IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2010-02-11

SplasPoodheh, MMS notifications seem to lag the hell out of the phone :)00:01
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Arifpeople use mms?00:02
|Rare the hoops and socer frenzy games worth it? You can't even get a demo ...00:02
SplasPoodArif: heh, my mother does :)00:02
ArifIt never looked appealing to me00:03
Ariffor €0,50 a message00:03
pwnguinArif: based on the mms leaks a few years ago, yes, but mostly real estate agents00:03
SplasPoodoh, well it doesn't cost me any more00:03
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pwnguinor someone else who thinks a picture of a house is worth sending00:03
pwnguindirections maybe?00:03
Ariftake a picture>press share>press tinypic>send link via msn/mail==free mms \o/00:03
pwnguintake a picture, click sharing by email option00:04
Arifthat might also work00:04
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Arifmost people around me don't have their mail set up on their phones though ;(00:04
Arifsince MSN/Facebook is offered for free that's the prefered way to communicate :D00:05
pwnguinthey have msn though?00:05
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ArifYeah, or the crackberry stuff00:06
Arifoo, the led on the lower right of the N900 has different colors :D00:06
tremnite all, sweet dreams00:06
pwnguinthree colors00:07
pwnguinin varying proportions00:07
ArifI only saw orange pulsing for charging and now it's green00:07
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Arifnn trem ;o00:07
pwnguinblue means there's a notification00:07
ArifI don't have a sim yet =(00:07
ArifI'm getting it friday :D00:07
v13The 1.000.000€ question: Anyone succeeded with making cdbs use python 2.5 instead of 2.3 ?00:07
pwnguinemail counts as a message00:08
pwnguinemail/sms/IM are all blue00:08
pwnguinand probably missed call00:08
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Arifthey should serperate all that00:08
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pwnguinit's all the same00:08
Arifor at least calls/messages00:08
meceouff.. the Harmattan on N900 thread is _heavy_00:08
Ariffind the useful posts and start a new thread!00:09
* v13 desperate: heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp :-)00:09
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meceArif, well there's one.00:10
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* Arif hands v13 a cookie00:10
v13thanks :)00:10
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Arifmece, telling you to buy the next device? :P00:10
meceArif, No, a somewhat comforting post from Quim:
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meceArif, I don't care about navigating, and I'm not particularly interested in harmattan atm, so It's all the same to me, but I do like to have more stuff for my dear Pumpkin00:12
ArifI'll buy the next device anyway00:12
Arifso it doesn't matter too much to me00:13
meceI'll have to see.00:13
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meceI've been hearing the word capacitive a little too much lately..00:13
ArifI don't like capacitive00:14
Arifit's _too_ sensitive00:14
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mececapacitive does not go well with civilization for example...00:14
ArifI don't like RTS00:14
lbtor women with fingernails00:14
lbtor men with fingernails00:14
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Arifcivilization is an RTS last time I played it :O00:14
mecewhats rts?00:15
Arifreal time strategy00:15
meceno, civ is a turne based strategy00:15
Arifeven worse :!00:15
* Arif doesn't have the patience for those things :(00:15
meceOMG warlords!00:15
meceThere has to be an sdl warlords clone out there...00:16
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ArifI only want a "Share" option in the media player context menu00:16
Arifand then I'm all set :D00:16
* Arif isn't a demanding user :)00:17
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Arifoh and portrait mode for the media player00:19
ArifI want to change songs with one hand :D00:19
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SandmanI heard that Wesnoth was awailable for Maemo :)00:20
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meceOh yesh! LordsAWar, a Worlords 2 clone. Requires gtkmm >= 2.4 libglademm >= 2.4 SDL >= 1.2 libsigc++ >= 2.0 libgnet >= 2.000:21
mecedo we have that?00:21
Arifoh great, the channel went from English to Linuxish00:21
* SpeedEvil hits Arif with a stuffed penguin.00:22
* Arif throws a quince at SpeedEvil00:22
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SpeedEvilAn electron or a neutrino-quince?00:23
Arifthe edible one00:23
SpeedEvilI have several small ones in the kitchen.00:23
SpeedEvilI'm unsure what do do with them.00:23
Arifeat them?00:23
Arifthat's what I usually do with them00:24
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Arifand there hasn't ben an unusual moment =D00:24
SpeedEvilI was assuming for some reason they were usually cooked.00:24
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mecegrr argh! I get "configure: error: *** SDL_mixer is not installed or has not been compiled *** with ogg vorbis support" eventhough I have all the libsdl-mixer packages...00:28
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Solpete_n900gah pulseaudio!00:29
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tripzeroanyone know if maemo uses gpsd and if so, does maemo allow the user to turn on/off the gps radio?00:32
SpeedEvilno, yes00:32
tripzerowhat does maemo use if not gpsd?00:33
ArifI never cook quinces00:33
SpeedEvilor something00:33
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SpeedEvilIt's a nokia thing00:33
SpeedEvilthe GPS is connected to the phone modem00:33
SpeedEvilnot the main CPU00:33
Arifyou can disable location in the settings but no idea what that does to the GPS radio itself...00:33
tripzerooh okay00:33
SpeedEvilso all comms go through the phone modem bit00:33
SpeedEvilIt only powers it up when needed00:33
Arifoh wow00:34
Arifthe FM receiver is great!00:34
Arifway better than the N95's with the same earphones00:34
ArifI love this device more with every feature I try and actually manage to get it to work :P00:35
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ArifI couldn't get qtirreco to work though :(00:35
ArifI downloaded a remote but the screen's kinda blank :O00:35
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Solpete_n900what to do what to do00:39
Arifwrite an N900 app that makes Turkish tea? =P00:39
tripzeroheh, my bro wants me to make an app that makes Mate00:39
tripzeroArgentine tea-like substance...00:40
Arifone timble worth a charge should be enough for emergencies00:40
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Saviqhi, anyone got Maemo 5 SDK running on openSUSE 11.2? The scratchbox installed fine but I can't get the runtime going, getting "mmap: Permission Denied" errors even though I've set /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr to 409600:46
Saviqthere's no /proc/sys/vm/vdso_enabled on openSUSE00:47
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mtdanyone have a gst-launch pipeline to go from matroska to xvimagesink, by any chance?00:48
mecedamns, I ran into a problem I don't know how to fix. I get complaints about missing directory error: *** Can't find directory /usr/include/boost00:49
meceI'm guessing boost is some package, but which one?00:49
Saviqmtd: do you only need video or audio, too? do you need a complete pipeline or are playbin/decodebin00:50
mecewoo! libbost1.38-dev :)00:51
mtdSaviq: just the video would be fine for now00:51
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mtdSaviq: the media centre is refusing to play any video if I try to play an mkv file, and so I want to see whether gst can play the mkv file (and meida player is the problem) or something else.00:51
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t-tanv13: python problem solved?00:52
Saviqmtd: in that case: gst-launch playbin uri=file:///path/to/your/file.mkv00:52
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Saviqmtd or playbin200:52
mtdSaviq: yeah, tried that :(00:53
mtdSaviq: thanks00:53
Saviqmtd: errors?00:53
mtdSaviq: it doesn't work even on the nokia-provided .mp400:53
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mtdSaviq: pastie coming...00:53
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v13t-tant-tan: no00:55
mtdSaviq: aha, playbin2 works on the 9.mp4 file...00:55
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gouverneurArif: you've to add buttons to the blank screen with edit remote or something, if it is still devel you just eat 20MB of your root partition...00:55
v13t-tan: any ideas /00:55
Saviqmtd: try in #gstreamer, too00:55
mtdSaviq: but not on the mkv file :(00:55
mtdSaviq: thanks00:56
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t-tanv13: take a look at my ipython port in extras-devel00:56
v13you use cdbs ?00:57
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t-tanv13: for ipython, yes. why?00:58
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v13because that's what I'm looking for :)00:59
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v13xmm.. i see some magic in debian/rules.00:59
t-tanv13: if you want debhelper7, check out the mercurial port00:59
v13no.. i want cdbs00:59
t-tanv13: yes, basically the last few lines after clean:01:00
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t-tanv13: and the cdbs_python_current_binary01:00
v13cdbs_python_current_binary := $(shell pyversions -d)01:00
v13this solves the 2.3 problem ?01:00
t-tanv13: yes, if you reuse the last lines it's guaranteed01:01
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v13the: python-build-stamp-%: ?01:01
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t-tanv13: yes, and the rest01:02
v13correct me if i'm wrong, but you seem to screw cdbs and do it yourself. right ?01:02
t-tanv13: it's a copy and paste from a working cdbs file, the autobuilder one seems to be broken01:03
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yoyohi all01:06
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pupniki should do a daily #maemo digest01:08
v13t-tan: does this reflect any memories? : . && python2.5 build --build-base="/home/maemo/dev/wifieye/wifieye-0.2.0/./build"01:09
v13if not i'll look it myself. i get an error for it01:09
yoyoanyone here successfully using exchange?01:10
t-tanv13: looks good. what's the error?01:10
v13there is no "." :)01:10
v13 /scratchbox/tools/bin/sh: line 1: .: filename argument required01:11
t-tanpupnik: yes, please!01:11
t-tanv13:  cd $(DEB_SRCDIR) &&01:11
SpeedEvil'pdf reader' is moderately broken01:11
t-tanv13: did you forget the "cd"01:11
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SpeedEvilNo way to zoom to arbitrary zooms01:12
v13how did i do that? :)01:12
v13it's getting late here :)01:12
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sar3thv13: 00:12 here ;)01:12
v1301:12 here :)01:12
t-tancopy & waste01:13
v13t-tan: THANKS!!!01:13
pupnikt-tan question is what filter criteria would be consistent and sensible01:13
t-tanpupnik: some kind of thread structure would be nice01:14
pupnikmaybe include general tips/tricks/hints and any development solutions01:14
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v13t-tan you're a member of pymaemo ?01:15
t-tanv13: not yet01:15
v13oh :)01:15
t-tanv13: good luck with wifieye! :)01:15
v13thanks :)01:15
v13is python-qt4-* available for i386 ?01:15
t-tanpupnik: it seems that many people don't know about #maemo-devel01:16
v13"Package python-qt4-core is not available, but is referred to by another package."01:16
t-tanor do we need #maemo-users?01:16
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v13t-tan: FWIW: I ask in maemo-devel, it seems that there are more ppl in #maemo01:17
pupnikchannel ##N900 isnt taking off01:17
* v13 dumb01:17
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* v13 just found (for the third time) python2.5-qt401:17
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t-tanpupnik: a single channel for everything could work if we can somehow filter and digest the chats01:19
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VDVsxGAN900, ping01:20
pupnikit would be grabbing the log and editing it daily and posting somewhere01:20
pupnikno automation possible01:20
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, pong?01:21
v13is it possible to use sudo in scratchbox ?01:21
v13"fakeroot sudo" says: sudo: /etc/sudoers is owned by uid 1000, should be 001:21
pupnikhw about su01:21
v13i need sudo for a program.01:21
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pupnikor su -c "command"01:22
Jophish_n900Howdy all01:22
v13and if i change /etc/sudoers, update-sudoers will fail01:22
pupniksudo is ubuntu01:22
t-tanpupnik: that would be great! how about integrating it with MWN?01:22
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pupnikt-tan maybe.. i wouldnt want to add comments.. just group discussions together and post them01:23
sar3thbtw, , any suggestions?01:23
pupnikmore info pls01:23
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sar3thpupnik: compiling gcc01:24
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pupnik"Leavong directory"? heh.01:25
sar3thoh, typo :-[01:25
sar3thi had to type it out manually since it's running in my vm01:25
pupnikoh wow01:26
t-tansar3th: qemu crashed. just use my binaries from
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sar3thquemu crash? :S01:27
luke-jryou need to run it with a specific CPU option01:27
luke-jrwhatever the default is is wacky01:27
sar3thoh :|01:27
pupniknice stuff t-tan ty01:27
t-tanthe qemu in scratchbox is old and buggy01:27
sar3tht-tan: does compiling the current version solve the problems then?01:28
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t-tansar3th: I don't know. you'd have to integrate it with sb01:28
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sar3thi was hoping i could compile it in sb ^^01:29
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mtdSaviq: thanks for the help, btw.  #gstreamer helped guess that the x264 encoding was wrong and that's helped playbin2 play the file01:29
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mtds/and that's/and correcting that slight oversight has/01:30
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t-tansar3th: you mean compiling qemu or gcc?01:32
sar3tht-tan: in this case, qemu01:32
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v13t-tan: I've two questions for you: a) are .py compiled using this method?01:33
t-tansar3th: the qemu used for arm emulation is not accessible from within sb01:33
v13(at installation time). I'm asking because there are no .pyo in their dirs in scratchbox's installation01:33
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t-tanv13: yes, .pyc by python-support on the device (AFAIK)01:34
v13second, what's your name? :)01:34
sar3tht-tan: that means, it needs to be compiled on the host system and then integrated into scratchbox, so ./configure --prefix=/scratchbox won't do the trick, right?01:34
v13(for the thanks :)01:34
t-tansar3th: probably not. I guess the also integrated some sb specific patches - but if you find a way to upgrade qemu or the devkits that would awesome!01:36
t-tanv13: you're welcome01:36
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sar3ththanks t-tan, i will try that later :)01:37
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v13bb && gn01:37
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t-tanme too :)01:38
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Sandmanshit.. just saw an article on Maemo 6. Are Nokia planning to put in DRM-based software? Then i really will think if i will buy that N900. Also i am not to found of KDE and QT. I am a Gnome/GTK player01:46
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ArkenoiNo DRM is really possible if you have root ;-)01:48
SandmanI was seriously hovering my finger above the buy button... i have moved my hand away now...01:48
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* zash gives Arkenoi a locked box with a cookie inside, and a key for the lock01:49
zashArkenoi: you may only smell the cookie01:49
zashno eating!01:49
SandmanYeah.. but the chance that the better software will be DRM is huge01:50
luke-jrArkenoi: nonsense :)01:50
zerojaySandman: DRM's going to be in Maemo 6 so that content providers will even remotely sniff at the Maemo devices.01:51
SandmanThe point for me chosing Maemo is purely that it is the most free OS.01:51
luke-jrSandman: what does Maemo 6 have to do with N900 anyhow? :P01:51
mavhcjust lie to the content people, they're retarded anyway01:52
luke-jrSandman: arguably Android is more free.01:52
jebbaArkenoi: ya, they are doing DRM. Was keynote speech at FOSDEM.01:52
luke-jrSandman: Gentoo can be as free as your device permits.01:52
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SandmanNo.. but if Maemo will get less free then i am not sure why i would chose Maemo01:53
zerojayWho said it's getting less free?01:53
SandmanWell the DRM part01:53
crashanddieArkenoi: DRM will be possible01:53
luke-jrzerojay: DRM implies less free, to some degree01:53
zerojayDRM doesn't mean the entire system's locked down.01:53
crashanddieno it doesn't01:53
zerojayAnd no, it doesn't.01:53
crashanddieI can show you full free implementations of DRM which are 100% free and open01:53
SandmanYes.. but some software will be01:53
crashanddieno it doesn't01:54
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luke-jrSandman: not if you stick to free software01:54
crashanddiefor fuck's sake, do some research before you slam a technology01:54
GeneralAntillesSandman, you don't have to use DRM.01:54
crashanddieDRM isn't bad, the most prolific implementations of DRM are01:54
SandmanWhat is the point with DRM?01:54
luke-jrcrashanddie: perhaps you mean TDM, not DRM01:54
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zerojayI'm not a fan of DRM, but there's nothing that can be done about that if you want to have the content providers and the commercial app makers and game companies doing business on your platform.01:54
zerojaySandman: To protect their investment in your platform.01:54
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luke-jrcrashanddie: TDM is the technology used to implement DRM01:55
GeneralAntillesSandman, just don't buy for-pay software and you don't have to deal with DRM.01:55
crashanddieluke-jr: nha01:55
SandmanI would not mind Game developers using DRM... for me it's the programs01:55
luke-jrDRM is the implementation that gives someoneElse control of your computer01:55
* crashanddie facepalms01:55
GeneralAntillesSandman, besides, the security framework isn't coming until to Maemo 6.01:56
GeneralAntillesSandman, you do realize that the framework itself will be open source, right?01:56
zerojayluke-jr: DRM is the implementation that gives someoneElse control over their own content.01:56
Sandmanwell.. Maemo have a lot of plus... but this was a minus to the protocol01:56
Sandmanyes, i know01:56
crashanddieplease start making sense01:56
jebbaGeneralAntilles: i doubt the whole framework will be open source.  They'll have to open fiasco-gen and such then, methinks.01:57
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crashanddiejebba: not really01:57
GeneralAntillesSandman, why is it a minus? If you don't want to use DRM, then don't.01:57
crashanddiejebba: they could do it the same way that for example, blackberry does it01:57
jebbai dont know how blackberry does it01:57
luke-jrzerojay: by controlling your computer01:57
GeneralAntillesSandman, it's completely optional.01:57
sar3th<mavhc> just lie to the content people, they're retarded anyway <-- i agree XD01:57
SandmanWell if i want a program. I want it01:57
zerojayluke-jr: No.01:58
crashanddiewhere you package the application, but have it signed using your keys by the Blackberry CA (you login to the app with your keys, the blackberry CA signs it)01:58
luke-jrSandman: so write it01:58
konfoooh you really think the content people are retarded?01:58
SandmanIf it's DRM i would not touch it01:58
crashanddieSandman: read the wiki01:58
konfoothe content people hire consultants to tell them if a particular drm technology works or not01:58
crashanddieSandman: if you buy an unlocked device, there will be no restrictions, you will be able to load any kernel and any app you want01:58
N900evilor believe adobe01:59
luke-jrSandman: DRM = SomeoneElse controls your computer to stop you from doing what is already illegal to do under Copyright Law01:59
Sandmanyeah, that is the positive of Maemo, crash01:59
konfooluke-jr: please stop the bs01:59
N900evilthough in some places adobes name is mud.01:59
