you, just add the normal extras line. it has both i386 and armel14:14
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tealbirdzoup: good luck , would be good to know if that works.  Might be worth adding this to the bug report mentioning it was on the ext3 partition14:15
Zouptealbird: i will :)14:15
SpeedEvilZoup: that would be what I'd do if it was my tablet.14:15
Zouptealbird: lets hope its not hardware fault ... :((14:16
tealbirdzoup: for me too since I possibly have the same issue14:16
tealbirdnot as bad though14:16
ZoupSpeedEvil: can this be hardware issue? unrecoverable?14:16
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tealbirdzoup: you'll find out14:18
SpeedEvilZoup: I don't see a way it can't be an unrecoverable hardware issue.14:18
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RST38hheya wazd14:18
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wazd_Rst38h: moo14:18
wazd_Hello all14:19
Stskeepsmoo wazd14:19
N900evilI have been wrong before. Twice. oh, actually I was wrong in January too - so three times.14:19
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ZoupSpeedEvil: last question, how to zero entire mmc disk ? does flasher support such act or simply dd if=/dev/zero ?14:22
Stskeepsreflash the emmc14:22
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ZoupStskeeps: do you had similar experience? was that fixed?14:23
WizzupWhen flashing the phone, does the battery really have to be fully charged?14:23
StskeepsWizzup: yes, it's a very good idea14:23
Stskeepsno, i did not - but if you have I/O errors on internal MMC something's not good14:24
WizzupSo 2/3 is not good enough... meh14:24
Stskeepsand you could consider a RMA14:24
GeneralAntillesJaffa, Ars.14:24
GeneralAntillesJaffa, or, alternatively, main story to MeeGo, and another story for Ryan's article.14:24
WizzupStskeeps: I just want to upgrade my phone's firmware14:24
StskeepsWizzup: the issue is that if anything goes wrong, you are left with a hosed device otherwise14:25
Stskeepsso charge it fully and never let battery go completely dry14:25
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WizzupI won't14:25
WizzupI mean, I will*14:25
* Wizzup slaps Wizzup 14:26
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fnordiansliphmm.  i can't answer SIP calls with my bluetooth headset on my N900. but i can answer cellular calls.  is that normal?14:27
fnordiansliponce i answer the SIP call, the headset works ok, but I can't disconnect it either.14:28
SpeedEvilStskeeps: reflashing won't zero it will it?14:28
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StskeepsSpeedEvil: no, but it will overwrite and your subsequent writes to untouched will come before your reads, effectively zeroing..14:29
Stskeepsuntouched areas14:29
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SpeedEvilyou want to zero it all - or write to it all though. ideally.14:29
SpeedEvilbadblocks nondestructive test may work14:30
RST38his there a binary for this test?14:31
SpeedEvilI have no idea where it came from - I have a binary on my device14:32
SpeedEvildoesn't look like14:35
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SpeedEvilhelptext is identical to the badblocks on my laptop14:36
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SpeedEvilIt has a date of nov 25 - which is 5 days before I got it IIRC14:37
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RST38hA'ok, new version of Vultures coming up...14:38
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RST38hAs soon as I figure out how to keep savefiles in the home dir14:39
SpeedEvilshared bones plz! :)14:39
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alteregoHow do we theme Qt applications in Qt Creator to look as they would do under maemo?14:59
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sejosomeone a good tutorial for Qt4 on maemo?15:02
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alteregosejo: yeah, that's what I'm looking for too  :)15:02
sejoalterego: heh :p15:03
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Jaffaalterego: run them on Maemo and you should get the theming15:08
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alteregoJaffa, yeah, but how do we know what the interface is going to look like?15:10
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Jaffaalterego: x11vnc? ;)15:11
alteregoin the video last week, I saw them using QtCreator and they were switching between portrait and landscape modes. I suppose I could look at their source.15:12
alteregoinsgtall the hildon theme on my host.15:12
JaffaGeneralAntilles: agreed. There'll be a few MeeGo articles scattered throughout, I think15:12
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ZoupSpeedEvil: dd is going on very well15:13
ZoupSpeedEvil: its a good sign i believe, no Input/Output error yet15:14
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jwal_maemoHi, just started wifi roaming with my new n900 :)  Has anyone got a neat way of dealing with hotspots which require you to fill in an HTML form on connection?15:18
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jwal_maemoI'm looking for something to fill in that form for me when I join certain networks.  At the moment when I come in range of one of these networks, my jabber etc disconnects.15:21
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alteregojwal_maemo: sounds like a good idea, unfortunately I don't think there is currently a solution for what you described.15:23
RST38hVulture's done. XChat now.15:23
RST38hcehteh: There?15:24
JaffaThere was a Maemo 4 app for it, IIRC15:24
JaffaWould be very handy for an app to listen to connections to certain APs over DBus and to do the appropriate HTTP jiggery to let you straight through.15:25
jwal_maemoI could probably write a daemon for this myself, if nobody else has.  The ony thing I could find like this is "fastconnect" for which has a win32 and s60 version but not for GNU/Linux.15:25
jwal_maemoJaffa: Cool, do you know what it is called?15:26
Jaffajwittema: May have been Not sure there was any OSS app15:27
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jwal_maemoThat's exactly what I am talking about.  I knew somebody would have thought of it before.15:29
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cehtehrst: yep15:33
flipoukanyone knows how to emulate the ALT key on the N900 terminal? thx15:35
RST38hcehteh: Where in the xchat config do I enable your plugin?15:35
RST38hcehteh: need to include that line into the package15:35
flipoukthresh: nope doesn't worl :-(15:36
threshit does in irssi at least15:37
cehtehuhm ..iirc plugins are loaded automatically when in plugin dir15:37
flipoukthresh: I run irssi on a remote computer I ssh into15:37
threshme too15:37
threshesc + number works fine15:37
flipoukand I'd like to switch channels15:38
threshyes, Esc + that blue arrow + number15:38
flipoukthresh: it's working now. many thx15:39
SpeedEvilRST38h: has some additional keys defined.15:39
RST38hcehteh: and is there a system-wide one?15:40
RST38hoh ok usr/lib/xchat15:40
cehtehyes, i think /usr/lib/xchat2  but have to figure out15:41
