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blizzow | does anyone know if Nokia is taking the reigns on releasing MMS support for the N900 eventually? | 00:00 |
henkie- | there we go | 00:01 |
timeless_mbp | oh | 00:01 |
* timeless_mbp finds the dialog | 00:01 |
timeless_mbp | yeah, that's cute | 00:01 |
timeless_mbp | there's no way this is going to work | 00:01 |
timeless_mbp | anyway, once you get a happy picture of the string not fitting at all | 00:02 |
timeless_mbp | please file a bug @ bugs.maemo.org and attach the picture | 00:02 |
timeless_mbp | it's in um | 00:02 |
henkie- | just did | 00:02 |
cpscotti | henkie- the screenshots go to "Images" folder | 00:02 |
henkie- | yeah, just mounted the usb-storage | 00:02 |
timeless_mbp | cpscotti: he's using Dutch | 00:03 |
cpscotti | wooops... | 00:03 |
timeless_mbp | Afbeeldingen | 00:03 |
timeless_mbp | the actual directory is .images | 00:04 |
timeless_mbp | then Screenshots | 00:04 |
cpscotti | yeep | 00:04 |
* timeless_mbp frowns | 00:05 |
* timeless_mbp has no idea what this is doing | 00:05 |
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* timeless_mbp debates asking for specs | 00:05 |
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lardman | re | 00:05 |
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Damion2 | paul42: is your volume down? | 00:08 |
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lcuk | blizzow, the mms project is principally in a community mode, i would consider asking frals more when he thinks he is ready to do some integration work :) its entirely prototype at this stage. | 00:10 |
* lardman wonders if half the conversations in this channel are simply missed by his "wonderful" client | 00:11 |
lcuk | and ontop of that request, i hope you have tested it yourself and added your settings to the thread/wiki page growing up around his amazing project | 00:11 |
paul42 | Damion2: It's not mute | 00:11 |
henkie- | http://ev18.kicks-ass.org/n900/ found | 00:11 |
henkie- | +them | 00:11 |
lcuk | lardman, which client you using | 00:11 |
frals | lardman: the key is to scrollup and read backlog ;> | 00:12 |
henkie- | Screenshot-20100126-230109.png shows the text not fitting | 00:12 |
Damion2 | paul42: in my experience alsamixer helps, even if suff looks up often some audio channel somewhere is down | 00:12 |
Jaffa | lardman: I think you'll find the answer is | 00:12 |
Jaffa | lardman: Hopefully that makes it clear. | 00:12 |
Jaffa | lardman: like qgil just said | 00:13 |
* Jaffa muwahahahas | 00:13 |
frals | haha | 00:13 |
Damion2 | I think I can make mms work but it's not pretty | 00:13 |
lardman | virc | 00:13 |
lcuk | Damion2, then liase with the principle developer whos talking here right now \@/ | 00:13 |
lardman | hmm, I see nothing relevant, only joined at ~20.30 | 00:13 |
Damion2 | logic with whether dialed on to wifi and brining up -host route for gprs0 | 00:13 |
Damion2 | I mentioned I'd do some shell for the logic | 00:14 |
lardman | but then am doing something else, do don't worry | 00:14 |
paul42 | Damion2: hmmm, there's just one channel, up | 00:14 |
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Damion2 | paul42: that's exhausted my knowledge/caring ;) | 00:15 |
paul42 | ok, thanks :) | 00:15 |
frals | Damion2: keep me posted on ways to bring gprs0 up when wlan0/gprs1 is up without breaking stuff :) | 00:15 |
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lardman | Jaffa: did that make sense? Is that your drinking or mine? ;) | 00:15 |
Damion2 | gprs should never be needed if already up. unless there are providers who don't share APN | 00:16 |
paul42 | Oh, BTW, another question which is not related at all | 00:16 |
frals | Damion2: a lot of them dont :p | 00:16 |
paul42 | What the best way to reach the GPS (in C++) | 00:16 |
* lardman wonders if perhaps it's all happening in a different #maemo-* channel.... | 00:16 |
paul42 | I've heard about gpsd, geoclue | 00:16 |
Damion2 | paul42: you could try killing PA and testing, you'll probably need to reboot after | 00:16 |
VDVsx | lardman, nah, its your "wonderful" client :D | 00:16 |
* VDVsx is kidding | 00:16 |
lardman | paul42: liblocation | 00:16 |
RST38h | sleep. | 00:17 |
paul42 | Damion2: I've tried. Doesn't help because alsa is trying to reach PA | 00:17 |
ScribbleJ | #maemo-nolardman | 00:17 |
paul42 | lardman: and what about dbus? | 00:17 |
lardman | VDVsx: may well be, I've had people cursing me for not responding to PMs when my client wouldn't bother displaying them | 00:17 |
lardman | ScribbleJ: ah that one, ok ;) | 00:17 |
Damion2 | frals: a lot of provider suggest different APN but it would work anyway? or a lot _require_ different APN? | 00:17 |
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henkie- | but anyway, screenshots dont solve my lockcode problem :) | 00:17 |
* RST38h reads "not responding to PMS" | 00:17 |
VDVsx | lardman, what are you using ? | 00:17 |
lardman | paul42: what do you want to do with it? | 00:17 |
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* RST38h goes to sleep happy | 00:17 |
ScribbleJ | lardman: xchat FTW | 00:17 |
lardman | RST38h: that too! | 00:17 |
* Damion2 idles for heroes with wife | 00:18 |
frals | Damion2: judging by the amount of people complaining about settings im fairly sure they require different APN, i could be wrong though :) | 00:18 |
lardman | Running under WinXP atm and xchat is not free under Windows unless you compile it yourself, at least last time I checked | 00:18 |
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paul42 | lardman: I just want to know how to have the coordinates of the user | 00:18 |
paul42 | lardman: for Fennec | 00:18 |
ScribbleJ | lardman, fair enough... run it on your maemo device! :P | 00:18 |
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lardman | frals: I must admit I've had troubles too, though haven't complained because I need to RTFM first | 00:18 |
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Damion2 | frals: they moan as it IS a pain, doesn't mean they tried ;) | 00:19 |
lcuk | lardman, xchat2 afaik | 00:19 |
henkie- | timeless_mbp, still need me to send the screenshot to bug @ ... ? | 00:19 |
lcuk | is prebuilt | 00:19 |
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lcuk | from normal source | 00:19 |
lardman | paul42: liblocation callback is probably the best way, not sure if you can activate the GPS using dbus | 00:19 |
VDVsx | lardman, http://www.silverex.org/news/ | 00:19 |
frals | Damion2: true | 00:19 |
lardman | lcuk: and free too? | 00:19 |
frals | lardman: hehe, just ping me if you need help ;) | 00:19 |
timeless_mbp | henkie-: yes | 00:19 |
timeless_mbp | you need to file a bug | 00:19 |
henkie- | ok | 00:19 |
timeless_mbp | i mean, you could make me do it | 00:19 |
timeless_mbp | but you found it | 00:19 |
lardman | frals: will do, need to check on the Vodafone UK mms settings first though | 00:20 |
frals | im looking forward to pushing this next release which breaks stuff horribly wrt old messages stored | 00:20 |
henkie- | sending an email is no problem | 00:20 |
lardman | frals: np here as I've not actually received one yet ;) | 00:20 |
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lcuk | lardman, from his site "I am making an unofficial free X-Chat (UNIX IRC client) build for Windows, compiled on Windows XP SP2 with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Architect C/C++ compiler." | 00:20 |
timeless_mbp | henkie-: not email | 00:21 |
lcuk | http://www.silverex.org/features/ | 00:21 |
timeless_mbp | visit https://bugs.maemo.org | 00:21 |
lardman | lcuk: cool, thanks | 00:21 |
timeless_mbp | create an account | 00:21 |
timeless_mbp | file a bug | 00:21 |
timeless_mbp | after you've created the bug, create an attachment | 00:21 |
timeless_mbp | http://ev18.kicks-ass.org/n900/Screenshot-20100126-230113.png | 00:21 |
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timeless_mbp | is the one that matters | 00:21 |
timeless_mbp | please describe exactly which locale/region you're using and exactly which things you hit | 00:22 |
timeless_mbp | (tap top left corner, tap 'Instellingen', tap the title area) | 00:22 |
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timeless_mbp | it's awful fwiw | 00:23 |
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timeless_mbp | they recycled a string, which is totally illegal | 00:23 |
timeless_mbp | for exactly this reason | 00:23 |
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* lardman hopes this binary isn't one of lcuk's CC scam keyloggers ;) | 00:24 |
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dotblank | ok | 00:24 |
lcuk | nahh but timeless provided a translation which includes a block of shellcode to the same effect ;) | 00:24 |
dotblank | Now this may seem a bit crazy | 00:24 |
dotblank | but here is my vell phone solution/crazyness | 00:25 |
dotblank | Please ignore the crudeness of my drawing | 00:25 |
timeless_mbp | lcuk: well, my translations add a sudo script :) | 00:25 |
lardman | lcuk: I've come to expect that from timeless's translations by now | 00:25 |
dotblank | cell* | 00:25 |
henkie- | oops :) | 00:25 |
dotblank | http://imgur.com/sTKY0.jpg | 00:25 |
* timeless_mbp frowns | 00:25 |
timeless_mbp | henkie-: fwiw | 00:26 |
timeless_mbp | i have that menu item too | 00:26 |
timeless_mbp | i suspect it's a bug | 00:26 |
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timeless_mbp | it probably shouldn't be appearing at all | 00:26 |
dotblank | My cell phone setup is mad crazy | 00:26 |
timeless_mbp | but that's an unrelated problem :( | 00:26 |
lardman | good good | 00:26 |
lcuk | dotblank, im sensing since gtalk is part of issue 1#,#2 and #3 that there is a common thing | 00:26 |
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timeless_mbp | henkie-: this dialog should be for when your operator subsidizes the purchase of your phone | 00:27 |
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dotblank | lcuk, this set up doesnot use gtalk at all | 00:27 |
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timeless_mbp | and after your 2 year subscription you say "hey, i've paid for my phone, i'd like you to give me the sim unlock so i can use it w/ another carrier" | 00:27 |
henkie- | timeless_mbp, aha, makes sense | 00:27 |
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timeless_mbp | henkie-: anyway | 00:27 |
timeless_mbp | once you've filed the "this doesn't fit" bug | 00:27 |
lcuk | s/gtalk/gvoice/ | 00:27 |
infobot | lcuk meant: dotblank, im sensing since gvoice is part of issue 1#,#2 and #3 that there is a common thing | 00:27 |
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timeless_mbp | you're welcome to file the "why are you showing me a menu item for a non locked phone" bug | 00:27 |
lcuk | holy crap i did a regex properly \o/ | 00:28 |
dotblank | Well the problem is that 3 fold.. skype doesnt like dtmf tones on the n900 dialpad | 00:28 |
frals | congrats lcuk ;D | 00:28 |
timeless_mbp | henkie-: fwiw, there are rewards for filing bugs | 00:28 |
dotblank | Tmo prepaid will not let me set my voicemail to gvoice | 00:28 |
henkie- | timeless_mbp, you are right. The found the real unlock code at the bottom of the settings menu :) | 00:29 |
henkie- | works like a charm | 00:29 |
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timeless_mbp | i presume you mean something in 'Phone' | 00:29 |
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dotblank | I would forward gvoice to skype verizon and n900 but n900 will get the skype call and miss the landline.. which is ok but it generates missed call events and it is random with what service reaches my phone first | 00:30 |
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mikhas | lcuk, only for you: http://xkcd.com/208/ (obligatory) | 00:30 |
* timeless_mbp kicks finland | 00:30 |
timeless_mbp | at least 12 hours, on more than 24 | 00:30 |
timeless_mbp | is translated 12-23 | 00:31 |
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timeless_mbp | they lost an hour in translation | 00:31 |
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henkie- | timeless_mbp, different timezone i'd guess :P | 00:31 |
lcuk | :D mikhas amazing! xkcd has an answer for everything | 00:31 |
timeless_mbp | henkie-: NCIS, Rock Creek Park, Washington, D.C. | 00:31 |
timeless_mbp | so yes, different time zone :) | 00:31 |
henkie- | translations always/most of the time look 'plastic' | 00:32 |
lcuk | dotblank, so individually all the providers "work" its just cos you are trying to route them up each others backends it fails | 00:33 |
lcuk | ? | 00:33 |
timeless_mbp | henkie-: eh? | 00:33 |
dotblank | lcuk, each provider works.. its just im trying to unify it under gvoice | 00:33 |
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Jaffa | lardman: And that's when the bishop said "not in *my* church!" | 00:35 |
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lardman | hmm :) | 00:35 |
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dotblank | I could set a forwarding filter on gvoice but skypes caller id inbound is the callers' caller id which makes it impossible | 00:36 |
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ph1l | i have a question about flasher-3.5 and the option -b, --boot[=ARG] -> anybody know if this replaces the whole kernel-argument-list within NOLO or is this a temporary thing? | 00:38 |
ph1l | does it overwrite the init= argument? | 00:39 |
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Stskeeps | ph1l: honestly i'm not sure if the arg works for the kernel. | 00:41 |
Stskeeps | especailly since CMDLINE is hardcoded in kernels | 00:41 |
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timeless_mbp | iirc it's temporary | 00:42 |
ph1l | is there a more detailed explanation of the options of flasher-3.5 than http://wiki.maemo.org/Flasher? | 00:42 |
timeless_mbp | but do *not* trust me | 00:42 |
Stskeeps | ph1l: no, but feel free to ask them on maemo-developers | 00:42 |
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* timeless_mbp doesn't really use flasher | 00:42 |
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ph1l | anybody willing to assist me when i have to reflash NOLO? :-) | 00:43 |
ph1l | thanks Stskeeps and timeless_mbp | 00:43 |
Stskeeps | not really. i don't believe in assisted device suicide. | 00:43 |
timeless_mbp | i'm not sure this is covered by your warranty :) | 00:44 |
timeless_mbp | Stskeeps++ | 00:44 |
ds3 | isn't there JTAG? ;) | 00:44 |
ph1l | nah.. its for good pourposes :-) | 00:44 |
__ibz | whats the command to enable the voice dialler on rotate? | 00:44 |
ds3 | or maybe SD boot? | 00:44 |
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jon1012 | __ibz: voice dialer ?! | 00:46 |
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* lardman tries some super-resolution stitching magic | 00:51 |
lardman | CSI-stylee | 00:51 |
lcuk | on the shelf behind you | 00:51 |
lcuk | there, zoom into the bar area | 00:51 |
lardman | nah, already got a beer on the go, thanks | 00:52 |
lardman | :) | 00:52 |
lcuk | ok, now closer on that bottle | 00:52 |
woglinde | hi lcuk | 00:52 |
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mikhas | to be fair, it was bladerunner that started that | 00:52 |
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lcuk | good, now i see its a 1972, excellent, zoom rotate | 00:52 |
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lcuk | and drink | 00:52 |
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lardman | hmm, I wonder what an IR image of a cold beer bottle would look like, dark I imagine | 00:52 |
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lcuk | hi woglinde | 00:52 |
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* lardman must remember to take a beer to the lab for testing purposes | 00:53 |
lcuk | haha | 00:53 |
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__ibz | jon1012: like this, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eZu3nku2uM | 01:00 |
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__ibz | jon1012: 20s in | 01:01 |
__ibz | ah, i meant phone dialer, not voice dialer | 01:01 |
lardman | lcuk: http://people.bath.ac.uk/enpsgp/temp/untitled.jpg and we wonder why the yank miss with their predator drones ;) | 01:02 |
lardman | s/yank/yanks | 01:02 |
lardman | s/yanks/lovely Americans | 01:02 |
lardman | ;) | 01:02 |
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mikhas | is that a bottle of beer? | 01:05 |
lardman | no, my office | 01:05 |
lardman | though quite hard to tell ;) | 01:05 |
lardman | is a low res camera | 01:05 |
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lcuk | lardman, ir cam? | 01:06 |
lardman | yep | 01:06 |
andre__ | hmm, where does the media player on the N900 stores the playlists? | 01:06 |
lcuk | n900+colored lens or real one? | 01:06 |
lardman | real microbolometer array IR long wave camera | 01:07 |
lcuk | neat! as always, science being used for the proper purposes | 01:07 |
lcuk | andre__, ooo not sure dude | 01:07 |
lardman | and long wave as in significanly shorter than you get by removing the IR filter in a normal CCD camera | 01:07 |
lcuk | i dont make them | 01:07 |
* andre__ not the first person asking this, found an answered thread in tmo too | 01:08 |
lardman | andre__: gconf? | 01:08 |
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andre__ | now that's a funky idea, let's see... | 01:08 |
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andre__ | hmm, cannot see a schema for that | 01:09 |
lardman | twas just a guess, sorry | 01:10 |
GeneralAntilles | blizzow, no. | 01:10 |
GeneralAntilles | blizzow, Nokia has no plans to support MMS. | 01:10 |
GeneralAntilles | blizzow, however they are endeavoring to support the community support. | 01:10 |
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GeneralAntilles | ds3, serial pads under the battery. | 01:13 |
GeneralAntilles | andre__, somewhere in MAFW? :P | 01:13 |
ds3 | GA: thought there were JTAG pads too? | 01:13 |
ds3 | on the N800, I think | 01:14 |
andre__ | ...or tracker :-P | 01:14 |
henkie- | is PyQT4 available for this platform? | 01:14 |
GeneralAntilles | ds3, don't think there are enough pins. | 01:14 |
ds3 | I've used the serial pads on the 800 before | 01:14 |
ds3 | hmm | 01:15 |
GeneralAntilles | ds3, USB, serial, and something else for cellular stuff, I think. | 01:15 |
GeneralAntilles | ds3, the are 3 sets of pads. | 01:15 |
VDVsx | henkie-, yes | 01:15 |
GeneralAntilles | ds3, could be JTAG, dunno, though. | 01:15 |
VDVsx | extras-devel IIRC | 01:15 |
ds3 | GA: which model? | 01:16 |
* GeneralAntilles is still a touch too noob at this to say for sure. | 01:16 |
GeneralAntilles | ds3, N900. | 01:16 |
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GeneralAntilles | Ehehe | 01:17 |
* GeneralAntilles ponders evil things about iPhone OS MacBooks. | 01:17 |
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javispedro | ah, they're still optimist about harmattan in the rover. | 01:20 |
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ShadowJK | who? | 01:21 |
javispedro | tmo. | 01:21 |
ShadowJK | Yes well, considering the average TMO quality lately, I wouldn't be surprise they'd still be optimistic about the earth being flat | 01:22 |
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lardman | and next you;re going to say it;s not riding on the back of a giant tortoise aren't you? | 01:23 |
lardman | or even sugges that the apostrophe is better used to indicate a missing letter than the semi-colon.... | 01:24 |
ml-mobile | how many pads are there per set? | 01:24 |
javispedro | where is that ovi maps free thread? I am bored and want to slam someone's optimism. | 01:24 |
LuserN800 | I'm about to buy from tigertiger, anyone has opinion on them? | 01:24 |
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GeneralAntilles | ml-mobile, I'd tell you, but my uptime is over 10 days and I don't feel like taking out the battery. ;) | 01:25 |
ml-mobile | aha | 01:25 |
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andre__ | javispedro, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ovi+maps+free+site%3Atalk.maemo.org&l=1 ? ;-) | 01:26 |
VDVsx | javispedro, harmattan in the 770 FTW ;) | 01:26 |
javispedro | andre__: what did you do! now I have even more incentive to troll :) | 01:26 |
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* jon1012 hopes android will be available soon for his n900 :) | 01:28 |
jon1012 | at least there are some decent mapping stuff on android | 01:28 |
thresh | yeah screw maemo, java ftw | 01:28 |
jon1012 | :D | 01:28 |
javispedro | this remembers me when people bought palmos devices then asked for windows mobile | 01:28 |
woglinde | thresh java should work | 01:28 |
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ml-mobile | nothing like mireing oneself in Java... | 01:28 |
woglinde | maybee in march we have little more time to work on jalimo | 01:29 |
thresh | that's what IBM folks keep telling us when their RSA software breaks | 01:29 |
mikhas | I am not going to trade the speed and responsiveness of the latest fw updates for android! | 01:29 |
javispedro | well if you bought the horribly overpriced palm just to put windows mobile in it, you surely deserve wm. | 01:29 |
* thresh loved his T5 | 01:29 |
woglinde | javis lol | 01:29 |
* VDVsx thinks that java sucks | 01:30 |
* VDVsx hides | 01:30 |
jon1012 | (I bought the n900 but I've been a bit disapointed :(... maybe android will help me with that :)) | 01:30 |
thresh | it had iphone-sized screen in 2004 | 01:30 |
andre__ | mikhas: pah, you're biased! probably your company even earns some money with Maemo or so! ;-)) | 01:30 |
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inz | VDVsx, java is still a bliss when compared to javascript... | 01:31 |
thresh | now now don't you like your firefox? | 01:31 |
ml-mobile | inz: that's because Javascript and Java are totally unrelated | 01:31 |
luke-jr | anyone up for porting Linux to LG Apollo? 8) | 01:32 |
LuserN800 | well it has java still in the name ;) | 01:32 |
VDVsx | inz, has java in the name what would you expect ;) | 01:32 |
inz | thresh, not after "having" to code an extension it for a school project | 01:32 |
luke-jr | ECMAScript is far better than Java, actually <.< | 01:32 |
jon1012 | let's hope maemo 6 will get official release for n900 :) | 01:33 |
ml-mobile | I didn't realize how many pads were open on this thing. there's easily space for serial and JTAG | 01:33 |
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inz | ml-mobile, no, it's because JavaSCript just sucks. Java does too, but not quite as much. (Yes, I know they're unrelated, but that's not the reason why Java is a bliss) | 01:33 |
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ph1l | anybody interested in bootchart nad N900... i've written a tutorial: https://arch.nord.thebc.ch/wiki/index.php/N900_Installing_and_using_Bootchart comments welcome :-) | 01:33 |
luke-jr | jon1012: it won't | 01:33 |
lcuk | who still uses the n8x0 | 01:33 |
jon1012 | luke-jr: ??? | 01:33 |
LuserN800 | ph1l, ahh good! | 01:34 |
luke-jr | jon1012: Nokia has already made that clear. Maemo 6 will not support N900 | 01:34 |
inz | VDVsx, yeah, doesn't that mean you should multiply the suckiness of Java by the suckiness of Script =) | 01:34 |
mikhas | there once was a language called bliss ... want to know what happened to it? | 01:34 |
jon1012 | luke-jr: I bought a 650 euro device and I won't get any update ? I'll just put it in my ass and nothing more ? :) | 01:34 |
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luke-jr | jon1012: that's how Nokia plays | 01:34 |
GeneralAntilles | jon1012, you've already gotten 2 updates. | 01:34 |
lcuk | jon1012, with the vibration unit onboard that might be feasible | 01:34 |
woglinde | luke-jr hm when was this annoucement? | 01:34 |
GeneralAntilles | luke-jr, fun fact, there are, apparently, conflicting reports about it now. | 01:34 |
thresh | luke-jr: URL pls | 01:34 |
luke-jr | GeneralAntilles: O.o | 01:35 |
VDVsx | inz, lol | 01:35 |
GeneralAntilles | luke-jr, though my money is still on "not". | 01:35 |
jon1012 | maemo device hasn't had videos of destruction by angry customers like apple device had... | 01:35 |
javispedro | GeneralAntilles++ | 01:35 |
jon1012 | it might be the first ! | 01:35 |
javispedro | yes please! | 01:35 |
jon1012 | it could do a lot of buzz | 01:35 |
lcuk | jon1012, actually.. | 01:35 |
javispedro | will it blend? | 01:35 |
luke-jr | GeneralAntilles: isn't that what you were ranting about in here earlier? | 01:35 |
lcuk | world record n900fly would be good | 01:35 |
mikhas | there was that scratch-my-display test on youtube, no? | 01:35 |
lcuk | trebuchet! | 01:35 |
GeneralAntilles | jon1012, if it aint Blendtec then GTFO. | 01:35 |
jon1012 | lol | 01:35 |
mtnbkr | lcuk: yes! | 01:35 |
lcuk | nahhh | 01:35 |
GeneralAntilles | luke-jr, yup. | 01:35 |
VDVsx | there's one language called brainfuck, I can't expect anything better :D | 01:35 |
LuserN800 | ph1l, why does it look so much different that the one posted yesterday. like what's all these pidof??? | 01:35 |
luke-jr | anyhow, it's starting to look like LG Apollo will be my next device | 01:35 |
lcuk | n900 would survive a blentec piece of crap | 01:36 |
javispedro | yes | 01:36 |
javispedro | definitely. | 01:36 |
lcuk | their weak blades wouldnt manage it | 01:36 |
lcuk | piffly motor | 01:36 |
javispedro | the vibrator unit would help the n900 make its way outside the blendtec | 01:36 |
lcuk | theres no hope | 01:36 |
jon1012 | lol | 01:36 |
lcuk | thats why we havent seen one yet | 01:36 |
jon1012 | a hammer is better | 01:36 |
lardman | n900 also has a titanium backplate to stop such abuse? | 01:36 |
ph1l | LuserN800: these pidof came from bootchartd itself... don't worry about them :-) | 01:36 |
mtnbkr | ok, so maybe no Maemo6 for my shiney new n900, but how long will Nokia continue to maintain/update Maemo5? That is my big concern | 01:36 |
jon1012 | mtnbkr: I would say 3 months ? | 01:37 |
luke-jr | jon1012: if you're really upset over it, I'll pay shipping for it :P | 01:37 |
GeneralAntilles | Doesn't non-free promotion already work? . . . | 01:37 |
luke-jr | mtnbkr: Nokia's history says they'll stop maintaining 5 before 6 is out | 01:37 |
jon1012 | mtnbkr: then they will tell us to fuck ourselves with a sharp glass | 01:37 |
javispedro | basically, the blendtec guy tried to blend the n900 but he got killed by the laser hidden under the CIR emitter cover. | 01:37 |
mtnbkr | luke-jr: lol THAT sucks I hope that is not the case with Maemo5 | 01:37 |
ShadowJK | hm, when was the last N8x0 update, and when did N900 come out? :) | 01:37 |
lcuk | no wai javispedro | 01:38 |
luke-jr | mtnbkr: I hear rumours it's already the case. | 01:38 |
LuserN800 | ph1l, 235s!!! ?? | 01:38 |
lcuk | :( | 01:38 |
mtnbkr | ARG! | 01:38 |
lardman | javispedro: was that before the cyanide capsule got him? | 01:38 |
mtnbkr | :( | 01:38 |
GeneralAntilles | mtnbkr, biker, PR1.2 is confirmed, the stars tell me more (and possibly larger) are likely to come after. | 01:38 |
* woglinde wonders how many android-updates G1 will have in the future | 01:38 |
luke-jr | ShadowJK: last N8x0 update was 2.6.21 timeframe, so at least 2 years ago | 01:38 |
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lcuk | lardman, you have to flex the display to release the neurotoxins | 01:38 |
ShadowJK | luke-jr, nah it was 2008 sometime.. | 01:38 |
lcuk | so it wouldnt have been that | 01:38 |
luke-jr | ShadowJK: it's 2010 :) | 01:38 |
lcuk | we have only had one reported emmission | 01:38 |
GeneralAntilles | luke-jr, yeah, no. | 01:38 |
lcuk | and superman is still pissed at us for that | 01:38 |
lardman | luke-jr: kernel versionrelease data and maemo update date are not the same | 01:38 |
ShadowJK | luke-jr, what, really? | 01:38 |
GeneralAntilles | luke-jr, they just didn't update the kernel. | 01:39 |
ShadowJK | oh fuck me, it really is 2010 | 01:39 |
javispedro | my current prediction is that harmattan will be delayed and that we may get a larger fremantle update. | 01:39 |
javispedro | though who knows that. | 01:39 |
jon1012 | for example, htc hero will get android 2.1.. htc seems to care more about its customers than nokia :( | 01:39 |
lardman | hmm, I though there was an update in 2009...? | 01:39 |
lardman | lcuk: blue ringed octopus stuff there iirc? | 01:39 |
luke-jr | lardman: I bought my N810 in Jan 2009; Diablo was already out | 01:39 |
ShadowJK | I think it was week 42 in 2008 or something | 01:39 |
ph1l | LuserN800: yeah... i've defined that bootchart should stop recording when i open a "browser". | 01:39 |
GeneralAntilles | Please see the tablet here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maemo#Future | 01:39 |
javispedro | there haven't been diablo ssus since december 2008 | 01:39 |
lardman | luke-jr: fair enough | 01:39 |
thresh | jon1012: nokia never cared about its customers | 01:39 |
ShadowJK | oh it was december 2008? | 01:39 |
javispedro | yep, i bought my n810 by then. | 01:40 |
ph1l | LuserN800: do you know a better trigger let me know | 01:40 |
lcuk | thanks GeneralAntilles | 01:40 |
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GeneralAntilles | s/tablet/table/ | 01:40 |
infobot | GeneralAntilles meant: Please see the table here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maemo#Future | 01:40 |
luke-jr | I couldn't care less when Nokia abandons devices, if only they'd release the specs/code to support the hardware | 01:40 |
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javispedro | as I always say, the day I buy a device, they it is abandoned by the manufacturer. | 01:40 |
VDVsx | GeneralAntilles, Inverna is missing ;) | 01:41 |
javispedro | s/they/the day | 01:41 |
jon1012 | thresh: true.... I can remember having been mad at nokia because 3 months after buying my 770 they released a new device with a new os that wouldn't work on my tablet... | 01:41 |
GeneralAntilles | VDVsx, feel free to fix it yourself, Wikipedia is no longer a project I invest time contributing to. | 01:41 |
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LuserN800 | I'm about to buy from Tigerdirect, anyone has good/bad opinion on them? I order rarely from the us but want a qwerty keyboard | 01:41 |
GeneralAntilles | LuserN800, eeeeeeviiiiiiiil | 01:42 |
VDVsx | GeneralAntilles, neither I, they suck, with their censorship policy, bastards!! | 01:42 |
LuserN800 | GeneralAntilles, :) tell me more. it runs windows? :) | 01:42 |
jon1012 | LuserN800: why buy a device that is already outdated ? :) | 01:42 |
javispedro | oh. | 01:42 |
jon1012 | ahah, well I stop trolling :) | 01:42 |
GeneralAntilles | jon1012, Maemo 6 aint released yet. | 01:42 |
javispedro | devices usually get more interesting by the time they're outdated. | 01:43 |
LuserN800 | jon1012, I am always a bit slow to react | 01:43 |
GeneralAntilles | jon1012, and as I've already said, you can expect several more updates in the future. | 01:43 |
