IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2010-02-18

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woglindewhich country?00:00
Ian--malta europe00:00
nidOIan-- - Settings > about00:00
woglindeakamai is in service00:00
nidOwhats your current version00:00
woglindemaybee malta comes latetest00:00
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Ian--i should have the version 1.100:01
nidOwhats the full version listed00:01
Ian--in fact version is 2.2009.51-100:01
nidOand after that?00:01
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nidOuk variant phone00:02
nidOnokia havent bothered releasing the firmware update to uk phones yet00:02
nidOchrist knows why.00:02
Ian--o ic00:02
pupniknever know what the idiot government does00:03
RST38hwhat again?00:03
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nidOit's nokia, not the govt00:04
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Ian--hope that it won't take too long00:04
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pupnikn900 is just amazingly kickass00:05
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pupnikgetting uswd to the keyboard and im really fast now00:05
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pupnikergh typos still00:05
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pupnikund was geht ab alter?00:08
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woglindere javis00:10
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tremnite all, sweet dreams00:12
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* pwnguin discovers someone uploaded coreutils & more00:17
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javispedrobut is it busybox-conflicting, device-bricking coreutils, or some working thing?00:18
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pwnguinit installs to /usr/bin/gnu00:18
pwnguinor smth00:18
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t-tanpwnguin: yes, it was me00:19
t-tanI'm just uploaded a version which also generates g* versions in /usr/bin00:19
pwnguinim also glad less was installed00:20
infobott-tan meant: I'm just uploading a version which also generates g* versions in /usr/bin00:20
pwnguinnow to figure out why chsh refuses bash00:20
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satmdStskeeps: I read about you playing with g_serial... is the module available somewhere?00:23
pwnguinah, color ls00:23
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Stskeepscompile it, it's available in kernel source00:23
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GeneralAntillesI guess we can say goodbye to the public bugzilla for Nokia closed-source stuff. :\00:35
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mariorzis there a python2.6 package for the n810?00:36
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, everything will be open so no need :D (/me doubts that ;))00:37
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, since MeeGo isn't tracking Nokia closed-source products.00:37
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, they have a bugzilla already ?00:38
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, not yet, but will.00:38
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VDVsxwell, if that happens is a big lost, really hope that others can see that00:39
VDVsxwe can create micro communities inside meego :D00:40
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ShadowJKGeneralAntilles, I'd think maemo bugzilla would remain to deal with nokia-meego specific issues..00:41
wiretappedsolution: stop using nokia closed source stuff00:41
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, Maemo as a brand is going away.00:41
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, not sure where that would live.00:42
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ShadowJKI suspect that reality will be more like meego being an upstream for Nokia, Intel, LG, whoever00:42
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GeneralAntillesGod damn this is a pain in the ass.00:43
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: what I expected to see from this insane move00:45
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wiretappedhas nokia cut any osso staff yet?00:47
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GeneralAntillesOh, man, this is just golden.
GeneralAntillesI wish johnx were here.00:49
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Pgrodtin other news, it was just annunced that Ubuntu Linux and Gentoo Linux will combine to form "Genbuntoo" :D00:50
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Jef91did anyone else have the flash light application break on them with the recent update?00:50
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wiretappedthe original plan for qt was that maemo5 would only have "community support" for qt, and it wouldn't come from nokia until harmattan00:56
wiretappedaccording to
* wiretapped wonders how many other things that were going to be in harmattan will now be rolled into PR1.200:57
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asjwiretapped: I suspect there aren't many people working on the n900 code anymore00:58
wiretappedkinda seems like maybe the name harmattan got reassigned for marketing purposes?00:58
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wiretappedasj: no, i reckon there aren't00:59
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ToiletOilI just had one of the "linux is fucking awesome"-moments. I just edited my phones /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ keymap with vim over ssh, and when I was done I issued a "setxkbmap" and the changes took effect.01:00
ToiletOilsometime you need to stop and remind you that you're actually working with a phone, and not a computer01:02
ml-mobileno, you're working with a computer01:02
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ml-mobile"phone" is just an entry in a capabilities list01:03
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ToiletOilit is indeed a computer, but it's hard to forget that the device you're issuing commands to is actually in your front pocket01:04
infobotToiletOil meant: it is indeed a computer, but it's easy to forget that the device you're issuing commands to is actually in your front pocket01:04
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ToiletOildude, that's the best bot ever01:05
woglindejo lardman01:06
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lardmanhi woglinde01:06
PgrodtStand back!! Infobot knows regular expressions!01:08
* ToiletOil <3 infobot01:09
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javispedro~chase ToiletOil01:09
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jacekowskidoes default maemo kernel have support for Thumb binaries?01:16
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javispedronot thumbee01:17
javispedrobut it can run thumb code01:17
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javispedron810 vkb appearing on a sdl app :)02:13
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javispedropriceless :)02:13
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javispedroi'm doing a hildon input method sdl bridge02:20
javispedrothen I'll see if I can fix dosbox02:21
woglindehm reminds me of pupnik's closed source keyboardpackage02:21
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woglindejavis how do you solved it?02:22
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woglindesetting the xatoms?02:22
javispedrowoglinde: i'm just doing what Qt does, yes02:22
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woglindehm I am glad if I could take it over for qtnx02:23
javispedrobut I also hope to get proper international khardware eyboard support in dosbox.02:23
woglindeor better nxproxy02:23
woglindedo you have a code pointer?02:23
javispedroI found it easy to understand.02:24
GeneralAntillesWhere is Kathy when you need her. . . .02:24
javispedrobasically it has a set of "commands" you can send to the hildon im window.02:24
javispedrosetting valid input modes (numeric, alpha) (qt sends it after changing widget focus)02:25
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javispedroactually showing the keyboard (with a "reason", like "user tapped a text field")02:26
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woglindegeneral at sleep02:26
woglindejavis hms but as I feared02:26
woglindeI have to forward the wohle stuff02:26
woglindethis suckz02:26
javispedroyeah, if you're redirecting X..02:27
* timeless_mbp pokes GeneralAntilles about l10n02:27
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woglindehm nxproxy is pure c02:29
woglindeso no qt goddies02:29
javispedroyes, I'm stripping the Qt stuff from my lib02:30
javispedrothough adding a bit of SDL stuff ;)02:30
woglindelet me take a look when you are finished02:30
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woglindebut now I am going to sleep02:32
woglindegood nite02:32
javispedronite woglinde02:34
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jacekowskito flash n900 i only need working bootloader?02:43
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: in the sense of "no booted system needed" i'd say yes, bootloader is all you need02:45
timeless_mbpyou probably need a usb cable too02:45
DocScrutinizerof course your desktop PC should have a booted up system02:46
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SpeedEvilAnd a functioning universe.02:46
DocScrutinizerat least *one*, yeah02:46
pwnguinyou're also gonna need plenty of free electrons02:47
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DocScrutinizera file to actually flash to N900 also helps02:47
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: i'm probably about to brick my n900 but i want to be sure that i would be able to unbrick it02:47
pwnguinjacekowski: i'd probably practice unbricking first, before the actual brick making beings02:48
jacekowskii can't unbrick not bricked device02:48
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: don't worry. Guys with more knowledge and experience than me said it never happened so far you bricked a maemo-Nxxx device02:48
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jacekowskii've got JTAG at work for worst case scenario but i suppose it would be pretty hard to access connector in n90002:49
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DocScrutinizerand even harder to get the needed sw to unbrick via JTAG02:49
javispedroif you brick it up to the point you need jtag, then it's pretty much bricked. but that happened to few people.02:49
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* SpeedEvil stares at the array of gold pads on the bottom.02:50
pwnguinjacekowski: i tried forcing a dist-upgrade and it still recovered with a simple flash util02:50
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: you removed tha battery???02:50
jacekowskii will have to make cable for uart port02:51
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: virtually. Actually I'm updating gnu-findutils02:51
jacekowskito get my kernel panics out02:51
SpeedEviljacekowski: write a panic-over-sms module02:51
cehtehkernel-cores over sms? ... 140 characters each :)02:52
cehtehhah .. be happy02:52
* DocScrutinizer wonders how hard it could be to redirect console output to the IR-LED, by bitbanging in the end if there's no UART attached to that GPIO02:53
Pgrodtim probably using bad googling.  but anyone know if maemo has man available? only thread i can find is from 2006.02:53
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: the LED driver chip seems smart enough.02:53
jacekowskii could try to run my kernel on qemu before bricking device02:53
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: the notification/kbd one that is02:53
cehtehsmart for what?02:54
DocScrutinizerso get a fototransistor and make up a adapter cable to rs23202:54
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jacekowskiSpeedEvil: i think that IR is connected to uart somehow02:54
DocScrutinizerplace the phototransistor directly to the IR apperture02:54
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: iirc02:54
DocScrutinizerno need even for a carrier and modulation02:55
SpeedEvilOr just console over IRDA02:55
DocScrutinizerjust bang out the serial bitstream to IR, and recover it in the photosensor02:55
SpeedEvilI assume the CIR transmitter is really connected to a UART02:55
jacekowskii wasn't paying attention to that part of datasheet02:57
jacekowskibut i think it's a uart port with cir functionality02:57
jacekowskiand fir functionality02:57
javispedrojacekowski: by "your own kernel" you mean a non omap-linux one?02:57
DocScrutinizerjust kick the CIR/FIR functions02:57
jacekowskijavispedro: standard one with my patches02:57
javispedrojacekowski: ah. I wouldn't worry much then.02:58
javispedrowell unless your patches touch dangerous stuff.02:58
javispedrosince you can even reflash the individual kernel.02:58
javispedros/the individual kernel/the kernel only.02:58
jacekowskiwell, i'm messing with vfs02:58
jacekowskiand usb02:58
DocScrutinizerNOLO doesn't need the kernel for flashing (MHO)02:59
DocScrutinizermeans NOLO will flash a new kernel even when old one is borked03:00
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jacekowskiis it possible to have 2 kernels?03:00
jacekowskior there isn't enough space03:00
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: it's simpler to just set it to IRDA mode. Then you can buy a USB->IRDA cheap thing03:00
javispedronope, but you can even boot one without flashing it.03:00
javispedrothe bootloader can boot a kernel through usb -- see flasher's -b option03:01
jacekowskiwell, i could flash it with almost stock kernel + kexec03:01
SpeedEvilshiny kexec is shiny.03:01
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: if IRDA mode is totally transparent (needs no management from system side) then yes, it's better even03:01
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javispedro"IRDA mode" what? there's no IrDA.03:02
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javispedroon the n900 that is.03:02
jacekowskitime to sleep03:02
SpeedEvilThere is a LED connected to a IRDA capable port03:02
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: rtfm03:02
SpeedEvilthis doesn't mean you can recieve03:02
javispedroprobably nothing -- it's damn simple.03:02
javispedrothe driver is a lirc one, not a sir one.03:02
SpeedEvilBut you can send.03:02
pwnguinthis reminds me03:02
pwnguindoes the phone have an ir sensor or not?03:03
javispedroit does not03:03
* javispedro looks up the driver in mxr03:03
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DocScrutinizerpwnguin: info on this detail tends to change every other week03:03
pwnguinDocScrutinizer: it seems simple enough to open the damn thing up and look03:04
jacekowskiThree UARTs (One with Infrared Data Association [IrDA] and Consumer Infrared03:04
jacekowski[CIR] Modes)03:04
pwnguinexcept i like my device usable =(03:04
pwnguinjacekowski: so it has uarts available03:04
jacekowskieven simpler to rtfm03:04
SpeedEvilSo you switch it out of CIR mode03:04
javispedrojacekowski: but do you know if it's connected there?03:04
SpeedEviland into IRDA mode03:05
SpeedEviland it works.03:05
SpeedEvilIf it's on the CIR capable port03:05
jacekowskijavispedro: it would be stupid to have another chip to do it03:05
jacekowskijavispedro: if there is already hardware builtin for it03:05
javispedrofound the driver03:05
pwnguinjacekowski: correct me if im wrong but thats just the processor no?03:05
jacekowskipwnguin: yes03:05
jacekowskipwnguin: but it pretty much goes straight to LED from there03:06
jacekowskioh no03:06
javispedrosounds like it it was connected to an omap pwm03:07
jacekowskithat's almost like a bitbanging it03:07
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DocScrutinizerAIUI there's no demodulating RX chip for IrDA. There allegedly is a dumb IR sensor *not* demodulating the 36KHz signal - or similar madness03:07
javispedroI was pretty depressed the first time I read it.03:07
jacekowskiit makes me wanna kill myself03:08
pwnguina dumb IR sensor would actually be quite handy for me03:08
jacekowskitime to sleep03:08
jacekowskigood night03:08
pwnguinive been thinking about building a lighting detector03:08
koupsagood nite03:08
javispedroI have a dumb lirc sensor on my desktop, an a dumb lirc tx on my n900.03:09
GeneralAntillespwnguin, prox sensor?03:09
javispedronite jacekowski03:09
pwnguinGeneralAntilles: donno. i hadn't really explored the onboard hardware angle03:09
GeneralAntillespwnguin, maybe ambient light, too?03:09
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DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: prox is too slow I guess03:10
pwnguinGeneralAntilles: ive been pointed at a CHDK script that i havent looked at yet03:10
DocScrutinizeralso probably specialized in sending a modulated IR signal and sensing the echo03:10
SpeedEvilI'm unsure about the API for the CIR side.03:11
SpeedEvilIt could look like that.03:11
SpeedEvilThe CIR uart03:11
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: ambient definitely is too slow03:11
* SpeedEvil reads more closely to find what port it's frobbing.03:11
javispedroSpeedEvil: the user mode api is a char device with some ioctls03:11
javispedroah, you saw that already then03:11
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SpeedEviljavispedro: yes - I don't care.03:13
SpeedEviljavispedro: I am wondering if that's actually driving the CIR hardware.03:13
SpeedEvilBut my internet is being slow, and I'm tired.03:13
SpeedEvilOr if it's a PWM pin03:13
SpeedEvilThe former - and IRDA (out) is easy - the latter - and it's bitbang time.03:13
javispedroI believe it is03:14
* DocScrutinizer sighs and wonders whom to pester to finally get a NDA to sign, so Nokia could disclose the schematics to him03:14
pwnguinjust do it the bunnie way03:14
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pwnguinridiculus MIT stipends and unused acid baths03:14
SpeedEviljavispedro: which?03:15
javispedroa pwm pin03:15
matthew-pwnguin: huh ;-)03:15
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: I can provide the rope, if you can find a tall building to hang them out of by the ankles.03:16
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* SpeedEvil finds a 34M PDF probably with the answer.03:16
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crashanddie_matthew-: and you are who in the thread?03:21
matthew-crashanddie_: the OP03:21
crashanddie_matthew-: then you are a troll. Thank you very much.03:21
matthew-crashanddie_: As I said, dont call a troll someone that doesnt agree with you.03:22
matthew-I've got my point, that a lot of people sees. If you can't, well then something may be wrong with your eyes.03:22
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matthew-crashanddie_: I bought 14 phones03:22
acidjazzn900 no longer gonna wor?03:22
matthew-+ im a donator to maemo03:22
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acidjazzMan, I thought we got a firmware update today.. I guess it was just me then, weird..03:24
GeneralAntillesYesterday, actually.03:24
inerdacidjazz: there still isn't one for the uk03:25
* GeneralAntilles wonders what's up with Nokia UK.03:25
acidjazzi was xpasteing talk.maemo03:25
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crashanddie_extreme pasting?03:26
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crashanddie_<crashanddie_> I don't give a shit how many phones you have, and I coulnd't care less about how much you've donated (oh and btw, there are no such things as donations to Maemo)03:29
crashanddie_<matthew-> I donate to maemo applications, not the system itself03:29
crashanddie_<crashanddie_> Donating to apps doesn't entitle you to a better treatment03:29
GeneralAntillescrashanddie_, so not worth it.03:29
koupsagood night.... (nobody watch olympic games?)03:29
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GeneralAntillesI'd just have banned him for a history of inappropriate topics. :P03:29
* MuJ is03:30
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javispedrowhat a nice guy03:30
acidjazzlol crosspasting03:31
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koupsaoups sorry bye03:31
adalalheya guys... how risky is flashing the n900?03:32
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GeneralAntillesNot very as long as you're charged, and nothing interrupts the flashing.03:33
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adalalwhat is the worst thing that can happen? and how long does it take?03:34
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GeneralAntillesFlashing of the bootloader fails and you either need to send your device back to Nokia for a cold flashing or build yourself a serial cable.03:35
GeneralAntillesAbout 30 seconds03:35
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GeneralAntillesThe danger period for the bootloader is a few fractions of a second long.03:35
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adalaland how likely is that?03:36
adalalif you know?03:36
adalaland what do you suggest, other than backups... before the flashing03:37
adalalsorry for being such a nag :P03:37
GeneralAntillesI've flashed more than a dozen devices hundreds of times.03:37
GeneralAntillesNever once had a fatal failure03:37
T7gextremely unlikely to mess up the bootloader unless you're trying to do it intentionally or doing it very wrong03:37
GeneralAntillesand only 1 non-fatal failure03:37
GeneralAntillesWhat is the name of that site of free audio clips?03:37
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T7gEven without bootloaders if you flash a device correctly and follow the instructions you'll be alright as long as you don't interrupt the flash, not all devices have bootloaders.03:38
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T7gGeneralAntilles, check out the freesound project03:38
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GeneralAntillesT7g, that's the one, thanks.03:39
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adalalthanks, basically i want to switch to the global version from the uk version03:47
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adalalis there a howto site?03:47
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GeneralAntillesHow to what?03:48
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, flashing is
adalaldo i need to take out the sim card?03:50
GeneralAntillesIs it listed in the steps? :P03:51
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adalalhow long do i hve to hold the u key?03:57
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DocScrutinizeruntil the sign shows up?04:00
DocScrutinizerplease read the wikipage04:00
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adalalthe problem is, it says wait, not for how long, and then my computer loads it as a usb mass storage device, dont know if that's supposed to happen04:03
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DocScrutinizeradalal: I seem to remember when I flashed I noticed a few strange things not mentioned in the wiki. But I managed to flash it quite easily, in the end04:08
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DocScrutinizers don't worry, just try04:08
cehtehhum .. when i send a dbus request to activate the vibrator it vibrates even when the profile is silent (with disabled vibrator)04:08
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DocScrutinizerhmm yes. Silence mode is a little flawed it seems. Also for volume of sound playback04:10
cehtehso its not my fault04:11
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DocScrutinizeror the methods to use audio and vib notifications correctly complient with profiles aren't clearly specified04:11
cehteh(for the notification led the settings are respected)04:11
cehtehwell i tried the PatternIncomingCall04:11
adalalDocScrutinizer: do i have to disable automount feature on ubuntu?04:12
adalalor any linux distro?04:12
cehtehadalal: you started the flasher?04:12
adalalnot yet04:12
DocScrutinizeradalal: I might have doen a umount04:12
adalali've tried once...04:12
cehtehadalal: you want to flash or what?04:12
adalaldidn't work, as in i held the u for over a minute04:12
adalalyeah, to the global version04:12
DocScrutinizerdon't recall anymore04:12
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cehtehyou have to start the flasher first04:12
cehtehthen it waits for the device04:13
cehtehno you key04:13
cehtehno "u" key .. damn completion04:13
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adalaloh okay...04:13
tgalal__I've been struggling for 3 days now trying to do only one thing! Given a phone number, I want to fetch the contact name associated with that number! 3 days switching back and forth between osso abook and ebook libraries. Can someone just point me out to the correct steps get a contact from his/her number04:13
cehtehconnect device, start flasher, it says 'waiting for device' .. reboot device04:14
DocScrutinizertgalal__: I'm interested in this as well04:14
adalalcehteh: i start with the n900 turned off right?04:14
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cehtehadalal: or that04:14
cehtehreboot will do too iirc .. but turned off is a safe bet04:14
cehtehtgalal__: yeah maemo is really weak at this stuff, global searches'n'stuff04:15
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adalalright, so i start the flasher, hold 'u' and connect the flasher, and wait?04:15
cehtehmaybe it works somehow but its quite hidden04:15
cehtehadalal: turn device off, connect it to usb, start flasher, turn device on04:16
tgalal__cehteh, so no one has ever done that before? :D04:16
cehtehno 'u' key04:16
cehtehtgalal__: dunno, well should be 'somehow' possible since incoming calls have the number but are stored with their contact04:16
cehtehi am just generally ranting about lack of some feature i had 15 years ago on my apple newton already04:17
tgalal__cehteh, right04:17
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GeneralAntillescehteh, Newton had the best integrated data on any device I've ever used.04:19
cehtehi never used some other pda .. but i definately miss the global search, the clipboard, and the gestures04:19
GeneralAntillesBut, truth be told, Maemo isn't trying to be that.04:20
GeneralAntillesNewton was a true PDA04:20
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GeneralAntillesMaemo is a media and internet platform.04:20