jebbacrashanddie: well, n900 is "unlocked"? They can take that away in a second (and did for a month) with the proprietary flasher and such.  The fiasco-gen fiasco shows just how easily they can close the openness.01:59
* zerojay sighs.01:59
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crashanddieSandman: if you buy a device that is paid for mainly by a mobile operator, then they get to choose what goes on your device. Simple as that. Don't want that? Pay extra. Don't want that? DON'T BUY IT02:00
mavhckonfoo: so they always reply "this doesn't work"?02:00
crashanddiejebba: i'm not even going to reply to that02:01
konfoowhich content people have you lied to and gotten approval for drm tech on?02:01
konfoogive me a list then02:01
konfooname some studios and technologies02:01
jebbacrashanddie: uh?02:01
crashanddiekonfoo: ever heard of non-disclosure?02:01
mavhcwell, every drm doesn't work, so all of them02:01
zerojayCan I get a few people to test out and vote on adflashblock-css?02:01
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konfoo*all* drm relies on obfuscation when it is deployed on a device that is not secure02:02
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SandmanFreedom of software are important for me. DRM might halt the evolution.02:02
konfoohowever if you control the device, that's another story02:02
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crashanddieSandman: if you believe that, you don't understand the principle02:02
crashanddieSandman: go read the wiki about maemo security02:02
infobotSecurity is way over rated, Heck I imagine you still run windows on your regular PC don't lecture about security02:02
luke-jrSandman: if freedom of software is important to you, then why do you demand to use non-free software? ;)02:03
GAN900Let's play spot the trolls, kids!02:03
crashanddiethat quote form infobot is pretty good actually02:03
* zerojay ^5's GAN90002:03
Sandmanwell.. i want to use all the good software02:03
Sandmanlike i do now on Linux02:03
luke-jrSandman: the DRM'd software simply won't exist if there's no DRM.02:04
tripzeroi like chicken02:04
Sandmanwhy should a telephone be different'?02:04
konfoouseless debate02:04
zerojayluke-jr: Exactly.02:04
crashanddieSandman: do you own a maemo device?02:04
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zerojaySandman: Don't worry. The ability to run free software on Maemo isn't disappearing.02:04
SandmanNo, but i am a potential buyer.. i adding the plus and minus02:04
luke-jrzerojay: that ability has never existed02:04
crashanddieSandman: then stop trolling02:05
zerojayluke-jr: Right... you and your delusions.02:05
Sandmanhow can a valid question be trolling?02:05
crashanddieSandman: because you're ignoring what we're saying02:05
crashanddieit's like walking to a friggin wall02:05
crashanddieeither you ask questions and you listen to the replies you get, or you don't ask 'em02:06
Sandmani have not02:06
crashanddie... my point exactly02:06
konfoocrashanddie: s/like//02:06
luke-jrSandman: #FreeHandheld might be of interest02:06
SandmanDRM is not free... and i like it to be free02:06
konfoogo take your neighbor's car then02:07
konfoowouldnt you like that to be free too?02:07
konfoo(unless its a pos)02:07
crashanddieor a holden02:07
luke-jrSandman: DRM is not free. proprietary is not free. but they exist.02:07
crashanddiethey'd have to pay me to steal it02:07
Sandmanimmatriell things are not the same as materiel02:07
crashanddieno, definitely not02:08
Sandmanyeah, i know luke02:08
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crashanddieyou added a bunch of letters to the second word02:08
crashanddieso they're not the same02:08
mavhcso there's no drm today, and in the future there may be, who's forcing you to upgrade?02:08
konfooand if you upgrade, who's forcing you to download drm-based content?02:09
crashanddieSandman: please stop trolling02:09
luke-jrit can be argued that simply lack of source is a form of DRM02:09
crashanddieSandman: second time I ask you02:09
luke-jrso there is DRM today too :)02:09
Sandmancrash.. the only one trolling is you02:09
crashanddiefair enough02:09
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konfoohes the only one talking sense02:09
konfoothe rest of you are insane02:09
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* luke-jr wonders if that was intentional or just FAIL...02:10
Sandmanwell.. android just got more intresting by this02:12
luke-jrSandman: the problem with Android is that it reinvents everything02:13
jebbacan you change bootloader & kernel etc on android?02:13
MouseySandman: don't forget WebOS!02:13
zerojayDoesn't Android have DRM too?02:13
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luke-jrjebba: bootloader is not part of Android02:13
Sandmandon't know02:13
Sandmani am still learning02:13
jebbawhat bootloader does it use then? gotta use something02:14
GeneralAntillesSandman, if you're thinking Android is a more open platform Maemo you're deluded.02:14
luke-jrjebba: the phones use various bootloaders, but I don't think there's anything consistnet02:14
Sandmani am not... but if nothing is free why bother02:14
luke-jrGeneralAntilles: it is, with some phones02:14
GeneralAntillesluke-jr, open isn't just code.02:14
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luke-jrif you can replace componentX, then componentX is irrelevant :p02:15
Sandmanhow well will Ubuntu work on a N900?02:15
infobotmer is probably, or on #mer02:16
luke-jrMer != Ubuntu02:16
Sandmanyeah.. Mer could be something02:16
* b-man17 is working on getting a bootable version of ubuntu lucid going on the N90002:16
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jebbai have fedora going OK.02:16
jebbaCan't recharge the fukin battery though. Totally lame.02:16
jebbai've been trying to get ofono going for hours, but no go so far.02:17
b-man17although lucid has some serious bugs with apt and dpkg :(02:17
Sandmanlucid is in aplpha ;)02:17
b-man17hence why ;)02:17
Sandmani am rinning it on my computer02:17
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Sandmanmost works good... though grub faild me once02:18
Sandmanand had to be reinstalled02:18
SandmanLucid is the shit!02:18
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luke-jrSandman: btw, Ubuntu supports DRM02:19
SandmanI know02:19
b-man17it seems that the apt/dpkg bug is only specific to the arm version02:19
AethaerynSandman: Iirc, the reason Android can't install apps onto the MicroSD card is because Google is still working on DRM to prevent you from pirating via the SD card, or something like that. So don't think Android is "pure" if you hate DRM.02:19
b-man17Luke-jr: so? :P02:19
* b-man17 doesnt touch drm02:20
SandmanNo, i would like to keep me off android02:20
zerojayDRM just touches you in your no-no spot.02:20
AethaerynSandman: It's also not a GNU/Linux implementation. Normally, I'm not a big proponent of calling Linux "GNU/Linux" but here it's pretty key. Yeah, Android uses the Linux kernel but it doesn't really use anything like a standard Linux distro. Maemo is more like a distro.02:20
Sandmani will probably go Mer or Ubuntu on the device02:20
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b-man17zerojay: lol02:21
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AethaerynSandman: I'm not a big fan of Ubuntu, and them starting to default to Yahoo (Bing) for search is a big negative.02:21
Sandmanyeah.. i hate that shit02:21
crashanddieYahoo != Bing02:21
crashanddieBing == Microsoft; Yahoo wasn't aquired02:21
Sandmani was close to change dist due to that02:22
Aethaeryncrashanddie: Google "Yahoo Bing"02:22
AethaerynMicrosoft is making a deal with Yahoo, where basically Yahoo Search goes away in favor of Bing, and Yahoo returns to being mostly email/portal.02:22
crashanddieAethaeryn: wow, three company names and the grammatical sense of your sentence is still correct!02:22
Lumpio-I'm gonna go google with Yahoo.02:23
zerojayI don't think I've been to a yahoo site in 10 years.02:23
Sandmangotta sleep.. later02:23
zerojayeh... guess Flickr counts.02:23
crashanddieSandman: don't let the /quit hit you in the ass02:23
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Sandmangrow up crash...02:24
konfooman this place is gettin hostile02:24
AethaerynI used to have a Yahoo email, several hotmails (had them for forever so changed name multiple times as I grew up), and several Gmails. Now I just have a hotmail and a Gmail and I rarely check the hotmail. Oh, I also had a Netscape email I used several times because it came with AIM many years ago.02:24
AethaerynGmail just has the best interface/storage solutions for free webmail, at least among the ones I've used.02:25
crashanddieSandman: you've been ignoring everything I've been saying. All the arguments I've provided you flew past. The only thing is you can't go past the word "DRM", even though you're completely wrong about what it means for the platform and yourself02:25
GeneralAntilleskonfoo, too many trolls.02:25
crashanddieSandman: don't tell me to grow up, because as far as I'm concerned, at least I've understood what Maemo Security is about, and I'm contributing to it through my expertise and knowledge with regards to expertise and key distribution02:26
konfooGeneralAntilles: i prefer to call them the insane/deranged02:26
crashanddieerr, that second expertise should be "encryption"02:26
Aethaeryncrashanddie: The problem with DRM on things like music and movies is that the pirates just circumvent it, whereas legitimate users are locked down to one device and/or application.02:26
crashanddieAethaeryn: that is only the case with poor implementations02:26
AethaerynSo it basically becomes an incentive to pirate if there's DRM.02:26
SandmanNo, crash.. you have been ignoring me. And you are true. I am noob when it comes to Maemo. Thats why i asked02:26
Sandmandidn't think ppl would get upset02:27
AethaerynIf there was some kind of universal DRM, I wouldn't mind, but most DRMs lock you down to iTunes and iDevices :P02:27
crashanddieAethaeryn: a proper implementation that has an open algorithm is not bad at all, for it can be implemented on any device. Sure, it requires to have a new device, but you did buy a new blu ray player, or a new dvd player ten years ago, right?02:27
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crashanddieAethaeryn: so why would it be any different now?02:27
crashanddieAethaeryn: If I can offer you an algorithm, freely, that will allow you to securely decrypt the files you own, then where's the problem?02:28
Aethaeryncrashanddie: The one problem is if it requires a new computer, since computers are supposed to last for years...02:28
crashanddieit won't02:28
AethaerynBut my point is, if I buy a book, a movie, or a song, I want to be able to use it anywhere, anytime, with any player/reader.02:28
crashanddiewell, it may not run on the N900, but that's because the N900 doesn't have a HSM02:28
crashanddieAethaeryn: I agree, and in order to achieve that we need to setup a standard encryption format02:29
AethaerynAnd I won't share on peer-to-peer networks, since I don't like sharing.02:29
AethaerynI'm selfish in that sense. If I paid $5, you should pay $5 too02:29
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AethaerynI just really don't like how basically DRM locks you to one vendor, device, or application02:30
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AethaerynIt would both need to be open and royalty-free, since you wouldn't want to exclude freeware or open source software.02:30
prontoyay, newegg is proccessing my replacement n900 ^_^02:30
Mouseyfreeware isn't the same as free software02:31
crashanddiepronto: how long did it take?02:31
Mouseyrandom clarification02:31
prontoit took a few days for it to get there02:31
prontobut once it got there, it seems to be going fast02:31
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prontoit was UPS ground from maryland to cali02:31
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crashanddiepronto: so... pronto presto?02:32
Aethaerynpronto: Maryland is being hit with a major series of snowstorms that's crippled us for basically all week02:33
AethaerynSo if it's being shipped from Maryland, that's probably why there's problems.02:33
prontoi got it out the day before the first storm02:33
crashanddie"pronto presto": ready soon02:33
prontonewegg got my n90002:33
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prontoand is probally gonna ship the new one ina  day or so02:33
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AethaerynAmazon has the N900 for $529.99, which is $20 cheaper than Newegg.02:34
prontoi had to RMA my n900 lol02:34
prontothe micro usb port broke on it02:34
* Mousey wonders how hard it'll be to find the n810 now02:34
crashanddieMousey: I can sell you one02:35
prontoi ordered my n900 on jan 8th, it broke like feb 1st02:35
Mouseycrashanddie: new in box?02:35
crashanddieMousey: nha, well used02:35
crashanddieand abused02:35
crashanddieand without a pouch02:35
crashanddienor charger02:35
Mouseyhad one like that already. need a new one02:35
crashanddieand the battery is a crap chinese one02:35
crashanddie(chinese wan?)02:36
jebbapronto: i had to do exact same thing.02:36
prontoi'm just happy newegg was cool about it02:36
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jebbaya, amazon processed return immediately02:37
AethaerynSo is the successor for the n900 going to be the n910 or the n1000?02:37
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GeneralAntillesRumor mill says N92002:37
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AethaerynAnd would it have a 1 Ghz processor like most top-of-the-line phones rumored this year?02:38
AethaerynActually, one phone's now rumored to have 1.5 Ghz02:38
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GeneralAntillesI find OMAP3630 more likely02:39
GeneralAntillesBut you never know.02:39
ShadowJKAgain, does anyone have benchmarks snapdragon vs omap3? or even snapdragon vs a8...02:41
AethaerynWhy not OMAP3640?02:41
GeneralAntillesAethaeryn, power consumption?02:41
pupnikmhz wars in phones.  o noes!02:41
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, don't, but I'd be very interested to see.02:41
Aethaerynpupnik: Not mhz wars, ghz wars... keep up with the times :P02:41
AethaerynThey're just starting to break the 1ghz barrier.02:42
pupnikti should make one that does something useless at 2ghz02:42
* Mousey holds out for the nSeries steno pad02:42
AethaerynA dual core 2.x ghz one might in fact outpower my laptop02:42
AethaerynThat would be scary.02:42
AethaerynEven with only 10 min of battery life02:42
pupnikAethaeryn: it is wrong to look at mhz.  that is where you will waste battery02:43
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AethaerynI'd look at Mhz and RAM, but for some reason RAM is a lot less publicized in phones than PCs02:43
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GeneralAntillesAethaeryn, neither really tells you very much.02:44
crashanddieI'd look at the speed of the storage02:44
GeneralAntillesAethaeryn, for instance 512MB on Android aint quite the same as 512MB elsewhere.02:44
crashanddieboost the NAND speed enough and you don't need RAM :P02:44
GeneralAntillesSince Android tends towards RAM hungriness.02:44
pupnikid look at the speed of the apps and the battery life02:44
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SpeedEvilI'd look at the touchscreen technology.02:44
AethaerynIdk, I guess I'm too much of a geek... the first thing I look at in a phone is the raw horsepower02:45
SpeedEvilMore practically - I'd really like a replacement for my toshiba Portege 3110ct.02:45
SpeedEvil10" screen, 8h battery life, 1.1Kg, good keyboard with trackpoint02:45
GeneralAntillesAethaeryn, that's stupid.02:45
GeneralAntillesFirst thing I look for is that it's running the right software platform.02:45
* ShadowJK suspects the 720 MHz version of the cpu in n900 uses more power than the 600MHz version, even when both run at 25002:45
SpeedEvilYou don't care about raw horsepower.02:45
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konfoo.. and that it can make calls02:45
SpeedEvilUnless you're going to be running blender on it.02:45
GeneralAntillesA 2GHz quad-core Cortex A9 with a fuel cell doesn't help you if it's running WinMob.02:45
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AethaerynGeneralAntilles: And if you're looking for Maemo, you get... 1 current option?02:46
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, 45 vs 60nm, though.02:46
SpeedEvilThe software can make easily a 3 order of magnitude difference in performance.02:46
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ShadowJKoh i didnt know there was process difference02:46
ShadowJKhigher leakage on 45nm I'd expect tho02:46
SpeedEvilCompare browsers forex. microb - 10s to render - lynx - .05s02:47
SpeedEvil(of course...)02:47
sar3thSpeedEvil: does gcc count, too?02:47
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GeneralAntillesShadowJK, well, OMAP36x vs OMAP34x is 45 vs 60nm. Not sure about the recent revisions of OMAP35x stuff.02:47
GeneralAntillesThey may just be speed binned or something.02:47
GeneralAntillesIn which case, yeah, battery life is going to be worse.02:47
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AethaerynDon't get me wrong, I like the concept of Maemo and it looks like a fun toy, but I'm kind of waiting for the newest version...02:47
SpeedEvilsar3th: teh compilr is very, very important in extracting the last 50% of performance/battery life.02:47
sar3thSpeedEvil: ^^02:48
AethaerynThe Engadget review kinda convinced me that it's a work-in-progress, so I hope it's more polished with Maemo 602:48
SpeedEvilWell - performance anyway.02:48
SpeedEvilFor most mobiles - battery life is not so dominated by CPU in most users usecases02:48
ShadowJKstandby battery life is all about wakeups anyway02:49
AethaerynAfaik, though, Maemo would probably be the best mobile platform to play on since it can basically support anything Linux can support and Linux is a developer's paradise.02:49
SpeedEvilwakeups are misleading.02:49
SpeedEvilA fast wakeup - do something - and back to sleep - on some arches can be very cheap02:49
SpeedEvilAnd on others very expensive02:49
AethaerynIs there going to be any successor to the tablet devices like the n810?02:50
SpeedEvilAethaeryn: the n900 pretty much is it  isn't it?02:50
GeneralAntillesYes, it's called N900.02:50
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AethaerynThe N900 is a full phone.02:50
AethaerynAll the phone stuff adds to the price.02:50
SpeedEvilNot that much.02:50
SpeedEvilPerhaps 20%02:50
GeneralAntillesMostly the price hike is thanks to more parts02:50
GeneralAntillesand higher quality parts.02:51
AethaerynIf I'm not going to use T-Mobile in the US, I don't see the point of getting a phone that only fully supports T-Mobile.02:51
AethaerynAnd 20% is over $100 :P02:51
SpeedEvilMove to somewhere better then.02:51
SpeedEvilClearly the US sucks for not supporting the n900.02:51
AethaerynIronically, somewhere better might be Mountain View, since Google pays for free wifi there. That'd be funny, using a non-Google phone on it.02:51
SpeedEvilIt depends what ytou use it for.02:52
SpeedEvilFor much use edge is OK02:52
SpeedEvilas you've already got 58G or so of media on the device02:52
AethaerynI'd be okay on edge, but more and more applications are moving toward the "cloud"02:53
Aethaeryni.e. streaming services to you rather than actually providing the service on the device02:53
SpeedEviland can dl podcasts over dsl02:53
Aethaerynin other words, they basically assume you have internet02:53
* SpeedEvil ignores those applications.02:53
AethaerynUnfortunately, you can't stop a trend. Especially when it has its own buzzword (cloud)02:53
SpeedEvilI was amused when someone realised how abysmally slow for some workloads amazon clouds can be.02:54
AethaerynAnd unfortunately, AT&T basically wants you to get an iPhone or a dumbPhone.02:54
SpeedEvilFor example large db accessed lots.02:54
AethaerynThey don't want any competition on their 3G bands.02:54
SpeedEvilYou can't as one device stop a trend no.02:54
SpeedEvilLook at how popular active-x is.02:55
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AethaerynIt's sad, even the "Am I eligible for an upgrade?" page on AT&T is basically a giant ad for the iPhone02:55
AethaerynThey push it to you because they get higher profit margins02:55
jebbaAethaeryn: i use AT/&T in USA with n900 ok02:55
SpeedEvilI got lucky and have ended up with a heavuily discounted n9000. on t-mobile UK as it's cheapest02:56
redeemani enjoy 3g on the N900 in .dk :P02:56
SpeedEvil$30 for 6 mo internet at 1G/mo02:56
AethaerynAnyway, does Nokia have any plans on continuing its mini-tablet-with-Maemo line or have they been obsoleted by a smartphone that's smaller and a phone?02:56