lardman | sod it I'd buy another Psion 5(mx) just for the calendar | 01:43 |
mtnbkr | GeneralAntilles: that's good news to my ears | 01:43 |
mtnbkr | s/ears/eyes | 01:43 |
GeneralAntilles | They should be much larger in scale than PR1.1, too. | 01:43 |
luke-jr | s/news/speculation ? | 01:43 |
jon1012 | GeneralAntilles: really ? | 01:43 |
GeneralAntilles | luke-jr, scrollback. | 01:44 |
javispedro | PR1.2 might have some more rotation support, for example. | 01:44 |
LuserN800 | jon1012, if it was serious then I think you are wrong.. | 01:44 |
mtnbkr | I'd like to see a properly functional IMAP email client on my n900 | 01:44 |
thresh | i wonder why nokia doesnt ship theora in gstreamer by default | 01:44 |
thresh | pissed of due to patents issues? | 01:44 |
ml-mobile | little use? | 01:44 |
lardman | thresh: worries about submarine patents | 01:44 |
lardman | ? | 01:44 |
thresh | yeah | 01:44 |
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thresh | probably | 01:44 |
javispedro | and they also want to promote aac. | 01:45 |
thresh | stupid big companies :S | 01:45 |
lardman | ask derf | 01:45 |
ml-mobile | anyone who wants theora will add it themselves | 01:45 |
lardman | adding video codecs is a pita though really | 01:45 |
ml-mobile | saved me rootfs sace by not including it | 01:45 |
jon1012 | (don't get me wrong, I'm a real maemo advocate at work, for friends and all... but nokia sometimes pisses me off a lot) | 01:45 |
ml-mobile | space* | 01:45 |
GeneralAntilles | jon1012, join the club. | 01:45 |
LuserN800 | so I'll order from tigerdirect yes, you all convinced me | 01:45 |
javispedro | jon1012: god! so you're not a fanboy. | 01:45 |
javispedro | s/god/good | 01:45 |
lardman | s/adding/writing to use DSP | 01:45 |
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GeneralAntilles | jon1012, Nokia's been pissing me off for more than 4 years. | 01:46 |
thresh | cortex a8 is capable of decoding some 720p | 01:46 |
lardman | yeah, mpeg though I imagine | 01:46 |
thresh | at least that's what ffmpeg guys achieved on beagleboard:) | 01:46 |
thresh | no, h264 | 01:46 |
woglinde | lol thats fun to control windows-keyboard via kvm konsole | 01:46 |
lardman | ah yes, using DSP though I thought? | 01:46 |
GeneralAntilles | It was MPEG4 (part 2) with NEON last time I checked. | 01:47 |
thresh | i'd say neon stuff | 01:47 |
* luke-jr wonders why people pissed off by Nokia still promote their products? | 01:47 |
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GeneralAntilles | luke-jr, because they're worlds ahead of the competition. | 01:47 |
woglinde | for beagleboard exist dsp h264 stuff | 01:47 |
GeneralAntilles | luke-jr, and I'd like to see Maemo succeed despite its warts. | 01:47 |
GeneralAntilles | luke-jr, pragmatism. | 01:48 |
luke-jr | GeneralAntilles: oh, for the software? | 01:48 |
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ShadowJK | ffmpeg doesn't use DSP | 01:48 |
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woglinde | ShadowJK I know | 01:49 |
GeneralAntilles | Maemo gets us Mer which gets us a mobile platform which isn't either completely useless (Anything using Enlightenment) or completely evil (Android, LiMo, etc.). | 01:49 |
ShadowJK | mpeg4 part 2 is xvid/divx/mpeg4ASP isn't it.. | 01:49 |
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GeneralAntilles | ShadowJK, yes. | 01:49 |
luke-jr | GeneralAntilles: KDE? | 01:49 |
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GeneralAntilles | luke-jr, um, I can use KDE with my fingers? | 01:49 |
luke-jr | yes? | 01:49 |
* javispedro notes GeneralAntilles failed to specify finger size | 01:50 |
ml-mobile | KDE is not designed for small screens. hell the standard desktop UI concept isn't | 01:50 |
javispedro | and/or screen size | 01:50 |
luke-jr | KDE is configurable | 01:51 |
javispedro | yes, you can actually use kcontrol to edit the dialog layouts so that they all fit into 800x480! | 01:51 |
woglinde | javis *g* | 01:52 |
lcuk | javispedro, http://pickmeup.mlblogs.com/fb.jpg | 01:52 |
javispedro | lcuk: my sources tell me that is the finger size harmattan ux people aim for >:) | 01:53 |
lcuk | i want one of the 4foot n900s from the nokia store | 01:53 |
lcuk | but a real one | 01:53 |
lcuk | :D | 01:54 |
MohammadAG | slightly (or more than that) off topic, but the ps3 was hacked http://geohotps3.blogspot.com/2010/01/heres-your-silver-platter.html | 01:54 |
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LuserN800 | the blackberry too | 01:55 |
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jon1012 | GeneralAntilles: I hope you're right about new updates coming in the future :) | 01:55 |
lcuk | MohammadAG, my big n900 dream isnt offtopic | 01:55 |
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MohammadAG | lcuk, err wasn't talking about your n900 dream lol | 01:56 |
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wazd | time to buy PS3 as BD player I guess :D | 01:57 |
lcuk | lol wazd | 01:58 |
lcuk | hey, did you get all the testing time you needed on n900? how do you like your themes on it? | 01:58 |
wazd | well, since it's actually one of the best players out there :) | 01:58 |
wazd | lcuk: Ironicaly no :D | 01:58 |
thresh | and it actually has really nice games too | 01:58 |
lcuk | yeah you can play hopskotch with it | 01:59 |
wazd | thresh: well, for 50 bucks?! :D | 01:59 |
thresh | that too | 01:59 |
thresh | wazd: 80 bucks usually when the game is out | 01:59 |
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lcuk | wazd, dont tell me, angry birds took up your entire testing time? | 01:59 |
wazd | lcuk: I actually had a quick overlook on n900, that's all :) | 02:00 |
* thresh is ok buying one game each two months or so | 02:00 |
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* wazd is ok stealing one game each week :D | 02:00 |
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wazd | but I'm a PC gamer :) | 02:01 |
wazd | well, PC "player", not a gamer so much | 02:01 |
thresh | i don't really want to buy a new pc every year | 02:01 |
lcuk | then dont | 02:01 |
wazd | thresh: hehe, these are the stories of the past | 02:01 |
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wazd | thresh: current games are basically have the same specs | 02:02 |
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lcuk | thresh, purchase machine to requirements | 02:02 |
wazd | thresh: thanks to consoles | 02:02 |
thresh | i'm fine with PS3 and switching laptops every three or four years | 02:03 |
lcuk | there are still cases where games take advantage of newest tech | 02:03 |
wazd | there are almost no PC exclusive games anymore | 02:03 |
lcuk | but the engines are normally now graceful enough to degrade | 02:03 |
wazd | the only game that kicked my PC's 1.5yo ass is GTA4 | 02:03 |
lardman | graphics cards are the big issue now, and they are relatively cheap | 02:03 |
Jaffa | lcuk: MWKN manual edition has been kicked off. More volunteers to contributor links via Twitter (http://wiki.maemo.org/Maemo_Weekly_News) welcome. | 02:04 |
wazd | lardman: hehe, the funny thing is that I have a bad CPU for GTA4 :) | 02:04 |
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thresh | that still involves buying a decent monitor and finding a place at hoe | 02:04 |
thresh | home | 02:04 |
thresh | which i don't have | 02:04 |
lardman | wazd: not dual core? | 02:04 |
wazd | lardman: Athlon X2 4200 | 02:04 |
wazd | lardman: but GTA4 is a real CPU bitch | 02:05 |
lardman | oh right | 02:05 |
wazd | lardman: too much stuff happening on the screen :) | 02:05 |
lardman | turn down the res? | 02:05 |
wazd | lardman: I prefered to strip down visuals a bit | 02:06 |
thresh | GTA4 was ok, i didnt like it much though | 02:06 |
lcuk | Jaffa, have you seen in #mer they have a bot that can push updates | 02:06 |
lardman | mine seems ok, core2duo 2.13GHz, runs Crysis, etc., with decent graphics | 02:06 |
lcuk | to microblog from irc | 02:06 |
wazd | thresh: dude, the radio is epic :) | 02:06 |
* thresh loves his Uncharted 2 though | 02:06 |
derf | The ARM chip can do 720p, but it chews through battery like nobody's business. | 02:06 |
wazd | thresh: with this radio, gta could have a pong gameplay | 02:06 |
lcuk | #mwkn lardman gets more wine. | 02:06 |
lardman | ? | 02:07 |
lcuk | sorry lol was a mwkn entry example :D | 02:07 |
lcuk | tho thats never news :D | 02:07 |
wazd | I see consoles as a community entertainer :) | 02:08 |
wazd | like football with friends and stuff | 02:08 |
thresh | wazd: you mean that 'chanson' stuff radio they had in gta? | 02:08 |
wazd | thresh: well, the whole radio thing | 02:08 |
lardman | yeah as in community where you can see the people you're playing against | 02:08 |
wazd | thresh: ads, DJs | 02:09 |
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lcuk | jaffa is it the ~mwkn or a #mwkn? | 02:09 |
lcuk | @mwkn | 02:09 |
lardman | what does that mean? | 02:09 |
thresh | wazd: didnt they had pretty much the same stuff in GTA3 and Vice City anyway | 02:09 |
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wazd | thresh: yeah, but this never gets old :) | 02:10 |
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lcuk | wazd consoles have changed then | 02:11 |
lcuk | it never used to be community entertainer, it was however many people you could fit in your bedroom without your mum shouting | 02:11 |
Jaffa | lcuk: People who are contributors can use either "@mwkn <section>" or "#mwkn <section>" | 02:11 |
pupnik_ | extras devel hash sum mismatch! | 02:11 |
wazd | And their... the tablet is going to be based on the iPhone operating system and so it'll be transferable | 02:12 |
lcuk | cool so you are picking up the #hashtag | 02:12 |
wazd | haha | 02:12 |
lcuk | but filtering on editors | 02:12 |
Jaffa | lcuk: If they're a contributor, a bot'll pick it up and put it out under the "mwkn" account. At the end of the week, the tweets form the basis of the issue | 02:12 |
wazd | ipod touch for 1.5k | 02:12 |
Jaffa | lcuk: Correct; but other people can suggest content which a contributor can pass/fail | 02:12 |
pupnik_ | wtf is up with extras-devel? | 02:12 |
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lardman | night chaps | 02:13 |
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pupnik_ | nite | 02:13 |
wazd | cya | 02:13 |
pupnik_ | wtf is up with extras-devel? | 02:13 |
lcuk | ooh that does brush on the firehose queue, nwkn could get "as someone approves it on going magazine format" with that sort of route | 02:13 |
Jaffa | lcuk: a bot here and in #maemo-devel which'd post to the account if a contributor did "@mwtn <section> <keywords>" which then suffixed it with the URL to the log from a few seconds prior | 02:13 |
Jaffa | lcuk: ...would be excellent :) | 02:13 |
lcuk | well speak to carsten and marius | 02:14 |
Jaffa | Indeed | 02:14 |
* Jaffa hopes to have more volunteers on infrastructure as well as content side ;-) | 02:14 |
* Jaffa beds | 02:14 |
lcuk | we have the silicon watching, i know its feasible, gnite | 02:14 |
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jebba | pupnik: http://espejo.freemoe.org/espejo-maemo-extras-devel.install | 02:20 |
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paul42 | I'm running "paplay" (simple pulseaudio player) , but I can't hear any sound | 02:21 |
paul42 | Do you know why? | 02:21 |
woglinde | hoi jebba | 02:22 |
jebba | paul42: get alsamixer, run `alsamixer -c0` and look for "HP DAC" and turn it up | 02:22 |
jebba | hey woglinde | 02:22 |
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woglinde | hm guess I need alsamixer for espeak too | 02:22 |
jebba | paul42: one of these i think will do it: | 02:22 |
jebba | amixer -D hw:0 -- sset 'HP DAC' playback 100% | 02:22 |
jebba | amixer -D hw:0 -- sset 'HP DAC Playback Volume' playback 100% | 02:22 |
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woglinde | let see | 02:22 |
Jef91 | anyone here use fMMS? | 02:23 |
* paul42 trying | 02:23 |
jebba | paul42: wait, i completely take that all back. That's an alsa issue, this is pulse. I don't think that will work, nvm. | 02:23 |
woglinde | hm no wonder | 02:24 |
jebba | basically pulseaudio is used to set levels for each channel, but there isn't a pulseaudio mixer. | 02:24 |
woglinde | pcm is highest | 02:24 |
woglinde | jebba hm | 02:24 |
woglinde | non in patools? | 02:24 |
jebba | woglinde: actually, that is what i run after i turn off pulse to use jack | 02:24 |
frals | Jef91: yeah.. 0.3.0 not working? ;o | 02:25 |
jebba | woglinde: i've seen a pulseaudio mixer, but not in maemo. i may have just overlooked it. | 02:25 |
Jef91 | frals : it works but all the pictures I get are super tiny - is there a way to adjust/chance that? | 02:25 |
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jebba | there's no patool in maemo | 02:25 |
frals | Jef91: blame T-Mobile for that and not following standards/guidelines :( | 02:26 |
paul42 | jebba: HP DAC & HP DAC 0 are already 100% | 02:26 |
woglinde | thanks jebba for the alsa-tip | 02:26 |
Jef91 | frals : so thats a no then I take it? | 02:26 |
woglinde | now espeak is a lotter friendlyer | 02:26 |
frals | Jef91: yeah, ive tried all the stuff that *should* solve it, and seems it works for some on some pictures, but.. no :( | 02:27 |
jebba | woglinde: you used that amixer command to change levels in espeak? Running pulse? | 02:27 |
woglinde | jebba pcm | 02:27 |
woglinde | it actually was | 02:28 |
woglinde | 100% | 02:28 |
Jef91 | frals : kk, I was just wondering - I'm just happy to have mms thehehe | 02:28 |
woglinde | so master level didnt do anything | 02:28 |
paul42 | jebba: and not mute | 02:28 |
jebba | woglinde: i dont see a patools package anywhere | 02:28 |
pupnik_ | pulseaudio-utils exists | 02:29 |
woglinde | -17 | 02:29 |
woglinde | damn | 02:29 |
woglinde | I am think I am russia or something | 02:29 |
woglinde | +in | 02:29 |
pupnik_ | temp is -17?? | 02:29 |
woglinde | yes | 02:29 |
jebba | pavucontrol | 02:29 |
* pupnik_ cries | 02:29 |
jebba | pavucontrol - PulseAudio Volume Control | 02:30 |
jebba | what's up pupnik? | 02:30 |
paul42 | I really don't understand, paplay doesn't work but other "graphical app" work | 02:30 |
pupnik_ | so expensive to heat house | 02:30 |
* Jef91 heads back to class | 02:30 |
Jef91 | Linear Algebra is so dry | 02:30 |
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pupnik_ | alsamixer can see all kinds of stuff | 02:31 |
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woglinde | hm I wonder what pulseaudio-module-nokia-voice is for | 02:31 |
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pupnik | ty jebba | 02:33 |
paul42 | Actually, I'm trying to understand why I don't have sound with scummvm. If anyone know... | 02:33 |
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paul42 | I think it uses alsa, which uses PA | 02:33 |
paul42 | aplayer doesn't work either | 02:33 |
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paul42 | jebba: and this is an Alsa issue | 02:33 |
paul42 | jebba: aplayer foo.wav <- no sound | 02:34 |
paul42 | s/aplayer/aplay | 02:34 |
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cehteh | maybe unmute your device? | 02:36 |
cehteh | turn volume up | 02:36 |
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jebba | woglinde: the nokia-voice one probably does their GSM (audio) codec | 02:36 |
jebba | paul42: you using headfones or anything. I can only suggest trying alsamixer -c0 and upping them all.... | 02:37 |
jebba | i assume the regular mediaplayer is playing fine, btw. | 02:37 |
paul42 | it is | 02:37 |
paul42 | But I don't test with headphones | 02:37 |
jebba | No libglademm to build pavucontrol | 02:37 |
javispedro | i doubt it would work either way, the maemo pa is heavily modified | 02:38 |
woglinde | jebba hehe make libglademm package | 02:39 |
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pupnik | wow something broke my xterm - | 02:40 |
timeless_mbp | cute | 02:41 |
timeless_mbp | my bluetooth module came back | 02:41 |
timeless_mbp | and told me its name | 02:41 |
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timeless_mbp | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?s=f90411e2b2db3270a63eb7ccf7753d33&p=463606#post463606 | 02:42 |
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shrdlu- | is there any way to set up a pop account using a SSL secure connection without using secure authentification on the N900? | 02:53 |
shrdlu- | it seems to automatically select it if you use SSL | 02:53 |
ml-mobile | it does | 02:54 |
ml-mobile | but it still works | 02:54 |
* ml-mobile uses it with gmail | 02:54 |
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shrdlu- | doesn't work for me on my isp :/ | 02:54 |
* timeless_mbp is confused | 02:55 |
timeless_mbp | what the heck does that mean in pure technical terms? | 02:55 |
timeless_mbp | what port do you speak and what protocol and what do you say? | 02:55 |
timeless_mbp | 109? 110? 995? | 02:55 |
ml-mobile | pop3 over SSL | 02:55 |
timeless_mbp | so 995? | 02:55 |
shrdlu- | yeah | 02:56 |
timeless_mbp | so standard pop over ssl, no fancy starttls games | 02:56 |
shrdlu- | guess I'll have to | 02:56 |
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shrdlu- | why would they set the server up like that anyway? Doesn't that mean the logon information isn't secure? Seems to make securing the downloads rather pointless if you can just swipe the passwords | 02:57 |
timeless_mbp | ? | 02:58 |
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Robot101 | if you have SSL, everything is encrypted, including the authentication | 02:58 |
timeless_mbp | SSL means the server says "hi, here's my public key, verify me" | 02:58 |
timeless_mbp | you say "oh hey, your certificate verifies as being signed by someone i trust" | 02:58 |
timeless_mbp | "i'll talk to you, lemme generate a session key with you" | 02:58 |
timeless_mbp | they're like "great, DVWER@#QRIQRORT#ERQ" | 02:58 |
timeless_mbp | you and the server speak ssl, and no one can eavesdrop without defeating SSL | 02:59 |
timeless_mbp | which most people consider to be tolerably difficult for a 3 month window :) | 02:59 |
shrdlu- | I dunno, all I know is that in Thunderbird, if I select 'Use secure authentification' the client comes back with 'server does not support secure authentification' | 03:00 |
shrdlu- | but it lets me use SSL | 03:00 |
shrdlu- | and on the N900, selecting SSL doesn't work | 03:00 |
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timeless_mbp | http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=195976 | 03:01 |
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timeless_mbp | http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?p=1125060&sid=616bc7d8f351a74ab4bc2bb7d0773f6b#p1125060 | 03:01 |
digitalstimulus | hello, does anyone know how to tell what codename version I am running on n810? I can get the numeric version, but I can't seem to find a list somewhere or the codename :) | 03:01 |
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ml-mobile | rather, the UI shows secure auth as checked even though it isn't activated | 03:01 |
timeless_mbp | secure auth is really enciphering the password credentials | 03:01 |
shrdlu- | hrm. | 03:03 |
ShadowJK | digitalstimulus, what numeric? | 03:03 |
ml-mobile | shrdlu-: uncheck it, activate SSL | 03:03 |
digitalstimulus | 5.2008.43-7 | 03:03 |
ml-mobile | it'll work | 03:03 |
ShadowJK | http://wiki.maemo.org/Codenames | 03:03 |
ShadowJK | that's diablo | 03:03 |
shrdlu- | I can't uncheck it | 03:03 |
shrdlu- | that's the point | 03:03 |
ml-mobile | before enabling SSL | 03:03 |
shrdlu- | it isn't checked | 03:04 |
ml-mobile | ok | 03:04 |
timeless_mbp | digitalstimulus: ok, so you have a random number | 03:04 |
ml-mobile | I think it's a bug in the GUI | 03:04 |
timeless_mbp | which no one should be using | 03:04 |
timeless_mbp | why? | 03:04 |
shrdlu- | but it shows up as checked anyway. but ml-mobile says it's a gui thing, i see | 03:04 |
ml-mobile | yes | 03:04 |
digitalstimulus | ShadowJK, thanks, that's what I was looking for :) | 03:04 |
timeless_mbp | oh | 03:04 |
timeless_mbp | sorry, 2008 | 03:04 |
ml-mobile | I hit that when setting up my gmail accounts | 03:04 |
digitalstimulus | timeless, 5.2008.43-7 shows as 4.1.3 diablo on the wiki codenames | 03:05 |
timeless_mbp | digitalstimulus: sorry, i missed the '8' in 2008 | 03:05 |
timeless_mbp | it's late here | 03:05 |
ShadowJK | timeless_mbp, "no on should be using", because if it was 2009.43-7 it would be ancient, or because nobody should have obtained it? :-) | 03:05 |
shrdlu- | well, SSL isn't working, in this case | 03:05 |
ShadowJK | Those people part of nokia's tester program that received N900's (and I'm not talking about the Maemo summit and dev programs) never quoted version numbers :-( | 03:07 |
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shrdlu- | oh. there we go | 03:07 |
shrdlu- | nice, thanks for that ml | 03:07 |
timeless_mbp | ShadowJK: 'yes' :) | 03:08 |
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pupnik | hmm, 221b video game uses a chatbot for characters | 03:08 |
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ShadowJK | Do we need to add another column to that table to add "PR1.0" and "PR1.1" schemes.. | 03:09 |
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* timeless_mbp curses svn | 03:11 |
* timeless_mbp contemplates using hg convert instead | 03:11 |
timeless_mbp | (probably wiser) | 03:11 |
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pupnik | i should bring ps3 controllers to fosdem | 03:12 |
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kamui | pupnik | 03:13 |
kamui | I need some help | 03:13 |
kamui | accessibleName was not declared in this scope | 03:13 |
kamui | I've narrowed it down to QtGui | 03:14 |
kamui | but I have no idea why its saying that in the scratchbox | 03:14 |
kamui | the code builds fine on my native system | 03:14 |
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pupnik | hey kamui what are you building? | 03:15 |
kamui | lmms | 03:15 |
kamui | or attempting to anyway | 03:15 |
pupnik | i failed building lmms | 03:15 |
kamui | roh noes! | 03:15 |
kamui | where did you get stuck? | 03:16 |
pupnik | don't remember | 03:16 |
kamui | I wanted to try hyrdogen, but I didn't think the UI would fit well wihtout major rework | 03:16 |
pupnik | http://cplusplus.syntaxerrors.info/index.php?title=%E2%80%98bar%E2%80%99_was_not_declared_in_this_scope | 03:17 |
pupnik | :) | 03:17 |
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pupnik | picodrive would get you a gaggle of groupies | 03:17 |
kamui | I thought that at first pupnik | 03:18 |
kamui | but its declared in QWidget | 03:18 |
kamui | so I purposely included that in the source file | 03:18 |
pupnik | perhaps related to gcc version? | 03:18 |
kamui | and it still fails when linking | 03:18 |
kamui | could be | 03:18 |
kamui | compiling | 03:18 |
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mtnbkr | guess this guy ain't buying an N900: http://edition.cnn.com/2010/TECH/01/25/apple.fans/index.html | 03:24 |
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shrdlu- | he will be buying some elasticated jeans and a bulk pack of TV dinners though | 03:26 |
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pupnik | phooood | 03:28 |
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shrdlu- | "He said he spends about 4 to 6 hours per day reading online news about Apple." lol | 03:28 |
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SpeedEvil | ... | 03:28 |
mtnbkr | that guy is missing more than one screw... | 03:29 |
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* VDVsx facepalms | 03:29 |
mtnbkr | for instance: "I bought the iPod when it was announced. I didn't know what it was going to do when I bought it," he said, adding that Apple knows before he does what he needs in technology. DUMB just dumb | 03:29 |
shrdlu- | I thought the tablet sounded alright until I saw that it was going to run the iphone OS | 03:29 |
shrdlu- | guess I had assumed it'd run straight OSX | 03:30 |
Wizzup | got the n900 today, and I'm literally blown away. It's linux... on a phone... :-) | 03:30 |
CutMeOwnThroat | it produces wind? | 03:30 |
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SpeedEvil | Wizzup: Similarly still blown away after a couple of months. | 03:31 |
shrdlu- | I'm also very happy | 03:31 |
crashanddie | yooo bitches! | 03:31 |
SpeedEvil | Wizzup: last month I realised that - with my laptop hard disk a bit dodgy - the easiest way for me to back it up was to rsync to the phone. | 03:31 |
Wizzup | :p | 03:31 |
Wizzup | Only thing I didn't find in experimental reposses was git, but I may have to look harder | 03:32 |
* mtnbkr_N900 is happy too - and irc'ing from his n900 | 03:32 |
pupnik | man, try to find a SpaceSaver II kbd for under $200... | 03:32 |
digitalstimulus | anyone has n900 and n810? | 03:32 |
pupnik | many people | 03:32 |
ph1l | Wizzup: at the downside... i'm not reachable on the phone anymore since i have to stage my n900 every 5min :-D | 03:33 |
digitalstimulus | I have n810 and am looking forward to getting the n900, wonder how it compares in a daily use type of way, not a youtube "this button is now here" kind of way :) | 03:33 |
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mtnbkr | ph1l: could be an upside - for you though | 03:33 |
ph1l | mtnbkr: actually it is indeed :-) | 03:34 |
pupnik | goddamn t-offline | 03:34 |
ph1l | btw: anyone know a app which filters incomming calls and present them with a mp3-bla bla message? | 03:35 |
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Wizzup | ph1l: I don't think I'll want to do too dangerous things on it just yet - may try to see if I can port gentoo later. but ATM I'm just enjoying the way it just `works' :) | 03:35 |
digitalstimulus | ph1l, google voice? | 03:35 |
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sr71 | digitalstimulus: I have both but honestly I've been using the N900 way more than the N810 due to it's size/phone/performance | 03:35 |
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digitalstimulus | sr71, I've had the n810 for about a year and a half, I love it but I'm having a battery issue that appears to be common. Would you say the n900 is a full replacement? | 03:36 |
ph1l | i would like a blacklist of phone-numbers and if they call they get anoyed by "if you want to tallk about tax please press1, ... | 03:36 |
digitalstimulus | sr71, for what the n810 is designed for anyways, not just because n900 is a phone | 03:37 |
ScribbleJ | It is currently possible to build my own kernel for my N900? | 03:37 |
ScribbleJ | https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7972 | 03:37 |
povbot` | Bug 7972: Kernel in PR1.1 build-depends on fiasco-gen which is nowhere to be found | 03:37 |
Damion2 | fixed in M6 ;) | 03:37 |
ScribbleJ | I'm new... what's M6? I'm just trying to make my own kernel for the first time. :) | 03:38 |
sr71 | digitalstimulus: imho it is | 03:38 |
jebba | ScribbleJ: i have some info about building kernels here http://wiki.maemo.org/User:Jebba/Kernel | 03:38 |
ScribbleJ | digitalstimulus, the N900 does not support USB OTG, except for that I don't think you'll miss anyhting. | 03:39 |
digitalstimulus | sr71, awesome, I look forward to the n900 even more | 03:39 |
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digitalstimulus | OTG? | 03:39 |
shrdlu- | does ovi maps do speed cameras? | 03:39 |
ScribbleJ | digitalstimulus, the N810 can act as USB host, the N900 cannot. | 03:39 |
SpeedEvil | ScribbleJ: that's still somewhat in question - at least host mode - it doesn't support OTG - no. | 03:39 |
sr71 | I like the N900 keyboard a bit better but if you have larger hands it may take some getting used to since it's smaller | 03:39 |
Damion2 | maemo6/harmahatton | 03:39 |
ScribbleJ | SpeedEvil, there might be some way to do host mode? Hey... don't I know you from #electronics? | 03:39 |
Damion2 | I've spelt that wrong | 03:39 |
SpeedEvil | ScribbleJ: All the technical reasons by nokia that I've chased down so far seem incorrect. | 03:39 |
SpeedEvil | ScribbleJ: probably. | 03:39 |
ScribbleJ | It's been a long time since I've been int here. You're not the guy with the awesome garden, are you? | 03:40 |
SpeedEvil | ScribbleJ: The USB PHY chip does not seem to be configurable in such a way to prevent USB host mode working. | 03:40 |
ScribbleJ | Maybe that was Professor or something. | 03:40 |
SpeedEvil | ScribbleJ: debatably awesome. | 03:40 |
ScribbleJ | Hah | 03:40 |
shrdlu- | SpeedEvil does indeed have a magical garden | 03:40 |
digitalstimulus | I've not used the USB host mode | 03:40 |
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SpeedEvil | I've been spending much of this year with my limited energy getting it sane - hence cutting my hacking time. | 03:41 |
ScribbleJ | I'm very interested in getting my N900 to do USB host... if there's a way to get it to work, that would be awesome. | 03:41 |
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ScribbleJ | I just don't know enough about it to even know where to start on that one. | 03:41 |
ScribbleJ | jebba, thanks for the link, I am perusing it. | 03:41 |
SpeedEvil | yes, I know. I need to get it done - it's just I've more important stuff to do - tomorrow I'm fixing the kitchen worktops and trying to stop moisture getting in again. :/ | 03:41 |
digitalstimulus | what do you all use host mode for? | 03:42 |
digitalstimulus | mainly | 03:42 |
SpeedEvil | digitalstimulus: it does not currently work. | 03:42 |
ScribbleJ | digitalstimulus, reading/writing USB memory sticks? | 03:42 |
digitalstimulus | I understand the concept, I just don't see application for it for me | 03:42 |
SpeedEvil | digitalstimulus: If it worked - I'd be using it for plugging in an external hard drive occasionally. | 03:42 |
ScribbleJ | Or in my case, USB seems like a fine way to integrate to an external device like a uC. I guess BT is good for that too though. | 03:43 |
shrdlu- | woo. ovi maps does indeed support speed cameras. | 03:43 |
SpeedEvil | digitalstimulus: turn on hard drive, plug in n900 - pull off a movie in a couple of minutes, shut it down. | 03:43 |
digitalstimulus | guess that would work, I guess I'm jus tpatient transferring via wireless | 03:43 |
ScribbleJ | jebba, that looks awesome, I was mainly lookign for a way to do NAT/iptables... you are my hero. | 03:43 |
SpeedEvil | Or ripping DVDs, or connecting a scanner/printer/audio system/... | 03:44 |
jebba | there's a talk thread about NAT too. Search for wifi hotspot | 03:44 |
ScribbleJ | I saw that thread. | 03:44 |
ScribbleJ | It was useless! | 03:44 |
ScribbleJ | I mean, it was a bunch of guys talking about how maybe htis or that would work... but it seemed to me just making my own kernel and trying it would be fine. | 03:44 |
SpeedEvil | Or connecting up a DisplayLink adaptor | 03:44 |
digitalstimulus | NAT would be awesome, similar to Sprint's MiFi | 03:44 |
SpeedEvil | to plug in a monitor | 03:44 |
