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moo__ | dracflamloc: you can convert MIDIs to MP3s if you really want them | 00:00 |
dracflamloc | yea too much effort | 00:00 |
dracflamloc | =p | 00:00 |
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SpeedEvil | Woo! Total Carnage! (all angry birds levels 3*'d) | 00:04 |
RST38h | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo-gGes6qig&feature=player_embedded#at=128 | 00:04 |
* RST38h goes to sleep happy | 00:05 | |
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dracflamloc | so where is that ini file | 00:05 |
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RST38h | /usr/share/hildon-desktop | 00:06 |
pekuja | is there a manual way to turn portrait mode off? | 00:06 |
pekuja | I'm pretty sure it's a bug. I'm getting everything in portrait mode, including things not designed to work in portrait mode | 00:07 |
pekuja | like the desktop | 00:07 |
RST38h | reboot. | 00:07 |
moo__ | pekuja: did ou try opening keyboard? | 00:07 |
pekuja | moo__: yes | 00:07 |
moo__ | or is it more persistent... | 00:07 |
pekuja | it's persistent. that's why I'm asking | 00:08 |
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pekuja | I guess I'll just reboot. | 00:09 |
frals | pekuja: close kboard, start browser | 00:09 |
frals | twist and turn, open keyboard | 00:09 |
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pekuja | didn't try starting browser | 00:09 |
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pekuja | I'll try that the next time this happens | 00:09 |
pupnik_ | oh frals lives still | 00:12 |
pupnik_ | frals if you die soon what do you want to contribute? | 00:13 |
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frals | hail the MMS specification | 00:14 |
frals | ;) | 00:14 |
kuriiri | new fmms-version | 00:14 |
kuriiri | what's new? =) | 00:14 |
frals | depends which version your upgrading from, most likely bugfixes only.. if you already seen the improved ui ;o | 00:14 |
kuriiri | ok :) | 00:15 |
kuriiri | the new ui is nice ;) | 00:15 |
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dracflamloc | how many pixels wide are the launcher icons, anyone know? | 00:16 |
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dracflamloc | whats the best music player for n900 | 00:30 |
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lcuk | RST38h, robogeisha? | 00:31 |
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GeneralAntilles | zerojay, ping? | 00:32 |
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* lcuk thinks the new ui rocks too frals | 00:32 | |
zerojay | GeneralAntilles: Yo. | 00:35 |
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zerojay | GeneralAntilles: With a quickness, man. | 00:35 |
GeneralAntilles | zerojay, add a Display Name | 00:36 |
GeneralAntilles | AdFlashBlock CSS | 00:36 |
LuciusMare | so, i can snooze the alarm by turning it over, can i set it so it gets stopped after turning over? | 00:36 |
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zerojay | GeneralAntilles: I'll do that when I get back from this Street Fighter 4 tournament that I'm about to leave for. | 00:37 |
zerojay | GeneralAntilles: I'm packaging with py2deb, so I'm not sure if it supports those nice names. | 00:37 |
GeneralAntilles | zerojay, lol | 00:37 |
GeneralAntilles | Fail | 00:37 |
zerojay | No, I plan on winning. :) | 00:37 |
GeneralAntilles | zerojay, Street Fighter. Still fail. :D | 00:37 |
SpeedEvil | You just broke the first rule of street fighter club! | 00:38 |
zerojay | lol | 00:38 |
GeneralAntilles | "Do you know how to run mods in quake 3... I dropped the folder in .q3a/base3q but it doesn't appear in mods menu. Can you help me?" | 00:38 |
zerojay | Dunno what stone you've been living under, but it's bigger than ever. | 00:38 |
zerojay | bbl | 00:38 |
GeneralAntilles | WHY does this person think I'm the man to contact? | 00:38 |
derf | GeneralAntilles: Because you are SO awesome. | 00:39 |
GeneralAntilles | derf, oh, right, that. ;) | 00:39 |
* SpeedEvil nods. | 00:39 | |
SpeedEvil | He is so awesome. | 00:39 |
SpeedEvil | The light-meter pins every time he bends over. | 00:40 |
derf | I know. It can be a terrible burden to bear. | 00:40 |
SpeedEvil | And that's with it in scotland. | 00:40 |
derf | But you're awesome enough to bear it. | 00:40 |
derf | That's just how awesome you are. | 00:40 |
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LuciusMare | not without editing the code, it seems | 00:40 |
* SpeedEvil ponders getting up and trying to average main camera PNGs to pickup stars | 00:40 | |
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derf | Has someone ported panotools to the thing yet? | 00:41 |
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lcuk | SpeedEvil, the main camera takes jpgs | 00:41 |
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SpeedEvil | lcuk: I thought I got it to do png | 00:42 |
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SpeedEvil | /usr/bin/gst-launch v4l2camsrc device=/dev/video0 num-buffers=1 \! video/x-raw-yuv,width=2592,height=1968 \! ffmpegcolorspace \! pngenc\! filesink location=/home/user/MyDocs/capture/test$x$y.png | 00:43 |
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lcuk | SpeedEvil, thats different then | 00:44 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: summing up a 250 snapshots, taken with N900 in scripting mode mounted on a syncronus motor stand... that's be quite interesting thing to try :-D | 00:44 |
lcuk | i thought you meant the pictures just taken with the main cam | 00:45 |
lcuk | if its a full sync stand you can get proper direciton anyway | 00:45 |
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SpeedEvil | http://pastebin.ca/1794840 | 00:45 |
SpeedEvil | above script | 00:46 |
SpeedEvil | though I diddn't do summing on camera | 00:46 |
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trem | nite all, sweet dreams | 00:47 |
* lcuk just blocked and deleted all google bus contacts | 00:48 | |
* lcuk wonders what aSIMULAwrk is doin in wrk | 00:48 | |
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chombee | Hey, trying to flash a Nokia 770 on Ubuntu 9.10, I'm getting "Error claiming USB interface: Device or resource busy" even after running modprobe -r cdc_phonet. Can anyone help? | 01:04 |
ceh900 | hum... anyone of you using this kernel-flasher-maemo kernel? | 01:04 |
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Stskeeps | chombee: grab static flasher and sudo | 01:05 |
chombee | Also tried modprobe -r phonet and it says "FATAL: Module phonet is in use." but I don't know what's using it | 01:05 |
Stskeeps | no phonet in 770 afaik | 01:05 |
chombee | Yeah I am using sudo | 01:05 |
chombee | I'll try the statuc flasher | 01:05 |
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chombee | Same error message with the static flasher | 01:07 |
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Stskeeps | shut device down completely, plug out battery, put in usb, put in battery, turn on | 01:09 |
chombee | OH, ran modprobe again and now it's working | 01:09 |
chombee | with the static flasher | 01:09 |
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chombee | Putting OS2007HE on a 770 | 01:10 |
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chombee | Ok! Looking at a 2007 desktop. Thanks for the help | 01:13 |
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chombee | While I'm here, my OS2006 was saying that my memory card is corrupt. Can I use the 770 to reformat it? | 01:14 |
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chombee | OS2007HE is a _lot_ faster. I think ym OS2006 must have had problems, it was really slow and crashing a lot | 01:18 |
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t-tan | ceh900: yes, me | 01:29 |
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* GeneralAntilles chuckles at the Ask the Council thread. | 01:30 | |
uhsf | i don't understand how is that ovi thing related to maemo and the n900. | 01:31 |
SpeedEvil | ovi is the commercial 'app-store' | 01:31 |
frals | so err, how do i get my shellscript to be run as root, since setuid bit seems to be ignored on shellscripts | 01:32 |
uhsf | is ovi supported by maemo/n900 or is it just for the n97 and alike | 01:32 |
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t-tan | frals: add it to sudo? | 01:32 |
pupnik_ | timeless_mbp: where do i get credit for demanding that browser pauses javascript? | 01:33 |
pwnguin | uhsf: ovi supports n900. barely. | 01:33 |
uhsf | ovi maps for example. the maps application seems to run fine but lacks maps. do i have to buy maps at ovi store or are there other good maps available for free? | 01:33 |
pwnguin | also, ovi has no meaning | 01:33 |
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ShadowJK | "Ovi" is too many things :) | 01:33 |
pwnguin | its at best, a brand | 01:33 |
pwnguin | ovi store supports n900 | 01:34 |
pupnik_ | pwnguin: your typing is mostly stupid | 01:34 |
ShadowJK | "Ovi Maps" means 4 different things atleast... There's the web-based ovi maps, there's the old s60 ovi maps, the new s60 ovi maps with free turn by turn navigation, and maemo ovi maps which doesn't have turn by turn voice nav | 01:34 |
uhsf | it's just because nokia spread ovi links all over the default maemo interface otherwise i wouldn't have cared much | 01:34 |
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pwnguin | pupnik_: its not my fault ovi is the mobile .NET | 01:35 |
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uhsf | ShadowJK: what is your favorite among these 4? | 01:36 |
pupnik_ | pwnguin: you are a fart | 01:36 |
pwnguin | pupnik: what did i do to incur this? | 01:37 |
uhsf | i suppose new s60 are best but not supported on the n900? | 01:37 |
pupnik_ | you do nothing | 01:37 |
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ShadowJK | uhsf, well the s60 one is actually useful for me to have in the car | 01:37 |
pwnguin | uhsf: s60 is a different OS. no s6 emulators on n900 that i know of. | 01:38 |
pupnik_ | show me anything you do to help maemo | 01:38 |
ShadowJK | Kinda. Its choice of routes are excentric at best | 01:38 |
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lcuk | pupnik, even farts are useful | 01:38 |
pupnik_ | im not | 01:38 |
lcuk | you dont want to explode | 01:39 |
pwnguin | pupnik: what do you think i should be doing? | 01:39 |
pupnik_ | make something | 01:39 |
pwnguin | its on my todo list | 01:40 |
pupnik_ | me too :) | 01:40 |
pupnik_ | i suck too | 01:40 |
pwnguin | maybe i should do some QA for the -devel apps i use | 01:40 |
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t-tan | pwnguin: it's not the real pupnik. it's just a troll who wants to discredit pupnik. ignore him | 01:41 |
pwnguin | i can't tell anymore | 01:41 |
pupnik_ | i hate suckage | 01:41 |
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pwnguin | maybe i'll build a version of gdigicam that leaves the red light off while recording | 01:42 |
lcuk | pwnguin, cool | 01:42 |
pupnik_ | anything. do anything | 01:42 |
lcuk | whenever i do n900-n900 recording i can see the light | 01:42 |
pwnguin | its a trivial patch | 01:43 |
GeneralAntilles | FCC is gonna come and kick your ass. :P | 01:43 |
pwnguin | heh | 01:43 |
ShadowJK | pwnguin, call it "PervertCam", make it scan for WLANs, and if there are no WLANs within range that are in the user's list, assume the user is away from home, and if the user tries to use the PervertCam when away from home, make device go "awoooga awoooga! Pervert Alert!" | 01:43 |
pwnguin | but i haven't set up the build sandbox yet, so it'll take a bit of work | 01:44 |
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pwnguin | its a bit disheartening to have a 'work through raeddit tutorial' todo when it's pretty clear the future is QT | 01:44 |
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ShadowJK | what's raeddit? | 01:45 |
pwnguin | its a reddit ap | 01:45 |
jacekowski | rapid aplication development comes to mind | 01:45 |
pwnguin | app | 01:45 |
pwnguin | its in extras-something | 01:45 |
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pwnguin | t-tan: i cant tell the trolls anymore. the real marat mocked my photo of my literal first arduino project | 01:46 |
GeneralAntilles | It's the internet. We're all trolls. | 01:47 |
pwnguin | its IRC. we have tools to solve that | 01:47 |
GeneralAntilles | /muteall | 01:48 |
ShadowJK | The tools have been converted to padded mittens, courtesy of freenode :) | 01:48 |
GeneralAntilles | I still need to review the new ircd info. | 01:48 |
pwnguin | seriously though. right now im editing some audio from a LUG meeting | 01:49 |
t-tan | GeneralAntilles: may I cite you in the future? :) | 01:49 |
pwnguin | none of it is probably maemo helpful though | 01:49 |
pwnguin | unless maemo.org wants to use django | 01:49 |
GeneralAntilles | t-tan, feel free. | 01:49 |
ptl | and about QT | 01:50 |
ptl | should I program for N900 using hildon (gtk) or QT? | 01:50 |
ptl | is there such a thing as hildonized QT? | 01:50 |
GeneralAntilles | Yes? | 01:50 |
GeneralAntilles | It's in the repos. | 01:50 |
t-tan | resistance is futile. We're trolls. | 01:50 |
GeneralAntilles | Personally, I think it's probably a good time to start with Qt 4.6 if you don't have an existing codebase. | 01:51 |
ptl | trolls, so you mean trolltech, i.e. qt | 01:51 |
GeneralAntilles | PR1.2 is around the corner and it should be shipping official Qt 4.6 | 01:51 |
ptl | ok | 01:51 |
pwnguin | theres actually going to be a pr1.2? | 01:51 |
GeneralAntilles | I'm sorry, the trolls were assimilated. They're Nokians now. | 01:51 |
GeneralAntilles | pwnguin, and several more after according to reliable sources. | 01:51 |
pwnguin | interesting | 01:51 |
ptl | and nice | 01:52 |
pwnguin | i hope it upgrades better than last time | 01:52 |
GeneralAntilles | pwnguin, you actually thought they were going to stop updating Maemo between now and Maemo 6 sometime at the end of this or beginning of next year? | 01:52 |
* GeneralAntilles has heard rumors of a PR2 and PR3, even. | 01:52 | |
luke-jr | ptl: Qt | 01:52 |
pwnguin | GeneralAntilles: im used to being abused and neglected by cellular providers. im american | 01:52 |
ptl | luke-jr: that's two votes for QT now. :) | 01:52 |
luke-jr | ptl: it's objectively superior in every way :) | 01:53 |
luke-jr | any GTK votes will be from fanboys | 01:53 |
GeneralAntilles | ^ troll | 01:53 |
ptl | I know that, it's just that I feel it'd eat too much memory by having libraries that do the same thing in memory simultaneously | 01:53 |
t-tan | Xlib! | 01:53 |
ptl | Xlib, yes! with tcl/tk! | 01:54 |
ShadowJK | ptl, there are already some qt using things on your N900 | 01:54 |
ShadowJK | though i dont know if it's anything open all the time | 01:54 |
pekuja | GTK probably only makes sense if you need to use C | 01:54 |
ptl | is there a qt way of doing a systray app? | 01:54 |
ptl | for maemo 5 | 01:54 |
pekuja | what's the QT license these days? | 01:54 |
luke-jr | LGPL | 01:55 |
ShadowJK | heh, I was going to say that GTK seems much more inefficient.. but QT seems hugely bloated | 01:55 |
pekuja | wasn't it GPL at some point, with a paid-for commercial licensing option? | 01:55 |
pekuja | or am I imagining that? | 01:55 |
luke-jr | yes | 01:55 |
t-tan | is it true that Qt4.6 is much smaller due dropped Qt3 support? | 01:55 |
luke-jr | ShadowJK: Qt includes a variety of higher-level features that might be considered "bloat", but they're modular | 01:55 |
ptl | LGPL 2.1 | 01:56 |
luke-jr | t-tan: Qt3 support was never mandatory in the first place | 01:56 |
ptl | with a clause for exception | 01:56 |
ptl | for something that I don't understand very well | 01:56 |
luke-jr | ah, they added the exception? | 01:56 |
luke-jr | ptl: for C++ code, LGPL is effectively GPL if you use templates | 01:57 |
ptl | it seems that you can incorporate header stuff into your program | 01:57 |
luke-jr | which Qt does | 01:57 |
luke-jr | libstdc++ has the same exception | 01:57 |
ptl | didn't know that | 01:57 |
ptl | but I don't plan to do proprietary stuff anyway | 01:57 |
ptl | GPL is fine for me | 01:58 |
ShadowJK | I'm not all that excited about the next maemo device anyway... it'll be Omap3 and probably 256M ram still? boring | 01:58 |
pwnguin | ShadowJK: if it solves /opt | 01:58 |
pwnguin | then what? | 01:58 |
ShadowJK | lol | 01:58 |
ptl | I just know that N900 is a dream come true. A cellphone that has a terminal application? That I can troubleshoot using shell commands? | 01:59 |
luke-jr | ShadowJK: seriously? that's confirmed? | 01:59 |
ptl | that's just f*cking unbelievable. | 01:59 |
luke-jr | ptl: ... | 01:59 |
ShadowJK | luke-jr, I forget the details, but omap3 and multitouch | 01:59 |
pwnguin | ShadowJK: or USB OTG | 01:59 |
luke-jr | ShadowJK: IIRC, some OMAP3 has 512 MB RAM now | 01:59 |
pwnguin | there are certain things i can imagine adding | 01:59 |
pwnguin | hardware wise | 01:59 |
ShadowJK | I don't give a shit about OTG... but host mode would be nice | 01:59 |
pwnguin | whats the diff between otg and host mode | 01:59 |
ptl | luke-jr: what? I'm not exaggerating. It has a few minor flaws and it is greatly usable. And it has a hell of flexibility. | 01:59 |
ptl | nokia did get it. | 02:00 |
luke-jr | ptl: it's not a phone... and not the first of its kind | 02:00 |
ShadowJK | But if I wont be able to reliably tap on the right line of 10pt size text in xchat anymore I'll be annoyed | 02:00 |
ptl | luke-jr: what was the first of its kind? openmoko? | 02:00 |
luke-jr | ptl: OpenMoko was the first free software phone | 02:00 |
ptl | luke-jr: it's the first viable device of this kind with a major brand supporting it. | 02:00 |
luke-jr | ptl: ok | 02:00 |
uhsf | ShadowJK: i think the n900 can't do turn by turn navigation because it's not a real gps but only data sent to gsm antennas is that true? | 02:01 |
ptl | openmoko was maybe too idealistic | 02:01 |
ShadowJK | uhsf, no it is not true | 02:01 |
ptl | not a real gps? it is | 02:01 |
ShadowJK | uhsf, N900 has real gps | 02:01 |
jacekowski | uhsf: no it isn't | 02:01 |
jacekowski | uhsf: N900 has aGPS | 02:01 |
pwnguin | openmoko was too underfunded | 02:02 |
uhsf | ok ty | 02:02 |
jacekowski | luke-jr: you are wrong | 02:02 |
jacekowski | luke-jr: there was trolltech manufactured one | 02:02 |
luke-jr | ptl: OpenMoko just didn't work IIRC | 02:02 |
ml-mobile | openmoko worked, just not very well | 02:02 |
jacekowski | and openmoko was just a disaster | 02:02 |
ptl | luke-jr: I have no experience with it, by a friend of mine said it had many bugs, even hardware bugsa | 02:02 |
ptl | *bugs | 02:02 |
pwnguin | openmoko was 2007's pandora | 02:03 |
jacekowski | 1st it was manufactured by somebody else than nokia | 02:03 |
luke-jr | ShadowJK: uhsf: what is a "real" GPS? all GPS has software somewhere; in the N900, it's in the phone | 02:03 |
ptl | even the GSM signal was frequently lost | 02:03 |
ssvb | ShadowJK: OMAP3 supports 512MB of RAM just fine: http://www.igep-platform.com/ | 02:03 |
ssvb | ShadowJK: and I think I read somewhere that this is still not a limit, will try to dig the link now | 02:04 |
jacekowski | ssvb: it should support 4G | 02:04 |
ShadowJK | lol | 02:04 |
pwnguin | multitouch might be nice for using the phone as a bluetooth game controller. | 02:04 |
ssvb | jacekowski: are you sure? | 02:04 |
uhsf | so the best option right now for gps is web based ovi maps because it features turn by turn navigation and it's free but i suppose these maps are not the most detailed | 02:05 |
ShadowJK | ssvb, I didn't mean to say that omap3 only supports 256M ram... I was trying to imply that it is my belief that nokia will not put any more than 256M in the next device :) | 02:05 |
jacekowski | ssvb: yes | 02:05 |
jacekowski | ssvb: ARM core can support it | 02:05 |
ShadowJK | I didn't know ovi maps on the web had turn by turn navigation | 02:05 |
uhsf | i wish the garmin gps app and maps were ported to maemo | 02:05 |
jacekowski | ssvb: and when i looked into docs omap3 has all 32 address lines | 02:05 |
* pwnguin was at garmin HQ today | 02:05 | |
jacekowski | uhsf: i'm working on hacking tomtom | 02:06 |
jacekowski | uhsf: to run on n900 | 02:06 |
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jacekowski | but my router is causing me lot of grief | 02:06 |
pwnguin | they even gave me pizza and told me how they've got 51 open positions | 02:06 |
jacekowski | because it randomly stops forwarding packets between network nodes | 02:06 |
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jacekowski | and i'm pretty much sure it's illegal | 02:07 |
uhsf | jacekowski: why not garmin it better than tom tom | 02:07 |
jacekowski | no | 02:07 |
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jacekowski | garmin sucks | 02:08 |
uhsf | garmins already run linux | 02:08 |
jacekowski | i've had both and tomtom is clearly superior product | 02:08 |
jacekowski | tomtom runs linux | 02:08 |
ShadowJK | I like tomtom... It doesn't suggest I should drive on roads that I wouldn't want to travel on even with snowmobile | 02:08 |
ShadowJK | (like Ovi Maps on S60 does) | 02:08 |
ptl | the maemo select site for angry birds is out? All I get is a blank page | 02:08 |
ShadowJK | It's kinda cool that they have so detailed map data that little things like that are included, but it's pretty silly to suggest I drive on it :/ | 02:09 |
jacekowski | and it was only company to opposed microsoft when they started doing that ugly FAT patent thing | 02:09 |
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ssvb | ShadowJK, jacekowski: OK, here they say the RAM limit is 1GB: http://groups.google.com/group/beagleboard/browse_thread/thread/af976554cd8b8193 | 02:13 |
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ShadowJK | Let's hope that someone manufactures such a RAM chip, and let's hope that Nokia uses it :) | 02:15 |
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Corsac | hmhm | 02:15 |
jacekowski | SDRAM Controller (SDRC) 16, 32-bit Memory Controller With 16, 32-bit Memory Controller With | 02:16 |
jacekowski | http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/omap3530.pdf | 02:16 |
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Corsac | all packages available in extras should be available somewhere in http://maemo.org/downloads/Maemo5/ right? | 02:16 |
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GeneralAntilles | Corsac, assuming they're in user/*, yes. | 02:17 |
Corsac | I can't find python-scapy (source scapy) which I've uploaded to extras-devel last week or so | 02:18 |
Corsac | and which is available using apt-get | 02:18 |
luke-jr | If N910 has 1 GB RAM and is usable with free software, I'm getting it <.< | 02:19 |
GeneralAntilles | Corsac, Downloads is only stuff in Extras | 02:19 |
GeneralAntilles | Not stuff in -testing or -devel. | 02:19 |
Corsac | oh ok | 02:19 |
ssvb | jacekowski: your quote from this pdf is incomplete and ends at the most interesting part "... With 1G-Byte Total Address Space" (whatever it means) | 02:20 |
VDVsx | Corsac, search here: http://maemo.org/packages/ | 02:20 |
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jacekowski | i thought i copied it | 02:20 |
jacekowski | but nvm | 02:20 |
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ShadowJK | Does I/O have to live in that 1G too? | 02:21 |
jacekowski | well, it's only memory controller address space | 02:21 |
Corsac | Warning: This package does not have the required bugtracker link specified! | 02:21 |
jacekowski | so i don't think so | 02:21 |
Corsac | bugtracker for upstream or for packaging? | 02:21 |
ShadowJK | packaging I'd say | 02:22 |
ptl | is this page appearing to you guys? http://maemo.nokia.com/maemo-select/applications/angry-birds-free/ | 02:24 |
ptl | all I get is a blank page | 02:24 |
ptl | :[ | 02:24 |
ShadowJK | me too | 02:25 |
luke-jr | blank here | 02:25 |
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ptl | I'll install it later then. Thanks | 02:26 |
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VDVsx | Corsac, , http://wiki.maemo.org/Extras-testing/QA_Checklist#Lack_of_bug_reporting_database and http://wiki.maemo.org/Prepare_your_application_for_testing | 02:38 |
Dantonic | hey when's Harmattan supposed to come out? | 02:39 |
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GeneralAntilles | Dantonic, Q4 2010 or Q1 2011 seem like reasonable dates. | 02:40 |
GeneralAntilles | Dantonic, the announced timeline for the SDK is very similar to Fremantle's. | 02:40 |
Dantonic | ah I see | 02:41 |
Dantonic | so what was supposed to come out Q2 2010? | 02:41 |
GeneralAntilles | But no date for anything beyond SDK release has been announced. | 02:41 |
GeneralAntilles | 2H2010 != Q2 2010 | 02:41 |
Dantonic | oh was it second half? 2010? | 02:41 |
Dantonic | thought it was Q2 I've read Q2 in a few places | 02:42 |
GeneralAntilles | It's probably be misreported. | 02:42 |
Dantonic | I see | 02:42 |
pwnguin | december is in the 2nd half of 2010 | 02:42 |
Dantonic | right :P | 02:42 |
GeneralAntilles | As reporters are wont to do. | 02:43 |
Dantonic | I'm assuming from some of Qgils latest posts there's a change that Maemo6 might come to the N900 in some form... | 02:43 |
GeneralAntilles | I doubt very much that Nokia has anything even remotely resembling a firmish date at this point, so. ;) | 02:43 |
GeneralAntilles | Dantonic, who the hell knows. | 02:43 |
GeneralAntilles | Dantonic, Nokia may not even really be sure on that one. | 02:43 |