RST38hActually /usr/lib/xchat, it looks15:44
cehtehhum how does tab completio work in xchat?15:44
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cehtehcan be, meanwhile i tested the config loading too, works15:45
SpeedEvilcehteh: A) ctrl-i. B) Turn on autocompletion char - enter : (or whatever it is) and it completes. C) Define an autocompletion char. I use shift-right15:45
RST38hWhat a mess this optification is...15:47
ZogGokay, anyone can help me here? i messed up with layout and after wrong setting i can't boot uop15:47
RST38hcehteh: I think I have an autocomplete char defined. A moment.15:47
ZogGis there way to mount root of n900 to computer?15:47
derfI think I've given up on packaging things altogether.15:48
cehtehrst: should be $libexecdir15:48
derfIt's just not worth it.15:48
cehtehzog: sshfs15:48
ZogGcehteh i can't boot it15:49
ZogGit's bootingf with black screen15:49
cehtehuhm  then not easily15:49
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ZogGi can mount only the user folder15:50
ZogGbut not root one15:50
ZogGi need root one to fix it15:50
ZogGis it aviable?15:50
RST38hcehteh: Shift+Space will autocomplete by default15:51
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SpeedEvilZogG: have you setup ssh?15:53
cehtehRSt: damnit, i remapped shift space to tab for emax and this beeaks in xchat15:53
SpeedEvilZogG: you can't easily mount / - the mount functionality is completely seperate15:53
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SpeedEvilZogG: flashing is the only easy solution15:53
ZogGSpeedEvil, i just need to cp one file from backup to fix it15:53
ZogGSpeedEvil so there is no way to mount / ?15:54
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cehtehRST38h: ah ctrl space reconfigured15:57
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RST38hcehteh: Ctrl-Space is the language switch. Cannot use it, sorry15:58
cehtehZogG: to be able to mount u have to have the device booted15:58
RST38hcehteh: That is why it is Shift-Space15:58
JaffaOooh, is that changelog parsing in Packages?
ZogGcehteh it's booting but with black screen =)15:59
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cehtehzog u can ssh to it?16:00
midasZogG: black screen with nokia in it?16:01
ZogGi didn't set it16:01
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ZogGmidas, nope blackscreen after full boot sometimes wih one icon in coner16:01
ZogGnot really okay =)16:02
ZogGi'll flash it16:02
midashehe nope :p16:02
ZogGbut have no backups16:02
ZogGdamn it16:02
midasthats the fastest way16:02
ZogGit's only one file to correct16:02
ZogGand i have back up16:02
ZogGbut can't get there =)16:02
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ZogGnow the question is how to flash in gentoo16:05
ZogGoh i have to download flasher16:06
ZogGstupid me16:06
ZogGi thought it's built-in program16:06
ZogGbut in deb-based distros =(16:06
cehtehyou can unpack the deb and try16:07
cehtehgentoo cries fo pain :p16:08
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alteregois mmcblk0 rootfs?16:12
alteregop1 ..16:12
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techrascalhi technified16:17
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jacekowskidoes n900 support mkv containers?16:18
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Arif_not the mkvs you warezd :(16:19
cehtehalterego: no the rootfs is on NAND ubifs16:19
alteregogstreamer does, but the media player doesn't seem to.16:19
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alteregocehteh: so do I dd ubifs then? to make a root image?16:20
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ShadowJKextra-decoders allegedly adds mkv support16:21
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cehtehi just rsync the whole device16:22
jacekowskiis it normal that i can't charge N900 from usb16:22
jacekowskii mean it's charging16:22
jacekowskibut it never reaches 100%16:22
alteregojacekowski: not unusual. depends on the power output from the host device.16:23
alteregoalso, if you're using it aswell.16:23
jacekowskiwhich is maximum for usb16:23
jacekowskileft overnight16:23
javispedronot even with the wall charger it should reach 100%16:24
midasjacekowski: usb only delievers 500mA, where as the charger delivers 1200mA16:24
jacekowskiit might cause charging to take longer16:24
jacekowskibut it should charge it16:24
javispedrodoes it show the charge completed notification?16:25
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midasdid you had any connectivity? gps, gprs/hsdpa, fm, BT?16:25
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jacekowskiwith wall charger it finishes charging16:26
jacekowskiwith usb - no16:26
javispedrothen i'd say the host isn't providing enough power.16:26
jacekowskiit says 500mA16:26
javispedrotest with a selfpowered hub16:26
ZogGjacekowski mplayer can play them16:26
javispedrowho says 500mA? software, or amperimeter?16:26
jacekowskii'll try it with meter tomorrow16:27
javispedroor another hub.16:27
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jacekowskisame thing happens on other laptop as well16:27
javispedroah, laptops16:28
nid0I often find the usb charger from a pc will "never finish charging" in that the charge light will be flashing orange forever16:28
jacekowskinid0: same here16:28
nid0but the battery's sitting at 96% charged, and unplugging+replugging usb will bring up the green light16:28
nid0just how it is16:28
javispedroI've never seen that16:28
alteregomine completes. irionically my laptop seems to be better with USB powered devices than my old deskotp.16:29
nid0mine isnt always one way or the other, usually it does charge and go green as it should but its not uncommon for me to find it sitting at 96% battery and still blinking orange forever16:29
* javispedro has been using a selfpowered hub since getting tired of this in the first days of USB, and i'd even say things were _better_ then16:30
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javispedrothey now even sell stupid underpowered selfpowered hubs..16:30
jacekowskiand i had a case when screen didn't returned to original position after a call16:31
jacekowskiit was still rotated by 90 degrees16:31
javispedrothat's known16:31
javispedroit didn't happen to me either :) but there are long stories about that on the www16:31
ZogGme is better than your laptop =P16:33
ZogGdamn now installing on packages from beggining16:34
ZogGis there discussion on brainstorm to be able to select several programs for instalation?16:34
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jacekowskioh fff16:35
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jacekowskii've been trying to login to ovi for like 5 minutes now16:35
jacekowskiwith my e-mail instead of username16:35
nid0ovi share needs work :(16:35
jacekowskiwhy store can't remember that i've got n90016:36
jacekowskiit always shows me N97 stuff16:36
nid0does the same for me too16:36
nid0I think n900 inclusion in ovi is spotty at best atm, it isnt even listed as a device in the contacts/share sections16:37
nid0I still have to keep them set to my old e9016:37
