IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2010-01-31

SonicSpinneraah´ ok00:00
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meceSonicSpinner, yeah, it means that the folder is hidden. For this purpose though I think it's better to have a visible folder that tracker is not allowed in.00:00
SonicSpinnerwhats is the difference in watch tracker and index tracker00:00
meceSonicSpinner, tracker is the thing that pokes about in your phone, looking for videos to list in the media player.00:00
meceSonicSpinner, dunno what the differance is between watch and index00:01
meceSonicSpinner, yes I do00:01
SpeedEvilI think watch by some means keeps a track of the directoris - and will index them if they change. index will index them only when it is asked to00:01
SonicSpinnerhm okey00:01
meceSonicSpinner, right, the ones it watches, it constantly checks. the other ones it pokes about in every now and then.00:01
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SonicSpinnerso u can just use watch. should be enough00:01
meceSonicSpinner, if you use watch, they will appear in the media player more quickly after they are uploaded.00:02
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meceSonicSpinner, I might be mistaken. If you don't want tracker to index, put it in the disallow list, or whatever it's called.00:02
SonicSpinnerso i should unwatch  the tvshow folder. then use the file manager to launch em from there00:03
meceSonicSpinner, you should not just unwatch, you should forbid.00:03
SonicSpinneri wonder if it can do sub-folders aswell00:03
meceSonicSpinner, it does.00:03
SonicSpinnerah yea disallows ok00:03
SonicSpinnerlooks like a big mess in my media player atm. hehe00:03
meceSonicSpinner, renaming it to . file works too, but then they won't show up in filemanager by default, afaik.00:04
meceSonicSpinner, you need to delete the database too.00:04
jebbawhy does the dialpad have  "*+"  instead of just "*".  I dont see how to get it to do an "+" anyway.00:04
SonicSpinneryea ure right. i tried .friends . and i can oinly see with total commander app00:04
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SonicSpinnerjebba:  press twice *00:04
SonicSpinnerit will change it to plus00:05
w00tjebba: multiple taps00:05
w00t.. beaten00:05
RevdKathyahh the ginger wine is gone. Time I went to bed then00:05
RevdKathyGood night all!00:05
w00tnight kathy00:05
SonicSpinnerive had my n900 for 1 month now,. and i have been playing with different apps nite after nitr00:06
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SonicSpinnermece> thanx for ur inputs, ill try em either later or tomorrow00:06
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meceSonicSpinner, no prob. There's a thread somewhere on where you find the db's and whatnot.00:07
SonicSpinnerso hows everyones experience with the different IM protocolsd00:07
SonicSpinnerpast 2 nites ive been playing with msn, haze, pecan etc00:08
SonicSpinnerim still trying to understand whats what00:08
SonicSpinnerand i cant make " msn " plugin to work. only haze, pecan00:08
meceSonicSpinner, haze is everything.00:08
n1c0howto play postal babes ?00:08
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SonicSpinnerokey. so the different protocls is called telepathy and somethign else right?00:09
SonicSpinneri wanted to test the one with webcam working. but seems 0.8 screwed it up00:09
n1c0 , does it run on maemo ?00:10
tybolltnice bug I just encountered00:10
tybolltphone got "stuck" in portrait mode, wtf? :)00:10
tybolltsomething you cna do to "unfuck" it other than reboot?00:11
SonicSpinnershake it?:D00:11
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fralstybollt: id try opening browser, closing keyboard, rotating it, open keyboard00:12
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meceSonicSpinner, I've only heard about gtalk webcam. Is there another that has working video?00:13
meceSonicSpinner, which one?00:13
SonicSpinnerthe msn protocol 0.700:13
SonicSpinnerbut only when ur contact asks for it00:13
dnaumovmeh, firefox 1.0 mobile feels nice, but the limited zoom options (max in, max out) and the zoom keyboard shortcuts being broken and doing nothing is really a dealbreaker for me00:13
SonicSpinneralso Amsn should work. but its aheavy program.00:13
tybolltfrals: ah, tried that w/ phone app, no workie00:14
tybolltwill try browser00:14
tybollthere goes nothing...00:14
SonicSpinnerneeds 32mb  device mb lol00:14
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tybollttook a little wiggling but it worked =)00:15
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tybolltdnaumov: how about the speed of it?00:15
tybolltdnaumov: feels slow?00:16
dnaumovtybollt: page load and rendering speed feels roughly the same, the UI feels unique and cool, app start time is 2-3 seconds slower than N900 stock browser00:17
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mecednaumov, that sounds pretty good. too bad about the zooming.00:18
meceMicroB zooming is excellent.00:18
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dnaumovit was my only serious gripe00:18
dnaumovbut a complete dealkiller still00:18
tybolltmece: ack, I have to say I am way way impressed by microb zoom00:19
tybolltgranted I really never user zoom00:19
dnaumovwonder when is someone going to port utorrent to maemo00:19
tybollttorrent? for n900? uhm... uh... ok ..00:19
meceI have a question about packaging py. Anyone here who could help with that?00:19
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mecednaumov, transmission not good enough?00:20
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dnaumovmece: is there a gui version?00:20
TomaszDtransmission is a gui client00:21
meceright, that's what I thought.00:21
meceI haven't used it.00:21
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tybolltfrals: did you consider porting that web-sms-app to some .se operator?00:23
fralsuh, that web-sms-app isnt mine :p00:23
tybolltbut uhm it's gp I guess, one could have a stab at it =)00:23
* tybollt roughly considering to :)00:23
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SonicSpinnermece:  im trying out the tracker config trick now + db cache erasing. rebooting now00:25
meceSonicSpinner, good luck with that.00:25
SonicSpinneroh crap lol00:26
SonicSpinnerah wait something is happening now00:26
SonicSpinnerworking  :d00:27
SonicSpinnerweheoo good stuff00:27
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dnaumovoh WOW, gjelewed is a great port00:27
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SonicSpinnernow that i have fixed the tracker , i need somethign else to play around with :D00:38
SonicSpinneri wish i could test the msn with webcam. but have to wait for a newer version i think00:38
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nedkozeenix: it looks i got sucked into upnp too :) i got my collection exported and playable on my n900 :)00:47
nedkozeenix: i saw you made a dbus mediaserver spec00:47
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SonicSpinnernedko:  are u expert in media playing with n900?00:49
nedkoSonicSpinner: not at all. i was asking stupid questions less than an hour ago :)00:49
SonicSpinneroh lo. ok. no question is stupid :D00:50
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SonicSpinnerhas anyone have on screen keyboard working?00:52
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SonicSpinnerhi Hardknox00:52
Hardknoxmean virtual keyboard?00:52
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SpeedEvilHardknox: you have to enable it in settings -> input00:53
HardknoxIm using vk all time00:53
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SonicSpinneryeah just found out that i had to slide off the keyboard first of course hehe00:54
SonicSpinnerpretty stupid of me :P00:54
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HardknoxSpeedEvil Im watching repos and Can wait for that app but owner disapeared01:00
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wazdok, new Marina version is in Extras, please test
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mecewazd, what's marina?01:00
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lcukwazd, extras-devel!01:00
wazdlcuk: yeah yeah :)01:01
Hardknoxmarina theme :)01:01
wazdmece: maemo 5 theme01:01
lcukpleased its coming though01:01
Hardknoxbotnet or split hmmm01:02
wazdlcuk: well, it was a really hard experience to make a theme without actual device01:02
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mecewazd, ok cool :)01:03
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meceooooo.. /opt is an actual directory in scratchbox...01:05
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mecegood to know.01:05
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Hardknoxit's anybody know how to make term window with transparency on desktop? like term widget?01:06
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meceHardknox, That could be done in a way, but not properly, at least not trivially. I think it would only display output. commands would have to go through options menu or something.01:09
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wazdIf you'll have some time to make fresh screenshots of Marina - I'd be happy :P01:10
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Hardknoxhow to join app channel?01:13
lcukwhats the name of the chan01:13
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HardknoxIcuk u know that name?01:14
tank-manwhat is the app channel?01:14
tank-manwho is on first?01:14
tank-manHardknox, welcome to the app channel01:15
joppu 4th panel, is that really a NIT I see there!?01:15
lcukHardknox, you are failing english.  you say "app channel", we ask what channel name you want to join, you normally give a name of a channel or application01:15
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Hardknoxoh my mistake01:16
meceHardknox, #maemo #maemo-bugs #maemo-devel #maemo-meeting #maemo-ui01:16
lcukjoppu, n810 unmistakably01:16
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HardknoxI mean application channel01:16
MikeJBWhat language(s) does Maemo support for its apps?01:16
SonicSpinnerwhat is @ maemo meeting?01:16
SonicSpinnerjust chat?01:16
joppuyep, it even has the USB port in the correct place :)01:17
timeless_MikeJB: err01:17
lcukjoppu, undeed it does01:18
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timeless_Maemo is Linux01:18
timeless_you can use C, C++, Python, Perl, Ruby,...01:18
lcuktimeless, i tihnk he meant to ask which have strong translation support01:18
MikeJBActually, timeless_ was wright01:18
lcukactually now i dunno lol01:18
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GeneralAntillesSonicSpinner, no, it's the conference room.01:19
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timeless_MikeJB: so... Java is mostly unsupported01:19
timeless_you'd need to find someone w/ a jvm (e.g. jalimo)01:19
timeless_but otherwise...01:19
tank-manso much for universal01:19
mecelol, well put tank-man01:19
MikeJBSo much for cross-platform in the smartphone world...01:19
SonicSpinnerok cheers01:20
MikeJBtimeless_: How's the python support?01:20
timeless_i'm a happy perler01:20
timeless_but people seem to be able to write apps w/ it01:20
meceMikeJB, python support is excellent.01:20
lcukfrom what i can gather python is pretty well integrated01:20
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MikeJBPython 2 or 3?01:20
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timeless_mbpi think 3 is mostly vapormess01:20
timeless_mbpsomeday 3.1 or 3.2 might be a future01:21
MikeJBFedora doesn't support Python 3 yet so I really wouldn't be able to develop for Python 3 anyway01:21
shinkamuiI looked at some python books at Barnes and Nobles yesterday01:21
MikeJB(The last thing I want to do is risk breaking yum and other key things by manually installing Python 3)01:21
shinkamuicertainly not worht 60$01:21
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shinkamuibought a nice book on 64bit asm :D01:22
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MikeJBHow about planned future phones? Just saw the review on and the platform impresses me, but not really the phone.01:24
timeless_mbpMikeJB: the future is a secret01:24
MikeJBKind of seems like the N910 or whatever follows it would be more polished...01:24
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timeless_mbpbut i'd recommend against holding your breath01:25
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timeless_mbpyou'd likely die of asphyxiation01:25
timeless_mbpand we'd lose a customer01:25
shinkamuiMikeJB, lol.  generally thats how things work.01:25
shinkamuibut its your call, the next release of a nokia maemo device could be months away or years away01:26
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MikeJBI just don't know if I can justify paying $569 for it when it seems like a work-in-progress.01:26
shinkamui yea, if youre having that conversation with yourself, then its probably not the right device for you01:26
jebbathe fone doesn't impress you? The hardware is the best out there AFAICT.01:26
jebbabut the software is definitely a work in progress01:27
shinkamuibut its seems like your the target for the devce as well01:27
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GeneralAntillesMikeJB, work-in-progress is the whole point of Maemo.01:27
shinkamuiso isn't that a peculiar situation01:27
MikeJBWell, it's a bit pricey for what it is.01:27
lcukim looking towards spending $1000+ on a self assembly robot that cant even stand up on its own without my help01:27
timeless_mbplcuk: fun01:27
GeneralAntillesMikeJB, Dell had it for about $43001:27
MikeJBMaybe it's what all phones look like without subsidies or something.01:27
GeneralAntillesMikeJB, look harder for deals.01:27
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timeless_mbpit is fwiw01:28
shinkamuiMikeJB, yep, thats about right01:28
timeless_mbpor at least high end phones01:28
shinkamuibuy a crappy iBone out of contract01:28
timeless_mbpa low end unsubsidized phone might be cheaper01:28
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timeless_mbpbut it's going to be just a phone01:28
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: i now have a script that lets me compare a locale against a second locale :)01:29
jebbaooh cool01:29
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jebbayou mean you can feed it a string and a couple languages and get it? that would be handy :)01:29
MikeJBIt looks a little out of my price range... The N900 is the only Maemo device?01:29
shinkamuicurrently, although aigo is releasing the N50001:30
shinkamuimaemo device with a bigger 4.3" screen01:30
GeneralAntillesshinkamui, er.01:30
GeneralAntillesshinkamui, that isn't Maemo. :)01:30
shinkamuiGeneralAntilles, I only read the release from pocketables01:30
MikeJBGeneralAntilles: sells Nokia phones?01:30
shinkamuithey said maemo, so I went with it01:31
MikeJBI can't seem to find anything lower than about $520 on Google Shopping01:31
timeless_mbpfor sample output01:31
GeneralAntillesshinkamui, that's the Chinese repurposing the open source components from Maemo 4, adding their own shit on top and abusing Nokia's trademarks.01:31
GeneralAntillesMikeJB, yes.01:31
GeneralAntillesshinkamui, the Chinese also sell N900s.01:31
GeneralAntillesshinkamui, doesn't mean they're actually N900s.01:31
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: how does their shit compare with nokias shit though.01:31
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GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, what do you think?01:32
MikeJBHmm, has it for $540 according to me.01:32
shinkamuijust an fyi, thats all I read01:32
jebbatimeless_mbp: can you give me the script and i'll add it to freemoe-foo-* scripts if you want (like i want  ;)01:32
GeneralAntillesshinkamui, bloggers.01:32
shinkamuiso its LIES!01:32
shinkamuithought it looked crazy01:32
shinkamuianyway, thanks for straightening me out01:33
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, point me to a Chinese knock-off that manages to surpass whatever it's knocking off. :)01:33
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: n900 clone with dual sim! :P01:33
SpeedEvilWell - 2 SIM phones actually are better for some users01:33
SpeedEvili would love a second number - even if it's GSM/GPRS only01:33
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SpeedEvilwell - in principle.01:34
SpeedEvilIf I ever actually used the first.01:34
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MikeJBDoes the N900 only support T-Mobile in the US?01:36
N900evilif you want 3g01:36
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shinkamuisoryr, I gotta spam this, its hilarious if you haven't seen it already :
MikeJBDoes the N900 work as a wifi device or is it a phone at heart?01:37
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shiznebitMikeJB: its both01:38
lcukMikeJB, both01:38
shinkamuiin fact01:38
shinkamuithe phone is more of an afterthough imo01:39
MikeJBI'm just wondering if it would be worth it if I use something else as a phone and use that over wifi.01:39
shinkamuiclearly its a "tablet' first01:39
shinkamuiMikeJB, seems pointless to carry 2 devices01:39
shiznebitclearly i will wait for a901:39
shinkamuiespecially when one of them works01:39
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shiznebitit does seemless transition between skype and phone01:40
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user_python3.1 on n900... any thoughts ...?01:40
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MikeJBRight, I heard about that seemless transition. But would it be phone enough with just skype?01:40
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MikeJBDoes anyone use it just with skype?01:42
shinkamuiI do01:42
shinkamuisucks if you're american though01:42