SpeedEvilWe don't know.02:56
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SpeedEvilThere are currently no announcements or rumors of such.02:57
AethaerynI think a 5-inch device that barely fits in your pocket might actually be more appealing than the N90002:57
SpeedEvilThere may be plans ruight now being made by naked people in saunas.02:57
microliththe saunas are more likely than the plans02:57
AethaerynNokia should release the nPad02:57
SpeedEvilThey have02:58
microliththat' just a netbook, I think he means a giant version of the tablets02:59
AethaerynBoo... Windows 702:59
AethaerynGoogle News rumors says it eats up netbook batteries and Microsoft is downplaying it, blaming the hardware03:00
AethaerynOr something that03:00
Aethaeryn*something like that03:00
jebbaOMFG i think i got ofono working on fedora03:00
AethaerynBut yes, I'd be tempted to pay $500-$800 for a giant N90003:01
SpeedEvilI want a similar thing to the above - but with a trackpoint.03:01
jebbacan someone run this for me on maemo5/n900?   dpkg -S /sbin/phonet03:01
SpeedEvilAnnoyingly I already have on e - which is slightly lighter - but it's PII/30003:01
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tripzerojebba, do you know if handsfree works with ofono yet?03:02
jebbatripzero: no03:02
SpeedEvilphonet-utils jebba03:02
tripzeroi'd love to use handsfree with my n900 and my car (which runs linux)03:02
jebbaSpeedEvil: thz03:02
jebbaSpeedEvil: hmm, that looks closed  :(03:02
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jebbai was hoping to get something along the lines of a free software fone call on n900.03:03
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tripzerothe n900 may not be the target for ofono03:04
tripzeromaybe the n900+1?03:04
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acidjazzwhats that03:06
satmdwhich is a reason we love open protocols like sip03:06
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satmdhow does ofono communicate with the phone?03:07
jebbasatmd: ofono and SIP are  totally different.03:07
* satmd spends some time to find out03:07
jebbasatmd: ofono uses phonet kernel driver03:07
satmdoh, I see03:08
satmdyeah, my sip was totally off, sorry03:08
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DocScrutinizerduh, >60min quiet planet04:09
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DocScrutinizerjebba: open GSM interface? forget it04:09
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andresDocScrutinizer: one can dream...04:14
DocScrutinizerI (co)created MOKO11 calypso FW. I forgot how to dream :-S04:15
DocScrutinizerand FR has a tty AT interface, no phonet pnatd crap04:15
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DocScrutinizerwhen I see pnatd I guess the N900 TI modem has one of those nasty shared-mem interfaces04:18
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: and that sentence is exactly why you weren't hanging out with the cool kids at school.04:19
DocScrutinizerthe specs for those will be disclosed when we start communicating via corelated quantum04:19
pupnikdidnt know your background had some low level phone stuff DocScrutinizer - what was most of your work in?04:19
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: I *was* the cool kid :-D04:20
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jebbaDocScrutinizer i'm not using pnatd crap04:20
jebbano AT interface. Using isimodem driver.04:20
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DocScrutinizercrashanddie: though back when cool had a different meaning than today04:22
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: as in frigid? You didn't put out?04:22
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DocScrutinizercrashanddie: nah, cool as in we've been the hippies04:23
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jebbaDocScrutinizer the kernel driver is free software and ofono is free software.  The thing that does the setup is non free.  It just runs:  /sbin/phonet -a 0x6C -i phonet004:25
DocScrutinizerjebba: err, the kernel driver for talking to the modem is free?04:25
jebbaall n900 kernel drivers are free AFAICT.04:26
DocScrutinizerso what's pnatd doing then?04:26
jebba ./net/phonet/af_phonet.c04:27
jebbapnatd is when people are trying to use the AT interface, which it also emulates. But you can just access phonet0 directly with ofono04:27
DocScrutinizerhmm, to tired and foul mood today to dive into that04:27
DocScrutinizerjebba: /dev/opono0 ??04:28
DocScrutinizerjebba: /dev/phonet0 ??04:28
jebbano, with isimodem there is no /dev, since it *doesn't* act like a regular modem.04:28
jebbanote, ofono doesn't come with n900/maemo, its a different phone stack than what comes on the phone04:29
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N900evila network interface inste*d?04:29
DocScrutinizerI know04:29
jebbaN900evil: yes, there is   ifconfig phonet0, for instance04:30
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DocScrutinizerofono is the "middleware" stack that shouted "NIH" to FSO04:30
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, as far as I'm aware they addressed that pretty conclusively.04:31
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jebbawhat does FSO use in place of ofono?04:31
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: addressed what? FSO? I read a statement of ofono ppl like "FSO is just talking AT over dbus", which is definitely a lie04:32
DocScrutinizerjebba: probably fsogsmd04:33
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jebbacan the FSO parts above ofono interact with it?04:35
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DocScrutinizernot (yet?)04:36
jebbaor even isimodem could be ported to fsogsmd04:36
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jebbadamn, big pdf ;)04:38
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DocScrutinizerjebba: p37ff04:40
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DocScrutinizerpage 37 and following. on p46 you see fsogsmd for FSO204:42
DocScrutinizerfor FSO1 it's been fso-abyss04:42
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mtd/win 1905:20
mtdoops :)05:20
* DocScrutinizer wonders what /win might do :-)05:21
DocScrutinizerhmm prolly irssi switch-chan05:22
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AethaerynDocScrutinizer: You'll win IRC.05:27
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DocScrutinizerI got the loser's ticket: /win: Error: unknown command05:30
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pupniksnybody figure out how to resolder the mini usb to n900 board?06:15
luke-jrpupnik: send it back to retailer for a replacement06:17
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b-man17hmm :(06:22
b-man17i hope this does not happen to me :(06:22
* b-man17 is verry careful with the usb port06:22
ShadowJKif what texrat says that it's not the port getting teared off the solder pads, but the solder pads getting teared off the PCB, then there's nothing left to solder the port to :/06:23
luke-jrb-man17: it's the AC adapter hooks IIRC06:24
luke-jrthat get stuck06:24
ShadowJKI got a DC-10 today. Its microusb plug is frighteningly tight fit in n900...06:24
luke-jrb-man17: workaround seems to be making the hooks weaker06:24
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microlithhow do you remove scratchbox and the maemo sdk?06:28
* b-man17 pulls up the sdk guide06:31
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b-man17that should help06:33
microlitheven with the current, non-beta sdk?06:33
b-man17it should work - the setup is the same06:34
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b-man17luke-jr: btw i'm experimenting with an omap3 optimized port of gentoo on my n900 :)06:39
b-man17luke-jr: ?06:40
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: ping06:41
luke-jrb-man17: ?06:41
luke-jrb-man17: btw, you're not in #gentoo-embedded :P06:41
b-man17i know :P06:41
crashanddieluke-jr: you're not a moderator of this channel06:42
luke-jrcrashanddie: huh?06:42
crashanddieluke-jr: don't tell people off because they talk about something not specific to maemo, but still around a maemo-based device06:43
luke-jr... i was just suggesting a channel to him -.-06:43
crashanddieluke-jr: plus, the channel is dead as ever... 20 lines of speach in the past hour ^^06:43
crashanddiewe might as well invite bots to keep it alive :P06:43
luke-jroh do it06:44
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, pong?06:44
luke-jrcrashanddie: invite Miyu, Little_Death, and toobparts06:44
luke-jrthey're fun06:44
luke-jrcrashanddie: I wasn't saying "you shouldn't be saying that here", but rather "oh, then you might be interested in that channel, too"06:46
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ShadowJKhm, maemo-mplayer needs a sane default conf file07:09
ShadowJKao=pulse in it atleast07:09
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villagerwasn't that slower?07:10
ShadowJKYeah but using alsa direct and you block everything else that'd want to use audio07:10
ShadowJKlike, uh, phone07:10
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LuciusMaremy alarm just went off08:04
LuciusMareand i couldnt snooze it08:04
LuciusMarethe touchscreen was not reacting, i had to muffle it08:04
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LuciusMareit was vibrating on touch, but didnt do anything08:06
Proteoushow did you kill it?08:07
LuciusMarei waited a minute08:07
LuciusMareit stopped ringing, but the dialog was still there, not reacting08:07
GeneralAntillesLuciusMare, you can snooze by turning it over.08:09
Proteousthrowing it against the wall sometimes works too, you gotta give it some backspin though08:10
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LuciusMareand, when it magically started working there was this dialog "turn the offline mode off?"08:12
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LuciusMareGeneralAntilles: that's a nice feature08:17
LuciusMarebut i felt silly when muffling a phone with a pillow08:21
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RST38hmoorning tigert08:35
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tigertback to work :)08:36
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JaffaMorning, all08:50
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Passeliwhat video formats are hardware accelerated in N900 ?08:56
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konttoriPasseli: everything that is on by default on the device.09:26
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konttorithey have different quality in layers between  gst and dsp, but they all all hw accelerated.09:26
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WZhanganyone with N800 @ Diablo here? need the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list - would be nice if someone could pastebin it (can be with custom sources ot standard, just working) :D09:46
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crashanddiewhat's with everyone joining suddenly?09:59
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WZhangcrashanddie: netsplit10:00
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cpasjustecould someone "light" me on the online builder ? what does he do ? does it just do a "make && make install", or does it ran configure10:10
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Stskeepsit runs a dpkg-buildpackage, within sbdmock/scratchbox10:13
cpasjustebut what dpkg-buildpackage does ?10:13
Stskeepsit builds a debian source packages into one or more binary packages10:13
cpasjustei mean i really dont know if i have to pass the configure switch somewhere10:13
Stskeepsgo read up on debian packaging :)10:14
cpasjustei'm doing that since 2 days now10:14
cpasjustei'm lazy :)10:14
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cpasjusteall this crap is way to complicated10:16
cpasjusteto release something10:16
Stskeepsit is worth it10:16
cpasjusteand tje maemo wiki (building package) is way not enough explaned10:16
Stskeepsyou need to read 'make package' before 'build package'10:17
cpasjustewell i did read the whole maemo crappy documentation10:17
cpasjustethis is enough for a normal project10:18
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cpasjustebut this answer nothing about build configuration etc10:18
Stskeeps"Creating Debian packages"10:18
Stskeepsif you look at debian/rules, there's a call for configure possible i think10:19
ifreqcpasjuste: google:  maemo jebba package10:22
cpasjusteyeah i did read that too10:22
ifreqthats what ive been using lately. simplified and works ok ++10:23
cpasjustei'll re-read and re-trry :)10:24
cpasjusteok thanks10:24
cpasjustelets try10:25
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cpasjusteifreq, this still don't explain how i pass options to the configuration10:38
cpasjustei mean, for the armel build, i need to pass --enable-n90010:38
cpasjustejebba say :10:38
cpasjuste# Compile!10:38
ifreqoh okay n900 is some special option? :)10:38
cpasjustedpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -uc10:38
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cpasjusteyeah it's a configuration option i added to wesnoth for setting special n900 rules/defines10:39
cpasjusteelse the thing is clear10:39
cpasjustethe jebba explanations10:39
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adeusthe rules file build opts10:40
cpasjusteyeah but then it wont build on i58610:41
cpasjusteif i set the configuration option in the rules file ?10:41
cpasjustei need to determine there on which host we are then pass (or not pass) the configuration option ?10:42
cpasjustewell for now i'll go the hackish way10:42
cpasjustei will enable my "--enable-n900" in my configuration file as soon as it detect an armel host10:43
cpasjusteseems easier .. :)10:43
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LantiziaLo I've enabled usb networking on my N900 as per the wiki but the expect new "unknown device" doesn't show up on windows for me to give it drivers10:51
Lantiziaany ideas?10:51
Lantiziagot this in my interfaces file...
Lantiziaand usb-network-modules is installed and have restarted the n900 after10:52
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Lantiziaah I didn't have it in pc suite mode to do the usb networking - so now I've got 4 devices... which do I apply my usb networking driver on?10:58
LantiziaNokia USB Generic / OBEX / OBEX / Phone Parent10:58
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crashanddieebay is going nuts11:12
crashanddieI purchased 3 separate items, all from the same vendor11:12
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crashanddie1 was charged in pounds, the other in euros, and a last one in australian dollars...11:12
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crashanddieAnd the website interface randomly shows messages in spanish, french or english11:12
adeusmaybe it calculated the way you loose the most in currency exchanges :)11:13
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crashanddieadeus: currencies aren't loose11:17
mgedminthey've been tightened around the turn of the century11:17
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hrwcurrency exchange rates matters11:18
hrwUSD->PLN in states is lower then USD->PLN in Poland11:18
fralsah, finally less in -devel <311:19
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povbotBug 8965: Battery discharges with wall-charger connected11:49
gouverneurguten morgen11:49
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MaikBHello Maemo world11:50
MaikBDo you have some insight on when the N900 gets delivered in germany, other than to amazon?11:51
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meceHi, perhaps some of the people who know anything about ssh keys this and that could help sio2interactive out with this:
adeusincorrect permissions, extra spaces11:54
adeusalthough I think newer openssh versions give warnings about permissions11:56
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adeusI don't know about garage specifically, but I've seen mysterious key erros when the public keys have been copied incorrectly11:57
adeusi.e. an extra space space in the end for example11:57
meceadeus, should the public key include "ssh-rsa " at the beginning?11:59
adeusor wait12:00
meceok so it's just the jibberish.. or?12:00
adeusI'll look12:00
mecewhen I cat I get "ssh-rsa <the key gibberish> mece@guybrush"12:01
adeusthe whole thing12:01
adeusinto gitorious at least12:02
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adeusalso, it takes a while after the key upload12:10
adeusbefore it is available12:10
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hrwis there vala compiler in autobuilder?12:14
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X-Fadehrw: it is in extras-devel12:15
timeless_mbpX-Fade: is there a way for me to send something to the autobuilder for it to privately build but not post?12:16
timeless_mbpi just want to know if it's happy12:16
timeless_mbpi don't really want it to go anywhere12:16
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: No, not atm.12:17
* timeless_mbp frowns12:18
timeless_mbpcould someone here w/ 51-1 check some stuff for me?12:18
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timeless_mbpdpkg -l osso-icons-default libcityinfo0-012:21
timeless_mbpX-Fade: can i do this:12:21
timeless_mbpDepends: osso-icons-default (> 0.4) || (foo),12:22
timeless_mbp libcityinfo0-0 (> 0.3) || foo12:22
hrwii  libcityinfo0-0                   0.5.9-1+0m5                      Cities information library.12:22
hrwii  osso-icons-default               2.4.1+0m5                        OSSO UI icons12:22
timeless_mbpoops, that first line shouldn't have ()s around foo12:22
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: yes, you should.12:24
timeless_mbp+ osso-icons-default (>= 2.4.2) || clock-map-fix (>= 0.1-4),12:24
timeless_mbp+ libcityinfo0-0 (>= 0.5.10) || clock-map-fix (>= 0.1-4),12:24
* timeless_mbp goes to look for some useful samples12:25
* timeless_mbp suspects one only needs a single pipe12:25
pupnikthat's what _she_ said  (har har)12:28
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satmd(2b || !2b) ? 1 : 0;12:28
pupnikthat does simplify the question!12:31
viszshakespear's problem12:31
pupnikhe should have met boole12:31
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Markus23is the game "Go" available for n900?12:35
Markus23dont know how to search for the game "go"12:35
Markus23it finds anything but not the game12:35
Markus23strange that google called a programming language so too, it won't be googleable :-)12:35
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pupnikmarkus it might be in the bsdgames collection12:36
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pupnik   Hackers fire a sh*tstorm of porn at .au government.12:38
Markus23pupnik: thx, in which repo are the bsdgames collection?12:38
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threshmmh, my scratchbox suddenly does not have network working12:38
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threshalthough it works from the debian machine that has scratchbox installed12:39
pupniksearch for go-moku, will give metter results12:39
* RST38h asks the Tentacled One to punish Autoconf authors, then eat Xorg people for desert.12:39
cpasjustetresh, try updating your dns server : "nano /etc/resolv.conf" inside scratchbox, and "nano /scratchbox/etc/resolv.conf" outside scratchbox12:39
RST38hFucking bastards, can't come up with a working makefile =(12:40
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RST38hAnd autoconf makes it possible for them12:40
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viszyuck, nano12:41
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pupnikMarkus23: could be ported12:43
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threshcpasjuste: of course i did12:46
cpasjusteyou did update both ?12:46
threshah duh12:46
threshit is not the same from the outside12:46
threshthank you12:46
threshnice, works12:47
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timeless_mbpthe error i get when doing a search is just a blank info banner12:50
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mtdif anyone's feeling generous, I'd like to grab a cpu & memory usage graph of my n900 for a few days, along with a ps-list.  Is there any way to do this that people have already come up with?12:54
mtdif not, I'll just run vmstat + ps or something silly like that.12:55
mgedminsounds almost like bootchart, except that it doesn't chart memory12:55
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mtd.oo( I saw some bug report where the guy had an rrdtool graph of his n900's battery usage - should ask him)12:56