ScribbleJ | Only... then I found you can't actually build a kernel, which is the saddest disappointment I've had on a machine I bought because it was open. | 03:44 |
javispedro | er.. what? | 03:45 |
ScribbleJ | What to who? Me? | 03:45 |
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ScribbleJ | Read up the page, there's a bug right now that prevents me (or presumably anyone outside Nokia) from building a kernel properly. | 03:46 |
javispedro | what? | 03:46 |
ScribbleJ | Missing fiasco-gen | 03:46 |
javispedro | I've bought a few kernels already, and lots of modules | 03:46 |
javispedro | what you'd need fiasco-gen for? | 03:46 |
ScribbleJ | IT's required to compile the latest kernel in the SDK repos. | 03:46 |
javispedro | "compile"? | 03:46 |
ScribbleJ | Yes, compile. | 03:46 |
javispedro | you mean "package" | 03:47 |
ScribbleJ | What do you mean by "bought?" | 03:47 |
ScribbleJ | Well, I dunno what fiasco-gen does, I just know it's a prereq, apt-get build-dep kernel | 03:47 |
javispedro | so it's not stoping you from building a kernel, isn't it? | 03:47 |
ScribbleJ | Well, yes... | 03:47 |
javispedro | it's stopping you from packaging it. | 03:47 |
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ScribbleJ | ? | 03:48 |
ScribbleJ | The first step in building a kernel -- and I'm new here so feel free to tell me how wrong I am -- is presumably to do apt-get build-dep kernel so I have all the tools required to build said kernel. | 03:48 |
ScribbleJ | Yet, this command fails since fiasco-gen is not available anywhere. | 03:48 |
ScribbleJ | Presumably, building the kernel would also fail due to it's absence. | 03:49 |
javispedro | well, so I tell you that fiasco-gen is not needed to build the kernel, but maybe to package it. | 03:49 |
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ScribbleJ | OK, that's good information. Not being a debian wizard, how do I find/install the remaining dependencies? | 03:49 |
luke-jr | oh wow | 03:49 |
Wizzup | does anyone else have the issue that dosbox won't type ":" or "/", when in dosbox console? It prints > and ignores the "blue arrow" key | 03:49 |
javispedro | if you installed the full sdk dev, you probably have them already. | 03:49 |
luke-jr | I want a handheld with QSD8672 <.< | 03:49 |
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ScribbleJ | javispedro, the only thing I know I am missing is the binary parts; I added a line to my apt sources for it, but not sure what packages to get. | 03:50 |
luke-jr | ScribbleJ: you don't need FIASCO crap | 03:50 |
javispedro | ScribbleJ: "Nokia-binaries" and "nokia-apps" as clearly stated in the sdk guide. | 03:51 |
javispedro | though you don't need them to build the kernel iirc. | 03:51 |
luke-jr | ScribbleJ: but you do need blob userland to make it work | 03:51 |
ScribbleJ | javis, that's awesome... can you link me to where it's clearly stated? I know I'm retarded, I don't feel like I'm finding all the docs yet. | 03:51 |
javispedro | Wizzup: search for "rover.sys" in talk.maemo.org | 03:51 |
ScribbleJ | I must be looking in the wrong docs so far, I think. | 03:51 |
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luke-jr | ScribbleJ: ./flasher -k bzImage -l -b | 03:52 |
luke-jr | ScribbleJ: that will boot your bzImage over USB without modifying flash | 03:52 |
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luke-jr | to actually write it to flash, replace -l with -f | 03:52 |
ScribbleJ | That's very good and interesting to know! | 03:53 |
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javispedro | ScribbleJ: http://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/Maemo5_Final_Installation | 03:53 |
ScribbleJ | Thanks, javis. I don't mean to be a dick, I'm just genuinely a bit lost. :) | 03:54 |
Wizzup | javispedro: Thanks. | 03:54 |
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javispedro | I've never tried building the kernel package (just from patched sources without debhelper stuff), but I guess plain dpkg-buildpackage will fail due to fiasco-gen. Still, when it fails (my guess is late in the process) you should have the image floating around. | 03:58 |
ScribbleJ | That makes sense... I wasn't using buildpackage though. | 03:58 |
ScribbleJ | This is the first thing I'm ever building for N900/maemo except the shortest possible C "Hello World" I threw together to see if I had it all right. | 03:59 |
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javispedro | btw, and, fwiw, flasher supports "--flash-only kernel" if you ever need to revert to the default fw. | 04:02 |
luke-jr | I find I need to --flash-only initfs most often :P | 04:05 |
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javispedro | not on n900 (it's gone) | 04:06 |
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luke-jr | javispedro: so I lose everything when I make a typo in the boot scripts? | 04:07 |
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javispedro | probably, but there's bootmenu | 04:07 |
javispedro | i don't play with that stuff though | 04:08 |
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luke-jr | bootmenu is initfs | 04:09 |
javispedro | ... not on n900. :) | 04:10 |
luke-jr | my point stands. | 04:10 |
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luke-jr | if I make a typo in the boot scripts (bootmenu), the only recovery is wiping everything? | 04:10 |
javispedro | it does. | 04:10 |
javispedro | yes. | 04:10 |
luke-jr | ugly :x | 04:10 |
javispedro | well, you might be able to change init= | 04:10 |
luke-jr | I guess it's a little better since it has the huge internal storage tho | 04:10 |
javispedro | again, I don't play with that. | 04:11 |
luke-jr | if I had one, I'd probably turn the MTD into an initfs anyway | 04:11 |
luke-jr | XD | 04:11 |
luke-jr | javispedro: so what are your thoughts on the LG Apollo? | 04:11 |
luke-jr | 1.3 GHz QSD and 1 GB RAM | 04:11 |
javispedro | ah, wow. | 04:12 |
javispedro | Screen Resolution: WXGA 1280 x 720 px heh | 04:12 |
cpscotti | Hey.. any user of the "desktop command execution widget" there? Already using version 0.6? I'm looking for some feedback on whether it is a good idea to go on with this version to extras-testing =] | 04:12 |
javispedro | 10 hours of video playback? I have to wonder how they'd pull that off. | 04:12 |
luke-jr | javispedro: supposedly Qualcomm isn't using ARM's stuff as-is | 04:13 |
luke-jr | they actually spent $$$ on engineers to optimize it | 04:13 |
SpeedEvil | cpscotti: how does it work - I diddn't see docs | 04:13 |
luke-jr | javispedro: they also have a dual-core 1.5 GHz Snapdragon coming out too, but I don't know anything using it | 04:14 |
cpscotti | SpeedEvil: should be very self explanatory (sory). You add one to your desktop and in the widgets settings you can set up any shell/bash cmd | 04:14 |
cpscotti | and then the output will be shown there | 04:14 |
cpscotti | (it comes with some simple examples and all) | 04:14 |
javispedro | luke-jr: so far I classify it in the "hard-to-believe" category, which means we'll see when it comes out (supposedly september seems) | 04:15 |
cpscotti | http://static.pixelpipe.com/45c7df9b-db4a-4ffc-a97d-322b6914f26d_m.jpg | 04:15 |
luke-jr | javispedro: yeah, knowing that's coming, I can't see myself getting anything else until then XD | 04:15 |
SpeedEvil | cpscotti: I find it most annoying there isn't a nice standard way to - say - long press on applications inthe app manager - and hit a standard help page location. | 04:16 |
luke-jr | unfortunately it ships with Win7 tho | 04:16 |
SpeedEvil | cpscotti: I haven't actually looked for docs - it was one of the apps I've installed without doing research | 04:16 |
cpscotti | SpeedEvil: ohh.. yehp.. | 04:16 |
SpeedEvil | Hmm - neat. I need to actually read the docs. | 04:16 |
cpscotti | well.. since the first time that I figured out the "long press" (or press outside anything, and then on the gear), I try it with everything.. lol | 04:17 |
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DocScrutinizer | cpscotti: are you the decel of that clicmd widget? | 04:23 |
cpscotti | nope.. | 04:23 |
cpscotti | clicmd? | 04:23 |
DocScrutinizer | wel I dunno the exact name | 04:24 |
DocScrutinizer | the small widget you can display the result of shell commands on homescreen | 04:25 |
cpscotti | yeep | 04:26 |
cpscotti | desktop-cmd-exec | 04:26 |
DocScrutinizer | well probably it's called "desktop command execution widget" | 04:26 |
cpscotti | that's me | 04:26 |
cpscotti | and yes .. that's the XB-DisplayName | 04:27 |
DocScrutinizer | it's nice, but has a rather silly and annoying shortcome: you can't have more than one of them | 04:27 |
cpscotti | =] | 04:27 |
cpscotti | just update | 04:27 |
cpscotti | your wish has become true | 04:28 |
DocScrutinizer | ok :-> | 04:28 |
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cpscotti | (ok.. bad english there) | 04:30 |
timeless_mbp | cpscotti: XB-Display-Name: no? | 04:31 |
cpscotti | yeh yeh.. | 04:31 |
cpscotti | haha | 04:31 |
kamui | epic fail tonight pupnik | 04:31 |
kamui | tried to build openlierox | 04:31 |
kamui | can't build the libboost dep | 04:31 |
kamui | :( | 04:31 |
* bfree shakes his fist at the left handed "long press" ;-) http://maemo.org/community/brainstorm/view/right_handed_popup_menus | 04:31 |
kamui | segfaults | 04:31 |
cpscotti | bfree: Agree totally with it! it just got another thumb up | 04:34 |
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cpscotti | (well.. post any comments regarding my widget (desktop-cmd-exec) on http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=496691 .. I pretend to send it up to testing soon) | 04:40 |
cpscotti | good night to everybody! | 04:40 |
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pupnik | Ari at summit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/32856926@N06/4027159841/sizes/l/in/set-72157622622073500/ Finland: http://www.motivatedphotos.com/?id=1045 :) | 04:46 |
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pupnik | kamui: libboost? wait a sec | 04:52 |
kamui | I suck pupnik | 04:53 |
kamui | its all in devel-extras | 04:53 |
kamui | and extras-devel | 04:53 |
kamui | and extras-testing | 04:53 |
kamui | didn't think about adding the repos to the scratchbox :) | 04:53 |
pupnik | oh heh | 04:53 |
kamui | hoewver, openliero can't be ported easily | 04:53 |
pupnik | a lot of stuff turns out to be problematic! | 04:53 |
kamui | looks like there is code thats not arm compatible yet | 04:53 |
pupnik | yuop | 04:53 |
kamui | Im going to actually look into it more this weekend | 04:53 |
kamui | but I think again, its probably more than I want to take on right now | 04:54 |
kamui | liero is by far one of my favorite games, so its sad | 04:54 |
* pupnik installs liero | 04:54 |
pupnik | openlierox? | 04:55 |
kamui | yea | 04:55 |
kamui | I always played liero | 04:55 |
kamui | then some years ago openlieroX came out | 04:55 |
kamui | added multiplayer via internet, random # of players, exensible weapon system, etc | 04:56 |
kamui | thooper suite! | 04:56 |
pupnik | slow download | 04:57 |
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pupnik | http://www.flickr.com/photos/jaaksi/337387474/sizes/o/ another nice n900 photo | 05:07 |
pupnik | i think | 05:07 |
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kamui | pupnik | 05:15 |
kamui | if I port something successfully | 05:15 |
kamui | can I just use fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -d on it? | 05:16 |
YeTr2 | maemo is designed to only be used on nokia things, yes? | 05:16 |
kamui | to build a quick deb | 05:16 |
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tank-man | YeTr2, check out "mer" | 05:16 |
tank-man | http://wiki.maemo.org/Mer | 05:17 |
kamui | YeTr2, naah, aigo N500 shoudl be out | 05:17 |
kamui | not a nokia device | 05:17 |
kamui | running MAemo 5 | 05:18 |
pupnik | -b and -d to ignore deps | 05:18 |
kamui | 4" screen, no keyboard | 05:18 |
pupnik | b to build | 05:18 |
kamui | oh suite | 05:18 |
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kamui | and pupnik, say I want to change the default path to /opt | 05:18 |
kamui | can I .configure it first | 05:18 |
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kamui | or is there a flag for dpkg | 05:18 |
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* pupnik crawls into a corner, twitching and glancing at the ceiling | 05:18 |
kamui | dont' be a hater pupnik :) I've never deployed a package for others | 05:20 |
kamui | I ususally only build for myself | 05:20 |
pupnik | i can't help with optification | 05:20 |
pupnik | i do it by hand, with ar | 05:20 |
kamui | I C | 05:20 |
kamui | I just assumed I could change the prefix directory | 05:21 |
kamui | then in my post install script link the bins to /usr/bin | 05:21 |
_andy | anyone know how to get a pipe character in xterm for maemo? | 05:21 |
kamui | _andy, use sym key | 05:21 |
_andy | kamui, doesn't do anything... | 05:22 |
timeless_mbp | _andy: you have to press blue first | 05:22 |
pupnik | _andy: you can add special chars to the toolbar using gconf | 05:22 |
YeTr2 | tank-man: kamui: yeah, I was just checking to see if there was a possibility it would run on this other non-nokia web tablet I have. I doubt it will. | 05:23 |
kamui | well, its a very good assumption that it wont "just work" | 05:23 |
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kamui | if you managed to boot it, you'd need to at the very least recompile the kernel to support your hardware | 05:24 |
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_andy | timeless_mbp, still does nothing.. | 05:24 |
timeless_mbp | what did you 'do'? | 05:24 |
_andy | i press the blue ('function') key and then i press the Sym key | 05:25 |
_andy | then nothing happens. | 05:25 |
_andy | and when i push random characters i get nothin'. | 05:26 |
SpeedEvil | press blue function - hold, press sym - release sym - release blue | 05:26 |
timeless_mbp | brother | 05:26 |
SpeedEvil | I can never get that to work when I jkust mash the two keys - which is annoying and broken | 05:26 |
_andy | hmm.. SpeedEvil nothin' when I try that | 05:27 |
timeless_mbp | _andy: go to settings>text input | 05:27 |
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timeless_mbp | enable the onscreen keyboard | 05:27 |
timeless_mbp | use that. | 05:28 |
timeless_mbp | there's a pipe in there | 05:28 |
_andy | does that work in xterm? | 05:28 |
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timeless_mbp | yes | 05:28 |
* timeless_mbp wonders why sym isn't working in xterm | 05:28 |
SpeedEvil | It does | 05:29 |
timeless_mbp | not for me atm | 05:29 |
SpeedEvil | wfm | 05:29 |
timeless_mbp | which is odd, because it worked for me a few days ago | 05:29 |
_andy | hmm.. i can't get the onscreen kb to work when I enable that option.will try a reboot | 05:29 |
SpeedEvil | though witht he above caveats on button order | 05:29 |
SpeedEvil | ukkbd | 05:29 |
timeless_mbp | you have to close the keyboard tray | 05:30 |
_andy | AH.. | 05:30 |
_andy | ty | 05:30 |
_andy | anyone got gpsd working on the N900? | 05:30 |
kamui | works on mine | 05:30 |
_andy | what device name do you use? | 05:30 |
kamui | what version do you have timeless | 05:30 |
timeless_mbp | kamui: sorry. | 05:30 |
kamui | euro? US? | 05:30 |
timeless_mbp | i'm not running 51-1 | 05:31 |
kamui | oh, thats why? | 05:31 |
* timeless_mbp shrugs | 05:31 |
timeless_mbp | i'm 99% certain this build has worked for me | 05:31 |
timeless_mbp | but my system is flaky atm | 05:31 |
timeless_mbp | a few hours ago the phone refused to function :) | 05:31 |
timeless_mbp | and then bluetooth reset | 05:31 |
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_andy | aah i feel retarded.. the onscreen kb still doesn't open in xterm. | 05:32 |
* timeless_mbp ponders | 05:33 |
kamui | make sure its enabled in settings andy | 05:33 |
timeless_mbp | did you tap the screen? | 05:33 |
kamui | by default isn't it off timeless? | 05:33 |
_andy | kamui, it is :). timeless_mbp yes | 05:33 |
_andy | i fail so hard at N900 tonight. | 05:34 |
* timeless_mbp cries | 05:38 |
timeless_mbp | well, on screen keyboard works for me | 05:41 |
wiretapped | my n900 periodically claims to have no cellular data when it actually does | 05:41 |
pupnik | i've seen that since pr1.1 wiretapped | 05:41 |
wiretapped | like right now, i'm typing in a remote shell | 05:41 |
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wiretapped | and it just said it. and yeah, i'm on pr1.1 | 05:41 |
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ScribbleJ | I can't ruin my N900 by flashing kernels and things at it, right, I can always just lfash on the default stuff again? | 05:52 |
luke-jr | you can by flashing the bootloader | 05:52 |
luke-jr | why not just USB-boot without modifying the flash, though? | 05:52 |
kamui | or by flashing your erection at it | 05:52 |
kamui | that tends to break electronics | 05:53 |
ScribbleJ | Yes, that probably would ruin it. | 05:53 |
_andy | can I put grub on my N900 and dual boot windows? | 05:54 |
_andy | jk | 05:54 |
ScribbleJ | Oooh, why didn't I think of that? | 05:54 |
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ScribbleJ | You know how computers are all 1s and 0s inside, right? Well, I'm going to make my computer go twice as fast by replacing all the 1s with .5s. | 05:55 |
_andy | i hear floating point operations are much simpler. | 05:55 |
ScribbleJ | I might need some little tweezers though. | 05:55 |
shamus | you know i wonder is it posable to run the origional myst on a n800 or n900 | 05:55 |
ScribbleJ | Well, wasn't the original myst a dos game? | 05:56 |
ScribbleJ | It'd probably run under dosbox. | 05:56 |
shamus | thaght it was win 3.1 | 05:56 |
ScribbleJ | I can't remember. :/ | 05:56 |
Robot101 | ScribbleJ: you laugh, but actually, reducing voltage and shrinking the silicon is a requirement for clocking CPUs faster, because it comes down to how long it takes for electrons to flow on or off the silicon pads... | 05:56 |
Robot101 | ScribbleJ: so yes, we did turn the 1s into 0.5s to make CPUs faster :) | 05:56 |
ScribbleJ | Robot101, well, yes, but that is intentionally confusing voltage with logic... .... I was just trying to be funny. | 05:57 |
_andy | my internet tablet keeps making a ringing noise.. wtf? | 05:57 |
Robot101 | ScribbleJ: :) | 05:57 |
Robot101 | ScribbleJ: well the funny thing for me is that it's not so far from the truth, in some ways | 05:57 |
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ScribbleJ | I bet they did it with tweezers and a magnifying glass, too. | 05:58 |
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YeTr2 | kamui: so, how would I go about trying to make maemo work? | 06:10 |
pupnik | turn device on | 06:12 |
b-man17 | lol | 06:12 |
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YeTr2 | ok... lets fastforward, after I configure Haret to boot maemo, what should I be looking for if it does/doesn't work.. | 06:13 |
pupnik | maybe you want to look into 'mer', the free open-source version | 06:15 |
pupnik | http://wiki.maemo.org/Mer | 06:15 |
ScribbleJ | luke-jr, I'm not sure why I can't usb boot. I tried that way to boot jebba's presumably working kernel... | 06:17 |
ScribbleJ | And my own. | 06:17 |
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pupnik | http://maemo.org/packages/package_instance/view/fremantle_extras-testing_non-free_armel/mg/2.6.6-1/ test MasterGear emu! Free ROMs here: http://www.pdroms.de/files/mastersystem/ http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/roms.html | 06:18 |
YeTr2 | well, that sure as hell failed. | 06:21 |
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YeTr2 | stops at 'Jumping to Kernel..." | 06:23 |
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YeTr2 | so, now I need to figure out how to get Mer to run on an intel xscale pxa255 ? | 06:25 |
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MistaED | funny how there's no megadrive emulator yet | 06:28 |
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jebba | ScribbleJ: my kernel definitely works with PR1. Not sure about PR1.1. | 06:33 |
ScribbleJ | jebba... I can't follow your directions, I just found. | 06:35 |
jebba | ah | 06:35 |
ScribbleJ | I get an error message trying to flash the kernel from the device about how it pre-depends on fiasco-flasher which is not installed ... and I can't seem to find anywhere. | 06:36 |
jebba | geez opensuse is over a gig just for text install.... | 06:36 |
ScribbleJ | Any idea what I'm missing? | 06:36 |
jebba | you need to install kernel-flasher | 06:36 |
ScribbleJ | I also noticed you have .debs for vlc, which I'm dying to see running on my N900... any caveats to installing them? | 06:37 |
jebba | well, definitely needs poking at and the interface isnt great, but it works. | 06:37 |
jebba | this version isn't optimized for n900 at all. But there is a git tree with another one, so i may build that. | 06:37 |
jebba | ah, and it's *NOT* optified due to bug in maemo-optify-deb and I didn't optify manually. | 06:38 |
odin_ | ScribbleJ, there is bug for fiasco-flasher https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7972 | 06:38 |
povbot` | Bug 7972: Kernel in PR1.1 build-depends on fiasco-gen which is nowhere to be found | 06:38 |
ScribbleJ | I actually have kernel-flasher installed, still no fiasco-flasher. | 06:39 |
ScribbleJ | odin, I'm aware of that bug -- wasn't aware they were the same thing. Thanks. | 06:39 |
jebba | you're runnign which PR, and which kernel you trying to install? | 06:39 |
jebba | ScribbleJ: you can't apt-get install fiasco-flasher? | 06:40 |
ScribbleJ | I'm totally new - so I don't know how to answer the first question. For the second, I have been trying kernel_2.6.28-20094102.6+0m14_armel.deb | 06:40 |
ScribbleJ | Nope, I cannot; | 06:40 |
ml-mobile | hmm | 06:40 |
jebba | ScribbleJ: have you run update since oyou got your fone? I have fiasco-flasher installed on mine from somewhere, but it's not free software. | 06:41 |
ScribbleJ | E: Couldn't find package fiasco-flasher ... I have run update. | 06:41 |
ml-mobile | jebba: would it be possible to take the stock kernel from kernel.org and build one for the N900? | 06:41 |
ml-mobile | (using the appropriate .config and whatnot) | 06:41 |
jebba | ml-mobile: no | 06:41 |
jebba | missing drivers | 06:41 |
ml-mobile | closed modules? | 06:42 |
jebba | so far i've only heard of people building working kernels using the 2.6.28 source from nokia. | 06:42 |
jebba | no closed modules. | 06:42 |
ml-mobile | hm | 06:42 |
odin_ | ml-mobile, nope, more like http://www.linux-arm.org/LinuxKernel/WebHome | 06:43 |
ScribbleJ | Can I just add your repo to my apt sources, jebba, that works fine in maemo? | 06:44 |
jebba | ya, but even more than just linux-omap is needed. | 06:44 |
ScribbleJ | I really wish I knew where the fiasco-flasher is, but... it is MIA! | 06:44 |
jebba | ScribbleJ: ya, that's what i do. You may want to turn it off before you do any apt-get upgrades though. | 06:44 |
microlith | granted the last time I was working with the kernel on ARM, it was stock compiles for PXA270 on Intel's Mainstone II platform so... | 06:44 |
jebba | ScribbleJ: you may have to enable the nokia proprietary repos, though i think those are on by default in the ofne | 06:44 |
odin_ | yes nokia have an open patch to the kernel, yes there maybe some blobs but you can load your own kernel with the same features/kernel API as the official build | 06:44 |
ScribbleJ | I think I have enabled those, jebba, but I'm still pretty uncertain of everything. :) | 06:45 |
jebba | the blobs would be for wifi etc | 06:45 |
jebba | ScribbleJ: dunno, sorry. You could try 0xFFFF | 06:45 |
jebba | i may bail on using the nokia flasher and just convert everything over to 0xFFFF here next round | 06:46 |
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ScribbleJ | Well, if I can't get my own kernel working -- for the record, my kernel works as well for me right now as yours -- then I'll just try whatever you do next, I suppose. | 06:47 |
jebba | which kernel of mine did you use? | 06:48 |
ScribbleJ | Why would you run asterisk on maemo? | 06:48 |
ScribbleJ | kernel_2.6.28-20094102.6+0m14_armel.deb | 06:49 |
shamus | why not? | 06:51 |
luke-jr | shamus: qemu + WINE | 06:52 |
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ScribbleJ | Sheesh, it is just not my night. | 06:57 |
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ScribbleJ | How did I get into this situation? Failed to fetch http://repository.maemo.org/extras-devel/pool/fremantle/free/f/ffmpeg/libavdevice52_0.5+svn20090706-5_armel.deb Size mismatch | 06:57 |
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jebba | ScribbleJ: try http://espejo.freemoe.org/espejo-maemo-extras-devel.install | 07:01 |
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ScribbleJ | jebba, I get a size mismatch on the same packages from there. | 07:08 |
ScribbleJ | Maybe they are in the middle of an update or something? | 07:08 |
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jebba | ah yes, could be doing an update, but then i would have had to have snagged it at the same time. | 07:11 |
jebba | i guess one option is i could run my own update on the repo and serve that up instead of their data. | 07:12 |
ceda | hmm, my mmc card is mounted read-only | 07:12 |
ceda | photo-app fails to sve images | 07:12 |
ceda | and media framework fails to index | 07:13 |
GeneralAntilles | ceda, FAT's corrupt. | 07:13 |
ceda | GeneralAntilles: ouch, ok. Is there a bug with workaround or similar? | 07:14 |
GeneralAntilles | ceda, fsck it? | 07:14 |
jebba | ceda try a couple reboots too, i think it fscks it when it boots up. Or is this a microsd card? | 07:15 |
ceda | microsd | 07:15 |
ceda | it reboots at least twice a day | 07:15 |
jebba | ah, ya, then you can unmount it and fsck it. | 07:15 |
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ceda | yes, of course *homer-doh* | 07:18 |
pupnik | MistaED: there is one since 2007 | 07:18 |
pupnik | doesn't run many titles | 07:18 |
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MistaED | pupnik: oh didn't know | 07:19 |
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MistaED | i was just looking, DrMD could be used with the drnoksnes maemo framework | 07:19 |
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ceda | GeneralAntilles: anyway to have trackerd rescan? such as a SIG? | 07:30 |
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Vratha | hi | 07:37 |
Vratha | must say that the n900 maemo installation has gotten a little better. still waiting for full contact sync and a better calendar before i move back off the nexus one | 07:38 |
Vratha | but do have to say it's improved nicely | 07:38 |
* luke-jr peers | 07:40 |
GeneralAntilles | ceda, yes, don't remember the recipe. | 07:40 |
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shamus | is it me or is the ovi soefwhere on windows xp crap | 07:50 |
shamus | last time i tryed it my memory usage was frickign insin | 07:51 |
pupnik | plonk | 07:52 |
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shamus | pc suite was far more stable and less hungry | 07:53 |
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kuriiri | so how awful is the ovi then?? :D | 07:53 |
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kuriiri | just makes me wonder | 07:54 |
shamus | maby thy have had an update | 07:54 |
shamus | but i uninstalled with in 15 min of trying it | 07:54 |
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pwnguin | oh interesting | 07:55 |
pwnguin | if you turn on the camera on, tv out displays the captured image instead of the desktop | 07:55 |
Milo- | obviously? | 07:56 |
shamus | then again i dont have a n900 and the old phone i do have works great with the old pc suite why bother with ovi | 07:56 |
pwnguin | not so obvious if you want to take a picture of yourself in good focus ;) | 07:56 |
pwnguin | or demo the camera UI to a lot of people via projector | 07:57 |
pwnguin | but it is pretty fun to point at itself | 07:58 |
shamus | ah the classic infinity tunnle | 07:58 |
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Stskeeps | morn | 08:13 |
luke-jr | morning | 08:14 |
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* RST38h moos evilly | 08:16 |
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* Stskeeps glances at the -20 C on the hotel weather applet | 08:17 |
luke-jr | Stskeeps: btw, on the topic of N8x0 support, you are aware of my gitorious push of that kernel work I ended up stopping on? | 08:18 |
ds3 | luke-jr: what were you working on? | 08:18 |
luke-jr | ds3: porting Linux to N8x0 | 08:18 |
timeless_mbp | person w/ n900 handy: ping | 08:19 |
luke-jr | Stskeeps: if not, it's at http://gitorious.org/~Luke-Jr/linux-omap/n8x0 | 08:19 |
ds3 | huh? | 08:19 |
ds3 | don't Linux already run on N8x0? | 08:19 |
timeless_mbp | ds3: ignore luke-jr | 08:19 |
timeless_mbp | he's a zealot | 08:19 |
luke-jr | ds3: only a very much diverged branch/fork of Linux 2.6.21, which is now unsupported | 08:19 |
ds3 | oh | 08:20 |
ds3 | you are one of the people trying to bring the L-O kernel up to snuff? | 08:20 |
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ds3 | (for the N8x0 devices) | 08:20 |
luke-jr | ds3: no. I was, until I realized it would be cheaper to buy a N900. the link above is the last effort I made on it. | 08:20 |
Stskeeps | luke-jr: yes i was aware of it - the remaining issues was that you can't implement a full subsystem? | 08:21 |
Stskeeps | (re) | 08:21 |
timeless_mbp | ds3: do you have an n900 handy? | 08:21 |
luke-jr | in case someone else wanted to pick it up | 08:21 |
ds3 | timeless_mbp: nope | 08:21 |
luke-jr | Stskeeps: there was quite a bit remaining; the biggest one was rewriting the C-Bus to fit in mainline | 08:21 |
timeless_mbp | luke-jr: hey, does that mean you have one? :) | 08:21 |
luke-jr | timeless_mbp: nope, holding out for LG Apollo now | 08:21 |
ds3 | I had some L-O kernel running on an N800 before | 08:22 |
* timeless_mbp grumbles | 08:22 |
* timeless_mbp pokes Trizt | 08:22 |
luke-jr | Stskeeps: http://elinux.org/N800#Status is the status chart :) | 08:22 |
Stskeeps | luke-jr: :nod: | 08:22 |
Trizt | morning timeless_mbp | 08:22 |
timeless_mbp | morning | 08:22 |
timeless_mbp | got time for a quick item? | 08:22 |
rosseaux | timeless_mbp: i've a n900 smartphone here. | 08:23 |
timeless_mbp | open media player | 08:23 |
timeless_mbp | tap music | 08:23 |
Trizt | yeah, don't have to leave until 20 mins later | 08:23 |
timeless_mbp | tap an album | 08:23 |
Stskeeps | write 'r i c k r o l l' | 08:23 |
Stskeeps | and it will put on rick astley ;) | 08:23 |
timeless_mbp | long time on the first track in the list | 08:23 |
timeless_mbp | is there a 'delete' item? | 08:23 |
timeless_mbp | and does it delete the file from your n900? | 08:23 |
luke-jr | Stskeeps: board-specific code is needed to get webcam, keyboard, ambient light sensor working at least | 08:23 |