Dantonic | ya I know I'm hoping... | 02:43 |
Dantonic | I've just come upon my first real disappointment with the N900.. | 02:44 |
GeneralAntilles | The only thing resembling a straightforward answer I've seen on that subject was from Jose-Luis at BCN. | 02:44 |
Dantonic | Ogg support | 02:44 |
asj_ | Dantonic: what's wrong with it? | 02:44 |
GeneralAntilles | and that was essentially: No multitouch, no Maemo 6 support. | 02:44 |
glyph | Speaking of updates; pr1.2 is going to include qt4.6? | 02:44 |
Dantonic | well the ogg-support package allow the playing of vorbis files, but its not efficient... whatever codec they're using | 02:45 |
asj_ | glyph: I suspect it will | 02:45 |
Dantonic | high cpu usage | 02:45 |
glyph | asj_: Oh, it's official | 02:45 |
Dantonic | drains battery | 02:45 |
asj_ | glyph: don't know | 02:45 |
glyph | asj_: http://www.sjaensch.org/blog/nokia-ship-qt-46-pr12-replace-qt-45/ | 02:45 |
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glyph | It wasn't really a question, the question is more like "how can I stop this idiocy from breaking my device" :) | 02:45 |
asj_ | glyph: ah there's where I read it then | 02:45 |
Dantonic | I spent hours ripping and converting my CD collection, then moved it to the N900... and found out this... | 02:46 |
glyph | all of my qt4.5 apps will stop working, and my rootfs will instantly fill up with the update as a C++ compiler pukes out 20MB of useless garbage there :( | 02:46 |
luke-jr | glyph: what? | 02:46 |
GeneralAntilles | glyph, I don't think it's necessarily hard yet, but it looks likely. | 02:47 |
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Dantonic | is anyone working on a good mplayer frontend? | 02:47 |
glyph | luke-jr: I currently have 14MB free on my rootfs. Any idea how I could free up more space in preparation for this update? Qt _by itself_ is like 25MB | 02:48 |
luke-jr | glyph: replaces... | 02:48 |
GeneralAntilles | glyph, rootfs is compressed, so it'll be less than that. | 02:48 |
luke-jr | (and I see no reason apt should put its temporary files on rootfs) | 02:48 |
Dantonic | <GeneralAntilles> and that was essentially: No multitouch, no Maemo 6 support | 02:48 |
GeneralAntilles | Qt 4.5 is optified, so. | 02:48 |
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GeneralAntilles | luke-jr, just symlink. | 02:49 |
Dantonic | DOes that have to do with capcitive vs resistive? | 02:49 |
GeneralAntilles | Dantonic, yes. | 02:49 |
Dantonic | I just read somewhere that maemo6 should support both | 02:49 |
GeneralAntilles | Dantonic, although there's a multitouch resistive tech they could use. . . . (Stantum) | 02:49 |
Dantonic | right | 02:50 |
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ShadowJK | I don't think qt4.5 is optified? | 02:50 |
ShadowJK | The one preinstalled on N900 I mean | 02:51 |
GeneralAntilles | There's no pre-installed Qt 4.5 | 02:51 |
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GeneralAntilles | The first Qt that'll be pre-installed should be shipping with Qt 4.6 and, yes, that'll be on rootfs. | 02:51 |
GeneralAntilles | The Qt from Ovi Store may not be optified. | 02:52 |
uhsf | how is the "stop other apps using sound when receiving a call" implemented in maemo? | 02:52 |
ShadowJK | If I try uninstall libqt4-gui, mp-fremantle-generic-pr will also be uninstalled | 02:52 |
uhsf | will every media player automatically stop when receiving a call? | 02:52 |
glyph | uhsf: just guessing here, but I would say pulseaudio | 02:53 |
ShadowJK | apt-cache depends mp-fremantle-generic-pr|grep qt | 02:53 |
uhsf | does mpd mutes when receiving call? mplayer? | 02:54 |
VDVsx | GeneralAntilles, there's a pre-installed Qt on rootfs (4.5) | 02:54 |
GeneralAntilles | VDVsx, with PR1.1? | 02:54 |
uhsf | i really have lots of questions brain storming about how i'm gonna use my n900 | 02:54 |
VDVsx | and 4.6 will be there too | 02:54 |
VDVsx | yes | 02:54 |
GeneralAntilles | Ah, right, right. | 02:54 |
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* GeneralAntilles is recalling now. | 02:54 | |
* GeneralAntilles blames the good wine. | 02:55 | |
Dantonic | mplayer cannot be used in the default media player can it? | 02:55 |
glyph | wait, there's an optified *and* a non-optified 4.5? | 02:55 |
VDVsx | there's some sync stuff that depends on Qt, nothing more | 02:55 |
glyph | okay | 02:55 |
VDVsx | can recall the name of the app/feature | 02:55 |
glyph | VDVsx: thanks! | 02:55 |
glyph | That indicates that I can happily continue ignoring qt for the time being :) | 02:56 |
ShadowJK | the exchange support | 02:56 |
VDVsx | glyph, 4.5 is not optified, current version of 4.6 is | 02:56 |
ShadowJK | and then there are some extra qt libraries, and newer qt libraries, and you can never be sure when installing software depending on qt whether your rootfs is going to cry or not, so I don't install any | 02:56 |
VDVsx | ShadowJK, yeah, that's it | 02:56 |
VDVsx | glyph, from a developer POV you shouldn't ignore Qt, for a user POV for now you can :) | 02:58 |
glyph | VDVsx: well, I bought an n900 so I could write pygtk apps | 02:58 |
VDVsx | ;) | 02:59 |
glyph | VDVsx: I am well aware that nokia is trying to ruin that for us ;) | 02:59 |
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glyph | I doubt I'm going to be developing more than hacks for my own personal use, so even in the future of maemo 6 I'm sure the community gtk support will be good enough | 02:59 |
glyph | certainly better than the other phones that run gtk ;-) | 03:00 |
ptl | is pyqt more difficult than pygtk? | 03:00 |
VDVsx | my background is also GTK+ and I love Gnome, but I've to admit that Qt is far ahead | 03:00 |
glyph | ptl: lots of people have different opinions about that. nokia's official opinion is that qt is better :) | 03:01 |
glyph | my opinion does not happen to agree with that | 03:01 |
VDVsx | glyph, the future will tell :) | 03:01 |
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luke-jr | GNOME 3 might be usable if it were Qt based :) | 03:01 |
ptl | why would gtk be better, since it does not strictly follow object-oriented programming and has less features? | 03:02 |
ptl | not flaming | 03:02 |
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ptl | I really want to know | 03:02 |
luke-jr | ptl: it isn't. | 03:02 |
VDVsx | luke-jr, did you saw Gnome 3 plans ? | 03:02 |
VDVsx | javascript :D | 03:02 |
ShadowJK | It feels much lighter in terms of memory pressure than qt :/ | 03:02 |
luke-jr | VDVsx: fail | 03:02 |
ShadowJK | But that's probably because most QT software I've seen is actually KDE :\ | 03:02 |
* VDVsx will stick with gnome 2.xx :D | 03:02 | |
* GeneralAntilles throws a "see" at VDVsx. | 03:02 | |
glyph | ptl: it's faster, smaller, it has a stable ABI (in other words it's possible to write applications you don't have to recompile for every minor update), it is more robust (the average pygtk program will emit some warnings, but the average pyqt program will segfault) | 03:02 |
luke-jr | glyph: Qt's ABI is stable, n00b | 03:03 |
ShadowJK | If it really is faster, that's scary, because GTK does alot of braindead stuff like redraw a widget 6 times in a row for no apparent reason | 03:03 |
* ShadowJK used to have a computer slow enough to see the braindamage | 03:03 | |
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glyph | ShadowJK: Yep! qt will redraw that same widget 30 times ;-) | 03:03 |
luke-jr | Qt is faster too, by far | 03:03 |
ShadowJK | I heard QT caches Atoms so it's faster over network atleast | 03:04 |
luke-jr | someone once modified Qt to use glib's event loop. it was too slow to use | 03:04 |
glyph | luke-jr: I'm familiar with that effort, but it wasn't really a problem with either qt or glib; the effort itself was kind of broken | 03:04 |
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luke-jr | glyph: regardless, the last time I tried GNOME it was too slow to use period | 03:05 |
ShadowJK | I was an afterstep user until 2000, Gnome user until 2004 or so, whenever the great gnomish feature purge happened, and KDE user until KDE4 when it became unusably slow, had text corruption in the terminal, and crashed far too often :/ | 03:05 |
VDVsx | luke-jr, I can say the same about KDE :D | 03:05 |
jacekowski | i was KDE user for long time | 03:05 |
glyph | luke-jr: everyone's experiences are different, but the last time I tried KDE, it crashed five or six times an hour | 03:05 |
luke-jr | ShadowJK: KDE 4 isn't unusably slow if you disable compositing | 03:05 |
jacekowski | i've never been using gnome | 03:05 |
ShadowJK | and now I'm using xfce. It leaks a gigabyte of RAM a month, but it's tolerable and hasn't pushed me to switch again | 03:05 |
glyph | I seriously don't understand how anyone can use it | 03:05 |
jacekowski | or gtk based apps | 03:05 |
luke-jr | glyph: sounds like an alpha release | 03:06 |
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glyph | lucas: no, it was a release well past 4.0 | 03:06 |
ShadowJK | luke-jr, it was disabled. Not that it made any difference in speed | 03:06 |
luke-jr | anyhow, if you want to try Qt, install Arora or Psi | 03:06 |
glyph | luke-jr: what are those? | 03:06 |
VDVsx | browser and IM | 03:06 |
luke-jr | Arora is a Qt-only browser | 03:06 |
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luke-jr | Psi is IM | 03:06 |
ptl | This is good for Linux. The fact that major parts of the system might remain broken for a while (gnome with the features purge, KDE with KDE4 unusability) because you can (temporarily) switch | 03:06 |
ptl | that was the same with me | 03:06 |
ptl | I used gnome for a few years. Switched to KDE. Then switched back to gnome | 03:07 |
glyph | ptl: you know what would be better for linux | 03:07 |
glyph | ptl: if people stop breaking shit all the time :) | 03:07 |
ptl | I have no real preference, though | 03:07 |
glyph | I am glad that I find myself using a mac during the HAL-removal and pulseaudio shitstorms | 03:07 |
ptl | glyph: no, I think it's positive, because it allows room for refactoring | 03:07 |
glyph | ptl: "refactoring", *by definition*, does not break anything | 03:08 |
glyph | ptl: I hate it when people use that term to mean "breaking lots of shit" | 03:08 |
ShadowJK | Oh I tried to switch to gnome too after KDE4 stabbed me, but the feature purge damage was still too serious to get a usable desktop :) | 03:08 |
glyph | ptl: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_refactoring | 03:08 |
VDVsx | the problem here is that people keep mixing Qt with KDE, Qt is very stable can't say the same about KDE (I've to give another try ) :D | 03:08 |
ptl | this is a different kind of refactoring then. A kind of refactoring that revolutionizes everything, and has to fix all kinds of bugs again. :) | 03:08 |
glyph | VDVsx: I realize that. But, c.f. the news post I just put up: Qt still has no stable ABI, and still segfaults by default if you forget to intitialize the QApplication and the QContext and the QBullshitIDontCareAbout before making a window :) | 03:09 |
glyph | ptl: Yes, that kind of "refactoring" is called "shipping terrible software" | 03:09 |
ptl | but why do you fail to initialize such stuff? | 03:09 |
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GeneralAntilles | I love not having to deal with most of this stuff on OS X. :P | 03:10 |
glyph | ptl: because I want to type 'w = Window(); w.show(); main()' and get a basic application going, because that's all my application does | 03:10 |
ptl | glyph: I think that in practice things don't work that way... Every new code is broken in some way | 03:10 |
glyph | ptl: the five other things I need to bootstrap a qt app are totally irrelevant to me | 03:10 |
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glyph | plus, I am a Python programmer. I am spoiled. I call a function with the wrong arguments, or at the wrong time, I expect to get an exception | 03:11 |
glyph | not a SIGABORT or a bus error | 03:11 |
ptl | GeneralAntilles: I love not being tied to that Jobs guy that tries to cut all my digital civil freedoms and rights! :) | 03:11 |
glyph | the upshot of this is that I can write GTK applications "live", just evaluating code as I go to experiment, but I can't experiment in pyqt, because every tiny misstep requires me to crash and restart | 03:12 |
ptl | glyph: ok, that's fair | 03:12 |
ptl | got your point | 03:12 |
ptl | you're right in that matter | 03:12 |
VDVsx | is pyqt that bad ? I doubt that, but never used | 03:13 |
glyph | ptl: also, my *personal* experience of qt applications reflects this design: minor programming errors in GTK applications tend to emit warnings or produce ugliness, whereas programming errors in QT applications result in crashes and core dumps | 03:13 |
luke-jr | glyph: Qt's ABI is and has always been stable, and segfaults on failure are a property of the language, not the interface | 03:13 |
GeneralAntilles | ptl, meh, Mobile Mac OS X != Mac OS X | 03:13 |
ptl | GeneralAntilles: what about iPad? Is it mobile? | 03:13 |
luke-jr | glyph: don't blame Qt for PyQt's screwups | 03:14 |
GeneralAntilles | ptl, it's Mobile Mac OS X. | 03:14 |
GeneralAntilles | ptl, which is what makes it so depressingly hilarious. | 03:14 |
ptl | if Mac OS X does not have the same locking mechanisms as the mobile Mac OS X builds, that's just because users have been very vocal about this | 03:15 |
ptl | that's what I don't like | 03:15 |
ptl | if the pressure goes down on Apple, the features and freedom also go down | 03:15 |
ptl | you have to keep pressuring them otherwise they'll force you to use their devices like they want it and that's final. | 03:15 |
luke-jr | glyph: if an application is compiled with Qt 4.0.0, it will still run against Qt 4.6.0 | 03:15 |
glyph | luke-jr: I have seen places where that is not true, but then, I have also seen gtk applications fail to run, so I suppose I will believe you and hold hope for the future :) | 03:16 |
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ptl | I can't 'be in peace' with apple because of this, GeneralAntilles | 03:16 |
ptl | it's like dealing with an enemy | 03:17 |
luke-jr | glyph: it is true for things like KDE themes that screw with internal structures instead of sticking with the API | 03:17 |
VDVsx | seriously having using GTK+ (C) and Qt (C++), IMHO Qt's design/features and code simplicity are much more sane and powerful than GTK+ there's a bit difference | 03:17 |
VDVsx | and as I said I love gnome :D | 03:17 |
ptl | you don't know whether they'll stab you if your turn your back to them | 03:17 |
GeneralAntilles | ptl, the whole Apple Computer to Apple, Inc. think summarizes my problems with the company pretty well. | 03:17 |
luke-jr | ptl: Apple has always been an enemy :P | 03:17 |
GeneralAntilles | ptl, as a long time Mac OS user and a former Newton user the iPad is particularly depressing for the what might've been's. | 03:18 |
ds3 | GA: were you hoping it would be Newton, Phase 2? | 03:18 |
GeneralAntilles | ds3, well, I wasn't particularly optimistic about the possibility. | 03:20 |
GeneralAntilles | ds3, but Newton technologies combined with OS X's PC-grade level of openness (not the FSF definition) does give me warm fuzzy feelings. | 03:20 |
GeneralAntilles | Although I think Maemo's use-case fits my needs better these days. | 03:21 |
ds3 | I find the iPad to be too big | 03:21 |
GeneralAntilles | Me too. | 03:21 |
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ds3 | I don't even want laptops that big | 03:21 |
GeneralAntilles | ~5-6" screen is closer to the right size | 03:21 |
infobot | GeneralAntilles: okay | 03:21 |
GeneralAntilles | infobot, forget 5-6" | 03:22 |
infobot | GeneralAntilles: i didn't have anything called '5-6"' to forget | 03:22 |
GeneralAntilles | infobot, forget 5-6 | 03:22 |
infobot | i didn't have anything called '5-6' to forget, GeneralAntilles | 03:22 |
GeneralAntilles | infobot, forget 5 | 03:22 |
infobot | GeneralAntilles: i forgot 5 | 03:22 |
GeneralAntilles | ds3, I like my Mini 9 for a lot of reasons. | 03:22 |
GeneralAntilles | ds3, but the itty-bitty keyboard pisses off hands that are used to buckling spring. ;) | 03:22 |
ptl | I don't really understand iPad | 03:23 |
ds3 | GA: how's the build quality on the Mini 9? | 03:23 |
ptl | I thought it would be something like an ebook reader | 03:23 |
GeneralAntilles | ds3, about Dell average. | 03:23 |
luke-jr | infobot: forget 5-6" screen | 03:23 |
infobot | luke-jr: i forgot 5-6" screen | 03:23 |
GeneralAntilles | ds3, it aint a Macbook Pro but it's reasonable enough. | 03:23 |
ptl | but it wastes battery by having such a big bright screen. | 03:23 |
ds3 | so probally disappointing | 03:23 |
GeneralAntilles | ds3, I think it benefits a lot from being small. | 03:23 |
GeneralAntilles | ds3, less room to flex, etc. | 03:23 |
ptl | also, it could be a device for, say, going to classes and writing down stuff. | 03:23 |
GeneralAntilles | It's also fairly thick | 03:23 |
ptl | but the lack of connectivity spoils that. | 03:23 |
GeneralAntilles | Basically, it's plastic. ;) | 03:24 |
ds3 | GA: I am still very steamed at the eeePC falling apart right before my eyes | 03:24 |
ptl | by connectivity I mean compatibility with other devices/computers | 03:24 |
ds3 | and no TS | 03:24 |
GeneralAntilles | ds3, build quality feels better than the Eee. | 03:24 |
ptl | I still can't get a good use case for the iPad | 03:24 |
ds3 | if dell did a TS, it might have moved it higher up | 03:24 |
ds3 | GA: how long have you had it? | 03:24 |
GeneralAntilles | ds3, it feels pretty solid in the hands. | 03:24 |
GeneralAntilles | But I really don't abuse my electronics at all. | 03:24 |
GeneralAntilles | Hrm, about a year now? | 03:24 |
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GeneralAntilles | It doesn't get a ton of use, though. | 03:25 |
ds3 | ah | 03:25 |
ds3 | maybe the duty cycle on these "netbooks" are pretty low then | 03:25 |
ShadowJK | I noticed with the smartq7 that it's not any more portable than a netbook, so I might just have gotten a netbook instead | 03:25 |
GeneralAntilles | ShadowJK, yeah, if it's not pocketable. . . . | 03:26 |
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ds3 | for pocketable and x86, aren't the WiBrain's and maybe the OQO2 the only options? | 03:27 |
ptl | disgusting question. What is you guys opinion about WinMobile? | 03:28 |
ShadowJK | GeneralAntilles, oh that's not the issue | 03:28 |
ShadowJK | It's like one of those books that are too big to read in bed | 03:29 |
ds3 | ptl: epitome of unusability? :D | 03:29 |
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ShadowJK | You can bring it with you fine, but in practice you need a table to put it in for reading | 03:30 |
SpeedEvil | ShadowJK: I use my laptop in bed quite a lot. | 03:30 |
SpeedEvil | ShadowJK: screen almost at 180 degrees - with it in line with ribs | 03:30 |
SpeedEvil | held with pinky fingers. | 03:30 |
SpeedEvil | Or alternatively, on one side. | 03:31 |
SpeedEvil | Small laptop - x60s | 03:31 |
ptl | ds3: it's just that I can't imagine Microsoft - even Microsoft - being so incompetent. I've been using a winmo device for two years now. I upgraded twice, had winmo 6.1, I have seen winmo 6.5 running, can't believe how it's so bad. | 03:31 |
ptl | ds3: Microsoft is a big corporation, but they are losing track very fast on this arena. | 03:31 |
luke-jr | Microsoft has always been incompetent | 03:31 |
luke-jr | the little they had good was always bought or stolen | 03:32 |
ptl | I hate Microsoft. But I can't help feeling bad for this. | 03:32 |
ShadowJK | SpeedEvil, hm, so you can support it on your body and the keyboard makes the screen elevated and not covered by your body/pajamas/cover, clever | 03:32 |
ptl | they should rate better than that. | 03:32 |
ptl | it's pityful | 03:32 |
ptl | *pitiful | 03:32 |
shd | ptl: i stopped years ago being amazed of incompetence.. competence can be amazing, though :) | 03:33 |
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ShadowJK | Now I use my N810 mostly for reading and watching stuff when I'm too lazy to get out of bed | 03:33 |
ds3 | given all the options, I still prefer a the Treo | 03:33 |
ds3 | the N8xx browser is a PoS | 03:33 |
ShadowJK | hm, dunno, the pages that are too painful in it generally annoy me too much on desktop too | 03:34 |
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shd | microsoft main fault is bad OS architecture since MSDOS. that alienated many good developers | 03:34 |
ShadowJK | and tear on N810 is faster than microb on N900 at browsing tmo... | 03:35 |
ds3 | the problem I see with the MS stuff is they insist on you using all your limbs for the UI | 03:35 |
ds3 | take outlook, you cannot read all your mail with just the keyboard (by extension buttons) | 03:35 |
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ptl | well, use a mouse with 8 buttons. I have such a mouse. | 03:38 |
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GeneralAntilles | <3 MX Revolution | 03:39 |
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ds3 | the point is that means you have to move you hand around | 03:45 |
ds3 | OTH, take kmail... you can do most of you reading with just the keyboard | 03:45 |
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ds3 | claws is a bit irritating along those same lines | 03:46 |
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ShadowJK | claws on n810 is okay, the menu button is awesome | 04:02 |
ShadowJK | kmail is kinda weird, I use it on desktop. Like, even if N810 is so much slower that I type the menu - m - m - d or something much faster than the menus appear, claws still gets it right | 04:02 |
ShadowJK | but kmail, if I type alt-m whatever faster than the menus appear, it takes some random keys out of the stream as a "normal" keyboard shortcut instead | 04:03 |
ds3 | you have the kb... I am trying to do it on an N800 | 04:04 |
ShadowJK | he | 04:05 |
ShadowJK | h | 04:05 |
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ds3 | the Treo handled reading mail w/o using the keyboard keys just fine | 04:08 |
ShadowJK | N900 is the first phone I've had that has handled my email :) | 04:09 |
ptl | I didn't even try yet | 04:09 |
ptl | my gmail is so full of unread emails that I can only use it via web | 04:10 |
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ptl | on the n900 scratchbox environment, modest behaved poorly with my gmail account | 04:10 |
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ptl | 1 - 50 of 65269 | 04:11 |
ShadowJK | on my N900 it atleast gets them into folders | 04:12 |
ShadowJK | I have my mailserver sort everything into folders | 04:12 |
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frals | hehe, my ugly hack to setup connection in the background is kinda working | 04:17 |
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frals | (and fetch mms and stuff) | 04:17 |
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toutinette | hai | 04:49 |
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toutinette | hai | 04:51 |
crashanddie | toutinette: hi? | 04:52 |
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Andrewfblack | Hello | 05:03 |
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jefferai | Anyone been having a problem with MfE failing to sync every time, recently? | 05:26 |
jefferai | It used to work if I rebooted the n900...the first sync would work. Now none of them are | 05:26 |
ml-something | mine still syncs regularly | 05:27 |
crashanddie | A man breaks his wrist, and at the hospital he asks his doctor if he'll be able to play the piano after it heals | 05:28 |
crashanddie | The doctor looks at the man and smiles "Why of course, no problem at all" | 05:28 |
crashanddie | The patient's face is filled with joy, and he replies "That's bloody brilliant, because I couldn't play the piano before!!!" | 05:29 |
jefferai | ? | 05:29 |
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DigitalPioneer | ShadowJK: you think I should dare to setup a IMAP account on N900, to that mailbox with 86.000 msgs? :-P | 05:33 |
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zerojay | How many of you also got that fucking moron PMing you on TMO about Quake 3 mods? | 05:36 |
DigitalPioneer | LOL | 05:36 |
DigitalPioneer | GA for sure | 05:36 |
GeneralAntilles | Yes, me. | 05:36 |
GeneralAntilles | I ignored it. | 05:36 |
zerojay | Yeah, I know he did. | 05:36 |
zerojay | I got 4 copies of it. | 05:37 |
DigitalPioneer | bot? | 05:37 |
zerojay | Or just really fucking impatient. | 05:37 |
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DigitalPioneer | or an idiot | 05:37 |
GeneralAntilles | Oops, the cat found the catnip. . . . | 05:38 |
zerojay | Yeah, can't forget that one. | 05:38 |
crashanddie | CAAAAAATNIIIIIIP | 05:39 |
DigitalPioneer | ehehehehehehehe | 05:39 |
DigitalPioneer | smoked that once. Wasn't exactly a great experience ;-) | 05:39 |
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DigitalPioneer | amazingly enough my cat ignored it completely. Was more a fan of cooked potatoe's peels - weird pet | 05:41 |
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crashanddie | crashanddie_: yo | 05:43 |
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DigitalPioneer | ?????????? | 05:44 |
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crashanddie_ | DigitalPioneer: I'm switching to a new IRC client | 05:45 |
DigitalPioneer | aah | 05:46 |
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crashanddie_ | just testing guys, don't worry | 06:12 |