shinkamuinumbers are expected to be in international format01:43
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woglinde~seen jebba01:43
infobotjebba is currently on #maemo (37m 48s). Has said a total of 15 messages. Is idling for 11m 17s, last said: 'timeless_mbp: can you give me the script and i'll add it to freemoe-foo-* scripts if you want (like i want  ;)'.01:43
shinkamuiI took 2 hours and went through my entire phonebook adding the useless extra codes01:43
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woglindejebba ->
timeless_mbpshinkamui: heh01:44
jebbahey woglinde01:44
shinkamuiluckily the exchange support on the N900 is decent (minus google) so it was at least doable for me on a computer01:44
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jebbawoglinde: is that your blog?01:45
timeless_mbpwoglinde: sorry01:45
woglindeaep on qt posted it01:45
timeless_mbphow is that better than scratchbox?01:45
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timeless_mbpis the win basically from distcc?01:46
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woglindeseems so01:46
lcukhi javispedro01:46
woglindejo lcuk01:46
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lcukhey woglinde01:46
javispedromoo lcuk woglinde01:46
jebbawoglinde: i dont see too much upside there though. They are basically just re-doing a scratchbox chroot AFAICT (?)01:47
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jebbaah ya, distcc.01:47
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jebbabut rebuilding many .debs, very little of the overall time is actually spent in gcc.  All the setup, shell scripts, etc. take up lots of the compile time.01:47
jebbathough it seems distcc could be kludged into the scratchbox just as easily.01:48
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timeless_mbpmight as well save yourself pain and use sb201:49
woglindesb2 cannt handle optify stuff right01:49
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woglindeat least here01:49
timeless_mbphow so?01:49
MikeJBIf I wrote something for Linux, how easy would it be to port it to Maemo?01:49
jebbai'm trying to figure out the *really* best way to do this.  OBS seems to be great, but i haven't gotten it going yet (perhaps will work on it now). BUt what i've spent the last day learning is amazon's ec2 cloud services. Putting OBS there would be the greatest.01:49
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jebbawoglinde: with sb2 you could just run maemo-optify-deb afterwards. I dont think sb2 would have optify drawbacks.01:50
`0660MikeJB, depends on the libraries that your application uses01:50
timeless_mbpMikeJB: totally amorphous question01:50
timeless_mbpif your wrote it for linux-parisc01:50
timeless_mbpusing parisc assembly01:50
timeless_mbpthen it wouldn't be very portable01:50
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woglindetimeless_mbp in develop stage under /opt/maemo the tools are mounted01:50
jebbaMikeJB: but likely 100% easy, if your interfface can work on something small.01:50
woglindeno lib bin stuff01:50
MikeJBYes, but writing in Assembly makes the most efficient apps.01:50
jebbanot efficent porting tho01:51
timeless_mbpit makes the biggest headaches01:51
jebbawoglinde: what tools? i'm a bit lost ther.e01:51
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woglindewhats that01:52
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woglindenow its handled right01:52
shinkamuianyone dick around with mame01:53
shinkamuiI love mame01:53
shinkamuibut a lot of my roms dont work :(01:53
shinkamuiprobably because they're for version .3501:53
shiznebitshinkamui: what useless codes did you add01:54
shinkamuito every number01:54
shinkamuithey're all US numbers, so it was useless01:54
shinkamuiI only have 2 international numbers in my phone book, both Ghanaian01:55
shiznebithmm couldn't just add a +01:55
shinkamuididn't work01:55
shinkamuiskype would give me the can't complete call01:55
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shiznebitthat sucks01:55
shinkamuiplus I only keep the number in my phone book in this format (123)-456-78901:55
shinkamuino big deal01:55
shinkamuijust a hassle having to edit 300 phone entries in order to make use of skype01:56
shiznebitno way to use console and edit the file ?01:57
shinkamuiit wasn't pure hell, I did it in evolution01:57
shinkamuiand the changes synced back to the phone01:57
shinkamuiI didn't even think to try and directly edit the phonebook file01:58
shinkamuididn't know there was one01:58
shiznebiti don't know if there is one01:58
shinkamuiwell, rephrase, I assumed it would have been stored in a sql db01:58
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Caesiumthis came up earlier funnily enough01:58
Caesiumthe addressbook is a berkelydb file01:59
Caesiumpython can open and manipulate it pretty easily01:59
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shinkamuiI really need to learn python01:59
shinkamuithe N900 loves python above all else01:59
MikeJBPython's pretty easy.02:00
shinkamuiI hear that02:00
MikeJBprint "Hello World."02:00
shinkamuiits super high level02:00
MikeJBLike that easy.02:00
lpottermy n900 hates python02:00
woglindemine not02:00
shinkamuiill take tomorrow and learn the core02:01
ifreqmy n900 hates humans02:01
shinkamuimine too ifreq02:01
shinkamuiwhenever I leave it idle, the load is way down, but as soon as I pick it up, its up in the hi 80s02:01
shiznebitsomething tells me you guys aren't humans02:01
shinkamuialmost like its saying Im too busy for you02:01
MikeJBWhen did the N900 come to the US?02:02
shinkamuior, stop installing usless shit on me02:02
shinkamuiMikeJB, never02:02
shinkamuiI had mine shipped from finland02:02
shinkamuiI think the tmobile US deal fell through anyway02:02
shinkamuiso I doubt there will ever be subsidized version here02:02
shiznebitto bad02:02
shinkamuiAND im using it on at&t02:02
shinkamuiso its like a triple slap02:02
shiznebitwould have been awesome02:02
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shinkamuiand a grazing testicle shot02:03
shinkamuibtw, how do you name the phone02:03
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shinkamuijust edit the hostname file02:03
shinkamuior is there a proper way to do it02:03
shinkamuiIm tired of seeing that ridiculously long string show up on my computers when they find the device02:04
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shiznebitis tethering simple to do on the N900 ?02:04
shinkamuitheres an app for that :)02:05
MikeJBBah. This is really bothering me. It looks like a fun toy, but it also looks pricey for a toy if I can't really find it lower than the mid-$500s...02:05
shiznebitthats why I will wait02:06
MikeJBI mean, it's basically Linux... in a pocket-sized device. I'd love to mess around with it and see what it can do...02:06
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MikeJBBut ideally, I'd pay $400 tops for this.02:06
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shiznebitMikeJB: almost exactly the same thing a beagleboard can02:06
MikeJBJust based on comparative pricing of electronic devices.02:06
shiznebitthe size is substantially smaller02:07
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MikeJBYeah, true, this is smaller than most things I'm comparing it to in my head, which probably makes it more expensive.02:07
MikeJBand 32 GB is a good amount of storage. Maybe too good.02:07
shiznebitjust wait till A9 comes out and Maemo 602:08
MikeJBA9 is the successor device?02:08
woglindeor better core02:08
shiznebitA9 is the successor processor02:09
shinkamuiMikeJB, sucks, but thats the deal02:09
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shinkamuiits barely 2 months old02:09
woglindeor A402:09
shinkamuiyou'll have to wait at least a year to see a better price02:09
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shiznebitwtf is A4 ?02:09
shinkamuiiTampons processor is derived from it02:09
MikeJBshinkamui: I guess it's probably because most phones here in the US are heavily subsidized to about 1/3 of the price.02:10
MikeJBNasty trick since it leads to a higher total cost of ownership, but it makes us Americans hesitant at paying more than $500 for a phone.02:10
shinkamuiyou should normally expect to pay around 500-600 for a solid device out of contract02:10
woglindeshiznebit A4 is the custom arm core soc apple developed for the ipad02:10
MikeJBDoes the N900 have any paid apps or is it a mostly free (price) ecosystem?02:11
shinkamuihas some paid apps02:11
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shiznebitwoglinde: any clue what the specs are ?02:11
shinkamuithey've dissapeared already :)02:11
shinkamuiangry birds ftw!02:11
shinkamuishiznebit, 1ghz iirc02:11
woglindeshinzebot google should help you02:11
shinkamuiMikeJB, but for the most part, everything is free and community produced/supported02:12
MikeJBSo at least there isn't too many hidden fees there...02:12
shinkamuiif/when nokia brings the ngage platform to the N900, a ton of pay games will emerge02:12
shinkamuiMikeJB, but the bottom line is, if you want it, its usually pretty trivial to port it02:12
shinkamuiunless its something obscure or heavy heavy weight02:13
MikeJBshinkamui: Is there already a Wesnoth port?02:13
shinkamuiI haven't tried it, but there's a wesnoth port to the N80002:13
timeless_mbpanyone here w/ an n900 and 10mins?02:13
shinkamuiand I believe it runs unmodified ont eh N90002:13
MikeJBThat's pretty much the only non-trivial game I play on my Linux computer.02:13
shinkamuitimeless, ys02:13
woglindetimless aye!02:13
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shinkamuiMikeJB, lol, I play the crap out of warzone 2100, and Jagged Alliance 202:14
shinkamuiboth on my debian box and my n90002:14
lpottertimeless_mbp: depends on which 10 miutes02:14
MikeJBMy computer has problems with *some* 3D games.02:14
MikeJBWarzone 2100 is one that crashes before loading.02:14
shinkamuialso warcraft2 powered by stratagus02:14
MikeJBI got a laptop with an Intel graphics card because I thought they were supposed to have *better* Linux support02:14
shinkamuiMikeJB, lol02:14
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shinkamuiintel GMA 965+ has great aiglx support02:15
MikeJBI like the community size though.02:15
shinkamuibut are generally poor performers in the long haul02:15
shinkamuiMikeJB,  yea its pretty nice02:15
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MikeJBAlmost 500 for an IRC channel, and out of what I presume to be European peak hours, too...02:15
timeless_mbpdo i want to know why NavIt is a utility instead of a location thing?02:15
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shinkamuiMikeJB, seriously, the N900 has chosen you, you need to get one02:16
woglindetimeless ????02:16
shinkamuiits the device I've been looking for for years02:16
woglindeI set the section right02:17
timeless_mbpwoglinde: i'm using catorize02:17
woglindewhere did you got the package?02:17
shinkamuiI started with the HTC Exec dual booting linux poorly02:17
timeless_mbpand it shows up in the utilities category02:17
shinkamuithen the SL-C3000 zaurus from sharp02:17
woglindehow can activate catorize?02:17
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shinkamuiand now finally the N900 fits the exact category I was lokoing for, a full fledged linux phone02:17
timeless_mbpit's in extras-something02:18
timeless_mbpjust install it02:18
shinkamuiwoglinde, its automatic02:18
shinkamuiand I hated it02:18
timeless_mbpit'll reorganize your menu system02:18
woglindelets see02:18
woglindemaybee the desktop file is wrong02:18
timeless_mbpit might be special casing you02:18
shinkamuinaah, its actually not bad, but you'll have to go into each.desktop file and twaek the groups if you dont like them02:18
MikeJBshinkamui: Idk, I think I might have to wait for Maemo 6 (Wikipedia has it down for 2010-2011) or a $100 price cut in the N900... It looks like fun, and it looks like a good complement to a Linux PC, it just doesn't seem worth the unsubsidized price us Americans are stuck with. Again, in the US we're used to paying 1/3 of the real price.02:18
timeless_mbpthe package seems right02:18
timeless_mbpbut given that navit seems to be a debugging tool02:19
timeless_mbp(no real ui)02:19
timeless_mbpthey might have special cased it02:19
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woglindeno programms02:19
woglindetimeless ah02:19
MikeJBWhenever I make up my mind though I can get it in 2 days with no shipping fee from Amazon Prime. :)02:19
shinkamuiMike, Im from and live in the US :)  I know what you're saying, but I never buy subsidized devices.  Until recently, we've always had a shitty selection of carrier locked devices02:19
woglindethats the -dbg package02:19
* Arkenoi wonders if there will be pr1.2 in february and what will be the build date02:19
timeless_mbpwoglinde: ask the author during a business day? :)02:19
timeless_mbpArkenoi: 30 days has september, april, june and november02:20
timeless_mbpall the rest have 31, except february ...02:20
shinkamuiMikeJB, not that this will be the last phone you ever buy, but at least until a maemo 6 device is released, this is easily hands down the most powerful deviec on the market02:20
MikeJBshinkamui: I understand that it has a higher total cost of ownership and all, and I'm currently suffering a feature phone that has nag screens for 3rd party apps (Opera) and lacks any real offerings in the carrier's store... at&t basically makes you choose "iPhone, Blackberry, or poor phone"02:20
timeless_mbpsince 2010 isn't a  happy multiple of 402:20
woglindetimeless of caterize?02:20
timeless_mbpthat means it has fewer business day chances for an update :)02:20
timeless_mbpwoglinde: yeah02:21
shinkamuiand I dont mean raw power, Im including its flexibility as well02:21
timeless_mbpJaffa iirc02:21
MikeJBshinkamui: High end phones are starting to be 1GHz02:21
MikeJBIf it was at the high end of raw power, I'd be sold right there.02:21
timeless_mbpwoglinde: fwiw02:21
timeless_mbpnavit seems to commit suicide here02:21
woglindeI know02:21
* timeless_mbp just saw it do that02:21
woglindeI am working on a new package02:21
timeless_mbpvery disturbing02:21
bfreeMikeJB: if you just want a phone then fine.   if you compare it to netbooks, handhelds, tablets then I think the pricing is very good.   personally I prefer a device not crippled by some "operator" who just wants to make revenue from you02:21
Arkenoi interesting technology, much more promising than stupid ipad02:22
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shinkamuiMikeJB, quite true, however, the 1ghz snapdragon vs the cortex A8,  performance wise I believe the snapdragon loses, when you consider the other features on the A802:22
woglindeautobuilder segafaulted at image-converting a lot02:22
woglindebut I finished now the code so I dont need it anymore02:22
woglindeand read the svg only02:22
MikeJBbfree: I agree 100% that it's the freest major phone I've seen. I'm a Fedora user for many years, so I'm not too far ideologically from the Debian users who probably populate this chan.02:22
shinkamuiMikeJB, fedora sucks02:23
shinkamuiyou suck02:23
shinkamuiby association02:23
woglindetimeless_mbp and you have to setup your map yourself02:23
timeless_mbpwoglinde: definitely a utility :)02:23
MikeJBI'm amazed how in just a few years (true) Linux has gone from the extremely-niche Freerunner to something that a well-known phone maker puts its name on.02:23
woglindetimeless_mbp is there a way to tell user something when package is installed?02:23
woglindehm pointer?02:24
bfreeMikeJB: to me it's not a phone, it's an even smaller replacement for my eee 701+usb dongle+basic phone02:24
timeless_mbpthere's a way to ask users to accept a nag screen02:24
timeless_mbpi think crash-reporter does it02:24
woglindebut besides it02:24
lcukwoglinde, remember the original liqbase you built02:24
woglindelcuk hm?02:24
woglindethat was n81002:24
SpeedEvilMikeJB: that's somewhat of a false image.02:24
woglindeand diablo02:24
SpeedEvilMikeJB: linux has been on phones way before FR02:24
bfreeMikeJB: linux has been on phones for many many years, just most of them never left Japan02:24
SpeedEvilMikeJB: in a very polished way02:24
SpeedEvila1200 forex02:24
SpeedEvilJust not open02:25
lcukwoglinde, the nag screen might still work tho02:25
woglinde~lart sb2 for over mount /opt/maemo02:25
* infobot puts sb2 into a headlock and administers a mighty noogie, rubbing half of sb2's hair of for over mount /opt/maemo02:25
MikeJBSpeedEvil: I put "true" in front for a reason.02:25
lcukcant remember, i know one was gotten rid of02:25
woglindeor even not02:25
bfreeand most have been crippled and locked like every other phone any carrier wants to subsidise02:25
shiznebitthe n900 isn't completely open either02:25
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shiznebitstupid imagination tech02:25
shinkamuidude, I almost bought the moto A1200 2 years ago02:26
MikeJBshinkamui: Linux Torvalds would probably disagree with you on that whole "Fedora sucks, you suck by association" reasoning02:26
shinkamuior maybe 3 years, I dont' remember02:26
shinkamuiMikeJB, I was only kidding bro :)02:26
SpeedEvilshinkamui: IIRC possibly more like 502:26
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shinkamuiSpeedEvil, Im saying I almost bought it a few years ago, it had been long out, but it was during my quest to find a hand held linux device that was truely pocketable02:27
MikeJBBy the way, Finland has the highest percent of Linux useage according to one stats website.02:27
MikeJBat around 4-5%02:27
MikeJBTherefore, Scandinavia would be a nice place to visit02:27
SonicSpinnerdont waste ur time and money @ scandinavia lol02:28
MikeJBFound a hole in my logic? :P02:28