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mgedminbattery usage? seriously?12:57
mgedminI thought there was no way to get that info12:57
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mgedminactually, I'm obviously wrong, since the battery applet displays something12:57
mgedminmust've been thinking about estimates12:57
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LuciusMareNo dropbox for maemo?13:01
Stskeepsclosed source binary13:01
Stskeepsnot for armel13:01
LuciusMarei know13:02
Stskeepsgo pester them for it :)13:02
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LuciusMarei meant, not compiled for arm yet13:02
povbotBug 8004: PR1.1 has introduced a battery drain bug (not wifi related)13:02
LuciusMarethey dont stay at freenode, right?13:02
mgedminit should be possible to port the Ubuntu One client to maemo13:03
mgedminopen-source client, closed-source server; afaiu it's essentially the same thing as dropbox13:03
mtdemre saglam - you here?13:03
mgedminsilly name, though -- nothing Ubuntu related in it, other than the company who develops it13:03
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cityLightshi all, how can I tell how is in-charge of a package?13:04
mgedmincityLights, in theory, apt-cache show packagename will show you that in the Maintainer field13:04
mgedminin practice, people upload other people's packages to extras and forget to put themselves as the maintainer13:04
mgedminlast entry in debian/changelog can be very useful13:05
mgedminshame that docpurge makes it impossible to see the changelogs of installed packages13:05
cityLightsok, I just upgraded the lighttp http server and found a simple bug13:05
mgedminalso, there's the bugtracker field that's supposed to be mandatory13:05
mgedminin the same package metadata shown by apt-cache show13:06
LuciusMareOr there could be a script using the web interface (using html parser)13:06
mgedminthere is, actually, I think13:07
mgedminon maemo.org13:07
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timeless_mbpoh the irony13:09
timeless_mbpi just called a nokia symbian guy13:09
timeless_mbphe answered from his iPhone13:09
timeless_mbpand said he couldn't receive mms/vcards13:09
Stskeepsthe least people can do is to eat their own dogfood13:09
timeless_mbpi got his name by using my n900 to sip call another nokian in England13:09
cityLightslooks as Rob Williams is the maintainer of this package lighttpd13:10
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timeless_mbpand used my n900 to look up both of their contact cards13:10
cityLightslardman? the one since OE?13:10
timeless_mbpStskeeps: yeah seriously...13:10
cityLightsok, as I am new to contrib, how can I tell the maintainer to fix the /etc/init.d file?13:11
cityLightsshould I email him?13:11
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lardmanpreferably with a patch and explanation13:11
* timeless_mbp closes the w7 vm and opens mer13:12
timeless_mbpStskeeps: speaking of mer13:12
timeless_mbpwhat's the latest version?13:12
lardmanhmm, interesting that bug 8004, I'm seeing very variable battery drain13:12
povbotBug PR1.1 has introduced a battery drain bug (not wifi related)13:12
cityLightswhen I click the link in maemo I get from here:
cityLightsto here:
cityLightsbut his email is missing13:13
lardmanshould be in the control file13:13
cityLightsI can see it in the apt-cache show lighttpd13:13
lardmanor has it not been updated?13:13
timeless_mbpStskeeps: oh... one thing13:13
timeless_mbpcan you please add a RELEASED ON DATE13:13
cityLightsMaintainer: Rob Williams <>13:13
timeless_mbpto each release?13:13
lardmanyou can also comment on the packages page and he should receive that13:13
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timeless_mbpStskeeps: without it, it's incredibly hard to figure out when a release was interesting :(13:13
lcukhey simon \o13:14
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: our releases are never interesting :P13:14
lardmanhi gary13:14
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: current URL for your string set btw?13:14
timeless_mbpStskeeps: "when it wasn't vaporware"?13:14
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cityLightslardman: thanks13:14
cityLightsis down ?13:16
X-FadecityLights: no?13:16
cityLights -> Error 50013:16
X-FadecityLights: That is not down :)13:17
X-FadeThat is just an error message about that package?13:17
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cityLightslardman: I signed in and I dont see where I can comment on the package page13:18
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pupnikuae4all and picodrive need finishing-up13:19
Ludiachannel Sofiq13:19
Ludiachannel Sofiq13:19
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Stskeepsdidn't channel spamming go out of fashion in the 90s?13:20
lardmancityLights: hmm, let me have a look13:20
cityLightsthanks mate13:20
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suihkulokkiI just joined to remind about free thursday in helsinki but clearly this is the wrong moment :P13:21
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lardmancityLights: from here click on the relevant release13:21
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lardmane.g. Fremantle Extras-testing free armel13:21
lardmanthen you can comment on the page that it goes to13:21
pupnikmedia player should display full thumbnail list on startup, not display a few then add them slowly while re-sorting13:22
X-Fadelardman: He just made a typo in the url.13:22
lardmanX-Fade: ah ok13:22
lardmanand hi :)13:22
X-Fadelardman: lighttp_s_d ;)13:22
X-Fadeand hi too ;)13:22
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pillar_this maemo6 security stuff sounds like symbian capabilities, don't like them at all. I'll probably run the device in open mode and ignore drm stuff if at all possible13:23
Stskeepsand you'll be free too13:23
hrwbug #8989 - someone got it?13:24
povbotBug Facebook contact ID is used as phone number in messages13:24
Stskeepsand able to use the chip for your own gain, heh13:24
X-Fadepillar_: If you want to run experimental stuff, that is your best bet it seems, yes.13:24
X-Fadepillar_: Although in open mode you might have capabilities too?13:24
pillar_X-Fade: it seems so, but you are able to make your own security policies13:24
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timeless_mbphrw: is facebook a nokia supported thing?13:26
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* timeless_mbp gets it13:26
timeless_mbpyeah um13:26
timeless_mbpcaller id works that way :)13:26
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X-Fadepillar_: But it all depends on which capabilities are set and how strict they are.13:26
timeless_mbpcaller id matches on the last 7 or 8 numbers13:27
pillar_X-Fade: yeah13:27
hrwtimeless_mbp: but should check phone fields only13:27
timeless_mbpbecause not all providers send more numbers13:27
timeless_mbpso it has to13:27
suihkulokki1. Add Facebook contact for Joe - it will be listed as number13:27
timeless_mbpsuihkulokki: i wanted to pong ping poke or kick you13:27
timeless_mbpbut i don't remember why :)13:27
* timeless_mbp ponders13:28
pillar_I don't get  how they now say that location needs to be that kind of restricted capability - apps can abuse it and so on - that's how it is with maemo5. Haven't noticed too much abuse13:28
timeless_mbpmy hg repo is ~20mb as a bundle13:28
suihkulokkihrw: that is confusing, what kind of contact field did it add? did you use the telepathy-haze thingy or the yesterday announced facebook jabber server?13:28
suihkulokkitimeless_mbp: I'm sure you'll poke again if was important :)13:29
timeless_mbpwhat were we talking about yesterday? :)13:29
hrwsuihkulokki: check 'extra software installed' field - I am using Facebook from haze plugin13:29
timeless_mbpooh, 24mb13:29
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X-Fadepillar_: Depends on how you define privacy I guess.13:30
hrwsuihkulokki: added note13:30
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X-Fadepillar_: If gets the location capability, then there is nothing to worry about for instance.13:30
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pillar_X-Fade: yeah13:30
pillar_Also having to reboot to switch modes is a pain..13:31
X-Fadepillar_: And be assured that I'm already on that case ;)13:31
pillar_X-Fade: good to hear!13:31
* satmd reports ludia13:31
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X-Fadepillar_: I don't know if you really want to switch modes.13:32
X-Fadepillar_: More than once at least.13:32
pillar_X-Fade: well, as much as I would like to think I won't need any of the DRM'd stuff, the reality most likely will be that I will get something under drm and then switching is needed13:34
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pillar_.. since I don't want to give up all the open stuff just for that13:34
hrwsuihkulokki: even added screenshots13:34
X-Fadepillar_: We'll need to see how that is implemented, not much is known about that.13:35
cpasjusteso, do i really need a configuration file to upload to autobuilder ?13:35
dnearybug #8990 just created13:35
povbotBug Standard MediaWiki tables don't get any CSS styles without "wikitable" attribute13:35
cpasjustefor the data ..13:35
dneary10 away from the turnover...13:35
pillar_X-Fade: about what? the switching?13:35
dnearyX-Fade, Hi there13:36
dnearyAre the changes that were made to the standard Mediawiki install all in version control somewhere?13:36
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dnearyOr is the system install of mediawiki really the unchanged distro version?13:36
X-Fadedneary: I think they are in a garage project, but I didn't do them.13:36
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dnearyThere are some strange things I can't explain (re. "You have new messages" bug w/ User_talk pages)13:37
suihkulokkihrw: right. now it is less confusing.13:37
dnearyThere is some stuff in midgard2maemo13:37
dnearyBut not everything, I think13:37
dnearyAt least, I have not been able to reproduce MaemoWiki bugs using a base mediawiki + midgard2maemo13:38
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dnearywho's the best person for that topic? Ferenc?13:38
X-Fadedneary: Just search for wiki on garage?13:38
dnearyI mean, do you know who made any changes to mediawiki that were done?13:39
dnearyI *have* the Maemo2009 style for the mediawiki - it's in maemo2midgard13:39
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X-Fadedneary: The only change is the auth module.13:39
dnearyI don't see why there'd be two different places where we'd put stuff13:39
X-Fadedneary: Afaik. And ferenc did that one.13:39
dnearyAnd the actual roll-out & install, that was you?13:40
dnearyI mean, you know where it's deployed?13:40
X-FadeNo, Ferenc.13:40
dnearyIs he still away this week?13:40
X-FadeYes, ofcourse we have a separate vm for that and I have full access.13:40
X-Fadedneary: What do you want to do btw?13:41
hrwsuihkulokki: and now have to wait for maemo7 to get fix13:41
dnearyI want to make sure that bug #8791 gets fixed13:41
povbotBug After editing User_talk: page, two "You have new messages (last change)." banners are on each wiki page.13:41
bilboed-pianyone knows the proper command to format the micro sd card from the device ?13:42
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dnearyAnd I want to understand how the wiki is deployed, what changes we've made, and document all that so that people can fix similar bugs in the future without having to annoy you or Ferenc13:42
X-Fadedneary: That is just a style issue.13:42
bilboed-pi(if possible at all)13:42
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doubleukaybilboed-pi: sfdisk /dev/mmcblk113:42
doubleukaythen mkfs.$fstype13:43
dnearyNot just a style issue, because there is content generated in the html which depends on a variable which should be unset when you arrive in the user_talk page13:43
X-Fadedneary: Ah, well then it should be an upstream bug already?13:43
dnearyAnd if we're messing with things like that in the theme & style, then there are serious issues to fix13:43
dnearyNo - upstream doesn't have the same problem13:43
dnearyThus, I'd like to investigate13:43
doubleukaybilboed-pi: if you format the first partition not as vfat, you'll get an annoying (but harmless) error message each time you boot or insert the card13:43
dnearyAnd as I said, I haven't been able to reproduce a Maemo wiki with upstream + midgard2maemo13:44
X-Fadedneary: Well we use upstream + our styles :)13:44
suihkulokkihrw: well at least with that bugreport ;) people will only see "facebook" and "haze acoounts" and assume it is 3rd party plugin issue...13:44
dnearySo I'd like to have a look at what's installed & deployed13:44
dnearyWithout changing it13:44
dnearyOf course13:44
dnearySeems reasonable to me13:44
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hrwsuihkulokki: suggest better naming then?13:45
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X-Fadedneary: ii  mediawiki                         1:1.12.0-2lenny3           website engine for collaborative work13:45
X-Fadeii  mediawiki-extensions              1.4                        set of extensions for MediaWiki13:45
X-Fadeii  mediawiki-math                    1:1.12.0-2lenny3           math rendering plugin for MediaWiki13:45
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cityLightscan anyone pls explain why google calender doesnt sync?13:46
suihkulokkimaybe "number -> name decoding for sms should only be decoded from sms fields of contacts"13:46
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dnearyDo you know what host they're on?13:46
X-Fadedneary: wiki13:47
X-Fadedneary: Obviously :)13:47
MohammadAGis pairing with a blank passkey allowed on the n900?13:47
dnearyI assumed that was a vhost13:47
wazdheya all13:47
ifreqheya wazd13:47
X-Fadedneary: No, all services are separate vms now.13:47
suihkulokkialternative fix is the "document it", eg tell IM plugin writers not store account id's as plain numbers13:47
dnearyStylesheets come from static though, right?13:47
dnearyAnd are deployed from midgard2maemo?13:47
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cityLightsI was about to ask this!13:48
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X-Fadedneary: View source.13:48
cityLightsdneary: cool13:48
bilboed-pidoubleukay, ... I formatted the card as vfat... but it complains it's not supported13:48
dnearyX-Fade, Doesn't answer the second question (how they get there) but that's OK. Thanks13:49
X-Fadedneary: There you see that the default styling is and a few wiki specific ones in the style and ones you can edit in the wiki.13:49
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hrwsuihkulokki: good idea13:49
doubleukaybilboed-pi: hm ok. what's the exact error message?13:50
hrwsuihkulokki: "number -> name decoding for sms should only be decoded from phone number fields of contacts" is much nicer13:50
X-Fadedneary: But basically everything lives in maemo2midgard for styling and needs to be deployed by pinging an admin.13:50
bilboed-pidoubleukay, Memory card corrupted13:51
dnearyX-Fade, So it's an svn up somewhere on wiki?13:51
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RST38hX-Fade: BTW, started losing logins again. Have to relogin every hour or so13:51
doubleukaybilboed-pi: hmm.. not sure if i can help you there13:51
doubleukayperhaps put it into a desktop and format it?13:51
X-Fadedneary: for the wiki style part, yes. Static obviously needs an update on static.13:51
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X-FadeRST38h: Looking into it. Sessions seem to be very short.13:52
amigadavelcuk: are and still relevant?13:55
amigadavethey look out of date13:55
pillar_is it possible to share many photos at the same time or just one by one? over service (facebook for example) ?13:56
lcukamigadave, yes, but do me a favour, just send me a reminder mail about the pages to  the information is correct in them it just needs refreshing13:58
adeuspillar_, in the icon view13:59
amigadavelcuk: cool, thanks :)13:59
pillar_adeus: hmm, where is that13:59
adeusthe icon view?14:00
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lcukamigadave, you know what would be better14:01
adeusor thumbnail view maybe a better term14:01
pillar_adeus: oh ok14:01
lcukfile bugs against them - theres liqbase components now14:01
adeusthere click "all images"14:01
adeusthere's an share option14:01
amigadavelcuk: that does sound better, will do14:01
pillar_adeus: nice that works14:01
* lcuk nods14:02
murraycGot some echo there.14:02
murraycAh, wrong channel.14:02
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pillar_adeus: that doesn't seem to let me define title and description though14:03
Gadgetoid_mbpIs anyone else finding push gmail excruciatingly slow on the N900?14:04
Gadgetoid_mbpI should say "delayed" I suppose, emails seem to hit my phone long after they hit my inbox14:04
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adeuspillar_, well then you're probably stuck back with the individual send..14:07
adeusor set them on the other side14:07
Gadgetoid_mbpShucks, it's not even push! that might be why14:08
pillar_adeus: ok, just wanted to make sure it's not just me, thanks14:08
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adeuseasier on the comp anyway14:10
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* bilboed-pi must not freak out at always seeing "Memory card corrupted"14:11
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pupnik... maybe we can take the voice recorder and add tracks.  monitor existing tracks with headphones14:12
cehtehbilboed-pi: eeks14:13
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DocScrutinizerpupnik: see  maybe it helps. Probably you need hot air reflow to esolder the micro-USB if it s same type as on N810. OTOH watch the powerjack receptacle same picture. It's spring contacted. Maybe they used same technics for usb on N90014:13
* cehteh set the commit interval to 600 and laptop_mode to 3600 ... less writes to the mmc14:13
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pupnikDocScrutinizer: i dont have the tools to dissect nokias n900.  will ujse external charger for now14:15
pupnikexternal universal charger is a great tool for all devices14:15
* cehteh grinded the hooks from the power supply connector down .. now its much easier to insert/remove14:16
DocScrutinizerespecially for those that don'T boot on flat bat, and don't charge flat bat without booting ;-P14:16
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pupniksomeone needs to make micro usb cables with flexible leads and no lever arm14:16
DocScrutinizer(talking bout OM devices here)14:17
ruskiehaven't seen any third party microusb cables around here yet14:17
DocScrutinizerpupnik: ack14:17
pupniki searched the net ruskie - no results14:17
pupnikjust many with regular length stiff lever arms14:18
ruskieI tend to quickly but gently unplug the microusb14:18
adeusI have a 3rd party cable at home14:19
DocScrutinizerobviously the cradle approach has advantages14:19
cehtehyeah .. some external charging contacts would be nice ..14:19
ruskieeasy to do.. insert fingernails+fingers between the lever arm and the n900... squeeze and pull evenly14:19
X-Fadecehteh: wireless would be even better :)14:20
cehtehput it into the microwave oven :)14:20
X-Fadecehteh: Works for my toothbrush for 15 years already or so.14:20
RST38hThe best thing would be nothaving to charge at all14:20
DocScrutinizercheck your toothbrush for volume of component!14:20
X-FadeRST38h: Portable nuke :)14:21
cehtehruskie: with grinded down connector it feels much better now, at least for the charger, i dont want the usb data cable to slip accidentally out14:21
RST38hnucular bateris14:21
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ruskieI use either one14:21
cehtehbut even the charger didnt slipped out yet14:21
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cehtehRST38h: i dont want plutonium near my balls14:21
ruskiedon't think that would provide enough power really14:22
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cehteh  see 2nd pic14:23
lopzhi ;I14:24
DocScrutinizerthe gloving pill?14:24
DocScrutinizerglowing even14:25
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siriusnovathe N900 needs a nuclear battery14:25
siriusnovaany new interesting apps for my N900 :D14:25
X-Fade"A kilogram of pure 210Po in the form of a cube would be about 48 mm (about 2 inches) on a side and emit about 140kW."14:26
ruskiecehteh, ~10% efficiency... and reduced to the size that would fit the N900... == not enough power to run it :)14:26
DocScrutinizeryeah, glowing pellet. Somebody pointed to that a few weeks ago :-D14:26