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DigitalPioneer | Sysinfo for 'halley': Linux running KDE 4.3.1 (KDE 4.3.1) "release 6", CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU T2330 @ 1.60GHz at 800 MHz (3199 bogomips), HD: 78/104GB, RAM: 1657/1737MB, 228 proc's, 28.9d up | 06:28 |
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DigitalPioneer | oops | 06:29 |
crashanddie_ | DigitalPioneer: please don't do that in here | 06:29 |
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DigitalPioneer | sorry | 06:29 |
crashanddie_ | especially considering that's pretty crap sysinfo ;) | 06:30 |
DigitalPioneer | :-P | 06:30 |
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crashanddie | one dead already at the olympics | 07:21 |
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Lumpio- | Told you it was a bad idea | 07:22 |
crashanddie | no you didn't | 07:22 |
Lumpio- | Well I should've | 07:22 |
DigitalPioneer | amazing lightshow | 07:24 |
crazyhors | crashanddie: apparently a few crashes prior to the fatality | 07:24 |
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crazyhors | /ignore #channel ALL -JOINS -PARTS -QUITS | 07:25 |
crazyhors | sorry :) | 07:26 |
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uhsf | i just visited that ovi website for the first time and i'm surprised that it's very well done | 07:47 |
DocScrutinizer | mediaplayer volumeslider nonfunctional (as in "no effect"), and not in sync to the systray vol-slider | 07:48 |
uhsf | my guess is that ovi must be very uninteresting to maemo fans | 07:48 |
DocScrutinizer | ahh, only when headset plugged in | 07:50 |
DocScrutinizer | not reproduceable though. So maybe fix is not related to unplugging the headset | 07:52 |
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crashanddie | DocScrutinizer: yeah, noticed the same thing here | 08:03 |
crashanddie | DocScrutinizer: volume slider is responsive when headphones plugged in, however volume levels seems inconsistent | 08:04 |
DocScrutinizer | well, the mediaplayer one had no effect whatsoever here, except sliding nicely from right to left and back | 08:06 |
DocScrutinizer | darn, forgot the volume rocker button | 08:08 |
DocScrutinizer | and - my favourite :-( - now everything back to normal and no idea how to trigger it again | 08:10 |
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DocScrutinizer | well, maybe it's been the IRC notification via play-sound that messed it up | 08:13 |
DocScrutinizer | I'll continue to poke it later | 08:14 |
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Proteous | I was happy when I realized that my n900 kept different volume presets for headphone and non headphone use | 08:21 |
Proteous | when I plug my headphones in it remembered the volume level that I used last time I had the headphones in | 08:22 |
Proteous | when I unplug them it goes back to what it was | 08:22 |
Proteous | could be annoying in some situations, but for my usage it is very nice | 08:22 |
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crashanddie | I added the headphones daemon | 08:23 |
crashanddie | the one that pauses the media player upon disconnection of the headphones | 08:23 |
Proteous | that's nifty | 08:23 |
DocScrutinizer | Proteous: yup, that's how it is handled normally | 08:24 |
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crashanddie | Proteous: it's in extars | 08:25 |
crashanddie | extras** | 08:25 |
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Proteous | The n97 just puts this big thing covering you screen that stays there for 3 seconds and locks you out from doing anything when you plug or unplug your headphones | 08:25 |
Proteous | really? you don't say | 08:25 |
Ken-Young | That's handy if your deaf. | 08:26 |
Proteous | god I hate the symbian s60v5 notifications that lock the screen | 08:26 |
Proteous | well, it's probably more like 2 seconds, but god it's a long 2 seconds | 08:27 |
Proteous | </rant> | 08:27 |
asj_ | Proteous: don't worry, nokia will fix maemo soon | 08:27 |
Proteous | I was singing praises of maemo, it's s60v5 that I hate :) | 08:28 |
Proteous | er, symbian s60 that is | 08:29 |
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* DocScrutinizer facepalms | 08:32 | |
DocScrutinizer | I stated FM-receiver app :-S | 08:32 |
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Proteous | if only we could harness the facepalm energy for the good of the world | 08:32 |
DocScrutinizer | started* probably that brole the volslider | 08:33 |
Proteous | lol | 08:33 |
Proteous | it does | 08:33 |
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Proteous | on sybian s60v5 it would bring up a screen locking dialog box that would warn you that you can't adjust the volume when the fm-transmitter is on, then make you wait an eternity till you can use your phone again | 08:34 |
DocScrutinizer | receiver though | 08:34 |
Proteous | hmm | 08:35 |
DocScrutinizer | nevertheless | 08:35 |
Proteous | why would that make the volume not work | 08:35 |
DocScrutinizer | it has that ugly BT hack | 08:35 |
DocScrutinizer | which probably messes up audio completely | 08:35 |
DocScrutinizer | there's even a popup on app launch that says "bla Bluetooth blub mumble" just short enough you notice you haven't enough time to read it :-P | 08:37 |
DocScrutinizer | not like S60 XP | 08:38 |
Proteous | heh | 08:38 |
uhsf | how to customize the applications icons page? | 08:38 |
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Proteous | uhsf: there is some stuff in this mod your n900 thread on talk.meamo.org http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=39565 | 08:41 |
Proteous | some cool stuff on this page in that thread: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=39565&page=58 | 08:43 |
crashanddie | ffs, I'm downloading at 0.2kbps | 08:43 |
crashanddie | how can a hotel live on that? | 08:43 |
crashanddie | djeezus | 08:43 |
Proteous | doh | 08:43 |
Proteous | if you are in a hotel... in space.... | 08:44 |
crashanddie | Proteous: I think it's fair to assume that I'm *not* in a hotel in space | 08:44 |
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ifreq | crashanddie: depends on the drugs | 08:45 |
crashanddie | ifreq: again, fair to assume I'm not on any drugs | 08:48 |
ifreq | lets hope so | 08:48 |
crashanddie | ifreq: I'm sane enough that I'd realise if I were on drugs or not | 08:48 |
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ifreq | we can only pray for that crashanddie | 08:49 |
ifreq | good morning btw. | 08:49 |
crashanddie | or you could start shutting the hell up :) | 08:49 |
ifreq | :D | 08:49 |
* crashanddie facepalms | 08:50 | |
Myrtti | crashanddie: have you removed the banforward yet? | 08:50 |
crashanddie | the first download at 20kbps is corrupted | 08:50 |
crashanddie | Myrtti: yeah | 08:50 |
Myrtti | good | 08:50 |
crashanddie | Myrtti: also switched to a more decent irc client | 08:50 |
Myrtti | hehe | 08:50 |
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crashanddie | actually | 08:51 |
crashanddie | I think it's time to do some cleanup | 08:51 |
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crashanddie | Myrtti: thanks for opening my eyes and getting me on a proper IRC client again | 08:52 |
crashanddie | can't believe I actually lived without /alias for all this time | 08:52 |
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Mouser- | Hi, everyone. I have what should be a simple question. Apt on my N810 isn't successfully refreshing packages due to a depenency issue with gizmo-installer (can't parse). I'd like to fix this, but don't know where to start. The terminal output is here: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/702750 | 08:59 |
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crashanddie | Mouser-: you should have a status-old file. Make a backup of your current status file (mv /var/lib/dpkg/status /mv/lib/dpkg/status.bak) and use the old status file (cp /var/dpkg/status-old /var/dpkg/status) | 09:07 |
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mouser- | Hi, everyone. I have what should be a simple question. Apt on my N810 isn't successfully refreshing packages due to a depenency issue with gizmo-installer (can't parse). I'd like to fix this, but don't know where to start. The terminal output is here: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/702750 | 09:11 |
mouser- | I was disconnected before. Due to this error, I can't install, update, or uninstall any program. | 09:12 |
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crashanddie | Mouser-: you should have a status-old file. Make a backup of your current status file (mv /var/lib/dpkg/status /mv/lib/dpkg/status.bak) and use the old status file (cp /var/dpkg/status-old /var/dpkg/status) | 09:13 |
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mouser-_ | crashanddie: thanks. I don't seem to have either of those files, though. | 09:21 |
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crashanddie | mouser-: google it, this issue has been covered quite a few times on Debian | 09:23 |
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mouser- | crashanddie: I'll see what I can find. | 09:29 |
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wormsxulla | hi. i've been looking for a list of maemo-compatible devices on the web, but no luck.is there such a list somewhere? | 09:47 |
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keesj | wormsxulla: look for what mer runs on | 10:00 |
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keesj | only smartq7 and smartq7 but I don't think they have a phone in them | 10:01 |
Stskeeps | smartq5,q7,touchbook,wii, etc :P | 10:02 |
Stskeeps | but yeah, no phone | 10:02 |
wormsxulla | i'm looking for an internet tablet, not a "phone" | 10:02 |
wormsxulla | i want to have svg support, so android is out, windows mobile is blah, so i thought maemo was the only choice? | 10:03 |
wormsxulla | what about the new "dell mini 5", will it be able to run maemo? | 10:05 |
wormsxulla | (sorry for the stupid questions, but this is a jungle) | 10:05 |
Stskeeps | right, maemo primarily runs on nokia devices | 10:06 |
Stskeeps | it may run in maemo variants (SDK based) on some omap3 devices | 10:07 |
Stskeeps | then there's Mer, which is community Maemo, or poor-mans maemo if you use a bad term, which is very portable | 10:07 |
wormsxulla | omap3. i'll look for this, thanks | 10:07 |
wormsxulla | oh, so mer is a maemo variant? | 10:07 |
Stskeeps | it is another way of looking at the maemo platform | 10:08 |
wormsxulla | :) | 10:08 |
Stskeeps | but keep in mind that sdk variants are not feature complete at all | 10:08 |
Stskeeps | :P | 10:08 |
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wormsxulla | what features are missing, roughly? if you know that :) | 10:08 |
Stskeeps | well we can start with connectivity daemons | 10:08 |
Stskeeps | it is roughly comparable to running the SDK environment on a live device. | 10:09 |
wormsxulla | hmmmm | 10:09 |
* RST38h moos at Stskeeps | 10:09 | |
wormsxulla | heh | 10:09 |
Stskeeps | moo RST38h | 10:09 |
RST38h | Stskeeps: How is existance? =) | 10:09 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: waiting for coffee and playing with a new way of doing Mer | 10:09 |
wormsxulla | this is getting complicated, "a new way of doing mer", which is already "another sort of maemo" ;) | 10:10 |
Stskeeps | wormsxulla: welcome to open source | 10:10 |
Stskeeps | :P | 10:11 |
Stskeeps | wormsxulla: http://blip.tv/file/3209258 | 10:11 |
wormsxulla | Stskeeps: i'm familiar with open source, but more in the bigger hardware area :p | 10:11 |
Stskeeps | if you stick by exact definitions there's no Maemo OS outside nokia devices | 10:11 |
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wormsxulla | it would be unconceivable to install maemo on other devices? is there a special reason? | 10:12 |
Stskeeps | well, there's no blessed base port (yet). but what mer does is take the open components and ports them | 10:14 |
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wormsxulla | i've read somewhere (on wikipedia i think) that a part of maemo is not open source? is that right? | 10:15 |
Stskeeps | right, check out http://mer-project.blogspot.com/2010/02/mapping-openness-of-maemo-50-pr11-and.html | 10:15 |
wormsxulla | thanks | 10:15 |
Stskeeps | mer's goal is to be mostly open source with closed source blobs only on the HW side | 10:15 |
wormsxulla | HW? hardware? | 10:16 |
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* wormsxulla hates acronyms | 10:16 | |
Stskeeps | yes | 10:19 |
wormsxulla | :) | 10:19 |
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wormsxulla | the n900 doesn't have an omap processor? | 10:21 |
wormsxulla | (but the n810 has one?) | 10:21 |
Stskeeps | it has a omap3 | 10:21 |
wormsxulla | ok | 10:22 |
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crashanddie | wormsxulla: get used to them, it's common in IT | 10:33 |
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crashanddie | wormsxulla: WTMTLAIOI,S | 10:33 |
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crashanddie | wormsxulla: (Way Too Many Three Letter Acronyms In Our Industry, Sadly) | 10:34 |
wormsxulla | crashanddie: i do not believe in the commonness :p | 10:34 |
crashanddie | interestingly, TLA is a TLA | 10:34 |
crashanddie | wormsxulla: FYI: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5513 | 10:34 |
wormsxulla | we're numbers, not letters! (oops ;) ) | 10:34 |
wormsxulla | ah, another april's fool rfc :) | 10:35 |
crashanddie | wormsxulla: or maybe you could try: hypertexttransferprotocol://tools.InternetEngineeringTaskForce.organisation/hypertextmarkuplanguage/requestforcomments5513 ? | 10:35 |
wormsxulla | :) | 10:36 |
crashanddie | If I were on a court, I'd say game, set and match... | 10:36 |
wormsxulla | why not! how about a browser which recognizes natural language? | 10:36 |
wormsxulla | do people use the n-tablet as phones, really? | 10:38 |
Trizt | where is the fun with that? | 10:38 |
wormsxulla | or are the internet tablets mostly used as internet thingies? | 10:38 |
Trizt | I use mine as a computer on which I can do calls | 10:39 |
crashanddie | wormsxulla: yes | 10:40 |
crashanddie | wormsxulla: I've used my n810 for quite a while as a skype phone, it had its own skype account etc. I still use the n900 as a skype phone mainly | 10:40 |
wormsxulla | oh | 10:40 |
wormsxulla | that means your isp allows this, which isn't the case in my country | 10:41 |
wormsxulla | crashanddie: you're in the us? | 10:41 |
crashanddie | wormsxulla: I travel for a living, I don't have "an isp" | 10:41 |
crashanddie | I just happen to piggyback whichever wifi connection I happen to come across | 10:41 |
wormsxulla | nice job ;) | 10:41 |
crashanddie | and sometimes I force luck by letting my macbook "guess" the wifi password ;) | 10:42 |
wormsxulla | it's not easy to find open wifi connections here these days | 10:42 |
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* wormsxulla sighs | 10:42 | |
wormsxulla | so netstumbler runs on maemo just fine? | 10:43 |
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wormsxulla | (oh. you need a macbook too!) | 10:43 |
wormsxulla | is this problem with the battery that i read about still existing? | 10:44 |
wormsxulla | on the nokia tablets? | 10:44 |
Trizt | you could use aircrack-ng natively on the n900 | 10:46 |
wormsxulla | i see :) | 10:47 |
wormsxulla | does it come in pink? ;) | 10:48 |
Trizt | I have to say I manage enough hours with my battery, I do have a spare in case I go somewhere where I can't charge my n900 | 10:48 |
wormsxulla | define "enough hours"? | 10:49 |
Trizt | wormsxulla; take a look at skinit.com if you don't want to have it in black | 10:49 |
wormsxulla | kewl! | 10:49 |
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Trizt | wifi all the time I'm at home or at work, bluetooth when I'm walking to/back from work. I charge it when I go to bed, maybe read some at that time | 10:50 |
Trizt | so I would say I have like ~13h usage with spare on the battery | 10:51 |
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Trizt | but of course it depends on how much you do | 10:51 |
wormsxulla | is there one of these stupid screen saver functions which turns the screen off when you don't use the device? | 10:51 |
wormsxulla | i would kill whoever invented this :p | 10:52 |
wormsxulla | 13h is good | 10:52 |
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Trizt | yes, but you can configure it, I have it on 2mins inactivity (of course it won't consider video playback as inactivity) | 10:52 |
Stskeeps | wormsxulla: it is good for battery usage | 10:52 |
Trizt | I hate screensavers on desktops, but on the n900 it's handy with the screen off | 10:54 |
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wormsxulla | fair enough | 10:54 |
Trizt | and adjusting the screen intensity helps to preserve the battery | 10:54 |
wormsxulla | at which intensity do you have yours set? | 10:55 |
Trizt | second lowest | 10:55 |
wormsxulla | i always find that these screens are too bright | 10:55 |
wormsxulla | the manufacturers seem to believe that bright == attractive! :p | 10:56 |
wormsxulla | "shiny" | 10:56 |
Ken-Young | wormsxulla, Wait 'til your an old coot like me. I always find them too dim. | 10:56 |
wormsxulla | :) | 10:56 |
Trizt | Ken-Young; and too small? | 10:56 |
wormsxulla | hehe | 10:57 |
wormsxulla | Ken-Young: maybe you should do /nick Ken-old ;) | 10:57 |
Ken-Young | Trizt, Strangely, I still have very good vision about 8 inches in front of my face. Terrible vision at all other distances without glasses. | 10:57 |
Trizt | :) everything father away then 20cm is too far away anyway | 10:58 |
wormsxulla | i'm sure you could build one of these mini-projectors with a omap3 thing, and have the nokia's screen projected on a wall :) | 10:59 |
wormsxulla | that would be cool | 10:59 |
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wormsxulla | how do you recognize a genuine nokia n900 from a counterfeit? | 11:03 |
Stskeeps | booting it? | 11:03 |
wormsxulla | huh | 11:03 |
doc|home | there are counterfeits? | 11:03 |
bob-E | drop test | 11:03 |
Trizt | wormsxulla; depends if it comes from the same factory or another one | 11:03 |
crashanddie | doc|home: aye | 11:03 |
Proteous | one runs maemo one runs mean0 | 11:03 |
wormsxulla | doc|home: yes | 11:03 |
crashanddie | wormsxulla: there's a few big difference | 11:03 |
doc|home | man, I can't even get a real one!! | 11:03 |
wormsxulla | crashanddie: which ones? | 11:03 |
crashanddie | wormsxulla: the OS, for one | 11:04 |
doc|home | nevermind get access to counterfeits | 11:04 |
wormsxulla | doc|home: i see people offering n900 for really odd prices | 11:04 |
crashanddie | wormsxulla: link? | 11:04 |
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bob-E | £300 from nokia shop was bargain | 11:04 |
wormsxulla | crashanddie: they are french small ads sites | 11:04 |
doc|home | 300 what? | 11:04 |
bob-E | £300GBP | 11:04 |
crashanddie | wormsxulla: pas grave, envoie le lien quand meme | 11:05 |
wormsxulla | yeah, prices like 200 € | 11:05 |
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Trizt | with subscription? | 11:05 |
bob-E | sim free | 11:06 |
bob-E | the way god intended | 11:06 |
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Lantizia | Morning :) | 11:06 |
Trizt | morning | 11:07 |
RST38h | "...QLogic has sued archrival Emulex for posting a web video that shows an egg frying on a QLogic converged network adapter..." | 11:07 |
RST38h | Flamewar, corporate sty;e | 11:07 |
Trizt | we need more of those | 11:08 |
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Jaffa | Morning, all | 11:10 |
Stskeeps | morn | 11:11 |
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* wormsxulla grrrrs | 11:14 | |
wormsxulla | crashanddie: http://paris.kijiji.fr/f-n900-Toutes-les-annonces-W0QQKeywordZn900QQisSearchFormZtrue | 11:14 |
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crashanddie | wormsxulla: the descriptions show you that it's not a real person writing that... Or at least, their french is so bad it's just laughable | 11:17 |
wormsxulla | crashanddie: obviously. so what are they offering? | 11:17 |
wormsxulla | china-made devices? | 11:18 |
crashanddie | wormsxulla: to get beaten up when you go pick up the device with the 200euros in your pocket? | 11:18 |
wormsxulla | :) | 11:18 |
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wormsxulla | they wouldn't dare beating up a girl! | 11:19 |
wormsxulla | (i hope!) | 11:19 |
crashanddie | mdr, t'es une nana? | 11:19 |
wormsxulla | oui | 11:19 |
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crashanddie | wormsxulla: et tu veux un n900 pour quoi, exactement? | 11:21 |
Lantizia | RST38h: if you want breakfast go with qlogic :) | 11:21 |
wormsxulla | crashanddie: i want to run http://code.google.com/p/svg-edit/ on my next "phone" :p | 11:22 |
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crashanddie | Jaffa: can you send me the text file you used to populate the two last editions of mwkn? | 11:51 |
crashanddie | Jaffa: I need to start using real test cases | 11:51 |
RST38h | http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-342 | 11:53 |
crashanddie | Jaffa: I'm going to get some food, if you could send them by email that would be very useful. Thanks | 11:55 |
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matt__ | hello I have some problems using syncevolution on my n900....I get an error message "CurlTransport Failure: couldn't connect to host" and really don't know what to do about...ideas anyone? thanks.. | 12:00 |
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thresh | is it only me or FM TX transmits in Mono? | 12:00 |
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thresh | cause the quality is close to inferior | 12:00 |
Stskeeps | put it closer to your antenna or boost it | 12:00 |
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Jaffa | crashanddie: Will do | 12:08 |
Jaffa | Comments welcome from anyone on http://mwkn.net/2010/06/download.html (since people want a "download this whole issue" feature) | 12:08 |
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mephiss | Hello, Is what some of you would compile nmap or tcpdump or iptraf or sniffit maemo for the N7000 please! | 12:13 |
mephiss | Hello, Is what some of you would compile nmap or tcpdump or iptraf or sniffit maemo for the N70N700 Sorry00 please! | 12:13 |
Stskeeps | ERROR: fails to parse | 12:14 |
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mephiss | have you build nmap or tcpdump for maemon on N770 please ? | 12:19 |
jacekowski | thresh: mono has nothing to do with quality | 12:19 |
Corsac | not sure much people build anything for n770 nowadays so if it's not already in repositories you'll have to do it yourself | 12:20 |
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mephiss | Ok tanyou for this . gcc-arm nmap.c -o nmap ;-) | 12:22 |
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Corsac | mephiss: is python available on n770? | 12:23 |
Corsac | mephiss: if it is, you might want to try scapy | 12:23 |
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pupnik | mephiss: did you search gronmayer? | 12:27 |
konttori | morning all! | 12:27 |
Stskeeps | morning konttori :) | 12:28 |
Jaffa | hi konttori | 12:28 |
konttori | I wonder how many people are compiling the latest desktop and other applications framework components to try out before releases | 12:29 |
Stskeeps | me, Matan and hrw updates some things | 12:29 |
konttori | I have been wondering if we should make a development repo that contains up-to-date debs of all open AF components while development is still ongoing. | 12:29 |
konttori | do you guys think that would be welcome or not? | 12:30 |
Jaffa | It didn't work with Sardine (primarily cos no one could trust it) | 12:30 |
Stskeeps | would probably be welcome but the problem would be conflicts with SSU process | 12:30 |
Stskeeps | there's more benefit to encouraging more people to move activities to gitorious as people can contribute as developers instead of end-user testing | 12:32 |
konttori | Yeah, it would completely push people away from the OS updates (well, at-get would probably still do the trick) | 12:32 |
Stskeeps | and maybe release candidates for SDKs, but that's also problematic with release processes etc :P | 12:32 |
konttori | yeah. | 12:32 |
b0unc3__ | hey guys, which is the block device of the root partition on maemo5 ? | 12:32 |
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konttori | but most of the components really are already in gitorious. But not much contributions form outside so far. | 12:33 |
Stskeeps | hopefully that's changing a bit after my openness report came out, people said they missed that reference | 12:33 |
Stskeeps | 47% of all open source fremantle packages are on gitorious now :) | 12:34 |
Stskeeps | (or garage or otherwise accessible) | 12:34 |
pupnik | any community is 99 pct whiners and 1 pct developers | 12:34 |
Stskeeps | konttori: the main problem is really that the areas small-time developers really want to improve things in, would be the applications and they're closed source | 12:35 |
Jaffa | konttori: Whilst plans and so on are closed (for open components) and there's no demonstrable way for patches to get into the hands of end-users, contributions will always be limited | 12:35 |
pupnik | i think ubi0 b0unc3 | 12:35 |
