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timeless_mbp | GeneralAntilles / Jaffa : where the heck do UPnP bugs live? | 00:01 |
Jaffa | timeless_mbp: Somewhere fairly core or multimedia-frameworkey | 00:01 |
timeless_mbp | i picked mafw | 00:02 |
timeless_mbp | because i got tired of hunting | 00:02 |
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timeless_mbp | someone needs to force konttori to use a PIN for his theme | 00:02 |
timeless_mbp | the dialog w/ the X at startup really sucks | 00:02 |
Jaffa | UPnP is arguably low enough level to argue it's like saying "where does this HTTP bug live?"; well, depends if it's the browser; RSS reader; MAFW; ... | 00:02 |
Chiku | ouch n900 rebooted lol | 00:02 |
Jef91 | Can I force apt-get to install a new package even though it is complaining other packages have unmet depens? | 00:02 |
* Jaffa beds | 00:02 |
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timeless_mbp | Jaffa: there's actually one guy who does upnp | 00:03 |
timeless_mbp | and it in theory has a component | 00:03 |
timeless_mbp | at least internally | 00:03 |
timeless_mbp | gnupnp? | 00:03 |
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GeneralAntilles | timeless_mbp, MAFW sounds reasonable to me. | 00:06 |
moo-_- | has anyone been using n900 for usb tethering for linux? | 00:06 |
Jef91 | moo-_- I have | 00:07 |
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woglinde | I have not | 00:07 |
lcukx200 | usb tethering? | 00:07 |
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woglinde | luck sharing inet via usbnet | 00:08 |
lcukx200 | ahh yes | 00:08 |
lcukx200 | it works quite nicely from ubuntu | 00:08 |
Jef91 | lcukx200 Yep - the gnome nm-applet connects it right up | 00:08 |
woglinde | hm didnt it need masquarading support? | 00:08 |
lcukx200 | i wouldnt know how to set that up | 00:09 |
moo-_- | lcukx200: any special needed for that or is the network-manager enough? | 00:09 |
lcukx200 | it just came up as an option in my net list | 00:09 |
lcukx200 | connected | 00:09 |
moo-_- | ah thanks Jef91 | 00:09 |
lcukx200 | and bish bash bosh | 00:09 |
Jef91 | moo-_- Just select "pc mode" or what ever it is called when you plug the n900 in | 00:09 |
Jef91 | and NM-Applet will tell you it found a new conection | 00:10 |
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timeless_mbp | wazd: so | 00:13 |
timeless_mbp | one uses "MessagingBubbleSelfBackgroundColor' | 00:13 |
timeless_mbp | rather, that and MessagingBubbleBorderColor and BubbleSelf | 00:13 |
timeless_mbp | the other uses | 00:13 |
Caesium | hm, didn't bugs.maemo.org get onto it's new hardware yet? | 00:13 |
Caesium | having issues loading pages from it | 00:13 |
mikhas | yeah, same here | 00:13 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: body has DefaultBackgroundColor class | 00:13 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: there's no such style in css | 00:14 |
timeless_mbp | wazd: um | 00:14 |
timeless_mbp | the background color works | 00:14 |
timeless_mbp | eventually | 00:14 |
timeless_mbp | it's only the bubbles that are bad | 00:14 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: background is white | 00:15 |
timeless_mbp | that's intentional | 00:15 |
timeless_mbp | at least in konttori's theme | 00:15 |
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wazd | timeless_mbp: that's wrong | 00:15 |
timeless_mbp | eh? | 00:16 |
timeless_mbp | his theme is white | 00:16 |
timeless_mbp | most background bits are white | 00:16 |
Stskeeps | wazd: there's no .DefaultBackgroundColor { | 00:16 |
Stskeeps | in your css? | 00:16 |
timeless_mbp | he clearly indicated that the fact that image viewer's background was hard coded as black | 00:16 |
timeless_mbp | was a bug | 00:16 |
wazd | Stskeeps: in colors.css | 00:16 |
timeless_mbp | which we saw when using his theme | 00:16 |
Stskeeps | wazd: didn't the file i sent you have that? | 00:17 |
Stskeeps | (my colors.css) | 00:17 |
wazd | Stskeeps: body has this class | 00:17 |
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wazd | Stskeeps: but there's no css for that class | 00:17 |
timeless_mbp | wazd: roughly that doesn't matter | 00:17 |
timeless_mbp | there *could* be one | 00:17 |
wazd | Stskeeps: same as DefaultTextColor | 00:17 |
timeless_mbp | and for his theme he doesn't need one | 00:18 |
timeless_mbp | his problem is the stupid bubble | 00:18 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: forgget about Kontorri's theme | 00:18 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: Marina has white background too | 00:18 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: that's wrong | 00:18 |
timeless_mbp | wazd: but that's fixable | 00:18 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: Nuvo has black text in bubble? | 00:18 |
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timeless_mbp | nuvo has a black background for the bubble | 00:19 |
timeless_mbp | which is the bigger problem | 00:19 |
timeless_mbp | but only in one of two views | 00:19 |
Stskeeps | wazd: ok, weird, my copy of colors.css has it | 00:19 |
timeless_mbp | same problem w/ reflect | 00:19 |
wazd | Stskeeps: ah, stupid me | 00:19 |
wazd | Stskeeps: it's in the beginning :) | 00:19 |
timeless_mbp | wazd: http://www.webwizardry.net/~timeless/n900/chat/Screenshot-20100111-001719.png | 00:20 |
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timeless_mbp | the problem is the blackish color | 00:20 |
DrIDK | Hello, I have followed this example using Madde : http://wiki.maemo.org/MADDE/Qt_Example . All is fine exept the last command mad dpkg-buildpackage return me this error : dpkg-buildpackage: unable to determine source . | 00:20 |
Stskeeps | wazd: that said, there's a colors.config | 00:20 |
Stskeeps | what is #181818? | 00:20 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: it obviously should have grayish background, not white | 00:20 |
wazd | Stskeeps: dark gray | 00:21 |
woglinde_ | DrIDK then you are in the wrong directory | 00:21 |
wazd | Stskeeps: not white for sure :P | 00:21 |
woglinde_ | DrIDK the dir must have a debian dir | 00:21 |
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Stskeeps | wazd: it may appear white on the screen though | 00:21 |
timeless_mbp | wazd: compare http://www.webwizardry.net/~timeless/n900/chat/Screenshot-20100111-002112.png | 00:21 |
wazd | Stskeeps: no, it's very dark | 00:21 |
timeless_mbp | wazd: from my perspective | 00:21 |
wazd | Stskeeps: almost black | 00:21 |
timeless_mbp | the bigger problem is the dark bubble | 00:21 |
Stskeeps | mmk | 00:21 |
timeless_mbp | the background is trivially fixed | 00:22 |
DrIDK | woglinde_: Does I need to run this command inside the debian dir ? | 00:22 |
woglinde_ | nope | 00:22 |
woglinde_ | in the dir where the debian dir is | 00:22 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: no it's white | 00:22 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: it shouldn't be | 00:22 |
timeless_mbp | wazd: what rule from which file should make it not white? | 00:22 |
timeless_mbp | and why is white a big deal? | 00:22 |
timeless_mbp | the grey is a big deal | 00:22 |
timeless_mbp | it's inconsistent between the two views | 00:23 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: it's wrong - that's a big deal :) | 00:23 |
timeless_mbp | the white should be trivially solvable | 00:23 |
* timeless_mbp sighs | 00:23 |
timeless_mbp | you're wasting time. | 00:23 |
timeless_mbp | it's very clear that there is something applying rules | 00:23 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: how can I solve this? Enlight me :) | 00:23 |
Stskeeps | timeless_mbp: it should be trivially solvable but it doesn't seem to be :P | 00:23 |
DrIDK | woglinde_: that's what I have done.. Let me show you my error : http://pastebin.ca/1746102 | 00:23 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: we're trying to solve this for the whole day :) | 00:23 |
timeless_mbp | Stskeeps: using * { background-color: purple} doesn't work? | 00:23 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: background colort for Marina is black, but in conversations it renders as white | 00:24 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: that's the problem | 00:24 |
woglinde_ | DrIDK he sorry I dont understand french this much | 00:24 |
Stskeeps | timeless_mbp: basically the SMS view is white bg and IM view is black bg as it should be | 00:24 |
timeless_mbp | Stskeeps: sorry | 00:24 |
Stskeeps | as well as the text being odd | 00:24 |
woglinde_ | but your debian/changelog isn't well formated | 00:24 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: that's what all this buzz is about :) | 00:24 |
timeless_mbp | please use my two pictures | 00:25 |
woglinde_ | and some more errors | 00:25 |
timeless_mbp | not whichever stupid themes you're using | 00:25 |
timeless_mbp | just my two pictures | 00:25 |
timeless_mbp | in my two pictures, both have a solid white background | 00:25 |
timeless_mbp | which to me is entirely uninteresting | 00:25 |
timeless_mbp | and one has an awful grey | 00:25 |
timeless_mbp | which i find interesting | 00:25 |
Stskeeps | right, but it's part of the problem :P | 00:25 |
timeless_mbp | ignore it | 00:25 |
timeless_mbp | i'll deal with it. | 00:25 |
DrIDK | woglinde_: So, do you have an idea ? What file can I edit for testing? | 00:25 |
wazd | ok, let's see what default background Nuvo has | 00:26 |
timeless_mbp | e1e1e1 | 00:26 |
timeless_mbp | which i think is applied 'properly' in the conversations list | 00:26 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: is it white? | 00:26 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: no | 00:26 |
timeless_mbp | it's an offwhite | 00:26 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: that's an error on conversations side | 00:27 |
timeless_mbp | ok. shut up] | 00:27 |
woglinde_ | drdik nope | 00:27 |
woglinde_ | sorry | 00:27 |
timeless_mbp | just look at the stupid interesting bubble | 00:27 |
timeless_mbp | the bubble is interesting | 00:27 |
timeless_mbp | trust me. | 00:27 |
timeless_mbp | figure out what it's doing differently | 00:27 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: the bug is that conversations messes up with colors.css somehow :) | 00:27 |
timeless_mbp | i'll deal w/ the background color for the window itself | 00:27 |
timeless_mbp | i promise. | 00:27 |
timeless_mbp | you worry about the bubble | 00:27 |
timeless_mbp | is that clear? | 00:27 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: it's not just background issue | 00:27 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: bubble suffers from it too :) | 00:27 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: and text color | 00:28 |
timeless_mbp | i know | 00:28 |
timeless_mbp | but focus on the bubble | 00:28 |
timeless_mbp | it's more interesting | 00:28 |
timeless_mbp | where does it get *those* colors from | 00:28 |
Stskeeps | wazd: does the html reveal anything interesting? | 00:28 |
wazd | Stskeeps: well, it looks fine for me | 00:28 |
timeless_mbp | fwiw | 00:29 |
wazd | Stskeeps: it *should* work just fine, dunno what's the problem | 00:29 |
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timeless_mbp | i added * {background-color: purple !important;} | 00:29 |
timeless_mbp | to nuvo's color.ss | 00:29 |
timeless_mbp | and now i have a purple background | 00:29 |
timeless_mbp | it's kinda ugly, but i do. | 00:29 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: well, let's try it :) | 00:29 |
timeless_mbp | and the color appears in both SMS and Chat | 00:29 |
wazd | Stskeeps: can you add !important tag after defaultbackground and defaulttext? ; | 00:30 |
timeless_mbp | http://www.webwizardry.net/~timeless/n900/chat/Screenshot-20100111-003007.png | 00:31 |
luke-jr | so what's the cheapest to buy N900? | 00:31 |
timeless_mbp | http://www.webwizardry.net/~timeless/n900/chat/Screenshot-20100111-003018.png | 00:31 |
luke-jr | AakashPatel just sold his for $539 <.< | 00:31 |
timeless_mbp | luke-jr: usa :) | 00:31 |
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luke-jr | timeless_mbp: yeah, but what store/price | 00:31 |
wazd | and btw, having single color value for both main background and input background is lame | 00:31 |
AakashPatel | Hahaha | 00:31 |
AakashPatel | EBAY FTW | 00:31 |
GeneralAntilles | luke-jr, usually one of newegg, Dell or Amazon | 00:31 |
timeless_mbp | wazd: you don't like my purple? | 00:31 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: no, purple is just fine :) | 00:32 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: see input field bug? | 00:32 |
timeless_mbp | which bug | 00:32 |
timeless_mbp | the fact that there's a gray and a white? | 00:32 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: well, gray background | 00:32 |
timeless_mbp | i think i complained about that about an hour ago | 00:32 |
Stskeeps | wazd: sorry, just accidentially typed sudo reboot :P | 00:32 |
timeless_mbp | Stskeeps: =b | 00:32 |
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wazd | Stskeeps: :P | 00:32 |
wazd | Stskeeps: bastard :D | 00:32 |
Stskeeps | seriously, it is in my fingers | 00:33 |
Stskeeps | :P | 00:33 |
timeless_mbp | oh we believe you did it | 00:33 |
timeless_mbp | =b | 00:33 |
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wazd | ok, timeless_mbp then | 00:34 |
timeless_mbp | ok what? | 00:34 |
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wazd | timeless_mbp: add important to the background | 00:34 |
timeless_mbp | which background? | 00:34 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: .DefaultBackgroundColor {background: #181818;} | 00:34 |
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Stskeeps | is rtcomm part of SDK btw? | 00:34 |
timeless_mbp | which theme? | 00:34 |
timeless_mbp | because i'm using nuvo | 00:34 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: no matter | 00:35 |
timeless_mbp | and i have e1e1e1 | 00:35 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: yep | 00:35 |
DrIDK | woglinde_: I success to past the first error by refactor the changelog! It caused because my computer is french! So now I have this error : signing .dsc and .changes fails | 00:35 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: that's fine | 00:35 |
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Stskeeps | awkward question, isn't it background-color? | 00:35 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: if it will fix the color then Kontorri will just add it by default into the theme maker and the world will be saved | 00:36 |
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wazd | Stskeeps: what? | 00:36 |
Stskeeps | wazd: theory.. .DefaultBackgroundColor {color: #000000;} | 00:36 |
Stskeeps | <body class="DefaultBackgroundColor DefaultTextColor SystemFont" onload="MessagingWidgetsSMSConversation_init()"> | 00:36 |
MaemohammadAG | looks like a weird UI to me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8s8tZYihps | 00:37 |
wazd | Stskeeps: that doesn't work | 00:37 |
Stskeeps | is that going to be applying an actual background color? | 00:37 |
wazd | Stskeeps: no, but it should | 00:37 |
wazd | Stskeeps: that's why timeless_mbp is adding !important tag after that row right now | 00:37 |
wazd | Stskeeps: it should force this style at all means | 00:38 |
timeless_mbp | that doesn't seem to work | 00:38 |
* timeless_mbp ponders | 00:38 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: meh | 00:38 |
timeless_mbp | did they spell something wrong? | 00:38 |
timeless_mbp | this happens often @nokia | 00:38 |
Stskeeps | wazd: another theme does: | 00:38 |
timeless_mbp | spelling is hard | 00:38 |
Stskeeps | .DefaultBackgroundColor { background: #181818; | 00:38 |
Stskeeps | } | 00:38 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: how you did purple background then? :D | 00:38 |
Stskeeps | wazd: please note the difference | 00:38 |
timeless_mbp | * { background-color: purple!important;} | 00:38 |
wazd | Stskeeps: ah, no, that doesn't matter | 00:38 |
Stskeeps | wazd: why? | 00:39 |
timeless_mbp | oh brothre | 00:39 |
Stskeeps | wazd: please note color != background | 00:39 |
wazd | Stskeeps: theme maker's css' has no brakes | 00:39 |
timeless_mbp | the background rule doesn't have background-color: | 00:39 |
timeless_mbp | it has color: | 00:39 |
Stskeeps | wazd: that's not what i'm talking about | 00:39 |
wazd | Stskeeps: ah, damn | 00:39 |
wazd | Stskeeps: 1.39 here, sorry :) | 00:39 |
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timeless_mbp | ok | 00:40 |
timeless_mbp | spelling 'color' as 'background-color' | 00:40 |
timeless_mbp | works | 00:40 |
timeless_mbp | no need for !important | 00:40 |
timeless_mbp | but yes, oddly, css is spelling sensitive | 00:40 |
wazd | hah | 00:40 |
timeless_mbp | writing the wrong word will get the wrong results | 00:40 |
timeless_mbp | odd that. | 00:40 |
wazd | "color" is a style for the font" | 00:40 |
timeless_mbp | yes. | 00:40 |
wazd | stupid me | 00:40 |
timeless_mbp | not the background <duh> | 00:40 |
wazd | daaaamn | 00:40 |
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wazd | I'm soooo laaaame | 00:40 |
timeless_mbp | resolved themers are stupid | 00:41 |
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Stskeeps | well | 00:41 |
wazd | that's why the font is black | 00:41 |
timeless_mbp | i still have a problem w/ sms | 00:41 |
timeless_mbp | can we look at my sms problem now :) | 00:41 |
Stskeeps | wazd: the interesting part is that colors.css in A fremantle content is correct | 00:41 |
Stskeeps | wazd: which means something is making broken colors.css | 00:42 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: what color does it have in css? | 00:42 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: the bubble | 00:42 |
timeless_mbp | dunno yet | 00:42 |
timeless_mbp | the bubble actually spells 'background-color' as 'background-color' | 00:42 |
timeless_mbp | unlike the rest of the crap before it | 00:43 |
wazd | Stskeeps: something like theme makermhehehehe :) | 00:43 |
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Stskeeps | wazd: that's what i'm thinking | 00:43 |
timeless_mbp | it's using 282828 | 00:43 |
timeless_mbp | and 101010 | 00:43 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: maybe it just has dark color? | 00:43 |
timeless_mbp | which i claim are really crappy colors | 00:43 |
timeless_mbp | it does | 00:43 |
wazd | oh | 00:43 |
timeless_mbp | it's just plain stupid. | 00:43 |
wazd | 101010 is dark | 00:43 |
timeless_mbp | resolved themers are stupid | 00:44 |
timeless_mbp | can you please reprogram your fellow themers? k thx | 00:44 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: change it | 00:44 |
Stskeeps | timeless_mbp: i can't actually figure out where it goes wrong :) | 00:44 |
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wazd | timeless_mbp: bab6b6 for example | 00:44 |
timeless_mbp | wow | 00:45 |
timeless_mbp | i can now read sms view | 00:45 |
timeless_mbp | needs a bit of work, and a better highlight color | 00:45 |
timeless_mbp | (it's using neon green for the highlight color) | 00:45 |
* timeless_mbp has bad memories from college days | 00:45 |
timeless_mbp | (there was an alcohol of some sort with this color) | 00:46 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: absynth? :) | 00:46 |
Vengeful | there is a command to clean unused dependencies within xterminal gainrooted? | 00:46 |
wazd | well, mixed with some juice | 00:46 |
timeless_mbp | is that the standard color: http://epicurious.blogs.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/02/28/absinthe_camargo.jpg | 00:47 |
timeless_mbp | because what i remember was much more neon | 00:47 |
timeless_mbp | that looks almost lime | 00:47 |
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Vengeful | i think i uninstalled a program but the libqt4 are within my device | 00:47 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: yep, that's why I think it was mixed with somethiny yellow :) | 00:47 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: beer? :D | 00:47 |
timeless_mbp | wazd: in sealed bottles | 00:47 |
timeless_mbp | thankfully | 00:47 |
timeless_mbp | since i was a minor running a recycling program in a dorm | 00:47 |
rlinfati | Hi guys.... how i can copy text from conversation app ? | 00:48 |
timeless_mbp | where 99% of us were minors... | 00:48 |
timeless_mbp | rlinfati: forward it | 00:48 |
timeless_mbp | rlinfati: actually no | 00:48 |
timeless_mbp | drag your finger from the left edge of the screen to the right for a bit | 00:48 |
wazd | Stskeeps: well, now we can rebuild the deb ;) | 00:48 |
timeless_mbp | you should see an arrow | 00:48 |
wazd | Stskeeps: with fixed stuff :) | 00:48 |
timeless_mbp | tap the arrow | 00:48 |
timeless_mbp | then drag your finger over the text you want to copy | 00:48 |
timeless_mbp | then use ctrl-c | 00:48 |
timeless_mbp | then well.... paste whereever you like | 00:49 |
wazd | ctrl+c! | 00:49 |
rlinfati | timeless_mbp, cool | 00:49 |
timeless_mbp | rlinfati: that also works in the browser.. | 00:49 |
timeless_mbp | (since conversations is actually a browser..) | 00:49 |
Stskeeps | wazd: well yes, but this report this to kontorri, it's a bug in the thing that handles layout.txt | 00:49 |
Stskeeps | wazd: it assumes everything is { color } | 00:50 |
rlinfati | timeless_mbp, thanks! | 00:50 |
wazd | Stskeeps: well, I think it's better to tell it himself | 00:50 |
wazd | Stskeeps: and he will fix it immediately :) | 00:50 |
timeless_mbp | wazd: your last sentence failed to parse | 00:50 |
timeless_mbp | 'tell it himself' | 00:50 |
timeless_mbp | object direction failure. fatal. | 00:51 |
wazd | bot-protection :D | 00:51 |
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Stskeeps | wazd: yeah, but i'm off to sleep. tell him to look at colors.css in theme folder output and then at colors.css from A Fremantle Content.zip and it's obvious something goes wrong | 00:51 |
Stskeeps | :P | 00:51 |
wazd | Stskeeps: cya, thanks for the help | 00:52 |
timeless_mbp | wazd: see, this wasn't so painful | 00:52 |
timeless_mbp | solved in what, 30-90mins | 00:52 |
timeless_mbp | and i think we've also managed to establish that there aren't any nokia bugs here | 00:52 |
timeless_mbp | outside of the GTK ImageViewer :) | 00:52 |
timeless_mbp | css is fine, themers and theme makers are stupid :) | 00:53 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: well, since it was theme maker that caused this bug - don't see any problem in themers :) | 00:53 |
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timeless_mbp | wazd: well thememaker isn't an official nokia product :) | 00:54 |
timeless_mbp | but the themers should have been able to complain to the thememaker vendor | 00:54 |
DrIDK | woglinde_: So, I have a last error now when I run : mad dpkg-buildpackage : It said me : GPG key unvaible. clearsign failed . Unvaible to sign .dsc et .changes | 00:54 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: nokians use some top-secret tool for themes | 00:54 |
woglinde_ | DrIDK thats okay | 00:54 |
timeless_mbp | DrIDK: that's a warning | 00:54 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: with built in dithering and black-jack | 00:54 |
timeless_mbp | wazd: i think it's call "copy paste, and random hack" | 00:55 |
timeless_mbp | i haven't seen any evidence that nokia themes are better | 00:55 |
DrIDK | woglinde_: Ok! And where must be the package ? | 00:55 |
timeless_mbp | in fact, i have evidence that they're worse :) | 00:55 |
woglinde_ | DrIDK its only important when you want your software goes to maemo repos | 00:55 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: dithering is a painful process though :( | 00:55 |
* timeless_mbp wants woglinde_ to practice English :( | 00:55 |
woglinde_ | timeless its hopeless | 00:56 |
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timeless_mbp | woglinde_: no, i'm very hopeful | 00:56 |
DrIDK | woglinde_: But I think, this error stop the creation of package, vecause I cannot find it :( :( | 00:56 |
timeless_mbp | i hope you can practice improving your English :) | 00:56 |
timeless_mbp | DrIDK: it's in the parent of the directory you're in | 00:56 |
timeless_mbp | (typically) | 00:56 |
DrIDK | woglinde_: Ah!!!!!! I m so dumb!! It's in parent dir! | 00:57 |
woglinde_ | timeless *g* | 00:57 |
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xorAxAx | is somebody using canola2 successfully? | 00:58 |
KamuiN900 | yea | 00:58 |
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KamuiN900 | dont like it though | 00:59 |
xorAxAx | because it doesnt work for me in the sdk | 00:59 |
xorAxAx | is there any other mediaplayer for the n900? | 00:59 |
KamuiN900 | mediabox and the pizza player ftw | 00:59 |
Flandry | that pretty much sums up media in the SDK | 00:59 |
Flandry | it doesn't work | 00:59 |
xorAxAx | KamuiN900: pizza player? | 01:00 |
KamuiN900 | panucci | 01:00 |
KamuiN900 | icon is a pizza | 01:00 |
KamuiN900 | use it to play podcasts | 01:00 |
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KamuiN900 | gpodder ironically broke on me though | 01:00 |
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MaemohammadAG | what does coarse accuracy mean? | 01:01 |
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Flandry | it means you're using the cell tower | 01:02 |
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MaemohammadAG | oh | 01:02 |
Untouchab1e | hi all | 01:02 |
MaemohammadAG | ty Flandry | 01:02 |
KamuiN900 | flandry are you a genius | 01:02 |
Flandry | :P | 01:02 |
KamuiN900 | yes, you are | 01:02 |
Flandry | if you say so | 01:02 |
KamuiN900 | ive been reading a lot of posts lately | 01:02 |
Untouchab1e | finally going to start working on my first Maemo 5 app.. "finished" with my Android and WinMo development for now.. so just wondering if anyone could give me some advice on how to get started? Using OSX.. | 01:03 |
KamuiN900 | lol | 01:03 |
KamuiN900 | welcome untouchable | 01:03 |
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KamuiN900 | start by getting the scratchbox setup | 01:03 |
Untouchab1e | Thank KamuiN900 | 01:04 |
KamuiN900 | set up even | 01:04 |
KamuiN900 | either vm it, or dual boot into debian | 01:04 |
KamuiN900 | i dont know of a native scratchbox setup for darwin | 01:04 |
ifreq | i suggest vm with ie vmware virtualbox | 01:04 |
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ifreq | using it atm | 01:04 |
Untouchab1e | Ah, right.. because I have to be in Linux.. Unix (OSX) doesnt cut it | 01:04 |
KamuiN900 | then pick a language and get to work | 01:04 |
ifreq | there is fresh images to use | 01:04 |
KamuiN900 | brb | 01:05 |
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ifreq | Untouchab1e: virtualbox is free and there is full blown sdk/ubuntu images to use so its np :) | 01:05 |
Untouchab1e | nice | 01:06 |
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sacha_ | Hi! I generated a qthello_armel.deb for my n900.. How can I install it ? When I click on it, it ask me what application I want to open | 01:21 |
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AakashPatel | sacha_: in the terminal "dpkg -i qthello_armel.deb | 01:22 |
sacha_ | AakashPatel: I need to be root... | 01:22 |
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Caesium | yes, you always need to be root to isntal a package | 01:23 |
AakashPatel | sacha_: install rootsh from the repos | 01:23 |
AakashPatel | and then 'sudo gainroot' | 01:23 |
AakashPatel | then that command | 01:23 |
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sacha_ | AakashPatel: ok it works! But It's not easy for lambda user. Why it doesn't lauch like all application? I generated with Madde | 01:25 |
Caesium | if it goes into a repo it'll be accessible from app manager :) | 01:26 |
AakashPatel | ^^ | 01:26 |
AakashPatel | ;) | 01:26 |
AakashPatel | sacha_: becuase its a package | 01:26 |
AakashPatel | not the 'app' itself | 01:26 |
AakashPatel | (well, the app is inside of it) | 01:26 |
sacha_ | AakashPatel: Yes ! I know that! But it should be run installer by click on it in File manager | 01:28 |
shinkamui | Can someone give me a recommendation for building a gui app, GTK o QT, or is there something else thats preferred? I've never used either so Im gonig to be learning one o the other | 01:28 |
Caesium | sacha_: sounds like a bug report brewing to me ;) | 01:28 |
Caesium | file manager probably just needs to know what to do with them :) | 01:28 |
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cleary | shinkamui: qt is what nokia will be using in the next major maemo release (plus they own it) | 01:29 |
mikhas | shinkamui, use something that starts with py* =) | 01:29 |
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sacha_ | AakashPatel: and other question : When I copy directly the binary , and I run it inside terminal, it return me : Permission denied.. Though I use gainRoot | 01:29 |
shinkamui | cleary, I understand that, so I was learning toward QT, however, I don't want to embark down something as convoluted as the MFC for building a simple windowed app with a few widgets | 01:30 |
Caesium | don't run the .deb, install it with dpkg | 01:30 |
shinkamui | and I hear QT is extremely ridiculous to set up a simple program | 01:30 |
Caesium | dpkg -i your.deb | 01:30 |
woglinde | they all try the made example | 01:30 |
shinkamui | mikhas, I don't know python, I was thnking about learning that too as I've always wanted to, but wont it still need qt or gtk extensinos to make widgets? | 01:30 |
cleary | shinkamui: my experience with qt is only in with python bindings, and in my experience it was easier than pygtk | 01:30 |
cleary | both of them are pretty simple | 01:31 |
cleary | (though) | 01:31 |
shinkamui | cleary: got ya, I suppose its worth exploring qt | 01:31 |
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shinkamui | cleary: how about the executino speed of python | 01:32 |
mikhas | shinkamui, you dont want to learn the minimum of c++ that is needed for qt *and* qt at the same time | 01:32 |
sacha_ | And Last Last Last question..... How can I set up my qt app using Maemo Theme? Hildon right? | 01:32 |
Caesium | don't know anything about that sorry :) | 01:32 |
shinkamui | mikhas: Im very well versed in C++, I've never even looked at QT before. Are you saying Im going to have problems? | 01:32 |
mikhas | ah | 01:32 |
shinkamui | I assume its like learning any other sdk | 01:32 |
shinkamui | or library | 01:32 |
mikhas | well, if you know c++ already then drop the py maybe =) | 01:33 |
shinkamui | I didn 't want totry and learn python and qt at hte same time | 01:33 |
mikhas | alright, makes sense | 01:33 |
shinkamui | but I am very interested in python | 01:33 |
sacha_ | shinkamui: lean qt! qt Rocks!! | 01:33 |
mikhas | *ahem* | 01:33 |
woglinde | *g* | 01:33 |
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sacha_ | shinkamui: qt is cute and gtk is ugly :) | 01:34 |
shinkamui | well, it woud appear settled, qt it is | 01:37 |
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mikhas | get used to macros and non-stl containers =) | 01:39 |
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Mysterious | hello | 01:40 |
mikhas | not that you would avoid macros with gtk | 01:40 |
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Mysterious | could someone please tell me where i can find the network device/wifi status? in ubuntu i can easily use iwconfig but how to do this with my n900? | 01:43 |
sacha_ | Arg!Now My qt app is running nice on N900... But It using a standard style! And it's ugly and small... How can I resolve it ? | 01:44 |
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Mysterious | hey could you please tell me | 01:48 |
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redeeman | sacha_: run-standalone.sh | 01:50 |
sacha_ | redeeman: on n900 ? | 01:51 |
redeeman | yes | 01:51 |
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sacha_ | redeeman: QGtkStyle cannot be use together with the GTk_Qt Engine | 01:52 |
shinkamui | wow | 01:52 |
shinkamui | QT is very intuitive | 01:53 |
shinkamui | so far... | 01:53 |