meceMikeJB, well, linux originated here, so I guess there's a reason there. Doesn't make it a nice place to visit. (Although it might be, all the same)02:28
shinkamuiMikeJB, yea, but 4-5% of 50 people is still only like 2 people :-D02:28
SonicSpinnerull find out that the weather is same as the people02:28
SonicSpinnercold and gray :D02:28
timeless_mbpMikeJB: visiting is fine02:28
timeless_mbpliving here is a different story02:28
meceaahaha exactly02:28
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Corsachmhm, cinaest seems to be bugy here02:30
mececan dpkg not put files in MyDocs?02:31
woglindemece sure it can02:31
timeless_mbpmece: it shoudln't02:31
timeless_mbpMyDocs might not be available02:31
woglindebut thats breaking some policies02:31
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mecewoglinde, ok then. I guess I'll have to chown the files or something then. I had a couple of files, wanted them in opt, but they belonged to root, so user couldn't write to them, so I moved them to MyDocs to work around the problem02:33
timeless_mbpthat's cheating02:35
timeless_mbpMyDocs /happens/ to be VFAT02:35
timeless_mbpbut please don't assume it will always be VFAT02:35
timeless_mbpif it isn't mounted, it'd actually land there owned by root02:35
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mecetimeless_mbp, right, that would be a problem. So chown then... is that done in a post install script or something? I'm completely clueless about this. Just used py2deb to make the deb.02:36
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javispedromece: just do it in debian/rules, install rule.02:37
wazdpleeease, can anybody shot some pics of Marina theme? :)02:37
wazdI know I'm annoying :)02:37
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mecejavispedro, ok then. got a link to some documentation on that?02:39
MikeJBSo Nokia is basically Finland's economy, right?02:39
meceMikeJB, pretty much02:40
mecewent up yesterday. yay!02:40
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javispedromece: it depends on how are you building the package. most often, you'll have to put there something like chmod perms $(CURDIR)/debian/package_name/usr/share/file.etc02:40
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shiznebitMikeJB: they have a ton of car racers02:41
meceshiznebit, but they don't pay taxes in finland...02:41
mecejavispedro, ok, I'll examine the rules file generated by py2deb.02:42
shiznebitmece: didn't know that02:42
meceshiznebit, the bastards move to monaco as soon as they get a good deal.02:42
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meceshiznebit, at least the F1 drivers. The rally drivers might be a little more patriotic :)02:42
ifreqinstalling theme now wazd02:43
wazdifreq: 0.99?02:43
wazdifreq: great :)02:43
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MikeJBWikipedia says that Nokia has 1/3 of the Helsinki stock exchange02:44
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jebba2 billion profits Q4 2009  (!)02:45
mecepretty amazing that one...02:45
mececompared to the last one.02:45
ifreqwazd: do you need some scrshots?02:45
ifreqand from what exactly02:45
wazdifreq: sure!02:45
MikeJBWhat's it like living in a company-country?02:45
meceYou see a lot of nokia phones.02:45
wazdifreq: input fields, notification, status area opened, anything you like02:46
ifreqok sec02:46
meceMikeJB, Where do you live that's not a company country?02:46
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SpeedEvilsingle company country02:46
MikeJBmece: Okay, let me rephrase. A country where one company has a big plurality02:46
meceSpeedEvil, righty02:46
MikeJBHere in America it's a Fortune 500 country ;)02:46
SpeedEvillike india for example.02:46
mecehehe yep.02:46
SpeedEvilWith the east india company02:46
MikeJBSo do the conservative Finns basically remind people it's their patrotic duty to buy from Nokia? Or is that kinda nationalism unique to America these days?02:47
wazdMikeJB: Nokia is making good phones02:47
MikeJBI realize that. Basically 50% of the smart phone pie chart is Symbian, which kind of surprises me in an iPhone-is-the-hype world.02:48
* ShadowJK suspects the left side finns are more into the "buy finnish" thing02:48
meceMikeJB, mostly more left wingers buy domestic.. right ShadowJK02:49
MikeJB <- 50.3% right there.02:49
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meceMikeJB, yep, turns out north america is not the whole world after all :D02:50
MikeJBAnd yeah, that's really odd to an American. Here, I think it's mostly right wingers who try to hype the "buy domestic" thing.02:50
ShadowJKMy previous Nokia E75 is still a good phone, the only problem is the apps (it's symbian so my favourite linux apps aren't there), and the small screen resolution :)02:50
meceMikeJB, our right wingers are your left wingers...02:50
ShadowJKIf it had bigger screen res and ability to talk sensible protocols (ssh, rsync, openvpn), I'd get it.. oh wait, I did, it's called n900 :D02:50
MikeJBmece: And your left wingers are?02:50
MikeJBFull socialists?02:51
meceMikeJB, people who were thrown in prison in america in the 50ies.02:51
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meceMikeJB, no, but more socialist than left wing americans.02:51
ShadowJKMikeJB, they have "social" in their name. Except for the real communist party who calls themselves "Leftist party" now02:51
meceShadowJK, who is that?02:52
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meceShadowJK, I wouldn't call them communists.02:52
MikeJBSo, Finland fought the Russians (and thus was on the German side?) in both World Wars? This is facinating since here in the US, history clearly shows the Germans as bad guys, but from the little of Finnish history I've read, the Russians were clearly the instigators against Finland.02:52
ShadowJKmece, they used to have "communist" in their name I think?02:52
ShadowJKMikeJB, finland was at some point or another, at war with both "sides" ;-)02:53
ShadowJKincluding germany02:53
MikeJBThat's really interesting, actually. Finland was kind of caught in the middle of Europe, I guess.02:53
meceShadowJK, that might be yes, in the 70ies when communism was a thing. There actually was a real communist party recently. it died out.02:53
MikeJBBecause the Soviets basically failed to conquer Finland?02:54
ShadowJKNow there's only the "True Finns" lunatics left :) (sorry if someone votes for htem)02:54
MikeJBBut wanted to conquer Finland?02:54
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SpeedEvilThe house unamerican activitied committee in the US was wacky. I much preferred the blackadder unamerican activities one.02:55
meceShadowJK, arent those guys extreme right wing?02:55
MikeJBI find Finnish history interesting because it's usually really unique when compared to the rest of Europe's history.02:55
ShadowJKmece, I think they're extreme trolls?02:55
meceShadowJK, pretty much.02:55
ifreqwazd: any use: ? :P02:57
ShadowJKI read somewhere that the majority of election campaign funding in the 60s and 70s came either from the CIA or from the KGB :)02:57
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MikeJBSo is there any big deal about Karelia that was basically stolen from Finland?02:59
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meceMikeJB, not anymore02:59
ifreqno big deals02:59
ifreqwazd: poke02:59
ShadowJKnot really02:59
MikeJBThat's why Europe has a very odd-mindset to Americans. I'd bet Americans would *still* be complaining about it. :P03:00
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ShadowJKThere are one or two trolls bringing it up now and then03:00
apolis it possible to upload maps from linux hosts?03:00
apolto the device i mean03:00
wazdifreq: awesome!03:01
wazdifreq: if only you could shot the browser - that would be perfect03:01
ShadowJKAtleast here where I live (west coast finland), there's an organisation that makes yearly trips to Karelia with what you'd call "relief" supplies, to help out poor schools and poor neighbourhoods there03:01
ifreqwazd: yeah sure03:01
ifreqjust browser window? humm03:01
MikeJBHow was Finland in the Cold War?03:01
wazdifreq: yep03:01
MikeJBit doesn't fit neatly into any categorizations I learned in European history.03:01
glassMikeJB: as a gateway to ussr03:02
* wazd wants to lick his screen :P03:02
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ShadowJKMikeJB, "politically correct".03:03
glassMikeJB: just read about kekkonen, thats post ww2 finnish politics pre-crash-of-ussr03:03
MikeJBI don't understand Finland's role in the 20th century. It doesn't fit into the black-and-white American mindset.03:03
wazdifreq: ohoh, and 2 notifications, email (appears in the app swithcer view) and ordinary (volume and stuff)03:03
glassMikeJB: basically finland avoided warsaw pact(being occupied) but a lot of politics was dictated by ussr and/or what people thought ussr wants03:04
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ShadowJKMikeJB, If .fi bought 64 fighter jets, 32 were from Soviet and 32 from West :-)03:05
MikeJBSo which side of the "iron curtain" was it on?03:05
MikeJBThis goes against everything Americans teach in history textbooks!03:05
ShadowJKon the western side if any03:05
Corsachmhm, app manager isn't supposed to upgrade everything?03:05
glassMikeJB: west, but with lot of trade to ussr03:05
Corsac(running apt-get upgrade shows upgrades are available)03:06
ShadowJKYou could even visit soviet as a tourist03:06
MikeJBYou have just killed the entire black-and-white way they teach history here.03:06
glassit was pretty popular too. my grandparents went03:06
MikeJBThe entire 20th century is basically definied as A vs. B throughout all of European history.03:07
ShadowJKThe militia stormed the tourist buss, collected everyone's passports and wallets, counted everybody's money, and then gave them back. They did the same thing when the tourist buss was about to return to .fi. Except they wanted receipts to account for all the missing money.03:07
glasssome of the youth viewed ussr as a paradise, but well, propaganda does wonders and rebelling without a cause03:07
MikeJBand Finland is basically C03:07
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ShadowJKApparently "I spent it all on vodka and all I got was a hangover" was the only valid excuse for not being able to account for the money spent03:07
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MikeJBSo Finland was basically *above* the iron curtain? It just didn't extend that high? :P03:08
ifreqwazd: added 3 more pics on
glassMikeJB: finland did some quite careful manouvering to stay unoccupied, or thats the general feeling for the reason for the things that were done03:09
MikeJBFinland = that space between the end of a curtain and the ceiling?03:09
glassMikeJB: and besides, st petersburg has to get it's supplies somewhere03:09
mecejavispedro, still there?03:09
glassat least the rich03:09
javispedromece: yep03:09
wazdifreq: gorgeous :)03:10
wazdifreq: what's your opinion btw?03:10
ShadowJKMikeJB, half of .fi's nuclear powerplants were built by a soviet company, to .fi safety standards.. It's said there'd been many more chernobyls hadn't the soviets taken home the safety thinking :)03:10
ifreqwazd: i like it :) going to continue using03:10
ifreqlike when someone put effort to make full theme03:10
glassShadowJK: actually there was a very intresting forum post about that03:10
ShadowJKglass, oh do you remember a link?03:10
wazdifreq: yeah, that was really tough :)03:11
glassShadowJK: nope but it was in finnish03:11
ShadowJKthat's okay03:11
mecejavispedro, i got a lot of mkdir and cp lines in the rules file, so should I just do the chown pointed at the same file as the cp before did?03:11
wazdifreq: especially without the device :D03:11
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MikeJBShadowJK: So what was Finland's economics like?03:11
glassShadowJK: written by some di that was doing it.. basically they didn't get all the manuals and such and a lot of the parts and automation design was done in finland03:11
MikeJBThe part that isn't Nokia ;)03:11
ifreqwazd: haha wheres your device man :)03:11
javispedromece: if the target file is in ../debian/something/... then yes03:11
glassbut it was purely political that it was ussr tech at all03:12
mecejavispedro, cool thanks. I'll try that.03:12
javispedromece: also take care of dh_fixperms, you may have to put your instructions after it.03:12
wazdifreq: well, I just don't have one :)03:12
ifreqwazd: hope you get one soon :P03:12
glassMikeJB: metal, paper, chems03:12
ShadowJKMikeJB, some funny stuff too, when Nokia wanted to export a digital telephone central to Moscow, CIA got a sniff about it and was very upset about such high technology being exported to soviet. Eventually it was allowed with the condition that nokia lets CIA know the exact location of the exchanges they installed ;P03:12
wazdifreq: don't think so :)03:12
wazdifreq: it's too expensive in here03:12
wazdifreq: around $1k03:12
glassMikeJB: finlands industry got kickstarted by paying ussr a lot of train locomotives etc as war repraials(war-repayments??)03:12
ifreqwazd: yeh understoodable :P03:12
MikeJBglass: <- that?03:13
glassMikeJB: yeh03:13
MikeJBJust a quick wikipedia search03:13
ShadowJKOh I heard a funny story about the war compensations. So they had to build alot of ships for the soviet navy, and they wanted Saunas in them. The soviets demanded the seats be made out of copper (probably the most expensive crazy thing they came up with)... Well just imagine sitting down on metal in 80C room... they quickly went back to wood03:13
wazdifreq: if you'll notice anything wrong -
glassMikeJB: but it's like this, st petersburg which is a stones throw away has as many people as all of finland03:14
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MikeJBShadowJK: lol03:14
glassShadowJK: haha ouch03:14
ifreqwazd: yeh will do, can i remove the pics now?03:14
wazdwait a bit, I'll save em03:15
MikeJBI really want to visit Finland sometime now. Europe has so much history America just doesn't have.03:15
SpeedEvilyes, it does.03:15
MikeJBA little ocean kinda kept us away from everything for a very long time.03:15
SpeedEvilIt's just most of it wasn't written down03:15
ifreqMikeJB: seen any fi movies ?03:15
ifreqie war movies03:15
ifreqlike winter war03:15
ShadowJKthey mostly suck03:16
wazdifreq: clear03:16
ifreqok done.03:16
MikeJBSo is like 90% of Finland concentrated in a certain geographic region?03:17
wazdoh those Americans... :P03:17
lcukMikeJB, yeah, mostly within the finnish border :D lol03:18
mecejavispedro, hmm well it didn't give any errors, but when i dpkg -i'd the deb file the files that were supposed to be chowned, were still owned by root, so apparently that's not the way to do it.03:18
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javispedromece: pastebin your debian/rules files03:19
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pupnik_hi t-online germany is blocking DNS for /
pupnik_german internet censorship blocking / redirecting dns lookups for /
javispedromece: move the chowns after the dh_fixperms line03:21
javispedromece: also, you may want to consider putting that files in $HOME.03:22
javispedro(or copying them to $HOME when the user first launches the application)03:22
pupnik_some good music there, oh well03:23
mecejavispedro, ok, so we should have the csv files in home?03:23
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MikeJBWhat happened to Nokia's stock? It seems to have peaked around 2007...03:24
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javispedromece: i don't know what you're using them for03:25
inzMikeJB, 770 was superceded by N800 in 2007...03:26
mecejavispedro, just storing information about comic strips. urls filenames and such. they are modified every now and then from the program.03:26
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javispedromece: so they're user settings?03:26
mecejavispedro, no, totally automagical03:26
javispedroso they're some kind of cache files.03:27
mecejavispedro, yes. very much so.03:27
MikeJBI guess 2008 was the year the global economy took a hit.03:27
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javispedromece: then don't ship them, and create them when the user first runs the apps under home.03:27
javispedromece: that would be "the ideal thing".03:27
mecejavispedro, yes, but it makes the program work better if you have them.03:27
xorAxAxpupnik_: i cannot resolv that name03:28
xorAxAxpupnik_: with my own recursive dns server03:28
javispedromece: so you could make it copy the files from /usr/share/your_ap/file.csv to $HOME/.file.csv if the latter doesn't exist, then write all "cache updates" to the latter file.03:28
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mecejavispedro, yes, that sounds like a pretty good idea.03:29
mecejavispedro, no need for chowns then, if I let the app create the files.03:30
meceand I don't even need to modify the rules file :)03:31
javispedroand one change less you'll have to make if for any reason you want to ever run the application under desktop linux03:31
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MikeJBOoooh, here's a line you nokia people might like from the CIA World Factbook on Finland (isn't the CIA a lovely organization, compiling all this information on the web on all countries for free in order to better humanity?)03:34
MikeJB"Finland excels in high-tech exports such as mobile phones."03:34
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MikeJBPutting internet users over population, 83.5% of people in Finland use the Internet, which is higher than the 75% here in the US (although we have more people using the Internet)03:40
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inzMikeJB, you have more people using the Internet than we have poeple.03:42
MikeJBinz: My state (provinces in every other country in the world), which is 19th in population, has about as many people as Finland with 5.7 million03:43