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arachnisthas anyone tried n900's media player with mediatomb upnp server? when i try to play music over it, it just says "Media format not supported"16:44
arachnistregardless of the file type16:44
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nid0there seem to be various bugs with upnp streaming at the moment, iv not had any problems with audio but video streaming is basically fubar16:46
alteregocehteh: what's your rsync commancd line to do full root backup then?16:46
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jacekowskiwhat i would really like is nice OTA sync16:48
jacekowskiof everything16:48
jacekowskiso i just click on something -> send to my n900 and it's there in couple seconds/minutes16:49
jacekowskidepending if it's over wifi or gsm16:49
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jacekowskiif phone isn't connected to internet at all it will be sent as soon as it is16:49
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Jaffajacekowski: Like a 24-style "send it to my PDA"16:50
alteregoYeah, I've got something like that in the pipeline :)16:50
cehtehalterego: i show you later, not at the laptop right now16:50
javispedroah, HotSync...16:50
lcukJaffa, ill gladly let chloe send stuff to any of my devices :D16:51
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* cehteh ever wanted a nice distributed fs for that16:51
w00t_lcuk: worst. innuendo. ever.16:51
lcukwasnt innuendo16:51
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cehtehdisconnected operation. store n copies for redundancy, move data where its needed16:52
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RST38hjavis, your maemo_version computation thingie does not work in sb216:55
javispedroRST38h: argh. does the file exist?16:56
RST38hbut sb2 has got some issues invoking cut16:56
javispedroand isn't that very, very, very weird.16:57
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javispedrowell, if you're not interested in building for diablo just force that to 516:58
RST38hI did but it is hardly universal :)16:58
javispedroI cannot what the cut issue is about...16:59
javispedro*cannot imagine16:59
javispedroiiirc it's something very very stupid like cut -c1 < /etc/maemo_release17:00
RST38hwell, sb2 -e lets me invoke it17:00
alteregoIf I flash the rootfs, will it leave all my settings intact?17:00
alteregoLike contacts?17:00
RST38hbut anything started with just sb2 does not17:01
* javispedro looks at gnu make builtin functions...17:01
Stskeepsjavispedro: does OpenVG require it being rendered straight to screen or is it just 2d accel?17:01
Stskeepslike, draw into buffer17:01
fralsJaffa: when you built python-evolution, did you include the patches at ?17:01
javispedroStskeeps: it can render into an egl pbuffer much like gles17:01
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Stskeepsjavispedro: we might be able to use the 3d drivers for something sane then.. Qt4.6 has OpenVG support17:02
javispedrothis reminds me to file the "fremantle openvg missing" bug...17:02
timeless_mbpwhat's the url for "how do i get 1.1.1 to update"?17:03
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javispedroRST38h: maybe you could use full path to cut? aka /usr/bin/cut17:06
* timeless_mbp pokes javispedro 17:07
jacekowskigreen light17:07
jacekowskiover USB17:07
* javispedro feels poken17:07
* RST38h kinda hoped SB/SB2 had default macros to determine maemo version17:07
jacekowskiafter 18h of charging17:07
RST38hmust be really bad karma17:07
RST38hcharges in 4 hours or so, over USB17:07
javispedroRST38h: it has quite a lot of methods though, but all of them use cut somewhere along the computation =)17:08
jacekowskiit charges to almost full pretty quickly17:08
jacekowskibut last 1% takes forever17:08
javispedropkg-config maemo-release-dev, version from the maemo-release pkg, the maemo_release file...17:08
RST38hNo _WINDOWS in Maemo? :)17:08
javispedrothere's a HILDON_VERSION define iirc17:09
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RST38hThat should do the job17:11
javispedronot for the packaging...17:11
javispedroand also, including hildon files in SDL apps is... fun :)17:12
RST38hno such macro in sb217:12
* RST38h ready to release xchat with cehteh's plugin17:12
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pupnikwhat service do you guys use for quick photo sharing?  flickr insisted in merging my yahoo email with my flickr id17:14
alteregofacebook here17:14
rangepupnik: via twitter or FB :)17:15
rangeIf you mean "on the n900"17:15
crashanddiepupnik: just create another yahoo account17:15
crashanddiepupnik: flickr never needs you to have it afterwards17:16
pupnikhmm k17:16
javispedropupnik: hi17:16
javispedropupnik: did you see ?17:16
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alteregoDoes picasa have google maps integration? :)17:17
antiiany guide for making a clean install on my n900?17:17
timeless_mbp ?17:17
pupnikdope, javispedro17:17
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crashanddieI'm out! Talk later17:18
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javispedrocy c&d :)17:19
RST38hhello, RST38bis17:19
javispedroevil bis twin17:19
RST38hRST38bis: test17:19
crashanddieRST38h: I can have him removed17:19
crashanddiejust say the word17:19
pupnikmy picture viewer has 300 empty thumbnails17:20
crashanddieRST38h: ok, time's up17:20
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RST38hRST38bis: test17:21
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RST38hok, plugin does not work17:21
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alteregoFine, I'll just backup my home directory ..17:24
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javispedrowhat's the plugin about, btw?17:25
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RST38hnotifications with vibra and led17:26
javispedroah, interesting17:26
WizzupIs it normal that flasher uses 100% cpy?17:26
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Wizzupah, now it works17:27
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pupnikwho remembers how to manually force photo viewer to clear out deleted pictures?17:31
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pupniki have hundreds deleted17:32
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antiii just bought a n900 and it has it latest firmware but how can i "clear all stuff" from the memory??17:36
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pupnikstuff is vague17:36
Arif_format it?17:38
antiiArif_: yes17:38
antiiArif_: how can I do that?17:38
Arif_you mean the Mydocs folder or all your settings?17:39
lcukantii, there are 2 flashing stages easily permissable from linux,  one is the main reflash route which resets the rootfs17:39
antiiall stuff17:39
lcukand theres another flashing image for the eMMC17:39
Arif_reflash both images (firmware and eMMC)17:39
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antiiArif_: ok17:39
Arif_what lcuk said :P17:39
antiicause i have already latest firmware17:40