timeless_mbp | (warning: it probably does, so actually testing this is dataloss...) | 08:23 |
Stskeeps | luke-jr: if we were not to do it mainline but a bunch of patches stalking mainline, would that reduce complexity? | 08:24 |
ds3 | luke-jr: hmmm wonder what broke.. I had more then that running on an N800 before | 08:24 |
Trizt | timeless_mbp; yes, there is | 08:24 |
luke-jr | Stskeeps: initial complexity, possibly; long-term, it would increase it | 08:24 |
timeless_mbp | Trizt: wanna thwack the reporter of https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8330 ? | 08:25 |
povbot` | Bug 8330: Delete track from Media Player | 08:25 |
rosseaux | timeless_Mbp; yes, there is a delete item at my n900 with PR1.1 | 08:25 |
luke-jr | ds3: 2.6.30-rc had most of N8x0 supported in Linux-OMAP; that was all stripped out when 2.6.30 was released | 08:25 |
timeless_mbp | thanks | 08:25 |
luke-jr | ds3: but that never saw a working WiFi driver | 08:25 |
* timeless_mbp offers someone a large trout for the occasion | 08:25 |
ds3 | Ohhh | 08:25 |
luke-jr | now Wifi is like the *only* thing working with mainline | 08:25 |
ds3 | I was using 2.6.24 or something around that era | 08:25 |
timeless_mbp | luke-jr: why was it stripped? because the hardware vendor was EOL? | 08:26 |
timeless_mbp | s/vendor was/was vendor/ | 08:26 |
infobot | timeless_mbp meant: luke-jr: why was it stripped? because the hardware was vendor EOL? | 08:26 |
* Stskeeps heads to breakfast and kamppi | 08:26 |
ds3 | probally no one to clean it up for the K-O commit | 08:26 |
Trizt | timeless_mbp; you want me to delete a track? | 08:27 |
timeless_mbp | Trizt: well, make a backup | 08:27 |
luke-jr | timeless_mbp: the code was not mainlined; 2.6.30 was more or less a reset | 08:27 |
timeless_mbp | but do confirm before you thwack him/her | 08:27 |
Trizt | timeless_mbp; delete works for me | 08:27 |
timeless_mbp | Stskeeps: what will you do in kamppi? | 08:27 |
* timeless_mbp is awake and could drop by | 08:27 |
Trizt | timeless_mbp; nah, no point, it's time to change tracks | 08:28 |
luke-jr | timeless_mbp: plus what ds3 said :) | 08:28 |
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slonopotamus | morning | 08:28 |
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slonopotamus | ds3, K-O commit - ? | 08:28 |
luke-jr | IIRC, some of the code no longer works with current kernel structures | 08:28 |
luke-jr | slonopotamus: Kernel.org commit, I think | 08:28 |
ds3 | Kernel.org commit | 08:28 |
ds3 | aka Linus's tree | 08:28 |
slonopotamus | okay | 08:28 |
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Trizt | grr... forgot to update my password... time to find right email when back home after work | 08:30 |
luke-jr | Stskeeps: if it were merely keeping C-Bus independent, it would reduce complexity quite a bit in the short-run, but the LCD platform stuff uses Tahvo, so it wouldn't be mainlinable until C-Bus is :/ | 08:30 |
Trizt | timeless_mbp; you close the bug 8330 ? | 08:31 |
povbot` | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8330 Delete track from Media Player | 08:31 |
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timeless_mbp | Trizt: i'd rather not be the only user of bugs.maemo.org | 08:32 |
timeless_mbp | so it'd be better if you or rosseaux commented | 08:32 |
timeless_mbp | you only need to stick a comment in, the resolution will happen later | 08:32 |
ds3 | luke-jr: Who would have to sign off on tthe C-bus commit? It looks like it'd be out of tony's hands | 08:33 |
Trizt | okey, then I'll look for my new password | 08:33 |
luke-jr | ds3: no idea? the code needs to be written before that matters | 08:34 |
Trizt | damn, I can't login, guess I have to register again | 08:35 |
ScribbleJ | Sheesh | 08:36 |
ScribbleJ | Just the package list from extras-devel take 15MB on / | 08:36 |
ScribbleJ | That's harsh. | 08:36 |
crashanddie | We just need to make / 4 gig and be done with it | 08:37 |
crashanddie | I'm tired of the optification discussions | 08:37 |
slonopotamus | crashanddie, :) | 08:37 |
GeneralAntilles | crashanddie, $$$$ | 08:37 |
pwnguin | i look forward to seeing your unionfs patches | 08:37 |
ScribbleJ | Yeah, I don't care how fast the 256mb storage is... I'd rather have slower disks and more space. | 08:38 |
GeneralAntilles | ScribbleJ, no you wouldn't. | 08:38 |
crashanddie | fuck the whole "but we're going to kill the 32gig flash, it can't handle it", at the current rate, we're using it all the time anyway | 08:38 |
GeneralAntilles | crashanddie, the problem is it's freaking slow and high latency. | 08:38 |
ds3 | it sucks that code got regressed | 08:38 |
* timeless_mbp repokes Stskeeps about kamppi | 08:38 |
pupnik | GeneralAntilles: ++ | 08:38 |
crashanddie | GeneralAntilles: ok, so how many libs are on /home/opt now? | 08:39 |
pupnik | endless, useless whine | 08:39 |
crashanddie | GeneralAntilles: how many shitloads of apps are using /home/opt continuously? | 08:39 |
GeneralAntilles | crashanddie, not the core stuff. | 08:39 |
luke-jr | ds3: in the case of CBus, it was never implemented properly in the first place AFAIK | 08:39 |
Trizt | timeless_mbp; so, commented | 08:40 |
ds3 | luke-jr: didn't it come directly from Nokia? | 08:40 |
crashanddie | GeneralAntilles: well, just chuck everything in /boot, all the rest in /usr | 08:40 |
timeless_mbp | Trizt: thanks | 08:40 |
luke-jr | ds3: I imagine so. | 08:40 |
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crashanddie | GeneralAntilles: it's a stupid design, I can't believe they went to market with only 256M for / | 08:40 |
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GeneralAntilles | crashanddie, I agree, but, well . . . here we are. | 08:41 |
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slonopotamus | GeneralAntilles, did you measure sd vs onboard flash speed? | 08:42 |
crashanddie | zhy the fuck did ,y keyboqrd just szitch to french§ | 08:42 |
crashanddie | better (test)! aaaQQ | 08:42 |
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slonopotamus | GeneralAntilles, and did you try running maemo from sd and seeing that it is unusably slow? | 08:43 |
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slonopotamus | GeneralAntilles, or maybe you have a link to someone who did that? | 08:44 |
ScribbleJ | slonopotamus, that measurement was done. The 256 flash is in fact much faster. | 08:44 |
ScribbleJ | I just saw the comparison in the wiki about two minutes ago. | 08:44 |
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crashanddie | GeneralAntilles: other option: make 4GB (or whatever size) for / in SD, then only move/symlink the core stuff that really slows down the whole device to the 256 flash | 08:44 |
slonopotamus | ScribbleJ, ssd disks are much faster than hdds. it doesn't mean that hdds are unusable. | 08:44 |
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ScribbleJ | I'm just saying. You want the numbers, they are out there. | 08:45 |
ScribbleJ | IIRC it's something like 100MB/sec on the one side and 20MB/sec on the other. | 08:45 |
crashanddie | GeneralAntilles: this way, all applications that have been optified keep working, applications that have no clue what's happening keep working, albeit a tiny bit slower, but we keep relatively acceptable speed for the core stuff | 08:45 |
slonopotamus | ... | 08:45 |
crashanddie | how many binaries are 20MB? | 08:46 |
slonopotamus | ScribbleJ, that doesn't matter when you have 256mb total. | 08:46 |
timeless_mbp | crashanddie: KOffice? :) | 08:46 |
crashanddie | that just means you can load the whole rootfs in 2.5s... there's no way the CPU can cope with that anyway | 08:46 |
slonopotamus | so you can read full rootfs in 2 seconds. wonderful. why? | 08:46 |
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timeless_mbp | crashanddie: otoh, it means that it'd take 200s to load the /home fs :) | 08:47 |
timeless_mbp | if the thing you need is swapped out and lives in /home, the penalty is much worse | 08:47 |
ScribbleJ | Hey don't ask me; I'm on the side of it's silly to have a 256mb / partition. I mean, I filled it up with nothing non-optified installed... it's easy to do when just putting in the apt.sources line for extras-devel costs you 15mb of space, and god forbid you have a mirror for it listed too, then you just lost 30mb for -- nothing. | 08:47 |
crashanddie | timeless_mbp: again, 32G in 200s? Seems acceptable to me. | 08:48 |
timeless_mbp | crashanddie: no, 2g in 200s | 08:48 |
ScribbleJ | Not even anything installed at all and 30mb gone. | 08:48 |
crashanddie | timeless_mbp: 4G actually | 08:48 |
timeless_mbp | 2gb / 20mb/s | 08:48 |
timeless_mbp | oh whatever | 08:48 |
crashanddie | lol | 08:48 |
timeless_mbp | 100s | 08:48 |
timeless_mbp | it's still a long time | 08:49 |
ScribbleJ | If it were up to me, I'd just take the 256mb as fast swap... | 08:49 |
crashanddie | I daresay there are only very few scenarios where loading 2GB of data in 1m40 isn't fast enough -- movies? Boot time? | 08:49 |
timeless_mbp | ScribbleJ: so | 08:49 |
timeless_mbp | are you volunteering to write the code to make it happen? | 08:49 |
crashanddie | there is no code required | 08:50 |
timeless_mbp | because the rootfs isn't on a thing which swap supports out of the box | 08:50 |
crashanddie | just partitioning | 08:50 |
timeless_mbp | crashanddie: no. | 08:50 |
crashanddie | lolwut? | 08:50 |
ScribbleJ | timeless, is it possible to make it happen? If I can I certainly will. | 08:50 |
luke-jr | ScribbleJ: are you crazy? <.< | 08:50 |
ScribbleJ | luke-jr, yes, probably. | 08:50 |
timeless_mbp | ScribbleJ: there were estimates of a certain number of man months (plus testing etc) to get it working | 08:50 |
luke-jr | ScribbleJ: swap on NAND = bad NAND | 08:50 |
ScribbleJ | luke-jr, it would be helpful if you told me how I'm nuts though. | 08:50 |
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ScribbleJ | luke-jr, good point. | 08:51 |
timeless_mbp | luke-jr: actually, people think it might be almost ok | 08:51 |
timeless_mbp | although there's definitely a risk | 08:51 |
luke-jr | tbh, I wouldn't be comfortable swapping to anything internal, ever <.< | 08:51 |
luke-jr | I'll risk a disposable MicroSD for that | 08:51 |
ScribbleJ | Yeah, kind of difficult to replace if you /do/ wear it out. | 08:51 |
timeless_mbp | 'kind of'? | 08:51 |
timeless_mbp | how about impossible :) | 08:52 |
luke-jr | XD | 08:52 |
ScribbleJ | But look, that's beside the point, I guess. | 08:52 |
timeless_mbp | anyway, people are investigating it | 08:52 |
timeless_mbp | but it is non-trivial | 08:52 |
* luke-jr swaps to external MicroSD with the assumption it will destroy it someday | 08:52 |
ScribbleJ | I'm up to page 10 of this thread on meamo.org about the root parition and I'm still not seeing anything that people make sound workable. | 08:52 |
ScribbleJ | This whole optifying thing is a joke, you have to know it. | 08:52 |
timeless_mbp | ScribbleJ: a joke isn't the right word | 08:53 |
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timeless_mbp | embarassment is probably better | 08:53 |
crashanddie | embarassment is usually what people feel after a good sharp joke though | 08:53 |
timeless_mbp | and after many bad ones... | 08:53 |
timeless_mbp | and things which just aren't funny | 08:54 |
timeless_mbp | this falls squarely in the 'not funny' category | 08:54 |
slonopotamus | hehe :) no, it is funny | 08:55 |
ScribbleJ | I wish I knew where to look for the actual decision-making through-process that went into deciding on /opt as opposed to any of the laternative solutions. | 08:55 |
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ScribbleJ | If I could just understand /why/ someone though the optifying was the best solution I might feel better. | 08:55 |
slonopotamus | so crappy disk layout and ppl are accepting it, sitting around and repackaging, and optifying everything. | 08:56 |
timeless_mbp | ScribbleJ: the /opt solution was chosen by the maemo community | 08:56 |
ScribbleJ | How? | 08:56 |
ScribbleJ | That's what I want to know. | 08:56 |
timeless_mbp | it's a matter of public record | 08:56 |
crashanddie | ScribbleJ: http://wiki.maemo.org/Opt_Problem | 08:56 |
GeneralAntilles | ScribbleJ, the mailing lists are where you want to look. | 08:56 |
GeneralAntilles | Talk is useless. | 08:56 |
GeneralAntilles | http://lists.maemo.org/pipermail/maemo-developers/2009-October/021289.html | 08:56 |
ScribbleJ | crashanddie, that doesn't explain how a solution was selected. A lot of the others sound better to me. | 08:57 |
ScribbleJ | Thanks, GeneralAntilles - reading now. | 08:57 |
crashanddie | ScribbleJ: GA gave the answer, mailing lists | 08:57 |
timeless_mbp | ScribbleJ: roughly, it was not something nokia picked on its own | 08:58 |
slonopotamus | no. you _already_ had 256mb rootfs when that discussion raised. | 08:58 |
timeless_mbp | what we didn't do was think about "oh hey, where will our customers stick a 2gb application" | 08:58 |
slonopotamus | you already had fixed partition sizes. | 08:58 |
timeless_mbp | partition sizes? bah | 08:58 |
timeless_mbp | the nand size is hardly a partition size | 08:58 |
timeless_mbp | it's a piece of hardware | 08:58 |
timeless_mbp | it's not like we can dynamically resize it! | 08:58 |
crashanddie | indeed, I'm guessing you guys just took whatever fitted the budget | 08:59 |
slonopotamus | timeless_mbp, sd partition sizes. 2gb is one more crap. | 08:59 |
timeless_mbp | crashanddie: actually, if you looked, i think you'd find it was for its time one of the larger nands | 08:59 |
crashanddie | GeneralAntilles: a lot of people installed Diablo on their internal SD, I don't understand why people are so uptight about putting it on the 32g one now | 09:00 |
crashanddie | GeneralAntilles: a lot of people also put it on SD cards and whatnot | 09:00 |
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timeless_mbp | crashanddie: people can do whatever they like | 09:00 |
tekojo | crashanddie expectations are the thing | 09:00 |
timeless_mbp | nokia is uptight about performance | 09:00 |
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timeless_mbp | any minor performance degradation results in customers whining | 09:00 |
crashanddie | I have a uSD that answers faster than the rootfs though | 09:00 |
crashanddie | granted, it's only 144k in size, but still | 09:01 |
timeless_mbp | you have a 144k uSD ?! | 09:01 |
crashanddie | aye | 09:01 |
ScribbleJ | My SD card is only 2MB/sec - now that /is/ a bit slow to use. | 09:01 |
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* timeless_mbp grumbles | 09:02 |
crashanddie | timeless_mbp: remember what my company does? | 09:02 |
timeless_mbp | importing kde is slow | 09:02 |
timeless_mbp | crashanddie: oh yeah, duh :) | 09:02 |
timeless_mbp | it's too early in the morning for me to use my memory :) | 09:02 |
timeless_mbp | it won't wake up for another 4 hours, it's very high latency :) | 09:02 |
slonopotamus | okay | 09:02 |
slonopotamus | who ran diablo from sd here? | 09:02 |
slonopotamus | was it unusably slow? | 09:03 |
timeless_mbp | objection! | 09:03 |
timeless_mbp | your honor, calls for speculation | 09:03 |
timeless_mbp | leading the witness | 09:03 |
* slonopotamus did. it was indistinguishable from diablo from internal flash. | 09:03 |
crashanddie | slonopotamus: confirmed | 09:04 |
slonopotamus | timeless_mbp, what's so different about fremantle that it needs much faster disk? i say what. nothing. | 09:04 |
timeless_mbp | slonopotamus: you think maemo5 is a lighter or as light of a platform as maemo4? | 09:05 |
ScribbleJ | So.... if I understand this right, the /opt decision was the product of a meeting of 10 people, total? | 09:05 |
timeless_mbp | i'm pretty sure it has more daemons than maemo4 | 09:05 |
timeless_mbp | and does more stupid work | 09:05 |
timeless_mbp | ScribbleJ: you'd rather us collect the first 10,000 customers into a single room | 09:05 |
timeless_mbp | and let them pick something? | 09:05 |
crashanddie | ScribbleJ: 10 people who care > whole community | 09:05 |
slonopotamus | timeless_mbp, 37MBps is a speed of normal desktop hdd just several years ago. | 09:05 |
thresh | several as in 15? | 09:06 |
timeless_mbp | slonopotamus: and we're talking about 20, half that :) | 09:06 |
ScribbleJ | I'm just saying, I was told earlier it was a community decision. | 09:06 |
timeless_mbp | ScribbleJ: it was | 09:06 |
ScribbleJ | 10 people doesn't sound like much of a community. | 09:06 |
timeless_mbp | as opposed to a nokia decision | 09:06 |
slonopotamus | timeless_mbp, ... | 09:06 |
crashanddie | ScribbleJ: it was annouced on multiple media | 09:06 |
crashanddie | ScribbleJ: if people don't show up, we can't force them to | 09:06 |
slonopotamus | timeless_mbp, you don't write at that speed when running apps. | 09:06 |
ScribbleJ | Heck | 09:07 |
ScribbleJ | Let me put it another way | 09:07 |
slonopotamus | w/e | 09:07 |
slonopotamus | it's just crap :) | 09:07 |
ScribbleJ | I'd have expected 10 people on this issue from Nokia /alone/. | 09:07 |
ScribbleJ | Nevermind the community. | 09:07 |
timeless_mbp | ScribbleJ: well, as noted people were notified about it | 09:07 |
timeless_mbp | those who came, came | 09:07 |
timeless_mbp | those who didn't, are the silent group you're faulting somehow | 09:08 |
ScribbleJ | So at Nokia, meetings are like, hey, come if you feel like it, or go play basketball if you don't? | 09:08 |
crashanddie | ScribbleJ: it's a big issue in a lot of communities, but ours maybe moreso: people shout and yell when they hear a decision was made about a specific subject ONLY WHEN IT BOTHERS THEM. Whenever an issue is raised, but doesn't affect them, they couldn't be bothered | 09:08 |
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ScribbleJ | crashanddie, timeless -- yes, I understand what you both are saying, but I'm saying forget the community... ten people isn't even a proper contingent from Nokia. | 09:09 |
timeless_mbp | ScribbleJ: at nokia, internally decisions are often made without any useful notice to anyone | 09:09 |
crashanddie | ScribbleJ: we don't know how many people decided this at Nokia | 09:09 |
timeless_mbp | and people not present at the meeting are told "we made the decision at the meeting, read the minutes" | 09:09 |
timeless_mbp | or | 09:10 |
crashanddie | welcome to corporations ;) | 09:10 |
timeless_mbp | people do come to a meeting, there's a discussion | 09:10 |
slonopotamus | crashanddie, ScribbleJ, that's all irrelevant. rootfs _already_ was 256mb and sd was _already_ partitioned as 2gb/768mb/30gb when that discussion took place. | 09:10 |
timeless_mbp | and then afterwards we're told "management has decided to do something else" | 09:10 |
timeless_mbp | "we will now do that" | 09:10 |
timeless_mbp | what the maemo community did is very different from either nokia strategy | 09:10 |
crashanddie | slonopotamus: we're actually talking about the fact that the nand is 256M -- who decided to only provide a 256M sized one | 09:10 |
timeless_mbp | i hope you can see the difference and accept that it's much better than the alternatives | 09:10 |
ScribbleJ | I've had that happen to me, timeless... I remember when I was younger I had our whole office running on linux... one day, the BoD comes in and says, starting tomorrow we're a windows shop. | 09:10 |
ScribbleJ | Heh | 09:11 |
ScribbleJ | crashanddie, no, that's not my perspective. ANY sized NAND would be too small, what sized was picked is necessarily somewhat arbitrary. | 09:11 |
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crashanddie | well, drop me a line whenever you've invented unlimited memory | 09:12 |
timeless_mbp | heh | 09:12 |
slonopotamus | ScribbleJ, so. just hack maemo to run from sd and let's bench it :) | 09:12 |
crashanddie | bonus points if it has unlimited speed as well | 09:12 |
timeless_mbp | crashanddie: infinite is better than unlimited :) | 09:12 |
ScribbleJ | slonopotamus, I only got my N900 yesterday, first exposure to maemo... give me a little time. :) | 09:12 |
crashanddie | yeah, that was the word I was looking for timeless_mbp | 09:12 |
ScribbleJ | At this point, I'm not entirerly clear on the boot sequence and what can be changed. | 09:12 |
timeless_mbp | ScribbleJ: it's linux, roughly anything can be changed | 09:13 |
crashanddie | ScribbleJ: then don't think you have answers or new questions. Most of the things you are saying have been said time and time again. | 09:13 |
slonopotamus | ScribbleJ, there's already bootmenu for n900. | 09:13 |
timeless_mbp | and any change you make will have tradeoffs | 09:13 |
slonopotamus | ScribbleJ, and mer happily runs with it. | 09:13 |
ScribbleJ | crashanddie, I'm sorry if I offended you; I don't think I've given any new suggestions, and my questions are just out of a hope to understand why the decision was made. | 09:13 |
ScribbleJ | slonopotamus, I don't know what anything you just said means. :) | 09:14 |
timeless_mbp | ScribbleJ: standard response "please use google, read the wiki, skim the mailinglist" | 09:14 |
timeless_mbp | *before* asking questions. i.e. read first. ask questions later. | 09:14 |
ScribbleJ | timeless, thanks, but I did read first, I was looking in the wrong places as GeneralAntilles pointed out earlier. | 09:14 |
ScribbleJ | When I did look in the right place, I was just stunned to hear this decision was the product of a meeting of 10 people, that's all. | 09:15 |
ScribbleJ | IT was just a shocker. | 09:15 |
timeless_mbp | 10 people is huge | 09:15 |
timeless_mbp | read the average minutes for a maemo.org sprint | 09:15 |
timeless_mbp | i think they have trouble getting 6 | 09:15 |
ScribbleJ | That makes me a sad panda. | 09:15 |
timeless_mbp | and that's including people paid to attend :) | 09:15 |
crashanddie | timeless_mbp: try have a meaningful meeting with over 4 people, and have every single one of them provide useful contributions | 09:15 |
ScribbleJ | I assumed all six were! | 09:16 |
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crashanddie | 6 is usually the magic number, after that, people start playing magic bingo or desktop defense | 09:16 |
* timeless_mbp isn't sure there are 6 people paid to be maemo.orrg | 09:16 |
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ScribbleJ | So I'm sure I'd figure this ut eventually, but who is the maemo wiz? Is there someone on the Nokia team who is the daddy of the project? | 09:16 |
slonopotamus | ScribbleJ, techie? | 09:17 |
ScribbleJ | Yeah, tech wise. | 09:17 |
slonopotamus | ScribbleJ, afaik, nobody :) at least not public | 09:17 |
ScribbleJ | That makes me very sad. | 09:18 |
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ScribbleJ | When I imagine a day that there is an elegant solution to the / parition size issue in place, it makes me feel a little icky inside to contemplate all the packages that will still be installing things to /opt and odd places by default. | 09:20 |
pupnik | http://www.shop.thesouthbutt.net/ the south butt is being sued by 'the north face'. shop | 09:21 |
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ScribbleJ | Well, I'm sure it won't take me too long to get it all figured out -- except that little issue where I can't properly build or install a kernel... heh. | 09:22 |
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ScribbleJ | Okay, not to regress. | 09:24 |
ScribbleJ | But | 09:24 |
ScribbleJ | What kind of sense does it make that default themes take up 14mb of my precious /? | 09:25 |
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ScribbleJ | Is that the kind of thing that's intentionally nonoptified? | 09:25 |
slonopotamus | :) | 09:25 |
pupnik | of course it is intentional. the question is, is it a wise choice? | 09:26 |
slonopotamus | ScribbleJ, du -sh /usr/share/locales :) | 09:26 |
ScribbleJ | Oh, I did. | 09:26 |
ScribbleJ | I wasn't sure what to do about that one though. | 09:26 |
slonopotamus | rm -rf unused :) | 09:27 |
ScribbleJ | Is that kosher? | 09:27 |
slonopotamus | ... no | 09:27 |
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GeneralAntilles | ScribbleJ, that's not the only discussion. :) | 09:48 |
GeneralAntilles | ScribbleJ, and there are lots of extremely knowledgeable people both in the community and in Nokia. | 09:50 |
GeneralAntilles | ScribbleJ, unfortunately the /opt issue is a product of people realizing it was one way too late in the game. | 09:51 |
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GeneralAntilles | ScribbleJ, but, seriously, read more, denounce and judge less. | 09:51 |
GeneralAntilles | timeless_mbp, maemo.org has 6 people. | 09:51 |
GeneralAntilles | timeless_mbp, not counting Nokian's whose responsibilities tend to revolve around maemo.org | 09:51 |
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jukey | hi, there seems to be a problem regarding http://wiki.maemo.org | 10:13 |
jukey | are you able to load the page? | 10:13 |
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tekojo | jukey maintenance reboot | 10:13 |
jukey | ah :) | 10:13 |
tekojo | need to install new kernel and nfs modules | 10:13 |
tekojo | and then hope it is a bit more stable | 10:14 |
Myrtti | MOAR COFFEE | 10:14 |
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jukey | thanks, I'll try again late | 10:15 |
jukey | r | 10:15 |
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Myrtti | tekojo: btw I haet u. Was just going through bugz to check wiki bugs. | 10:29 |
Myrtti | (with all my love, of course.) | 10:29 |
Myrtti | ♥ | 10:29 |
pronto | ツ | 10:29 |
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aquatix | good moaning | 10:31 |
pronto | morning | 10:32 |
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* MohammadAG wonders how he could disable the 5 bubble bootscreen/quiet boot at startup | 10:46 |
Stskeeps | fb-progress | 10:47 |
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tybollt | "? /opt should be a short-term solution. | 10:59 |
tybollt | " | 10:59 |
tybollt | hmmmmmm... | 11:00 |
slonopotamus | tybollt: sure. for maemo5 lifetime :) | 11:00 |
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tybollt | maemo5 lifetime == short term solution? :) | 11:02 |
slonopotamus | tybollt: correction: maemo5 nokia support time :) | 11:02 |
tybollt | right :P | 11:03 |
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hrw|gone | hi | 11:05 |
tbf | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=497032#post497032 | 11:06 |
tbf | someone coming across a vodafone shop to check those magic features? | 11:06 |
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slonopotamus | how vodafone can _not_support it? don't you just take your simcard and put in n900? | 11:07 |
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tbf | slonopotamus: well, out of the box there is no java on the N900 | 11:09 |
tbf | slonopotamus: nor MMS | 11:09 |
tbf | slonopotamus: so if they really have those features, there must be some vf specific software on the device | 11:10 |
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mrmg | I'd be fairly sure it doesn't have those features | 11:19 |
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acidjazz | 4.0 MB/s - 333.7 MB of 1.6 GB, 5 mins left | 11:23 |
acidjazz | <3 this internet | 11:23 |
pronto | o.o | 11:23 |
pronto | k | 11:23 |
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acidjazz | hows this new image? ppl usin it alot? | 11:23 |
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timeless_mbp | ?? | 11:32 |
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acidjazz | hey timeless_mbp | 11:40 |
timeless_mbp | hi | 11:40 |
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TriztFromWork | acidjazz; new image? | 11:57 |
acidjazz | TriztFromWork: the vmware image on maemo.org | 11:57 |
acidjazz | so fromt his pre-installed image where do i look next on steps to get the emu running? | 11:57 |
TriztFromWork | oh with the SDK, right? | 11:57 |
acidjazz | yea | 11:58 |
SpeedEvil | hmm | 11:58 |
TriztFromWork | I guess I will make a try when I get back home tonight | 11:59 |
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mece | acidjazz, wow sounds sweet. I can run that bad boy from win, right? My old winxp work machine get a little sluggish when running linux mint running scratchbox | 12:03 |
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acidjazz | mece; yup | 12:05 |
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acidjazz | hmm | 12:10 |
acidjazz | so i started up the emu and there are like zero apps .. not even a browser or anything | 12:10 |
ShadowJK | it's not an emulator | 12:11 |
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ShadowJK | there is no emulator | 12:11 |
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w00t | morning maemo :) | 12:12 |
alterego | ShadowJK: what's qemu about then :P | 12:12 |
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ShadowJK | cpu transparency | 12:12 |
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alterego | Erm .. That's not just what it's used for is it now .. | 12:13 |
alterego | It's used for _emulating_ an ARM processor in scratchbox. | 12:13 |
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timeless_mbp | http://www.youtube.com/v/vOhf3OvRXKg&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1 is amazing | 12:14 |
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acidjazz | dope timeless_mbp | 12:20 |
timeless_mbp | ? | 12:20 |
timeless_mbp | ah, slang | 12:20 |
acidjazz | anywyas any answer to my ? of why no apps or anything my fresh pre-made vm sdk? | 12:21 |
timeless_mbp | ? | 12:21 |
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timeless_mbp | do you have app manager? | 12:21 |
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acidjazz | all i have is settings and more | 12:22 |
acidjazz | i do | 12:22 |
acidjazz | no apps available | 12:22 |
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tybollt | acidjazz: ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list/hildon* | 12:24 |
tybollt | acidjazz: does that file exist? | 12:25 |
timeless_mbp | what's in more? | 12:25 |
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acidjazz | sec | 12:25 |
timeless_mbp | because app manager should be in more | 12:25 |
acidjazz | installing vmware tools.. | 12:25 |
timeless_mbp | you typically have to install things w/ it | 12:25 |
acidjazz | it is in more timeless_mbp just says no apps to install | 12:25 |
timeless_mbp | the sdk doesn't come with lots of preinstalled junk | 12:25 |
timeless_mbp | tap the title area | 12:25 |
timeless_mbp | tap catalogs | 12:25 |
timeless_mbp | (or catalogues) | 12:25 |
tybollt | acid:_: you need to populate the sources list | 12:26 |
tybollt | duuh :) | 12:26 |
timeless_mbp | ... the sdk doesn't come with lots of preinstalled junk | 12:26 |
timeless_mbp | ... because most people don't need it | 12:26 |
timeless_mbp | if you have settings and app manager, then you have enough to build most things | 12:26 |
tybollt | I don't think it is unreasonable to assume someone installing SDK knows how to handle apt | 12:26 |