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woglinde | shinkamui wait until you discover statemachine | 01:53 |
redeeman | sacha_: hmm | 01:53 |
sacha_ | redeeman: the last sentence is the return | 01:53 |
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redeeman | do you use the standard repo qt4 or qt4-maemo thing? | 01:54 |
sacha_ | redeeman: I don't know | 01:54 |
redeeman | how did you install qt? | 01:54 |
sacha_ | on my phone? I didn't install | 01:54 |
sacha_ | redeeman: I read qt is already inside | 01:54 |
redeeman | not QtGui | 01:55 |
sacha_ | redeeman: ok , I success! | 01:55 |
sacha_ | redeeman: I tested to run it inside root | 01:56 |
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sacha_ | redeeman: But in conclusion, it's not intuitiv to install an application! you need 1: copy deb in your phone, 2: gain-root and install it, 3 : close root and run it | 01:57 |
mikhas | woglinde, dont spoil it =) | 01:57 |
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sacha_ | So I success to configure my Developpement Desktop on maemo 5.. Thanks you very much for your help! I will start the port of Gluon games lib on it ! | 02:04 |
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Xamusk | has anyone here ever cracked open an N800? | 02:07 |
GeneralAntilles | Only the front cover. | 02:07 |
Xamusk | I think I have a bad contact in my AC connector | 02:08 |
SpeedEvil | Xamusk: hammer! | 02:09 |
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penguinbait | http://picasaweb.google.com/thoughtfix/N800Opening# | 02:10 |
penguinbait | http://tabletblog.com/2007/01/nokia-n800-dissection-and-reassembly.html | 02:11 |
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jebba | any python gurus around? | 02:17 |
jebba | from ez_setup import use_setuptools | 02:17 |
jebba | ImportError: No module named ez_setup | 02:17 |
jebba | i kind of get what's happening, but why isn't it finding it? Is the python too old in the SDK or what? | 02:18 |
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jebba | i've come across this twice now, i dont quite get it ;) | 02:18 |
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jebba | because I do have python-setuptools 0.6c9-1maemo2 | 02:19 |
woglinde | *g* | 02:19 |
woglinde | let me see | 02:19 |
woglinde | use from setuptools import setup | 02:20 |
woglinde | thats working | 02:20 |
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woglinde | proably you need to ship the .egg file | 02:20 |
woglinde | I had to for my package | 02:20 |
jebba | woglinde: this is what i'm trying to package: http://www.freemoe.org/users/jebba/scratchbox/d-feet/freemoe/d-feet-0.1.10/ | 02:21 |
jebba | upstream doesnt have an .egg, and I protest ignorance. I think i've used them here & there with ruby.... ;) | 02:22 |
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woglinde | okay I am going to slepp now | 02:24 |
woglinde | replace the setup line with mine | 02:24 |
jebba | sleep well | 02:24 |
jebba | ok which package and i'll take a look? | 02:24 |
woglinde | -from distutils.core import setup | 02:25 |
woglinde | -from ez_setup import use_setuptools | 02:25 |
woglinde | -use_setuptools() | 02:25 |
woglinde | +from setuptools import setup | 02:25 |
woglinde | is my patch | 02:25 |
jebba | cool thx! | 02:25 |
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GeneralAntilles | I really want somebody to release an overclocking app to that thread on Talk so a bunch of people can fry their N900s. | 02:27 |
SpeedEvil | also overclock the flashlight. | 02:28 |
SpeedEvil | which is probably easier | 02:28 |
shinkamui | why would that be the case, the Cortex A8 can easily run faster | 02:28 |
SpeedEvil | shinkamui: it's complex. | 02:29 |
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SpeedEvil | shinkamui: chips are rated for speed for several reasons. | 02:29 |
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SpeedEvil | shinkamui: even without thermal issues - other reasons can cause short lives at high loads. | 02:29 |
SpeedEvil | shinkamui: for example, electromigration | 02:29 |
Ronaldo38741 | Still, some chips are well below their ceiling | 02:30 |
SpeedEvil | yes. | 02:30 |
SpeedEvil | And you have the detailed design documents on the SoC product code that's in the n900 that lets you say it's safe or not? | 02:31 |
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Ronaldo38741 | No, but if there was such an app, one could find out relatively quickly | 02:31 |
shinkamui | lol | 02:31 |
shinkamui | take one for the team :) | 02:31 |
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Ronaldo38741 | Even with such documents, one can never 'say' with absolute confidence | 02:32 |
Ronaldo38741 | Have to get out there and test it | 02:32 |
SpeedEvil | yes, you can. | 02:32 |
Ronaldo38741 | No, you can't | 02:32 |
sacha_ | memo 5 use openGL ES 1.1 or 2. | 02:32 |
Ronaldo38741 | The documents don't tell you how the device is wearing out, how it is held, what drinks have been dropped on it, etc. | 02:32 |
SpeedEvil | The maker may for example say 'at 600MHz constantly, the product life will be reduced to a minimum of 5000 hours at 25C, derated by 100 hours/C' ... | 02:32 |
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Ronaldo38741 | The useful overclock wouldn't be changing to a constant, but pumping the upper value | 02:34 |
Ronaldo38741 | Which many would see as an acceptable risk | 02:34 |
Termana_n810 | Sacha_ - I believe Maemo 5 uses OpenGL ES 2 for the new hildon-desktop | 02:34 |
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* sacha_ start to develop MedicTool ( A tool for medecin and student, which compute some medical score) | 02:37 |
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shinkamui | finally lost it, and disconnected this pos kvm | 02:45 |
shinkamui | I really need a USB KVM | 02:45 |
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jebba | hmm. now it just aint finding setuptools. any other python folks around? python-setuptools is there. | 03:02 |
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t7g__ | jebba, is it in path though? | 03:10 |
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jebba | t7g__: just doing a simple: "from setuptools import setup" python-setuptools is installed. | 03:12 |
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jebba | /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/setuptools I also changed setup.py to /usr/bin/python2.5 | 03:12 |
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jebba | i think i may have to write a rules from scratch or something. I grabbed this one from sid. I haven't packaged python apps into .debs yet.... | 03:14 |
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AFBN900 | generalantilles ping | 03:19 |
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ifreq | is there a notes/sketch app which supports both skethicng by hand/stylus and text by keyb? | 03:24 |
jebba | tuxpaint on n900 yet? ;) | 03:24 |
shinkamui | seems only via chroot | 03:25 |
shinkamui | I think there is a deb for the 800 that installs but has issues | 03:26 |
shinkamui | just from reading in the forum... | 03:26 |
ifreq | there is on repos | 03:26 |
ifreq | hnn | 03:26 |
ifreq | cool | 03:26 |
ifreq | :) | 03:26 |
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auenf | nokia messaging will be changing to subscription for maemo also? | 03:29 |
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ifreq | btw any logical explanation why sim aut at machine start is touchpad active only? | 03:31 |
ifreq | auth | 03:31 |
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ifreq | hmm tuxpaint got lost somewhere after install sigh | 03:36 |
jebba | gah, "ImportError: No module named setuptools" wtf. hmm | 03:41 |
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shinkamui | I will kill someone | 04:00 |
shinkamui | if nokia messaging becomes a pay service | 04:00 |
shinkamui | since they refuse to make google work | 04:00 |
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shinkamui | even if it IS a strange implementation by google, stfu, every other freeking activesync supporting device works fine with it | 04:01 |
redeeman | shinkamui: what is nokia messaging? | 04:01 |
shinkamui | nokias push service for aggregated email | 04:02 |
redeeman | ah i see | 04:02 |
shinkamui | at least, thast how I'd describe it | 04:02 |
redeeman | i know that | 04:02 |
redeeman | but that's crazy to use | 04:02 |
redeeman | did you read the terms of service? | 04:02 |
shinkamui | possibly skimmed over it when I started using it in 2007 | 04:02 |
shinkamui | what should I know that I dont | 04:03 |
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redeeman | it says that they will not directly give out your data to anyone, but that they will transfer it unencrypted through hostile networks (such as the US) | 04:03 |
redeeman | nokia was probably told it would be unfortunate if it were to become hard for them to do business in the US if they didn't | 04:03 |
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shinkamui | lol, I LIVE in the us | 04:04 |
shinkamui | Im not seeing your point | 04:04 |
redeeman | that doesn't make it better | 04:04 |
KenYoung | Does Nokia do any business in the US? | 04:04 |
shinkamui | very little comparatively | 04:04 |
shinkamui | but there are a few nokia stores in the US | 04:04 |
shinkamui | literally a handful | 04:04 |
KenYoung | They're both closing. | 04:04 |
redeeman | shinkamui: the point is, that while they will not directly hand over your data to the NSA and everyone else, they will leave it unlocked and turn their backs while people make their own cozy copies | 04:05 |
shinkamui | lol | 04:05 |
KenYoung | (the stores) | 04:05 |
shinkamui | both | 04:05 |
shinkamui | nice | 04:05 |
shinkamui | redeeman, good thing, if anyone is actually interested in reading my personal mail, they're entitled to do so | 04:05 |
redeeman | lol | 04:05 |
redeeman | so why don't you fork over your email username and password to me right now? | 04:06 |
redeeman | i'd be most interrested in reading it | 04:06 |
shinkamui | anything I send thats needs to be fyeo, is always pgp encrypted | 04:06 |
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shinkamui | and Im not sending anything terrorist oriented, so again, if some agency, decided for some reason that they had nothing better to do then scan my mail, I wouldn't likely stand out | 04:06 |
shinkamui | I guess I should care, but I dont | 04:07 |
redeeman | that's not the point | 04:07 |
redeeman | you should care | 04:07 |
redeeman | next thing you know they will be coming to do anal examinations to make sure you don't carry terrorist stuff in your ass | 04:07 |
redeeman | will you care then? | 04:07 |
shinkamui | if that ever happens, Ill take my glove like the next man | 04:07 |
redeeman | like a true patriot | 04:08 |
redeeman | but that day is not far away | 04:08 |
shinkamui | call me when they start blocking my fetish porn | 04:08 |
redeeman | the US has already forcibly done this to people, albeit in drug searches | 04:08 |
shinkamui | THEN Ill march on washington | 04:08 |
shinkamui | US hating propaganda aside, Im really angry about this nokia messaging BS | 04:09 |
shinkamui | I hope email is fixed in the next release of the FW | 04:09 |
redeeman | but its not just the US | 04:09 |
redeeman | it didn't say it was ONLY the US it would take your data through | 04:09 |
redeeman | presumably it might be going through the US, iran, north korea and other such places | 04:10 |
shinkamui | you've convinced me redeeman, Im going to stop using nokia messaging and suffer with a terrible imap implementation | 04:10 |
shinkamui | shoot, at this point, webmail is almost a better experience then the local client | 04:11 |
redeeman | the imap implementation is strangly lacking yes | 04:11 |
Caesium | I can only dream of being important enough that agencies would want to snoop on my messages :( | 04:11 |
redeeman | Caesium: oh i know how to do that | 04:11 |
shinkamui | Caesium, I would assume if anything its scanned for keywords which would lead to a finer tooth comb search | 04:11 |
shinkamui | IF at all | 04:11 |
redeeman | step 1: find some terrorist phpbb's online | 04:11 |
redeeman | step 2: encrypt your mothers cookie recipies somewhat good, but bad enough that the NSA can break it | 04:12 |
redeeman | step 3: locate LOTS of open proxies, and post the recipies on said bullitin boards through them | 04:12 |
shinkamui | step 3: post | 04:12 |
redeeman | i do this regularly ofc :) | 04:12 |
redeeman | and don't forget to also post "durka durka mohammad jihad" non-encrypted | 04:13 |
redeeman | and possibly something involving the schedule of some plane route | 04:13 |
shinkamui | well, that is an outstanding social experiment | 04:15 |
shinkamui | remember to post pictures if you do get the rubber glove treatment | 04:15 |
redeeman | i do not | 04:15 |
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redeeman | because i do not live in the US | 04:15 |
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redeeman | and posting innocent information is not yet a crime in the semi-free world | 04:15 |
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SpeedEvil | 'wasting police time' - probably is | 04:21 |
shinkamui | well, you kinow there will always be extremists on any issue | 04:22 |
shinkamui | what is true freedom, living life without the protection that sometimes end up suspending some of those freedoms | 04:23 |
shinkamui | As long as I can buy whatever tech I like, and can' feel relatively safe from being killed at any given moment, Im fine with things as they are | 04:23 |
shinkamui | Ill let the conspiracy nuts worry for me | 04:23 |
shinkamui | besides, they make some damn good shows | 04:24 |
shinkamui | have you seen Jessie Ventura's new show on True TV? | 04:24 |
shinkamui | simply awesome :) | 04:24 |
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redeeman | SpeedEvil: police stupidity is not my problem :) | 04:28 |
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ColdFyre | is there a program to "remind" of missed calls/unread messages? something would play a tone after X minutes for example | 04:37 |
shinkamui | don't know of one | 04:38 |
shinkamui | great idea for a desktop widget though | 04:38 |
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shinkamui | redeeman, thanks to you I've broken down and am using nuevasync again | 04:39 |
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shinkamui | already had a premium membership, but I HATE how it handles multiple calendars from google | 04:39 |
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matthew- | HMMM | 04:48 |
matthew- | Any video converter for MAC? | 04:48 |
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shinkamui | use ffmpeg | 04:53 |
matthew- | shinkamui: that's console based? | 04:54 |
shinkamui | yea, simple command line very quick and easy to batch | 04:55 |
matthew- | let's have a look | 04:55 |
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matthew- | uh i dont even have C on my mac | 04:56 |
rohanpm | so how do you type "mac" ? | 04:59 |
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shinkamui | I had just assumed he meant xcode and gnu dev environment | 05:00 |
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matthew- | rohanpm: idiot. | 05:01 |
shinkamui | hey now, no need to start getting testy in here :) | 05:02 |
matthew- | ;] | 05:02 |
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Caesium | is it documented anywhere if I can see if there are missed calls or unacknowledged incoming messages from an app? thinking about writing that app that someone wanted earlier, ring an alarm after x minutes for a missed call etc | 05:38 |
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phreck | sweet, got my first hardware failure with the n900 | 05:51 |
Caesium | that doesn't sound very sweet | 05:52 |
phreck | no audio via handset traditioanlly | 05:52 |
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phreck | i.e. the phone isnt worlking | 05:53 |
phreck | not sure if its the ribbon cable or if speaker leads are loose, but i get audio cutting out | 05:53 |
phreck | only way to fix it is by pressing whole device firmly against ear. real wierd. | 05:53 |
phreck | so no, its not sweet i guess. fixable though | 05:54 |
ColdFyre | Caesium: that was me that suggested that =D | 05:56 |
pwnguin | how do i send a short code sms? | 05:56 |
ColdFyre | phreck: if i were you, i'd just get the thing replaced under warranty | 05:56 |
pwnguin | ie, #BAL# is supposed to give me a balance message, but im not sure how to send that =/ | 05:57 |
jebba | http://blog.jds2001.org/random_thoughts/2010/01/mailing-list-migration---the-date-nears.html | 05:57 |
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Caesium | ColdFyre: you inspired me enough to go looking through the developer docs but I don't see how to get the number of missed calls/unread messages | 06:00 |
Caesium | didn't find much at all to do with the phone/messaging actually, but it must be possible because there's opensource Conversations widgets appearing | 06:01 |
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pwnguin | oh yay. turns out such things aren't supported yet =( | 06:06 |
pwnguin | but i can issue direct writes to a device file as a workaround! | 06:06 |
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SplasPood | So a buddy is mixing live on ustream.tv... and I loaded it up on the N900, along with X-Chat and I was busy listening and chatting away on wifi without much skipping at all... impressive. | 06:26 |
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user___ | tschibo/o2 claims i have used up my prepaid money and free minutes even though i did not place calls. only 3 sms sent. | 06:27 |
user___ | tchibo / o2 behauptet meine prepaid gelder seien abgelaufen obwohl ich nicht telefoniert habe und nur 3 sms geschickt habe | 06:28 |
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user___ | just want google to know | 06:28 |
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* Caesium discovers that rtcom-eventlogger is completely undocumented and that appears to be the way to see if there's missed calls or unread messages. yay. | 06:43 |
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Caesium | fortunately it's in free so I can read the sourced | 06:43 |
user___ | ahh? can it log individual calls for me? | 06:43 |
user___ | i need data to show provider | 06:44 |
Caesium | dunno, it's complete access to all the persistent logs as far as I can see | 06:44 |
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Caesium | ColdFyre: I'll see what I can do re: the app you wanted tomorrow, it'll be my first foray into Maemo development so don't expect wonders immediately ;) | 06:48 |
ColdFyre | awesome, no rush :) | 06:49 |
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Caesium | think I found most of the information to do it, the rest is just making a UI and packaging it and presenting it in a format that will be useful | 06:49 |
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BirdFlew | does samba work on the N900? | 06:53 |
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cehteh | there are no much reasons against that ..samba is already running on some arm based nas things, and doesnt require much magic | 06:56 |
cehteh | dunno if anyone has ported/packaged it yet | 06:56 |
pupnik | exists for older OS, should be binary compatible | 06:58 |
BirdFlew | cool | 06:58 |
cehteh | wargs ... my programs menu/folder is broken .. displaying the "first" and "more..." over each other | 06:59 |
cehteh | well i reflash later and send the device back | 06:59 |
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pupnik | why send back | 07:00 |
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pupnik | http://www.federalreserve.gov/pubs/feds/1996/199616/199616abs.html | 07:01 |
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cehteh | reboots, charger cable broken, camera slider had a spring come loose | 07:04 |
pupnik | oh! | 07:05 |
cehteh | well and generally i hope for a device with a newer hardware revision | 07:05 |
pupnik | hence the wait :) | 07:05 |
cehteh | this one is from amazon warehouse deals | 07:05 |
cehteh | i have a order open at mp3-player.de | 07:06 |
cehteh | i doubt that warehouse deals can ship a replacement unit .. so money back and wait until end of month | 07:06 |
pwnguin | pupnik: what's inflation got to do with maemo? | 07:07 |
pupnik | pastefail | 07:11 |
pupnik | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=37869 | 07:12 |
pupnik | ignorant brainstorm votedown call | 07:12 |
pwnguin | also, the inflation rate would have to be pretty damn high for me to stop using my discover card | 07:12 |
pupnik | all pastefails from N900 are relevant in a way :) | 07:13 |
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cehteh | well .. the partitioning scheme is really something where nokia failed spectacular | 07:15 |
cehteh | small rootfs is ok .. but its all to brittle set up | 07:16 |
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cehteh | look how the eeepcs or olpc do it. its almost impossible to brick then | 07:17 |
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BirdFlew | yeah it could certainly stand improvement. FAT, ugh | 07:18 |
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cehteh | why usb storage .. pc suite and networking and provide a samba .. or usb storage with some kind of virtual fat server over a linux filesystem if one really wants fat | 07:20 |
cehteh | having the root readonly. layer a unionfs over it which takes the users modifications, possibly with snapshots or backups | 07:21 |
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pupnik | "i thought about this for 5 seconds and know my opinion is correct" | 07:30 |
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pupnik | i suppose such threads are magnets for that, inevitably | 07:30 |
pupnik | i like the sound of that cehteh but i dont know what problems it would have | 07:32 |
phr | what's MMS? | 07:38 |
pupnik | sms for pix | 07:38 |
jX | multimedia mesages | 07:38 |
phr | tx | 07:38 |
jX | yeah, sms pix and videos | 07:38 |
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cehteh | pupnik: such a solution would move problems into software .. thus easier fixable if you find them | 07:40 |
pupnik | cehteh: not if it crushes fs performance | 07:41 |
* BirdFlew is heading to 7-11 for a slurpee, it just hit 42oC here... | 07:41 |
cehteh | pupnik: i know a lot people/products which do that on small/embedded systems | 07:42 |
pupnik | aha ty | 07:42 |
pupnik | any interest in trying it out on N900? | 07:42 |
cehteh | not with nokias kernel/bootloader policies | 07:43 |
pupnik | which closed component prevents you? | 07:43 |
cehteh | its more the attitiude, even if it works for me, this doesnt solve anything for me when i have to set it up by myself .. it would help a lot novice users | 07:44 |
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cehteh | thats something nokia had to be shipped with the standard firmware .. for me its easier just to turn a few switches to customize my device | 07:45 |
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RST38h | <yawn> | 07:46 |
cehteh | i know how to reflash and how to backup and repartition .. | 07:46 |
pupnik | moorning RST38h | 07:46 |
cehteh | moin :) | 07:46 |
jX | so, apps still install to the root part it seems? why do we haev all the weird partitioning now then? | 07:47 |
RST38h | heya pupnik | 07:47 |
cehteh | xandros may suck .. but asus did a very good job setting it up on the first eeepcs | 07:47 |
RST38h | how are things? anything interesting? disasters, massacres, PR1.1 release? | 07:48 |
cehteh | all at once :) | 07:48 |
* cehteh deleting his device and sends it back later | 07:48 |
cehteh | RST38h: did my screenshots help you with the xchat bug? | 07:48 |
pupnik | just enjoying the procedural landscapes in mass effect | 07:48 |
RST38h | cehteh: As I said a few times before, I cannot recreate it. Weird. | 07:49 |
RST38h | pupnik: Real ones no longer satisfy? =) | 07:49 |
cehteh | RST38h: you tried with similar settings for indenting/divider bar and so on? | 07:49 |
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cehteh | lemme try | 07:49 |
pupnik | i cant go around shooting who i want... hey in mass effect either | 07:50 |
cehteh | RST38h: Droid Sans Mono Bold 12 is the font .. maybe the bold rendering affects that | 07:51 |
* pupnik ponders 3d uqm | 07:51 |
cehteh | yes confirmed .. | 07:51 |
cehteh | if i use regular it disappears | 07:51 |
RST38h | cehteh: Well, you have solved your problem. | 07:52 |
phreck | starcon 2 needs to be ported. that game pwned even more | 07:52 |
cehteh | well i had no problem with it .. i just think its a text rendering bug | 07:52 |
RST38h | pupnik: pity, isn't it? | 07:52 |
cehteh | if it would be some off-by one bug and a over/underflow it could be slightly more dramatic | 07:53 |
pupnik | phreck: it IS | 07:53 |
phreck | eh? | 07:53 |
pupnik | flandry did a nice job of it - ur-quan masters | 07:53 |
phreck | nm | 07:54 |
phreck | im an ass. i meant 3 | 07:54 |
pupnik | oh. never tried | 07:54 |
phreck | i played them all back in the day | 07:54 |
pupnik | not foss either | 07:54 |
pierlux | hum, I uploaded a package to maemo-extra-devel but it doesnt show up in the repo even if it succeeded to build 2 days ago | 07:54 |
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phreck | im all about the juffo wup | 07:55 |
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phr | why is the n900 video limited to 25 fps? almost all us television is 30 fps | 08:01 |
cehteh | its not 30fps :) | 08:02 |
cehteh | moreover cinema is mostly 24fps, PAL/SECAM is 25fps | 08:03 |
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Macer | wtf would they think Leno could carry prime time | 08:03 |
RST38h | Leno is still alive? | 08:04 |
jX | leno is only funny at 11:30 because by then old people are exhausted and will laugh at anything | 08:04 |
jX | at 10pm they're still awake enough to see he's not funny. | 08:04 |
lcuk | good moorning | 08:05 |
RST38h | good moorning lcuk | 08:06 |
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tigert | morning | 08:06 |
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lcuk | anyone know how i change ssh password | 08:06 |
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cehteh | for your key? | 08:09 |
cehteh | or system account then 'passwd' | 08:09 |
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cehteh | ssh itself doesnt store passwords | 08:09 |
lcuk | yeah i got ssh installed on an n900 but the pass it should be isnt being accepted | 08:09 |
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pwnguin | lcuk: did you specify a user? | 08:10 |
* cehteh usually disables all passwords and only uses key auth | 08:10 |
lcuk | pwnguin, root | 08:10 |
cehteh | root has no ssh set up you can only login as user by default | 08:10 |
lcuk | the same one that gets requested when you install openssh | 08:10 |
cehteh | ssh user@n900 | 08:10 |
lcuk | i just did a restore and half expected it to ask me | 08:11 |
cehteh | i really recommend not to use password logins for root | 08:11 |
Macer | jX: haha | 08:11 |
Macer | well. i don't think 10pm is primetime | 08:11 |
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Macer | i thought prime time was like 7-9 | 08:11 |
cehteh | (or even better no password logins at all) | 08:11 |
lcuk | recommended or not, how can i change it? | 08:11 |
cehteh | passwd | 08:11 |
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tigert | lcuk: install rootsh, root, passwd root | 08:12 |
lcuk | thx i had everything on, the passwd just didnt work | 08:12 |
lcuk | curious | 08:12 |
lcuk | i thought restore had just not brought it back (just reflashed it) | 08:12 |
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lcuk | cehteh, so you would prefer the openssh packages to not bother asking for a passwd | 08:15 |
lcuk | and tell users who install it to just do key based mechanisms? | 08:15 |
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cehteh | lcuk: asking and overriding the password is a bad habbit .. dunno if there is a default user password | 08:16 |
lcuk | no | 08:16 |
lcuk | but ive seen people do it, its relatively trivial to allow | 08:16 |
cehteh | but i rather prefer to leave it unconfigured rather than overriding it | 08:16 |
cehteh | anyone using ssh should know at least the basics | 08:17 |
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lcuk | i just use it so i can use the console from big keyboard | 08:17 |
cehteh | i had to reinstall openssh once and it reset my disabled password .. i dont like that | 08:17 |
BirdFlew | anyone tried firefox/fennec? is it better than microB? | 08:17 |
cehteh | Nope worse | 08:17 |
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lcuk | cehteh, how is the password disabled then for it to be reenabled? | 08:18 |
cehteh | vipw | 08:18 |
cehteh | place a * in the password column | 08:18 |
ruskie | is it just me or is t.m.o painfully slow? | 08:18 |
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cehteh | setting new password should be explicit cancelable at least (maybe it is, but there is no hint for it) | 08:20 |
cehteh | and it would be also nice if installing openssh asks for a pubkey (file chooser) | 08:20 |
cehteh | but well .. i totally prefer if installing just installs and leaves it unconfigured (and closed) | 08:20 |
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lcuk | so the dialog that bobs up at the moment asking for passwd | 08:21 |
pwnguin | BirdFlew: I like the history UI | 08:21 |
lcuk | (which i presume would break automated installs) | 08:21 |
cehteh | yes thats what it currently does .. imo annoying | 08:21 |
lcuk | could be upgraded to allow 2 new things | 08:21 |
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lcuk | info, and a file select | 08:21 |
lcuk | before still allowing the normall passwd one? | 08:21 |
cehteh | but well automatic installs on such a device are rare and usually people install through the app manager anyways | 08:21 |
lcuk | through app manager is one thing | 08:22 |
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lcuk | but you can bulk install | 08:22 |
cehteh | i know | 08:22 |
lcuk | tho i havent seen messages when restoring | 08:22 |
cehteh | hence i prefer to leave it unconfigigured | 08:22 |
lcuk | im assuming it already has passwd set by then after other restores | 08:22 |
* lcuk nods | 08:22 |
cehteh | but that can also be a gapping hole .. in case 'user' has no password at all (but not disabled) by default | 08:23 |
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cehteh | that must be closed of course | 08:23 |
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cehteh | i dont know the default setup | 08:23 |
lcuk | just idle curiosity really, people seem to use openssh just fine | 08:24 |
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tigert | i dont think ssh as user into device works | 08:31 |
tigert | without pwd | 08:31 |
tigert | i think openssh doesnt let that happen? | 08:32 |
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cehteh | tigert: depends on the config | 08:32 |
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ruskie | just add a password or a private key | 08:32 |
ruskie | either should work | 08:32 |
cehteh | ssh has a PermitEmptyPassword option | 08:32 |
cehteh | iirc its off | 08:33 |
tigert | well | 08:33 |
cehteh | but even if the device has some common password in the firmeare it would be a hole | 08:33 |
tigert | on the openssh server pqackage | 08:33 |
cehteh | it certainly has user set password at delivery state | 08:33 |
tigert | it has PermitEmptyPasswords NO | 08:33 |
cehteh | has no | 08:33 |
cehteh | so my question is rather whats the default password of a fresh device before you installed anything? | 08:34 |
cehteh | none, disabled, some nokia set one? | 08:34 |
tigert | user has none afaik | 08:34 |