antiistill necessary to flash firmware then?17:40
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fralswhat are you trying to get rid off exactly? ie did you buy a used one with lots of stuff installed?17:40
lcukor take lots of compromising photographs17:41
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antiifrals: yes, it got some stuff still :P17:41
Jaffafrals: No, it was a direct packaging from upstream.17:41
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fralsJaffa: ok, would you mind applying those patches?17:41
Jaffafrals: can you send me that link via email or something? irssi is being stupid and not properly wrapping URLs17:41
fralsdrop me your email in a pm please :)17:42
antiiso do i have to "update" the os to then?17:43
fralseasiest is to reflash the firmware as lcuk and Arif_ said17:43
antiifrals: have any good guide for that?17:43
Jaffafrals: I'll try to push a new version this evening17:44
fralsJaffa: much appreciated, ta :)17:44
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antiiRX-51_2009SE_2.2009.51-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM this is latest?17:45
antiiok, should I get the global release if i live in like sweden?17:45
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JaffaIs the flashable image for PR1.1.1 been released? HAM isn't showing it in the UK/for me17:47
timeless_mbpJaffa: you really should ditch the uk variant17:48
SplasPoodheh, snap to grid is the greatest thing to happen to my N900 desktop ;)17:48
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antiifrals: btw, that one is enough right? nothing more to download?17:50
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Jaffatimeless_mbp: I wasn't sure I had it. Device is from Finland and no region code in sources.list17:51
fralsive no idea, never reflashed mine :) if you wanna clear the emmc you need the emmc image as well i guess17:51
JaffaSplasPood: Where fro?17:51
antiifrals: whats the emmc doing?17:51
timeless_mbpJaffa: dpkg -l should list your variant iirc?17:51
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RST38hRST38bis: test17:51
SplasPoodJaffa: I believe it's an undoc'd feature..  I installed 'Tweakr' which lets you enable/disable some of em17:51
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lcuki took my desktop pc apart last night to replug in one of hard drives17:52
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lcuki used the torch on n900 to light the way17:52
lcukafter i had reassembled the pc i wondered where my n900 was17:52
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RST38hRST38bis: test17:53
Jaffatimeless_mbp: know which package?17:53
timeless_mbpJaffa: i think it'd be the meta package17:53
lcukand also wondered why there was some random light coming out of the grills17:53
RST38hno does not work17:53
timeless_mbpfremantle whatever17:53
RST38hcehteh: how is it supposed to work anyway?17:53
SplasPoodJaffa: however....  Battery died during the night and I just powered it back on and some of my widgets are MIA and things are acting a bit funky. so...  beware17:53
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RST38hcehteh: does it only work when device is locked/screen off?17:54
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cehtehyes  partly17:54
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Jaffatimeless_mbp: That's what I guessed. Totally failing to find it17:55
cehtehdialogs when xchat has no focus17:55
RST38bisok let us try17:55
RST38hcehteh: duplicates username, does not bring xchat into focus when dialog clicked17:55
RST38hRST38bis: test17:56
SpeedEvilRST38bis: cheese17:56
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cehtehi set 'ceh*' as extra hilite17:56
RST38hok, works17:56
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RST38hcehteh: no way to do it the same way as messanging, by painting window over, until focus gets back in17:57
cehtehRST38h: i be at laptop in 3 minutes17:57
timeless_mbpcould someone w/ 1.1.1 poke me?17:58
RST38hcehteh: only shows the first message17:58
RST38hcehteh: oh actually shows them all and makes you click through17:58
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fralslol lcuk17:59
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RST38hcehteh: This plugin will be a huge problem if someone floods you18:00
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cehtehRST38h: i didnt really expected you to review the code, but i thought you RTFM at least :P it has flood control18:02
cehtehand you can disable the dialogs with /notify_mode -d18:02
* RST38h is just a stupid bovine18:03
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cehtehi just left it enabled with all bells and whistles18:03
RST38hcehteh: how does flood control work, for bovines?18:03
cehtehit has a counter which counts down18:03
* RST38h needs to understand wheth it is ok to leave all these whistels enabled in the package, by default18:04
cehtehand every 'recovery_time' seconds its counts this counter up ... to a max18:04
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cehtehdefault is 5 messages, and 10 minutes recovers18:04
RST38hBut if I send you a message each minute, I can still potentially create a shitload of dialogs?18:04
cehtehso one could flood you overnight with maybe 20 dialogs when he tries hard18:05
cehtehRST38bis is your n900?18:05
cehtehok close the device18:05
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cehtehnow look18:06
cehtehthere should be no more than 5 dialogs18:06
RST38hshould I open it?18:06
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cehtehwhenever xchat gets focus the dialog throttling is set back18:07
RST38hcehteh: All right, let us release it onto unsuspecting members and see what happens =)18:07
cehtehi was thinking about disabling all and one has to enable it in .xchat2/maemo_notify.conf18:08
cehtehbut that has poor discoverability and mostly i was just to lazy to change the code18:08
RST38hnobody will use it this way18:08
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cehtehif someone complains tell him to put  'maemo_notify -cp' there18:09
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cehtehthis was as in the 'current way'? .. hey i use it this way :P18:09
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konttorisomebody pinged me, but is not visible in my irc client log anymore18:09
cehtehone may add the other notification things .. like incoming mail with this yellow notes18:10
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cehtehbut frankly i dont like that, i like the dialogs more18:10
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cehtehits fully configureable at least and comes with source :P ...18:11
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konttorihey, is there any information available of the n900 serial port? How difficult is it to create IR remote control support to the device?18:17
konttori(that you use an external IR remote control to skip songs and such)18:17
cehtehi thought you are the nokia guy here? :)18:18
Stskeepskonttori: none public :/ people know what type of port it is but not which is which18:18