timeless_mbp | some things would only come from accepting nokia's nokia-closed binary terms | 12:27 |
acidjazz | wow this really _is_ that bare | 12:27 |
timeless_mbp | tybollt: we provide ham, so we don't assume that :) | 12:27 |
timeless_mbp | acidjazz: the sdk is *NOT* an emulator | 12:27 |
timeless_mbp | it's a software *DEVELOPMENT* kit | 12:27 |
* TriztFromWork hates apt and no one has taken the time to make a recent ebuild | 12:27 |
tybollt | timeless_mbp: :P | 12:27 |
acidjazz | yea i know all that and it makes sense just that the sdk stuff before this acme w/ it all instal | 12:27 |
acidjazz | installed* | 12:27 |
acidjazz | timeless_mbp: sdk + emulator | 12:28 |
SpeedEvil | No. | 12:28 |
acidjazz | its a software development kit tha tincludes an emulator | 12:28 |
SpeedEvil | It's really not an emulator of the final phone. | 12:28 |
acidjazz | why cuz its x86 | 12:28 |
acidjazz | but it is an emulator | 12:28 |
acidjazz | basic concept | 12:28 |
SpeedEvil | It emulates the CPU only. | 12:28 |
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timeless_mbp | acidjazz: it lets you run the apps you write | 12:28 |
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acidjazz | the phone that appears in your computer is not a phone it is an _emulation_ of the phone | 12:28 |
timeless_mbp | it doesn't emulate the phone | 12:28 |
acidjazz | not _the_ phone but _a_ phone :) | 12:28 |
timeless_mbp | it doesn't emulate the camera | 12:28 |
timeless_mbp | or the gps | 12:28 |
timeless_mbp | or the ir port | 12:28 |
SpeedEvil | or the phone | 12:28 |
TriztFromWork | does the SDK work on an arm machine? | 12:29 |
acidjazz | still an emulator.. | 12:29 |
timeless_mbp | or .. | 12:29 |
timeless_mbp | acidjazz: WYSIWYG | 12:29 |
timeless_mbp | it lets you run hildon | 12:29 |
acidjazz | k this conversations over :) | 12:29 |
acidjazz | were on the same page | 12:29 |
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SpeedEvil | TriztFromWork: The emulator runs under qemu - so you can test your apps, and compile natively. | 12:29 |
acidjazz | SpeedEvil just called it an emulator | 12:30 |
SpeedEvil | TriztFromWork: in one mode - and in a similar x86 environment for 'normal' debugging | 12:30 |
acidjazz | NYAH | 12:30 |
SpeedEvil | It is an emulator od some functions - not of the whole phone. | 12:30 |
* RST38h moos thoughtfully | 12:30 |
RST38h | So what is the current discussion about? "N900 is not a phone" again? | 12:30 |
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Wolfie | RST38h: the SDK is not a N900, more like | 12:31 |
TriztFromWork | SpeedEvil; but the emulator itself is x86? I think I could only run my "apps2 only if I compiled x86 | 12:31 |
SpeedEvil | TriztFromWork: you will normally compile and run your apps as x86 - and do most debugging there. | 12:31 |
SpeedEvil | TriztFromWork: as it's faster - and most bugs are CPU independant. | 12:31 |
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* TriztFromWork nods | 12:31 |
TriztFromWork | it was just that I thought of getting an arm based laptop | 12:32 |
SpeedEvil | TriztFromWork: then you compile as ARM - and run it under the emulator to check for wierd oopses. | 12:32 |
tybollt | RST38h: Got a mail from nookia this morning "install ovi on your PC" ... I downloaded it but the bastard would not install on my N900 :-| | 12:32 |
alterego | Damnit, why doesn't the N900 auto setup usb0 when it's plugged in >:( | 12:32 |
tybollt | ;-) | 12:32 |
SpeedEvil | alterego: it's not always what you want. | 12:32 |
SpeedEvil | It should be configurable - I don't know if hte standard UI lets you pick a default though | 12:33 |
TriztFromWork | sometimes I have got that the N900 thinks it's connected to a computer when I use the nokia charger | 12:33 |
SpeedEvil | bad connection | 12:33 |
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Stskeeps | nokia charger will provide your mass storage over the electric network ;p | 12:33 |
SpeedEvil | check the connector is not fully in | 12:33 |
ahmedammar | anyone here have any experience with gst-dsp | 12:33 |
alterego | No, it doesn't automatically bring it up it seems. | 12:34 |
acidjazz | lol dont install ovi | 12:34 |
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alterego | /etc/network/interfaces has it. | 12:34 |
TriztFromWork | I'm not talking about the usb cable, but the one you plugin to the wall | 12:34 |
SpeedEvil | Stskeeps: I argued way back in the day for the OM phones that a charger with a hub on top would be cool. | 12:34 |
tybollt | acidjazz: that was a joke though | 12:34 |
lardman | andre__: did you knoe that calendar bugs are sent to nobody@maemo.org? | 12:34 |
tybollt | lardman: it's not a bug it's a feature! | 12:35 |
andre__ | lardman, but hasn't that been for years, with 15 other products too? | 12:35 |
acidjazz | should i write apps in python or ruby | 12:35 |
ShadowJK | the usb charging spec seems to have provisions for creating docking stations | 12:35 |
lardman | andre__: yeah, but I would like some calendar bugs fixed | 12:35 |
slono_n900 | lardman, lol :) really? | 12:35 |
andre__ | lardman, bug 630? ;-) | 12:35 |
povbot` | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=630 Increased Bugzilla transparency - get the developers involved! | 12:35 |
timeless_mbp | tybollt: complaint to nokia care :) | 12:35 |
lardman | andre__: no, later than that | 12:36 |
timeless_mbp | alterego: if you choose pc suite mode it doesn't setup usb0? | 12:36 |
lardman | andre__: and fwiw there are lots of calendar bugs/enhancements | 12:36 |
andre__ | so.....? | 12:37 |
* timeless_mbp chuckles | 12:37 |
lardman | all headed to /dev/null | 12:37 |
timeless_mbp | lardman: bugzilla internally didn't handle enhancements | 12:37 |
timeless_mbp | until recently | 12:37 |
timeless_mbp | and i doubt that really includes fremantle anyway | 12:37 |
lardman | yeah I know, but it doesn't fill me with hope that no-one's actually seen these bugs anyway | 12:38 |
timeless_mbp | well, at least you're a realist | 12:38 |
timeless_mbp | better than it fill you with hope for a year and you be crushed by that hope | 12:38 |
timeless_mbp | obviously it's doing its job :) | 12:38 |
* Stskeeps ponders a "clone my n900" tool | 12:39 |
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lardman | I know my hope wuold be crushed if I expected any enhancements to be made, but at least if someone looked at them I could let the calendar team know how rubbish their ui is | 12:39 |
lardman | ;) | 12:39 |
tybollt | nokia put up a bugzilla just so users would have something to do instead of calling helpdesk | 12:39 |
tybollt | ;) | 12:39 |
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acidjazz | hmm my setup does have app catalogs | 12:40 |
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acidjazz | i ownder if maybe the phone just doesnt have internet | 12:40 |
lardman | tybollt: lol | 12:40 |
acidjazz | the emu.. | 12:40 |
timeless_mbp | lardman: i sure hope they know | 12:40 |
timeless_mbp | if they don't, we really have problems :( | 12:40 |
* TriztFromWork hates iis | 12:40 |
* timeless_mbp ponders | 12:40 |
Corsac | in soviet russia, iis hates you | 12:40 |
timeless_mbp | char * | 12:40 |
timeless_mbp | asctime_r (struct tm const * restrict tm, char * restrict buf) | 12:40 |
timeless_mbp | { | 12:40 |
timeless_mbp | return copy_string_result (buf, asctime (tm)); | 12:40 |
timeless_mbp | } | 12:40 |
timeless_mbp | they call that reentrant safe? | 12:40 |
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acidjazz | how can i test if my emu has internet .. lol no ping | 12:42 |
timeless_mbp | ssh | 12:42 |
timeless_mbp | or just read about /etc/nsswitch.conf and /scratchbox/etc/resolve.conf or something like that | 12:42 |
acidjazz | damn internte works | 12:42 |
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acidjazz | maybe these repos setup in the sdk are invalid? | 12:42 |
timeless_mbp | ssh probably cheats | 12:43 |
timeless_mbp | did you check the two files? | 12:43 |
timeless_mbp | they're typically wrong | 12:43 |
timeless_mbp | google will explain | 12:44 |
acidjazz | i fixed the scrtachbox resolv.conf | 12:44 |
acidjazz | ssh works | 12:44 |
acidjazz | it has internet | 12:44 |
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acidjazz | gona verify the catalog repos | 12:44 |
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acidjazz | ai_ib_unable_edit | 12:45 |
acidjazz | cant edit catalogs :/ | 12:45 |
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tybollt | timeless_mbp: on a more serious note though, HAM is not _just_ a pure apt wrapper - is it? | 12:45 |
lardman | does anyone know what the calendar backend is? | 12:45 |
timeless_mbp | tybollt: with a different apt resolver algorithm | 12:46 |
lardman | i.e. is there an api for it? | 12:46 |
timeless_mbp | it basically is | 12:46 |
Stskeeps | lardman: calendar-backend | 12:46 |
Stskeeps | (oss) | 12:46 |
timeless_mbp | Stskeeps: how dare they have a reasonable name! | 12:46 |
timeless_mbp | that's totally unaccpetable! | 12:46 |
timeless_mbp | s/pe/ep/ | 12:46 |
acidjazz | so all i did was mount the new vmware .. go into terminal and start up the SDK UI | 12:46 |
infobot | timeless_mbp meant: that's totally unacceptable! | 12:46 |
lardman | Stskeeps: thanks | 12:46 |
spectre- | is joikuspot going to be open source or am i going to have to pay for it | 12:48 |
Stskeeps | spectre-: changes are pay | 12:48 |
Stskeeps | chances | 12:48 |
Stskeeps | you can probably make it command line yourself | 12:48 |
lardman | hmm wrong attitude, you don't pay, you go and write a better version | 12:48 |
spectre- | er are other joikuspot ports open already? | 12:49 |
spectre- | or is that a pay app on other platforms? | 12:49 |
Myrtti | latter | 12:49 |
spectre- | damnit | 12:49 |
spectre- | we need an open alternative | 12:49 |
spectre- | i'm sure bridging would do it | 12:49 |
SpeedEvil | What is it? | 12:49 |
Myrtti | here are the specs, why don't you code | 12:49 |
spectre- | if br-utils were available for maemo | 12:49 |
range | There already is bluetooth DUN ... | 12:50 |
Stskeeps | they are, afaik | 12:50 |
Stskeeps | :P | 12:50 |
spectre- | can i run native debian packages on here? | 12:50 |
SpeedEvil | oh - it's a mifi thing | 12:50 |
spectre- | from, say, etch? | 12:50 |
ptman | btw, is there bluetooth pan? that would be so much better than dun | 12:50 |
range | There's the bluez stack on the phone, so ... | 12:51 |
SpeedEvil | http://intr.overt.org/blog/?p=94 | 12:51 |
SpeedEvil | claims so | 12:51 |
SpeedEvil | pan | 12:51 |
acidjazz | ai_ib_unable_edit still | 12:51 |
acidjazz | cant modify catalogs in the app manager | 12:51 |
acidjazz | maemo needs to make their sdk alot more out of the box if they want more developers writing apps :/ | 12:52 |
alterego | acidjazz: use the VM. | 12:52 |
alterego | That's abotu as "out-of-the-box" as you can. | 12:52 |
alterego | And if you call yourself a developer and you can't follow the installation procedure, which is damn easy really. Then you're not really a particularly good developer are you :P | 12:53 |
acidjazz | alterego: that what im trying to do :/ | 12:53 |
acidjazz | i tried to follow it as detailed as possible | 12:53 |
alterego | What's your problem then>? | 12:53 |
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acidjazz | i started up the emu and no apps installed nothin .. just an app manager w/ a catalog i cant edit | 12:54 |
acidjazz | i get ai_ib_unable_edit notification | 12:54 |
spectre- | !ping | 12:54 |
timeless_mbp | acidjazz: add a repository | 12:54 |
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acidjazz | juts said i cant | 12:55 |
acidjazz | wont let me modify the catalogs | 12:55 |
timeless_mbp | msgid "ai_ib_unable_edit" | 12:55 |
timeless_mbp | msgstr "Can't edit this catalog" | 12:55 |
timeless_mbp | and i said *ADD* onw | 12:55 |
timeless_mbp | s/w/e/ | 12:55 |
infobot | timeless_mbp meant: and i said *ADD* one | 12:55 |
timeless_mbp | don't try to edit the one that's there, add a new one | 12:55 |
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alterego | How come my /dev/video0 is identical to my /dev/video1 when viewed on a gst pipeline? | 12:56 |
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timeless_mbp | heh | 12:56 |
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alterego | Different device node. | 12:57 |
alterego | IS this a known issue? | 12:58 |
timeless_mbp | first time i've seen it, ask google | 12:58 |
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acidjazz | "Enter web address first" | 12:58 |
alterego | Oh wait, I typo'd the device parameter ;) | 12:58 |
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timeless_mbp | http://uadmin.blogspot.com/2009/03/beginning-of-end-of-opensource.html | 12:59 |
timeless_mbp | > Blue suits and stuffy bushiness men don't get along with long beards and pony tails of the Open Source community, even Sun's dress code doesn't match well with IBM, Sun's dress code by the way is simple. "You must dress, use your best judgement." | 12:59 |
* timeless_mbp chuckles | 12:59 |
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Stskeeps | "must dress", excellent | 12:59 |
timeless_mbp | yeah | 12:59 |
acidjazz | hmm let me add hte maemo extras | 13:00 |
timeless_mbp | too bad i never heard that one until today | 13:00 |
alterego | wow, the video quality is god aweful on the front camera :) | 13:00 |
Stskeeps | timeless_mbp: please note the last comment of the blog | 13:00 |
alterego | Looks like there's loads of RF interference or something. | 13:00 |
acidjazz | i dont even think ur supposed to konw that exists yet alterego | 13:00 |
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timeless_mbp | Stskeeps: aww | 13:01 |
timeless_mbp | well, i'll give him this: they're shiny | 13:01 |
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timeless_mbp | definitely overdoing it | 13:01 |
acidjazz | here we go theres somtehing in the log | 13:01 |
lardman | hmm, just watched video of Palm Pre, looks crap | 13:01 |
lardman | No, I tell a lie | 13:02 |
acidjazz | get btadapter: the name org.bluez was not provided by any .service files | 13:02 |
lardman | Motarola Milestone | 13:02 |
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acidjazz | /usr/share/hildon-application-manager/defaults: No suc file or directory | 13:02 |
timeless_mbp | poor high school girls | 13:02 |
lardman | ah, that will be why it's running Android then | 13:02 |
timeless_mbp | the prom dresses are ~50% more than bridesmaids dresses | 13:02 |
acidjazz | then a bunch of error retriving file info: No such file or directory | 13:03 |
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acidjazz | is there any1 in here thats successful setup the sdk ui via the new vmware image? | 13:04 |
timeless_mbp | url? | 13:05 |
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acidjazz | me? | 13:05 |
timeless_mbp | yes | 13:05 |
timeless_mbp | your description is useless w/o a url to the 'new vmware image' | 13:06 |
acidjazz | http://maemo.org/news/announcements/maemo_fremantle_and_diablo_sdk_virtual_image_final_version_released/ | 13:06 |
acidjazz | it was this announcement couple dyas ago | 13:06 |
timeless_mbp | well i missed it :) | 13:06 |
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acidjazz | im just gonna re-install the sdk i think | 13:07 |
spectre- | yeah i'm looking forward to video skype calls | 13:08 |
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spectre- | with the front camera | 13:08 |
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acidjazz | This image is out-of-the-box ready Maemo SDK Virtual Image. Image includes the latest version of Ubuntu Intrepid Desktop Edition together with full Maemo Fremantle and Diablo development environments preinstalled and configured. | 13:09 |
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acidjazz | they even like setup bookmarks in firefox for api docs | 13:11 |
odin_ | is Ubuntu debian based? (never been a user of Ubuntu) | 13:11 |
timeless_mbp | yes | 13:11 |
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acidjazz | timeless_mbp: dont get me wrong i had 0 issues settup in the sdk via the docs | 13:12 |
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acidjazz | setting up* | 13:12 |
acidjazz | just was lookin forward to this cuz that previous setup took forever | 13:12 |
* timeless_mbp kicks svn | 13:12 |
* ShadowJK doubts skype videocalls will arrive | 13:13 |
acidjazz | ithink they will | 13:14 |
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zaheerm | spectre-, it will require someone to port and optimise vp7 (that is what skype video uses) | 13:19 |
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acidjazz | lol holy shit | 13:20 |
acidjazz | i just realized that app called conky | 13:20 |
acidjazz | is from that doll conky from trailer park boy s:) | 13:20 |
acidjazz | http://www.pocketbikepics.com/data/502/medium/conky8.jpg | 13:20 |
acidjazz | hilarious | 13:20 |
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acidjazz | timeless_mbp: are yo gonna mess w/ that vm? | 13:21 |
timeless_mbp | nope | 13:21 |
timeless_mbp | i already have two vms | 13:21 |
timeless_mbp | i'll update mer when i'm told | 13:21 |
timeless_mbp | i might try to fix my osol vm | 13:21 |
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acidjazz | zip up and give me one :) | 13:22 |
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inz | Hmm, my N900 decided that it didn't want to join the WPA networks of the uni. | 13:23 |
inz | Luckily applying force (read: reboot) helped | 13:24 |
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acidjazz | rad the eula in the maemo 5 ui installer doesnt work | 13:27 |
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GAN900 | inz, there's a bug floating around. | 13:30 |
mece | acidjazz, got an url for that vm image? | 13:30 |
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acidjazz | http://tablets-dev.nokia.com/maemo-dev-env-downloads.php | 13:34 |
mece | acidjazz, thankee-sai | 13:34 |
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acidjazz | url isnt responding | 13:35 |
acidjazz | for me | 13:35 |
acidjazz | guess its being flooded or down? | 13:35 |
mece | is GNU general the most open license? | 13:36 |
acidjazz | yea maemo.org is failing everywhere | 13:38 |
range | GNU is not a license at all. | 13:38 |
zash | range: you missed the word "general" | 13:38 |
acidjazz | gnu is an os | 13:38 |
bilboed-pi | general is a rank in the army | 13:39 |
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zash | :D | 13:39 |
range | zash: I thought that sentence was missing an "in". | 13:39 |
mece | thanks for the help guys. | 13:39 |
mece | I meant GPL :) | 13:39 |
zash | range: i thougt it missed "public license" | 13:39 |
acidjazz | mece; did u get that image | 13:39 |
mece | acidjazz, nope. Borked | 13:40 |
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ptl | hello | 13:40 |
range | mece: And that is something which is a) debatable and which b) others have debated over for a long time. So there's no general(!) answer to that. | 13:40 |
acidjazz | fucking this sdk ui shit | 13:40 |
ptl | how do I install an scratchbox 2 target on esbox? | 13:40 |
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acidjazz | im just gonna put sshd on my phone code on the damn phone | 13:40 |
range | Google knows more in this case. | 13:40 |
zash | mece: open for what? :P | 13:40 |
zash | and then there's "free" | 13:40 |
mece | zash wel li wanted to start a project and it asked for license | 13:40 |
mece | I got bored and chose GPL something something. | 13:41 |
ptl | I try to add a scrathbox 2 target (my scratchbox 2 is on /scratchbox) and it says "No build machine configured or applicable SDKs installed" | 13:41 |
ptl | how do I correct it? | 13:41 |
tybollt | mece: no | 13:41 |
acidjazz | faelmo.org | 13:41 |
zash | acidjazz: lol | 13:42 |
mece | tybollt, ok.. so I should have gone with "None" ? | 13:42 |
tybollt | mece: if you want truely open - use BSDL/ISC style license. | 13:42 |
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zash | mece: I like the "I don't give a shit-license" | 13:42 |
mece | zash, that's the one I wanted. | 13:42 |
range | As said, that is debatable. And I think this is probably the wrong channel to discuss that. | 13:42 |
zash | :D | 13:42 |
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mece | zash, I didn't realize that "None" was an option, which it was... | 13:42 |
thresh | DWTFPL is teh best | 13:42 |
tybollt | mece: If you don't license your code it's problematic at best. If you really don't care at all then put it in the public domain | 13:43 |
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ptl | no one knows? or is my question dumb? I have tried to google it but no dice. | 13:43 |
thresh | WTF PL for the win | 13:43 |
Myrtti | Finnish legistlation doesn't recognice public domain, btw | 13:43 |
mece | range, tybollt, zash, what does putting it in the public domain mean? | 13:43 |
ptl | Please, I am keen to program for maemo. | 13:43 |
zash | GPL → free code, BSD → free devels | 13:43 |
mece | well I went with gpl either way. | 13:43 |
Myrtti | mece: you revoke all your claims to it. Finnish legistlation assumes you can't revoke your own copyrights. | 13:44 |
tybollt | mece: sorry to hear you locked your code in. :-( | 13:44 |
mece | I wanted people to be able to use my code to whateverthefuck they want and sell it for a million bucks if they feel like it. | 13:44 |
mece | tybollt, it's not written in stone | 13:44 |
tybollt | mece: according to your statement - you want BSDL | 13:45 |
tybollt | not gpl :) | 13:45 |
mece | tybollt, i just registered a project in garage. | 13:45 |
ptl | GPL allows anyone to sell the code or compiled code for a million bucks | 13:45 |
ptl | it just disallows closing the source | 13:45 |
tybollt | yeah | 13:45 |
ptl | Do you really want people to close the modifications to your code? | 13:45 |
tybollt | gpl ! "whatever the fuck you want" | 13:45 |
range | BSD neither. | 13:45 |
range | You need to at least keep the copyrights intact. | 13:46 |
tybollt | provided you keep the copyright notice it is :) | 13:46 |
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mece | ptl, I really don't care. But I'm happy with GPL atm. Mostly because it was the first on the list, hence least amount of work to choose it. | 13:46 |
zash | mece: :D | 13:46 |
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ptl | I am not criticizing you | 13:46 |
ptl | just raising a point | 13:46 |
zash | "least amount of work" ftw | 13:47 |
mece | ptl, I guess you have a point though. | 13:47 |
tybollt | mece: sure... if you're content w/ locking the BSD community out - go for it =) | 13:47 |
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ptl | I don't even know what your code is all about | 13:47 |
mece | tybollt, I have no idea what the BSD community is, so yeah, I'm fine with that. | 13:47 |
tybollt | :-D | 13:47 |
adeus | http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ | 13:47 |
ptl | there are projects for which I think BSDL is best, others for which I think GPL is best | 13:47 |
Robot101 | bsd license is nothing much to do with the bsd community | 13:47 |
ptl | even the FSF founder Richard Stallman does not think the GPL is the best license for all cases | 13:47 |
mece | tybollt, I can change the license later I suppose. I haven't actually submitted any code so... :) | 13:48 |
ptl | hence the LGPL... and he also told the ogg people the best license for their code would be a BSD-like license, which they adopted | 13:48 |
ptl | anywaaaay | 13:49 |
mece | licenses annoy me. | 13:49 |
mece | :D | 13:49 |
ptl | you guys seem experienced coders | 13:49 |
mece | ptl, yees? | 13:49 |
mece | LOL, I mean no. | 13:49 |
ptl | why not help me here and tell me what the heck should I do to use scratchbox 2 under esbox? | 13:49 |
Myrtti | best discussions ever: license fight GPL vs. BSD/MIT @ company christmas party | 13:49 |
ptl | I try to add a scratchbox 2 target and it says "no, no, no" to me | 13:49 |
mece | Myrtti, I bet :D | 13:49 |
ptl | says "No build machine configured or applicable SDKs installed"" | 13:50 |
ptl | I'm stuck on this one | 13:50 |
ptl | I am sure 10 more hours of googling about it would get me the solution | 13:50 |
ptl | but I don't have 10 hours to spare with that... please? | 13:50 |
acidjazz | i need some good python examples | 13:51 |
ptl | esbox has them, acidjazz | 13:51 |
mece | acidjazz, I've been knee deep in python the last few days. what do you need? | 13:51 |
ptl | lol | 13:51 |
mece | acidjazz, I downloaded source for touchsearch and witter to get some ideas. | 13:52 |
ptl | at least point me to proper documentation | 13:53 |
mece | acidjazz, I can send you the stuff I'm working on if you want. | 13:54 |
mece | acidjazz, it's crude stuff though, so wear goggles. | 13:54 |
acidjazz | mece: just wanna get into it w/ hildon | 13:54 |
acidjazz | oh touchserach is in python eh? | 13:54 |
acidjazz | i juts need good examples to get going | 13:54 |
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acidjazz | mece: can u point me to the source of touchsearch? | 13:55 |
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mece | ok hold on. touchsearch is a widget though. not the same as an application. | 13:55 |
acidjazz | whatd you use as a good source to an application example? | 13:56 |
mece | acidjazz, this is where I started: http://wiki.maemo.org/PyMaemo/HildonDesktop | 13:56 |
acidjazz | im at http://wiki.maemo.org/PyMaemo/UITutorial/Getting_started#Hello_World_in_Hildon | 13:56 |
acidjazz | mece; are you coding in an sdk or the phone? | 13:56 |
mece | acidjazz, both, depending on if I'm at computer or in sofa/car/train/can | 13:56 |
mece | acidjazz, here's touchsearch source: http://repository.maemo.org/extras/pool/fremantle/free/source/t/touchsearch/ | 13:57 |
acidjazz | tnx | 13:57 |
mece | acidjazz, this is the stuff I'm working on: http://twitpic.com/zu3bf | 13:58 |
ptl | :( | 13:58 |
acidjazz | gonna have to wait ofr maem.org to be back up | 13:58 |
acidjazz | dope .. the comic widget? | 13:58 |
mece | ptl, All I have is http://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/Maemo_5_SDK_installation_for_beginners | 13:59 |
mece | acidjazz, that's what I'm doing atm. | 13:59 |
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acidjazz | whats the transmit switch thing mece | 13:59 |
mece | acidjazz, it turns on transmitter and boosts it if you want it to. | 14:00 |
mece | it's in extras I believe. | 14:00 |
acidjazz | what transmitter? | 14:00 |
zash | fm radio? | 14:01 |
acidjazz | ah | 14:01 |
acidjazz | im gonna nap and hopefully wake up to a working faelmo.org | 14:01 |
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tybollt | hmm | 14:03 |
tybollt | nap | 14:03 |
tybollt | I'll go ask my boss if I can nap for a while | 14:03 |
fragment | why ask? just do it | 14:06 |
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t_s_o | hmm, are the repos having a bad day? | 14:12 |
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mece | t_s_o, yes, and freenode too apparently... | 14:13 |
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jebba | again? Hmm. http://espejo.freemoe.org <--- mirrors | 14:13 |
zash | Made of fail and aids! | 14:13 |
t_s_o | mece: there was a warning sendt out about the freenode "issue" ;) | 14:13 |
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mece | I see. | 14:13 |
t_s_o | jebba: thanks, but i use maemo 4... | 14:14 |
jebba | ah sry | 14:14 |
mece | is there a howto on packaging python stuff for maemo? | 14:15 |
tybollt | t_s_o: "freenode issue"? | 14:15 |
t_s_o | tybollt: they appear to be doing some server maintenance, and so need to restructure the network | 14:16 |
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mece | whoa project approved. That was fast. Didn't take quite the 72 hours that were expected. | 14:18 |
mece | who manages the garage anyway? Anyone here? | 14:18 |
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tekojo_ | the 72 hours is a worst case | 14:20 |
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mece | guessed as much, still, it was a very fast response. Much appreciated. | 14:21 |
tekojo_ | it's a question of when the people with approval rights happen to sit by a computer | 14:22 |
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ceda | hmm, tracker doesn't index my files, or actually, it counts down from five minutes to zero, and the result is: nothing. No files, no video, no images, no sound. Take a screenshot. Still nothing (though I can find the file from X terminal and the file manageR) | 14:29 |
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jebba | ceda: is it plugged in via USB? | 14:30 |
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tekojo | repositories are back from hibernation | 14:32 |
bilboed-pi | is there any chance libpurple will be fixed to have icq working ? | 14:32 |
bilboed-pi | as opposed to downgrading to a previous version | 14:32 |
ceda | jebba: uhm, right now yes. But it fails after bootup as well. | 14:32 |
ceda | (with USB disconnected) | 14:33 |
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frals | programming java after sitting a month in python leads to alot of errors ;( | 14:34 |
jebba | well, leave it with USB disconnected awhile and perhaps it will index. If it's connected to your PC via USB it may not index fotos if it is mounted. | 14:34 |
ceda | jebba: I ran tracker-stats (as root) and it segfaulted (and the crash report popped up) | 14:36 |
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mece | having git on the phone makes me all tingly in my nether regions... | 14:40 |
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alterego | Successfully streaming h264 video across thet network from the N900 to my laptop :) | 14:48 |
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mece | hey where's that file that you modify to add paths and such on the N900. Like .profile on regular linux boxes | 14:50 |
Shrik3 | alterego: from the camera or where? | 14:50 |
spectre- | alter | 14:51 |
spectre- | what app are you using for that | 14:51 |
alterego | Shrik3: camera the front one or the back one. | 14:51 |
alterego | gst-launch | 14:51 |
alterego | On both ends | 14:51 |
Shrik3 | any idea if that will work with a N810? | 14:51 |
alterego | Possibly, I don't have mine on me to test though | 14:52 |
spectre- | gst-launch eh | 14:53 |
spectre- | can i apt-get that? | 14:53 |
alterego | Yup, that's how I got it. | 14:53 |
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spectre- | from what repo | 14:55 |
ptl | Does someone here uses esbox with scratchbox 2 ? I can't add the scratchbox 2 target! | 14:55 |
alterego | extras testing probably, not entirely sure. | 14:55 |
jebba | alterego: can you paste the command you ran somewhere like http://pastebin.ca if they are long? | 14:56 |