cehteh | i can check later after reflashign | 08:34 |
tigert | root has a default passwd of "rootme" | 08:36 |
tigert | but remote logins are not possible unless you install a ssh server | 08:36 |
tigert | at which point you want to change it | 08:37 |
tigert | which the package does | 08:37 |
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BirdFlew | KMFDM, interesting name.. from the band yeah? | 08:45 |
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KMFDM | yup | 08:46 |
ColdFyre | ponies | 08:46 |
BirdFlew | nice one | 08:48 |
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BirdFlew | anyone at all familiar with the facebook api? would it be easy or even possible to integrate that into the maemo IM subsystem? | 08:51 |
cehteh | isnt there a plugin for that already? | 08:53 |
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julianol1ver | around 4 days ago, possibly after an 'update everything', i can no longer send and receive mail on the N900. i simply get 'failed' on sending. i can't seem to find a /var/log/mail.log equivalent in the filesystem to debug. any suggestions? | 08:55 |
BirdFlew | possibly, i might try that thing all the kids are doing these days... what was it? oh yeah, googling it :-) | 08:55 |
julianol1ver | BirdFlew: yes, i have done plenty of that, of course. no luck so far regarding why mail is suddenly failing. | 08:57 |
julianol1ver | instead there are many threads just like this: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=39995 | 08:58 |
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BirdFlew | actually mate that googling comment was directed at myself for a question i asked just before you joined, hope it didn't sound like i was being rude to you | 08:58 |
julianol1ver | BirdFlew: ahah ;) | 08:59 |
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tigert | hmm | 09:03 |
tigert | so what should a mediaplayer do to be able to play music when the phone has silent profile in use? | 09:03 |
tigert | and why do none of the free ones do that? | 09:04 |
ruskie | just need to tell it to be in group=player | 09:06 |
ruskie | to pulse | 09:06 |
ruskie | you can alsa set it in /etc/pulse/xpolicy.conf | 09:06 |
tigert | ok | 09:06 |
ruskie | though some apparently have a /usr/share/etc/pulse/xpolicy.conf | 09:07 |
ruskie | or something like it | 09:07 |
* tigert wonders why no player apps do that | 09:07 |
ruskie | so not really sure | 09:07 |
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ruskie | mplayer creates an entry supposdely | 09:07 |
tigert | right | 09:07 |
tigert | that might be | 09:07 |
ruskie | but into /usr/share from what I can tell from looking at the sources | 09:08 |
ruskie | wee a bit of a firmware update | 09:08 |
pupnik | why is typing * and # into phone WONT FIX TODAY? | 09:08 |
mece | shouldn't the players repect the requested silence? | 09:10 |
pwnguin | heh | 09:10 |
luke-jr | pupnik: who cares about * and #?? I demand A B C and D | 09:11 |
ruskie | mece, when I silence the device I expect it to only silence the phone stuff | 09:11 |
mece | ruskie, I see. what about im's, emails and all that? | 09:11 |
ruskie | WTF keeps changing my /etc/sudoers | 09:12 |
pwnguin | pupnik: its fixed but not released, because nokia likes to hoard fixes until people give up on them | 09:12 |
pwnguin | and of course, they dont announce new firmware until its available, because they hate having third party developers | 09:13 |
mece | ruskie, there's some script that modifies the sudoer file | 09:13 |
ruskie | yeah but why does it remove any of my own documentations | 09:14 |
ruskie | erm | 09:14 |
ruskie | modifications even | 09:14 |
mece | ruskie, perhaps you upset it somehow? :) | 09:14 |
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ruskie | lol | 09:15 |
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tigert | mece: it silences mails etc | 09:20 |
tigert | musuc is something i start and stop myself | 09:21 |
tigert | music even :) | 09:21 |
tigert | or videos | 09:21 |
Nitial | hey, is the 1.2009.44-1 upgrade the so-called PR1.1? | 09:21 |
tigert | profile should silence events (except alarm clock which is a valid exception) | 09:21 |
pwnguin | Nitial: i have 1.2009.42-11.002 | 09:22 |
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pwnguin | so maybe? | 09:22 |
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konttori_nokia | Guys! You might want to go to HAM and try checking for updates ;) ;) ;) | 09:22 |
konttori_nokia | --->> Pr1.0.1 is out! | 09:23 |
pwnguin | but if so, i have to delete a huge part of my rant | 09:23 |
Nitial | it was only 18 megabytes.. I was expecting much bigger :) | 09:23 |
pwnguin | damnit | 09:23 |
pwnguin | HAM == hildon app manager? | 09:23 |
lcuk | konttori_nokia, :D top stuff, wd dude! | 09:24 |
pwnguin | pupnik: just a guess, but it looks like *# actually might be fixed today? :) | 09:24 |
konttori_nokia | won't be. 1.0.1 is mostly HAM update. | 09:25 |
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cehteh | konttori_nokia: changelog anywhere? | 09:25 |
Nitial | ah, the big 1.1 update is still coming | 09:25 |
cehteh | 1.1 isnt big either .. just a lot bugfixes | 09:26 |
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cehteh | well its big .. lots of bugs | 09:26 |
konttori_nokia | 1.0.1 needs to be on device to be able to update to 1.1. 1.1 was such a big update that we needed to tune the system before big updates are possible | 09:26 |
cehteh | but almost no new feature | 09:26 |
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rlinfati | 1.0.1 ? is released ? | 09:26 |
* rlinfati running apt-get update, apt-get upgrade... | 09:27 |
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pwnguin | i see nothing... | 09:27 |
tigert | hmm | 09:27 |
lcuk | rlinfati, f5f5f5f5f5f5f5 | 09:27 |
cehteh | Maemo5 in app manager | 09:27 |
konttori_nokia | I think europe is already out, uk will be at noon. | 09:27 |
cehteh | i see it | 09:27 |
tigert | i wish mediaplayer didnt stop videos when i switch apps | 09:27 |
* pwnguin is in the US | 09:27 |
cehteh | can try it, i want to reflash later anyways :P | 09:27 |
konttori_nokia | and rest of the countries by 6 pm finnish time (it's 9:27 AM now) | 09:27 |
tigert | its nice feature for movies but not so nice if one listens to music videos | 09:28 |
lcuk | tigert, talk to me about that elsewhere, ive encountered it too | 09:28 |
konttori_nokia | tigert, use mplayer | 09:28 |
rlinfati | qik and maemo5 update!! yuppi | 09:28 |
tigert | konttori_nokia: does that too | 09:28 |
konttori_nokia | And some big announcement for later this evening still ! | 09:28 |
cehteh | konttori_nokia: also new images for flashing available? | 09:29 |
tybollt | hmm | 09:29 |
konttori_nokia | tigert, mplayer won't stop when you go to switcher | 09:29 |
konttori_nokia | cehteh, I don't know when/where flash images will be available | 09:29 |
tybollt | shouldn't the app manager alert you there's an update? | 09:29 |
konttori_nokia | at least the NSU should be available | 09:29 |
cehteh | tybollt: it does here | 09:29 |
rlinfati | grrr.... do not install... | 09:29 |
tybollt | won't here :S | 09:29 |
konttori_nokia | tybollt, appman checks for updates only one per 24h | 09:29 |
Corsac | hmmh, talk.m.o keeps sending me the same mail | 09:30 |
pwnguin | tybollt: depends on your connection and schedule | 09:30 |
Corsac | about a new post available in a thread | 09:30 |
cehteh | and setup you can turn that off | 09:30 |
tigert | actually not | 09:30 |
tigert | sweet | 09:30 |
tybollt | ooooooh | 09:30 |
* cehteh runs the update | 09:30 |
rlinfati | what amount of memory is need to make the update ? | 09:30 |
tigert | for some reason it did stop when i last tried | 09:30 |
tybollt | "application list partially update - some catalogues unavailable - check your .. list" | 09:30 |
ruskie | konttori_nokia, hmm I notice something odd with the update HAM... the categories aren't finger friendly anymore | 09:30 |
tybollt | !#¤%&(=!#=%&( | 09:30 |
tybollt | -> reboot | 09:30 |
tigert | konttori_nokia: youtube has the full pink floyd Pulse live as two parts :) | 09:31 |
pupnik | i need to save conversations or copy the text for provider problem resolution | 09:31 |
* tigert loves the get youtube video bookmarklet on N900 | 09:31 |
ruskie | erm | 09:31 |
konttori_nokia | ruskie, ? they are more finger friendly now | 09:31 |
mece | konttori_nokia, announcement this evening? | 09:31 |
tybollt | ok | 09:31 |
mece | konttori_nokia, regarding N900? | 09:32 |
ruskie | konttori_nokia, hmm they are tiny here... lemme take a screenshot | 09:32 |
rlinfati | downloading..... | 09:32 |
cehteh | wahaha .. not enough memory for updateing | 09:32 |
tybollt | the chinook repo had a missing gpg signature hence it somehow blocked app manager from scanning the other - working - repos in my app manager | 09:32 |
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Milo- | aww | 09:33 |
tybollt | cehteh: same here | 09:33 |
tybollt | cehteh: I'm trying reboot | 09:33 |
Milo- | firmware update didn't fix the "date format" issue | 09:33 |
tybollt | (usually works when I fill'er up | 09:33 |
tybollt | Milo-: meh, you have that issue too? :) | 09:33 |
rlinfati | cehteh, disable extras repositories and try again..... | 09:33 |
Milo- | tybollt yes | 09:33 |
* tybollt thought I was the only one ona planet who found it weird | 09:34 |
Milo- | device language English UK, but regional settings is Finland. | 09:34 |
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Milo- | I want Finnish date format, not English one. | 09:34 |
ruskie | I want ISO date format | 09:34 |
tybollt | Milo-: IMHO the date format should be entirely adjustable | 09:34 |
Milo- | tybollt yes, I think so too :/ | 09:34 |
tybollt | Milo-: PRESTO that is it | 09:34 |
Milo- | same with decimal and thousands separator | 09:34 |
cehteh | konttori_nokia: what prevented nokia from making a more sane partitioning? | 09:35 |
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tybollt | Milo-: the fact you can adjust the date format on any nokia since the dawn of times - is ... even worse :) | 09:35 |
konttori_nokia | cehteh, you mean, bigger home? | 09:35 |
ruskie | konttori_nokia, http://codemages.net/Screenshot-20100111-083326.png | 09:35 |
Milo- | tekojo hey o/ | 09:35 |
pwnguin | probabably the unstability of unionfs | 09:35 |
rlinfati | only kernel, ham, and gtk ? | 09:35 |
konttori_nokia | ruskie, you are missing the theme update | 09:35 |
konttori_nokia | it needs the icons. | 09:35 |
cehteh | konttori_nokia: no, general more solid setup -- like i talked about above | 09:36 |
Corsac | tybollt: I think you only need to manage to export LC_TIME at the correct place | 09:36 |
konttori_nokia | ruskie, how did you make the update? | 09:36 |
ruskie | I updated both -alpha and -beta | 09:36 |
konttori_nokia | what theme is that? | 09:36 |
Milo- | tekojo any update on the Maemo-course= (weeks 7 and 8) | 09:36 |
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Milo- | ? | 09:36 |
konttori_nokia | I think the theme is missing the icons. | 09:36 |
ruskie | konttori_nokia, a modified -beta | 09:36 |
ruskie | modified yesterday | 09:36 |
konttori_nokia | well, switch to some other theme. | 09:36 |
cehteh | having the root readonly. layer a unionfs over it which takes the users modifications, possibly with snapshots or backups | 09:36 |
ruskie | I'll check it | 09:36 |
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pwnguin | cehteh: is unionfs in kernel mainline yet? | 09:37 |
cehteh | konttori_nokia: like eeepcs and others do | 09:37 |
konttori_nokia | Milo-, file a bug | 09:37 |
tigert | gah | 09:37 |
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Milo- | konttori_nokia about date format? | 09:37 |
tigert | mplayer gets sound out of sync though | 09:37 |
cehteh | pwnguin: who cares if you are a device manufacturer and roll your own kernel anyways? | 09:37 |
konttori_nokia | Milo-, yeah, and get people to vote on it. | 09:37 |
Milo- | there already is an open bug-file for that | 09:37 |
ruskie | konttori_nokia, I see... I'll update my theme | 09:37 |
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konttori_nokia | tigert, get in touch with the dev and make them aware of the out of synch | 09:38 |
tigert | yeah | 09:38 |
pwnguin | cehteh: device manufacturers who accept bricked device returns? | 09:38 |
lcuk | isnt there an option for sync difference | 09:38 |
tigert | though gotta try that with desktop mplayer first | 09:38 |
cehteh | pwnguin: huh? | 09:38 |
Milo- | konttori_nokia https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6363 | 09:38 |
povbot` | Bug 6363: Date format should be defined by Regional Settings, not Device Language | 09:38 |
lcuk | i assume with the way mplayer is built (kitchensink) there will be | 09:38 |
pwnguin | cehteh: why isn't unionfs upstream? | 09:38 |
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konttori_nokia | tigert, do you know who is the primary maintainer of mplayer now ? still ssvb? | 09:38 |
lcuk | and on our platform by default it should be set? | 09:38 |
tybollt | povbot`: amen to that | 09:39 |
povbot` | tybollt: Error: "amen" is not a valid command. | 09:39 |
cehteh | pwnguin: because linus doesnt like it? | 09:39 |
tigert | konttori_nokia: maemo or ustream? | 09:39 |
cehteh | not all useable stuff is upstream .. and not only because of stability problems .. others than linus can write reasonable working software too | 09:39 |
konttori_nokia | maemo, I think. | 09:39 |
Corsac | woo, 44.1 available | 09:39 |
pwnguin | cehteh: it's in -mm though, and will be in mainline | 09:40 |
cehteh | there may be quality concerns .. but i can give you examples where it is used with much more succees and stability than what nokia did with the n900 | 09:40 |
Stskeeps | konttori_nokia: btw, not sure if wazd told you, but we found the cause for white background and wazd's troubles with his theme, the bug is best illustrated by looking at the output from TM (colors.css) and then colors.css in A Fremantle Content.zip - the output from TM has 'color' in *Background* whereas the real css has 'background' as it should be | 09:40 |
rlinfati | ! my keyboard is not working... | 09:40 |
Stskeeps | (color: vs background: that is) | 09:41 |
konttori_nokia | Stskeeps, thanks! | 09:41 |
cehteh | pwnguin: when you have a readonly, well defined rootfs, then the device is almost unbrickable | 09:41 |
rlinfati | grrr... on x-terminal work, on ham do not work.... | 09:42 |
konttori_nokia | Stskeeps, so, TM is messing up the base data when replacing the colors? | 09:42 |
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mece | Operating system successfully updated. Well that's a relief :) | 09:42 |
cehteh | here too | 09:42 |
Stskeeps | konttori_nokia: right, just assuming everything should be .Whatever { color: something } | 09:42 |
Stskeeps | konttori_nokia: whereas some of them, like BackgroundColor* should be .Whatever { background: something }, messing up SMS view for instance | 09:43 |
cehteh | new 'ovi' application catalouge? | 09:43 |
Corsac | erf “not enough memory in target location” | 09:44 |
Corsac | wtf | 09:44 |
cehteh | Corsac: disable all non-default repos | 09:44 |
cehteh | devel testing extras | 09:44 |
Corsac | rootfs 227.5M 214.8M 8.6M 96% / | 09:44 |
Corsac | :( | 09:44 |
mece | ouch | 09:44 |
Milo- | is there a changeslist for the latest firmware update? | 09:44 |
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cehteh | new bounce evolution? ... | 09:45 |
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cehteh | more levels? | 09:45 |
tigert | Corsac: remove apps I guess :P | 09:45 |
Corsac | tigert: yep I guess so :) | 09:45 |
tg | Corsac: hm i also ran out of space on / the other day, i moved & symlinked some stuff from /usr/share to the /home partition ;] | 09:45 |
konttori_nokia | Stskeeps, thanks a lot! SHould be easy to fix! | 09:45 |
Stskeeps | konttori_nokia: np, i just look forward to having non-broken custom themes :) | 09:46 |
tybollt | woo | 09:47 |
tybollt | can't uninstall firefeck due to deps >:) | 09:48 |
tybollt | that's a nice one | 09:48 |
tybollt | _can't_ | 09:49 |
mece | ow.. | 09:51 |
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roshenia | hi! no news about new firmware to nokia n900? | 09:53 |
rlinfati | Package: offscr-cube, Section: user/hidden <-- jiji | 09:53 |
cehteh | hehe we all installed it just before you joined | 09:53 |
phr | so is the n770 even slightly interesting these days? i've never done anything with mine. | 09:53 |
pwnguin | is user/hidden hidden? | 09:53 |
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Stskeeps | phr: we had a Mer port to it but it's slightly difficult to run anything that doesn't fit in a sardine can on it :P | 09:54 |
Stskeeps | rlinfati: don't tell me the ovi repo is just exposed but packages are user/hidden.. | 09:55 |
mece | roshenia, I updated, it worked. Things look the same except for app manager. | 09:55 |
derf | Stskeeps: That's the way a real embedded device _should_ be. | 09:55 |
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roshenia | mece, what you mean? | 09:55 |
Stskeeps | derf: n8x0/n900 aren't embedded devices :P | 09:55 |
derf | Stskeeps: I noticed. | 09:55 |
Stskeeps | 770 however.. | 09:55 |
Stskeeps | : | 09:55 |
Stskeeps | P | 09:55 |
rlinfati | skrankki, curl -k https://downloads.maemo.nokia.com/fremantle/ovi/Packages | grep Package: | 09:55 |
mece | roshenia, I mean there were no problems, and app manager has new icons. | 09:56 |
rlinfati | ups.. | 09:56 |
rlinfati | Stskeeps, | 09:56 |
Stskeeps | rlinfati: ... | 09:56 |
roshenia | mece, i have 1.2009.42.11 | 09:56 |
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Corsac | erf, /var/lib/dpkg/info is 22M | 09:56 |
derf | I'm not even that bothered with the fact that everyone keeps writing all this Python crap for the N900 like I was for the N8x0. | 09:56 |
mece | roshenia, 1.2009.44-1 is out today | 09:57 |
roshenia | mece, and i have strange power leaks: in 0.00 i charge battery and plug off charger, in 8.00 i get about 40% of battery | 09:57 |
roshenia | wow | 09:57 |
roshenia | where i can upgrade | 09:57 |
mece | app manager | 09:57 |
cehteh | derf: yeah i opt for more lua stuff because thats easier to integrate with real programming | 09:57 |
Stskeeps | rlinfati: that exposes all ovi store items? :P | 09:58 |
roshenia | mece, i lost all my old data? | 09:58 |
mece | roshenia, no. | 09:58 |
goodwill | anyone here used songbird with n900? | 09:58 |
mece | roshenia, but you can do a backup | 09:58 |
rlinfati | Stskeeps, curl... | wc -l => 73 | 09:58 |
roshenia | mece, if i upload new firmware? its good? | 09:58 |
derf | cehteh: I more meant, slow interpreted languages that require 10+ MB installs have no business being on an embedded device, and certainly no one should write a program that uses one. | 09:59 |
Stskeeps | rlinfati: and that's installed in 44.1 that repo? | 09:59 |
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derf | But as Stskeeps said, the N900 is not really an embedded device. | 09:59 |
rlinfati | Stskeeps, yes | 09:59 |
tybollt | n900 is a computer | 09:59 |
pwnguin | rlinfati: permission denied. | 09:59 |
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mece | roshenia, read this thread if you're curious about the new update: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=463488 | 09:59 |
tybollt | full fledged | 09:59 |
rlinfati | pwnguin, you need a trick to enter.... | 09:59 |
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roshenia | mece, good. tnx | 10:00 |
Stskeeps | rlinfati: /etc/apt/auth? | 10:00 |
rlinfati | yes | 10:00 |
pwnguin | is that the same for every device? | 10:00 |
rlinfati | i think.... | 10:00 |
pwnguin | qa9.... | 10:00 |
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rlinfati | pwnguin, yes | 10:01 |
pwnguin | why bother? | 10:01 |
julianol1ver | anyone else experiencing broken mail, ovi sharing the last few days? i see several posts to maemo talk about it but no resolutions yet.. | 10:01 |
Stskeeps | pwnguin: i personally don't mind this scheme, it makes it possible for non-maemo OS'es to have key blobs :P | 10:02 |
Milo- | I want nethack on my phone | 10:02 |
rlinfati | is all on hildon-application-manager-settings-standard | 10:02 |
Milo- | not that stupid Vulture's Eye | 10:02 |
roshenia | mece, can you say. how many hours live your nokia n900? | 10:02 |
pwnguin | Milo-: just ssh into a nethack server? | 10:02 |
pwnguin | Stskeeps: key blobs? | 10:03 |
Milo- | pwnguin network eats battery | 10:03 |
rlinfati | i can not change the name of extras repository... :( | 10:03 |
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cehteh | Milo-: there is nethack ,, with gui | 10:04 |
pwnguin | i mean, i get how you might want a private protected server, but if everyone has the same username / password, it doesnt make much sense in this case | 10:04 |
Milo- | as I said, not that stupid Vulture's Eye.. | 10:04 |
Milo- | nethack uses ncurses | 10:04 |
tigert | roshenia: the firmware update will show up as a "maemo update" on your application manager | 10:04 |
tigert | I dont think you need to reflash | 10:04 |
cehteh | well nethack with the n900 keybioard will be no fun | 10:05 |
Milo- | how so? | 10:05 |
tigert | nethack with accelerometer move support would be fun :) | 10:05 |
julianol1ver | that's perverse. | 10:05 |
tigert | sorta like marble madness... :D | 10:05 |
rlinfati | h-a-m do not update feedservice-* sharing-service-facebook and otherrs... :( doing apt-get upgrade.. | 10:05 |
Stskeeps | rlinfati: i think user/hidden is just so it doesn't show up in two places | 10:05 |
roshenia | tigert, i have shit internet | 10:05 |
_berto_ | the maemo 5 update is out | 10:05 |
Milo- | cehteh why would maemo's keyboard be an issue? | 10:05 |
pwnguin | yea, probably POWDER is a better match | 10:05 |
_berto_ | check your app managers | 10:05 |
tigert | roshenia: less to download | 10:06 |
pwnguin | _berto_: apparently its country specific, which is fine by me | 10:06 |
rlinfati | Stskeeps, 2 places? ovi and h-a-m? | 10:06 |
_berto_ | ahm | 10:06 |
roshenia | how many hours live your nokia n900? | 10:06 |
pwnguin | all you euros can beta test so when i wake up tomorrow i know if its really idiot proof | 10:06 |
Stskeeps | rlinfati: yeah | 10:06 |
Stskeeps | rlinfati: it seems like ovi/ repo is only free apps anyway | 10:06 |
Stskeeps | if it's not, it's really really stupid security :) | 10:07 |
Milo- | Maemo Mapper crashed my phone :o | 10:07 |
pwnguin | back to Mother 3 then | 10:07 |
Milo- | ctrl+alt+f1 plx :( | 10:07 |
BirdFlew | country specific? so will it ever appear in australia? | 10:08 |
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konttori_nokia | north america pr1.0.1 should be out in about 5 hours. | 10:08 |
rlinfati | is pr 1.0.1 on tablets-dev.nokia.com ? | 10:09 |
konttori_nokia | probably all gates will be opened then (also australia) | 10:09 |
tigert | rlinfati: if you have bad internet, you should use application manager | 10:09 |
tigert | its less to download | 10:09 |
Wolfie | nope, no maemo update for me yet | 10:09 |
pwnguin | Milo-: http://n770galaxy.blogspot.com/ | 10:09 |
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pwnguin | that guy apparently built nethack on the 770 | 10:09 |
Stskeeps | konttori_nokia: will pr1.0.1 be reflected in SDK release update since you're publishing a new kernel and HAM? (both published as source) | 10:10 |
ruskie | konttori_nokia, well got the icons now as well | 10:10 |
Milo- | pwnguin I see :) | 10:10 |
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BirdFlew | what repo is the update on? | 10:10 |
roshenia | tigert, hehe. i didnt see any updates | 10:10 |
Milo- | if I remember nethack's dependencies correctly, all it needs is ncurses | 10:10 |
tigert | roshenia: like someone said, it apparently is depending on your country, so it should happen later today then | 10:11 |
roshenia | hm | 10:11 |
Stskeeps | konttori_nokia: actually most interested in kernel since HAM is developed openly :P | 10:11 |
Milo- | hmm, ncurses, yup | 10:11 |
tigert | Stskeeps: you mean open development is not interesting? ;^) | 10:12 |
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Stskeeps | tigert: well more along the lines of that i saw HAM code already before pr1.0.1 in gitorious :) but kernel isn't published that easily | 10:13 |
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tigert | ;) just joking | 10:13 |
Stskeeps | hehe | 10:13 |
konttori_nokia | kernel contains one fix, which is allowing HAM to trigger ubifs to higher compression level for the SSU update. | 10:13 |
konttori_nokia | so, it is not interesting to devs at all. | 10:13 |
roshenia | what about batterry life ? | 10:14 |
konttori_nokia | browser contains one fix, which is browser UA string to say that it's pr1.0.1 device. | 10:14 |
Corsac | ok, update went well | 10:14 |
konttori_nokia | GTK contains one fix, which is dropping the icon cache support. | 10:14 |
Corsac | first boot the screen was garbled but then after another reboot it works fine | 10:14 |
konttori_nokia | application manager contains 37 fixes, mostly related to SSU stability | 10:15 |
Corsac | (might be related to the fact I did the upgrade using apt-get) | 10:15 |
konttori_nokia | And a bit related to the new look of the app grid. | 10:15 |
tigert | Corsac: ew, do not do that | 10:15 |
tigert | Corsac: that is not really guaranteed to work afaik | 10:15 |
cehteh | and it doesnt loose position when isntalling an app | 10:15 |
cehteh | thats nice | 10:15 |
tigert | just because it looks like debian, doesnt mean its debian :) | 10:16 |
Corsac | konttori_nokia: ho? | 10:16 |
Stskeeps | konttori_nokia: depending on how quickly pr1.1 comes, we should probably pre-empt that someone will be asking for the source of the kernel for pr1.0.1 though | 10:16 |
konttori_nokia | Stskeeps, probably a good idea. I just want to hear first when 1.1 will be out. | 10:16 |
BirdFlew | really? why is using apt-get not a good idea? | 10:16 |
Corsac | Stskeeps: could we have the source for 1.0.1 kernel? | 10:16 |
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Corsac | (ok, done.) | 10:16 |
konttori_nokia | apt-get will consume more rootfs during the update. | 10:16 |
Stskeeps | Corsac: there's a written offer in your nokia n900 manual or something | 10:16 |
konttori_nokia | this is mostly interesting for the pr1.1 update | 10:17 |
Corsac | Stskeeps: ha, good point | 10:17 |
Corsac | konttori_nokia: ok, I'll do the 1.1 update from HAM | 10:17 |
konttori_nokia | and apt-get won't set device to rescue mode, so if something goes wrong, device might not boot up nicely anymore. | 10:17 |
ruskie | rescue mode? | 10:18 |
tigert | BirdFlew: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=32734 | 10:18 |
cehteh | hehe anyone who never had to reflash here raise hands please :P | 10:18 |
Corsac | why is /var on rootfs anyway? | 10:19 |
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tigert | BirdFlew: it is not tested really, and it can break your device | 10:19 |
roshenia | why i didnt see maemo update? | 10:19 |
tigert | chances are it might work, but just as well it might not | 10:19 |
goodwill | I wonder if I should remove MyMenu before I do it | 10:19 |
ifreq | cehteh *raising hand* | 10:19 |
cehteh | ok one of 478 | 10:20 |
BirdFlew | cool, thanks for the info | 10:20 |
ruskie | cehteh, merly due to my own messing around | 10:20 |
Stskeeps | anyone with pr1.0.1 yet? | 10:20 |
ruskie | here | 10:20 |
*** cehteh changes topic to "Welcome to #maemo | http://maemo.org/ | http://maemo.nokia.com/ | Maemo Community Council http://maemo.org/community/council | http://mxr.maemo.org/ | http://yepmg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog | Happy New Year on behalf of the Maemo Community" | 10:20 |
Stskeeps | could they do a dpkg -l kernel-modules for me? | 10:20 |
ruskie | I think | 10:20 |
rlinfati | Stskeeps, here | 10:20 |
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cehteh | oops | 10:21 |
cehteh | yes | 10:21 |
rlinfati | ii kernel-modules 2.6.28-20094102.6+0m5 Linux kernel modules | 10:21 |
Stskeeps | oh, just .6 | 10:21 |
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roshenia | in http://tablets-dev.nokia.com/nokia_N900.php there are only OS 2009 version 1.2009.42-11 | 10:21 |
roshenia | wtf? | 10:21 |
Stskeeps | roshenia: submit a bug against website | 10:21 |
roshenia | ahahahhaah =) | 10:22 |
Milo- | anyone know if you can add your own entry to nokia's calendar's alarm-menu? | 10:22 |
cehteh | /var and /usr should be bind mounted to the emmc .. well | 10:22 |
ruskie | why bind mounted? | 10:22 |
ruskie | just normal mount a partition on emmc to /usr :) | 10:23 |
ruskie | as for var I wouldn't try it | 10:23 |
Milo- | I mean if you want a custom "alarm X-time before" entry? | 10:23 |
roshenia | http://tablets-dev.nokia.com/nokia_N900.php | 10:23 |
Milo- | darn that's hard to describe | 10:23 |
ruskie | rather modify apt configs(which allow it) to tell it where to store the temp files or even not to store more than a certain ammount | 10:23 |
ruskie | it can be done | 10:23 |
roshenia | RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.42-11_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin | 10:23 |
roshenia | only that | 10:23 |
cehteh | ruskie: you could have one partition, lets say /data and there /data/var /data/usr /data/home and bindmount into that | 10:23 |
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cehteh | sharing space .. | 10:24 |
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cehteh | bind mounts at most transparent to applications | 10:24 |
ruskie | cehteh, I just went the repartitoning route :) | 10:24 |
rlinfati | now what...?? wait 2 or 3 week for the pr1.1 ? | 10:24 |
cehteh | i do that with the next device | 10:24 |
ruskie | http://wiki.maemo.org/User:Ruskie#Repartitioning <-- feel free to read through it | 10:24 |
cehteh | will the 'camera can only save to fat' be fixed? | 10:24 |
cehteh | this just sux | 10:25 |
Stskeeps | rlinfati: or submit a bug requesting a fiasco image on tablets-dev, or grab it through NSU probably | 10:25 |
ruskie | cehteh, I hope :) | 10:25 |
cehteh | well and /etc/fstab has the "this is autogenerated" comment .. what generates the fstab? | 10:25 |
rlinfati | Stskeeps, pr 1.1 .... the pr 1.0.1 is a joke... ( only new ham.... ) | 10:25 |
ruskie | rcS-late | 10:25 |
cehteh | i didnt yet cared to figure out | 10:25 |
ruskie | my instructions remove it | 10:25 |
cehteh | ok | 10:25 |
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roshenia | mece, i didnt find any updates. what firmware you have? | 10:26 |
Stskeeps | rlinfati: 1.0.1 is so you are able to get PR1.1 :P | 10:26 |
ruskie | I prefer to have a static fstab but I can see a use in always generating it... avoids issues if it's corrupted | 10:26 |
ruskie | but I'd rather hav an initramfs rescue for that then break expect things on systems | 10:26 |
rlinfati | Stskeeps, to get via SSU..... but i going to reflash :D | 10:26 |
Stskeeps | rlinfati: yeah, that's also possible there :P | 10:27 |
cehteh | as i saied readonly small rootfs .. unionfs over it (or mount (bind-mount)) any volatile stuff in place | 10:27 |
Stskeeps | cehteh: debian OS'es are notoriously bad on unionfs | 10:28 |
goodwill | it seems by default a lot of localazions are installed | 10:28 |
goodwill | is it possible to limit that by default to 1 or 2 | 10:28 |
ruskie | imo all localisations should be optional and default C strings should be provided | 10:29 |
* tigert tests update :) | 10:29 |
Stskeeps | ruskie: remember that real people are using this device too, not only beardy unix hackers that smell like dead cheese | 10:29 |
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goodwill | ruskie: I am looking at your repartition page | 10:29 |
goodwill | Stskeeps: its not dead ... the cheese is very much alive | 10:30 |
tybollt | mmmmmm cheese | 10:30 |
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Stskeeps | goodwill: slightly mutated cheese then | 10:30 |
* micke has a beard but does not smell like dead cheese | 10:30 |
tybollt | mmmmmm mutated cheese | 10:30 |
* tybollt drools | 10:30 |