Stskeepsand risk is frying your n900 :P18:18
lcukkonttori, dual n900 - bluetooth,wifi,adhoc etc18:19
Stskeepsit was known on 770,n800,n810 so maybe one day18:19
* cehteh wonders why they only put a ir sender into it not a tranceiver18:19
RST38hkonttori: you want to receive ir or send ir?18:19
konttorireceive IR18:19
jsa_I don't think it can receive, only transmit?18:19
RST38hkonttori: afaik, has not been done yet18:19
konttoriso that I can hook it up to my telly and use the mac remote control to control slideshow18:19
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RST38hkonttori: lirc will do send but not receive18:20
jsa_At least that's what I've heard on talk..18:20
konttoriah, so no receive support on the chip then?18:20
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cehtehnobody knows18:20
RST38hkonttori: that you should know better18:20
RST38hkonttori: all we can tell here is that nobody has done it18:21
konttoriwell, I really haven't had to know anything about the IR port so far18:21
konttoriok, thanks. I'll ask inside next week then.18:21
RST38hkonttori: lirc should be the source code you want to look at18:21
konttoriif I find out anything, I'll try to add it to a wiki page.18:21
RST38hkonttori: something is telling me it is not a serial port on n90018:21
lcukkonttori, when your littlest grows up a little, you can get a human remote contorl :D18:21
lcuk"sweetie, turn the channel over for daddy"18:22
konttoritrue. handy!18:22
cehtehnokia is a bit burecratic and huge right? :)18:22
RST38hlcuk <-- exploits minors =)18:22
timeless_mbpcehteh: a bit??18:22
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lcukkonttori, setup bluemaemo and use n900->n900   or some such combination18:24
cehtehthis wlan powersaving really sux, takes 1-2 minutes until irc messages appear on the n900 when its not otherwise active on the net18:24
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fluxcehteh, I'm gussing it's heavily dependant on your wlan AP as well18:27
cehtehyeah crappy old dlink here .. i will never buy dlink again18:28
fluxcehteh, while you're at it you can upgrade to b/g/n too :)18:28
flux(too bad n900 doesn't support n, though ;-))18:28
cehtehits g18:28
cehtehi want a :)18:28
cehtehn900 doesnt support a either :/18:28
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fluxI'm guessing a would have very little provisions for power saving modes..18:31
cehtehwell wlan is a pest here on my neighborhood .. there are more than 10 different nets18:31
cehteha will give me some independence18:32
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KamuiN900crap i want eap-fast18:36
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Jaffahrw|gone: ping18:55
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antiiim trying to start the phone with U-key + usbcable, but It doesent seem to work out :s19:00
nid0in what way?19:05
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* cehteh never needed the 'u' key19:07
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cehtehnice reverse dns :P19:08
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sobczykhi, I've set up SIP but it is not visible in contacts (like skype for phone calls) is it normal?19:11
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timeless_mbpsobczyk: what do you mean?19:15
timeless_mbpsobczyk: when i create a new contact, i have cell, mail, google talk, google talk, sip, skype19:15
antiinid0: if I wanna flash19:16
WZhangN800 disassembly is not THAT easy lol, finally cleaned it completely :P19:16
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sobczyktimeless_mbp: when I go into contact detail page there is phone skype->phone but no sip19:17
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sobczyknvm I figured it out19:20
antiinid0: dont work :s19:20
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aphrekHi all19:23
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aphrekI'm thinking of upgrading my iPhone to the n900 , has anyone done this and do you have any pros/cons to pass on?19:24
WZhangOpen OS19:25
SpeedEvilaphrek: never had an iphone.19:26
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aphrekHow do you find the touch screen?19:27
pupnikit appears that photo tracker scans ALL media in MyDocs and mmc1 except for cities and a few other opt-out directories?  woww19:28
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pupniki guess that makes sense in the crazy new millennium19:29
pupnikput in cities too!  put in everything!  show us every x bitmap!  show us every wallpaper!  who cares19:30
sobczykaphrek: the touch screen is ok though no multitouch19:31
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pupnikit is more precise19:31
SplasPoodpupnik: oh geez19:31
SplasPoodpupnik: I just noticed..19:32
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aphreksobczyk: Thats ok i can leave with that. I like the idea of thr n900 but im trying yo find a compelling case over the iphone19:32
SplasPoodpupnik: I have the warcraft2 port installed, so all the freakin war2 media...19:32
sobczykfor one I love that I can write apps fast with python for the n90019:32
pupnikyou can add directories to ignore19:32
SplasPoodpupnik: oh yea?  Then I will.19:33
sobczykbut the community is smaller so less dedicated apps19:33
aphreksobczyk: I've had an n95 in the past - is the n900 a totally different ball game?19:34
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cehtehgrr .. one of the main advantages in resource consumption is that the n900 runs native apps .. and people only write python apps19:34
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cehtehwell if people write apps .. i still wait for a ssh sharing plugin19:35
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aphrekIs maemo to stay with debian?19:35
sobczykaphrek: software wise yes n900 -> linux OS, n95 symbian, I'dont know much about the n95 hardware but the n900 is performance wise like the new iphone gs19:35
cehtehyou mean meego?19:35
aphrekWow - so it's pretty nippy?19:36
jacekowskiis there any navigation app avaliable for n90019:36
jacekowskithat sygic thing? is there any public beta, torrent, anything?19:36
aphrekAnd battery life good?19:36
sobczykjacekowski:  nokias ovi maps, though I've never used it19:36
jacekowskithere is no navigation in n900 ovi maps19:37
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sobczykaphrek: I only had a simple phone (no smartphones before) but for me if it lasts till nigh it's ok :)19:39
fralscehteh: share via ssh? checked "sharing-plugin-cli"?19:39
antiihm, i did a reflash frals still got contacs and stuff19:40
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cehtehfrals: where is that?19:41
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fralscehteh:, no package out yet afaik19:42
cehtehah ok19:42
sejoin python how do you get the popup (so it slides up from the bottom?)19:42
fralsbut you just need to svn co it and you can build it right away19:42
frals(worked for me in sdk anyway)19:42
pupnikanother crash.  another session opening photoviewer and hey! lots of pictures i havent seen before, and blank thumbnails19:42