MikeJBI bet your crime rate is lower though03:44
derfThere's other countries that call them "states".03:46
TomTom_australia for one03:46
MikeJBProbably copying the US, like other countries who have the "dollar"03:46
MikeJBaustralia for one03:46
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derfYeah, you go tell them that.03:47
derfThey'll go complain about our money that's all the same size and color and our inability to hold federal elections with a uniform procedure.03:49
inzMikeJB, province and state are somewhat different things03:49
TomTom_I just added the devel repo to install drnoksnes as there were dependancys. I'm just wondering what other apps people would recommend from this repo that are stable and good03:50
TomTom_I am afraid of borking my phone03:50
TomTom_for fremantle03:51
inzMikeJB, and indeed Australia has states, as has, for example, Germany03:51
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inzMikeJB, Finland has provinces though =)03:51
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TomTom_as does Ireland03:52
shinkamuitomtom: everything!03:53
TomTom_and counties03:53
shinkamuijust keep in mind a lot of stuff in devel isn't optified03:53
shinkamuiso be sure not to reboot before verifying the root isn't full03:53
derfWhat do I know. I live in a commonwealth.03:53
MikeJBinz: I know, province *implies* central government while state implies a more federal system.03:53
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TomTom_aye, thats the other thing also. with stuff being non optified, alot of ports probably fall under this title?03:54
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shinkamuipretty much03:54
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shinkamuitake it one install at a time03:54
MikeJBAmerica is such a monolinguistic country.03:54
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TomTom_ahh hell, where to start03:55
shinkamuiI suggest you start with mypaint03:55
shinkamuieasily the greatest paint application ever made03:55
shinkamuisecond only to the gimp03:55
TomTom_any remote control apps in there?03:56
shinkamuinot a fan though, none of my stuff is in there :)03:56
shinkamuialso the remote control server lirc can kill your battery if you dont make sure to kill it when you're done03:57
shinkamuithat could be fixed in the latest version though03:57
TomTom_ta very much03:57
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inzMikeJB, you have relatively more spanish speakers (12%), than we have swedish speakers (6%), yet we're concidered bilingual ;)03:57
inzOr linguistic, whatever03:58
TomTom_<-- looking at all the apps.... lost03:58
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MikeJBinz: Imagine if our largest company did all of our documentation and internal communication in another language.03:58
shinkamuiI think hte joke is that most americans only speak 1 language03:58
MikeJBI don't understand one thing about Finland: why is it the leftists who encourage people to buy domestic? I thought the left was internationalist?03:59
SpeedEvilMikeJB: 'left' and 'right' are utmost bullshit labels.03:59
SpeedEvilThey mean very different things in different countries.03:59
TomTom_damn, was about to say that03:59
TomTom_hate this right and left thing03:59
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SpeedEvilAnd even in countries whrere they mostly mean the same - there may be glaring differences in the smaller policies.04:00
shiznebitonce 50/50 comes out, im sure every scener and avid pirater is gonna be using it04:01
inzMikeJB, our largest company uses quite a bit of it's completely own language in internal communication: Nokianglish04:01
MikeJBinz: Nokianglish? Wikipedia doesn't say that. ;P04:02
shiznebitTomTom_: sorry wrong channel04:02
glassit's better than nokfinnish04:02
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MikeJBI really love this channel's community. I can't believe I've killed so many hours.04:03
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* TomTom_ is tired04:09
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TomTom_this devel list is long04:10
shinkamuitomtom do you see quake 1 in devel04:10
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TomTom_one sec04:11
shinkamuidamn, its supposed to be there now04:12
TomTom_I found quake 3 and open arena04:13
shinkamuiyep, those I think are just in extras04:13
shinkamuithere's also a LOT of debs on the tmo that aren't in any repo04:14
shinkamuilike stratagus, freeRA, and Warzone 210004:14
shinkamuisurprisingly red alert actually runs pretty well too04:15
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TomTom_ohhh red alert04:17
TomTom_now there is a blast from the past04:17
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anprhi there guys04:21
anprhi there guys04:22
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anprsup ? :)04:26
TomTom_not much04:28
TomTom_in work, bored04:28
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crashanddieGeneralAntilles: just seen geneven and his useful contributions.... I understand why you like the guy so much!04:57
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ShadowJKheh, didn't notice it before...05:03
ShadowJKfree turn by turn navigation under development, target milestone harmattan05:03
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TomTom_is maemo 5 going to be largely ignored by nokia?05:05
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ShadowJKthere's a team bugfixing maemo5 and a team creating maemo605:07
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TomTom_I mean as regards apps, like the navigation05:10
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shinkamuiis using kmplayer for flash content slower than using the browser05:15
shinkamuiI tried to play stair fall in km player and it was slow as ballsweat05:15
ShadowJKI guess you have an answer then05:16
shinkamuinope, I dont.  I haven't tried it in the browser, im anti browser in genral05:16
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ShadowJKI'd actually expect kmplayer to be faster at it05:18
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shinkamuithats what i read, and I wanted to use kmplayer so I could make a couple of flash games standalone and put them in my menu05:18
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shinkamuioh well, my dream has been shattered05:19
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shinkamuiwow, its definately worse in the browser, dropped from 4-6 fps down to 1 fps05:21
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ShadowJKgames don't wokrk in kmplayer05:23
ShadowJKor if they do, they'd be using the flash plugin and have same performance as in browser..05:24
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eean.flv is just another video file format, supporting flash video says nothing about supporting interactive flash content :)05:26
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crashanddiegood bot05:43
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infobotHey crashanddie, port 3080 is stm_pproc - stm_pproc05:45
infobotaw, gee, crashanddie05:45
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crashanddieDJEEZUS PEOPLE TALK06:04
crashanddiefinally got one!06:05
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crashanddiezerojay: kids?06:19
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zerojayGot one, sure.06:19
crashanddiezerojay: we needz yous06:20
zerojayWhat do you want me to say?06:23
crashanddieyour mind06:23
crashanddiespeak freely my friend06:23
crashanddieunleash the power of one06:23
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zerojayNot sure if I feel like diving into a 6 page thread right now.06:27
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crashanddiewe miss youuuuuuuu :(06:28
crashanddieGeneralAntilles without zerojay is like Bonnie without Clyde06:28
crashanddie(note that I'm not specifying who's the woman)06:29
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zerojaycrashanddie: lol, you bastard.06:54
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SpeedEvilCould have been worse. Thelma and Louise.06:57
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crashanddiei luv you too zerojay07:01
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crashanddiewhat the fuck is it people leaving and joining all the time?08:07
derfIt's IRC?08:07
crashanddie~burn derf08:07
* infobot pours gasoline all over derf, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze08:07
shamusit's called a netsplit08:08
shamusand the stuck08:08
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crashanddieshamus: no, a netsplit is when two servers lose connection to each other08:09
crashanddieit's just that since they switched to ircd-seven, it seems like everyone has the most unstable connections ever08:09
* timeless_mbp sighs08:10
* timeless_mbp looks for someone w/ an n90008:10
timeless_mbp(and probably 10 mins of time)08:10
crashanddietimeless_mbp: what'd'ya need, bitch08:10
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Khertangood morning08:13
KhertanDoes there is a way with specifics information of the n900 ovi store08:14
Khertans/a way/a link, document08:14
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Khertanyep too :)08:17
Khertani m tired :)08:17
Khertanthere is nothing about n900 on
Khertanis it a specific ovi store ?08:18
ieatlinti have to wonder if there would ever be a hope of actual income from the ovi store... the number of people running maemo5 devices i imagine is pretty few08:20
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crashanddieieatlint: can you do me a favour?08:21
crashanddieshut the fuck up08:21
ieatlintyou're so nice :)08:22
crashanddieyou have no idea how many people bought an n90008:22
crashanddieso please don't give negative prognostics based on anything else but your ignorance08:22
ieatlintthat would indeed be my wondering08:22
crashanddieconsidering the n810 sold over 300k08:22
crashanddiei think we can fairly assume the n900 will sell around over a couple million worldwide08:23
crashanddiewithin the next year or two08:23
Khertanconsidering currently there is few app ... there is more chance to made sell than on iPhone08:23
ieatlintwell, i'll certainly agree to not pursue this topic now or again08:23
jebbamy etch rebuilds have hit m*08:23
ieatlinti'm also admittedly not planning on selling anything on the ovi store08:24
crashanddieieatlint: actually, the whole principle around which those software shops are based is quite different from the usual08:25
crashanddieusually, software sold for around $60, now it's more between $1 and $1008:25
crashanddieI asked a few friends to collect their stats around how much they spent on their iPhone (granted, we're a pretty wealthy group)08:26
ieatlinttrue, but the development involved in the $60 software has classically been far greater, and the distrubtion costs of makings boxes, shipping them and selling them at retail also added quite abit08:26
crashanddieieatlint: indeed, but distribution costs have been killed with the likes of Steam, yet prices are still around $80 for a brand new game!08:26
crashanddieon average, they would spend $30 - $50 per month on apps on their iPhone08:26
ieatlintbut with often just one developer taking the money, and the distribution costs being a loss to the dev, it's reasonable to assume that it will bring in a larger percentage yield08:27
crashanddiehowever, when I "pranked them", exclaiming that Apple was going to offer a "monthly subscription fee, giving access to an app per day for $30", they immediately said they wouldn't want it08:27
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crashanddieapparently, it's a lot easier to spend 15 times $2 than it is to spend once $30, for exactly the same product08:28
ieatlintyeah, starbucks figured that one out08:28
microlithcrashanddie: depends, usually with a subscription when it expires you lose access to what you had08:28
microlithmaybe they assumed as such08:29
crashanddieI actually saw the same thing when I was in school08:29
ieatlintanyway, it wasn't meant to be negative...08:29
crashanddieI would buy cigarettes in Spain and sell them in France08:29
ieatlintyou're talking to someone who seems to go for the niche though... i was an openmoko dev who even was even helping run their linuxworld booth, heh08:29
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crashanddieI would buy them for 20 euros per carton, and have different pricing schemes: 20c for a single cigarette, 4euros per pack, or 30 euros per carton08:30
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crashanddieI never had a single student buy a whole carton08:31
crashanddiehowever, I'd have tons of people buying 10 or 20 cigarettes in singles08:31
ieatlintclassy :P08:31
ieatlintthey actually banned the sale of individual cigarettes here08:32
crashanddieieatlint: yeah, reselling illegally imported cigarettes isn't exactly allowed either08:32
Khertanlol crashanddie08:32
crashanddiereselling cigarettes paid for my own cigarettes and transport for my whole highschool08:32
ieatlintquite the dealer08:32
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* Pavel isn't really worried about the viability of app store and such. It would be sad if the Nokia didn't release system upgrades for N900 beyond Maemo 5, which, I guess, would leave Maemo 5 essentially a one-device transitional OS, limiting the number of apps available for the N900, but who can resist a cell phone with APT?08:33
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Khertanyou mean like palm whuch do one os one device without major upgrade :)08:34
ieatlinteh, i'm using it as a platform where i can write apps in c without learning extremely proprietary apis... and it's awesome08:34
Khertanfrom the beginning t was clear that maemo 6 will not run on n90008:34
ieatlintmaemo6 is switching to qt right?08:36
PavelKhertan: Sure, but every version was binary-compatible with _all_ previous versions.08:36
ieatlintshould be a sketchy backwards compatibility... the maemo 5 apps will look off even with the gtk/hildon libs present in a qt environment08:36
KhertanPavel : haha you never dev for Palm to said that08:36
crashanddieieatlint: Qt will be the default yes, however i'd bet my lunch money that gtk will still be available for retro-compat08:37
Khertanthere api break also on minor version on the last garnet release08:37
crashanddieas much as Qt is available now08:37
ieatlintcrashanddie, i'm sure, but i am wondering how well it will visually integrate08:37
* crashanddie thinks of undusting the php-gtk bindings :D08:37
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ieatlintphp-gtk sounds awesome08:38
crashanddiemost efficient language ever08:38
PavelKhertan: Fair enough, but I've gone through, I think, 5 PalmOS devices, starting from one of the original Hansdpsring Visors and ending in a Z22, and have never had an app stop working after an upgrade.08:38
ieatlintperl gtk or php gtk ... which is better? :P08:38
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ieatlintor how about with openmoko... bring out out the enlightenment libs08:39
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* Khertan still hesitate to made a free game with donation (potentially none) or put it to ovi at 50 cents08:50
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RST38hKhertan: You figured out how to put stuff on ovi?09:09
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johnsu01hm, can't get networking inside scratchbox to work anymore09:57
johnsu01resolv.conf is correct09:57
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mgedminjohnsu01, there are two independent resolv confs: target's /etc/resolv.conf and /scratchbox/etc/resolv.conf10:20
johnsu01hmmm that might be it10:21
johnsu01mgedmin: yes, thanks, forgot abotu that one10:22
johnsu01(the one in /scratchbox)10:22
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* Khertan still hesitate to made a free game with donation (potentially none) or put it to ovi at 50 cents10:35
Khertanas there is 50$ entry right10:36
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Khertanthx i don t if people read me due to the registration needed10:43
Khertans/don t /dont know10:43
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kirmahum. small flock of dust particles has wandered middle of my n900 screen and settled there during the night... any suggestions what to do, or better just not do anything?10:48
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crashanddieanyone watching the game?11:07
crashanddie(federer vs murray)11:07
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embeddedhi all11:12
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* timeless_mbp grumbles11:31
timeless_mbpthe cell modem menu thing changed stuff11:31
timeless_mbpnow i have to figure out what the heck to do w/ my translations11:31
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sgbirchwhat is the best way to use IRC on the N900? Currently using xchat.11:36
mtrlti prefer putting irssi on a server and then connecting to it using ssh11:37
mtrltthat way you never miss conversations as irssi is running all the time11:37
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* timeless_mbp does the same11:38
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mtrltand i bought my N810 primarily because that way i could IRC everywhere :-)11:39
sgbirchI have learning curve issue. maybe it is time for me to learn that11:39
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sgbirchI would love text to speech IRC so I can listen while driving11:40
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wazdheya everyone12:17
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wazdcan anybody confirm this?