ruskie | Stskeeps, lol... I don't smell like dead cheese or mutatated cheese as well | 10:30 |
rlinfati | cheese, h-a-m....... now i'm hungry | 10:31 |
ruskie | Stskeeps, as for optional I meant they should be removable by those who want it... as it stands you can't remove all | 10:31 |
ruskie | some want to remove most of the core software | 10:31 |
goodwill | I am currently not impressed with fennec | 10:32 |
ruskie | on a side note... other than rescue mode(and what does that do exactly and how can one trigger it manually) any other reason not to use apt-get to update? | 10:32 |
goodwill | I bet we will need a version or two till its less of hog | 10:32 |
ruskie | goodwill, so use the default one :) | 10:32 |
goodwill | its still kick ass :) | 10:32 |
ruskie | both are gecko :) | 10:32 |
goodwill | ruskie: I am | 10:32 |
goodwill | ruskie: just commenting | 10:32 |
cehteh | Stskeeps: anything can be fixed ... my example was the eeepc .. xandros is also debian based | 10:33 |
ruskie | hmm need jebba to roll a new fbcon kernel | 10:33 |
ruskie | sans the logo | 10:33 |
tybollt | fbcon? | 10:33 |
* goodwill should try it out | 10:33 |
ruskie | framebuffer console | 10:34 |
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goodwill | tybollt: framebuffer console | 10:34 |
tybollt | oh | 10:34 |
ruskie | Stskeeps, and yes I'm aware normal people are supposed to use the device... no reason to cripple it though for those of us who are advanced though... is there? | 10:34 |
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Stskeeps | ruskie: right, the only problem i see is with ssus | 10:35 |
BirdFlew | gonna hold off on the update as i heard it can break flac/ogg support | 10:35 |
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BirdFlew | plus i've hit my monthly download limit so wifi is painfully slow | 10:35 |
tigert | ruskie: there is a metapackage that depends on exact versions of other packages, remove that and you can uninstall shit | 10:36 |
tigert | ruskie: but then you are on your own with updates etc | 10:37 |
ruskie | tigert, I know mp-fremantle-generic-pr... I had to remove it to get rid of mediaplayer | 10:37 |
tigert | yeah | 10:37 |
ruskie | I wish everything that isn't critical to running the system would be optional for it | 10:37 |
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ruskie | so that one could keep it installed but still be able to remove mediaplayer for example | 10:38 |
tybollt | someone asked before... | 10:38 |
tybollt | not sure there was an answer | 10:38 |
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tigert | mediaplayer is essential :) | 10:38 |
konttori_nokia | Corsac, rootfs has much faster writes and those are needed for the apt data chunks in /var | 10:38 |
tybollt | the changelog for this update is available ... ? | 10:38 |
tigert | if you uninstall it you remove features | 10:38 |
ruskie | I think nowhere | 10:38 |
ruskie | tigert, it's not essential to a running system | 10:38 |
tigert | it is to "N900 device" feature list | 10:39 |
goodwill | ruskie: its essential to some folks :) | 10:39 |
ruskie | I guess I can install it and modify the shortcut to be a nodisplay | 10:39 |
ruskie | I use xmms2 for my media player | 10:39 |
ruskie | maybe I should make that pkg provide mediaplayer | 10:39 |
tigert | a running system is a different thing than a working product | 10:39 |
konttori_nokia | ruskie, you can edit that package to remove the dependency to media player | 10:39 |
goodwill | ruskie: kind like xterm to you | 10:39 |
ruskie | konttori_nokia, while it's installed? or by rolling my own or something else? | 10:40 |
Stskeeps | konttori_nokia: interesting approach, it wouldn't damage SSUs | 10:40 |
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Stskeeps | it would reinstall things on ssu but hey :P | 10:40 |
tigert | "Operating system successfully updated" :) | 10:42 |
konttori_nokia | wohoo! | 10:42 |
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rkc_ | hi all.. have anybody used Qt creator inside scratch box?? | 10:43 |
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tigert | ham looked spartan | 10:44 |
rkc_ | I need an IDE for Qt development in scratbox for building and debugging | 10:44 |
tigert | three categories :) | 10:44 |
ruskie | I got a large list of things I don't want to see in mp-fremantle-generic-pr... I take it I need to download the package unpack it... modify it and repack it? | 10:44 |
* tigert enables Extras | 10:44 |
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goodwill | ruskie: what does your git version of modest has in addition to the official one? | 10:47 |
ruskie | goodwill, with the tinymail provided IMAP IDLE | 10:47 |
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ruskie | but doesn't seem to work as it should... atleast no notifications work properly | 10:48 |
moo-_- | ah... I smell an update in the air | 10:48 |
goodwill | oh I see | 10:48 |
svanheulen | is there a better image viewer for the n900? the default one sucks | 10:49 |
Oli`` | Nuts. I've got an update available for maemo5 but I can't install it because rootfs is 93% full. How do I claw back rootfs space? As far as I know, I don't have any non-optified things installed anymore (although I know I used to). | 10:49 |
goodwill | Oli``: clearing apt cache should cache | 10:49 |
RST38h | Oli: Remove applications. | 10:49 |
goodwill | apt-cache autoclean | 10:50 |
tybollt | svanheulen: I want something akin to the one in HTC Sense :) | 10:50 |
Nitial | reboot might help also cleaning icon-caches | 10:50 |
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tybollt | goodwill: nice trye bubba :) | 10:51 |
svanheulen | tybollt: never used htc sense... zooming is what i need, why the hell does an image viewer not allow zooming? | 10:51 |
tybollt | goodwill: apt-get autoclean :) | 10:51 |
Oli`` | Just rebooted - that got me 4% back but I'm still at 93%. apt-get clean/autoclean does nothing | 10:51 |
goodwill | tybollt: what? | 10:51 |
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svanheulen | even feh would be better then this... | 10:53 |
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* Oli`` uninstalls everything | 10:54 |
goodwill | tybollt: apt-get autoclean is not like rm -rf / | 10:54 |
tigert | svanheulen: what do you mean it doesnt zoom? | 10:54 |
goodwill | tybollt: all it does is clean up apt cache | 10:55 |
ruskie | svanheulen, use the volume rocker to zoom | 10:55 |
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wazd | hello maemo | 10:55 |
Stskeeps | hello wazd | 10:55 |
svanheulen | tigert: seriously?... i figured the volume rocker would, you know, change the volume... | 10:56 |
tigert | well, it doesnt read "volume" | 10:57 |
ruskie | it's context based... which is rather annoying | 10:57 |
tigert | it reads "+ -" | 10:57 |
ruskie | changes font size in terminal as well | 10:57 |
tigert | it does zoom when an app supports zoom | 10:57 |
tigert | otherwise it does volume | 10:57 |
phr | is it possible to use an n900 as a wifi hotspot? (i.e. using 3g data) | 10:57 |
tigert | (a good trick to quick volume change if you are in term is to ctrl-backspace, set volume, go back to term) | 10:58 |
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goodwill | phr: I am pretty sure that that there was somehting about that on talk.maemo.org | 10:58 |
ruskie | tigert, yeah but it's unexpected behaviour | 10:58 |
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ruskie | should atleast be user configurable if nothing else | 10:59 |
tigert | well, you wanted zoom in image viewer | 10:59 |
tigert | there you have it | 10:59 |
svanheulen | tigert: ah good idea, i was just thinking how one would change volume while in an app that maps those buttons | 10:59 |
tigert | ui is always a compromise :P | 10:59 |
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tigert | yeah, task switcher view is a handy "place" to adjust volume while doing something else | 11:00 |
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svanheulen | tigert: thanks for the info :) | 11:01 |
jayford | does anyone know if nokia is going to release a changelog for the new firmware? or is this a secret? | 11:01 |
tigert | konttori_nokia: lunch+ | 11:02 |
tigert | ? | 11:02 |
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Corsac | jayford: I'm slighly considering finding and installing apt-listchanges | 11:02 |
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Corsac | though if updates are to be done with HAM it won't help | 11:03 |
Stskeeps | jayford: it was pretty much stated before, changes to HAM for SSU purpose, changes to kernel to allow ubifs compression level changes | 11:03 |
Stskeeps | jayford: it's a stepping stone to pr1.1 | 11:03 |
jayford | oh :( | 11:03 |
Stskeeps | HAM changes can be seen on maemo.gitorious.org | 11:03 |
jayford | well I hope it fixes the reboot problems | 11:03 |
svanheulen | btw, where can you get the sources for maemo? | 11:03 |
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goodwill | svanheulen: you can get them now at mxr.maemo.org | 11:03 |
Stskeeps | svanheulen: maemo.gitorious.org , http://repository.maemo.org/pool/maemo5.0 and some garage project for the stuff that's open | 11:03 |
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svanheulen | cool, thanks | 11:04 |
Stskeeps | project(s) | 11:04 |
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jayford | Stskeeps: "kernel to allow ubifs compression level changes" - any chance this is the issue with the reboots? | 11:05 |
jayford | "power saving timing tolerance thresholds of the OMAP3 CPU are too wide to handle for recent Linux kernels." | 11:06 |
Stskeeps | jayford: i don't know until i've seen kernel source changelog | 11:06 |
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jayford | okay then I'll just test it myself. thanks :) | 11:06 |
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goodwill | maybe that will help the size of root partition | 11:06 |
Stskeeps | jayford: either way the big changes should come in pr1.1 | 11:07 |
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goodwill | jayford: what are you readin? | 11:07 |
jayford | yeah but meantime my battery is draining really fast | 11:07 |
jayford | goodwill: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=453647&postcount=45 | 11:07 |
svanheulen | my bigest bug is the the browser keeps crashing with 'internal erreor' lately, seemed to only happen after i installed firefox though | 11:08 |
goodwill | jayford: no I mean the changset ... | 11:08 |
svanheulen | anyone else having microb crah or is it just me? | 11:08 |
goodwill | oh I see | 11:08 |
goodwill | svanheulen: it occasionally crashes on me when I have like 12 of them open | 11:08 |
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svanheulen | goodwill: bah, it'll crash for me even if i have 1 window open :( | 11:09 |
goodwill | I suspect that loading 12 webpages at them same time taxes the system too much | 11:10 |
gour | morning | 11:10 |
svanheulen | haha yeah | 11:10 |
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mece | svanheulen, mi microb doesn't crash. I've had some windows stall and a menu asking if I want to close it pop up, but I don't think it has ever crashed. | 11:11 |
gour | 'm curious if n900-like device can be effective for e.g. ekiga/skype video-conferencing - the need is for providing counselling services over internet while being on the road - or is it better to travel around with some small netbook? | 11:12 |
goodwill | I usually have that issue when the js on the page is too much | 11:12 |
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Stskeeps | gour: video conferencing isn't up to par yet | 11:13 |
julianol1ver | i can no longer send or receive email, update eather or share with Ovi. i have a strong connection to my access point (pages load just fine in the browser) and have tried three different POP3(and IMAP4)/SMTP mail servers of mine. any ideas why this might be so? | 11:13 |
julianol1ver | s/eather/weather/ | 11:13 |
infobot | julianol1ver meant: i can no longer send or receive email, update weather or share with Ovi. i have a strong connection to my access point (pages load just fine in the browser) and have tried three different POP3(and IMAP4)/SMTP mail servers of mine. any ideas why this might... | 11:13 |
gour | Stskeeps: what is missing? | 11:13 |
Stskeeps | gour: front camera isn't properly calibrated yet | 11:14 |
* frals mourns 12 days of n900 uptime with the 44-1 release | 11:14 |
svanheulen | gour: i think fring in the repositories lets you do skype video calls | 11:14 |
svanheulen | never tried it though | 11:14 |
svanheulen | normal skype calls work very well in my experiance though | 11:14 |
gour | Stskeeps: that's software issue only then? | 11:14 |
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svanheulen | gour: firmware issue i think | 11:15 |
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gour | svanheulen: ok, but it means it can be useful in practice after all the issues are resolved. i'm interested if it is ok in concept 'cause it means that mostly eliminates my need for netbook. (video) calls & good emailing would be sufficient for my road use | 11:17 |
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svanheulen | gour: i think, eventually, yes it should work fine | 11:18 |
gour | svanheulen: good. thanks for the input | 11:18 |
svanheulen | gour: only thing i would worry about is bandwidth if your going over callular data | 11:19 |
gour | svanheulen: heh, that's right. i'm thinking about wifi for such use-case | 11:19 |
svanheulen | that works too | 11:20 |
schasch | hello....i am testing with the scratchbox-maemo5...How can I get a console-terminal-GUI ? | 11:20 |
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schasch | I do not find it...? | 11:20 |
schasch | lookes/searches in all appications... | 11:21 |
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schasch | imported already the Extra-Devel catalogue.... | 11:22 |
ruskie | finally figured out how to get the https mp-fremantle-generic-pr deb... now I can actually modify it | 11:22 |
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wazd | timeless: around? | 11:22 |
goodwill | you got to admit ... the new app manager icons are pretty | 11:22 |
timeless_mbp | yes | 11:22 |
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wazd | timeless_mbp: heya | 11:23 |
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wazd | timeless_mbp: are you using Nuvo theme cause you like white themes? :) | 11:23 |
timeless_mbp | no | 11:24 |
timeless_mbp | i hate white themes | 11:24 |
timeless_mbp | i'm using nuvo because it's different | 11:24 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: damn :) | 11:24 |
timeless_mbp | and of the themes it's the first one i've found that doesn't suck | 11:24 |
goodwill | ruskie: what is mp-fremantle-generic-pr ? | 11:24 |
timeless_mbp | wazd: hint: i'll try anything at least once | 11:24 |
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timeless_mbp | and i'll probably use it for a week even while hating it | 11:24 |
timeless_mbp | i'll also give reasonably helpful feedback to any theme | 11:24 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: even Marina suck? :( | 11:24 |
timeless_mbp | never seen marina | 11:25 |
timeless_mbp | goodwill: it's a meta package | 11:25 |
ruskie | goodwill, the meta package that has specific versions and so on | 11:25 |
timeless_mbp | goodwill: apt- is goal based | 11:25 |
timeless_mbp | nokia's goal is to ship a single product with known form and function | 11:25 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=32761 | 11:26 |
timeless_mbp | as apt- is goal based, it's fairly easy to force the goals by writing a single file which pins the versions | 11:26 |
goodwill | I see | 11:26 |
goodwill | is that the "Maemo" package? | 11:26 |
ruskie | iirc yes | 11:26 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: shots are a bit old, I don't have any new ones :) | 11:26 |
timeless_mbp | i'd expect it is | 11:26 |
timeless_mbp | wazd: for a white theme, you have an extremely black keyboard :) | 11:26 |
ruskie | now just need to get a script to remove stuff that's on my removelist | 11:27 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: well, that's not wite theme, I was just planning to make one | 11:27 |
* timeless_mbp was going to write a package which would build packages to remove things | 11:27 |
ruskie | timeless_mbp, erm? | 11:27 |
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ruskie | you mean noop packages? | 11:27 |
timeless_mbp | ruskie: roughly | 11:27 |
ruskie | hmm | 11:27 |
ruskie | would be acceptable as well | 11:27 |
timeless_mbp | not precisely | 11:27 |
timeless_mbp | my package would create a repository with dummy packages | 11:28 |
ruskie | that would work | 11:28 |
wazd | Stskeeps: btw, if you can send me some shots with Marina for tmo thread - that would be nice :) | 11:28 |
timeless_mbp | which in preinst would package up the things they're replacing | 11:28 |
timeless_mbp | and add them to the repository | 11:28 |
timeless_mbp | and would use dependency magic so that when you uninstall my dummies, the real things would be resurrected from the repository :) | 11:28 |
wazd | Stskeeps: cause those shots are a bit outdated | 11:28 |
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goodwill | oh nice ... xchat is in testing | 11:28 |
ruskie | I'll probably just provide my own custom mp-fremantle-generic-pr with the stuff I don't want set to optional | 11:28 |
timeless_mbp | wazd: is 0.85 current? | 11:28 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: yep | 11:29 |
dnaumov | I am dissapointed, the new Maemo update didnt even kill my dog | 11:29 |
ruskie | lol | 11:29 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: but it has messed conversations :D | 11:29 |
ruskie | dnaumov, and I even updated using dist-upgrade and not HAM :) | 11:29 |
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ruskie | supposedly that's scary or something | 11:29 |
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inz | dnaumov, but it ate your uptimez! | 11:29 |
timeless_mbp | dnaumov: new maemo update? | 11:30 |
ruskie | timeless_mbp, yup | 11:30 |
ruskie | PR1.0.1 | 11:30 |
ruskie | or whatever it is | 11:30 |
ruskie | timeless_mbp, http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=40036 | 11:30 |
ifreq | updating -> | 11:30 |
timeless_mbp | 1.0.1 is a bridge | 11:30 |
timeless_mbp | it's basically supposed to fix ham and whatever else so that 1.1 can actually install | 11:31 |
dnaumov | timeless_mbp: yes, a 18,5mb update, no major changes, apparently its basically to prep the device for the major 1.1 update to be installable OTA | 11:31 |
timeless_mbp | dnaumov: oh, i know what it is :) | 11:31 |
timeless_mbp | i just didn't know it happened | 11:31 |
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timeless_mbp | dnaumov: i work for Nokia | 11:31 |
goodwill | that does it mean to fix ham? | 11:31 |
timeless_mbp | dunno | 11:32 |
timeless_mbp | but i get my news from my parents and this irc channel :) | 11:32 |
goodwill | s/that/what | 11:32 |
timeless_mbp | it could be that ham's algs were unfortunate | 11:32 |
timeless_mbp | or that ham's process/timing was bad | 11:32 |
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dnaumov | timeless_mbp: poor sod, i work for Elisa ;) | 11:32 |
timeless_mbp | all i know is the general bit of an explanation that i paid attn to months ago | 11:32 |
timeless_mbp | dnaumov: that reminds me | 11:32 |
timeless_mbp | is Welho open for business at this hour? | 11:32 |
timeless_mbp | because i need to yell at them | 11:32 |
timeless_mbp | their TV service fell apart last week | 11:33 |
dnaumov | timeless_mbp: no idea, probably | 11:33 |
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ifreq | dnaumov: you mean its not sad to work for Elisa? ;/ | 11:33 |
dnaumov | ifreq: er, no :) | 11:33 |
ifreq | <- Fujitsu :-) | 11:33 |
timeless_mbp | ifreq: i think it's fairly safe to say that if you work in HEL or .fi you deserve much sympathy | 11:33 |
ifreq | timeless_mbp: cmon :D | 11:34 |
timeless_mbp | ifreq: and probably will need therapy for the rest of your life | 11:34 |
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julianol1ver | timeless_mbp: i agree, it is quite SADD really. | 11:34 |
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dnaumov | ifreq: I've had 2 people I know switch from Elisa to Fujitsu and both later said the grass wasn't any greener | 11:34 |
julianol1ver | that said, Berlin's not a heap better. | 11:34 |
timeless_mbp | julianol1ver: and that :) | 11:34 |
ifreq | dnaumov: yeah was just teasing :) | 11:35 |
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andre__ | hmm, software updates. | 11:36 |
* timeless_mbp installs marina | 11:36 |
timeless_mbp | andre__: where's our status update on what happened to bugzilla? | 11:36 |
timeless_mbp | :) | 11:36 |
timeless_mbp | !summon WAZD | 11:36 |
timeless_mbp | his deb didn't install | 11:36 |
andre__ | timeless_mbp, I have other problems currently. | 11:37 |
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* timeless_mbp goes back to crashing libraries | 11:37 |
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timeless_mbp | this function i found calls a function which tries to load a library and gets 5 entry points | 11:37 |
timeless_mbp | the class safely null checks 4 of those entry points | 11:37 |
BirdFlew | does the n900 charge any faster in either mass storage or pc suite mode? or does that not make any difference? | 11:37 |
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ruskie | goes back to disecting and generating a new mp-fremantle-generic-pr | 11:37 |
timeless_mbp | unfortunately... that last entry point is used unconditionally after the call to load the library | 11:38 |
timeless_mbp | ruskie: do it my way | 11:38 |
timeless_mbp | please :) | 11:38 |
timeless_mbp | ruskie: dpkg-deb is your friend | 11:38 |
ruskie | timeless_mbp, to much work | 11:38 |
timeless_mbp | it's much much better | 11:38 |
timeless_mbp | s/to/too/ | 11:38 |
ruskie | timeless_mbp, also I seriously hate the debian packaging stuff | 11:38 |
timeless_mbp | ruskie: but you can use it in the future | 11:38 |
ruskie | it's a bunch of hacks | 11:38 |
lcuk | BirdFlew, i dont think it matters, fastest charging of all though is total offline + screen off + no busy apps :) | 11:38 |
timeless_mbp | oh, believe me, i hate deb packaging more than you | 11:38 |
Oli`` | Is the OTA maemo5 package update any different from the PC Suite Firmware update? | 11:38 |
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timeless_mbp | Oli``: the firmware update is going to fry your entire file system | 11:39 |
ruskie | lol | 11:39 |
timeless_mbp | over the air updates shouldn't do that | 11:39 |
timeless_mbp | he asked! | 11:39 |
ruskie | timeless_mbp, I have no clue how to do it your way | 11:39 |
timeless_mbp | ruskie: i'll walk you through the whole process :) | 11:39 |
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ruskie | and I wouldn't do any pre-packaging | 11:39 |
BirdFlew | thanks lcuk | 11:40 |
Oli`` | timeless_mbp: sure but are they essentially the same thing with different installation techniques? | 11:40 |
ruskie | I'd just replace it... and then a user can always reinstall it from nokia-binaries | 11:40 |
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timeless_mbp | ruskie: um | 11:40 |
timeless_mbp | we don't have 'nokia-binaries' | 11:40 |
ruskie | you mean by default? | 11:40 |
timeless_mbp | we do *not* expose them through a repository | 11:40 |
ruskie | erm | 11:40 |
timeless_mbp | right. | 11:40 |
ruskie | deb http://repository.maemo.org/ fremantle/HASH nokia-binaries | 11:40 |
ruskie | so what's this then? | 11:41 |
timeless_mbp | something i've never seen before? :) | 11:41 |
timeless_mbp | but officially it shouldn't exist :) | 11:41 |
Stskeeps | ruskie: token repos for SKD | 11:41 |
Stskeeps | SDK | 11:41 |
dnaumov | ifreq: admittedly, I would consider fujitsu if I'd get to play with sparc and big iron | 11:41 |
ifreq | why sim auth is not accepting numbers from keybad? :P | 11:41 |
Stskeeps | timeless_mbp: tablets-dev.nokia.com/eula magic | 11:41 |
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ifreq | dnaumov: yeah, tho thats with fuji siemens then | 11:41 |
timeless_mbp | ifreq: because someone got cute/clever | 11:41 |
ruskie | Stskeeps, still should work on the device... it's the same stuff isn't it? | 11:42 |
ifreq | timeless_mbp: yeah definitely | 11:42 |
Stskeeps | ruskie: you can reinstall it through your SSU repo, and no | 11:42 |
timeless_mbp | and i haven't had enough time/energy to get konttori to lean on whichever idiot did that wrong | 11:42 |
timeless_mbp | ifreq: if there isn't a public bug, please fix it | 11:42 |
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timeless_mbp | s/it/that/ | 11:42 |
infobot | timeless_mbp meant: ifreq: if there isn't a public bug, please fix that | 11:42 |
ifreq | timeless_mbp: it isnt a bug, its a lacking feature | 11:42 |
ruskie | Stskeeps, erm...??? the ssu/mr0 | ssu/apps ? | 11:42 |
ifreq | i guess | 11:42 |
timeless_mbp | ifreq: it's a bug. | 11:42 |
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Stskeeps | ruskie: mr0 | 11:42 |
timeless_mbp | <period> | 11:42 |
ifreq | timeless_mbp: ah ffs :( | 11:42 |
timeless_mbp | ifreq: a numeric entry field should allow entering numbers from the keyboard <period> | 11:43 |
timeless_mbp | any spec saying otherwise is BUGGY | 11:43 |
ruskie | Stskeeps, hmm no | 11:43 |
ruskie | atleast from what I can tell | 11:43 |
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Stskeeps | ruskie: apt-cache search? | 11:43 |
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timeless_mbp | ifreq: get the bug filed, i'll work w/ konttori about finding someone to fix that | 11:43 |
ruskie | Stskeeps, example: Filename: ./modest_3.0.17-rc66+0m5_armel.deb | 11:43 |
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ruskie | if you remove that without nokia-binaries you can't reinstall it | 11:43 |
timeless_mbp | ruskie: i'd suspect modest is in the sdk | 11:44 |
ruskie | tons of packages only have a ./ filename | 11:44 |
timeless_mbp | which makes it a terrible example | 11:44 |
ifreq | timeless_mbp: hmm okay, i need to learn first how bugs are filed right way :) | 11:44 |
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Stskeeps | ruskie: SSU repo used to contain the whole OS | 11:44 |
ifreq | timeless_mbp: i just thought its lacking feature | 11:44 |
goodwill | how do I do function keys on N900 | 11:44 |
goodwill | like F10 ? | 11:44 |
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timeless_mbp | goodwill: out of the box, you don't | 11:44 |
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Stskeeps | ruskie: apt-cache search modest says what? | 11:44 |
timeless_mbp | where do you need them? | 11:44 |
timeless_mbp | ruskie: do note that your repository layout can be as confused as you like | 11:45 |
ruskie | Stskeeps, only shows two installation candidates here... the one in my own nonopt repo and the one in ./ | 11:45 |
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ruskie | hmm | 11:45 |
ruskie | ow | 11:45 |
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ruskie | need to try something | 11:45 |
* timeless_mbp grumbles | 11:45 |
ruskie | anyway if all of those are available where they should be then no need to pre-package it | 11:46 |
ruskie | just reinstall from the official repo | 11:46 |
ruskie | on removal | 11:46 |
Stskeeps | ruskie: . is sane | 11:46 |
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goodwill_ | xchat on maemo is kinda usable | 11:46 |
Stskeeps | ruskie: that's from SSU repo | 11:46 |
ruskie | yeah | 11:46 |
ruskie | I remembered | 11:47 |
timeless_mbp | not everything exists in ssu | 11:47 |
ruskie | what is missing? | 11:47 |
ruskie | and why? | 11:47 |
timeless_mbp | anything that hasn't been _updated_ | 11:47 |
timeless_mbp | (hopefully) | 11:47 |
timeless_mbp | that's the 'u' in ssu | 11:47 |
Stskeeps | timeless_mbp: mr0 exists and that's not a ssu :P | 11:47 |
ruskie | so the entire OS does NOT exist then | 11:47 |
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timeless_mbp | ruskie: the entire OS exists! it's on your device =b | 11:48 |
timeless_mbp | that's rich. calling something in your hands vaporware =b | 11:48 |
ruskie | I know after I removed modest the first time with only the ssu/mr0 repos I couldn't get modest back other than adding nokia-binaries | 11:48 |
timeless_mbp | dnaumov: does everyone insist on interrupting their elevator music to say "you're still on hold" | 11:48 |
timeless_mbp | and if so, *WHY* | 11:48 |
ruskie | lol | 11:49 |
ruskie | timeless_mbp, because they wan't to provide a proper "service" ;) | 11:49 |
* RST38h moos at wazd | 11:50 |
Stskeeps | ruskie: i have modest in apt-cache search :P | 11:50 |
ruskie | Stskeeps, yeah now that an update is available | 11:50 |
* timeless_mbp grumbles | 11:51 |
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lcuk | anyone know off hand what the console foo is to list the size of all folders | 11:51 |
ruskie | lcuk, all where? | 11:52 |
ruskie | in current dir? | 11:52 |
ruskie | du -hsc * | 11:52 |
ruskie | tends to work | 11:52 |
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hrw | morning | 11:52 |
hrw | vote for bug #7797 | 11:52 |
povbot` | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7797 Bugs got lost during server move? | 11:52 |
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rlinfati | WoW red pill mode donot work on pr 1.0.1 :( | 11:53 |
lcuk | thx ruskie | 11:53 |
lcuk | hey hrw | 11:53 |
lcuk | how many missing? | 11:53 |
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goodwill | no red pill on flinfati | 11:54 |
goodwill | ? | 11:54 |
goodwill | hmmm time for aptitude then | 11:54 |
ruskie | Stskeeps, I disable ssu repo and now modest has no installation source | 11:54 |
hrw | goodwill: if you will find version which will work | 11:55 |
ruskie | so not everything is in mr0 | 11:55 |
rlinfati | goodwill apt-get... aptitude is not in the device | 11:55 |
andre__ | hrw, what will voting on bug 7797 change? | 11:55 |
goodwill | rlinfati: https://garage.maemo.org/projects/aptitude/ | 11:55 |
timeless_mbp | so help. | 11:55 |
andre__ | nice, red pill finally dead? yay. | 11:55 |
andre__ | timeless_mbp, who do you talk to? | 11:55 |
goodwill | of course its pre alpha | 11:55 |
hrw | andre__: probably nothing but I use votes as mechanism of 'I want this bug to be fixed too' | 11:55 |
* goodwill liked red pill | 11:55 |
timeless_mbp | some idiot in the welho call center | 11:55 |
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andre__ | hrw: see the corresponding comments at http://www.qaiku.com/channels/show/maemork/ | 11:56 |
andre__ | timeless_mbp, same for you ^ | 11:56 |
hrw | arhg | 11:57 |
hrw | twitter, identica, qaiku, facebook, gsgwe,gerer,qw325723,...,wet2352 - how may socials we have? | 11:57 |
* mece never saw the point of "red pill mode" | 11:57 |
* rlinfati liked "matrix mode" | 11:57 |
hrw | mece: neither did I - apt-get works much better | 11:57 |
mece | hrw, exactly! | 11:58 |
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* lcuk joins a social networking network, ive added 47 networks this morning! | 11:58 |
* timeless_mbp sighs | 11:58 |
goodwill_ | apt-cache is a lousy | 11:58 |
timeless_mbp | what the **** | 11:58 |
goodwill_ | apt-cache is lousy | 11:58 |
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timeless_mbp | this idiot insists my "antenna cable" needs to be changed annually | 11:59 |
timeless_mbp | what kind of crap is this? | 11:59 |
dnaumov | timeless_mbp: not annually, but every 3-5 years is a good idea | 11:59 |
hrw | time to report bug then: add support for qaiku to conversations | 11:59 |
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timeless_mbp | dnaumov: why? | 11:59 |
hrw | or sth like that? | 11:59 |
mece | goodwill, what does red pill have to do with apt-cache? | 11:59 |
timeless_mbp | i never had to do this in the states | 11:59 |