X-FadeMore than enough ;)14:26
RST38hcehteh: why plutonium?14:26
cehtehruskie: well instead 238Pu you can use 210Po ... that provides way eough power: P14:27
* satmd gets a hampster run in a wheel14:27
tybolltruskie: You're near tjernobyl, just go there, dip N900 in water and it will be always on device!14:27
RST38hcehteh: You probably want an alpha-source, well sealed14:27
* DocScrutinizer wonders how TF they build those nuclear detonators o.O14:27
ruskietybollt, where the f do you consider my geolocation to be at?14:27
cehtehRST38h: 238Pu is a alpha source14:27
Stskeepstybollt: hence explaining the urban legend of the n800 dipped into a lake and it kept on playing music14:27
ruskietybollt, you are most likely closer then me14:27
tybolltruskie: no idea, I judged from the nick... :)14:27
cehtehits not the weapon stuff14:27
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RST38hcehteh: ok, ok, a *sane* alpha-source :)14:28
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RST38hcehteh: tritium, etc14:28
tybolltStskeeps: >:)14:28
cehtehpolonium .. but uhm :)14:28
RST38hPu is just way too crazy piece of chemistry14:28
tybolltStskeeps: I bet all the N800-users tried that too? :)14:28
siriusnovaN900 needs moar apps14:28
siriusnovawhy is DrSnoSnes still in -devel ?14:28
glassbut you can get polonium for free if you play your cards "right"14:28
RST38hsirius: write one.14:28
siriusnovait should be in testing14:29
ruskiesiriusnova, start coding ;)14:29
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cehtehA kilogram of pure 210Po in the form of a cube would be about 48 mm (about 2 inches) on a side and emit about 140kW.14:29
siriusnovawhy is it in still in -devel14:29
* ruskie is still waiting for Free Software emus14:29
tybolltin SOVIET RUSSIA ... you get plenty oif polonium free :)14:29
RST38hglass: Same for americium14:29
RST38hHere. FEED.14:30
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* RST38h is actually going to give this URL to every idiot who mentions getting radioactive sources 14:31
Stskeepsscary, facebook xmpp actually is nice14:31
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cehtehwhat happend to this micro gas turbines which should power phones and laptops by now?14:32
RST38htoo noisy14:32
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* dazo filed a bug report to facebook xmpp ... for not supporting SSL :-P14:34
Stskeepswhy bother thinking facebook has privacy :P14:35
dazoStskeeps:  not about privacy ... but to protect my login password14:35
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* dazo don't like the idea of sending username and password in clear text over the Internet14:35
tybolltRST38h: Na z'dorovje tovarish!14:36
cehtehRST38h: there where some developement smaller than a matchbox, i doubt that these are loud14:37
RST38hcehteh: All were loud last time I heard of them14:37
smaugtimeless_mbp: do you happen to know if someone is actually going to fix the email client?14:37
* suihkulokki would like a matchbox-sized nuclear reactor14:38
RST38hcehteh: apparently, as they get smaller, pitch rises :)14:38
tybolltdazo: xmpp can/should be encrypted... is facebook version not14:38
timeless_mbpsmaug: which part of it?14:38
smaugthe slowness part14:38
dazotybollt:  exactly my point14:38
timeless_mbpsmaug: the mail client in a future version should stop auto collecting addresses14:38
cehtehyes prolly above hearable rage in ultrasound for the small ones14:38
RST38hMore portable cancer makers here:
timeless_mbpsmaug: what mail server are you using it w/ ?14:38
timeless_mbpi use it w/ MfE and a small window14:38
amigadavedazo, tybollt: says that DIGEST-MD5 is used14:38
ruskiejust give us an option to actually be able to select what app is used for what14:38
timeless_mbpwhich makes it quite tolerable14:39
smaugwell, I need imap too14:39
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ruskielike if someone wants to use claws they could assign to open all mailto: links with: claws-mail --compose $mailto14:39
cehtehold articke14:40
timeless_mbpsmaug: there's a third party that supposedly makes an MfE interface14:40
timeless_mbpthey seem to do a very good job14:40
cehtehwhat happend to those .. looked quite promising, prolly failed14:40
timeless_mbp(i think it's commercial, but the support seems good)14:40
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timeless_mbpsmaug: but otherwise, please don't expect much from the mail side14:40
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RST38hcehteh: Yea, that is the MIT project.14:41
tybolltRST38h: btw there are some controversy the russian navy apparently dumped a bunch of containers w/ radioactive shitz into the baltic sea in .se territory when they pulled out of lithuania/latvia/whatever...14:41
cehteh2.4 million rpm  << i doubt you can hear that14:41
timeless_mbpsmaug: mobile mail clients afaict all suck14:41
smaugemail client is the one I've heard most complaints14:41
tybolltRST38h: that was big deal in .se just last week :P14:41
RST38htybollt: Oh Russian Navy is the least of local radioactive problems14:41
tybollthow so14:41
RST38htybollt: 150+ nuclear power sources powering autonomous meteo stations along the northern border, quite a few of them still unaccounted14:42
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RST38htybollt: industrial radiation sources (the ones that look like heavy electric motors at those pictures) - thousands of these14:43
tybolltRST38h: Yikes :-S14:43
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RST38htybollt: Canisters used to irradiate rye during experiments conducted in 50s-60s (these look like 3-5l butane tanks) - lots of these are lost14:44
tybolltprobably ol in Iran by now? ;)14:45
RST38htybollt: And then we have got the generic rubbish - medical equipment, watches, military equipment, etc14:45
suihkulokkianyone competent in xmpp awake?14:45
RST38htybollt: Why would Iran need someone else's rusting radiactive junk?14:45
* pupnik wonders when the next nuclear terror strike will happen14:45
ruskiedefine compentent14:45
tybolltRST38h: what's they call it... you know what they do at sellafield in UK. "Enrichment" or something...14:45
suihkulokki1) does the facebook xmpp vcard include phonenumber/address/etc14:46
suihkulokki2) or does the n900 IM app simply not pull the vcard syncing contacts14:46
RST38htybollt: that is uranium or plutonium enrichment. Nothing to do with general radiation sources14:46
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tybolltRST38h: ah these are just radioactive metal or whatever, doesn't contain uranium... of course14:47
tronxhow can this link here be user defined ?14:48
tybollttimeless_mbp: Care for a bug report? :)14:48
hrwandre__: thx14:49
tronxnot but the one in what is pasted.14:49
tronxis Zenity gui possible on the n900 ?14:53
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tronxso, is Zenity supported on the n900 ?15:02
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dazotronx:  do you have zenity installed?  Does it exist packages ready for it, at least in extras or devel repositories?  If not, then not .... when? when somebody implements it15:06
dazocould even be you :)15:07
tronxi already found it!15:07
sandmandoes n900 got Emesene? Or is it just Pidgin? Am not very found of Pidgin...15:07
tronxthanks a lot :)15:07
tronxdamn this is good, 2 line GUIs !15:07
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* tronx is love'n it!15:08
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sandmanIs there a link where i can see whats in the repos? How easy is it to port a *.deb to Maemo? I have understood it should be easy or are compiling the only way?15:13
mgedminsandman, I've no clue what Emesene is; I think Pidgin was ported, but is not preinstalled; the default IM is a proprietary Nokia app (AFAIU) built on top of Telepathy15:14 can show you what's in the repos15:14
ShapeshifterHas anyone managed to sync multiple calendars from google calendar using mfe?15:14
Shapeshifterseems like it syncs only the first15:15
Shapeshifter(yeah I know its unsupported)15:15
koala_mansandman: if you have a x86 .deb you want to install on an arm device, you have to recompile it15:15
mgedminporting a deb is moderately easy: get a Linux system, set up the SDK, download the source deb, do magic, compile, upload to extras assistant15:15
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fragmenthow can I disable hildon banners in my fullscreen app? for example the volume bar when pressing the volume keys15:19
RST38hyou cannot15:19
RST38hbut of course you can take over keys15:19
fragmentRST38h: they are not showing in bounce or angry birds, for example15:20
cehtehprolly switching the non-composite mode on prevents that15:20
RST38hfragment: hmmm...actually, yes...15:20
cehtehyou want that anyways for fullscreen15:20
RST38hcehteh: Kinda doubt it: when I go to full screen and use fb0, they still TRY to appear15:21
fragmentcehteh: I have it15:21
cehtehok then, just a guess15:21
RST38hmust be another super secret XAtom15:21
RST38hOMG, Toshiba ships some of its R600 notebooks with OpenSolaris15:22
RST38hThe end of the world must be near indeed15:22
cehtehstill no ssh/sftp/rsync sharing plugin .. hey come one anyone do that please :/15:22
sandmanthanks mge :)15:22
sandmanand koala too =)15:23
Shadikkacehteh: scp works wonders.15:23
cehtehShadikka: i meant for the sharing api15:23
ShadikkaMy bad.15:24
cehtehjust set up your own server as sharing endpoint and let it use some ssh capable file transfer15:24
cehtehi dont care if it will be scp or rsync or sftp15:24
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vallhalla81Good day all15:27
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tronxcan scripts run from /home/user/MyDocs ?15:40
mgedminif you run them explicitly with sh, yes15:40
mgedminotherwise, the noexec mount option kicks in15:40
tronxi had to move it to /opt to get it to work15:41
tronxmgedmin : whats the best place to put stuff like this ?15:41
mgedminstuff like what?15:41
mgedminI put my scripts in /home/user/bin15:41
mgedminand I have a ~/.profile that adds $HOME/bin to my $PATH15:41
mgedmin/usr/local/bin might also be a good place15:42
tronxright, thanks a lot.15:42
mgedminactually, the default $PATH doesn't include /usr/local, so there's no advantage of that over ~/bin15:42
Shapeshifterhow can I delete calendars?15:43
MiXu-The GPS on N900 ROCKS \o/15:43
MiXu-10 seconds to fix inside a building15:44
tronxMiXu- : whys that? \o/15:44
tybolltMiXu-: probably does - but what can it be used bfor? :)15:44
Stskeepsfine accuracy or coarse?15:44
tronxoh, thats nice.15:44
MiXu-vs. 3 minutes outside on an older Nokia15:44
MiXu-Stskeeps: I don't know and don't really care. :)15:44
hrwMiXu-: try to do that without online connection15:44
MiXu-But it's not "+-500meters" if that's what you're suggesting15:45
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tronxmgedmin : i dont have /home/user/bin if i create it, would i be able to run stuff from there ?15:45
mgedminMiXu-, I _bet_ you're getting location data from a cell tower15:45
mgedminpull the SIM card and you'll enjoy 15-minute GPS fix times with no chance inside or near buildings15:45
mgedmintronx, yes15:45
MiXu-mgedmin: It's not just the cell tower15:46
MiXu-There's real gps data in it too15:46
mgedminagps, yes15:47
MiXu-But the point here is that now it's fast enough to be actually used for geotagging.15:47
MiXu-And things like that15:47
Shapeshiftermh. the builtin mail app kinda doesn't really do a good job. I tried using claws mail on the n900 but that is kinda cramped. does anyone use a mail app different to the builtin one?15:47
MiXu-Shapeshifter: What is it that you're missing?15:48
hrwShapeshifter: after 51.1 I moved to default one. but it still does it poorly15:48
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* hrw wants ProfiMail/maemo515:48
ShapeshifterMiXu-: proper IMAP15:48
Stskeepsandre__: pro or con a 'Licensing' category in bugzilla, where we'd maintain a 'open sourcing' queue through generating reports sorting by votes/priority?15:48
ShapeshifterMiXu-: and rule based sorting of incoming mails into folders15:49
ShapeshifterI receive tons of mailing list mails and I don't want them all in my inbox but in subfolders and marked as read automatically.15:49
MiXu-I use gmail so I don't have that problem15:49
ShapeshifterMiXu-: you mean you have the moving rules online?15:50
MiXu-Shapeshifter: Yes15:50
Shapeshifterand they show up on the device in the subfolders? mh, that's a good idea15:50
MiXu-I haven't checked the subfolders though, since it's all junk :)15:50
andre__Stskeeps, interesting idea... though I'm wondering whether a keyword might make more sense15:51
MiXu-They seem to be there like you'd expect.15:51
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Stskeepsandre__: general idea is to have it ability to have reports like where an internal can then see what's currently a hot topic in open sourcing and can select the different priorities/or go by the popular vote etc15:54
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Stskeepsandre__: and then the internal would assign bug to him/herself, work the internal procedure for the stuff, return with an answer, etc :P15:55
Stskeepsalso, if it's possible, a custom bug description template (no idea if we support that)15:55
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andre__uhm, that's a bit more complicated15:56
andre__but could be done after having bugzilla 3.415:57
Stskeepslike, the plain text one15:57
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Stskeepsotherwise i can always ask people to use a certain one and copy-paste it :P15:57
andre__so, either new product, or keyword. I prefer the latter, but I can't really provide arguments :)15:57
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Shapeshiftermh. no mutt package15:59
mgedminmutt's imap is painful15:59
mgedminbetter ssh directly onto your server and run mutt remotely15:59
mgedminshame about screen screwing things up15:59
mgedminon a n810 I could open osso-xterm, ssh to my server, run screen, run mutt and all worked perfectly16:00
mgedminon a n900 if I try that, non-ascii characters bork everything, and my enter key doesn't work (sends <esc>OM which mutt ends up not understanding)16:00
mgedminif I remove screen from the equation, things work fine16:00
mgedminI don't understand why16:00
mgedminanyway, I find n900's modest to be acceptable for reading mail16:00
MiXu-I use a utf-8 screen on a remote host and everything works fine16:01
Shapeshiftermgedmin: odd. I accessed my server using ssh from the n900 and attached to screen running irssi and enter works fine16:01
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Stskeepswell, i guess keyword would make bugs flow into the right product, but otoh, a 'Licensing' is a nice place to keep it all organised and have the licensing request end up at first tier (me) and then later get assigned to another.. and then priority etc being switched16:01
MiXu-You can try running screen in UTF8 mode like 'screen -U -r'16:01
xtmgedmin: try screen -U16:01
Stskeepsand those who are interested in licensing wars can add themselves to that product ;)16:01
mgedminxt, what does that mean?16:01
mgedminis there a ~/.screenrc option for that?16:02
xtdefutf8 on, iirc16:02
mgedminstrangest of all, from my laptop (gnome-terminal => same libvte as osso-xterm really) things work fine16:02
mgedminscreen -U helps16:03
Stskeepsandre__: think i'll make a proposal on community for it and then return with implementation details when people stopped arguing :P16:03
mgedminbut Enter still won't work16:03
mgedminunder screen16:03
andre__Stskeeps, okay :)16:03
mgedmindefutf8 on makes screen destroy my characters (č becomes ?)16:04
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mgedminlocale issue?16:04
mgedminbut locale charmap correctly prints UTF-8 (after complaining about LC_MESSAGES and LC_ALL)16:05
* mgedmin hates GNU screen16:05
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mgedminyep, locale issue16:07
mgedminadding en_GB en_GB.UTF-8 to /etc/locale.alias fixed screen16:07
mgedminstupid screen16:07
mgedminyou're supposed to pay attention to LC_CTYPE which already had the .UTF-816:07
mgedminstupid screen16:07
Shapeshifterfor some reason one of my email accounts (a gmail account) always is bold. But I don't have any new mail. I don't really have any mail at all there16:07
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mgedminI suppose the "Enter is an unknown key" issue arises from some vt100 init sequence that screen emits16:08
amigadaveShapeshifter: the default email account (for sending i think) is highlighted in bold16:09
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tybollthmm any users of Tweakr around here16:09
Shapeshifteramigadave: ahh16:09
xtmgedmin: it's not screen's fault16:09
amigadaveShapeshifter: confused me too :)16:09
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libbenany app for recording sound with the phone?16:12
libbenlike a dictaphone16:12
libbeni want to record a sound in my office.16:13
libbenbut cant find any app for it really16:13
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satmdI'd have to check which repo16:14
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libbenrecorder is in repos16:15
libbenill take that16:15
libbenwas looking in the app manager16:15
ifreqapp manager uses repos :P16:16
mgedmininfocmp -l1 xterm|grep kent -> kent=\EOM16:16
ifreqyou can search inside of appmanager16:16
mgedminbut infocmp -l1 screen|grep kent -> it's not defined!16:16
mgedminthat's why mutt and all other apps cannot recognize my Enter key under screen16:16
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libbenis there any nice little sound editor in the repos also that works decent on n900 ?16:17
libbenso you can cut etc etc16:17
aswatHy everyone !16:18
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aswatI am a happy N900 user and I was wondering if there was a way to display/control the media play while the phone is locked16:19
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dazoaswat:  don't think so .... but how would you imagine that?16:19
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dazoaswat:  it's not necessarily a bad idea ... just how it could be implemented ... if possible, I dunno16:20
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pupniki need 3-4000 mAh for one day with n90016:23
pupnikif using it a lot16:23
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Shadikkadazo: Accelerometer, iPod-style. :P16:24
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dazoShadikka:  actually, there is a accelerometer controller for media player already in one of the extras repos, iirc .... but iPod style ... hey, that should be doable though ;-)16:25
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dazoShadikka:  just wonder if it's possible to override the normal "lock" screen which you get when hitting the power key .... changing that with "iPod style" controller would be nice16:26
Shadikkadazo: Why am I not actually even surprised.. :D16:26
ShadikkaI don't know that much about the OS's inner workings, but I'd expect it to be possible.16:26
dazopupnik:  3-4000mAh ~ 3-4 batteries :-P16:27
sandmanlibben: try to convice someone to port Audacity to Maemo
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pupnikor two mugens16:27
dazoShadikka:  it's just about catching the right hook and override the application being run, and run another one .... shouldn't be worse ... in theory16:27
pupnikwill buy them asap16:28
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dazopupnik:  considered a hat with solar panels? :-P16:28
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ShadikkaIndeed, in theory.16:28
tybolltI want a  hat w/ an iron rod innit so I can go out when there's thuinder outside and find out if I'll get struck16:29
tybolltIt'll likely kill me but then I will atleast get the satifaction of knowing if it "works" or not :)16:29
dazotybollt:  and if you do .... it would charge your N900 rapidly quickly too!!!!16:30
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tybolltdazo: cactly!16:30
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dazotybollt:  but in fact ... if that iron rod is grounded .... in theory, you would be inside a Faraday's cage, which means you should not be hit .... that's why it's safe to be inside a car .... the lightning strike is directed around you16:31
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dazobut please, don't blame me if you decide to test it out!!!!!16:32
satmd(faraday: electrons push each other away, thus trying to form a "hull" instead of going to the center)16:32
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pupnikmugen now shipping 2200mAh battery! (?)