Stskeeps | Jaffa: i've had good success with getting merge requests accepted, 100% acceptance rate so far | 12:35 |
konttori | Stskeeps: yeah. I would also like to do tons of things to the apps, but ... | 12:35 |
Stskeeps | konttori: (not saying they -should- be open source, just saying that's one of the problems :) | 12:35 |
konttori | but not the only problem with the apps ;) | 12:36 |
Jaffa | Stskeeps: Anything which would be user visible or all build-system/internals stuff? | 12:36 |
b0unc3 | pupnik, mount: mounting /dev/ubi0 on /mnt/tmp/ failed: Block device required | 12:36 |
konttori | having said that, quite many apps are pretty stellar (like browser, IM messaging, phone) | 12:36 |
Stskeeps | konttori: what could be interesting would be to attempt one of the apps as open source and see how the contribution process works now that things are on gitorious etc | 12:37 |
Jaffa | Stskeeps: konttori: For example, if there was a post to maemo-developers saying "This is the timetable for PR 1.2 development [not release]: March 12 Code freeze" then people would know that if they wanted to change hildon-desktop they should get their merge request in by then. | 12:37 |
Stskeeps | and see if there's an actual benefit to having things open | 12:37 |
Stskeeps | Jaffa: one example of user visible is colours fix for SDK, by javispedro | 12:38 |
Jaffa | Stskeeps: True | 12:38 |
konttori | I can tell you that. PR1.2 development is open for commits, code freeze was yesterday though ;) | 12:38 |
Jaffa | Stskeeps: But I'm talking features | 12:38 |
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Jaffa | konttori: Heh | 12:38 |
Jaffa | konttori: So I was exactly one month out ;-) | 12:39 |
Jaffa | Stskeeps: e.g. a patch to make it wrap the grid ;-) | 12:39 |
konttori | anyway, it's still not definite code freeze, but gates start to close for almost all patches for pr1.2 now. | 12:39 |
Stskeeps | Jaffa: general impression of that component (hildon-desktop, clutter, etc) is that they're open for patches, so it's just about trying | 12:39 |
konttori | we take about 2 weeks now to just work on solidifying the release. | 12:39 |
konttori | which reminds me that we have tiny problem of rootfs space and will be doing optification of internal contents. Any suggestions for potential optification targets? | 12:40 |
Jaffa | Stskeeps: Indeed, I'm sure they're open for patches - just like HAM was. But if Nokia never ship it, it's kinda disheartening. PR1.2's been a lot better for that than any other release to date | 12:40 |
konttori | qt4.6 really increases the space need. | 12:41 |
Jaffa | konttori: Locales, browser, Qt itself | 12:41 |
konttori | in my list are now 1. all easy graphical assets (icons, themes, videos, tutorial flash) | 12:41 |
konttori | yeah, locales is a good candidate as well, although it compresses well in ubifs | 12:42 |
Jaffa | konttori: /var/cache | 12:42 |
Stskeeps | Jaffa: agreed, but it's about getting it in early enough :P | 12:42 |
konttori | hmm... yeah, potentially that. | 12:42 |
frals | didnt lcuk have a list in maemo-optify-boottime or smth? | 12:42 |
konttori | yeah, that's a proof of concept thing | 12:42 |
konttori | proper thing is to do the optification in the packaging itself | 12:43 |
frals | i guess those folders are good candidates anyway ;D | 12:43 |
Jaffa | Stskeeps: yeah, which is why I go back to saying when "early enough" will be; whether there's plans for a PR 1.3 etc. | 12:43 |
konttori | so that during ssu, the package is extracted to opt directly | 12:43 |
Jaffa | konttori: Aren't there issues with flasher then, though? | 12:43 |
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konttori | no | 12:43 |
pupnik | it is so nice to map fn+up to pageup | 12:44 |
redeeman | konttori: any reason why you do the whole optification thing? why not just have the bigger thing mount binded or linked to /usr/local ? that should work ALOT better | 12:44 |
konttori | you can flash to rootfs folder called: /opt. then on first boot, that folder gets optification treatment | 12:44 |
Jaffa | konttori: Cunning | 12:44 |
Stskeeps | redeeman: I/O on emmc isn't always that ogod | 12:44 |
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redeeman | Stskeeps: it would change nothing in that regard | 12:44 |
Jaffa | konttori: So there's still a maximum flash size, but it clears up the rootfs on first boot | 12:44 |
Stskeeps | redeeman: most of system is in /usr :P | 12:44 |
konttori | yeah, definitely the things to optify need to be picked with care. This is also why I don't entirely believe in automatic optification scripts either | 12:45 |
Jaffa | redeeman: ...and then you're jsut into whether you call it /usr/local or /opt ;-) | 12:45 |
redeeman | Stskeeps: well whether stuff is in /opt linked to /, or in /usr/local on emmc is irellevant, only with /usr/local its alot easier for everyone | 12:45 |
konttori | Jaffa: yeah - but we have quite a bit of free flash space still | 12:45 |
* Jaffa nods | 12:45 | |
redeeman | Jaffa: true, except /usr/local is kindof what people use everywhere else, and which then people typically have in paths etc, plus, on /opt they do application dirs, and not lib,bin etc | 12:45 |
Stskeeps | i still wonder why noone has made the "Move entire system to eMMC" package | 12:45 |
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jacekowski | that would require formatting it to linux fs | 12:46 |
Stskeeps | or just repartitioning and resizing | 12:46 |
Jaffa | ...which isn't the hardest bit | 12:46 |
jacekowski | and mmc is slower | 12:47 |
konttori | jacekowski: emmc has ext3 partition | 12:47 |
Jaffa | Although none of it is particularly hard, it's just... meh | 12:47 |
Stskeeps | i still think it should be reverse, emmc primary system, NAND for fast access | 12:47 |
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konttori | mmc slowness is the biggest issue. but afaik, harmattan guys are really looking into having OS in emmc. But I don't follow that in too much detail, so I could be missing current status. | 12:47 |
Stskeeps | so the problem is optimisation instead | 12:47 |
Jaffa | Yeah, m-vo's mentioned that plan for Harmattan | 12:48 |
Jaffa | Having swap on the NAND and the OS on eMMC seems a nice simple soluion | 12:48 |
konttori | I think they still have lot of issues to conquer there. | 12:48 |
jacekowski | but it's amazing how small these micro SD cards can be | 12:48 |
jacekowski | 128 million transistors in something so small | 12:49 |
konttori | Jaffa: it could be, but then again, I would definitely keep a fast file partition on oneNAND still | 12:49 |
bob-E | i thought all microsd cards where same size | 12:49 |
jacekowski | bob-E: physical size - yes | 12:49 |
jacekowski | but capacity is different | 12:50 |
RST38h | konttori: is it true that the OMAP mmc controller operates at much slower rates than the MMC cards are rated for? | 12:50 |
ptman | redeeman, also, the File System Hierarchy standard specifies that /usr/local is to be structured like /usr and /opt for application directories | 12:50 |
Jaffa | konttori: Probably sensible, but the architect in me says "overcomplex, don't optimise prematurely" :-/ | 12:50 |
jacekowski | and you need at least one transistor per bit | 12:50 |
Jaffa | konttori: But that's not to say it might not be necessary | 12:50 |
bob-E | i got 16gb microsd card over a year ago | 12:50 |
jacekowski | RST38h: i would recommend RTFM | 12:50 |
jacekowski | http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/omap3530.pdf | 12:50 |
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konttori | RST38h: to be hones, I don't know. I'll try to find out on monday. | 12:51 |
RST38h | konttori: I remember that to be a problem with N8x0s, where TI suggested a certain "safe" clock rate | 12:52 |
konttori | I send a message to my work self to check it | 12:52 |
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konttori | yeah and that clock rate could be overclocked on kernel. | 12:52 |
crashanddie | Jaffa: thanks | 12:52 |
konttori | I remember that, and with higher clock, speed was significantly better. But afaik that's not issue in n900 anymore | 12:53 |
jacekowski | according to manual | 12:53 |
jacekowski | omap can use up to 48MHz clock for mmc | 12:53 |
jacekowski | and MMC can work on up 20 | 12:54 |
jacekowski | and microsd up to 25 | 12:54 |
konttori | by the way, we introduced the NEON optimizations to libjpeg (both encoding and decoding) yesterday. It was nice seeing even thumbnailing perf increased 2x. | 12:54 |
jacekowski | and SD up to 50 | 12:54 |
jacekowski | RST38h: http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/omap3530.pdf - page 237 | 12:54 |
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pupnik | sometimes the microb select doesnt work :( it scrolls the page despite having a checked "select" arrow | 13:02 |
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pupnik | konttori: yesterday? thought that was an older patch | 13:03 |
konttori | well, we applied decoding earlier, but the encoding yesterday | 13:03 |
konttori | we had some issues with the integration until yesterday. | 13:04 |
pupnik | ahh | 13:06 |
pupnik | cool beans. i am suspecting apt-worker may run faster on sd vs tmp | 13:06 |
konttori | really? | 13:07 |
pupnik | but i cant mess with system | 13:07 |
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ifreq | hey root | 13:10 |
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pupnik | how do i enable browser portrait mode again? | 13:25 |
ptman | ctrl-shift-o? | 13:26 |
pupnik | does one get any feedback? | 13:26 |
pupnik | that it has been activated? | 13:27 |
ptman | not that I remember, I still have to close the keyboard to get it into portrait mode | 13:27 |
pupnik | oh totally forgot that | 13:27 |
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pupnik | ty | 13:30 |
RST38h | pupnik: press ctrl-shift-o, close keyboard, rotate vertically | 13:30 |
RST38h | and yes it is persistent | 13:30 |
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pupnik | it helps with some poorly designed sites | 13:31 |
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RST38h | helps everywhere: I hate holding device horizontally, especially when it is this heavy | 13:32 |
RST38h | Google offers trying out Buzz. Accept? | 13:33 |
pixel-syntax | value your false sense of privacy? | 13:33 |
ptman | RST38h, sure, they claim to have fixed most of the privacy issues already | 13:33 |
Stskeeps | Jaffa: mwkn hint, http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=44231 | 13:34 |
pixel-syntax | it doesnt really expose anything that wasnt already visible beyond a subset of your gmail contacts | 13:34 |
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crashanddie | Jaffa: god dayum, I hadn't realised there were so many items per issue | 13:36 |
marcoil | speaking of buzz, does anyone know of a way of getting to the mobile version from the N900? Google is convinced it's not a mobile :) | 13:36 |
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RST38h | pupnik: Also see bug #5324 | 13:37 |
povbot` | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5324 Add an option to zoom+reflow fonts, rather than the page image | 13:37 |
ptman | I hate it when the mobile autodetections isn't optional | 13:37 |
RST38h | pupnik: They will probably try to close it again for some made up cause | 13:37 |
RST38h | pupnik: So, the more noise we can make there the better | 13:37 |
pupnik | is that possible to do? | 13:39 |
pixel-syntax | marcoil: you can change the browsers user agent string i suppose | 13:39 |
SpeedEvil | there is a zoom + reflow keystroke | 13:39 |
SpeedEvil | I forget what it was though | 13:39 |
marcoil | pixel-syntax: I suppose so, but I've only found an extension for completely removing it, not for changing it depending on the site | 13:40 |
pupnik | ctrl shift I ? | 13:40 |
marcoil | ptman: it's ok if there's also a direct url for it like with gmail and reader | 13:40 |
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pixel-syntax | whats with the mass quittings with coyote messages? | 13:44 |
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RST38h | pupnik: Yea, ctrl-shift-i works, but you have to press it for every single freaking page | 13:52 |
RST38h | pupnik: Nice but not quite practical | 13:52 |
RST38h | pixel: Coyote have got them. | 13:52 |
RST38h | has, sorry | 13:53 |
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pupnik | it does work? can you show a page that it works on? | 14:07 |
pupnik | i get full page zoom on all i tried | 14:07 |
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pupnik | aah it works on google.com | 14:08 |
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RST38h | pupnik: it works everywhere. | 14:11 |
pupnik | heh i love how media player video shows garbage through other apps | 14:12 |
pupnik | when you background it | 14:12 |
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pupnik | only seems to shine through certain dark color values | 14:14 |
tronx | cant seem to be able to edit anything in about:config in firefox on the n900 | 14:14 |
tronx | is it not possible ? | 14:15 |
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RST38h | pupnik; that is called color keying | 14:18 |
RST38h | but I have no idea how you manage to background it: the <- icon is the only one shown | 14:19 |
tronx | RST38h : any suggestions? | 14:19 |
Jaffa | Stskeeps: Are the drivers free software or a blob from the initfs? | 14:20 |
Stskeeps | Jaffa: sadly not free software. kernel is open source, libraries closed | 14:21 |
Stskeeps | current state of GLES2 support in ARM world, so | 14:21 |
Stskeeps | it's one of those times where it's nice that we don't commit to 100% open platform on the HW side :P | 14:21 |
jacekowski | is there a NX client for n900? | 14:22 |
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Tronx_ | sorry got disconnected, | 14:24 |
Tronx_ | so, is there a solution to this? | 14:24 |
Tronx_ | as in, editing stuff in about:config. | 14:24 |
Tronx_ | that is in the default browser and firefox mobile | 14:24 |
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Chiku | is it possible to setup prority for wifi connections? | 14:29 |
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flux | jacekowski, qtnx, but I haven't tried it | 14:35 |
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Chiku | qtnx is for only n8x0 irght? | 14:39 |
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Tronx_ | ok heres the problem | 15:00 |
Tronx_ | getting dns leaks with firefox when using tsocks | 15:00 |
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Tronx_ | and adding user_pref("network.proxy.socks_remote_dns", true); to prefs.js didnt help | 15:01 |
Tronx_ | thats a long with user_pref("network.proxy.socks", ""); and user_pref("network.proxy.socks_port", 1080); | 15:02 |
Tronx_ | along* | 15:02 |
Tronx_ | so, has anyone solved this problem ? | 15:02 |
flux | chiku, well, there is qtnx in fremantle's extras-devel | 15:03 |
flux | however, intriqued by the question I installed nxserver on a host and tried qtnx on my ubuntu machine, and it doesn't work as easily as nxclient did :) | 15:04 |
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Chiku | flux, I don't see qtnx in extras-devel :( | 15:09 |
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flux | hm, apt-cache showpkg qtnx -> 0.9-3maemo1 (/var/lib/apt/lists/repository.maemo.org_extras-devel_dists_fremantle_free_binary-armel_Packages) (/var/lib/dpkg/status) | 15:12 |
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thresh | any software to make N900 a DLNA server? | 15:26 |
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Chiku | flux, I see it with apt-cache but not with maemo sofware manager | 15:27 |
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Chiku | same for you? | 15:27 |
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thresh | aww rygel is SO slow | 15:37 |
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RST38h | ...will grow several centimeters every hour, and form connectors to attach to electrical power sources (wall socket plugs, USB connectors, Etc.)... | 15:38 |
RST38h | ...in vertebrate animals, will quickly penetrate the epidermis and other tissues, attaching to and enveloping the spine... | 15:39 |
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pupnik | RST38h: ctrl-backspace to switch to another app | 15:55 |
pupnik | works playing downloaded flvs | 15:55 |
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crashanddie | Jaffa: could I get ftp credentials to the site? | 16:14 |
crashanddie | Jaffa: or at least some git/svn? | 16:14 |
crashanddie | Jaffa: I need mod_rewrite activated on Apache, and at least PHP5 | 16:15 |
crashanddie | Jaffa: actually, PHP4 might work too, but 5 would be nice, haven't tested with 4 | 16:15 |
crashanddie | VDVsx: never noticed you had a council mask | 16:16 |
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VDVsx | crashanddie, I'm the boss :D | 16:18 |
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crashanddie | hehe... are you now? | 16:18 |
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crashanddie | damn | 16:19 |
crashanddie | iFail | 16:19 |
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crashanddie | VDVsx: /ban *@Maemo/community/council/*$##you_will_be_assimilated | 16:19 |
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pupnik | oh man someone near me is selling a working apple IIe :) | 16:19 |
VDVsx | crashanddie, ;) | 16:20 |
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VDVsx | can someone confirm that the voting box doesn't appears here : http://maemo.org/packages/package_instance/view/fremantle_extras-testing_non-free_armel/hoopsfrenzy/1.0.3/ | 16:22 |
frals | VDVsx: no voting box here, confirmed | 16:23 |
zerojay | VDVsx: Confirmed, no voting box. | 16:23 |
VDVsx | frals, zerojay thanks :) | 16:23 |
VDVsx | some bug, it seems | 16:24 |
frals | assuming its because they app got 10 votes already | 16:24 |
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frals | s/they/the/ | 16:24 |
infobot | frals meant: assuming its because the app got 10 votes already | 16:24 |
VDVsx | frals, humm, no, unless someone mess up :D | 16:24 |
frals | err, maybe its because its in extras? | 16:26 |
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crashanddie | erhm | 16:28 |
crashanddie | If you asked me why I just did that, I have no idea -- AT ALL. | 16:28 |
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zerojay | ...ow, man. | 16:29 |
zerojay | Show some love, but not THAT kind of love. | 16:29 |
crashanddie | zerojay: hey, it's already 14th here | 16:30 |
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* MohammadAG_ is having issues logging in on Skype | 16:33 | |
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Pillum | hey, is there a way to only repeat one song in the built-in media player | 16:33 |
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Pillum | ?? | 16:34 |
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pupnik | yes, click repear icon | 16:34 |
MohammadAG_ | Pillum, starting it using the filemanager works here | 16:34 |
pupnik | repeat | 16:34 |
zerojay | crashanddie: lol... I didn't know you Europeans had a "rape time", just like the Brits have tea time. | 16:34 |
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MohammadAG_ | pupnik, that repeats the whole list | 16:35 |
pupnik | select one song | 16:35 |
Pillum | pupnik: repeat the entire album | 16:35 |
Pillum | repeats* | 16:35 |
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Pillum | how? | 16:35 |
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MohammadAG_ | Pillum, file manager | 16:36 |
lbt | anyone using syncevolution here? | 16:36 |
Pillum | with the file manager i have to browse through my large music collection which has nearly 2000 folders | 16:36 |
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wazd | heya all | 16:36 |
Pillum | is there not another way? | 16:36 |
Stskeeps | moo wazd | 16:36 |
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Pillum | is there already a bug filed about the repeat one option? | 16:40 |
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konttori | Pillum: create a playlist of the song (lol!!) | 16:42 |
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Pillum | a playlist for every song i have? :D | 16:43 |
Pillum | i think that this is one of the basic functions a media player should have | 16:44 |
Pillum | even more important than a equalizer :) | 16:44 |
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MohammadAG_ | Pillum, same here, file a bug if you want | 16:49 |
MohammadAG_ | search if there's an existing one | 16:49 |
Pillum | searched and found nothing | 16:50 |
Pillum | am waiting for bugzilla to create a account for me... | 16:51 |
MohammadAG_ | should be immediate | 16:51 |
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Pillum | dont seem so for me | 16:52 |
Pillum | wainting already an hour | 16:52 |
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RST38h | konttori: check out bug #5324 | 16:59 |
povbot` | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5324 Add an option to zoom+reflow fonts, rather than the page image | 16:59 |
RST38h | konttori: Has been closed before (there is a secret shortcut after all) but recently reopened. AFAIK, just making the setting persistent (like portrait mode) should do the job for most people, although a checkbox in the prefs would of course be nicer :) | 17:00 |
* MohammadAG thinks if Tunewiki cached lyrics it would be epic | 17:01 | |
* DocScrutinizer thinks basic editing functions for the current playlist are even moe important | 17:03 | |
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* MohammadAG never used playlists | 17:05 | |
MohammadAG | + has* | 17:05 |
DocScrutinizer | the *current* playlist is the list of songs to play | 17:05 |
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DocScrutinizer | if you never used it, you never played a song in mediaplayer | 17:06 |
MohammadAG | lol just found that out | 17:06 |
MohammadAG | cleared the playlist and it stopped the song | 17:06 |
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MohammadAG | the media player does need some enhancements though, I agree with that | 17:07 |
MohammadAG | I hate how it blocks other app sounds | 17:07 |
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MohammadAG | e.g pause a song, play a y(/z)outube video, it won't play the sound | 17:07 |
ptl | in the N900 faq it says you can't assign a rigntone per contact. Is this feature available yet? | 17:08 |
DocScrutinizer | not yet | 17:08 |
MohammadAG | doesn't profiler allow that? | 17:08 |
ptl | ok. Not very important, I just wanted to know. | 17:08 |
ptl | profiler? | 17:08 |
DocScrutinizer | maybe some cute app (if someone was faster than me) | 17:09 |
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MohammadAG | app (if i got the name right) | 17:09 |
pillar | tweakr adds support for multiple profiles, mut not rigntones per contact I believe | 17:09 |
DocScrutinizer | tweakr doesn't | 17:09 |
pillar | what I would really like is to hear the phone say the caller id out loud | 17:10 |
pillar | instead of different rigntones | 17:10 |
MohammadAG | what's profiled | 17:10 |
MohammadAG | oh nvm | 17:10 |
MohammadAG | it always said them in a weird way on symbian lol | 17:11 |
DocScrutinizer | you'd need an app that listens to dbus for the inbound number, accesses the addressbook for the corresponding contact, extract a special field (note?) like 'X-RINGTONE: foo.wav" and switch the ringtone to play | 17:11 |
crashanddie | Jaffa: ping | 17:13 |
DocScrutinizer | the note field value should be parsed, to allow multiple entries like 'X-keyA: foo; X-keyB: bar; X-RINGTONE: chime.wav' | 17:15 |
MohammadAG | kinda miss the sms lock feature on s60 9.2 and above | 17:15 |
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crashanddie | Jaffa: Do we want to keep the 2010/06/front.html format? | 17:20 |
DocScrutinizer | s/app/deamon of course | 17:21 |
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BirdFlew | hey all! | 17:23 |
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DocScrutinizer | "X-RINGTONE: $friends" could mean: use the ringtone defined in another contact firstname friends, lastname $GROUP$ | 17:25 |
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BirdFlew | anyone know how i could possibly detect the N900's current phone number from within python? | 17:26 |
BirdFlew | or even which lib to look at? | 17:27 |
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DocScrutinizer | dbus-listen | 17:27 |
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DocScrutinizer | use dbus-monitor to check all the signals during inbound call, >list-signals. Then grep list-signals for the phonenumber. Then you know which signal to wait for in your python app to gather the number | 17:29 |
BirdFlew | cool, thanks DocScrutinizer | 17:29 |
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DocScrutinizer | I did that, it works | 17:29 |
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DocScrutinizer | BirdFlew: err sorry. on reading again I'm not sure you meant the number of an inbound call. | 17:32 |
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DocScrutinizer | BirdFlew: if you want to get the number of your own sim, you probably can use soem AT command via pnatd | 17:33 |