cehtehactually i didnt used my newton for 10 years, but when i unboxed my n900 i still tried to use some newton gestured just i was still used to them04:20
pgrodttagalal:how much did you investigate the EBookQuery thing?  I should think that'd be it...04:20
cehtehhey the newton clipboard would be nice for any system .. even mouse based laptop04:21
GeneralAntillesIf only iPad had gone a Newton direction.04:22
cehtehGeneralAntilles: and really .. its a shame that 15 years later we still dont have any competive04:22
GeneralAntillesToo bad Jobs hates Newton so much.04:22
cehtehwell lesson learned, never buy a closed product04:22
pgrodtNah, Newton failed because of the Simpson's joke: "Eat up martin"04:22
cehtehand well i dunno if it was jobs or the money from microsoft04:23
GeneralAntillescehteh, I think for myself, though, as I move away from academia, the N900 becomes a much more useful devices for me than the Newton.04:23
GeneralAntillesThe 100-series really damaged the platform's perception04:24
cehtehGeneralAntilles: sure, but hey the features i noted above would make it much more useful over that04:24
GeneralAntillesand even though the 2000-series completely blew it out of the water it never recovered.04:24
GeneralAntillescehteh, indeed.04:24
cehtehwell i go on hacking04:24
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cehtehlets see to get the xchat blinkenlights working .. with vibrator, banner and dialog support ...04:25
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DocScrutinizerI got vib on xchat. What's banner and dialog?04:29
cehtehthis small yellow banners which vanish by themself after some time04:30
GeneralAntillesIt's working in whatever build I'm using04:31
GeneralAntillesSort of04:31
cehtehand dialog  is the big banner in the middle of the screen which requires a tap04:31
GeneralAntillesThat's Hildon Note04:31
cehtehyeah maybe04:31
DocScrutinizercehteh: both a big annoyance for xchat04:31
cehtehtechnically "SystemNoteDialog" and "SystemNoteInfoprint"04:32
adalalyay, finally did it04:32
pgrodtI'm still a bit new to the debian packaging, how do I get locate (or slocate, or mlocate) working? installing locate complains that I haven't got the right findutils, installing findutils-gnu didn't seem to help.  Do I need to adjust something somewhere?04:32
cehtehi make it configureable, dialogs and notes disabled by default04:32
cehteheh and vibrator disabled too because if the broken profiles04:33
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DocScrutinizerI'm fine with my vib support for now04:34
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cehtehDocScrutinizer: your hacked script?04:35
cehtehi am working on an proper plugin .. including deactivating vibrator and plugin when activated04:35
uhsfi'm disapointed didn't wait for MeeGo and chose Android04:36
cehtehDocScrutinizer: do you know if PatternIncomingMessage takes up resources if not canceled?04:37
* SpeedEvil ponders.04:38
SpeedEvilI think I'd like at least blinking support, vibrator, and speak message - for selected users/channels04:38
DocScrutinizercehteh: patternincommingmsg should terminate (for vib)04:38
cehtehit terminates the vib .. but as far i see all other things stack04:39
cehtehor increment a refcounter04:39
DocScrutinizererr huh?04:39
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cehtehleds, dialogs etc ..04:39
DocScrutinizerled *can* terminate04:40
cehtehwell not sure how it works in detail , lemme test04:40
DocScrutinizerdepends on actual pattern you define in mce.ini04:40
ptlFile manager does not have a "share" or "send to bluetooth" button: -- this bugs is marked as resolved two months ago, but I got PR 1.1.1 and my file manager still does not have the option to share files. What am I doing wrong?04:42
povbot`Bug 5300: Support sending files via Bluetooth in file manager04:42
cehtehDocScrutinizer: ok only priorties matter04:42
cehtehthey dont stack04:42
GeneralAntillesI really wish they did.04:42
GeneralAntillesSo it could just mix colors.04:42
DocScrutinizercehteh: not really. If you want a self terminating LED pattern you need to end the pattern with proper end-cmd rather than a jump-to-start04:43
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cehtehDocScrutinizer: i am not talking about the pattern programming but how mce handles them04:44
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: mixing colors isn't exactly the proper way to have concurrent signals on one 3color LED04:44
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GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, I just want them to stack until it's just solid white. :P04:45
cehtehDocScrutinizer: if you activate pattern-call and pattern-im, then pattern-call takes precedence, but after pattern-call gets deactivated it continues the pattern-im04:45
DocScrutinizerplaying different pattern one after the other might be a better way04:45
GeneralAntillesPotential battery eater, though.04:45
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cehtehso mce has some bookeping/stacking .. but only an activation flag per pattern04:46
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DocScrutinizercehteh: yes... so?04:46
cehtehGeneralAntilles: the leds dont eat much battery, they have their own controler, no cpu involved04:46
jaywalkhey all04:47
ptlno one knows that?04:47
cehtehDocScrutinizer: i was wondering if they actually stack as in reference counters activate the 'pattern-im' twice requires deactivating it twice and so on... and same for vibrator04:47
cehtehbut seems not to be the case04:47
DocScrutinizerptl: I don't think FM is capable of sharing files via BT04:47
cehtehtake a look at petrovitch04:48
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DocScrutinizercehteh: vibrator doesn't usually need deactivation as it's a self-terminated pattern04:50
ptlDocScrutinizer: ok... is there any third-party that does?04:50
cehteh(well is the Call pattern self terminating? .. trying)04:50
DocScrutinizerfor LED i'd think you need to deactivate each activation04:50
cehtehptl: petrovitch04:50
DocScrutinizerptl: petrovitch04:50
ptlcehteh: I'll try it, thanks04:50
cehtehDocScrutinizer: no you dont need04:51
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DocScrutinizerhmm, ok04:51
cehteh  led_activate (bus, "PatternCommunicationIM");04:51
cehteh  led_activate (bus, "PatternCommunicationIM");04:51
cehteh  usleep(10000000);04:51
cehteh  led_deactivate (bus, "PatternCommunicationIM");04:51
cehteh... turns it off04:52
cehtehits only on/off and the priority, no refcounter/stacking04:52
DocScrutinizermight still be a per-client scheme04:52
cehtehsurprises me a bit, but well its more graceful on programming errors04:53
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cehtehmhm dunno, i doubt it04:54
cehtehwell i dont care, seems useable as is to me, except the strange vibrator thing04:54
DocScrutinizerstrange vib thing?04:56
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DocScrutinizerno strangeness whatsoever found on vib here04:58
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fureddoIn the documentation of porting application from qt4 to qt5-maemo, they refer to "Modest email application".  Is the source code of this application available?04:59
asjtry apt-get source?04:59
fureddoIs the name of the application really Modest?04:59
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cehtehiirc its open05:00
DocScrutinizerand no (afaik)05:00
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cehtehand waits for someone to fix imap-idle05:00
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DocScrutinizerapplications/email doesn't look *too* open05:01
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cehtehwell maybe thats the reason that it is so unuseable05:02
* cehteh think that was invented for someone who gets no more than 3 mails a day05:02
cehteh(and have to answer one in a week)05:02
cehtehno imap subscriptions, no threading, no imap idle05:03
DocScrutinizerfor sure I'm scared to configure my imap-account with the 80k pending unread msgs :-)05:03
cehtehwell since 1.1 it works05:04
cehtehbut no idle support still means its really not useful to monitor your mailbox and let you notify on new mails05:04
cehtehnotifications should be toggleable on per folder base at least05:05
cehtehall left is that you tell it to fetch mails after every half hour or so and then it shows you only *one* notification for a random mail, which usually is the junk folder05:05
cehtehthats utterly unuseable05:06
asjso use nokia messaging or mfe05:06
cehtehor claws .. which has its own problems, but still05:06
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* Arkenoi uses NM, it is pain05:07
cehtehi have my own mailserver and dont want to route all my mail through nokia05:07
Arkenoithe *MOST* annoying thing with modest is when you open your inbox or compose message you.. 1) start modest 2) select nokia messaging 3) select mail account 4) select inbox. If it is not UI epic fail, what is?05:09
Wild_Doogyis there a command to drop the frequency to 250Mhz (Heh, can it go even lower?)05:09
cehtehArkenoi: that too, always 3 taps too much05:09
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cehtehsame for the rss reader .. thats the only thing which needs a double tab i found so far05:10
GeneralAntillesWild_Doogy, to what end?05:10
derfIt's Linux. cd /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/05:10
GeneralAntillesWild_Doogy, and, no, that's lowest.05:10
Arkenoicehteh: i switched to google reader "iphone" web app05:10
jacquesdupontdhi everbody, you're all doin good ?05:10
cehtehWild_Doogy: why do you want it lower?05:10
Arkenoiit is finger friendly, fast and good05:10
Wild_Doogyoh, just thinking of battery usage05:11
GeneralAntillesWild_Doogy, don't.05:11
cehtehthat would actually harm battery usage05:11
GeneralAntillesWild_Doogy, the N900 already follows optimal usage out of the box.05:11
cehtehmeans less cpu sleeping05:11
GeneralAntillesWild_Doogy, race to idle is the concept you're looking for.05:11
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Arkenoimuch better than builtin rss reader which is not really hildonized and lacks fullscreen mode05:12
Wild_Doogyok, so, if you were to "throttle" (I think is the word) the n900 to 250MHz, that would use more battery than just letting whatever program is running finish, and then let the CPU sleep?05:13
cehtehi dont need a rss reader that urgendly and the buildin works for me .. but its just not as good as it could be05:13
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Arkenoitry that link05:13
Arkenoiit is definitely better05:13
Arkenoiajax-based and finger-oriented05:13
cehtehWild_Doogy: exactly05:13
GeneralAntillesAccording to ohlo, I was posting things to the internet before I was born05:13
GeneralAntillesand before the internet existed.05:14
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cehtehArkenoi: no thanks :P .. i like standalone programs on my computer05:14
cehtehGeneralAntilles: one of my project has -36 lines bash05:14
uhsfis the new firmware worth a flash?05:15
cehtehah -36 comment lines in autoconf .. that was it05:15
GeneralAntillescehteh, seems to be an epoch fail.05:15
GeneralAntillesuhsf, why flash, just upgrade?05:15
cehtehi really wonder how one can get this *that* wrong05:16
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DocScrutinizerbaaah, bloody bullshit. after the 50th cookie I denied I closed the empty page05:20
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DocScrutinizerprobably tries to place 100s of them on my manchine >:(05:20
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uhsfdo you always flash to new firmwares?05:22
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GeneralAntillesuhsf, er, no?05:22
GeneralAntillesuhsf, you never need to flash new firmwares.05:22
infobothmm... ssu is
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DocScrutinizer~optification is also
infobotDocScrutinizer: okay05:24
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SpeedEvil Wild_Doogy05:27
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SpeedEvilIt was mentioned earlier - scrollback problems05:29
GeneralAntillesWild_Doogy, except substitute much lower power values for the N900. ;)05:29
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, don't worry, he didn't stumble on the NDA pdf. :P05:30
SpeedEvilnaah - it uses 34W at 4GHz05:30
SpeedEvilyou just need to submerge it in liquid helium pumped at over 50m/s.05:30
GeneralAntillesOr a fire extinguisher05:31
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: NDA.pdf? o.O I already instantiated a personality for the schizoid split resulting from signing it, but yet no NDA to sign in my inbox :-)05:32
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Wild_DoogyThanks for the info guys05:33
GeneralAntillesI dunno how people can do it.05:33
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jaywalkgreat, my frogpad works again after the new minor version upgrade :)05:35
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jaywalkanyone else who has experience with frogpad and linux? i need to fix the keymap, most keys except for letters are still unmapped05:37
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GeneralAntillesDamn, only problem with the YouTube HTML5 beta is that videos start playing in the background.05:53
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SpeedEvilThey diddn't work at all for me ont he n90005:53
SpeedEvilare tehy working for you?05:53
SpeedEvilOr did I miss some codecy thing05:54
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, no, OmniWeb05:54
GeneralAntillesI'm being offtopic, sorry.05:54
pgrodtI got mine working.  A little laggy at times, but works.05:54
SpeedEvilI wish zoutube would search05:54
SpeedEvilOr at least accept cp URLs05:54
DocScrutinizerzootube? ;-P05:55
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andrewfblackanyone know the files that points lock screen to background file?05:55
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jXwhen the screen is locked, and you hit the power button, and you get the slide to unlock thing, the background that shows05:57
jXthat's what I think he means05:57
andrewfblackthats what i mean05:57
jXI'd love to know that too.05:57
jXit's somewhere in the theme files05:58
DocScrutinizerahh. should be easy to point with strace, or lsof or somesuch05:58
andrewfblackdon't think it in theme files05:58
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jXI think it might be because I have the Marina theme and it's black, while with the default theme it's teh water picture05:59
andrewfblackI know where the image is located thats easy I want to know what files tells desktop name of the file05:59
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pgrodt"cd /etc; grep -nIre filename"?06:01
pgrodt"cd /etc; grep -nIre filename *" rather06:01
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jebba900"Unable to receive or store new messages. Device storage full".   What causes that? I have plenty of free space and partitions are rw.06:04
DocScrutinizerSIM filed?06:05
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jebba900SIM? hmm. Why would it even store there?06:05
DocScrutinizerdepending on the reception mode for SMS it may take enough space to temporarily sore it to SIM06:05
jebba900well, this is just IMs (jabber)06:06
DocScrutinizerohh, no idea then06:07
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jebba900know how to check SIM space?06:07
DocScrutinizerthere's a few AT commands to do that06:08
jXthat'd be handy...06:08
DocScrutinizerdunno of any better way in maemo, tough there probably should be06:08
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pgrodtjebba: I had this problem...then I fixed it...can't remotely remember how...06:09
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cehtehok .. i can crash xchat .. so far so good :P .. good night06:09
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DocScrutinizercehteh: lol! night06:10
pgrodtIIRC, the ofono interface has functions to dump the SIM contents; but I don't know of any friendly app that calls it.  Would be nice though.06:12
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jebba900some dbus-send no doubt06:12
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DocScrutinizerU bet06:13
andrewfblackis the lock screen basiclly an application that loads when screen is locked? or it is part of desktop06:13
SpeedEvillogin over ssh06:14
SpeedEvillock it06:14
SpeedEvilplay with the slider06:14
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Jef91does java run at all on the n900.06:15
prontodoes anyone know if theres a way to share photos via ftp directly to my own server, like that but with out the pixel pipe middle man?06:18
ptlis there a gps program for N900 that makes use of google maps?06:19
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ptlis that a no?06:21
breakd0wnhavent tried, but maemaps06:21
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Wild_Doogycan I add a reboot button the the menu when I press the power button? Currently there is only "phone" there.06:22
ptlyeah, but maemaps is a webpage06:22
ptlnot an application06:22
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Wild_DoogyI add it to systemui.xml? I found a guide, but it puts it in the menu accessed by clicking the notification area.06:25
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breakd0wndoesnt seem to work anyway06:27
breakd0wnwould be nice if nokia gave us a little update to ovi map06:28
ptlis the 50-times reboot bug still present in PR 1.1.1?06:28
Wild_Doogywhat happens after 50 reboots?06:29
ptlthe device bricks06:29
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Wild_Doogy-starts counting reboots from memory-06:30
ptlin the terminal, type that: cat /var/lib/dsme/boot_count06:32
Wild_Doogy33  >_>06:33
povbot`Bug 6350: getbootstate bricks the device after 17 reboots if there are no normal boots in between them06:33
ptl Status:   CLOSED06:33
ptlResolution: FIXED06:33
Wild_Doogyoh good06:34
DocScrutinizerhmm still 13 here06:34
DocScrutinizerso if that's closed/fixed thenobviously not by restting the counter06:34
Wild_Doogyhow do I find my firmware version?06:35
DocScrutinizersttings - product info?06:35
Wild_Doogyshould I reset the counter  :-D06:37
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DocScrutinizeryou should update06:37
Wild_DoogyI cant get the latest update till I get a sim card06:37
DocScrutinizerno WLAN?06:38
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Wild_Doogywhen I try the update, it wants me to do it via the computer, someone said it was becase I had a package conflict06:39
DocScrutinizersounds strange to me06:39
Wild_Doogy(the windows updater wants a sim card for some reason)06:39
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Wild_Doogyok,  I am going to try a backup, sudo apt-get uninstall *, and see if the update works06:41
DocScrutinizersound like a plan06:42
Wild_Doogylol, dont need sudo, Ubuntu habits carrying over06:42
DocScrutinizernah you'll need 'root'06:42
DocScrutinizeror 'sudo gainroot'06:43
Wild_Doogyyup, and its remove not uninstall06:43
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* Dante_1 Greets the room06:46
ptlapt-get remove * ? what for?06:46
ptlyou want to brick the device?06:46
ptlusing * without quotes does not work, because it expands to the files in the directory06:47
ptlcommand-line usage06:47
ptlif you really want it to remove all packages... Which I doubt it would do... try apt-get --purge remove '*'06:47
Dante_1Just a comment. Merging Maemo & Moblin is potentially a great idea. Meego is a really stupid name. Who's responsible???06:47
ptlwith single quotes06:47
Wild_Doogyyeah,  I noticed that06:47
ptlDante_1: subscribe to the lists at meego.com06:48
GeneralAntillesDante_1, Intel and Nokia's combined legal teams.06:48
ptlDante_1: and take part of the flamewar that is rolling. ;)06:48
GeneralAntillesFlame on!06:48
Wild_DoogyI need to remove all my aps that i installed, so I can try updating06:48
Dante_1sorry, didn't mean to flame,  just as a very happy Maemo user, I think our future should have a more worthy name. Just my opinion06:49
Wild_Doogy-dons asbestos suit -06:49
Wild_Doogy-takes it back off-06:50
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ptlWild_Doogy: better go through the application manager, that doesn't list base packages to be uninstalled06:50
ptlif you do it via apt-get it will try to uninstall base packages too06:50
Wild_Doogyhad a feeling that would happen06:50
DocScrutinizerthat'll really hurt06:50
Wild_Doogynow to uninstall ~30 apps manualy06:51
Wild_Doogyany way to only remove the ones in the app manager?06:51
DocScrutinizeruse app manager ;-P06:52
DocScrutinizera PITA but anyway...06:53
Wild_Doogyand watch the rootfs gain space  :-D06:53
DocScrutinizersee: ~optification06:53
infobothmm... optification is a botch to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the partitioning is FUBAR, or
Dante_1Ciao for now. In my most Earnest opinion, Maemo is the spiritual successor to Newton OS, which from me is high praise indeed. We just need to store more data in databases. Cheers!06:54
DocScrutinizerupdates frequently need ~50MB of /06:54
Dante_1Open DB's of course.06:55
Wild_Doogyand for some reason, my N900 wants me to update via the computer06:55
Wild_Doogyand then the updater wants a sim card06:55
jXwild: I had that06:55
jXsimple solution06:55
jXthere's a conflicting package somewhere06:55
jXin my case it was ioquake06:55
* Dante_1 waves good by for now06:55
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Wild_Doogydont have quake06:56
infobotoptification is probably a botch to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the partitioning is FUBAR, or
DocScrutinizer---> io3quake06:56
Wild_Doogygoing for a massive uninstall06:56
jXwhat apps06:56
jXmaybe I'll recognize one06:56
ali1234i heard it wasn't ioquake, but the GLES libs that it depends on06:57
Wild_Doogyuh, lots.... really want the list?06:57
DocScrutinizerThe ioquake3 application prevents firmware upgrading no matter how much free space you have on your device. Uninstall it prior to upgrading then reinstall once the upgrade is complete.06:57
Wild_Doogyoh, booger flacking, I have like 4006:57
Wild_Doogythis is going to take forever06:57
ali1234so you might have those for some other reason06:57
Wild_Doogygoodbye aircrack-ng06:58
DocScrutinizerbuggy shit06:58
DocScrutinizerpurged aircrack yesterday06:58
DocScrutinizercheck out python optification06:59
DocScrutinizerit's a HOOOG06:59
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Wild_Doogyairodump is the best way I have found for searching for wirless signals. dont give you as much info06:59
Wild_DoogyPython? -want-07:00
Wild_Doogy"oh wait, I am uninstalling everything...."07:00
DocScrutinizerwith 40 apps? I bet you already got07:00
DocScrutinizerand it's eating some x tens of MC from your root07:01
DocScrutinizerMB even07:01
Wild_Doogyits more like 60.....07:01
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Wild_Doogyand I still had 255 on root fs07:02
DocScrutinizeryou're studying the free_up_rootfs wikipage right this moment, are you??07:02
Wild_Doogyno I am uninstalling everythinglol07:02
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DocScrutinizeruninstall apt, to start with a funny part! :-P07:05
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DocScrutinizerooh wait, unsinstall busybox first07:05
Wild_Doogyuh, how about not?07:05
Wild_Doogythere has to be a better way.........07:06
DocScrutinizerWild_Doogy: NO don't do that!!!07:06
DocScrutinizerjust kidding07:06
Wild_Doogythis thing reloads the database between each uninstall07:06
Wild_DoogyI do have some linux sence07:07
DocScrutinizertold ya it's a PITA07:07
Wild_DoogyI knew it was going to be a PITA07:07
Wild_Doogyall my aps are < 100k too07:07
DocScrutinizernah, that's just a lie07:08
DocScrutinizercheck out liqtorch e.g07:08
Wild_Doogyits like shooting ants with a breach loading cannon07:08
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DocScrutinizerit has deps on libliq which is some MB07:08
Wild_Doogyyay, I think its getting faster07:09
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Wild_DoogyI should apply my first backup....07:11
* DocScrutinizer wonders when first app with dependencies to libboost will appear XP07:11
Wild_Doogythat will uninstall yes?07:11
DocScrutinizerdon't think so07:11
Wild_Doogyanyone know if you can use Delmore basemap data in maemomapper?07:12
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Wild_Doogyany Open office app on the horizon?07:18
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DocScrutinizerprobably really hard to hildonize OOO07:23
DocScrutinizermaybe first port KDE for desktop? then OOo is a lot easier :-D07:25
Wild_Doogymy n900 is nice and toasty07:25
DocScrutinizertoasty o.O07:26
DocScrutinizerfor me please a rare-medium one07:26
Wild_Doogyprobably ~110 (F)07:26
DocScrutinizer~convert 110F07:27
Wild_Doogyworking on it07:27
Wild_Doogy43 C07:27
DocScrutinizeryeah infobot resigned07:28
Wild_Doogyoh, there is bot for that?07:28
Wild_Doogy(well was)07:28
Wild_Doogywoah, thats one hefty ai. (Pming infobot)07:30
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DocScrutinizer[2010-02-18 06:30:50] *** Adresse des Kanals: http://maemo.org07:32
DocScrutinizer[2010-02-18 06:31:45] *** Kanalmodi: +cnt07:32
DocScrutinizerwatch the timestamp! freenode is laggy07:32
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Wild_Doogy~where is england?07:36
infobotsomebody said england was Harry-Potter-Land07:36
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DocScrutinizerWild_Doogy: you told you got 2009-44 ?07:41
DocScrutinizerok, forget it07:41
DocScrutinizeryou missed Pr1.107:42
DocScrutinizerapply accordingly07:42
Wild_DoogyI just finished uninstalling all my apps07:42
DocScrutinizerIf you're in the first case, there's nothing to do but to reflash, sorry :-(. You've missed the intermediate step towards PR1.1 from PR1.0 and your device won't be able to guarantee you a proper OTA update without the needed preconditions fulfilled.07:42
DocScrutinizersame will hold true for Pr1.1->Pr1.1.1 most likely07:43
Wild_Doogysould I not try to install the latest maemo update then?07:43
DocScrutinizerI.E you can't update OTA Pr1.0.1->Pr1.1.107:44
DocScrutinizeryou can try07:44
Wild_Doogyits downloading .... I think07:44
DocScrutinizerbut you'll get same msg from that attempt07:44