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pupnikjust added today16:35
satmdrss'ed link16:35
mikhaspupnik, seems like a good deal to me16:35
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mikhasand its 2.4 Ah, not 2.216:36
rangeYeah, but doesn't it make the machine look a little fat?16:36
pupnikdont care!16:36
rangeI do, it's a phone :)16:36
nid0no, it makes the machine look a *lot* fat16:37
pupnikwow 7mm16:37
pupniktoo bad the larger batt doesnt spread over the whole case width16:38
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rangecan't really see what they do with the camera, though.16:39
pupnikmakes for a nice hiding place for herb16:39
nid0it seems a very unpolished design to just have a mammoth oblong battery and huge back cover for the entire device with tons of wasted volume inside16:39
pupnikthe sliding cover has no lens range16:39
inzyou could have your movie collection on microsds inside!16:40
nid0rather just carry on lugging my 2000mAh solar recharger with me and keep the phone itself half sensible, and still get more total power16:40
libbenis there anyway to get the phone to disconnect internet if it's not being used for like 3-4 minutes?16:40
libbencause right now, if u do something that requieres online, it goes online. But it's a bit of a hassle to disconnect everytime16:41
satmdwireless or 2g/3g?16:41
libbenand 3g i guess16:41
libbencause it drains the battery also16:41
libbenmy 3g only connects when im outside the office and starts to stream in mediaplayer16:42
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libbenthen it pops up, and when im done, i need to disconnect.16:42
libbenwould be nice with something that checked if anything happens within a time range.16:42
pupnikone click and one tap to disconnet16:42
* satmd would love to trigger wireless on when plugging in usb16:42
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sandmanshouldn a bash-script be able to do that16:43
satmdsure, probably16:43
libbenpupnik: well its 2 clicks 2 many =)16:43
satmdI have installed the sdk, but not played with it yet16:44
satmdso I'd not know where to poke at /proc or /sys16:45
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satmdwait a sec16:45
satmdlibben: maybe longpress is something for you16:45
satmdtoggles offline mode with the slide on the right side16:46
pupnikapparently mugen could not produce a battery with a stepped design.16:48
libbenu mean the lock button on the right side ?16:48
satmdif you hold it long, it'll toggle16:49
libbeninstalling it now16:49
libbento try it16:49
satmdit seems longpress caused our company access point to crash right now when I was trying16:50
libbenlongpress is disabling 3g16:50
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libbenwhats the icon thats popping when surfing without wifi?16:50
satmdit's disabling every connectivity16:50
libbenso no phone calls?16:50
satmda white ball with 2 arrows16:50
libbenwhats that 2 arrows?16:51
libbeni taught that was the 3g thing16:51
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satmdwell, if longpress and shortcutd would merge and have more choice - that'd be great16:51
sandmanlibben: i would try to make a bash-script that activates on click or screensaver. Am not sure how to do it on N900 but this could help you
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Tronxit seems because bash isnt installed i cant get zenity to work well16:56
libbenso whats the ball with two arrows?16:56
Tronxfor example i cand define $something16:56
crashanddieTronx: environment variables work fine16:57
Tronxif i run      zenity url=`zenity --title="Axel GUI" --text="Enter url" --entry` axel --num-connections=8 http://"$url"16:57
aswat<dazo>: well, a friend of mine as a android device that has this feature, and I really believe it could be nice16:57
SpeedEvillibben: that's a internet-over-phone icon16:57
Tronx$url is always blank at the end.16:57
Tronxcrashanddie : any suggestions ?16:58
SpeedEvilyou can't do that16:58
crashanddieTronx: export lol="how to learn using environment variables"16:58
luke-jrTronx: that's not how you define url in the first place16:58
Tronxluke-jr : thats not mine
aswat<dazo>: the idea is to display the media player when short pressing a button16:58
Tronxit works on my laptop just doesnt on the n90016:59
luke-jrTronx: you copied it wrong16:59
libbenSpeedEvil: so when i got connected and stop doing stuff over the net, whats the status of it then? Battery drainer or what?16:59
cpasjustecan i completly remove a package i uploaded to devel ?16:59
SpeedEvillibben: fairly innocuous.16:59
SpeedEvillibben: it drains a bit - not a lot more power16:59
Tronxluke-jr : the one in the link doesnt even run, i had to add zenity before the first line and remove #!/bin/sh16:59
libbeni still would feel better if the wifi and the phone over internet went and disconnected17:00
ShapeshifterI can't install liqbase-playground as apparently libliqbase1 is missing.17:00
SpeedEvillibben: you can however set 'always ask'17:00
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Shapeshifter(^ lcuk?)17:00
SpeedEvillibben: in settings -> network17:00
luke-jrTronx: then your system is not POSIX compliant17:00
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SpeedEvillibben: and it will never reconnect17:00
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lcukShapeshifter, which repo17:00
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Tronxluke-jr : it works on my system, just doesnt on the n900.17:01
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SpeedEvilTronx: were you trying to run it in MyDocs?17:01
libbenSpeedEvil: the connection aint the problem. its that it dont disconnect automatically after some minuts of inactivity17:01
mgedminTronx, what exactly are you running and how are you running it?17:01
Shapeshifterlcuk: extra-devel17:01
TronxSpeedEvil : no in /home/user/bin as some user here suggested , it runs.17:01
Tronxmgedmin : its just some gui zenity script for axel17:02
lcukShapeshifter, should be there17:02
SpeedEvillibben: ah17:02
Shapeshifterlcuk: Application packages missin libliqbase1(>=0.3.57)17:02
mgedminTronx, that's not specific enough if you want me to help solve your problem17:02
lcukyou could always grab all the latest from my github   much later than the stuff in repo17:02
Tronxmgedmin: here it is
Shapeshifterlcuk: okay17:02
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Tronxmgedmin : just asks the user for a link and puts it in a command17:03
lcukShapeshifter, the playground is being smashed to pieces slowly tho, and more and more of the loose components in the widget soup are being pushed into standalone apps and packages17:03
lcukso if you want to play, start with something like liqflow as a standalone17:04
Shapeshifteryep I see17:04
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mgedminTronx, but you said you modified the script17:04
mgedminand you said you had problems running the original17:04
SpeedEvilreplacing the last line with echo --num-connections=8 http://"$user":"$pass"@"$url"17:05
mgedminwhat problems exactly?17:05
SpeedEvil--num-connections=8 http://B:C@A17:05
mgedminwhat exactly did you run and where?17:05
SpeedEvilafter entering a b c17:05
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TronxSpeedEvil : did you do that on your n900 ?17:06
Tronxmgedmin : i had the script in /home/user/bin it didnt even run17:06
mgedminhow did you run it? what were the error messages?17:06
SpeedEvilworks as root or user17:07
Tronxdamn it17:07
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* mgedmin remarks that this feels like pulling teeth17:07
cpasjustewhoa, we can't make big packages since apt-cache is on nand ?17:07
SpeedEvilTronx: pastebin the exact error messages you get with the above script - unchanged17:07
mgedmincpasjuste, HAM uses /home/MyDocs/ for downloaded packages, doesn't it?17:07
Tronxok let me go try it agian, i'll come back to bother you guys if it doesnt :)17:07
cpasjustemgedmin what do you mean ?17:07
cpasjustecan i say autobuilder to do that ?17:08
mgedminHildon Application Manager doesn't use /var/cache/apt/archives, as far as I know17:08
mgedminsudo apt-get, however, does use /var17:08
cpasjustewould be great, i did try with apt-get ... stupid me :)17:08
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Shapeshifterlcuk: liqcalendar is soo smooth17:09
cpasjusteso cool thanks :x17:09
cpasjustewas nervous :)17:09
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lcukShapeshifter, lots of things are :)17:10
cpasjustecool mgedmin it work :p17:11
lcukon n900 its a dream17:11
lcukon n810 its fabulous too17:11
Shapeshifterlcuk: But I'm guessing that's also due to nice code17:11
lcukthe framework was designed to run as fast/smooth as possible on n810 - at the time i started it i didnt even know the next nokia device number ;)17:12
Tronxit works!17:13
lcuki knew though that the improvements would directly benefit n90017:13
Tronxthanks for the help guy.17:13
Shapeshifterlcuk: :)17:13
Shapeshiftergood stuff.17:13
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Tronxwhats the shortcut to complete filenames in cli ?17:14
Tronxctrl+what ?17:14
ShapeshifterTronx: TAB17:14
Tronxright, thx17:14
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mgedminTronx, ctrl-i is the same thing as tab in xterm17:16
Tronxthats the one i had read, thx17:17
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Tronxmgedmin : you think it would be possible to add a progress bar to this script ?17:18
mgedminno clue17:18
dazoaswat:  exactly my thought as well ... unfortunately, I'm useless with writing GUI apps ... but if I get some spare time, I'll have a look at it :)17:19
guysoft42hey all,17:20
guysoft42i thought i might draw your attention to the fact that sygic, specifically sygic in Israel are selling GPS software with a claim it supports some kind of linux. when it supports none at this time17:21
guysoft42is this against the law?17:21
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ShapeshifterSo I looked up how to configure ash, and apparently its supposed to source .profile. But it does not on the n900. Where do I put my config for ash?17:22
Stskeeps - Proposal for open sourcing queue17:22
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* satmd found out that he can use the n900 as a bug17:24
satmdnot much use however :D17:24
Shapeshifternevermind, figured it out17:26
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Tronxmgedmin : could format effect scripts and cause them not to run ?17:39
mgedmindo you mean affect?17:39
mgedminand what do you mean by "format"?17:39
Tronxfor example the same script i was trying to get to work a moment ago didnt when i copied it from windows to the n90017:39
mgedminMS-DOS newlines?17:39
mgedminyes, CRLF instead of LF _will break your shell scripts_17:39
Tronxbut did work when i saved it from the site to the n900 directly17:40
mgedmincompare file sizes17:40
Tronxthat must be it17:40
mgedminif the script gets larger when you copy from windows than when you download directly, you'll know what it is17:41
sar3thit's impossible to run java apps on the n900, right?17:41
sar3theG big java apps, as NetBeans, or small java apps, which were developed for mobile phones17:42
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aswat@<dazo> : I am trying to set up the SDK on Fedora 12 x68_64 to see what I can do17:43
dazoaswat:  neat!  Let me know how your SDK setup will work out ... I'm going to that on my own laptop soon, F12/x86_64 :)17:44
adalalanyone here knows what gateway the msn haze plugin uses to connect to the live messenger servers?17:44
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aswat@dazo: no luck there17:46
aswatstuck with this :17:46
dazoaswat:  It's not going to be easy, I've understood .... my "plan b" is to do it in a VM17:46
aswatInconsistency detected by rtld.c: 1192: dl_main: Assertion `(void *) ph->p_vaddr == _rtld_local._dl_sysinfo_dso' failed!17:47
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ShapeshifterI think I've broken microb. it doesn't load any pages (while midori does), and when I click on Web↓ "Options" or "New Window", nothing happens17:47
aswatE: Scratchbox command 'sb-conf setup' returned error 0.17:47
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X-FadeShapeshifter: Browser switcher of something like that installed?17:47
aswatI installed the Scratchbox successfully17:48
aswatbut not the SDK17:48
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mikhasguys, do yourself a favour and use the GUI installer from Forum Nokia, really ...17:48
ShapeshifterX-Fade: nope17:48
aswat@mikhas: does it work on x86_64 platerforms ?17:48
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mikhasit works here17:49
mikhasbut yeah, I might just have been lucky with that17:49
sandmansar3th: do you know why java wont work? Isn't the debian libs working?17:50
sar3thsandman: i haven't tried it yet, i was asking if anyone already did ;)17:51
sandmanhehe ok :)17:51
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aswatnot working for me17:52
aswatI am getting this error : TypeError: QWizardPage.registerField(QString, QWidget, str property=None, SIGNAL() changedSignal=0): argument 4 has unexpected type 'str'17:53
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mikhasthat looks like a python error to me, aswat17:58
mikhasyou might need to run the installer with python2.5 or 2.6?17:58
aswatI have python 2.617:59
aswatthat might be it17:59
sar3ththat looks like something with qt :O18:00
aswatmight be that I am running QT 4.6.1 with KDE 4.4. ;)18:00
aswattoo bad18:01
mikhasno, it is python or your python bindings18:01
w00tor it could be that you've made a mistake in what you're doing18:02
mikhassay, it didn't try to apt-get the missing packages?18:02
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w00twhat is your code for that line?18:02
aswatpretty simple as root18:02
w00toh, sdk18:02
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w00twhere'd you get it from?18:03
aswatactually I have tried the manual install described here :
sar3thhm, then it's an error in the script maybe :|18:03
aswatthat's where I got the python script18:03
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aswatI'm not sure if it is supposed to work on x86_6418:05
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mikhasaswat, ask the maintainers then18:09
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer51, jebba, PaulFertser_, luke-jr:
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LuciusMarecan the light or proximity sensor in n900 be used to sense motion?18:18
ifreqLuciusMare: why not the webcam?18:18
LuciusMareright, i didnt thought of it, it might be the paranoia, i am afraid of being spied18:19
ifreqive built motion (linux security webcam) app for maemo5 and it worked just nicely18:19
tripzeromm... motion is nice18:19
LuciusMaremotion also triggers on light change, doesnt it?18:19
ifreqtho didnt upload it to repos as it needs quite much console work to be usable.. and maybe some sms etc..18:19
ifreqguess so18:20
Lumpio-You could make it ignore slow changes in light18:20
Lumpio-Like the sun18:20
ifreqits quite configurable18:20
mgedminoh, cool, PR1.1 lets me merge more than two contacts at once!18:20
LuciusMarewell, but my lightbulbs does not dim slowly18:20
aswatIs there a way to raise the number of "displayed" applet on the N900 ?18:20
aswatI am limited to 918:21
aswatthere is enought space for 2 additionnal ones18:22
aswaton my opinion18:22
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Stskeepslo qole18:22
qoleStskeeps,  good morning18:23
hrwhej Stskeeps18:23
qoleor whatever it is for  you :)18:23
infobotugt is, like, Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
luke-jrStskeeps: posted a question18:23
qolehrw, thanks18:24
dracflamlocis there any good way to avoid the dreaded microusb breaking?18:24
mgedmindoesn't the Facebook XMPP thing kina make Hermes obsolete?18:24
lcukyes, do not use nokia charging cable as skipping rope18:24
qoletreat the microusb connector like it e18:24
|Rdon't try to catch a cow by spinning your n900 with the usb cable? :)18:24
Stskeepsluke-jr: thanks18:24
qolelike it is made of paper18:25
hrwmgedmin: hermes got obsoleted some time ago I think18:25
lcukhi qole18:25
hrwmgedmin: when facebook and twitter support for contacts landed18:25
qolelcuk, good morning18:25
* lcuk offers bacon and coffee18:25
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qolethere's twitter support for contacts?!?18:26
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mgedminoh, the telepathy plugins?18:26
qolelcuk, just had breakfast, on the bus to work18:26
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hrwmgedmin: yes18:26
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Shapeshiftermh. how can I reset the microb config? I looked at the home dir but I'm scared of just deleting /home/use/.mozilla/microb18:27
qoleso anyone know why lzma decompressing is slower than bzip2 on the N900?18:27
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LuciusMareuh huh, the fremantle version of sleep says "sleep: invalid number 0.1", while it parses correctly on my desktop18:30
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qoleStskeeps, about the openness numbers you compiled... have they gotten better for Diablo in the past year, or have they remained stable?18:30
Stskeepsqole, in terms of opening components/developed openly, of course.. but i only have limited data18:31
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Stskeepsqole, worth checking out my newest post about open sourcing queue18:32
qoleStskeeps, so Diablo's a moving target, even after abandonment. Good to know.18:32
LuciusMareShapeshifter: then move it somewhere else18:32
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Stskeepsqole, it is still on my list yes and still being prioritised for open sourcing18:33
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qoleStskeeps, do you mean
qoleStskeeps, could you link to open sourcing queue post?18:37
Stskeepsqole, nop,
petteriis there a way send messages to specific jabber resource from the built in instant messanger app18:38
petterifor example if my friend has logged in from his desktop and n900 and I wanted to send message to the n90018:38
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qoleStskeeps, wow, that sounds great!18:39
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hrwpetteri: internal one does not support it18:39
petterihrw: ok thanks :(18:40
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Stskeepsqole, hopefully it means we will be able to churn more things open source - and have a sober discussion doing this18:41
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: cool18:41
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qoleStskeeps, DocScrutinizer, very very cool... adds some much needed focus to the process, as well as clarity. Getting clear answers component by component will be nice.18:43
Stskeepsand we also provide proper arguments for why it would be a good idea and showing it won't just be crickets sound if opened18:44
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DocScrutinizerwell to me it seems the suggestion to open a ticket for open up source of some component is not all new, but Stskeeps implemented a much clearer hirarchy and precise roles and standard operation procedures18:47
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: i have been on the community side enough to be really frustrated over things :)18:48