timeless_mbp | dnaumov: besides, i had someone else last night indicate they had the same problem | 12:00 |
timeless_mbp | ... | 12:00 |
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goodwill_ | i find it easier to browse thru packages using the apt manager | 12:00 |
dnaumov | timeless_mbp: copper loses its signal transfer capability over time, the longer the cable, the faster it reaches the threshhold of being noticable to the user | 12:00 |
goodwill_ | aplication manager | 12:00 |
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goodwill_ | then to use apt-cache to search | 12:00 |
ruskie | goodwill_, browsing != searching | 12:00 |
ruskie | two completl different operations | 12:01 |
timeless_mbp | goodwill: s/apt manager/app manager/ | 12:01 |
dnaumov | timeless_mbp: I am not saying YOUR issue right now is a cable issue, I have no idea, but in general, that idea is correct :) | 12:01 |
ruskie | dnaumov, hmm interesting | 12:01 |
ruskie | about copper cables | 12:01 |
goodwill_ | ruskie: apt does not have good category browsing | 12:01 |
timeless_mbp | dnaumov: can i sue them for the cost of the cable if they're wrong? | 12:01 |
timeless_mbp | actually | 12:02 |
timeless_mbp | what would it take to prove it isn't the cable | 12:02 |
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dnaumov | timeless_mbp: of course not, they however can and will bill you if they send an enginner over to your place and engineer isolates the problem to be on your premises :) | 12:02 |
timeless_mbp | short of buying a new one | 12:02 |
timeless_mbp | if i have 1 channel that works, is that sufficient? | 12:02 |
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dnaumov | no | 12:02 |
dnaumov | could very well be a damage cable case where multiple MUXes are affected | 12:03 |
timeless_mbp | dnaumov: yeah, 50eur | 12:03 |
ruskie | hmm stupid policy to bill it | 12:03 |
timeless_mbp | al things considered | 12:03 |
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timeless_mbp | i'm tempted to pay the 50eur | 12:03 |
timeless_mbp | it's better than walking to the stupid store to buy the cable | 12:03 |
dnaumov | ruskie: not really, even when billed, its still a loss for the provider | 12:03 |
timeless_mbp | will they at least provide me with the cable? | 12:03 |
wazd | RST38h: heya | 12:03 |
timeless_mbp | dnaumov: ooh, they lose money even when billing? | 12:03 |
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timeless_mbp | so i should make them do it, just for that | 12:03 |
dnaumov | timeless_mbp: yes | 12:03 |
ruskie | dnaumov, well here I don't get billed for such things as a get an engineer overe here to check this malfunctioning connection | 12:04 |
timeless_mbp | sounds like a good deal to me | 12:04 |
timeless_mbp | will they replace the cable too? | 12:04 |
ruskie | I would get billed for materialls if they replaced something that I owned instead of had on rent from them | 12:04 |
timeless_mbp | yeah, that's the way it works in sane places | 12:04 |
ruskie | but then a coax cable is cheap enough to replace | 12:05 |
julianol1ver | bbs | 12:05 |
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timeless_mbp | ruskie: it costs more if it's winter outside | 12:05 |
Stskeeps | wazd: got an hour to help me with some CSS to pretty-fy a rather ugly html page? | 12:05 |
dnaumov | timeless_mbp / ruskie: for example if you have an ADSL problem and call your ISP in Finland, ISP sends and engineer over, engineer locates the problem to be non-ISP related (for example phone cable, modem, etc). End customer is billed 80 euro for the bullshit engineer call. ISP is still at a loss, because ISP is billed over 100 eur for the gig by the engineering subcontractor. | 12:05 |
timeless_mbp | plus i'd have to go to the store, buy a measuring tape | 12:05 |
ruskie | ahh this is an outside connection? | 12:05 |
timeless_mbp | dnaumov: nice | 12:05 |
Arkenoi | 44.1 is released? | 12:05 |
timeless_mbp | Arkenoi: someone should topic it | 12:05 |
timeless_mbp | but don't get excited | 12:06 |
timeless_mbp | it isn't a feature upgrade | 12:06 |
timeless_mbp | it's a bridge to a feature upgrade | 12:06 |
konttori_nokia | timeless_mbp, ifreq : get what fixed? | 12:06 |
ruskie | sure it is... HAM has nice icons | 12:06 |
timeless_mbp | konttori_nokia: your color.css file and the generator are busted | 12:06 |
konttori_nokia | lemme know the bug # and I'll try get it sorted out | 12:06 |
timeless_mbp | oh | 12:06 |
Arkenoi | timeless_mbp, but it is unavailable as "live" update still | 12:06 |
timeless_mbp | the pin input thing | 12:06 |
timeless_mbp | pin input doesn't accept hardware keyboard for numeric input | 12:06 |
ruskie | Arkenoi, it is available | 12:06 |
Arkenoi | do not see it via application manager | 12:07 |
timeless_mbp | konttori_nokia: http://www.webwizardry.net/~timeless/n900/chat/nuvofre-colors.css | 12:07 |
timeless_mbp | is a fixed css theme file | 12:07 |
ruskie | probably not yet available for your location | 12:07 |
timeless_mbp | please pull it in and fix theme maker | 12:07 |
Stskeeps | timeless_mbp: reported it earlier this morning, too :) | 12:07 |
timeless_mbp | konttori_nokia: roughly your css rules are <Background> {color: foo; } | 12:07 |
konttori_nokia | timeless_mbp, ah, the colors css. Yeah, planning to fix it in the evening. | 12:07 |
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timeless_mbp | cool :) | 12:07 |
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* timeless_mbp goes back to trying to figure out what the heck to do with these stupid cables | 12:08 |
timeless_mbp | dnaumov: so... erm | 12:08 |
konttori_nokia | I have ugly code that changes the colors and I think it has hardcoded part for the {color: | 12:08 |
timeless_mbp | is the copper degrading with time? | 12:08 |
konttori_nokia | (and thus not for {background: | 12:08 |
wazd | Stskeeps: well, lets try :) | 12:08 |
timeless_mbp | konttori_nokia: "background-color" please | 12:08 |
Arkenoi | ruskie: what should i do to get it (reflash is not an option)? | 12:08 |
ruskie | Arkenoi, wait a day? | 12:08 |
hrw | hmm.. here upgrading to 1.0.1 enabled 'nokia nseries' theme instead of 'ditigal nature' which was enabled | 12:08 |
Arkenoi | ah ;-) | 12:08 |
timeless_mbp | konttori_nokia: also, your dark gray in the mail headers is too dark against black text | 12:09 |
wazd | konttori_nokia: and something is very wrong with RSS applet skin btw | 12:09 |
Stskeeps | wazd: hmm, let me just upload my latest version | 12:09 |
konttori_nokia | yeah, it is. I agree | 12:09 |
konttori_nokia | wazd, I know. | 12:09 |
konttori_nokia | wazd, I will fix that also. | 12:09 |
wazd | konttori_nokia: I can't specify what exactly but it definitely is :D | 12:09 |
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timeless_mbp | konttori_nokia: did you see my comment about the bad contrast for the tiny white icons? | 12:10 |
timeless_mbp | konttori_nokia: btw, your icons overall are awesome | 12:10 |
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konttori_nokia | I did. And won't probably do much about it for a while. You see, the current icons are nokia copyright | 12:10 |
konttori_nokia | so, I would need to completely re-create them | 12:10 |
konttori_nokia | which would take time | 12:10 |
* timeless_mbp nods | 12:10 |
* ruskie is happy with his modded digital nature theme | 12:11 |
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ruskie | finally a device with a themeing setup where I don't need an app to actually modify or create themes | 12:12 |
inz | how do i get google calendar to show the real ui instead of the sucky mobile one | 12:12 |
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mece | noooo | 12:12 |
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ruskie | maybe override the browser user-agent to not send maemo/n900 ? | 12:12 |
mece | I updated rootsh and now rootsh command is gone :( oh well. | 12:12 |
ruskie | that helped me for atleast one site | 12:12 |
ruskie | mece, erm? gainroot ? root ? | 12:12 |
mece | ruskie, yeah but rootsh worked like sudo. | 12:13 |
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Stskeeps | sudo gainroot | 12:13 |
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ruskie | gainroot does as well iir | 12:13 |
ruskie | c | 12:13 |
ruskie | ahh | 12:13 |
timeless_mbp | rootsh was removed | 12:14 |
timeless_mbp | it was decided iiuc that it was a security vulnerability waiting to happen | 12:14 |
ruskie | I wish apps didn't remove custom modifications in /etc/sudoers | 12:14 |
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timeless_mbp | ruskie: um | 12:15 |
ruskie | no comment on that kind of thinking | 12:15 |
timeless_mbp | use /etc/sudoers.d/ like everyone else | 12:15 |
timeless_mbp | that's what i do | 12:15 |
timeless_mbp | /etc/sudoers.d/custom.... | 12:15 |
ruskie | ow | 12:15 |
ruskie | wasn't even aware of it | 12:15 |
timeless_mbp | most likely the apps weren't even aware of your changes and just ran update-sudoers | 12:15 |
timeless_mbp | which stepped on your unregistered (bogus) changes | 12:15 |
* timeless_mbp wonders if sudoers has "# this is a generated file, do not edit" | 12:16 |
timeless_mbp | dnaumov: right, so about these stupid cables | 12:16 |
timeless_mbp | are you basically saying i should take all my copper cables and recycle them now | 12:16 |
timeless_mbp | so i don't confuse myself? | 12:16 |
timeless_mbp | the guy also claimed that my cables shouldn't exceed 4m | 12:17 |
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timeless_mbp | oh | 12:17 |
timeless_mbp | in case people are curious | 12:17 |
timeless_mbp | the reason tablet-browser-controls is updated is this: | 12:17 |
timeless_mbp | Ovi demands that they can uniquely identify each version of system software | 12:18 |
timeless_mbp | so they can provide custom content | 12:18 |
inz | ruskie, yeah that helped; was hoping for some other, cleaner solution | 12:18 |
dnaumov | timeless_mbp: plug to TV or plug to cable modem recommended lengh is 0,5 - 1,5m | 12:18 |
timeless_mbp | dnaumov: and what if my cable box isn't .5m from the hole in my wall? | 12:18 |
timeless_mbp | am i supposed to hide it under my desk? | 12:18 |
timeless_mbp | what kind of stupid thing is this | 12:18 |
ruskie | lol | 12:19 |
timeless_mbp | (please understand my anger) | 12:19 |
dnaumov | timeless_mbp: it's called laws of physics in my circles :) | 12:19 |
ruskie | I've got 20m of coax to my cable modem from the wall... and from the wall to the box another 20m | 12:19 |
* Jaffa boggles at the WONTFIX comment on bug 7263. | 12:19 |
povbot` | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7263 Media player uses space as artist name when looking up artwork | 12:19 |
timeless_mbp | dnaumov: customers don't really care about the laws of physics | 12:19 |
timeless_mbp | other than the ones that talk about "infrared wavelengths do not go through wood" | 12:19 |
ruskie | timeless_mbp, you sure about that? ;) | 12:20 |
ruskie | that's why they sell all these various sorts of: put this here to control a device in a wodden box devices | 12:20 |
timeless_mbp | and the corollary: you can't use the remote to reach the cable box if its ir port isn't usefully exposed | 12:20 |
Jaffa | konttori_nokia: So much for the MediaArtSpec, eh? https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7263#c5 | 12:20 |
povbot` | Bug 7263: Media player uses space as artist name when looking up artwork | 12:20 |
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rlinfati | Wow 400000 spam mail on my yahoo inbox..... | 12:22 |
ruskie | hmm don't think I still have a usable yahoo mailbox | 12:22 |
timeless_mbp | Jaffa: specs don't matter | 12:22 |
timeless_mbp | only managers | 12:22 |
timeless_mbp | fwiw, i've actually heard the explanation for that bug | 12:23 |
timeless_mbp | Jaffa: i'd suggest buying a media player that is made by a company with a respectable music record | 12:23 |
timeless_mbp | i can't think of many, but i suppose Apple might qualify | 12:23 |
ruskie | lol | 12:23 |
timeless_mbp | maybe they'll port iTunes to the n900? | 12:24 |
Jaffa | timeless_mbp: I'm not in a happy Maemo mood, what with the packaging cock ups on bug 7742 as well. | 12:24 |
povbot` | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7742 Apps depending on libqt4-phonon won't install on 2.2009.51-1 | 12:24 |
goodwill_ | hahhahaa | 12:24 |
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Jaffa | timeless_mbp: Short version: new Qt versions will be pushed when PR 1.1 is out. This shows some kind of lack of knowledge as to what a apt & dpkg can allow. | 12:24 |
timeless_mbp | Jaffa: i can't say i'm shocked | 12:25 |
ruskie | Jaffa, no it shows how nokia thinks they should work | 12:25 |
timeless_mbp | but i'd suggest instead of looking at it that way | 12:25 |
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ruskie | Jaffa, read up on the HAM stuff and you'll understand... I do now | 12:25 |
timeless_mbp | you look at it from a "can i give them cookie cutter code that would do what they need" | 12:25 |
timeless_mbp | because these are cookie cutter monkeys | 12:25 |
timeless_mbp | if you give them something they can copy and paste which would work, they might just use it | 12:25 |
Nitial | any ideas if the media player should understand h264/aac rtsp stream? | 12:25 |
ruskie | timeless_mbp, sad but true | 12:26 |
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timeless_mbp | dnaumov: right so... | 12:26 |
timeless_mbp | i have one cable channel which is working fine right now | 12:27 |
timeless_mbp | and you're saying that doesn't prove anything | 12:27 |
timeless_mbp | well, mostly fine | 12:27 |
timeless_mbp | one minor glitch in 1 minute | 12:27 |
timeless_mbp | vs. 90-95% blocky constantly | 12:27 |
ruskie | hmm sounds like DVB-C or something along those lines... i.e. digital instead of analog | 12:28 |
timeless_mbp | (channel seems to be 499? something in some random stupid language, swedish?) | 12:28 |
dnaumov | timeless_mbp: correct, it doesnt really say anything, there are over 15 different MUXes in our network (probably similar in Welho's) and specific MUXes being broken can mean either a network issue or a bent/damaged cable | 12:28 |
timeless_mbp | ruskie: oh, i'm pretty sure all of my content is digital | 12:28 |
timeless_mbp | dnaumov: ok, back to my original problem | 12:28 |
timeless_mbp | ok, now the channel i'm watching is stuttering | 12:29 |
timeless_mbp | dnaumov: but i can't claim that intermittent problems must be upstream? | 12:29 |
timeless_mbp | .. back to the earlier question | 12:29 |
timeless_mbp | should i just recycle all of my copper | 12:29 |
timeless_mbp | so that i don't have other cables lying around | 12:29 |
dnaumov | timeless_mbp: the cable is like 5eur or less, replace it, if problem persists, order the engineer from Welho | 12:29 |
timeless_mbp | since they would have "hypothetically" degraded | 12:29 |
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timeless_mbp | dnaumov: it requires going outside! | 12:30 |
ruskie | online order? | 12:30 |
ruskie | and have it delivered | 12:30 |
timeless_mbp | does verkokauppa deliver on 5eur? | 12:30 |
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timeless_mbp | dnaumov: i'm still trying to figure out this 0.5-1.5m nonsense | 12:30 |
Jaffa | ruskie: But PR1.1 has a separate apps repository available. | 12:31 |
timeless_mbp | roughly that means i can't have my cable box where it's sitting | 12:31 |
ruskie | Jaffa, ??? | 12:31 |
timeless_mbp | it might even mean i need a different length scart cable or different length fiber-audio cable | 12:31 |
rlinfati | what are the -zhhk stuff on extras-devel ? | 12:32 |
dnaumov | timeless_mbp: blame whoever placed the antenna plugs in your apartment or whoever decided the placement of your furniture :) | 12:32 |
ruskie | chinese/hong kong localisation?+ | 12:32 |
timeless_mbp | the antenna plug is in the corner of the apt | 12:32 |
timeless_mbp | the furniture placement is mine | 12:32 |
timeless_mbp | rlinfati: / ruskie : yes | 12:33 |
timeless_mbp | however, they're in murky waters at this time | 12:33 |
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timeless_mbp | so i wouldn't rely on that until we get some stuff sorted out | 12:33 |
rlinfati | is ugly.... why show only a meta-package with -zhhk stuff ? | 12:33 |
* timeless_mbp is waiting to hear back from someone who is waiting to hear back from someone | 12:33 |
ruskie | agreed | 12:33 |
timeless_mbp | rlinfati: eh? | 12:33 |
ruskie | he means show only a metapackage for it | 12:34 |
Jaffa | ruskie: The conclusion makes no sense (even taking into account HAM's apt-ish algorithms) because there's a separate dmnc/fremantle/ssu/apps/ AFAICT | 12:34 |
timeless_mbp | ruskie: oh, send them an email suggesting the other packages should not be user/* | 12:34 |
ruskie | I thought they were unlike-apt-ish | 12:34 |
* ruskie wonders when he'll be able to use LC_TIME=en_DK to have all time displayed in ISO format | 12:35 |
timeless_mbp | konttori_nokia: the application-manager search packages dialog is unusable in your theme | 12:36 |
timeless_mbp | it's black text on dark gray background | 12:36 |
ruskie | hmm my pr1.1 upgrade ought to be fun with all the mods I have in event.d and init.d | 12:36 |
timeless_mbp | rlinfati: so about the zhhk stuff | 12:36 |
timeless_mbp | having actually done this once for diablo and friends | 12:37 |
timeless_mbp | the problem is that you can't know which packages the user has installed | 12:37 |
timeless_mbp | forcing them to install packages they don't use, doesn't work well | 12:37 |
timeless_mbp | showing them all the packages also, obviously, doesn't work well | 12:37 |
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Jaffa | ruskie: I was damning with faint praise ;-) | 12:37 |
timeless_mbp | you can see enus1/engb1 in diablo extras-devel for comparison | 12:37 |
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timeless_mbp | rlinfati: you can look at my n900 enus1/engb1 for comparison to see how i solved it | 12:38 |
timeless_mbp | my solution for fremantle is imo much better | 12:38 |
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timeless_mbp | but i don't want them reinventing that either | 12:38 |
timeless_mbp | i'd like them to just use my solution (or a variant thereof) | 12:38 |
xorAxAx | ruskie: man diff | 12:39 |
timeless_mbp | anyway, until we get out of the murky waters, none of us should be investing much time on it | 12:39 |
timeless_mbp | xorAxAx: | 12:40 |
timeless_mbp | 1. diff isn't installed | 12:40 |
timeless_mbp | 2. man isn't installed | 12:40 |
timeless_mbp | 3. docpurge is installed | 12:40 |
ruskie | xorAxAx, ? | 12:40 |
xorAxAx | timeless_mbp: :-P | 12:40 |
timeless_mbp | 4. i doubt he kept backups of the originals, so nothing to diff against | 12:40 |
ruskie | timeless_mbp, I can always get them back :) | 12:40 |
timeless_mbp | he should have used rsync to a zfs snapshotted volume | 12:40 |
timeless_mbp | then he could diff against the snapshot on a non lame os | 12:40 |
ruskie | it's easy to unpack the rootfs from the fiasco image | 12:40 |
ruskie | diff is availabli in extras | 12:41 |
ccooke | Good Morning | 12:41 |
rlinfati | ruskie, how you unpack the ubifs ? | 12:41 |
ruskie | and I actually have all modifications in a script so I actually know what needs to be modded | 12:41 |
inz | is there a way to add aliases to email app? | 12:41 |
timeless_mbp | aliases? | 12:41 |
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timeless_mbp | as in a group to send messages to? | 12:42 |
ruskie | rlinfati, enable ubifs support(wherever that is) and mount loop it | 12:42 |
* timeless_mbp grumbles | 12:42 |
* timeless_mbp kicks oggsupport | 12:42 |
inz | so i could send from other addresses | 12:42 |
timeless_mbp | it restarted my media daemons more than once | 12:42 |
ruskie | lol | 12:42 |
timeless_mbp | inz: oh, heh | 12:42 |
timeless_mbp | "forget about it" ;-b | 12:42 |
timeless_mbp | that's so not an end user task | 12:42 |
ruskie | happyily listens to oggs and flacs and wavpacks etc... using xmms2 on the n900 | 12:42 |
timeless_mbp | upgrade to gmail :) | 12:42 |
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konttori_nokia | timeless_mbp, thanks for the report. I'll check it out in the evening (damn, lots of things to do in the evening... might not be able to do all) | 12:43 |
ruskie | I Think he wants multiple indentities | 12:43 |
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timeless_mbp | :) | 12:43 |
timeless_mbp | i know the feeling | 12:43 |
inz | timeless, but gmail doesnt wake me up in the middle of the night to let me know my library loans expire in a week | 12:43 |
timeless_mbp | konttori_nokia: if at some point you want to switch to a bug based system, let me know | 12:43 |
timeless_mbp | inz: google calendar sends me sms's | 12:43 |
inz | ruskie, indeed | 12:43 |
ruskie | gah... really wish there was a mailer-switcher | 12:43 |
ruskie | then I could finally dump modest and use alpine on the device | 12:44 |
timeless_mbp | ruskie: does alpine not suck on mobile? | 12:44 |
timeless_mbp | my experience w/ linux apps is: | 12:44 |
timeless_mbp | 1. they suck | 12:44 |
timeless_mbp | 2. they're much worse on mobile platforms | 12:44 |
ruskie | why would it suck? and why would it be worse than that $#$$@# called modest | 12:44 |
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LinuxCode | 3. you just fail ? | 12:44 |
timeless_mbp | ruskie: modest doesn't try to do much | 12:45 |
timeless_mbp | and w/ MfE, it /almost/ works | 12:45 |
ruskie | and all I really need from it is to be able to click on a a malito anywhere on the device and launch a composer | 12:45 |
timeless_mbp | minus about 20 bugs | 12:45 |
timeless_mbp | (i can list them if people care) | 12:45 |
rlinfati | the ovi stuff is not optifiqued? ( installing hildon-theme-wordcity... ) | 12:46 |
timeless_mbp | rlinfati: you expect ovi to have useful quality controls? :) | 12:47 |
ruskie | lol | 12:47 |
timeless_mbp | ovi probably offers FREEDOM ;-b | 12:47 |
hrw | btw - where maemo theme maker is available for download? | 12:47 |
ruskie | garage iirc | 12:48 |
timeless_mbp | oh hey, is bounce available yet? | 12:48 |
timeless_mbp | last i tried, i lost bounce | 12:48 |
* rlinfati dpkg -P hildon-theme-wordcity | 12:48 |
timeless_mbp | which made my christmas demos very unbouncy :( | 12:49 |
hrw | got it | 12:49 |
konttori_nokia | is wordcity still in the ovi store? | 12:49 |
konttori_nokia | crap! | 12:49 |
hrw | konttori_nokia: can you update theme maker page a bit? | 12:49 |
rlinfati | konttori_nokia, yes... | 12:49 |
ruskie | hmm I wonder how many people will actually use Ovi with the N900 | 12:49 |
konttori_nokia | hrw: you mean, like totally update it? | 12:49 |
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rlinfati | konttori_nokia, Version: 5.13.1-1 | 12:50 |
ruskie | maybe Pizero for the premium themes... wonder what else | 12:50 |
hrw | konttori_nokia: even replace is with info which version exists and what targets | 12:50 |
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hrw | konttori_nokia: when I got to page I thought "theme maker is for 770 only" | 12:50 |
timeless_mbp | btw, does theme maker still support 770? | 12:51 |
timeless_mbp | because the readme for thememaker was incredibly confused | 12:51 |
timeless_mbp | :) | 12:51 |
timeless_mbp | or i should say readmes, iirc there were 3, each w/ totally contradictory info | 12:51 |
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wazd | Stskeeps: have you sent something yet? :) | 12:53 |
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Stskeeps | wazd: no, i decided i needed to do some additional changes to the thing :P | 12:53 |
wazd | Stskeeps: ah, oke | 12:53 |
alterego | This site looks pretty fishy: http://buydirect.myshopify.com/products/nokia-n900-unlocked?utm_source=google-product-search | 12:54 |
rlinfati | Description: FTP photo, video, audio and file Uploader <- cool.... | 12:55 |
pupnik | where rlinfati | 12:55 |
rlinfati | ovi | 12:55 |
rlinfati | sharing-service-ftp | 12:55 |
Stskeeps | something useful? :o | 12:55 |
* rlinfati looking all ovi stuff | 12:55 |
timeless_mbp | alterego: 430 usd does seem a bit cheap | 12:55 |
Stskeeps | (where's my sharing-service-scp) | 12:55 |
timeless_mbp | Stskeeps: i keep asking for that | 12:56 |
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pupnik | you in uk alterego | 12:57 |
pupnik | that is a bit too cheap it seems | 12:57 |
ruskie | http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/01/11/anopticon_italy/ <-- hmm would be nice to have an app for this... | 12:58 |
hrw | konttori_nokia: so now, when pr 1.0.1 got released - any infos for pr 1.1? | 12:59 |
* ccooke notes that, according to maemotalk, nothing notable has happened in the maemo community in the last seven weeks... | 12:59 |
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* rlinfati installing sharing-service-youtube and removing qik..... | 13:00 |
konttori_nokia | hrw, not yet, but expect to hear a date in the next few days | 13:02 |
Stskeeps | If u r developer, be aware that Red Pill mode is gone after #N900 44-1 update. To prevent installing packages missing required dependencies' | 13:03 |
Stskeeps | excellent | 13:03 |
slonopotamus | oh my | 13:04 |
slonopotamus | fremantle update arrived | 13:04 |
GAN900 | Finally. | 13:04 |
pillar | just updated mine | 13:04 |
GAN900 | Good bye Red Pill and good riddance. | 13:04 |
Stskeeps | could someone with PR1.0.1 dpkg -l getbootstate for me? | 13:04 |
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hrw | Stskeeps: same ver | 13:05 |
Stskeeps | as in pr1.0? | 13:05 |
hrw | Stskeeps: 1.0.35+0m5 | 13:05 |
Stskeeps | thanks | 13:05 |
hrw | Stskeeps: it was not part of 44.1 | 13:05 |
Stskeeps | yeah, i assumed | 13:05 |
Stskeeps | just checking if bootmenu patcher would fail with 44.1 so | 13:05 |
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hrw | amazing - brainstorm page got loaded after few days | 13:06 |
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* slonopotamus waits a couple of days with updating to see how it breaks for others :P | 13:09 |
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puroresu | Hey there. Just got me new N900, can't seem to connect to extras-devel to get dependency packages for DrNokSnes. Is there a problem? | 13:12 |
hrw | thx konttori_nokia | 13:12 |
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smaug | there was some OS update to N900 | 13:14 |
cehteh | orly? | 13:15 |
smaug | but still no working email client :( | 13:15 |
redeeman | Stskeeps: red pill mode? | 13:15 |
Stskeeps | smaug: PR1.0.1, stepping stone to PR1.1 | 13:15 |
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timeless_mbp | smaug: it's a bridge | 13:15 |
cehteh | smaug: claws | 13:15 |
timeless_mbp | i think i mentioned it to you earlier :) | 13:15 |
smaug | timeless_mbp: ah, this is the bridge you mentioned | 13:15 |
cehteh | bit pita to use because its not hildonized, but it works at least | 13:15 |
xorAxAx | 12:15:18 -!- Irssi: New peak in #maemo@freenode : 525 | 13:15 |
timeless_mbp | Stskeeps: red pill is really gone? | 13:16 |
smaug | timeless_mbp: I assume 1.1 is coming pretty soon then | 13:16 |
timeless_mbp | smaug: *shrug* | 13:16 |
timeless_mbp | i found out about 1.0.1's release from people in this channel | 13:16 |
timeless_mbp | that's how i get my news :) | 13:16 |
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smaug | :) | 13:16 |
slonopotamus | xorAxAx: 526 :) | 13:16 |
hrw | http://maemo.org/community/brainstorm/view/enabling_fast_access_to_2nd_screen_of_apps_in_apps_menu/ is fun | 13:17 |
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hrw | hildon-desktop HEAD has it solved but PR 1.3 will be probably first with this function ;( | 13:17 |
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smaug | timeless_mbp: btw, there is a bug in the update process. Theming gets messed | 13:18 |
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hrw | smaug: same here | 13:18 |
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timeless_mbp | smaug: tell konttori_nokia ;-) | 13:20 |
timeless_mbp | he's much more of a manager | 13:20 |
timeless_mbp | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=40036 has 18 pages of comments about it | 13:21 |
timeless_mbp | or maybe it has 24 pages? | 13:21 |
timeless_mbp | (and i'm on page 9) | 13:21 |
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slonopotamus | smaug: too late :) it's already landing on zillions of n900s :) | 13:23 |
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smaug | I wonder how well n900 has sold so far. At least in Finland I've seen it quite often | 13:24 |
Stskeeps | it's all the nokia employees who no longer have to hide their n900s? ;p | 13:25 |
smaug | and heard stories how people have almost moved from using laptop to using n900 | 13:25 |
flux | stskeeps, obviously they are hiding their n920's now or something ;) | 13:25 |
smaug | yeah, there are few thousands Nokia employees in Helsinki area :) | 13:26 |
Stskeeps | flux: n920 attaches to your skin and enhances your abilities ;) | 13:26 |
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VDVsx | so, is everyone happy now that we've the first fw update ? :D | 13:29 |
* VDVsx doubts | 13:29 |
wazd | VDVsx: just saw engadget's post bout BM, cool :) | 13:29 |
VDVsx | wazd, old news :p | 13:30 |
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Stskeeps | VDVsx: i'm starting to realize why nokia doesn't announce exact dates cos people get pissy when a deadline passes ;) | 13:30 |
wazd | VDVsx: well, I was away :) | 13:30 |
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ccooke | VDVsx: firmware update? | 13:30 |
ccooke | should that appear OTA? | 13:31 |
VDVsx | Stskeeps, they announced some sort of deadline at the summit | 13:31 |
VDVsx | ccooke, I guess so, I've pr1.1 so didn't received any update as expected | 13:32 |
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VDVsx | oh 24 pages at tmo about the new fw o_0 | 13:33 |
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ccooke | hmm. No OTA update available for me. Bah! | 13:33 |
timeless_mbp | konttori_nokia: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=463635&postcount=119 is cute | 13:34 |
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VDVsx | timeless_mbp, are you reading tmo ? :D | 13:35 |
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timeless_mbp | no! | 13:35 |
* VDVsx hides :D | 13:35 |
* timeless_mbp frowns | 13:35 |
timeless_mbp | something strange is going on w/ my debugger | 13:35 |
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* timeless_mbp ponders | 13:39 |
timeless_mbp | so.... | 13:39 |
timeless_mbp | people are <2m tall, right? | 13:39 |
Jaffa | timeless_mbp: Most people | 13:39 |
timeless_mbp | so a 1m cable will give me roughly the vertical height of a desk | 13:39 |
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timeless_mbp | but essentially nothing more | 13:39 |
* timeless_mbp curses Welho/Elisa | 13:40 |
timeless_mbp | i should not have to arrange my entire apt based on your stupid cable jacks | 13:40 |
ruskie | :) | 13:40 |
SpeedEvil | timeless: the analog cables out of hte box will never show blockyness | 13:42 |
timeless_mbp | ? | 13:42 |
SpeedEvil | timeless: if you connect a 100m SCART cable - it won't be blocky - it may be a bit blurred, and the colours a bit muddy | 13:42 |
* timeless_mbp needs to run and grab food | 13:43 |
xorAxAx | SpeedEvil: well, and you get a lot of ghost imagery | 13:43 |
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SpeedEvil | xorAxAx: well - at 100m - not really | 13:44 |
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SpeedEvil | xorAxAx: 100m is only 500ns or so, or 1/128th or so of a line. | 13:44 |
SpeedEvil | xorAxAx: and termination will remove most of the reflections. If it's quality coax, there is no issue. | 13:45 |
xorAxAx | scart cable with coax? :) | 13:45 |
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SpeedEvil | xorAxAx: yes, I have several leads. | 13:48 |
SpeedEvil | Some I DIY'd | 13:48 |
xorAxAx | cool | 13:49 |