DocScrutinizerso *if* that'll pan out, you should add a notice to wikipage07:45
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Wild_Doogywell, it got farther than last time, it seems as though its having trouble downloading though07:47
Wild_DoogyYikes? its morning?07:48
Wild_Doogytime for bed07:48
tigertin irc its always morning07:48
Wild_Doogyyay, I see a sliver on the download bar07:48
Wild_Doogybut here its only morning for a few coffee infested hours07:49
infobotit has been said that ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
Wild_DoogyI am having a blast talking with Infobot07:51
Wild_DoogyAmazing piece of software07:52
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microlithlow battery N900s make such a sad, pathetic sound :/07:53
* microlith plugs it in07:53
tigertsee, it worked ;)07:57
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asjsadly it makes the soiund so often07:58
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DocScrutinizerWild_Doogy: I just remember I noticed a short "operation failed" notice when updating. Was too short to start me ranting :-P08:02
DocScrutinizerafter several minutes and reboots it finaly told me "update successful"08:03
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Wild_Doogywell its 50% through the DL08:05
Wild_Doogy(Slow DLS in Vermont)08:05
infobothmm... vermont is in the northeast of the USA, near Canada08:05
tank-man"near canada" i like that modifier lol08:06
infobotsomebody said canada was The 2nd largest land mass, the 1st nation of Hockey and the best part of North America!08:09
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infobotusa is probably a place where the meaning of life is to sue people -- and win.08:10
Wild_Doogy(not mine)08:10
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infobotn900 is, like, a wooden box with stained cans inside08:12
infobot[nokia] a cellphone company from Finland.08:12
infoboti guess infobot is The coolest08:12
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DocScrutinizeryou're aware you also can open a private /query to infobot?08:12
Wild_Doogyare you teaching him bad habits?08:13
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ponyofdeathhi, guys any of you in the us ported your numbers from att to t-mobile and know how long it took?08:14
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* RST38h finds another inconvinience of this meego thing: now have to monitor two irc channels and two websites08:16
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DocScrutinizerthat's been my major objective from minute 1 ;-P08:17
DocScrutinizerand it has even more serious implications, as devels may tend to jump on meego and ignore maemo08:18
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RST38hThere is no meego yet08:19
RST38hWhen there is meego I will see :)08:20
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DocScrutinizerand until some nokia lizard promises either meego on N900 or meego apps on maemo, I feel quite unhappy with the situation08:20
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RST38hNot the first time though08:22
Wild_DoogyHey, my N900 seems to be updating08:22
DocScrutinizerfinally! hey :-D08:22
Wild_Doogy~15% done08:22
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DocScrutinizerget anoher cup of coffe then :-)08:23
SpeedEviland a baseball bat.08:23
Wild_DoogyI hate coffee  >_<08:23
Wild_Doogyand baseball08:23
SpeedEvilYou don't have to love baseball to have an appreciation for the use of the bat.08:24
SpeedEvilMuch like you don't need to like snooker to fight zombies.08:24
DocScrutinizerthought that's called lart (Lusers' Attitude Recalibration Tool)08:24
Wild_Doogy I have brothers for that <_<08:24
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Milo-hey, any way of making bigger buttons in Qt4? currently if I make a large button, it will look aweful because it repeats the 'texture'08:25
Wild_DoogyLarger texture?08:25
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Milo-yes but that's defined in theme08:26
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Milo-looks nice on my pc but on phone the button seems to be repeating the pattern (it's a default button look for both machines)08:29
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Wild_Doogy99% on the update08:32
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DocScrutinizermeanwhile you could even get acustomed to coffee08:34
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Milo-coffee is good for you08:35
Wild_Doogyreboot compete08:36
Milo-my screenshot location is missing :(08:36
Milo-can't find it from cli08:36
Wild_Doogylol I like that message: "operating system successfully updated "08:37
Milo-yeah it will probably tell you: "updating operating system failed, buy a new phone" when it fails08:37
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Wild_DoogyI wish the latest conky was availible08:39
Wild_Doogyits the best ever08:39
Milo- those buttons which I have there are actually one component08:40
Milo-I can't figure out how to make them look like one as well08:41
Wild_Doogyoh, ouch08:41
Milo-big buttons are crucial part of the app..08:42
Milo-but now I seem to be limited to the size of maemo5's qt theme's texture08:42
Wild_DoogyI remember large buttons in GPS Jinny08:42
Wild_Doogymight have a look at thier source08:43
MiXu-You've messed up the stylesheet somehow, is my guess.08:43
MiXu-Because if you use the UI Designer of Qt Creator, the buttons will scale correctly on Maemo.08:43
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MiXu-anyone tried Navit on N900?08:46
Wild_DoogyWell, I am off to bed, its late08:47
infobotugt is probably Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
Milo-MiXu- using default stylesheet08:47
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infobotyes master, I'll STFU08:49
MiXu-Milo-: Hmm. That's odd.08:52
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Milo-MiXu- had to set my own background-color or gradient08:53
Milo-works now :)08:53
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infobotyes master08:54
MiXu-There's also #qt-maemo if you're interested.08:54
tybolltwhen hildon -> qt, sure I'll go there08:54
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sejofor python development on the maemo is there a documentation somewhere (I prefer to use pyQt4)09:28
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infobotHowdy Bub10:08
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jaemsad... just... sad ;)10:10
* jaem waves at tybollt 10:10
crashanddie_what is?10:10
jaemcrashanddie_, I was commenting on the fact that the channel was dead enough for people to be talking to the bot10:10
crashanddie_~but we like talking to the bot10:10
crashanddie_:( doesn't even reply to me10:11
infobotwell, idiot is you10:11
crashanddie_~shut up10:11
infobotyes, master crashanddie_10:11
infobotcrashanddie_: gern geschehen10:11
crashanddie_~don't say that10:11
infobotI ain't no stinkin' bot.  I am a finely tuned and hand crafted tool.  Oh wait... I guess I am a bot (that you should not abuse).10:11
infobot[troll] a race on some muds; a guy under a bridge: an annoying robot; a port scanner, or somebody faking being clueless to be shown the One Linux Way so he can argue against it for his psychology thesis on linux advocates, or an employee of trolltech, or at or
tybolltemployees of trolltech10:12
infobotcool is, like, there, there, everything is going to fix out10:12
tybolltpoor bastards :)10:12
wazdhello all10:12
jaemthe troll entry is pretty comprehensive10:12
crashanddie_tybollt: they're actually called QT Trolls10:12
tybolltheh :)10:12
jaemcrashanddie_, Qt, not QT - QT is different, and full of fail ;)10:12
crashanddie_meh same thing10:13
jaemcrashanddie_, QuickTime != Qt10:13
crashanddie_but yes, agreed, capitalisation is the difference between "I helped my uncle Jack off a horse" and "I helped my uncle jack off a horse"10:13
jaemvery true10:13
jaemdid you make that mistake?10:13
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crashanddie_nope, I made the mistake to think the letters t and g are far away on the keyboard10:14
jaemalso, that precise example may not be wrong, depending on context - but let's not go there10:14
crashanddie_very painful, when you're just wrapping up a motivational email to your team, and you end with "Thanks, regards!"10:14
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crashanddie_at least, that's what I was aiming for...10:14
jaemdid you do that?10:14
tybolltI think the problem is when you're sending a motivation email at all10:15
crashanddie_jaem: more than you'd think10:15
tybolltShouldn't a manager be sending mails of the "GET TO WORK, YOU LOUSY PIECE OF STINKY POO" or something? :)10:15
crashanddie_tybollt: well, I like my people10:16
jaemtybollt, if you work for Despair, Inc., maybe10:16
crashanddie_tybollt: and I only have a couple, so it wouldn't make a lot of sense to shout at them10:16
jaemor someone who subscribes to their philosophy10:16
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crashanddie_MWKN interface is shaping up very, very nicely!10:17
crashanddie_pumping in quite a lot of jquery goodness in it10:17
eeexceptionHi, all! I'm trying to build deb package of my qt-project and have some troubles with this.10:17
crashanddie_anyway, going to grab a pizza, talk later10:18
tybolltdamit :(10:18
tybolltit's just afte nine in the am and you induce pizza cravings10:18
tybolltthis will be a painfull lead up to lunch :-S10:18
crashanddie_tybollt: it's just after 6PM here :P10:18
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milos_is there an easy way to make /home bigger?10:24
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jaemmilos_, add an extra room?10:25
jaemoh, you mean the partition10:25
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|Rthere is a repartitionning guide somewhere in the wiki or forum10:26
jaemwell, yes, there are partitioning guides on the forum/wiki/Internets, but I think they're mostly of the "not for the faint of heart" people10:26
jaemI haven't looked into it myself, but it's certainly doable10:26
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milos_ok. one more question, can applications be installed to mc?10:28
jaemmilos_, mc==memory card?10:28
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jaemwell, by default most stuff is installed to /opt, which is symlinked into /home10:29
jaemso yes in that sense10:29
milos_and opt is in memory card10:29
jaemmilos_, the internal card10:30
jaemsorry, my mistake10:30
jaemif you mean the microSD, then, yes, you could move and re-symlink things to there, I guess10:30
jaemI'm not sure if there's anything you'd need to do aside from move it10:30
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jaemI doubt it10:30
jaemalthough I'd ask around before trying that, just so you don't trash things10:30
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flipoukjaem: I wouldn't do that...10:36
flipoukThe external SD card is likely to be FAT formated10:36
jaemflipouk, I wasn't saying it was a good idea - I just said it was possible10:36
jaemand yes, I should have mentioned that you'd need to reformat it10:36
jaemmy bad10:36
milos_yeah, I know that :)10:37
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timeless_mbpStskeeps: ?10:53
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: ?10:53
timeless_mbpthe guys running l10n are idiots10:53
Stskeepswhich one of them? :P10:53
timeless_mbpshould i not answer that to protect the guilty?10:53
timeless_mbpplease see /query10:54
tybolltnonono Timless10:54
tybolltwe want to be in on this - don't cut us out of the loop =)10:54
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timeless_mbptybollt: welcome aboard. ship is sailing in 1min10:55
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JaffaMorning, all11:09
jaemif I'm doing a trunk build of Qt (e.g. >4.6.2), is there any sane way to install it alongside the one from Extras-devel?11:11
jaemI'm just going to untar it somewheres for the moment, if I can11:11
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El_Angelowhat do i google for if i want my n900 to serve as hotspot?11:15
jaemEl_Angelo, "N900 hotspot"?11:15
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jaemno, but seriously, I don't know off-hand the links, but I think there's something on the wiki11:16
StskeepsEl_Angelo: joikuspot?11:16
vesajoikuspot works11:17
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FKmanHello all. Is there anybody, who can help me with setting MfE on N900 with Exchange 2007 (non-provisioning i have set)11:24
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FKmanI have our certificate installed in certification manager, but when i try to synchronize, i got error "Error comunication with Exchange"11:27
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El_Angelono jmoikuspo in repo11:30
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meceaaahaha from tmo: qgil "Excuse me guys: what are you talking about?" It's another fun day of FUD at tmo :D11:30
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jaemmece, I don't even *want* to know, do I?11:31
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mecejaem, just regular fud, nothing special. Albeit some have been particularly ludicrous this morning.11:33
mecejaem, for example
jaemmece, worse than the "Nokia should recall and incoherent blather free stuff blather blather" post?11:33
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mecejaem, that's the one I meant11:34
jaemthat one was ludicrous almost to the point of being surreal11:34
jaemit was actually almost worth my time reading a few posts of11:34
jaemI still have no idea what the OP was trying to say11:34
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mecejaem, As I said in my post, it was like
meceAnyway, here's a pretty good post about the meego thing by Jim Zemlin of the linux foundation:
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Shrik3I'm up for some free (paid by employer) Maemo+Qt training, anyone know how well that will translate to MeeGo?11:47
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meceShrik3, it will. :)11:50
lcukmornin maemo \o11:51
meceShrik3, That's the whole point of Qt, isn't it.11:51
mecelcuk, 'sup?11:51
lcukjust waving :D11:51
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Shrik3mece: with nokia, one never knows =)11:51
fralsmornin lcuk o/11:51
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RST38hmoo lcuk11:52
tybolltare there any specilations as to what 1.2 will contain?11:52
crashanddie_yo lcuk11:52
mecetybollt, haven't seen any.11:52
RST38htybollt: was that a rhetorical question?11:52
tybolltRST38h: meh11:53
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RST38hOMG PR1.1.1 seemingly killed load-applet, for good11:53
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lcukhey crashanddie_ have you unblocked matthew- yet?11:55
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jaemyay!  I just made sbox dump core11:56
jaemthat would be my cue to get some sleep11:56
jaem'night, #maemo11:56
RST38hmourning thresh11:57
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jaemRST38h, what? thresh isn't dead yet11:57
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threshi think so too11:58
jaemthresh, what do you know? you're dead! :)11:58
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RST38hjaem <-- taking things a bit too literally =)11:59
jaemRST38h, who? me?!11:59
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crashanddie_lcuk: think so, did it as I was talking to him12:00
crashanddie_lcuk: so yeah, did it this morning12:00
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tybolltjust give the kid a good spank on the bottom and let him off ;)12:01
lcuktybollt, wouldv been easier to just allow him to say his peace12:02
crashanddielcuk: the guy's not a troll, he just needs to learn how to talk to people and how to expose his points12:04
crashanddiehe has valid points, he just exposes them as bloody flamebait12:04
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lcukand you pasting one side of a conversation whilst he is banned is not flamebait?12:05
crashanddieerhm, no, considering the rest of the conversation wasn't relevant12:05
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crashanddiethough I'm pretty sure you've got a pastebin with the full conversation ready anyway12:06
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crashanddielcuk: did he at least give you the full convo afterwards?12:08
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lcukno seb, he was banned - how could he talk to any of us, we only heard your pasting it12:09
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crashanddielcuk: oh feck off, someone was telling him everything that was happening in the channel12:09
pajpIs the device lock code store somewhere readable? I was thinking about using it as a passphrase for some encrypted partitions.. so even a one-way hash of it would be useful12:10
infobotpajp meant: Is the device lock code stored somewhere readable? I was thinking about using it as a passphrase for some encrypted partitions.. so even a one-way hash of it would be useful12:10
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lcukcrashanddie, 580 people here12:11
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aephey. anyone seem any app for a camera timer?12:13
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Stskeepsmorn lardman12:20
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tybolltis fm radio not built in12:20
lardmanhi Stskeeps12:20
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* tybollt cringes12:20
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mecewhoa, This is depressing:
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mece"SIO2 Interactive spamming votes to get his/her applications to Extras"12:21
tybolltyou know that was bound to happen sooner or later mece12:23
tybolltyou can't really be surprised...12:23
lardmanneed a time lag as well as votes12:23
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mecetybollt, naturally, but seeing as this was two of the first commercial games, it's very depressing.12:23
mecelardman, it didn't get to extras, no worries.12:23
lardmanand possibly a "this is about to be promoted", last chance to check12:23
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lardmanmece: -testing then?12:24
mecelardman, isn't it?12:24
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tybolltmece: oh comercial, hmm yeah that makes it a bit worse, you've a point there.12:24
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melmothPffffft, n900 does not see the update. _again_12:24
melmothdid not see it for last one, i had to reflash.12:24
mecetybollt, I saw that this was a person not familiar with open source community, and many people tried to help him out.12:25
melmothnever had this problem with the n810.12:25
mecetybollt, he came off as a bit of a douche. He sent me some private messages asking how to submit stuff to extras, so I pointed him in the right direction.12:25
mecethe thing that sucks is that this is a lose lose situation. We want the games, he want's to sell the games.12:26
mecebut now he gets busted for this, and I'm guessing we wont see him around anymore.12:26
tybolltwhat kind of game is it?12:27
Stskeepsmece: or he apologizes, gets pulled from extras, things get fixed, things get QA'ed, corrected12:27
Stskeepsand a valuable lesson is learnt on both sides.12:27
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* tybollt think stskeeps has a future career as mediator >:)12:29
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meceStskeeps, I really really hope so.12:30
meceStskeeps, which lesson is learned on the maemo side btw?12:30
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Stskeepsmece: we need procedures for this stuff and QA isn't for fun, it is about quality of our extras12:31
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Stskeepsso we need to watch what we let in and what is allowed in policy12:31
meceStskeeps, well we have that, and do that afaict12:32
X-FadeAnyone against pulling everything from SIO2interactive?12:32
X-FadeAnd banning them from Extras?12:32
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StskeepsX-Fade: i think pulling from extras is a better choice, fix bug, let guy apologize immensely and get it through -real- QA.12:32
lcukhang on12:32
meceX-Fade, I'm not against it. Some communication would be nice though.12:32
lcukcan 1 person login12:32
Stskeepseven though this is low on their behalf12:33
lcukto all those accounts with 1 second between12:33
X-FadeStskeeps: Registering 10 accounts to vote up is clearly mean spirited.12:33
lcukor is this team members being supportive of their app12:33
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meceX-Fade, I agree with Stskeeps.12:33
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StskeepsX-Fade: yes, of course12:33
jsa_Agree with Stskeeps too12:33
WZhanganyone a PHP expert?12:33
lcukif theres a qa problem agreed12:33
meceWZhang, I've done some php work. Expert I am at nothing. Shoot12:34
StskeepsX-Fade: otoh this is first time we really experience it12:34
lcukbut thats just like us voting up n900 in polls12:34
mecelcuk, polls are not the same tohugh12:34
tybolltX-Fade: don't _just_ pull and ban, do it temporarily and then let them know they can come back when they kneel and kiss your feet, basically.12:34
X-FadeStskeeps: Yes, it is the reason why I made the voters list public in the first place.12:34
jaem_awaytybollt, agreed12:34
lcukit doesnt look suspicious to me, purely cos no1 has ever managed to do anything that quick in the system12:34
rom1dephello ! could someone just guess why I always have "tahiti" wrotten in my msn status (géolocalized status)12:34
lcukStskeeps, try it12:35
lcuklogout and in12:35
jaem_awayI was wondering when I saw that post12:35
jaem_awayrom1dep, you're in tahitit?12:35
X-FadeCheck this:
fralslcuk: open 10 browser windows? ;-)12:35
WZhangmece: any idea if it is possible to speed this script up: ? it takes sometimes over 2minutes to find a single file...12:35
lcukfrals, with 10 different cookies12:35
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rom1depjaem_away: not really, am in Lyon, france12:35
tybolltX-Fade: we believe you...12:35
fralsprivate modethingy in ie/ff should work like that?12:35
StskeepsX-Fade: you (and jeremiah) are in charge of repositories, i agree it's clear abuse12:35
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jaem_awayX-Fade, Stskeeps, who is behind this "SIO2Interactive", anyhow?12:36
jaem_awayis it an actual company, or just a personal thing with a brand?12:36
fralsbanning is a tad harsh imo, but it should be pulled as it circumvented the QA process12:36
X-FadeIt is an actual company.12:36
rom1dep+ xterm + ssh + irssi in a screen session...12:36
X-FadeI revoked their access to Extras and will send a mail.12:36
X-FadeWill pull all packages from extras.12:37
tybolltX-Fade: but we all benefit from being level headed when things get rough...12:37
jaem_awayX-Fade, it might not hurt to post something vague publicly, as well12:37
X-Fadetybollt: Yes, I helped them uploadin to Extras.12:37
StskeepsX-Fade: do you mean -devel/-testing as well, btw?12:37
X-Fadetybollt: I'm not against that.12:37
jaem_awayI wouldn't recommend denouncing them personally on the news page, but making a point would be good12:37
WZhangmece: usage is dir.php?input - a normal search parameter like "test" works fine, and fast - but a complete search like takes forever, sometimes it never completes and the script times out, webserver is IIS 7 on Server 2008 with PHP512:37
jaem_awayotherwise others will just do the same thing12:37
villemv"shaming" the company will suck12:37
X-FadeStskeeps: Testing yes, devel I'm not sure.12:37
tybolltX-Fade: Good stuff...12:37
StskeepsX-Fade: alright12:37
rom1depno idea for tahiti ? ^^12:37
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jaem_awayrom1dep, what does it say when you're in Tahiti?12:38
Stskeepsvillemv: i think they've given themselves a huge amount of bad publicity right now anyway :)12:38
jaem_awayrom1dep, sorry... I should just shut up :P12:38
meceWZhang, sounds more like a regex problem then php problem actually..12:38
jaem_awayStskeeps, how big did the thread get?12:38
jaem_awayi saw it this morning12:38
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Stskeepsjaem_away: 20 posts or so12:38
tybolltjaem_away: gaaah I keep reading your nick as "janeway" ... :-D12:38
WZhangmece: well i believe its a PHP Speed problem, as the Directory contains already over 16000 Files12:38
villemvyeah Stskeeps, but turning the flameage up a notch doesn't make the target community appear any more appealing...12:39
rom1depjaem_away: i hope it says right, for once... but i won't be able to test soon ^^12:39
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meceWZhang, hmm.. but that wouldn't "text" working fine12:39
villemvpossibly they just thought this was a handy "trick"12:39
X-FadeFwiw, their games had 2700 downloads yesterday.12:39
villemvpossibly by individual developer12:39
meceWZhang, "test" I mean12:39
jaem_awayvillemv, good point12:39
WZhangSearch in files works faster than complete name - very strange12:40
villemvwe should take this as a sign of emerging commercial success ;-)12:40
jaem_awayI still think something should be officially stated, but that the company shouldn't be shamed directly12:40
jaem_awayeven if it's "alluded" to12:40
villemvwhen we have viagra desktop widgets appearing randomly, we'll know we've made it12:40
meceWZhang, wait, this quites if it finds 5 hits. I guess it doesn't on the other search option, hence it searches all files instead.12:41
jaem_awayvillemv, someone just needs to code a widget that pulls from your spam box!12:41
jaem_away...shouldn't be too hard12:41
fralslol villemv12:42
WZhangi try it out on a Linux Server later, maybe its a General IIS Problem12:42
rom1depthere is written "repérage approximatif" --) "approximative localization"12:42
meceWZhang, does the dir contain a file containing the string "" ?12:42
WZhangnot for now, but i can create it :P12:42
WZhangWas just an example for a search12:43
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meceWZhang, perhaps there is 5 files starting with "test", and that's why the script succeeds.12:43