* ptl justs subscribed to esbox mailing lists to see if someone can help him | 14:56 |
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alterego | http://pastie.org/796776 | 14:57 |
Shadikka | I think that qualifies as "long", yes. | 14:58 |
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alterego | :) I plan on wrapping it in a python script with libsoup support for sdp advertisment. | 14:59 |
Shrik3 | that's some serious command line-fu right there | 14:59 |
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bilboed-pi | alterego, you know about gst-rtsp-server, right ? :) | 15:00 |
GeneralAntilles | I really, really, really, want this guy to fry his N900. http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=39753&page=4 | 15:00 |
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bilboed-pi | GeneralAntilles, and his pants while at it :) | 15:01 |
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Shrik3 | seriously, overclocking his N900? | 15:03 |
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jebba | alterego: http://gitorious.org/freemoe/freemoe/blobs/master/bin/freemoe-gst-video :) | 15:05 |
spectre- | whats that? | 15:06 |
spectre- | the gst thing he mentioned earlier? | 15:06 |
jebba | GeneralAntilles: i've run mine at 600MHz for periods too. It's completely permitted by the kernel. I didnt notice anything adverse. I set the cpu governor to user, and echo'd 600000 > /sys/somewhere/cpu0/.... | 15:07 |
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GeneralAntilles | jebba, long term you're talking reducing CPU longevity to months. | 15:07 |
jebba | it's not really "overclocking" though, as the CPU is designed to run at that speed. | 15:08 |
GeneralAntilles | jebba, it's not designed to be locked at that speed for extended periods, though. | 15:08 |
jebba | ah. Perhaps. | 15:08 |
jebba | Where's docs on that? | 15:08 |
GeneralAntilles | jebba, Igor Stoppa has slides up somewhere from the Summit. | 15:08 |
jebba | ah ok | 15:08 |
jebba | thx | 15:08 |
GeneralAntilles | It's also been corroborated by TI engineers working on the Beagle Board. | 15:09 |
mgedmin | there was a picture somewhere on the web | 15:09 |
MistaED | wouldnt it be better to concentrate on adding shader support to offload some video decoding to the pvr sgx gpu? or are they doing that already? | 15:09 |
jebba | mine doesnt smell as burnt as it used to ; | 15:09 |
GeneralAntilles | MistaED, the DSP handles video decoding. | 15:10 |
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* GeneralAntilles suspects benny1967 still has him on ignore. | 15:17 |
MistaED | yuv to rgb conversion could be done with a shader still, wonder if that is already been done :o | 15:18 |
alterego | jebba: that's identical to mine :) | 15:19 |
alterego | And I mean _identical_ :D | 15:19 |
* GeneralAntilles wonders whose palms he needs to grease to get input here. http://lists.maemo.org/pipermail/maemo-community/2010-January/003833.html | 15:22 |
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Damion2 | can I force mine to remain under clocked ? | 15:27 |
Damion2 | like 250 or even lower? | 15:27 |
GeneralAntilles | Damion2, why? | 15:27 |
Damion2 | I'm assuming it may help with battery drain, and if I see something move sluggishly I know it;s something which I can avoid using as I know under normal (changing freq) conditions, would be eating more | 15:28 |
GeneralAntilles | It wont | 15:28 |
GeneralAntilles | Are you familiar with the concept of Race to Idle? | 15:28 |
Damion2 | explain | 15:28 |
GeneralAntilles | Say you have a given task. | 15:29 |
GeneralAntilles | That takes a certain amount of time to complete at 600MHz. | 15:29 |
GeneralAntilles | and say that task takes more than twice as much time to complete at 250MHz. | 15:29 |
slonopotamus | Damion2: smth like echo 250000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq | 15:29 |
GeneralAntilles | The difference in power consumption between 250MHz and 600MHz is relatively small compared to the difference between idle and in-use. | 15:30 |
Damion2 | GeneralAntilles: I see where you're going | 15:30 |
Damion2 | okay | 15:30 |
mece | A very good point GeneralAntilles | 15:30 |
Damion2 | so even the encryption and X11 dealing that my ssh in xterm is doing should be using the correct amount at all times | 15:30 |
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GeneralAntilles | So in one case, you have the CPU consuming slightly more power for a significantly shorter period of time and in the other you have it consuming slightly less power but consuming it over a much longer period of time. | 15:30 |
GeneralAntilles | Damion2, the power saving is quite intelligent. | 15:31 |
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GeneralAntilles | Damion2, it does a good job of picking the right CPU state for the job. | 15:31 |
mece | I was thinking about the 3g battery eating. If I'm not mistaken, The same (somewhat) applies to 3g,. eg. the faster the connection, the shorter the time being connected. | 15:31 |
Damion2 | ideally when no data is passing it should be running idle, HLT instructions? | 15:31 |
GeneralAntilles | mece, that depends on a larger number of variables, though. | 15:31 |
slonopotamus | GeneralAntilles: then why not run with performance governor? :) | 15:31 |
GeneralAntilles | Damion2, the CPU is consuming the next best thing to zero power when it's not in use. | 15:32 |
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Damion2 | excellent | 15:32 |
GeneralAntilles | slonopotamus, because a long-running task that consumes a small amount of CPU will kill your battery, then. | 15:32 |
mece | GeneralAntilles, yes, but in general, at least when moving around large amounts, I'd say that it's definately more battery friendly with a 5Mbps line than a 384kbps (like mine) | 15:32 |
alterego | mece: where have you got the data to backup that theory? ^.^ | 15:33 |
GeneralAntilles | mece, of course if you're just pushing IRC packets around every so often and your network operator requires your modem to remain on for 60 seconds after every communication. . . . | 15:33 |
GeneralAntilles | Then you'd be better off with EDGE. | 15:33 |
mece | alterego, where did I give the impression that I have data? | 15:34 |
alterego | :) You seem so sure :P | 15:34 |
Damion2 | has anyone done a widget that shows estimated time to battery drain, just like a laptop shows ? | 15:34 |
GeneralAntilles | slonopotamus, for the optimal case, yes, locking to performance would offer better battery life (setting aside the obvious issue of killing your SoC). | 15:34 |
mece | GeneralAntilles, yes, that is true. Edge vs 3G is totally different. Talking slow 3g vs fast 3g here. But for irc it's the same afaik. | 15:34 |
GeneralAntilles | slonopotamus, but the optimal case is rarely the one that actually occurs in reality. | 15:34 |
mece | alterego, just specualting. | 15:34 |
GeneralAntilles | slonopotamus, and 600MHz at 1% or 250MHz at 2% can mean the difference between 5 and 10 hours of battery life. | 15:35 |
alterego | Teeheehee | 15:35 |
GeneralAntilles | Damion2, anyway, Nokia's powersaving engineers are good at their jobs. ;) | 15:35 |
Damion2 | has somebody done a widget or something which can toggle 2G/3G ? | 15:35 |
alterego | I just swapped the video source to ximagesrc, now I'm streaming the N900's desktop over the network to my laptop. | 15:35 |
slonopotamus | GeneralAntilles: if you have 2% of 250MHz for 10 hours, something is broken in your software. | 15:35 |
Damion2 | GeneralAntilles: well they excelled themselves on all previous devices | 15:35 |
Damion2 | I've not charged my phone last night and it's okay | 15:36 |
GeneralAntilles | slonopotamus, :shrug: some people use broken software. | 15:36 |
alterego | Hrm, performace isn't great. | 15:36 |
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GeneralAntilles | slonopotamus, for the average case, CPU throttling makes a lot of sense. | 15:36 |
Damion2 | I have a script which some logic based on lid closed etc, which I start in /etc/ip-up.d/ to take me off line and that helps | 15:36 |
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GeneralAntilles | slonopotamus, besides, with the N900, locking at 550MHz or above is going to kill your CPU. | 15:36 |
GeneralAntilles | slonopotamus, so you have to throttle if you want max performance. | 15:36 |
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slonopotamus | GeneralAntilles: how do you know that? | 15:37 |
Damion2 | wouldn't the cpu peg itself high if you stress it with some ffmpeg/gcc of whathave you ? | 15:37 |
GeneralAntilles | slonopotamus, because Igor Stoppa and several TI engineers said so. | 15:37 |
GeneralAntilles | Damion2, the powersaving setup have safety interlocks in place for that. | 15:38 |
slonopotamus | so... did they disable performance governor then? | 15:38 |
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Damion2 | somebody is claiming http://www.derekhail.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/holly-valance-hot-t.jpg is coming to work in our office, and somebody looking just like that was at lunch | 15:43 |
Shrik3 | why would a singer work in an office? | 15:43 |
Damion2 | beats me | 15:43 |
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tybollt | Damion2: SFW? | 15:44 |
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Damion2 | tybollt: that depends on where you work, if they monitor web traffic and if you care, or have your screen seen by anyone | 15:45 |
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Damion2 | frankly I'd risk goatse.cx at my desk as nobody can see it ;) | 15:45 |
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tybollt | heh | 15:46 |
Damion2 | it's tame, just a pretty pic, dressed | 15:46 |
Myrtti | tybollt: no nipples | 15:46 |
ifreq | tittiessss | 15:46 |
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tybollt | nipples is probably fine... | 15:46 |
Myrtti | ifreq: yes, what about the bird? I rather like the song of the great tit | 15:46 |
tybollt | 2g1c is probably not | 15:46 |
tybollt | ;D | 15:46 |
range | Myrtti: Too bad that the sex guys got that domain: nice-tits.org | 15:47 |
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Myrtti | range: indeed | 15:47 |
range | Because there were some very nice birds on there >:D | 15:47 |
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Damion2 | for those who've heard of tub girl, you should laugh at tubguy.com | 15:52 |
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Damion2 | and yes this IS SFW | 15:52 |
mece | I can confir, it's sfw. | 15:53 |
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mece | confirm too | 15:53 |
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spectre- | the new goatse.cx is pretty funny too | 15:54 |
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spectre- | also sfw last i checked | 15:54 |
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Damion2 | confirm | 15:55 |
Damion2 | now, does anyone know how to switch 2g to 3g programatically rather than via the UI settings | 15:55 |
Damion2 | settings UI that is | 15:55 |
tybollt | Damion2: check the source code of the UI app? :) | 15:56 |
Damion2 | oh | 15:56 |
* slonopotamus couldn't understand the purpose of that 2/3g switch app. | 15:56 |
Damion2 | that's a good idea. I've not yet grabbed it all | 15:56 |
Damion2 | slonopotamus: which one? there is one? | 15:56 |
spectre- | i demand to be downgraded to 2g | 15:57 |
spectre- | god damn newfangled 3g crap | 15:57 |
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tybollt | Damion2: yes there's an app for changing between 2g and 3g | 15:57 |
spectre- | :p | 15:57 |
tybollt | heh | 15:57 |
spectre- | sounds wierd to me | 15:57 |
tybollt | they have just released 4g (LTE) here in Stockolm | 15:57 |
Damion2 | 3G doesn't make it very well to the downstairs of my house, so the phone switches between them which causes a delay for ~7seconds when it does it and it keep bouncing | 15:57 |
spectre- | ahhhhh | 15:57 |
Damion2 | also trains do this a lot, also don't need 3g for ssh (only browsing) | 15:57 |
tybollt | Apparently current gen 4G maxes out at about 40Mbit/s | 15:58 |
slonopotamus | why one wants to downgrade to 2g? | 15:58 |
spectre- | 4g can do much faster | 15:58 |
spectre- | theoretically | 15:58 |
tybollt | slonopotamus: to avoid flapping between 2g/3g | 15:58 |
spectre- | 100 to gigabit for stationary reception | 15:58 |
tybollt | spectre-: in theory yes | 15:58 |
Damion2 | what speed can this n900 do ? I don't recall seeing over about 4Mbits/sec on any tyoe of connection, despite the 802.11Gness of it, or the 7.? max 3G | 15:58 |
slonopotamus | tybollt: why one cares? | 15:58 |
Damion2 | slonopotamus: 3G doesn't make it very well to the downstairs of my house, so the phone switches between them which causes a delay for ~7seconds when it does it and it keep bouncing | 15:59 |
* slonopotamus saw 3.5g on his n900 in some places. anyone knows what that means? :) | 15:59 |
Damion2 | slonopotamus: HSDPA rather than stock 3G I think | 15:59 |
tybollt | slonopotamus: because as damion says when you are on the brink of 3G coverage and it starts flapping phonecalls can be disconnected and data can be as well | 15:59 |
mgedmin | yep | 15:59 |
slonopotamus | Damion2: oh. why you use 3g in your house at all? instead of wifi? :) | 15:59 |
Damion2 | slonopotamus: my phone switches up to that when I browse and request a lot of b/width | 15:59 |
mgedmin | 3G is UMTS/WCDMA, 3.5G is HSDPA | 15:59 |
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slonopotamus | mgedmin: i see | 15:59 |
mgedmin | should be quite faster | 15:59 |
mgedmin | wikipedia has the numbers somewhere | 16:00 |
mgedmin | I'm sure | 16:00 |
Damion2 | slonopotamus: when I'm connecting in to reboot my wifi router ;) | 16:00 |
slonopotamus | Damion2: o_O | 16:01 |
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tybollt | muahaha,. colleague got DAS keyboard | 16:04 |
* tybollt impressed | 16:04 |
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tybollt | would be nice to connect a das keyboard to my mini =) | 16:06 |
tybollt | ehr, mu N900 =) | 16:06 |
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alterego | It's weird how the video quality looks a little better (imho) when streamed and transcoded across the network to my laptop. | 16:17 |
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range | tybollt: It's just too expensive.Das Keyboard is a Key Tronic ergoforce (or was, last time I looked). My Ergoforce did cost me EUR 20,- - and it still has all the characters. | 16:24 |
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tybollt | range: this baby weighs in at like >1kg | 16:26 |
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tybollt | range: so... you sure about that? | 16:26 |
tybollt | it is blatantly heavy | 16:26 |
tybollt | and oh... it's shiny >:D | 16:26 |
range | Yeah, mine isn# | 16:26 |
tybollt | Iono why but man does this thing trigguer the magpie in me :D | 16:27 |
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range | 't that light either (but the "'" is too close to the <RET>) :) | 16:27 |
mece | is ther a gui editor for maemo5 that higlights code? | 16:27 |
tybollt | vim | 16:27 |
tybollt | is tehre | 16:27 |
range | And that python editor. | 16:27 |
tybollt | so I guess you want gvim | 16:27 |
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lizardo | mece: pygtkeditor ? | 16:28 |
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alterego | Have apple made their announcement yet? I can't wait, whatever ity is I'm going to get it the day it comes out. | 16:35 |
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tybollt | har to tell if you're being sarcastic or not there :) | 16:35 |
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* zash throws a nokia 3310 at alterego | 16:36 |
alterego | :D | 16:36 |
alterego | I hate Apple, so yes, I'm being sarcastic. But I would be interested to see what ideas they've stolen, and how big their next peice of polished shit is. ^.^ | 16:37 |
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tybollt | yes | 16:37 |
tybollt | yes because we all want a shiny turd to put on the nightstand at the end of the day, don't we? | 16:37 |
zaheerm | they stole multimultitasking :P | 16:37 |
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flux | I just wondered on another channel how well an unnamed, unpriced, non-refundable item would sell on the apple store prior the event :) | 16:38 |
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alterego | iHate Apple :) | 16:39 |
zash | the iThing!!!! BUY IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 16:39 |
zash | 111 | 16:39 |
timeless_mbp | Stskeeps: geoping | 16:39 |
tybollt | 7msg zash Hi where can I send some monneh?+++++ | 16:40 |
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zash | :D | 16:40 |
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alterego | I'm know iFool! | 16:40 |
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Stskeeps | timeless_mbp: c2 | 16:41 |
timeless_mbp | gah | 16:41 |
timeless_mbp | i'll be down shortly | 16:41 |
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* w00t mumbles | 16:45 |
jebba | alterego: ya, i just put yours there. | 16:45 |
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w00t | do I really need an icon to use py2deb? | 16:45 |
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alterego | jebba: oh, right. Cool, well. I've rewrote it, and I'm probably going to implement a better system in python this evening :P | 16:48 |
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alterego | I was thinking, if I attend the maemo summit this year. I'll stream it from an N900 to the internet for people to watch :) | 16:48 |
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alterego | Or maybe, I could write an app that lets everyone stream their experience to the net. | 16:53 |
alterego | Then people can choose which stream to watch if they're not there etc. | 16:54 |
alterego | Could record it all too. | 16:54 |
* alterego contemplates | 16:54 |
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jebba | alterego: sounds cool. Gimme a copy when it's ready : ) | 16:56 |
pupnik | i suppose they could sue for iSpoof products | 16:56 |
hrw | re | 16:57 |
pupnik | hi hrw | 16:57 |
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Matthew- | Damn | 16:57 |
Matthew- | my phone heated up | 16:57 |
Matthew- | and burned my leg | 16:57 |
Matthew- | it was in my pocket only with headphones | 16:57 |
SpeedEvil | that's not good. | 16:57 |
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Matthew- | no coins, no lighter, no metal apart from the 3.5 jack | 16:58 |
Matthew- | what could it be? | 16:58 |
SpeedEvil | with the battery in the phone? | 16:58 |
SpeedEvil | and the n900? | 16:58 |
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alterego | Eesh | 16:58 |
Matthew- | SpeedEvil: yes | 16:58 |
alterego | I noticed mine ge4ts warm when I'm tethering my laptop sometimes. | 16:58 |
alterego | Not hot though, and it happened to my symbian phone too, so I guessed it was normal. | 16:59 |
zash | N900 - now with built in microwave! | 16:59 |
alterego | Teeheehee | 16:59 |
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tybollt | uhm | 16:59 |
tybollt | exploding batteries - anyone?? | 17:00 |
lopz | hi ;=) | 17:00 |
pupnik | first report i have seen of a n900 getting 'hot'. skeptical. | 17:01 |
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SpeedEvil | Matthew-: Are we talking 'ow - that's a bit too warm' or melted plastic and second degree burns? | 17:01 |
SpeedEvil | I would call nokia care personally. | 17:02 |
SpeedEvil | And certainly not use the battery again | 17:02 |
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mgedmin | mine gets noticeably warm after intensive use | 17:02 |
SpeedEvil | It is a real nokia bat? | 17:02 |
SpeedEvil | yes - noticably warm I'll agree with. | 17:02 |
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SpeedEvil | Hot - unless you're doing something strange - no. | 17:02 |
SpeedEvil | (it got very warm when under my pillow when trackerd kicked in | 17:03 |
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tybollt | under your pillow? | 17:04 |
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tybollt | huh? | 17:04 |
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Milo- | porn before sleep? | 17:05 |
Milo- | or did you try to kill the alarm? | 17:06 |
SpeedEvil | ebooks | 17:06 |
SpeedEvil | fbreader++ | 17:06 |
SpeedEvil | and not porn ebooks either. | 17:06 |
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Damion2 | right, busybox crond works | 17:11 |
Damion2 | I'm not a fan of calendar systems. crontab -e is my preferred interface | 17:11 |
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tybollt | SpeedEvil: porn ebooks? I've got a cybook, it does ... 4 shares of grey.... good luck w/ pr0n on ebook :D | 17:14 |
tybollt | shades | 17:14 |
SpeedEvil | tybollt: text | 17:15 |
tybollt | erotic novels | 17:15 |
tybollt | dear jebuis that's boring :) | 17:15 |
SpeedEvil | Tastes vary. The internet has all sorts of things - even if you're into Snape/Dumbledore slash. | 17:15 |
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tybollt | dumbledre pr0n... good grief you nearly made me hurl my lunch on the keyboard here... | 17:16 |
tybollt | =) | 17:16 |
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pupnik | 'There was no need to stick the wand in that hard,' he (Dumbledore) said gruffly, clambering to his feet. 'It hurt.' | 17:24 |
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zash | pupnik: http://www.bash.org/?111338 | 17:26 |
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pupnik | h3h | 17:31 |
tybollt | :-) | 17:31 |
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pupnik | For the past three decades the city of Port au Prince has grown from approximately 300,000 to over 2.5 million inhabitants. | 17:32 |
pupnik | amusingly, those with only shacks and tents had no rubble to be buried-under | 17:33 |
GeneralAntilles | Haiti's been having a tough few years. | 17:34 |
pupnik | http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2010/jan/20/haiti-suffering-earthquake-punitive-relationship | 17:35 |
pupnik | damn wrong channel | 17:35 |
tybollt | free n900 to all haitians? | 17:35 |
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GeneralAntilles | Damn, nice screenshots: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=497612#post497612 | 17:35 |
pupnik | good modern style on the graphics | 17:36 |
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zash | tybollt: didn't openstreetmap do somtin' | 17:36 |
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tybollt | no idea | 17:37 |
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GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, ping? | 17:38 |
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AndrewFBlack | GeneralAntilles, Pong | 17:38 |
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GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, so, I think with Quim's money talks the minimum we should try to shoot for is some table livery. | 17:39 |
RST38h | tybollt: Free hard drugs, firearms, and ammo to all haitians! | 17:39 |
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GeneralAntilles | $3.99 for a COLOR SCHEME?! http://nokia-n900.com/paid-theme-n900-az-theme-mmmooo/ | 17:40 |
SpeedEvil | well... | 17:41 |
GeneralAntilles | Egads, they're selling it as a .deb?! | 17:41 |
SpeedEvil | supply and demand | 17:41 |
GeneralAntilles | We have arrived, I suppose. | 17:41 |
* GeneralAntilles takes some aspirin for the impending headache. | 17:41 |
range | Selling it as a .deb looks like a real smart idea. | 17:42 |
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GeneralAntilles | range, yeah, since your customers have to dpkg -i it. | 17:42 |
RST38h | GeneralAntilles vs general mobile phone community | 17:43 |
range | Oh, they even have a HowTo. | 17:43 |
range | http://shop.immmooo.com/affiliates/product/product_view.php?product_id=496#Description | 17:43 |
GeneralAntilles | OK, we really need news to trim stories with more than 1000 vertical pixels of images. | 17:43 |
* RST38h suspects General has never heard of ringtones and screen backgrounds for $3.99 a pop | 17:43 |
range | Download the .deb on your pc and transfer it N900's root folder | 17:43 |
GeneralAntilles | RST38h, I have, but not on Maemo. | 17:43 |
GeneralAntilles | range, egads. | 17:43 |
GeneralAntilles | range, they're missing a step. | 17:43 |
RST38h | It's a phone now :) | 17:43 |
range | GeneralAntilles: *ssssht* | 17:44 |
GeneralAntilles | Somebody please go beat these people up. | 17:44 |
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AndrewFBlack | GeneralAntilles, Iḿ not sure who is going ot head up writing the Marketing Plan for the money | 17:45 |
RST38h | So, are Apple fanboys in the US rolling out their prayer mats just about now? | 17:45 |
tybollt | well | 17:45 |
tybollt | $DEITY knows the free schemes out there are a bag of fail :) | 17:45 |
tybollt | epic fail :) | 17:45 |
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zaheerm | RST38h, more like asking banks for extended overdrafts | 17:46 |
AndrewFBlack | tybollt, please tell me know that $4 theme looks better then my Free one? | 17:46 |
RST38h | zaheerm: THAT expensive? | 17:47 |
tybollt | AndrewFBlack: which one is yours? | 17:47 |
AndrewFBlack | tybollt, maemo.org | 17:47 |
GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, clearly. | 17:47 |
zaheerm | RST38h, if you bought every apple product they released, you'd either have to be mega rich or in financial problems | 17:47 |
GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, it's $4. :P | 17:47 |
AndrewFBlack | I would think I could get $5 for mine if that one is $4 | 17:48 |
alterego | Just had my device get stuck in portrait, that was fun. Quiet easy to fix. | 17:48 |
AndrewFBlack | Infact there is an open source Matrix one just like $4 one | 17:48 |
alterego | ~quite .. | 17:48 |
RST38h | zaheerm: They make money on Appl estock! =) | 17:48 |
* RST38h ===> home | 17:48 |
tybollt | AndrewFBlack: Fair enough I'll test it more extensively then :) | 17:49 |
glass_ | RST38h: :DD | 17:49 |
range | AndrewFBlack: Yours is just to easy to install. | 17:49 |
AndrewFBlack | tybollt, I´m just asking whats wrong with it I hear people in here everyday say all Fremantle themes are epic fails, if thats a case tell me why that is | 17:49 |
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* AndrewFBlack is starting to get tired of working on themes to hear people just bitch about them | 17:50 |
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GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, I had some notes. | 17:50 |
GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, I need to reinstall it and look again. | 17:51 |
AndrewFBlack | GeneralAntilles, ok | 17:51 |
alterego | Any screenshots? | 17:51 |
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tybollt | AndrewFBlack: yours is way WAY better than others I've tested. | 17:51 |
tybollt | AndrewFBlack: so you have the moral highgroung here :) | 17:52 |
tybollt | d | 17:52 |
AndrewFBlack | alterego, http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=41363 screenshtos | 17:52 |
AndrewFBlack | I have been fighting all the people on t.m.o from just releasing .debs or folders of themes | 17:53 |
AndrewFBlack | BTW I got themes their own section now outside of Design to make them easier to find | 17:53 |
alterego | Look quite pleasant to me, though I'm not really a fan of orange ;) | 17:54 |
tybollt | yeah I dislike the colours too but that's not my "FAIL" poiint | 17:54 |
alterego | Quite like the icons, | 17:54 |
tybollt | I used I think it was hitech for a few days | 17:54 |
tybollt | where you couldn't even distinguish some buttons | 17:54 |
tybollt | grrr | 17:54 |
hendry | https://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/Maemo_5_Developer_Guide/Packaging,_Deploying_and_Distributing#Sections where is the hello world example? will user/web work? | 17:55 |
GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, OK, first thought is that the desktop background interacts weirdly with the operator name. | 17:55 |
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GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, it looks like it's underlining that text. | 17:55 |
alterego | Yeah, I think it's too close. | 17:55 |
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GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, not in love with the gradient on the menu buttons. | 17:56 |
AndrewFBlack | Lose grey border or just make it come down futher? | 17:56 |
jebba | hendry: see http://wiki.maemo.org/User:Jebba/Package_Building_HOWTO | 17:56 |
alterego | Are those to "Julie" contacts the same juli? | 17:56 |
GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, I'd bring the gradient down a few notches and darken it up a lot. | 17:56 |
GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, make it come down more. | 17:56 |
GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, the border is a nice effect. | 17:56 |
alterego | ~two | 17:56 |
infobot | picobot: three | 17:56 |
AndrewFBlack | alterego, two My Wife and WifeÅ› Best Frend | 17:56 |
GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, I like how the border interacts with the status area bar. | 17:56 |
alterego | AndrewFBlack: so they're not the same person? | 17:57 |
tybollt | ~four | 17:57 |
infobot | picobot: five | 17:57 |
AndrewFBlack | alterego, Not same person | 17:57 |
alterego | :) Confusing :) | 17:57 |
GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, ah, right, I remember my big one. | 17:57 |
GeneralAntilles | Invert the text entry flieds. | 17:58 |
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GeneralAntilles | and I'd say drop the orange border. | 17:58 |
AndrewFBlack | GeneralAntilles, by menu buttons you mean ones on desktop for shortcuts | 17:58 |
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GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, the buttons you see when you tap the application name. | 17:58 |
GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2240466/Maemo/Screenshots/maemo-org-5.png | 17:59 |
GeneralAntilles | The Dialing Pad/Select contact widgets. | 17:59 |
GeneralAntilles | Darken them up a bit and reduce the severity of the gradient. | 17:59 |
GeneralAntilles | Also, kill the orange text shadow. | 17:59 |
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GeneralAntilles | It just looks like JPEG compression artifacting | 17:59 |
GeneralAntilles | Or maybe SGX corruption. :P | 17:59 |
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GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, I'm inclined to think a white theme would look really nice. | 18:00 |
GeneralAntilles | More inline with the website styling. | 18:00 |