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pupnik"I have a great idea! lets crawl over 30+ gigabytes of flash memory picking up random pieces of media and throw thos at the user, slowly. We'll call it "photo viewer".19:44
cehtehNo matches found for sharing-plugin-cli19:45
JaffaRight, MWKN editorial on MeeGo done; time for the rest of t issue.19:45
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cehtehalterego: you wanted my backup script?19:46
Jaffajacekowski: There's navigation in Ovi Maps, there's just no junction guidance19:46
pupniki appreciate mwkn jaffa19:47
fralsmy bad, no plugin in the name :<19:47
cehteh .. crude personal hack .. but you get how it works19:47
cehtehfrals: thanks19:47
* cehteh is not used to garage19:47
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timeless_mbpJaffa: btw, the ui/layout is nice19:48
Jaffapupnik: timeless_mbp: ta :-)19:49
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timeless_mbpfrals: is that an sftp sharing?19:49
fralsits for anything commandline based afaik19:49
SplasPoodlooks like no code released19:49
SplasPoodit's just a new project..19:49
fralsthere is in the scm repo19:49
cehtehtimeless: looks rather like a generic one19:49
fralsjust git clone and build19:49
cehtehwell does it ask for a passphrase?19:50
cehtehi dont want a unlocked ssh key on my phone19:50
SplasPoodfrals: doin it19:50
fralscehteh: dunno, never tried it, just looked at the source to figure out how to make my sharing-fmms service :P19:50
cehtehmaybe i just sshfs my server and doing 'cp' then19:50
cehtehbtw is the sshfs community packaged? .. i had to configure udev for making it useable for 'user'19:51
cehtehjust a little thing which could be added to that package19:51
antiifrals: whooh, succeeded with my flashing :-)19:52
timeless_mbpJaffa: ?19:55
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timeless_mbp why does {user:vdvsc} not appear usefully?19:55
* AntiXpucT want zsh-4.3.10 and Psi+ packages for maemo. >_<19:56
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pupnikwhats psi?19:58
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pupniki want quivder or gqview now.  photos can jump in a lake19:58
SplasPoodpupnik: XMPP client19:59
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sobczykI would like more maemo screens had the rotate capability20:00
* N900evil ponders simply copying / to /mmc - to elimin all space concerns.20:02
pupnikhehe my gqview is a catastrophe20:03
pupnikruns tho. nice basic compatibility.20:03
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cehtehN900evil: my saying .. the NAND should have a readonly base system which will be shadowed by a unionfs, privoted, overmounted or whatever20:04
redpupnik: gqview?20:05
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cehtehwould be almost bullet proof and solve this crappy partitioning scheme20:05
pupnikif it is so easy write up a howto cehteh20:07
cehtehpupnik: thats something nokia should have done20:07
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cehteh(the partitioning, not the howto)20:08
pupnikred - my favorite image viewer.  needs some hildon lovin20:08
cehtehlook at eeepc's and olpc .. they do that right at least20:08
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cehtehgqview is nice btw20:08
N900evilcehteh,  prolly sane20:08
N900evilcet like xandros.20:08
pupniki am impressed that the stock program is sort of usable.  deb on my site20:09
N900evilThe aformentioned copying lags badly.20:09
cehtehhave a boot option to reset the device to factory default yet alone would solve a lot issues and support which costs nokia20:09
cehtehi hope they get that right with meego at least20:10
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N900evilas an alternative - always boot from sd if formatted rikght.20:13
pupnikthere is a dual boot mer now, yes?20:13
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cehtehi want a useable camera .. which can store on SD .. grr20:14
cehtehcool -- you can sshfs mount under /media/ and it will show up in file manager20:14
lcukpupnik, kot wants good image viewer on maemo too20:15
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cehtehnow the question: how to unmount a sshfs as 'user'20:16
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cehtehfusermount -u /media/laptop/20:16
cehtehmount: can't find /media/laptop in /etc/fstab20:16
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* N900evil installs gcc and shit onto /copy20:21
cehtehhehe .. i want a sdk in a chroot on the sdcard .. do you know a easy ways to booststrap it without debootstrap?20:22
cehteh(maybe just rsyncing the sdk over there)20:22
cehtehhey with installing a sdk everywhere i can use it with distcc .. *thinking*20:23
cehteha cluster of n900! :P20:23
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Zouptealbird,SpeedEvil : its hardware fault, dd exited with Input/Output error, after reflash badblocks do still exist20:26
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sobczykI wanteg to install fennec but when doing apt-get install fennec I get E: Handler silently failed, any idea what could happened?20:29
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lbtok, how the hell does the N900 resolv ?20:36
lbtecho nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf20:36
lbtping is good20:36
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lbtbut ping <name> fails to resolv using
sobczyktry to comment the localhost, it worked for me20:37
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Zouplbt: seems you are alreadt overwriting resolv.conf320:37
lbtI setup openvpn20:38
lbtand that's all fine20:38
Zouplbt: i can't see why its not working, but it should be on network side of story20:38
lbtyeah - it has dnsmasq running too20:38
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Zouplbt: you tcpdump to see if you are receiving anything on both sides20:38
Zouplbt: *use20:39
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lbtZoup: thanks...20:43
lbtI setup my DNS to only reply to my LAN - and the openVPN is on another /net20:44
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lbttcpdump port 53  :  18:44:31.380488 IP > 59564 Refused- 0/0/0 (32)20:44
lbtoops - bad focus :)20:45
Zouplbt: 'refused' means dns issue, probably disallowed by ip range20:48
lbtyes - I was using ACLs and allow-query20:48
Zouplbt: is it fixed then? great!20:48
lbtyeah, should be20:49
Zouplbt: can i have a question now? :))20:49
Zouplbt: can you setup openvpn client with random ip address to connect to openvpn server with static ip?20:49
lbtthat's what I just did20:49
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Zouplbt: can you post your config file ( remove sensitive info ) to pastebin for me?20:50
lbtOK - but you may be better following this:
lbtsince you need to setup certs and the like20:51
lbtis your static box linux?20:51
Zouplbt: yes :)20:51
lbtOK - so I was nervous about the /build-ca  type stuff20:51