lcukcrashanddie, how is aus12:44
WZhangi Think its the amount of files, i try it on linux with lighty now, maybe that improves the performance12:44
crashanddiebetter than london is some aspects, worse in others12:44
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crashanddiewon't be living here past the time they need me12:44
meceWZhang, I suppose. filehandling in php is perhaps not the most efficient.12:45
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lcukstill in hotel or have you gotten a house12:45
crashanddiestill in hotel12:45
crashanddiebeen in a hotel for 5 months straight now12:45
crashanddiewell, hotels, not always the same one12:45
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tybolltpoor sod, how do you manage?12:45
tybolltmust be hell12:46
crashanddieexcept for roughly 4 weeks in december/january12:46
WZhangmece: i could do it in C# instead, and let it listen on another port than the webserver, a better idea?12:46
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crashanddietybollt: you manage by not having any costs, and making shitloads of money :)12:46
tybolltI did that summer 2008... it was the worst summer of my life... I was never so bored...12:46
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meceWZhang, it says here: that you're doing it wrong.12:46
rom1dephumm where can i raise a bug against this ?12:46
meceWZhang, look for /* This is the WRONG way to loop over the directory. */12:47
crashanddierom1dep: against what?12:47
meceWZhang, replace ($file = readdir($dir)) with (false !== ($file = readdir($dir)))12:48
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rom1depcrashanddie: /lastlog rom1dep ... i'm said to be lovalized in thaiti while it's not rally the case12:48
lardmanhmm, I checked TMO yesterday, already there are >250 new posts12:48
meceWZhang, currently, the program ONLY exits if it gets 5 hits. otherwise it's an infinite loop.12:48
rom1deplocalised* damn small kbd12:49
crashanddierom1dep: I think it's a known bug12:49
WZhanglol, that explains the Server load12:49
crashanddierom1dep: bugs.maemo.org12:49
meceWZhang, yep..12:49
crashanddieWZhang: also ##php12:50
rom1depcrashanddie: ok, i'll do some search before of course, thanks12:50
crashanddieWZhang: unless you're running the website off your NIT12:50
crashanddierom1dep: pas de soucis12:50
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WZhangsoon from my N800 :P12:50
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WZhangwill make it burn at 10 Hits at same time lol12:50
crashanddienot really, lighttpd in the time handled it pretty well12:51
mececrashanddie, when someone only types your name like that, it looks like an insult.12:51
crashanddieas long as disk access wasn't a priority12:51
crashanddiemece: story of my life12:51
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rom1depcrashanddie: yeahh, you speak a better french than i speak en ^^12:51
WZhangi would use nginx, not lighty - seems a better choice12:51
threshit is indeed12:51
crashanddierom1dep: en meme temps j'ai vecu 10 ans en france donc bon, ca aide ;)12:51
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crashanddiecrap, it makes you feel old when you say "Yeah, I've spent ten years there"12:52
rom1depcrashanddie: ah ouais.. ça peut aider :) bonne journée alors ;) !12:52
crashanddierom1dep: nuit pour moi, j'suis en australie12:52
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rom1depcrashanddie: australia is a dreaming country for me, on my "todo before 30 years old" list ^^ so, good night !12:54
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lardmancrashanddie: the hot weather getting to you, English man, English! ;)12:55
lardmannight night12:55
crashanddielardman: I haven't had to go to work for the past 3 days because our office is flooded12:55
lardmanoh right12:55
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crashanddiewell, like 3x 2 hours of rain12:58
crashanddieand that was that12:58
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lardmanah the wonders of sub-tropica rain :)12:58
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lardmanwe've just got sub-tropical sleet here12:58
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adalalanyone knows when video conversations will be available? whether it's on the calls, or video chats on IMs?12:58
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genevenhas anyone been able to access extras-devel for days?13:00
adalali am13:00
adalalright now13:00
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mecegeneven, has been working just fine for me.13:00
genevenreally, thanks, i,ll reexamine my settings13:01
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* lardman notes that he should be careful about location sharing13:01
* w00t concurs13:02
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lardmanhmm, just watched video of Win Mob 7, wasn't that exciting really13:05
* crashanddie proceeds to read the article13:05
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lardmancrashanddie: /me jumps on a plane and hopes to get to crashanddie's flat before he gets home13:05
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tybollt<-- asshole13:05
inzeveryone has one13:05
meceinx, a tybollt?13:06
meceinz even..13:06
lardmanyeah, keeps your spine together13:06
tybolltmece: am I a pet or something? :)13:06
mecetybollt, so it appears.13:06
tybolltmece: Or as in pulp fiction "why don't you bring out the gimp"13:06
lardmanin a continuing attack on the BBC newspages, I'm unhappy to read that my TV licensing fee is going to develop iPhone applets13:06
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w00tlardman: do what I do - just don't have a TV13:07
w00t(and as a result, don't pay the licence)13:07
lardmannah, campaign for other apps for other platforms13:07
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lardman come on you licence fee payers!13:07
w00tif they aren't going to waste money on iPhones, it'll be on something else useless13:07
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lardmanwell the iPlayer stuff is quite good13:08
nidO"campaign for apps for other platforms"?13:08
lardmanthough not paying their "stars" so much money would be a good start for saving cash13:08
nidOdid you read the second sentence in the article?13:08
lardmanyeah, I don't see maemo there ;)13:08
nidOmaemo is utterly small fry right now compared to every other mobile platform13:09
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nidOon a scale of economics of license costs, developing one for maemo right now is what *would* be a waste of cash13:09
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lardmannidO: true13:10
nidOmaybe there'll be a big enough user base once it becomes meego for them to do it13:10
MOUDI am trying to update my n900 but I get the "Insufficient disk space" error. Any suggestions to fix it?13:10
nidObut I doubt we'll see a maemo release of anything from them13:10
lardmanIt would be nice to hav access to the api that does their scrolling play by play commentary though13:10
meceoh.. they've waived teh 50bucks ovi fee13:10
nidOThe BBC has said that it will initially focus on building applications for the iPhone but follow with applications for Google's Android operating system and RIM (BlackBerry).13:11
nidOIt said it would also "work with other providers to enable these applications on their mobile devices".13:11
MOUDI have 45.8MB free on my rootfs13:11
FKmanHello ALL: I try to synchronize with Exchange 2007. I hope, that oriblem is in this: Verification failed: unable to get local issuer certificate. Can anyone help me?13:12
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lardmannidO: well there's hope at least, and for all I know they may not have the scrolling commentary on the apps anyway13:12
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nidOthat "work with other providers" as far as symbian/maemo goes might just = "provide the api info to let those communities develop their own"13:14
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KhertanHello !13:19
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lardmanhi Khertan13:21
meceKhertan, hi!13:21
* lardman really needs to turn on digests for meego-devel13:21
KhertanI need some packaging help13:21
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Khertan <<< as you can see here the bug report link point to bugs.maemo.org13:21
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Khertanbut in control the link is :  Bugtracker: khertan@khertan.net13:22
Khertanin previous packages the link was : http://bugs.maemo.org13:22
Khertandoes it s a package viewer bug ... or a problem with my package ?13:22
lardmanis that ignored, or does it work for other packages?13:22
Khertanyou mean that is default ?13:23
lardmanyeah, I wonder if it's as you say a bug in the viewer page13:23
Khertani don't think because last time i put a package withtout any Bugtracker link and there was no default value put by the package viewer web page13:24
Khertanthe change is maybe not supported13:24
Khertanor my package is not well formed13:24
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KhertanHello lcuk !13:25
lcukKhertan, love vectors will instal tonight when im not busy13:25
lcukpleased you are getting it out13:25
lardmanlcuk: does liq* not install these days?13:28
lardmanI wanted to do some sketching yesterday but couldn't install due to missing deps13:29
lardmanthough I don't remember which13:29
MOUDI am trying to run the script "  ./  " but I get permission denied, I am running as root. I tried using "  chmod +x  " but still gives me the same error. How can I fix it?13:29
lardmanwhere is the script?13:30
MOUDin MyDocs13:30
lardmanthat's mounted noexec13:30
tybolltlardman is saying: move the script to a partition that is not mounted noexec13:30
lardmanso move it down a dir13:30
lcuklardman, theres a slight maint break atm13:31
lcuk-devel unstable is unstable13:31
lcuk-testing ones were ok13:31
lcukbut i think vdvsx wanted to take them out of there13:31
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lcuknext few days ill get some breathing space and update13:31
lardmanok np, just thought I'd let you know13:32
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lcukyeah i had heard, i updated opensoundcontrol library and the version number was backwards13:32
Khertanlcuk: héhé ... it s available in extras-testing but already got a complain that bug tracker field13:33
* lcuk nods13:34
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MOUDdo i have to move the file to /bin/sh ? because I get the error:   /bin/sh: ./ not found13:35
X-FadeKhertan: blame VDVsx :)13:35
VDVsxwhat I did this time ? :)13:36
lardmanMOUD: no13:36
* Khertan is blaming VDVsx 13:36
lardmanMOUD: can you pastebin the contents of the file? What's the first line? #! /bin/sh13:36
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lardmanthe not found might refer to something else in the file13:37
lardmanbut I'm not sure13:37
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MOUDthe script is in this website:
VDVsxKhertan, the better I can do is pay you a beer for the 'inconvenience' :D :D13:37
* VDVsx checks the logs13:38
KhertanVDVsx: i'm joking13:38
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Khertani ve uploaded a vectormine package to repository ... bug with a bug tracker field : http://bugs.maemo.org13:39
lardmanMOUD: dunno, not a shell scripting afficianado I'm afraid13:39
Khertanright ...13:39
Khertanand i got complain as there isn't any vectormine product in bugs13:39
Khertanso ... ok13:39
MOUDlardman: no problem, im going to put on the /bin/sh and give a try. Thanks for the help13:40
Khertani change it in VectorMine 1.0.2-2 package for khertan@khertan.net13:40
meceMOUD, did you create the file
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Khertanbut the package web interface is still displaying http://bugs.maemo.org13:40
lardmanMOUD: what do you mean by put on the /bin/sh?13:40
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KhertanVDVsx: so i m trying to understand if it s a problem with the package13:40
lardmanMOUD: also check that the file is executable I guess13:40
MOUDlardman: copy the file to /bin/sh13:40
lardmanMOUD: don't do that13:41
meceMOUD, NONONO!13:41
MOUDlardman: it is, I used chmod +x13:41
lardmanafter you moved it?13:41
KhertanVDVsx: or a display bug in the web ui13:41
MOUDmece: why?13:41
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lardman /bin/sh is the ash shell that you're using13:41
meceMOUD, /bin/sh is the shell that runs the script. DON'T touch that13:41
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VDVsxKhertan, package link ?13:42
Khertanuh ...13:42
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Khertanit has changed13:43
ham5anything I can compile on my debian machien at home I can run on a maemo ?13:43
lardmanquestion or statement?13:43
KhertanVDVsx: but still not good :)13:43
MOUDmece: I already copied there but after doing ls -l /bin/sh  nothing is in there13:43
MOUDbut I didn't get an error while copying13:43
VDVsxKhertan, your package seems fine13:43
KhertanVDVsx: look at the link bug tracker in the package instance13:43
lardmanham5: download the SDK and get compiling13:43
KhertanVDVsx: it s seems there is some delay / cache13:44
meceMOUD, did you copy the file somewherE???13:44
Khertanupdating the bugtracker link13:44
Khertannow i got this link :
meceMOUD, /bin/sh is not a directory13:44
Khertannot really good too13:44
adalalanyone here knows how to configure maemo5 to use apt-get and all behind a proxy?13:44
MOUDmece: no13:44
VDVsxKhertan, yeah13:44
MOUDmece: ah ok13:44
* VDVsx blames X-Fade :)13:44
lardmanMOUD: /bin/sh should be a symlink13:44
* Khertan blames X-Fade 13:45
meceMOUD, there should be no copying of any files when making that script.13:45
MOUDand how do I see the link for /bin/sh ?13:45
lardmanls -rtl /bin/sh13:45
KhertanVDVsx: thanks for having take the time to look at my problem13:45
lardmanMOUD: but that link won't be at fault unless you've broken it13:46
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meceMOUD it's supposed to point at busybox13:46
MOUDI see13:46
lardmanso, does it still exist?13:46
meceanyway #!/bin/sh is just the first line in the script. nothing should be copied anywhere.13:47
VDVsxKhertan, this is a bug in the package interface or some weird cache, did you see there the previous bugtracker with the package version as well ? (bugs.maemo....)13:47
MOUDyeah, still there13:47
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lardmanmece: the script needs to be in e.g. /home/user so it can be made executable13:47
lardmanMOUD: did you chmod after moving the file?13:47
KhertanVDVsx: yep i see the previous bugtracker link with the last package version (i suppose weird cache)13:48
lardmanMOUD: and are you using the right script name?13:48
mecelardman, right.13:48
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MOUDyes, chmod +x   and also tried chmod 77713:48
lardmanchmod +x is fine13:48
KhertanVDVsx: and now it s again the previous link13:48
MOUDyes, the same file name13:48
KhertanVDVsx: strange13:48
lardmanMOUD: are you in the right dir when you try to run the script?13:49
lardmani.e. the same one the script is in?13:49
MOUDyes, I am in /home/user and the file is in there too13:49
KhertanVDVsx: does this occur only for extras-devel ? or it ll be same if i promote it to extras-testing13:49
VDVsxKhertan, dunno13:49
Khertani ll try so :)13:50
nidOGoogle has bought the publisher of iPhone mail search app reMail, and promptly pulled the application from the iTunes store until further notice.13:50
MOUDlardman: yes, I am in /home/user and the file is in there too13:50
lardmanMOUD: and when you type ./mo then tab, it tab completes?13:50
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GeneralAntillesmece, s/this was done/this was not done/ ?13:50
nidOsubtle way to enhance android in the android v iphone war13:50
MOUDlardman: yes it does13:50
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meceGeneralAntilles, what?13:50
lardmanMOUD: check for typos in the script then, it looks like it's being run13:51
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GeneralAntillesmece, appears to be a typo:
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meceGeneralAntilles, the not is before the comma.13:51
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GeneralAntillesmece, actually, I guess it's not a typo.13:51
GeneralAntillesmece, but it's awkward and unclear.13:51
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GeneralAntillesMove the not to second half of the sentence.13:52
MOUDI just copy/pasted it , I don't think there's a type there13:52
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meceGeneralAntiulles, fixed it.13:52
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lardmanMOUD: did the files get moved out of interest?13:52
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MOUDlardman, haven't checked. 1 min13:53
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GeneralAntillesmece, I expect the poster replying to you was confused which is why I brought it up. ;)13:53
mecerighty, thanks.13:53
meceooh sio2interactive is viewing the thread!13:54
meceman I hope he answers13:54
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meceMOUD, so what does it say when you run the script?13:54
MOUDmece:    /bin/sh: ./ not found13:55
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nidOhuge reply to the thread just gone up from sio2interactive13:57
MOUDlardman: all the files in the "theme" folder is still in there, so I don't think the script ran13:57
lardmanMOUD: ok13:57
nidObasically blaming the platform13:58
meceMOUD, that implicates that the file you're running is not there..13:58
meceMOUD, or not executable.13:58
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lardmanbut apparently it tab completes13:58
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lardmanso should both be there and be executable13:59
MOUDagree with lardman13:59
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meceMOUD, hmm actually when it's not there I get ~sh: ./asdf: not found13:59
MOUDis there any way that I can remove everything from the phone so it can look the way it was when I bought it? (fresh clean)13:59
meceMOUD, you can flash it.14:00
MOUDmece: how?14:00
SpeedEvilMOUD: flash it - flash the mmc image too14:00
lardmanhmm, I wonder if it's something like CR/LF14:00
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lardmanMOUD: open the file with vi and see if it has ^M on the end of every line14:01
MOUDI dont have a mmc14:01
MOUDlardman: can you show me the exact command ?14:01
lardmanMOUD: vi move-to-opt.sh14:02
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lardmanMOUD: then type :q to quit (i.e. colon q)14:03
t-tanMOUD: try this
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lcuklardman, SHAKE_TO_EXIT should be a default on all console editor apps!14:04
lardmant-tan: if it's a line feed issue he'll have the same problem14:04
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lardmanlcuk: not vi! never, we want to keep the difficult-to-remember combos!14:04
t-tanlardman: sh should be insensitive to the ^M14:05
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MOUDI am restarting my phone. 1 min14:05
lardmanhmm, not in my experience14:05
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meceoh fer fecks sake! man I hate when people are all like "oh it was easy to do it, so I can't be blamed"14:06
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nidOthat post is a load of cock, basically14:07
nidOjust because he was able to circumvent the rules doesnt allow him to.14:07
meceexcuses excuses14:07
adalalcan't u just install nano, and use that instead of vi?14:07
Khertaninstall pygtkeditor :)14:07
meceI concur with Khertan.14:08
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lardmanwell he does have a couple of points about the code being broken14:08 died?14:08
X-Fadeslonopotamus: short reboot.14:09
X-Fadeslonopotamus: Sorry, needed that to mention in the mail I sent out too ;)14:09
mecelardman, yep. The non-douchebag way would be to mention that..14:09
mecelardman, not to exploit it.14:09
Kht_awayVDVsx: package promoting to extras-testing is really long14:09
* slonopotamus curses debians for cyclic deps14:09
lardmanmece: indeed14:09
lcukStskeeps, X-Fade i wholeheartedly retract my comments.  he did game the system. wow14:10
lardmanis the app in the non-free section?14:10
GeneralAntillesmece, roughly, well, the lock was broken, so why shouldn't I have broken in and stolen things?14:10
fralswtf "the explot was there not my fault i used it"14:11
MOUDmy phone wont boot anymore14:11
fralsw t f14:11
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nidO"Im the first one who was able to get the first stable 3D commercial game out there on the platform. At least you gotta gimme creditz on this"14:11
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Stskeepslcuk: you wonder why i said "apology" first?14:12
lardmanwhy is the stuff in here not in individual dirs?:
slonopotamusX-Fade, that ain't 'short' :)14:12
X-Fadelardman: Config issue.14:12
lcukStskeeps, yeah14:12
MOUDwhat can I do now?14:13
lardmanI'd just leave him alone, it's in non-free, and fix the issues he highlighted14:13
X-Fadeslonopotamus: Well, double reboot.14:13
lardmanMOUD: did you do anything else before you rebooted, i.e. things that might break it?14:14
meceMOUD, you can reflash it. I believe you managed to remove /bin/sh14:14
lardmanMOUD: where does it get to in the boot process?14:14
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lardmanmece: yeah14:14
lardmanMOUD: were you running as root?14:14
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lardmanhow does sio2's game work? Do you have to feed it a password to make it work?14:17
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MOUD_my pone won't boot, what can I do?14:17
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lardmanMOUD: were you running as root when you were fiddling with that script earlier?14:18
lardmansee mece's comment, you probably removed /bin/sh14:18
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MOUDand what can I do now?14:19
MOUDhow do I do that? I don't even have the file14:20
HukkaHa. I'm sick, and have to skip a lecture. But qik stream saves the day :)14:20
lardmanshould give you a link to the flasher and the image if you need it14:20
HukkaThough I have to admit that the N900 users dropped the ball, and the iPhone user had to actually handle the stream14:20
tybolltremove /bin/sh?14:21
tybolltGood $DEITY people, what the hell are you doing to accidentally remove that?14:21
Stskeepsinstall bash?14:22
tybollthow does installing bash make you remove /bin/sh=14:22
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lardmanStskeeps: he can't boot14:22
Stskeepslardman: reflash, without a shell you're fucked14:23
wazddamn, what's wrong with ICQ again...14:23
GeneralAntillesfrals, analogy stealer!14:23
MOUDlardman: thanks. I'm downloading the file14:25
meceGeneralAntilles, I was about to steal that one but 'I figured you'd post it yourself.14:25
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GeneralAntillesmece, don't care enough to bother. *g*14:25
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lardmanhmm, looks like he uses certs14:26
lardmanand an unobfuscated function called check_activation()14:26
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mecelardman, he registers the imei, and checks against his server, afaict14:27
lardmanwell that could be bypassed14:28
mecelardman, are you trying to exploit his software? LOL14:29
Kht_awaymece: what are you talking about ?14:29
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lardmannot really, I don't care about games, but I dislike his smirking14:29
wazdahaha, sio2interactive case is hilarious :)14:30
Kht_awaywhich game do callback ?14:30
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lardmaninteresting though, which library provides the IMEI data, or is that a dbus call?14:31
fralsmece: it be a nice "payback" for this "there was an exploit, dont blame me"14:32
fralsyou can get it trough dbus at least14:32
X-Fadeslonopotamus: drop working again for you?14:32
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lardmanit would probably be easier to modify the binary code rather than try to fake the IMEI I guess14:32
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lardmananyway, enough of that thought experiment, even though he has been rather annoying, one wouldn't want to put off future commercial devs14:33
Kht_awaylardman: dbus call14:33
Kht_awayi use it for my shareware VectorMine14:33
lardmanI'll certainly stop then, don't want to stop Khertan's main source of funding :)14:34
mecelardman, I really hate that this guy is such a douche.14:34
Kht_awaybof ... do what u want ... people that didn't want to pay will not anyway14:34
Kht_awayi ve made some shareware before and they was always hack ...14:35
Kht_awaywith a keygen or something else14:35
Kht_awaya trying to fight it is an endless war14:35
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lardmanis quite an interesting topic really, securing software14:35
lardmanKht_away: yeah14:35
tybolltmece: the more a douche he is ... the more to the point and precise you should be.. that is the only way to respond IMHO. If you go out of your way to mock him it'll just escalate and we all lose... :-|14:35
lardmanKht_away: but generally you need at least some skill to do the hacking, so I imagine you'd tend to not get that much happening for low cost items14:36
mecetybollt, true true. I shan't post any more in that thread. I'll just get upset.14:36
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meceWTF? ok so this guy obviously does not understand what open source is.14:39
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Kht_awayouch the abuse on vote ...14:39
bilboed-piisn't there a way to report such abuse ?14:40
Kht_awaybut is so frustrating to be exclude from OVI store ...14:40
bilboed-pior add some smartness to the voting process14:40
Kht_awaythat they want to get money for their dev14:40
lardmanbilboed-pi: yeah, just fix the bugs14:40
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lardmanKht_away: is the problem that it's not up yet, or you are excluded?14:40
Kht_awaylardman: yep ... in fact the both :)14:41
meceif you go here, the "SIO2 Free Open Source 3D Game Engine" it says... *sigh*14:41