AndrewFBlack | been thinking of making a while one but I think I might run into some problems like we have on Diablo with dark ones | 18:01 |
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GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, Ian was working on a light one. | 18:02 |
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GeneralAntilles | Biggest problem was with the chat UI | 18:02 |
GeneralAntilles | But I think timeless figured that one out. | 18:02 |
AndrewFBlack | Text shadow is hard because it uses secondary color and if I make it black anywhere it uses secondary text color you will have black text on dark grey background | 18:03 |
GeneralAntilles | But, anyway, right now I don't thing there's enough contrast between the menubar and the content background | 18:03 |
GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, really? Nice. . . . | 18:03 |
GeneralAntilles | I'd recommend making the menu gradient darker. | 18:03 |
AndrewFBlack | ok | 18:04 |
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GAN900 | AndrewFBlack, try sticking a maemo.org logo (perhaps in a white/gray?) in the bottom right of pano desktop #1? | 18:05 |
pupnik | trademark infringement! | 18:07 |
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AndrewFBlack | pupnik, we can use maemo.org logo just can´t use Maemo | 18:10 |
tybollt | that's one of the things | 18:11 |
tybollt | how nokia is maemo.org | 18:11 |
tybollt | really | 18:11 |
AndrewFBlack | tybollt, not really | 18:12 |
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GeneralAntilles | tybollt, er? | 18:12 |
AndrewFBlack | GAN900, You know if Texrat is working on purposal for a Marketing budget? | 18:12 |
GeneralAntilles | pupnik, lol. | 18:12 |
GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, not a clue. | 18:12 |
pupnik | anyway thick skin. only comments like GA's are worthy of listening to | 18:13 |
GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, I'm just pondering evil ways to squander it. | 18:13 |
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AndrewFBlack | GeneralAntilles, lol See maybe you can go to SELF this year | 18:13 |
pupnik | offer bounties for games. i'll tell them what needs to be done | 18:13 |
GeneralAntilles | Hehe | 18:13 |
GeneralAntilles | AndrewFBlack, I'm flying business! | 18:14 |
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lcuk | sand and salt-water testing using caribbean beaches involving multiples testers for the difference salt concentrations on each island | 18:14 |
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lcuk | GeneralAntilles, ^ | 18:14 |
w00t | mmmm | 18:15 |
w00t | i'm up for that | 18:15 |
GeneralAntilles | lcuk, I'm actually kinda not that tired of beaches and hot weather. | 18:15 |
GeneralAntilles | lcuk, cold winter. . . . | 18:15 |
lcuk | well that works as well, have to check how they handle going from hot to cold climates | 18:15 |
lcuk | repeatedly | 18:15 |
* w00t stares out the window at soggy, overcast hull | 18:16 |
* w00t dreams of lying on a beach. | 18:17 |
GeneralAntilles | w00t, I grew up 4 blocks from the beach. So bored with beaches. | 18:17 |
w00t | GeneralAntilles: I grew up in australia, moved to one of the wetter parts of england 4 years ago | 18:17 |
w00t | I regret it far too often | 18:18 |
GeneralAntilles | Hehe | 18:18 |
w00t | it's a bit of "grass is always greener" though | 18:18 |
w00t | I could never stand the summers there, they were always too hot | 18:18 |
w00t | I deliberately went home in winter there a few years ago, and still went to the beach, swimming, etc | 18:18 |
w00t | the locals looked at me like I was insane | 18:19 |
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Corsac | TuneWiki is nice but won't play oggs :( | 18:26 |
Corsac | even with extra codecs | 18:26 |
javispedro | heh. | 18:26 |
javispedro | i just received a nokia.com email originally intended for someone else. | 18:27 |
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GeneralAntilles | javispedro, PR1.2 cancelled, N920 shipping with Maemo 6 (i.e., PR1.2) in 2 weeks? | 18:27 |
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* w00t grins painfully | 18:28 |
javispedro | No. much worse. They're congratulating me for buying the N85. | 18:28 |
Corsac | GeneralAntilles: free of charge for every #maemo user | 18:28 |
GeneralAntilles | javispedro, lol. | 18:28 |
GeneralAntilles | Corsac, haaaaaaaaaaa. . . . | 18:28 |
* javispedro notes the intended recipient phone number is right there, in plain text. | 18:29 |
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zaheerm | javispedro, ouch | 18:29 |
GeneralAntilles | javispedro, clearly you should call and congratulate them. | 18:29 |
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VDVsx | javispedro, you should tell them that the N85 is broken and ask from a replacement ;) | 18:30 |
javispedro | "Yes, I'm placing this international phone call just to tell you that Nokia messed up and sent me your N85 "welcome" email..." | 18:31 |
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lardman | w00t: so you moved to Bath then? | 18:31 |
javispedro | This is the mail address I gave them for the Ovi store account, so they're the responsible ones >:) | 18:31 |
lardman | seems to us to be the wettest place in England ;) | 18:32 |
javispedro | VDVsx: yes, I can't connect it to PC Suite! :( ;) | 18:32 |
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w00t | lardman: hull | 18:33 |
lardman | oh ok, you might beat us then | 18:33 |
w00t | I can count on two hands the number of sunny days I've seen in these past 4 years | 18:33 |
lardman | lol | 18:33 |
lardman | that's the effect of the smog too though ;) | 18:34 |
w00t | haha | 18:34 |
w00t | nooo | 18:34 |
w00t | clear skies up here | 18:34 |
w00t | it's certainly not beautiful though ;) | 18:34 |
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lardman | Well despite the weather I'd perfer to be in Oz right now | 18:37 |
zaheerm | same here | 18:37 |
w00t | *grin* | 18:37 |
w00t | as I said, always greener | 18:37 |
zaheerm | can watch the tennis | 18:37 |
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* w00t is looking forward to moving to .no eventually | 18:38 |
pupnik | i wonder who here even has used 'PC Suite' | 18:38 |
lardman | w00t: what nationality are you? | 18:38 |
lardman | pupnik: yeah | 18:38 |
lardman | what's up? | 18:38 |
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pupnik | failsauce. constant. | 18:39 |
w00t | lardman: dual british/australian, however I'm engaged to a norwegian.. I like to call myself 'nationality confused' | 18:39 |
lardman | w00t: ok | 18:39 |
pupnik | congrats w00t | 18:39 |
lardman | indeed :) | 18:39 |
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pupnik | engagement is win, of sorts | 18:40 |
w00t | ta | 18:40 |
w00t | been a long while coming, and still a long while to go :P | 18:40 |
lardman | well it's actually not win as you need to buy a ring | 18:40 |
w00t | lardman: tell me about it | 18:40 |
lardman | I got married last year | 18:40 |
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w00t | that really screwed up my 2009 mid year finances | 18:41 |
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lardman | I know that feeling :) | 18:41 |
pupnik | girl i wanted to marry got .. instead of a ring... a cross plated with a new electrochemical procedure invented by her pHd husband | 18:41 |
* w00t blinks | 18:42 |
pupnik | that is style | 18:42 |
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lardman | not sure my wife would have really appreciated anything manufactured by her phd husband-to-be other than a ring ;) | 18:43 |
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luke-jr | ring is supposed to be life insurance :) | 18:43 |
luke-jr | if you die, she can sell it | 18:44 |
lardman | here you are darling, it's really great thermal image analysis software, you can wear in a memory stick around your neck..... fail! | 18:44 |
w00t | hahaha | 18:44 |
w00t | epic win more like | 18:44 |
zaheerm | lardman, if it's got real diamonds on it, then a win | 18:44 |
lardman | luke-jr: money is better kept liquid though, as wives inherit that too | 18:45 |
* w00t has written software for a specific person once, as a birthday present | 18:45 |
w00t | back in the day.. | 18:45 |
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luke-jr | lardman: well, that's what the ring is for ; | 18:46 |
luke-jr | :p | 18:46 |
Damion2 | is the 2g/3g toggle app in extra-devel ? Do I need to add jebba's repository ? | 18:46 |
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lardman | no, that's a token of your committment, otherwise why loose the >30% on the conversion back to cash? | 18:46 |
w00t | commitment, hmph | 18:46 |
lardman | I guess it's easily portable though :) | 18:47 |
w00t | we should all be more sensible and just keep the extra cash | 18:47 |
lardman | girls like sparkly things | 18:47 |
w00t | (i'm so lucky there aren't many women on irc) | 18:47 |
Damion2 | ahha found it 3g2g-mode-selection-applet | 18:47 |
luke-jr | why not get a replica then? | 18:47 |
Damion2 | I can manually browse to it | 18:47 |
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luke-jr | w00t: the only ring I have ever bought was about $10 or so | 18:47 |
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lardman | I've only bought 2 and they were a bit more expensive | 18:48 |
w00t | ^ | 18:48 |
luke-jr | as lardman said, better to keep money liquid these days-- and then you're left with a mere symbol :p | 18:49 |
luke-jr | no reason to spend lots on a symbol | 18:49 |
alterego | Hah, just crashged my device decoding an rtp stream ^.^ | 18:50 |
alterego | Well, cause it to reboo ^.^ | 18:50 |
pupnik | economics discussion to ##economics | 18:50 |
alterego | (note: ffmpeg kills tablet) ^.^ | 18:50 |
lardman | pupnik: true :) | 18:51 |
hendry | is there a way to debug why my shortcut is failing to run? | 18:51 |
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Damion2 | nice and 21.01.2010 18:35 8606 | 18:53 |
Damion2 | oops | 18:53 |
Damion2 | 3g2g-mode-selection-applet works perfectly, lovely :) | 18:53 |
* Damion2 removes an item from his todo list | 18:53 |
SpeedEvil | Damion2: in the event that you're connected does it postpone change? | 18:53 |
Damion2 | nope | 18:54 |
Damion2 | it changes and keeps you connected | 18:54 |
Damion2 | although it does pop up a notice that cellular connection not available in a small yellow bar at the top | 18:54 |
SpeedEvil | doesn't ip change/ | 18:54 |
Damion2 | nope | 18:54 |
Damion2 | well not with O2 | 18:54 |
Damion2 | UK | 18:54 |
SpeedEvil | neat | 18:54 |
Damion2 | other carriers might suck | 18:54 |
SpeedEvil | tmobile-uk here | 18:54 |
SpeedEvil | was cheapest | 18:54 |
SpeedEvil | 25 quid for 6 months net and calls | 18:55 |
Damion2 | I know for example that "3" dont' permit the same SIM to connect to two separate APNs at the same time | 18:55 |
Damion2 | I think voda were same | 18:55 |
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lcuk | hendry, pastebin the .desktop file and we can have a look, no promises tho | 18:55 |
Damion2 | not a common use case, but I could ssh via wap.o2.co.uk and mobile.o2.co.uk one via tethering, once from the s2putty on the e90 and I got two IPs via same 3g connection | 18:56 |
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Damion2 | it's amazing how often I need strings and strace | 18:58 |
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* Damion2 will assume/hope they're in deb http://repository.maemo.org/ fremantle/tools free | 18:58 |
SpeedEvil | strace is | 18:58 |
Wizzup | No screen in the repos? :( | 18:59 |
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SpeedEvil | strings isn't | 18:59 |
SpeedEvil | screen is | 18:59 |
SpeedEvil | Install these packages without verification [y/N]? y | 18:59 |
SpeedEvil | Get:1 http://repository.maemo.org fremantle/tools/free screen 4.0.3-0.3osso4+0m5 [595kB] | 18:59 |
Wizzup | apt-cache can't find it afaik | 18:59 |
Wizzup | hm.... | 18:59 |
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Matthew- | can we install .cab files ? | 19:00 |
SpeedEvil | cab files are typically a windows thing | 19:00 |
woglinde | matthew no only extract | 19:00 |
SpeedEvil | I think they are really zips - so you can unzip them | 19:00 |
woglinde | with cabextract | 19:00 |
SpeedEvil | but - unless you build qemu... | 19:01 |
woglinde | if someone has ported it | 19:01 |
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Damion2 | somebody must have done strings | 19:01 |
Matthew- | yeah im trying to install citrix | 19:01 |
Matthew- | on my cell | 19:01 |
woglinde | speedevil wahaha not vmware again on the tablets | 19:01 |
luke-jr | Matthew-: fail | 19:01 |
SpeedEvil | woglinde: no - vmware of course won't work. | 19:02 |
SpeedEvil | woglinde: qemu should though. | 19:02 |
SpeedEvil | not especially fast of course. | 19:02 |
woglinde | speedevil the vmware embedded hypervisor runs on the n800 fine | 19:02 |
Wizzup | SpeedEvil: Package screen is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 19:02 |
Wizzup | Am I missing a repos? | 19:02 |
woglinde | wince and maemo at the same time | 19:02 |
SpeedEvil | seeabove line | 19:02 |
SpeedEvil | Wizzup: | 19:02 |
woglinde | or was it win95 | 19:02 |
woglinde | cannt remember | 19:02 |
SpeedEvil | woglinde: I was meaning to run x86 content | 19:03 |
SpeedEvil | Though running wince stuff might be interesting too | 19:03 |
Damion2 | mode-selection-applet.c is 99% gui/gtk efforts, I'm still trying to see the one line of C which does the switch | 19:03 |
woglinde | speedevil didnt you see the video? | 19:03 |
Matthew- | luke-jr: why? | 19:03 |
Damion2 | it includes dbus, so it's probably possible via a cmdline, which means I could have a cmd icon to press rather than having to open the top widget | 19:03 |
SpeedEvil | woglinde: no. | 19:03 |
woglinde | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNo6pn-dnSQ | 19:04 |
woglinde | there you go | 19:04 |
SpeedEvil | woglinde: oh - I missed that video | 19:04 |
woglinde | its no fke | 19:04 |
woglinde | args fake | 19:04 |
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luke-jr | Matthew-: N900 doesn't run Windows crap | 19:06 |
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luke-jr | or rather, Windows crap doesn't work on anything but a single platform | 19:07 |
Wizzup | SpeedEvil: so the SDK reposses | 19:07 |
SpeedEvil | yes | 19:07 |
* Wizzup isn't sure if he wants to add that | 19:07 |
leod | N900 doesn't run Windows, crap! | 19:07 |
GeneralAntilles | wazd! | 19:08 |
woglinde | hm I am sure ti has a ce port for omap3550 | 19:08 |
wazd | hello all | 19:08 |
woglinde | jo wazd | 19:08 |
wazd | waiting for Jobsie to rock the world :) | 19:08 |
GeneralAntilles | wazd, those app downloader mockups really turned out amazing! | 19:08 |
wazd | GeneralAntilles: glad to hear that :) | 19:09 |
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* lardman heads home | 19:10 |
woglinde | bye lardmn | 19:10 |
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LuciusMare | hello | 19:11 |
LuciusMare | i stream a video over http with vlc, and try to catch it at my tablet with mplayer - sound is fine, but there is no video, the whole output is there: http://pastebin.com/f7b3a9880 | 19:13 |
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woglinde | ???? | 19:14 |
LuciusMare | "???"? | 19:15 |
woglinde | Ogg stream 1 is of an unknown type | 19:15 |
LuciusMare | . | 19:15 |
LuciusMare | I also dont know. | 19:16 |
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red | LuciusMare: try to mux as acf and not ogg | 19:21 |
LuciusMare | acf? | 19:21 |
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LuciusMare | haha, this is funny | 19:21 |
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red | or just use Knots | 19:21 |
LuciusMare | at my tablet, nothing but sound, and here ctching the stream from localhots, nothing but video | 19:21 |
red | if ur not familiar with that stuff | 19:21 |
LuciusMare | *catching | 19:22 |
LuciusMare | *localhost | 19:22 |
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pupnik | please nokia put the n810 speakers in the next phone. they were awesome. | 19:23 |
derf | Are you serious? I could barely hear them at max volume. I can't even turn my N900 up to max volume; it would hurt. | 19:23 |
luke-jr | lol | 19:24 |
woglinde | as we figured yesterday out | 19:24 |
woglinde | to control volume the real way | 19:25 |
woglinde | you have to use alsamixer and alsamixer -c0 | 19:25 |
pupnik | derf: don't confuse the volume limited n810 drivers with the capability of the speakers. they can fill a room with sound | 19:25 |
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pupnik | stunning... amazing... | 19:25 |
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derf | All I know is I can't hear the navigation instructions in a car with the thing sitting on the dashboard in front of me. | 19:26 |
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derf | At least not while the car is operating. | 19:26 |
pupnik | ok that sucks | 19:26 |
woglinde | derf you are using my navit package? | 19:26 |
derf | No, this was with maemo mapper. | 19:27 |
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pupnik | try mplayer or something... loud as.. f**k | 19:27 |
pupnik | i can lay n810 on a table and listen to lectures from other rooms | 19:28 |
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LuciusMare | ooooppss,, hhaadd aannyybbooddyy hahadd tthhee pprroobblleemm wwiitthh ccrraazzyy kkeeyybbooaarrdd rreeppeeaattiinngg aallll ggiivveenn cchhaarraacctteerrss mmoorree ttiimmees | 19:28 |
woglinde | maemomapper has navigation function? | 19:28 |
derf | Sure it does. | 19:28 |
woglinde | hu? | 19:29 |
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woglinde | never saw it | 19:29 |
LuciusMare | wweellll,,ii ddoo | 19:29 |
pupnik | derf, i recall that problem. it is some brain damaged 'lets not play anything too loud to get sued' problem | 19:29 |
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woglinde | or functional | 19:29 |
derf | You can go in to "Download Route..." or whatever it was, and enter addresses. | 19:29 |
LuciusMare | oohh,,yyoouu wweerree nnoott ttaallkkiingng ttoo mmee | 19:29 |
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woglinde | download route? | 19:30 |
woglinde | wtf? | 19:30 |
derf | And it pulls turn-by-turn instructions with waypoints at each turn, and reads them with text-to-speech when you approach one. | 19:30 |
Lynoure | LuciusMare: poor you. | 19:30 |
woglinde | whats when you are offline? | 19:30 |
LuciusMare | iinnddeeeedd | 19:30 |
derf | No, you have to download it while you're online. | 19:30 |
pupnik | LuciusMare: your comments here have been pretty stupid | 19:30 |
woglinde | derf whaha this suckz | 19:30 |
derf | It's not ideal. | 19:31 |
woglinde | navit can do this all complete offline | 19:31 |
derf | But it works okay. | 19:31 |
derf | Yes, but I could do this two+ years ago. | 19:31 |
LuciusMare | iitt mmiigghhtt bebe ccaaususeedd bby y tthhee ffaacctt tthhaatt ii aamm s stutuppiidd .:pP | 19:31 |
derf | Whereas I've only just now heard of navit. | 19:31 |
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LuciusMare | ookkaayy,, tthhiiss iiss aannnnooyyiinngg,, nnooboboddyy hahadd memett tthhiiss ebbeeffoorree | 19:32 |
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woglinde | derf the package right now is not optimal | 19:33 |
woglinde | but I am working on it | 19:33 |
pupnik | LuciusMare: what device are you using? | 19:33 |
LuciusMare | rorovveerr | 19:33 |
pupnik | There is a problem related to repeated keys but i can't find the source, sorry. | 19:34 |
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LuciusMare | hhhheehhhh.. | 19:34 |
LuciusMare | tthhaannkkss ffoorr aat t lleeaasstt ttrriinngg | 19:35 |
LuciusMare | leettss hohoppee rreebboooott ffixixees s itit | 19:35 |
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pupnik | please do. gollum mode is annoying | 19:36 |
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andre__ | garr. so what was again the command to find out from which repository an installed package came from? | 19:41 |
* andre__ getting lost with dpkg and apt-get | 19:41 |
Matthew- | ;-) | 19:42 |
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luke-jr | andre__: not possible afaik | 19:45 |
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andre__ | gnarf | 19:46 |
VDVsx | andre__, apt-cache show package_name (look at filename field) | 19:46 |
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VDVsx | there's a easier way, but can't remember atm | 19:47 |
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woglinde | apt-cache showpkg package | 19:48 |
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andre__ | thanks. now wondering where I should write this down for the next time :) | 19:48 |
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VDVsx | woglinde, that's better :) | 19:49 |
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GeneralAntilles | andre__, infobot? | 19:50 |
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woglinde | ~infobot snack | 19:52 |
* infobot snack? yes yeaaas yeaaaaaaaaaaas pleaaase :P | 19:52 |
SpeedEvil | F****** thumbnailerd. | 19:52 |
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javispedro | so, where are the failsafes for that "prolonged 600Mhz equals fry" story? | 19:54 |
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javispedro | cause I just noticed that what I initially though were the failsafes is the sgx driver blocking (and idling the cpu) | 19:55 |
Khertan__ | [18:46] == #maemo Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel | 19:55 |
Khertan__ | this suck ! | 19:55 |
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Shadikka | We had our share of the spambots recently | 19:55 |
Khertan | [18:46] == #maemo Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel | 19:55 |
wirelessdreamer | has anyone had their audio cutting out on phone calls with their n900? | 19:55 |
javispedro | but when no sgx is involved, the thing happily stays at 600mhz. | 19:55 |
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Khertan | i was talking to /dev/null | 19:55 |
Khertan | someone know a way to record screen on n900 | 19:56 |
Khertan | ? | 19:56 |
GeneralAntilles | Sorry, Khertan. | 19:56 |
GeneralAntilles | Will take it off as soon as the spambots are done for. :\ | 19:56 |
GeneralAntilles | javispedro, prod Igor? | 19:57 |
zaheerm | gst-launch ximagesrc ! <pick_an_encoder> ! <pick_a_muxer> ! filesink location=<filename> | 19:57 |
SpeedEvil | Where is the tracker database? | 19:57 |
javispedro | SpeedEvil: $HOME/.cache | 19:58 |
X-Fade | Ok, Packages interface now also supports diablo: http://maemo.org/packages/repository/list/diablo_extras-devel_free_armel/ | 19:58 |
X-Fade | diablo promotion is now done through the packages interface too. | 19:58 |
javispedro | or $XDG_CACHE_DIR :) | 19:58 |
javispedro | X-Fade: ow, nice! | 19:58 |
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X-Fade | Direct promotion, no testing queue though ;) | 19:58 |
javispedro | X-Fade: can we start promoting things right now? :) | 19:58 |
X-Fade | Yes | 19:58 |
X-Fade | So I can see if it breaks somewhere ;) | 19:59 |
SpeedEvil | hmm - how did I miss that... | 19:59 |
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javispedro | X-Fade: pre-dependencies missing! >:) | 20:00 |
X-Fade | javispedro: yes, yes. :) | 20:00 |
X-Fade | javispedro: just push those first ;) | 20:01 |
X-Fade | javispedro: At least it does more checking than the old promoter. | 20:01 |
javispedro | oh. | 20:02 |
javispedro | maemo-installer-utils... | 20:02 |
javispedro | i think that was provided by hildon-app-mgr iirc | 20:02 |
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VDVsx | the next wow is about to be announced , lol | 20:02 |
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X-Fade | Should handle provides like it does in fremantle. | 20:02 |
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X-Fade | javispedro: Provides: | 20:03 |
X-Fade | maemo-installer-utils, maemo-select-menu-location | 20:03 |
javispedro | i think it needs a bit more time, some packages are missing | 20:03 |
javispedro | i.e. drnoksnes | 20:04 |
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X-Fade | Hmm weird, import should have finished a long time ago. | 20:04 |
Khertan | Hi again (try 6) | 20:04 |
Khertan | ~ping | 20:05 |
infobot | ~pong | 20:05 |
javispedro | hi khertan | 20:05 |
Khertan | oh god ! now every one can read me | 20:05 |
Khertan | very annoying that identify is required for speaking but it s prevent from changing nick | 20:06 |
Pavlov | is it possible to get maemo.org to serve .install files with the right mimetype? | 20:06 |
Pavlov | who would i talk to about that?;) | 20:06 |
Khertan | so does there is a way to make a screencast on n900 that record pygame display output too ? | 20:07 |
Khertan | (load doesn t record pygame display) | 20:07 |
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javispedro | sorry X-Fade, I completely forgot it was removed! | 20:07 |
X-Fade | javispedro: I don't see your app in extras-devel ;) | 20:07 |
Khertan | other question does there is a pygane expert in the room ? i need some advice to speed up my game | 20:07 |
X-Fade | javispedro: duh, yeah :) | 20:08 |
lcuk | VDVsx, it doesnt stop! which | 20:08 |
X-Fade | javispedro: Was grepping the Packages file already ;) | 20:08 |
GeneralAntilles | Pavlov, you want X-Fade. ;) | 20:08 |
VDVsx | lcuk, apple chocolate tablet :p | 20:09 |
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X-Fade | Pavlov: Which file, where? | 20:09 |
lcuk | Khertan, same advice as always, minimal streamlined, use the library functions where possible if you can offload some direct python processing to a core c lib, do so | 20:09 |
Stskeeps | X-Fade: btw, any special reason for update1 vs update2 in autobuilder? | 20:09 |
X-Fade | Stskeeps: Update2 was the latest that worked. | 20:09 |
Stskeeps | X-Fade: well, autobuilder is at update1 at the moment | 20:10 |
X-Fade | Stskeeps: No? | 20:10 |
GeneralAntilles | Can you imagine what a triumph an Apple tablet might've been if they had combined the best parts of the Newton with a real OS X? | 20:10 |
wazd | iPad, haha :) | 20:10 |
Khertan | lcuk : it s what i do ... but the rendering is very slow (60fps to 7fps) | 20:10 |
Khertan | ah apple as announced something ? | 20:11 |
* lcuk cant wait for flipbook style n900 apps | 20:11 |
X-Fade | Stskeeps: Ehm, yes ;) | 20:11 |
javispedro | http://maemo.org/packages/package_instance/view/diablo_extras-devel_free_armel/openttd-data/0.7.4-1maemo3/ | 20:11 |
Khertan | the iphoneos 4 with 2 apps max to do multitasks ? | 20:11 |
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Khertan | :) | 20:11 |
Stskeeps | X-Fade: reason i was wondering is cos it doesn't have hildon-theme-layout-5 and theme makers are getting kinda hurt by that :P | 20:11 |
GeneralAntilles | Khertan, ah, interesting point. | 20:11 |
Stskeeps | (update2 has) | 20:12 |
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GeneralAntilles | Khertan, no multitasking is vaguely justifiable on a freaking phone, but on a tablet it's downright insane. | 20:12 |
VDVsx | Ipad is a A4 size Iphone, lol | 20:12 |
X-Fade | Stskeeps: The lets compare update2 and 1. | 20:12 |
Khertan | GeneralAntilles : i was jokking | 20:12 |
X-Fade | *then | 20:12 |
javispedro | VDVsx: are they announcing it now? | 20:12 |
Stskeeps | http://repository.maemo.org/stable/fremantle/5.0update1_vs_5.0update2_content_comparison.html | 20:12 |
VDVsx | javispedro, | 20:12 |
VDVsx | yes | 20:12 |
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VDVsx | javispedro, http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/27/live-from-the-apple-tablet-latest-creation-event/?sort=newest&refresh=30 | 20:12 |
wazd | looks boring | 20:12 |
VDVsx | yeah | 20:12 |
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wazd | changeable wallpapers! | 20:13 |
Stskeeps | heh, a4 iphone? | 20:13 |
Stskeeps | oh dear | 20:13 |
wazd | now thats a revolution! | 20:13 |
javispedro | lol | 20:13 |
VDVsx | steve said that apple is the biggest mobile company in the world :D | 20:13 |
Khertan | rrrrhhhha a 8bit display is slower than 16 bits with pygame on n900 | 20:13 |
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javispedro | as usual Jobs has said "runs PC applications" is a con for netbooks, and he'll get away with it. | 20:13 |
RST38h | wazd: moooo? | 20:13 |
wazd | RST38h: heya :) | 20:13 |
zash | VDVsx: for apples definition of "mobile" ofc | 20:13 |
Khertan | VDVsx : steve is ill ... do not rely on what he said | 20:14 |
RST38h | What? The scheduled coming of Apple Jesus has started? | 20:14 |
javispedro | yes | 20:14 |
X-Fade | Ipad.. duh ;) | 20:14 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: in A4 form | 20:14 |
Stskeeps | :P | 20:14 |
RST38h | OMG | 20:14 |
RST38h | Stskeeps: OMG | 20:14 |
* RST38h awed | 20:14 |
wazd | it's not even widescreen) | 20:14 |
javispedro | iPad was the name the idiots were thinking jobs would use for a "dockable USB pad" or something like that | 20:14 |
Stskeeps | also | 20:14 |
RST38h | "Drivers of vehicles weighing more than 10,000 pounds have been banned from sending text messages while driving in the US" | 20:14 |
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javispedro | oh the irony. | 20:15 |
zash | HP suing for trademark too similar to "iPAQ" in 3.. 2.. 1.. | 20:15 |
RST38h | Has HP got rights for "hPaq" already? | 20:16 |
javispedro | so. | 20:16 |
wazd | iPod, iPad, iPud, iPid, iPed | 20:16 |
VDVsx | can't see any advantage comparing to a laptop only disadvantages | 20:16 |
wazd | iPed, lolz | 20:16 |
cehteh | iTurd | 20:16 |
javispedro | Apple itself uses the fact that they have been getting free promotion as promotion. | 20:16 |
RST38h | Well one thing I can immediately see is that bezel is too thick | 20:16 |
cehteh | iPet | 20:16 |
* VDVsx wants a iPet | 20:16 |
GeneralAntilles | VDVsx, indeed. | 20:16 |
VDVsx | lol | 20:16 |
Khertan | ... ... ... hum pygame doesn t seems optimized at all when running my game ... but works well for solarwolf ... i didn t understand where my game is so slow | 20:17 |
javispedro | Khertan: PR1.1? | 20:17 |
X-Fade | "10:16AM We're basically just watching Steve casually browse. This is odd." | 20:17 |
wazd | http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2010/01/apple-creation-0128-rm-eng.jpg | 20:17 |
X-Fade | lol ;) | 20:17 |
VDVsx | Khertan, are you in fullscreen mode ? | 20:17 |
wazd | HAHA | 20:17 |
Khertan | javispedro : yep | 20:17 |
Stskeeps | is it just me or does that just look like moblin? | 20:17 |
Khertan | VDVsx : yep fullscreen | 20:17 |
javispedro | the launcher is ridiculous. | 20:17 |
Khertan | solarwolf run well ... so mine should too | 20:17 |