wazdtransparent contacts12:22
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Corsacwhich theme?12:26
wazdCorsac: Marina12:26
Corsaclet me try12:26
wazdCorsac: It's in Testing now12:26
CorsacI have devel activated anyway12:27
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Corsacnow, they seem displayed correctly here12:27
Corsacfunny, I don't have the same battery icon as you12:27
crashanddiejust when it's the bloody final internet keeps dropping out... and TV as well!12:29
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Corsacwazd: but right clic / long tap is broken in Marina here12:30
Corsacjust a black box is displayed12:30
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vasily_pupkinis tear for diablo dead?12:31
mjechey guys, I made a booboo messing with extras-devel, need a bit of help12:31
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, N800 sold over 300k.12:31
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, and, yes, I love geneven.12:32
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, hey, could be worse. Could be Harold and Maude. ;)12:32
mjecI tried to install smbfs and got an error trying to do post-install config, now I'm  stuck with a half-install package12:32
mjechave tried (to no avail): apt-get -f install, reinstall, remove, clean and dpkg --reconfigure --pending12:33
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mjecoffending package is samba-common. Anyone have either a functioning .deb or suggestions on how to manually kill it?12:33
Hoxzerwhat is the command for xterm ?12:33
Hoxzeron maemo512:33
mjecHoxzer: I believe it's /usr/bin/osso-xterm12:34
Hoxzermjec: thank you12:34
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wazdCorsac: huh?12:40
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wazdCorsac: I don't have any battery icon btw :)12:41
Corsacwazd: your battery display in the home status area12:41
wazdCorsac: that's not my shot, I've no device12:42
Corsacoh ok12:42
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wazdCorsac: can you shot the rightclick menu please?12:42
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* RST38h moos at wazd12:43
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* wazd oinks at RST38h :)12:44
sp3000moo > oom12:44
Corsacwhat's the shortcut again?12:44
wazdCorsac: ctrl+shift+p I guess12:44
* sp3000 blinks12:44
* RST38h wonders why is offtopic?12:45
wazdRST38h: can you test Marina a bit? :)12:46
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RST38hwazd: I already did =)12:47
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wazdRST38h: oh, 1.0?12:47
RST38hDunno, you want me to try one from the repo?12:47
wazdRST38h: it's in Extras-Testing now12:47
RST38hOk, a moment12:47
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Corsacwazd: seems I can't do a screenshot when right clicking12:48
Corsacat least the shortcut doesn't work12:48
Corsacwazd: can I triger that from ssh?12:48
wazdCorsac: I'm not sure12:50
wazdanyone? :)12:50
RST38hinstalled, etting12:50
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crashanddiegod I really want murray to win12:50
RST38hwazd: Ok, you want comments here?12:51
RST38hcrash: who is murray?12:51
crashanddieRST38h: tennis player, australian open final12:51
crashanddiefederer (swiss) vs murray (uk)12:52
RST38hah just give each his own ball and leave them alone...12:52
crashanddie3rd set, 6-3, 6-4 for federer till now, 40-1512:52
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pillar_crashanddie: not looking likely though12:53
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crashanddiepillar_: I can't watch it.... digital video in the hotel just gave up12:53
RST38hwazd: The blue used to emphasize selections, volume bars, and buttons is too dark and discolored, looks almost gray12:53
wazdRST38h: where have you been all this time :D12:54
RST38hwazd: The checkboxes do not have actuall checkmarks, they just go blue when checked12:54
RST38hwazd: Well, as I previously noted, I do not like the theme =(12:54
pillar_crashanddie: I'n just following teletext since it's not shown here12:54
RST38hwazd: The glossy buttons look like they are made of two halves, and the bottom half disappears on dark backgrounds12:54
wazdRST38h: what checkboxes?12:55
wazdRST38h: there are many12:55
RST38hwazd: The phone buttons (Call, End, etc) are also almost gray, difficult to distinguish from the rest12:55
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RST38hwazd: plenty of checkboxes in Settings :)12:55
wazdRST38h: can you take a shot?12:55
wazdRST38h: I'm sure it's a bug12:56
wazdRST38h: try to reboot or something12:56
RST38hwazd: The task switcher icon (left upper corner) looks like the bottom squares are smaller than top squares probably due to the gloss12:56
* Corsac restarts hildon-desktop12:56
RST38hwazd: the background is too bright at the left-top corner where status area is, that and the vista-like gloss make status area less visible12:57
crashanddiepillar_: go on you can view the scores directly and listen to the commentary12:57
RST38hwazd: you want screenshot of checkbuttons?12:58
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GeneralAntillescrashanddie, I think that's the first time geneven's ever admitted I wasn't just being a Nazi. ;)12:58
wazdRST38h: yep12:58
RST38hcoming up, a moment12:58
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: where?12:58
wazdRST38h: thanks12:59
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, in that Red Pill thread of his.12:59
pillar_crashanddie: thanks12:59
* RST38h isn't sure why threads like this one are moved to offtopic12:59
RST38hNo matter how weird geneven is, the thread is still pretty much ontopic12:59
GeneralAntillesRST38h, it's just so I can't karma whore by laying down the awesome points. :P13:00
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RST38hwazd: sent13:01
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crashanddieGeneralAntilles: I really tried being nice in that post13:01
RST38hwazd: oh one more problem13:01
wazdRST38h: heh, that's actually a checkmark :D13:02
RST38hwazd: the little gear that is shown on the "edit desktop" button has background that is lighter than the button backgeround13:02
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RST38hwazd: so it shows up in kinda light strip13:02
wazdRST38h: yeahyeah, that's a "wontfix" issue :P13:02
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RST38hwazd: oh13:02
* RST38h goes back to default theme13:03
wazdRST38h: theme limitations13:03
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RST38halthough, given previous findings, not surprising :)13:03
crashanddiepillar_: if you click on "Live scores", you can see the points directly and have the radio in the same page13:04
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leorykhi i need your help. i have N900 and i woul like play my movie in mplayer or kmplayer without border. for example mplayer tropical-thunder.avi -noborder, but still i see in left top coner icons with batery and window pleas how can i hide this?13:05
leorykin full screan mode i movie has bordes and i need play without borders13:06
thpany t.m.o admins around who can rename threads?13:07
im2hi all. can anyone please tell me what is the function of getting current time in maemo sdk5.13:07
crashanddiethp: depends which forum13:07
thpcrashanddie: Software -> Multimedia13:07
crashanddieim2: date?13:07
puslingcan't I somehow get rid of apps I don't need, like skype, without removing everything on the n900 ?13:07
im2only time13:08
crashanddiethp: sorry, can't help there. Just report your post and in the commentary ask for it13:08
inzeroyk, by borders you mean those black strips when the movie has different aspect ration than the display?13:08
thpcrashanddie: oh, thanks. will do.13:08
crashanddieim2: specific programming language?13:09
im2crashanddie: c13:09
norayranyone tried to crosscompile gentoo system in QEMU by using sd card as a qemu hard drive?13:09
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norayrthen get out out the card and insert it into nokia13:09
Stskeepsnorayr: there are insane people like that around here, yes13:10
inzim2, see time, localtime, strftime13:10
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norayrnice :)13:10
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norayrthen i'll try :)13:10
crashanddieim2: google13:11
GeneralAntillesWhich reminds me, bug #871413:11
povbotBug Thread owners should be able to rename their threads13:11
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pillar_crashanddie: quite the thriller set right now :)13:14
crashanddiepillar_: indeed... I have TV back13:14
crashanddiepillar_: ouch13:15
crashanddiechampionship point13:15
inzare you watchin necktwister again?13:15
crashanddiewow, very close ball... only 3cm or something13:16
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crashanddieset point for murray :D go scotty, go13:17
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crashanddieim2: from memory, it's probably going to be something like: time_t seconds = time(NULL); struct tm * now = localtime(&seconds); printf("%d:%d:%d\n", now->tm_hour, now->tm_min, now->tm_sec);13:18
wazdRST38h: call buttons are really that grayish?13:18
wazdRST38h: - looks fine for me13:19
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crashanddiepillar_: who you supporting?13:19
RST38hwazd: to me, the Call button at this screenshot looks black13:20
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pillar_crashanddie: probably murray more, but would like the match to go the fifth set and be epic :)13:20
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crashanddiepillar_: federer is going: "Hang on, let me take yet another ace out of my backpack"13:22
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pillar_crashanddie: :)13:22
crashanddiefederer wins13:22
mjechard work for him but he got there13:22
im2crashanddie: what you gave is working, but it is giving system time. i want time in my maemo sdk.13:23
RST38hwazd: also the "Cellular" word is almost black-on-black to me13:23
crashanddieim2: wtf?13:23
crashanddieim2: how are those two different?13:23
wazdRST38h: it's brighter now, old shot13:24
RST38hwazd: just not my theme, I am afraid :) :(13:25
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wazdRST38h: screw you :D13:26
RST38hIn addition to all of the above, brings that horrid Vista pseudo-MacOSX UI in mind all the time13:26
wazdRST38h: :P13:26
* RST38h screws himself13:26
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wazdRST38h: but yeah, looks like n900's screen is way darker than mine13:28
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RST38hwazd: + it changes brightness depending on the outside light13:30
im2crashanddie: sorry, timezone in my sdk was different.13:30
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wazddamn, I seriously need this rightclick shot13:40
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Corsacif anyone knows how can I call for a snapshot from command line...13:41
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wazdCorsac: anyway, does the rightclick menu looks fine or black on black? :)13:42
Corsacwazd: black on transparent/blurred background13:42
Corsacbut now always, more like 9 on 10 times13:42
wazdand it's readable?13:43
Corsacno, the right click menu itself is a complete black box13:43
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johnqI made some mistake in the version string of a package. Is it possible to delete it from extras-devel?13:46
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Corsacjust update it?13:46
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sp3000Corsac: there's a "screenshot-tool" somewhere13:47
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johnqInstead of "0.3" I wrote "3.0" in the version string, so it will be much "newer" than other packages.13:48
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Corsacjohnq: use an epoch then13:49
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sp3000pfft, what's wrong with 3 :)13:50
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Corsachmhm, new marina available13:51
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johnqCorsac: the complete version string is "0.2.99+3.0rc2" and should be "0.2.99+0.3rc2". So the problem will be gone once "0.3.0" is released, so it's not too bad. I just thought deleting the package could be easy.13:52
RST38h"However, they can be put out by people whose birthday falls on that day (termed "birthdayers" for convenience), upon which the subject will have their age changed to the equivalent of the number of candles on SCP-559."13:52
Corsacwazd: did you change anything on 1.0 update?13:54
Corsacwazd: I just updated and it seems it works fine now13:54
wazdCorsac: heh :)13:54
wazdCorsac: what exactly? rightclick? Contacts?13:55
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Corsacwazd: right click seems fixed13:57
Corsac(and contact were working correctly before)14:01
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JaffaMorning, all14:09
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wazdJaffa: heya14:29
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TomaszDJaffa, around?14:32
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JaffaTomaszD: Yup14:35
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povbotBug 8721: Most Ovi Store apps not visible in the Ovi category, only in All14:35
TomaszDI just wanted to dcc the files to you, but I got impatient ;)14:36
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JaffaTomaszD: Can you do `ls -l /usr/share/applications/hildon/angrybirds.desktop' and `dpkg -S /usr/share/applications/hildon/angrybird.desktop'14:37
JaffaTomaszD: Finally, as root, can you do '/opt/catorise/catorise configure' and see if that fixes things14:38
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tremhi all14:40
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tremI've got a little guestion about TV, how I can watch TV with a N900, I need to download an application ?14:40
GeneralAntillesEr, TV from where?14:41
tremGeneralAntilles: france14:41
ifreqtrem: does not make sence14:41
GeneralAntillesOK, but what's the source?14:41
GeneralAntillesDo you have a USB tuner that you want to connect?14:41
GeneralAntillesOr do you want to stream from another machine?14:41
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tremGeneralAntilles: none, I think that my "provideur"  give me TV access14:42
TomaszDJaffa, I ran the configure thing, now I have 13 icons on my desktop, previously I only had 1014:42
GeneralAntillestrem, I'm sorry, I can't help you.14:42
TomaszDJaffa, I think something got stuck during initial installation14:42
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SpeedEviltrem: then you need to work out what protocol and ports and ... to connect to pretty much.14:43
TomaszDJaffa, everything looks fine now14:43
TomaszDJaffa, and earlier commands check out fine, no anomalies14:43
SpeedEviltrem: which regrettably is probably not something your provider will usually document, as they are likely to just sell preconfigured pjhones where it 'just works'.14:43
QuibusQuestion: do packages need to be signed to be accepted in extras/extras-devel?14:43
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SpeedEviltrem: googling can sometimes pick this up - or user groups for your phone network.14:44
tremSpeedEvil: I'm afraid of14:44
ioeeehi all14:44
ifreqor ISP page14:44
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alteregoGlad to see this might5 actually work .. Maybe.14:45
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alteregoI have a suspicion that Nokia headsets with media remotes send pulses down the microphone input. Just did a visualisation and I think it looks promising ...14:46
alteregoThe buttons "appear" to generate very tight wave forms. I'm not sure whether it's just a clicking but I'm hoping it's a code.14:47
maromaderHi everybody, got my N900 yesterday, already reflashed it 4 times and repartitioned :)14:47
maromaderanybody else cannot resend sms messages (or do other things by "entering" the received sms) in newest update?14:48
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alteregoI think the wired media remotes are the only thing I miss from my older nseries.14:48
Hoxzerstill no way to install make n900 to act as a AP without custom kernel?14:48
tremSpeedEvil: I'm looking on my provider website14:48
SpeedEviltrem: I hope you have better luck than the UK. Documentation of anything sucks here.14:49
tremSpeedEvil: document sucks here too :(14:50
tremI don't find the answer14:50
puslingafter apt-get dist-upgrading my maemo, there is a lot space used by dpkg and apt (in dpkg/info and apt/lists), any advice on what to do with that ?14:50
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maromaderpusling, You can't do much, if you remove these files your sytem will lose track of what's installed14:55
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solpete2it sounds as if there is something loose inside the phone when keeping it close to the air and shaking it.. i thought it was the kickstand or magnet but its not.. what can it be? Sounds like a small metallic clicking ...14:57
puslingmaromader: I know that. but my rootfs only have 1m free. any advice on what to do ?14:59
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SpeedEvilsolpete: perhaps the vibrator counterweight15:01
maromaderpusling, deactivete repositories (short term solution)15:01
tuxerpusling: have you tried localepurge (can be found somewhere on the forums)15:01
maromaderI repartitioned the disk using guide from
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maromaderworks like a charm, but I would change the partition sizes slightly15:02
maromadermaybe next time my system breaks :)15:02
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puslingargf. it seems to reboot now every time I try to launch a app from the desktop or launch the 'menu'15:06
maromaderpusling, you can always reflash...15:07
puslingmaromader: isn't that kind of admitting defeat ?15:07
puslingcan I somehow get serial console (thru usb?) on it ?15:07
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maromaderpusling, don't know about serial console15:08
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maromaderpusling, what defeat? reflash, fill it again and try to get back control :)15:08
maromaderthere's always another try :)15:09
puslingis reflashing killing my user data ?15:09
maromaderno, I don't think so15:09
maromaderbtw, after updating to newest firmware flash stopped working on youtube, anybody else with that problem?15:10
puslingso. where is the flashing howto ?15:10
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solpete2is there a swipe pattern to unlock application?15:13
Chikudoes extra devel is more buggy than extra testing?15:13
solpete2Chiku yes15:13
ChikuI read on a blog, there are free and non-free for extra devel but thre is no non-free for extra testing15:14
SpeedEvilmaromader: works for m15:14
Chikuor there are no non-free for both15:14
Chikunon-free is only for stable one15:15
maromaderSpeedEvil, you mean sms resending?15:15
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maromaderis there any way reset n900 to factory defaults, ie. what originally come "in the box", with user data, etc.? ir is /home/user/ empty by default and it's populated on the first boot?15:16
SpeedEvilmaromader: youtube15:17
Chikumaromader, yes I did it15:17
maromaderChiku, how?15:17
Chikuvanillia version15:17
maromaderok, maybe I'll try with that some time15:17
alteregoHeh, just thought of a funny idea for PUSH, shame it's gone really.15:18
Chikumaromader, flash with this one RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.41-1.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin15:18
maromaderChiku, it also flashes the user data, I presume?15:18
Chikuthen you need to flsh with RX-51_2009SE_2.2009.51-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM to be update15:19
maromaderyeah, maybe that will do the trick15:19
maromaderChiku, have you repartitioned your disk to make more room for apps?15:19
Chikujust flashed it15:20
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JaffaTomaszD: Hmm, OK, cool.15:22
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TomaszDJaffa, weird stuff, I can't get used to this menu anyway :)15:23
Chikuwhich weather app you guys prefer?15:23
TomaszDI'm afraid to say, and I hope Vlad isn't listening, but foreca weather is better for me15:24
puslinghmm... there is like a gazillion different types of images to flash. which one do I want? my keyboard have localized scandinavian chars.15:24
TomaszDmostly because the widget doesn't take so much space15:24
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ChikuTomaszD, why it is better? more accurate?15:25
SpeedEvilChiku: I would like - on my desktop15:25
TomaszDChiku, accuracy has nothing to do with it, OMWeather uses commercial-grade information too.15:26
TomaszDForeca Weather's UI makes more sense to me15:26
TomaszDand it looks better15:26
ChikuI tried OMWeather is not accuracy for France country15:27
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RST38hAhhahah! Qwerty finally woke up =)15:28
TomaszDOMWeather uses API and I believe, so I'm not sure you can blame OMWeather15:28
SpeedEvilChiku: have you looked at ?15:28
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SpeedEvilChiku: it's good for me - at least - in scotland.15:28
ChikuSpeedEvil, yes, but it's not for n99 right?15:29
* TomaszD goes back to Novell translation work...15:29
SpeedEvilChiku: ?15:29
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SpeedEvilChiku: it also has an xml output15:30
ChikuI mean how to get for n90015:30