Kht_awaylardman: require a vat number ... which my company didn't have14:41
lardmanah I see14:41
lardmanwell that's probably required for income tax purposes too14:41
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tybolltfree as in Free to pay a shitload to SIO2? :)14:41
lardmanor perhaps not14:42
Kht_awaythis is why i release under a pseudo "shareware" .... with a paypal paiement on my website14:42
Kht_awaymy company is exlude from vat tax ... so i didn't have a vat number :)14:42
SpeedEvilVAT registration isnot required in the uK14:42
SpeedEvilfor small companies at least14:42
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SpeedEvilunder 20K of turnover or something14:43
Kht_awayunder 80k for selling product company and 32k for services selling company here in france14:43
tybollt /nick IRS && /msg Kht_away ALL YOUR BASE ARE ...14:43
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tybolltlame attempt at being funny14:44
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MOUDIt worked. Thank you all :D14:45
tybolltthen again why don't those assholes at SIO2 buy a spot in the limelight over at OVI store?14:45
tybolltwhy do they rpofusely have to go the maemo route if they are a comercial company anyway?14:46
lardmanhe said something about it not working iirc in that thread14:46
tybolltah ok14:46
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* tybollt bets ovi store won't "work" until the symbian hordes come stampeeding in14:46
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tybolltthat's when nookla will start caring worth a damn14:47
slonopotamusX-Fade, yep, thx14:47
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* slonopotamus wonders what'll happen if one uploads whole debian to builder :)14:48
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threshwhere do i put data files so ioquake3 sees them?14:48
lcukslonopotamus, x-fade will personally get in a black helicopter and come hit you on the head with a heavy book about not uploading everything to autobuilder14:49
X-Fadeslonopotamus: You'll find your access revoked :)14:49
lopzhi ;)14:49
Khertantybollt: because ovi isn't working14:49
slonopotamuslcuk, X-Fade do not like debian? :(14:49
GeneralAntillesPlus the black hawk thing.14:49
tybolltthresh: if you find out, mind PMing me the solution?14:49
lcukslonopotamus, that is not the problem14:49
threshokay, i'm going into a BOOOOOORING meeting now14:49
threshwhich will take 3 hours14:50
threshso i desperately need to find it out14:50
X-Fadeslonopotamus: Why would you upload xorg-xserver btw?14:50
tybolltthresh: :D14:50
lardmanthresh: buzz-word bingo app?14:50
slonopotamusX-Fade, xvfb. it wasn't anywhere14:50
tybolltthresh: Hint! turn the volume off! :D14:50
threshi'll be with my hearplugs14:50
threshlardman: i'm not that good in english :)14:50
X-Fadeslonopotamus: This doesn't seem the way to do it.14:50
slonopotamusX-Fade, it's just maemo package,, i didn't change anything.14:51
lcukslonopotamus, if you want to build the whole of debian, please do so - but dont abusse the autobuilder to do it, its perfectly possible however to make your own autobuilder and repositories etc to do it yourself14:51
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hrwJaffa: can you update vala in extras to  0.7.10?14:57
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slonopotamuswhy some debian packages have debian/
lardmanautotools are used14:58
lardmanI imagine14:58
slonopotamusi meant debian/control.in14:58
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slonopotamusin addition to debian/control14:59
Khertanoups ... i ve forgotten to say in description that vectormine is a shareware ...14:59
Khertanhope i ll be not kill for that like sio2interactive15:00
* GeneralAntilles launches the ICBM at Khertan's house.15:00
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lardmandamn, wind is blowing over France towards England15:00
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lardmancan't even stop it with one of those multi-billion $ not-working-yet interceptor missles ;)15:01
SpeedEvilhave you used the tracker?15:01
javispedroslonopotamus: because they autogenereate debian/control frm it15:01
* SpeedEvil thought this was another channel for a mo.15:01
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SpeedEvilPeople sending balloons uk->france in the other one15:02
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SpeedEvilanyone with a 433Mhz SSB reciever in england or france welcome.15:04
Khertanlardman: have you used the maemo tracker in the icbm ?15:04
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alteregoWhat's the best way to backup contacts from N900->Ubuntu desktop?15:04
alteregoPresumably something to do with evolution?15:05
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Khertanyeah ... so ... i ve a problem with the release of my game ... i just see that it was sent to ... free ...15:05
Khertanwhich isn't really the case15:05
Jaffahrw: Yup, I've got patches pending to push through15:06
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lardmanSpeedEvil: looks cool :)15:07
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hrwJaffa: thx15:07
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lardmanSpeedEvil: the map at the bottom of that page, did it vanish into the Atlantic then?15:08
slonopotamusundefined reference to 'sqrt'15:09
Khertanhum ... how to upload to non-free ?15:09
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slonopotamusKhertan, you don't want to15:09
KhertanUsing auto builder ... mean that it s automatically free apparently15:09
GeneralAntillesKhertan, dput15:09
lardmanask RST38h15:09
lardmanhe had to upload something to non-free iirc15:09
Khertanthx for the answer15:10
GeneralAntillesKhertan, shareware but GPL?15:10
Khertanyep ... but i m not sure yet15:10
GeneralAntillesThen send it to free.15:10
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Khertanas ... using gpl mean that i deliver the code source15:10
lardmanon punch cards15:10
Khertanand also the key verification15:10
SpeedEvillardman: yes - but that was more thanthe anticipated launch time15:10
Khertanlardman: great idea15:11
SpeedEvillardman: flight duration I mean15:11
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lardmanSpeedEvil: ok15:11
GeneralAntilleslardman, just hope that their laziness outweighs $3.99 for the app.15:11
lardmanSpeedEvil: descent rate wrong, or wind too high?15:11
lardmanGeneralAntilles: indeed, which is probably true for the vast majority15:11
SpeedEvillardman: that was a predicted track - not a flight log15:11
lardmanah I see15:11
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* alterego wonders if madde will get renamed to MeeGo Application and Debugging Environment.15:14
lardmannah, had to become a recursive acronym surely15:14
hrwsame name15:14
alteregoMeeGo's not Maemo?15:15
KhertanMeego Afraid Destruction Developpment Evolution15:15
alteregoMNM :P15:15
Khertanalterego: MeeGo is not maemo15:16
Khertanit s moblin with maemo 6 ui15:16
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Paavoso its with x86 architecture, the first Nokia MeeGo device ?15:17
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alteregoKhertan: I think yopu missed the conversation about MADDE becoming a recursive acronym, I was taking the piss out of GNU :P15:18
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GeneralAntillesCan we start dismissing people as SIO2 apologists yet?15:18
GeneralAntillesPaavo, er?15:18
Khertanalterego: :)15:19
alteregoGeneralAntilles: you'd be suprised how many people keep asking that :P15:19
tybolltbut really... it's just a bit of astroturfin... come on... nobody every did that before - eh?15:20
Khertanhum ... i m not sure for the translation to french of 'dismissing'15:20
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Khertanfired them ?15:20
lardmanfire on them15:20
PaavoMoblin doesnt currently support arm, so I figured that if Meego is Moblin with Maemo 6 UI, the device must use x86 ?15:20
tybolltjust kick them the hell out - wait for them to come crying back - accept their apology - WIN!15:20
GeneralAntillesPaavo, MeeGo will support both ARM and x86.15:20
KhertanPaavo with a Atom ant 8 kg battery for 2 hours of autonomy15:21
alteregoPaavo: have you read yet?15:21
Paavo15:16 < Khertan> it s moblin with maemo 6 ui15:21
lardmanI'll have to put my hand up as a sort of apologist: he cheated the system, but really who cares, let's fix the problem and move on15:21
achipaexcept for Harmattan. Which is maemo with a maemo 6 ui. But called MeeGo, 'cause if you squint enough Maemo looks like MeeGo :)15:21
KhertanPaavo: yep for resuming :)15:21
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Khertanread for more information15:21
lardmanKhertan: hey my netbook manages ~8hrs15:22
GeneralAntillesachipa, confusing for platform devs, much clearer for application devs and users.15:22
Stskeepsachipa: that one really screws me up too15:22
GeneralAntillesachipa, who's most qualified to handle confusion? ;)15:22
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Stskeepsachipa: OTOH, the positive side might be that "dual packaging" might be the norm.15:22
Khertani was jokking ... i just got a samsung nc130 and is works for 6 hours with a small battery15:22
Khertanand under seven or linux15:24
Khertani didn't notice any differences15:24
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achipaGeneralAntilles: wait till those users realize their MeeGo/Harmattan device is not able to install MeeGo packages and that not all MeeGo apps can run on all MeeGo devices... I just really hope it doesn't turn into a fragfest (fragMENTATION, not in the quake sense of the word :) )15:27
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Stskeepsachipa: fwiw, rpm can be converted to deb15:27
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PaavoIt will propably be chaos during the next two years or so15:27
alteregoStskeeps: I think he's refering to architectural issues.15:27
X-Fadeachipa: I think proper MeeGo will be for Harmattan++.15:28
achipaStskeeps: Everything is possible at But that's going to be fun WRT dependencies.15:28
Stskeepsachipa: yes, of course15:28
Stskeepsachipa: ideally you'd only need qt dependancies though15:28
Stskeepsachipa: but yet another thing15:28
Stskeeps"dependancy alignment towards maemo6"15:28
X-FadeThis will really take an iteration of 2 to pan out.15:29
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achipaX-Fade: I just with we had a more clear nomenclature, then this would be a lot less of an issue15:29
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lardmanKhertan: I see Jeremiah just posted to meego-dev, you could bend his ear via email if you still have a problem15:29
achipaI feel we're like in a South Park episode when they call everything Marklar15:29
X-Fadeachipa: Hey, I didn't do the marketing thing :)15:29
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GeneralAntillesAh, hrw, I was waiting for you to weigh in.15:30
Stskeepshrw: why not propose OE instead? :)15:30
achipaStskeeps: speaking of which, did anybody do OE/optware on the N900 ?15:31
Stskeepsachipa: dunno, didn't hrw do some n900 related work?15:31
hrwachipa: basic support is present15:31
hrwStskeeps: I prefer to keep on topic15:32
hrwStskeeps: 1.5y ago we tried to move Moblin to be Poky based and failed15:32
achipahrw: OE or optware ?15:33
Stskeepshrw: interesting15:33
hrwachipa: OE15:33
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hrwachipa: people still use optware?15:34
achipahrw: OK, will take a look. As a long time NSLU2-er, I'm also emotionally attached to optware even though it's a relic nowadays as you say :)15:34
achipamight be worth a package - if nothing else, it's optified by default :p15:35
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achipahrw: today, it's popular on QNap NASes and on the Palm (Pre) for some reason, other than that, not sure if anyone uses it (with the NSLU2 going into well deserved retirement)15:40
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javispedroah, ten pages in a few hours in the sio2 thread.15:46
X-Fadejavispedro: Don't have time to follow it, but let me know if there is a conclusion :)15:47
tybolltdidn't X-fade eject him yet?15:47
javispedroX-Fade: I didn't know there was anything left to discuss :P15:48
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, you're an evil bastard15:48
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GeneralAntillesX-Fade, no, wait, the SIO2 guy is an evil bastard.15:48
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: I helped the guy.15:48
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, so, no, no conclusion. ;)15:48
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: He should have just mailed when he had issues.15:48
villemvi think Palm will want to join the MeeGo party sooner or later15:49
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GeneralAntillesBasically, typical Talk flamewar that will go nowhere.15:49
tybolltvillemv: why?15:49
tybolltvillemv: they have their own OS15:49
villemvthey can still ship their javascript sandbox over meego core15:49
javispedrotybollt: userspace is similar to maemo's own.15:49
villemvpalm is a small companf15:49
GeneralAntillesBecause if they don't we're going to send qwerty12 to pay them a visit.15:49
javispedroor our local .deb gang15:49
javispedropalm webos uses ipkg!! noway!!! .deb or die!15:50
tybolltyou mean .rpm gang?15:50
tybolltNo I'm not a bitter dweebian nerd... not at all15:50
wazddeb or terrorists win :)15:50
tybolltrpm is supporting communism!!15:50
villemvRED hat, right15:50
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RST38hwazd moo15:51
javispedrothis brief discussion was actually more informed than the one on tmo.15:51
wazdRST38h: heya :)15:51
javispedromoo rst15:51
javispedroor "mee"15:51
tybolltinformed discussion in a web forum?15:51
vmlemon_Use SIS files, or else!15:51
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tybolltuhm... hello15:51
javispedropalm using meego would be factible.15:52
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villemvis that a word?15:53
GeneralAntillesSomebody go start a Twitter rumor.15:53
villemvverbing the nouns, you know15:53
tybolltso why aren't you saying samsung should switch15:53
tybolltinstead of their linex15:53
* vmlemon_ heard that the next MobLin will use MSI files for software installation ;)15:53
villemvsamsung has uberplatform "bada"15:53
tybolltvillemv: my point, it ought to suck korean gonads?15:54
villemvthey don't have linux, right?15:54
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javispedrovillemv: seems not.15:54
tybolltvillemv: bada ~linux, non?15:54
vmlemon_Based upon SHP15:54
villemvI don't think so at least15:54
tybolltI though so :)15:54
vmlemon_(Samsung Hardware Platform - some proprietary junk written in C++)15:54
GeneralAntillesAh, I see somebody brought in the N900 support issue into the SIO2 thread.15:54
villemvit's just using rastermans elite warez to allow writing apps15:55
vmlemon_They leaked a ton of SHP code as part of a WebKit drop, for what it's worth15:55
GeneralAntillesWe need a new Godwin's Law to cover that.15:55
tybolltbada (pronounced /?b??d??/) is a linux based mobile operating system being developed by Samsung Electronics. It is designed for use in smartphones. Its name is derived from the Korean word for ocean.[1] Samsung is to announce further details on the platform on February 14th, at the Mobile World Congress.[2] The first Bada-based phone is the Wave S8500, to be released in April 2010.[3][4]15:55
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X-FadeGeneralAntilles: The guy had 2700 downloads yesterday. He should make a bit of money already.15:55
villemvdon't trust wikipedia on that15:55
nidOim sure the original godwins will still hold true in that thread, given a couple more hours15:55
javispedrois this a developer site?15:55
vmlemon_It'sa Bada disasta15:56
javispedrofor a moment I though I arrived at some squatter's page.15:56
javispedrowazd: lol15:56
vmlemon_Unofficial. Samsung's developer site is still closed to most of the world, unless you have a "Partner" account15:56
vmlemon_Same with their "Developer Tool (sic)"15:56
villemvdevs will love bada, if that website is anything to go by15:56
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BANEADOdelHISPAtEngoOh tanTOh GLamuH( sha jennYyY ) q mE labOh eR coÑoH cOn AMbipuuR tEngoOh tanTOh GLamuH( sha jennYyY ) q mE labOh eR coÑoH cOn AMbipuuR tEngoOh tanTOh GLamuH( sha jennYyY ) q mE labOh eR coÑoH cOn AMbipuuR.15:57
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Stskeepswas that another RPM vs DEB argument?15:57
javispedroyes, but somehow including soap15:57
tybolltStskeeps: I'll keep making those arguments because I know how it makes you cringe ;-P15:57
Stskeepsright, time to work on the open sourcing queue..15:58
GeneralAntillesThe Debian trolls will have a new topic for comments on andre__'s blog in the future.15:58
javispedroget your guns ready15:58
* luke-jr mounts 2 automatics on each shoulder15:59
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andre__GeneralAntilles, uhm? Which one? :)15:59
lcukluke-jr, are those munitions licensed as open sores?15:59
luke-jrlcuk: yep15:59
javispedroGeneralAntilles: and that's why I don't like multichanneling :)16:00
GeneralAntillesandre__, now in addition to bitching about sending patches upstream, they can bitch about MeeGo using RPM.16:00
javispedrowell, that, and the fact I am yet to find X-Chat's favorite channels edit dialog.16:00
lardmanlcuk: open sores? ;)16:00
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, don't worry, #maemo will be dead soon enough.16:00
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alteregoAnyone use MADDE here?16:03
MiXu-I do16:04
alteregoIs there a MADDE with Qt 4.6 ?16:04
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alteregoAh, nice, cheers.16:05
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tybollthmm wrong channel but it appears LG are making a meeto device16:06
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wazdlet's roll :)16:06
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javispedrowazd: more blood!16:08
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cpscottihi there! Anyone with some time could test/evaluate the "desktop command execution widget". It's "final" version is at -testing only waiting for some evaluations..16:13
cpscottiVote/evaluate here:
cpscottiprobably most of the people here is already using it.. so..16:13
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ceh900.. mhm watch me crashin xchat *test*16:22
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ceh900success :P16:23
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threshits .q3a/baseq3 for quake whoever wonder16:25
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aboyerwhere can i find the gstreamer caps (format, w, h, bpp, fps) that the n900 camera supports?16:29
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crashanddieJaffa: ping16:32
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Jaffacrashanddie: pong16:35
crashanddieJaffa: PM16:35
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lardmanaboyer: is hard16:37
aboyerlardman: ?!?16:38
lardmanthe framerate is not really known16:38
lardmanor at least no-one I spoke to knew it16:38
lardmanso I had to use a framerate range around where I wanted it to be16:38
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aboyerwhat about image size, i'm trying to get 320x240 but it's not working...16:39
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lardmanhmm, can't remember if it will go that small16:39
aboyerok, thanks16:40
lardmanI think I had to settle for 640x48016:40
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lardmanno actually 320zx240 seems ok16:41
lardmancaps = gst_caps_from_string("video/x-raw-yuv,format=(fourcc)UYVY,width=320,height=240,framerate=[1/10,10/1]");16:41
lardmanis what we're using in mbarcode-qt on the N900 atm16:41
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SpeedEvilIt goes to 160x120 at least16:42
lardmanon the N900?16:42
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lardmanI think there's a way to interrogate the hw from the gst code, but I never worked out how to do that16:44
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zaheermlardman, with property probes16:45
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: now is that digital zoom, or interpolated?16:45
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aboyerlardman: thanks for your line of code!16:45
lardmanthat will give you a very low framerate though, between 0.1 and 10 fos16:45
SpeedEvil/usr/bin/gst-launch  v4l2camsrc device=/dev/video0  num-buffers=1 \!  video/x-raw-yuv,width=160,height=120  \!  ffmpegcolorspace \! pngenc\! filesink location=/home/user/MyDocs/capture/test.png16:46
lardmanthanks zaheerm16:46
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zaheermlardman, checkWebcam shows you what you need to do16:48
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lardmanok, thanks16:48
wazdX-Fade: around?16:48
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X-Fadewazd: yes16:48
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: does the chip, or is video/x-raw-yuv interpolate the fullres stream from v4l2camsrc?16:48
wazdX-Fade: Vlad is trying to contact you :)16:48
infobotDocScrutinizer meant: SpeedEvil: does the chip, or is video/x-raw-yuv interpolating the fullres stream from v4l2camsrc?16:49
X-Fadewazd: Normally he just sends me an email? :)16:49
wazdX-Fade: he says that he did it :P16:49
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lardmanDocScrutinizer: I'm not sure how it works, but I guess it's the chip/driver that does the interpolation16:49
SpeedEvilit's the chip16:49
X-Fadewazd: Hectic days lately.16:49
SpeedEvilit won't do under 16016:49
wazdX-Fade: there he is :)16:50
wazdvlad__: heya :)16:50
SpeedEvilwell - something in the hw. theremay be a hardware zoomer16:50
X-Fadehi vlad__16:50
vlad__X-Fade, did you recive my mail tommorow?16:50
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: right, the cam interface and relatives16:50
lcuk2lardman, is that lowres camera stream coming in fast16:51
X-Fadevlad__: This morning? Or yesterday?16:51
lcuk2or is it still giving the rolling shutter effect16:51
SpeedEvillcuk2: you will always get rolling shutter effect16:51
lardmanno, works fine16:51
SpeedEvillcuk2: nature of beast16:51
lcuk2SpeedEvil,  no rolling shutter on the camera preview mode16:51
lardmanthat was an issue with double buffering on the display widget16:51
lcuk2nice fast live preview16:51
lcuk2if that can do it, why cant user apps use it16:52
TomaszDX-Fade, is there an interface for removing packages in the works? I still can see Maemo Wordpy and other obsolete packages :(16:52
X-Fadeslonopotamus: I'm doing a test with your current package, so the build will take a bit longer.16:52
DocScrutinizerlcuk2: that's only a question how *fast* the shutter rolls ;-)16:52
lcuk2open camera shutter, lovely fast view opens16:52
X-FadeTomaszD: Yes, is coming.16:52
lcuk2you know what i mean16:52
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TomaszDX-Fade, ok :) vague eta?16:52
X-FadeTomaszD: Asap ;)16:53
lcuk2i want/need that live view for something ive got in mind16:53
TomaszDX-Fade, lol16:53
X-FadeTomaszD: Probably next sprint though.16:53
TomaszDalright :)16:53
SpeedEvillcuk2: there is rolling shutter - it's just not so obvious16:53
X-FadeTomaszD: Changelog is coming first.16:53
lcuk2SpeedEvil, whatever it is16:53
lcuk2its not visible16:53
SpeedEvillcuk2: the shutter rolls at the framerate - or the maximum outputrate of the camera16:53
lcuk2and every gstreamer thing ive tried its visible16:53
lcuk2so something is different16:53
X-Fadevlad__: I answered your mail this morning?16:54
lcuk2camera live preview over gstreamer has to be possible16:54
slonopotamusX-Fade, whai? i didn't do anything bad to you16:54
X-Fadeslonopotamus: No, but I'm debugging something ;)16:54
vlad__X-Fade: No I did'16:54
SpeedEvillcuk2: mplayer tv:// and the camera preview show exactly the same degree of rolling shutter for me16:54
lardmanlcuk2: look at the camerabin source16:55
vlad__not  recieve answer16:55
X-Fadevlad__: Hmm sent it at 09:51 this morning.16:55
tybolltrolling rolling rolling16:55
vlad__X-Fade, Hmmm, Please repeat to Thanks16:56
X-Fadevlad__: "Did you add XSBC-Bugtracker to your debian/control file? The bugtracker16:56
X-Fadelink needs to be in the package. If it is in the package it should be16:56
X-Fadeautomatically visible on the website.16:56
StskeepsPaulFertser, SpeedEvil, DocScrutinizer, etc, around?16:56
* slonopotamus got isp speed improvement... 6mbps16:56
X-FadeHmm nice broken paste.16:56
SpeedEvilStskeeps: no.16:56
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: aye16:56
vlad__X-Fade: Ok. Thanks16:56
SpeedEvilStskeeps: I'm exploring the inner regions of the sun, in a spaceship made of cheese.16:56
slonopotamusX-Fade, nooo :( let it build16:57
StskeepsSpeedEvil, DocScrutinizer: - need opinion on how it looks16:57
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X-Fadeslonopotamus: few mins, don't worry.16:57
* slonopotamus broke esbox... how all this stuff is fragile...16:58
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: maybe I should check the history diffs? Seems I've read that before?16:58
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: yes, you have, now it's just getting implemented16:59
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DocScrutinizerso any changes from the prety good version I already know?16:59
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threshsupertux saved the day on a boring meeting17:00
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: not in format, just implementation :)17:00
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SpeedEvilStskeeps:  'based on this form' -> clear the existing template in the bugzilla 'enter bug details' box - and copy and paste the below form17:00
DocScrutinizerwill give it a second read nevertheless17:00
SpeedEvilStskeeps: 'you may need to create a bugzilla account'17:00
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* alterego wonders why there isn't a MADDE thing which can host Symbian sysroot17:02