BirdFlew | yeah i'm after the sim number | 17:34 |
SpeedEvil | AIUI AT commands are not reliable | 17:34 |
SpeedEvil | the SIM may not know its number | 17:35 |
DocScrutinizer | yup | 17:35 |
DocScrutinizer | but then you lost | 17:35 |
DocScrutinizer | as the ultimate instance to know your IMSI<->number assotiation | 17:36 |
DocScrutinizer | z | 17:36 |
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DocScrutinizer | is the computer at the carrier's exchange (simplified) | 17:37 |
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DocScrutinizer | some carriers may offer a USSD (*#987#) to echo some text containing your number | 17:40 |
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DocScrutinizer | or send an SMS with e.g. 'INFO' to a special number, so you get a reply with the needed info about your number | 17:40 |
pupnik | any guesses on pr1.2 release date? | 17:41 |
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pupnik | i figure maybe 4 weeks testing | 17:42 |
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pupnik | then yaay ussd | 17:43 |
Ken-Young | What new features will be available in pr1.2 ? | 17:43 |
DocScrutinizer | USSD-PAD rocks | 17:43 |
RST38h | Ken: lasers. | 17:43 |
RST38h | Ken: hypodermic needle will finally be avaiable to application developers via API | 17:43 |
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DocScrutinizer | well not exactly rocks, but it's a workaround | 17:44 |
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RST38h | Ken: the codes to invoke the Tentacled One from the dialpad will finally work in PR1.2 | 17:45 |
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VDVsx | Ken-Young, kitchen sink :) | 17:46 |
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simoneb_ | i asked for a ballroom couch, i hope the armchair will do anyway | 17:47 |
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MiXu- | If anyone has an N900 at hand. Could you check if there's supposed to be a directory called /media/Remote_Filesystems ? | 17:49 |
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Ken-Young | MiXu-, I do not see that directory on my N900. | 17:50 |
pupnik | i only have mmc1 | 17:50 |
Ken-Young | Me too | 17:50 |
BirdFlew | same | 17:50 |
VDVsx | oh, the bada babada OS is about to be released :) | 17:50 |
MiXu- | Ok, thanks | 17:51 |
pupnik | VDVsx: whatmis that? | 17:51 |
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VDVsx | pupnik, samsung's new OS | 17:51 |
pupnik | terrible name | 17:51 |
VDVsx | pupnik, http://www.engadget.com/2010/02/13/samsung-s8500-wave-caught-in-a-spigot-of-leaks/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+weblogsinc%2Fengadgetmobile+(Engadget+Mobile) | 17:51 |
MiXu- | I managed to completely fuck up the whole thing... Tracker doesn't work. App Manager doesn't work. Even sudo gainroot doesn't work. | 17:52 |
VDVsx | it's only Bada | 17:52 |
VDVsx | but people keep making jokes with the name ;) | 17:52 |
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DocScrutinizer | forget bada! | 17:53 |
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SpeedEvil | Only mmc1 here too MiXu- | 17:53 |
simoneb_ | has anybody got the script in this page https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2521 to work? I compiled it but i get a "Failed to initialize libosso" | 17:53 |
povbot` | Bug 2521: FM won't open files with known mime type unless the mime type has glob <pattern="*.xxx"/> | 17:53 |
pupnik | nice pics VDVsx | 17:53 |
VDVsx | DocScrutinizer, there're rumors that sumsung is working in another linux OS beyond bada :) | 17:55 |
VDVsx | something EFL based :D | 17:55 |
DocScrutinizer | famous rasterman (who by incidence is probably working for samsung to develop a linux based free OS, at least rumor has that) called bada "a hickup" | 17:55 |
VDVsx | same source here , eheh | 17:56 |
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|R | anyone got his microSD in read-only mode for no reasons?! | 18:03 |
DocScrutinizer | would be rather silly, eh :-P | 18:03 |
DocScrutinizer | usually there *is* a reason | 18:03 |
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|R | hehe :) | 18:03 |
cehteh | iridian: some SD cards go into readonly when they have errors and no spare blocks to replace | 18:03 |
MiXu- | It's probably a bit corrupted | 18:03 |
|R | i unmounted it and did an fsck | 18:04 |
|R | but... nothing changed :/ | 18:04 |
cehteh | or other reasons .. do micro sd have a readonly switch? | 18:04 |
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DocScrutinizer | that's strange | 18:04 |
MiXu- | no | 18:04 |
|R | nah too small | 18:04 |
cehteh | is it the card or just the filesystem? | 18:04 |
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DocScrutinizer | obviously the fs | 18:05 |
* cehteh resist to pull his out .. the device is running :P | 18:05 | |
DocScrutinizer | otherwise fsck would fail | 18:05 |
|R | yes, i can only scan p1 not the block device | 18:05 |
MiXu- | Does mount -a work for you or does it complain something about the rootfs? | 18:05 |
|R | let me finish the fsck... :) | 18:06 |
DocScrutinizer | aah, your MBR might be corrupted | 18:06 |
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|R | urhm | 18:07 |
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bionoid | Does catorize put Bounce under the games category for you guys? | 18:10 |
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Pillum | MohammadAG: https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9043 | 18:15 |
povbot` | Bug 9043: media player has no 'repeat one track' | 18:15 |
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timeless_mbp | pupnik: credit? | 18:39 |
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timeless_mbp | ShadowJK: shan't is valid English, however i wouldn't use it, i consider it archaic | 18:41 |
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ShadowJK | ah | 18:43 |
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N3misis | Hello Com,can I use a WPA2 connection with the last version? | 18:45 |
N3misis | with a Nokia 770 | 18:45 |
RST38h | ShadowJK: Thou oughtst not listen to the knave who tells you to shun the olde English tongue | 18:46 |
* RST38h wonders if "oughtst" is the correct form here, as it looks bogus | 18:46 | |
wormsxulla | timeless_mbp: are you the timeless on moznet? | 18:46 |
ShadowJK | atleast you didnt say "ye" | 18:46 |
N3misis | have no answer for me ? *G* | 18:47 |
RST38h | ShadowJK: I would if I were sure on the exact terms of use | 18:47 |
ShadowJK | N3misis: I don't really know, but OS2008 on N800 and N810 supports WAP | 18:48 |
SpeedEvil | shouldn't that be ought'st? | 18:49 |
timeless_mbp | wormsxulla: sure and timeless_mbp | 18:49 |
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wormsxulla | timeless*: ack! | 18:50 |
N3misis | the 770 from Nokia have normal WEP and WPA with Home Firmware | 18:50 |
ShadowJK | RST38h: afaik they just used y in print because gutenberg was german and didn't make his printing press able to print thorn | 18:50 |
ShadowJK | and then at some point they started using th | 18:50 |
ShadowJK | but that's just what I heard | 18:50 |
RST38h | ShadowJK: Naah, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thou | 18:50 |
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N3misis | I thought the WPA2 with the last version would be evenuell possible | 18:50 |
pupnik_ | timeless_mbp: credit what? | 18:50 |
RST38h | ShadowJK: looks like there initially was the same intimate/polite distinction as in Russian (i.e. thou/ye vs TbI/BbI) | 18:51 |
RST38h | ShadowJK: Then the polite form pushed the intimate out (which I already knew) but the more interesting part is that nominative "ye" got replaced by objective "you" | 18:52 |
SpeedEvil | There are a lot of useful tenses that got lost. | 18:52 |
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ShadowJK | if you go back long enough I start understanding more of the english than you atives ;) | 18:53 |
timeless_mbp | 01:33<pupnik_>timeless_mbp: where do i get credit for demanding that browser pauses javascript? | 18:53 |
derf | It could be worse. Japanese don't even have a future tense. | 18:53 |
RST38h | ShadowJK: That is a known fenomenon | 18:53 |
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N3misis | with what for does network a connection use it Nokia 770? | 18:53 |
RST38h | ShadowJK: I have done pretty well in medieval English literature class once, knowing way less English than my classmates :) | 18:54 |
pupnik_ | heh timeless_mbp i was beggimg fot that for a while | 18:54 |
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RST38h | derf: So how do they work around that? | 18:54 |
cehteh | wasnt the bug "mediaplayer switches to next station in playlist on connection interrupt" supposed to be closed in 1.1? | 18:54 |
timeless_mbp | pupnik_: you're using 51-1, right? | 18:54 |
lcuk | N3misis, im not sure (i never had a 770) which os have you put in it? | 18:54 |
SpeedEvil | derf: that's because in japan, it's already the future. | 18:55 |
pupnik_ | yes | 18:55 |
lcuk | is anyone doing anything cool with their other halves tonight/tomorrow, or just being lazy? | 18:55 |
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* SpeedEvil is taking his n900 out for a candlelit supper. | 18:56 | |
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wormsxulla | :) | 18:56 |
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* wormsxulla is going for a zombie movie | 18:57 | |
ShadowJK | maybe they can say "As for the future, read the manual not if, you in the face stab" | 18:57 |
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wormsxulla | how does the n900 behave in the cold/hot temperatures? | 18:57 |
wormsxulla | (battery-wise) | 18:58 |
timeless_mbp | wormsxulla: we don't have much in the way of hot weather here in HEL | 18:58 |
timeless_mbp | but we use it outside :) | 18:58 |
lcuk | it gets hot in the offices | 18:59 |
cehteh | some say it has resistive screen because of the finland temperatures | 18:59 |
wormsxulla | with -15°C or such? | 18:59 |
wormsxulla | hell! | 18:59 |
lcuk | SpeedEvil, lol | 18:59 |
lcuk | what about your real wetware partner, not the silicon one | 18:59 |
ShadowJK | hm | 18:59 |
ShadowJK | I had it out of my pocket for about 15-20 minutes in -20C to video new year's fireworks | 18:59 |
ShadowJK | didnt notice anything cold related.. | 18:59 |
wormsxulla | lcuk: maybe she's got a n900 too! | 18:59 |
lcuk | indeed | 19:00 |
cehteh | lcuk: silicon, silicone .. who cares :) | 19:00 |
Kegetys | you'll get better pictures when its cold at least ;) | 19:00 |
lcuk | ladies like the n900, tracy nabbed my work one and didnt give it back unless i promised to get her one | 19:00 |
wormsxulla | ShadowJK: in my experience, batteries tend to drain when the weather is cold, i was curious | 19:00 |
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cehteh | wormsxulla: they dont drain, but they just cant provide the power | 19:00 |
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lcuk | cehteh, you do not get 600mhz silicone implants | 19:01 |
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cehteh | bringing them back into the warm or put it in the pocket and all is ok | 19:01 |
wormsxulla | cehteh: yeah, or that :) which is annoying | 19:01 |
RST38h | lcuk: You do not? | 19:01 |
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lcuk | wormsxulla, its not that they drain is it, its that the capacity lowers | 19:01 |
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cehteh | heat is more bad for batteries than cold (well except extremes in any direction) | 19:01 |
wormsxulla | really? | 19:01 |
cehteh | heat really ages/detoriates batteries | 19:02 |
shamus | yep bateryes like the middle temps | 19:02 |
RST38h | Hmm... Google Buzz is kinda annoying | 19:02 |
lcuk | RST38h, last time i tried resting my head on some multi mhz silicone pillows my head didnt stop shaking for months | 19:02 |
ShadowJK | wormsxulla: they don't drain per se, they're just not able to provide as much power (and remember power is not equal to energy) at as high voltage, so during high load the battery voltage will drop more than when warm, and the battery meter might think the battery is empty and even shut down the device | 19:02 |
RST38h | Why does it send me all the stuff as emails? | 19:02 |
cehteh | cold preserves them (unless the electolyte freezes and damages them) | 19:02 |
RST38h | lcuk: resonanse! | 19:02 |
N3misis | have noooooooo Member a Info to WPA2 for me????? *G* amazing *G* | 19:02 |
cehteh | but they cant provide much power at cold | 19:02 |
lcuk | wormsxulla, to visually see the sort of effect | 19:02 |
lcuk | get a glowstick | 19:02 |
ShadowJK | heat permanently degrades batteries, cold temporarily makes them tired :) | 19:03 |
lcuk | put one in freezer, put one in kettle | 19:03 |
lcuk | see which one drains faster | 19:03 |
lcuk | same sort of effect occurs with pretty much all chemicals | 19:03 |
wormsxulla | lcuk: glowsticks are so out of the fashion these days :) but i understand, thanks for the experiment :) | 19:03 |
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shamus | leave one at room temp with wifi and bluoth turned | 19:04 |
lcuk | even humans ;) | 19:04 |
wormsxulla | so actually, you need to live in a moderate weather country :) | 19:04 |
RST38h | better puncture both batteries and RUN | 19:04 |
Kegetys | or stay indoors | 19:04 |
RST38h | or carry it close to your heart and keep it always running | 19:04 |
wormsxulla | (be mobile indoors!) | 19:04 |
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lcuk | biobatteries! | 19:04 |
RST38h | BLOOD! | 19:05 |
ShadowJK | in practice my jeans pocket maintains a wamr enough temperature | 19:05 |
wormsxulla | do you guys give names to your devices? :) | 19:05 |
lcuk | spare head 1, spare head 2 | 19:05 |
wormsxulla | ahahah | 19:05 |
lcuk | my 900s just have simple names | 19:06 |
ShadowJK | lol | 19:06 |
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pupnik_ | lcuk is the only one who needs to :) | 19:07 |
Arif | I only have one | 19:07 |
Arif | :O | 19:07 |
crashanddie | Jaffa: generated from database: http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/2092/screenshotmaemoweeklyne.png | 19:07 |
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crashanddie | anyway, 3AM, I'm off to bed | 19:07 |
torindel | Arif: he probably wanted to have stereo ;p | 19:07 |
lcuk | pupnik, heh have you still got the photo of liqflow? | 19:07 |
lcuk | or did you find the video | 19:07 |
Arif | but it already has two speakers! | 19:08 |
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Arif | which suck, btw | 19:08 |
* lcuk has 6 speakers | 19:08 | |
Arif | can you increase the built in media player or KMPlayer's volume in any way | 19:08 |
Arif | it's not very usable for video/speech | 19:08 |
lcuk | yeah, theres a volume control | 19:08 |
* crashanddie has 12 speakers | 19:09 | |
torindel | Arif: with any mplayer clone its easy | 19:09 |
lcuk | slide it to 11 | 19:09 |
crashanddie | in his hotel room | 19:09 |
lcuk | crashanddie, i think we were talking about n900s | 19:09 |
Arif | torindel, how? | 19:09 |
torindel | Arif: -softvol -softvol-max 10000 | 19:09 |
crashanddie | lcuk: as I was saying... :) | 19:09 |
Arif | hmm | 19:09 |
Arif | how do I enter that in KMPlayer's GUI :P | 19:09 |
torindel | dunno? | 19:10 |
wormsxulla | OS2008 is the name of the n810 OS? i thought that ran maemo 4? | 19:10 |
crashanddie | I'm out, later | 19:10 |
* Arif pokes the forum | 19:10 | |
* wormsxulla gets a headache | 19:10 | |
wormsxulla | crashanddie: bonne nuit | 19:10 |
Arif | oo | 19:10 |
Arif | found it | 19:10 |
lcuk | gnite crashanddie | 19:10 |
pupnik_ | i notice with alsamixer we can apparently change or disable the speaker protection | 19:11 |
simoneb_ | seems like osso_notes opens every file which is not in MyDocs as read-only? | 19:11 |
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torindel | Arif: also note that -softvol-max is in % ;p | 19:12 |
Arif | hmm | 19:12 |
Arif | maybe I should try something lower | 19:12 |
Arif | like 400 | 19:12 |
Arif | :P | 19:12 |
torindel | xD | 19:12 |
lcuk | pupnik, liqflow photo/video? | 19:13 |
Arif | heh | 19:13 |
Arif | look at mplayer's config: | 19:13 |
Arif | # Write your default config options here! | 19:13 |
MiXu- | I need to do fsck for N900 in bootup. Is it safe to just edit fstab and change the fsckorder value? | 19:13 |
flux | mixu-, fsck for which filesystem? | 19:13 |
flux | mixu-, because if you want to run it for the rootfs, there is no fsck for ubifs. for other filesystems, no idea ;) | 19:14 |
Arif | is there a same tweak for the built in player ? | 19:14 |
Arif | :D | 19:14 |
MiXu- | flux: For /home partition. That's ext3 | 19:15 |
torindel | Arif: afair kmplayer was just gui, so you could specify default options to mplayer backend | 19:15 |
Arif | no, I mean the N900's built in player | 19:15 |
Arif | I find KMplayer hard to use | 19:15 |
flux | mixu-, I would consider instead of doing that, stopping all processes that use the /home partition and given that that doesn't work, do the best you can and remount it read-only | 19:15 |
Arif | as I haven't found any shuffle in it :P | 19:15 |
flux | mixu-, if that works, you could run fsck.ext3 on it.. | 19:16 |
torindel | Arif: -shuffle ;p | 19:16 |
* Arif hits torindel with a gui | 19:16 | |
MiXu- | flux: Is there a way to see which processes use /home? | 19:16 |
* torindel evades | 19:16 | |
Arif | ;< | 19:16 |
flux | mixu-, in any case /etc/fstab is generated by a script (I don't remember which script, I suppose you can find it from /etc/init.d etc) | 19:16 |
* Arif throws his N900 at torindel | 19:16 | |
flux | mixu-, lsof | 19:16 |
* torindel catches and runs! | 19:16 | |
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flux | mixu-, or fuser -mv | 19:17 |
RST38h | crashanddie, Jaffa: BTW, how does it look on the tablet? =) | 19:17 |
flux | ah, never mind, busybox fuser doesn't support -v | 19:17 |
crashanddie | RST38h: never tried it | 19:17 |
RST38h | crashanddie: <facepalm> | 19:17 |
MiXu- | Ok, I'll try that. Thanks. | 19:17 |
flux | actually busybox fuser doesn't seem very useful at all, use lsof | 19:17 |
crashanddie | RST38h: I'm not a graphics dev. Or in other words: "Not my problem" | 19:18 |
flux | mixu-, of course, have your backups handy as always ;) | 19:18 |
flux | btw, has anyone used backuppc for backing up n900? | 19:18 |
* timeless_mbp looks for someone w/ an n900 and a few minutes | 19:18 | |
* Arif whistles | 19:18 | |
Aijse | ONly times I booted Windows last year was because of software support for my phone, Will the N900 be well supported by Ubuntu? | 19:19 |
timeless_mbp | Aijse: future tense? | 19:20 |
MiXu- | You won't need windows with n900 | 19:20 |
timeless_mbp | when? in a year, two years, or ten years? | 19:20 |
Aijse | 2 months | 19:20 |
Aijse | :P | 19:20 |
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timeless_mbp | you can use it w/ usb mass storage | 19:20 |
Arif | nokia map loader only works on Windows :P | 19:20 |
lcuk | but nokia map caches can be downloaded and inserted on linux | 19:21 |
zerojay | Don't need it, | 19:21 |
MiXu- | Map loader doesn't work with N900 afaik | 19:21 |
timeless_mbp | and you can use it for networking | 19:21 |
torindel | timeless_mbp: you mean as in plugin in usb key in it? nope | 19:21 |
timeless_mbp | torindel: i mean plugging the n900 into a computer | 19:21 |
torindel | timeless_mbp: yes | 19:21 |
lcuk | http://handphone-solution.blogspot.com/2009/07/direct-download-for-ovi-maps-30-without.html | 19:21 |
timeless_mbp | (running Ubuntu) | 19:21 |
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Aijse | If I need to update the oss on the N900 foe example | 19:22 |
Aijse | do I need windows or can it be done with ubuntu and usb connection? | 19:23 |
timeless_mbp | you can use the n900 to update the os | 19:23 |
Arif | you use WLAN or 3G | 19:23 |
ShadowJK | depends | 19:23 |
ShadowJK | I mean, some people don't ever use their PCs at all with their phone.. | 19:23 |
ShadowJK | I thought map loader didn't work at all.. :P | 19:23 |
ShadowJK | oss? | 19:23 |
ShadowJK | the N900 updates itself. there's also a flashing utility for linux | 19:23 |
Aijse | timeless_mbp, Incase of more serious fuck ups of the system that might not work | 19:24 |
Aijse | AhadowJK, ye thanks ... flashing utility was what I was looking for | 19:24 |
ShadowJK | I think flasher-3.5 works better than NSU.. | 19:24 |
lcuk | wasnt there a time when you *had* to use linux to reflash? | 19:25 |
MohammadAG | nsu kinda bricked my phone | 19:25 |
lcuk | ie the windows one is the new kid on the block | 19:25 |
timeless_mbp | Aijse: the flasher that Nokia employees use to develop the platform runs on linux, it happens to be ported to o and windows, but its native environment is linux. happy? | 19:25 |
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Aijse | Sounds good! | 19:25 |
lcuk | wb VDVsx | 19:25 |
timeless_mbp | please note that it isn't an _update_, it's a WIPE. you lose everything :) | 19:26 |
timeless_mbp | (it isn't any safer from windows, in case you're curious) | 19:26 |
Aijse | timeless_mbp, ye but its exactly what you need form time to time when you experiment arround | 19:26 |
timeless_mbp | or you could be less adventurous | 19:26 |
Aijse | I tried that before | 19:27 |
Aijse | didnt work | 19:27 |
ShadowJK | by the way, don't experiment with low battery | 19:27 |
* RST38h moos at VDVsx | 19:28 | |
ShadowJK | because if you mess up the n900 so it doesn't boot, it doesn@t charge battery, and you can't flash with low battery | 19:28 |
jaska | should have done all the charging stuff in one of the asics :| | 19:29 |
pupnik_ | i use the universal charger almost every day for all my devices | 19:29 |
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SpeedEvil | ShadowJK: according to the l3/l4 manual - that seems to be false. | 19:29 |
SpeedEvil | (charging battery) | 19:29 |
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ShadowJK | well it might charge at low rate, but if it's trying to boot to dispalay charging, it ends up consuming more power than ot charges without the full current negotiation.. | 19:31 |
SpeedEvil | hmm | 19:31 |
SpeedEvil | It will at least minimally charge the battery - with no software | 19:32 |
Aijse | that sounds tricky | 19:32 |
SpeedEvil | but I'm unsure what happens when it gets to the 'boot now' threshold | 19:32 |
Aijse | need a friend with same battery :P | 19:32 |
SpeedEvil | Do you own a car, and a set of jump leads? | 19:32 |
SpeedEvil | (not really) | 19:32 |
Aijse | ha | 19:32 |
SpeedEvil | I assume you don't have a variable lab PSU? | 19:32 |
Aijse | can always take it to university | 19:33 |
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ShadowJK | Needs precise voltage setting, and current limiter | 19:33 |
SpeedEvil | That's the right way. ~500mA - current limited - to 4.20V | 19:34 |
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MiXu- | 500mA isn't enough for everything | 19:34 |
RST38h | moar poar! | 19:35 |
SpeedEvil | http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Universal-USB-battery-charger-for-phones-pda-etc_W0QQitemZ220553580544QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_ConsumerElectronics_Batteries_SM?hash=item335a049000 | 19:35 |
SpeedEvil | is the wrong way | 19:35 |
ShadowJK | Voltage to 4.2, Current limit: if battery voltage is over 3.2, use 500mA. If lower than 3.2, use 100mA until 3.2V is reached, and keep fire extinguisher ready. Once voltage has risen to 4.2V and current has dropped to 100mA, charge is done | 19:35 |
SpeedEvil | MiXu-: it's enough if it's not htere | 19:35 |
SpeedEvil | MiXu-: if the phone is not connected | 19:36 |
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SpeedEvil | Though the above works pretty much OK | 19:36 |
MiXu- | Ah, sorry I didn't read the entire conversation | 19:36 |
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MiXu- | I thought you were talking about phone power consumption | 19:37 |
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* N900evil wonders what to do now angrybirds is ***'d out. | 19:38 | |
Aethaeryn | Wow. The N900 can be used as a PS3 controller. A PS3 controller can be used with the N900. | 19:39 |
Aethaeryn | Next step: using the N900 as a controller for another N900... | 19:39 |
MiXu- | :D | 19:39 |
flux | aethaeryn, it's not that crazy idea | 19:39 |
flux | aethaeryn, multiplayer games on tv :) | 19:39 |
MiXu- | Hmm. :) | 19:40 |
Aethaeryn | Yeah... | 19:40 |
Aethaeryn | Super Mario Kart... hypothetically speaking. | 19:40 |
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* ShadowJK has managed to go from 100 to 35 percent battery in 70 minutes | 19:41 | |
Aijse | N 900 as full mulimedia remote... like a harmony from logitech .. with display offcourse | 19:41 |
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Aethaeryn | How about this? N900 "lan party"... Three people bring a N900, one is hooked up to an HD TV (does the N900 have a connector?) and that's used as a "host" for the game... And then the other two N900s are used to control the TV | 19:41 |
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Aijse | N 900 has compsite out ... no hd | 19:42 |
Aethaeryn | Bah. | 19:42 |
Aethaeryn | N920 needs HDMI | 19:42 |
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flux | aethaeryn, wireless hdmi! | 19:43 |
Aethaeryn | Wirless USB 3.0! | 19:43 |