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SpeedEvil | the few purchased leads I have make some attempt too - though the grade of coax is typically very poor | 13:50 |
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mrmg | Hiya, new N900 owner here saying Hi. :) | 13:53 |
Xisdibik | Hi new n900 owner here saying Hi. :) | 13:53 |
alterego | Maybe one day I'll have an N900 .. | 13:53 |
* alterego dreams | 13:53 |
BirdFlew | greetings mrmg | 13:54 |
* BirdFlew is also a new N900 owner | 13:54 |
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* xorAxAx lives in germany and is still waiting for the n900 | 13:54 |
BirdFlew | haven't been this excited about a piece of hardware in a long time | 13:55 |
* cehteh lives in germany and will send his n900 back today | 13:55 |
Nitial | would be nice to know some sale n900 stats.. must be good because nokia has problems to fulfill the demand ;) | 13:55 |
BirdFlew | why, cehteh? | 13:55 |
* mgedmin nearly lost his n900 to a hot tea spill on Saturday | 13:56 |
cehteh | broken cable, camera slide and reboots | 13:56 |
cehteh | i hope newer hardware revisions are better | 13:56 |
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cehteh | i should start deleting the device ... | 13:57 |
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Stskeeps | tigert: ping | 13:57 |
Xisdibik | Stskeeps: pong | 13:57 |
tigert | Stskeeps: pong? | 13:58 |
tigert | Xisdibik: hush | 13:58 |
flux | soo, what's the least amount of space at / someone has managed to install the new ugprade in? | 13:58 |
flux | iow is 30M sufficient :) | 13:59 |
Xisdibik | tigert: yessa massa | 13:59 |
Stskeeps | tigert: seems like the template source has been pushed out now, though as CC SA 2.5 | 13:59 |
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tigert | fyi: ogg support works fine in pr1.0.1 | 14:00 |
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tigert | at least www.metrofm.fi stream plays ok | 14:00 |
mgedmin | "Checking for updates, please wait" -- it's been 30 minutes like that, at 50% | 14:00 |
tigert | Stskeeps: ok! | 14:00 |
tigert | Stskeeps: gitorious? | 14:00 |
Stskeeps | tigert: yeah | 14:01 |
Stskeeps | http://maemo.gitorious.org/fremantle-hildon-desktop/hildon-theme-variant-example | 14:01 |
Stskeeps | just trying to find some discussions/documentation for the changeover to 3.0 of plankton as an example | 14:01 |
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timeless | mgedmin: sounds like a repo is down | 14:03 |
timeless | it happens regulary | 14:03 |
tigert | Stskeeps: thanks for the info | 14:04 |
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timeless | nitial: typically sales volume is company confidential or secret | 14:04 |
Nitial | probably | 14:05 |
BirdFlew | does transmission only work with a microsd card installed? | 14:05 |
timeless | nitial: i personally doln't know it | 14:06 |
timeless | but it's safe to say "btter than expected" | 14:06 |
timeless | and given that it's turning up in respectable reviewer circles | 14:06 |
tigert | BirdFlew: does it? | 14:06 |
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timeless | and getting respectable reviews | 14:06 |
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FIQ | T | 14:08 |
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BirdFlew | ahhh, the default save path was mmc2, i changed it to a subfolder of mydocs and we're away | 14:09 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/click_online/8450385.stm brilliant! | 14:10 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | Sonim XP3 pwned | 14:10 |
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timeless | kinttori: i'm really liking your theme | 14:11 |
ShadowJK | cool, i can actuu | 14:11 |
VDVsx | Gadgetoid_iMac, ups :D | 14:12 |
VDVsx | Gadgetoid_mbp, ^ | 14:12 |
ShadowJK | ally use xchat scrollbars with gloves on better than I can use the hwkeyboard.. | 14:12 |
* timeless grumbles | 14:12 |
timeless | that sucked | 14:12 |
timeless | i just tried to fullscreen that video | 14:12 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | I boiled my XP3 in a kettle, threw it onto concrete, smashed it on the edge of a desk, etc | 14:12 |
timeless | but i got a web page is not responsive dialog | 14:13 |
timeless | which killed my fullscreen | 14:13 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | fail :( | 14:13 |
ShadowJK | blame adobe :) | 14:13 |
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Gadgetoid_mbp | Oh and we kicked the phone about 300 meters down a street in a little game of phoneball | 14:14 |
* ShadowJK <3 nspluginviewer on desktop machine | 14:14 |
cehteh | cat /dev/zero >MyDocs/,deleteme || rm MyDocs/,deleteme & | 14:14 |
cehteh | .. that will take some time | 14:14 |
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zaheer_ | flux: i had 26MB free when i installed | 14:15 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | cehteh: will that actually re-write over the same sectors? </paranoia> | 14:16 |
timeless | less fail than that unbreakable phone :) | 14:16 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | Hmm, MySql doesn't like subqueries that try to sort millions of rows | 14:16 |
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cehteh | nah .. i tihnk once should be enough on a flash medium .. i just dont want that someone can easily recover my keys, music whatever with a simple recovery tool | 14:16 |
timeless | burn it! | 14:17 |
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cehteh | timeless: not sure, but i think that will void warranty :) | 14:17 |
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mikhas | Gadgetoid_mbp, sort in a temp table first | 14:18 |
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Gadgetoid_mbp | mikhas: I think I've probably got an indexing misconfiguration, getting some pretty slow response times | 14:19 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | But then I'm used to MS SQL and SQL Server | 14:19 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | And having a DBA to re-write my abysmal queries | 14:20 |
mikhas | just index every join attribute | 14:20 |
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Gadgetoid_mbp | Don't say that to a DBA.... | 14:20 |
mikhas | oopsie =) but then again, correlated queries can be slow regardless of all that =) | 14:21 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | Haha, it's only 5 million rows, too, sheesh | 14:22 |
bionoid | In some cases, indexes can actually reduce join performance, depending on your optimizer. Best leave that to the DBA also ;-) | 14:22 |
cehteh | cat: write error: File too large | 14:23 |
cehteh | bah .. crap fat filesystem | 14:23 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | cehteh: hahahahaha, failz | 14:23 |
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Gadgetoid_mbp | I just write one small file of zeros and duplicate it... although I think some filesystems will just add a pointer to the same file | 14:23 |
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Gadgetoid_mbp | Although by small I mean big | 14:24 |
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cehteh | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0p1 bs=4M | 14:24 |
cehteh | .. grr | 14:24 |
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Gadgetoid_mbp | Haha | 14:24 |
cehteh | kill it with zeros :) | 14:24 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | Will the N900 recover from that!? | 14:24 |
cehteh | i'll reflash | 14:25 |
cehteh | after that | 14:25 |
* slonopotamus prefers /dev/urandom | 14:25 |
cehteh | on a n900? | 14:25 |
cehteh | hey my time is limited | 14:25 |
nomis | argh. the maemo-x-term has bogus UTF-8 support. | 14:25 |
mgedmin | nomis, clarify please? | 14:25 |
slonopotamus | nomis: i second that | 14:26 |
nomis | mgedmin: enter a Euro letter at the beginning of the cmdline and watch how you can backspace (three times for me) | 14:26 |
* rlinfati trying to do an SSU update to pr1.1 with comment #6 of bug 7742 | 14:26 |
povbot` | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7742 Apps depending on libqt4-phonon won't install on 2.2009.51-1 | 14:26 |
nomis | how often. | 14:26 |
mgedmin | nomis, that's not xterm's fault | 14:26 |
mgedmin | that's busybox | 14:26 |
nomis | mgedmin: oh, right. | 14:27 |
mgedmin | try the same thing in vim | 14:27 |
mgedmin | it'll work perfectly | 14:27 |
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slonopotamus | mgedmin: that doesn't change the fact that there's a bug. | 14:27 |
jebba | rlinfati: is this PR1.1. available publicly yet? I saw ruskie mention something too, but dont see it on maemo.org page | 14:27 |
mgedmin | slonopotamus, some might call it an "unsupported feature" | 14:27 |
nomis | mgedmin: yeah, I did not think long enough. | 14:27 |
slonopotamus | mgedmin: in order to say that you need to have a list of 'supported features'. | 14:28 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | Hmm, maybe I should backup before installing this pre-update update | 14:29 |
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ifreq | jebba: dont think so | 14:30 |
rlinfati | jebba, the user/pass for the unreleased pr1.1 is diferent... | 14:30 |
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Stskeeps | jebba: just PR1.0.1 today | 14:31 |
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rlinfati | You don't have permission to access .....unreleased/fremantle1.1....... | 14:32 |
jebba | Stskeeps: really? I'm trying to download the repo headers.... | 14:32 |
Stskeeps | jebba: btw i've patched mer apt | 14:33 |
Stskeeps | it should be able to access ssu repositories now | 14:33 |
timeless | sts: why did it need a pacth | 14:33 |
jebba | apt-transport-https is funkiy | 14:34 |
Stskeeps | timeless: maemo apt uses a login/password to log into ssu repositories | 14:34 |
Stskeeps | timeless: this support doesn't exist in normal apt | 14:34 |
timeless | ah | 14:34 |
Stskeeps | (just simple http auth i think) | 14:35 |
jebba | This is the only post i can see about the update (!?!) | 14:36 |
jebba | http://www.fonearena.com/blog/2010/01/11/nokia-n900-version-44-1-firmware-update-out-for-download.html | 14:36 |
Stskeeps | jebba: twitter.com has Peter talking about it too | 14:36 |
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timeless | is that submitted to apt upstream? | 14:36 |
Stskeeps | and talk.maemo.org is overflowing | 14:36 |
Stskeeps | timeless: don't think so, especially since it has other cute tricks :P | 14:36 |
jebba | ah, i'm blind dont see it in talk ;) (using liferea for new posts) | 14:37 |
Jaffa | Good grief, the "New firmware released!" thread is depressing | 14:38 |
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Stskeeps | Jaffa: wait till you see release processes one | 14:40 |
schasch | hello...does somebody have a download-link for "irreco-for-n900" ?...I can not find it... | 14:40 |
Jaffa | Stskeeps: At least that's shorter. | 14:41 |
DocScrutinizer51 | schasch: I enabled the devel and testing repos and simply installed it via MAM | 14:42 |
* Jaffa ponders putting an app which disables extras-devel into extras-devel with XB-Display-Name: Maemo 6 | 14:42 |
jebba | uh, perhaps some official post somewhere about this would be in order. The closest thing I see giving any info is GAN's post buried in the middle.... | 14:42 |
shinkamui | hey, anyone have a tweaked openal cfg for the N900 | 14:42 |
frals | lol Jaffa | 14:43 |
shinkamui | mine is empty, and Im having performance issues in some apps like gemrb | 14:43 |
* Xisdibik immediately downloads the app Jaffa puts up | 14:43 |
Stskeeps | jebba: http://twitter.com/Petermaemo | 14:43 |
SpeedEvil | Jaffa: well - maemo 5 is already in the app manager - for some reason | 14:43 |
Jaffa | And Ari Jaaksi | 14:43 |
shinkamui | Not really sure what I should be trying to tweak | 14:43 |
Jaffa | SpeedEvil: That's how SSUs are handled; but the protection against cross-repo updates probably has an attack vector based on display name, | 14:43 |
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schasch | <DocScrutinizer51: thanks...i enabled them too.... but can not find "irreco-for-n900" linke in youtube....only 3 other irreco-entries...? | 14:44 |
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jebba | Stskeeps: heh, that's the official update info? ;) | 14:44 |
SpeedEvil | is there a way to get the toolbar showing on the task switcher? | 14:45 |
DocScrutinizer51 | schasch: sorry, no idea. Here it works just fine | 14:45 |
jebba | man, this *is* ridiculous. Who pushes a kernel update/system update without an official post anywhere? | 14:45 |
SpeedEvil | I know it's not there to differentiate between task switcher and other pages | 14:45 |
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Xisdibik | SpeedEvil: yes, download the Maemo 6 from extras-devel by Jaffa ;) | 14:45 |
schasch | DocScrutinizer51: OK ...I will test ....(working on the scratchbox till my n900 arrives) | 14:46 |
Stskeeps | jebba: twitter is official ;P | 14:46 |
Stskeeps | jebba: but yeah, some sort of an announcement would be useful | 14:46 |
jebba | "It contains mostly small adjustments invisible to user preparing for next update." uh, and a kernel. | 14:46 |
andrewgodwin | I was hoping they might have stuck the 3 SIM fix in this one, but it looks like more waiting (I suspect this update lets the app manager flash over such bugs...) | 14:46 |
andrewgodwin | still, this might mean 1.1 is getting closer. | 14:46 |
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leon- | could someone plz fix the quake dependency issue, argh.. it's driving me crazy :) | 14:46 |
Stskeeps | andrewgodwin: i kinda suspect pr1.0.1 prepares for the 3 fix | 14:46 |
* jebba boggles at nokia's lack of process | 14:46 |
Jaffa | jebba: How do you know where the fixes are? | 14:47 |
jebba | Jaffa: i havent seen any fixes myself. | 14:47 |
SpeedEvil | jebba: usual users think kernels are the figureheads of fried chicken enterprises. | 14:47 |
Stskeeps | jebba: kernel is making it possible to adjust ubifs compression ratio | 14:47 |
andrewgodwin | Stskeeps: yeah, flashing the GSM/SIM/whatever chips can't be easy | 14:47 |
jebba | Jaffa: just something in this "tweet" http://twitter.com/Petermaemo | 14:47 |
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Jaffa | jebba: Right, but you said "uh, and a kernel". Kernels aren't visible to most users... | 14:47 |
andrewgodwin | still, at least in the meantime I can bask in the glory of the new app manager icons | 14:48 |
jebba | huh? | 14:48 |
julianoliver | anyone else experiencing inability to use any network service other than HTTP on their N900 with 42-11? | 14:48 |
DocScrutinizer51 | Esim is a modem firmware issue anyway | 14:48 |
DocScrutinizer51 | 3sim | 14:48 |
ruskie | lol | 14:49 |
Jaffa | Indeed, which probably - as andrewgodwin says - requires some low-level changes to make sure it can be done over MU | 14:49 |
julianoliver | Ovi share is forever 'waiting for server', email can't be sent and received, weather not updated.. | 14:49 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | Bounce Evolution 1.0.1? | 14:49 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | Frees 200kb of device memory... can't argue with that | 14:50 |
* SpeedEvil wants source for modem. | 14:50 |
SpeedEvil | (but...) | 14:50 |
ruskie | why not just source for everything | 14:50 |
SpeedEvil | yeah | 14:50 |
SpeedEvil | source for everything! | 14:50 |
SpeedEvil | but never going to happen. | 14:50 |
xorAxAx | because people could destroy the glorious UI! | 14:50 |
xorAxAx | by just reading the distinct code | 14:50 |
pupnik | need more flexible dns applet | 14:51 |
SpeedEvil | pupnik: bind? | 14:51 |
ifreq | julianoliver: no problems | 14:51 |
wazd_e63 | Meh. Stupid isp | 14:52 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | from other modems' firmware update scheme I'd expect firmware update to be a rather unique process involving a non-standrd bootup of whole system - you need to intercept bootloader of modem rather than talking to modem via usual driver | 14:52 |
pupnik | there are options | 14:52 |
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julianoliver | ifreq: i don't know what's up here. for 3 days all basic network related services on the device are out of action. seems several other people are experiencing sudden email outage of two days ago. perhaps a network related package update is at fault. | 14:53 |
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ifreq | julianoliver: tested on various diff networks? | 14:53 |
* julianoliver keeps investigating | 14:53 |
julianoliver | ifreq: i mean to do this shortly. heavy snow here.. | 14:53 |
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ifreq | ah okay but then its ISP and weather prob? | 14:54 |
ifreq | :) | 14:54 |
julianoliver | ifreq: it was working just fine on my hope AP, and ovi sharing works fine from the laptop. | 14:54 |
DocScrutinizer51 | so I don't see how to 'prepare' the system for an eventual modem fw update | 14:55 |
julianoliver | ifreq: indeed, perhaps the n900 hibernates various services in such grim weather. | 14:55 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer51: kernel module understanding how to frob the GPIOs to set modem into update state | 14:55 |
ShadowJK | ime 3g works better the colder it is :) | 14:56 |
ifreq | hrr | 14:56 |
SpeedEvil | ShadowJK: no leaves | 14:56 |
ifreq | julianoliver: what is ovi sharing service? ive got account but not familiar with such services | 14:56 |
SpeedEvil | ShadowJK: leaves on trees cause significant attenuation in many cases. | 14:56 |
ShadowJK | and less crap in the atmosphere | 14:56 |
DocScrutinizer51 | SpeedEvil: yo. but you also need to shutdown all the normal framework interfacing the modem. All this can either be done already or will need a very special init process. No way to 'prepare' for it | 14:57 |
SpeedEvil | dunno. | 14:57 |
ShadowJK | When I said "colder" I meant like -30C instead of -5C ;) | 14:57 |
SpeedEvil | ShadowJK: I'd have to move 50km to get that cold. | 14:57 |
SpeedEvil | (well - more like 150 maybe) | 14:57 |
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SpeedEvil | It's been down to -22 in parts of scotland this winter so far. | 14:58 |
SpeedEvil | here it's melting. | 14:58 |
SpeedEvil | I have snow pics from my n900. | 14:58 |
julianoliver | ifreq: take a photo on your N900 and upload it to a flickr-ish like gallery, share video etc. | 14:58 |
ruskie | http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/01/11/android_phishing_app/ <-- lol | 14:58 |
Xisdibik | wait who here has the new firmware installed? | 14:58 |
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ShadowJK | hm, is dpkg-repack or whatever in any repo? | 14:59 |
Jaffa | Xisdibik: Which new firmware? | 14:59 |
julianoliver | ruskie: yes saw that. probably scary enough for Google to start an app review queue. | 14:59 |
Xisdibik | Jaffa: i thought someone mentioned a new firmware out. like 44-1 or something | 14:59 |
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Jaffa | Xisdibik: Indeed, just checking you meant PR 1.0.1 ;-) | 14:59 |
ruskie | ShadowJK, apparently not | 14:59 |
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bionoid | Is it safe to do development, flashing etc from a virtual machine, or does Linux have to run natively on the system? | 15:00 |
Xisdibik | Jaffa: ;), do you have it installed? | 15:00 |
Jaffa | Xisdibik: Some people in the community have 2.2009.51-1 | 15:00 |
* Jaffa does not have 1.2009.42-11 installed, no | 15:00 |
* ShadowJK tars up rootfs instead... just in case nokia tries to delete powertop | 15:00 |
julianoliver | bionoid: you can run scratchbox in a linux guest, just fine. | 15:00 |
Jaffa | bionoid: That's fine | 15:00 |
julianoliver | bionoid: (not that i do) | 15:00 |
SpeedEvil | It looks like when update process completes - I can install maemo 6! | 15:00 |
Xisdibik | Jaffa: as mine says 1.2009.44-1.002 and i was wondering if it was the newest one | 15:00 |
Xisdibik | ;) | 15:00 |
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SpeedEvil | (frozen for half an hour now) | 15:00 |
SpeedEvil | (app-manager) | 15:00 |
Jaffa | Xisdibik: I believe it is, yes | 15:01 |
andre__ | Xisdibik, 1.2009.44-1.002 is the newest publically available one. | 15:01 |
bionoid | julianoliver / Jaffa Cool, thanks | 15:01 |
Xisdibik | andre__ and Jaffa: thanks, i had to reflash the other day, wanted to make sure i hadnt just missed a new firmware | 15:01 |
DocScrutinizer51 | SpeedEvil: it already finished installing maemo6. That's what you get ;-P | 15:01 |
ifreq | julianoliver: yeh ic. how about permission, do you need to tune permissions later so its public? | 15:02 |
julianoliver | yep | 15:02 |
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bionoid | Another question, is there a reason why dpkg-reconfigure is not present (N900), and can it be installed? | 15:03 |
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ruskie | bionoid, bacuse it's not used? | 15:05 |
andre__ | bionoid, what is it used for? | 15:05 |
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roshenia | yeah! i can upgrade! | 15:09 |
bionoid | andre__: Re-run the configuration step of an installed package | 15:09 |
roshenia | where are change log? | 15:09 |
bionoid | ruskie: Well, I just wanted to install locales which I normally do with dpkg-reconfigure locales on a debian system. | 15:09 |
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ruskie | bionoid, erm there aren't any or are already installed what there is | 15:10 |
andre__ | roshenia: with regard to public bug reports, you can search in bugs.maemo.org for reports with status RESOLVED FIXED and with Target Milestone = 5.0/(1.2009.44-1) | 15:10 |
timeless_mbp | andre__: are there any? :) | 15:11 |
jebba | hey, can someone that has the latest update tell me what their nameserver IP is? ;) | 15:11 |
andre__ | timeless_mbp, probably? :-P | 15:11 |
timeless_mbp | jebba: latest being 44-1? | 15:11 |
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jebba | timeless_mbp: latest public ya, 44-1 i think | 15:12 |
roshenia | andre__, i wanna read improovements and other stuff | 15:12 |
ruskie | jebba, same old same old | 15:12 |
julianoliver | any major breakage in 44-1 i should be forewarned about? | 15:12 |
timeless_mbp | roshenia: "support for updating past sales version" | 15:12 |
timeless_mbp | "support for being recognized as having a version slightly newer than sales version" | 15:12 |
andre__ | roshenia, as written. for the rest there might be something in forum.nokia.com, but I doubt... | 15:12 |
timeless_mbp | "icons in application manager" | 15:12 |
roshenia | timeless_mbp, what you mean ? | 15:12 |
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timeless_mbp | roshenia: the sales version of application manager was buggy in such a way | 15:13 |
ruskie | https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&short_desc=&target_milestone=5.0%2F%281.2009.44-1%29&long_desc_type=substring&long_desc=&bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&bug_file_loc=&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&status_whiteboard=&keywords_type=a ... | 15:13 |
timeless_mbp | that we couldn't update people to pr1.1 | 15:13 |
ruskie | ... llwords&keywords=&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=substring&email1=&emailassigned_to2=1&emailreporter2=1&emailqa_contact2=1&emailcc2=1&emailtype2=substring&email2=&bugidtype=include&bug_id=&votes=&chfieldfrom=&chfieldto=Now&chfieldvalue=&cmdtype=doit&order=Reuse+same+sort+as+last+time&field0- ... | 15:13 |
Stskeeps | ruskie: tinyurl or something | 15:13 |
ruskie | ... 0-0=noop&type0-0-0=noop&value0-0-0= <-- 5 bugs there :) | 15:13 |
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timeless_mbp | ruskie: you need a bookmarklet | 15:13 |
timeless_mbp | google: jesse bookmarklet bugzilla shortenurl | 15:13 |
timeless_mbp | or something like that | 15:13 |
ruskie | I don't use any url shortening services | 15:13 |
roshenia | timeless_mbp, what about battery life? | 15:13 |
timeless_mbp | roshenia: so, we needed a fixed version of application manager | 15:13 |
timeless_mbp | roshenia: it's just a bridge to 1.1 | 15:13 |
ruskie | never have and never will | 15:13 |
timeless_mbp | it isn't an update | 15:14 |
jebba | I like how they have no idea if someone is fucking with the build server configurations or not. | 15:14 |
ruskie | also I don't open short urls | 15:14 |
julianoliver | ? | 15:14 |
SpeedEvil | oh - yes. update finished - 'maemo 5' - 21.5M | 15:14 |
timeless_mbp | ruskie: the bookmarklet i'm offering converts your overly long and confusing bugzilla query | 15:14 |
timeless_mbp | into a useful meaningful bugzilla query | 15:14 |
ruskie | ow? | 15:14 |
timeless_mbp | https://www.squarefree.com/bookmarklets/mozilla.html | 15:14 |
timeless_mbp | shorten bug query | 15:15 |
timeless_mbp | try it. | 15:15 |
ruskie | to bad I don't use gecko or anyhing else that would remotely support a bookmarklet :) | 15:15 |
DocScrutinizer51 | SpeedEvil: any changelog? | 15:15 |
ruskie | or to be precise need to configure it | 15:15 |
ruskie | but looks nice | 15:15 |
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timeless_mbp | ruskie: anything that supports javascript should work | 15:15 |
timeless_mbp | that says it works in Opera... | 15:15 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer51: no - says make backup - and all apps will close, and you can't do emergency calls while happening | 15:16 |
DocScrutinizer51 | lol | 15:16 |
ruskie | https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&target_milestone=5.0%2F%281.2009.44-1%29&cmdtype=doit <-- here's a manual shortening :) | 15:16 |
DocScrutinizer51 | sounds like modem fw update actually | 15:16 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer51: naah | 15:16 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer51: 21.8M? | 15:16 |
ruskie | timeless_mbp, I don't use Opera, Firefox, IE, Safari, Chrome, etc... etc... etc.. :) | 15:16 |
DocScrutinizer51 | right | 15:16 |
timeless_mbp | what do you use? | 15:16 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer51: if the UI is down, you can't make calls | 15:16 |
DocScrutinizer51 | scratch that | 15:17 |
ruskie | uzbl | 15:17 |
timeless_mbp | ??? | 15:17 |
DocScrutinizer51 | I'm reluctant | 15:17 |
ruskie | though I'm slowly migrating back to kazehakase... as soon as I can figure out how to get it back to using gecko | 15:17 |
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ruskie | timeless_mbp, http://www.uzbl.org | 15:17 |
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timeless_mbp | Latest News | 15:18 |
timeless_mbp | 2010.01.05: Nasty security bug | 15:18 |
timeless_mbp | great news. | 15:18 |
ruskie | :) | 15:18 |
timeless_mbp | We're currently finding out how to plug this hole decently without loosing [sic] | 15:19 |
timeless_mbp | features | 15:19 |
timeless_mbp | relaxing features is what got them the bug in the first place ;-b | 15:19 |
ruskie | lol | 15:20 |
ruskie | I actually use a much much older version | 15:20 |
ruskie | mid octoker or something | 15:20 |
ruskie | after that they went in a completly different direction and I gave up on them | 15:20 |
timeless_mbp | andre__: wow, one of my bugs was fixed! | 15:20 |
ruskie | so now going back to kazehakase which always worked well for me | 15:20 |
jebba | timeless_mbp: bug URL/number? | 15:21 |
Oli`` | Anybody know if 32gig microSDHCs will work in the n900 when they're finally released? | 15:21 |
timeless_mbp | use ruskie 's latest link | 15:21 |
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ShadowJK | Oli``, no reason known why they wouldn't work | 15:22 |
timeless_mbp | Oli``: i wouldn't bet on them working | 15:22 |
timeless_mbp | or not working | 15:22 |
timeless_mbp | historically there have always been surprises in newer sizes | 15:23 |
cehteh | Oli``: offically only up to 16GB is supported with a note that not all cards may work | 15:23 |
SpeedEvil | Oli``: it's not like RAM - it's more like USB. | 15:23 |
Oli`` | ShadowJK: I wondered if there was a limit because the sales snuff for the n900 says ~"up to 48 gigs" | 15:23 |
cehteh | SpeedEvil: SD is far worse than USB | 15:23 |
timeless_mbp | Oli``: that's 32gb + 16gb, and that's tested | 15:23 |
cehteh | usb has only 2 or 3 modes in which it can operate | 15:23 |
ShadowJK | Oli``, basically it says 16G because that's the biggest that was found for testing with.. | 15:23 |
SpeedEvil | Oli``: the fundamental underlying transport has not changed - simply the overlying layers. And the overlying layers are software controllable. | 15:23 |
timeless_mbp | SpeedEvil: what cehteh said | 15:23 |
SpeedEvil | cehteh: well - in some ways. | 15:23 |
cehteh | SD has prolly a dozen :) | 15:23 |
timeless_mbp | cehteh: to be fair, usb has various device classes | 15:24 |
SpeedEvil | 32G with converter cable would be easy to test | 15:24 |
cehteh | different frequencies, different bus widths (4bit, 1bit ...) | 15:24 |
timeless_mbp | but there are only 16, and your average device only claims ~3 of them | 15:24 |
ShadowJK | I guess there are different levels of "works", too.. I suppose you could run out of space for the tracker databases if you filled 64 gigs with lots of songs, etc :) | 15:24 |
cehteh | half a dozen protocoll revisions | 15:24 |
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timeless_mbp | ShadowJK: that's better :) | 15:24 |
SpeedEvil | cehteh: the protocol revisions - what I've seen of them - can be handled in driver though | 15:25 |
SpeedEvil | I want a copy of hte newest SD spec | 15:25 |
Oli`` | On a thoroughly unrelated note: Is USB host-mode still a no-go on the n900? | 15:25 |
SpeedEvil | Oli``: very alas. | 15:25 |
ShadowJK | Oli``, no go until proven otherwise imo | 15:25 |
SpeedEvil | Oli``: it requires hardware mods. | 15:25 |
DocScrutinizer51 | Oli``: finaly a dead topic | 15:26 |
* Stskeeps ponders if the warsaw route planner provides a web service | 15:26 |
cehteh | SpeedEvil: not all | 15:26 |
SpeedEvil | Oli``: and _difficult_ hardware mods. | 15:26 |
Oli`` | That's a shame | 15:26 |
cehteh | well and you definately want DMA working SD in PIO mode sux | 15:26 |
SpeedEvil | Oli``: as in bridging one connection under a 3*3mm chip with 36 connections. | 15:26 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | Did the installer uninstaller meta package ever come to fruition? | 15:26 |
timeless_mbp | the what? | 15:26 |
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cehteh | SpeedEvil: last time it was 4x4mm .. did we got a die-shrink? | 15:27 |
DocScrutinizer51 | SpeedEvil: though we (paul and me) are not convinced that 'short D2 to GND' is really a competent statement | 15:27 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | Cannae remember who was writing it, but a package to uninstall all the stupid AOL-trial like installers that come on the N900 | 15:27 |
SpeedEvil | cehteh: meh. | 15:27 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer51: possibly not. | 15:27 |
ruskie | Gadgetoid_mbp, lol... that's easy to remove using apt-get remove :) | 15:27 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer51: apparantly it's from someone with actual schematics. | 15:27 |
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SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer51: it could really indeed mean isolate D2, and bridge to ground forex. | 15:27 |
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Oli`` | SpeedEvil: rofl - yeah okay... that sounds like a no-go to me. | 15:28 |
DocScrutinizer51 | wel but maybe with no clue about the PHY chip operation principles | 15:28 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer51: I need to try and find the datasheet for the phy chip | 15:28 |
DocScrutinizer51 | SpeedEvil: talk to paul | 15:28 |
DocScrutinizer51 | he tossed me a URL | 15:28 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer51: it's not switchable in software in its current state apparantly - unless the schematic is altered. unless reserved bits in the I2C do stuff | 15:28 |
SpeedEvil | k | 15:28 |