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Chikuany widget15:31
SpeedEvilChiku: no widget15:31
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Corsachey Jaffa15:35
Corsachey Jaffa15:36
Corsacssh fail.15:36
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crashanddieRST38h: where?15:40
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JaffaCorsac: Hey15:43
crashanddieJaffa: how's it going?15:43
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crashanddieTomaszD: working on Sundays?15:47
TomaszDcrashanddie, I'm an atheist, Sunday means nothing to me :) But on a more serious note, I need to finish this quickly15:48
crashanddieTomaszD: religion has nothing to do with it, don't let your employer exploit you15:49
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crashanddieTomaszD: and as I know Novell, I also know you're not being paid millions15:49
crashanddieTomaszD: unless you're a contractor, but considering your doing translations and working sundays, that's kinda impossible15:49
TomaszDthey pay well for translations, although lately the projects are getting smaller.15:49
TomaszDand I'm working on my own schedule15:50
TomaszDdeadline is set and nothing else15:50
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TomaszDhmm, I must qualify my statement, paying well compared to other opportunities here in Poland15:51
Jaffacrashanddie: Going well15:51
crashanddieJaffa: I know we're far apart, but that's a big ping time :P15:51
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TomaszDalright, it's been 10 days, time flies, Extra Decoders Support 0.3.4-1 promoted to Extras15:53
TomaszDwreaking havoc in trackerd since.... since the beginning.15:53
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TomaszDbut I have a plan that fixes this, to some extent15:54
SpeedEvilDoes it involve pitchforks and burning torches, and a horde of unwashed community developers storming the castle?15:54 did you know?15:54
wazderm, I'm not sure if it's right, but I've promoted new Marina version 1.01 to Testing15:54
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RST38hwazd: did it say package promoted?15:57
wazdRST38h: yep15:57
RST38hthen should be ok15:57
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wazdRST38h: have some more time to spend om MArina? :P16:00
crashanddieGenuine Windows(R) 7 Professional 64 bit (English) [Included in Price] Dell Recommended16:00
crashanddieGenuine Windows(R) 7 Professional 64 bit (English) [add $183.70 or $2/week-1]16:00
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GeneralAntillescrashanddie, clearly the more expensive one is better.16:02
* SpeedEvil picks 'no OS' -183 or -$2/week'16:04
tremback, sorry to bother you again, but I've got a little problem with my wifi on N90016:04
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crashanddieI need to buy a new laptop for work16:04
tremWhen I connect with wifi, I can't use some service16:05
tremfor example mail16:05
crashanddieIt's mainly going to be used for running a VM (4GB RAM), and mail16:05
tremand if I open a terminal, I have nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf16:05
tremSo I think that dns are wrong16:06
crashanddietrem: that's normal16:06
pillar_kysy siltä16:06
tremcrashanddie: so I can't read my mail with a wifi connection ?16:06
SpeedEviltrem: does web work over wifi for example?16:06
tremSpeedEvil: yes16:06
crashanddiepillar_: kysy asianajaja!16:07
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SpeedEviltrem: dnsmasq does dns masquerading16:08
SpeedEviltrem: everything is pointed at it - and it relays - AIUI16:08
crashanddieSpeedEvil: indeed16:08
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crashanddiethere's a small caching system, but most request still go out to the wild16:08
infobotcrashanddie meant: there's a small caching system, but most requests still go out to the wild16:09
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tremSpeedEvil: so any idea why I can't send a mail with wifi ?16:09
crashanddietrem: because a/ your email provider is down, b/ it's badly configured16:09
trem(it works without wifi)16:09
tremcrashanddie: it works if I use my provider16:10
crashanddietrem: it works with 3g?16:10
tremcrashanddie: ues16:10
crashanddietrem: are you with Free?16:10
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tremcrashanddie: no16:10
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crashanddietrem: I remember Free implementing limiting what email servers you could connect to (more specifically, smtp)16:11
tremcrashanddie: and on a terminal, I simple ping yahoo.Fr don't work16:11
crashanddiemaybe Wanadoo or whoever you're with does the same?16:11
tremcrashanddie: I can use this email account with my laptop (with wifi)16:11
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crashanddietrem: can you do an nslookup
crashanddietrem: I've had it a few times that poor wifi levels would cause dns lookups to fail16:12
crashanddietrem: that and routers that don't play nicely with the power-save levels16:13
tremcrashanddie: I try16:14
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tremcrashanddie: it works but it's very very long16:16
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tremI've tried on my computer, it's very fast, on N900, it's very very slow16:17
crashanddietrem: try this: change the configuration of your wifi network and set the power-saving to "none"16:17
crashanddie(on your n900)16:17
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tremcrashanddie: how I can do it ?16:19
crashanddietrem: go to settings, internet connections, connections, select the network and click edit, next, next, next, advanced, other, power saving (select off)16:20
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TomaszDcrashanddie, you know the way by heart?16:21
melmothis it me or is skype down ?16:21
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crashanddieit's you16:22
crashanddieTomaszD: visual memory16:23
melmothcrap. skype works on n810 but not on n900?16:28
melmotheven if i delete and recreate the account16:28
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tremcrashanddie: still very long16:30
crashanddietrem: wanadoo or 9?16:30
tremcrashanddie: wanadoo16:30
crashanddietrem: normalement la livebox fournit son propre service dns, essaye de changer le resolv.conf pour pointer vers la box, regarde si c'est plus rapide16:31
tremcrashanddie: oky, je tente16:31
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tremcrashanddie: je l'ai fais, mais je comprend pas, mon /etc/resolv.conf reste à et mon nslookup toujours tres long16:38
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crashanddietrem: t'as change quoi?16:39
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tremcrashanddie: j'ai mis ma box en dns16:40
crashanddieoui mais ou?16:40
crashanddiedans resolv?16:40
tremcrashanddie: dans la config du wifi (et j'ai décoché recupérer les dns automatiquement)16:40
crashanddielaisse tomber ca, edite /etc/resolv.conf directement16:41
tremje peux pas, je suis pas root16:41
trempas trouvé comment passer root16:41
crashanddieinstalle un programme nomme "gainroot"16:42
crashanddieou un truc du genre16:42
crashanddiecherche "root" dans l'app manager16:42
crashanddieapres tu pourras passer root dans la console en tappant: sudo gainroot16:42
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ecksunWhere does modest store its passwords?16:55
SpeedEvilin its sleevies?16:55
SpeedEviloops - wrong joke.16:55
crashanddieon the other side of the moon16:55
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ecksunI need to send my n900 back for repair and would like to wipe as much data as possible16:57
ecksunprivate data*16:57
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SpeedEvilflash, and dd if=/dev/zero to the mmc16:58
ecksunbut that would potentially leave data on the root partition16:59
SpeedEvilPoint - I suppose actually flashing doesn't always overwrite all blocks16:59
ecksunno, exacly16:59
ecksunand i dont really dare to write zeros/random to the whole cards, feels a bit like bricking it :)16:59
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SpeedEvilI mean the individual partitions17:00
SpeedEvilfollowed by mkfs.ext2 and mkfs.vfat17:00
ecksunyeah, but wouldnt that be more or less like bricking it?17:00
ecksuni dont know how the flasihg works, but i assume it needs some kind of bootloader atleast17:01
SpeedEvilthe mmc is not the onenand17:01
SpeedEvilthe mmc is the 32G device17:01
SpeedEvilthe onenand is the 256M /17:01
ecksunare there really two memories in the phone?17:01
ecksuni assumed they were just partitioned17:02
SpeedEvilthree if you've got a mmc installed17:02
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SpeedEvilnot counting perhaps the dozen programmabe devices in it17:02
ecksunbut even so, if i wipe everything on the 32gb device i would still leave data on the /17:02
ecksungot that :)17:02
GeneralAntillesecksun, the rootfs, bootloader, and kernel reside on the 256MB OneNAND in the PoP17:03
SpeedEvilI would think flashing - then writing /dev/urandom to a file in / - as root - should kill most of it17:03
ecksunGeneralAntilles, PoP ?17:03
GeneralAntillesPackage on Package17:03
GeneralAntilleshome, opt, etc all reside on the 32GB eMMC.17:03
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: The spares list seems to imply that there are two onenand chips17:03
ecksunSpeedEvil, thats a good idea actually, fill it up to 100% and then just delete it17:04
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, second one containing what?17:04
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: 2*128m17:04
GeneralAntillesWell, the PoP is a single unit, so. . . .17:04
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melmothskype issue i have on the n900 is actually known...crap17:05
ecksunif I wipe the entire 32gb device and then flash it, would the flashing restore partisions and so on?17:05
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SpeedEvilIt could of course be presenting bad info17:05
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GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, that'd be the part for an N810 or N800.17:06
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: says n900 - but possibly.17:07
GeneralAntillesN900 is 256/25617:07
GeneralAntillesN810/N800 is 128/25617:07
SpeedEvilwierd indeed - I can't imagine why you'd need to replace the flash17:08
tremcrashanddie: ok, j'ai installé gainroot, j'ai changé le fichier /etc/resolv.conf et pareil nslookup est super long17:08
GeneralAntillesMaybe if you're Chinese and building you own |\|900?17:08
ShadowJKreplacing it would be pretty damn hard?17:08
SpeedEvilShadowJK: quite hard, yes.17:09
SpeedEvilShadowJK: but quite doable with the equipment.17:09
ShadowJKconsidering some authorized nokia repair shops don't seem to even replace mixrousb port...17:09
SpeedEvilhmm - the GPS chip seems to have dissapeared from that list.17:09
SpeedEvilWish they'd sell to randoms. I'd like to sell pointers on ebay for $9/3.17:10
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crashanddietrem: sorry, that's as far as my diagnostic skills go17:11
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tremcrashanddie: merci quand meme, je vais tenter de voir ce qui peut clocher17:12
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LuciusMareAnybody's got an idea why has the image from 'mirror' against mplayer so bad quality?17:14
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Hoxzerwhat are my options if I want to use n900 as a wlan router?17:20
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MrGoose1why doesnt the media player pick up audio files from my sd card?17:20
inzHmm, weird, someone stole my application catalogues!17:20
HoxzerAd-hoc mode is supported. I guess if I created a ssh tunnel to and route my traffic through it O_o17:21
Hoxzermight just work17:21
Hoxzeronly for certain ports though17:21
inzHoxzer, JoikuSpot17:22
inzHmm, is it released yet?17:23
WizzupSilly question - where do I ``activate'' the onscreen keyboard on the n90017:23
Corsacin settings17:23
inzSettings / Text input, slide the keyboard closed and tap in a input box17:24
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Wizzupthanks. works like a charm17:25
ShadowJKis mirror and mplayer view of front camera different?17:25
Wizzupanother question - has anyone tried out firefox yet?17:25
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* |thunder wonders if n900 works with sprint,..17:26
lcukHoxzer, i use adhoc frequently, but i''ve not tried using it as a router17:26
Hoxzerinz: it is out already??? O_o17:26
lcukdocument your progress17:26
Hoxzerlcuk: humm17:26
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inzHoxzer, exactly what I was wondering, just remembered the name =)17:27
ShadowJKthere's a thrad on tmo, n900 as wlan router17:27
ShadowJKthey're struggling with kernel oops17:27
Hoxzerlcuk: dont you think that one could create a ssh tunnel, configure firefox to use it as  socket proxy -> Surf web17:27
|thunderi know n95 is a wLan router17:27
Hoxzerwait a sec17:27
Hoxzergotta try it17:27
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lcukHoxzer, the simplest way to tether using laptop is to actually tether, plugging my n900 into my ubuntu laptop shows it as a net connect17:29
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lcukand works directly without any config using 3g17:29
tremcrashanddie: mon N900 ne me trouve aucune mise à jour, ca te parait logique (sachant que je l'ai depuis hier)17:29
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Hoxzerlcuk: you using linux laptop? O_o17:30
MrGoose1I've even tried making ~/MyDocs/.sounds a symbolic link to the audio folder on the sd card but that doesnt work either17:30
lcukyes is that so strange?17:30
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backtrackMaemo5hi people17:30
backtrackMaemo5i have a problem with maemo 517:30
lcuk:( thats never a good thing17:30
Hoxzerlcuk: nope, but "[36357.600664] cdc_acm 2-2:1.6: This device cannot do calls on its own. It is no modem.17:30
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Hoxzerthat's what I get but17:31
* Hoxzer restarts hal17:31
MrGoose1okay I assume no one cares about people who're still using n8x0s17:31
backtrackMaemo5there's a link ok maemo 5 desktop application manager, transition control (isnt installed) it doesnt remove it!!! help17:31
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backtrackMaemo5i tried with dpkg --purge but it doesnt find it17:32
lcukMrGoose1 :) i do17:32
lcukbacktrackMaemo5, so you have something stuck in "hildon-application-manager" saying its installed? i dont quite know where you are meaning17:33
backtrackMaemo5it's not installed but there is a link... i opened the hildon folder from MC (midnight commander) there's nt a link like transition*.desktop17:33
backtrackMaemo5it's not installed17:33
backtrackMaemo5this is the problem. when i try with dpkg -l it's not on the list... there is just a link in the desktop link manager17:34
backtrackMaemo5but the application it's not installed17:35
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MrGoose1lcuk: thats really nice of you. :)17:36
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MrGoose1I just cant understand why media-crawler doesnt crawl sd cards anymore. I think it used to do so17:37
backtrackMaemo5please help me what i 've gotta do?17:37
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backtrackMaemo5help :(17:38
lcukMrGoose1, the crawler might be getting stuck inside symlinks, try checking your logs to see if anything is highlighted17:38
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DocScrutinizer51pkgname "google lattitude updater", description "google lattitude updater". WTF!? I suggest to aotodelete packages from repos. WHERE ( == pkg.description)17:39
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* lcuk takes his n810 with him17:39
backtrackMaemo5there's a link ok maemo 5 desktop application manager, transition control (isnt installed) dpkg -r -l and --purge doesnt find it, and that empty link is still there :( help me i have n900 and maemo 517:40
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizerL I agree17:42
backtrackMaemo5there's a link on maemo 5 desktop application manager i mean in the Settings of the link desktop manager, transition control (isnt installed) dpkg -r -l and --purge doesnt find it, and that empty link is still there :( help me i have n900 and maemo 517:42
ShadowJKalso where desc says "port of X game"17:42
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crashanddieI love it when two users think they're the majority17:43
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crashanddieI also love it when even they don't understand when their initial point has been made and people have accepted it17:44
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crashanddieso they keep on bashing and bashing and bashing, and the ridicule becomes even worse17:44
crashanddiefucking knobheads17:45
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lcukbacktrackMaemo5, chill, "desktop application manager" your terminology requires refinement and its not exactly disasterous either way17:45
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lcukscreenshots will help you, its most likely an errant .desktop file thats been left for whatever reason17:45
DocScrutinizer51heh is that an option or a strange bug "Fahrplan (0.0.5)" closes after 15seconds without any user interaction triggering that (no keypress, no tsclick)?17:45
lcukcrashanddie, depends on who those 2 users are17:46
crashanddiebenny and fms17:46
DocScrutinizer51ok, this time in a shell17:46
lcukbacktrackMaemo5, once we find out what extra file it is, if it is as i suspect a .desktop file it can be easily removed17:47
crashanddielcuk: basically, everyone is agreeing on pretty much the same thing, the mods got the message, we need to chill and be less restrictive, I think that's fine by all of us... But they keep digging up shit, and they're blaming us for threads that are started in off-topic...17:47
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lcukwhich thread is the world ending in?17:48
* lcuk puts on his thermonuclear underpants before clicking17:49
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backtrackMaemo5lcuk do u want to see a screeshot about it?17:49
backtrackMaemo5i can't remove that link... the link doesn't exist... the application isn't installed. do u know something to edit like *.menu or *.desktop file to edit? to  delete that impossible link?17:49
crashanddiebacktrackMaemo5: what are you on about?17:50
lcuki dont know where you are seeing this errant object of your distain, so take screenshots and show us.   "shift ctrl p" i think17:50
lcukfrankly i dont know why you are worrying so much, it could just be that you need to reboot to release something but  dunno yet17:52
lcukcrashanddie, so the whole point of the thread is that offtopic isnt really offtopic?17:53
crashanddiewell, apparently we're too restrictive17:54
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crashanddieand there's been too many useful posts that have been moved to off-topic17:54
lcukwell the fragmentation of the forums is a bit ott17:54
lcukfrom any standpoint17:54
lcuki watch vaispy so dont see sections17:55
crashanddieI'm just eyeballing most of it, don't have the time to run statistics on each thread to see where it belongs most (n900, maemo 5, applications)...17:55
* SpeedEvil sighs on the stupid forums interface.17:55
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crashanddiebut when I see one interesting question at the OP, and the rest where people just go "omg lol yeah me 2", well... I can't be arsed to keep that going in general17:56
lcukits not stupid, its forumized17:56
crashanddieso i just kick it to the curb17:56
crashanddiekerb, sorry17:56
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crashanddie_Lucretia_: you a dude?17:56
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crashanddieomg, VDVsx is here, it's a bot attack!17:56
SpeedEvillcuk: yes. tin - for example - would give me a nice threaded list of all messages and authors that I can page down at 1/second or more if I find nothing interesting.17:57
SpeedEvila page of 10 forum posts takes forever to load.17:57
SpeedEviland there is no sane threading17:57
crashanddieactually, there is, but Reggie's disabled it17:57
_Lucretia_crashanddie: you wanna fuck? find a pro, this aint no place to pick up guys :D17:57
VDVsxcrashanddie, I'm not a bot ;)17:58
SpeedEvilcrashanddie: too complex for users? :/17:58
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backtrackMaemo5lcuk  the link is
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SpeedEvillcuk: hmm17:58
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TomaszDwhat the hell?17:59
backtrackMaemo5lcuk can you help me?18:00
backtrackMaemo5i want to remove that link from the desktop manager18:00
SpeedEviluninstall transition control?18:01
SpeedEvilOr have you done that18:01
crashanddiebacktrackMaemo5: e veramente che altro fastidio?18:01
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backtrackMaemo5isnt installed!!!18:02
backtrackMaemo5there's just the link!!! but the link doesnt exist in *.desktop file!!!18:02
backtrackMaemo5crash? what do u mean?18:02
crashanddie2 in the morning, not the best of times to start speaking italian I guess18:03
crashanddieI'm out, take care guys, talk later18:03
lcukgnite seb18:04
lcukbacktrackMaemo5, ls /usr/share/applications/hildon/transitioncontrol.desktop18:04
lcuksee if its actually there18:04
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backtrackMaemo5sorry i get disconnect18:07
backtrackMaemo5some help about it ?