ifreq | yeah and some LSD then all would be just perfect | 19:43 |
wormsxulla | :) | 19:43 |
lcuk | N900evil, make moar levels | 19:44 |
MiXu- | I wouldn't be sure it'll be N920. Nokia is moving to thos C, N, X, E, S series naming and I think the product names will only have one number | 19:44 |
ShadowJK | wireless: the modern equivalent of two tincans with a piece of string | 19:44 |
RST38h | MiXu: Will that number be hexadecimal then? | 19:44 |
SpeedEvil | Except there is no string! | 19:44 |
MiXu- | RST38h: Doubt it =) | 19:44 |
RST38h | Wireless tincans. | 19:44 |
wazd | http://tabletui.wordpress.com/2010/02/13/theming-for-dummies/ | 19:44 |
flux | mixu-, n920 has only one number.. :-) | 19:45 |
Stskeeps | wazd++ | 19:45 |
Aethaeryn | MiXu-: But what about the rumored N1337? | 19:45 |
Aethaeryn | :( | 19:45 |
ifreq | who will get the new maemo phone if it doesnt have qwerty keayboard(physical) ? | 19:45 |
MiXu- | Ahem... 1 Digit... | 19:45 |
MiXu- | not me | 19:45 |
Aijse | me neither | 19:45 |
ifreq | same here | 19:45 |
MiXu- | I'd rather buy iPhone :D | 19:46 |
ifreq | my one reason to get n900 was the keyboard (changed from iphone) | 19:46 |
ifreq | and ofcourse the OS is nice :-)) to play around | 19:46 |
tank-man | all the keys you need are "1", "0" and "enter" :) | 19:46 |
Stskeeps | wazd: i wouldn't mind that "for dummies" book on my bookshelf :) | 19:46 |
ShadowJK | i wont get it unless its a significant performance upgrade | 19:47 |
ShadowJK | it's* | 19:47 |
Aijse | And the fact that the iPhone is getting a snob image by now | 19:47 |
ShadowJK | I thought it always had a snob/fag image ;) | 19:47 |
wazd | Stskeeps: :D | 19:47 |
ShadowJK | hm | 19:48 |
Aethaeryn | Aijse: But there's an app for that! There's just so many options in web browsers and music players in its app store... And that multitasking is brilliant... Not to mention all the syncing apps on the computer-side you can choose from. | 19:48 |
ShadowJK | portrait mode.. wouldn't it make more sense to have the speaker/webcam/als/led down, so that the antenna is up? | 19:48 |
ShadowJK | the way it's now, you cover the antenna when holding it | 19:48 |
Aethaeryn | And their teathering apps are... wait... | 19:49 |
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Aijse | Aethaeryn, they made a reduce snob factor app? :P | 19:49 |
MiXu- | ShadowJK: It'll warm your hand nicely | 19:49 |
Aijse | nice! | 19:49 |
Stskeeps | wazd: you should refer to that guide on Design section of TMO too | 19:49 |
Stskeeps | ah, you did | 19:49 |
Aethaeryn | Aijse: You got to admit, they have an ingeneous multitasking method of "Our stuff can multitask and your stuff can't." | 19:49 |
wazd | Stskeeps: :P | 19:49 |
ShadowJK | I think my N900 is like 40C now | 19:49 |
MiXu- | At least I wouldn't have to spend time fixing the iPhone after I broke it by installing some half-assed application from extras-devel. | 19:50 |
MiXu- | I could think of better ways to spend a saturday night ;) | 19:50 |
Aethaeryn | I think it went over her head when my sister complained that she couldn't listen to Pandora and browse at the same time and I made a remark about "multitasking" | 19:50 |
ShadowJK | battery voltage at 3502 after 76 minutes from full, I'm surprised it hasn't bleeped empty at me yet | 19:50 |
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Aijse | ha | 19:50 |
ShadowJK | MiXu-, but you could spend time fixing iphone after installing something half arsed from one of the jailbreak sites | 19:51 |
Aijse | My room m8 has am iPhone, she never knew she could d-load any apps | 19:51 |
MiXu- | ShadowJK: Hmm. True. | 19:51 |
Aijse | she just knew she could pollish it | 19:51 |
Aijse | good feature though | 19:51 |
wazd | Stskeeps: I think I should stick this thread | 19:51 |
MiXu- | So I think the problem here is that I'm a nerd and have the tendency to fix things until they are broken. | 19:51 |
ShadowJK | I mean, if you don't want to risk damaging the N900 then you should stick to extras | 19:51 |
ShadowJK | I thought there was warnings about extras-devel and extras-testing :) | 19:52 |
MiXu- | ShadowJK: Yep. Lesson learnt :D | 19:52 |
lcuk | damaging? | 19:52 |
Stskeeps | wazd: yeah | 19:52 |
ShadowJK | software | 19:52 |
MiXu- | Don't take me wrong. I love all the hacking and stuff. I just need the phone to work whenever I leave the house. | 19:52 |
MiXu- | Solution: 2 phones. | 19:52 |
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lcuk | MiXu-, but 2 isnt enough either | 19:53 |
lcuk | i like your thinking btw | 19:53 |
ShadowJK | If you need it to work, don't hack it... | 19:53 |
* lcuk does exactly that | 19:53 | |
ShadowJK | Just because you can doesn't mean you have to | 19:53 |
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MiXu- | I have a symbian device for calling if shit really hits the fan. It's hack proof. I just don't _want_ to do anything with it. | 19:53 |
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simoneb_ | it's more or less like a car, you can take apart every piece of it, change the engine or the wheels or whatever you want, but if you don't know what you're doing, you can't complain that it doesn't work any more | 19:57 |
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lcuk | simoneb_, i dont know how to fix my car either, but theres people around who do | 19:58 |
vanadismobile | do these people have irc? | 19:59 |
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lcuk | vanadismobile, for car people, theres a neighbour up the street who owns a garage and is always helpful :) | 20:00 |
lcuk | irc_IRL | 20:00 |
* lcuk finishes writing the thing he started earlier | 20:00 | |
simoneb_ | i know of a lot of people who fix home windows computers for a living, but none who fix home linux computers... | 20:01 |
* vanadismobile tries to stop finishing lcuk | 20:01 | |
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lcuk | simoneb_, sometimes you have to look harder, and offering money is a good thing | 20:01 |
vanadismobile | lolwut, wat am i writing... | 20:02 |
* lcuk slaps u | 20:02 | |
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RST38h | is there such a thing as a home linux computer? =) | 20:03 |
lcuk | yeah RST38h | 20:03 |
lcuk | many of the first eees at very least were linux werent they | 20:03 |
lcuk | from the shops etc | 20:03 |
simoneb_ | lcuk: ok, make that "i know of a lot of people who can fix windows computers for free, but none etc.etc." | 20:03 |
simoneb_ | well my home computer has ubuntu | 20:04 |
lcuk | as do all my laptops | 20:04 |
lcuk | i keep threating luke with linux on his DS | 20:04 |
lcuk | but he shouts | 20:04 |
lcuk | threatening | 20:05 |
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* lcuk ponders releasing a midpoint liqflow | 20:05 | |
GeneralAntilles | lcuk, be careful he doesn't find any good Linux games or you might actually have to follow through on that one. :P | 20:05 |
lcuk | GeneralAntilles, angrybirds style gameplay on the ds would be cool | 20:06 |
simoneb_ | does anybody have a clue of why osso_notes does not auto-save my files, but it does save if asked? i've launched it via "hildon_mime_open_file_with_mime_type", and it does auto-save correctly if launched from the file manager or manually | 20:06 |
lcuk | it would have to be firing upwards really | 20:06 |
GeneralAntilles | lcuk, I'm sure there's already something. | 20:06 |
Aethaeryn | So... Maemo or Windows Mobile 7? Which is better? | 20:07 |
lcuk | probably gen | 20:07 |
GeneralAntilles | Aethaeryn, don't troll. | 20:07 |
GeneralAntilles | lcuk, I know such games exist for Wii, so. . . . | 20:07 |
Aethaeryn | Sorry, couldn't resist seeing as WinMo is in the headlines this week... :( | 20:07 |
lcuk | GeneralAntilles, ahh so even AB is a clone | 20:07 |
GeneralAntilles | http://www.amazon.com/Boom-Blox-Nintendo-Wii/dp/B000YDIYFG | 20:07 |
lcuk | Aethaeryn, if you troll GeneralAntilles too much, he will put you in the news :p | 20:08 |
Aethaeryn | So can Maemo multitask? | 20:08 |
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GeneralAntilles | Aethaeryn, yes, but only at an extreme cost to battery life since it has to use a different CPU core for each new task. | 20:09 |
Aethaeryn | How many CPU cores are there in the N900? | 20:09 |
GeneralAntilles | At least a dozen | 20:10 |
Aethaeryn | So there can be at least a dozen things run at once? | 20:10 |
MiXu- | Can someone check if there's supposed to be something in /etc/sudoers ? | 20:10 |
GeneralAntilles | Although I believe somebody on Talk is working on adding more with an addon card. | 20:10 |
Milhouse | Don't forget the disabled cores that are there to get the production yields up, the hack to enable those is a god send | 20:11 |
GeneralAntilles | Indeed, though you need to do some soldering on some units. | 20:11 |
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pupnik_ | :) | 20:12 |
GeneralAntilles | Aethaeryn, of course Maemo can multitask. There only practical limit is the one where you eventually enter swap hell and CPU deadlock, but that's in the 30-60 application range (depending on size, complexity and what they're doing). | 20:13 |
GeneralAntilles | s/There/The | 20:13 |
cehteh | so .. polipo as caching proxy (cache on microsd) configured .. lets see how well that works | 20:13 |
cehteh | my big squid here does magic speeding up openstreetmap | 20:14 |
MiXu- | Yay \o/ | 20:14 |
Aethaeryn | Well, that's good to know. With iPhone/iPad not multitasking, and with WinMo 7 possibly removing multitasking, "multitasking" is one of those buzz words going around. | 20:14 |
MiXu- | Fixed it. My problems was that wizard mounter corrupted my sudoers file. Running update-sudoers helped :o) | 20:14 |
GeneralAntilles | Aethaeryn, Maemo is basically very similar functionality-wise to your average desktop Linux machine. | 20:14 |
WZhang | lol, WinMo without multitasking, good luck with that | 20:14 |
Aethaeryn | Except in hardware... | 20:15 |
mashiara | functional specifications do not care of implementation details... | 20:16 |
Aethaeryn | The one thing I'm hesitant about is paying over $500 for something that can't run stuff I can run on my laptop... | 20:16 |
* b-man17 facepalms | 20:16 | |
ShadowJK | lol | 20:16 |
pupnik_ | it is smaller than a laptop | 20:16 |
GeneralAntilles | Aethaeryn, it's basically like having a laptop that fits in your pocket. | 20:17 |
lcuk | Aethaeryn, i paid £10,000 for my car, but it doesnt do the same as my laptop | 20:17 |
lcuk | can you make a call from your laptop? | 20:17 |
Aethaeryn | Yes. | 20:17 |
lcuk | or take 5mp pictures | 20:17 |
GeneralAntilles | . . . but can make phone calls and has decent battery life. | 20:17 |
Aethaeryn | (Skype) | 20:17 |
* ShadowJK paid 6900E for his car and it doesn't even bake bread, what a POS :( | 20:17 | |
GeneralAntilles | ShadowJK, you're just not trying hard enough. :P | 20:17 |
lcuk | Aethaeryn, not exactly the same tho is it | 20:18 |
GeneralAntilles | ShadowJK, you have heat and an enclosed space. Any other problems are personal. :P | 20:18 |
lcuk | ShadowJK, 12v breadmaker | 20:18 |
Aethaeryn | Does Wesnoth run on the N900? | 20:18 |
ShadowJK | I should have gotten a LADA, atleast it can grill sausages | 20:18 |
nid0 | bread mix on top of the engine block, go for a drive, sorted | 20:18 |
lcuk | nid0, i tried that, but the egg kept rolliung off | 20:18 |
Aethaeryn | Wesnoth + Freeciv are the only games I play, and if I could get it running on my phone maybe I'd be tempted to finish the add-ons I'm making | 20:18 |
mashiara | aethaeryn http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=41040&goto=newpost | 20:18 |
lcuk | and breaking on the road | 20:18 |
GeneralAntilles | Aethaeryn, dunno if anybody has updated it yet, but there's no reason why not. | 20:18 |
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GeneralAntilles | Freeciv is in the repos, I think. | 20:18 |
mashiara | on N810 wesnoth was something I wasted a lot of time on... | 20:19 |
b-man17 | i believe Wesnoth is avalible for fremantle... | 20:19 |
* lcuk hits b-man17 on the head | 20:19 | |
b-man17 | lol | 20:19 |
lcuk | (no reason, just because) | 20:19 |
Aethaeryn | Oh, I regularly compile Wesnoth 1.7 and SVN trunk on my computer, with two different installs... though I use scons to compile and I'm not sure if the N900 can use that. | 20:20 |
lcuk | then dig and find out dude | 20:20 |
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lcuk | can n900 improve my standing with the ladies? | 20:21 |
mashiara | depends on the ladies | 20:21 |
b-man17 | Aethaeryn: trust me, the N900 can do almost anything your laptop can do if you put your mind to it ;) | 20:21 |
GAN900 | lcuk, too late for you. | 20:21 |
lcuk | i meant more in a physical sense, im a bit short i need platform boots | 20:21 |
ifreq | lcuk: i think somethings cannot be fixed | 20:21 |
nid0 | some ladies will look at the n900, compare it to their hd2, and laugh at the small size | 20:21 |
* b-man17 ran Ubuntu 9.04 on his N800 ;P | 20:22 | |
mashiara | "it's not the size, it's the way you use it..." | 20:22 |
lcuk | has anyone got 4 n900s | 20:22 |
lcuk | or more | 20:22 |
b-man17 | lol, why xD? | 20:23 |
Aethaeryn | lcuk: Buy two n900s and store them in your shoes instead of your pockets? | 20:23 |
lcuk | or can get together with friends | 20:23 |
Aethaeryn | Then you'll look taller. | 20:23 |
ShadowJK | I'm thinking I'll get a second one when the USB port fails, and then I'll set up a blog and go on a crusade against nokia | 20:23 |
frals | lcuk: how the hell do you know which one is the one you use for calling and stuff and which one you dont? | 20:23 |
ifreq | ShadowJK: i think the failing has been happened after user unpacked the phone | 20:23 |
ifreq | ShadowJK: or have you heard its broke after long usage? | 20:23 |
frals | im grabbing the wrong one all the time, and mine even got diff keyboards | 20:23 |
lcuk | frals... i used to have a problem, not not so much | 20:23 |
ifreq | (i havent) | 20:23 |
lcuk | i only have 2 finished ones that look right | 20:24 |
lcuk | and its rare i get calls on the wrong one | 20:24 |
ShadowJK | ifreq, dunno | 20:24 |
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Stskeeps | anyone know if there's packaging for http://qt.gitorious.org/uiemo yet? | 20:24 |
Aethaeryn | Wait, is Maemo basically a Linux distro, thus meaning that there's a centralized repository of free precompiled apps for it? | 20:24 |
mashiara | aethaeryn: yes | 20:24 |
ShadowJK | Until Nokia has completed their investigation and told us their findings I'm pessimistic :) | 20:24 |
lcuk | frals, stickers work, and i just got this for tracy, but need a phone to fill it: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HOT-PINK-HYBRID-HARD-COVER-RUBBER-CASE-FOR-NOKIA-N900_W0QQitemZ150394071202QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_MobilePhones_MobilePhonesCasesPouches?hash=item23042f68a2 | 20:24 |
frals | lol | 20:25 |
lcuk | Aethaeryn, sure | 20:25 |
lcuk | frals, and for the longest time i had a lanyard clip on my primary | 20:25 |
mashiara | it just hand't get 15k apps like debian/ubuntu | 20:25 |
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mashiara | s/hadn't/hasn't/ | 20:25 |
lcuk | mashiara, then get porting | 20:25 |
frals | ah, should get a lanyard on the one i use, good point | 20:25 |
ShadowJK | There's easy-debian-chroot that lets you run all of debian on it | 20:25 |
frals | just dont want it scratching the screen :P | 20:26 |
lcuk | now, at home it doesnt really matter | 20:26 |
mashiara | lcuk: I didn't mean it as a bad thing... | 20:26 |
Aethaeryn | mashiara: That's okay, I use Fedora anyway... | 20:26 |
lcuk | i run liqsketch stuff using the network thing | 20:26 |
Aethaeryn | So I'm used to having only a "few" thousand apps :P | 20:26 |
lcuk | so both devices get the sketches | 20:26 |
lcuk | Aethaeryn, im sorry | 20:26 |
lcuk | my condolences, how on earth did you end up on fedora :p :D lol | 20:26 |
* ShadowJK uses fedora too | 20:27 | |
ShadowJK | The other day I realized I have a newer linux kernel on N900 than on my desktop | 20:27 |
lcuk | twitter is full! | 20:27 |
lcuk | but no1 go there | 20:27 |
lcuk | cos i want to login sometime | 20:28 |
mashiara | aethaeryn get the "maemo SDK" | 20:28 |
mashiara | it will allow you to quickly test if something compiles without tweaks or not | 20:28 |
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Aethaeryn | mashiara: Does the SDK work on Linux? | 20:29 |
mashiara | sure | 20:29 |
ShadowJK | It ONLY works on Linux | 20:29 |
ShadowJK | Though there are ubuntu+sdk vmware images for windows users | 20:29 |
* ShadowJK actually uses the vmware image on linux too... | 20:29 | |
mashiara | I just installed it on my Ubuntu VM (running in Parallels on OSX) | 20:30 |
ifreq | ShadowJK: or osx users.. | 20:30 |
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ShadowJK | sure, and Solaris users | 20:30 |
ifreq | rumnnin virtual sdk on fusion myself | 20:30 |
ifreq | works nicely. | 20:30 |
pekuja | are the repositories down right now or something? I'm having trouble with apt-get update when trying to install the SDK | 20:31 |
pekuja | Running apt-get update on 'FREMANTLE_ARMEL'. | 20:31 |
pekuja | 0% [Waiting for headers] | 20:31 |
* b-man17 has a dev environment on his N900 while on-the-go | 20:31 | |
pekuja | and it goes nowhere from there | 20:31 |
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Aethaeryn | Hmm | 20:31 |
Aethaeryn | Does irssi run on Maemo? | 20:31 |
b-man17 | yes | 20:31 |
mashiara | pekuja: same for me, looks like something is going on | 20:32 |
Aethaeryn | I have been using irssi since before 2006 (basically, day one of being full-time Linux user) and I really can't go back to an IRC client with a GUI | 20:32 |
pekuja | mashiara: I guess I'll just have to wait then. luckliy I'm not in a rush or anything | 20:33 |
Aethaeryn | Unfortunately had a hard drive crash on my first Linux computer so I'll never know the first day of logs. | 20:33 |
Aethaeryn | Back then, when I had a desktop, I was going through a phase of trying to see how much uptime I could get out of the computer. The hardware gave out before the software did. | 20:33 |
ShadowJK | Aethaeryn, x-terminal is installed by default, and irssi is in the extras repository... openssh is also there in case you want to run irssi in screen on a server somewhere | 20:33 |
SpeedEvil | xchat wfm. | 20:34 |
SpeedEvil | (mostly) | 20:34 |
ShadowJK | Yeah I use xchat too | 20:34 |
Aethaeryn | Well, irssi played into my uptime obsession. | 20:34 |
ShadowJK | as frontend to irssi mostly ;-) | 20:34 |
* b-man17 uses xchat | 20:34 | |
Aethaeryn | Using "screen irssi" I wouldn't lose IRC even when the GUI went down. | 20:35 |
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Aethaeryn | And it did go down several times. | 20:35 |
lcuk | just cheat with uptime | 20:35 |
lcuk | ive had my n900 uptime measured in decades | 20:35 |
hcarrega | ovi store is getting and update? | 20:35 |
b-man17 | lol | 20:35 |
Aethaeryn | "This N900 has been on longer than cell phones have existed." | 20:35 |
Aethaeryn | "So?" | 20:35 |
b-man17 | lcuk: your cheat is a time machine xD | 20:37 |
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lcuk | b-man17, o_O | 20:37 |
lcuk | TARDIS | 20:37 |
lcuk | bbl noms | 20:37 |
* Aethaeryn finally found out a disadvantage to Amazon Prime's free two-day shipping. | 20:38 | |
* ioeee saluda | 20:38 | |
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Aethaeryn | If I were to buy the N900 today, I would get it Tuesday. There has been two major blizzards, and the snow's still on the ground. Anything shipped would surely get damaged. | 20:38 |
Aethaeryn | I *want* two-week shipping :P | 20:38 |
Aethaeryn | Over a meter/yard (depending on system of measurement) of snow on the ground isn't something to mess with. | 20:39 |
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b-man17 | Aethaeryn: where are you located? | 20:39 |
b-man17 | just curious | 20:40 |
Aethaeryn | Maryland | 20:41 |
Aethaeryn | The DC-Baltimore-Philadelphia area was completely disabled all week. | 20:41 |
SpeedEvil | Unusual weatehr? | 20:41 |
Aethaeryn | My university shut down the whole week. | 20:41 |
Aethaeryn | Yeah. | 20:41 |
Aethaeryn | Very unusual. | 20:41 |
Aethaeryn | A record blizzard followed by a large one several days later. | 20:42 |
SpeedEvil | Normal weather here (scotland) - though late Dec was the heaviest falls of snow for 20 years. | 20:42 |
Aethaeryn | Well, we're further south. | 20:42 |
Aethaeryn | Even an inch of snow would cripple Miami Florida | 20:42 |
* b-man17 got those same 2 storms f- but we only got 1 1/2' | 20:42 | |
Aethaeryn | The further south you are, the less snow you can handle. | 20:42 |
SpeedEvil | It snows on the equator. | 20:42 |
b-man17 | *1 1/2 feet | 20:42 |
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Aethaeryn | Well, Amazon even had something up that said "Due to major storms on the east coast, shipping may be delayed" | 20:43 |
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SpeedEvil | http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=3054 | 20:43 |
Aethaeryn | I do all my shopping off of Amazon, so the $80 a year Amazon Prime fee probably has already paid for itself. | 20:43 |
Aethaeryn | It's an evil scheme to get you to do all your shopping there since I ignore if it's a dollar or two cheaper elsewhere if I have free two day shipping off of Amazon. | 20:44 |
SpeedEvil | All your shopping? | 20:44 |
SpeedEvil | Do they do groceries now? | 20:44 |
Aethaeryn | Okay, all the shopping that's fun. | 20:44 |
SpeedEvil | ah | 20:44 |
* SpeedEvil is doing all shopping online. | 20:45 | |
SpeedEvil | Including groceries. | 20:45 |
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Aethaeryn | Amazon.com is a site I trust because they don't sign you up to hidden leach services that charge you $12 a month if you don't cancel them. | 20:45 |
Aethaeryn | Which happened to me on another website. | 20:45 |
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Aethaeryn | All that *really* does is make me even less likely to use anything except Amazon for online shopping... morons, they're just letting Amazon build a name of trust. | 20:45 |
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GeneralAntilles | Aethaeryn, wouldn't take an inch. | 20:46 |
GeneralAntilles | Aethaeryn, temps start dropping below freezing down here and people start freezing in their homes. | 20:46 |
SpeedEvil | lol. | 20:46 |
GeneralAntilles | SpeedEvil, groceries yes, but only in WA. | 20:46 |
b-man17 | that's true xD | 20:46 |
* Aethaeryn grew up in a desert climate. | 20:46 | |
Aethaeryn | I laugh at the "heat stroke" warnings once we get in the 90s or 100s... | 20:47 |
SpeedEvil | yeah - many people do absolutely not know how to deal with the cold. | 20:47 |
SpeedEvil | Or heat | 20:47 |
Aethaeryn | "Stay indoors... code red..." etc... | 20:47 |
GeneralAntilles | Hot, on the other hand, we can handle. | 20:47 |
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SpeedEvil | GeneralAntilles: I've got 3 supermarkets that will deliver to me, so I don't reallyu need amazon. | 20:47 |
Aethaeryn | Now you're making me seriously check to see if Amazon does groceries. | 20:48 |
GeneralAntilles | Aethaeryn, they do, but only in WA. | 20:48 |
GeneralAntilles | SpeedEvil, we have some local ones that'll deliver, too, but you have to order over the phone. | 20:48 |
SpeedEvil | Of course, my first task after finding a new supermarket that delivers is to scrape the website, and do a sort-by-price script. | 20:48 |
GeneralAntilles | SpeedEvil, I'd just as soon drive the mile. ;) | 20:48 |
MiXu- | it's been like -10C to -25C here lately. chilly. | 20:49 |
Aethaeryn | http://www.amazon.com/grocery-breakfast-foods-snacks-organic/b/ref=sa_menu_gro7?ie=UTF8&node=16310101 | 20:49 |
SpeedEvil | GeneralAntilles: yeah - it's more like 10 yere. And gasoline is $2/l. And I don't currently have a license. | 20:49 |
SpeedEvil | So... | 20:49 |
SpeedEvil | MiXu-: Indeed. | 20:49 |
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SpeedEvil | http://ocado.com/ is an interesting concept. | 20:49 |
SpeedEvil | pure grocery delivery service - no stores | 20:49 |
GeneralAntilles | SpeedEvil, I like the photoshopped truck picture in the right column. | 20:50 |
b-man17 | lol | 20:50 |
* GeneralAntilles chuckles at the Tropicana ad. | 20:50 | |
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GeneralAntilles | That stuff is so gross. | 20:50 |
MiXu- | (that's -13F) | 20:51 |
GeneralAntilles | frals, ping? | 20:51 |
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Aethaeryn | According to the 1995 film The Net, you could order pizza online... in 1995. | 20:51 |
Aethaeryn | Remember, this is before most people used the Internet for anything, let alone used it for shopping. | 20:52 |
SpeedEvil | In one or two locations - perhaps | 20:52 |
Aethaeryn | http://www.rodrigostoledo.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/nokia-n920-fake.jpg | 20:52 |
Aethaeryn | That's reassuring. | 20:52 |
Aethaeryn | Nokia isn't ditching the hardware keyboard, it's a fake. | 20:52 |
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SpeedEvil | I have seen simple applications that used basically a form hooked up to a printer to do that sort of thing | 20:53 |
b-man17 | that fake mockup looks ugly | 20:53 |
GeneralAntilles | Aethaeryn, yeah, no shit. :P | 20:53 |
jaska | didnt "the net" have ipv4 addresses with octets > 255 | 20:53 |