javispedro | the could have increased the number of items or the icon size. | 20:18 |
VDVsx | Khertan, so you should have full power | 20:18 |
Khertan | so mine need to be optimized | 20:18 |
javispedro | but I guess redefining the constant was too effort. | 20:18 |
javispedro | s/too/too much | 20:18 |
X-Fade | Looks fairly low res. | 20:18 |
Khertan | the constant ? | 20:18 |
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VDVsx | can it multitask ? :p | 20:18 |
javispedro | Khertan: not talking about your topic, sorry :P | 20:18 |
wazd | keyboard is super lame | 20:18 |
RST38h | Sts: Moblin looks like it | 20:19 |
javispedro | yes. | 20:19 |
Pavlov | X-Fade: for example, http://maemo.org/downloads/product/raw/Maemo5/conversations-inbox-widget/?get_installfile | 20:19 |
RST38h | Sts: or like iPhone rather | 20:19 |
wazd | I'm really surprised that apple really made it | 20:19 |
Pavlov | X-Fade: it just comes down as text/html | 20:19 |
Khertan | javispedro hehe not a problem | 20:19 |
Pavlov | instead of application/x-install-instructions | 20:19 |
Khertan | godwin point : http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2740/4308988357_56e6a45744_o.jpg | 20:20 |
Khertan | haha | 20:20 |
X-Fade | Pavlov: ****, that is a regression. | 20:20 |
Khertan | ouch no keyboard | 20:20 |
Khertan | haha | 20:20 |
X-Fade | Pavlov: need to check what is up with that. | 20:20 |
VDVsx | wazd, well they can sell anything :) | 20:20 |
Khertan | n900 still better :) | 20:20 |
* RST38h learned the lesson the hard way today: N900 really does not look all that much, all the useful, especially in comparison with other devices. UNTIL YOU TRY TO PART WITH IT. | 20:20 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: heh | 20:20 |
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RST38h | Then you suddenly find all those little things that you have done seamlessly with N900 and which now require Effort | 20:21 |
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Lynoure | RST38h: What did you try to switch to? | 20:21 |
RST38h | Lynoure: E71, E70 | 20:22 |
SpeedEvil | Is anyone aware of a strace-alike that can do ioctls? | 20:22 |
RST38h | strace does not do ioctls? | 20:22 |
SpeedEvil | Well - of course it does | 20:22 |
Lynoure | After years with Palm OS, I'm having annoying droolies with Palm Pixi | 20:22 |
Lynoure | But luckily it's not available in Europe. | 20:22 |
wazd | http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2010/01/apple-creation-0159-rm-eng.jpg | 20:23 |
Khertan | Lynoure : for a dev it s too crappy | 20:23 |
* RST38h tried the Pre in the US. Felt kinda fake. | 20:23 |
hardaker | Lynoure: After years with Palm OS I'm finally happy with my N900 :-) | 20:23 |
SpeedEvil | I mean that can print the results/calls of ioctls - at least in - say 'print 20 bytes after ioctl pointer' | 20:23 |
wazd | itunes look like a first attenpt in photoshop | 20:23 |
Khertan | Lynoure : can t dev onboard | 20:23 |
Khertan | :) | 20:23 |
wazd | attempt* | 20:23 |
javispedro | SpeedEvil: last time I wished that I had to patch strace myself. | 20:23 |
Khertan | like i was doing wth my palm tx | 20:23 |
Lynoure | hardaker: I'm still missing a whole lot of apps I need... coding one of them, hoping others to rain from the heavens =) | 20:23 |
RST38h | wazd: But....WHY STILL ONE BUTTON? | 20:23 |
SpeedEvil | javispedro: meh. | 20:23 |
Pavlov | X-Fade: ok, cool | 20:23 |
SpeedEvil | javispedro: thanks. | 20:23 |
VDVsx | cofth cofth,no flash :D | 20:23 |
RST38h | The thing is huge, why only keep one button? | 20:23 |
Pavlov | X-Fade: will make my life easier ;) | 20:23 |
wazd | RST38h: I guess Ive hates hardware buttons :) | 20:24 |
slonopotamus | ~ping | 20:24 |
infobot | ~pong | 20:24 |
RST38h | wazd: Or He is afraid someone will hack it by pressing buttons | 20:24 |
Lynoure | But, now coding done for today, and off to movies. | 20:24 |
javispedro | SpeedEvil: still I'm pretty sure I've come across an android dev blog post that published his patch, but google's in a bad mood today... | 20:24 |
Khertan | a virtual keyboard this really sucks | 20:24 |
hardaker | Lynoure: the only thing I truly miss from palm days was datebk | 20:24 |
hardaker | my last phone, the 680, which is still sitting here next to me hasn't been turned on in a month and I don't even have the urge too | 20:25 |
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javispedro | VDVsx: Jobs speaks: "Having Flash" is a disadvantage of netbooks. | 20:25 |
villager | SpeedEvil: each ioctl is different... I suspect strace can already do that, but only for ioctls it know | 20:25 |
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SpeedEvil | villager: I know it is. | 20:25 |
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villager | SpeedEvil: so someone has to make strace know those ioctls... | 20:26 |
SpeedEvil | villager: however - devolving to the generic - 'print 20 bytes after pointer in hex' wouldn't be impossible. | 20:26 |
Khertan | Does there is some tips and trick for using pygame on n900, like using HWSURFACE only or something like that ? | 20:26 |
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javispedro | Khertan: don't use HWSURFACE at all. | 20:26 |
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luke-jr | iPad is such a joke :P | 20:26 |
Khertan | ok ... did use it | 20:26 |
* VDVsx predicts people suffering backache due to iPad usage | 20:27 |
javispedro | tbh, it does nothing in rgb surfaces, only in the screen surface, at it won't do anything at all in non-paletted modes iirc. | 20:27 |
Shadikka | Seriously, it's just a big iPhone. | 20:27 |
Stskeeps | luke-jr: i am kinda disappointed in it | 20:27 |
Shadikka | With a probability of 199%, running iPhone OS, making it neigh-useless for anything serious. | 20:27 |
Stskeeps | at least they could have done something revolutionary | 20:27 |
Khertan | vdvsx : but obviously ... will be surely a best seller | 20:27 |
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joppu | They just could have put a real OS in to it | 20:27 |
Khertan | joppu ? ple putting a real os ? | 20:27 |
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javispedro | and you can even CHOOSE your own background! | 20:28 |
joppu | I mean, they just took the iPhone OS and rearranged the UI layout | 20:29 |
joppu | javispedro: That's what I call customization | 20:29 |
Corsac | an iphone os in a laptop size, I would have expected the opposite | 20:29 |
javispedro | "rearranged" lightly. | 20:29 |
RST38h | javispedro: miracle! MIRACLE! | 20:29 |
wazd | javispedro: that's the revolution | 20:29 |
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luke-jr | frankly, iPad is even *less* capable than netbooks | 20:29 |
wazd | javispedro: first time ever! | 20:29 |
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javispedro | since they could have AT LEAST made the launcher icons _bigger_. | 20:29 |
javispedro | but no. | 20:29 |
joppu | luke-jr: but it runs _smoother_ nad that's the only thing that matters | 20:30 |
luke-jr | LOL 1 GHz XD | 20:30 |
Corsac | and it's apple | 20:30 |
luke-jr | joppu: obviously that depends on software | 20:30 |
luke-jr | Corsac: that's a minus | 20:30 |
Stskeeps | "10 hours battery life | 20:30 |
Corsac | which is really the only thing that matters eventually | 20:30 |
javispedro | specs? where! | 20:30 |
wazd | IPS display | 20:30 |
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Corsac | no 3g | 20:31 |
luke-jr | javispedro: http://live.gdgt.com/2010/01/27/live-apple-come-see-our-latest-creation-tablet-event-coverage/ | 20:31 |
wazd | 1k+ price, anyone? :) | 20:31 |
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joppu | luke-jr: iPhone only runs so smoothly because no multitasking | 20:31 |
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red | joppu: wrong. | 20:32 |
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javispedro | "Apple A4 chip"? | 20:32 |
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joppu | red: How so? | 20:32 |
|R | yeah, wtf A4 chip | 20:32 |
red | iPhone runs smoother cause 1) Smaller resolution 2) Better optimized animations | 20:32 |
wazd | pixel doubling! | 20:32 |
VDVsx | a compass really ? for what lol | 20:32 |
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wazd | wow! | 20:33 |
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Stskeeps | '10:32AM "We can also pixel double and run the apps full screen." | 20:33 |
Stskeeps | .... | 20:33 |
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wazd | Stskeeps: revolution! | 20:33 |
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villager | apple fanboys will still buy it, and become living examples of what makes humanity so horribly messed up | 20:33 |
luke-jr | LOL | 20:33 |
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|R | so the resolution is 640x960 ? | 20:33 |
red | Multitasking has little to do, since iPhone animation is fluent even while playing a mp3 and having browser tabs open in background (you can multitask on iPhone, but only on preselected software). | 20:33 |
red | Now N900 scrolling and mp3 playing = mp3 skips every now and then | 20:34 |
javispedro | red: that's the difference between real multitasking and walled garden multitasking. | 20:34 |
zaheerm | that facebook app looks pointless, the browser facebook is nicer on it | 20:34 |
javispedro | a 66Mhz Clie could also play Mp3 "on the background" | 20:34 |
red | agree on that | 20:34 |
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red | might be the resolution alone, might be the fact theres more processes running on background of the N900 nobody can know for certain | 20:35 |
javispedro | (truth is that they had a special mp3 decoder and thus that's the reason it was the "only" app allowed to multitask) | 20:35 |
javispedro | s/special/hardware | 20:35 |
red | good for them, bad for us :) | 20:35 |
joppu | N900 has the DSP? | 20:36 |
red | im not trying to bash our lovely child here, just not trying to be fanboy either | 20:36 |
GeneralAntilles | |R, for 10"?! | 20:36 |
X-Fade | Pavlov: Better now? | 20:36 |
Stskeeps | joppu: it has dsp yes | 20:36 |
|R | GeneralAntilles: well no clue, but if they can pixel double (ie: 2x2 instead of 1x1) and you double the iPhone res :) | 20:36 |
villager | I imagined the mp3 skipping on N900 was because of the slow eMMC (and swapping)? | 20:36 |
javispedro | but it's not used for audio because someone decided the most common use case for listening to audio would be with the main CPU idle. | 20:36 |
javispedro | (the dsp) | 20:37 |
luke-jr | Apple is scared to announce RAM :p | 20:37 |
Pavlov | X-Fade: checking | 20:37 |
|R | haha yeah, RAM and resolution | 20:37 |
VDVsx | "all iPhones apps will run in the iPad" | 20:37 |
Pavlov | X-Fade: looks like it | 20:37 |
joppu | And the scaling will look horrible | 20:37 |
Stskeeps | also, no 3g ;p | 20:37 |
woglinde | VDVsx allother were nitemare | 20:37 |
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javispedro | man, even palmos handled the resolution switch better. | 20:38 |
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red | joppu: it doesn't really matter if it looks horrible. it means that when it comes out theres ton of software it can run, while software that the screensize is optimum are coming. | 20:38 |
lardman | I wonder if our skipping is caused by cpufreq? | 20:38 |
red | and expect really easy porting due the compatability too | 20:38 |
joppu | 480x320 on 1024x768 (?) urgh... | 20:39 |
wazd | X-Fade: E: Couldn't find package hildon-theme-layout-5 | 20:39 |
wazd | X-Fade: wtf does that mean? :) | 20:39 |
joppu | wazd: Yeah, it's broken currently | 20:39 |
RST38h | luke: iPad has no "RAM". "RAM" is for geeks | 20:39 |
X-Fade | wazd: Exactly as it says. | 20:39 |
X-Fade | wazd: The SDK we run doesn't have that package. | 20:40 |
wazd | X-Fade: ah | 20:40 |
wazd | X-Fade: ok then :) | 20:40 |
joppu | wazd: They downgraded the autobuilder or something | 20:40 |
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javispedro | hm.. how can I make my N900 media player skip? | 20:40 |
X-Fade | wazd: Will check tomorrow if we can go to update2, which has this package for you. | 20:40 |
wazd | X-Fade: great news, thx a lot :) | 20:40 |
glass_ | the apple foleo | 20:41 |
javispedro | oh, the foleo was better. | 20:41 |
javispedro | it had xterm. | 20:41 |
lardman | have Apple released their gadget then? | 20:41 |
joppu | javispedro: open a lot of apps :) | 20:41 |
RST38h | glass: iFoleo, of course | 20:42 |
X-Fade | Stskeeps: update2 looks quite safe, only the gtk one worries me a bit. | 20:42 |
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javispedro | 4*3 apps and still no skipping.. | 20:42 |
lcuk | you gotta try harder than that! | 20:43 |
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javispedro | this includes dosbox and drnok which I know they don't sleep when not active. | 20:43 |
glass_ | whats the price | 20:43 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | iPad <3 | 20:43 |
javispedro | and dosbox consumes insame amounts of ram+swap | 20:43 |
* javispedro looks to see if he got the headphones connected to the desktop instead of n900... | 20:43 |
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lardman | hmm, that iThingie looks bloody big | 20:45 |
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lardman | I'm thinking iDefinitelyWouldn'tWantOneCosIt'sTooLarge | 20:45 |
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villager | it skipped for me when I walked home from the office, without anything running other than the media player, the skipping might have occurred when I got out of range of the wifi and it switched to gsm, or perhaps some powersave mode | 20:45 |
dvoid | hail the ipedo | 20:45 |
dvoid | or not | 20:45 |
X-Fade | It's a netbook without keyboard ;) | 20:45 |
luke-jr | lardman: I'm thinking it's just an Apple branded TouchBook | 20:45 |
* lcuk has a 7inch maemo tablet (well, 2 3.5inchers but working collaboratively) | 20:45 |
villager | s/gsm/gprs/ | 20:46 |
infobot | villager meant: it skipped for me when I walked home from the office, without anything running other than the media player, the skipping might have occurred when I got out of range of the wifi and it switched to gprs, or perhaps some powersave mode | 20:46 |
hardaker | villager: I had it skip once when it switched the app from portrat to profile. | 20:46 |
lardman | yeah, not very exciting | 20:46 |
X-Fade | lcuk: you need 4 of those for that ;) | 20:46 |
* tybollt slaps Gadgetoid_mbp hoping he will snap out of it ;) | 20:46 |
javispedro | hildon-desktop is now hung. 23rd app, and media player didn't skip. | 20:46 |
hardaker | I wondered if your walking jiggled the sensors | 20:46 |
hardaker | ie, it wasn't the multitasking but the app itself | 20:46 |
lcuk | X-Fade, i need 5 really to test properly | 20:46 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | tybollt: not ruddy likely, I'm waiting for the price and where to buy one | 20:46 |
tybollt | :D | 20:46 |
lcuk | 4 in a square 2*2 and then one controller | 20:46 |
X-Fade | lcuk: Sorry, can't help you. I only have 3. | 20:46 |
lcuk | but it scales nicely, so good to see undo working | 20:46 |
lcuk | ive got 2.99 myself | 20:47 |
tybollt | Gadgetoid_mbp: just coz ole man Jobs sez so or do you actually like the idea of a tablet like that? | 20:47 |
lardman | dare I open TMO, how much time will it suck away....? | 20:47 |
villager | hardaker: which sensors? shake2control wasn't in use | 20:47 |
lcuk | ill just have to do like power rangers and combine them for higher power when together | 20:47 |
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lcuk | i keep holding a pair like drumsticks | 20:48 |
lcuk | and wanting the data on the third | 20:48 |
villager | hardaker: since I wasn't running anything other than the media player, nothing should be checking any sensors | 20:48 |
lcuk | now it will be able to :D | 20:48 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | tybollt: yup | 20:48 |
hardaker | does it switch between portrait and landscape when you rotate it? | 20:48 |
villager | hardaker: I don't think so | 20:49 |
villager | with a locked screen even more unlikely | 20:49 |
hardaker | hmm... you know, I think I was listening to an audio book in a different app. | 20:50 |
hardaker | it was what switched, not media player. | 20:50 |
* javispedro gets a watchdog reboot | 20:50 |
villager | nope, it won't rotate... I've never enabled rotation anywhere anyway, I never wanted it | 20:50 |
hardaker | (since I tried it and it doesn't rotate) | 20:50 |
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javispedro | at around 25 windows (24 apps) | 20:50 |
villager | maybe except in the phone app I suppose | 20:50 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | tybollt: in fact, I want 2! | 20:51 |
|R | still no ram / res. / price... and no front cam, wait wha? | 20:51 |
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RST38h | "iPad has no kickstand!" -- Gizmodo | 20:51 |
Stskeeps | heh | 20:51 |
Stskeeps | 500$ accesory | 20:52 |
luke-jr | so any speculation on if A4 is Intel or ARM? | 20:52 |
RST38h | does it support mms? =) | 20:52 |
javispedro | luke-jr: ARM | 20:52 |
joppu | They can unveil a whole new line of "docks" now :D | 20:52 |
RST38h | ARM | 20:52 |
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luke-jr | RST38h: it doesn't support cell phone at all | 20:52 |
javispedro | luke-jr: it runs iphone arms | 20:52 |
javispedro | s/arms/apps | 20:52 |
RST38h | luke: really? just like n800? =) | 20:52 |
tybollt | ARM of course | 20:52 |
luke-jr | javispedro: are iPhone apps natively compiled? O.o | 20:52 |
javispedro | luke-jr: yep | 20:53 |
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tybollt | what other cpu can you buy and mod to your liking? | 20:53 |
VDVsx | Stskeeps, probably more ;) | 20:53 |
lcuk | ok screw all this appleness, can maemo run on any multitouch large format tablets? | 20:53 |
luke-jr | tybollt: PowerPC, SPARC, and MIPS? | 20:53 |
RST38h | they bought a cpu company | 20:53 |
luke-jr | lcuk: TouchBook? | 20:53 |
tybollt | luke-jr: hush you =) | 20:53 |
joppu | lcuk: Harmattan...? | 20:53 |
tybollt | RST38h: orly? didnt know | 20:53 |
RST38h | lcuk: I just noticed. | 20:53 |
* lardman emerges from TMO having learned nothing much new | 20:53 |
derf | That sounds normal. | 20:54 |
lardman | yep | 20:54 |
javispedro | lardman: well I learned something today; that there seems to be no actual failsafes for when you lock the n900 at 600Mhz. | 20:54 |
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lardman | oh, have you cooked yours? | 20:54 |
lcuk | luke-jr, can maemo run on it? | 20:55 |
lcuk | joppu, that wasnt the question | 20:55 |
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javispedro | no, but it will happily go at 600Mhz for hours | 20:55 |
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RST38h | lcuk: You look like DrWho played by David Tennant | 20:55 |
tybollt | javispedro: ? "lock the n900 at 600Mhz." the hell does that mean? | 20:55 |
* RST38h promptly hides | 20:55 |
joppu | tybollt: the clock speed | 20:55 |
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tybollt | ja? | 20:55 |
tybollt | can you alter the clock speed? | 20:55 |
RST38h | yes | 20:56 |
joppu | yeah | 20:56 |
nomike | hi | 20:56 |
* lcuk raises eyebrows @ RST38h | 20:56 |
* lcuk mourns david tennant | 20:56 |
tybollt | oh dear, how's that? I looked for "press F1 to enter bios" but really, the thing doesn't even have a POST ;) | 20:56 |
* belsatsar mourns Juergen Moellemann | 20:56 |
javispedro | "iBooks" -- now including ripped off bookshelf art! | 20:57 |
RST38h | cooool | 20:57 |
VDVsx | lol | 20:57 |
nomike | i'm using a nokia 770 with OS2008HE. Does the built in Mail Client support IMAP subfolders? | 20:57 |
luke-jr | lcuk: of course not | 20:58 |
luke-jr | lcuk: Maemo is proprietary :P | 20:58 |
VDVsx | with iBooks number of apps in apple store have to go down to 60k-70k :D ohhhh | 20:58 |
GeneralAntilles | Seriously, iBooks? . . . | 20:59 |
* GeneralAntilles pictures lots of laptops filling the iPad. | 20:59 |
javispedro | only apple could do _yet again_ the book reader application with bookshelf paradigm again and get away with it | 20:59 |
lcuk | i thought the ipad was a sanitary product | 20:59 |
VDVsx | ehhehe | 21:00 |
Myrtti | lcuk: it does need iWings | 21:00 |
RST38h | it is | 21:00 |
lcuk | well top results in google video indicate as such | 21:00 |
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javispedro | "iWork for the iPad" (aka Pocket Office) | 21:01 |
RST38h | without keyboard? | 21:01 |
javispedro | oh, they use ePub file format! | 21:01 |
javispedro | wow | 21:01 |
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javispedro | hell freezing over and all that. | 21:02 |
VDVsx | only landscape, take that :p | 21:02 |
RST38h | javis: no iPub? | 21:02 |
javispedro | ePub! Even FBReader is capable of opening it. | 21:02 |
RST38h | unless it is drmed of course | 21:02 |
joppu | I guess after 10 years of failing the tablet PCs will become mainstream just because Steve Jobs held one of them in his hand | 21:03 |
javispedro | there's no actual ePub DRM standard iirc | 21:03 |
javispedro | No 3G. Less space than a Netbook. Lame. | 21:04 |
ml-mobile | mmm, more closed hardware platforms from Apple | 21:04 |
* RST38h mentally goes over a list of objects he would like Steve Jobs to hold in his hand | 21:04 |
luke-jr | ml-mobile: you say that as if there's an open platform in this market? | 21:04 |
joppu | And oh, can you actually read ebooks with a LCD display? Kindles, etc. have eInk ones | 21:04 |
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RST38h | Gizmodo went into iPad hysteria already | 21:05 |
tybollt | engadget too | 21:05 |
* VDVsx sends a N900 to steve :D | 21:05 |
belsatsar | tools of tyranny | 21:05 |
javispedro | tmo too. | 21:05 |
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RST38h | javispedro: looks like it does not scale iPhone apps all that much | 21:05 |
ml-mobile | luke-jr: the N900 is the only one going in the right direction, and miles more open than anything else | 21:06 |
belsatsar | ml-mobile: ++ | 21:06 |
RST38h | they look like a little square in the middle of a black screen | 21:06 |
tybollt | tmo? | 21:06 |
lcuk | question, how come holding device like this didnt accidentally run apps http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/01/27/article-1246551-080C4654000005DC-611_468x597.jpg | 21:06 |
luke-jr | ml-mobile: dunno, tmzt seems to have got much Qualcomm supported | 21:06 |
javispedro | RST38h: Jobs actually mentioned "pixel doubling" | 21:06 |
ml-mobile | what is tmzt? | 21:06 |
javispedro | jobs or some of his minions | 21:06 |
VDVsx | RST38h, they need to rebuild it seems | 21:06 |
luke-jr | ml-mobile: tmzt is a person | 21:06 |
joppu | javispedro: yeah :D | 21:06 |
luke-jr | ml-mobile: and unlike TI, Qualcomm's got nice dual-core 1.5 GHz Snapdragons.... <.< | 21:06 |
* timeless_mbp cries | 21:07 |
* timeless_mbp messed up | 21:07 |
luke-jr | not to mention all the phones/handhelds with over 256 MB RAM | 21:07 |
lcuk | timeless, happens to us all | 21:07 |
tybollt | timeless_mbp: ? | 21:07 |
RST38h | VDVsx: ah! | 21:07 |
VDVsx | RST38h, "We rewrote all of our apps for this display. the iPhone SDK supports development for this now... and we're releasing it today." | 21:07 |
timeless_mbp | tybollt: i'm maintaining enus and engb | 21:07 |
ml-mobile | that's just newer hardware, has nothing to do with openness | 21:07 |
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VDVsx | dunno what that means | 21:07 |
timeless_mbp | i made a set of changes for enus, managed them as a changeset | 21:07 |
timeless_mbp | applied them to engb | 21:07 |
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luke-jr | ml-mobile: tmzt's work has to do with openness :) | 21:08 |
timeless_mbp | but forgot to refresh the changeset to include the engb files | 21:08 |
javispedro | X-Fade: btw, did you see http://maemo.org/packages/package_instance/view/diablo_extras-devel_free_armel/openttd-data/0.7.4-1maemo3/ ? | 21:08 |
timeless_mbp | then i pushed my changesets and built them | 21:08 |
RST38h | Interesting how nobody has mentioned the most interesting question so far | 21:08 |
dpro | hi | 21:08 |
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timeless_mbp | it happens to me often | 21:08 |
javispedro | RST38h: THE PRICE? | 21:08 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: 'does it run android'? | 21:08 |
RST38h | With iPad out, every Chinese manufacturer will try to catchup. And Nokia too. | 21:08 |
lcuk | timeless, thats like developers forgetting to update changelogs and stuff | 21:08 |
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ml-mobile | luke-jr: great, but only the N900 is available via retail :) | 21:08 |
timeless_mbp | roughly, yes | 21:08 |
RST38h | This means 1) Android on really huge screens and 2) N9?0 that looks like a slate again ; | 21:08 |
VDVsx | there's android tablets already | 21:08 |
GeneralAntilles | RST38h, hey, maybe it means Maemo will get some progress back into its past. ;) | 21:09 |
javispedro | "Will our N900 be able to upgrade to MaemoPad" | 21:09 |
RST38h | VDVsx: Yes, but Apple sets the standard. Now they will alll strive to look like iPad | 21:09 |
lcuk | timeless, and some are more regular at that, how long does it take to rebuild? | 21:09 |
javispedro | (hm.. MaemoPad+...) | 21:09 |
VDVsx | RST38h, true | 21:09 |
timeless_mbp | lcuk: <5mins | 21:09 |
timeless_mbp | it's more that it's such a stupid thing | 21:09 |
lcuk | not a problem then, just frustration no douby | 21:09 |
lcuk | yeah lol | 21:09 |
luke-jr | ml-mobile: I can wait. | 21:09 |
RST38h | General: Well, judging from how Nokia always plaued catchup before, I almost do not doubt | 21:09 |
dpro | looks like I need to roll my own kernel for the n900 .. any pitfalls I should be aware of to avoid bricking the thing ? | 21:09 |
RST38h | The MaemoPad author is up for some nice royalties for selling rights to the name back to Nokia ;) | 21:10 |
Stskeeps | dpro: don't overclock it | 21:10 |
Stskeeps | :P | 21:10 |
lcuk | i look over my git commits and realise i have a habit of commiting new changes and logging them, but forgetting to actually add the new files to git | 21:10 |
lcuk | i kick myself everytime | 21:10 |
timeless_mbp | dpro: why do you need your own kernel? | 21:10 |
RST38h | lcuk: Same for everybody | 21:10 |
javispedro | RST38h: the original maemopad was made by nokia iirc? | 21:10 |
luke-jr | lcuk: how do you manage that? O.o | 21:10 |
RST38h | lcuk: You ain't any special in this sense | 21:10 |
javispedro | maemopad+ is the third party app. | 21:10 |
luke-jr | RST38h: he isn't? | 21:11 |
RST38h | javispedro: Really? So they have got rights to the name l) | 21:11 |
dpro | timelell_mbp: I need realtime scheduling and a higher timer resolution | 21:11 |
lcuk | no RST38h i was singing with timeless's cat wail about something similar | 21:11 |
luke-jr | with git you need to add even changed files, so I don't get how you can forget to add the ones you just made... | 21:11 |
RST38h | urgh | 21:11 |
lcuk | luke-jr, no you dont | 21:11 |
lcuk | its very easy to leave files out | 21:11 |
lcuk | and you dont need to explicitly mention every changed file | 21:12 |
luke-jr | lcuk: unless you use commit -a, you do | 21:12 |
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VDVsx | OMG a context keyboard 0_0 numeric keyboard will show up in numeric fields, lol | 21:12 |
* lcuk looks on his wall | 21:12 |
lcuk | "git commit -a -m "~~~~~" | 21:12 |
lcuk | yup | 21:12 |
lcuk | looks like i do | 21:12 |
luke-jr | lcuk: that's the problem :P | 21:12 |
* luke-jr finds git's index system very convenient | 21:12 |
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javispedro | so this is apple's target | 21:13 |
javispedro | ipad+iwork | 21:13 |
tank-man | ... No 3G, less buttons than a Kindle, Lame | 21:13 |
lcuk | i want some iscream | 21:13 |
lcuk | ive heard enough im goin playing with liqbase for a bit | 21:13 |
javispedro | iBase | 21:13 |
javispedro | "iLiq" sounds better. | 21:13 |
dpro | what gcc flags are you guys using ? I used sth. along the lines of '-fPIC', '-mtune=cortex-a8', '-march=armv7-a', '-ftree-vectorize', '-mfpu=neon', '-mfloat-abi=softfp', '-ffast-math', '-fomit-frame-pointer', '-O3', '-fun | 21:13 |
dpro | roll-loops' but that didn't make a difference | 21:13 |
lcuk | imnotforsale | 21:13 |
zash | ifrisbee | 21:13 |
wiretapped | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsjU0K8QPhs MadTV on the iPad | 21:14 |
zash | wiretapped: that better be a rickroll | 21:14 |
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javispedro | dpro: tune, arch are already on the specs so they have no effect. -tree-vectorize is already implicit with -o3 so it has no effect. -neon only does floats and uses softfp for doubles. | 21:14 |
wiretapped | no it is an actual MadTV skit about the iPad | 21:14 |
VDVsx | there's a model with 3g | 21:14 |
javispedro | dpro: so basically you're only adding "-o3". | 21:15 |
Shrik3 | tank-man: umm, they just announced 3G =) | 21:15 |
Stskeeps | ah, some models with 3g | 21:15 |
* wiretapped was at http://www.defectivebydesign.org/apple-tablet-san-francisco-launch | 21:15 |
Shrik3 | $30/mo for unlimited | 21:15 |
javispedro | dpro: which is not recommended, specially on a platform where memory bandwidth is limited. | 21:15 |
belsatsar | how is tor on n900 | 21:15 |
tank-man | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsjU0K8QPhs madtv iPad (2007 skit) | 21:16 |
dpro | javispedro: so anything I can do to speed up floating point operations further with a gcc switch ? | 21:16 |
RST38h | iSatan | 21:16 |
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timeless_mbp | belsatsar: i wouldn't recommend hosting a tor exit point :) | 21:16 |
javispedro | dpro: benchmark "no flags" (aka vfp), softfp and neon. use floats instead of doubles. | 21:16 |
belsatsar | i'm wondering if i should be doing anythign else | 21:16 |
* RST38h cannot believe Neon cannot do doubles. Really? | 21:16 |
timeless_mbp | "don't worry, you'll be followed anyway" | 21:16 |
ph1l | somebody asked me about what files get accessed by which program, on which parition... who was that again? | 21:17 |
dpro | javispedro: floats instead of doubles are not an option I'm afraid, too much work | 21:17 |
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timeless_mbp | ph1l: lsof is the answer.. | 21:17 |
tybollt | zap: branningan | 21:17 |
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javispedro | dpro: then benchmark vfp vs softfp I guess... | 21:18 |
ph1l | timeless_mbp: sadly it's not... how you wanna monitor the boot process with lsof? | 21:18 |
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VDVsx | "micro SIMs" new tech ? | 21:18 |
timeless_mbp | ph1l: you just instrument the boot scripts... | 21:18 |
javisped |