Oli`` | Is there any scope for an external host-to-host adapter? No idea how it would work on a technical level but it would act as host for two devices and *somehow* allow interaction | 15:28 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | ruskie: apt-get remove *installer ? :D if only | 15:28 |
DocScrutinizer51 | seems all PHY have a common A'PI' | 15:28 |
SpeedEvil | Oli``: yes - that's technically possible. | 15:29 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | I'm just doing it through app manager, which is tedious | 15:29 |
ShadowJK | Oli``, I believe it's called N810+USBHub ;-) | 15:29 |
SpeedEvil | Oli``: if anyone will make it - ... | 15:29 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | What really puzzles me, is that updates to those stupid installers were showing in App Manager... *facepalm* | 15:29 |
SpeedEvil | Oli``: A USB cable with external power takes 5 min to 'design' and 10 min to build. | 15:29 |
flux | shadowjk, yeah, USB over IP and then that, simple! | 15:29 |
ruskie | Gadgetoid_mbp, want a list? | 15:29 |
roshenia | hehe, i have 2.5G internet on nokia | 15:29 |
roshenia | i download at second time update =) | 15:30 |
SpeedEvil | Oli``: a USB device-host bridge is several orders of magnitude harder. | 15:30 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | ruskie: think I've got 'em all now, but I imagine the new firmware will bring them all flooding back just to annoy me- best write a script to kill 'em off | 15:30 |
DocScrutinizer51 | SpeedEvil: there was no indication in those ds about any *physical* switching of direction. Should be feasible via register tweaking | 15:30 |
ruskie | Gadgetoid_mbp, working on that actually ;) | 15:30 |
ruskie | or will be | 15:30 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer51: k - not seen ds | 15:30 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | Nice :) | 15:30 |
roshenia | ruskie, you from russia? | 15:30 |
ruskie | no | 15:30 |
DocScrutinizer51 | SpeedEvil: still lack of 5V power seems to be a fact | 15:30 |
julianoliver | ruskie: you must get that alot | 15:31 |
SpeedEvil | that's trivial though of course. | 15:31 |
ruskie | julianoliver, a few times | 15:31 |
glass_ | built time usb into a wireless dock | 15:31 |
DocScrutinizer51 | SpeedEvil: ping paul | 15:31 |
ruskie | the easiest is... don't assume location based on nick | 15:31 |
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glass_ | the | 15:31 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | ruskie: are you from russia? | 15:31 |
glass_ | -time | 15:31 |
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flux | speedevil, a USB device-host-bridge would be something some company could build | 15:31 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | Sorry, not even I found that funny... sigh | 15:31 |
flux | speedevil, and it could even be useful for other than N900 as well - say, maybe for android-based phones? | 15:31 |
ruskie | :) | 15:32 |
SpeedEvil | flux: err - yes. | 15:32 |
DocScrutinizer51 | flux: not much sense in such a device | 15:32 |
SpeedEvil | flux: unfortunately, it is a very complex hardware and software device. | 15:32 |
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SpeedEvil | flux: designing from scratch is likely to cost well over $20k or so. | 15:32 |
roshenia | http://naviny.by/rubrics/society/2010/01/07/ic_articles_116_166158/ | 15:33 |
roshenia | YEAH! | 15:33 |
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SpeedEvil | Rebooted, and seems to have come up fine. | 15:34 |
cehteh | huh ... this flash controler is strange | 15:34 |
SpeedEvil | reporting version 1.2009.44-1.203.4 | 15:34 |
cehteh | with my erasing .. the first few GB where very slow and now suddently it got a massive speed boost | 15:34 |
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cehteh | can it be that there is a lot internal fragmentation which slows it down after some use? | 15:35 |
ShadowJK | I would find it more likely that there was some swapping going on at first | 15:35 |
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ShadowJK | the kernel's swappiness is set to 100 :P | 15:35 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | A USB host to host bridge is going to get horribly complicated with existing usb host to host cables. I purport we call it a USB Flappamajig forthwith to avoid confusion | 15:35 |
ruskie | lol | 15:35 |
cehteh | nah not over writeing gigabytes ... | 15:36 |
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timeless_mbp | andre__: did you see the note about 44-1 having issues for people stupid enough not to have moved from 41-x to 42-y | 15:40 |
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mece | lol | 15:43 |
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rlinfati | $ cat /etc/hostname -> Nokia-N900-42-11 :S | 15:44 |
Stskeeps | hmm | 15:45 |
Stskeeps | :P | 15:45 |
andre__ | timeless_mbp, no | 15:45 |
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Jaffa | Someone on tmo was suggesting reflashing back to 42-11 and then doing a binary diff to work out how to get red-pill back in HAM. | 15:47 |
Jaffa | The thought of looking at the HAM source and rebuilding it didn't occur to them :-/ | 15:47 |
timeless_mbp | Jaffa: right | 15:47 |
timeless_mbp | i liked that | 15:47 |
Robot101 | bless :) | 15:47 |
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adalal | what is HAM? | 15:48 |
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Xisdibik | a meat | 15:49 |
Stskeeps | Hildon Application Manager | 15:49 |
zash | !SPAM? | 15:49 |
zash | HAM radio? | 15:49 |
adalal | ah lol | 15:49 |
_ishan_ | can someone point me to a downloadable (packaged) version of Maemo sliders example (http://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/Maemo_5_Developer_Guide/Porting_Software/Porting_Existing_GTK%2B_Application_to_Maemo_5)? | 15:50 |
cehteh | ok deleted. reflashed .. pristine device now :) | 15:50 |
ruskie | http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/01/11/nexus_one_backlash/ <-- lol | 15:50 |
adalal | i guess hildon applciation manager is what it is, unless the n900 doubles up as food or if it has HAM radio | 15:50 |
frals | rlinfati: yeah, seems like they forgot to update the hostname ^^ | 15:50 |
mece | an edible ham radio! | 15:50 |
zash | ham over radio | 15:51 |
adalal | ah | 15:52 |
adalal | hm | 15:52 |
julianoliver | ruskie: quite a fine looking device. shame Google didn't think through dev relations before launch. | 15:52 |
_ishan_ | can someone point me to a downloadable (packaged) version of Maemo sliders example (http://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/Maemo_5_Developer_Guide/Porting_Software/Porting_Existing_GTK%2B_Application_to_Maemo_5)? | 15:52 |
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ruskie | _ishan_, repeating the same thing over and over will only get you ignored | 15:53 |
BirdFlew | app manager now stays at the position you were in after installing something... cross one minor annoyance off the list! | 15:53 |
ruskie | :) | 15:54 |
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_ishan_ | ruskie: ok, then do you have a suggestion to my problem, please? | 15:54 |
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ruskie | you haven't stated a problem | 15:55 |
_ishan_ | ruskie: my problem is i need to test the maemo-sliders app on my n900. can u please help? | 15:55 |
ruskie | _ishan_, hmm from what I can tell you take the existing code and apply that on top | 15:57 |
ruskie | anyway I'm off for now | 15:57 |
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roshenia | where general changelog of new firmware> | 15:58 |
roshenia | ? | 15:58 |
roshenia | what abut battery life? | 15:58 |
Stskeeps | it's a minor update, a stepping stone to PR1.1. | 15:58 |
roshenia | what is PR1.1& | 15:58 |
roshenia | ? | 15:58 |
Stskeeps | the next update in line | 15:58 |
_claesbas | http://tablets-dev.nokia.com/maemo-dev-env-downloads.php servers overloaded atm? | 15:58 |
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Stskeeps | PR1.0 (what the device shipped with) -> PR1.0.1 (current update) -> PR1.1 | 15:59 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | checking for updates takes ages :-P | 15:59 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | prolly should disable the repos on 770-farm | 16:00 |
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roshenia | Stskeeps, what about improvements of battery life in 1.1? what about speed of device and other useful thigs? | 16:04 |
Stskeeps | roshenia: i wouldn't know anything about PR1.1. | 16:04 |
roshenia | =( | 16:04 |
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Muhvi | hi, is the 1.2009.42.11 == PR1.0 ? | 16:05 |
Muhvi | or are we talking about something different | 16:05 |
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andre__ | Muhvi, what do you need to know for? :) | 16:06 |
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andre__ | I'd call it "Sales release" instead. | 16:06 |
wazd | Stskeeps: something is telling me that it is linux tool :D | 16:07 |
Muhvi | andre__, well, for general knowledge, as people usually speak about PR1.0 and PR1.1 | 16:08 |
Muhvi | how do those version number relate to that 1.2009.42.11 | 16:08 |
wazd | Stskeeps: ah, wrong channel, but whatever :) | 16:08 |
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Jaffa | Muhvi: 1.<year>.<week of base build>.<build number> | 16:08 |
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Stskeeps | wazd: yeah, but it is handier to work with :P | 16:08 |
mgedmin | Jaffa, that' doesn't explain "PRx.y" | 16:08 |
DocScrutinizer51 | anyway a decent announcement - with comprehensive changelog - really was fine | 16:09 |
Jaffa | mgedmin: Public Release <major>.<minor>[.<very-minor>] | 16:09 |
andre__ | Muhvi, if it makes you happy, call 1.2009.42-11 "PR1.0"... | 16:09 |
* wazd thinks that he should definitely have some kind of real Ubuntu installed on his PC | 16:09 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | andre__: any location to gather kinda changelog? | 16:10 |
mgedmin | ubuntu is good (except when it doesn't work) | 16:10 |
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roshenia | fuuuuuuck. i download in 3d time update =( | 16:11 |
Muhvi | andre, so PR1.0 or 1.1 are in no way official ways to inform people about updates, but just some codes that people use (for fun?) | 16:12 |
andre__ | Muhvi, I don't know how two digits like "1.1" includes any information for people about updates. maybe I don't get your question. | 16:12 |
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andre__ | DocScrutinizer51: http://repository.maemo.org/stable/fremantle/5.0update1_vs_5.0update2_content_changes.html , and/or query in bugs.maemo.org for bugs with status RESOLVED, resolution FIXED and Target Milestone = 5.0/(1.2009.44-1) | 16:13 |
SpeedEvil | They should choose a catchy name. | 16:13 |
SpeedEvil | Flatulent Ferret. | 16:13 |
andre__ | DocScrutinizer51, for any more info, please ask Nokia instead... | 16:13 |
* Stskeeps wonders why repository is so slow | 16:14 |
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mgedmin | andre__, when I got an invitation to test the 51-1 release, the email explicitly named it as "early access to the PR 1.1 release." | 16:14 |
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ShadowJK | a million N900 owners crying out "updates!"? | 16:14 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | andre__: thanks that's jsut as much info as I needed :-) | 16:14 |
andre__ | mgedmin, errm yeah, so? | 16:14 |
Bluewind | anyone has a mirror of repository.maemo.org? | 16:14 |
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Jaffa | mgedmin: Presumably it should have said "early access to what we *hope* is the PR 1.1 release" ;-) | 16:15 |
Jaffa | Bluewind: Akamai does. | 16:15 |
mgedmin | andre__, just saying, it's not random people out there on the net who invented the PRx.y scheme; it came from Nokia | 16:15 |
Bluewind | url? | 16:15 |
mgedmin | and it's quite reasonable to ask what the heck PR1.1 actually means in terms of the YYYYWW-X | 16:15 |
Oli`` | Anybody know why, after the update, my N900 calls itself BCM2048B0 instead of N900? | 16:15 |
adalal | that would be the wireless card | 16:15 |
* mgedmin shrugs | 16:15 |
Muhvi | mgedmin, exactly | 16:16 |
andre__ | mgedmin, ah, yeah, that's true :) | 16:16 |
Muhvi | that is what i mean | 16:16 |
mgedmin | so, Muhvi, you got your answer now: PR1.1 is 51-1 | 16:16 |
Muhvi | mgedmin, thanks :) | 16:16 |
ShadowJK | I suspect 1.1 isn't tied to a year-week-version yet | 16:16 |
mgedmin | unless they made fixes and incremented the version number before releasing it | 16:16 |
Oli`` | aaah, just need to change the name in bluetooth settings | 16:16 |
andre__ | ShadowJK, moving target. currently 51-1 | 16:16 |
mgedmin | "public release 1.0", first update is quite naturally 1.1 | 16:16 |
Muhvi | but there is 1.0.1 as well ? | 16:17 |
timeless_mbp | Muhvi: err | 16:17 |
timeless_mbp | 51-1 is probably *not* going to be 1.1 | 16:17 |
timeless_mbp | 1.1 is just a magical number for managers @nokia | 16:17 |
timeless_mbp | it's absolutely meaningless to anyone else | 16:17 |
Muhvi | i like magical numbers :| | 16:17 |
timeless_mbp | i don't | 16:17 |
timeless_mbp | nor does andre__ | 16:17 |
ShadowJK | magical names are more fun | 16:18 |
timeless_mbp | and we kindly request you to honor our wishes not to deal w/ useless magical numbers | 16:18 |
mikhas | Muhvi, you probably mixed that up with magic mushrooms | 16:18 |
timeless_mbp | the only numbers that matter are the ones for things which nokia has released | 16:18 |
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timeless_mbp | at this point, that's 44-1 | 16:18 |
Stskeeps | right, new kernel for 1.0.1 are http://repository.maemo.org/pool/maemo5.0/free/k/kernel/kernel_2.6.28-20094102.6+0m5.dsc | 16:18 |
mgedmin | which raises the question: blogs are screaming about an SSU update for the N900 that came out today/yesterday | 16:18 |
mgedmin | and I'm confused | 16:18 |
Muhvi | yup, i'm trying to figure out here what is the neat way to do it | 16:18 |
mgedmin | since I can't apt-get update due to extreme slowness | 16:18 |
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mgedmin | I thought it was the 51-1 that was released --- apparently not | 16:19 |
ifreq | idd my update via appmanager.. early enff :) | 16:19 |
timeless_mbp | mgedmin: so, 1. have you disable extras-* ? | 16:19 |
timeless_mbp | mgedmin: no, 44-1, which is a bridge release | 16:19 |
timeless_mbp | it's just enough to enable updating to the next thing | 16:19 |
mgedmin | timeless_mbp, weren't they moved to the new fast powerful super-servers yet? | 16:19 |
timeless_mbp | which is still roughly vaporware | 16:19 |
mgedmin | or is that happening this week? | 16:19 |
Stskeeps | III: heads up, we might need to update some things on Maemo-on-OMAP today | 16:19 |
timeless_mbp | mgedmin: i know nothing about server ops | 16:19 |
timeless_mbp | the update servers seem to be akamai hosted too | 16:20 |
III | k... | 16:20 |
timeless_mbp | but it seems that for reasons beyond my understanding that nokia did its 44-1 roll out incrementally | 16:20 |
* mgedmin is suffering from information overload | 16:20 |
timeless_mbp | regionally | 16:20 |
Stskeeps | III: but nothing dangerous as i can see it, http://repository.maemo.org/stable/fremantle/5.0update1_vs_5.0update2_content_changes.html | 16:20 |
timeless_mbp | my guess is that the reason for that relates to akamai's pricing structure | 16:20 |
rlinfati | why location-test-gui is removed on Maemo 5.0update2 !! | 16:21 |
III | np.. | 16:21 |
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Stskeeps | rlinfati: hmm? | 16:22 |
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Bluewind | http://wiki.maemo.org/User:Jebba/Espejo faster mirror | 16:22 |
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rlinfati | Stskeeps, in fremantle/tools non-free | 16:23 |
wazd | konttori_nokia: around? | 16:23 |
konttori_nokia | wazd, here | 16:23 |
wazd | konttori_nokia: I have something for you :) | 16:24 |
konttori_nokia | cool | 16:24 |
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Stskeeps | rlinfati: file a bug? | 16:24 |
Stskeeps | rlinfati: as this is a really useful tool for community | 16:24 |
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jjo | rlinfati: actually no need to file a bug | 16:25 |
vpol | i've got a strange problem. i have sip account correctly configured. when i get incoming call - i press answer and nothing happens. tshark shows no packets outgoing from device.... so it freeses in "Connecting.." state. | 16:25 |
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jjo | the old version is still in the repository and I'll take care of the new one if there is one | 16:25 |
wazd | konttori_nokia: http://i078.radikal.ru/1001/a4/db59bd599181.png | 16:25 |
wazd | konttori_nokia: I think you know what it is :) | 16:25 |
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rlinfati | jjo, but, i can not do a apt-get..... now need a wget + dpkg | 16:26 |
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timeless_mbp | wazd: yeah | 16:26 |
timeless_mbp | grumble. | 16:26 |
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wazd | konttori_nokia: combine it with your template to see where coordinates are screwed up | 16:27 |
wazd | konttori_nokia: like RSS applet | 16:28 |
DocScrutinizer51 | wtf? | 16:28 |
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timeless_mbp | konttori_nokia: is the clock icon for ellapsed time in call ui intentionally a corner of a clock? | 16:29 |
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SplasPood | Anyone here happened to have gotten the google voice 'TheOneRing' thing working? | 16:30 |
konttori_nokia | timeless, well, so and so. | 16:31 |
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nomis | When recording videos my n900 stores a 'Video:Source' = 'noki://0/<hexdigits>' property in tracker. Is this documented somewhere? | 16:31 |
nomis | or what do the hexdigits refer to? | 16:31 |
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wazd | konttori_nokia: http://s002.radikal.ru/i200/1001/d0/359667ce01a7.png | 16:32 |
mrmg | wtf | 16:33 |
mrmg | nomis | 16:33 |
roshenia | wazd, скока у тя батарея живёт? | 16:33 |
konttori_nokia | cool | 16:33 |
timeless_mbp | roshenia: English? | 16:33 |
timeless_mbp | nice | 16:33 |
* timeless_mbp sighs | 16:33 |
redeeman | wazd: is that really how the n900 has its themes stored? | 16:34 |
timeless_mbp | evil stupid stupid stupid stupid evil | 16:34 |
roshenia | timeless_mbp, ыщккн | 16:34 |
roshenia | timeless_mbp, sorry | 16:34 |
wazd | roshenia: well,0, cause I don't have n900 | 16:34 |
roshenia | why? | 16:34 |
konttori_nokia | nomis, no it's not documented, but now you know. | 16:34 |
wazd | roshenia: cause... well, I don't :D | 16:34 |
roshenia | hehe | 16:34 |
wazd | roshenia: c'est la vie :) | 16:34 |
mrmg | phew, different nomis | 16:35 |
wazd | redeeman: no, not really | 16:35 |
konttori_nokia | It's an information element to allow listing videos taken with devices camera | 16:35 |
wazd | konttori_nokia: notice that rss template is misplaced | 16:35 |
adalal | anyone know of PTT for the n900? | 16:35 |
nomis | konttori_nokia: do you know if the hexdigits identify the n900 used to record? Or is this some ID just referring to "n900 internal camera"= | 16:35 |
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konttori_nokia | wazd, no, it's just too small (in height), right? | 16:36 |
wazd | konttori_nokia: well, yeah | 16:36 |
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wazd | konttori_nokia: kind of :) It's wrong anyway :D | 16:36 |
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konttori_nokia | wazd, yes it is. I'll fix it | 16:40 |
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Bluewind | where does apt save the package lists? | 16:42 |
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Bluewind | nvm got it /var/lib/apt | 16:43 |
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jjo | rlinfati: then there is a problem | 16:45 |
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jjo | I'll try to do something about that | 16:46 |
Gadgetoid_mbp | money4gold, cash4gold... get off my telly, argh! | 16:47 |
jjo | at least I get it with apt | 16:47 |
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Bluewind | i'm not really into apt so could someone tell me what I have to do now? http://paste.xinu.at/d/KRt/ | 16:47 |
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Bluewind | don't really want an unbootable sys | 16:47 |
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Jef91 | Morning all - almost 22meg maemo update this morning. anyone know what all they changed/fixed? | 16:48 |
* MaemohammadAG kinda has a problem | 16:48 |
MaemohammadAG | Jef91, morning, it's just a preperation for pr1.1 | 16:48 |
MaemohammadAG | and my problem's with it | 16:48 |
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redeeman | Jef91: only 18.something here | 16:49 |
ruskie | Jef91, it's on t.m.o | 16:49 |
MaemohammadAG | there isn't enough space on root | 16:49 |
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Jef91 | Mine is 21.8 | 16:49 |
MaemohammadAG | to download the update | 16:49 |
andre__ | Jef91: http://repository.maemo.org/stable/fremantle/5.0update1_vs_5.0update2_content_changes.html , and/or query in bugs.maemo.org for bugs with status RESOLVED|VERIFIED|CLOSED, resolution FIXED and Target Milestone = 5.0/(1.2009.44-1) | 16:49 |
Jef91 | @MaemohammadAG lmao | 16:49 |
Bluewind | move /var/lib/apt to /opt MaemohammadAG | 16:49 |
MaemohammadAG | how can i check for root apps again? | 16:49 |
andre__ | size also depends on the localization versions. | 16:49 |
Bluewind | that was around 20mb here | 16:49 |
MaemohammadAG | 22 here | 16:49 |
Jef91 | they really should have put at least a half gig rootfs on this thing | 16:50 |
Bluewind | they could have just used that 32gb flash | 16:50 |
angasulework | maemo-launcher ate my RAM, bleh | 16:50 |
MaemohammadAG | Bluewind, shouldn't i symlink it or something? | 16:50 |
Bluewind | yeah mv and ln -s | 16:50 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | 18.5 for German | 16:51 |
kakt_us | enybody got the mms on the N900? | 16:52 |
Jef91 | kakt_us nope | 16:52 |
Bluewind | what to update now? http://paste.xinu.at/d/KRt/ | 16:52 |
adalal | kakt_us: there's the fmms.. if you look it up on talk.maemo.org | 16:53 |
DocScrutinizer51 | Jef91: Bluewind: they should move /var /usr and maybe a few other to 32GB /home/* as they did with /opt | 16:53 |
Bluewind | /usr/bin might be needed before /opt is mounted | 16:53 |
DocScrutinizer51 | well so mount /usr/bin before you need it | 16:54 |
* gevaerts would consider that to be a bug | 16:54 |
MaemohammadAG | Bluewind, ln -s /var/lib/apt /opt/var/lib/apt? | 16:55 |
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kakt_us | adalal : tnx :) | 16:55 |
nomis | for the record: the noki://0/-identifier is device specific and also gets transmitted when sending files via bluetooth. However, the video player does not make use of it in the "Categories" view | 16:55 |
Bluewind | ln -s behaves like cp and mv | 16:55 |
DocScrutinizer51 | my first linux ~1997 did exactly that | 16:55 |
Bluewind | so switch that 2 | 16:55 |
MaemohammadAG | kk ty | 16:55 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | mount that is | 16:55 |
lardman | hmm, interesting to see all the tablets being released or previewed these days | 16:56 |
* nomis was hoping that it would add a new Category "Movies recorded from <bluetooth name>". | 16:56 |
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adalal | where are the backups stored on the device? | 16:58 |
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kakt_us | adalal : at the memmory card? | 16:59 |
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adalal | i dont have a memory card inserted | 16:59 |
MaemohammadAG | Bluewind, apt-get isn't working | 16:59 |
MaemohammadAG | assuming i did something wrong | 17:00 |
roshenia | no news about changelog? | 17:00 |
Bluewind | ls -l /var/lib/apt | 17:00 |
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adalal | anyone knows where the backup files are stored on the n900? | 17:01 |
Bluewind | or well you might want to use -ld | 17:01 |
MaemohammadAG | $ ls -l /var/lib/apt | 17:02 |
MaemohammadAG | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Jan 11 16:55 /var/lib/apt -> /opt/var/lib/apt | 17:02 |
Bluewind | ls -l /opt/var/lib/apt | 17:02 |
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MaemohammadAG | s: /opt/var/lib/apt: No such file or directory | 17:03 |
MaemohammadAG | ls: /opt/var/lib/apt: No such file or directory | 17:03 |
Bluewind | where did you mv the old /var/lib/apt? | 17:04 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | adalal: backup asks you whre to store them | 17:07 |
andre__ | roshenia: http://repository.maemo.org/stable/fremantle/5.0update1_vs_5.0update2_content_changes.html , and/or query in bugs.maemo.org for bugs with status RESOLVED|VERIFIED|CLOSED, resolution FIXED and Target Milestone = 5.0/(1.2009.44-1) | 17:09 |
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adalal | DocScrutinizer51: oh, din see that, will look into it | 17:12 |
_ishan_ | can someone point me to a downloadable (packaged) version of Maemo sliders example (http://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/Maemo_5_Developer_Guide/Porting_Software/Porting_Existing_GTK%2B_Application_to_Maemo_5)? | 17:12 |
julianoliver | fixed the email, ovi share issue: My router passes all DNS lookups to ISP NSs. While fine for HTTP it seemed it was just too slow for email and ovi sharing. I'm using my own nameservers now on the N900 (see /etc/resolv.conf or advanced connection settings) and it's all working well. | 17:12 |
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Markus23 | german presentation of n900: http://www.markus-raab.org/Referate/Linux/n900/ | 17:13 |
julianoliver | (for the channel log and greppage) | 17:13 |
adalal | _ishan_: there's no text on page | 17:13 |
MaemohammadAG | Bluewind, moved it back, now i can't move it to /opt again | 17:13 |
jebba | anyone know from which repo the new kernel is being served? Like extras, the https repos, what? | 17:13 |
adalal | _ishan_: and if you want a packaged version, u can create it urself i suppose, or wait till it's packaged.. | 17:14 |
MaemohammadAG | Nokia-N900-42-11:/var/lib# mv -r /var/lib/apt /opt/var/lib | 17:14 |
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_ishan_ | adalal: http://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/Maemo_5_Developer_Guide/Porting_Software/Porting_Existing_GTK%2B_Application_to_Maemo_5 | 17:14 |
schasch | IRRECO-scratchbox-problem::: http://paste.debian.net/56367/ still no "irreco-for-n900"...or is the applicatio renamed?or only avaialble on n900? | 17:14 |
Bluewind | MaemohammadAG: my mv doesn't know -r | 17:15 |
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schasch | irreco can be installed ans started...but is complaining about "NO IR...." on scratchbox.... | 17:15 |
MaemohammadAG | w/o it mv: cannot rename '/var/lib/apt': No such file or directory | 17:15 |
Markus23 | do you try to change the links | 17:16 |
Markus23 | ? | 17:16 |
MaemohammadAG | ls in /var/lib shows apt, so it's there | 17:16 |
Bluewind | ls -ld /var/lib/apt | 17:16 |
Bluewind | might be a broken link | 17:16 |
MaemohammadAG | Markus23, moving /var/lib/apt to /opt/var/lib | 17:16 |
schasch | DocScrutinizer51: are your repos the same as mine in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list ? | 17:17 |
MaemohammadAG | rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Jan 11 16:55 /var/lib/apt -> /opt/var/lib/apt | 17:17 |
MaemohammadAG | l at the start btw | 17:17 |
Bluewind | well I have no idea where you moved your real /var/lib/apt | 17:17 |
DocScrutinizer51 | schasch: yes | 17:18 |
gevaerts | jebba: https | 17:18 |
MaemohammadAG | i moved it back to where it was Bluewind | 17:18 |
timeless_mbp | andre__: bug 7770 has dataloss | 17:19 |
povbot` | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7770 Delete history item option is missing in history window | 17:19 |
Bluewind | well then mkdir -p /opt/var/lib; mv /var/lib/apt /opt/var/lib/apt; ln -s /opt/var/lib/apt /var/lib/apt | 17:19 |
schasch | DocScrutinizer51: OK thanks...than it is a n900/scratchbox problem (i guess you did install it with the "irreco-on-n900"-application-name........ | 17:19 |
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andre__ | timeless_mbp, plus 200 other reports. so? | 17:20 |
timeless_mbp | are you working through them? | 17:21 |
timeless_mbp | you seem to be | 17:21 |
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andre__ | timeless_mbp, I am as far as I have bugmail about it. | 17:21 |
andre__ | if not - nothing I can do. | 17:21 |
timeless_mbp | ok, that was a change you made | 17:21 |
timeless_mbp | not sure if you get bugmail for your changes | 17:21 |
jebba | gevaerts: thx. Is this latest kernel 2.6.28-20094102.6+0m5 ? | 17:21 |
adalal | _ishan_: you want us to package it? | 17:21 |
gevaerts | jebba: if I'm not totally confused, it is | 17:22 |
jebba | heh | 17:22 |
jebba | well, we could just read the announcement, of course! | 17:22 |
_ishan_ | adalal: i dunno, adalal, i just wondered if it exists somewhere. can u kindly package it and put a link (also the source code link) on the tutorial for ready reference? | 17:23 |
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MaemohammadAG_ | Bluewind, ok done that, but there's no lock file | 17:27 |
MaemohammadAG_ | and apt's empty | 17:27 |
angasulework | is there a pdf reader that allows easy selecting of words (so that I can use stardict with it) | 17:27 |
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andre__ | timeless_mbp: ah, that guy. yeah, sent him an email already too, but it was blocked by his server. so thanks for doing it! | 17:29 |
timeless_mbp | andre__: i'm not refiling | 17:29 |
timeless_mbp | his two bugs were both killed | 17:29 |
andre__ | I know. | 17:29 |
|R_ | wow, apt-get upgrade gives a bunch of hildon-application-manager-* and hildon-* and etc *-002 ... mega upgrade today? :) | 17:29 |
andre__ | but you sent him an email. | 17:29 |
andre__ | |R_, no. a quite small one acutally. | 17:29 |
|R_ | hehe ok | 17:30 |
siriusnova | wut | 17:30 |
siriusnova | upgrades? | 17:30 |
siriusnova | what do they fix? | 17:30 |
gevaerts | they fix the next release :) | 17:30 |
siriusnova | ooh nice | 17:30 |
siriusnova | so the new release is out? | 17:30 |
ShadowJK | no | 17:30 |
siriusnova | OH | 17:30 |
siriusnova | :| | 17:30 |
ShadowJK | But the next release can't be installed without this one first | 17:31 |
siriusnova | oh | 17:31 |
siriusnova | so i cant flash a fresh release? | 17:31 |
siriusnova | :/ | 17:31 |
* julianoliver notes the app 'Qik' is really quite amazing.. | 17:31 |
ShadowJK | Oh you can always do that. This is about upgrading without flashing. | 17:31 |
ShadowJK | And if you download and flash, or upgrade instead of flashing, you'll end up at the same version anyway.. | 17:32 |
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roshenia | who install new update from n900? can say uname -a? | 17:32 |
|R_ | ShadowJK: is the space on / bug resolved? i heard the next update would need 75MB or some such free space? | 17:33 |
|R_ | (d/ling to MyDocs might solve that but for most people it's too complicated i guess) | 17:33 |
SplasPood | heh, visually the update seems to have changed a number of little things, or my mind is playing tricks on me | 17:33 |
roshenia | andre__, uname -a | 17:33 |
Oli`` | roshenia: Linux Nokia-N900-42-11 2.6.28-omap1 #1 PREEMPT Fri Dec 11 13:33:12 EET 2009 arm v71 unknown | 17:34 |
ShadowJK | The bug is with the extras-* apps that consume space on /. Unfortunately they're not made by Nokia, and even more unfortunate, some of the authors don't even seem to want to fix it | 17:34 |
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Bluewind | |R_: you can move apt's caches to /opt but you should only do that if you know how to | 17:34 |