GeneralAntilles | Aethaeryn, anybody who looked at that and didn't notice the fakery is blind. :P | 20:53 |
Stskeeps | n920 running diablo | 20:54 |
Stskeeps | :P | 20:54 |
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Stskeeps | hell, n900 doesnt run diablo, even though i might be bored enough to try and get it to boot. | 20:54 |
GeneralAntilles | Stskeeps, please don't. :P | 20:54 |
GeneralAntilles | If you're ever that bored it means you need to find more PRODUCTIVE things to do. :D | 20:54 |
b-man17 | hehe | 20:54 |
Gary | I nearly bought a n900 today :-) | 20:54 |
Stskeeps | GeneralAntilles: i'm currently rebuilding Mer from scratch to try out a hypothesis, :P | 20:55 |
GeneralAntilles | Stskeeps, see, that sounds productive. | 20:55 |
Aethaeryn | I still think that the next Nokia device in the line should be called the N1337 | 20:55 |
Aethaeryn | Just skip a few numbers. | 20:55 |
GeneralAntilles | At least it doesn't have anything to do with a codebase from 2007. :P | 20:55 |
Stskeeps | GeneralAntilles: Debian Lenny? ;) | 20:55 |
Stskeeps | GeneralAntilles: was your dell mini a touchscreen btw? | 20:55 |
GeneralAntilles | They make them in touchscreen? | 20:55 |
jaska | N715517 | 20:56 |
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Stskeeps | GeneralAntilles: no idea | 20:56 |
Aethaeryn | The python installer for the sdk requires root access? | 20:56 |
GeneralAntilles | Stskeeps, the Mini 9 only has an aftermarket mod | 20:56 |
frals | GeneralAntilles: pong | 20:56 |
Stskeeps | GeneralAntilles: seeking targets for testing out mer^2 and currently i have a zoom2 on the armel side, and a joggler on the x86 side :P | 20:56 |
Aethaeryn | I'm glad Fedora's supported though... | 20:56 |
GeneralAntilles | frals, OK, before I file this one I wanted to ask you. | 20:57 |
GeneralAntilles | frals, I got a new MMS yesterday. I tapped it 3 times to open it (impatient :P). | 20:57 |
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GeneralAntilles | frals, first time sent up the loading banner, second and third times did nothing. | 20:57 |
GeneralAntilles | frals, but when the message loaded, I looked at it and tapped the back button it sent me back to the message again. | 20:58 |
frals | and now you cant view it, ye? | 20:58 |
frals | oh, cool ;D | 20:58 |
GeneralAntilles | frals, so it opened the message 3 times and added a new one on the end of the breadcrumb trail for each. | 20:58 |
GeneralAntilles | Related: drop the hildon banner notifications. | 20:58 |
GeneralAntilles | Doesn't follow spec, etc. :P | 20:58 |
frals | file it, i need to work some on the notifications at some point | 20:59 |
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Aethaeryn | I'm trying to install the SDK, but it the Next button is grayed out unless I uncheck "Install Nokia Binaries" | 21:00 |
* frals is looking forward to a bug report without all the fields changed | 21:00 | |
Aethaeryn | Does that mean they don't want me to install the Nokia binaries? | 21:00 |
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LuciusMare | hi, so how's it with the 032 flashlight? is the "bork-after-first-use" bug fixed? | 21:01 |
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GeneralAntilles | frals, you want some versions and milestones? | 21:02 |
frals | nah, thanks thou | 21:03 |
ShadowJK | Aethaeryn, maybe there's license you need to agree to? | 21:03 |
ShadowJK | or scroll through | 21:03 |
Spilio | hi there are some problems by using the devel repositories like any other? | 21:03 |
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Aethaeryn | ShadowJK: I did check I agree... Maybe their patented psychic mind-reading technology (for the N920, of course) told them I didn't really read it? | 21:05 |
ShadowJK | lol | 21:05 |
Aethaeryn | I'll just install it without the binaries | 21:06 |
Aethaeryn | Possibly I was missing some dependency or something, but really I just want to see if certain applications work without tweaking | 21:06 |
Aethaeryn | And installation failed anyway :P | 21:06 |
* GeneralAntilles wonders why maemo.org is slow again. | 21:07 | |
* RST38h wandered into some really long Java N900 thread | 21:07 | |
Aethaeryn | So much for Fedora support... | 21:07 |
RST38h | Weird people. | 21:07 |
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Aethaeryn | That's okay, I get to play around with gnome-shell development build a lot easier than other distros can. :P | 21:07 |
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Stskeeps | ah, god bless bad coding | 21:08 |
Stskeeps | my openness report forgot all the components that were between > 80% and < 99% openness | 21:08 |
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cehteh | \o/ awesome map-caching with polipo | 21:10 |
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* Spilio se despide y cierra o/ | 21:11 | |
LuciusMare | Has anybody tried connecting a n900 with arduino over the usb port? | 21:11 |
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LuciusMare | OR, more accurate question - can i use the usb port on n900 to send and recieve voltage on each pin? | 21:12 |
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mashiara | LuciusMare, I don't think you can get that low-level access to the port | 21:14 |
LuciusMare | >:( | 21:14 |
mashiara | or do you have some sort of USB<->ADC adapter | 21:14 |
LuciusMare | adc? | 21:15 |
LuciusMare | ... | 21:15 |
mashiara | Analog-Digital Converter | 21:15 |
SpeedEvil | LuciusMare: there is no low-level access. | 21:15 |
LuciusMare | aw | 21:15 |
mashiara | In fact I don't think *any* USB chipset allows that low-level access | 21:15 |
SpeedEvil | LuciusMare: you would need to use - unless you fix host mode - which seems plausible but has not been done - a I2C-USB host device on the arduino | 21:16 |
SpeedEvil | http://www.maxim-ic.com/appnotes.cfm/an_pk/3637 | 21:16 |
cehteh | figure the jtag or serial bus out | 21:16 |
cehteh | ehm and whats the 3rd connector under the battery? another usb? hostmode even? :) | 21:17 |
LuciusMare | i was told that the serial bus is under battery and for debugging use only | 21:17 |
mashiara | hang on, I need to dig out an old link | 21:17 |
cehteh | well yes .. as in "how do you access the thing with the battery inserted?" | 21:18 |
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mashiara | http://www.natisbad.org/N900/n900-commented-hardware-specs.html | 21:18 |
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SpeedEvil | cehteh: thin cables would work | 21:20 |
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cehteh | yeah | 21:20 |
mashiara | there was also some thread where someone had made their own "jig" to access the serial port under the battery while the device is running | 21:20 |
mashiara | nokia care has these special jigs for it | 21:21 |
SpeedEvil | http://wiki.maemo.org/N900_Hardware_Hacking | 21:21 |
SpeedEvil | I need to fill in that at some point with findings about the several ports | 21:21 |
SpeedEvil | I haven't gotten round to it yet | 21:21 |
LuciusMare | geeze, why can't they just make it easier for us? | 21:21 |
SpeedEvil | meh | 21:21 |
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mashiara | I wonder about the USB host mode though | 21:23 |
mashiara | N770 didn't suplly power (OTG) but host mode could be enabled simply | 21:24 |
Stskeeps | mashiara: jig for n900? | 21:24 |
mashiara | AFAIUnderstand N900 has slightly more complex problem here | 21:24 |
LuciusMare | why? | 21:24 |
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mashiara | stskeeps: ? please eloborate | 21:25 |
GeneralAntilles | LuciusMare, charging and the USB consortium. | 21:25 |
LuciusMare | usb consortuium? O_o | 21:25 |
GeneralAntilles | LuciusMare, yes, the one that decides whether you can put a USB logo on the box or not. | 21:25 |
LuciusMare | heh | 21:26 |
LuciusMare | i know what usb consortium is, but what is the exact problem? | 21:26 |
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GeneralAntilles | Some sort of hardware issue that meant they couldn't just ship as-is and ship a fix later. | 21:27 |
GeneralAntilles | At least and be allowed to put a USB logo on the box. | 21:27 |
greenfly | my (limited) understanding to it is that the ability to charge over USB and the ability to have USB host mode on the same port are at odds | 21:27 |
SpeedEvil | The exact problem at the moment seems - as far as I've investigated it - that there is no software support for properly turning round the host port. I need to find time to finish reading the datasheet and kernel. | 21:27 |
pupnik_ | honestly, i wouldnt use host mode. never did on 770 | 21:27 |
SpeedEvil | The best case is that you will require an external powered hub/cable though | 21:27 |
greenfly | to me the only place it might be useful is if one could eventually get full-definition video out of it | 21:28 |
SpeedEvil | (but you'd need an adaptor anyway - as nothing will plug into a microb) | 21:28 |
Stskeeps | mashiara: just if someone made a custom jig for n900 yet that isn't a nokia one | 21:28 |
greenfly | so you could have a sort of usb docking station, as it were | 21:28 |
SpeedEvil | greenfly: USB2 video adaptors may work. I question if they will be fast enough for high speed video. | 21:28 |
greenfly | SpeedEvil: as long as they'd be faster than the current x11vnc + wireless... | 21:29 |
SpeedEvil | If the hardware support to put video onto them isn't there. The CPU is quite slow - for dealing with HD video. | 21:29 |
Kegetys | you can use usb joysticks with it for mobile gaming: http://junk.kegetys.net/mobile_gaming.jpg ;) | 21:29 |
SpeedEvil | you can dovideo over usb-net too | 21:29 |
pupnik_ | it would suck to game with a cable pluggd in | 21:30 |
SpeedEvil | Kegetys: well - you can use wiimotes right now | 21:30 |
GeneralAntilles | Kegetys, or just get yourself a SIXAXIS | 21:30 |
pupnik_ | youd be pulling the device around | 21:30 |
greenfly | I think usb-net is going to ultimately be the solution for most of these things | 21:30 |
mashiara | stskeeps: Yes, but it didn't look like a solution that would last for very long, I'll see if I find the link | 21:30 |
Stskeeps | mashiara: mostly cos it would be nice to point community hackers to a solution for n900 :) | 21:30 |
pupnik_ | the PS3 six axxis plus tv-out should be great | 21:31 |
SpeedEvil | The most ideal case would be if there was a USB host bus under the battery. That seems unlikely at best though. | 21:31 |
SpeedEvil | I2C would be fun too. | 21:31 |
VDVsx | X-Fade, something is really broken in the package interface, someone uploaded a game today, begged for votes and the game is already in extras :( | 21:31 |
SpeedEvil | And is more likely. | 21:31 |
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Trizt | to whome should you whine if you want nfs4 support in the n900's kernel? | 21:33 |
lcuk | VDVsx, | 21:34 |
lcuk | which game? | 21:34 |
mashiara | stskeeps: can't find the link (should have bookmarked it, or maybe I'm just delusional) | 21:34 |
mashiara | Tritzt: build the module yourself ? | 21:35 |
greenfly | Trizt: don't whine, but if you go to talk.maemo.org there's a thread on the custom kernel that enables iptables, ext4,reiser,xfs, etc. support. that would be a good place to make a request | 21:35 |
mashiara | in fact I think I have seen some nfs related modules | 21:36 |
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greenfly | yeah it's possible someone's already done it | 21:36 |
VDVsx | lcuk, http://maemo.org/downloads/product/Maemo5/hoopsfrenzy/ | 21:36 |
mashiara | "seen" as in seen in the app-manager | 21:36 |
LuciusMare | i am sure i would use the usb host, i would love it | 21:36 |
Trizt | there is the nfs module, but that is just nfs <=3 | 21:36 |
lcuk | VDVsx, so wheres the dupe? | 21:36 |
lcuk | and is it OSS | 21:36 |
mashiara | USB host even without power (ie using powered hub) would be great for HW hackers | 21:36 |
mashiara | Trizt: http://mobilehotspot.garage.maemo.org/ scroll down to how to change kernel feature X | 21:37 |
lcuk | mashiara, the hardware hackers seem to be doing ok with bluetooth modules | 21:37 |
lcuk | allows extra things too | 21:37 |
VDVsx | lcuk, well, 1o days of quarantine like the rest of the packages, also the packages doesn't respect the q&a rules | 21:37 |
mashiara | sure, I actually have some bluetooth modules laying around somewhere... now where did I put them ? | 21:37 |
lcuk | silicon heaven | 21:38 |
lcuk | the place where all the calculators go to die | 21:38 |
pupnik_ | i used nfs for a long time and it sucks when losing connection | 21:38 |
LuciusMare | sshfs? | 21:39 |
pupnik_ | better | 21:39 |
Trizt | mashiara; feels like a lot of work for one tiny option | 21:39 |
lcuk | Trizt, some people climb mountains "because they are there" | 21:40 |
mashiara | Trizt: that build a whole kernel +modules + flasher debs | 21:40 |
mashiara | you could just get the source and compile just the module you need | 21:40 |
mashiara | provided it does not require any extra symbols in the kernel proper (like nf_conntrack does, grr) | 21:40 |
Trizt | Mmm... it may :( | 21:41 |
mashiara | In that case you need to flash a custom kernel too | 21:41 |
mashiara | IMO the scripts I have made for the mobilehotspot project make it rather easy and quick | 21:42 |
mashiara | (certainly easier than remembering to do all the little things by hand) | 21:42 |
mashiara | of course compiling the armel kernel takes almost an hour on my virtualmachine running the SDK | 21:42 |
mashiara | gotta love emulation... | 21:43 |
SpeedEvil | I do wonder what it'd be natively. | 21:43 |
SpeedEvil | I suspect about half that | 21:43 |
SpeedEvil | maby 3/4 | 21:43 |
Trizt | I lost graphics on mine when I made a distro upgrade, really wish there could be an ebuild instead | 21:43 |
greenfly | http://www.engadget.com/2010/02/13/celios-redfly-smartphone-dock-gets-real-enough-for-a-demo-reel/ | 21:44 |
greenfly | wonder how much custom software something like this requires | 21:44 |
mashiara | probably not that much | 21:45 |
mashiara | depending of course on the phone... | 21:45 |
greenfly | yeah, I mean it looked like they were using a blackberry bold | 21:45 |
greenfly | which doesn't have usb host mode | 21:46 |
SpeedEvil | Umm | 21:46 |
SpeedEvil | you use bluetooth | 21:46 |
SpeedEvil | and you're done | 21:46 |
greenfly | SpeedEvil: umm BT video? | 21:46 |
SpeedEvil | oh - missed hte video | 21:46 |
greenfly | video is the main thing for me, the rest is easy | 21:47 |
LuciusMare | woot, nexus one got hacked so it geys usb host? >:( | 21:47 |
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wazd | "WinMo 7 Starter will have conversations limited to 3 minutes." | 21:47 |
SpeedEvil | :) | 21:47 |
greenfly | wazd: heh are they using gizmo or something? | 21:48 |
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wazd | that's a joke from Engadget :) | 21:49 |
wazd | but damn funny joke it is :D | 21:49 |
hcarrega | what about ovi store update for n900? | 21:49 |
hcarrega | when acess do ovi tell me to go to app manager | 21:49 |
hcarrega | but then nothing shows on update window | 21:50 |
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Stskeeps | evening RevdKathy | 21:53 |
RevdKathy | even Stskeeps | 21:53 |
RevdKathy | how's tricks? | 21:53 |
RST38h | wazd: the important question is whether it will receive calls =) | 21:54 |
Stskeeps | RevdKathy: going out for some beers tonight with business contacts, waiting for the missus to get ready :P | 21:55 |
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RevdKathy | Sounds like fun, Stskeeps. I am aiming for an early night. Am finally on a bit of leave and have been studying too much | 21:56 |
RevdKathy | Got me a bacardi and coke though - no work or worship in the morning. :) | 21:56 |
hcarrega | http://www.mobypicture.com/user/nokiAAddict/view/6007977 | 21:57 |
hcarrega | ovi update | 21:57 |
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RevdKathy | I looked for the ovi update and didn't find anything | 21:57 |
hcarrega | me to | 21:58 |
hcarrega | shows nothing | 21:58 |
hcarrega | myabe tomorrow | 21:58 |
hcarrega | maybe | 21:58 |
pupnik_ | is there a way for someone to send 100MB files to my N900: | 22:04 |
pupnik_ | skype on n900 does not allow file transfer | 22:04 |
SpeedEvil | dcc | 22:04 |
SpeedEvil | or ftp | 22:04 |
pupnik_ | friend is too dumb to open his dcc port | 22:05 |
SpeedEvil | bittorrent | 22:05 |
pupnik_ | hmm ftp eh | 22:05 |
SpeedEvil | ftp server on your n900? | 22:05 |
pupnik_ | not bad | 22:05 |
SpeedEvil | or rapidshare | 22:05 |
SpeedEvil | but... | 22:06 |
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Stskeeps | scp | 22:06 |
Arif | ssh? | 22:06 |
Arif | :P | 22:06 |
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MikeJB | Does the n900 have a microSD slot? Though I know the HD is massive, I'm just curious... | 22:07 |
Arif | yes | 22:07 |
Stskeeps | yes | 22:07 |
Stskeeps | under the cover | 22:07 |
Arif | SDHC even ! | 22:07 |
tank-man | SDHC or microSDHC ? | 22:08 |
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Arif | microSDHC :P | 22:09 |
MikeJB | Does it play music? | 22:09 |
MikeJB | OGG? | 22:09 |
SpeedEvil | so you can do 48G now, and 64G in a couple of months | 22:09 |
Arif | who uses ogg? :P | 22:09 |
MikeJB | I'd use ogg if digital music players supported it :P | 22:10 |
Arif | The N900 does | 22:10 |
mashiara | MikeJB: there is separate "application" package that adds ogg support but I have no actually tested it | 22:10 |
Arif | but I see no reason why you'd use it :p | 22:10 |
Dantonic | mikejb it does support ogg however not out of the box... | 22:10 |
Dantonic | I use that package... but I have an issue with it | 22:10 |
Arif | AAC+ is better :P | 22:10 |
Dantonic | the cpu utilization is not optimized | 22:10 |
MikeJB | Arif: Ogg is one of the things I agree with the FSF on. | 22:10 |
Dantonic | it uses up more CPU when playing ogg than when playing AAC or mp3 | 22:11 |
mashiara | dantonic: I think the MP3 decoder uses the DSP | 22:11 |
Arif | but yeah ogg support is as far away as a few ticks :P | 22:11 |
SpeedEvil | mashiara: nope. It uses the CPU - and probably not actually very efficiently. | 22:11 |
Dantonic | ogg is there tho | 22:11 |
SpeedEvil | There are better codecs out there | 22:11 |
Arif | the tags aren't supported fully though | 22:11 |
SpeedEvil | I mean - better decoder software for mp3 | 22:11 |
ShadowJK | i uses libvorbis libogg, but ffmpeg has its own CPU encoder that's more optimized than xiph's official | 22:11 |
Dantonic | there is Mplayer that plays ogg very efficiently | 22:11 |
Dantonic | however there isnt a great front end for it yet | 22:12 |
ShadowJK | MPlayer uses ffmpeg's vorbis decoder by default I think. | 22:12 |
Dantonic | it does | 22:12 |
MikeJB | Eh, I guess the reason for using ogg is that it's the best free competitor to mp3 in the sense of popularity. | 22:12 |
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mashiara | SpeedEvile: Ok, I was mistaken then | 22:12 |
Dantonic | right | 22:12 |
MikeJB | And popularity means everything because if the format is popular it usually gets updated enough to surpass competitors. | 22:12 |
Arif | have you tried eAAC+ :p | 22:12 |
Dantonic | it also plays flac very well and efficiently | 22:12 |
MikeJB | Take a look at how USB originally sucked, but 2.0 and 3.0 are taking care of the speed issues now. | 22:12 |
ShadowJK | Supposedly ffmpeg can encode flac better than the official flac encoder too (in the lunatic modes of both) | 22:13 |
Arif | USB1 is awesome | 22:13 |
Arif | with its 600KB/s | 22:13 |
pupnik_ | ogg sounds good | 22:13 |
Arif | :d | 22:13 |
Dantonic | the only inefficient one at this time is ogg.. I'm disappointed about it because I converted my whole collection to ogg :( | 22:13 |
Dantonic | I hope they can get ffmpeg to work with the defaul player soon | 22:13 |
Dantonic | default* | 22:13 |
Arif | meh | 22:13 |
ShadowJK | It obviously works because it was benchmarked | 22:13 |
Arif | FLAC doesn't show tags in the media player | 22:13 |
Arif | so I had to convert to mp3 :P | 22:14 |
Arif | it only showed the album art for some reason | 22:14 |
pupnik_ | grah | 22:14 |
MikeJB | If I got a smartphone that was good enough to the point where I could ditch my iPod, I definitely would convert my mp3 collection to ogg | 22:14 |
Arif | iPod? | 22:14 |
Arif | lol | 22:14 |
MikeJB | I already have some ogg, since Fedora rips from CDs in ogg format by default. | 22:14 |
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MikeJB | Arif: Not even a touch screen one :P | 22:14 |
MikeJB | Though that's on purpose, since they don't support Linux very well. | 22:15 |
Dantonic | MikeJB like I said ogg is there but it needs some better support | 22:15 |
Arif | I've used my phones as mp3 players since the 6230 came out | 22:15 |
Arif | :p | 22:15 |
Dantonic | it will still play fine, just instead of your battery lasting 20+ hours playing music it will last 10 | 22:15 |
MikeJB | Convergence is the only chance of killing the iPod... it's such a large monopoly on the music player industry, to the point where almost all MP3 players look like the iPod (with the wheel, etc.) | 22:15 |
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MikeJB | No wonder Apple needed the iPhone to take off so badly... they could probably see that trend too | 22:16 |
Dantonic | Harmattan is supposed to have built in ogg support | 22:16 |
Arif | I'm all alone as someone who never had warm feelings for a rotten apple | 22:16 |
Arif | :P | 22:16 |
Dantonic | but who knows maybe they'll bring it sooner :P | 22:16 |
Dantonic | I hope | 22:16 |
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villager | nah, I never saw how anyone in their right minds could ever buy anything from apple either | 22:16 |
Arif | it's so expensive, for less than the competitoin! | 22:17 |
Arif | ;P | 22:17 |
MikeJB | Arif: Apple is about 2x as popular in the US as everywhere else, if you look at market share of Macs in US vs. global average. I'm sure its mindshare crosses over to devices too | 22:17 |
MikeJB | So in the US, especially among young people, you don't buy an MP3 player, you buy an iPod | 22:17 |
Arif | oh that's why | 22:17 |
Arif | over here it's not THAT bad | 22:17 |
MikeJB | Just like you don't buy tissues, you buy Kleenex, and you don't photocopy, you Xerox :P | 22:17 |
Arif | Xerox? | 22:17 |
Arif | never heard of that | 22:17 |
villager | well, everybody knows americans are stupid | 22:17 |
MikeJB | Arif: A long time ago, they invented the GUI :P | 22:18 |
Arif | crackberries are more popular nowadays xD | 22:18 |
villager | a large proportion of them at least... | 22:18 |
Arif | Oh great. then I love them | 22:18 |
MikeJB | villager: Have you ever watched the news in the US? | 22:18 |
MikeJB | CNN was pratically a giant ad for Twitter a few months ago when I tried to watch it. | 22:18 |
Arif | is it as magazineish as I hear it is? | 22:18 |
pupnik_ | nokia should revise the microusb cable and charger to have a shorter lead | 22:18 |
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MikeJB | I wouldn't be surprised if Twitter was paying and sponsoring the show. | 22:18 |
villager | MikeJB: a couple of times, but since I don't live there, then usually no | 22:19 |
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MikeJB | They had a scrolling Twitter ticker at the bottom, even. | 22:19 |
ShadowJK | shorter lead? why? it's not long enough to reach everywhere in my bedroom as it is! | 22:19 |
ShadowJK | needs to be longer | 22:19 |
MikeJB | I don't think you understand how ingrained consumerism is in the US | 22:19 |
Arif | Nokia should've put better speakers in the N900 | 22:19 |
Arif | like the 5800 or N95 8GB ones | 22:19 |
ShadowJK | Like the N810 ones :) | 22:20 |
Arif | it's just a cracklefest now | 22:20 |
MikeJB | The N900 isn't popular in the US because Nokia didn't buy a Super Bowl ad... :P | 22:20 |
Dantonic | like the N800 ones!! | 22:20 |
Dantonic | :P | 22:20 |
ShadowJK | mine doesn't crackle | 22:20 |
ShadowJK | the N800 ones are worse than N810, which is surprising because the N800 are forward facing | 22:20 |
Arif | mine crackles on lower bitrate | 22:20 |
Arif | like radio | 22:20 |
ShadowJK | (I have both) | 22:20 |
ShadowJK | I've never heard crackle | 22:20 |
Arif | if you put it on max | 22:20 |
MikeJB | If Nokia bought a Super Bowl ad with either (1) cute animals, (2) pantless people (don't ask me why, but that was a trend this year), or (3) some random celebrity endorsement... it'd have a larger market share in the US | 22:20 |
Arif | I've never used an N800 or N810 :O | 22:21 |
ShadowJK | My issue is more that the volume doesn't go low enough | 22:21 |
pupnik_ | N810 speakers kick ass | 22:21 |
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Dantonic | ShadowJK, really I thought the opposite.. the N800 were supposed to be more powerful | 22:21 |
Arif | MikeJB, you watch hairy pantless men? ew =P | 22:21 |
ShadowJK | so what? power doesn't mean anything | 22:21 |
villager | MikeJB: I don't believe Nokia actually intends for the N900 to be a mainstream phone, so they wouldn't advertise it like that | 22:22 |
ShadowJK | the N810 speakers *sound* better | 22:22 |
Arif | They should've just gone with the 5800 ones | 22:22 |
Arif | those were sweet | 22:22 |
ShadowJK | I don't care which one of them can be louder, I could just stab myself in the ear if I want to go deaf | 22:22 |
MikeJB | Arif: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1FxwagDP8A&feature=player_embedded | 22:22 |