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backtrackMaemo5ok people... i think to flash my n900 :( there's not otion to remove that application.... thank you to helping me18:09
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lcukbacktrackMaemo5, ls /usr/share/applications/hildon/transitioncontrol.desktop18:10
lcuksee if its actually there18:10
lcukbut you are right, for such a serious issue you might never be able to use your device and will need to reflash18:11
lcukim pleased that this is the most serious issue encountered :)18:11
backtrackMaemo5no such file18:12
lcukhave you rebooted it18:12
backtrackMaemo5i did18:12
lcukand have you had it installed in the past18:12
backtrackMaemo5i installed one time to remove tjhat link18:12
backtrackMaemo5but it create 2 links... orrible... so i removed one,,, but the final one that i deserve doesnt work18:13
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lcuktalk to dev of transitioncontrol then :)18:14
backtrackMaemo5so... i purged it with dpkg... nothing results like ZERO18:14
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lcukwell that purges the package catalog not hte files on the system doesnt it?18:14
lcukmeh file a bug18:15
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lcukor stop screwing with interals lol18:15
backtrackMaemo5i think its linked in some one folder like root hide folder18:15
backtrackMaemo5or like this....18:15
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* lcuk goes and cooks bacon 18:16
Corsacmpf, voice jabber calls work, but video doesn't18:16
backtrackMaemo5i think to downgrade and upgrade.... just to flash the old firmware and the new one after this.... to  rewrite all data folder with thenew file system18:16
Corsaccodec issue I guess18:16
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backtrackMaemo5see you later people i've to reflash my little maemo :( i'm going to loose all packages :( firefox... timidity... my gooddddddd my gooooooddddd18:18
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javispedro gdbm is nearly always such a hell of a package to cross build.18:19
MohammadAGmy n900 vibration motor works again :D18:20
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MohammadAGkinda weird, it's been broken for a month18:21
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thevibepython3.1 on N900, any updates?18:28
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t-tanthevibe: why do you need 3.1?18:48
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MohammadAGdoes the n900 vibrate when using the lock switch?18:55
SpeedEvilyou mean when you toggle the lock switch?18:55
SpeedEvilmine doesn't18:56
MohammadAGlike the 5800XM and N9718:56
MohammadAGoh ok, just checking since my motor worked for the first time today18:56
MohammadAGapart from the first day, but I didn't check everything back then18:57
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ecksunwhere does gconf store its config files? Im looking for modest config files in particular18:59
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MohammadAG/home/user/.modest maybe?19:01
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ecksuncant find what Im looking for in there19:02
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ecksungcongconftool-2 -R /apps/modest/server_accounts19:02
ecksuni would like to wipe that info :)19:02
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ecksunhow did you find that?19:03
MohammadAGfind lol19:03
MohammadAGin xterm19:04
ecksunofc :P19:04
MohammadAGfind -name 'server_accounts'19:04
ecksunsome day i got to learn the syntax to find19:04
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ecksuni just fall back on locate on my server and laptop19:04
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MohammadAGlearned it from here actually :)19:05
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ecksunmoo-_-,  :)19:22
ecksunMohammadAG, :)19:22
GeneralAntillesWe have a qwerty clone!19:23
ecksunsry moo-_- :( wrong-tab19:23
ecksuncan i access rootfs from inside debian-chroot?19:23
MohammadAGnot really sure ecksun19:25
MohammadAGlemme check19:25
MohammadAGyep, you can19:26
MohammadAG[root@easy-debian-m5: ~/MyDocs]19:26
MohammadAGswitching connection19:26
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ecksunrootfs != MyDocs19:27
ecksunfor example /var/lib/gconf :)19:27
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alteregoInteresting, so mplayer on the N900 comes with mencoder aswell? Curious ...19:29
kynkymplayer doesnt use dsp , so slower than gstreamer based stuff, afaik19:32
alteregoYes, I know. I was just wondering what the point was of having it on there.19:32
alteregoThough I've not had much luck with the OpenMAX h264 stuff >:(19:32
kynkyyou know where you are with mplayer19:33
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iPeter-Whats wrong with e-mail application on my N900, every second messages title is "invalid"19:35
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lcukGeneralAntilles, really? who? where?19:41
lcukdoes he know19:41
GeneralAntillesqw3rty on Talk.19:41
GMsoftmhh I'm looking at the sharing api but it seems that sharing_http_run() doesn't handle requests over http19:44
GMsoftany alternative ?19:44
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GMsofterr over https19:44
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ecksunwhere does microb store saved passwords?19:53
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timeless_mbpin a database19:55
timeless_mbpjust install the package that lets you view it19:55
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rangeiPeter-: That looks more like a problem of the server side.20:00
rangeOr a problem with charset? I haven't seen that.20:01
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cb22hi.. does anyone have an issue where if you let your n900 lock by itself, it requires 2 "switches" of the unlock switch to unlock, but if you lock it manually it works fine?20:02
ecksuntimeless_mbp, i want to wipe the file, so viewing it dosent help much, whers the database? :)20:05
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timeless_mbpyou realize you're dealing w/ flash20:05
timeless_mbpwhich means that if you want to wipe the file20:05
timeless_mbpyou'll need to burn the chips20:05
ecksunburn the chips, how so?20:05
timeless_mbpdunno, the terminator 2 method should work20:06
timeless_mbpi think they used molten iron or something20:06
ecksunwhy would i need to burn the chip?20:06
timeless_mbpsteel, sorry20:06
ecksuni thought the problem with residual data was only with magnetic storage20:06
timeless_mbpso, the problem w/ flash storage20:07
timeless_mbpis that you get a limited number of writes per bit20:07
ecksunyes, i know20:07
timeless_mbpthe solution to this problem is to not rewrite the same place20:07
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pupnikpopup info steals app focus20:07
timeless_mbpwhich means that when you 'write' new 'data', the write goes *elsewhere*20:07
ecksuntimeless_mbp, i see your point20:07
ecksunso i would need to overwrite everything20:07
ecksunand even more if it were an ssd20:08
timeless_mbpand pray that you didn't end up w/ bad sectors which caused you to miss things20:08
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ecksunyeah, but i got to go20:08
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ieatlintyou're correct in principle, but in practical sense, overwriting a file on flash memory will erase it20:09
timeless_mbpdepends what the goal is20:09
timeless_mbpif he's being paranoid20:09
timeless_mbpthen he's misguided20:09
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ieatlintwith wear leveling, it likely will write it elsewhere, however the mappings will be destroyed to the original data20:09
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timeless_mbpif he just wants to delete stuff, the ui from microb and the ui i gave him would let him clean up the data20:10
timeless_mbpno need to poke something else20:10
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LeoDso i've been out of the loop for a while, what happened to the random reboots? did the fw update actually fix them?20:23
Stskeepsit fixed many of them, it seems - it was a OMAP3 bug things seem to indicate20:23
Stskeepsas it fixed Droid too20:23
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LeoDoh nice :)20:23
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caoticdoes anyone knows where does the n810 stores the networks wep keys ?20:24
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inzIIRC gconf20:26
caoticpupnik: can you tell me ?20:26
timeless_mbpcaotic: just browser through /var/lib/gconf20:27
timeless_mbptab completion is your friend20:27
timeless_mbpit's system, IAP, ...20:27
timeless_mbpit's very easy to spot20:27
caoticoh thanks20:27
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caoticdidnt realice IRC gconf was a message for me20:27
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redhow does one get those cloaked hostnames I see so much?20:38
SpeedEvilSexual favours.20:39
SpeedEvilOr a donation.20:39
SpeedEvil(to freenode)20:39
inzor a pretty please20:39
Myrttired: if you're registered with all the hoops and loops, by requesting. Depending on what kind you want20:39
SpeedEviland the maemo cloaks I think by akrma20:39
GeneralAntillesUser must meet either 500+ karma or Nokian.20:39
timeless_mbphow do i figure out if a user is registered?20:40
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SpeedEvil /whois foo20:40
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, /msg nickserv <user> info20:40
lcukwhois shows them20:40
SpeedEvilor that20:40
* lcuk goes mealing ---->20:40
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: doesn't work20:40
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, how so?20:41
timeless_mbp-NickServ- Invalid command. Use /msg NickServ help for a command listing.20:41
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timeless_mbpyou probably meant info user not user info :)20:41
GeneralAntillesEr, yeah, reverse that.20:41
w00tinfo <user>20:41
* GeneralAntilles fails.20:41
w00tgo team.20:41
* GeneralAntilles or is just looking for excuses to use Willy Wonka quotes.20:41
timeless_mbpbut i mean, how do i tell if a connection is logged in, not if nickserv is managing it20:41
GeneralAntillesOh, um, it was +e20:42
GeneralAntillesDunno now20:42
GeneralAntillesGood question for w00t.20:42
* w00t eyes20:42
lcukofni sellitnalareneg vreskcin gsm/20:42
w00tyou should see an 'account :' line in /whois, timeless_mbp20:42
w00t01/31@19:42:17 -!-  account  : timeless20:42
w00tfor instance20:42
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Solpete_n900is there a way to use function keys?20:49
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timeless_mbpsolpete: so, the on screen keyboard is pluggable20:50
timeless_mbpyou're welcome to write a module which lets you trigger function keys20:51
Stskeepsevening RevdKathy20:51
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RevdKathyEvening Stskeeps, evening all20:51
pupnikyi yi20:51
lopzhi ;/20:52
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RevdKathyHi alll. Just have a lovely dinner of sossiges and onion gravy (I make great onion gravy) and now watching the huskies on countryfile20:53
SpeedEvilOnions are an essential food group.20:53
mtnbkrso is gravy (I think)20:53
RevdKathyI threatened to write a recipe book called "first fry and onion"20:54
SpeedEvilI think given the choice between never being able to eat them and ice cream - it'd be onions that won.20:54
RevdKathyOucvh! I'd hate a choice like that20:54
RevdKathyI could live entirely on cheese, onions, icecream and choclate20:54
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SpeedEvillow fat cheese, and high cocoa solids chocolate - and it's almost a balance diet20:55
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RevdKathyOnions for veg, choc for iron, cheese for protein, icecream for calcium and sugars...20:56
RevdKathywhat more would I need?20:56
RevdKathycan I have the carrots in cake form?20:57
GeneralAntillesMmm . . . carrot cake20:57
GeneralAntillesWhich reminds me, I need to buy some rum for rum cake.20:57
RevdKathysounds wonderful. Digitise some and email it :)20:58
GeneralAntillesIf only20:58
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, that sounds awful.20:58
GeneralAntillesBut I am hungry for some country fried steak now. . . .20:59
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RevdKathyafter the meal I just ate, I shan't be hungry for anything for a while!20:59
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GeneralAntillesI hate this Pepsi throwback shit.21:01
GeneralAntillesAt least when they used HFC I had a compelling reason never to drink the stuff.21:02
ieatlinti'm just enjoying not spending extra money on coke from mexico to get real sugar..21:03
GeneralAntillesHurray Jarritos!21:03
ieatlintyeah, that's some quality soda there ;)21:03
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GeneralAntillesI started buying a couple bottles a week at the local Publix a few years ago.21:04
ieatlintno worse than than our own though, i suppose21:04
GeneralAntillesCouple months later they'd doubled their stock and added 50% to the price.21:04
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ieatlintjarritos is cheap here at least ... as much as regular coke/pepsi/etc21:05
GeneralAntillesAbout $0.89 to $1.09 a bottle here.21:05
GeneralAntillesNow, anyway.21:05
GeneralAntillesUsed to be cheaper21:05
GeneralAntillesI stopped buying after the upped the price.21:06
GeneralAntillesTheir stock levels haven't gone down, so I guess somebody must be buying them.21:06
SpeedEvilOffer to buy a case or two at teh old price21:06
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* SpeedEvil has been buying ~6 months of stuff on offer.21:07
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, then my roommate will drink nothing but sodas for a week. ;)21:07
SpeedEvilConcentrated laxatives.21:08
GeneralAntillesCoat the rims? :P21:08
ieatlintif you have to live with the guy, you probably don't want to deal with him having the runs :P21:08
GeneralAntillesI'd be surprised if he made the connection anyway.21:09
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ieatlintcould be crazier, club mate was briefly available here at $4/bottle21:10
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ShadowJKN900 as USB modem "just works", nice!21:14
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javispedroI found that most of the modem AT commands seem to be returning error (including SIM entries, SMS management..)21:18
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javispedro(my guess is that they do  not work indeed since PC Suite seems not able to extract sms either)21:18
RST38hjavispedro: I have seen something about N900 baseband not really using at command set21:19
ShadowJKthere's daemon for translating it, right21:19
ShadowJKguess it only does bare minimal for modem use?21:19
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RST38his this true for s40 phones as well?21:20
javispedroI have one right here and its working21:21
ShadowJKSome of them serve out SMS and stuff over serial ports (whether usb or bluetotoh)21:21
ShadowJKs60 ones are worse21:21
RST38hn900 uses s40 baseband, right?21:21
ShadowJKi dont think any other device has 10mbit hsdpa, except for the CS-15 modem21:22
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satmdhi :)21:22
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Stskeepswello satmd21:23
RevdKathyhi satmd21:24
* satmd is part of the family now, too21:24
w00theya satmd21:24
Stskeepsanother n900 addict, welcome!21:24
w00trun while you still have a chance21:24
w00tyou're already WOLing your PCs, though, so there's probably no hope for you21:24
Tobawake on lan? what's this got to do with this?21:24
Stskeepsyou can WOL stuff from your n90021:24
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w00tand I happen to know him from elsewhere, so :p21:25
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GAN900I'd really love for some proper game development to come to the Ovi Store soon.21:27
Stskeepsbut angry birds is all you need21:27
GAN900Nokia needs to help their Ovi team figure out how to protect content already. . . .21:27
RevdKathyWe'll have sheep soon - best game EVA!21:27
* RST38h laughs rather maniacally21:27
RevdKathymaeSheep, that is21:27
aSIMULAtori want more angry birds levels21:28
StskeepsaSIMULAtor: there's a level editor now21:28
w00tangry birds ftfw21:28
javispedroso, Phonet is the protocol, and pnatd is the program providing the AT interface21:28
SpeedEvilaSIMULAtor: where?21:28
aSIMULAtorstskeeps: link`21:28
RST38hCorporate insurance hehe21:28
RevdKathyMaeSheep beat angry birds ;)21:28
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aSIMULAtorwoo!! :D21:29
GAN900RST38h, catch that game developer posting to Talk?21:29
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SpeedEvil(to the tune of 'catch that pigeon')21:31
GAN900That stuff looked classy.21:31
RST38hGAN: Yes, but it is not on Ovi until it is on Ovi21:31
RST38hGiven their acceptance rules, I kinda doubt there will be a lot of app there =(21:32
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GeneralAntillesRST38h, could be even less if they don't figure out how to keep people from pirating stuff right off their servers.21:34
GeneralAntillesActually, an interesting question, is anybody else using apt to distribute paid content (with the authentication system not being in the software itself)?21:35
RST38hGeneral: That part is almost unbelieavable21:35
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GeneralAntillesRST38h, I'm really surprised that somebody in Maemo Devices wasn't involved.21:35
JaffaGeneralAntilles: Ubuntu may've looked at it, with them moving to a more "app store"-like model21:35
RST38hGeneral: I mean, go to all this length, make a web site, create all these draconian rules21:36
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GeneralAntillesI mean, any 14-year-old who'd installed Debian or Ubuntu a couple of times could tell you that was bound to fail.21:36
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JaffaRST38h: The rules were in-place already ;-)21:36
ShadowJKthe rules are jsut  copied from s40, s60 and j2me21:36
RST38hGeneral: And NEVER even consider how they are going to distribute paid content in a proper way21:36
GeneralAntillesRST38h, really makes me want to meet the Maemo part of the Ovi Team.21:37
ShadowJKThey probably can21:37
RST38hGeneral: Right after you off the Maemo part of Ovi Maps Team? =)21:37
ShadowJKt get the webserver people to support the authentication token like the nokia binary repos21:37
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RST38hShadow: Well, it is not like you absolutely can't use debian repos to distribute paid content safely21:38
RST38hShadow: But it requires some thinking to implement, and none of these guys have done any =)21:38
ShadowJKAlso ovi serving DRM'd content that  N900 can't play is funny21:38
ShadowJKselling it specifically for N900 I mean21:38
RST38hthey say ovi store for maemo is "beta"21:39
RST38hSo they do have an excuse21:39
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* ShadowJK hopes USB charging can keep up with the powerdrain of streaming video to PC :D21:40
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ShadowJKah, it is :D21:41
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timeless_mbpShadowJK: so21:41
timeless_mbptechnically it's possible to run out of power while plugged in :)21:41
timeless_mbpsomeone tried to blame it on flash21:41
ShadowJKI'm sure it is possible21:41
timeless_mbpthat didn't fly.21:41
* Jaffa thinks designing a secure-as-possible paid content distribution system on top of apt would be really interesting.21:42
RST38hit is the server-side thing21:42
RST38hapt has nothing to do with it21:42
ShadowJKbut voltage as reporting by hal-device bme is slowly climbing, so I think it's keeping up :)21:42
timeless_mbpRST38h: so21:42
timeless_mbpthe problem is actually client side21:42
timeless_mbpwhat prevents a client from taking something that was 'sent' to the client21:42
ShadowJKMy N900 has more bandwidth than my regular internet connection :)21:43