roshenia | Oli``, its with new firmware? | 17:34 |
andre__ | roshenia, "uname" is not a valid command | 17:34 |
roshenia | (today) | 17:34 |
Oli`` | roshenia: yes | 17:34 |
roshenia | hmmm | 17:34 |
roshenia | Linux Nokia-N900-42-11 | 17:34 |
roshenia | but there are 44-1 | 17:34 |
|R_ | Bluewind: sure do hehe, but I'm just waiting for a deluge of broken upgrade request on t.m.o :) | 17:34 |
ShadowJK | I have 60.8M free on /.. going to try install the update now | 17:34 |
Bluewind | roshenia: that's just the hostname | 17:35 |
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|R_ | i'm stalled around 42MB on /... i guess 16GB of mp3 and movies might not help hehe | 17:35 |
Bluewind | hm after moving apt stuff I now have 35mb | 17:35 |
|R_ | Bluewind: well it depends at what point after a reboot... | 17:36 |
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|R | After upgrading now, i'm at 36.3, will now reboot | 17:36 |
Bluewind | 13 min uptime | 17:36 |
Bluewind | package lists were around 20mb | 17:36 |
MaemohammadAG_ | ah screw it, i'll flash and update | 17:37 |
MaemohammadAG_ | shutting down | 17:37 |
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andre__ | hrw: if you haven't done yet, can you refile "Release source code of Calendar on open licence" please? sorry, got lost :-( | 17:38 |
jebba | woo hoo MAKEDEV :) | 17:38 |
hrw | andre__: ok, will do | 17:38 |
Bluewind | unable to mv and link one folder but flash the device sounds a bit strange | 17:38 |
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andrewgodwin | jebba: you seem very excited about device nodes | 17:39 |
SplasPood | heh major and minor here I come! | 17:39 |
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Jef91 | huh, so that update actually freed up 3 megs on my rootfs | 17:40 |
Bluewind | rebooing frees some | 17:40 |
Jef91 | what? how does that work? | 17:41 |
heinx | would it be possible to have an agent that stores ssh private keys that would use the security code as the password? | 17:41 |
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jebba | andrewgodwin: ya, can't remember offhand which, but it was preventing me from building something ;) | 17:41 |
ifreq | heinx. why not use pub keys? | 17:41 |
gevaerts | don't forget that the rootfs is a compressed thing. That tends to not make free space very accurate | 17:41 |
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heinx | or basically you would have your security code as the private key password | 17:42 |
Bluewind | heinx: gpg-agent or ssh-agent | 17:42 |
Bluewind | no idea if they are already ported | 17:42 |
heinx | ifreq: I need to login to servers without a password, so I have my private key on the n900 | 17:42 |
jebba | the update kernel has lots of LZO changes: "lzo1x_9x.c -- implementation of the LZO1X-999 compression algorithm" | 17:42 |
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djcaston | yo guys is anyone having a problem wit their vibration motor on the n900? | 17:42 |
ShadowJK | 72.4M free after update | 17:42 |
MohammadAG | djcaston, me | 17:42 |
MohammadAG | and no, nothing helped | 17:43 |
MohammadAG | hw problem | 17:43 |
jebba | in fact, that's about the only changes to the kernel. Just LZO bits | 17:43 |
djcaston | ie its just sounds like sometimes its running out of power or something? | 17:43 |
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MohammadAG | djcaston, it's dead | 17:43 |
heinx | bluewind: yeah some kind of agent would be cool, it could time out after some hours | 17:43 |
djcaston | and is this like a problem with all the units or does it allow for a replacement | 17:43 |
MohammadAG | sounds like a squeek | 17:44 |
ShadowJK | ask Nokia Care | 17:44 |
MohammadAG | squeak* | 17:44 |
djcaston | well mine works right sometimes, sometimes it doesnt | 17:44 |
MohammadAG | I'm repairing it soon | 17:44 |
djcaston | its off and on | 17:44 |
MohammadAG | not under warranty | 17:44 |
Bluewind | heinx: ah actually some openssh package contains ssh-agent | 17:44 |
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djcaston | how do you plan on that? are you replacing the motor? | 17:45 |
Jef91 | Can I have force apt-get to install a new packagae even though there is an unmet depn for something on the system? | 17:45 |
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Bluewind | Jef91: nopaste the whole thing pls | 17:45 |
|R | ShadowJK: i guess i install too many utils hehe (43MB free) | 17:45 |
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MohammadAG | djcaston, by taking it to Nokia Care | 17:46 |
ShadowJK | 70.0 after starting app manager ;-) | 17:46 |
MohammadAG | it's an imported device so it's not covered by the warranty | 17:46 |
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|R | ShadowJK: hehe i once tried to add the debian armel repo, it would take 40MB just for the cache! | 17:46 |
djcaston | oh i see i thoght you meant that you were repairing it yourself out of warranty practices | 17:47 |
Bluewind | well move that apt stuff out of / | 17:47 |
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|R | Bluewind: will do, probably after next firmware (or if needed for it :P) | 17:47 |
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djcaston | i live outside of new york so since im close to the nokia flagship store i may go and see if i can get it replaced. although theyre gonna ship it out to nokia care, and i always hate not having a phone | 17:48 |
Bluewind | /var/lib/apt and /var/cache/apt iirc | 17:48 |
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MohammadAG | 80MBs free after flash | 17:48 |
ShadowJK | and Nokia care will give it to someone else | 17:48 |
djcaston | haha | 17:48 |
djcaston | its like a never-ending circle of hell | 17:49 |
MohammadAG | Just a (probably stupid) question: would any other vibrating motor work? | 17:49 |
SpeedEvil | MohammadAG: generally in principle yes | 17:49 |
SpeedEvil | MohammadAG: in practice - it's going to be almost impossible to find another that fits | 17:50 |
MohammadAG | so if I take one out of my 6680 | 17:50 |
djcaston | im sure if we ripped it open and looked, you could use a motor from another device | 17:50 |
MohammadAG | lol | 17:50 |
timeless_mbp | andre__: thanks for s/ot/to/ :( | 17:50 |
MohammadAG | nvm then | 17:50 |
djcaston | for you i guess thats not as bad | 17:50 |
djcaston | but id like to keep my warranty lol | 17:50 |
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MohammadAG | well I still have my warranty | 17:50 |
MohammadAG | but I'm not paying customs tax again | 17:51 |
MohammadAG | it stopped working on the 2nd day | 17:51 |
SpeedEvil | http://www.tessco.com/products/displayHierarchySkus.do?groupId=331&subgroupId=25&showFilterItems=true&eventGroup=4&eventPage=1 | 17:51 |
SpeedEvil | $0.80 | 17:51 |
SpeedEvil | as a spare part | 17:51 |
SpeedEvil | however, you need to order $170 parts | 17:52 |
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SpeedEvil | If you pop along to your local phone shop - it's likely they will have one of those or be able to order. | 17:52 |
SpeedEvil | repair shop | 17:52 |
djcaston | yea i had the same thing. it was probably within the first week | 17:52 |
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SpeedEvil | hoever - you will need assorted parts to reassemble | 17:53 |
SpeedEvil | at the least you must use new screws | 17:53 |
djcaston | ive also been having rpoblems with my internal drive being marked as read only or just not showing up in the media player, etc | 17:53 |
MohammadAG | it's not on the page | 17:53 |
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SpeedEvil | MohammadAG: odd | 17:54 |
MohammadAG | the motor | 17:54 |
SpeedEvil | MohammadAG: search n900 vibrator on that page | 17:54 |
MohammadAG | I did | 17:54 |
MohammadAG | and I got on the N900's page | 17:54 |
DocScrutinizer51 | SpeedEvil: I really fail to see the mandatory part in that (newscrerw) | 17:54 |
SpeedEvil | http://www.tessco.com/products/displayProductInfo.do?sku=410977 - does that work? | 17:55 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer51: the screws are apparantly torqued hard enough that they may fail if you reuse | 17:55 |
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SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer51: it happened to one of the sites with dissasembly videos | 17:56 |
MohammadAG | thanks SpeedEvil | 17:56 |
djcaston | speedevil thats an interesting piece of information | 17:56 |
MohammadAG | Tehkseven afair | 17:56 |
SpeedEvil | same thing happens to car cylinder head bolts. They are cranked hard enough to deform them so they don't fall out. | 17:56 |
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MohammadAG | wait, so if I only need the 0.80 item I HAVE to buy 175 worth of items, even if I don't need them? | 17:57 |
VDVsx | does anyone knows a service where I can host a private SVN/Git without paying for it :D ? | 17:57 |
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djcaston | mohommad haha with the rate that n900s are failing i think you can find 174 other people | 17:58 |
MohammadAG | app manager colour was changed in the update | 17:58 |
SpeedEvil | MohammadAG: yes. | 17:58 |
MohammadAG | djcaston, I only need 173, I already know you :p | 17:58 |
ShadowJK | i think text colour in general has changed | 17:59 |
djcaston | true true... ill take 5 | 17:59 |
MohammadAG | yeah, the pop up GUI for updating and stuff is smaller | 17:59 |
MohammadAG | so that makes 171 :p | 17:59 |
SpeedEvil | MohammadAG: at least for that vendor. There may be other vendors - and it's a part used in a fair number of phones - so most cellphone repair places may stock it. however - you could buy a lot of pointers and sell them at 300% markup on ebay. | 17:59 |
djcaston | also in a completely unrelated note xchat for maemo is pretty sick | 17:59 |
SpeedEvil | I'd buy 3 | 17:59 |
andrewgodwin | pointers? | 18:00 |
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SpeedEvil | MohammadAG: google the part number | 18:00 |
DocScrutinizer51 | djcaston: huh? xchat sick? | 18:01 |
MohammadAG | SpeedEvil, checking some sites I know | 18:01 |
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djcaston | it works quite well. never used it before on my comp (i use icechat) but its working quite well | 18:02 |
MohammadAG | I have one :D | 18:02 |
djcaston | its in extras testing | 18:02 |
MohammadAG | got a 6120 | 18:02 |
pupnik | yaay maemo update! | 18:02 |
andrewgodwin | pupnik: it's not that exciting ;) | 18:02 |
djcaston | theres a maemo update? | 18:03 |
djcaston | how do i obtain such a thing lol | 18:03 |
DocScrutinizer51 | djcaston: no it's under my fingertips - and I can't see any sickness in it | 18:03 |
MohammadAG | App manager -> update | 18:03 |
tigert | djcaston: it will blink on your statusbar | 18:03 |
pupnik | ah. is fixing phone app to type * and # trivial or not? | 18:03 |
djcaston | doc, well its better than irssi | 18:04 |
gevaerts | djcaston: it can't be | 18:04 |
pupnik | blasphemer! :) | 18:04 |
ccooke | Hmm. The app manager remembers where you are in the list of apps after installing one, now. That's a pleasant improvement :-) | 18:04 |
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tigert | nothing is better than irssiä | 18:04 |
mikhas | this blinking update icon is the only blinking icon I accept =) | 18:04 |
tigert | well, irssi and screen and ssh is | 18:04 |
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djcaston | haha sorry im more into a gui i guess | 18:05 |
DocScrutinizer51 | tigert: compare datavolume | 18:05 |
mikhas | djcaston, what kind of UI do you use from xchat?! | 18:05 |
tigert | DocScrutinizer51: ? | 18:05 |
* gevaerts agrees with the screen+ssh addition :) | 18:05 |
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mikhas | you dont have "/join #channelname" buttons, do you? | 18:05 |
tigert | irc is about text | 18:06 |
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tigert | not gui | 18:06 |
tigert | i like good ui too | 18:06 |
DocScrutinizer51 | heard of quite a number of guys abandoning this config U sketched, for reasons of data transfer volume and lags | 18:06 |
tigert | DocScrutinizer51: yeah | 18:06 |
DocScrutinizer51 | tigert: I myself never testd irssi | 18:06 |
tigert | flatrate 3g | 18:06 |
tigert | is good | 18:07 |
tigert | for that | 18:07 |
djcaston | lol yea theres buttons and a server list and everything | 18:07 |
derf | 10:55:48 < LRN> Ah, i remember reading about mobile phone app that, coupled with barcode reader, was able to lookup DVD names on the Internet by their codes and automatically trigger appropriate torrent download on remote PC | 18:07 |
derf | 10:56:06 < LRN> (while phone user is in a DVD store) | 18:07 |
derf | lardman: When are we going to see that in mbarcode? | 18:07 |
tigert | and lag is ok, depends on connection of course | 18:07 |
DocScrutinizer51 | but I'm almost perfectly happy with xchat | 18:07 |
tigert | we have wlan on trams too | 18:07 |
djcaston | i guess im just a noob i like the interface much better than just a terminal | 18:07 |
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djcaston | brb maemo update | 18:07 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | tigert: do click and vib on highlight for screen/irssi | 18:08 |
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VDVsx | tigert, free wlan ? | 18:09 |
tigert | yes free | 18:09 |
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Mece | hey | 18:09 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | tigert: heh | 18:09 |
DocScrutinizer51 | where? | 18:09 |
VDVsx | oh, awesome, where is that country ? :D (Finland, I guess) | 18:09 |
DocScrutinizer51 | lit? | 18:10 |
Mece | oops | 18:10 |
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ShadowJK | the free wlan on trams is more of an advertisement for the 450MHz flash-ofdm wireless broadband service isn't it.. | 18:10 |
tigert | DocScrutinizer51: could be done via a hack | 18:11 |
tigert | but i dont want that | 18:11 |
tigert | im can be a bother | 18:11 |
tigert | irssi is strictly when-I-feel-like-it for me | 18:11 |
tigert | irc even | 18:12 |
thomaz | anybody running the maemo sdk on gentoo? | 18:12 |
tigert | VDVsx: yes, helsinki | 18:12 |
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tigert | typing this on a tram stop | 18:12 |
tigert | luckily its just -8C | 18:13 |
Mece | nice weather today. The trees look amazing! at least here in Turku | 18:14 |
VDVsx | I would be more than happy if half of the airports in Europe had free wifi, or at least more reasonable fees | 18:14 |
tigert | yea | 18:14 |
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derf | VDVsx: s/Europe/the world | 18:14 |
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VDVsx | derf, eheh, I'm not asking to much | 18:15 |
ifreq | vdvsx im doing something with that prob | 18:15 |
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MohammadAG | interesting fix for the vib motor | 18:15 |
MohammadAG | "Thanks for your help, but i got cheesed off with it not working so i kind of placed hard to a slapping on the table and lol its frigging working now!!" | 18:16 |
VDVsx | I got a 24h card for ~$8 at SFO, USA, not bad | 18:16 |
derf | VDVsx: Well, I haven't been to Europe to much recently, but the problem is pretty much universal world-wide. | 18:16 |
VDVsx | but in europe is like € 8 for an hour | 18:16 |
derf | I don't see what the difference between those two are. | 18:16 |
ShadowJK | heh, prepaid sim cards start sounding cheap for internet... | 18:16 |
derf | It's not like you're going to spend 24 hours in an airport. | 18:16 |
ifreq | vdvsx see pm | 18:16 |
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derf | (if you are, cheap internet is the least of your problems) | 18:17 |
tigert | http://www.flickr.com/photos/tigert/4265849742/ | 18:17 |
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VDVsx | derf, I spent 4~5 hours | 18:18 |
ccooke | Huh. I thought the n900 couldn't do USB Host mode. Why is 'usbcontrol' in the repository? | 18:18 |
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SpeedEvil | ccooke: it's slightly unclear again if it can or can't. | 18:19 |
MohammadAG | ccooke, it's been there for some time | 18:19 |
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MohammadAG | before the N900 was released | 18:19 |
alterego | Other maemo 5 devices .. :P | 18:19 |
tigert | http://www.flickr.com/photos/tigert/4265849742/in/photostream/ | 18:19 |
tigert | more trees | 18:20 |
SpeedEvil | ccooke: I'm trying to chase down the datasheet of the phy chip. | 18:20 |
MohammadAG | phy? | 18:20 |
ccooke | SpeedEvil: oh, really? Very interesting. | 18:20 |
SpeedEvil | ccooke: the reports from someone had seen the schematic seem to have perhaps been pessimistic | 18:20 |
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SpeedEvil | ccooke: as in - they are clearly right - if you have a kernel you cannot change, on a locked-diown device | 18:21 |
SpeedEvil | but... | 18:21 |
gevaerts | MohammadAG: the electrical interface basically | 18:21 |
MohammadAG | ty | 18:21 |
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Dr_Cain | so they're pushing out the update now for the n900, or what? | 18:21 |
ccooke | Ah ha. | 18:21 |
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Mece | konttori mentioned something would be announced tonight | 18:22 |
* Dr_Cain just got a message to update | 18:22 |
Mece | regarding updates | 18:22 |
ShadowJK | dr_cain: a miniupdate. mostly happlication manager fixes | 18:22 |
Dr_Cain | update your repos and see | 18:22 |
VDVsx | tigert, nice, my country is also full of snow, except my area :(, biggest snowfall in the last 30 years | 18:22 |
Dr_Cain | ShadowJK: ah alright, so not a full update yet then | 18:22 |
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wazd | russian ticket cost policy: Moscow - SPB = $20, SPB - Moscow = $30 | 18:23 |
ShadowJK | the miniupdate makes the application manager able to handle the presumably big next update, the blogosphere/whatever says | 18:23 |
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xorAxAx | does anyone know how branding looks like for the n900? | 18:24 |
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VDVsx | wazd, lol, we've a similar case here, but the difference is only € 2 | 18:25 |
alterego | I need to come up with a plan on obtaining an N900 | 18:25 |
xorAxAx | i have an n900 here which claims to have vodafone branding | 18:25 |
alterego | I think by the time I've saved enough, the N1K will be out. | 18:25 |
Dr_Cain | ShadowJK: might as well update through apt-get then ;P | 18:25 |
Dr_Cain | oh it wants to do a backup now | 18:26 |
SpeedEvil | xorAxAx: claims where ? | 18:26 |
xorAxAx | SpeedEvil: in the shop | 18:26 |
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* MohammadAG found the vibrator location on the N900 | 18:26 |
SpeedEvil | I forget where you are - .de? | 18:26 |
MohammadAG | it's next to the sim card slot | 18:26 |
* MohammadAG is thinking about striking it from under the battery | 18:27 |
SpeedEvil | MohammadAG: try shaking the phone vigourouisly | 18:27 |
Dr_Cain | oh lol, "not enough memory in target" | 18:27 |
SpeedEvil | with a firm grip | 18:27 |
MohammadAG | Dr_Cain, Bluewind suggested moving /var/lib/apt to /opt | 18:28 |
gevaerts | use the accelerometer to see if you shaked hard enough | 18:28 |
xorAxAx | SpeedEvil: yes | 18:28 |
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ShadowJK | now how does the tweakable compression work... or did nokia turn it to max? | 18:28 |
MohammadAG | I just flashed and updated | 18:28 |
MohammadAG | now restoring | 18:28 |
Dr_Cain | MohammadAG: yeah I just did an apt-get clean, let's see if that helps first | 18:28 |
MohammadAG | didn't help me | 18:29 |
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Dr_Cain | smart of them to download stuff to the rootfs , and then complaining about it not having enough memory ;P | 18:29 |
MohammadAG | lol | 18:29 |
Mece | Dr_Cain, disable extra repos and then clean and all that. it helps alot. | 18:29 |
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tigert | and remove installed apps for now | 18:29 |
Dr_Cain | alright, I'll try that.. but first food.. brb | 18:29 |
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tigert | its those that eat your rootfs | 18:30 |
tigert | most likely | 18:30 |
tigert | i guess make backup first, then update, then restore app list ? | 18:30 |
pupnik | "eat your fruit and don't take root" | 18:30 |
Mece | well the apt cache is hugeing with both devel ans etesting, so just disabling the repos might be enough | 18:30 |
tigert | might get them back easily | 18:30 |
SpeedEvil | xorAxAx: interesting. | 18:31 |
tigert | Macer: ok | 18:31 |
xorAxAx | SpeedEvil: allegedly, nokia disallowed branding | 18:31 |
MohammadAG | what's the dbus command to stop vibration again? | 18:31 |
xorAxAx | SpeedEvil: i just ordered it, lets see what i get | 18:31 |
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MohammadAG | I sent the incoming call pattern so I don't have any other way of ending it | 18:32 |
xorAxAx | MohammadAG: now you turned your device into vibrator mode? :) | 18:32 |
Mece | lol | 18:32 |
SpeedEvil | xorAxAx: I thought that statement was clarified latetr to say they won't | 18:32 |
xorAxAx | MohammadAG: your girlfriend will love it | 18:32 |
xorAxAx | SpeedEvil: ah | 18:32 |
SpeedEvil | MohammadAG: reboot? | 18:33 |
Mece | a special app... for the ladies | 18:33 |
MohammadAG | xorAxAx, LOL my vib is broken | 18:33 |
MohammadAG | just testing it | 18:33 |
xorAxAx | SpeedEvil: i am fine with a vodafone logo on it | 18:33 |
MohammadAG | SpeedEvil, it's restoring apps | 18:33 |
Dr_Cain | ah | 18:34 |
Dr_Cain | a bunch of stuff puts itself in /usr/bin/ | 18:34 |
Dr_Cain | no wonder | 18:34 |
Dr_Cain | they should've made rootfs 512MB atleast tbh | 18:34 |
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SpeedEvil | xorAxAx: a logo - sure. | 18:36 |
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SpeedEvil | xorAxAx: disabling updates so that logo does not dissapear - not fine | 18:36 |
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xorAxAx | SpeedEvil: i meant a hardware logo :) | 18:37 |
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MohammadAG | SpeedEvil, shaking didn't help | 18:37 |
SpeedEvil | xorAxAx: a little widget that sits on the desktop, and can show call stats and do useful stuff that is impossible to do without the phone company - cool. | 18:37 |
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MohammadAG | I hear a click before the squeak noise | 18:37 |
MohammadAG | seems like there's something stuck in it | 18:38 |
xorAxAx | SpeedEvil: are you dreaming? :) | 18:38 |
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SpeedEvil | no - just going into what branding might mean t the extremes. | 18:39 |
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xorAxAx | hehe | 18:41 |
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jebba | ruskie: building new kernel using new upstream patch | 18:49 |
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Dr_Cain | oh I have 70 MB free now after a reboot | 18:53 |
Dr_Cain | on rootfs | 18:53 |
Dr_Cain | and the update went in without problems | 18:53 |
SpeedEvil | I have 25 after | 18:55 |
SpeedEvil | thiough I have 42 apps installed | 18:55 |
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Dr_Cain | now, maybe I should put that screen protector on | 18:56 |
Dr_Cain | just recieved it from ZAGG | 18:56 |
SplasPood | I hate screen protectors.. it's like covering your couch in plastic, IMHO ;) | 18:56 |
SpeedEvil | I have my couch covered in bedsheets and blankets. | 18:57 |
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pierlux | X-Fade, I uploaded a package to maemo-extra-devel Friday, the build succeeded but it never showed up in the repo... see mapbuddy-0.1-1 | 18:57 |
Dr_Cain | X) | 18:57 |
MohammadAG | SDK updates available http://pastebin.com/m377befb1 | 18:57 |
Dr_Cain | gonna put it on anyway, see if I hate it or not | 18:57 |
MohammadAG | Dr_Cain, I put a Vikuiti one on it, has a lot of air bubbles on the side but the screen's clear | 18:58 |
Bluewind | Dr_Cain: you will have to let the device dry for some hours after that | 18:58 |
MohammadAG | I suggest doing it near some steam | 18:58 |
MohammadAG | after a hot shower or something | 18:59 |
Dr_Cain | Bluewind: yeah, I'll leave it to dry for the night I think | 18:59 |
Dr_Cain | get the air bubbles out first | 18:59 |
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Dr_Cain | also, what should I clean it with first? | 18:59 |
MohammadAG | water jet :p | 19:00 |
MohammadAG | I used the original cloth | 19:00 |
Bluewind | everything you need is in the box | 19:00 |
SpeedEvil | Water distilled from the tears of a duck. | 19:00 |
MohammadAG | the one that was packaged | 19:00 |
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MohammadAG | LOL SpeedEvil | 19:00 |
Dr_Cain | xD | 19:00 |
* Dr_Cain goes to find a duck | 19:00 |
Bluewind | and the bubbles really go away after 2 days | 19:01 |
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Bluewind | only small ones ofc | 19:01 |
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Dr_Cain | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfEXP7OlKLk | 19:03 |
Dr_Cain | hmm | 19:03 |
Dr_Cain | yeah we'll see how it goes | 19:04 |
Bluewind | ah yeah try not to have hairs between the protector and the display | 19:04 |
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hrw | bug #7811 | 19:05 |
povbot` | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7811 Release source code of Calendar on open licence | 19:05 |
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hrw | Stskeeps: you are added | 19:05 |
BrentDC | Anyone having trouble building packages with the autobuilder? | 19:05 |
hrw | andre__: can you assign #7811 to Quim like it was before? | 19:06 |
hrw | bye for now | 19:07 |
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BrentDC | I've been trying for the last few days to upload a package to fremantle-extras-devel-non-free, and get a "Successfully uploaded packages." from dput but never get an email telling me if it succeeded or not. No update appears in the repository for the package, either. | 19:07 |
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BrentDC | I'm just wondering if there is something wrong on my end or the builder's... | 19:07 |
jebba | man, they can keep the calendar, no? | 19:07 |
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jebba | BrentDC: does it appear *anywhere* or has it in the past? You may want to try bumping the version number. Or don't play with non-free software--it'll hurt your karma ;) | 19:08 |
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BrentDC | Nope doesn't appear anywhere. First time using non-free :\ | 19:09 |
BrentDC | (my luck) | 19:09 |
andre__ | hrw|gone, ah thanks. sure | 19:09 |
BrentDC | I guess I can bump thr package number. | 19:10 |
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ml-N900 | oh Orange Business Systems, how you do suck... | 19:11 |
siriusnova | lol | 19:12 |
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MohammadAG | 80 applications installed | 19:17 |
MohammadAG | all widgets put on one homescreen :/ | 19:17 |
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MohammadAG | oh nice, Application manager now has catalouge icons instead of text | 19:20 |
MohammadAG | I'll still use apt-get though :p | 19:21 |
Bluewind | it doesn't scroll back to top when installing/removing | 19:21 |
Bluewind | actually usefull now | 19:21 |
BirdFlew | yeah, that was a nice touch | 19:21 |
MohammadAG | cool | 19:22 |
MohammadAG | does it support multi app install? | 19:22 |
MohammadAG | as in, can I select multiple apps and install them, or is it still one at a time? | 19:22 |
BirdFlew | one at a time | 19:23 |
MohammadAG | damn, apt-get it is then | 19:23 |
frals | hmm, would it be wrong(tm) to chown a dir in a postinstall script? | 19:24 |
jebba | frals: possibly. what exactly for? what dir? what perms!? | 19:24 |
frals | because i never checked and just realised ive been running a daemon as root when it doesnt have to, and all the files it created is owned by root instead of user | 19:25 |
MohammadAG | red pill was removed, +1 for apt-get yet again | 19:25 |
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frals | so i would chown the ~/.fmms/ dir to user | 19:25 |
gouverneur | is the app-manager using "apt"? or does it something wierd selfcoded by nokia? | 19:25 |
frals | s/~/\/home\/user/ | 19:26 |
Bluewind | frals: sounds fair | 19:26 |
Jef91 | w00t after much hacking and smashing my head against the wall I have abiword up and running on my N900! | 19:26 |
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MohammadAG | gouverneur, "apt-worker" so yeah it's apt | 19:26 |
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gouverneur | MohammadAG: thx | 19:26 |
frals | i figured since its in the users home it sohuld be okey to chown it to user:user | 19:26 |
MohammadAG | np, you can see it in the logs too | 19:27 |
Dr_Cain | alright, screen protector applied | 19:27 |
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jebba | frals: it's not in MyDocs? That should be ok, but still a bit crufty... | 19:27 |
BrentDC | How would you get $HOME from a script run as root, though? | 19:27 |
Dr_Cain | looks good so far, hope the small bubbles go away after 2 days | 19:27 |
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BrentDC | That's the problem I ran into while doing that. | 19:27 |
Bluewind | BrentDC: home of user will always be /home/user | 19:28 |
Bluewind | or just check /etc/passwd | 19:28 |
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slonopotamus | so. any destructions from fremantle update? :) | 19:28 |
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frals | jebba: nah its in /home/user/.fmms so it wouldnt run in to problems when being attached in mass storage... and yeah, its not optimal but even though its -devel sw i realised i cant expect my users to be able to set the dirs manually :P | 19:28 |
BrentDC | True, but hardcoding /home/user seems a bit kludgy | 19:29 |
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Bluewind | grep and cut should do the work | 19:29 |
BrentDC | There could, in theory, be other "users" | 19:29 |
Bluewind | then grep the uid | 19:30 |
gouverneur | the tool behind the app-manager is "apt", a problem with apt would be in maemo5. a problem with the application using it is related to pre-installed applications and belongs to "applications"?! | 19:30 |
slonopotamus | BrentDC, why do you want to install smth in /home/user? | 19:30 |
jebba | hrw|gone: "calendar-backend" is in git fwiw | 19:31 |
BrentDC | I don't, frals does :) | 19:31 |
BrentDC | I would recommend against it | 19:31 |
frals | where should i put the users files if not in ~? ;o | 19:32 |
slonopotamus | frals, you don't want that. | 19:32 |
Jef91 | anyone have suggestions on how I can get dump information from a program? in terminal it just says "aborted" when it closes out on me | 19:32 |
Bluewind | strace? | 19:32 |
frals | slonopotamus: i dont want to store the users personal messages in ~/.appname? where should i put them instead? | 19:32 |
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slonopotamus | frals, well, so use home of _current_ user :) | 19:33 |
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frals | and how do you get that in a postinstall in maemo5? :) | 19:34 |
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BrentDC | Why are you trying to _install_ personal messages? | 19:34 |
Bluewind | he's trying to fix broken perms | 19:35 |
frals | uh, im not installing, basically my daemon has been saving stuff there as root, and im trying to fix it without requiring users to chown the dir themselves | 19:35 |
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slonopotamus | frals, ... how did you get _personal_ messages at postinstall? | 19:35 |
frals | right lets try it again | 19:35 |
slonopotamus | oh | |