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DocScrutinizeremailtype1=substring&email1=&emailassigned_to2=1&emailreporter2=1&emailqa_contact2=1&emailcc2=1&emailtype2=substring&email2=&bugidtype=include&bug_id=&votes=&chfieldfrom=&chfieldto=Now&chfieldvalue=&format=table&action=wrap&field0-0-0=noop&type0-0-0=noop&value0-0-0= is a WTF?? to me17:03
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer: you mean it doesn't make sense as it is currently viewed?17:04
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: lemme drag out another example17:04
javispedrodoes the next version of bugzilla implement automatic url shortening?17:04
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: this is with real data, so17:04
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer: i just moved everything to Unspecified priority as i need to evaluate all open requests17:05
Stskeepsthen they will move to high/medium/low17:05
SpeedEvilStskeeps: the ' (counting down in priority) ' is confusing.  'making opensourcing less of a priority'17:05
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: ''You can see the current queue for licensing requests here '' this doesn't look like a list either17:06
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer: it isn't supposed to be a list, it is possible to decode on one side is the most popular with votes, combined with priority17:06
Stskeepsthe bottom is the ones that go in the machinery first17:06
Stskeepsbottom/high, for instance17:07
Stskeepsit's to allow a dynamic queue17:07
lardmanhmm, did someone want an updated version of libdmtx?17:08
lardmanonion perhaps?17:08
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: general rule would be to look at High/top votes, Medium/top votes, etc17:08
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Stskeepsor maybe primarily looking at high priority, etc - we'll see how it works.17:08
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: maybe I need a coffee, but that table is a meanigless thing to me17:08
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: :nod:17:09
GeneralAntillesBugzilla's tables are generally confusing.17:09
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: clicking the items help17:09
DocScrutinizerthere's only the "1" I can click17:09
GeneralAntillesBut it tells you the distribution of votes for each priority level.17:10
DocScrutinizerheadline "unspecified"17:10
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: saw my tinyurl?17:10
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: when i'm done with this, it will be prioritized properly, into High/Medium/Low, and showing in the table17:10
* w00t_ reads up17:12
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: sorry maybe I'm utterly stupid, but due to missing headline in first col, and first col not clickable, and meaningless headlines for col "medium" to "total" I'm lost on what this tables tells me17:12
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: ah, priority17:13
Stskeepsdoesn't it say "Priority" on top?17:13
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Stskeepsand Votes on second axis17:13
DocScrutinizerpriority of WHAT??17:13
DocScrutinizeris that bugnumber in first col, or what?17:14
Stskeepsof the licensing change request17:14
Stskeepsno, votes17:14
DocScrutinizerso WHICH licencing request?17:14
Stskeepsthat you click for17:14
DocScrutinizersorry don't get it17:14
PaulFertserStskeeps: that is all a good framework for the task i guess. And it's ok as is, without even votes and the like in my opinion. What's missing is a description of any internal process and success stories (in fact, success stories are generally missing, that's the problem).17:14
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: ''You can see the current queue for licensing requests here ''17:15
DocScrutinizerdoesn't match the table shown17:15
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer: - in this case, the licensing change that is 52 votes and unspecified priority, would get evaluated.17:15
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* Stskeeps brews DocScrutinizer coffee17:16
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DocScrutinizeryeah, but WTF *IS* that licencing request???17:16
DocScrutinizerthat has the 52 votes17:17
w00t_click it17:17
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DocScrutinizerI CAN N17:17
Stskeepsyes, you can17:17
Stskeepsthere's a "1"17:17
Stskeepswhich means "1" bug report matching this17:17
w00t_it is a pretty bad UI17:17
w00t_took me a minute to figure it out17:17
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Stskeepstinyurl is good for this :P17:18
SpeedEvilThe page you get when you click through the table to the raw list of bugs would be better than an unsorted table17:18
SpeedEvilthan a sorted table17:19
SpeedEvileven if the list of  bugs is unsorted17:19
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PaulFertserWho cares about the votes anyway? Is there anything important behind them?17:19
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StskeepsPaulFertser: no, but it allows people other than myself to help decide what gets evaluated17:20
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StskeepsPaulFertser: if a large bunch of people ask for a licensing request to be considered and i don't agree with them, they can override me that way17:20
Stskeepswhich is tbh, democratic :P17:21
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Stskeepsalso, it shows how many people actually care about this happening17:21
DocScrutinizerwhat's wrong with a table like "Bug# | Votes | foo | bar" and you can click the Bug# to enter the actual tracpage?17:21
PaulFertserStskeeps: nice theory but i do not see that working in rl, i'm afraid17:21
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: feel free to see if you can generate it automatically in bugzilla17:21
Stskeepsi will happily take other formats17:22
PaulFertserStskeeps: the whole process is still a mistery to me, and the third link (with resolved tickets) where all of them are wontfix is unfun.17:22
StskeepsPaulFertser: these are ones moved from old requests outside the system17:22
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w00t_PaulFertser: what parts of the process could be better explained?17:23
Stskeepsbut yes, what w00t said - i am more than happy to help change the process17:23
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PaulFertserw00t_: the internals17:24
StskeepsPaulFertser: ah, the internal procedure being done?17:24
PaulFertserw00t_: so one requesting a change can have an idea about the way and the time the request is managed.17:24
Stskeepsas in, when they are actually sent along from community into internal?17:24
slonopotamusX-Fade, you broke it :(17:25
w00t_I would imagine that takes place in the report itself, no?17:25
StskeepsPaulFertser: it can be 1-3 months from your request getting picked up for evaluation internally17:25
PaulFertserStskeeps: i mean somebody asks something and then e.g. you say "ok, i'm putting that in the queue" and then you hear nothing for months, i assume that's mad frustrating.17:25
slonopotamusX-Fade, can you resubmit, please?17:25
StskeepsPaulFertser: yes, i agree17:25
StskeepsPaulFertser: there's two steps. one is me evaluating feasaibility and deciding a priority. next up, the item is picked up by a nokian if it's at the top of the list, assigns it to him/herself and sends it to the internal evaluation17:26
X-Fadeslonopotamus: Not 100% sure that was me, but sure.17:26
StskeepsPaulFertser: the evaluation of feasibility and the assignment will be notified to you in bugzilla17:26
PaulFertserStskeeps: also hiding names of the "internal corporate workers" who actually make the decision is a dirty game. It feels like you're talking to an inhumane wall.17:26
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w00t_while I agree, I think part of that is always going to stay there, since it's not purely technical reasons that might block a request17:27
StskeepsPaulFertser: agreed, and that's where next thing comes in - i follow up on all those that are getting evaluated.17:27
StskeepsPaulFertser: and try to work things out while sitting on the fence.17:28
w00t_proper communication on it with someone (like Stskeeps) on the outside would help there though17:28
cehtehif (msg && dbus_message_append_args (msg, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, "text", DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) .. how can that segfault?17:28
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PaulFertserStskeeps: i guess the more you allow to look through the fence, the better (especially if you do that by making the fence transparent, not by passing messages yourself).17:28
w00t_cehteh: is the segfault inside dbus_message_append_args? I'd guess so17:29
w00t_cehteh: if so, is 'msg' a proper pointer?17:29
cehtehmsg is correct17:29
StskeepsPaulFertser: but about internal process - what i can say, is that it is not a inhumane process. it is well weighted and not a "no, we don't do this. <no reasoning>"17:29
w00t_cehteh: dunno, then, using a tool like valgrind (if you can run this on an x86) might tell you more17:29
javispedrocehteh: I think you need to pass a pointer to a string iirc17:29
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javispedrolemme check17:29
PaulFertserStskeeps: without knowing the names of the people in charge it _seems_ inhumane.17:29
StskeepsPaulFertser: the problem with names is that people change roles :P17:29
cehtehjavispedro: "" is a pointer to literal .. but i tried already passing a local string17:30
StskeepsPaulFertser: how about roles?17:30
javispedrocehteh: no no, I mean char**17:30
cehtehthat would explain itz17:30
PaulFertserStskeeps: just damn make internal correspondence discussing the request open, that's all needed to make it fair ;)17:31
javispedrocehteh: see the first example17:31
cehtehjavispedro: that was it, thanks17:31
cehtehyeah i am new to dbus17:31
javispedroi didn't like that API at all17:31
StskeepsPaulFertser: yeah.. at least things are looking up for the OS in terms of meego :P17:32
StskeepsPaulFertser: hopefully less crazy stuff to consider17:32
cehtehyes there are certainly better things, but well .. have to use it, works now, thanks17:32
PaulFertserStskeeps: i mean when i talk to somebody and he proposes me a deal -- that's a deal, i can agree or not, that's my choice and my understanding. But if something is happening behind the curtains i always have a feeling that somebody wants to screw me one way or the other.17:32
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alteregoIs there anyway of removing the "SMS" field from some contact numbers? Seems a bit silly having them on home landlines and such (though I know it'spossible to send them)17:33
StskeepsPaulFertser: yeah, but otoh, not being able to talk about some things in public will ultimately lead to "no, we don't do this" answers :P17:33
alteregoI'd just rpefer not to have the option.17:33
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StskeepsPaulFertser: but anyway.. let's see how things run.17:33
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StskeepsPaulFertser: this is an experiment, too.17:33
Stskeepsin trying to get more things open17:33
PaulFertserStskeeps: a nice one, definetely17:33
Stskeepsand having a saner process17:33
PaulFertserI'm just being sceptical as usual17:34
Stskeepsyep, i'm happy about that17:34
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: if you *report* about your correspondance to internal, that prolly would meet both sides requirements17:35
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: sorry, i fail to parse that a bit17:35
DocScrutinizeryou could filter out or reword things as needed to keep NDA affected stuff etc17:35
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w00t_Stskeeps: in other words17:36
Stskeepsright, we'll see how that will work in effect.17:36
w00t_instead of directly saying 'X said no, here's his email'17:36
w00t_'X said no because blah blah blah', paraphrasing and redacting as necessary17:36
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: the idea is to work out compromises and workable solutions on both sides17:36
DocScrutinizerw00t_: ^^17:37
* w00t_ nods17:37
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PaulFertser_That would put a load of stupid work on Stskeeps :(17:39
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DocScrutinizernot really17:39
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DocScrutinizerhe needs to *read* the mails anyway17:39
StskeepsPaulFertser: it's my job to do this mind-numbing work17:39
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DocScrutinizerthere's rarely something that is worth mentioning but couldn't just be copied verbatim17:40
Stskeepsthis is btw, direct submission to the same licensing change request queue internals have to use.17:40
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Stskeepsso, this is about as close as we can get atm17:40
DocScrutinizerin these rare cases it's his job to do exactly that rephrasing17:40
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DocScrutinizerlook at it like a specal sort of blog17:41
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|RLG GW990 to run Meego, interesting...17:43
DocScrutinizerStskeeps would do a daily blog, and usually just copy mails as he gets/sends them. For special cases he might comment or redact the mails, or just throw a "was ill today, and no mails ;-)" to the blog17:43
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: i will probably just comment in the bug and ask if X,Y,Z changes would be acceptable17:44
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Stskeepsor illustrating the problem17:44
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: whether you do this on a real blog, or rather in the bugtrac tickets... I don't care17:46
DocScrutinizerjust make your negotiations with nokians transparent as much as possible17:46
Stskeepswe'll see how things go.17:46
DocScrutinizereven if it's a mere "2 weeks, no answer :-( "17:47
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DocScrutinizerall the flames of disappointed users feeling their requests went to dev/null will go to *you* if you don't do such a report thing17:48
Stskeepsi have to take some beatings, otherwise i just feel ashamed to getting paid for this kind of fun work17:49
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: maybe you could check the opportunities for a somewhat similar role for a hw-guide guy to hold the schematics and instruct community about how to use things like e.g. the IR interface? (guess who's that guy I'm thinking of)17:52
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: i think we need to have the whole MeGoo deal settle before we think of something like that17:53
Stskeepsright now is a horrid time for anything, including the open sourcing queue, 3d drivers, etc :)17:53
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DocScrutinizerheh, the hw part is absolutely OS independant. So if it conflicts with maemo->meego migration, then this is a mere organizational/manpower issue17:54
Stskeepseven my own rule is a bit in doubt now too, but i think we'll find a way17:54
PaulFertserStskeeps: anyway, big thanks for moving in the right direction, i hope it'll pan out. gtg17:55
DocScrutinizersending a NDA to me is a cheap thing anyway17:55
DocScrutinizerPaulFertser: o/17:55
w00t_Stskeeps: if you want beatings, I'm sure they can be arranged *eg*17:56
DocScrutinizerwill he get paid for?17:57
w00t_he'll take them on his own time17:57
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: (NDA) see, I know those things take months and months usually17:58
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer: i'm (thank god) not involved in that part of managing anything related to NDAs17:59
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: sending me an NDA is a 0 effort 0 cost thing, and they hold a paper that enables them to move ahead any time they want and feel they got the time and need to17:59
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: there was a statement they aren't happy NDA'ing community members as there's little to sue for17:59
Stskeeps=> little risk for revaling17:59
Stskeeps.. but i'm not sure17:59
Stskeepsbig risk for reavling18:00
Stskeepsokay, that's it, my work day is over18:00
DocScrutinizerso they should pay me a few hundered bucks per month as soon as they hand actual NDA'd material to me18:00
* Stskeeps goes get the wine and tv episodes18:00
DocScrutinizeras long as they don't they can't use the NDA for anything - I agree :-P18:00
TomaszDStskeeps, if I may recommend a particular show, check out "The Wire"18:02
w00t_Stskeeps: wine? but you didn't even touch scratchbox today!18:02
Stskeepsw00t_: oh, trust me, i did.18:02
w00t_that explains it then18:03
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: though on OM '*I* had the role to manage the NDAs for the company, and OM never had any issues with NDAing community members to hand them out confidential material18:03
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: actually we had to "hire" guys for special (glamo GFX chip) related material to meet the NDA we had with the chip manuf. But that's mere paperwork18:04
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: otoh OM always was about as much openness as possible. Nokia probably isn't18:06
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drizztbsdhow can I send/receive sms via ssh?18:07
w00t_DocScrutinizer: while there's probably a grain of truth in there, I'm not sure that's an entirely fair statement18:07
drizztbsdon n90018:07
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DocScrutinizerw00t_: *probably*18:07
DocScrutinizerthat's a personal notion statement, so it's not unfair18:08
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slonopotamusX-Fade, you broke builders? :)18:09
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X-Fadeslonopotamus: No, other app builds fine on the same builder.18:09
DocScrutinizerw00t_: actually I'd stand corrected happily :-)18:09
w00t_DocScrutinizer: well, it's a slow process, but things like that opening queue, symbian, meego to me.. are kind of indicating the direction they're trying to head18:10
slonopotamusX-Fade, it doesn't start to build libgnomeui-...-maemo2 :/18:11
DocScrutinizerw00t_: well, sending me an NDA was a low effort opportunity for them to follow up that path one step further18:11
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X-Fadeslonopotamus: is building now.18:12
slonopotamusokaay :)18:12
DocScrutinizerw00t_: nota bene the NDA itself usually is of low confidetiality18:12
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DocScrutinizerso low risk to send out18:13
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achipahrw: today, it's popular on QNap NASes and on the Palm (Pre) for some reason, other than that, not sure if anyone uses it (with the NSLU2 going into well deserved retirement)18:15
achipaoops, wrong button...18:15
DocScrutinizerw00t_: and if I eventually receive the real schematics, that would even put me in a conflict when I planned to RE the device and publish my own handmade schematics for money. I couldn't do that anymore as I never could proove I haven't used the schem they sent to me ;-D18:16
javispedro.... but if you covertly put them on ebay18:17
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vmlemon_Other than what's on the Maemo wiki, and maybe the leaked service manuals (although I don't want to refer to/discuss those), has anyone produced a chip-by-chip teardown of an N900, out of interest?18:18
DocScrutinizernah, high risk for low revenue18:18
DocScrutinizervmlemon_: not jet afaik18:19
vmlemon_Aah, thanks anyway18:19
DocScrutinizerexcept from googling whatever typenames you see in boot dmesg18:19
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* DocScrutinizer hopes for coffee to kick in eventually18:21
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SpeedEvilvmlemon_: send me your n900, and I will.18:29
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vmlemon_Sadly, I don't even own an N90018:30
SpeedEvilhey - that's a point18:30
vmlemon_(Some folks on the Symbian Developer Forums were discussing the feasibility of a port, given that the hardware's superficially similar to what's on a BeagleBoard).18:30
SpeedEvilthere should be a 'wanted' page18:30
SpeedEvila port of what?18:30
vmlemon_The Symbian Platform itself, for what it's worth18:30
vmlemon_Just for the heck of it18:30
Stskeepsif you can fake kernel being a zimage..18:31
javispedroit should be feasible. also, being nokia, you already may have the battery charging blob =)18:31
vmlemon_We've got the Nokia ISI abstraction layer stuff18:31
* v13 needs PyQt help18:32
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vmlemon_Not sure about power management code, given that stuff's covered by the baseport18:32
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DocScrutinizerparts of the omap PM code are probably IP of TI18:34
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vmlemon_As far as booting's concerned, someone thought of using the existing Maemo installation as a springboard to boot EKA2 and the rest of the Symbian Platform, similar to how folks used to boot Linux on Windows CE devices18:35
vmlemon_Don't know how well it'll work in practice, though.18:35
SpeedEvilkexec could be easily installed18:35
* DocScrutinizer hopes that'll never pan out ;-P symbian - eeeeeew18:36
DocScrutinizersymbian in qemu, run under maemo - why not18:36
Khertandebian/copyrigth says that it's open souce GPL licence and in in "free" repository. However there is no source code. Use proprietary licence and non-free or include the source code in source package18:37
Khertanblablabla ... how can i make a shareware open source ...18:37
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SpeedEvilshareware cannot - usually - be GPL18:38
KhertanSpeedEvil: yep ...18:38
SpeedEvilas long as the person downloading it can't fork it18:38
luke-jrSpeedEvil: could be18:38
SpeedEvilwhat's the problem with putting it in non-free?18:38
javispedroKhertan: this is from our "extras QA abusing" friend?18:39
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luke-jrShareware usually just means it's cripped unless you pay for it18:39
vmlemon_Hmm, we do have a BeagleBoard baseport already that works...18:39
SpeedEvilluke-jr: can't be shareware with any restrictions that is.18:39
Khertanyep ... and specially ... can i say it s gpl if i didn't publishing all the source including the key generation18:39
Khertanjavispedro: nope :)18:39
luke-jrcould easily use #ifndef DEMO and have a Perl script strip the contents for gratis version18:39
vmlemon_Just a case of tweaking it, writing drivers for whatever N900-specific hardware exists, and accounting for differences in the OMAP SoC18:40
javispedrosame stuff as if you want to port Wince :)18:40
Khertanjavispedro: it s from mikkov saying that the licence say gpl ... no source include ... in free ... thumb down18:40
Khertanright i publish with the wrong licence and in the wrong directory ...18:40
Khertani didn't complain18:40
Khertani m just would like to think of a new style of open sourced shareware18:41
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javispedro"open sourced shareware"18:41
javispedrosounds like web 3.0 to me18:41
vmlemon_No wonder why people get confused about "Open Source" vs "Freeware"18:41
Khertanand for the moment i didn't know how to say gpl ... when i didn't give all the source (also the one with key code verification)18:42
vmlemon_(I've heard of less-savvy folks refer to the latter as including source code with software, and other stupid things)18:42
DocScrutinizerKhertan: you can't legally do that if your app is based on GPL'd sources18:43
Khertanmy app isn't based on gpl source18:44
Khertani write it myself :)18:44
mikkovKhertan: either you app is open source or it isn't18:44
Khertani ll be back in 5 min18:44
vmlemon_Wouldn't "Open-Sourced Shareware" be yet another take on "Shared Source"?18:44
Khertanmikkov: yep ... true18:45
vmlemon_(Or even "Available Source" if you prefer)...18:45
Khertanmikkov: i would like to make it "open source" and shareware together18:45
* RST38h moos18:45
mikkovKhertan: then choose licence which makes it possible18:45
valdynKhertan: free software is more than just open source18:45
Khertanfor the moment i ve put it to extras builder witjtout thinking that the it ll land to free18:45
valdynKhertan: you could produce shareware with the source available, sure18:45
* DocScrutinizer moos at RST38h18:46
Khertanand licence gpl was a error in the package :)18:46
RST38hvmlemon: No, it is from the "some bullshit" category18:46
cehtehRST38h: the xchat plugin makes progress :)18:46
RST38hcehteh: lemme know when it is done =)18:46
DocScrutinizercehteh: it segfaults faster now? ;-P18:46
RST38hToo bad it uses custom widget for the message log, cannot easily add kinetic scrolling =(18:46
cehtehnah works now18:47
cehtehblinks, vibrates, throws message boxes around and so on18:47
* DocScrutinizer throws swearwords around, As he's late18:48
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DocScrutinizerwave, bbl18:48
X-Fadeslonopotamus: Everything ok now?18:49
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RST38hahhahaha someone finally started abusing voting, and it is SIO2 Interactive, of all people!18:51
* RST38h gets some popcorn18:52
vmlemon_Heh, I wonder if this "Open Source Shareware" will be based on SIO2's crippled Shared Source "indy development" libraries ;)18:52
slonopotamusX-Fade, nope. i ran out of beer :/18:53
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nid0hm, seems backups can't be created when they have non-alphanumeric characters in the selected backup name - bug, or limitation?18:54
* slonopotamus hack, hack, hack...18:54
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DocScrutinizerbookmarks as well have limtations on allowable chars. Stupid18:56
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nid0the limitation just isnt obvious though, if you try to create a backup with a non alphanumeric character it tries for about 10 secs then just says "backup error occured" and dumps back to the backup screen18:56
DocScrutinizerprobably both are used as filenames, and there's a proper escaping missing18:58
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DocScrutinizerfor backups that's ok (well somewhat) - for bookmarks it's an annoyance and a PITA18:58