JaffaPerhaps have the device generate a public/private key in first-boot-wizard and have a browser plugin which sends that to; on top of virtual repo21:43
timeless_mbpand 'sharing' it to another client which didn't get its own copy from the server21:43
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timeless_mbpJaffa: i've suggested using pki that way21:43
javispedroare you trying to prevent the actual binary distribution? I'd be more worried about how to prevent running the binary.21:43
timeless_mbpnot sure exactly what the target audience was21:43
Jaffatimeless_mbp: Of course, that's a bit of a bugger21:43
RST38hJaffa: Well, first of all, the data sent by the server has to be encoded with a unique key21:43
RST38hJaffa: Let us say your tablet's MAC21:43
JaffaRST38h: Indeed; I've outlined all this before.21:44
satmdthe mac is not of much help21:44
RST38hJaffa: Secondly, all executables should be automatically wrapped into code that checks mac at runtime21:44
SpeedEvilyou really need to do the whole TPM thing21:44
SpeedEvilI don't think the CPU supports it.21:44
RST38hJaffa: The dumb data you cannot really protect, so there is no reason to try21:44
xorAxAxso people get a network disruption at program startup?21:44
timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: it doesn't21:45
xorAxAxbecause the wrapper changes the address for a few secs21:45
GeneralAntillesRST38h, just off the whole damn Gate5.21:45
GeneralAntillesIt sucks on S60, too.21:45
RST38hS60 Maps feel ok to me21:45
RST38hBut then, I am not expecting a lot from them, they are running on a phone after all :)21:45
Jaffatimeless_mbp: The N900 CPU can't do TPM?21:45
ShadowJKtimeless: so what was it if it wasn't flash? Or was it just charging at 100mAh?21:45
timeless_mbpJaffa: well, i don't think so21:45
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timeless_mbpat least from discussions it seemed pretty clear it didn't have whatever they felt was needed21:46
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timeless_mbpShadowJK: it was flash21:46
RST38hJaffa: Either way, there is no such thing as perfect copy protection. So, it makes sense to make things difficult enough for the attacker rather than chase the holy grail21:46
timeless_mbpi believe it was 500mA21:46
JaffaRST38h: Absolutely21:46
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timeless_mbpalthough it /might/ have been more21:47
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Jaffatimeless_mbp: that's presumably the real reason then for no Harmattan on N900...21:47
GeneralAntillesTI advertises OMAP3's security stuff pretty heavily.21:47
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mikhasyeah, whatever the "TrustZone" really is21:47
RST38hGeneral: most of this stuff is too heavy to be usable21:47
RST38hhas to be supported at the system level, spreads into many subsystems like a virus, etc21:48
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mikhasor "M-Shield"21:48
SpeedEvilAnd almost mandates signed kernels21:48
RST38hSuits like it because the presentations come out just great. But in practice, it is easier to ignore this crap than use it21:48
xorAxAxwell, maemo 6 will have a whole drm subsystem21:49
SpeedEvilIt works well if you have a locked down system - to add another layer or two of security.21:49
xorAxAxdoes anyone know about it?21:49
aSIMULAtormr timeless21:51
timeless_mbpmrs aSIMULAtor21:51
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aSIMULAtorsaying hello21:52
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* GeneralAntilles needs to find something from Other to install for menu symmetry.21:53
ShadowJKoh no, voltage is dropping :)21:54
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* RST38h moos at asimula21:57
ifreqwazd: what did you fix on last update?21:57
* aSIMULAtor meows back at RST38h21:57
ifreqnoticed there was some update on theme today :)21:58
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Goliath23ovek. you here?21:59
iPeter-Is there any own channel for N900 owners?22:00
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ml-mobileapparently the Fry's here in Roseville has sold out of N900s22:02
DiarealLook at what Bittwist wrote me!   <bittwist> My friend!  I think this might interest you!  Now that the Obama Nigger Tide is rapidly in retreat, the time for us to act is NOW!  Tired of Niggers and their monkeyshines?  Can't join the KKK because you are not White?  This is Billy Mayes here with an amazing new website!  Chimpout Forum!  Chimpout Forum welcomes anybody who hates niggers and isn't a nigger.      A22:02
Diarealsian?  No Problem!  Jewish?  We have Jewish mods!  Mexican?  Bienvenido amigo!  No matter what race you are, join us if you hate niggers!22:02
w00tGeneralAntilles: ping22:02
w00tGeneralAntilles: idiot to remove22:02
RevdKathyCan we get rid of that please!22:03
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RevdKathyDiarrheaor whatever he's called22:03
alteregoErm .. Nice ...22:03
RevdKathythat's about what he's talking22:03
alteregoBeen a while since I've seen that.22:03
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StskeepsJaffa, VDVsx?22:04
MyrttiDiareal: so now you joined to this channel to inform us of that, adding to the noise and spreading his message? CLASSY!22:04
Diarealhe is in here22:05
Diarealban him22:05
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Stskeepserr, that's a quite wide ban22:05
* GeneralAntilles was in the kitchen.22:05
RevdKathyThank you!22:05
fralswow, thats a wide banmask22:05
Goliath23much better22:05
MohammadAGand there goes my vibrating motor22:05
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, yeah, somebody focus that for me. ;)22:05
fralsdoh, Stskeeps beat me to it22:05
w00tback to your regular programming, MADDE is nifty technology22:05
GeneralAntillesJust making sure he's gone.22:05
ShadowJKIt's only one US state22:06
w00tI don't think I'll be using pyside anymore22:06
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: *!~* .. let's assume the idiot doesn't have dynamic IP22:06
fralsor *!*Diareal@*, assuming he got dynamic IP but is too stupid to change ident ;)22:07
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* GeneralAntilles sighs at his crappy client.22:07
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GeneralAntillesStskeeps, you fix it, Adium doesn't want to participate.22:08
GeneralAntillesWhich reminds me. . . .22:08
JaffaStskeeps: pong22:08
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StskeepsJaffa: nm, GeneralAntilles beat you to it22:09
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* GeneralAntilles is still tempted to create an IRC component.22:11
GeneralAntillesbug #872822:11
povbotBug Add team to access list for #maemo22:11
javispedroto any who hate sbox: cross compiling is still a damn _nightmare_22:11
Stskeepsjavispedro: without scratchbox or with22:12
Stskeepsah, yes22:12
Goliath23do you think there will be good integration of qtcreator with sbox / maemo sdk / debugging on n900?22:14
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Stskeepsjavispedro: i still like the OBS approach. it just feels sane.22:15
javispedroStskeeps: but too much webby IMO. I'd like it be local.22:15
Stskeepsjavispedro: it has command line interface :P22:15
javispedrobut you still to need an internet connection?22:16
infobotjavispedro meant: but you still  need an internet connection?22:16
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Stskeepsthat is true, i do hate that22:16
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Stskeepsbut you can technically work around that22:16
RevdKathyBaaaa sheep!22:16
Stskeepsosc build MerDevel_Ubuntu_9.04 *.dsc, sets up a nice chroot locally, builds22:16
javispedrohm.. does ubuntu offer armv7 packages now?22:17
Stskeepson lucid22:17
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javispedrogentoo has improved a lot lately, but still after the few initial system packages everything breaks, and when you see emerge (1/100) and know that statistically half of them are broke, and the first build failure comes at package #2... demoralizing :)22:20
Myrttifyi, diareal has now been k-lined with two different ip addresses22:20
javispedro(cross compiling)22:20
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wazdifreq: minor fix (clock highlight)22:21
Stskeepsjavispedro: which explains clearly why something like scratchbox is needed22:22
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meceoh.. I haven't tried it yet.22:25
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meceIs it normal to get a "warning, `debian/comic-widget/DEBIAN/control' contains user-defined field `Maemo-Icon-26'" when doing debian/rules binary ?22:29
maromadermece, probably, yeah22:29
meceI mean the icon, should it warn about it or does it mean there's something wrong with the icon?22:29
solpete2is there an FTP server or client ?22:30
maromaderI don't think there's something wrong22:30
mecemaromader, ok, thanks.22:30
maromaderit's just that "Maemo-Icon-26" is not a proper field in Debian rules script22:30
maromaderor something like that22:30
ml-mobilehow do you restore the menu or toolbar in VNC22:30
Stskeepsmece: fairly normal22:30
maromaderit should build correctly22:30
meceyep, it does, but I haven't tested the icon.22:30
maromaderbtw, is there any way to enable avahi support in pulseaudio on N900? so that I could redirect audio from my PC over network?22:31
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* satmd listens22:32
Stskeepsinsane insane people22:32
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maromaderoh my god22:32
javispedroI don't know about avahi, but you can redirect audio to the n900 PA22:32
maromaderjavispedro, how? any howtos?22:32
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mikhasso, this is more than you can get on your iphone, no?22:32
wazdit took almost 2 hours to reach the "About my Mac..."22:33
b-man17Stskeeps: darn! i was gonna do that! xD22:33
Stskeepswazd: as i said, insane insane people22:33
javispedromaromader: no howtos, and currently it requires touching the PA cmd line or config file.22:33
mikhasthe guy should have cleaned the display22:33
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maromaderjavispedro, I already reflashed 4 times, since I bought mine yesterday, I think I can manage the commandline ;)22:33
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, somebody fails at applying screen protectors, too.22:34
javispedromaromader: install pulseaudio-module-extra package and then load PA module tcp22:34
javispedromaromader: use diferent port than default and auth_anonymous=122:34
maromaderjavispedro, thanks, I'll check it out22:34
Stskeepsnext up, iphone OS on n90022:34
javispedrosymbian! symbian!22:34
maromaderStskeeps, android is already there, so...22:34
ml-mobilemaemo on maemo!22:35
maromaderStskeeps, I think next one should be Linux ;)22:35
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Stskeepsmaromader: Mer is ubuntu based, already runs22:35
meceomg, radical thinking ml-mobile. I like it!22:35
Stskeepsi wouldn't mind seeing WebOS running.22:35
Stskeepslike, for kicks22:35
maromaderAmigaOS? ;-)22:35
wazdStskeeps: open the microb :)22:35
* b-man17 is thinking of porting WebOS to see how it runs xD22:36
* javispedro notes than nobody seems to remember the Basilisk port22:36
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javispedroWebOS is too closed22:37
wazdand too dumb :)22:38
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Stskeepsjavispedro: i have a rootfs laying about i was pondering to try and boot.22:38
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javispedroI have the rootfs around too22:38
Stskeepscombine with serial console and it might actually work, heh22:38
b-man17wouldn't DirectFB have issues?22:39
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Stskeepsnot really22:39
javispedromaybe, only I tried was running individual binaries from Maemo. Directly booting it may have better luck or not :)22:39
* b-man17 was not able to run DirectFB on his N80022:39
Stskeepsb-man17: omapfb in n900 is different22:39
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b-man17maybe it's worth a shot, for kicks22:40
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solpete2is there a FTP GUI ?22:46
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b-man17solpete2: gftp?22:48
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solpete2b-man17 is it in devel ?22:50
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GillyCan anyone explain how the album art works with ogg (on n900)? Also if someone knows a good program for editing ogg tags on linux that would be appreciated.22:56
RevdKathydarned phone - got to go22:56
RevdKathyg'night all!22:56
b-man17c ya22:56
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konttoriAny idea how to detect gtk.DrawingArea clicks?23:00
konttori(on python)23:01
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konttorihmm... no gtk wizards available ... sigh23:03
mikhaskonttori, you probably need a
konttoricool. thanks23:04
PavelGilly: I use quodlibet.23:04
mecekonttori, did you read that thing I posted in that thread that time? (
GillyPavel: thanks.23:05
PavelPavel: Or, if you want just the editor, I think Ex Falso is the standalone version.23:05
meceaahaha that reminds me of a quote, pop quiz, from which movie is this possibly, but not certainly accurate quote: "it's where I put that thing that time"23:06
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konttorimece: cool. No, I missed your reply. Great that you made it!23:07
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wazdI guess Marina is finished now at last :)23:09
Stskeepswoo :)23:10
* Stskeeps gets out the champagne23:10
wazdStskeeps: hehe23:10
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wazdlet's play "apple slogan game" - first 100% genuine theme :D23:13
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zashPavel: ql is awesome!23:17
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hrw|n900Jaffa: online?23:19
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Jaffahrw|n900: Yup23:20
hrw|n900Jaffa: I have suggestion for Hermes. Let it uses IM accounts for fetching missing contacts data23:20
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Jaffahrw|n900: How so?23:20
konttorimece: mikhas : thanks. I got it working!23:20
mecekonttori, nice. What are you making?23:21
mikhaskonttori, cool!23:21
hrw|n900Jaffa: Jabber has 'userinfo' which is vcard. by default new IM contacts are added as JID only to contatcs23:21
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konttoriDoing some new video player23:21
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Jaffahrw|n900: Interesting23:21
konttoriI kinda miss some features from the default player and want to have a different take.23:22
Jaffakonttori: Using MAFW?23:22
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hrw|n900Jaffa: so if you iterate over contacts you can get names, address etc.23:22
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mikhaslike, understandable playlist interaction?23:22
konttoriwell, playlists... not so much yet.23:22
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konttoriNow, I was working on the video player widget and setting the window to fullscreen by clicking on the video23:22
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hrw|n900konttori: subtitles? remembering las played position?23:23
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mikhasI just gave up with that, I delete and copy the new stuff I want to hear in rotation =)23:23
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konttorieven default player remembers last position.23:23
konttoriyes, subtitles will be included23:23
konttorinow, off to bed.23:23
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hrw|goneuf, got my machine back23:24
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hrw|goneJaffa: so what do you think?23:26
Jaffahrw|gone: Nice idea23:26
hrw|goneI wonder how hard it would be23:27
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hrw|goneanyway sleep time23:30
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* timeless_mbp looks for someone w/ time to talk through a problem23:34
alteregoWhat kind of problem? :)23:35
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Xisdibiktimeless_mbp: what did you break now23:36
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timeless_mbpmsgstr "Tap again to open the Application menu"23:36
timeless_mbpmsgstr "Tap again to show the Applications menu"23:36
timeless_mbpmsgstr "Tap again …to show your Applications menu"23:36
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timeless_mbpthat last one is what i broke23:36
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wazdcan anybody please shoot me some screens with Marina for the blog?23:37
Xisdibikyou broke your menu?23:37
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wazdcause SDK shots are really shitty23:37
Xisdibikwazd: what?23:37
timeless_mbpXisdibik: i'm writing a script which builds automatic search+replaces based on locale packages23:37
timeless_mbpthe first string is the original string23:37
timeless_mbpthe second string is the target string23:37
timeless_mbpthe third is the first + a compose of search and replaces based on all deltas between the first string-set and the second string-set23:38
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Xisdibiktimeless_mbp: hmm,  I dont know if i would be much help with your problem then :/23:38
Xisdibikthe problem i have, is getting scim to work on the n900 :/23:38
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derfXisdibik: Good luck with that.23:40
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derfSupposedly microb doesn't support pre-edit properly.23:40
timeless_mbpXisdibik: i need a programmer to use as a sounding board23:40
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Xisdibikderf: i mainly want it for typing emails/SMS messages in japanese ;)23:40
wazdXisdibik: there is a fremantle theme in Extras-testing23:40
Xisdibikwazd: called Marina?23:41
wazdXisdibik: called Marina. I've made it and I want to post the news to my blog :) But I don't have any screenshots without bug marks to post23:41
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wazdXisdibik: I don't have my own n900 so I have to ask somebody to help every time :)23:42
Xisdibikwazd: i dont see it in the repos :/23:42
Xisdibikand i have testing enabled23:42
wazdXisdibik: hmm23:43
Xisdibikis it called something besides just Marina?23:43
Xisdibiklike n900-theme-Marina or something?23:43
Xisdibikah  hildon-theme-marina ;P23:43
Xisdibikill check after i refresh the repos just incase it was an old list23:43
Xisdibiki see it23:44
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wazdXisdibik: thanks23:45
Xisdibikthough, i dont know how to take screenshots on the n900 ;)23:46
Xisdibikbut its installin it23:46
Xisdibikwheres the default location of the picture?23:47
wazdI guess so23:48
Xisdibikwazd: You want a clean screenshot, or a dirty one (with icons on the desktop)23:48
wazdXisdibik: as dirty as possible :)23:48
wazdXisdibik: but arranged in some way if it's possible)23:48
Xisdibiki have one page that is23:49
XisdibikCalender,  AP news,   email phone contacts,  and the data connection upload download amounts23:49
Xisdibikthat dirty enough for u ? :p23:49
wazdXisdibik: desktop, browser, some apps, task switcher, whatever you like23:49
wazdphone would be nice too23:49
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Xisdibikoki doki23:51
Xisdibiknow i just need to upload them23:51
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Stskeepswb andre__23:54
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andre__ayayay Stskeeps!23:54
wazdandre__: heya23:57
kimitakeXisdibik, are you using maemocjk's scim?23:57
wazdXisdibik: awesome23:57
Xisdibikkimitake: i tried a few couldnt get any of them to work, did u get it to work?23:57
Xisdibiki think i have your blog bookmarked kimitake23:57
Xisdibikwazd: ah crap forgot the phone one, ill take it in a sec23:57
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wazdXisdibik: oh, calculator would be nice too :P23:58
redcould someone paste my join message23:59
Xisdibikwazd: anything else? :P23:59
redand / or tell if there was a host change message23:59
redor if I joined with my current hostname to begin with?23:59

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