MikeJB | and one other... | 22:22 |
Arif | lol | 22:23 |
DocScrutinizer51 | ShadowJK: really? | 22:23 |
ShadowJK | really what? | 22:23 |
MikeJB | flash is the only thing that really lags my browser | 22:23 |
MikeJB | so it'll take a minute to find the other one | 22:23 |
SpeedEvil | Speakers are a huge compromise. | 22:23 |
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SpeedEvil | There is nothing magical about them - the more space you have to devote - the better the sound (for constant money) | 22:23 |
DocScrutinizer51 | ShadowJK: n810 > n900 | 22:23 |
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ShadowJK | dockane_, speakers? yeah | 22:24 |
ShadowJK | headphone output? no way | 22:24 |
ShadowJK | N900 has a few magnitudes better headphone output | 22:24 |
Arif | the headphone output is better than the previous phones I had | 22:24 |
Arif | except the N91 | 22:24 |
ShadowJK | The n810 speakers have the same noise as the n810 headphone output, but typically on speakers I have volume somewhere at quarter/half anyway, so the noise is mostly masked by the music | 22:24 |
DocScrutinizer51 | ShadowJK: still suboptimal for hp out. too much bass. for spk I dunno | 22:25 |
MikeJB | Arif: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojMh0VCBv0g&feature=player_embedded <- the other one | 22:25 |
ShadowJK | Yeah, it's bass heavy :/ | 22:25 |
Arif | oh, that's even gayer | 22:25 |
Arif | lol | 22:25 |
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MikeJB | Arif: Yes. So pantless was a theme. | 22:26 |
Arif | if it was females there on the other hand... | 22:26 |
Arif | =P | 22:26 |
DocScrutinizer51 | though I got the impression a lot of quality flaws on 900 hpout is due to PA/whatever mangling. not HW | 22:27 |
omicron23 | hi there. I am trying to install the maemo sdk. I am stuck while running ./maemo-sdk-install_5.0.sh | 22:27 |
MikeJB | Arif: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40-Oskte2uQ&feature=player_embedded <- I think she's pantless in this one | 22:27 |
ShadowJK | DocScrutinizer, that's possible | 22:27 |
omicron23 | there is an error indicating that my normal user is not able to execute scratchbox login. | 22:27 |
MikeJB | of course, the phone she's advertizing sucks. | 22:27 |
ShadowJK | mplayer can bypass pulse atleast | 22:27 |
MikeJB | It's not even good by Android standards. | 22:28 |
omicron23 | but my user is in the sbox group | 22:28 |
MikeJB | So that's the Super Bowl in the US: bad commercials advertizing good stuff and good commercials advertizing bad stuff | 22:28 |
Arif | we as downloaders don't see any of those | 22:28 |
pupnik_ | i wish n900 could beam a console screen into my eye | 22:28 |
Arif | :D | 22:28 |
DocScrutinizer51 | there's also that legend about N900 shooting own spkr onn high vol. So PA has a special ALV which for sure would flaw the HP if active for this out as well | 22:28 |
MikeJB | Arif: But there you go, for some reason 2010 is the year of the pantless commercials. I wonder what focus group thought that up. | 22:29 |
ShadowJK | pupnik, yeah I think that's the next step.. implants or goggles | 22:29 |
ShadowJK | DocScrutinizer, I remember someone complaining the N900 audio (both spk and headphone) is heavily compressed | 22:29 |
Arif | maybe they were out of pants | 22:30 |
ShadowJK | dynamic range compression | 22:30 |
DocScrutinizer51 | yup | 22:30 |
DocScrutinizer51 | exactly | 22:30 |
MikeJB | Arif: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbifmRBBN6Q&feature=player_embedded <- one of the few ads I actually liked... note that the robot is not wearing any pants :P | 22:30 |
DocScrutinizer51 | thougz, due to closed source nature of this subsystem you never know if they did some tweaks to it on PR1.1 | 22:31 |
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* DocScrutinizer51 wonders if Nokia could publish the commit logs for closed source components at least | 22:32 | |
ShadowJK | try bugzilla? :) | 22:32 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | err? | 22:32 |
* Arif is waiting for the only bug he reported to be fixed | 22:33 | |
Arif | :P | 22:33 |
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ShadowJK | file a bug report asking for changelogs for the closed source components | 22:33 |
DocScrutinizer51 | dunno if there's any commitlogs. or do you suggest to open ticket for nokia to disclose commitlogs? | 22:33 |
DocScrutinizer51 | aah | 22:33 |
DocScrutinizer51 | k | 22:33 |
DocScrutinizer51 | maybe eventually I,ll do | 22:33 |
ShadowJK | or I guess you could file a bug asking for a way to switch off pa-rape on headphone | 22:34 |
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wiretapped | tablets-dev.nokia.com is down :( | 22:34 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | that's two rather distinct topics | 22:34 |
LuciusMare | okay, i just found i have no idea how n900 works, no idea about the hw, i didnt even know what i2c is.. where should i start? | 22:34 |
ShadowJK | sure | 22:35 |
DocScrutinizer51 | lol | 22:35 |
ShadowJK | But that's a way to get changelogs, when status in bugzilla changes with a version number attached | 22:35 |
DocScrutinizer51 | wikipedia.en/I2C | 22:35 |
LuciusMare | heh | 22:35 |
LuciusMare | I already had read about it | 22:36 |
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Arif | hmm | 22:36 |
Arif | anyone know how to reset alsamixer if I screw stuff up? | 22:36 |
mashiara | LuciusMare the HW pages linked earlier are a good start | 22:36 |
DocScrutinizer51 | LuciusMare: heh. maybe you'd find wiki.openmoko.org helpful? | 22:37 |
LuciusMare | mashiara: i only have noticed wiki.maemo.org/hw hacking | 22:37 |
LuciusMare | DocScrutinizer51: maybe, thanks | 22:37 |
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mashiara | http://www.natisbad.org/N900/n900-commented-hardware-specs.html | 22:38 |
DocScrutinizer51 | LuciusMare: as for N900 there,s NO way to understand about all that - at least not for ordinary mortals | 22:38 |
LuciusMare | hah | 22:38 |
LuciusMare | someone had to design it | 22:38 |
DocScrutinizer51 | yeah, but that someone has signed a NDA | 22:38 |
mashiara | are you suggesting Nokia people are not mortals ? | 22:39 |
LuciusMare | ~NDA | 22:39 |
mashiara | interesting... | 22:39 |
infobot | I'm not allowed to tell you | 22:39 |
LuciusMare | haha | 22:39 |
DocScrutinizer51 | ~wtf NDA | 22:39 |
infobot | Gee... I don't know what NDA means... | 22:40 |
DocScrutinizer51 | omg | 22:40 |
LuciusMare | :D | 22:40 |
jophish | Evening all. | 22:40 |
mashiara | I've been wondering about the 4pin audio port | 22:40 |
DocScrutinizer51 | non disclosure agreement | 22:40 |
mashiara | or AV port | 22:40 |
DocScrutinizer51 | so waht? | 22:40 |
mashiara | how they exactly handle the headset vs video adapter etc | 22:41 |
LuciusMare | yeah,wondered about that too | 22:41 |
mashiara | ie, do they perhaps expode I2C bus there... | 22:41 |
mashiara | s/expode/expose/ | 22:41 |
infobot | mashiara meant: ie, do they perhaps expose I2C bus there... | 22:41 |
Arif | it checks the pins? | 22:42 |
DocScrutinizer | http://www.forum.nokia.com/Technology_Topics/Mobile_Technologies/Connectivity_&_Interfaces/Wired_Interfaces/Nokia_AV_2.5mm_and_3.5mm_Connector.xhtml | 22:42 |
Arif | :O | 22:42 |
LuciusMare | nice | 22:42 |
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DocScrutinizer | Arif: basically yes. It checks the resistance from e.g mic pin to GND | 22:43 |
Arif | the N95 always asked what it was | 22:43 |
Arif | o.o | 22:43 |
DocScrutinizer | for headset that's <4k, for AV video on same pin the cable has to be >>than 4k | 22:43 |
LuciusMare | this might also sound stupid,but | 22:44 |
DocScrutinizer | 4k being a arbitrary number here. Not backed by any spec lookup | 22:44 |
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Arif | it gets the point over doesn't it ;p | 22:44 |
LuciusMare | is it possible to "add" a mic to an already existing, fully functional headphones? | 22:44 |
DocScrutinizer | sure | 22:44 |
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Arif | I wonder if Nokia'll add support for the remote | 22:45 |
DocScrutinizer | a lot of "headsets" work that way: 4pin-plug to a small case with mic and 3pin receptacle for ordinary headphones | 22:45 |
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timeless_mbp | is it bad that i can't play the mtorola super bowl commerciral mikejb linked to earlier on my mbp without it stuttering, hanging, etc.? | 22:47 |
ShadowJK | If you want to add a mic, I'd suggest you look at AD-54. It's basically an extension coord with mic at the end.. you plug headphone into it | 22:47 |
ShadowJK | timeless_mbp, welcome to flash :) | 22:47 |
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GeneralAntilles | timeless_mbp, flash? | 22:48 |
ShadowJK | what would it be :) | 22:48 |
GeneralAntilles | Silverlight? | 22:48 |
LuciusMare | ShadowJK: that is clever | 22:48 |
GeneralAntilles | Dunno, ever with my E5520 Mac Pro Flash still manages to slow things down. | 22:48 |
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GeneralAntilles | So, no, I doubt it's bad. | 22:48 |
timeless_mbp | GeneralAntilles: my mac is dying (actually, its hdd is dying), so the system just hangs perioically anyway | 22:49 |
GeneralAntilles | timeless_mbp, Intel X25 | 22:49 |
ShadowJK | or Vertex Agility when on budget | 22:50 |
ShadowJK | or | 22:50 |
ShadowJK | er, OCZ agility | 22:50 |
GeneralAntilles | Thing is like freaking greased lightning. | 22:50 |
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* GeneralAntilles would go with X25V over OCZ | 22:52 | |
* timeless_mbp grumbles | 22:52 | |
ShadowJK | GeneralAntilles, yeah | 22:52 |
ShadowJK | It's only like twice as fast | 22:52 |
ShadowJK | but Vertex & Agility are still a few magnitudes faster than the jmicron stuff | 22:52 |
GeneralAntilles | True, but still, getting into a MacBook Pro is kind of a pain. | 22:53 |
GeneralAntilles | Might as well do it right the first time. | 22:53 |
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DocScrutinizer | (nokia AV) also refer to http://members.omtp.org/Lists/ReqPublications/Attachments/36/OMTP_Local_Connectivity_Wired_Analogue_Audio_v1_0.pdf | 22:53 |
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mashiara | Yeah read those, looks like i2c is not available there (though I have a bus-pirate so I could just check it, haven't gotten around that far yet though) | 22:55 |
mashiara | http://dangerousprototypes.com/bus-pirate-manual/ | 22:56 |
ShadowJK | There is atleast 2 different protocols for the headset buttons | 22:56 |
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Jaffa | Evening, all | 22:56 |
ShadowJK | and the one that is fancier causes audible distortion to the audio in headphones :) | 22:56 |
* Arif hands ShadowJK a bluetooth headset | 22:58 | |
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tYp3 | hello, ihad a problem with my wifi | 22:58 |
slonopotamus | what's that crap? 'how to install skype on n900, how to install facebook on n900, how to install google talk on n900'... let's maybe add "how to install wifi/hw kb/camera/charger on n900"? | 22:58 |
lingling92 | wtf dude chill out... Oo | 22:59 |
Arif | lol | 22:59 |
ShadowJK | Arif, I haven't been able to find any decent ones | 22:59 |
ShadowJK | Arif, 3.5mm output, 10h battery life, pause button | 22:59 |
slonopotamus | charger howto should be the best one :) | 22:59 |
timeless_mbp | i can't even get it to respond long enough for me to click the 'replay' button in the youtube video | 22:59 |
Arif | I use normal headphones anyway | 23:00 |
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tYp3 | over 3g i can download from ovi-store, but not over wifi | 23:00 |
tYp3 | any idea? | 23:00 |
Arif | I can't listen to internet radio over wifi but I can on 3G | 23:00 |
Arif | =D | 23:00 |
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geneven | my microb is screwed up. how do I do something like reinstall microb? | 23:01 |
lingling92 | same problem here .. :( like typ3 | 23:01 |
tYp3 | lingling92 freak | 23:01 |
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SpeedEvil | geneven: I would try blowing away ~/.microb | 23:02 |
DocScrutinizer | ShadowJK: my sony isn't that bad | 23:03 |
SpeedEvil | err | 23:03 |
SpeedEvil | ~/.mozilla | 23:03 |
florian | hi all | 23:03 |
lingling92 | sers | 23:03 |
tYp3 | hey | 23:03 |
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geneven | thanks for the suggestion speedevil i,ll try it | 23:04 |
timeless_mbp | geneven: screwed up how? | 23:05 |
lingling92 | anyone knows a pptp vpn client? | 23:05 |
SpeedEvil | It will of course nuke bookmarks | 23:05 |
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geneven | whenever i go to a link in talk i just get two lines | 23:06 |
geneven | saying reset and a link | 23:06 |
Arif | does the creator of worldtv99 ever come here? | 23:06 |
geneven | so i can't read maemo threads :) | 23:07 |
GeneralAntilles | Arif, no. | 23:08 |
Arif | aw | 23:08 |
Arif | he needs to fix it :P | 23:08 |
GeneralAntilles | Arif, contact him on Talk. | 23:08 |
Arif | I did | 23:08 |
Arif | waiting for a reply | 23:08 |
Arif | >:D | 23:08 |
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geneven | i'm not worried about mookmarks | 23:09 |
geneven | say bookmarks | 23:09 |
geneven | bye | 23:09 |
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GeneralAntilles | I hope that guy doesn't make it a habit of coming here. <_< | 23:10 |
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* Arif hands GeneralAntilles an auto answering bot | 23:10 | |
DocScrutinizer | GeneralAntilles: foul mood today? :-) | 23:11 |
Arif | who owns this place anyway? | 23:11 |
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Arif | I only see chanserv with op | 23:11 |
Arif | :p | 23:11 |
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GeneralAntilles | DocScrutinizer, that guy trolls Talk non-stop. | 23:11 |
woglinde | ~seen jebba | 23:11 |
infobot | jebba is currently on #maemo (1d 59m 25s), last said: 'p37ff?'. | 23:11 |
DocScrutinizer | eeew | 23:11 |
GeneralAntilles | DocScrutinizer, little bundle of negativity. | 23:11 |
GeneralAntilles | DocScrutinizer, constant thorn in my side for the past two years. ;) | 23:12 |
DocScrutinizer | ooh that's long for sure | 23:12 |
GeneralAntilles | Arif, maemo.org | 23:12 |
GeneralAntilles | Arif, which essentially means X-Fade. | 23:12 |
Arif | you'll get a lot of n00bs now the N900 is out ;) | 23:12 |
GeneralAntilles | So don't get on his bad side. *g* | 23:12 |
* Arif hides | 23:13 | |
DocScrutinizer | Arif: /msg chanserv access #maemo list | 23:14 |
Arif | I didn't know users could see that | 23:14 |
Arif | :D | 23:14 |
pupnik_ | i like GeneralAntilles' foul moods | 23:15 |
Arif | hmm | 23:15 |
Arif | anyone know how to extract/look through the crash reporter files? | 23:15 |
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kuriiri | does someone have any idea when fixed version of dataplan monitor is coming out? | 23:24 |
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kuriiri | really annoying to see that i've downloaded "-1373860380.000 B" | 23:25 |
Arif | you leecher =o | 23:26 |
mashiara | considering it should be fixable by just casting the value to correct size uint you could just patch it yourself with the SDK | 23:26 |
Arif | ha! I have no idea what you just said | 23:27 |
moo__ | Arif: then consider study some programming | 23:27 |
Arif | Ew, no | 23:27 |
kuriiri | yeah.. but considering that if it's fixable just by doing that, why doesn't the author do it | 23:28 |
* SpeedEvil tries astrophotography on the n900 for giggles. | 23:28 | |
Arif | I did for 2 years in high school | 23:28 |
mashiara | details like unsigned integers are a bit eww indeed | 23:28 |
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mashiara | probably the author is doing other things as well and can't be bothered to go trough the release process for a cosmetic fix only | 23:29 |
Arif | I also found out something just as boring called SQL | 23:29 |
Arif | :P | 23:29 |
ShadowJK | SpeedEvil, fireworks can be seen on the n900 camera.. auroras not :/ | 23:29 |
FIQ | N900 is (finally) ordered. :D | 23:29 |
FIQ | it will arrive in... around 1 month. | 23:29 |
Arif | lol | 23:30 |
Arif | you have some weird postal service there | 23:30 |
SpeedEvil | ShadowJK: I'm trying averaging to see if I can pull out a starfield - well - bright moving stars | 23:30 |
FIQ | still, it's ordered and the wait is finally over! :D | 23:30 |
FIQ | Arif, no | 23:30 |
SpeedEvil | Where are you again FIQ? | 23:30 |
FIQ | but it were no N900's left anywhere | 23:30 |
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ShadowJK | SpeedEvil, I tried with imagemagick's composite with ADD or something... | 23:30 |
Arif | did you order it from deal extreme or something? | 23:30 |
Arif | ;p | 23:30 |
FIQ | SpeedEvil, swe | 23:30 |
ShadowJK | I suspect you need to record complete blackness too to get a noise profile | 23:31 |
mashiara | Kuriiri, Arif if you think signed vs unsigned is eww, then the dirty details of floating point are really going to mess you up | 23:31 |
SpeedEvil | ShadowJK: it's not especially great - and will be more of a feat of image processing than actually getting a usable optical result out | 23:31 |
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FIQ | hm | 23:31 |
ShadowJK | because some pixels are consistently brighter than other pixels, and that consistent noise should be possible to filter out | 23:31 |
SpeedEvil | that too, yes. | 23:31 |
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kuriiri | mashiara: it's just that now everyone has to fix it by himself | 23:31 |
Arif | mashiara, yes, the weather is nice here o.o; | 23:31 |
kuriiri | and there is also bugreport about it | 23:32 |
kuriiri | and no comment from author at all | 23:32 |
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FIQ | i've not so much linux experience (but i'm not a completly noob, I've used ubuntu for some months), guess N900 will be pretty easy to use anyway? :p | 23:32 |
FIQ | i don't think i will have problems at all | 23:32 |
Arif | no you won't | 23:32 |
Arif | I don't | 23:32 |
FIQ | ah, just what i though then. :) | 23:32 |
Arif | and I have no idea what mashiara is on about :D | 23:32 |
SpeedEvil | ShadowJK: anyway - currently on picture 13 - PNGs - of 200 brightframes | 23:32 |
mashiara | what where ? | 23:33 |
* mashiara is lost in the woods | 23:33 | |
Arif | your program talk gibberish from just above | 23:33 |
Arif | =P | 23:33 |
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lingling92 | hello, anyone knows an other openvpn-client for n900 than "openvpn"? | 23:33 |
Tanuva | are ovi maps version numbers consistent regarding Symbian vs. Maemo? | 23:33 |
Arif | no | 23:33 |
Arif | they're not | 23:34 |
ShadowJK | Tanuva, it's different software | 23:34 |
ShadowJK | not a port | 23:34 |
mashiara | oh... I just had to fix again other peoples mistakes with floating point numbers a few days back | 23:34 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: awesome | 23:34 |
ShadowJK | there's also ovi maps on the web, which is different from s60 ovi maps and maemo ovi maps | 23:34 |
mashiara | flaoting point is not the same as decimal | 23:34 |
Tanuva | okay, so I'm not going to worry because of having maps 1.01 instead of 3.0 :) | 23:34 |
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Arif | the maemo one doesn't have voice though | 23:35 |
Arif | =p | 23:35 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer: I don't really expect it to work - but... :) | 23:35 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: how will you do the img processing? | 23:35 |
mashiara | anyways if the author of the dataplan monitor is nowhere to be seen one could always fork the project | 23:35 |
Tanuva | and it calculated a strange route some days ago, too... | 23:35 |
mashiara | (supposing the sources are available but I would think so) | 23:35 |
Arif | can't someone else take the source, fix it, and release it :P | 23:35 |
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mashiara | that someone else would have to be someone who cares (for example because they have the same problem) | 23:36 |
ShadowJK | I think the counts reported in ifconfig wrap around at 4gig | 23:37 |
ShadowJK | (too) | 23:37 |
mashiara | shadowjk: this value comes from gconf | 23:37 |
ShadowJK | ah | 23:37 |
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mashiara | though It seesm gconf doesn't have concept of unsigned integer anyway | 23:38 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: probably even with a good syncronous stand you still want to do some sort of antijitter. And you need a datatype for the img data that allows adding 200 png without overruns | 23:38 |
mashiara | but it seems the integet type is "large enough" | 23:38 |
mashiara | damn I'm typoing a lot lately... | 23:39 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: btw antijitter is a good thing as it also eliminates some of the atmospheric distort | 23:40 |
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DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: maybe try to adjust each image for a bright star to be same pos pixel-wise | 23:41 |
ShadowJK | if he can see any stars at all with just one image | 23:42 |
FIQ | ~karma fiq | 23:42 |
infobot | fiq has karma of 1 | 23:42 |
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Arif | ~karma Arif | 23:43 |
infobot | arif has neutral karma | 23:43 |
Arif | yay | 23:43 |
Arif | what? | 23:43 |
wazd | ~karma wazd | 23:43 |
infobot | wazd has karma of 1 | 23:43 |
wazd | wazd++ | 23:43 |
DocScrutinizer | yup. otherwise he needs to substract the current immage from the interim result and move to minimize the sigma over whole pict | 23:43 |
wazd | ~karma wazd | 23:43 |
infobot | wazd has karma of 1 | 23:43 |
wazd | :) | 23:43 |
* Arif wants karma too | 23:43 | |
Arif | ;( | 23:43 |
DocScrutinizer | then add current pict after moving | 23:43 |
wazd | Arif++ | 23:43 |
Arif | yay! | 23:44 |
Arif | or something | 23:44 |
* Tanuva doesn't need no karma | 23:44 | |
Tanuva | *evilgrin* | 23:44 |
* Arif throws a quince at Tanuva | 23:44 | |
FIQ | ~karma tanuva | 23:44 |
infobot | tanuva has neutral karma | 23:44 |
FIQ | tanuva-- | 23:44 |
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FIQ | ~karma tanuva | 23:45 |
infobot | tanuva has neutral karma | 23:45 |
FIQ | ~karma tanuva | 23:45 |
* DocScrutinizer sighs | 23:45 | |
Tanuva | :D | 23:45 |
Arif | :shifty: | 23:46 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer: fixed mount. Simply trying avg(darkframes)-avg(lightframes) | 23:46 |
ShadowJK | hm.. what? | 23:46 |
ShadowJK | what are dark frames and what are light frames in this context? | 23:46 |
DocScrutinizer | err yes. what? | 23:46 |
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RevdKathy | Goodnight all! | 23:48 |
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Arif | is there an english version of this channel? :p | 23:49 |
Tanuva | who needs that? | 23:50 |
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Arif | knowing what people are talking about would be nice | 23:50 |
Arif | ;p | 23:50 |
Tanuva | light and dark frames of course! | 23:50 |
Tanuva | :) | 23:50 |
mashiara | TMo and #maemo are both a bit tech-heavy | 23:51 |
mashiara | I guess #maemo-n00bs would not gather much following... | 23:51 |
Arif | I'd be the only one there | 23:51 |
Arif | ={ | 23:51 |
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GeneralAntilles | Probably with segregating like that is that people with the knowledge and skills generally avoid the n00bzone. | 23:52 |
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mashiara | thats why good people like you hang out at both | 23:52 |
mashiara | and can point those that avoid n00bzone in general there when someone actually has an interesting question | 23:53 |
Arif | hmm | 23:53 |
Arif | I seem to have 6 crash reports since I installed the crash reporter yesterday | 23:54 |
ShadowJK | Arif, browserd? | 23:54 |
Arif | no | 23:54 |
Arif | media player | 23:54 |
ShadowJK | ah | 23:55 |
DocScrutinizer51 | vme thought this chan would be the noob zone X-P | 23:55 |
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Arif | I guess my problem will be fixed in Maemo 6 too | 23:55 |
Arif | :D | 23:55 |
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ShadowJK | N900-typo :) | 23:56 |
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mashiara | it seems colloguy doesn't care where you right-click to close, it always closes the active tab... | 23:57 |
Arif | hmm | 23:57 |
mashiara | s/colloguy/colloquy/ | 23:57 |
infobot | mashiara meant: it seems colloquy doesn't care where you right-click to close, it always closes the active tab... | 23:57 |
DocScrutinizer51 | s/vme/\/me/ | 23:57 |
ShadowJK | Arif, found the relevent bugzilla bug for that then? | 23:58 |
Arif | I filed a bug :p | 23:58 |
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ShadowJK | For media player crashing? Put the bug # in the extra info you can add when stuff crashes | 23:58 |
ShadowJK | in crash-reporter | 23:58 |
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Arif | I just had a "report crashes" button | 23:59 |
ShadowJK | though I think it needs a reboot after installing crash-reporter before the popup with comments starts working | 23:59 |
Arif | and then it sent them | 23:59 |
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