Zouplbt: got the openvpn server running there, have no idea on how to allow dynamic client ip address and possible authentication method20:51
lbtbut actually the easy-rsa is simple20:52
lbtso essentially you create a self-CA20:52
lbtyou then create a server cert20:52
lbtand a client cert20:52
lbtyou sign both using the CA20:52
lbtthe server knows the client was signed by the CA20:52
lbtthe client knows the server is real and not spoofed20:53
Zouplbt: i see, nice! thanks pal20:53
lbtnp - yell if you get stuck20:53
Zouplbt: sure20:53
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Jaffatimeless_mbp: s/ta/thank you/ (northern England slang). {user:vdvsc} doesn't appear usefully as it's a typo21:03
* timeless_mbp recognizes 'ta'21:04
timeless_mbpJaffa: does that mean it's fixed?21:06
Shapeshifterwhat can I use instead of xev to find out keycodes on the n900 keyboard, and whats the best way of remapping them?21:07
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Jaffatimeless_mbp: Will fix manually and try and improve the error handling21:08
V13It seems that there *are* people that don't understand in t.m.o and they are gathered in this thread:
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RST38hJaffa: Do you understand t.m.o?21:10
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hrw|goneJaffa: pong21:18
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hrwShapeshifter: I used xev ;)21:20
hrwShapeshifter: and then you can use xmodmap or alter system keymap21:20
Jaffahrw: Was about the update repo21:23
JaffaRST38h: I sometimes wonder.21:23
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hrwJaffa: btw - you have mp-fremantle-generic-pr in which version on tablet?21:26
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Jaffahrw: Hmm, apparently it's been purged.21:28
hrwJaffa: ha!21:30
hrwJaffa: install it then21:30
fnordiansliphrw, Jaffa, mine went when i installed the upadte to hildon-initscripts which had been held back21:30
hrwfnordianslip: and you use my 'system-updates' repo?21:31
hrwerikOH: Unable to find a source package for modest-l10n21:36
hrwsorry erikOH21:36
hrw~curse nokia badly for Error: Unable to find a source package for modest-l10n21:36
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, nokia badly for Error: Unable to find a source package for modest-l10n !21:36
hrwJaffa: I will not add timeless's patch to modest package21:36
hrwJaffa: it will look bad in !en_GB systems21:37
timeless_mbphrw: the strings should be public in 1.221:37
timeless_mbpbut that won't help21:37
timeless_mbpbecause i didn't translate it for everyone21:37
timeless_mbpbecause the strings aren't in the svn repo21:37
timeless_mbpor git or whatever21:37
hrwtimeless_mbp: nokia suxx when it comes to software21:37
timeless_mbpsoftware is merely a consequence :)21:38
hrwif something can be done wrong they did it twice at least21:38
* timeless_mbp goes back to merging l10n strings for 1.221:38
* timeless_mbp wonders what the heck this means21:38
hrwI have to report modest bug... but it will get wontfix or will get ignored (which is equal anyway)21:39
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lbtdoes anyone play streaming music on device? The player doesn't allow multi-tasking...21:40
* timeless_mbp sighs21:40
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hrwlbt: last time when I was lsitening to stream it worked fine21:40
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lbtit works21:41
timeless_mbpis it bad that Ballmer pronounces 'nokia' as 'knock-eeya'21:41
lbtbut you can't switch to desktop21:41
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rangeI can while streaming from an UPNP server.21:42
lbtinstead of "no kee-aah"21:42
lbtrange: launched from browser?21:42
hrw is list of messages. is email. where from did Modest took first two emails in maillist?21:42
rangeNo, from within the media player.21:42
antiihm, want but cant find it in application manager, what do I have to do?21:42
lbtyeah - that's OK too21:42
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hrwantii: vagalume21:43
rangeThe music lives on my streaming server. And that works (or what do you mean with stream?)21:43
antiihrw: works with music player?21:44
hrwantii: it is separate21:44
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hrwtimeless_mbp: can you share modest-l10n-plpl package for 1.2 release?21:45
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lbtI'm clicking on an m3u from MythTV21:46
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V13please tell me that I'm not crazy and that they are just too bored to read the thread:
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rangelbt: Works fine for me too. I just opened an m3u from the web21:52
midasfucking irssi, keeps redrawing21:52
hrwbug #919921:52
povbotBug Message list shows incorrect entries21:52
lbtrange: it works... but can you switch to the desktop21:52
rangeAnd the music keeps playing.21:52
Stskeeps <- how long till that guy loses his newly gained job?21:53
Stskeeps(i do admire his passion but..)21:53
midasStskeeps: communications engineer + that topic. Win21:54
rangeStskeeps: As long as he keeps his fingers close to him while under an NDA ... :)21:54
rangeAnd doesn't talk about it, that means.21:54
antiiAnyone know how I can change the unicode in the terminal? :)21:54
timeless_mbpStskeeps: his spelling sucks21:55
pupniknobody tell him to spell it "lose" not "loose hope"21:55
antiiit does only say "en_US" in the terminal if i write locale, shoudlt it say en_US.UTF-8?21:55
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: that doesn't stop people from being employed however, looking at nokia l10n :P21:56
SpeedEvilpupnik: I was about to come up with a witty comment on that :)21:56
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timeless_mbpStskeeps: you're assuming we employ l10n people21:56
pupnikenthusiasm is good though21:57
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antiii did the export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" command and it changed but how can I save that?21:57
pupnikone can only say how wonderful these are a certain number of times though21:58
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Stskeepstimeless_mbp: s/employ/employ, subcontract, hold as slaves/g21:58
Stskeepsth0br0: re meeting,
SpeedEviltimeless_mbp: but does his arabic spelling suck - forex.21:59
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* SpeedEvil updates profile pic with the aid of .22:00
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hrwtimeless_mbp: I remember discussion with someone @nokia long time ago about Polish translation for Diablo. answer was 'we do not accept l10n from users. we have professionals for l10n' blablalblabla-get-off-sucker-blablabla22:00
* timeless_mbp rotfl22:00
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pupnikdo you guys have any real life aquaintences with N900s?22:02
pupnikthe tablets have always felt like a parallel world to me22:02
Stskeepsyes, but it's difficult to not have that in the circles i am in22:02
threshuhm, what does that exactly mean pupnik?22:04