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poitsunice to see qole18:51
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qolepoitsu, are you saying hi, or was that part of another discussion?18:53
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tripzeroqole, he's just sniping you18:55
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poitsujust semi-rare to see you in irc18:55
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qolepupnik, yes it is :)18:56
shinkamuihey pup18:58
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osxxPlease rate video
qoleI am hoping to hang out more in IRC, especially if I fgure out the 240 second disconnect.19:01
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hrwbug #8989 got better pictures19:04
povbotBug number -> name decoding for sms should only be decoded from phone number fields of contacts19:04
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hrwnow waiting for nokia devs to check it19:05
hrwwoglinde_train: in other words: maemo7 at least19:06
wazdwow, nokia ressurected n800 :D19:07
wazd12mpix camera, 720p video, HDMI :)19:07
woglinde_trainguruplug video?19:07
woglinde_trainguruplug rockz19:08
tripzerodoes look quite awesome19:08
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qoleN8-00 will still only have a 3.5" screen!19:11
X-Fadeqole: It is a phone.19:12
pupnikany haxxor know if there's a larger screen compatible with n900 ?19:12
pupniksame cable, signals?19:12
X-Fadeqole: Phones can't get a lot bigger than that without looking silly :)19:12
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X-Fadeqole: For that it need to be a _tablet_ :)19:13
pupniki have a broken psion netbook that would enjoy a n900 inside19:13
woglinde_trainhi x-fade19:13
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qoleYou Europeans and your skinny jeans and tiny pockets.19:13
woglinde_trainpupnik we have a nopt broken psion for alle the fairs and the openembedded stand19:13
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pupniknopt woglinde_train "?19:14
woglinde_traineepc 901 keys19:14
woglinde_trainand train19:14
woglinde_trainareh not19:14
* pupnik complains to DB about the suspension19:15
woglinde_trainI am typing to fast19:15
pupnikdo you want my netbook for parts?19:15
woglinde_trainhm ask florian19:16
woglinde_trainhe maintains the stuff19:16
pupniknickname is florian?19:16
lcukwoglinde_train, what are you training for?19:16
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woglinde_trainlcuk *g*19:16
jose_manriquedoes N900 support L2CAP??19:16
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woglinde_RE7lcuk better now?19:18
woglinde_RE7its the train number19:18
fiferboyIn case anyone here is not aware: losing your job sucks :(19:18
woglinde_RE7fiferboy uh19:18
lcuk:D haha19:18
lcuk:O fiferboy19:18
qoleI think BT headsets are making handset size more irrelevant. A big 4.3" screen would be fine if it had a headset in the box for those who don't like sticking a big device against their ear...19:18
Stskeeps:( fiferboy19:18
qole:( fiferboy19:19
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fiferboyThanks guys.  My new full-time job is looking for a new full-time job19:19
woglinde_RE7fiferboy you will get a new one19:19
qoleIt happened to you? With a little baby?19:19
fiferboyqole: Yeah, not the best timing19:19
woglinde_RE7fiferboy even lcuk found something new19:19
* woglinde_RE7 hides19:19
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fiferboywoglinde_RE7: True :)19:20
pupnikhow about sunglasses that magically overlay a 19" 800x600 screen on my FOV19:20
derfThose would be big sunglasses.19:21
qolepupnik, as long as the screen really is 800x600...19:21
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Stskeepsfiferboy: you were a qt'er too weren't you?19:21
qolemost of those display glasses have woeful resolution19:21
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fiferboyStskeeps: Yes, I have done lots of work with it and some work on it19:21
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fiferboyStskeeps: But not professionally19:21
GAN900fiferboy, man, that's brutal.19:22
jose_manriquesorry, I would like to know if N900/fremantle supports L2CAP.... anynone knoes?19:22
fiferboyGAN900: Yeah, I'm not coming down to Florida now :(19:22
Stskeepsfiferboy: well at least that's an advantage19:22
qolefiferboy, would you move to the states for a job? Or europe?19:22
fiferboyAlthough my manager nicely gave me the time off to book it a week before I was let go19:22
GAN900fiferboy, I can imagiine.19:22
pupniknext conference: somewhere with sun, beach and cheap food please19:23
fiferboyqole: We might consider Europe.  My wife doesn't want to go to the States19:23
* pupnik freezes in the dark19:23
qolefiferboy, In many ways I don't blame her. But California is nice...19:24
qoleVancouver is nice too :D19:24
GAN900What in the world is up with all those Latin pronunciation advocates?19:25
GAN900me-mo has to be the lamest sounding way to say it.19:25
fiferboyIf anyone wants to add me on linked in:
GAN900fiferboy, the states depends entirely on where you move to. ;)19:25
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SpeedEvilI pronounce it to rhyme with pilchard.19:25
fiferboyGAN900: True.19:26
GAN900EU is just going to be freaking expensive.19:26
GAN900qole, CA sucks.19:26
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Firebirdwell, according to my latin, maemo would be my-mo19:26
qoleI hear mountain view, CA is nice19:27
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* pupnik says "may-mo" but gets evil looks from the "my-mo" people19:28
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qoleGAN900, Florida stuck me as odd, beautiful weather, but little pockets of super-rich, vast swaths of quite poor.19:29
* pupnik needs paintball autoturrets for the house19:29
lcukfiferboy, linkedin, i added "maemo (community)" as a company and put some of my stuff there.  you have no notification about your excellent community work19:29
qolefiferboy, yes, your apps are huge, everyone uses them.19:30
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fiferboylcuk: Good idea.  I was trying to think of a place to put that19:31
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fiferboylcuk: You should add that as an actual company on LinkedIn so all people can "work" there19:36
GeneralAntillesqole, er, and CA struck you as anything different? :)19:36
GeneralAntillesqole, CA has that but worse.19:36
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GeneralAntillesqole, Mountain View is unaffordable.19:37
GeneralAntillesqole, where were you in Florida?19:37
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qolelcuk, fiferboy, I agree, just looking at Linkedin right now.19:38
GeneralAntillesqole, the vast majority of CA is in fact rather poor.19:38
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uhsfgoogle buzz > linkedin19:38
* timeless_mbp frowns19:38
pupnik  mmmm19:38
timeless_mbpStskeeps: help?19:38
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timeless_mbpMy Mer insists that my working directory is a read-only file system19:39
GeneralAntillesqole, both states have massive immigrant populations.19:39
timeless_mbpactually, it insists my home directory is a readonly file system too19:39
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: pwd?19:39
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Stskeepstimeless_mbp: hmm.19:39
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: dmesg may reveal FS errors?19:40
timeless_mbptouch: cannot touch `/home/timeless/hjkhjkhk': Read-only file system19:40
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qoleGeneralAntilles, you're probably right, I have very little first-hand experience of California...19:40
lbtfiferboy:  :(19:40
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timeless_mbpi have something that looks like a kernel panic "warn_slowpath+0x60/0x80"19:41
GeneralAntillesqole, thus why it's a bad idea to throw opinions around. ;)19:41
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Stskeepstimeless_mbp: excellent19:41
VDVsxjose_manrique, bluetooth l2cap ? of course that the base for 'everything' :D19:41
GeneralAntilles223 new posts on Talk in just over 11 hours.19:42
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: 223 new threads on Talk in just over 11 hours.19:42
qoleGeneralAntilles, I didn't realise that my observations about Florida would upset you.19:42
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: 223 updated posts on Talk in just over 11 hours.19:42
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BluesLeeyeah, its hard to follow all the threads19:43
qoleinfobot, what did GeneralAntilles really mean?19:43
GeneralAntillesqole, it didn't, but Florida and California suffer from a lot of similar problems.19:43
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GeneralAntillesqole, so a "CA is nice" and "Florida has vast swaths of poor" doesn't really compute.19:43
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* VDVsx liked Mountain View CA :)19:44
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VDVsxNokias has a office there19:44
qoleGeneralAntilles, I see where you're going here.19:44
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, yes, Mountain View is nice, but it's complete unaffordable. :P19:44
GeneralAntillesqole, in general, I disagree with the sort of location-based opinion slinging that so many people tend to participate in from positions of no experience.19:45
VDVsxhousing ?19:45
GeneralAntillesqole, I don't have a lot of opinions about Canada since I've never been there. ;)19:45
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GeneralAntillesVDVsx, living expenses period.19:45
GeneralAntillesGas, taxes, housing, food, etc.19:45
VDVsxthings aren't that expensive, at least for a european19:45
qoleGeneralAntilles, California has more high-tech jobs... but you're right, my opinion of California is not based on personal experience.19:45
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, yeah, well, relative to most of the rest of the US. ;)19:45
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fiferboyGeneralAntilles: I'm sure it is expensive my Canadian standards too19:46
GeneralAntillesqole, Alabama has a lot of tech jobs, too. ;)19:46
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GeneralAntillesVDVsx, MOST of us aren't taxed completely to hell and back. :P19:46
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GeneralAntillesBy the way, you should all probably vote here lest you end up with a mascot you don't want.
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* GeneralAntilles notes that Talk is poised to make a decision affecting the whole community unilaterally.19:49
timeless_mbp[117998.238241] EXT3-fs error (device sda1): ext3_journal_start_sb: Detected aborted journal19:49
fiferboyGeneralAntilles: I want the Naked Mole Rat mascot19:49
Trizttimeless_mbp; thats on your n900?19:50
timeless_mbpTrizt: Mer-vbox19:50
GeneralAntillesJaffa, how do you deal with all of those inane enhancement requests for Catorise?19:51
JaffaGeneralAntilles: By hoping against hope that you'll jump in and slap 'em down before I get to them ;-)19:51
JaffaGeneralAntilles: And being thankful they ignore the other posts which say "raise a bug" ;-)19:51
* Jaffa particularly like "I just open 15 apps... and it triggers a glitch in Catorise.... that's all man!"19:52
GeneralAntillesJaffa, hey, I did it once. I think that probably makes us even for the en_US enhancement. *g*19:52
GeneralAntillesDefinitely an h-d bug19:52
GeneralAntillesI've seen it, too.19:52
GeneralAntillesHigh CPU load seems to make the application menu render its items very slowly.19:52
JaffaI've seen the weird "menu layers overlaid" bug, but didn't think it was related to number of open windows19:52
timeless_mbpit isn't19:53
timeless_mbpit kinda is19:53
timeless_mbpit's a race condition19:53
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Jaffatimeless_mbp: Fun19:53
timeless_mbpbut if the system is pegged, you have a better chance of winning the race19:53
timeless_mbpotherwise you just need to practice19:53
GeneralAntilles<3 Application Menu race conditions19:53
GeneralAntillesWe'll never be rid of them.19:53
timeless_mbpwith practice, you get faster, and can have a better chance of winning the race19:54
timeless_mbpwinning races ^^19:54
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* timeless_mbp wonders what portion of people get that reference19:54
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, wikipedia to the rescue. ;)19:55
timeless_mbpat this point i can at least sometimes remember the name w/o having to google for it19:56
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GeneralAntillesI really wish we had the userbase to support slashdot-style moderation.19:58
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GeneralAntillesReading threads these days feels like wading through raw sewage.19:58
hardakerforums are a pain in every way shape and form no matter the topic.19:58
GeneralAntilleshardaker, well, back in the old days. . . .19:59
hardakerI've always wanted to have a good long conversation with the guy that thought up the idea that a web page is a good place to hold a conversation.19:59
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: sadly, even doesn't have a userbase to moderate bugs19:59
pupnikyou only have to invest as much time on t.m.o. as you want, no?19:59
t-tanhi all, hi qole!19:59
lcukGeneralAntilles, what about this for a quick fix
GeneralAntillespupnik, problem is, I hate missing important things.19:59
hardakersolution: get everyone on slashdot to buy a n90019:59
timeless_mbpStskeeps: hey, can you try building my package? :)19:59
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, "Maemo is not a Latin word, therefore Latin pronunciation really doesn't apply.", well I say it using latin pronunciation and is exactly the same thing as the finns (I guess :D)19:59
timeless_mbpsince i can't given the current state of my vm20:00
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pupniknice idea lcuk20:00
t-tanqole: lzma is slower than bzip2 on your device??20:00
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, the Latin pronunciation I've seen proposed is "me-mo".20:00
GeneralAntillesWhich is just inane.20:00
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: if you tell me how to use a hg bundle :P20:00
timeless_mbpStskeeps: hg clone bundle dest20:00
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, ah right, we're read the "a" here that's the difference20:01
qolet-tan, yes, I don't know why yet20:01
pupniksay it like the finns do.  m-ah-e-mo20:01
timeless_mbpor hg init; hg unbundle bundle20:01
GeneralAntillespupnik, as do I.20:01
GeneralAntillespupnik, though it took me months to fix my Americanized pronunciation.20:01
t-tanqole: weird! and you really mean decompression?20:01
pupniksame here. "may-mo"20:01
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, you know Talk offers a real list markup, right? :P20:02
pupniki'd like a cap or jacket20:02
GeneralAntillespupnik, I've been pushing for caps for a while with no success.20:02
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GeneralAntillespupnik, damn Europeans just don't seem to get them.20:02
qolet-tan, yes, I am trying to find a better way to distribute the Easy Debian image20:02
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: yeah, but the original idea was to cross-post it on ML too but my wife came home and dragged me outside to get food :P20:03
pupnikdoesn't need to be a baseball cap - could be a thuggish black cap too20:03
t-tanqole: I've also uploaded xz-utils, maybe that's even better?20:03
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, copy-paste laziness.20:03
* Stskeeps wonders why on earth tieto is demoing maemo 5.0 -alpha- on MWC and why they think triple-booting a beagleboard is conference-worthy20:04
timeless_mbpthat suggests M@ mo20:04
qolet-tan, I am trying lzma, it took an hour to decompress...20:05
VDVsxtimeless_mbp, mobile world conference20:05
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VDVsxnext week at Barcelona20:05
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t-tanqole: it took 8mins for the debian img on my device.20:06
qolet-tan, maybe using -9 for compression ratio made the decompression take longer, although I read that it shouldn't be that way for lzma20:06
qolet-tan it took 8 minutes to decompress what?20:06
t-tanqole: lzma is ideal for embedded devices.20:06
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t-tanqole: the your easydeb image recompressed with lzma -920:07
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t-tanqole: did you decompress via pipe or directly? pipe seems to be much slower on N90020:08
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qolet-tan, I used "time" and went to bed, it said "real: 1 hour" maybe I should do it while watching...20:09
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t-tanqole: interesting20:10
qoleI just used "lzma -kd" command,20:10
t-tanqole: could it be the filesystem? I decompressed on ext320:10
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qolet-tan, using MyDocs, so vfat20:11
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qolet-tan, bzip2 takes 45 minutes in MyDocs... Trying again now, I'll watch it...20:12
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t-tanqole: ok. I'm going to decompress it on my SD later tonight20:13
t-tanqole: IIRC bzip2 took 15mins on ext320:13
Unmenschlichhello, is there a repository with normal cli tools like less and nano20:13
JaffaStskeeps: You should see my shonky Perl script which turns the HTML of the MWKN front page into BBCode markup :-)20:13
Unmenschlichfor the n800 btw.20:13
t-tanUnmenschlich: extras*20:13
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qolet-tan, you don't have vfat MyDocs?20:14
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t-tanqole: no, I repartitioned and only kept a very small vfat for testing20:14
timeless_mbpbash: /usr/bin/lsb_release: Input/output error20:15
timeless_mbpi guess my file system is f*cked?20:16
Unmenschlicht-tan: I have extras enabled but it doesn't seem to provide me with packages that contain those programs20:16
Unmenschlichor do you mean extras devel?20:16
t-tanUnmenschlich: sorry, I thought you meant n90020:17
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ifreqUnmenschlich: prob on extras-testing or extras-devel20:17
ifreqyou enable them at your own risk20:17
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: looks like it, but also on a virtual HW wise20:18
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gjlI'm getting an hash sum mismatch error when I try to refresh the extras-devel repo. Am I the only one?20:18
qoleUnmenschlich, you did an apt-cache search with extras enabled?20:18
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t-tanUnmenschlich: how searching on ?20:19
GeneralAntilleslol, is "Maemo forums" according to Engadget. . . .20:20
Unmenschlichqole: thanks, I forgot about using apt directly. Less has been found, nano hasn't, however, I'll look if more of my needed packages are available throught apt20:21
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timeless_mbpgjl: it happens regularly20:21
GeneralAntillesHopefully this means Nokia isn't going to continue blaming it on user-abuse.