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nid0yar I couldnt much care less whether my backup has a colon in it's name or not, just the first time iv noticed it ;p18:59
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DocScrutinizerfor bookmarks the default name often contains non-allowable chars from window title19:00
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RST38hwazd: Looks like Jaaksi is using your theme19:11
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wazdRST38h: hm?19:11
RST38hwazd: check the screenshot:
Stskeepswhich one of the themes is that?19:12
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wazdRST38h: no, that's not mine19:12
wazdRST38h: it's Joppu's glossy19:12
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RST38hwazd: Ah19:13
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wazdRST38h: his conscience is clear :D19:14
* RST38h heheks19:15
Khertandput use ssh ?19:16
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Stskeepstimeless_mbp: can you explain to me a bugzilla oddity?19:18
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: - why does it say '1' when there's actually a larger number of bugs there?19:19
Lumpio-Maybe that's one of the bugs19:20
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* timeless_mbp looks19:24
timeless_mbpStskeeps: one which?19:25
timeless_mbpoh, youch19:25
Stskeeps(should be reversable with edit this report)19:25
timeless_mbpStskeeps: #mozwebtools19:26
timeless_mbpadd &debug=1 to your query19:27
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DocScrutinizer51problem: on inbound call screen is unlocked before I fetch the phone out of pocket ->unwanted keypresses. Solution: make the buttons on dialer app ("accept", "reject"...) sliders like on lockscreen.19:27
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Stskeepstimeless_mbp: ah, so it only shows counts when you choose a certain priority..?19:28
timeless_mbpStskeeps: well, it clearly works there19:28
timeless_mbpdid you add &debug=1 to your query?19:28
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timeless_mbpyou can read the sql and think about it19:28
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Stskeepstimeless_mbp: well, in the tinyurl you just gave me, it was supposed to show a "High" priority bug too :)19:28
timeless_mbpno it wasn't19:29
timeless_mbpi asked for priority=unspectified19:29
timeless_mbpclick 'edit this report'19:29
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DocScrutinizer51timeless_mbp: is there a ticket already for names of bookmarks don't allow certain characters?19:30
timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer51: you mean like '/'?19:30
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timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer51: can you imagine how trivial it would be to figure that out?19:31
wazd :D19:31
DocScrutinizer51I think I know the root cause of that19:31
timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer51: it's called "gnomevfs"19:31
timeless_mbpclick "maemo official applications"19:31
timeless_mbpclick "browser"19:31
timeless_mbpclick "bookmarks"19:31
timeless_mbpenter "/" in the summary search field19:31
timeless_mbpclear the resolution restriction19:31
timeless_mbpclick "search"19:31
timeless_mbpbug 554819:31
povbot`Bug you can't have a "/" in the name of a bookmark19:31
DocScrutinizer51so a mere 'yes' whould have been much less effort ;-D19:32
timeless_mbpteach a man to fish19:32
timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer51: if you're going to ask me something you can look up yourself, you'll have to pay by sitting and listening to an explanation of how you could have looked it up yourself19:33
timeless_mbpi'm an expensive resource19:33
DocScrutinizer51I know to fish, but this very moment I'm in the mountain side :-)19:33
DocScrutinizer51timeless_mbp: fair enough19:33
timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer51: one isn't typically in a mountain side19:34
timeless_mbpunless one's a bonsai19:34
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timeless_mbpor maybe a gateway to Moria19:34
nid0To my knowledge though timeless_mbp, no current bug report exists for the same flaw in backup generations?19:34
timeless_mbpnid0: sorry?19:35
timeless_mbpyou want to name a backup with a "/"?19:35
timeless_mbplike "Backup from 1/20/2010" ?19:35
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nid0well with any non alphanumeric character. I couldnt give much of a toss but I tried to generate a backup with a colon in the name earlier and it just dies with an unspecified error19:35
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timeless_mbpnid0: backups are stored on VFAT19:35
timeless_mbpnid0: you can file any bug you like19:37
timeless_mbpbut some bugs won't be given the time of day19:37
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nid0yeh im aware, was simply curious to know whether i'd just missed a bugreport, on the basis that a response is on there for 5548 - wasnt sure if it was a known limitation because of the storage method or an unintentional bug, being as the backup tries to generate for a bit then fails with a generic error19:39
timeless_mbpnid0: so um19:39
timeless_mbpField unable to contain '?"/\*<>'19:39
timeless_mbpif you want to file a bug19:39
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* RST38h moos at mikkov just for the sake of it19:39
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timeless_mbphow about filing a bug about the fact that ':' seems to work19:40
timeless_mbpit isn't in the "not allowed" list19:40
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timeless_mbpwhich seems to mean it's going to do something incredibly stupid19:40
timeless_mbp"Backup error occurred"19:40
timeless_mbpnid0: _please_ file that bug19:41
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nid0will do19:41
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timeless_mbpbe sure to test and report on all of the forbidden characters from the link i gave19:41
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timeless_mbpany character that isn't listed in the error message but which is listed in the excluded list is *not* going to work19:41
* fcrozat needs to fill a bug against file manager which doesn't convert files names copied from upnp when they contains '?'19:41
* timeless_mbp shakes fist19:41
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timeless_mbpfcrozat: =~ s/fill/file/19:41
fcrozattimeless_mbp: ;)19:42
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MeizirkkiHow do i change my password ?19:43
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SystemParadoxevening all. Does anyone know why my N900 isn't marking SMS messages as read?19:44
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timeless_mbpSystemParadox: are you out of disk space? :)19:45
SystemParadoxwhy would that affect it anyway?19:45
SystemParadoxchanging false to true doesn't use any more space19:46
timeless_mbpfile systems don't typically work that way19:46
timeless_mbpone rarely does an in place write19:46
SystemParadoxoh that's true19:46
SystemParadoxwhich partition would it be using?19:47
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timeless_mbpand flash file systems tend to use wear leveling techniques which would probably mean they wouldn't want to write to the place where the file data last was anyway19:47
timeless_mbpjust use 'df' and check them all19:47
timeless_mbpif any of them are full, you should think about the risks involved :)19:47
SystemParadoxthey're all fine19:47
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SystemParadoxok there's a forum thread on this. Now all I need is someone to message me to see if it worked19:51
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SystemParadoxnope that hasn't fixed it :(19:53
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cehtehRST38h:   for review, works but not finished19:55
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khertanHello !19:59
Corsachey khertan19:59
* infobot mooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass19:59
khertanhey corsac19:59
cehtehswitching xvnc off lead to reboot :P19:59
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khertansomeone know if there is a other way than dput to upload to non-free20:00
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khertanas dput use ssh which is block by my isp20:00
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nid0your isp blocks ssh?20:01
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khertanan https way for example like we have with the extras assistant ?20:01
khertannid0: phone isp block everything with their fucking proxy which arent http or https20:01
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khertanso no answer no other way :(20:03
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cehtehyou got the wrong contact20:04
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luke-jrkhertan: VPN over port 443 :D20:05
khertanhum nope20:05
luke-jrif HTTPS works, so will that20:05
khertannot the wrong contract just one that didn t cost me an arm each month20:05
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khertanhéhé i ve try vpn ... packet are broken by the proxy20:06
khertanthey aren t stupid20:06
luke-jrkhertan: it's impossible to block a SSL'd VPN without blocking SSL'd HTTP...20:06
khertanthe day of dns tunneling is dead20:06
luke-jrit was never alive20:07
luke-jrbarely worked for SSH20:07
khertanluke-jr obviously they can block it20:07
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luke-jrkhertan: not obvious at all.20:07
khertandidn t ask me how i didn t know20:07
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luke-jranyhow, a HTTP proxy should be possible to write20:08
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khertanluke-jr ... hum .... it could be a good idea20:08
luke-jrsetup a simple webserver that uses POST to talk to a tun/tap device20:08
luke-jrbridge that to your LAN, voila20:08
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khertanrequire also the client20:09
khertanbut doable20:09
luke-jrof course20:09
luke-jrif there's a real HTTP proxy in between, you'll probably need to packetize things sanely20:10
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luke-jrhave the server hold the connection open as long as it can, etc20:10
luke-jruntil there's data20:10
luke-jrthen close it when the data stops for a few ms20:10
luke-jrbuffer any more data until the next POST comes in20:10
luke-jrand so on20:10
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luke-jrif you put effort into it, you can have 2 POSTs at a time, to reduce latency20:11
khertanmaybe i didn t have to put too much effort ...20:13
khertanOpenVPN can now perform tunnelling through the HTTP proxy for you.20:13
khertan!!l YEAH !!!20:13
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DocScrutinizeris that just me, or is there a systemwide policy you mustn't "save as" ony project of e.g. notes or sketches. :-S    A *pita*20:14
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SystemParadoxwhere do I file a bug against the messaging app? I can't find it in any category20:14
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cehtehceh900: blink20:14
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DocScrutinizerplain stupid you can't saave intermediate versions of your work, or use templates20:15
khertanjust need to go back home to install openvpn20:15
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khertanDocScrutinizer : the policy is to not show to much things to user20:17
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khertanit s like extensions in gtk dialog which are hidden20:17
khertanit s a shame20:17
DocScrutinizerkhertan: nonsense. That's no excuse20:18
khertanhow did you make a difference between and pypackager.pyw20:18
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khertanyou can t you need to open both20:18
mavhc'What Nokia needs is a new phone — sorry, N900 — that’s as startling and lust-provoking as Keanu’s snap-open model was eleven years ago. If there’s a Star Trek sequel, it should be plugged into the cigarette lighter in young James Kirk’s vintage Corvette Stingray.'20:19
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khertanmavhc !!! haha n900 is perfect in hw !20:20
khertanwell sized !20:20
prontowith a shitty mirco usb port thats broken on me once already!20:22
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khertanpronto ouch really ?20:22
luke-jrkhertan: uh, no.20:23
khertani should take more care of mine so20:23
prontoi was unplugging the charger and the port came out with it20:23
khertani always remove without any care20:23
Stskeepspronto: go read the tmo thread for replacement20:23
prontoalready got it replaced20:23
prontoit broke on the 1st of feburay got replacement in yesterday20:24
khertandoes replacement work too for dpp device ?20:24
prontonewegg replaced mine20:24
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prontonot sure what that is20:24
Stskeepskhertan: doubt it20:24
khertandevelopper device program20:25
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khertani ask because unfortunatly they said one week waranty20:25
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khertanif mine break, and no replace, i will not buy an other one ...20:26
DocScrutinizerwaranty is about cost, no? Not about feasability of repair20:26
khertanbut this doesn t happen20:26
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khertanddp device cost 250 Euros not high ... but not low too20:27
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* DocScrutinizer feels there's an urgent need for replacement libs for fileselector dialog, save-file dialog... I bet a few more come to mind20:29
DocScrutinizerlet's hpe all these are .so20:29
DocScrutinizerthe way all this works right now is f*cked up seriously20:30
khertanthey consider that bug as a feature so won t fix20:30
khertanlook comment in bugs.maemo.org20:30
* cehteh is under the impression that maemo5 has way too much features20:31
DocScrutinizerI found no ticket for "save as"20:31
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DocScrutinizers/features/restrictions sold as features/20:32
khertandid find it too in open tickets20:32
khertanseems they have close it20:32
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cehtehDocScrutinizer:  .. be my test bunny :P20:33
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TTiluswheres the changelog for lates os upgrade?20:35
DocScrutinizercehteh: nah. xchat is one of the mission critical apps on my device.20:35
* cehteh goes cooking .. blood-orange-marmelade :> --- bbl20:35
cehtehDocScrutinizer: you dont trust me? :)20:35
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cehtehwell .. some features are not implemented yet, but works for me20:36
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cehtehanyways .. bbl .. continuing later with it20:36
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Sveolonhi all20:37
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DocScrutinizer51cehteh: told ya I'm happy with the way my 'hacked script' works for notification. I'd not test any of the extended features anyway20:38
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cehtehok i needed the blinking20:39
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cehtehand the banner and dialog boxes are also nice to have .. making this more configureable later20:39
konttorinice app developer incentive:
DocScrutinizer51only test you could expect of me is for proper diabling option20:39
cehtehwell that works .. in a very simple way, when xchat gets focus it disables the led20:40
cehtehanyways i dont really need anyone testing this, i am confident its ok :P20:40
DocScrutinizerI'm talking about disabling the whole feature though20:40
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cehtehbut feature suggestions/comments would be nice20:41
cehtehyeah there will some /notify_mode -lvbd   next20:41
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cehteh+/- flag l= led, v= vibrator, b = banner, d= dialog20:41
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cehtehand an regex to trigger it on a specific message, thats planned20:42
* Wizzup wonders how he should upgrade his maemo's base system because it asks him to start nokia pc suite... But Wizzup has no nokia pc suite as he uses Linux on his desktop20:42
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konttoriWizzup: use linux flasher20:43
Wizzupwill search20:43
konttorior, more likely, clean your device and use SSU to upgrade20:43
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WizzupI tried to do it with apt-get upgrade and it segfaulted ^^20:44
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SystemParadoxfor a laugh, check out ebay item #19037388263220:46
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lcukSystemParadox, but im lazy20:47
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SystemParadoxlcuk, lol. It's an N900 for £100. 0 feedback user. From portugal.20:49
lcukVDVsx, ?20:49
lcuki thought you got it working :p20:50
VDVsxlcuk, ? :)20:50
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konttoriinteresting activities today in desktop component:
* lcuk giggles20:51
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frals"live background"20:51
konttoriwell, all week long really ... ;)20:51
Mecefrals, what's that?20:52
* khertan try to launch microb wich did want to open the windows20:52
konttoriit's difficult to really explain how cool it is, but big big kudos to kimmo for it20:52
RST38hkonttori: desktop got a behind-bakground mode? =)20:52
* Mece is intrigued20:52
VDVsxkonttori, very easy to explain, there's a thing called video :D :D20:52
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Mecevideo background?20:53
khertanjust add a background ...20:53
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konttoriwell, it also has live-fg support20:54
Mecekonttori, what has?20:54
VDVsxlike android I suspect ;)20:54
RST38hkonttori: ok, what are live-fg and live-bg?20:54
konttoriI am really just pondering when to make a video. Support is off limits until pr1.2 goes out20:54
konttoriRST38h: just what they say they are.20:55
RST38hkonttori: I am too stupid to understand20:55
RST38hAlso, to me, video background makes no sense, sounds like a waste of batteyr power20:55
konttoriallows you to have any window (or even XV) as the background (or as layer on top of home)20:56
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N900evilscreen can waste more20:56
konttorithere is pretty much no impact to battery20:56
lcukRST38h, its bling.  lots of people leave device at side of htem charging20:56
Meceoh the band started playing. just when things got interesting. later.20:56
Wild_Doogyany WINDOW?   oh sweet20:56
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konttoriso, you could, e.g. put browser in the bg.20:56
N900evilxlock -inroot -mode frame20:56
N900evilxlock -inroot -mode flame20:56
RST38hkonttori: Oh, so I can put conky or browser as my root window?20:56
konttoriand it'll get click events.20:56
konttoriso, you can do interactive bgs.20:56
* RST38h votes for xroach =)20:57
konttoriRST38h: yeah, pretty much so.20:57
VDVsxprobably like this:
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VDVsxbut more advanced20:57
Corsachmmh, having only one sync'able calendar/addressbook is kind of sad :(20:57
RST38hbut why not use widgets instead?20:57
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khertanah i understand more ... an active desktop for n900 ? :)20:58
RST38hkonttori: btw, why no more resizable desktop widgets?20:58
khertancould be fun for geek with an tail -f /var/log/syslog background20:59
konttoriyeah, like that but more advanced.20:59
konttoriYou also get the knowledge of widget borders,so you can use those in the live bg.20:59
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RST38hmulticolored tail -f /var/log/syslog background!20:59
khertanan mplayer battlestargalactica_final_batlle.avi background : :)21:00
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RST38hin bold and italics!21:00
konttoriyeah, lots of possibilities.21:00
konttoriAlso, if I am not mistaken, compositor can be used to do the autoscale, so you can render to smaller pixmap as well21:00
konttorito gain more speed.21:00
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konttori(and less mem consumption)21:01
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konttorilot's of possibilities.21:01
* VDVsx suspects that some will use porn movies as bg :D21:01
* VDVsx looks at lcuk :D21:01
khertanhum ... just like geektool on macosx or conky on an unix21:01
khertani di21:01
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lcuknahhh VDVsx theres much better things in mind21:01
RST38hkonttori: I wonder how many will be realized though...21:01
khertanlcuk will probably more use a flying liqbase rendering21:02
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RST38hBut lcuk is probably delighted by this live-bg ;)21:02
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RST38hkhertan: heh21:02
khertanwith bacon flying21:02
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khertanbut i didn t see the overpowered feature ... in that one ...21:03
khertanmaybe i m becomming less geek21:03
khertanor older21:03
khertansomeone here have try VectorMine ?21:04
lcuknot yet21:04
lcukbut that would be good flying around between widgets ;)21:04
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RST38h(well you know where it is going)21:04
Wild_Doogyhmmm, My N900 keeps returning "Internet connection failed, Unable to retrieve IP address from the server." when i try to connect to my WPA2 network.21:05
khertanput a static ip your dhcp seems dead21:05
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Wild_Doogyoh?so the N900 should supports WPA2?21:06
khertanor activate the dhcp on your wifi router21:06
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lcukafk anyway >>>>21:06
pwnguinWild_Doogy: wpa2 works on mine21:06
Wild_Doogyit is, and it the 3rd WPA2 network I have gotten the same error on21:06
Wild_Doogyedidting connections now21:07
khertani m not sure21:07
khertanbut i think it support it21:07
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khertanthe error you got seems more like a auto ip discovery error21:08
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Wild_Doogy(got it again, but I didnt set static yes, jus messing with DNS)21:08
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konttoriRST38h: well, let's see. It's a developer offering. Allows pretty wicked stuff to be done.21:09
konttoriand sure, mostly geeky stuff, but cool nevertheless21:09
DocScrutinizerWPA2 worked here, but my shitty zyxel P66 reboots every 15 minutes on WPA2, so I got back to WEP21:09
Wild_Doogyheh.... WEP  >_>21:10
khertanhum none answer on t.m.o on my game21:11
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khertanseems i ve wate my time21:11
lcukkhertan, it crashed for me21:11
lcuki installed it21:11
lcukgoes to fullscreen21:12
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lcuksee a flash of a cursor and then window dies21:12
lcukif i am representative it might explain why no1 is commenting?21:12
khertanlcuk : oh really ?21:13
khertanwhich version ?21:13
DocScrutinizerWild_Doogy: I don't give a shit, as all my traffic is public via internet anyway. So I use secure protocols for whatever I think should stay undisclosed, and I don't care for any of the remaining issues21:13
lcuki dunno21:13
RST38hkonttori: I am quietly going over the list of known developers in my head, but lcuk is the only one who rings any bell =)21:13
khertancan you launch it from xerm ?21:13
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lcukhow do i find out21:13
RST38hWell, fiferboy maybe...21:13
lcukRST38h, for what? slick nice graphical things?21:13
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konttoriRST38h: well, if not the community, then perhaps commercial guys. Anyway, e.g. screensavers can be ported to that pretty quickly21:14
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konttorie.g. matrix saver.21:14
Corsachmhm, is there a kernel built with ipv6 enabled?21:14
konttoribut those are of course not interactive, and thus, a bit boring21:14
Corsacor an ipv6 module available somewhere21:15
shinkamuiI just tried navit with a big OSM map21:15
shinkamuihow unusable21:15
shinkamuiits worse than ovi maps speed wise :(21:15
RST38hkonttori: Sheep. Definitely sheep.21:15
konttoriyou mean electric sheep saver?21:16
Corsacaren't screensavers bad for battery anyway?21:16
lcukRST38h, theres plenty of people around with desire to do it - and once people see it and examples come out it will be easy21:16
lcukyes RST38h :D21:16
RST38hlive sheep wandering across the screen21:16
DocScrutinizer~nuke screensavers21:17
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at screensavers ... B☢☢M!21:17
RST38hlcuk: Well, you know how it usually goes, the people with desire can't program and the people who can program have better things to do...21:17
DocScrutinizerCorsac: ack21:17
RST38hkonttori: the original sheep classic :)21:17
CorsacDocScrutinizer: rst21:18
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konttorioh, lol! that would be shweet21:18
Wild_DoogyDocScrutinizer: Not criticizing your decision to go with web, it sounds like you have it all figured out. It just that mt and a few of my friends have a competition to see hoe fast we can crack onto each others WEP networks. I am currently holding the record, of having a successful crack in the time it took me to park the car, and walk to the front door >_>21:18
Corsac(what was the ack for?)21:18
konttoriI thought you meant
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RST38hor this link (may be fresher)
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lcukwe have maemo sheep!21:19
DocScrutinizerWild_Doogy: so what? just disable all encryption on your AP. Others will lose one way or the other21:19
lcukmuch more community oriented21:19
lcukRST38h, i fall on both sides of that im afraid21:19
DocScrutinizerCorsac: for battery issues of screensavers21:19
RST38hkonttori: hallucinogenic21:19
shinkamuiI love cracking onto things...21:20