pupniki go to linuxtag or maemo summit and fosdem and see tablets.  never in germany normally22:04
pupnikworld domination now!22:05
pupnikkind of like with thinkpads22:05
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fralspupnik: ive yet to see any n900 in the "wild" here in .se22:06
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timophsaw a bunch yesterday at our class reunion )22:06
pupniki try to dress nice and strike poses with it :)22:06
rangepupnik: I've seen one on the train. Well. Guy is a linux nut working for Suse, it turns out :)22:07
lcukwhilst i was leeching power from the nokia store yesterday in manchester someone bought one (at least i think they did they were looking at them and talking with salesperson, went to counter with person and walked out with bag)22:07
timophall the people there were software engineers thought :)22:07
JaffaHmm, a message of "no initfs \o/" when booting an N900's not exactly good.22:07
lcukjaffa, you in rd mode22:08
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lbtnice message though22:08
Jaffalcuk: Yeah, but I never noticed it before (since we do have an initfs) and the boot was taking longer22:08
JaffaFortunately, it seems fine now22:08
JaffaPost-upgrade panic :)22:08
lbtrange: same url over wifi vs openvpn/gprs works fine. I think the really slow connection was preventing it from finishing the UI22:09
fralsgah, too much good hockeygames tonight, wont have time to sleep :( now rus-cz, then usa-can and tomorrow mornin fin-swe :<22:10
pupnikisnt 40MB more free space than pr1.1.1 really needs?22:10
timophwhat time fin-swe begins?22:10
midasfrals: if you dont mind downloading them, most hockey games are posted on usenet22:10
frals0600 in .se22:10
fralsmidas: gotta watch them live ;-)22:11
timophso that's 0700 .fi22:11
fralstimoph: yeah22:11
javispedroI once saw a n900 owner wishfully trying to upgrade his n900 to pr1.1 ... on public street.22:11
flipoukPyQt or PySide???22:11
midasjavispedro: id do that22:11
rangelbt: Okay, I only tested via Wifi.22:11
V13javispedro: I originally had the thought of upgrading it before going to work :)22:12
javispedropoor souls :)22:13
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guerbyhi, is there a way on a N900 to monitor what process is sending out packets to the internet over 2G or 3G?22:15
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pupniknetstat ?22:16
pupnikmaybe netstat -ant22:17
javispedroah, so Deblet is back22:17
guerbypupnik, if a process open, send/receive then close  a socket, netstat will miss it right?22:18
pupniki think so22:18
V13Any idea on why t.m.o. doesn't support 800x480 image attachments?22:20
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midasany idea when n900 will support mms? :P22:22
hrwmidas: fmms kind of supports it iirc22:22
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lcukfmms is work in progress, and doing extremely well !22:23
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midaslcuk: hrw thnx :) will install it22:24
lcukhrw, feels much better saying something is in progress than a blanket doesnt support it.  community collaboration ftw22:24
* lcuk smiels @ frals 22:24
lcuksmiles even22:25
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midasis it in extra's?22:25
* frals smells lcuk22:25
lcuknot yet midas22:26
fralsextras-devel for now ;-)22:26
midasah okay22:26
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midasill wait for it to be in extra then ;)22:26
hrwlcuk: I would like to get opntion to be able to send 1K text message directly from conversations as mms instead of set of sms-es22:26
konttoriwohoo! THeme maker now has the new cool pr1.2 input method buttons22:26
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lcukhrw, one step at a time!22:27
hrwkonttori: last time when I looked at thememaker it required to make big image with all images + template how to cut them. Or I did not understood how it works.22:27
lcukw00t konttori22:27
w00t_lcuk: ?22:27
* w00t_ grumbles22:28
Jaffakonttori: What are the "new cool PR1.2 input method buttons"? ;-)22:29
hrwand when pr1.2 for people? :D22:31
V13Jaff means: where are the screenshots of the new cool PR1.2 input method buttons?22:31
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* hrw -> off22:32
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pupniki am excited for javispedros sdl hildon input method22:34
konttorihrw: that's how it works.22:36
konttoripupnik: cool. Where? demo?22:36
pupnikjavis showed a screeny here in chat22:37
pupnikhe are hero :)22:37
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konttoripupnik, any link?22:39
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* N900evil may have been playing too much angrybirds 22:51
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konttoriN900evil: did you get 3 stars in all?22:51
N900evilI was outside doing some tidying.22:51
N900eviland I heard a red bird.22:51
N900evilkonttori, yes, all 6322:52
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pta0007hi, its me again. I still cant find a solution for the camera promblem22:53
konttoriso, you have the level pack as well22:53
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pta0007now i repeat my question, hoping anyone could help22:53
pta0007I have a problem when trying to run the example_camera.c on n900.  I could compile the program correctly, but when I tried to run it on device, it showed "Failed to initialize pipeline ". The following is part of the code:  #ifdef __arm__ #define VIDEO_SRC "v4l2camsrc" #define VIDEO_SINK "xvimagesink" #else #define VIDEO_SRC "videotestsrc" #define VIDEO_SINK "ximagesink" #endif22:53
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N900evilkonttori, yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss22:55
N900evilkonttori, waiting for it to get back to store sp ! can buy22:55
konttoriI really hope it gets there soon22:56
pupnikordering pizza is like one of those little things you can do when holed up in hospital :)22:58
N900evilYou're in hospital?23:01
luke-jrhe had a heart attack when his N900's USB port broke23:02
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midasis there a remote desktop tool for windows yet? like tsclient?23:07
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lcukkonttori,   javis's dosbox + input methods23:08
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midasjacekowski: is it in extra-devel?23:09
timeless_mbpdoes modest support moving messages from one folder to another?23:10
Jaffatimeless_mbp: Yes23:11
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timeless_mbpi can't figure out how to do it in MfE or POP23:11
jacekowskimidas: don't know23:12
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antiiI wanna save my ( export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" ) setting but when I close the terminal it dissapears so I have to re enter it.23:34
pupnik.profile ?23:35
antiiI just add it there?23:37
pupniki dunno - try it23:37
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antiithx it worked pupnik23:43
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