qoleUnmenschlich,  you could also try gronmayer, google gronmayer maemo20:22
GeneralAntillespico is in tools, isn't it.20:23
GeneralAntillesqole, gross.20:23
GeneralAntillesGronmayer has caused me more support pain than any single other site on the internet.20:24
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qoleIt says nano is in Chinook and Diablo/tools20:25
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: heh20:25
t-tanqole: I've just finished decompressing the lzma debimg on SD - both input and output on the class 6 SD. time: real 7m 23.95s20:26
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t-tanqole: what's wrong with your device?20:26
* timeless_mbp rotfl20:26
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: that's so bogus20:27
jacekowskidoes n900 have any power consumption measuring thingy?20:27
timeless_mbpMarkS's claim that is20:27
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, yeah, clearly.20:27
timeless_mbpjacekowski: you can install some software20:27
jacekowskii need something in hardware20:27
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matthew-yo yo20:27
matthew-frals: here?20:27
matthew-or anyone, how do you create new APN ?20:28
jacekowskithat would show current draw from battery20:28
jacekowskimatthew-: you need to install app for it20:28
matthew-the fapn ?20:28
matthew-no other choice?20:28
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jacekowskiyou can do it by editing files by hand20:28
matthew-lemme see./20:29
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qolet-tan, Mine's still going.... cpu is drowning here!20:30
t-tanqole: mine was on USB power20:31
lcukqole, wth are you running in there?20:32
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lcukis it possible something like the network connection you are sshing in with is causing holdup20:33
lcukcos when debugging over ssh liqbase goes slow and has hangups because of wifi net traffic20:33
lcukt-tan, did you test over wifi or direct from console on device20:33
qolelcuk, I' trying to decompress a big file on my N90020:33
lcukyeah i know what you are trying to do20:34
t-tanlcuk: ssh over wifi20:34
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lcukim trying to see why one of you is flying through and the other isnt20:34
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t-tanlcuk: if you want to participate: download
t-tanlcuk: install lzma from extras-devel, move the file to MyDocs, and then run "time lzma -kd file"20:35
lcuki cant im just trying to make sense of it20:35
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wizkoderhy everybody20:36
qolelcuk, are you tlking to me about ssh?20:37
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sejohmm can you send pictures with mauku?20:43
sejoI'm looking for a maemo5 app that does twitter/identica and images and that works20:44
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t-tanqole: BTW, the xz compressed file is 11MB smaller20:46
t-tanqole: bzip2 is already at 50% here20:47
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qolet-tan, I have a pre-production device, maybe I/O is slow20:53
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t-tanqole: I see. that could explain a lot20:54
t-tanqole: it's still interesting that it reverses the order of bzip2 and lzma20:55
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qolet-tan, but I wish you had a stock MyDocs to test on.20:56
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t-tanqole: do you have a SD card to test with? class 6 should be the same performance as eMMC20:57
dracflamlocmy phone battery after a reboot went from ~40% to 13%20:57
SpeedEvilThe percentage is dramatically inaccurate at best20:58
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dracflamlocyea thats the first time ive seen that kind of jump though20:59
qoleI guess I that my N900 isn't normal here...21:00
RST38hqole: slow emmc?21:00
t-tandracflamloc: yes, booting takes a lot of energy and the voltage decay is non-linear21:00
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SpeedEvil30% jumps are not uncommon21:01
dracflamlocwelli thought i was good for the day... guess not =(21:01
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t-tanqole: bzip2 decompression, same conditions: real13m 20.78s21:03
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lingling92hi, anyone know, how to write this symbol with the n900:  ^21:08
fralsfn + ctrl and pick it from the dialog that pops up?21:09
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lingling92thank you, i will try it21:10
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lingling92ok thx it works... never knew about this function21:12
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qoleRST38h, apparently yes, I have a slow emmc. But I think it is system wide, because my class 6 microSD is slow too21:17
qolekilling decompression, my system is too slow...21:17
Shapeshifteruhm the wiki says installing ssh and accessing from remote using root@<ip> should be enough, but I still need to enter a pw obviously. do I need to passwd as root or something?21:19
Shapeshifteror is there a default password?21:19
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RST38hqole: It is most likely the controller again21:19
t-tanqole: xz CPU load is < 10%21:19
RST38hqole: On N8x0, class6 was kinda useless as the controller has not reached class4 speeds21:20
qoleRST38h, is there something I can do here to diagnose my problem?21:20
qolet-tan, xz is what?21:21
t-tanqole: xz is the latest and best compressor, successor of lzma21:21
qoleMaybe I should try that? In extras-devel?21:21
t-tanqole: yes, package xz-utils21:22
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RST38hqole: Not much. It is same for eveyrone21:25
RST38hHello, Asimula21:25
* RST38h wonders if there are class4 or class6 16GB microSDs21:25
fralsShapeshifter: you shouldve gotten a dialog asking you to set a rootpass when installing openssh-server, i imagine21:25
RST38hFroogle does not show any21:25
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luke-jrmaybe the handheld world should have stuck with CompactFlash :(21:26
qoleRST38h, t-tan is claiming very fast decompression speeds, 4x or 5x faster than mine...!21:27
luke-jrqole: on flash?21:27
luke-jrdecompress it to RAM perhaps21:27
qoleluke-jr, eMMC and flash21:27
Shapeshifterfrals: I didn't. Now I' just did passwd as root and set one21:27
Shapeshifterseems like that's okay.21:28
ShapeshifterHow can I reinstall microb?21:28
Shapeshifterand get rid of all the configs? moving .mozilla didn't solve my problem (microb not loading anything)21:28
qoleluke-jr, this is a 2GB file :)21:28
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RST38hqole: what are yours?21:28
ShadowJKmaybe yours is swapping out alot21:29
RST38hoh wait21:29
RST38hqole: Have you tried rebooting the device?21:29
qolesomeone on talk just reported 2 hours to extract the bzipped 2G file !!21:29
t-tanRST38h: I've just rebooted as xz decompression on SD got stuck. weird21:30
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qoleRST38h, yes and I wiggled the cables.21:30
drizztbsdcan I remove the album name in RDS?21:30
RST38hA Radio Shack just exploded with a big ball of fire in Manhattan21:30
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t-tanqole: does that mean I got the N900++, the fast Nokia phone on earth? :)21:30
qolet-tan, apparently YES21:31
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ShadowJKvmstat is great :-(21:31
ShadowJKor you could echo 1 >/proc/sys/vm/swappiness21:31
ShadowJKbefore uncompressing21:31
* wazd 's bored and making an iTheme21:32
Shapeshiftermh. the n900's apt/package management is messed up
t-tanafter rebooting top reports Mem: 213392K used, 31980K free, 0K shrd, 22936K buff, 73028K cached21:32
RST38hwazd: Screenshot or it didn't happen! =)21:32
t-tannow I'm repeating xz decompression21:32
Shapeshifterhow can a package which is even provided by default by nokia contain such info21:32
qolewazd, do you have an N900 finally?21:32
wazdqole: no21:33
qolewazd, what?! why?21:33
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luke-jrqole: you didn't give us one21:33
Stskeepswazd: when are you coming by poland btw? :)21:33
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Stskeeps(congrats on the passport)21:33
wazdqole: cruel world :D21:33
wazdStskeeps: thx :)21:34
wazdStskeeps: asap :)21:34
wazdRST38h: well,
wazdRST38h: kinda :)21:35
RST38hwazd: cooolio =)21:36
* RST38h glad to see Vista-like glossy buttons being replaced by plain iphone heresy21:36
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wazdRST38h: it's relatively easy to make a theme that's based on something existing :)21:36
wazdRST38h: no need to play with properties for hours :)21:37
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RST38hsteampunk! steampunk! =)21:37
cehtehuhm ... if you a bored do a 'outdoor' theme .. white background, black text high contrast colored buttons, big readable fonts21:37
wazdRST38h: Well, steampuk requires not only hours of playing with properties, but also weeks of drawing artwork :)21:38
* thresh waves21:39
wazdRST38h: not sure that this masterpiece will worth it21:39
wazdthresh: heya21:39
threshvlc for n900 compiled: check21:39
threshtime to have fun21:39
zashthresh: omg!21:41
qolet-tan, VERY INTERESTING, my microsd just returned a 10 minute decompression time!!!21:41
t-tanqole: you must have a turbo charged SD! :)21:42
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threshbrb, gran turismo calls21:43
RST38hthresh: has it got ui too?21:43
t-tanqole: so it's only your eMMC that is so slow21:43
threshRST38h: that's what i'm trying to compile now21:43
t-tanqole: I think the noob in the forum tried to extract it on his PC21:44
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qoleso how to fix eMMC?21:45
t-tanqole: interesting: xz is slower than lzma:  real9m 26.28s21:45
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luke-jrt-tan: so?21:46
luke-jrbetter compression is slower21:46
luke-jrthat's not exactly news21:46
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t-tanluke-jr: no, it's just decompressing, and has to process less input21:47
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Stskeepsluke-jr: but regarding those components, feel free to start preparing forms as described21:48
Stskeepsi don't mind having content available when we start having a queue21:48
t-tanluke-jr: both lzma and xz are optimized for high-speed decompression21:48
qolefsck.vfat -fy /dev/mmcblk0p1 returned no errors...21:49
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Stskeepsneat, finland is on google street view21:52
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JaffaGah, I've got so much Maemo work to do this weekend. Must avoid tmo to avoid disspiritation (that could be a word)21:54
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GeneralAntillesJaffa, good plan.21:55
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: I'll stick an interim issue.txt up tonight so we can avoid the traditional Sunday rush21:56
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t-tanqole: you could try the fs benchmarks bonnie++, postmark or iozone321:56
zashcould vlc stream the camera + audio over udp to some host?21:56
* Jaffa 's thought is that council election timetable may be fronted21:56
zashcause that's what we use for broadcasting tv here21:57
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* SpeedEvil passes Jaffa some strong spirits to help with avoiding dispiritation.21:57
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JaffaSpeedEvil: Exceeeeleent :)21:59
* RST38h suggests "transdickification" for this occassion21:59
qolezash, yes, it could, AFAIK22:00
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RST38hAs in "Have been busy proving tmo posters wrong, when I suddenly felt myself a dick"22:00
JaffaRST38h: Surely that'd involve the movement of dickishness?22:00
RST38hJaffa: see above22:00
* RST38h keeps from commenting on tmo lately due to this exact feeling22:01
qolegoing onto wifi...22:01
* Jaffa read the quote wrong the second time. But then he has a bad mind.22:02
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mashiarapython gtk geniuses around ?22:17
threshRST38h: well, gui kinda works22:18
threshi see nothing on buttons though22:18
mashiaraI'm trying to change background of a button but the eventbox tricks do not seem to work22:19
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mashiaraand yes, I have a good reason to break the theme22:19
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petterii made as simple windget based on the example widget found from repositories (lib-timeout-home-winget), it uses GtkVbox and GtkLabel with text in it. Any tips how to get the windget transparent, or where to look for examples/documentation?22:21
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gjlwhat package provides qtgui?22:39
gjlthe python module22:39
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gjlfound it: python2.5-qt4-gui22:48
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jaemgood morning, folks22:48
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qolet-tan, I just got 23 mins on eMMC. Would the size of /tmp have any effect on speed?22:49
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jacekowskihow to make video call on n900?22:54
tripzeroqole, shouldn't, unless /tmp was a ramdrive thingy of some sort22:54
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Stskeepsit's a tmpfs22:55
tripzerowhich is in memory right?22:55
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jacekowskibut i think tmpfs have builtin purge feature of some kind22:56
jacekowskithat it starts deleting files when more memory is required22:56
qoleI want to know if lzma decompression would speed up with a bigger /tmp22:56
jacekowskiit's done in ram22:56
qoleI wonder why it got faster for me.22:57
jacekowskionly thing that could speed it up is faster cpu/memory/source disk/destination disk22:57
jacekowskiwhat have you done to make it faster?22:57
qolelast night, on an otherwise idle N900 it took over an hour. Today, it took 23 minutes.22:58
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jacekowskimaybe there was something using memory?22:58
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qolethis is MyDocs. .. mmc1 was even faster 10 mins...22:58
jacekowskilzma needs quite a bit memory to decompress stuff22:59
jacekowskiand how do you know that it was idle?22:59
jacekowskihave you checked load average?22:59
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jaemwhoever fixed this is my hero :) =>
povbotBug 1635: Eduroam (EAP-TTLS+PAP) WiFi auth23:02
pupnikmy load average is 3.5 koreks23:02
jaemit's only been, what... 2 years?23:02
pupniknice fix23:02
jaemqole, question for you23:02
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qolejaem, hey23:03
jaemqole, I took a look at the FM TX datasheet, and 118 was listed as "typical", not maximum.  Did you find any other documents that clarified that?23:04
pupnik nm jacekowski23:04
jaemthe notation in the table was a bit unusual, in my experience23:04
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qolejaem, no, I know very little about the matter, I just packaged a hack from talk.maemo.org23:05
jaemah, okay23:05
jaemI thought you'd looked it up in the first place23:05
jaemwho was it that published the hack in the first place?23:05
jaemdo you recall the username?23:06
qolejaem, I saw reports that setting any hugher value has no extra benefit23:06
SpeedEviljaem: 118 is maximum23:06
SpeedEviljaem: it does not allow - the kernel driver - >118 to be set23:06
jaemSpeedEvil, for the N900, or in the hardware?23:06
jaemor do we not know?23:06
jaemah, I see23:06
SpeedEvilthere are comments in the driver code that 118 is hardware max23:07
Shapeshifterso, anyone else noticed the icq telepathy plugin is not working atm?23:07
jaemI wasn't sure how much abstraction the kernel layered onto the I2C devices23:07
SpeedEvilhowever - the datasheet for the fmtx is not published23:07
qolethread 3858223:07
Shapeshifterhappens from time to time, just asking if I'm not the only one23:07
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jaemSpeedEvil, maybe not the full one, but I'm pretty sure I found a decent product brief with technical information23:07
SpeedEvil - has some comments and real-world tests of low-power FM transmitters23:07
SpeedEviljaem: more than 2 pages?23:07
jaemqole, SpeedEvil thanks23:07
jaemSpeedEvil, no23:08
jaemso not the full one23:08
jaembut it was better than some briefs I've seen, which were solely written by the marketing department ;)23:08
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threshwhere does apt fetches the lists on update?23:09
jaemthresh, do you mean where from, or where does it store them?23:09
threshoh, sorry for not being clear. where does it store those.23:10
jaemI believe it's /var/lib/apt/lists23:10
jaemI just checked on Kubuntu, and it should be the same for Maemo, methinks23:10
* thresh should probably move that to /opt somewhere23:10
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jaemyou're welcome ;)23:14
jaemI didn't actually know off the top of my head, so I'm glad you made me check23:14
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threshi'm hitting also, any idea?23:14
povbotBug 8702: GPG error when updating Extras from repository.maemo.org23:14
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Dantonic I hate how ogg decoding is such a cpu hog on the N900! :(23:18
ShapeshifterSo, I still can't get microb to work again on my n900. I don't know what triggered it, but it's broken. It doesn't load anything and I can't get into the options menu or use any other menu entries. I tried reinstalling microb-engine and microb-engine-common but that didn't do anything. I also moved ~/.mozilla away but that didn't even reset the config23:19
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ShapeshifterI only surfed about 10 minutes since I got it. Maybe installing ABP triggered the problem. I uninstalled ABP already, though.23:20
* luke-jr mutters about non-free software.23:20
Stskeepswhat about it?23:20
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sandmanShapeshifter: what does it say when you run it from terminal?23:21
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luke-jrStskeeps: it's negatively impacting my ability to troubleshoot my connection23:24
ShadowJKwhat kind of connection?23:26
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ShadowJKI thought the software stack didn't even know how to use a cbale23:28
lcukluke-jr, why havent you got a wrt-45XB super linux router thing23:28
ShadowJKatleast it doesn't know how to use my usb-ethernet adapter :/23:28
luke-jrlcuk: because no such thing exists23:28
lcuki thought everyone put linux on their router things23:28
ShadowJKmine kinda sucks in range23:28
luke-jrlcuk: and it's not my router that's the problem anyway23:28
luke-jrit's the cable modem23:28
ShadowJKbut im not sure if it's running at 10mW instead of 100 or something23:28
luke-jrwhich runs some proprietary blob23:28
lcukmy old 56k modem was like that23:29
ShadowJKIt's probably your neighbours fault, they're trying to steal free cable23:29
lcukit would make funny noises23:29
luke-jrand I can only get Linux to boot w/ serial console, not talk to teh ISP23:29
lcukand internet would happen23:29
MohammadAGtrting to disassemble my qwerty assy23:29
MohammadAGit's not going too well23:30
ShadowJKare you following the instructions?23:30
MohammadAGstill don't see a reason for it leaking or creaking23:30
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tremnite all, sweet dreams23:30
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lcukluke-jr, im sure if my mum can make her modem work without source, you can23:30
Shapeshiftersandman: uhmm, what's the name of microb? it's not "microb"23:30
MohammadAGi don't want to disassemb;e the whole phone23:31
luke-jrShadowJK: possible, but I'm too lazy to get my public AP working, so it's encrypted atm23:31
ShapeshifterI mean the executable for launching from the term23:31
luke-jrlcuk: key word is reliable23:31
ShadowJKShapeshifter, browser23:31
ShapeshifterShadowJK: ah thanks23:31
ShapeshifterIt says "error: invalid string constant "osso-combobox-entry-arrow", expected valid string constant23:31
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MohammadAGthinking about gluing it lol23:32
Shapeshiftersandman: ^23:32
MohammadAGor just breaking the assy and buying another one23:32
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sandmani am not a n900 user yet... but there is your problem. Is there a package called osso-"something"23:34
sandmani can't check it up23:34
sandmanmaybe reinstalling the osso-thing solves it23:35
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* satmd wonders who fuggy_n900 is23:35
satmdbecause that one appeared on another net in my chan23:35
Shapeshiftersandman: there'se dozens of "osso-things" in apt23:36
sandmani googled it and found this
sandmanit talkes about a qdesktopservices23:38
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Shapeshifteryeah I also found that23:38
ShapeshifterI think he wants to launch an external url or something23:38
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Shapeshifteranyway, I see ps -a | grep browser shows a couple of processes23:38
ShapeshifterI guess I'll just kill them23:39
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Shapeshifterbrowserd -s 1934 -n browserui and browserd -d and browserd -s 14183 -n RTComMessaginServer23:39
Shapeshifterand two browser23:39
Shapeshifterhuh why are they still there. pkill -9 browser; pkill -9 browserd didn't kill them23:40
Shapeshifterbut they're not defunct23:40
Shapeshifterkillall only killed one of them -..-23:41
Kegetysor they got restarted after getting killed?23:41
gouverneurShapeshifter: killed my system yesterday with killing stuff i thought should not be running23:41
ShapeshifterKegetys: that's it, yes. if I 'kill' the pid manually I see another one relaunching23:41
ShapeshifterI just want the damn browser "backend" or whatever is running to restart ^^23:42
* Shapeshifter looks in /etc/init.d23:42
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SpeedEvilShapeshifter: you're looking for bme-lauch23:44
* ifreq eyes the channel23:44
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SpeedEvil#/usr/sbin/dsmetool -c 3 -T 180 -m -17 -t "/usr/sbin/browserd -d"23:45
SpeedEvil/usr/sbin/dsmetool  -m -17 -o "/usr/sbin/browserd -d"23:45
SpeedEvil  /etc/X11/
SpeedEvil /etc/X11/
ShapeshifterSpeedEvil: interesting article ;)23:45
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SpeedEvildsmetool is the thing that does the main restarting of crap23:46
mak89kcan i write applications for maemo using QT or do i need esbox.23:46
ShapeshifterSpeedEvil: okay23:46
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Shapeshifterwell that pretty much rebooted my device23:48
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Shapeshiftermak89k: you can use Qt23:48
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mak89kwhich is more user friendly?23:49
SpeedEvilif you've been killing browserd - then after 180s window in which it's died 3 times - it will reboot23:49
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mak89ki am noob i have jus downloaded the maemo 5 sdk23:49
SuPrSluGcan i update the maemo from the cli?23:49
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lcukSuPrSluG, you could try, its not the recommended way tho23:50
Shapeshiftermak89k: "user"? you mean, for you to code?23:50
Shapeshiftermak89k: it's complete matter of taste. I prefer Qt over gtk for once.23:50
mak89kyes yes :)23:50
mak89kthere will be no poratability issues rt?23:50
Shapeshiftermak89k: ah, I just looked up esbox. I don't like eclipse. No clues about it really.23:51
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Shapeshiftermak89k: you can code anything you like really, any way you like, as long as it runs/compiles on ARM.23:51
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mak89k(esbox) i don like it either ... it very heavy ..23:52
Shapeshiftermak89k: you sure don't have to use it.23:52
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lcukmak89k, what development stuff have you done in the past?  is it your job?   what do you work in23:52
SuPrSluGlcuk, what way is best?23:52
lcukSuPrSluG, after backing up everything using the backup tool, i just use app manager23:53
mak89ki am in UG ... was jus checking out the environment.. have lil experience in android23:53
lcuki use console for extras-updates and things23:53
lcukbut not for OS ones23:53
mak89kunder graduate.23:54
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SuPrSluGlcuk, I thought I did that, but it show Nokia-N900-42-11 which is old?23:54
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Shapeshiftermak89k: If you want to do some GUI stuff, I'd recommend coding in python and pyside (Qt)23:55
lcukumm you know, i use those numbersevery day23:55
lcukbut i havent got a clue which is which23:55
lcukwrt released/name23:55
fralsif you want something fast, you dont want python23:55
w00t42- is initial release, 51- is pr1.123:56
lcukthanks w00t23:56
fralshostname isnt updated when you upgrade to pr1.123:56
mak89kShapeshifter: ok .. il have to learn python now!!23:56
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lcukfrals, its possible to use python quickly23:56
SuPrSluGfrom a terminal how can I tell which version I'm running?23:57
lcukits just not ever done23:57
frals~curse semaphores and java23:57
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, semaphores and java !23:57
Shapeshiftermak89k: very easy.23:57
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mak89kShapeshifter: :) i shld get started with it!! recommend any tutorials for python?23:59
lcukmak89k, all the regular python tuts should work23:59
lcukand most of the time they will just work on your desktop and your tablet23:59

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