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Wild_Doogyits all for fun, only rule is we cant use WPA.21:20
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Khertansorry was disconnected21:20
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koupsabya all21:21
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Khertanlcuk: did you got any error when launching from xterm ?21:21
lcukdidnt try khertan21:21
luke-jrWild_Doogy: so it's ok to use a WEP that has no valid key?21:21
DocScrutinizerWild_Doogy: if it wasn't for the leechers abusing my AP for p2p I'd lift any encryption off my AP21:22
Khertanif you got one can you emailit me at ?21:22
Khertanas i ll disconnect soon ... poor network coverage21:22
lcukTraceback (most recent call last):21:22
lcuk  File "/home/user/MyDocs/Projects/vectormine/", line 1426, in <module>21:22
lcuk  File "/home/user/MyDocs/Projects/vectormine/", line 1423, in main21:22
lcuk  File "/home/user/MyDocs/Projects/vectormine/", line 877, in Menu21:22
lcukIOError: unable to read font filename21:22
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luke-jrDocScrutinizer: once upon a time, I configured my AP to run a public ESSID with 56k-speed throttling21:23
Wild_Doogywell, yes, but then you cant connect to your own network. one of my friends, Joe, ran 40 feet of Cat5 through his living-room so he could do that.21:23
Khertanuh ?21:23
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Wild_Doogynow theres a good idea21:23
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lcukKhertan, may well be my machine, but its feedback, sorry its not better news21:23
Khertannope thx for the feedback21:24
DocScrutinizerWild_Doogy: huh? why wouldn't I be able to connect to own AP when it's open??21:24
Khertanif it s happen on yours it can happen for other user21:24
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr: I would do that if I had a *decent* DSL-router-AP with sophisticated throttling21:25
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: no such thing exists; I'm too lazy to set it up again21:26
Wild_DoogyDocScrutinizer: I just got a rosewill RNX-GX4 fron newegg for $30. it works great, and flashing it to dd-wrt was a snap. (apparently you cant brick it.... but I wouldn't bet on it.)21:27
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DocScrutinizerthe zyxel P660 can do a lot, but regrettably it's shitty fw that segfaults all the time21:28
Wild_Doogyold router died.....21:28
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DocScrutinizeror features just don't work the way they're announced21:29
DocScrutinizerso I don't care too much21:29
luke-jrI'd get a new router, but I can't find one with decent specs21:29
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N900evil_luke-jr, sheevaplug21:30
Wild_DoogyLuke-jr: I don't know what you need, but take a look:
luke-jrN900evil_: fails for a number of reasons21:32
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villemvanyone running upnp server on linux?21:34
threshyes i did21:35
villemvwhat program?21:35
pwnguinmy NAS runs linux and some nondescript program I haven't identified21:35
threshvillemv: mediatomb21:35
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Wild_DoogyDocScrutinizer: Thanks for your help, the static IP worked. WPA2 is working.21:35
villemvok, I'll check it out21:35
luke-jrWild_Doogy: 4 MB is patheticly low21:35
threshmy n900 now starts in one time in four21:36
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threshlike just reboots every time after nokia logo21:36
threshwtf is that21:36
villemvanything weird in dmesg?21:36
DocScrutinizer51Wild_Doogy: wrong addressee, it was some other guy who pointed at that21:37
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luke-jrN900evil_: OpenRD-Client would work except for its power consumption21:37
Wild_Doogywoops, sorry21:37
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DocScrutinizer51thresh: I had similar issue probably triggered by me moving the weather widget21:40
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villemvyeah, try disabling all the widgets21:40
RST38hthe omweather thing has got a weird bug though21:40
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DocScrutinizer51though mine *always* ewbooted while rendering desktop21:40
RST38hrefuses to update on click when the settings say "only update when connected to wifi"21:40
N900evil_luke-jr, 6w?21:40
luke-jrN900evil_: yeah, a bit on the high end for a router21:41
villemvok, mediatomb is busted21:41
villemvit streams errors about sql schema etc. not convinced ;-)21:42
SpeedEvilluke-jr: Are you off-grid?21:42
* Arkenoi gets flashlight updates quite frequently, but it does not seem to work any different ;-)21:42
luke-jrSpeedEvil: ?21:42
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pwnguinvillemv: there's also ushare.21:43
villemvok, trying...21:43
pwnguinand gmediaserver21:43
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SpeedEvilluke-jr: I'm just wondering why you care about a delta of - say - 3W. Given it's 3 pounds a year or so even with expensive electricity.21:43
pwnguini can keep naming things from an apt-cache search if you like21:43
luke-jrSpeedEvil: UPS21:43
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villemvnah, I'm good :-)21:43
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pwnguini dont know what mine is (it came with the firmware) but the phone finds it just fine21:44
SpeedEvilluke-jr: 99.99% of UPSs have a static load muchhigher than 3w21:44
luke-jrSpeedEvil: really? hm :|21:45
SpeedEvilluke-jr: IIRC I measured my tiny '500w' one at 40W idle21:45
SpeedEvilluke-jr: that's running on battery providing 1W out21:45
luke-jrperhaps a better question I should be asking is where to find a router with its own battery so there's no silly AC adapter loss21:45
mavhcdon't even bother with ups at work anymore, power cuts are <1 in 3 years21:45
luke-jrmavhc: and brown outs?21:46
SpeedEvilluke-jr: I have - completely coincidentally - a car battery wired in parallel with my router PSU21:46
jacekowskimavhc: on last power cut generator was running for 4 days21:46
SpeedEvilluke-jr: well - it's not wired up now - it has been though until moderately recently21:46
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villemv~]|15> !ushare -i wlan0 -c Music21:47
villemvInterface eth0 is down.21:47
villemvRecheck uShare's configuration and try again !21:47
SpeedEvilluke-jr: it so happened that the on-load voltage was ~13.5V - so car battery in parallel 'just worked'.21:47
villemvexcellent set of programs ;-)21:47
jacekowskithat sharing thing on n900 - is it possible to use it to send photos to some different place21:48
SpeedEvilluke-jr: more seriously - you can get moderately inexpensive DC-DC converters21:48
jacekowskii mean like FTP plugin for it would be nice21:48
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SpeedEviljacekowski: not by default.21:48
MiXu-There is an ftp plugin21:48
SpeedEviljacekowski: i'm not aware of anyone actually setting up ftp21:48
SpeedEvilmany have mentioned it21:48
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MiXu-It's in extras I think :)21:48
MiXu-or extras-testing21:48
prontoi want that as well, that pixelpipe thing is annoying21:49
pwnguinjacekowski: i installed a plugin to send to gallery221:49
pwnguinit seems to work21:49
jacekowskipwnguin: where have you found it?21:49
prontoit works for now but -.-21:49
pwnguinor maybe garage, i cant recall21:49
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SpeedEvilluke-jr: simple way is to measure the drain-time of your UPS on a tiny load21:49
MiXu-Hmm... Maybe the FTP plugin was in extras-devel after all. I can't find it now.21:50
jacekowskigallery2 is even better for me21:50
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jacekowskino space left on device error21:53
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jacekowskithat's bad21:53
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jacekowskiand i can't even login by ssh21:53
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pwnguinjacekowski: keep in mind it's a v0.1 release22:00
pwnguinjacekowski: it doesnt seem to support encryption of your password22:00
jacekowskilike i care about encryption22:00
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: roundabout all DSL-routers I've seen so far come with external (AC-)PSU and internal regulators. Depending on the internal circuit of the router/AP you are fine with external battery of same or slightly higher voltage usually. Some weird designs *need* the AC for internal voltage mirroring or clocking purposes, but then you'll simply find it doesn't work. No harm in trying it22:00
jacekowskii'm more worried about my fscking wifi router22:00
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mavhcluke-jr: I live in a 1st world country, we have proper electricity22:03
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DocScrutinizerlast grid-caused blackout I've seen here was some 6 years ago. No brownouts ever22:04
mavhcwhere's here?22:06
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KhertanHi ...22:06
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Khertan <<< does it mean my ssh key is wrong ?22:07
Khertanor does it mean that there is a bugs ?22:07
Khertanif it s the ssh key ... how can i change it on ?22:08
DocScrutinizerI've seen *one* 'brownout' in my live (1985) when one of the three phases of the big transformer for our quarter broke. Was funny22:08
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CorsacKhertan: you change it through garage settings, iirc, but that doesn't look like an ssh error22:08
CorsacKhertan: it seems more like the scp can't write on the destination folder22:09
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Corsacthough I just managed to scp a file22:10
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Corsacmaybe check your dput entry?22:10
DocScrutinizerline 7: Permission denied (publickey).22:11
Corsachmmh, yeah22:11
Milo-can anyone tell me name of the file which if the n900's "lid" is open or closed?22:11
DocScrutinizerfind /sys -name "*switch*"22:12
v13corsac: you have a ~/ ?22:12
CorsacKhertan: <your_garage_login_name>
Milo-which tells*22:12
Milo-I kind of failed on that sentence22:12
Corsacv13: I have, the problem lies in Khertan's :)22:12
v13oh :)22:12
CorsacKhertan: you should have a garage account, request permission to upload to extras22:12
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Corsacand then configure your login in the file22:13
Khertani have permission22:13
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Khertanbut seems that there is no key ;)22:13
CorsacKhertan: then correct the login = line in your :)22:13
Khertanin garage accout22:13
v13khertan: then configure either /etc/ or ~/.dput.cf22:13
Khertanthe dput login line is ok22:13
Khertanin config file22:13
v13not it's not :)22:13
v13search for "your_garage_login_name" and put it there :)22:13
Corsac ← and do you have an ssh key there?22:14
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DocScrutinizerMilo-: probably cover-switch22:14
Khertangrrr fucking cache22:14
Milo-DocScrutinizer says closed on both stages22:14
DocScrutinizerMilo-: dunno which "lid" you're talking bout22:14
Milo-DocScrutinizer the monitor is kind of a lid, like in laptops, covers the keyboard22:15
Milo-could not find a better word for it22:15
Milo-hence why I fail with google :)22:15
v13when the keyboard is open or closed ?22:15
Milo-when the keyboard is covered or not.22:15
v13you want to do something when the state changes, or just find-out its state ?22:16
DocScrutinizerfind /sys -name "*slide*"22:16
Milo-v13 I want to do something when the state changes22:16
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v13then you should use dbus22:16
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Milo-but for that the fastest way is probably to read /sys22:16
Milo-dbus is slow :P22:16
DocScrutinizerpolling is deprecated22:16
v13the file is: /sys/devices/platform/gpio-switch/slide/state22:16
Milo-DocScrutinizer heh22:17
Milo-v13 thanks :)22:17
v13Check dbus for path='/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_slide', dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.Hal.Device', signal_name='PropertyModified',\22:17
v13when you get such a signal, check read the file22:17
v13it should be the fastest way22:17
Milo-v13 thanks again :)22:18
DocScrutinizerU bet it is the *best* way22:18
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Khertanstill Permission denied (publickey).22:18
Khertan 'scp -p /home/khertan/Bureau/vectormine/vectormine_1.0.2-4_armel.deb /home/khertan/Bureau/vectormine/vectormine_1.0.2-4.dsc /home/khertan/Bureau/vectormine/vectormine_1.0.2-4.changes'22:18
Khertanseems not ok22:18
Khertanfor me ... strange 2 @ for an url22:19
Khertanbut didn't work with only khertan too22:19
Corsacyour login is your garage login22:19
Khertanyep khertan@khertan.net22:20
Khertanah yep ... true22:20
Khertanbut didn't work too22:20
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Khertanwhen pasting the public gpg key ... does i should also put : -----BEGINPGPPUBLICKEYBLOCK-----22:20
CorsacKhertan: you need an _ssh_ key22:21
Corsacnot a GPG key22:21
* v13 congrats corsac22:21
Corsaclook in .ssh/id_rsa.pub22:21
Khertanlol ...22:21
Khertani'm tired22:21
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KhertanIt s seems it s not my day22:25
Khertanthanks anyway for help22:25
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KhertanAn other question ... does have the right to use extras-assistant is the same that the one to use dput to send package ?22:26
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KhertanYouHou !!!22:32
KhertanThis works !22:32
Khertanthanks a lot !22:32
KhertanSuccessfully uploaded packages.22:32
scr4vehey folks :-)22:33
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wazdinfobot, hows the weather?22:35
scr4vetrying to upgrade to latest firmware release by installing mp-fremantle-generic-pr - Getting unmet dependencies: hildon-initscripts (= 1.26-1+0m5) but 1.26-1+dp1 is to be installed22:35
scr4veAs a windows user not knowing more than basic apt stuff, how to go on?22:35
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pwnguinstep 1) don't use apt directly if you only know basic apt stuff22:36
scr4vepwnguin: you're right. Over the air is failing anyway.22:36
pwnguinits all over the air22:36
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pwnguinthe application manager is your weapon of choice here22:37
scr4vepwnguin: app manager won't show update as long as mp-fremantle-generic-pr is uninstalled.22:37
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pwnguinhow did that get uninstalled?22:38
scr4veThats a really good question.22:38
ShadowJKis there any output from: dpkg -l | grep mp-fremantle22:38
DocScrutinizer~weather EDDN22:38
infobotNuernberg, Germany; (EDDN) 49-30N 011-03E 318M; last updated: 2010.02.18 2020 UTC; Dew Point: 33 F (1 C); Pressure (altimeter): 29.56 in. Hg (1001 hPa); Relative Humidity: 86%; Sky conditions: mostly cloudy; Temperature: 37 F (3 C); Visibility: 3 mile(s); Wind: from the ESE (110 degrees) at 5 MPH (4 KT)22:38
scr4veShadowJK: Nope.22:39
wazdDocScrutinizer: nah, I was just cheaptalikng :D22:39
scr4vedpkg -l "mp-fremantle-*" shows22:39
scr4vepn  mp-fremantle-g <none>         (no description available)22:39
pwnguinscr4ve: the good news is you can reflash the firmware22:39
wazdDocScrutinizer: I'm one of the guys behind OMWeather, you really think I need to know weather? :D22:39
ShadowJKhm, where did the -g come from22:39
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pwnguinShadowJK: what's pn mean for status?22:40
scr4veShadowJK: I did not use terminal on my n900 before, so no idea.22:40
ShadowJKpwnguin, no idea22:40
ShadowJKscr4ve, you aren't in the UK are you?22:40
scr4venope, germany.22:40
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scr4veaah - downgrading the package works, wonderful :-)22:44
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* satmd is stuck at22:46
satmdbug 759822:47
povbotBug sbox-MaemoKernel: apt deps broken out-of-the-box22:47
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satmdfakeroot dpkg -i ... works, but apt insists on mixing22:47
villagerpwnguin: pn = purged, no config files22:49
Stskeepssatmd: just build it in FREMANTLE_ARMEL22:49
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|Rtrying to apt-get install morphoquickpanorama i get :  E: Handler silently failed   ... ever seen that?22:57
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ptlwhen will UFO:X-COM be available for the N900? :P23:04
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RST38hwhen you port it23:05
Corsachmhm, did anyone have problems with the maemo-sdk-rootstrap_5.0_3.2010.02-8_armel.tgz rootstrap?23:05
CorsacI just setup a target in scratchbox, and it looks broken wrt. package status:
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Corsacand trying to apt-get install anything fails because apt tries to use i386 sources23:06
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Corsacfor unknown reason23:06
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Corsacdpkg-architecture replies arm/armel everywhere23:06
satmdCorsac: had this too just minutes ago23:06
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satmdSts told me to just use the FREMANTLE_ARMEL target23:07
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Corsacsatmd: so I guess you don't have a solution yet? :)23:07
Corsacmhmh ok23:07
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satmdtrying to make a kernel?23:07
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Corsacsatmd: yes23:08
* satmd too23:08
wojciAny clues as what to install to get something like crond on my n900? I would like to schedule a task which changes which sound profile to use depending on the time on the day.23:08
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Corsac(basically I'd like to play with IPv6)23:08
Stskeepswojci: alarmtool and libalarm23:08
satmdwell, in extras-devel, there's a kernel with ipv623:08
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wojcistanojr, Yeah, I googled and it said alarmtool as well. Where would I find it?23:09
wojcistanojr, I mean I expect to have to tell apt-get about it.23:09
DocScrutinizerwojci: cehteh is working on dwimd that should be able to do what you want. And more23:09
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Corsacsatmd: uh, didn't know that23:10
* satmd wants g_serial instead23:11
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wojciDocScrutinizer, Its not what I need. I need crond. :P23:12
wojci.. or more likely alarmd.23:12
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Corsacsatmd: any idea of the name?23:13
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Corsacor maybe jebba :)23:13
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Stskeeps'lo jebba23:13
cehtehwojci/DocScrutinizer  thats rather xorAxAx project now :P23:13
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Corsachmhm, kernel-modules-maemo seems to have it23:14
cehtehwojci: dwimd looks like its what you want23:14
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DocScrutinizeralarmd is generic. I'd guess dwimd is using alarmd (among other resources) to do such chnages like silencing depending on time of day, location,, whatever23:16
Corsacsatmd: installing the kernel is enough to select it for boot or does it need to be flashed in some way?23:16
* cehteh didnt looked at the dwimd code yet :P23:17
wojciIt sounds like overkill. I just want to run a script two times a day.23:17
cehtehcrond would be overkill too23:17
wojciI am used to cron from linux.23:17
wojciSo no. Its pretty strange that it was not ported with the rest of the sw by nokia.23:18
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cehtehthere are reasons for that23:18
wojciBattery draining I guess.23:18
Stskeepscron is not always friendly on mobile devices23:18
cehtehcron is quite limited in some ways, nice for a server, bad for a phone23:18
SpeedEvilcehteh: it's better than the appointments scheduler.23:19
wojciI don't care. I want to have a choice to make my own mistakes. ;-)23:19
cehtehcould be23:19
* SpeedEvil accidentally went to an 'appointment' on the wrong day - as I can't set it biweekly.23:19
SpeedEvil(well - taking out bin)23:19
DocScrutinizerstill we managed to get a atd replacement for Openmoko, which btw is even more unforgiving to non adapted software due to the real suspend it enters23:20
Corsac          inet6 addr: fe80::2bd:3aff:fee5:a1a7/64 Scope:Link23:20
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cehtehSpeedEvil: lol :P23:20
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jebbahey Stskeeps  :)23:21
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: not saying it's not possible :P23:21
* jebba perusing
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Stskeepsjebba: cool23:22
Stskeepsi have like 6 old bugs to process tomorrow, but let's get this machine rolling :)23:22
CorsacPING (2001:200:0:8002:203:47ff:fea5:3085): 56 data bytes23:22
Corsac64 bytes from 2001:200:0:8002:203:47ff:fea5:3085: seq=0 ttl=58 time=383.728 ms23:22
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Corsacand midori shows the dancing turtle23:23
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Corsacerf, iproute needs libgcc1 >= 4.4 or 4.3, maemo has 4.223:25
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Corsacone more thing to rebuild :)23:26
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crashanddieOh well there you go, I think I'm setting a first23:29
crashanddieI just told an Intel employee he was arrogant and rude on a public mailing list23:29
Stskeepsare you saying the RPM vs DEB discussion didn't sink low enough?23:29
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crashanddieI took a side from the RPM v Deb discussion to put Auke back in his place23:30
crashanddieI won't let people call our debmaster a troll for no good reason23:30
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fralscrashanddie: nice post on the meego-dev list23:36
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* lardman just read the backlog23:40
satmdCorsac: if you wonder about microb and ipv6... defaults to disabled in about:config23:40
* satmd also gives up building g_serial23:41
crashanddielardman: what time is it in the UK?23:41
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tremcrashanddie: \o/23:41
satmd63 secs late23:41
* satmd runs23:41
lardmanwell rounded to the nearest 10min ;)23:41
Corsacsatmd: double thanks :)23:42
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cehtehnote to self: dont replace a which is in use23:45
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lardmanalso don't try overwriting /bin/sh23:46
lardmanwhat happened to that chap, did he come back?23:46
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lardmanhmm, scrolling through nick list to see if I could see his, and I see someone's called ponyofdeath23:47
crashanddieOMG! PONIES23:48
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crashanddieanyway, /me gets ready to go to work23:48
crashanddielardman: how does that feel eh?23:49
crashanddielardman: you're getting drunk, I'm getting in the shower.23:49
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lardmancrashanddie: nah, no drinking tonight23:49
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crashanddiewhat? Why not?23:50
lardmanand as I was working from home I only showered about 6h ago too23:50
crashanddieHow's the wife doing btw?23:50
lardmanfine thanks, we've decided we should cut back during the week and blow our entire alcohol allowed units at the weekend23:50
lardmanbingedrinking, I think the gov is recommending it now23:50
lardmanI take it your office is now un-flooded?23:51
crashanddiewe've been moved to the 8th floor apparently23:51
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lardmanhmm, would be a big flood there then :)23:51
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SpeedEviland issued water-wings/23:51
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crashanddieYou know that Government-citisen SMS alert system they always gloat about?23:51
crashanddie(which btw is something that should've existed 10 years ago?)23:52
lardmanWhen I was working in Switzerland I lived in a block of flats next to a river downstream from a damn, there was a big siren that might go off at any time and you had iirc 1min to get downstairs (4 stories) across the carpark and up a hill on the other side23:52
crashanddiedownstream a damn?23:52
lardmananyway, your 8th floor thing reminded me23:52
lardmandownstream of a damn23:52
crashanddiemuscle memory kicking in there :P23:52
lardmanoops, dam, indeed23:53
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crashanddieWell, let's just say that they kinda use it (that SMS system) also to tell governments employees if it's safe to come to work or not23:53
crashanddiewhich -- considering we're all contractors -- is just a way to save money23:54
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lardmansurely they save money by you turning up anyway?23:54
lardmanor do they then get sued if you down in the flood?23:54
lardmanbloody hell, perhaps I need a drink23:55
lardmanmight improve the spelling :)23:55
crashanddieyeah, I recommend a good old lemoncelli!23:55
lardmanis that alcoholic?23:55
crashanddieyeah :)23:56
crashanddiesorry, lemoncello23:56
lardmanI'll ask my Italian officemates about that, sounds like it comes from their neck of the woods23:56
lardmannow you're talking about yellow instruments23:57
ShadowJKGovernment-approved binge-drinking :D23:57
ShadowJKiirc last time they tried to raise alcohol prices in russia they ended up with the Red Army rolling in the tanks and shooting at the russian White House23:58
crashanddielardman: or amaretto di saronno23:58
lardmanwell all the rules are about average consumption ;)23:58
lardmanShadowJK: lol23:58
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lardmancrashanddie: yuck, not fond of that almondy stuff23:58
lardmantho Holly loves it23:58
crashanddiethen she's a good gal, and you're a propper english bastard :P23:59
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Milo-anyone know what type of proximity sensor n900 has? (inductive, capacitive? magnetic? radar? sonar?)23:59
lardmanprobably true, except I'm half Australian too :p23:59
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